#my first linksona!
darkacua · 1 month
Link was asked to describe her friends, it didn't come out very well…
Audio translation because I suck at subtitles:
Link: Have you seen my family?
L: The impotent one (Ace)
L: The weird one (Ortho)
L: The dwarf who talks like a duck (Grimm)
L: The adopted one (Jack and Sebek)
L: The slacker (Epel)
L: The illegitimate one! (Deuce)
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pit-thrice · 8 days
Self-indulgent (am I using that word correctly?) Linked Universe headcannon akdndkcndn.
So so so Wild cooks for the team and they got Curses to eat with them with little to no difficulties, miraculously.
Curses takes a bite of the food and starts sobbing. The rest of the Chain is absolutely flabbergasted and ask why she's crying and she responds with something along the lines of "I never had something that tastes so good. Sorry, I just don't get to eat good food a lot."
Wild's just dead silent because he just made soup... Just normal soup that isn't really at all special. Sure, he believes that all food can be good but for Hylia's sake who the hell fucked up this house so bad to the point this rookie cries over basic soup that anyone in Hyrule could get easily.
Yep, he's gonna funkign feed this kid well. Eventually, Curses doesn't get overwhelmed and cry over food anymore. It's a normal, usual thing in her life now.
It's nice.
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cabbagecourt · 8 months
Scenario where the protagonist tries to convince the antagonist to not go through with their plans, not entirely for moral reasons, mostly so that the narrative doesn’t condemn them against one another
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cloudninetonine · 8 months
Reading the crossover stuff you've written for linked universe is rotting my head so much that it got me back into writing!!! (which is honestly a miracle I haven't written anything for myself in ages)
but like. I'm imagining a player's aid! insert who's also a big fan of Sky: Children of the Light (great game btw very fun with friends I recommend hehe)
and one day they just. find a random sky child????? In Hyrule??? so obviously since the sky child is all on their own where they really shouldn't be, mc just. adopts a kid. they can't really communicate well, if at all, except through very very exaggerated body language and gestures (emotes in the game is a common way to talk with strangers. or spam honking to get someone's attention. imagine the noise.) but eventually the player and the sky child become so close that they can just share looks or read each others body language and just know!
Wind has a new sibling now who is very happy to mess around and help play pranks on the others. The sky child wouldnt be afraid of Wolfie because they dont really have much reference for dangerous creatures except for the krill/dark dragons and Wolfie is too cute and small to scare them! Sky would probably really like them too because they can fly and they could be a really musically inclined sky child and be able to play different instruments! Like the harp in-game!! one of the links might find out about the child's arsonist related needs and be concerned, but the mc insists that the child is fine! Don't worry at all, Hyrule. They genuinely won't get any burns from standing directly on top of the campfire! they aren't a normal hylian child, they actually kinda need fire to stay alive and rain isn't good for them, it puts out their light. now I'm imagining angst with rain oh no-
the sky child (who would probably be a veteran who's been around a long time and was probably exploring out of bounds areas and somehow managed to get to Hyrule. whoops) is kinda confused but up for exploring this vast realm and find mc and they just. adopt this weird not-a-spirit-yet person who kind of has light too? so maybe a moth? (affectionate term for new players gicitdkgdigditdoyd)
and when the sky child first meets the chain, they are probably just freaking out over their clothes lol. cosmetics and basically dress up is a very big part of the game and the sky child would not be above begging to get their hands on their own really pretty blue scarf, black pelt, cool looking armour, etc etc.
So the sky child is super caring and protective over mc. they would probably bite legend at some point lmao. they can just sense the bad vibes from him! They don't really understand it, but legend doesn't like their moth, and obviously they won't stand for any slander so they bite :D (even if there could be a communication barrier because they can't speak the language, only HÖNK)
side note, I'm actually writing a crossover fic for linked universe and Sky:COTL. can you tell that i've been losing my mind over them??
Shameless plug in to my amazing friend @sketchyspook who has their very own Sky Linksona that y'all should check out!!
God I haven't played Sky in so long PIUFGP
Now back to the ask
I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH IT'S SO CUTE- Player adopts a little child is one of my favourite genres honestly. LET THEM BE A PARENT!!! Running around and trying to take care of their kids they're gonna be in aches and pains at the end of it all PIUGFPI
Very happy after it all, sitting on Player's lap while Legend glares across the camp and they honk happily
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wutheringmights · 1 year
Hey out of curiosity, I know most of the main cast in CTB is pulled from either Legend of Zelda game canons (Princess Zelda, Lana, Ganondorf in name, etc) or Linked Universe, but out of your original characters (especially Kat, Marigold, and the various Knights of Hyrule), did u give any of them symbolic or referential names?
Oh boy do I got the fun post for you:
Lincoln is straight up my Linksona. Just think of him as another version of the character Link
Marigold is supposed to be the typical red-headed love interest for a Link-like character; even her name is meant to fit right in with characters like Malon, Marin, and Midna.
Warriors's last name was originally going to be Warton, but I changed it to Walton when I learned that it meant "noble."
Meemaw is a reference to the Bertolt Brecht character Mother Courage (from his play Mother Courage and Her Children; I had just finished reading it for a seminar class when CTB first came to me). The characters even share a first name: Anna
Similarly, Kat is based off of Mother Courage's daughter, Kattrin; a famously silent-due-to-truama character
Kat's siblings also share names and fates with Mother Courage's sons: Eli is Eilif, and Cheddar is Swiss Cheese (yes, that's his real name)
Orlanda was named for Virginia Woolf's famous character Orlando; originally, I was going to have Orlanda be nonbinary, but changed my mind when I realized it wouldn't be a good idea to make your sacrificial character your nonbinary representation.
Shigeo's name was originally just going to be Shig, as a reference to Shigeru Miyamoto, but I changed it when I started to rewatch Mob Psycho 100. Shigeo is meant to be a homage to a common original character type I kept reading in Warriors-centric fics: the young Sheikah guy for Warriors to have a romance with. However, Shigeo was never envisioned with a romantic relationship in mind. He was always meant to be this cool, older guy type. However, I did almost have Warriors have a crush on him, then deleted that concept for space.
Gaudin was named after a French criminal for no reason. Genuinely, I just liked the name.
Anders was originally going to be named Betolt in honor of Brecht, but that felt heavy handed.
