#mv university
pathosketches · 2 months
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I've had this on my mind for a while-
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mugunghwarp · 1 year
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Idade: 31 anos.
Gênero: Masculino cis.
Qualidades: Prestativo, simpático.
Defeitos: Teimoso, impulsivo.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Chinês/chinês.
Temas de interesse: Todos.
Faceclaim: Lay - EXO/solista.
Twitter: MV92ZL.
OOC: +18 ela/dela.
TW: Nenhum.
TW: Relacionamento abusivo.
Por mais que tudo esteja quebrado, sempre há uma maneira de recomeçar. Recomeçar. Uma palavra forte e cheia de significados e que para Zhang Lin-Yan traçava uma linha entre seu passado e o que o destino lhe reservava o futuro.
Um passado que sempre paira como um vulto fantasmagórico, buscando as recordações de determinada época onde tudo era cinza e frio, a ponto de levar duas pessoas ao limite de sua sanidade, destruindo um casamento e parte de um negócio. Mas Zhang sabia de sua culpa, do peso de seu nome e da responsabilidade que sequer estava pronto para assumir, não era o momento de se tornar um chefe ou buscar o amor e tudo isso poderia ter sido evitado se a compaixão superasse a cobiça.
Porém houve uma esperança em todo aquele caos, aquela união infundada acabara por gerar frutos e depois de anos preso em um ciclo de infelicidade, Lin-Yan finalmente possuía a chance de tentar de novo. Agora, tentaria ser dono do próprio destino, mas jamais abandonando suas raízes.
E pensando em sua filha, decidiu mudar-se para a Coreia, afastando a pequena de toda problemática familiar, acomodando-os em uma modesta vila. Sua formação garantiria a estabilidade de ambos e desindexaria a realidade que perseguia seu nome em sua amada cidade natal. Mas mesmo após dois anos, se questionava como seriam as coisas se não tivesse fugido de tudo aquilo. Ainda merecia ser feliz sem resolver as coisas do passado?
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poshtearexdoodles · 4 months
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Drew the new objectively funniest 2v2 team that'll be possible in Multiversus
Somehow this game is real lmfao
I do Commission Work!
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maximura · 2 months
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daredevil-vagabond · 17 days
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More and more and more, I want to make my existence known - Unique Parade, Utsu-P
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flusteredmoonn · 2 months
the tortured poets department; james potter
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summary: "sometimes i wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me," in which after years of james pining after lily, he finally falls for someone else.
tags: (SFW), fluff, drabble??, fast paced, angst, probably ooc!james, gryffindor!reader, she/her pronouns, third person y/n. proofread by @cosmicbolter
words: 1.5k+
ttpd tracklist. request.
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pewter cauldrons fizzled as each of the students observed their concoctions, referring to the book of advanced potions. not james potter, though.
"hey! evans," he called across the classroom, drawing the attention of the auburn haired girl, whose head snapped up at the call of her surname. "do we add the tentacula before or after the lacewig flies," he shouted across the room, dismissing both the stares of his peers and the reprimands from the professor. he knew venomous tentacula wasn't an ingredient in the focus draught they were brewing, yet he wanted her to instruct him anyways.
lily looked down at her book of advanced potions, carefully scanning the print for the answer. her gaze resumed on the boy with a slight pinch in her brow, "tentacula isn't in this one, james," her smile was unsure, although she was quick to resume her work when the boy smiled and nodded at her in thanks. heat rose through her cheeks as she felt the intrusion that was the lingering gaze of her peers.
james also seamlessly resumed his brewing, his glasses sliding down his nose as he used the iron spoon to stir the stew of plants before him. he ignored the loud teasing from sirius which followed his interaction with the red head.
"oooh, she didn't shut you down there mate, she must be into you," the amusement in his tone was palpable, especially with the laughter it had elicited from both remus and peter. the latter was quick to slap a hand over his mouth, though, with a coy smile before the stout boy continued his brew. "pads, stop," heat rose up his body, pink dusting his freckled cheeks.
