#twin peaks x reader
depressopax · 4 months
Dale Cooper SFW headcanons
Fandom: Twin Peaks
Pairing: Dale Cooper x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): Cuss words, dirty jokes Words: 900 Summary: Being in a relationship with Dale Cooper would include…  English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 Avaliable on AO3
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This man… He has so much love to give you, and won’t hesitate to do so.
He sees you as a treasure and knows how to treat you like one.
His job means long days and much time apart from you. To not speak of the dangers that come with being a special agent.
He tries making up for this, though.
At work, he’s serious and focused on his tasks
At home, all his attention is on you.
He spends his free days off work with you, either at home or going outdoors. As long as you’re together, he doesn’t care. 
He might come across as “clingy”, but he just wants your love and company.
His career means late night, so he either comes home to find you already sleeping, or sitting up on the couch watching tv. Either way, he always greets you with the biggest smile.
You try visiting him at the police station, too. Going to him for lunch, surprise visits etc… 
If he has the opportunity, he does the same for you when/if you work.
Dale is not a good chef, but he enjoys cooking for you.
Especially in the mornings.
He often ends up burning the food without realizing it
But he looks so happy when he tells you that he has cooked, and you can’t bring yourself to tell him that he accidentally burned it
He looks so smug whenever you eat his food and tell him you like it
He might be a night owl, but still gets up early in the morning. How he does so is a damn mystery.
Maybe it’s the fact he usually has weird dreams at night that makes him wake up early?
Or is he just always energetic? 
He wakes you up with kisses and the first thing you smell is coffee. 
This man is absolutely head over heels in love with you
He appreciates small gestures from you, he’s not the guy to like big romantic gestures. Like seriously, just make a cup of coffee for this man and he will swoon for you.
Dale’s love language being touch and quality time 
He likes making coffee for you, it’s his ultimate way of saying “I love you” lol
Speaking of saying “Ily”, he was definitely the one to say it first. 
You’d only been dating for a month or less when he realised how much you mean to him, and that he had fallen for you.
He feels very comfortable around you and appreciates the feeling of you jot judging him
That’s why he likes sharing his weird theories with you and rant about different cases he’s working on, wanting your take on it
Whilst other people laugh at his passion for the paranormal, you are supportive, and find it interesting too.
Which makes him very happy, since he finally can share his thoughts without getting judged <3
He also tells you about the weird dreams he has
At first, you were very concerned when Dale started ranting about his dreams of weird creatures and creepy places
…But you grew to like it. Once getting used to his weird dreams, you’re always intrigued to hear another story
If you don’t believe in paranormal stuff/you’re not spiritual - you definitely change your opinions later. He has a way of talking about it that just fascinates you to the point you also believe it.
Which only makes him love you more, if possible.
You and Dale are a pretty calm couple, but your shared love for creepy shit probably leads to Dale taking you on your own little investigations/missions
He wouldn't let you tag along to a real mission, but suggests going to abandoned places for sightseeing.
And who are you to say no to that?
Somehow, it’s almost cozy to walks hand in hand in the creepiest of places, while discussing theories and scaring each other with stories
You also make it a challenge sometimes - who gets scared first?
Spoiler alert! It’s you.
Dale is a special agent, and works with cases like this, after all. 
He’s pretty competitive, believe it or not
Sometimes, he even makes sure to make you frightened 
He likes comforting you and feeling like “the knight on a white horse”
A bit rude, I know, but he can’t help it!
“Fuck sake Dale! You did that on purpose!”“I would never!”“...”“Ok, maybe I did intend to scare you.”“I hate you”“I know you don’t… Don’t be mad at me, my love!”
Don’t worry, he does make it up to you in one way or another ;)
His ideal date would be coffee dates (what a surpriseeee) 
On your first date he took you to Double R Diners, so he could show you how amazing coffee and cherry pies they have.
He also likes taking you out on picnics, sightseeings and being outdoors with you.
But if you prefer calm dates, he doesn’t mind taking you to the cinema, or even just stay at home to watch movies and eating takeaway food
He doesn’t mind PDA - he holds your hand in public, kisses your forehead, wants you close etc…
But he prefers to kiss you when he’s alone with you
If you were to kiss him around people he’d turn into a blushing mess lmao
Dale is the boyfriend who likes staying up with you - having deep late night conversations
The two of you are pretty cheesy - slow dancing under the night sky, stargazing… You name it
Being in a relationship with Dale brings you the passion, love, adventures and amount of weirdness that you need in your life - His goal is to be the best boyfriend ever <3
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fanfic-compass · 8 months
Richard Horne x Fem!Reader
Summary: When a 'friend' of Richard threatened to harm his girlfriend y/n, Richard has to make sure she's alright.
Word count: 1.2k
Sorry for any spelling mistakes :)
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The relationship between y/n and Richard has always been… controversial. Mostly because of what he was known for. Most people in their hometown always knew Richard as an aggressive asshole but she didnt. Well, in the beginning she did but after a tough while she understood who he actually was: a broken young guy. Yes, he did many things that will always be considered as inexcusable and the young couple had many fights because of such things.
Their latest fight was about a topic that was often the reason to argue with each other. Richard used to spend much time with some sketchy guys, drinking and smoking together. Y/n didnt like those guys at all. They creeped her out and she wanted Richard to stay away from them but who was she to tell him what to do.
And so she was at her own place while Richard was at the house of one of those sketchy guys. Well, it wasnt actually a real house but more like an abandoned building with broken windows and missing furniture. But it had a bar with enough alcohol to drown a person. They were playing Poker but Richard overestimated himself again. His stakes were ridiculously high until he had nothing to bet anymore.
“Listen, Horne… we're friends, aren't we?” One of those sketchy guy said. “You got that cute little girl at your side, hm? Here is the deal: Since you can't pay your debt, I'm gonna visit your girl and claim what is mine”
“Come on, man…” Richard said in shock. “You're joking, right?”
The other guy only laughed, creating a tense vibe and making Richard extremely nervous. Although he hated basically everyone and never gave a shit about anything and everything, he always cared about y/n. She was his girlfriend and he promised himself to never let her get hurt. He loved her even though he couldnt say it out loud.
“I'm not fucking joking, Horne… I'm sick of the way you treat your debts. You owe me so much fucking money and I was always generous enough to give you time.” The guy was almost yelling. “You don't have the money to pay me and yet I always see you spending money on booze and that girl of yours. And since you spend all the money that belongs to me on her, I'm gonna get what’s mine”
The guy stood up furiously and drove away. Richard panicked. That asshole cannot hurt his girlfriend. He couldn’t. Richard started to spam y/n's phone with texts and calls but she doesn't seem to be looking at her phone. So there was only one way for him: visit her.
He ran to his car and got in. He drove way above the speed limit but he couldn't care less. All he cared about was y/n. He was so worried all the way to her home. He cursed himself for being so stupid and for even knowing that guy. Everything he ever did came back to him in this very moment and he was scared. Genuinely scared.
And then he arrived at her door. He rang and knocked and rang and knocked until she finally opened the door. Richard has never been more happy to see her and only after he calmed down he noticed that she was only wearing a bathrobe.
He looked her up and down with a smirk and stormed towards her to kiss her. She was just too sexy to resist. He didn’t even try to start off gently, his kisses were always rough from the first moment. He locked the door before pushing her against the wall and trapping her there with his whole body while his tongue explored her mouth eagerly. His hands roamed over her body and her bathrobe quickly came off. She smelled so nice and Richard just had to have her, right here, right now. He carried her to the bedroom and practically threw her on her bed. And then he made sure to relieve all the anger, pain and fear inside him.
And then they cuddled. This was not something that Richard wanted but y/n asked him to and he couldn't deny her wish. And although he would have never admitted it, he liked these calm moments with her. He held her in his arms and tried to kiss her again, to hug her and hold her more tightly but she wasn't having it. Richard behaved in a weird way and although he often behaved weirdly, she wanted and explanation. She needed it. So she looked up at him while she traced random patterns on his chest.
“What in hell is it this time?” She asked with a sigh that almost sounded a little pissed.
“Why didn't you check your phone or answer my calls?” Richard responded, making y/n roll her eyes.