Jakucho is just meant to be the old woman version of the general Impa character to match the badass young woman version that is actually in Hyrule Warriors. Her name means "silent, lonely listening." I liked how it related to her role as Warriors's mentor/therapist.
Impa's real name, Chiyo, means "thousand generations, thousand worlds." I like how it related to the idea that she's always wanted to assume the same role as her ancestors.
I originally picked their surname Miyashita because the site I was on said it translated to something like "temple below the earth," which would reference the Kakariko Well. Checking now, it actually means "(one who lives) below the shrine," which makes way more sense in retrospect.
Ayane has no special name meaning, but her character... you do realize she's just Mask, right?
General Whitestone's name came from me asking myself what would a highly suspicious white guy in charge be called?
The name Nephus translates to "a God's son who will also become a God." Do I mean that literally? Who knows. At the very least, I wanted a snappy, but impressive-sounding name.
Vasileios means "royal or kingly". His middle name, Orionides, implies that he's the son of a great hunter.
Icarius's name is meant to be reminiscent to that of Icaurs, the famous mythological figure.
Philo means "lover or friend." A very cute name for a not-so-cute boy.
You probably have realized that the House of Nephus characters are heavily Greek/Roman coded. Originally, they were going to be Russian coded, but then the line about Faovaria being unable to attack some other kingdom due to their harsh winters would have fallen into question.
Faovaria's symbol being an octopus is a reference to how the octopuses symbolized immortality in ancient Greece.
Both of those were super off-topic. Sorry lol
I'll end with a fun fact you shouldn't look too deep into: the empire name Faovaria is derived from Farore. This was due to a concept I changed my mind about. Genuinely, it's not relevant anymore. Do not incorporate it into your theories, or something.
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mushroomwoods · 29 days
Warm Pie — Decidit (the Fallen)
for the first introduction to my linksona, there's a small drabble i made around him and his guardian figure of sorts, Decidit and Ghess, respectively. i'll be introducing everyone little by little, possible through small snippets.
Like before, this one was based on a prompt from Foam & Fiction. (I'll be getting the link to it soon, but it is on the first drabble too)
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The boy sat uncomfortably by the table.
His mossy green eyes followed the woman’s every move, squinting in distrust when she mentioned in passing how she wished her own kid would be as good-mannered as he was.
He could only wonder how terrible her son had to be, for him to be considered so bad in comparison to a child who bit her on sight.
A cozy house, far too different from the dense forest he was used to trudging through, the soft smell of burning wood and something else he couldn’t quite catch onto.
The older woman finally turned to him, a plate and a wooden mug in hands that she swiftly placed in front of him. Yet he made no move, not even sparing the cutlery or the… gooey mess she served him a single glance.
“Come on boy, eat up. Aren’t kids your age usually famished little bokos?” She tried to give him a soft push.
And yet another uninterested look, he didn’t try to eat even as his stomach growled painfully.
She sighed, leaning over the table, grabbing a forkful of the food, shoving it into her mouth, chewing and then clearly gulping down, “see? No poison.”
Only then did he stop acting like a motionless doll, eating his portion in large mouthfuls, only stopping his ravenous eating when he had to down the cold beverage, trying not to choke.
“How is it?” She leaned onto her left hand, looking warmly at him.
“Sweet.” Disgustingly so.
“You don’t seem happy about it.”
“It’s strange, it sticks to the tongue.” And made him feel warm in ways he didn’t know it was possible.
“Hmm… I’ll keep this in mind, weird kid.” The name rolled off her tongue in such a caring way that he couldn’t even try to argue.
Somehow… He wondered if the sweet, crumbled apples would make him feel any better, if it was before.
Looking at her face, he thought for a second.
No, maybe it wasn’t the taste itself.
Feeling his cheeks warm up a bit, he lowered his gaze to the plate once again, listening to her hearty chuckle.
It wasn’t all that bad.
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pupsnipps · 6 months
say hello to Linkle, my Sheikah Linksona
her story takes place two generations after a hypothetical "what if Link defeated the calamity the first time around". her own little branch in an already unstable timeline :,>
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birb-boyo · 1 year
Thank you guys for asking about my Linksona(that word sounds so weird)
This is a very long post just so you all know
Everything is under the cut
The Hero of the Seas (:
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My Link would probably fit sometime after Wind Waker, when there are still seas and actual pirates. I guess that I will start with the backstory
Before they were born, at least five hundred years, there was a prophecy, though, through the years, the prophecy has been lost to time.
The only part that Hyrule remembers is,
“A forsaken prince will redefine what it takes to be a hero”
Soon after that prophecy was heard, the king of Hyrule made a law that stated that any and all Gerudo princes were to be treated as royalty.
Time skip to soon after my Link’s birth, the current king of Hyrule disregarded the law and set it aside as if it never existed. This king put a bounty on the newly born Gerudo prince.
When Link was five, his home was stormed and raided by pirates. Link’s mother was murdered and he was stolen.
These pirates were only the first ones to see them out of many. They were traded, bartered, and sold into slavery many times until they were fifteen years old. When they were fifteen, another pirate crew bought them, though, they treated them like they were a human. They fed them nicely, told them thank you, they even cleaned and cooked their own stuff. It took them a full year to realize that they were free and that this crew bought them to free them of their shackles, even though they took off the chains as soon as he left the auction.
It took them a while to learn how to love and to learn how to smile again.
Their adventure started when they were seventeen. It started when the crew bought another slave. They looked to be Link’s age and they never spoke. They told the crew, in sign, that their name was Faro. It took a full month for them to speak, but when they did, it was in private with Link.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” Link’s eyebrows furrowed at the new, foreign voice.
“I’ve never heard you speak before…”
“You’re that forsaken prince, aren’t you?” At this point, Link had no idea of the prophecy. He’d never heard of it before.
“I’m no prince, Faro. I was a slave until two years ago, princes do not scrub decks.”
“The world has forsaken a Gerudo prince. You are the forsaken prince.” Faro extended their hand to Link. “I need you more than anything right now.”
Link looked around the deck. It was the dead of night. Link and Faro were on night watch tonight. It was just the two of them tonight. Link wondered if this is what Faro came here for, just for him.
“What do you need me for?”
“The king is a tyrant. I only recently found out why he disregarded such an important law.”
Link tilted his head. “What law?”
Faro stood up straight and looked at Link with dumbfounded eyes. “What do you mean, “What law?!” That law would’ve protected you! You’d still have your family if my father was such a-“ Faro paused.
