#merry Christmas to all who celebrate and to everyone else I hope you had a lovely night :3
iguessitsjustme · 9 months
Choose Your Own BL Adventure - Day 24
Laugh and walk back to the table, away from the mistletoe. Join your friends and enjoy the rest of your evening laughing and talking.
Stand there awkwardly and wait to see if anyone stands up to join you.
Walk to where Gelt is sitting, pull him up and back to the mistletoe with you.
Panic and run away back to the bathroom. Splash water on your face a few times before you go back out to your friends. Avoid walking under the mistletoe this time.
Day 23 here.
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bithegarden · 9 months
had a little party and got to see my friends todaay!! :D
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bookyeom · 9 months
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A/N: Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and a special Merry Christmas to my boo @gyuminusone. This is my Christmas gift to you!! I hope you have the best holiday, M! Sending love across the country!!!
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Parties and Pickup Lines
Pairing: Mingyu x Reader Genre: friends to lovers Rating: PG (because of the swearing.. i think that's the only reason? also alcohol consumption) Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: kissing, alcohol consumption, reader & squad celebrate Christmas somewhat traditionally (Westernized)? Um... there's a kiss and some swearing also
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“Mingyu.” You drag out the last syllable of his name, aggressively dropping your head against his arm as he continues to carry on conversation with Joshua, your host for the evening. He had hosted a dinner party that, in true Joshua Hong fashion, was full of expensive and foreign wines. It was great, but now you’re sufficiently tipsy, tired, and ready to go home, and Mingyu and Joshua just won’t shut up. 
“Are you giving her a ride?” Joshua nods in your direction and you narrow your eyes at him from your place against Mingyu’s side. All he does is smile back.
“Yeah,” Mingyu responds with a dramatic sigh, and you can feel him shift as he turns to look down at you. You want to lift your head to glare up at him, but you’re tired. 
“Of course you are,” Joshua quips. “Don’t know why I even asked.” He’s teasing, and you can’t see Mingyu’s reaction, but you imagine he uses his free hand to flip the other man off. 
You’re used to it — the way everyone teases you and Mingyu. Sure, you’re a little bit in love with him, but isn’t everyone? Sure, you’re always together, and you take care of each other, and sure, every time he looks at you, or smiles at you, or laughs because of you, you feel yourself falling just that little bit more. Sure, the two of you might be on the edge of something more than friends, but you don’t know what, and you don’t know how to get there. 
All you know is that right now, you want to go home.
Mingyu finally stands up from the couch, pulling you with him while bidding farewell to an amused Joshua. As he tugs you by the hand through the apartment towards the door, he calls out goodbyes to everyone you pass. You somehow manage a few hugs and waves yourself before you reach the exit, where Mingyu hands you your coat, and then you’re finally out in the fresh air.
“Our Uber is two minutes away,” he informs you. 
You nod and regretfully let go of his hand, pulling your gloves from your coat pocket and squinting down at your fingers as you clumsily put them on. You can feel him watching you as you wait, and you meet his eyes. The corner of his mouth turns up when you catch him looking, and you can’t help but stick your tongue out at him.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you manage — quite smoothly if you do say so yourself — but all he does is smile bigger.
“I have lots of those.”
You gasp. “Blackmail is a crime.”
He ignores you and looks away, eyes scanning the road for your ride as he says, “It’s not my fault that you’re so nice to take pictures of.”
You stare at him, and even in your tipsy state, you feel it again — the overwhelming affection that blooms in your chest. You want to push him on it, you want to know, but for the millionth time, you can’t seem to get the words out. So you say nothing as your Uber arrives and drives the two of you back to your place.
Your apartment is basically Mingyu’s second home, and the same goes for you with his. “It’s just easier, convenient to know someone on the other side of town when you need to crash,” is the excuse you tend to use the most. You never say that it has a lot more to do with the way he looks in your kitchen in the morning as he makes your coffee, or the way he always makes you take his bed while he sleeps on the couch, or the way he knows exactly where you keep the popcorn for movie nights.
He knows where you keep everything else, too — makeup remover included.
“I personally don’t care if you take your makeup off or not,” Mingyu points out from his spot by your bathroom door, “but you are going to care in the morning, and I am going to be on the receiving end of your wrath if I don’t make you do it now.”
“Well then, help me,” you say, and it comes out as a whine. You’re too tired to care, and you say as much. You miss the way Mingyu’s entire being softens when you pout dejectedly, exhausted, and lean back against the mirror from where you sit on the counter. He lets out a dramatic sigh, but you know you’ve won when he moves to stand in front of you.
“Sit up,” he instructs, reaching over your shoulder to open the cupboard above the mirror as you do what he says. He’s careful not to hit your head with the door as he takes out your makeup wipes, doting as always. You watch as he opens the package while you sit there waiting, eyes intent on him and his movements. You try to stay still as he lifts a hand to your face, holding your breath as he gently begins to clean your makeup off. His free hand lifts to your chin to steady you after a moment, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You wish you could blame the alcohol for the intense desire you feel to just… kiss him, but it’s not the first time, and you’re sure it won’t be the last. 
You realize it again, then, as you watch him — that your feelings for him run so irrevocably deep. 
You don’t know how long it takes as he stands between your legs, thoroughly cleansing your face with gentle motions. Once or twice, he catches you staring; the first time, he teases you, and the second, he pulls a face that’s meant to make you laugh (it works). When he announces that he’s done, adding on something about how grateful you should be for his hard work as he leans down to find your trash can, you can’t help it.
Your hands have a mind of their own. As soon as he straightens from throwing the cloth into the trash, they gently find his face, and he stills. He doesn’t pull away. He just waits, eyes wide and imploring, and you let his silence spur you on. You don’t say anything as you begin to map his features out with your fingertips, and you can feel his eyes on you the entire time. The high of his cheekbones, the beauty mark on the very edge of his nose; his mouth, lips softly parting as you brush over them, barely noticing the breath he’s holding as you do.
“You are so beautiful,” is what finally breaks the silence. “I think about you and how beautiful you are all the time.” It’s you that says it, and it takes you a second to register that you said it out loud. You vaguely register an alarm going off in your brain, a loud fuck! Fuck! Fuck! in quick succession, but you don’t take it back, because it’s true.
Mingyu blinks, staring back at you for a few moments before he finally looks away. 
“Thank you,” he says as he grasps onto your wrists to pull your hands away from his face. “And you’re drunk.”
“Both of these things can be true,” you quip, and he lets out a laugh at that. 
“Come on, brush your teeth. I’m not doing that part for you.”
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A week passes, and you’re not avoiding Mingyu, per se, but you’re not not avoiding him, either. 
The morning after your slip-up, when you wake up sober and embarrassed, you think maybe you’ve fucked up your friendship for good. You get a text from him, explaining that he’d gone to the gym and that he’d text you later, and all seems relatively normal — everything except for the fact that you’d blatantly ogled him and called him beautiful to his face the night before. He doesn’t say anything else about it. 
Throughout the week, his texts seem to be coming in slower and fewer, though you imagine that might have something to do with the short and accidentally-on-purpose delayed responses from you. He hasn’t asked, and you’re grateful. Thankfully, your work had actually been a welcome distraction in the daytime since you were rapidly approaching a deadline. You had only needed to fill your evenings so that you weren’t thinking about him. Today is Friday though, and that means another work week is over — and another holiday festivity is waiting for you at Seokmin’s. 
Unfortunately, your feelings for one of your closest friends are waiting for you there, too. 
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You don’t know if it’s better or worse that Mingyu is already a few drinks deep when you arrive.
He greets you at the door as if the place is his own, ushering you in before pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug. You sink into him, eyes squeezing shut briefly before he pulls away, eyes bright as he holds you by the biceps.
“Hi!” He beams. “I missed you.”
That thing in your chest shifts and jumps around as he smiles at you. You are my favourite person in the entire world, you think. And I have no idea what to do about it. 
“I missed you, too.”
You had wondered if Mingyu would notice the space you’d taken from him over the week, the space you’d needed to try and gather your feelings, but if he had, he doesn’t show it. He’s just Mingyu, who stays close to you the whole night while remaining the life of the party. Tonight, he doesn’t comment when you don’t return his physical touches or flirtations. You wonder if it’s because of the alcohol or just how excited he is at the idea of Christmas being so close — because Mingyu usually notices everything, especially when it comes to you.
You finally get a reprieve when he’s called into the kitchen to help clean up a spill, and you let out a sigh as you sink further into the couch cushions. You would never have the heart to ask him for the space you need, not when you know how affectionate he always is, but at least you can breathe a little right now. He hasn’t said a word all night about last weekend, and you’re not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. 
“Gyu said you had a busy week. You okay?”
You’re startled when Seokmin plops down next to you. 
“Yeah,” you affirm, smiling tiredly over at your friend. “But the project is finally over now.”
“Congrats!” Seokmin lifts his glass in a toast, and you lift your wine glass to clink it with his. His eyebrows furrow as he eyes your drink. “Isn’t that the exact same amount of wine you had an hour ago?”
You’ve never been a good liar. 
“What’s up? You don’t have to drink it if you don’t want it, obviously. No sober shame here.”
You laugh at that. “Yeah, thanks, Seok. I know.”
He continues to look at you, and you wish this was one of those times that Seokmin decided to let something go, but you’re not so lucky. Curse him for loving his people so much. 
“You sure everything’s okay?”
You get distracted when your eyes catch a glimpse of Mingyu as he pops his head out of the kitchen to call for Seungcheol, and they linger on the doorframe long after he’s gone. 
“Hm?” You turn back to Seokmin, cheeks flushing at being caught.
Instead of teasing like you’d expected, Seokmin’s smile is gentle. “You should tell him.”
You almost drop your wine. “Seokmin—“
You don’t get a chance to say anything else because Mingyu reappears over the back of the couch, his arms lazily hanging around Seokmin’s shoulders as he rests his cheek on the other boy’s head. 
“Can we go home? I’m tired,” he pouts.
You don’t hesitate for a second.
You stand up with a nod, all wariness from the moment in your bathroom last weekend flying out the window as you take his hand. Because this is what the two of you do. He takes care of you, and you take care of him. No questions asked.
“Bye, Seok,” you offer, and he sends you another smile as he lifts his glass. “Thanks for hosting.” He glances between the two of you, at your joined hands, and you shrug with a sad smile before turning to leave.
The walk to Mingyu’s from Seokmin’s isn’t very long. It’s cold, but you’ll manage. You feel warm all over from the way he refuses to let go of your hand, anyway.
“I love Christmas.”
You smile over at Mingyu, who’s been fairly quiet since you left Seokmin’s apartment. 
“I know.” You squeeze the hand he has attached to yours, and he smiles back. You ignore the ache in your chest at the sight of it.
It’s quiet for another few minutes as you walk slowly down the sidewalk before he speaks again, pulling you to a stop and catching you entirely off guard with his words.
“What does Santa say to Mrs. Claus when she dresses up nice?”
You hold back a laugh. “What does he say, Gyu? Tell me.”
He giggles, and then with a wiggle of his eyebrows, he leans in close and he says, “‘Ho ho ho-ly shit, you look good’.”
“Incredible. Great joke.” You tug on his hand, hoping he’ll decide to keep following you — because you’re not getting his ass anywhere without him wanting to go — but he plants his feet even more and shakes his head.
“Wait,” he whines, “hang on. I’m Santa!”
You snort. “Of course you are,” you try to appease, gesturing for him to start walking. To your relief, he finally takes a few steps, but his hold on your hand only gets tighter. 
“No,” he pouts, and you almost groan as he pulls you to a stop again. “I mean, I’m Santa in this story! And you’re Mrs. Claus!”
“Gyu, I’m not following. And it’s cold—“
“‘Ho ho ho-ly shit, you look good’,” he repeats the punchline, but this time, he uses his free hand to emphasize your outfit. “Do you get it now? I’m Santa and I’m saying that to you!”
You blink as you process. A pickup line?
All night, you’d managed to avoid… this, for the most part, because people were around and he was busy. Now, it’s just the two of you. Your body feels warm all over at the silly flirtation, at the insinuation, and you’re not sure how to respond. You don’t even get a chance to open your mouth, though, before he’s speaking again. 
“I don’t care what Santa says… you’re at the top of my nice list.” He winks, pulling you in closer to him so quickly that you stumble a little. It’s freezing outside, but you suddenly feel far too warm. 
“Can we please go home?”
Mingyu begins to giggle, and you half think he’s going to kiss you as he leans in. Then his forehead is falling into the crook of your shoulder, laughing into your scarf, arms sliding around your middle. You can’t do anything but hug him back while he calms down, your cheeks burning, until he stands up straight again and nods, smile still on his lips.
“I’m sleepy.”
You don’t know how you make it the rest of the way, but you do. When you arrive, you head into the bathroom to try and compose yourself.
“Hey!” Mingyu says abruptly, startling you when you exit his bathroom. He’s got his phone in his hands and he squints down at it, giggling to himself before meeting your expectant gaze. “Are you the Grinch?”
You blink. “Pardon?” 
“Because you’ve stolen my heart.”
You groan, ignoring the tingling feeling that shoots through your entire body at the stupid line. “Get changed,” you order, turning around to give him — and yourself — some space. “Where the hell are you getting these from?”
“From my brain,” he attempts. When you don’t say anything, he admits, “from Soonyoung.”
“Can you tell Soonyoung to shut up so we can go to sleep?”
You turn back in surprise to find him already in his bed, sheets pulled up around his waist. He’s beaming.
“Yeah,” you stammer, “you in here and me out there.” You jut your thumb in the direction of the living room, and Mingyu pouts again. 
“Oh. Well, hang out with me in here for a bit longer, then.”
“Fine. Fifteen minutes.” You cave, moving to sit next to him on the bed, leaving as much space between you as you can. 
Mingyu isn’t having any of it, though, as he rolls over and snuggles into your side. He holds up his phone, giggling, canines on full display as he wiggles his brows, before he says, “Mind if we take a picture? I need to show Santa exactly what I want for Christmas.”
“Remind me to kill Soonyoung for this.”
“Rude.” Mingyu is suddenly pouting, the change so quick that it takes you a second to process. “I asked him to send them. I wanted to tell them to you.”
“I’m going to go to sleep,” is what you respond with, praying that he doesn’t notice how flushed your cheeks are as you stand up.
He catches you by surprise though, his fingers reaching for yours as he speaks, gently closing around them in an attempt to keep you close. “How come you won’t talk to me about it?”
You tilt your head in question. “Hm? Talk to you about what, Gyu?” 
His eyebrows furrow, and his frown deepens. With a tug, he’s pulled you back onto the bed next to him, his arm thrown over your legs as he presses his face into your side. You let yourself tangle your fingers in his hair, just one more time.
“This,” he murmurs, squeezing you gently on your thigh.
You can feel it when he hums against you. “Us.”
Your hand stills its motions against his scalp, and the blood rushes to your ears.
“I’ve given you so much space,” he continues, his voice so sad that your heart sinks even lower. “And I don’t know what else to do.” 
“Do you like me?” He interrupts, sitting up abruptly. His honey eyes are piercing as he asks it, as he delves as deep into your soul as he can go. You can tell he’s sobered up quite a bit as he looks at you, as he waits for your answer. 
“Yeah, I do,” you finally say. It’s quiet, soft, but he hears you.
Mingyu tilts his head, voice low as he presses on. “And do you really think I’m beautiful?”
You feel your cheeks flush even deeper. “You are.” 
Mingyu sits back, shoulders suddenly deflating. “Then why won’t you talk to me about it? Why do you keep it to yourself?” He looks away before he adds, quietly, “I don’t want to keep it to myself anymore.” 
His name comes out in a whisper. “Mingyu…”
He sighs, falling back down onto his bed and throwing an arm over his eyes. “Y/N,” he mumbles back.
You’re frozen. Your mind is racing, heart stumbling over itself as you search for the right words. You can’t find them. “Goodnight,” you say softly.
Mingyu nods, but he doesn’t look at you again as he responds, rolling over and away from you. “Goodnight.”
Needless to say, you don’t sleep very well.
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Y/N [9:13am]: morning
Y/N [9:13am]: I had to go home to prepare for Jeonghan’s party. I didn’t want to wake you up 
Gyu [9:47am]: you should have woken me up.
Gyu [9:52am]: I’ll see you there 
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You’re a bundle of nerves when you reach Jeonghan’s, every nerve standing on edge as you try and prepare yourself to see Mingyu. You know that tonight is the night – you can’t ignore what’s happening, not when he means so much. 
You greet the rest of your friends, trying to play it cool. You follow Chan into the apartment and to the table, freezing when you catch sight of Mingyu. He’s got on an ugly, green Christmas sweater with bells attached, and his hair is gently falling across his forehead as he chats to Jeonghan. Everyone turns as you walk in, but your eyes can do nothing but find him first. All he does when he sees you is raise his glass in your direction in acknowledgement, before he’s turning back to his conversation. It hurts, but you can’t say you don’t deserve it. 
I don’t want to keep it to myself anymore. 
His words replay in your mind over dinner and during the entire movie afterwards, where you happen to somehow be sat across from and beside anyone but Mingyu. It’s funny, you think, how you’re finally ready to face this, and you can’t even get close to him tonight. 
The entire night, you can feel him watching you from across the room. Every time you look back, he just smiles a bit and looks away. He doesn’t go out of his way to try to come find you, and you can’t say that doesn’t hurt. Should you have stayed this morning? Should you have talked about it? Probably.
You miss him, but he’s in the same room. 
I don’t want to keep it to myself anymore. 
You know you have to be the one to initiate this time – you know that he was vulnerable with you yesterday. It’s your turn now.
When the movie ends, Mingyu is the first to start cleaning up. You follow him into the kitchen, ignoring the stares from your friends as you practically trip over yourself to get to him. 
He turns around from where he’s placing dishes in the sink in surprise. “Hey.”
You take a deep breath, debating starting with small talk – but you can’t do it. “Will you come outside with me?”
His hands stop halfway to the sink when you blurt the words out, abrupt, and you hold your breath. You don’t know if you’re imagining how tense he is. You hate this. You’re sure you’re about to be sick when he doesn’t respond for a moment, before he nods and dries his hands off on a towel. 
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
When you step outside, the awkward silence continues. Then the two of you are speaking at once.
“Mingyu, I need to—“
“We should—“
You let out a nervous laugh, biting down on your lip, and gesture for him to go first. He looks down, kicking at the ground with his boot, but your eyes are rooted to his face. Snowflakes are getting stuck in his hair as they fall, his lip drawn between his teeth, and you can’t look away. 
“Did you mean what you said last night?”
Your heart leaps into your throat. “I was the sober one, Gyu. Of course I do.” you try to joke to lighten the mood, but he doesn’t take the bait. 
“Did you say it just to shut me up, then?” His eyes fly to yours again, piercing. He’s tense, jaw clenched as he waits, and your stomach flips.
“Why would I do that, Mingyu?” 
He shrugs. Then he shoves his hands into his pockets, the bells on his ugly Christmas sweater chiming as he does, and you’d laugh if you didn’t instantly recognize his reaction for what it is: a defence mechanism. A defence mechanism to protect him from you. You can practically feel your heart begin to shatter.
“If you meant it,” he says, voice soft and low, “then say it again.” 
You’re caught by surprise when he takes a step forward, cutting you off as he says, “I like you, and I need you to say it back right now if you meant what you said. If you don’t, I’ll never bring it up again, but I’m not going to keep guessing how you feel about me.”
“Of course I meant it.” The words come out so quickly, so desperately that you stumble over them a little. “I really, really like you, Mingyu. So much that I feel sick to my stomach about it sometimes.”
Another step closer. “So why did you leave this morning?” He doesn’t sound angry anymore. His voice is soft, almost uncertain. It’s you that closes the final step.
Your arms wrap around his waist and you pull him in tight, face muffled against his coat as you murmur, “I’m terrified about what this means for us.”
He moves back just enough to see you, hands finding your face. “What are you so scared of?” 
“I don’t know.”
“I like you,” he says again, eyes intent on yours. Your eyes flutter shut as he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours. “And you like me.” 
