#my brain just....doesn't pick up on them until someone else points them out and I go 'oh that makes sense'
binomech · 2 months
I mean it when I say that Kim and Harry's relationship is only possible at the point in time where they meet, as the people they are during the Hanged Man case. I love playing with AUs but the same way even a Harry with amnesia is inevitably a product of his past, so is Kim. this is a VERY long post so i'm putting it under a cut.
facts about Harry:
Harry tried to kill himself three times in one night and he failed to kill his body
The Harry you meet does not remember this, consciously, and yet sometimes the only thing he thinks will solve a situation is killing himself
Harry doesn't remember his mother, but he remembers being very loved by her
Harry is the only person left from his childhood friend group, and he forgot them
Harry learns about his life through a case ledger and a bitter coworker and a town full of people he traumatized before he tried to kill himself
The ledger says: You were brilliant and bright and you solved every mystery. You once beat a man until he could never walk again with this very clipboard because he reminded you of yourself. Out of all the policing specialties, you picked building safety regulation because it wasn't violent, and once you spotted a crumbling building and reported it but it fell before anyone in the force could give a shit and a bunch of families died. Your partner that you forgot, who you only have experienced as vitriolic and judgemental, once campaigned to keep a street mural because he knew it was a sign of hope for you and you liked it.
Your body remembers what your mind cannot: The smell of apricots and loss. Being raped. Prepping for anal with another man. Being a gym teacher, a loving mentor and then giving it up for the apricot smell. A sick liver. A sad brain. A locked jaw and chronic pain because the polio epidemic took everyone but not you. Survivor's guilt. The need to dance.
he thing about harry's memory loss is that it's that his life becomes a crime scene to investigate. and he's very good at that. he's been told it's the only thing he's good at. and his body remembers that that momentum is the thing keeping him alive. and yet everything he finds is marred with mistakes, violence and lots and lots of love that make the mistakes and violence even more damning. and he can't stop looking with morbid curiosity because it doesn't even feel like his life, but he's living the consequences of it. and sometimes he does things, he feels things, and he understands that he's not someone else and then he wants to die.
Why are you an amnesiac? Is it because the pale took you while you sank in the water next to a church where baby pale is growing? Is it what the decades of substance abuse did to your brain tissue? Is this you, protecting you from yourself, just so you can live for a few weeks more?
Why are you a detective? You remember being a happy teacher, a good teacher, you were an art student teaching gym. why did you change careers? Is the insatiable curiosity that your body remembers something that was eating you alive? Is it why you're still alive at all, to find out? Did you think you could do more with a gun in your hand and some speed in your system? Did she think that?
And then there's Kim. One of Kim's lines that is among my favorites, and weirdly honest for what we get from him usually when he's talking to people that aren't Harry is:
"My position, ma'am? My parents got ripped to shreds in the Revolution -- I would have gone the same way. I was saved by being two years old. That's my position -- the abattoir."
Harry's life is defined by a violence that he cannot remember, Kim's life is defined by a violence he cannot forget.
And that, I think, is important to their dynamic. Kim's life is defined by the degradation he has suffered, by the Moralintern as the child of revolutionaries, by his peers at every point in his life due to his racial heritage and his sexuality, by his disability. His fear isn't even fear, it's a certainty -- he's waiting for the other shoe to drop and go the same way his parents went, in front of a firing squad for daring to want something better. So he bargains, and he tries to delay what he knows is coming by not only not stepping out of line but giving the line a wide berth that could be a fucking moat filled with krakens.
He grows up Dolorian breathing the ideology of the institution that had his parents executed 24/7. He believes so deeply that he is as important as everyone else for the world to keep going, a blue forget me not, a piece of the sky. But of course he knows enough about his parents so he cosplays as a revolutionary and joins the RCM as the shitty replacement of the Commune's guerrilla.
He spends 15 years in a position usually given to recently enlisted officers because they do not believe him to be good enough. He finally promotes by going undercover as a teenager and infiltrating a fucking arcade because asians look so young and asians are so good at tech. The first partner he gets as a detective is nicknamed Eyes because he was assigned to him because his eyesight and sharpshooting could not be trusted. He doesn't see a shooter approaching and Eyes takes a bullet for him and he's the one to deliver the news to his family.
He doesn't even believe in Moralism, strictly, because he's too old and not innocent enough but the sunk cost of spending his entire life carving his tombstone as an RCM lieutenant is simply too much to give up. He rations his cigarettes to remind himself no matter how much he wants, wanting will destroy you from the inside out.
And then, he gets sent to Martinaise both because he is undeniably good at his job (he's shown them, he can shoot, he can fine, he can send people to jail facilities without breaking a sweat, he can lord over his authority to any civilian as much as any other straight white cop in the precinct) but also with the expectation that he will Fail and they'll finally have a reason to demote him. And he goes there and waits for two days for Harry to show up and when he does, he's drunk, doesn't know the basics of the world (the basics he cannot forget for one second or they will kill him, too) and is still capable of wonder.
And Kim is so fucking jealous. He's like "what the fuck, I have to do so much and this guy gets a pass?". Not because you are actually doing anything wrong, most of the questions are standard for Harry at any point in the game, but you get to forget everything and keep your job. You get to have drugs and keep your standing. You get to be violent and brilliant and no one doubts you for a second. He gets away with wearing heels and blatantly faggy old fashioned clothes. He gets to cry and show the worst parts of himself. He gets to protect you without losing anything.
Harry is everything Kim can't be, because he is a white cop.
But that's not what changes things, in the end. It's that this guy who literally is everything a good detective is and also everything awful a detective is, takes one look at you and sees you on the other side of the moat and he doesn't even build a bridge: He plunges headfirst into the moat and makes friends with the krakens and comes out soaked and dying on the other side and he smiles and asks for your opinion, Kim, you always know what to say
He doesn't know you and he's the first person that doesn't assume the worst. And you know he's putting you on a pedestal, and that you need to make sure he understands that's not good for him, but it does feel a little good to have all the things you do be acknowledged without friction.
And he makes stupid jokes and when you joke back he laughs and doesn't think less of you. And he likes art, which you will never let yourself understand, and he likes children because he doesn't have a history of 15 years trying to get kids to have a better life and them dying by the dozens, and he's everything you hate because he's everything you wish you could be.
And then he finds a miracle, and he tells the miracle about you, and you take a picture and it's not a dream. You thought, it must be the amnesia, he will remember and life will go on with the realities that you know to be true. But the picture is still there: Tangible proof that not everything you think immutable is a sure fact of reality.
Unbeknownst to you, in one of these universes he spares you from a nuclear bomb that he launches himself. If you get shot, he will hear you on the radio when he needs you the most. You are not the only one that has been changed from this.
Pre-amnesia Harry and Kim could have never found this tentative kindness because Harry was bogged down by all the things he had done and Kim was buried in things he couldn't do. But whatever happened to Harry, it opened a door in a huge web of universes, just by saying "It doesn't have to be like this". No matter where they go from the ending of the game, that is a thing you cannot un-know.
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blackmoonoracle · 21 days
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You can find my brief breakdown of masculine energy in the natal chart here. Tip Jar
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tw: sexual trauma
Anger and sex drive, the people in this particular collective may have experienced sexual trauma at any point in time that has developed into an issue with emotional security. In order to heal you need to learn how to develop trust in your perception, self expression, decision making, and any chronic pain or issues need to be given more thought and care. Not accepting the bare minimum, not pushing yourself for the sake of others, not letting others take your power.
Taking your power back for the sake of yourself.
This is an energy of being conscious of chronic issues, extreme trauma, healing from extreme abuse and allowing yourself to let go of the cycle of releasing your power in order to survive. You are not helpless, you are not incapable, you are not weak, you are not bad, you are not a waste of space, energy, words, time, effort, or love. You are a worthy being, you have earned your place, your reputation, your successes, and your desired future. You have suffered a lot, in some way shape or form.
This could've been mental or sexual anguish in pre teen years.
Feeling almost disgusting or gross for existing as a sexual being. Disdain for sex, astonishment I heard as well? I feel like there is potential religious trauma regarding sex in this pile.
There may also be a sense of pain or confusion about life in general, perhaps you are someone who struggles with feeling destined for failure. Like part of you still doesn't believe that you're not destined to suffer, you've learned so much and I feel like a lot of you are like older gen z or late teens.
It feels like you've always felt very judged, and very misinterpreted. Like others could've been offended by your mere presence. Something about the way you thought, or spoke, or expressed yourself was or is very upsetting for people. You're not afraid to talk about the truth? Is the exact way I'm hearing it be described.
You have very powerful voice, and your words pack a punch in more than one way.
Your words project veryyy quickly into your reality, and I heard "reaffirming reality" as well, treating your brain like a science project I heard? LMAO it's giving aquarius 😭
So do mirror affirmations, some of you could have an affinity towards mirror magick. That being said handle that carefully, and know to be careful in approaching that. Make sure you're researching and covering your bases. I heard Aphrodite, so Aphrodite could be trying to work with someone. I also heard keep your peace, so chill out, don't engage with anyone. You're in the process of taking back your power so sometimes people act up. LITERALLY not a you problem, and if they make it a you problem stand your goddamn ground and show that person, no matter who they are, what role they play in your life, that you are under no circumstances going to continue to take their shit. The universe is testing you, lock tf in and don't worry about anyone else. Worry about YOU and YOUR DREAMS, and YOUR DESIRES. Plant the seeds that truly matter to YOU, you won't know if it works until you try it. Don't be afraid to do what you're passionate about. Don't be afraid to be yourself, your authenticity really resonates with others in some way shape or form. It's how you connect with people, you show them that being yourself is a lot less painful that you'd think.
This could be black Moon Lilith in cancer and Scorpio or 4th and 8th house Chiron energy. you could be a cancer rising, some of you could have a leo descendant? I heard polish and German as well for some others, someone could be polish another person could be German. If this pile resonated and you'd like to purchase a personal reading on this topic you can purchase one for just 55$ or send over a tip on Venmo or Kofi if the message resonated and helped in some way! https://ko-fi.com/blackmoonoracle @blackmoonoracle is my Venmo!
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Self Worth, and Value/Honorary Systems This collective has very powerful values. This could be Taurean, or Aquarian energy, possibly also Aries. You could be mars dominant or have a prominent mars in your natal chart. Your mars may also be in the 11th, or 2nd house! Or you could have Uranus in the 2nd house or Venus in the 11th house. Suffice to say this could also be mars in Taurus, or Aquarius as well. 2nd house Venus, or 11th house aquarius. There's something with individualism in this pile as well. A lot of deeply practical energy, possibly very venusian as well. Could have Venus in pisces, or Venus-neptune interactions in the natal chart. You could have Venus in Taurus, or you could have Venus in aries I'm hearing. You are going on a deep journey of transforming your masculine will. Understanding you are worthy of making your creations, that what you create is valuable and is of quality. You are worthy of abundance, you are worthy of success. I feel like there could've been a sense of detachment since a very young age for this pile. It feels like affection could've always been a touchy subject. I'm also seeing a connection to religion here, especially with Venus being in Virgo. Virgo Venus has always reminded me of catholicism due to the very intricate and detail oriented nature of Catholic symbolism. As well as the emphasis on purity, which is an aspect of Virgo. Seeing as it is the virgin. This can also look like your love always coming with deep criticism. Perhaps you could've felt like the ways in which you expressed love were not respected. Or you could've felt like there was a feminine presence that seemed to bring you a great sense of regret. It feels like a self criticism wound. It feels like a disconnection from the mind in order to attain purity. Like, this pile could feel that they need to fully embody some aspect of a pure, or virginesque energy in order to be worthy of recognition?
