#mind u theyre not even the same age.
citrusitonit · 10 months
Omg my favrite stories r the cask of amontillado n thag one story in english abt the boy whgo acdentlly kills his sister becaug he was tired of lettign her get away wit her cruelty
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oceanwithouthermoon · 25 days
maybe its just me but i cant stand when people are like "it just doesn't sit right with me how teruhashi thought about aiura 🥺" like yes... its not supposed to ??? because her thinking badly of other girls and prioritizing male validation over everything is one of her main flaws ??? can we talk about that WITHOUT making it seem like shes not allowed to have a single actual flaw without suddenly becoming an awful person? nobody can handle complex female characters at all and its so fucking annoying
#you guys all missed the point of her development AND her and saiki's relationship development#like did you miss the parts where the only times he genuinely seems to not like something she does is when shes mean to other girls#and he still understands that she isnt a bad person for having bad thoughts in the private comfort of her mind#and besides... in this case she was literally just being a dramatic and insecure teenage girl LMAO#like dont fucking lie to me and tell me when you were her age you didnt have similar thoughts#youre worse than her if you lie about it while judging her for it#sorryyyy#she shouldve been MORE unhinged youre all just cowards#AND ALSO ? how can something even be 'mean' if its just a thought#thats like if u opened ur friends private diary without permission and then unfriended them over something they said in a random upset vent#and in this specific situation if u found out ur friend called someone a bitch because they liked the same person as her ??#LIKE THATS ?? its bad but its not as crazy as you guys make it out to be#shes allowed to be angry and insecure in the privacy of HER OWN MIND#idk if this makes sense but i just feel that her thoughts are more of a concern about her wellbeing than anything else#like she canonically is extremely kind to others even when she doesnt want to be so why are we worried about how she treats others.#theyre fine. im worried about HER.#and WHY her mindset is so negative... but u guys dont give a shit because u cant handle even a spec of complexity#sorry ive said all this before i just like to rant#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#teruhashi kokomi#meows post
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sexysilverstrider · 11 months
saw a most attractive human characters in pokemon video and it was entertaining in the first few minutes but it then got annoying real fast when the ppl in the video start ignoring the protags coz they were "babies" and while i agreed and overlooked it the people start labelling some of the other characters as minors (brock misty and even N????) like. its clear yall see the former 2 as their anime counterparts but then they started to question flannerys n roarks ages n wondered if its weird to rate whether or not they like them and they kept emphasizing how some characters are clearly underage (sabrina) and im like. ok. yall boring. close video.
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f1shart · 3 months
*clawing my way out of a deep dank pit or something* erm hai guys..College gays1!! 💗
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ive been playing a little early strangetown and starting thinking up college hcs for these gyals theyre still kids in my game.. whatever. im the planner
★ rambling below ★
ok first, ages since theyre all fucked up in game: Instead of the twins being older than all of glarn's kids, they're only a year older than lazlo which Yeah would mean glarn got mpregnant and disappeared from the house for some months to hide it (idiot), dropped the twins at his lovelorn ex-wife's house, and returned home to his "normal" kids. They'd otherwise be in their mid-late 40s living with these recently graduated young women and like for what 😭 As of 2004 they are 26, erin is 24, and kristen is 23. she skipped a grade so she was a college freshman at the same time as eri ^_^
but anyway this drawing is set in 1998 HERE ARE THEIR MAJORS: Lola in poli-sci, Chloe in philosophy (she never fucking chose), Erin in psychology, and Kristen in public health but in-game it would be biology stop i wanted them all to begin with P beacuse. silly. kristen's mom, being an older and more traditional parent, wanted her to pursue a career in medicine but after her death kristen got the courage to choose the major she wanted, which was <whatever major gives you a boost in athletic LOL i havent checked>
gah i didn't mention but college is where the 4 of them met :3 I'm thinking of placing them in this university because i want it to be pretty far from strangetown hence the Actual Grass, plus kristen isnt actually from there so mission u may be closer to her hometown? maybe? Post-graduation they all get a house together because of their money situation even though chloe is a bitch to kris and erin 😭 (kris doesnt mind though eheh... my idea is that her and chloe had a fling in college but while chloe is a romance sim and does not gaf, kristen is still a bit hung on her) (i dont necessarily ship them tho im a diehard misten/lost waters/whateverthefuck fan OK. kris is a simp for pretty femmes & i cant exactly blame her...)
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I LOVE HER!!! toothy ass grin god that face is just meant to be butch i can fix you kristen loste my beloved
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slaybestieslay946 · 7 months
Hey! I love ur blog and I saw ur accepting requests for luke castellan, (I’ve never requested a fic before so I’m sorry if I’m doing this wrong lol)
Could I have a fic where reader comes to camp in the middle of the night after getting attacked by monster(doesn’t matter which monster) but after they’re in camp and moved into the Hermes cabin they’re distant and angry because theyre pissed off at the world and the gods. Luke being luke though doesn’t give up on trying to make the reader feel at home and tries his hardest to get them out of their shell. UNTIL reader gets claimed by Zeus and gets moved to the lonely Cabin 1 and can’t sleep so they go back to Hermes cabin and Luke lets them sleep in his bunk w him and fluffy ending of such
Damn that was a lot it’s totally ok if u don’t want to do this!
Thank you!!!
I really love this idea, and I'm so glad you love my blog! Hope you enjoy!
Mystery Girl
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word count: 2700
pairing: luke castellan x zeus!reader
warnings: minor depictions of violence, readers kind of a bitch but like not really.
a/n: reader is so unbothered i kinda aspire to be her
Late at night, you stumbled through the camp's threshold, leaning on Aspen, your protector. He was equally leaning into you, and you couldn’t tell whose blood it was soaking threw your shirt, yours, or his. 
You could see a few buildings at the bottom of the hill, and a few of them had lights on. 
“Help, please!” You shouted, weakly raising your arm to catch some sort of attention. 
Aspen did the same, his exclamations a mix of real words and pained bleats. 
Eventually, people began emerging from the buildings, rubbing their eyes in exhaustion, trying to work out what was going on. You and Aspen continued to shout for help, shuffling slowly down the hill, praying that you wouldn’t bleed out before you reached the bottom. 
Finally, someone seemed to realise you were in trouble, and a boy about your age began jogging up the hill towards you. His face was mostly calm, and he opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, halting when he saw the blood on your clothes and the used spear in your hand. 
You instinctively let go of Aspen, and rushed forward to seek help.
“Please, help me.” You pleaded desperately, losing your balance and stumbling forwards towards him. 
“Alright, alright.” He said, catching you by the arm and holding you steady, before shouting down at the campers below, “These two need to get to the infirmary! Someone wake the Apollo cabin, yeah?!”
He then turned back to you, holding you steady by the arms and trying to assess the damage. 
“It’s alright, yeah? You’re safe now, we just gotta get these cuts checked out, hm?”
You tried to nod, but found you couldn’t move your head, or your body. You tried to speak, tried to tell him that Aspen needed help too, but your mouth couldn’t move either. 
And then your vision went black. 
When you woke up, you thought you were in heaven. It smelt nice, homely. Not that you really knew that home was supposed to smell like. 
It was warm too, and you felt yourself sighing contentedly. If this really was heaven, then you didn’t mind being there all that much. 
After a while, you decided it was time to open your eyes, maybe go and explore the afterlife. 
But when you tried to sit up, you felt a sharp jolt of pain that snapped you back to reality. You let out a small hiss in discomfort, lowering yourself back into the bed. 
Slowly, the memories began to come back to you, leaving school, Aspen forcing you onto a road trip, nearly getting killed by a monster, and finally passing out on the hill of a ‘camp’. 
Heaven sounded preferable. 
You took in the room. It seemed like any old house, a dresser in the corner along with a wardrobe and old floral wallpaper that even covered the ceiling. Until you noticed another bed beside yours, with Aspen asleep on it, and one beside his. 
You remembered the words of that boy who’d run to you, and you figured this must be the infirmary. 
“Hey, Aspen.” You whispered, turning your head to the side and trying to ignore the sting of your injuries.
“Aspen!” You called again, raising your voice, but still he didn’t hear you. He must still be asleep. Lucky bastard. 
You huffed, sinking fully back into the pillows and waiting for someone to arrive. Thankfully, it didn’t take long, and soon enough a young boy was coming in, holding several canisters of liquid. 
“Oh, you’re awake,” He grinned, “How’s the pain?”
“Bad.” You replied, groaning at the thought. 
He chuckled, “Not surprising. You got some nasty scratches from that monster. Here, drink some of this, it’ll fix you up.” 
