#my friend who lives on the floor below me + his partners got it and they kept their door open which made me Nervous
indigodawns · 10 months
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sophiamcdougall · 3 months
So I have this friend who lives in my building. She is a naturally gregarious type, a bit of a people-collector, so last year instead of having one birthday party, she decided to have four, one party a week, for a whole month, all in her flat. Don't know how she does it. And the other thing about my friend is that although we live in what is generally considered a rough area, she is/was actually posh enough to have been to St Paul's School For Girls. And if you know anything about British public schools, the entire (rotten) point of them is basically that you will grow up to be part of the in-group of influential people.
So I've got somewhat used to finding out every so often that she vaguely knows some celebrity or news pundit or whatever. I was, however, a little shocked to find out she had a mutual friend with Kwasi fucking Kwarteng, partner in crime to Liz Truss the Lettuce-Conquered, you know, the ones who crashed the British economy. But not as shocked as my friend was to run into him at a party, whereupon he said to her "oh, I'm sorry I didn't make it to any of your parties!"
As if he had been invited!! As if it was a given that he could just turn up in any private home in London and everyone would be pleased to see him!! As if it was to be expected that people were out there hosting parties and being disappointed that Kwasi Kwarteng didn't show up despite never even having fucking met the guy!!
And I was so shocked at the idea I had just barely escaped being at a party which Kwasi Kwarteng could potentially have crashed at any moment that I had to have this story repeated to me twice to believe I'd actually understood. Listen. My friends. I generally like it here. I do. There is a lot of green space nearby that was a godsend during lockdown. I have a large balcony and even though the council won't fix the fucking drainage, it is overflowing with flowers. The local cornershop put a "defend drag story hour" flyer in the window. I have multiple neighbours who will feed my cat if I am away. But you know. One time I booked a plumber in and at the last minute he refused to come because the last time he parked his van here all his stuff got stolen. Another neighbour has seen people pissing in the stairwells. There is that heroin addict on the floor below who every so often runs amok and threatens to stab people. He threatened to stab me once and this year he helped me get a book case up the stairs -- people contain multitudes. The very least I should be able to expect here is to be safe from running into the former Chancellor of the fucking Exchequer.
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Hiiiii, I'm a new follow who got absolutely smitten with your work!
I saw your last post anddd I just decided to drop by this ask!
So, umm, I really crave this man named Marco I love so much like fr I'm crazy about this guy lmao 💀 anyways can I possibly get a Marco x F!reader idk just some fluff stuff with this man I really think he's super affectionate and smitten with his partner sooo can I get morning with him or something like that? Like reader waking him up for some coffee and then him taking maybe a shower and shaving while maintaining his mini beard (stache is that what its called? Idk) while reader watching him admiring him and then marco notices her and sooo you know the idea! Could be SFW or NSFW you choose the best thing you see coming up eith the plot please!
Hopefully, I didn't make this hard for you but really I love your fics so muchhhh like literally you really share the same way of thinking of the characters personalities and actions as me so I'm loveeeeee!
Anyway call me strawberry!
thank you!
Stay safe out there!
Hey Strawberry! Here is my go at your request. Thanks for the suggestion, I had fun writing it! It kind of ties in to my Marco x Reader fluff I posted earlier today, but if you didn't like that or don't want to read that I'll give another short scenario here. It's short and sweet. I'll do a Marco NSFW hopefully in the next couple of days. Plan is to have it fit in with this fic and my earlier posted marco fluff fic. Hope you enjoy! If we want more Marco or someone else, like, comment, request below! Thanks friends!
Warnings: Suggestive, Fluff, SFW, petnames, spoilers for WANO, I do not own these characters
Scene Set up: Either follows my previous post Falling for Marco the Phoenix or You, a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates, decide to go with Marco to Sphinx Island to help protect Pop's home Island. After living on the island awhile, you and Marco confess your feelings for one another. This fic takes place the next morning as you begin to go about your routines as a couple in the same house.
A Morning with Marco
The next morning, you rolled over in bed to find Marco’s side empty. You lifted your head and looked around the room. You noticed the door to the bathroom was closed and it dawned on you that you could hear the sound of the shower running. You smiled as you realized besides the sound of the water, you could also hear Marco humming in the shower. You laughed as you heard him break out in song. You rolled on your back and listened to him for a few minutes, before finally deciding to make some coffee. You crawled out of bed and found Marco’s purple dress shirt still on the floor. You put it on and buttoned the two middle buttons, knowing full well it showed off some of your cleavage and cut open just above your mid-thigh.
You walked to the kitchen and measured out the coffee grounds and poured water into the pot, then hit the power button. You reached into the cabinet and pulled out two mugs. You noticed you heard the water stop running. You still heard the faint sound of Marco humming and singing. You still couldn’t believe yesterday had been real. Marco had feelings for you, he had kissed you, then, well you had last night with Marco… you smiled as you thought back on the details. You were hoping for a reenactment as soon as possible. You heard the bathroom door open and were immediately broken from your daydream. 
You looked at the coffee pot and noticed there was enough for two cups already brewed and quickly poured them. You returned the pot to the stream of brewing coffee and picked up your two coffee filled mugs. You walked back into the bedroom and smiled as you rounded the far side of the bed, which allowed you to see into the opened bathroom door. Marco was shaving his stubble in the mirror, wrapped only in a towel that covered his waist. His tattooed chest still glistened with water droplets as his wet hair lay messily atop his head. You walked to the bathroom doorway and leaned against it, a giant smile plastered on your face.
“I kind of liked the full stubble look.” You said.
“Oh.” Marco asked as he turned his gaze from his reflection, to over his shoulder to look at you. “Well how about half of it?” Marco asked as he set down his razor and came towards you.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and rubbed his half shaved neck against your cheek. You laughed as you held the full coffee mugs away from the two of you in one hand and grabbed his arm with your free hand.
“Marco, I’ll spill the coffee!” You gently yelled.
“Coffee? Is one for me?”
“Of course.” You said with a laugh.
You handed Marco the mug and he brought it closer to his lips, still holding onto your waist with his other hand. You moved your hand to his chest and brought your coffee mug to your face. You hoped the mug covered your blush as you admired the build of the man before you. Marco’s lips parted around the rim of the mug and he smiled at you as he took a sip. As he lowered his mug, he looked down at your body and noticed what you were wearing. 
“Well you win. That shirt looks better on you than me.”
“You think so?” You laughed as you played with the collar of the shirt that hung near your cleavage.
“Mhhmm.” Marco said as he took another sip. “Thanks for the coffee, babe. You make it way better than I do.” He added as he pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. 
You pushed against his chest as he kissed you and laughed.
“That’s because Thatch never taught you guys how to make coffee. Anyways! Finish shaving! It tickles too much!” You cried and Marco laughed in response.
Marco let go of your waist and returned to the sink. He set down his coffee mug and returned to shaving. You stayed leaning against the doorway and watched him as he finished up. Marco returned to humming as he worked. A wide smile rested upon your lips. He stopped in the middle of his razor swipe and looked over his shoulder at you once more.
“What are you smiling about? Is my performance that good?” He asked with a laugh.
“What? Oh yes, it is.”
“Hmmm… well what’s your favorite part?” He urged as his eyes narrowed studying your expression.
“Hmm…” You took another sip of coffee and studied your surroundings trying to pretend to think hard. “The outfit. The towel only. I like the look.”
“Yeah. Is that what has you smiling?” He asked with an eyebrow raise.
Marco gripped the counter tighter as you took another sip of your coffee. You looked at the ground between the two of you, then scanned up his body until your eyes met.
“No.” You said as a devious grin formed on your face. “Knowing what’s underneath has me smiling.” You added with a blush as you raised your coffee mug to cover it. 
You raised your eyebrows and backed out of the doorway.
“Is that so..?” Marco asked curiously.
Marco grinned at you then picked up his razor and finished shaving. You moved to sit on the bed to finish your cup of coffee. After a few minutes Marco exited the bathroom. As he entered the bedroom, still in his towel only, you set your coffee mug down on the table beside you. He jumped on the bed and rolled on top of you, where he slammed his soft lips against yours. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his hands began to roam your body. You stroked Marco’s bottom lip with your tongue. His lips parted allowing you to intertwine your tongue with his. Marco’s hands started undoing the buttons of your shirt as your hands rifled through his hair.
His lips separated from yours. He looked into your (E/C) eyes warmly. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“You can make coffee, taste like coffee, and you’re beautiful. How’d I get so lucky?”
“I don’t know, if I had to guess, it was the singing. I hope I get a show like that every morning.” You replied with a laugh as you pressed your lips back against his.
Suddenly, there was a knock at your front door. Your lips separated and the two of you panted as you looked towards the main room where the front door was. He looked at you and sighed.
“Marco!” A voice called. 
“Coming.” He replied. 
Marco climbed off of you and the bed. He quickly grabbed some boxers and a pair of pants from his closet and tossed them on under his towel. He threw the towel back in the bathroom and headed towards the doorway of the bedroom. As he did, you started to get out of bed, but Marco stopped you.
“I’ll be quick I promise.” Marco whispered sweetly.
Marco, kissed your forehead and walked out of the room, cracking the door behind him. As he headed towards the front door, you laid back against the pillows in the bed and decided to wait for him. A smile grew upon your lips as you hoped  every morning going forward would be like this, except without a neighborly interruption. Marco opened the front door and you heard him gasp.
“Cat Viper? What are you doing here?” He asked.
