#moth is probably my favorite out of the three
rainbow-wolf120 · 7 months
*Drops these here and runs*
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Raynotaur lives at the foot of Mystical Pique, where it’s the rockiest. His best friend and partner in crime is Moth, spending every second of the day together. He’s quick and a little impulsive, okay, very impulsive. He loves anything having to do with archery or parkour. Though it’s a little difficult trying to balance on four feet.
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Moth is a strange thingamajig, having four arms and lacking very few resemblance to Rayman. Sleepy and sarcastic, he has a hard time staying awake, especially during the day. Some people think that he's an artificial thingamajig, not actually being made of Lums. But he glows in the dark, so there goes that theory.
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Raypookie appeared out of nowhere. Legends say that if you find him, you’re destined to never be alone again. That means you’ll find your true love soon, or he is going to bug you for the next few weeks. He calls everyone his ‘pookie’, and no one knows if it’s platonic or romantic.
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acepalindrome · 10 months
Alternatives to Squishmallow
So as many of you have probably already heard, Jazwares, the company that produces Squishmallows, is donating to charities that support Israeli soldiers and the IDF. They’re also supporting Canary Mission, which has been doxxing people who speak out against Israel. BDS hasn’t called for a boycott against them, but I can’t in good faith spend my money on their products, and I would strongly encourage everyone who enjoys plushies to really think long and hard about if you want to give your money to a company that’s helping support genocide!
But the holidays are coming up, and lots of us enjoy plushies and were fans of Squishmallow, and were planning to give Squishmallows to friends and family this year.
Fortunately, there are a number of great plushie companies out there, and I want to promote some of my favorites in the hopes that folks will get their plushie fix from a source that doesn’t side with Israel. So without further ado:
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Fluffnest got their start on Kickstarter a few years ago, and I adore the round shapes of their PuffPal plushies! My favorite is Pete the Possum, which is probably the best possum plush I’ve ever seen. I’ve also got a beautiful moth from their Kickstarter and I’ve been wanting their bats for ages. They also recently had a Kickstarter for an Animal Crossing-esque video game featuring their plushie characters and it looks fantastic.
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I can’t get over the plague doctor plushies. They’re so perfect and cute, and they’ve released other variations of them called Alter Egos, like a ghostly version, an alien, or a really sweet cottagecore one! They’ve got a ton of variety, but what I like the most are the fantasy plushies. There’s a lich! There are dragons and demons! Cryptids! Biblically accurate angels! A lot of really fun stuff!
Also they do a lot of great charity work! Right now they’re doing an auction for the Food Bank of New York City.
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AfternoonFika is a very small business of only three people, but their plushies are extremely cute. They tend to sell out fast, so I recommend following them on social media to stay on top of any restocks! They recently released a line of dinosaurs that are precious, and of course I love their iconic cactus cat and cinnamon bun bunny.
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Jellycat has been around since 1999, so they’re the oldest of these companies. They’ve got great designs, a ton of variety, and a lot of their plushies are made to be cuddled on and not just displayed. All three of my tiny nephews sleep with a different stuffed dog from Jellycat. My mom has a sun and several succulents that she uses as decorations. There’s a little something for everyone who enjoys plushies!
If you have any other favorite companies I haven’t mentioned, feel free to add on! I’ve enjoyed Squishmallows for a while now and I’m sad to see their leadership coming out on the side that’s committing war crimes on a daily basis, but this is a good time to discover new favorite plushie companies! And remember, money speaks loudly. Even if BDS hasn’t called for a boycott of Jazwares, it sends a message when sales start dropping for companies that support genocide. It’s a small thing, but the little things we do can add up!
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coff33andb00ks · 1 month
vivvvv how about…
11 + 24 with lando 😊
"It's impossible to get rid of me."/"Are you awake or asleep?"
driver + number = drabble <3
maddie babe ily
warnings: disgusting perverted amount of fluff
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Lando Norris is, in his own words, a little bitch.
Granted, he said those words when he was drunk and a moth flew too close to his face, but you'll never let him forget that he uttered them.
Nor will you let him forget you have video of him screaming in terror and running straight into the glass door of the balcony to get away from the moth.
It's what your friendship is based on: embarrassing moments that the other finds hilarious but no one else would understand. Like the time you spent three minutes telling a store mannequin what you were looking for, or the time Lando locked himself out of his apartment at four in the morning. He has a tendency of doing that, so much so that when it happens he shows up at your place.
Like he is now, in his joggers and slides, without his wallet or phone, smiling sheepishly at you like it isn't three a.m.
"Don't you have other friends," you grumble, rubbing your eyes with the heels of your hands.
"None that'll answer the door this late," he sighs.
You sigh and step back to let him in, pretending to be unaffected by the scent of him freshly showered. "How'd it happen?"
"Took out the trash and thought I had my key in my pocket." He looks entirely too comfortable in your tiny apartment, shirtless and his hair still damp.
Nodding, you shuffle to your bedroom to collect the spare key to his place. That he'd given to you so casually, like it was a normal thing for him to hand out an extra key, when you knew it wasn't because even Fewtrell didn't have a spare key back when Lando lived in England still.
"C'mon, you know I'll need it. Besides, you're the only one I trust to have it." He dropped the key - attached to a Snoopy keychain that you remember him buying in Vegas - into your purse. "There. Now it's impossible to get rid of me."
As if you'd ever want to.
He follows you into the bedroom and you're painfully aware of your unmade bed and the clothes you'd left on the floor. Which is ridiculous, because it's Lando, he's been in your bedroom before, he's seen your dirty underwear–
Just not at three in the morning...
"Fuck," you mutter, turning your purse upside down to empty it onto the dresser. The essentials of your life spill out, lip gloss and gum and wallet and keys - but not Lando's because that one stays on its Snoopy keychain it's special - and hand sanitizer and notepad and six pens and tissues and the ticket stub from the movie he took you to see two weeks ago and a friendship bracelet and two pads. Everything but his key.
"Don't tell me you've lost it," he says.
You scoff at the idea. You may have lost your mind, your sanity, and sometimes your wallet, but you'd never lose his key. Your sleepy mind scrambles. Two weeks ago you pulled it to give to him and–
"Oh shit it's at my place," he mumbles, clapping a hand over his face.
"Lando!" you groan, sweeping everything back into your purse.
He's sorry, you're annoyed, and after bickering uselessly you tell him to just go to bed, he can get his superintendent to let him in in the morning.
It's not unusual to share a bed with him. Lando's a clingy, touchy feely person, half the time you travel with him he ends up taking you into staying in his room. Ostensibly because he likes to talk but really because he wants to cuddle.
"You awake?" he whispers in the darkness. "Or asleep?"
You don't answer, because you know he's about to say something profoundly sweet or incredibly stupid.
He presses his face into your hair and sighs, much like an exhausted dog finally settling down for a good sleep. "I do it on purpose sometimes," he whispers. "Cuz I sleep better with you than when I'm alone."
As confessions go it's probably your favorite. But you have to pretend you don't hear it. You're smiling though, and you let out a sleepy little hum. And you feel him smile.
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radioisntdead · 4 months
Hey could I request a scenario where the reader is Alastor's niece and the vees have a crush and alastor's reaction to finding out as well as the Vees. Honeslty if you have it where he beats up basically goes ha no for Vals part and beats him up I'd love that
Good evening my dear after writing I'm realizing you may have meant for them to be separate categories but I went love square [???]
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Valentino, the Vee's being weird, OOC, Vox being a voyeuristic creep, reader has deer features
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You know after aiding your favorite [and only] uncle in murder and falling to hell while your mother and grandma ascended above, having a trio of overlords falling head over heels for you was NOT on your bingo card.
You didn't notice them having a crush on you until Auntie Rosie pointed it out when Velvette had a large shipment of not only clothing mailed to you but with flowers, Vox had sent electronics and more flowers [that Alastor would have such joy destroying] and Valentino had sent you erotica.
Velvette would be the most aggressive in getting your attention, she probably also has the biggest chance to win over your affections, shoving people out of the way to talk to you, affectionately calling you things, giving you a new woredrob every other week, flowers, personally inviting you to her fashion shows and giving you VIP seating.
Vox watches you, I imagine you at least have a phone probably not Voxtech though so I imagine it's probably slightly harder to watch you through that, but with drones and other devices he watches, probably calls you something like Doe-eyes or Dollface, he's called you mini Alastor a couple of times which you did NOT APPRECIATE, once he realizes that Alastor keeps destroying the technology he sends you he switches to flowers, with cameras in them, he sometimes teleports through them and is often met with you swinging something at him and breaking his screen, unfortunately for you he's into that.
Valentino, arguably the WORST one to have pinning over you, dude manages to pop out at the worst times offering to make you a star, asking you to warm his bedroom, uncomfortably leaning in and touching you.
You ripped off his antenna.
The three of them bicker over you in private.
Now after you figured out WHY they were sending you shit and giving you special privileges you immediately snitched to Uncle Alastor because you did NOT want to deal with the whole dumpster fire that was the Vees.
Now Alastor wasn't naive about the Vee's... Affections towards you, again they sent you a concerning amount of things, but he didn't do anything because you're an adult and you can make your own decisions.
But when you come to him saying that Valentino sent you erotica and made you uncomfortable?
Well you are his one and only niece! The only family he has down here! The least he can do is squish a little purple moth for you!
You wonder if restraining orders were a thing in hell and if they'd work.
Now the TV guy and fashionista surprisingly were NOT completely thrown off by their buddy's screams getting absolutely blasted on Alastor's radio broadcast, they kept their simping to a more low-key level with only flowers getting shipped to you from Velvette and weird love emails from Vox.
Vox for some reason thinks asking Alastor for your hand in MARRIAGE, was a good idea.
It was NOT.
He's lucky he didn't meet the same fate as Valentino.
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Maybe one day you'd choose one of the remaining Vee's or both if you're into that, or maybe neither.
But for now you'd use their infatuation with you to your advantage.
Good evening folks! I hope you enjoyed and I think it's probably obvious at this point that Velvette is my favorite out of the Vee's.
Am I ever going to write a fic where Valentino isn't injured or straight up dead in some way? No, no I'm not.
Anyways as always thank you for tuning in!
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solbaby7 · 9 months
[part 2 of the “Seen” mini-series]
pairing: azriel x reader
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warnings: stranger danger, mentions of alcohol, some swearing, tension, probably typos
summary: Danger lurks around every corner but you've found friends in the shadows.
Your feet really fucking hurt.
You’d told yourself countless times to stop wearing these shoes when working the bar but for some reason, whenever you were in a rush and scrambling to screw your head on straight, your feet always seemed to subconsciously slip into these death traps.
They offer no resistance against the slick floors and you’d nearly dropped three pitchers when turning to serve them but something had steadied you; cool and quick and gone when your head snapped back to catch the culprit. “When are you off?” Your regular asks over the rim of his beer; his hands always wrapped in thick bandaging, around the tips of his fingers and this time there was a butterfly bandage near his nose.
“You know me, off when the last person leaves.” The rag is warm in your hands, the strong smell of disinfectant burning your nose but it’s better than leaving the suspicious stick of whatever had been left behind from previous customers on the countertops. “You been sharpening those swords without your safety helmet again?”
His cheeks go red, a little smile pulling at his mouth. “Don’t start—you’re sounding like my missus.”
“Sounds like she’s a smart woman.” You’re off before he can answer, falling into the usual rhythm of greeting and pouring—the occasional disappearing to lug in more ice before wiping the bar down and repeating it before the tables were moved for the band to settle in.
“Have you fallen on your ass yet?” A familiar voice drawls out from behind you, arms crossed on the bar top.
The smile pulls immediately, life seeming to pour back into you when Nesta comes into view and you’re preparing her a beer in seconds. “Not yet but the night is still young.”
“You should just throw them away—you’re going to complain all night about the blisters.”
“I’ll throw them away the second you throw out that dress; the moth bitten holes in it makes you look like a spinster.”
She huffs out a laugh over her beer, shoulders relaxing and form leaning in closer as she mumbled something about that being fair enough. There’s casual conversation, quick catch ups since her last visit and the usual muttered apologies for not coming sooner but it’s always waved off by that warm smile of yours. “Don’t explain yourself. Life happens, I get it.”
Maybe that was why Nesta always found herself coming back here; even when she didn’t really like the beer or the ambiance because people dry humping against one another on the open floor didn’t exactly categorize under one of her favorite things. You just understood—no pressures, no forced words and explanations; just motherly smiles and hands that felt safe when patting atop Nesta’s own. “So, you and Azriel?”
The glass you were cleaning slips from your hands and crashes to the floor, the grin pulling on Nesta’s face the picture of pure mischief. Those grey-blue eyes never leave you as you rush for the glass broom, sweeping away your clumsiness and waving off the male customers who liked to act as your security guards. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No?” She hums, flicking at a stack of napkins. “Then, why’d he ask me about you?”
You’re caught red handed when you whip around to face her, obviously intrigued and unable to hide the curiosity when you take a step closer, hands leaning before her against your side of the bar. “Asked about what?”
“Asked who you were and what I knew about you.”
“And what did you say?”
“I told him the truth.”
Your brows furrow, the bell on the front door ringing to life and a group of rowdy men begin to filter in when you shout out a, “Sorry, bars closed.” Your eyes are back on her in an instant, ignoring their groans of displeasure before going back there they came to find a place who would serve them. “What’s that mean, you told him the truth?”
Nesta shrugs, annoyingly aloof and it takes your hand smacking against the bar for her to continue, a pleased look in her eye; she loved riling you up, always crooning some patronizing comment about being adorable when you’re upset. “Relax, I just told him your name—how we met. He seemed satisfied enough.”
“Satisfied enough with what?”
“With the fact that you’ll probably be around often since we’re such good friends.” She continues when picking up on your blush, fingers busying themselves with organizing items that already had a home. “Which is why after you’re off; you’re spending the night with me.”
“But what about, Marco?”
Nesta’s amusement fades at the mention of your cat; a slinking ball of inky black fur and jade green eyes that seemed to follow her every move—it was the only thing she’d found remotely intimidating. “Not a chance.”
“Then, I can’t go.” You sigh. “I’ve been gone all day, it’s unfair for me to leave him alone all night too.”
She doesn’t any anything; mouth screwed up into a snarl while she watches you actually begin close the bar down and when she glances at the clock she notices there’s at least another two hours left of your shift. “Fine, I’ll send someone for him but if I wake up and he’s staring down into my soul again I’ll make Elain cook him for breakfast.”
