#mutants love malls
farsight-the-char · 1 year
I hope RWBY Vol10 dedicates an episode to feelings jams and the characters having a good time. I hope Team RWBY go to a Mall, like X-men
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(Uncanny X-men 244)
Just having a good time, fashion, and Mall. Weiss as Alison, Ruby as Betsy, Blake as Storm, Yang as Rogue
Something something, this being the Outback Era of X-men, Vacuo being Remnant’s Australia (thus outback).....
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ivoryrisuet · 1 year
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ok so i was really overstimulated yesterday and couldn’t do shit and sketching this whole situation was the only thing that could ease my condition.
i don’t thik of it as a whole au but they’re kinda cute :’)
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physalian · 3 months
10 Character Dynamics the World Needs More of
Me handing out character dynamics like free samples at the Mall Food Court: “Take one! Or two! You’ll love it!”
I don’t care how many times these tropes have been done – write more of them. Write all of them. Fill out your author bingo card one by one.
1. “No one gets to kill you but me, Old Friend”
This. Right here. Primo rival content that I *live* for. All the juicy history between two old frenemies, the character drama, the backstory, the titillating unknown of what drove these two to rival status, bitter enemies that respect the heck out of each other, to the point that hell hath no fury should one get knocked down without the other’s consent.
And, of course, the moment where it seems all bets are off, when the rival comes to save their ass only to hand it back to them at a later date. The angst! The shipping fodder! Need I say more?
2. A bigger, badder villain, and their minion
You, reader, spend countless hours hating the guts of the big bad villain. They’re evil, they’re vile, they’re sadistic, heartless, irredeemable bastards. They killed your favorite character for shock value. The big bad moustache-twirling antagonist… is actually not the biggest fish in the story.
Either they’re coerced into doing evil as a puppet of the Bigger Bad, a tragic villain in their own right, or they have some reservation, some line even they won’t cross, someone else’s boots they have to kiss, someone who features in their nightmares, as they feature in the heroes. They end their stories dispatched without a thought by the Bigger Bad, or redeem themselves in death by taking out their masters. It never gets old.
3. A leader and their lancer: besties
You know what’s better than leaders and lancers who have zero faith in each other and are constantly bickering about who should be in charge? Leaders and their right-hands who adore each other (platonically). They have each other’s backs, they know each other’s greatest strengths and weaknesses and are each other’s perfect covers.
They can communicate with looks and vague gestures alone, they compliment each other’s flaws and misgivings, build up the rest of the team when they’re down on their luck, and should misfortune strike either, they pull out all the stops and show off exactly why they’re not to be trifled with, so that even the villain is afraid.
4. “I don’t even know who you are”
Oh, but you will. This one twists the knife, robbing the avenging hero of the importance in this world they’re desperate to maintain. They are their own hero, the sun revolves around them… but not to this one asshat that ruined their life and doesn’t even remember doing it.
An entire identity built upon the finding, fighting, and overcoming of this wrongdoer, every other goal in life cast aside for this one impossibility. Either the villain toys with the hero to make them irate, or gets suckerpunched by some pissant fueled by vengeance and spite and divine purpose to dole justice where justice is due.
6. The jaded badass and their naive ward
If the last 8 years of media is anything to go by, we still love this trope, whether it’s in a galaxy far, far away or a fungi-zombie post-apocalypse, or in the twilight hours of an era of legendary mutants. The best part of this trope? You get two often contradictory character types in one body. The pessimist, PTSD-ridden master of old with no living friends left and at least one dead love interest *and* beneath all that, still lies an atrophied heart of gold just waiting to be nurtured and revived.
The naive ward gets a hard lesson in how crappy the world can be, but also in how there’s still some goodness left, if their guardian cares about them. The jaded badass in turn, learns how good the world can be, that there’s something still worth fighting for beyond the next bottom of a bottle.
6. The enemy of my enemy (is my friend)
Similar to the “old friends”, this trope is often a result of the minioned Big Bad realizing they don’t want to be evil anymore. Or, bitter old rivals, sides of a war that have been fighting for generations, ideological polar opposites, fundamental polar opposites all come together when: Some evil schmuck managed to scare them both.
Doesn’t matter on what shaky ground this temporary alliance is built, or how long it lasts, equally-competent badasses on both sides finally work together and compliment each other’s strengths, and compensate for their weaknesses, in a way their teammates never could.
7. The irredeemable villain’s only wholesome connection
Not so irredeemable anymore, now are they? This trope messes with your head, taking a character you know has done heinous acts of terror, but who cares unflinchingly, unabashedly, about one thing – either their lover, their pet, their relative, or their kid.
This exists independently of the heroes and is not the same as an “oops I guess I’m your father” reveal. I’m talking this character who everyone is convinced cares about nothing and no one but themselves and their ambition still has a place in their soul for something they want to protect, they want to be loved by, or that they must spare from their atrocities.
8. Platonic Heterosexual Friendships
These two have seen each other at their most vulnerable. They’ve shared fears, dreams, desires, know each other’s deepest, darkest secrets. They’ve seen each other exhausted, frazzled, dressed up, dressed down, bloodied and broken and like a raw, open nerve. These two would die for each other, they would live for each other, and yet.
They’re not in love with each other. They’re wholly comfortable in each other’s spaces without lust and desire mucking up the atmosphere. Neither is the one, neither wants to be the one. They remain together not for the bonds of romance, but for the bonds of friendship, and nothing could be stronger.
10. The Ace and their best friend, the Self-Proclaimed Slut
These two respect the f*ck out of each other. One never mocks the other for lacking desire and in return, they’re never mocked for their promiscuity. They’ll never walk in each other’s shoes, but they don’t need to, to understand that’s just how some people are. They’re each other’s safest spaces when the world doesn’t take either of them seriously.
They’re each other’s biggest defenders against the bullies, presumers, the holier-than-thous who think they have it all figured out. They’re the perfect compliment to give advice on everything from relationships to the best outfits for an outing because there’s *zero sexual tension* between them. Or, maybe, if the stars align, they’re something more.
10. The redeeming villain, and their staunchest skeptic
This villain has lost everything – their home, the respect of their people, their worth, their evil ambition, their identity, and has begun working their way up from rock bottom doing everything in their power to show the heroes that they’re serious. They make amends, they break their bones proving themselves, they’ve swayed everyone they’ve wronged in the hero camp.
Except one. The one character that was probably their first defender, and got burned for it. The character that was naive enough to think this villain could be saved, and was wrong. The character that won’t be duped again without some serious drama and soul-bearing between them.
Now tell me which ones I missed!
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betyloca · 4 months
members of the x-men with a s/o who was in a mutant circus and his/her mutation in which she is a symbiote
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scott summers
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• heard that the new student came from a circus
• I wouldn't ask I wouldn't want to ask and make you uncomfortable
• but he didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet a new student
- Hi, I'm Scott Summers.
- Hello, I'm y/n.
- If you need to get out of here I know how to escape and take you wherever you want
• this boy had no idea what your mutation was, he thought you were very strong
• until he saw you create symbiotic tentacles
• He is impressed by your mutation and offers to help you in your training.
• worries when there are loud sounds that could hurt you
• is impressed with the amount of food you can eat
•He loves your full symbiote form and thinks you're very intimidating, which would help him scare people for fun.
• he lets you work with him so that you can be with him
jean gray
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• found out that a new student had arrived
• She knows where you come from and what your life was like in the circus because she read your mind.
• you were in the courtyard of the mansion when you met her
- Hi I am ..
- y/n I know I'm Jean Gray
- how do you know my name?
- I'm a telepath
- oh can I sit with you?
- of course, why not
• they began to be almost always with her
• One day you showed him your mutation by making claws appear and your arm turning a symbiotic black color.
• You thought you had scared her but she already knew about your mutation. You're glad she wasn't scared.
• She knows what it's like for people to fear you so she doesn't let anyone mess with you.
• He likes to have lunch with you in the mansion garden even though you always end up eating almost everything due to your voracious hunger.
• likes it when you do stunts to impress the
• He likes it when you are in your symbiotic mass form and you are lying on his bed or couch and you are on his chest sleeping while he caresses you.
• I wouldn't let you have fun with her, she's afraid that she'll hurt you with her telepathy.
• He doesn't get scared when he sees your full symbiote form because he knows you would melt at his touch.
kurt wagner
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• he was excited at the idea of making a new friend
• He heard rumors that you came from a circus. He knew what it was like to live there since he was in one.
• you were walking through the hallways lost when you ran into him
- Excuse me, do you know where the classrooms are?
- If you want I can take you
- okay thanks, I'm y/n
- I'm Kurt Wagner
• immediately became your friend
• He doesn't leave your side until he told you that he also lived in a circus
• That's how they began to share experiences of how they lived
• He likes it when you show off your stunts since you were a trapeze artist.
• One day when they were at the mall a guy started making fun of his appearance making him feel horrible.
boy: look that guy looks like a monster hahaha* laughing with his friends*
Kurt: We better go* while looking at the ground*
y/n: hey, the only monster is me, you idiot* while deforming his face making his eyes white and his mouth bigger with sharp fangs*
boy: ooh shit let's go * while he runs with his friends *
• He is impressed by your mutation and likes to ask what else you can do.
• gets worried when there are loud noises and when it happens he covers your ears
• At Christmas I give you headphones to prevent you from hearing the fireworks so they don't hurt you.
• keeps you away from anything flammable wants you to be safe
• He likes it when you are in your symbiotic dough form. He thinks you are very cute. He loves having you in his hands while he feeds you (he likes to concentrate on you).
•When this boy finds out that you can have fun with a person, he feels curious and nervous when you have fun with him.
