#missing my boy something fierce today
babybluebex · 1 year
should i watch howard’s end tonight, or les mis?
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 9 months
I was wondering if you could do a really sweet "reunion" between Eddie and his gf in the cafeteria. Like, maybe she had to go to the dentist in the morning so they haven't seen each other all day, and Eddie is all grumpy and snappy with the Hellfire guys and Dustin is like "what's the matter with him? Wake up in the wrong side?" and Jeff replies "woke up with no Y/N is more like it" and then she comes into the cafeteria and they behave like they haven't seen each other for months 😊
Request by @somethingvicked
Warnings: Grumpy Eddie, Fluff.
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Eddie was in one hell of a bad mood. You had to leave early this morning for the dentist, which meant he woke up without you.
Not only had he woken up without you this morning, there was no sleepy morning kisses and cuddles.
You weren't cuddled up on his chest when he woke up, the two of you exchanging sleepy, kisses and whispers of love. Your morning ritual.
He hated going without his morning kisses from you. It was the best start to the day, his highlight of the day.
Everyone around Hawkins thought he was mean and scary as shit but you knew the soft side to him, with you he was as soft as a marshmallow.
Wayne takes one look at his pissed off face and hides his smile behind his coffee mug as Eddie heads into the kitchen for breakfast.
"In a mood this morning son?" Wayne asks amused.
Eddie grumbles and pours some coffee into his Garfield mug.
"What gave it away? " he replies sarcastically and Wayne chuckles.
"Saw your girl leave early this morning for her appointment, I figure that's why you're like a storm cloud just now?" Eddie nods and finishes his coffee wincing at the taste.
This is why he prefers a YooHoo but this morning was already shit so extra strong, black coffee it was.
His mood didn't improve in school, it got worse, Carver said some dumb shit to him, Eddie usually ignored the asshole but today he wound him up, just to cheer himself up.
As usual the douchebag went running to the safety of his friends. He knew Jason was secretly terrified of him, he backed down fast.
Being a freak had has its advantages.
By noon, he was grumpy as fuck, the constant chatter between the boys was getting on his last nerve.
"Jesus h christ. Would you shut the fuck up" he huffs at them as they chat.
Gareth snorts. "What's up with you man?"
"Nothing" he snaps and continues to eat his pretzels, he's impatient to see you. Being around you helps the chaos of his mind, calms down his restless energy.
He loves being with you-loves you so much.
Dustin turns to him, eyes wide and he chuckles nervously.
"What is up with you dude? Wake up on the wrong side of bed this morning or something?" Jeff snorts at this and Eddie glares at him.
"Woke up with no yn more like" Jeff supplies and Eddie huffs, a pout on his face and his annoyance growing. It's true but its not helping his mood.
"Dude, you're so whipped" Mike makes a face and Eddie is barely listening as you come into the cafeteria, his heart skips a beat and he grins.
"Princess" he gets up and rushes to you, he's like an overexcited puppy as he is all over you. Peppering kisses to your hair and his pout is replaced with a huge beaming grin.
"I missed you so so much sweetheart. I don't like waking up without you beside me" he murmurs and you cuddle into him.
"I missed you too Ed's. Ugh, I hate the dentist" you say this with a pout on your face, the pout that pretty much has Eddie wrapped around your little finger.
If you give him that sad eyed look too, he's a goner.
"At least it's over with now sweetheart, Are you sore?" he asks worried as you wince, touching your mouth.
"A little, at least my very sexy boyfriend can help me feel better" he hears Gareth and Mike teasing him about this, turns and gives them a fierce glare, that stops them in their tracks.
"Anything for you princess" he kisses your forehead and leads you to the Hellfire table, he's much much happier now his girl is by his side.
He'll happily dote on you all night when you go home.
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jim Street x shy/quiet!fem!reader (implied Hondo's sister)
Summary: Hondo finds out you're dating someone, but doesn't expect it to be Jim Street, your total opposite.
Warnings: r is referred to as Hondo's sister but I left this pretty vague (could be half-sister or they just grew up really close!), lots of fluff!
Word Count: 1.9k+ words
A/N: I'm still getting a feel for writing Street, so apologies if he's OOC!
Picture from Pinterest
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“Ooh, I know that smile!” Hondo says. “Haven’t seen it since high school, though.”
“Leave me alone,” you demand weakly.
“You talk to your new boy toy like that?”
Hondo shakes his head as he sits beside you. Growing up together taught Hondo all of your tells. While he will be the first to tease you mercilessly, he is fiercely protective, refusing to let anyone else take advantage of your shyness. Your seemingly sudden and unexplained silences have often been taken as weakness; Hondo has been defending your honor for most of your life.
“So, you’ll admit there is a guy?” Hondo continues.
You tilt your head back against the couch, sighing rather than answering.
“Oh, that’s a yes. It’s been a while, has your type changed since high school?”
“You haven’t.”
“You’re not gonna tell me anything, are you?”
Sighing, Hondo pats your knee before standing. He has to go to work, and you know he will be thinking about you and your “new boy toy” until he gets answers.
“Hondo,” you call softly. “He’s a good guy, okay? And I’ll introduce you as soon as I’m ready.”
“You know you can tell me anything, right?”
“And listen to you use it against me? Yeah, sounds like tons of fun, bro.”
“Against you? What kinda guy you think I am?” Hondo replies, raising a hand to his chest. “I’m just try’na help you.”
Humming, you hope he knows you aren’t buying his protective big brother act. You and he both know that it’s not an act and he has overprotective tendencies.
“As long as he’s good,” Hondo continues, “I’m alright with it. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to meet him when you’re feeling up to it.”
You nod, and Hondo waves over his shoulder as he leaves for work. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you text your so-called boy toy to have a good day, but you don’t include a warning that Hondo is in one of his investigative (read: nosy) moods today.
Walking into SWAT HQ the following morning, you tap Hondo’s wallet against your palm. If you catch him while he’s alone, you’ll tease him about leaving his stuff at home or try to get ransom money, but you doubt that will happen. Hondo is rarely alone, and he seems to enjoy watching you squirm at the attention of his teammates. They’re nice but make you even quieter than usual, which Hondo didn’t think was possible until you visited the first time.
Hicks says your name, smiling as he approaches you. “Hondo’s over by the ring. Good to see you.”
“You too,” you reply quietly.
You hear him before you see him, and your shoulders tense when you hear the number of voices mixing with his. Stopping beside a pillar, you wait until he notices you, unable to interrupt their bickering. Street sees you first, his brows furrowing as he looks you over, ensuring you’re okay. When he sees the wallet in your hand, he rolls his eyes, elbowing Hondo’s side and pointing to you. Street smiles when you tuck the wallet behind your back.
“What’s up?” Hondo asks when he sees you.
“Are you missing something?” you ask, keeping your eyes on him rather than the other men looking at you.
“I don’t think so,” he answers after a moment. “Should I be?”
You shrug, and Street steps back to hide his smile from Hondo.
“What’d you take?” Hondo demands.
“Doesn’t sound like nothing. Don’t make me take you into an interrogation room in front of all my lovely friends here.”
You take a short breath at the idea, already shy enough just standing before them.
“Hondo,” Street calls. “Lay off, man.”
“When you get your own shy person, you can decide how much teasing is acceptable, kid.”
Street looks back at you, shrugging as if saying, ‘Hey, I tried.’ You know better than anyone that Hondo can’t be reasoned with.
“So, you’re not missing anything?” you repeat.
“No,” Hondo insists.
You nod, pulling his wallet from behind your back. You take some of his cash and a random gift card from it before tossing it to him.
“Hey,” Hondo warns, holding his hand out for the rest.
“You said you weren’t missing anything, so this isn’t any different,” you argue softly.
“She’s got you there, boss,” Luca comments, leaning against the corner of the boxing ring as he watches the interaction. “But can we get back to work now?”
Hondo looks at you with his brows raised and his jaw set, so you smile and slide the cash into your pocket before waving. After you’re out of sight, you shake your arms, desperate for the comfort of solitude after being on display like that.
Behind you, Street says, “You may call the teasing shots, but she owns you. Can’t blame you for letting her get away with so much, though.”
“What does that even mean, man?” Hondo replies.
“Nothing,” Street answers with a smile. “Now, can we keep sparring so I can take your title, old man?”
Hondo stretches his neck to the side, forgetting about you and focusing on defending his title. His misplaced focus keeps him from dwelling on the soft looks between you and Street.
“You good?” Street asks, laying his hands on your shoulders.
You nod, relaxing under his touch.
“I liked your bad cop act at HQ today. Think you should have taken some more ransom money, but you’re cute when you’re trying to be tough.”
Leaning toward him, you wish there was an easy way to hide from him.
“What’d you do today?” you ask.
“Can’t tell you that, it’s classified,” he replies quickly.
“Who’d you do it for?”
“Can’t tell you that, either.”
“Do you like me?”
“Can’t tell you- hey, that actually wasn’t bad.” Street smiles as he hooks his arms over your shoulders, pulling you close in a hug that probably looks uncomfortable but wraps you in safety. “I can tell you that and the answer is yes.”
“Why?” you whisper, looping your arms around him.
Street doesn’t answer, raising a hand to brush over your hair and down your back. You sigh, grateful for quiet moments like this. Street can push you just as hard as Hondo, but the moment he takes it too far or thinks he does, he gets sweet and gentle again, whispering apologies and pressing kisses to your hairline that make you even shyer than the original teasing. You are sure he does it on purpose, but you don't care while receiving his affections.
“Hondo figured out that I’m dating someone,” you tell him, pushing a hand under his jacket to rest against his back.
“Apparently I have a smile unique to liking someone.”
“Cute.” You huff, and Street adds, “I’ve never had a brother like Hondo, but it seems to me like he really cares about you and just wants to make sure you’re safe and happy. If you want to tell him, I’m prepared to accept the consequences.”
“I don’t want to tell him. He’ll do it again.”
“Do what?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
Street tightens his arms on you until you grunt. If he really thinks touching you more will make you talk, he hasn’t learned anything.
“Well, just know that whatever you decide to do, I’m with you. And if you need someone to protect you from Hondo’s teasing, I’m pretty good at that.”
“Hicks can make him stop faster.”
“Because Hicks is scary.”
“No, he’s not. Hondo just respects him more.”
“You may be quiet, but you have no regard for maintaining my ego, do you?”
You shake your head against him, smiling as he dips his head to whisper, “Luckily, I like you more than me.”
Tucking your face against him, he chuckles underneath you. You don’t know if he can tell, but when he makes you shy, it’s different than when Hondo does it.
“I’m heading out,” Street announces, hoisting his backpack over his shoulder.
“Have a nice weekend,” Deacon replies.
“If you have time, our campaign needs us!” Luca calls after him.
“Hard to find time in a busy social schedule like his,” Hondo jokes.
“He’s actually been seeing the same girl for a while,” Luca comments.
“Good for him,” Tan responds.
“I’m right behind him,” Hondo says, closing his locker. “Enjoy your time off.”
As he walks outside, he doesn’t expect to see Street is still there, but what truly surprises him is the sight of Street sitting on his motorcycle, looking up at a woman like she’s the only thing that has ever mattered.
Hondo shakes his head, taking a step toward his car. He stops when he hears a familiar laugh, low and like it’s trying to be hidden. Turning quickly, he calls your name.
“What are you doing here?” Street asks, pulling you into a hug when he sees you.
“Missed you,” you confess.
Street pulls back, gripping both sides of your waist as he lowers onto his bike, looking up at you. You drop your eyes to his arms, unable to speak with his attention on you like this. Someone yells your name, and you look up without thinking, immediately stiffening when you see Hondo walking toward you.
“Help,” you whisper.
Street stands, nodding at you before he turns to face Hondo.
“Hondo,” he begins.
“Don’t,” Hondo warns, pointing at him while looking at you. “Jim Street, really?”
“Yes,” you answer. “We’ve been dating for a while.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me? Of all the people you could’ve chosen, you got 20-David’s resident playboy. I know you’re shy, but you can do better.”
 “Hondo, stop,” you demand. “That’s not fair.”
Hondo takes a breath, thinking back to the moment he interrupted. That was a side of Street he has never seen.
“Okay,” he says, turning toward Street. “Try to explain it.”
“She is the best thing that has ever happened to me,” Street answers. “But forcing her to talk before she’s ready isn’t going to help this.”
Hondo hates to admit it, but Street is right. You’ve clearly been happy, and in the few minutes he’s been watching, he’s gentle with you, at the least.
“You’ll still talk to me when you’re ready?” Hondo asks you.
“No. Not unless you apologize. You’re judging Jim for something he used to do with no evidence that he’s still like that. You changed, and you preach that people can, but you refuse to see it.”
