#miyamura i am looking at you too :(
tatakaeeren · 6 months
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Hananoi Saki | A condition called love ep 1 "Nice to meet you"
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yup-thats-me · 6 months
setting him up • m. Izumi
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pairing : college au! Izumi Miyamura x best friend!reader
summary : maybe it was a dumb idea to set her best friend with the popular girl in their college
a/n : might be a bit rusty. No hate on Hori tho.
reblog and feedback are appreciated!
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As Y/n began to pack her bag, ready to leave the hall, a pair of hands landed on her table stopping her. It was her.
“Y/n, you remember, right?” The girl asked to which Y/n nodded with a faint smile.  How could she not? It was as if a burning knife was cutting right through her chest. “Well then! See you at 4!” the girl waved back.
“Y/n! At least tell me where we’re going!” Came the giggling voice of Y/n’s best friend, Miyamura Izumi. In response, Y/n just smiled leading the two in front of a café.
Surprised, Izumi gave a confused look at Y/n. It was the same café the two usually hung out at, so why make this an ordeal was what Izumi thought but kept from saying anything. Y/n always has a reason, he trusts her. She could lead him to a different country altogether and still, Izumi wouldn’t say anything. He trusts her that well.
Entering the café, Izumi wasshocked to see Y/n leading them to an already occupied table where sat the topper of their department, the girl all the guys fawned over, the princess of the college, Hori Kyouko.
She got up from her chair, greeting the two friends. “Hello, Izumi”, she smiled, “Oh, and Y/n too.”
Y/n greeted back but Izumi kept quiet. It wasn’t that he hated Hori or anything, but for some reason, she seemed too sweet. Maybe it was all his imagination. So with a nod, they all took their seats.
A waiter had taken their order for the evening and the three still sat, with almost no conversation. The awkward silence was broken by Y/n who cleared her throat and started. “Miyamura, let's get to the point, I don’t want to beat around the bush. Hori has something to tell you.”
Izumi quirked an eyebrow at Hori in anticipation. Hori seemed to blush at the revelation, sitting more potently in the wooden chair more poisely. “Uh…Miyamura-kun, I think I like you. I was so scared to tell you this more privately that’s why I asked Y/n to help, as you two are close. Maybe we can be…?” Hori didn’t continue further hoping Izumi would catch on.
What was to her horror when Izumi with an irritated look on his face got up from his seat. “Sorry. I don’t think we can be a thing. I already have someone.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he stormed out the café door.
Y/n too left her seat and bowed apologetically to Hori. “I’m so sorry, Hori! I didn’t know he had a lover.” In a hurry, she ran after Izumi who was about to cross the road.
“Izumi! What are you doing?” She screamed at her best friend making him stop in his tracks and turn around.
“What am I doing, Y/n? That was such a pathetic plan of setting me up!” Izumi was angry too. Y/n walked up to him, slapping him right across his face.
“Pathetic, huh, Izumi? I was trying to set you up for life, man! If you hadn’t acted like such an idiot, you would have had the college princess all to yourself. She’s so in love with you Izumi. You could’ve called her your person—” Izumi cut her off, pulling her by the waist and kissing her silent.
Y/n was too shocked to respond and instead, melted right in his hold. Pulling away, Izumi held her face, his eyes glossed over. “Y/n are you too dumb to tell who is in love with whom? Can you not tell I’m dying for your love? Why should I call her my person, when I have you right here?” the tears now falling freely without restrain.
The girl in his hold mirrored his action, her tears falling into his palm. “Why, Izumi, why? I'm not deserving of your love! I had hoped that if I buried my feelings, maybe it would be easier for the two of us, and you just had to go on saying something stupid like ‘I love you’?”
Izumi kissed the top of her head, pulling her into his chest, “No, Y/n it's not stupid. It is true. I’m in love with you. So much so that I can’t even look at anyone else to think of as my beloved. You’re the only one in this world for me. Both as my best friend and my soulmate…”
Izumi held her face and kissed her gently this time, savoring the moment. “Let us try, okay, Y/n?” he spoke gently caressing her face. “Maybe we can be together. We won't know if we don’t try. And the worst that can happen is we won't work out, which I highly doubt, we could still be friends yeah?” He leaned down whispering in her ear, “You can slap me as many times as you want if we do work out.”
Y/n smiled, punching his chest playfully. This was not how she had hoped the day would end but she was still grateful that this was indeed the way the day ended. They could talk with Hori later. The world was now in her hand and she didn’t intend to lose her hold on it.
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all rights reserved to @yup-thats-me on tumblr. do not repost or translate my work on any site
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hiraethwa · 8 months
one summer day
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04 new dawn. where you learn something surprising about ushijima
<< 03 shining light. | >> 05 saturn i.
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader a/n: i want ushijima to give me his jacket too, CRYING,,, side note i’m going be to busy in feb so updates will be posted every 2 weeks. thanks for reading! - ave word count: 1.3k warnings: mentions of past trauma terms: gap moe -- when someone has a hidden side that contradicts their usual personality/behavior
march, first year
ever since ushijima and tendo joined you and semi at your home back during the first semester, they have remained a constant presence at your study sessions. the four of you have become an inseparable group of friends, even though you stick out like a sore thumb between the tall volleyball players. you were considered tall among your female classmates, but next to the three of them? just a midget.
“i’m an adopted introvert,” you would explain when classmates ask you about how you became close friends with the ushijima wakatoshi and the oddball tendo satori and the pretty setter semi eita. 
the only complaint you have are the sidetracks from the actual point of said sessions, studying. with tendo and semi arguing over literally everything, it is difficult to stay on track. even ushijima adds in a quip to the banters every now and then, his straight-faced delivery of the infrequent lines making them even funnier. 
that is not to say you did not enjoy the privilege of learning about the different sides of the boys compared to how they were on court. no, you fully delighted in finding out random facts about the intimidating players that other people are not privy to. like how they had gotten you a plushie for your birthday, but it seems like they were more attached to it than you, by the way they greet the plushie whenever they are over at your house. 
today, with your parents being home, you all ended up studying in ushijima and tendo’s shared dorm room, all sprawled out in various states around the coffee table that sits in the middle of the simple room. 
“that’s it,” you announce, notebook flopping down on your face as you laid on the floor. “the words are no longer registering in my brain.”
“maybe if you sleep with the book under your pillow tonight, the knowledge will diffuse into your brain by tomorrow for the exam.” semi jokes from across the room in a similar state of dishevel as the four of you try your best to study for the last exam week of the school year on a sunday afternoon turned into night. 
“would that actually work?” 
“what do you think?” 
“maybe if i take a quick nap, then continue studying” you mumble more to yourself as you turn on your stomach, dropping your face on the floor unceremoniously.
“miyamura-san, it’s almost time for curfew, if you don’t go home soon, you will have to spend the night in the dorms.” ushijima kneels before you, picking up the book that you were covering your head with. 
you pick your head up to look at the boy solemnly, lips set in a pout. “so what? i am so fucked for the exam tomorrow, ushijima” you wonder how studying was going for him.
“you will be fine.” he puts a hand on your head in a gesture to comfort you. 
“you don’t know that!”
“in any case, having a good night’s rest is more important than any studying now.”
“you know, he’s technically right, school is just like volleyball, and ushijima-san is an expert at that.” tendo agrees with ushijima.
you sigh. “help me up then,” fingers wiggling in the air as you wait for ushijima to pull you upright.
if you were not in autopilot mode as you picked your things up and stuffed them in your backpack, you would have heard tendo’s teasing “semi, help me up” pointed at ushijima, followed by an instant flat “no” from your best friend. but your brain was turned off for the night as you pull your shoes on to go home.
“see you later,” ushijima throws to the two boys before he clicks the door shut behind him, gesturing to you. “shall we?”
for the most part, you two walk in comfortable silence under the summer moon. that is, until the neighborhood’s stray cat decides to jump out in front of you out of nowhere. you yelp and grab onto ushijima’s sleeve, startled by the sudden movement. 
he chuckles and much to your dismay (and shock), squats down and starts psps-ing at the orange cat. you are not sure how much gap moe he could be than this image in front of you right now. for starters, you are not sure if you are hallucinating from how tired you are, and secondly, if this is real, you need proof that this ever happened. so you sneakily take your phone out before calling his name innocently and snap a photo of him and the cat before he can react. 
“i’m gonna let that slide.” he puts his hand out in front of him in what looked like an attempt to pet the cat. you aren’t faking the shock on your face as the cat sniffs at his fingers before brushing up against his hand, as if saying pet me.
your jaw drops from the sight, “oh yeah? you don’t seem like the type.” you wanted to pet the cat, but this cat has only ever hissed at you in passing, so you are completely in awe and jealous of ushijima at this moment.