• when he gets used to it he likes to be with you all the time talking to you while you talk to him in his head
• At first he was scared by your full symbiote form but he didn't mean to. He liked how intimidating you looked but he knows you wouldn't like him
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tranquil-ivy · 4 months
Auburn | '24 Alphabet Challenge
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your son wants Eddie to be his Dad and Eddie really doesn't want to be like his father.
Words: 1.5k
Content Warning: Domestic fluff, mentions of death (briefly), mentions of marriage and an unconventional proposal. (It's Eddie, c'mon)
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The sound of clattering filled the kitchen as Eddie quickly steadied the bright green bowl on the counter. A pair of wide innocent blue eyes look up at him from the floor as he shushes him softly.
"We can't make too much noise. It's too early. You'll wake up your mom." A small giggle comes from the small boy next to him as he gave him a pointed look.
"Sorry Eddie." He says, continuing his giggling as he trots over to the lower cabinet next to the fridge, ninja turtle slippers dragging against the cold linoleum.
Eddie watched the little one open the cabinet and grab a box of off-brand sugary cereal almost as big as he was. His little waves of hair bobbing as he carried it over to the counter, he set it on the hard surface, climbing onto the chair propped up against the counter next to Eddie.
"Not too much now. We don't want you hopping off the walls when we go out in the snow later." He pouts, pouring the cereal into his bowl, Eddie supervising, as he knew this kid loved doing everything himself.
"Good?" His little face looked up at him for approval. Eddie nods, watching the kid go put the box back.
"Go turn your cartoons on, I'll get the milk."
This became the normal Saturday morning routine every time Eddie stayed at his girlfriend's apartment. Being woken up at 7am by her son Oliver, mostly called Ollie, just to watch cartoons together and eat cereal in front of the TV.
Not the most extravagant tradition, but it was something he enjoyed regardless.
Time passes as they dine on their bowls of cereal and watch the newest episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Ollie sets his bowl down on the floor, looking up at Eddie seated in his usual recliner. Enjoying his own bowl of cereal.
"Eddie?" The curly-haired musician stopped his chewing to look down at the boy. He looks nervous almost as he fiddles with the buttons on his pajama shirt.
"Yeah kid?"
"You love my Mom, right?" Eddie raises an eyebrow, a soft clank breaks the silence as he drops his spoon in his bowl.
"Of course I do. I love your Mom a lot." Ollie nods, looking back at the television, watching an ad for some brand new toy coming out soon.
"And you love me, right?" The brunet sat forward, having a feeling he knew exactly where this conversation was going.
"I love you just as much as your Mom, Bud." Eddie studied the profile of the little boy's face as he turned to look at the older man.
"Are you going to marry my Mom?" Eddie's eyes went wide, his mouth slipping open with a shocked 'uhh', Ollie patiently waiting for his answer.
"I'd like to some day if she wants to..." He chuckled nervously, watching the little boy nod and look back at the TV again as his cartoon came back on.
"Good, 'cause I want you to be my Dad."
Eddie stared at the kid, his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach. Nerves started to get the better of him as he started to dwell on the thought.
He never really pictured himself being the father type because he didn't really grow up with a Dad. Just his Uncle Wayne when he took him in at a young age after his own father went to prison.
He knew what it was like growing up without a father, and he knew about the situation of your son's biological father dying years ago in the Hawkins Mall fire. Right before you could even tell him you were pregnant.
This poor kid would never get to know his real dad, but by how you described the guy maybe it was for the best.
"You really want me to be your old man?" Ollie turned again, looking up at Eddie. His beautiful little blue eyes gleamed at the thought, making Eddie almost smile.
"Yeah, you're fun, and you want to spend time with me. I like when you play with me, or we watch cartoons together. And you make my Mom happy." Eddie finally smiled.
He knows he makes you happy, you tell him enough. But having a child notice just makes him feel all the more appreciated for his efforts.
"I'm trying to do good by you and your Mom." He knows what it's like to not have a father. Even if this kid technically isn't his son yet, he'd be damned if he didn't treat him like he was.
"You're both very important to me and some day I hope to be your Dad. You're a good kid, and I'd be proud to be your old man."
"You can't be my Dad right now?" Eddie tenses up, knowing it really isn't exactly that simple.
"It's not that easy. Plus, that would be a question only your Mother could answer."
"What question?" Both of their attentions turned to the hall doorway. There you stood, half asleep and confused with a coffee cup in your hands.
"Can Eddie be my Dad?"
Your eyes go wide staring at your son in disbelief. You knew he adored Eddie since you two started dating a little over a year ago. Introducing them to each other and becoming inseparable almost immediately.
It was obvious that your boyfriend would make a fantastic dad for your son, but you still didn't want to rush things with him and risk scaring him away.
"Oliver, honey. It's not that simple. From a legal standpoint..." Your lips draw to a line as Ollie stares at you, still innocent as ever. Glancing at Eddie, he just smirks. All the cocky son of a bitch can do is egg on the question.
"I think he really wants you to answer the question babe." Glaring at him, you think of exactly what to say, getting the idea to turn this around on him.
"For him to be your Dad, we'd have to get married. And that would mean Eddie would have to ask me to marry him." Ollie looks back at Eddie as the Metal heads face drops.
"Would you marry my Mom?"
"In a heartbeat." He answers, chocolate brown eyes locking on you.
Ollie looks back and forth between you two, little curls bouncing on his head as it bobs back and forth. His attention quickly turns towards the TV, hearing the turtles talking and remembering he was watching cartoons.
Eddie looks up at you, shrugging and patting his lap as he moves the cereal bowl off his lap and onto the side table next to him.
"C'mere sweetheart." Walking over, he takes your coffee and sets it down right before you sit across his lap. Tattooed arms wrap around your calves and waist.
"I'm sorry if he blindsided you. He's just been asking me about Billy a lot lately and... I guess since he started preschool he just sees other kids with their parents." His grip tightens on you, your head going to his shoulder as he chuckles.
"It's fine babe. I'm just a little surprised. I knew he liked me just not this much." You scoff, his head turning towards you. A soft smile on his lips as he admires your face.
"He's nuts about you, Eddie."
"Gets it from his Mom." You laugh, tapping him on his chest, sliding it up his collarbone and behind his neck past his mountain of messy curls.
"And I don't need some stupid papers to call him my kid. If he wants me to be his Dad, I'm his Dad... I'm just a little on edge about the whole thing, being a good role model."
"You already are. I don't see him causing issues or breaking any laws." Eddie grins, knowing what you mean, but that same sinking feeling won't go away.
"He's 4. I think the most I've seen him fuss about was going to bed at 8. I guess I just don't want to be like my old man, swore I'd never be like him."
"You aren't your father, Ed. Far from it. You love Ollie and treat him like pure gold compared to what you've told me about how you were treated. I'd be happy for you to be his Dad when the time comes."
Eddie beams, his chest going warm with love and endearment. You lean in to kiss him on the lips sweetly. Returning the kiss, he pulls you closer to his body. Almost like he's trying to become one with you.
"You think the Town Hall's closed because of the snow storm?" He asks, pulling away from the kiss.
"Maybe?" You look at him inquisitively, trying to figure out what he's thinking. "Why?"
Eddie moves his arm from around your calves, pulling off one of his many rings and looks at you.
"I know it's just a piece of paper, but I really do want to marry you. So, why don't we go down to the courthouse first chance we get an make it official. Make you Mrs. Munson. Would you like that?" Holding up the ring, he gestures it towards you.
You stare in shock, knowing your answer as you take the ring and slide it on your finger. The black band was way too big for your digits, but you didn't care. A rush of warmth washes over you, making your cheeks burn and your smile brighter.
"I'd like that."
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spooky-wisp · 1 month
"Good, 'cause I want you to be my Dad."
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Repost from other account
1.5k words
CW: Domestic fluff, she/her use, afab reader, mentions of Billy's death (briefly), Billy Hargrove illegitimate child, mention of marriage and unconventional proposal
Early Winter 1989
The sound of clattering filled the kitchen as Eddie quickly steadied the bright green bowl on the counter. A pair of wide innocent blue eyes look up at him from the floor as he shushes him softly.
"We can't make too much noise. It's too early. You'll wake up your mom." A small giggle comes from the small boy next to him as he gave him a pointed look.
"Sorry Eddie." He says, continuing his giggling as he trots over to the lower cabinet next to the fridge, ninja turtle slippers dragging against the cold linoleum.
Eddie watched the little one open the cabinet and grab a box of off-brand sugary cereal almost as big as he was. His little waves of hair bobbing as he carried it over to the counter, he set it on the hard surface, climbing onto the chair propped up against the counter next to Eddie.
"Not too much now. We don't want you hopping off the walls when we go out in the snow later." He pouts, pouring the cereal into his bowl, Eddie supervising, as he knew this kid loved doing everything himself.
"Good?" His little face looked up at him for approval. Eddie nods, watching the kid go put the box back.
"Go turn your cartoons on, I'll get the milk."
This became the normal Saturday morning routine every time Eddie stayed at his girlfriend's apartment. Being woken up at 7am by her son Oliver, mostly called Ollie, just to watch cartoons together and eat cereal in front of the TV.
Not the most extravagant tradition, but it was something he enjoyed regardless.
Time passes as they dine on their bowls of cereal and watch the newest episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Ollie sets his bowl down on the floor, looking up at Eddie seated in his usual recliner. Enjoying his own bowl of cereal.
"Eddie?" The curly-haired musician stopped his chewing to look down at the boy. He looks nervous almost as he fiddles with the buttons on his pajama shirt.
