#miss girl lost a chance of a lifetime in that bedroom
beebeetheclown · 10 months
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My screenshots: Masters of Sex, S4e4
(Worth that $12 for three episodes lmao)
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spricket-central · 3 months
sprickets, as a species, arent exactly known for being outgoing. their claim to fame (or infamy) is their ability to jump 3 feet high when startled, often in the direction of the dismayed human observer, in a rather successful attempt to frighten the perceived threat before making their hasty escape. theyre spring-loaded little balls of anxiety incarnate.
Applesauce made the average spricket look brave in comparison.
i first met Applesauce when one night, upon entering my bedroom, i saw a large nymph on my bed.
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i did what i typically do whenever i find a spricket in my apartment: i caught her, put her in a temporary enclosure i keep handy, and set her up with some food with the intent of keeping her for 24 hours before sending her on her way. i always like sharing a little applesauce (her namesake) with these houseguests, as its easy to eat, hydrating, and full of sugar, which can be life saving for a starving, dehydrated traveler.
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Applesauce seemed to be doing okay, thankfully! she was missing a jumping leg, but she had energy and an appetite.
i hadnt intended to keep her at first. i was already caring for 5 sprickets, 3 of which were female, and that was more than enough for me, but the combination of her age and her missing limb interested me for research reasons, as she was still young enough to molt at least one more time, hypothetically giving her a chance to regenerate the lost leg... so i decided to make her a member of the family! for science, of course... uh... not because i fell in love with that darling face or anything..... /s
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but that family was going to shrink soon.
less than a week after catching Applesauce, my girl Poppyseed, who i had raised from an egg, died. it was a devastating loss, and im ashamed to admit that i think the care of my other sprickets suffered for it. only a month later, her partner Bagel, who id had for almost a year, also passed. i also seemed to have a sort of "revolving door" of found hatchlings, for whom the mortality rate was grim. its a fragile age, and most didnt live long enough to even get names. one who did live long enough, an absolute molecule of a bug named Tofu, ended up not pulling through. of all the nymphs i cared for during Applesauce's lifetime, only one is still living (and thriving! his name is Sesame and, while hes still very small, he's grown so much at the time of writing).
things were rough. Applesauce, along with two other nymphs of similar age in my care, Dirt and Loofah, were all still in the small enclosures id put them in upon capture, which were smaller than i like to keep sprickets their age in.
still, Applesauce was deeply loved, and she continued to grow!
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but my god, this little girl was shy.
as ive already said, sprickets are fearful creatures, and nymphs are perhaps doubly so, but Applesauce still stood out in just how shy she was. it was so, so rare to see her anywhere other than hiding in one of her tubes, squished as tightly against its walls as she could manage as she tried to make herself as close to invisible as possible. getting a good look at her was a rare event, and i was grateful whenever i was able to see her sweet little face.
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when she had her final molt, i was so excited! she was still missing her leg, in the end. i think perhaps the two molts she had in my care just werent enough to regenerate a lost limb, but i was looking forward to seeing her settle into her final markings, and more importantly, her personality.
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when sprickets fully mature, ive noticed, their unique personalities really begin to shine through, as the anxieties of nymph-hood ease up a bit. theyre not devoid of character as nymphs, but adulthood is when i feel i truly get to know them as individuals. it doesnt happen immediately, of course, and Applesauce was no exception to this trend; she remained very shy after her final molt. still, i was excited to see how age would affect her temperament, and i was feeling hopeful as i watched her test out the new hiding places id provided for her in her (much overdue) larger, upgraded tank.
but Applesauce wouldnt end up living much longer. less than a week after moving into her new tank, she suddenly died.
i have no idea what her cause of death was. i hadnt noticed any signs of ill health until only the night before her passing, in the same way as sprickets tend to suddenly decline before dying of old age... but she was young! she was supposed to have so many more months left to live and explore and relax!
i cant help but blame myself for what happened. i have no evidence that poor care was a factor in her early death; she was well fed, and while her tank was smaller than what id have preferred, she had places to hide and move about and climb, but i just feel like i didnt give her my best, and that wasnt fair to her.
im sorry, Applesauce. i wish i could have done better for you. i wish you could have had the chance to grow more confident and spunky with age, and that i could have had the joy of watching you live out that life. even if you had remained just as shy throughout those months, id have loved you all the same. because you were you! you're my precious little Applesauce, and thats all that matters to me.
i cant turn back time and change the past. I'll never know why youre life was cut so short, but i hope that you were comfortable during our time together, no matter how much i feel i could have treated you better. in the end, you were safe, and i hope that, despite how guarded you were, there were still moments where you truly did feel at peace with your surroundings.
i love ya, Apple. youll always be the apple of my eye. 💚
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4/18/2024 (caught) - 6/9/2024
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marianne-zemo · 3 years
First race
So, I guess I'm doing it, this is the first fanfiction I've written in four years and my second time writing smut so please, bear that in mind, it might be awful 😅 Also, English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes. GIF not mine!
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Warnings: smut, oral sex (f and m receiving), slight degradation, choking (light but still) unsafe sex (wrap it before you tap it kids!), probably bad writing, Niki being a little mean and a little ooc, cursing. Reader insert, no use of Y/N. (Also, I know nothing about racing so I'm sorry if the description of the race sucks 😅)
I think that's all, let me know if I missed something!
Standing near the entrance of the stadium, you were craning your neck, trying to find your friend in the crowd of people who came to watch the race. You weren't particularly thrilled at the idea of having to sit there for god knows how long watching the cars go by at top speed but your friend's been persistent and you've run out of excuses so you reluctantly agreed.
"Hey, there you are!" you've heard your friend's voice on your left so you turned around quickly, trying not to spill the drinks on your t-shirt. "Hey, yeah, I thought you were already up there", you said while pointing your unoccupied hand towards the seats. "Here, I bought some drinks."
"Well, I was trying to get to the trailers to see the racers but the security guard kicked me out." Your friend replied with a sour look on her face and reached for one of the cups. "Thanks for that, so, shall we?"
You nodded and started making your way through the mass of people blocking the stairs. The second you sat down you've heard one of the commentators announce that the race will begin shortly. You took out your phone to check the emails when you noticed the shirt your friend has put on. It was blue with yellow stripes and in the middle, there was an image of a young man in a racing suit. You looked at your friend and raised your eyebrow in a silent question. She blushed and quickly explained that she bought the shirt from one of the guys standing on the parking lot near the track.
"Do you even know who this guy is or did you just buy it to look like you support anyone down there?" She looked at you surprised.
"Did you do any kind of research before coming here with me?" She asked with disbelief. You just shook your head. "I told you, I know nothing about racing, I came because you asked me to."
She just sighed and quickly started explaining while watching the cars drive in their positions. "The man on my shirt is James Hunt, it's the one getting in the pole position right now," she said while pointing at the mostly blue car in the front. "He drives for McLaren and he's something of a novelty in racing. He won last year's Grand Prix so now he has a couple of points on Lauda and huge chances of winning this season as well."
She pointed at Lauda's red car just as the gun announced the beginning of the race. "Now, Niki Lauda races for Ferrari and he's a great driver but he had an accident last year and a lot of people say that this is the only reason why Hunt won that season. He's also a giant asshole, you should see some of the interviews, he changes publicists more often than James changes women." Your friend snickered and you both turned your attention to one of the screens around the stadium in time to see a black car spinning out of the track on the third bend with smoke coming from under the mask of the vehicle.
"So, Hunt is a womanizer?" You asked while the commentator explained who had to end the race and likely reasons for the smoking engine. "Yeah, he's young and handsome so fans are obviously tripping over themselves to get his attention and he gives it happily. He also invites a lot of them to the parties at his house, and, if you want to believe the rumors, more often than not at least one person gets to have a private tour around his bedroom."
Your friend explained with a small smirk and it was then that you've noticed the heels and a rather short for this kind of weather skirt that she chose to wear. "Mhm, so the way I see it, you invited me to watch the race just to ditch me, later on, to try and get an invitation to said party, yeah?"
She blushed and pretended to watch the screen while fiddling with her bracelet. "I mean, you could always come with me, a party is a party plus there are free drinks and food," she glanced at you with hope with her eyes.
"I make no promises but maybe if he wins-" you got cut off by the loud cheering that echoed around the track. Both of you looked at the screen and you were able to see Hunt's car passing the red Ferrari and beginning its third and last lap. You've spent the rest of the race listening to the commentators and throwing your comments here and there when something particularly unexpected happened.
Suddenly the whole stadium stood up screaming and cheering when the McLaren and Ferrari cars appeared on the screen, coming out of the last bend and into the home stretch before the finishing line. From the distance you couldn't make out who was leading, they were going neck and neck but then Hunt's engine whirled louder and he crossed the line a second before Lauda. The next couple of minutes were a blur, people cheering and running to the platform to meet the winner while the racers were on their cooling-off lap. You've lost your friend somewhere in the crowd but since you've decided not to go to the party, you wandered around the track, stopping next to the Ferrari, admiring its design and how well taken care of it looked.
"And what, pray tell, are you doing?" You quickly turned around and came face to face with Niki Lauda. His racing suit was slightly open, letting you see the silver medal hanging around his neck. Now, without his helmet, you were able to see where did the 'ratty' part of his nickname come from, although surprisingly enough you found him rather attractive. His eyes were a nice shade of brown and his slightly curly hair framed his face in a way that made him look almost like a little cupid. Pouty and dissatisfied but still adorable.
"I- I was just admiring your car, you take good care of it," you replied, your voice coming out somewhat shaky but you managed not to stumble backward despite his intimidating stare.
"Shouldn't you be with the rest of those screaming idiots, trying to get into Hunt's bed?" He asked, nodding his head in the direction of his opponent laughing and signing his autograph on one of the girl's cleavage.
"Hey, watch it! My friend is there," you said with indignation, slightly raising your voice. "And you don't need to be such an asshole, could've just told me to leave. Manners don't hurt you know?"
He raised his eyebrow, clearly unimpressed with your little outburst and you heard him mumble something under his nose before you could walk away.
"What was that?" You asked, expecting to hear yet another insult, this time thrown your way, however, you were surprised when he slightly louder repeated "I asked if you'd like to go for a ride, I assure you, it drives as good as it looks."
You glanced at him with disbelief noticing a slight blush on his face and, judging by the way he was avoiding your eyes, you knew you heard him correctly. You thought about this for a moment and after realizing that this is once in a lifetime opportunity, you shrugged your arms before answering him. "If you're serious, then yeah why not. But where am I supposed to sit?"
Lauda was already in the car holding up another helmet for you to put on and he smirked softly while pointing on his lap. "Well, there's a lot of space here," however, noticing your clear embarrassment he added softly "no need to be shy liebling, it's alright if you've changed your mind."
You shook your head slightly, putting on the helmet and sitting on his lap before you could change your mind. There's no way you were backing off now. It was a tight fit, the vehicle clearly not designed for more than one person but you pulled it off somehow and seconds later you've felt the engine whirl to life as Niki turned the key in the ignition.
He started slow, not wanting to scare you right away but after the first bend, you felt him press harder on the gas, speeding up and not losing the speed even on the sharp turns. The way he was driving, confident, and focused made you feel safe and you found yourself giggling with joy with every bend he took. You were still smiling when he finally parked in his trailer and took off both yours and his helmet.
"So, did you like it?" He asked with a small smile when he noticed the way your eyes sparkled with glee."Yeah, I did, thank you, Niki," you replied softly, reaching your hand to brush his locks away from his face. Something changed in his eyes at the small gesture and he pressed his cheek in your palm making you gasp and you focused on the way he quickly licked his lips, shifting beneath you. Before you could talk yourself out of this you leaned down to softly press your lips against his and he responded immediately, one of his hands going to the back of your neck while the other explored your side and the gentle curve of your breasts.
Niki dominated the kiss, making you moan and you shifted yourself, now fully straddling his lap and grinding against him. You felt more than heard the loud groan that came out of his throat, "come on, wrap your arms around me," you heard him mumble against your lips and quickly wound your arms around his neck. He stood up, somehow managing to maneuver you both out of the vehicle, and sat you down on the table while sucking hickeys on the side of your throat and making you whine.
He pulled away, admiring his work and you took that exact moment to go down on your knees in front of him and unzip his racing suit. He gave a choked moan once you've managed to pull his boxers enough to take him out and, not giving him a chance to say anything, you quickly took the tip of his cock in your mouth, humming at the slightly bitter taste.
"F- fuck, liebling, your mouth is a sin," you've heard him groan and you made eye contact while trying to take more of him into your mouth, swallowing once he reached the back of your throat. "Mein Gott, fuck!" He gave a small shout at the way you sucked him down and quickly pulled you off his cock and up to press a hard kiss to your mouth, tasting himself on your tongue. "You're something else schatz, but I need to fuck you."
He quickly got rid of your jeans while you took off your t-shirt and he kneeled in front of the table between your spread legs. Niki pulled your panties down and quickly swiped two fingers through your folds making you tremble with excitement. "Look at that darling, you're soaked. Did having my cock in your mouth make you so wet?"
You whined softly and canted your hips upwards trying to get him to touch you properly. "Niki...please," he chuckled softly and pushed his fingers inside you curling them in a come hitcher motion while his tongue started making circles around your clit causing you to moan loudly and clench around his digits. His answering groan sent vibrations through you and your hand made a home in his hair pressing him harder against your dripping folds. You've been on edge ever since that make out in his vehicle so you can already feel an intense heat spreading inside of you, making you arch your back.
"F-fuck, just like that, please baby - ah - don't stop, God, Niki!" You came with a drawn-out whine of his name, shaking and soaking his hand with your wetness. He got up with a smirk on his thin lips and put the fingers that were inside you seconds ago in your mouth and watched as you sucked on them, moaning at the taste of yourself on his skin.
Niki grabbed the base of his cock and ground against you, lubricating himself with your juices before pushing slowly inside you. You both groaned once he was fully in and he put his mouth around your nipple sucking and biting slowly while letting you get used to his size. "Mov - ah - please move", you whimpered and he slowly started moving his hips back and forth gaining the tempo with every sound you made.
One of his hands made its way to your thigh, squeezing so hard that it was sure to leave bruises but you didn't mind. His cock was hitting that perfect spot deep inside you, making you clench around him which in turn made him growl and fuck you harder. "Fuck, you feel so good around me schatz, so tight, so - fuck - so wet."
You moaned at the praise and grabbed his right hand, putting it around your throat. He looked at you surprised and gave an experimental squeeze groaning when he felt you clench around him. "Dirty girl, you like being choked? Fuck, look at you, moaning like a whore - ah - so desperate for my cock." He taunted while pistoning his hips in and out of you and squeezing your neck tighter as his left thumb made tight circles around your clit bringing you closer to the edge.
"Yes - fuck - I'm your whore Niki, please, 'm yours, just d-don't stop, plea-". He pressed his lips against yours cutting you off and growling in the kiss, "I'm not gonna last much longer Liebling, you feel too good - scheiße - gonna be a good girl for me? Come on, come around me, milk my cock like a good little cum slut".
His words combined with his hand around your throat and his thumb stroking your clit were what made you come. You felt the coil inside you snap and you let out a long moan, your back arched off the table and your legs were shaking around his waist as you let the pleasure consume you. Your heart was beating in your ears and you barely heard the way he groaned out your name, his hips stuttering and you felt his cock twitch inside you before you felt him painting your walls with his come.
Niki rested his head in the crook of your neck, panting harshly while you were coming down from your high. He looked up at you and you were surprised at the soft smile gracing his lips and he straightened himself kissing you gently and slowly pulling out of you. He made quick work of cleaning both of you up and put an arm around your waist, helping you stand. Your legs were still shaking slightly and you leaned into him for support as he pressed a kiss to your forehead looking down at you with adoration.
You felt your face heating up, not expecting to see this gentle side of him and he fished out a small card from the pocket of his suit, giving it to you with a hopeful look in his brown eyes.
"Join me for dinner tomorrow?" He asked, slightly uncertain and you beamed up at him. "I'd like that," you replied and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before making your way out of the garage. You turned around one last time catching him checking out your ass and laughed at his satisfied smirk, not even slightly embarrassed at being caught. You left the track, the card with his number in your hand and a huge grin on your face. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.
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thefallennightmare · 3 years
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Pairings: 1940'S Bucky Barnes x Reader/ Present Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, some smut in places maybe
Summary: Before the war, Bucky and Reader had the picture perfect life together. When she lost him, she thought that she would never find that kind of love again. However, someone from a different time returns to give her that love once more. Will she follow them through the unknown or come to terms that her once in a lifetime love is truly gone?
A/N: I hope you guys are ready for angst because this one is going to hurt
TAGS: @overthinkinggotmedrinking @igothroughphasesalot @veralyonn @shannonleanna182 @white-wolf-buckaroo @whatawildone @jessyballet @sebby-staan @multiyfandomgirl40 @andeys-obsessions @spid3rgwen @slut-for-buck @spideyyypeter @voguekristen @justmeandmyfuckeduplife @kenziekugler22 @hoodedbirdie @ginger-swag-rapunzel @bluemoon-icecream @crazylittlereader2474 @browneyedgirl365 @amyvandijk
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July 1, 1943.
My body lay across the couch in my living room, wrapped up tight in a blanket as I aimlessly watched whatever channel was on. I hadn't paid attention at all, mind somewhere else; on someone else.
Bucky had been gone for a few weeks now and my heart had yet to recover. The morning he left was filled with heartbreak and tears. I promised that no matter what happened I would be here waiting for him. Bucky, however, couldn't promise anything because he wasn't sure what the future held. He couldn't promise that he would come back unscathed or come back at all.
I couldn't hold that against him, of course. We both were unsure of what the war meant for us. All we did know was that Bucky needed to do this and I couldn't hold him back. He needed to make a life for his mom, Rebecca, and us.
The last few weeks had been incredibly hard for me to get through the day. Not only was Bucky on the other side of the world, Steve had gone M.I.A. He never came to my apartment that weekend and he didn't even call. My mind raced with different scenarios on what could have happened to him. I was so filled with sadness from Bucky leaving that I hadn't noticed my bestfriend was missing.
The clock on the wall across from me had struck eleven in the evening, another day wasted by. The decision to move my pity party to my bedroom came easy but as my feet hit the ground, a knock at my door halted me.
"Who is it?" I called out, worry etched in my voice.
I had to prepare myself for whoever was on the other side of the door now, unsure of what kind of news they would deliver.
"It's Steve."
My feet ran to the door, quickly opening it. No words were spoken as I wrapped my arms around him in a overdue hug.
"Where the hell have you been?" I questioned, letting him inside.
We both sat on our usual spots on my couch and he sighed, an apologetic look on his soft features.
"I know I've been gone when you needed someone and I'm sorry for that."
I patted his knee, letting him know that it was alright.
"You haven't find a new best friend, have you?" I joked.
Steve shook his head with a chuckle. "No, of course not."
"Girlfriend?" I wiggled my brows at him.
"No one wants to date a guy like me, not when I look like this," he scoffed, motioning to himself.
The way Steve looked had been an issue with him for a long time now. His body was riddled with medical problems and no matter how hard he tried to put on the weight, he couldn't.
"Oh, Steve. Any girl would be lucky to have you. You're a dreamboat," I reassured him.
He shifted in his seat, body rigid with worry.
"I have a way to change it all," Steve spoke.
My eyes were clouded with confusion. "What are you talking about?"
"The last few weeks I've been in New Jersey-."
"What the hell were you doing in Jersey?" I interrupted.
Steve sighed, unsure how to find the right words to say. "The night before Buck left, I met a doctor who gave me a chance. A chance to fight in the war alongside Bucky. It's an experimental program."
"Steve-," I started.
"I have to do this, Y/N. This is my only chance," He argued.
"Wait," a word that Steve said rang warning bells in my mind. "Experimental Program?"
He hesitantly nodded. "They'll inject me with a serum, make me a super soldier.
My mouth fell agape at his words. Super soldier? Inject?
I stood to my feet, anger and disappointment fueling me. How could he do this to himself? Allow these strangers to inject him with something he knew nothing about?
"Oh lord, Steve. You're such a knucklehead for even thinking this," I exasperated.
"Bucky had the choice to fight in the war. It's only fair that I do as well."
I turned swiftly on my heels and tears welled in my eyes.
"Bucky never had a choice," I seethed while pointing a finger at him.
Steve let out a few breaths, wondering how to take his next few steps. I knew he didn't mean those words in a negative way but the wound of Bucky leaving was still raw.
"I didn't mean to upset you, Y/N." Steve said.
Tears were rolling over my cheeks and I chocked out a sob. "Bucky left me and now you're going to leave me also. I lost my two best guys and I'm going to be alone."
Steve reached for my hand and pulled me down on the couch next to him. The sobs wrecked my body as I cried into his chest. How could Bucky and Steve both leave me? Didn't I mean anything to them?
His hand ran soothing circles on my back, hoping to calm my cries.
"You're not alone. You have Winnie and Rebecca here. They're the part of Buck that's missing."
I nodded. "I just miss him so much, Stevie. I don't know what's going on over there."
"I know," Steve soothed. "He can take care of himself."
We sat in silence for a long while, him continuing to rub circles on my back and I clutching onto his sides. He was my bestfriend and the thought of loosing him as well broke whatever was left of my heart. It hurt to breath knowing that I was going to be completely alone.
"You know," Steve spoke, "Dr. Erskine mentioned I can bring you with to the procedure tomorrow."
I immediately shook my head. "I don't think I can stomach watching what they're going to do to you."
Steve sighed but nodded, knowing that he unable to change my mind.
I pulled away from his chest and looked into his eyes. "Promise you'll come say goodbye before you head overseas?"
His eyes shone bright as he nodded. "Of course."
"Also, I need to see how well this serum is going to work, changing you into a super soldier and all," I joked, leaning back into the couch with him.
Steve chuckled and we spent the rest of the late night watching crappy movies together, unsure if we would ever get to again.
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spinchip · 4 years
Summary: Before they leave the Never Realm, Zane is recieves an unexpected visitor.
The door opens and closes quietly, Zane doesn’t turn to face his teammate. They were leaving the Never Realm soon, the final preparations being made, Grimfax and the elders testing the Realm Tree’s properties to see how it worked in practice. Zane is sitting on the edge of a grand, ornate bed. They’d been given a few rooms to stay in after Zane had shattered the scroll and ended his reign. There were too many loose ends and stories to wrap up, his actions put on trial amongst the king and the nobles. They had decided on his innocence, but still banished him completely from the realm. He was never allowed back here on punishment of death.
It was too light a sentence, but perhaps he’d favored cruelty too much these years.
The punishment also stung in a way that was hard to form into words. This had been his home for a lifetime- to be banished… he would miss it. He had his chance to walk the palace ground once more, but he’d chosen to skip it and keep himself holed away in he and his friends room, skipping breakfast and lunch completely. The people here were afraid and scared of him, and it was the least he could do to stay out of sight and out of mind until he left this place in peace for good.
A shuffle of feet, unsure. It must be time to go.
The deadbolt locks. It’s blunt and stark in the empty and silent bedroom.
Oh, Zane thinks, I understand.
He wouldn't be making it out of this realm alive, would he? It’s almost comical, to survive all those years alone in that cave, to endure the agony of losing himself again, only to die when freedom was hours away. Maybe it’s poetic. Maybe there would be a song or an epic told about this, one day- and the climax would be his death, here in his bedchamber, and scholars would teach their students that even someone with the power of the gods was mortal in the end. It sounds interesting. It’s a good ending, if he has to have one here.
He turns and faces the assassin, hiking one leg up on the bed so he can face them.
It’s a girl, Lloyds age. He remembers her from the throne room, she’d attacked him with a knife and he’d frozen her solid. She's got red marks across her cheeks, and she's wearing a wolf cloak around her shoulders.
A formling. She has the right.
“Hello.” He says quietly. Her name is Akita, he knows. She hates him, he knows.
She reaches into the folds of her clothes, trembling, and pulls out a dagger in its sheath. She holds it out so he can see it. It’s a plain little thing, brown leather and wood handle. She yanks it from it’s sheath and throws it aside. The Blade is wickedly sharp.
It looks meticulously maintained and sharpened. She must have heard the rumors of his skin, told by spooked men who’d barely managed to flee his ice, who recalled how only the sharpest blades struck home. Who whispered how ordinary spears skidded and fell away without a scratch. He knows the stories told about him. There were people he did not freeze- there were towns that chose to cooperate.
It is sharp enough.
She holds the blade out, the shake in her hands vanishing as pure resolve pours into her eyes, “My name is Akita. You stole my childhood. You imprisoned my brother and my people. You killed countless innocents. Your reign deserves to end here, permanently.” she tells him, voice stone and steel, each word clearly practiced over and over again in anticipation for this moment.
He dips his head, and out of respect for his adversary, he rises to his feet. To face her as an equal, on even ground, is to see her as a worthy opponent.