"oh, look i'm james! 'hey evans'" he made an unintelligible sound, ''i wonder what goes in this potion which i have the page open to on my book" he continued to mock james, making his voice exaggeratedly deep. behind them, y/n brought her hand up to her mouth to cover her mouth and suppressing a laugh at the friend groups antics. the curly haired boy heard movement behind him and glanced over his shoulder amusedly, watching her clear entertainment and smirking to himself before tuning back in to his long haired friend's continuous teasing.
thankfully, before he could get too carried away, the professor had directed the class with a new instruction, distracting sirius enough to forget he was teasing his friends.
"now class!" the professor's voice boomed off of the walls, ricocheting off of the flagstone floor as he continued to speak, "you should now be at the stage of collecting a dugbog tongue from the table up the front and adding it to your cauldrons– which should now be a light blue colour," the old man smiled, gesturing for the class to move onto the next stage of their brew.
still smug with a freshly pampered ego, james sauntered over to the front of the class, though not before beckoning lily's attention. confidently, with his longterm crushes eyes on him, he reached into the basket containing the deceased tongues bravely before he jokingly held it in front of his own mouth and acting as though it were his own. he continued to mime with the teachers back to him.
faint giggling could be heard from across the room, however, not from lily. the boy looked across the room to see y/n equally as amused as before, which only egged him on. he continued his antics, ending up sliding across the front of the classroom in an attempt to mock the beast whose tongue they were using, and ignoring the reprimands of his friends who at this point were over the dramatic display. the boy got carried away, locking eyes with y/n and leaning backwards on the table at the front of the room holding the ingredients. a deafening bang echoed through the room as james accidentally knocked the exposed supplies off of the desk.
"potter!" professor slughorn shouted.
the notorious chime of the clocktower bell ringing through the school sounded as professor slughorn dismissed his potions class, rolling his eyes at the mess left behind from james. chatter immediately erupted through the room as friends reunited with one another and made their way to their next classes. the group of gryffindor girls gathered together, laughing as they walked.
"saved by the bell huh, james," marlene mckinnon snickered as the boy walked past her with his friends. he stuck his tongue out at her in rebellion. childishly, the boy whipped round and stuck his tongue out at the girl and her group of friends. "he's ridiculous," she muttered to the group as they watched him run off after his friends.
"i can't believe he did that, lils, and all for your attention," dorcas added, murmurs filled the corridors as students now hurried to their next classes.
"i dunno, y/n seemed pretty taken by him," she shrugged. "hm?" the girls attention was beckoned from the back of the group as they rounded the corner and entered their transfiguration classroom.
"i just said that you seemed pretty intrigued by james today, is all," the girl repeated, sighing as she sunk into her seat. "i mean i can't believe he even thought to act that way, it's unprecedented," she continued with a laugh as marlene slid into her seat next to dorcas, very evidently mocking the bespectacled boys former actions as the professor entered the classroom whilst y/n slid into a seat by herself.
"take your seats, boys," professor mcgonagall spoke sternly, looking to the rowdy group of boys. as if they were small children who had been told off, they immediately found seats across the room and looked ready to listen. james sat himself down next to y/n wordlessly, merely flashing her a momentary smile before giving his full attention to the beginning of the lecture.
professor mcgonagall began to charm the chalkboard to draw various detailed diagrams of the topics she was discussion, the sound blending into that of the scrawling of quill on parchment. eventually the professor had ordered the class to move onto the independent work, urging them to talk quietly, if they felt the need to talk at all.
casually, remus looked across the room to where james sat, intrigued as he hadn't taken his usual spot next to him. and sitting away from where lily had been situated. but the boy smirked as he watched james deliberate over what to say to y/n.