"Yeah kid?"
"You love my Mom, right?" Eddie raises an eyebrow, a soft clank breaks the silence as he drops his spoon in his bowl.
"Of course I do. I love your Mom a lot." Ollie nods, looking back at the television, watching an ad for some brand new toy coming out soon.
"And you love me, right?" The brunet sat forward, having a feeling he knew exactly where this conversation was going.
"I love you just as much as your Mom, Bud." Eddie studied the profile of the little boy's face as he turned to look at the older man.
"Are you going to marry my Mom?" Eddie's eyes went wide, his mouth slipping open with a shocked 'uhh', Ollie patiently waiting for his answer.
"I'd like to some day if she wants to..." He chuckled nervously, watching the little boy nod and look back at the TV again as his cartoon came back on.
"Good, 'cause I want you to be my Dad."
Eddie stared at the kid, his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach. Nerves started to get the better of him as he started to dwell on the thought.
He never really pictured himself being the father type because he didn't really grow up with a Dad. Just his Uncle Wayne when he took him in at a young age after his own father went to prison.
He knew what it was like growing up without a father, and he knew about the situation of your son's biological father dying years ago in the Hawkins Mall fire. Right before you could even tell him you were pregnant.
This poor kid would never get to know his real dad, but by how you described the guy maybe it was for the best.
"You really want me to be your old man?" Ollie turned again, looking up at Eddie. His beautiful little blue eyes gleamed at the thought, making Eddie almost smile.
"Yeah, you're fun, and you want to spend time with me. I like when you play with me, or we watch cartoons together. And you make my Mom happy." Eddie finally smiled.
He knows he makes you happy, you tell him enough. But having a child notice just makes him feel all the more appreciated for his efforts.
"I'm trying to do good by you and your Mom." He knows what it's like to not have a father. Even if this kid technically isn't his son yet, he'd be damned if he didn't treat him like he was.
"You're both very important to me and some day I hope to be your Dad. You're a good kid, and I'd be proud to be your old man."
"You can't be my Dad right now?" Eddie tenses up, knowing it really isn't exactly that simple.
"It's not that easy. Plus, that would be a question only your Mother could answer."
"What question?" Both of their attentions turned to the hall doorway. There you stood, half asleep and confused with a coffee cup in your hands.
"Can Eddie be my Dad?"
Your eyes go wide staring at your son in disbelief. You knew he adored Eddie since you two started dating a little over a year ago. Introducing them to each other and becoming inseparable almost immediately.
It was obvious that your boyfriend would make a fantastic dad for your son, but you still didn't want to rush things with him and risk scaring him away.
"Oliver, honey. It's not that simple. From a legal standpoint..." Your lips draw to a line as Ollie stares at you, still innocent as ever. Glancing at Eddie, he just smirks. All the cocky son of a bitch can do is egg on the question.
"I think he really wants you to answer the question babe." Glaring at him, you think of exactly what to say, getting the idea to turn this around on him.
"For him to be your Dad, we'd have to get married. And that would mean Eddie would have to ask me to marry him." Ollie looks back at Eddie as the Metal heads face drops.
"Would you marry my Mom?"
"In a heartbeat." He answers, chocolate brown eyes locking on you.
Ollie looks back and forth between you two, little curls bouncing on his head as it bobs back and forth. His attention quickly turns towards the TV, hearing the turtles talking and remembering he was watching cartoons.
Eddie looks up at you, shrugging and patting his lap as he moves the cereal bowl off his lap and onto the side table next to him.
"C'mere sweetheart." Walking over, he takes your coffee and sets it down right before you sit across his lap. Tattooed arms wrap around your calves and waist.
"I'm sorry if he blindsided you. He's just been asking me about Billy a lot lately and... I guess since he started preschool he just sees other kids with their parents." His grip tightens on you, your head going to his shoulder as he chuckles.
"It's fine babe. I'm just a little surprised. I knew he liked me just not this much." You scoff, his head turning towards you. A soft smile on his lips as he admires your face.
"He's nuts about you, Eddie."
"Gets it from his Mom." You laugh, tapping him on his chest, sliding it up his collarbone and behind his neck past his mountain of messy curls.
"And I don't need some stupid papers to call him my kid. If he wants me to be his Dad, I'm his Dad... I'm just a little on edge about the whole thing, being a good role model."
"You already are. I don't see him causing issues or breaking any laws." Eddie grins, knowing what you mean, but that same sinking feeling won't go away.
"He's 4. I think the most I've seen him fuss about was going to bed at 8. I guess I just don't want to be like my old man, swore I'd never be like him."
"You aren't your father, Ed. Far from it. You love Ollie and treat him like pure gold compared to what you've told me about how you were treated. I'd be happy for you to be his Dad when the time comes."
Eddie beams, his chest going warm with love and endearment. You lean in to kiss him on the lips sweetly. Returning the kiss, he pulls you closer to his body. Almost like he's trying to become one with you.
"You think the Town Hall's closed because of the snow storm?" He asks, pulling away from the kiss.
"Maybe?" You look at him inquisitively, trying to figure out what he's thinking. "Why?"
Eddie moves his arm from around your calves, pulling off one of his many rings and looks at you.
"I know it's just a piece of paper, but I really do want to marry you. So, why don't we go down to the courthouse first chance we get an make it official. Make you Mrs. Munson. Would you like that?" Holding up the ring, he gestures it towards you.
You stare in shock, knowing your answer as you take the ring and slide it on your finger. The black band was way too big for your digits, but you didn't care. A rush of warmth washes over you, making your cheeks burn and your smile brighter.
"I'd like that."
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My redneck neighbor Doug on the Jedi in 'The Clone Wars'
Y'all have asked, and Dr. Meat Muffin might be a disgruntled old hag that chugs too much Trader Joe’s bourbon and doodles too much subpar art, but she keeps her promises!
Just so y’all know, if you’re a major character (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, etc) you keep your name, because it was drilled into Doug’s head over 8 seasons of Clone Wars and the movies. Everyone else, though, Doug gave up and created his own catchphrases for them.
CW: This one's not as spicy as Doug's previous rants regarding Star Wars, but y'all know if y'all know. "It'll all come out in the wash."
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Plo Koon: Ah, Shrimp Daddy. He looks like a shrimp that’s been boiled and left in the sun after a potluck. But my wife LOVES him, she says he has the nicest voice and she wishes he’d narrate some books. I loved him too, he was my favorite. That scene where he tells his clone boys in space that they’re important to him? Ah great. They should have him lead HR meetings. 
Aayla Secura: Babe-the-Blue-Jedi. They sent her away from the Temple because Yoda didn’t want that hotness distracting everyone. Is she and Miguel (Bly?!) dating? They are, right? 
Kit Fisto: Reggae Swamp Thing. Tell me that boy don't look like he lives in the Atchafalaya and bangs on the steel drums all day. I wonder if he stole those shorts from Michael Phelps. He’s cool but does he need to have a tank to swim in on his ship? Does he have gills? I need more info on this guy. 
Adi Gallia: Storm’s Cousin. Doesn’t this chick look like her? She does, right? Maybe she's a Jedi cause she can't control the weather. Didn’t Maul’s brother Saul impale her on his horns and that’s how she died?* Why didn’t Maul do that to Obi-Wan? Maul was obsessed with Obi-Wan, do you think it’s because he had a crush on him after he sliced him in half?
(Doug also ships Obi-Wan with Maul now? IS THERE ANYONE WHO DOUG DOESN'T SHIP OBI-WAN WITH?!)
Shaak-Ti: Ahsoka’s Aunt. They’re totally related. (“No, they’re not.” “Says who?” “Um, EVERYONE?!”) She’s cool, nice to the clone boys. I like her horns. 
Saesee Tiin : Angry Bull Boy. He looks like a minotaur whose daddy left him at a Wal-Mart instead of the Labyrinth after drinking too much.
Deepa Billaba: My Coworker Anu. Seriously! She looks JUST LIKE HER. I even texted her a screenshot, and she used that as her Slack Channel picture for the longest time. Nice lady, she's a good master to Lil Kanan. Hm, Lil Kanan sounds like a rap person my niece would listen to.
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Mutant-Mall-Santa. Look me dead ass in the eye and tell me the man don’t look like he was supposed to hand out presents and ask kids what they want for Christmas and ended up hanging out in toxic waste instead. He's a snotty asshole, I don't like him, he thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.
Luminara Undali: Lady-in-Drape. She’s a green lady, and she wears a drape. Meat Muffin, I'm tired and it's about to snow.
Barriss Offee: Little Lady-in-Drape. Man, she was awful, but she had good points, ya know? Kind of like Darth Maul. Do you think Darth Maul and Obi-Wan ever dated? Or would Obi-Wan’s boyfriend get jealous? 
Quinlan Voss: College-Hippie-Boy. Doesn’t he just look like one of those goofs that fart around with hackysacks all day long? I'd buy weed from him if he was selling, he looks like an exporter and consumer, if you know what I mean.
Even Piall: Dobby the House Jedi. Man he looks like he was on his way to help Harry Potter or something and ended up in a bathrobe with a light saber. Ah well. 
*= Savage is ‘Saul’ and Feral is ‘Paul’. So it’s Maul, Saul, and Paul. I strained a muscle laughing when I got this. 
Tagging my Redneck Doug stans here! @amalthiaph @sued134 @eyecandyeoz @thecoffeelorian @merkitty49 @megmca @skellymomam I missing anyone?
Let me know if I missed any Jedi, those were the ones that came up that Doug didn't immediately recognize.
