#my eyesight is super poor
meownotgood · 2 years
I'm going to an anime convention this weekend for my work, my outfit came today ^^
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fallout-lou-begas · 1 year
I'm watching a video of a tarantula hawk preying on a tarantula and it's really, really fascinating because the most immediately striking thing about it is how strange it is that the big, fearsome, powerful-looking tarantula barely even tries to fight back. It's almost uncanny: you watch it and you feel like something is wrong. The tarantula just stands there, fangs raised, but doesn't really attack the wasp that's circling around and waiting for its chance to sting the nerve center in its prey's weak underbelly. You want to scream at the tarantula to run away, at least. But it makes sense when you consider what each creature has evolved to do, and evolved to understand.
The tarantula looks strong, but it's a relatively fragile creature. It's an ambush hunter with very poor vision and senses its prey mostly through scent and vibration, and all of its other predators are large animals (coyotes, birds, etc.) that it barely stands a chance against anyway. Besides its irritating hairs, its sole offensive option is its bite, and though it can skitter pretty fast, it's grounded.
The tarantula hawk, on the other hand, is an extremely fast and extremely aggressive flying predator* with relatively good eyesight. They attack very quickly and precisely, exploiting the tarantula's natural defensive position to attack its underbelly. With a single sting in the right spot, it can completely paralyze its target; defensively, its hard exoskeleton protects it entirely from the tarantula's hairs and bite. It can outlast and outmaneuver the tarantula completely. As the video states, it's also possible that the tarantula hawk releases an odor during these encounters that disorients the tarantula, which relies on its scent to perceive its surroundings. (*despite necessarily preying upon tarantulas as part of its reproductive cycle, the tarantula is only actually eaten by the larva laid inside of it. The adult tarantula hawks are pollinators that only consume plant nectar.) It's as close to a perfect hard counter as you can get in the animal kingdom.
This kind of extremely specific evolutionary advantage-stacking is probably my favorite thing about wasps; it's amazing to me how thoroughly they will specialize into their environmental niche. You'd be tempted to call it cruel how completely the wasp counters the tarantula, but it's not really "cruel." The wasp just is. Nature just is.
Giant wasps are a semi-frequent monster concept in fictional settings, but if giant human-predating wasps really did exist, then they probably wouldn't just be these same wasps but super-sized and aggressive (consider the cazadores from Fallout: New Vegas). Instead, you have to apply the logic, not just copy it. Human-predating wasps would be evolved in contrast to what humans are capable of: they would have some kind of evolutionary circumvention against our vision, against our hearing, and possibly even against weaponry or shelter or social structure. And that sounds much scarier and cooler to me than "what if a bug was big." Just fun bug facts!
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pooks · 10 days
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been working on this for a couple of days now (sleep and meal hours was necessary). i thought that Ichiji, as a straw hat, needed a proper art dump
clear translations;
Scarlet Ichiji (aka straw hat!Ichiji AU)
resting bitch face
gluten intolerant
can cook, but rather eat it
shitty eyesight after a fever nearly boiled him alive
takes his big brother duties super seriuously
escaped Germa with Sanji
always had emotions, he's just too good at hiding them Role; Archivist
writes & archives the Straw Hats' adventues
he really loves writing stories other information;
starburst scar on his covered eye (Judge did it)
(why does he look like Nighteye from "My Hero Academia"?)
fancy sword, most likely stole it
uses swordfighting, but fencing style
dresses with an actual pirate "Sparking Red"
a multi-purpose, light-based power
since unethical human experiments is the cause, sea stone doesn't work
is often mistaken for Devil Fruit powers
enhances all abilities, like speed, strength, etc.
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1st image: a full color of Ichiji. he has shoulder length hair and keeps it tied up. without Germa's continuation of unethical experiments, it has turned dark red and is his natural hair color. he has the same eyes as Sanji and he has a pair of glasses. as stated in the art dump, he got shitty eyesight after a fever that almost boiled him alive (he got seriously ill during the five last days he, Sanji and Zeff were on the rock and nearly starved to death). he also have scars across his nose, implying that he has a starburst scar on his covered eye (caused by Judge, when Ichiji rebelled against him)
2nd image: lineart of Ichiji staying up late and writing down the Straw Hats' latest adventures in their chronicles. if it wasn't for Chopper, then Ichiji would stay up all night and write.
3rd image: a fullbody lineart of Ichiji in fighting pose. in battles, be it pirates or marines, he uses both Sparking Red and swordfighting. his swordfighting is more fencing style (his Germa lessons never left him and he's using that to his advantage). Sparking Red has evolved like a power of his own and he can use his sword as a tool to focus his power. and what happens if he doesn't have his sword? easy, he uses kicking just like Zeff taught him and Sanji.
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this poor lad is one of the few rational ones on the ship and everyday, he asks "why me". he just wants to nap, write his stories and dream.
dw, he's very loyal to Luffy, but he'd like to ask his captain to please go one day without almost drowning and pissing off marines or other pirates
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neverchecking · 1 year
Day 11: Sensory Deprivation- First
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It's super short but I don't have a reason for that so sucks for you guys /lh
Smut so Minors Do Not Interact. If I find out a minor has interacted with my blog, I will block you.. Thank you!
Smut CW: Sensory deprivation, my poor characterization of First :(
This is Day eleven of My Kinktober so be sure to come back and check out the other days! Friendly Reminder that all of my smut is tagged 'Cindersins' including this, but this will also be tagged as 'Cinder's happy halloween' along with the run of the mill smut tags.
