#might not get on at all actually might just watch doctor who. but i should at least get the minions
Legend of Ruby Sunday live notes
Obviously spoilers below, recorded as I watched. Definitely gonna watch again though. I think I might do a seperate write up about 'what to take away' because oh my god does this episode throw a lot at you!
We're definitiely getting a UNIT spin-off aren't we? I recognised the soldier guy straight away (tbh, when I first saw the 60th trailers he looked so odd in the shots used I thought he was cgi/deepfaked). If we do get it, I do hope they go for the military vs science conflict like I imagine - he'd be a good 'antagonist' for Kate in that regard.
Ooh... just pointing out the anagram in-universe....huh.
"TARDIS technology." Oh she's doomed this episode, I can feel it coming.
Oh! And we're doing the Susan mention?! Ok?!
Must be a redirect, though, surely? 'Susan' is not much to go off. It's silly they're jumping to this straight away in-universe, even with the TARDIS anagram.
"Well, except the obvious." "We'll get him." Is that a Musk slam?
"Call me Sue" that's a bit of evidence against. Though if it is somehow Susan, her actually being 'really nice' would be cute.
Ruby Rose besties! Ruby Rose besties!
Hm. If this is somehow Susan, we are so going to dissect that thing about Sue Triad's parents.
Donna mention. :)
Oh my god, I've just realised. The TARDIS is a central part of this mystery, and that's exactly what Mrs Flood claimed to recognise...
Uhh.... what's up with Flood?
We're really settling on the Susan thing, huh.
"He never mentioned a granddaughter." Five Doctors fans keep losing.
"If you've got a granddaughter, that means you've got kids." "Well, not quite. Not yet." OMG WE'RE DOING THIS?
(Also...he definitely HAS had kids before - and not just Jenny and Miranda. But wild that we're implying Susan isn't the child of one of them.)
"I bring disaster. What if I go back and ruin her?" Hmm... so far kinda compatible with To the Death?
"Especially the Prime Minister." lol.
"N-dimenionsal time", thanks, I'll absorb that into my interpretation of time, time tracks etc. in the whoniverse.
Mel lost her family. Is that a reference? Doesn't immediately bring something to mind.
I like the way the lights are fading up and down, very TARDIS-y.
Ooh, the VHS-y environment.
"The greatest power of all: memory. Time is remembered. Memory is time." MEMORY TARDIS MEMORY TARDIS.
"What is the memory of a time machine?" No way.
Ok, getting ready for a twist. RTD said where people were is important.
...or not?
The one who waits?!
Well there goes the colonel. No surprise.
Hmm... the description "it's everything" sounds a lot like the Void ship from Doomsday.
"It's the Beast." Not that 'Beast' surely?
"It's so old. It's been waiting. It's been waiting for so long." So those "one"s are the same, confirmed?
"It's the TARDIS" AHHHH.
It's groaning again! "It's made that noise before."
"What if it exists around the TARDIS now and we just can't see it?"
I don't think this is our Susan, but if she somehow is I'm really enjoying her dorkiness.
...that's two "no more" drops so far. Hmm...
It's woven into the TARDIS? Some sort of parasite maybe? Didn't RTD say something about the splitting in The Giggle being important?
"He has hidden in the Howling Void. He has hidden within the tempest." WAIT I WAS RIGHT?! It's Void related. The Eternals called it the Howling didn't they?!
"All this time, he whispered and delighted and seduced, and the vessel did obey. For none should be more mighty and none should be more wise than the King himself." UHHHHH.
HARRIET F*CKING ARBINGER (and she said she was born for this... of course)
"I dream of worlds with orange skies." HUH? I guess that could be from Boom, but you know what I'm thinking
"There is the Toymaker: the God of Games. There is Trickster: the God of traps." I f*cking knew it. The 'Pantheon' is the Pantheon of Discord!
"There is Maestro: the God of Music. There is Reprobate: of Spite. There is the Mara, the God of Beasts, and the three-fold deity of malice and mischeif and misery." Ok Mara mention... BUT also, "three-fold" that's deliberate right?! Like the Six-Fold God?
"The mother and father and other of them all."
"Did you think I was family, Doctor?" Phew...
And it's Gabriel Woolf voicing him! That's good.
Wait... he also voiced the Beast... huh. What does that mean with the reference this episode?
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risingsunresistance · 6 months
oh fun fact . so i apparently refuse to figure out a proper combat set of . anything . but my friend gave me their unused superior armor . so im finally able to move past the first quest in crimson isles . and ive been awkwardly struggling past the other stuff . but then i hit the kuudra questline thing and . well i didn't realize how right i was abt public parties being awful</33 ppl who belong in the pit end up in the crimson isles in sb it seems</3 but literally tryna do kuudra gave me a proper stress headache which i havent had in a while</3 absolute travesty and iWillnot be joining public parties again . also did not succeed at basic tier lol
joined barbarian faction tho and am delighted by it :] most of the dojo seems p neat except speed and control but control is the absolute worst easily . granted tho i havent done speed more than once lol
got my mitts on some trophy fish and its a better fishin experience than in water imo :] hhh . am enjoying the bits of crimson isles i can do anythin with tho ! it is a rancid enough environment tho that i changed my chat to commands only godbles . then kept being confused as to why the npcs didn't respond when i clicked them lol
in other news i can solo f1 so am lookin forward to whenever my first aatrox(?) where i actually do Anything Ever will be hehe
got all the rift timecharms :] had an excellent derpy minion collection haul thing :] hurrah !
i havent done kuudra i refuse to touch public parties and me and ark cant get through it on our own. Yet.
I LOVE THE BARBARIANS I AM THE NUMBER ONE BARBARIAN SUPPORTER UGO MY BELOVED i dont remember the names of the dojo games but i like the one with arrows and the one where you stare at the skeleton <3
trophy fishing is fun for a while and then you get stuck around gold or diamond and it becomes a miserable grind jhdkfh
YAY CONGRATS ON THE F1 SOLO, look out for paul being mayor since he boosts dungeons stuff :D if you ever catch me online and wanna run some dungeons i'd be happy to if i'm not busy doing something else!! i can run up to f6 on my own, i have no idea how to do f7, and i can do m1 as well :]
ugh i need to kill the vampire t5 boss,, i should try it again. and i missed derpy my internet went out for his entire term 😭
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warlordfelwinter · 2 years
my favorite half remembered possibly non canonical but i dont actually care doctor facts are:
- beat a kid to perma-death with a brick at school for trying to kill his bf and his government employee brother covered it up
- made said bf with chronic drums in the brain disease play the drums in their college jam band and either koschei was very talented or all their songs had the same bpm
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peachesofteal · 9 days
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warnings: discussion of past abuse, Simon’s trauma Request: take your baby to work day
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You're wide eyed at the front door.
"You sure you guys will be alright?" Your voice is clear, but your hand trembles on the door handle, bottom lip tugged across your teeth.
"We'll be okay sweetheart. But if you're uncomfortable, or it's too much, you should take him-"
"No, no. I'm fine. You're not supposed to bring the baby to OB appointments anyway. It's frowned upon." You roll your eyes, tipping up to kiss Ry on the cheek. "Just... don't let anyone breathe on him, or kiss him, okay? His immune system is still fragile compared to ours. I packed you like, three bottles so hopefully he'll take them if he gets hungry. Text me if-"
"Mama." He holds Orion in one arm, and grabs your hand with the other. You're frightened, and stressed, and he's driven to comfort you, the need to soothe you throbbing across his skull. "I've got this. We'll be just fine. Text me when you're done. Get yourself a tea or something afterwards, alright? Everything is going to be okay." You nod.
"Right, of course. You're... you're right. And you're going to a military base, I doubt there's a safer place around."
"C'mere." He tugs you into his side, and you wrap your arms around his stomach, nestling in opposite Orion. "I need you to do something f'me."
"I need you to swear to me you'll tell your doctor about the dizzy spells." There's been a reminder card about your twelve week postpartum appointment on the fridge for two weeks now, and after you finally confessed you have been getting dizzy since Orion was born, and one time had even fallen, he decided to skip several steps by making the appointment for you. You were... not pleased, but he made it very clear, he's not playing a game with your health. He's planning his battles strategically now, putting pieces in play slowly, working towards his larger goal, but this was something he refused to compromise on.
"Okay." You whisper, burying your face in his chest. "I will." He lands a kiss to the top of your head.
"We'll see you soon. It'll be over before you know it, and maybe we can get a takeaway for dinner?" Your lips crack into a toothy smile.
"Sounds good to me."
"Alright, lad. Let's go see daddy's team." Orion stares at him, brown eyes curious, and watchful. He’s still not used to it, this feeling. This life, with you and his baby. Everyday, he has to stop to ground himself, anchor himself. Break from the cycle of a downward spiral, obsessive thoughts playing with his mind, counting down the million and one ways he could lose you, or fail you, or both. He’s careful, he’s diligent, he’s in control. He’d never make a mistake like he did before, the error of judgement that cost him his mother, his brother and his family-
But the incessant fear never ceases.
Fortunately, his anchor now is you. You, when you let him carry you to bed, when you watch him rock Orion to sleep as you stand in the doorway, you who curls up next to him on the couch now, fingers curled into his shirt like you’re afraid he might disappear. Your touch heals. Your words comfort. He can't fathom a future without you, or Ry, now.
If he thinks back on it, he wonders if he knew all along. If all the things he felt the night he met really meant forever, just like he had wished. A fantasy turned reality-
to have and to hold.
His stomach turns, wondering if his father ever felt this, if he ever loved, or if he was always just a monster, the ouroboros of victim turned abuser, the man who terrorized his mother, his brother and himself, long past the time Simon finally tore him to pieces, cracked his ribs, beat him into the ground.
Tommy broke the cycle, and from the moment he laid eyes on his son he knew.... he would too.
Price's secretary looks like she's seen an actual ghost. "Hey, Lindsey. Is he in?" She's staring, flicking back and forth to Orion and then up to his face, mouth slightly agape.
"Y-yeah he's..." she points over her shoulder at his closed door. "Lieutenant, did you... is that... is that your baby?" He nods, mouth curving into a proud smile, stepping close enough so she can get a good look at him. She almost jerks back, clearly not used to being so close to him. He's been here and there, off and on base all week catching up on a backlog of reports, but hasn't said a word to anyone, and he keeps everyone on base at arm's length except the 141.
"It is." Her shocked expression melts, hesitantly reaching her pointer finger towards Ry, allowing him to wrap it up in his chubby little fist. "This is Orion." She smiles at him, and then the baby, kindly.
"He's beautiful." She excuses herself when the phone rings, and he settles the tension burning between his shoulder blades. He didn't mentally prepare for this moment, didn't believe he had to. The expectation of Price's acceptance was assumed but now, his trepidation is a surprise.
He told his captain he needed to take leave for something really important, but never said for what. All he told him is that he'd loop him in soon, and that he was sorry he wouldn't be available for the next op. If John was curious, he didn't let him know, didn't push him for more info, didn't pester him. He just sent the forms to Simon's email to be filled out with a postscript:
Looking forward to hearing what this is all about.
And when Simon crosses the threshold of his office, baby in one arm, backpack stuffed with nappies and bottles in the other-
John Price laughs.
It's not the huff of a chuckle that Kate usually gets out of him, or the rolling guffaw that he gives the guys sometimes when he's particularly amused.
No, this is different. It starts in his belly and then rolls upwards, all the way until his shoulders are shaking and he's wiping his eyes.
Simon scowls, and John holds both his hands up, palms out. Surrender. "This is a good enough reason as any to take a chunk of all that leave saved up." He stands, stepping around to get a closer look. "What's his name then?"
"Orion." John nods thoughtfully. The backs of his fingers brush along the baby's arm, gently, slowly, a flicker of longing, of sadness, arcing across his face before it dissipates.
"The giant hunter Zeus banished to the skies." Organized stacks of paper sit in neat little piles on top of John's desk, authorizations he'd know anywhere. They're moving out. "Where's his mum?"
"At a doctor's appointment." Orion gurgles, and Simon pats his back, bouncing him slowly from side to side.
"You with her?" The answer is immediate.
"Gonna marry her." John's eyes fill with mirth.
"But she doesn't know that yet, does she."
"No," Simon sighs, "but she will. 'ts why I needed the leave. Besides," he motions to the infant tucked in his arm, "this, helping take care of him, taking care of her, I need to get them moved to a secure location. She's in a second level flat right now, with street facing windows. It's makin' my skin itch." Price will get it, Simon knows he will understand. He has his own secret at home, tucked away in a house only Simon and Laswell know about, just in case.
"Take it slow, don't want to spook her. Although I can't imagine she's too skittish if she took you to bed." He smirks. "You've got the time you requested. Had to call in a substitute for this one, but we'll need you on the next."
"How long?"
"Five weeks, maybe more. I'll ring when we're back on base." Five weeks. The clock is ticking, a bomb waiting to detonate, a guillotine waiting to sever his time with his family, his duty dragging him away.
"Alright." He concedes. Cross that bridge when he comes to it.
If Price sees his reluctance, he doesn't comment on it. "Bird'll be here in six hours. Boys are in the rec room, if you want to see 'em." Simon nods, shifting the baby in his arms as he heads towards the door. "And Simon," he turns, locking eyes with his captain, raw emotion plain on both their faces. Price gives him a genuine smile. "Congratulations. You're going to be a great father."
There's a lump in his throat as he crosses the campus to the rec room, his nose dipping across Ry's head, breathing him in as deep as he can behind the black cloth mask. "He's gonna be your godfather, little man. We just have to get Mama to agree, don't we?" He tugs the building's door open, ignoring the streams of chatter suddenly grinding to a halt in the hallway. Once he makes it to the rec room and sees that no one else is inside, just Johnny and Gaz battling it out in an intense game of pool, he slips the mask off his face and locks the door.
Soap is the first one to see him. "Steeeamin' jesus, LT is that a bairn!?" Kyle chokes on his water.
"Is that your baby, Riley?" They both scramble forward, Johnny whistling in disbelief.
"Aye, he's got to be. Look at the size of 'im."
"Johnny." Simon gives him the 'settle down' look, but the Sergeant only grins impishly.
"He's hers, innit he?" Gaz reaches, and Orion watches him with interest. "The girl from the bar. The one who lives close to me." Johnny's eyes go wider than globes.
"Ach Ghost, ye been busy wit' that boa-"
"Johnny." He hisses, and Kyle barks a laugh, reaching. Simon doesn't balk about handing Orion over, even though you were cautious about letting other people be around him. This is his team. He trusts them implicitly.
"He's a heavy lad, isn't he?" Kyle bounces him back and forth, all the while Ry stares at him with his head tipped back, mesmerized. "Looks jus' like you."
"Maybe a wee bit more handsome." Johnny's leaning around Kyle, his hand on Ry's back. They're mooning over him, two decorated, strategically brilliant sergeants, cooing at a baby like a bunch of sooks, as Johnny would say.
His phone vibrates in his pocket, a text from you letting him know you're finished, and heading home.
>Has he eaten?
>No, hasn't seem interested.
>Thank god.
Knowing you're probably in pain makes him antsy to get back, and he glances at the guys. "You movin' out in a few hours?"
"Aye, lookin' for some sort of stolen intelligence. Shouldnae be too long. Got a rent-a-Lieutenant and everythin'. Ye'll be back for the next?"