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maddys-nerd-blog · 6 months
My first full year back on Tumblr after ten-ish years of being in a rough spiral. It’s been a really bad year for me; I’ve lost so much, I’ve been back and forth with stress, I’ve had three breakdowns and I’m still struggling to come to terms with the pain I’ve been dealing with.
But thanks to TMNT… I think I’ve found a reason to be happy.
I’ve met so many wonderful people because of these turtles. My closest friends— bless their hearts— have indulged my crazy love for this franchise by seeing Mutant Mayhem with me three times in theaters AND countless reruns since it came out digitally. I went to the American Dream Mall for the first time ever just for the TMNT rides. And I’ve made so many friends through this series.
But above all else, I got to interact with and befriend so many cool people and artists. It warms my heart that people are interested in my silly AU and fanfics. I’m glad I came back to Tumblr. And I’m even more glad I rediscovered the turtles 💚
I just wanted to take this time to shoutout some of the phenomenal artists/ people I admire cuz they definitely deserve the support and love!
@queen-with-the-quill @tending-the-hearth @lameboobah @tmnt-tychou @wasted-and-ready @figuringitoutasigoalong @thecomfortable @mermmarie @angelicdavinci @pumpkinpie59 @fabuloustrash05 @imagine4000 @x-i-l-verify @indieyuugure
Thank you all for being inspirational and for reminding me why I love the TMNT so much. You’re all amazing!!
From the bottom of my heart, Merry Christmas 🎄
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Follow-up for Villain!Reader (Bee-themed), Hive!
After trying to flee from the platonic yan/s, and subsequentially figuring out the platonic yans who've been visiting then were infected (or telepaths who could see into their mind and their infected teammates), Reader heads on a night train to New York... Where they were when they were Hive, and where every other hero, villain, vigilante, and super person seems to reside.
Being back is... Not the greatest feeling in the world. Reader feels tense, trudging out of the station and out into the bustling streets with only what they had packed previously, but they can't focus on how they hate being back. Their first order of business: Finding a few hidey-homes to set up shop in. Perks of saving their money over the years from their old villain days is they have a small fortune tucked away, and it definitely helps get them a few places to hide in. Imagine that they have a small apartment/house/studio in each hero/villain/vigilante territory. Some work as homes, some work as small coffee houses, others as antique markets and flea stores. Reader has to keep themself going, and they learned a few tricks over the years on how to keep hidden and to run side lives. That being said...
They're back on the home turf of every single person they've been trying to avoid. And it is driving them INSANE.
Yeah, look. Sure, it's nice setting up little cafes between two or three schools and entertaining tired students with the backstory behind the objects displayed on the walls. It's cute seeing people find items they love from their antique/flea malls, lighting up when they find something they personally found and put in the collection. It even feels good hearing stories from the weird kids and teens and strangers who mill around the places they're at, enjoying a peaceful Saturday... But still, it's NEW YORK! Home of every powerful, rich, and trained person who happens to know their old alias, fought AND chased them, and whom have made it clear that some of them had been infected with their venom or pheromones, by them or their boss or by some freak accident! How the H*CK does one stay calm in the belly of the beasts?!
Reader slowly gets to know some of the teens who show up at their cafes and antique stores, learning a bit about how people their age are supposed to act. It's... sobering, in a way. That that could have been them. That they could have had a healthier life, family or friends, a sense of purpose and community... Yet they cast it back to the shadows. They can't go back in time, and they have to keep in the here and now. When they have teen heroes and villains show up at their places, Reader is shocked. TEEN heroes? TEEN villains? TEEN vigilantes? Where the F*CK are the adults?! Who the H*LL is letting their kids run around fighting psychopaths and criminals and rioters and anti-mutant and racist *ssholes?! When Reader manages to calm down, they realize that some of the teens are the same ones they see on a near-daily basis. And they promptly have an (almost) heart-attack.
Great, JUST GREAT. Their old foes have children in their groups, who they now KNOW. The X-Men, who were only The Professor, Storm, and Wolverine years ago, now have, like, a dozen kids! The Brotherhood, who was maybe Magneto, Mystique, and Sabretooth or Mastermind now had half a dozen brats causing havoc (and had a Havok with them. PEACHY). Spider-man is barely a teenager, and has NO adults, unless you count Nick Fury and the Avengers checking up on him! And he's not the only spider child!
Reader is having a melt down, along with choice words over everything they've learned by the power of observation and intuition. They thought they had been the only child brought into that world of super powers and nutjobs... Now there's near TWENTY of them?! Possibly MORE?!
Reader works on keeping a new distance between themslef and the teens and kids, while also asking careful questions ("How is school?" "Weather is bad tonight, do you have a jacket?" "I heard there's a few new heroes and villains popping up, what do you think about it?") Reader uses every trick in the book they can remember to figure out what's going on. Are the adults treating them well? Are they still after Reader? Is the public leaving them alone, or causing too much trouble? Reader doesn't want to say they care, but they will go out of their way to leave a few leftovers out at their cafes for anyone who needs it (heroes, villains, vigilantes, homeless, hungry kids). It feels nice, doing good... If only they could just forget the nightmares of the past...
All this time, the platonic yan/s have gone back to New York, and have heard word that Hive might be there. They're elated. Of course now, they need to actually find that slippery little bee, and drag them back to their team/group/base, with them. They're glad though, that the teens of their group have a few new hangout spots. Some vintage stores or something they keep prattling on about. It makes them happy, and they belive the teens deserve to have some happiness... Especially since the whole reason they took on teens themselves was to offer them a better home, a better family, job, community, than Hive seemed to have... Finding out that their old boss had basically used them the moment their powers came in, it leaves them feeling sick. Maybe their little bee didn't have much of a childhood, but they'd be d*mned if their own kids didn't.
Sooner or later, the platonic yan/s visit the places the teens recommended (after much pestering, and in some cases, bribery).... And find themselves face-to-face (some of them towering over) Hive; or, at least the Hive outside of the mask. They're trying to stay calm, but seeing how the one kid they'd failed is right there (and those who had been infected, want to hear their thoughts again, and hug them), it's hard to do so, yet they manage. If only their little bee weren't so scared to see them. Don't they remember the chases? The heists? Late nights with moonlight streaming down and the fresh adrenaline of the hunt? Seeing inside their head, if only for a minute (and before they knew that was what they were doing)?
The adults take the time to inform their kids (plus Spider-man and the Spider kids), that their new friend, is also Hive. The old villain they talked about, whenever it was a quiet night and they were in the mood to reminisce. And the teens are floored. THAT person, is HIVE? The odd, kinda funny, and nervous barista/antique collector/owner of the business they visit, is Hive, right-hand man-woman- er, child- to Drone Queen? The most delusional, most vicious and conniving black-clad villain they'd seen since Hydra and the Weapon X *ssholes? THAT Hive? Suffice to say-
They're SHOOK...
Peter Parker had done research on some of the old villains the Avengers, X-Men, even Deadpool, the Brotherhood, and Doc Ock, had faced. And Drone Queen could be described by one word (he wasn't allowed to say that word, Aunt May, Nick Fury, and Iron Man would kill him if he said it), so he used another, more scientific word: a psychopath. They were BAD news. They'd had the latest state-of-the-art drugs back in the day, the type that could control anyone, or make them believe anything. Not to mention hordes upon hordes of guards, all of which were found to have a mindless loyalty to them, even when they were almost killed. It was... scary. Then there was Hive, who was like their weird... sidekick, or pet, or something. Who would run errands. Finding whatever gem or artifact they wanted, causing chaos between various gangsters and local vigilantes, whatever they were told, they did- Until one day, they just- (this part no one seemed sure about)- they just didn't do what they used to. Where they were peppy, talkative, and funny, they went silent. Jumpy. Like even THEY were scared of their boss. And after that, they just kept becoming less active, less loyal, small things they let slide and left alone... The heroes and villains eventually faced down Drone Queen, but it turned out all the control they had was from Hive all along.. It wasn't some charisma they had, or bribes, or even torture- They used Hive's venom, and forced it onto others, making unwilling puppets and slaves. They found that out when Hive actually attacked that freaky liar themself (good for them!). They were defeated, locked up, and life went back to normal... But Hive had escaped in the chaos, never to be heard from again. Yeah, apparently that was NOT the case anymore.
Cue the teens now trying to get to know Reader, the infected platonic yans happily renewing their chase and efforts to open up the hivemind, and the other platonic yans just going along for the ride...
At least Reader has an idea now of who all knows about them... Now if they could just slip past the adults and hitch a ride to Cananda...
Reader: How old were you when you started, twelve?!
Spider-man: No, I was thirteen!
Reader: ....
Reader: I have some choice words for Nick Fury...
Spider-man: Well, fine! How old were YOU when you started?
Reader: ... Do you mean when I met my old boss? Or when I actually started out as Hive?
Spider-man: Um... whichever, I guess?
Reader: ... I was... maybe... ten?
Spider-man: WHAT?!
Reader: Well in my defense, I met them when I was five!
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turtle-loving-enby · 1 year
I'm feeling very emotional about the Ninja Turtles rn like
You're a teenager. Basically still a child.
You like to skateboard, to eat pizza and play videogames. To annoy your brothers sometimes (but he started it, dad!). You read comics and watch cartoons, because they're awesome, and you make terrible jokes.
You would love to have some more friends, or to maybe hang out at the mall or at an arcade. Do all the things that normal teenagers do, that you constantly see on tv. But you can't, because you're weird. Or at least, that's what people tell you. You're a mutant, and as soon as people see you, they scream and call you freak or monster or alien or maybe something even worse.