“only for you,” he turns to really look at you, a small smile playing on his lips. and then, as if he sensed the yearning in you, he tugs on your wrist lightly. “here, hold your hand out for the cat to sniff you.”
you listen to him warily, slowly inching towards the cat in case it tries to attack you, “like this?”
he hums in agreement, “and then, you wait for him to decide if you can pet him.” 
surely enough, the cat starts sniffing you, tail brushing against ushijima’s knees. you carefully smooth the fur between his ears, feeling awed for the acceptance. though shortly after, he returns to the boy next to you, rubbing its head against his hand. “he likes you more than me”
“i am a cat whisperer,” he nods. 
you laugh at his words. before you realize it, the words start falling from your lips. “my little sister was a cat whisperer too” 
and as if being doused with a bucket of ice water, you snap back into reality, painfully aware of your admission. your heart thunders as memories threaten to overwhelm you. stop. turn. lock. you picture shoving them into a bottomless box, locking it and throwing the key away until the next time they break free. just as you have practiced for the last 8 years. 
“miyamura?” ushijima looks at you expectantly as you snap back into the present. 
“yeah? i am feeling a little tired. let’s go.” you stand up abruptly, hoping that he won’t ask you about what you just said. that you mentioned having a sister to this boy you just became friends with a few months ago. you haven’t said those words out loud in a long time. you don’t even remember when the last time was.
to his credit, he does not ask any prying questions about the sister he has never heard of. the sister he has never seen. 
you don’t even realize that you were shaking, mostly from reliving your memories, but also shivering from the chilly night breeze until he drapes a jacket over your shoulders. 
“let’s get you home” he states, hands shoved into his pant pockets as he strolls ahead. 
leaving you staring at his retreating figure, brain muddled and heart jumbled. you vaguely remember him grabbing his track jacket and carrying it instead of putting it on before you left shiratorizawa. 
“are you coming?” he turns around to look at you. you hurry towards his familiar aura that encompasses your roughness, as he strikes up another conversation about something random. that night you lie in your bed, staring at the ceiling with paint scars from when it used to have glow-in-the-dark stars and planets taped to it; one question keeping you awake despite your exhaustion – what is it about this boy that makes you feel so safe?
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reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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bunny-eats-fox · 1 year
- miyamura izumi
warnings: mostly fluff ; physical violence mentioned (hori against miyamura in the past, like a slap to the face and hitting him) ; comfort wc: 1074 an: now... i get it, slapping ppl as a comedic relief is v anime-esque and shouldn't be taken too srsly and all, BUT... her hitting him, biting him and slapping him constantly is just... blergh. i dont find it funny nor cute n bc of that, here are my two cents how it could "affect" him bc i am a writer and i interpret way too much into everything especially regarding my favs... have fun!
Your day had been a catastrophe.
Your toxic boss yelled at you in front of everyone for a mistake that he did but blamed you for. Your heel broke off on the way home which made you stumble and drop the phone you always held in your hand, onto the concrete. This incident in turn, made you late for your commute home and the bus drove off the moment you rushed around the corner. And, if all of that didn’t already had you clenching your teeth and clutching your purse tight to your chest to not burst into tears, a crow then decided to relieve itself onto your shoulder, staining your brand-new blazer.
Safe to say, when you came home, Miyamura’s “Welcome back.” immediately got stuck in his throat when he saw you: Exhausted and on the verge of tears.
“How about you take a nice, long and hot shower and then we eat on the sofa tonight, hm?” That was all he said and you, sniffling, just nodded and limped away to your bathroom to clean the poop off of your blazer and wash away that horrible day.
You were thankful and content when you managed to just snuggle up against your boyfriend and enjoy the meal that he cooked. It was a quiet dinner while you watched TV and when you were done, you left the dishes on the living room table and just cuddled and enjoyed his company.
But then…
It was a minor accident.
So small, in fact, that it was wasted energy to even think twice about it.
Yet, that small thing finally set you off.
Izumi reached out to grab his glass, but, as he looked at the TV, he somehow managed to knock it over. All of it spilled over the table and your legs.
Was it hot and burned you? No.
Was it something sticky and gross? Also no.
Yet, that one, additional tiny inconvenience broke the camel’s back and you started bawling the moment the mere water dripped down your legs.
Once you started crying, you also started yelling at him for not being careful, for being so clumsy and how horrible your day was. Meanwhile, Izumi, who had already apologized and patted your legs dry with some paper towels, just let you vent.
Now. You were someone who had always talked with your hands. You gestured with your hands greatly no matter what you talked about and with what kind of emotion. Izumi knew that. Though, you had only dated for a few mere months at that point and he hadn’t heard you yelling and crying like that before. It did remind him of someone and he thought he knew what to expect.
Hence, when you finally turned to face him and you raised your hands for another big gesture, you were taken aback for a second and even stopped mid-sentence. Miyamura, who had flinched and visibly moved his head sideways with his eyes closed, looked like he awaited a punch or something. His reaction felt like someone had punched you though. Did he really think you would… hurt him like that?
Immediately, you started to consciously control your breathing to calm down again. This was no time to get so angry over something so small. Especially because to you, his reaction was concerning.
“I-I’m sorry. I totally overreacted.”, your voice shook still, “I had such… a horrible day today and… then this happened and… and I’m so sorry for blowing up like that because of… some stupid water. I’m sorry, Izumi.”, your voice broke at the end and you only whispered the last words as another unwanted sob escaped your lips, yet you still took deep breaths to calm down.
“No, it’s okay, please, don’t apologize. It was my fault I spilled water all over you. You can still hit me if you want.”, he immediately said and hugged you tightly afterwards.
“What?! No!”, you cried and pushed him away just enough to look at him, “Why would I do that? I would never. I do gesture a lot with my hands, so I’m sorry if it looked like it, but I could never. I love you, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh…Right.” Izumi looked truly baffled by that for a few moments. As if you had just told him you found the 8th wonder of the world.
“I’m sorry, (Y/n) I think… I’ve just gotten used to it.”, he laughed uncomfortably as he didn’t really know how to properly react now.
You just wondered what the hell his past girlfriend did to make him get used to getting hit in the face…
“Geez… don’t get used to that. That’s not okay.”, you whined and then jumped into his arms again, burying your face into the crook of his neck while you hugged him tight.
Miyamura didn’t know how to properly answer that, so all he did was hum in approval and squeeze you tightly. He, himself, didn’t even think that the hitting thing his past girlfriend used to do would even affect him. However, when he saw your big hand gestures, a sense of familiarity shot through his body and he physically got ready for another slap to the face… Hence, when you apologized and told him you would never do that, he was so surprised and speechless, since he was used to being blamed and apologizing for everything.
When you let go of each other, your tears had finally dried and you could smile a little again.
“Thank you and I’m sorry. You cooked for me and everything and I yelled at you like that over something so stupid. Can you forgive me?”
“Of course. I know you had an atrocious day, so that was just the last thing that pushed you over the edge. Don’t even think about it anymore.”, he reassured you and gently, but also teasingly, pinched your cheeks.
“Mn. Thank you. I love you.”, you leaned in to peck his lips.
Izumi quickly reacted and didn’t just let you escape like that, instead, he followed your movement to kiss you properly after he returned those sweet words, thus making you both fall back onto the sofa. Certainly, at that point and after all the things that had happened today, all you both needed were a tight embrace and some kisses and cuddles. And you, as well as your boyfriend, very happily provide those for each other.
all characters canonically under 18 are always aged up ; english is not my native language so i apologize for any mistakes ;
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arileartist · 7 days
Hello and a good day to everyone👋🏻👋🏻
This is something I'd like to write as a change. I've explored a lot more anime like idolish7, Haikyuu, Sasaki and Miyano, Horimiya, etc. and my writing prowess has expanded as well, in addition to the fact that I was assigned Literary club head where I currently am. I'm making oneshot-one liners of all my favourite characters from various anime for everyone to enjoy!
I hope you guys like this segment~
Pieces of my World
"A mesmerizing sky of shooting stars, where Ikuya makes you a promise, one that'll live on forever in the Dreamland that you both created. Let's cherish this moment, your presence as it is a gift for me...a comfort space just for the two of us?"
-For Ikuya kirishima
"It is only with you, Rin that I can see sights unseen and explore lands that I couldn't even think of going to... Drag me with your fierce passion and let's dive into an unexplored sea, engage the dreaded waters with a fiery passion, and our love will ignite the oceans"
-For Rin Matsuoka
"Ahhh the pink hair of yours, just like cotton candy, your words just like sugar too~ Kiss me lots and hold me in the embrace, oh so sweet~ We know that it's the two of us against the world, but the world is wrapped around your fingers isn't it? So let's go, turn this dark world into an amusement park, where the heavy hearted enter, and to happiness they embark....
-For Kisumi Shigino
"Yeah I'm still here, still the same, but ever so different.... In his closed moments, you opened the lock, his heart and pulled him out of the cage he put his soul within. He'll forever be yours, as long as you promise... Never shatter this fragile heart of glass.... For it is the only thing that'll reflect your beauty, even when shattered in a million fragments..."