"I will. Stay frosty out there. I expect you all back in one piece."
He triple checks the carseat, testing the straps and the strength of the seatbelt before finally deciding it's secure enough, for the hundredth time today. He takes one last look, and presses a kiss to Orion's head. "Ready, bub? Let's go home and see mama."
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pomefioredove · 2 months
now I'm actually invested in this idea. maybe I'll write a full length fic someday idk... for now I have short hcs
parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim | bad ending
summary: crowley decides to "give away" yuu to the highest "donation" for financial reasons type of post: headcanons characters: all nrc students additional info: can be read as platonic or romantic, except malleus is pretty romantic, second person pov, yuu is gender neutral, maybe a little ooc I wrote this as soon as I got up
crowley has had his fair share of "what the fuck" moments from you but this was really taking the cake
he acts so... casual about it?
swaggers into ramshackle one morning and says times are tough and your personal expenses are straining the budget so he's decided to "put you in someone else's care"
"The screening process will be vigorous to make sure you end up in good hands!" like you're a cat or something "Your expenses will be covered and you'll have somewhere to go during break!"
okay great. pretty obvious you have no say in this, so you don't even argue. what's the worst that could happen?
Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel find you the next day to say they're pooling their money to buy you
"To what?"
Epel shrugs. "Oh, well Crowley said we need to offer a donation to prove we're capable of supporting you..."
(you think that if not for the laws of this land you would have slaughtered that old fart)
Jack goes on a really long tirade about how shady and underhanded this is, making sure to reaffirm that he believes you should be free to make your own choices
"So you'll let me go once you get me?"
Ace thinks once they buy you you'll have no choice but to do all of his homework for him
Deuce says that's not really how it works- and even if he tried, Riddle would kill him
(they've already gone over this twice before finding you)
Epel happily volunteers to take you home with him over breaks, probably the only positive in this mess
even if he thinks the whole thing is kind of funny
incapable of keeping his mouth shut, Ace accidentally spills the plan to Riddle, who is understandably aghast
you can't just give away a person under your care like a toy!
of all the irresponsible things...
of course, he'll have to put up his offer, too
purely for your sake! with a nicer room and a brand new copy of the dorm rules, maybe you'll stop getting yourself into trouble
he's got some family money (doctors, naturally) and considers this a worthwhile purchase, for his sanity and yours
of course, Trey and Cater overhear and may or may not be pooling their own cash for a chance, too
going behind Riddle's back on this is a risky venture, but hey, someone's gotta be on your side, here, right?
I mean, between a bunch of sixteen year old boys, the housewarden, and them, who would you choose?
actually don't answer that
...not that it's much of a secret, anyway. Cater's already got their gofundme equivalent link in bio
Leona initially plans to have you become a live-in lackey like Ruggie
but then he really starts thinking- and, hey, the possibilities are endless, right?
for one, you'd make a really good pillow
he might have to kick Grim out for your full attention, but you could learn to live with that
and malleus would hate it
...that's reason enough for him
plus, he's got money to burn, so why not?
either way, he sets his bid at a reasonable (maybe too confident) price and sits back to watch the chaos unfold as everyone scrambles for a piece of the pie
news travels fast around school, after all
then Ruggie finds out that you could dethrone him as Leona's #2 and is understandably a little annoyed
that's his cushy post-grad job gig, thank you! he's worked hard for that!
besides, why should Leona get to hoard you? the guy can barely take care of himself!
so, Ruggie ends up outsourcing to a few dozen classmates for the necessary funds at a steep I-owe-you price
he's gonna be eating nothing but dandelions for a while...
now, Azul is annoyed
once the news goes school-wide, it's all anyone can talk about
talk about good marketing...
why didn't he think of such a brilliant scam? he could have negotiated with Crowley to have a café brand deal tie-in!
of course, he's already set his bid, with Jade and Floyd offering to pitch in as necessary
it's a risky investment, sure, but a worthwhile one
Azul tells everyone that with the prefect's "obvious" popularity, having them at the café a few nights a week would drive sales through the roof
though that's really just what he says to shirk suspicion
a likely excuse coming from him, though, really, it would just be nice having you around
and if not for his own affections, Floyd's incessant begging and Jade's subtly manipulative comments about "how nice" it would be having a new face around would be enough for him to cave eventually
"Kalim, no," is the first thing that Jamil says
"I strongly advise against this. It's another one of Crowley's silly scams and you could end up a target bec- are you even listening?"
hint: he is not
the second Kalim found out that he could get to take in his favorite magicless student like one of his treasures, he was all over it
(AKA infinite sleepovers)
and for what? a little optional donation to prove he's got the funds? he's got cash to spare!
he's already got your new room in Scarabia set up before he even puts his bid in
right next to his of course :)
and despite what Jamil insists, he himself might be working behind the curtain just a little to ensure he's the one who ends up with you
after all, why should Kalim get everything? this might be a valuable learning opportunity for him
You don't always get what you want
as much as Epel tries to keep the rest of his dorm from finding out, it's inevitable
he's actually a little surprised that the news didn't get to Vil sooner
with Rook around campus, surely he must have said something...
when Vil does find out, though, he just sighs
oh, of course. what next, will everyone meet each other in the arena and fight to the death over the prefect?
of all the silly, immature things...
oh? what's that? he's bidding anyway? of course he is, silly potato. he can't have some unwashed miscreant making you sleep on polyester bedding
(really, he's the only person on campus worthy of your time)
Rook has also been mysteriously absent from the dorm lately, though his initials on a poem and a strangely large sum of money end up in the donation pile
but really, that could be anyone... Rook would never dare betray Vil again, right?
Ortho finds out directly from the other first years and sends Idia the details immediately
with a little note of encouragement, of course: "could be excellent for improving your social skills!"
Idia understandably freaks out
"WTF!!!! nooo way! this is a person, not a chatbot we're talking about here! I can barely keep virtual pets alive!!!!"
(...but this is still different)
the conversation ends there, but semi-anonymous bid from someone named "gloomurai" gets cashapp'd directly to crowley
everyone in the room immediately turns to Malleus
"For the record, I think it's wrong to be bargaining over a human being," Silver says first. "But if anyone could handle it with grace, it's you."
Lilia laughs. "Oh, you're just saying that because you like the prefect so much!"
"Father, you're the one who likes the prefect so much,"
"Oh, right! carry on then. After all, I'm sure we could share,"
Sebek is the only one relatively against the idea, though Lilia luckily manages to get him to lower his voice after his third speech about how you aren't good enough for his liege
Malleus is rather quiet through the whole evening, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with any of the points made
he disappears for a short while, and when he comes back he seems a little more confident
though, of course, he goes to you first
seeing him at Ramshackle in the middle of the night is a familiar and welcoming sight after all of the chaos of your week
and he's in a great mood!
"Child of man! I've come with news," he says. "I have heard of your predicament and have come up with a solution!"
you immediately sulk. "Oh, no. You know I think this whole thing is terrible, right?"
"Yes, Silver mentioned you might not like the idea of being bought and sold like a trinket. But worry not, I do not plan on paying for you in money,"
you pause, at a loss for words, and then tentatively continue. "You're not...?"
"Of course not. What a primitive idea, I was baffled to hear it myself. My proposal will be more traditional: a modest sum of treasure, and a generous amount of livestock and the finest crop Briar Valley can offer,"
certainly he's not this naive, you think
"You really think Crowley is going to accept that over money? I'm pretty sure Kalim just bid away an entire country's worth,"
he laughs. "You speak as if this is some kind of business deal! I'm quite confident that my dowry will be best,"
huh. that was a strange way of putting it
but then again, you still didn't really understand how things work here, so you go along with it
and you allow yourself to relax. he seems confident in his offer, and he doesn't even see you as some kind of prize to win!
"Oh, well, alright. Thanks! I'm glad you're on it,"
he smiles. "Rest assured, child of man, you're in good hands. My dowry will far outshine the others, and the wedding will be even better,"
"I was honestly getting a little nervous for a momen- wait- wedding!?"
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inkskinned · 5 months
you have to go to work so you can pay for your doctor, who is not taking your insurance right now, and if you say i can't afford the doctor's you are told - get a better job. it is very sad that you are unwell, yes, but maybe you should have thought about that before not having a better job.
(where is the better job? who is giving out these better jobs? you are sick, you are hurting - how the hell are you supposed to be well enough for this better job?)
but you go to the doctor because you had the nerve to be hurt or sick or whatever else. and they tell you that it is because you have anxiety. you try your best. you are a self-advocate. you've done the reading (which sometimes pisses them off worse, honestly). you say it is actually adding to my anxiety, it is effecting my quality of life. so they say that you are fat. they say that all young people have this happen to them, isn't it a medical marvel! they say that you should eat more vegetables. they say that you probably just need to lose a little more weight, and that you are faking it for attention.
(what attention could this doctor possibly give? what validation? that's their fucking job, isn't it?)
there is always a hypochondriac, right. someone always tells you about a hypochondriac. or someone who is unnecessarily aggressive during the worst days of their life. or someone looking "for a quick fix". or some idiot who wasn't educated about how to properly care for themselves who just abandons their treatment. and again, the hypochondriac, the overly-cautious hysteric. these people don't deserve to be treated like humans (right), and since you might be one of these people, you also don't get treated like a human. because those people can really fuck with the system, you now have to pay for it. and besides. you're actually probably faking it.
(more often than not, you find a 2:1 ratio of these stories. for every "hypochondriac", there are 2 people who knew something was wrong, and yet nobody could fucking find it. the story often ends with pointless suffering. the story often ends with and now it's too late, and it's going to kill me.)
you are actually just making excuses. someone else got that procedure or that diagnosis and he's fine, you should be fine too. someone else said they watched a documentary about other inspirational people with your exact same condition, maybe you should be inspirational, too. you're just too morbid. your pain and your experience is probably just not statistically concerning. it is all self-reported anyway, and you're just being a baby.
(once, while sitting down in the middle of making coffee, you had the sudden, horrible thought - i could kill myself to make the pain stop. you had to call your best friend after that. had to pet your dog. had to cry about it in the shower. you won't, but that moment - god, fuck. the pain just goes on and on.)
you know someone who went in for routine surgery and said i still feel everything. they told her to just relax. it took her kicking and screaming before they figured out she wasn't lying - the anesthetic drip hadn't been working. you know someone who went in for severe migraines who was told drink water and lose weight. you know someone who was actively bleeding out and throwing up in the ER and was told you're just having a bad period.
in the ER there are always these little posters saying things like "don't wait! get checked today!" and you think about how often you do wait. how often the days spool out. you once waited a full week before seeing the doctor for what you thought was a sprained wrist. it had actually been broken - they had to rebreak it to set it.
but you go into the doctor. the problem you're having is immediate. the person behind the counter frowns and says we're not taking your insurance. you will be paying for this out-of-pocket.
they send you home with tylenol and a little health packet about weight loss or anxiety or attention deficit. on the front it has your birthday and diagnosis. you think about crying, and the words swim. it might as well say go fuck yourself. it might as well say you're a fucking idiot. it might as well say light your money on fire and lie down in it. and the entire fucking time - the problem persists.
it's okay. it's okay, it's just another thing, you think. it's just another thing i have to learn to live with.
#spilled ink#warm up#can you tell what i'm mad about today specifically#i will say that there are a LOT of things that go into this. like a lot. this is ungendered and unspecific for a reason#it isn't just sexism. it's also racism. and ableism. and honestly classism.#and before a healthcare professional reads this as a personal attack: i understand ur burnt out#we are ALSO burnt out. your situation is also dire. this is not an attack on you.#this is a commentary on the incredible amounts of bigotry that lie at the heart of capitalism#where people have to pay money out of pocket to be told to fuck off.#your job is important. so is our humanity. and if you cannot accept that people are fucking mad as hell#at the industry - you are probably not listening .#anyway at some point im gonna write a piece about sexism specifically in medical shit#but i don't want terfs clowning in it bc they can't understand nuance#> it is true that ppl w/a uterus are more likely to experience medical malpractice & dismissal globally#> it is also true that trans people experience an equally fucked up and bad time in the medical field#> great news! the medical industrial complex is an equal opportunity life ruiner :)#(if you find it necessary to go into a debate about biology while discussing medical malpractice#i want to warn you that you're misunderstanding the issue. because guess what.#cis MEN might experience this. particularly black men. particularly disabled men.#so YES having a uterus can lead to more trouble for you. but this happens a LOT.#instead of fighting those ALSO experiencing your pain.... try working WITH them.#which btw. is like. actual feminism.)
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accidental eavesdropping (steddie ficlet)
based on this post by @imjust-that-shy. i hope i did this vision justice <3
The doors to the bathroom burst open, and - on some pure, inexplicable instinct and with nearly inhuman speed - Eddie darts back into the stall he'd just been about to come out of and leaps to perch on top of the toilet seat, crouched there like some sort of creature. 
He hears the sound of retching and the stench of vomit fills the air. He holds his breath, wrinkling his nose and trying to imagine what possible context could be behind Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley bursting in here together to puke their guts out. Eddie knows the two of them work together, he’s seen them sharing shifts at Scoops Ahoy when he's walked by. (Not that he often intentionally passes by the ice cream parlor and slows down just to catch a glimpse of Steve or anything… Although who could really blame him if he did? Like, come on, Steve in that uniform? Hello, sailor.) His mind is busy spinning stories of possible explanations, ranging from spoiled ice cream to sneaking alcohol and getting too drunk during their break. 
Eddie's leaning towards the 'drinking on the job' explanation, especially when the retching finally ceases and Robin says something about the room no longer spinning. Those little rebels, Eddie thinks approvingly.
“When’s the last time you, uh…peed your pants,” Steve is asking Robin now, in response to her telling him in a Russian accent to interrogate her. 
Eddie curls over his knees, tilting his head to try to peer through the gap between the stalls and the floor to put an image to his eavesdropping. Might as well, he’s kind of stuck here and there’s really not much else he can do right now. He can see Steve’s legs, one bent and the other stretched out in front of him, and Robin in the stall past him laying on the floor with her legs up against the stall wall as she answers, “Today…” 
“What?” Steve questions.
“When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw!” Robin says. 
Okay…what? Russian doctors and bone saws? Eddie’s now thoroughly intrigued, if a little (okay, a lot) confused. Maybe they’re talking about a movie they watched or something.
Steve’s legs shake with his laughter. “Oh my god.” 
“It was just a little bit, though.” Robin pinches her fingers together as she twists her body in Steve’s direction while he laughs again and mutters that whatever it is they took is still in her system. She pushes her feet off the stall and slides to sit against the opposite wall. Eddie can only see her legs now. “Okay, my turn. Have you…ever been in love?” 
Steve answers that he has, with Nancy, and makes a sound mimicking an explosion. Eddie remembers that, remembers seeing Steve and Nancy being all touchy and cute in the hallways at school while he was trying his damndest to convince himself that he absolutely definitely did not wish he was in Nancy’s place. It didn’t work very well. And it’s not working very well now either as Steve starts to go on about some new girl he likes now instead - some girl who’s funny and smart and can crack secret Russian codes (okay, seriously, what is it with these two and Russians?) and oh shit, he’s talking about Robin. 