Soooo specific, but hey! if it resonates it resonates. There's a deep wound here in regard to knowing how to accept help. It's like accepting help in your mind makes you feel like you're worthless, or as if you are not contributing enough. It's like you feel the need to contribute the most, so that others know you are serious and worth taking serious. Being undermined, minimized, having your values be overlooked, or being seen as unremarkable could've been something you struggled deeply with. I see a lot of pain dealing with women here. Significant Mother wounds that could've led to these wounds in your masculinity. Perhaps experiencing silencing, being forced to not do, say, act, or be in some way shape or form because it is "unsightly" or "shameful" Being disregarded, possibly some bullying here, feeling like an outsider. Like no one could grasp your values, your morals, who you TRULY are.
Almost feeling like you lack an identity.
finding balance in yourself, learning how to accept that you are worthy of being helped. That being helped does not make you unworthy, that being helped is something that is okay, that accepting care, and nurturing, and love is a good thing. starving yourself of intimacy in hopes that by taking the lashings of yourself, and others, while remaining in this "pure" state of being will finally make you worthy of being seen. vision is a general thing here. You may feel like your vision doesn't come to light, or that others don't understand your vision. It's unique, it's you, it's not what everyone else might expect of you. You're groundbreaking, no one could ever be you, learning how to be in love with your individuality. Accepting what makes you weird, and accepting yourself in spite of the way others feel. Knowing that accepting yourself is the deepest form of self connection and that you deserve to feel loved and supported.
Accepting that the embodiment of authenticity may cause issues in connections with people who cannot accept themselves or live in their own truth.
Understanding that you can find purity in your search for your authentic self, authentic truth, and your life purpose. Through embodying yourself in your truth.
If this pile resonated and you'd like to purchase a personal reading on this topic you can purchase one for just 55$ or send over a tip on Venmo or Kofi if the message resonated and helped in some way! https://ko-fi.com/blackmoonoracle @blackmoonoracle is my Venmo!
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You may feel stuck in what you were once defined as, as if other people's perceptions of you cut extremely deeply. Your honor is important to you, you like for things to run smoothly. It's important to you to feel secure in who you are and how you express yourself.
I think that, it would be significantly healthy for this pile to learn what makes them feel passionate.
Maybe you feel that you are judged harshly, or in response to a harsh judgmental world you disconnect from yourself. Extreme self consciousness, fear of being "naked" or "vulnerable". Fear of connecting with yourself and others. Fear of relying on or connecting with your community. Feeling like an outcast, impostor syndrome. Lack of self awareness, TOO much self awareness. Untraceable, or difficult to uncover pain. Not understanding the root of things. Beauty that feels skin deep, unrealized depth, and unfulfilled potential. Learning who you are, finding the drive to connect with yourself. Understanding what it means to be you, and that you have to choose yourself at some point in order to lessen suffering. Fear of risk, and Fear of reward, a very loud self critic.
Accepting and acknowledging the mother wound in order to integrate and heal it. Connecting with earth, trusting nature, allowing yourself to think about the things you fear most. Understanding that you cannot hide from certain truths, and that looking the other way doesn't make it go away. There's a song that went viral on TikTok by MGMT called Little Dark Age. I specifically channeled the part that's like "Forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain, just know that if you hide- it doesn't go away."
Having to understand that you are not responsible for other people, you are not Jesus, why do you bare the cross. Why do you punish yourself for not meeting the "standards" that others are projecting onto you. Are they standards, or are they control tactics, is it manipulation? Are you in alignment with YOUR thoughts, feelings, and desires? Or are you taking on the thoughts, feelings, desires, and expectations of others who want to strip you of your individuality?
Transforming your self concept, looking at what traits, qualities, and authentic self expressions are ACTUALLY in alignment with your highest good & will call in passion, success, happiness, and stability into your life?
Being proud of your intelligence, your ability to perceive, to be know how to think outside of the box.
Having a lot of eccentric natured personality traits and understanding that those are attractive to others. That what makes you different is what makes you likeable, because it's what's uniquely you. Embodying your truest self form, writing affirmations. Creating lists and notes of the hard to integrate topics and realizations in order to make them more tangible.
Excessive mental energy, very deeply tapped into divine creative expressions. Having blessed thoughts, words, and ways. Knowing that you deserve your blessings, and that you are a generator of luck and karma. That you have to ability to move mountains.
Taking it less personal when people throw rocks from glass homes, knowing that you are worthy of better, worthy of more, worthy of success. Feeding your hunger to succeed, knowing that you have the skill, knowledge, creative drive, and capability to connect with others through your art and creativity.
Uncovering what beauty means to you?
I heard Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, PIsces, cancer, Gemini, mercury, Sagittarius, 9th house, 6th and 5th house.
Sun in aquarius, Moon in Taurus/Capricorn, Moon in gemini, Moon in Aries, Moon-mars aspects.
Mother Gaia
Disconnected from ancestors and spirit team, but willing to learn and receive.
Looking for a new outlook, looking for a way out, remaining steadfast and faithful in what you believe.
Not allowing others to dictate your thoughts, feelings, or reality.
Co-Creating with divine consciousness.
If this pile resonated and you'd like to purchase a personal reading on this topic you can purchase one for just 55$ or send over a tip on Venmo or Kofi if the message resonated and helped in some way! https://ko-fi.com/blackmoonoracle @blackmoonoracle is my Venmo!
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veltana · 1 year
Mutual Satisfaction - Avengers!Bucky x Avengers!Reader
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✦ Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader
✦ Word count: ~3k
✦ Rating: Explicit
✦ Warnings: One shot, pwp, A LOT of dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics, dom!Bucky, sub!reader, manhandling, piv, slight dumbification, pet names (angel/master), safe sex, condoms, cum shot, aftercare, fluff (because I neeeeed it!)
✦ Summary: "Was it because of what I said," he leans forward to whisper into your ear. The warmth of his body pressing against yours even though he's not touching you. "Did your tiny little brain think of all the ways I could fuck you until you're a mess?"
✦ Note: This is nothing but pure self-indulgent smut, that's heavily dialogue-based. Let me know if you like it! (It's also posted on AO3)
Masterlist | AO3
The chime from your phone makes you look away from the TV screen.
"Sorry, one sec."
You find it buried under some pillows but the excitement you initially felt quickly turns sour when you see the response. With a sigh of disappointment, you drop it and return to choosing a movie together with Bucky.
"Bad news?" he asks as he flips through the list.
"Yup," you conclude.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"It's honestly nothing, just scheduling issues."
"With your boyfriend?" He wiggles his eyebrows.
"He's not my boyfriend. We just sleep together," you point out.
"I'm sure you can find someone else, you're an avenger now. Bet they're lining up to get a chance with you," Bucky shrugs.
You scrunch your nose. "I'm tired of being disappointed. I'd rather wait and have my needs met, even if it's frustrating."
"That long huh?"
"Between all the missions and not being free at the same time, it's been months."
"Yeah, same." Bucky murmurs and stops on a movie. "What about this one?"
"Yeah, sure."
You settle down against the numerous pillows you have been bringing to Bucky's room since you started having these movie nights a couple of months ago. His TV is bigger and his couch is much softer than yours. Plus the two of you fit comfortably on this one, with enough room for both to stretch out.
"So why won't just a regular guy do it for you?" Bucky asks and takes a fist of popcorn, stuffing it in his mouth.
Shrugging you say "I need someone I can trust, with my body and my mind. Takes a lot of talking in the beginning, but now it's almost as good as therapy for getting out of my head."
"Don't like thinking?"
"Not during sex. I just need someone else to make decisions for me, use me however they like. Not ask me what I want, just flip me over, make me come until I can't see straight, and fuck me until they're satisfied. If I pick someone up at a bar, all they do is slap my ass and finish a minute later."
Both of you are silent and watch the movie before you ask.
"What about you?"
"Look at me," he chuckles. "The metal arm scares the majority and the ones that are left usually can't handle what I want."
"And what do you want?"
"Control, over something, someone. Watching as they go dumber and dumber the more orgasms I can force from them. Until they can't speak. Just owning their warm body for a moment, taking as long as I need because they don't want to be anywhere else than on my cock," Bucky laughs.
The laugh gets stuck in your throat because there is no denying Bucky's words have an impact on you. Hopefully, he doesn't notice and you refuse to move and rub your thighs together. Then you both continue to watch the movie, but it's hard to concentrate. All you imagine is Bucky using your body and finally getting the release that you've been longing for. How much would it fuck up the team dynamic if you started sleeping together? You force yourself to watch the movie and not entertain those thoughts anymore.
Two hours later, after the table has been cleaned off, you're heading for the door, mind already back in your own room and the toys you'll undoubtedly need to take care of yourself to be able to sleep. Then you feel a hand on your wrist, and in a flash, you’re pinned with your back against the door, Bucky's hand securely holding both your arms above your head. You're not sure if the breath that leaves your lungs is because the force pushes it out of you or because you're instantly so turned on. Either way, there is no denying the impact his closeness has.
"So, are you going to tell me what you've been thinking about the whole movie?" There is a knowing smirk on his lips.
"What? Nothing? I was watching it."
"Don't play dumb with me, you were far off somewhere else for most of the time."
You swallow hard, opening and closing your mouth a few times. It's embarrassing that you've been on his couch, thinking lewd thoughts about him when you're not even that close—something between coworkers and friends.
"Was it because of what I said," he leans forward to whisper into your ear. The warmth of his body pressing against yours even though he's not touching you. "Did your tiny little brain think of all the ways I could fuck you until you're a mess?"
A whine crawls up your throat unbidden and you turn your head to the side, shame making your ears warm.
"All you have to do is ask," he prompts. "Or tell me to let you go and we can pretend this never happened."
The last thing is out of the question. You just need to work up enough courage to tell him what you need. Everything about him pierces your senses, making you high of his smell, touch, and sound.
In the end, all you can come up with is, "Bucky please." And bucking your hips up in the hope of finding some friction for your throbbing core.
But he just makes an unimpressed sound.
"No, you have to do better than that." Then he pauses and uses his free hand to turn your head until you're looking into his blue eyes.
"We'll go over everything properly before next time," his voice is calm and to the point. Making it clear he expects you to listen. "But right now I think we need each other. We'll use traffic lights or you'll tell me if it's too rough or too much. Understand?"
"Yes Bucky," you answer.
He releases your face and your arms, placing his hands on either side of your head instead. With a smile that makes you wetter than you already are, he says, "Good girl. Now do a better job at begging."
He is effectively displaying his whole body for you and in seconds you have your palms on his chest, caressing carefully up and down, feeling his corded muscles beneath the fabric of his t-shirt.
"Bucky please," you beg in a delicate voice. "I need you to touch me. I want to feel you everywhere. Please help me come, it hurts so bad."
His pupils dilate, almost eclipsing the blue in his eyes. Then he presses his knee up between your legs, lifting you off the ground enough that only the tip of your toes reaches the floor.
"Here, use my leg and hump it. We'll see what you deserve after that."
Oh, he's got a mean streak, you realize, and you're all for it. Wiggling on his thigh to get a better position you grab a hold of his shoulders to steady yourself and try to move. It's difficult and not nearly enough to get you where you wish but you're absolutely enjoying the way he's playing with you and speaking to you.
"Look at the innocent little angel using my leg. What else can I make you do to get off huh?"
With a whine you work faster, chasing something barely there.
"Something you'll learn very quickly, little angel, is that I don't share, but I do like showing off my property. Let everyone see but not let anyone touch."
"Yes!" you moan. "I'll be anything you need, just help me, please Bucky!"
