#might steal that he's not interested in peace. he never was. he loves to fight. quote. god.
sorcerous-caress · 8 months
Early morning cuddling pt.2
[Fluff, wholesome, nb!reader]
[Halsin, Astarion, Shadowheart, Gale]
Part One
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You'd think that you married a fairytale princess by the amount of small animals you wake up each morning to, cuddling by your side and nuzzling against Halsin's warmth.
Not that he seems to mind. If anything, he seems the happiest sharing his bed with all those willing. His strong arm keeps a hold over you during the night, keeping you close and secure to his chest while he easily falls into a state of meditation. He prefers keeping the window open and listening to the wind outside, swaying of leaves and chipping of bird in the morning.
You did wonder what exactly does he think about during his meditation, and he confessed he replays his favourite memories. Reminding himself of what's worth fighting for in this life.
His palm cupping your face so gently, rough from centuries of tending to plants and magic practice. You can smell the earth embedded in his skin.
Who is worth fighting for.
If you're the type to sleep in during the morning, he happily indulges you as you cuddle closer to him. Resting your head on the rise and fall of his chest.
Letting the drumming of his heartbeat lull you into the land of dreams, just for a short while, maybe five minutes more.
feeling his hand draw circles on your back soothingly. You catch a glimpse of a whispered prayer to the father of nature, Halsin asking him to protect you, keep your soul and heart pure, keep you by his side for as long as this cycle of life allows.
You only realise the worth of love after having experienced solitude.
Astarion came to realise how much it meant to have someone just hold you in bed, nothing more, a simple body laying next to him in blissful sleep.
To have someone relish in your company so much, feel safe around him so much that you'd willingly want him to stay by your side while you were the most vulnerable.
It feels strange in his heart, a twing or guilt, even shame.
What did he do to deserve this?
How are you so peaceful next to a vampire? This isn't a camp on some ditch in the backside of Faerun anymore, this is your home that you've willingly and foolishly invited a vampire into.
But maybe he was the biggest fool, for he kept holding you close, fangs tucked away as the smell of blood was the least of his interests at this moment. The living really has a captivating way to steal one's attention.
what dreams do you have?
Each night is like a trance, and before he realises, it ends so suddenly when glowing lines of light just below the thick curtains peak on the floor.
It's morning already, but it felt like a second, he wants to hold you for a lifetime, hug you for a century, kiss you for a decade and whisper your name as if it was his last breath.
He wants so many things, he has so many conflicting emotions. Astarion doesn't want to get attached, you're fleeting, mortal, alive and so loveable.
And he is none of these things, at least not in his views.
But after so much misery, he deserves to steal one good thing from the living, you. It doesn't matter if he has earned it or not, you willingly chose him, loved him.
Embraced him as you woke up, eyes sleepy as nuzzled into him further with no regard to how cold his skin might be in contrast to your warm blanket.
"Darling, you know I'm supposed to be the nocturnal one in this relationship, right? Or did you grow fangs during the night." He voice was laced with an unusual softness, a stranger to his own ears.
You grumbled as he pulled away, chasing after him with adorable slow speed with your hand as you attempted to bring him back.
He's not a sadist.
Okay maybe he is.
But torturing a sleepy you, is becoming one of the highlights of his days. It makes waiting here all night worth it.
Her eyebrows scrunch into the most adorable glare when she first wakes up. The children of Shar and Selune have never been morning people, present or past.
The tips of her ears slightly twitch as the cold morning reaches her after you manage to steal the blanket in your sleep, wrapping the soft thing around you and leaving her to the mercy of the chilly weather.
Stirred from her sleep, she has a half mind to acknowledge how endearing you look besides her. Peacefully in your slumber and unaware of the crime you've commited, letting your beloved freeze to death in the early morning.
With a sigh, Shadowheart reaches over to untangle tha blanket edge from your iron fist as she squeezes herself inside the makeshift cocoon you've assembled. Instant warmth and comfort greeting her the more she pressed her body onto yours.
Despite how heavenly you feel, sleep has already evaded her grasps. Once she wakes up, she's the type not to fall asleep afterwards. Doesn't help how much of a light sleeper she can be at times.
So she closes her eyes and basks in the moment, fully enjoying the presence. The quietness of the morning where the people haven't woken up yet, the stillness of the air, the slow rhythmic breathing as your chest rises and falls.
She wants to trace your face with her fingers, she wants to admire your eyes, but she doesn't want to wake you up so instead her arms gently hug your body closer to hers.
Safety, comfort and love, things she was taught were a sin to desire, things assumed to make her weaker.
But being weak has never felt so good before, if what she's doing is wrong in the eyes of any god, then she might as well embrace her spot in the hells with your arms as her grave.
He's changing you slowly, and you're not sure if it's for the better or worse.
What started as you teasing him over his cotton pyjamas with cat paw prints, turned into you wearing a matching one after he bought you one and sweetly coerced you into it.
You look so silly. You can't even deny it as you watch your reflection in the mirror. Watching in real time as your dignity evaporates into thin air while your lover is searching for his reading glasses under the bed by using magic to lift it in the back of the mirror reflection.
Turning around, you feel your lips tugging into a smile as you notice the pair of reading glasses pushed up on his head while Gale is scratching his said head and mumbling about how he just had it close by.
Where could it have possibly went, you wonder.
Calling him over, you watch as he adorable walks over to you with a hopeful look that you've somehow found his glasses like you usually do. As if you were the wizard in this situation who'd make it appear out of thin air rather than the academically acclaimed professor Dekarios in front of you.
Your hand cups his face, and he leans into it without question. Planting a small kiss on his lips, you lower his glasses back onto his face as you pull away. Gale's delighted expression rewards you with a second kiss, calling you his hero.
The two of you fall asleep with a dim light illuminating the room, stray magical star enchantments making the bedroom just bright enough for Gale's midnight reading, or midnight paper grading.
You either learn to tough it out or use that equally silly eyemask that came with your cat pyjamas.
Gale's usually the last one to fall asleep, except on weekends when he's in bed by 9. But since tomorrow, he has to be guiding the future generations of wizards in Faerun, you get his wandering hand playing with your hair or massaging your neck as you drift off to sleep.
By the time morning comes, he's tucked in a blanket by your side. Glasses crooked on his face for he forgot to remove them, again.
Reaching over, you gently take them off of him and set them on the bedside table. Giving his forehead a soft kiss as you check the time and see that you still have a quarter of an hour before he has to get ready to leave for work.
You wrap your arms around him, and he leans into your touch. Even while asleep, his body has complete trust in you, recognising your warmth and letting you cuddle him.
It would've been a very romantic early morning cuddling for the two silly people in embarrassing cat pyjamas, wasn't it for the scratching of paws on the locked door of your bedroom.
The sing-song yelling of Gale's last name following shortly, courtesy to Tara announcing to the whole world how you're a minute late to delivering her morning meal and the carrier pigeons outside are starting to look more and more like grilled chicken wings by the second.
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blitzwhore · 4 months
That ask you got made me realize that Blitzø and Stolas both show 4 of those 5 responses at various points, which I think is very interesting. I really never thought about it before but that's actually pretty impressive bc it never seems "out of character" for them. I think Blitzø leans more towards fight tho we see a lot of fawning from him too, and I think Stolas leans more towards fawn but I guess Blitzø really did make him feel braver bc he shows a lot of fight too.
Fight: Blitzø in FM ballroom + after Striker steals the phone from Stolas + both fighting with and saving Fizz in Oops // Stolas confronting Stella on his balcony + most of his interactions with Striker in WE + most of his scenes in Truth Seekers
Flight: Blitzø avoiding Stolas once things got complicated + not giving Fizz the love letter // Stolas in FM hallway + trying to escape Striker in the café
Fawn: Blitzø to the client in Murder Family + in FM bedroom + trying to talk to Loona in Seeing Stars about her people skills // Stolas when Blitzø comments on his Ozzie's outfit + to Stella in LLL + in a lot of his texts to Blitzø post-Ozzie's
Freeze: both freeze up in Ozzie's + potentially Stolas in the FM ballroom bc we don't see him move except to flinch until the very end but that might just be him forcing himself to stop running
Listing it out like that also made me realize that those two spend a good chunk of the series some degree of scared, nervous, or feeling unsafe. These poor guys 😭😭
Yeah, once you start to think about how present their trauma is in their lives, you can't help but notice that they're both extremely traumatised and broken people. It's really sad, and really well done, in my opinion.
I really like how complex they both are and how many different symptoms of trauma they show—both survival reactions like the ones listed here, and just their thoughts and fears and how they handle their relationships.
What's really interesting and compelling to me is how similar they are despite how different their lives have been. And how the more episodes come out, the more obvious this becomes.
Like, up until now, we knew that Stolas often fawned to keep the peace for fear of being a burden or making others uncomfortable, like he did in his text messages to Blitz, and in Ozzie's when he immediately agreed to leave when Blitz said so. And we knew that Blitz hated himself, that his biggest fear was dying alone, that he couldn't even bear to look at his own face in pictures.
And then, in The Full Moon, we get Blitz going into an extremely childish and heartbreaking fawn spiral with his "I can always do better", making himself smaller, smiling, wagging his tail. And we get Stolas covering every single picture (and item) in his house, and then taking the time to uncover Via so she's visible, but not himself. And we get Stolas terrified of dying alone.
And to me, this conveys really well how no one's trauma is worse than others', how no traumatised person is more or less broken or hurt than the rest, how there's no "lesser" trauma. How traumatised people can't be neatly divided into "people who become sensitive and weak" and "people who develop thick skin". How your trauma may present differently and uniquely depending on the circumstances, but deep down the truth is always that you were deeply hurt, and you can't bear to be hurt again, and your life has become a constant cycle of trying (and failing, due to self-fulfilled prophecies) to avoid going through that pain again.