Eddie very suddenly feels like he should not be here listening to this, eavesdropping on Steve confessing his feelings for someone. Not only is that, like, a private and personal thing, but also what if Robin likes him back and they start kissing or something right here in this bathroom where Eddie has to sit here and listen to it and that would just be horrible for him for so many reasons and- Eddie’s getting ahead of himself. Robin hasn’t even said anything yet, and her knees are pulled up to her chest and her voice shakes when she confirms she’s still alive after Steve asks if she’s OD’d there in the silence and she uncurls with a deep sigh. All signs that she doesn’t actually like Steve back. 
Eddie watches as Steve shifts and slides under the stall into Robin’s, and catches sight of the nasty bruise marring nearly half of Steve’s otherwise beautiful face as he does so. Now concern has been added to the list of emotions this eavesdropping experience has rollercoastered him through so far. The bruise looks fairly fresh and Eddie can’t help but wonder what the hell gave Steve a black eye like that and if he’s okay. 
After a brief spiral of concern for Steve’s face, Eddie tunes back into reality to find himself staring at Steve’s ass as Steve now sits with his back against the stall wall opposite Robin. Eddie blinks, expands his tunnel vision to include Steve’s lower back and Robin’s legs which are also visible beneath the gap in the stalls. 
“It’s not because I had a crush on you,” Robin is saying. “It’s because…she wouldn’t stop staring at you.”
“Mrs. Click?” Steve sounds confused.
“Tammy Thompson,” Robin clarifies. “I wanted her to look at me.”
Oh. Eddie should really not be listening to this. Robin is trying to come out to Steve, trying to share something deeply personal and vulnerable with him and only him, not knowing that she’s outing herself to an eavesdropping near-stranger as well. Eddie feels violating and intruding. He can’t imagine how he would feel if he found out someone he barely knew had been secretly listening in on him coming out - probably not great, probably terrified. This is something he shouldn’t know, not like this. 
“But Tammy Thompson’s a girl,” Steve says, his tone unreadable, and Eddie’s heart nearly stops, sure his own anticipatory anxiety is likely only just a fraction of what Robin must be feeling right now. 
“Yeah?” A pause. “Oh,” Steve’s voice goes soft. “Oh… Holy shit.” 
“Yeah,” Robin sighs. Eddie can see her hands nervously rubbing at her shins. “Holy shit.” 
Steve is silent for a few painfully long moments. Eddie’s hands curl nervously around his own shins. Is Steve going to be homophobic? Should Eddie be worried for Robin now? 
“Steve, did you OD over there?” Robin asks, trying to be light but Eddie can hear the anxiety in her voice. 
“No, I just, uh- just thinking,” Steve responds. 
“Okay…” Robin’s voice is barely audible. Eddie is holding his breath.
“I mean, yeah,” Steve says finally, “Tammy Thompson’s cute and all, but the only reason I never gave her the time of day was because I was too busy staring at Eddie Munson.” 
The aforementioned Eddie Munson releases the breath he’d been holding with an involuntary squeak and claps a hand over his mouth. Thankfully, neither of them heard him over the sound of Robin shouting. “What?! Eddie Munson?! You liked Eddie Munson?” she squawks, voicing Eddie’s own stunned thoughts perfectly.
“Yeah,” Steve confirms casually, completely unaware that he's throwing an eavesdropping Eddie into an absolute crisis right now. There's a soft thudding sound like Steve's hitting the back of his head against the stall wall. His voice gets kind of wistful, almost dreamy, as he says, “His rings, man. Rings and tattoos…and that long hair and those chains he'd wear… Honestly just his whole punk aesthetic thing had me mesmerized.” 
“Pretty sure he's metal, not punk,” Robin corrects him. 
Thanks, Robin. Also, what the fuck is happening right now? 
“Whatever. Still hot as hell,” Steve says. 
Eddie squeaks again and practically shoves his whole fist in his mouth to keep himself from making any more noise, his teeth knocking against his rings. The rings Steve likes, apparently. He feels like he's going to pass out, his heart beating so erratically it's making him lightheaded. King Steve - the popular, preppy, stupid, gorgeous, dumb jock Eddie's been crushing on since forever - just called him hot????  
“Did you hear that?” Robin asks suddenly, voice low and cautious. 
“Is anyone else in here?” Steve calls out. 
Eddie bites down hard on his knuckles and holds his breath, going impossibly still. If they get up and search the bathroom, then he’s about to be caught red handed, crouched on top of a toilet seat with his fist in his mouth and his face flushed scarlet, eavesdropping on their private conversation about secret Russians and gay crushes. Eddie contemplates falling into the toilet and attempting to flush himself down it. Every god imaginable is receiving a silent prayer from him right now as he watches apprehensively through the gaps in the stall. One of those gods must've heard and taken pity on this poor gay disaster of a man crouched like a goblin in a bathroom stall, because after a few horrible seconds of silence, all Steve does is lean down to peer beneath the stalls for a moment before sitting back up and saying, “Looks empty. I think the drugs are making us hear things.” 
“Yeah, probably,” Robin says. Then she giggles, knocking her leg against Steve’s. “I still can’t believe you were into Eddie.” 
Steve flicks Robin’s knee. “I can’t believe you were into Tammy.”
“What’s wrong with Tammy?!” Robin protests.
“What’s wrong with Eddie?” Steve counters. “At least he’s actually got talent. Tammy’s a total dud - she wants to be a singer and shit but she can’t even hold a tune.” 
Eddie is going to die. He is actually going to die right here, right now, because Steve Harrington thinks he’s hot and talented. And then Steve starts mimicking Tammy, singing Total Eclipse of the Heart in a ridiculously goofy voice, and now Eddie is going to die because he finds that so stupidly endearing and adorable. Maybe he should just flush himself down the toilet, save himself from this hopelessly pathetic crush of his. Instead, he’s saved by the bathroom doors bursting open again and a new voice shouting at them, “Okay. What the hell?!” 
Steve and Robin collapse into a fit of giggles before being dragged to their feet by the newcomers and led out of the bathroom, leaving Eddie alone and reeling and struggling to process literally everything he’s just overheard. He finally hops down from his toilet perch and exits the stall like he’s in a daze. He’s not sure how long he had been camped out in there - probably only about ten minutes - but it felt like hours, so long that the world outside of that single bathroom stall almost feels foreign and unfamiliar now. 
Eddie grips the bathroom sink and stares at his flustered reflection in the mirror and whispers to himself, “What the actual fuck?” 
Later, years later, only after he and Steve are already dating, Eddie tells him all about this experience, and Steve laughs so hard he nearly cries.
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latenightdaydreams · 2 months
Please do part 2 of Mechanic Konig. I'm begging you!!! Your writing is AMAZING! I have to reread your writing every day because I can't get over it 😩
Thank you!!! I'll be writing a lot more this week, so there will be more! I finally made a part 2!!! I hope you enjoy!!🥰
Mechanic!König x Reader Part 2 (fem)
Part 1 here! 🚗
Master List!
>cw: fem/afab, pregnancy, p in v, oral
1.4k word count
You sit in your car holding your newest ultrasound pictures. You made a last-minute appointment to see the doctor assuming you might have the flu, but being a few days late on your cycle the doctor asked for you to take a pregnancy test. Once it came back positive you were sent to the women’s health center for an ultrasound. You’ve been celibate for almost a whole year, other than your random hook up with that mechanic… You let out a long sigh before driving off.
You pull up in front of his shop, putting the ultrasound photos in your purse before stepping out of the car. Walking up to the open garage door, it’s almost like déjà vu. There König is wearing a white shirt and jeans, covered in oil. He looks up and meets your gaze for a split second before he looks down, realizing who he just saw, his head snaps back up.
“Y/n?” König speaks softly as if surprised to actually see you again. The last few weeks you’re all he has been able to think about. He’s been waiting for you to call or show back up and now here you are. His eyes drift down your body, taking in how amazing you look, and back to your eyes.
“Hi, König.” You walk closer into the garage. “Are you busy right now?”
“No,” he gently shakes his head. He closes the hood of the car he was working on and grabs a rag to clean his hands off. “Do you want to go to my car?”
Yes, you think to yourself, but you came here to talk. “No, I think we should talk.”
König tilts his head when you say no. He drops the dirty rag on the bench behind him and he looks at your cleavage again before back to your eyes.
“Is your car running okay?”
“Yes, its fine.”
“So, what is it?” He leans back as his blue eyes keep glossing over your body. All he can think about is how good you felt and looked naked in the back of his car.
“Um, so, I went to the doctors today.” The word doctor piquing his interest. “And she did a few tests on me…” You stall nervously not knowing how to tell him. What if he reacts poorly?
“Are you pregnant?” König asks, hurrying your story along.
“I am,” you nod softly, “I have ultrasound photos.”
“You do?” He perks up. “How far along are you?”
“11 weeks,” you go into your bag and pull out the ultrasound photos.
König quickly steps forward and grabs them from you.  His eyes glued to the image of a tiny fetus shown on the ultrasounds.  He studies every photo, a flood of emotions rushing through him at this moment. He can’t believe he actually got you pregnant.
“I came to be responsible and tell you. I don’t know what I’m going to do-” he cuts you off.
“I said that I would support the both of you and I meant it.” His eyes meet yours. “I have a big house, I make great money, and you’ll never have to work again Schatzi. You can just focus on raising our baby.”
You don’t say anything as you stand there taking in what he has said. Supporting a whole family is a huge responsibility. You don’t even know him, could you really build a life with him?  
“You laid down with me, you let me get you pregnant. Please, let me take care of you. Both of you.” He reaches a hand out and gently caresses your upper arm. His eyes showing genuine intent as they fall to your stomach even though you aren’t even close to showing yet.
“We don’t even know each other…”
“We will learn,” He looks back down at the ultrasound photos in his hand. “Please.”
König runs his large hands over your swollen stomach, softly holding it as his eyes watch your growing breast bouncing. Your nipples have darkened and areolas enlarged. You’ve even been gaining weight, making your thighs and ass bigger. Your changing body is a beautiful sight to behold and it’s changing all because of him. Small moans of pleasure leaving his lips as he watching you eagerly bounce on his cock. Since you entered your second trimester, your hormones have been all over the place making you extremely horny. König is loving every second of it.
“König,” you whimper his name out as you feel yourself getting ready to reach your third orgasm.
“Ja, Liebing, there you go, let it out.”
He moves one of his hands down and begins to rub your sensitive clit with his thumb. He moves in slow focused circles making your legs begin to tremble. You slow down and lean forward slightly, letting out loud moans as your velvety walls flutter around his cock. König takes deep breaths and tries to focus his mind to not cum yet, he knows you aren’t done. Once he feels your body relax, he moves his hand away from your clit.
He gently lifts your body and leans back, grabbing a pillow and putting it under your head before laying you down gently. His eyes roam down your body as he bends down to lick your nipples, softly sucking on them as he feels your fingers comb through his short hair. He lines his cock up with your entrance and pushes himself back into you, mouth still latched to your breast.
“Oh yes, please.” You push his head away so he can sit up. “Fuck me harder.”
König nods his head as his hands wrap around your thick thighs, he pulls your legs apart and back making sure to be careful with your baby bump. König can’t believe how beautiful you look; how tight your cunt feels. He can’t believe how he got so lucky with you.
Your eyes trace the shape of his muscular body, seeing how his muscles flex under the light sheen of sweat covering his body. Your hands gripping the bedsheets as he fills your small cunt completely. You feel euphoric burst of pleasure every time he thrust forward; you clench down on him. König lets out a loud moan in response.
“Meine Liebe, I’m going to cum.” König’s voice cracks as he doesn’t slow his motion. His toes curling and eyes fluttering.
“No, please don’t stop, I’m not done yet.” You pant, feeling your next orgasm just beginning to build.
“Es tut mir Leid,” König chokes out as his hands drop your legs and move up to your full breast and squeezes them. His motion slows as his cock throbs inside of you.
Once he finishes, he pulls out and drops to his stomach, placing his head between your legs. He begins to lick your clit, his tongue flicking back and forth causing you to squirm and moan softly. One hand rest on you stomach as the other pushes two fingers into your cunt full of his cum. Curling his fingers up, he begins to finger you, quickly moving his arm. He tastes the mixture of your creamy cunt and his salty seamen.
“Right there, please don’t stop.” You moan in a whiney tone; König loves to hear it.
He doesn’t stop as his lips wrap around your swollen clit and sucks. His fingers rubbing against your g-spot rapidly as your back arches. Listening to you moan out his name as your squeeze his head between your plump thighs he lets out a satisfied groan into your cunt. Finally, you orgasm, he licks long laps up and down your pussy before pulling his fingers out.
He looks up and smiled at you as you lay there catching your breath. He has an air of arrogance about him, being able to make you cum so many times.
“I’m going to go clean up Liebling, I’ll be back with a towel to clean you too.” König leans in and kisses your belly before standing from the bed and going to the bathroom,
Once he was all clean, he grabbed a towel and began to walk back to you in the bedroom. Once there he sees you fast asleep, cuddling the blanket. König can’t help but to smile. He leaves the towel at the edge of the bed and tries to cover you the best he can without waking you up.
König decides to get dressed and goes to the nursery to continue painting, what he was doing before you ask to be fucked. He opens up the can of paint and pours some in the tray. Getting the roller covered in paint, he begins to cover the last white wall in the room with a pale pink color.
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It's just an inchident | LN4
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
Synopsis: you love dotting on Lando
Lando doesn't appreciate you over-feeding him.
Warning(s): Takes place during the car crash at the Vegas GP. Lando is self-critical. Toothrooting fluff, isn't that what you call it? High Lando, don't ask me, but he gave me high vibes in those photos after the crash (hope he's feeling better tho. 🥹) Hints of reader being a foreigner (dunno if this should be put as a warning!)
Author's note: I don't know anything about health care or medical field, so just excuse my lame ass medical justifications. Also some of the comments mentioned in the Smau and the story line are 100% from real life.
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"Oooh, yellow flag at turn 14"
"It's a red flag now."
"Is that an accident or .... oh it's an accident.
"Oooh my God. Is that Mclaren?... It's Norris."
"That's lando Norris. Oh my... what an ..."
You heart was beating so loudly in your chest as you kept monitoring the small screens closely waiting for Lando to get out.
Eyes wide, hands covering your mouth to prevent yourself from screaming as you looked at his engineer. "Is he okay?" His engineer was trying to reach him "Lando are you okay?" There was no answer for a few seconds. The cameras of the F1 monitoring your response to the accident closely. Just when you were about to lose it, take off your headset and run to the crash site, lando's mic started working. "I'm fine" you immediately looked back at the screen, not believing him because it showed; it was obvious in his voice that he was not fine, the way he grunted in pain and how his hand was shaking when using the buttons on the wheel of the car, all of it told you that he was not fine.
You were still frowning deeply when they replayed the moment the car was almost on fire and how he was trying his best, very quickly, to control the steering wheel, but in vain. You felt helpless watching as you tried to imagine the gravity of it and how he must be feeling right now.
"Y/n" you looked away from the screen about to ask them where Lando is, so you can go see him. "Y/n, they're going to take lando to the medical centre." You were about to panic even more when his engineer assured you. "It's just for check up, don't worry. They said he's fine. They just want to make sure," you nodded; however, this didn't calm you one bit. What if they checked and turns out there's actually something to worry about?