“I was taking a shower. I can't check my phone in the shower and I didn't hear it ring either. And then I step out of the shower and see that I got seven missed calls and fifteen texts from you. So what the fuck is going on?”
Richard sighed and told her everything, leaving y/n in shock but also anger. But before she could say anything in response, his phone rang and he answered the call. He talked to the person on the other end for a while and then he put his phone down and cuddled with y/n again, without saying anything.
Usually he would tell her what was wrong but this time was different. Richard seemed genuinely disturbed and in shock and y/n didn't want to upset him further. She waited until he spoke. And he did.
“He's dead” His boys came out as barely a whisper, y/n almost couldn't hear it. Almost. “He threatened to… harm you and got in his car and… he had an accident… He's dead…”
Y/n could see that tears were welling up in his eyes. She kept caressing his chest and she kissed his cheek but it didn’t cheer him up. Instead he only tightened his grip on her waist and kissed the top of her head.
“I don't want to live like this anymore…” He whispered against her hairline. Y/n pulled away a little to look at him.
“What do you mean?”
“I know that this is not how I want to keep going. I don't want to cause you any harm or put you in danger… I could never forgive myself. I need help.” Richard was almost crying.
“Rich… it will be hard but I'm right by your side, okay? I want to help you change and find the right path…”
Richard seemed hopeful but he was still tearing up.
“I love you” He whispered.
Y/n opened her eyes wide in surprise. This was the first time he said that. He never dared to say anything like that, he just wasn't the type for such a big commitment. But he changed already. He knew that she was the only person he could trust and the only one he cared about. The only one he truly loved with all his heart and soul.
Y/n looked into his eyes and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.
“I love you too.”
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fyrewalkwithmee · 4 months
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Thin Walls Pt. 1
Special Agent Dale Cooper x reader
Sooo there's a serious lack of Dale Cooper x reader and I'm in my Twin Peaks era and plan to change that. This will be a multi-part story because I can't physically write anything under like 1k words lol.
word count: 1.8k
WARNINGS: 18+ due to sexual themes, descriptions of masturbation, sexual frustration/tension, pining, smuttyness ;)
Please let me know if you enjoyed the story and want pt.2 I'm also happy to take requests for Agent Cooper if you have any naughty ideas.
Thank you for reading <3
Chapter 1, The Agent Next Door
Your mind flashed to what happened earlier that day as you fixed your just-curled hair into an elegant but wild bun. You had been interrogating two high school girls who were Classmates of Laura Palmer. You and your partner had discovered evidence possibly linking them to the Palmer case.
You and Dale had decided it would be best for you to question them first as they may be more likely to talk if it were a younger female agent grilling them. You had a way with young girls that almost always made them spill their secrets. Perhaps you saw a bit of yourself in them. Maybe it was your gentle nature and 'kind eyes' as Dale liked to call them. He was always saying things like that, complimenting you, uplifting you as an agent. It never went any further than that, Dale was a professional after all, and what could he possibly see in a rookie agent like you? You never told him but somehow you could sense he knew that you always felt a bit insecure being his partner. You were always afraid of letting him down or being the reason a case went south. You knew it was doomed and a pathetic cliche, but you had grown quite fond of him and were desperate for his approval. And that's not all you were desperate for…
You always thought he was handsome and charming and had just accepted it for what it was. But after seeing him work, the way his mind would reel trying to solve a case, the way he was so kind and careful with a victim's family and those in pain. You couldn't help but feel yourself grow more and more attracted to him.
Sometimes when working late at night his large hand would accidentally brush up against yours when going to grab another file amongst the mess of papers on the desk. Electricity would shoot up your hand and travel down your body to places where it probably shouldn't. He would mumble a "sorry" as you brushed it off, trying to look lost in whatever you were reading and not thinking about those hands. So much bigger than your own, so experienced. You imagined what they could be capable of in the right situation, the way they would rub that spot in between your thighs, stretch you out and become wet with your arousal. How he would make a mess of you as you reached closer and closer to that delicious breaking point.
At this point, you would shift in your seat, trying to alleviate the intense need for him beginning to pool in your panties. Sometimes, you thought you could feel his eyes fall on you and linger a little longer than usual when you did. You were almost certain he could read your thoughts, often sharing a new theory with you that you were just about to bring up yourself. You secretly wished he could, that would be a lot easier than actually telling him how you felt. Telling him wasn't an option, you couldn't risk compromising your partnership if he didn't feel the same way. So you kept it all inside, frustration building with each new case and each hour spent with your special agent.
You often found yourself having to relieve that tension in the wee hours of the morning when you couldn't sleep. Your own fingers taking his place, slipping in and out of yourself, imagining you and Dale in an array of naughty and scandalous scenarios until your desperation reached it's climax.
Dale's POV. It had been 2.25 hours since the special agent had recorded his final comments to send to his trusty assistant. He had had a smug, prideful grin on his face, "Diane remind me to tell agent y/l/n how impressed I was with her work today and how she has continuously proven herself to be a highly skilled and valued member of the bureau and well, just a lovely partner. I will report back to you tomorrow with details of the interrogation of Laura's two classmates. This is Special Agent Dale Cooper saying, goodnight." he placed down the recorder and turned off the light, more than ready to rest after a long day of investigatory work.
It was approximately 2 and a half hours later that he was woken by a thump coming from the wall right where his bed ended and his head lay on the plush hotel pillow. He kept very still, eyes wide, trying to see through the darkness of the room. Another smaller thump followed by a bigger sound made him lean over and grab his recorder, "Diane, I ask you again to please express post those earplugs to my room at the Great Northern. It appears that whatever animals that have been having relations in the walls for the past week have returned tonight for another session. Note that February must be mating season in Twin Peaks. Another note, the Great Northern has excellent coffee but very thin walls." He placed the recorder down and sighed deeply, closing his eyes when he heard another thump followed by another sound entirely. It sounded like a high pitched squeal coming from one of the animals, "at least the animals are getting some action" he said to himself with a sigh.
It was an unfortunate part of the job. Maintaining any romantic relationship was hard due to the travelling nature of his work and becoming involved with anyone he met along the way was against his guidelines as it could compromise the case. To put it shortly, he hadn't infact been intimate with a women in a long long time. He pushed himself closer to the wall and placed his ear against its coolness, maybe if he could figure out what animal it was the staff could find a way to expel the creatures.
Upon getting closer the muffled sounds became a lot clearer. He could now tell that it wasn't an animal at all. It was a human voice, a woman's voice, it was familiar to him. It was his partner's voice… He quickly shrugged back down into the covers, a million thoughts passing through his mind and one particular feeling shooting straight down into his crotch. "Agent y/l/n, no it couldn't be." He thought eyes wide with shock and confusion.
He had thought she'd taken this work seriously. she knows the risk of getting involved with people while on a case, especially in a town as small and tight-knit as Twin Peaks. Who could it be? He wondered an unexpected feeling of possessiveness rising up from his chest. He heard another more pronounced moan come from behind his head, more desperate in nature. He felt cock twitch in his pants and shifted around a bit, trying to keep his mind and body distracted by who the mystery man was. Harry is seeing Ms Packard so it wasn't him. It could be Hawk but he hadn't picked up on any tension between the two. It definitely wasn't Andy, he wasn't her type. She had spent 90% of her time in the town with him, so who was it and why was this getting on his nerves so much?
Yes his partner was exceedingly beautiful and intelligent and he would often have death stare the slimey men that would ogle at her when she would get dressed up to go undercover. The way he would sit in anticipation every morning waiting for her to join him for breakfast and how his heart would race every time their bodies would press up against each other trying to avoid gunfire didn't go noticed to him. He had pegged all that down to adrenaline and not having been this close to a woman for a long time. Except this feeling he had now… Knowing that there could be another man in her life, touching her, kissing her, making her scream. it was all too much. All at once the feelings he had pushed down for so long rose up to the surface and he had half the mind to go into that room, grab whoever was in there by the collar and beat them bloody for touching his girl… Well, his partner, he mentally corrected himself.