He offered one of the canisters to you, and you took it, regarding it with a certain amount of suspicion. 
“What’s this?”
“Nectar. It’ll help, trust me.” 
You relented, deciding that it was worth the risk if it would get rid of some of the throbbing in your back. 
And he was right, almost immediately, you felt soothed, and as you drank more, you began to feel energised, like you could conquer the world. 
“What did you say this was? Nectar?” 
“Yep. Food of the gods.” 
“Where’d you get this stuff?” 
“Oh, we get shipments from Olympus every month. You won’t find that at your local grocery store.”
“Woah, woah, woah.” You held up your hands to stop him for a minute, “What do you mean Olympus?” 
The boy's eyes widened, and some kind of realisation struck him. 
“I don’t think I should be the one to break this to you.” 
Just a few hours later, everything had been explained to you, and you were kicked out of the so-called ‘Big House’. Nice of them to do that, considering a centaur had just dropped the bombshell that you were the child of an ancient Greek god. 
To be fair though, you probably should have clocked that something was up when you were being chased by a mythical beast, but then again, you did have your hands full. 
Now, you were sitting on the front steps of the porch, waiting for some kid to show you round the camp. 
“Hey, mystery girl! Good to see you’re feeling better.” A voice called out, and you looked up to see the very same boy who had come to your aide on the hill. 
“Oh, hi. Yeah, I’m all good.”
“Cool. Nice to meet you, by the way. I’m Luke.”
“Right, so, I’ll start the tour.” He declared, flashing you another bright grin which you feebly returned. 
He started the tour off at the dining pavilion, then showed you the amphitheatre, then the strawberry fields, the archery range and the lake. 
Finally, he introduced you to each of the cabins, skipping over the empty cabins 1, 2 and 3. 
“And this,” He gestured to the eleventh cabin, “Will be where you’re staying.”
“Woah.” You said, stepping back, “What do you mean staying? I can’t stay here.” 
He looked at you blankly, “You don’t really have much of a choice, mystery girl.”
“Yeah, I do. I can leave whenever I want, you can’t do anything about it.” 
“You wanna get killed by a monster? Because if I remember right, you came awfully close a few days ago. That’s why you can’t leave.” 
“Well I guess I’ll just have to take that chance. Appreciate the tour and everything, but I’m going.” You then turned on your heel and began to walk away. 
There was no chance in hell you were staying in this camp, and if it had to be over your dead body, then so be it. 
However, your desertion was halted by Luke grabbing you by the hand and pulling you back. 
“I’m not kidding, Y/N. You’ll die as soon as you step past that barrier. Just,” He sighed, seemingly exasperated, “Stay for one night. It’s not that bad here once you get used to it.” 
You glared up at him, weighing your options. He seemed pretty serious about this. 
“And you can’t leave Aspen when he’s still in critical condition?”
That broke your resolve.
“Fine. I’ll stay until Aspen wakes up. Show me my bunk.” 
He grinned, and turned back to Cabin 11, showing you inside. 
Turns out, Aspen waking up wouldn’t be such a close deadline as you thought. As it turned out, he’d been hit by some kind of poisonous claw from the monster, and had been put into some kind of coma. 
So now, as prior to your agreement with Luke, you were stuck here until he woke up. Which could be next week, or next year for all you knew. 
And yeah, you felt bad for the guy ‘cause he was in a coma, but it was seriously messing up your plans of leaving camp. 
Because you hated camp. 
The Hermes cabin stunk, and it was constantly noisy. Probably because there were so many people in there all the damn time. 
You also sucked at most of the stuff around camp. 
You weren’t exactly nurturing, so it was a no to the infirmary and the strawberry fields. You were an awful shot, and when you had a go in the forges you dropped a mallet on your foot. You were still recovering from that one. 
It seemed the only thing you were even slightly good at was fighting, mainly with the staff Aspen had lent you during the fight with the monster outside camp. Still, you weren’t great, unlike Luke who had insisted on taking you under his wing. 
He sat with you at every dinner and breakfast, and always seemed to be there when you turned a corner, or found a moment of peace. 
Yes, it was very kind of him to try and settle you in, but it was pretty futile, considering all you had wanted to do ever since you woke up was leave, consequences be damned. 
The one saving grace to your boredom was capture the flag. Luke had told you about it on your first day, and it was a game you remembered playing as a kid, and really enjoying. Apparently they ran a game every month, and this coming Sunday would be your first time playing.
The day of the game arrived, and for the first time in your two weeks at camp, you were in a decently good mood, and of course, Luke took notice of this. 
“What’s got you so happy, mystery girl?”
“Nothing. Besides, why do you keep calling me that, you know my name now, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but you're just so private and mysterious. I’m surprised you even told me your name.”
“I wish I didn’t, Castellan, maybe you wouldn’t be here to bug me all the time.” 
“Ouch, don’t be like that. You know I’m great company really.” 
You didn’t reply to that, instead rolling your eyes at him and returning to the task of tightening your armour, struggling a bit with the straps. 
Luke quickly came to your aid, much to your chagrin, helping you adjust the breastplate so it fit properly. 
“Thanks.” You sighed reluctantly, quickly stepping away from him to grab your spear. 
“No problem.” 
Soon, the game was well underway, and you quickly realised that you had been given possibly the most boring job, that being guarding the perimeter. Not that you could really blame your team leaders, you were the newest member and logically the most inexperienced. But still, you’d been hoping for something a little more exciting. 
Every now and then you heard the odd shout further on in the woods and raised your spear, but you never actually caught sight of anyone from the opposing team. Or your team for that matter. 
You really had been given the short straw. 
After another hour of standing there, you were about ready to quit all of this completely, throw off your armour and escape camp, agreement with Luke be damned, that was until you heard hurried footsteps, and someone panting heavily coming from behind you. 
You quickly whipped around, to see a girl from the Ares cabin, holding your flag, standing about 50 feet away. 
Then you heard another step of footsteps, and there was Luke, around the same distance away, holding the opposing team's flag. 
You really didn’t want to be caught in the middle of something this exciting. 
They both began to run towards the threshold at top speed, and you stayed standing between them, unsure of what to do. Should you step back and let Luke do his thing, or should you step in to stop the girl. She looked pretty terrifying. 
You whipped your head side to side, continuing to debate, and in the midst of your dilemma, you realised the girl was much closer to you than Luke was. Fuck. 
You had to stop her somehow, but you obviously could just slash blindly at her, you didn’t want to behead her. 
And then, suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a nearby tree, falling directly in her path, and she leapt back to avoid it, stumbling and also falling to the floor. 
Luke kept running, swerving around the fallen tree and onto your team's territory, cheering as the red flag shimmered and turned blue, and the conch sounded. 
You quickly ran over to the girl, clambering over the tree in an effort to help her up. 
She looked up at you in shock and confusion, but her eyes seemed to be focused on the space just about your head. 
“What’s wrong?” 
She pointed above you, “He claimed you.” She stuttered out. 
You looked to where she was pointing, and saw a lightning bolt shining above your head. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” 
Of course you had to be Zeus’ kid. Just your luck, a forbidden child, with some stupid prophetic destiny. 
If you ever met your father, you’d be sure to give him an earful about his part in your conception. 
Almost immediately after capture the flag, you were announced to the camp by Chiron, and then promptly herded into the empty cabin 1. 
And you never thought you’d say it, but you missed cabin 11. Sure, it was a mess, and the kids in there didn’t know how to shut up, but at least it had some semblance of life, unlike your new home. It was barren, and empty, and you hated it. 
It was even worse now that you had your own permanent bed. Before you’d had at least a pipedream of leaving camp and going off on your own again, but now that was entirely gone. Chiron would never let you out of his sight ever again, not now that you were a child of the ‘Big Three’. You were so screwed. 
You tossed and turned for hours in bed, unable to sleep in the unfamiliar environment, and, strangely, uncomfortable with the crushing loneliness you felt. 
You’d never felt lonely before. Your whole life, you’d been pretty much alone, but that was by choice. This time it was by force, and you felt isolated from everyone else at camp. Suddenly you regretted your refusal to make friends. 
So, your feet naturally carried you to the only person you could kind of call a friend, and you weren’t surprised when you landed outside Luke Castellan’s window. 
You gave it a light tap, and he opened his eyes, giving you a sad smile as he saw your face through the window. It looked like he hadn’t slept at all either. 
“Can I come in?” You mouthed through the window, and he quickly nodded, reaching up to open it and let you in. 
“Thanks,” You whispered, stepping down onto the hardwood floor. 