Truly, masterfully done ❤️
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adracat · 1 year
GWitch: Finale thoughts
Pardon for the lateness on this, got busy after the episode aired and then proceeded to write a fic using my achemy brainworms lmao. But here it is, the end of a terrific journey!
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The permet stress really took its toll upon Suletta after her bout with Eri but that won't stop our girl from trying to save her family. So rough to see though.
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Gotta say, besides Nika and Chuchu, Aliya is easily my fav Earth House kid. She's into divination, takes care of animals, and is just so chill
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Surprise Surprise SAL are being cheeky assholes. They don't care what Delling/Benerit has to say since this is just a grasp for power on their behalf. They have all the cards atm with that WMD
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This was nice I guess, but I really dislike him so I just rolled my eyes lmao. I guess the one Lauda stan is happy he got screentime.
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For Mio to keep entreating Prospera is admirable on her part. She knows it might fall on deaf ears but she has to try for the sake of her future wife and hellish mother-in-law. It was so good how her faith in Suletta never wavers. She knows Suletta is coming and isn't surprised once she shows with Aerial
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And Suletta demonstating her growth by ignoring Prospera's command? Top-tier fr fr. Loved that entire exchange and call back to ep12
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I don't mind 4 but it is painfully obvious he was slotted into this role because of the truncated re-write. 'I guess I'm like her' No sir, you were explicitly not in S1 LMAO! But I guess they needed a newtype to overpower Eri even though it doesn't narratively make sense for 4 to be one. Ah well, in another world where Okouchi got the seasons he wanted ;-;. It was a nice send off nonetheless
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Rainbow party permet is so cool, pride Gundam!! I wasn't too keen on Calibarn's design before, tho I love the broom, the rainbow really sells it for me. And that coven of gundams?? So cool. Schwarzette usage here, abysmal pilot, and wealth of unused symbolism stings a bit. They so clearly had an arc planned but had to cut it :/ I would love to see the initial draft before cuts were made
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MIOMIO DISSOLVES BENERIT. Hell yeah. Had a feeling she would choose to go this route. Also, the stone cold way she stares down the barrel of a gun... Ma'am, my heart <3 The best peace princess ever
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This hit me in the feels. Suletta forgiving her mother, Eri begging for all of them to be a family, and Prospera seeing the ghosts of Vanadis smiling at her lovingly. It was everything to me.
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The soundless fake-out as Mio believes Suletta is dead was cruel and brilliant. The horror in her eyes that morphs into weepy happiness when Suletta awakens will stay with me for a long time. They even did the little gundam helmet bop again!
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Shaddiq taking the fall for everything was good of him, but it feels a bit too neat haha (They had to wrap up loose threads hastily and it shows) He really is an interesting character that, in a longer run, could have been amazing
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Surprise! Sulemio got happily married during the timeskip and now Mio has to suffer a keychain's negging. Super funny outcome but I hope Eri can move between devices or else that's a bit hellish
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Mio stealing Shaddiq's highly trained girlsquad is amazing. Ain't no one getting to the president of GUND-ARM without a fight. This also opens up the possibility for more Sabanika, so excellent decision all around
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THE RINGS!!!! Ahh any nitpicks are nothing compared to sheer happiness I feel when seeing them. They fought and suffered so hard for this ending and it was all worth it! Eri and Prospera sharing in their joy is the cherry on top~
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This image is my fav. Suletta is such a special protagonist and her relationship with Miorine broke ground in a legacy franchise no less. They are in love! They married! And no one can take that from them. Thank you GWitch, I love you lots. This ride has been unforgettable from the beginning <3
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sinaprime · 23 days
Idea of a story I'm working on
In a universe where humans are divided into alpha, beta and omegas, Senju Tobirama was born an omega.
A mission ended with him being pregnant with an Uchiha child. A battle ended with him almost being killed. And both was the beginning of something new.
The story starts with a crime, a crime that could destroy the Uchiha.
The story is about a big brother, who loses almost everything and is more determined than ever to protect those he loves.
The story is about a big brother, who has to decide if he follows his heart or risk losing his younger brother.
The story tells about a white demon, who never thought to become a mother.
The story is about two clans that had been enemies for hundreds of years and will have to find out how to live in peace.
“I won’t seek revenge, no matter what happens, but next time our clans fight, Madara, I won’t hold back either. You don’t want peace? Fine. But don’t blame me and my clan for any further losses within the Uchiha. Keep away from our land. Any Uchiha daring to step on it again, will die."
“... Yesterday, the Senju clan head came to a decision, and not to our favor. I’m very sure he will no longer pester us with any peace offers, don’t worry. Unfortunately, he might find another way to let his dream come true, even if it isn’t like he wanted.”
“What do you mean, not like he wanted?”
“If I remember correctly, the Uchiha aren’t the only clan in Hi no Kuni. And as I already said, most clans don’t like rapists, that includes the Nara, Akamichi, Yamanaka, Aburame, Inuzuka, Hatake, Sarutobi and Hyuuga.”
“And you think they might…do what exactly? Do you think they will alley with the Senju just because one of them was raped? Why is rape worse than killing them?”
“Because we kill to protect our clan, to earn money, or defend our allies. There is honor in doing that. Rape has no honor. It doesn’t serve any purpose, except to steal a clan’s bloodline. In this case we can’t even say that because it was Haro, who freely has given our bloodline to another clan. I can already see the smug faces of the Hyuuga. ‘The mighty Uchiha clan priding themselves to be oh so protective of their Dōjutsu and yet one of them can’t even control themselves in proximity of a helpless omega of an enemy clan no less. How pathetic.’ They surely will have a field day if they hear about it.”
Madara frowned. “Didn’t you receive my letter?”
Hashirama smiled, though it wasn’t his usually smile full of joy. It was sharp and didn’t reach his eyes. “I did. And I find it funny. The Uchiha repeatedly rejected my offer of a peace treaty, have made it clear that they have no interest in ever agreeing to stop the endless cycle of death. But then, only two days after they declared it impossible for our clans to be friends, I receive a letter with the request of a ceasefire.” Hashirama’s fake smile vanished and was replaced by a very displeased expression. “It was like a slap into the face.” Madara flinched.
“I’m pregnant.”
“With an Uchiha child.”
“With a Senju child.”
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Hello friends! I saw this gif and immediately my brain began working up scenarios so I’m going to try something new. Just some fun short fics that come to mind when I see an image. If it goes well I might keep it up! I also think I’m going to stick with the Mandalorian theme but use Y/N. Oh one more thing…we are assuming all the boys lived because I love the whole 501st…Happy reading!
One shot - Captain Rex
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First Date
Warnings: None just some fluff because I need it, Oh I will be using Mando’a but I will provide a translation.
As a Mandalorian on Coruscant things have been interesting to say the least…You were recruited to help train the Clone Battalions on some alternative fighting methods. The Good Captain Rex has become one of your personal favorites and was always very professional with you but secretly harbored feelings for you. He was drawn in by how you treated each of his men as though they were your own vode (brothers). Which brings us here…Fives has noticed you stealing glances at the Captain, flushing whenever he is mentions, are giddy when he’s in the room, and has been trying to convince you to talk to him about it but you won’t budge. Fives has no problem taking matters into his own hands with the help of a few friends….
I know that scene was during the Umbara arc but we need some positivity in that department…
“Fives you are my best friend but for the love of Maker leave it alone…” He has that signature Osik (shit) eating grin on his face. “Aw come on y/n, it would do you both some good trust me!” I glare at him “Copaani mirshmure’cye, vod? (Are you looking for a smack in the face mate?)” He puts his hands up in defense “Hey I was just trying be a good friend.” Just then Jesse and Tup come over. “What’re ya talking ‘bout?” Jesse teases. I glare at him and Tup smiles “You’re being ridiculous y/n…I thought Mandalorians were supposed to be brave.” “Alright look here you mir’sheb (smart asses), I can make sure your next lesson with me is miserable” I wag my finger at the trio. Fives stands up and nods to the other two “Alright, we better let her eat her lunch in peace.” I get suspicious - he never gives up that easy… - “Pare (Wait one), Fives what are you up to?” He turns around “Nothing, like you said…you can make our next lesson miserable. I know you keep your word.” I give the group a suspicious look and watch as they walk away. Just then Rex enters the room and I pretend not to notice. Fives looks back at me and smirks, I can feel the heat creeping up my face. He, Tup, and Jesse take the opportunity to head over and chat with Rex - Maker I want to know what he’s saying…or do I?
A sudden presence at the table surprises me. “Udesii! (Take it easy!), bad time?” Cody asks giving me a strange look. “Nope, I’m fine. What can I do for you?” He takes a seat across from me and eyes me. I look past him at the conversation being had on the other side of the room and just then Rex glances over his shoulder my direction. Cody turns around to look and in that moment, the brave Mandalorian wants more than anything to become part of the durasteel wall. Cody turns back around, facing me with a grin “Oh…I see, Rex got you all worked up again?” My eyes grow wide “Again?” He lets out a deep laugh “I swear to Maker you two are the only ones who don’t notice…Fox, Bly, Bacara, Neyo, and even sometimes Wolffe and myself take guesses at how many times a day you steal glances.” As if on que Fox joins the table. “Just in time for the show” Cody tells him while teasing me. “Ha Ha, you’re hilarious….” I roll my eyes. “Y/n, you still haven’t talked to him?” Fox asks pretending to be shocked. A string of curses in Mando’a leave my mouth. “You guys are as bad as Fives….and that’s saying something.” They both just laugh at my expense. “You two di’kutla (fools) are lucky I don’t have your groups today for training…” and with that I get up and take care of my tray, having had enough of the shenanigans.