Her drink is paid for and her cloak is heavy on slender shoulders but no one dared bother her as she left, hair billowing behind her with the gust of wind that poured through the open doors. It takes a few seconds to start moving normally again, your mind too consumed with the swelling excitement and anxiety that resulted from thinking about the shadowsinger but the night finishes fairly quickly. Without more drinks flowing, the guests are hasty to close their tabs and stumble out; that same disinfectant burning your nose as you clean the tables and seats; an old broom sweeping away peanut shells and beer caps.
Exhaustion begins to settle when flipping chairs, tipping out the band and locking the back door behind them. Nesta was right about the shoes though—you definitely should throw them away. Especially with the slight limp that forms from the pain of skin and cloth rubbing against cheap leather.
It’s prickly outside as you lock up, fingers grazing against the light switch when you hear the footsteps start behind you. The hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, heart thudding in your chest the closer they get, the inebriated mumbling and heavy breathing. “Look what we’ve got here.” His voice carries through the night and you’re quick to start walking towards the light; towards where people might still be lingering but it was awfully late and the promise of safety seemed to grow more slim the further he followed. “Why are you running? I just want to talk.”
You don’t dare look back, feet moving so quickly you were sure you’d start flying but that doesn’t happen and when a heavy hand clamps down on your shoulder, the reaction steals your breath away. Cool shadows appear from out of your cloak, wrenching the man’s hand away so hard he lets out a yelp. Another shadow covers his mouth as two others drag him off between two dark buildings but you’re frozen in place—feet cemented to the ground and eyes so wide you thought they’d roll clean out of your head.
You look around for the master of the shadows, searching for that golden brown skin and dark hair; those hazel eyes and giant membraneous wings.
He’s not there.
Not when you gain the courage to whisper his name and not when the shadows return—alone. They don’t retreat back to hiding in your cloak, instead they sift through your hair and over the spot where the man had grabbed you, all circling around as if assessing for damage before one nudges at the bottom of your spine, pushing you in the direction of their choice.
And without another word, you follow.
Nesta is quick to link arms when you arrive, not bothering to thank the giant soldier with shoulder length hair that she’d sent out to get you just outside of town. He’d peered down at you closely, smelling the anxiety permeating from your form, the shaky hands and jumpy demeanor that you’d brushed off with a kind smile. Cassian; she later reveals with a look you’d never seen on her face before but when you raise a brow she’s quick to return it—averting the conversation with little issue. “I think I like Marco a little more now; he put up quite the fight when I sent Cassian to retrieve him.”
“Is that what those scratches were?” You keep your voice down, unsure if he could still hear. “I thought he was just a little freaky in bed.”
Nesta lets out a bark of a laugh, quickly guiding you into her room and shutting the door behind her. Marco is already at your feet, front paws stretching and butt up in the air as his tail swished back and forth around your ankle. A quick scratch behind the ear and he’s already off again, smoothly jumping up on a desk and carefully weaving through stacked books. “You close up okay?”
Briefly, your mind flashes back to the man—to the shadows that had protected you and urged you away when your head tried to turn and see what had become of the stranger who dared reach for you. You hadn’t seen them since Cassian had come for you, hands rustling through your clothes for any sign of them but nothing. “Yeah, everything was fine.”
There's a second where you're sure she's caught you—her recently acquired fae hearing always clueing her in on any slight change of your heartbeat or when the scent of your chemistry shifted when under emotional duress; but Nesta is quick to fill the silence with words. You'd listened earnestly when she rambled about her books or how much she hated when her sister kept poking and prodding at her to open up but Nesta had gotten especially riled up once you'd mentioned Cassian. "Is he the one you say is just so infuriating?"
"He's a brute— a complete animal. There's no way anything could ever happen between us."
"Are you telling me or convincing yourself?"
Nesta shoots you a stare, gaze hot when she stomps to the door, house slippers nearly flying off her feet in her haste as she flipped you the middle finger. "I'm going to grab us some drinks, stay put."
Only a minute had passed, maybe less.
You truly had every intention of listening until Marco slipped through the sliver sized crack in the door and disappeared down the hallway. "Marco," You call out, voice hushed and motions frantic as you rush to retrieve him before he wandered off somewhere you couldn't save him from. "Get back here, right now."
You hadn't realized how large the home truly was, long hallways lined with door after door. Generations of wealth showed proudly in the gold crown moulding and runner carpets so soft your toes sunk into the plush material. A piece of you yearns for another shadow to whisk you away to wander around and gaze at the wonders acquired by Azriel and his friends—his family.
You nearly forget the objective, thoughts straightened out when your peripheral catches the movement of inky black fur slipping into a room on the right. Light still glowed from under the door, heart thumping wildly in your chest as you prayed it were empty when you slip inside. You're not even fully in the room, the end of your nightgown just barely missing getting caught when you whisper out. “Marco?“
“We really should stop meeting like this.”
A shout pulls from you, hand smacking over your chest and the breathless laugh the follows is filled with relief. "Mother above, I thought I was done for."
Azriel doesn’t answer, wings pulled high behind him as Marco studies him throughly, whiskers taut when creeping forward to sniff at him. “This belongs to you?”
Marco doesn’t give in easily; not until a shadow pulls forward and the feline instantly relaxes, body easing into the floor and soft belly exposed in submission. “Interesting.”
You’re unbearably aware of the lack of clothing you’re wearing and your arms subconsciously cross over your chest. “He’s gotten pretty used to them,” You confess softly, eyes darting about the room. Dark curtains draped over tall windows, a giant bed fit for giant wings with a thick duvet that probably costed more than you made in a whole month. “—a few have been lingering around.”
Azriel raised a brow, golden eyes sliding to the darkness that appeared at your feet, seemingly making themselves smaller behind you. “I had wondered where they went.”
Bare toes pat quietly against glossy floors, the soft satin of your nightgown swishing at your thighs and you don’t bother hiding the way you’re staring at his things; the assortment of weapons hung on the wall near his bed, a book laid flat against the table, a few pages noticeably dog-earred and curiosity spurs. “Aren’t they your shadows? I thought they were supposed to do as you wanted.”
“Usually, yes.” He watches as you slowly stroll about his room, fingers hovering over wooden carvings and daggers purchased purely for display. “But, it seems they’ve taken a certain—interest in you.”
You turn to face him with intent to respond, a smile growing until you see his brows furrow, golden eyes squinting and in three strides he’s before you. You freeze when his hand raises, pushing aside the strands of hair covering your shoulder.
“What happened here?”
You move to pull away, hands flicking at your hair to cover the bruise but the light has already caught it, hazel-eyes finally comprehending the shape—a hand. “Oh, that's nothing." It was superficial, sure to fade in a few days time. "Really, I’m perfectly fine.”
“That doesn’t look fine.” Azriel's polite tone alters, cadence dropping low and cold and the cobalt siphons on his hands glow under the mood change. He's still touching you, undeterred by the feeble attempt to shake him off and he effortlessly brings you in closer, fingers grazing over the injury. "Who did this to you?"
"I don't know."
"Don't lie to me."
Your head shakes twice, hand curling around his wrist and you make no move this time to push him away. Instead, you bask in the warmth of his skin on your own, the casual touch that sent your body into flames regardless of the conversation at hand. He was just so handsome and his room smelled so good and Marco seemed to like him; the slinking ball of onyx fur sprawled out comfortably on the large duvet. "I truly don't know." You mentally curse the shake of your voice but Azriel seems to pick up on the fact that it wasn't due to fear. His gaze bores holes into your face, shifting from male to spy in a matter of seconds; catching the way your eyes dart over to the shadows behind him. "They handled it for me."
Azriel doesn't miss a beat. "Who is they?"
You don't answer, too lost in the warmth of eyes like burning embers and they follow the finger you point behind him. "There were four of them, they came out of my cloak when he grabbed me—“
“You were alone?”
Something unnameable grows inside your belly at his concern, at the fire that blazed behind that gentlemanly disposition; the care at which skilled fingers trace over marks not meant to be on your body. “I was closing up after work. Nesta sent Cassian to get me, I was fine.”
“This is not fine,” He insists, tone low and body poised for a fight; a shadowsinger shifting into a spymaster, one who could kill in ten different ways before you could even fully inhale a breath. The touch of his hand disappears and you hope he doesn’t catch the way your body subconsciously takes a little step closer, chasing the warmth when he walks away, disappearing into a closet.
“I think your shadows felt the same way,” You whisper back, unsure if he’d even heard you but you continue anyway, frozen in place and yearning for time to go back just so you could have a reason to touch his skin once more. “I’m pretty sure they killed him—though I can’t be certain. They wouldn’t let me look.”
That captures his attention; the rustling of items moving around slowing to a halt until his towering frame fills the doorway and his heart clenches when he sees the shadows circling you, twisting around your legs and grazing against your cheeks to comfort. You don’t shy away, leaning into the ghost of a touch as if you hadn’t just admitted they’d possibly committed murder for you.
"I truly don't even know what I would've done if they weren't there."
Azriel's steps are silent when he approaches, a dagger held in his grasp and he presents it to you with more softness than anyone had ever regarded you with. "Take this—and keep them, they seem to like you more than me anyways."
“I couldn’t,” You’re quick to deny, hands raising to object but Az is stubborn. “They’re yours.”
The metal is cool in your palms, the weight new and foreign in your grasp. “They are,” Azriel’s finger reaches for the shadow around your shoulder and unlike the others hovering around his tall frame, these don’t rush to attach to him. They stay close by your side, alert for potential dangers but undeniably comfortable around you. “—but they want you and it would make me feel a lot better knowing you’ll be safe.”
You can smell the mint of his toothpaste, eyes dashing down a second to take in full lips before quickly averting your gaze. “Thank you.” Words don’t feel like enough. “I’m not sure how I could ever repay for your kindness.”
You’re halfway out the door when he answers, Marco hot on your heels and knife safe in its leather holder. “Just promise that every time you’re over, you’ll come looking for me.”
A smile pulls at the corner of your mouth, cheeks going warm. “It’s a deal.”
When you find your way back to Nesta’s room she’s already waiting, two cups of tea steaming hot before her and the book in her grasp is closed without being marked when she hears you enter. She says nothing, grey-blue eyes lighting up with mischief when they catch on the top of your arm and a manicured nail points at the dark ink that swirled there. “I hate to admit it but it suits you.”
You hum, fingers running over the intricate vines looped around like the arm cuff you’d been staring at the first night you’d met the High Lords shadowsinger. “I thought so too.”
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directdogman · 21 days
One, do you listen to Lemon demon or Will Wood songs, and if you do, what are your favorites
Two! What do you think about all the ask blogs that are au's of DSAF
Three, what's your favorite flavor of waffle (very important)
Four, this isn't actually a question but seeing your work makes me feel nostalgic for the pre-pandemic world
That's all :3
I hope you're fine with having a moth glued to your window lurking at looking at your Blog lmao
hello, hello!
1)yes for both. for lemon demon, i really like touch tone telephone, cabinet man and eighth wonder. for will wood, there's a lot of his songs i like. Skeleton Appreciation Day, Willard and Self + Ish are favourites.
2)I don't really follow any ask blogs, but fan aus are cool.
3)probably potato waffles because they're so cheap to buy and pretty filling. I literally just ate two less an hour ago and I've been eating tons of em lately. you can cook em in the toaster and top them with 2 fried eggs, then rinse 'n' repeat and feed yourself for weeks with a comically small amount of money. they also store in the freezer meaning if you buy them in bulk, you probably won't ever have to throw em out. for that reason, they're my #1. they've always got my back
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coyotelip · 19 days
starchaser (+ onesided moonwater) microfic: salt, hypnotized || MCD || @into-the-jeggyverse @taylorswiftmicrofic || wc: 687
Every Saturday, the same man comes to the restaurant. 
They are a fairly prestigious restaurant, so regular customers are not uncommon, but this man is particularly eye-catching. He is always dressed in a perfectly tailored suit over a black shirt. In fact, all of his clothes are black, which suits his pale skin and black hair. He books a table for the same time, arrives exactly 5 minutes earlier, orders the same dish with the same wine. 
He is always alone.
This sets him apart from others, because such prestigious places are used for dates or meetings with partners to impress. However, it seems that the man has no one to impress. He is sitting at a far table under a painting of a forest landscape, eating his meal slowly and with manners and watching the candles on the table. 
He seems to be hypnotized, sometimes he can take a sip of wine and roll it around in his mouth, watching the flame at the end of a long candle for a couple of minutes. 
Remus is equally hypnotized by these moments, but it's not the candle, it's this man, his slow and graceful movements. And although he is dressed in black, he acts on Remus like a flame on a moth. He wants to get closer, wants to hear his voice and smell his cologne. 
However, the man's table is not assigned to him, and Remus does not even get the opportunity to ask if he needs some water or the bill, or to say bon appetit or good evening. 
So he stays in the corner, hypnotized by the unattainable flame, running through hundreds of questions in his head and wondering why. 
Every Saturday, Regulus comes to their place. He comes to their restaurant, at their time, sits at their table, orders their favorite dish, and spends exactly the same amount of time as it took James on their first date to charm Regulus completely. Thirty-three minutes.
He recalls how the wine tasted the sweetest on those evenings together, how everything around them disappeared for him, and they existed in their own bubble, sharing events in their lives, discussing colleagues and friends. They met their anniversaries, birthdays, and celebrated promotions at work here.
James proposed to him here. At this table, with a bottle of this wine, five years ago. He hid the ring in the salt and made Regulus laugh with this incredible performance.
“Oh, I think the salad is under-salted today... Mm, something is wrong with this saltine, could you please take a look, dear?”
“Oh my god, it's probably just empty, call the waiter and they'll replace it”
“I don't want to bother them with something so stupid, but look, for me?” James' big eyes does wonders on Regulus, so he couldn't refuse and took the salt in his hands, unscrewing the lid.
Only to find a silver engagement ring with an emerald inside instead of salt.
Four years ago, they got married.
Three years ago, they bought a house on the outskirts of town because James wanted Regulus to have a studio at home.
Two years ago, their house burned down with everything inside. With James inside.
And the most painful thing was that Regulus was left with nothing, not a single thing, because the house had everything. He didn't care about the documents or his studio, all of which could be repaired with money. However, he did care about the things they had earned together, about their photos and books with notes, about gifts from his husband, about his things. He cared about James's body, which remained there, right in front of the door, because he hadn't managed to get out before he lost consciousness.
Regulus was left with only memories, and he decided to drown himself in them, finding no other way out.
And every Saturday he came to their restaurant, sat down at their table and ordered their meal, hypnotized by the candle in front of him, begging for the little flame to swallow him up and take him away with it, just as it had once taken James away from him.