“No problem. Having trouble sleeping?” He asked, patting the spot beside him. You gladly sat down.
“Uh, yeah. It’s really empty there.” 
“Hm, sure is. You sure you didn’t just miss me too much?”
“Maybe I did Castellan.” You declared, shrugging your shoulders as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world to say.
 “I’m sorry though, Luke. I’ve been kind of an asshole ever since I got here.” You said, looking down at your muddy shoes. 
“Hey, I get it. It’s an adjustment, that’s for sure. I’ve dealt with worse from newcomers.” 
“Thanks. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me, even if it doesn’t seem like it.” 
You both fell silent for a moment, listening to the snores of the kids around you before he piped up again. 
“Hey, I don’t mind you staying here tonight if you want?” He said, his voice slightly awkward. You paid it no mind.
“I’d like that.” 
He moved to the other side of the bed as you removed your shoes, rolling onto the bed beside him. 
You were both silent again for a while, until Luke’s voice yet again came from beside you. 
“I’m gonna have to come up with a new name for you now, huh?”
“What, I’m not mysterious anymore?” You asked, feigning offence. 
“Not now that we’re best buddies. I’m thinking… Sparky!” 
“That is god awful.” 
You snickered under your breath at his idiotic sense of humour, and allowed yourself to sink into the bed beside him. 
And for the first time, you didn’t want to leave.
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maochira · 1 year
dad!ego's child meets the bllk team? theyre not a soccer player and are actually very not into it </3 thanks!
I have to enter my dad!Ego era again jskjfh (I never left it I just write so little for him lately I'M SORRY)
Synopsis: You never cared much for soccer and don't understand much about it, but of course you still want to be on your father's side during the U-20 match - that includes meeting the Blue Lock Eleven before that.
Requests open! - dad!Ego masterlist
Tags: gn!Ego's kid!reader, aged up Ego so him having a teenager kid makes sense
For months, you listened to your father talk about Blue Lock and the players, even though you rarely understood anything about it. During that time, you picked up the names of a few players like Isagi, Bachira and Rin, but you don't even know what they look like. All you know are the bits and pieces of information your brain picked up from your father's rambles whenever you had dinner together.
Despite your lack of interest in soccer, you immediately knew you wanted to come along to watch the U-20 match. Not necessarily because you were interested in seeing the match, but mostly to be at your father's side.
The entire time, you don't really know where you're going. You're either following Anri or your father wherever they go and try to not be a bother. And then, you find yourself in the Blue Lock Eleven's locker room.
At first, none of the players notice you because you're hiding behind Anri and everyone is focused on the speech Ego is holding, but when he's done with that, you're just kind of standing there, leaning against the wall and trying to be as unobtrusive as possible.
The first player to approach you is Karasu. As he walks towards you, you can feel yourself getting slightly nervous. Because of what your father has told you about the Blue Lock participants, you feel rather intimidated by all of them. "Aren' a bit too young to be an assistant?" Karasu asks as he takes a step closer to you.
"Oh uh... I'm not an assistant," you let out a little nervous laugh, "I'm just here because of my dad."
"Oh? And who is that?"
You gesture over to Ego, which has Karasu speechless for a moment. He takes an even closer look at you. "You don't really look like him." Karasu shrugs, but then you move some hair that's fallen in front of your eyes to the side and Karasu immediately catches the only thing you have in common with your father, appearance-wise at least.
"YO GUYS EGO HAS A KID!" Karasu yells through the entire room which immediately catches everyone's attention. Well, everyone's except Rin's. He doesn't seem to care at all.
Besides that, everyone has the same reaction: surprise. The thought of Ego having a kid that's their age has never crossed their minds.
The next person to walk up to you is Otoya. And he immediately starts flirting with you which gets him a death stare from Ego. That's not what makes Otoya back off, though. It takes Karasu to drag him away from you - which you're really thankful for because, on top of being nervous, you donn't want to get flustered as well. You just don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the Blue Lock team.
Bachira and Isagi are the next ones who talk to you, in the hope they can make you feel more comfortable after Otoya tried to flirt with you.
"Which soccer position do you play? Are you a striker as well?" Isagi asks, assuming you play soccer - which isn't a bad assumption, considering who your father is.
"Oh eh... I don't play soccer. I barely know anything about it." You answer with another nervous laugh.
Isagi already feels bad for making that assumption and he's about to apologize, but before he gets to say something, Barou, who's standing a few meters away but heard what you said, asks in a mocking tone: "Why are you here, then?"
This makes you feel even more nervous. Looking at Barou, he intimidates you more than the othee players, so you don't know how to defend yourself. Luckily Bachira does that for you.
"Oh come on, they can still watch us play!" He says to Barou before turning to you with a bright smile that quickly lets your nervosity fade and makes you feel more comfortable.
You really want to continue the conversation Isagi and Bachira tried to start with you, but before you come up with something to say, the team has to go outside because the match is about to start.
A bit later you find yourself sitting with the players who don't get to play right now. You wanted to sit next to Anri, but somehow ended up with the rest of the Blue Lock players.
The one you're sitting next to just happens to be Barou. Occasionally, you hear him mumble little complains about what's going on in the match and how it would go much better if he was on the field right now.
"I bet you'd do great..." You look at Barou with a soft smile in attempt to lighten his mood a little bit.
"Oh shut up." Barou responds without looking in your direction at all. "You don't even know anything about soccer."
"But I just said you'd do great-"
"I'd do much better than 'great'," Barou's eyes wander over to you with a condescending gaze for a moment before he returns his eyes to the field.
"Tell me," you continue talking, "What would you do if you were on the field right now?" Even though he still intimidates you, something about Barou is just so interesting, it makes you want to talk to him more.
Without any hesitancy, Barou goes on a whole rant about what he'd do on the field. You don't understand most of it, but still listen closely to everything he says. It doesn't take long until some of the other players who sit with you join in and you find yourself stuck in a conversation with them.
They're mostly rambling and ranting, but the more they talk the more you find yourself understanding what exactly they mean.
And as odd as it is, you feel like you want to get to know the Blue Lock players better. Not because of soccer, but because you want to know what they are like as people. Maybe your father will let you enter the players' areas in the facility some time so you can get to know them better.
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12, @gojosorrygeto, @luvcalico, @truegoist, @st4rcheese
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
Hello! I'm new on this requesting stuff on Tumblr, so please don't mind it if i make a mistake/explain my request badly! (Also English isn't my first language.) Can you do a Kenji x gn reader fluff? reader is the same age with Kenji, and readers ability is like demon, idk how to explain it but the reader has the same abilities with nezuko from kny. if you don't want to write it, that's okay! Thanks if you do it <3 Have a nice day/night!
「ᴋᴇɴᴊɪ x ɴᴇᴢᴜᴋᴏ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ」
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Scenario:- what’s it like dating the ray of sunshine of the ADA? Oh and also you happen to have a radass ability!
Pairing :- Kenji x gn!nezuko!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- headcannons
W/c:- 494
A/N:- I FINALLY GOT THE MOTIVATION TO DO A REQUEST YAYY🥳🥳🥳🥳 also heads up because incase it wasnt clear,reader is 14! I hope u enjoy this nonny!
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First of all he finds your ability so fascinating! The fact that you can grow and shrink and use your blood as a weapon?????
“You city folk really are amazing”
Also loves that u have super strength just like him!
Would definitely teach you any little games he made up to play using his ability.
Also i think he’d definitely think its cool and a little funny that both the other kids in the agency that are his age have a ‘demon’ related ability!
Would take you out to all his favorite places in yokohama if ur new and would introduce you to all of his friends around the city
When you have the (reasonable) fears or doubts about some of his ‘friends’ he just laughs and says that theyre harmless!!
When you ask atsushi about it he tells you about that one time he was assigned to work with kenji and how he absolutely REKT those gange members
You never question kenji about his friends after that,okay maybe not never but you do it significantly less.
He knows your ability is hella strong so he doesn’t really worry about you keeping yourself safe much.
And after you get a bit of training from the agency members he’s even more sure of you!
But if by chance you get captured or are in actual active danger,he loses his cool.
He wants to protect the people he cares about but he also knows he needs a clear head.
So after Kunikida gives the team a plan of action,kenji leads the charge.
If you’re in mortal danger he may not even wait for the agency to give him a plan of action.
Kunikida knows he cant stop him so he just sends atsushi and dazai with him.
For dates, other than the aforementioned restaurant trips i think he’d love taking you to parks or places close to nature.
He’d teach you everything he knows and would tell you all about his family and farm
Loved telling you about his cows tbh.