“Your…father?” There was a strict rule on the ship. A rule everyone knew but didn’t speak of. Pirates are outlaws. If any royal found out that pirates had bought the princess, their ship would sink in hours. The Marines were no joke. They did not allow anyone important on this ship, no matter how much they said that they would pay.
Faro grabbed Link’s shoulders. “Please! He is tearing this kingdom apart and we need a hero to stop him!”
“I’m no hero! The ones you compare me to all fought a Gerudo man named Ganondorf! If you really needed a hero, go find a Hylian to do it!”
Faro let go of Link. They took a deep breath before get on one knee in front of Link. Faro grabbed Link’s hand and pressed the back of it to their forehead. “Please, Link. I truly believe that you are the only one who can defeat him. Just please, you must help me…”
Link felt a tingle on the back of his hand and drew his hand away from Faro. Sitting a beautiful gold on the back of his hand, were three triangle. The one on the bottom right glowed brighter than the other two. He stared at it in awe. “…What?”
Faro jumped up and cheered. “I was right! It is you!” They laughed and giggled, but Link stared at his hand, a feeling of giddiness and dread filling him to the brim.
“What is this?”
“The triforce of courage Link! You are the next hero of Hyrule!”
Faro told the crew about everything on the next day, it didn’t help that the triangle still glowed brightly on his hand.
“Well, as I hear it, the king tried to murder his next hero. Why?” Nan, basically the crew’s mom, asked.
“Because he is the one the hero must fell.”
Link turned to Faro, his confusion evident on his face. “Aren’t the heroes supposed to serve the king?”
“There is a lot of things wrong about my father. One of those things are his name. His name wasn’t originally Rhodes. It’s a family secret, but he was born with the name Ganondorf.”
Nan hummed. “So the king needs to be dethroned. Tell me, Faro, does that mean that you’ll be leaving us after this?”
Faro sighed. “I would love to stay, really, but this kingdom needs a ruler. I don’t trust my father’s advisers with the throne. I find that my duty is more important.”
Link nodded, a new fire in his eyes. “Where do I start?”
Nan scoffed. “You mean, “Where do we start?”
Fast forward through two of his temples and puzzles and he now stands inside a water temple, the ship near the opening of the cave.
He defeated the boss and opened the chest. He saw a bracelet with what looked like a sapphire embedded on it. It was shiny, maybe made of silver. He could sell this for a good amount of money.
“What is that?” Faro asked beside him.
“You would think that I know?”
“Put it on…?”
Link thought about it for a few seconds before putting it on. Nothing happened. He even felt like the silver and blue didn’t match his darker skin ton. Gold paired with it better.
“Noth-!” Link stood up and grabbed Faro’s hand. They dragged Faro out of the way. Where they stood, a wave of water hit. The splash hit the both of them.
The two of them blinked more times than they could count. “…Did the water just attack us?” Faro asked. Link shrugged.
“The ship.” Link said as they made their way toward the ship.
Link explored this bracelet and found that it was an old relic of the Zora’s. It used to be a Zora heirloom. Did he return it? No. It was a very helpful item. Maybe he’d give it back after his adventure…anyways-
Link’s final fight took place inside Hyrule Castle. His crew stayed at the docks.
Nan decided that she was too old to lead a crew of pirates mid adventure, so she declared that Link was the new Captain.
The king knew that Link was coming, and yet, the king was alone in the throne room. The king laughed, stating that he couldn’t be the hero of he didn’t wield the sword of legend. He said that Link was too scared to touch it because Link knew that he had that same darkness inside him that the sword banished.
In truth, Link drew the sword, he was just better with his usual weapon, which was a double edged staff.
But don’t forget, Link had to go to Gerudo for a temple. They met their sisters and heard the whole story behind his childhood suffering. He knew that all of his problems, all of his trauma, was this king’s fault.
They fought with a straight face the entire time, letting all of that anger and frustration and pain that he held within their twelve year old body out.
He decapitated the king. It was an accident, but it felt so right.
Faro took the throne and left the crew. They were apparently called “Zelda” to the rest of the kingdom.
Link lead his crew through storms and sea monster attacks. Link knew that the crew loved monster hunting, so that’s what they became. His crew became monster hunters who slayed the horrid monsters that threatened the seas that Link called his home. It had been a year since his adventure ended when it happened.
Link stared at the ceiling. It was night, probably midnight. He should be asleep right now. The monster that they had just fought required him to go under water. The Zora bracelet allowed him to breathe underwater as long as he wore it, that wasn’t the problem. It was how much he had used the bracelet to command the water around him. It took a toll on his body. However, it wasn’t a big one, it only made him tired.
He heard a knock on the door before one of his crew mates opened it. It was Jasper, his right hand man. He was on night watch tonight.
“You might wanna see this Capt’n.” Link was on his feet in seconds.
“What is it?”
Link and Jasper stood on the deck. In front of them, on the firm wooden boards was a triangular shape. Link stepped closer to it and walked around it.
“It looks like a portal of some kind…?” Link mumbled to himself. It was a swirl of purple and black. It also blowed an ominous purple. It almost looked like the stereotypical poison.
“That’s what I was thinking.” Jasper said. “It’s been here for quite some time now. What should we do about it?”
“I’m going to go inside of it.” Something was pulling Link toward the portal.
“Wha-“ Jasper sighed. “Okay, just bring weapons and potions with you. You don’t know where it’ll take ya.”
Link chuckled. “I take my staff everywhere I go. Don’t worry about me.”
So, Link gathered his stuff. Potions and their weapons and some spare clothes and stepped through the ominous darkness of the portal.
*Cue Linked Universe*
Pause…I found a picrew with a Gerudo nose and lips?!?!?? You also know that all Links have worn eye liner
The only thing that let me down is that there were no scars…I loved everything else
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@cal-the-duende @phthalo-ocorina @mishwanders (:
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fangbunny · 1 year
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My first little drawings of my Linksona Lito, just in time for ArtFight. I’ll be on Vampire, obviously lmfao
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waffletheorist · 8 months
Just finished.
So people liked my Linksona, the Hero of Simulation. And after some prompting from my little brother, I have decided to write something on him. I have never posted my own writing online before, so any advice or guidance will be appreciated. This is his first meeting with the Chain, content below the cut.
TW: Brief mentions of sleep deprivation, hallucinations, insomnia, mild violence.