Later that evening I was in my office - the GAR was oh so kind enough to give me - and theres a knock at my door. With out looking up from my datapad I holler “Come in!” The door slides open and a rather sheepish Rex enters - he’s typically quite a confident, without being arrogant, man… - I stand “What can I do for you Captain?” “Please just call me Rex.” “I thought it was Captain or Sir?” I tease becoming rather nervous. He rubs the back of his neck and laughs nervously “I- uh- I came to see if you would be interested in going with us—with me to 79’s sometime.” - is this really happening? Fives you mesh’la di’kut (beautiful idiot) - “Yeah Rex, I’d love that” I can feel my face flush. He straightens, standing tall and confident “Really? How about tomorrow night?” A smile dances across my face “That sounds great, I’ll see you then”. He nods and excuses himself closing the door behind him.
I spin around smiling like di'kut (idiot), clutching my datapad to my chest - maybe Fives was right? Oh Maker don't ever let him know that...the last thing he needs is a more inflated ego.... I head back to my desk and finish up my report for the day before heading to my apartment for the night.
Thankfully I only had one training session the next morning which went without a hitch and I actually had time to catch up on my reports. The day over all went by rather quickly and I headed to my apartment to put on something other than my typical attire - as much I love my beskar and everything it stands for but unfortunately it's not gunna work. I open my closet and stand there for a moment before pulling out a pair of black jeans, combat boots, my bantha leather jacket, and nicer fitted tank top. Quickly I shower, put on light makeup, and quickly curl my hair a little before heading out to the street and hailing a cab. "79's please." "You got it." I look out the window as the driver lifts us into the lanes of traffic.
It only takes a matter of minutes to get to 79's and I find myself standing outside nervous - what if he decides he doesn't like me? An arm around my shoulder pulls my from my thoughts "Jeez y/n, If I knew you'd get cleaned up that nice I would’ve just asked you out myself." I throw at elbow at Fives an hit him square in the stomach. He doubles over and I hear a roar of laugher behind me. Spinning around I see the rest of the 501st Torrent squad - minus Rex. "I should’ve known you all would show up..." Jesse comes over and leans an elbow on Fives - whose still doubled over - "Oh come on we wouldn't miss this for the world! Besides we've got tomorrow off!" Hardcase whoops and hollers. Echo comes over and speaks so only I can hear "you'll be fine...Rex'll love getting to know you. Trust me." He winks and gestures for the group to follow him inside leaving me standing here alone. I suck in a deep breath and head inside. It's not my first time at 79's but its my first time with the intent to be with Rex and only Rex.
When I enter, the music is loud and there's a sea of people as usual. Making my way over to the bar I order a drink. Once the bar tender hands it to me I glance around looking for Rex. In the corner - where they always are - the rest of Torrent squad is looking at me and Fives points over towards the other side where Rex is chatting with the other Commanders. Finding my confidence I head over to say hello. "Su cuy'gar (Hello)" I smile and wave at the group. Rex's eyes wander over my form and Cody is the first to speak up "Who knew you wore anything other than armor" everyone but Rex and Wolffe laugh. "Very funny.” Rex gets up and says his goodbyes to the group "Should we grab a table?" I nod and he offers me his elbow. "Such a gentlemen" A smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
We sit down at a table and chat over some appetizers and drinks. I tell him a little about myself like my childhood on Mandalore, etc…etc…He tells some stories about the things that they accomplish during the war and even some typical shenanigans they’ve pulled while deployed. “Maker they sound like they are just as entertaining out in the field as they are in training!” “You have no idea…but they’re good soldiers…some of the best” I can hear the pride in his voice which brings a smile to my face. Leaning over the table I whisper “Don’t tell the other Commanders but the 501st has always been my favorite.” He quirks a brow “Oh really? Why’s that?” “Let’s just say I have a soft spot for the boys in blue” I say coyly before taking a sip of my drink without breaking eye contact. Rex smirks with his one eye brow still raised. “Careful Captain, you raise that eye brow any higher it might disappear.” He chuckles and shakes his head, “you know, other than the Jedi and a select few people…you’re one of the only ones who treats all of us clones like we matter.” I know this was supposed to be a compliment but I can’t help but feel sad, I sigh “Ni ceta Rex (I’m sorry Rex). It’s not fair…none of you chose the life given to you and yet you all do it with no complaints…I wish more saw you the way I do.” I start picking at my fingernails but a hand comes across the table, covering mine, stopping me. Looking up I met his gaze, those beautiful honey brown eyes have such a warmth to them - He’s never looked at me or anyone that I’ve seen this way before. “I’m just glad we have someone like you looking out for us all” he pauses for a second before continuing “The way you treat my vode (brothers)…my men…it means more to me than you’ll ever know.” The way he says my name and everything that follows does something to me I can’t even fully put into words however, I can feel the heat rising in my face and in my core. “Vor entye (thank you) Rex” I can’t help the smile that plasters my face. “ Ba’gedet’ye (you’re welcome) y/n.”
Glancing around I notice there are quite a few people dancing, even Fives who gives me a wink. I can’t help but shake my head and roll my eyes at him which catches Rex’s attention, he chuckles. Springing up from the table I grab Rex’s hand and drag him out onto the dance floor. The initial shock plastered on his face, “I-uh-I’m not much of a dancer.” I laugh and shrug, recalling a few nights when even Cody would dance…after a few drinks, “I know, just follow my lead.” He nods and at first watches me dance around him for a moment and the joins in. Before I know it his hands are on my hips as we grind our way through Maker knows how many songs.
When the night is about over Rex offers to walk me home. The entire way we laugh and talk about anything and everything - I feel so comfortable around him…it feels like we’ve known each other forever. I stop in front of my apartment building “this is me.” He looks up at the large building “It’s not quite like the GAR barracks.” “No it certainly isn’t. Did you want to come in? If I’m over stepping I completely understand…” I quickly explain. He looks over at me with a smile on his face “only if you want me to.” I nod and he follows me up to my apartment.
The door slides open and I enter, taking off my coat to hang it. Rex enters behind me. “Make yourself at home. Can I get you anything?” I offer. “I’m alright, thank you.” He doesn’t move from where he standing and I honestly find it adorable. “I had fun tonight” I break the silence after a few moments. He rubs the back of his neck like he’s nervous. “Everything okay Captain?” He’s quick to respond “Yeah no everything’s great I had fun tonight too.” I make my way back over to him “but?” I ask feeling uneasy. “Honestly, I’ve felt this way before” After all the war and training he’s even through as a man, in this moment he looks like a boy with his first crush. I put both hands on his plastoid covered chest and look into his beautiful golden brown eyes “I haven’t either but I’m willing to give it a shot if you are?” His hands find their way to my face gently cupping my cheeks. Leaning in he places the softest and most gentle kiss on my lips. When we break he rests his forehead against mine “How’s that for an answer?”
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necroromantics · 5 months
Hey hey tomb is there anything more about tobin?? We need more of him plss he is so cooll we love him so much pls spill we're listening:3
*puppy eyes*
UHHHH I DUNNO WHAT TO SAY SPECIFICALLY... Heres a bunch of random facts though... If you want me to expand on anything specifically lmk (None of these are particularly relevant to the plot of Creepedverse, if you wanna know more about that feel free to leave an ask on the account @creepedverse )
-He has a little sister named Emily. Shes 8 years younger than Tobin. The last time he saw her was before he killed his father. He was 17, she was 9.
