#my brain is baren
put absolutely every single ee character in a baren desert. my brain is feeling a certain mood today
Finally after all these years... It is done.
I present to you EVERYONE IN A DESERT
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thats a screenshot because the file is way to big so heres some closeups!
Going from left to right
The Heathers
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Giovanni and his boys
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Rick dying for the 30th time + Feenie and Trixie
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Arnold and Bugsy
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Assorted Banzai Blasters
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The Ogres
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Skywatcher and wellwatcher (Wellwatcher is in the well)
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Percy, Gorou, and the Bartender guy
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Indus and Mera
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various background characters + wolf (who i made a little small here, oops)
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Howie and the bees
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Zora and Gun Cat chasing Ramsey
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Mollys classmates
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Lorelai and Graham
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Molly w/ da bears
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Sylvie + all his sheeps
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the bee i hate so fucking much
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(follow the landscape behind graham and you should find him)
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thecampjuicebox · 11 months
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Just in time for Halloween, a loose interpretation of a lovely request from @xxevilbunnyxxsblog! I hope I do this idea justice, as I've been having a lot of trouble with the original concept that was requested. It's been brewing in my mind for a few days now. Certainly taking some creative liberties here, but it should be good (hopefully). Here we go, this is a long one.
Aeterna Amantes
Pairing: Astarion x Tav(f)
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
POV: 2nd person
Warnings: Angst, fluff, biting, very brief usage of a dagger, teasing, mutual pining, possessive dom Ascended Astarion x newly turned spawn sub Tav
The slender branches of baren trees rustle in the night air above your head, full moon casting a faint white light over the tired city. A shiver rumbles the vertebrae in your spine. Gods, it's frigid. Your brain fizzes in excitement as you slowly approach the castle nestled just outside the upper city, fingers wiggling in your black lace gloves. It's been 5 years since you've last seen him. 5 years of agonizing want. Worry. Astarion's ascension had driven a wedge between the two of you that seemingly nothing could remove. His arrogance, his lust for power, how easily he cast you out of the palace. The visions of that day still sting in your ears. You had challenged his decision to make you one of his spawn. Begged for there to be another way. You loved him, and he, you. But that wasn't enough for him. He longed for eternity. Something you were entirely too hesitant to give him. You had fallen ill in the castle, barely hanging on to the fragile thread of life. He prepositioned you that very night. Offered you an immediate cure. When you denied him, he became a different person. He spat, he ranted and raved. Oh, how he yelled at you. Pointed towards the door and bared his fangs to threaten you. Told you to leave or he'd kill you right in your shared bed chamber. Your heart aches in your chest at the memory and you blink hot tears away from the corners of your eyes.
Whispers of the extravagant event had circulated around the town, every high lord and lady enthralled with the preparations of it all. The wealthiest members on the Sword Coast planned to travel into the city. It was a shock when the invitation arrived to your home. The post master joked with you about the fancy gold seal on the letter and you rolled your eyes, fully expecting some pompous letter outlining how big of a mistake you had made by defying the vampire Lord back then. You opened it with trembling fingers, the words seeming to bounce right off of the parchment and read themselves in Astarion's voice. A voice you'd hoped you had forgotten by now.
"Dearest Tav,
It is with great pleasure that I ask you to accompany me to my Liar's Night Masquerade. You will come, won't you? Arrive adorned in your finest silks and lace for I would expect, nor accept, anything less from you. I do request you wear that gown I had made for you all those years ago. The one that hugs your delicious curves and accentuates your beauty the way no artist or canvas has ever been able to. You look truly captivating in it and I miss the sight of you twirling around the halls, your hair swirling around you like the dark embrace of the very shadows we dwell in. Do not forget your mask. It is all part of the fun, after all. Find me in the ballroom once you arrive, we have much to discuss. I shall see you on the 30th night of Marpenoth. I will be awaiting your correspondence, my love.
Lord Astarion Ancunin."
Now, the night has arrived. You'd spent ages getting ready, making sure each curl in your hair was perfect. Taking care that each ruffle and seam on your expensive gown would be to the vampire's liking. Not once did you stop to consider.. Why did it matter so much? Truth be told, you still love the fanged tyrant. Still ache for his commanding words and sweet touch. The ruby amulet Astarion had gifted you the night after his Ascension rests on your collarbones, twinkling in the light of the large lanterns illuminating the walkway to the castle. A simple touch that, you hope, will sweeten the vampire's words even more tonight. Your hair falls in perfect ringlets that rest on your bare shoulders, each step on the cobblestone jostling the locks around. You approach the steps and carefully ascend them, grasping the thick layers of silk and lace of your dress in your trembling hands. An armed elven spawn stands stoic next to the door. Piercing red eyes stare down at you.
"You remember who I am, Feno."
You carefully lift the black lace mask covering your eyes and blink up at the tall spawn. An expression of realization twists on the elf's face and he curves his thick lips into a smile.
"Ah, Tav. Lovely to see you again. We've been expecting you."
He reaches for the iron handle of the door, carefully pulling it open to grant you access to the lavish castle. Pumpkins line the velvet black carpet that leads into the foyer. Lanterns and pillar candles are nestled between the colorful collection of gourds, very dimly lighting the way towards the heavy oak doors of the ballroom. The faint sound of an orchestra of bards rings through the halls and you follow the melodies, another well-dressed pair of spawn pulling open the grand doors for you. The scene is exquisite. Overwhelming. Every lord and lady on the Sword Coast dances and twirls happily, golden chalices resting in their hands, surely full of the finest wine that Baldur's Gate has to offer. Horith, one of Astarion's spawn that you became rather close with before you had disappeared, places a gentle hand on your shoulder. You jump, startled by his touch and he leans in to whisper quietly against your pointy ear.
"The master is waiting for you. Right this way."
A muscular forearm bends out for you, sparkling eyes piercing your own. You nod once and wrap your arm around his, fingers resting against the soft silk of his coat. Your free hand reaches down to gather your dress as to not step on it and you begin your walk to the expectant vampire lord. Eyes follow you from all directions. Horith gives your arm a gentle squeeze of reassurance. "They've all come for you." A look of confusion knits your eyebrows together. For you? Surely this is a misunderstanding. You'd been invited to this ball in the same fashion as everyone else, hadn't you? Lords and ladies bow and curtsy as you pass by and your breath hitches in your chest when your eyes settle on him. Astarion sits comfortably in a velvet chair well past the crowd, the platform he rests on raised enough for him to spot you and your escort over the heads of his other guests. A path clears in front of him as if by force.
"My love. You've come.."
Horith releases your arm and bows to the vampire lord, remaining bent at the waist as he descends the stairs to capture your hand in his. Gentle lips brush over your lace-covered knuckles and your cheeks burn crimson. Time seems to stop around you. The dancing. The merriment. All put on pause for this one moment. Your heart thumps audibly in your ribcage as Astarion turns your hand over and presses a kiss to the pulsing vein just at your wrist.
"You've really come.."
His red eyes flick to yours through the small leather mask that covers just the top half of his face and your knees nearly buckle beneath you. The softness of his voices makes your skin burn beneath his touch. He missed you. Maybe as much as you've missed him. Gentle hands reach out to grasp your hips and pull you to him, his slender arms wrapping around you tightly. The guests resume their dancing, music and the taps of feet overwhelming your senses. Nuzzling his nose into your hair, he inhales deeply, your familiar scent of lavender and orchids making him shudder.
"Follow me. We need to talk."
Hasty steps carry you down the hallway to the right of his lavish chair, the loud sounds of the party disappearing behind the two of you. Large golden-framed paintings of the vampire and his various spawn line the walls. He leads you up a winding staircase and down another hallway to the massive oak double doors of his boudoir. His grip on your hand tightens and you wiggle your fingers playfully, following him once he slips into the dark room. Un-lit and half melted candles drip down the sides of the black iron candelabras on the walls. With a snap, Astarion lights just enough to illuminate the area you're standing in, gentle firelight dancing off of your hair and the bright red ruby resting on your chest. His curls flow perfectly down the black leather and velvet of his Masquerade attire, the small black mask covering his eyes giving him an air of mystery. You'd know those eyes anywhere, though. You're caught off guard by the force of the vampire pressing you into the wall, soft lips crashing against yours in a long overdue kiss. Mouths move in unison. A small whimper escapes between your lips, driving Astarion to kiss you harder. Slower. To savor every moment he has with you now.
A smooth tongue flicks out against your bottom lip, begging for entry. You part your lips in acceptance. Tongues wrestle, teeth bump, hands wander. The smooth black lace of your dress hugs the supple curves of your body perfectly and Astarion's hands intend to explore every part with ease, exactly like they used to.
"Astarion.. You said we needed to talk."
You break the kiss, chest heaving. He slips his mask off, tossing it onto the neatly made up bed to your left. A trembling hand reaches up to stroke his hair back, the vampire beginning to pace back and forth before you.
"I had an entire monologue prepared. I wanted to yell at you. Chastise you for leaving me.."
You interject, heat rising in your throat at his words.
"You told me to leave, Astarion. Or have you forgotten?"
Footsteps pause, Astarion's eyebrows knitting together and he shoots you a glance that could petrify an ogre. He palms at his eyes for a moment before continuing on.
"No, I haven't forgotten. I had hoped you'd come tonight, is my point. I had a plan. A plan to make you submit to me. To convince you to stay. And then you.. You show up. Looking like-"
He waves his hand in your direction, motioning up and down your body.
"-That. And now I.. I can't think. I have hundreds of spawn. Slaves. Men and women that would slit their own throats for a chance to enjoy my company. Drive a stake through their own heart just to hear me utter their name. They wait, with baited breath, for my commands. And none of it means anything."
Shaking his head, he wipes a tear from beneath his eye with his thumb. The pathetic tone of his voice makes your heart sink into your stomach. You weigh your options. Staying here with him would mean eternity, the very eternity that made you uncomfortable in the first place. You could slip away into the night and leave, never to see him or this castle again. Leave Baldur's Gate forever. Your stomach churns, hot bile burning the back of your throat. Another night without your pale lover could be the end of you. Shaking your head, you continue towards him, a delicate hand cupping his cold cheek. His eyes meet yours. Tender. Ardent. A composed smile curves the vampire's lips upwards.
"None of it means anything without you here. All the nights I begged and pleaded to any god that would hear me.. For you to return to my side to become my consort. Ascension has meant nothing without my love."