Link's bad sleeping habits were beginning to have consequences. It was 2:00 a.m, on a rainy Monday afternoon in January. He was in his room, with it's green painted walls, hastily made bed, mildly cluttered desk, and abundance of Zelda posters and consoles, including the N64 passed down to him by his father. He had been doing homework up late, running on God knows how many cups of pure caffeine, (again) when he glanced outside his window and through the rain, saw a Lizalfos. He glanced back to his work, and out the window again, coming to the immediate conclusion that he's hallucinating as a result of sleep deprivation. The lizalfos was still there, alongside a mesmerizing triangular gateway, purple in colour, which immediately piqued his curiosity, he had always had an interest in the fantastical after all, how could he not when named after a videogame hero?
Suddenly, the Lizalfos turned towards him. Beady red eyes glared at him through the darkness and rain, and Link shrank back, before putting on a brave face. It is only a hallucination after all, it can't hurt him, right? He turns back to his maths work, staring longingly at his N64 before snapping himself back to reality. The logical part of his brain tells him it's probably best not to pay any mind to the bizarre hallucinations outside his window, while the impulsive part screams at him to pack his bags, grab his sword (from where?), and become the fictional Hero his parents named him after. He shot his homework one last guilty look, the pen still held in his Triforce-tattooed left hand, before deciding that it wouldn't be any harm if he just took a quick stroll outside, and the fresh air would probably be good for him anyway! Even though it's still dark, raining and around 2 in the morning.
He grabs his phone from it's resting place on his desk, and empties out his school bag. He thinks back to the Lizalfos. It's scales were shining, black as night, and it looked like the kind from Ocarina of Time. If a Lizalfos was there, then surely Hyrule was through the portal? In that case, it might be best to pack his Hyrule Historia. Not that he's wasting any thoughts on his hallucinations though, that would be ridiculous. He shoves some more items into his bag, including a lighter, solar powered phone charger, deodorant and some clothes. He takes note of the rain outside, and also decides to bring an umbrella. After some searching, he discovers it by the door. He puts on his trainers (or sneakers for the Americans reading) and his coat, which is an appealing shade of sage green with many pockets on both the inside and outside, and after taking one last look at himself in the mirror, he steps through the door, locks it behind him, opens up his umbrella, and sets off around the side of his house to face the portal and the Lizalfos, forgoing all self preservation instincts because:
A: It's just a hallucination, so it's probably not even going to be there when he turns the corner!
B: It's a portal, and a Zelda enemy in *real life*, there's no way he's missing this, even if he dies, he's taking a photo, and heading through that portal, this could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
C: He had no regard for his own life in the first place, he's a Link, and although the thought of leaving his dog does sadden him, she'll be in good hands with his brother.
He makes his way outside, pale (probably Vitamin D deficient) skin standing out as a stark contrast to the darkness around him, the rain beating down mercilessly on his umbrella as the puddles grow continually deeper on the path around him, wet grass glistening in the moonlight. His home is in the countryside, it's only neighbours being the fields owned by the farmers, which stank of slurry, the abandoned property that some land developers were looking to purchase a few years ago, and finally the other home across the road with the old, friendly St. Bernard dog who had been there for as long as Link could remember. It was an isolated place, and tended to smell, but it was home. He opened the gate to the back garden, but just as he was about to look around the corner, he felt a presence behind him.
Link let out a rather unheroic high pitched scream the moment he felt the choking grip fasten around his neck. Now he was sure. This wasn't some hallucination, this was reality, and he was in danger. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as his fight, flight or freeze response kicked in. The lizard hissed ominously in his ear. He could feel the spiked metal plates of armour rubbing uncomfortably against him. Why, oh why, did he let his curiosity get the better of him? He should've just kept doing his homework. His desperate shouts were quickly muffled by the creature's scaly arms covering his mouth. In that moment, Link knew he had to make a decision, and quickly, as the pressure around his throat increased. He was sure to black out if he didn't act now.
Link bit down. Hard. The Lizalfos yelped in pain and surprise, pulling its arm away. Link fell to the ground painfully, his neck still in pain from the force of the creature's choke. He stumbled backwards, and the creature turned to him, enraged by his audacity. It unsheathed a cruel, jagged blade from its side, teeth bared and snarling as it stalked towards Link. 'It's not real, it's only a nightmare', he repeated to himself like a mantra in his head. The monster raised it's sword, dark metal glinting in the light of the stars, as Link accepted his demise at the hands of this glorified lizard. Not quite how he wanted to go out, explosions would've been more fun, but alas. There's no way out now.
But then...
Link fell.
He was surrounded by an endless swirling abyss, a feeling of weightlessness as his stomach dropped. He felt sick. He shut his eyes, trying to block out the emptiness around him that seems to force it's way into his mind. He screamed again, but he couldn't hear anything, and the oppressive nothingness closed in around him, stifling and disorienting him.
Link woke up. At first, a feeling of relief coursed through his system. It was only a nightmare after all. But as the fogginess cleared from his mind, he saw that he was in unfamiliar surroundings. He heard voices around him.
"20 Rupees says they're dead."
"Vet, no."
"I think they're alive."
"That was a rather nasty fall, somebody get them a health potion."
"On it!"
"From a portal, maybe they're a spy of the shadow!"
"Their ears are strange."
"Most people have ears like that where I'm from."
"I've seen ears like that in Hytopia. It'd explain their fashion sense if they're from there as well."
The voices all blended together. Link couldn't make sense of it all through his headache. Everything hurt. He jolted up with a start after remembering what happened, headbutting some unfortunate person who happened to be too close, as they fell back with an "ouch!" and forced his eyes open to come face to face with... his childhood heroes. Immediately, he's a deer in headlights. They're **real?** They're in front of him?
"Aw, looks like he's alive after all." A pink haired teen calls, wearing a familiar hat.
"Who would you be?" An older hero asks.
Link would recognise those markings anywhere. They're from the Fierce Deity. Then that must be the Hero of Time. He got *old*.
"I'm... Link. Same as all of you." Link replies.
"Another one? Isn't nine enough?" The pink haired one calls again. Must be the Hero of Legend from a Link to the Past with that hair.
The Hero of Time's expression hardens. Another hero. Another person forced to fight through so much suffering by his cruel destiny.
"A hero?" Asked the Hero of Wilds. With that blue Champion's Tunic, he's easily identifiable. Although Link doesn't recognise that scarring, that wasn't there in-game.