You nod, your hands lifting to rest on his chest. “Yeah,” you whisper.
“I know you better than anyone else.”
You open your eyes, leaning back so that you can look at him this time. “You’re my favourite person in the world,” you say, and you watch as his smile begins to grow. You feel all sorts of giddy, fingers grasping the material of his coat tighter as he beams down at you.
“Yeah?” He teases, and your eyes fly to his mouth.
His expression grows serious again, eyes flickering across your face as he asks, “Do you want to give this a shot, then?”
You hope the kiss you press to his lips answers his question well enough. 
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A/N: please please please reblog if you liked! it's what us writers rely on :)
TAGLIST: @gyuminusone @minisugakoobies @starsstuddedsky @hopeinthebox @tae-bebe @eoieopda @savventeen @wqnwoos
Message me if you want to be added to the permanent taglist!
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
merry smutmas series
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hi besties!! since I'm skipping out on kinktober this year, I figured I wouldn’t be fair for me to leave you guys without some sort of holiday treat so here we go again. 
I won’t be able to fit everyone into this series cause with would have taken me forever so between classes and other fics, I’ve been working on this since august lmao. I hope y’all enjoy these as much as I enjoyed writing it &lt;33 // massive thank you to @oconso for the banners and to @themandaloriansdiaries for all the help plotting and for listening to my complaining <3
running from: November 1st to December 31st - every Tuesday, Thursday and on the weekends
tagged under: merry smutmas xoxo 
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November 1st: Sebastian Vettel - Sticky Fingers 
Your husband spends his first Christmas at home since his retirement and he went a little.. a lot over board. 
November 4th: Trent Alexander Arnold - As Red As My Stockings 
Trent’s crush on the pretty physio is well known amongst the players. They make sure to help him fulfil one last Christmas wish before you all head home for the holidays.
November 5th: Pato O’Ward - Snow Storms 
Your boyfriend insists the roads are fine to drive despite the massive incoming snow storm; as someone who grew up in cold weather, you knew better. yet, there you were stuck on the side of the road with him in the snow. 
November 7th: Ruben Dias - Miss Me, Miss Me
Your brother holds his annual Christmas party and you’re forced to spend the afternoon with the one person you had been avoiding all season but tis’ the season you guess. (stones!reader)
November 9th: Pierre Gasly - Cocoa
You have your boyfriend drive all around the city until you find the one thing you were looking for. When you finally find it, you decide you want something else. 
November 11th: Ben Chilwell - Snowflakes On The Glass 
Ben insists on having a snowball fight when he wakes up to the massive snowfall but you want nothing more than to stay in bed. 
November 12th: Kimi Raikkonen - Only The Best For You 
Kimi spends the holidays with his old friends. He doesn’t forget you; bringing you exactly what you had been wishing for and you make sure to thank him.. properly. (dad’s best friend!kimi) 
November 14th: Lucas Paquetá - Spin Me Around 
Lucas busts out the champagne and the streamers to celebrate the new years in your new place. 
November 16th: Yuki Tsunoda - Sous Chef 
Yuki finds himself more fascinated by the woman cooking than the food on his plate for once. (chef!reader) 
November 18th: Erling Haaland - Christmas On The Farm 
Erling takes you home to spend the holidays at the Haaland Family Farm and you two end up being the only ones there. 
November 19th: Lance Stroll - Old Friends 
Lance gets an invitation to an old teammate’s place to ring in the new year but he finds himself too distracted by someone in particular to care about the ball dropping (vettel!reader)
November 21st: Jude Bellingham - Ugliest Sweater Wins
Jude is invited to Luka’s Christmas party, an ugly Christmas sweater party to be exact. It took a bit of convincing but you got him to go. 
November 23rd: Daniel Ricciardo - The Flash Of The Camera 
You enlist Daniel to help you with your Christmas gift for him. 
November 25th: John Stones - Black Out 
Your boyfriend blows a fuse with the Christmas lights and you’re stuck in the dark, but you find a way to make the best of it. 
November 26th: Fernando Alonso - Your Pick 
Fernando enlists the help of a certain someone to get his Christmas shopping done but the list is oddly familiar (pr officer!reader)  
November 28th: Kostas Tsimikas - The Smell Of The Holidays 
You over baked for your niece’s holiday bake sale so you do the neighbourly thing and share with your neighbour, Kostas and his two puppies.
November 30th: Toto Wolff - Winter Wonderland 
Your husband skips out on Christmas every year due to work but this year, he ends up in London. You make it your mission to introduce him to some holiday fun.
December 2nd: Christian Pulisic - Ho Ho Hoe
You find a pair of Christmas boxers in Christian’s drawers and decide to tease him about it. 
December 3rd: Mick Schumacher - Merry Ruff-mas 
Angie goes missing the day before Christmas and Mick finds her at the neighbouring ranch, wrapped up with ribbon and bows. 
December 5th: Jordan Henderson - Shivers
Jordan comes in after shovelling the driveway and keeps trying to love on you. You tell him that you can feel how cold he is but he makes sure to show you what cold really feels like. 
December 7th: Lewis Hamilton - Tis’ The Season 
An old friend finds his way to you front door and no matter how much you try to get rid of him, you can’t. 
December 9th: Dominik Szoboszlai - Come Home 
The two of you are separated over the holidays and you’re missing each other a little too much to keep this going. 
December 10th: Charles Leclerc - The Night Before Christmas 
A massive snow storm delays Charles’ flight home for the holidays and you both begin to give up hope but a Christmas miracle occurs.
December 12th: Virgil Van Dijk - Holiday Greetings 
You send your old friend a Christmas card every year and when he sees that a certain someone was no longer in the picture, he pays you a long overdue visit. 
December 14th: Mark Webber - A New Term 
You send your professor an email over the winter break and the man wonders why you’re still working, urging you to come out and relax like everyone else. (Professor!Webber) 
December 16th: Thiago Alcantara - Bubbles 
You find yourself aching from all the holiday prep and your husband being the good man that he was, makes sure you’re feeling okay after a long day. 
December 17th: Jenson Button - A Sandy Christmas 
Jenson takes you on a dream vacation over the holidays but still makes sure you’ve got a gift to open come Christmas morning. (Sugar Daddy!Jenson) 
December 19th: Kylian Mbappe - Family’s Growing 
Kylian finds himself swooning over how good you are with his niece and nephew, the thought of having a family with you spins around his head. 
December 21st: Carlos Sainz Jr - Traditions 
Coming back from Christmas with your family, the two of you return to Spain to celebrate new years with his family and all their traditions. 
December 23rd: Andy Robertson - Mistletoe Means Kisses 
The overpowering smell of mistletoe hits you when you walk into he house, your husband came up with his own plan while you were out. 
December 24th: George Russell - A New Tradition 
You and George spend your first Christmas together and you mash together the traditions from both of your families. 
December 26th: Jack Grealish - Always Around 
A wild new years night out leaves you bumping the same person over and over again. 
December 28th: Esteban Ocon - The Gift Of Giving 
Esteban takes a liking to the barista that works at the cafe near his place. He finally works up the courage to ask her out in time for the holidays. 
December 30th: Sergio Ramos - Secret Santa 
The players and the staff play secret Santa every year; they write a letter, toss in a box and everyone picks. Sergio some how lands on the person he’s always had a soft spot for. 
December 31st: Max Verstappen - Time Is Running Out 
Max wasn’t one for resolutions but as the clock counts down the hours to new years, he finds himself running to resolve the biggest resolution on his list; you. 
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justporo · 9 months
To always meet again
Astarion - being as sneaky as the rogue he is - presents you wíth a present. Probably the best you could have imagined.
Author's Note: Written for the "Found Family" prompt of the BG3 Winter Holiday challenge and I'm putting it also down for "Ornaments". Alright folks, we're closing out the Winter Challenge with some big happy feelings! Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate and also lovely, peaceful days to everyone else!
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) Warnings: none Wordcount: 2,2k ~~~
Astarion finally decided you’d had enough of a break and led you back home. Your former gloominess you found to your own surprise had subsided. The vampire really had figured out quite well, what might drag you out of a bad mood.
This time it had been taking you on a stroll through the snowy city and just blabbering away while you had eyed the massive snow drifts at the side of the roads, wondering if maybe throwing yourself in one would make your thoughts and anxiety stop racing.
But of course Astarion had noticed and stopped you. With a firm hold around your shoulders he had dragged you away from an especially tall heap of snow and mumbled something about how he hoped you’d know to behave like someone above the age of five.
That had annoyed you and made you pout. And after a while his grip on your shoulders had loosened again because he had believed you'd come to your senses - fool!
You had fallen a few steps behind while the vampire had kept rambling while still trying to distract you from your worries.
When he had been busy rattling off all the reasons why he thought you were incredible and why you shouldn’t worry as much, he’d realised that you weren’t beside him anymore. WIth searching eyes he’d turned around: “Love? Please don’t tell me you’re trying to drown yourself in snow - I’m not dragg-” The rest of the sentence had been interrupted by a snowball smacking the vampire straight in the face.
He had hissed at you angrily while you had simply cackled - which had made Astarion even more angry. Almost too quick for you to see had he then grabbed some snow himself and fired back with impeccable aim.
What had followed had been a fierce snowball fight with lots of laughter and teasing mockery - up until Astarion had grabbed you and dragged you down with him into a huge pile of snow, making you screech and then laugh. You had gotten what you had wanted after all.
Still laughing had you gotten up again and started to make your way home while trying to shake the snow off your clothes and out of your hair. Your face had become a lively pink colour and Astarion had gleamed with admiration and love.
But now as you stood at the steps to your front door you felt some of the worries and anxiety creep back up again. You felt a bit of weight settle uncomfortably in your chest again and you hesitated going up the steps as Astarion was already up and unlocking the door.
When your partner realised that you’d been hesitating he turned around to observe you standing there like a statue and biting your lip because the negative thoughts were already getting the better of you once more.
“My love, we’re not even back inside and all my hard work to cheer you up was already laid to waste? Look, I’m still covered in snow even!” Astarion pouted and stopped halfway through unlocking the door.
He was trying to lighten the mood but when you only looked at him with a pained expression the mocking glint in his red eyes softened.
He stepped down the couple of steps until he was on eye level with you again. His smile was genuine now.
“Darling, I promise you won’t have to worry”, he said softly and cupped your cheek that was tinted a light pink from the cold. Astarion’s thumb wandered over your cheek repeatedly, brushing your worries away one by one, while he looked at you with incredible gentleness in his eyes. It was one of those looks that had the power to make your heart stutter for a moment.
The vampire leaned forward, lightly lifting your face up to his and planted a quick kiss on your lips. And immediately when he broke away you grabbed his hand still cupping your face and then made to stand on your tiptoes again to steal a second kiss - this one longer and quickly becoming something chasing the cold from the weather away.
After a while Astarion withdrew while he was clearing his throat - was he flustered?
The vampire’s eyes flicked from yours to behind you and then quickly back to you. A nonchalant grin was already on his lips again.
But you smelled that something was going on. Your brows furrowed and eyes narrowed. You threw a glance over your shoulder but nothing was there - just your tall living room window with some ice creeping up its corners.
Or wait - you could see some light from the fireplace. That definitely hadn’t been lit when you had left. Had Gale started a fire?
Something was definitely fishy - and you weren’t particularly fond of it.
You turned back around and stared at Astarion judgmentally while putting your hands on your hips.
The vampire immediately became defensive: “What? What have I done now?”
“I don’t know yet, but I’ll preemptively let you know: I’m not up for jesting tonight, Astarion.”
Your partner snorted in offence and mirrored your pose while he pouted: “Why must you always be so judgemental, my heart? You didn’t get that from me, did you?” You saw the grin dragging up one corner of his mouth despite his offended tone.
With a quick step forward Astarion planted another small kiss onto the top of your nose - immediately you remembered a moment some weeks ago, when the first snow had fallen. The smile that now found its way onto your lips was inevitable as you were reminded of how you’d kissed a snow flake off the annoyed vampire’s nose.
“Everything will be quite alright, my love”, Astarion promised you with a big grin right then and there. And then with a wink turned fleet-footedly to take the few steps back up to the front door again. With a hand lightly placed on your back he pushed you along.
Astarion flung the door open wide and pushed you inside in a manner you found a bit overly dramatic - you were quite capable of walking back inside yourself.
And you were ready to tell your vampire as much when you realised there were people standing in your hallway - and quite a lot too.
“Uhm”, you helplessly made and took in the scene.
Before you stood each and every one of your companions - all beaming brightly at you. Well except maybe for Lae’zel who was wearing her perpetual snarl - but even that seemed softened right now as she looked at you.
All of them were here, cramped into the hallway up to the archway to the living room. You had turned into a statue once more, only capable of staring at all of your friends in surprise.
“Hey soldier”, Karlach said with an impossibly broad grin and then she simply stepped forward and enveloped you into an almost bone crushing hug, that lifted you straight off your feet. “I missed you so much!” the tiefling exclaimed while she pressed you against her own body.
You could barely breathe and were almost sure you heard her sniffle while she buried her face in your hair and softly swayed you from side to side, but you couldn’t be happier. Your heart was swelling with warmth and love as simultaneously all worry that had consumed so much of your energy today up until now was driven out of it.
When she set you down again the floodgates had been opened. Almost all of them took their turns wrapping you in their arms while Astarion closed the front door behind you and quickly helped you out of your cloak.
The smug grin on his face you noticed out of the corner of your eye before you got wrapped in another crushing hug by Halsin immediately told you that he had something to do with all of this. But for the moment you were busy happily greeting all of your friends.
Only when everyone had greeted you and the entryway of your cosy home was buzzing with chatter and laughter did you turn around to Astarion who in an uncommon manner for him had taken a step back and was just watching you and the others with a content smile.
“So, what’s your involvement in all of this?”, you asked your vampire while raising an eyebrow questioningly at him.
Immediately, Astarion started an overly dramatic act, behaving much more like you were used to again.
“Who? Me?” he asked and elegantly but with exaggeration placed his hand on his chest as if he was being accused of a dire crime.
You cocked your head at him.
Astarion simply shrugged as he began to grin again.
“I was just - you know me, darling - very convincing”, your partner replied while his grin became almost a bit predatory.
“Convincing, yes,” Lae’zel took up the conversation. You threw a glance at her over your shoulder and saw how she had narrowed her eyes at Astarion while the others around her were mostly busy with idle chatter.
“He threatened to gut us if we’d dare to not show up here for this ridiculous holiday festivity”, the githyanki hissed.
“Oh, Lae’zel, you’re so bitter. Don’t say it wasn’t an invitation after your own liking”, Astarion exclaimed cheerfully as he stepped up to you and put an arm around you. The githyanki just gave him another death stare while the vampire kept up his unfaltering smile.
“You also kept us waiting long enough”, Shadowheart chimed in with pursed lips. “And then on top of that you also made us watch you make out on the front steps,” she continued and you saw how her eyebrow jumped up in annoyance.
Your eyes widened and a blush crept onto your face as you realised that that must have been what (or rather whom) Astarion had seen when you had kissed on the front steps. The cleric just shrugged at your reaction and you saw that she was suppressing a laugh.
“Yeah, gods be damned, get a room, right?”, Karlach barged into the conversation and started laughing immediately while you felt your face grow even hotter. It had been a while since you and Astarion had been called out by your companions about your lovey-dovey behaviour. And obviously you weren’t used to it anymore.
“I’ll happily remind you, Karlach, that all of these are our rooms and you are merely guests here”, Astarion retorted while he wrapped his arm firmer around you and pressed a quick kiss to your lips and then - before you could even react - slapped your butt. Which earned him another howling fit of laughter from Karlach and some sensible chuckles all around while Shadowheart and Lae’zel looked ready to throw up.
Still in his embrace you felt how your face must’ve become even redder. You turned to Astarion, ready to wipe his smug grin off his face. But he swiftly stepped out of your reach.
“Apropos, guests, my love,” he began and quickly brought some distance in between you two.
“Don’t you want to invite our guests to sit down for dinner”, Astarion quickly continued and motioned towards your living room with an outstretched arm.
You were trying to protest - nothing was prepared there yet.
But when you stepped over your words died on your lips.
The living room looked like a winter paradise. Small mage lights were dancing all around the room making it sparkle. Holly, mistletoes and even whole fir branches seemed to have sprouted from the walls and the ceiling. And when you stepped into what you had thought was your living room you were irritated by the crunching noise that your footsteps made. Looking down you realised that the floor was covered in a layer of snow - even though you were inside. You could barely believe it.
The whole room looked almost like it had been teleported to a wintery forest. Only the furniture and the tall living room window with a view of the outside were reminders that you were still inside.
Your mouth fell open in disbelief. And then you took in the centre piece: in the middle of the room stood a huge banquet table decked with space for everyone, all the dishes you and Gale had prepared and lots more of wintery decor and candelabra that threw their warm light onto everything.
It looked magical and you immediately knew you had a certain wizard to thank for that - and of course your vampire who had made sure that everything would turn out perfectly.
The others who seemingly had already taken in the wondrously decorated room came swarming around you then, taking up spots at the table.
When Gale passed you, you shortly grabbed and squeezed his hand in passing to thank him. He winked back at you kind of awkwardly before he went to sit down.
For a moment you stood there and took in the scene while Astarion stood beside you, looping his arm around your waist once more.
All of your friends here, laughing, talking while the love of your life was by your side. This was absolutely the best of all possible outcomes. Your chest swelled with happiness and your eyes with tears as you took it in a moment longer before you turned to your soulmate who was softly and adoringly smiling at you.
“Thank you,” you whispered so silently it was almost inaudible.
“No,” Astarion whispered back and leaned in close, touching his forehead to yours, “thank you for everything that brought all of us here.”
And to that you had nothing more to add.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon
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Can I request something with Daemon and Alicent sister.
She always thought she was second choice to Rhaenyra and tries not to show her sadness but her sons that they have together can see it and ask there father why is there mother second choice. And he finally relises that she feels like second choice.
Happy ending though.
Second Choice || D. Targaryen x Hightower!oc
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GIF by @buffysummers DIVIDERS by @straywords
a/n: I had so much fun writing this, thank you for the request! I added my own little twists to this but it’s still along the lines of your request so I hope you don’t mind! Also this is oc btw, and enjoy!! also this is a long one! ALSO MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATE IT <33 i live in aus so xmas is today!
warning: big age gap, oc starts of as 15 in the beginning and is 18 in the end, otto gaslighting and being manipulative
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“You will marry the Prince” Otto had his back turned to his daughter. Leyla’s eyes widen at her father’s words, she looks to her older sister Alicent who wears a sad expression on her face.
“But father- he’s nearly three times my age! Why must I marry him” She pleads, she had no feelings for Daemon. And the terrible stories she had heard about him made her avoid him even more.
“Because you are my youngest child, I want you to live in royalty. The Prince has his eyes on the Princess but the King would never allow it-“ Leyla scoffed. “So you force me to marry him so that the King would thank you?! Do you love the power you have so much? So much that you would marry me off to that vile man!” She yelled, infuriated at her father.
“Do you have no respect child!” Both Leyla and Alicent flinch at the sound of everything on the table being pushed to the ground. “I am doing you good by marrying you to Daemon. You will have a high spot in court and you will, without a doubt live in luxury. Your children would be of royalty” Otto steps closer to Leyla, taking her face in his hands in a rough manner.
“You will give him children. You will marry him. Do you hear me” He yells the last bit as he shakes her, her jaw clenching as tears form in her eyes. Leyla pushes herself off of him as he leaves the room.
“I am so sorry sister” Alicent quietly says before giving her a sympathetic look and leaving the room. Leyla stood there for god knows how long, her mind clouded with thoughts.
She was only 15, how could her father marry her off to a man nearly three times her age and bear his children? Leyla knew there was nothing that could be done to get out of this so instead, she held a strong front.
She laid motionless on the bed. Her whole body was aching, particularly her womanhood. “You did well, sweet child” Daemon kissed her cheek before he laid beside her. “Did you enjoy the show my lords?” He called out in a humorous manner as they stayed silent, Alicent only coughing before they all left the room.