"I'll hold you to that," he promises. Suddenly his knee is gone but instead, his body is pressed hard against yours and his lips descend. The kiss is filthy and needy, your hands grab onto his head, trying to get more of him even though he's already as close as he can come. You suck on his tongue and lips and he does the same to you, before mouthing his way over your jaw and down your neck, nipping and sucking. His beard pricks you but it's a mild discomfort to the one between your legs.
A string of needy noises tumble out of your mouth and you're about to start begging again but right then he lifts you and turns around, heading over to his large bed. As your body touches the sheets his hands start pulling at your clothes and you do the same to him. Moments later both of your are naked on the bed, making out like horny teenagers, rutting mindlessly against each other. His fingers find your hard clit, gently circling it a few times before dipping into the wetness at your opening. You mewl into his mouth in delight, thinking he's going to start filling you with his fingers, but instead, he spreads the slick back up to your clit and starts flicking it slowly.
Throwing your head back you moan his name loudly, no thoughts if you can be heard through the walls, everything is focused on the way he's touching you. His mouth finds your nipple and you get impossibly hotter and wetter. The months-long dry spell quickly catches up to you. Bucky fingers are expertly playing with you, never too hard or too light, hurling you towards the climax.
"Can I cum Bucky? Please can I cum?!"
His laugh tickles your skin, his fingers slow and he looks up at you.
"Yes, you can this time, just because you asked so nicely."
His fingers gather more of your wetness before picking up speed again. The band in your stomach quickly snaps and you scream out your release, blabbering "Thank you-thank you-thank you!"
Without getting a second to breathe you're flipped onto your stomach, then his hands lift your hips and you fold your knees in under you.
"Grab me a condom in the drawer angel," he directs and with unsteady hands and a complaining whine you open the drawer and rummage around until you find a square package.
"Don't whine when I'm trying to do the right thing," he growls and smacks your ass. "I know a little slut like you wants to be pumped full of cum until you're dripping." He leans down over you until his mouth is next to your ear, his raw dick rubbing against your sensitive cunt. Plucking the condom from your fingers he whispers, "You'll have to earn my cum, angel."
A jolt of pleasure-filled electricity shoots through you, just imagining yourself on your knees in front of him, doing anything he asks.
"I'll do anything, master," the name slips out by pure habit. "I'll be good, let you use me in any way you like, any hole. Anything to earn your cum, please, master."
A groan can be heard from behind together with the sound of the foil being torn open. Impatiently you wiggle your ass, arching your back even more, presenting yourself. In reward you get several more slaps, making you cry out as the pain shoots straight to your cunt.
"Oh, angel, keep talking sweet like that and you'll earn yourself another orgasm."
His dick notches at your opening and you still obediently. Both of you moan in unison as he presses inside. He's clearly on the bigger side but there is hardly any resistance since you're dripping with slick. In moments you're fuller than you've been in months, clawing at the sheets in front of you.
"Good girl, taking me so fucking well," his hands spread your cheeks. "I wish you could see how your greedy little pussy is swallowing me."
"Wa-want it, master, want it so much, feels so good!"
A wail leaves you as he starts pistoning his hips into you. If it weren't for the fact that he also pulls your hips back towards him every time, you'd end up with your head in the wall.
"Give me your hands," he instructs and you put them behind your back quickly, folding them and gripping your underarms. His vibranium hand closes around both your wrists while the other grabs your hair, pulling your head back.
You love his harsh grip on you, how he does what he wants with your body while he fucks you. All you can do is moan and whine and cry as he thrusts without any sign of slowing down any time soon. Usually around this time your FWB is about to come, and even though you're always satisfied in the end, sometimes you wish for more. The serum in his veins must give him superhuman stamina when it comes to everything.
Without warning he releases your hair and pulls hard on your arms, raising your body from the bed, his free hand coming round to grab your neck.
"Color?" He grunts, never missing a beat with his hips.
"Green! Bucky it's fucking green. Please! More!"
"You dirty little slut! Can't get enough of my cock huh?"
"No, master, want it always!" You cry.
"That's fucking right, god you feel so good. Next time I'm going to fuck you raw and watch the cum pour out of your pussy. How about right before Tony's big party? Put you in a short little dress with no panties so everyone can see my cum running down your legs."
The image of yourself, flustered and embarrassed while Bucky parades you around makes you keen, pushing back against him. You are nothing but his toy, he can do whatever he wants and you would gladly say 'Yes, master.'
The incessant need to come makes your legs weak, trembling from being held up and fucked within an inch of your life.
"Master, can I come? Your dick feels so good, can I please come on it?"
Releasing your wrists, his vibranium arm comes around your waist, pulling you flush with his chest before traveling down to your aching clit.
"This what you need, angel?"
The unrelenting metal against the softest part of your flesh pulls more desperate sounds from you as you try to rock against it, the pleasure eating you up from the inside, erasing every trace of cognitive thought. When you don’t answer he chuckles next to your ear, "I think my cock has made you dumb, angel. No thoughts left in that tiny little head of yours."
Your hands land on his arm, needing something to hold onto. He hasn’t permitted you yet, the orgasm is shimmering right underneath your skin, threatening to break through any second. The only thing you know is that you don’t want to disappoint him.
"My angel is doing so good, go ahead and come for me, make sure you scream my name when you do. Let everyone hear that this cunt belongs to me."
Instead of continuing with his fingers, his whole palm lands on your clit, a few slaps that don’t hurt in the slightest, only enhancing your pleasure, before the heel of his hand presses against your clit.
"Come on, show me how you look when you let go. Be a good little angel for me, come on my cock."
In a blinding light of pleasure, you scream his name, just like he wants, bending your head until it rests against his shoulder, shuddering and shaking from the release.
"Looking beautiful my little angel, so fucking pretty, strangling my cock." He hugs you tightly towards him for a second before pushing you forward. Your arms only cushion the fall lightly, there is no strength left in your body. Looking over your shoulder you see his eyes, blazing with lust, his mouth slightly open. Then he pulls out and you watch him tear the condom off, jerking himself, and with a loud groan of your name he finishes on your ass and back. As the spurts of cum hit your skin you close your eyes and sigh in contentment. Owned. Used. Satisfied for the first time in months.
With a giggle you fall to the side, uncaring if you're messing up his sheets. He lands on his back in front of you a moment later, chest still heaving.
"That was…" he begins, turning his head towards you with a small smile. Before continuing he rolls over on his side, reaching and pulling you in towards his naked chest, tilting your head up, and placing a small chaste kiss on your lips.
"Amazing? Wonderful? Mind-blowing?" you suggest with a smile to finish his sentence.
"All of the above angel."
For a couple of minutes, you lie there, just content with what just happened, before Bucky says,
"Come on, we need to clean you up."
He stands from the bed and picks you up with no effort, carrying you to the small bathroom and turning on the shower. Carefully he places you down on the tile and the warm spray is a harsh contrast to the cold sweat that has dried on your skin.
"How do you feel?"
Your only response is a happy humming noise that makes him smile, before he reaches for a bottle of shower gel. He makes you turn around, leaning your arms against the wall as he begins to clean you. His touch is firm as he washes your back and ass, giving you a light massage before he moves on to the rest of your body. Then you help him, even if what you do is mostly smear suds over his pecs. When he's done the both of you stand under the warm spray.
"Any immediate soreness?" He asks.
"No," you sigh happily. "Might feel something tomorrow, but we'll see then."
He finds you a clean towel afterward and dries you off, before handing you a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. Without questioning you put them on.
Fortunately, the sheets have minimal staining and both of you are too exhausted to care about changing them. Suddenly you realize you've just fucked Bucky and now you're staying in his bed for the night, with your head resting on his chest.
"What is this Bucky?" you mumble, even as sleep is dragging you down.
"Whatever you want it to be, angel, we'll work out the details in the morning," he assures you.
And if the other people at the compound heard you the night before, or notice that you're wearing one of Bucky's t-shirts to breakfast the next day, nobody says a word.
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st4rvedbuck · 1 month
I think the fandom of Ninjago should talk about Zane's fear of losing his humanity and his fear of any negative emotion in general. And how they contradict each other.
(warning, yap sesh ahead) TLDR: can nindroids get therapy? If so we need 5 therapists for Zane immediately
It's already established that Zane has a fear of being seen as just a machine, nothing but a freezer with fake coded emotions. But I haven't seen anyone talk in depth how he seems to turn off his emotions whenever he's faced with grief or stress, and how he only learnt to not do that far into his life.
He probably picked up that habit from when Dr. Julien turned off his memory switch before "dying" back in season 1. And he realized that if he went so long not feeling bad about the "death" of his creator by simply not remembering it or not having the actual emotion of grief, he wouldn't feel bad either when anything similar happened if he just turned off his emotions like Dr. Julien did to him.
The fact this lasted as long as it did meant nobody picked up on it* and tried to tell him he was wrong. Which only validated that idea because if there was a problem with it, someone would've told him..right?
But how can you say you don't want to lose your sense of humanity as a robot while simultaneously doing something humans can't whenever you're faced with stress? I'd say he'd overthink it, and feel guilty about not being honest with himself. He knows hes being irrational, but hes still terrified of the thought of no one seeing him as a person.
But at the same time, he's never been taught how to face stress by himself. Only for other people. It's not like he just doesn't know that ignoring your feelings is a way to avoid the problem and a bad coping mechanism, he obviously knows that. He probably just doesn't know any other solutions because his situation is so niche.
Because how could anyone not want what he has? In his position, he probably feels as if everyone would kill to be a nindroid. Since nobody tells him otherwise. We even see clips where the others use Zane's robot body as a joke or in one case, use him as a fucking cleaning robot. Can you imagine how dehumanizing it must feel for someone to be forced against their will like a puppet into doing a weeks worth of chores?
Zane probably feels as if his fears are irrational. Like he shouldn't have them because being a nindroid seems to be the only thing that others care about when they see him. He's a logical person for sure, but everyone has irrational thoughts and unless you face the reason you have those thoughts they aren't going to go away and they'll cloud your judgement. Zane, for sure, is not doing that. Because we can see he just simply forces himself to stop having emotions when they happen instead of facing them, which only fixes it temporarily.
So hes afraid of being seen as just a freezer with fake emotions (i have more to say about the "fake emotions" part), and because he doesn't face his feelings about why hes afraid of that he lets himself believe that is how people see him. Which causes him to think that fear is stupid and that he shouldn't have it, which makes him turn off his emotions for a while, and the cycle continues.
He also might believe his emotions arent needed. Like maybe at some point he convinces himself that if everyone else only sees him as a calculator with ice powers, maybe that's what he actually is. So on top of everything, he feels like since hes only a computer, all his emotions are fake. Therefore unnecessary.
Not to mention he most likely feels as if he's weak for letting Vex manipulate him. And emotions = weak, weak = manipulated again, manipulated again = letting everyone down. But thats just a little thought i had to let out.
If i could write I'd probably make a fic about him being confronted by this fear, but until then it'll stay in my brain.
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Poor boy. Just look at him. He doesn't deserve this bro AUUGIGUGJGJGGHHGHHHH IM AUTISTIC 🥹
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Edit: *i rewatched crystalized today and realized the other ninja ARE aware of Zanes habit. They just dont gaf 😭WHICH MAKES IT WORSE!!!
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hina-hina · 2 years
Last request! (I apologise if i request too much)  I have a funny idea inside of my head, Could you do a dad headcanons of Ghost, Soap, Alejandro + König found out his and F! s/o's child has a innocent crush or how they act towards on their crush. How the 141 boys would react?