She swallows visibly, tightening her grip on her blade.
“I won’t fight you, Akita.” He says plainly, moving around the edge of the bed so she has a clean attack, “Your revenge is yours to take.”
There’s a knock on the door, Lloyds voice filtering through hesitant and worried, “Hey, Zane? You nearly ready? It’s almost time to go.” The doorknob wiggles.
Akita tilts her head, listening to Lloyd but refusing to take her eyes off Zane. She hesitates, and he remembers that Lloyd and Akita had come to his throne room together. To get her revenge is to hurt her friend terribly. Zane could freeze her here, if he wanted to- he’s stopped better assassins than this over the years, but he won’t touch her.
“Zane?” Lloyds voice takes an edge of panic, worry bleeding into every syllable. Akita doesn’t move for a long moment, and the regret in her eyes dies. Sacrifices must be made. She had made this decision a long time before she met Lloyd.
“Answer me one question.” She licks her lips, keeps her eyes laser-focused on his every movement, “Did it mean anything to you? When you slaughtered the Kraag, when you destroyed crops and tore apart families, did it mean a damn thing?”
He thinks about the scroll in his hands, about Vex’s words seeping into his mind. He thinks about days upon days going through the motions, empty headed and lost and broken.
“No.” he answers truthfully and draws himself up to his full hieght. he will not die cowering and small. He’s the Ice Emperor, after all.
A heartbeat passes.
She lunges.
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chilly-me-softly · 3 years
Every Little Thing’s Gonna Be Alright • Chapter 24
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22 - Chapter 23
And there's the end! Thanks to everyone who read, left comments or liked it. My longest story ever, a real pain 😅. I admit I got a little lost here and there but I enjoyed writing it. There will be more chapters but I still have to decide some things so I don't know if or when they will be published... anyway I hope you like this last one x
The situation at home is awkward. Evelyn wanted to find the right moment to talk to her brother but that moment never seemed to come. She would stare at him, spend most of her time with him and yet she couldn't get those words out of her mouth. Engrossed in her own head, she hadn't noticed that the same thing was happening on the other side. Ben had an important decision to make too, or maybe he had already made it and it was only communicating it that scared him.
And one evening Evelyn had just put Cece down but didn't want to go to bed so she slowly closed the bedroom door behind her and made her way to the living room. But in the silence of the house she changes her mind and slips into Ben's room, settling into his bed and holding him close.
He immediately sighs squeezing her back, "What are you doing?"
"Remember how many times mum nearly had a heart attack because she couldn't find me in bed and I was sleeping with you?"
"How can I forget... when you slept alone I worried" she chuckles softly before sighing.
"I miss that. Being young and not having the world on my shoulders and being able to hide in my big brother's arms and feel better immediately"
"We're grown up, but that doesn't mean you can't count on me no matter what" for a moment she thinks she might burst into tears at any second, but she takes a deep breath closing her eyes to calm herself. "Even though we'll be far apart, we'll always be there for each other. Promise me Lyn"
"Ben" for a moment she thinks he knows, but it can't be. Jack promised her that he would give her all the time she needed and at the very least give her a heads up. So she tries to turn to look at him as if she could see him in the dark, but his grip is so firm she can't so she sighs "I promise, I promise"
There's silence for a few moments in the room before Ben sighs and releases his news, the one he's been holding in for a while now. "I might be a Chelsea player next season"
Evelyn snaps to her seat as soon as she processes those words, making a fuss to lean over and turn on the light hitting Ben in the process. "WHAT? Oh sorry! Ben that's great"
"Shh don't wake Cece up" Ben pulls her down but she gets back up again, resting her elbow on the mattress and looking at him proudly.
"You know I always knew you were destined for great things"
"Fly down. I said I might, it's nothing official yet"
"Well they'd be really stupid to let you go at this point: you're talented, you're a hard worker and you've got a pretty face too which never hurts" the two giggle as Ben lightly hits Evelyn with his foot and she then sits back down, her arm almost tingling.
"Why don't you look happy B?"
"I am" he states bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his arms on them, his hands brushing against each other from time to time.
"But there's something that doesn't make you live this moment to the fullest. Is it Deb?" she asks, but he's already shaking his head.
"I'll ask her to come with me if I accept" he admits slightly embarrassed as always when it comes to his personal life, but still sharing a smile with his sister who knows what it means. And she wishes them all the best because they deserve it, and not because they are the two people who have been closest to her in the last period but because they are good together and deserve all the good things that can happen to them.
"Is that for me?" Evelyn doesn't even give him time to think about changing subject, seeing him shift awkwardly from his seat sighing slightly.
"It's just... I worry about you. And Cece. It scares me to leave you here alone, because I can't ask you to follow me. Not now that you've found some kind of normality anyway"
"Ben" his name comes out more or less as a whisper, she doesn't even know if he heard it frankly. So she clears her throat slipping towards him and moving even closer, "We said you wouldn't worry about us any more than you have to"
"How can I?" when he looks up Evelyn can clearly see his inner struggle, and her stomach clenches in a painful grip. "I know I'm not her father but I love her, I love you and I can't help but worry about you as well since we live together"
"Benjamin James Chilwell are you really thinking of not taking the chance of a lifetime for a burbler and a whiner?" Evelyn tries to keep a straight face as she nonchalantly wipes away a tear that is silently rolling down her cheek.
"Family. For my family"
"Damn it Ben" she hits him on the arm between his laughter as she thinks it's now or never, if she doesn't tell him right then it's going to get harder and harder and she'll end up telling him the day she leaves. So she takes a deep breath.
"You know it's a good thing then that Jack asked us to move in with him. And that I said yes" next thing she knows she's on her back on the mattress with Ben moving his fingers over her body making her laugh and her trying to free herself.
"I can't believe it, what a bastard! You could've told me sooner!"
"Eh what can I say... I feel a certain pleasure in seeing you struggling" she sneers still trying to catch her breath as he drops down beside her.
"I promised you Ben, this time will be different. I won't make the same mistake twice" his hand goes to intertwine with hers, "Accept that contract if you think it might be the right move for your career, Cece and I will always be there to support you even if we can't see each other every day"
"I love you"
"I'm proud of you"
"Damn it!"
"Are you okay babe?" Jack yells from the other room where he and Cece are watching TV.
"Yeah" Evelyn lets him know clenching her teeth as she glances at the dog and places the container in her hand on the table.
"You need to stop that okay? One of these days I'm going to break something. Or you can hurt yourself"
"Babe who are you talking to?" Jack walks into the kitchen confused as she rolls her eyes.
"Your dog. He always has to get in the way"
"He just wants to play" he chuckles taking the dog and giving it some attention, "Look"
"It's annoying. I almost regret when he kept his distance as soon as we got here. And no, don't look at me like that. You have to stop"
Before she can say or do anything else, Cece comes running crashing into Evelyn's legs and laughing making Evelyn sigh just looking at Jack. He chuckles giving the dog one last pat before letting him go, "He just wants to play babe"
"I want to play babe" the little one states nodding as Evelyn picks her up, eyebrows arched in surprise.
"What did you just say?" the little girl repeats smiling as Jack hides a smile with his back to the two washing his hands.
"No no. Mh-mh. I'm not babe for you, I'm mommy"
"But he calls you that!"
"He's my boyfriend, he can"
"I can too! I'm your girl" Evelyn sighs knowing she can never win that battle, while Jack can't contain himself anymore and bursts out laughing.
"This is all your fault"
"How come?"
"You're a bad influence on her"
"Nah that's not true, she loves me. You love me don't you?" the little one agrees nodding as Jack pokes her tummy.
"Oh yeah? Well since you two get along so well, you can give her a bath tonight" she handed the little girl, who immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, winking at him.
"Yay! Lots of bubbles Jack?"
"As many as you want" and as the two of them walk away discussing the big plan that is taking a bath, Evelyn looks at them smiling getting lost in her thoughts.
Although it wasn't her first move, it was certainly the heaviest of all. Both emotionally and physically. Packing up her things and watching Ben do the same felt reassuring, but as soon as she remembered the different paths they were about to take, the nostalgia came flooding in. But there wasn't enough time to dwell on everything that Cece was calling for her attention and so it was back to square one, choosing what to pack for the moment and what not to, looking after the baby, spending time with Ben before going their separate ways...
Jack had made sure she had everything she needed, to make her feel as welcome as possible. They'd taken time to get everything set up, to make his house theirs, and she'd slowly gotten used to calling it home. And she really hoped it would be the last trip for her daughter, a permanent arrangement.
And she didn't have any big problems at the moment except for that dog. She'd never had a chance to complain about it, even when they came and went from that house the animal's behaviour had always been impeccable. He and Cece made a well-matched pair and there had been times when she'd actually thought about giving them both away, but then Jack would always calm her down. Recently though, he'd started following her around, getting in her way more than once or simply resting his face on her legs when they were on the couch watching TV. Talking to Deb about it, the girl had suggested that maybe her period hormones were the cause of the animal's sudden attachment to her, a hypothesis she had immediately ruled out because, firstly, it had never happened before and, secondly, she wasn't on her period.
However, that chat had put something in her mind, something she had not yet given a chance to sink in and had not yet checked above all.
"I wanna another baby" Jack surprises her that night after a thousand stories to put Cece to bed, alone in the living room brightened by the shades of light from the screen.
She looks at him. All she can think about is his choice of words. There had been moments: the first time Cece had called him dad, the time he had referred to her as his daughter, the first time she had referred to him as daddy in such a natural way. Yet each time, having the certainty that he considers her his despite everything, is like the first time. Like he'd never done it before. "Another?"
"Yeah. I want to add another member to this family, give our daughter a sibling. Can you imagine?" Evelyn can't speak, she's visibly emotional and Jack notices this as he replaces his dreamy expression with a more concerned one.
"I don't want to push you though if you don't feel like it yet. I know I'm not her father, well at least not biologically, and I don't want you to think it's for-"
"I think I'm pregnant" she then interrupted him giving voice to that thought that had been torturing her for a couple of days and it took him a moment to process those words.
"What? That fast?" and she laughs straddling him taking his face in her hands, leaving a tender kiss on his lips.
"I'm going to be a father?" he murmurs, his eyes sparkling as his hands go to brush against what is her stomach.
"I don't know for sure yet. I still have to take a test but I'm optimistic"
"Why haven't you taken one yet?"
"I guess I was scared. Last time I was pregnant I..."
"Oh honey, listen to me. I'm not leaving you anytime soon, okay? If you're pregnant, if you're carrying my baby right now... leaving you is the last of my thoughts. Trust me"
"I know that. I just-"
"Need someone to remind you of that once in a while. And that's what I'm here for" Evelyn leans in again to kiss him before standing up and offering him her hand which he accepts without hesitation.
"Where are we going?"
"To find out the truth"
Evelyn and Jack look at each other, unable to hold back a smile as Ben enjoys Cece sitting on his lap, helping her with the slice of bread in front of her. Since they had gone their separate ways, those lunches were commonplace to spend time together and they had learned to treasure those moments.
"Uncle B" Cece lifted her head bringing a crumb to the boy's lips, "what's a little sibling?"
"Oh...well a sibling is someone you'll love dearly when mum and dad have another b- wait" Ben lifts his head looking at the two in front of him, "A sibling? Why are she asking me about a sibling? Lyn" a glance is worth a thousand words as surprised and incredulous happy expressions appear on both of their faces before they get up to hug them.
"I knew it! I knew there was something different about you today!" Ben holds Evelyn tightly to him after putting Cece down, overjoyed for his little sister and the new life that will soon fill their lives.
"The dog, he knew all along"
"You 're damn right" Evelyn chuckles at Deb's statement as the boys look at them confused as they play dumb.
"I'm sorry man, this time it's your turn to take all the whining"
"Hey! Watch your mouth" Evelyn points her finger at him as Jack hugs her from behind, one hand going to gently caress her side.
"It's true! You used to cry a lot, about everything"
"Not about everything"
"A lot" Ben insists on pointing out, as his sister sticks her tongue out.
"Eh it is a bit true" Jack puts in earning a dirty look from her trying to push him away, "but I don't care. I'm ready to experience it fully, with the good and the bad too"
Later that day everyone seems to have collapsed around the living room, everyone except the two brothers. Ben signals for Evelyn to go out into the garden and the two of them walk off without waking anyone up.
"Quite a nice day" the boy relaxes on the deck chair in the green space closing his eyes for a moment as she settles down next to him.
"You called me out here to talk about the weather?" she teases him turning her head to look at him.
"And to tell you that I'm proposing to Deb this weekend"
"Ben! I can't believe you kept this from me all day" a gasp as she smacks him on the arm.
"It's not like I could exactly yell it out" he excuses himself turning for a moment to look at the glass door, "and I couldn't tell you with Cece around"
"You're right, I forgive you" she chuckles acknowledging that the little girl could have blurted it out at any moment without meaning to and ruin everything.
"Aw my big brother" she pinches his cheek as he tries to wriggle out of it by slapping her hand away, and for a while they laugh acting like they're kids again.
"Do you remember when you showed up at my house?" sighs Ben after a moment and at her nod, he continues, "you said there would be no more chances for you to find someone. Well looking at you now you could say you were wrong"
"You want to make me say it Ben?!" she looks at him cheekly before they both burst out laughing.
"I just want to... look at us. Me almost engaged, you almost a mother of two. For being the only members of the 'Boo love by Chilwell' club, it hasn't gone so bad"
"Oh my god, shut up! I totally forgot about that! We weren't normal kids"
"We never were" and it's like they've run out of time to spend alone as the little one of the house comes in rubbing one eye claiming Jack is still asleep and doesn't want to wake up.
"Oof I really hope my children can have a relationship like ours. You are and will forever be my best friend" she says sincerely, smiling and closing her eyes for a moment before standing up as Ben leaves a kiss on her temple.
"I will always be with you"
"Hey so about what my brother said earlier..."
"There's no need, like I said I want it all"
"Yeah but I just want to say one thing" she stands up on her toes to leave a kiss on his lips and he's already with his hands on her waist bringing her down not breaking the kiss. "I can feel this time will be different. I won't cry"
"Hmm how come?"
"Because I'm happy now"
Tag: @alexajanecollins @emwritesfootball @rosie7703
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
Fine Line (Bucky Barnes Falling Series)
A/N: This is the sequel to Falling. This will be the second installment to my Falling (Bucky Barnes) Series. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT!
PROMPT: Bucky has been distant lately. Y/N doesn’t know why.
WARNING: slight mature content but not in detail, ANGST, SADNESS, fluff
“Nat, I’m begging you,” Bucky pleaded, getting on his knees in front of his teammate. “Tell me where Y/N went.”
Nat pitied him. It hurt to see him so broken, begging for her to tell him where you went, but her loyalty was with you. She promised to you that where you went would stay with her and only her until the grave. “I can’t, Bucky.”
“Nat.” His voice cracked, tears slipping from his eyes. “I don’t know what else to do. Her phone is disconnected. I called everyone she knows. Nobody knows where she is. Nat, please.”
“Get up, Barnes,” She sighed, pulling the soldier by his arms. “Y/N made me promise I wouldn’t say a word. I don’t agree with what she did, running away and leaving you with no trace, but it’s what she wanted. She didn’t want you to all of a sudden start acting like you love her again just because you realized she’s not there anymore.” 
“Again? What do you mean again?” Bucky questioned, rising to his feet. He grabbed the hem of his shirt, using it to wipe his nose and the tears on his cheeks. “I never stopped loving her, Nat.”
“You sure have a funny way of showing it.”
“I can explain.”
Nat’s face paled after Bucky’s explanation, realizing that she needed to bring Bucky to you, even if it was the last thing she did. That’s how he ended up in California on your doorstep, with the most panicked look on his face. 
You heard the first knock over the loud bass of your breakup playlist. You ignored it, remembering that Nat was the only one who knows where you were and she had you memorize a secret knock for your protection. It was a bit over the top to you, but as an Avenger, she wanted to take safety precautions. 
Then a second knock. A third. A fourth. 
You pressed pause on your phone and walked over to the door. You looked through the peephole and saw Bucky. You dropped the phone in your hands, not believing your eyes. What the hell was he doing here?
You debated on even opening the door. Leaving Bucky nearly killed you, you almost didn’t do it. It was a shock, a miracle even, that you had the courage to get up and leave. You knew that you were too vulnerable, too in love and too attached, to be able to walk away from him a second time. All it takes is for those beautiful, blue eyes, that you used to wake up to every morning to take one look at you. All it takes is his voice, rough around the edges but soothing, calm, home. All it takes is one touch to reignite the spark that you convinced yourself has burned out between you. That’s all it takes. 
You started to back away from the door, having gone through enough breakups in your lifetime to know how it goes. You leave. They beg for you to stay. They promise they’ll change. Things are good for a while. Then they remember why they became distant in the first place. Next thing you know, it’s over all over again. You couldn’t lose Bucky a second time. The first time was painful enough. 
“Y/N, please.” His voice croaked out from the other side of the door. “I know you’re in there. Baby please, let me explain.”
You gasped upon hearing his voice. Baby. Your heart broke after hearing how broken he sounded, the way the pet name still rolled off his tongue with such familiarity. it was overwhelming. 
“Look, I get it if you don’t want to see me..” Bucky leaned against the door, mumbling into the wood. “But please listen to me. I know I don’t even deserve that, but please, doll. I’m begging you.”
You stayed silent, pressing your ear against the door. Why are you doing this? A part of you knew that no matter what he said, no matter what excuse, you would open the door and fall apart in his arms. It’s Bucky. It’s your Bucky. 
“Okay,” He sighed. “In the small chance that you are listening to me, I can explain why I’ve been so distant lately. I was scared, doll. I-I’ve been doing these treatments with Tony that’s supposed to reverse what HYDRA did. In hindsight, it was supposed to diminish the effects of the trigger words on me and I could become Bucky. James, the one that I would tell you about.”
“But it didn’t always work..” He trailed off, staring at his metal hand, a reminder of the monster that he became. Even after HYDRA, he was still suffering. He had lost so much because of the Winter Soldier, he’ll be damned if he loses you too. “Some days it would make me worse. It was a lot of trial and error, I knew that going into it. I couldn’t tell anybody, not even Steve.”
“You don’t understand how badly I wanted to tell you. All those talks about our future, marriage, kids, all of that, suddenly started to feel like it could be a reality instead of just my wildest imagination.” Bucky chuckled. “But the treatment was a push and pull sometimes. Sometimes I’d feel like it was working and I’d be so excited to come home to you and kiss you. God, I miss kissing you.”
You wiped the tears from your face, missing the way his lips felt on yours. They were always chapped but the minute your lips touched, none of it mattered. You’d kiss him even after missions, lips busted and bloody. You’d kiss him in his sleep, pull away and watch the smile cover his face as he started to wake up. You’d kiss him when you were making love, incoherent words of love and affirmation as you both reached your release. You miss kissing Bucky, you truly do.
“Other times, I would lose control over my arm and it would just crush everything in sight. They’ve had to confine me in a cubicle until the symptoms wore off.” Bucky looked down, remembering the painful memories. “Being tortured by HYDRA was painful but this... Y/N, this was something else.”
“I was being tortured by my own self.” He paused, flexing his metal arm. The mechanical whirring made him cringe. “I was fully aware of what I was doing. I was Bucky but my arm was being controlled by someone other than me. Doll, I was so scared. I-if I were to come home, I wouldn’t have had control over hurting you.” 
“I couldn’t live with myself, if that happened. If something happened to you, I-” Bucky broke down, voice shaking as he continued his story. “I just couldn’t come home like that.”
You backed away from the door, undoing the locks. You took a deep breath before opening it. Bucky wasn’t expecting it. He fell over once the door he was leaning on, disappeared. 
You tried to hold in the giggle that was threatening to escape your throat when you saw the scene in front of you. Bucky, on his face, a hurt expression on his features. He looked up at you and instantly his demeanor changed. Your Bucky. 
He smiled, his real smile, despite his glossy, red eyes, He scrambled to get up and face you. Once he was on his feet, he tucked his hands in his front pockets, rocking back and forth. “Hi, Y/N.”
“Hi, Buck.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.”
You couldn’t help it anymore. You wrapped your arms around his torso and buried yourself in his chest. Home. He laughed at the sudden contact, not because of your reaction but because he was genuinely happy. Bucky wrapped his arms around you, picking you up to spin you. 
He kicked the front door closed and put you down, breathless from laughing so much. “I missed you.”
You refused to let go of him, your arms still wrapped around him as you looked up to reply. “I missed you more.”
Bucky leaned down and kissed you. You let out a broken cry when you felt his lips move against yours. It’s been too long. You missed this so much. This felt like Bucky. You guys were back. 
You two only pulled away from some air, goofy smiles plastered on both of your faces when you did. He connected his forehead with yours, eyes closed, cherishing the moment. Bucky would periodically leave pecks on your cheeks and lips, loving the way you giggled each time he did. He missed your laugh. 
“I’m sorry for not listening to your explanation before leaving.” You apologized, genuinely feeling guilty for your actions. 
“I don’t blame you.” He admitted, hands finding yours. He played with your fingers, taking extra care with the one in his metal hand. “I’m just so happy you gave me the chance to explain.”
“Didn’t really give me much choice now, didn’t you?” You teased, pulling him back into an embrace. “You show up on my doorstep, two timezones away from where you were.”
“I guess I didn’t.” Bucky kissed the top of your head, letting the scent of your shampoo overtake his senses. That’s all he wanted. To smell you. To touch you. To see you. To taste you. To hear you. You. That’s all he wanted. “I can’t lose my best girl.”
“Always a charmer, Barnes.” 
You stared at each other for a moment. There was a shift in the air. For months, both of you were deprived from touch. Bucky was never around and you started to distance from him, neither of you were cruel enough to be touched by someone other than each other. You both knew nobody else could fulfill the touch you both so desperately needed. 
Bucky kissed you hungrily, his tongue pushing past your lips. You moaned into his mouth, hands clawing down the front of his body. Your teeth tugged softly at his lips, a weakness of his. He groaned a beautiful sound as you pushed him, ushering him into the bedroom. 
You woke up next to Bucky. You almost cried at the sight, not being able to remember the last time you saw this image. 
Bucky was shirtless, a blanket barely covering his body, hair sprawled out on the pillow, and his mouth slightly, agape. He looked peaceful. His arm was under you, pulling you into his gravity. You could feel his heart thumping against his chest, a rhythm you could listen to forever. 
You leaned over to plant a quick kiss to his lips. You meant for it to be quick but his lips attached themselves to yours. You kissed back, smiling through the sweet exchange of love. You squealed as he pulled you closer to him, bare chests pressing against each other. He continued to kiss you for a few more minutes, not wanting to let go. 
“I want to wake up like this everyday.” He muttered, eyes still shut. “Just like this.”
“Your eyes aren’t even open yet so technically you haven’t woken up.”
He opened his eyes slowly, stretching his limbs out in the process. He stared at your face, his smile getting wider when he realizes you’re staring at him. Bucky’s eyes dart down to your exposed chest, a dirty smirk replacing the innocent smile he had on before. “I can wake up like this everyday.”
You smacked him across the chest, laughing at his words. “You dirty man.”
“You’re hot, babe.” He defended, pulling you close to his body again. “Take the compliment.” 
You cooed in adoration, loving the way warmth radiated off of his body. “I love you.”
“I love you.” Bucky replied, not missing a beat. His fingers started to draw shapes on the small of your back, not missing the way you shivered under his touch. You were always so responsive, even in the most innocent way. “I love you, so much. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you.”
“You’re not gonna lose me.” You said, reaching up to cup his face in your hands. You placed a kiss on the tip of his nose. “I’m sorry for leaving without giving you a chance to explain. I just thought I already lost you.”
“Never,” He murmured. “I just wanted to become the best version of me for you. You deserve that.”
“James Buchanan Barnes,” You half-scolded, tilting his head down so he could look into your eyes. “You are the man I fell in love with. I will love you even if it’s the worst version of yourself, you hear me? You are a good man. You will never lose that. I will never lose sight of that.” 
“How did I get so lucky?”
“I ask myself that too.”
You laid there in silence, enjoying the closeness of your bodies. It’s been too long. Bucky looked down at you, head on his chest and wondered if in this lifetime, he’d be able to truly live. Enjoy the love that he watched his parents have. See the world as a tourist with you by his side. Grow old with you and have children and grandchildren and pets, lots of them. He wondered if life would be kind enough to give him the life he’s been yearning for since before the war. He wondered if the void that he’s been trying to fill was in the shape of you. It sure seemed like it.
He laid there frozen, not wanting to disrupt your rest. Your soft snores made Bucky smile. He wasn’t able to sleep without the white noise that he grew to love. The nights he fell asleep without you next to him were some of the worst nights. He wished you were beside him. He wished that even now with you practically laying on top of him. He wanted you closer to him, if that was even possible. 
You began to stir, eyes fluttering open for the second time today. “Let’s make breakfast.”