-His mother dealt with severe mental health issues all his life, and his father was heavy into drugs and alcohol. Tobin was really the only one who raised Emily. He would steal chocolate bars from the store to give her, cook her supper, get her ready for school, etc
-Tobin knows how to braid hair. He learned one night after his mom yelled at Emily when she asked her to braid her hair. He took his crying sister into his room and spent an hour trying to figure it out for her
-He used to run away all the time, or would get kicked out, but always ended up back home. Either he calmed down, his mother calmed down, or the cops dragged him back without asking why he ran away in the first place
-Tobin is very interested in guns. Something he picked up from his father. He likes older models the most
-His favourite music artists are Green Day, The Offspring, Three Days Grace, Alice In Chains, Aerosmith, Eminem, and NWA
-Despite being insensitive and callous, he's very loyal and very protective of the people he likes. But he's insanely picky on who he deems worth his time and energy
-Tobin is awful with emotions. He doesn't like when people vent to him, he never knows what to say, and he doesn't really care about their problems
-Being in and out of school his whole life, Tobin is very set back on his education. He barely even knew how to read until Tali taught him. She was his tutor in high school, which caused a lot of arguments between the two hotheads
-He's good with his hands. He steals bikes and takes them apart for scraps. He's also very into welding and later in life, he'd spend his time in chop shops fixing up or taking apart busted cars
-Tobin is very unserious and goofy. 99% of the shit he does is because he thinks its funny or entertaining. He has a mindset of "nothing matters", to a fault. He finds it very difficult to understand why others might take certain things seriously, or be hurt by things
-He's a troublemaker from birth. Always starting fights, running his mouth, getting his shit rocked. Tobin is not one to hold his tongue for the sake of peace. If someone has a problem with him, thats their issue, not his
-Before he killed his dad, Tobin was pretty well known by the local cops (small town). They'd sometimes drive past and ask if he was staying out of trouble. Nobody was really surprised when they heard about what he did
-He has untreated bipolar disorder (not borderline.) and goes fucking insane for a week or two every so often. Tali can always tell when he's heading for an episode before he can, and is always there to help him out
-He got the scar on his mouth from being attacked by a dog when he was 8
-He doesn't have a middle name
-Tobin carries his backpack with him everywhere. It holds his entire life (Wallet, switchblade, cigarettes, candy bars)
-He skates (board) and has busted his ass more times than he can count
-Freedom is the most important thing to him. The only thing in the entire world that he'd ever even consider giving up his freedom for is Tali. Anything for her
-His love language is acts of service. Heavily. He wont buy people gifts or say nice things to them or spend time with them, but if they need help with something, he's there, he'll do it in a heartbeat, whatever they need
-He's a big hypeman and likes encouraging people. On his good days, he's funny, outgoing, and optimistic
-On his bad days, he's a piece of shit who'll blow up on anyone, do anything he can to cause problems, put others down. He'll lash out, hit where it hurts. Horribly self destructive
-Tobins favourite colours are orange, blue, green, in that order
-He was really into dinosaurs as a kid. His favourite dinosaur is the bruhathkayosaurus
-He's very open-minded, like this guy does NOT care at all about what someone else is doing. He was raised to always mind his own business, let people do their thing, and he kept that mindset growing up. To a fault. He doesn't care if someone is a killer, sexist, gay, a furry, conservative, a cannibal, whatever. He has his own views, and does not care enough to be bothered by other peoples
-Despite being very morally skewed and being a chronic idgafer, Tobin is fiercely against harming, and people who harm, children and women (Physically. He doesn't care about emotional). He grew up defending his little sister and sometimes his mother from his father. He thinks people who prey on those weaker than them are pussies, and always stands up for the smaller guy
-Due to this, Tobin tends to pick fights with people who are bigger than him, or people who he views as a threat. Authority, people who act tough, disrespect him, etc. He'll pistol whip a guy twice his size he does NOT have any regards for his own limits or safety
-He was close with his grandma growing up. He's a grandmas boy. She never really knew all the things he was up to (drugs, selling, fights), but she's been around for a long time so she always had a feeling. One of the things he thinks about from time to time is how he never got to say goodbye to her before he ditched town
-Tobin had a few close encounters with death. Almost getting his brains blown out, accidentally overdosing, nearly drowning. The feeling right before you're about to die is something he's well acquainted with
-He's big into anarchy and knows how to make various bombs. Never gets around to it though. He doesn't trust his knowledge in chemistry enough to not blow himself up
-He does boxing when he needs to blow off some steam
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discar · 5 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 22 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
DIVINER: Kotallo, you're a Tenakth diplomat, right?
MARSHAL Kotallo: Yes, diplomacy describes part of my duties. Why do you ask?
MARSHAL Kotallo: I'm afraid I don't have any authorization to start negotiations with the Quen right now, if that's what you're interested in.
DIVINER: No no, not that!!
DIVINER: Though that is probably something I should be thinking about for the future!
β: can you get to the point sometime today so i can go back to sleep
β: its too early for this many notifications
Zo: It's almost noon.
DIVINER: Sorry!! Okay, Kotallo: I was just wondering, how do the Tenakth interact with other tribes? I know they had bad experiences with the Carja, but everyone had bad experiences with the Carja!
MARSHAL Kotallo: Ah, you ARE looking towards the possibility of an alliance.
DIVINER: Really, I just want to start with seeing if our people can be with a hundred feet without shooting at each other!
MARSHAL Kotallo: My people were an insular culture for a very long time. The clans preferred to test and challenge each other rather than interact with outsiders. The only other tribe nearby was the Utaru, and we left each other alone.
MARSHAL Kotallo: It might seem strange, and it certainly was not peace, but it was a sort of harmony.
DIVINER: But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
β: oh i loved that show
DIVINER: I know right??
DIVINER: But we're missing a bunch of the episodes! Including Toph's intro! She just shows up out of nowhere!
β: oh yeah and thats a good one too
DIVINER: Do you have any copies??
β: sorry i never had much on my focus
β: had to hide everything from the zeniths
DIVINER: Aw, that's too bad.
MARSHAL Kotallo: [IceCubeWTFFace.gif]
MARSHAL Kotallo: Sure.
MARSHAL Kotallo: When the Red Raids started, Chief Hekarro approached the Utaru's Chorus for a more formal alliance.
Zo: At which point they sang for several weeks before deciding to stick their heads in the dirt and wait.
Zo: They thought plying the Carja with gifts of food would stop the raids.
Zo: It did not.
MARSHAL Kotallo: While no formal treaties were signed, the Tenakth recruited and trained many young Utaru who were willing to fight.
DIVINER: Oh! I know this one! Zo, you were one of them, right?
Zo: Yes. It was not my proudest decision, but I do not regret it.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Both of which are wise.
DIVINER: Great! I was worried the Ceo's aggressive policy had permanently soured relations!
BoyNextDoor: From what Aloy has said, is this new Bohai character any better?
FlameHairSavior: Bohai is pragmatic. I don't think he's going to continue antagonizing anyone he doesn't have to.
DIVINER: Yeah... but he might not be up for diplomatic relations, either.
DIVINER: I think his plan is still to just grab everything he can and leave!
DIVINER: Oh my Ancestors we're bandits.
DIVINER: DATA bandits! It's so much worse than normal bandits!
β: [AreWeTheBaddies.gif]
FlameHairSavior: That's not helping.
FlameHairSavior: Look, Alva, I think that as long as you stop killing everyone in your way, no one is going to care about you "stealing" data. You're just copying it, right? So if someone else did have a Focus, they could still access it.
DIVINER: In... theory...
β: youre stealing the data drives arent you
DIVINER: I'm sorry!! But considering how slow our Focuses are and how important the data is, it's standard practice to bring back any storage medium if it is reasonable to do so!
BoyNextDoor: Maybe we should tabla all this for now. Once GAIA is fully restored, you can worry about diplomacy with the Quen.
DIVINER: Yeah, sure.
BoyNextDoor: Until then, GAIA? Do you have any information on this... Fire Nation show that Alva and Beta were talking about?
ADMIN [GAIA]: I have full synopses, recaps, and summaries of everything ever produced by Avatar Studios. I do not, however, have any restored episodes. This is not uncommon. I have marked many such series in the archives.
DIVINER: Yeah, I saw those. I was really excited about FMA:B until I realized there wasn't anything to watch.
ADMIN [GAIA]: I do, however, have most of the novels, including the audiobook versions. The Kyoshi novels in particular are extremely well-restored due to multiple redundant copies.
DIVINER: There are... NOVELS?
β: i like the first one best
β: ?
DIVINER: Oh My Aang.
β: ah
FlameHairSavior: I'm confused.
Chapter 22 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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alias-mike · 1 month
i let the autism win
(i am going to tell you about compelling cytus 2 straight relationships) (my headcanons might get mixed in because its been 2 years since i read the lore and i dont feel like reading the 1000+ page transcription rn)
incredibly egotistical guy (conner) who thinks hes better than everyone else meets his match in an academic setting but cant talk to her (sasha) because she graduates early and leaves. therefore he does the perfectly normal thing of stealing identity information of a bunch of random citizens from the government to sell on the black market bc sasha is also there as a mole for the police. he acts super incompetent to make her feel bad and help him sell the information for the best price and they end up forming a partnership for a while. their final job goes wrong as the police busts in and doesnt believe sasha when she says shes also part of the police bc her captain deleted her civilian identity file as part of the mission and that guy died in the raid so shes cooked. conner saves her at the last second and, dropping the act, tells her that he saved a copy of her civilian file and will be driving her to the nearest city and she can choose what she wants to do from there. shes super mad at him for decieving her but is grateful for the out that hes given her and leaves for the city with no internet to start fresh, assuming they would never see each other again. fast forward to the Plot and conner seeks her out again for help on some stuff and their modern dynamic is conner going "youre so cool and awesome haha...... we were such a good team back in the day....... you should run away with me" and sasha is like "no." its completely played for comedy (in my understanding) since the writing makes it clear that sasha has put her old life behind and only humours conner because hes an old friend (its been several years since the deception thing so i would assume she made peace with it and came to the conclusion that overall conner is chill) but she has a life of her own now. meanwhile shes the closest thing conner has ever had to a friend because shes the only (alive) person he sees as an equal so even though he knows its futile, he tries to convince her to come with him anyway. they were never really together and will never be together, and thats what makes their relationship interesting.
next up........ cherry x xenon !
this one is fun bc they start the story as exes. they dated when they were younger but broke up for reasons i can only describe as "her dad killed his dad and that really puts a strain on a relationship yk". basically cherrys dad got involved with organized crime after her mom died and he lost his job and xenons dad is a cop who was investigating said organized crime so they got into a Conflict and cherrys dad ended up killing xenons dad and severely injuring his sister. cherry also never told xenon abt this during their relationship bc its a bit difficult to bring up the whole "my dad does crime and sometimes i do it too" to the guy whos dad is a cop. the way they find out what happened is a bit. well funny isnt the right word but basically xenon is like "MY DAD AND SISTER GOT SHOT" and cherry was like "OH NO THATS HORRIBLE" so they rush to the hospital to visit them and see a news report about the incident and the perpetrator getting arrested and cherrys like "oh..............." they got in a huge fight after that and justifiably break up but deep down they still love each other and just. havent talked about it for several years after that. later some Plot stuff happens, they kinda reconcile a little bit, and cherry ends up injured in a fight. they were chilling at a base with really good medical facilities tho so the boss was like "here stay in this Healing Tube for a while and youll be fine" but uh oh! the evil bad guys attack and turn off all of the power in the base, including cherrys life support, and they turn the power back on too late so she dies and xenon is completely devastated over it because they never properly reconciled (i think there was something like he never said "i love you"? but i will have to reread lore to confirm. huge angst moment if true tho). i think they have an interesting arc in its tragedy. is it kinda contrived? yeah. but i think its thematically appropriate for the relationship where the whole thing is that something always went unsaid (first the crime thing, then how they actually still liked each other) ended with something unsaid, yk.