He hadn't realised it but while lost in his thoughts his hand had travelled down to the bulge that had formed in his pants and he was palming himself, rubbing his aching cock to the sounds of his partner in the next room. The agent felt ashamed but her whimpers were too much for him and he knew he wouldn't sleep at all that night unless he felt his release. He pulled himself out of his shorts, he was uncomfortably hard and his length slapped right up against his abdomen. He let out a relieved sigh as he circled the beads of precum that had leaked from his tip using them to help slick his member as he started slowly stroking. His hips bucked at the sensation, face painted with ecstasy. He felt the urge to make sounds to further release his pleasure but knew he had to stay quiet. If he could hear her, she would definitely be able to hear him.
He wondered what she would think. Would she be disgusted or would it turn her on further knowing her sensible and trustworthy partner was touching himself madly at the sounds and thought of her current predicament? this idea pulled him closer to the edge as he added more pressure to his movements, sliding his hand at an impossibly fast pace up and down his cock, hips bucking and sweat building around his temples. He tried his best not to think about the third person in this situation, not wanting anything to distract him from his impending orgasm.
It was as if his partner had read his mind because it seemed that she too was close to climaxing, her cries becoming more and more laboured. He was so so close to release, about to tip over the edge when he heard a sound that he never thought he would hear in his wildest dreams or fantasies. The familiar voice called out in pleasure a singular name into the nightly abyss, "Oh Dale, ohh fuckk". The proclamation was followed by a lengthy moan and then the silence of the night returned.
The detective halted all movement his seed pumping out of him, spilling onto his stomach. He lay there with his eyes and mouth open shocked at what he just heard and disappointed at his ruined climax. "I must be going insane", he thought to himself, "there's no way she just said my name as she-" he just couldn't believe it. As one agent on one side of the wall fell into a deep frustration free sleep, the other lay in his bed wide awake. Unable to shake the millions of thoughts now cluttering his already busy mind. He wouldn't get any sleep that night but he knew one thing for sure…
He needed her desperately and after tonight there was no going back.
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freak-accident419 · 2 months
hear me out… a fic inspired by twin peaks where reader is a special agent/detective and tries to uncover the mystery of everything with freddy’s and while they do all that stuff they become close with mike n they fall in love or whatever :3
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thelittleangel · 5 days
how they would react to you coming out as trans (ftm)
warnings: mentions of transphobia, and misgendering.
tags: physical affection, coming out, trans reader, male reader, can be read as romantic or platonic.
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Shane Walsh, Negan, Dale Cooper
Fandoms: supernatural, the walking dead, twin peaks.
authors note: if you like this one, I can write an MtF version.
Sam Winchester
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trans ally Sam my beloved.
he probably already had a feeling.
he would see every time you would readjust the way you were sitting, or every time you would cross your arms over your chest.
he sees every time you stare into the mirror, wondering who the person looking back is.
so, yeah, he had a feeling.
he sits quietly with you while you say what you need to.
he wraps you in the tightest hug you've ever had.
immediate he/him, your chosen name, everything.
he takes you to every appointment and he's always waiting outside, or in the room with you.
he holds a party for every milestone
Dean Winchester
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you're in the library, doing research.
he sits across from you drinking a beer, looking at something on the laptop.
"Dean I have something to tell you."
he looks up from what he's doing.
as you begin to tell him, he shuts the laptop.
Direct eyes contact the entire time.
"It ain't the weirdest thing I've seen."
he takes you out and gets you a more masculine wardrobe, if that's what you want.
he wants to be more respectful of what you want.
his father forced him to be a very macho type of person, and he doesn't want you to feel like you have to be this ultra masculine type of person.
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He knows what being trans is.
When you tell him, he stays quiet. he listens to what you have to say because he knows how important this is to you.
he keeps a mental record of your name, pronouns, what triggers your dysphoria, what makes you feel less dysphoric, and things of that nature.
Whenever you feel dysphoric, he gives you his trench coat to wrap up in.
Rick Grimes
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you're going to have to explain it to him.
once he understands, he's like
if you wear a binder, he makes sure you don't wear it for longer that 8 hours.
he makes sure to use the right pronouns and the right name.
he tries to make sure that the others do too.
Daryl Dixon
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once you explain it to him, it's all good.
he's so worried about messing up as far as pronouns or your name.
"You jus' tell me when I mess up, alrigh'?"
he keeps track of how long you've had your binder on and lets you know when it's time.
he goes on runs to make sure you have testosterone. he also makes sure that any of the needles and syringes are safe and clean to use.
Shane Walsh
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he doesn't understand at first.
you're gonna have to explain it a few times.
"She goes by He/Him."
he makes sure you're not wearing your for more than eight hours, that you're taking your meds and generally taking care of yourself.
he will go on runs with you to get testosterone.
he tries his best to understand.
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I am a firm believer in ally Negan.
he understands what being trans is.
it's an immediate switch.
he gets the pronouns and name right first try.
he gets the saviors to get you testosterone.
he makes sure you only wear your binder for eight hours and not a second more, especially in the summer.
he finds a doctor to get you top surgery if you want to do that.
Dale Cooper
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the most ally to ever ally
probably the most supportive character in this entire list.
instant he/him
goes with you to pride parades
celebrates all the anniversaries with you
goes with you to all the appointments.
stays with you when you recover from surgery.
stays with you when you are feeling especially dysphoric.
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hiskillingjar · 2 months
could we get some t4t law w a transmasc mc? I'm absolutely feral for any t4t btd content but ur transfem law portrayal has me in a chokehold I need that girl so bad
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
1200+ words, t4t love is divine <3 love your local transfem today <3
You took in a low hiss through your teeth as the skinny needle slid into your skin, sinking deep into your flesh.
"That okay?" Law mumbled lowly from where she was kneeling at your feet, her hand (big, lovely, a little bony) on your soft hip as the other held the syringe tight and pressed the plunger down, injecting the testosterone fluid into you.
There was something phallic about the gesture, and had you pointed it out, she probably would have agreed with you (though might have chided you afterwards).
"Yeah. I just never get used to the sting, you know?" You mumbled quietly, biting your lip to hide your coy smile as she rubbed a soothing circle into your skin, shaking her head (shaking out her blonde hair, she had cut it yesterday with a razor and made her bangs too short) with a little chuckle.
She laughed a lot more these days. She blamed therapy. You blamed yourself.
"Mm, I know," She nodded and drew back the needle, giving your hip a quick kiss as she stood to her feet, her willowy height putting her almost a head taller than you. Not like you ever minded that, though, you certainly made up for her height advantage in other respects (when she let you). "You're a big boy though, you can handle it. It's not so bad."
"No, it's not so bad…" You murmured as she started to prep her own needle (after disposing of yours in a trash can under her sink, never properly), admiring the harsh slope of her crooked spine, her broad shoulders, her slim waist, clad in nothing more than a cropped vest and a pair of sleep shorts.
She was beautiful, you thought, as you slipped behind her and rested your chin on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of her freckled skin against yours, but a beauty that was strange and personal. You liked that more than conventional beauty, though.
"Needy," She mumbled softly, a smile on her delicate features.
"Mmhmm…want me to do you?" You replied, watching attentively as she drew in her own hormone fluid with the new syringe and glanced up at you through the mirror, those once lifeless grey eyes filled with sweet fondness (in spite of how dead they remained).
"Yes, please…" Law whispered, her voice raspy and low, not the higher tone that she usually took these days.
She was honest with you. She used her true voice, and showed her true self, even if it had the potential of being scary or dangerous.
You were never scared of her.
It was an equivalent exchange of submission, you thought, as your hips pressed tightly together and your arms circled her skinny waist (too skinny, she should eat more, she should eat better), taking the needle in hand.
The willingness to be penetrated, to be the vulnerable one, to be the one taken…she submitted to you as you did, so often, to her.
She was trembling slightly from the anticipation, maybe the cool air of the bathroom too, but managed to keep her voice as level and calm as she could, like she didn't want to show you how much she wanted you, how much she wanted this.
"Ready…" She mumbled softly, though the word trailed off into a low moan as you pressed the tip of the syringe into her flesh, almost to the very hilt of the needle. Too deep, you knew that, you'd been injecting yourselves for months now, but...it felt right to do it like this now.
"How are you feeling, baby?" You asked quietly, pushing the plunger down and emptying the contents of the syringe into her.