Kinktober Masterlist <<< Day 10>>>Day 12
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The feeling of the cloth against his eyelids was…new. Unique in a way he hadn’t experienced before in a manner that didn’t involve imminent harm to himself or his person. It had his sense on high alert as every little sound nicked his now improved hearing. The very scarf he had once held dear now the cause of his limited eyesight. 
Everything was dark, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t see. He just couldn’t do it with his eyes. He could see the way your fingertips dragged along his skin, the tone of your skin clashing against his own fair one as the delicate pads ran over every goosebump.  He could see the way you leaned in close, breath fanning against the crimson fabric wrapped around his head. 
He didn’t need his eyes to see because his sense had been amplified tenfold.
It felt like his nerves had been lit on fire. Like cotton had been pulled from his ears and blinders had finally fallen, freeing him from a world so dulled he had no idea there was such vibrancy to be had. 
It was almost overstimulating with how much it all was. More so when he felt your delicate fingers wrap around the shaft of his cock. It was more constricting than he thought plausible and he could only wonder for a fleeting second what it would feel like to be enveloped by everything that was purely you. You didn’t let him dwell on it however, thumb crushing over the weeping head of his cock, spreading the leaking precum down his shaft before letting go completely. It cooled quickly and he felt his skin riddle itself in goosebumps at the feeling of it. 
It was addicting. 
First let out a shaky breath through his teeth before straightening his spine. He was a knight, he had to act like it. 
Your chuckle made warm breath brush against his ear and in an act he previously thought forbidden, he whimpered. It shuddered in his throat and his shoulders shook because of it before he settled. But you had grappled onto that sound and you were going to run with it. 
Your hand returned to his cock, gently tugging it and making him positively shatter in a shaking and trembling heap. 
His hands fell to the bed beneath him, fingers clutching onto the fabric. He could feel the sheet strain in his grip before he pulled his hand free, instead threading his fingers into his hair. His scalp burned at the pull, but it was no near the rush of pure ecstasy  that ran through him in jolts of pure lightning, Every muscle simultaneously tightened and went lax as strings of cum seared wherever they landed on his own skin that your hand didn’t immediately cover. 
“Told you, you’d look good in red, First.”
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So I am aware that I am the only person making Edward II content as far as I can see, bUT if you are writing/drawing my guy then here is some advice from a MASSIVE Edward II nerd:
let's discuss Edward's appearance in excessive detail (yay)
Ok so. The basics: he had blond curly hair that reached his shoulders, parted in the middle in the style of the time. And a beard. Or at least he does in his effigy, in which we can imagine he is 43, his age at the time of death.
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I mean. Let's take a moment to appreciate his hair. It is A Look that I want to emulate with all my heart ands soul. Just me? Fine.
In earlier depictions of him he is clean shaven. For example, this drawing of him when he was accepting the title of Prince of Wales from his father
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look at my little guy (literally little, because the picture turned out tiddly and I don't know why). Lmao. Anyway, here are some more pictures of Edward II.
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I sometimes see people say that this is a young Edward III, but as this was produced in 1326 I doubt it. I rarely see drawings of royalty before they become active in politics, which Edward III at the tender age of 14 had not yet become. So it's more likely that this is just a very youthful looking Edward II.
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Again, this is probably Edward II. It's not specified, but it was produced during his reign so we can safely assume it's the man himself.
ok, so those are some drawings of him, what next?
unfortunately we don't know what his eye colour or complexion was. I'd imagine his eyes were probably blue or grey as it's quite rare to have blond hair and dark eyes. Also (and yes, I am looking too deeply into this, but shush), both his parents had dark hair, so for him to have lighter coloured hair would suggest a lack of pigmentation in hair and eyes, which would also lead to poor eyesight. (I can confirm this because I have the same problem. Both my parents have dark brown hair and dark eyes but I am blond and blue eyed as the pigmentation in my hair and eyes didn't develop as quickly as normal - it's common for white people to be blond when born and then for their hair to darken, but with me this is happening much more slowly than it did for my parents. As a result my eyesight is so bad that I can't buy glasses frames thick enough to contain the lenses lmao.)
here are what some of Edward's contemporaries had to say about him (quotes taken from Kathryn Warner's excellent blog)
"tall and strong, a fine figure of a handsome man"
"fair of body and great of strength"
"of a well-formed and a handsome person"
"one of the strongest men of his realm"
(To be honest the fact that he was super hot seems to be his only redeeming feature in the eyes of the monks.)
Edward enjoyed 'unkingly' activities such as digging ditches, thatching roofs and doing blacksmith work, so we can imagine that he was really strong (the quotes back this up). His father, Edward I, was six foot two so Edward II would have been pretty tall too.
So, in conclusion, if you're writing/drawing Edward II give him awesome hair. Give him dirt under his fingernails. Give him muscles. For the love of God don't turn him into the Braveheart version.
(also, when I look up references to the muscular structure most of the drawings that come up look like they're on steroids. don't put Edward on steroids. The strongest men in the world don't have ridiculously defined muscles. They just look 'bulky' or 'barrel chested'. So yeah :).)
Hope this helps!!! If not, at least this has been an excuse to ramble about Edward II.
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imaginesbymonika · 1 year
“Shame” (Part 4)
A Pedro Pascal x fem!Reader fan fiction / someone else joins the story...
Plot: For the last four years, Y/N and Pedro have been dating in secret. The fear of rejection has turned them into a mystery that could only be encountered in yearning looks on red carpets or hands that are touching one another briefly. However, for the longest time, things have been working out that way just fine. But now Pedro's agency wants him to have a PR relationship with another woman and neither Y/N nor Pedro is sure if their love is going to survive that.