Embarrassed, Leyla turned on her side, her naked back facing Daemon. She felt so many things at that moment. She did not expect to lose her maidenhood so early and to a man that she did not love.
Daemon turns his head to only see the back of his wife’s head. He too did not love Leyla, his eyes were on someone else. He did not know her very well, only that she was the youngest offspring of that cunt, Otto.
But nonetheless, he refused to treat Leyla in an ill manner. Throughout their very short courtship, he had grown to be protective of her, he didn’t understand why, maybe because it was the fact that he was nearly three times older than the girl.
He nearly choked the old fool who offered his youngest daughter to him. He couldn’t help but scoff and roll his eyes when he heard the offer and her age. Daemon knew that they were doing this so that he couldn’t marry Rhaenyra. Pathetic really, he thought.
Leyla smiled at Daemon as he places his hand atop her swollen belly, caressing it slowly before taking her hand off of his to place a gentle kiss on it. “How is the pregnancy going Lady Leyla?” Viserys looks up from his plate sending her a smile.
She grins back as Daemon and her look at each other before she replies, “Very well your Grace, though she’s been quite active recently, kicking and moving around constantly” Leyla says as they all chuckle. “A true Targaryen she is” Daemon adds with a huge grin.
“She?” Rhaenyra asks as she looks at the two across from her. Leyla awkwardly lookd at her, a tight smile on her lips. It has always been quite awkward around Rhaenyra. Ever since Leyla and Daemon married, there had been an awkward atmosphere around.
“Yes Princess, Daemon is adamant that the babe is a girl” Leyla squeezes his hand as she nods with a smile before looking at Daemon, something only Leyla notices. She watches Daemon from the corner of her eye as he looks at Rhaenyra, a subtle smile on his lips before he looks back down to his plate.
“Princess,” Ser Criston calls out from the door, without uttering another word, Viserys gives Rhaenyra a smile and nods his head as she stands up. “Please excuse me” She says before leaving the room.
“I do hope that you are able to attend the wedding then, hopefully you won’t be in labour” Leyla’s sister looks up to her as she nods, “What wedding?” Daemon questioned, raising an eyebrow at his sister-in-law.
“Rhaenyra’s wedding to Prince Laenor, husband” Leyla placed her hand on top of his to which he shoves it off, “Rhaenyra is marrying and no one has told me?” Daemon says frustratedly, banging the table making everyone jump.
“Well I was going tell you-“ Leyla was interrupted once Daemon sat up from his seat making it fall to the ground. “Daemon-“ Leyla tried but she was turned down, “Don’t.” He glares at her as she looks at him in bewilderment.
Her eyes followed his figure leave the room, the door closing with a loud slam. Leyla sighed in defeat, massaging her forehead with her fingers. “Excuse me your Grace” She apologetically smiles and leaves the room to find her husband.
“Daemon?” Leyla slowly opened the door to their shared bedchambers. She stepped in seeing Daemon sat on a chair infront of the firepit. Her feet move to the chair, her hands placing themselves on his tense shoulders.
“Were you going to tell me or did I have to wait until the day she marries him” He mutters, “I was going to tell you okay? I-It just slipped out of my head” She sighed,!moving infront of him.
Leyla could see his feature’s immediately softening when he looks at her. He looks at her swollen belly before grinning up at her, Daemon takes her hands in his moving her closer to him as he gently leans his head on her belly.
She liked to think that he was over Rhaenyra—even the slightest bit over her—ever since they found out they were expecting a child. And during those months together, Leyla was undeniably falling for Daemon.
“Why do you worry about it so much, my love?” Leyla says in a hushed voice, careful to not anger him, Daemon only ignores her, placing kisses on her covered belly. Leyla sighs in defeat, running her hands through his hair.
3 years later….
“Mumma!” Alyssa, Leyla’s eldest child, ran up to her on the bed, followed by Baelon, the second oldest. She jumped onto the bed making Leyla giggle. “Careful Alyssa” Daemon warned as he lifts Baelon onto the bed.
He places a kiss on Leyla’s forehead before nestling himself beside her who was holding their third child in her arms. “Meet your baby brother” Leyla smiled at her children as they move closer to look at him.
“You are amazing, sweetling” He whispered against her hair, she tiredly smiles before leaning her head on his chest. A knock at the door makes the couple pause.
The handmaiden rushes to the door, the handmaiden curtsying before letting out a quiet “Princess”. Leyla slightly leaned up, wondering why Rhaenyra was here.
“Who is it?” Daemon calls out, his gaze on the child in Leyla’s arms. “Princess Rhaenyra, my Prince” She replied. Leyla felt his body slightly shift. She watched as he gazes at her intensely.
“Uncle, Lady Leyla” Rhaenyra smiled as she steps closer to the family. “Princess” Leyla politely bows her head as Daemon’s eyes still fixate themselves on her. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” Leyla speaks up.
“I just arrived this morning for a visit when I heard you gave birth to your third child, I wanted to know how you were” She smiles as she looks to Daemon, then to her, then to the child in Leyla’s arms.
“That is very kind of you, Princess, isn’t it Husband?” Leyla turns her head to look at Daemon. He still had his eyes on Rhaenyra with a subtle smile. And that was when it hit her, the reality that Daemon still had feelings for Rhaenyra.
1 year later…
Ever since Rhaenyra moved back to the castle, the same tension that Leyla felt nearly 4 years ago was back, more than ever. She couldn’t help but notice the subtle looks they would exchange whenever they were in the same room.
Or how Daemon would never be paying attention to her or their children whenever Rhaenyra was close by. At one point, their youngest son who had just started to walk, Aegon, was one step away from falling down the stairs. That night, the two had a huge argument, the room was left in pieces.
Leyla watched with a sadden gaze as her husband dances with his niece. It was her sister’s name day. She had Aegon on her lap, bouncing him to usher his cries. Alyssa and Baelon to her left playing with their wet nurse.
Daemon was still so sweet and caring to Leyla but she could feel it deep inside. The feeling that she would always be second choice to Rhaenyra. She tried accepting it, she really did, she knew that he married her when he was inlove with another.
But in those 4 years, she liked to think he loved her. She gave him everything, her childhood, her maidenhood, children, her nonstop love and care, but sometimes she felt as if it was going all to waste.
Leyla couldn’t bare watching the two dance knowing that there was—or still is—something between the two. Leyla raised her hand to beckon the wet nurse. “Take Aegon to the children so that they may play together” She smiles to the women. “Of course, my lady”
She stood from her seat walking towards her sister. “I apologise sister, I feel as if I should retire to my bedchambers” She says to her, kissing her cheek as Alicent smiles. “Of course, rest up well” She holds her hand as Leyla nods walking to her three children.
“I am going to go rest my darlings, Alyssa, take care of your brothers for me” Leyla kisses their foreheads as she stands and leaves the bustling room. God was Leyla tired. Mentally and physically drained.
She had no rest. The last 4 years was nothing but Leyla going through another pregnancy. She was only 18 and she already has three children—4 maybe because she hadn’t bled in a month—but nonetheless she loved her children very much.
When she arrived at her bedchambers, she immediately laid herself on the bed. A loud sigh leaves her lips, before she could even close her eyes to get some much needed sleep, a knock erupts from the door.
Groaning, she takes heavy footsteps to the door. Opening it, she was surprised to see her father. “Father-“ “What are you doing here? You should be celebrating with your sister” He utters as he invites himself in.
“I’m not feeling well, I already told his Grace and Alicent” She mutters as Otto turns to her, “Are you expecting again? The handmaidens have told me you haven’t bled this month-“ “Why are you associating yourself with my handmaidens father? Are you that interested in my life” Leyla scoffs.
Otto slightly smiles, “Just making sure my daughter is being a dutiful wife and producing the Prince heirs, that is all” He shrugs. This made Leyla absolutely fume.
Grabbing the closest vase, she throws it on the ground, shards flying everywhere. “Is that what you think I am? A pawn?Someone who can just pop out babies for the Prince!” She yells, “I have wasted my childhood on the birthing bed! Because of you and your stupid arrangement for me to marry Daemon, he doesn’t even love me!”
“Why would you do that to me! I was only 15…” Leyla sobbed, her legs giving up on her as she released all her pent up emotions. What surprised her was the feeling of her father’s arms wrapped around her shaking body. “Silly girl, love doesn’t exist in arranged marriages”
“This was what you were made to do, my dear. Produce heirs, be married off to a noble man, in this case, married to a Prince and producing royalty. You are giving our family, our house, great honour” He says as Leyla listens.
“Get out” She quietly says, “I’m sorry?” Otto says confused, “I said, get out!” Leyla raises her voice as she shrugs his hands off of her. “Get out now!” She screams, her face red from all the crying.
Otto chuckles, “You should be thanking me, my child. I have built this for you, this extravagant life you have and for your children-“ “Get the fuck out of my chambers father” She loudly says, fed up with all his words that tried to give her some sort of comfort and reassurance that this what all she was made to do, produce heirs.
“Darlings, where’s mother?” Daemon had finished dancing with his niece and searched for his wife, but she was nowhere to be found. He sat down on the ground with his three children, something that made the nearby lady and lords gossip.
“Alyssa?” Daemon questions, taking baby Aegon from the arms of the wet nurse. “Mumma is not feeling well, she’s resting in her room” The little girl responds, her attention still on the toys.
Daemon looks towards their wet nurse who briefly nods in confirmation. He was worried for Leyla, she had been feeling more tired and was quiet in the past few weeks.
He knocks on the door, “Darling, it’s me” He waits for a few minutes before he could hear Leyla’s footsteps approaching. “Are you-“ He cut off mid sentence when he saw her face. Red eyes and wet cheeks.
Daemon furrows his eyebrows before stepping in and wrapping his arms around her shoulders as she sniffles. “What happened? Are you okay?” He says, concern in his voice as he cups his lover’s cheeks in his big hands.
Leyla says nothing, keeping her gaze on the floor before taking his hands off of her face. This made Daemon even more confused, she would usually cave in and tell him what bothered her. “Leyla?” He quietly calls out as she makes her way to the balcony.
Daemon follows her outside where they both lean against the railing in silence, overlooking King’s Landing. “What’s bothering you, my love?” He says softly, his face turned to her as he waits patiently for her response.
“Did you enjoy your dance with Rhaenyra?” She quietly says, catching Daemon off guard with the sudden topic of Rhaenyra. “Yes, I was going to ask to ask you for a dance but-“ Leyla laughs at this.
“I am so stupid,” She groans as Daemon looks at her confused, “I was right all along” A scoff emits from her lips as Daemon takes ahold of her forearm. “Right about what Leyla?”
“Right about the fact that I am and will always be the second choice to Rhaenyra!” She bursts out, “What?” Daemon furrows his eyebrow, confused.
“You still love her don’t you? I can see it! The way you treat me and your own children Daemon! I-I thought that finally after all those years of me giving you my everything, you would love me back” She ranted as Daemon quietly listens.
“Are you done?” He mutters, Leyla looks at him, “What?” “I said, are you done?” Daemon says a bit louder. “Who is married to me, mother to my children, Leyla?” He asks.
She was confused at the sudden questions, “Me?” “Exactly, and who do I love?” Leyla ponders for a minute, “Rhaenyra.” She deadpan says, a small giggle leaving her lips soon after, her anger leaving her slowly.
Daemon chuckles too, turning his body towards her, he pulls her hand before wrapping themselves around his torso. “You, silly. I love you and I love our beautiful children, not Rhaenyra.” He clarifies, looking down at her.
“But-“ “When I look at her, I laugh at myself thinking how much of an idiot I was trying to chase her when I realised the only person I love was right infront of me. Thank you for everything you have given me” He smiles, kissing her forehead as Leyla listens intently.
“Though I would like to choke your cunt of a father for giving you to me at such a young age” Daemon mutters under his breath as Leyla laughs.
“Your are my wife, mother to our children. You will always be my first choice, Leyla.” This brought comfort to her, her lover finally reassuring that she was not second choice, “You will always be the most important person to me” Daemon squeezes Leyla as he brings his face down to hers for a kiss.
Their lips touch and all of Leyla’s pent up emotions and worries left her. She hummed in the kiss, the feeling never boring her. The two pull away when they hear the door suddenly opening.
Alyssa and Baelon came running in searching them before spotting the two on the balcony. “Alyssa, Baelon, come back here!” The poor women ran in out of breath, Aegon in her arms. She finally looks to Leyla and Daemon before curtsying, “My apologies my Prince, my Lady, they insisted on coming to see you” She sheepishly says.
Leyla and Daemon look at each other before letting out giggles. “It is alright, go rest, We’d like to spend time with our children” Leyla smiles at the women as Alyssa and Baelon cling to her dress. She engulfs the two in a hug as Daemon walks to the women to take Aegon.
Aegon cooed once in his father’s arms as Daemon smiles at the boy, “Looks quite like me doesn’t he?” He cheekily says as Aegon gently touches Daemon’s face with his small hands. “You wish, I think he looks awfully quite like me, disregarding the blonde hair” Leyla replies as she starts playing with Alyssa and Baelon.
Soon enough, Daemon sits beside Leyla, Aegon on his feet as he stands in between Daemon’s legs, holding his thigh for support. Leyla watched the scene infront of her, the children happily playing and Daemon infatuated with Aegon who was babbling.
Daemon takes Leyla’s hand bringing it closer to his lips. Placing a soft kiss on it, he speaks, “I love you, so so much” He murmurs against her soft hand as Leyla smiles. She was happy and content with what she had. “Daemon?” Leyla starts, “Hmm?” Daemon hums, busy with peppering your hand with kisses. “I’m pregnant.”
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klausysworld · 10 months
hiiiii love your work anyways love IMAGINE edging Klaus to the brink for his Christmas gift and he has a Santa hat on OMFG
I friken love you
if think makes you uncomfortable DO NOT DO IT
xoxo,anon <333
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Happy 1st of December and the beginning of a very merry christmas!! 🎅 🎄 🎁
Merry Christmas Indeed
Y/n had been planning this December since the moment Klaus told her that he hated Christmas. She couldn't understand it at all, how could he hate Christmas? Of course she could understand why people of other religions didn't celebrate or people who had never had Christmas growing up but the rest of the Mikaelsons were happy to be festive and involved with the holiday and for whatever reason, Klaus wouldn't budge on the subject. Even when his six year old daughter, Hope, had begged him to wear a Santa hat every year and decorate the tree with her, he had no joy around the magical day at all. Of course he always participated for Hope but the desire and passion was never there and nobody ever asked why or pushed him on it. Except Y/n.
As soon as Rebekah had told her of her brothers broody behaviour around the topic, she couldn't help but go to Niklaus and question it.
"Why don't you enjoy it?" she asked confused, tilting her head as he rolled his eyes
"It's just another day, nothing special about it" he grumbled and she frowned.
"It's a day where everyone comes together and is happy and-"
"Surely, if they loved each other enough then they could arrange to do something around the year instead of this pathetic holiday" he huffed before unclenching his jaw and looking back to Y/n, seeing her apprehensive stance and frown. "It doesn't matter, love. I just stay out the way, I won't dampen your fun I promise." he kissed her cheek softly and sighed. "Besides, it's months away, loads of time to plan my absence." he teased and she hummed but her mind wasn't with him anymore.
She was planning, yes but not for his absence. For his enjoyment and appreciation.
Originally she thought Christmas jumpers and treats but then she remembered that Klaus hated positivity at the best of times and dressing him up probably wasn't a strong start. But she decided that a Santa hat was a must, if not for her own wishes then for Hopes's who was also helping Y/n.
Hope was going to get her Dad to help her decorate Christmas cookies and all tree of them would decorate the tree. Hope and Y/n went shopping together throughout the year to find special, meaningful presents for him and made a mess when wrapping them. They bought unlimited decorations to cover both the inside and outside of the compound and Y/n had borderline begged Marcel and his vampires to put them up in the middle of the night on December first. Well, all except the tree in the living room which was where all the presents would go on Christmas morning, the girls wanted to do that one with Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Freya and Kol.
But anyways, once Y/n was sure that the vampires were decorating everything else, she went to bed. She snuggled up to Klaus and kissed him goodnight. What he didn't know was that she had an alarm on her watch which would wake up for 5am.
She then snuck out of their bed and pulled out a box from under it. Inside was a Christmas tree scented candle which she lighted and placed on the shelf below their television before grabbing the Christmas/fairy lights from the box and turning them on, pulling them across the headboard so it was lit up. She then returned to her box and grabbed a thinner box inside it, she pulled the top off to reveal a two piece Christmas outfit.
It was sexy little red top with thin straps and white fluff along the top to hide a small amount of her cleavage with a matching skirt. She slipped out of Klaus's shirt and her panties and pulled on the Santa outfit. She glanced into Niklaus's full length mirror, making sure it was on properly. The skirt barely covered the tops of her thighs but she knew it would work in her favour. With a deep breath she nodded to herself and grabbed the last item from the box, a Santa hat.
She pulled the covers off of Klaus's body resulting in a small groan as the warmth was taken from him as he slept. Quietly she climbed on top of him, her knees either side of his hips. She carefully leaned down and pulled the Santa hat onto his head, squishing his curls as she gently lifted the back of his neck so she could put it on him properly.
Following the action she pressed her lips to his forehead "please, please don't be grumpy" she whispered to his unconscious state. She had thought this through and figured that if she woke him with a very personal present then he would be in a better mood for the rest of the day and hopefully more up for Christmas.
So she continued with her kisses, first across his face lightly before getting to his jaw. Her lips pushed against his skin a little harder, slowly working down his neck and her teeth occasionally grazing the flesh to make his mind stir. His breathing remained deep as she sucked little marks that quickly healed into the base of his neck and down his bare chest. His skin was hot to touch and the urge to press her face against him and stay there was high but she moved on. She let her tongue slide over his abdomen, her lips kissing his stomach all over making his body twitch and a small hum to leave his chest.
Thankfully Klaus only ever slept in his boxers anyway so she didn't have to fully undress him. Instead she just slipped the underwear off him and let it fall to the floor. She then gently began to caress his thighs, his body easily let her push them apart so she could settle between them. With a quick glance up to check he was still asleep, she leaned down and pressed her lips to his cock.
A mumble left him at the sensation and he let out a long breath as her hands brushed up his thighs to his balls. She fondled them gently to help harden his dick which was already halfway there. Her tongue danced up the side of his cock leisurely, following one of the veins. Warmth surrounded his tip when her mouth wrapped around it. She sucked it softly and let one of her hands stroke his shaft slowly. Once he was fully hard in her hold, she lifted her hand to her mouth and coated the palm in her saliva before bringing it back to his awaiting cock.
Y/n sat up on her knees and stroked him firmly, her eyes flicked up to his face, her head tilted slightly to the side as she watched his lips part to let out a soft groan. His brows pulled together and his fingers lightly gripped the sheets below them. Her pace picked up and she jerked him quickly, smiling when his chest rose and fell much more rapidly and his back threatened to arch. Her thumb rolled over his tip, rubbing at his slit to make a gravelly moan escape him.
Her movements slowed again, calming his body down and making him sigh heavily. Silently she brought his head back to her mouth and licked over the top of it. A deep moan left him making her smile widen as she sucked on the tip again. She toyed with it for a minute while her hand kept a steady pace. A little squeeze was awarded for every sound he made and she gradually stroked him faster and faster. It was amusing how easy he was to play with whilst asleep, usually he tried to seem unbothered and kept his grunts to a minimum but here he couldn't control himself.
And once her head began bobbing up and down his length, he was a mess. Y/n had always loved getting him off while he slept, she was rarely awake before him and so didn't get to often but the few times it had happened in the past were thoroughly enjoyable for both parties.
So she knew what she was doing when she took him to the back of her throat and gagged around him slightly. The way his hips bucked was enough proof to confirm this. A breathy version of her name left his lips making her look up but his eyes were still closed. A hum vibrated from her mouth through to his cock making him choke on a breath and his hands to grab the sheets tightly.
