#my braims to small
fence-time · 5 months
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ImpulseSV gets killed by snail man⁉️⁉️ (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT) (EMOTIONAL)
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glamdolf · 2 months
9 people you want to know better - tag game!
thank you for the tag @gondolindon and @hobbitwrangler! <3
Three ships: Bagginshield, Silverflint, Braime
First ship: probably Ten/Rose from doctor who! i discovered fanfic by googling "what if rose stayed with the doctor"
Last song: Aftertaste by Katie Gavin. Katie give me one chance
Last movie: I watched a documentary about LGBT stand up comedians on netflix which was really interesting! i cried three times lol
Currently reading: Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan...claire......your mind....
Currently watching: 15 year old seasons of project runway
Currently eating: does my third cup of coffee count
Currently craving: honestly a good burrito. too early for that though
i tag @elvain, if you haven't done this yet, @drybranmuffin, and @drmcbones, if you ever check your tumblr!
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unohanabbygirl · 11 months
Thanks for tagging me babes ☺️ @sapphireblueye
How many works do you have on A03?
7! Five multi-chaptered and two oneshots
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
481,884 (I honestly thought it was more)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
HOTD, specifically Lucemond with some background pairings.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Forget me not
2. Hiding in plain sight
3. Fill my bleeding heart
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! However my timing is always so bad and it makes me feel shitty but I’m the sort of person who needs some time to think out what I wanna say + I get distracted very easily and forget to do so until weeks later. My responses are horribly late but my words are genuine.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm, I guess it would be by latest oneshot featuring corpse queen Luke with a very mentally unwell Aemond. Very sad.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The ending isn’t published yet since the story won’t be completed for a while but Hiding in plain sight should be my happiest ending according to my plans. Crazy, I know.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I wouldn’t say I receive outright hate. Maybe a few backhanded responses every once in a while but it’s rare.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
YES! Very emotional, 9/10 there will be tears shed while they fuck nasty.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one
Sadly no. I don’t think I’m the type of person who could pull off clashing two different universes and their characters together. It’s a difficult thing to write in my opinion and the handful of crossovers I’ve downloaded so i’ll never lose them are god-tier. Takes a lot of talent me thinks.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge 🧐
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. Its translated in spanish
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope. My process is a very long drawn out one that I don’t want to stress anyone out with while trying to work alongside me. Sometimes it’ll take me weeks or even months to get a chapter out. Im looking at you FMBH.
However I wouldn’t be co-writing something small if the plot interests me. Maybe four chapters or so? Idk
14. What's your all-time favourite ship
IchiRuki (bleach) and Braime. Samdean is a big one too.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Interesting enough I started a WIP when Lucemond was still new so around December-ish. It’s a dragon shifter AU but I don’t know where to take it so she’ll probably never see the light of day. Lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
Conveying emotions I think. Probably because i’ve been down the depression and crappy self image rabbit hole enough to express it in my works. Internal monologue is also one I’m good at.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing! Omg my pacing is ass. Everything is either too slow or too fast which leads to so much re-editing to get it all flowing in an appropriate time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don’t do it because google translate isnt very accurate most of the time and language is so important. If I do feel writing dialogue in another language is that important i’ll ask someone who speaks it to help.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Well…does the shitty fic I wrote about Edward/Bella/Jacob in seventh grade count? Because if not then Lucemond it is lol
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Forget me not. She’s an icon, what can I say.
Tagging; @handsome-wise-strong @armonial
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veggiefritterz · 7 months
throws him at they floor anf watched him explobde. peter was jn my braim so i drew him on my phone lyingn in bed.
domt mind tge facrs. he looks better small like that
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
what are your asoiaf/hotd ships?
i am a multi shipper and my criteria for a ship is “i think it would be interesting” so that doesn’t mean i inherently want it to happen in canon, it just means they have a dynamic with some romantic tones in it that appeals to me - sometimes in a “they would be sweet” way and sometimes in a “oh they would make each other much much worse excellent” way. also - there’s just so many goddamn characters in asoiaf, very good chance i’m missing a ship i like. so anyways i italicized the ones i really enjoy let’s go -
house of the dragon
Rhaenyra/Aegon II
Gaemon/Aegon III
Aegon/Helaena/Aemond (sometimes daeron is there but idc about him he’s boring lol. all the war crimes none of the mommy issues of his older siblings).