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, feelings of cheating, grief and eating disorders
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She stares at Pedro from across the crowded room. That's where the two of them are, relationship-wise. She gazes at him like he is a tempting stranger in a bookshop. Melissa's hands are drawing circles on Y/N's boyfriend's back while she whispers something into his ear. A sigh leaves her lips, it feels strange to call him that. Even though it was true, he used to be Y/N's boyfriend… no, he still is her boyfriend, right?
"You're not seriously asking me that!" Y/N had no idea, what facial expressions Pedro was doing because her eyes were concentrating on the floor. On the black and white tiles, where there was a minuscule crack in one of the black ones right beneath her chair. Has it always been there? Like some bizarre fucked up foreshadowing, just waiting patiently to be discovered.
"Are you even listening to me?" All she has ever done was listen to him. She nodded her head. "Y/N. Please.", she hears how he moves closer and after a few seconds, he kneeled down in front of her:" Look at me, darling." She really didn't want to, because she understood very well that the moment she did she could no longer conceal her feelings. "I love you, okay? Nothing has changed."
And when she ultimately raises her head, she noticed it in his eyes. The first time she saw that emotion was when she first met his siblings. Pedro's oldest sister made this desert and he declared that he really loved it. That he would need her recipe and that he couldn't wait to eat it again someday. Late on, he told Y/n that he lied. Simply because he didn't want to hurt his sister's feelings.
Pedro didn't want to hurt Y/N's feelings. And she let him.
Y/N swallows thickly before she turns her whole body back around. "Is everything alright?", a voice asks from behind her and she figures that it has to be one of her co-stars. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine.", the y/h/ced woman responds, without looking at them:" I just thought that I saw someone that I know, but turns out I was wrong."
The man chuckles:" Happens to me all the time. Not only do I have a really bad memory, but my eyesight is super crappy. Which is just a poor blend of important things." Y/N wrinkles her forehead and turns around. Only to be met by two very kind-looking eyes. "Oh my- I am so sorry.", she hides her face behind her hands for a moment, before looking back at him:" I thought, that you were one of my friends. That's so rude of me." Y/N immediately holds out her hand for him to shake:" I'm Y/N." "Yeah, I know.", he states, and when he touches her a shiver runs down her back:" I'm Matthew Gray Gubler. It's nice to meet you."
And that's when she senses it. For the first time in a long, long time. Y/N doesn't have to turn around to know that Pedro's eyes are lingering on her form. Something about this situation makes her feel like a criminal, but truthfully, she couldn't care less.
"So, are you nominated tonight?", Matthew asks, and takes a sip of his wine. His eager gaze is not once leaving hers. She shakes her head:" Oh, no. But the show is." "Barry, right?", a laugh escapes his lips:" I'm sorry. Of course, that's the show. I'm sitting here, pretending I'm not a huge fan of it and- of course, you." Y/N bites in the inside of her cheeks, while she notices how his eyes move down her face. She clears her throat and he echoes it.
"Anyway.", he says and crosses his legs, while the lights in the room dim:" It was nice talking to you, Y/N. Good luck." She nods:" Yeah, it was. Thanks." Matthew only tears his eyes off her once the room goes completely dark, and there is this sensation in the pit of her stomach that feels so unbelievably sinful and good at the same time. God, she's in big trouble.
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somepsychopomp · 3 months
Winged!Ed AU ft. Hohenheim (Pt.1)
rotating an idea for an FMA(B) AU in my mind where Ed has wings that are typically folded tight against his back and hidden by his red coat. He's basically born a chimera and chooses to hide his status to avoid obvious questions and suspicions.
But I want to lay down the background details, starting here:
Xerxesians, being prodigious alchemists, would of course have dabbled in chimeras and were the first to produce "successful" chimeras- similar to Greed's crew where they pass pretty much entirely for human. Most of their test subjects would have been servants, slaves, poor folk trading their bodies for coin, etc.
that's how we get Hohenheim- or 23, the twenty-third in a long line of chimerical experiments. He himself wasn't fused with an animal, but his mother or father was. 23, in turn, was actually born with a set of wings.
(Hohenheim being born a chimera is important to note bc it means his master not only made a series of healthy chimera, but ones that could reproduce! unfounded at the time)
Hohenheim was born w/ the wings of a lesser kestrel. I chose this bird more because it fits Ed more than Ho, but I just liked a few key details about it!
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The lesser kestrel occupies a territory from Germany across the Middle East all the way to East Asia, which isn't super important given that FMA is set in a fictional world but loosely speaking, it's feasible that a Xerxesian alchemist could get his hands on one for human experimentation purposes.
I like the faintly red-brown coloration the males have on the back of their wings in combination w/ that black- very Ed.
They do well in grasslands/agricultural fields but are also adaptable to urban environments & co-existing with humans.
They are birds of prey!
however, they're quite diminutive birds of prey- meaning they're small and arguably very cute. (They're like 10-13 inches in length and notably smaller than Common Kestrels & other birds of prey)
Hohenheim's wings are proportional to his body tho, giving him the ability to fly.
As a slave, his physical fitness was well tested. He can fly and glide with great agility, but he was never allowed to go far because his master always kept him tethered to prevent his escape. Hohenheim also has a trail of feathers going down his spine but interestingly enough, he lacks a kestrel tail. He supposes that's not surprising, he lacks talons or a beak or eyesight far beyond that of a human. But perhaps he carries the genes for a tail. (Foreshadowing)
As an adult post-fall of Xerxes, Hohenheim found himself lost and shell shocked.