-For Izumi Miyamura
"A gentle breeze passed me? Haha, I hope it made you look in my direction~ After all, everyone keeps telling me that my handsome face is the highlight of their day... But you know what? I want you to pull my face close to yours, stare at me in the eye, and tell me... What you truly see... For beneath this 'perfect' exterior.... I'm a human with my own desires too hehe~"
-For Akane Yanagi
"Hey! You forgot to tell him that you're okay, you took everything and that you're ready! Did you forget how much he cares for you? Now go, tell him that you love him. You love his little snack boxes. You love the tiny gifts he brings you. Every small 'forgotten' item is brought right to you by his gentle hands.... So you too should observe him.... His golden eyes often shed tears in darkness"
-For Koushi Sugawara
"You forgot about us didn't you? They asked. An unapologetic smile will definitely adorn your face as a symphony of chaotic voices lands on your ears. A pair of twins, a pair of blessings, oh who are these boys who once fought over blazers and goals? You walk towards them and nudge; for you'll never forget. They are the same boys who worked hard, failed, cried, got up, pushed and crossed limits of the court are no less valiant than diamonds in the sky"
-For Miya Twins
"Looking into his piercing eyes, you wondered if he really likes you. Time and again, he silently stood besides you, when you thought there was nobody there, that's when he shone.... His ever present gaze never letting you falter for even a moment... Is it an owl watching you from afar? Maybe a gift sent by the gods to ensure that your delicate happiness is ever lasting.... Will you accept this silent guardian?"
-For Keiji Akaashi
"The way he flirts with girls is infuriating. Can't you be the only one to receive his affection? Oh but you are... Once you see the smile on his face turned towards your gaze, you know.... He didn't give that smile to anyone... A view just for your eyes... Seeing him grow from a normal kid to a talented prodigy... No... He refuses to believe that 'talent' is what breeds success. He will capture what he wants, he will believe in his own cultivated strength and then, with his own two hands... He'll get all he wants.... But what if all he wants, is for you to believe in him..?"
-For Tooru Oikawa
"His laugh is attractive? Or is it his charisma? Oh well ... We never really knew why him.... But we did know..... We slipped and fell, and before we realised, we were in the grasp of this devious cat. His proud stance took us all by a whim, but his caring nature was what nested our love. Kuuro my man, what type of a monster are you? No... You're just another normal guy experiencing and riding the waves of life aren't you?"
-For Tetsurou Kuuro
"Oh we always loved your attitude. So relatable.... Wanting to be asleep, wanting to relax... But... If not you, then who else? Your brains carried your team, but more than that, your perseverance is what turned the tides in the moments of dire. Like a cat, you're quick to adapt using your devilish... Almost mischievous techniques.... aren't you too, addicted to the duality of the game you play?"
-For Kozume Kenma
"Call me perfect. Call me sharp tongued. Call me everything you want. In the end, I'll be the only one who stays and guides you to your destination.... That's what he said with his cool expression. Even though he's young, you can't help but feel extremely respectful towards this boy who's not afraid to correct you, and hold your hand to take you where you belong in this overcrowded world. He promised, you'll obtain the spotlight that everyone will see. Who else would be this devoted to you?"
-For Iori Izumi
"Careful with him! Take his hand softly and kiss it. He likes it. Rub his tears away, for he's soft...Osaka is his name, please remember it. Why you ask? Well, because he never forgets who he bows down to~ Oh don't worry, he's just a normal rich guy .... Don't believe it? Well then ask him about it. He'll like it. Ask him how his day was. He'll like it. Who else asks him about these things? Diamonds too hide themselves in the dirt of rocks."
-For Osaka Sougo
"Slimy? Untrustworthy? Intelligent is a better word. A child actor prodigy huh? Well what if his companionship is an act too? Or maybe he's pulling the strings on you~ The world is cruel place, so please don't be offended by his tongue, his repel....It's his defense mechanism.... Stay with him.... Take the ride. His friends will promise you that he too will anchor your heart one day"
-For Natsume Minami
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youthofpandas · 2 years
Kris year in review (in which i talk about everything i remember that i watched and played and read) bc I like to talk about things . this is so incredibly long do not feel like you have to look at this okay guys. okay. I already wrote this up so im just gonna post it
Games I played:
AI: The Somnium Files - a fantastic game I highly recommend if you like weird characters and stories and are a fan of visual novels/adventure games <3 super fun
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim - AMAZING cast of characters and fun gameplay I didn’t want to stop playing, great plot I will be thinking about forever…
Bugsnax - very funny and cute and I loved catching every bugsnax and the fun characters I want to play the 2nd one when it comes out
Psyconauts - a cult classic for a reason. Loved it’s style but the final level is so bad I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. Looking forward to finishing 2 one day
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - I haven’t gotten to finish this one yet (I got 80 hours in okay??) but I’m incredibly excited to get back to it. GOTY BABY!!! GAME OF ALL TIME!!
Nier Automata - ALSO THE GAME OF ALL TIME this is a must play it broke me it healed me it made me see the beauty of art and story telling that games are capable of it’s really just fantastic. for the love of god do not stop after ending A. Love this game so much.
Ongoing Manga I am currently reading
Chainsaw Man - starting off with the best one. CSM is so incredibly important to me and one of the best stories I have ever read. if you have talked to me at ALL you know how I cannot shut up about Denji and i AM NOT SORRY!!!
I Want to Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could Die - fantastic supernatural/horror themed romance and one of my favorite romances I read this year
Black Clover - made me realize how truly trash bnha is at writing women lmao. Good battle shonen but nothing overwhelming special about it. It understands the basics and does them all well
D Gray Man - didn’t catch up on this one yet but it’s got great characters and some of the worst action paneling I’ve ever seen.
Dungeon Meshi - y’all were right it’s funny and can be very touching at time
A Condition Called Love - I can fix him romance but make it not feel toxic the manga. Super cute I love them.
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun - I feel like I started this last year but I know that can’t be true… supernatural + romance + cute art. It’s made me cry.
Jujutsu Kaisen - loved this baby and then I caught up to the current arc and it was the worst shit of all time. Megumi my depressed king.
Frieren Beyond Journeys End - fantastic please read it I love these bitches so much
Spy x Family - it’s SxF it’s good we all know this
Manga I finished reading
Cardcaptor Sakura - I think this is my first CLAMP manga I finished. LOVED sakura and shaoran they are so small. so many good aspects to this series and then all of the age gap bullshit is there so IDK hard to recommend but I enjoyed reading all of the parts that weren't about horrible relationships
Horimiya - CUTE I love romance where you get to follow them as a couple <3 there were a few bad spots in it (miyamura's piercings being compared to self harm in that one chapter.......???????) but over all a good read
Astra: Lost in Space - fun scifi adventure with good characters. pretty short and easy read. its fun
You Got Me, Senpai - SO CUTE one of the best relationships I've read in a manga. adorable.
Drowning Love - verrry good and complex, a mature story with darker elements (check out trigger warnings for it) and a very engaging coming of age story about two kinda horrible kids with too much attention pointed their way living in a small town. anime adaptation WHEN
Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty - super cute romance, supernatural elements. loved it
Orange - think this would be a perfect read if the time travel element wasn't explained like That and also Suwa >>> Kakeru and what they did to his character in that bonus story was just mean
Goodbye, Eri - everyone should read this. beautiful, stays with you. fantastic exploration on what arts purpose is
A Kiss, For Real - it was cute. the summary makes it sound more romance focused than it actually is, there is a lot of focus on the MCs journey of growth and what she wants to do with her life. Romance was cute but not exceptionally so
Takopi's Original Sin - overhyped as hell. depressing outlook on life. thought some of it was fine but it is overall too cruel to say i enjoyed it, especially with a cast this young
The Girl From The Other Side - I actually 100% cannot remember if I read this last year or not. anyways. BEAUTIFUL art, great characters, compelling mysteries
Junji Ito's Dissolving Classroom - not his best work by far, but it is one of his earliest so I don't care too much.
Spotless Love: This Love Cannot Be Any More Beautiful. - I haven't been adding the ones that aren't popular unless I really enjoyed them, but idk this one is just so wild I felt the need to throw it on here. girl who loves to clean x child assassin is certainly a relationship dynamic. they're funny
Akiba Maid War - this is not very good but it is entertaining so...
Ano Hana - rewatched this one finally! still one of the best dramas of all time. did you know childe and jintan have the same english VA bc I know. I know this now.