Your shoulders drop as you finish, losing your anger after defending Street.
“You’re right,” Hondo replies. “And I’m sorry, Street. I just-“
“I get it, Hondo, she’s your sister. But I’m not going to hurt her.”
“You better not.”
Hondo walks away, and you sag against Street’s side.
“Sorry,” you tell him.
“Eh, I’m used to him,” Street replies.
“As a sergeant, not an overprotective brother.”
“Are you going to tell him?”
“Not until I have to. He won’t understand any of it.”
“Just tell him opposites attract.”
“Makes it sound like you think I complete you,” you murmur.
“I think we need to get out of here so I can kiss you until you can’t even say my name,” Street whispers in your ear.
You make a sound that you hope conveys your displeasure with his statement. He takes it as an opportunity to keep teasing instead. He really is your opposite, but that’s what makes you like him.
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Imagine Tom's reaction when reader (male) was dared by Abraxas to wear a skirt for a week (Abraxas knows Tom has been pining for reader since 1st year, he js want to help his homie)
The Skirt - T.R. x male!Reader
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A/N: I love this request so much oh my gods 💛 I wrote this in a horny frenzy because this unlocked some sort of sleeper agent side of me that I never knew existed until I read your request
I think this is the most feral Tom Riddle I’ve ever written. I tweaked the request a tiny bit, but I hope you like it. It’s completely unedited with no use of Y/N. I wrote it intending to write more, so that’s why it ends the way it does.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE WARNINGS!!! I tried to tag everything, but let me know if I missed something!
This is 18+, which means NO MINORS!!!!
CW: female oc; Reader dresses as a girl; lots of beauty descriptors for Reader; don’t read if you’re prone to dysphoria/dysmorphia around looking feminine!!!; Tom’s horny thoughts; Tom’s feral thoughts; Tom is absolutely whipped for you; brief graphic description of sexual acts; Tom is a horny boy; probably ooc Tom; this takes place in Tom’s seventh year of school, so him and Reader are both of age
777 words
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“Hey, did you hear about Abraxas’ dare?”
Tom looks up from his plate of food, lowering his fork. “No. What dare?”
Aurora Greengrass sits across from him, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “You haven’t heard? He dared a male student to dress as a girl for a week!”
Tom blinks, vaguely surprised. “Abraxas did? Who did he dare?”
“No one knows yet. We only know because—“
“What are you two talking about?”
Abraxas sits next to Tom, dumping his school bag on the floor behind him as he sits down to eat.
Aurora’s excitement seems to dim a bit. “Ah, well… We were just discussing your dare.”
“Ah.” Abraxas smirks. “That. I’m quite excited about it, honestly. It should help some things move along quite nicely, if I do say so myself.”
He gives Tom a subtle nudge, like Tom should have any idea of what he’s talking about.
He just gives Abraxas an odd look and goes back to eating his food.
“So,” Aurora leans in. “Who did you dare?”
Abraxas’ smirk only grows. “Why don’t you ask him yourself? He’s coming this way.”
Tom turns to look, and promptly chokes on his bite of food.
It’s you, dressed in a swishy skirt, woman’s stockings, and Mary Janes. You have on red lipstick, a bold and fierce look.
“Hello, Riddle. Malfoy. Greengrass.” You sit casually, adjusting your skirt as if it’s no big deal. As if you aren’t the most gorgeous boy to walk into Tom’s life.
Tom manages to swallow his food and pick his jaw up off the floor. “You— You look—“
Where to even begin?
Tom’s had a crush on you since first year. Ever since you sat next to lonely little him in Potions class and gave him the biggest grin of your life.
He’d been absolutely sold since then. Seven years of being head over heels. Utterly and completely whipped.
Seeing you in such a cute skirt… all prettied up…
He bites his tongue to keep his thoughts—and blood—from rushing to inappropriate places.
You didn’t dress up to be objectified like this. But Merlin did his brain want to do it.
“Cute, right?” You flash your signature grin, the one that always makes Tom’s stomach flutter. Today it’s more like a tornado of butterflies.
Merlin, how is it that you look so pretty? From just a skirt and lipstick!
“Uh-huh.” He mindlessly agrees, far more focused on a tiny smudge of lipstick against your upper lip. He wants to wipe it off. Kiss it off. Make it worse.
His thoughts go downhill too quickly to catch.
That perfect mouth of yours, all red with smudged lipstick, wrapped around his—
“You’re staring, Riddle.” A small frown creases your face. “Are you alright? Do I have something on my—“
“I’m fine!” Tom forces himself into composure, folding his hands in his lap to hide the evidence of his thoughts.
Your gaze flicks down automatically, and a quizzical look crosses your face.
Tom panics a bit. You can’t find out! You’ll be disgusted with him!
“So,” he says, fumbling over his words. “What made you decide to accept the date— DARE! The dare.”
He’s practically sweating, hands clasped tight. For a moment, it seems like you’re going to question him.
Then you shrug. “I dunno. Just felt like it. Abraxas seemed pretty set on me doing it, so I guess I just accepted to humor him. I look pretty good in a skirt, though, huh?”
Tom’s mouth goes dry. Pretty good? You look fantastic. Gorgeous. Mouth-watering.
He wants to kiss along your tantalizingly bare thighs and sink his teeth into the meat of your skin. He wants to mark you up, leaving it absolutely unequivocal as to who you belong to.
More than anything, he wants to see you absolutely wrecked, begging underneath him as he fucks you in the skirt.
“Riddle… Riddle… Tom…?”
“I gotta—“ Tom stands, his breathing heavy. He can’t stand it. You look too good. Too tempting. “I gotta go.”
He can barely find it in him to care that you get an eyeful of his extremely obvious hard-on as he stands up. He needs to get out of here. Now.
He can hear Abraxas’ laughter as he flees. Cheeky shit. He probably set it all up on purpose. Made you wear the skirt, knowing he’d find you irresistible.
And for a whole week?
Tom presses his forehead to the cool wall of the corridor.
There’s no way he’s gonna make it through the week. Especially not with you looking so delectable.
He has to find some way to distract himself. To divert his focus from you.
But how?
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strawberryblue-blog · 5 months
neighbors in trouble part 2. —Gavi.
summary: After having meetings for a while, you realize that it is much more than sex. first part.
warnings: YES. +18. smut.
words count: +2.5k.
#SEXYNOTE: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes. To the anonymous person who gave me the idea i love you 🩵
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The starry night lit up when you poked your head out of the balcony smelling the fresh air rushing by.
"Hey" a hoarse voice greeted you, you turned your body as you heard your neighbor.
"Hi Gavi" you greeted leaning over the balcony railing, seeing the boy in his typical workout outfit.
"Rough day?" he asked doing the same as you.
You lifted your shoulders snorting. It had been quite a busy day, you had been working on a report and reading books for hours, but now you felt calm and relaxed as you arrived home.
"How about you?" you replied when you saw the tension in his name.
Gavi used to look more relaxed sometimes but today you were surprised to see him a bit tense when you went out on the balcony.
Especially because he didn't respond. He just stood there and looked at you with those eyes. He looked tired and stressed, the training had surely been heavy.
"I need you, baby" he admitted when you smiled at him as you felt your body vibrate.
His voice sounded caramel and it had an effect on you, something that was fucking exciting for you. So you moved close enough towards his balcony, as he was just a few inches away from yours until you saw him up close. Gavi reached out his hand and stroked your arm. He shook his head, beckoning you over.
With that you understood everything, you entered your apartment and he also entered yours, closing the balcony windows until you were inside your room. You ran to the door, crossing the short corridor that united you and at the moment you opened his door without security, you were cornered against it while Gavi kissed you fiercely.
You had missed your neighbor, you weren't going to deny it.
Now, Gavi's hands knew your body to perfection as they cupped your bare thighs, caressing them and your fingers anchored themselves in his locks of hair, tugging at it. You both gasped when your center rubbed against their crotch as Gavi took the time to kiss every nook and cranny of your skin, filling them with lust and longing to be felt.
"If you didn't show up tonight, I was going to come for you myself" he murmured unhinged with desire. A chuckle escaped your swollen lips.
"You really had a bad day" you teased grabbing him by the collar.
He narrowed his eyes nodding. "And I was really looking forward to seeing you" he squeezed your ass, making you gasp.
"To see me or fuck me?" you questioned amused.
"To fuck you i have to see you, right?" he laughed looking at you as he bit his lip.
What you guys had was hard to explain. Neighbors with benefits? Neighbors who helped each other? You didn't quite know but since what had happened that night, you hadn't been able to take your eyes (and other things) off your sensual neighbor.
You were kind of like friends who fucked and helped each other. It was nothing serious but something like a relationship where you didn't need labels and each one decided whether to continue or not. Kissing and touching was something you did often when you were together.
You were attracted to each other, yes. But only enough to fuck and then move on with their lives. You had been doing it for a few months since you first met and nothing had changed between you.
You both lived in the same building it was obvious that you passed each other and saw each other all the time but you acted like you didn't know each other or sometimes just said hello. Whatever you had only worked within the four walls and involved you both naked and full of pleasure.
Pablo trained every day, while you were 100% dedicated to your classes and exams. And although it's still very unclear how you got to this point, you both used to call each other when you needed to relieve stress. So just going out to the balcony or knocking on the door was enough to give Gavi permission to fuck you uncontrollably.
You still remembered how his lips had felt for the first time, the night you came to ask him for silence, two hours later you were making all the noise in the world while he fucked you like an animal. Just like now. On his bed, as your hands squeezed his muscular back and his hands spread your legs to settle between them.
"You're so fucking beautiful" he moaned against your breasts, sucking them vehemently.
A chuckle came out of your mouth as you heard it.
"I told you pretty words aren't your thing, Gavi" you teased amused. His face became more serious.
"Can't i say something nice to you for once?" the question took you by surprise.
Of course he could. But he never done it before, even though he tried the first time.
You nodded a little, biting your lip. He really thought you were beautiful? Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of his words. You moved closer to him and kissed his lips tenderly in an aggregate way feeling your belly stir.
His lips took your nipples again as he felt them so needy for pleasure, teasing you when you squealed at the pain he exerted when he bit it. A pleasurable pain that coursed through your whole body and anchored itself in your crotch.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard, baby" he indicated taking off his pants and his underwear.
"That's more your thing" you smiled grabbing him by the back of the neck to slam your lips against his all at once.
It didn't take him long to move his hand down to your panties, touching you over them and then moving them to the side making sure you were ready to receive him and shit you were. A loud squeal came out of your mouth when Gavi entered you without warning, entering your body desperate to have you. His hand held you tight when his lips released you, still stunned by his action.
His hand took place on your hips, while the other one held against the mattress so as not to fall on top of you. Pleasure began to invade every corner of your bodies as Pablo continued to move inside you, in a hard, steady thrust that was driving you crazy.
It was hard to control the noises coming out of your mouth, as Gavi's cock made it almost impossible. You loved it so much, it filled you so much, it made you feel so good. Who knew you would start needing each other, asking for each other, enjoying each other after that time, something you would have never thought of doing. Something that started as a romp and ended in thousands of hot sessions of pleasure every now and then.
Now his hand left your mouth and was replaced by his lips, kissing you wildly to silence you moans. His lips were lovely and you felt it so intimate, so delicate.
It felt so good.
Every time Gavi fucked you it was fantastic. Even before you didn't care so much about sex but since that day you couldn't stop feeling wanted. Your relationship was weird and not as normal as any other, you knew Pablo would be there for you when you wanted to fuck but he would also be there if you needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to come out and clear your head when everything was bad. Because that's what he did when you were tired or needed a friend.
Although you'd always prefer to have him on top of you, fucking you like it was the last time you ever did it. Feeling the pleasure in every fiber of your bodies, feeding off each other, trusting and being free.
Gavi knew every part of your body and you knew about his, what you liked and what you hated, how he liked it and what you didn't. What you two had felt intimate and dirty at the same time, like fucking your apartment neighbor and then acting like complete strangers. You complemented each other so well when you were together and you didn't need anyone's permission or approval. Just each other's and you were doing a great job with that.
"Look at me, Y/n" he asked as your hips lifted to generate more friction. Orgasm was very close and Gavi knew it. "Look at me" he said again.
Your eyes focused on his and although it was hard to keep them open because of the amount of pleasure you were feeling, you were able to look at him as he wanted. Your hands held his chest and the penetrations were erratic, unbridled, desperate.
"Look at me making love to you" he whispered as his forehead rested against yours.
His words sent an electric current coursing down your back, sparks erupted from their bodies as his gaze remained glued to yours. The gleam in his eyes were like lanterns of light and you knew yours also looked like sparkles in the darkness.