You cradle his face in your hands now, gaze matching his. He sighs at your clement touch and leans into you. A light tingling sensation travels up your spine causing you to pull your bottom lip between your teeth. Your next words nearly catch in your throat and you clear the lump there, speaking softly up at the vampire.
"Astarion... M-Make me a spawn so I may remain by your side."
A heavy gasp forces its way into his lungs, eyes blown wide with surprise. He quirks an eyebrow at you and traces his fingers down your side, following the seam of your dress.
"You're sure?"
Tender kisses speckle the side of your neck, over the front of your throat, and down to the other side, little nips at your flesh making your hips squirm. Stalwart fingers wrap themselves around your wrists and Astarion backs you towards the deep red wall behind you. Your back makes contact with a thud. He presses your wrists together to make it easier to hold them both in place with one hand, his now free hand reaching down to the sheath tucked snuggly next to his thigh. A silver dagger tip suddenly presses itself into your sternum. You freeze. Heat travels down to your core and you squirm beneath the blade. Cold lips and hot breath meet your pointed ear, the blade pressing ever so slightly harder into your skin.
"If you ever try to leave me again.. I will kill you myself."
Nodding meekly, your hips press forward into his, searching for any sort of friction the vampire will allow. His thin lips curve up into a smirk, tongue jutting out to trace a line up the side of your neck. Without warning he rears back and sinks his fangs into your flesh. Shards of ice soar through your veins and your eyes roll back into your head. The pain is much deeper than you remember. Stars and speckles float around your vision as Astarion consumes you, little dribbles of blood trickling down and staining your skin. Your arms go limp, your jaw slack, back bowing off of the wall for a moment before you slip away.
"Lady Ancunin, I do hate to disturb your sleep.. But I've set out some clothing for you. The master requests your presence in the throne room once you're dressed."
The sweet voice of a vampire spawn stirs you from the heavy shroud of sleep. You rub your eyes and stretch upwards, taking care to grasp the silk blankets surrounding you up and around your bare chest. The previous night is a complete blur. All you know is, you ache. Inside and out. A gentle hand reaches up to prod at the side of your neck and you wince at the still fresh puncture wounds. Scanning your surroundings, your eyes fall on the young woman. A thin, pale half-elf, eyes dark like garnet. You give her a gentle smile.
"I do appreciate it. I'm sorry, what did you call me?"
"I-I... The master has instructed that we all refer to you as Lady Ancunin, m-madam. I apologize."
Your lips curve into a frown at her frightened nature and you arise from the bed, naked body shivering from the cold air of the boudoir. You stand before the trembling elf and place a hand against her smooth cheek.
"it's quite alright, child. Please tell Astarion I'll be right down."
She nods and scurries away, leaving the silk garment Astarion requested you wear on the edge of the bed. Lifting the thin fabric into your hands, you examine it for a moment. A burgundy dress made of the finest silk that Faerun has to offer. Featherlight fingers slip the dress onto your frame and you move towards a mirror. You gasp quietly. You can't see yourself. You lean in towards the image of the boudoir behind you, eyebrows raising at your lack of reflection. The curls in your hair managed to hold from last night, your fingers finding the stray ringlets. The locks feel softer. Stronger. Your skin feels smoother. Your senses are heightened now, the sound of the spawn throughout the castle completing their daily tasks buzzing in your ears. And you're hungry. So painfully, devastatingly hungry.
Quick steps carry you to the throne room and you find Astarion handling business with one of the many magistrates of the upper city, quills and parchment passing back and forth between the two men. His eyes flick to yours when you enter the room and he beckons you to him. The magistrate quickly turns his attention to you, bowing without a second thought. "Lady Ancunin." You smile sweetly at the gentleman, making your way to the pedestal that Astarion's throne rests on, the velvet rug beneath your feet a comforting sensation. The vampire lord pulls you into his lap and strokes the back of your hair lovingly, pressing little kisses to your shoulder. The magistrate collects his scrolls, leaving the room quickly as you settle into your spot. Astarion's hands rest on your hips and toy subconsciously with the soft material of your dress, a quiet growl leaving him. His lips travel up the side of your neck to rest against your ear.
"You look beautiful.. And you'll stay beautiful forever. Thank you for trusting me."
"So I'm your spawn.. What will happen to me?"
Astarion tuts, shaking his head quickly.
"Spawn is such an ugly word. I prefer.. Consort. Don't you worry. You have supped of my blood. It will be no trouble to extend a fraction of my protection to you."
"Am I going to be.. Different?"
Your lover tugs your back closer to him, his teeth leaving little marks along your exposed shoulder and he mumbles against your skin.
"You will be stronger, swifter, sharper. But you won't be different. You were already perfect before. It's hard to improve."
Your head leans back to rest against the vampire lord's shoulder. His embrace is comfortable. Safe. Your fingers meld with his his as his arms wrap carefully around your thin torso.
"So what now?"
A firm grasp on your thigh sends a shockwave through your core, your teeth clamping down onto your plush bottom lip. The vampire lord chuckles behind you and relaxes back into his seat, hands resting on the sides of your thighs now.
"As much as I wish to.. Sequester you in a deep chamber of my palace and keep you all to myself, there's much to be done. First we'll take Baldur's Gate. Then, we'll take the world. We'll dominate it until the sun itself melts. And then... We'll give ourselves to the night."
Fingernails dig into your skin, hiking up the deep red dress that just barely shields your otherwise naked body from the elements. Warm breath fans out over the back of your neck and you tremble at the new sensation, hips wiggling. Astarion grunts at the sudden friction against his lap and presses you firmly in that spot.
"Will you still drink my blood?"
Salacious fingers prod at your thighs and hips. You grind your rear against the lap beneath you and grin at the little sounds you earn, hands reaching back behind you to tangle in your lover's hair. His lips press firmly to your neck, tongue lapping at the healing wounds.
"Of course I will. And you'll drink mine. I can't wait to taste your lips after you've tasted me.. You must be hungry, my love. You shall feed. We must take care of your.. Cravings."
You groan at his words, hips finding a steady rhythm now. Astarion stands and lifts you with him bridal style, piercing red eyes telling you all you need to know about what comes next.
"Aeterna Amantes."
"Lovers forever. Until the world falls down."
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neochan · 2 years
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pairing | dealer!renjun x reader ft. stoner!hyuck
warnings | mention of pills
wc | 600
song | #22 on my apple music replay was titanic by juicewrld
you shouldn't be here.
the winter wind stinging your bare face and wisps of fallen snow melting against your exposed skin. his door is baren, the dark green paint flaking off to land on your boots. the first knock didn't seem to grab his attention so you pound on the wood again.
"huang renjun! i know you're in there!"
and if he wasn't, you knew one of his roommates would be. hyuck would surely sell to you, lord knew he bought from renjun too.
shuffling steps from the other side of the door pique your interest right before it opens and warmth floods the front of your body. you wish he would invite you in, but you knew he wouldn't - there was no need for formalities.
the blonde haired boy stares back at you, "what do you want?"
your friends had told you what to say, so you wrack your brain trying to remember the script.
"i need some candy." the whisper is weak, but you were scared of getting caught. the last thing you needed was to get expelled from college and locked up for buying e.
e. ecstasy. mdma. molly. whatever you wanted to fucking call it.
you needed it. he had it.
he raises an eyebrow , "halloween was two months ago."
a smile cracks on your freezing cold face, "yeah, not that type of candy."
he leans against the doorframe as if the wind wasn't below freezing and snow flakes weren't wetting the floor of his entranceway. "I've never seen you before."
you shrug, "i'm new to campus and i heard you got some good shit."
"got that." he sighs deeply, raking his eyes over your bundled up figure, "why?"
the questions trips you up, "why?"
because you wanted to party. that's why. and if you showed up to your apartment empty handed, your friends would rip you to shreds.
"yeah. why do you need it?"
"clear my head i guess." you shift your weight from one foot to the other and wait patiently.
it takes a second of contemplation from him, but soon enough he waves his arm, beckoning you into his apartment. he seems deep in thought when he responds. "yeah... sit on the couch, i'll bring your shit in a minute."
the smell of marijuana hits you the second you step through. like slamming into a wall.
the apartment is nice - simple and clean, but obviously lived in by a bunch of boys. shoes were left discarded left and right, socks too.
renjun disappears down a hallway but you see the couch from where you're standing and head towards it. a shirtless male figure is sprawled across the cushions, a joint in his hand, and when he hears you enter the room his red eyes slide to yours.
"customer?" he asks, taking a hit from the blunt between his fingers.
you nod, not really sure what to say.
he lets the air filter out of his mouth and greedily sucks it back up through his nose.
"i'm haechan."
ah so this was haechan.
"a pretty girl like you should come sit on my lap and take a hit, hm?" a shit eating grin is plastered on his face when he pats his grey sweat pant covered thigh.
"stop flirting with my customers, hyuck." renjun deadpans, coming back with handfuls of pills. when he notices your eyes widen he chuckles, "didn't know your taste so i brought it all."
somehow, with a load of pills on the table, and a shirtless flirtatious stoner behind you, you can't help but wonder if your friends had thrown you to the wolves.
send me a number 1-100 and i'll write a drabble for the corresponding song on my apple music replay
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jaz--hands · 14 hours
Hey bestie WHAT is Trigun???
okay so trigun is a space western manga from the 90s. there was an anime in 98 (and an accompanying movie in the early 2000s) and then last year they released the first season of a new anime adaptation
the two animes are vastly different interpretations of the manga but both are fun and entertaining (I am forever a manga fan first and foremost lol)
so trigun is set on a desert planet where ships escaping a ruined earth crash landed. humanity struggles to survive on the baren planet, but make do with technology recovered from the crashed ships. the main character is Vash the Stampede, a wanted outlaw gunfighter who is also a staunch pacifist.
the plot begins a little episodal, with just small fights and adventures to begin with before expanding into the main plot
I can absolutely expand more and rant about plot and characters and whatever if you're okay with spoilers and things :3
but aghh it's so good. it's silly and heart wrenching. it's about humanity, what it means to be human, what it means to be kind. it's about second chances and fighting to be the person you want to be. it's about love and hope and peace and never giving up on people.
it seriously has wormed its way into my brain and has not left for the past year and a half. it's a fantastic story with amazing characters and I love it so much
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pikatjejen · 6 months
I am once again posting about my Nexomon AU. Nexomon Refracted.