"Mmm…mmh," She moaned again, tipping her head back against your shoulder (her blonde hair tickling your collarbone as she did so), her hands trembling as they went down to your hand on her thigh.
Her cock was stirring to attention in the loose sleep shorts, and you could see it gently twitch and jump beneath the gusset of the thin cotton.
"Ah, someone's getting excited," You murmured with a coy smile, as your other hand slid to her hip and trailed along the harsh V-line of her pelvis, to squeeze and grope at her cock and stroke it into full arousal.
"Hahhh…" She breathed out shallowly, her chest rising up and down as the last of the estrogen was emptied into her body. She gripped your wrist tightly, her underlying strength still clear as she dug bit nails into the delicate lines of your veins.
"So hot," You murmured, taking the needle out of her thigh and planting your now free hand on her hips, pinning her still against the bathroom sink.
Her body pressed tightly against yours, and you wanted nothing more than to merge into her, melt into her, feel your skin graft with hers and your bodies become one. But you couldn't do that, at least not physically, so you held her hips tighter and forced her to turn, seeing her flushed face up close, her backside hitting the edge of the sink.
"You make me feel like a God, Law," You rasped lowly (your voice had sunk a couple of octaves in the months of doing this together), pressing a hungry kiss against her neck, running your tongue over her throat.
She stifled a weak cry as her arms wrapped around your shoulders and clutched onto you tight, her bitten nails digging into your skin, threatening to tear into you.
You wanted nothing more than for her to do that.
"And you feel like Heaven…" You gasped, running your tongue over her sharp collarbone (so sharp, you wondered how it hadn't punctured her skin), before erratically shoving her tank top up her chest, still groping her hard cock through her shorts. "I hope every angel in Heaven looks just like you…"
"Mh…" Law shivered as you tongued her skin, running her own tongue over her lips as you kissed and nipped down her sternum. "I'm…mm, I'm no angel." She whispered with a shy smile, her pale skin flushed.
"Yeah, you are…" You replied in a tone as close to awe as you could manage, reaching up to grope her tiny chest, the growing swell of her breast filling your palm, and pinching at her sensitive nipple. "I hope all the angels are girls like you…sharp noses and broad shoulders and perfect tits, just like yours."
"Ngh-!" She gasped, her body tensing up and her grey eyes fluttering shut as you toyed with and stimulated each of her most sensitive spots, the gradual squeezing of her cock turning into subtle jerks, up and down the impressive length. "Ah…g-god…"
"Mm, you can call me-" You growled your name with a grin as you dipped your head and suckled her nipple, pressing your body even closer to hers.
She wheezed out a husky giggle at your bad joke, her trembling hands reaching up to cradle your head against her breast, like a baby to its mother, fingers pushing into your hair and pushing her chest outward, as if presenting herself to you.
"Mm, you're my God," She mumbled, reaching down with her free hand to rub against the damp patch gathering in your boxers, making you moan and bite down on her nipple. "You shape me, you mould me into a proper woman, a proper girl…an angel, that's what makes you my God…"
"You too, baby…" You whispered, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips to her breast. "You make me more of a man…"
"You are…you're my man," She smiled, holding you even tighter. "And I'm your God…"
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sprite-writes · 2 months
gunmetal blue
chapter 1/?
Dale Cooper/Reader
Summary: Agent Cooper is saddled with a new partner–against his better judgment. She’s a mess–aimlessly stumbling her way through the FBI with a past shrouded in mystery. Grappling with this change, and a puzzling case in a small town, Cooper’s lost. He finds the path forward in the last way he’d expect. 
word count: 2,605
A/N: woah new fic! this is sort of my side project while I work on cloudy day, but it'll still have semi-regular updates! super self indulgent because I love twin peaks, even if everyone had moved on LOL. hope u enjoy <3 as with all my writing, special thanks to @lightning-writes
 Dale wasn’t the type to be needlessly anxious. He was the farthest thing from an overthinker, he was a pragmatic man, he kept his sensibility about him. So, admittedly, it was out of character the way his leg had started to involuntarily bounce, brow sweat, and chest tighten. Gordan Cole’s office had never felt so small. 
He should have known something was wrong with the way Gordan had called him into his office, hands clapping on his shoulders, guiding him into the room like a lost child. Now, with the announcement hanging in the air, he understood. 
“I’m sorry, a-a new partner?” 
“That’s what I said, Coop! Is your hearing going too?” Gordon’s deafening volume usually has no effect on him, but this time he flinches. Dale shifts, and the leather beneath him squeaks. Gordon doesn’t even look up from his computer, skillfully avoiding Dale’s appalled stare. 
“Gordon, with all due respect, I don't need nor want a partner. Has there been something unsatisfactory about my work? Or-” 
“Did you say something about a factory? Anyway, It's not up to me. She was sent here straight from the higher-ups. All I did was sign the paperwork.” 
Dale sighs, his frustration thickening in his chest. His captain's eyes flick to him. 
“I would’ve fought it if I thought it was such a bad idea, Coop. Don’t worry so much, She’s a sweet girl and a—how would you say it? A damn fine agent.”  
“Isn’t there anyone else she could be assigned to?” he asks, and it feels like begging. Windom is 3 years behind him now, but that's three years he’s spent adapting to solitude. The idea of someone next to him on the field again unsettles him deeply, drudging up feelings he’s worked hard to forget. 
“Agent, I know how you may feel about this. What, with your past and all, but keep an open mind. I think this could be good for you.” 
Could be good?
A knock on the door cuts him off, the frosted glass door swinging open without hesitation. The interruption leaves him with his complaints still sticking to his tongue. 
“Gordon! I brought you coffee – you still take it with two sugars, right? Because there’s a cane’s worth in there.” 
His vision is crowded by a woman in an oversized blue FBI jacket—besides her abrupt entry, she’s also out of uniform. Her denim blue jeans hug her waist and fray at the knees, with a jarringly casual t-shirt. The unprofessionalism rubs him the wrong way. 
Two milky-colored coffee cups get dropped on the desk. Despite the breach of protocol, Gordon seems pleased to see her. There’s an affinity in his eyes, but she's a stranger to Dale.
“Well if it isn’t Miss Blue herself! We were just talking about you.”
Her hair flicks over her shoulder, and her eyes widen. 
“Oh! Hi! Sorry, I didn’t see you there. I’m Blue.” She sticks out her right hand for him to shake– and it knocks straight into the two coffee cups, sending one tumbling towards Gordan and the other into his lap. 
He bolts up as hot coffee soaks his trousers. He vaguely registers Gordon's laugh as if an Agent didn’t just waltz in, wreck his office, and Dale’s drycleaning. 
“Oh hell, I’m so sorry!” she shrills, peeling off her jacket frantically. The cheap polyester of the academy-issued zip-up presses against his wool-blend pants, the woman’s feeble attempt to clean the mess. 
Dale’s anger alights, but he breathes deeply to tamp it down. Patience is a virtue, he tells himself.
She continues to dab at his pants, he pushes her hands away, taking the stained jacket from her, and tossing it on the chair behind him. 
“It's fine, it’s fine,” he tells her tightly, despite the heat of his emotions, and the mild burns. When it rains, it pours, he supposes. 
She looks up at him, clearly mortified. 
“My bad, Sir,” she says lamely, and her expression scrunches up more. 
“A hand, Kid?” Gordon asks and she’s more than happy to take her attention away from Dale. Gordon wipes his desk with a handkerchief, and with her hands free, she begins moving damp papers from his desk. 
“Well, I’ll tell ya, Blue, you haven’t changed a bit since they shipped you off,” Gordon says fondly. Blue grimaces in a subtle way that Dale only notices because of the daggers he’s staring into her. 
“I don't know about-” she begins. Gordon steamrolls her, likely not hearing a thing she said. 
“Well, I suppose this is as good an introduction as any. Dale, meet your new partner, Special Agent Georgia Blue. Blue, meet Dale Cooper.”
He wanted to be surprised, really he did, but with fate’s track record, he didn't know why he would expect any better. 
Dale goes home late that evening. With him, a stack of manilla folders all relating to one Georgia Blue. He recognizes a level of invasion here. He justifies it simply; Blue is an invasion of his space, so this grants him a degree of invasion to hers. He tries not to think about the morality of it too much, mostly because he knows if he does, he’ll be returning the files unopened. He lets his curiosity win this battle. 