He was making love to you. It wasn't just sex.
Maybe the first few times and for a few months but not today. Today it wasn't just sex. And you were loving it. You were enjoying it and you wanted me to make love to you.
He wanted to watch you as he made love to you, wanted to see how your body reciprocated his, how you took what he was giving you, how you felt what he felt. And shit, you felt it. You'd felt it from the first moment he showed up on the balcony today, you'd felt it two days ago when it was the last time you fucked, you'd felt it a few weeks ago.
You were his.
You loved his eyes. The black color that stood out of them when he laughed, how delicate his white skin looked when you were close to him, his strong arms taking you and holding you, his slender fingers when they touched your skin, his smile when he said goodbye to you after their encounter.
You loved everything about him.
How he would get overprotective when he saw you coming home with your friends, when he pretended to be sick so you would take care of him, when he called you at night to see if you were okay.
And now you were making love.
Maybe all this time you had been doing it but none of you wanted to admit it. Out of fear or denial but you were in love. You were stubborn and neither of you wanted to lose the fight, but you were right for each other.
Your hands ran up his chest gently, groped his neck and wrapped around his face as the pressure in your belly increased. You wanted to see him making you orgasm, you wanted him to see how he made you feel. Your legs trembled around your body and as you let yourself go, fire swept through your system. You screamed his name in a moan as your expressions went out of control, your vision blurred but through the clouds you could see how the orgasm was now hitting Gavi, grunting and penetrating you harder in the perfect place. His eyes lingered on yours as you felt his liquid spill inside you, hot and thick. His thrusts stopped as the spasms continued in you and Gavi's body fell over yours.
Her breaths were ragged and it was the only thing you could hear in the room, not a word. Her head rested on your chest as she tried to catch her breath and you froze. It was so much information to process, your mind was blank. You had just had the best orgasm of your life making love to Pablo Gavi.
Damn it. This was not what they had planned. And you were terrified.
"Are you okay?" he asked getting up a little to look at you. You nodded with a half smile.
"I... I don't know what to say" you said in a daze.
You really had so many things to say but you didn't know where to start.
"About what?" he said settling in next to you.
"About what just happened" you answered quickly turning to look at him.
"You made love to me" you mentioned without compunction.
"Yeah and what abour that?"
"I mean, we made love" you corrected.
"Do you want a statement or something?" he questioned with a laugh.
"What do you mean?" you hesitated. You were confused and had a hard time understanding his expressions.
Gavi sighed sitting up to see you face to face. Your stomach churned and your heart started beating as if you were running a marathon.
"Pablo..." you called out to him at his silence. His hands cupped your belly and pulled you close enough to him to make all your hair stand on end.
"I really like you" he admitted. "I want to be with you all day long, every minute I think about when I'll see you again, I wonder if you'll be excited to see me. I miss every second your body, your lips, everything about you" he kept saying and his words crashed in your chest. "I want to go out with you, for you to meet the guys, my parents, sister, I want to take you out to dinner, buy you things and then come back with you here"
Your heart started to jump in your chest, your cheeks were starting to burn and your desire to kiss him increased as you saw him there.
"Do you understand what I'm saying?" he whispered at your silence. "Y/n?" he insisted.
A small smile appeared on your lips and widened as you moved closer to him to embrace him. The embrace was so warm and magical that butterflies began to fly in your belly beneath his hands.
Yes you understood, because you had felt that way too. You saw each other every day and each time you became anxious for more, sometimes you even thought you were obsessing but it wasn't just that.
"I want this" you said with conviction. "I want you, Gavi" your body was surrounded by his as your back pressed against his chest.
"I think I'm in love with you" You whispered.
You could feel his heart beat in rhythm with yours and it made you smile with happiness. Cuddled naked on his bed where you had just made love.
Where it had all begun.
"I love you, Y/n" he said in your ear.
Hearing those words sent your system into an uproar, they sounded so cute coming out of his mouth and it felt so special. For the first time you felt like your world was being pulled into an unexplainable experience. Your feelings were true for him, always had been.
You were in love with Gavi. And you were going to try. Together.
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jaehunnyy · 10 months
the one | jwy
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Genre: best-friends-to-lovers, a bit of angst, fluff
Word count: 1.1k
Pairing: Wooyoung x gn!reader
Warnings: cheating (not by Wooyoung), some insults, swear words, pet names, a kiss, possible grammar mistakes
Requested by: @paolo2-6 (Song: Cheater - The Vamps)
Taglist: @shakalakaboomboo, @pocketjoong-reads, @nebulousbrainsoup, @justhere4kpop, @bluehwale, @bluisheye93, @ssaboala, @i-luvsang, @ad0rechuu
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Maybe there were perks of having a best friend like Wooyoung, but maybe, just maybe, his hesitation and skepticism when it came to your boyfriend made you a bit suspicious about his plans. Whenever your boyfriend came over (and Wooyoung acted like he owned your place in his cocky way), they would send hate-poisoned arrows to each other; as if they had a reason to be like that—one you had to find out about. Your boyfriend was everything you could have wished for, so why was Wooyoung trying to prove you otherwise every time? You were tired of his remarks, so you decided to knock a bit of sense into his head by ignoring him—maybe you were wrong, maybe you were actually the one needing that.
Wooyoung was preparing to go home after a tiring day at college, when his friend, San, screamed some interesting words: "Woo, look, it's Y/n and their boyfriend!"
Wooyoung looked immediately in that direction, just to be met with, indeed, your boyfriend, yet there was no sign of you. He gestured to San to follow him, approaching the boy and scrutinizing his companion with fierce eyes—anything when it came to you.
"That's not Y/n, stupid." he whispered to the older boy, then hid in a bush, where he could get a perfect glimpse of what was happening. "And that's the guy I'm ignored for."
Your boyfriend seemed to have fun with his guest, her lips all over his face as he held her tight—was he fucking cheating on you? His hands squeezed into fists as he wanted to go teach him a lesson right there—yet he was better than that. He took his bag and left without any other word, leaving a confused San behind as he started running to your house, not even bothering to take the bus anymore. He took his phone out and called you, fearing that you wouldn't answer—yet he calmed down when you did, smiling when he heard your sleepy voice.
"Did I wake you up from your beauty sleep?" he asked, his signature grin still on his face.
"What do you want, Woo?"
"Y/n… I miss you. Can we please meet up at the café next to your house?"
"Is there anything new that you dreamt up about my boyfriend?"
"Y/n… I will be quick, I promise. Just come, it's for the best. Please."
Hearing his kinda worried voice made you think about your past actions—you were too harsh on him for no reason. He was just protective and you should have appreciated that more. You dressed up immediately and went to the café, seeing him ready and waiting for you by the door. He was cute; a baggy outfit styled with some modest jewelry, his long, two-toned hair in a messy ponytail, some strands laying in beautiful waves of blonde on his face, making him look like the perfect college boyfr—what the fuck Y/n?
He came to you and gave you a short hug, opening the door for you and leading you inside as you took your own time to observe things—your boyfriend has never done this for you. Maybe Wooyoung was right—maybe there was something to discuss with your boyfriend.
"We need to talk!" you both said in unison, looking at each other.
"You go first, please." Wooyoung gestured, but you absolutely refused it.
"No, you called me there, so it has to be important."
Wooyoung sighed. "Can we talk about your boyfriend?"
You frowned, but nodded for him to continue.
"He's got a secret and he's telling you lies."
You looked at him, absorbing his words as you tried to reflect on them. "What kind of lies, Woo?"
Wooyoung inhaled deeply, before talking again: "He's got another girlfriend. I saw them on my way home with San, today. He never smiled like that with you, and it hurt me."
You stared at nothing in particular, spacing out as nothing around you seemed to be there anymore. You were surrounded by thoughts, and Wooyoung, and regret, and sadness, and anger, and oh, maybe you should have listened to your heart when it signaled that Wooyoung was the one. The way he came on the chair next to you, hugging you tight, staining your waist with sincere feelings—oh, how it all made sense.
"I was so straightforward, I'm sorry, but baby, I just gotta let you know—"
He didn't even get to finish his sentence when your boyfriend and his fling showed up at the entrance of the café, holding hands and laughing like teenagers in love (a teenage love Wooyoung secretly hoped won't last). You made yourself smaller in Wooyoung's arms, shutting your wide eyes as you wished for the world to stop right there, with you in Wooyoung's arms, and your boyfriend in that girl's arms, assigned by fate.
"—You really gotta let him go."
He sat the two of you up, holding your hand as he grabbed his things and led you to the exit—not before he bid your boyfriend a last goodbye, though.
"Congrats on your new relationship, idiot. And they are done with you, guess they found someone better themselves." He spat, smirking as he intentionally brushed his shoulder over your ex boyfriend's, getting you two outside.
You didn't know what to say—you were ashamed that you almost left your best friend for someone who didn't even accept him.
"Wooyoung? I should have listened to you since the first day, I'm sorry. It was you all this time."
He smiled softly, petting your hair. "It's okay, Y/n. Fate will have its way with us again." he said, brushing some hair strands off your face: "Sleepover at mine? With ice-cream and a movie marathon?"
"Couldn't agree more."
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With every passing month, every passing season—time made you witness the stages of nature, along with the kindness and love Wooyoung had to offer. He treated you right, he treated you the way you deserved it. He taught you never to settle for less than you deserved, and that's when you were sure you wanted him forever. There you were now, settled on the beach's warm sand, sitting on a blanket while the water touched your skin softly.
"Wooyoung? Thank you, for everything. For being here for me all the time, for fighting for me, for us."
"How could I not be there for the most beautiful person I've seen in my whole life?"
You blushed softly, the crimson adorning your cheeks beautifully, making him smile and grab your cheeks.
"Awee, you’re blushinnngg." he mocked playfully, booping your nose.
"You don't need to remind me! After all, I have the most beautiful boy right in front of me."
He blushed too; you thought it was the cutest thing ever.
"Is this the moment where we kiss?" he asked, smirking a bit.
"I guess so." you shyly admitted, pressing your lips on his softly.
The kiss was soft, full of blooming feelings, full of healing; it was simply right, and you were more than sure of it now. Wooyoung has always been the one.
"I love you, Woo." you said, pressing your forehead on his.
"I love you too, angel."
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iwasabs · 8 days
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hatefucks are the best way to make up after a fight. you gotta follow your instincts, even next to a room filled with your friends
pairing miya atsumu x fem!reader
content contains rough sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, fingering, semi-public sex, abrasion kink, asphyxiation kink, praise kink, possessive characters, jealousy, slight age gap (feel free to add anything i missed in the comments)
A.N. THIS IS A POST HIGH SCHOOL SCENARIO, CHARACTERS ARE 18+. please read the informations above carefully. if ANY of the contents triggers you, DO NOT read this post. if you're a minor, please scroll. requests on my blog are open.
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The noise of the ball slamming on the ground and the screams of joy echoing throughout the gym won't stop pounding your head. The friendly match has been going on for the past hour and a half. As a manager, you're sitting on the bleachers with your team, Inarizaki, and Nekoma and Fukurodani. Every time you glance at Atsumu, you clench your fists harder, remembering the little encounter he had earlier. You've never been the jealous type, the main reason being you never had a relationship this serious, but also the fact that you always dated nerdy guys who weren't that much on the cute side.
Three years ago, at the beginning of your first year, you met Atsumu. He was five years older than you and everybody knew him because of his undeniable volleyball skills that brought so much fame to your school and his innate charm. He's one handsome motherfucker. You two are the definition of she fell first, he fell harder. Being older than you, he didn't really notice you three years ago, but, when you contacted him as a manager earlier this year, he couldn't help but notice how well you grew up. As soon as you turned eighteen, six months ago, you started dating. Since then, you have to push back girls and boys with a bat, because your boyfriend surely doesn't go unnoticed. Now that he's the official setter of MSBY, he and his teammates offered to host matches in their gym every now and then to play against the Inarizaki team and raise the bar. As soon as the news spread, these matches have been crowded with fans. It's a shame the MSBY gym is enormous because it's getting almost impossible for you to contain your boyfriend's groupies.
Today, things have reached a new low point. Usually, people stop at comments about his beauty or his muscles, but earlier, you witnessed a gut-wrenching scene: a girl, probably a couple years older than you, whispered something in Atsumu's ear, then took a picture of the both of them, fiercely touching your boyfriend's bicep. With steam coming out your ears, you ran towards them, clearing your throat.
'You should head to the field, baby. We'll start training in a few minutes.' you said, crossing your arms under your chest and glaring at the skank. She willingly ignored you, pressing a kiss on Atsumu's cheek and waving him goodbye.