This time it's designs for (mostly background but still very plot relevant) characters. Starting with:
I made her a homeless single mother. She was thrown out from her old home after she was found practicing witchcraft.
She was told that she was baren so her ex husband left her, and then the kid "somehow"(cough Nara cough) happened.
She was taken into the traveling friend group of "the heroes" since she didn't have any place to go.
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Turns out that befriending a tyrant of life can make you immortal. So here she is in Extinction:
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This random guy in the Immortal Citadel:
(He's actually a walking corpse that Nara revived and then dated)
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Now he's just an immortal guy in the Immortal Citadel.
We got this kid.
His name is Truffle and he started a cult in Palmaya (because one wasn't enough).
He's trying to revive some old guy called Andromeda. (Who might just be Omnicron in a disguise, who knows!)
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He also has the ability to just tame and alter tyrants. (Which is definitely not something he learned from Omnicron... hehe...)
She's actually blind, which is bad for combat, so she has those visors to scan the area infront of her and send signals to her brain. It sadly does not do colors or contrast, only shapes. No more photos for her.
She cuts her hair short after the reveal with Amelie and Vados on the Dragon Isles.
(I'm not quite happy with the design yet so I might change it later... )
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Riley and Nolan
Not quite sure what to do with these two (+ whatever the trird guy in this trio was called) yet...
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Linnea and Patsy
Two guild scientists that work in Khan Woods. (They might be dating) Linnea searches for plants to use for things like potions, Patsy maps out the forest and documents "important" news. (He knows about the village.)
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talisidekick · 2 years
I walk to work, rain or shine, in 34°C or (as of recently) -15°C (the -35°C below temps haven't hit yet). I'm very paranoid about getting grabbed or assaulted as I walk through rural streets, so I often don't listen to music on these stretches before I hit the busier 4 lane streets just to keep my ears open, and if I DO listen to music it's one tick up from mute and only in one ear. In the summer it's like out of a horror novel with bugs and spiders hanging from the trees that line the road and a canopy so thick it only casts sparse columns of sunlight that act as tiny glimmers of hope and salvation, in fall it's gorgeously orange and yellow hallway that as leaves fall from those tree's it casts a magic from a different time. But in winter ... it's a wind funnel, a hollow breath of ice and death that the only reprieve from is a dead haunting silence.
So I'm walking down this road, feeling like the very crunch of the snow under my boots is a glaring and hated mark of trespass in the dead silence, when for the first time in well over a thousand journeys of this route I hear a childs voice joyously shout "Hello!". So I look around and there's no one on the street, not two streets in either direction. It's a ghost town. Did I hallucinate? Was that my brain playing tricks on me? But I hear giggling, so I know my confusion is clearly enjoyable to some rather crafty kid who's decided I'm prey to their little game of hide-and-seek. But the giggle is a give-away, a house I had yet to pass, second story window, a tiny face smiling and poorly containing laughter. Something about how the snow reflects sound and the baren trees made the voice sound like it was right behind me. So I wave.
And then I hear a womans voice go "what are you doing?". The child goes "Saying 'Hi' to the kitty lady!". I wear cat-ears from halloween all the time. You only live once, might as well do SOMETHING fun, and so far everyone has enjoyed the ears. I get complimented constantly. But not from this woman, no. She comes to the window as I'm walking past and she looks like she's never had a day of fun in her life. That face reminds me of my mothers, the kind of person that's sole joy is sucking the happiness from a childs life. That scowl, all too damn familiar. She says nothing to me. Just tells her daughter she shouldn't talk to me specifically and leaves. So I turn around one last time, and that kid is again at the window looking at me. So I wave, turn on my heel and just keep heading to work. A little giggle at my back.
All of this was only a few seconds, but fuck yes kid, don't let that woman suck the joy out of your life. Hope you have something cool to tell your friends at school. And also, if tumblr's still around when you grow old enough to maybe see this post: thank you for the gender affirmation. My face was masked up behind a mask of stars and an 11ft. scarf from the 4th Doctor, but you had this trans woman smiling. I'm the "Kitty Lady".
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barrabarracuda · 3 months
intro for those who find this
whether you find this while this blog is fresh and baren or cuz its pinned and you read the pinned post first like a cool guy, welcome!
I am Barracuda, Barra, or B; sadly not my god given name but I think it's cool and fish are cool and if you don't agree how dare you.
I intend to post mostly fanart of my hyper fixation of the month which will hopefully be apparent or listed in a separate post eventually if my singular undiagnosed-ADHD brain cell allows me to.
this will be updated with info when necessary but baseline is SFW/borderline suggestive art here, potential/nigh guaranteed spice elsewhere so you are warned! I'll also be posting about other crafty stuff and that sort of thing that will all be labeled properly so if you're only here for art or you're only here for the deranged ramblings of a 21 year old masc presenting weirdo or just the weird things I repost I'll try to make things clear cut
Social info:
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solardick · 7 months
Mommy, I’m afraid. I’ve never said mommy before. I don’t want to go. Through another change. I don’t know anyone here. Everyone’s French. I’m always singled out. But- I don’t want to go.
God damned man. Yes, yes I am. Thanks for noticing. It’s rare in fleeting moments to see that from a passing stranger.
Everything is evil. There’s nothing in life for me.
Oh wait. There already is another girl. Lol. Like a transition girl. I liked the way she talked. Redhead. Which was already brought up a couple times. The forst time. I was like what? Why would i care? No whatevwr. Privably druged that coffee today. Hopenit doesnt keep me up all night. Sleep is the onyl time the world stops and there nothing. Intil i opne them again.
Maybe ho bsck to art instead of watching everyone in existsnce pretend to be someone they ate not. No human interaction at all. Since all my availibale social means arent very trustworthy are they.
And honestly. I dotn like redhead dna. Oh my god im - racist. Time ti take anothwr beating.
Naw man, i may look all sexy and manly and all. And i may look all smart and all to everyones spite. But now. Im actually just sma fully receptive woman. I have no cock. Im net here to f@&$. Im here to be fuckd. Learn to enjoy it. 39 years andcoubtibg. It never gonna be different. Buy a couple dildos. And get an anema bag. Shave head to toe. Body hair is a turn off and i want to be a sexy as i can. Make my man. Or men happy. Live a sacrificial life. And not build myself up. Just be fully sexual. No need to connect to anyone. I just need so e dick. With wahte ever they injected me with covid. Choice is mych taken away anyway. And i qant to feel proud of my accomplishments. Even if that means getting them off. I want to be thanked and encouraged. Too bad i cant bear you children. Im baren. Cause indotn have a womb. So inlose anyway. I cant hive that to you. And it makes me sad. They bette rhave huge cocks cause. Your pussy little 6 inch isnt enough. Do ‘t want uou being smallesr than me. That be a turn off. Since thats the onyl part that matter. The rets of it. Is just gross.
Was enjoying the experience of the feminine mentality. In a safe secure way. But then they raped my spyche.
Not like i have any experience being masculine in any other way than object placement. Not allowed to be. Just the destructive, evil side where “instinct” has full control. Sangerous stuff but whatever. I remember how i was. And it sickens my heart. There’s no control. Oh well im just a sick fuck that need to be fucked. Feed the desease. And not the cure. Thats all life has ever done. Sorry if i wanted soemthign different for once. To go with me “being on my own” away from degenerate violent sources coming from inside my own home. And shading everywhere else. I dont want to be alive anymore.
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Yup. Ok.
Heres my “ new” identity. Im a total fag.
There going to keep doing this to me for the rest of my life aren’t they.
No, she back. The whole fucken shop is just fucken with me. What’s new? That’s all life is. Since my first memory.
Ill just keep doing wgat im doing until tgey fuck me back onto the street. Then hooefully ill have a rffle by tten that i can suck off until i blow my brains out.
I aint dealing with tjose ficken cocksuckers today. Give me a fuvken written punishment for heing abusef afain. Go for a walk and enjoy the sun.
Well ill have my IHF course completed soon enough. Takes a first step. And it gives me something to look forward to. A way out from being the devil’s bitch. Mmmnn the sun feels nice.
Go and treat myself. Sone lively dialogue with done pretty women. Sunshine. Well noy anymore. Cloudy. Pick up some more things. Wash my own back. It’ll be nice.
I walk in, there she is staring me down again. A guy, who abuses the term sans design or however its spelled. Your coffeees and ice cap or something. Because i carried it from timmy’s not in a thermos. Wasnt hot. Getting cool. Mostly drunk. Talking over and through her standing in between with her back tunerd only slightly showing the front. I pause. “ it will be once i get inside. Dudes hyped on speed getting straight to work while i calculate the sheet. And set up the work station. Already inside loading it up. Ok then. Helped the station beside me. Insulating rhe freezing from getting in. Poorly parked vans. Well im ready now. Lets go to work. Nope. Processing the mind rape games. Was left just standing around waiting. Getting more depressed by the minute. Sitting at the table. Dead. People wanted to see. So then ealked passed trying to be unassuming or whatever. But as soon as i got in and the office and saw me. Depressed. Gave a sigh of disappoitnemt. Like i should be in a good state. Yeah ok. Sure. So i left. I could barely function. I chose suicide.
What you fucken speedo. Getting mad at me cause im fucked. Yeah sure leave. Bye. Ill do the van myself. No? What your back? Who you gonna be positive and try and display a healthy bond. Ok. Thats cool. We can do that. But no. I was just left standing around. While not knowing the details about wtf? Crates? What you tlaking about. Ok ill just stand arounf for the next hour.
When it is enough, man. Or was i just born to be tossed around and damaged? 39 fucken years and counting.
Your nothing but a bad influence. Your nineties punk rock mentality. Negative associations to everything. Giving none smokers nicotine. Bitching about your cowerkers stupid bs. And then give them cigarettes. Your first approach to me was handing me a speed pill. I was flabergasted at what the fuck your were trying to do. Fist bump? Ok. No? What? Hand shake? Wtf? Ok. Oh your giving me somethign. Oh its drugs. Ok. Maybe one day if i ever needed it. Its cool that you chauffer me around. Even though i always insist that you didn’t. Thanks for the shit. Though. Its cool to have some furniture. And im polite and social with uou. But i dont like you.
Ill work with the dipshit. If he wasnt talkign about cocks and gay shit. Be militant.
There sidetracking accomplished. Stay the fuck away from everyone. Keep doing it till they toss you back int the sea again. You’d think that after all these years. Youd be a good swimmer. Naw. Inwas never a good swimmer. Its one of the only things i ever did poorly at. And and guitar. Lyricsl notes are beyond me.