You untangled yourself from him, instantly regretting it. You already missed Bucky’s body next to yours. You quickly slipped on his t-shirt and tossed his boxers on the bed for him to put on. He slipped it on and ran towards you as you put your hair up in a low ponytail. “You’re gonna have to cook with me on top of you.”
You threw your head back laughing, placing one hand over the arms wrapped around your waist. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Once you guys got to the kitchen, Bucky excused himself to go to the bathroom. You merely nodded, engrossed in the directions behind the box of pancake mix. You started to measure the ingredients, plopping the batter on the pan. You hummed to yourself as you waited for the pancakes to brown around the edges. 
“Y/N..” Bucky called from the doorframe of the kitchen.
“Mhm?” You responded, still focusing on the pancake in front of you. 
“Turn around.”
“What’s up, Buck? I’m making panca-” You turned around, the half cooked pancake on your spatula. “Oh my God.”
The pancake fell off your spatula, a blob of batter staining the kitchen floor. You covered your mouth with your hands. 
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N,” Bucky started, raising the velvet box while he was on one knee. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” You nodded furiously, rushing over to him to kiss him. He got up, grabbing your face in his hands to deepen the kiss. You pulled away, the smile returning to your face. Bucky’s hands shook as he tried to put the ring on your finger. You both took turns wiping the tears off of each other’s faces. “It’s perfect.” 
You two stood there, repeating your declarations of love over and over again. The pancake batter was long forgotten. You admired the ring on your finger and the man you would vow to love forever. 
Marrying Bucky seemed too good to be true. The love you two shared was something you swore only existed in the movies. 
It was the vast ocean, deep and unexplored. It was scary, intimidating, and you don’t know if you’ll make it out of it alive. It’s risky and overwhelming.
But your love was also the first chirp of a bird that you hear after a heavy thunderstorm, reminding you that everything will be okay. It’s the love that reminds you of the beauty in the ugly. 
Your love was the moon and the stars, the sun and the clouds, the dew on the blades of grass, the smell of freshly baked cookies. Your love was everything grand. It was the big picture of life, but it was also the details, so simple, so subtle, but it was yours. It’s your love. 
It’s indescribable but it makes sense to the two of you. That’s all that mattered. 
Your serene moment was interrupted by a synchronized knock on the door. Nat. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, motioning Bucky to follow you to open the door. You looked through the peephole to see a distressed Nat. You quickly undid the locks, Bucky right behind you when you opened the door. 
Nat took a look at the two of you, her signature smirk appearing on her face. “Nice to see that you two worked it out.”
“Thanks, Nat.” Bucky said sheepishly, his hand finding your hip bone and giving it a squeeze. “What are you doing here?”
Her smirk dropped from her face, her shoulders falling heavy. “We have a problem.”
“What happened?” You asked, leaning against Bucky.
“Thanos.” She stated, nervousness evident in her voice. “Thanos is coming.”
“Y/N, something happened.” 
You looked at Steve, dumbfounded. “Is he hurt?”
“When Thanos snapped his fingers, half of all living creatures vanished,” He started, looking down at his feet. “Bucky... Bucky was one of them.”
You shook your head, not believing his words. You repeated the words, “No, that’s not true. “Steve, where is he?” “How do we get him back?” You sobbed violently, Nat having to wrap her arms around you to muffle your cries. 
Your head was propped up on Nat’s shoulder, giving you the perfect view of the dimly lit bathroom where you were before Nat and Steve arrived. Your mind thought back to the two small lines you saw on the test. Positive.
You fell apart in her embrace, still not coming to terms with the information they delivered. 
Bucky’s not around anymore. 
I wasn’t sure if you guys wanted to be tagged for the second part, let me know if you guys want to be removed from the taglist for the final part! :)
@hurricane-abigail | @youaremyfiveever | @multi-fan-lover | @ladyofhellhounds | @readsreblogsfics | @heda-mikaelson | @winterseba-ficrec | @learisa | @iheartsebastianstan | @5sossebby | @stainedsouvenirfavs | @jessyballet | @vintagemichelle91 | @wxntersoldiers | @tfandtws | @chelsey-3922 | 
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springalwayscomes · 4 years
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The place where you are 
That place is probably Mi Casa With you I'mma feel rich  That place is no other than Mi Casa Turn it on, your switch  Yeah It's comfortable even as you say nothing With you, anywhere will be my home You know I want that Home You know you got that Home Your love, your love, your love (I miss that) Your love. your love, your love (I want that) Your touch, your touch, your touch (I need that)
Plot: It almost feels like a dream to Teahyung when he finally wakes up home, with your baby beside him and the delicious smell of the pancakes coming from the kitchen. He is home, he is home and can’t help wishing to have more, of you, of this family, of this life. He desperately wants your love, he’s been missing it for so long, he needs your touch, the place where you are is his home, he wants that home.
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut (so much it will make you loose your shit), established relationship
Wordcount: 10.8k
Content Warning: - oh lord help, here we go- dad!Tae, praise, dirty talk, fingering, blowjob, cum eating, creampie, swearing, finger blowjob, unprotected sex, overstimulation, cunt slapping, spit play, multiple orgasms, rough sex, thigh riding, mentions of masturbation, noona kink, cunnilingus, pining, missionary, hand job, pregnancy talk, impregnation kink, love making
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The delicious smell of the pancakes are enough to wake Taehyung up, his stomach growling already even before he opens his eyes. It’s late, almost ten, and the fact he gets to stay in bed at this time makes his heart flutter in his chest as he remembers today it’s one of his free days and gets to spend it with you and your baby, finally. After weeks of not being around - the promotion of the new album and tour and the actual tour always keeping you too far away from each other - he can finally allow himself to open his heavy lids and peek at your beautiful baby girl sleeping in the middle of your bed, a raw of pillows blocking her from eventually turn and fall. She’s so little she’s as long as his arm, looking as cute as ever with her doe eyes closed and and her puffy cheeks, lightly snoring as he smiles at her. His chest burns with love as he already feels himself grow impatient for her to wake up, wanting to spend as much time as he can with you both, but he knows that he needs to keep it quite. When he came home last night, you told him she only slept three hours yesterday, so she needs to rest as much as he should be resting now, given the fact he basically slept the same. It was the last day of him being away from you both, and the night before he couldn’t bring himself to sleep, secretively wishing to hold you in his arms and leave sweet kisses to the puffy cheeks of your daughter. He should really rest a little bit more, but he doesn’t want to waste his time like that. Not today that he’s home and you cooked pancakes as breakfast. Not when he could finally hug you as you wash the dishes like you used to do when your relationship begun. Damn, it seems a lifetime ago.
Taehyung couldn’t hide his smile even if he tried, so he simply gives in to it as he walks towards your kitchen. The sight of you in his big - big - hoodie is enough to make him feel even more overwhelmed, and the way you swing your hips as you hum to Singularity under the cloth is just and addition to his maddening heartbeat to raise.
«Fuck, I love you»
You nearly let the pan fall to the ground at the sudden confession, not really used to his voice being so close. Closing your eyes and putting another pancake in the dish you turn to the door, taking in the sight. It feels like heaven, to finally have his disheveled dark locks back here in the morning, your fingers are already tingling to touch them. His eyes are slightly glassy for the sleepiness and his lips look even more soft than usual, maybe it’s because you haven’t kissed them in weeks.
«Come here» it’s almost a plead and he can’t contain himself from almost running towards you, distance sucks and you both don’t need it now, not even the slightest. In fact, the way he’s squeezing you in his arms makes you think that if it was possible he would literally melt you with his body. Taehyung takes in your fragrance, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he leaves soft kisses on your skin, his heart beating as if it’s the last time he gets to be this close to you. It happens every time, and it’s the same for you.
You both love each other so much it is literally impossible to explain, even the I love you’s that you exchange seem to not do the job enough. You’d literally cut your arm if it’d make him happy, and he’d do the same thing. After all, you’re the only thing that keeps him going on every day, you and your daughter.
«I missed you so much, is this real?» you murmur against his pijama shirt. Your boyfriend smiles, trying to ward off just enough to lock your eyes with his but you quickly whine and squeeze him even tighter.
He giggles, the sound makes you feel like your day has finally reached its topic.
«It’s real» he mumbles, lips pecking at your skin another time as his hands slide under the fabric of his hoodie, tracing your back and lowering on your asscheeks.
«This is definitely real» he scoffs, squeezing them. You whimper under his big hands, and if he thought he had been missing you so much he couldn’t breathe some times, now he definitely thinks he was dead before coming home, you’re bringing him back to life.
«Your dumb ass is real too» you mutter as his smile grows even bigger. Taehyung leaves a soft kiss on your hairline, his action definitely contrasts his next one as his fingers dangerously approach the belt of your panties.
«I really missed you a lot» he whispers. His other hand reaches your cheek and you finally bring your eyes into his, melting as you see how they’re looking at you.
«It was so fucking hard to not be around you. I even missed your complaints»
You roll your eyes.
«I didn’t miss your dirty laundry on the floor the slightest» useless to say, you’re definitely lying. Just last week you ended up crying one night because your house seemed too tidied up without needing to yell at him.
Taehyung pouts, his lower lip almost brushing against yours as his expression makes you feel the urge to brush your pads against the dot on his upper and lower lips. You lift your hand from his chest just to do so, lightly caressing the flesh as he licks his lips right after, eyes shifting from yours to your lips.
«Why are you so rude, I was being serious» he whispers again.
«I wasn’t» you whisper back, already tip-toeing to get to his lips.
«I missed you and your annoying habits, every single one of them»
By the time your sentence is spoken your lips are already on his, kissing like it’s the first time. Taehyung’s lips are intoxicating, they’re a drug and you’re just an addict trying to get as more as you can every time you get the chance to taste them. They make you feel high, almost dizzy as his tongue explores your mouth, his fingers moving again against your back and caressing the skin like he haven’t done for far too much time. The taste of you makes Taehyung always wish for more, and not only in a sexual way. It’s like he never has enough, and he doesn’t even know how to start to explain the way you make him feel. The fact you’re in his arms, wearing his hoodie, standing in your house, making breakfast as your daughter sleeps in your bedroom overwhelms him even more. And he realizes he was right all along, all the time he waited for you and all the time he had spent stealing glances at your way. This is what he wants, and he could never wish for something else. Not even in another world, universe, not even in another life. You’re his family. And his thought hits him even heavier as he parts to take a breath and already misses your lips on his, forehead resting over yours as the pads of his long fingers tickles at your back.
«I have-» he pecks your lips «one» another kiss.
«I have one-» this time it’s your turn to rest your lips on his and he chuckles against you making you do the same.
«One thing to-» and it happens another time. He groans as he slightly nibs your flesh with his teeth, earning a light whimper from you.
«Will you let me finish?» he laughs, resting his forehead again against yours, eyes so happy and light it makes your heart throb with joy.
«Do you really have to? I want to kiss you until you can’t breathe anymore» you whine. His tongue comes out to wet his lips at your words, your mouth is watering at this point.
«I really have to» he chuckles as his eyes scan all of your features, heart beating at a maddening pace as he takes in the sight.
«I have one thing to ask you» he murmurs.
He shakes his head. «While we eat our pancakes, I’m starving»
He kisses you again before helping you finish to make your dishes and sitting on the barstool in front of the kitchen island, you sit beside him, desperately close like he would slip out of your grasp if you were just an inch or two more distant from him. You lean your head on his shoulder as you rip the pancake with your fork and bring it to your mouth, Taehyung lets his hand travel up your hip and scoots you even closer as you let out a moan at the taste of your breakfast.
«I really do love you a lot, you know right?» he murmurs, gaze lost on your face.
«You and that little scamp are my life and my family and all I want to do is take care of you for the rest of my life, because I can’t find nothing else that matters as much as you two. Not even myself. I’d literally do anything for you.» his voice has turned lower, his baritone making you turn just to meet his eyes full of fondness.
He licks his lips as you smile at his words, nodding because you know. You know it, you can read it in his eyes right now, just as much as you read it every other day as you video call through that damn phone. Taehyung wouldn’t even have a chance to hide it, even a stranger would be able to guess his love for you and your daughter, he’d guess it with his eyes closed.
You bring your fork to his mouth, waiting for it to open as he looks desperately deeply into your eyes, his hands coming up to cup at your cheeks as you rest your forehead against each other’s another time, the piece of pancake still hanging between your faces.
«Please, marry me.»
It comes out as a whine, like he can’t really bear to hold it in anymore.
Your heart stops, you swear the only thing keeping you alive now is the glint in his eyes, the love with which he is watching you. Taehyung’s heart is beating as loud as when he saw your baby for the first time, as fast as when you made love to him for the first time. And there’s a threatening feeling in his guts that is begging to tear him apart as you don’t seem to answer. His eyebrows knit together as he studies your features for the the tenth time and takes a deep shaky breath.
Truth is, you forgot how to speak. It’s too much to handle, you didn’t expect it at all. Taehyung and you had talked about it a little bit, but it was months ago and you weren’t really expecting him or you to propose this soon. Now that he bursted it out like this it’s making you feel emotions you’re not even able to discern.
«Jagi» Taehyung calls, his deep voice flustered. Your pancake is still between your lips and he lets out a tremulous sigh as he chooses to free the fork from it and wraps his lips around it, eyes never leaving yours. That seems to be the breaking point for you, as you burst out and let your self push hungrily against his lips, the pancake still in his mouth.
He moans as he forces himself to gulp, you nip at his lower lip with so much passion he feels himself about to explode right there and then.
He doesn’t need to kneel in front of you to ask you, and you both know it. Your heart is already his, your mind is already his. All of you is his. There’s not a single part of your body that doesn’t belong to him, not even an inch of your skin.
He doesn’t even need a ring, you don’t even care. All you need is his damn presence in your life until the day you die and you’re pretty sure that even then you’re going to love him endlessly. He is all you need, Taehyung is everything you can manage to think about, he is your thoughts, he is your happiness. It’s like a part of you is able to be yourself only when you’re with him, it’s hard to even breathe when he’s away.
«Please, marry me» is all you manage to say, repeating his words as you loose yourself in the taste of him. Taehyung feels his chest burst at the sweet utterance, the kiss had already given him a hint of your answer but hearing it come from your lips it’s fucking moving things inside him and the happiness taking over him is almost platonic as he smiles against you.
«Say it again» he begs, lips never leaving yours as his hands start trailing on your thighs, fingers causing goosebumps to form on your skin. He’s begging, but he can’t help it.
«Please, marry me» you repeat as you fist his hair, only now remembering you’re still holding the fork and letting it carelessly fall on the counter.
«Marry me, please, please.»
«Fuck, you’re going to be my wife.» he groans against you, another wave of happiness rushing through his body as he says the words.
«You’re going to be my wife» he repeats. You desperately nod against his lips finding it too hard to speak. Taehyung smiles and tightens his grip around you even more, long fingers sliding under your - his - hoodie for the second time, caressing your skin with so much passion and love that you feel yourself burn under his touch. The combination of his lips, the words he just said and the pads of his fingers slightly brushing against your skin until they meet your nipples are enough to make you as wet as you’ve ever been.
«I have a ring-» his lips leave yours just to leave a trail of wet desperate kisses against the column of your neck, and you have to hold back a loud moan when he nibs at your skin, you don’t want to wake your daughter.
«Could you give it to me later?» you shudder as you tilt your head back in pleasure.
«Yes, yes- Fuck, you make me so fucking happy jagi, I love you so much I can’t even explain it»
He sucks just under your jaw, the spot he learned over the years you love desperately.
«I love you too. Oh-» you bite down your lip as his fingers tease your already hard nipples, swirling them around and massaging your breasts with those big hands of his.
«Fuck, Tae, you’re gonna make me wake-»
«Shh, than keep it down» he murmurs, his low tone sending shivers directly at your soaked cunt.
«You’re so beautiful, so beautiful jagi»
His hands trail down your stomach until they meet your hips, his lips still attacking your neck until you decide you’ve had enough of the lack of his taste, slightly tugging at the roots of his dark locks to get him to kiss you again. And man- does it always feel better than the previous time, it does every time.
«I’m gonna make you feel good, yeah? You’re gonna come for me» he whispers as his fingers trail the path of your panties until they’re pushing them aside.
«Please» you whimper, eyes closing at the very moment his pads touch your folds, dangerously wet.
«Fuck, I missed your pretty little cunt» he groans, eyes shifting from your face to his fingers moving to your throbbing clit, he can feel it throb under his touch and it fucking makes him pulsate in his boxers.
«You don’t even know how many times I got off thinking about you, I wanted to call you» he’s breathing heavily as he watches his medium and index finger rub at your clit in an increasing pace that only makes you whine. The way you squirm at every movement and close your eyes is enough to make him think he could come without even doing anything.
«Why- why didn’t you call?» you let out breathless. Taehyung shakes his head.
«Fucking timezones» he hisses, adding just a little bit of pressure that has you clenching around nothing. He’s starting to feel uncomfortable sitting on the stool, so he stands up and opens your thighs for him even more, grabbing you by the back of your knees and pulling you closer to the edge of the sit.
«I don’t care about timezone, you know it» you try to hold back a moan as he starts sucking back at your neck, two of his fingers fill you up without giving you time to get used to the feeling, already arching into you and making you bite your lips. You missed his fingers so much that you feel overwhelmed now. All the nights you touched yourself you desperately pictured him over you, putting his skilled fingers to good use. Just the thought had made you come countless of times.
«But I care about you, I’m not going to call you at three in the morning just because I’m painfully hard. I can take care of it» he groans against your skin, earning a strangled moan from you at his words.
«Fuck, Taehyung faster»
His fingers shove even faster into you, lewd sounds of wetness filling the room and making your cheeks heat up as you hide your face on his shoulder.
«How can you fucking look like this? Damn, jagi, it makes me want to make you come endlessly» he hisses, his fingers are hitting all the perfect places, and the way his thumb now begins to rub back at your clit makes your hips jolt. It’s really too much to handle.
«My god, I missed your fingers» you whimper «I fucking missed you, so much»
Taehyung can’t hide his smile as he adornships you. He’s painfully hard, pushing at the cloth of his boxers and wondering how much longer they will resist until they’ll eventually tear apart.
«I swear I’m gonna give you the best blowjob you’ve ever received in your life after this» you whine, his cock twitches desperately at your words, and he groans as he bends his leg and blocks his toe on the lower part of the barstool. He removes his fingers from inside of you earning a whine at the loss, and his hands cup your hips as he tugs you even more towards him, letting you sit on his thigh.
«We have all day for it, now I just want to make you come endlessly. You’re so fucking hot it makes me ache» he groans, digging his fingers in your hips and slightly making you move on his leg, the pressure on your clit makes you feel dizzy and you let your head fall back another time as he bites his lips looking at your face.
«Use me, get off on me. Fucking god»
You place your hands behind his neck, feet now grounding on the floor as Taehyung makes sure to keep you steady with his hands on your hips. Damn, you’re going to be the fucking death of him.
«So fucking wet, you’re ruining my shorts.» he moans, clenched jaw as he watches the way your hips move. One of his hands comes up from your hips just to raise your hoodie and show him your breasts, Taehyung can’t help himself as he tilts his head and nibs at the nipples, leaving wet kisses all over your flesh and collar bones. Your breathing is uneven, the knot in your stomach building up more every second it passes by.
«I’d fuck you all day, you really don’t know what you do to me.» he licks at your neck as he makes his way towards your mouth.
«I’ll fuck you so good, I swear I’m going to take care of you every single day jagi. I’m going to give you everything I can and I’m going to work even harder for what I can’t give you. I love you so fucking much Y/N» his words take a total different way by the second part of his first sentence, but it doesn’t matter. His words are promises that he imprints into your skin like tattoos, the wetness of his saliva is the ink marking you as everywhere as he can get.
«Tae!» you moan in a whisper. Taehyung’s lips come to help you, kissing yours and swallowing your moans as you move even faster and harder on his tight.
«That’s it, come on me babe. Come on my fucking thigh, mess my shorts. Let me see that beautiful face of yours I’ve been thinking of as I jerked off when I was away»
«Damn, fu-» you can’t even proceed to finish your words, you’re already coming undone on his tight, the pleasure rushing through your body in thick waves and leaving your mind foggy and light at the same time, eyes shut close and chest heavily raising as Taehyung nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck and kisses your skin. You let your head fall on his shoulder as you keep your eyes closed, your body still twitching over his as you try to regain your breath back, heart beating at an inhuman speed.
«Are you okay?» his words make you smile.
«I’m really not» you pant. His head immediately leaves his hideout as he tilts it, eyes carefully looking into yours as his body suddenly tenses.
«You can’t come home and expect not to kill me with a proposal and a mind blowing orgasm» you whine. The warning in his eyes drifts away and he feels the tenseness leave his body as he smiles at you and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear.
«Actually, I was planning on making you come at least another time before I fuck you»
«Is this what this is going to be like?» you ask, a beaming smile on your lips as you peck his lips. His hands caress your skin in sweet, tender motions even though the bulge almost ripping his shorts screams nothing but it now, pushing against the material so much it makes your mouth water.
«I guess so» his forehead touches yours as he locks his arms behind your waist, his breath fans across your face and makes you feel even more warm than you already are.
«You don’t mind it, do you?» he grins.
«You already know the answer» you whisper. Your stomach grumbles just when you’re about to kiss him and Taehyung chuckles as he brings one of his hands in front of your face.
«You hungry?» his words are filthy, tone deepening as you feel the sudden need to feel his fingers inside you once again. His eyes never leave yours as he closes his hand in a fist and only leaves his medium and index fingers out for you.
«You want to eat?» his pads tap at your lips, feeling his cock twitch in his boxers. He’s really so hard it makes him ache, but doesn’t want to do anything else than to please you again. When he was away, he definitely missed it. He missed taking care of you, in every form and way. He missed coming back home to find you freezing on the bed and having to wrap you in his warmth just because the covers weren’t enough. He missed making you feel loved, he missed it as much as he missed your pretty mouth sucking his cock, and the fact that you’re opening your lips for him, eyes never leaving his and tongue coming out to lick at all the length of his fingers makes him loose his shit.
Your taste on his fingers makes you grin, realizing these really are his fingers and not yours anymore. He’s standing here right in front of you and today could perfectly be one of the happiest days in your life.
Taehyung hisses under his breath when you lightly nib his pads just to swirl your tongue around them desperately fast afterwards. His cock never felt more wet with precum than now.
«You missed my tongue, uh?» your voice is breathy and low and it’s making it even harder for him to contain himself. His jaw clenches as you naively blink.
«You missed noona’s tongue? The way I gulp around your sensitive cock when I make you cum?»
Taehyung definitely looses it now. He’s usually the one talking dirty, but when your pretty little mouth speaks to him like this his brain stops working, there’s nothing he can do about it. Your swollen lips leave a wet kiss on his pads before wrapping themselves around his fingers, moving slowly and witnessing the way his cock twitches once more. Truth is, the way he looks at you has you clenching around nothing. His eyes are totally blown with lust, drowning in yours as he does his best to hold his shaky breaths, lips starting to slightly hang agape as a sign of almost giving in and his messy dark locks framing the amazing sight.
«Fuck, yes» he hisses, his fingers start to move in your mouth so fast, hitting the back of your throat.
«Yes?» you stop his movements, hand wrapping around his wrist.
«You missed me doing this?» you leave a soft kiss to his medium finger and at the beginning Taehyung thinks that’s it, not really expecting you to grab at his damn cock and start stroking it through his boxers so quickly he doesn’t even notice you already let his shorts slide down his legs. His reaction his priceless, tilting his head back and letting out a strangled moan that makes you clench so tight that’d definitely make him come if he was inside you.
«Did I make you this hard? Noona makes you this horny?»
He bites his lower lip, the muscle of the leg still under you clenches and makes your mouth water as you hook the fingers of your other hand under the cloth of his waistband.
«You’re boxers are fucking wet. What’s gotten into you today? Does the thought of me marrying you makes you this wet?»
«Fuck, yes. Yes, noona» he gulps as he steadies himself against the kitchen island, strands of hair covering his eyes as you caress his sweet spot on his groin and then tug slightly at the material squeezing his length. You and Taehyung always had a balanced relationship, even in sex. You like to please each other as much as you like to receive and it took you nothing to figure out he loved to call you noona. It makes his cock twitch every time, he can’t help it. He loves it in the same way you love him talking dirty to you as he fucks you, shamelessly and helplessly. The fact that you’re able to switch who’s in charge so effortlessly makes things even more spicy.
«Yes what? Talk to me»
Taehyung finds himself moaning when you finally stop teasing him and suddenly lower his boxers, his long, thick cock hits his lower stomach with a lewd sound and his leg under you leaves his place just to help him be as steady as he can, he’s already feeling drunk because of you.
«Noona, please» his breath his dangerously heavy as he places his hand behind your neck, locking his gaze in yours. The way you lick your lips make him pulsate against your belly and you feel him through the cloth of his big hoodie.