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zyonsay · 9 months
could we get some max verstappen x m!reader childhood friends to bfs hcs? hope your day is great :D
Childhood Friends to Bfs Hcs MV1
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: Hcs about how you and Max came to be boyfriends
Reader: Male
Warnings: We hate Jos verstappen in this household
Now playing: 'West Coast' by Lana del Rey
AN: Hey there anon, I hope you like it! <3
And i wish you a nice day too, Merry Christmas!
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The first time you met was when you were about three years old. Your dads had brought you along to a race and it made sense that they introduced their children.
Max was shy at first, but you insisted on him playing with you and your toy cars. You handed him the blue one while you kept the red one and that’s how your friendship was born.
To every race your dad had brought you along, you took the two toy cars with you in a small backpack, in hopes of getting to play with your new friend ‘Mats’.
When you two started karting, you got to see each other more regularly. The two toy cars were replaced by your favorite cars and the baby blabbering turned into elaborate conversations. Or at least as elaborate as nine-year-olds could get.
Both of you could give each other a sort of safe space; Max was scared and probably too proud to confide in anyone, but you were an exception. Whenever his dad would scold him after a race, you were nearby to offer him a hug after Jos had angrily stomped off. ‘You did amazing’, he was sobbing while you patted his back gently.
You both would regularly hang out with each other. Jos didn’t like the Idea of him staying at you place and ‘wasting time when he could be getting better’, so you two worked out a plan. Whenever Max wanted to hang out with you, he told his dad he was going to the Karting track with you to go and talk with mechanics and more experienced drivers. This was only half a lie though, you two would actually go to the track, but not before stopping to get ice cream.
The very first time he got to stay over at your place was when he’d placed second in a race, which made his dad furious. Jos hit Max’s helmet and packed his stuff before driving off. Max wasn’t one to cry often, only weak boys did that, his dad had told him. But this time he felt a sharp sting in his heart. He didn’t even notice the tears running down his face, until you pointed it out. You dragged him behind one of the tents and wrapped him in a tight hug. This time, he let it all go. He cried bitter tears, keeping his arms around you, as if you were going to disappear into thin air. After he had calmed down, you convinced him to come back to your house and sleep over.
Your room was like a dreamland for him; There were a few glow in the dark stars on the walls and ceilings and your bed sheets had Lightning McQueen on them. Giggling, you two laid on the floor of your room, while the light was off. The stars on your ceiling shone in a light green hue and the cassette you were playing talked about an astronaut in space. Max had promised himself, if he didn’t end up becoming a Formula One driver, he’d become an astronaut.
Max first realized that he might feel a bit more for you was when he was 17, he’d just gotten the amazing news of him entering Formula One. You didn’t want to cry as much as you did, but you were worried. You were worried that he’d forget you, that he’d be too busy racing in the big league. It was almost midnight when you arrived outside his house. You sent him a text that you wanted to talk with him. Max crept down the stairs, making sure his dad wouldn’t wake up and find out about this little meet up. The streets were empty, and the dim light of the streetlamps attracted moths. With your hands in the pockets of your sweater, you confessed how you felt about his F1 Debut. You made sure to tell him that you wanted him to rise, but you were just worried about your friendship.
Your fear of him understanding you wrongly was luckily unnecessary. It was his turn to confess now. His boyish grin and his messy hair had you besotted. Max confessed how much you mean to him and how much he… – loves you.
With tear filled eyes you pulled him into a hug, holding him close under the light of the streetlamps while bats swiftly flew above you. With a sweet grin you pressed a kiss to his cheek, before you two walked back to his house.
That night, when you drove back home on your squeaky old bike, you cried happy tears. The wind played through your hair, and you felt unstoppable. This was the reassurance you needed and wanted. You were so damn happy.
Obviously, you had to keep a low image. Jos would probably be seething if he found out that his son was together with another boy. Additionally, Max had just started his F1 season, he didn’t really need any public slander right now.
Though a few years later he revealed his childhood best friend and his now boyfriend. Of course, you two have gotten loads of hate, but Max was happy to finally express himself. He loved you and that was the bottom line.
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the-burd-lord · 6 months
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Valentino took so long to redesign!!
Tried to go for a more anthro-moth look based loosely on the Crimson Speckled Bella Moth (Utetheisa pulchella). Choose this moth specifically due to the white, black and pink colors to call to Angel’s palette. But also darkening them to contrast him too.
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These moths also feast on forget-me-not flowers which make them super poisonous to eat. Which fit in nicely with his toxic personality.
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Went with a more “macho” 70’s look to compliment Vox, who also has that same brand. Along with the outfit that he reveals when he opens up his wings.
I actually prefer that design over the one mostly shown in the show. It’s more visually interesting and gives better insight into his character.
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Tried to find a nice balance between imposing and spindly, mainly by giving him more muscle. It was really difficult to try and make the body shape recognizable, and make poses. I kept going for more creature in the end.
Although it’s not as expressed, he has four fingers on his main two hands. His other two arms are shorter and have three fingers. And his feet/claws are supposed to look like heels.
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If you’re wondering where his wings are, he lost them in a gang war that led him to gain overlord status. I’ve been working on this through-line for overlords wherein they loose something in order to gain that status. Valentino lost his wings, Velvette lost her eye and sweetness, Vox becomes more of a literal object etc.
It’s not a requirement for overlords, but it does happen one way or another, and it doesn’t always have to affect their body.
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On that note of Vox, they are not in any romantic relationship. Even though he has a better rapport with Vox it still doesn’t change the fact that he sees him as an object, like he does with everyone else. Even more so that Vox is a literal object. Val is affectionate for him, but in the same way one is probably affectionate for a toaster or phone.
Vox feels no attraction towards him, but feels as if he has to stay anyway. Mainly through Val gaslighting him out of arguments, and feeling like he owes him for pulling him out of the gutter and taking a chance on him.
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Writing it so that eventually he kills off Valentino after reuniting and making up with Alastor, with it finally hitting him that he doesn’t need Valentino anymore and that he’s better off without him. Especially since he has a huge mega corporation.
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There’s a lot more I could go into, but I might save that for questions and future posts.
Random thing: Old drawing with outdated designs and a joke that doesn’t make sense, but wanted to use anyway. I haven’t stopped thinking about the clip cause it fits for so many characters. Namely a certain vampiress from a place where the residents are evil.
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From Abbott and Costello Meets the Mummy by the way. Still one of my favorite movies that you can watch for free on Internet Archives! I cannot express why it is still my favorite but then again it’s put up there with Videodrome, 2001: A Space Odyssey, the FNAF Movie so who am I to say.
I don’t know where I was trying to take that sentence.
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hana-bobo-finch · 14 days
teleports in here for ask game purposes. asking this one again bc I like this question
🌼 what's your favorite thing about your oc !! any of them! whichever one(s) you wanna talk about 🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥
OOOOOO HELLO!!! That’s a tough question I got no idea 🦅🦅💥💥 I love everything about my ocs but I will attempt to answer!!!
I have a ton of ocs a majority of which I have never and may never post about so I’ll try to stick to the ones that I have shown to the world (though I’ll briefly summarize those too because i doubt anyone remembers them) but I might sprinkle in some of my Super Scary Secret Ones as well
• OC NUMBER ONE!!! TERRI (the dumbass pikmin oc with the moth I posted about yesterday I think? Was it yesterday? I must admit I have been completely out of it this week and I have lost any concept of time but REGARDLESS)
I HAVE NOT DONE MUCH WITH HER SO THERE IS NOTHING TRULY DEEP TO HER CHARACTER. BUUUT I like how she was my first real oc based on a preexisting franchise. for a loooong time I was in the horribly toxic mindset of “heheheh oc? that’s so cringe hehehe” so a few months ago I made her as a big middle finger to that previous mindset. YES I made a pikmin oc YES she’s the sibling of a preexisting character YES I posted it on tumblr and NO I do NOT give a damn!!!
Or if you want a more basic answer I like how I made it so her hair kinda looks like butterfly wings cause it looks really goofy but she probably thinks it is So Awesome heeheehee
• OC NUMBER TWO!!! PUTTERS AND GAF (counting them as one)
I just think they are very silly. If I had to choose a favorite aspect it’d be how they influence other characters, like the pure, blinding jealousy and rage that Putters brings upon her owner’s husband. You either love putters and gaf or you want to see them dead and there is no in between
actually in my original post bout her I didn’t fully mention some of her personality traits. I was focused more on her relation to the Turtlemeister but there’s more to her. Not a whole lot more admittedly but yea. If I had to pick my favorite though I’d sayyyy her brashness. I feel like I didn’t get that across well in the original post but she is intense. She will speed down the road at speeds way over the limit (and in this universe driving is already a taboo unless you have good reason for it) while blaring music, she tried to start the “sequel to the ice bucket challenge” (the boiling water challenge, it did not go well) and has zero filter. She’s not completely insane (I think if she was constantly like that it’d be way too much) but those aspects are definitely my favorite
fear not if you have no idea who this is! You aren’t simply forgetting or weren’t around for me mentioning her, I have just never mentioned her existence! She’s putter’s owner. I could go wayyyy into her but then we’d be here all day and I’ve already been typing this out for way too long soooo. It’s incredibly hard to pick one favorite aspect soooo I’ll just go with:
she’s prooooobably the most emotionally intelligent of the ocs in this universe…….not to say she’s a complete saint by any means, hell she’s kinda the catalyst for a LOT of problems with some Really Bad Decisions but she actually owns her fuck ups (except for the time she accidentally killed someone and was too horrified to tell anyone so she staged an accident and lived with the guilt the rest of her life but shhhhh) and tries to improve. Which by the end she does! Yippee (SHE IS NOT OK BY THE END) (SHE WON BUT AT WHAT COST)
She’s also just one of the nicest characters, you wouldn’t get that from my brief description but she actually is. She’s forgiving to a fault, like she got back with her ex husband MULTIPLE times on and off despite the fundamental disagreement that caused them to break up in the first place never being resolved, and tries to be the best parent possible (uhhh she might’ve failed with her…fish daughter….crap I haven’t mentioned the fish people….uh BUT SHE TRIED HER BEST AND WORKED THINGS OUT WITH SAID FISH DAUGHTER AND THEY ARE A HAPPY FAMILY NOW YAYYYY)
once again you are not crazy I have just never mentioned her before. And yes her name is French for “two mice” you will see why that is. Brief summary, she’s French (shocking) and joined the police force at a young age and was on path to be an incredibly successful and talented officer (much to the chagrin of her…grandmother I think? Yeah it’s her grandmother, who attempted to do the same as her but failed miserably and ended up being a lifelong traffic cop in a region where there is like. No traffic) but then!!! Had to go on a rescue mission and ended up getting. Extremely traumatized in the process! But she rescued the fellas she had to (said fellas losing their eyesight in the process uhhhh don’t ask) and got all sorts of medals for her bravery but she was like. Nah screw this I’m quitting (again to the chagrin of her grandmother, HOW COULD YOU THROW AWAY YOUR CAREER LIKE THIS I WORKED SO HARD AND I NEVER EVEN—) and spent the rest of her life in a group called the “two blind mice and one seeing eye mouse” with the people she rescued where she was the, well, seeing eye mouse! She didn’t actually have to do much work guiding them because the other “mice” in the group were incredibly adaptive and could pretty much function independently immediately but she stuck around anyway. Let’s pretend the story ends there heehee she had a happily ever after mmmhm nothing bad happened after that ahahaha. Um way too much exposition for a simple point but! My favorite thing about her! She carries a soundboard everywhere so she can make goofy sound effects for certain situations. She also plays the horn. Like a car horn. She will make music with car horns. She does a very good job at it surprisingly
I could yap so so so much more but I will restrain myself. Final oc who I am obligated to mention but I will be So Vague about: i won’t say his actual name but. Some call him pumpkin daddy. He has been haunting my thoughts for over 2 years now. He is not even an oc. He is not original. He is someone else’s old oc but when I mentioned he was my favorite part of his original universe, the original creator randomly gave me full ownership of him. So technically he is mine now I suppose. I changed him beyond belief, the only remnants of his old life being his name and appearance. I’m speaking of him like a cryptid lmao my favorite thing about pumpkin daddy is everything. That is all
I am still awaiting the shadowban lifting but pretend that I sent in an ask to you asking the same question!!! @starlightswordfight What’s your favorite part of your ocs!!!
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We have it all (Hualian adopted daughter fanfic) Chapter 6
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. I only do this for fun.
Premise: Not long after comforting a bullied girl named Meng Ai, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian find themselves adopting her and together they form a family they didn't know they had needed for awhile.
Story/Genre tags: Slice of life-ish (mainly), Family focused, Hua Cheng's houses finally become homes, there may be an overarching story but that's not the focus, Hualian being parents, Fengqing being uncles, Lang Qianqiu falling in love with someone who was raised by the Xianle squad, technically post-canon (though I haven't read the books so if there are some ooc moments please forgive me).
AO3 Link
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Follower tags: @anonimgato1507
AN: This might be my last chapter for awhile since my midterms will start at the end of September. But this isn't the last chapter of the story. Updates are just going to slow down for awhile (because I want to graduate already). Chapter 7 and 8 are already in the works. So I made this chapter extra long to make up for the more delayed updates.
Chapter 6
"Now you know all you need to know. Please, I don't care if I have become despicable in your eyes. Meng Ai doesn't deserve to live in fear as the consequence of my sins and the delusions of my family." He stands up to briefly relieve himself leaving them alone in the room to discuss.
"What are you thinking?"
"With all things considered I would like to adopt her..."
"But I wonder if Xiao-Ai will even like it?" Xie Lian couldn't hide his worries even if he wanted to.
"What if she thinks we are taking her away from her parents?" He sighs as he leans into his seat.
"Gege." Hua Cheng says gently with reassurance as he puts his hand on Xie Lian's.
"Do you want to adopt her?" Xie Lian now looking into Hua Cheng's eyes could feel his love no matter what choice he makes. He also knew that Hua Cheng already knows the answer. But hearing him tell him was also his way of making whatever his decision was become real.
"Yes, I do." Hua Cheng smiles as he now holds both hands both of Xie Lian's hands in his.
"But what if she doesn't want to be adopted by us?" Hua Cheng thinks a bit before finally speaking.
"The four of us will have to be honest with her. That way the transition from one set of parents to another won't be as difficult. At least she'll know from the start that we are doing this because we care about her." Xie Lian smiles.
"You too?" Hua Cheng lets out a small chuckle.
"She's a little hard to resist." Not long after they hear a commotion outside.