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blacktobackmesa · 2 years
Hi, I'm sorry I'm back in your inbox again skfbdjdn, but uhhh I was thinking about the headcanons you posted on Valentine's day and now I've got to know how Gordon would react when he realizes he's developing feelings for Funny Benny who lives in the computer. I'm usually a fairly casual frenrey shipper, but with how good you are at writing the hlvrai cast I'm on the edge of my seat to hear about how their relationship in streamman
Ohhh yes yes good. (Also, no apologies, I love messages, they are my friends) I'm gonna go deep into the paint on this one, check below the cut for Gordon's slow realization, the little things leading up to it, and more.
(There's a little allusion to sexual topics. Nothing explicit. Literally just the fact that adults in relationships can have sex. If you are a fan of the show where the climactic final boss monologue has heavy discussion of a dick slip, I don't think you're going to be scandalized, but I've been wrong before.)
Gordon and Benrey have that fun dynamic of "omg stopp what are you doing (does nothing to stop them)", and there's a lot of ways for both of them to be affectionate while obfuscating their feelings. But it's not really like they're trying to hide anything from each other? It's just the language they've built up to communicate. Like:
"Oh, fuck you." [Gordon Translation: That quip was pretty funny, I'm surprised I didn't see that coming.]
"you wish. say please, k?" [Benrey translation: I'm glad my comedy had the desired effect, so I'm continuing my jokes. I'm also implying intimacy by being comfortable enough to make sex jokes about us.]
At some point, Gordon realizes that his interactions with Benrey are making him feel... almost lonely. Which is weird, because the things that make him feel lonely(?) are all the things he likes about hanging out with Benrey. He figures out that he misses being able to have that kind of dynamic with a romantic partner.
Then it takes another full week for him to do the math that "Being with Benrey makes me think about my past relationships" + "I feel sad that I'm not dating anyone" = "I feel sad that I'm not dating Benrey". Look, he's not a scientist. He just plays one in a video game.
First response to realizing his feelings: MASSIVE ANXIETY.
How can they make this work out? What if he's waited too long? He knew Benrey was into him in the game, but this is several years of platonic interaction later. If Benrey still likes him that way, will he be angry and bitter at Gordon for trying to act like he hasn't been quietly turning down Benrey's affections all this time? Even if Benrey's still interested, they're basically on different planes of reality!
Thankfully, he has someone to talk to who helps get some of those anxieties sorted.
Gordon: what about going on dates? Fang: you go on outings with the science team all the time. You literally sit in the dark and watch movies together at least once a month. Gordon: Am I going to be content in a long-distance relationship where I know we can't ever move in together? Fang: Okay, one: his domain is on a computer in your home. Two, you're pretty dang happy with your ""long distance"" friendships. Three, you have the haptic suit. And four, it is none of my business if you decide to buy some very specialized bluetooth devices. Gordon: dude. Fang: I'm just saying you have options on the physical side.
Thankfully, Benrey's kind of glad he waited. Like, it would be awesome if he and Gordon had been together from the start, but he kind of feels better about who he is as a person at this point. Gotta get Benrey lvl. 5 before you can unlock Ultimate Romance. Anyway Gordon asks him out and he ragdolls on the fucking floor
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therealbl0om-blog · 3 months
Heatwave kept on shouting, his energon levels and spark beat getting higher each shout… Kade remained silent, staring at Heatwave with a shocked expression. "I just want to go back in time, when the fucking war never happened… Where I lived with my family, my friends, where I overcame my dreams! Where I was seen as someone that I always wanted to be! But look where it all got me, having to pretend to be some mindless bot… Doing things human make us do…" Heatwave's voice started to get softer. "I just can't help but feel… lost…" Heatwave whimpered, falling down on his knees, staring at the ground as oil dripped down his cheeks on the muddy floor… "I just… want to be myself again, not someone I'm not…"
Kade felt guilty, is this really how Heatwave actually felt…? After all this time, living on Earth? Kade remained silent but then he walked over to Heatwave and hugged his knee… Sure, he was smaller, but he wanted to show care and love to Heatwave, something that he hasn't felt in who knows how long. Heatwave's optics widened. "Kade, It's f-" Kade interrupted him with a soft tone. "It is not fine… I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me the most, I'm sorry for… using you like some… maid… I just didn't know how to show it properly." Kade whimpered and buried his small body into Heatwave's knee. "I just want to be the perfect partner for you, to have you happy, feel safe and welcomed… I failed."
Kade spoke, softly as the sadness and the guilty was heard in his tone. Heatwave sighed and picked him up, lifting him up to his face level. "Kade, you never failed.. You always made me happy, safe and welcomed… No matter the issue. I know you're trying your best, but sometimes I need to have my own breakdowns too, and not have it bottled up…" Heatwave smiled softly as he wiped the sudden tears on Kade's face. "It's not your fault, It's mine… I shouldn't have shouted at you like that, or last night… I was just too blind to realize you were actually trying to help me. But now I see it…"
Heatwave smiled, Kade sniffled and then used his own palm to wipe Heatwave's oily tears, causing him to get drenched in it, but he couldn't care less. "Please… Just please… Don't hide stuff from me, and don't be scared to open up… Others will understand, everyone has their point of breakdowns. And it's fine…" Kade then decided to do something that Heatwave did, and gave a small soft kiss on the cheek.
Heatwave couldn't help but feel flustered at the soft kiss, he chuckled and hugged Kade close to him, falling on his back as he giggled. "You always know how to make me laugh, huh…?" He chuckled through his own tears, Kade giggled as well and wrapped his arms around Heatwave's face. "Of course I do, I know you too well…" Kade closed his eyes and kept close to him, this was so unexpected… Heatwave smiled and sighed. "Thank you, Kade… Thank you for everything…" He smiled and buried his own face into Kade's hair, oh it was so soft…"
Kade smiled softly, and found it adorable that Heatwave just loved his soft, fluffy hair. But he let it slide and have him ruffle his own face into it. Kade chuckled and felt Heatwave's body relax, that was a good sign… "If you ever need anything, Heatwave… You can always come to me, and talk to me… We'll get through everything…"
"I'll always love you, not as a partner, not as a best friend… But beyond all that, Heatwave…"
3/3 part! links below! PART TWO 1/3 PART TWO 2/3
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rebelwhump · 6 months
Double Date: Part 2
@bellysoupset and @writing-whump this is for you! Just a little wrap up to my last fic.
Part 1
CW: emeto
The house was quiet when Paul returned home from the office around nine. Figuring his brother was still out with friends, he unlaced his brown dress shoes and headed into the kitchen. He was starving, not having eaten since noon. Today was beyond stressful, and involved Paul spending hours trying to fix a mistake that another paralegal at the firm made regarding an important client. A gentle moan startled him out of his thoughts and he whipped around. Brett was curled up on their green, lumpy couch with his arms wrapped around his midsection.
“I didn’t realize you were home,” Paul said as he walked into the living room. It was strange to see Brett laid up at this hour on a Friday night. “Is everything okay?”
“Ate too much…got sick at the restaurant,” he groaned. His cheeks puffed out with a burp as he ducked his head and blew it out of his mouth.
“You? Eat too much?” Paul teased. “I’ve seen you put away an entire Crave Case in one sitting and then complain about still being hungry.” That’s when Paul noticed sweat stains on his brother's shirt and several brown curls glued to his cheeks. He kneeled down next to the couch and placed a hand on Brett’s forehead. “Well, it wasn’t just the food. You have a fever.” Brett looked up at him with furrowed brows.
“Really?” He asked, confused. Paul nodded. “Huh. I guess that would explain why I feel so awful.”
“Why don’t you get into bed and I’ll find you a change of clothes?” He asked while lending a hand to his brother to help pull him off the couch. The change in position appeared to make Brett dizzy, as he stumbled and blinked rapidly. Paul reached out to steady him. “I’ve gotcha.”
“Think m’ gonna be sick,” Brett mumbled and let out a wet burp before he quickly clamped a hand over his mouth.
“Alright, bathroom it is,” Paul decided, practically dragging his brother down the hall and in front of the toilet. Immediately, Brett let out a thick belch and hung his head over the bowl, but nothing actually came up. He shivered, spitting thick saliva into the water. Paul grabbed a blue washcloth and ran it under cold water before getting down on the tiled floor. He hung the towel around his brother's neck and started rubbing his back.
“I wish Jasmine were here,” Brett sighed, before he looked over at his brother, “no offense.”
“None taken,” Paul chuckled. “I wish she were here too. Then I wouldn’t have to be the one sitting on this cold ass bathroom floor watching you vomit.”
“I haven’t vomited…yet,” Brett argued weakly, spitting more bitter saliva into the toilet.
“Oh, you will. I’ve been taking care of you since we were kids. I know the telltale signs that you’re about to barf,” he said. “Valuable insight that has saved me from getting puked on more than once.”
“Shut up. You love taking care of me,” Brett grinned, playing shoving Paul’s shoulder. Seconds later, a harsh gag had him scrambling back over the bowl. The remnants of his dinner rocketed up his throat and splashed into the water below. Paul continued rubbing his back until he was finished.
The two of them sat there in silence while Brett rode out the lingering waves of nausea. Eventually, his brother straightened himself and scooted back until he was resting up against the wall. Beads of sweat trailed down his forehead and neck.
“Part of me feels like maybe she doesn’t really care about me,” Brett said softly, his voice horse from all the vomiting. At first, Paul was confused, not sure who or what he was referring to. Then it clicked. Jasmine. “But then I remember that she can’t help it.” Paul suspected that this was just the fever talking, but he hated how sad and conflicted his little brother looked.