BNA - the plot point about how the furries were victims in the literal real world holocaust made me kind of hate this I won't lie. also the best friend fox girl Nazuna is one of the most unbearable characters ever. when you lead a cult pretending to be an important religious figure to a culture you are not part of because you like attention i guess?? it is not a good look in a show that already deals so heavily in antisemetic themes & imagery for it's villains.... sorry to whoever recommended this to me :( great animation
Dance Dance Danseur - did not like the MC but I did like the FMC and Rival character, good animation. I read the authors shoujo title Drowning Love this year and it should've gotten the adaptation TBH but this was fine, last few episodes carried
Death Parade - rewatched this one this year and it is still amazing. OP is still one of the best out there.
Do It Yourself!! - not incredibly remarkable yuri bait with a fantastic art style. its fine if you like cute girls doing cute things while being gay genre
Erased - for a mystery story the culprit is laughably obvious. the rest of it is pretty good though. oh lol other than the weird jokes about the protags taste in girls but it never followed through on anything so compared to other series im too tired to care
Keep Your Hand's Off Eizouken - starts off strong but I couldn't keep caring by the end tbh. it does not help I started it and then stopped for like 7 months and then finally finished the show so that's probably rly affecting my feelings
Today's Menu for the Emiya Family - certified apron boy moment
Fire Force - do NOT fucking watch this show is is so actually bad. However. Arthur is so funny I have to finish the series
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works - rin best girl. maybe fate isn't so bad after all.
Fruits Basket (2019) all seasons - LOVE ME SOME SHOUJO!!!! it slays everyone needs to watch this NOW
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 - fantastic movie i need to watch it again
Kaguya-sama Love is War - only watched the first season but it's fun, not the best without breaks. the people saying this is the best animanga romance need to read more shoujo though
Mob Psycho 100 s3 - I cried. It's beautiful. I don't need to say anything else
NGE - this was a rewatch a long time coming. Truly didn't understand shit watching this as a teenager lol. it's better than I could've imagined and a lot of the criticisms i used to have were actually stupid and a byproduct of not understanding what it was doing
Sarazanmai - 10/10 gay kappa connections cycles trauma love mafia boxes cops otters I WANT TO CONNECT, but.........
spy x family s1 - its good its sxf
Zombieland Saga + Revenge - first idol anime I watched. the main girl was way too relatable for comfort. good time.
Movies I watched (I am bad at talking about movies sorry)
Turning Red - super good loved the everything I can’t believe it came out this year. I’ve watched it 3 times.
Scream (the entire movie series) - it’s scream baby idk what else to say. First one is fantastic the rest are okay I guess but man… that first one is just sooo good it’s hard to live up to it
The Sea Beast - fun movie! Almost forgot I watched it
Monster High: The Movie - perfection 10/10 high art it should’ve been called Monster High: The Film
Skinamarink - loooove me a horror movie that says fuck doing what other movies do I am doing my own thing. Did not actually love the thing it did but it’s definitely not a bad movie
Wendell & Wild - STOP MOTION SWEEP !!!! Great movie I will return to on future Halloweens. Think the plot got a bit too big for the movies runtime or whatever but I really don’t care bc it was good so whatever
Disney’s ZOMBIES trilogy - bad.
Disney’s Descendants trilogy - bisexual. Less bad than zombies
The VelociPastor - a masterpiece baby!!
Glass Onion - absolutely fantastic, words can’t describe how fun this movie is
Pinocchio - stunning stop motion and a beautiful story that brought me to tears. icon.
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amjustagirl · 2 years
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preview: set fire to your heart
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release date: Friday, 15 July 2022, new chapter every friday pairing: miya osamu x f! reader  genre: romance, angst, fluff, inarizaki shenanigans  wc: 55k and growing  summary: miya osamu is dared to set fire to his heart. 
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It’s the faint smell of smoke that sets off Osamu’s alarms. 
He’s already closed the shop for the day, released his staff early even though ‘Tsumu and the kids are still sprawled across the expanse of his wooden counter. Because - well, if Tsumu’s decided to use him as reinforcement to look after his kids when Kaiyo (Tsumu’s long-suffering wife, the one woman with enough steel in her spine to make Miya Atsumu behave and act like a decent human being) is away on some fancy work dinner, then he can damn well help him clean up the shop instead.
‘Sides his staff deserve a break from ‘Tsumu’s spawn-lings.
Not that he doesn’t love his niece and nephew dearly - he does, he’d do anything for them, set his store on fire if need be - but Shino already shows every indication that she’s inherited ‘Tsumu’s pig-headedness and Kaiyo’s mischief, which is incendiary when paired with an angelic smile. Just last week, she’d managed to sweet talk his hapless part-timer Miyamura-san into tossing disposable chopsticks to her in some made-up exercise to improve her reflexes, leaving his kitchen floor looking like it’s been strewn with twigs and firewood. Kaiyo made her daughter pick up every last chopstick and pay him back with her own pocket money (he’d set the money aside in the fund he has stashed as a wedding present to her), but still. 
And Shoma. Five year old Shoma with wide, solemn eyes, and a penchant for toddling around the bustling kitchen, heedless to the danger of finely sharpened knives and bursts of hot steam around him. The kid doesn’t say much, just watches with rapt attention as rice is shaped into balls, fillings prepared with care and occasionally swipes a bite or two - and that’s all fine, but he refuses to be shooed out unless it’s time for a meal. His staff treat him like their mascot, but Osamu knows first hand it’s troublesome to have to work in an overheated kitchen with a child underfoot after nearly spilling a trayful of precious cod roe because Shoma was crouched by the rice cooker investigating the rice that Kita brought over right after harvestime.
“Can’t you just order pizza for them instead of dragging them all the way here?” he asks ‘Tsumu, who sticks his tongue out petulantly. 
“Sho-chan wanted yer onigiris and Shin-chan complained she hasn’t seen ya in ages, so who am I to say no to them? ‘Sides - ” Atsumu hefts Shoma up, holds him out as if Sho-chan’s a lion-cub being presented to his future subjects (he really really hates that he’s watched every single disney movie with the kiddos, nevermind that Lion King made him sniffle - he’ll deny it til his dying day) - “are ya really going to say no to Sho-chan when he’s hungry for his favourite uncle’s lovingly made food?” 
Damn ‘Tsumu for hitting his weak spots with a bulls-eye (or a carefully thrown set, but nevermind the volleyball references), because everyone knows Osamu would rather swandive out of a window rather than see someone hungry, let alone his five year old nephew who’s secretly his favourite (he’ll deny it til his dying day). So he turns away with a huff and signals his defeat by making yet another negitoro onigiri that he knows is Sho-chan’s favourite. 
It’s at that moment the scent of something burning hits his nostrils. 
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a/n: osamu’s love story, set in the storm chaser universe. i hope you love this fic too. :) much love, nikki jie. 
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metalandmagi · 4 years
Winter 2021 Anime Worth Watching!
Since 2020 basically sacrificed itself to give us the most stacked anime season of all time, I’m currently buried under the weight of almost 20 shows airing per week. So for anyone who’s looking for some anime to watch this winter, here’s some first impressions! I’m speed running my list this time by only talking about the new shows...because otherwise this would be my great American novel. 
If anyone’s interested, I have master lists for both 2020 anime and 2019 anime, because there’s no shortage of fun things to find. 
New Shows!
And before anyone asks, So I’m A Spider, So What? isn’t on here, because CG spiders freak me out.
Cells At Work Code Black: This...less comedic spin off of Cells At Work (made by a different studio) takes the wholesome concept of Osmosis Jones meets cute anime girls and turns it on its head. In this much more depressing version, we follow a rookie red blood cell who works in the body of an overly stressed, alcoholic smoker who puts every strain on the body imaginable. I love Red Blood Cell AA2153 and his co-workers, but man am I glad we get the regular Cells At Work airing this season too, because I need something fun and uplifting after seeing my sweet son go through hell every episode. 
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*Heaven’s Design Team: Have you ever wondered how God came up with some of the weird ass animals that live on this planet? Like, what’s the deal with giraffes? And why can’t we have dragons and flying horses? Well this is a comedy about the engineers and designers in heaven creating the new animals that are going to inhabit the Earth. That’s it, that’s the show. It’s kind of in the same vein as Cells At Work, having comedy blend with a surprising amount of educational information. If you want something light and funny, this is the show for you (though I don’t think it needs to have full length episodes). I’m just hoping there’s an episode about how the hell the platypus was created. Also it’s the only new one available on Crunchyroll.
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Horimiya: A romantic comedy about a girl named Hori who fits the image of a perfect queen bee and a quiet bespectacled boy named Miyamura who never makes an impression at school. When the two meet by chance outside of the classroom, we see that Hori is practically raising a younger brother by herself, and Miyamura is actually a sweet guy who happens to be covered in tattoos and piercings. This show is an exercise in breaking down the images people have of others in their minds, and it’s a concept that really hits home in a fun and meaningful way. Honestly, this has become one of my immediate favorites. The characters have great chemistry, and I can’t wait to see more of them!