You're just a child, but people are scared of you. You save so many of them, you save the world, you save the city and you and your brothers risk your lives to help them, but no matter what you do, you're still seen as a monster.
Eventually you build a community with other mutants, and you even have some human friends who are really chill about the whole "mutant" thing, and still- no matter what you do, you can't be part of the society around you.
And still, you're just a kid.
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lordkingsmith · 2 months
Aisha Campbell known children and oc children. Aisha got done dirty by the franchise. All of the Stone Canyon Trio did, but she was done dirty. At least now we know she did come back from the past fine, and is thriving but…man. She’s a great character and they did nothing new or interesting or explorative with her. And they still really aren’t? Can we get a proper comic for the Stone Canyon Trio that lets them really shine? I’m tired of the ones that seem to then focus on the originals or Matt last minute. Nothing against Matt. At least fanfiction can fix it but still.
Canon Children;
None that we know of
OC Children for Aisha Campbell;
Tommy Oliver;
While Aisha acknowledges Tommy as the leader, she doesn’t let him get away with shit. Uniquely while Kat and Kim and Trini didn’t either, Aisha and Tommy had just enough of a rivalry together that Tommy couldn’t quite dare to pull some things around Aisha. Aisha came after the whole “villain Tommy” and just knew him as the himbo dork who loved his friends and being a power ranger.
They never got married, but they do have kids together. Mostly they live with their lives revolving around each other and their kids, but never quite together together. Aisha didn’t think she could be whatever Tommy was looking for and Tommy knew he wasn’t that for Aisha either. But, they liked each other enough for kids, and they’re still good friends. It’s fairly amicable and flexible. They have twin daughters, Fillipa and Lucinda Campbell, aged sixteen.
Fillipa is older by eight hours. She’s into sword-dancing and gymnastics. Friendly to everyone, but doesn’t let anyone walk over her. Fillipa is the school class president, and helped set up a other species welcoming committee into the school. Other variations of humans, aliens, mutants, magical species, even androids, are welcomed and the committee helps incorporate them into the school into friend groups to encourage fellow classmates and teachers to treat these new classmates as normal people. It’s an uphill battle, but she thinks it’s worth it. Her running mate and best friend is a young Tenga queen named Clack, and both of them believe everyone could benefit from a friendship like theirs. It’s been bumpy but it’s somewhat working. At the very least it seems the current ranger team is made up of a wide range of species, and this makes Fillipa very very happy. Not associated with a color but if she were it’d be yellow.
Lucinda Campbell is a rodeo horseback rider, and does the Indian bareback racing and bronco riding. Aisha saw her daughter fall in love with mechanical bucking bronco rides at the mall, looked over at Tommy and went “if I see her as a red ranger later I’m blaming you.” Lucinda isn’t a red ranger.
She’s a green.
Hilariously neither Tommy nor Aisha seem to have realized this yet. Then again, the most green she wears is a green braided bracelet and socks. She loves her sister, and is grateful to her and Clack for being advocates for normalizing species integration, because she couldn’t possibly ask for a better team. They have each other’s backs, cover for each other, take part and enjoy each other’s hobbies, and she loves them all deeply. This is her team.
She’s not supposed to be doing anything with wild horses; she promised her parents not till she was in her 20’s. She’s also got such a skill with them now that if they saw her they’d instantly know she was a ranger. So, this is also a secret. At least good old uncle David’s willing to keep the secret. And offer advise to the team and his nieces when needed.
Kat Hillard;
Tommy wasn't the one who managed to break Kat out of the mind control; it was Aisha. Aisha and Kat both left the rangers, and Aisha chose Tina as her replacement. They got a job together at the animal shelter, and they adopted several years later as chaos reigned around them. They have one daughter, Natalie, aged fourteen. They adopted Natalie at birth. The girl is wise beyond her years, and often too serious, but she's also got wells of dry humor and likes teasing her moms. not associated with a color, probably better off for it.
Kimberly Hart;
They quickly became fast friends, and Aisha caught feelings for the pink really really quickly. However, she didn't say anything until Kim left the rangers and was replaced by Kat. She was going on scholarship, and they started a long distance relationship. Eventually they got married after Aisha herself retired from rangerdom. Together with Anubis Cruger, they founded SPD. The wives have one son, a wild card named Benedict "Ben" Campbell. Aged 24. Benedict is currently in Ranger Academy, and has broken nearly every rule so far. Just for fun, just to see what'll happen. He's not a bad guy, he just simply wants to test limits. Of both himself and the world around him. When he graduates school he will be a Pink Ranger on D Team.
Adam Park;
It was just natural for them to get together. They’ve been friends together since forever, they’ve always been friends and it progressing to a little bit more made sense. They got married a little after joining SPD together. They have four kids together. Wendell, aged 26, Rocky, aged 26, Koniqua, aged 19, and Jacqueline “Jaq” Park, aged 17.
No way they weren’t going to name one of their kids after their closest friend aside from each other. Rocky was best man at their wedding even. When they found out they were having twins they simply used the middle name they were intending for a boy for Wendell. Rocky’s the older by eight hours, Wendell was a more difficult pregnancy and took his time, which actually was a foreshadowing to the twins’ personalities.
Rocky Park is rambunctious and a goofball. He loves making people laugh. Like his mom he’s empathetic and strong willed. Like his dad he’s prone to flashes of intense introspection, but never for long. Surprises people with his love of classical music. He’s enthusiastic to the point of being intense. Can be hard for him to dial it back. He’s a yellow ranger for his team.
Wendell is everything Rocky is not, and is a little bit of a little shit. He's often not noticed by other people, and tends to use that to his advantage. He knows his brother is a yellow ranger, and while he's not a ranger, he takes the opportunity to tackle or ram cars or steal from the monsters of the week. he's not noticed and it gives other rangers openings usually. He's given Rocky everything he's stolen, and is pleased when they're incorporated into the team's arsenal.
Koniqua is a lover of poetry, fables, and the history of the power rangers. She's determined to be one of the scientists who creates a new team, or unlocks the mysteries of the grid for general use. Pragmatic, quick thinking, happy to help her dumb brothers. They don't think she knows. She knew who'd saved her as soon as Rocky said "you're safe now civilian" and tried to act dumb. She barely resisted the urge to call him out. Doesn't bother fighting the monsters, her brothers got that covered, but she does help get other civilians to safety when needed. not associated with a color. She's going into historical costuming, with the intention of working for tv productions.
Jaq would love to know why earth is so valuable to bad guys that they keep trying to take it over. Genre savvy type, and doesn't take shit. Has psyched out two villains and one of the comedy duo by just asking over and over "okay but why". Not popular, has two best friends and they're all kind of outsiders. Prefers it this way. You will not find Jaq anywhere near the monsters when they appear, she's gone and dragging her friends off with her. not associated with a color, but has made the big bad main villain question themself and then cry. her brother was torn between disappointed, impressed, and terrified of his little sister. Jaq's considering maybe being a therapist specializing in rangers and their villains would be a lucrative career move.
Rocky DeSantos;
Rocky and Aisha fit well. She gets his humor, he knows how to match her energy and keep her from burning the wick at two ends. So when they got together nobody was remotely surprised. They have two kids, one naturally and one adopted. Landon, aged 12, and Saffie, aged 14.
Landon's been with Rocky and Aisha since he was three, and he's been really happy with them for as long as he can remember. He's a bit of a bookworm, but mostly prefers nonfiction. If he has to read fiction, it's nothing sci fi related. It bothers him too much when they get simple things you can look up wrong. Like what Tenga Warriors look like, or what space ships need for fuel. Or planets earth trades with. He likes spicy food, and birds. He probably knows more about bird related aliens than the average human. Doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up, but he does know he wants a parrot. His parents are trying to convince him to choose a bird with a shorter lifespan. He and his sister have a very kind spirited joking relationship. They don't feel like they aren't actual siblings, and he's as protective of her as he likes being a mild pest to her now and then, and she him. Not associated with a color.
Saffie was a surprise baby. Aisha and Rocky had been trying for a kid for a while at this point, and nobody was sure why it just wasn't happening. When they applied for adoption, Saffie was conceived. They still went through with the adoption, and are glad they did, and Saffie is too. She loves Landon a lot, and they have a fairly healthy sibling relationship. Saffie's not exactly a social butterfly, but she's by no means a wallflower either. She keeps to herself, and likes skateboarding and parkour and rock music. Being able to brag about the fact she knows the Skullovitchs personally and she sometimes gets babysat by Eugene Skullovitch's son? Oh it's amazing. Cheeky, high energy, and knows what she wants in life. She's dancing to the beat of her own drum, and is quite happy doing so. Likes reading poetry, a lot, and diy'ing her own clothes (she is not allowed near bleach dye for her jeans after an incident of not screwing the lid on tightly enough and leaving it on the living room floor. Fabric paint is still okay, though). Rocky and Aisha are a little confused by some of her interests, but then she turns around and is so much like both of them they have to laugh. Saffie's just Saffie. Not associated with a color.
Jason Lee Scott;
Surprising everyone, including himself, Billy was chosen for the peace conference, not Jason. Rocky became the blue mighty morphin, and Jason struggled with the new dynamic. He often butt heads with Aisha, who stood up for Adam and Rocky against the Red when her boys wouldn't. Adam, Rocky, and Aisha became a throuple, but Aisha also married Jason, who while he did have to get used to it, likes Rocky and Adam as friends and paramours, and likes that Aisha is happy. Together, Aisha and Jason have one son, Seth Landon Scott, aged seventeen.