Sabitha Frey/Black Aly
Rhaena/Jace (mostly bc of a fic i read tbh haha)
also fuck alyn oakenfist all my homies hate alyn oakenfist
asoiaf (main series ships)
Davos/Stannis (with Salladhor being super jealous in the background)
Davos/Stannis/Melisandre but like that caleb gallo meme “we’re in a gay centric semi non sexual throuple” no one knows what meli gets out of it but if you imply she’s not an important part of the throuple they start throwing shit at you
Robb/Jeyne Westerling
Jon/Young Griff
Joanna Lannister/Loreza Martell
Sansa/Jeyne Poole
Cat/Jason Mallister
Arya/Edric Dayne
Arianne/Aegon VI
Grey Worm/Jeyne Poole
i would say probably my favorites are nedcat, braime, throbb, and thoros/beric, i find their dynamics so romantic and tragic, like when i think about them i feel physical pain and that is what i need in a ship.
i did also really enjoy grey worm & missandei in the show even tho the ending was bullshit. and dany/jorah is marginally less creepy mostly bc of the actors chemistry lol so i am known to get slightly emo over show only jorah/dany but that’s bc their dynamic is also wildly different in the show, and also it’s ust that they gave me iain glen and harry lloyd in that amazing “yet here you stand” scene and i’ve been chasing that high ever since aksjsj
asoiaf (historical ships)
Duncan the Small/Jenny of Oldstones
Rhaena/Elissa Farman
Rhaena/Elinor Costayne
Daeron/Jeremy Norridge
Maekar/Dyanna Dayne
Aegon V/Betha
there’s some eras i haven’t really dug into yet that i want to, so i’m sure i’ll get interested in other characters too, and my reread will likely throw some other shit in my brain as well. but this is what i could think of for right now.
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bettsfic · 11 months
directors cut on : A Long Way ? 👀
the number of people i have recommended this to you i cannot even tell you...
i tried to find my notes on this one, but apparently i just didn't have any, which is insane because according to the document, i wrote the first few pages in 2017 and the rest in 2019.
usually when i have an idea that i play around with and put down, i keep really detailed notes for myself when i pick it back up. but for this fic i apparently just wrote 1% of it, sat on it for 2 years, and pounded the rest out. i recently re-read this one because i had directed an irl friend to my game of thrones fics and wondered to what degree this one would freak her out (she decided to only read Patience, which...fair), and i was surprised i had retained any world-building details at all, let alone this many. i write modern aus for a reason, and that reason is a very poor memory for canon lore.
i think my whole life was exploding while i wrote this and that's why i don't remember much about it. i was adjuncting at the time and trying to sell my house and either get into a doctoral program or find a full-time job (both of those things ended up happening and neither of them worked out). game of thrones ended and i was feeling some kind of way about it, and i wanted to write a fixit fic but i just didn't have it in me. so i looked through my GoT fic folder and found that i'd started this while i was watching season... (the season with myrcella on a boat? i don't actually remember what was happening in the story) for the first time. and i probably thought something to the effect of, this is a much easier way for me to feel my jaime feelings.
i'm such a braime shipper that i had to take brienne completely out of this universe to suspend my own disbelief. this fic is similar to ASE in that i tried to bring some personality and growth to a character who doesn't get much screen time, although i don't think spoiled princess to hardened wanderer is a particularly unique narrative. there are a lot of things i don't like about this fic but overall i'm pretty happy with it, considering that high fantasy is really not my thing.
some standout dialogue:
She sat up. The fire had dwindled, and she was huddled under both her cloak and his. A wild thought occurred to her — maybe Jaime was kidnapping her. Maybe he was planning to take her far, far from Winterfell, and they could hide in the mountains forever. “Tell me,” she said. “You’re too smart for your own good.” “That’s what men say who want women to stay silent.” “I miss when you were silent.” “I miss when you were less of a cunt, but we don’t all get what we want.”
i'm baffled how i was able to write any of this, let alone make it decent, but i'm glad it worked out and i'm grateful it's gained a small but enthusiastic audience. thank you for asking to know more about it and for recommending it to people!