“I think most people expect their partner to want to take care of them when they’re sick. And it’s okay if you’re upset with Jasmine because she doesn’t,” Paul told him. “Has she ever expressed interest in wanting to work on her phobia? Therapy might do a lot of good at helping her work through her fears. At least then, it would show that she’s trying to get better. And in turn, be a better partner to you.” There was a long pause and then a sigh from the other man.
“I think I love her, man,” Brett admitted softly.
“I know, bud,” Paul smiled. “It’s pretty obvious.” He reached a hand up to Brett’s forehead. “Think you can stomach some meds? I don’t like how warm you’re feeling.” Although his brother looked unsure, he eventually nodded and Paul helped him up off the bathroom floor. He got Brett situated in bed with a clean shirt and a fresh pair of boxes for him to sleep in before bringing him a glass of water and some acetaminophen.
“Thanks, Paul. For everything,” Brett said quietly as he threw back the pills and sipped on the water. A grimace formed on his face as he swallowed and Paul was ready with a trash bin just in case it all decided to come back up. Thankfully, everything seemed to be staying down.
I’ll let you get some sleep,” Paul said, flicking off the light switch and heading back out into the kitchen. Even after he just witnessed his brother puke his guts out, he found he still had an appetite.
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clementine-side-blog · 4 months
Protect & Love - E.N
Summary: Being close friends in the orphanage, y/n and Edward move in together after leaving it. They eventually get in a relationship. Edward knows y/n has lots of trauma, has abandonment issues, and is very dependent, but he loves them very much. He wants to be with them for the rest of his life. He'll protect her always.
(A/N: This is based on what I know about age-re and my personal experiences with it. I know not every one's experience with it is the same. So, keep that in mind while reading <3)
Content Warning: Y/n is an age regressor (regresses to like around 10-11 years old), explicit language, trauma, drugs, alcohol, abandonment issues, angst, fluff, panic attacks, PTSD, Edward being a great friend and partner, AFAB!Reader, she/her pronouns. (rare moment for me not to make y/n gay in some way.)
Songs For Inspo:
daydreaming - Rebzyyx, horrormovies
La Vie en rose - Edith Piaf
Wanderings - Mook
Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar
rises the moon - Liana Flores
Kids - Current Joys
Tumblr media
~Read Below Cut~
(also, idk shit about orphanages so i will most likely get how they work VERY wrong. pls don't take any offensive from how i write it <3 im doing my best pookies)
"Children, gather around now! Come on, hurry up! We have a new friend joining our home."
The children in the room all huddled up around Sister Addams. Edward stood in the back, not wanting to deal with wiggling through the crowd of kids. He didn't like being in big crowds. Instead, he stood on his tippy toes, trying to get a good look at who was joining the orphanage.
"This is y/n! I trust that you'll all make her feel comfortable. Go on, y/n. Say something about yourself." Sister Addams encouraged.
Edward couldn't see her too well, even on the tips of his toes. But, eventually, he found a little crack of space that he could see her through. She looked really skinny and frail, just like him. But, so did everyone else in the orphanage really. A brown teddy bear was held tightly to her chest, as if it was her form of life support.
'She's pretty...'
"Um, I like...um...ponies?" She mumbled.
"Ponies! Isn't that nice? I'm sure you'll find other girls that like ponies too. Your bed is at the very far left end, near the window." She said.
Y/n nodded as Sister Addams left the room. Some children stared at her for a little while longer before walking away, while others left immediately after. She stayed standing there for a little while longer. Once the crowd dispersed, Edward could see her more clearly now. She wore a yellow sundress with white knee socks bunched around her ankles. It looked like she was crying. Pushing up his glasses, he walked towards her.
"Hi, I'm Edward." He said, holding his hand out.
Y/n looked at him, bear still held tightly to her chest. After a little bit, she held out one hand and shook his. She found a handshake to be extremely formal for their age.
"How old are you?" Edward asked.
"I'm 10..."
"Me too."
Y/n looked down at the floor, gripping the bear tight again. She wiped away her tears with the back of her arm. Edward stood awkwardly, glancing around the room. He didn't really know what to do about her crying.
"Why are you sad?"
"My p-parents were mean to me. I g-got taken aw-way from them..." She said between soft cries.
Edward noticed how she fidgeted with the ear of the stuffed animal. Perhaps that was a stuffed animal from when she lived with her parents.
"I'm sorry that they were mean. I don't know my parents." He said bluntly.
"Y-You don't have parents?" She asked, curiously.
"Well, I do. I just don't know where they are...or who they are."
"Oh, I'm sorry..." Y/n trailed.
Edward pointed at her face; more specifically her eyes. Y/n looked at his finger, going cross-eyed as she did so. He smiled and dropped his hand back down.
"I like your eyes. They're pretty."
Y/n blushed, smiling softly.
"Thanks, I like your glasses. They look cool. I bet you can see everything with them!" She giggled.
"I don't think it's possible to see everything. A human's peripheral vision isn't that wide." He stated.
"You're silly." Y/n said.
"Thank you?"
After that first interaction, the two kids became inseparable. They were best friends till the very end. Edward was literally the only person y/n ever hung out with. She didn't get along with anyone else. Plus, Edward was the only one who talked to her when she came to the orphanage. She was alone, abandoned by her family, hurt, and he was there to make her feel welcome. Needless to say, she got attached to him quickly. As they got older, around 14, that's when Edward started to realize that y/n had severe trauma. Who could blame her? He was a smart kid, always reading books on information that seemed unimportant, and one of the books he read was on psychology. He deducted that y/n had abandonment issues, which was justifiable seeing as what she went through. When they were both 16, there was one thing that y/n did that he found an answer for after reading some of Freud's work. Though, he didn't really need a book to understand what it was.
Edward and y/n sat at the cafeteria tables, the only ones sitting at the table they were at. No one ever sat with them, but they didn't really care. In fact, they favored the privacy. Looking up from his 'food' Edward noticed y/n had barely eaten anything. He sighed, leaning over the table slightly and moved her tray to get her attention. She had been spaced out the entire time.
"Hey, you need to eat something. Ok?" He said.
Y/n snapped out of her daze, fidgeting with the bear on her lap. She carried it around with her everywhere. Everyone in the orphanage made fun of her for it. But, it was something that brought a lot of comfort to her. Edward didn't mind it. He found comfort in books and y/n found comfort in a stuffed animal. What was the big deal?
"M' not really that hungry..." She murmured.
Edward scoffed softly, rubbing his hand over his forehead in frustration. He grabbed the fork and her hand, placing it on her palm. She looked up at him, eyes big and just as pretty as they were when he first saw her.
"Eat. Please? Just a few bites at least." He asked.
Y/n sighed, but gave in. She took a bite of her food, and Edward smiled. He was glad that she was eating. After a few more bites, she put the fork back down. He wanted to tell her to eat more, but he was just glad she ate something. Edward looked at her a little more closely, seeing how she was positioned and acting.
"Are you ok?" Edward questioned.
She shook her head, looking down at her lap. He wasn't quite sure what was wrong with her. Edward leaned forward, elbows propped on the table. She was picking at the fuzz on the bear; something she did when she was nervous or uncomfortable. He picked up on it immediately.
"Oh, is it...are you...?" He asked quietly, not wanting to draw attention to them.
She nodded.
"Um, ok. Do you want to go back to our room?" He asked.
She nodded again. Edward could tell that she was extremely uncomfortable. It was pretty obvious now. He stood up and picked his tray up.
"Are you done eating?"
Y/n nodded. Edward picked up her tray and placed it on top of his. He started to walk away, but y/n grabbed the sleeve of his shirt. Stopping, he turned around and looked down at her. He sighed. She didn't want him to leave her alone.
"Well, come with me then." He said.
Y/n stood up, holding one of the bear's arms in her hand tightly as she walked next to him. People stared at her, making her feel like she was in the spotlight. Everyone in the orphanage thought that Edward and y/n were the strangest kids in the building. So, when they stood next to each other, everyone looked. Why wouldn't they? They all wanted a look at the freaks. The two of them did their best to ignore it though as Edward put the trays on the counter. Quickly, they left the lunchroom and turned the corner. Within a minute, they were back in their room. Y/n walked to her bed and sat down on it, legs drawn up to her chest as her head hung between her knees. Edward grabbed a book from under his bed and walked over to her. He sat down on the foot of the bed, facing her as he opened up his book. This was a frequent thing that happened with y/n. Edward had concluded from observing (and sneaking onto the computer in the library for research) that y/n age regressed. It was a coping mechanism, no doubt to help her cope with her childhood trauma. She felt embarrassed of it, not wanting to be around anyone when it happened. Well, other than Edward. He wouldn't make fun of her. He didn't think it was weird. He actually helped her when it happened.
"Do you need to be alone or do you want company?" He asked, flipping through the book he had.
"Company." She said simply.
"Ok. Do you want to read with me?"
Y/n wiped a tear away from her eye, sniffling. She brought her head up, looking at what he was reading. The title said 'Frankenstein'. Y/n pointed at the cover of the book, tapping it multiple times. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't figure out how to say it. Edward gave her time.
"Is this the book where that guy makes that monster?" She asked finally.
"Yeah, I like it a lot. I've read it multiple times." He said.
"I wanted to read it." Y/n said.
"Want me to read it to you?" Edward suggested.
