#my favorite part of tabling is having this book out and having people react to them irl and chat to me about their thoughts
siribunbun · 8 months
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kenzirr · 3 months
part 2 to the spencer imagine
The BAU office was bustling as usual, agents hurrying about with case files and paperwork. Spencer Reid sat at his desk, engrossed in a book, when he suddenly looked up, a thought clearly lighting up his face.
"Did you know that the world's smallest bird, the bee hummingbird, weighs less than a penny?" Spencer announced to the room. "It's native to Cuba and measures just 2.25 inches from beak to tail."
Morgan, who was passing by, stopped and raised an eyebrow. "That's pretty cool, Reid. What got you thinking about hummingbirds?"
Spencer smiled. "It’s one of the facts Y/N shared with me the other night. We've been trading trivia back and forth, and it got me thinking. I want you all to meet her."
Garcia's eyes lit up as she walked over. "Oh, that sounds fantastic! When do we get to meet her?"
Spencer thought for a moment. "How about we arrange a dinner? I could invite Y/N, and we can all get together. I think she’d love to meet all of you."
JJ nodded enthusiastically. "I think that's a great idea. A nice team dinner would be perfect."
Hotch looked up from his desk, considering. "Sounds like a plan. I'll bring Jack along since I can't leave him alone."
Spencer smiled, feeling a wave of excitement and nervousness. "Great. I'll talk to Y/N and set everything up."
A few days later, the team gathered at Rossi's mansion, which he had graciously offered for the dinner. The dining room was elegantly set with a long mahogany table covered in a pristine white tablecloth. Crystal wine glasses sparkled under the chandelier's soft light, and the aroma of Italian cuisine filled the air as Rossi finished preparing the meal.
The centerpiece was an arrangement of fresh flowers, and each place setting had a small, handwritten name card. Spencer had even placed a few fun facts under each plate as conversation starters.
Y/N arrived a little after Spencer, looking both excited and a bit nervous. Spencer introduced her to everyone, and the team welcomed her warmly.
"Y/N, this is Derek Morgan," Spencer started, gesturing to Morgan.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N," Morgan said with a grin. "Spencer’s told us a lot about you."
"And this is Penelope Garcia," Spencer continued.
Garcia gave Y/N a big hug. "So nice to finally meet you, lovely! You look even more wonderful than Spencer described."
Spencer then introduced JJ, Rossi, and finally Hotch and his son Jack. Jack, clutching a small toy car, smiled shyly at Y/N.
"Hi, Jack," Y/N said, crouching down to his level. "What’s your toy’s name?"
Jack beamed. "This is Lightning McQueen. He’s really fast."
"Nice to meet you, Lightning," Y/N said, shaking the toy car's "hand."
They all sat down at the table, and Rossi brought out the first course: bruschetta topped with fresh tomatoes, basil, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze.
"Y/N, I hope you like Italian food," Rossi said, smiling. "I made some of my favorite dishes tonight."
Y/N took a bite of the bruschetta and her eyes lit up. "This is amazing, Rossi. Thank you so much for having me."
As they ate, the conversation flowed easily. Spencer couldn't resist sharing another fact. "Did you know that tomatoes were once thought to be poisonous? In the 18th century, people called them 'poison apples' because they believed the aristocracy got sick and died after eating them, but it was actually the lead in their pewter plates reacting with the tomato acid."
JJ laughed. "That's fascinating, Spencer. I never knew that."
Y/N joined in, sharing one of her own facts. "Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet? They have taste sensors on their legs and feet to help them find food."
Garcia's eyes widened. "That's amazing! I love butterflies, and I had no idea."
The main course was served: homemade lasagna, rich with layers of cheese, meat, and sauce. As they dug in, Hotch shared a story about a recent camping trip with Jack, and Jack excitedly talked about the wildlife they saw.
"Y/N," Garcia said, "how did you and Spencer meet?"
Y/N smiled, glancing at Spencer. "We met at a bookstore, actually. We were both reaching for the same book – a biography of Alan Turing."
Morgan chuckled. "Of course you were. That sounds like a perfect Reid story."
As they moved on to dessert – a decadent tiramisu – Rossi raised his glass. "To a wonderful evening."
Everyone clinked their glasses, and Spencer felt a warmth spread through him. The night had gone perfectly, and he couldn't have been happier.
After dinner, as Spencer walked Y/N to her car, she turned to him with a smile. "Your team is wonderful, Spencer. I had a great time tonight."
"Me too," Spencer replied, his heart racing. "Thank you for coming. It meant a lot to me."
Y/N leaned in, and Spencer met her halfway, their lips touching in a kiss that was soft and sweet. As the kiss deepened, Spencer felt a surge of warmth and happiness, losing himself in the moment.
Unbeknownst to them, the team had gathered near the window, watching the scene unfold. Garcia was the first to giggle, followed by a series of playful whispers and chuckles from the rest of the group.
Morgan couldn't resist. He opened the door slightly and called out, "Get a room, you two!"
Spencer and Y/N broke apart, both blushing furiously as they turned to see the team grinning at them from the doorway.
Garcia added, "We just wanted to make sure you didn't forget to say goodnight!"
Spencer, still flustered, managed a sheepish smile. "Thanks, guys."
Y/N squeezed his hand, looking equally embarrassed but happy. "Goodnight, everyone. Thanks for a wonderful evening."
As she drove away, Spencer turned back to his team, who were still chuckling and exchanging knowing looks.
Hotch clapped Spencer on the shoulder. "I think she’s a keeper, Reid."
Spencer nodded, his heart full. "Yeah, I think so too."
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sguidwards-bestfriend · 7 months
New Dimension, Who's This?
honestly writing this cuz I saw @gin2212 's comment and made me teary, so were gunna finish this bad boy! not today but you know... it will happen
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, part 5, part 6
Explicit mentions of death (but of characters that are currently living) Kind of OG version of their deaths
Danny had only walked through the Wayne’s home adjacent gardens once, in a direct route to the barn. Batcow was a highlight of that little excersion.
Now, however, they were actually looking at the shrubbery shaped like boring spheres and rectangles.
He felt Jason become distant and floated back a bit, he’d turned left into a very small opening.
Inside were three unmovable cement benches that curved slightly into one circle. The well cut bushes were wilder in here, making it cramped and impossible to see over the hedge.
“This spot used to be my favorite, when the weather was nice. I’d come out here with a book and whatever drink Alfred had decided to make that day.” Jason looked down at a square of cement in the middle, probably where a table had been. The indents on the side of the seats, likely from the mold it was made from, had moss growing in it.
“This seems like the perfect hideout.” Danny smiled and sat on the bench opposite Jason.
Jason hummed in agreement, he coughed awkwardly even for Danny’s standards and spoke up again. “So, you’re the god of death?” Jason was probably really good at looking casual and intimidating to most people, but Danny could sense the tension emanating from his core as he sat near a branch mere inches from his face with his hands in his pockets, probably wishing he could lean against something to look nonchalant.
“Nope, I’m the king of the dead. They aren’t the same thing.”
“So, you’re not Hades?”
“I hope not, I’ve met him and he’s kind of a dick.”
Jason laughed softly, he liked how it sounded “Okay, cool, so the Greek gods exist.”
“All of the gods do, technically.” He waited for Jason to look at him. “I know it’s hard to wrap your head around, but the infinite realms isn’t really a dimension on its own. It’s the space between all dimensions. When you die you have to pass through it to get to your destination. Some people don’t have a place and they end up part of my realm, some get lost, some sell their soul, others forget their lives entirely and are part of my people from the second they pass over. Then there are the never-borns: souls that form from pure will of the infinite realms. All that is part of my domain.” Danny floated up a bit to try and catch a glimpse of the stars, the smog from Gotham blocking everything. He looked back at Jason and his stomach did a little flip that he decidedly did nothing about. “But just so were clear; hell, the underworld, and all those other things are in the infinite zone. They aren’t all the same thing.”
“Okay. So, you rule over those too?”
“Again no, once a soul gets into the correct dimension, I don’t really have anything to do with it.”
“Wait so if someone who believes in an afterlife sells their soul what happens?”
Danny slouched in the air and grunts, “That’s where all the fucking paperwork comes in. I really want you to imagine the most bureaucratic way to possibly move to a new country, but you have none of your documents. Being stuck in this dimension was a fun break at first, but now all I can think of are the stacks of A-13 forms that are probably covering the castle floors.”
Jason shifted and with it came a wave of uncertainty. “If someone was killed and brought back, what then?”
Danny has seen how ghosts in the zone get when they talk about their deaths. For many it’s all they remember of their life. If a ghost with years to think it through reacts explosively he’s not sure how it will go with a newbie. “Well, a few things. The soul could come back to a place without a body in which case you have a true haunting. If the death was quick, it could have flash formed a core, that’s like a soul that has died fully, and then shoved back into the living body. That’s how you get halfas like me.”
Jason still looked cool and collected on the outside but there was unbelievable turmoil seeping out of him. “What if the body was dead for a while? What if a soul or core was shoved back into a body on purpose?”
“I’ve only seen one revival before, but there was a lot of time warping there. The necromancers I’ve met who were trying to bring someone back didn’t have access to ectoplasm which had results that are very different to… having it.” Danny breathed out to calm himself, letting that calm wave wash over Jason as well. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s alright.” Jason shuffled his leather jacket, “You call it ectoplasm.”
“Yeah.” Danny answered with a lilt in his voice.
“The green goop filled pools you said you emptied, you mentioned they were corrupted.”
“I did yeah.”
“What would happen if someone was exposed to that?”
“Honestly, it’s not the first time I’ve come across it but never that much. For ghosts it can leave them sick and weak for days. Not like polluted water, more like if you switched out the water a healthy person drank for soda exclusively. It won’t kill them, but it will have a negative effect.” Danny thought for a second and remembered the one-time Sam got covered in a mix of good and contaminated ecto during a fight with Undergrowth. “I saw how a diluted version of it affected a living person, her mind was warped and she had the same sort of tunnel vision a ghost has if they have a particularly strong obsession.”
Jason took a breath, he’d been going strong so far. Danny may come to regret this, but he put a hand on his shoulder and floated where they’d be face to face, letting his bottom half fade away into the ghostly tail. “I won’t do it if you don’t want me to, but I can subdue your emotions a bit if you want to talk about it.” Jason looked up quickly and Danny scrambled to correct himself. “I haven’t been doing that! Well, like not in a controlling way, more like the ghost version of calming down a friend who’s freaking out. If you pushed past it I wouldn’t hold you back.”
“You should.” Danny couldn’t help the questioning noise that came out of him, “The first year I came back, I don’t remember it well, but I tried to kill Tim… and possibly Damian. If I do go too far hold me back.”
Danny nodded, “Back in the hall, when Tim was taking an unorthodox amount of coffee cups out of his room,” Jason snorted a bit and smiled, “you didn’t fight me stopping your emotions from bubbling over. I think, with even a little help, you do in fact make the right decisions.”
Jason’s hand came up to hold on to Danny’s forearm, “I went out to stop the top villain at the time, the Joker. I really did think I could beat him so I turned off my coms. He… He beat me to an inch of my life and left me to die in the explosion he’d rigged up.” Jason’s body was hot to the touch and he was obviously timing his breaths. “I can still feel the damn crowbar he used whenever I fall asleep. Batman had never been late before; he’d never let something like that go past him. My plan B was him, and he didn’t make it.”
Danny hummed. A benefit of their shared ghostliness in needing not to use his words, he pushed through waves of camaraderie and understanding.
“I had dug myself out of my own grave. I don’t remember much other than pain for months. Then Talia, Damian’s genetic mother, threw me into a Lazarus pit. The first thing I remember seeing was looking up at her terrified face, tinted in green.”
There was anger as he spoke her name, Danny controlled the waves of corrupted ecto that were threating to turn those emotions against Jason’s true wishes.
“I was fifteen, how does someone let a child do that. I was a kid!” Jason’s emotions were switching around and Danny could hear the forming core start too fuss. “I was just a kid.”
Danny came closer and wrapped all four of his arms around Jason, squeezing him just enough to feel a weight on him, but not so much it was restrictive.
Jason still seemed tense so, Danny did the only thing he could think of, he talked of his own death.
“My parents built the first ever physical portal to the realms. I was messing around with friends and they dared me to walk into the useless frame. My parents always had a tendency of forgetting lab safety and making just one mistake in every build. I’m not sure how they managed to put the on button inside it, but I tripped, hitting it on my way down. I could feel every bolt of electricity ripping me apart as the link between worlds opened directly on top of me. I died separate to my body and ended up like this.” Danny moved back and looked down at himself without letting go of Jason. “I tried to tell my parents at first, but they were always busy.