I can imagine if their child is a boy, I think they might tease their child about the "crush" thingy. If their child is a girl, ohh boy I think they're a type of a dad who said "no boys until you're 18 young lady" or being protective dad.
bonus: I think some of them might cry on their child for being " grown up so fast"
Hello again!! Don't worry about requesting too much, I love every request I get!! But this idea is so stinkin cute (〃` 3′〃)Thank you for requsting and I hope you enjoy!!
We have a healthy mix of boy!child and girl!child, I really just used whatever I felt fit the best within the character. The child in this is like middle school age or younger here.
→ COD Masterlist
|| How Ghost, Soap, Alejandro + König Would React When Their Child Has a Crush ||
Warnings: Some angst (not really)
Female!Reader // Romantic + Platonic
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|| Ghost
The child is a girl because Girl Dad Ghost brain rot is real
I have mentioned this 100 times but he is observant, right?
So he is back from base for a leave and decides he is gonna go and pick up your child from school
And while he is awkwardly standing among the other parents, he notices you talking with a young boy
He is horrified because you are blushing profusely
Doesn't say anything to his kid but as soon as he comes home and the kid runs off to her room, he just latches onto you and is like "We need to talk."
And your immediately worried because you think something is seriously wrong
Then he just tells you about her blushing at the boy and you let out a little relieved laugh
But then you tell him there is nothing wrong with someone her age having a harmless crush but he can't help it
He is incredibly protective and knows just how cruel young boys can be
He just doesn't want her to get hurt
Expect the next time that he goes to pick her up, he is just glaring this boy down
If they do start dating, the boy better be prepared for the most terrifying shovel talk ever
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|| Soap
We will do a boy child for him
So, I imagine the kid is like smiling at his phone or something at family dinner
And Soap jokingly asks if he is talking to a girl and when the kid blushes and tells him to stop he knows he unintentionally was correct
He is very quiet all throughout dinner until the two of you go to bed
You ask him what's wrong and he just starts silently crying because his son is growing up and he misses so much of it because of work
You just hold him and let him cry it out until morning
You reassure him that you and your son know that his work is important and that you both will also be there for him when he gets back
He has a mildly awkward heart-to-heart with his kid after that about how, despite him having to leave so often, that he would also be there for him
He would then go on to give the kid really bad dating advice
At that point, your quick to swoop in and dispute what Soap says for no other reason to see him get flustered when you explain how he embarrassed himself when the two of you met
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|| Alejandro
We will do a female child for him because, once again, girl dad vibes
Very, very, protective girl dad vibes
When you jokingly mention that your daughter is fostering a crush on someone from school? He needs to know everything
What is this boys name, who are his parents, when did you find out
You will need to take a moment to calm him down before telling him anything else
He would want to talk to the boy immediately, despite you telling him that it's nothing more than a innocent crush
When the two of them meet one time, say your daughter introduces him to the two of you at pick-up one day, he is all intimidating glares
The boy is clearly very nervous so you have to shove him to get him to lighten up
When he sees how happy your daughter is when hanging out with him, he softens
"As long as you're happy, hija."
God help this boy if he ever hurts her though-
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|| König
To keep it even, we will do a boy child for this one
I see him absolutely loving spending one-on-one time with his kid from time to time
So during one of these outings, he admits that there is a girl he likes at his school
He is in shock because of course the kid is at that age but he is still completely caught off guard
If the kid tries to ask for advice he would just have to be like, "Your mother kinda just threw me over her shoulder and I accepted it."
He is not that big of a flirt but he does know a thing or two
Encourages the kid to be observant (not in a creepy way) to pick up on the things she likes
He overall just encourages his kid to be nice and to pay attention to what she likes
He also encourages him to be more outgoing because he regrets not being as open when pursuing you
When König tells you about this later, your all over him with kisses and "awe"s
And who could blame you truly?
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Meet-Ugly Writing Prompt: Interminable Intercom
okay so this is based not-so-loosely on real life events, and has been banging around my brain as a fun little writing prompt ever since. i might make a character-specific post with it at some point, but wanted to get the general concept out there.
Character A lives in an old af apartment building that has no on-site staff, where all the apartment entrances are in the building's interior, which you can only access through the locked main entrance doors. Each resident gets one key.
The entrance doors have an ancient intercom next to them. This intercom technically works, but the process of getting your phone number set up with it is so inconvenient that many residents do not bother.
If you lose your entrance key after hours, you are kind of SOL until business hours, when you'll have to pay a hefty fee for the management company to bring you a new key.
One evening, late, Character A gets a call from the intercom. They can't hear very well - again, ancient - but didn't have anything scheduled for delivery, and manage to catch that someone got locked out. They decide to be a good neighbor and press the button on their phone to open the main entrance door, then hang up, thinking nothing else of it.
However... it keeps happening. This Character B motherfucker must be the most forgetful or unlucky idiot to walk the earth, because they are constantly losing their key, and calling the one number on the intercom that always picks up. Maybe Character A is a homebody, maybe they work from home, but whatever it is, they're reliable. And no matter how annoyed they get about it, they can't bring themself to just leave someone stranded out there. And also, how could they make them stop? Neither of them knows what the other looks like, and Character A doesn't even know what apartment Character B is in!
anyway, what happens next is of course totally up to the writer. are there fun identity shenanigans when they bump into each other in the laundry room or by the mailboxes and don't know it? does character a finally put their foot down? does character b find a way to stop losing their damn key?
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stranger-opinions · 8 days
maybe it's not a writers-block; maybe you just need a break
creativity is a muscle, right?
you need to exercise it to keep it in good shape, to have it ready when you need it and don't we all love those hyperfocused sprints of writing where the words just spill out of our fingertips...
but muscles get sore when you overuse them, will strain when you force them past their limits, they need nourishment to stay healthy and in shape
fandom today has a competitive atmosphere. many wouldn't admit that; it's supposed to be fun after all. just vibing with our mutuals, playing with the blorbos having a fun time online to scratch a few itches.
but the truth is that it can become a lot of pressure rather fast.
putting out several k of (edited) writing a month, setting up painstakingly formatted posts with the right tags and a fun header we spent hours on to look effortlessly cool and eye-catching just to hit post and then feel... nervous. excited too, sure...
but damn, when will the next chapter be finished? or the next one shot? will there be enough time to put a few blubs in between so that the few people who actually seem to care won't forget about us and move on?
writing for writing's sake is a nice notion. the myth of the self-sustaining artist who needs nothing more than a passion and their tools of choice.
but shit isn't just created out of nothing.
what has that all to do with the title of this post do you ask?
very few people can just keep going and going making art like that without needing any breaks and a good portion of those people very likely have very different conditions than most of us have with full-time jobs, families, school and so on.
For many of us writing is a main outlet, an important hobby and a safe space but that still doesn't change that it is a creative hobby, an outlet that demands energy: emotional, mental and physical (typing for hours is hard work if you want to believe it or not) and that sometimes makes it impossible to accept that we just need a fucking break.
"writers-block", in my own experience, is my brain telling me that something is off and that it's on strike until I fucking fix that.
and sometimes it's just that I need a break.
that I need to recharge my creative batteries, take in things that inspire me, that make me happy and get me excited without having to make anything myself. to just be. take some walks amongst trees, watch a new series, read a new book, go into a deep dive of some random topic on wikipedia until I don't know where the fuck I started from.
sometimes I just need to log out, cut the overstimulation of a never ending dashboard, turn off what everybody else on tumblr is doing, how much everbody is putting out, get away from my frustration about "my flopped fic" or the latest fandom drama and reconnect with the real reason I am doing this.
the love for stories and the source material.
for some people those breaks can be as short as two days, for other is might be weeks or months and that is not only okay but totally normal.
sometimes you might realize that the reason you are not writing is that you actually don't want to. sometimes you just want to daydream without the extra work sometimes you're just not in a writing mood and it's not much deeper than that.
that doesn't have to mean you're done with your blorbos. it just means that there are more valid and fun ways to play with them.
don't worry, the fandom will still be there when you decide to pick up the keyboard again. maybe with less people, maybe with many different people but you will always find someone who cares. those who have moved on to different things not come back wouldn't likely have stayed if you had powered through.
fandom shouldn't be a you're in or you're out thing but a place you come to when you want to.
contentification of fandom has had a lot of negative effects on the way we create and so many people fade from their hobby because they simply burn themselves out to a point where it leaves a scar.
so. find something that makes you happy that does not require you to invest too much creational energy. rest those muscles as long as it takes.
nothing you can get on tumblr or ao3 is worth the sore brain, the frustration with yourself and the stress you add onto your mental health ontop of everything else in your life.
recharge, reevaluate, reconnect
have fun
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pricegouge · 1 month
Had an EXHAUSTING work week so I literally slept my Friday and Saturday away, and I was rereading some of your dark fics again and like... (I know you're not accepting requests or anything rn so this is purely just me rambling to empty my brain) but I just know if some of your renditions of the 141 abducted me to turn me into a sweet little pet or cute little housewife, they might actually be unnerved by how willingly I'd go with them LOL
Soap plucking a cute little reader as a present for the rest of the boys, expecting some kicking and fighting, but maybe only after a moment of squirming and panicking, reader immediately settles down. Soap chops it up to being some kind of survival response (probably has seen it once or twice in other victims he's snagged).
But then he brings reader home and everyone is expecting the usual 'adjustment period' that comes with a new pet, but reader seems to settle down almost instantly. Sure she quivers and looks at them with wide eyes bc this is still a very new setting to suddenly be in, but other than that, she doesn't make a single peep of complaint.
Simon thinks she's lowkey a freak, tries to get a laugh about it - but maybe reader came from a really shitty living situation, or abusive relationships were the norm. So suddenly being given the perfect escape from the mess that was her life is something she takes as a blessing in disguise. Once she learns the boys aren't going to bruise her or neglect her like other people have, she becomes downright needy for their affection and attention.
Food being brought to me, so I don't need to set alarms to remind myself to eat??? Someone whipping something yummy up and bringing it to me on the dot, making sure I've eaten it all?? Hashtagblessed.
They sit me in a nice warm tub and wash me??? Make sure I'm all clean and even trim my nails/make sure I don't anxiously pick at my skin til I bleed? Hashtagblessed.
Where life was once chaotic and unpredictable, suddenly all the previous stresses are gone and replaced with routine, stability, and a few other comforts that the reader couldn't originally have? Hashtagblessed.
Unlike others, instead of complaining about wanting to go home, or begging not to be killed, she's complaining that she can't snuggle up with Price as he smokes and reads work reports - and the way he leans back on his chair as he looks over papers is so inviting!! The perfect spot to rest her head on his chest as she settles on his lap.
Kyle panics at one point bc he was helping Johnny bring in supplies and groceries, and the front door was left open without anyone checking to see if the pet is in her cage. Before he can scramble to Price to ask if he's seen reader, he finds her sitting obediently on the floor next to Simon as he cleans his gun, head resting on his thigh, mind turned off just from watching him effortlessly take the thing apart to clean and oil it, almost even napping, totally unbothered. Until Kyle had disturbed the dust and now she's blinking up at him all confused as he tries to come down from his panic high.
Before they even realize it, reader is snuggling up in bed with them each night without any of them having to chain her down or lock the doors - she's still there in the mornings. Reader even starts helping out around the house of her own volition after maybe a month of what SHE considered being spoiled, but was the 141 still thinking she was in the adjustment period.
Now she's waking up each day with Price to get started on the coffee and breakfast as the others wake up. Shuffles to them when they walk to the kitchen one by one and clings to them all sleepy as 'good mornings' are said. They don't need to ask if she slept well, her bedhead is enough of a tell.