You grabbed your jacket and bag and headed to the hospital right away. His coach, Jon, went with you to the hospital. You were anxiously waiting in a room until they rolled lando on a bed into the room,with machines and wires attached to his upper body.
"Hey baby" he dragged the last syllable, which made you look at him funny then turn to the doctor. "Ugh, he's on some medications to get him relaxed,he was shaken up from the whole thing." You looked back at poor Lando to find him nodding in agreement with the doctor. "Okay, then I'll leave you to it, he shouldn't be staying for long anyways. We will keep him for like an hour maximum to make sure there are no side effects after the accident."
"Why does he look ... loopy?" You gently hit Jon's shoulder who chuckled lightly at your cute way of reprimanding him. You shook your head as you sat next to Lando. "Are you okay, baby?" He nodded looking up at you like a baby that needs attention. You chuckled at his behaviour he was definitely acting loopy.
"Does anywhere hurt?" You inquired trying to get him to talk. He nodded. Your face fell for a second, worried that the doctor might have missed something when checking on Lando. "Where?" You scanned the rest of his body quickly before looking back at him for an answer. "Here" he said pointing at his heart. You frowned in a are-you-serious-mannar that got Jon erupting in laughter at Lando's lack of awareness due to the meds. "Shut up!" You said shaking your head as you looked back at lando who was all pouty, yet had this look in eyes that was expecting something from you.
"No, lando. I am being serious." You held his hand while the other played with his hair which got his eyes fluttering a bit. "Is there anything that's hurting you?" You leaned into him whispering. He huffed in annoyance. "YES, yes there is. Your lack of affection is hurting me woman. Just give me a kiss and I'll feel better." You were surprised with his behaviour, what kind of meds did the doctor put him on?
Again you heard Jon try his best to supress a laugh, but you ignored him this time, rolling your eyes. You were really worried, usually when things like that happened during a race, Lando doesn't take it easy on himself and he jumps right away at any opportunity to criticise his performance;however, you were thankful that the meds have eased his nerves a bit for him to actually think about what happened. "Am I going to keep on waiting for too long?" The bratty side was starting to show which made you laugh.
"What are you laughing about?" He asked in amusement totally unaware of the presence of his coach in the room as well. "Nothing,... you're just ... I don't know. You're acting like a baby." You answered between fits of laughter. "Yeah, but I am your baby right?" His tone completely changed from sassy to worried which made you look at him in awe. You couldn't deny him any longer, honestly who would? You leaned into him slowly only to see him close his eyes really fast preparing for your kiss. This made you find difficulty in holding your laughter back, but lando has had enough so he pulled you in for a kiss that literally almost took your breath away. His hand was warm over your cheek. He let go and removed his hand from your cheek and leaned on his back to rest, leaving you speechless. "Wasn't that hard was it?" His sassy side was back.
You blushed while laughing, which in return made lando beam at you in happiness. You rested your head on his shoulder, "I was so worried about you." You said. "I know, but I am fine now" he said planting a kiss on the crown of your forehead. You tried to shake away any thoughts of a more aware lando that you will definitely have to deal with later as you lost yourself to sleep.
True to his words, the doctor returned back with the news of releasing Lando from the hospital. You were helping lando put on some clothes since he hadn't changed out of his race suit, yet. He was pulling his grey hoodie over his head when he winced, "What's wrong?" You asked, concern evident in your voice. "Nothing just remembered I have to comment on the crash." It was evident from his tone that he was starting to sober up from the meds. You dreaded what he was going to go through. "Lan, please take it easy on yourself,hm?" You said patting his cheek before giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek. He nodded with sleep glossing over his eyes, he must be really tired; he also didn't get to rest well because of the jet lag.
"Lando, lando, lando"
There were some reporters waiting outside of the medical centre for lando as you both exited along with Jon and the security team.
"Lando what do you think of today's incident?" One of them asked putting the mic as close to Lando as possible.
"An unfortunate end to our Las Vegas GP weekend," he said. "I just bottomed out on the restart, lost the rear and hit the wall. Not the way we wanted the weekend to end, especially considering the pace looked promising on Oscar’s side."
Jon queued that it was time to leave, so lando gave them a final word before heading off.
"Big thanks go to the medical staff for checking me over, and to the team for the work they’ll now put in on the car. One week to reset and go again for the season finale in Abu Dhabi.”
"Of course, thank you for you time Lando. Hope you feel better, mate." Lando nodded as he got escorted away and into the car with you. He rested his head into your lap the moment he got into the car.Your hand immediately took place between his soft curls. Lando hummed quietly dozing off to sleep since he was super tired.He had to be woken up again when you both arrived at the Hilton. He refused to let you go, even during the lift ride, almost most of his weight was on you as he leaned into you. You reached your room quickly, and helped him into the bathroom. "Lando, baby please wash up first while I get you something to eat yeah," you gently requested of him before you let him go. He wanted to protest, but you were not hearing any of it; not only was he jet lagged but he hadn't had any proper meal today.
It seemed that Lando opted for a quick shower since you heard it running as you changed out of your clothes. He finished by the time the food arrived to your room. You both ate in bed under the covers, the t.v on for background noise, none of you paying attention to it. You tried to talk with him, not wanting to leave him to his harsh and self critical thoughts. "feeling better,baby?" Lando nodded quietly munching on his fries as your fingers coiled his curls in place. You didn't miss the way a small smile made its way on his lips, he loved it when you played with his hair. It just made him weak.
"I am sorry you couldn't be proud of me tonight. You didn't even get to enjoy the race." You frowned at his words that he said after a few seconds of silence. "Lando," you placed your plate aside and turned to him fully so you can face him. "You know that you always make me proud. Always. No matter what the result is." You looked into his eyes to show him how sincere you were. "Lando, even if you weren't an F1 driver, I'd still be proud of you no matter what." You tried to comfort him. He didn't deserve it. What happened wasn't even his fault, and Andrea mentioned this to the media, as well. "All I could think about when that accident happened was your safety." You almost teared up thinking back to how he must have felt in that moment and the panic that showed through his hand and head movement, how he must have been taken aback by it all. "Baby, don't cry now," he said, putting his plate aside as well. "No, Lando, don't. Because it really tears me up inside how you can be so judgemental towards yourself," you said, gently moving his hand away from your face that was trying to wipe away your tears. "Baby, you're amazing, and I am sure that one day you'll be as amazing as all the drivers you have ever looked up to and even more. I just know it. Just please don't do this to yourself. It's always a team effort, not just one person, and I know that you always give it your all, so just please don't be so harsh on yourself because you don't deserve it." Lando nodded as he came closer to give you a hug. "I am sorry, I didn't know I was being such an ass." He said. "You're not being an ass to me. You're being an ass to yourself, and I really hate it when you do that." You sniffed, hugging him back and hiding your face in his neck. Warm breath teasing his neck, which made him giggle a bit, made your heart flutter. "Ah, how did I get so lucky," he said under his breath, but you heard him. "I love you so much." You said, looking up into his pretty eyes. "I love you too, baby." He said before kissing you.
"Now, eat." You said gesturing with your head towards his plate. "Nah, I wanna cuddle instead."
"Lando, eat first and then we can cuddle."
"Ugh, fine. So bossy," he muttered.
"Ugh, so sassy." You copied him as he gave you a side eye.
You both erupted in laughter. "Love you," he said focusing back on his food.
"Love you to the moon and back," you said
"Love you more,"
"No, I love you more,"
"No, I love you even mo-" he was not giving up, but you had to make sure he was well fed. "Lando, finish your food, or I swear to God..."
"Fine, fine woman jeez... why can't you just reciprocate my love," he mumbled again.
"I am eating, I am eating, see," he said with a mouth full of fries. You laughed and shook your head. How did you even end up with this dork, you thought.
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Liked by Your Username and 1,950,465 others.
Rough day. Big impact. But feeling okay! Thanks for all of the messages ❤️ See you next weekend
Mclaren: 🧡🧡🧡
Zedd: Glad you're alright brother!❤️
Charles_leclerc: Feel better mate!
Maxverstappen1: why do you look like you're high?
↬Your Username: that's because he was indeed high 🥴
↬Landonorris: I was not 😳😳😳
↬Your Username: yes, you were. I have proof. Jon has a video of you.
↬FanUserName1: I wanna see it sooo bad.
↬FanUserName2: me too.
↬Danielricciardo: me three. 👀
↬Landonorris: Fuck off, Daniel.
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Liked by landonorris and 1,783,631 others.
He's feeling better and that's all that matters. Always proud of you, love.💋
Carlossainz55: yeah, right feel better, love 💋🙄
↬Your Username: Carlos, I swear to God, i will not tolerate the attitude just because you're Latino.👊🏼
↬Carlossainz55: oh no I am so scared. 🙄
↬Your Username: @iamrebeccad come get your boyfriend.
↬iamrebeccad: Carlos, I've had enough. Honestly stop it. I have to run around in the comments to stop this nonsense more than I run around from one city to the other for your races.🤦🏻‍♀️
↬Carlossainz55: mi amour, not you too.🥲💔
↬iamrebeccad: feel better guys, hopefully it won't happen again.🥹 @landonorris @/your username.
FanUserName1: oh my God, Rebecca dragging Carlos through the comments.😂😂😂
adam_norris_pure_electric: ❤️
*your username and Landonorris reacted to this comment *
FanUserName2: take care of him please.🥹🙏🏼
FanUserName3: We love you landinho, get well soon 🇧🇷 💛💚💛💚
OscarPiastri: Feel better, Lando🥹
↬Your Username: dw, I am taking good care of him.😁
↬LandoNorris: yeah, she's keeping me well fed.
↬FanUserName4: I knew it!! y/n's type of love is acts of service. Imagine her feeding lando and how she would act if he said that he's full.
↬FanUserName5: I don't wanna know tbh. The paps got a photo of her this one time when he refused taking any more food when they were out on a date,and she looked like she was one minute away from smashing the plate over his head.
↬Your UserName: in my defense he was not eating well, and I couldn't leave him like that without food.🤷‍♀️
↬LandoNorris: WITHOUT FOOD?!!😳😳😳 Babe you made me eat my whole plate and half of yours, i wouldn't count that as no food.
↬Your UserName: Sweetheart, back in my country this counts as a little girl's appetite.
↬Danielricciardo: hahaha she just roasted you on national t.v.🤣🤣🤣
↬LandoNorris: @Heidierger_ come get your bf. 😑
↬FanUserName6: What's with athletes having their gfs come collect them from this comment section ?! 😂😂😂😂
Mclaren: Take a deserved rest. We still have Abu Dhabi coming up. 🧡💪🏼
1K notes · View notes
augustinewrites · 7 months
cw: suggestive content, fem!reader
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“come for a stroll with me.”
“i can’t right now,” wriothesley tells you, glaring down at the mess of papers atop his desk.
it was not in your nature to be petulant, but the over dramatic sigh that falls from your lips has him believing otherwise. 
though he wanted nothing more than to abandon the day's duties and join you on the surface for an afternoon stroll, the lord of the fortress of meropide was a very busy man. he had a prison to run.
“fine,” you say, though your exasperated tone indicates that his refusal was anything but.
“you’re the head doctor,” he reminds you, gesturing to the stacks of paper on his desk. “you know how it is.” 
“actually i don’t, because i don’t do all my work at the last minute.” 
“you have sigewinne, who does more than half of it for you.” 
“sigewinne likes paperwork,” you argue, settling yourself atop the corner of his desk. “you could have a whole team of people to help you with these things, but you’re too picky to let them.”
“they don’t do it right,” he huffs, pen scratching a quick signature across the bottom of the topmost report before shuffling it aside. “i know this place better than any accountant whose only concern is balancing a book.”
“fair enough,” you shrug, picking up and thumbing through his reviewed missives with about as much interest as one watching paint dry. he looks down just as a sneaky smile appears on your lips. “i heard it’s quite nice outside.”
“too warm,” he mutters distractedly, too lost in the process of estate management to chit-chat about the weather. 
“perhaps i should shed a few layers before heading out,” you hum thoughtfully, fanning yourself lightly with his papers. 
wriothesley looks up, about to scold you, but the words dry up before they pass the tip of his tongue. 
you certainly hadn’t outfitted yourself as a future duchess might, forgoing a frilly, structured gown for one of his own loose white button downs that’s tucked into closely tailored trousers. 
it’s with great intrigue that he watched your free hand undo the top two buttons of your (his) shirt, revealing the delicate swatch of skin over your neck and teasing him with a peak at your cleavage. 
you catch him staring as you set his papers down, eyes flashing with delight. like a predator that’s successfully cornered its prey. wriothesley - in a last ditch escape attempt - quickly looks away, clearing his throat and staring hard at the report in front of him. 
he could not get distracted today. not with so much work to do. 
but you, oh you. you hop off his desk, walking around it to drape your arms around his shoulders, pressing a light kiss to his cheek. “i suppose i’ll see you later then.”
he mumbles a reluctant goodbye but your lips linger, brushing dangerously close to that sweet spot behind his ear. 
do not give in, his brain instructs, even though it’s getting harder and harder to process the words in front of him with every slide of your hands. 
schooling his features into a calm mask, wriothesley draws a deep, steadying breath. it hardly manages to settle him because archons, you were going to be the death of him. he’s always considered himself a steadfast person with an immense focus that’d been built up from a young age. when he set his mind to a task, he was a difficult man to distract.
you and your wiles have always been proof of otherwise.
“just be back before our audience with neuvillette this afternoon.” he tells you, doing his best to ignore the heat rising to his face. 
finance reviews, surveillance reports, correspondence. finance reviews, surveillance reports, correspondence. finance reviews, surveillance reports, cor–
“stop it,” he demands when your fingertips glide across his chest, fiddling with the knot of his tie. 
“why?” you ask, voice cloyingly innocent. “am i distracting you, your grace?”
you clearly do not believe him in the slightest. 
“care for a wager then? because i bet i can distract you by the end of the day.”
wriothesley knows that betting, wagering, or gambling against a former member of the house of the hearth is never a good idea. it’s a dangerous one.
he leans back, arms crossed over his chest as he attempts to salvage what’s left of his dignity. “what are the stakes?”
you know your boyfriend. it isn’t hard for you to wind him up and get him right where you want. 
which was on top of you. 
or underneath you. it depends on the day.
there were no real intricacies in seducing the mighty and fearsome duke. it wasn’t even that hard to fluster him, because a simple brush of your fingers against his was enough to make his cheeks flush with colour.
you just needed to draw him out a little. you’re on the offense, and you know all the right moves required to force him to engage with you.
in an effort to avoid you and (attempt to) win the bet, wriothesley had locked himself in his office for most of the day. it worked out well for you, because you’d been able to sneak into his quarters holding a shopping bag from chioriya boutique.
your plan is put into motion when you hear the duke stomp up the stairs to get ready for the meeting with neuvillette. 
“get back behind that screen,” he instructs when you poke your head out from behind the divider. he’s even slapped a hand over his eyes, intent on staying focused on the task at hand.
wriothesley huffs when you laugh, turning his back to you as he rummages through the dresser. 
he’s murmuring the little rhyme he uses to knot his tie, so focused on the task that he doesn’t notice the crinkling of the tissue paper as you pull your new…outfit out of its bag.
“hey,” he asks. “are you almost ready?”