He must've heard the sound of your blood boiling, because he tried to say something, but you pushed him away and sprinted to the field.
So now you're here, sitting on the bleachers, enraged with your boyfriend because he's too hot to walk on this earth. When the match ends, both teams sit in a circle, discussing the game together. Your intense staring activity gets interrupted by a first-year student, whose name you never remember, who slightly taps your shoulder to get your attention. He's a very shy guy, but you were told he's got the biggest crush on you, so you always try to be nice.
'Y/n s-senpai, I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted to thank you for your help with my English class. I passed the test' he stutters, eyes on the ground.
You let out a scream of joy, getting a few people's attention, then jump on your feet and hug the guy tightly. He's shorter than you, so his face is basically squashed between your generous boobs. you smile at his flustered cheeks and wave at him, watching as he literally runs away. A weird feeling on the back of your head makes you turn around, facing Atsumu's face. Every crumb of anger disappears when you notice he's clenching his jaw so hard he'll probably break a tooth. Unlike you, he was born jealous. Even when his teammates and best friends spoke to you, he couldn't stand it.
Totally ignoring him, you turn you back on him and wait outside.
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After getting takeout food and drinks, you head to Bokuto's house to spend some time with Atsumu's friends. You two haven't spoke to eachother since the skank-incident and everybody noticed a little tension. When your boyfriend has the audacity to sit next to you on the couch and rest his hand on your inner thigh, you quickly get up.
'What the hell do you think you're doing, Miya?' you try to keep your voice down so you don't cause a scene in front of everybody.
'What do you think? I'm trying to touch my girl, who's been ignoring me the whole day.' his tone is louder, so everybody turns around.
'I'm not doing this with you.' you say grabbing your purse.
You hear Atsumu calling you multiple times, but you ignore him and proceed to greet the others. You're about to hug Bokuto when Atsumu suddenly grabs your arm and tries to stop you from leaving.
'C'mon baby. What's going on?' he says in a softer voice.
'I'm not your baby. I'm sure that whore left you her number, so feel free to call her and leave me alone' you say, basically screaming. you hear the others' giggles, so you try to pull away, but Atsumu picks you up, resting his palm on your butt.
'Leave me alone, you perv!' you scream hitting his back.
He fixes you on his shoulder and takes you to the kitchen, slamming the door.
'What the fuck do you think you're doing, y/n. Why are you acting like a baby?' he says with a confused and slightly annoyed tone.
'Me? A baby? Atsumu, do you know how tiring can be being with you?' you push his chest.
'Everyday a new threat, always somebody around you, complimenting and touching you' you push his chest again.
'I'm tired, Atsumu. I'm fucking tired.' you start punching his chest, until he grabs your wrists and stops you, pushing you against the kitchen counter.
'You're so worried about people around me, but what about you, uh?' he hisses.
You give him a confused look. He runs his finger on your throat, then squeezes your cheeks with his big, calloused hand, forcing you to look at him.
'You always run around in this flimsy shirt so those suckers you go to school with can't help but look at your boobs. And you put on this ridiculously short skirt and these stockings that could turn on a dead man. Always smiling at everybody, playing with your hair or biting your nails when you're annoyed.' he whispers in your ear, his hand lowering to squeeze your neck.
'W-what are you talking about' you say and he tightens his grip. You slightly arch your back, getting aroused and feeling Atsumu's grin in the crook of your neck. He knows you like it. In a split second, he spins you around, grabbing your hair in his fist.
'Do you like that loser you hugged on the bleachers today?' he whispers again. You grin. Let's play.
'He's cute' you answer. He pulls your hair and you let out a moan. He presses himself into you and you feel him hardening.
'Do you think he could fuck you the way I do?' he asks, spreading his hand on your belly, pushing your body harder against his.
'I don't know, but I'm sure he can't wait to' you smugly reply. In a heartbeat, his hand shifts from your belly to your stockings, ripping them apart. He touches your panties and lets out a bold laugh.
'Are you getting wet while we fight, y/n?' he asks, biting your earlobe.
You don't answer, so he moves your panties to the side and with no warning enters you with two fingers. You let out a loud moan, so he covers your mouth with his hand.
'Oh, come on baby. Do you want everybody to hear how I fuck this little brat attitude out of your body? Be a good girl and let me use your little pussy.'
He grabs your neck again, pumping two fingers in and out your wet core. You try to grab the counter to stabilise yourself, but he brings your body back, resting it on his chest. The moment he adds a third finger, you feel your knees weaken.
' 'tsumu' you moan.
'What, baby?'
'Please.' you whine, moving your hips to add friction.
'So eager to come on my fingers, aren't you, little one?'
You whimper, nodding your head. He fucks you with his fingers deeper and deeper, until he touches that soft, spongey spot that gives you the most pleasure. A powerful orgasm reaches every end of your limbs, making you shiver. You look at the ground, where a puddle of clear liquid is staining the floor. You flinch and cover your mouth, trying to get away from Atsumu, but your legs still feel numb, so you trip. Atsumu catches you immediately, spinning you around.
'Look at you, princess. You squirted for me like a good girl. You don't have to be ashamed of yourself.' he says, caressing your cheeks, his fingers still soaked in your juices.
You look down, embarrassed, when you notice his prominent hard-on. He chuckles.
'Would you mind helping me with that?' he asks with a cocky smile, rubbing your cheek. You grab his hand, guiding his fingers into your mouth and sucking on them. His expression suddenly changes, his eyes shining with mischief.
'On your knees, little one' he says, and you instantly drop on the ground, your stockings getting drenched in your squirt. You carefully pull his sweats down and free him of his underwear. His cock bounces on your nose and you grab it with both hands, unable to circle it with only one palm. You give it a couple strokes, spreading the precum leaks with your thumb. While circling the tip, you give it wet kitten licks, tasting his aphrodisiac flavour. One of you hands automatically moves to his balls, the other one still stroking his length, while you put him in your mouth. You feel his breath hitching, his hands pressed on the counter. You slowly start moving your head up and down, reaching half of his shaft, stroking with your hand where your mouth can’t reach.
‘Princess please, try harder. Need you to swallow my cock’ he says, biting his lips. You try to suck deeper, but you gag on his girth, making him even harder. You pull him out with a loud pop, inhaling some air while still coughing.
‘ ‘m sorry baby I can’t, you’re too big.’ you say, cleaning the mix of precum and saliva from your mouth. Atsumu grabs your hair and guides your mouth back to his cock.
‘One more time baby, c’mon’ he asks slowly guiding your head up and down. After a couple seconds you gag again.
‘Don’t stop, little one. I need you pretty mouth now.’ he says with a voice so sensual you feel like the most beautiful girl on heart. You ignore the gag and keep sucking on his cock. You feel him growing impatient, moving your head faster, until he’s unable to control himself anymore and starts moving his hips. He quickly speeds up his tempo, fucking your mouth with his whole cock. Every time he slams on the back of your throat, he speeds up, shamelessly moaning. You’ve always loved how vocal he can get when he feels pleasure.
‘So hot and wet. My little princess. ‘mh f-fuck- taking me so- ‘mhg- so well, choking on my dick.’
The room is filled with your gagging sounds and his moans. You feel his heavy balls tighten.
‘Close your eyes, baby’ he says. After a couple seconds, you feel his cum dripping down your throat and filling your mouth. You plan to swallow every drop of it, but Atsumu pulls out, grabbing his cock with his hand and coming allover you face, covering your cheeks, lips and forehead in thick ropes of white cum. He grabs you from the ground and drops you on the counter. He slowly gathers every drop of his cum from your face, making you suck it from his fingers. You look at him with the biggest doe eyes, instantly feeling him hard again.
‘What are you doing to me’ he says, resting his forehead on yours. you cup his face with your hands.
‘Fuck me’ you tell him with the most innocent look.
He doesn’t waste a second spreading you legs and, hand on his cock, guiding himself inside you. He doesn’t give you time to adjust, slamming his whole cock inside your cunt, balls deep. You scream in both pain and pleasure, grabbing the skin of his back and scratching it. He gets harder at the slight pain caused by your scratches, so he starts moving inside you with a soft pace, that quickly speeds up, fiercely thrusting inside you. He covers your neck in bites and hickeys. Still weak from the precious orgasm, you become a blabbering mess, holding onto him for dear life.
‘ mhg- g-god, ple-please daddy’ you whimper. Hearing you call him daddy makes him spin you around, chest on the counter. He’s now pounding inside you with a wild strength, your boobs spilling out your bra. You don’t usually call him that, but it’s not the first time you notice he likes it.
‘ ‘m gonna fill you s- mhn fuck- so much you’ll have my babies, belly so big everybody will know how well i stuffed you. F-fuck- be so fucking good taking care of our children.’
He grabs your hair with one hand, using the other to cup your boob. The powerful thrusts and the obscene sound of his balls slapping your butt are the last straw that gives you the second orgasm of the night. Atsumu fucks your sensitive pussy until he comes too, spilling inside you.
He grabs your hips and helps you sitting on the counter, with your boobs still out of your bra, your ripped stockings and cum dripping down your legs. He squeezed his cock back into his underwear, adjusting his pants. He grabs your leg, taking off your stockings and throwing them in the bin. He cleans your legs and the floor, while you fix your hair and your shirt. Once he’s done, he looks at you, positioning himself back between your legs. He kisses you, resting his hand on your cheek. You stroke his hair and moan into his mouth.
‘Princess if you go on like this i’m gonna get hard again’ he says, grabbing you by the hips and putting you back on the ground. He rests his hands on your shoulders, guiding you back to the living room, where everybody’s staring at the both of you with smiles and grins.
‘y/n, i’m so sorry about your stockings’ Bokuto says, making everybody laugh.
‘I-Im going to the bathroom’ you say embarrassed, knowing that everybody heard how much you like to be fucked by Atsumu. You kiss your boyfriend on the lips, then head to the bathroom, while he slaps your butt before sinking on the couch with a satisfied smile.
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Could u do an imagine where reader's hair is red and daemon's absolutely obsessed with it?Thank you.
Would u consider doing an imagine where its basically daemon and the reader have a love /hate relationship but then they confess their love when Daemon comes back from tbe StepStones
My Fire
Request: Could u do an imagine where reader’s hair is red and daemon’s absolutely obsessed with it?Thank you
Hi! I love this request, it’s so cute. I wish I had red hair, I’ve dyed it a wine color before, but I’m considering dying it a copper color at some point. I didn’t know if you wanted bright red hair, or something like ginger, so I left it kinda up to the reader, I hope that’s ok. Also, I made the reader fem, and a friend of Rhaenyra from another house, so I could make sense of the reader's hair color. I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think.
And yes, I can write that other request, just submit an ask with any ideas or details you want and I’ll add it to the list.
(Warnings: i don't think there are any, maybe an ooc daemon, let me know if i missed any)
Rhaenyra had finally convinced you to let her braid your hair, framing pieces around your face and twisting the strands into intricate designs all around your head. You normally kept it simple, and out of your face, pulled back neatly. 
With the amount of time you spent with Rhaenyra, often on dragonback, you didn’t have the time to fiddle with your hair, as it would get tangled anyway. 
Even then, you had no great love for your hair. The high born boys of your house often made fun, teasing you about the color. As you grew older, the boys turned to men, and the comments became a lot cruder. Rhaenyra, ever the fiery spirit, always had your back. You were a handful of years older than her, and it was quite funny to see a little girl instill fear in boys twice her height. Although, you supposed that had more to do with her father being the King, and her Uncle, who had quite the reputation, being fiercely protective over the pair of you.
Rhaenyra often begged to have you let her do something with your hair, so you could hold your head high and walk with confidence, and you finally caved to her incessant pestering. And you had to admit, you did look quite nice when she finished. 
“You have plans with my Uncle today, do you not?” Rhaenyra asked, smirking.
You raised a brow, watching her grin. “You’re such a little meddler! Is that why you kept asking? I swear, you’re too much like your Uncle.”
“That’s why you love him,” she laughed, blocking her face from the pillow you slung her way. “And he loves your hair, you know that. Why hide it from him?”
You groaned, hiding your heated cheeks in your palms. “Gods, you really are like him. I bet he put you up to this. You two are always a recipe for a disaster. You could take down the Seven Kingdoms if you put your mind to it.”
“Yes,” she agreed. “Bold plans, for a later time. For now…you have to meet with my Uncle. Off you go, now.”
She shooed you away from her, blowing a kiss in your direction. You rolled your eyes, opening her chamber door. “I’ll get you back for this. And him too. You both have nothing on me. You should be scared!”
You accepted Ser Harwin’s arm as he closed the door behind you, guiding you down the steps that led towards the Dragon Pit. 
“Thank you, Ser.”