They spent the day I finally gave up trying to trap my sister; thinking she was the ghost their devices we’re picking up.”
Jason rested his forehead on Danny’s, sighing against the cold touch. “How old we-“
“We were kids.”
“Yeah,” Danny kept his forehead against Jason’s. Two arms he left at Jason’s shoulders, the other two caressing his arms.
With a wave of confidence and fear Jason grabbed Danny by the waist and pulled him in for a real hug.
They held each other there, hidden amongst the foliage, until it started to drizzle.
“We should-“
Danny cut him off, pulling back to show the tears running down his face. “Can we go to your room?”
“Yeah, come on.”
They didn’t touch on the walk through the garden, or at the entrance, or in the hall. No, it wasn’t until the door was closed behind them that Danny came forward and just barely touched his arm.
Jason grabs him and pulls him in again, this time resting his chin on the top of Danny’s head. The attempt to calm Danny down just as he had for Jason made him start to cry again, this time much happier.
The surge pushed his kingly nature to shift into something more human. His arms went back to only two, his skin became that of a pale human’s (for the most part), his ears shrank down and his pointy teeth rounded out. And, surprisingly, his form gave him pajamas.
The ecto the change required didn’t accept the contaminated ecto that Jason had sent and Danny sagged into Jason, his knees buckling.
“Hey, hey.” Jason hushed, “I’ve got you.”
He sat Danny on the bed and went to get pajamas for himself. Once changed he laid down beside Danny and curled around him.
Danny was laying on his back, his legs bent over Jason’s thighs, who was laying on his side up against Danny. Creating a cocoon to hold Danny in.
They fell asleep quickly, Danny held Jason's hand on his chest throughout the rest of the night.
Neither of them had nightmares.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
@bjurnberg, @skulld3mort-1fan, @akikkobara @undead-bi-dinosaur, @amyheart19, @phoenixdemonqueen, @not-your-average-url, @seraphinedemort, @theywontletmeusetheoneiwant,  @satisfactionbroughtmeback, @kyrianclawraith, @i-always-say-yea, @gin2212
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idcfriend · 1 year
I'm Back!!!
I absolutely love eldritch protagonist so...i have more eldritch yuu brainrot!🎉
So at first glance yuu seems normal just a completely normal gender neutral individual but the more time people spend with them the mpre they notice that sometimes their smile is a bit roo wide....their teeth and fingers a bit too sharp....how they sometimes move as if It's not something there used to
On one occasion the idiot trio was being to loud in the morning and Yuu hadn't slept that well or at all really....that's when one of the others noticed how Yuu seemed too quiet...how they seemed stalk towards the unsuspecting trio as if they were prey soon when they were near they rose to their full height (and damn why hadn't any of them ever noticed how tall Yuu is!?) and with what could of mad even the bravest of men cower in a corner in fear....growled with bloodlust and a voice that of something from your worst nightmare( Yuu honestly doesn't know why everyone looked so scared when they after growled in frustration when Ace, Deuce and Grim were being too loud, they didn't think they were that scary...)
Another time Yuu was too tired to care much about anything much at the moment (unaware of the way that an uncanny air of apathy seemed to hang around them, like someone who was looking down on something that was simply lesser and they couldn't find in themselves to care one way or the other and settled on indifference) so the other first years decided to ask Yuu questions to see how much they could get them to answer in their sleep deprived state (jokes on them Yuu is a CHAOTIC MESS and simply bullshits their way through life when they don't sleep enough so their answers were...a little unsettling to some)
First question was from Ace: which was simple enough but-
"So prefect what's your favorite food?"
The others looked at Ace in mild surprise expecting him to ask something embarrassing
Ace looked at them in annoyance "What? Yoh have to build up this kind of stuff"
Yuu simply looked up from their desk and answered (sarcastically mind you it's just that for some reason their very good at acting?)
"the souls of those who have sinned far greater than any mortal and have seen that which should never be seen" and promptly face planted back on to the table
Meanwhile the others are a little unnerved by that answer and by the chorus of voices that seemed to answer with Yuu but only a little because this was THEIR prefect no matter how...not normal they were and they'd fight anyone who even looked at them wrong
Next was Deuce
"Favorite pass time?"
They braced themselves for the answer
"going on relaxing walks-" they looked at Yuu confused because that was such a...normal answer?
"-and putting the fears and horrors of others and the world on paper, eternally etched into a part of my collection" they then...relaxed? Because of course such a hobby would suit their eldritch friend (Yuu simply meant they like to draw horror stuff in one of their many sketch books)
Surprisingly Sebek went next
"how do you deal with those that harm the ones you protect?" he asked mostly to get more ideas on how to protect Malleus
At that they could feel the way the surrounding air around Yuu seemed to go eerily silent as they let out a growl that could of had mistaken for a beast
"You hunt them down one by one making them feel fear like no other, you hunt them like the measly wretched being they are and then I'd make them know pain, that which would be a thousand times that which they inflicted on those who are MINE" throughout all this Yuu's form began to change slightly their fingers becoming claws and gaining a black tinge that covered their entire hand, their teeth becoming as sharp as knives and a few other changes
Then Grim went up to Yuu and hugged them seemingly knowing why Yuu reacted so drastically
"Calm down henchman, no one's going to hurt us we're safe"
That seemed to calm them down as they looked up and chuckled a bit, "Sorry guys i over reacted a bit but-" Yuu said looking- well more like they were scanning them for any sign of harm, "no one's bothering you guys right?"
At that they seemed perk up as they smiled at Yuu
(Yuu was unaware that they had just implied that considered the first year group THEIRS, and they were also confused why everyone except those they knew gave them such a wide berth in the hallways for a while after)
That's all i got for now! I know it doesn't really make much sense but i swear I'll elaborate more in the future! (hopefully) but there's another thing i wanted to add!!!
So I'm a fan of Technoblade and i like the idea of Eldritch Yuu having their own version of Chat! So like they'd give Yuu advice and help them in their chaotic shenanigans (while maybe purposefully making them seem even more like an Eldritch being because they crave misunderstanding content) So Yuu would have these gaggle of voices that would follow them around that every once in a while others can hear too (Yuu honestly isn't even fazed when all of sudden they have a bunch a sentient voices following them around that's how done they are with Crowley's and everyone's else's bullcrap)
So! I was thinking that certain comments and stuff left on the post i do of eldritch Yuu could be taken as Yuu's "chat"
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Hi can I please ask for a yandere Scaramouche with a darling that has social anxiety and wears Jirai Kai
Fashion because cute and it works as a coping mechanism and where the darling doesn't fight back even after being kidnapped
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1.43k words. Scara masterlist
TW:? Signals of anxiety, mild bullying(recording)
FT: yae miko and mentions of tartaglia.
Scara's oufit for your 'date' ->> Link
Part 2!
Its been weeks, months, years? even since you've been kidnapped by your ex-boyfriend but the constant memories of his killings we're engraved in your mind. It didnt matter how far you ran or who you called for help. He'd always find you, and always bring you back into the same room he kept you in. To the point where eventually you just stopped trying after truly realizing he's killed everyone, accepting this life as your new normal. His normal. Scara was purely addicted to you. Always cooking for you, sleeping with you and even buying you plushies. Everything he did, Was purely for you.
You laid in the bed of your messy room in one of his shirts. Slurping on your favorite drinks while listening to your comfort songs with your black Bluetooth headphones. You didnt have much left at this point. Just the things you enjoyed alone. And alone was how you wanted to keep it. "Darling? Where are you?" Scara said while locking the door to your shared house. You threw another empty can of your drink on the floor, pausing the song and putting your headphones on your counter. Covering your head under the sheets and pretending to be asleep as you could hear his geta sandals click along the floor. The doorknob turned as the blood covered male entered. Immediately searching the room for you. "Oh. Your here love, did you miss me?" You gripped tighter onto the sheets, Feeling his weight press onto the bed. He scanned the room again, looking at the mess. Plushies scatter along the floor, Your books messily on display ontop of your little table. Along with your pretty black hairclips he bought for you. He sighed. Lifting the blanket away from you with little to no effort. "Good morning, y/n." But you didnt turn around. "Hah so you did miss me." He smirked, noticing you wearing his shirt. Scara then rubbed his hands along your back, You shivered in response. "Your still scared..good to know Dont be darling, I wont ever hurt you. Look at me."
Ironic, After all he's done scara was still able to tell white lies in your face. You turned around. Scara was covered in blood along his face and hands, Coating his fatui kimono in a metaled smell. "Sc-Kuni..Your bleeding.." He raised his brows, Looking at the blood along his fingers as if it wasnt even a problem. "Oh hah. That. Dont worry about it darling, It isnt mine." 'Thats even worse.' you thought. "I want to take you out today love. lets-" "NO!" you yelled. "I-i dont want to go out. I want to stay home." He sighed and cupped your cheek. "You know i cant do that anymore sweetheart." It was true, Scara couldnt afford to keep you home as much anymore. Whenever he did and would leave for a long time due to his association with the fatui, you'd just be long gone running off into inazuma. Anywhere Away from him. You spent day's practicing what you'd say to someone about him and for help, Trying desperately to cast aside the pit you had in your chest when talking. "P-please my boyfrien- No, He kidnapped me and!-" "Kid, this isnt a joke. You and your boyfriend can go do your sadistic cosplays somewhere else. Dont waste the Kujou clans time." 'cosplay?' and that was another thing, People never even took what your wore seriously except for scara so what was the point of going outside anymore?
Your heartbeat began to quicken out of fear how he'd react. You stopped laying down and sat up. "Y/n, Darling-" "Then what if i Run away! huh?! W-would you let me stay home then?" He laughed at your example. "How childish, Even if you did, We both know you wouldnt make it far darling. Now please, Go get dressed."
You stepped outside, Still holding the plushie he gave you in one hand. Scara held his hand out for you, "Fuck..You look beautiful darling." You looked up to him as he gave another sadistic grin. The two of you walked through inazuma city while holding hands. You tuned scara out while he muttered more nonsense about his job, a ginger haired boy you never met and how he cant wait until he gets the month off. One whole month to spend with you, Second after second. "Ugh.. You see her clothes? She looks so unprofessional." A older woman whispered by the dango stall. "I know right. She looks like a hoe honestly, You know? those girls that sell themselves out to those big nobushi guys for money." The two girls laughed as you walked pass them. Your heart began beating in a sharp pain again, You held onto kuni's hand tighter while the male was in his daze. "K-kuni.." you mumbled; He immediately turned his head to you after using his real name. "C-can we go home? Please, I dont want to stay outside anymore." He gave a concerned expression, trying to hold in his patience. "W-why daring? We didnt even make it to the store, I wanted to buy you more of your Jirai kai outfits you love. Come on, lets go. I even had ajax request some of those plushies you like from scenzhnaya" He pulled at your hand but you tugged in response. Triggering memories from when he first attacked you. "N-NO! i dont WANT TO GO KUNI!" the two girls looked in shock, then pulling out their phones to record your meltdown and slowly follow the two of you walk. "Darling. Come on. Dont make me-" Scara sighed and let go of your hand, Trying to resume his 'calm' manners. Ajax told him to work on.
The two of you walked to yae publishing house, Where a pink haired woman addressed you. "Ah. If it isnt kubuki, My my who is this beautiful girl you have with you now?" 'now?' did have another girl before you? "I dont feel like indulging in your games today, Youkai. Did Ajax bring what i ordered?" He sighed. "Ajax? Who?" She searched through her working papers. "Hm...Oh that ginger rascal. Yeah your stuff is over there." "Stay right here." He gestured to you. "Say arent you a gift, Is he treating you well? You know..I happen to be good friends with his mother." Yae miko said, you nodded your head vigorlessly. "Y-yes! I love Kuni alot, He is very nice." Miko giggled in response. 'Kuni huh. What an interesting name he took after this time.' "Is that so dear? You look a little exhausted, A beautiful girl as you shouldnt be tearing up now." She handed you a tissue. "T-thank you ms youkai. I-im sorry..I just really want to go home and relax." You wiped your eyes. "Really dear? and why haven't you?" "W-well.." you ranted off to miko about the two girls who've been bothering you on your walk with kuni. "I-i just wish people didnt look at me this way, I love my clothes they make me feel really-" "Comfortable?" She cut you off. "Y-yeah! and kuni likes them too. I just feel happy and more confident you know?" You continued the conversation with yae miko as her welcoming aura calmed you down from your breakdown.