Simon is still the one most weirded out by how easily reader just accepted her fate and slotted herself into their lives, but even he's agreeing with the others that like, nah, this is the one we've been lookin' for all this time, no need for anyone else, reader is perfect.
Maybe while they're all wrapped up in their new domestic bliss, someone from reader's old life has filed a missing person report, maybe half the town has been searching for her, none of them realize it. Until they go into town with her one day (maybe reader needs a haircut - the boys only know how to do military buzzcuts or trims (savages!)) And suddenly they have a little cluster of people asking where tf reader has been she's been missing after all!!
141 think they might have to cut and run, hop towns until they're not wanted any more - but Reader is just like 'I'm not missing??? I've been here the whole time???'
When people start accusing the 141 of abduction, reader pipes up 'nah I just moved in with them, its not like that???'
The person from their life before shows up and she looks them dead in the eye with a frown on her face. 'Who are you?'
She just takes Price's hand and is like 'okay well we have shopping to do, bye' and is the one to drag them all away, like hello we have a schedule to stick to???
They decide to move towns anyway, just to get away from the person reader pretended not to know, and after a few months of peace the obituary lists their death off from some unfortunate accident, totally unrelated to any of the boys at all, and reader doesn't even bat an eye.
fellow shit week haver what's up 👊🏻
So, unfortunately, if we're talking the Haul boys like I'm assuming we are, you've made one bad miscalculation in that they will not be any less abusive than your exes and will def leave you battered from time to time. But yes, they will take outright pride in providing you a home and a schedule and sustenance. Which makes you absolutely perfect for them when accept it all so graciously
Gaz and John accept it almost instantly, both desperate for a sweet little thing to dote on who's gracious and sweet. Gaz starts having movie nights with you within a month, lugging a TV set down to you at least once a week because you can't be trusted top side quite yet in case he falls asleep to whatever cutesy romcom you've chosen. He calls them date nights, gets mad at the receivers he's delivering to if they keep him held up too long on those days. Surprises himself the first time he lets slip his baby's home waiting on him.
John clocks your need for structure instantly, it being a trait he's seen all too often in the service. He's all too happy to provide it, softening the schedule he's set for past victims dolls when he sees how quickly you take to it. You get lunch, for a start. He even eats it with you most days, a new adjustment that works out for both of you, as John didn't used to bother with it either. And if they find meds in your bag, or your car, John's got clocks set and pill caddies ready to ensure you get the proper dosage on time.
When he's not too busy basking in the glory of bringing home the little wifey, Soap's the one who spends the most time with you, at least when you're still locked in your basement room. He's always telling you how proud he is of you, how well you've done in accepting your position. He's the one that finally convinces Price you can be trusted to wander the warehouse, though John near has a conniption when Soap does this by placing a knife in your hand and laughing when you just drop it back to the floor with an uncomfortable grimace.
Like you said, Simon takes the longest. He's not used to having such a pretty thing loving on him so well, but he's fiercely protective of you once he figures out you're not going anywhere. Even when they've all generally accepted you can be allowed out in public, Simon doesn't let you out of his sight. You're a bit offended at first, thinking he still doesn't trust you even after all the work you've put into giving him a home. But the first time some man comes sniffing around you and Simon scares him off with little more than a look, you understand what he's really up to.
The sense of relief you feel when they show you your own obit surprises you, just a bit. You've long since given up bothering psychoanalyzing your desires when it comes to your husbands, but you expect at least a little fear to swell up in you at the proclamation of your own death. You're well and truly theirs now, no one looking for you ever again. You wait for the fear to come, wait even longer. You're still waiting when John gives you a set of keys weeks later and tells you he's bought a nice house in the suburbs, jokes about how you won't have to sweep up concrete dust everyday anymore. But i's not fear that flips your tummy when you think about the life you have planned with them.
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trashrattt · 10 months
Some Code Lyoko headcanons I have had over the past couple of months:
Out of all the things Odd has pursued in art-wise, he loves painting and film-making the most, as it doesn't matter how messy or terrible it could be, he just loves trying his best (and would argue that whatever it is, IS art, and lists off the reasons why it's so great in a heartbeat)
When Aelita first came to earth, she ate too much ice cream at once, and thought she was dying when getting a brain freeze (she LOVES caramel with her ice cream, she cant do without it)
William is a HUGE theater kid, he could recite his favorite play quote for quote in a heartbeat (I can't say what his favorite could be because I've only seen Heather's, and I'd probably make some people mad lmao)
After months of Aelita lecturing him about 'getting some fresh air once in awhile,' Jeremie unintentionally picked up a habit of sitting at a particular bench while in intense thought (when they defeated Xana, he would often sit there and think of miniscule school related problems, and thinks of Aelita whenever he passes by that bench)
Out of all of Xanas monsters, Odds favorite are the Hornets because "Sure, they're pests, but they helped improve my aim, and now I always know where to shoot, theyre practically nothing now" (he HATES megatanks to death, he often asks someone else to deal with one if they pop up)
Yumi is a huge fan of classic literature, and often asks William if there's any books she would like, as he too loves it (they would often talk about different plot points they liked or despised in a certain book they read)
Ulrich loves to indulge in his Pencak Silat training, as often that's how he can express himself (it's the only thing he truly likes to do, and his father doesn't bug him about it)
(This takes place during Evo) after William got integrated into the group again, he and Aelita often get together to do their nails, while eating pizza secretly after hours (the two think they're so bad) Aelita often tries eyeliner as well, and William always compliments her no matter how good or terrible it is
Yumi definitely went to Kyoto when she was a little older, as she was already talking about it in the series
William had braces up until he was 13, he would often complain how "braces didn't look cool on him" and "my teeth are already straight" until his parents finally obliged, getting them removed a couple days prior to being expelled (he hated smiling for photos during that time, as he had this punk look to him, while having very obvious braces on) (he wears retainers to bed when he was at Kadic)
Odd and Aelita had this ongoing bet, where one set a bet that either Yumi or Ulrich confessed first, the prices raising every week (when they did, the number was up to the thousands, and neither one could pay each other, even if they wanted to, but that doeant mean they dont joke about it)
(This one's more of an observation from Evo) William LOVES going to Lyoko, giving him the thrill he wanted in life, but he has repressed rage back when he was Xanafied for months, often taking it out on Xanas creatures as if to make a point that he HATES Xana for what he did to him (often being rather brutal in the way he fights)
Jeremie will always keep the photos he took with Aelita the first day she came to earth, and often treat it as a precious item of his (and would complain for anyone slightly damages it)
Ulrich and Yumi often bonded over the fact that before meeting Odd and the others, that they were two lonely kids in their own families, both liking the fact that they related strongly to one another due to their strict family lives (this was when Hiroki wasn't there at the time)
Back when, Williams mom often was overly affectionate, and Will was always "Mooomm stoooooppp-" but after being Xanafied for months (Which must really be disorienting having the month be May, and then the next being fucking December or some shit) he doesn't mind his parents being affectionate, as he realized just how important they are to him
Yumi often talked to Williams clone, sometimes being like "Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" And he often says "Even though I am not the real William Dunbar, I'm sure he would be proud of the person you are today, Miss Ishiyama" (tbh I wanted a scene like that)
Jeremie is obviously very bad at expressing his emotions, but he holds his freinds dear to him, but doesn't know how to show that, so instead back then he'd buy small cheap gifts for everyone as he saw on the internet "gift-giving is a good way to express your gratitide to people that are dear to you" (evreyone eventually convinced him to stop as he was spending too much)
After William being dished on the lore that happened (because I'm sure nobody told him much) he and Aelita had a invisible bond with each other as they were both Xanafied (alot,) they often comfort each other if one had a nightmare or whatnot, very wholesome
Ulrich hates to admit it, but he and Will are very simular, as the two have a 'older brother' vibe to them in the group, and they often argue with each other often, arguing who "has to" protect each other (William often using the excuse that "he's the older one")
William is a HUGE cat person, and got really exited seeing Odd for the first time on Lyoko
And so on, I should stop because I have too much on my mind (I can make a part 2, Def)
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yesbutmakeitgay · 5 months
Once Upon A Time I Used To Know A Girl
Chapter 10
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Carol Danvers x Reader
Masterlist | This work's masterlist | AO3
Summary: A peek into what Carol has been up to during these trying times.
Angst, Slow Burn, Amnesia.
Word count: 778
A/N: Officially halfway through the fic!!!!
I Tried To Write, But It’s Killing Me Inside
Carol lands her ship on the strange planet and veils it, you both get out all geared up and ready for the last minute mission. The place is hot and sandy with big rocks scattered around, it almost looks deserted.
The Captain scans the area with her eyes, "We should split up to cover more terrain," she instructs, "keep your comms on and meet back here in 15." You give her a nod and do as you're told.
Carol starts walking after she sees you leave, sensing something off about the environment. A couple of minutes go by and she hears you through her ear piece, "Carol, I think someone's here," you whisper.
"Send me your coordinates." She receives some signal but it's too choppy to understand, "Can you hear me?" Her voice growing desperate, "Angel?"
She turns around as quickly as she can to get back to you, but when she does, she finds a small army of full body armored soldiers waiting for her. They start charging at her with weapons of all sorts and she gets to work on every one of them. When she thinks she's almost done, backup shows up with even bigger weapons. It takes her more than 15 minutes to get through all of them, but when she does she flies back to your meeting point.
She arrives, but doesn't find you there, panic starts to set in her mind. She follows your footprints in the sand until they disappear somewhere down the path. She keeps going and sees a body in the distance, lying against a rock. Upon closer inspection she realizes it's you, unconscious, fully bruised, head bleeding, uniform destroyed.
"Angel?" Her voice is drowning in despair, when you don’t show a reaction she picks you up and rushes you back to the ship. She pilots it as fast as she can to get you to the compound.
"Please wake up." But the next time you did, you didn't know who she was.
Carol takes the Skrull memory device off and gets out of bed, Goose following behind her. She's wearing sweatpants and a Nine Inch Nails t-shirt that she probably hasn't changed all week, there are dark circles in her eyes.
She's been off duty since her last mission and she hasn't left her Louisiana home at all in that time. Her ship is parked in the backyard, veiled and untouched.
As she gets to the kitchen her cell phone starts ringing, she doesn't even look at who's calling before she silences it. "They keep calling," she rasps to Goose, annoyed. She makes coffee and puts some takeout leftovers in the microwave.
They sit at the table with breakfast, "I shouldn't have told her to split up," she mutters into her coffee, "it's all my fault." Goose just meows in return, already having had this conversation everyday for the past few weeks, "I should have known." Carol can't seem to think about anything else, she feels crushing guilt and grief for what happened, but also can't muster the courage to face you.
She picks up a newspaper in an attempt to distract herself. She blinks a few times to get her stinging eyes to focus, but gets stuck rereading the same sentence over and over again, failing to get her brain to process the words. Another call pulls her out of her thoughts, coming through her intergalactic device, "Val," she grumbles, before turning it down. After that, she gives up on the newspaper.
When she's done eating she takes the rest of her coffee to the porch to get some fresh air, Goose sits right beside her, "I should have gotten to her faster." The memory of the mission never leaving her mind, always trying to find a way it could have gone differently, "How did I let this happen?" She’s all out of tears, traces of the past weeks still marking her cheeks.
A third call starts ringing, this time, on her landline. She runs to stop it, but she's too late, the call goes to voicemail, she's about to delete it until she hears Kamala's voice, it is sweet and caring and full of kindness.
"Hey, I know you know we've been calling, please pick up, please, so we can talk. Whatever it is you're trying to achieve, it's not working, you're hurting her a lot more by not being here. You can just come by the compound, we can set something up. You owe it to her. Okay, um, goodbye."