For many years, he contemplated cutting off his wings so he could better blend in with humans. But as a living Philosopher's Stone, he felt like it would be pointless endeavor and instead learned to hide them with a long coat.
Most of his canon story is basically the same until he meets Trisha.
When he fell in love with Trisha, Hohenheim knew full well that as a born and fertile chimera himself, it's fully possible their children will be born like him. He wasn't certain how great of a chance it was, it could be a recessive trait with no hope of ever resurfacing down his family line, or it could be a guarantee.
Hohenheim first has to reveal his wings to Trisha.
Even though he fully expected her to reject him at that point, understandably so, she instead accepted Hohenheim for who and what he was. She understood the possible consequences of their relationship and was completely willing to raise a potentially chimera child, together.
cue their first son.
To be safe, they have a home brith without a doctor or midwife, relying instead on Hohenheim's knowledge of alkahestry and human anatomy to tend to and heal Trisha.
And at the end of it, Edward Elric is born with wings. His were characteristic of baby kestrels, puffy and white and lacking the coloration or streamlined appearance that Hohenheim had as an adult.
Turning Edward over to properly examine his body, Hoheheim is horrified to see a small, tiny tuft of a tail protruding from Edward's lower back.
Dear god, his child was even more of a chimera than him! It's devastating to think of, until...
Hohenheim and all his souls cry at the sight of Trisha cooing at Edward as if he were a normal child, kissing his forehead and soothing his chip-like cries. She loves him. She loves their child, even if he was like Hohenheim. So brave, so loving, his Trisha.
But it also terrifies Hohenheim. He knew Trisha wanted at least two children, partly so they could help on their small family farm and partly so that the children could keep each other company.
All he has to go off of is the fact that his one and only child was very visibly a chimera. Ed will always be lesser than those around him- he will always have to hide his true self. But Trisha loved him and still wanted another child with her whole heart.
So they have Alphonse. And to Hohenheim's amazement, their second child has no visible chimera traits whatsoever! He's for all intents and purposes, human! He's human, and beautiful.
And perhaps, perhaps, just perhaps...even if Hohenheim does his best to treat both his boys equally, there's just the tiniest part of him that wants to recoil at the sight of Ed in the bathtub, flapping his wings and sending up bubbles. He's arguably slow to help Trisha bind Ed's wings before he goes out to play with Winry so they aren't seen, as well as when Trisha fits Ed with some kind of outer garment like a loose sweater or coat to hide the shape of his wings. He's possibly, if one looked close enough, a tad bit reluctant to groom Ed's wings. To gently pinch his pin feathers to release them (new feathers are encased in a white sheath as they grow out to protect them before they're fully developed), or combing his feathers or anything else.
The only thing Hohenheim does persistently and with excruciating effort/attention is when he clips Edward's flight & tail feathers so that even if he tried, he couldn't fly. It's honestly better if Edward never, ever learns how to fly and never develops the desire to. Far less a chance of someone ever uncovering his condition.
Hohenheim and Trisha have the same argument many times over the course of the first few years of the boys' lives. Hohenheim, as Ed's father, wants to take responsibility for his son's unfortunate condition by severing Ed's wings and tail before he's old enough to really remember them and the procedure.
Trisha, in contrast, argues that Edward's extra extremities are perfectly healthy limbs, even if his wing muscles are underdeveloped, and that it would be a tragedy to cut out such an integral part of himself.
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pekoehoneyncream · 7 days
Captain John 'Bravo Six' Price Headcanons
Part One!
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Words: 500~
TW: None (sfw)
Part Two
Okay! Here are the promised headcanons!
The brainrot is intense for these boys rn, so the volume of headcanons kinda got outta hand. I didn't wanna slam y'all with the full 800+ words of headcanons that I've made for Price alone, so I decided that I'll post half now and half later.
That said, Thank you all again for the Huge response my poll got, and without further ado onto the The Headcanons!
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His preferred drink is Green Tea with a spoonful of honey. He loves getting to sit, relax, and slowly sip his way through a nice hot cup of tea. If he’s in a rush or just needs to wake up he drinks coffee instead.
Takes his coffee with the smallest bit of sugar and no milk. His team argues that three grains of sugar can't make any difference, but Price insists that he doesn't like coffee straight black, he needs that bit of sweetness. The team once tested him by switching out his coffee for an identical cup of straight black coffee. Price's disgusted spluttering showed them that he can indeed easily taste the difference.
Cannot just sit down and do nothing. Always needs to be doing something. This man is a category five putterer. Just goes about absently neatening up, putting things back where they belong, pulling books forward to be level with the edge of the shelf, squaring papers with the corner of the table, wiping down the surfaces, adjusting his kit so it’s settled properly. He’ll do the same to the team as well. Mindlessly untwisting straps, pulling tight buckles, zipping pouches, pulling down the rucked-up hem of Ghost’s mask, straightening Gaz’s cap, correcting a stray hair in Soap’s warhawk.
The absolute worst at remembering names, constantly asking the team what this or that person's name is. Has a little notebook full of reminders that are only useful to him, the privates and FNGs think he's marking down performance notes, but he's just desperately trying to remember that one rookie's name before they leave eyesight. “Price, this just says ‘Michaels - Red Hat’, do you expect him to always wear a red hat?” “No, but I remember the hat, then I remember the face that was wearing the hat, and that face is Michaels'.” “Price, that makes no sense.” “Give that back and get. Have you nothing better to do? Go on, get!”