«You’re playing dirty»
«I’m playing dirty?» you smirk, kissing his lips and trailing your fingers on his chest until you meet his nipples through the shirt  he’s wearing. Your lips lower on his neck and nibs at the skin under his ear, Taehyung is trying his best to not be vocal but he’s so fucking hard that by now every single touch of yours makes him want to scream.
«Yes,» he hisses «I wanted to eat you out»
You smirk on his skin. «My turn»
Your hand meets his cock and he holds a breath as the hand that was caressing his skin stops. He’s literally as wet as you’ve ever seen him, with his head dripping precum and making you wince at him.
«You’re making a mess on my floor»
He hisses once again. «It’s our floor, and don’t talk housewife to me now»
Your hand wraps around him with just the slightest of pressure that has Taehyung already begging for you to make him come in his mind.
«You need to get used to it» you whisper in his ear, a smile threatening to break your bold behavior.
Your thumb meets the head of his cock, your boyfriend - fiancé - desperately hides his face in the crook of your neck, nuzzling his nose onto your skin so much it makes your heart flutter. His grip around your neck tightens even more as you caress his head, soft pad collecting his precum and then swirling over his slit. The way his heart his beating and the feelings you’re giving him make him want to die right here and then, and another set of precum makes his way though his slit, making you hold your breath as you take in the sight. Taehyung’s face is still buried in the crook of you neck, he can’t even think of standing straight and holding its weight, he already knows he’s going to fail miserably.
«Noona» his strangled groan is muffled against your skin as you decide to move and caress his frenulum, you know he’s going to loose it, it’s always been his sweet place, it makes him loose his mind. Taehyung’s hips stutter under your touch, his teeth digging in your skin and giving life to a new burning sensation in your body.
«What? What do you want, baby?» you whisper.
«Please, please make me come»
Taehyung doesn’t even consider of holding back his pleads, not even in a million years. And you don’t even consider a “no” as an answer.
He’s begging you, and just the fact of it alone makes you squeeze him tighter in your fist, earning a gasp from his wet lips. If it’s possible his face buries even deeper into your neck, hissing and cursing at the way your “fucking little hand feels around me”, not even able to circle all of his girth. The way he’s holding onto you like you’re his lifeline makes a wave of fondness towards the man rush through your body and brings you to cup his balls, caressing them softly just like he likes.
«Fuck, Y/N» he moans, his hair tickling your skin.
«Do you like it?» your fist speeds up even more as you kiss his shoulder, yours hits his one at every movement, Taehyung feels already like he’s about to burst. All the days, the weeks you spent far away, the only thing that made him come when he jerked off was the thought of you. Your hands, your mouth, your body, your face, your words, your moans; it really doesn’t matter which one it was, cause it was always you. And every time he would make a mess with his white seed he’d always feel empty inside right after, just because when his mind would go back to normality you weren’t going to be there. But now you are, and he feels like nothing else in this damn world could ruin this moment, your presence is enough to make him moan.
«Yes, yes, you’re so- ngh, you’re so good to me» it’s hard to speak in this state. Your fist speeds up even more to the point your wrist hurts, but all you can think about is the man squeezing you and begging you to touch him and make him come. You feel his abs clenching against your hand, the other one now raising up to brush against his sensitive nipples.
«Baby, please»
«What?» you whine, as if you were the one receiving pleasure. Taehyung bits his lips as you speed up even more.
«Fuck- I want to feel your mouth around me» he squirms as he begs. Your hand leaves his girth and he seems to breathe again after an endless apnea.
«On the couch» you whisper, nibbling his earlobe as he manages to finally open his eyes. Your fingers intertwine with his and guide him to the sofa until you both stand in front of it. You lightly push him to get him to sit but Taehyung shakes his head as he brings you with him on the cushions,  wrapping his arms around your waist and digging his fingers in your flesh.
«I still want to eat you out» he smirks as his fingers hook once again under your panties, this time sliding them down and making you gasp. You only understand what he wants when his hands trail up under your hoodie and squeeze your breasts.
«Tae» you whine, already getting up, before you change your position and sit on his face you make sure to remove his shirt, tracing at the golden skin with your fingers. You only tried this once and it made your head spin.
«Fuck, I love your pussy» he groans at the sight as you put yourself comfortable on him. He’s still painfully hard for you, the tip of his cock the same red color of his mouth, swollen and begging to be touched. Taehyung spreads you open with his thumbs, he doesn’t even wait a second to bury his face in you, tongue already swirling around your clit and making you bite your lips hard enough to bleed a little. He’s eating you so good that for a moment you think about waiting to do the same for him, but the thought goes away quickly when you moan out loud and in response his cock twitches under you, another set of precum coming out of his slit.
«Shit, Taehyung, you really missed me» you chuckle between the pleasure he’s giving you, finally lowering to take him in your mouth. Taehyung moans against your entrance, the vibrations immediately causing you to do the same around him, and he lets out another moan. It’s like a circle without an end, and the pleasure builds in both of your bodies so much that it’s making you go out of your minds. The head of his cock hits the back of your throat and you gulp around him knowing this is exactly what it takes for him to loose his shit. And you’re right, Taehyung is already hissing under his breath, bringing his hands under your hips just to wrap them behind your back to make you get even closer to his face. He spits on you, as if you weren’t enough wet for him already, enthralled the way your wetness drips down from your count to your thighs.
«Fuck, do that again» he begs, his tongue  now making his way in your entrance as he sucks your arousal. You fist the air, desperately trying not to moan as you do the same around his girth. The knot in Taehyung’s stomach is about to burst, his balls are tight and he doesn’t remember how to breathe anymore, but he’s determined to make you come with him. So his lips never leave your count, not even when you gulp one more time and one of his hands leave your skin just to fist your hair, bringing you lower and himself even deeper in your throat. You gag around him, his breath fans you as he keeps fucking you with his tongue, alternating your entrance with your clit until you’re squirming for him. Your hands cup his balls one more time and the moment you do it his cock explodes in your mouth, hot white cum filling your mouth as you continue to move around him, his tongue never leaving your clit until you shake on him and come undone as he keeps coming. The pleasure is too much to handle with you both moving against each other to ride your orgasms, you try to swallow as much of his cum as you can, realizing only now he’s really coming like there’s no tomorrow, emptying himself in your mouth. Your legs shake and your second orgasm hits you even harder then your first one with the sight of his abs contracting under you.
«Fuck, fuck, fuck» you hiss as his cum finally seems to stop coming out, a little bit of it slips out of your lips but you don’t care, too much overwhelmed by the lips of your boyfriend still on you.
«Taehyung, god» you whine, the overstimulation makes your hips stutter against his face and he groans against you as he sucks desperately at your clit, his fingers coming again to fill you.
«This is-» you cut yourself off when he slaps at your pussy, making you clench around nothing for another time.
«Fuck, do you think you can come for me once more?» his voice is low and husky, and it adds a new wave of arousal to your throbbing count as he shoves his fingers into you, using his tongue to feverishly assault your clit. The pleasure is already building up in your stomach, so much that you feel already on the edge.
«I love when you cum because of me. Fuck, do I really get to spend the rest of my life with you?»
His words are the last drop that breaks the dam, you come again. Your hands fly behind you just to reach his hair, fisting his roots and tugging at them as he moans against you, the aftershocks of your third climax making you shake on his face as he places wet loving kisses on your thighs and tells you how much he loves you. Your body falls limp on the couch beside him, eyes shut as he sits up and shifts his position to be face to face with you.
Taehyung’s heart doesn’t even know how to think of a world without you, it’d be the death of him. And the realization affects him every time like it’s the first, wether you just came from a mind-blowing orgasm or your tidying up and scolding him for being so messy.
It’s crazy, how the world seems to begin and and end, make sense only when he locks eyes with you, it’s frightening.
«Noona» he scoots closer to you, wrapping you in his hold as you place your head on his chest and your body again on his. You ignore the way his cock is still half hard, poking at your hips.
Taehyung smiles, kissing at your hair and feeling his heart about to burst, and you don’t even care if he’s coated with your juices from his nose to his chin.
«Can we try to make another baby?»
And again, your world seems to stop, you don’t even know how to feel anymore with this man.
«What?» your face lifts from his chest to peek at him.
«I want another baby» he whispers staring into your eyes. Your lungs stop working as you take in his words. Taehyung wants another baby. He wants another baby.
«Are you being serious?» his hands wrap even tighter around you, moving you on his body until your face is at the same height as his.
«Of course I am» he whispers, his hands now coming to your cheeks to cup them.
«You want another baby?» at this point the hamster in your brain has stopped working too. Taehyung giggles at your stuttered face and nods, eyes never leaving yours.
«Yes, I want another baby. How many times do we have to say it?» he shakes his head, his thumbs caress your skin as his giggles shade in a more thoughtful and brooding expression. His pads move to your lips, collecting the few drops of his cum that you weren’t able to swallow drying on your skin.
«Do you want it?» he asks, already regretting the choice he made when he opened his mouth.
«I don’t want to rush you, I- I can wait as much as you need, I just wanted you to know.» he explains.
It’s like in an hour your life totally changed even though nothing is really new. You and Taehyung already acted like a married couple, having a baby and being distant from each other makes it all even more harder and solemn. You’ve been together for four years now and your baby is already almost one. It’s like you were already official, but hearing him speak like this makes it all more real.
«And with your job?» this is the first question you mange to let out. Taehyung feels his heart sink downer in his chest as the first thing he reads in your expression his concern.
«We’re going to find a way to make it work, we’re doing it now. We’re good at this» he whispers, his fingers brush down your neck.
«I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about it» you admit «I want another baby too, I’m just worried. It’s already hard when she starts crying in the middle of the night and my touch does nothing to calm her down. What’s going to happen with another one? How am I going to handle-»
«I’m sorry. You’re right.» Teahyung cuts you off. Pouted lips and slightly furrowed eyebrows, eyes glassy as he takes a deep breath.
«I just thought-»
«I want another baby, Tae.» you affirm, deeply looking in his eyes. Damn, you’d really love to have another baby.
«We just have to find a better way to face it, because I can’t handle two on my own»
His heart is swollen with the way you’re speaking to him, soft tone and bittersweet smile that he wishes to erase from your face with a kiss.
«You could come with me?» he whispers, eyes full of hope.
«The tour is ending in a month, and you’re not working anyway. We’ll come back home to work on the next album and it will take us a few months-» he stops talking to swallow harshly as he caresses your cheek with his thumb «you- you two can come with me, we can stay all together in the same room while we’re on tour, it’s always so bleak when I come back after a concert and you’re not there»
He’s rumbling as if he thought about it at around one hundred times and it makes you fall in love with him even deeper, the glint in his eyes as he speaks is screaming nothing but fondness.
«We could do the same thing when the baby will arrive. I mean- this is my job and it’s always going to be like this. If you want I can-»
«Tea, stop» you whisper. He suddenly shuts, realizing how much his throat feels dry as he stares at you.
«Do you still want to fuck me?»
Your words leave him totally stuttered, dumbfounded as he furrows his brows and licks his lips.
«What- Why?»
«Do you?» you don’t answer him, but neither did he, even though you already know it. His cock is still half hard, aroused by the way you came on his face for the third time and poking at your lower belly.
His eyes trail back and forth from yours to your lips, wondering what the hell is going on in your mind.
«Weren’t we talking about- Oh»
His mouth falls open and his eyes wide as he stares at you with his chest so swollen by the size of his heart right now that he feels that it could burst out in a moment. The smile growing on your lips leads him to think that maybe he understood what is going on, but he doesn’t want to built his hopes up.
«So?» he swallows hard.
«Yes» he breathes against your face, the answer came as low as a whisper, as if it a secret for just the two of you.
«Then do it bareback»
It takes him a few moments to realize what you had just told him is the same he wanted to hear, almost as if he doesn’t want to believe it because once he does, if you’re joking or he’s just imagining things, he’s going to fall miserably hard to the ground and standing back up will be more than difficult. But he knows you’re not kidding, you would never joke about something like this, and he knows he’s not seeing things when you caress his chest, he’d recognize the truthfulness of your body even in his deeper dreams.
«Are- are you sure?» he doesn’t even care about the way his tone his crackling in the middle of the sentence, dripping with hope and fondness for you. He doesn’t care, he knows he already lost all his boundaries with you, you know him like no one else does.
«I’ve never been more sure than anything else in my entire life» your words are some of the most beautiful he ever heard in his entire life, caressing his mind and his soul and shooting at them so hard that they almost make him feel dazed.
«Oh god, I love you so much» he bursts out in a whisper, the love he feels in this moment is so deep and it’s taking over him so much that all he wants and seems able to do is let it out, no matter in what form. Kisses, promises, sweet nothings, caresses, it doesn’t matter. All his actions are pure love, from the way he looks at you before he finally removes your hoodie to the way he’s already bringing you fully on top of him. His hands trail sweet touches until they reach your breasts, and a second later you’re already tilting your head back, hissing through your breath at the way his fingertips seem to know your body oh so perfectly. Taehyung smirks at the sight, you’re going to be his wife, and the mother of his second baby, he’s going to be a dad again. It doesn’t matter if it will take time to finally swollen your belly again, because he knows it will happen now.
His hand wraps around his girth as he strokes himself a few times, his boner is still growing but the sight of you with your back arched on top of him and your head tilted back for the way he’s touching your breasts, all exposed just for him to see and worship it’s certainly helping him.
«Fuck, I’m sorry it’s taking me a little bit» he whines under you. Taehyung’s cock sometimes does it, being this big it takes him slightly more than the usual male population to get fully hard.
«Don’t worry» you pant over him, his fingers are making you so wet that it’s taking you all of your effort to not rub against him.
«Tell me what you need»
«Fuck, Y/N talk to me»
Shifting your gaze from the ceiling to look at him, you find yourself spiraling in a whirl of panoramas that brings you to the edge of horniness, from the way his jaw is hanging low and his lips are parted, looking at you, to the way he nibs at the swollen flesh of the lower one, to again the way his golden skin shines under the light of the sun coming from the window and makes the sweat on his body even more visible. Taehyung is a work of art, and all you want to do is overpaint him with the transparent painting of your fingertips over him.
«I love you» your hands reaches his pectorals, brushing on his skin until you met his nipples. Taehyung’s hips instantly stutter against you when you lightly tug them between your fingers, he lets his eyes close and you lower more to press your chest against his, wanting to feel more close than ever and already missing his lips. He doesn’t seem to mind, since the very first moment you’re against him he brings his hands behind your neck and tightens the distance between you. He moans in the kiss, still feeling like he’s in a dream with you in his arms, next to be his wife and the mother of his child again. One of his hands trail down your body passing your waist and hips until it reaches between you two and hides through your folds, making you pant and break the kiss just to take a shaky breath. Taehyung opens his eyes to see your expression as you let your forehead rest against his, your lips open in a muted moan as he swirls his medium around your clit and makes your head spin. His cock twitches at the sight, and he feels harder with every second more.
«Please, god- Teahyung- nggh» your low moans are what he needs to fully stand up under you, poking at your hips and making you let out a sigh of relief.
«Please» you hiss.
He doesn’t want you to wait anymore.
The moment he leaves your clit to wrap his hand around his girth you whine at the loss but open your eyes to see him looking down at where his body is about to meet yours, wet pink tongue sliding across his swollen red lip as your forehead are still against each other.
The head of his cock enters your cunt and it’s like the first time. You’re not used to him anymore, not after all of this weeks away from him, your fingers or your vibrator are not even close to the feeling he gives life to in your chest. You’re already clenching around him and Taehyung lets out a strangled moan in response, his girth is so wide he needs to stop to see if you’re okay.
When you nod at him, he lets himself slowly make his way through your walls once again, always making sure to check at your expression.
«Fuck, how are you so tight?»
A little push of your hips is all he gets as an answer, sliding down on him more and making him clench his jaw at the feeling of you around him, squeezing him so fucking tight it’s making him loose his mind. The way his warm hard cock is filling you, pulsating inside you as he tries to control his actions his enough to decide you don’t want to wait anymore. You missed him too much, and all you want to do is make love to him and feel him inside of you. Taehyung finds it hard to soffocate a moan when you surprise him by fully sliding down on him, letting him fill you until your hilt, the stretch makes you whimper and you close your eyes to get used to the feeling as he peeks at you.
«Is this okay?» he whispers, cock buried inside of you and his hands coming at the back of your neck to make you raise your lids and get closer to him, as if him in you wasn’t already enough. In fact, it still isn’t. Taehyung would literally like to become an only person with you if it was possible. He’d melt you in his soul like you already are, and have you inside him for the rest of his life.
«God, I had forgotten how big you are» you scoff.
Taehyung smiles.
«You literally gave me the best blowjob of my life ten minute ago» he laughs, the sound sends shiver through your back.
«You know it’s different»
He licks his lips, his fingers place a strand of your hair behind your ears.
«Do you want me to move?» he whispers pecking the tip of your nose. The action makes your heart beat faster and you nod, Taehyung’s lips brush against yours as you both shift your position, your back now on the cushions as he makes himself comfortable over you. His hips raise from yours until the head of his cock is the only part of him left in you, and with his eyes resting on your face he deeps himself into you again, starting a slow and maddening pace that would send anyone out of his mind. Your heart beats so loud that you can hear it in your ears, he fills you everywhere. Your hear, your soul, your mouth, Taehyung is everywhere and your eyes fill with tears as the pleasure grows deeper and deeper, you realize how very much you missed him. The morning wasn’t bright without him, the dark sky of the night wasn’t shining anymore with its stars. It just didn’t feel right, nothing felt right without him.
«You’re gonna have my baby» his voice is labored as he keeps shoving into you, filling up every single part of your cunt. You feel the veins at the underside of his cock, you feel him throb inside of you and seeing him close his eyes and let out a muted moan only adds more pleasure to yours.
«Faster, please faster Tae» you hiss. Taehyung couldn’t tell you let you down even if he tried, he shove himself harder into you, speeding up his pace and making you whimper from underneath him. His dark locks are beginning to cover his eyes and there’s starting to create a layer of sweat on his forehead and neck, he missed you so much that being inside of you and feeling your walls squeezing him so tight seems surreal. He can’t help but look at you, his eyes scan all over your face as he hits a particular spot that makes you arch your back, his teeth digging holes in his lower lip as he realizes once again he gets to spend the rest of his life with you, he is the one who gets to love you, the one who gets to make you feel loved. Your muffled moans increase frequency with every time he thrusts into you.
«That’s it, right? Fuck, noona, you’re squeezing me so tight»
«You’re so good» you whimper, one of his hand reaches between you two to rub at your clit, the moan you can’t hold back in response sends him over the edge of control and he clasps his hands around your calves before bringing your legs up on his shoulders. The new position gets him to bury himself even more into you, bringing a deeper feeling of feverish horniness and pleasure in your body. Taehyung’s eyes lower from your face to where you connect, the way his cock almost leaves your cunt every time and shoves back into you makes him clench his jaw as thight as your walls around him.
«Fuck, my god- Tae»
«You like it when I fuck you like this? You like feeling my cock bareback inside of you?» he groans. His dirty words make your head spin, his pressure increases on your clit as he seems to bury himself even deeper.
«I’m going to cum inside of you and swell you with my baby, you’re going to look so fucking good»
«Please» you beg. Your pleads set a new fire in his chest as his other hand leaves your leg to rub at your nipple. When you arch your back Taehyung is sure he has never seen someone as hot as you in his entire life. His breath gets stuck in his throat and when your fist wraps around his wrist he looses it again. He watches you bring his fingers to your mouth, sucking at the pads and making him hiss under his breath. When you open your mouth again and he shoves them into you, it doesn’t take you too much to realize what he wants. You hollow your cheeks around him.
«Oh- Fuck, you’re so fucking- god, noona» and if it’s possible, he’s thrusting into you even faster at the sight, building up both of your pleasure and making you clench around him more often than before, every time he lets his head fall back, holding back a moan as his lips part. The view is too much, he looks so wrecked it makes you fell dizzy as you realize you make him feel the same way.
«I’m going to- Tae-» you don’t even know how to speak anymore, he’s fucking you so good you’re shuddering and the knot in your stomach is about to burst for the fourth time as he brings his gaze back into yours.
«Fuck, you’re taking me so good» he groans. You’re squeezing him so tight, Taehyung feels so fucking overwhelmed by the feeling that he lowers over you to kiss at your lips, making you whine and squirm under him even more as your legs stay on his shoulder and the position makes it all even deeper.
«Are you going to come for me? Squeeze my cock in your pretty cunt, noona?» he fans across your face. Those words do the trick, making you writhe as your walls clench so tight that for a moment he’s not able to move anymore. He watches as your body shakes, grabbing your chin in his hand and opening your mouth for him as your eyes try hard to stay open and lock with his, you know how much he loves to see you like this.
«Swallow for me» he hums, low and raspy uneven voice as he keeps fucking into you. He splits in your mouth as you keep clenching around him riding your high, the action makes your legs feel even more jelly than they already are as you close your mouth to do what he ordered. Your legs shake from the overstimulation and Taehyung murmurs a low fuck to his stamina as he understands he has to finish on his own, or at least not inside of you. The thought makes him wince, but he really doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. He comes out of you, his hand already fisting his cock as he looks at how fucked out you look, his eyebrows slightly furrowed by the pleasure and locking eyes with you.
«Please» you whine as his hand hits your legs still on his shoulder.
«Come inside me» your words are all he needs to hear, he speeds up his movements and hisses under his breath, sweat covering his body and glimmering over his golden skin.
«Please, I don’t care, just come back in» you whine. Taehyung’s eyes lock with yours searching for a hint of refuse, but all he finds is the love you feel for him.
«We haven’t had sex for too long, I want you to come inside of me. Please»
And he’s lowering your legs from his shoulders and burying his cock in you once again, making you shudder with over sensitivity as he hits your g-spot again and again and again. Your walls are squeezing him even more than before and he hides his face in the crook of your neck to avoid to moan out loud, your hands come to his locks, massaging his scalp and slightly tugging at the dark roots as the uncomfortableness in your body starts to transform in pleasure once again. It’s so fucking strange how this man fucks into you endlessly and makes you want to come every time again just after a mind blowing orgasm, maybe it’s the way you love him that makes you feel like this, but you really can’t help it.
You tug at his hair one more time as you moan, Taehyung smiles on your skin when he fully realizes that you don’t feel uncomfortable with him inside of you anymore, feeling a little bit more light hearted. He nibs at the column of your neck as you clench around him and he brings his long fingers to your clit another time.
«Fuck, this is going to be your fifth orgasm and I’m not even tired of making you come» he hisses, rubbing harshly at your clit. His shoulder moves desperately on top of you as he keeps moving his fingers, the muscles twitch and make your mouth water. Taehyung is going to be the end of you. He feels himself closer and closer, his balls tightened and his breath hitching so much it makes it even harder to breathe as the pleasure overwhelms him. Your fingers tug more at his strands making him wince for the pain added to the pleasure rushing through his body, his head hovers over yours as you fit your eyes to his. When your gaze shifts from his dark irises to his red swollen lips and you choose to bit the lower one, Taehyung explodes. Hot splatters of cum feel your cunt, his cock twitches inside you and the feeling and the look in his face as he rides his high send you into yours once again.
«You’re gonna have our baby» he whispers as his thrusts become more soft,  wincing at the way you still clench around him. The words are so low that you’re not even sure of how you heard them, but they strike through your mind and center your heart, making you hold onto him in a breathtaking squeeze as he stops moving.
«I love you so much» you breathe, hiding your face in his neck, Taehyung smiles as he fills his heart burning with love. So much. He’s totally whipped for you, there’s no point to deny it, even a blind could see it.
«I love you too,» he pecks your shoulder as he tries to imagine of a world without your presence or your baby, suddenly feeling empty and brood «so, so much»
And you stay like this, in silent and holding onto each other, with his cock into you and your hands caressing at each other oh so softly, whispering sweet nothing into each other years. When you feel both of your juices slipping out of you Taehyung suddenly comes out, his hand reaching out to hold his cum into you.
«This is going to stay in here for a little» he murmurs, hand never leaving your entrance. Your cheeks burn for the action but he simply giggles and places a soft kiss on your nose.
«Keep it safe» he whispers, his other hand grasping at your wrist to bring it to your cunt. He rushes to your bedroom after he wears his boxers, making both sure that your baby isn’t awake and taking a new pair of panties for you.
«Here» he sits back on the couch and helps you put the cloth on, making sure that his cum doesn’t slip out of you during the process and setting your cheeks on fire.
«You make me so happy, noona. I want to make you as happy as you make me feel. Both you and that little scamp in our bedroom, and our new baby, if we’re going to have one. I promise you I’m going to be the best part of me for you» his voice soothes you and lulls you into a heavy sleep, tired from the best morning sex you’ve ever had.