She pulled her mouth back to focus on just the tip of his dick again, swirling her tongue around it as her one hand squeezed his balls gently and the other kept up with the rest of his cock. His breathing grew more laboured and a long, low moan left him as well as his slit releasing some pre cum into mouth making her hum again and make his hips jump up to feel her hot throat suck him in.
With a gasp for air she pulled off him. Coughing as quietly as she could. A small whine left his lips when her hands left him alone and his breathing began to slow again. Y/n let her fingers brush against his hips, drawing little patterns into his skin as she waited for his tip to stop leaking. His body stirred gently but he didn't quite wake making her smile and nibble her lip apprehensively.
After another minute she took him back into her hand and went back to stroking him quickly making him jolt and grunt at the sudden intensity. She leaned back down and used her spit to keep him lubricated and easy to jerk off.
She continued this rotation of stroking, licking, suckling and squeezing until she could feel him ready to spill into her mouth, at which pointy she pulled away again and left him moaning in disappointment.
With a hum and a knowing smile, she crawled up his body and covered herself over his cock. "Nik" she whispered, brushing her lips over his ear. A small sound emitted from him and she gently kissed his lips.
Klaus began to wake and his senses seemed hit him all at once. The strong scent of pine filled his nose shortly followed by the familiar aroma of his lover like every other morning except this time he could smell her arousal much more. The though made him groan softly and begin to open his eyes. As soon as he did, his cock was gripped tightly with heat and his mouth fell open. "Ohhh" he moaned, his eyes fluttering but he forced them open. He looked up forward and saw his girl on top of him, dressed in same red and white that usually made him huff in annoyance but all he could do was moan in appreciation at the sight. The little skirt wouldn’t let him see underneath it but he knew that he was stuffed inside her pretty cunt. He was also becoming increasingly aware of the hyper sensitivity of his cock. With a heavy breath, he pushed himself up onto his elbows to see the little wet marks all down his body in the shape of her mouth. "Oh fuck" he gasped when she moved along him.
His arms gave back out and his head hit the pillow and he furrowed his brows at the feel of something else on his head. His shaky hand lifted to touch it but she pulled his hands away and took them in hers making his eyes lift to find her gaze.
She bounced slowly on top of him, her ample breasts moving up and down in her not-so-supportive top. Little sounds left her lips as she caressed his hands softly.
"Christ sweetheart-" he whispered, his mind struggling to keep up with his body. His cock was ready to cum right there and then but Klaus wouldn't let himself come undone so fast, poor guy didn't realise he'd already been denied the chance to twice already. So when she began moving faster and faster again, he couldn't help the struggled moan nor the way his hands squeezed hers to a painful measure.
"Nik" she breathed and he grunted. "You feel so good" she told him quietly, knowing it would pull a sound from him and make his hips buck against his will. "Nik, I love you" she whispered, squeezing his hand back and feeling his dick twitch and his body tense. Immediately her body came to a halt and the overwhelming sensation began to die down. He let out a noise of confusion and pushed himself up into her but she pressed her knees to his sides to tell him no.
"Love" he murmured, his hand moving to her face. She hummed and stroked his hand down to his wrist.
"Merry Christmas" she whispered a nervous smile on her face making him let out a laugh and squeezed her hands
"Merry indeed" he smiled and she sighed in relief.
"Good because I promised Hope that you'd decorate the tree...and cookies" she grinned and groaned
"No- ohh" he cut himself off when she slid up and down again, returning to a deliberate pace. "That's not fair" he whispered though there was no anger or upset in his tone at all. His hands held hers tightly again as she quickened her movements and he pulled her closer
"You have to" she mumbled with a small moan, her teeth biting her tongue to keep herself from becoming a mess.
"I won't, mm, I won't let you cum" she whispered and he let out a little laugh
"Love- you know you won't be able to go without" he grinned but when her bouncing stopped again he let out a huff.
"I will today, if you don't at least decorate the tree and try to enjoy yourself then no sex all month" she threatened and he narrowed his eyes
"You wouldn't" he dared and she raised a brow.
"I'm not the thousand year old sex addict" she teased and he rolled his eyes before beginning to roll his hips to hers.
"Nik no" she demanded and he frowned
"You're serious?" he whispered, a frown growing on his face.
"Please?" she asked, stroking his hands again "I'll look after you" she offered, grinding against him as if to make her point which she did when he let out a guttural moan.
"You will?" he mumbled, his eyes fluttering again as she squeezed his cock tightly.
"Mhm, I'll be your personal elf" she giggled and he laughed with a smile
"Christmas isn't my kind of holiday" he reminded
"No holiday is your kind of holiday" she teased "But they're for everyone, you just have to try...you might like it if you don't immediately put a negative spin on the occasion" she pouts.
"You make it sound like I'm mean" he grumbles though his words came out breathy and broken
"You are mean- like the grinch" she laughed, leaning down to kiss his cheek. “But even the grinch ended up liking Christmas” she smiled and he hummed, pulling her face to his and kissing her lips lovingly.
“I can’t guarantee anything” he told her and she nodded “but I can try” he agreed and she smiled softly
"That's all I need to hear" she whispered and he sighed quietly and slid his hands to her hips, squeezing her gently
"Great…Fuck me now darling?" he asked, a growing grin spreading across his face when she rolled her eyes and went back to bouncing above him, feeling him leaking a little bit inside her again.
"You should hear yourself when you're all sleepy" she teased as she pressed her hands to his chest and continued to ride him passionately. He groans and lifts his hips to meet her ass,
"I can't help it" he mumbled, his eyes beginning to close against his will as his body began to fuck up into her with desperation to soothe the ache of his cock. Klaus didn't like to be teased but he had made the mistake of telling her that she could do anything she wanted to him whilst he was asleep and if he were honest, he'd never been happier for it. In fact he felt as though he were on cloud-nine when she moaned on top of him, when her soft tight cunt squeezed him perfectly. But when he ready to finally fill her, he felt that pleasure ripped away from him once more. He let out a yell of frustration and groaned loudly, ignoring her giggle.
"Shh, everyone’s still asleep" She whispers, stroking his chest and neck as she pulls off his cock completely and climbed off of him. He whispered a breathy "no" as her warmth left him. Slowly he pushed himself up, looking to his poor dick which was soaked and solid. He then lifted his hand and pulled the Santa hat off, looking at it unamused before turning to where she stood. A gulp sounded as he looked up to see her in only the skirt, the top laid at her feet. His eyes focused on her perky breasts and his body burned for her,
"We have half an hour before Elijah's alarm and an hour before Hope wakes up and wants to start baking" she tells him "Now either sit back, get ready and we'll get you in the proper festive spirit or I'm going back sleep. Your choice." she offered with her hands on her hips.
Silently he pulled the Christmas hat back on and leaned back against the headboard. "Merry Christmas indeed" he muttered to himself as he watched her near him once again, this time with the intention of giving him one of the best orgasms he’ll ever have.
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madarasgirl · 9 months
A Night for Hunting Ch. 14 -Interlude II
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T/W: 18+, NSFW, Alucard (Ultimate) x F!Reader, explicit sexual content, masturbation, size kink, corruption kink, mild blood drinking, throat/thigh fuck, dastardly vampire bullying his Reader in a good way, angst. Hi the ovaries woke up for this Ch. On AO3 Words: 4480
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays to those who celebrate something else! I hope this December finds everyone in the company of those you love most. Another year is just around the corner!
Wow! 500 kudos and many, many notes for this fic. Thank you to all my readers for your ongoing support! And if vampire smut isn't for you, I hope you will enjoy the next chapter in the New Year!
The lights were dim in your bedroom, the quiet hum of the furnace coming on and your muted, laboured breaths the only sounds breaking the tranquility. It felt like you were on fire. The skin on your back was slick with sweat as you held your breath in concentration.
Pleasure shot up your spine. You sighed blissfully, sinking further into the bountiful pillows by the headboard so the fluffy surface eased some of the muscle ache from your neck as you plunged a small toy into your core repeatedly. In and out at a snail’s pace, to savour the sensation of the rounded ridges catching on your gummy walls.
A droplet of sweat beaded at your temple. Your clit tingled from your treatment as you pushed in the smooth dildo again slowly, relishing in the mild stretch from the thickest segment as it passed through your entrance. It was all you could handle.
So stiff! This felt too good. After being with Alucard's mouth a handful of times, occasionally the need gripped you. Damn that vampire for introducing you to his decadence. You bucked your hips up to meet the imitation shaft, lost in the fullness of your self-gratification.
You rotated the silicone clockwise, squirming from the newfound friction the motion introduced as you juiced around it. Your new toy was quite simple by modern standards, but it was wonderful. The pink device was silky smooth and retained your body heat, not unlike when you were with Alucard, whose frigid body warmed the longer he was within you. 
Your eyes opened to slits, fixating blindly on the ceiling as your thoughts wandered back to what you knew of a man’s touch. His fingers tracing meaningless patterns on your skin until you went mindless as the girth of his talented tongue entered– 
Oh, ALUCARD'S TONGUE. You picked up the thrusting and writhed as you sank your toy deep with a silent moan and turned on the vibrating feature, mind clouded with desire for your absent lover. It had been over a month. Where was he? Gasping, you clumsily flipped onto all fours as you continued to fuck yourself silly on plastic.
Close. The climax you seeked was right there. You pushed the buzzing dildo back in place with shaky fingertips and smushed your clit desperately with the other hand, your face buried in the pillows with your ass in the air like a common whore for your unbidden fantasies.
Something was amiss. Your own efforts could only be described as bland. Maybe what your worked up bundle required for release was a more delicate touch. Your hips swayed when you brushed your pearl again with a frustrated whine. 
“It appears I was dearly missed.”
“AHHH!” You screamed with the horror of a teenager caught masturbating by your mother as you crashed sideways into the mattress, fumbling over your loose limbs to dive into the sheets and hide yourself. 
The smuggest vampire stood by the window.
“Wha- what are you doing here?” You stared bug-eyed at him as you clutched the blanket, thoroughly conscious about your nakedness when you were not in absolute darkness. Not that the lack of light influenced a vampire’s vision. And not like he had never seen you bare.
“Oh? Clearly I came to visit my human. Don’t let me interrupt your activities, Sweet ♪,” he tilted his chin up and cackled. The beast stalked closer, an amorous gleam to his gaze as twin fangs flashed with amusement.
“Y-you should at least knock! I was busy!” You hollered. Still he approached and you scrambled back incrementally until your back hit the board. 
“You were occupied, yes, but you could be heard and scented from outside. Should I deprive myself of the show?” He lowered himself onto the end of the bed. “It was rather ravishing.”
“Cretin! Idiot!” Heat lanced through your body from embarrassment as you hurled insults. Freaking vampiric super senses!
The shit-eating grin stretched wider as crimson glittered with mischief. The hat disappeared, followed by the jacket. He stood and the cravat melted away in an instant. At full height, he towered over your bed, his overbearing presence swamping the modest room. It was impossible to look away. In this lean and handsome form, Alucard was still a giant. Another layer –the suit vest– vanished from broad shoulders as the said vampire dismissed it. 
“Stop stripping!” You squeaked.
Gah! A lithe porcelain torso with enticing rippling muscles appeared on display for your visual pleasure. The exhibitionist would coerce you into looking at him while he did unspeakable things to you. You flung the dildo at his face.
It landed in the centre of his palm with a wet slap. “A gift for me? Very well, I accept.” He dangled the fake dick from two fingers. It was tiny in comparison to the proportions of Alucard’s hand. You gulped as your gaze went to his mouth.
Time froze. His tongue rolled out from between glistening teeth, as long and flexible as you dreamed. You held your breath and watched in a trance as Alucard lapped at the pink rubber with languid swipes, curling his muscle around its circumference to collect your creamy nectar coating. His eyes never left yours.
He purred.
“You remain as delicious as ever.”
You ignored him. Your dilated pupils tracked your cream at the tip of his tongue as it retracted back into his mouth before it flicked around in a semi-circle to wet his lips. His tongue was thicker than your toy. Your pussy tingled –it appears she missed him. You cursed your traitorous body.
The toy dropped beside you with a plunk.
"What is it you desire from me?” You could hear the smile behind the words. It was an apt reminder that he was an evil entity. You didn’t care what the history books said about him being Christian, he must have worshipped Satan.
Alucard chuckled. You stiffened when even that sound shot to your loins. Did he know what his voice did to you? That sonorous baritone woke something primal. It was too unfair. Everything about your unholy lover turned you into a harlot. Was it really so long since you last coupled with him?
You’d rather have been caught by your mom. Nothing could compare to the level of mortification elicited by being discovered by Alucard. You fidgeted and looked at your feet bundled within the sheets.
You recalled his lips on yours, claiming you as his. His fingers were inside you… scissoring… Pressing your legs together, your lips quivered knowing your mind projected your longings. Your starving cunt dribbled with lust.
“Use your words, Sweet. There is no use for pride when it comes to our indulgent hedonism.” 
Your head snapped up, face scrunched with the need to protest his accusation.
“Neither is there shame in pleasure.”
You recoiled.
Descend with me.
The mocking was absent when you examined your vampire while taking shallow breaths. Why were you so hesitant? What were you holding back for? You’ve experienced the pleasures of the flesh together numerous times. Why did you keep resisting him for anything other than misplaced pride or the engrained idea that the carnal is shameful?
He was right. 
The mental blocks yielded, moved by his gentle lulling. The feeling of emptiness grew too great. With a quiet mewl, you grasped your forgotten toy and returned it to your hungry hole, again plundering yourself before your lover’s eyes. Alucard sighed with contentment at the sight. He was, as always, ever the attentive audience as he studiously observed your performance.
!!! Right there. Leaning back and propping yourself up on an elbow, you adjusted your angle to strike that sweet spot with each impalement. You wondered if he heard the slimy slurps of your greedy cunt. Probably. It was a sloppy mess down there.
“There is a rage swelling between my legs,” your undead lover murmured.
Faster. You raced to the finish line with haste. Quicker and quicker you charged ahead, your thighs tense and hands a blur of movement as your pleasure peaked. In the distance, you heard a faint, rumbling growl whilst consumed by your bodily appetites. It shook your core and you tumbled over the summit with stuttering hips and the sharp cry of orgasm.
Alucard was on top of you. His lips were on yours, his enormous hands covering every inch of you, the cooling touch providing some welcome relief from the heat of passion. Your skin remained inflamed with arousal, each caress sent sparks flying through your nerves. The body now only moved by instinct through the fog. You returned his kisses with equal fervour and grabbed him by his hips and across his back, desperately clutching your anchor to reality wherever you could find purchase.
He drew soft gasps from your lips as he nibbled your shoulder playfully and you flexed around the toy, groaning at the presence of the solid invader holding your pliant walls apart. Tentatively, you leaned in and kissed down his jaw, stopping at his throat. You peppered him with pecks and nuzzled the alabaster column before swiping up his throat. Sheltered under his larger body, you were lost to the throes of orgasm, his skin and scent now so familiar that your heart hurt. You forgot yourself. With no warning, you nipped him.
The undulating shadow limbs paused, the darkness they casted a monstrosity upon your bedroom walls. Finally, your vampire hissed dangerously and you briefly wondered if you offended him. Fortunately, your worries were short-lived.
The last of his clothing disintegrated and his cock sprang forth to catch your full attention. You stopped to inspect him, every inch of his ivory glory. With lidded eyes and gently rocking hips, you crawled up to that proud shaft and palmed it, rolling its heft between your hands and sniffing him.
He was an aphrodisiac. You moaned with want and peered up at him with your lips parted. The vampire’s midnight locks came alive midair, hellfire blazing as he watched you carefully. That gaze stirred at your softest, most repressed emotions regarding this breathtaking fiend and you keened with the desire to please him. You flicked your tongue across his glans and then took him in to nurse, just the tip.
He was salty. You weren’t sure what you expected a vampire’s penis to taste like, but Alucard was decidedly pleasing. Licking at his opening again for another sample, you realized you were in trouble –he might be addictive. You whimpered and tried to sink deeper into the fair shaft until he touched the back, the forced gargle barely clearing your mental haze as you drowned in the musk of male arousal.
You went down once more and gagged. You pulled back and tried again, spit filling your mouth and overflowing as tears came to your eyes after only a mere inch of progress was made. Again, but you were unable to stop the reflexive need to wretch despite how much you wanted to do this for Alucard.
Wrapping your lips around his side, you suckled downwards and gave him lollipop licks, alternating the force of suction as you went before periodically heading back to the top to take his head. You thought back to what Alucard did for you whenever he drank your pussy chalice and mimicked massaging the vampire’s thighs as you enthusiastically performed clumsy fellatio, but remained unable to swallow him whole.
His member was both too thick and too long, making you whine with dejection. How you wanted to return the favour so badly, to do something right and give him release. An ancient vampire who lived for centuries must have had amazing lovers in the past. Your chest clenched. The feeling of inadequacy permeated your thoughts and you were ashamed of your inexperience. Hanging your head, you stared at his crotch and pondered what to do next through pursed lips.
"Darling, there is ample time for you to learn."
Alucard was often an insistent lover who demanded his chamber partners to reveal all: every insecurity and imperfection. He wanted them to give him everything. Everything that was you also belonged to him, including your insecurities regarding your appearance and lack of experience. You were flawless. And he was looking forward to showing you this.
Bare hands wrapped your fingers around his shaft, placing your thumb to his frenulum and guiding you to stroke. Your hand was so tiny in his. The No-Life King groaned at the size difference. Yes, he will teach you the ways to satisfy these rapacious hungers. 
Like this.
That silken flesh glided beneath your fingertips, revealing the shiny head with each pass. The pressure increased fractionally around your hand, an unspoken instruction to squeeze harder at the base. The purring gave you encouragement and his actions touched you. Even now, Alucard took your comfort into consideration. How many others could say the same?
You caught his lips and plunged hard into his maw, pushing his tongue aside with your own and wrestling with it. Unwarranted courage made you dumb and you thrilled from the excitement of dominating the kiss. Tugging his cock with amateur zeal, you continued to swirl and shove at that delightful oral muscle before brushing boldly around pointed canines. 
Alucard ripped himself away, his mouth lined with rows of razor sharp dentition, eyes burning with untold rapture as you separated. Your female perfume saturated his sinuses. The loss of your sensibilities fed his need to corrupt you with his depravity. His gums ached with the need to drink, unknowingly biting himself while he witnessed you fall apart. He was leaking like a schoolboy, his balls tight with the urge to unload.
You succumbed to the devil's seduction. You were his, even if it took you until now to admit it. And he wanted you. Your legs trembled at the first revelation as you parted them to display your openings for his inspection. For his use. The dildo –wholly inferior compared to the vampire’s elegance– fell out coated thickly in cum, your gaping hole winking in anticipation. 
Yes, yes, yes. It was finally happening.
Ruby irises settled upon your lascivious presentation with a feral leer. The craving within them made you shudder in suspense. He promised many things back then, including taking you to Nirvana.
His shaft smacked your vulva and he slid between the lips of your drooling slit, dragging it down lengthwise. Once again he marvelled at your wondrous heat as you whimpered when he passed over your clit. The vampire sighed and stayed flush against your slit as he pushed your legs together to hump your thighs with zest. Wandering fingers found their way inside.
The teasing stimulation was both too much yet not enough. You wanted his cock, though on reflection, he was actually way too large and you'd rip. You didn't care as you locked your ankles over his shoulders to pull him in further and rocked against him. Your basest urges screamed for more and you moaned for him like a wanton whore while drizzling honey around the intruding fingers.
He grinned with utmost satisfaction. "That's it, Dear. How flattering to have a lovely little human offer herself to me so earnestly."
"Do you want this?" He asked.
"Please!" You spread as wide as you could to show yourself off again, but he pulled you onto your front. His heavy white pillar bobbed at your face, dripping with fluid. A hand threaded through your locks and held your head to his crotch, lightly pushing you onto him. 
You took him immediately without hesitation, fervidly filling your mouth with the heady flavours of sex. Delectable. Eagerness did not equate to skill, and you sputtered with a string of spit and coughing. Your eyes flickered to his with uncertainty and the unspoken plea for him to help guide you, hoping he felt your sincerity about pleasing him. You truly wanted to become adept at this.
