#millennial throwback
shironezuninja · 2 years
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One of the things I take advantage of when attending weddings is Shazamming the DJ music with my phone, so I could look up songs that I might not have heard of yet. So when I came across a David Guetta song that had the melody of Eiffel 65’s, “Blue (Da Ba Dee)” song, but included the F curse in its newly formed lyrics, I immediately grinned and thought of all of the Top 40 Song Spoof moments that Sammy had done during Critical Role’s 1st Campaign.
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bidotorg · 2 months
This August at Bi.org, we’re going old school and leaning into late 90s and 2000s bi nostalgia.
It was the era where bi representation finally started to pick up, and where many current famous bis were first making names for themselves.
From actor and comic Wayne Brady to punk rocker Billie Joe Armstrong, to superstar Lady Gaga, to romcom master Drew Barrymore, we’re reliving the Bi2K era all month long!
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myzillennialmemories · 2 months
My old room from high school. Anyone else used to have their walls completely covered in magazine posters?
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fly-the-pattern · 6 months
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merakisphere · 4 days
YAIN'T gonna tell me that you haven't seen this before!
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jasondamien93 · 1 month
Retro filter
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my2klife · 3 months
Forward my mail and calls to: c/o the decade 1998-2008
As I was thinking about how my neighbors have been on a 2 week vacation in both Hawaii and Alaska (best of both worlds I guess??) this past week, a feeling welled up from inside of me. Mourning. I was saddened by the realization that my next door neighbors were living my dream life; steady dual incomes, regular weeks long vacations (I think this is like their second one this year and it's only July), going out to brunch weekly, etc. A very "normal" life.
Now, let's not forget the famous words from one Aunt Frances Owens:
"My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage!"
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And who could forget the wonderful Aggie Cromwell's magical quote on the matter!
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This emotion wasn't directed towards the "normalcy" they had so seemingly acquired more easily than I had. It was more directed towards how I was less disciplined in making it for myself. I'd also like to note that it also did not have a twinge of jealousy in it (I'd know, I personify my emotions like Inside Out taught us to).
It was definitely and exclusively mourning. Mourning for a life in a world so different from the reality we're living in. Non-politically, but is anything these days "non-political", I was raised and prepared for a life where home phones were a thing and cellphones were only for emergencies. Where the internet was a tool for learning and relaxation, like computer games and search engines. Where MySpace was the only social media network and even then we weren't posting pics of our food, posting videos of ourselves navigating life, or posting death threats to strangers (at least my friends and I weren't doing that). I remember never being bored because if that thought ever entered my mind, it quickly supplied it with an activity: playing outside, reading a book, doing arts and crafts, playing with barbie dolls, etc.
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Now if I'm even the slightest bit "bored" (bc usually I'm really not), TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or X(Twitter), are there for a good disassociating doom scroll, that makes you think and feel like you're doing something but when you finally get free from its claws you feel even more bored and empty than when you began! Also, remember watching TV and movies without also scrolling on your phone? Yea that was a thing and it was marvelous.
I was not built, nor prepared, to participate in a world where a screen, or two!, is constantly in your face or at your fingertips. Even when I was in high school and the iPhone had just come out (circa 2007), it was just an all-in-one device: a phone you could take pictures on and listen to your music with. Youtube was on there but that too was still in its infancy and we weren't all having a channel and watching it all the time. Similarly, we had computers and laptops but for me I used it for Google and then in 2007/8 for Facebook bumper stickers and flare posts to my friends. Computer time had a curfew just like video game time did, because don't think that I wasn't slaying at Ocarina of Time on the Cube constantly because I was! But everything was in moderation.
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*ahem* Sorry, I got a bit heated there.
All I mean is, why can't I choose to turn back the clock in my daily life? Like, go back to when smartphones post iPhone had 16ish basic apps?
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Or how about using a site like Tumblr as the "new" Myspace, Xanga, or Wordpress ("" because all of those sites are still around, just different), to post my thoughts without worrying about monetization or vitality?
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(omg this was a thing?! ^ 😅 what a time)
And what about taking videos and photos with actual cameras and camcorders? Then uploading and editing them on a different day than when you took the photo or video? OR EVEN....Posting them to your blog space DAYS later! *GASP*!
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I think I may just do that...
Live as authentically close to how I was raised between the years of 1998-2008 (give or take a year or two on either end).
I've already begun the purge on my phone of all apps that I can access via my computer (minus of course the REALLY on the go important ones like banking, health, and wallet apps). I also am weening myself off of TikTok and Instagram. I've deactivated my accounts for X (Twitter), Snapchat, and Reddit. In the coming weeks I'll get up the courage to deactivate TikTok and Instagram when my brain doesn't freak the f*ck out at the idea lol. (and no I will not be downloading the Tumblr app, because that wasn't a thing until 2009 and I choose not to use my phone that way even if it is within the outer bands of the range I'm going for)
I can't claim all the credit for the idea. I was inspired by Sarah A. Chrisman and her husband who live an "authentic" Victorian life and blog about it. (Sarah gets as authentic as she can without cutting herself off from society and the outside world).
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I recommend checking her blog out ^, their life is pretty fascinating and her book is good too!
I'll make another post on how I will be implementing a lifestyle reminiscent of the decade spanning 98-08. So far I'm excited at the prospect of reverting back to a time when my hand didn't automatically reach for my cell phone and automatically click an app to scroll through, seemingly on its own (we all know we do it and its spooky as hell).
I'm also excited to talk about it on here because I would be a hypocrite if I said that I didn't want to post about this experiment somewhere for the communal connectivity. I am also a product of the infancy of the social network, so I still have a longing to be seen and connected with others on the world wide web (I just don't want to feel pressured to monetize it or consume it constantly).
So this blog will be my chronicle of implementing a more 2k lifestyle! I hope you'll follow along and join in the fun of the nostalgia!
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flameontheotherside · 3 months
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221bluescarf · 1 year
Sometimes I miss the variety and uniqueness of the middle-aged cellphones. We had flip phones, sliders, clamshells, blackberries, double-sided ones, ones that twist... How fun was that?
I mean look at these
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I'd still buy them today
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oxfordcommas · 1 year
Had the kind of dentist appointment that included me saying "please just finish so I can go cry in my car" and now I'm drinking a consolation latte that tastes vaguely of blood
is what I successfully did NOT say to my boss when I passed her in the hallway
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who was your favorite rugrat?
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erinmikail · 2 years
Reblogging nylon magazine and Vanessa hudgens on tumblr like it’s 2009 🥰😍🥰
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myzillennialmemories · 2 months
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These photos were taken 3 years apart. Why was I still wearing glasses without lenses in them? Why was this a thing?
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shafaqmum · 4 months
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("Born in the 2000's - Nostalgia Collection" Coffee Mug for Sale by Colorful-Garden gönderdi)2000s, y2k, nostalgia, retro, vintage, millennial, gen z, early 2000s, throwback, 2000s baby, y2k aesthetic, pop culture, old school, flashback, noughties
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imkrisyoung · 10 months
Millennials, if your boo wasn't around when Wendy's used to serve bone in fried chicken, they're too young for you! 😅
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wtfuckevenknows · 1 year
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