"Will she be safe here?" They hear Ji Huifan ask someone, the concern in his voice was evident.
"I've already summoned some of my best soldiers to come and be discreet while guarding Xiwangmu's temple." Mu Qing's voice reverberated throughout the halls of the temple. The couple shared a look. No words needed to be said with what they've just learnt.
If Mu Qing was here then that could only mean that Meng Ai was in danger and was targeted while she was staying in Puqi shrine. And so he brought her here to keep her safe. Feng Xin was probably still in Puqi dealing with what's left of the threat that remained. From the brief time they've had with Ji Huifan the "she" in question must either be Jing Mei or Meng Ai.
They later learn it was both.
By the time everyone assembled in the room they were in while soldiers from both Mu Qing and Feng Xin were discreetly guarding the temple, they already knew deep in their hearts that they were going to adopt her.
It was more of a question of how to make the transition easier for her.
"Where's Fu Yao and Nan Feng?" Meng Ai asks as Jing Mei places her favorite breakfast congee on front of her. Her favorite part of it was of course the hard boiled tea eggs, there were three slices of egg halves today. That was generous of her mother Meng Ai thought since normally she would be lucky to get two.
"They are taking care of something that their Gods ordered them to do. Don't worry you'll be able to see them soon." Xie Lian says reassuredly as he takes his place beside Hua Cheng. While Jing Mei was a patient woman, teaching Xie Lian how to cook actually palatable food was not a one day affair. After almost setting the kitchen on fire she quickly ordered one of the chefs to let him out and told him that they'll try again some other time.
"Aiai, there's something your mother and I have to tell you." Hearing the seriousness of Ji Huifan Hua Cheng discreetly orders for all other servants except for Yin Yu to leave. Yin Yu was needed since he was in charge of Paradise Manor's security.
"What is it?" Jing Mei takes a seat across Meng Ai, not wanting to do this but at the same time understanding why Xie Lian and Hua Cheng wanted for her to know.
"Do you remember when we were still moving from place to place before we lived in Hu village?" Meng Ai nods.
"Was it because of bad people almost kidnapping me on the last village?" Jing Mei nods while in her periphery she could see Hua Cheng raise an eye brow and Xie Lian's look of concern.
"Yes, well those people are after you and your father and I are doing everything we can to protect you."
"I know mama." Jing Mei smiles sadly as she takes a breath before continuing.
"Do you remember why I don't tell you my visions?"
"Because if you tell the ones in your visions what you saw things might change so much."
"Yes...that's right." Meng Ai takes a guess to help ease Jing Mei's burden.
"Did you see a vision about me mama?" Jin Mei's eyes begin to water but forces herself to hold them back for now.
"Yes, a very horrible one. I saw it after I gave birth to you. So your father and I prayed to Xiwangmu what we could do to keep you safe and live a life to the fullest."
"What did Xiwangmu say?" She asks as she turns to her father.
"She said that as long as you have one parent who is alive and one who is dead, then you will be safe from those who have been chasing us and live a full life." Meng Ai's widen in shock.
"But I don't want either of you to die!"
"Aiai, we know." Ji Huifan says as he embraces her.
"Do you remember when a pretty woman with the suanpan that you liked visited us in the last village before Hu village?" Meng Ai nods and makes a guess.
"Is she Xiwangmu?"
"Not exactly. But she's related to her." Jing Mei says as she stands up from her seat and puts herself on front of Meng Ai.
"We've been praying to Xiwangmu to find another way to save you. And the pretty lady with the suanpan was sent by Xiwangmu to clarify that being a parent does not mean they have to be related to you by blood." This time Meng Ai's eyes widened in realization as she turned toward Hua Cheng and Xie Lian for the first time since the conversation began.
"Xiao-Ai." Xie Lian begins "It is okay if you cannot make a decision right now. This is a lot to take in-"
"Would staying with you and San Lang keep mama and baba alive?"
"I could send some assistance to protect your parents." Hua Cheng says in a reassuring and gentle tone.
"But it's uncertain?"
"Aiai, my darling nothing is absolutely certain." Jing Mei says as she looks at Meng Ai in the eyes.
"All we could do is do our best. This is what the four of us have talked about, all we are waiting for is your choice. Is it okay if Xie Lian and Hua Cheng become your parents too?" Everyone was silent as Meng Ai was slowly realizing what is going to happen.
"I don't want to lose you and baba." Ji Huifen embraces her as tears slowly begin pouring down her eyes.
"You will never lose us, a part of us will always be with you. You are not losing anyone, you are gaining two more people who will care and love you just as much as we do."
"We won't be leaving now. But we have to so that you will be given the life that you deserve and become the person that you want to be. What is it that you keep promising your baba and I every new year?"
Meng Ai struggles as her parents wipe the tears from her eyes.
"I won't ever give up on my dreams to become who I want to be. No matter what it takes."
"Are you going to start now?" Meng Ai stubbornly shakes her head.
"No mama."
"Good, making dreams come true is not easy. But it can be done. Always remember that Aiai." She nods as she hugs both Ji Huifan and Jing Mei. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian let them have their moment. No one knows when Ji Huifan will need to leave to finally put an end to his cursed family or when Xiwangmu will once again require Jing Mei to act as her oracle. It's better to let them savor each other's presence while they can.
Their sacrifice to give them Meng Ai as their daughter will not be in vain.
"Are you sure that they've disappeared from and after Jingdezhen?" An intimidating figure asks as one of the mage mercenaries who was giving her a report.
"We cannot locate them anywhere after someone transported them to somewhere from within within the shrine to Jingdezhen. As expected they sought refuge in Xiwangmu's temple but they had divine assistance."
"I'm not surprised. My sister-in-law is one of her priestesses. I wouldn't put it above her to request aid from the other Gods." The female figure then throws a knife at the mage mercenary who was reporting. The blade being a little too close to his ear while still missing him completely.
Instead it latched itself on Feng Xin's armor.
Or it would have, had he not moved out of the way.
"What God are you?"
"What makes you think that?" She smiles as she throws another knife his way.
"You are absolutely right. You are not a God, you are a clone." Fuck! Feng Xin curses internally as he dodges attacks from all sides as he attempts to make his escape.
But his clone is overwhelmed and instead he ends up on his knees towards the woman who has been throwing knives at him. Now that he was close he could see her skin was pale with a grayish undertone. Her lips had dried up blood surrounding it.
"You know I've always been curious. I've never drunk directly from a God before. I wonder if a clone's blood will taste any different from other mortals?" It was only then that Feng Xin noticed that none of the mercenaries were close to them as the woman puts him on the ground as she begins to straddle him. She was a lot heavier than he had expected to feel. The pressure made by her sitting on top of his clone's ribcage was making breathing difficult.
"Get off me!" He tries pushing her off only for her to restrain his hands.
"Don't worry." Her fangs begin to make themselves more prominent.
"I'm skilled enough to make sure nobody feels pain. You might find yourself enjoying it." But before she could do anything she was blasted away from Feng Xin and outside of the tent they currently occupied.
"You idiot!" He knows immediately who his savior is and he couldn't help a smile from appearing on his face.
Mu Qing's clone manages to deflect then shield them from further attacks as they make their escape.
"Really!? This is how you do a reconnaissance mission?" Mu Qing immediately scolds him when they meet in private in heaven.
"I used a clone, I didn't expect anyone to detect anything from it. Normally nobody could even tell that our clones had anything divine in them."
"In case you forgot, these aren't normal people. These are cursed immortals who are only satisfied when they drink blood preferably from victims who are scared or in pain. Weren't you listening to Jing Mei?!"
"Mu Qing I'm fine now." He looks at Feng Xin unconvinced.
"Thanks to this experience at least now we know that they could even tell the difference between a clone and when it's actually us even though we would be in disguise." Mu Qing couldn't help but snort.
"I could have figured that out without having to get close to one of them." Feng Xin gets up to walk closer to where Mu Qing was standing. He sighs as he's finally on front of him.
"I'm sorry for not telling you. But I couldn't wait to investigate after Hua Cheng and Xie Lian brought them to Ghost City. My curiosity got the better of me." Mu Qing sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
"If you want your curiosity satisfied then read a book."
"Not fast enough for me, and Lingwen and her officials were already busy."
"Then contact Chenxi, that's what I did." Now it was Feng Xin's turn to be exasperated.
"I've tried that she wasn't responding."
"Did you use the conventional channels?"
"Yes, why?" This time Mu Qing couldn't help but have a smug expression. A little bit of revenge over Feng Xin for making him worry.
"Like her mother she doesn't respond to conventional channels. She doesn't like being here as much as her parents, so like them she ignores messages from conventional channels. It's why she and her mother have oracles as their priests and priestesses. Oracles are receptive of messages from the otherworldly and serves as their informants. Since no one in heaven typically sends messages from other immortals through their priest or priestess this was how I was able to make contact with her."
"Fuck." Mu Qing now breaks out in laughter savoring being a few steps ahead of him. Serves him right for making him use a clone to save his.
"I was going to tell you that I've arranged for the two of us to meet her. She's willing to tell us all she knows. But nooo! You just had to do a poorly done intelligence mission in a campsite filled with mage mercenaries who could summon and control any creature. And don't get me started on how a cursed immortal almost-" He was stopped midrant as he felt Feng Xin's lips on his. Through the kiss he could feel the sincerity Feng Xin always had and that he truly was remorseful.
He knows what this is really about. And he now sees his mistake.
"How do I make it up to you?" Feng Xin asks in between kisses that he has begun reciprocating.
"If we are going to make this work you tell me your plans. You don't have to be detailed - I could figure out the rest on my own. Or is that instruction only for me?" He says as he breaks away from their kiss looking him straight in the eyes.
"No it wasn't. And you don't have to figure things out on your own. Not anymore."
"I could say the same for you." He couldn't resist anymore and brings Feng Xin closer for another more deeper kiss.
It's a good thing he found another cultivation path that was a sufficient replacement for his current one. While it was still early on in his new relationship with Feng Xin and they haven't gone that far, he had already begun taking steps in the alternative path of cultivation. There's no limit to how many paths of cultivation one could take. But if one became a God with a path of cultivation then for their powers to not be decreased too much another path of cultivation should immediately replace it. And he was nothing if not thorough.
"Well?" Xie Lian asks nervously as Jing Mei tastes the simple broth that he has managed not to overcook. Even though Hua Cheng insists that he doesn't need to learn how to cook, he can't help but feel guilty at not being able to. So when he noticed Jing Mei's cooking was praised by Feng Xin and Mu Qing he asked her if she could teach him. And under the condition that Hua Cheng wouldn't interfere with her sometimes harsh instructions, even he has to admit that Xie Lian's cooking had improved under Jing Mei's tutelage.
"It's on the bland side, the vegetables you placed weren't able to release their full flavor since you placed them a little too late. But on the bright side you didn't burn the food and it is easier to add flavor through spices. Good Job Dianxie." He sighs in relief over his progress.
"Jing Mei, by any chance you could teach me how to make some of Xiao-Ai's favorite foods? It might ease the change of her moving in with us." Jing Mei couldn't help but snort a laugh.
"I'm afraid if you do that she'll grow up to have the sugar disease. It's already enough that I inherited it from my own mother. I hope that Aiai doesn't get it, but it is something to take note of. She has a sweet tooth which is why I'm strict with how much mooncakes she gets for her birthday. And it doesn't help that Ji Huifan likes to sneak Nan Gua Bings and Tanghulus behind my back whenever he returns from one of his missions."
"Oh? But I thought she liked congee?"
"She does, in a way that it's a necessary sustenance to avoid being hungry. It's for her health and it also teaches her that some things are sweeter when they are earned. It makes it that much more special." Jing Mei releases a sigh.
"At least that's what I hope would happen." Xie Lian offers an understanding look.
"I wonder if she'll even open herself up to me and San Lang after your talk with her. Sometimes I doubt if she'll be able to trust us after that."
"She will." Jing Mei says confidently as she looks at Xie Lian straight in his eyes.
"She may be a little closed off now, but if she really didn't like you she would simply ignore both of you and suffer in silence. The mere fact that she's not afraid to express herself to either you or Hua Cheng shows that she has already begun trusting both of you." Jing Mei then sprinkles some spices from the spice rack. A part of her is still in awe that Hua Cheng was not only able to have this many spices but also that he was able to preserve their freshness for far longer. But given that Hua Cheng was practically one of if not the most powerful ghosts and is the wealthiest she isn't surprised that rare spices occupied space in his kitchen. Back in Fu Dao spices that the traders called Saffron and Cardamom were so expensive only the elite could afford them. She was able to have an indulgence of them every now and then when she was lucky enough to recieve gifts of such.
And now Meng Ai would probably grow up indulged in it if they weren't careful. Or she would probably be bored with it and not understand why these spices were so coveted.
"She thinks Huifan and I don't know about how the children of Hu village were bullying her. But I noticed it right away when she didn't talk much to them and would actively do things in order to avoid them. In her mind she's thinking that they won't listen to her anyway and just want to make fun of her and make her day miserable. So why bother talking to them? We have tried speaking with their parents in private but they see us as outsiders to their community. One day out of the blue we arrived and began changing things in the village."
"Not everyone liked it." She nodded.
"The ones in power didn't, those that weren't were grateful for our services. But then again it's hard to please everyone." She then gets a bowl and pours out the broth that Xie Lian made that was made palatable with her choice of spices. She then places noodles that will be cooked just right from the broth's residual heat. Finally she then garnishes it with a quickly diced spring onion before serving it to Xie Lian.
"Stir it a bit but don't eat it yet." He looks at her puzzled.
"Why not?"
"A volunteer has arrived to help us. Hello Hua Cheng, please have a seat." Xie Lian relaxes as he feels himself embraced from behind.
"I hope you haven't been too hard on him while I'm gone." Jing Mei couldn't help but internally roll her eyes at Hua Cheng's underlying threat. Out of respect for Xie Lian she restrained herself from actually doing it.
"He has made a great improvement today. Please have a seat - there is something I would like you to do."
"Which is?"
"Feed the broth to Dianxie." Xie Lian couldn't help but blush as Hua Cheng begins to relax a little more.
"I appreciate that you've decided to include me in your culinary lessons."
"Actually there is a reason why I want you to do it. Dianxie will have his eyes closed and won't be able to feed himself." Xie Lian makes himself comfortable now understanding what Jing Mei is trying to do. She wants him to focus on the food.
"Ready Gege?" Xie Lian was about to say yes when Ruoye decided to turn itself into his blindfold to the amusement of both his husband and teacher.