Fingers rubbed your scalp for several moments before he drew back and drove his hips forward, precisely up to the point where you began to gag. He began to copulate with your throat, until you gagged repeatedly and slobbered over yourself. You heaved with discomfort, but though your eyes watered and your jaws locked, you did not attempt to escape his grasp beyond tightening with tension. You gave your trust in his touch and his experience even as you choked on him.
If you were finally honest with yourself, you’ve wanted Alucard to fuck you for years, perhaps even soon after you first met, only you were too overcome with fear of him then. 
He hit the back again, but didn't force himself further than the few inches that were already embedded. You tried to relax your throat and go loose. It became apparent you didn’t actually want control, but to let go and have Alucard lead. Let him have his way with you. Hopefully, he will sate himself as he did for you. 
The melody of gurgling and choking filled the room. All you could see was him. All you knew were his taste and his behemoth presence stretching your mouth.
Alucard withdrew and offered a chance to breathe, leaving you bowed over in a hacking fit as you greedily drank in the air. You inwardly thanked him for the lenience and sniffed, wiping away the spit before steeling yourself to try again. Sucking him wasn’t as distressing when you weren’t involuntarily fighting the intrusion.
He was enjoying himself as he maintained the smooth, steady thrusting. Blinded by tears, you worried about your unflattering gargles, but stayed put despite the cramping. Who knew keeping your mouth open was so tiring? You supposed that was why blowing was called a “job.” You swiped the bottom of his dick with the flat of your tongue.
Through bleary eyes, you saw impassioned red observing you intently. You returned the stare with docility as he continued to tickle your throat, putting your hand around the part of him that didn't fit into your mouth. You caressed his flesh as he demonstrated as he pleasured himself with your body.
His grip was steel, until he yanked himself out with a soupy slurp and leered at the sight of his fluids and drool sliding down your chin as you coughed and tried to catch your breath with a dazed expression. 
“Beautiful.” He exhaled. 
The hand tangled in your hair tugged to let you look the King in his eyes. "Do you want this?" He repeated.
Was that still a question? Spittle oozed down your jaws and pooled in your lap. Through lidded eyes, you whispered, "Yes, I can take it Alu. Put it in. Need you." The simple word couldn't describe how you NEEDED to be one with your vampire. If he wasn't holding your head, you would have turned over to present yourself again, to persuade your lover to finish what he started.
He growled upon brushing minds with yours, fully aware of your repressed libido come undone and he nearly went rabid with the urge to bury himself and seed you well. How you tempt him into the irreversible. "How improper for a lady such as yourself to beg for a monster's cock," he commented through jagged teeth. "Naughty girl."
You moaned at his words and wiggled free to spread yourself further and prove his assessment correct, if it would facilitate him in providing what you desired.
Alucard’s covetous gaze roamed your splayed body as agitated shadows whipped about. Strangely, the thought of making love to you remained tantalizing, but he didn't want to anymore. No, that wasn't it. More than anything, he wanted to have you. He wished to defile you in every way possible for a week straight, but he knew with increasing clarity that he wouldn't if it meant you might die for real. 
He was a selfish, Godless monster. He needed the option to turn you should anything happen to you, or if you decided to fall with him. All he wanted…was to be with you for as long as possible. He rumbled from the internal conflict as he brushed a palm down your calves and licked them.
He looked at you again and noted your complete ease and openness with him, a stark contrast from the paralyzing fear of when you first met. He preferred your bliss. You were lovely, warm, and willing. It would be so easy to take you. You were his. His to fuck, his to devour, and you were an absolutely scrumptious morsel. But at the thought of an existence without you, the void in his chest that did not beat ached.
Nothing was happening. Your eyes fluttered open before alarm seized you. There was blood trailing down his eyes! Gasping, your hands shot out to hold him, your heart throbbing at your vampire's expression – he was a broken man. 
Before you could ask if he was okay, he fell over your body to cage you with his arms, his bangs tickling your forehead. "You are a mere human. What have you done to me?" The powerful vampire whimpered, his face furrowed with emotion.
No, the instant gratification was not worth losing you. He got off of you.
”Wait! Don't go!” You scrambled up and reached for his wrist.
–Only to be spun around and sat in his lap with his overly long, gangly arms twined around your waist and neck unnaturally like rope to press the back of your head to his shoulder. He wouldn’t let you see him. 
His steely length wedged between your butt cheeks. You sat facing away from Alucard, disoriented from the sudden shift in mood, quietly panting as you waited for him to do something. He hooked his arms around your knees to cradle you while fingers meandered their way to your open pussy. Vaguely, you were aware of ferrous fluid flowing down the side of your head and neck. 
“Is this about my virginity?” You ventured, parting your legs further to grant him better access. “To turn me?” You had an inkling of an idea of why Alucard refused to take you.
Dexterous digits explored every ridge and valley inside your sheath and you melted into him. The pleasure was such that you regretted holding back for so long because you thought sleeping with the vampire was wrong. Being with him like this was meant to be, and it felt so right. 
His prodding and caresses were expert, yet though you suspected you knew why Alucard dallied with your inevitable penetration, you kept begging to be plumbed. You moaned and wriggled in his lap to try mounting him properly, earning a low, warning growl. 
Shadow hands materialized to grab your wrists and ankles, holding you down snugly on top of him with your back to his chest. He dominated the interaction from below. 
“I alone shall have you in this manner. No one else,” he declared. 
As if anyone else would ever compare. It wasn't like Alucard forever ruined your standards of what to expect from men. “I don't want anyone else, Alucard. Only you,” you clarified. “Alucard…” 
Your hips rocked in an uncoordinated ride of his fingers while he held you captive. No matter how you squirmed, you were unable to impale yourself on your vampire's rod. You whined piteously with need. This wasn’t exactly what you desired, but it was as close as he’d allow without fucking for real. 
The fingers scissored to stretch the ring of muscle before plummeting to the knuckles and continuing to dance. You wailed from the welcome assault. As you twitched, a consideration came to mind and you pouted. "Can't you simply make yourself smaller? When I lick you, I mean."
The wicked vampire cackled and drew you closer to himself. "Fragile little human, you have no understanding of how I must already restrain myself to be with you in this capacity."
“Then let go,” you told him, the phantom limbs thwarting your attempt to turn and look at him. You wanted to reason with him. It was his inhuman size that was an issue. If he was smaller, giving him head should be at least manageable, even if he became more animated.
He chuckled, "Tempting." A sharp talon traced down your throat as you held still with your head tilted up at the lights. "But you would not survive my passion." His tongue replaced the claw and lapped slowly down the same path before nibbling on your throat, causing your skin to pimple into gooseflesh. You tensed, your pussy pulsing with climax nearing as you felt the tingling of every individual hair on your arms with heightened clarity.
“Oh, you do not wish to be bitten, yet you want me to drink from you? Bad girl." You were a sack of boneless limbs, nearly incapacitated by your lover’s devilish ministrations as he read your deepest desires and voiced them. 
Your nails dug into his legs, you stopped breathing as your vision went white, blinded by the dazzling luminescence of the light fixtures above. The tip of a claw pressed against your throat and you winced at the briefest of sharp pains when he opened a tiny wound in the side of your neck. You hissed and tightened around his digits.
The vampire king was on your throat in an instant, lapping up the few droplets that oozed to the surface, moaning as he fed. Pain morphed into pleasure and you arched against him, nearly delirious from the staggering cocktail.
He snickered between licks. "If only I knew you were this partial to pleasure from the beginning.”
Alucard simulated intercourse. He pistoned against your rump with his fingers buried to the hilt inside your snatch. You spasmed from the relentless, ravenous assault as you moved as one.
At last you strained, shuddering around his digits as he sprayed your back and crack. His semen was indeed cool.
Sure enough, his face was now clean of his tears. Neither was there evidence of any blood on your back. It was as if Alucard never broke down. You reached back to stroke his hair, twisting around as much as possible to gently kiss his temple as he rocked up and down to fuck his essence back between your mounds.
You crumbled into his chest to rest. “How am I still a virgin after everything we do?" You questioned with a mouth full of cotton.
"You are a virgin according to vampire laws." He pecked your cheek.
You muttered, "I told you your vampire rules are stupid." He threw his head back, laughing raucously at your willful comment and pulled you tighter to himself. His teeth had retracted back behind his lip and he pressed his face to yours with a tender smile. "I adore you, sweet human."
~To be Continued~
Next Chapter: A New Home
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transmascaraa · 9 months
!christmas special!
"Just for you"
gf!furina x gn!reader
author's note: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THE ONES THAT CELEBRATE IT!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR LIKING MY POSTS! all of that encouraged me to to try and write a fanfic instead of hcs this time, as a special! i wish you all a very happy christmas and hope that all of you are doing well! i hope you like this!
"i was blessed to have met you at all..."
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You and Furina have been dating for about a year now, and it's finally Christmas time... The time that people celebrate and get gifts under a tree... The time that everybody has fun at.
You weren't really as hyped up for it as everyone else was, but you still wanted to keep the tradition going. And what made it easier, was that you were getting a gift for you dear girlfriend, Furina.
She, on the other hand, was very excited for this time of the year. The beautiful lights, the city at night, and just the whole atmosphere of Fontaine. It made her smile. It made her happy.
So you had to do it.
You decided to go to the store early in the morning, before Furina woke up. Just so she wouldn't panic, you left a little note on her nightstand.
"i'm at the store, don't worry<3"
And just like that, she was left alone in the bed, sleeping peacefully as you went out.
When you got there, you could just see how decorated it was, even inside the stores. So, with that, you rushed to the plushies section.
Furina loved plushies, and had a bit too many of them. But there's never enough plushies for the love of your life!
You put a little blue jellyfish in the cart, and a fluffy white cat, and a dragon... You didn't even look at the price. No money was worth more than that sweet and grateful smile she will have on her face once she sees her gifts.
Finally, after paying for all of that, which wasn't so cheap, you started to head home.
On the way back, you saw a small jewelry shop.
"joyaux d'amour" (i used google translate "gems of love" idk if it's the real translation)
It wasn't popular, and when you entered, you didn't understand why. Beautiful necklaces, rings and earrings were on display. Diamonds, amethysts, sapphires,... you name it.
"Uhm, hello. I'm here to get a Christmas gift for my girlfriend... any recommendations?" you asked the lady who was in charge of the store.
"Of course! This beautiful sapphire necklace, this diamond ring here if you're planning to propose, these ruby earrings..." the lady quickly recommended you a lot of options, but you couldn't take your eyes off of the sapphire necklace.
"I'll have the necklace." you pointed at it.
"Okay, let me just put it in a box for you..." she took it in and put it in a little light blue box for you.
"Here you go. Happy holidays, and Merry Christmas!" she exclaimed as she waved at you.
"Thank you ma'am, Merry Christmas to you too." you waved back to her, and finally left the shop.
After you finally got home, you realized that Furina was still sound asleep in the bed, she hasn't even moved a single bit. She must've been really tired last night... Still, that gave you enough time to wrap up the presents that you got her!
You quickly went to the living room and started packing the gifts.
The plushies in shiny red wrap, and the necklace still in the box, and in yellow wrap.
When you finished, you left them under the Christmas tree and went back to the bedroom, only to find your sweet girlfriend waking up from her deep slumber.
"G'morning, my love!..." Furina smiled at you as she stretched out her arms.
"Good morning, my dear! Merry Christmas!" you smiled back at her in a happy tone.
"Oh yeah, Merry Christmas to you too!" she giggled and slowly got out of bed to hug you.
"I got you some gifts, they're under the Christmas tree."
"Gifts? Under the Christmas tree? Aww... you shouldn't have... But i didn't get you anything in return... i'm sorry..." she apologized as she looked up at you.
"No, it's okay, i was blessed to have met you at all, so it's enough." you softly kissed her forehead.
"You're so sweet... C'mon, let's go open my presents!" suddenly, she grabbed you by the hand and lead you to the living room.
"I hope you like them..." you said to her as she already sat on the floor next to the Christmas tree, in her pajamas.
Then, she started opening the gifts. First, the plushies. The smile she had on her was undescribable.
"Oh my, they're so cute!" she hugged each one of them.
When she got to the necklace, she smiled widely, put it on, and got up to hold you tight.
"Thank you so so so much, my love! This is the best Christmas i've ever had!" she kissed your cheek as another "thank you".
"Just for you, my dear."
first time posting a fanfic and i'm so insecure bro😭
is it even good???
pls tell me but anyways i hope you guys have a merry christmas and happy holidays! i love you all!
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jeankluv · 9 months
Snow on the beach || Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
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Words: 3.5k
Warnings: angst, blood, deathly disease (amber lead), law’s past, doffy (again)
Notes: the warning are all for the flashback, the flashback is in iliac form. Enjoy this new chapter and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it, if you don’t please have a nice evening and take care of yourself ❤️
Previous chapter || Materialist || Next chapter
Chapter X: 7 days for the trip
The snow fell for days after Law left. You had been happy to see snow for the first time but you had also been extremely sad for not being able to share those moments with Law. It had been over two weeks since Law had left and you hadn't heard from him, Corazon had told you that he was fine and very busy, that's why he hadn't called. You had given him Nami's house phone to give it to Law so you could talk, but during that time the phone never rang.
Now you were in the living room coach reading while having music in the background. Nami had gone out a few minutes ago to run some errands and you had decided to take advantage of that time to read the book she had lent you. You couldn't stop thinking about how lucky you had been to have met the people you had met. You had arrived in that town almost two months ago and everyone had welcomed you with open arms. You wish you could talk to your 16-year-old self and tell her that everything would be okay, that you would find that group of people who would make you feel cared for and loved.
You began to turn the pages, as the minutes passed. Half an hour had passed when a knock on the apartment door brought you out of your reading.
You put the book aside and got up from the couch. You walked to the door and opened it to see Robin, smiling at you.
“Robin!” You smiled widely.
Despite having been with her for a short time, how little you had known her and what others had told you about her, you felt that you could be yourself with her.
“Hello y/n!” She hugged you. “How have you been?”
“Good, please come in.” You stepped aside and let her in. “I thought you weren’t coming until two days.”
“I was able to leave earlier, I had some early classes so there was no problem.” She gave you a sweet smile.
“Oh.” You nodded, she was so elegant and also intelligent.
“Tell me, how is it to live with Nami?”
“It’s really fun.” You said walking towards the kitchen. “I can’t compare her with anyone, this is my first time living with someone else but I’m really having so much.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” She said while grabbing the cup you gave her. “Thank you. Are you excited for the trip?”
“Yep.” You said making a noise in the p. “It would be fun.”
“Is Law coming?” Your heart stopped pumping for a second. Was he? You didn’t think he would, you wished but the chances were really small, hell, he might not even come for Christmas.
“I… I don’t know.” You let out with a sigh.
“You haven’t been able to talk with him?” You shook your head. “Mhm… and Corazon he…?”
“He doesn’t know anything, although I’m eating with him today, so I will try to get some info.”
“That’s good. I hope he comes.” She smiles. “Your whole face lights up when you talk about him.”
“That’s not…” You tried to explain yourself.
“Y/n even Luffy has noticed it.” She winked at you and walked to the living room, leaving you with a red face in the kitchen.
You sighed, you needed to control yourself from turning red or else everyone would notice how into Law you were. You hung out with Robin until it was time for you to meet Corazon for lunch. You said goodbye to Robin and took the bus towards his house and to which for a time where yours was too.
The trip was shorter than you remember and you realized you were already getting out of the bus. You smiled when you saw. Corazon outside of his house playing with Bepo, when he saw you he waved and you did the same. Bepo started running towards you, moving his tail and happily licking your palm.
“Hello Bepo.” You smiled, petting him. “Good boy.” You praised him.”
You walked with him to where Corazon was and he gave you a hug.
“I’m so glad you came. I missed you so much.” He said while still hugging.
“I missed you too. It’s weird not being here.” You sadly smile. “But living with Nami is nice.”
“That’s good…” He looked at you. “Sadly now I need to deal with Mrs.Smith’s grandson.” He sighed.
“The grandson?” You tilted your head.
“Yeah, he came here and is staying for I don’t know how long. But he is…” He sighed again. “Complicated.
“Oh… I thought Mrs. Smith didn’t have a family.”
“She has.”
“So…” You started to think, this was the reason why Mrs. Smith told you to leave?
“Mhm?” You came back to reality. “Oh nothing, don’t worry.” You smiled. “Why don’t we go inside and start preparing everything to eat?”
“Yes.” He grabbed your shoulders.
You followed Corazon right to the kitchen, you smiled when you saw that it was a mess. Law was right when he mentioned that he was a disaster in the kitchen and honestly you were no better. You just hoped you didn’t burn the house down during the day. With Corazon, you prepared a simple plate of pasta, fortunately no one was harmed and nothing was burned.
You sat in front of him and finally let out the question you were dying to ask since you stepped out of that bus earlier.
“Do you know anything about Law?” You said poking a macaroni off your plate.
He shook his head. “He hasn’t called, I’m sure he is busy. Don’t worry.”
You bite your inner cheek, you knew Corazon didn’t know the truth and you had the need to tell him. He was his son, he needed to know, but you also thought it wasn’t your place to tell him. But Law could be in danger and he could do something, right?
“Y/n stop thinking so much.” He spoke. “He will be okay.”
“But he…” You stopped talking and looked down to your palms, what could you do?
“I know…” He let out and you looked at him back. “I know the truth and I know he will be alright.”
“You know?” He nodded.
“Yeah, I found out days after Law left.” He sighed. “Found some notes and old bills, I called him after that and he told me everything. He assured me everything was okay and that there was nothing to worry about.” He touched his forehead. “But honestly it makes me so sad that he has been enduring all this on his own. He was just a kid when everything in his life went down and I thought that us moving here was going to give him the peace and calm he deserved.” You saw how he started to get teary. “But I was wrong and my poor boy was still suffering.”
You tried to find the right words but your heart was aching for the thought of Law.
“Did Law tell you I am not his real dad?” You opened your eyes.
“Wait… I thought.”
Corazon shook his head and smiled “I meant Law when he was 10. At the time I was working undercover on my brother's organization.”
Corazon entered the room in silence, his brother was in front and the rest of the family members, like Doflamingo liked to call them were sat around a large table. Corazon walked a few steps when he fell to the ground. He slipped with something or maybe he was just being clumsy as usual. He heard the laughter of the kids, Baby5 and Buffalo.
It was then when he noticed the presence of another kid. He was skinny, really pale and with big big dark circles under his eyes. The kid rolled his eyes when he saw him.
Corazon stood up and sat next to his brother, listening to him talk about how they were going to pass the drugs to a new contact they had in the south. But he couldn’t concentrate, his thoughts were on that kid, why did he end up here? Kids shouldn’t be part of this world.
He learned that the name was Law, Trafalgar Law and was 10 years old.
The days started to pass and he noticed the white spots on the boys body, he quickly figured out what it was. Amber Lead diseas, he heard about it but thought everyone that had it was already dead. His heart attached with the thought of that poor kid losing his family to that deadly illness.
He tried for weeks to make the kid leave, by treating him badly, pushing him away or anything. But he stood there, he seemed not to care at all.
It wasn’t until he heard the kid talking with his brother that the body had lost all hopes and all meaning of life.
“I want to destroy the whole world before dying.” A shiver ran through his body when the 10-year-old boy said those words.
And it hit him, if he didn’t help him, he would become like his brother. Someone full of hate and anger in his heart. He started searching for information about the illness, looking for doctors and leaving his main mission to the side. He knew Sengoku was going to reprimand him but he didn’t care. He needed to help that kid and not let him fall like his brother did.
It had been three months since Corazon met Law when this one stabbed him on the back. But it didn’t hurt. It was not comparable to the pain that poor child was suffering.
Corazon kept researching, while keeping a low profile and continuing his mission. It wasn’t until he heard Law’s full name that he knew the mission needed to be left aside and get that kid to safety as soon as he could.