«It sounds like a wedding vow» you scoff at him, but inside of you your heart is throbbing with fondness. Taehyung pouts at your giggle but he can’t hide his smile anymore when you reach out and pinch his hip.
«Did you just spoiled me your vow?» you scuff again. He shakes his head.
«Why are you like this? You could’ve just said you love me and made me smile but you choose to make fun of me. You’re rude, jagi» your hand wraps around his arm and you tug him on you with a beaming smile as he lets out a surprised yelp.
«You’re smiling anyway» you tip at his lips, caressing his dots. Taehyung pouts once again under your touch.
«Why am I still waiting for you to say something sweet?» he scoffs, shaking his head as he watches you smile big and bright.
«Because you’re an helpless romantic,» you whisper «you want me to tell you how much I love you? Fine.» your hands run though his hair, he gives in your touch, fully laying over your body with his head resting on your naked chest. Taking in a deep breath, you try to think of how to explain your love for him, but it really is hard. You find your self sighing as your mind keeps thinking, and when you take in another breath like it’s the only thing that keeps you from giving up, you find yourself smiling at him.
«I love you as much as I need air to live» you whisper. And it’s oh, so true.
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ambrosiaaddiction · 4 years
Not Meant to Be
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Word Count: 1,404
Pairing(s): Anthony Bridgerton x reader, Simon Basset x reader
Summary: You are obsessed with the Duke of Hastings and become jealous of the fact that he chose to marry Daphne rather than you. If you couldn’t have him, then you were going to do everything it takes to make sure that no one else can before you take your place as his wife.
TW: none
Part 1/6
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
In the end, he chose to marry her. After all we had been through together, she placed herself in our midst and seduced him for her own advantages. It just wasn’t fair! Even when I had tried to warn Simon, he told me that I was being utterly paranoid!
The people who claimed to care about me would say that I shouldn’t be so hostile towards Daphne, and that I should happy that Simon was happy.
They couldn’t see the distress hidden in his eyes that shone with faux adoration of his erroneous bride to-be. I was supposed to stand by his side. We were supposed to be engaged then live in his grand country estate with just the two of us.
Whether or not we had children was up to fate and not out our selfish desires. Yes, I knew of Simon’s sworn secrecy of his bloodline dying with him, but I felt a small ounce of pity for the Bridgerton girl.
I, too, was capable of providing what he needed. I, too, could have a lifetime with him and not worry about trivial affairs. But I still hadn’t the faintest idea as to why he was the one who suggested to begin their elaborate ruse.
Once I had confronted him, I could believe the words that left his mouth. “Y/n, you don’t understand. The two of us are helping each other to fulfill our achievements. You need not to worry. You and I will be together again like old times.”
Oh, how foolish I was to hold his promise in the highest regard. It tore my heart to pieces the night Simon got down on one knee to propose to Daphne in front of her entire family. I slipped away from the celebrations, and found myself standing in front of a lake. It was dark for as far as I could see, but the moonlight’s reflection on the water showed how lonely I felt at the time.
With no recollection of how I had gotten there or how to find my way back, I sat down on the ground and curled up my legs to my chest. Why couldn’t I have been the one he loved? Daphne was beautiful and kind, yes, but she did not belong with Simon.
A tear then another and another began to fall down the sides of my face. I began to sob and whisper the words, “It’s not fair. It’s not fair. It’s not fair!” I had lost track of time, and then the sun slowly peeked over the horizon, which meant that I’ve been gone for several hours.
That was when I heard my name being called by several voices, and Simon’s was the most distinct out of them all. Some time later on, I vaguely remember being scolded by mama and papa because I made Simon, and everyone else searching for me, worried beyond relief.
They reprimanded me for wasting his time when he should have been preparing for the wedding that was taking place in three day’s time. The opportunity to confess my love for him was getting further and further away from my grasp.
There wasn’t much room for me to argue it defend myself when they were both right. What they said next swept away the last few remaining pieces of my already shattered heart. “Why can’t you be like Miss Bridgerton and put aside your problems, y/n?”
Miss Bridgerton this. Miss Bridgerton that. Everything revolves around that wench, and I hated every moment of it. Yet there was nothing I could’ve done to change the course of events.
Simon was to be married to a young woman whose skin was fair and void of blemishes, her hair kissed by the sun and voice as sweet as sugar. A young woman who wasn’t me.
It just wasn’t right. She was too much of one characteristic as though she ended up being all of the perfect qualities that a man was looking for. Speaking of personality traits, from the youngest Bridgerton to the eldest, they were all too good to be true. It was no wonder why I grew jealous of Daphne.
Although, I was not going to admit it out loud. I would be ridiculed and teased for my biased opinion of her. She’d knew how to play the piano, how to crochet simple yet intricate patterns, and her mannerisms were to be rivaled.
Now was a better time than ever to ruin her happiness. She didn’t deserve to have Simon if I had lost him first. She didn’t know what she was getting herself into or the real reason why Simon refused to have children.
I invited her to my home for tea and a brief lunch, which my mama gave me appraisal for attempting to make amends with the eldest Bridgerton daughter. Little did they both know that I had plans to break her down bit by bit.
Eventually I transitioned the topic about our families to her fiancé, and her eyes lit up with delight. Well, that wasn’t going to last for long. “Miss Bridgerton, how has Simon been treating you as of late? Fairly, I hope?” The question stopped Daphne whilst she sipped her cup of tea, and she cleared her throat before she spoke.
“Yes, the Duke had sent me bouquets of flowers and scheduled a dress fitting at the modiste later today. He is a very generous man.” She smiled softly, and I forced one of my own. “How lovely! You must be enjoying the gifts, I take it. Your family is quite fond of him, too.”
Except for Anthony, that is. Like me, he had done all that he could to stop Simon from marrying his sister. Then after some odd occurrence, he was suddenly the first to congratulate their engagement. It baffled me, but I knew asking him questions would only raise suspicions.
“‘Tis a shame that you won’t have any children, though. Simon swore to have his bloodline die with him, and his father died moments later.” Daphne’s smile fell apart, and she furrowed her brows in confusion. I raised my cup to my lips then took a long sip, quietly waiting for her reaction.
“How do you—” “Daphne, Simon tells me everything. I’ve known him far much longer than you’ve spent time with him, and he hasn’t shared an actual piece of himself when the two of you are together. He’s marrying you to placate the queen’s disappointment as well as the ton’s need for a perfect couple of the season.”
She went silent after I said what I have wanted to let out, and she looked like she was trying not to cry. The poor thing took in a deep breath then folded her hands on top of her lap. “Well, Miss Denbow, I cannot say I’m not surprised. You are a good friend of the Duke’s, and therefore you do know him better than anyone.”
I scoffed in disbelief and at the audacity of being called Simon’s “good friend.” I was more than just a measly role of comforting someone in their most vulnerable state; I should’ve been the one engaged to him.
“I never had the chance to give my best to you for the engagement, so I’ll say it now before you leave. Congratulations, Miss Bridgerton, and I hope you live a wonderful life as the Duchess of Hastings.” Silence and rapidly beating hearts. “Th-Thank you, Miss Denbow for the tea, and have a good day.”
After our pleasant conversation, I walked her out of the parlor and to the door. We said our goodbyes as the light in her eyes become clouded with betrayal and disillusion. “I must say, y/n. Job well done.” I chuckled and patted myself on the shoulder once I’ve closed the door then headed up to my bedroom.
Only time will tell when the relationship between her and Simon begins to tear at the seams, then I will be the one to take my rightful place at his side. He’ll realize that Daphne wasn’t meant to be his bride, and he’ll finally love me just as much as I love him.
It felt good to break the rules fate had set for us, and I would do it again to get what I want. Nothing was going to stand in my way of marrying Simon.
Everyone was going to accept it whether they agreed with me or not.
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sdmnluvs · 4 years
Home Town Glory- Minishaw
Disclaimer!! I know that Simon is in a very happy relationship with Talia! It’s just for entertainment purposes and to let me practice my writing. This is also posted on my Wattpad!
28 years old and he misses home more than ever. That's why he's walking the streets of Hemel Hempstead at quarter past 11 on a Friday night.
It wasn't his plan when he woke up this morning. But he had fucked up, told Harry he loved him and when Harry just stared at him he fled the flat in record worthy time.
Got back to his own flat with ignoring Harry's missed calls and texts. Grabs a bag and packs a weekends worth of clothes as Jj enters his room confused.
"You alright there Simon?" He asks dumbly as the taller runs to the bathroom to grab his toothbrush. "I-I fucked up, going home for the weekend!" He says, pulls out his phone to call an Uber. He doesn't care if it's expensive, would spend every dime in his bank account if it meant he didn't have to look at the pity his friends would throw him when they found out what he had done.
"Did something happen with Harry? Did you guys break up?" Jj asks shock evident in his voice. Everyone was sure that they were a stable couple. Maybe looks really can be deceiving.
"I need to clear my head for a while Jide, if Harry comes please don't tell him where I am," Simon says before grabbing his bag and leaving Jj standing in bedroom. Heard the door close and the younger doesn't know what to do.
But he listens to what Simon said. When Harry shows up half an hour later with tears in his eyes it takes all of his might to say that he doesn't know where Simon is. Says me might have gone to visit Josh.
It's evil really, Jj decides when Harry leaves his sitting room with a look of determination on his face. He's sending the poor boy on a wild goose chase for what? Jj doesn't even know what happened between the both of them. For all he knows Simon could be in the wrong here. He had said that he fucked up.....
But by the time he comes to the decision that he should ask Harry what happened the brunet is long gone and he curses to himself. Feels even worse when he realizes that Josh will probably send Harry to Tobi's to check, then Tobi will send him to Randys and Randy will send him back to the flat.
Simon calls him 2 hours later. He's sat in his old room and trying not to cry. "So what happened?" Jj never did have the best patience, Simons surprised he's waited this long.
"I overreacted I guess," the blond sighs. "I told Harry that I loved him. He just stared at me for a straight minute. I couldn't deal with it Jide so I ran. I ran as fast and as far away as I could. Sure I only made it about 27 miles away from home but I couldn't deal with the pity when I told you. I just thought, it's been a year and I've loved him for long. But I guess that it was too soon".
Simon explains it all and Jj listens. Doesn't interrupt just let's Simon talk and it feels nice. Once he's finished talking Jj comforts him. Tells him to go for a walk even though it's 8pm and the sun is going to set soon. Also tells him that Harry definitely loves him back. "He was probably shocked Simon. Give him time. Just go relax, hey go to that park you used to drag me to every Sunday!".
And Simon follows his advice. Tells his mum that he's going to pub to see a few of his old friends. He doesn't need her worrying about him anymore than she already is. So he heads out. Goes for a walk around the town.
Meanwhile Jj sighs when he hears the door knock again. Knows that it's either Josh about to give out to him for sending Harry round his when he knew exactly where the blond was because Tobi had already called him and gave out to him. Or it's Harry back, probably just as deflated as he was this morning.
Opens the door and he's not shocked to see Harry stood in front of him. Bit more shocked that Ethan is stood with him. Arm wrapped around the youngers shoulder. He's smiling sadly and Harry's a puddle of tears.
Jj opens the door wider and rushes both of them in. They all sit down on the couch and Harry won't let go of Ethan's arm as he re-tells the story of his day.
"I-I was shocked Jide, I didn't expect him to say it. I called him back, must've called his name 20 times but it was too late. He was gone. Cal wouldn't let me go until I had told him that happened. I never got the chance to tell him that I love him too. I got to yours as fast as I could. Then you told me to go to Josh and he wasn't there.
Freya convinced me to have a cup of tea and some breakfast. I didn't want to tell them why I was there but you know what Freya's like. They gave me some comforting words and then Josh said that he might be at Tobi's. So I went to Tobi's but he wasn't there. I stayed for a while, talked to Tobi to calm down.
Our last resort was that he was at Randys. But he wasn't. Randy made me eat again, told me that he'd probably of gone back to the flat by now. But that I should maybe leave him until tomorrow. I agreed and was heading home but I couldn't face it. The thought that I'd lost Simon forever. Like our relationship had started and ended in my flat.
Ethan was the closest person to me at that stage. Told the taxi driver to turn around...," he trails off tears falling faster and harder. Ethan throws a comforting arm around him and finishes the story for the younger.
"I tried to calm him down but it was no use. That's when I realized that maybe big man knowledge, strength, Integrity would know where Simon is by now!" Ethan says his eyes cold and narrow when he says Integrity and Jj knows that he's in for it.
He loves Simon he really does, he's his best friend but Harry's sat in their living room crying an actual river and Ethan's glaring at him as much as to say "Tell him the truth or else".
"He's away home for the weekend. I'm sorry Harry, I promised him I wouldn't tell you," but Harry isn't even mad. He lets go of Ethan for the first time since he entered the flat and hugs Jj as tightly as he can.
"Jide please, we have to go. I'll do anything, I'll, I'll-"
Jj stops him, the least he can do is drive the three of them to Hertfordshire as an apology to Harry. Even though it's 10pm and he has a meeting at 8am tomorrow. The things he does for his friends.
So here Simon is. Quarter past 11 on a Friday night. He had actually popped into the local pub. Met a few of his old friends and downed 2 pints. Laughed and laughed and laughed as they re-told childhood stories. Listens as they catch him up on everything he had missed the past 8 years not living at home.
Sure his mum had kept him up to date and he had come home every so often but he'd never found the time to catch up with old friends. Looks around the room and wonders if he had never left what would life be like?
Would he be sat here with the same group of friends every Friday night making memories to last a lifetime. Would Jide be KSI or would he be sat here right next to him. Would he of met a nice girl from the town and be married already. Would he of made memories?
Thinks and remembers that he's made memories to last a lifetime. He's met people, he's met his friends, he's met Harry. The love of his life and suddenly it's all too much. The walls of the pub are closing in on him. He thanks them for the laughs and memories but he's gotta go. Promises them that he'll come home again, with Jj this time and they'll make even more memories.
He looks back and smiles seeing them all doubled over in laughter over something one of them had said. He wants to say that he escaped but there was never really anything to escape. Everyone that stayed is happy. They're all content with their lives. And so is he. He took a different route that's all.
Left the pub and heads off in the direction of the park Jj had mentioned. He had wanted to leave it for last. Let's his mind wander as he wanders around the streets.
Passes by a group of teenagers shrieking in laughter, empty bottle of vodka in their hands and he has to smile. Because that used to be him, running through the same streets when he was younger. Drunk, young and free.
He's so engrossed that he almost walks into a woman. She asks if he's lost because she's never seen him around here. He shakes his head, tells her that he's not lost, just wandering around home. She leaves him be and he keeps going.
Arrives at the park and heads straight to the field. Lies down and watches the stars. Let's the day wash over him and he can't help but smile as he remembers the first time he ever went star gazing was with Harry.
Jj knocks on the door. Simons mum opens the door and she's so happy to see Jj. Welcomes him inside but Jj asks if Simons around. She can hear the desperation in his voice and tells him that he went down to the pub to met a few of the lads.
So the 3 of them leave. They enter and nobody bats and eyelid at them. Jj instantly spots the group of people that Simon should be with, it's just, he's nowhere to be seen. Swears under his breath as he approaches the table.
Taps one of the boys on the shoulder and he turns grinning. "When we told Simon to hurry back with you we didn't mean this soon!" The man laughs and stands up to hug Jj.
He laughs weakly "it's really nice to see you James, but do you have any idea where Simon is?". The man now known as James to Harry and Ethan shakes his head. Explains how he left 20 minutes ago, adds that he looked like he had been doing a lot of thinking. Jj thanks him and they leave,
"So we're back to square 1?" Ethan asks as Harry lets a sob rip from his mouth. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't of been such a prick today," he cries as Ethan hugs him.
"It's ok Bog, let's just head back to his, he'll be home-," Jj starts but then stops. He has a shit eating grin on his face. "I know where he is!".
They all pile into Jj's car once again and 5 minutes later they're pulling up to a park. "Simon used to drag me here every Sunday, I told him to visit here when I was talking to him earlier as a joke," Jj explains as they exit the car and head to the field.
And that's where they spot him. Lying in the grass eyes closed and mouth turned upwards in a smile. Harry walks closer as Ethan and Jj hang back.
"Si?" Harry asks shyly and the body shoots up. Looks around and all air leaves his body because Harry is inching closer to him with a nervous smile on his face. Simon can't take it, not whilst he's at home, in his safe place.
"Harry, please not-," but Harry cuts him off. "Simon please, just listen to me I beg. You don't understand what I've done to get here!". So Simon stays quiet.
"Si I was shocked when you told me that you loved me. Ever since I met you I was convinced that I'd never be enough for you. I was just a 17 year old kid with insecurities that would've drowned me when I first met you. But you, as cringy as it sounds you taught me how to love myself. I was finally in the shallow end when I moved in with Cal and Cal and I started drinking a lot, when the drugs started.
But you were there. Every single time I relapsed you where there. On bad nights that I was tempted you made me watch a shitty movie with you. And even though I hate movies I watched them with you. You supported me when I came out. And then you kissed me when we where in Vegas for Jides fight. A week later we had our first date in London and you weren't embarrassed of me. You held my hand as we walked home and you asked me to be your boyfriend and I said yes. Because I loved you. You kept me afloat, Simon I have loved you since I was 18, too young to know what love is as mum always said. But I loved you. And I still do.
And I'm sorry that I left you standing there waiting for an answer today. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that you loved me, you love me just as much as I love you! And I would've been able to tell you all of this this morning but Cal held me back and then Jide sent me on a goose chase like a whole twat.
So I'm sorry Si, I love you. A lot more than the moon and stars combined,". And Simons stood staring at him, tears falling down his face. Because holy fucking shit. Harry loved him as much as he loved Harry. Didn't even think as he tackled him into a hug. Kissed him deeply and had every unspoken word added to it.
And Harry seemed to just know because when they pulled away he hugged him tighter. They turn to their 2 cheering friends before Simon leans down to kiss him again.
Because he had Harry. Harry was his, the love of his life. "I even love you enough for the first time I tell you to be in Hertfordshire," Harry giggles and Simon grins at him. "Hometown glory I guess,". And then Simon kisses him again
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What true love feels like - part 4 | Tom Felton imagine
Part 4 is here! It’s the penultimate part, yaaaay! :( It’s a little more emotional than the chapters before, but I hope you still like it. I cried a little writing it (but I blame it on the wine!). Again, parts written in italic are flashbacks. Let me know what you think. 
Word count: 3036
Pairing: Tom Felton x Reader
Tag list: @abrunettefangirlnerd ; @youknowiloveyou-so; @the-girl-who-drew; @thescaletknight2014; @lil5sosbetch; @pipppaaaaalouisee; @mysticskeletonfireherring Thank you guys so much for your support! 
You can find the previous chapters right here:
Part 1      Part 2      Part 3
*Y/N’s POV* - two weeks later
We fall in love with three people in our lifetime. Each one has a very specific reason.
The first love often happens at a young age. You eventually grow apart or call it quits over silly things. When you get older you may look back and think it wasn’t love. But the truth is, it was. It was love for what you knew love to be.
The second love it that hard one. The hard love. You get hurt in this one. This love teaches us lessons and makes us stronger. This love includes great pan, lies, betrayal, abuse, drama and damage. But this is the one where we grow. We realise what we love about love and what we don’t love about love. We learn the difference between good and bad humans. We become closed, careful, cautious and considerate. We learn what exactly we want or do not want.
And the third love it the one that comes blindly. No warning. It creeps on us silently. We don’t go looking for this love. It comes at us. We can put up any wall we want, it will be broken down. We’ll find ourselves caring about that person without trying. They look nothing like our usual crush types, but we get lost in their eyes daily. We see beauty in their imperfections. We hide nothing from them. We want marriage and family with them. We thank the universe for them, we truly love them.
Two weeks have passed ever since I left my fiancé at the altar without any explanation. It have been two weeks since my father called my brother to come and rescue me from making a huge mistake. Two weeks, and I still couldn’t get my shit together to get out of the small house by the lake and face the consequences of my actions. I was a coward, it was no secret. During these days, I had only talked to my Mom and Dad, and once with my sister who wanted to know is I had enough vodka with me.
And I talked to Aaron once. We talked for long hours on the phone, or we just held our mobiles to our ears and said nothing at all. He asked me all those questions. Questions, which I couldn’t or didn’t want to answer. How was I supposed to, when my only answer was that I was in love with another man?! Before he had to go, he asked me one thing: to write down everything that comes to my mind when I think of love. And when I’m done, I’ll know the answer for all of my questions and his as well.
Tom. There wasn’t a day when I didn’t think of him. He tried to reach me so many times. He called, he texted and he even showed up one time. He knew where he had to look for me. He was the only one apart from my Dad and brother, who knew my secret getaway place. He sat in his car in front of the lake house and I watched him from the living room’s window, hidden by the curtains. He knew I was watching him. And it was enough for him. He made sure I was okay, and knew he had to give me time and space to calm down and think everything through. He knew me too well.
I would lie if I said I didn’t miss Aaron at all. That’s not true. I missed him. And for the first couple of days, it scared me. I was scared because I thought I made a mistake by leaving him there. But I had a very long conversation with my Dad about it, and I realized one thing. It is okay to miss someone, miss someone who is not right for me, but once gave me what I needed. Maybe I was the words that touched me where I thought nobody understood me. Maybe it was the touch that I cherished that way, the arm around me, and the emptiness that was filled up. Someone I could talk to, someone who listened. Maybe he didn’t understand me, maybe the void wasn’t filled in the right way, and maybe the beautiful moments were not enough to make the dark sides forget. But at that moment, what I needed was what filled my void, right or wrong. I loved him because of his beautiful sides, the beautiful memories that I we have built. And it’s okay to acknowledge that it might have been nothing more than a consolation, a dream, a memory, a relationship that did not meet my expectations, a relationship in which you did not match, a good hope, with a painful outcome. It is okay when expectations, dreams, and hope lead to disappointment. It’s painful, difficult and sad, but it is okay. It is okay, because that meant that I have tried it, that I have learned from it. I had to get up again, take my experience with me, look at myself and focus on myself, my new encounter, a promising future that lies ahead.
“So, for how long do you want to still hide in the lake house?” my brother came out of the kitchen with two glasses of juice in his hands “Y/N, it’s been two weeks. I think it’s time to face the real world again”
I took one of the glasses from him and drank it in one take. It was a nice change from vodka. It’s been like that for the last couple of days. When we arrived, all I wanted was to disappear from the surface. I literally hid in the bedroom, and only left the bed to grab something to eat or take a very quick shower. When I was ready to face myself again, the only thing that made my whole situation bearable was the power of alcohol. It helped me to forget about everything and everyone.
“How do you know when a man is right for you?” I looked at him hopelessly. My brother was good at giving advice. And I loved to go to him for it because he never used anything cliché, but tried to help based on his own experiences.
I sat down on the sofa and waited for him to join me. He followed me, and placed himself down with a sigh. I was more than grateful for him. He came to check on me every other day, made sure I had everything I needed and I was okay. He was a great man, and I had no idea how I was going to give all this back to him.
“Honestly, you will just know” he took a sip from his pineapple juice “You’ll be able to tell by his mannerism. The way he looks at you. The way he talks to you, the way he pays attention to every single word you say, it’ll be in his laughter, his attention to detail” he took my hand in his and give it a reassuring small squeeze “The atmosphere when he is around you, a man who makes you a better woman, a better sister, a better daughter and the perfect future mother and wife”
“Huh, wife” I snorted at the grotesque of the situation “I was supposed to be one by now, you know”
“Let’s forget that for now” he shook his head “You will realise a man is right for you when he makes you stronger emotionally, physically and mentally. He will empower you, he will bring you closer to your goals, and he will make you feel better about yourself. You will learn to love yourself, he will become your teacher, your friend and your soulmate. You will begin to realise that he will learn to love you, just so you love yourself. You will know he is right for you, the moment he walks through the door and your heart finally rests with peace.”
“Well, it looks like Aaron wasn’t the right for me than” I looked at the empty glass in my hand. Damian was right. I needed someone who brought me peace.
“He was, at one time in your life” he smiled at me gently “But you grew so much in that relationship, and deep inside you knew from the start, he wasn’t going to stay in your life forever.”
“You’re not mad at me?” I looked back at him “I feel like everyone who was at the wedding hates me now. I betrayed Aaron and his family. I even betrayed my own family.”
“Nobody hates you, Y/N” he laughed “They found the whole situation bloody entertaining if you ask me. Most of them someone predicted your move. When you showed up at the entrance with Dad by your side, it was obvious something was wrong”
“Thanks” I let a tear slip. It was the first time in the last two weeks when I let myself cry. I tried everything to stay strong and pulled together and to keep my head as clean as I could so I had the chance to think and make the right decision this time “For everything. You have no idea how grateful I am to you for showing up and literally saving me that day”
“You’re my sister, and your happiness is the most important thing for me” he kissed my forehead and stood up from the sofa “I’d like to stay, but I have to go to work tomorrow and I still need to finish the last bits of my presentation. Will you be fine?”