He also gives really tight hugs!
Like the kid will pick you up and spin you around! I mean he can, so why would he not!
The rest of the agency think y’all are cute af
Kyouka loves that there’s someone else her age too!
The three of yall have best friend outings and chill together!
Just three of yokohama’s youngest and deadliest ability users~ no biggie!
When u joined the agency,yosano and dazai made a bet on how long it’d be till yall got together.
Yosano lost and owed dazai a loveless crab dinner btw~
Overall he really does love you and actually thinks you might be the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with!
He’s adorable like that 🥺
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Tagging:- @kemis-world @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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narwhalandchill · 27 days
(certain genshin ships w ajax brief negativity lmao like this is gonna b real controversial im sorry. not an attack at anyone just my opinion here be gentle)
obviously disclaimer that if u like the pairings in question im not like canceling or attacking you personally or saying ur wrong for liking it or for not considering the more uhh iffy angle im abt to bring up in terms of how i personally always felt abt these ships, i have mutuals who rb stuff for these sometimes and its just a tag i have blocked its life it happens, im more so just overall commenting on the existence of the pairings to begin w, its not worth the drama its my opinionnn please keep that in mind but yeah
anyway ugh now w like capitano model preload stuff and some of the model comparisons being made (hes slightly bigger than the usual tall male apparently n childes model was used for the comparison) and the shippy comments being made abt it im gonna be honest chief. i do not. like. a single ajax x harbinger pairing like im sorry just how exactly is the age gap (and seniority. and experience. and power imbalance) not processing with ppl when it comes to these at all ??? 😭😭 hes the youngest appointed harbinger canonically and w perueres story we now know that was like. Literally 16 at most for him. and even if that wasnt the case and before it was confirmed. hes still been around the harbingers since he was a teenager bc of being pulcinellas protege idc if its like this convoluted argument of well he wouldnt really interact w them on an interpersonal relationship level before hes a bit older its just still so weird to me i just dont understand how any of these pairings became a thing 💀 like you think not being around him that frequently would stop the usual shipping suspects ppl favor with childe from seeing him as a literal kid either way???
arles literally the one exception here since theyre actually around the same age but those 2 have the ship chemistry of two noble gases JSKSKSLDOSOSKFL (= literally no reaction) . arle is a whole dyke that much is obvious.
like obviously its not like much can be done since pairings like scara are way too popular to be somehow halted on their tracks and the cap stuff will prolly have a resurgence as well now that hes getting a more tangible characterization in natlan but ughhhh. it also sucks bc i think ajax 100% has a crush on cap and its such a peak concept (the guy Absolutely played a part in childes bisexual awakening) but the idea of it being reciprocated on any level whatsoever just feels nasty to me im sorry 😭 my cap would Never its literally on the level of pairing him w skirk to me
also scara always felt strange to me solely based on the fact that he genuinely dislikes ajax lmao like. it feels ooc on principle afshsjsksidk but whens that ever stopped anyone i suppose. it lowkey feels like ppl just wanted a m/m harbinger pairing at any cost 💀 and i suppose scara being an immortal puppet wasnt like known early on so i suppose the ship becoming a thing in like 1.1 is fair enough? but still my current feelings wrt ajax age gap w the harbingers do stand
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clownmoontoon · 1 month
YOUR FAVORITE CLOWN IS BACK IN BUSINESS ive been quiet a while, a LOTS been going on in my personal life that brought my social medias to a complete (and unfortunate ToT) standstill til now!
i rlly wanna talk about it, its been honestly life changing and for safety i need to add some warnings:
cw for abuse both physical and emotional, and suicidal thoughts/ideation (dw im ok and not suicidal! i used to be and i finally have real context as to why)
i got the opportunity to see a therapist for free for the first time since i was a kid and it was IMMENSELY eye opening.
SOME CONTEXT: ive lived with just my mother since i was a teenager as i tried to "make it" as an artist. ive had my ups and downs w this career goal and have been heavy in the midst of a very big Down period. entirely brought on by how sick i was at the start of the year to june (infected lymph nodes, pneumonia, 2 pounds of tumors in my uterus that required the removal of the organ entirely etc, i may have a weak immune system im realizing sdlkjd) which resulted in me having very little energy to create and/or post content. by july i needed to basically start over. which i was excited to do! i WANTED to get back to work and i was even excited for art fight! ;u;
aaaand in july is when my mom thought would be a good time to threaten to kick me out unless i found money to give her or got a "real" job. this came as an extreme and horrifying shock as i had just asked her the month before to "believe in me just a little longer" as i finally felt i realized what id been doing wrong all these years before and felt strongly i could succeed before the end of the year, she not only emphatically agreed but even said i didnt need such a time limit and she definitely didnt mind supporting me til i reached my dream lol i couldnt even do anything until july bc i was busy recovering from major surgery, coming home with tape on my stomach to heal the incision that hadnt fully closed yet
ive wanted to see a therapist for ages bc im Full O' Trauma and i knew it would help. The way this worked was basically like getting a free trial, i got six days of therapy (to be spread out as far as i liked) thru zoom.
i used the visits more for getting advice on how to reach my goals thru mental blocks and exhaustion bc ultimately i felt like 6 days wasnt enough time to get into trauma stuff and i really just wanted to get my career off the ground again, hopefully permanently.
i had vented a tiny bit about my mom and by the final visit w my therapist i decided to forgo the "how to better reach my goals" questions and ask if she had advice on how to handle someone like my mother, who i had to live with and rely on and who would often say something cruel whenever the mood struck. as i told her about my situation she stops me and asks
"do you hear yourself? bc i hear you"
and im suddenly so scared shes going to tell me the same, "get a real job" "stop acting so selfish" etc
instead she says, "this is abuse, youre literally describing an abusive relationship"
i was in complete shock
i even asked her how could i be the one being abused when i was the one using the resources and she compared it to a person getting married to someone rich and that rich person treating them like theyre worthless for not also making money.
it shook me to my core especially bc my mom loved calling me an abuser and comparing me to her abusive ex husbands (one of which used to abuse her physically, punch her/beat her etc) and saying im just like them
for the record ive never laid a hand on her, she would say these things whenever the mood struck, often out of nowhere
once bc i told her i couldnt read her mind and didnt know what she wanted lol wild
ANYWAY after this conversation i started looking back on my life and realizing why ive always felt so worthless, why i thought until my early 20's that suicide would be the best option for everyone. i was so exhausted from chasing this dream and feeling like such a worthless burden, my mother would get so angry with me for just existing and i felt like she would be so much happier if i were out of the picture, my sisters (both a decade older and living w their own families) calling me a leech and selfish for "using" our mother etc
any time i would stand up for myself, kindly and meekly as i could my mother would tell me how she wanted to punch my mouth, slap my face etc for years i thought she'd eventually fly into such a rage one day that she'd kill me and... i honestly didnt really mind the thought once while in high school my mom picked me up for lunch and offered to pay for a prom dress. i told her that it was ok, i knew she was struggling w money rn and i didnt really wanna go to prom anyway she flew into such a rage she pulled over on the highway just to pull my hair and beat me, and then dropped me back at school to finish my day lol
realizing that all of that IS NOT OK OR A NORMAL WAY TO FEEL OR BE TREATED AND I DEFINITELY DIDNT DESERVE ANY OF THAT was extremely eye opening
i told my best friends what my therapist had said and they were both like YEAH... DID YOU NOT KNOW YOU HAD AN ABUSIVE MOTHER??