And they’re never going to stop fucken with you. It’s for life. Born in hell. Tortured all the way through. Parent just equal violence. Brothers just equal violence. I apparently just equal sex. Theres no parents there. Just a fool for a father. Childlike. Being the youngest of a sized family. Temper tantrums and absence. Or stupid jokes. Like im a still baby. Mother is unstable. Freaking the fuck out in fits of bs. Never known a stable things. Homes, schools, jobs. Threats. Always threats. Growing in an oppression. Keep things to myself. The external always. Its always. I yeah. Nursery rhymes are olaying. You auto corrected to olaying.
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odd-aye-jay · 1 year
feeling my mind slip from me faster than water through my shaky fingers is quite the feeling.
one i cant really describe,
i wouldn't do it justice.
just how frightening and scary it is watching myself become something unrecognizable.
my brain becoming an empty house where my former self used to reside,
walking the baren halls not knowing that it is in fact my mind that i'm lost in.
until i come back with shallow breath,
and a deep feeling of darkening fears.
who am i?
and why is my conscious so desperate to escape me?
0 notes
aworldoffandoms · 4 years
I need to get my creative juices flowing so I can continue my mini-series of Nicolette's family (I'm stuck 😭) because I've been so busy with real life and have had no motivation to write so, again, I need your help!
I would be eternally grateful 💕 The prompt list is angst (I'm good at being a masochist lol) and love (because I love a good love fic) so send them through!
Ethan x MC or Bryce x MC pairings! 😊
Tagging my OH tag list so you can all give me some prompts to inspire some creative writer stuff in me 😂 please don't hate me for it
@senseofduties @polishchoicesfan @princess-geek @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @binny1985 @fanficnewbie @x-kyne-x @thefluffyphotographer @thecordoniandiaries @rainbowsinthestorm @jens-diamondchoices @hopelessly-shipper @my-heart-beats-for-ya @landofenchantedwonder @flyawayboo @stanathanxoox @oofchoices @thequeenofcronuts @heauxplesslydevoted @trappedinfandoms  @perriewinklenerdie @riverrune @caseyvalentineramsey @nithya @kaavyaethanramsey @whippedforethanfreakingramsey @theeccentricbiblophile @maurine07 @openheartthot @takemyopenheart @queencarb​ @drariellevalentine @drakewalkerfantasy @pixelberrychoicesaddict-blog​ @starrystarrytrouble ​ @buzz-bee-buzz @anything-but-reality ​ @doilooklikeiknow ​ @mvalentine ​ @jamespotterthefirst ​
Looking forward to all or none of them 😅❤
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How I depict Wayne and Baren in writing: *Diabolical, greedy, deplorable douchebags who have a surprising amount of ambition to work with what they have.*
How I depict Wayne and Baren in the Discord server: *Hurr-hurr, two douchebags who scream at each other about why the other doesn’t have Uno on Xbox*
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starfirette · 2 years
The Freak In Your House
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✨Laura Palmer x Reader; they/them pronouns used!! Y/n is gender neutral!
✨considering this is a twin peaks fanfiction there are a few warnings. Nothing crazy but: BOB makes an appearance, y/n bleeds a little bit nothing bad though, no real spoilers for as to who killed Laura but I sprinkled in as much weird shit and foreshadowing details as I could.
✨I didn't explicitly specify if Y/n was dating Laura or not. I guess that's up to interpretation. I worked on this for a long time; after a while it became incoherent to me. I don't know how this really is, but I had my brother read it a few times and he said it was okay so I went with it. My brother is my beta reader for anything not smutty isn't that weird??? I mean I guess it's cool I have a good relationship with him then. ANYWAYS I WORKED SO HARD ON THIS PLEASE ENJOY IT
You waited in vain for Laura Palmer.
The night's breeze tousled your hair as you dug a circle in the ground with the toes of your All Stars.
You checked your watch. Already past midnight.
The neon green light times out as you begrudgingly gather your things back up into the wicker basket. The bottles of cheer wine chasers and vodka that you'd stolen from your older brother's liquor cabinet clattered in the basket. So much for the night out.
Laura was likely preoccupied by her plethora of alter egos and their respective occupations.
Laura's tendency to dabble in her various interests often meant that you were going to be left behind. For example, tonight was supposed to be a "chill night" wherein you would both chill. You were desperate to chill. The withering troubles of life gradually wore you down and down and Laura often worried that one day you'd just be a field of sand; like a rock being filed by the salty sharp waves that Twin Peaks had to offer.
The night forest was roughly illuminated by the waning gibbous moon, whose moonshine was casting rough shadows over the baren treetops. You navigated back to the main trail as you pulled a cheerwine out of your wicker basket.
Twigs snapped underneath your shoes, the flat soles barely keeping you from slipping over the clay like dirt. Chuck Taylors didn't make for good foot protection. Your mother told you as much everyday you departed for school with a new pair on.
You tossed the cheerwine bottle cap into the forest floor as you took a long drink. The pop was meant for you. The vodka was meant for Laura.
Owls hooted and watched you skip through the forest like Little Red, sipping pop and swinging the heavy wicker basket from hip to hip. The birds with their stern brows marked your passage in their wee brains, you presence in that forest, on that night, being forever marked in Great timeline.
They would not forget your face.
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The morning sunshine didn't wake you like it usually did. This time of year it wasn't so surprising that the clouds and dreary rain remained adrizzling over the town. But your little home was situated on a peak that generally found itself out of the cloud bank.
You'd learned to navigate through the thick fog because the descension of your backyard led straight into misty cloud.
You sat up. The wicker basket fell to your bedroom floor.
The bottles rolled to the hardwood and shattered. Damn. You must have fallen asleep with it on your lap.
The sharp smell of vodka made your eyes water as it filled up your room. You scattered out of bed to open up a window. Your feet caught little knicks as they dashed over broken glass, the alcohol making the gashes burn.
Dewy mist dampened your room as you pushed the window panels out, happy to have a fresh breath of air.
You looked out at the yard around your house. How strange that the cloud bank was so far up. You stuck your hand through the fog and waves it around, dewy drops sticking to your skin.
You felt content here. Within you surges the sudden change of heart as you gripped the window sill gazing upon the yard. The trees were large enough in the distance that they trimmed through the clouds.
A tongue slithered over your bleeding foot.
A sharp gasp stabbed your chest as you yanked back, trying to look down while simultaneously escaping. You fell out your bedroom window, your back blowing out as you slammed into the grass. Contrary to your every childhood thought, the grass did not cushion your fall. You hiked your knee to your chest as you looked up to your window. You scrambled for a better view as the rolling low clouds impeded your view.
A man leaned out your window, looking at you with a bloody smile. Your blood. It coated his teeth like he's taken a large drink of it from a glass.
His smile was unpleasant. Eyes, bugged and dark, with stringy grey hair straightened down his shoulders by grease. Your body did not register the fear that rippled throughout until he started to speak to you. His shoulders curled as he hunched out, curled like a dog about to vomit. "The Owls told me you'd be here," he guffawed as he wheezed with laughter.
That voice. It made your ears hurt as you scrambled for proper footing. Your curled toes slipped with blood as you locked eyes with the man who watched you from your own bedroom.
You took off in a sprint to the front of your house. The wet ground and the blood that squelched between your toes made you slip on your ass, your tailbone shouting with pain as you tried to get back up.
Towards the front of the house was the round driveway, which came to an ellipsis after being dragged on a steep hill. Most people were too frightened to drive up it, opting to park at the bottom of the hill.
You saw an extra car parked uncharacteristically behind your older brother's. The side promoted the Twin Peaks sheriff department. Immediate panic twinged as your feet pounded on the hollow deck stairs.
You struggled to get the door open as you hit it with your fists. A freak is in the house. That's what you kept thinking. But at least there was a sheriff there, for whatever reason.
Laura took a long drag of her cigarette, blowing the air away from your face as the wind blew. The view from your roof top was her favorite. "You don't know what kind of freaks could be in your own house, Y/n."
You regarded Laura with confusion. "What's that mean?"
"It means that you're too pure for this world," Laura informed you with a swish of her blonde hair. "I've seen dirty things. Done dirty deeds. Heard dirty words. But you're the purest thing in all my life, you know that?"
Your shoulder aches after you threw yourself against the door, the entrance to your house becoming open to anyone who might linger. Despite all the cars in the driveway, there was no one in the sitting room.
Voices meandered upstairs and you nearly slipped up the steps as you heard the cries of your toddler sister.
Your voice was shouting out for anyone that might be able to answer. All you could imagine was that scary man, the way his voice sounded, and how your toddler sister might perceive him; the cruel things he may be ready to do to all your precious family members.
You slammed up the steps to the second level.
No amount of shouts and cries could have gotten their attention, otherwise the entire town would have come to your door.
You moved from room to room, trying to find someone, anyone, and maybe even a sign of the grotesque man that had loitered in your bedroom.
"... they're just not waking up," your mother's voice said, raised in such an octave that it inspired a sense of mild panic within you.
"Look at their feet! They're bleeding!" Someone said in a stern way.
Blood rushes cold in your veins as you hurry to your bedroom.
The entire family was surrounding your bed. The window was wide open, as you'd fallen from it before, but the misty fog had cleared. Wind rushed your sheer curtains up into the hair of your little sister as she pushed your face.
Your physical face. Your heart fell into the pit of your stomach as you caught sight of your physical form laying on the bed, the wicker basket strewn on the floor with the bottles shattered and broken. The vodka had still burned into the air.
The blankets had been pulled off of your figure, leaving you in your oversized band tee shirt and fleece pants.
The bottoms of your feet were scratched up and bleeding from the fresh wounds. This morning had been real. You'd startled yourself out of bed, cut yourself on the glass, then fallen out the window. All the evidence was there. But your body was laying still before your very eyes, sleeping soundly with tousled hair.
"Watch your feet, baby," your mother said to your sister as she hoisted her up. Your sister burried her face into her mother's neck. She whimpered with fear.
"Y/n is just sleeping," your mom said as she cast a wary glance to your father.
"Call an ambulance," the sheriff asked his deputy, who passed you with an air of strong servitude. He was a no nonsense sort of man. You could just tell as he made way to the foyer to make the call.
You prepared to wreak havoc.
But no yelling and shouting and stomping went noticed. You were in the face of the sheriff, screaming profanities as he tried to determine what to do in such a situation.
