#music arists
farbexx · 4 months
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one big mood.
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devilish-parrot · 2 months
how do neurotypicals listen to music? apparently its not normal that i listen to the same two artists on loop, same two albums on loop and same two songs on loop for at least 13 hours a day
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tiredsn0w · 7 months
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So now you've done a little wrong / And you need to be forgiven
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narnian-penguin · 2 months
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ꪖꪶꪶ ꠸ ꫝꫀꪖ᥅ ꪖ᥅ꫀ ᦓᥴ᥅ꫀꪖꪑᦓ, ꫀꪜꫀ᥅ꪗ ꪻ꠸ꪑꫀ ꠸ ᦔꪖ᥅ꫀ ꪻꪮ ᥴꪶꪮᦓꫀ ꪑꪗ ꫀꪗꫀᦓ
꠸ ꪀꪮ ꪶꪮꪀᧁꫀ᥅ ᦔ᥅ꫀꪖꪑ, ꪮꪀꪶꪗ ꪀ꠸ᧁꫝꪻꪑꪖ᥅ꫀᦓ ꪮᠻ ꪻꫝꪮᦓꫀ ᭙ꫝꪮ'ꪜꫀ ᦔ꠸ꫀᦔ
ꪀꪮꪻꫝ꠸ꪀᧁ'ᦓ ᭙ꫝꪖꪻ ꠸ꪻ ᦓꫀꫀꪑᦓ
ꪀꪮꪻꫝ꠸ꪀᧁ'ᦓ ᭙ꫝꪖꪻ ꠸ꪻ ᦓꫀꫀꪑᦓ
᥇ꪊꪻ ꠸ꪀ ꪻꫝꫀ ꪊꪀᦔꫀ᥅᭙ꪮ᥅ꪶᦔ, ꪻꫝꫀ ρꪖᦓꪻ ᦓꫀꫀꪑᦓ ᥴꪶꪮᦓꫀ ᥇ꫀꫝ꠸ꪀᦔ
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efsungeradam · 5 months
Bazı acılar faydalıdır. Önce üzer sonra her şeyi daha iyi anlamamızı sağlar.
Mevlana diyor ki, "Sopayla kilime vuranın gayesi, kilimi dövmek değildir. Onun tozunu, kirini almak için vurur ona."
Bazen de hayat bizi sarsar, silkeler. Kirimizi, tozumuzu almak için.
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aesonas · 2 months
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Ροκ μυθιστόρημα
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westheskald · 3 months
A poem or song I wrote about the ideal of selfless devotion (to a person, romantic partner, cause, god etc etc)
When you carry the weight of the truth
Itʼs the lies that will break down your door
When you get to the fork in the road
And you take the path unpaved
You know that living for something more
Doesnʼt mean that youʼll be saved
Against time
Iʼll make mine
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Itʼs hard to live with the burden of truth
When the sleepers just wonʼt wake
You know itʼs bigger than yourself
And you canʼt just go your own way
When youʼre living for something more
Oh the risks that you will take
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sanpape · 10 months
I messed up this year's Spotify wrapped because I listened to funger and re4's soundtracks on repeat while writing and now all my top songs are ambient horror sounds
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queenstaybeysel · 2 months
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I really like your strange sounds/music :)
Thank you!! 💖😸💖
I am so happy to find people who enjoy it! It’s a bit of an acquired taste, so finding people who connect with it is always amazing!
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                                           EXPERIENCE - K?D
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oca-rinn-a · 1 year
and they can't catch me now; seems like every time, the karma comes back around, just like clockwork.
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autumnrory · 28 days
is there any proof that artists have spotify autoplay their songs bc idk why there's so much discourse around that
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turbomnstr · 4 months
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Ya'll Gaga Ready!?
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f4ngedgirl · 8 months
i have some things to say about the Grammys…
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