"hey, do you know what we–"
"what do you want from me james," the girl spoke suddenly, a certain firmness in her tone as she turned to look at him.
dumbfounded, the boy stared at her for a moment, his jaw ajar, "uhm, nothing?" he sounded unsure of himself, "i just wanted to know if you knew what we were supposed to do for this question, he pointed to a row of text in their book on transfiguration, glancing up to see professor mcgonagall transfixed by marking first years papers stoically.
"but why did you sit next to me, potter," her voice entirely coated in sourness, clearly unamused by his attempt to be comedic, "shouldn't you still be bothering poor lily, with futile attempts for her attention," there is was, he could practically hear her eyes rolling from where he was sat.
"i wanted to sit with you, i didn't realise it was such an issue," he huffed, nervously shooting a look to his friends.
"but why, why the sudden interest–" she cut herself off, "you know i'm failing this class right, like you can't cheat off of me and succeed, yeah," she laughed, clearly finding a new humour in the situation.
"i didn't come here to cheat off of you," he looked at her, entirely serious, "and i haven't been annoying evans nearly as much as i usually do, i'm self aware now!" he exclaimed confidently, sitting up and puffing his chest.
"i am," he defended himself at her laughter, a smile of his own weaving its way across his features. she turned to face him now, his expression faltering slightly at the directness of her attention on him. "so what'dya call that stunt in potions, where you were clearly chasing after her attention," her brow quirked up.
"i wasn't," he mumbled, turning his head away and talking into the shoulder facing away from her. momentarily, he caught the watchful eyes of his friends, before whipping his head back around to her when she hummed inconclusively. he repeated himself, watching several emotions flash across her face in a split second, urging him to elaborate.
"the ship between us, i think, has sailed," he paused, in thought, "i think there's something i'd rather explore with someone else'.
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chearyeongs · 4 months
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WINTER 'Long Chat (#♥)' Universe m/v
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live-emotion · 4 months
What songs are you most looking forward to playing in Live Emotion?
A particular dance MV, a new song that was never in Shining Live, an old favourite Shining Live beatmap, or just a favourite Utapri song.
Personally I'm really curious about the new songs we never got in Shining Live, but Lycoris no Mori and Go x2 Jet Coaster were always favourite beatmaps of mine in Shining Live, so I'm really curious how they'll play in Live Emotion!
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live-from-flaturn · 7 months
so I watched Yellow Leaf again today for no reason and my brain did this:
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mugunghwarp · 2 years
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Idade: 29 anos.
Gênero: Masculino cis.
Qualidades: Prático, astuto.
Defeitos: Crítico, rancoroso.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Sul coreano/coreano.
Temas de interesse: Todos.
Faceclaim: I.M - Monsta X.
Twitter: MV93KJ.
OOC: +18 ela/dela.
TW: Nenhum.
TW: Abandono e negligência parental, menção a morte.
Jinwoo cresceu na vila de Mugunghwa e foi criado por seus avós maternos. Mal sabe quem é seu pai e sua mãe tinha seus próprios sonhos para correr atrás, e isso não significava ter uma criança chorando e pedindo por atenção. Ele entende, entretanto guarda rancor pela falta que fez em sua vida. O que sabia dela era que foi quem escolheu seu nome e que se aventurava na capital atrás de seu sonho de ser atriz, e talvez por ela ter ido para tão longe de seus pais, eles faziam de tudo para que o neto nunca fosse embora.
Funcionou por um tempo, até que o Kang se formou no colegial. Sendo um aluno exemplar com comportamento e notas excepcionais, Jinwoo conseguiu entrar para uma boa universidade na capital onde cursou psicologia com a intenção de atuar na polícia como psicólogo criminal. Ao se estabilizar em Seul, trabalhava junto da polícia fazendo parte tanto em processos investigativos quanto em processos jurídicos, ganhando respeito entre seus colegas de trabalho por estar presente na resolução de casos complexos que muitos evitavam. Recebia ligações de seus avós todos os dias sempre perguntando quando ele iria voltar.