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scoundrels-in-love · 1 year
Okay, my dearest, let's do this! For the fanfic writer ask: 1 (for everything about you is on the tip of my tongue), 10, 17, 19 aaaaand 28.
Hi babe <3 Thank you for asking! 1. Share a song that makes you think of Everything about you is on the tip of my tongue
Hmm. It was very hard fic to title because I actually was coming up short with songs that gave me the vibe of this fic.
I do think that Do I wanna Know is always good one to go to when there is sexual tension and (mutual) pining, though. And now I'm gonna have to listen to it 5 times in a row, damn you...
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? In a way, all of them, I think? I never know what I really expect, but somehow, the responses always surprise me. Mostly positively. Sometimes in 'I thought this would do better/garner more comments' way. There are few fics that I thought leaned in other emotions more, but get called 'sweet' or 'soft' and I scramble a little with that, trying to gauge if I failed or if that's just the last impression of me wrapping things up. It's not bad, though.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic? I learned a lot about glassblowing for one of my Braime fics that never got finished or posted. I can't exactly remember if some research came first before the idea or the other way around - I know glassblowing has always fascinated me, but I don't know if I set to watch hours about it before or after. Pretty sure I learned that the reheating chamber is called glory hole after I decided on the fic theme and I was over the moon with laughter, sharing it with friends, lmao.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
DAMMIT. I don't really have hundred of WIP documents loitering around as I usually do. And what I do have in Misc folder you've largely already seen. >:( ... Fine.
She's never thought much of god, really. But if he is somewhere out there and had even a touch in creation of someone like Vash, then, perhaps, it was an act of his endless atonement.
28. Have you ever tagged a fic “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat”?
I have not! But there is a version of the Reincarnation AU closing piece in my head that would have this tag. It will not come to pass to be written, most likely. But I think of it sometimes. When I am rather depressed myself.
Send me fic writer ask?<3
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bluntforceyearning · 2 years
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I posted 1,324 times in 2022
That's 1,075 more posts than 2021!
22 posts created (2%)
1,302 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 480 of my posts in 2022
#asoiaf - 65 posts
#jaime x brienne - 62 posts
#jaime lannister - 57 posts
#persuasion - 54 posts
#brienne of tarth - 51 posts
#autumn my love - 39 posts
#braime - 32 posts
#the sandman - 18 posts
#ettore bastianini my love - 15 posts
#bridgerton - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#they might as well have claimed that fish swim in the desert or that clouds are consisted of marshmallow fluff
My Top Posts in 2022:
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11 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
The Sandman dropped on Netflix only yesterday, but I see the Corinthian has already gotten Babygirl-fied. The devil works hard, but the tumblrinas work fast!
11 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
100 years from the birth of THE baritone that ruined me for all other baritones, operablr's favourite dude, tragic, divine, velvet-and-bronze-voiced, our beloved Ettore! Thank you for the music!
12 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
Anyone who has ever read "Like water for chocolate" or watched the film (WATCH IT!), can agree that Mama Elena is a terror and deserves the worst. BUT! The guts it takes to aim your shotgun at a troop of guerrillas, when you're the head of a small group of women home alone in the middle of nowhere, and deliver this line
“I have a very good aim and a very bad temper, Captain. The next shot is for you, and I assure you that I can shoot you before they can kill me, so it would be best for us to respect each other. If we die, no one will miss me very much, but won’t the nation mourn your loss?”
I almost cheered!
18 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Guys, Persuasion was bad! The trailer doesn't even do it justice! Nothing prepares you for how CRIMINALLY bad it is!