Seth is not a ranger, and he's not interested in being a ranger. He's more interested in being a park ranger for national parks. Any would do, just so he can be out in nature. He's not really interested in the ocean, and is far more interested in forests and mountains. strong willed, stubborn, imaginative, and happy to help. Is friends with a lot of rangers and ranger's kids, but, he's happy not being a ranger despite their not so subtle recruitment efforts.
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Nobody saw this coming. However, he invited her to a dance, and she didn’t say no. Then they just saw each other as friends for a few years. New Year’s party and nine months later….well. Actually they work well together, who knew? Bulk can make Aisha laugh, and she helps him set more realistic goals. And they kick ass together. Recently divorced but not on bad terms. Hobart “Hobie” Bulkmeier, though…is struggling. New purple ranger, parents recently divorced, trying to keep grades up and a steady job on top of it? This is. A Lot. He’s a ballet instructor for a babies first ballet type class. Does not put up with bullshit for anything. Not afraid to call people out. He’s dating the green ranger and that’s fine, his parents like his boyfriend. It’s just everything on top of everything on top of everything. Has a bit of an anger issue but he is stressed out. Doesn’t really know how to talk about it, either. He’s usually a very upbeat, positive, and easy going kid. But everything has happened within six months of each other and if he doesn’t get a day off he’s going to blow. His parents are trying but they don’t know how to help if he doesn’t talk to them. He needs a weekend with his boyfriend and no life or death situations for five minutes if you so please.
Eugene Skullovitch;
She asked him out and he thought it was a joke. It wasn't. They found they actually challenge each other in interesting ways. She also hates his mom and her parents love him, so that helped a lot. They've got a daughter, Kensie Campbell. Aged 15. Excitable by nature, is in the drama club. Has a near perfect memory, uses this for shenanigans, mostly when sassing her many many honorary aunts and uncles or annoying villains and monsters. Eugene is so, so proud. Aisha sometimes worries the know it all attitude is going to get her in trouble. However, nothing's happened-yet-and Kensie does seem to slowly be learning how to read the room. She plays piano to help her think. Her favorite is moonlight sonata. It partially annoys Skull, but his favorite composer is Bach, so it's more of a principle thing. Kensie is a soccer player, and has a very close best friend. Skull's getting the "what to in case you're kidnapped by a monster with your best friend" speech ready, just in case a group of crime fighting teenagers with attitude show up. not associated with a color
When Scorpina pretended to be human, she befriended Rocky, Adam, and Aisha. When the boys fought over her, ‘Selena’ decided to have Aisha as a guide. Although Aisha didn’t trust her and was proven right; There was such an immediate bond it became a matter of contention. Aisha saw through the disguise and decided to make Scorpina regret it, by giving her a reason to be a good person. It worked a little too well, and the two began a very angsty situationship where they had to fight the person they loved most. Constantly. Scorpina couldn't take it anymore, and tricked Aisha into submitting to a mind control for a time so Scorpina wouldn't have to choose between her cause and her girlfriend. The others did break the spell, but Aisha did choose to stay for a while, just to stick with Scorpina. They're not together anymore, but Scorpina did have a daughter with Aisha. Aurellia, aged 19. Aurellia is a warrior and has been in Rito's employ for about two years, but she does want to join her other mom. She wants to know Aisha better, aside from the tense and brief interactions the small family has on her birthday. She wants her moms to reconcile, but is coming to the conclusion that this won't happen. So, she's doing her best as she is, in her current situation. Is a gold ranger.
Rito Revolto;
Aisha can barely stand Rito, but has to acknowledge he's not as stupid or simple or silly as those he loves considers him as. When he lost his memories, Bulk and Skull let it slip to her. Aisha rightfully flipped out on them, but kept it more in the "you turned two people with amnesia into your unpaid SERVANTS?!" and when they thought about it, yea, that....was not a good look. Aisha's plan was redeeming Goldar and Rito while they'd be amenable to actually listening to the reasons for why. She was right, he wasn't dumb, and once he had a little bit of context realized she was the yellow ranger. Rito watched all the carnage and realized the little yellow ranger was right. And when he got his memories back, still agreed she was right. They have one daughter, Phoebe Revolta, aged 22. Phoebe doesn't get along with her cousins Thrax and Selena very much, but she does for the sake of her dad. He believes he can help redeem his niece and nephew, she's not going to argue with this. She's getting pretty upset though, that Grandpa Vile keeps trying to push her dad into teaching her dark arts when Phoebe couldn't be less interested. Wants to be a poet, just trying to get through school. One one side she’s got the Power Rangers on the other she’s got Rita, Zedd, their nightmares, and Vile. Aisha’s become the bane of Vile’s existence on behalf of her daughter and partner. Unfortunately, the mystic side of the family likes causing trouble. Rito’s been unable to get rid of them, so he’s tried to make the best of it, unfortunately for Aisha and Phoebe.
Matthew Cook:
They sort of got together because they just happened to be in each other's vicinity. Everyone was pairing up and they sort of fell into each other as a matter of convenience. They got married, and they're content. They have one kid, Isaiah Cook, aged 16. Aisha and Matthew decided to help Grace and Terona with ranger things, including making a homebrew team such as the Mutant Rangers or Dark Rangers. They're often gone training their teams they've created for the military, much to Isaiah's chagrin.
Isaiah is rebellious in the fact that they know that the best way to get their parents attention is go on about how much they do not want to be involved with power rangers or villains or the comedy duo. Their aunt is the one raising them for the most part, and they travel around America during the long stretches Matt and Aisha aren't around. Isaiah is happy being the background character of their own life. They're just happy to do as much as they can and experience as much as possible, they've only got one life and it's better spent not wasted. And power ranger related shenanigans is wasting it. Currently hoping to be a plumber or go into textile art. They have the skills with both. Isaiah is not associated with a color. If they were, it'd be yellow.
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sleepytime-fics · 1 year
Whatever You Do, Don’t Get Attached - Chapter 1
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Warnings: minor kidnapping, injury
Summary: You just wanted to get through the day. Why did your friends dare everyone to try that fruit?
Maybe it had chemicals that made you hallucinate. Yeah, that has to be right. There's no way that you're in a kids show about mutant turtle teens that just so happen to be trained in ninjitsu. Yeah. Definitely.
But life liked to throw curveballs at you. And now you're stuck. Now all you have to do is not get attached. Because they're not real.
And maybe.... You're not real anymore, either...
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The past few days have been… interesting to say the least.
Yes, you're thankful that Dale and his mom took you in oh so kindly. But… that was probably the best thing that happened to you all week.
First of all, it turns out everyone was just as short as they seemed in the show. While you're thankful that you've seemed to have gotten shorter, you were still 5'6", also known as still taller than seemingly ¾ of the NYC population. So, even if you weren't panicking about literally everything about your current situation, you'd still stick out like a sore thumb.
After you'd woken up on your first official morning in 2-dimensional hell, you were greeted with the fact that you'd have to enroll in school. Because you simply had to. Doesn't matter you knew nearly everything you'd have to learn that year, you still had to take it. Dale's mother was at least kind enough to help you shop (or at least give you money to, she didn't want you spending the money you already had, bless her soul.)
While out shopping, you were floored by the sheer amount of variety the shopping mall offered. Punk? Had that. Cottagecore? There’s a store for that. Literally any way you wanted to dress, you could. You looked like a kid in a candy store, trying on clothes after clothes after clothes.
After choosing your (incredible) wardrobe, you decided to work on gathering some school supplies. It’s not like you had much of a choice, seeing as though it was kinda decided without you. It seemed so much duller, even if everything was so vibrant your eyes wanted to melt out. It was most likely because school was just that draining, that it affected even perfect-world fictional 2D teenagers too.
When you returned to the apartment, Parker, Dale’s mother, had told you that you’d have only 2 more days of no school because apparently the school was ‘excited for a new student’. You were pretty sure this was just a punishment for bull-shitting your way through your last school year though. So after eating a love-filled meal, you immediately flopped down on the couch with a groan and fell asleep.
On the third day, Parker suggested that you tag along with Dale on his way to school so that you’d know your way, and then you could explore before returning. Now if this were the real world, you would’ve sworn she’d wanted you dead. Fortunately, this was a cartoon world. Meaning New York was much more safe than the real one, if you ignore the literal supervillains.
The trip with Dale wasn’t… bad, per say… It was just a bit uncomfortable being shoved up next to an acquaintance at best by a bunch of strangers on the NYC subway, but you couldn’t complain much. When the two of you arrived at the school, it was almost disturbing at how clean the outside looked. You briefly wondered if school really was tiring out these teenagers after all, but you turned and left before you let yourself think too hard on that.
Exploring wasn’t too bad, you were thankful for the lack of muggers in the alleyways. Everything was so bright and happy, but still just as busy as real New York City. You dodged and weaved through crowds on the sidewalk, gawking at all the sights to see. Everything looked so pristine and clean-cut, like a ‘glass half-full’ version. Street vendors had lines going around blocks, and performers had piles upon piles of cash in their respective instrument cases. Even good ole’ Lady Liberty looked like she just had a fresh coat of copper-green paint put on her.
While you had noticed a theft going on, it was just the Foot Clan stealing paper. At least you figured out what part of the series you’re in. You began to call out, telling someone to call the authorities, but you were caught by Foot Lieutenant. Instead of acting like a normal thief though, he kinda just glared at you. You glared back, about to call out again when he started to make paper origami. Remembering that not only would this make a villain, but it would also absolutely kick your ass, you swiftly backed off. You’d like to keep your second chance at life a little longer, thank you very much.