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Monster Incidents (Kemono Jihen): When big shot Tokyo detective Inugami is called to a rural town to investigate a series of strange animal deaths, he finds a mysterious boy with the nickname Dorotabo who has been shunned by the other children in town. As the detective gets closer to Dorotabo, he discovers that there may be more...inhuman secrets to the boy than he realizes...and Dorotabo discovers that Inugami has some secrets of his own. This is a hard show to sell without spoiling the first episode, but it had twists and turns that kept me engaged from start to finish. I’m really interested to see where the plot goes, because I thought this was going to be something totally different just from the PV and series summary. If it plays its cards right, this could be a great paranormal detective show!
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Wonder Egg Priority: A psychological drama about a girl named Ai who starts having dreams about a mysterious egg that promises to give her what she wants most in the world...a true friend. Before long, she begins to see how the dream world and reality are tied together, and trippy antics ensue. It’s hard to say more without spoiling anything, but I had to go back and add this one in because I made the mistake of thinking it was an OVA when it’s actually a full series. And what a series it’s starting out to be. This anime has all the psychological discomfort of a Satoshi Kon product with the beauty and style of something from Kyoani (even though it’s made by Clover Works). It’s really one of those anime you just have to see to understand.
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Sk8-∞ (Skate the infinity): An original skateboarding anime from Bones, featuring a typical sports anime protagonist who takes a new transfer student who has never skateboarded in his life under his wing. Together they compete in dangerous races and take the skating community by storm. The character designs rival Appare Ranman’s in outlandish creativity, and I can smell the main characters’ ship dynamic a mile away (considering they’re exactly the same as the protagonists from Robihachi). If you’re looking for some wild and crazy fun with top notch skateboarding animation, don’t skip this!
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2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu (Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Club): Yes, it’s another volleyball anime. And no, it’s not just a clone of Haikyu. This story follows Yuni Kuroba, a physically built but emotionally weak teenager who finds out his childhood friend Hajime is moving back to their hometown for high school. Yuni discovers Hajime has become an exceptional volleyball player and they join their school’s volleyball club hoping to turn the unknown team into a rising star. If anything, this anime is much more like Stars Align or Free, where the sport is a backdrop for letting the characters explore their personal problems. Or at least it seems that way after the first episode. I went into this show ready to throw it in the trash because how could anything compete against my beloved Haikyu, but I found myself really enjoying the dynamics of the main duo and I’m curious to see what the rest of the team is like.
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And speaking of sports anime rip-offs…..I can’t believe I’m including this but…
Skate Leading Stars: The show where the animators clearly wanted to design another throw away idol anime but saw how popular Yuri On Ice was so they decided to make whatever the hell this show is instead. It revolves around a fictional team sport called skate leading, and we follow the world’s most insufferable main character, a former figure skater named Kensei who wants to return to the ice and join his school’s skate leading team after he finds out his childhood rival is going to compete in the sport. Look, this show is just trashy enough to get a certain type of audience hooked, and it mainly has to do with the best boy of the winter season, Hayato Sasugai, the aspiring team “coach” who pulled most of us into watching this show with his punk appearance, snide comments and smug personality. He’s basically the lovechild of Izaya Orihara and Shizuo Heiwajima in a high school sports anime setting. The show treats itself with the perfect amount of sincerity to get away with being absolutely ridiculous most of the time without making you feel like you’re watching it from a dumpster...like Try Knights. You will know after one episode whether this show is for you. All I can say is, Hayato is worth the watch, and I haven’t seen any 3D animation used for the skating scenes (yet) so that’s a win for me. 
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Honorable mention:
Jobless Reincarnation ( Mushoku Tensei): Yet another isekai where the main character is hit by a car (big surprise) and gets reincarnated into a fantasy world...but he happens to remember his previous life and narrates himself growing up as a jaded adult. I’m only including this because it looked amazing animation wise, and I love the opening where getting hit by a car and dying is actually traumatic. And I love the protagonist’s parents (who are retired adventurers who just want to bang all the time). But honestly...the main character is the fucking worst, and I don’t know if I want to keep watching it because of how creepy and weird he is. Like...he’s the hit on your fantasy mom as a baby kind of creepy and weird. But for anyone who wants a cool looking isekai that had an amazing PV, it’s worth checking out. 
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Continuing Series!
Because the real gold of the season is in all the established anime getting their next seasons, I’m just going to list some of the things that are also amazing and definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already (because I’ve already talked about most of them at some point and don’t know what else to say).
Attack On Titan season 4
The Promised Neverland season 2
Beastars season 2
Log Horizon season 3
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 2
Re: Zero season 2 (second cour)
Dr. Stone season 2
Cells at Work season 2
Osomatsu-san season 3 (second cour)
Higurashi New (second cour)
Jujutsu Kaisen (second cour) 
Not to mention all the shows I don’t watch that everyone else loves...like World Trigger (which I have seen quite a bit of, but long shounen shows are too much for me now) Quintessential Quintuplets, and Non Non Biyori. 
So there’s just some of all the anime airing this season. Hopefully, someone can find something they like. Here’s to a great year...well, of anime at least...
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brewedlove · 3 years
Series/Fandom: Horimiya
Character (x reader): Izumi Miyamura
Relationship to Reader: Romantic
Reader Specifications: None
Word Count: 540
Warnings: Very small faint insecurities, little bit of embarrassment, not proofread.
Requested: No
A/N: When I ran @iwritesinsandsins I did Kinktober last year but since Tumblr silenced me, I will be writing for Flufftober this year on this blog. I have requests still in my inbox that I am working on and will be sure to get to them once I catch up on assignments for my classes. Once again, the reader’s sex, gender, nationality and ethnicity are unspecified so everyone should be free to read.
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You were absolutely captivating to him despite there not being anything special about doing your homework.
Despite the ordinary task, you were anything but.
On your end, though, you were unable to concentrate with his gaze fixed on you.
Twice within the half hour had you glanced up at him from across the table, only to find him looking down, pretending to focus on his own assignment.
By the third time you caught him, the subtle loving smile on his face quickly dropped and he wore a stunned expression instead.
Despite the pink hue growing on his face, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from yours as you asked why he had been staring.
Miyamura blinked at you while allowing the question to sink in until he moved to rub his neck sheepishly, a bashful smile playing along his lips.
His gaze casted over to the side as he admitted quietly, “You look amazing today,”
“I look the same as any other day,” you shrugged, not thinking much of it.
Whether it was his own response or yours, he didn’t seem satisfied with it before a sigh escaped him, “No, I mean..”
Pressing his lips together, he turned back to face you and dropped his hands in his lap before slowly picking out his next words, “You’re so radiant. I don’t know how to explain it exactly but you’re stunning. You look amazing everyday but what I mean is that you have this beautiful energy around you. In the way you hold yourself or whenever you’re telling me about that one show you’re into lately, it really shows. It’s comforting.. It makes me feel safe and I want to be that kind of person for you, too! I don’t know how but if there’s a way then please let me know. I want you to feel as happy and loved as I do when I’m with you..”
Finishing up the last of his thoughts, his voice trailed off when the realization dawned on him at his own words.
Neither of you spoke for a moment before he nervously called out your name.
The warmth in your heart spread to the rest of your being as embarrassed laughter escaped you, causing Izumi to hide his face in his hands.
“D-Don’t laugh!” he groaned until he felt your hands gently pull his own away.
Your laughs gradually died down as you regained your breath, staring back at each other and soon brushing your thumbs against his face.
Being sure to hold him in place so he couldn’t look away, you reassured him, “You don’t have to do anything else but be yourself because I already love you the way that you are,”
His heart fluttered at your words and despite his insecurities trying to convince him that you’re lying, there’s another part of him that diminishes those negative beliefs.
A relieved smile was inevitable while his eyes became thinly glossed over with tears, “You do?”
Moving down to press a kiss to his nose, Miyamura felt his own eyes close at your affection and fully allowed the shared love between the two of you to envelope his heart and soul.
Just as gentle as your actions, your words came to,
“I do.”
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rubatona · 3 years
I would like to share with you all, my greatest anime crushes.
1) General Hak. Oh lord, this man is too hot for his own good. Probably my top one.
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2) Kyo Sohma. I strongly believe it’s I hate everyone but my girl energy. And maybe everything else but you know. Honorable mention for honestly all the Sohma men.
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3) Satoru Gojo. It might be the white hair or the black sleevless turtleneck but oh lord.
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4) Izumi Miyamura. Must protect at all costs. Cutest bean.
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5) Takumi Usui. The ability and willingness to protect is admirable but the man can do literally anything and that is amazing.
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6) Tomoe. Being a land deity doesn’t sound so bad and familiar contracts? I am all for them.
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7) Odanna. He may seem scary but this mf is soft as hell. And hot as hell.
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8) Li-ren Fang. Far too underrated and far too gorgeous.
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9) Asahi Azumane. The soft but looks like he could beat you up energy is perfect.
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doukyuusei-mp3 · 3 years
Kinosaki: “Why don’t you sit casually?”