He smiled and nodded, returning to his post outside Rhaenyra’s door. “Good day, My Lady.”
You made your way to the pit, anxiously awaiting your day with Daemon. You arrived to see him standing in front of Caraxes, seemingly talking to him. You laughed to yourself, watching Caraxes find you in his sight, perking up at your presence. 
You whistled, smiling as Caraxes bristled, letting out a happy shrill that mimicked yours.
Daemon turned at the sound of your voice, a grin creeping its way onto his face at the sight of you. He smiled, a genuine rare smile, holding his hand out for you to take. 
“My Lady,” he greeted, as you stepped up to greet Caraxes. The dragon lowered his head, letting you run a light hand down his nose. 
Daemon watched you in awe, amazed at how he managed to get a girl like you. As far as he was concerned, the whole of the Seven Kingdoms paled in comparison to the woman who was akin to fire. 
“You’re beautiful,” he murmured. “I was going to say you look beautiful, but that’s a bit of an understatement. You’re always beautiful.”
His smirk grew as he watched you fight the flush in your cheeks, and he continued on to save you from the embarrassment of stuttering like a fool in front of him, which he regularly made you do.
“I see Rhaenyra finally got her hands on you,” he said, twisting a loose curl around his finger. 
“She did,” you nodded. “I’m not quite sure what her fascination with it is. Who knows how many times I’ve wished for hers. Your family has beautiful hair. I’ve hardly ever met anyone with mine, aside from a few Tully’s. Even so, theirs is auburn, they blend in well enough. I might as well have lit a flame atop my head.”
“That’s a good thing. Everyone else is dreadfully boring. You stand out.” 
Daemon was still transfixed with your hair, twirling it around his finger. You watched him, amused.
“I suppose so. As do you. But yours is regarded as royal. It shines like a silver star. What is mine like? A..uh, a–”
“A dragon,” He interrupted your thoughts, his eyes suddenly meeting yours. You held your breath under his icy gaze. He reassured you a second time. “Like a dragon.”
“I don’t understand.” You shook your head, confused. 
Daemon gazed down at you thoughtfully, gently moving you to stand behind him. You remained silent and followed his lead as he led you to the edge of the pit, where Caraxes had settled. He kept a protective arm in front of you, although he knew Caraxes wouldn’t harm you. 
“Caraxes,” He called, clicking his tongue to get the dragon’s attention. “Sōvegon.”
Caraxes flapped his wings, lifting into the sky. 
Caraxes let a tumbling roar emerge from his throat, breathing fire into the sky above him. 
You watched in wonder, feeling the heat on your skin as the flames danced in the sky. Daemon slid his hand into yours, turning your attention back to him. 
“You’re like a dragon, with hair to match. Flames and heat, scorching to the touch. Like an inferno, embers dancing in the sky. You might not have the hair of a Targaryen, but you have the heart of one. Caraxes can sense it, and I can sense it. You’re akin to fire, like me. And it’s beautiful. Wear it with pride. Wear it with power.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, filled with overwhelming emotion. You squeezed his hand in yours, and he bent down, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Issa gevie, se iksā gevie. Ñuha mele. Ñuha perzys. Ñuha zaldrīzes.”
It is beautiful, and you are beautiful. My red. My fire. My dragon. 
You brought a palm up to rest on his cheek, swiping a thumb across his cheekbone, before running your fingers through his hair. 
“Ñuha qēlos,” you returned, watching Daemon fight the flush that crept onto his cheeks.
My star.
“Aōhon,” he nodded, holding you close to him, one of his hands finding its way back into your curls.
A/N - Hi! Sorry this is kinda short, I’ve been really busy and haven’t had the chance to write. This was my first time writing for Daemon, I hope it’s alright. 
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glitch-karma · 1 year
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Chuuya Birthday Oneshot
Happy (Late..) birthday to the best boy, and my highest kin <333
The day was cold and rainy in Yokohama as you sat there in your small shared apartment. Your boyfriend, Chuuya Nakahara, Executive of the Port Mafia, had been gone for weeks on some mission. Today was his birthday. And it was the first that you two weren't together for.
You sighed as you set the wrapped presents you had for him on your table, along with a handwritten poem that you'd made for him. Birthdays were always hard for Chuuya. He'd always put up a big fuss every time you talked about it. You had a nagging feeling it was because of the incident with Paul Verlaine a few years back. Chuuya was never quite the same since then.
You wanted to be with him so bad. Just to feel his soft lips pamper your face with kisses as you run your hand through his messy orange hair. The feeling of his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, as if he never wants to let go. The way he'd whisper in your ear that you two would stay home instead of going out to celebrate. You craved his touch.
You stood up sadly, making your way to your room to grab your phone. You and Chuuya were originally off today, but since he wasn't here you figured you may as well stop by Mori's office to see if there was any work to be done.
As you walk back into the kitchen you sense something, or rather someone, was watching you. You stop walking for the door for a second. Looking at your surroundings. You very slowly reach for your back pocket, pulling out a small semiautomatic hand gun and pointing to the celling above you.
"Jesus Doll!!"
You immediately recognized the voice as you stared up at the celling. The man you missed the most.. And you were pointing a gun at him.
"Oh my god Chuuya!" You yell, dropping the gun as he deactivated his ability, getting down on the floor. You immediately jumped into his arms as he laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in tight. "that's not the reaction I was expecting from that, but it sure was a good one," Chuuya joked as he kissed your forehead lightly. "I missed the hell out of you, y'know?"
His grip on you was just as expected, like he wanted to hold you and keep you safe in his arms forever. You two stood there in silence for a few moments before you lightly pulled back, taking his hat off of his head and tossing it on the table beside you.
"Happy birthday. I'm so glad your home for it." You said, placing a hand on his cheek, observing all his facial features. His beautiful blue eyes, his almost feminine eyelashes, the small amounts of freckles that dusted his face, and of course his smile that never left his mouth.
He chuckled, kissing you again. "I couldn't stand being away from you today. All the men on the mission kept singing happy birthday and doing all this extra shit"
You laughed as you imagined how annoyed Chuuya must've been. He's never been one for big parties. He's not really one for any big celebration unless there's wine involved. Speaking of wine.
As Chuuya pulled you back into his grip, he noticed a pretty bottle of wine with a red ribbon wrapped around it sitting on the counter. His eyes lit up as he grabbed it, still keeping his grip on your waist nice and tight. ""Brunello di Montalcino Collosorbo".. You really went all out." Chuuya read the name of the wine out loud, putting his head into your collarbone, his breath lightly tickling your neck.
You chuckled, fluffing his hair. "And after we're done with that, I may draw us a nice bath.. Maybe open up that nice 87' bottle?" You said lowly, making Chuuya shudder lightly. "I am so lucky I have you." He said, standing up and pulling you into a passionate kiss. Everything was just, Perfect.
"My partner Nakahara Chuuya, A tempestuous storm, fierce and true, His fiery spirit burns so bright, A force to be reckoned with in every fight. His words cut like a sharpened blade, Yet with me, his kindness is never swayed, A complex man with a heart of gold, In his embrace, I feel safe and bold. We walk the streets of Yokohama, Side by side, no need for drama, Our bond is strong, unbreakable, Together, we are truly formidable. His crimson cloak billows in the wind, A symbol of his power, of the life he's been, But I know the real man beneath, A soul that's suffered, yet still believes. Chuuya, my partner, my love, In your presence, I soar like a dove, I am proud to stand by your side, Forever with you, through every tide. Happy birthday, Chuuya. Y/n."
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(I hope it was worth the wait!!! Happy birthday Chuuya <3)
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tswaney17 · 6 months
Accidental Chemistry Holiday Series - Part 2: Gifts Galore
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Happy New Year!! 🍾 I thought we could kick off the new year with my final holiday fic of the season. If you sent me prompts, don't worry! I will definitely try to come back to those in the future. Hey, blink and @elriel-month will be here, right? 😉 A special thank you to @impossiblescissorspeachpaper for sending me this prompt. 💕
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💕
Catch up here.
Credit to @featherymalignancy for Cassian’s nickname, Cash. 😘
Trigger warnings: minor language
Word Count: 2,772
This fic will be posted on AO3 only. Read the beginning below or click here to head to AO3.
Azriel watched as Elain brought in bag after bag of Christmas presents for Oliver.
At his raised brows, she shot him a sheepish smile. “I’ve been saving small bits of my paycheck for a few months now. And there were so many good sales. I saved like $200 on everything.” She shrugged, even as a blush touched her cheeks.
He reached to grab a few of her bags off her shoulder and set them on the table. Money was a sensitive topic for her, and one she didn’t like the dwell on. So, he said instead, “Well, it sounds like you scored a good deal today.”
She dropped her purse on the counter, peeking into the living area where her little one was crawling all over the floor. One of her rare smiles bloomed across her face. It was one she always seemed to get when she watched her son. And sometimes she shot at Azriel when she’d catch him playing with Oliver. A thing of secret, lovely beauty. That’s what he called that particular smile. “Thank you for watching him today. I appreciate it.”
“I was happy to do it,” he admitted, meaning every single word. Az had gotten comfortable with Oliver over the several months of them living there, building a relationship with the boy and his mother. He never imagined himself as a father figure, but something about the fierce protectiveness he felt towards Ollie—and Elain for that matter—the warmth that spread through his chest whenever he got one of those big grins, made him start believing that perhaps it was something he had truly desired after all.
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My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
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blouisparadise · 10 months
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Today we have the fourth part to our established relationship rec list for you! If you'd like to check out the previous parts, you can find part one here, part two here, and part three here. If you enjoy our rec lists, please show these fics love and be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Heaven In These Sheets | Explicit | 3,557 words
Bunny Hybrid Louis has it out for his boyfriend’s phone.
2) Comfort Is Found When I'm the Only Thought on Your Mind | Mature | 5,087 words
Prompt 396: Established relationship - very domestic PWP. Louis complains about being out of his favorite moisturizer, and Harry suggests giving him a facial.
3) Stripper | Not Rated | 6,579 words
Harry is a bartender at the same strip club Louis works at. They're a power couple.
4) Call My Love In | Explicit | 6,601 words
And it’s cheeky and bold and so fucking Louis that Harry’s almost blindsided by it, takes it like a slap in the face to be reminded, yet again, that he is so eternally thankful to have found this boy. This boy who will bite at him with words, with teeth, will claw at him with hands, will destroy his heart by loving it fiercely, will put it back together again with a look, with a thought, and is never, ever, afraid to be so utterly himself around him; Harry’s so in love he can’t think straight.
5) Act Out | Explicit | 6,721 words
Harry leans forward so he's closer to Louis's ear, and murmurs, "If I was your husband, I'd never let you out of my sight." It’s ridiculous. He is his husband. There’s hundreds of photos, and official papers, and rings, and two babies with the last name Tomlinson Styles that prove it. But it’s also possessive, and hot and Louis doesn’t know what he was expecting when Harry told him he wanted to try roleplaying a little, but so far he’s not complaining.
6) Alone Too Long | Explicit | 10,371 words
By the time The Temptress finally reached bay, the Captain only had one thing on his mind, and that one thing was Louis Darling.
7) Under the Same Sun | Explicit | 10,662 words
Louis and Harry live 400 miles away from each other. Sometimes it’s hard. (internet boyfriends, indie bands, and happy endings) “I already miss you. I miss you all the damn time.” Louis says, because it’s late enough for honesty.
8) Out Of The Woods | Explicit | 15,560 words
The past and the future merge to meet us here. What luck. What a fucking curse.
9) Everything I Do | Explicit | 16,390 words
Harry’s ready, has been for a while now, and he’s fairly certain Louis is too, it just hasn’t been on the top of their priority list. There have been offhand mentions, a comment here and there, more in jest than anything, no serious discussion or consideration. Harry stands up straighter, a stomach-churning thought forming in his mind. Has Louis been waiting for him to ask?
10) Three's A Crowd, Four's A Party | Mature | 16,659 words
Harry and Louis tell their five year old they're pregnant.
11) Were We Ever This Young? | Explicit | 17,296 words
Hogwarts AU in which Harry and Louis both return to give talks to seventh years about the 'real world' with slightly varying results. Inspired by the Chilton scene between Rory and Paris in the new Gilmore Girls.
12) Under the Lights Tonight | Explicit | 20,905 words | Sequel
Note: There is a BH mention.
Harry’s an A-list supermodel, Louis’s his make-up artist boyfriend. They’re something of a dream team.
13) Suddenly They're Right | Explicit | 22,384 words
Louis is a painting professor with an art block the size of Texas and a global superstar for a non-boyfriend, who he wants to keep.
