#money in the grave
realtrapfairy · 3 months
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owensthoughts · 1 year
I can't explain it, but this song makes me want to make a montage of my car while driving it in the rain...
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tofuingho · 1 year
There's an episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark called the Tale Of The Water Demons and I think it makes a great DP x DC prompt.
Imagine some high powered muckety-muck calling the JL for help because every time they fall asleep, monsters start attacking their house. The JL investigate and quickly realize the monsters are dead people/zombies/ghosts.
Now it's an issue for the JLD. They can't figure out why the ghosts are attacking this guy, so Constantine decides to summon some help. (He summons Danny, but for a change of flavor, it could be Dani instead)
They tell Danny what's going on and he's like "Yeah, no shit."
"What do you mean no shit? Why are they attacking?"
"Because that asshole robbed their graves? If they put back all of the the things they stole, then the spirits will stop."
"Look. You're people can't attack the living just because someone dug up an artifact or antique!"
"Dude. Most of the spirits that are attacking? Are less than a decade buried. That person is a literal grave robber, not some archeologist."
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vanityangel · 1 month
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"I have a feeling what Solo was trying to intimate to the Tribal Chief is that, 'without respect I don't follow you'."
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page-soobinnie · 9 months
Heres a list of movies and shows i recommend
And where to watch the links are my review on them (updated 03/07/24)
All of us are dead (korean) (horror) (TV) (Season 1) (Netflix)
Alice in borderland  (Japanese) (scifi/thriller) (TV) (season 1) (Netflix)
The sound of magic (Korean) (fantasy) (TV) (Netflix)
Midnight  (korean) (horror/thriller) (movie) (Tubi)
Mourning grave (korean) (horror) (movie) (Tubi)
Death bell (korean) (horror) (movie) (YouTube)
Death bell 2 the bloody camp (korean)  (horror) (movie) (YouTube)
Squid game (korean)  (thriller) (TV) (Netflix)
The mimic (korean) (horror) (movie) (Tubi)
Gonjiam haunted asylum (korean) (horror) (movie) (Tubi)
Sweet home (korean) (thriller) (TV) (Netflix)
As the gods will (Japanese) (horror/thriller) (movie) (Crunchy Roll)
The wailing (korean) (horror) (movie) (Tubi)
Extra curricular (Korean)   (thriller) (TV) (Netflix)
Incantation (tai) (horror) (movie) (Netflix)
My name (Korean) (crime/thriller) (TV) (Netflix)
Train to Busan (Korean) (thriller/horror)(movie) (Tubi/YouTube)
Money Heist Korea (Korean) (crime/thriller) (TV) (Netflix)
#ALIVE (Korean) (thriller/horror) (movie) (Netflix)
Ju-on origins (Japanese) (horror) (TV) (Netflix)
The divine fury 1 (Korean) (paranormal horror) (movie) (Tubi)
The con artists (Korean) (thriller) (movie) (Tubi)
Monster (Korean) (horror/thriller) (movie) (Tubi)
The Silent Sea (Korean) (Sci-fi) (TV) (Netflix)
Our love story (Korean) (LGBTQ+(gxg)/slice of life) (Movie) (Tubi)
Hellbound (Korean) (Dark Fantasy) (TV) (Netflix)
Re/member (Japanese) (supernatural horror) (Movie) (Netflix)
The raincoat killer (Korean) (Crime TV/Crime documentary) (TV) (Netflix)
Cinderella (Korean) (movie) (horror) (Youtube)
The doll master (Korean) (Movie) (Horror) (YouTube)
I saw the devil (Korean) (Horror) (Movie) (Tubi)
Silenced (Korean) (Drama) (Movie) (Netflix)
Hansel and Gretel (Korean) (Horror) (Movie) (Tubi)
Zom 100: bucket list of the dead (Japanese) (comedy/thriller) (movie) (Netflix)
Strangers from hell (Korean) (horror/thriller/crime) (TV) (Roku channel)
Steel Rain: Summit (Korean) (action/thriller) (movie) (Roku Channel/Tubi)
Unlocked (movie) (Korean) (thriller/crime) (Netflix)
A Killer Paradox (Show) (Korean) (Thriller/crime) (Netflix)
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semataryyyy · 1 year
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gloomylies · 5 months
Planning on making him into a keychain… WISH ME LUCK
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grave-st0ned · 4 months
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*alt id is the name of the shoes not the description of what they look like !!!!!
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cod-dump · 6 months
Graves does go home sometimes for holidays or whenever to see his mom. He doesn’t care for a good bit of his family and tolerates them for his mother’s sake. Well, he finally decided to come out to her and introduce Nik and Price.
It was the most stressful moment of his life, coming out to his safe person, the one person who protected the best she could whenever she could, at the age of forty. His father is long gone but the damage he had done left its mark.
He was scared what she would say, how him admitting this would break her. But it didn’t. He had took her aside as Nik and Price were absorbed in the trivia game the cousins Graves actually liked pulled out. He was shaking as he heard them laughing in the other room, stuttering when he finally told her. She was quiet, he couldn’t look at her.
Then she took his hands and made him look at her before she spoke softly to him.
“I know. I’ve always knew. And I love you as you are.”
It was like a dam broke loose, Graves crying like baby as his mother held him.
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What the fuck is wrong with the executives behind streaming services and why do they hate cartoons. Do they have some bull shit excuse for the garbage they pull? Did cartoons kill their grandma!? WHAT IS THEIR PROBLEM???
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the jewelry Athy stole likely belonged to the murdered concubines of the Ruby Palace and not once Athy feels bad about stealing from the dead
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solaceinabandonment · 7 months
Ashley is flirting and teasing Andrew, she finally hits a nerve just right and he claps a hand over her mouth, pulls her close and says "hush, meat." She nearly faints from the sudden change in blood flow.
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ganondoodle · 3 months
oh no, i tried pixel animation again and now im afraid ill fall back into wanting to do gamedev even though i literally have to learn everything still and its not doable in the time frame my brain wants it and i still have so much else to do hhhhhhhhhhhh
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kassifieddocuments · 6 months
friendly reminder that you're allowed to enjoy a piece of media and hate the creators! :D
to me, an autistic person, it feels ableist as hell to say shit like "enjoying [media] = supporting [bad shit creators do/support]"
i cannot stop liking a piece of media that easily. i can stop doing things that could financially support those people. piracy exists. please shut the fuck up about "you like this therefore you like bad thing!!!"
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akkivee · 4 months
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my hypster fc magazine came in the mail, and it was full of bangers as usual, but it is so important to me that you all know that kuukou, out of concern for the youth who can’t afford to travel to a temple, or that it’s too far etc etc, has decided to create a temple in the metaverse and therefore accessible from your smartphone LOL
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ghoulhusband · 21 days
actually speaking of throuples. no one else can see my like 25 draft posts about the benny/carla/kitty throuple. devastating that in my mind it’s the love affair that reshapes new vegas but in post form i just mentioned one time that i did it for the bit and then got attached. but do you see what i mean
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