apparently it was very obvious ^^; my friends were shocked to find that i thought everything was my fault, my therapist even used the term "gaslighting narcissist" to describe her which was WILDLY VALIDATING for me lmao
sitting w all these thoughts whirling around my head my mom texts me suddenly and tells me to ask my sisters for money (13 hundred dollars lol) bc she needs it for "bills"
i didnt want to do that at all she told me to "use my big words" to convince them and not to say it was her idea, but instead to act like i was asking bc i wanted to
it felt gross and made my skin crawl and honestly didnt even make sense bc WHY would i need that money so i asked but let my sisters know it was my mom asking and said she prob felt embarrassed to ask, while telling my mom that i asked in the way she wanted
my oldest sister makes good money and has helped our mom w money in the past. she texted me back asking why our mom needed money and why 1300 and i told her honestly i didnt know, i asked my mom what to say and she said to tell her she had an itemized list but she left it at work and couldnt remember what was on it lol
my sister told me to tell our mom that she couldnt help rn, so i did and my mom encouraged me to push harder to my other sister
suddenly the sister i had been talking to texts me and says that our mom left her a voicemail saying she doesnt know WHY i would ask for money, must be bc she threatened to kick me out bc i never help her with money :,( which was WILD bc any time i had money my mom would get most if not all of it, i havent been able to save money since ... ever tbqh, even when i tried my mom would successfully guilt every dollar from me letting me know i didnt deserve to save a penny after all shes done for me aaAA
ANYWAY i was so angry and hurt that my mom would just throw me under the bus i told my sister i had proof i wasnt lying (bc she was already inclined to believe our mother since they both considered me a leech to start with) and sent her screenshots of my texts
she was shocked and hurt too i decided to tell her about my therapy and how my therapist had called our mom an abuser and she answered that she understands more than ill ever know... which is very sad hjghfgf
we havent really talked more since and i deleted my texts to the other sister, more likely than not my mom sent her a similar voicemail
im very tired
i want to get out of here, im finally seeing this relationship for what its been for years and years, even back to when i was a little kid! i didnt know about suicide but id dream of being an animal in the wild bc i felt like if i were just out of the picture everyone at home would be less angry
its something that enrages me now tbqh ive tried all my life to be as little of a burden as possible and now im ready to be a problem LMAO :o)
the long and short of it is that i will be posting art sales and opening my patreon FINALLY to try and save up funds to get out of here ive also gotten a part time job on weekends for a little cushion tho some of that money will inevitably go to my mother, unfortunately
she doesnt know about the money i make online :o)
my family has constantly called me selfish, entitled and spoiled for just asking for common decency and to be treated like a person, theyve dehumanized me to the point that my greatest coping mechanism was creating a creature sona that isnt human but a monstrous equivalent lol AND I LOVE THEM IM EMBRACING CREATURE LETS FUCKIN GO
i know this has been long and if youve made it to the end i love u and im so thankful for your support!! ;u;
FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!! i want to come back full force, i havent stopped drawing at all, just havent had the energy to do much til now
my therapist even pointed out that i probably WOULDVE had at least moderate steady success by now if it werent for my mom's constant abuse
OH ALSO I NOW HAVE FOUR CATS LMAO a stray i had been giving water to and keeping safe from weather things (extreme heat, extreme cold etc) had her kittens here! and my mom gave me the ok to keep them all ;u; (and then ofc rescinded that but thats hardly a surprise now lol) and man, having kids cats sure changes your perspective on what u want and feel like you deserve! I NEED TO DO WELL BC THESE KITTIES DEPEND ON ME AND I LOVE THEM QVQ <3<3
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mystarsohee · 5 months
could u write cg doyoung or jaehyun (mayhaps both if ur willing) w a little fem reader? age range doesn't matter, whatever you're comfy with!
star blossom
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genre: fluff
songfic kinda not really.. its just doyoung having his little listen to star blossom for the first time, a song he wrote for her (jus pretend he wrote the song in this world..) 😭
!!! non-sexual agere, only cg name used is doie.
cg!doyoung fem!reader
doyoung has been working a lot later than usual these past weeks, and honestly it has made a difference on you. everytime he comes home you can't help but cling to him for as long as possible. he feels the same way. you have the same effect on him, the way he has an effect on you.
the caregiver title was made for doyoung, who always had the instinct to protect and take care of you since you two met. he was the type to always give you sweet nicknames, like flower, or my love.
the reason hes been working so hard lately, is because hes currently helping write and release a song! what you don't know is that the songs lyrics have been written about you. about the memories the both of you make together. the things you two enjoy.
after long long weeks of doyoung working late, he comes home with good news.
"hi my pretty girl!" he greets when he enters.
"hi doie!!!" you waddle to him, cartoons still playing on the tv.
you immediately start clinging to him, and he pulls you and himself over to the couch. he pulls out his laptop from his bag, and starts typing and clicking. you watch as a file opens, labeled, "star blossom 🌸 demo"
"i've been working so late because i've been writing and singing a song. and i want you to be the first person outside of my coworkers to hear it!" doyoung explains to you.
"wow, i know it'll sound amazing because you made it! can i hear it right now?" you ask, with a head tilt.
he nods, plugs in a pair of earbuds and hands them to you. instead of putting both in, you hands one to him. so you can both listen together, you tell him when he asks.
"a night of walking with you i have these heart fluttering dreams walking, just us two, it's so sweet"
the lyrics remind you of the many times you two went out on late night walks. usually around the park, and you would go when you had trouble sleeping. they were always so peaceful and quiet, only sounds from doyoung or you were heard during the late hours of the night.
"when the white starlight blooms i'll hold your hand"
oh his voice is just so beautiful. from your perspective, its the most angelic thing you've ever heard. you grab his hand, and hes watching you with an adoring look. the two of you are already as close as can be, since you haven't seen eachother all day. going that long without your caregiver can get rough.
"soaked in the yellow moonlight are the hours of the night i'll remember it for a long time"
your mind goes back to those walks, honestly they had to be one of your favorite things to do with your doie. his presence was always just so comforting, you never felt unsafe when he was around. doyoung would always play with you, no matter how exhausted he was from that day. he just made everything better, and you hope he knew that he brought endless love into your life.
"we fill up our empty silences with small conversations. you are so bright, more than those stars"
doyoung did have a habit of calling you his star.. always talked about your bright smile to you, and anyone he had the chance to talk to. he looked at you like you were the only thing in the universe. always with such attention and care, his members loved to tease him about it. he didnt care about that though, because all he really cared about was you.
"look at the stars, theyre shining for you everything is so beautiful, just like when you walked over to me"
he loves you so much. like, so much. doyoung never knew he could love anyone this much. everything you do makes him love you even more, and when he became your caregiver it was like nothing could ever go wrong again. he loves to take care of you, whether you need help eating, or getting dressed. he'll do it for you. or if you do something you're not supposed to, he has no choice but to discipline you. doyoung always feels like the most horrible person ever when he sees you tear up.
speaking of tearing up...
"doie... that was so.. so good!" you say while sniffling, and doyoungs face quickly drops.
"oh my love, i didnt mean to make you cry. i just wanted you to hear the song.." he says, wiping and kissing your tears away.
"it was very pretty.. thats why i cry! and- and the lyrics, like when we, uhh, go walk at night!" you try to explain how you felt, but it was difficult with your current headspace.
"the lyrics were about you pretty girl. its you, you're the star blossom." he smiles, tears building up in his own eyes. doyoung removes the earbuds from his ear and yours, and brings you in for a big hug.
you two stay like that for a while, soaking up eachothers love and comfort. in the next month, when doyoung officially released the song, it was playing non-stop. anytime you got the aux, or had headphones, star blossom was playing. doyoung appreciates all the love you give to the song, knowing that he wrote it with you in mind the whole time.
author note: HI ANON!!! sorry if this took long to put out.. i hope you enjoyed! it was honestly a bit rushed but i actually love this song so bad.. and the lyrics too 🥹 also sorry i didnt ever really mention sejeong.. i still love her tho 😛 shes a boss queen!!! i think this scenario is so cute, like imagine doyoung writing a song for his little omfg. as always, feedback is appreciated! 💕
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lunar-serpentinite · 8 months
Harry Potter, son of Hecate... and James and Lily (HP x PJO AU)
so we're in an alternate universe where wixkind are basically a subspecies of human born from the spilled ichor of Hecate during the great giant war
sometimes Hecate goes around to check on her accidental creations by disguising herself as one of them and blending in
that is how she meets our power couple james and lily as one of their yearmates (Hecate was in ravenclaw btw if u even care😔)
hecate sticks around long enough to witness the fast approach of the first war against voldemort and she's like ??? well thats one of the most brutal and inefficient ways to chase for immortality but wtv
so somehow lily figures out that hecate is ,,, well ,,, hecate and asks for help on how theyre going to get out of this one alive
hecate is like mmm i dont usually help mortals but youre one of my faves so ill let you have this one
turns out hecate knew this was gonna happen the entire time bc of a prophecy apollo gave her (not the same one from trelawney, mind you) so the most she cld do to help lily without risking the ire of literally everyone else in the pantheon was ,,, help her give birth to their saviour ???
so harry james potter was born with three biological parents: hecate, james, and lily . to represent hecate's status as a triple goddess ??? and apparently harry will represent the union of three worlds : the godly, the magical, and the mundane/muggle .