side note: theres even more tragedy to the situation considering the way they turned the power back on. ok basically theres a 12 year old girl named nora (shes the aforementioned boss) (shes a mafia boss) (its a long story) and she was experimented on as a baby and left to die to The Virus when the experiment failed but she survived and the scientists were like "holy crap can she be the key to a cure!?" so they took her back to the lab and raised her. shes disabled due to the initial experiments requiring her legs to be amputated and also happens to be mute but shes a genius so she built a robot to talk for her since she was stuck in her room all day (no one figured it was a good idea to give her mobility aids until several years down the line) (their idea of parenting was also like. playing chess with her once in a while). she also got into making edm songs for a while. later, she makes a robot known to the players as robo_head to be her bodyguard since they figure out that the virus gave her powers to see/hear through any camera or microphone connected to the internet and decide to use it for profit by touting her as an "oracle". now is a good time to mention that cytus 2 is a science.... fantasy? story where everyone has a brain chip to connect to the internet. anyways the more nora uses her powers the worse her eyesight gets and its also generally harmful to her health. robo_head is basically her only friend and she ends up having to send him off for reasons i wont get into rn and somewhere down the line he gains sentience and makes his way back to her. nora is enraged that he came back at first but after some persistence she lets him in and finds out about these developments, and is ultimately happy to have her friend back. when the power gets cut, robo_head knows that cherry needs help and volunteers to use himself as the power source which would essentially fry his circuits. nora refuses at first since she just got him back, but understands the importance of saving cherry so she ends up agreeing. unfortunately, its too late, so basically two people had to die for no reason ! (luckily nora ends up being able to fix robo_head after the end of the game but he was Gone for a while)
OK TANGENT OVER. BACK TO SHIPS. UHH sagar and rin are a thing
there was lore im pretty sure but i forgot so all i remember is that sagar is a pretty confident guy except when he has to talk to rin, in which cases he loses all of his skills ever and his dialogue mainly consists of "ummm uhm uhhh" and rin is also too nervous to notice how unskilled sagar is being. this is the only couple who gets a happy ending btw
honourable mention: whatever ilka(?) and rald had going on. classic nonhuman who is fascinated with humanity via one specific guy x guy who is unintentionally being very attractive. idk. i would tell you more about it but my dlcs are LOCKED and TAKEN AWAY from me 👎
there are also many gay ships but one of them is literally the plot of the game so it would make this post even longer if i started talking about them lmao
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^said plot summarized in one image btw
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fireemblems24 · 1 year
Azure Gleam Ch 8
Spoilers for AG below. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Last chapter was 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Cornelia just needs to go awayyyyy. It's ok, more beating up on Cornelia is good.
Poor Annette, her uncle turned against Dimitri 😭😭😭 Poor baby has to fight her uncle.
Oh, more Faerghus history. It got split into 3 at one point, which explains why House Dominic might fight against Dimitri. They think her uncle is sort of forced into the uprising.
I'm so glad they want to convince her uncle to change sides. Steal their leader too.
God, I love this route.
Duscur chief throwing their full support behind Dimitri. I love this so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm so happy to see Dimitri getting some love. Can Dedue talk to this guy too, though? At least Dedue was there.
Dimitri giving Dedue and Rodrigue credit. And Dedue giving Dimitri credit. Ofc these two.
Dedue getting to talk about Duscur 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Dimitri switched from "my" to "our" duty. Boy is growing up and LISTENING to Felix. Good 😭😭😭. And Felix, like, not being abusive but helpful. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Man, I love seeing so many people from Duscur in the camp now. More than there used to be.
Wait, did Hapi just call Dimitri "Didi?" That's really cute.
Ah, people commenting that it seems like Felix and Rodrigue are now getting along 😊😊😊😊😊😊
Flayn is too precious for this world. Saying she's noticed that Dimitri looks more at peace and credits that to his friends and says she wants more friends herself.
Oh, oh, it sounds like from Catherine we're getting Shamir on this route soon!
Ingrid is just casually talking with someone from Duscur about training with the spear. Bless this game for giving us these details. Ingrid. Deserves. Character. Development. (and to live, fuck Scarlet Blaze).
Dimitri's boyfriends are talking and he's like handing out at the bottom of the stairs where he can hear but not see them. II bet he's listening in, lol.
Oh, they're talking about Duscur soldiers. Felix only cares that they're good fighters. Of course he does. Felix is so sour. I love him.
Dimitri spent the night getting scolded by Felix. 😌 I hope they had fun. 👌 On a serious note, apparently Felix and Dimitri used to talk together all night and this was like old times. This group, I swear. Dedue came in and argued with Felix. Three-way. 😌
Edelgard is attacking us. Shocking.
Dimitri's torn between needing to attack the West and defending himself from Edelgard.
Rodrigue wants to focus on the West. So does Dimitri.
Seteth tells Dimiri to send Serios to defend Faerghus.
Looks like Annette's uncle is finding out the truth about Duscur. Seems like he'll side with Dimitri now.
Baron Dominic sympathizes with them (as Lambert favored the Eastern lords, or so they claim, who knows), but has some interesting dialogue.
"I understand the situation you found yourself in, but I fail to see the righteousness or necessity in the measures you chose." And even better. "Yet one can never predict what may lie on the other side of a violent, radical revolution." "Surely a dialogue is a more preferable to cold-blooded murder." Safe to say he'd never side with Edelgard.
Annette, your uncle is based.
Cornelia is back. Man, she's by far the most fun villain.
Super happy they let these two support. But if they start talking about Glenn, I'm going to cry.
They're talking strategy together.
Ingrid's like "I command Galatea, I can't retreat." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (she just died in SB for anyone wondering)
Rodrigue is helping her figure it all out. He's such a Team Dad in this game, and I LOVE it. This is exactly what I thought his supports would be like.
Oh, Ingrid's brother used to serve as Rodrigue's squire. He was the one who came up with the strategy.
Glad I get to hear more about Ingrid's brothers. I think they got mentioned like once and I always find it cool that she's the heir over her brothers despite men always getting favored over women.
Rodrigue also wants to make sure Ingrid takes care of herself. He's such a Dad.
Dimitri got knocked out while training and is beating himself up over it. Shez blames his exhaustion. Let's be real. She's right.
"Dedue and Felix in particular didn't know what to do with themselves." Man, this game ships Dimilix and Dimidue so hard.
Shez ran things while Dimitri was out. Setting up camp.
"Everyone, and I mean everyone, thinks you need to take more breaks." I love this side of Dimitri so much.
Ah, Shez, Ingrid, Sylvain, Ashe, Annette, Rodrigue, Mercedes, Felix, and Dedue all getting mentioned doing various things. I love how much these supports mention other Blue Lions.
Dimitri's insisting he's doing better, but he's doing too much. I love how he mentioned that this is what he wants to do too.
Shez accuses Dimitri of not trusting them, but Dimitri says it's not about that.
Shez told everyone about the C support stuff with Dimitri burying the villagers who died in the war.
Man, I love these two as friends. Someone lighthearted like Shez just plays off someone somber like Dimitri so well.
It's happening 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh, god, it's the same. Someone telling Dimitri to fucking sleep.
Dedue isn't taking his shit. Good.
Dimitri relents because he knows Dedue will get his way and asks Dedue to help wrap things up.
Dimitri wrote in Duscurian. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You have NO idea how elated I am this got confirmed as cannon (that Dimitri learned Duscur's language).
He's writing Duscur for help, working with them on the investigation into the tragedy.
Dedue's like, go to sleep, this can wait. And Dimitri's like, what if I die? This can't wait. Dimitri's so fucking dramatic.
Dedue ain't taking shit. Keeps insisting Dimitri just sleep, lamo.
Dedue asked if Dimitri still has nightmares about it. :( Dimitri's surprised that Dedue remembered them. As if he wouldn't.
Guys, I can't with this. OMG. 😭 It's cannon.
When they were younger, Dimitri would ask for Dedue when he was having nightmares, pretending he thought Dedue needed protection, and then they'd fall asleep together.
Like, this shit is straight out of fanfic. Whoever wrote AG deserves a raise and is a shipper.
Dedue liked that Dimitri did that.
Lamo, Dimitri told DEDUE to rest. Like, tone-deaf hypocrite.
Guys, this who support was really sweet and tender, which is peak their interactions romantic or not.
Oh boy, this is still about Annette's songs.
Her attempt to change the lyrics didn't work. And people are reading way too deep into her lyrics. 🤣
Ahh, Annette wanted to add Duscur mythology into her song. It's cannon that Dedue taught Annette Duscur stories. My heart.
OH MY GOD. This game just got meta. Saying that once the lyrics are out there, it's out of the author's hands and up to whoever is listening to interpret it. 🤣🤣🤣
Guys, we're getting called out for reading way too much into a fantasy JRPG about killing dragons with wide hips and pale mole men.
Shez encouraged Annette by saying the songs inspired people.
Now THIS is an interesting match up, esp since I seriously, seriously doubt Dorothea can get this support in her native route.
Flayn's asking about Dorothea's days as a diva.
Flayn's voice sounds pitcher different than in Houses.
Flayn wants to learn new songs. And Dorothea wants to start with the most complicated ones lol.
Funny that this is also about the power of songs lol.