"I wasn't going to peek Ruoye."
"Ruoye just wants to make sure you could focus."
"Okay San Lang, I'm ready." He opens his mouth as Hua Cheng feeds him a right amount of the noodles that he slurps up.
"Focus on the food Dianxie, what do your senses tell you?" With his tongue he could taste how the noodles were just right. Not too soggy nor stiff, but the way he chewed and the way the noodles had spread the broth he and Jing Mei had created was filled with flavor. He could now understand why Jing Mei had called his earlier attempt bland when the plenty subtle flavors complemented each other as he swallowed it.
"The subtle flavors are sublime, I could now appreciate why you added them to the broth."
"What else?"
"Um I will need another serving San Lang."
"Say ah." This time Xie Lian got more of the broth than the noodles. With more of the broth there was a suprising layer of sweetness that he did not expect from a broth. How the cabbage and string beans added an interesting texture to a simple meal. It made him reflect on the times when he was fortunate enough to recieve the best meals made by the best chefs of the land. He appreciated their efforts and savored their works. A part of him was jealous of how they could create works that was immediately beneficial since everyone had to eat.
Jing Mei was right in making him return to the basic senses of appreciating food without his sight.
"Baba what type of spirits are Xie Lian, Nan Feng, and Fu Yao?" Meng Ai asks as she and Ji Huifan are on a tour lead by Yin Yu of the gardens. Yin Yu reccommended that they explore the gardens section by section. The gardens were too vast to be explored in a week, and even less by a few hours in a day. Today was their first day and the tour had just ended with Yin Yu needing to take his leave after being summoned by Hua Cheng. Ji Huifan, followed by Meng Ai decided to sit under one of the trees to avoid harming the flowers.
"Before I tell you the answer, tell me first what you have observed." Meng Ai reflects back on what she had felt and sensed with them. She remembers that they had a heart beat, that there was a lightness? No, she thinks to herself. That's not the right word. The best she could come up is that they didn't cling to their forms. But San Lang also didn't cling to his form but he had the tell tale clinginess that ghosts had. That's why when she first felt his presence she knew he was a ghost. But he was also the first ghost to actually talk to her and not just simply ignore her or scare her away.
"I don't know if this is the right word but compared to ghosts like San Lang, they don't really cling to themselves and they have a heartbeat. I wanted to say that there is a lightness to them but that's not quite it. Nan Feng and Fu Yao are soldiers and there is a bit of darkness that also comes with them. Which is why I don't think lightness is the right word."
"Mmhmm, what else have you observed Aiai?" She closes her eyes as she focuses even harder on what she could remember.
"They are powerful - but San Lang is also powerful but their powers feel very different. San Lang's power is more grounded? Or at least that's how I feel whenever I'm around him. But with Xie Lian, Nan Feng and Fu Yao their power comes from the air? The sky? Something from above or somewhere we cannot see." As she opens her eyes she sees him nodding in approval.
"And given all of these observations - what do you think they are Aiai?" She thinks back to a few days ago when she just learned that she will be staying with San Lang and Xie Lian and that they are going to be her new parents and keep her safe.
They were the best choice because San Lang was already dead since he was a ghost, and somehow Xie Lian was considered to still be alive.
And this was something shared with Nan Feng and Fu Yao - but what? Despite San Lang being a ghost he still felt very much alive in her opinion.
Before she could think further an attendant was sent to get them. It was time for dinner. Since one day her mama and baba would be going away she wanted to have dinner with all of them present. Even her new parents, San Lang and Xie Lian.
She couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty since she didn't mean to act badly towards them. But they will have her for the rest of her life and she doesn't know when she will see her mama and baba again once they leave her here for good. San Lang promised that he would make sure they are protected as much as possible and she knows that her baba is working on stopping the scary people that keep following them around.
As they enter the manor something catches her eye.
She takes a quick glance at where her father was escorted by the attendant. The dining room was just straight ahead of where they were. She promises she'll just be quick. She just needs to know what was it that caught her eye.
So she moves closer to what appears to be a shrine.
It's similar to the one at Puqi but it was so vibrant. The mask the crown prince of Xianle appeared to be like the ones she would sometimes see rich people wearing. The sword in one hand looked so dangerous yet at the same time it was beautiful. Both in what it could do and on its own. And the flower on the other hand looked so much like the floating lotus flowers that Yin Yu had showed them earlier. She told him that this was her first time seeing them with her own eyes and she would only see pictures of them. And then her mother taught her how to make paper lotus flowers and whenever they visited a temple of Xiwangmu's or Chenxi's that had a river created for the temple, she would help her place their paper lotus flowers on the water and watch them float away.
"But what if it sinks?"
"Then it is no longer a paper lotus flower." She remembered getting upset.
"But what if I want it to still be a paper lotus flower?"
"Aiai." Her mother settles herself next to her.
"Why do you want it to remain a paper lotus flower?"
"Because you and I made it together. I don't want it to be ruined."
"Oh Aiai." Her mother brings her in her embrace.
"Do you still remember the time we made them?" She nods as she wonders why it seems her mother was sad and yet she was smiling.
"Those paper flowers won't erase the experience we had of making them. That will never go away. But the paper flowers don't need to be preserved just because those were good memories. What matters is the time we shared."
She was younger then, and she is only now starting to understand what her mother was trying to say. It's not the object that matters. It's the people.
"Do you like it?" She felt before she heard San Lang behind her. She was about to apologize for being late when she noticed his expression showing that he already knew and wasn't upset.
"It's so beautiful, I couldn't help but want to look at it." He goes beside her as they look at the portrait of the crown prince of Xianle together. It was only then that she realized that there was no food offerings.
"San Lang why are there no food for the crown prince of Xianle?" He couldn't help but make a small chuckle.
"Because Xiao-Ai, he couldn't appreciate them if they just stayed here."
"Huh? Why?" Hua Cheng heard that Ji Huifan was asking her to make a guess on what type of spirits Xie Lian and his two former attendants were. He could understand why he didn't simply want to give her the answer since she needed to learn how to think for herself.
And also arriving at the answer on your own was its own reward. A concept that is difficult to explain to a little girl. Which is why Ji Huifan only lays out clues but wants her to arrive on the answer by herself.
"Food deserves to be consumed, savored, and enjoyed. He already does that whenever and wherever he is."
"Even here?"
"Especially here." She glances at the painting that called to her. Hmm another mystery that will occupy her mind.
Speaking of mysteries, she realizes that there is another mystery that she hopes she could get the answer too.
"San Lang, may I ask you something?" He lowers himself so that his eye was at the same level as hers.
"Ask away little one."
"My parents say that you and Xie Lian are the key to keeping me safe. Because you are a ghost and are already dead and Xie Lian is still alive...I'm worried."
"About what?" He asks her gently and tenderly. Her heart already feels safe whenever he is around. But she wants to know so badly.
"Aren't you worried that one day Xie Lian would one day die? I'm already scared that mama or baba would die because of the people chasing us. What if because of me, Xie Lian dies? I don't want you to be lonely." San Lang gives her a reassuring and knowing smile. Something about the way his eye glistens is telling her that there is something she doesn't know. Something just out of her reach.
"That is the one thing I can guarantee will not happen. You don't need to worry about that little one."
"But how can you be so sure?" Her voice almost breaks asking.
"I am sure because I am still around. As long as I love him and never ever forget him he will never die." He then rises up as he offers her his hand. A red thread is attached to one of his fingers. She takes his hand and he escorts her back to the dining room. She watches as everyone was waiting for her.
"Don't worry - she was just looking at the shrine."
"Oh what do you think Xiao-Ai?"
"It was so beautiful and vibrant Xie Lian! It reminds me of the painting in Puqi Shrine." He chuckles as he glances at San Lang.
"Should I?"
"If you would like." He then turns to her with a grin.
"I'm not surprised why you find them so similar. San Lang made both of them." They turn to him in amazement as his stance was relaxed. As Xie Lian continues to explain how the shrine in the manor came to be, what really caught her eye was the absolute love and devotion San Lang had for Xie Lian.
If only she could find someone who would look at her the same way he would look at Xie Lian. Or the love she could still feel between her parents who after adjusting to a new environment have managed to make it feel like home was always with them wherever they went.
Later that night as she settles in her bed she wonders what Chenxi must have felt to have lost Hua Lijie to the arms of death before she could marry him.
Did he treat her as person with otherworldly powers? Or did he treat her how a follower worships a Goddess?
Her love preserved the peaches in a place where she didn't have that many followers compared to other places that made her one of their patron Gods. For Gods to survive in such a place they must at the very least be known if worship was not possible. Did he perhaps notice this and loved her so much that he became so devoted to her so she could continue to be with him in a place where she didn't have as much power?
She touches the silver butterfly that San Lang gave to her. It wasn't hard to see the love between him and Xie Lian. And even though she wasn't paying attention to every single word that was said, she could sense the gratitude and love from Xie Lian as well.
But why would he have that reaction when San Lang painted the crown prince?
"Had trouble sleeping?" Xie Lian asks her as she joins him in practicing calligraphy.
"A question refused to let me." She adjusts her grip to experiment if her calligraphy will improve.
"And what was it?"
"I was wondering how Chenxi feels when she lost someone who was so in love with her. I was wondering what their relationship was like to make her go against her parents to try to make him immortal only for him to die before they even got married. Mama says her love is what preserved and affected them. So when Hua Lijie's family scared, trapped, and abused her in a place when she wasn't worshipped or known as much her change of feelings is what lead them to have a cursed immortal life that was worse than death after eating them." She decided that her new grip must have had better results since her strokes were now clearer.
"Did Hua Lijie love her as a person? Or did he already love her as a Goddess? Though one with less power in the place where he lived. Did he in the course of their relationship decide to be a devoted follower so that she won't ever leave his home or his side?" Xie Lian simply smiles at her from his seat across her. He reaches out to correct her grip so that her wrist won't be strained from practicing. On his own hand was a red string also tied on a finger similar to San Lang's. Perhaps it was something married couples who were both men did. A part of her couldn't help but wonder how they managed to prevent those red strings from getting into their food.
"I may not know Chenxi's exact feelings to Hou Lijie but I do remember how I realized I was in love with San Lang." She became intrigued as she finds herself putting down her brush to listen attentively.
"It was gradual. I couldn't help but feel something in my heart towards him early on. I didn't know what it was exactly. All I could feel whenever I'm around him is that I wanted to be with him. If I could help it I don't want to burden him with anything. But he insisted anyway and no matter what I did, no matter what decision I made, he stayed." He lets out a small chuckle as he lets his hand rest.
"One time before we became a couple I set this place on fire." She feels her eyes widen.
"Huh? How?"
"I was trying to save someone and tried to prevent from some of my friends and San Lang from fighting. It didn't work so I maneuvered myself in a way that they won't hurt each other. E-ming sliced me instead and when we were leaving I set fire to the armoury to prevent further fights from breaking out."
"And then what happened?"
"I had thought that he would be upset with me because I burnt the old version of this place down. I also felt guilty because I only told him half-truths about why I was here the first time. When we met again, it turned out we both thought that we hurt each other so deeply that we expected hatred from the other."
"Wait - what was he apologizing for?"
"For getting carried away with the conflict that lead to E-ming injuring me." She heard a cooing sound from behind Xie Lian. E-ming's eye had once again opened and it felt teary eyed.
"It's okay E-ming, I know you didn't mean it. I've already forgiven both of you." He grabs the hilt and gives it a few pets.
"Would you like to give E-ming pets?"
"But my hands are messy. E-ming I don't want to make you dirty with ink." A sad whining sound comes out of E-ming as he places him back in their previous place.
"She has a point E-ming."
"I'll pet you after my calligraphy practice!" After E-ming lets out a happy yelp she returns her attention back to the story.
"San Lang didn't care about you burning this place?" Xie Lian nods.
"I was surprised too. I apologized to him first and then he apologized for things that he thought I would hate him for. What a pair we were even back then." He giggles as he resumes his calligraphy.
"He explained that those things could be easily built again. And after that and all the incidents after he says that no matter what choice I've made, what path I've taken, whether those were mistakes or not or whether it was acting as the worst version of myself...all of those things were simply states of myself. But I have always been myself, and it was this person that he loves and is devoted to." Xie Lian then notices the stick on the incense clock has finally burnt out. Practice was over.
"After he told that to me, it was then I knew that I loved him and was in love with him even before that. To have someone accept you for who you are no matter what happens...I never knew I would be one of the lucky ones to have met their mate. Or to even have a mate at all."
Later on she would see them looking at each other lovingly as they took a stroll on a part of the gardens she hasn't toured yet.
And then she realized something.
The reason why the paintings in both shrines seemed so similar was not only because San Lang made them. She couldn't explain how but something about both paintings made her feel devotion, belonging ...
... and love.
She felt love whenever she was within the presence of either painting. It's why she felt safe in Puqi shrine after she first met them. It's why after meeting them she wanted to visit Puqi shrine whenever she was trying to escape her bullies.
Because there was love...
...and that made it feel like home.
And now she has the answer.
AN: I hope you enjoyed this more lengthy chapter to make up for the more delayed updates. I wrote this while listening to Hong Jue (Red Supreme) and Wei Chen (In front of the red curtain) on a loop. I wanted to give Meng Ai a moment with each of her parents to hopefully show what each one gives her. And also I wanted to give Fengqing a romantic moment while at the same time also clarifying the power level of the vampire family (that's what I call them in my head).
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soccer-love · 2 years
It's the anon that ask would you write a lea Schuller one here is my request maybe reader left to join Wolfsburg and lea stopped talking to her and now they are coming up against each other and lea refused to shake readers hand and they get into a pushing match after reader made a tackle on resder at end of game lea and resder alogised and ask reader out and kisses her
Why did you leave?
Lea Schüller x reader
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Lea couldn't remember what happened. 
She wasn't even sure if anything happened?
She just remembered that suddenly and without any warning, your couch announce that you ended your contract and would leave to Wolfsburg. 
And the day you left, when she wanted to say goodbye and she walked down the street to your apartment, she saw your black car pulling out of the driveway and driving away. 
At that moment, she felt something die inside her. 
Your old team mates wondered why you left, of curse Wolfsburg was one of the best German clubs, probably one of the best in Europe, but they knew that you loved Munich. 
That you loved your team. 
But maybe, everything was just an illusion. 
Maybe you didn't love it as much, as they thought you did. 
Days passed by and turned into weeks, weeks into months. 
And before she knew, one year had past. 
One birthday, one Christmas, one season of soccer, had passed by without you. 
Even the European women’s championship, passed without you, because of an injury you got shortly after leaving to Wolfsburg.