Y/n nodded, sitting next to him and resting her head on his shoulder. Once she was settled, he opened up the book. He was already more than halfway through, but he'd start over for her. He didn't mind. His fingers flipped through the pages until he found the first chapter. Adjusting his glasses, he cleared his throat before starting to read.
"To Mrs. Saville, England..."
The two of them kept going in and out of foster homes. No one ever wanted to 'keep' them. But, to be honest, they were ok with that. They didn't like being apart from each other. Every time y/n would come back, she would run into Edward's arms and cry. She would tell him how much she missed him and that she didn't want to leave him ever again. He felt so bad for her. Edward was certain that no one could take care of her quite like he could. He was the only one who knew her well. Well, eventually, Edward turned 18. Oh, y/n was a wreck. But, they had already made a plan.
"Hey, hey, it's ok! Your birthday is in a few months. You can hang in for a few more months, right?" He said gently, hugging her close to his chest.
"No I can't! Don't le-leave me!" She sobbed.
"I can't stay. You know that." Edward sighed.
He pushed y/n off of him, grabbing her shoulders. The poor thing had tears streaming down her face. How would she survive without him? Edward had always been there for her for almost 8 years straight. The people in the orphanage were so mean to her too. He wiped away her tears.
"Remember our plan? I was already given a job at KTMJ. While I'm out, I'll get an apartment for us. And when you turn 18, I'll be right behind those doors waiting for you. I promise you." He said.
Y/n sniffled, clearing her throat as she looked down at the ground. She sighed, holding back more tears from pouring out. Edward smiled at her as she looked back up at him. She had small grin on her face.
"Y-You're really smart, Eddie. Already ha-have a job and you haven't e-even left yet. You've got e-everything planned out..." She lightly chuckled.
"Of course I do, you know I'm a planner."
"Can I have one more hug?" She asked softly.
Edward nodded, giving her a tight hug for the millionth time. She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting out a shaky breath. Maybe if she never let go he would never have to leave. No, of course that wouldn't work. He had to go. She had to push through.
"Ok, I'll be ok..." She told herself as she pulled away from the hug.
"Yeah, you're brave and strong. You've got this." He reassured.
Edward picked up his suitcase that had his belongings in it. It wasn't much of course. He gave y/n another smile, ruffling her hair up. She swatted his hand away, glaring at him. Holding up his hands in defense, he walked towards the doors that left the orphanage. Y/n watched him leave, giving him a wave before he left her alone in the building.
'Now what?'
Well, Edward had kept his promise. When y/n was let go from the orphanage, he was outside waiting for her. She ran to him and practically jumped into his arms. From an outsiders perspective, it would look like they were a couple. But, they weren't. They were just really good friends. But, both of them would be lying if they said they didn't have feelings for the other. Regardless, Edward brought y/n to the apartment he had got for them. He could only afford a one bedroom apartment. Y/n understood, she didn't really have a problem with it. But, Edward being the gentleman he was let her sleep in his bed while he slept on the couch. Y/n looked for a job, though she had difficulty finding a good one. It was so hard for her to go out and be around other people. She was socially awkward and got so nervous so easily. But, she ended up landing a job as a barista at a coffee shop. Cliche? Sure. Did she care? No. She just wanted a job so she could help with rent. She was starting to get adjusted to life outside the orphanage, she could finally be in a comfortable setting, and she was living with her best friend. How could things get any better?
Edward and y/n sat at the table near the kitchen. The both of them had had a long day at work. Y/n yawned, taking a bite of her cereal. Yep, cereal for dinner once again. A meal for champions. That's what she liked to call it.
"Hey, y/n?" Edward said.
She looked up from her bowl, a dribble of the milk trickling from the corner of her mouth. Edward chuckled, placing his spoon down in the bowl. He leaned forward and used his thumb to wipe away the milk, giving her a soft smile. Y/n giggled at the action. Edward sighed, he wasn't really sure how to ask the question he so desperately wanted to ask. So, he decided to just be blunt with it.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.
Y/n's eyes widened, dropping her spoon in the bowl. Edward's eyes widened too, glancing around the room awkwardly. She nodded frantically, a huge smile plastered on her face. He gave a sigh of relief internally. Thank heavens. Because of how close they sat to each other, y/n grabbed his hand and entwined it with hers. She hummed, resting her cheek on the back of his hand. Edward watched her closely, seeing how comfortable she was around him. It made him happy to know that he could make her feel safe. He looked down to the newspaper in front of him, looking over the daily crossword. Y/n reached over and grabbed his pencil. Raising an eyebrow, he watched as she filled in 20 across. The hint was "a thing that becomes terrifying or destructive to its maker; a movie; a book". When she pulled away from the paper and placed the pencil on the table, he read what she wrote down.
Grinning from ear to ear, he looked over at her. Pride was evident on his face, and y/n could see it. She so dearly loved when he was proud of her. He was the only person in her life that ever felt proud of her.
"Well look at you go! You smart cookie, you."
Y/n shrugged, resting her cheek back on his hand. Edward hummed to himself as he filled out the rest of the crossword puzzle. It took him a little under two minutes. It was a fairly easy crossword puzzle; at least for him it was. With a goofy grin on his face, he asked a question.
"Does this mean I can sleep in my bed again? With you?"
She nodded happily.
"Thank God..."
Edward knew that y/n was a bit of a handful. He had been 'dealing' with her for 8 years. But, he didn't really see it as a problem. He loved who she was. Yeah, she was different, but he loved that about her. He knew that she struggled with her trauma, but he wanted to help her with it. When you love someone, you'd do anything for them. That's exactly how Edward was. Usually, he was a very shy person, hating PDA and not wanting any attention brought onto him. But, now that he was dating her, PDA was inevitable. He now loved PDA. Granted, it wasn't like they were making out in public, except for that one time. Rather, they were always holding hands. Y/n was always in Edward's arms. He never let her out of his sight.
Y/n was in the 'lobby' of Edward's office. The receptionist casted glances at her occasionally. Looking at the nameplate, y/n saw that it said 'Amy Tompkins'. Standing up, y/n walked over to her and waved. Amy hesitantly waved back with a small smile.
"Hi! I'm y/n!" She said, holding out her hand.
Amy raised an eyebrow, but took her hand and shook it.
"Nice to meet you y/n, I'm Amy."
"Oh, I know! I read the plate! I just wanted to ask, is your job hard?" She asked, propping her elbows on the raised counter.
Tompkins smirked, amused at the question. When y/n had walked in earlier, she mentioned that she was just waiting for Edward to get off of work. People at the office had heard that Edward Nashton had a girlfriend, but they didn't really believe it. And now that Amy was actually seeing her, she was surprised. For Edward Nashton's girlfriend, they sure seemed to be the complete opposite of him.
"Uh, not really no. I mean, sometimes our clients can be...a bit rude...but other than that it's pretty easy." She answered.
"Hmph, I hate customer service so much." Y/n sighed.
"You work in customer service?" Amy asked.
"Yeah, I'm a barista."
"Oh, so you really get cranky customers, don't you?" She laughed.
Y/n groaned, nodding her head.
"You have no idea..."
Amy chuckled, looking down at the computer as she typed something. Y/n hummed to herself, glancing at the clock. Only a few more minutes before Edward got off of work. She glanced over her shoulders, as if she was trying to be sneaky about something. Y/n cupped a hand over her mouth.
"Do you have candy? I've heard receptionists usually have candies out." She whispered.
Amy couldn't help but let a giggle out. She nodded, grabbing a cute glass jar that had individually wrapped chocolates in it. Y/n's eyes widened. She had rarely ever had chocolate her entire life since she grew up in the orphanage. It was like a rare delicacy to her. Gotham's orphanages weren't the best when it came to taking care of kids.
"Oh my gosh...can I...can I have some?" She asked.
The receptionist nodded, pushing the bowl closer to her. Usually, she would be annoyed if someone was talking this much to her. But, y/n was actually really sweet and entertaining. Plus, she was extremely bored and got off work in a few minutes. Who cared, really?
"Have at it. You can take all of them if you want. I have to get new candy anyways." Amy said.
"No way! Are you serious! Like, for real!?"
"Yeah, help yourself."
Y/n didn't hesitate to grab a huge handful of the chocolates. Amy watched in amusement as y/n scooped the candy into her coat pocket. The door that led to the cubicles opened, and Edward stepped out. He was surprised to see y/n there because she was supposed to be at work still. But, then he remembered that she had the day off, so it made sense to him. His eyes landed on her hand in the candy jar and he looked at Amy. The receptionist had a dorky smile on her face.
"Eddie! Did you know they have chocolate here!? I can't even remember the last time I've had chocolate! Let alone see it!" She exclaimed.
Edward smiled awkwardly at Amy, stepping forward and grabbing y/n's hand. He propped his forearms up onto the counter as he looked at the receptionist. Y/n rested her head against his shoulder, getting the rest of the pieces of chocolate from the bowl and putting them in her pockets.
"Hey Amy, I know you're leaving soon, but could you do me a favor? Please?" He asked.
Amy smiled at the sight of Edward rubbing his thumbs over y/n's knuckles. She was a very romantic person and it warmed her heart to see the kind act. Plus, she had always been fond of Edward. People at work were far too mean to him when he was just a very kind person. She was glad to see that he had found happiness.
"Yeah, whaddya need?"
"Can you print out the files for the Wynn account? I would have printed them out myself, but I swear the printer in the copy room never has ink." He sighed.