It doesn’t matter anyways; half the documents are redacted, large blocky sharpie lines interrupting every other sentence. He skims over what he deems unimportant– her physical description, age, schooling– when one thing catches his eye. Her bureau status, ambiguously labeled as ‘probationary warning: under review’ 
 The FBI files aren’t all. There are DEA reports, too, all titled Operation Architect. He whispers the words to himself, something familiar in the back of his mind, vague memories and mentions of this Operation Architect. From his understanding, it had been DEA business, just watercooler talk that had made its way down to his office. He reads what he can. 
January 10th 1988, SA Georgia Blue establishes contact with target, indefinite undercover placement to begin immediately.
Undercover placement? The rest of the paragraph is blocked out, and he’s left with more questions than answers. 
His day feels like a pill he can’t swallow. He had vainly hoped that by understanding who this woman was, it would give him some artificial control of the situation, maybe even make it easier to choke down. He doesn’t understand why the dread in his chest continues to bloom. 
He yawns, interrupting his thoughts. He supposes the rest of his investigation can wait for the morning, it wasn’t like the issue was going away anyways. 
There are a few blissful moments the next morning when Dale wakes up, where the nightmare of yesterday is just that - a nightmare. The redacted files are forgotten on his desk. He makes his bed and brushes his teeth, and it isn't until he’s halfway through shampooing his hair, while he’s mentally scaling down his to-do list for the day that he remembers his plans are meaningless compared to the derailment that is Agent Blue. That is, his new partner Agent Blue. Just rolling over the word in his mind causes a headache to bud. 
“Agents Cooper and Blue, partners, at your service,” he spits bitterly to himself. He gets shampoo in his mouth.
He’s bitter all the way to the station, questions and resentment swarming his mind.  
He doesn’t even bother to chirp his usual good mornings to the doorman. Anger fits him like a jacket two sizes too small, he has to squeeze his way into it.
Perhaps the comfort of familiarity would calm him, he thought. A warm cup of coffee and the sanctuary of his desk. That’s what he needed. 
“Good morning Dale,” Diane calls as he passes reception. He waves noncommittally. 
“Morning Diane, any messages?” 
“Not today, but Gordon wants to talk to you—he said to just come by when you have time.”
Dale sighs, and wonders what Gordon could possibly have in store for him this time. 
“Is that all?” 
“There’s just one other thing—I had to move your desk closer to the window to make room for the new girl – but don’t worry! I put everything back just as it was, and I was real careful too,” she smiles. 
His eye twitches. 
“Alright, Diane, thanks,” he mutters. 
His desk is a foot from the window now, approximately 3 feet from where he had it before. He recalls the day he requested it to be there—having carefully stood in each corner of the precinct to find the exact shade-to-light ratio to situate himself. 
It’s fine, he reasons, he’ll just squint. 
In the ideal 4-foot spot from the window sits a brand new desk, with his brand new partner. If she hears him approach, she doesn’t show it, eyes glued to her dark computer screen. It doesn’t bother him, not one bit. He had spent the last three years' worth of mornings enjoying his coffee in silence, and, new partner or not, he would like that to remain the same. Who cares if she ruined his wool pants–doesn’t mean she has to say good morning to him too. 
He sits down, much too close to the sun for his liking, and dives headfirst into paperwork. Still, he spares glances at her, in intervals, and mostly just wonders, why? Dale is a good agent, he knows this. His work and reputation precede him; a lone wolf, he thinks of himself. Then, out of nowhere, without warning, he’s saddled with a partner? An agent he’s never even heard of, who is apparently dipping half into DEA work. An agent who’s on probationary warning. 
Perhaps they want him to babysit, he concludes. A rookie agent with some kind of classified disciplinary infraction, and they want him to turn her around. The thought reheats his anger. He’s a federal agent, not an academy trainer, and he has half a mind to let Gordon know that fact. 
Five minutes into tense silence and deep thought, a hand smacks down on his desk. He startles but recovers smoothly.
“For yesterday,” Blue says tersely. His eyes follow her stony expression to her manicured hand. She moves and reveals a crumbled $50 bill she’d slapped on his desk. 
“Agent?” he asks, confused and exasperated. 
“For the pants, alright? Please, just take it.” 
He stares at the bill quizzically. 
“Ma’am, while I can appreciate the gesture, I assure you that it’s not necessary—“
She holds her hand up to stop him. 
“I don’t care. I’m not taking the money back.”
She returns to her desk, intentionally angling away from him, staring intently at the computer screen that he can now see isn’t even turned on. 
“...The power button’s on the back of the monitor.” 
The computer screen comes to life, and she doesn't spare him a glance. 
Partners, indeed. 
When he finally has a moment to see Gordon, he’s gone over his speech 5 times in his head. Gordon, you know I respect you and your decision-making, but I am not a babysitter or some sort of camp counselor. I am formally requesting the reassignment of Agent Blue.
He says it again and again in his head, all the way to the door. He knocks loudly, in a way he knows Gordon will hear, and he gets back a muffled, “Come in!” 
He does. When Gordon catches his eye, his expression is uncharacteristically unreadable. 
“Close the door behind you, Coop,” he tells him. Dale shuts the door and takes his usual seat across from his boss. 
“I’m glad you had the time to talk, I’m sure you have more than a few questions after yesterday,” he says levelly. Dale notes Gordon talking quieter than normal, it gives him an odd feeling like he’s in trouble. 
“I do, Sir. I would like to firstly say that while I respect–”
“Now hang on there, Coop. First things first, I’m going to need you to return those files on Blue.” 
Dale freezes, and his puffed-out chest deflates. It takes him a moment to form a sentence again. 
“...May I ask why, Sir?” 
Gordon sighs and fiddles with the wires of his hearing aid. 
“You haven’t done anything wrong. This is all just a bit more complicated than I can tell you right now. I’m afraid I’m sort of left in the dark here, too. I’ll tell you what I can, but it’s not all that much. Anything else you learn is at the discretion of the bureau - and Blue. And I don't think either of em’ wants you poking around.” 
The situation feels much bigger than him all of a sudden, even though it felt like something he could hold in the palm of his hand just a moment ago. 
“Alright,” is all he can think to say. 
“I knew Blue when she was in the academy, and let me tell you, she is bright. A little prodigy in her class, a bit like you, I’d presume. Anyway, I met her through her field training, she was a NAT here for a little while. Wasn’t too interested in homicide investigation, though. No, she’d taken a real liking to narcotics. Nasty business, I always thought, but to each their own,” 
As he talks, he leans in close to Dale. Gordon’s inside voice is still quite loud, but Dale can tell he’s straining to lower it. 
“She graduated and went straight to doing investigative work with the DEA. If I know you, and I do, I know you’ve picked through her file already. Do you know what Operation Architect is?” 
“I saw the name, but I don't know much about it, no.”
“Neither do I, that’s DEA business, but I know she was on it, undercover for over a year. And I know it didn't go great. She was relocated here after the ordeal.” 
Dale was hoping for this conversation to be more enlightening. He still feels trapped in the dark. 
“I meant it when I said none of this was up to me. My boss wanted Blue assigned to you. I’d wager it's because of your good work, you’ve got a handsome reputation, but I couldn’t tell you for sure. Regardless, she's sticking around for a while, so make the best of it. She’s not quite how I remember her, but as long as she hasn't done a full 180 in a few years, I think you two could get along pretty well.” 
Silence weighs down the room. Dale lets the new knowledge permeate his skin. 
“Alright,” he says because there really isn’t anything else to say. 
“Alright,” Gordon parrots. 
Dale sits like he’s waiting for something else to happen. The crushing finality of it sits on his chest. All the determination he came in there with is withered away to nothing, just ashes of a once burning fire. 
There’s no shirking this now, he has a partner. Cooper & Blue, FBI. 
“I know this isn’t easy for you, and I wish there was more I could do. But to be completely candid with you, I don’t think it’ll be nearly as bad as you’re anticipating.” 
Dale nods absently, drained of anything else to say. Gordon understands. 
“You’re dismissed, Coop.” 