From across the desk Kuni listened into your conversation. "Two girls with phones, short hair and purple kimonos." Thats all he needed to know. He laughed at the women. Not about you but the fact that they had the audacity to even do that while he was around. Or even say those things to you. He emerged from behind the stall with the plushies. Watching as your eyes lit up when he handed them to you. A warm smile appeared on his face as he hugged you. Not wanting to let you out of his grasp again. Kuni told you to go eat at a stall and wait for him to catch up as he 'had some issues with the delivery' and conversed with yae miko. "The fuck do you think your doing? I dont care how you pretend to care for humans to please over your god, But You have no business to ever be bothered with her. Do you understand that?" He leaned over the desk. "Well..Since you asked so nicely, Id rather believe im doing you a favor, puppet. My, Y/n was much more comfortable talking to me about her problems more than shes ever talked to you yes? Shouldnt you be more. Approachable to your s/o?" She smirked. "I am. Approachable. Why does it even matter to you? Dont you have more important things to do like writing lewd storys about humans like some sadist? I dont think ei would like that would she?" the two of them stopped arguing to the sound of two girls talking. Two girls in purple kimonos... "Hm. I believe those are the two you are looking for, Kubuki? "
Scara grabbed your hand as you nearly dropped your dango. Following the girls eagerly with a giant grin on his face. "Ah- Kuni! Why are you in a rush we-" The girls walked inside a house within the outskirts of inazuma. You puffed off your skirt and continued to eat dango. "Here." He said, "These we're the girls bothering you my love?" Suddenly the mood changed and the sinking feeling in your heart came back once more. "...Girls?..k-Kuni!? did you follow them?!" He ignored your words and gestured for you to wait behind the trees for him. Knocking on the door as a faint glow of lightning emerged from his hands, forming a purple katana that could resemble the masou no hitotachi.
You held onto your plushie tight as the sounds of screams and cries erupted within the area. Slowly coming to grasps with what he was doing. Kuni was getting rid of the girls that hurt you. The ones that made you lash out and practically ruin what could have been a good day for you. A small giggle came out of your mouth, Which you immediately stopped by shoving the last piece of dango into your mouth. 'No. Kuni is still evil, he's still the bastard that even made my life like this!' you turned around when the screams and cries died down. only to be greeted by kuni right infront of you covered in blood and smashing his lips against yours right Infront of the tree. Giving an irritated sigh at the surprisingly sweet taste from your mouth, yet still on his high from the people he killed.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
hi! can you write a miles (1610) x gn/fem pop star s/o? thanks so much!!
My Muse
Characters: 1610!Miles Morales x Black!Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: (Requested) Thanks for the reqs, sweets
Warning: none :)
A/N: Did I use this as an excuse to talk about my favorite songs? Maybe lol. Let me know if you have heard of any of these, they are listed below.
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Dating someone famous was not for the weak, Miles expected that. You tried to keep your relationship private, knowing how unhinged your fans could be. You loved and appreciated them (well most of them) but they could be a bit much at times.
And because of that your dating life was on standby until you met Miles. He was perfection in every sense of the world. And somehow, when your relationship inevitablely got leaked, he was calm about it. Well of course during first week Miles was the definition of a mess because who wouldn’t be. He was constantly refreshing the comment section of posts and the like.
But after that he went private and kinda moved on. Two months later and it was like the leak never existed. You moved on with your lives and the rest of the world did too.
Miles was hanging out in your room, music playing in the background. You were writing lyrics in your book and he was sketching in his. With the afternoon sun lighting up the room, the scene felt picturesque.
You felt someone watching you, and when you looked up, it was Miles. His face was resting on his palm and he had a lovesick expression on his face.
“You should take a picture, it'll last longer,” you joked and that broke him out of it whatever daydream he was having.
“Oh…oh. Um, was I staring?” He asked sheepishly.
“Yes, you were,” you chuckled. “But it’s cute.”
You leaned over and caught a glimpsed of his sketch book. But only that as he snatched the thing out of your reach. “Hey, hey, you know the deal. You look into my book, and I look into yours.”
You stared at Miles, mulling over the offer in your head, weighing the pros and cons in your head. “Okay, fine.”
You really wanted to see what that boy was so secretive about in there. And you always wanted to stare at the lil sketches he made of you. You exchanged books and went to looking.
You just hoped he wouldn't be a dork (affectionately) about what you written in your book.
But this is Miles we’re talking about here. Being dork is practically his middle name.
He glances up at you and his eyes says it all. Your cheeks were getting hot but thankfully with your complexion, it won't show.
“Can’t stop thinking ‘bout the way you kissed me, under the stars’?” Miles recounts the lyrics you wrote.
You ignored him and continued to look through his sketchbook. Even though you were enjoying his reactions.
It's one of your favorite parts about thing whole singing thing (other than the money obviously), it was how people reacted to your songs. Especially the ones who inspired it.
“Oh, and another one! ‘You’re the water when I’m stuck in the desert. You’re the Tylenol I take when my head hurts. You’re the sunshine of my life.’” He reads the words from the book with a smug smile on his face.
“What you cheesing for?” you asked with a big smile of your own.
Miles sets the book down on his overcrowded night table and comes closer to you, “You know, while reading this book, one would assume that I'm your muse."
He's staring at me with a teasing smirk on his face, “Well, am I?”
Instead of answering you shoved his book in his face and flipped through the multiple drawings that Miles has of you, “And what about this? Does this mean I'm your muse too?"
“Okay, okay you got me. I guess we’re both muses for eachother then?”
You look at him and can't help but smile, “Yea, I guess we are.”
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Tags: @butterfi, @somber-dreamz, @jam-skullz, @hoeboat101, @randomhoex, @badbehaviorxx, @gw3ndyswonderland, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @itstooearly-its3am, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @rosebunny, @maypersonne, @yourtsahik, @mur-docs, @sawi-06, @707xn, @andhdi68a, @emgavi, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @ellatienesuscosas, @laylasbunbunny, @minimari415, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @avatarl0v3r, @nerdyparker616, @jell0buss-37, @centipider, @keawio, @skullux, @luci1fer, @jazisc00l, @thebestandrealestever, @baneofthemultiverse, @1uvvmi,
Anonlist & Reqs Info & Masterlist & 500 Followers Celebration!! & Taglist
Songs used: ur so pretty - wasia project & best part -HER ft. Daniel Caesar
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cloudcountry · 1 year
unobtainable (spoilers for books 3 & 4)
Genre/Tropes: Unrequited Love (Reader towards Azul.)
Summary: Azul is so beautiful, yet so untouchable.
Author's Comments: Idk what this is I just wanted to hurt. I'm in a mood right now I DONT KNOW HELP!!! Also I had the idea to write a sequel where either Jade or Floyd helps the reader get over Azul and they get together, but not as rebound thing where Azul likes the reader later no no no! He stays uninterested but reader is happy with their new bf(s) and its cute but also idk I kinda like just leaving it at angst LMAO
You spent your afternoons after class at the Mostro Lounge. It was a venture you enjoyed making, and a place you enjoyed going to in order to relax. The atmosphere was calming after the chaos you endured day after day in this world you were destined to stay in until the foreseeable future.
You’d made pretty good friends with both Jade and Floyd at this point, though you knew it wasn’t emotional on their side. They found you entertaining, and you were willing to put up with that if it meant having more people to support you during your difficult time here. Ace and Deuce would always be your favorites, but the amount of Overblots that had been occurring lately had you worried. Of course the magicless student would be tasked with dealing with the overuse of magic by some of Night Raven College’s most powerful students.
“The usual?” Jade asked, smiling serenely at you.
“Uh huh.” you smiled back, eyes darting around the establishment in search of a very specific person, “Is...Is Azul in today?”
Jade laughed a bit at your question, gesturing to the VIP Room. Swallowing thickly, you stared at the door as if willing him to appear. When he didn’t, you looked up at Jade again.
“Jade...how many points do I have? Can I see him?” you asked, your nerves making you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
“You may,” his expression made it clear that he knew of your feelings, but you chose to ignore it, “I’ll let him know you’re coming after you finish your drink.”
As Jade stepped away from your table, you felt your heart give a jump. You were finally going to confess how you felt—after dealing with his Overblot and how he reacted to you at the museum and how he tried to protect you during Jamil’s Overblot, you were sure you had a chance. The two of you had gotten relatively close over the course of the last few months, and all of it had led up to this moment! You were going to confess to Azul and nothing would stand in your way. Jade brought back your drink with a smile, setting it down in front of you without another word. He’d added his own personal touch on it, you realized, staring at the little octopus design floating on the surface. That wasn’t a part of your usual. Sipping on the beverage thoughtfully, you considered your words carefully. Should you confess bluntly or romantically? Should you have gotten him a gift? What if you blurt out something out that offends him? What if he thinks you’re trying to get something out of him again and misses the point of your confession? You wanted to finish the drink quickly, but your nerves made it seem like it was taking forever.
“Azul is ready to see you.” Jade placed a hand on your shoulder, guiding you up from your seat.
You said nothing as he led you closer and closer to the VIP Room, your heart pounding in your chest. You had to tell him or you’d regret it forever. Steeling your nerves, you squared your shoulders and walked a bit ahead of Jade. You could do this.
He chuckled as he knocked on the door, the immediate “come in” from inside making your heart stutter. Jade opened the door and pushed you inside gently, still smiling as he closed the door behind you. You met Azul’s cool gaze, his gray eyes drowning you in their depth. You swallow thickly, stepping closer to him.
“Come here. Have a seat.” he offered you a polite smile, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk, “Ironic, is it not? You break hundreds of my contracts and now you’re here asking for a deal.”
“No hard feelings I hope...?” you winced, sitting down as quickly as possible.
“None at all.” he reassured you, his voice betraying the slightest hint of bitterness.
Oh well, you should have expected that. You did destroy years of his hard work in the blink of an eye. Even if it was Leona...you still orchestrated the whole thing. You hoped he wouldn’t mind your confession after this rocky start. Yikes.
You cleared your throat before you continued speaking.
“I’m...not here for a contract. I actually just wanted to tell you something.” you said, trying hard to hold his gaze as you steeled your nerves again.
“What is it, then?” Azul eyes you warily, adjusting his glasses.
“I would like to go out with you sometime. Just the two of us. If you wouldn’t mind. I think...you’re really intelligent, and you’re so competent which is hard to find at a school like this, you’re always so composed and have an air of power and strength that takes my breath away. You’re really resourceful and think through everything you do and I’m sure you knew how I felt before I did because you’re so aware of everything that happens around you. So, um...if you’d like to do something with me, whenever you’re free, I’d like that a lot!” you inhaled deeply once you finished speaking, proud of yourself for maintaining eye contact that entire time.
You weren’t sure how you did it—you probably just froze and couldn’t move any part of your body but hey, at least you managed to confess this time. Azul’s expression was the slightest bit shocked, his composure betraying nothing but that sliver of surprise. He cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses again, seemingly flustered by your admission.
“Why would I go out with you? You’re going to leave anyway.” Azul replied, his words cold and blunt and unfeeling, “It’d do you some good to not get attached. You don’t quite belong in this world, Prefect, as magicless as you are.”
You gasped, your heart shattering in your chest. Azul looked at you with pity in his gaze, his mouth twisted into a frown.
“Is that everything you had to discuss with me? I apologize, but I do not share the same sentiments. If you’re going to meet with me again, please make sure it’s for a deal and not for...emotional matters.” he gave you another smile, this one less relaxed than the previous one.
“That’s...that’s all. Thank you for listening to me, Azul.” you mumbled, too shocked by the rejection to speak.
“Lovely. Out you go, dear.” he said just as Jade opened the door again.
“Your time is up. I hope the transaction went well?” he asked, gaze flickering from you to Azul.
“No such thing happened. Please escort the Prefect out.” Azul didn’t spare you another glance, his focus shifting to the documents on his table.
“Yes.” Jade held out his hand for you, eyes twinkling with amusement.
He knew.
You didn’t take his hand, stumbling out of the VIP Room as the world spun around you.
Azul Ashengrotto was entirely, irrevocably, unobtainable.
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tsintotwo · 2 years
(Part 5/ Bonus part of 4)
Aight. After the last post I totally had to check myself because I was under the impression that Junkhearts was the only movie of Tom’s I hadn’t yet seen, but apparently there was another one called Three Way Junction, AND I found another cameo (someone add these and Hello Apartment on Tom’s wiki, I can’t figure out a way to edit tables on there) (Edit: Took care of it.) A few wonderful people got in touch with this info, PLUS a bootleg link to watch the 1984 production Tom was in!! Just, THANK YOU folks, and you bet your ass I watched everything. Let me talk a bit about that before I move on to the links.