14) Wrote You a Love Letter | Not Rated | 23,092 words
Where Louis writes love letters to Harry through the good and bad times over their years together, until the very end.
15) The Devil’s In The Details | Explicit | 25,372 words | Sequel
He squeals when Harry smacks his bum as he bends over to pick up his bag, swinging it over his shoulder. Harry smiles smugly at him, bottom lip caught between his teeth. “When are you going to start calling me professor?” He asks. “When you actually are one,” Louis says with his hand on the doorknob. He cocks his head to the side in curiosity. “Isn’t that how words work? You did study English, right?” Louis’ quick to slip out the door before Harry can smack him again, his laugh echoing through the hallways as he makes his way to his next class with flushed cheeks and a bright smile.
16) Fetish For My Love | Explicit | 27,388 words
Louis has too many worries to even think about a moment of peace in the days that now exhaust him and become a complete rush for him. Fortunately, Harry doesn't take long to take care of the matter as he knows that he has wanted it so much, finding the solution in a particular sheet full of colored stickers.
17) Lovin' Online | Not Rated | 27,627 words
“Huh?” Harry asks, muffled by his forearm. He feels lips on his face and the tip of Louis’ nose against his ear when Louis repeats himself. Brain sluggish with sleep, it takes a moment for him to process the words, but his eyes snap open, and he’s met with darkness. He's got to be dreaming, there’s no way Louis just said what he thinks he said. “What did you say?” He can see the vague shrug from Louis before he turns around to toss the towel with the pile of their discarded clothes. “Did you say…” he starts slowly, automatically slinging his arm around Louis as he gets back into bed and throws the blankets over them. “That we should make a sex tape?” Louis asks rather nonchalantly for such a big proposition. He cuddles easily into the warm body and confirms, “Yes, I did.”
18) Like The Stars Above | Explicit | 33,759 words
Louis has a witchy little secret that is slowly ruining his relationship. When that secret comes out, it turns out that he has a lot more to worry about than just losing the love of his life. He might lose everything.
19) Beneath The Shining Stars | Explicit | 35,207 words
A Hamlet retelling/AU on steroids, where Harry is Hamlet, Louis is Horatio, and comedic chaos ensues (with a dash of tragedy). Featuring the rest of OT5 and the original characters of Shakespeare's "Hamlet".
20) These Hallowed Woods | Not Rated | 35,535 words
Louis becomes Luna of the Tomlinson Pack after the untimely death of his father, the Pack Alpha. Saddled with his newfound responsibility and an unpleasantly demanding pack council, he finds secret respite in the arms of a rogue wolf that camps out just outside his territory. The only problem? The rogue has no idea who Louis actually is, and as Louis falls harder and harder for the man he escapes to every night, the weight of his lies steers him along a path of certain misery.
21) This Glass House | Mature | 42,072 words
While deployed, Alpha Harry gets injured by an IED explosion, leaving him to deal with severe injuries in its devastating aftermath. During his road to acceptance and recovery he learns with the help of Louis and their children just how important family can be for the mind, body, and soul.
22) Show Me Life Like I've Never Seen | Mature | 42,948 words
Louis never expected to leave the small art studio three blocks down from his job with anything besides the painting he caught a glimpse of and simply couldn't forget.
23) Til' The Darkness Softly Clears | Explicit | 45,430 words
Something thuds nearby, and Callie sits up in bed, eyes still fuzzy from sleep. She yawns and rubs her eyes, looking around the room for the source of the noise. When she doesn’t see anything, she huffs quietly. Sliding to the floor, her feet take her towards the door. At the doorway, something disturbs the silence again: the distant sound of footsteps. Callie holds her breath and creeps out of the room. On the landing, she stands on her toes to peer over the railing. She can see the front door, and, outside, through the windows on either side of the door, she sees a shadow pass by. It walks one way, then disappears from sight for a second before it turns and walks back in front of the door. Callie’s eyes widen, and she backs up from view when the figure pauses its pacing directly in front of a window. Slowly, it turns, and it seems to stare right through the window, directly at her.
24) Flash Back To Me | Explicit | 73,068 words
Louis narrows his eyes, wanting more than anything to tell Liam to go fuck himself, but he can’t be sure, is the thing. As much as he knows for a fact that he would never date someone like Harry Styles, he has months missing from his memory. And it’s scary to think that, in that time, everything he’s come to know about himself could have changed so drastically.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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b1ackoutartist · 8 months
In the dim light of dawn, the world outside held its breath, and within the four walls of a once vibrant nursery, two hearts grieved in silence. Natasha Romanoff, whose life was a tapestry of battles and resilience, stood shoulder to shoulder with Y/N, her partner, her equal in every sense.
Today, the air was thick with the unspeakable—a sorrow so profound it seemed to press against their very souls. Today would have been Alex's first birthday.Y/N's fingers hovered over the crib, a ghost of a touch that never quite landed. Each thread of the baby blue blanket was a memory, each toy a milestone unachieved. Alex, their beautiful boy with Natasha’s fierce spirit and Y/N's kind eyes, had been with them for a mere whisper of time—five months that both flew and crawled, each day a gift, each night a prayer for one more.
Natasha's gaze was fixed on a photograph, one of the few they had of Alex, where his laughter seemed to promise a lifetime of joy. In the stillness of the nursery, she felt her own strength wavering, but she swallowed the pain, building a dam to hold back the tide of her own grief.
Y/N needed her to be strong.“Nat,” Y/N's voice cracked, a dam breaking, “I can't…”With a breath that felt like it could be her last, Natasha closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around Y/N. Their shared loss encircled them, a silent acknowledgment that some wounds might never heal. Together, they began the heart-wrenching task of packing away onesies, toys, and dreams—each article a testament to a life dearly loved and desperately missed.
Each piece of clothing folded was a monument to Alex's existence, a confirmation that he was real, he was loved, and he would always be a part of them.
A tiny pair of shoes, never worn, made Y/N's resolve crumble, their sobs a haunting melody to which Natasha swayed, holding them, a pillar in the midst of an emotional storm.“We were supposed to be teaching him to walk in those,” Y/N wept, their tears soaking into Natasha's shirt.“I know, my love, I know,” Natasha whispered back, her voice steady but her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
She kissed the top of Y/N's head, a silent vow passing between them—a vow to remember, to cherish, and to survive.As the room emptied, the weight of absence grew heavier, but so did the feeling of love. They would carry Alex with them, not as a presence of loss but as a beacon of love, a love that defied the cruel hand of fate.
With the final box sealed, Natasha could feel the resolve in her own heart starting to fracture, but she held it together, one last effort for Y/N, whose tears hadn't ceased to flow since they began. The boxes, plain and brown, belied the vibrancy of the life they once cradled, the life of their Alex.
Y/N's grief was a tangible thing, a storm that had broken through every defense. They clung to Natasha, their tears a river that refused to be stemmed. "I miss him so much, Nat. It hurts—it hurts all the time," Y/N choked out between sobs.
Natasha, her own heart aching with an intensity that threatened to overwhelm her stoic facade, pulled Y/N closer, her hand stroking their hair with a tenderness that contradicted the warrior she was known to be. "I know, my love, I know," she repeated, her voice a whisper that carried the weight of her own pain, pain she tried to hide for the sake of her beloved.
The nursery, once a symphony of laughter and life, was now just a room, stripped of its soul. Every corner, every object, was a reminder of the future they had imagined with Alex.
Natasha hated the surge of pain that came with each memory, hated that something as simple as the soft light of morning or the gentle hum of a lullaby could bring her to her knees.But this was not the time for her tears, she reminded herself as Y/N's body trembled with grief in her arms.
She was the rock in this moment, the shelter in the emotional maelstrom. As they stepped out of the nursery, leaving behind the physical reminders of their son, Natasha allowed herself to look back just once, imprinting the image in her mind.
The door clicked shut, a soft but final sound, and with it, they stepped into a world that seemed less colorful, less complete. "We'll get through this," Natasha promised, her voice steady, even as she fought back her own tears. "Together."
She didn't know how they would move past this, but she knew they would, in time.
For Alex, who had shown them the deepest love, and for each other, because that's what families do—they endure, they remember, and somehow, they find a way to navigate even the darkest nights, guided by the stars of their memories.
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jammatown919 · 10 months
At Last
This is another thing that's been sitting in my drafts basically done for a few months now. Was talking to my friend about how it would be cool if the Spirit World was a legit afterlife and it would be interesting but really sad if the Avatars were kept separate, then I wrote this at 2am and promptly forgot about it.
By now, Kyoshi had been away from Rangi longer than she'd been with her. She'd been here longer than she'd been alive, actually.
Where here was, she didn't exactly know. Some space only accessible to the ghosts of Avatars long past and, on occasion, the current Avatar, who seldom graced them with her full presence. Instead, they watched her life play out like a performance, chiming in where they could, but often serving as little more than her captive audience. How lucky they were. 
It wasn't the current Avatar's fault. Kyoshi actually quite liked the fierce young Korra, for all that she could like someone she'd spoken to once and only once. Korra was mostly Aang's in the way Kyoshi had been mostly Kuruk's, but they were all shackled to her and would be until the end of her life, at which point she would join them as prisoners of her successor. 
It was a miserable fate, one Kyoshi had no idea she'd be subjected to until it happened. Some Avatars carried the burden with grace, as they had in life, but Kyoshi's Avatarhood had been anything but graceful. Why should her afterlife be any different? She hated it here, and she wasn't afraid to let it be known. 
All the Avatars knew how she felt, and still would even if she hadn't screamed it for years upon her first arrival. They could feel each other in some strange way, like they were all part of the same organism that some of them, namely her, would love nothing more than to break away from. 
No one spoke much. Yangchen and Kuruk had entertained her when she was new, as she'd done for Roku when he was new, but when stuck together until the end of time, people tended to run out of things to say. 
So Kyoshi did nothing at all. She simply drifted, lost in memories, wishing and wishing that she could leave, or that her loved ones could join her, or that anything of meaning would happen to her. 
She got her wish seventeen short years into the Era of Korra. The cycle broke and started anew, leaving everyone but the poor soul who hadn't yet joined them behind it. At long last, they were free. 
They were still together when they reappeared, torn from what had been their home for so long and tossed into the real Spirit World, but there was no need to stay that way. Some left immediately, off to find loved ones or just see something new for once, but others stuck around to say goodbye. 
Kyoshi nodded to Roku. Shook Kuruk's hand. Gave Yangchen a hug. 
Then she was running, faster than she ever had in life, toward something she hadn't felt in centuries. It was her own dear heart, beating somewhere far away, still waiting after all this time. Kyoshi couldn't wait to see her again. 
However, it was not Rangi that made her stop. Instead, it was a trio of spirits; a winged snake resting atop a living rock, beside what appeared to be a cloud of sand and pebbles. She recognized them all instantly, and they recognized her. They had become something new, but they had not forgotten what they had once been. 
Her parents, she had no interest in. Perhaps one day - there was all the time in the world, after all - but not today. But Lek... she couldn't just pass him by. 
"Hello, brother," she murmured. The other two seemed to realize she was not here for them and backed away, leaving her room to approach the boy she'd hardly known and yet managed to love and miss so fiercely. 
He changed as she drew nearer, becoming the scrappy young Earthbender he'd been when they were still alive. 
"It's been a while, sister," he replied. He stepped forward and embraced her. 
"I've missed you." She was too tall to even rest her chin atop his head, so she just squeezed him tight. "The others...?"
"Kirima and Wong are always nearby," he said. "Topknot hangs around sometimes. She's not here now, though."
Kyoshi snorted upon hearing Rangi's old nickname. She'd almost forgotten it entirely. She wondered how many things had slipped her mind over the years. 
"I have to go to her," Kyoshi said. "I'll come back to see you again, but I have to go to her now."
"We all understand," Lek promised, and released her. "When you come back, will you talk to them?"
He didn't look at them, but Kyoshi knew he meant her mother and father. 
"I'll think about it," was the best she could give him. He must have matured greatly after being here so long, because he didn't press her. Instead, he smiled and let her move on. 
Beyond him and her parents was a spacious forest, full of other spirits she knew were not the ghosts of humans, except for one. He stood out to her, and she stopped for him, a beautiful white bird that radiated fatherly love. Her true father. Kelsang. 
It hurt so much to see him again, but it was a good pain. He flew to her, changing as he did, and that beloved old face brought tears to her eyes. 
"I'm sorry," they both said at once, yet neither believed there was anything for them to forgive. They embraced fiercely, and a softly spoken "I love you," was their compromise. 
They stood there, together again, for so long that Kyoshi thought Rangi might come crashing impatiently through the forest. It would've been nice, honestly. The thought reminded her of old times. 