And Lea felt herself moving on, she could fall asleep at night, without asking herself what you were probably doing in that moment, she could walk past your favorite coffee shop, without asking herself if you’d still love Latte with Oatmilk and one cube of sugar. She could run through the Olympic Park, without having to remember the times you sat there, daydreaming about your future with her. 
She moved on. 
But sometimes, she had moments where she missed you so much, it felt like someone stopped her heart with a knife. And then she looked back at the pictures, she had still saved on her phone. 
Memories of the things you did together. Memories of you. 
And then almost one year and three months, after you left, she heart the news. 
Bayern was going to play a friendly against Wolfsburg in less than two weeks.  
“Finally, I really want to see Y/N again.” Laura cheered as they talked about the upcoming game in the looker room after practice. 
“Yeah me too, I haven't seen her in like four months.” Lina agreed, not noticing Leas confused look. 
“How do you mean that?” 
“What?” Lina asked, turning around to face Lea. 
“That you haven't seen her in four months.” 
“Like that I last saw her, four moths ago when I visited her in Wolfsburg.” Lina answers, completely confused. 
“Wait she....she still talks with you?” Lea asks, almost the whole team stopped with what they were doing, confuse by Leas question. 
“Yeah, she's still talking with a lot of us.” Sarah cuts in and then she realizes what was going on. “Wait she doesn't talk to you anymore?” 
“She stopped the day she left.” Lea whispers, tears forming in her eyes. 
The first one to walk over and pull her into a hug, was Klara, because she exactly knew how much the forward, liked you. 
She let Lea, hold onto her, crying on her shoulder, about the fact, that you continued to talk to everyone. 
Everyone except her. 
Slowly, the other team mates came closer and it turned into a big group hug.
Everyone could feel the pain that came from the normally so strong forward. 
The match, was hold in Wolfsburg, but without viewers. 
Mostly because it's only a small game, what they want to use to analyze what the players can do better during the games. 
Lea thought she would feel sad, when she saw you but she wasn't. 
She felt absolutely nothing. 
Not even when she saw you joking around with your new team mates during warm up. 
And when both teams assembled in the tunnel, ready to walk out for the game and she stands next to you, only separated by a couple of meters of air, she fels nothing. 
She just stares at the back of Caro’s head in front of her. 
When they walk out, she shakes everybody's hand, but when it’s your turn, she just walks past you, ignoring the disappointed look on your face. 
During the first half of the game, you barely have any contact with her, since she was a forward and you're a defender. 
In the 58 Minute, the Bayern players managed to get trough the defenders and Lina Magull scores a goal. 
Only seven minutes later, Ewa Pajor managed to score a goal for Wolfsburg. 
After the normal time is up they give five minutes extra time. 
One minute is left as the Bayern players again get passt the defenders, well past everyone but one.
Lea got a perfect pass from Caro and run towards the box and was about to shoot the ball, when Y/N run towards her. 
Y/N kicked the ball away, but accidentally hit Leas foot, forcing her to trip over Y/N. 
“Are you insane?” Lea shouts, suddenly feeling anger burning inside of her. 
“You could have fucking inured me.” Lea adds, getting up within seconds and shooting a angry look at Y/N. 
“Sorry I-” 
“Stop fucking apologizing.” Lea cut Y/N off, the defender tried to walk closer to Lea, asking her to calm her down. 
Lea grabbed Y/N by her shoulders and pushed her away, suddenly not just being angry about the foul, but about everything that happened in the last year.
Or rather everything that didn't happened.  
Y/N was about to fight back, when she suddenly felt two arms around her body. 
Poppi knew the young defender longe enough to know that it would be better for both, Lea and Y/N, to hold her back. 
Obi and Linda apparently had the same idea, both of them holding Lea back from killing Y/N. 
The referee, gave Y/N a red card for the foul, which means she had to leave the pitch. 
And of curse they also noticed Lea pushing Y/N away, so they gave her a yellow card too. 
“Fuck you.” Y/N mutters as she leaves the pitch. 
The Bayern team gets a box kick but they don't score another goal before the game finishes. 
“What was up with you, out there?” Obi asks as she gets to Lea, confused by Leas behavior when she got fouled. 
“Just seeing her, makes me wanna hit her.” Lea mutters under her breath.
“Why? What happened between you two?” 
Lea stops her walk towards the locker room, turning towards her best friend. 
“She left, without saying why, without saying goodbye. But apparently she continued talking to everyone, except me. She just cut me out of her live.” Lea says, her voice turning from angry into sadness. 
“That sucks.” Obi gives her a soft hug before pulling away. 
“Lets get chanced.” They separate at the locker rooms, Lea going with the other Bayern players. Obi following her team mates from Wolfsburg. 
Y/N was the first one to leave the locker room again, but she just waited around the corner, keeping an eye at the door to the locker room of the other team, hoping to see Lea. 
She watched many of the players coming out, but not Lea. 
One of the last one to come out, was Giulia and she noticed Y/N. 
“She’s still in there, the only one left.” she said , looking at the door to the locker room before looking back at Y/N. “You should talk to her.” 
After Giulia went away, Y/N took a deep breath before knocking on the door. 
No one answered. 
“Lea?” Y/N asks as she opens the door. 
The sound of her name coming from you, something she missed so much, forced Lea to look up. 
Her eyes meet yours and suddenly, after being calm for so many minutes, she felt all of her feelings rushing back trough her body. 
Anger, disappointment, fear but also love. 
“Are..are you okay?” It was the first thing that came to your mind that you could say without sounding like an asshole. 
But she still got it wrong. 
“You are an ass, Y/N Y/L/N.” she stood up, walking towards you and before you could do anything she slapped the younger girl across the face. 
“You come her, after months, no after a year of not talking to me and all you do is asking me if I’m okay, after you almost injured me. So no I’m not okay.” Lea shouted, hitting Y/N with her fist on the shoulder, pushing her back against the wall. 
“I’m sorry.” Y/N whispered, pulling Lea against her, knowing that this was one of the best ways to calm her down. 
“No, no.” Lea fights back, trying to get away from Y/N, tears rushing down her face. 
“I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.” Lea repeated these words, over and over again. 
But at the same time, she feelt herself, stopping to fight back against Y/N, letting the defender pull her into her arms as they sink onto the floor. 
“I hate you.” Lea whispers, her crying slowly stopsing. 
“Why the hell did you leave?” she looked up, again meeting Y/N eyes. 
“I can't-” 
“No, don't give me some stupid excuse. You just, you left without saying anything. And then one year later, I hear that you still talk to anyone except me. I thought we were friends, so don't give me some stupid excuse, just tell me.” 
“Because I love you.” Y/N said without thinking, but it was the truth. 
“I was...no I’am still so in love with you and I...I just couldn't live with that, it hurt me so much to se you everyday, to be friends with you and knowing that you would never be mine. But when I left, it just hurt so much more.” The defender explained, her hand on Leas shoulder, their faces only inches apart. 
“God you are such an idiot.” Lea said, her hand finding Y/N neck. “Because I love you so fucking much and you never noticed.” 
Y/N didn't know what to do, she just sat there, Lea wrapped in her arms, completely caught off guard by the fact that Lea loves her too. 
She loves her too.
“Just kiss me!” Lea demanded, pulling her former teammate against her, into a soft kiss. 
Lea knew that this kiss wouldn't just magically rebuild the relationship that they had, wouldn't set there timer back, to the moments a year ago when everything was still good the way it was. 
But she felt something heal inside of her, like someone softly put a plaster over the wounds in her heart. 
“Why are we so dump?” Y/N whispers, leaning her forehead against Leas. 
“Never leave me again, okay? I wouldn't survive it to loose you again.” 
“You won't, I promise. I swear.” 
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sariahsue · 2 years
Marinette’s Three Rules for Preventing the Apocalypse
Set shortly after the events of Chat Blanc, Marinette uses her knowledge of what happened that day to create three rules to prevent disaster. What happens when she can't keep them all?
Prologue - The First Rule
Marinette's nightmares were always bleached white.
The akuma alert blared in her ear, and Marinette bolted upright in bed, heart pounding, blankets twisted around her legs. It had only been another nightmare, but one that could still come true one day.
She rubbed at her eyes to wake herself up and squinted at the bright phone screen to focus on reading the meager scraps of information, while she tried to control her breathing. Someone had been akumatized because of a late-night ticket mixup. The Gare du Nord metro station was currently flooding with water. Lovely.
A trickle of anxiety bubbled through her chest, and she rubbed at the spot to soothe it. The dream hadn't been real. She wasn't going to let it ever become real. She had her rules.
The flit of red in the corner of her eye told her Tikki was waiting for her by the skylight. "Ready?" the kwami asked, far too perky for Marinette's mood. She transformed and took off across the city without a word.
It was close to midnight. Traffic was calm. The sidewalks were quiet. And the stillness of the air and the familiar rhythm of her swinging did nothing to calm her nerves.
"Rule number one," she repeated to herself. It was something she'd done every time she'd gotten anxious over the past month since the Chat Blanc… incident. "Don't fall in love with Chat Noir."
She stopped on the roof of a highrise only long enough to check her coordinates. She was still going in the right direction.
"Rule number two," she said as she jumped off the edge of the building and swung away. "Don't let Adrien find out my identity." It was her least favorite rule, but Bunnyx had been clear on that one. It somehow contributed to Hawk Moth finding out and using it against them. She refused to believe that he was the type to spread her secret around, and the distance she felt between them ached. Another phantom wound that pressed on her.
"Evening, Milady." Chat Noir called from ahead of her. He'd stopped on the top of a burned out street light. Moonlight shone on him from behind, giving his outline an eerie, pale glow. His face was hidden in shadow.
Number three, Ladybug recited to herself, like a desperate prayer. Never, no matter what, let Chat Noir get akumatized. 
"You okay?" he asked as she swung past him, eyes ahead of her.
"Fine," she said. That had probably sounded terse and definitely NOT fine, so she quickly added, "Just tired. I want to go back to bed."
"Hawk Moth must think we're all caught up on our beauty sleep. I think I agree with him there."
"He's right about one of us," Ladybug corrected.
Footsteps on ceramic tiles thundered behind her as he ran to catch up with her. "Me-ouch. You wound me, Milady."
"I never said which one of us, Chaton!" She slowed so they reached the edge of the roof together and leapt into the darkness as one. They were almost at the street when Chat Noir caught her around the waist and she threw out her yoyo, swinging them in a deep arc and catapulting them into the open sky.
Try as she might to deny it, seeing Chat Noir, feeling him solidly next to her, letting his gentle smile and warm laughter fill up every space inside her was the best antidote for her anxiety. By the time they reached the station, the knots inside her chest had loosened.
"Ready?" he asked.
They stood on top of the theater next door. The wide roof of the metro station was dark. All the rails leading inside were empty and submerged. The water spilled out into the surrounding streets, leaving floating cars and flickering street lights. The flood covered first floor windows. No people in sight, but no akuma either. That probably wasn't good.
She flipped open her yoyo and pulled out a piece of cheese and a macaron. "Readier than you are," she said, popping the cookie into her mouth before handing the cheese over to him. Her suit transformed, giving her long flippers. "I've got more. We'll replenish your stock after we're done here."
"Great. Can't wait." He held the cheese up to her in a mocking toast before swallowing it with a grimace.
"I hope the lights don't go out completely," she said as they flickered again.
"You'll always have me if they do."
"My helpful kitten. What would I do without you?"
"Probably cry because you miss me so much."
She cannonballed into the water to avoid answering that one. It was warmer than she was expecting, almost pleasant, but it was murky and difficult to see through. When Chat Noir grabbed her hand and led them through the metro's main door, she followed willingly.
Even with her limited sight, she knew the instant they were fully inside. The atmosphere changed immediately. Everything felt too open and exposed. Chat Noir guided her around the tall ceiling's support beams and over ticket counters. Something brushed her leg and she jumped, a stream of bubbles leaving her mouth, and reached for her yoyo. "What is that?"
He tugged on her hand to get her attention, then pointed to the surface.
"What was it?" she asked, wiping water out of her eyes. It didn't make much difference. Only dim light filtered through the upper windows.
"People," he said. "They're all statues. I don't like this akuma." The weight of the water flattened his hair.
"Do you think it's still on the platform?"
"I didn't see anything." He floated closer to her. Their hands brushed as they tread water. "But I saw a sign for the underground lines. I think we should look down there next."
She nodded, took a deep breath, and slipped back beneath the surface. He wasted no time in grabbing her hand again and leading her down. With a few more kicks of their flippers, she saw the dull glow of a red arrow pointing to the lower levels. At the bottom of the wide stairs, the cement roof had collapsed in. Slices of harsh fluorescent lights flashed through the rubble, along with some air bubbles. All good signs. The akuma had probably barricaded itself down here.
Chat Noir let go of her wrist so he could point at his left hand, one shoulder raised in question.
He was right. They probably couldn't get through without his Cataclysm, though she didn't much like the idea of his timer running down under water. They weren't far from the surface, though. He would easily be able to recharge and come back to join her.
No sooner had she nodded her approval than the rubble crumbled to dust, leaving a cloudy slurry for them to swim through.
The hallway lights were submerged completely but still flickered bravely, giving her glimpses of dozens of statues all running for the exit, frozen in stone terror.
Echoes of her nightmare whispered in the back of her mind. And even though she didn't need him to guide her, Ladybug reached for Chat Noir's hand as they swam above the silent crowd, just to have the constant physical reminder that he was there with her. And that he wasn't going to leave her.
The akuma wasn't hard to find.
The first things Ladybug could make out were the glowing red eyes, then the matching red hair that fanned around her in the water. At least they wouldn't lose sight of her easily.
She seemed more fish than human, with oversized webbed hands and feet, and long teeth that glinted hungrily.
One of her hands was clenched tightly around something, and when she pointed at the ticket counter, it was blasted into a hundred pieces. Chat Noir yelled and pushed Ladybug against the nearest wall, shielding her as plastic and stone torpedoes hurdled past them, lines of bubbles streaming after them. Over his shoulder, Ladybug could see the statues of cowering workers.
The akumatized woman turned and saw them. "You two have an appointment with Hawk Moth!" She raised her fist. Ladybug saw it held a small piece of paper. "And I'm going to make sure you aren't late!"
Ladybug and Chat Noir dove in opposite directions as the ceiling above them crumbled, blinding them with dust and bubbles.
Water rippled around her, giving her just enough warning to dodge out of the way of the hand shooting toward her earrings. She spun in the water, giving a good kick to the akuma's side as she propelled herself toward clearer water. Chat Noir was there waiting for her, weapon drawn. He put a finger to his lips and drifted forward.