Now you are on the fourth day of being in this weird cartoon version of Earth. You wake up with a yawn, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Glancing over at the clock on the wall, you see it reads 8:48 am. Deciding it’s a good enough time to start the day, you throw your blanket off of you to force yourself to wake up. After laying there for a good five minutes, you finally get up, walking over to the bathroom to freshen up. You quickly hop into the shower, making sure to keep the water on the colder side so as to not rack up the nice lady’s bills.
After stepping out of the shower, drying off and putting on some clothes, you go back into the bathroom to finish up. You splash your face with lukewarm water, washing your face with a cleansing soap. As you were putting on some face lotion, a sweet voice came through the door.
“Are you hungry, sweetie?” Parker’s voice sang. You smile to yourself, glad to have been lucky enough to end up in her home.
“Yeah, but don’t feel like you have to make me breakfast!” You quickly reply, rubbing in the face lotion. You rinse off the extra, drying your hand on the hand towel hanging off the wall.
“Oh, don’t worry! I’ve already got breakfast made, hun!” Parker continued, “Dale already left for school a while ago, but I re-heated some leftovers for you!” You could practically feel her smile through the closed door, she’s so sweet.
You open the bathroom door, walking quickly to the kitchen where Parker was finishing up plating your breakfast.
“Now I have to go, so eat as much as you like! Enjoy, dear!” Parker said, grabbing her purse off of the table. You thank her graciously, waving her off as she exited the apartment. The food was delicious, as always. As you eat, you try to plan out your day. Since it's the last free day you have, you decide to try and explore the city more, and possibly get a few ‘thank you’ gifts as well.
Once you finish up, you wash off everything you used, as well as every other dirty dish. By the time you finally leave the apartment, it’s already 10 am. Better late than never , you think, making you have everything you need before locking the apartment door behind you.
Descending the complex’s stairs, you pull out the tiny map that you snagged from a vendor’s station. The map only has a few things marked on it, mainly tourist attractions, but you already have a plan on how to use it. After finding the closest attraction to the apartment complex, you simply highlighted the route to the gray square that represented your building. You smirk to yourself, proud of your innovation skills.
As you opened the door to the outside world, a gentle breeze hit your face. You smile, as the weather couldn’t possibly be more pleasant. You gently tuck the map back into your pocket, making your way towards the main road. The bustling city almost intimidated you, but you nod as you remember your path back. You quickly fell in line with the local New York citizens, letting the wave of the crowd guide you. You glanced around as you walked, admiring how the buildings towered over you and the other pedestrians.
You had been walking so long that your legs burned. It was fun at first, visiting plenty of vendors, magicians, artists and such. Unfortunately for you, you had one major oversight; saving enough energy to get back… well to the apartment.
Your phone was still broken, and while you did have money it certainly wasn’t enough to get it repaired and especially not replaced. Therefore, you couldn’t call Dale or Parker to come fetch you. While taking the subways sounded appealing, just the thought of having to read all those complex routes had you sweating.
And so, you gave in and began to walk back. The sun was already setting, and it felt as though you weren’t making any progress. Just as you were about to sit on a bench to rest, a bright orange and blue blur shot past you. Dazed, you nearly completely toppled over. You had almost thought you imagined it, until you saw two large men running towards you. Very familiar men, at that.
One was bald, with warm brown skin and a tiny brown goatee. The other had curly red-orange hair tied back into a tight bun, with a long and thin mustache. Not only did they both have colored jumpsuits on, blue and red respectively, but they also carried dogs in pouches you only saw parents of babies use when they don’t want to use a stroller.
The most prominent thing about them, though, was that you couldn’t see their eyes. You felt shivers as you realized that this was the first scene of ‘Mystic Mayhem’ , something you did not want a part in.
You quickly tried to move out of the way, but they still shoved you down and out of the way. You fell with a grunt, but your eyes immediately widened as you saw your tiny map fly out of your pocket and follow the two men. You curse in your mind, quickly standing up and dusting yourself off to go chase that flying paper.
No matter how fast you ran, the paper was always just out of your reach. As the men shoved the poor civilians of New York, you sprinted right behind them. It was only when they turned into an alleyway that you literally dived to grab the map. You celebrated under your breath until you heard the men approach you. You lean up, looking up at the towering people above you. They glared, and you shrunk back. You begin to crawl backwards, hoping that they’ll ignore you.
They have to, because what if they don’t run into the turtles? You wanted absolutely nothing to do with this world, and you wanted even less to critically alter it. Sadly, this place just seemed to love to play with you, because you weren’t getting out of this situation that quickly. You gulped as the men began to discuss you.
“Baron Draxum needs a test subject, would this creature not be viable?” The blue-clad villain asked.
“They have seen far too much, we would need to dispose of them anyway.” The orange one replied.
“H-hey,” You spoke, gaining their attention once again. “I swear, I won’t tell anyone what you guys are doing. I promise, over my life.” You stutter out.
The pair exchanged glances, and you couldn’t even blink before they had you tied up and strung over the orange one’s shoulder. You try to wriggle free, but they’re far too strong.
You started to sweat as you suddenly heard familiar voices. Specifically those of Brandon Mychal Smith, Josh Brener, and Kat Graham, A.K.A. Michelangelo, Donatello, and April O’Neil A.K.A. the very group of characters you definitely did NOT want to meet.
“OOOH! HUMANS!!” You heard Raphael yell, followed by a comical zipping sound, “Initiate plan H.” he continued in a hushed voice.
“Uhm, excuse me, sirs!” You heard Leonardo say, in a horrible ‘nerd’ voice, “Can you direct us to the local Science-Fiction convention that we are currently dressed for~?”
“Snazzy Alien Turtle outfits, huh?” Michelangelo followed up with a nasally voice.
“We are just normal, typical humans who got lost in our normal… everyday human lives nailed it .” You rolled your eyes at Donatello’s attempt to cover up their identities.
“Dude, you’ve gotta make it to rehearsal.” Leonardo loudly whispered to Donatello.
“Give to me creature,” The villain in the blue jumpsuit said sternly. “How you say, pretty please? Or I’ll destroy you.”
You gulped as the orange-wearing guy flopped you onto the ground and joined his partner to intimidate the turtles. You took this as an opportunity to try and wiggle to freedom, but it was no use.
“Really? You think you’re gonna step to our friend?” Raphael asked, although it was a rhetorical question. “Rookie mistake, hoss.”
“And if you step to my friends for stepping to you… for st-stepping to me? You gonna have to s-step to me, mkay?” April managed to get out, and you noticed how she tried to pose bravely.
“You do not intimidate us.” The man continued, “With or without your fake nerd voices.”
“That was actually my real voice.” You heard Donatello speak up.
“Well you better get intimidated!” Raphael loudly said, “‘Cuz we’re like nothing you’ve ever seen!”
“What’s wrong with my voice?” Donatello continued. And with that, the two men transformed into armored beasts. They attacked the turtles and April, and you silently tried to sneak away.
No matter what you did, you couldn’t escape. It must be something mystic , you thought as you desperately tried to free yourself. You didn’t even notice how long you were struggling, that is until one of the two grabbed you again.
You heard some gasps, but that was the most you got before you were promptly knocked out by a strong punch to the head.
Cold. Wet. That’s all you got from your surroundings. You fizzled in and out of consciousness, hearing what you would assume to be a raging battle. You hadn’t really woken up until the very end, when you heard a shout.
“AAAHHH- AYy! I don’t know if this but the lab is about to explode.” You heard someone say before there were screams all around. You sat up, dazed, and immediately held your head. It was throbbing, and the sounds of screaming and falling rock-
Wait… falling rock?! Oh shit oh shit oh shit , you thought, looking up, only to be met with the sight of stones about to crush you. Suddenly, there was a weight in your lap! You look down to it, and it’s Mayhem! Mayhem teleports the two of you to April.
“Little Guy! You got them!” April exclaimed happily, “Can you do your thing, and get us outta here?” She asked, while you and the four turtles beneath you were screaming. Mayhem chirped, and all seven of you were teleported just in the nick of time.
As soon as all of you were out, Michelangelo immediately began to make the portal. You stood frozen, too much in shock to do much. You only moved as April pushed you out with the others, Draxum’s lab exploding in the distance. All of you skidded as you fell to the floor, and you recognized the sound of something breaking.
“Oh no, Splinters doohickey!” Michelangelo said as all of you stood up. You heard April and the others talk, but your head was ringing too much to properly hear her. Slowly, you began to wobble your way out, using the brick wall as help. Unfortunately, the big blast of the oozesquitos flying out caused you to tumble and fall to the ground for the second time today.
“Hey, wait!” You heard someone call out behind you, and Michelangelo hopped out in front of you and offered you a hand up. You hesitated, shaking. You didn't want to join them, as fun as it might seem. What if you mess up the story? What if you change it for the worse, and Leo ends up falling to his death after Draxum throws him off the roof, or Albearto gets too violent for any of them to handle or…
Even as you stared up with uncertainty, Michelangelo remained with his hand out. Eventually, you gave in, and he helped you stand up. He, along with the others, were then subsequently flabbergasted when they saw you stand up to be taller than Leo.
“Uhm… tha-thank you…” You managed to stutter out with a slightly hoarse voice, “For uhm… getting me out of there.” You gave a weary smile to Michelangelo, letting go of his hand.
“Whaaat? Of course, we uhhh… I mean,” Mikey began to say, but quickly changed to his ‘nerd’ voice. “Of course.” He finished, and you chuckled. You turned around, and saw everybody staring at you two.
“Wha- Hey! We totally saved someone!” Raph realized with a grin. “We’re like- superheroes!”
You smiled softly at their giddiness, and silently slipped away in the direction of  Parker’s and Dale’s apartment.