"Kuruk is free, too," Kyoshi mumbled into his shoulder, almost as an afterthought. 
"I'll see him soon," Kelsang replied. "For now, you're looking for someone more important. Let me guide you." 
Then, he was the bird again, winging away across a sky far brighter than that of the world from which they'd come. Kyoshi followed him, dazzled by the light in his form. She followed blindly, trusting, and he did not fail her. 
They came to a flowering field beyond a sparkling river, where two bright red felines lay side by side. The creatures were quite literally identical, but Kyoshi could tell them apart easily. One was her mother-in-law, and the other was her very soul. 
They rose together, their bronze eyes wide and waiting. Hei-Ran did not move or change as Kelsang landed beside her, a neighbor checking up on things. 
Rangi was her old self in an instant, sprinting across the field to hurl herself into Kyoshi's waiting arms for the first time in centuries. 
Her glowing girl's weight had been no great burden to her in life, and here they both felt weightless, but Kyoshi collapsed to her knees anyway, holding her beloved wife close with every selfish intention of keeping her there for all of eternity. Rangi didn't seem to mind one bit. 
"How?" she asked through the most beautiful tears Kyoshi had ever seen. "I thought... the Avatars-"
"We're free," Kyoshi replied with a sob. "There's a new cycle and no need for us anymore. I can be with you again." 
Rangi wept freely into Kyoshi's chest. 
"I looked for you," she said. "I looked for you for years, even though every spirit I met told me the Avatars were somewhere else. I never accepted that I couldn't see you again."
"I'm here now." Free of the rules of etiquette, Kyoshi pressed a long overdue kiss to Rangi's scalp. "I'll be here forever."
If you enjoyed, please consider reblogging to share it with others! Reblogs are the best way to make a creator's day!
Additionally, I have a Kofi that basically functions as a tip jar for those interested in supporting the writer through other means.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
I so desperately crave a fic where Bruce forgets all about an interview he scheduled with Clark, specifically, with our boys in this portrayal
He's swallowed up by that ginormous red hoodie Jason always forgets at the manor. It's got a soft undertone of beer and pizza clinging to it, and knowing Jay, the chances of that changing are close to none.
It's Bruce's favourite thing to wear.
Below that, Dick's sweatpants have to be snaked tight around his waist. He's wearing Tim's ridiculously soft socks, Batman themed as well, a flock of bats starting from his calf and gathering into his famous cowl on top of his foot.
On his hands, he's sporting two bracelets that Damian and Cassandra asked him to help craft. He accepted, of course, because his little Damian looked astray, eyebrows down and eyes worried, scared of rejection.
They were both terrible at it. Cassandra had a great time. And Bruce's dark green and sunshine gold bracelets pleased Damian greatly.
But he had no time to shower that morning; His ribs were moaning still, every step he took feeling like Bane's brutal, sledgehammer punches, hitting him right in the gut.
And Dick stole all his conditioner, and Steph smuggled his skincare products, exfoliants, bath salts, and everything she could get her grabby little hands on, and gone she was. Tiny fingers, big damage.
But that was fine; He didn't expect anyone today. He'll just scarf some blueberries and yoghurt and gulp down four espressos before burying his nose in Jim's earliest case.
That's what he thought
Before modern day Adonis suddenly emerged I his living room.
This man, he's...He's... he's beauty. That's all Bruce can muster in his flustered mind, brain itself blushing, cheeks hot and soaring with a fierce flush. Which was impossible to miss with his paleness. God.
There you are! Got me scared for a moment there," oh no. He makes deep voices sound cute. Those pearly whites had no mercy on Bruce, neither did that boyish grin, glowing silver and warm. " Thought I'd fall through a secret door and straight into a shark tank. "
Say something. Say something funny, come on, he's joking with you.
" ... Why are you In my house?"
"This man, - Clark, Bruce knows who he is. Out of all the bad things that had to happen today, being surprised by his favorite journalist just had to be one of them, - blinks, some grin cut down, and Bruce curses in his mind.
"Um. Your father let me in. Did you forget,-"
" I forgot you were coming. I, uh. I," he stuttered; He hasn't stuttered since he was 16, and had to pitch that board meeting to a mile long table of greedy, silver artefacts in suits who wanted to snatch his company. " I, - Coffee. You want...Coffee?"
"...Sure. I'd love some."
Was it just Bruce, or did this report carry a note of amusement in those words? Bruce scrambled for the first cupboard he could see, " NO!"
Clark jumped on his feet, making a dash for him behind the kitchen island. Bruce almost choked, because up close, he could notice the buttons and seams on that baby blue plaid shirt fight for their lives. " What's wrong?!"
" We're out of coffee," he hissed, muttering a ' damn it, Tim, I TOLD you to replace it' but no matter. He had to find Clark something else. " Uh... Water? Juice? Do you like orange juice?"
He could see it, the corners of Clark's lips tugging upwards, " Orange juice is my favourite drink. But it's fine, really. I'm here to unbury your deepest darkest secrets, not have lunch," he smiled, then, most likely noticing Bruce simply froze in place, he added, " That was a joke!"
Bruce forced a laugh, " Of course. Why would I have something to hide? I have nothing to hide," Very well, that sounded entirely too suspicious. " I mean, not anything illegal. Just... Secrets. The normal amount."
Clark nodded, endlessly patient, this saint of a man, " I've had my share of that. Don't worry, Mr. Wayne."
" Oh, just Bruce. That's my name."
The taller man smiled, " I'm just going to ask you about your involvement in renovating Arkham and maybe Mr. Grayson's podcast, but that's all. I won't try to fish for information. I don't believe in peer pressure and bullying."
" I know," his mouth spoke without him, " I, uh, I know you. Your journalism, I mean! My youngest enjoys your online interviews. We watch you together. I'm a fan of your writing, thought. It's magnificent. "
Even if Clark blushed to be polite and thanked him quietly, Bruce wanted to dive off a building without a grappling hook.
" Uh... Bruce? You're murdering your orange."
True enough. The fruit was entirely empty in his clenched fist, spilling over his hand and pooling on the floor. Bruce cursed. Slamming the sad, deflated remaining on the counter, he simply said, " I'll cut this now."
" Okay." Nodded Clark, clear, perfect blue eyes fixed on Bruce and his hands. Bruce only prays his fingers won't tremble like his heart is.
He stabs the orange.
It squirts all over his hoodie, and Bruce offers no reaction. It's almost worth it, this pit of mortification slowly, tortuously devouring his body, to see Clark's impressive frame shake with laughter behind his giant hands, goofy glasses crooked on his nose.
" I'm sorry," he sounds as dead as he feels. " The orange has retaliated." That did it; Clark was full on laughing now. Humiliation burned like liquid fire over Bruce's face.
If Dick were here, or Alfred, he'd hide his face into their chests like a shameful child. But neither are there, so all he can do is slowly place the knife on top of marble, and stand there like a statue.
Coming off his high, Clark watches him closely, a speckle of mirth shining on blue. " You know, you're nothing like I thought you'd be. As much as I enjoy this, you should change."
" I'll try. I don't want to be like this, either."
Clark grinned. " I meant your clothes, Bruce."
" ... Yes. I should. I have a large collection of clean clothes. Because I do my laundry regularly. I know how to do laundry."
Why are you still talking?
Then, gone was that angelic, fond grin from Clark's Greek statue of a face. He smiled hotly, almost...Sultry? At Bruce now. Something saucy. Sweat was sticking to his skin. " Do you want me to pick something for you?"
"... Please?" He squeaked.
Twin steps went inside his bedroom, and they didn't come out for a long time.
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legendofmorons · 1 year
How to fall in love twice (Time, Malon) - Part 3
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Pairing: Time x Malon x reader
Rating: T cursing and barley controlled rage
Summary: Wind has slipped the fierce diety mask into your bag, which no one knows when you leave with Malon to go to town. Unfortunately, you and Malon never make it to town. Time will not stop worrying and considers several bad plans to get you two back safe
Warnings: None
Other: If I missed anything please let me know
The third day at the farm passes in a boring haze, Time and Malon both getting pulled to town on an order that went wrong. You had been blessed to a slow day.
The weirdest part of day three is the way Wind smiles smugly at your travel pack. Which is a problem for another day.
The fourth day, however, starts at dawn when Malon comes and wakes you up.
Well, you suppose you can mourn your dignity later. Right now, you need to get up so you can have an early breakfast before going into town.
As Malon leaves you start pulling on travel clothes and your travel pack. Which is ridiculous- you know. But something tells you that you need it.
The pack itself is a messenger bag. Your sword and shield attach to a scabbard on your back.
You pull on your undershirt, tunic, pants, and boots before brushing your hair out with your fingers and hissing at the tangles.
You grab your things and walk to the house, dropping the pack along with your sword and shield beside the front door before entering.
Wild's words replay how he bets it takes a disaster and miscommunication to get you, Time, and Malon to talk about feelings. Even if you did talk to them, it wouldn't take that turn.
Anyways, that doesn't matter. What does matter is coffee.
Walking into the kitchen, you see Time pouring three mugs of coffee. Wiat- three? Oh, he's probably just being nice. That's how he is.
This does mean anything romantic.
"Good morning, (Y/n)." He calls without turning.
"Morning, Time."
"Mal's making sure her bow is ready before you guys head out."
"She's an archer?" You ask with confusion.
"Yeah, she is."
"That's really cool."
"She is." Time says as he puts cream and sugar into each mug, separate amounts of each.
As you watch him prepare the mugs, you realize the one in your favorite color is made to your taste. Exactly to your taste.
Goddess above does Time have to be such a gentlemen?
"Here, your coffee, (Y/n)." Time smiles as he hands you the cup.
You take the mug with a soft and all too pleased smile. "Thank you."
"Anything for you." Time says.
You try to reassure yourself that he just means that as a friend. That's a friend thing. Definitely.
You take a drink of coffee to hide your warm cheeks, the warmth flooding your insides.
Footsteps alert you to Malon's arrival, her clothes sensible and eyes far more awake than you feel.
"Ah! (Y/n)!" Malon cheers, "It's good to see you."
"Good morning, Malon." You day, looking away as she comes in and kisses Time's cheek in greeting.
"Morning, love." Time says gently as ur presses a mug into her hands, "is a breakfast sandwich good for you today?"
"That sounds amazing, Link. Thank you." Malon says as she leans into the way he pulls her under ome arm.
"Is a breakfast sandwich okay for you, (Y/n)?" Time asks.
"Hm- Oh yes, that sounds great!" You say, putting on a smile for effect.
"Good. And you're sure you don't want me to come with?" Time asks, in a tone that sounds like he's asked this at least twelve times before.
Malon laughs as she waves him off, "Goodness no. Your boys need direction! (Y/n) and I make a good team."
"Why, do you think we can't handle ourselves?" She challenges lightly.
"I know you can. Maybe I just wanted to spend time with my two favorite people." He smiles at her.
What. The. Fuck? You're obviously aware Time cares about you to a degree. He puts your safety ahead of a lot of things. He comforts you on bad days.
But to be lumped in with Malon as one of his two favorite people- wow. That's-
That is not helping your romantic feelings go away. Like- at all.
(Y/n)?" Malon's voice startles you back to reality.
"Did you want egg on your sandwich?"
"Oh, uh
This trip is going to be the death of you.
This trip is actually going to kill you.
That's the only thought you have as Malon presses her back against you, firing arrows into the monster whoard that is closing in on you both.
Your travel bag sits at your feet, forgotten as you try not to die.
You hack, slash, and stab your way through those coming around you, wishing you'd taken Time up on the offer to come with.
"We can't keep this up forever. And ideas?" You call to Malon.
As she presses back against you to fire another arrow, she answers, "Try anyways?"
"We're so fucked." You manage.
There's a laugh, low and multiplied to an unnatural level.
And then you are falling, arms flailing as you try to grab ahold of Malon.
You know this feeling. You're in a portal again.
One hand finds Malon's arm, and you hold her arm as tight as you can, both of you screaming.
Ypu land on the ground with a sick thump and a set of groans.
"What was that?" Nalon asks, her eyes finding your own.
"A portal... they don't usually open under us."
"Where are we?"
"I don't know..." You say, pushing to your feet before pulling Malon up.
Around you are your things, your oack, shield, sword, Malon's bow and scattered arrows.
"There is a sign." Malon says, walking over only to sigh, "In a language I don't know."
You place your things where they go before slinging your pack on your shoulder.
You walk to where she is, eyes landing on the sign. "That's Wild's Hylian."
"Hoe do you know?"
"I was curious and asked. His is almost exactly like mine with a few letters written different." You shrug, squinting.
"What's it say then?"
"That way," You point left, "Is Kakariko. The other way is Hateno."