"Yeah, no problem Ed."
Amy started to type on the keyboard, clicking with the mouse as she pulled up the files for the account. With another click, she had the papers printed out. Standing up from her chair, she walked over to the printer and waited for the pages to finish. Edward leaned over to his side, planting a kiss on y/n's head. She smiled, opening up one of the chocolate wrappers and popping the sweet treat in her mouth.
"Holy fuck this shit is so good!" She groaned.
Edward nudged her foot with his own. He had no problem with cussing, but they weren't really in an appropriate setting to cuss. She blushed, feeling embarrassed. Amy laughed, nodding her head as she attached the pages together with a paperclip and handed it to Edward.
"I know, that's kind of why I gave them all to you. If I eat anymore I swear I might pop." She joked.
"Thanks for the copies, Amy."
Edward nudged y/n again. Y/n knew what he was trying to communicate to her. She finished eating the chocolate as fast as she could.
"Thanks for the chocolate!" She smiled.
"No problem, you guys get home safe ok? I'll see you on Monday, Edward."
He walked towards the door, hand still entwined with y/n's as he waved to Amy. Y/n popped another chocolate in her mouth as Edward opened up the door.
"See you on Monday." He said.
The two of them walked out the door and made their way to the stairs. Y/n wanted to hop down over steps, but she held onto Edward's hand instead. She had missed him a lot all day. He looked over at her, seeing that she was eating another piece of chocolate. Shaking his head, he let out a breathy laugh.
"That was awfully nice of her to give you those chocolates. But, you know you can't eat them all tonight, right?" He asked.
Y/n looked at him, popping another chocolate in her mouth. He raised an eyebrow. She shrugged at him.
"Why not?" She asked.
"You're going to get extremely sick." He chuckled.
"That's a price I'm willing to pay." Y/n retorted.
"Oh yeah? Ok, well when you're puking later on I'll remind you that you said that." He rolled his eyes, opening up the front door to the building.
The two of them walked down to the subway, sitting on a bench and waiting for a train. Y/n dug into her bag with the hand that wasn't holding Edwards and grabbed her phone. She turned it on, put in her password, and showed it to Edward. He adjusted his glasses, looking at what was on the screen. He smiled when he realized what it was.
"There were two pigeons just hanging out outside of our apartment! It was so cute! Look, they're cuddling!" She said, shoving it in his face.
"Uh, well I can't really see it this close up." He said.
"Oh, yeah, oops." She said, pulling the phone away slightly.
"That's a cute picture though." He said, kissing her on the forehead.
The train arrived shortly after and the two of them got on it. Y/n yawned, using Edward's hand to cover her mouth as they both sat down. He smiled, letting go of her hand and placing it on her knee as he looked at his phone.
"You tired?" He asked.
The train started to move and Edward held onto her knee firmly so she didn't slide. He did that every single time. He would hold her hip and keep her close to him if they were standing and he would place his hand on her knee if they were sitting down. Edward was far from strong, but he did feel very protective over her. Living in Gotham was far from safe, so you always had to keep an eye out. But, no matter how many times he told that to y/n, she just couldn't seem to understand it. She was too friendly for her own good. So, he had to be extra careful for both of them. He did not consider himself to be a violent person, but if y/n was ever put in a bad situation, he was certain he would pulverize someone.
"A little, yeah..." She sighed.
"Well, maybe you should take a nap?" He suggested.
She nodded, yawning again as she laid on her side. Her head rested on his lap as she drew her knees to her chest. Edward smirked, amused at how eager she was to nap. He did not mean that she should nap at this very moment. But, as he saw her resting on his lap, he couldn't bring himself to move her. People were no doubt staring at the both of them, but he honestly did not care. Edward had seen far stranger things in Gotham's subways than someone taking a nap on someone's lap. He put his hand on her head, brushing his fingers through her hair as he went on his phone.
The train had stopped and the two of them had gotten off. Edward had to wake y/n up before that, and she was pretty grumpy. But, he told her that she could go right back to taking a nap when they got home. Just like he always did, he held onto her hand securely as they exited the subway station. Their apartment building was only a block away now. Y/n popped another piece of chocolate into her mouth, making Edward frown.
"Seriously, you should stop eating those. You're going to regret it later." He said.
"Are you threatening me, Edward Nashton?" She questioned.
"No, I'm just stating a fact. I know you. You like to eat a lot of candy, say that you'll be fine, and then you get really sick later on. Every. Single. Time."
"Ugh, fine. Whatever..." She grumbled.
He kissed her on the head.
"Thank you, sweetie."
Edward continued walking with her, but stopped when he felt his pocket was empty. Furrowing his eyebrows, he turned around. He groaned in irritation, looking back at y/n. He brought her over to the less crowded part of the sidewalk.
"I dropped my keys back there. Stay right here ok? I'll be right back." He said.
Y/n watched as he rounded the corner. But, as soon as he did that, people started walking towards her as well. She felt crowded and she pressed herself to the brick wall of the building. It was as if the wall of a dam broke and the water was flowing out rapidly. Her chest tightened and she felt her breathing pick up. It was a little sad how easily she got overwhelmed and anxious. But, to be fair, the streets of Gotham were overwhelming to almost everyone. She was just unable to process it alone. There was a reason she got a job at the closest place to their apartment. It was because she didn't want to have to take the subway or walk far. Only when it was absolutely necessary. She was trying to get better at it, but it took time. She felt like she was suffocating. She looked around, trying to find Edward. But, because of her spinning around, she got a little confused. The crowds of people made her feel like she was lost in a maze. Desperate to get out of the confining swarm of bodies, she ran into the nearest alley way. She panted, holding a hand over her heart as she tried to catch her breath. Being in that crowd reminded her of when she was with her parents. They would take her to 'crack houses', as they were both heavy addicts. They had no one else to watch her, so she had to tag along with them a lot. The houses were always so crowded and overwhelmed her. Often times, her parents would leave her alone in a room so they could shoot up in the other room. How polite...they didn't want their daughter seeing them get high. But, of course, they would bring her to a house full of drug addicts. There were so many times that she would almost step on or touch a needle. One of the people there even tried to get her to 'eat' a sliver of meth, telling her that it was candy. She didn't though. She was smarter than that.
"Y/n?! Y/n! Where are you?!" Edward called out.
She sunk down to her butt, bringing her knees up to her chest. When she got scared or was put into a scenario that reminded her of her traumatic childhood, she would regress. It was unpreventable. She could tell that it was happening, and that made her even more scared because she was out in the streets of Gotham while it was happening. She was so caught up in her emotions that she never even heard Edward call for her. Frantically, Edward came into the alley and looked around. His eyes widened as he saw y/n sitting on the ground. He was relieved to see her, but he was also worried. Walking over, he crouched down and placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched, burying her head in between her knees. Just like she did in the orphanage. He gently embraced her in a hug, drawing her to his chest as he cradled her head.
"I was so scared when I couldn't find you..." He sighed.
"You let go of my hand!" She cried.
Edward felt a pang in his heart. She was right. That was a stupid thing that he did. He easily could have just brought her with him. Why didn't he? Even he didn't know. He helped her stand up, still holding her close to his chest. She sobbed into his shirt, gripping the fabric tightly. Edward scolded himself as he rubbed her back.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I don't know why I let go of you. It was really crowded today, and I know it scares you. But, I have you right now, ok? You're ok now." He cooed, planting a kiss on her head.
She didn't say anything. All she did was cry into his shirt. God, did that make him feel like a total piece of shit. Of course he didn't mean to scare her. He just wasn't thinking. Edward continued to rub her back as she cried. He could tell what was happening. She had gotten so overwhelmed and scared that she regressed to help herself calm down. It wasn't working that well, though. But, he was quick to help out.
"Sweet girl, I know that you're still shaken up, but we can't stay here all night. We need to get back home, ok?" He said.
"I don't want to go back out..." She hiccupped.
Edward pushed her away from the hug and crouched down. He looked up into her eyes as he held her hands in his own. Bringing them to his lips, he kissed them softly. His eyes were so kind and gentle behind his clear framed glasses.
"We have to baby. I promise I'll hold you the entire time."
She sniffled, wiping a few tears away that had trickled down her cheeks. Y/n looked out to the sidewalks. People still walked by, but it was less than before. She took a deep breath, letting it out through pursed lips. Edward tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"When we get back home we can watch a movie or a show if you want. We can relax alllll day. Doesn't that sound nice?" Edward asked sweetly.
"Well, if you want to do that then we need to get home. So, can you go back out with me? I can't go out without you." He frowned.
"You ca-can't?" She asked.
"No way! I get scared out in the crowd too! I feel a lot better when you're holding my hand." Edward smiled.
This was partially true and also just something he said to encourage y/n. Edward was perfectly fine walking through the crowded sidewalks of Gotham. He did get overwhelmed sometimes and had to take a breather, but he was mostly fine. He only said that because he knew that it would make y/n want to go back out more. Edward felt that they would be safer out in the street than an alley way.
"O-Ok, let's go. But, don't let go of my hand!" She said.
Edward grabbed her hand tightly, holding it up so she could see it. She smiled as he pretended he was locking a padlock. He mimed the act of tossing the key away. Looking back to her he gave a goofy grin.
"It's locked. I couldn't even let go if I tried."
They walked back out onto the sidewalk, making their way towards the apartment quickly. Y/n looked at him and giggled.
"Well, how are you going to unlock it?" She asked.