In an almost 2-hour long film, they managed to rush through with indifference or skip entirely most plot points, so the unfortunate viewers could enjoy more of Anne babbling nonsensically while looking at the camera
They murdered the characters of the protagonists (the secondary characters and the interactions between them providing insight to the plot and social commentary are barely even there). Anne is "so altered, Austen should not have known her again" and Wentworth has all the charm, spark and personality of an an unsalted, boiled potato (apologies to the potatoes!)
Anne and Wentworth are worse than exes, they're BUDDIES! They're not only on speaking terms, they talk about their past, their feelings, their appreciation for each other, their hopes and dreams, how they wish the best for each other and I couldn't get through these scenes. It was painful to watch!
They annihilated the chemistry between them. It's a story where silence speaks the loudest and it's a character on its own. You remove the plot, you remove the silence, you remove the characters and there's nothing there anymore. There was NO CHEMISTRY AT ALL ! It was the dullest, most flavourless, pointless to watch pairing! To do that to Persuasion out of all Austen books (the most tension-filled, blue balls-inducing, physical of them), takes a special kind of talent!
The letter (and I'll leave it at that)
The liberties taken to make the film more "modern" or relatable. Aaaaah…….. rubbing temples. I can't decide if it's worse or equally bad as having Anne throw at us butchered lines from the book at irrelevant times, to soften the blow to the book fans. It wasn't "refreshingly relatable and modern" (I suppose that's what they were going for). It was so bad it couldn't work in either Regency or a modern setting or any other timeline, to be honest. It can BARELY serve as a parody of Persuasion!
It's not an accidental failure. It's not a hit-and-miss (by a few million light years!). It's so fucking bad, it can only be on purpose. Did somebody bet the creators they couldn't make the most cursed Austen adaptation of all times? That would make sense! How else could one explain this PLOTLESS, FLEABAGED, QUIRKY-FIED, BLAND AS ROOM TEMPERATURE WATER AND SUBTLE AS WRECKING BALL, PARODY OF PERSUASION?
I wish I could take back those 3 hours of my life (that's how long it took me to watch, as I had to pause every other scene, yell "what the hell? what the fuck? what is this? what the fuck am i watching", take deep breaths, rub my temples, pour more wine and press play).
If you haven't watched it, I envy you. If you did, let us pray for lobotomies!
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23 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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vayalda · 1 year
TV-Show Rec – How I Met Your Mother
I know that this is an older show, but I’ve only just come around to binge-watch it and need to rave about it for a minute or two because this has easily become my second-favourite show after Game of Thrones (which will always remain number one because of Braime) and I haven’t been this excited about a show/movie/book in the last two years…
For the first few episodes, I wasn’t even sure I’d like HIMYM because sitcoms aren’t usually my thing and the constant audience laughter annoyed me soooo much. But since I wanted to watch something light and funny during my recovery, I pulled through and eventually managed to blank out the laughter and focus on the story and characters instead. And I’m glad I did for one reason and one reason only: Barney Stinson, who’s 100% awesome and legen – wait for it – dary! LEGENDARY!
Plus, Neil Patrick Harris is a treasure! That man can act and sing and dance and do it all at once and I’m in absolute awe of his talent. He was the heart and soul of the show and carried HYMYM. And did I already mention that this man can sing? There are still so many of his songs I haven’t heard yet, but these are a few gems I simply have to share (in no particular order):
This Tony Awards Opening
His Disney Christmas Parade Opening
The “Dream On” performance from Glee
His Broadway Musical Riff-Off against James Corden, which includes snippets of his musicals “Company” and “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”
“The Origin of Love”, which is my favourite song from Hedwig
The brilliant “Stand by me” performance from HIMYM (special thanks to Cobie Smulders who was all of us in that moment)
And, of course, the legen – wait for it and I hope you aren’t lactose-intolerant because the second part of the word is – dairy “Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit” by Barney Stinson
And those are just the tip of the iceberg…
Seriously, I imagine NPH’s creation going somewhat like this:
God: How much talent do you want to have?
NPH: Yes! What up?
That being said, if you belong to the few people who haven’t watched this show yet, I have two warnings for you…
First: You’ll never be able to hear the song “I’m gonna be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers again without slowly sinking to your knees, screaming NOOOOOOOO at the top of your lungs and starting to weep because it will be stuck in your head for days. DAYS, I tell you!