They both want to investigate a legend of a song that ended a war.
Sylvain offers to help Ashe investigate something, but Ashe is just trying to learn.
Sylvain and Ashe are both wishing they could've just been normal students getting to learn things and have fun. :(
Sylvain helps Ashe read deeper into everything and starts seeing the bigger picture of wars with Sreng.
Ashe begs Sylvain to keep teaching him.
Pretty cute and more examples of Sylvain being smart and the team older brother and Ashe being a book nerd.
They're cleaning up together. Ingrid is concerned that Mercedes is pushing herself too much. Mercedes feels bad that she wasn't strong enough to do a lot of the work.
Ok, so some info about Ingrid's brothers. She has 2, they're both much older than her so they're not close. One is an advisor in Galatea, and another is serving another house as a knight.
Ingrid's brother was strict with her. She thinks it was over her crest, but Mercedes insists they probably just loved her.
Mercedes says older siblings are just like that.
She also then ruffles Ingrid's hair lol.
I'm glad this one has an A support.
Oh, God, this is going to be about all of them as kids 😭😭😭
Matthias returned Lambert's sword to Rodrigue like 30 years after borrowing it lol.
While at the Officer's Academy, Rodrigue charged too far ahead and the other two got into a fistfight while debating how/if to save Rodrigue. 🤣🤣🤣
Matthais wanted to wait. Lambert wanted to go ahead. Rodrigue doesn't know who won.
So Lambert and Rodrigue also liked to charge ahead.
😭😭😭😭😭😭 Rodrigue doesn't think Matthais accepted Lambert's death until Dimitri took the throne.
Dimitri thinks he started the war and that Lambert would disapprove of him. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Rodrigue says he doesn't think so.
Dimitri begs Rodrigue to stop him if he ever does anything that Lambert would hate. Rodrigue says he'd die to do so. Fuck that. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 He can't fucking die again. Rodrigue gets to live this time. I refuse anything else.
Time to kick Cornelia's ass for the nth time! Never gets old.
Dimitri is sending Annette and Gilbert to recruit Baron Dominic. Felix is cautious and thinks killing him now is safest, but Dimitri insists on trying to recruit him.
Rodrigue says that they'd just promote his son if Baron Dominic died, so it's better to try and recruit rather than kill and kill.
Their army is spread thin because most are defending from the Empire.
Shez is like "you've all grown up, Dimitri." She's happy to see Dimitri at ease.
Arval called Shez and the others friends. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Trying to get Shez to fight Byleth lamo. Arval is obsessed. Arval is suspicious af, not going to lie. Baiting Shez into doing what he/she? wants by going on about getting stronger that way.
Shez wants her purpose to be fighting for Dimitri and doesn't need to fight Byleth anymore.
OMG Duscur generals came and helped us out 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You have no idea how happy it makes me to see Duscur get more involved.
Cornelia talked trash about Duscur, saying she should've wiped them all out.
Man, Cornelia went down fast. Two special hits from Sylvain and Ingrid took her out. #deserved
I hope she dies for real this time.
Wait, what, did Edelgard kill Patricia? That . . . doesn't make sense?
Bitch is dead! Or it seemed like it? Not gonna lie, she's a fun as hell villain because she's just so awful. Yep, she dead. Finally.
Dimitri doesn't fully believe Cornelia, but does think Edelgard knows more than he does about what happened. And believes the Empire was involved in the tragedy.
Oh, good! Everyone learns that Edelgard is Dimitri's step-sister in this storyline too. I always liked how Dimitri opened up to everyone. It seemed Very Blue Lions, esp compared to the other two who never come clean.
Rodrigue offers to explain what happened. It's mostly stuff we all know already, like Cornelia's backstory.
Real Cornelia sounded so awesome. It's awful her name gets destroyed. I'm glad here the truth will get exposed. The real woman deserves it.
So it seems like Cornelia asked Faerghus to rescue Patricia, so TWSITD planted Patricia from the start and manipulated the whole situation with Lambert. Patricia was likely faking the whole time.
Ashe isn't sure they can have a chat about things. But this is Dimitri, he always wants to invite people to talk rather than just war.
Dimitri put reconstruction of the Western Faerghus in charge of Gustave and Baron Dominic.
Glad to see Dimitri is still focused only on defense of the Silver Maiden and not land grabbing. I was worried because they have Claude go for it, which is entertaining as hell, but I'm a bit more protective of Dimitri lol.
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novaskfpblog · 1 year
ITSSS~ ✨small KFP rambling time!!✨ a bite sized ramble ;P
Today! About Kai...because of course
I love him! And a shen or tai lung ramble would NOT be bite sized- sheeesh!
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WAYYY wayy back when i saw KFP3 and hell- way before that! I had a thing for coming up with "villain redemption stories" or "villain joins the good guys!!" Stuff while maybe it was cuz Lil me really wanted to see more of those bad guys and DONT BLAME ME! They are great! But these days i feel like i think of such ideas because certain really cool characters dont have enough interactions with other cool characters
Or hell! Any interactions at all...it suckkkss but thats what the power of ✨creativity and imagination✨ is for :] being able to come up with new, heartwarming or interesting interactions for characters who otherwise never had such moments is great! And coming up with villain redemption ideas always opened up the possibility of said characters meeting in the future
Of course not everyone deserve a redemption arc but there is always the thought of...what if???
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Now on the topic of funny panda movie guy
These ideas of mine eventually applied to Kfp! As soon as i finished watching kfp3 for the first time back then! i came back home, layed down on my bed and started to think how could i?? Redeem that kai dude!!
And well uhh it was not really easy Lil me was...creative i guess- but said ideas i came up with never really reached anything interesting they were just kinda One off ideas to be forgotten in a week- you know??
But this one stuck considering it was kinda the start of me writing down my ideas :0 nothing perfect for something written late at night by Lil me but truly a start! Thats what matters
I came up with the idea of reversing the roles of Oogway and Kai
●■It followed Kai and Oogway being met by an intense battle ambushed and cornered Kai entered a reckless state of fury wanting to show off as much power as he could! This led to Kai being terribly injured said battle was not one to rush and what kai had done could have cost him his life
Oogway made the wise decision to flee said battle and instead go search for help to save his dear friend before it was too late
Oogway discovered the Secret panda village asking for their help to Heal Kai
The Hardest challenge for Lil me was bringing Kai there....i mean we wont just Suddenly NOT want to steal all their chi and true Kai thought that if he had that much Power maybe he could have easily defeated the people who injured him....ashamed and defeated he planned to steal ALL of the panda's Chi and take his revenge..
The more he plotted and conspired as he faked to enjoy their simple, calm lifestyle as much as Oogway did...the more he Deep down started to feel peace
While not outright showing his change the more he learned about chi and its helpful abilities, the more he pondered...he started to wonder what they really fighting for, glory and fame were not gonna cut it....if no real change was being made then what for?.
This troubled Kai, feeling true comfort for the village, finding joy in the small things, the moments he is spending being helpful feel much better than the moments he used to spend destroying.
He never realized that his want for more power blinded him completely to the fact that there was already so much good around him...but now he gets it and the journey was not short
But those months of learning and training came to and end and so we come to the question ■ what is Kai going to do now?? As he stands in the day he planned to betray the pandas...
He and Oogway instead Leave having learned something! Becoming a peaceful warrior
He might not have found the Power to make him unstoppable but all the power he already had! Was enough to do something meaningful and truly special ●■
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WELP thats what Lil me thought of back then!! Its not great- but i appreciate it for being the start of a more creative journey :]
Lil kid me would be proud of sharing this HAHA! i never realized how good it was not to have a word limit ✨ still short but- thats the point lol
To whoever is reading♡ wow thanks hehe this aint much but sharing this years old thing was a huge relief...i should write new stuff here...huh 👀
ADIOS for now!! And cya real soon💚💚
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desiredcaramellatte · 2 years
Hi I’m that same anon who asked about poly relationship (sorry for late reply)
So anyways I was wondering if you could do Red velvet x reader x Pastry. Those two are kinda my favorites (I don’t ship them tho) and how would it turned out if they were on a poly relationship with reader, like it all started when they both fall for reader but eventually they fall for each other as well
Take all your time/days you need tho, I’ll be patient👍✨
This request has been bugging me for a long while but I've never really gotten many ideas for it 👀👀
I don't really ship RedPastry either, but this does sound like an interesting idea for them!
Red Velvet x reader x Pastry
~| Having these two as partners is very contradicting. They have very different opinions on the world, but you can be assured of one thing- loyalty. Both of these babs are loyal to a t.
~| They couldn't stand each other at first, you wouldn't be able to have general conversations without their views being brought up and then getting into a fight about it, but it'll get better eventually.
~| They won't love each other. They may stand each other, but never in-depth love. Even when they get friendly with each other, their views are too wildly different and their pasts to screwed up for them to love each other.
~| Despite this, they do love you immensely. Their way of showing said love and forms of it are supremely different, though.
~| Pastry is more into quality time and gift giving than anything, and doesn't enjoy PDA that much, whereas Red Velvet will actively seek your praise and touch.
~| How you got with both of them at the same time and then got them with each other is unknown to me, but you managed to do so! They’ve gotten to the point where they can be in the same room without murdering each other!
~| Red Velvet likes to sometimes steal Pastry’s veils and wear them as he pretends to be her. It’s dumb but entertaining, and Pastry gets absolutely heated over it every single time.
~| Chiffon is your child. He might have came with Red Velvet, but he is now legally adopted by all three of you. Pastry is the one who spoils him rotten with treats and toys the most. He gets about a new toy every week from her and it’s an absolute win-win in this pup’s eyes.