He gets up, politely pushing in the chair. 
Before his hand can touch the knob, Gordon grabs his attention again. 
“Well, one more thing, actually.” Dale tenses, and the dread in his chest that had gone numb begins to flare up again. 
“If I were you, I’d show her a bit of kindness. This line of work is messy, and I can't imagine what the hell happened for her to get sent here.”
Dale can’t imagine either. 
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depressopax · 4 months
Dale Cooper Masterlist
Fandom - Twin Peaks
This is my masterlist for my Dale Cooper fanfics! The idea was to write for other Twin Peaks characters too, but tbh I only find Dale attractive lmao 😭
All stories will be posted to my AO3 too!
If requested, or if I feel inspiration, I might add more characters, we'll see
To make a request for stories/characters - feel free to DM me on here! I'm more than happy for suggestions Just make sure to read rules before requesting Full masterlist & WIP found here
Just a heads up that this blog and the fanfics are NOT spoiler free. So keep that in mind when reading my work!
I always try to write a note for my fics, including ship, gender identity and a summary for the story. And of course, a (trigger) warning list!
I try to make most of my work with gender-neutral reader, but I also write fem readers a lot, but I'm open to writing male reader too, if requested :)
Most of my Dale Cooper stories will be based on S1-2, before Twin Peaks or an AU. (Sorry but I just don't like season 3 😭 Still trying to convince myself it was a weird damn fever dream)
I will write...
☆ Fluff ☆ Angst ☆ Smut ☆ NSFW/SFW headcanons ☆ One-shots ☆ Scenarios
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Dale Cooper
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Dating SFW
Dating NSFW
Favors gn!reader
Your voice - gn!reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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babbushka · 3 months
I’m currently wallowing in Victorian vibes and I’ve also gotten really obsessed with this sort of Rocky Mountain Gothic aesthetic:
I know you’d kill it with a moodboard for either one! 💗💗💗
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apricotmiette · 9 months
currently working on a small town sheriff arthur (maybe-set-in-the-80’s???) x f!reader/au. my first work since YEARS and IT’S COMING OUT SPLEEEENDID.
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cassieuncaged · 1 year
okay lemme get uuuuuuuh a #3 (Dale Cooper) with uh some fluff please
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Damn Good Coffee and Company
Dale Cooper x Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: You share your morning coffee with a certain federal agent.
TW: none :)
WC: 900
Twin Peaks had always felt off. You'd never deny that accusation should anyone ever make it. The entire town felt like a liminal space to the rest of the country.
Even time itself felt strained and different, like each second moved slower than the last.
But you'd gotten used to it since your father had moved the family up to the Pacific Northwest and gotten a decent paying job at the Packard Sawmill. The very place you now worked to make ends meet, though there were rumors that the place was on its last legs and about to shut its doors for good.
It wouldn't be shocking; all hell seemed to break loose after the homecoming queen's body washed up on the shore.
You tried not to think about it or the feds that would no doubt flood the town since there'd been rumors milling around about cocaine and the brothel that did business at the border.
Christ Almighty.
That was the only though you could muster before cutting the engine outside the R & R Diner. Work boots crunched against gravel as you hopped from the old pick up, crackling with you every step until the door chime announced your arrival.
No one paid much mind other than Norma.
"Morning, Y/N," she beamed tiredly, "Usual?"
"Am I getting that predictable?" a comfortable laugh was shared as the order was jotted down and cash was shelled out.
"Predictable isn't always bad. Especially around here." Norma was filled with sage, maternal wisdom. Something Y/N appreciated greatly. "Have a seat. I'll have Shelly bring you some fresh coffee when it's done brewing.
Grinning shyly, you spun on one heel to see a sea of familiar faces. Yet one stuck out like a sore thumb amidst all the blue collar workers. Agent Cooper, the federal agent from DC, sat alone sipping at a dwindling cup of coffee. Normally he had case files spread across the table with a put upon Sheriff Truman sitting in the other booth.
Today was different.
Cooper stared into the middle distance, whispering to himself about owls. It wouldn't be the first time an outsider lost their marbles within town limits. Sighing, you padded over and decided to play the part of friendly townie.
"Mind some company, Agent Cooper?" you asked shyly, breaking the man of his reverie. Concentration broken revealed a friendly smile and slight crinkling of dark eyes.
"Not at all, Y/N. Have a seat." he offered cordially yet completely accommodating. He was different than how you pictured most FBI agents, always upbeat and excitable. Almost like a puppy dog. "Sheriff Truman isn't here today."
"Harry must be pretty busy if he decided to skip breakfast at R & R." you both share a chuckle as Shelly confidently strides over with a fresh mug and steaming pot of coffee. The mug is slid in front of you while Cooper obediently holds his mug out. After a moment, the waitress is gone and you're left alone.
Conversation is sparse yet enjoyable. There's something about this outsider that's different from the rest. You strive to impress him as much as learn more about him. Dale, he asks you to call him, is as intelligent as he is charming.
Not to mention odd. Maybe that's why he fits so well into such a fascinating town.
"Must be way different out here than in Washington." you offer awkwardly as the conversation hits a lull.
"On the contrary." he offers cheerily, "I think every place is similar in its own way. Filled with as many interesting people as there are shocking secrets."
"You think Twin Peaks has a lot of secrets?" that would news to you: everyone was pretty forthright to a fault around these parts.
"Absolutely. It's a puzzle." he stops after that, smiling vacantly. Something is amiss but that's common in Twin Peaks.
"That's an odd way to look at homicide." you add tersely, taking a sip of coffee. He grimaces, pondering a potential misstep.
"Forgive me. I suppose you do this kind of work for so long you get used to it. Were you close with the deceased?"
"Laura? No. I'm practically a decade older than her," you guffaw darkly, thinking of that homecoming picture that was plastered all over town. "But I can't help but think that she and I would have been enemies."
"What makes you say that?" he cocks his head doggishly, gelled hair shining in the sunlight pouring through the window.
"Look at me," you motion at the ball cap, flannel shirt, and mud-stained boots, "Lumberjacks and popular girls don't exactly mix."
"I like your ensemble," he adds wholesomely, "It has character. And it takes character to be different."
Then he smiles warmly before reaching out to pat your hand. Heat rushes to your cheeks, something you hope he doesn't notice. But before anything can be mentioned, he looks at a digital wristwatch as doe eyes grow wide.
"I'm late for a meeting." he scoots out of the booth before setting a few crisp bills on the table. "But I've enjoyed our conversation. See you tomorrow morning?"
"S-sure." you stutter, not quite believing his words.
"Then it's a date."
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insomnianoctem · 4 months
I need a new hyperfixation that is not my OC and is tumblr/AO3 searchable
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princessdimondheart · 9 months
The Twins Sneak Peak | Ghost x Reader | Hurricane Update??
A/N: So, Tropical Storm Idalia is gonna hit my area as a Cat 2/3 hurricane. Zone A has been ordered to evacuate, I’m in Zone C, so we’ll see if we have to leave…. Anyways, I have 21 bullet points so far in my planning with ~8 of them written out. I’m over 4k words and I’m barely halfway, so this is gonna be a long one!! Here’s a teaser. TWO teasers! I’ll leave you with some slight angst and suspense. I hope you enjoy it so far and are excited for what’s coming! It won’t be out for a while. :)
Warnings: 🔪- mentions of wounds Spoilers/Sneak Peak:
She was looking into the bright glass boxes filled with different types of jewelry in gold, silver, diamonds or other precious stones. Tommy wasn’t really paying attention to her. He fiddled with his dog tags and the busted up ones that belonged to his father. They rested over his jacket. He’d hum and glance at a necklace she was pointing to but he was rather distracted. There was a small commotion just across the street near the metro entrance. 
A black van pulled up and several men jumped out of it seemingly inconspicuous. He thought nothing of it until he saw a handgun sticking out of his waistband. Now, Tommy didn’t do that great in the section about their laws in school but he sure as hell knew that guns were illegal in their country. His brows furrowed, and Violet tugged at his sleeve once more to get his attention. 
“Tommy! What’s with you?” She voiced her annoyance. “What are you looking at?”
Was he staring in a mirror? This boy. This kid. It was like looking at a photo of his younger self. 