"What's going to happen?" Your father demanded as he pulled his wife and daughter close to his chest.
"There's no way Y/n has any part of what's happening!" Your brother added. Of all, your brother was exceedingly angry.
As they reared away from your bed, you crawled over to peer closet to your physical body. Sleeping soundly, breathing evenly; not dead. Every piece of cartoon logic and literature informed you that all you needed to do to fix this mess as simply dive straight back into your own self. Like jumping in a pool of water.
Stretching out to reach your body felt like dragging a screw behind a magnet. The pull was obvious; you could feel the surge that wanted to pull you back into your own figure.
"All I can tell you is the truth," the sheriff said solemnly. "Laura Palmer is dead. Y/n was supposedly with her last night. Now they're unresponsive, and with the wounds on their feet and fresh mud on their shoes? It looks suspicious."
The whole world felt like it was going to topple from beneath you.
Loud wind screamed through the bedroom as you clumsily fell back from your physical self.
"You can't do anything without a statement!" Your brother informed the officer with an aggression that you felt was only going to make things worse.
"As soon as Y/n is awake and healthy, we'll conduct standard procedure. Until then we just want to see that they get proper care. Admission to the hospital is necessary. There's no legal action being taken at this time."
Your desire to wake up was severed. The magnetic pull disappeared as you wandered around your bedroom. The ensuing chaos was only seen in television dramas; you watched the paramedics enter your house and take your body. The vitals, they said, were normal. You were healthy enough on the outside. Feeling calm with such a finding, you stayed back in the house as the rest of your family followed the ambulance to the hospital.
The front door shut, jiving out the little cries of your stressed mother. You uttered a soft apology her way. You'd wake yourself up in time.
The sooner the better. Or so you thought. As the door shut you also recalled the thought that you may not be alone in the house.
You toed around the home. Fear trickled down your neck in the form of sweat as your heart beat painfully in your chest. Was that man here still? Was that man even real?
You ransacked the place as best as you could. You learned that your actions were limited. The things you managed to touch were moved in such a superficial manner that it might as well not have even been moved at all. To test such a theory you knocked over a chipped ceramic vase and it's flowers. The object did collapse under the pressure of your palm, shattering in the kitchen floor, spilling water and dying white roses over the tile. But in a slow sensational movement, the base reconstructed itself. It gathered its water back and the flowers became revitalized. Without being touched, the vase flew to its original position with the white flowers looking healthier than ever.
This had to be a sickening sort of dream. Perhaps Laura wasn't dead. Perhaps she'd shown up last night and given you a hefty dose of some sort of drug that was making you dream of such strange happenings.
Honestly; life had turned into a Wonderland; it was like looking through the goddamn looking glass. Nothing made sense, nothing even looked right as you started to look around more and more.
Nauseous and tired you retreated to your bedroom. Confident you were alone, you sank to your bed.
Now what? Maybe your best bet was to get to the hospital and rejoining your body. Helping out to figure out Laura's death.
Proper grief hadn't settled in. You hadn't accepted that she was dead because you couldn't really belive any of this was actually happening.
The blood trickling down your feet as you fell deeper and deeper, the blood being lapped up by the strange MAN-
Your vision went black and suddenly you were opening your eyes again. Laying in the bed, in your bedroom.
The wicker basket on your chest, sifting down as you stirred. You caught it this time.
Sitting straight up, you pushed the wicker basket to the side and kicked off the sheets.
Thick, jagged scars on both of your feet. The bottoms were marred by the glass of the vodka bottles, which at the current were sitting by your side, not broken.
You touched your shoulders and your chest. You punched a roll of fat on your arm, feeling the pain and assuring yourself that this was really happening. Whatever had gone on before was a dream. A terrible, vivid dream.
There was a commotion outside your door. Your heart sank when you heard the voice of your mother. "Let's just wake them up and break the news easily..."
The door to your bedroom slid open and in walked all the members of your family.
Your toddler sister toddles to the bed, holding true to her role. She climbed into your lap as you suppressed tears.
Two officers followed behind.
Your heart flopped over with anguish as you recognized each of the men from your dream. The realization dawned on you that it was all real. It had happened.
With a heavy heart, you informed both of the men: "Laura's dead."
The lingering figures exchanged a strange glance to each other.
"Is it true?" You asked as your sister pushed her face into the crook of your neck, mumbling gibberish as the sheriff slowly nodded his head.
Your chest felt like it was struck with something heavy. Something in your mind splintered as you silently cried, clutching your small sister as she wiped her sticky hands on your face. "Don't cry," she said. "Carrie will come back."
You shook your head, smiling bitterly at her naivety. "Her name was Laura. Not Carrie."
She shook her head again. "That's not what the nice owl told me."
With wide eyes, you stared at your sister and tried to get her to tell you more about the nice owl. "Don't talk to them," you commanded her. Her little eyes filled with tears as your mother pried her away from you.
"The owls are my friends," she shrieked as her mother gently pushed her into the hallway. She continued her indignant stories of the nice owl who told her Laura wasn't Laura at all, but a woman called Carrie. Her voice drowned out as she was offered pancakes for breakfast.
"Is Laura really dead?" You asked the officers. You wiped your face over and over, the years continuing to fall even as your voice remained apathetic. It was a bad defense mechanism that you couldn't shake. In spite of the shock of it all, the only thought you had in mind was how. How did Laura die? What the hell happened?
Maybe you should have gone looking for her when she failed to show up to your meeting place in the forest. Maybe you could have gotten to her in time.
Laura had always seemed like the type who could take care of herself. She had a knack for getting out of bad situations, ones she had often gotten herself into in the first place. She'd always done her best to bring you down into her dirty deeds, claiming it's all more fun with a friend. Donna Hayward just-
"-isn't enough." Laura puffed a cloud of smoke out. It faded into the crisp air as her bare feet dangled over the edge of your roof. "I love her. But I don't think she'll ever really know me. Not the way do you. She sees me. She knows what I get up to. But it's like she doesn't care; no, that's not right. It's not that she doesn't care. It's more Iike she just doesn't notice. She's too naïve to realize what's going on And then when it comes to you, it's like you notice everything."
Your face burned as you looked away from her. "You're my best friend," you said impulsively, but something else simmered in your chest. Laura laughed; a real laugh, a girlish giggle as she puffed her cigarette again.
"I think that you're the only one who will ever see me for what I am and accept it."
You peered to Laura with raised brows. "Alright," you said, choosing to humor her. "What are you?"
Laura cast you a grin. "Burned."
Something so bad that only you could see it. Someone so bad she never spoke the name. You'd always figured she'd been through something, and that's why she "acted out." And as for her partying? You didn't actually expect it to be dangerous. After all, what could a teenage girl really do around here? Unless she was in much deeper than you'd thought.
"Can you come to the station? We'd like to have a formal discussion with you."
The officer's words chilled your bones. Your dream told you something that perhaps gave you the upper hand. You were going to be a suspect based on the sole reason why you'd been out last night. At least now you're awake to tell the story yourself.
As you quickly dressed for the outing, you looked at your open window.
That man's face kept flashing through your mind; the imprint of him had been burned into your eyelids. Closing your eyes just broadcasted the inverted image of him.
Of the freak in your dreams. The freak in your house.
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"You don't know what kind of freaks could be in your own house, Y/n."
You regarded Laura with confusion. "What's that mean?"
"It means that you're too pure for this world," Laura informed you with a swish of her blonde hair. "I've seen dirty things. Done dirty deeds. Heard dirty words. But you're the purest thing in all my life, you know that?
That's why I wanna make sure you're ready to face him. There will come a day when you have to meet the freak in your house."
"Who's the freak in my house?" You asked. Your voice was a whisper.
"The same one that's in mine, of course." Laura momentarily sounded lost.
She looked out into the mountains. "Let's just run away."
"We should graduate first," you said knowingly. "But after that...yeah. Let's do it."
"I don't know if I can wait that long," she sighed. "But I know you will."
"How do you know that?" You teased.
She elbowed you in the ribs as you rolled your eyes at her.
"Because you love me. And because I love you. We're meant to be, don't'cha know? I do love you," she said. "And I know you love me too. You'd do anything for me."
"I'd walk through fire for you," you told her in a gentle voice.
But her eyes hardened. Her face strained upon hearing your words. "Don't walk with the fire, Y/n," she said in a soft commanding voice. "Don't you ever."
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the-slasher-files · 2 years
Hello friends, I am extremely nervous to post this but I have been putting this together for a while now and I just wanted to showcase Andrei's feelings about the war. I knew that when this began I had to put this character away for a while because it never seemed right at all. First of all, I 100% support Ukraine, I am Ukrainian myself and I have donation links at the end of this so if you can even spare a dollar the links are there. Andrei is fictional, obviously but this weighed heavy on me to think about what Andrei would do. This is open-ended and I want you to decide what happens at the end, I also want the conversation to be open if you're comfortable. People are in the middle of this war and it is not an easy topic so if you can read it, I am very glad but if not, I completely understand as well. Hopefully, this makes Andrei more of a character with more depth and hopefully you enjoy🔪💕 My asks are always open if you would like to chat about this fic or my others
The air was heavy and he saw it coming for months. Prideful leaders rule from iron thrones with fool's gold crowns, trying to play life as if it were an insignificant board game to conquer one's territories. He had seen this many times before and saw it firsthand how his motherland ruined so many, and all for what? Money? Pride? Loyalty? Honour?
Thousands of lives had been within the crossfire not knowing if the streets were safe or if a missile would be launched into their home or if a husband could flee the country with his 6-month-old child; Wrapped in blankets made from his grandmother's fabrics, rosy cheeks that became red from a cold breeze and crying, not sure when the next meal was coming. They were the innocent. Lost and scared, holding onto hope when the rest of the world turned its back, and that he could relate. A lone wolf outcast among frozen lands on which he fought for, protected and served.
The old farmhouse door creaked open - white paint cracked and chipped as the old screen mesh was torn from left down and flapped on the winter wind - slamming back to the frame as he didn't care, the sound seemed to be muted behind all the thoughts that circled his dangerous brain. A danger to itself, but also a danger to others and that was something he had proved time and time again, just ask the bodies that were left covered in muddied puddles of water, tread by the Russian tanks that invaded unfamiliar towns full of the unaware. This dangerous brain was only a threat to the host at the moment as the other side was turned off, a response to the memories that flooded back like tsunamis in this time of war yet again. This time, it was so different. The soldier was no longer within his squad, they were all gone now, and he had a family, a pack that accepted him and tried to help when he was at his worst. Something he still could never get used to.