As they walked, Edward patted himself down with his free hand. He looked in the pockets of his coat, the pockets of his pants, and he shrugged. But, he squinted at y/n. He tapped on her chin, motioning for her to open her mouth. He pretended to grab something off her tongue. He 'held' it up between his two fingers.
"Why were you trying to eat the spare key?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I did not! You're not even holding anything!" She laughed.
"Pfft, you're ruining the magic of it." He rolled his eyes.
Before they knew it, they arrived at the apartment building. Y/n sighed in relief as they stepped inside. The sound of the hustle and bustle outside was deafened as the door closed behind them. Edward, still holding her hand, led her up the stairs to the floor they lived on. He fumbled with the keys for a little bit, but he eventually unlocked the door and opened it up. Y/n let go of his hand as she walked inside, so she could hang up her coat. After that, she went to the couch and faceplanted on it. Edward chuckled, removing his shoes and locking the apartment door. Truth be told, he was completely exhausted from his day at work. His 'higher ups' were as ignorant and boastful as always. His job was easy to him, but the people he had to deal with made it difficult. However, y/n always kept him in a cheerful and positive mood. It was nice to be able to come home from work and spend time with his best friend/partner. Edward walked over to her, grabbing her feet to take her shoes off. Once he did that for her, he put them next to his. He could tell that she was still very tired, and no doubt still in a regressed state. Edward went to her coat, grabbing the chocolate out of the pocket before he forgot. Walking into the kitchen, he opened up the door to the freezer and put the chocolates inside of it. Chocolate was always better when it was cold.
"Do you want to watch a show or movie? Or do you want to take a nap?" He asked, going back towards her.
Y/n mumbled into the couch, nodding her head. Edward sighed, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants as he looked at her. She raised her hands up, shaking them frantically. He rolled his eyes playfully, he sat down on the long part of the 'L' couch. Groaning softly, he reached over and grabbed y/n, placing her on his other side so that she was wedged between him and the armrest of the couch. She buried her face in his chest, hiking her leg up over his waist. Edward reached over and grabbed a light blanket, draping it over y/n's body.
"You never gave me an answer, baby. Do you want to take a nap or watch something?" He asked..
"I wanna watch something." She mumbled, her cheek against his chest.
"Ok, well what did you have in mind?" He asked.
She shrugged her shoulders, snuggling up closer to him. He sighed, trailing his hand under the blanket to rub her back. Edward took her silence as a way to say she didn't really care what they watched. So, he decided to put on a 'Forensic Files'. How original. After placing the remote down on the side table next to the couch, he stroked y/n's hair. She sat up almost instantly afterwards. Edward looked at her, raising an eyebrow. Without saying a word, she went into their bedroom. Edward's hands were slightly in the air, like he was shocked.
"Um, what ever happened to saying bye?" He asked jokingly.
Y/n came back to the couch, cuddling up to Edward just like she did before. This time, she had her old bear from the orphanage with her. He smiled, watching as she turned to face the T.V, bear tucked under her arm, blanket covering her body, and her head resting on his chest. If someone told him 8 years ago that he would be in a relationship with someone like y/n, he would have called them crazy. But, here he was, holding her in his arms like she was the most precious thing in the world. They both had fucked up pasts, traumatic childhoods, and issues. But, they found comfort in each other's company. They could confide in each other without any judgment. Edward could not imagine him with anyone else than her. Neither could y/n. They only wanted to be with each other. No one would understand y/n quite like Edward did. And vice versa.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked.
She nodded.
"Mhm, super comfy."
"I'm glad, sweetheart."
Y/n smiled, getting up and sitting on his lap. Edward folded his hands together, fingers entwined and resting on his lower stomach. When y/n was coping, Edward made sure he didn't touch her in any way that could be sexual. He would cuddle with her, kiss her on the head or cheek, and let her sit on his lap if she really wanted to. But, he would never do anything other than those things. Sure, y/n sat on his lap a lot, especially when they were making out or having sex. But, there was a very big difference in the those two situations. When y/n and Edward were intimate, y/n would be very close to him on his lap. Their bodies would practically be glued to each other. It was clear that it was a heated and sexual gesture. But, when y/n was regressed, it was gentle. She wasn't up close to him, rather sitting in the space between his legs. Or, sometimes she would straddle the area where his knees were, that way it didn't resemble anything sexual. Y/n trusted Edward enough to be in a vulnerable state around him, and her trust was well placed. In fact, when y/n found herself regressing out in public, Edward was always quick to do what was necessary for the situation. Y/n didn't mind regressing in public, it just depended on where they were. If they were in a large setting, Edward would find a way to excuse themselves or leave the place quickly. If they were in a pretty 'relaxed' place, like an arcade, a mall, or a park, Edward would just help her through the regression. Y/n's regression was not noticeable to anyone except Edward, since he knew that she actually did it. To everyone else, it just looked like y/n was really energetic and clingy. Maybe a little bit childish too. One time when Edward and y/n were at the zoo, y/n ended up regressing. And, despite all the strange looks he received, he did not care. He was just focused on having a nice date with his girlfriend and letting her heal her inner child.
"Eddie! Look, they have flamingos!" Y/n squealed, grabbing him by his hand and dragging him to the exhibit.
Edward, who was looking at the Zebras, let out a little yelp. The tugging on his arm startled him. When y/n got excited, she got a sort of super-human strength. Not wanting his arm to rip off, he followed her in suite, stopping in front of the exhibit with her. She was practically bouncing on her heels. This was the first time she had ever been to the zoo, and it was Edward's first time as well. Edward was having fun, but he wasn't jumping up and down in excitement. Y/n on the other hand, quite literally was jumping up and down. He knew that she was going through her coping mechanism, no doubt having a fun time at the zoo. To be honest, that's why he wanted to take her to the zoo. He wanted to give her a fun experience that she never got as a kid. Edward held onto her hand gently, smiling at how happy she was. When he glanced around, he noticed people staring at her. It made him upset for sure. He didn't want y/n to see the looks people were giving her, so he decided to keep her occupied.
"You like them?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.
"Yeah! But, they aren't that pink..." She frowned.
He smirked, pushing up his glasses. With his free hand, he pointed at one of the smallest flamingos. Y/n followed the direction he was pointing at. She saw the young flamingo and looked up at him, eyes wide with wonder.
"Well, flamingos aren't born with pink feathers. They actually start off a pale grey." He said.
"Woah, really!?" She gasped.
He nodded.
"They get the pink color from eating carotenoids. That's where the pink hues come from. So, it's a little difficult for them to get bright pink, even though that's how we think they look like. You see that one? It's more red in color, right? Not one flamingo has the same shade." Edward explained.
Y/n looked up at him with a confused look. She understood most of what he was saying. But, she had no idea what a carotenoid was. Edward could see that she was puzzled, so he decided to explain a little more.
"They get the pink color from shrimp and crabs, stuff like that." He said simply.
"Oh! That makes sense!"
Without saying anything, she grabbed him by his arm once again and drug him away. He had no idea where they were going now, only that she was eager. Passerby's watched the couple with judgmental eyes, scoffing and mumbling things under their breath to themselves or the people next to them. Edward glared back at each and every one of them. They had no idea what was going on in their life. People were so quick to judge others. What made it worse, however, is that the happier someone was in public, the 'weirder' they were. That was what boggled Edward's mind. Someone could be having an amazing day, dancing in the park because maybe they got a promotion at work, or maybe they just felt happy for some reason. But, just because that person was dancing in the park, people would automatically think they were 'weird' or 'strange'. There was nothing wrong with being happy and expressing it in public. It didn't matter what age you were. Why should someone be forced to hide their emotions in public? It was stupid to Edward. And, in y/n's case, it was a coping mechanism for her. But, of course, these assholes didn't know that. If they did know, they would probably be more cruel to her for some strange reason. Edward hated people so much...for such an advanced society, humans sure as hell knew nothing about sympathy and kindness. He had seen wild animals be more caring than most humans.
"Where are we going now, sweetie?" He asked, maintaining his quick pace to keep up with her.
"Gift shopppp!!!" She squealed.
Edward rolled his eyes and chuckled. Of course they were going to the gift shop. Well, he did put aside some money for some souvenirs. After all, this was her first time at the zoo. He knew that she would want a couple (hundred) stuffed animals.
"Alright, alright, but let's slow down a bit, yeah? I don't want you to trip." He said.
Y/n nodded, slowing her pace. Smiling, he walked next to her as they went down the path to the gift shop. It was a surprisingly sunny day in Gotham, and Edward could see some redness forming on her cheeks, shoulders, and the tip of her nose. He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Y/n, you put on sunscreen like I told you to, right?" He asked.
She looked at him, eyes shifting around.
"Uh, yeah..." Y/n trailed.
Edward sighed as he stepped aside, pulling y/n with him. The two of them finally made it to the gift shop, standing in the shade the building provided. In classic Edward fashion, he removed the backpack he had on. Yes, he took a backpack to the zoo. What was it filled with? Oh, you know...
Sunscreen, band-aids, a metal water bottle, granola bars, sunglasses, etc...
"Y/n, you know better than to lie like that. And, you should have listened to me in the first place. Your poor skin is getting sunburnt." He scolded gently, setting the backpack on a bench next to him.
"Sorry...I forgot to put it on." She admitted.
"It's ok to forget things, sweetie. But, you know you shouldn't lie."
He sighed, pulling out the sunscreen.
"You're already sunburnt, but I'm still going to put some sunscreen on you." Edward said.