"Wait," Ladybug whispered, bubbles hissing through her teeth.
Chat Noir turned, but his momentum in the water pulled him away from her.
She pointed at the ring finger of her right hand. He only had two minutes left on his timer. Then she pointed upward.
He shook his head and held up his staff. "I have enough-"
Ladybug swam forward and pushed him toward the exit just as the woman jetted toward them.
"Go!" Ladybug dove to avoid a blast from the paper. She was close enough to see it was a ticket.
"Get charged up. I'll hold her off!"
Another shrill beep let him know he only had one minute left, so Chat Noir kicked and disappeared back down the hallway, leaving Ladybug to turn her attention back to the fight. It wasn't time yet to use her Lucky Charm. She had to wait until she had Chat's cover to set up a plan to use it, so for now, she would stall until he got back.
Ladybug's attacks were met with glancing blows from wide fins. The woman's whirlpool kicks were easy to evade with the water powerup.
The water powerup! Chat didn't have another one! And she didn't want him to risk coming back down without it. He was reckless enough to do something like that.
The akuma snarled when she found Ladybug ducking behind an overturned table. She hissed her disapproval, then leveled the ticket at Ladybug's face.
Ladybug had just enough time to knock the woman's hand toward the ceiling. The initial impact of the blast sent a shockwave through the water. Metal and stone cracked and crumbled immediately after. One chunk caught Ladybug on the shoulder, but the suit protected her, and it bounced off. The woman wasn't as lucky. She roared in pain and frustration and headed deeper into the subway, following a line of tracks into the darkness. Ladybug took off toward the surface, following after her partner.
His timer had probably run out already. She hoped he was waiting for her already transformed, and not waiting so he could give Plagg the cheese instead of eating himself. Still, she should close her eyes when she surfaced, just in case.
The walls and ceilings were pockmarked all down the corridor. Several more lights had become flooded and given out since she'd been through here, minutes before. Doors hung from hinges, the rooms behind them even darker and gloomier than the hallway. She thought she saw a shadowy something move behind one of the crooked doors, and she swam faster.
She knew she was out of the hallway when the light became more diffuse and the ripples she made stopped bouncing off the walls back toward her. The water splashed as she broke through the surface, and she kept her eyes closed. "Chat, I have another powerup for you," she called, turning her head to better hear which direction he was in. "The woman slithered off, but she'll probably want to stay in the water, so… Chat?"
Her hand was halfway to her yoyo, ready to grab a wedge of cheese, but he made no answer. "Chat Noir?" Her voice echoed off the ceiling and the slowly rippling water. It was met with only silence. Her breath caught in her throat. Why wasn't he answering? "I'm opening my eyes."
In the dim light of the flooded station, she could see that she was alone. Her body felt heavy in the water. He wasn't there. He wouldn't have left her during a fight, not unless there was an emergency. And he would have told her what had happened–
Unless he couldn't.
Unless his timer—
Ladybug dove back under the water, flipping open her yoyo and using it as a flashlight to guide her way. Where is he? WHERE IS HE? 
The panicked plea flooded her thoughts, filling every crack, as she desperately searched the platform.
He hadn't made it to the surface. Dread settled over her, threatening to send her panic over the edge. Without stopping to think about what she was doing, she pushed herself back toward the stairs, into the dark.
She'd missed him. He needed her and she'd swum right past him! How could she!
He hasn't come up yet! Where is he?! 
Lights flickered. Ladybug checked every door, eyes wide open, searching for the faintest flutter of movement, any shadow that was the wrong color.
In the watery, flickering light of the hallway, she tried to think this through. His timer had definitely run out by now. If he was untransformed somewhere down here, he wouldn't be able to breathe or get himself to safety. And she wouldn't be able to keep her eyes closed if she wanted to get him to the surface quickly.
A flash of white caught her attention, but it was just the fluttering of paper tickets. She swam faster, the beam of light from her yoyo casting harsh shadows in the jagged holes the akuma had left behind.
Finding out his identity wasn't against her rules. Keeping her eyes open would almost certainly mean she would see his unmasked face, and maybe tell her who he really was.
But the alternative wasn't an option.
She slowed in the middle of the hallway, drifting past doors and broken tiles. A stripe of red kicked out behind one of those doors. Ladybug twisted and sped toward it, heart hammering in her throat, and grabbed a pale hand.
The hand gripped her back and started pulling her up.
Ladybug's head broke the surface, and scraped against a rough ceiling. "Ow!"
"Are you okay?" he asked.
Her yoyo was still under the surface, making the water around them glow, casting weak shadows from below. But she could see his face clearly enough.
"Adrien," she said breathlessly.
Water had plastered his hair to his head, and he was shivering in the cold water without his suit, and so much was wrong - how could Chat Noir be Adrien?! - but despite everything, he still smiled at her.
"Sorry," he said. His legs brushed hers as they tread water.
"It's fine," she said, she lied. The response was automatic. Her whole body felt stiff and unreal. Nothing was fine. Chat Noir was Adrien and Adrien could have drowned and she needed to get out of this small room and fight an akuma before she hyperventilated.
She thrust the yoyo at his face. "Use this. To breathe."
He took it wordlessly and started to dip back under the surface.
"Wait!" She grabbed his arm, and he popped up out of the water so fast that they knocked their foreheads together.
"Are you okay?" he asked, rubbing the spot.
"Powerup's in there. There's a powerup in there for you."
"I'll be back quick, I promise." He gave her a thumbs up. "Thanks for the save, Milady." And he disappeared back under the surface and took the light with him, like he hadn't just shattered her understanding of reality. She stayed there for a few more seconds before she shook herself and started groping for the door in the darkness.
The water didn't help clear her mind. It left her feeling as murky and blind physically as she did mentally. It pushed on her. Muffled her senses. Left her disoriented. Weightless and untethered.
The faint flickering light from the hallway was enough to guide her out, but navigating her path wasn't as easy as it had been the first time with her partner by her side.
The atrium the akuma had been destroying when they arrived was quiet. Statues, and pieces of statues, littered the floor. The train tracks she'd disappeared down faded into the black. Ladybug knew she would have to think of a plan to win the fight, but her mind kept spinning back to Chat Noir and Adrien and her rules.
The first rule was definitely broken. If she loved Adrien, that meant she'd been in love with Chat Noir the whole time. Her feelings for Adrien would somehow lead to the end of the world.
She didn't want to believe it. Wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen the destruction for herself.
His voice was jarring in the quiet. Adrien's voice. Chat Noir's voice.
It was louder and more energetic than when they were at school, and her heart clenched when she heard it. She'd been so close to him. Why hadn't she figured it out?
"Where'd the akuma go?" he asked. He stopped next to her and rested a hand on her elbow, like he was trying to steady her. His gaze was searching. When she didn't respond to the question he said gently, "Sorry. Akuma, or do you need a minute?"
"Akuma," she said abruptly. She didn't need more time to think. She was thinking too much. And only two things were important. Save Paris. And don't break any more rules. Everything else could wait. "This way."
The water in the tunnel was moving, pulling them toward the fight faster than she was ready.
"What's the plan?" Chat Noir asked. He kept one hand on her shoulder, guiding her in the dark. It had been his idea to keep the lights out, so they could stay hidden as long as possible.
"I have a plan." There was definitely no plan.
The hand on her shoulder gave a brief squeeze. "Does this plan include calling Lucky Charm?"
"Of course." It did now. That would be a smart thing to do.
"Could I suggest cleansing everything first?"
Ladybug put a hand to the wall to steady herself against the current. It was gaining speed. "Why would that help?"
"Is it a bad time to make a fish out of water joke?"
A lock of hair slipped out of her pigtail and fluttered in front of her eyes, barely visible in the gloom. She tucked it behind her ear. "It's never a good time for bad jokes." The strands floated free again, pulled in front her her by the intensifying current.
"All my jokes are great," he said, giving her a gentle hip check. "You just have a bad sense of humor." He was so close to her.
"One of us does, but thank you for the input." And for trying to make me feel normal.
"What's that sound?" He turned away from her, facing down the tunnel.
"I don't-" And then she heard it too: rushing water. She had just enough time to throw her arms around him before they were dragged down into the darkness.
They tumbled together, slamming into walls and pillars. Ladybug gripped him even more tightly, desperate for something to hold onto. They scraped against the subway tracks.
After a few seconds, the tunnel started to rise and opened up above the ground. The tracks dropped out from below them. In the distance, skyscrapers stood like broken teeth, distorted through the surface of the water.
The current was pulling them to the center of a lake, with a large column of water erupting from the middle. It swelled with all the floodwater from the subway and debris it was pulling in.
The akuma floated in the center, glowing and clearly visible in the darkness.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir!" she bellowed once she saw them. Her voice carried through the water, reverberating like ripples.
Chat Noir grabbed his baton and buried it into the lake bottom, using it to anchor both of them. Ladybug slipped, her arms leaving his shoulders only to fasten securely around his waist. His knees knocked into her stomach as they drifted in the pull of the water.
"Give me your miraculous! Or this water will flood all of Paris, starting with City Hall!"
Ladybug was not in the mood for this right now. Hawk Moth was just going to have to find another time, because she was not going to deal with this. His crisis could get in line right after her own.
She called for Lucky Charm, snatching a red and black Jumbo Sticky Hand as it almost floated past her. The gears started spinning. Using it to wrap her up? To slingshot herself to where was suspended in the middle of the column?
The baton shifted in the dirt as the water eroded the anchor they had, and she remembered his suggestion. It was time to take away the akuma's main advantage. Ladybug threw the yoyo as hard as she could and watched as it broke the surface above them. Within seconds, red swarms of magic had returned the world to normal, except for a flailing akuma, who was pushing herself to her feet, getting ready to charge on legs that looked a lot less floppy than Ladybug was expecting.
"Not tonight," she muttered. She gripped one end of the Sticky Hand and threw the other as hard as she could. Her aim was true, and the train ticket stuck fast, and her plan worked perfectly. Within seconds, the butterfly had been free and cleansed, and a woman in a wrinkled red blouse was kneeling in the middle of an abandoned lot.
"I'll take care of her until the police come," Chat Noir said. He wrenched the baton out of the dirt and brushed it off. "You go get charged up."
There wasn't much around that she could hide behind, so she followed the tracks back to the tunnel. Instead of calling off her transformation, she waited it out, watching Chat Noir and the woman from the shadows. Street lights gave her enough illumination to see the gentle way he held her hand, and how she uncurled as he eased whatever pain she'd recently experienced with his Adrien compassion.
Master Fu had been right in choosing him. Adrien had a good heart. And she loved him for it.
The first rule was broken. Had been broken this whole time. She loved him so much.
And that meant the other two rules were even more important if she wanted to prevent a disaster. Adrien couldn't know her identity, even though she was sure Chat Noir would never betray her like that. He understood how important the secret was more than anyone else.
The flash of pink light illuminated the walls around her, temporarily blinding her. Tikki was the first thing she saw.
Marinette fished a cookie out of her pocket. "He's Adrien," she said simply. "Chat Noir is Adrien."
Tikki took the cookie and nodded slowly. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you."
"I know," Marinette whispered, eyes back on him already.
He and the woman were sitting in the dirt. When she'd first appeared, she'd looked defeated in every way, weighed down with so much anguish that she couldn't stand. After a few minutes of talking to Chat Noir, she sat up straight, leaning back casually as he pointed out faint constellations above them.
"What are you going to do?" Tikki asked after she was done eating.
It was a question she'd been avoiding asking herself. She knew what she had to do, but she didn't want to, for herself and for him. But they were heroes, and sometimes that meant that other people came first, even at her own expense.
She transformed back. Her feet were heavy as she walked back to the pair.
Hawk Moth must have manipulated Adrien somehow. He must have tricked him. Or sent a powerful akuma that could read minds. There was no other explanation. But it didn't change what she had to do. Their love ended the world. She couldn't let that happen.
"So Eléa here-" He nodded toward the woman sitting next to him. "-and I have been chatting. Did you know that Pisces is a constellation and used to be a name for the formal classification for fish?"
"Used to be?" Ladybug settled down on the dirt next to him and watched him out of the corner of her eye, finding Adrien's familiar profile in every plane of Chat Noir's face.
"It's an unofficial superclass now," Eléa finished.
"She was on her way to her new job at the Nausicaá Centre National de la Mer."
"Probably not," Eléa said dully.
"There was an akuma attack at the train station," he told her. "Of course you couldn't get there for an early morning interview."
Eléa poked her toes into a pile of dirt and didn't answer.
"They don't usually publish the civilian's name or the reasons," Ladybug said. "No one will know it was you if you don't tell them. I'm sure they'll reschedule."
"An accomplished scientist like yourself will be a great addition to the best aquarium in Europe," Chat Noir said.
Both women smiled at him.
Ladybug had always loved that about Chat Noir: how gently he dealt with the akuma victims, never blaming them for being so upset, always letting them know it wasn't their fault, and that there was still hope for everything to turn out for the best.
They sat in silence until blue lights flashed on the buildings around them, and the police stepped out of their vehicles.
"Thank you both," Eléa said as she stood and dusted herself off.
"Of course," Ladybug said.
"Always an honor to help," Chat Noir added. "Good luck with your interview, though I know you don't need it."
Eléa gave each of them a quick hug before letting herself be led to the waiting ambulance.
"So, do we need to talk?" he asked as they watched her go.
Ladybug swallowed hard against the lump in her throat, but it didn't budge. She tried once more, then gave up. "Yeah, we do."
Doors slammed, engines revved, and Ladybug and Chat Noir were suddenly alone in the dark in the middle of an abandoned lot. What a depressing place for an even worse conversation.
"Do you want to go somewhere else, or?" he asked.
She grabbed his wrist before he could leap away from her. If only she could keep him here forever in this moment, before she had to ruin everything. Before she had to hurt him.
"So…" he began. "My identity."
"Your identity," she whispered back. Her eyes found his and then skittered away.
"Does this change things between us?" he asked. His breathing picked up its pace. His hand twitched under her grip.
She hated rule number two. She wanted him to know who she was. She wanted to be able to love him freely. This was going to hurt them both so much.
"Yes," she said. The least she could do was look him in the eye when she ruined their relationship. She should do that much for him. So she dropped his wrist and squared her shoulders and held her head high, willing herself not to cry and make this even harder for him. "But not in the way you want."
His disappointment was a subtle thing. A slight drop of his shoulders as he let out a small breath. The curl of his fingers where they hung at his sides. A barely perceptible tightness around his eyes when he gave her a smile.