Hopefully you haven’t fucked things up…
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
I didn't have much going on today, and I hadn't been to one particular head shop in my area recently, so I thought--why not drive up there for a merchandise roundup? And boy, did it deliver!
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Rick and Morty, Fry and Bender, Beavis and Butthead, Scooby-Doo and Shaggy, Mario and Bowser, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, Disney princesses, Rugrats, Adventure Time characters, Spongebob and Patrick, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: everyone's joining the party, and they've got smoking buddies!
Also, I've said this before, but I love how the artist who drew the Star Wars mat (whoever that is) dressed Morty as Rey instead of a male character. Rick makes a good Luke Skywalker, too.
I've posted this mat a couple of times before, but I love the concept of Bird Person serving Rick his crystal weed, so here it comes again:
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It also makes me happy when people pick up on Rick's love for crystals--a lot of people don't.
Anyway, I guess Rick's shooting people with his portal gun now? Admittedly, opening a hole in somebody would probably kill them.
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Wooden lighters! I guess we're still not tired of that generic season one image.
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I'm Mr. Meeseeks, look at me! Also, a line of tiny Mortys.
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Glass bowls! Pipes!
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As I drove away, I saw something that shocked me so much that I had to pull over: a Tesla building. I hoped that it were abandoned because that would be hilarious, but alas, I looked it up and it seems to be new construction. Elon Musk has arrived at last 🤮
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I prefer the dark recesses of Spencer's to a Tesla building, but I don't recommend either. And yet...I can't stay away. The mall is just down the road, so I thought "Fuck it, I'll expose myself to Spencer's."
I took a picture of one of these socks last week and found a couple of other great designs today:
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Short lanyard!
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This looks like a regular lanyard--but wait, it's supposed to light up. I pressed the button, and nothing happened. False advertising!
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Rue 21 didn't have new designs, but they take their commitment to Rick and Morty seriously. The employees set up a separate table for the series like a shrine.
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After that, I had to stop by the dispensary for some edibles. They had this gem:
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"You make Mondays less miserable." Rick hates Mondays? Is he Garfield now? Gazorpazorpfield? Who knew.
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thedawningofthehour · 6 months
So, this isnt an ask, this isnt even something I wanna gush about regarding your writing BUT…idk its funny, this fanfic did smth to me so now I had this DREAM: Leo wakes up (probably from some coma, man I am at the edge of my seat to see what happens to him next) and Casey Jr (makes no sense, but thats dreams ig) reads him a get well soon card from Marcus. Leo asks him where Marcus was and my dream mind switched to this beautiful panel of a big tree but suddenly theres three little graves underneath and Casey tells Leo that Marcus died. The kids fucking died because idk I guess maybe some sickness went around and Leo wasnt there to help (not like he has the medical knowledge and resources to really help in severe situations) and that made me sad, lmao I had to write this before I forgot about the dream, but YOU, YOUR FIC did smth to me😭
No shit, when I first read this I went "who's Marcus?"
He's one of my own damn kids.
I know this is war and shit and kids die in war, but I think we might Bethesda game this shit and just say kids are unkillable. Because look, I killed a bunch of my darlings in my Dishonored fic, I let a number of named, developed characters die even though I loved them because that was the kind of fic it was. Life is harsh, war is hell, and innocent people die.
I don't really want to do that here. That's not the genre.
A number of people have said doth has given them dreams, I'm flattered. :) I had one really fucking crazy dream a few months back, not specifically about doth but sort of? Some EPF-like assholes had taken over a shopping mall and a bunch of mutants were like, living in hovels on the rooftop? (as opposed to, you know, somewhere else?) There was some random old lady living next to or near Donnie and Bella was there. And Camp Snoopy, which-I think that's just because my earliest experiences at a mall was my parents taking me to Camp Snoopy, so something in my brain says that malls must have indoor theme parks. But Bella like charged into Camp Snoopy like a fucking battle maiden because Bishop was set up near the tree flyer and shit. It's kind of a shame I didn't have my logic processors during that because that could have been cool as shit, have the mutants take over the log chute or something. Maybe have Donnie bring the giant Paul Bunyan to life. They could have built a whole fort out of Legoland, like, a bomb wouldn't be able to get through a thick Lego wall.
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rallentando1011 · 8 months
Risetober 2023: Day 5 - Future
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The neon lights of buildings illuminated the city streets all the way up to the smoggy blue-gray sky. Skyscrapers, headquarters of corporations, apartment complexes, food carts, ways to make a living of all shapes and kinds were erected as far as the eye could see.
A brisk breeze carried up the scents and sounds: dulcet confections and happy chatter, overflowing dumpsters and swarming traffic. Not all of it was pretty but, hey, it’s part of the charm.
Only months prior, the streets were covered in alien biogrowth, a daunting technodrome hovering above the chaos and destruction and death it caused. The Krang pursued the eradication of the city, humanity, life on the planet, all of it. That outcome was narrowly avoided due to the effort and sacrifice of the Hamato clan.
So, Raph figured as he sat by his lonesome on the roof of some laundromat, he should let himself enjoy the minutiae he fought to preserve, the sight and sounds and scents. No matter how grim the city could be at times, it always had a certain beauty to it, an appeal reeling in his thoughts like metal to a magnet.
Raph sighed wistfully as he gazed around him at the surrounding towers of buildings. Apartments filled to the brim with families or students, people walking along the streets and entering family-owned stores filled with all sorts of autumn-themed treats and content customers, even just the sidewalks covered in civilians, all of them ants from Raph’s perspective.
All of their actions were so mundane yet alluring, and none of it was meant for him or his brothers.
He means, mutant turtles? Strutting along the streets of New York City? Yeah, that chance.
Sure, he went out in costume every now and then and experienced some semblance of normalcy to buy necessities (“necessities” being stuffed animals from Teddy Bear Town), but it wasn’t the same. Every moment he spent down there in some contrived disguise was nerve-wracking, spent being petrified of being found out or going into the proximity of something with peanut butter.
Despite not having the liberties of many people, his family had other things they didn’t have. Entering the mall late at night when no one else’s out, rooftop patrols and trips like the one he was on, not having to pay rent or electric while living in the sewers.
Sure, it wasn’t the most ideal situation, but he loved it nonetheless. Even with the low acceptance of the people, he always felt honored to fight to protect his town, and what a town at that. He wanted to change something about it, but the last time he tried to alter the public’s opinion of him and his brothers, the public gathered at City Hall with pitchforks, literal pitchforks, in Midtown Manhattan.
The red-clad snapping turtle looked back to the sky and glimmering edifices around him. He wouldn’t give up defending the city and its people for anything in the world, even if most didn’t accept him or his brothers.
But, in the future, he could only hope that for such a big city, his family wouldn’t have as little opportunities.
(@sariphantom I interpreted this prompt as thinking about the future bc drawing the future boys scares me 😉 also sorta odd thing but clicking on the images makes them clearer)
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Hello! May I please request a cute/fluffy fic of Erik Lehnsherr and Jewish!mutant!fem!Reader (who has the ability to heal through food) falling in love with each other and eventually getting married (Erik deserves good things)?
Oooh brings a new meaning to comfort food 😊
Made with love
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr x Fem Jewish Mutant Reader
Description: You and Erik slowly fall in love after meeting and seeing your power of healing with food
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You smiled as Kurt ate the Cholent you made everyone for dinner some of the kids were sick so earlier you made Matzo ball soup but Kurt was asleep and woke up not too long before cholent was done. He was sick with the flu not really eating but when you handed him the plate of the warm meal he immediately felt better after the first bite no longer feeling stuffy and lightheaded back to normal "Thank you this is amazing" Erik watches while he eats slowly everyone who was sick is better within a few minutes of eating the meal you made but also filling their bellies with homemade love.You first met and got to know 5 students who had come to the restaurant you worked at in the mall those students being Jubilee, Scott, Jean, Kurt, and Warren who frequented the mall throughout each week playing in the arcade, buying records in the music store, and collecting comic books. You had served them and when you noticed kurt didn't have money for anything to eat you paid with your own money and made him jewish rosemary chicken and potatoes which filled him with a sense of safety, care, and love telling charles and erik not knowing what would happen after meeting the kind woman in the multicultural restaurant at the mall months later while getting to know her and leading to one of the most feared mutants to falling in love with the most kind hearted mutant in the world. You were found by warren injured and crying on the side of the road late at night when he was flying which is what he did occasionally but when he saw you walking and then collapse he couldn't just leave someone there but when he realized it was you he immediately grabbed you taking you to the school to Hank who treated your wounds and for smoke inhalation realizing by how you looked and the smell that you were in a fire keeping a close eye on you while warren told the others and they took turns seeing you and they were all there when you woke up hugging you tightly and more when you started crying. You told them that not only were you indeed in a fire but you lost your home and family and suppressing your powers meeting charles and being accepted to live in the school and work as a chef while also still working at the mall being welcomed by the whole school and even having some students you hadn't met give you condolences on the loss of your family but erik stayed right beside you leading to late at night making Kreplach some for you while the rest were for the students hearing footsteps turning to see erik "May I have some?" you smile by handing him a plate of dumplings and as soon as he eats them he smiles sweetly making you melt like butter but what you didn't expect was to end up in a sweet slow kiss with him and being asked to dinner the next night. You both took things slow having had feelings for each other for awhile before but both of you fall in love as time went on and the two of you were a perfect match for each other you dated for 4 years when you became engaged at got married in Puerto Rico after a long mission with everyone from the school there and all the students calling you Mrs Lehnsherr whenever they see you in the lunch room or anywhere around the school and they look fondly at you and your husband whenever they see the two of you together.
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