Black combat boots stalked along the weathered wooden porch, his steps were not commanding as they usually were, they were softer and almost like he did not want to disturb the quiet that was his land; A baren abandoned town that was built to serve the war efforts, making ammunitions as the people tried to make it home even through tyrannical leaders and horrific conditions, but in the end, people left it. Leaving the ghosts of family members behind with the most gentle reminders of the humans that stayed there, like children's toys and family photos framed on cracked walls. This place had seemingly met its match when the wolf stumbled into town looking for refuge. Seeking a home. Ironic for what he did... back then. Everyone deserves a home, however, those were never thoughts that crossed his mind as he was the man behind the gun.
The wolf's body was slumped. Not standing to his full confident height that screamed of his dominance but he displayed a weak form, one wounded and struck. Andrei knew he couldn't do anything this time, he would be executed the moment he stepped foot on the battleground and his side was undetermined. Russian loyalty, honour, strength and courage ran through his veins where being a coward was worse than death, but what did he have to lose now? He fled from his own death, turned his back on his blood, was bisexual and killed his brothers in arms. Coward. It was practically branded into his porcelain skin as he lived each day hiding and protecting his family. And that was just it, to add to the turmoil in his head, he had a family now, they were his life and he was helpless.
Andrei pulled the carton of white Winston cigarettes from his beige military jacket, specks of rust-coloured stains could not be removed from the rough fabric as much as he tried. Learning to live with the bloodstains was just another daily occurrence as the soldier kept the screams of the dead down on most days but now it seemed deafening. Worn hards lit the cigarette once it was placed between Andrei's pale pink lips, inhaling the strong bittersweet taste of his favourite generational addiction.
Taking a few steps forward and down a stair of the porch, the wolf sat with a groan. His body felt heavy, muscles ached from pure tension he couldn't release as he used to. A raw desire laid quietly between his bones and seeped from old scars was somehow dulled when it should be at its peak. Only a numbness overcame him as Andrei's ice blue eyes watched the heavy snowflakes fall in a dull wind. He remembered the flakes of ash from the burning homes falling on the bodies as his country laughed, he laughed with them riding on the tanks.
Muted footsteps carefully came from behind and a warm body sat next to him as he smoked the toxic tobacco. A new sweet smell overcame him as he turned his head slowly to see the woman he was absolutely enamoured with. Xaviera Lah-Mo, now Xaviera Kulokova, or that's at least what he called her never being able to officially sign papers.
"The babies are down for a nap and I made you some tea, my wolf" She softly spoke, handing him the grey coffee mug into his large hand from her small one, knowing everything going on was affecting the love of her life more than words could ever say. Xavi felt it.
Andrei simply nodded, turning his head to the right, pulling the cigarette that hung loosely from his lips to exhale the thick white smoke away from her. Hot ash fell onto the snow, making it melt beside his boot and blue, tired eyes gazed out into the vastness of his land, he was so far from here within his head. Xaviera sighed seeing the great wolf torn open and nothing but a bleeding, exhausted shell of himself. Her dreamy soft blue eyes examined the tension in his body, taking the burning cigarette that was becoming all but just a stump and throwing it in the snow, not wanting Andrei to burn himself as he was lost.
"Andrei..." She tested, seeing a small flinch reaction in the muscle.
Drawing his attention towards her, the Russian only glanced in her all-knowing eyes before looking at how the wind tangled between her long white hair. This was submission, he couldn't face what was on his mind, for her to know. He could hear them crying out, all the souls wasted.
"Want to talk about it?" Xaviera's voice was peaceful and like whispers in the wind.
She never pressured him no matter what he did and Andrei couldn't say just how much he was grateful for her. This woman was his life, truly the only one that could tame him in rough times, but this was beyond the depths even she could reach. He never knew his life could change so much for a partner and for the better. Knowing that, Andrei tried desperately to hold her and give Xavi the life she needed and deserved every day, however, the thought always lingered of 'is this enough?'. Meeting on the frozen mountains and wanting to kill her to having twins and calling himself a husband wasn't his life plan, and no one would ever think it was, they even told him.
With a deep breath, his eyes finally met and held hers. Heavy bags lay beneath the red dull orbs. Andrei parted his lips as to speak, but no words would come except a cracked sigh. The beautiful woman before him almost seemed like a daydream between the nightmares because of everything she did for him. He couldn't leave... Yet, he needed to go.
Delicate fingers brushed the ashy brown hair away that rested on his brow bone, she could feel torture more than ever since this war started. He wouldn't sleep, wouldn't eat and he wasn't the same man but the little snow leopard never even thought about leaving his side for a second and that's what hurt the most. Giving Andrei a few moments to feel the skin on skin he reached up to hold her hand in his; Twice the size, broken and scarred compared to the soft, gentle beauty were worlds apart.
"Xav..." He took a sharp inhale as his rough thumb ran over her knuckles "I don't-- I don't know what to do"
Andrei admitted in a whisper, closing his eyes and turning his head not to break. The frustration and shame of all of his emotions and thoughts began to bubble up, making the solider rise from the porch and walk off the steps leaving the hot mug and her hand behind, now just standing in the snow and looking at the ground then to the grey sky in hope for an answer.
"There is noth-" She began to speak but he quickly snapped towards her.
"Don't say that!" Andrei tensed his jaw, he never meant to sound so rough and cold with her, it just made him more frustrated within the helplessness "...Fuck... sorry" he whispered and leaned on the front of his old black range rover slipping his destructive hands into the pockets for his black cargo pants.
"I know, I'm sorry too," She too placed her mug on the old floorboards and got up to stand in front of the towering wolf with broken eyes. "I shouldn't have said that. My wolf, I never meant that"
Xaviera lifted up her ever warm hands to cup Andrei's stubbled cheeks, fingers grazing over pink, shiny scars and their gaze met again. There was indecision, fear, helplessness and the sense of needed freedom etched into his features and she tensed. A wash of strength found him and she swallowed, knowing what was about to come. The wolf had the face of a warrior once more for something he was so uneasy about and was not sure he was with his country anymore but only time would tell. All he knew was to go fight, that was what the wolf of the north was built for, but Andrei remembered his father; He left the life of war for him, for love, to raise and protect a family despite what others had said.
Blue eyes became cold with drips of guilt, and when he speaks, it's quiet, so much unlike the usual dominating growl of the wolf:
"I... I gotta go"
- The Red Cross
- International Medical corps
- 736 project
- Project Hope
- World Central Kitchen
- International Humane Society
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miscellaneous-bnha · 4 years
Brought Back to Me (FULL)
(I meant to release it yesterday, but with burnout coming at me from all angles, I needed to take an extra day to breathe)
Tomura Shigaraki x Fem! Childhood Friend Reader
(Warm Bodies AU where they're less like zombies, but they're more mindless breeding machines and the only way to bring them back is by giving them intensely positive emotions.)
It's been months since the outbreak started.
One little quirk is all it took for all of Japan to fall into shambles. Curiously enough, only the men were affected by it, turning into insatiable beasts, searching endlessly for someone to breed mindlessly. Not really the undead, but not entirely human either.
Somehow, those who were able to escape from the clutches of such a dangerous quirk were only the men who already had partners, lovers. In some cases, those who were not sexually attracted to anyone-- and/or those who had impossibly strong bonds to their friends-- could also scrape by unaffected.
Unfortunately, the Safe Zone only allowed people in if they contributed to the saving of another.
He wanders about aimlessly, not remembering a single thing. Where he came from, who he was. His head felt like it was in a cloud, body heavy.
Though he doesn’t think much of it. This is all he’s known, after all. ‘Breed, breed, breed.’ echoes inside his head, eyes scanning the baren wasteland. The sound of quick shambling and panicked breaths hit his ears; ‘a chase’, he thinks, ‘follow.’
He finds his way towards the sound of aggravated groaning and hissing, careless fists slamming against doors. Locked in, it seems. Something tells him to put his hand on it, but nothing happens. He doesn’t know why he expected anything to happen.
The door flexes when a loud thud rams against it, and a tiny yelp behind the flipped dumpsters. The groans grow more aggressive, more hungry. ‘Breed breed breed breed breed breed breed—‘ bounces around more fiercely in his skull; he shuffles quietly over to the dumpster.
He can feel himself starting to salivate, the idea of finally being able to achieve his purpose growing more and more prominent. Peeking over the bags of trash, everything in him halts; big doe eyes stare up at him, afraid. Trembling, eyes leaking... water? ‘Tears,’ his brain supplies. Tears.
He doesn’t like them.
He watches for a moment; eyes scanning her trembling form. Another loud bang and the shriek of metal starting to give snaps him out of it. He takes her arm and yanks, dragging her out of the alley, sprinting passed the door just as the hinges burst.
He doesn’t need to breathe, heart doesn’t pump, yet his chest grows tight from the sound of her struggling to keep up. ‘Go slow. Slower.’ he complies, falling into stride. He feels something starting at him, so he turns back to look at her, grumbling, glaring.
Suddenly, he’s running into a building. She titters excitedly, too frantic to understand before she’s pulling away. Slamming the door shut and locking it. He’s a little confused; surely, she hasn’t forgotten what he is.
For a moment, she does. Her chest heaves with relief, sliding down before plopping in front of the door. He carries himself into the corner of the room, gurgling to himself.
She tenses, eyes darting to him; he squints back. ‘Now she remembers.’ he grunts.
He doesn’t know why the echo in his head went silent. The usual monotony of ‘breed’ long gone, ever since he laid eyes on her; replaced by ‘protect’ and it baffles him. Though, at the same time, it feels right.
She snivels, and his eyes latch back onto her. Still sitting by the cold door, staying away from him. He rolls his eyes and turns away, stuffing himself into the corner.
Some time goes by, how long he doesn’t know. Though he doesn’t need to know such irrelevant things. He gurgles in surprise when he feels something warm fall over him. He turns slowly, eyes meeting her curious ones.
“You’re strange, you know that?” She whispers; her eyes more curious than afraid. He only gurgles, letting the warmth of the blanket encompass him.
‘Warm is nice,’ he decides.
She rambles on about ‘no circulation’, or something like that. He doesn’t quite get it, but he doesn’t fight her when she insists he stand out in the sun, absorbing more of this ‘warmth’ thing he’s gotten addicted to.