Y/n nodded, letting him apply the sunscreen onto his hands before rubbing it into her skin. He was such a worry wart. But, that's what made him a great boyfriend. Y/n never had to ask him to help her out with something, she never had to plan everything, she never had to remind Edward about what she liked and disliked. He would help her without being asked, plan dates with her, and Edward knew everything about her. He was the perfect boyfriend, and he loved her terribly.
"Oh you poor thing..." He mumbled to himself, able to see how sunburnt she really was.
She winced when he applied the sunscreen on her shoulders. Edward shook his head in disapproval. He knew that she forgot to put it on, that was ok. Honestly, he was just upset with himself for not checking before they entered the zoo. Gently, he rubbed some onto her cheeks and nose, closing the lid to the bottle afterwards. He looked down at his hands, grumbling as he rubbed the excess onto his own arms. He hated the texture of the rub-on sunscreen. But, this was the only one he had for some strange reason.
"Alright, you're ok now. But, it's going to hurt later on. Good thing we have that aloe vera plant back home, right?" He asked, kissing her on the head before grabbing her hand.
"Yeah, now let's go in the gift shop!" She exclaimed.
"More concerned about souvenirs than your own skin. That sounds like you." He smirked.
They spent about 15 minutes in that store. Y/n was so indecisive about what she wanted. She had asked Edward if they could just "get everything". He, very seriously, said "no". So in the end, after running around the store and receiving weird looks from parents with their children, she decided on getting two things. Edward was only going to let her get one thing, but he caved in. Y/n got a seagull stuffed animal, but she named it Flamingo. Edward found that to be very amusing, as she said it was because it looked more like a baby flamingo. He was proud that she was using his tidbit of information. The other thing she got, however, was a rat stuffed animal. Edward liked that very much. He loved rats, though the orphanage gave both y/n and Edward a horrible first experience with them. On a date, they had went to a pet store and asked to hold some of the rats, hoping it would help them get over their fear of them. And it worked. Now, Edward thought they were the cutest things. She named the rat stuffed animal Remy, like the one in Ratatouille. The two of them left the store, and y/n shoved Remy into Edward's chest.
"Hold him and pretend he's your child." She said.
Edward scoffed, cradling it in his arms.
"I don't have to pretend. He is my child." He retorted.
Y/n giggled, flapping the wings of Flamingo. Edward smiled, holding her hand with his free hand. He swung their arms back and forth as they walked down the dirt path.
"You want to get some ice cream?" He asked.
Edward shook himself out of his memories, glancing past y/n's head to watch the T.V. She didn't mind. Y/n knew he wasn't ignoring her, he would never ignore her. In fact, they were both sure it was impossible for him to do that.
"You wanna tell me about your day, sweet girl?" He asked.
"Um, well, I didn't really do much..." She mumbled, picking at the fuzz of the bear.
Edward raised an eyebrow, glancing at her briefly before looking back at the T.V.
"Oh come on, you must have done something while I was at work."
Y/n thought for a moment, reflecting on her day. She looked around the open apartment, glancing at the kitchen. Her gaze went back to Edward.
"Well, I did some chores!" Y/n smiled.
Edward looked at her, stroking her hair briefly. Again, he made sure not to touch her in any intimate way. A kind smile was on his face.
"That's great! I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. Did you do anything else?" He cooed.
"Uh, not really..." She blinked harshly.
Edward watched carefully as she got off of his lap, sitting on the couch. He let it play out, knowing what was going on. She was feeling better. She was feeling more secure. So, the age regression was not really necessary any longer. Sometimes y/n had control over when she did it, and sometimes she didn't. Edward had guessed that today was one of the times she couldn't control it. It wasn't like she became a totally different person in it, not at all. She just regressed to a younger age. She was still herself, though. Y/n stared at the T.V for a little while. Edward gave her time to adjust, smiling at her when she looked back at him.
"You let go of my hand, you fucker." She glared.
Edward groaned, throwing his head back on the couch. He threw up his hands in defeat. Y/n smiled as he covered his eyes with his palms.
"Oh for the love of..."
Y/n laughed, rolling her eyes as she cuddled up next to him. He smirked, hooking his arm over her shoulders. She could feel his heartbeat as her ear was against his chest. It rose and fell with every breath he took.
"I'm messing with you, babe. I know you didn't mean to." She said.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He joked.
Edward held her close to him, planting a kiss on her cheek. Y/n hummed in peace as she closed her eyes. The sleepiness she felt earlier was creeping back into her body. But, a flapping noise caught her attention. She sat up instantly, grabbing the collar of Edward's shirt tightly, making his eyes widen in surprise.
"Jesus, I said I'm sorry!" He held up his hands in defense.
"What? No, not that! Shh!" Y/n whispered.
Edward went quiet, pausing the T.V. The two of them listened closely, the flapping noise was faint and muffled. Y/n's eyes lit up, poking Edward on the shoulder and motioning towards the window. His mouth formed an 'o' as he slowly got up from the couch. Y/n and him treaded silently toward the window, pulling aside the curtains and looking at the fire escape. Lo and behold, two pigeons sat on the metal landing, cuddled up next to each other. She looked at Edward, a huge grin on her face. He smiled, watching the pigeons as his dimples formed on his cheeks.
"That's so us." She whispered.
"100%." He agreed.
Y/n looked up at Edward from her crouched over position. Dramatically, she stood up and grabbed his hands. He raised an eyebrow as she took a deep breath.
"Edward...will you ruffle my feathers and feed me your hotdogs?" Y/n asked softly.
He let out a little laugh.
"I genuinely can't tell if you're trying to make a sexual innuendo, a romantic joke, or if you're being serious."
"All three." She replied quickly.
"Hmm, I'm a little busy today. I can ruffle your feathers on Sunday, but the hotdog feeding will have to wait till Tuesday." He tutted, looking down at his watch.
"What's more important than ruffling my feathers and feeding me a hotdog?" She asked, a hand on her hip.
He scoffed, motioning towards the T.V. Replicating her sassiness, he placed a hand on his hip as well. God, he looked like a total nerd. It was adorable.
"Um, obviously binge watching an entire season of Forensic Files with my girlfriend. Which is you, by the way." He added at the end, cupping his mouth with his hand.
"Oh, that does sound pretty important. Man, that's really conflicting...all of those options sound so good." She sighed, tapping her foot on the ground.
"Can't decide, huh?" He asked.
She shook her head. Shrugging his shoulders, he lunged forward and grabbed her by the hips. With a lift of his knees, he slung y/n over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Y/n squealed, playfully hitting his back with her fists. Her legs flailed slightly as well.
"Edward Nashton! You put me down this instant!" Y/n ordered.
He walked over to the couch, sitting down on the long part of it as he spread open his legs slightly. Edward laid y/n between that space so she was facing the T.V. She turned her head to face him, eyes glaring hard. He pressed play, placing the remote back down as he widened his eyes at her in a playfully challenging way.
"There. I decided for you." He said, kissing her on the lips.
"Pfft, you're lucky you're a cutie." Y/n scoffed.
He chuckled, rubbing her arms as he watched the show. Y/n sighed happily, resting her head against his chest. Edward leaned down to her ear, whispering in it.
"Do you want pizza for dinner?"
"Edward, if you get pizza, you're forgiven of all your past transgressions."
"We also have ice cream in the freezer for dessert." He added.
"I think I love you." She said.
"Wow, that's pretty cool. It's almost like we've been best friends for nearly 9 years and are dating each other." He said, dialing the pizza place on his phone.
"Yeah, some corny rom-com bullshit like that." Y/n yawned, watching the T.V.
"Like Pretty Woman?" He asked.
"Well, I'm not a sex worker. So, not really."
"13 Going On 30?"
"Edward, we're not 30. And, I did not get covered in magical glitter as a 13 year old. So, again, a no. Although, I do love that movie." She chuckled.
"Fuck I love that movie too. Still doesn't apply though. Are you just listing all the rom-coms you know?" Y/n asked, turning around to face him with an eyebrow raised.
He looked at her silently for a moment. His eyes narrowed in thought. Slowly, he brought his hand up, pointing at her.
"I've got it! 50 Shades of Grey."
"Edward, I swear I'm going to choke you."
"See! We're already relating to the movie!" He smiled.
He covered her mouth as the call started. Y/n bit his hand the entire time he placed the order, making him look at her in confusion and amusement. Once he hung up, he removed his hand from over her mouth.
"My hand is not food."
"It's not a gag either." She retorted.
"You're making us sound more and more like 50 Shades of Grey." Edward chuckled.
"Well, you're not a rich dude who made me sign a sex contract. Thank God for that."
"Whatever. I know what rom-com we are." He stated proudly.
"Oh really? What?" Y/n asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
"The Office. You're Pam. I'm Jim." He said, doing finger guns at her.
"Edward...that's...literally the most perfect answer. Not really a rom-com, but it's a great answer. I also would have accepted Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich from My Little Pony."
"Shit, that's a good answer too. Weird Al and My Little Pony was one of the greatest crossovers in history. Along with Lady Gaga in the show as well." He admitted.
"This. This is exactly why I'm dating you. You get me." She said, poking the tip of his nose.
"They also had a Walter White crossover in the show. That was fucking awesome." He chuckled.
"Holy shit, I forgot about that! Bless My Little Pony. Bless Breaking Bad." Y/n fake prayed.
"Do you think Walter and Jesse explored each other's bodies?" He asked.
"Christ, Edward what the hell?"