Ghost’s eyes snapped to the sound of metal in Prices hand. He’d already done a glance over of the boy and decided that the girl did a good job of wrapping his wounds with what she had. 
“Are these his?” Price asked the distraught girl. 
“Y-yeah. Tommy just joined the army not long ago. Barely over a year in.” She breathed in deeply as if to calm her mind. 
Tommy… he knew a Tommy once. His own brother. Every piece was coming together. He was one, and they were the other two. Just one was left…
“…and the other?” Price continued. He didn’t need to ask but he wanted to confirm the information he held. The cheeky bastard. 
//Teaser End//
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fyrewalkwithmee · 3 months
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Cherries and Wine Pt.1
Dale Cooper x Reader
This is a NSFW fic 18+ only.
Synopsis: You are undercover as a bartender at One Eyed Jacks and are waiting for your partner, Agent Cooper, to come and get you out of there. You and Dale ingest a mysterious liquid that heightens arousal. Shenanigans ensue ;)
Warnings: tension, descriptions of arousal, reader is working in a brothel, alcohol, poisoning, making out, SPOILERS if you haven't seen twin peaks.
Word count: 3.4k (I'm so sorry)
AN: I'm sorry this is so long idk what happened. If you find all this detail boring maybe skip to the next chapter which will be smut. As always if you like the story please like, comment or message me to let me know! Enjoy.
It was your third and final night working as a "bartender" at one-eyed jacks. It had been your idea to go undercover and had you gained valuable intel on Laura Palmer's involvement with the brothel. So after 3 long days, your partner would be coming to get you the hell out of there. He would be posing as a wealthy businessman travelling across the states on his way to a meeting. At the club, he would start chatting you up and take you into a private room where you would escape through the window. Part of you couldn't wait to see him and finally leave that godforsaken place. Another part of you was secretly dreading it. You and Agent Cooper hadn't left on the best of terms. Let's just say he wasn't overly excited by the idea of you being all alone, surrounded by unpredictable characters in a place that a murdered girl frequented. You understood his concerns, you really did. Cooper was a highly skilled agent, extremely intuitive and charming. You assumed he felt some level of responsibility for you being a few years your senior and far more experienced working in the field. But sometimes you felt like your partner forgot that you too were a trained professional. You needed to feel capable in your position, encouraged, not held back. He seemed to be that way with everyone else, so why not you?
You found yourself reliving the conversation the two of you had 3 days prior when your partner had dropped you off a couple blocks away from the club. Coopers eyes were filled with dread, he would have done anything for you not to get out of that car.
"I don't like this agent, I really don't. All of these men and the nature of the business, not to mention the club is out of our jurisdiction I-"
"It's going to be fine, alright." you interrupted his anxious ramble "Our plan is airtight, I just need a couple of days and if I don't find anything, come get me."
"If things go south you call us straight away okay?"
"Do you really have such little faith in me?"
"Of course, I have faith in you. It's just your first time undercover alone and it's a very delicate case."
"What you don't trust me? don't think I can pull it off?
"That's not what I meant. i don't want anything happening to you... for the sake of the case"
"Right well, for 'the sake of the case' I better go."
You exited the car slamming the door a little hard. Cooper looked regretful and like he was trying to find the right words to say. One last quip of encouragement that might ease the tension between the two of you, but nothing came to mind. His eyes met yours as you slipped off your trench coat revealing a slinky, long black dress that clung tightly to your figure. You were happy with the way you looked. The dress paired with some makeup and the long blonde wig you chose made you look exactly like one of the club girls. You handed Dale the trench through the window as he oggled at you wide-eyed.
"Having fun?" you snapped him out of his trance. "Sorry you look um... do you have your gun?" was he serious?
"No Dale I left my gun at the hotel" you said to yourself in your head mockingly.
You leaned over giving Dale even more of an eyeful than he already had and lifted up one side of your dress exposing your leg wrapped in sheer black stockings with suspenders that trailed up to reveal a lacy garter that held in place a tiny pistol. You decided to go all out with the undercover allowance given to you by the bureau. "I always bring protection. See you in 3 days." And with that, you dropped your dress and started swiftly towards the club leaving Agent Cooper in the dust.
You met with the club mother, an older woman who smelt of whiskey and cigarettes. You gave her big doll eyes as you told her a lengthy tale of all the clubs you've worked at and how all the men loved to get a drink from you, the girl who could use her tongue to tie cherry stems. Cherry was also your decided name and you had prepared a whole backstory so that you could seem as genuine as possible. You demonstrated your cherry-tying skills and managed to secure a role on the bar. She called a young-looking girl into the room and told her to help you pick out your uniform. As you went to leave the dimly lit room the woman called out, "Oh Cherry dear, don't think just because you're working behind the bar you won't have to also serve our clients in other ways. We all do our part around here." your stomach dropped, you assumed that the bar girls remained at the bar. You felt a wave of panic wash over you. What were you to do if some slimey man asked to take you into one of the other rooms? You would have to find a way out, but how without breaking your cover? You calmed yourself internally and turned to the woman, "Of course, not a problem" You said it so sweetly you could almost taste it.
Your first night had been quite uneventful. You served drinks, got chatted up and watched as the club girls worked their magic and the customers spent their money. You had no luck finding anything about Laura Palmer until the second night when a grey-haired man came and sat down at the bar. He had a down look about him which was strange seeing as most of the men who came to the club couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces.
"Tough day sugar?" you sauntered your way over to him as he gazed up at you. He straightened his posture and gave you a weak smile, in a thick southern accent he spoke, "Just found out one of my favourite girls was... well is no longer with us." You lit up inside but tried your best to put on your best puppy dog eyes and gently grabbed his hand, "Oh no you poor thing. I'll tell you what. Imma make you a drink and you can tell me all about it. How's that sound?" His eyes scaled your body hungrily and smiled crookedly, "Sounds like a dream baby." One hour and half a bottle of Jack Daniels later you had found out all you had to know about Laura Palmer's involvement with the club and you had pumped the older man with so much whiskey he didn't have the wits about him to ask you into a private room. He held your hands tightly as he slurred, "You're an angel baby." you giggled at him with a hint of disgust that you knew he wouldn't pick up on in his state, "No sweetheart, I'm Cherry." He laughed a boisterous laugh, "You are my new favourite! I'll see you tomorrow, I can't wait to get to know all of you." He finished his sentence eyes gaping right at your chest. "Oh God help me" you said to yourself, saying goodbye to the man.
Your last night couldn't have come quicker, you had gotten ready early to help pass the time and were in the bar polishing glasses when one of the other girls fittingly named 'Candy' entered. "You look especially pretty tonight. Someone special coming in?" You chuckled, "No one in particular." She continued, "Watch out for that man you were talking to last night, I hear he's racked up quite a debt with the club." she winked at you and went to serve a customer. Laura sure knew how to pick em you thought taking a deep breath.
A couple hours had passed and you found yourself constantly scanning the room eager to find Agent Cooper and get this over with. Your eyes met another familiar pair but to your dismay, it wasn't Agent Cooper it was Mr. Jack Daniels. He made his way over with a confident stride and sat down in front of you. He grabbed your hand and placed a wet kiss on the top of it. "I saw you looking for me baby, this is gonna be a night to remember." You tried your best not to punch the smile right off his face, instead you grabbed the bottle of Jack and went to make his usual when he stopped you, "Oh no my little Cherry, tonight we're having the good stuff." He called over Candy and asked her to get his 'special' bottle, he then began to tell you about how this spirit would make you feel things you've never felt before.
You pretended to listen but felt all the noise around you wash away when you spotted a tall man enter the area. He was talking to one of the clubgoers and nodded towards your area of the bar. They had a chuckle about something and he slowly made his way towards you. You couldn't help but check him out, starting with the shiny black shoes he wore. They were paired with a tuxedo that fit him perfectly, emphasizing his broad shoulders and long frame. As he walked closer and further from the dim lights you could see black hair slicked back revealing a strong jaw and cheekbones. He wore a pair of spectacles that circled a pair of deep dark eyes that locked with yours and you suddenly realised that the handsome stranger was in fact, Agent Cooper.