Junkhearts (2011)- War vet very kindly offers homeless girl shelter in his house, but her bad crowd (including her bf, played by Tom) comes along and invades his life. Tom is a Northern Irish boy in this (complete with the accent) and is the kind of dude who would walk into a situation and abuse everyone and everything. It blows my mind that this irl smol bean did so many disturbing/disturbed characters and did them SO well. He really makes the angel-faced-devil thing work. This movie is dark, and deals with heavy matters like PTSD and drugs. Be advised. Good movie tho.
Double Date (2017)- Do NOT ask me anything about this one, man, idk. Tom in a beard, hat, eyes rimmed in black liner, and with a fake rhinestone tear for 1:30 mins. I didn’t even hear what he said.
Three Way Junction (2018)- English architect (Tom) goes soul searching to Namibia, everyone he meets acts wiser than him, then he gets stranded in the desert. I will call this movie formulaic, but before that, let me acknowledge I was just getting comfortable, then it stepped on my throat and left me agonizingly invested for a good amount of time. The desert-stranded scenes, Tom almost dying from thirst and hunger, body switching off, face peeling from the sun, hallucinating, all alone… it was hard to watch, y’all (in a good way, I suppose). Tom gives it his all and it pays off, because by the end I wanted to scream along with him. The very end is, again, formulaic.
1984 on Broadway (2017)- Winston in the book: I am a 39 y/o gray dude,  oppressed and depressed, listen to my musings and experience about politics
Me: Of course! I am intellectually stimulated!
Tom’s Winston: *spits aggressively*
Me: Fu** me, daddy
Trust Tom fuckin Sturridge to make Winston Smith SEXY I AM SO UPSET (AND HORNY) *deep breath* okay. Olivia Wilde broke Tom’s nose acting this, he broke her tailbone. People fainted, threw up, and left the theatre. Need I say more about how intense this production was? And I abfuckingsolutely loved it, oh my GOD. This was a brilliant adaptation of the classic George Orwell novel imo, the changes they made were very clever. Tom is the MC, and in the beginning, he is confused and is just reacting to things rather than acting. But he gets more and more into it and then comes the last act- graphic torture scene of him that they recreated from the book. I understand why people left the room, y’all. I mean, I KNEW what would happen and by the end even I was like ‘fuck me, fuck y’all, fuck this, what the fuck’, and I could PAUSE. But this is how 1984 should be, imo. I’m not saying this just because I’m a simp for Tom: the work he’s done for this is extraordinary. It takes a special kind of actor to even attempt something like it.
[Edit: I've discovered Tom also appeared in Brothers of the Head (2005), a mockumentary-movie about conjoined twins who became rockstars. Tom might be in it for just the ten seconds around 55:00 that I could find him in.]
Now that’s all done, let’s move on to the links. I know most people may have seen most of these, but still may be of help to a few? And I’m making this for my reference as much as for anyone else anyway, so.
Interviews/Being Filmed:
1. We all know there have been sooo many interviews from the Sandman junket. Some of my favorite moments:
a. Tom talking about his experience in the glass cage here (4:15), here (2:00) and here (4:12)
b. Tom shows us (11:34) his button brickphone. An aside: I think he at least had a smartphone at one point- you can see him tapping one here (:10) and he mentioned in the giggly Sea Wall interview that he browsed Wiki on his way there, so… anyway, point is tho, it’s none of our fuckin business
c. Vivienne praises Tom so much that he clenches his fists and is out of breath. Aside: When people he’s less familiar with drop praises, he has no reaction. Like, not even awkwardness, zero reaction except a half smile, e.g. here (4:43), here (4:04) and here (10:11). I just think it’s a funny shy boi thing XD
d. Totally RANDOM, but I love his eyeroll (9:00)
e. Unexpectedly deep and amazing answer to what nightmare Tom would give other people (plus everything else tbh)
f. Tom insisting that eating only within 4 out of 24 hrs and exercising for 5 hrs each day for 3 months was ‘easy’ compared to actually playing Morpheus. This man is insane.
g. Tom stole the sand pouch and is so shifty about it lmao
h. I said this before: Tom and Morpheus are still totally separate in my mind, so seeing this BTS when he’s dressed as Morpheus but speaks as Tom is a reality-shifting experience for me every time. Also, in natural light the subtle eye makeup is really popping. God, this man would KILL it with smokey eyes!
2. I love animated talkers who are also articulate, they tend to be the best storytellers. Tom being just that in these Orphans (5:12) and Sea Wall (37:26) interviews (I recommend watching Tom in both in full, tbh)
3. Linking this Orphans interview because a. His eloquence and wisdom shine through and b. He’s looking sort of devastatingly pretty
4. Tom can play the piano!
5. Never seen a Brit giggle so much (I know I already gif-ed this but you gotta hear the SOUNDS)
6. Englishman struggles to speak English for half a minute straight
7. Tom’s workout vid for Sandman. Not to ogle, to appreciate the unholy amount of effort. You can also see the inconspicuous S tattoo on his back (for his ex, I guess). This man is wearing a hat in the gym... hair too long?
8. Far from the Madding Crowd interview because I need y’all to see this look
9. I like this 1984 interview ‘cause it’s interesting, been edited in a creepy way matching the content they’re talking about +Tom talks about not using a smartphone
10. Adding this to show how much Tom has grown, as we all grow. The ‘romantic’ experience he describes here, while startlingly honest, I can’t see him talking about now. He was a bit rough around the edges, a little awkward with his presence. I find that endearing and relatable, honestly, ‘cause I am VERY different in the way I present myself, speak, communicate now from a few yrs ago. It’s a process.
Some of my faves here: 
1.      Best Sandman/Morpheus tributes 1, 2, 3, 4. Angsty king Morpheus. Cool Morpheus. 
2.      AMAZING Morpheus x Jessamy 1, 2 and 3
3.      Morpheus x Johanna 1 and 2
4.      Morpheus x Calliope 1, 2 and 3
5.      Me: I ain’t no Twilight fan and watched TVD only for Damon, vampires can suck it away form me. Also me: Watches this 50 times in a row. Edward x Morpheus
6.      Bruce Wayne x Morpheus
7.      WTF is going on and why do I love it: AU/Crossovers/Fancasts with Morpheus- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
8.      Will x Emma, Waiting for Forever
9.      Best Jake x Tess, Sweetbitter, 1 , 2 , 3, 4
10.      Best Alex x Nigel, Like Minds, 1 and 2
11.      Effie Gray x John Everett Millais, 1 and 2
12. + Tom in Remainder 
13. Carlo Marx, Carl (3 Way Junction), King Henry VI, Danny (Junkhearts)
Voice Work:
1.      Sea Wall audio
2.      Someone isolated Tom’s voice from the music in the Netflix podcast
3.      Tom reading two letters. This one by Henry James is emotional and I expected his passionate reading, but this one by Mark Twain- Tom was HILARIOUS! Please make him do more comedy.
4. Tom reading Wordsworth’s ‘A Complaint’
5. Tom as Morpheus- playlist of his dialogues isolated for each episode 
1.      1984 bootleg (480p)
2.      Context: Someone made a t-shirt with Tom’s head on the boobs and wore it, which RPatz saw and mentioned in an interview. The whole thing is bonkers. Maybe I was having a slow day but I laughed for a solid minute at this lmao (but I’m a whole adult-adult writing 1500+ words posts about Tom, so maybe I should shut my mouth).
3.   (Later addition): Masterlist of fics I wrote. The Sandman/Morpheus and Sweetbitter/Jake.
I might be adding more if I remember new things, but this is it for now. I actually enjoyed writing these posts. It’s been real, folks.
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Hangman Dating Plus Sized S/O Part 8/14- Imagine
Summary: You are meeting the squad for the first time and are very nervous on how they will react to your size. 
Pairings: Jake Seresin x afab/Reader
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, violence, blood, foul language, body insecurity, and swearing. 
Word Count: 2517
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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Dating Jake for the last couple of weeks had been absolutely amazing. You guys had been keeping your relationship on the down low however. It was by your request as you were pretty insecure and didn’t know what his friends would think about the two of you together. The squad definitely knew that something was different with Hangman though. He had started to blow off nights out with them. Had started spending more time on his phone and had seemed a little more chipper.(A little he’s still an asshole)They had been grilling him nonstop since they noticed the difference in him. Phoenix was of course the first one to actually have evidence.
It was a night at the hard deck one of the few that Jake was attending. She had seen him sending a text off to someone and had looked over his shoulder cause shes a nosy little fucker. The name Y/N with a little heart next to it was at the top of the screen.
Then very loudly “Who’s Y/N Bagman?” came belting out of the front seater. 
That quickly got everyone's attention and they were all swarming around Hangman. He locked his phone and set it down on the table while looking smug as a fucking bug. 
Turning to the group he said “That is for me to know and for you not to know.” 
They tried to pester him some more but Javy jumped in with a deep “Guys why don’t you just back off him. It’s probably just an old hookup or something.” 
That obviously didn’t sway them. If anything that made the questions worse. He sighed and told them that they were a bother and that he was going home. He went to the bar and paid his tab and then left. 
Once he got home he called you and you guys talked it over. After much convincing that his squad would in fact love you and that you had nothing to worry about you decided that you would meet them.
So that’s how you found yourself in the hard deck waiting for the squad to show up.
Jake had asked if you could meet them there after work which you had agreed to as it gave you more time to get yourself in order. You had changed your outfit like 12 times before settling on a pair of ripped jeans, a cute t-shirt with a nice jacket and your favorite shoes. You had gone for a really minimal makeup look. You knew how hot bars in California could get and didn’t want your makeup to get messed up. 
With that being said you were a nervous fucking wreck. You were peeling the label off the beer you had ordered for Jake. Maybe your leg was jumping up and down as well but that was not something you were going to acknowledge. 
Picking up the phone you were about to call Jake to ask when they were gonna get here when you heard a big group of people coming in talking loudly and laughing. Turning around you spotted Jake instantly. He had his arm wrapped around Javys shoulder and his head was thrown back in a deep laugh. You felt all the nerves in your body ease away. Jake had that type of hot shower after a long day into freshly washed sheets kinda calming effect on you. 
The both of you had a bit of sixth sense with each other so he found you quickly. As the rest of the squad walked to the pool table and dart board Hangman booked it to the bar telling the group the first round was on him. They let out whoops and hollers of excitement. Coyote had a big cheshire grin on his face once he saw you and quickly waved to you in which you waved back. 
Once you turned back around Jake was right there with the look of a child seeing snow for the first time. You had a smile to match. 
“Hey there gorgeous come here often?” Jake flirted with you. 
“Not really this is my first time I’m supposed to meet my really handsome aviator boyfriend and his really awesome group of aviator friends here.” You teased back. 
“Well he is one lucky fella to land someone as gorgeous as you.” He said while scooting closer to you making a blush blossom across your face. 
At this point Penny came up to the two of you and asked Jake what he wanted. You slid his beer over to him as he told Penny he would need a round for the squad. She nodded her head and turned around to start working on it. He turned back to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek with a quiet thank you for the beer.
“How long have you been waiting here?” He questioned you while taking in the state of his label. Shrugging you looked at your hands noticing the sticky residue under your nails for the first time. Slowly starting to pick it out you looked back up at him. 
“It’s only been about 15 minutes Jake. I wanted to be sure I was here by the time you guys got here. I didn’t want my first impression to be a late one.” He grabbed a hold of your hands and gave you a small smile. 
“If you aren’t comfortable meeting the squad tonight then we can leave now. It’ll be no big deal. I know how stressed you’ve been about meeting them and I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want to do.” Squeezing his hand you exclaimed to him that you were more than ready to meet everyone. 
Meanwhile with the squad they were all whispering about who Hangman was talking to at the bar. Rooster wasn’t paying attention as he simply didn’t care. Instead he was surveying the room to see who he would be taking home tonight.
Phoenix, Bob and Fanboy were all talking about how pretty you were and that there was no way Hangman had scored someone like you when they saw you both stand up and make your way over to them. Jake had a tray of drinks in his hand and you had a beer in one hand and a vodka soda in the other. You looked really nervous and they could tell. 
Walking up to the group you were taking deep breaths while Jake told you that all you had to do was say the words and you guys could be home cuddled up in bed watching a show instead. You insisted that you were fine and kept walking. Looking up you spotted some of the group staring at you which made you take a gulp and another deep breath while looking down. You took a quick glance at your outfit and hoped you looked good enough to be with this big group of aviators. 2 steps before reaching the group Jake whispered that you looked drop dead gorgeous and it was all going to be fine. 
Then he had his usual Hangman smirk on his face while announcing for everyone to come and grab a drink. He set the tray down on a table and threw his arm around your shoulders and grabbed his beer from you. He gave you a kiss on the side of your head and turned back to the group. They just kinda stood there staring at you 2 before Phoenix piped up. 