“i just need you to lace me up,” you call back, shrugging the shoulders of your gown down a touch before stepping out from behind the divider.
you turn to show him the undone laces of your gown, watching his reflection in the mirror. he’s regaled in the fineries of the duke, having swapped out his shirt for a clean black one and fastened a fine fur coat over his shoulders. you appreciate his appearance greatly, but even more so when he finds your little surprise.
“is this…new?” he asks quietly, gloved fingers brushing undone laces aside to get a better look at what hides underneath your dress. 
it was new. a custom set, in fact. your duke likes you in dark lace and sculpted pieces. 
he inhales sharply when you take his wrist, gently guiding his hand to one of the slits in the side of your skirt. 
wriothesley breathes your name softly when his hand drifts up your dress and settles on your hip, meeting nothing but skin. 
a smug, satisfied grin threatens to break out on your face when you feel his lips brush against your shoulder. you had him on the ropes now. he’s just so easy–
his sweet movements cease suddenly and he pushes you away gently. 
“you almost got me,” he laughs, quickly removing his hands from underneath your dress. he grips the laces, deft fingers making quick work doing it up and pulling it taut and tight to hide the tempting lace of your brassiere. 
“go put your underwear back on,” he demands, delivering a firm smack to your rear. 
defeated but not the slightest bit deterred, you reluctantly reach for the abandoned garment as your boyfriend glares at the opposite wall. but losing the battle doesn’t mean losing the war. 
“should i put on the garter belt too?”
downstairs, neuvillette sighs, cursing his better-than-average hearing. 
at least you’d had the sense to leave out some good tea.
935 notes · View notes
Platonic Yandere Mutants
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“Can I help you with anything sir?”
Giving your typical customer server voice, you finished shelving the sauces and turned to the anthropod-mutant. The world has seen a resurgence of mutated humans that are just the same as any other human other than their more animalistic traits. A big part of the service-related industry was being able to handle the large, intimidating, and sometimes violent clientele.
“I’m so distraught…” The anthropodian looked just as he said with inky-black goo pouring from his black eyes. His quivering pupils were an amber-yellow, looking deep into your soul with lashes painted by his tears like mascara. 
He was arguably quite handsome if you could get past the staggering height of 244 centimeters, the three spider-like legs, and a lean torso connected to a larger abdomen. From a glance, it seemed that he was a spider-mutant but the folded wings on his large backside and the lack of mandibles or multiple eyes said otherwise. You didn’t know if it’d be polite to ask;  in the meantime, he continues. 
“Ever since the Spring the love of my life and I have been trying to fertilize our eggs Even our roommates attempted to help us make our children but to no avail. We went to the doctors and you know how few of them actually know how to treat mutants but that’s beside the point. They told us that we technically should be able to but for whatever reason we just can’t. We suspect that it might be because of the vaccine they recently brought mainstream. It’s just been so hard going through life without our own little bundle of joy.”
“Sir….this is a Matiscoes.”
He started crying again, putting his hands over his face, and you shot a nervous glance around, trying to spot another employee or nosy customer willing to intervene. No other customers were there and your coworkers that were weren’t interested in helping you whatsoever–only willing to offer a minor shrug.
“Is there anything you want here…to quell your grief.”
His crying seemed to cease or at least let up enough to fold his hands in front of him. He was smiling now and tilting his head. You copied the motion as you awaited his answer. 
“That’s why I came here today,” he started. “We’ve been watching you for a while now and we’ve decided you're going to be our new addition to the family!”
You blanched. 
“Uhm what–”
Faster than you could react strong grey hands grasped your shoulders, hugging you tight into his chest before holding you up high. In a way that only an anthropodian could do his backside’s wings opened up. Another layer, which looks like an exoskeleton, pulls back to reveal a gooey compartment. Barely able to let out a yelp as he unceremoniously dropped you into the compartment. 
The feeling of the compartment’s innards was soft and fleshy complimented by what had to be gallons of viscous slime that coated its sides and bottom. You saw your coworkers first–all of them either preparing to scream or reaching out as if to pull you out. Opening your mouth to call for them you found yourself choking on the chunky liquid, as you reached out. It was then you felt a hand on your head pushing down as the exoskeletal layer closed over you. 
It was a mostly transparent screen with tinges of gray that matched the skin tone of the mutant who had grabbed you. Next were the wings which folded over sealing you within the blackness of the compartment and forcing you to curl into yourself. You tried to hold your breath but when your lungs couldn’t take it, you resigned yourself to suffocate within the goop and complete darkness. Come to find you somehow could…breath just fine? You wanted to dwell on it, to question what this was but you found yourself unable to register much in the darkness of the cavern. Or even registering yourself as you felt your eyes close and your body relax.
All you knew was that the muffled yells were nothing but white noise to fall asleep to.
“You look happy today? Was it lunch?” 
Granger, the harpy, was preening his navy blue and magenta feathers when the anthropodian mutant happily strolled in. Picking up on the faint scent of metal, he deduced that his roommates had treated themselves again. 
He didn’t mind it really. 
After all, he had his own specific tastes.
But as much as they were his roommates, they were the closest thing he had to friends. And seeing a smile on your recently mopey friend's face was a good enough sign. The reason he felt like asking was the blacker tint of a blush on his gray cheeks as he lightly scurried by. 
“I did have a good lunch today but I got something better!”
“What is it?”
The anthropodian let out a coy giggle, winking as he made his way out of the mansion to the den he’d recently been crying in. While Granger didn’t pride himself on being emotionally intelligent he wasn’t as stupid as others expected. 
Something definitely happened.
And maybe the landlord might want to know about it. 
Sending the text swiftly, he tucked his phone away at the silent entrance of his other roommate. She held a mass of webs in her human-like arms along with a larger web sack strung over her shoulder and strapped against her back. The drider didn’t even bother to let one of her eight eyes even glance at him as she skillfully strode along the ceiling.
The harpy tilted his head up almost leaning completely on the chair to watch her make her way to the kitchen. 
“So I hear you two went out to lunch.”
“We did.”
“Are those the only leftovers? And I took you for the saving type.”
She didn’t say anything for a while instead opening the fridge to store what she had wrapped. For a moment, Granger thought she was ignoring him but then she spoke up. 
“I sent the real leftovers up to the den in the minecart. This food I retrieved is for…Harley.”
Granger made a face.
“Does Harley have a sudden interest in normie food?”
“You could say that…point being don’t eat any of this.”
“Ugh you know I won’t.”
“I mean it, Granger, if you eat this you will know the wrath of Harley.”
“Yeah yeah whatever.”
She blinked all eight of her eyes indignantly before scurrying away. 
Everyone was acting so weird. Granger felt excluded from whatever was going it’d stop when Quintin got home.
“Sire here are the final reports of this week’s averages.”
“Thank you. Make sure the office party ends well I’ll be taking my leave.”
“Of course sire. Have a nice evening.”
Walking out of the meeting room turned party venue, he drew the eyes of everyone there. Curious staring and admirable gazes alike followed him all the way to his office, giving him a temporary reprieve from the constant attention. The albino looked like any other of his employees, other than his strikingly white hair, pale face, red eyes, and the matching snake tail sprouting from his lower back. 
He too despite his upper appearance, was a mutant. Though more accepted for his resemblance to basic humans, Quintin still received a mix of reactions for his noticeable difference. Balancing the disgusted reactions for who the mutant he was along with the odd fascination for his mutant extremity made his success a winding road. Filled with pain, abuse, and constant questions of his own existence. 
But he was here and now he was a mogul among mutants and humans alike. 
He kept an open mind as he learned of new things, different curve balls, and spotty trends. His openness allowed for flexibility that let him navigate his industry. But that didn’t mean he didn’t like plans. As much as he practiced being open, routine was vital to his level-headedness. 
Specifically with things regarding home. So a text from the unruly tenant and friend made him remarkably tense. 
<Hey so Harley and Mar-Mar are acting weird…>
<I guess something went down at lunch>
Harley and Margot must have gone on one of their little excursions again.
Quintin had a sneaking suspicion as to what it may be but he had to be sure. Considering Harley was dealing with their infertility without too many distractions he could see why he’d go do something extreme. Tapping the password he retyped so often, the familiar security camera configuration popped up.
His eyebrow twitched, his claws scraped the underside of his desk, and his tail angrily whipped around. Finding nothing but the small movements of a cat on one of the cameras the subject for those cameras was nowhere to be found.
Through gritted teeth and a hiss on the tip of his tongue, Quintin cursed, “Harley!”
He hurried home without his typical unaffected air about him but no one bothered him let alone said goodbye. They knew better than to do so. Signalling his chauffeur to quickly head home he tried to calm the anger rising from within. 
The drive felt longer than usual because his mind was in near disarray. He kept it together, calmly undoing his tie and hanging his suit jacket up as he walked up the steep path to the mansion. He planned to quickly change out of his work clothes, with his partner being so privy to the faint scents of his coworkers. 
“Quintin! There you are! What’s up?”
Dodging a feathered hug, he shot him a scornful look shutting down the playful greeting of Granger. Passing him with burning vigor, he made his way through the mansion finding his practically untouched suite. He changed into the relaxing and more comfortable poet shirt and leather pants before sprinting up the mount.
He sent a passing glance at the displaced mine carts. They had been moved recently, which matches up with Granger’s inclusion of Margot. She happened to be the one who suggested moving furniture and delivering food to Harley’s den when he first began to nest. Only confirming his suspicions he ran at speeds invisible to the human eye. Despite looking so similar to them he was wired completely different 
With no need to catch his breath, he strode past the various webbing around the mouth of the cave. For someone who claimed to be celibate Margot was heavily invested and involved throughout their fertility journey. Going so far as to insulate and effectively monitor the cave with Harley in it. Of course, it remained to be seen if this was helpful or not. 
He walked farther, attempting not to trigger the connection of webs that alerted neither Harley nor Margot. Eventually, the webbing stopped and the cave split into tunnels. He already knew where the latest nest was based on scent alone. After navigating the various paths to the entry of an even smaller cave was where he found Harley. 
It was a smaller cavern with a slow but moving body of water with a generator powering the off-hand appliances, and heating panels pointed downwards. A little ways from them in a widely dug hole was the nest, a collection of blankets and pillows that he excitedly went shopping for not too long ago. And so was Harley happily tidying up and poking at the pillows infusing them with his blood and plasma.
His smiling gray face turned to look at him with a black blush he could tell had been there for a while. 
“Quintin! I’m so glad you’re here we’re almost ready.”
“W-what, aren’t you happy?”
“I told you to wait. To wait until we were both ready.”
The anthropod made a face. 
“But I was ready. My body said it was time so I just–”
He continued to quietly justify himself as Quintin let his mind drift. This was a common conversation throughout their journey. While his snake heritage was always known to him and the behaviors connected with it the same could never be said about Harley. All they knew was that he was connected to the anthropod type in some way. Other than that it was a guessing game. More often than not they just had to rely on whatever feeling Harley was focused on hoping it’d be akin to a birthing instinct. 
It was exhausting. 
But Quintin loves Harley.
So he’d put up with that, during their latest attempt–surrogacy–he met someone who kindled the paternal instincts in him like none before. It was during an interview for an assistant intern that he happened to be watching that he’d found them. 
A human. 
An awkward one.
That was just trying to make their way in the world.
Never before had he wanted to stow anyone away except for Harley. So young. So weak+ So unachieved. Maybe it was the way you spoke, what answers were firm and not, the way your eyes checked yourself in the mirror provided. Whatever it was it solidified it for him, if this next attempt didn’t work out then he wouldn’t mind adoption. Granted you weren’t a child or a teen but barely an adult he wanted nothing more than to coddle and spoil. 
So after stringing them along a few other interviews, he rejected their application. Keeping the template-based resume and taking the vital information to do an extensive background check. It was a great distraction setting up the cameras in your home and guiding your job search to a crooked grocery store. So of course the sorrow of another avenue closing was painful but it just gave him an excuse to have a routine—-to be calm. To sync his routine with yours; watching your daily life allowing him to scold you through the screen. 
It wouldn’t be long before Harley caught wind of his turned attention, eventually scoping out his secret pastime. Quintin was worried originally, while he had the financial power Harley was just an unstoppable unit if pushed hard enough. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d made meals out of coworkers he deemed too close. But much to Quintin’s surprise, it became the newest vice for Harley’s sadness.
“When can we? I want them home soon!” 
“We need to wait…give it time then we’ll slowly reel them in.”
It was the wise way to bring their baby in. Slowly gain their trust, earn their friendship, and eventually become the parents that could be without explicitly saying it. It was a long game but it’d be worth it as they got the payout all without immense force or bringing stress.
“-it’s just that they’re getting older and we’re going to miss out! I wasn’t trying to-”
“I understand.”
“I get why. It’s fine. We’ll make this work.”
“Oh well, I’m glad you see it my way!”
How shameless.
Harley bent down to give him a light peck before happily turning away. Continuing to arrange and rearrange the nesting area. Surely there wasn’t much else that could be done, other than maybe customizing it with a few things from their baby’s shoddy shack they called home. But not too much. He could only hope your favorite things weren’t infected with whatever vermin surely lived in the rundown place he had (his staff) those cameras planted in. On that topic, he made a mental note to pick up the little creature he saw running nervously around there. Surely bringing it back home would help their baby acclimate. Speaking of them…
“Where are they by the way?”
With a small smile and a flutter of Harley’s wings, he already knew. Quintin couldn’t help but pinch the bridge of his nose.
“How did I know…anyway Harls are you going to release them soon?”
“But they’re so cozy and quiet in here!”
“I was going to but what better way to get close to each other?!”
“Harls. Most humans already are frightened by our appearance, let alone the inner workings of us mutants…they aren’t going to respond to your…” He sent a worried look to the anthropodian’s behind. “Affection all that well.”
“I know that! All babies are fussy, especially when they haven’t been with us for too long.”
Quintin decided to dismiss the jump in logic. Harley sighed before picking a place among the pillows to settle down in. With a pout on his lips, his wings flapped up and the final layer of his protective pouch pulled back. 
There you were, sleeping in the fetal position and submerged in the yellow fluids of Harley’s design. Soothed by the sounds of your light breathing Quintin took a minute to admire you before scooping you up in his arms. Not bothered by the residue soaking through his shirt, he settled you down on one of the many propped-up pillows. Making sure to support your head as he held you tight. He lightly rocked you noting you were still wearing your work uniform. He held back a sigh and sent a look to his partner who had finished closing his pouch and had turned to sit against his side. 
“What? We figured we’d get lunch along the way.”
“Did they see?”
“Nope! And if you want we have leftovers!”
“ I smelt so and…maybe if the manager is among them.”
“Hmm you’ll have to ask Margot, she’s already wrapped them up.”
“U-u-uhm what is going on?!”
When you woke up, you first remember how hard it was to open your eyes. Not only because the desire to sleep wasn’t constantly plaguing your brain but because something had glued your lashes together. It took over five attempts to blink your eyes open. 
Your lips had the same problem, you’d have to try to open them too. 
What was this taste in your mouth?! 
It was remarkably blurry. Like round spots of color barely moving blurry. But your eyes would adjust like all your other senses, including your ears which seemed to have been clogged but were slowly becoming clear.
Both those voices sounded so familiar one more so than the other. Coupled with the oddly chilly hand weight of a hand supporting your back, which seemed to lightly bob you up and down. The voices of the ones above you became clearer, talking about something you couldn’t grasp.