Paints his nails. He got a voucher for a free spa day as a birthday present one year, it included hot-rock therapy, mud-baths, a massage, and a mani-pedi. He went into it with a ‘fuck it, when in rome’ mentality and just said yes to everything while he was there. They explained that gel-polish is hardier and longer lasting than regular polish, without being super hard to remove like acrylics, so he went with gel-polish. At the time he just got a clear polish, but these days he does it himself and wears whatever colours he wants to. Has his own polishes and his own little uv lamp and everything. He could die on a mission tomorrow, he doesn't have time for your small minded ideas about masculinity. Before he was Captain of the 141, he actually got written up by a superior, not for wearing polish, but for wearing a nail-polish colour that wasn't a colour that's in regulation.
Loves water. Yes in the staying hydrated sense, but mainly in the swimming sense. He grew up with a creek behind his house and he spent every spare moment he could splashing around in it. To this day his favourite place is the beach, or anywhere with a body of water. A swimming pool is a poor replacement in his opinion, but he'll take what he can get.
Constantly loses track of time in the shower, his personal water bill is consistently exorbitant. When he doesn't have time to spare he sets a timer, when it beeps at 5 minutes it reminds him he needs to actually start washing up, and when it goes off at 10 minutes he forces himself to get out. When he has the time he sets the timer for 30 minutes.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
If you have any thoughts on the headcanons or ideas you'd like me expand on or things you wanna squeal about or prompts you want me to write PLEASE hit me up! My ask box is open 24/7 and I'd love to hear from you!
PekoeHoneynCream's Masterlist
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mspoodle1 · 7 days
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! 💖
*squishee hugs* Lyn! 🤗 Let me see...
I took ballet as a child because I was super clumsy and not very graceful. Don't give me a drink in a glass, because I'm going to knock it over. Or walking into things was the norm. Always had bruises. My legs always looked like someone hit me with a stick. Turns out because I've always had poor eyesight, that my depth perception was the issue. But you know, you don't figure these things out until you're an adult.
This a 2 for 1. lol I can't stand swimming but I was made to learn to swim at the YMCA when I was 9. I'm also terrified of heights. So diving off the small dive board in the deep end was just nightmare fuel for me. Reason: maybe this is a 3 for 1. Ha! I have sinus issues so being under water always made me feel like I was drowning. Then there's the whole 'I can't see' issue because, can't wear glasses at the pool. Oh and don't get me started on "why don't you wear contacts?". Erm, did I mention I have sinus issues? aka dry eyes. Yeah, it's that bad. Ok moving on...
I'm knitting the Vellichor top by Andrea Mowry at the moment and crocheting the fruit garden blanket by Jane Crowfoot. Just about to finish a granny square sweater by YOKOTA CO,.LTD. (DARUMA). I just need to seam it up and add the bindings. 🧶
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Super tiny fonts and aesthetic crap is a huge turnoff for me -- I salute your anon for continuing with that fic in the first place. If unusual formatting is unrelated to the storytelling, it kicks you out of the fic every time you have to squint, because the presence of the author is so annoying it's like they're sitting there breathing down your neck. It's also unforgivably inconsiderate of people with poor eyesight. I usually hit backspace as soon as I find any deliberately hard-to-read font or appearance. Also, maybe it's my weirdly anxious brain or bad experiences losing work, but I'm amazed at all the people like your anon who find long one-shots a problem because they can't mark their place in the fic. If it's happened enough to become an issue, why don't ppl download the fics? Like, as soon as you open the fic itself on ao3 to start reading, even though you're not sure if you'll like it enough to finish it, download it. You can always delete it later if you don't like it. If you download it, you'll open it using your phone's pdf reader (I use MoonReader). If you have to stop reading for any reason, the app keeps the fic where you left it so you don't have to mark anything. Although to be honest that baffles me as well. I can't imagine struggling to find your place. Isn't the story like, consuming you 24/7? Isn't the place where you stopped haunting you enough that you have the closest distinctive phrase or word to it memorized so you can then CTRL F it (or search for it, if you're on your phone) to find your place again?
I don't know -- I dislike chapters and prefer super long one-shots. Then again I'm weird and usually the minority when it comes to most things (in both fic and RL). I'm the same anon who doesn't comment on fics by authors begging for comments or threatening to stop the fic or whining abt having to stop writing a new chapter because there's no interest (even though ppl are still leaving kudos, which I can see because the number of names newer than mine on the kudos list keeps increasing), while most ppl I see astonishingly (to me) love actually interacting with the author. *shudders* That to me is like seeing, I don't know, your favorite celeb and actually willingly going towards them for an autograph or a selfie etc. If I run into a celeb I like I don't even make eye contact. So maybe the norm for ppl is to hate long one-shots. I don't know. I love them. But yeah -- if it's such an issue it's ruining stories you enjoy, then consider downloading? It's also a safeguard that has never failed me when authors suddenly delete their fics, and if you read obscure ones, you discover no one else has them saved, so you can never find them again.
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gotta ask abt cogito & the cane, if you don't mind. even as a (phys) disabled person I have a hard time thinking of circumstances with D2 where disabilities wouldn't just be either a. healed by light or b. negligible with abilities or c. too much of risk on the field. hadn't given much thought to exos in regards to all that- I know pretty much nothing about exo anatomy either. I know we see some stuff with banshee's memory impairment, but that's not physical. au thing or did you find a way that the rep makes sense? /gen
Hello! So I think I've talked about it a few times in various Discord servers but didn't make a post so here are all my thoughts on this topic (as examplified by my oc(s))
Case A. Cogito is disabled because he was disabled before he died and it did not cause his death. His exo model is highly custom and a leg he kitbashed from a dead exo (when he was lightless) is very faulty (causes pain when he walks too much or runs, and sometimes doesn't bend).