“Well Bagman who is this beauty you have here?” That made Jake smile big and wide but also had you blushing. You couldn’t believe someone as beautiful as her was complementing you. 
“This here Ladies and Gents is my amazing girlfriend Y/N.” You gave a quick wave to everyone with a small hello. Then it was like the damn broke because you had questions firing off from pretty much everyone. With wide eyes you started playing with your straw in your drink.
Jake hastily shut everyone up with a sharp order to “Shut the fuck up you imbeciles.” The group quieted down and turned back to their games. That was when Javy decided to come up to you. 
“Hey Y/N how have you been doing?” You smiled at him with some relief that you at least sorta knew 1 more person than Jake. You had previously met Javy and adored the friendship he had with Jake. 
“Hey Javy I’ve been doing great how have you been? Jake has said work has been kinda stressful lately.” 
“It’s been a little rough with the new training but it’s nothing we can’t handle.” He spoke very smuggly while Jake agreed next to you and raised his beer to Javy so they could knock them together in a form of cheers to themselves. 
“Hey bagman wanna join in for a round.” Payback spoke up to Jake while holding up a pool stick. Jake glanced at you and you nodded your head giving him a quick kiss. Then he was walking over to the table grabbing the stick from him while telling him he better be ready to kick ass if he was gonna be on his team. Javy quickly pointed out that the other team was Fanboy and Halo. Then he pointed out the rest of the squad. You made sure to repeat the names back to him which he would quickly nod when you got it right. Slowly you started to feel more at ease in the group. None of them seemed to be bothered by you.
Phoenix and Bob had made their way over to your table and they were asking you a million questions. Okay Phoenix was asking you a million questions and Bob was sitting there eating peanuts. Javy had moved away to the dart board with Fritz, Harvard and Yale. 
You were in the middle of telling the duo a story about something funny that had happened at work that day when you felt eyes on you. Glancing up you saw Rooster sitting at a booth with a strange look on his face. You didn’t think much of it and turned back to the pair across from you and continued the story. That was until you saw Rooster moving towards your table from the corner of your eye. Before you could ask Phoenix or Bob what his deal might be he was at your table. 
He was fucking tall so he was looking down on you even though you were sitting in a tall chair at the high table. You glanced at him and then glanced at the the other two with a questioning look in your eyes but they looked just as confused as you. You turned back to him about to introduce yourself when he interrupted you. 
“Who the fuck are you and what are you doing over here with us?” He spat out at you.
“Uhm I’m Hangmans girlfriend Y/N.” You squeaked out looking up for Jake who was already looking at you. You looked back at Rooster as he started speaking again. 
“There is no way that Hangman would go for someone as fat as you.” He snarked out at you. You just gulped while tears started rising to your eyes. Phoenix was up pushing him away from you before he could say anything else to you. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you man?” Came from Bob as he also stood up. Jake had somehow appeared before you without you realizing as you looked at your feet. He had his hands on your knees as he crouched down to look at your face. 
“Y/N are you okay? What do you need me to do?” You heard him ask you but you just sniffled and told him you wanted to go home. He nodded his head and told you to give him just a second. With that he stood to his full height and turned around where Phoenix was yelling at Rooster. Jake calmly walked up to the pair. Rooster turned to say something to him but before he could even blink Jake had landed a right hook straight to his nose. A loud crack could be heard around the bar as it was pretty empty with your group and a few stragglers being the only ones left. Then blood came gushing out of Roosters nose like a hose just turned on. 
Rooster brought his hands up to his nose with a low fuck. Jake took a deep breathe and looked at him. “You are gonna go over there and fucking apologize to her right now. You will never talk to her like that again or I will make sure you can never fly again. Do you fucking understand me?” Bradley went to say something to him but Jake pushed him in the chest. 
“Do you fucking understand me Bradshaw?” Jake said in a stern voice. Bradley nodded his head. Jake grabbed him by his shirt and brought him over to you. “Now what do you have to say to her?” 
“I’m sorry Y/N. It won’t happen again. I didn’t mean anything I said.” Rooster said knowing his mom would be so disappointed in him right now. He looked at Jake but Jake was looking at you. You simply nodded your head and Jake let go of Roosters shirt. 
“You might want to go clean up Bradshaw you have blood all over your shirt.” Jake said while he grabbed your hand and dragged you outside to your car. Once you were both outside in the humid night air he went to ask you if you were really okay. Before he could get a word out however you were throwing your arms around his neck and slamming your lips together. His hands found your waist and he squeezed lightly. Once you pulled back due to the lack of oxygen he smiled at you. 
“What was that for?” He questioned. 
“No one has ever stood up for me like that Jake. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” You whispered to him.
“I would do anything to protect you Y/N. No one will ever talk to you like that when I’m around. I can promise you that. I’m just sorry I wasn’t there to stop it sooner.” 
“You got there right in time Jake. You were the perfect Knight in Khakis. Now take me home so we can cuddle and watch a show Handsome.” You said while handing him your keys. He gave you a peck on the lips as he opened your door for you. After you slipped in and were buckled up he ran to the drivers side and slipped in himself. With one hand on your thigh he took you home to cuddle. 
Back inside the bar Bradley was pulling his wallet out to pay for the squads tab for the night as well as everyone else's tabs that were left. He would never talk to you like that again and he would make sure to make it up to. 
A/N: This legit took me forever and I thought I was never going to get done. There’s probably typos and other shit in this. If so I’m sorry I am the writer and the Beta reader and I’m exhasuted from work. I’m gonna work on my WIP list tomorrow and get that posted. 
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donnerpartyofone · 11 months
Wow, I just saw where you put the comma in your user name. It's even funnier now.
I never thought of it as Donner, Party of One as a table reservation. Announced in an officious tone.
I pictured it as donnerparty OF ONE. Meaning there is only one person in the Donner Party. As in, you are all alone in the cold woods eating yourself. LOL.
Hahaha obviously this is the username that keeps on giving! It's interesting how people react to it. I don't remember how long ago I came up with it but I'm sure I was feeling VERY clever, it would be many years before I learned that Robin Williams made the same joke in some standup routine, and he probably wasn't the first person to think of it either. I once applied for a job where the person who interviewed me vigorously insisted that I got it from the movie SCREAM, and I'm sure that joke is nowhere to be found in any installment of SCREAM but she was so passionate about her assumption for some reason, I didn't fight her on it too hard; in retrospect I chose the irrational belief that that was an omen that that was going to be a really hard, shitty, low-paying job.
My conscious interest in cannibalism emerged during my first semester at college, where it became clear that I had been interested in cannibalism all along but had never really connected the dots. It seemed to be the most frightening and compelling thing I could think of. When I was a kid I had a copy of Silence of the Lambs that I carried around like it was the Bible, reading it over and over. I had intensely vivid nightmares about THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE for years before I would ever see the movie, my brain just seemed to know it would become a big part of my life. RAVENOUS came out right before I went to college and when I got there I made a cult out of it; I was watching it at-least-daily in the dorm lounge, which at first people hated, then some people started to join me, then after we came back from Thanksgiving I learned that a lot of people went home and showed it to their families! And then it seemed to happen that whenever I picked the movie, it would involve cannibalism unpredictably--none of us were Shakespeare-literate enough to know it would be in TITUS, and when it randomly came up in DEAD MAN everyone turned around and looked at me like I must have known, like I tricked them. There were other examples that aren't coming to me. At some point it just sort of became my identity. I used to have a couple of fork & knife clothing patches that I painted and wore on various things.
I just think it's interesting, like it has lots of allegorical possibilities. I'm mainly attracted to it as a description of extreme anti-sociality. Like in TEXAS CHAIN SAW, you have a nuclear family in the American heartland, but instead of a heterogeneous unit that makes more people, you have a clan that is somehow only males and they consume people. (I mean there's a mother theoretically but she's literally a mummy, which I think is pointed) I'm interested in that kind of unhealthy system inversion. But people react to it all kinds of different ways, it's curious. I recently contacted this woman who wrote a horror-related paper I loved and she replied that she'd be happy to talk to me about anything "except cannibalism :)". I said this elsewhere but when I arrived at this book launch I had to host last week, the author told me "You know you're doing something right if people are offended!" and explained that when the event was publicized with my bio attached, which listed some of my academic interests, some guy emailed him "THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT CANNIBALISM!" and cc'd a bunch of different people like it was an emergency; I mean considering what else was in my bio, I guess he thinks I find murder and sexual exploitation "funny" too, but none of that stuff bothered him. After the event someone waited patiently to tell me about his favorite metal band that only plays songs about serial killers, including some prominent cannibals, and I had to promise I would listen to it. Whatever you think about it, it's a very provocative topic, and I guess it's good that people are still sensitive enough to have a strong reaction!
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blu3haw4 · 7 months
First Line Game
Tagged by @lexa-griffins
rules: don't reblog the first one, make a new post! look at the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any!
1) Famous AU (I remember posting it for clextober 2023, but I can't find it there or in my blog)
As per routine for the past several months, the group of musicians signed with arkadia Music's made their way into the hall of the hotel as they each finished their own interviews, every room on this floor was reserved for their pre-concert activities, and soon they would be leaving to the venue.
2) I'd like to be a bear this Halloween (clextober 2022)
She was almost falling asleep; her head dropping slightly every other minute before she could react and lift it back up. It had been a long while since she's dropped her book on the table, giving up on being able to understand the words she was reading.
3) Loved your Parting Gift (dead people are my favorite) (Clextober 2022)
The slightly salty scent of the only substance that could ever satiate her hunger filled her nostrils as she walked into her apartment, before she could manage a hold of her -un- natural instincts she was launching forward into her kitchen, following the smell and quickly sinking her fangs on the flesh on display of the body laying on her counter.
4) Thieve's Crew (Clexaweek 2022)
"You got her, Reyes?" The head of the team, Lexa Woods, self and socially proclaimed 'The Commander' asked as she leaned over her hacker's shoulder, with a hand in the van's wall over the screens and the other in the back of chair. She knew the latina had her, but she was wanting for her to show her where she could see.
5) BUILD Series NYU - Horizon Hukop Season One (Clexaweek 2022)
“Hey hey hey! Here we are at build NYC, everyone please welcome these are Lexa Woods and Clarke Griffin, who play Commander Alicia Clark and Queen Elyza Lexlands, two fabulous powerful women, out of many, I must add, on the sensational newly controversial show Horizon Hukop"
6) Guess we'll have to work it out (Clexaweek 2022)
It had been a very long week; with unhappy clients who had no idea what they were talking about, with her boss scolding her for those clients who complained about her incapacity to produce their unexplainable ideas they couldn't even picture themselves. Llexa was tired, and more than she would care to admit for sure.
7) Horizon Hukop - Sneak Peak II (Clexaweek 2022)
"And as I've been telling you for the past six years, I do not need a partner to rule by my side!" The Queen of Skykru exclaimed trying her hardest to keep her voice at the proper tone for this meeting with the clan's council, while also making sure there was no room for argument. She's been through this enough times to know that one small leak of her composure was all some of the eldest members needed to attack her.
8) Don't give up (Clexaweek 2022)
"Fuck!" Having met the other woman not more than a couple day ago shouldn't make the out burst surprising -at least considering that anyone as little prepared as they were would probably react the same- however the exasperated way in which the stoic, always calm biologist -who hasn't shown a glint of pother in her demeanor since the second they met- grunts angrily as she once again tries to climb the wall of ice they fell through about an hour ago, confuses her more than she would care to admit.
9) Horizon Hukop - Sneak Peak I (Clexaweek 2022)
"I told you; she's not a problem!" "She knows too much" the Commander declares as an explanation she didn't consider she needed to give, she turned away from the Queen and left her war paint on the war table "she disagrees with us" she continued "not to mention she's not even unhappy, she's angry at our decision"
10) LexaClarke (Clexaweek 2021)
Lexa has been struggling with telling her girlfriend about her powers ever since they started dating four years ago, she also would be lying is she said she never considered before, when she and Clarke were only friends. But it was complicated, it wasn't every day that you met someone with powers, and even if it was more common that one would think, it was definitely not common to meet someone who could quite literally control your mind.
Tagging: @eternalreignblog @ecfandom if you guys want, I think every other writer I follow has already been tagged, but feel free to do your own and say I tagged you (;
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vintagecandyshop · 9 months
Ok. Hello, can I be unhinged about Willy Wonka for a second?
Yes, this is spurred on by the new Wonka movie, but I haven't seen it-- what I'm reacting to is the way other people talk about that movie. And most of all Willy Wonka as a character and when people try to explain what they think is wrong with Timothy Chalamet's performance. Here's a funny thing about me-- I'm an old movie fan, but I don't usually like movies from the 70s. And yet, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1970) is my all time favorite movie.