Second: The HIMYM ending is absolute crap and I’m so pissed at it. This is GoT all over again (or rather, I now know where D&D got their idea from since HIMYM is the older show). Seriously though, is there some secret prize for the producers/writers who manage to make the best shows and character arcs only to screw them over in the last episodes??
In any case, for anyone who hasn’t watched the show yet, here’s a simple four-step guide:
1. Watch every episode including Season 9, Episode 22 (you could leave out the rhyming one cause that one was boring and had no point imo)
2. Do NOT watch Season 9, Episode 23 and 24 unless you want to get “I want to punch a hole in the wall-angry”
3. Don’t bother with the alternative ending either cause that isn’t much better than the original
4. You’re welcome!
PS: I’m not gonna write HIMYM fics but I might have to include a small Barney Stinson tribute in one of my future Braime fics because I’ve had an idea on how to easily fix his stupid ending with a guest appearance.
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thestory812 · 2 years
just saw a twincest post on twitter that miraculously got 340 likes, ended up on tl, and now i need to cleanse myself, and i love scrolling through you tumblr, your takes on braime are incredibly thorough and exacly what i think about them and about what's going to happen in the books.
but talking about twincest, i've been unfortunately seeing a surge of them on twitter, they're still very much so a small minority, but god, it's like hotd validated some of their incest fantasies somehow, which is hilarious because the only reason people have been talking about them (twincest) is in comparison to daemon×rhaeynira and about how they were disgusted by jaime×cersei and actually like daemyra.
anyway, sorry for the rant, it's that the existence of twincest shippers still makes my skin crawl.
Thank you very much. I have not been active lately partly due to real life issues and honestly I am burnt out from defending Jaime and Brienne. The popularity of the dragon show has only reinforced the idea we are not getting Winds of Winter and the lasting impression to the general audience being Jaime and Cersei are some tragic epic romance. Even if the novels are published they will never have the exposure or visual staying power that the show did.
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shipping-receiving · 3 years
Jaime x Brienne Fic Exchange 2021: Update for languageintostillair
Thanks very much to the @jaime-brienne-fic-exchange team for putting this whole thing together once again – your efforts are very much appreciated! I'll start off with my own fics, but I have some shout-outs at the end of this long post.
Without further ado, here are the two very different genre stories I wrote for @albatrossisland:
A Small Patch of Sky
Rating: T | Word Count: 7,155 | Chapters: 1/1 Tags: Alternate Universe - Space, Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Bickering, Mandalorian-flavoured
‘Stranded with his captor on a barely habitable planet’ is probably up there on the list of inconvenient things that have happened in Jaime Lannister’s lifetime.
It really doesn’t help that he’s also missing a hand.
[Notes] This is a one-shot with lots of unexpected twists and turns, which I somehow managed to conjure up in a week when I realised I wouldn't be able to finish the other story in time. Written from Jaime's POV, it's sort of a take on their road trip, but I can't say much else that won't be better experienced as a surprise. It's a fun one (well, I had fun writing it anyway, barring a few crises) that has some of the vibes of The Mandalorian and stole plot points from an episode of the animation anthology series Love, Death & Robots.
Rating: E | Word Count: 23,524 (so far) | Chapters: 7/10 Tags: Alternate Universe - Farm/Ranch, Late-19th-Century Westeros, Older Jaime and Brienne, Second Chances, Brief Mentions Of Past Relationships
This is foolish, he thinks. He had turned fifty, and looked back on his life, and thought he owed at least the last third of it to her. She had given him shelter when she didn’t need to; seen to his wounds and his fever when she didn’t need to. Perhaps it hadn’t seemed like much to her, but they were on different sides of the war, then, and she should have let him bleed out where she found him on the edge of her family’s farm.
Fifteen years after she saved his life, he returns to her farm at Pennytree.