Before even thinking it she pulls the phone cable out of the wall, regretting it immediately, "Fuck!" she yells into the empty house.
Chapter 11
Clap if you missed Carol Danvers!
Tags: @graniairish @carols-photonblast @thelittleliars @unicorniusfallapatorius @prplepeony
Let me know if you wanna be tagged :)
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konigbabe · 1 year
'plagiarism' issue
Not one for drama, yet I want to bring attention to this. I won’t elaborate on this issue more.
So it happened.
A while ago but it remains slowly nipping at my brain. For that case, I have decided to write it all down and collect my thoughts using this post.
My work like real people do (and the whole thought/idea behind it) has been taken, rewritten, tweaked and published as someone else's idea (that they apparently had since spring). I asked them to take it down privately. They did add my @ and for some time, I was content until they started creating the whole "universe" around it and taking praise for it even tho it's not their original idea.
The dark side of fanfiction is that there is not much I can do but at least I can make awareness about the issue.
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Starting this with some definitions and clearance:
plagiarism: "Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own...by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgment.[1]"
I love this by Wattpad themself:
What if they give credit?
"It is still plagiarism even if you give credit. Even when someone uses an artist's base or picture they are expected to change it up to become something new, rather than just running it through a filter, or tweaking it with a few minor edits. There is a major difference between copying another person's storyline and making edits and actually writing a story.[2]"
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Now to the point:
For LRPD, I have created a very specific premise that I haven't read/seen before:
Leon is a single dad of a young girl (didn't specify age but definitely a preteen, around fourth grade).
He is absent from his daughter's life, especially from her school activities. He becomes this "enigma" for the teachers.
The daughter doesn't have a mother. 
Teacher!reader is concerned for the daughter's wellbeing so one day, when Leon picks her up, she requires to have a talk with him.
During the talk, he offers her a dinner instead of having to participate in school activities.
Teacher!reader and Leon sleep together during the first off-school meeting. 
Teacher!reader wakes up before Leon and looks at his exposed [muscular] back.
Teacher!reader searches for the bathroom, notices Leon’s poorly decorated apartment except for his daughter’s stuff. 
Teacher!reader is reffered to as "Miss teacher" in this universe.
They copied almost THE WHOLE premise. It'd be okay to write your own version of single dad Leon and his kid's teacher - I don't own the trope - but following the SAME ORIGINAL STORYLINE is not okay [with me]...
The parts after "Keep reading" consists of photo 'evidence' of the similarities (some are less obvious but I'll mention them regardless). It is LONG because I have a lot to say.
LRPD was published May 2, 2023, their story was published August 14, 2023.
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Fun fact: Few days ago, I created a separate masterlist for the series and few days later, they did the same thing.
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: ̗̀➛ Example 1 - Leon sits on the chair
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 2 - Could've been a...
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 3 - Leon's absent from his daughter's life, especially from her school activities, and teacher!reader saying that he should be more present...
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 4 - Leon snaps because the kid's mother is mentioned (also mention of him having his arms folded during the meeting which the other person mentioned earlier in their work)...
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 5 - Leon invites you to dinner instead of attenting the school event…
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 6 - Aunt Claire makes an appereance (mentioned only)
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 7 (NSFW) - Teacher!reader worried where is Leon's kid during heavy make-out session that leads to s*x (they did wrote a full original smut scene, which I skipped so idk if there are any familiarities; I have decided that a full smut scene doesn't do it for me in this story)
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 8 - Morning after
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 9 - Leon's apartment description (they basically just simplified my abstact, "show, don't tell" description)
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 10 - Aunt Claire calls to tell Leon to pick his daughter in the morning after
My story (LRPD):
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: ̗̀➛ Example 11 - AND Miss Teacher's significant petname has an alternative but also makes an appereance (in the same formating on top of that)
My story (LRPD):
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Theirs - NSFW (alternative + miss teacher):
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They were smart by rewritting it in their own words but it still lays heavy on my chest that a story I have crafted for WEEKS has been taken from me like that. It's more glaring if you read both stories instead of me splitting it into excerpts (and I didn't insert all of them as there is a limit to pictures per post).
Taking inspiration or straight-up rewritting someone's detailed idea is a difference.
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[1] https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/guidance/skills/plagiarism
[2] https://www.wattpad.com/128409012-how-to-write-fanfiction-plagiarism-vs-inspiration
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veliseraptor · 1 year
hard and soft vegaspete headcanons please! i am utterly in love with your brain <3
aw, thank you, anon! right now me and my brain are on a friendship time out until it starts behaving itself again but I will pass that on anyway.
hard headcanon: For the first several months post-canon Vegas is absolutely terrified of doing something wrong. In general, absolutely, but one place this manifests is sex, where Vegas is torn between being absolutely ravenous and treating Pete like glass because he's not sure what the rules are and god forbid they talk about it. (They don't. Vegas knows they should, certainly, he understands that about BDSM procedure, but is he going to open that conversation? no. And Pete certainly won't.)
Now Pete, on the other hand, is losing his mind because after years of I think a largely lackluster sex life suddenly it feels like he is turned on all the time and by nothing and here Vegas is being all weird and tentative about it and it's driving Pete insane. And of course Vegas slips at some point and gets a little rougher and Pete is like "YES FINALLY" and then Vegas probably has a full-on panic attack and that kind of ruins the mood.
Pete is trying to be sympathetic, he really is, but it's hard when on the one hand he's like "come on, just stop thinking so much and move right along past all your troubles without looking at them like I do, it works for me" (it doesn't) and also like "you did this to me, fucker, are you going to do something about it or not?"
When things do eventually give and they start working it out it is kind of the worst, though. They're so unbearably all over each other. Things get weirdly sexually charged even if there are other people around, and it's not an exhibition thing, they just kind of forget about other people being there. Macau is suffering.
soft headcanon: I think Vegas loves giving Pete gifts. Particularly extravagant gifts. Pete will casually mention an interest in/wanting something and the next day it will be delivered to him with bows on by a Vegas who is, perhaps, ever so slightly desperate for approval. But it's also just about enjoying spoiling him a little! From Vegas's perspective he's very "poor Pete, he's never had anything for himself and he's never had disposable income to spend on whatever he wants so now I'm going to fix that!!!" and it's not like money is an object. Or at least he's not used to it being.
Frankly this makes Pete really uncomfortable. Ostentatious extravagance makes him feel funny! Conspicuous displays of wealth makes him feel weird and out of place and also vaguely anxious! He doesn't know what to do with this and also he's never had this much stuff in his life, where's he supposed to put it, some of this isn't even useful (which, I think Pete is deeply tied to thinking of things for himself in terms of utility) but he can't get rid of it because Vegas's feelings will be hurt.
Vegas does pick up on this eventually but his solution is less to change his strategy and more to adjust so that his extravagant gifts are less obviously extravagant. That kind of expensive that doesn't look expensive. Pete doesn't have to know how much that thing cost.
Vegas is just very much here like "nobody else has been spoiling Pete and someone's gotta do it" and Pete's like "no, nobody has to do that actually" and Vegas just ignores that completely.
Oh yes, also the cat, who Vegas sometimes calls "baby" in exactly the same way he talks to Pete.
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jichanxo · 4 months
sooooo... *twirls her hair* how many asks should i send until kuwagami art. jk as well. the real question will be: does it happen often that someone else’s art inspires you? in fandom spaces specifically
well you see it’s like a loyalty card program, every 10 asks or so you get a complimentary kuwagami
just kidding you can just breathe in my direction and I’ll be tempted to draw them. kuwagami blast! (you've caught me on a... just okay art day lol)
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(people still like kabedons, right?)
anyway for my actual answer: in terms of direct inspiration, it doesn't really happen much? the last two times i did art directly based on someone else's work is probably this one from this fic, and also that time i drew art of someone else's judgment au. oh! and there's that moriohpsycho art based on this comic! (filthyguts' work is so very. hgngngghh. very good.) nothing else really comes to mind, and when i think of the other things i've been into recently there hasn't been as much opportunity for that to happen...
flex and herds = strong fixation but lmao. almost nobody else made stuff about them. nobody is surprised umineko = surprisingly i don't read much umineko fanfiction? and in terms of illustration, i certainly picked up imagery and indirect inspiration but nothing concrete enough for me to give an example... now that i think about it, i did once draw andromalius from redaction/sunny, but that was years ago, and also mostly because i was acquainted with the writer. ...i don't have that artwork on hand right now death note = didn't really get involved with the fandom + i enjoyed my own ideas well enough! ...i can't recall if i drew long-hair-L art before or after seeing other artists do it. and as for everything else the same kind of reasoning applies. didn't really get involved with the fandom or wasn't really compelled to make art in response to stuff i saw, or i just don't remember anymore.
buuuuuuut if we're opening this up to just... pulling ideas from other people? then yeah, all the time, though that kind of goes without saying when you have a creative hobby. ...it's probably going to be hard to come up with examples of this since it's more ambiguous.
there's uhhhhhh... kuwana listens to nickelback which was a @/four-white-trees invention, wasn't it? (EDIT: and @/overdevelopedglasses!) (not tagging in this post so he doesn't feel obligated to read my big ass ask responses 💀) as of writing this, it's not posted but i did end up making kuwagami art based on a nickelback song so. yknow. there's that LMAO
for sawashiro and arakawa, i do sometimes go reference @/todayisafridaynight 's art to help me with my own. ("how did he draw this part of the suit? oh, like that huh? hmm" <- this kind of thing)
and um. i'm not trying to pander to you (at least not this time), but genuinely it's one of the few examples that come to mind at this moment. but when i was writing my first kuwagami fic, i could feel the influence of the ever-changing on my brain... was turning over some of your ideas there...
you remember this? (you even pointed it out in your comment on my fic, and i should've said something then, but whatever i'm saying it now)
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that was absolutely because of this
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(obligatory poke at anybody else reading this post that you can read passthroughtime's fic here.)
so, um. yeah. not really sure what else to add to that. pretty self evident i think. (i'm always talking about the ever-changing but i don't think i can overstate the impression it left on me at the time)
anyhow there aren't really any other examples off the top of my head! these are all recent examples so they're not so difficult to recall, but there are probably others i've forgotten...
#jitxt#started writing this unsure if i could give many examples and i ended up with more than i expected. nice!#sunny is a very good piece of umineko writing and i should reread it with the author's notes toggled on. and also read redaction#“shouldn't you have read redaction first” n-no. shut up! (besides i think renall said it was fine)#nobody remind me of that 20k note post that's just an uncredited screenshot of sunny. it'll piss me off#as cosmic balance i ought to shill sunny as much as possible#anyway uhhhhhh. the everchanging.#i am awful about receiving compliments (i never know how to respond aside from a rehearsed “thank you”) but i sure am great at giving them!#apologies if i'm laying it on too thick but#1. i am being truthful and#2. i figure it's reparations for all the time i spent as a lurker on the kuwagami ao3 tag#the explosion in my brain when i realised that “the nice person who leaves lots of tags on my kuwagami art”#and “the person who wrote that REALLY FUCKING GOOD FIC” were one and the same. crazy. and now we are mutuals ❤#it is a little funny thinking of when i'd read your and four-white-trees' work before meeting you#real life foreshadowing for me meeting you both....#i still have these discord messages of me telling a friend about both your works#basically: (reading an update to the everchanging) wow that was depressing (reading a joke in four-white-trees' fic) nevermind i'm good now#i ought to reread the everchanging and take detailed notes on all the parts i like#just so you know your impact on my brain lol#kuwana calling yagami a pretty boy and meaning it sincerely oh my GOD. rewired my brain
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
Am I A Criminal 😱 ???????