I have given the inner psyche of Willy Wonka more thought than any reasonable person should and if I wasn't so sure I could not do him justice I would draw this old movie character more often.
But here's the thing. Everyone in all the world is remembering this movie incorrectly. Let me get this out of the way now. Willy Wonka, the original film adaptation, the one of which everyone bases their understanding of the character on, the one that invented the orange oompa loompas and the boat ride, all that, DID NOT........ kill any children. He didn't even hurt them. He didn't even turn them into weird shapes like the Tim Burton one. Here's the part no one remembers-- There is a scene right before they get on the glass elevator at the end where Charlie asks Willy Wonka something like "what about the other children" because he's a nice boy and Wonka says-- and if you click the link you can see the clip-- " My dear boy, I promise you they'll be quite all right. When they leave here, they'll be completely restored to their normal, terrible old selves."
Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka, the best one, the only one that matters, was specifically rewritten from Roald dahl's... deeply strange book... to be much more likable for the screen so that he would be seen as a more sympathetic and morally good character that you want Charlie to be friends with. He, at no point, directly harms a child himself nor does anything to trick them into being harmed, and once their parents fail to keep them from behaving erratically in a dangerous factory setting he personally makes sure they're ok and back to normal. Every single child's fate is caused by going against direct orders or suddenly doing something dangerous before they could be stopped. August was called for to stop eating from the river and fell in by himself, Veruca threw a musical tantrum destroying supplies and hitting tables and threw herself down a chute, Mike and Violet ran in and took something before they could be stopped. These things were entirely up to the parents to prevent, not the factory tour guide. In this adaptation, Willy Wonka's wit and calm in the face of panicked parents isn't apathy it's confidence. He knows they'll be fine, and he knows whatever happens to them he can undo, they'll just be given a scare. He wanted to teach the parents a lesson as much as the kids, as evident by how he most talks to the parents once the children begin acting up, but this particular iteration of him did not want to kill kids.
I MEAN-- I could go on, like make no mistake, Willy Wonka is an insane man, morbid and strange, driven to seclusion by bitterness and heartbreak, but above all he loved children. So much so that he believed only a child could run his factory. He idealized their child-like innocence and wonder-- something he was painfully aware he didn't have anymore after years of being taken advantage of. He had become cynical. But honestly I...... feel like all of that becomes pretty evident by just removing the pop cultural mythos of him being some kind of psychopath.
And the movie has all these themes of how capitalism scared away the artist that was Willy Wonka-- how he didn't really care about the money or want the negative attention it brought him, that he tried to share his art and his romantic idealism and all people saw was opportunity and money. But people still refer to him like a symbol of an evil capitalist instead of how the movie highlights a successful artist's struggle in a capitalistic world-- yes, he must make money to make his art, but bitterly so, not ideally so, to him the money and fame was a burden.
It just drives me insane that the movie is so widely interpreted in the most cynical way possible when that's exactly the opposite of what its asking you to do. At the end of the day I just want a T-shirt that says Willy Wonka did nothing wrong istg.
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Aftermath of the Accidental Slip
Fandom: My Hero Academia Word Count: 3,790 general | complete | 2/2
a/n: This is part two in my Little Heroes series, you do need to read the first part to understand what they are talking about in this fic. You can find the first part HERE
summary: The day after the movie night, some of Izuku's classmates and friends have a few questions. So they ask and maybe Izuku has a lot more to gain from the conversation.
It is the next day when Denki is the first to ask about it. They’re sitting in the common room and Izuku is buried in his books sitting at one of the tables in the area behind the couches when Denki plops himself in the seat next to him. 
“What’s up?” Izuku asks conversationally, looking for any excuse to get out of doing his physics assignment. 
Denki leans forward and his eyes dart around the room wildly for a second, as if he were scanning who all is in the room with them (it is the middle of the afternoon so there are some people here, but it is the usual group that chills here after classes get let out: Kacchan, Kirishima, Mina, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Iida, and Todoroki). Izuku also realizes that everyone here today was with him last night when he…
He ended up regressing during last night's movie night (not that he blames anyone, but come on, they played his favorite kiddie movie!) and no one really asked about it then. At least anything that Izuku can remember. They just sort of sat back and watched the rest of the movie and let Izuku keep sucking his thumb after Kacchan had given a very brief explanation of the headspace he’d been in at the time. A very, very brief explanation. 
“I just wanted to ask you about something,” Denki asks in a slightly hushed tone, putting emphasis on the final word so that Izuku could maybe understand what he was talking about. 
“Is it about last night?” Izuku asks anyway, just to make sure. 
Denki nods his head, his hair bouncing with the movements. 
Izuku has been waiting for someone to ask him about it specifically, but he wasn’t prepared for it to be quite literally the next day. He supposes he is just glad it wasn’t last night though, his poor littleself would have been so confused. After the movie was over, Kacchan declared it bedtime for the both of them, and he made sure to tuck Izuku under the covers in his bed with his favorite stuffed All Might toy before leaving to presumingly go to his own. 
He hopes that the questions aren’t too invasive, but he also wants to spread more information on the topic as well. Izuku thinks his entire class would benefit from gaining more knowledge on age regression; in fact, he thinks some of his peers might even be regressors themselves but they just don’t know it yet. 
“Okay, shoot,” Izuku gives the electric blond permission to ask his questions. 
“Is it something that you are comfortable talking to all of us about?” 
The question throws Izuku off for a second and he immediately cocks his head to the side and watches Denki’s face carefully. His immediate response is to ask who all of us are and when he finds out that it is everyone from last night then he relaxes some. Yes, he wants his class to learn more about regression but he doesn’t want to jump right into giving a lecture about it in front of the whole class! Especially not about his own littlespace adventures because he’s not sure how a handful of them would react…
“I have no problem talking about.. about it, no. But I-uh, like, what do you want to know?” He can’t help the stutter in his voice, it flairs when he’s nervous. His stomach is in all sorts of twisty knots over this. 
Izuku’s regression means a lot to him and he hadn’t expected that he’d be comfortable around so many people at once to slip as he had, but as long as everyone remains respectful he doesn’t mind talking about it. 
Denki shocks him again by looking up and waving everyone over to the table excitedly. 
“Wha—” Izuku asks as more people suddenly sit at the table. 
“D’you ask him?” Kirishima asks the blond sitting next to Izuku while he sits down in his own spot. 
“Yep!” Denki looks proud of himself. “He said he has no problems talking about it, right?” A moment of doubt flickers across his features as he waits for the subject of the conversation to confirm his statement. 
“Oh, I-I didn’t realize you all had questions- or wanted to talk about it, or whatever. But-but yeah! I don’t have a problem with it if you guys don’t…” it is hastily thrown together, but Izuku does throw that corroboration out there. He ends it with a simple, “what do you want to know?”
Uraraka eagerly throws her hand in the air and rocks in her seat until Izuku laughs at her and “calls” on her. 
“I wanna know more about it in general! I did some research last night and it sounds neat. I was just curious what it feels like for you specifically—”
“Oh!” Iida cuts her off to add, “and what triggers the regression, and what your signs are so that we can help out better the next time it happens. I felt a little bad just ignoring you last night, but I didn’t want to upset you… I don’t know much—” he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and smiles a little as he speaks, “—but I do know it can be a fragile mindset for some people. So I wish for you to enjoy doing it around us rather than the opposite.”
The rest of the group nods their heads and agree that they all feel the same; they all tell Izuku how they would much rather be more prepared in case it happens again. 
It warms Izuku’s heart so much, his insides feel gooey in a matter of seconds. His friends and classmates care so much for him, he just hadn’t really realized it until just now. “You guys…” Izuku felt the prickle of oncoming tears behind his eyelids and he blinked rapidly for it to go away. “...thank you.”
Kacchan, who had been resting on one of the couches reading a manga book, now gets up and walks over to the table. 
Izuku knows he was within earshot and so he isn’t surprised when the fiery blond inserts himself directly into the conversation. 
“You wanna know what his tells are? Because I can tell ya them better than he can,” he grins triumphantly, as if being better at this somehow mattered in his overall plan to be better than Izuku. Hell, maybe it did matter because Izuku didn’t really know how to answer their questions. He’d never really thought about the during too much, it all just felt like a sweet pillow of cotton candy in his head during. It is stress-free when he is little and with Kacchan. 
“Oh, that would be helpful, Bakugo,” Todoroki says, much to the agreement of the rest of the group. 
Kacchan throws himself into the remaining open seat and slams his elbows on the tabletop. “Fine, then I will tell you as long as the nerd is okay with it?”
Izuku hides his grin behind his hands and nods his head. He remembers a time when he’d been scared to open up to Kacchan about his regression, fearing he’d just be giving the other boy a weapon to use against Izuku. However, the blond had been the most loving, caring, and thoughtful person to Izuku when it comes to his littleself. 
Actually, it wasn’t long after he found out that he’d been taking care of a small-minded Izuku in his dorm while he did homework. From there they both found comfort in the regression (for Izuku it is the act of being cared for, and for Kacchan it is feeling the sense of purpose as a caregiver). 
So… between the two of them, they cover all of the bases and retell the story of how they found out. They haven’t been doing this for very long so it doesn’t take a lot of time to retell everything. 
“So it was the movie last night then?” Ochako asks. 
Izuku squints down at his hands resting on the table overtop his open textbook, his studying has long since been forgotten about. He thinks about the question for another second before looking back up to meet the eyes of his friends. “Honestly, yes, but it doesn’t always happen. I mean- I’ve uh, watched kids' movies with everyone before without regressing…” 
“Was it that specific movie?” 
“Uh, no, I think I just had a stressful day and that mixed with the movie just caused it.”  He is pretty sure that’s what caused the regression the night before, but it isn’t always important to figure out the why part. Sometimes he just needs the mental break and he tries not to fight it when he can, and a part of him knew that last night he was safe and comfortable enough.
“Hmm.” The group takes in the information while Iida speaks, “do you always know you’re going to regress? Or does it just happen?”
Izuku shrugs, “kinda both.” 
“Okay, another question,” he clears his throat and starts talking again, “if it just happens around any of us, would you like us to take care of you like Bakugo does?” 
Izuku’s eyes widen and he immediately shoots his gaze over to Kacchan himself. Was Iida really asking to be his caregiver here? Well, the title might be a bit premature, but did they really want to care for his littleself? It can be quite a bit of responsibility… especially when he goes really young and he does get fussy sometimes and he knows that that isn’t really enjoyable for anyone. Heck, sometimes he wonders why Kacchan even stays to help—
“I-zu-ku,” the voice of Kacchan pronouncing each syllable of his name startles him out of his own thoughts. 
By the look on everyone else’s faces, the green-haired boy knows that he said all or nearly all of that out loud. Oh god, he really does have the tendency to mumble. 
“I’m sorry,” he looks back down at his hands. 
“I didn’t mean to ask if it was going to stress you out, Midoryia,” Iida consols. 
“Oh no, no, that’s not it!” Izuku waves his hands erratically in the air and feels bad for the misunderstanding, so he corrects himself right away. “Being a caregiver can be a lot sometimes—”
“—please, you’re easy—” 
“—and I just want you guys to know what you’re signing up for, you know?” 
Iida hums thoughtfully but doesn’t say anything. Uraraka grins wild enough for her round cheeks to push out even further. And as Izuku looks around to table, he realizes that the silence isn’t awkward but maybe a little energetic? Everyone has clear or happy looks on their faces and the green-haired boy can’t help but feel like something is coming. 
Uraraka is the first to break. “But taking care of little you would be so fun because you’d be so cute!” Her voice gets all squeaky by the end and she starts kicking her legs under the table and bouncing in her seat; she is very clearly excited about this. 
“Ochako,” Tsu speaks up in her plain tone, “you have to make sure it is okay for you to coo over him first, ribbit.” 
Uraraka slaps a hand to her forehead and mumbles oh yeah! before turning her gaze back to the subject of their conversation. 
“I would also like to know the answer as well,” Todoroki says. 
Izuku’s head is spinning. 
“I am sorry if that weirded you out, Deku,” she says honestly, “I just- ever since I was looking more stuff up last night I started getting all of these ideas and I would love to have a play date with you!”
“Wait—” Izuku stares wide-eyed around the table when he notices some agreement. Then they start adding to it to further blow him away.
“Yeah, man,” Kirishima speaks up, “it would be cool to make little kiddie snacks and maybe play some video games, depending on how little you go, of course.” 