This could also happen with human/awoken guardians (especially if they were born disabled). As Speaker said: "Devotion inspires bravery, bravery inspires sacrifice, sacrifice leads to death" - it would be fucked up if disabled people were somewhat except from that. If a guardian can be rezzed old (like Osiris) then it probably means that they get rezzed as they were at the point when they died so case closed.
Back to Cogito though - yes, light can help him as a mobility aid (he's a Warlock, he can fly pretty well) but obliviously can't always work (light restriction zones for example). And also yeah, it's very much a problem in the field sometimes. It's a big reason why he does solitary reaserch work and only raids with a big group.
Another example of this would be Kobzar-13 with his poor eyesight (this one is for me. I have very bad eyesight too tho it's not as bad, yet). His optics were damaged some time before he died so now it's like this. He could probably get them fixed but he just rolls with this. His ghost audio describes everything to him in his head which I think would be very cool.
Case B. Wawrzyniec is disabled (amputee) because his arm got cut of by Crota. Aka "various light restricting devices and light restricted zones". In this case soulfire. Cogito's scratch (on his head, I don't always draw them) also goes under this category.
This one is more of a stretch but I think that it's plausible. I guess that guardians more often die in these situations than escape disabled. There is also the fact that ghosts might be not able (or want) to heal certain injuries. You can say that Sloane is a lore example of this.
Another oc example of this would be Enebish who got burn scars and lost an eye during the Red War when the Traveler was caged. I don't really remember if anything was said about it at the time.
Bonus case C. I know that some people headcanon guardians getting disabled because of extended light usage. I personally don't think it makes sense and goes kinda against the healing power of light stuff. Case closed.
And about the non-guardians - multiple characters have these sci-fi prosthetics (Camrin's is super advanced and Variks'es is pretty shabby) that I imagine can depend of how much cash or girlfriend in STEM you have. Eramis even has ones for her both feet so the field must be pretty advanced. There is also brother Vance who is blind and clearly did pretty well (before he jumped into piramid zone and vanished forever (John Bungie, if you heal his eyesight I'll kill you)).
Bungie seems to be generally very indirect when it comes to showing disability. Except for PTSD. Which is to be expected from an fps shooter. Everyone wants a cool robot arm but no one wants to talk about the attitude to disability in different cultures.
Speaking of which - humanity is probably not much different then it's now. There are probably a lot of disabled veterans. I wonder if insulin is expensive in the Last City. Awoken and Cabal are probably weird about it. Neomuni, well, we've seen Maya Sundaresh. Eliksni are the most normal.
So yeah, that's all from me. Thanks for the ask!
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rroechan · 7 months
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The Thorny Spider
'Flying Devil'? 'Spider from Hell'? That's just your terrifying friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man on the prowl!
lots of yapping below
Super late for the spiderverse trend but i've been reading an unfortunate amount of peter parker fics and i couldn't help but pull this guy up from memory
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Spider-Thorn? Horned Spider? Spider-Fiend?
His name is Piers Lang, born and raised to kick your ass. With both parents dead at the ripe age of 8, kiddo found himself going from his home in M'sia to living with his aunt and uncle all the way in USA 🫡🦅🇺🇸
his abilities are about the same as OG spiderman, like spider-proportional strength, speed, stickiness etc etc. There's only one thing that's vastly different from the others is his enhanced senses
So like, enhanced hearing, scent, that sort of thing. If it was already bad for Peter in his day to dau life, imagine what this guy's goin' through
due to a mix of nature and nuture, his senses, particularly his sorta 'area awareness' is higher than the average spidey
He grew up with terrible vision and in a rough neighbourhood so his senses has always been fairly attuned to his surroundings. A bit like a 6th sense or a natural instinct one would naturally gain over time. The bite basically strengthened all these features except his eyesight (most spider species have poor eyesight. only some have it good. i thought that was funny)
that scene in spider-man: far from home where spidey relies entirely on his spider sense to fight mysterio's drones? Yeah THAT but 10 fold
even when totally blinded, he can use this specific ability to make like a fully 3d mental map of the area around him. Basically seeing everything around him 360 with his eyes closed. So he can fully fight no issue in the dark (basically Daredevil's radar sense)
sometimes he purposely fights with eyes closed cause it helps prevent him from being overwhelmed (even pre-bite he had issues with sensory overloads)
For the hearing and smelling, i tried to see if OG spiderman had any upper limit at all to the distance of his abilities but there's nothing solid :// My guy in particular, I like to think there's no true limit to his sense, like he could track a whole city of people if he wanted but he'd have to be meditating and in a super focused state to do so + overuse of his senses makes his head hurt a lot
Out of the suit, he has a habit of wearing earplugs or earphones constantly playing some genre of white noise. And some strong smelling balm on his upper lip (idk whats the actual english name of it)
Aside from that, he has a few spidery traits (got the idea from a fic, no I do not remember what its name is). The spider he was bitten by had all sorts of different spider dna weaved into it.