"Yes? Maybe?" Link replies.
"What does that mean?" The Hero of Wilds asks.
"Well, I donate to charity, and I saved a squirrel the other day when walking my dog."
"What about the kingdom? Have you saved the kingdom?" The Hero of the Wilds asks impatiently.
"The kingdom? I mean I guess? On a technicality I have?" Link replies.
All the heroes look dumbfounded.
"How can you save it on a *technicality*? You either save it or you don't, no technicalities there." The Hero of Legend asks, an underlying tone of snark to his voice.
"Well, it wasn't really real?" Link replies, just as confused.
A collective 'ohhhhhh' is shared among the heroes. A few have had adventures in worlds that weren't truly real. That must be the case with this one too, or so they thought.
"We can't call you Link, do you have any other nicknames?" The Hero of Winds asks, easily recognisable in his blue Island Lobster Shirt.
Link pauses, trying to think of a cool name. Most of his online names are things he made up at age 12, and he doesn't want to be called by his TLoZ speedrunning aliases or any of his school nicknames while here. Hero of Videogames or Games just makes him sound less serious. What's a fancier word for that?
"I'm... The Hero of Simulation."
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luckywolfsbane · 1 year
Lyris and her origins
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(Left to right) Marie (11) and Lyris (17)
Explanation under the cut.
Lyris has not always been Lyris. She hasn't always had black hair and brown skin, and certainly hasn't always been a knight.
When she was first created by an 8 year-old Ace for a playground game, she was Marie. Marie was, essentially, a Linksona of a child that didn't know what that even was. I understood 3 things at the time: 1) I liked LoZ; 2) I didn't like using my legal name while playing in any capacity; and 3) I wanted to have fun while feeling strong.
Marie perfectly allowed for all of that. She was fun to be, and a year later, when I felt the call to write an actual story for the first time, she was natural for me to write about. Her story came easily to me, but very little of who she was remains in who she has become. The same can be said for her world and the story itself. She's quite literally 15 years old(creation to this post approximately). It happens.
If you look, you can practically circle most of the remaining traits: a girl; long hair; green eyes; left-handed; a sword; tunic-like clothing; boots; and elf ears. That's where the similarities end.
Lyris makes a choice. Marie was called.
Lyris's evil extended family is a minor concern and a subplot at best. Marie's older sister was her main villain.
Lyris is a knight in service to the royal family. Marie's royal status was hidden from her.
Lyris doesn't really deal with horses. Marie's inciting incident involves a special horse.
Lyris has barely, if ever, seen a fairy as of the start of book 1. Marie has a fairy friend named Pixie.
Lyris's world is full of ghosts. Marie doesn't think ghosts exist.
Lyris is very "I can handle this, thanks." Marie is a bit more of a damsel in distress.
At the end of the day, they fit the stories they were written into. Changing Marie's name to Lyris sparked a ton of changes to her character because she was no longer a copy of anyone or anything. The story no longer fit who she'd been. It was time to grow and grow she did.
That doesn't change the fact that Lyris is, at her core, a hero of courage in her own right. She was based on Link eons ago. It only stands to reason there are pieces of him left within her. Origins affect us all, good or bad.
She isn't, however, Link. That stopped being the case when I started to write about her at 9 years old.
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Thoughts on the Legend of Zelda series? Not just Breath/Tears, the series in general.
Ooooh that's a great question i love it !!
I haven't played as many Zelda games as other people on here- I was introduced to the franchise thanks to Spirit Tracks when I was a kid, then went on to play a bit of Phantom Hourglass on one of my relatives' copy (with their permission, of course) and then a little bit of Skyward Sword before finally doing BOTW. I haven't played Tears of the Kingdom yet (though I certainly intend to!), but I think I have been pretty thoroughly spoilt at this point and it looks pretty awesome !^^
Zelda is still one of the childhood games i look fondly upon. I was too young to really be any good at it, so more often than not it was my older sister (bless her heart) who would take on the bosses for me ! xD being able to play alongside her on our shared gamer journey has always been an amazing experience, since we can always enjoy each other's perspective and input, and partaking in multiplayer mode is always the greatest thing. We spent more time in multiplayer mode than individually on my favorite game ever, Dragon Quest IX ! ^^
Back to Zelda, I think the first game I ever took on completely alone and completed ended up being BOTW and the open world was A BLAST. I'm not saying it should become the general rule for each and every game of course, but in that specific case the freedom it gave me was exhilarating. I remember the first time I got out of the shrine at the start of the game, I decided to check whether or not there was fall damage by throwing Link off the cliff. Good times. I also managed to forget about the plot for something like six months because exploring Hyrule was so breathtaking.
But the thing I love the most about BOTW is my horse. To the point that I have never cared about any other horse. To the point that everything has become secondary to my horse. I love him. He's the best horse.
My friend told me you can get your horse back in Tears of the Kingdom. That makes me so happy.
I'm gonna see my horse again.
Also I think the world healed a little bit thanks to the Linksonas phenomenon. It is so incredibly heartwarming to see everyone's own takes on Link, and how they make them their own (playing with their gender, lore, etc). The fact that we're seeing the same thing happening with Spidersonas makes me equally happy- and a little surprised that it didn't happen quite so much with Byleth ! ^^
What are your opinions on Zelda ? ^^
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summertimemusician · 1 year
@cloudninetonine *waves awkwardly then runs off* So, apologies for the huge delay, in my defense, I've suddenly become a dog mom of two again of two very squeaky poodles xD, doing this differently since this got too big for an ask box, and I'm reserving those for screaming about Player's Aid and about your Linksonas for now.
Part 2, though Wane will get jumped on another one, might make this into a mini series since this suddenly became longer than I expected, apologies if it's not too good though. English ain't my first language and I'm kind of sleep deprived.
You couldn't believe your ears. Convinced you'd finally cracked, gone fully and truly mad, that the thorns and roots and flowers of Hyrule had finally sank their greedy seeds into your soul and made you finally unhinged and insane while taking root.
Did they really...?
The person in the dark green cloak with their brilliant, verdant eye seemed to recover faster, hackles raised, their tone snapping and sharp, a fox with it's tail caught in a trap, irritable and biting and willing to bite their own limbs off to escape even as they shakily took a red potion from their pilfered Sheikah Slate, downing it like a shot, "Look, I know I'm the farthest thing from merciful, but I've had a rough week alright? Can't we save the bad time for when I'm not already on the ground?"