hecate was under no obligation to continue keeping an eye on the wizarding world bc her role is done and they can take care of themselves now but she cant help but check in on harry from time to time ??? like thats her kid ??? and her fave mortal's ofc
so when she sees that harry was being treated as less than dirt at the dursley's she was like absolutely not and pulls some strings to get harry the fuck out of there
and thats how harry ends up in camp half-blood
mind you back then there were no cabins for non-major olympians so harry had to bunk w the hermes kids
but thats okay at least hes not being bullied anymore !!!
chiron is aware of the role harry is going to play in the wizarding world in the future but was instructed to not tell harry anything until the time was right
everyone knows harry is a hecate kid since he was claimed by her once he had his first sign of magic (made a bench in the dining pavilion explode)
harry befriends hestia in her kiddo form (yes i know nico was supposed to be the first demigod to talk to her in ages but this was in the 1990s bear with me hestia will still have a few years of lonesome before nico comes) without knowing she was hestia
harry gains the favour of hestia who gifts him a nifty little hand mirror that would take him home when he needs it the most
by the time harry is 11, he already has a decent amount of training and was even able to go to his first quest just a few days after he turned 10 yrs old after he was chosen by the words of the quest's prophecy
so harry enters the wizarding world armed with a sword disguised as a bracelet charm, a whole year's worth of ambrosia and nectar, and a bag of drachmas in case he ever gets homesick
and on his first halloween there, he slays a troll . not with a wand, but with a sword. ron is impressed, hermione is concerned, and the rest of the professors dont know what to do with a kid who was apparently trained in literal swordplay
he's in slytherin btw #slytherinsupremacy
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lacystar · 2 months
swag freaking ever. warrior cats your phantom thieves.
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picrew is here. Morgana excluded bc it's funny. headcanons and names under the cut because. sure.
All cats are in shadowclan, except for akechi. ryuji: Yellowskull -(tentative. I wanted smth with lightning but lightningskull sounds dumb and I can't name him thunderskull bc that breaks naming rules) - a determined warrior. got in a squabble with a certain deputy from windclan when he was an apprentice that left him with a permanent limp and nasty scar on his leg. originally thought he would never fight or hunt again, but the support of his classmates and some intense physical therapy along with his fiery determination has helped him improve significantly. he can patrol and can hold his own in a fight!! - was originally contender for deputy, but his injury let makoto get that promotion instead, but he's chill with that because he knows she can handle it better than he ever would.
Ann: Pantherstep - originally Pantherpelt, but took on Shiho's (Smokestep) suffix in her honor when everyone was originally unsure if she'd pull through. - Even though Shiho can't leave camp, ann brings her things from her adventures outside and helps her with her physical therapy and does everything she can to cheer her up. she even learned a couple medicine cat basics to swoop in and help if need be. - descended from a couple generations of kittypets and still gets judged for it.
Joker: Nightstar (formerly Nightmask) (yes, mask is canonically a WC suffix) - born and raised as a rogue until late into apprentice age, got found by a clan elder (sojiro) and dragged by the scruff into camp for "trespassing" even though he had no idea where he was or what he was doing, and things sort of snowballed into him going from hostage to clan member, and now he's the leader.
Yusuke: Foxfrost - originally from riverclan, trained as a medicine cat apprentice before getting caught up in his mentor's evil plot. ended up getting help from joker and grew close to him as they navigated that whole ordeal. riverclan wasn't exactly stoked to get their inner corruption discovered by an outsider, and Yusuke got some flack for asking for help from him, and the accusations just sort of piled up and joker brought a sopping wet Yusuke home with him and now he's in shadowclan. - obviously shadowclan didn't need another med cat, so he gave that up and finds satisfaction in fighting beside his clanmates.
Makoto: Maplestrike - Joker's deputy - Has seen the fate of a deputy that lacks patience and faith in her sister and refuses to make the same mistake
Futaba: Sunsplash - Shadowclan's medicine cat - "why isn't Takemi-" shut up . she was prolly her mentor idk - following in her mother's footsteps of being a med cat. has been having visions from starclan since she was very young- most of which were painful and inflicted the horrors. - joker acts more as her advisor than she does his, but he doesn't mind that. she supports the clan well and theyre close. - man she's literally an oracle what do u want me to say
Haru: Blackfern - I always feel bad having to write shit for Haru in Aus or stories and not having anything to say because she's just kinda . there. :sob: - uhhhhhhh man idk maybe her dad was from riverclan or something idfk this post has turned into an unexpected project
Akechi: Crowstripe - deputy of thunderclan, double crossing his father and leader to assist Shadowclan in an attempted mutiny. but he plans to get the last laugh - I forgot what those fucking like meetings the clans met up at every moon things are called. but anyways ever since he was an apprentice and so was joker they've tussled at those to "Train" until they became warriors. seeing joker become a leader before him has been actual hell. - killed Futaba's mom. thats also just canon thats not the au but I felt like it needed to be restated.
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jam-packed · 17 days
i saw someone post abt the netflix show kaos (which is good u should watch it) and during my watch, i did subject my friend to who (in motogp) would best fit the characters in the show.
spoilers cus im gonna explain them within context and talk about the ending and my prayers for a season 2 :( and 3 actually but thats it.
going to separate this in groups of confident to 🤨🤨🤨 yk. anyways.
Set In Stone (to me):
zeus - TOTALLYYYY vale. eccentric bastards, but very entertaining, very likable in the beginning despite their wrongdoings. i feel like in a different world, vale would be wearing tracksuits around his big ass mansion but a guy has to find joy in dressing like a 15 yo boy so props ig (speaking of, i LOVEEE the wardrobe of this show. muy muy bueno to me.....) both have such an intense paranoia on how others receive them and their eternal impact on the world. its all about aging and their race to defy it, but they cant and that comes to be their downfall. regardless, theyre both crazy powerful and crazy in general they are like. the same guy.
poseidon - jorge lorenzo. in some inherent way. poseidon is jorge to me. theres the (for lack of a better term) jealously that poseidon has for zeus (in terms of hera) that jorge has w vale when it comes to personability/marketability. that, and the way poseidon acts is very jorge to me as well. the way he stands like hes in drag race. anyways, theres a nonchalance to poseidon's character and how he interacts with humans that makes me think, "yeah if jorge had this much power, he would act in this way."
hear me out here. hera - dani. not just because hera and poseidon are having an affair, mind you. but yes also mostly that. because im not knowledgeable about dani uh at all im going to base this on how ive seen him ride in the past. dani, to me, is an incredibly strong rider, hes very determined and sound in his efforts. but theres always someone stronger. and while that doesnt inherently mean he is fearful of them, i feel like within the context of the show, hed probably act in the same ways hera does despite how highly she considers herself. hera's a cunt in this and tbh dani is cunt to me with that crazy power i think hed be similar. also im not saying that dani sucks as a rider, its just. the vale/casey/jorge/marc of it all 😕 bad timing
prometheus - casey fuckin stoner, man. were casey and vale ever friends? idk im sure at points. they follow each other on instagram and casey loves to hate so idk. regardless, casey would be totally on board to help a cosmic plan to take down vale, would he kill his wife for it? real vale, no, zeus vale, its reaching towards the table. prometheus and stoner dont have the same humor, but theyre smart, they know how to act. even if casey isnt one for media, he can beat vale on a bike (ducatis on the straights omgggg). and prometheus and zeus are this weird battle of wits and intelligence. im not saying vale is stupid, im saying that he is blind to his insecurities and that can harm him in the same way it hurts zeus in this series.
marc has to have his own segment cus i could make arguments for 4 different characters. walk with me:
riddy/eurydice - stubborn, headstrong, cunt(y), defined moral code. riddy is such an interesting person within this show and i think marc is very similar to her in some respects. one of the main downsides though is the lack of codependency she has with literally anyone. shes not close to a lot of people, shes kinda isolated (from what i interpret, and idk if thats the fault of orpheus but for the sake of ease, lets say riddy does it herself), but she can connect with people easily. marc doesnt really do that. one, no álex, thats never gonna happen; two, he has a hard time being alone, their upbringings are incredibly different, which may have a major part to play in all of that, and that would kinda change who marc is (duh)---if he were alone all his life rather than surrounded by his closest friends and family, as he is now. so, if you want like. bezquez with a sour note, then yeah go marc eurydice, but idk its not my favorite. maybe luca or pecco (pecco is NOT riddy do not listen to me!!!!)