“Uhm, what’s going on?!”
It came out before you could register your mouth moved at all. It only made you regret it when they both turned to you with such wide eyes; almost like a feline’s glare when it came to hunting. 
The gray man gave a fanged smile, “Hi baby, good morning! Did you have a nice rest?”
You felt the urge to scream only able to hone in on the glowing yellow pupils and the sharpened teeth coming closer to you. The paler face, a much more human-like face tutted the threatening being. Pulling you to sit on their lap, letting you eye the incredibly dark cavern that you were in before covering your eyes with a pale hand. 
Eyes covered, you could only guess it was a muscular arm wrapping around your waist. Hushing in your ear and a hand attempting to soothe you by rubbing the side of your upper arm. It helped…a little.
“(Y/n), relax for me. Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out.”
You followed the man’s instructions to fight the urge to let out a shuddered breath. You could feel your tears dampen the hand over your eyes. He repeated the same instructions to you, waiting for your breath to even out before trying to speak to you.
“(Y/n) some things are going to be different now.”
“What do you mean by that? How do you know my name? Where am—”
Shushing you again the voice calmly continued,” I am Quintin and the anthropod you met before is Harley. We’ll be your guardians from now on.”
“What?! Guardians?! But I’m an adult I don’t need any–guardians!”
The voice seemed to pause, almost offended by your denial. The arm around you—that felt like it didn’t have joints–tightened around you in a vice grip.
“We are your guardians from now on (Y/n)...now would you like to see or would you like a blindfold?”
Now it was your turn to be silent. Debating with yourself on what would bring the most comfort in the stress full time.
On one hand, if they were going to torture you or force you to undergo some horrific experiments or something the blindfold would be better.
On the other hand, having your sight lets you see where you can escape and see what you’re up against. 
Well, the answer is obvious, right?
“I want the blindfold off.”
“Okay, but if you misbehave it’s going right back.”
You ignored the warning as your dim surroundings were revealed. Blinking away the blurred specks in your eyes it revealed the familiar face from the store. Your expression must’ve shown your realization because the mutant spoke.
“Hi, sweet pea! We did officially meet in the store but I���ll have you know I’ve been wanting you home with us for a long time!”
You grimace, “You were stalking me?” 
His expression became downcast before he shook his head. 
“Stalking is for hunting, sweetie. We’ll have to go over everything you know about hunting if that’s what you’ve been taught. Stupid humans if that’s what they're teaching we’ll have to reteach you everything!”
“I’m human!”
He swoons before pinching your cheeks and cuddling his face against yours. “I know but you’re our human! And that makes you better than all of them.”
You felt disgusted. While there were tensions with the mutants it was mostly through those rioting and promoting discrimination. Those same rioters tended to look down on the other race, saying things just like that. It disturbed you. 
“Humans aren’t stupid!”
“(Y/n).” Quintin warned. You didn’t listen.
“Have you ever considered that our strengths aren’t in our physical strengths alone? “
“(Y/n), please.”
“Now, angel watch your tone! You won’t speak to your father and I like that.”
“I’m going to say something if you’re looking down on people.”
“I look down on them because that’s nature, darling. Just because it’s the way the world works doesn’t mean you need to misbehave.”
“I’m not misbehaving! I’m stating my opinion!”
“Maybe you’re opinion isn’t wanted.”
“Then maybe you should’ve gotten some underdeveloped child!”
“Grrr. That’s it, I’m putting you in time out.”
Repeating the same actions as he did at the store, you tried your best to struggle this time. Scratching and squirming did nothing to stop your route to the opened exoskeleton compartment. Harley only stopped at Quintin’s hand on his chest.
“But honey they—”
“Are adjusting we have to give them time to learn their surroundings. To get to know us.”
“But Quin!”
With a sigh, he set you down again. Angrily crossing his arms Harley watched you scramble away, sending a look towards Quintin who closed the distance between you. Finally seeing his face as he came to kneel in front of you. His skin was pale, a smooth off-white that could barely be distinguished from his hair. His eyes were like crimson pearls with slitted pupils gazing deeply into your own. 
“(Y/n), I know a lot of things are changing for you,” he kept stepping closer to you; minding how your back had reached the wall of the crater. He continued to step close to you, holding his hands up when you flinched. “And there’s a lot to learn so I’ll make it easier for you.
You felt something slither between your back and the wall pulling you closer to Quintin as he reached into his pocket. Now it hit you that the albino had a tail sprouting from his behind, that easily held you tight as a blindfold was tied over your face. Naturally, you reached your hands up to analyze it only for those oddly warm and chilled hands to wrap something soft around your wrists.
“Wait did you–”
“I did.” 
You opened your mouth to protest, stopping when you felt the slicing of the air near your ear. Barely sensing the breath, you gathered that Quentin was hugging you and prepared to whisper.
“Don’t upset him. Otherwise, he’ll keep you in that pouch forever.”
“But what if–”
“He’s emotional, you won’t be able to reason with him.” He paused, internally enjoying the defeated look on your face. Taking advantage of your hesitance he set your head to rest on his shoulder. “I’ll always come back for you. When I do I can reason with him so hang tight for me, okay?”
He felt your lips wobble and the small drips against his shoulder. He tightened his hug, relishing the clinging of your cuffed hands against his shirt. 
He tried again,” Can you do that, (Y/n)? Let him baby you, just for a little bit?”
“I’m already so proud.”
He pulls away, delightfully having to unlatch your fingers from him. He fights the smile that threatens to spread as he begins walking back to Harley. The anthropodian mutant glared at him with an angry dark blush on his face. His wings occasionally and angrily fluttered as Quintin came closer. Holding his gray cheeks in place, the snake prodded his tongue against Harley’s lips. Pushing past the barrier Quintin enjoyed the warmth of Harley’s mouth diving deeper until he was met with a reciprocated stroke. Before they got carried away, they pulled away each licking off the translucent purple saliva that hung on their lips. 
“Be forgiving Harley, they’re really scared.”
Harley clung to his love’s shirt, peering over his shoulder at the helpless human who curiously turned their head.
“But what if I’m scared too, Quintin? What if they get away from us, like the last ones?” 
“They won’t. I’ll make sure of it.”
Amber eyes looked nervously into Quintin’s eyes before letting a smile stretch across his face. Harley took his time placing another kiss on the albino’s lips, stepping around him as he made his way to the human. 
“Then hurry back, I think we’ll both be looking forward to our first meal–as a family!”
Quintin smiled casually jumping out of the crater; smiling widely as watched Harley scoop you up with care. This time lightly running his nose along your head as he spoke, probably apologizing. 
The snake mutant made his way back to the mansion, not only planning to begin moving your things but also grabbing the food Margot brought especially for his baby. He had to calm himself when he found his tail unconsciously striking the trees around him. Chastizing himself, he didn’t want to knock all the trees down, he’s sure you’d love climbing them. 
“Oh right. We’ll have to talk with others, I bet they're dying to meet you.”
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authorhjk1 · 8 months
Interlude: Doctor appointment turns into bunny breeding sessions
( Kim Minji X Male Reader)
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You sigh as you look around the waiting room. It has been a couple of minutes now, since the two girls left. About to stand up, you suddenly see one of the doors open.
The woman in the doorframe makes your eyes widen. Who is she?
The Korean woman wears a black jacket and a pair of shorts. The shorts almost make it look like she isn't wearing anything to cover her core at all. Her black choker and leather boots complete the all black outfit. It looks like she is also wearing fishnets, which barely even reach her knees.
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"Ugh! I hate it here."
She slumps down on the chair on your left. Only now you realize she is also wearing a black top.
"How come?"
You decide to talk to her. This isn't an actual waiting room after all, which means she must live here. And that means, she is probably in on all this.
"The doctor is crap."
She doesn't even look at you as she blows a bubble with her gum.
"Which one?"
"The one with the pink hair."
She has her legs and arms crossed, while she sits next to you.
You frown. The two girls you met at the airport had brown and black hair. Whom is she talking about?
"What's your name?"
"Minji. Yours?"
She offers you her fist and you give her a fist bump.
"Is something going on downtown?"
You look at her in confusion.
"Is something wrong with your..."
She deliberately looks down at your crotch.
"Why would you ask that?"
"Because the doctors here are specialized in that area."
Minji blows another bubble, letting it pop loudly.
"I see."
It's silent for a couple of moments, before she asks again.
"So? Something going on?"
You ponder if you should tell her. This is still fake. So maybe you will get something out of this. You eye her from the side. Her face looks like that of an angel, although she is currently going for the opposite persona. Her black top is low cut, which means you have no trouble enjoying the view. Because the lower part of her jacket is covering her shorts, it looks like she isn't wearing any pants. Her long, creamy legs are on display.
"I produce too much.... You know?"
You glance at her face as she looks at you.
"I see."
She nods while blowing another bubble.
"And you?"
She shrugs her shoulder.
"I have this kink. Although the doctor says it's an addiction."
She scoffs, before shaking her head.
"What kind?"
You might have sounded a little too curious.
Minji ignores your question as she suddenly looks around.
"Hey, can you make sure no one comes in?"
A little surprised, you nod, before seeing Minji leaving her seat. She walks towards the "counter" before leaning over it. Her jacket rides up as she reaches for something. Her tight black shorts hug her butt perfectly, giving it a perfect shape.
But your eyes are quickly caught by something else. Black ink is decorating her left thigh, right above the back of her knee. The tattoo seems to be made out of three small butterflies.
Once she found it, she turns around, holding up her phone.
"Those idiots took it away from me. They said, I can't stop reading this stuff, but they are just overreacting."
"What kind of stuff?"
You watch Minji walking back to her seat next to you.
"I keep reading fan fiction about me. I'm a rock star, you know?"
"Oh, really?"
"Surprising, right? A sweet girl like me?"
She wiggles her eyebrows mockingly, before turning her phone on.
"And what kind of fan fiction?"
"I found this amazing story on Wattpad least year. The author's name was something with HJK? I dunno. But it was deleted. Luckily, I took a few screenshots."
"And what is it about?"
Minji winks at you.
"It's about how I get my back blown out by the reader."
You don't know how to respond to that. You are glad she keeps talking.
"I'm supposed to have a throat fuck kink, according to the story."
"And is that true?"
You are surprised at how freely she talks about this.
"Well, yeah. I like it. But that's not my favorite thing."
You see her opening her Tumblr account "timetobreedminji". After seeing her username, you are already able to guess, what her favorite thing is. Still you ask her, wanting to hear it from Minji in person.
"And what is your favorite thing?"
The Korean girl looks up from her phone to look at you. Her eyes are big and dark.
"Beeing bred."
Her eyes suddenly become a little darker as if you just triggered something in her.
"The doctors try to convince me, that I'm delusional, but that's not true. Do you know, why my fans call me bunny or rabbit?"
You shake your head. You expected another kind of name for a rock star, but you are in Korea after all.
"Because they all want to breed me."
You don't sound as surprised as you thought you would. Minji nods her head.
"The doctors told me, I'm fertile as hell. Perfect for breeding."
Her phone is lying forgotten on the seat next to her. Glancing at it, you read the title of the post, which she is currently reading. "Doctor's appointment turns into bunny breeding session"
(Author's note: "What the...??")
Minji looks around the room, before sighing heavily.
"Do you know how long it has been, since someone tried to breed me?"
You shake your head.
"About a week ago. I feel so empty."
By now, your dick in your pants is already hard. Forget about Yoohyeon and SuA. You have to fuck Minji first.
"Wait a minute."
She scans you up and down.
"You said your balls are producing too much cum, right?"
You nod your head hesitantly. Minji makes this roleplay stuff feel very real.
"Isn't that great for breeding?"
You should have known this question would come eventually.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, the more you cum in me, the higher the chance you breed me properly."
"But I have an appointment soon."
Minji rolls her eyes in annoyance. Her rock star persona shining through.
"I don't give a fuck. Those doctors are dumb anyways. Wouldn't it help us both?"
You think about it for a moment. She is not wrong.
"You would lose some of that cum of yours and I can be your breeding bunny. That's a win-win."
"I don't see the harm in that."
As soon as you agree, Minji straddles your lap.
"Finally I'm gonna get some cum in my belly."
She whispers, before kissing your lips.
You hold onto her thighs to steady her on top of you. Her soft, creamy skin feels smooth underneath your palm.
Minji grinds on you, rubbing her center against your own. She can feel your hard cock in your pants, which makes her even wetter. As she imagines, how you would cum in her, you start to attack the flawless skin on her neck.
You immediately realize, that Minji only has one goal in mind. She already starts to undo your belt. Having sex is just a way to get what she wants. It's just a means to an end. You wonder if that's the role she is playing, or if that's actually her.
You lift your hips as you feel Minji pull off your pants and your underwear in one go.
"I'm sorry, but I don't have time to suck you off."
The Korean girl's breathing becomes faster as she reaches for your cock.
"I just need your cum in me. As soon as possible."
She let's some spit fall out of her mouth and onto your dick. Her hand makes sure that it's all wet. Still a little surprised at her speed, you are only able to watch as she lifts her hips.
"Get them off me. Please."
She sighs, while waiting for you to pull her pants down as well. The black fabric is tighter around her body as you expected. It takes a second to peel her shorts off of her. She isn't wearing panties, only a small stripe of hair decorates her lower region.
"Put it in already."
Her demands turn into whines as she waits for you to act. You guide her hips towards you, while Minji points your cock at her entrance. As she sinks onto you, you feel her snatch taking in your dick. Minji's walls have a tight grip on you as she lowers herself further.
"If I knew you were so big, I would've taken my time with it."
She sighs as you run your hands along the smooth skin of her thighs.
"I wish I could've felt these around my head."
You tease her as you squeeze her thighs slightly.
Minji sighs heavily, already stuffed with half of your cock. She leans forward, pressing her clothed chest into your face. You feel her hard nipples graze your cheeks as Minji takes a fistful of your hair.
"I'm such a needy bunny, I know."
She pushes your head further into her chest, while she slowly starts to ride you. When she Minji sinks down on you fully, her face is on level with yours. When she moves upwards, she presses your head into her chest. You take every opportunity to kiss her skin as you feel her pussy around your cock. You can feel Minji relaxing and contracting her muscles with the rhythm of her movements. She really does try her best to make you cum as fast as possible.
You wonder, how long you can hold out, not wanting to see this end too soon. You reach behind her to take handfuls of her cheeks. Minji moans into your mouth.
"Just use me, until you cum."
Before you can answer, you are faced with her black top again. When Minji sinks back onto your cock, she throws her head back, letting her hair look like a waterfall behind her.
You start to take control of her bounces, making her go a little faster. Much to her enjoyment it seems as Minji releases moan after moan.
"Make me ride your cock, baby."
Her walls squeeze you tighter, her pussy desperate to milk you dry.
"Fuck, Minji I-"
"Yes! Yes! Cum in me!"
She feels your cock twitching inside of her. You squeeze her ass harder, trying to hold on a second longer as you practically pull her onto your cock, before pushing her off again.
"Breed me! Breed this little bunny!"
You feel pain on your scalp. The result of Minji trying to hold onto her own high, wanting to climax when you cum as well.  It makes your head roll back too as you try to ease the pain.
"Give it to me! Breed me!"