He sometimes chirps or purrs when in a good mood or just, when he's comfortable enough to not hide his spidery traits. Has stare offs with actual spiders for dominance. Absurdly flexibles and can get into wild contortionist-like poses and calls them comfortable. Likes smoothies. Gets sleepy when cold. Salvatory glands produce a very mild venom. Yada yada
About the suit
He didn't design it, his man-in-the-chair did. Though he did do all the wiring, engineering etc and was the one who suggested to base the suit design off an orb weaver spider
The red of his suit glows with exposure to UV. Adding on the fact that he mainly patrols at night makes it worse for baddies because imagine you're in the middle of crime-ing and from out the darkness, Satan himself comes to be your reckoning.
The suit being majority black adds the challenge of making sure his poses are readable so that's Fun.
of his 8 'eyes' only 2 of them actually function which are the main ones in the upper front. the others are for show.
The horns are where all the business is at. They all have a solid exterior so he fully can use em to shoulder check, headbutt, etc baddies but their main purpose is to act as antennas. Both for his comms so he can go super long distances without worry as well as help hone and focus his senses to his surrounding area
See, usually his senses is like a motion detector but across a super big area so without earplugs and the smelling balm, his senses are extremely scattered and kinda blurred.
He figured out fairly quick that with antennas connected to his main 'sensory points' on his body help focus his senses to his immediate area instead of being fragmented (does this make sense? im fully bullshitting at this point)
Not illustrated but under the suit he has this network of connected patches (like those they put on you during surgery) to track his stats and junk alongside the whole spidey sense honing thing
Moving on, the spider on the back of his head is actually a later addition cause ppl keep thinking he's supposed to be a demon (him not realising ppl aren't entomology nerds like him)
The spikes on his knuckles are purely for combat and is entirely inspired by his favourite sonic character: Knuckles.
The baggy pants, body suit and hood are all one piece. Only the mask and the utility belt are removable
The whole front of the mask is a solid piece under the fabric. So he can't fold the mask halfway up to his nose and kiss someone upside-down but he can remove one of the lower eye panel thing to eat or drink if he needs to.
the utility belt mostly has his burner phone, zipties, few first aid necessities and cereal bars
I wanted to add a brief telling of his backstory here as well as his ascociation to the spiderverse gang but this post is long enough orz
Ill definitely post abt this guy again though, that's for sure. I'm more a manga fan but I have some plans on mimicking american comics style for some 'fake' comic pages for this guy and his main villain
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redux-iterum · 9 months
A Canine Eulogy
We put down my dog, Geno, today.
Textwall of sentiment under the cut.
Shortly, he was ill, and steadily growing worse every day at a rapid decline of a week before his death. He'd have brief moments of cheeriness, then go back to being listless, sluggish and unhappy. The vet made it clear a few days ago that there was very little chance of saving him and that his quality of life (the most dreaded phrase in a pet owner's dictionary) was poor, and only getting poorer. We made the decision to end his suffering before it got so severe he couldn't climb up the stairs into my house, or have accidents indoors, or starve himself to death (as he was starting to). It didn't feel good, not remotely, but it had to be done.
I haven't talked about Geno on this blog, so I figure the best way to pay my respects is to tell you all how great of a dog he was. Probably a bit late to introduce him, but whatever.
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Geno (nicknames including Bean, Stinky Bean/Gene, Eyebrows Boy, Old Man and Geno Bon Benostein) was a dog that we never figured out the breed of. Many people, charmed by his pleasant, permanent puppyface that was always so happy to see them, would ask me his breed, and my answer was "He's got big eyebrows, that's all I know". That generally got a laugh, which was nice.
We attained Geno when he was about half a year old in a move. My pops runs a moving company, and we get all sorts of things from moves that people don't want to take with them to the new house across the state. I don't think a single piece of furniture in my house isn't secondhand, that's how much we get.
Geno in particular was our first longterm pet from a move. The lowdown is that the customers were divorcing and were viciously arguing over every single item and animal in the house. The wife threatened to take Geno to the pound, and immediately Pops offered to adopt him. I found this out when he picked me up from a sleepover in middle school and had a second dog with him, along with our first. It was quite a delightful surprise.
Our first dog was less than obedient and more than indifferent to humans, loving to destroy stuff and escape constantly. Geno, on the other hand, was only concerned about staying within eyesight of his owners, to the point of sitting on a windowsill as well as he could and staring at us through the glass until we let him in (at the time Pops was not eager to have dogs in the house). We never needed to chain him up or fence him in - he was entirely devoted to us from jump and got as close as he could at all times.
The first dog eventually died, and Geno was the sole pup of the house. He thrived in that, and he made a point to prove himself to be an excellent dog. He never had an accident in the house for many years (until age got to him), preferring to potty in the bushes or brush so that we didn't have to worry about stepping in it or even cleaning it up. He never barked or ran away or growled at visitors, nor did he knock over trash cans or even so much as get fleas during the summer. The only things we struggled with were his great hatred of other dogs and aggressive fear of wheels. The wheel thing was a little more embarrassing, because he'd bark at some poor bastard in a wheelchair who was just trying to mind his own business. Like, great, thanks, Geno. Now we look like assholes.
Geno went on many, many trips across the country with us, especially to Yellowstone, which is a yearly voyage pops and I go on. He was a treat to travel with - he just wanted to rest his head between the front seats and look at us adoringly. He went to beaches, where he didn't enjoy the coast and instead stuck with us by inches, and on moves, where customers and their new neighbors would fawn over him and he got to be the Super Special Puppy Dog, which he loved. He went more places than most people I know, and certainly ate more pizza than any other dog in the United States while we were in hotels. Maybe not healthy for him, but man did he love his 'za, and he'd stare at us with his big ol' cow eyes. How could we say no?