“Yeah, sure” I nodded and followed him to the main door. I walked him out, and watched as he drove off. It was getting dark, and the weather was a little bit chilly even though it was almost June. I stayed outside for a bit and enjoyed the calm weather. I needed it. Going back to the house, I found my Dad’s letter on the kitchen counter. I read it so many times, I could almost say it back without a mistake.
“To my sweet Daughter,
I don’t know who that man is who stole your heart, but if you ever begin to wonder if he is the one, ask yourself:
Does his laughter warm your body from the inside out? He knows that when you saw two scoops you really mean three, right? DO you dance in his living room while drinking cheap wine? I hope so, and I hope you’re both drunk and terrible and laughing to hard you cry. Does he tell you how beautiful you are, and if yes, does he say it when the morning light falls upon your face? More importantly, when he tells you, do you believe him? Can you cry in front of him? I hope you can, that means you trust him. When it’s pouring rain does he know that if your hair is curled or your eyes are sad that means he should get the car and get it to you? When he asks what you want for dinner and you say you aren’t hungry, does he ask if you’ve eaten today. And when you say you had breakfast, I hope he knows you don’t eat breakfast, and makes you a bowl of pasta, because that’s your favourite comfort food. Does he kiss you good morning? Good night? Just because? Do you know he like his coffee black? Unless he wants it cooled, then he will probably want some milk in it, but not too much. Do you know when he prefers tea over coffee? I never quite figured that out with your Mother. Have you figured out if he is ticklish? Don’t let him convince you he’s not, I promise you he is. Have you frustrated the hell out of him yet? You will, oh you will, but it’s how you two come out of it that matters. And when he said he loved you for the first time, did you respond by asking if he’s afraid of heights? I hope with my entire soul that he said yes, because that means, despite his fear of heights, he still fell for you. Now, sweet girl, you tell me, is he the one?
Love, Daddy”
I put back down his letter, only to find my shaky handwritten papers next to it. I tried to absolve Aaron’s task, but it was almost impossible. I really thought I wasn’t able to give a normal answer to his questions, but when one night I drank almost a whole bottle of vodka by myself, the words just appeared on the paper in front of me without me noticing. I wrote without thinking. I used my heart, and the outcome wasn’t quite surprising. I knew Aaron was ready to give me a second chance. He said it himself. He was ready to sit down, talk as much as we needed and even go to couple’s therapy to fix everything that went wrong in our relationship, but I knew better. There wasn’t enough conversations, there wasn’t a couple therapist out there who could make me fall in love with him again. Not, if I wasn’t in love with him in the first place. I loved him. I truly did, but not in the way which was enough for me to be his wife and spend the rest of my life with him. Aaron wanted me to choose.
“Oh fuck this” I said and grabbed my keys and bag from the counter. It was now or never. I wasted enough time, I didn’t want to waste any more. I hopped in my car and drove off from the driveway.
“What is love?” Tom asked me while I laid on his chest, listening to the beautiful of melody of his heartbeat and the rain on his window sill. It was one of those days, when I didn’t have to rush home after dinner. We could cuddle and talk for hours. Enjoying each other company. Kissing each other with love and passion. Playing with each other’s hands while we talked about everything and anything. I cherished these moments.
“When I was little, I thought love was about red roses and expensive dinners. Truth is, love is giving the other half your fries when they said they weren’t hungry. It’s waking up at 4 am to them snoring and refraining from shoving them off the bed. It’s talking about in accents just for shits, and trying to embarrass one another in public. It’s going on adventures, and making fun of each other. Its stupid fights and memorable make ups. Love isn’t pretty and romantic. Love is just stumbling through life with your best friend.” I brought his hand up to my lips and kissed his palm.
“I’d love nothing more than to stumble through life with you” he said silently. It was better than a simple I love you. It was better than any kind of huge and overpriced gesture to show his love. With this statement, he put my heart in peace. I knew it was wrong, but I fell for him. And I did it hard.”
I parked my car on the other side of the road. I need a moment to pull myself together. I looked at the huge house which was way too familiar to me. I couldn’t tell how many times I had been there before. He was home. The lights were up in his study, he was probably working on his next big project, or he was sitting by the vintage reading lamp, flipping through a book, writing down quotes he could identify with. With a deep breath, I got out of my car and walked to his front door and rang the bell. I heard his footsteps and he rushed down the stairs. I was out of breath when he opened the door. He was there, standing right in front of me. I could smell his amazing scent. Spicy aromatic. Bergamot, lime, neroli and apple. There was a slight hint of patchouli, rose and teak wood, along with vanilla, musk and labdanum. He smelt like home.
“Y/N?” his voice was a little bit raspy, probably from singing in the shower of while he made dinner for himself “What are you doing here?”
“I had to write down everything that came into my mind when I thought about love” I pulled out the wrinkled paper from hip-pocket “For first, I couldn’t. But then I drank a whole bottle of vodka, and everything was written down without me thinking about it.”
I could tell he was confused. He didn’t know why I wasn’t giving him a straight answer. Truth it, I didn’t know where to start everything. I wanted to say so many things. I thought I figured out my whole speech on my way to his house, but the truth is, the moment I saw his beautiful eyes, I forgot everything. You see, there comes a time when you meet someone and all the things you wanted in a lover just start to disappear. You wanted creamy brown eyes, and then all of a sudden his bright blue eyes become your favourite. You wanted someone who plays sports but the way he plays the piano or the guitar just softens your heart. You wanted someone who can use beautiful words to make you feel better but he doesn’t speak when you’re down crying, he just sits right there and holds you with no intention of letting go. You wanted a lover who tells you you’re the real art when you are at museums but then you meet someone who doesn’t look at the stars in the night but he just stares at your eyes. And you meet someone who makes you laugh. And suddenly he is like you wanted him to be. He makes you happy. That is all, happiness.
“Aaron asked be to choose” I said finally. I was chewing on my bottom lip. I felt like I was going to faint right in front of him.
“And who did you choose?” he asked me calmly.
“Well, I’m standing right in front of you”
Part 5?
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all1e23 · 4 years
Honey & Whiskey [Pt.1]
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Pairings: Alpha!Billy Russo x Omega! Reader
Summary:   Falling was sweeter than honey and warm as whiskey.
Warnings: None for this chapter. Typical A/B/O dynamics.
A/N:  I know I am your dealer for soft Bucky but I’m trying out some new product. Soft Billy Russo. Just take a little taste. I promise It’s worth it. This is largely a self-indulgent fic and also for my beautiful beta @moonbeambucky​​. If you like it write me a book report, sing me a song or come scream at me.
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!****
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You heard his car in the driveway before you caught the sound of the front door. This probably wasn’t the way to handle something like this. Prominent families didn’t behave like this. They didn’t cause a scene, and they certainly didn’t question a match this good. It was hard enough to find an Alpha that came from a good family, but one who wasn’t a complete knothead and genuinely cared for you? That was next to impossible. You managed to find that one in a million, and here you were pulling a stunt like this.
When you were a little girl, you read stories about the princess finding her prince, being saved from the tower, and living happily ever after in a big castle. So, you waited for your very own to come. You waited and waited by your window, but your prince never showed. You stayed locked in your tower with no sign of a savior. As you became older, you realized you didn’t want to be rescued, taken from one dungeon, and moved to another. You could take care of yourself without an Alpha there to defend your heart and fight the evil queen on your behalf.
Turned out you could handle her on all on your own.
Then you met James one evening at a friend’s wedding. He was sweet. Dark hair, blue eyes, and a charming crooked smile. He offered to buy you a drink and didn’t flinch when you reciprocated with the second. It was easy with James right from the start, and your parents were thrilled. They were simply over the moon. He came from a long line of senators, and his family were members at the club where your father plays golf. Everything was perfect. It was all working out the way it was supposed to, and in one short week, you would be married and bonded to James.
In the two years you’ve spent together, James has done everything he could to make you happy, not once has he abused his authority over you or made you feel as if you were less than him as his Omega. James has never given you a reason to fear him. Everything on the surface was perfect, but if you looked close, the cracks were easy to spot. Your heart had never had cause to race when he was near, and you never did learn what it would feel like to go weak from his touch.
It was doubtful you would ever know what it would be like to tremble from the brush of your Alpha’s fingertips. The odds you would find that love in this lifetime were slim, but if you stayed where you were, there would be no chance.
“Uh, Y/n…’ James stopped in the doorway to your shared bedroom and looked fairly amused, albeit confused by your attire. “What’s going on? Isn’t this bad luck?”
You glanced down at your wedding dress and grimaced. It wasn’t that the dress wasn’t beautiful, it was. It wasn’t you, though. It was huge for starters. Your mother had insisted this was the one from the moment it graced your frame. The skirt was so large you weren’t sure you would make it into the limo Saturday morning, and the bodice and lace sleeves were covered in so many crystals it felt like you were carrying an extra thirty pounds of glitter. This wasn’t the dress you pictured when you spent your days playing princesses in your bedroom, and all of this felt wrong.
You looked back up at your fiance, who was by your side in an instant when he saw fresh tears falling down your cheeks. James quickly wiped them away with only his thumbs. No tender kisses brushed them away, his touch was gentle but not in a way that soothed the restlessness in your soul.
“Do you feel something seeing me in this? I mean, really feel something? Because I don’t feel anything when I put it on. I’ve been trying so hard to feel something, anything but... I don't."
James tossed his keys on the dresser and stuffed his hands in his pockets now that he realized what this was. It wasn’t a simple case of cold feet or some cute moment you were going to bring up at the rehearsal for a quick laugh during toasts. He didn’t look mad, he was disconcerted, and you couldn’t blame him for that.
You didn’t fully understand why yourself, so you couldn’t expect him to.
“Okay. What is this, baby? What’s going on?”
As good and kind as James was, it wasn’t there.
“I’m not in love, and I don’t think you are either.”
The confirmation you needed flashed in his eyes. He didn’t feel it either. You stepped forward and held your hands out for his. James placed his hands in your hands without any hesitation, his fingers tightened around yours the longer the silence stretched between you. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when his eyes opened again, there was something different about them. They were filled with acceptance and a little bit of relief you knew he wouldn’t want you to see.
“I do love you, and I would take care of you,” James offered as if he was giving you one last opportunity to change your mind. One more chance to do the right thing.
You kissed his cheek and pulled your hand back from his hold, leaving the three-carat oval cut diamond resting in his palm. People lived that lie every day. Your parents, James’s parents, and you wouldn’t be surprised to find out it was the foundation on which most of the marriages you knew were born. Its prevalence among your social status was hefty and typical, but that wouldn’t be fair to either of you.
It wasn't a lie you could spend the rest of your life telling.
“I know, but I want more than that. I want to feel it.”
“Okay, May. I am out of here,” You chirped. It had been a long, exhausting day. You worked a double shift after one of the other waitresses, an Omega, called out claiming she was in heat, but this was her third heat in four months. It was entirely possible that she was being truthful and not using her designation to get extra days off so she could play house with that Beta she’s been dating since Halloween. Maybe she was a medical marvel, and her heats really did come three times as often as every other Omega on the planet.
All you knew for certain? Your bed was calling your name, and you could not wait to get out of this diner.
“The rush seems to have died down, and I am dead on my feet, so I’m leaving before we get the late dinner crowd, and you beg me to stay.”
“Yeah, yeah. Always complaining,” May teased with a grin and a motherly gleam in her eye. “Take your cut from the tips, and then I want you to eat and get some sleep. You can come in for the dinner shift tomorrow.”
“You gonna clear that with Roger?”
May rolled her eyes at the mention of your boss; Alpha and every bit the knothead prick.
“I’ll deal with him. Don’t you worry about it.”
"Hey, Y/n.” You glanced at Karen, who had a taunting smirk making her pale cheeks flush, she was pointing to the far back of the diner with her order pad, and she mocked with a teasing grin, “Look who it is! Your boy arrived just in time to see you off."
Your eyes followed her bright purple pen, and your knees went weak the moment you laid eyes on him. You didn’t know he was coming tonight. It’s been four days since you last saw his pretty face (not that you were counting or anything!), and you hadn’t realized how much you missed him until that moment. The handsome, dark-haired Alpha was sitting at one of your usual tables and looked uneasy, his leg was bouncing up and down at a vigorous pace, his dark blue hoodie pulled up over his head, and he was wringing his hands together as he scanned the small diner for you -- what you hoped was for you anyway.
"Don't get any ideas about that, Alpha." May Parker huffed.
The older Omega was a little cynical from the cards life had dealt her, and from the second you showed up looking for a job, she took it upon herself to look after you the way a mother would. It wasn't as if your mother had any interest in your life at the moment, not after you embarrassed her and left a black smear on your family’s name. A mark didn’t suffice for the choices you made. Your actions affected everyone in the family, bled onto the very fabric your ancestors stitched together, and made a tear that thread and needle could never mend. Apparently, you should have married even though you weren’t in love and simply found a way to fall in love with James after vows and rings were exchanged.
At least May understood your choice, and you couldn’t blame her for the fire in her eyes and the ice in her touch when it comes to Alphas; life had not been kind to her. Despite losing her true mate at a young age, only to end up with a sad stand-in for the man she lost. He abused his designation and using it to control her and her son. It took years to rid herself of him, but she built a nice life without him. She obtained assistance from an Omega Shelter, went through therapy to break their bond, and even bought a place of her own. Even after all the good that has come over the last seven years, the clouded memories have left her jaded and wary.
"You need to find someone that will take care of you, and he's not it. You stay away from Billy Russo, you hear me? He's not a good Alpha. I’ve known him longer than you have.”
That was true. You’ve only been in the city for eight months and working at Sunrise Diner for seven. Billy was a customer long before you came around, but according to Karen, he would pick up an order to go, barely spoke to anyone, and never tried to get a table. May didn’t know him any better than you did. It wasn’t as if they had some long-standing relationship or history. You were grateful for the advice, but you could make your own judgments.
You’ve let someone else be your eyes and voice for far too long, and you weren’t about to allow yourself to repeat past mistakes.
Billy finally found you standing behind the counter, and the second your eyes locked his own lit up, his legs settled, and the smile on his face just about knocked you over. Your smile widened as you stared at each other for what felt like ages.
"Y/n, are you listening to me?” May snapped her fingers in front of your face, forcing your eyes to focus on her.  “He's trouble. Ex-marine with more issues than one person can handle."
You tossed your apron under the register in the black bin that held all the dirty smocks for the night. You glanced at your reflection in the silver napkin holder, resting in the order window and swore under your breath. Your hair’s frayed and sticking out every which way, and your lip gloss faded the first hour into your shift. It was too late to do anything about that now. Not with May watching your every move and Billy sitting so close, his eyes trained on you now that he found you.
Having Billy watch you fix your lipstick because he came in would be an embarrassment you wouldn’t survive.
"That's why he should have someone he can lean on. We are friends. I have a feeling he needs someone that won’t judge him for a past he can’t change.”
"Trouble,” May huffed. “You're asking for trouble."
You practically skipped over to the table Billy sat at. Same one as always. The booth at the far back of the bright restaurant where he had a view of the bathrooms and the front door. He always sat with his back against the wall, and every few minutes, his eyes wandered over to the exit door on his right. You didn’t know what happened, but you knew it was enough to keep him on edge at all times.
"Hey, Stranger."
Billy's near-black eyes looked brighter now that you’re near, and he gave you that toothy grin that made your stomach flip.
"Hey, sunshine.”
Billy has called you that from the moment you met, you weren’t sure why, but it made your heart race every time it rolled off his tongue. You have to admit you didn’t hate the feeling.
"You haven't been in for a few days. I was starting to think the mac and cheese scared you off."
That wasn’t really true. Though, you did question the state of the mac and cheese on a regular basis. The way the noodles all stuck together in that round ball wasn’t natural. This was more about you than sticky elbow pasta goop. You were slightly worried that he may have started seeing an Omega and would no longer be coming by for these late-night visits. Not that it was any of your business. It’s not as if you’re bonded or even potential mates. You haven’t spent a moment with  Billy outside this diner. You had not an ounce of claim on him, and you certainly didn’t have a say in who he spent his days with -- or his nights.
Billy let his hood fall back, and he ran a hand over his buzzed hair. His scars were no longer as angry and red as they were when he first came in on that rainy Tuesday afternoon seven months ago. You can still recite every word he said to you that day like some silly school girl daydreaming about the cute boy in study hall. Some nights you did just that, on evenings when he didn’t come by or stayed far too late and left your heart aching for another ten minutes.
Scars or no, he was still the most handsome Alpha you had ever seen.  
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I, uh, it's been a tough few days is all, and I haven't had a second to come in."
You eyed him for a long minute, and you realized what he meant by a tough few days. More like it smacked you right in the face -- rut.
Did he share his rut with someone?
No. No, probably not.
Billy didn’t seem to give his trust freely, so you doubted he called a Service Center to help him through his rut. That didn't mean he didn't have an Omega in his life, one he trusted enough to share it with. It shouldn’t matter if he did, so why did you want to know so badly? It would be easier if you could simply scent him to find out. That’s what you wanted to do. You were aching to scent him right there in the middle of the damn diner in front of Karen, May, and anyone else that wanted to stare. You wanted to be sure there wasn’t a hint of another Omega anywhere near him, maybe leave a little bit of you on him.
What the hell was wrong with you?
You’ve never been this possessive before. Even with James, you never cared if he came home smelling like another Omega. Hell, you never gave it a thought. Billy wasn’t yours, and you needed to remember that.
"I’m glad you’re back. I missed you."
Billy tried to fight off his grin. He tried hard, but it still showed up brightly enough to make you simper. He must have liked that because his scent sweetened, and it was so thick it had your knees shaking. You stood up as straight as you could and locked your knees. Letting your legs give out over some handsome Alpha like a stereotypical Omega would be a shame you could never come back from.
"Is that right?" Billy drawled, smirking as he took in the tremble in your knees and the honey sugaring your scent.
"Yeah, you're my favorite customer,” you answered with a slight shrug. Billy chuckled and ducked his head to hide the pink spreading from his cheeks down his neck, but you caught the rosy hue regardless.
"Favorite." He recited the word as if he didn't like the way it tasted on his tongue like he was confused as to why you would use that word in association with him.
"Without question,” you assured him.
The hesitation in his eyes and confusion had your heart breaking. Someone along the way, recently or long ago, made him feel as though he wasn’t worthy of being someone’s favorite, of being that important to someone. The thought made your gut clench in the worst way. Billy was more than deserving of that title.
"So, I'm about to get off. My shift actually ended about ten minutes ago. Well, technically, my shift ended at two, not eight, but one of the girls is out making medical history, so here I am."
"Oh,” Billy murmured. He was disappointed, that was plain to see. The light in Billy’s eyes instantly faded, and he began to slide out of the booth. You had a feeling if he left now, he would end up picking tacos off the dollar menu at some fast-food chain, eating all alone back at his place. You couldn’t have that now, could you? Besides, friends have dinner together all the time. Isn’t that what Karen told you every time she had dinner with Frank?
Yes, friends could have dinner together, and it didn’t have to mean more than noodles and cheese.
”I can- I'll go eat somewhere else. I don’t want to keep you if you’re going home.”  
You rested your hand on his shoulder to keep him from sliding out past you and shook your head, still smiling down at him. "Oh, no, you don’t. Unless you want to leave, of course. Food here isn't great."
Billy looked up at you, and his eyes have gone dark again, but it wasn’t in the way you liked. He was struggling to figure out what he wanted to say. You could see the moment Billy gave in to whatever it was, he was wrestling with and confessed, “I don't come here for the food.”
Your heart was pounding so hard you swore you could hear it in your ears. No doubt, Billy could pick it up in your scent. You never considered buying suppressants until you met Billy Russo. Then again, there were a lot of things you never considered until you met him. You blew out a shaky breath, and your words came out in as a stuttering mess, "Then… w-why do you come h-here?"
Billy held your gaze but didn’t elaborate further. It was probably for the best. If he had said what you thought could be the reason you might have melted right there at his feet and would have been forced to quit your job citing irremediable humiliation.
"Okay, um, well, I maybe thought I could eat with you? I haven't eaten since this morning, and I've been working all day, so I’m starving."
Billy frowned at that, and he quickly pressed for more, "You haven't eaten all day? So, that means you worked all day without taking a break?”
"Yeah, it happens. Some days it's really busy, and I don't get a second. Roger, our boss, he’s not great at following labor laws. If things get busy like they were today, there is no way he’s letting me take a break.”
If it was possible, Billy’s eyes blackened, and his normal candied scent turned sour. It was a subtle change to the whiskey and brown sugar scent you’ve come to know. He wasn’t on blockers, nor were you, it made his feelings easy to read. You weren’t sure he liked that fact at the moment. The scrunch of his nose and the wrinkle in his brow said he was trying to control his feelings to keep them hidden from you, or maybe he was attempting to understand whatever feeling was jumbled in his head.
“I don’t-- I don’t like that. You should be getting breaks so you can eat. You have to eat.”
You didn’t like it either, but there was little you could do. You had no way to prove that Roger refused to let you take breaks, and it wasn’t like he said he would fire you if you went on break. It only was heavily implied, and he knew when to use an Alpha command, with the tiniest drop in his voice, he had Omegas scampering to do as he wished. Thankfully, you have yet to be on the receiving end, and you had no intention of experiencing it. You needed this job whether or not Billy approved of your break schedule. You couldn’t do anything about Roger or your schedule, but you might be able to fix Billy’s spoiled mood and catch another glimpse of his pretty smile.
"How about you feed me then?" You suggested with a grin.
Billy’s frown quickly faded into a crooked smirk, a gentle chuckle followed, and everything turned sweeter. Whenever Billy was smiling, there was a little more sugar and a little less whiskey floating nearby, and it often left your head spinning for days after. You’ve never been one to fall for a sugar rush over a whiskey high -- until now.
"Okay, Sunshine. I can do that. Do you want to eat here or somewhere else?"
"Where are you most comfortable?"
"Where am I most comfortable…” Billy repeated the question, brows furrowed in thought, and he responded without thinking, “I’m most comfortable when I’m with you."
Billy quickly realized that was not what you meant when he looked up to see your eyes widen.  He cleared his throat and sat up straighter as he tacked on an addendum, hoping you would ignore his first admission. "Nowhere that’s loud. Or, um, crowded. I’m not great in large rowdy groups. I need a place I can sit like this. My back against the wall and know my exits."
You knew that already and now you were mad at yourself for making him admit it out loud, but you had to confess not all of his revelation sounded so bad.
"I'll tell you what I live right around the corner. How about you come over, and I'll make you dinner?"
Inviting an Alpha you barely knew back to your place wasn’t the smartest thing you’ve done. Everyone knows, Omegas at least, you never tell an Alpha your address until you’re courting, and you know what kind you’re dealing with. You couldn’t explain why but your heart and your head were telling you to trust him and when they agree on something you listen.
“You want me to come back to your apartment?”
Billy seemed to be questioning your judgment, but nothing felt wrong about having Billy in your home.
“Only if it will make you feel more comfortable. If not, I know a pizza place a few blocks away, but we will have to catch a cab.”
You truly didn’t mind either way as long as Billy was comfortable. He took a few thoughtful seconds before he nodded. “Your place is okay. If you’re sure, you want me to know where you live.”
You grinned and stepped back so he could stand. “Let me grab my purse, and I’ll meet you by the door, okay?”
Billy didn’t have a chance to answer because you were bounding off towards the counter and the group of nosy Omegas watching you both with interest. Billy stuffed his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, watching you share a few hushed whispers with the older woman behind the register.
“You’re leaving together? Y/n, this is not a good idea. Why can’t you stay here together where we keep an eye on you? It would be safer that way.”
“I said I’m fine. I don’t need you to look after me just because I’m an Omega. I can handle myself, and I can handle Billy.”
“He’s not what you think. I only want you to be careful.”  
You jerked your jacket out from under the counter and slipped your arms into the black puffy arms. You were already done with this. She didn’t know Billy any better than you did. Maybe she saw some things, or he came off like a typical asshole Alpha once when they first met, but the only conversation they have had revolved around grilled cheese sandwiches and you. You stopped in front of May, and you couldn’t keep the ice out of your voice even if you had wanted to. “Did you ever stop to think that maybe he’s not what you think? I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night, May.”
Billy glanced over your shoulder and back at you as you approached. “Everything alright over there?”
“Oh, you know.” You shrugged as you stepped out the door Billy was holding open for you. “Co-worker drama.”
There were tiny bits of moonlight shining down on the sidewalk next to you. It was awkward at first. This wasn’t your normal dynamic. Billy came in and ordered the same grilled cheese and fries every night; not that you could blame him for that, it was probably the only edible thing on the menu. You would make some cute comment about melted cheese and Billy would give you that smile that set skin on fire, he left a tip that was always triple the cost of the tiny sandwich and promised to see you real soon. You knew the risks that came with what you were doing. You are breaking the first rule they teach you in Orientation class, but you didn’t care, and it didn’t scare you.