ari/ariadne - the brotherisms go crazy. very similar to riddy in that she is incredibly headstrong. she is not stubborn she is filled with guilt for something she didnt do my sweet lovely little pookiebear i should not be saying that whatever. so, ari's brother is the minotaur (shocker) and i think itd be interesting to explore marc's love for álex despite not knowing he's alive for YEARS (30 fucking years bro free my girl 😭😭😭). regardless, they are both smart, sympathetic to others, and get shit done when it needs to be. i think they match up as people pretty well, but we once again run into the issue of isolation and relationships throughout upbringing. ari does have some very close relationships as we see in the show (for a few episodes and then never again. ok.) like her father and her bodyguard. is that enough? idk maybe. makes me think abt santi........who will come up later actually. all to say, i think theyd make similar decisions to each other, i think marc if put in this story would be ari to an s (close enough, is my joke). anyways, marc is a good ari if you want a calm, semi-levelheaded marc (who kills someone) who will very likely end up with dionysus. but off the dome idk who dionysus could be. hm.
dionysus - he was my favorite in the show im sorry i want my faves to be each other. dionysus is such a character, hes so guy, i need him to get his cat back. ok, so dionysus is the son of zeus and he wants more responsibility/power---upsettingly, because of how marc is as a rider, i think this is why he ISNT dionysus. dionysus is a character that has to grow into himself (by learning about love ❤️) by killing his dad. haha i joke. but cmon. anyways in the context of dionysus's original goal, ehhhh not marc. but dionysus has this (again for lack of a better term) eccentricity that reminds me of marc. they have larger than life qualities but theyre quite mellow outside of that, they want people to be happy, they want love to prevail, if dennis was shiva he would do the exact same things dionysus does with that cat (carry it everywhere). theres a distance dionysus has with humanity that he loses over the course of the series, and i think thats interesting in marc's case cus once again NOT MARC!!! marc, from accounts that arent him (livio suppo is the only name in my mind rn) say that marc is very like. stable. hes a good kid, he doesnt let fame get to him (or at least how he treats others cus wtf is his house), and dionysus's arc is about connecting w humanity and i dont think marc would really have that problem. yes this was a waste of time yes it was just me convincing myself marc cannot logically be dionysus. this is my post man lemme do what i want :(
persephone - a lot of girls here. wonder what that says about how i view marc. womp womp idgaf. so, persephone is queen of the underworld, wife to hades. she LOVES hades and if we're thinking about old men and the young(ish) people that love them. santi. dovi. persephone is not one to lay down and take it, but hades is so gives me smth to play w in terms of who im going to make not a (I HAVE NO BETTER TERMS) pussy. persephone also loves love, she wants to help the gods because she wants to help her husband but she knows that isnt possible with what the gods (ZEUS COUGH COUGH) are asking them to do, so she defies them, she lies to them, she cares for her husband, she feels sympathy for dionysus and helps him to realize zeus is a lying bastard cunt. with great hair. marc to me. again, like ari, he seems the guy to put his money where his mouth he, he WILL do whats best for people cus he knows they deserve it, he wants to help, he will repay kindness, he doesnt forget (dionysus argument actually. repaying kindness this but i digress).
ares - ares literally isnt in the show yet. he got a technical mention in the last moments of the last episode but like idk......based on my knowledge of motogp and greek mythology and also his name is marc i think itd be cool.........put my man in the show give him a sword let him go ham let him kill god vale pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pl
marc my beautiful enigma u cannot be placed. except i think ari is your best bet at accuracy. especially if we're talking human strength and determination, ari n marc brother.
semi confident but could consider others
orpheus - marco bezzecchi. in my heart of hearts, as much as i love bez, he would probably act like orpheus. omggg hes so in love, he WOULD journey to the underworld but also hes a little evil hes a cunt hes a bastard hes cringefail but hes winning. except not really at all. orpheus has this tendency to. self-pity is my best assumption at a word. very whiny man. to me. cus i didnt really feel bad for him throughout the show. anyways, bez does have that intense loyalty that orpheus has, i do think he would do what orpheus does. bez is also kinda a cunt sometimes and i think he would say and do the twat things that orpheus does as well. the hardest part abt bezpheus is like. whos gonna fall out of love with him. you got a lot of options but they all kinda dont make sense yk? pecco just doesnt make sense w the character, cele does make sense he just probably wouldnt fall out of love or be in love in the first place, luca is also an option. luca marini my cringefail bestfriend who is famous and good at sports and doesnt know me, actually yea its luca. honda move, its luca.
riddy (again) - luca. it needs its own section ok i feel like i need to explain myself. luca, currently, looks like he wants to explode and die, he wants out of his fuckass brother's shadow (i dont hate vale im just full of vitriol) and if we transfer those feelings to loveless marriage, do we see how being hit by a truck and shipped off to the underworld and choosing to go to honda (I LIKE HONDA OK IM SORRY) are similar. did riddy choose to die? no its fate she doesnt really have a choice, but grand scheme of things did luca have a choice? idk, talk it up with a philosopher. im a math major, i could care less (lying).
caeneus (i think?) - álex. i think they look similar. i see caeneus and i go omg its álex márquez 2 time world champ in motorsports brother of marc márquez. also theres this weird like almost timidness that caeneus has that i feel is very similar to how álex acts and talks. hes kinda, and this is going to sound so mean to álex, average. however, he is meant for something more, he is more than the surface level by a long shot. and i think thats true for álex as well. caeneus is also very truthful, hes going to get mad at you, if he doesnt wanna tell you shit he wont but hes not gonna walk around it idly, and álex is a marc lie detector so. theres that. again, some downsides, no codependency brothers wth. anyways luca álex ship name. lucquez. aluca. lucalex. rosquez 2 less evil edition. this is so hard cus of fuckin marc bro free me.
not super confident but sure id consider it
dionysus - pecco. vale son, the favorite at some moments, biffs it at others. i dont think pecco has a problem with loving others in the way that dionysus does (aro dionysus slay) but i think theres mentalities that they both have (given by their respective parental figures) that hinder them in similar ways. pecco does not have dionysus's early personality. pecco is very calm, very controlled, (very mindful very demure) but he can also fight with someone after they crash into him, hes not gonna take everything lightly. idk if hes quick to forgive, nor do i know if hes privy to stew in his feelings. one of the primary relationships (thats explored in the show) dionysus has is with zeus. he visits zeus (the only child to do so), he gives zeus gifts (that get rejected), he steals from him (lmao), he defies him (yayy), he gets punished for defying him (NOO FUCK). turbo as dennis ough the thought brings me anguish. anyways, i think with dionysus being a sort of foil to zeus it works with pecco being a foil to vale. evil vale would say flopnaia is a disappointment tho. anyways, if flopnaia were dionysus, hed probably be feeling and doing and saying the same things as d is in the show. would he be as sexually promiscuous? probably not so yk. confidence low. but woah omg very likely marcnaia what a trip.
i dont wanna write an explanation cus this is getting too long but bez could also be considered for dionysus. literally any vr46 boy could lbr.
and tbh anyone else in the cast would confuse the shit outta me i dont know enough people in motogp in that way. i barely know the ones im talking about 😭😭😭 anyways pls diregard everything i said because it makes no sense to try to put people in the correct slots of other media, just write based on the person, not the character you want to portray, thats what makes them interesting, its what allows for different stories and outcomes. all to say i did this for nothing ❤️
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astroyongie · 4 months
im going to guess these right this time mark my words
jongho? maybe its bc he seems to get not much control as he wants of his own life or image as other members get
2. yeosang?
3. wooyoung?
4. san? he doesnt like conflict of any sorts u can see rhe way he react to members shouting while they were drunk
5. i think this might be one of the "demon line" members hongjoong, san or seonghwa. maybe even wooyoung. theyre the members who put the utmost everything into their performances or certainly the ones i notice first among the group or lastly id say mingi he didnt, hes had mental health issues in the past and if it had been some time the issues could be more serious cause the mind can affect the body and vice versa. theyre definitely the members id be concerned about if they ever got hurt or seriously injured during their performances.
6. mingi? i wouldnt be surprised bc he seemed to have much drama or definitely seems to be the cause of a lot of drama for the members, second guess jongho? yeosang would be my third guess he seems to have a say it like it is personality and might not care how it comes across as or hwa in the past mightve been like that.
7. san? i hope not or hongjoong would be my second guess seems not easy to be leader of ateez or perhaps wooyoung, seognhwa?