This dog was a major part of my life - he was around for half of it, from middle school to adulthood. I don't think I can ever get another dog that would be nearly as wonderful as him, and I don't know that I want to. I think he raised the standard too high and made every dog I take care of (I housesit for a living) somehow not as good as him, no matter how well-mannered they are. I expect that to be that way for a very long time.
His collar, I decided, will stay in my car, hooked around the rearview mirror. That way, he gets to travel with me no matter where I go. He always did thoroughly enjoy a car ride.
Moonshine will miss him greatly. She was infatuated with him no matter how much he tried to make her go away. He gave up towards the end and started being nice to her, at least. I'm just glad I've got pictures of them interacting and her demanding his affections. Those are precious memories above precious memories.
The vet techs mourned with us as we said goodbye, calling him "one of the good ones". I think that's a pretty high compliment.
I hope he's happy, wherever he is.
You were a good boy, Geno.
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professional-termite · 4 months
Can you do a head-cannon about Ahkmenrah. He just so adorable and hot.
OH ABSOLUTELY!!! i love akh and i think hes very sillay :3 ive actually got a couple ive been keepin tucked away in my noggin. you didnt specify general, romantic, or platonic so ive done one of each!
akh has really weak physical senses (the tablet brings him mostly back to life but it cant like. fully regenerate a brain, which he wouldnt have bc he was mummified) so he can handle really really strong flavour. bro could easily pop a habanero pepper and be completely fine. id think he enjoys candy like warheads that have super super strong flavours bc that means he can taste more of it. id also think he has poor eyesight but he doesnt like having glasses and contacts freak him out so he just makes do
akh is a super fun partner. whoever hes dating has gotta be energetic bc hes constantly changing subjects and generally he can be a little exhausting to keep up with over long periods of time. also i imagine he likes long hair on a partner, just a feeling
i think he wouldnt really differentiate between romantic and platonic touches. no matter who you are, if youre close to akh emotionally he likes to be close to you physically, mostly bc his skin has so little feeling and people are warm. bro just really likes hugs and platonic cuddles :D
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mmollymercury · 2 years
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Season 12 episode 1 of Bobs Burgers hitting me right in the heart, yet again. When Tina said "here I am, sorry, I've just been staring at myself in the bathroom for the past hour" I felt seen.
Also this is me officially showing my headcanon abt Tina's eyes. I think the reason why they're just dots in the show, is because her lenses are super thick and has the effect of making her eyes look huge. I mean, she's worn glasses since she was a baby, she clearly has pretty intense poor eyesight. Disabled Queen.
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grief-worn · 2 months
munday: getting to know you ! ! !
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Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: addi, or sometimes i go by glacier.
MUSE NAME: on this blog; shadowheart.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: gay hand-holding and parallel play. alternatively; here on tumblr (asks/dms/etc) or on discord if we're friends/good mutuals!
EXPERIENCE: i think my very first roleplay was on gmail chat, pfft. but i also did stuff on deviantart, IRC chatrooms, forums, skype/discord, and this one roleplay site i will not name because it's genuinely awful. (no it's not f-list). i have pretty limited experience writing on tumblr. just recently got back into it here after having a kinda meh experience in the resident evil fandom.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: not sure if this means like ... 3rd person? or like ... paragraph length? or what, but i'm open to pretty much anything! i'm super open-minded. i don't even dislike the infamous 1st person writing style, as someone who hungrily consumes reader insert fanfics.
PET PEEVES AND DEAL-BREAKERS: kind of a hard one to answer, but here's what i can think of off the top of my head:
guilt by association: dealt with a bit of this in another fandom. just because i'm writing with someone doesn't mean i'm aware of their issues. curate who you follow and what you see on your dash for sure, i will always understand quietly blocking to maintain your own peace, but i've gotten mixed up in some weird stuff just because i ended up writing with the wrong person.
heavy formatting: this isn't like, that big of a deal-breaker, i just specifically have poor eyesight and difficulty reading/processing words if there's a bunch of different fonts, and font sizes, and colors, and whatnot. definitely might be something i ask people to tone down, but it doesn't really make me mad haha.
soft blocking instead of hard blocking: i'm pretty stupid. please make it obvious if you don't wanna interact anymore! otherwise i won't realize and i'll probably accidentally make it worse orz.
vagueposting/sub-tweeting: that stuff is kinda mean and weird. i don't like seeing it!
PLOTS OR MEMES: either one is awesome, but they both definitely have their contextual uses! sometimes a bit of talking beforehand is nice, sometimes i like just winging it. they're both fun!!
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: again, they're both fun. long replies are sort of harder to get to since they take so long to write but sometimes that's exactly what i want; to get lost in a reply for like 2 hours straight. not sure if i have a preference, it's just that short replies are faster and therefore fit better into my daily schedule, but that doesn't mean i don't love dumping my text walls <3
BEST TIME TO WRITE: unfortunately i've found that writing at 4am when everyone is asleep is a WONDERFUL time for my creativity hehe. i wish i could write as good in the daylight hours lol !!!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: yes and no. personality wise; not really. we're both kind of goofy deep, deep down. and i project a lot of myself onto her, but i think that's just because her story and trauma resonate with me very strongly! i try not to like, overwrite her character and inject too much of my own stuff. i honestly just have the biggest, fattest crush on her and i need more of her in whatever way i possibly can have. i guess we both love animals. but i'd never have such ugly bangs. ew, shadowheart.
tagged by: @astralrogue (thank you very much!)
tagging: whoever wants to do this :3 it's sharing a lot of ooc info so i don't wanna pressure peeps!!!
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