Trafalgar D. Water Law. The D. That letter his brother despised so much.
He took Law out of there and once they were far away from the other two kids, he talked to him.
Law was left speechless, that man could talk? Doflamingo said he couldn’t, not after the trauma he suffered.
“You have been lying.” He said.
Corazon sighed. “That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you leave my brother’s side or he will kill you once he finds out about the D in your name.” Law raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t care.” Law said, not showing a sign of emotion. “I will be dead before I turn 13.”
Corazon bite his inner cheek. There was a possibility of saving him, but that meant leaving the mission aside and probably losing everything he earned during his time in the academy.
But he couldn’t care less. He needed to save Law from his cracked date and from becoming a monster like his brother. He knew there was good on that kid and he was not going to give up on it.
“You are coming with me.” Law was small and very light, so it wasn’t difficult for Corazon to carry him and start walking away from that “family”.
“Wait, what?!” Law shouted and started to move, trying to break free. “Where are we going?”
“I think there might be a cure for your illness and I’m going to save you.”
The journey began but Corazon did not expect to encounter obstacles so soon. The doctor he was looking for apparently no longer worked at that hospital, but he was now at another one. When he tried to get the doctors there to see Law, they simply screamed in terror. Causing Law to run away from the apology. Corazon felt his body burn with fury when he saw that poor Law had walked out of there like that.
The days turned into weeks, in each hospital always the same reaction, no one wanted to treat him. Weeks turned into months and Law started to get worse, his skin was even paler and he had lost a lot of weight.
“We will be staying here for a couple of days.” Corazon whispered while he was carrying Law, who was almost asleep. “See if your fever lowers a little bit.” And he put him on the bed.
“I will die soon.” Law whispered.
Law fell asleep minutes after that and Corazon drowned his sorrows in the cheap alcohol of that motel while he looked at the moon and cried because he couldn't do anything for that child.
“Law…” He touched his cheek. “You’re still a rude little boy. And hearing you say “I will die soon” is…” He took a deep breath, trying not to cry so much. “… heartbreaking.” He let out, whipping away the tears that were rolling down his face. “You… stabbed me that day… but it didn’t hurt at all. I know you were the one that was in pain.” Corazon couldn’t stop crying at that moment and walked away, not knowing that Law heard everything and also started crying.
Corazon was woken up by Law’s voice calling.
“Cora-San.” The young kid said. “We should go and eat some breakfast.”
Corazon scratched his eyes, had he heard correctly? “Did you just… call me Cora-San?” Law shrugged and Corazon smiled as she picked him up and laughed.
“Put me down!” Law shouted. “Or I will call you Corazon once again.”
“Alright, alright.” He said laughing. “You feeling better?” He touched his forehead slightly to make sure the fever was over.
Law nodded and they both went to the hotel cafeteria for breakfast. While Law finished breakfast, Corazon made a couple of calls. He knew that Law didn't have long left, but he believed that the information he had obtained this time was correct and would lead them to that doctor.
They traveled hundreds of thousands of kilometers until they finally reached a village in the mountains, where there were barely a hundred inhabitants. The surprise came when Corazon found out that that famous doctor lived even more isolated, in the forest to be more exact, and that most people considered him crazy.
Corazon put those ideas out of his head and with Law in tow he left for that place that the villagers had indicated him. The journey was hard, due to the thick snow that made him sink under his feet and the cold that hammered his bones. Law was fast asleep on his back, his fever had returned and he barely had any strength.
But finally, as the last ray of day faded, they reached the little cabin. Corazon staggered and knocked lightly on the door, barely having any strength left to stand. He heard some murmurings inside and when they opened the door, he could see the figure of a man with a big hat.
Before fading right there, Corazon said. “Please help him…” And everything went dark.
When Corazon came back, he could feel heat and the smell of food. He opened his eyes to see an older woman sitting reading a book. She looked at him and put the book next to her.
“If you are going to stand up, do it calmly. I don’t want to carry your two meters tall body again.” Corazon did as she told him. “I’m Kureha.” She said crossing her legs.
“Rosinante.” He said, touching his head. “But everyone knows me as Corazon.”
She nodded. “So the kid wasn’t lying when he said your name was Corazon.” Corazon opened his eyes.
“Law! Where is he?”
“He is alright, he will be alright.” Corazon felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. “Hiriluk is taking care of him.”
“Thank god.” He sighed in relief.
“We were surprised when we saw he had the Amber Lead disease, though everyone died from it. At least that’s what the government made us believe.” She took a bottle of wine for the shelf and started drinking it.
“He is the only survivor.”
“Well it’s a good thing you brought him on time.” A man spoke, Corazon looked at him, he guessed he was the man that the lady mentioned. “He will be alright, but you will need to stay here for a bit before leaving.” Corazon nodded. “I want to make sure his liver expels all the lead from him.”
“Sure… How much I need to…” Corazon stood up.
“If you think I’m going to let you pay me something, you are wrong.” He sat beside the lady, who was still drinking. “I’m a doctor, I’m here to help people.” He then looked at Corazon. “I’m also a father and I know what it is to see your kid suffering and to be desperate to help them. So now focus on resting and everything will be better.”
Corazon nodded and walked to the room where Law was asleep. He sat next to him and in silence he watched him peacefully rest. Maybe he was going to be able to have a peaceful life after all.
Five weeks passed since they arrived at the cabin. Law had gained weight and little by little the white spots on his skin had begun to disappear, although he continued to spend his days in bed, mostly reading or playing with Hiriluk's son, named Chopper. He was only four years old but he liked to play doctor with Law and Law would occasionally read him a medical book that Hiriluk had lying around, even though Chopper didn't understand what Law was reading to him. That day Corazon went down to town, he had to do some shopping, Hiriluk was already doing enough for them, other than being the one who went up and down to buy provisions.
Corazon started going through the forest once he bought everything he needed for the house.
“Brother.” He heard.
His blood froze when he heard that voice, how was it possible? It couldn't be that he was here, it couldn't be. He had to keep pretending, keep making him believe he was on his side and keep him away from Law.
“Stop pretending my dear brother.” He spoke again.
Corazon turned around and looked at him, he was there standing,with a gun in his hand. That was his end, his brother knew everything and like he did with his father he was going to kill him, in that place.
“How?” He whispered.
“Nothing escapes from me, my dear brother.” He smirked. “You thought you could fool me? Mhm you were wrong.”
Corazon frowned and gritted his teeth. “Leave and you will never see me again, I won’t even sell your information to anyone. But go away.”
Doflamingo shook his head. “Where is Law?”
“Leave him alone.”
“I need the kid. Now tell me where is he.”
“Leave him. He is far away from here, you can’t catch him anymore.” Corazon shouted. “Now he is free!”
And then Corazon felt it, like the bullet passed through him, first one and then another and another. The snow around him began to turn crimson and his brother's footsteps began to move away, not only from him but also from the cabin where Law was. He smiled because if he died at least he knew Law would be okay, he could have a peaceful life and he could grow up. Everything would be fine.
“Fortunately I was found by Kureha and I survived.” Corazon sighed. “Then we moved here, Kureha worked some years ago at the local hospital and said it was a peaceful place where my brother wouldn’t find us.” He looked at you. “Don’t cry, it’s all in the past.”
You scrunched your nose and took the handkerchief Corazon handed you. “It hurts me to think that you and Law had to go through all that. Law was so little…” You cried again. “I'm so glad you were there for him and… that you survived that.” Corazon smiled at you and shook his head. “But… Law is with him now, what if…”
“Law is intelligent, he knows what to do and I believe in him. He will come back to us.” He gave you a smile with which you could feel immense relief. Corazon trusts Law and you should do the same too.
“Thank you for telling me this.”
“You’re important to Law, you deserve to know.” And you smiled.
After you calmed down a bit and became calmer, you finished eating and helped Corazon pick up and wash everything. By the time you realized it, the sun was already setting.
You went down the stairs from the porch of Corazon's house, you were still thinking about everything the two of you had talked about. Your heart was still agitated by all the new information. You were walking with Corazon heading towards his car, when you heard a door open, you knew that noise, it was the door of the house where you had been staying. You heard Corazon turn and greet the person leaving the house, Mrs. Smith's grandson you assumed.
Your eyes searched for the figure of the person who now occupied the place where you had been staying weeks ago. You felt the food you had just eaten rise to your mouth and the desire to vomit took over you, when you saw the person's face.
Eustass Kidd
Final note: no Law in this chapter but we got Law’s and Corazon’s past, the backstory is similar to the canon story but making a few changes, bc obviously I couldn’t introduce devil fruits in a modern fanfic, so decided to include Hiriluk and Kureha as part of Law’s and Corazon’s backstory. Also a bit of a cliffhanger with that ending. I hope you enjoyed it and please let me know in comments what you thought about it 🫶
Tag list: @smolracoon25 @phsycochan @punem699 @norasincubi @myeahnaise
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 2 years
In the Dead of Solstice Night (Pre Coming Home Oneshot)
Azriel x Reader
Hiiii! Merry Christmas, to all who celebrate it <3 I really wanted to get something out in time for Christmas (and while I'm finishing up the next part of Fireleaf), and I've had this in my drafts for a while.
This is a oneshot set in the Coming Home universe, before reader ever went travelling - a sort of reimagining, where something happens between Az and Y/N on Solstice night one year. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: SMUT.
The silence was stifling, considering the noise that had filled the Town House only a matter of hours before. 
The sounds of laughter, of talking, of the roaring fire — all of it had been swept away by the late hour and replaced by a peaceful quiet. The day of wonderful chaos should have made it easy for you to drift off to sleep — but there you were, laying in your bed, your eyes pinned wide on the ceiling. 
Down the hall, in their own respective bedrooms, Rhys, Mor, Cassian and Amren were already sleeping soundly, their bellies full of food and drink — or blood, in Amren’s case. Your fae hearing easily picked up on the sounds of their heavy breathing, the occasional rustle of the sheets if they tossed or turned in bed. 
And it made you all too aware of the fact that Azriel hadn’t ventured up to his own room. 
Not that you weren’t already hyper aware of his movements, fae hearing or no. 
The two of you had been the last ones left in the sitting room after everyone else had retired, talking until the embers of the fire were dying and even the faelights had begun to dim. And when you’d decided to turn in yourself, you’d bid Azriel goodnight and left him to bury his nose in the book you had bought him, his wings draped over the armchair he was curled up in. 
The hours had passed, and sleep had evaded you. You’d waited to hear the sounds of his feet climbing the stairs, the creak of his door opening, but—nothing. Maybe he’d fallen asleep reading. Or maybe he’d gone flying, as you knew he often did when he was too wired for rest.
Curiosity got the better of you. 
Before you could reason with yourself, you were slipping out of bed and shucking on a loose silk robe. You tried to be as silent as possible as you padded from the room and headed for the stairs. 
The rational part of your brain questioned why it even mattered to you that Azriel hadn’t retired to bed. He was just…your friend. Your older brother’s best friend. One of the few people who had been a constant in your life. 
But you’d undoubtedly been growing closer, nearing your twentieth year of life. You enjoyed his company — perhaps a bit more than anyone else’s — and you found yourself thinking about him, wondering what he was doing, in idle moments of quiet. 
Gods, you probably annoyed the hell out of him. He probably merely tolerated your clear attraction to him because he did care for you, because you were Rhys’s sister. Maybe he hadn’t stayed at the Town House at all, and had, in fact, wandered off into the night to get up to the Mother knew what. Maybe he’d secretly met with a lover you knew nothing about—
You stepped off the bottom stair, the heat of the fire still breathing through the sitting room and snaking out into the hallway. Through the gap in the door, you could just make out the dim winking of the faelights. And the dark figure hunched in the armchair, the shadows around him just as still. 
The bite of relief you felt was shameful. So he hadn’t wandered off for a secret rendezvous
Not that it was any of your business.
You gently pushed the door open, taking in the sight of his sleeping figure. His dark hair fell about his perfect face with his head angled back, the book you’d gifted him still open and pressed against his chest. His chest rose and fell steadily, gently. 
He looked so…peaceful. So rare, to see him so at ease, so vulnerable. Beautiful. Your heart thudded in your chest at the mere sight of him. 
You were almost as stealthy and as silent as him as you walked with careful steps, grabbing a thick throw from the back of the sofa and turning to him. Gently — as gently as you could, so as not to wake him — you eased the book from his hands. 
You’d barely turned to place it on the coffee table when one of those hands grabbed your wrist, and Azriel was shooting upright, going ramrod straight in the armchair. His eyes were blown wide, seeming to search for any potential threat, before they landed on you. 
“Hey,” You breathed, trying not to wince at the tight grip on your wrist. “It’s just me…”
Azriel blinked at you, his heavy breaths audible. It took him a moment to recognise his surroundings, to realise there was no danger — only then did his shoulders relax, his hand letting go of your wrist. 
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” You studied him cautiously. “I was just grabbing you a blanket…and putting your book down…”
Az rubbed his eyes, shifting in the armchair. He glanced at the blanket still in your hand. “Thank you. I didn’t—” He sat forward, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?���
You slipped your hand behind your back. “No.”
“Let me see,” He reached for it, scarred fingers brushing yours. 
“Az, it’s fine—”
But he was already pulling your hand towards him, his eyes checking the delicate skin of your wrist for any indication that he’d been too rough. When he found no such thing, he seemed to relax even more. 
“Thank you—for the blanket.” He inclined his head, letting go of your hand. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep down here.”
“I figured—I mean…I was awake…and I didn’t hear you come upstairs. I was worried you were…cold.”
Gods, you wanted to kick yourself, to go running out of there and hide. It didn’t seem to matter how long you’d known him; speaking to Azriel, gazing at that gorgeous, chiselled face, turned you into a stumbling, stammering mess every time. 
He glanced up at you, his hazel eyes sweeping your face and meeting your gaze. You could feel yourself blushing underneath the intensity of his stare. You cleared your throat. 
“I’ll leave you to it, then,” You murmured, stepping back.
But he grabbed your wrist again. Gentler, this time. The touch feather-like, as though he was doing everything to tamp down on his own strength and be delicate with you. 
You stared at him. Swallowed. Never…never had it been like this — whatever this was. He usually politely ignored your blushing, the way you stumbled and rambled like an idiot. Usually spoke to you like your clear attraction to him wasn’t a giant elephant in the room. 
But this — now — was different. Not in a way you could place a finger on. A strange tension shrouded the two of you, and it seemed to bring his shadows alive. You watched as they coiled around him and slowly reached out towards you. 
You blinked out of your thoughts. Tried to remember how to speak. “What.” Was all you blurted.
“Stay.” Azriel repeated quietly. “If you can’t sleep. We can talk.”
Oh. Oh. That was all this was. The two of you talked all the time, and he was just…thoughtful. Not wanting you to be alone while sleep was evading you, even though he’d been slumbering happily himself, moments before. Your thoughts ran away with you for a second there—
“I had fun at Rita’s the other night.” The words fell from your mouth unprompted.
Az’s lips twitched. “I noticed.”
Your cheeks burned with what felt like the heat of a thousand suns. Rhys finally relenting and letting you join the others for nights out in Velaris was a relatively new thing, and maybe you’d let a little too loose. Had a few too many drinks. 
“Was I embarrassing?” You grimaced. “That faerie wine is something else—”
“You weren’t embarrassing.” Azriel cut you off. “I liked it — watching you enjoy yourself.”
Your eyes flicked up to meet his. And his were…smouldering…fierce, as they bore into yours. A soft smile tugged at your lips. “I was hoping you would dance with me.”
“You weren’t short of offers. You didn’t need me wading in.”
“…You were the only one I wanted to dance with, though.”
Silence. Your candid admission was met with utter silence. Never had you been so…so forward. 
Your feelings for Az were undoubtedly blatant, but…they’d always been an elephant in the room. Something you tiptoed around and never openly acknowledged. 
Until now, clearly.
You met his eyes again. Found him just…staring. Staring deeply at you. He licked his lips and glanced down. 
“It’s late.” He said quietly. “We should both get to sleep.”
You pursed your lips, the dismissal stinging. “What happened to talking?”
“I think it’s best that we call it a night.” He swallowed. “Before we get ourselves into trouble.”
You frowned down at your hands. Trouble. Was that how he saw you? A fine line teetering on the edge of danger, of poor choices?
“I don’t see how we can get ourselves into trouble by talking.” You said. 
“You know what I’m talking about, Y/N. Get to bed before we forget ourselves—”
“I’m not a child, Azriel. I’m a grown female and I’m perfectly in control—”
“It’s not your control I’m worried about.”
You felt yourself falter. Go still. Because never…never had Az been forward like this. Not that you knew what he was saying, exactly. Your mind was more muddled than it ever had been. But it sounded a hell of a lot like…like maybe he—
“Just go to bed. Please.” He gritted out, his voice gravelly. “Before you say anything else that puts everything at risk.”
He must have read the hurt that stung your eyes. Perhaps that was why he lowered his gaze, refused to meet yours. And why he still didn’t look up as you rose to your feet. 
“Fine.” You rasped, pulling your thin robe around you. Suddenly, you felt colder than ever. “I’ll go to bed. I’m sorry if I ever made you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t.”
His response wasn’t a comfort. Nothing could stop the way your face burned and your eyes pricked with tears — tears of pure humiliation — as you strode to the door. 
But some slither of candour still remained inside you as you turned at the threshold, wanting — needing — to get rid of the truth in your mind. Your eyes landed on Azriel again. He hadn’t moved. 
“You know…” You said quietly. “One of those males I was dancing with asked me to go home with him tonight.”
The fact that you caught the slight shift of his body told you just how unguarded he currently was. He was usually impossible to get a read on, even after years and years of trying. But right then — in that moment — you glimpsed it. It was subtle, but…there. 
He seemed to correct himself as he bit out, “Well, perhaps you should have — gone home with him.”
A laugh void entirely of humour left your lips. And though the sensible thing would have been to leave the room and return to bed, before this — whatever this was — got out of hand…you shut the door, instead. Pressed your back against it as you faced him once more. 
“Is that what would make you feel so much better, Az? Is it what you want? For me to go around sleeping with any male who offers to buy me a dri—”
Your words died in your throat as he launched himself from his seat. With ridiculously big strides, he was in front of you in seconds, his hands slamming too loudly against the door, either side of your head.
“What I want,” he hissed, “is to strip you bare and fuck you until you’re hoarse.”
The slightest stagger of a breath escaped your lips, but that was about all you could manage. His body was so close to yours, so easy to reach out and touch—
“What I wanted,” he continued through gritted teeth, “was to march over to that male you were dancing with in Rita’s and rip his damn hands off. That is why I didn’t dance with you. Because I know what I fucking want, and it wouldn’t have stopped at just a dance.”
“No,” you breathed, “it wouldn’t have done.”
It was perhaps the boldest move you’d ever, ever made as you reached a hand up. You pulled Az’s head down towards yours, and pushing up on the tips of your toes, you pressed your lips together. 
The kiss you gave him was hungry — the kiss you’d thought about giving him for years and years. One that communicated everything you wanted him to know. That you saw him, wanted him, loved him. That you weren’t some fragile little thing for him to dance around. 
There was a split second before a growl was ripping from the depths of his chest. And then he was kissing you back, his hand coming up to tangle within the strands of your hair. He tipped your head back just slightly, his tongue teasing the seam of your mouth. 
“These fucking lips,” he groaned against you. “You have no idea how much I think about them.”
His words had you weak at the knees. “You like my lips?”
“Far more than is sensible.”
“Then why,” you kissed him quick, yanking him against you, “have you never kissed them before?”
He stopped. Held you still as he pulled back — not by much. Just enough to stare down at you. His eyes flickered down to your lips and then back up to meet yours. His tongue swiped over his mouth like he was lapping up the taste of you.
“You’re Rhys’s sister.” He said gruffly. “…But you’re also every single one of my fantasies.”
And fuck if those words didn’t set you on fire. You swallowed, staring up at him. You wanted to show him…to make him see just how much he was every one of your fantasies. 
How much you thought about this. Him. 