Billy didn’t scare you.
“You know you really shouldn’t invite Alphas you don’t know back to your apartment. It’s not safe. I could be anyone. I could be some asshole Alpha using that sweetness in your heart to take advantage of you.”
Maybe that was the thing that should scare you -- your blind trust for an Alpha you barely knew.
“No, you’re not, Billy.”
“Yeah? How do you know that, Sunshine?”
Billy was teasing you, the mile-wide grin on his face told you so. You shook your head and matched his smile. The answer was pretty simple, really. It was the one thing missing with James. You felt the tension in your shoulders lift, and you told him the only thing about tonight that mattered.  
“I can feel it.”
Masterlist // Part 2
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motherdoraaaa · 3 years
I kinda like the fanfics of mlb where Gabriel made his wish then everything goes wrong and he totally regrets it?
So i made a fic.....
Ladybug- no, Marinette limped to the side of the lair where Cha- Adrien laid. With her legs broken and her ribs fractured she grunted in pain as she moved to her partner's side. Adrien opened one of his bloodied eyes to see Marinette moving to his side. He silently held her hand as their heads meet.
Hawkmoth won. They lost.
Their breathing was uneven as their exhausted body lay injured on the ground. They closed their eyes as they let their tears fall. Then they heard the transformation words in Hawkmoth's mouth. It triggered them both harder.
"Chaton, I'm sorry“, her voice quivered and shook as her sobs escape her mouth. Adrien rub circles in her hand as he held it tightly.
" You shouldn't be Lad- Marinette", he replied.
"No. I let everyone down. I let Hawkmoth win. And I know this isn't your ideal plan for us to reveal ourselves. I'm sorry", she explained with a heavy heart and tears still flowing endlessly.
" Hey, hey. We did the best we could to protect the miraculous. These injuries we have proves that we fought a good fight. And I don't care how we reveal ourselves, I'm just glad that it's you.", he gave her a small smile as he held her both hands. Marinette felt more tears as she hugged Adrien and let her sobs and tears escape.
"I'm also glad it's you, Chaton"
They hugged each other tightly as they felt a blinding light over to where Hawkmoth stands. He was going to make the wish.
"If we ever had the chance to meet again. I would like to take you out on a date.", he murmured in her hair.
" I'd wait for you."
"I'll love you in a hundred lifetimes M'lady"
"Me too"
They closed their eyes as their vision went black.
On the other side of the room stood Hawkmoth- or also known as Gabriel Agreste as the cold jewels of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous lay in his hands. The red and black kwami stared at him, frowning.
"You are going to regret this old man", the black cat kwami hissed in remark yet Gabriel paid no attention to it.
He quickly removed his brooch and threw it on the side of the grotto. He clipped the ladybug earrings to his ears and slipped the ring to his finger next to where the Graham De Vanily twin rings were.
"You are going to regret this Gabriel", the ladybug kwami said in a warning tone. He doesn't care. As long as his beloved Emily lives, he doesn't give a shit.
" Tikki, Plagg unify!", his shout echoed the room as power surges through his veins. In years of studying the Miraculous, he has always known the power these two main jewels hold. It was simply exhilarating. His form changed as he entered the powerful state any man can hold.
"Gabriel Agreste, you only have one wish we can grant. Yet it requires a great sacrifice-", a double toned voice spoke in the middle of his state
"I would sacrifice anything", he cut off the being that was talking to him.
" Then, it shall be granted", it spoke again after minutes of silence.
A white flash glowed from the room until it expanded and expanded and Gabriel was enveloped in this blinding light until everything went black.
Gabriel groggily opened his eyes and saw that he was not in the grotto anymore. He was laying on a soft bed with pillows and a blanket. Wait, did his wish worked? Was it all a dream? He looked around and saw that everything was pretty much the same.
He quickly sat up straight and saw the jewels at his bedside. And he breathed a heavy sigh. He scanned his surroundings and saw a figure lying beside him. It was a blonde lady. His eyes became watery as the lady turned her face and it revealed a sleeping Mrs. Agreste.
She opened her emerald green eyes and stared at him for a bit. She rubbed her eyes and sat up straight as her eyes met his.
"Gabriel?", as his name escape her lips Gabriel felt as if his world came back to life. He hugged his wife as some tears threatened to fall.
"What's happening?“, she said with her bedroom voice. But it sounded sad and strained. Gone was the happiness and the sunshine that he used to love and adore.
" Mr. and Mrs. Agreste, breakfast is ready", a voice echoed across the bedroom as a maid called them
Gabriel and his wife dressed for the day and exited the master's bedroom. Gabriel looked around the halls and saw pictures of a little Adrien and in the middle hall stood a large portrait of their family. He expected to see Adrien smiling and beaming while holding his mother. But instead, he saw Adrien having a stoic and emotionless look on his face.
Where is Adrien? And Nathalie?
He and his wife went to the dining room-still excessive as ever- as they sat down and their breakfast is served.
Yet Adrien isn't arriving. Is he okay?
"Is Nathalie here?", he asked his wife quietly chewing on a croissant. She looked at him with confused eyes.
" Gabriel..she died 10 years ago in Tibet remember?", she looked at him as if he was being weird.
"O-oh? Yeah, I must've forgotten", she just shrugged at him as she scrolled along with her phone not even looking at him.
Where was Emelie who was kind as an angel that he loved? Is this Emelie now?
"-Adrien, please"
Gabriel's ears perked as he heard the name of his son. His eyes immediately darted in the grand foyer as his son trots down the stairs. He wasn't like what he used to look like. His hair was a bit shorter and wild. While his clothes weren't the usual Gabriel™ shirt and polo, it was a gray turtle neck and a black leather jacket paired with black jeans.
"Adrien! I'm glad you're here, come join your mother and me in breakfast!", he enthusiastically said.
Gabriel expected an excited approval and an Adrien speeding to the dining hall but instead, all he got was a disgusting stare and an Adrien rolling his eyes at him.
Did he just roll his eyes on him?
"Adrien, I believe your father asked you to join us for breakfast.", Emélie's stern and scolding voice echoed the mansion's halls.
" Pfft...Me? Join you? No, I'll pass", he snorted and chuckled as if what his mother said was a joke.
Gabriel couldn't believe everything that is happening. Was this still a dream? Is this his granted wish?
"That's what public school have done to you, you're becoming a spoiled brat", Emelie's voice laced with hatred as she scolds their child.
" You're really silly these days, mother. They simply opened my eyes to the bullshit you two put me through", Adrien innocently yet irritatingly said.
"Adrien! Don't talk to your mother like that!", Gabriel found himself talking and scolding Adrien. This is not what he expected.
" Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to eat breakfast with my girlfriend not with you two ", Gabriel's eyes widened with the sudden mentioned of a girlfriend. His son turned quite rebellious how about the reputation they have to uphold?
" You h-have a g-girlfriend?", he silently whispered but Adrien seemed to hear it he turned his head and leaned into Gabriel. His father was uncomfortable with space their in and decided to move a little.
"Hey, mother? Your husband must've hit his head pretty bad this morning", he laughed dryly and fixed his bag.
" You-
"Bye old man", he exited the two big doors. While Gabriel, still in shock sat down at the dining table again. When did this go so wrong?
Is this what do they call a prank? If it is it's not funny at all, he thought while continuing to eat his breakfast.
" I'm done. I will prepare for my rehearsal for the upcoming movie. Call me when your spoiled son decides to come home", she said with a cold tone.
Gabriel tried not to stutter as he finds the right words to say. What in the world happened?
After Emelie left the mansion- without a single goodbye- Gabriel decided to investigate why this was the result of what's happening now. He walked around the house to see what changed. In the garden, gone was Emelie's statue that sat by the roses. The flowers were still the same. When Gabriel decided it is time to leave he heard voices of the gardeners murmuring in hushed voices.
"-if I were Adrien I would have done the same. Imagine being locked up and scolded in your childhood. That would be traumatic."
"Well, that's Mrs. Agreste. She likes everything to be perfect. While Mr. Agreste only likes to do whatever his wife tells him to do"
When one of the gardeners looked in his direction, he immediately went into a panic.
"Mr. Agreste! H-how long h-have you b-been s-standing there?" He stuttered.
But Gabriel instead looked at him with a blank expression and left the garden area. Why is everything being the exact opposite of what he wanted? Is this some kind of joke?
Then by noon, Gabriel decided to see things for himself. He asked his driver to drive by Adrien's school. As they arrived in Collègè Françoise Dupont. He spotted his son on a nearby bench. He has some company. A girl with midnight hair which Gabriel noticed was indeed Miss Dupain-Cheng, the holder of the ladybug miraculous.
They were making out by the bench. But Miss Dupain-Cheng was also different from the way she used to be. Pigtails, and everything pink. Now it was all red and dark colors.
When Miss Dupain-Cheng spotted the car. She stopped kissing his son and whispered something to his ear that made him look his way. Gabriel saw the way his son's lips turn into a frown.
He grabbed his girlfriend's arm and his belongings and went to a place where he can no longer see them. When they were gone Gabriel leaned into his chair and breathed a heavy sigh. This was all too much. He closed his eyes and tried to remember the days where Adrien still has that smile that radiates like the sun-similar to his mother- instead of the looks of hatred and disgust he sends to him now.
When he got back home it was already dark. The mansion was cold like it was when Emelie is still in a magical coma.
He spots his wife by the dining table eating her dinner.
"Where have you been?", she asks
Gabriel winced by the tone she used.
" Outside. Waiting for Adrien", he answered.
She snorted and rolled her eyes. And she continues cutting the steak with her fork and knife.
"Claire? Where is Adrien?", his wife asked the secretary. Standing in the place where Nathalie was supposed to stand.
" I d-don't know Madam. He hasn't arrived yet", the secretary replied with a slight shake in her voice. Emelie just frowned.
When they finished dinner, Adrien has not yet arrived. Emelie was scrolling something on her phone. And the mansion was covered in the deafening silence that you can hear even a pin drop.
After a few hours, the mansion doors flew opened and it showed an Adrien that is slightly disheveled and definitely reeks of alcohol. Gabriel almost got sick with the smell, yet Adrien paid no attention to his parents.
"Well, it's about time you come home. I was worried you'll just go with your whore girlfriend and be like wild animals", Emelie's voice echoed across the foyer as she descended the stairs slowly.
Gabriel was by the living room. And his eyes laid on Adrien who was gripping his bag tightly that you could see the white in his knuckles already.
He chuckled bitterly. "At least I know that my girlfriend treated me better than all of you did", he spat with hate and bitterness
" I raised you! And this is what you repay me?!", Emelie shouted. Gabriel was torn in who was he supposed to calm first. If was wearing his miraculous he would be overwhelmed by the anger and tension he was feeling as he stands in the middle of the mansion.
"Well, this is the effect of being raised by you! Don't blame me for what I am now because you raised me!", he shouted back
" Adrien!", Gabriel shouted and Adrien didn't even bother to look at his face.
"You ungrateful son. You are no longer deserving of an Agreste name, I don't want to have a son that is so atrocious and ill-mannered!", Emelie's voice dripped with hate as she shouted those words to their son who was fuming.
"It's not like I want to be an Agreste in the first place anyway", he grimaced as he spoke with the same level of hate. He marched up to his room and slammed it so hard that it feels like the door was about to break. And Emelie went back up straight to the master's bedroom.
Gabriel stood in the living room frozen. It was awful. Everything is not what he wanted. He wanted to curse the little gods for not giving what he wanted.
All he felt was regret. He was supposed to be happy- they were supposed to be happy. But everything is just dark, cold, and depressing. Emelie was alive and they were complete but they were also broken and knowing that it cannot be fixed added weight in his heart. He got what he wanted but all he felt was regret.
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chironshorseass · 4 years
29 and 30 fluff for perachel or percabeth? Hehe I like both ships don’t @ me. Love your writing btw!
I kinda managed to do both...kinda lol. This was fun to do :) Sorry in advance for the bad puns.
writing prompts
“Detention? Again?”
“Look, I can explain.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes and sat back on her bed, too tired to stand up and listen to what Percy had to say, most likely.
“Sure you can.”
They’d been Iris Messaging for a few minutes now. Percy, exhausted from a day of school and homework, had taken the first chance off to fish out a drachma from his drawer and call one of the people he’d missed most since the summer.
It had slipped his mind that New York and San Francisco had different time zones. But luckily, Annabeth was still awake. He’d found her in her bedroom, curls pulled into a messy bun and eyebrows scrunched up in concentration as she read some textbook, still studying for the exam she’d talked about a week ago.
Despite her initial complaints about Percy interrupting her, he knew that she didn’t mind.
“So?” she asked, bringing him back to the present.
She pulled her legs under her and stared at him expectantly.
He blinked. “Huh?”
She raised an eyebrow, and Percy thought—in the back of his mind—that she looked unfairly pretty. At night, with the fairy lights illuminating her hair and her face, like an angel.
“Why’d you get detention?”
“Oh. That.”
“Yes, Seaweed Brain. That.”
“Uhm…” Percy scratched the back of his neck. “It’s kind of a funny story, I um…”
“Spit it out.”
Now that he thought about it, maybe he shouldn’t have said anything at all. Maybe he should’ve thought this through, to avoid any arguments. Or confrontations. Or another cold shoulder. They weren’t as awkward now that the school year had started, but the mention of her always put Annabeth on edge, anyway.
“You see, I was with, uh...Rachel.”
He paused, noticing the way she gripped her textbook tighter, slightly wrinkling the pages.
Why did I think this was a good idea? Stupid.
“I was with Rachel, and she sort of, um...” he laughed nervously, already cringing. “Made a bet?”
Technically, he’d made the bet. But that wasn’t important for Annabeth to know.
Chemistry, in Percy’s opinion, was the most boring class Goode had to offer. Useless. Irrelevant.
Confusing, most of all.
At least he was partners with Rachel. It was one of the few classes they had together. They sat at the very back, so they were rarely noticed anyway, mostly spending the forty five minutes of lectures about chemical equations doing little drawing games on their notebooks and playing hangman. Percy lost most of the time.
The teacher wasn’t that great, either. Most of the school knew her as Mrs. Jones. She was a short lady in her late sixties with thin, badly dyed hair who had a concerning addiction to gum—so to Percy and Rachel—she was known as Mrs. Gum-Gum. She turned to the board for some explanation that Percy had completely lost interest on since the first five minutes of class. Rachel let out a low moan, hands on her forehead.
“Kill me now,” she muttered.
“Sorry, I can’t. My sword doesn’t work on you.”
“I hate you.”
“Yeah,” he grinned, leaning backwards and tilting his chair. “I know.”
She hit him in the shin. “You’re going to fall one of these days, and the class will never let you forget it.”
“Eh,” Percy shrugged. “At least they’d get a laugh and you wouldn’t be so bored.”
Her green eyes twinkled with humor like she’d just remembered something. She snorted. “Okay. So this one time, a girl was doing the same thing as you, leaning back and all—and she like, fell. It was hilarious, because she just lay there, with her feet in the air.”
“Rachel Dare,” Gum-Gum called, narrowed eyes cast on them. She kind of sounded like a wounded hyena, in his humble opinion. “I sure hope you and Mr. Jackson are discussing the worksheet that I gave out.”
Rachel nodded and threw her a thumbs up, while Percy held a fist to his mouth to stop the smile forming on his face. Gum-Gum left her alone and went back to her lecture.
The class kept its monotone routine of worksheets and notes, so as a distraction, Rachel grabbed his arm and popped the lids off her sharpies, drawing little figurines. She was on his second tattoo when an idea came to him.
“Hey, Rach?” he whispered, making sure the teacher was facing the board.
“We should play truth or dare.”
She grabbed the green marker and spread the ink from side to side across his skin. “Mmm...No.”
“Come on,” he whined. “I’m bored.”
“Yeah, but we’ve done truth or dare so many times now. It’s gotten old. Besides, you’re such a pussy.”
“Am not.”
“Yes, you are. Remember that time I dared you to eat the gum from under the seat?”
Percy made a face. “That was so fucking gross. Nobody in their right mind would’ve done that. Maybe Mrs. Gum-Gum, but I am not on her level.”
“I figured, after you blatantly refused. And then there’s the time when I dared you to kiss Mary Andrews. On the cheek. And you couldn’t do it.”
“Oh my gods, I can’t just kiss girls. That’s leading them on.”
She exhaled, long and deep and stared at him as if he were a lost cause. “Okay. Whatever.”
She went back to drawing on his arm.
“If anyone’s the pussy right now,” he whispered. “It’s you.”
“Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that. You just wish you were as marginally cool as me.”
“Um...Then why won’t you play truth or dare?”
“Like I said: bo-ring.” She leaned closer to his arm, creating tiny details with the thinner side of the sharpie. “And don’t tell me I don’t do the dares, ‘cause I do. My last name’s Dare, after all. It would be a complete dishonor.”
“How long have you waited to say that?”
“Oh, you don’t wanna know. Now hold still. You’d look good with tattoos, by the way.”
He sighed. Okay, fine. She had a point, he wasn’t that great at doing “cool” stuff, likely because he was traumatized by the getting-kicked-out-of-schools thing he had going for him. You know, maybe it was that.
As Percy watched her work with her sharpies, he realized: maybe there was a way to prove to her that he could do daring stuff. A once in a lifetime thing. And in the process, he could make her smile.
“Fine,” he said. “If you don’t wanna do something, then let’s make a bet.”
“Depends on what you want to bet on, but go on.”
“How much money would you give me to flip this table, right here, right now, in the middle of class?”
The read-head stopped creating the swirly lines of the little wave she’d been working on, making his skin tingle from the loss of the pointy marker. She lifted her freckled face, watching him with raised eyebrows.
“Nah, you don’t have the guts.”
“Psh. ‘Course I do. I’m Percy Jackson.”
“Ohhh! Percy Jackson. I’m Rachel Dare, nice to meet you.” She lifted her hand like she wanted Percy to shake it.
He slapped it away. “Shut up. I can totally do it.”
“Do you not care about getting in trouble with dear ol’ Gum-Gum?”
“I’ll make it seem like an accident.”
“Nothing you do seems like an accident to teachers.”
“Good point. Still be worth it, though.” He lowered his voice even further. “Besides, I gotta prove to you that I can do cool stuff.”
Rachel snorted. “Now I could literally ask you to do drugs and you’d do it, apparently. Peer pressure is a dangerous thing, my dude.”
He grinned. “And I want your money. You’re like, rich, Dare.”
“Thanks for the reminder, Jackson.”
“No problem.”
Gum-Gum shot them an admonishing look, and they pretended to do their work.
“So,” she said after a few seconds passed. “How much money?”
“I knew you could work with me.”
“Ugh, I’m getting second thoughts from your dramatism.”
“You love it.”
They held gazes, green on green. Rachel narrowed hers and sighed. 
“Again, how much money?”
Percy shrugged. “You decide.”
“Fine.” She flipped some of her fiery curls over her shoulder. “I’m betting on a hundred bucks.”
He whistled under his breath. “Damn. You want me to do it that badly?”
“I do want to see everyone’s reaction to Percy Jackson losing his shit.” He shoved her, but she continued. “Especially Gum-Gum’s. But I know we’re getting in trouble, so we might as well go all out. What? It’s true! But at least you’d get your money.”
Percy shook his head. He’d probably regret this later.
Then he thought, what would Annabeth think?
But he couldn't dwell too much on that. At least it would be funny.
“We need to clear the desk, though.”
So they worked, as quietly and discreetly as they could. When they’d finished, Percy turned to Rachel and nodded. She put a hand against her mouth to muffle her laughter.
On the third count, he flipped the desk. The table crashed with a resonating bang.
Rachel leaned backwards and let out a sound of surprise, probably because she’d half speculated that he wouldn’t pull through with it in the first place.
Immediately, everyone craned their heads to the back of the room. Some jumped at the sound. Others gasped or snickered, especially at the sight of Mrs. Gum-Gum. She yelped and dropped her marker, slapping a hand to her chest and retreating a few steps as if she were about to go into cardiac arrest.
“Percy Jackson!”
He winced a bit, but all in all, he thought he was keeping a straight face. But then he caught onto Rachel’s expression, arms crossed. He doubted they’d get off freely, just as she’d said.
As they shouldered their backpacks, heading for room 1345—detention—Rachel slipped her hand in the pocket of her paint-splattered uniform skirt.
“I didn’t know I had the money with me, but it seems as though he fates are in your favor, Jackson,” she said, taking the dollar bills from her pocket and handing them to him. They both knew all too well that she didn’t care for it. Daddy issues, he recalled.
Percy raised his eyebrow. “Thanks, Rach. Now, I can finally buy a new skateboard.”
“Nice to know that this was worth it.”
“Especially since now you have to do something...daring.”
She tapped her index finger to her temple mockingly. “Oh, I see. That’s why you wanted to do that bet. So then we could be on even ground.”
“Do you agree, Dare?”
“My gods, you’re so corny. But sure. Though let's not get ourselves a detention pass the next time, hmm? I feel bad for you. How many have you gotten this semester?” She clicked her tongue. “What will your mom say?”
1343, 1344 ... 1345. This was the place. Through the window, he could see many of the students already settling in, giving the teacher the strip of paper that he and Rachel had in their pockets.
He exhaled. “I don’t want to think about Mom just yet. But honestly, I don’t mind detention. And I don’t think she would, either. Better than getting kicked out.”
“Mmhmm. And I don’t really mind spending some more quality time with you. Even if we get in trouble, I kinda think you’re nice to be around, Jackson.” She smiled and held her arm out for him to pass. For some reason, that comment made his chest feel warm and fuzzy. “Gentlemen first.”
“Isn’t it ladies first?”
“Chivalry is dead. Now go on.” She nodded towards the door. “I like being fashionably late.”
“And you say I’m the dramatic one,” he grumbled.
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sunlightwoo · 4 years
Eyes On Us
ღ pairing: joshua x reader (gender neutral (i tried to make it as gender neutral as possible! let me know if i should fix anything!)
ღ genre: your usual angst and fluff, along with some adult language in here (like a couple swear words) in all honesty, and there’s a point where it mentions certain topics such as anorexia and starvation in the plot. however, if you are struggling with anything in your life, just know that my dms are always open if you want to talk to someone or kind of just vibe and talk about anything else <3
ღ wc: 4k
ღ plot: it was finally summer vacation and you were almost looking forward to being able to spend it this year in Hawaii, if it weren’t for the fact that it was for a family member’s wedding. not wanting to end up single once again, considering you were graduating next year, you asked the one person you least wanted to be your pretend boyfriend for the upcoming trip.
ღ a/n: this note is being written literally ten minutes before its supposed to post, but like i’ve actually been really nervous and excited about posting this because it is one of my longest oneshots that i’ve ever written on here, along with the wonwoo oneshot that is coming up soon :D i really hope that you guys enjoy reading this, as much as i liked writing it, even if i cried a bit, and please do send some feedback if you can whether through asks, dms or even in the tags if you reblog it <3333
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You were panicking on the inside, and you know that you shouldn’t be considering it was now summer vacation.
It had been the day that you were receiving your scores from your final exams, and you were absolutely relieved that you managed to pass them considering you spent hours studying for them these last few weeks. The only downside was the message that you had gotten from your mother just minutes ago about a last minute trip that she already paid for to Hawaii for your cousin’s wedding, the one that you haven’t heard from in months.
You didn’t mind having to pack up and leave for a free vacation, but your only obstacle was your entire family, and knowing them, they were going to grill you the entire week that you were going to spend there. The thought of them asking you at Thanksgiving last year about why you weren’t in a relationship with anyone yet made you grimace, remembering all of the indirect remarks they made about your weight and looks that left tear stains on your cheeks that night, up until you called your best friend in your childhood bedroom.
Joshua Hong, the person you were most grateful for.
It was almost a fate that was made by chance that you both became friends after grabbing the same coffee the morning that the two of you were paired up for a project in your philosophy course freshman year, in which you both received the highest marks. You were both one another’s go to whenever you needed a pick me up, and you wonder how he has been considering you went into lockdown mode and isolated yourself from civilization.
With that thought in mind, you walked from where you were sitting in a cafe and went towards the familiar apartment complex that you came to get used to over the year that has just passed by. It was the same one that both you and Joshua had moved into, just a door away from one another, even though it would’ve been easier if you were roommates instead.
However you both agreed that it would’ve been even more chaotic, considering you were never able to accomplish anything with him around you most of the time; that was the only thing stopping you.
Joshua was like a shooting star in the sky that so happened to be there when you needed him, considering the fact that you were completely lost in your freshman year. After losses of your father, some friendships that you used to think were inseparable, he was like a breath of fresh air that you needed after a storm.