He follows her around as she needs supplies, gurgling along quietly to her aimless conversations. He knows she’s only talking to fill the silence void (‘maybe she’s gone crazy,’ he thinks, ‘talking to someone who might not even understand.’) but somehow he appreciates it. Gives him something to think about.
Overtime, he finds himself enjoying her company. Mindless babble filling the everyday droning of grumbling footsteps passing by.
One day, she yelps in excitement over a can, startling him and every other mindless dolt in the area. He hisses in irritation, dragging her back to the safe house as quickly as he can. Despite the harrowing situation, she smiles, giggling with childlike glee.
He glares at her once they make it to safety, yet she hardly notices when she’s shoving the can into his face.
“Peaches! It’s canned peaches!” she cheers, prying the lid off with a can opener. The smell is sweet, unlike the usual foods she would find. He’s surprised when he feels his stomach growl instead of twist.
“Did.... did your stomach just growl?” she whispers, baffled. He shrugs, opting to pretend it never happened when it growls again. Her eyes light up.
“It did! It growled!” she laughs, then hands him a peach. He twists his face up, remembering the first time she had him try food. “C’mon, try! Maybe it’ll be different.”
He takes the peach from her hand, eyeing it distastefully before licking it. To his surprise, he didn’t feel sick. He stares at it for a moment before dropping it in his mouth. He feels satisfied rather than sick when he swallows.
“Fascinating...” she whispers, slowly approaching when he doesn’t immediately retch it back up. He eyes the can without realizing it, pouting when she offers him another peach with a coy smile. “See? Good thing I had you try.”
He takes it with a huff, grinning wryly.
That night, he dreams for the first time.
“Tenko...!” Echoes inside his ears. He feels his heart beat, and it nearly sends him stumbling from the shock.
“Tenko..!” Closer this time, but even as he spins endlessly to look, he doesn’t see anything.
“Tenko! Wake up, Tenko!” Its right next to him now, and it has him jolting awake
He sits up, but it’s still dark when he opens his eyes. He looks around frantically for her, finally calming when he sees her curled up on the sleeping mat. He scoots closer, putting a hand on her back, just enough to feel it rise and fall with each breath.
He settles.
He starts to realize he’s capable of doing more with each new event, and with each new event, he dreams.
The worst nights are when he can hear the voice screaming in agony:
“Tenko!! No!! TENKO!! STOP IT!” “GET AWAY! TENKO!”
The eventual sobbing that grows quieter and quieter, leaving him feeling colder and colder. He hates those nights.
Even when his heart isn’t beating, it still feels painful. His mind races with questions and anxiety (a feeling he wish he didn’t know).
He wonders if his name is— was— Tenko, or maybe someone he used to know? He’s not sure, but he’s afraid to find out.
Another emotion he was starting to know well. He finds himself afraid a lot more often too.
He’s afraid of waking up one night to find her gone. He’s afraid of losing her to some other mindless victim (if he could call them that. Men fallen to the quirk; victims). He’s afraid of watching her find companionship with another human.
He knows it’s selfish, but a part of him wants to stay just like this, with her.
Without knowing who he is.
Life is the sweetest when she’s sharing her canned peaches (the only thing his body cares to let him eat). Two unlikely friends, making the best of what they got, but then she starts telling him about her past.
“There used to be someone very important to me.” She said one restless night,
“He and I only ever had each other. Two peas in our own little pod.”
“We didn’t get along at first, but only because we were scared. Just the two of us, living on the street. He had the strangest way of holding things too, but I guess that was just because of his quirk.” Her eyes seemed so glassy, yet so clear. So far away, yet here all the same.
“We uh... used to huddle under the same blankets, just like this.” she slides next to him; she’s warm, yet somehow still so cold, “we even shared peaches too. He never admitted it, but they were his favorite. It’s a shame we couldn’t get them often.”
“Just us against the world...” he doesn’t like the sound her voice makes when it cracks, words turning into a strained whimper. He nudges himself closer to her hoping it’s of some comfort.
“Then some weird man came and took him away, and I never saw him since.” she sniffles and rubs at her eyes, “My Tenko.”
He goes completely stiff. He can tell she’s talking to him, but it’s drowned out by the sound of something rushing through his ears.
‘Tenko! Over here! Hurry!’ his body is so much smaller than he’s used to. He feels the pounding of his heart. It hurts. It hurts.
‘Tenko! No!! TENKO!!’ the agonized screams, and a little girl who looks a lot like her is reaching out through the fog towards him, eyes shining with desperate tears.
There’s the feeling of something grabbing him by the shirt, dragging him away. He knows he’s screaming, his throat burns with the force of his cry, but he can’t hear.
As quickly as it begins, it ends.
“Hey, are you ok?” She’s peering into his face, concern written all over hers. He gurgles, fighting with his own vocal chords.
“I-I-I’mmmm ssso-o-orrrry...” it’s gravelly and slurred, almost incomprehensible, yet she seems to know what he’d been trying to say, seeing as her eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“You... you talked. You actually talked!” She seems so excited for him, but then she frowns, worried.
“‘Sorry’? What for?? There’s no need to be sorry!” she rubs his back. Warm. He feels his chest squeeze.
He wants to try to talk again, even if to just make her smile, but his throat aches far too much, so he just gurgles softly, nudging his head onto her shoulder.
He practices his speech at night when she’s asleep. Quietly, of course, as to not disturb her, but it’s frustrating. Trying to sound out words messily.
“Mmmm-my nnnnnname....” his voice gives away to a wet growl, and he wheezes out a cough, “my nnname issss... Tennnko. Ten...ko. Tenko.”
He’s remembered a lot more after the first memory.
Rainy nights under the bridge, hushed giggles over a can of peaches.
Hard winters when all they had were a pile of blankets and each other.
The... THING that stole him away, abandoning her.
Quiet fury burns in him, but it fizzles out soon after when he hears her mumble in her sleep. It’s inaudible, and probably complete nonsense, but he likes to think that maybe she was dreaming of the good ol’ days too.
But only the good days, he hopes. Before ‘THAT’ day.
He whispers her name, stroking her back gently when she starts to fuss. ‘A nightmare,’ he muses, watching as she quickly settles back into a peaceful dream. She has them a lot, but he likes to think that they end as soon as he soothes her.
‘You’ve suffered enough.’
Thoughts come easier now as his memories come. Things that he isn’t proud of, things that makes him wonder if she’d hate him.
He remembers becoming ‘Shigaraki Tomura’, a name he thinks of in disdain.
He much prefers Tenko now.
“You know, you’ve been pretty warm lately. I guess sunning yourself every day does help.” She muses out loud, and he grumbles, pleased.
“Hey! No stuttering this time! You’re getting better!” She smiles at him. He grunts, leaning against her.
“Oof— hey, easy there champ. You may not eat much, but you’re still heavy compared to me.” He hears her, smirking, but opts to lay more of his weight onto her.
“Hey! Come on!” She laughs, his gurgled wheeze of a laugh only making her laugh that much harder,
He thinks he feels his chest growing lighter in moments like these, wishing desperately that he could have been left unaffected.
He knows there’s no reason to worry about the past in his current state, but he still finds himself wishing.
“Hey, that’s weird,” She says to him one morning, ruffling his hair, “your hair is getting darker somehow.”
She shows him in the mirror what she’s talking about, and sure enough, there it is.
A tuft of black hair poking through the sea of pastel blue.
“How funny is that.” she grins. It’s lopsided and curious, but she just muses his hair one more time before going back to her morning routine.
Overtime, he notices more and more sprout in, and she always laughs at the bewildered look he always seems to have.
The first time he felt his heart beat was during one of those nights when you couldn’t sleep, so you would tell him about Tenko.
“I thought it could just be the two of us forever... In the same way kids feel when they ask each other to get married when they’re older.” Her words are melancholy, but her smile is peaceful, happy.
“I wanted it to just be the two of us against the world. All we needed was each other, maybe we could have been adopted by a nice couple or something, but still inseparable.”
He doesn’t say anything or make any sounds, so she continues.
“Sometimes I wonder if maybe we could have fallen in love.” He sputters then, heart thudding once, twice, then falling still. His hand smacks over his chest in shock, and for a moment, he wondered if that’s what it felt like to be alive.
“Is that really so ridiculous??” she snorts, not really offended, but not really as happy as he would like.
He shakes his head aggressively, and she laughs. Her smile is so genuine he almost misses out on the sweet kiss on the cheek she gives him.
“Thanks for always listening to me ramble. Actually—“ she sits up, and he watches her from his spot on the floor, “thanks for staying, even though you didn’t have to.”
He puts his hand over hers wordlessly, patting it gently.
He wonders if it’s possible to die without being alive.
He hopes it is.
When he wakes up, she’s gone. Nothing more than a note left behind.
‘Need food. Be back soon.’
A simple food run shouldn’t be such a big deal, but it’s climbed to be the most dangerous thing to do over the last 10 months (Has it really been that long?) and losing her so soon after getting her back is the last thing he wants.
He goes barreling out the door just in time to hear her scream.
His heart leaps into his throat. He feels sick, but the adrenaline pumps into his veins, and suddenly he’s running.
Heart racing, sweat dripping, lungs aching. His ears ring with the sound of her scream.
He stops, stomach acid rising into his throat. He feels far too sick. He runs his hands through his hair, he doesn’t even notice the light blue strands that fall away.
He hears her scream again, closer this time. He starts running again despite his shaking legs.
He barely makes it in time to see her get surrounded. The roar he lets out is nothing less than ground shaking, and it’s certainly enough to catch the attention of everyone in the vicinity.
He doesn’t remember what happened next. Colors and sound blend together to make a symphony of tragedy.
Memories and reality all blend until they start and end with her. Her.
“Tenko, my Tenko... you’re okay.” Sound re-emerges from the depths.
Warm. Warm. Warm.
She’s in his arms; so small in comparison to him. He remembers when she was the same size as him.
And, god, she’s so warm.
“Tenko.” His eyes open to meet hers. They’re glassy, but relieved. He whispers her name like it’s a prayer.
“Who would have thought this is how we meet after all these years, huh?” Her voice is soft. He finally realizes her hair is covered in dust. Dust. His dust.
He jumps back in a panic, afraid. He hadn’t been careful with his hands, hands.
“Tenko. It’s okay! It’s okay!” she soothes and grabs his hands freely, pressing his palms to her face.
She doesn’t decay like she should.
“Remember, Tenko? We practiced.”