"I guess that was too much to hope for."
It wasn't. It really, really wasn't.
"You can't wait for me," she said. "You have to move on."
The step back he took was not subtle. "What?"
"I mean it," she said. "I'm sorry, but we're not–"
"Ladybug, I don't think I can."
Her treacherous heart thundered. If Chat Noir had said that an hour ago, she would have turned away with a grimace. But now that it was also Adrien declaring his love for her, she wanted to pull him in and kiss him and never let him go.
All she could do was clasp her hands tightly and lie to him. "I want you to move on." Her eyes dropped to his shoulder. She couldn't face him for her final blow. "I'm not going to return your feelings, and it's not fair for either of us."
At least the last part was true. There was nothing fair about this situation. The best she could do now, even though she hated it, was to let him go. Maybe he could be happy and loved by someone else. She had to be strong for both of them. For Paris.
After Chat Noir had been quiet for several seconds, she chanced a peek at his face. His eyes were fixed on her wringing hands, so she unclenched them and slowly moved them against her sides.
"I'm sorry," she said helplessly. Rule number one said they couldn't be together, but rule three said she couldn't let him get upset enough to be akumatized either.
"It's okay," he said tonelessly. "You can't change how you feel."
The denial she wanted to shout at him pushed against her lips, but she held it back. This wasn't a new wound, so maybe it was better this way.
"Chat?" She stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder, pressing gently, trying to convey comfort and care only, and not all the love she had for him. It was a fine line she couldn't afford to cross.
"I'm okay," he said, passing a hand over his eyes quickly. He cleared his throat and said, "I'm okay," more firmly.
He stepped out from under her hand. It hung between them for a second, before she thought to lower it.
"I-" she started. What was there to say? There was no way for her to make it better. Empty apologies weren't going to help him, and she couldn't make him any hollow promises.
A cold breeze blew the loose lock of her hair into her eyes, and he reached up to tuck it behind her ear. The move was filled with such tenderness she thought her heart would break, and then he stepped back and smiled at her, as hollow and empty and broken as everything she couldn't say to him.
"I'll see you at patrol?" He flashed her a quick thumbs up.
"Sure. See you."
Like nothing had happened. Like it was just a normal goodbye between two friends.
Ladybug was the first to turn and leave. Chat Noir didn't follow her. The way back home was long and lonely.
Every muscle in her body was sore by the time Marinette got back to bed. She'd pushed herself to the edge to outrun the disaster she'd left behind, and it hadn't been enough. She handed Tikki a cookie and said she was going to sleep and laid very still until her kwami's soft snuffles let Marinette know she was asleep.
And finally she was alone with her thoughts. All of Paris was finally still, but Marinette felt like she was in freefall. She would see Adrien in a few hours at school. Would he be too upset to go? Would he think it was just another rejection like all the others and not take her seriously? A piece of her hoped he would, that there might be something salvageable between them, but the flash of white when she closed her eyes pushed that feeling down.
After a few more minutes of tossing and turning, she gave up on her bed and headed out to her balcony. A drizzle had started, but Marinette didn't mind. They were a pair, the city and her.
The streets were empty. Street lights were dampened. Sounds of life were all muffled. Not even the moon was visible.
A small flicker of movement caught her attention, a shadow darker than the others that moved across the rooftops, and a flash of golden hair.
"Chat Noir," she called out before she could tell herself this was a terrible idea.
The shadow stopped and turned toward her.
Hadn't he gone home yet? Had it taken him all this time to come back, or was he just wandering aimlessly? "What are you doing out?" she asked.
He made the jump to her balcony in three short leaps, with none of the theatrics she had come to associate with him.
"Akuma," he said briefly once he'd landed next to her. "But it's gone now," he added as an afterthought. "So you don't need to worry." He stared at her chrysanthemums before sliding down the railing.
She'd never seen him look so defeated in her life. He was a crumpled heap at her feet, hair and ears flat, tail and limbs all limp. It was a bad idea to offer him comfort. It was a bad idea to kneel next to him and wrap her arms around him. But bad ideas were all she had tonight, and she couldn't turn him away when he was upset and it was her fault, no matter what her rules said.
"You don't have to talk about it." Water soaked through to her knees quickly. His leather-clad shoulder against her cheek was hard and cold. "But I'll stay here with you as long as you need me to."
Eyes closed, she felt him nod.
"Why?" His question was only a whisper louder than the rain.
The apology she wanted to give him burned in her stomach. Marinette couldn't give him that without suspicion. "Because you do so much for me - for the city! - that I want to help you too."
"I shouldn't be here." He tried to stand, but Marinette refused to let him rise. "I can't burden a citizen with my problems."
"That's not true," she said. There were a hundred reasons why, but 99 of them were only Ladybug's. "We're friends. That means I care about you and I'm here for you."
And she wanted to know when he was upset. If there was anything she knew about her Chaton, it was that he often stuffed his feelings when they were anything other than glowing. He would hide how hurt he was from Ladybug so she wouldn't have to suffer along with him. Marinette wasn't going to let him do that this time.
Rain pattered around them, making her flowers' petals tremble and plastering her hair to her face.
"Promise me something?" she asked after a few minutes.
"Come over whenever you're upset. I don't care if it's personal stuff or superhero stuff. When you feel like you don't have anyone else, remember you have me and come visit." Because she could be with him this way even if she couldn't be with him the way they both wanted. Because he deserved better. Because she loved him.
He rested his head against hers. "I will."
A/N: Welcome to my contribution to this year’s Big Bang! Thanks for setting it up @mlbigbang. And thanks to @khanofallorcs for beta’ing! There will be artwork for the upcoming chapters, so stay tuned for that! I’ll link and reblog when they’re posted!
There will be seven chapters total, and this one’s the longest one. :)
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angelmalocaris · 5 months
Hello NEN Tumblr! Tumblr NEN fans! NENblr! Whatever you are!
There are like 5 of you at most, even when rounded up, but I have a confession to post.
Tumblr media
This shrine, you see this “shrine” right here? From the NEN website? (CONT. under cut)
That is MY shrine. I made that. Those objects are in my possession.
This image is sort of old. I haven’t cleaned my bedroom in awhile so I will hold off on taking new ones for the time being, but here are my Emery related trinkets I have and projects I have worked on. This is not a complete list by any means, mostly just my biggest or most well known ones.
Lets get the big stuffy fluff-filled elephant out of the room, the pillow. Yes that is an Emery body pillow! (Or dakimakura I suppose.)
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YES it is hand made! YES I do sleep with it every night! and YES my mom did help me make it! While it has become SIGNIFICANTLY more faded over time, it is well loved. That is my wifey! Of course I take care of her!
It's almost completely homemade, my mom prints t-shirt so we just printed on some fabric. There is a heart-shaped button and a few feathers in the stuffing, think like a BaB plushie.
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Enough of that, time for a walk. Here’s the Emery engraved collar!
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Real metal! After saving a bit of money and walking and hour or so, I purchased this at a store to be made by an engraving machine. Why? Because I can! And have you seen Emery? That’s definitely a critter.
I'm hungry... so hungry I could eat... an Emery!!!
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Here are three separate Emery cakes I made! Left to right in order. They're all box mix but I baked them and frosted them on my own.
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My grandma made this one. Goo Goo Gah Gah...
By now, all the cakes are long gone.
First Cake Death
Second Cake Death (My favorite!)*
Third Cake Death
*(also a remake of the first.)
Quick time event!!! Here's some Emeries I made in video games.
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Note, while I did not make the Emery Mii (Hal did) I am including it here because I think it's notable that I got to marry Emery in the game.
I have lost my membership in this time so the full outfit is not possible for me anymore, but feel free to recreate it. Its simple and the items shouldn't be too hard to acquire.
It's just 1, the Square Glasses (members only) from Jam Mart Clothing in green for 350 gems 2, the tie from Jam Mart Clothing in red for 100 gems, and the Rare Crimson Topcoat (members only). While the topcoat is marked "Rare" its quite common for a rare item and IIRC I may(?) even have more than one.
I want to update the Petz 4 Emery. I could probably make it better now and I want him to be a dog when I decide to remake it.
I have lost my old save for tomodachi life but someday I will get married to him again... just you wait!!!
You know what games are made of? Code. So are webbed sites... Usually not the same code, but you get the idea.
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This is my Emery web shrine! I will not link to it because its very old and not very good by my current standards. You can see its age by Emery being called "Telly" and some of the older artwork ( being by Hal of course.) Someday it will be made better and strong...
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and yes. I did help with some (a lot) of the code on the NEN site. I'm blaming any of the messy stuff in there on Hal though because she's the one doing most updates. Sorry Hal! Maybe learn more than some HTML and I won't throw you under the bus. I need to log on and fix up some of that in a bit. I am sure it looks like a tornado hit it from the inside.
I have been at this for months, even years now. Longer than the NEN official site even existed. A lot of this is hand made and if not that, completely out of my own pockets. I plan to continue being crazy even if my pockets are reduced to nothing but lint and moths (they have, more than once.) I love Emery Phone.
Peace and Love (except for the french, that being Emery. I will get you Emery.)
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Tschüss! Buh-Bye! Until next time! Au revoir! (Eww... French...)
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liketwoswansinbalance · 10 months
On a boys' night out, on a certain assignment, circa the early days of Fall, a bit after Midas' kidnapping and before Pan's arrival:
James: Well, I'm stymied, lads.
Midas: I second that.
Aladdin: Eh.
James: So, what do we do with it? [referring to the corpse of their murder victim]
Midas: [dully] What. You never got any murder practice in while you worked with Rhian? [mumbled as an aside,] I never trusted him. Too self-righteous but just doesn't strike me as right.
James: [He shrugs.] He wasn't always corrupt. But, I think I may have had a hand in that. Never got the chance to apologize to his brother either...
Midas: Neither of those two deserve an apology! What would Kyma do? Give it an honorable burial?
James: She'd never be in a situation like this with the likes of us.
Aladdin: She's too Good.
Midas: Huh.
James: What would Rhian do?
Midas: Treat us like pawns? Wait, no, that's Brother Evil. Rhian would give us a hypocritical lecture about "morality." He'd never get off his high horse and give up those holier-than-thou delusions of his, not for as long as he lives.
James: [musing] Come to think of it—I never did take well to his magic.
Aladdin: All I know is that we're pathetic. I bet this is something first-year Nevers would get as homework. Or, would it be called field-work? Or target practice?
James: Speak for yourself. [he needles drolly,] You sure you weren't placed in the wrong School?
Aladdin: Nah, 'course not. Besides, murder is against the School Rules. If it weren’t, I would’ve offed you a long time ago.
James: [snidely] Is it? Well that’s just a fine bucket of eels left out to rot in the midday sun, no less. Glad to be appreciated, Laddie.
[Aladdin scowls. Midas smirks and holds back a laugh.]
James: [thoughtfully] Now, what would Rafal do?
All three: [nodding sagely] Burn it.
James: And all the evidence.
Sometime after the favorite sandwich and broken leg lies that went uncorrected:
Rafal: My ears are burning.
Rhian: Liar.
Rafal: That was uncalled for!
Rhian: Apologies, force of habit. I do ever so wonder why that is. Well, students do gossip, you know. [He dismissed with a wave of his hand, and set down a letter-opener.] You're just overly paranoid, as always.
Rafal: [with suspicion] What do you mean?
Rhian: [while opening an envelope, spoken lightly] Probably, the boys are doing my assignment.
Rafal [narrowing his eyes]: What assignment?
Rhian: [smugly] That's for me to know and you to not find out. I'm not worried though. You're too blind to see what goes on around you in plain sight.
Rafal: Hmpth. We'll see about that. [He covertly tucks a ink-stained, rubber moth stamp into his pocket, and stalks off on his limp, meaning to leave their study by the window.]
Rhian: [calling after him, preciously, saccharinely] Is that a threat?
Rafal: [cryptically, without looking back] No. It's a vow.
Please let me know if anyone seems too out of character. I'm not actually that used to writing Midas yet.
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moongothic · 2 months
Oh hey let's do a rabid fire sesh of a few projects I did over the past few months 'cause these smaller ones don't need their own posts
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Starting with the oldest; a basic ass red scarf. I had bought yarn, wanted to make a blanket, decided this wasn't the yarn for that project (mainly because I did not feel like buying like 200€ worth of this yarn to have enough FOR a blanket), turned it into a scarf instead. It is nice. And then the latest, as in "I finished this today"; a basic, small crochet rug. Mom had made these double-layered seat cushions years ago, and they were nasty, so much so that just washing them and dusting them would not clean them (because of being double layered, there was just dust inside the cushions). So instead of throwing them out I unraveled them to reclaim the yarn and turned it into a rug instead. It's a basic moss stitch rug, not very large, but it is quite soft (tube yarn). Though the texture of the yarn made crocheting it quite unpleasant, 0/10, would not do this again (with this yarn).
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So if you remember, I had this pink yarn leftover from my first crochet sweater-turned-first knit sweater. Didn't have much to do with it, so I just knit that yarn into a single large panel. Then, reclaiming some fabric from an old button-up shirt (it had really bad stains on it elsewhere), I got a matching panel that I then attached together. I grabbed an old pillow I had absolutely shredded (as in "the filling is just loose lumps of polyester bouncing around"), stuffed it into the new pillowcase and boom. New cat bed for Honey. It's been done for a few months now and I can confirm, she absolutely loves it, which is all that matters. (I didn't sew the pillowcase shut because I wanted to make it easy to clean if necessary)
Then! Idiot's first try at embroidery! It sucked ass!
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IDK I had wanted to try embroidering like small charms/pins for a while so I ended up caving in and got some felt and embroidery floss to try it out. I did keep on telling myself it was my first time so it was going to turn out bad most likely and to not worry about it, but man. It turned out so bad. I was so disappointed. It just looks so messy?? I can't tell if it's piss poor technique or poor color choises either (probably both let's be real)
But I kept on trying. Second attempt I forgot to take process photos but it was pretty much the same (I did have a delightful time trying to figure out how to "sketch" the moth onto the felt with thread because I couldn't actually draw onto it, it was too dark). Still hated how it turned out. Still decided to give it a third short, this time choosing to use some absolutely ANCIENT sewing thread instead of embroidery floss. (Also experimented using some extra felt to add "layers" to the thing, though in the end it wasn't noticable at all lol)
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I still think it turned out horrible, but also definitely my favorite of the three. I am not immune to the Power of Penk I guess. But hey, I did manage to sell two of these for 50 cents each at a convention lmaooo
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