[Notes] If you want to read about fifty-year-old Jaime Lannister having a mid-life crisis and unexpectedly falling in love because of it, then boy do I have the story for you! Also, when I say this is set on a farm in a vaguely late-19th-century Westeros, I really mean this in the sense that the farm is just... there? I started writing this even before the exchange was announced, inspired by a (non-weirwood) dream. It's meant to be a quieter, more pared-down exploration of Jaime and Brienne meeting again when they're older, after having led entirely separate lives. At least, it was pared down until they started having emotions and, uh, sex. It's still a WIP, but I do think it's one of my best stories, so I hope you'll give it a chance!
Now that I've gotten the self-promotion out of the way, I'd like to give a shout-out to my lovely gift fic, lay this body down by thebothsandneithers (if this person is on Tumblr, please let me know so I can tag them!). My prompt was the poem ‘Words, Wide Night’ by Carol Ann Duffy, and I never could have imagined that this sweeping canon-adjacent story with soulmate and fairy tale elements would come from it. They did a really admirable job of weaving together their own takes on plot points from canon, all while maintaining this deep connection between Jaime and Brienne, who see each other in their dreams long before meeting in person. There are some killer lines in this story too. Thank you so much again!
I no longer do much reading, so I won't be able to do any recs for this exchange. However, I'd like to recommend the fics by my two irreplaceable betas. First, safe by @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined (a.k.a. jencat), a compelling and beautifully-written heist fic in which Jaime and Brienne – who have history – work to break into a safe belonging to Petyr Baelish. Also, that safe is on a train. Also, they have sex on that train, naturally. I beta-ed this fic, and I have to say my favourite chapter is the one in which Brienne breaks into the (Valyrian!) safe, and how that whole process interweaves with her memories. It's really elegantly and creatively done. GO READ THIS!
@firesign23 (a.k.a. Roccolinde) surprises absolutely no one by writing more than one fic for this exchange. First, however long the night, the dawn will break again, a World War II AU response to an amazing ‘sexy weapons removal’ prompt. Second, with all the years between us, YET ANOTHER S8 fix-it, which she never seems to tire of writing and always finds new ways of approaching. GO READ THESE TOO!
(Hope you can send lots of kudos and comments to any exchange fics you read! It'll be much appreciated!)
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ddagent · 4 years
Idea of the Day
Brienne is enlisted by her flatmate Jaime Hill to pretend to be his girlfriend during a visit back home. She is unaware, however, that he is Lord Jaime Lannister, the most eligible bachelor in Westeros, and has now been thrust into the limelight.
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Chapter 3 is up! 
Jaime wakes up, a conversation is had, sparks……fly?
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robertpatinsons · 5 years
↖ This user is still crying over Jaime Lannister.
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classicalbughead · 5 years
I just rewatched season 3 episode 7 of GoT (the one were Jaime saves Brienne from a literal bear) and I still think Jaime’s death is fucking unrealistic? I mean if he loved Cersei all along WHAT WAS THE POINT IN THE BRAIME PLOTLINE WHAT THE FUCK
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Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Tyrion Lannister, Sansa Stark, Tormund Giantsbane, Podrick Payne, Davos Seaworth, Samwell Tarly, Sandor Clegane Additional Tags: Romance, Mutual Pining, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Canon? Don't Know Her, Loyalty, Idiots in Love, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Deviates From Canon, Sensuality, sexual innuendo, Domestic Fluff, Pillow Talk, Falling In Love, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Found Family, Touch-Starved, tending injuries, Masturbation, Banter, Jaime Lannister Lives, Romantic Introspection, First Time, ....followed by many more, Oral Sex, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Sparring, slowish burn Summary:
He he kisses her with oaths of love. Filled with thoughts he cannot give to words, he lets his actions speak. He gives. He fell long ago, but at last able to embrace and revel, he sings love songs composed only for her. Her, with love songs preciously taken, a part of her previously hidden from the world unlocks. As he gives and dances with her, they fall deeper. He stays by her side.
*** An exploration and introspective look at Ser Jaime Lannister's love story with the Lady Brienne of Tarth after his arrival at Winterfell. How they learn to act as gleeful lovers do, how Jaime learns to stay and Brienne to give, and how they learn together what it means to build something to last.
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