You moan as you finally unload inside of Minji. You hold her down, her pussy sealed around your cock tightly. The young woman shakes slightly on top of you as she feels her orgasm washing over her, while your cum floods her insides.
You open your eyes, when you finally come down from your high. Minji's chin rests on your shoulder as she tries to catch her breath. This was quite short. And yet, really good. It's evident that she has some experience. You feel your cock still inside of her as Minji slowly rolls her hips.
"Do you think you can give me a another load? Just to make sure you are breeding me properly?"
You could have said no. Maybe you even should have, knowing that the other two girls are waiting for you. And yet, you can't help yourself.
You wrap your arms around her, trapping Minji against your body. The two of you stay connected as you stand up. Although Minji is small and light it's still hard not to trip. You carry her to the kitchen counter as you feel her lips on your neck.
"Drown my pussy in cum, baby."
She whispers into your ear as you sit her down on the counter. She unlocks her legs behind you, enabling you to take them into your hands.
Minji lies down, her back pressed against the cold surface. She can feel it underneath her jacket. She is still wearing her boots and fishnets as you put her ankles onto your shoulders. You have a great view of Minji's pussy as you let your hands glide along her legs. Your fingers dance over the dark butterflies on her skin, until they reach her waist.
You see the young woman nodding. Her gaze a mixture of excitement and need.
Slightly pressing down on her belly, you almost pull out completely.
Pushing back inside, you hear her pussy making wet sounds. You push your cum further into Minji as you start to rock her world on top of her own kitchen counter.
"Oh fuck! So much cum!"
She feels your warm cum inside of her as you fuck her hard.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
Minji arches her back off the stone surface. You hold onto her thighs, feeling one of her ankles slowly slip off your shoulder. The young Korean seems to interpret your actions differently.
"Yes! Put me in a mating press! Breed me!"
She moans loudly, almost shouting. You pull her further towards you, making her ass leave the surface. Leaning over her, you push Minji's legs towards her body. You start to fold her in half. Her boots reach her head and she holds onto her own ankles. You place your hands on the back of her thighs, one directly on her tattoo.
Her pleading face makes you fuck her harder. Now you are slightly above her, hitting even deeper spots.
"Fuck yes! Push your cum further!"
Minji mewls as you keep pounding her. You feel your muscles slowy getting tired as you use all your strength to push into Minji. She looks so sexy like that. Lying on her back, her ankles in her hands, unable to do anything but take your pounding.
Your thumb grazes over her butterflies. You are not a fan of permanent tattoos on women, but fake ones like these are very sexy. This one is quite small, but seductive. You wonder how Ahin would look wih a tattoo. Maybe on her back? A big one?
You lose your thoughts as Minji's pussy brings you back to reality. It squeezes your cock tightly, trying to drain you again. You feel your orgasm approaching as you fuck Minji into the counter.
"Gonna cum!"
You are surprised she cums so early, you expected her to orgasm with you again. She reaches around her anke with her left hand, covering her mouth with her hand.
Minji's head rocks back and forth along with her body as you drive her towards her orgasm.
Her scream is muffled, yet audible. Her body shakes, a little harder than the first time, as Minji cums around your cock again. It makes her pussy tighter, bringing you closer towards the edge as well.
"Fuck, Minji. I'm gonna cum in you."
Her hand has left her mouth as she nods her head vigorously.
"Fill me up again! Breed my little bunny pussy! Give me baby bunnies!"
Not the usual choice of words, when someone begs you to cum in them, but Minji makes it sound somewhat alluring.
You grip harder onto her thighs as you push her legs further towards her. She is one flexible woman, taking your pounding in this position with ease.
You hiss as you unload a second time in Minji's pussy.
"Yes! Fill my womb! Cum in me!"
Her hole holds onto you tightly as you shoot rope after rope of cum into her freshly fucked pussy.
"So warm."
Minji sighs as she feels your cum inside of her. You lean over her, pressing her legs against her torso.
"I hope you stay addicted to this. I would love to breed you again."
Minji chuckles, wrapping her hands around your neck, pulling you closer.
"Wait for me after your appointment. And don't waste too much cum on them. They don't know how to appreciate it."
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 6 months
Ooh! A wonderful interview with Rich Keeble who played Mr. Arnold (the one with the Doctor Who Annual :)) in S2! :)❤
Q: In Good Omens 2 you play Mr. Arnold, who runs the music shop on Whickber Street. Were you a fan of Good Omens before joining the cast, and is it challenging to take on such an iconic story which is already loved by a huge fanbase?
A: “There’s always pressure if you’re working on something with an existing fanbase and people might have an idea already as to how you should be approaching something. To be honest I was aware of the show but I hadn’t actually seen it before I was asked to get involved. I knew it was something special though! I remember talking to Tim Downie [Mr. Brown] about how when you tape for certain things you know if something’s a “good one”. Of course by the time I was on set I’d watched Season 1 and read the book. 
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I had an interesting route into the show actually: I was asked at the last minute to read the stage directions at the tableread on Zoom, and Douglas [Mackinnon] the director called me up to discuss pronunciations of the character names etc. To prepare further I quickly watched the first episode on Prime Video, and I was very quickly drawn into it. A couple of hours later I was on a Zoom call with David [Tennant], Michael [Sheen] (with his bleached hair), Neil [Gaiman], Douglas and the whole team, including Suzanne [Smith] and Glenda [Mariani] in casting. After that readthrough I asked my agent to try and see if she could shoehorn me in and she came back with a tape for Mr. Arnold saying “you play the piano don’t you…?” They wanted me to demonstrate my musical playing ability, so I rented a rehearsal studio room in Brixton for an hour and filmed myself playing piano (and drums just in case), then I did my scenes a couple of different ways and I guess it wasn’t too terrible!”
Q: During episode five you mimed to music written by series composer David Arnold alongside a real string quartet – this must have been very immersive! How did it feel to work with David, and bring the ball to life?
A: “I actually didn’t meet David Arnold sadly, but I did work with Catherine Grimes, the music supervisor who is lovely. David was at the London screening but I missed an opportunity to go and say hello to him which I kicked myself about. 
I remember before I was in Scotland there was a bit of uncertainty as to whether I would need to play anything for real or not, so I practised every day playing loads of Bach and other music I thought was era-appropriate just in case they asked me to do anything on the fly. So yes, it was very immersive as you say! They sent me three pieces of music to learn which I practised in my Edinburgh apartment on a portable folding keyboard thing I bought. They introduced me to the string quartet (John, Sarah, Alison and Stephanie) and I tried to hang out with them when I could. On the day we all had earpieces to mime to. I had to mime while listening out for a cue from Nina [Sosanya] from across the room, then deliver my dialogue and carry on playing, which was tricky! The quartet and I helped each other out actually: Douglas would say something like “let’s go from a minute into the second piece of music”, I’d look at the sheet music and whisper “where the hell is that?” and one of the quartet would say “we think that’s bar 90” or something. Here’s a little bit of trivia: the shooting overran and the string quartet couldn’t make the last day, so they found some incredible lookalikes to replace them for the scene when we get lead out of the bookshop through all the demons, although I think they also kept them deliberately off camera.” 
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Q: What did you think of your music shop when you first saw the set? Did you have a favourite poster or prop?
A: “I thought it was incredible! It could’ve been an actual music shop with all the instruments hanging up with the “Arnold’s” price tags on. The attention to detail was incredible, well IS incredible as I understand it’s all still there. It’s hard to pick a favourite to be honest. I did a little video walkaround on my phone at the time so maybe I’ll post that if I won’t get in trouble. Interestingly the shop interior itself was elsewhere on the set to the shop entrance you see from the street. You walk out of Aziraphale’s shop, over the road, through the door of the music shop and… there’s nothing.” 
Q: Mr. Arnold is tempted into the ball by a Doctor Who Annual and is playing the theme in the music shop scene – are you a fan of Doctor Who in real life? And what was it like making those jokes and references in front of the Tenth Doctor David Tennant?
A: “I’ve always dipped in and out of Doctor Who over the years since Sylvestor McCoy, who was doing it when I first became aware of it when I was growing up. Even if you’re not a fan it’s one of those shows you can’t really get away from, so doing that particular scene in front of David was really fun, and of course Douglas had directed Doctor Who as well. Apart from the amusing situation of two supposed Doctor Who fans talking about Doctor Who without realising they’re in the company of a Doctor Who, I also seem to remember Michael being the one to suggest that he would deliver his “due to problems at the BBC” line directly to David.
Oh, and I think it was actually my idea to grab the annual off the harpsichord before joining the queue behind Crowley at the end of the ballroom scene (which we’d shot weeks earlier at this point). When we were blocking it out and rehearsing I knew I had to leave my position and get to the front for my “surrender the angle” line, and then later it just felt like I wouldn’t leave without the annual so I ran back through everyone to grab it. Nobody seemed to have a problem with me doing that so I just carried on doing it when we shot it! I do remember it being a fun set with Douglas and the team being very open to suggestions.”
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Q: How did you balance filming both Good Omens and BBC Ghosts at the same time?
A: “Luckily both shows were a joy to work on, and everyone seems to know about both of them. We were shooting them in early 2022 and I also had a little part in an ITV drama called ‘Stonehouse’, starring Matthew Macfadyen. I usually never know when I’m working next so to have three great TV jobs at once was very unusual. There was all this date juggling and I actually almost had to turn down Ghosts due to clashes. Luckily both shows had to move some dates so it worked out. But yes, I spent two weeks up in Scotland shooting all that Good Omens ballroom stuff, then I came back down to London to do Ghosts, knowing I’d be back up to shoot my scenes in the music shop in a couple of weeks. Now, when I found out who was playing my wife in Ghosts I couldn’t believe it: Caroline Sheen – Michael Sheen’s cousin! She was amazing and that was another great set in general. I say “set”, but it’s all filmed in that house which surprised me. I’d worked with Kiell [Smith-Bynoe] and Jim [Howick] before, and Charlotte [Ritchie] was in the Good Omens radio play a few years ago and a big fan of the book. Charlotte’s very musical of course and we got talking about my folding keyboard I had for practising my Good Omens stuff, and she ended up setting it up in the house for us to have a play on!
Now, when we’d shot all our internal scenes there was this big storm forecast, and our external scenes were scheduled for the day of the storm, so that had to be moved into the next week. It meant I ended up shooting those scenes outside the house, then going straight back up to Scotland to shoot the Good Omens music shop scene the next day! When I mentioned to Michael I’d just worked with Caroline he said “ooh she’s in Ghosts is she!” and revealed that she’d texted him about me which was rather surreal. Then later after the Ghosts wrap party Kiell gave me a part in his Channel 4 Blap, so at the time I felt like I was killing it career wise, but the industry quietened a bit after that and my workload eased off over the year so I was in my overdraft by November.”
Q: What are your plans for the future – can we expect to see you in something else soon?
A: “This year, after a bit of a quiet start, I was very fortunate to work on a Disney+ show called Rivals which stars… David Tennant! I think I’m allowed to say my character is called Brian, and I shot five episodes so that was another really amazing job, and great to work with David again (I told him he must be my good luck charm, although I hope he’s not sick of me). That should be out at some point in late 2024. Other than that I’ve filmed a few other bits I presume will be out next year, one of which is called Truelove on Channel 4 which actually looks really good. That starts early January. Of course now Season 3 of Good Omens has been greenlit, I would love Neil and the gang to have me back on that… but I can only keep my fingers crossed!”
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livwritesstuff · 10 days
It’s late in the day when Sam Owens first approaches Eddie.
Eddie is sitting in a lawn chair on the edge of Joyce and Hopper’s backyard in Hawkins, Indiana, and sort of trapped there ever since his and Steve's daughter Moe had dozed off in his lap a little while ago.
For the record, Eddie and Steve don’t live in Hawkins. They’d have to be insane to stick around after everything this hole of a town put them through, never mind willingly choose to raise a child there. No, Hopper had bullied them into making the trek home to celebrate Moe's first birthday (Jesus H. Christ, she's one) and by the looks of how crowded the yard is, he'd done the same to practically the entire rest of the Party too.
Eddie isn't actually trapped either. It's true that he doesn't really want to tempt fate by waking Moe up from a nap that he and Steve had sort of resigned themselves to skipping that day, but he could get up if he wanted to. He's a whole sap in his big age of thirty-six though, and extremely aware of how quickly Moe’s first year of life had flown by. He'd be a damn fool to not relish in these moments, when Moe is a baby still, when she's little enough to fall asleep in his lap like this.
So he's sitting and he's letting his mind wander down whatever rabbit-holes it ventures upon because he's not just a sap these days, he's getting retrospective too.
Twenty years after all the shit that went down in his Hawkins, Eddie considers himself a secondary character in it all (even though it hadn’t felt like it at the time – that’s for fucking sure). 
Honestly, he'd really only been involved in about five days out of several years of that shit – not in the know yet for the first part, and unconscious for the end of it – secondary character stuff, in Eddie’s opinion (and as a two-time published novelist, he’d be the one to know).
It's probably for the best, to be honest. He barely survived even the secondary stuff — with a mostly-full picture of everything that happened over those three years he feels pretty positive that if he’d gone through anything more he wouldn’t have been so lucky. 
And these days, in July of 2002, he’s feeling pretty lucky too. 
“Doc,” Eddie nods as Owens takes the empty chair beside his own.
Owens is another one of these secondary characters in everything. Owens is…Eddie isn’t sure who Owens is, to be honest. A doctor in some capacity, he's fairly certain, and also a scientist too in some capacity given how he’s still in Hawkins doing research on all that shit — and he roped Dustin into it too (though as far as Eddie can tell, Dustin is a more-than willing victim in it and goddamn thrilled to be taking over his work someday too).
Someday soon, Eddie would wager, because Owens is well and truly reaching retirement age – he probably should have retired already, honestly, but Eddie can also sort of see why it might be difficult to step away from the kind of work he’s spent his life doing.
“Mr. Munson,” Owens greets him in return. Eddie watches his eyes flick down to Moe for a moment, “Or is it Pops these days?”
“That’s Steve, actually,” he replies, tipping his head in the direction of Steve, who’s standing at the grill with Hop (they’re listening to Dustin ramble about something and wearing matching beleaguered expressions).
Owens seems to understand the implication, because his only response is another one of those wry smiles and an exhaled laugh.
“Well, congratulations either way. I was very happy for you when I heard the news about the adoption.”
“Still keeping tabs on us after all these years?” Eddie asks, mostly joking because he knows the answer is yes. He knows they’ll have eyes on them for the rest of their lives for one reason or another (which he’s nearly made his peace with by now).
“Well, old habits die hard,” Owens replies somewhat tiredly, “Or something to that effect.”
Eddie doesn't really have anything to say in response, so he opts to say nothing, instead running a hand over Moe's hair — it's getting long these days, not quite long enough to style yet but long enough that she shakes her head to get it out of her eyes and knocks herself off-balance which is so so cute.
“I’ll admit," Owens continues after a while, "When I first met you, this isn’t where I thought you’d end up.”
“Yeah, you and me both, Doc," he laughs, because it's true.
“What I mean to say," he pauses, "It suits you.”
Moe chose that moment to finally stir, snuffling a bit as she lifts her head and looks at him with those beautiful brown eyes of hers.
"Good nap, bug?" he asks quietly.
She responds with a bleary, "Dada" (which she had only just started saying a few weeks ago and it goddamn kills Eddie every single time) as she nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder.