Era engraçado saber que, ao mesmo tempo, sua mãe estava no outro lado da cidade ganhando toda a fama que almejava, não apenas isso mas vivendo sua própria vida e criando sua família, e o Kang não se inclui nessa família. Então juntou os pontos e entendeu: ele nasceu fora do casamento. um filho bastardo de uma das atrizes do momento na Coreia, quanta sorte. O pior era vê-la feliz com seus filhos enquanto ele não recebia uma ligação ou um presente em seu aniversário. Mas quando o corpo da famosa atriz foi encontrado em seu apartamento, Jinwoo estava presente na investigação.
Achou que não fosse possível ficar tão abalado com um caso antes, e muito menos por se tratar de alguém que o negligenciou toda sua vida, mas se viu na obrigação de trazer justiça. Após dar um final para o caso decidiu voltar a Mugunghwa, e poucos meses depois perdeu seu avô também. O homem se viu na obrigação de voltar para a vila e ficar ao lado de sua avó, depois de tudo que eles haviam feito por ele, deveria retribuir, e depois de perder duas pessoas importantes para ele o melhor foi se afastar de seu trabalho e viver seu luto.
Estar de volta depois de tantos anos o fez reviver vários momentos especiais que traziam aquela sensação boa de nostalgia. Ele disse que ficaria ali por apenas algumas semanas, que transformaram-se em meses, que transformaram-se em um ano. Aos poucos, Jinwoo foi considerando a ideia de se estabilizar oficialmente na vila e voltar a trabalhar, atuou como psicólogo em uma pequena clínica por um tempo até tentar aplicar para dar aulas na universidade de Mugunghwa. Como teve algumas experiências como professor no passado e com seu histórico profissional e estudantil impecáveis, ele conseguiu a vaga.
Mesmo que sinta falta de sua vida agitada na capital, nada se comparava com a calmaria que tem morando na vila, e ainda pensa em voltar a atuar como psicólogo criminal, mas agora que descobriu uma nova vocação pretende investir na carreira de professor e aproveitar o quanto pode, pois não há nenhum outro lugar que gostaria de estar.
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poshtearexdoodles · 4 months
Continuing my Jason and Steven are best friends in Multiversus propaganda with my first ever attempt at making an animatic
I do Commission Work!
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acebytaemin · 1 month
no matter what taemin is taemin and don’t you FORGET IT
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fae-sodapop · 1 month
FINALLY, some Lost in Code AU designs!
Reference images
Toriel's design
Asriel & Frara's designs
The king, the captain, the scientist, and the entertainer
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The skeleton family: Sans, Papyrus, and Grandpa Semi
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(Honestly idk if I want to name Papyrus Times new Roman, maybe I could make him into another character? Maybeeeee)
Grandpa Semi obvs comes from an early sketch of Papyrus from Toby way before Undertale
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daredevil-vagabond · 9 days
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Logic, ethics, empathy, don't resonate. I'll live freely - Atashi, Syudou
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flusteredmoonn · 2 months
fortnight; regulus black
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summary: "i was supposed to be sent away, but they forgot to come and get me" in which regulus falls for someone who is less than pureblooded, and his parents discover he's hiding something.
tags: (SFW), fluff, drabble??, fast paced, angst, muggleborn!reader, implied pre-existing relationship, blood supremacy, arguments, attempted forbidden-ish love trope, (this would never happen ever so ooc!everyone?), she/her pronouns, third person y/n.
words: 1.0k+
ttpd tracklist. request.
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the ride on the hogwarts express back to king's cross station had been tense. regulus was sat at one end of the train whilst she sat at the other, their respective friend groups out of the loop as to what had occurred between them. and of course, nothing explicitly happened between them. but the weight of knowing what the future held pulled them down.
he had suspected one of his friends had drunkenly snitched on his relationship to another pureblood for a while now, the sudden stares and grimaces he received in the hallways had given it away. though he had no proof of this, just a feeling. particularly with the change in treatment he had received from other members of noble houses too, and the way the treated her had changed signifcantly.
and not for the better.
he feared he was destined for a worse fate than that of his brother. his brother who might as well be estranged from their family. regulus thrived on his family's approval, and he knew going into a relationship with her that he was sacrificing it. he also knew that sirius knew of his escapades. and he had no idea whether that'd be used against him.