"No!" You spoke, cringing at the volume of your tone, looking around wildly (pointedly not glancing at the downed man at the strangers side) and the shade similarly lurches back, hissing like a cornered snake in the face of a mongoose, alert and wary, the shadows did nothing to settle your nerves, nor did the sweet and nauseating combination of rot, sickness, blood and death rancid in the air, settling agaisnt the back of your throat and chocking your lungs in poisonous fumes, but no sound besides the stranger's shaky breaths and those of the chosen of Hylia broke the tentative peace. Breathing, your hands twist the chain your fairy loved traveler gave you, grounding as you felt like falling and falling and falling, your tone weak, but you would not break "That's... Not what I meant. I just... You know about that game, you're not from here, either." Tentative hope falls from within your lips, dripping like the nectar of life you'd bled and shed already today, fragile as a flower, easily crushed.
Something about that made the stranger pause, gloved fingers twitching over the Sheikah Slate's item inventory, they peer at you from within the shadows of their hood, their emerald gaze that of an assessing, wild, wild beast, and you felt as scrapped raw as those first days in the land of divinity and legends and heroes and princesses and ever cycling conflict, torn asunder as they searched you for something you couldn't begin to describe, and found it, softening as tired understanding fell upon their shoulders like a mourner's shroud, someone who had returned to the mine and only found the canary's remains, "... No. No I'm not, and neither are you, huh kid?"
It wasn't a question. Though you wanted to contest being called a kid, you nod silently anyway.
They sigh, running a hand through their face with a low curse, "For Christ's sake, I really want to deck Hylia in the face right about now. That no good glow stick chicken really fucked it up this time for two of us to be around here now."
You couldn't help it, you laugh, an ugly, slightly hysterical cackle, nails on chalkboard, pitched agony from trying so hard to keep it together, but relieved, "You go for the face while I go for the knees?" You joked.
You weren't alone in this.
That made them bark a laugh, getting up, seemingly satisfied with their pilfered loot, a good quality spear and sword, the chain around their arm clinks as they toss you a bow and a full quiver you catch on instinct, silently thanking your Champion and Rancher and the Old Man for teaching you how to handle a bow before all this mess as they picked up W- your champion's twisted reflection with a huff (Wither, it's Wither, like decay, sickness, weakness and death. Not Wild. Chaotic but not Wild. Not magnolias and silent princesses and clear spring water after storms and howling forest winds. Not your hero), and tossed him without ceremony in an empty cell, locking it tight and placing the key in the slate, grinning slightly, though you couldn't tell if it was purely out of reassurance or from the strangled (and satisfying) grunt of pain his carcass made as he hit the dungeon's floor, they come closer to you with slow, careful steps, almost making no sound in spite of their heels, liminal like smoke. Like the world didn't have a proper grasp of their fleeting existence, "Sounds like a fair deal to me, if you've been through half as much nonsense as I did then you too deserve to commit some emotionally cathartic deicide." They examine you with their eyes, green and (e/c), mismatched and unknowable in their thoughts, a small frown on their face as they offer you a red potion, "Though no offense, you don't look quite in the shape to fight god yet kid, Jesus, did you get into a scuffle with a malice infected Lynel? Point me to who jumped you, I'll return the favor before we bust out of here."
You tense, memories from earlier in the night coming to mind-
(Conquest coming to stand guard, you nicking yourself on the broken blade you've been carefully using to pick the lock of where the Master Sword had been locked away with you, the scuffle between teeth and claw and you wrapping the iron chain you've kept concealed in your neck around his own, the hair raising, bone shaking agonizing screeching crushing open your ribcage and curling around your lungs with horror and terror as your hands felt the iron heat up with hunger. As you prayed and prayed you'd never have to hear such a sound leave your lovely, kind, sweet traveler's throat as well as the memory sunk into your very marrow and you were so sorry-)
You breath, taking the potion, wrinkling your nose slightly at it but downing it like a shot under the green clad escapee's careful watch, as you cringed from the taste you almost didn't catch their wording while trying to get the bile to retreat to your bowels where it belonged, "No, Downfall Hero, he's out for now. I'm sure I could take her- wait, we?"
"The inverted Changeling?" They hiss empathetically, though sounding impressed, you couldn't see why, as you were sure his screams would forever be etched into your mind, it's nothing to be proud of, "No wonder you look in such rough shape, the Fae are ruthless and he'd be specially troublesome given his Hyrule is a downright mess, abyss touched dragon he is. Though that saves half the work... If he and this mongrel are down for the count, then that takes two of the most troublesome one's out already. Missing two now, take the space to breath and rest up for now ok? You'll need to save your strength to make a break for it, riding on horseback or going on foot won't be a picnic either way." They raise an eyebrow, or at least you think they do, their tone disbelieving, a hand scrolling though the slate while the other offers you a wet cloth, "Yes? You're a Guide as well, no?"
"That's what everyone's been telling me ever since I got Isekaied here, doesn't mean I have noticed any difference besides Lady Luck's tendency to like fucking me over more than usual," you grumble, tone bitter as you trade them the empty bottle for the rag, you examine their arm carefully to attempt to push the memory away, silently thanking the regard as you clean your hands and collarbones off of blood, you don't think you could take anyone touching you right now, much less a kind but plain odd stranger. most of the surface of their skin is covered by dark gloves and ceremonial jewelry, claws tipped green with magic.
They nod, seemingly to themselves as they take a bundle from the slate with a small 'Aha!', and an adventurer's pouch whom you hear a faint clinking from, "Even more reason for me not to leave you then. What with the way things are."
"Why...?" You start, but close your mouth with a click, wary and bitterly amused, the you from before wouldn't have questioned it, would have accepted help from a stranger in this time in a heart beat, but you've learned, watching them wearily, you were tired, but you'd be darned if you had to deal with the same situation you did with the Shadow, where you almost died for the first time.
They look and sound genuine, but so did Abyss, before you noticed the glint of teeth and the sleeping, starved lindworm at the bottom of the chasm of his soul, you wouldn't make the same mistake again so easily.