Yes. Practiced. You helped stabilize his quirk long before he came. Promised to keep it between the two of them.
“Yes... yes... I remember...” he mumbles, and she places her hand over his chest.
“Your heart!” He nods,
“Does that mean—“
“Yeah...” he nuzzles his face against her shoulder.
“Warm...” she laughs gently,
“Yeah... you’ve always liked warm things.”
“Mm...” he stands, picking her up in the process, walking back in the direction of the safe house.
“We’ll head to the city zone tomorrow.”
“Okay... Tenko?”
“I’m glad you’re back.”
He smiles; he’s glad he’s back too.
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spoocyshrub · 3 years
So I’ve been wanting to try out some new styles for my Fan Characters and get some updated references out for the crew. But since being sick it’s been difficult. I managed to pick up not only my pencil but booted up audacity to get some recordings. I’m trying to move most of my videos, including voice claim ones, off of youtube.
I managed to get some things done today. so Allow me to share them with you!
Over on our Oddfam discord server, we have an art challenge tab. We will put stuff there just for fun. Sometimes it’s palate challenges, sometimes it’s drawing muses in certain clothes.
@themudokonmessiah posted a very specific shirt for the challenge. And I could not heckin’ resist drawing my girl wearing that shirt. Since she’s been in her relationship with Alf, she’s been getting more comfortable about showing off her body.
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This might also be the most accurate height difference of these two I’ve drawn to date. Tried a little something different with her smaller feathers. Her medium sized ones are off on the back of her head. I’ll be drawing a better reference for her bio page at a later date.
Next up. Me and @themudokonmessiah had been poking each other’s brains about what direction we wanted to go for the merverse that she wanted to try her hand. That was also around the time I had shared a little fact about Leon with her that will be revealed a little later. It is a fact that applies to all his appearances. From the main story stuff to all his AU content.
I managed to draw up the dude’s concept with a more accurate take on what his head feathers are SUPPOSED to look like for the little merssiah universe.
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Leon's feathers are similar to a cockatoo's crown. Where they will flare up when he's upset, or angry. Minus the two that drape over the side of his face. those are the feathers you often see the guy tugging on.
That's it for the drawings, next are audio. First with Leon.
Leon has 2 voice claims. one for when he speaks. and one for singing. When Leon speaks, it's Rob Paulson. Specifically the range he used for Cinderella II's human Jacques/Jaq.
((Which I will admit, might have been the partial inspiration for the guy))
When Leon sings, he has Nick Pitera's singing voice. Nick Pitera has done much work and has done many Disney covers such as A whole new world, and the Aladdin remake's song "Speechless"
there is a big reason to why Leon the Mudokon can pull these notes and it has to do with how he was born. Unless I get asked about that in my box, that'll be a post for another day. Possibly when I get the Bio page written up for him.
Elli's half brother Tufford (He prefers to be called Tuff for short) Is a fully evolved and noticeable drone. When I say "Noticeable" it's not like Gabriel who you can't even tell he IS a evolved drone besides the muscular arms. Tuff Looks more like @ghostmoor or @francoisl-artblog's versions. The really tall, muscular versions.
With that, Tuff comes with a very deep voice. His voice claim is Brad Garret, to which I often make memes in discord over the guy.
and finally this is more of a shitpost recording I made for @brassclaws-of-oddworld since we make so many plankton memes.
Oswald Buptkitzer, my Glukkon Fan character, has Mr. Lawrence as a voice claim and we enjoy meming the hell out of it. it's why we have so many plankton memes with Oswald.
I made this: Oswald threatening Dr. Baren by the end of the Operation K.O. Arc
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mouse-fantoms · 4 years
That Time Of The Year
Phantoms during the holiday season, new meaning
Julie nearly jumped out of her skin.
“I will NEVER get used to that.” She said in response to seeing Luke on the couch as she walked into the living room with a box.
“My bad.” He apologized.
She carried the box with her and set it down on the table beginning to open it.
“What’s that?” He wondered.
From the cardboard box she pulled out a red bobble. “Ordaments!”
She noticed his reaction, “Oh... this early?”
She raised an eyebrow. “It’s not that early...” she said beginning to put ordamendments on baren tree.
“Sorry... it’s just-” she noticed how he seemed to hesitate.
“You don’t need to get into it if you don’t want to.” She assumed it had something to do with the past, a touchy matter.
“But I want to.” He let her know. “When I ran out on my parents... it was around this time.”
“Oh...” She understood. “...maybe you can work on associating it with something else.” She offered.
He cocked his head curiously. She held out a blue ordament in her hand. He stared blankly at it.
“Come here.” She gestured her head.
He got up from the couch and went over to her. He tried to grab the ordament however his hand went right through. However after a few attempts, he finally got a hold of it. Julie stepped aside from being in front of the tree. He looked at her for what to do next. She looked to the tree then back at him hoping he’d get the hint. He hung the blue bulb on the open branch in front of him, he then looked to her for gratitude.
“You want to help me put more on?”
He hesitated but then a smile adorned his face, “Yeah... that would be nice.”
They shared a smile as they began to pull more ordaments from the box and place them on the tree together wherever there was open space on the tree.
“Wow.” They heard someone from the couch say. They turned their heads to see that Reggie had decided to poof in.
“Like it?” Julie smiled.
“It looks nice.”
“Want to help?”
“No thanks... I’m- I’m alright.” Luke immediately saw his uncertainty to answer.
“The invite still applies you know.” He said.
He nodded understanding. “I know.”
Julie felt like she was in the middle of some sort of second code. “Decided to get away time from dad?” She decided to change the subject.
“Yeah, he started to look up presents for you guys and I didn’t want to intrude.”
“That reminds me!” Julie remembered. “What do you guys want?”
“What?” Luke asked confused.
“You want to get us something?” Reggie wanted to clear it up.
“Yeah...” she was confused as to why they were.
“You don’t have-”
“But I do." She interrupted Luke. “You guys are important to me.”
Reggie and Luke smiled at her calling them important in her life.
“It’s been awhile.” Luke had a hard time remembering the last time he was asked.
“Pretty sure we’ll be happy with whatever you get us.”
Just then Ray entered the room.
“Starting early?” He asked seeing his daughter had already began to decorate.
“I couldn’t resist.” She shrugged.
He noticed how much of the tree was decorated in the short of time. Especially the ordaments that where placed higher than his daughter’s height.
“Had help?”
Her smile answered his question.
“Are they...?”
Seeing the blue ordament move from the box to the tree he got his answer.
“Hi Luke.” He smiled.
Learning the truth about his daughter’s band was... interesting to say the least. Luckily though, he got pretty used to the idea fairly quickly. The boys had brought music back into her life. They brought his little girl back. Not that he directly owed them anything but they had done so much for his daughter. It was always touching knowing that they weren’t only a band but friends too. Of course, since learning of them, Ray and Carlos were constantly curious if they were around. Julie couldn’t blame them but it did get repetitive after awhile so instead a system was emplaced especially after Ray learned that Reggie likes to hang with him.
He decided to leave a notebook out with a pen so that Reggie could let him know if he was there. It didn’t take long for the others to also chat with Ray. He left out many different colors of pens but Reggie seemed to always go for the red, Luke the blue and Alex the pink. It was already pretty clear who’s writing was who’s but it was always nice to see the different colors of writing. It was refreshing whenever Julie came home and he would hear, “Luke stop pushing Alex. Alex stop telling Reggie that it’s your to turn to- ok all of you will get a turn to talk to das if you just wait.”. Out of anything for the boys to “fight” over that was probably the best option.
“Should have known.” He added when learning that it was Luke who was helping her with the tree. “Are Reggie and Alex...”
“Reggie’s on the couch.” she told him, “He was with you until you started to look at gifts for Carlos and I, he didn’t want to intrude.”
“You could have been talking to me.” He looked in the direct of where he assumed Reggie was.
There was silence as Julie was listening to what Reggie was saying in order to translate it to him.
“Sometimes he just likes to be by you... it’s comforting.”
“...well in that case be by me as much as you want.”
“Also stay around as long as you want if it means seeing what we get.” Carlos had come from the kitchen into the living room overhearing the conversation.
“Carlos...” Ray began.
“Just a suggestion.” He put his hands up in defense.
Julie let out a laugh, “It’s not like he would say anything if he did see something.” she paused hearing what Reggie was saying. “He wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise.”
“Oh yeah!” He dad remembered hearing the word surprise. “Did you...”
“Yes I did, I already have it covered.”
Luke’s eyebrows furrowed guessing what was being talked about. “You guys both really don’t have to get us any-”
“But we want to Luke.” She looked heartwarmingly behind her to him. “Please?”
He couldn’t deny the look in her eyes.
“They’re having one of their moments.” Carlos whispered to his dad which Julie gave a response via a glare. She looked over to Ray as a hint to tell him to scold him.
“How many times have I told you to not get involved in your sister’s realationship?”
“Hey,” he looked to his son already pushing him towards the door, “why don’t we head to the store to pick up some of those decorations?” He wanted to change the subject.
“Ooo!” Reggie perked up. “I wanna go too!” Luke and Julie watched him poof away as Ray and Carlos left through the front door.
“Glad he can at least do that.” Luke said to himself with a warm smile once his friend poofed away.
Julie looked to him curious.
“Back when he was alive,” she noticed how he paused, “his parents were always shouting at each other. He would come late at night to the studio to join Alex and I. We always told him that he could come more often if he needed to and he’d just nod. The amount of Christmas’ we would spend in that garage. It would be a no brained for Alex and I and we’d always remind him that he was invited.”
Reggie hanging out with Ray, Luke earlier telling him that the invite still applied and turning down the offer of decorating the tree all suddenly made a lot of sense.
“It’s just nice to see that he doesn’t mind going with your dad and brother to do Christmas-y shopping.”
“So you guys have always spent Christmas with each other?”
He thought for a moment. “Yeah... guess we have. But now-”
She shared his smile, “Now?”
He handed her an ordament to put up. As the two continued to accessorize the tree, Julie thought about how much of a change this Christmas was compared to past ones. Sadly, it would be one without her mom, but she’d be spending it with 3 of the most amazing guys in the world. She kept in mind that after she be very very sure that the gifts in her room were extra extra hidden (just in case). At least the blue beanie, gay pride pin and a The Child plushie were all already wrapped.
At least she’d still be spending the season with her family, that hadn’t changed even with the 3 new additions in her life.
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