(Spoiler: The answer is no.)
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(Link to the post that started this drama for reference.)
First, minor point, but I don't think I backpedaled. I think, as plurality becomes accepted and more well-known by the general population, the world is going to become a miserable and unaccepting place for anti-endos to exist in. I think it's integral that it does, to limit the reach of anti-endos.
I do hope that what many anti-endos will take away from this shift against them is that they need to change. And I do think many will. A lot of anti-endos I see are giving into peer pressure, not really thinking for themselves. If pro-endos become the more vocal presence and their friends change stances, I think many of these people will change.
But not everyone will.
I didn't say in my post that I thought they would be isolated forever. But I also didn't say that they wouldn't be.
Hate is a choice, and how people respond to them is going to depend on their own choices. If they continue to choose hate against endogenic systems, this is what I believe awaits them until they change.
But to the main point, are these words criminal?
Could The Anon Be Charged With Threatened Harm For Their Comments?
I want to mention that I actually didn't think of it as a death threat at first. I saw the threat to bash my head in until I had an "actual split personality" as "only" a threat to physically assault and brutalize me until the trauma left me with a dissociative disorder. (You take you pick of which interpretation is worse.)
It was only on reflection when others mentioned it being a death threat that I realized the intended meaning may have simply been literally splitting my brain, being a poor play on words.
In either case, it was clearly a threat to cause me great bodily harm.
Having said that, looking at Cali's law on threats, there are a couple points that may be hard to stick.
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I picked Cali because it's the first thing that popped up in the search, and laws like this do vary from state to state.
That fourth point is what I think may make this hard to pin down for prosecution. An anon potentially from the other side of the globe who has no idea what our real name saying they would murder or brutalize us "if they saw us IRL" probably can't be prosecuted under this law, as it doesn't invoke an immediate threat like it might if they had said "I'm going to come to your house and attack you."
Additionally, I can't say that this caused me a sustained fear, in large part due to the point I just mentioned.
(But also because, as I said then, the anon is a coward.)
Although, for that last point, I think such a threat COULD result in sustained fear if directed at someone else.
And the OP's hypothetical does say "if this were face-to-face."
In that case, I have zero doubt that threatening to harm or kill someone face-to-face in this manner would fulfill all the criteria since it could easily be acted on and would cause someone to fear for their safety.
Could I Be Charged With Threatened Harm For My Comments?
Short answer: No. Definitely not.
Long answer: A criminal threat has to be of a crime and causing bodily injury. "I'm going to call you mean names later" would not be a criminal threat, for example, even if you could argue that calling someone mean names would be a form of emotional damage.
And while this varies again from state to state, I would be surprised if any state outlawed threatening to cause purely emotional harm in a noncriminal way.
It would be a huge attack on freedom of speech to do so here in the United States, at least.
Furthermore, like with the previous issue, the threat also has to be specific to the victim and convey an immediate possibility of being executed.
My own words are several degrees removed from that.
An example of an immediate threat with the possibility of being carried out would be something like "I'm going to come to your home and kidnap you, then lock you in a box to keep you isolated."
That's scary and would put someone in immediate fear of being harmed. It's also threatening a clear criminal action. This one would probably constitute a criminal threat.
Moving further away from what could be protected under this law, you might have something like "I'm going to personally go around telling all your friends and family how bad you are so they'll leave you."
This one is in-between my post and an actual criminal threat. This is something that could invoke a fear of an immediate action. But it's no longer fulfilling the criteria of threatening something criminal nor is it really putting anyone in immediate fear for their safety under any reasonable definition.
That brings us to my post which essentially can be boiled down to "I'm going to push for broad social rejection of anti-endoism over a painstakingly slow process that will someday leave people like you ostracized by every group you care about."
Was I saying this in a way that was intentionally mean to someone who threatened me with injury and/or death? Sure. Did I think carefully about how to make my words cut the deepest before speaking because I really wanted the troll to have a worse day upon reading my response? Yeah. 🤷‍♀️
I'm not a saint and am not going to pretend otherwise. And I don't regret my actions in the slightest. I don't have a responsibility to play nice with people threatening to maim and/or kill me.
What I did not do was threaten bodily harm.
I did not threaten any future personal interaction whatsoever with this person nor any direct action against them or anyone they care about.
And while I know the US is especially known for its freedom of speech, I suspect that most Western countries probably wouldn't criminalize "threats" that aren't even threatening an actual criminal action.
Because the actual actions I "threatened" are... doing exactly what I've always done. Keep criticizing anti-endos. Making it clear that the science and psychiatrists oppose. Reminding people again and again of their cruelty and the toxicity of their community. Highlighting their attacks on religious beliefs of systems. And making it clear that we cannot tolerate intolerance of endogenic systems.
And also... posting scientific articles on endogenic systems, posting about plurality of fictional characters, sharing resources about endogenic systems, and encouraging endogenic and mixed origin systems to be proud of who they are. Because every act of encouraging acceptance and normalizing endogenic systems is also another small step towards this goal. The more tolerated endogenic systems are, the less tolerated anti-endos will be.
This is Beyond Ridiculous
Over the past week, people have claimed that my words are worse than suibaiting and death threats.
They've compared my predictions of and efforts to push for rejection of anti-endoism to personal abuse tactics and violence.
(I'm not sure if they think I was "abusing" the person who threatened to maim and/or kill me by responding how I did, or if they think successfully bringing about a society where anti-endos wouldn't be accepted is the abuse. Both takes are equally laughable.)
Now it's apparently a literal crime!
At the rate this is evolving, I'm expecting the next post to claim I'm encouraging a genocide of anti-endos. 🙄
People are entitled to not like what I said. Fine.
But trying to paint it as a Violent criminal abuse tactics worse than death threats or suibait is absurd.
There are comically huge leaps being made to blow my comments to that anon way out of proportion beyond what any rational individual would.
And in the process, these bad takes misrepresent the law while also minimizing death threats, threats of violence, abuse tactics, and literal acts of violence.
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cosmicjoke · 3 months
As a Levi x Erwin shipper myself. I think it's very crazy to think Levi would follow Erwin no matter what. Mikasa who was actually attached and canonically in love with Eren didn't follow him no matter what. She killed him at the end and even before that she didn't become a jeagerist.
Those who think Levi would follow Erwin no matter what are only around for the shipping and a tragic shipping plotline and some admit to this while others try to make it sound factual.
I also think some eruris like to troll people by repeating things they've said that people don't agree with. Most of them repeat these takes to piss people off because they believe they're the only Levi shippers who get criticized a lot when there's other Levi ships claiming crazier things. I have seen levihans say Levi only cried in the end for Hange because they never cried any other time for any other comrade until Hange died and Levi said his final goodbye but that take never really gets criticized or talked about.
At the end of the day, and as someone who also occasionally trolls people. A lot of eruris know Levi wouldn't follow Erwin no matter what lol. We're trolling. It's just to piss of people who deny how important Erwin was to Levi and vise versa.
I'm sure there's normal shippers like yourself who know it's absurd to claim Levi would have followed Erwin no matter what. But I've seen plenty of shippers who claim this in earnest, and without any sort of sarcasm or irony, and I've been viciously attacked by these same shippers, accusing me of all kinds of horrible things, saying things like I'm homophobic simply for stating the canon fact that Levi and Erwin aren't romantically together, or harassing me, actually creating multiple accounts to harass me over my refusal to accept their takes. That goes beyond trolling, and trolling in and of itself is, imo, an ugly thing to engage in. I've seen that take also spread around by Levi haters, and used as one of the main points of criticism against Levi by haters, and I have to think they likely picked it up from shippers spreading around that trash. Whether done in earnest or to troll people, it's harmful to people's understanding of Levi's character, and has created a perception about his character that simply isn't true, and shouldn't be tolerated. That's why I make it a point to counter these takes with actual, serious analysis. Levi's character gets wildly misunderstood, particularly because of shipping and ship wars and all the stupidity that goes on there, and if you care about Levi's character, I think the best way to show that is by actively combating the misconceptions about him, rather than spreading them. As you said, those who think Levi would follow Erwin blindly have a clear agenda, projecting their desire for Levi and Erwin to fit into whatever mold of doomed and tragic romance they envision onto their words and actions, twisting their characters to fit what they want, rather than just accepting them for who they are.
On the other hand, I doubt there's anyone with any, actual understanding of Levi's or Erwin's character that doesn't know or understand how important they are to each other. Anyone with even an ounce of media literacy should be able to pick up on that. The problem is, is when people extrapolate that out into Levi only caring about Erwin, or caring more about Erwin than anyone else. It's just simply not true.
Levi's relationship with Erwin is more complex than his relationship with Hange, and so given to more complex and nuanced discussion. I think that's why you see some of the more absurd takes of Levihan shippers get ignored, because their friendship wasn't as impactful, philosophically speaking, as Erwin's and Levi's was on each other. There's little room, when looking at Levi's relationship with Hange, to twist it into something it's not, because it's fairly straight forward. But again, Levi's relationship with Erwin isn't so simple, and so you see a lot of brain-dead takes regarding it that require more push back because those takes can easily be misconstrued as canonical fact.
At the end of the day, Levi and Erwin aren't romantically involved, there's no, concrete evidence to support that they are, or that Levi acted out of romantic feelings when he made the choice he did in Shinganshina, or in his decision to follow Erwin at all, and trying to filter their relationship and Levi's actions through that lens will, inevitably, lead to a horrible misinterpretation of his and Erwin's characters both. It creates a fundamentally flawed perception of who they are.
I just wish more people actually tried to treat these characters and this story with some level of seriousness.
Shipping and discussions of shipping is a waste of time to me, and has literally zero to do with the story of AoT or it's characters beyond actual, canon pairs, like Mikasa and Eren, and even then, the romance is largely unfulfilled. AoT isn't a story about romantic love. For Levi and Erwin, it doesn't apply at all. It's fine to explore ideas of romance between them in fanfiction and fan art, but it should never enter serious discussions about the actual canon story or characters.
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olivyh · 2 years
Hello, I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night/evening so far, and I was wondering if I could request hcs or scenarios for how the 2nd years would act around/be like for having a crush on their popular and kind classmate who is also Malleus Draconia’s younger brother
Hi!! Thank you! <333 Most of my fics use gn reader (or, very rarely, fem reader) so that's the format I went with for this! The pronouns used are you/your! Since I use she/her, I'm not 1000% on writing for m!readers, which is why I tend to drift towards gn for most of my fics, but I see a lot of writers that do write specifically for male readers in the twst x reader tag (a lot more than there were last year, which is good!). Sorry ;;;;;
Also, I really wish Malleus had a canon younger sibling like this! I think it would be so cute- especially if there was a big age gap between them (almost like the age gap between Cheka and Leona)
-He isn't the most popular, nor is he kind, so he has a hard time interacting with you
-Between your differences in social standing (despite him being in a position of power, again, he's not the most popular :( ) and your general kindness, which he's so unused to from anyone other than Trey or people trying to get on his good side
-I think he would be... a little unnerved at how often you get swarmed by people
-Honestly, I think most of his interactions with you would be through Cater as a middleman
-Of course, he's not dense. He realizes he has a crush on you the second he notices how clammy his hands get and how he can't seem to focus around you, constantly pulling out his phone's camera to use as a mirror as he adjusts his crown and hair. He tries to be his best self possible in front of you since he grew up thinking that he has to do everything the way someone else like it in order for them to like him. 
-He goes about it in a classy way; pulling out chairs, offering you tea, and walking you back to ramshackle so you don't go back alone...