"Kakariko- it's still around?"
"In my time at least. Though the placement is different. Come on, there's a fairy fountain near Kakriko, according to Wild. We'll want to stalk up on that and arrows."
Malon nods, "Let me grab my things."
"Of course." You say. Watching her go to retrieve her bow, quiver, and scattered arrows.
"Do you know much about Wild's hyrule?" Malon asks, turning towards you as she sets the weapons on her back.
"Hm, some... It's the closest to mine with language, slang, and locations... but it's still different. I'd say I'd we're around long enough. We should go to Hateno and Tarrey town too."
"Tarrey town?"
"Yeah, Wild has some friends in both places."
"I guess we should head to kakariko... It looks like we don't have much sunlight left."
"Then let's go." You say, eyeing the path woth caution as you and Malon start to fall into step together.
Time hasn't stopped pacing since he finished the dinner dishes. You shouldn't still be out.
You and Malon left before seven in the morning, to still be out after ten pm... That's not good.
"I'm sure they'll be here soon." Four says, trying to be helpful.
"Time is right to be worried... with everything going on." Twilight shakes his head, "I grew up on the other side of the mountains- but I still know the land here-"
"If they aren't here by morning we'll go loom." Hyrule suggests, his sister swirling around his head in worry.
"I'm going now. We all knew the shadow was watching- what if he got to them."
"They'll be okay. Neither of then is hslpless." Four says, sounding more sure than any of them feel.
Time shakes his head. He dosen’t actually want to have to use the fierce deity mask... but if it'll keep you and Malon safe... He'll do it.
He hates how much it takes out of him, hates listening to the deity inside it worries for him when he isn't the one trapped in a mask.
"Is this a bad time to tell you I put one of your masks in (Y/n)'s bag?" Wind asks, looking a lot more guilty than anyone has ever seen.
Time's eyes snap to him, heart sinking. "Which mask?"
"The one that has your face markings...?" Wind says. Sounding a little unsure about the whole confession.
"You put the-" Time takes a deep breath to calm himself. "Usually that would be very bad, and very rude. But... I think this time it is for the best."
Warriors looks distinctly sea sick now, pale and a little green. "Time-"
"I know, Malon. And I know (Y/n). Assuming they got somewhere safe, they'll be going through their things." Time says, not sounding any more reassured than when he didn't know bout the mask being with them. "And Malon will know the mask on sight..."
"And if they aren't somewhere safe?" Legend asks.
"Then the mask will call to them until the pick it up." Warriors says darkly.
Time just groans, "We need to go find them."
"You stay here in case the come back, Hyrule too. The rest of us will go look." Twilight says, his eyes already turning to the door.
"Be fast." Hgrule urges, "something is looming."
"We know." Wild says with a grim look.
"If you don't find them, come back." Time says firmly, "We don't need to lose more people."
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itsphoenix0724 · 1 year
Through the Pass (Cassian x Reader)
Summary: On a quiet night in with his mate Cassian recounts his past lover. A fierce, bold-hearted Valkyrie who perished during the war.
Warning: angst, does not have a happy ending, death
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: Hello all! I'm sorry I haven't put out anything in a while. Work has been kicking my ass. This is unedited, but I wanted to put something out to get back in the groove of writing. I wrote this based on chapter 44 in acosf when Cassian talks about Tanwyn. I tried to make this as canon accurate as possible, but we weren't given many details on the young bat boys, so it was a tad challenging. It's my first time writing for Cas so I hope you enjoy! As always constructive criticism is welcome!
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“Tell me about her,” it’s a quiet whisper against the shell of his ear. Cassian senses no jealousy in his mate’s tone-just a simple curiosity. He doesn’t like to go back there and doesn’t like to relive what he views as one of his most significant failures. “Please,” Nesta urges. His eyes are drawn to the fire and he thinks of that war camp. He knocks back the finger of whiskey he poured for himself, but concedes, he knows your story deserves to be told. The rush of emotions makes him drag Nesta just a little closer.
“It was a long time ago,” Cassian rumbled, “I was young. Just a lackey the camp leader liked to drag around.”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
War was always an ugly thing, but it was a thing Cassian happened to be very good at.
Not that the camp leaders gave him enough respect to join the war meetings anyway. He found himself missing his brothers, and missing the warm home the Lady of the court provided for them. He wasn’t a child anymore though, he was now at the generals' mercy.
The rough summer heat beat down on his back, and he could feel his sweat soaking through his leathers. He knew something was happening today, all of the males in the camp were on edge.  
He quickly realized why when the battalion of females appeared in the camp. 
They radiated power.
They all wore leathers similar to his own, but they also wore silver gleaming chest plates engraved with two wings surrounding an eight-pointed star. Cassian’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. If the Valkyries were here then something important is happening. He felt his stomach twist in disgust when he saw the way the other Illyrian males were sneering at the women. However, the females did not falter, most sneering right back at the brutes or not giving them the time of day. 
That was when he saw their general. 
She was jaw-dropping, hair braided into a crown with a piece of white ribbon, and a strong silver sword strapped along the length of her back. She nodded at him in greeting before disappearing into his camp leader's tent. 
He felt the tips of his cheeks twinge red before his supervisor snapped at him to get back to work. 
Cassian didn’t interact with the Valkyries much after that. They had set up a camp about a mile from the Illyrians. The only glimpses of the women he got were during his daily run around the border. They rose with the sun and did stretches that he had never seen before. While the Illyrians focused more on strength training, doing the bare minimum stretches to keep muscles from tearing, the Valkyries focused more on flexibility and grounding techniques. He was even more surprised when he saw their general doing the morning warm-ups with the rest of the battalion. You were completing the warm-ups along with taking a break to mildly correct some of the others in their form. He had never seen such a thing, he barely saw his camp leader step out of the tent, let alone help newer soldiers with their form. He tried to watch and copy the movements, but he quickly realized his balance could use some work. After struggling for a while he made his way back to the camp. 
Cassian fell into a rhythm. He woke early and did his normal run until he reached the Valkyrie campsite where he would attempt to replicate the stretches and workouts from a distance. 
It wasn’t until later when he was practicing the stretches alone on the bank of a lake that he met you for the first time. The moon was high and the sky was covered in a blanket of stars that allowed him enough light to see clearly. 
“What are you doing?” the sound of your voice snapped him out of the trance he had been in, poorly imitating the Valkyrie warm-up routine. You had seen him watching you in the mornings a few times and assumed he was just like all the other Illyrian males at the camp. 
They didn’t respect you but they sure liked to stare. 
If you had realized he was trying to learn you probably would’ve helped. You decide you’d help him out anyway-by the looks of his form during a sun salutation he’d need all the help he can get. The male stared at you, mouth opening and closing trying to find some words, a pink flush dusting his cheeks. 
“I was just trying to stretch.” Cassian averted his eyes from your form leaning against the boulder, casually observing his piss-poor attempt to replicate what he’s sure must come easy to you by now. 
“I can help you if you’d like.” It’s a small offer, but this seems like a generally nice male. You’ve been tracking his eyes and they haven’t strayed from your face once. Plus it helped that you thought he was kind of cute. Clearly, he was powerful, the seven red stones decorating him were clue enough for that. However, for some reason, he hasn’t risen in rank. Probably some dumb Illyrian jealousy. If he’s stronger than the camp leader the old asshole would never let him surpass the rank of foot soldier. 
He considered your offer for a moment before nodding, and you motioned for him to get back into the form he had previously been in. 
“You Illyrians are always so focused on being as big and bulky as possible you neglect fundamentals of strength.” You’re circling him like a predator would its prey before you knock all 6 feet of him over with a small push to the stomach. His cheeks flush as he looks up at you. You’re smiling at him as you offer him a hand and he accepts it rising to his full height above you. “The first thing you need to start with is up here,” you tap a finger against Cassian’s skull and he sends you a winning smile. 
“Teach me then general. Please.” He thinks that you look beautiful, the white ribbon winding in your hair like a stolen beam of moonlight. The shadows accentuate the strong cords of hard-earned muscle. You stick your hand out again and introduce yourself. He smiles at you again in turn and tells you his name as well. 
“Okay, Cassian. I’ll teach you.” 
That was how Cassian found himself on the shore of that lake every day after sunset. The two of you trained and laughed. His favorite times were when the two of you sparred. All snarls and bared teeth. Rolling in the mud fighting to put someone on their back. It was during one of these sparring sessions that you and Cas shared your first kiss. It was one of the rare instances he had won, your form successfully pinned below him and covered in lakeside mud. Your lips had been his reward. 
You had tasted like a summer rainstorm. So much strength, but your body was still soft under his calloused hands. You were so patient with him and your soldiers, but he had seen you ruthlessly knock down other Illyrians for insulting your status as a Valkyrie. Like the sun shining while it was raining, you were his perfect paradox. 
That was how he spent the rest of the sweltering heat of the summer in Illyria. Training, swimming, and losing yourselves in each other. Cassian had greatly improved in training. He had mastered the Valkyrie sun salutation and had moved on to some more complicated balancing and stretching exercises. It was almost an even match whenever the two of you sparred. Cassian had been getting his ass handed to him less and less these days. 
As fall started rolling in, the perfect bubble you two had built started crumbling. He knew something was wrong when he found you staring at the last summer sunset with a numb look in your eye. He had sat down with you, hand encasing yours, and waited for you to be ready to speak. Your voice was broken as you finally uttered five words into the setting sun. 
“He’s sending us to die.” Cassian’s heart sank to his knees as he watched the silver line your eyes. 
“What are you talking about?” His voice was calm, but he was praying to the Mother that he had heard you wrong. He knew deep down he hadn’t because he had never seen you falter. You always seemed to be unbreakable, and yet there you were crumbling before his eyes. Cassian had to fight to beat down the urge to tear the camp to shreds, but he wrapped you up in his arms. Your shaking form further solidified the nasty fear curdling in his stomach.
“The king has ordered the entire force of the Valkyrie to march the pass in the Gollian Mountains. It’s a suicide mission. I’m going to die Cas, I have to lead my girls to die,” The cracks in your voice mirror the cracks in his heart at your words. The hopelessness as you stared numbly at the water rocked Cassian to his core. 
“There has to be some way we can stop this. Would your king really sacrifice the entire force of the Valkyries in one battle?” The logic didn’t make any sense. The Valkyries had been such a valuable asset in the war efforts. He would talk to the camp leaders tomorrow. He would fly all the way to your king's castle and demand to know what the hell he was thinking. 
“We swore an oath,” you pulled up your sleeve to show the mark of an eight-pointed star and two wings. The same symbol branded into your army’s chest plates. “When the king gives an order we must obey. I already told my battalion we probably won’t be coming back. I refuse to let them go into this blind. We’ll go down with honor at least.” The resignation in your voice delivered the final blow to his already aching heart.
He spent the rest of the night holding you, reassuring you that you didn’t fail your soldiers, that this happening wasn’t your fault, and then he made love to you under the stars for the first and last time. 
When Cassian returned to the Illyrian camp he stormed straight into his war leader's tent and demanded to know what the hell he was thinking. He demanded that the Illyrains fly with the Valkyrie, with their combined forces the scales of the battle would easily tip in their favor. The warlord had done nothing but sneer and turn Cassian away, and when he had flipped his desk over he had been punched in the mouth so hard he cracked a tooth. Still, Cassian had insisted that he was going with the Valkyrie. The camp leader had wanted to let him die but apparently, the High Lord had given a specific order to keep him alive. Instead, he was beaten and chained to a wagon at the border of the camp. 
He fought, screamed, and wailed until the morning. His wrists and ankles were bloody and one leg of the wagon had broken under the weight of his struggle. As he stared into the rising sun he knew that you were gone. No birds sang or creatures moved about the woods in the morning. 
He could feel the loss in the deafening silence of dawn. 
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
“When they finally unchained me it took the healer two full weeks to heal my vocal cords. I had torn them to shreds.”
Cassian was finally back in his body, at the House with his mate, and not back in the woods. He never returned to that lake or the pass where he knew you died. The land between the mountains had remained barren ever since. 
“I’m happy that we get to honor her now.” The quiet rage in Nesta’s voice at the injustice makes him thank the cauldron for giving him her, even if they had a rocky start. She drags a hand over her swelling stomach. The babe is almost here and he couldn’t be more thrilled to become a father. “If it’s a girl I think we should name her after her. For one of the strongest women in our history.” 
The suggestion makes tears well up in Cassian's eyes, and he almost feels like the clap of thunder he hears outside is you expressing your approval of the idea. He laughs a wet laugh into the crown of his mate’s head, pressing a kiss into her hair. 
“I think that’s a great idea Nes.”
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