"reg...reggie," one of his friends spoke calmly, as though approaching a feral cat.
"yeah, pandora?" he responded, snapping out of an overthinking haze, as his eyes flicked to the rest of his friend group in the compartment.
"are you okay? you seem, i don't know– off," she suggested kindly, barty and evan turning to one another, confusion lacing their faces, unsure of where her concern would be coming from. regulus looked fine, externally.
though neither boys had time to consider the reasoning as a knocking was heard on the glass of the sliding door to the compartment. everyone in the compartment whipped their heads around, seeing sirius looking to regulus as he begun to slide open the door.
"can i have a word?" the question was more a statement than anything, the older boy commanding his little brother to speak with him in the corridor, before reaching king's cross. wordlessly, the younger boy stood up and followed his brother who stepped to the side and waited for the click of the door before he started talking.
"what do you think you're doing?" sirius' tone was immediately accusatory.
"i don't know what you mean sirius, i don't even know why you've pulled me aside to talk to me. if mother and father find out–"
"they won't, they won't find out," the estranged asserted, "but you're being reckless, you know you are," he paused slightly, "as soon as they find out her status, i can't even begin to imagine what they will do to you– to her," concern oozed from his tone.
"it'll be fine, i promise," regulus sounded unsure of even his own words, yet still maintained the facade. the conversation between the two brothers was quick to trail off, sirius dismissing himself so that regulus wouldn't get the chance to, and making his way back down the other end of the train, to his traitorous friends.
the boy peaked his head back into the compartment, "i'm going to go get changed before we get back to king's cross," his friends hummed in acknowledgement, before he disappeared down the other end of the train. arriving at king's cross station was the same as it always had been, the masses of eager first years returning to their parents who had been waiting for them on the platform, equally as eager to reunite with their children.
regulus and y/n stepped off of the train, luggage clunking behind them as the boy searched for his parents. instead, he caught his brother's eye, rolling his eyes and continuing his search for his parents and ignoring sirius' warning scowl.
"i'm kind of nervous, regulus," she spoke quietly, also glancing across the crowd for a presumably stern pair of people, who were likely monochromatically dressed.
"me too,"
"well that's comforting," she smiled, stifling a laugh as she followed him through the crowd, having spotted his parents.
"regulus," his father steely spoke, a tense smile across his features, as his wife did not greet her son.
"father–" he paused, the ghost of a strained smile on his face, "mother," his shoulders became rigid, "this is y/n," genuinely smiling as he looked to her.
"nice to meet you... y/n," his mother finally spoke, before gesturing that they all apparate back to grimmauld place.
with the notorious snap which followed apparation, the four found themselves back at regulus' childhood home. immediately, he led the girl upstairs and to his room, with the help of kreature the house elf who took their luggage upstairs for them both. thanking kreature, regulus dismissed the loyal elf, and sat comfortably on his bed in silence which y/n admired his room.
"i don't think your parents like me very much, reg," she suddenly spoke, concerned for her reputation already, knowing the views which his family upheld.
"they don't even know you, y/n/n," he justified standing up, knowing that as soon as kreature stuck his head in and heard of his girlfriend's true blood status that they'd kick her out.
"the portrait's were calling me awful names," her rebuttal was left with no response. what could he say to that? he had heard the things his ancestor's called her, it was horrific.
"plus, they'll have your head for it," she couldn't help but continue. the tensity of the air growing the longer it took for regulus to curate a response. and if things couldn't get worse, kreature had apparated into the room with a snap.
"master regulus, master orion and miss walburga wish to see you," and even the stone cold house elf looked solemn.
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straykids-17 · 1 year
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bonus bc i've been so in love with jeongin lately:
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