Your eyes widened for a moment and the old man went to look at what had caused such a reaction but you stopped him quickly, pulling his face towards yours. "wanna see a trick?" he nodded with anticipation and you grabbed a candied cherry putting it in your mouth and seductively moved it around using your tongue to tie the stem. You caught Dales's eyes in the process and to your surprise, neither of you looked away. He had a look in his eyes you'd never seen before. You finished tying the stem and held it between your teeth to show off your work. The old man applauded and went to speak but was interrupted by Cooper who had reached the bar. He leaned towards your red lips and grabbed the stem. He inspected the knot and leaned an elbow on top of the bar. He looked at you through his lashes, "that's very impressive."
His voice was low and smooth and it sent a jolt of arousal coursing through your body. Is he flirting with me? You asked yourself, then reminded yourself of the plan. Of course not he's just really committing to this alias. Not that you minded, Dale always kept your relationship strictly professional which was disappointing but you respected his boundaries. But at this moment, for the sake of the case, of course, you had a rare opportunity. You leaned towards him, exposing the cleavage your tight corset created, "Thank you handsome, you know this mouth can do a lot more too." he moved closer and leant both arms on the bar, trapping you with his size, "Is that so?" you bit your lip and looked up at him, fire in your eyes, you nodded. He had a slight mischievous grin and you knew he was enjoying this as much as you were. "Well, how about you come and show me just how good that little mouth can be." His words shocked and turned you. You had never heard Agent Cooper talk in such a dirty and suggestive manner, but you were loving it. You felt a delicious tension build in your stomach and your arousal started to form a wet spot in your panties.
The electricity swirling between the two of you was extinguished by the gruff sound of someone clearing their throat. you looked to your right and were reminded that your admirer was still seated at the bar, now with two glasses filled with a dark crimson wine-like liquid in front of him. You had forgotten all about him, just now it was like you and Cooper were the only people in the whole world.
The older man turned to Cooper, placing one of the cups in front of you, "Sorry friend, but I've got Miss Cherry reserved for the night." Cooper lowered his head, "I see. Well, we won't be long." he reached into his coat and pulled out a big wad of cash, "How about you go and hit the casino and I'll have Miss Cherry back to you in no time." The old man stared hungrily at the cash. "Well that seems fair enough, you can warm her up for me ay?" The old man laughed obnoxiously and took the money. Dale clenched his jaw, hating the way he talked about you but forced a chuckle out anyway. And just like that, the man walked away not even uttering a goodbye. You turned to Cooper and whispered, "How did you know he needed money?"
" i did my research" he smirked
"well, should we get out of here then?" you gave him a wink
"Not so soon, we don't want to seem suspicious, let's talk longer." he grabbed the drinks from the table and led you to a quieter end of the bar. he moved in closer to you and raised a glass, he gave you a sincere look and spoke, "Here's to you. A great agent and an even better partner." you blushed under the low lights finally receiving the approval you always wanted from him. "Thank you, Dale" You clinked your glass with his and you both took a sip of the mysterious liquid, eyes remaining locked. It had a strange, sweet taste and sent a tingling sensation down your throat. You weren't sure why, but something about it made you crave more...you took another sip.
"You never call me that." he furrowed his brows suspiciously, "well, now's a better time to start than any", you replied, happy that he wasn't still upset about the mission. "Hmm, I don't know. I think I prefer handsome." he said teasingly. You scoffed at him and pushed his shoulder playfully. To anyone watching from afar, it probably did seem like the two of you were flirting like any of the other people in the club.
You and Cooper talked for almost an hour, getting lost in conversation regarding the intel you had uncovered and news from the station. It would almost feel like a date if it weren't for the setting and talk about work. You went to take another sip from your cup to find that it was already empty.
A familiar buzz was starting to take effect, you assumed this was from the alcohol but it was mixed with another sensation. A faint burning pulsed through your body, forming an electric heat around your throat and neck, stomach, your breasts... you could feel that the wetness in your panties had grown rapidly into a puddle of arousal. You hadn't realised it but all this time while talking with Dale you had become more and more turned on. Watching the way his lips moved, how his long fingers danced over the glass and combed through his hair... god that hair! You desperately wanted your hands to replace his. to grip and pull and guide his head lower and lower, to do terrible, sinful things. You had known for a while how much you wanted the older agent, wanted to feel his strong hands grip you, his mouth latched onto yours and on other places too. But this newfound feeling wasn't like anything you'd ever felt, it was a burning desperation that seemed to have a will of its own.
You suddenly felt flushed flipping your wig off your shoulders to help cool yourself. You caught Dale's eyes sneak a glance at your chest, but he quickly looked away adjusting the top of his collar and bowtie. You wondered if he was feeling it too? Your question was answered when he spoke, "I think it's time to go" he sounded out of breath even though he was sitting down. You agreed with him, taking his hand as you led him out of the bar and into a softly lit hallway. You tried not to react but you could feel the heat from his body transfer to yours and fuel the lustful desire coursing through you. Your crotch throbbed from the slight contact and you walked quickly to find an empty room. You finally located one and shut the door behind you, immediately looking for a window that would aid your escape. This room was different from the others but you paid no mind to that heading straight for the windows. The temperature in the room was getting hotter as you both frantically pushed and pulled on the latches but to no avail. the windows were sealed shut.
"Did you not examine the windows to prepare for the escape?" Dale looked wrecked, his cheeks were flushed and hair dishevelled, two strands hung teasingly over his glasses. "I did but this room was shut off during the daytime!" you replied in a panic trying again to push open the glass. "We're going to have to break one." Dale stated and began taking off his suit jacket to protect his hand.
Suddenly there were footsteps outside of the room and a faint knock on the door, "everything okay in there?". The door started to creep open and you did the first thing that came to mind. You shoved Dale up against the wall and thrust your mouth onto his. His body stiffened from the sudden contact but quickly relaxed into the kiss, he wrapped his arms around your waist pushing your bodies closer to one another.
A large man entered the room, security you assumed, "Everything okay?" your lips left Dale's and you peered at each other with wide eyes. You turned to the man and quickly spoke "All okay." He nodded and closed the door behind him. You stepped out of Dale's grasp and started stammering, "Cooper, I'm so sorry! I wasn't thin-" but were interrupted by your partner grabbing and turning you so now you were against the wall. His mouth was on yours and he kissed you aggressively, slipping his tongue into your mouth, gripping the back of your head with one hand. you wrapped your own hands around his neck, pushing yourself into him, needing him closer.
Every move he made felt heavenly, heat and sweat building as you desperately clutched onto each other's bodies. Your arousal was at an all-time high and you instinctively ground your crotch against his quickly discovering that he was hard and a bulge had formed in his pants. It was at this point he broke away from your embrace, a slight look of embarrassment on his face. "We really have to go" he spoke desperately and out of breath. You nodded not really knowing what to say.
Cooper told you to step back as he wrapped his hand in his blazer and smashed the window. he got rid of any shards of glass and lifted you up so you could exit the room. You hit the grass outside with a thump and waited for Cooper who followed close behind. The two of you quickly made your way into the night towards the sheriff's truck which was waiting for you a block away.
You walked in silence, panic washing over you as your mind raced with a thousand thoughts about how you and Dale were ever going to recover from the moment you just shared. The cool air was a nice relief from the overwhelming heat of the club but nonetheless, you wrapped your arms around yourself. Dale noticed and shook his jacket making sure there were no pieces of glass and gently placed it around your shoulders. The familiar strong musk of his cologne overcame your senses and you were immediately taken back to your steamy exchange. His hands, his lips, his hair, the feeling of his arousal pressed against your own. You quickly felt the effects of the mysterious liquor begin to work its magic again as the fire in your veins returned somehow even stronger than before. You were getting wound up and started overheating again as your sex clenched around nothing in the cool night air. You looked to Dale. He was in the process of rolling his white sleeves up and had already removed his bowtie and popped open the top buttons of his shirt.
He was feeling it too. You were so fucked.
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
ya’ll….i am so sorry lmao
besties, i’m officially back. here’s a new list of fandoms in writing for <3
dale cooper x reader
spencer reid x reader
aaron hotchner x reader
fezco x reader
harry potter x reader
ron weasley x reader
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