8. seonghwa? he seems to be one of the more sociable members
if i give more than one name can you indicate which one id be more close to guessing?
is it because they are still quite a young in their early 20s age group? they havent yet found their footing or a way that truly works for them and their teamwork? despite the fact that the members each have something that seem to make them connect well with each other like the amount of water in their birth charts and the groups overall chart i assumed they had really good communication among the members but i guess not? ik this isnt always accurate so i do take tarot lightly yet at the same time sometimes these teas sound a bit concerning tbh but i wonder if other tarot readers havent picked up anything similar. will they find solutions? i dont want them to quit just bc of dramas among the group i really loved a lot of the stuff they have done so far and they got eons of time to do so more things with their image or their life.
thank you so much for this feedback !! I love to hear and read about your theories and how you guys interpret it so thank you!
without saying much for obvious reason you got only the 5 had one of the right names! still I love these thank you so much!
as for the rest, dont worry I am sure the members will figure it out! all groups have their lows and highs
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cosmobrain00 · 4 months
wanna talk about your ocs some moreee? (plsplsplsplsplsplspls)
DO I. vibrating at incredibly high frequencies rn what better place to start than once again w the yarrow siblings bc WOW. THEY DRIVE ME NUTS!! like. for example ive been thinking of bella again more recently n feel incredibly sick ovr it all, ik I briefly mentioned sm stuff abt her before BUT? shes actually this eldest sister of all time guys n let me explain:
where to even begin. she was the first of her parent's eventual "failures", while being graced w gen love n kindness at first from them they quickly grew "tired" of her n she could never understand why. one day they were indulging her whims, pinching her cheeks n letting her come everywhere w them, n the next she was tugging at her mother's skirt hem n her fathers hand asking to be picked up n they only tiredly looked at her this time n told her to "stop being fussy" n that was that. when she heard they were having another kid it felt like she was being "replaced" n her chest hurt so bad and her eyes welled up n she ended up running to her room n slamming the door n crying into her pillow bc she just wanted her parents back n knew that now she'd really never get to have them again. when her baby brother was finally born tho, her mother made her hold him n at first bella only frowned sullenly down at him bc really- this is what they were replacing her with? but something inexplicable softened inside of her against her will when he softly smacked his little fist against her chest n ended up snuggling closer to her, n she ended up walking around the house simply carrying him for a while until he fell asleep so her mom could rest. when they eventually realized there was something wrong w myer- that being his near inability to see pretty much anything- suddenly he wasnt their cute kid anymore he was something that was "too much work" bc of this, n so what do they do? they pawn him off on bella of course, n u can guess how well that goes over. not only have they replaced her but now they've turned her into myers sole caretaker pretty much bc theyre gone so much of the time (AT AGE 8 MIND YOU.) once, bella shut the door in myers face n told him to go away, only to open it hours later n see him sitting right outside fiddling w the carpet in the dark. she felt so guilty tht she started crying n hugged him close n said she was sorry over n over. like she really felt like he “took” her parents love at first, but now? it feels like he's simply in the same boat as her n she has no choice but to step up for him bc if not her then who else. tht doesnt mean she still didnt struggle w him, far from it in fact, but while she has these mixed emotions, she also knows that despite myer not being able to see her much, whenever he hears her voice its enough to bring him running from the opposite end of the house to her n that means something to her. AND I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN TO KEITH N LORELEI YET THE FUCK OF IT ALLLLL. when bella once AGAIN hears tht her mom is having another kid, TWINS this time she nearly loses it because she simply doesnt understand why both her n myer arent good enough n why theyve been discarded. when keith n lorelei arrive ofc its only a matter of time bf theyre all but pushed onto bella to take care of, n shes so so tired at this point but she simply steels herself n accepts bc she wont allow them to be abandoned. keith is a sullen little brat who's too angry so much of the time but she understands bc shes like that too deep down still. lorelei nearly never sleeps n her n keith cause so much trouble tgt but shes also the one to hug bellas leg n tell her she loves her no matter if they just fought or not. n bella may feel bitter but she'll still read them the books she found at the dump at night n listen to them all n let them pull on her apron n whine when shes trying to make things n like. they annoy her so much she wishes her parents never had them she doesnt know how to live without them now she'd do anything to protect her broken little family she wouldnt know what to do if she lost any of them, n all of these feelings just explode when the draft comes n her parents abandon them all n now its officially her turn to be the head of their fam. do not even get me started on bella being the one to go to the war in place of myer either bc I will not stop SOMEBODY SEDATE MEEEEE
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bapouro · 4 months
If you have the time and if it’d be fun at all, can you talk about how going to school for art is/was? Like what was bad about it but what did it make you realize about why you create? What was originally incomprehensible that became digestible after being surrounded by it? I’m just curious because I really only got into art after college age.
ive finally handed in my final project ever last friday and after somewhat recovering i can now answer u. (ill put an aside here that before i started uni, i saw a lot of the online umming and awing about art school and it being a scam etc that made me nervous going into it. i dont really think it has been for me but keep in mind im doing this in the uk. i think if i was in the usa or somewhere where it was that expensive i think youd get just about as many benefits going to somewhere like a community college instead. its worth a bit of money but not a lot of money.)
i realised while turning over your questions in my head last week how much doing my degree (illustration undergrad) during covid lockdown, illustrated (haha) the point art school had for me. and the point being that after trying to stick it out for the first few terms during lockdown, i deferred, i didnt really see the point i had already spent my entire life making art in my bedroom online for free, without somebody telling me what to do. practically what that degree offered me was physical facilities and resources, but really what i wanted it for was that vague miasma of drive and something bigger than myself to physically 'prove' myself to. i was and still am very interested in that gap between the online environment i learnt art within that felt a world away from my 'real life', and coming to meet with that 'real life' was kind of my goal. i needed both to meet on a very basic level for my quality of life. and id say i succeeded. twice now somebody i was originally mutuals with online turned out to be in my class. i live with one of them now. and i feel some pride now looking back on how much i felt like i had to separate my 'school' art and my 'personal' art during secondary school and now theyre practically one and the same. in fact one piece of advice ive kept with me from the uni tutors here is they consistently wish the students wouldnt 'hold back' so much on the kind of work they make: one of my friends, the one i now live with, was doing a tasteful furry pinup statue for a project and one of the tutors essentially asked them why the statue was being so sexually subtle with it, for example.
so what was bad about it! man... thinking about it the same reason i gave for why i came back after lockdown could also point out how flippant the reasoning was. its still a lot of time and effort let alone money to be putting into something that you dont Need an institution for. and art and academia, as much as you might try, arent going to be as neatly married as maybe STEM and academia. not that there isnt a place for it. we need it in there. but basically your work still has to get 'graded' on things so they can prove themselves as an institution so they can still get money to run. i ''apreciated'' the deadline part, for what it was, because i was(/am) a serial put-er off-er and i knew i needed something big to try and train me out of it. but the actual mark scheme and trying to work off of it is never not going to be nebulous. what the hell does it mean to 'demonstrate my awareness of the changing landscape of contemporary illustration' graded between 0 - 100 via a 3d animation. ive done pretty well. sometimes id get top marks. a couple times i wouldnt even pass and id have to do it again. the only pattern i could really see between what got those marks for me and what didnt was effort? so take with that what you will.
yea that being said, what it helped me realise why i create... i am thankful my particular course at my particular uni is so into their experimentation / medium diversity. because it proved to me again that experimenting is something i love to do. i could keep doing it forever maybe. but that also made me realise after trying to do that project after project that its only one part of the enjoyment. i couldnt sink my teeth in as much as i wanted. part of why im glad to leave is im glad to try and focus on just a few things now. take a project at my pace... reeeally get way too into it. hopefully.
what was originally incomprehensible that became digestible after being surrounded by it? mm.. i think getting to see a lot of the behind the scenes and the people actually doing illustration as a job kind of softened my glare on some art styles / ways of working i dislike. not that i Like them now but that kind of flat illustrator thing.. for some people it really is more of a job than anything else. i think thats fine. theres all kinds of other art to enjoy outside of their 9-5. i just hope they like it too. but of course it does set a precedent for what clients expect/what you feel like you should be making..? oh also i did actually end up really enjoying the couple of art essays we needed to write. reading cultural/art/etc pdf essays was something i already liked to do like reading baudrillard and ellen dissanayake and things but it was great to actually get to apply it in writing. and i think it certainly became more digestible to realise that these kinds of writers and this kind of writing wasnt some hard to penerate academia i couldnt be a part of really but turned out to be writing about things that already applied to life, whether i went to uni or not. really the whole experience... for me i felt like it was just something i needed to do. if anything just to get away from my family and make my own life. im glad i did it. but really art is art no matter where you find it. uni gave me a push to go further, i could sit around and say i couldve done it without uni but i think we overestimate ourselves. i think i couldve but i bet it wouldve taken longer and i may have experimented less, challenged myself less. who knows. just dont ever let something like that put you off art, it will always find you again eventually. im glad you got into it too.
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