~| Pastry and Velvet bond over how adorable Chiffon is. That’s some of their most peaceful times together, when they’re giving Chiffon affection or talking about how cute he is.
~| All of them- Red Velvet, Pastry, and Chiffon- deserve headpats tbh.
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raxistaicho · 1 year
“Edelgard will totes lose, for real”
Who’s ready for some Hopes-flavored “Edelgard will totally lose after the credits roll”?
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So the scene Fantasy Invader is referencing could be taken in a few different ways. Maybe Edelgard’s placating Thales, or maybe she genuinely thinks she’ll need the support of the Agarthans. For sake of argument, I’ll indulge the latter, since it’s most beneficial to FI’s point. This does beg the question of whether the Empire will genuinely need the help of the Agarthans, or if Edelgard simply thinks it will.
Edelgard also thought she absolutely needed the Agarthans to win in Houses, and she turns out to be wrong in Hopes.
As for the second point, he’s referencing:
Almost as soon as Byleth and Constance were wed in a spectacular ceremony, the battle with those who slither in the dark began in earnest. Constance's efforts to understand and implement the magical techniques of the enemy quickly became instrumental, both to the fight and to the era of peaceful Imperial rule that followed.
Now, worth noting: this ending does not assume Shambhala was attacked, only that Byleth and Constance fought the Agarthans - as they do in Hopes. They also do not steal Agarthan technology - Constance analyzes and figures out how to use their magical techniques. DeepL’s translation of the same scene from the Japanese version corroborates this.
Also, I love the argumentative description, “stolen”. FI wouldn’t say that if Agarthan tech was plundered and used in Silver Snow, roflmao.
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That’s a big “if”.
Edelgard in Hopes knows she can’t rely on the Agarthans for help, so she might take other approaches to consolidating post-war Fodlan.
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(sigh), this bone-headed point again.
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Fortunately, that’s not a problem, given you end up killing most of the Western lords during the first two act III chapters of Scarlet Blaze. Edelgard haters never acknowledge that, interesting.
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Like I said: Three Hopes themed “everything will totally fall apart after the story ends in Crimson Flower, guys”.
It’s entirely possible that he’s right... but this isn’t a Crimson Flower/Scarlet Blaze-specific problem. Post-war Fodlan is going to be fragile no matter who comes out on top. Radiant Dawn’s first act is all about the aggressor nation of the previous game losing a war and rebelling against an until-then heroic nation occupying them. The people of Adrestia aren’t just going to meekly accept permanent occupation by Faerghus/Leicester/the church because their emperor started the war they lost.
Of course, Edelgard detractors would like to convince themselves that this is a problem unique to Edelgard’s routes, because they’re really mad there’s outcomes where she wins and they would really like her to lose.
It’s sour grapes. That’s all it is.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
"Alright, not to be pedantic. Well, to be didactic, maybe. In addition to the Shippuden manga 624 (Edo Hashirama's telling), you have to also consult the Is It Still A Spoiler talk with 'Madara' in 399. Granted, this is biased; but there's also no contradiction there (which is wild, for this show) so it's very likely that actually was Madara's view. The Uchiha defected to the Senju side prior to the treaty. And prior to that, with his last brother newly buried, Madara (the anime has a tragic screenshot) pleads with them to reconsider treating with the Senju. Among other things they allegedly accuse him of stealing his brother's eyes.
These clans did not come to the bargaining table as equals.
Madara is never pictured with his clan in Konoha because he had effectively been ousted, he was a lame-duck Clan Head. His only friend was Hashirama himself. Canon is explicit that he did not win the popular vote, after all. And then, after he toughed it out for a year or so, he defied the diplomatic bent of his orders, and with a Konoha-headband on, intimidated young Fence-Sitter basically for life because Madara could only see peace as a Pax Konoha. Rather Roman Empire. And probably did the same to the other burgeoning hidden villages.
Later, maybe a generation or so after his exit, there's unrest in the Uchiha Clan as some (named characters, too) realize maybe Madara was right, because none of them are in line for leadership, and they did get rid of that problem power-hungry Ghost. It's only a panel, but they write his name on the wall, like a student puts up a Che poster.
tl;dr The emotional reasons for his leaving, and the misunderstandings, the children crying at the sight of him, and the role the tablet played (which was towards the end of his tenure), is all debatable. But there were political reasons for his departure.
When it says his only way to wield power was by being Hokage of all the clans, that's precisely what it was. He did not have a hold of his own clan, he did not have a platform or leverage other than being pals with Hashirama. He was not in harmony with whatever and however Konoha officially decided on. That he stayed a year, in my opinion, was testament to how much he wanted the village to work. The way Hashirama killed him, and his last words to Madara, just confirmed how little he mattered as a Founder. That's why it's consistent that Madara might have, in the planning stages, been party to Obito's role in the Clan Massacre. From his point of view, after fighting for them from childhood, they abandoned him first.
It's possible his reasons didn't make sense because you're missing that section, maybe?" - Anon
I know very little about Madara, I just did some quick research so that I could try to reconcile his character with Shisui's and then presented the varying views I could get my hands on from the websites, articles and forums available. I certainly haven't read the manga itself, nor have I watched the anime, and all of my know-how of Narutoverse is reverse-engineered so this is a definite hole in my knowledge!
My very rough-and-ready breakdown of Madara's leaving of Konoha was exactly that, rough. I'm not overly interested in that period of canon - I love AU too much and I'm not a Founders Era writer - but you took the time to lay it out for me a little better, so thank you for this insight ☺️ your explanation was excellent, I only lament that I couldn't find the like when I whizzed through my searches!
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imustbenuts · 2 months
Grima and Vash are in one locked room, Knives and Chrom in another. They have to work together with the person in the room to escape, and one killing the other means they're trapped forever.
How much of a bloodbath is it anyway in the one room and who's getting cake when they get out for actually getting out at all?
(I just like seeing you think on characters in Situations.)
oh hoh this is an interesting ask. so im guessing the condition to escape the room is arbitrary and the root issue is how they will actually get together to cooperate. ok. i think i understand.
grima in my head is more of a flighty genocidal baby who attacks first and talks later. vash seems like a flighty love and peace adult who talks first and wants to attack never. grima also loves monologues. so vash will counter with 'no! killing bad!'
i think the two of them will have a tom and jerry moment where vash constantly avoids grima's attacks and succeeds even if its a smelly breath of death. through the constant bickering they both get a good grasp of each others' character.
vash thinks grima is similar to his brother, knives, but is a lot more naive and baby about it all. vash is also not the type to debate if someones ideology is wrong, so this quirk gets through to grima and they eventually realizes that though they dont agree with each other, they understand and still think the other is wrong in the conclusion.
grima thinks the world/humanity should end bc humans are always doomed to war and misunderstandings, vash thinks the world should continue on anyway bc its always changing and improving and the periods of peace are worth something. immovable object vs unstoppable force.
but bc vash isnt human or naga grima just decides they want nothing to do with vash. and bc of the impasse they decide to cooperate and get out despite constantly disagreeing with each other.
i think grima will probably come around to respecting vash to a degree and maybe hang back on their genocidal plan bc deep down grima has seen that vash has a point from prev experiences.
they are comparing their dicks weapons.
knives (stampede ver) is arguing his is bigger bc the knives can chain each other and be freely manipulated. chrom is arguing, no, that is not a weapon technically, and that his falchion is bigger. or something.
knives also likes to monologue. chrom likes to do his own variation of heroic monologues.
anyway. knives also hates the shit out of chrom bc chrom is human and the situation descends into a bloody fight. chrom is able to stand his own somewhat and they argue about other stuff.
at some point chrom yells about his siblings and tries to convince knives to work together bc he wants to get back to his family, and knives realizes he also needs to get back to his twin brother to further abuse him. ofc bc chrom is dense he interprets whatever knives says in a good light so the real nature of knives and vash's relationship doesnt really get through.
but bc chrom is too goody he somehow talks about his healthy good sibling relationships and that causes knives to pause and reflect just a little.
eventually they get out with slightly more cuts on chrom's side, and knives lets the guy walk bc he figures he could always kill humanity at any given time and really doesnt care, but also that maybe chrom should really go show his love for his remaining little sister.
knives later might go buy/steal something as a gift for vash as a result of this encounter, stalk him down and then deliver it after tormenting him again by destroying/killing the humans around vash. then he leaves to further plot the genocide of all humans for his ideal paradise.
unfortunately all this does is further freak vash out and makes him more afraid of knives.
Cake goes to team Vash and Grima
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azuisreading · 1 year
Nothing Between Us by Manda Mazanec
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Meera Taylor is ready to start the life she’s always dreamed of. Gone are the days of living out of her car and hiding from her past. With an apartment she can finally call her own and a new career, Meera agrees to give the small town of Morganville a chance at being her forever home. The only problem? She can’t seem to evade Gabriel Henry, the one man she was told to avoid and yet the same sexy grump who seems hell-bent on stealing her independence—and her heart. Earning himself a reputation as a womanizer, single dad Gabe has zero interest in settling down. He doesn’t believe in romance or soulmates. He’s well aware of Meera’s less-than-stellar opinion of him, and that’s okay. She isn’t his type anyway. But when Meera’s estranged husband shows up in Morganville, Gabe finds himself coming to her defense and coming lip to lip with what might just be his needle in a haystack.
I was part of this fabulous book’s ARC team and am writing a review because I loved it. A new addition to my comfort reading shelf.
The title line appears one time in the book and then it seems to appear again but it’s different. And I loved it. I also loved a lot of the story details, if not all.