“Oh!” Denki joins in, “I read that cuddling is also a really big thing with regressors, so that would be loads of fun. You know me, always down to get my cuddle on!” He jams two thumbs in his own direction with his signature goofy grin and Izuku is too busy trying to keep up with all of them to even laugh at it. 
“Wait—” he tries again, “now hold on.” 
“Also just making sure you are cared for would be a huge benefit for the class, as you don’t typically do that on your own anyway—”
“Okay, slow down!” Kacchan barks, cutting off all conversations that were starting up at once. “Let him speak for Christ’s sake!” 
After the shock of such a loud voice, everyone else quiets down. Izuku takes his chance to speak now: “Thank you, Kacchan,” he starts with. Then he flattens his hands overtop his book and takes a breather to collect himself before speaking, “first, I would love to have more of you involved with my regression if you’d like but I suggest you be with Kacchan and I for a while first. It isn’t always happy and stress-free when I am little…” 
He stops for a minute, remembering with quite a bit of embarrassment all of the times he’s been fussy or thrown literal temper tantrums when little. Almost all of which Kacchan had been there to soothe him as best he could. And then there are the times when he couldn’t sleep and how his neediness would impede on Kacchan’s schedule (even if his friend said it didn’t matter, Izuku always knew when he was big again). Being someone’s caregiver is a lot of responsibility. 
“Izuku,” Kacchan starts, his tone hinting at the start of a possible argument. 
Izuku speaks again before he can say more. “What, am I wrong? I’m not bashing myself here—” he doesn’t look away from the boy he’s talking to for a second, “—I just know that all of the crap that is wrong in my head doesn’t always go away when I am little. Sometimes I’m upset, sometimes I can’t sleep, and sometimes I am just needy.” 
He does turn to the others now, needing them all to know this. “Kacchan and I stumbled into this kind of relationship, but I want you guys to know that once my littleself trusts you, you can really mess me up by leaving. And that trust builds after a while, so we can tiptoe around it for now, but being one’s caregiver is big. Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Just because we didn’t plan on it,” Kacchan interjects, not looking anywhere but at Izuku so that he knows what the blond is speaking is the truth, “doesn’t mean I regret any of it. I know I probably don’t say it enough, but I do enjoy taking care of you like that.” 
Izuku smiles, his vision blurring a little with unshed tears once more. And once more, he blinks them away. “I know, Kacchan,” he says. “I like that you enjoy it, actually, I need you to. Knowing that it helps you just as much as it does me makes me feel less guilty…” he admits. 
“You shouldn’t be feeling guilty at all, ya damn nerd.” 
Izuku looks away at that, he doesn’t have any sort of argument there. He knows he shouldn’t be feeling guilty, but sometimes the reassurance when he is big is just what he needs. He and Kacchan have always been enough and have always known exactly what the other needed. It took a lot of missteps and a hell of a lot of bumps in the road, but being here with him after so long is perfect. Izuku wouldn’t want to take this journey with anyone else. 
But before he can get too lost in his thoughts and his appreciation for his best friend, said friend’s voice pulls him out. 
“Let them help too if you think it is too much for me.”
Izuku sighs, letting Kacchan hit it right on the nail yet again. He looks around at the rest of them, gauging their varying reactions to the two of their’s conversation. He’s grinnig by the time he is ready to start circuling back to his original speech from a little bit ago, “the second thing I wanted to say is that I don’t mind if you call me cute or ‘coo’ over me or anything, but please save it for when I am little. We can talk more about boundaries and stuff but I do know that hearing you guys talk about it while I’m big makes me feel weird—”
“I’m sorry, Deku!” Uraraka covers her mouth with her hands and Todoroki puts a comfortingly warm hand on her shoulder. 
“—no, you’re okay! I’m just more likely to argue with you when I am big, but my uh… heh, yeah… just not when I am big,” he laughs off the rest of his sentence and rubs at the back of his neck. He was gonna say something about his littleself, but he might want to save that for another time, or like never—
“He eats that shit up when he’s little,” Kacchan says plainly, looking all nonchalantly at his nails. “That’s what you were going to say, wasn’t it?”
Izuku blushes and looks down, he can’t believe Kacchan read his thoughts so easily! 
“Heh, that’s what I thought.” 
“Shut up—”
“Would you be okay with us taking care of you when you’re little, ribbit?” Tsu’s cut-in sobers them both up instantly, focusing back on the overall conversation once again. 
“Yes,” Iuku says plainly. “I trust all of you with my life on the field, I don’t see why my littleself shouldn’t either. Hell, he trusted you enough to come out last night.”
“True,” Todoroki says aloud. 
There is another moment of silence, albeit not awkward like Izuku might have feared it would, now that the overall conclusion has been made. Izuku might have some more caregivers in the future, and he has to admit that he really does love the idea of it. So that he doesn’t have to suppress his own regression on nights when he knows Kacchan will be busy or at his work-study late, and also knowing that he can spread his time out with more than just one person. 
Denki is the one to pull Izuku out of his thoughts again, “so do you like… schedule these playdates with Baku, or do they just happen?”
“You dunce face,” Kacchan says immediately, “we already covered this!” 
“No, I know, I know!” Denki bites back, both of them still smiling. “I just meant like, can we—” his hand circles the air in front of him so that he gestures to everyone sitting at the table, “—schedule a time to play with him the next time he’s regressed, so we don’t all come at him at once and overwhelm him.” 
Izuku is grateful for Denki for a lot of reasons, but this is definitely at the forefront right now. “That’s so sweet,” he catches himself murmuring. 
“Oh, I know!” Uraraka is back to raising her hand in the air again. She speaks when they all look at her, “we could make a group chat! That way Bakugo, or even Deku can if he’s big enough to use his phone, can text when he’s little and we can figure it out right then and there.”
Izuku grins, a thrill of happiness and excitement sipping through him. He now understands the feeling everyone seem to be exhibiting when they all first sat down. At some point, they all talked about this and came up with a plan for Denki to ask him if they could talk because they all wanted to know more so that they could be there for him… Sometimes Izuku doesn’t realize how much he loves his friends and how much they love him right back. 
“Most of the time I text Kacchan when I feel myself slipping anyways, so that is a perfect idea, Uraraka!” 
They all start talking at once about which app they should have it on and who should create it. Izuku sits back and lets them. He still can’t believe how lucky this has turned out for him; to have so many people be not only willing but excited to care for him? 
Then Kacchan laughs suddenly, interrupting all conversations. 
“What?” Kirishima asks. 
“Be prepared to get some nicknames,” is all he says. 
Izuku knows what he means immediately and his cheeks flame up. 
“Wait, what?” Uraraka laughs, looking back and forth between Izuku and Kacchan. 
The blond smirks and leans back in his chair, pulling himself back far enough to balance on only two legs. “How do you think I got the name ‘Kacchan’?” 
“Wait, that came from him being regressed?” Denki asks. 
Izuku thunks his head forward onto his textbook, sighing dramatically. Oh, why did Kacchan have to tease him about this? He could have just let them figure it out on their own… not that he’s actually upset at the teasing, after all, it is all light-hearted. 
“No, that came from when we were actual children. But would you like to tell them why that is, Izuku?”
“No,” he laughs, thinking that Kacchan is incredibly cruel for this (he really isn’t, but Izuku isn’t sure if his cheeks will ever cool off). After a second he concedes and answers him anyway, still talking into his textbook and not looking at anyone, “it’s because I used to have a hard time pronouncing things when I was little. And especially names. So I gave him the nickname and it just stuck… so yeah, my littleself probably won’t call you by your actual name.” 
“Okay, that is cute. I wonder what mine will be,” Todoroki thinks out loud, then a split second remembers what Izuku had said earlier, “I’m sorry.” 
Izuku laughs at his tone along with some others, “I don’t have as much of an issue with the compliments now as I thought I would, just don’t do it all the time.”
They nod and agree to follow his first rule. It gives Izuku hope for the future. He isn’t sure how this will pan out but he kind of hopes it does soon. In fact, he’s kind of excited for the next time he regresses. 
Eventually, their conversation does end and they all part ways to do their own thing, but all of them hold a secret from the rest of their peers. That secret has a group chat called “Little’s Corner <3” on each of their phones and Izuku leaves with a full heart. 
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mademoiselle-red · 1 year
TC chapter 6 reread thoughts, part 2
A rush of old memories went through Laurie like a pain. “I’ve never noticed […] that the competition to take things on was as killing as all that.” I love how Laurie takes Ralph’s side and tells him he’s done nothing wrong. One of my favorite aspects of their relationship is their camaraderie, the feeling that Laurie is playing on Ralph’s team. That’s also what makes the horrible crap he says to Ralph in chapter 16 so terrible: for the entire book, Laurie has been Ralph’s cheerleader, cheering him on when he’s feeling down or when other characters put him down, but then Laurie suddenly joined the others in denigrating his character from a position of superiority 😢
“He was staring at Ralph, who was standing in the thick of the crowd, hard and crisp and gay, laughing at someone’s dirty story, his battle-scars put neatly out of sight. I wonder what the punishment is for heresy, Laurie thought.” Here, his idealized image of Ralph as some otherworldly higher being who is above crude human desires is challenged, and he finds himself so compellingly drawn to Ralph that he can’t simply ignore it and retreat into his fantasy version of Ralph. But again, his revulsion at Ralph laughing at someone’s dirty joke is really the pot calling the kettle: “Gareth. That’s what my stepfather-elect’s called. I suppose he was conceived with Tennyson in limp suede sitting on the po-cup-board.” Reg coughed repressively. […] He sometimes found Laurie’s conversation highly obscene, and would have voiced his disapproval to anyone he had liked less.” Ralph would have laughed at Laurie’s obscene joke and Laurie would have been pleased 🤷‍♀️
My favorite Laurie lines from this chapter: “If you mean Ralph Lanyon […], he’s a friend of mine, I’ve known him for years.” And, “It’s the Odyessey all right. It’s the one where the man comes back from war and finds the flash boys on his pitch and runs them out.” Again, despite many reviews pointing out Ralph’s attempts to insert himself into Laurie’s life, we see here that it was Laurie who made the first move, showing up to the party acting like he is Ralph’s boyfriend in front of all his friends. Like, consider this party from Ralph’s point of view: guy you haven’t seen in seven years and kissed one (1) time crashes your ex-boyfriend’s party to see you and “only you”, follows you around with his eyes like a love-sick puppy, starts telling everyone that he has known you for years (Ralph: um, we had like one (1) conversation, but sure), and declares to your would-be suitors that you are the Penelope to his Odysseus (Ralph: I was not aware of being married with just one (1) kiss, but ok). Just who is being presumptuous and “proprietary to the point of arrogance” here? No wonder people at the party were like, who the fuck is this guy and what the hell happened to Bunny, his actual boyfriend???? Like, Laurie, you can’t just act like a guy’s boyfriend and then be all surprised when he thinks you wanna be his boyfriend 🤣🤣🤣
“[Ralph] went off rather stiffly to the drinks table. Really, he can be awkward, Laurie thought, but he felt no serious discomfort.” Awwwwww Laurie’s thoughts are so tender. And Ralph being awkward in front of Laurie is simply too adorable 🥰
“Now we’ll see something, thought Laurie not without satisfaction.” It’s so interesting to me how Laurie expects Ralph to react to Bim with contempt, but Ralph surprises him by reacting with gentleness and compassion. And this prompts Laurie to see past Bim’s “hard glitter” and see his “feverish and taut” demeanor. Like, Ralph is actually a soft and gentle person underneath that hard layer of self protective roughness.
“Not the Odell?” I love this parallel to chapter 12: not the R R Lanyon? They’ve both been telling their loved ones about each other for years ❤️❤️❤️ (Lucy & Alec: 🤝)
Laurie throws a jealous fit and wants to leave the party because Ralph is driving Bim home. “He’d be up before the major and have his passes stopped for a month; but, he thought bitterly, there wouldn’t be much hardship in that.” We can infer from this line of thinking that Laurie was already expecting to see Ralph regularly and was planning to use his late passes for this purpose. Renault conveys this to the reader in such an indirect way, showing how Laurie is unaware of the desires that drive his thoughts. Consciously, Laurie hasn’t made any kind of “choice” to date Ralph, but unconsciously, he has already committed his future late-pass evenings to Ralph, and this is before Ralph has even asked him out! I think throughout the book, Laurie makes a lot of decisions and choices, especially w.r.t. Ralph, without acknowledging them. And this is one such example. He’s not a passive participant being dragged into a relationship by chance and Ralph’s will.