Sajou: “Huh?”
Ki: “It’s... so formal, sitting on your knees.”
S: “Oh... Whoa. My legs... fell asleep.”
Ki: “Hahaha! I knew it! No surprise there! Are you joining this club?”
S: “Oh. Someone cornered me in the cafeteria and half-forced me to give it a try. They dragged me here.”
Ki: "Haha! Oh yeah? I’m Kinosaki.”
S: “My... name is Sajou.”
Ki: “So formal! We’re both first years, you know?”
Miyamura: “Hm, Sanjou-kun?”
Ki: “It’s not Sanjou. It’s Sa-jo-u.”
Kawanishi: “Hunh! So your name’s Sajou-kun?”
M: “Kind of a weird name.”
Ki: “Oh! I went to the same prep school as these two.”
M: “Name’s Miyamura!”
Ka: “Kawanishi!”
Both: “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance!”
S: “Hello.”
Ki: “Whoa! Give the poor guy room to breathe! Creepy!”
M: “Haha, shut up!”
Ka: “Hey? So? You’re from Tokyo, right, Sajou-kun?”
S: “Yes... I am.”
Ki: “Haha, so polite!”
M: “Aah, Tokyo folks really are different! They don’t get all chummy straight away.”
Ka: “Sorry about our Kinosaki.”
Ki: “What are you talking about? BTW, I was in Tokyo until junior high, you know.”
M: “Who knew!”
Ka: "You never told us.”
M: “Hey? So? Where did you go to high school, Sajou-kun?”
Ki: “You wouldn’t know it if he told you!”
M: “I might! If it’s a famous school.”
S: “I went to Tofuya Number One High School.”
Ka: “Nah, don’t know it.”
M: “Nope.”
Ki: “Then why’d you ask...? I might have heard of it. Somewhere in Kanagawa, pretty sure.”
M: “Anyway, Sajou-kun, at the entrance ceremony... you had a hickey on your neck, right?“
S: “What?!”
Ka: “YES! It was bright red!”
M: “I knew it! Look at you go!”
Ka: “I’d never guess from the look of you!”
M: “But that’s what makes him hot!”
Ki: “(I... thought I was the only one who noticed it.)”
Ka: “So, you got a girlfriend? That’s a surprise!”
M: “You are so rude! Is she your high school sweetheart?”
S: “....... Uh-huh.”
Ka: “Awwww! So cute! Adorable!”
M: “He’s so bashful about it, too!”
Ki: “(Hm... I think I get it...)”
Ki: “You’re not going, Sajou-kun?”
S: “No. I’m done.”
Ki: “Hunh. You said...”
S: “Hm?”
Ki: “You were going out with a classmate from high school... isn’t Tofuya Number One... an all-boys school?”
S: “.........”
Ki: “Oh. Uh. I didn’t--”
S: “It is. Goodnight.”
Ki: “...Oh... (That was bad...)
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soupthatistohot · 3 years
Why do I write primarily mlm fanfic?
This was something I asked myself the other day. I am a girl, I think I'm queer (but I am attracted to men, whatever I am), so why do I fixate on mlm relationships? Why do I never feel compelled to write wlw or even just some good 'ol straight stuff? I brought this up to a few friends of mine who also watch anime. One of them said that it’s because lots of popular media only really focuses on developing their male characters well, and I think this to be a very suitable explanation (as well as the fact that I’m queer and thus gravitate towards queer stories).
Take Sk8 the Infinity for example. I could count the number of female characters in this anime on one hand, and one of them is a robot. The others are supporting roles who only serve to support the male main characters. I love Sk8 very much, and with the possibility of a 2nd season I’d love to see a prominent, well-developed female character (but if they make her Reki’s love interest I will literally stab someone). But as the anime stands right now, there are no female characters that aren't just basically plot devices.
Another show I love dearly, Yuri!!! on Ice, is much the same. While there can be more of an argument made here because 1) competitive figure skating is split up between men and women, and 2) I believe that the story Yuuri and Victor is absolutely meant to be a romance, so having the two men as the focus is somewhat necessary, there's an overwhelming lack of fleshed-out women in the story. All the female characters are supporting members that only exist for the benefit of male characters. Yuuko and Minako support Yuuri, Lilia exists so Yuri P. can improve, Mila is just... kind of there, and Sara's whole character is centered around her brother being overprotective of her.
Okay, so let's look at something a little less... fruity. Horimiya. I've only watched the anime, so if there's stuff I miss from not having read the manga (yet), please forgive me. I still think this is a valid perspective, though, because if there's female development that the creators decided was so unimportant that it could be cut, that still supports my point here. In my opinion, Miyamura is a lot more developed than Hori. He has his tragic backstory of being a loner, and having his secret piercings and tattoos and all that. A lot of the story ends up focusing on his side of things... despite the fact that Hori is the protagonist. The story follows her perspective for the most part, we learn things about Miyamura as she does, yet I feel like she's a bit dull. She has a uncommon home life and has to take care of her younger brother, that's her big bad secret? I get that it's kind of unexpected since she's the pretty, perfect, popular girl, but I still feel like it's a tad anticlimactic. It's hardly ever addressed beyond the first few episodes, too, and it just kind of exists as a fact within the story. Even beyond our main couple, it seems like the other female characters development and stories are all focused on the boy they're interested in (except for Sawada, but she's there for like a couple of episodes and then doesn't really show up all that much again... and her crush on Hori is handled really weird, I didn't exactly love it). Remi's entire character is pretty much centered around her boyfriend, and Sakura and Yuki are basically competing for Toru. Meanwhile, the guys have story beats themed around the girls they're interested in, but I feel like it's not as obsessive or dramatic as how the girls are depicted.
So, we're given these female characters, who are really watered-down and honestly kind of boring, and we're not super compelled to write about them. When we are given flat female characters, there's nothing to work with. It's more fun to use the characters who have had development and play around with the "what ifs" and our own personal headcannons. The characters who get this special treatment are primarily male. And while I commend a lot of shows for developing their male characters in such a way that doesn't exactly fit with society's idea of masculinity (ex: Reki's insecurities and depression, Yuuri's anxiety and femininity, Miyamura's isolation and depression), in the end these characters are still boys, men, males.
I also think mlm is so prominent because of both straight girls and queer people. For straight girls, it can often be fetishization (forgive my generalizing, I'm sure not all straight girls are like that, but an overwhelming amount definitely are). I think one of the best examples I can give for this is Phan. This is a bit different since it's not anime, but instead real people, but if anything that really drives home the point even more. The way Dan and Phil were (and probably still are) treated in the fandom internet space is disturbing, to say the least. Their audience, while much of it was queer, was also made up of an overwhelming amount of heterosexual girls who not only shipped them intensely, but also often sexualized them. And look, there's nothing inherently wrong with being a straight girl and writing smut, but it gets to a point where it can be kind of weird if its excessive. Like, if that's all the relationship is really about, and if the people you're writing about are real human beings, that's definitely overstepping. I will admit that I had a Wattpad and that I wrote Phanfic way back when, and this is something I'm not exactly proud of. Granted, I did not write anything explicit, it was still super weird, whether or not I was queer. And I'm not saying all the problematic aspects of the Phandom were because of straight girls, because what I contributed was arguably problematic, and I did not identify as straight at the time. At the same time, though, there were straight girls who wrote exclusively smut (or "lemons" as they might've been referred to at the time). There were those who analyzed every post, every bit of information they could find about these men on the internet. They obsessed over the fact that they occasionally shared clothes (which is fairly common for roomates of similar sizes to do), and gathered evidence to support the theory that they shared a bed. It was bad. It was invasive, and it got to the point where it wasn't about the people, it was about the fetishized fantasy these girls made up in their heads about these real, actual men.
Dan and Phil's online presence kind of disappeared for a few years... and I don't blame them.
Getting back on track, mlm is prominent for queer people because it's the LGBT representation they so desperately want to see actualized in media. If a show doesn't make their favorite queer ship canon (and they often don't), they'll do it themselves! That's what fanfic is for! I also know that queer people project onto these characters a lot, and that writing about them is almost like a form of therapy. They see these characters as queer, and they see themselves in these characters, so they write about these characters experiencing similar emotions to them. The thing is, the most compelling characters are male, so those are the characters they end up focusing on, even if the person in question is strictly sapphic. My best example is how I project onto Reki. Personally, I end up thinking of him as (and thus end up writing him as) having some internalized homophobia around being bisexual. That's literally what I am currently going through. I can't project this onto any of the female characters in Sk8, because I couldn't see them going through this experience because they're not developed enough to.
Despite all of this, I still enjoy all of the shows I mention a lot. I think it's just an interesting topic that I was thinking about. I'm not trying to bash anything that I used as an example, these were just my personal observations based off of what I know about these shows and their fandoms. I do, though, believe shipping real people isn't super cool, and I stand by that as someone who used to do it. I'm not going to stop you... I just think it's intrusive and inappropriate to pretend like you know enough about influencers to dictate who they should be involved with romantically. Their love life is, frankly, none of your damn business.