“Y/N, you’re alive.” The said male teases after you arrived at the door to his apartment and you scoffed at him playfully as you grinned, walking in after he opened the door wider and you looked around to see the same colorful walls that he decorated his place with.
“Trust me, I’m surprised that I am too. Am I interrupting anything?” You ask, turning around to face him as you put your keys and phone down on his coffee table before getting comfortable on the familiar couch that you slept on one too many times whenever you slept over after getting too drunk to walk back next door.
“Nope, I was just about to eat some lunch and I was going to bring some over anyways to check if you were dead or not,” He laughs and disappears into his kitchen temporarily, just to come back out and bring you a plate with two portions of a chicken parmesan sandwich that he made from earlier and you could feel your stomach growl quietly at the smell of its deliciousness, “Hungry?”
The two of you began to eat, catching up on whatever the other had missed in the last few weeks and it was times like these that you cherished being around him. It made you think about the butterflies that were growing in your stomach, and how they shouldn’t be there considering you were both best friends and nothing more than that.
You couldn’t ruin what you had, after everything else.
“Any plans for the summer?” He asks suddenly and you smile a bit, putting your now empty plate on the table as you nodded in response, taking small sips of your cola before frowning because of the fact that you were going to be alone again.
“I’m leaving for Hawaii on a family trip for a wedding, but they expect me to bring a date home this time around, since Thanksgiving last year didn’t go well,” You sighed and leaned back against his couch, staring at his white ceiling when you realized that the flight would be tomorrow, “I don’t think I’ll go and reunite with them…”
“Why not? They’re your family, Y/N.” You hear Joshua say from beside you and you hummed in response, turning your head to look at him and take in his presence at the time being, him being there seeming to calm your nerves because of the fact that you would have to face your horrid aunts once again.
“I don’t have anyone to go be my fake date for a week last minute. I’m pretty sure Jeonghan already left to go to Jeju with his crush, like he planned for months, and Wonwoo is who knows where this time around,” You mumbled and turned back to face the ceiling, but this time with your eyes closed as you pinched the bridge of your nose in both frustration and exhaustion, “Why do they pick on me? I’m not even that interesting…”
“Well, I can go with you as your fake boyfriend, considering it’s last minute and I need plans for the summer,” He laughs and you looked at him in shock when you notice the smile that was on his lips, seeing as though he seemed serious about all of it, “And if anything, I think you’re the most interesting person that I’ve ever met in my life. We’re best friends for a reason you know.”
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“Y/N! Wake up, it’s time to leave for Hawaii!” You hear someone shout and burst through your bedroom door as you were flinched awake from the loudness of their voice, when suddenly there was light shining into your room through your windows.
Squinting at the owner of the voice, you frowned at the sight of Joshua who was standing at your door with a bright smile on his face, one that mirrored the sun that was shining outside this morning. He continues to grin at you as you fixed your bed hair, stretching out your limbs and quietly flipped him off as you went back to curling up in the comforts of your bedsheets, up until you felt his weight on top of yours, in which you groaned at the additional weight and attempted to shoo him off of your body.
“Get off, Hong-”
“We’re going to miss the stupid flight, the longer we stay here.” He taunts you and you let out an even louder groan up until you felt him smack a pillow against your head playfully, making you look up to glare at the cheshire cat smile that was spread across his lips.
After muttering a few curses underneath your breath, you pushed Joshua off of your bed and trudged to your bathroom to wake yourself up while you could hear him do his victory that you knew too well in the bedroom. Laughing to yourself in your head, you did your usual routine of washing your face and brushing your teeth as you changed into more fitting clothes for the weather that you were yet to encounter.
The entire time that you were at the airport with him, it was only chaotic from there on out since you and Joshua not only goofed off, but gave one another second hand embarrassment with the shenanigans that you both pulled off at the airport and on the plane. However you didn't do it, because he was distracting you from remembering the true intentions of the trip that you both were on at the moment.
Your family.
It was when you were only about an hour away from Hawaii that you were woken up from your slumber, looking to see that the sun was slowly rising over the clouds as you turned to see Joshua watching what seemed to be Mean Girls on his laptop.
“Morning Gretchen.” He jokes and looks at you with a small smile while you playfully flicked his forehead at the fact that he called you by the name of one of the characters.
“We’re still on the flight,” You quietly mumbled to yourself as you pulled the complementary blanket that the flight attendants gave out around your body closer, “Are you ready to meet the rest of my crazy family?”
“From all of the notes that I have gathered about them from before you slept and Thanksgiving, I think I will be ready to answer all of the questions that they throw at me.” He says in a confident tone, and you playfully scoffed at how smug he had looked.
Yet somehow with the hues of the sun rising from the window, he still looked like the most perfect person that you have ever crossed in your lifetime. You instead gave him a small smile afterwards, feeling grateful that he was going on this trip with you because you weren’t sure what you would’ve done if you went on your own.
Would you still have been sane with your aunts in particular grilling you and picking at the smallest details of your life? Probably not.
“Thanks again for helping me out, Shua. It means a lot that you’re coming.” You said and leaned your head on his shoulder as he was pulling you into a warm embrace.
“You’re not going to do something dumb, right? Because when I tell them about how we met, I’m going to tell it from my side.” He points out and you frowned a bit, pulling back to look and see the amused look in his eyes as you were recalling the day that you met him at that coffee shop.
“Who the hell orders a freaking mocha latte in the middle of September? You radiate a ‘pumpkin spice latte’ kind of vibe, if anything.” You teased as he playfully rolled his eyes at your words while holding out the other earbud that he had in his hand towards you and you shook your head at him, putting it into your ear as you decided to watch the rest of the movie with him.
“I think you just have no faith in me and spontaneity-”
“You’re right, I don’t. Remember what happened last time you tried something spontaneous with Jeonghan and Seokmin? Green hair.” You laughed and shook your head at him as he gave you a feigned look of pain, until you nudged for him to start the movie back up. 
The rest of the plane ride was silent as you laid your head on his shoulder and thought about how comforting it felt while you were with Joshua’s company. It was like taking a deep breath of fresh air when you needed it in worst case scenarios, and all you could think about was the fact that you felt like your heart would explode whenever you were around him nowadays. 
You knew that someday you should be able to tell him about the feelings you have been harboring for the time being, but there wasn’t a good time in both of your schedules at all for it to happen. It was also the fact that you liked how you were now, in which your friendship seemed more unbreakable than the other dates that you’ve seen one another go on. 
Yet, somehow when you were finally landing in Hawaii and getting off of the plane that reality hit you with the realization that you were about to get ready and lie for a week. There was a rush of adrenaline that was pumping through the course of your veins, but somehow it was Joshua’s comforting hand in yours that he held the entire way through the airport that made you feel reassured that you’d be okay.  
“Y/N’s finally here!” You hear someone screech as soon as you and Joshua claim your bags, and your head immediately turns to the owner of the voices that you recognized to be your aunt with your mother right beside her, “And they brought home a boy!” 
A soft laugh escapes Joshua’s lips as he was engulfed by your aunt afterwards before you both were being tugged to where your uncle parked the car in front of the airport. Your mother, however, was already giving you a knowing glance on her face as she was walking behind the three of you back outside where you were immediately welcomed with the hot summer heat that Hawaii had to give. 
Who knows what you were yet to face throughout the time that you were staying here?
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“Wow, the night view looks amazing up here.” Joshua mumbles softly as you were sitting in chairs that were on the balcony attached to your suite at the hotel.
“Crazy how my cousin really spent all this money for us to stay here for the week.” You agreed sipping on the glass of wine that was enlaced in your fingertips as you thought about the events that led up to the very moment.
It was earlier when you were finally eating during the rehearsal dinner with your family at the hotel’s restaurant, Joshua accompanying the seat beside you that you were finally given a rest out of the day’s festivities to get ready for the wedding. You were currently digging into the plate of spaghetti and steak that were on your plate, when your mother decides to finally speak up from her end of the divided tables.
“Y/N, you’re not going to actually finish that are you? It doesn’t seem right to pig out, when you’ve lost all this weight while you were away,” She says taking a small bite of her salad that was in front of her, when suddenly she says a phrase that makes you feel shut down considering it hit harder than it should’ve, “Have you been starving yourself? Dieting? It would be a waste, if you gained more weight like you used to back then.”
It was silent as you felt all of your family members’ gazes on you, in shock of your mother’s words as you could feel the stinging tears in your eyes already pooling up. You knew that someone from her side of the family would’ve said something about your physical appearance once again, but out of all people, you didn’t think that it would hurt shooting the bullets right there into your heart.
“I’m sorry you feel that way mother. Excuse me, I think I’ll be going back up to my room.” You croaked out, pushing your chair back so that you could get out as you threw the napkin that was on your lap onto the table, not looking back as you walked out of the restaurant as quickly as you could.
Even with your head held up high, you could feel the tears stream down your face as you were heading towards the elevator while thinking about what had happened since the last time that you had encountered your family. It was then that you thought it was easier to lose weight, while you were still studying for your exams and if it weren’t for Joshua insistently checking up on you, and made sure that you still ate, you wouldn’t have been able to live in that moment.
It was when you noticed that Joshua ran after you and managed to wedge himself in between the doors, that you felt everything come crashing down as he pulled you close to him in the elevator. You couldn’t remember breathing properly at that point, as it was with his reassuring words and calm voice that lulled you back into reality, evening your breaths while you were both slowly heading back towards your suite.
When you did, he allowed you to go shower and relax as you two decided to take a breather outside in your balcony, which led to where you were now with your pajamas on and a glass of wine while collecting your thoughts.
“I’m sorry that you had to hear that, Josh.” You croaked out, putting your glass down somewhere beside you as you turned to look at the latter that was staring at you already under the dark starry night.
“I’m just glad that I was there, before anything else could happen if you were to go through that alone.” He replies, giving you a small smile as you hummed in response, feeling lighter than before and assuming that it was just the wine making you feel this way.
You were always grateful for Joshua, where sometimes in moments like these, you wished that he wasn’t just your best friend and a fake boyfriend but rather more than all of that. It was more like a secret yearning that you wanted to be able to call him yours, but more than a platonic way that was just one sided on your end.
However, you knew that it wouldn’t work considering the fact that you remembered all the times that he had best friend zoned you, and it hurt more than ever every single time.
“They didn’t ask you the boyfriend questions, when I was gone for some parts of the day, did they?” You whispered to him and he smiles a bit as he gives you a look, where you immediately knew that they definitely asked him about your relationship.
“They only asked the basics, but I was able to hold them down like you taught me to,” He chuckles and you nodded as he lets out a breath before speaking up once again, “Your aunt though, from earlier, I think she really likes me. She kept saying that I’m built like the perfect boyfriend for you and asked if I would marry you.”
Your cheeks flared with heat, knowing exactly that it was something your aunt would say to him and mentally facepalmed as you downed the rest of the wine that was in your glass, hoping that you’d be tipsy enough to fall asleep soon. However, maybe it was a good thing since you were able to hear the rest of his words just moments before you were able to finally call it a night.
“I mean I wouldn’t mind marrying you though, Y/N. If given the chance, I think we’d be a cute couple to the eyes of others.”
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“Hurry up, slowpoke! We’re going to be late the longer you keep trying to decide on which shoes- oh fuck wow.”
You walked out of the bathroom with a lint roller in your hand and attire fixed up as you stood feet away from Joshua, standing irritatedly with your hand on your hip and watched as he stood there with his mouth gaped open. Fidgeting with your fingers, you turned to look in the mirror to hopefully be at least presentable and when you turned back to Joshua, you noticed that he barely made a move as he was still in shock.
“Cat’s got your tongue, Hong?” You mused and crossed your arms in front of your chest as he blinked back into reality, shaking his head in response before smiling a bit to himself.
“Nope, just a little surprised cause you don’t dress up often.”
In his perspective when you stepped out of the bathroom, Joshua was in awe and became speechless as you looked even more breathtaking than you already were. The butterflies that were usually present in his heart felt like they increased ever since you first mentioned that you wanted him to be your fake boyfriend for the week, and with your family members asking about your relationship, it made him wish that it was real.
But it wasn’t, because he was pretty confident in the fact that you only saw him as a best friend and nothing more than that.
When he snaps back to reality, you playfully scoffed at his words and took what you needed for the wedding before heading down to where the ceremony was being held in one of the banquet halls of the hotel. You, for one, were nervous about attending the wedding, because you haven’t heard anything from your mother or any other family member since you decided to storm out of the restaurant last night.
Now that you and Joshua were finally put to the test of seeing if your work paid off, you sat throughout the entire ceremony in comfortable silence with his hand in yours to comfort your nerves of what is yet to come later. With your head leaned onto his shoulder, you smiled to yourself bittersweetly as you were once again grateful for the boy that was sitting next to you with his hand in yours, breathing even and in sync with your own.
You wanted for all of this to be real, but somehow you felt as though he was giving you mixed signals considering the fact that he seemed as though he wanted to be more when you were still in the suite. However, you didn’t want to think about what was yet to happen as the ceremony was finally over and everyone was moving over to the reception hall.
“I thought that it was quite beautiful, with the sun setting behind them. Do you think that you’d have something like that at your wedding?” Joshua asks you suddenly as you were both walking to where you were both supposed to be seating at your table, and you thought about it for a moment before shrugging slightly to yourself, wondering where he was going with the conversation.
“I mean I wouldn’t mind it, if my future husband wanted something like that. Maybe something in like a garden or outdoors would fit my taste, in all honesty.” You mumbled softly, and he hums in response as he continues to swing your hands together when suddenly he stops in his place, making you stop in your tracks and turn to look at him in confusion.
He nods over to a different trail, one that you looked to see that a fountain was nearby and you walked with him thinking to yourself that maybe he wanted to talk to you about your family members again before going into the danger zone. However, it was when he lets you sit on the end of the fountain that you looked at him confusedly when he kneels down on one knee so that you were both eye level with one another, making your heart race faster than it should considering the fact that his face was pretty close to yours.
“Is everything okay, Joshua?” You whispered softly and he nodded to himself while subconsciously licking his lips nervously and held your hands in his gently, with your heart beating loudly in your chest the more that you looked into his eyes.
“I don’t think that we should keep doing this anymore, if one of our feelings are one sided,” He breathes out, and you look at him with a heavy feeling in your heart, knowing that this was what you were afraid of when suddenly he speaks up once again.
“What will it take for me to finally break out of the fake boyfriend zone, and into the let’s actually go out zone?” He says in a lighter tone, and you pretended to think about it as you stared up at the sky above you, feeling relieved that he felt the same way when you giggled to yourself while looking back at him with a small smile on your face and pulled his face close to yours to peck a small kiss against his lips.
“I think you just did it.” You whispered in response, and a light laugh escaped from him as he pulled you close to press a longer kiss on your lips, where you finally felt like things were finally in place.
Maybe this vacation wasn’t going to end terribly, after all, since you both finally admitted to believing that the fake relationship was just a secret way of confessing to one another.
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writingjoycebyers · 3 years
Could you write a small drabble about jopper being protective of eachother 🥺
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Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper - Friend, old friend - a song fic
(this fic is based on the prompt above (I hope this counts as protective) and the song slow mover by Angie McMahon. Comments and reblogs make my writing heart go boom boom - you know how it works. love feedback and suggestion on how to do it better. or ideas. or thoughts. or whatever <3)
Warnings: contains mature topics like a hint of cheating, alcohol consumption, very light nsfw (superficial) and angst. 18+ as always
Friend, old friend, it's 4 AM
What are we doing in the street?
They walk through the empty streets of Hawkins, a cold february night in 1969, snow falling onto them, and they don‘t even notice the small, cold drops on their heads, shoulders and hands - they‘re far too gone to notice, too drunk to freeze and too sober to dance in the snow the way they used to when they were kids in Jim‘s parents backyard. They‘d left the bar an hour ago, to roam the empty streets at night, talking and walking like old friends do.
„Yeah, he‘s with my mother tonight. Jon loves it there.“, Joyce adds as Jim asks her where she‘s left her son - a reasonable question considering Joyce seemed to have time and space to get wasted all on her own on a saturday night. „She lets him have chocolate before dinner and all.“
„And...“, Jim adds, unable to finish his questioning words when Joyce interrupts him. „I‘ve got no clue, and I kind of don‘t want to know.“, Joyce finishes his sentence, anticipating the question underlying the small word „and“ and the tone of her friend‘s voice. No clue, he might aswell be screwing some girl in her very own wedding bed. Lonnie.
„Joyce, does he even care for the kid?“, Hopper suddenly blurts out, without warning, and boy — he does sound angry. He stops, and grabs her by the shoulders. It‘s a sudden move for him, impulsive and way more serious than she had experienced him at the bar, in their heavy, drunken laughter above the tears behind her brown eyes.
„He... even asked me if I want to try for another one.“, Joyce confessed, a whisper in the cold as she tried to avoid locking eyes with Jim. She had become bad at eye contact lately. Her hand found his on her shoulder. He had not actually asked, had rather joked around that if they tried for another boy, then maybe he‘d finally have a kid that liked what he‘d call boys stuff. Joyce swallowed hard. Lonnie didn‘t want to make another baby for love. No, he was being selfish. And still that idea had sparked a tiny bit of hope inside of her, a hope that he‘d maybe change? Change for the sake of another kid? But she couldn‘t tell Hopper. So she told him some kind of half hearted truth.
„Are you hungry?“, she suddenly asked as his grip on her shoulders began to losen. She nodded into the direction of a 24 hour diner, the neon lights behind them illuminating his silhouette from behind. She loved his silhouette.
I don't want to buy fried chicken
I wish that I was going to sleep
„Nah...I just... Joyce.“, he mumbled, his articulation heavy and sloppy from the drinks he had drowned. The „Joyce“ said it all. He knew she was trying to distract him, knew she did not want to talk about Lonnie, that she did not want to stay with that man and neither would want to leave him. He‘d take her with him, he thinks, take her with him into his small apartment in NYC, around the corner of his police training station, and hold her tight every night in his way too small bed, and never let go again. He‘d done that once too often already. But then, his mind flashes to the woman he‘s dating, Diane, tall and blonde, a woman he hasn‘t thought of much during his visit home, if he was honest with himself. A small bundle of guilt starts to form in his gut, and he isn‘t sure if he‘s sick from the alcohol, or if it really is his conscience.
„Just tired.“, he mumbles then, and none of his thoughts were said.
So they start to make their way towards Jim‘s parents‘ house, the way they had done it so often as teenagers just a couple of years ago. A lifetime ago. Joyce keeps on walking next to him although she lives on the opposite side of town now, that small house on the edge of the woods. Where was home?
Quietly she follows Jim up to the corner of the street, because walking next to him feels a lot like home to her, so familar with his warmth, his unique scent, his height towering above her. He was home, after all.
They stop by the STOP-sign, a flashing one that stands across the streets of Jim‘s birth place, and as if the stop sign was meant for them, they don‘t go any further. It‘s quiet, a winter night, and Joyce feels like she can hear the snow flakes falling. Jim‘s presence feels warm, and life feels cold - and she does not know where to go. She‘s got a house to live in, but no home to go to sleep at. No peace within her own four walls.
„So, when are you heading back to the city?“, she asks shyly after some moments of silence.
„Tomorrow night.“, he replies, staring down on the floor, and then back up to the sign as a car goes by and it starts blinking.
„So.. last night here, huh?“, Joyce whispers, her face turned to the side because for some reason, for some damn reason she can‘t look him in the eye again.
The silence gets louder, the blinking feels harsher, the cold gets colder. She wraps her arms around herself as she feels the dizziness of the alcohol get washed away by the bleak midwinter air and her thoughts. The last night - their last chance?
Her thoughts drift off as she feels his gaze on her, feels him get closer and wrap his arms around her. They stand there in a deep, intimate hug and she asks herself what if - what if she was married to him, what if the house on the other side of the street was theirs, their home? What if they entered the living room, warmed themselves up with a deep, long kiss? God, she wanted to kiss him. His breath is warming the side of her face while he still hugged her, and she turns her head a bit, looking up. The last time they had been this close to kissing had been another lifetime ago. His eyes look dark and warm in contrast to the cold wind around them.
„You wanna come inside with me?“, he suddenly suggests. She answers with a small nod.
And I don't want to kiss you
Underneath that flashing sign
They enter his parents‘ place and although it is huge and empty, it is welcoming and cozy. The furniture hasn‘t changed. The atmosphere hasn‘t changed. There‘s a small light on the table by the sofa, and the room looks so large without Jim‘s family in it. She looks at him, and he looks sad. „It is okay to miss them.“, she whispers softly, her small hand on his back as they stand in the middle of the living room. The tension they had shared under the flashing light is gone for a second. They‘re old friends again. She rubs his back, and feels like she was wrong, feels as if she had interpreted it all the wrong way. Maybe he needed a friend, not a lover. Or maybe he needed time?
She can sense his tension underneath her hand, and she‘s glad she can be close to him in some way, somehow. Joyce looks around the familiar room, the old clock on the wall telling her the night might soon be coming to an end, and she gets sad herself. Their last chance - gone?
But then, suddenly, Jim wakes up from his short, griefing trance. Without a warning he pulls her close by the hand that had just comforted him, and as he leans down his lips find hers. There‘s no time to lose. They kiss and it feels both wrong and right, both hot and cold. She‘s overwhelmed by the passion behind his kiss, the force behind his touch as he scoops her up into his arms and her legs wrap around his waist like they belong there. „Jim...slow down. I want to feel this.“, she suddenly whispers. Suddenly, the night feels still young as he takes her by the hand and they walk up the stairs to his childhood bedroom
What's the hurry? We're not ready
We've got plenty of time
Some time later, minutes, hours, moments, they‘re a mess of limbs and words and kisses and Joyce could swear to God she has never felt like this before. He‘s rushed, but gentle, as if he‘s trying to make up for the lost time, and she‘s the other side of the magnet, slow and sensual and they make the perfect mixture. It takes a bit of talking, a bit of trust, and then they arrive - arrive at home.
For the rest of the night, Jim holds her tight in his way too small bed for once and he never wants to let her go again. They look into each other‘s eyes as they lay entangled, none of them daring to losen the grip, and Joyce feels tired, but she does not want to miss a second of this. Their last chance, remember?
„Get some sleep.“, he murmurs with a soft kiss onto the top of her head. „I‘m not leaving your side tonight.“, he adds as he strokes her hair, caresses it gently, stroking away the thoughts of guilt that come creeping up in Joyce‘s mind as she lays in the arms of another man, indulging in the afterglow of a forbidden rush of passion and confusion. What about him, she thinks, is there someone he should feel guilty for now?
Joyce couldn‘t know what the future would hold for him, a wife, a marriage and a daughter. She could only guess. Neither could she know what the future would hold for her, that she would indeed try for another baby with Lonnie and that, in two years or three, she‘d sometimes find herself lying awake late at night, counting the weeks between their little adventure and her blood results from the doctor‘s pregnancy test. It‘d be wishful thinking, maybe, that she wanted her second son to be more like Hopper than Lonnie. Wishful thinking, and a stupid, unprotected adventure.
Maybe you will get married
Maybe fall in love
Could you make me fall asleep
When you're holding me?
Try set me on fire
The morning after, Joyce awakes with her head on his chest and his arms neatly placed around his torso. Jim is fast asleep. Memories of the night come flashing back in front of her inner eye. She‘s Lonnie Byers wife. She is Lonnie Byers god damn wife in another man‘s bed. And she‘d always thought she was better than Lonnie.
Quietly, she leaves the bed and tiptoes to her clothes lying on the floor on the other side of the room. For the first time, she catches a glance of Jim‘s old room. Nothing has changed. She gets dressed as silently as possible, staring at a picture on the wall - him and her during Prom Night, in front of the Gym. She should have known earlier that this was more than friendship. She had known earlier, actually, and they had always danced around it, danced like it was prom night - until yesterday.
There's someone else but I twist all of
His words and he twists mine
At last, Joyce puts on her jacket, slips into her shoes and opens the old wooden door as carefully as she can. One last look towards the bed with a peacefully sleeping Jim in it, and she‘s out the door. He had promised last night he wouldn‘t leave her side, but this was a promise she herself could not make. In this moment, she felt as if they had to go backt to the separate paths they had chosen at some point, whether they were right or wrong, drunk or sober.
She waves him goodbye as the front door of Jim‘s parent‘s house closes behind her. A wave he doesn’t see.
Joyce would never return to that place again — She‘d not return home for more than 10 years after that. And when she, in 1983, finally does return home, entering the Chief of Police‘s office one morning, she‘ll be too panicked to notice that it‘s home, too broken to see that he‘s still there beneath the flashing sign. Waiting.
So I'll have to let him go
We sometimes fit, but we always lie
And he thinks we could make it work
But only when he's drunk
You think you could help me swim
But I've already sunk
Thanks for reading. Please drop me a line if you‘ve got thoughts on this. Or if you wanna chat about joyce/st/jopper. My inbox is open.<3
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