They sigh, turning to you with a hand on their hip, you think they flinch a bit, still pained from their wounds but they level you with a serious gaze, tone soothing but firm as the roots of a tree, "You don't trust me. I get it. Under normal circunstances I would honestly just get the heck out of dodge on my own and be done with it because I don't trust you either. But two heads are better than one, and I refuse to give that dollar store, after Halloween knock off of Nightmare from FNAF 4 a single inch when it's already taken a mile." Their grip on their spear shifts, cracks run along the lonsdaleite shell of their unwavering will, ruined, but not broken, and it's so, so much like the echo of the fox clawing agaisnt your ribcage and howling with the wish to go home it makes you ache, "I have people to protect, friends I can't neglect by dying here. And either I'll kill that abomination and devour it's heart so that it won't hurt anyone ever again, or it will stop at nothing or anyone to devour The Guide and wear it's soul like a crown. It's a wounded animal looking for a way to heal and I refuse to let that vulture take from anyone else's flesh. It's not about trust, (Player), it's about plain fucking common sense and doing whatever it takes for the sake of survival." Their gaze tears through you, emerald on sapphire, wild, ruinous, but understanding on frayed, raw franticness, as they gut open the reality of the matter at hand and drop the organs at your feet, "But you already know that, don't you? I'll give you two choices: come with me while you still can, and I'll stop at nothing until you get back home or until you get someplace safe, or you can proceed alone while I burn this place to ash, choice is yours, I'm just trying to do something good for once." They growl, the fox is howling again, trapped and agitated, but not at you, they look at you steadily, itching to run but kind enough to look back, "Those people are not the hero I vowed to follow, so I don't see why I shouldn't do everything to even just mildly inconvenience them, you're a fellow Guide and were further removed from the exits than even myself, that tells me enough."
You take in a shaky, fragile breath. You've never told them your name.
Suspicion bites and pecks at your soul like a murder of crows, you were tired, you were scared, you could see that desire to run reflected in them, to not look back before you got teeth agaisnt your neck and claws dragging you down into the deep river that was despair and hopelessness, to let your weariness win.
"What's the plan?"
So you couldn't even begin to tell anyone why you looked back.
Maybe it was spite, to not let the torment you've seen while leashed to these so called 'heroes' side like a beaten dog take from you the kindness that made you human, maybe it's the protectiveness you felt towards your boys, the rekindled anger at the very thought of the Shadow gaining a single edge on them that made your vision go red, your blood become the lava and magma at the heart of Eldin, and the wounded vixen in your heart howl and snarl with the cold hunt of the deity trapped in the mask. Fury beating like the drum's of Din's booming, uncaring laughter as she jeered and taunted for war.
Or maybe it was because your Links rubbed off on you, the Chain did repeatedly say that their instincts kept them alive. Something about the person in front of you felt like a kindred spirit, like looking in a mirror, and the glittering diamond of their conviction to keep you safe felt like a promise you'd hear from Time, from Hyrule or Wild or heck even Legend, the prat. From any of your Links.
And anyone with a tone like that would surely do their best to keep that promise, or die trying.
They blink at you, visible eye wide, before smiling, cerulean with relief, before passing you one of their pouches with a wink, the softness of comfort turning into the blade's edge of viciousness, "First, we are closing your wounds and wrapping your hands, those look like a bitch to move around with. Then we blow up the corridor where you came from and the stairs leading to here, that should keep these two fairly busy."
You send them a dry look, "Says the person almost sliced clean in half."
"Shh, this ain't about me." They poke you on the chest sternly. You snort, but come over anyway, careful not to make too much noise, it draws a smile across their face as they take the bandages and a second cloth to start patching you up, your back to the wall and theirs to the corridor, head lightly cocked, it reminds you vaguely of Twilight, listening like so even when in Hylian form, "Take out the Twili Touched. If possible the veteran too, they'd be troublesome to shake off and we need to minimize their tracking chances. I could probably stall the Sky Beast enough to take the Master Sword... That dowsing would be downright impossible to shake-
"No need, it's with me. I took it after downing Conquest."
They seem to blue screen, you can practically hear the record scratch as they stare at you blankly, then moves on, "... Wow. Okay. I hope you know I would die for you."
"Now that's a bit much." You sweatdrop, trying to push away memories of other people who've made such promises. Even if the hooded figure sounds more jesting than serious.
They laugh, but move on, snickering, before their tone turns serious. "Alright, so, avoid Chrono, the sailor and Conflict at all costs, the shattered hero is manageable as long as his Shadow Link decided to forsake him, Abyss too even if he would be as much of a nightmare to face, he has less stamina than the unwanted animal so all you need to do is out last him. Those three though? I mean it, you see those bastards? You don't engage. You run, run and don't look back no matter what you hear, I can handle myself and I have a score to settle and enough rage to keep me alive until I do it, you don't have half my experience though and I sure hope you won't ever have it, so when I tell you to run, you run, go it? I'm not about to test our luck here if Lady Luck or Hylia or Demise himself have decided to screw with us."
You shiver, you'd much rather not talk about Chrono, but something about their wording makes you pause, "Chrono I get, even if your confidence deeply alarms yet reassure me, why Cyclone and Conflict though?"
Your fellow guide seems to groan, artificial hand running through their face as they start setting up remote bombs on the stairwell from which you came, "Kid has the Wind Waker. Usually I wouldn't be down for punting a small child, I'm an asshole though not that kind of asshole, but if that little menace remembers he has it we are both screwed."
Fuck, they're right, "Aah, song of control, my bad, what about Conflict though?"
"He's dangerous, a snake in wolf's clothing and a soldier to boot, if he's running with this circus of unhinged clowns then that probably means he did something so bad even the royal guard would have issues with." Your fellow inmate clicks their tongue, spitting blood to the side, "I don't want to find out what that was to put it bluntly, if you ask me he's as much of a monster as the Shadow."
You wince a bit, they are absolutely right, if both of your suspicions are right, then Conflict is arguably the more personally dangerous besides Chrono, a cautionary tale wrapped in the illusion of a perfect prince and soldier from a fairy tale, a lie within a lie. And people like that are red flags dripping blood upon the floor that even the blind, deaf and mute would rather allow Gleeok or Lynels to rip them to shreds than face the nightmare pretending to be a daydream utilizing your sweet captain's skin. The other Guide also rightfully deduced so and likely wanted to chance it as little as possible.
... Which makes what you're going to say probably make you sound absolutely insane.
"... I don't think we have to worry about him for now, actually."