So, long story short, we should make anime (and popular media in general) less misogynistic.
(Also, please leave Dan and Phil alone, they deserve privacy)
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airisu7425 · 3 years
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November Shopping
I can’t believe this year is almost over... November was a slightly less ‘fruitful’ month but still it had many cute gems.
I received a package from my friend @shirouchan​ with three wish-listed mangas in it: vol 8+9 of Welcome to the Ballroom (I still can’t forgive the anime which was a disappointment, especially since it was done by Production I.G.) and the first volume of Given (so now my series is really up-to-date). Thank you again, Shirou! :*
The rest are continuations of series I started buying: SasaMiya (can’t wait for the anime), Classmates: Sora+Hara, 2nd volume of Birds of Shangri-La (I can’t get enough of Zariya’s artstyle, it is insanely beautiful), a BnHA character book and the English edition of Canis - which is a Kuma published version, looking exactly like the Japanese original (comes with dust cover and printed on gorgeous white paper).
Miyamura Izumi’s nendo from Hiromiya (cute shoujo series, highly recommended) - I love this nendo so much. My only regret is that he does not have the half upper pony tail hair in the set: just the long hair and the short hair. But his tattoo and piercings look dope.
Fushiguro Megumi’s Lookup figure is adorable - he finally joins Yuuji and Gojou. I placed them between my monitor and keyboard - they are looking up at me and whenever I look at them, I cannot stop smiling.
The second set of the Tensura chibi figures are here, too. Talking about second sets - I have the JJK chibi figures. There are a lot of JJK goodies in this batch. I am a simple woman: I see Nanamin in a set, I buy the whole set. XD Can’t help it. XD
I participated in @hachisales​ group order after a long hiatus, but could snatch a few rare and cute items like those town specific JJK charms. They are adorable and hard to pick only this many. With them came HQ!! nitotan rubber keychains, Bakugou (for my nephew) and cute fan-made Oikawa charms.
Last but not least - found these adorable miniatures: a cute shiba inu and a set for drinking tea, complete with table, chair, electric kettle and tiny tea cups and a tray.
I am getting a bit anxious about one of my seamail packages (full of manga) - it was shipped on July 14th and still has not entered the country... This was my first Buyee experience (Honto.jp is not sending to abroad directly anymore, only through Buyee) but might be the last as well... I know COVID makes everything slower but it is getting ridiculous.
Anyway, more to come in December but will probably only post about them sometime in January.
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herdecisions · 3 years
Favourites/Biases 🤣
Let’s be hoes together for these people ig 🙄👀🤣
tl;dr ifywk lol
🥵| certifed wh*re for: Asra, Yeong-gi/Nol, 707, Saeran, Ruth, Byakuya, Shuichi, Yamaguchi, Osamu, Suna, Dazai, Ranpo, Kunikida, Armin, Levi, Giyuu
🥺| fluff-ily love: Dieter, Mammon, Leviathan, Nagito, Kokichi, Megumi, Kyo, Tamaki, Mikey
😌| platonically like/like in general: Suho, Oliver, Fuyuhiko, Gonta, Oikawa, Maki, Inumaki, Miyamura, Kirishima, Denki, Takemichi
🥰| has a special place in my heart (comfort character?): Kita, Tanaka, Nanamin, Ishikawa
The Arcana: Game -> Asra 1000% then Julian LMAO
Webtoon: I Love Yoo -> Yeong-gi/Nol 🥺😭😭 and Dieter ohmygodddd 😭
Webtoon: True Beauty -> Not really a hoe for this man but I love him. plz make ur move ??? Suho
Webtoon: The Kiss Bet -> Also not a hoe for anyone here, just heavily rooting for this youngin lol. Oliver
Mystic Messenger -> 707 probably ‘cus the fandom has hypnotized me, now I’m love w/ him. Oh and Also!! Saeran ice cream boy
I honestly haven’t finished/read every route myself lol, but I spoiled myself cus I was bored and didn’t wanna wake up at 3am like 66 more times just to do the chatrooms lol idk I’ve been spending my days a little bit like shit when I did that LMFAOO anyways
Obey Me -> Mammon and Leviathan !!!!!!!
Manhwa/Manta: Under the Oak Tree -> I’M 😵🌬😵🌬 for this man OHMYLORRDDD. Ruth Serbel. Riftan* is cute too but idk I’m just turned off and bored, especially that all he can do is MISSIONARY BOIII switch it up 😶
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc -> Byakuya (I’m Toko i guess LMAOO) and Kyoko 😂
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair -> Nagito. WE STAN NAGITO IN THIS HOUSE IM SORRY NOT SORRY
Also Fuyuhiko. This man is just so in love 😭😭 my heart is aching for his relationship with Peko
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony -> Kokichi with Miu LMAOO. They be R21 but its so funny 💀😭 oh right and maybe Gonta the sweet boy 😭 Anddd how could i forget.. why. am I. such. a. wh*re. for this man Shuichi
I guess I just like people from dangranronpa because of their relationships w/ each other—other than Nagito of course. I love that man.
Haikyu -> Honestly probably changes everyday but also not at the same time. But mainly Yamaguchi for now. The others would be Osamu, Suna, Kita and I’m not that into Tsukishima anymore (I’m speaking as if I actually have a real life relationship with these characters LMAOOOO im so done with myself). I’m slowly starting to fall for Atsumu 😶 and I like Oikawa. Tanaka i think is SO SWEET he is one of those people who kind of...”unexplainably” has a special place in my heart, and I think Nishinoya is so cuteee !
Jujutsu Kaisen -> in love with Megumi 🥺🥺 also I love Nanamin Kento as a father 🙂 anddd I just think Maki is an absoluteeee badddieeeee. Inumaki is so cute :((
Bungou Stray Dogs -> Osamu Dazai, Ranpo, and Kunikida these men are so sexy.. and for whattttt?? For whatt??????
Attack On Titan -> I will gladly be a hypocrite (? I mean is it even considered that? Lol.) for this one. Criticized the f u c k out of this man’s haircut, and jumped the moment he changed it 😶 you know who it is... Armin. And of course, since forever, with everyone, our small giant man Levi
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun -> I kinda feel like I may have a child like Hanako—minus the yk what. I’m a hoe for this show’s aesthetic and art style. Especially that I’m a hoe for spirituality/occult lol. I’m just so extremely aesthetically satisfied in every level all the time I watch. I may read the manga but my heart is already aching because I got a litttle bit spoiled 😐 (plz dont spoil me with this show especially LMFAO)
Fruits Basket -> I’m still in season 1 lol. The sibling (of the rat boy) is just so long I’m so bored 🤡 will definitely try to come back to finish it though. Stanning for this tsundere Kyo but based on Tohru’s interactions—if ever she were to end up with someone in the show, I already have an idea who 😶 🐀
Death Note -> Light after L— yk. idk he just looks good with slightly longer hair and looking and being older 🤷🏻‍♀️
Horimiya -> Miyamura with Hori, Ishikawa (wow this man... i just wow 😭)
My Hero Academia -> Tamaki Amajiki (this boy 😭😭😭😭🥺), Fat Gum (cus of how he treats tamaki honestly lmfao), and lowwlowwwkey Tenya Iida—its.. its the glasses for me 😩🤚🏻 Kinda starting to like Bakugou more, because of the quizzes 😂😂 but im not a hoe, i just think he’s objectively attractive even tho he seems like he’s going to pop a vein someday. I think a lot of the characters are super sweet, but I feel particularly a little soft for Kirishima and Denki
Tokyo Revengers -> pretty much everyone but mainly, probably, so far: (please please please be there, protect, actively love this precious baby boy, give him words of affirmation, have his back, make him open up more—) Mikey and Takemichi
Demon Slayer -> ...Giyuu is so hot
Kakegurui -> i think Kaede Manyuda is like my fantasy/dream guy 🤡 do i have low standards? Shet.. and Rei Batsubami ohmygod ohmygod this woman.
Favourite Pairings
Kinda jealous in some of these ngl but i love them together so… 🤡
Jean x Diluc - hot 🥵
L x Misa Amane - literally so fcking cute 😭😭
Bakugou Katsuki x Ochako Uraraka - I’m sorry but I ship it so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku - as platonic soulmates
Ino Yamanaka x Shikamaru Nara - i ship them like… so hard.
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genesis-gaia786 · 4 years
We’re All Strangers
Part Three Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader; Oikawa Tooru x Reader {One sided} Genre: Fluff; Angst; Smut; Happy Ending TW: There will be some dark themes like bullying, self-harm and dark thoughts in general.
Iwaizumi guided [Name] into an empty lecture hall, worried olive eyes taking in her tired expression and the way her shoulders sagged. He seated her at the professor’s desk chair, watching the way she sunk into the plush leather with a hefty sigh.