You maintained eye contact with him as you grabbed his hand, moving it to your breast. He swallowed hard, his eyes dipping down.
But you didn’t allow him to hover there. Still holding onto his hand, you dragged it down. Down your stomach. Down until it reached the hem of your nightdress. 
His fingers brushed the material, his eyes fluttering shut. It was the only barrier between him and your wetness. No underwear. Nothing to stop him brushing—
Those deft, brilliant fingers dipped beneath your nightgown, and you lifted your hips towards him. Until his hand was at the apex of your thighs. 
“Gods,” he whispered, “you’re soaked.”
“Yes.” You breathed. “This is what you do to me, Az. And I’d much prefer your hand to my own.”
Your words seemed to send a shudder through his body, and he hissed between his teeth as the pads of his fingers found your wetness. He cupped his hand over your sex, slicking himself with your juices. A gasp fell from your throat.
“Is this what you want?” Azriel asked you, his thumb inching up to rest on your clit. “There?”
You hissed, hips jerking, and Az smirked. But there was no chance for you to breathe another word — or another sound — as he dipped his head and lowered his mouth to yours once more.
His kiss was firm, bruising, as his thumb began slow, indolent circles on your clit, made all the more delicious by the scrape of his calluses. You heard yourself whimper against his lips, felt him smile at the sound. 
He broke the kiss, teeth grazing your lips. “And what else do you want?” 
The slight pressure he applied had your hips bucking again. “You,” you gasped. “Your fingers. You. Inside me.”
“Fuck, Y/N.”
His hazel eyes flared, and never had you seen them so burning, so vibrant, like your words awoke something in him. And his fingers…gods, his fingers were more skilled than you could ever have imagined. He’d done no more than rub at your clit, and already your legs were trembling. You grabbed his arm, steadying yourself.
“Please,” you pulled his head down to meet yours again. “I want you.”
With a growl, he was all over you, his lips clashing against yours as he slipped a finger inside you. The moan that escaped you was lost immediately in the huff of your heavy breathing, mingling and twining with his.
“If we do this,” Az breathed, pumping his finger, “there’s no going back.”
That was what you wanted. Him, in every which way possible. Against the door or the wall, or on the sofa or the floor, upstairs or downstairs—
Az seemed to read those very thoughts on your face, and with an animalistic noise that had you clenching around his fingers, he pulled his hand from between your legs and hoisted you up into his arms, locking you tightly around him.
He didn’t stumble with you far, tucking his wings in and perching you on the back of the sofa. He slotted himself between your thighs. And went still. Stared down at you.
“Y/N, I—” He cut himself off, swallowing. “I want — need — to know that you’re sure about this. This could change a lot….”
You’d spent so many years wanting him, craving him. Thinking about him and watching him. Knowing that he discreetly took lovers. Knowing that he was probably keenly aware of your feelings this whole time. The fact that he was even questioning your certainty seemed ludicrous…
And yet, it made your heart flip and thud. Because it was Az all over — caring and attentive. Loving. Always, always good.
You met his gaze. Raised one hand to cup his cheek. And used the other hand to reach for the buttons of his trousers. 
“I’ve never been more sure about anything.” You whispered, fingering the top button. “I’ve wanted you, Azriel, for a very, very long time.”
His eyes fell down to watch your fingers, and you could have sworn you heard his heart picking up and thudding. Heard a shuddered breath slip past his lips. 
And then he was kissing you once more. Soft. Slow. His hands gently rubbing your arms. He left enough space between you for you to undo every button. And you did.
And then you were shoving those trousers down to the floor. Watching his cock spring free. You found yourself gulping at the mere sight of him. 
All those jesting speculations you’d heard about wingspan correlating with the size of other body parts. It didn’t seem much like speculation to you. Az was thick…long…hard.
You wanted every inch of him inside you.
Slowly, you wrapped a hand around his cock — or tried to. Az hissed between his teeth, his eyes not once looking away. His hips jerked as you began to languidly pump his shaft, your thumb circling the head and mopping up the small pool of moisture that had gathered there.
“Gods,” Azriel choked. “No—no games.”
You hummed, trilling a soft laugh. “No?”
“No—I want to be inside you.”
You smirked, dipping your head. Your lips were inches from his cock as you flicked your eyes up to meet his. But he made no move to stop you. He merely watched, his chest heaving, as you poked your tongue out and swirled it around the head
He grunted, hips bucking. He seemed to be using every bit of his willpower not to thrust right into your mouth. No matter how much you wanted him to—
“No games,” he repeated, gently threading his fingers in your hair. “Wicked little thing.”
“You don’t want—”
“I want,” he pulled you up, kissing you quick, “you. I want you.”
Words you’d waited so, so long to hear, and they were as much of a song as you’d fantasised. For years. In the dead of night, with your hand between your legs. Or sometimes at sadder moments, when you’d cried and considered the possibility that Az would never, ever say such things to you. 
And yet here he was. Saying them. Sending a shiver coursing through you.
He cupped your face in both his hands, leaning down to brush his lips against yours. And he was so gentle, so tender. There was nothing but pure adoration in the delicate way he handled you.
Az took the reins from there, ruching your nightgown up around your waist. He kissed you again and again and again. As he hoisted your legs up around him. As he grabbed his cock in his hand and dragged it through your folds, slicking himself up with your wetness and giving a few slow strokes to your clit. 
As he aligned himself with your entrance and pushed in. 
Just the tip. Even that stretched you, had a bite of pain pinching you that was strangely pleasurable and had you gasping against Az’s mouth. His hips stilled, and he pulled back just enough to meet your eyes. 
“Want me to stop?” He whispered.
“No.” You immediately shook your head. “No. Keep going.”
A soft smile tugged at his lips, and he cupped the back of your head, threading his fingers within your hair. His lips found yours again as he pushed in a little further.
Pain and pleasure. Pleasure and pain. It was heady and wonderful, and you didn’t know whether you wanted to kiss him or cry his name or touch him all over, all at once. 
A little further. He pulled out to the tip, pushing in again. Again.
He took his time allowing you to adjust. Allowing that pinch of pain to shift into full-fledged pleasure. And when finally — finally — he was pushed in to the hilt, he tore his mouth from yours and gazed at you.
The gaze was…gentle. Loving. Open. And you were more grateful for that than he could ever imagine. That he was willing to be open with you. Willing to bare himself like you were baring yourself.
And then he pulled out to the tip once more. And truly began to thrust. 
“You don’t even know,” Azriel gasped, hips rolling, “how much I think about you. How much I try not to. You’re always there — on my mind.”
You did know. Gods, you did. Az had been consuming you since you’d been capable of harbouring such feelings. He was everything. Absolutely everything—
“Gods, you feel so good around me.” He groaned. His rough hands grabbed at your hips, hoisting you up. 
The two of you were frenzied and unstoppable as he pounded into you, and it took every bit of control you possessed to keep your voices down, to maintain your moans and noises in hushed tones. 
But Az inside of you was like nothing else you’d ever felt. And as his thrusts picked up, his hips moving faster, harder, you became him and he became you. One unit of nothing but unbridled elation and pleasure.
You pulled him flush against you, your nails grazing his wings, and you felt his hips falter, his face burying the crook of your neck. You heard him whimper, the chanted “gods, gods, gods” as he slammed into you and reached between you to rub at your clit. 
You lost it, then, release an unforgiving force barrelling through every single part of your body. Your head fell back, and a cry tore through your throat that Az smothered with a hand, cupping his palm over your mouth as his thrusts, somehow, picked up even more.
“I can’t—” He choked, slamming his other hand against the sofa to steady himself. “Oh gods.”
That was all the warning you got before he thrust three more times, hard, fast, his skin slapping yours, before his hips staggered. And then he was coming deep inside you, huffing breathless moans and noises into your neck. 
He collapsed against you, and you held him, utterly spent and utterly blissful. There was something soothing in the heavy rise and fall of his chest against you – like you and he were the only two people left in the world. All other sounds and images and smells had melted away, and it was just you. You and Azriel. The way you had dreamed it one day would be.
You were surprised to find a tear rolling down your cheek as you cradled Az’s head to your neck, your eyes screwed shut and your fingers stroking his hair. He was everything to you; a ray of light amongst so many horrors. A reminder that there was still beauty in the world.
And maybe – you hoped – you could be that for him.
“I love you, Az.” You whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head. “I love you.”
Azriel’s body went still, rigid against you. His head jerked up, hazel eyes blown wide and meeting yours. He was undoubtedly a sight, with his tousled hair and flushed cheeks, his swollen lips.
He blinked at you, those swollen lips parting. “...What did you say?”
But there was no chance for you to repeat the admission.
Not as the door flew open.
Az jerked away from you, yanking his trousers up. And you had the sense, somewhere in your roaring mind, to shimmy your nightgown back down.
It was all entirely pointless, though. If the sight of you both didn’t immediately give away what you’d just been doing, the smell of sex in the air certainly did.
And Cassian knew that, as he stood in the doorway, his hair mussed from sleep and just a low-waisted pair of lounge trousers hanging on his hips.
He stared between you and Az. Took in the sight of you both. Azriel cleared his throat, fastening the buttons on his trousers. Ran a hand through his hair for a good measure. You could practically feel the panic rolling off of him in waves.
But Cassian’s lips kicked into a smirk. He glanced between you once more.
“Well.” He snickered. “It would seem the two of you have had a happy Solstice, indeed.”
all acotar tags: @moonfawnx @writingsbychlo @moonlitcelestial @orangecreamsicle54 @saturnspoet0711 @andahugaroundtheneck @nightscourtt @mysticalcheesecakemiracle @luckypersonmentality @nobody00sthings @kristalhi @tencrushesperday @janzquu @we-were-beautiful @thewarriormoon @cirwin2013 @mrs-azriel @the-kwami-of-fandom-frustration @libraryofathousandstars @daily-dose-of-sass @pixiestix13 @basicbittywitty @simplefan-638 @highlady-ofillyria @false-desire-182 @fictionalcharacterlereasigim @theofficialmadman @kemillfreitas @sledgehammer21-1 @shannonsaid @jtargs @morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @new-adventures-everyday @positivewitch @crushedcloudsx @cartoonnerdgirl @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ssmay123 @linduzmunna @ruler-of-hades @kennedy-brooke @peachyandmoon @ariaaira @topaz125 @blitz-fall @azrielsbbg @gracedarr @swagfreakathletemonger @sfhsgrad-blog @lo0oserlex @ruleroftides @mayabennett03 @vera0124 @mich0731 @balam-sen @luciensbxtch @holywolfsstuff @chloesgoneposts @margssstuff
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silentsneezes · 1 month
HC that Remus is allergic to peppermint (smelling it makes him sneeze all day and eating it gives him hives) and super embarrassed about it bc he doesn't want to be seen as “weak” but Sirius didn't know and made their shared flat smell like peppermint for the Christmas holiday
thank you for the prompt anon! i’ll (hopefully) write another fic eventually that’s more specific to your request, but for now i hope you enjoy 2.1k of a very sneezy R/emus L/upin at the P/otter’s Christmas party
The Potter’s have always been known to throw extraordinary parties. Between James’s charisma as a host and Lily’s beautifully charmed decorations, every ‘Potter Party’- as Sirius calls them- is extravagant. Their Christmas party this year is no different, despite the ongoing wizarding war.
Their house is filled with enchanted garlands that drift through the air, shifting colors through a spectrum of festive hues. A few paintings have been charmed to sing carols when people pass by, whereas others wish people ‘A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.’ There are candles suspended mid-air, casting a warm, flickering glow in every room. The candle’s soft, elegant glow is accompanied with the scent of peppermint. A sweet, sharp aroma with a hint of menthol.
The guests- who are mostly members of the Order- have forgotten about the chaos existing outside of the Potter’s household. Tonight is a night for celebration, nothing else. They’ve all lost so much to the war, and refused to lose Christmas to it too.
Which is why Remus Lupin is walking hand in hand with his boyfriend Sirius, approaching the Potter’s home with an expensive bottle of wine. He’d thought about bringing a different gift, but he and Sirius had both been too busy with missions to get something in time. So he supposes a bottle of Chardonnay will suffice.
Remus lets Sirius knock, watching his boyfriend’s excitement with a little grin. He isn’t necessarily looking forward to spending the night at a party only a few days after the full moon, but he rarely gets to see his friends anymore. Besides, seeing Sirius so happy is reason enough.
As soon as James opens the door, Sirius pulls him into a hug, smiling ear to ear, “Prongs! It’s been too long.”
Remus can’t help but grin, especially when James drunkenly exclaims, “Pads! Moony! My old friends, oh I’m so glad you could make it,” keeping an arm slung around Sirius’s neck.
“Well, I guess you won’t be needing this,” Remus jokes, holding up the bottle of white. James guffaws at the joke, proving Remus’s point as he hiccups after laughing.
Remus steps into the bustling home, smiling as he looks around. It’s relieving, seeing all his friends celebrating and happy; he’d become accustomed to only seeing people at meetings for the Order of the Phoenix, and those were downright depressing.
Tonight, however, is quite the opposite. James pulls Sirius away to get a drink, leaving Remus by the entryway. Remus walks to the kitchen, setting the bottle of wine on the countertop and admiring the decorations.
As a candle floats by, Remus is greeted with an overwhelming scent of peppermint, mingling with the warmth of the festive atmosphere. His eyes immediately start to water, and he can’t help but cough lightly, a telltale tickle forming in his throat.
“Remus! It’s good to see you,” Lily exclaims as she makes her way through the crowded room, “How’ve you been?”
Remus smiles, his discomfort temporarily forgotten as he sees Lily. He accepts her hug, replying, “I’ve been well, all things considered. How are you?”
“I’ve been good, honestly,” Lily says with a smile, a hand placed habitually on her stomach, “We’ve almost finished the nursery, and…”
Remus tries his best to listen as Lily keeps talking, but his body has other ideas. He ducks against his shoulder slightly as he stifles two quick sneezes, “ngt! ngk!”
“Oh, bless you!” Lily says before continuing on, “It really is lovely seeing everyone again.”
Unfortunately, the stifles did nothing to relieve the itch in his nose- an irritating, persistent buzzing. Still, Remus tries to reply, “It is, it’s not often we- hh.. hHngk! ngxt! Excuse me. It’s not often we get together anymore.”
“Bless you Remus,” Lily says with a hint of concern. Sure, Remus sneezing isn’t uncommon, but Lily’s well aware of the full moon cycle and how frequently he falls ill after his transformations, “You’re not sick, are you?”
Remus offers Lily a wry smile, “No, not sick. Just a little sensitive after the full moon, I suppose.”
Lily nods, seemingly buying Remus’s quick dismissal. “So, what’ve-,” she starts, but then Marlene McKinnon spots Lily and shrieks happily.
“Lils!” Marlene exclaims, and a moment later Lily is frisked away into an embrace.
Remus doesn’t mind. In fact, he’s rather grateful for the opportunity to slip away into an unoccupied hallway. His nose has already started twitching again, and he can feel the sharp scent of the peppermint coating his throat.
Remus pinches his nose between his thumb and forefinger, his head bobbing towards his chest as he stifles a series of sneezes in quick succession, “hhnGxt! hd’gsh! ngxk!”
He waits a moment, releasing his nose and taking an experimental breath. Wrong choice.
“hgXxt! hngt! nkXT! hh…. hhGDsxh!”
Remus lets out a little sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose before searching through his pockets for a handkerchief. He almost always carries one, especially leading up to or following the full moon, when his nose is particularly sensitive.
“Hey love. You hiding out over here?” Sirius teases with a smirk, “Or is this just an especially interesting hallway?”
Remus turns around to see Sirius leaning against the wall, a drink in hand. He looks undeniably beautiful, his hair pulled back in a bun and his shirt partially unbuttoned.
Remus rolls his eyes, “Why, are you trying to escape the spotlight Pads?”
Sirius grins, about to quip back when Remus cups a hand over his nose, his shoulders shuddering as he stifles another little fit of sneezes, “hhNGxt! hnxt! hhN’gxt!”
“Bless you, bless you, bless you baby,” Sirius says in a slightly sing-song tone.
“Thanks,” Remus mumbles, but he’s more preoccupied with holding back. His nose is twitching, and he turns away from Sirius slightly as his breath hitches.
Sirius’s smile fades a little, replaced with concern, “You alright Moons?”
“Yeah just- hngt! j-heh-hgt! hxkch! Snf, just a little itch,” he dismisses. Admittedly, it’s much more than that. There’s a constant tickle in his nose and throat, his eyes are itchy and watery, and he can’t keep his nose from twitching.
Sirius raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend, his expression making it evident that he doesn’t believe Remus’s dismissal, “C’mon love, what’s up?”
Sirius moves closer, resting a gentle hand on Remus’s back, “You feeling okay?” He murmurs.
Remus bites his tongue for a moment, debating between admitting his allergy and potentially ruining Sirius’s Christmas, or powering through. Unfortunately for him, his nose chooses something else entirely.
“tschHh!-kKTSch! hh-hNgxt! hhN’Kgtsch!”
“Bless you,” Sirius murmurs as he rubs Remus’s back, “Something setting you off?” He asks, knowing Remus well enough to recognize an allergic reaction.
Remus just nods, knowing he won’t be able to deny it. He keeps a finger curled under his nose, hoping to dissuade the itch.
“How bad is it?” Sirius asks, his worry evident.
“I’m okay, just… c’mon, not agaihhhnGXt! nnG’DSch!”
“Bless you, bless you,” Sirius blesses each stifle as he wraps an arm around Remus’s waist, guiding him towards the backyard to get some fresh air.
Unfortunately for Remus, they pass by not one but two of the floating candles on their way out, and the finger curled under his nose becomes useless in preventing another fit.
“hh- hDtsch! hn’Gxt! hhHGDsch!”
Remus stifles against his finger, letting out a little cough after the triple. On top of the persistent itch in his nose and throat, his eyes are starting to become increasingly irritated and watery. He resists the urge to rub them, knowing it’ll only worsen his discomfort.
“Bless you love,” Sirius says as he opens the back door, keeping his other hand on the small of Remus’s back.
Remus feels a little relief as he steps into the brisk air, a flurry of snowflakes drifting downwards, but he knows the damage has already been done. He’s had a few encounters with peppermint in the past, and he has no doubt he’ll be sneezing all night.
“Better?” Sirius hums, wrapping an arm around Remus’s waist. The werewolf nods, pressing his handkerchief to the base of his nose and sniffling.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s setting you off?” Sirius asks, smirking at his boyfriend, “or are we going to have to play Guess That Allergen.”
Remus rolls his eyes, but he can’t help but grin a little, “You’re an ass.”
“Now now, Moony, we were talking about your sneezy predicament, not my ass,” Sirius teases, “So, what’s-”
“n’Gck! hngXt! hhHDTsch!”
“Bless you, bless you, bless you. What’s setting you off?” Sirius asks, not minding the interruption.
Remus hesitates before letting out a little sigh, realizing there’s no use in trying to dismiss the reaction or imagine an excuse, “The peppermint,” he answers simply. His nose twitches, as if his body is even sensitive to him saying the word, “hhHGXt! hNG’tsch!”
“Bless,” Sirius says with a little frown, suddenly remembering Remus’s last run in with the scent of peppermint at a potions store- it’s safe to say Remus doesn’t go to that store anymore, “Baby why didn’t you say something when we got here? You must’ve realized right away you were allergic.”
Remus lets out a defeated sigh, shrugging and answering, “It’s Christmas, and you’ve been looking forwards to seeing everyone for ages. I figured I… hh… could dhhdeal with-hhGNSxch! hhHtschew! ktsChh! with a little allergic reaction.” Remus lets the last two sneezes out unstifled now that he’s only in Sirius’s company, catching them in the folds of his handkerchief.
“Bless you love,” Sirius murmurs, gently rubbing circles on his boyfriend’s back, “You do realize this is more than a little allergic reaction, right? You look downright miserable.”
Remus doesn’t have the energy to argue with that, and he’d only be lying. The effects of being in the peppermint filled house have already set in, despite him only being inside for eight minutes.