He hears Owens let out a soft chuckle.
“You’re really milking this, bug," Eddie says as presses a kiss onto the top of her head, "I think he gets it.”
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yandere-sins · 2 months
A yandere with a darling who is kinda worse than they are but are still into it.....I don't know how unhinged you'd have to be for the yan to be like "Are you ok? Like if you need to talk about it I've put listening devices in the vents but still..."
I didn't want this to go into compliant darling territory or the darling being the yandere for someone else (though I did laugh a lot at the idea of telling the darling that the vents are bugged just in case they need it lol that's a good one). But this somewhat brought me a kind of different idea which you probably didn't intend, but I hope you like it all the same!
Warnings: Yandere, Violence (Descriptive acts of murder, stabbing, punching other people, breaking bones, getting bloody, a lot of blood actually, burying bodies), Sexual Content (Mentioning of non-con, dub-con, taking advantage, doing it in the blood of victims and next to dead bodies), Mentioning of drugs, Mentioning of knives, Patient/Doctor relationships, Murderer/Admirerer relationships, Reader is a serial killer, Yandere captures people for reader to kill, Yandere is also mad but so is reader, Reader doubts yandere's reasons for liking them, Reader is genderneutral but gets lifted into a bridal-style at the end, I once again didn't compile these warnings while writing and editing so I might miss some, sorry :(, Mentioning of wanting to throw up, Reader doesn't actually want to get better, it was different but really fun to write, Long post?, I feel like there are more warnings... but I can't remember anymore, if you made it this far and still want to read it, I hope you enjoy it!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
You sighed, holding your head in your hands, arms squeezed between your torso and legs. Your head was throbbing with the headache of the century. One you hadn't had in a long time... like five days. 
"You're a fucking dick, you know that?"
Groaning, you heard your own voice echo through your dizzy brain, nausea building as you felt like you were on a ship, everything moving unsteadily around you. The blinding lights flooding the off-white room didn't help soothe the feeling either, and your whole body kept tensing up, readying itself to throw up. You tried deep breaths, but they barely did anything. Not like they ever did something. You were too far gone for that.
"I did what was necessary," his voice rang out through the speaker in the top left corner, accompanied by the screeching of technical issues. You whined loudly, tearing your hair out as your head felt like it would burst. "My bad," he added, turning down the volume.
"What was it this time? Double the dose, triple? Must you keep drugging me? Some doctor you are..."
"I tried something new," he admitted, a cheeky grin in his voice. 
"Worked great..." you slurred, listening to him chuckle. 
For a while, you gave in to the need to collapse, putting your arm over your eyes to escape the lights while you thought about the last few things you could remember. Therapy was going well... at least that's what you were told. But the nurses—ugh. That one bitch.
"She did it on purpose," you mumbled, hearing the softest of agreement through the speaker. You knew that if it wasn't against regulation, he'd be sitting next to you, brushing your hair out of the way while you'd tell him your woes. He was that kind of sicko. A doctor, yet fascinated with you, his patient. Even though he merely sat behind the cameras, watching you, you could hear the sickening affection he held for only his favorite patient in every one of his words. 
In a way, he wasn't that different from you.
"You beat her up real good, smashed her face in. Got yourself into a frenzy and just tore open all your stitches from your last fight while you were at it, you really..."
He sighed. He was disappointed. Upset. This was a significant setback for him, too, after all. 
"She called me too stupid to ever recover properly and I was trying this time, really! How else should I have reacted?"
"You could have told me."
"And you would have dealt with her how?"
A brief chuckle rang out before he replied, although, had you been less delirious, you wouldn't have needed to ask. You knew what he did to people who behaved poorly with you. "I would have taken care of her, as always. You know you have my unending support."
You couldn't help a smile creeping over your face, the memory of burying the last nurse who bothered you in the asylum's cemetary resurfacing. Digging out the grave had been hard work, but you had to agree with him that the physical labor did wonders to soothe your ever-agitated mind. 
"You're terrible," you mumbled, unable to hide your smile.
"Ah! There it is! Look at those little dimples! I'm glad my services are appreciated by my darling. I was hoping to take you out on a rendevous once the dust settles. Maybe we can do that sooner than I expected."
"Who'd want that, you sicko."
Groaning, you finally sat up, looking down at the cushioned floor while you adjusted to being awake. Standing took a few attempts; the cushions aligned along the wall, not actually graspable, even if they looked like it. Everything about the solitary cell was so safe, it made you feel helpless. But eventually you managed to get to your wobbly feet, sighing in exhaustion once you stood.
"There you go, breaking my heart," he sighed, and you shook your head with a laugh, knowing he didn't mean it. 
"No straight jacket this time?" you asked, raising your arms and, for the first time since you awoke, realizing your movements were unrestraint.
"You weren't in a condition to restrain you. I prioritized your healing over that awful jacket."
"You just don't like it because it does nothing for my figure."
Again, you heard the grin in his voice as he said, "Busted. You're too cute to walk around constrained. Even though I love how crazy you look with it."
"Sicko..." you mumbled, your nickname for your doctor, endearing only in his ears. 
Your limbs were terribly heavy as you moved them towards the door. Part of you wanted to collapse on the ground again; simply pass out where you were. But knowing him, he'd definitely use the opportunity to take advantage of you, especially now that he could get a video of it. 
You didn't always mind what your doctor did to you. In a way, he was helpful even if everything you two did was against any laws in this country. If anyone knew what you two were getting into when no one was looking, you'd both be put down like rabid dogs. But that's just how you two were—feral.
The sicko kept telling you how he'd get you back on track. How he'd "fix" you just enough so you could go home with him. There was no way you'd consider living with him if you ever did get out. Still, he liked to paint the picture whenever he crawled into your bed while on night duty, hugging you and telling you about his ideas. You told him often enough that, given the chance, you'd kill him outside the safety of this institution, but so far... you hadn't.
You had enough chances, enough people he let you murder, watching you while you did it and helping you to hide the bodies once you were satisfied, but you never once turned the knife on him. Maybe it was because of his studies; perhaps he knew more about you than you about yourself. Or it was because he was just as insane. Fucking your patient in the blood of their victims was definitely not normal, even you knew that. So what other reason could he have for it except insanity? 
"Earth to my darling, I repeat: Are you thirsty?"
You felt the heat spread over your face as you felt called out by his question, almost as if he was reading your mind. It wasn't like you two were lovers. There was no chance in hell you'd get together with someone like him—or anyone for that matter. You didn't want the burden of someone clinging to you while you did your dirty work.
But the sex after releasing all your pent-up anger? Out of this world. 
Perhaps his doctorate was in fucking instead of psychiatry, but he knew how to work every part of his body. And he knew just how to get you in the mood, too. An explosive combination, mixing his lust with your madness.
That didn't change much about your feelings for him, though. 
"I'm not," you muttered, trying to hide your face, which probably showed the embarrassment you felt, thinking of the last romp you two had. You tried the deep breaths again, but the thoughts kept popping back into your mind. Must be the drugs, you thought.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course!" 
His excitement was loud and clear as it rang through the microphone, and you weren't sure if you should smile at it or sneer. For some reason, you both held each other in a tight grip, unable to be separated, yet most likely toxic for each other. But he still got excited over any kind of interest you had in him and you about all the things he did so you could live out your best life—even though you were locked away for a reason. 
"Why me?" you asked, standing in front of the door, not looking up. Even if he was just the voice behind a camera at the moment, somehow, this question left a bad taste in your mouth. You didn't want him to see the conflict on your face; didn't want him to know that you were doubting how deserving you were of his favor. It wasn't insecurity, wasn't a need for reassurance, but how could anyone look at you and think, "That's the one!"? You killed people, went into violent rages, and weren't considered safe enough to be reintegrated into society, probably ever again. There was nothing you had to show for yourself. Nothing that could justify the feeling of adoration your own therapist held for you. Especially not he. He should have been one of the good ones. And you weren't. It made no sense to you why he'd behave like he did.
"Why you what?"
"Why do you like me so much? I mean, come on! I mean, look at us! We're batshit crazy! This isn't some romance movie on television, we're actually doing bad shit, and yet you keep shielding me, doing me favors, telling me you love me. I'm sure there are others out there who you can fix and fuck if you like. It's not like..."
Biting your own tongue, you wondered if it was the new drug combo he tried on you that made you feel especially irritated with his feelings that day. You let him do all this stuff to and with you, but now you were getting weirded out by it? It wasn't like you to get so worked up over him; you were more of the cool type, spitting-in-his-face-type if he pissed you off. You didn't even want to validate his feelings for you, but also... being self-aware enough to know you were a danger to humankind, you couldn't shake the feeling he might just be using you for his own sick desires. And that made you angry again. You'd not be a pawn or a means for no one.
"Wow, okay, you bastard." Your grumbling fell on deaf ears as he turned off the microphone. "Sure, I'm going through something here, but by all means, stop listening. Not like it's your job or anything..."
Unprepared, you jolted back as the door to your cell suddenly yanked open, revealing the pitch-black corridor that lay behind. Apparently, it was late at night, but you couldn't focus on that as your doctor appeared from the shadows, a deep frown etched into his beautiful face. He should have been a model. At least that job wouldn't have led him to meet you.
"Do you doubt me?" he asked, stalking forward, undeterred by the open door, not thinking for a second that you'd try to escape. "Do I need a reason to love you for you to believe it?"
He caught your chin between his fingers, tilting your head back as he matched the steps you were taking backward. Soon, you'd run out of space to back into, but perhaps that was his goal. 
"Can't I just love you because the first time you caved in and told me about the things you went through, things just felt... right? Everything just clicked in my head, and I thought, "Wow, I want to see them happy!" Must there be any other reason for me to love you?"
Your back hit the wall just as his eyes lowered to your lips, his thumb reaching up to brush over them. "I dream about those lips. I can't help but think about you no matter where I go. In the evening, I imagine you curled up on the couch next to me; sometimes, I hear your laugh when you aren't even there. I want that picture-perfect life with you, but the moment I step into your room and see you covered in blood, your eyes showing just how far gone you are, it just..."
He looked up again, his eyes swirling with all the emotions he tried to convey in his words. But when he met your gaze, the color drained, leaving behind what you could only describe as pure, unfiltered madness.
"It drives me insane."
His second hand raised to the side of your face. He cupped your cheek in his palm for a moment, a soft smile creeping over his lips. "I like you like this. Docile, calm, sweet. I like it when you ask me things, I like it when you beg for something. I like it when you only let me do things to you. I want to help you, I do! But..."
His hand sliding down, you looked away, trying to catch it before it slipped around your throat, pressing into it, squeezing so hard you felt as if your head was going to detach from your neck.
"I want to ruin you. I want you worse, I want you deranged. I want you to kill everyone and then me, so I'll be the last of your victims, the only one you remember. I want to be ruined by you so badly that every day, I hope you tell me about yet another staff member we get to kill, and then you can use me to satisfy your needs. Can't you understand? This is love. No one will ever love someone like you, but. I. do. I understand you, I care for you. And I will continue to do so, with no other reason than I love you. I love you so much."
You gasped for air at this point, fingers grabbing his arm. It was hard listening to him, but it was harder to breathe. You knew he wouldn't kill you. This was nothing compared to other things you two did to each other. It stung a little when he said no one else would ever love you, but he was right. Not unless the change everyone expected from you was also something you wanted. 
But why would you?
The pressure on your throat disappeared, only for your breath to be stolen by his kiss. You hated this man. You hated him because he was a little bit too much like you. Too unhinged to be likable. And at the same time, he wasn't at all. He was too supportive, too nice, too forgiving. It disgusted you, honestly. Yet, you reciprocated, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. Before he could back off, you caught his cheeks in a squeeze between your fingers to draw him back to lick off the red fluid, reminding him he wasn't the deranged one here. 
"Don't question me again about my feelings, please," he asked, out of breath, too, as he bumped his forehead against yours. "I love you, I really do."
"You're a sicko, you know that? And your beard is stinging me, you should shave."
At this, he laughed out loud, raising his head to the ceiling. "I spent three days waiting for you to wake up. You can deal with some stubble."
"No, I don't like it."
Grinning, he lowered his face to you and gave you another peck on the lips. "It's gone tomorrow, I promise."
"Can I go back to my room now?"
He hummed thoughtfully before shaking his head. "Someone's awaiting their punishment still. You really want to miss out on that?"
Now it was your turn to grin as well. "Aww, you shouldn't have! Are we gonna cut up that bitch now? For real?"
"Anything for you," he mumbled, raising your hand to give it a quick smooch. "But let me change your bandages first. I don't want you to accidentally get sepsis if your wounds are still open."
"Surprisingly, you're still a doctor at heart."
"That's not true," he gasped, feigning indignation about your statement.
"Are you not?" you asked, watching him bend down to pick you up, bridal-style even. You weren't mad since your legs felt even weaker than before, and you really wanted to conserve your energy. 
"I'm afraid it's no longer medicine that has claimed my heart."
He looked at you, smiling softly. "It's all you."
"And I can't help but love you more, realizing I am becoming more like you every day."
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Okay so here's everything I know about TF2. Please no one elaborate on anything I know about, because I think it's so much funnier if I have no context to anything. I have absorbed all of this through Tumblr osmosis
Emesis Blue is an excellent film
Soldier apparently was never an actual soldier, he just loves America and really wanted to kill Nazis (the second one i respect greatly)
Medic would probably give you a lobotomy for fun (i don't think this guy's even a doctor)
Two really old guys are fighting bloody wars over gravel I think and their father is named Grey Mann which was most definitely meant to make Gman enjoyers lose it but to be fair his name could also be Gary Man.
What am I on
Heavy and Medic are apparently gay but idk if this is a fandom seeing two men next to each other and going "gay" thing or a "all but confirmed gay" thing but TVTropes referred to them as "Heterosexual Life Partners" which is very funny
emesis blue is so fucking good oh my godddddd the respawn machine is horrifying just from the concept it turned scout into soup
Scout is half French and loves his mother (who is not french) and does not love his father (spy i think)
Medic presumably died went to hell and told the devil "oh I'm like a cat I have nine souls actually. So I should get to go back to being alive" and it fucking worked??????
Pyro is an any pronouns warrior and it commits great atrocities while also having so much sillyness in his heart. I love her
I think Engineer blowed up his arm. I think
Spy is a cunt and also French. I do not think this I know this. I look at him and I sense his cuntery. It radiates off him. I can feel it.
TF2 is in an eternal war with Overwatch for some reason
I was doing a poll a few days ago and the tags psychic blasted me with the information of "by the way people pay like fifty dollars to see medic's tiddies in game." I have gotten varying answers between ninety dollars to three hundred fucking dollars but the constant remains that people will pay Valve comically high amounts of money to see Medic's boobs. What
Scout almost got Earth exploded because he died a virgin???? But then God was like "Okay go back down to earth I'm giving them one last chance to all have sex with you" I'm so confused what does any of this mean none of this makes any sense but it's hilarious
Scout might be legitimately named after Jerma and bears a frightening resemblance to him (though to be fair scout is every white boy in one)
You should watch Emesis Blue it's free on youtube
Demoman's eye is sentient even though he doesn't have it????
I can't decide who's my favorite the white boy the unethical scientist or the silly nonbiney war criminal
Conclusion: What the fuck is team fortress the second one about
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