“[Name] what happened out there? I thought we agreed to just ignore Oikawa.” Iwaizumi whispered, taking her hand in his as he kneeled before her seated form, his other hand resting on her knee.
She glanced down at him, a sad smile on her pouty lips as she held his hand, looking up to the ceiling with a frown.
“That was the plan and I am sticking to it but…”
[Name] pinched the bridge of her nose and leaned back into her seat, tears finding their way to her lashes as she fought her urge to cry, she was stronger than this but even after all the growing up she did, Oikawa Tooru still had a massive hold on her psyche.
“It’s hard to really forget it all… I don’t want him to find out about me, I don’t want him to have this hold on me, Iwaizumi I’m terrified of him! If you weren’t there then I don’t know what I would have done!” [Name] broke down, her shoulders quivering as tears streaked the slopes of her cheeks, her nose sniffling as she cried in anguish.
Standing up, Iwaizumi pulled her into his arms and took her place in the chair, bringing her to sit on his lap while he cradled her sobbing form, his hand in her hair and the other wrapped tightly along the length of her back, keeping her secured to him as she wept.
“He’s been really hard pressed on making you his, this isn’t like him at all. [Name] you don’t have to worry, I’m here, I won’t let him hurt you.” He murmured, kissing the top of her head and hugging her close.
[Name] was still terrified but having Iwaizumi at her side made her feel safe, the kiss to the top of her head made her cheeks redden. Iwaizumi was her anchor; he kept her grounded when nothing else could.
 “Hey [Last Name]! I wanted to ask you something.” Oikawa grinned down at the quiet introvert that was huddled into the corner of the stairwell trying to enjoy her lunch.
She glanced up with wide eyes behind large glasses that were hanging off the bridge of her nose, her braces glinting lightly in the dimly lit stairwell as she opened her mouth to answer, her voice getting caught in her throat as she tried to understand why Oikawa Tooru was talking to her of all people.
“W-what is it?” She stammered, rubbing her hand along the length of her opposing arm, a nervous tick when speaking to one of the most popular boys of middle school.
“I wanted to find out if you’re free after school! Let’s go get some ramen or something!” He chirped, offering her a hand to help her up, his smile looked too wide in her eyes but her heart outweighed her logic and she took his hand with a shy smile.
She stared up at him with bright hopeful eyes, her happy grin lighting up her features.
“Yeah! I’d love to!”
She regretted saying yes.
It started off so innocently, a date turning into two and soon they were dating. No one quite understood how [Name] and Oikawa worked considering they were both complete opposites, his fangirls hated it more than anything so they took their own course of action.
“[Last Name] you know Oikawa is only pity dating you.”
“Yeah why would he even want to be seen with you unless it was a joke.”
“You’re such an idiot for even thinking he actually likes you.”
The words stung but [Name] kept it to herself, she was riding high and she loved every minute with her boyfriend. But soon their words turned into action, they couldn’t stand watching it anymore.
“Think you’re just the ‘It’ girl now huh?”
They shoved her down the stairs, she had a few bruises and a sprained ankle from that.
She tried telling Oikawa, he said he would talk to them.
“Complaining to your boyfriend won’t do a damn thing. This all ends when you break up with him.”
They cut her hair until she was sitting with a scalp that barely had any tufts of hair. She cried in the bathroom until she could cover up the mess and ran to Oikawa.
She told him and he said he would talk to them, but…
“Why can’t you handle your own problems [Name]-chan? You can’t keep running to me.”
It just got worse from there.
Every day was pain, a new bruise, a cut, a sprain, name calling, her hair never grew back because the fangirls made sure it didn’t.
Oikawa never did a damn thing, even after she sought his comfort. She didn’t know if he was worse than the fangirls.
“[Name] you know I can’t break up with you, besides where would you find someone willing to date you.”
That stung.
“[Name] can’t you hide those marks, I’m not going to be seen in public if you look like that.”
That hurt.
“You’re so pathetic [Name]! This is why you can’t live without me! You need someone to tell you what to do because you don’t have the brain capacity to handle even yourself.”
That broke her.
He never had her back, she was too afraid to do anything, she was backed against a wall with no way out until the fangirls took it too far.
They nearly drown her in the girls bathroom, holding her head down for far too long in a toilet until [Name] went limp. They gasped and pulled her back, they were scared if anyone were to find out so they left her in the stall until a teacher found her, broken and on the brink of succumbing to her own darkness.
The teacher brought her to the nurses office where they revived her from the edge, tears pooling in her eyes as she asked them why did they save her, it would have been over if they had left her alone.
They were stunned but did their best to console her, eventually leaving to get to their duties when Oikawa made his appearance with his best friend Iwaizumi and another friend by the name of Miyamura who smirked at the sight of the broken girl.
Oikawa waltzed up to her, his face blank as he stared down at her weeping form without a hint of empathy.
“We should break up; I am in no mood to be looking after a suicidal maniac like you.” He muttered, [Name]’s eyes widening as she tried to fathom how he could abandon her like this.
Iwaizumi thought the same.
“Oikawa I know what those girls said about [Last Name] but they’re lying. You can’t just leave her like this.” He said with a frown, but was waved off by his friend who turned his back to [Name].
“I don’t have time for an attention seeking whore like her.” He growled, leaving the heartbroken girl to wallow in her pain.
Iwaizumi wanted to say something, do something, but all he could manage was a flimsy apology as he and Miyamura caught up with the ace setter.
 [Name]’s eyes snapped open, she couldn’t remember when she had dozed off but she was pleasantly surprised to find herself still in Iwaizumi’s arms with his cheek pressed to the crown of her head.
She smiled, nuzzling into his warmth.
She had forgiven Iwaizumi a long time ago, after all it wasn’t his fault that she had been bullied like that. He was the only one to reach out to her after that whole incident
She had left that middle school for another and soon went to Karasuno High School, she had just wanted to escape from the pain, to leave that life behind even with the scars that still littered her.
Iwaizumi could never forget what he saw in the infirmary that day, so he had reached out and it took some convincing but soon they became friends with [Name] telling him what had happened, what Oikawa had did, and he vowed that he would protect her from then on.
He was always there, supporting her, helping her, everything she needed he was there with it in minutes, and that was more than anything Oikawa had ever done for her.
[Name] was afraid to have feelings for another but she couldn’t help the way she began to feel about Iwaizumi, the way he made her heart race, the way he comforted her, the way he was always there no matter what, she was cared for and that was all she ever wanted.
“God… I think I’m falling for you Hajime.” She whispered, a small smile on her face as she settled back into her nook of warmth.
Iwaizumi peeked an eye open, a smile on his lips as he breathed in the soft scent of vanilla and honey milk that was her shampoo, a hum leaving him and startling [Name] who was sure that he was asleep.
He smirked down at her flustered cheeks, cupping her face and tilting her head to face him properly, her pretty [Eye Color] eyes shimmering in the late afternoon light.
“Think I’m falling for you too.” He spoke, his voice raspy from sleep, stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb.
Her eyes closed, a soft sigh leaving her, opening her gaze to reveal the fear that lay within her, she was scared.
“I don’t know if I-“
“I’m with you, I’m here. [Name] don’t you worry about a thing, I’ll always have your back.” He hummed, pulling her a little closer, his lips just inches away from hers.
“I t-trust you Hajime.”
His smile widened and he pulled her into a soft kiss.
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ushijimacentral · 3 years
About Me
So as you already know, I'm Meki and I like to write. This page is a little bit of what I'm like I guess.
I am...
black (west-indian american)
vegan since birth (food allergies go brrr)
passionate about the color purple
new to the anime world (started 2021)
struggling to use tumblr
Who I Write For:
fem reader
black y/n (I do gen too)
the simps
succulents I've killed every one I've ever owned
lilac, lavender, violets
✨ fictional men ✨
sparkling water
talking to people (spam my ask box)
knives out
the dark crystal: age of resistance
faking a french accent
deep cleaning my room
yellow and orange (i just don't look good in it)
spring water
crickets and grasshoppers
the squeals of oikawa's fangirls
Random Facts About Me:
I've been to Japan and it was amazing so I try to include some details about that
I've been playing the piano for almost 10 years but I still suck at it *sobs*
My favorite manga is spy x family and food wars
I actually have a caffeine intolerance so I can't have things with coffee flavoring in them
I'm also studying Japanese in college so hopefully I'll be able to do translations at some point
I have a very small onigiri addiction
Inomata Maria - Gakuen Babysitters
Miyamura Izumi - Horimiya
Kaede Azusagawa - Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
Armin Arlert - Attack on Titan
What's Meki Thinking About?
current hobby: stressing my dad out
current obsession: beefy men with kids (nanami kento)
current concern: working over the summer
current vibes: gotham - tokyo's revenge
moodboard by @/noctilucentclouds
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