“Let me guess: itchy eyes, itchy throat, and incessant sneezing?” Sirius asks, grinning at the way Remus’s eyes narrow in annoyance, “I’ll take that as a yes. Any rashes?”
Remus shakes his head, holding the handkerchief over his nose again as he feels the itch return with a vengeance, “Not y- hhKTsch! hhtxchew-tscCHh-kkDSch!” The last triple comes too rapidly for him to draw a breath between each of the sneezes, leaving him slightly breathless, “Not yet,” he finishes lamely.
“Bless you,” Sirius says as he presses a kiss to Remus’s cheek, “Why don’t you wait here, I’ll let Lily know we’re heading home,” he suggests gently.
Remus frowns, looking at his boyfriend with a guilty expression, “You don’t have to, I’ll just stay out here for a while. Go enjoy yourself.” He insists, gesturing to the festivities inside.
Sirius grins, rolling his eyes playfully, “Remus Lupin, if you think I’m going to leave you sneezing outside in the cold on Christmas, then you’re poorly mistaken.”
When Remus’s guilty expression doesn’t change, Sirius softens a little, “C’mon, we’ll pick up some food on the way home and we can watch a movie. I’ll even let you pick which one.”
“Sirius-” Remus starts to protest, but Sirius is already opening the door to go back inside, “Don’t move. I’ll be back in a few minutes and then we can head home.”
As guilty as Remus feels, it’s hard to ignore the flush of affection he feels towards his boyfriend. He knows Sirius has been looking forward to this party for ages, but here he is, ready to leave in an instant all because of Remus’s discomfort. Sure, it’s not an ideal situation, but to be loved so unconditionally is something Remus can’t help but cherish.
Before Remus can even reply, Sirius slips back into the bustling house, on a mission to find the hostess. The door remains open for a moment, and Remus is hit with a waft of the intense, biting scent of peppermint. To anyone else, it might be perfectly sweet, but to Remus, it means a night of incessant fits.
“hhTSxchew!-ktsxch! tsxg’t! Ktsch-etschiew!”
Remus’s shoulders shudder as he lets out a series of rapid sneezes into the handkerchief, grateful he’d remembered to bring one with him. Each sneeze is itchy and desperate, tumbling out after one another with no hesitation.
Remus spends the next few minutes caught in a cycle of hitching breaths and little fits, his nose becoming increasingly pinker as he waits for them to subside- though he knows they won’t, not yet, at least.
Luckily for him, Sirius returns before long, leading Remus around to the front of the house and apparating the two of them home.
They spend the rest of the evening curled on the old sofa in their living room, watching Christmas classics and sharing a bottle of wine- Sirius insists that it wasn’t really Christmas if he doesn’t at least get tipsy. Remus keeps a handkerchief in hand the entire time, sneezing every few minutes in quick, rapid fits until they finally start to die down. Sirius, of course, blesses him each time.
All in all, it’s not a terrible Christmas for the couple. After all, they have each other.
The End
i hope someone enjoys this, sorry for the rushed ending and any grammatical/spelling errors!
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winniethewife · 9 months
Like we're right back at the start (Jake Lockley X Reader)
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A/n: I felt it was unfair that both the other Moonboys and Layla get a Holiday fic from my series but Jake didn’t so here’s something For Him. Featuring everyone’s Favorite Cat OC Viejita! (Courtesy to @guruan for the art and the cat) It’s undeniably real will return in the new-year!
Words: 848
She sat on the bed in the flat she shared with Jake, Marc and Steven. She looks across the cluttered apartment. It was home, they had recently decorated the place for the holidays, they had celebrated Hanukah at the beginning of the month, and now it was Christmas Eve, she was really hoping for a Christmas miracle, to have her boy’s back for Christmas. The string lights carefully hung on bookshelves made the small flat feel just that much more cheery. She was waiting for one of her boy’s to walk through the door after a mission, they’d been away for a couple days. she looks at the small pile of presents in the corner. Just as she was about to get up A small dark Hairless cat jumped into her lap.
“Viejita! What is it mi pequeña reina? Hm? You need some Mami cuddles huh?” She looks at the cat giving a her a rub on her head. The cat looks at her lovingly. She was wearing an adorable jumper, blue with snowflakes, keeping her hairless body warm in these colder days.
“Merw!” Viejita head butts her hand as she starts to purr.
“I know, I know. It’s so hard being a kitty. All the love and attention you get, Its just too much.” She coos at the kitten who meows back in turn. They sit like this for a while before the door opens as a familiar face with a Page boy cap comes in.
“Ah, look it’s mis bellas damas…Papi’s home!” Jake laughs as he walks over to them, giving Viejita a scritch on the head and a kiss for his girlfriend. “Hola Mami…looking good…” He murmurs flirtatiously.
“Mmm…you too Papi…” She looks into his eyes, she reaches up to his face, running her thumb along his cheek. “Merry Christmas eve baby.”
“Oh yeah, that’s today isn’t it? I got home just in time.” Jake grins. Viejita Starts Meowing at Jake. He had gotten distracted by his lover, and had stopped petting her, a criminal offence. “Oh I’m so sorry your highness, please forgive me for the error in my ways.” Jake says with a laugh before picking up Viejita and holding her to his chest.
“I think she missed her Papi, like I did.” She stands up next to him and kisses his cheek. “I gotta get Dinner started okay?”
“Okay Mami, Te amo.” Jake smiles at her and as she walks by he reaches to grab her hip, squeezing her softly.
After dinner, Shes standing at the window, watching as the snow falls. She can hear the small snores of the cat on the bed behind her and the water running as Jake does the dishes. She leans on the wall, she swears the whole world seems brighter at this time of year, even though its darker and colder. Her ears prick up as she hears the water shut off, a moment later and she feels Jake’s strong arms wrapped around her, his face nuzzled in her neck, he places a soft kiss there as his hands caresses her sides. He had Changed out of his normal Button up and Slacks for some comfortable dark sweatpants and a Jumper that matched Viejita's, A dark blue with Snowflakes, A Hanukah present from a few weeks ago.
“I’m glad you made it home in time for Christmas. I know you don’t really celebrate…” She leans into his embrace.
“Hermosa, It’s important to you, so it’s important to me. Maldito pájaro estúpido, I’ll be here for you when you need me.” Jake’s voice in her ear is soft and comforting, Words that almost no one else would use to describe him. They stand together enjoying the moment. Watching the snow fall. Jake makes a sound as he remembers something, and he pulls away for a moment
“espera aquí.” He mutters before grabbing something out of his jacket. She looks over her shoulder as she watches him come back over to her a small silver box in hand. “I didn’t exactly…know what to get you, the others they got you stuff and wrapped it up all nice, but…I just remembered when we were gone and…Well you keep singing all those songs and I…Just open it.” Jake tries, but he’s not a man of many words, she smiles as she turns to take the box from him and opens it up to find a bundle of Mistletoe.
“Jake…its perfect.” She smiles as she looks at the small bundle of leaves, it was an unusually sweet thing for Jake to do. He takes the bundle and holds it over their heads.
“Mistletoe kisses eh?” He smirks at her, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Now this, this was very on brand for him. She laughs as she wraps her arms around his neck, closing the distance between them to kiss him. Her soft lips moving against his as he snakes his free hand around her waist. He hums softly into the kiss. This was what he needed to find.
I needed Christmas to find my way back here to you
mi pequeña reina: My little queen
mis bellas damas: my beautiful ladies
Maldito pájaro estúpido: Damn the stupid bird
espera aquí: wait here
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cosmicpearlz · 2 years
at midnight
summary: bringing in the new year with a drastic change was definitely not on your bingo card but here you were.
pairing: xavier thorpe x reader
a/n: hi welcome to the last day of ficmas! i’ve enjoyed writing these everyday and i’m glad everyone else enjoying it too. also merry christmas loves!
the nightshades decided to come back to the school early in order to celebrate the new year with a party. it wasn’t only the members but close friends were allow to come too. principal weems deemed it okay to have it in the nightshades library. bianca, yoko, divina and you were in charge of the decorations while the boys were in charge of food and music.
with the party in full swing, you went to get a slice of pizza after quietly removing yourself from the previous conversation you were in with enid and yoko. “can i have a bite of your pizza?” you didn’t have to even turn around to know that it was xavier, your best friend.
“xavi you can literally get your own pizza.”
“i wanna bite out of yours though,” he shrugs his shoulders not caring about the other slices of pizza. you narrowed your eyes at him and saw that he wasn’t gonna let it go.
huffing, you held out the pizza for him to bite. he grins before leaning down to bite the pizza slice keeping his eyes on you while he did it. why was that so attractive? you always thought xavier was attractive but you knew that you didn’t want to risk the friendship you had with him. so what does one do when in love with their best friend? try to ignore it and hope for the best.
“why are you like this?”
“we always share stuff, why stop now?” he did have a point, you guys shared a lot of stuff. art supplies, notes, homework answers, xavier’s clothes and so much more. people often commented on how you guys were always attached to the hip.
“whatever loser. are you excited for the new year?” you take a bite out of your pizza only for xavier to then take another bite out of said pizza. he nods his head while chewing on the cheesy goodness.
“yeah, i think it’s gonna be a better year then this one.”
“i agree.” you guys ended up just taking turns biting the pizza until it was gone.
“i could go for another slice. you?”
“eh why not.” xavier went to grab another slice before ajax called both of your names to get your attention.
“hey lovebirds, come over here we’re playing uno!” quickly grabbing another slice of pizza and putting it on the plate in your hand, xavier pulls you to the group.
it was the biggest uno game ever. from left to right sat ajax, enid, wednesday, kent, you, xavier, yoko, divina and bianca.
“do you guys always share food like that?” divina pointed to the shared plate between you and xavier.
“don’t ask. they do this all the time for people that claim to not be dating,” ajax shakes his head making eye contact with xavier. xavier felt like he could kill ajax because the boy was the only one who knew of his feelings for you. seeing as he was his best friend besides you.
“focus on the game and how i’m gonna whoop your asses in.”
“oh y/n, tough talk for someone whose gonna lose!” bianca sends a smirk your way. that was your friendship though, super competitive but not too serious. enid dealt the cards and the competitive game began.
“xavier stop looking at my cards!”
“y/n, we’re supposed to be best friends. best friends show each other their cards.”
“no they fucking don’t,” you laughed and gently pushed his face from yours with your free hand that wasn’t hiding your cards.
the game went on for about an hour before the winner called uno and out. it ended up being kent, who wasted no time in bragging. you threw your cards on the floor in front of your legs.
“aww baby, are you mad?” pet names also weren’t unusual in your friendship with xavier. he just didn’t know that the times he called you a pet name, your stomach fluttered and made you melt inside.
“yes. very mad.”
“you’ll be fine. it’s just game.” he wraps your arms around you bringing you into a hug.
“i know i know,” you cuddled a little bit more into his side returning the hug.
everyone grabbed a red cup to prepare for the countdown. you took your place in a small corner of the library because your exhaustion was kicking in. xavier sees you and decided to join you.
“can’t believe it’s about to be a new year.”
“me neither it seemed like christmas came and gone by so quickly.” xavier nods with you agreeing that the end of the year felt so short.
“i’m totally not ready for school to end though.”
“why y/n?”
“i don’t know, just not ready to leave yet?” it was more of a question than a statement. how do you tell him you weren’t ready to not spend pretty much every day together. he steps a little closer to you.
“i understand you to an extent. it’s gonna be weird not seeing everyone every day.” it was like he read your mind, super freaky.
“exactly! i’m gonna miss everyone in the summer even if i’ll see them next school year.”
xavier takes another step closer to you still keeping a small gap in between. “will you miss me?”
“oh xavier, you know i’m gonna miss you. you’re my best friend.” you felt shy under his gaze with those beautiful green eyes.
“what if i don’t wanna be best friends anymore?” your heart dropped at his words. not be best friends anymore? he steps closer to where your noses are almost touching.
“what do you mean by that?” xavier licks his lips glancing down at yours.
“this,” he quickly places his free hand and tugged you into a kiss. it was needy mainly full of tongue and you didn’t mind this at all. you could hear the fireworks go off from the town but all you could focus on was the boy that had your heart.
“i meant that.” he leans his forehead on yours. you were breathless and couldn’t be more happier than right now.
“happy new year xavi,” your whisper fell on his lips making him want to kiss you again and again.
“happy new year sweetheart.”
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skyethewolfwizard · 9 months
If you are seeing this, it is Christmas in the eastern half of the world. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and let's have a happy holiday to those who don't.
@f4y3w00d5 @good-wizard @ash-the-tiefling @aroace-wizard @be-gentle-with-littluns @viscerawizard @exispencer-crisis @gobo-dos-goblin @mayhem-moth @mothman-minus-the-man @bisexualchemistry @anne-androgynous-android @kaylasartwork @ruby-angel-wizard @helpfulapprentice @cannibalcanid @im-a-wizard-who-dont-crime @verylegalwizard @detectivewizzard @dude-the-ancient-dragon @dragoneatingpaladin @slymewitch @finleyforevermore @viscerawizard @ladyofspoons @latikon @the-adhd-sorcerer @yourlocalbreadenthusiast @drewpdrop @expletive-wizard @mtfjohnscp @mtf-agent-robin @the-discerning-skull @monsterfucker-research-wizard @vexum-the-diviner @l1terally-justawizard @goblinofthelaboratory @gobodegoblin @rohza-is-a-bit-gay
@pie-tra (Who I miss very much)
@aileaxthevoidien (Who I hope will get to see this)
And anyone and everyone else. Tag your moots aswell, as I am sure I have missed many.
And I would just want to thank you for all of your presences, even being around, popping up on my dash, or even interacting with me has always made me happy.
I hope that each of you get to live your dreams, and that whether we see each other again, or our paths are doomed to be parallel and never meet, know that you have had some positive impact on this world full of blight and evil.
I hope you have a wonderful holidays, and that maybe, even though it's unlikely. We may meet again. Whether it's physically or online, seeing you just one more time will always bring light to my day.
Now, since it's the end of the year, and this is somewhat like a meet up, let's sing a song to celebrate what might be (although unlikely) our last meetup all together.
And also of course an appropriate Christmas song from the one and only,
I hope to see you next year, I love each and every one of you. Stranger, mutual, friend, or anyone inbetween. :3
And maybe in a distant future, we will see each other and our true selves all together in one room. The dream many have, and I hope we will be amongst the ones to achieve it.
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canirove · 9 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 24
Author's note: Chapter 24 of 29... 👀 Also, to those of you who just read this story and don't follow me, happy holidays and merry christmas to those of you who celebrate! 💜
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"I want to be a cat" Reece said.
"What?" Ben laughed.
"Look at Pepper. He has all the girls' attention!"
"He's cute."
"I am cute too."
"Yeah, but his hair has never been green" June chuckled, walking towards them. "Hi."
"Hi" Ben smiled.
"And... that's my cue to leave" Reece said. "I'm gonna see if I can convince Leah to share her pizza."
"Good luck" June laughed.
After the game they all had gathered at her place, John buying pizza and drinks for everyone to celebrate that "my little sister is finally back and I won't have to see her ugly face all the damn time", which had made everyone laugh. Everyone but June, who simply rolled her eyes.
"You were amazing today."
"I played for 5 minutes. I didn't have time to do anything."
"They were 5 amazing minutes."
"I think you are a bit biased, Chilwell."
"With you? Yeah, I've always been. Though this time it's different."
"How so?" June asked, moving closer.
"All my facts are positive now."
"You have gone so soft, Chilwell" she laughed.
"You make me go soft, Maxwell" he whispered, closing the space between them a bit more.
"You can't kiss me here" June whispered back.
"They won't mind. They all know what is going on between us."
"And what is that, if I may ask?"
"I like you, and you like me."
"I don't like you, Chilwell."
"I'm not lying, I don't like you. But I do…"
"June, I think your cat just farted on me!" Reece said.
"Jesus fucking Christ" she muttered. "And what do you want me to do about it?"
"I don't know. Take him to the bathroom?"
"He can go himself, he's a big boy."
"June, it actually smells really bad" Leah laughed.
"Urgh" she groaned, the moment she and Ben were having gone. 
But maybe it had been for the best, because she had almost told him that she loved him, and she was starting to feel like it would have been a mistake. That wasn't the place nor the moment to do it, and what if he didn't love her back? Mason was convinced he did, but what if he was wrong? What if Ben wasn't ready for that yet? And was she even ready for it? 
"June, are you ok?" Ben asked her, bringing her back to reality.
"Yes, yes, don't worry. I'm gonna go check what's the problem with Pepper."
"Ok" he replied. "But Maxwell" he said, taking her hand on his as she moved, his thumb doing small circles on her skin and sending goosebumps all over her arm. "You owe me a kiss."
"I'll try to remember" she winked before joining the others. 
"I'm so happy for you, June" Vittoria said while hugging her. Or squeezing her. "Happy and proud."
"You made it very clear when I scored" she laughed.
"Just in case you forgot" she smiled. "But it was your first goal since you came back! And on your first game on the starting eleven!"
"It's been a night to remember, hasn't it? I just wish it had been home. And that Lauren had been with us too."
"Yeah… Let's hope she can recover for the next game" Vittoria said. "Anyway, do you want me to drive you home?"
"No, there is no need. Ben said he would pick me up."
"Did he?"
"Vittoria, put that eyebrow down."
"Why?" she laughed.
"Because he is only driving me home because John is on a date, nothing else."
"Oh, so you are gonna be home alone?"
"I… that's him"June said when a car stopped next to them. "Goodnight, Vittoria."
"Goodnight, my girl. Enjoy" she winked.
"Why is Vittoria smiling like that?" Ben asked when June got into his car.
"Nothing, ignore her" she replied. "Hello, by the way."
"Hello, Maxwell" he smiled. "Congratulations on tonight's win."
"Thank you. But just on the win?"
"Did anything else happen?" Ben teased her.
"You are such an idiot."
"I'm very proud of you, June" he said, caressing her cheek. "That was a fantastic goal."
"Thank you" she smiled. "But I kind of miss your stupid facts."
"You don't like soft Chilly?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Ok, then. Here is a fact: You could have scored more goals. You played for 75 minutes, Maxwell. You missed too many chances and should have ended the game with at least another goal."
"That's more like it" she smiled before moving forward and kissing him.
"You also ended the game too tired. Your fitness is really bad" he smirked.
"I just came back from a serious injury, Chilwell" she said against his lips.
"Not enough" he whispered before they started kissing again, only being interrupted when June yawned.
"See? Too tired" Ben laughed. "Let's get you home."
"But wait, before I forget. I got you something."
"To celebrate how bad I was today?"
"Exactly" he chuckled, opening the car's glove box.
"Ben!" June laughed.
"We must keep our traditions" he smiled.
"Do you keep a huge box of kinder eggs at your house or something?"
"Maybe. But it is very well hidden, so don't try to look for it."
"Ok" she laughed again. "Thank you very much, Ben. I love it."
"And I… fuck!" he jumped when someone honked behind them.
"That's Vittoria" June said, rolling her eyes.
"Perfect timing" Ben murmured. "Anyway, let's get you home" he said before starting  the car. 
Though maybe Vittoria's interruption hadn't been that bad, because he had almost told June that he loved her. And that may have not been the right moment to say it. Or the best place. And the least thing he wanted was for her to freak out. Again.
He was sure of his feelings for her, and according to Mason, she felt the same for him. But what if they weren't on the same page just yet? What if Mason was wrong and she didn't love him the way he did? What if…
"Chilwell!" June said, snapping her fingers in front of him.
"Where were you?" she laughed. 
"I… nevermind."
"I guess you didn't hear my question."
"I did not, no. Sorry" he apologized.
"I was asking you if I can put this here."
"What is that?" Ben asked, looking at what June was holding.
"Some kind of ornament. I think. It was the egg's surprise."
"Can I put it here on the rearview mirror? That way you will always remember me" she smiled.
"Of course you can" Ben smiled back.
"Gre…at" June yawned.
"And let's get you home before you fall asleep" he chuckled, this time finally managing to leave the carpark. 
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