-He was doing good! Every night he would run over his actions in his mind and try to find flaws, noticing how the shaking in his hands have lessened and how he wasn't as nervous. He was finally okay!
-So, when you asked to invite someone to the unbirthday party, he had no problems with it whatsoever!
-When he saw you with Malleus, he was a little shaken up. He was, however, used to the fae's presence at this point because they were both dormleaders. 
-Until he noticed how comfortable you were around one another, and how similar your appearances were, and...
-He had to excuse himself when he put two and two together, mind racing with questions and concerns about how he should go about things...
-He was also a little embarrassed about how he didn't pick up on the obvious signs earlier...
-He was planning to confess soon, but this changes things! He was suddenly nervous around you, well aware that you were royalty (not only that, but powerful royalty...) and how this could change the course of things
-He gets more and more nervous around you as the unbirthday party continues, and stays the same even afterwards. You might have to hunt him down and get him to talk about it afterwards, because he won't admit how jumbled his brain feels
-He has a plan for if you like him back or not... but he is still very nervous about your relationship going forward
-Just reassure him that you like him back and he'll be more than happy to prepare himself to fit right into the Draconia family <3
-I feel like I say this a lot, but it fits with his character, so here I go
-He definitely uses your kindness to his advantage
-I mean, he's not above using puppy eyes or staring at your food with a pout, knowing all too well that you would notice his forlorn expression and give him some of your food. Normally dark fae like you aren't as kind, so of course he's going to be thrilled when you are!
-He doesn't have a problem with your popularity, as long as it doesn't affect him or his work
-Ruggie seems like the kind of person to have to be close friends with someone before he even considers having a relationship, so it's pretty hard work to get to the point of where he's head over heels for you
-But once he is? Oh boy...
-Suddenly he's doing everything to impress you; making jokes, teaching you some recipes for when you're short on materials, you come back to the dorm and your laundry is folded and the shelves are dusted...
-He likely won't confess first, so he patiently waits until you do
-But that doesn't stop him from doing everything in his power to butter you up as much as possible, trying to make himself seem as boyfriend-material as possible
-He thought he finally had it in the bag, he saw how your gaze would shift to him, how gently you brushed his hand when you took something from them, how you would stutter when he shuffled a little closer than usual...
-Until he came across Malleus one day after a magshift match, and noticed how similar the two of you looked... and how your scents seemed to be almost the same
-Ruggie felt his heart sink
-He knew you were also a dragon fae but he just kind of... assumed you and the heir of the Valley of Thorns shared a similar species...
-Falling for someone was one thing, but falling for a noble? In his position? He felt hopeless
-He may start acting cold towards you at first, his jokes dry as he can't seem to meet your eye
-Like Riddle, you would have to sit him down and have a conversation with him before you two do anything. His insecurities get the best of him, especially when he hears that most nobles are in arranged marriages with other nobles...
-You would have to have a lot of talks with him, and then talks with his grandmother because, even in your relationship, he still tries to hide stuff from you so you don't worry
-Once you say that you like him back, he instantly bumps up his game. He suddenly puts more effort into his appearance thanks to Leona('s credit card), and tries to act more polite in order to get the approval of your brother and grandmother
-The start of your relationship with be bumpy, but it's very worth it when you have Ruggie 
(Definitely not biased bc I think out of the twst cast, Ruggie would be at the top of the list of boyfriends...)
-He is,,, a character to you at first
-Of course, because of the tweels acting as spies, he catches onto you and your brother quickly
-He's very wary the first few times when he tries to use your status and popularity to his advantage, knowing all too well that Malleus could put a stop to him at any second
-That doesn't mean that he stays away from you completely
-Since you're a fae, you may come up with some solutions to contracts that catch him off guard (what with fae being more magically inclined)
-Especially with your magic capabilities and your connections to other nobles
-He ends up spending so much time with you that he sort of... develops feelings without knowing it
-One day you're both sitting in the lounge, and then the next you're scooting closer to him to read the words on the paper more clearly and he suddenly feels as though he's in a cloud and his heart races when he realizes your thighs are touching and he could practically hear your heartbeat-
-He has to excuse himself
-I think your popularity would spring him into action. He knows that many others see your kindness (and your status) and he has to be the first!
-He'll act so gentlemanly and so kind, so terribly out of character for him that you might be confused at first
-It doesn't take too long to realize that he's putting on a show to gain your affection, that he feels as though you wouldn't love him as he is
-Once he confesses, please reassure him that you like the real him and not the face that he puts on!
-Also, please reassure Malleus that Azul is not going to rope you into his schemes, as the dragon fae is still incredibly wary of the mer...
-Another one who knew of your status from the get-go
-I have such a strong hc that Jade falls in love SO easily
-Very much a love-at-first-sight kind of guy
-Even though he doesn't show it
-It's very likely that you heard him while he was searching for mushrooms and you helped him
-It's also very likely that he overheard people talking about how they saw the two of you together (and also heard their impressions of him)
-He was conflicted, knowing that your reputation wouldn't be hurt with him, but he also didn't want to drag you down with him
-Of course, he still spends time with you as he is very aware of his feelings toward you 
-Since the Leech family is fairly influential, I don't think he'd be too intimidated by your status
-He is well aware of the Draconia family, however, and is constantly trying to think of different ways to impress your brother in order to gain an "in"
-Malleus might think of Jade's advances as being him trying to take advantage of you, so please, please have a talk with your brother before it goes any further
-Once your relationship goes further, he'll be much less secretive towards you and you'll get to see the hopeless romantic side of him come out
-Please give in to his whims; he's been dreaming about this since he was a kid
-I don't think his personality would change much given your status/reputation
-He just wants a hug! He doesn't care if you're the Malleus Draconia's younger sibling! He doesn't care if you're a royal of one of the most powerful countries in the world!
-Ultimately, though, he would easily understand if anyone in your family is wary about your relationship
-I feel like Floyd with a crush on someone popular could go... one of two ways
-When he's in a good mood, he can also be pretty popular! He's pretty down to earth and has a good sense of humor! He's the class clown type, so I think a lot of people would be (hesitantly) drawn to his presence and go along with his games
-When he's not, though... he doesn't want anyone else to talk to you. He wants to keep you all to himself so you can hold and comfort him and listen to his troubles
-He is very aware about the implications of marrying into royalty, but it doesn't faze him that much
-He knows that your family is powerful, and that your brother is aware of Floyd's reputation around campus, but he knows who he is, and he has full confidence in himself that he can make you happy and keep you safe
-I feel like malleus would also see this quality in Floyd and accept him :)
-There isn't really much buildup into the relationship; Floyd knows instantly what he wants and he gets it
-Though, he might just start of being more touchy than usual- casually slinging an arm over your shoulder, lifting you in the air (even if you're taller than him), hugging you from behind while you have a conversation with someone else,,,
-There might be some miscommunication when it comes to exactly when you started dating... (Was your first date when you had a sleepover in his room all those months ago or was it just last week when you helped him clean the lounge? The world may never know...)
-Also a small hc, he won't touch your horns before you two date. After you start and you're in the full swing of a relationship? Please let him touch them. Also will hang things off of them
-He knew you were Malleus' younger sibling from the start!
-Despite how isolated the Valley of Thorns is from the rest of the world, Kalim's family is still very influential throughout Twisted Wonderland and chances are you two have met prior to NRC
-He's relieved to see that you're much more outgoing than your brother, and often invites you two out while you chat (while in NRC, of course. I doubt that anyone would let three Nobles, two of them royalty to one of the most powerful nations in the world, wander around alone)
-I think Kalim falls in love very quickly, but he's very hesitant to speak about it
-Given his childhood experiences, I think he would be worried about something happening to someone he has feelings for, even if they're not dating yet
-Kalim thinks that anyone associated with him is in danger, so he tends to keep people at arms length. Everyone knows him, but nobody really knows him
-Anyways, back to the hcs
-He's a little more relaxed in this case, knowing that your family is not only influential and politically powerful, but that you're magically and physically powerful as well. He doesn't have to worry about you getting kidnapped due to your strength, and your resilience to magic and curses makes poison less effective
-He feels as though he can relax around you, and that makes him fall even deeper in love
-Even more so when you turn into a dragon and fly beside him and carpet <3
-Noth much changes with him either, he's just more excitable around you and gets a little more touchy-feely. He also listens to you better than he listens to anyone else, and is more than willing to dial it down should you ask him to.  
-Of course you guys have met each others' families so it makes things a little bit easier for them... they don't have to arrange a marriage with the other nobles if you two already fell for each other!
-Just... please reassure him sometimes when he seems a little jumpy around you. He's just worried someone will try to hurt you :(
-Piggybacking off Kalim's part, I think he also met you before when the Al-Asims and the Draconias would get together
-Your popularity and kindness reminded him of Kalim, so he tended to keep his distance unless he was invited to sit with you and the other boy
-Of course, where Kalim goes he goes, so chances are those are really the only times when you two would meet up
-And who would guess that, in those times, he would fall for you?
-He would keep his distance as much as possible, not wanting to deal with the problems that could arise should you two get into a relationship
-Similarly to Ruggie, he would be acting more cold and distant from you due to this
-He would approach you after what's likely to be a few weeks, his heart breaking at your forlorn expression
-It's also very likely that Malleus started picking up on the reasoning why you seemed to be so sad lately, and Jamil didn't want to cause a conflict between the Scalding Sands and the Valley of Thorns (jk jk...)
-Jamil would be the one to explain himself, except he would probably confess to you and then deny to advance the relationship much further until he figured out what to do
-You two remain as close friends for a little while after that, now with this new, unnamed thing hanging around the both of you
-It's painfully clear to everyone else that you two should be dating, but neither of you take the first step until, thankfully, big brother Mal takes the reins and decides to talk with Jamil himself
-It's a little intimidating, but Jamil has finally been given the go-ahead (and he's very thankful that Malleus did that, given that it's highly unlikely that his family/the Al-Asims would have accepted/believed you two were in a relationship otherwise)
-No worries though! His feelings become near unbearable until he finally asks you out
-He treats you very formally the first few months, but soon after that he just turns into a very domestic, loving boyfriend :) 
-He would be... the most conflicted out of anyone in the group
-Especially in this sort of situation
-He first falls in love with you due to your kind nature, and is very excited that many people like you, even in your home country
-But also... you're the younger sibling of his master. And... indirectly his master as well
-He was conflicted over this, though you could barely tell from the way his attitude didn't seem to change at all
-He was still strict, and spoke to you very politely (as was expected of him due to his status)
-It was only when you pleaded with him to speak to you normally that he was finally allowed to relax and show you the side of him that the rest of your classmates see
-Nothing much changes when he realizes his crush on you, aside from the fact that he may be paying a little more attention to you rather than Malleus
-He feels as though he's stuck in a corner, even more so when you ask Malleus to have Silver as your personal knight instead
-He has a few long talks with Lilia about this, who, even with the centuries that he's lived, struggles to come up with a solution
-Silver decides to be as forward with you as possible about his feelings, speaking about them very bluntly besides the faint flush that stains his cheeks
-He barely gives you time to respond, instead bowing deeply and running back off to his dorm room
-Hes embarrassed, and a little scared :(
-Honestly, he might need some time to get his thoughts in order, now that he's finally spoken to you about everything. 
-Of course, he has a talk with Malleus as well. 
-I don't think Malleus would have any problems with Silver dating his younger sibling, aside from the whole human/fae thing (which Malleus promises to solve, even if he has to defend your maybe-marriage against the entire royal court)
-He's just very... princely once your relationship starts, although he dials it down a bit after you've been together for a while. He is still very chivalrous, but the further your relationship continues the less it feels like knight/royal and more like normal lovers 
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