Meera gave me clumsy girl vibes at the start, but she’s just an unlucky woman and with that I can relate. Her past is heavy and hasn’t finished with her yet, and though I haven’t experienced many of her circumstances, it wasn’t an obstacle to relate with her (finally, because it’s a common struggle with female protagonists).
Gabe… sighs. It was love at first encounter. And it was hard not to fall in love again each time he reappeared in the scene. And his POVs?! To die for. He can try to lie to himself (and Meera too, given the case), but, as the cover says, one only can do it for so long.
I love, I love, I love soulmate hints. Just special conditions like this one for second opportunities. I haven’t dived enough, but it’s just so much enjoyable when he’s a single dad (and the daughter is so lovely). When the kid gives their permission and consent because the person the parent wants is just so right, for the kid, for the parent, for both of them, it’s just so… beautiful and fulfilling. When he’s so stubborn to admit it, but has obviously fallen hard, and is showing it so much for everyone but is so blind to notice it themselves. I will always love a bit more communication, but one can only do so much, and we are never perfect as humans. Oh! Of course, the protective man, and not just because he’s such a good boy, but because he just doesn’t want you to touch her. Even when she’s fighting for her independence, she accepts that the feeling he gives her is so empowering.
And there’s so much forgiving and proper healing that I haven’t seen before! You can be a bad person and not deserve it, but they will do everything in their power to make you go on the right path. Not only that, they will try to help everyone they can to not pass through what they lived through. There’s no reason to not help each other. We’re all here trying to do the best we can and we don’t have to do it alone, we can do better and reach farther with help.
This book gives so many pieces… I find courage, peace, support, and healing. It was so empowering and inspiring. So endearing and dreamy. A bit frustrating, because c’mon! But happy. Happy and calm and satisfying. It’s so much more than just a romance. It’s fresh air.
Phrases that I liked so much that I marked them while reading
«“It looks like you hit your head pretty good on the way down,” he says, placing a small ice pack on my forehead. “Though I don’t know how because you never made it to the floor.” “Oh,” I say as I touch my forehead, heat rising up my neck. “This is from earlier.” I leave out the part where I lost the fight with the utility pole.» — Chapter Two.
«And I have a hard limit when it comes to making a fool out of myself. Once a day is enough.» — Chapter Two.
«Her eyes grow dark as she says those four beautiful words I live for. “Get that fucking bastard.”» — Chapter Four.
«“It’s complicated.” “Then uncomplicate it.” I suck in a breath at the demand. Normal people would have taken my comment as a sign to stop asking questions. But Meera is anything but normal.» — Chapter Six.
«I force out the oxygen trapped inside my chest and do what lawyers do best. I deflect.» — Chapter Six.
«Once she’s chucked the carpet into the dumpster, she studies me, as if she’s trying to figure out whether she should let me into her apartment or throw me out with the carpet.» — Chapter Six.
«“Come on. We can talk and walk at the same time.” “How do you do that?” I ask, propelling my feet forward again. “Do what?” “That.” “Well, if you must know, I place one foot in front of the other, making sure to shift my weight evenly as I go.”» — Chapter Nine.
«“You’re making this more difficult than it needs to be. Just ask me what it is you want to know.”» — Chapter Nine.
«“You left your purse and room key at the reception.” “Nice try. My purse was on the nightstand, next to the bed.” “It pains me to have to tell you how much of a gentleman I really am,” he says solemnly. I scowl again. “By the time we got back to the bed-and-breakfast, you were out cold. I realized you didn’t have your purse, and since I knew you had an early flight out, I tucked you in and ran back out to get it for you.”» — Chapter Nine.
«My stomach twists. Because I want her to be bummed. I want her to want me to stick around. Hell, I want me to stick around.» — Chapter Ten.
«I know I shouldn’t enter the surgical room, but tell that to the side of my brain that actually gives a fuck.» — Chapter Twelve.
«“Honey, you don’t have to explain a thing. If Sophie wants to draw a picture for you, you’re already a rock star in my book.”» — Chapter Thirteen.
«“I tried to convince her to stay. I offered her a warm meal, and when I walked out of the room to grab plates, she disappeared. Took Sophie with her.” Evelyn breathes out a long, steady breath. “You have no idea how hard that was. To know that child was about to endure more trauma all because I turned my back.”» — Chapter Thirteen.
«I turn back to get Meera’s bag, but Tom stands in my way. When I move toward him, ready to barrel through him if I have to, he put his hands up. “Okay. Okay.”» — Chapter Fourteen.
«“Thank you,” she says, “for all of that.” She waves at the door and the juice box. “But I could have handled it.” “I know, but I’m glad I got here when I did. I wouldn’t want to lie to the police. [...] We’d have to hide the body, and I’m not good at lying. Never have been.” Meera throws her head back and guffaws.» — Chapter Fourteen.
«and though her laugh is my new favorite thing, her confusion is adorable.» — Chapter Fourteen.
«“He knew my grandma would smother me with love but worried that I wouldn’t survive without knowing how to hang cabinet doors.”» — Chapter Fourteen.
«but catching Tom there, trying to hurt her, was enough for me to want to camp out on her deck and make sure Mr. Up to No Good didn’t return.» — Chapter Sixteen.
«“Darlene wasn’t my type.” “She’s gorgeous. I’m surprised she isn’t your type.” “We’re two very different people.” “Ah, so she’s nice?” “Funny,” I growl.» — Chapter Twenty.
«“I want to know.”» — Chapter Twenty-One.
«“How do I fix this for you?”» — Chapter Twenty-One.
«“A raccoon? That thing looks like a man-eating vampire with four legs.”» — Chapter Twenty-One.
«I stomp on my brakes and then look in my rearview window. No one is behind me, thank fucking God. “You what?”» — Chapter Twenty-Five.
«“You won’t be inconveniencing anyone. You’re going to have to learn that it’s okay to lean on others. I think you’ve been on your own for far too long. You’ve forgotten what it’s like to be cared for.”» — Chapter Twenty-Five.
«“I need to hear it, Meera. I need to hear you consent to this.”» — Chapter Twenty-Six.
«“You can lie to yourself all you want, Gabriel, but I know you better than you think. I’ve never seen you look at a girl the way you look at her.”» — Chapter Twenty-Nine.
«“I saw how fast you ran to her at the bar when other men took interest,” she continues. “And the way you pulled out the chair for her at dinner…” She laughs. “You’ve invited plenty of people over in the past, but never, not once, have you looked like you were completely captivated by a woman’s presence.”» — Chapter Twenty-Nine.
«Every time, I assumed she didn’t want to inconvenience me. But I realize now that it was never about that. She wanted to learn how to do things on her own. She didn’t need me to do those things for her. She just needed the support.» — Chapter Twenty-Nine.
«“I’m sorry,” I start. It’s as good a place as any.» — Chapter Twenty-Nine.
«And there it is. The first memory. When she sauntered through the front door to the Tipsy Brew Garage three years ago. That’s the moment I lost the ability to think straight. Ever since that day, I’ve been a fucking mess. Except it’s actually the day I cleaned up my mess. Because three years ago, I feel for a woman I didn’t even know. Because breathing the same air she breathed made me want to be a better man. And her presence in my life again after all this time might mean I finally have the chance I missed out on then.» — Chapter Twenty-Nine.
«My response to Gabe wasn’t a lie. I am okay. I’m in my apartment with my door locked, and I’m breathing.» — Chapter Thirty.
«“I’m sorry.” “Sorry? Stop that shit. Every time you say those words, you’re taking responsibility for something, and you didn’t do anything wrong.”» — Chapter Thirty-Two.
«He places his hands on either side of my face and dips his head, brushing his nose against mine. “I’m going to kiss you right now. Please don’t pull away.”» — Chapter Thirty-Two.
«“Did he hit you?” This is when Meera grows quiet. I know this kind of silence. I’ve seen it before with my mom. “Ask her that in a different way,” I say. Meera and both officers turn to me in unison. “She doesn’t want to lie to you. She won’t say he hit her if he didn’t actually hit her. But ask her if he hurt her. Look at her wrist. Look at her throat.”» — Chapter Thirty-Three.
«I can’t help but feel a bit of pride when she repeats that last part. Because she took my advice, and that might have been what saved her life.» — Chapter Thirty-Three.
«“You’re staying with me until the cops have Tom behind bars.” When I huffed at his ridiculous suggestion, he grabbed a bag from the top shelf of my closet and pulled out a drawer, ready to pack the damn thing himself. With a frustrated huff, I pushed him out of my way and tossed clothing and my toiletry bag into the duffel he refused to set down.» — Chapter Thirty-Four.
«“If I get obnoxious, I give you permission to put me in my place.”» — Chapter Thirty-Four.
«“But this morning, when you wouldn’t wake up, when those paramedics stabbed you with that glucose pen and you wouldn’t respond… the fear I’d been running from? It was nothing compared to what I felt then.”» — Chapter Thirty-Six.
«I can’t take it any longer. If he tells me he’s not done one more time, I’m going to lose it.» — Chapter Thirty-Six.
«I’d never been invested enough to fall in love, but maybe that’s because I hadn’t met the right person.» — Chapter Forty-One.
«“I need to say something, but I don’t want you to panic.” I’m already panicking enough for the both of us.» — Chapter Forty-One.
«I can’t believe I’m doing this, but Jack was right. I was scared. I’d fallen for Meera, and I didn’t know what to do with that. But I won’t hide anymore. I’ll face these feelings head-on, and if Meera doesn’t feel the same way, then I’ll deal with that later.» — Chapter Forty-One.
«He waits, holding me hostage with a look of pure adoration.» — Chapter Epilogue.
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krytus · 2 years
babygirl i can draw parallels between media you've never even heard of
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