“What makes me cross about people like Ralph is the way everyone used them. [….] Their life gets like one of those ham spy films where they brief the agent and say, “But remember, one slip and you’re on your own.” This is such an apt description the way Ralph has been abandoned by everyone and every institution his entire life! one slip, and his parents beat him, one slip, and he was thrown out of school and home, one slip, and he lost his naval career, one slip (that wasn’t even his fault), and Laurie seems to have abandoned him too. Until Laurie comes back and becomes the only person to not abandon him when he doesn’t live up to their expectations. Laurie is the only person who loves him enough to allow him to fail ❤️❤️❤️
“Ralph’s tragedy is that he’s retained through everything a curious innocence about it.” It being the idea that “sacrifice uplifts the redeemer and casts down the bought.” I don’t agree with this observation about the nature of sacrifice, but I do think Ralph is unaware of the way his giving nature coupled with his unwillingness to receive help leads to a “trade deficit” in his relationships, which breeds resentment. He showers his loved ones with love, but doesn’t give them the opportunity to dote on him in return.
“You said he’s in a spot. […] Can I do something? […] No, tell me, please, if I can do something. I want to know.. […] I’m not sleepy. When Ralph comes back, if he’s in a fix you’ve got to wake me. No good keep talking about he’s in trouble, and not do anything.. […] I won’t go away. I’ll wait for him here if it takes all night.” All Laurie wants is to be able to do something for Ralph 😭😭😭 like, screw the rules, if Ralph’s needs him to, he’ll stay all night. All Ralph has to do is say he needs him 😭😭😭 (Ralph: I can’t admit I need Spuddy! I need to be strong and brave in front of him! Or he won’t admire me anymore and he’ll leave me 🥺🥺🥺. Me: 🤦‍♀️)
To be continued…
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bronanlynch · 11 months
this one has a muffin recipe which hopefully makes up for the extended discussion on gender in a disappointing YA novel. anyway. happy wednesday
listening (podcast): keeping up with Palisade, where the table friends are as usual entirely on their bullshit. love a story that asks the real questions like, what if you follow some guy into a public bathroom and then it turns out he's in charge of the fucked up evil intelligence organization that used to kind of be in charge of the entire planet.
I'm also going back and listening to the Great Gundam Project episodes on original Gundam, which they did at the very beginning since they're going in chronological order and it is so funny to go from later episodes where I'm like "wow these people are so smart and know so much more about Gundam than I do" to "wow these people are so smart and are doing some incredibly insightful analysis considering they don't know shit about Gundam"
also this was a Media Club Plus week. Jack made lots of fun observations about Killua and his relationship to violence and also Gon that will be very interesting to revisit in like a hundred episodes. god I love dramatic irony
listening (music): for once in my life I'm listening to new music, from a self-described "flaming queer power pop" band from New Jersey called Teenage Halloween (I would say they're more punk than that description implies to me, the lead vocals especially are very classic punk, by which I mean rough and hoarse and shouty in a good way). here's their bandcamp, I think my favorite tracks are Takeaway and Getting Bitter, but they're a fun band and they have a sound that I enjoy. and also for normal reasons I like when people sing about New Jersey and/or living in a shitty suburban town
reading: finally finished Leigh Bardugo's Rule of Wolves (last book in the Grishaverse series). some wild tonal dissonance at the end because it's supposed to be a hopeful ending where the future is going to be better and maybe Ravka as a country can change and be better, except the main characters spent the past two books inventing industrialized warfare and that is not something that can just be undone?? they have missiles now??? sorry but once you introduce missiles to your fantasy setting I no longer believe that the future will be kinder & less violent than the past. also, the gender. it's time to talk about gender again. Nina's love interest Hanne, who has repeatedly been uncomfortable presenting as feminine, kills a guy who sucks and steals his identity, and talks about feeling more like themself because now they're not seen as a woman. this is the part that I like, it's fun and interesting and I think it's cool when trans people do regicide (the guy was a prince). the parts I feel conflicted are the way Nina reacts with such disappointment that Hanne no longer looks how they used to (though she does come around to the idea), the fact that all of this comes from Nina's perspective (when Nina has spent the entire duology waxing poetic about what a beautiful woman Hanne is, when Hanne is explicitly uncomfortable with being seen as beautiful or a woman) with nothing from Hanne's point of view, the fact that this reveal happens at the very end leaving no space to see how this changes their relationship moving forward or to see Hanne exploring what their transition means to them, and the way it ties to something Bardugo said, back between the Six of Crows duology and this one, where she said that the next time she wrote Nina, her love interest would be a woman. and don't get me wrong, I love that Nina's bisexuality is very present on the page. however. Idk. that doesn't seem accurate and it feels clumsily handled like. sorry that's a transmasc butch who deserves a girlfriend who isn't constantly thinking about how pretty they were when they were forced to have long hair
however, in books that I'm enjoying much more, I'm reading The Death I Gave Him by Em X. Liu, a near-future sci-fi Hamlet retelling about trying to create a scientific cure for death in which Horatio is the AI of the unethical science lab and also (I think, based on what I've read so far) in love with the Hamlet figure. it fucking rules. I'm a known fan of Hamlet & Hamlet retellings, and also when the setting is alive & sentient & loves you, and also relationships between people and like, non-humanoid intelligences (it's kind of like the reverse of a possession romance, instead of the god/robot/etc inhabiting the human the human is the one doing the possession). also, I think the sense of paranoia & claustrophobia from the original Hamlet is done really well here, in a way that works well thematically and also feels. Idk. I'm trying to figure out a way to say this without psychoanalyzing myself on main but it's a very compassionate depiction of the Hamlet figure's mental state that's just. nice to read. anyway. structurally I love that it's framed as though it's someone's thesis about an incident that they've researched, so there are bits that are excerpts from phone logs and trial transcripts and things like that. I'm partway through but it's extremely good so far
watching: continuing to keep up with the TGCF donghua (for once I've seen the newest ep before posting this), which continues to be a good fun time, even if the cr*nchyroll subtitles are pretty awful (both in terms of typos and also the way they sub gege as Lian). but I do like this arc! it's fun! Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are in love!
watched a few more episodes of Hunter x Hunter to keep up with MC+ and I've gotta say, I enjoy Hisoka as a character a lot more than I did the first time I watched this. I am not immune to when a fucked up guy with a cool design murders people with playing cards. however, even though Kurapika didn't do much in the assassin/battle royale bit of the Hunter Exam, Kurapika is still my favorite
moving on to the normal amount of Gundam we watched, we finished Zeta! god. Zeta my fucking beloved. I think the ending pays off a lot of the stuff about Newtypes as a stand-in for human connection, by which I mean it fucking rules that the Zeta Gundam has ghosts in it and that Kamille can defeat Scirocco, who does not form equal partnerships with anyone or listen to their advice, by listening to the advice of his (dead) friends who live in his brain & his robot. also like, I still don't like Reccoa's plotline overall but her confrontations with Kamille & Char do a lot of good characterization work for both of them (Kamille refusing to believe that she's not just really deep undercover! Char uninterested in hearing her reasoning and attacking immediately but still unable to kill her and surprised by that!) and also I love her final fight with Emma. her and Emma killing each other is yuri, to me. on a design note, I think I tend to prefer the mobile suits in 0079, because under no circumstances do you have to hand it to the Principality of Zeon but they knew how to make a grunt suit with some fun shapes in a way that the Federation/Titans simply do not apparently. however! shout out to the Qubeley. what a neat-looking robot
and of course, immediately after finishing Zeta we started ZZ so. that also is a thing I watched. the tone whiplash from the ending of Zeta with a bunch of people dying and a kind of bittersweet victory to the beginning of ZZ was wild. Judau is so much more of a plucky YA protagonist, and there's so much more of a tone of, these kids are going to do some wacky shenanigans. like, Yazan goes from horrifying to a comedic figure. which is not to say it's bad! I am enjoying it! but sometimes it kind of feels like an entirely different creative team (which I know it's not, I know this is still very much still Tomino. but there's such a major vibeshift). my favorite thing about ZZ so far is all of the class stuff, it's nice to have that as a lens to view this setting (an extremely predictable thing for me, guy who loves stories about class conflict, to say). but I like having protagonists who are concerned about their own economic stability (though it does raise questions of like, is Bright getting paid?? by whom??? is he getting paychecks from the Federation still/again?? who is paying for Kamille's hospital bills??? Tomino please show me the Argama's budget spreadsheets). my other favorite thing is that Bright is still here, even though he is very tired and deserves a vacation. he has Such big single parent energy now, good luck to him. my other other favorite thing is that Roux Louka exists, she's a lot of fun so far
playing: still working my way through Ace Attorney 5. Aura is back and I love her! also I'm becoming invested in the concept of Clay/Apollo, partially because I am not immune to Apollo wearing Clay's jacket and partially because I love when you go to Aura's lab and Apollo is there talking to her, and he immediately realizes that Aura and Metis were in love even though Aura denies it, and her loss of Metis is paralleled with Apollo's loss of Clay. there's something compelling to me there as a story about queer grief, and mourning someone's loss even when you can't talk about exactly what they meant to you
making: we've made a couple of recipes from the Skyrim cookbook (cheese fondue, glazed carrots) (not at the same time to be clear. those were different meals) and they both turned out pretty tasty. however, the most exciting thing we made was the muffins from this post. they are, in fact, extremely good. we doubled the recipe because what would we do with an extra half a can of pumpkin
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drinking: one of Lamplighter's pride beers from this summer was a sour ale with butterfly pea flower & lemon, and I'm trying to drink through the summer beers in our fridge to make room for all of the autumnal ciders. this one's tasty! again, love it when beers are citrusy & floral
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writing: still working on a zine fic that I can't share yet, and also the extremely Palisade spoiler-y Integrity fic from a few weeks ago (to be fair I haven't gotten to the spoiler-y parts yet, instead I'm continuing to be possibly the only person in the fandom who cares about Orbit Shard). also, predictably, I've started writing Gundam fic. predictably, it's Emma/Reccoa and instead of getting to the kissing part Emma is introspecting about ideology
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atomicduckthefirst · 2 years
So a while ago, I saw a post about how creativity is a muscle you can stretch, and a lot of people were asking how.
Well, have I got the solutions for you!*
A few things I would recommend:
Reading. Reading, reading, reading. The reason I recommend this is that because of the lack of visuals, you're forced to imagine the things described to you. Most books won't go into too much detail, so you'll be good. Fiction > nonfiction, just because nonfiction tends to go more into detail and describe things you already know (which is NOT what you want).
Making personalities for inanimate objects. This is more of a character thing, so if you're not interested it's not necessary, but it might still be helpful. Highly recommend taking certain traits and pasting them on people. For example: cherries. Now cherries are portrayed a lot as a pair, so you could make twins that are really close (maybe a maraschino cherry (the ones they put on milkshakes) and a regular cherry?) or you could make a single character who's really clingy. Maraschino cherries are bright red so you might make them popular and attention seeking, and they're super sweet so you could make them either fake sweet or just annoyingly sweet. For regular cherries, maybe a bit quieter, a bit more bitter, maybe they know the world a little too well or something. Or maybe for something a little harder, like a table. You could say that maybe a table is the mom friend of the group, and they hold all their other friends up so they don't completely break from crippling depression aka the floor. Then suddenly, they lose one of their limbs, and their mental health goes for a toss, because they were athletic or they just liked having all their limbs. Now they have to learn they're not responsible for their friends crashing and they can still help if they want to. The idea is to take already established traits and change the meaning of them using only your imagination.
Even for non-artists, I recommend doing the tried and true practice of making something out of a doodle or shape. For example taking a square and making it a face, or a dog, etc. by adding to it. You should be able to still point out the original shape once you're done. Again, taking already established "traits" and change the meaning of them.
Take a scenario and change it up a little. There are countless fairytale retellings, and you could also retell stories you love (aka making AUs). Retell The Very Hungry Caterpillar but he lives in a capitalist society (or something). You could take a memory from your childhood and add as much (literal) magic as possible for dramatic effect and epic fight scenes.
Take an inanimate object around you and make into a part of a story (location, goal, etc.). A little different from the second as you're not making personalities, you're taking the literal traits instead what they could mean. Eg: my tissue box has a painting of mountains on it, so maybe I'll pull a Strange World™ and say the mountains are the obstacle and the sea of tissue is severely overrated. Or maybe a civilization is trapped inside the box and they're struggling to get out through the mountains (their only hope), or they want to see what's out there.
If you have OCs, replace the characters in your favorite story with your OCs to see how the plot and/or scenes might change.
Have your favorite characters (including OCs) meet their past, future, or alternate universe selves. Maybe they meet their friends' + family's alternate selves. How do they react and why?
I hope this helped!
*by using these strategies you confirm the fact that in the scenario of failure to produce creativity, atomicduckthefirst™ is not responsible for an damages or failures. Also, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.
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