Their hooded head snap towards you so fast, you almost think you hear something crack, their tone concerned, "What do you mean?" They don't even wait for you to answer, looking you over carefully as you hunch your shoulders protectively, visible alarm flaring to life in the evergreen of fheir gaze, their hands tremble around the slate, "(Player), what did he-?!" They cut themselves off, head tilted, before their eye narrows, handing you one of their pouches, it smells vaguely like spice's, and taking fhe cloak they've stolen from Wither, shoving you onto a darkened pillar by an open cell, chains clacking together, "Someone's coming. Either Wane or Abyss, I hear chainmail. I'll wear them down and either take them out or give us an opportunity for escape, if it's Wane, you wait until I yell and throw this at him okay? Time for your first lesson in how to fuck up a dog's sense of smell so badly it may never be any good for tracking again. We can talk about this later where I'll surely give you a lecture my lioness of a princess would be proud of."
"Wait- wait! How do you-!" They throw something over your shoulders and face, their nephrite colored hood, the scent of silent princesses and, the Faron Woods and strangely enough magnolia's and spider lillies flooding your nose as you glare at them, readjusting the hood over your face.
And feel your heart and blood freeze.
It's your face, your eye staring back at you. A twisted reflection, a Silent Princess necklace attached to the choker around their neck and fangs for earrings, the symbol of Farore etched onto the metal holding fhen together. Tired and older and jaded. Like looking at the ruins if your own soul and not knowing wether to flinch or cry.
...Or maybe just give them a hug, for all they look like you you're certain you've never looked this battered. They look like they could use it and frankly, you could go for one too really, and who better to know how to hug you but yourself?
The person with your face, no, you, smiles, awkward and tired and hollow, but not surprised holding your hood down with their artificial hand, you can only see the reassuring curve of their smile, warm in spite if tragedy, growth where lighting struck, "I'll explain all of it when we leave here, okay? For now, just call me Craein, and follow me. I'll guide your way."
And, after putting the hood of Wither's cloak up and concealing their clothing as much as possible, they dive into the shadows to wait. Just as you hear footsteps finally reaching the stairs of the dungeon.
... You guess you'll just literally have to trust yourself, this time.
To be continued...
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triplecatattack · 1 year
The Facial Hair Fiasco
Based on the ask I sent @cloudninetonine (as seen here ) and featuring her linksonas (also as seen here) I loved the concept and just wanted to elaborate further on it while I have a writing kick.
" I love your beard crypt I think it looks very nice on you."
We're the famous last words before nearly everyone stopped shaving one morning.
at first it wasn't noticeable with everyone trying to eat, pack up, and leave in a timely manner less important things like shaving and sometimes bathing (I will throw their asses in the nearest river soon so help me god!) Went the wayside.
at first it wasn't noticeable but.... then it was hard not to notice the amount of facial hair within the group.
First to boast was courage (the cocky bastard) strutting up to me like a peacock displaying his feathers or in this case his beard.
"So what do think sunshine my beard is way better than his." courage said, while waggling his eyebrows at me.
And after his display of course time and twilight followed.
Wars wanted to grow some but he said that
knights weren't allowed to grow facial hair as it "unbecoming of a soldier."he sighed disappointedly.
And of course dear rulie, tried his best but his attempt was lackluster compared to the others but while he didn't get a beard (however his stubble look was kinda nice ngl.) he still received a nice kiss for his efforts.
Gilt,mory, and four all wanted to grow theirs out more but didn't all for the same reason.
"If sparks hit our facial hair we would probably get burned y/n" four explained sadly.
Even Mecha was not immune to the facial hair fiasco as he woke up? (Do robots even sleep???)one morning to animal fur glued to his face only to realize this after he became aware of everyone's snickering at him no one admitted to the crime, however winds smug looks said enough.
And to be honest everyone looked nice with their facial hair but, crypt looks the best. (but that's only for him to hear.)
Truce/mory/crypt/iron/gilt are all @cloudninetonine OC's if you want to read more about the check out their blog.
And please let me know what you think.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
Things I feel suits my Linksonas (featuring my gf's and I shared Linksona) (Sorry guys had a bad deal and trying to make myself laugh with jokes OIUFDGIE)
Mory: "I better watch my 5'2 mouth? First of all- I'm glad you said that- I'm not 5'2 I'm 5'3-" (Embodiment of a fucking cockroach that someone should step on)
Crypt: "The Ancient Hylians believed the most significant thing you could do in your life was die." (Literally so awkward, the definition of 🧍 and blurts out stuff during moments of silence because he doesn't like pure silence)
Truce: "Oh my God, somebody named Ganon just sent a letter saying "Boy trust you will be dealt with." What the fuck does that mean?" (Not serious about anything, not even when his life is in danger)
Gilt: 'Inside Link's mouth, the muscles contract to form a smile. Even though in his brain, Link is thinking "Dude, fuck you.' (Is very sweet and always wears a smile but is so done with literally everyone's shit)
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kiwis-ocs-sideblog · 2 years
Intro Post
Here is a link to a website that actually shows you everything from a specific tag because tumblr’s search function is broken
Tags and Introductions:
#eli hero of the fae: my first OC, and the one i have the most stuff about! Started out as a Linksona/self insert, but she’s branched out since then. She’s the hero of her time, which can be confusing for the citizens of her hyrule given that the Prince is named Link (there’s also a princess zelda). The three of them are best friends. || intro fic || picrew || outfit design || my art
#aryll witch of the woods: a sweet, kind witch who lives out in the woods and makes potions. She has a friend named Niko, and her big brother Link (who is not a main character of this story lol) || intro fic and picrew
#zelda princess of courage (<- old tag || -> new tag) #harp princess of courage: another LU OC! So far she’s a different AU from Eli. For this one, Link is the Hero of Wisdom, and Princess Zelda is the Princess of Courage. (Ie triforce swap). They journeyed on their adventure together || intro fic || picrew || outfit design
#link hero of wolves (<-old || new->) #lupus hero of wolves: a unique Link who has some interesting ancestry. He is also tall and intimidating, much to his dismay. Link is shy and quiet, and is often found either reading, organizing the bookshelves, or adventuring. || intro post || picrew
#dragon hero of blupees: this link is half dragon, and yes he can transform into one. His introduction is in my ocs meet au, @a-chain-of-chaos || during his first adventure he was 18, his second was when he was 20, and during chain of chaos he’s 28
Edit: it seems sometimes the links (heheh) randomly break, so whoops. But the search website link still works!
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