Sighing, she stood up and started to walk away from the couch. Edward lurched forward and grabbed her hips, pulling her back onto his lap.
"Nah uh, you're not going anywhere!" He said, attacking her neck with kisses.
"Let me go you psychopath!" She squealed.
"Not until you give me your answer!" He said, kissing all over her face and neck.
He pulled away, looking at her with wide eyes.
"Obviously! There was sexual tension and it was heavy." He stated.
"Honestly, I don't blame Walter. If I was around that fucking...meth head, homeless looking...oh boy..." She shook her head.
"Oh? Do I need to be worried?" He asked cautiously.
"No, I'd just simply slap him around, waterboard him, and then give him a big ol' kiss." She shrugged.
"Hmm, ok. Well, that's totally normal. How about we never let you near any water while around me?" He suggested.
"I'm not going to waterboard you, Edward." She scoffed.
"Well, that's a relief. You're still a little weird for wanting to slap him around though." He added.
"That's funny coming from you seeing as how last night yo-"
"Ok, yeah haha very funny. Shhh." He teased, kissing her on the forehead.
"Mhm, that's what I thought."
"Yeah, you're real clever. Now, let's watch Forensic Files." He chuckled, stroking her hair.
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howdygravytrain · 1 day
FFXIV Write 2024 - Prompt #19: Taken
i'm not a writer by any means, but i absolutely had to take part in the ffxiv write 2024 challenge. this drabble is super rough and i may come back and expand on it later, but i'm just happy that i managed to write anything at all :^3
here's the link to the fic on ao3 if you wanna check it out there, otherwise continue below the break! many apologies for spelling/grammar/whatever errors, i don't know how to manage time efficiently totally not obvious by sharing something a day later UwU
Premise: He knew Gravy would dance with others at the ball, but Aymeric can't help but feel taken with jealousy as he watched person after person steal a dance with his Warrior.
“You can just go up and dance with her, you know,” a voice said, having successfully interrupted Aymeric’s state of brooding and startling the poor elezen. Quickly composing himself, the Lord Commander turned to the perpetrator to apologize for appearing so glum, but his shoulders sagged in relief when he saw it was only Stephanivien. “I wasn’t joking, go on and ask the girl to dance before you glare everyone to death,” the eldest Haillenarte added, making Aymeric wince.
“Is it really that noticeable?” Aymeric stated more than asked, already knowing the answer.
“My friend, I had to convince Artoirel that you weren’t going to pull out your sword and skewer the next poor sod who asked Gravy’s hand for a dance!” Stephanivien exasperated dramatically with a wave of his hand. “I personally think it’d be hilarious if you did; it’d certainly bring more excitement to this absolute waste of time.” The machinist ran a hand through his blond hair and huffed in annoyance, his pale blue eyes scanning the room. “Ugh, this is the last time I let Art coerce me into attending one of these. He knows I have much to work on at the shop, I don’t have time to be stuck with these pricks and their hors d’oeuvres! And I have to wear this ridiculous garb that father insisted– ”
Aymeric tuned out Stephanivien’s ranting at that point and graciously accepted a glass of wine from a servant. He didn’t bother with a sip and threw his head back and downed the entire drink in one go, promptly returning the glass to the stunned server. His eyes trailed back towards the center of the dance floor and landed on the lone lalafell of the entire room…and the bastard she was dancing with. He couldn’t quite place who the man was, but Aymeric immediately disliked him for how Gravy obviously struggled to keep up with the elezen’s much longer legs.
The Lord Speaker frowned as he watched the Warrior try to tell her dance partner something, presumably to shorten his steps. He replied with yanking her harshly by the arm and pulled her up to his chest with a wicked grin, making the dancers around them gasp. Rage filled Aymeric as he marched his way to the pair, ready to beat the ever living shit out the fiend, but stopped a few steps short when Gravy, in all her gracefulness, slapped the man’s face with a resounding SMACK.
All noise immediately ceased in the ballroom as the man cried out in pain and dropped Gravy to clutch his cheek. She got up and nonchalantly dusted herself off as her dance partner’s companions came rushing to his aid. With one hand on her hip and the other pointed to wailing elezen, Gravy loudly said,
“That ain’t NO way to treat a person, ya pompous fuck! You oughta be ashamed of yerself!”
Aymeric stood there in disbelief as the ballroom erupted in laughter as the offender was dragged out before he let out a small chuckle himself.
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carisi-dreams · 4 months
yay, this is so fun! so, I thought I'd give you the director's commentary of the below snippet from the first chronological fill of the mc!au with Sonny. happy to do this for another au or anything else I've ever written, though! it's fun thinking about the behind the scenes because these stories really live inside of my head. I also have another request for another director's commentary of the mc!au, but I have to write the next mc!Sonny installment first, because that's what I want to do commentary on.
You turned with an incredulous look on your face as Nick lunged. Sonny just barely got his arms around him in time to prevent the fight from breaking out as Griffin laughed nastily. “Fuck you! You don’t know shit about my family,” Nick shouted as he strained against Sonny’s hold. Sonny was refusing to let go and he said something to Nick that you couldn’t hear which got Nick to calm down a little. “He’s not worth it,” Sonny sneered in Griffin’s direction. Nick shook Sonny off and readjusted his  clothes as you looked on tensely.
This part makes me sad that Sonny and Nick ended up in different motorcycle clubs. I had to show how close their relationship was, to develop proper tension within the AU, but I've always felt like Sonny and Nick just belonged together in some way in every universe. Whether as friends, partners, or more, I think they're fun characters to pair together. Sonny as the protective one and one to defuse Nick's anger now and then Sonny as the one who is so angry with Nick when they get older. Oof. Pulls at my heart.
“Aww, look at this. How touching. Baby Dominick is here to stop you from getting in over your head. You really don’t fight any of your own battles, do you?” Griffin taunted and just then you rushed by the boys and threw your drink in his face. He stepped back with an indignant bellow and you went to lunge for him. Nick caught you around the middle and you fought against his hold. “You dumb jock! I could kick your ass with my hands tied behind my back!” you screamed. “Stupid asshole. Get some fucking friends of your own or are you miserable because you know no one likes you!?” you hurled in his direction and your hand swept out to the counter to your left to pick up a bottle. Nick grabbed your hand and folded it into your body, picking you up off the floor as you kicked your legs at Griffin in rage. “Dumb bitch,” Griffin spluttered as he wiped tequila out of his eyes. “You’re lu—”
Nick as the one to try to stop you instead of Sonny to show the closeness of your relationship with Nick...Oof again. There's a reason Sonny's old lady asked Nick to walk her down the aisle. It's the same reason she was reluctant to pursue a relationship with Sonny. She really relies on and appreciates her friendship with Nick and she didn't want to lose it (Oof again, I know), even as much as she had a huge crush on Sonny. Sonny's old lady has always been the more practical one when it comes to the big picture, which shouldn't come as a surprise to you if you've read this AU!
Before he could finish his sentence Sonny punched him in the face. Nick groaned and hastily set you aside and went over to pull off Sonny as he yelled at Griffin. “Wanna call my girl—friends name!? See how you like this you dumb asshole, I swear to God I’ll—” he shouted in between punches. Nick got his arms around Sonny’s waist and went to pull him away, but Sonny slipped his grip and kicked Griffin where he was on the floor. “Get up you—” “Sonny, stop! Stop. Sonny come on! Stop!” Nick was yelling over him as he tried to haul him away again. You rushed over to help him, pushing Sonny away before he could seriously injure Griffin. “Stop!” you told him and Sonny stopped struggling and spat on the ground by Griffin before shrugging roughly out of Nick’s grip and making a beeline out of the kitchen.
When the reader told Sonny to stop trying to fight Griffin, he listened...That little slip of the tongue? The way he was done with the fight until Griffin had something to say about the reader...? yeAh, he's already in deep.
When the three of you hit the front door you sighed. You took a look at them both and laughed a little which Sonny rolled his eyes to before chuckling a little himself. Nick looked at the both of you like you were crazy as he walked along next to you and tugged at his shirt.
One of Nick's tells is that he fidgets with his clothing when he's upset.
“Um, that was more eventful than I thought it would be,” you admitted around a giggle and Sonny slapped his thigh as he broke off into more peals of laughter. Nick still wasn’t laughing and you threw your arms around his shoulders in a sideways hug. “Come on, Nicky. Gotta admit it was a little funny. All three of us trying to kick his ass.”
These three. 💔 Nick was definitely feeling some kind of way, and well justified in that!, and I wanted to show how - already - Sonny and the reader are so similar in some ways. Those two laughing about trying to kick someone's ass on Nick's behalf is honestly a pretty good summary of their relationship, although I write a ton of angst. The basis for their relationship is being fiercely protective of the people they love and a bit of mischievousness.
I hope you enjoyed this director's commentary. 💖
You can find links to the mc!au below, if you've never read it.
Motorcycle Club!AU - Sonny
Motorcycle Club!AU - Nick
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a lonely confession
part two of my lonely series! though i realised this would've been better if events depicted here would've happened before the ones depicted in the first part but- i'm dumb don't mind me
also ! warnings : implied abuse + small description (being hit because of drunkness)
find part one here!
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-Chilling all by yourself carinõ? Asked Miguel as he joined you on the rooftop.
You usually knew him as the strict leader who doesn’t feel anything. But somehow, after he saved you from a near death experience, the two of you instantly became close.
He rapidly knew everything about you, from your favorite color to how you became a spider-person, but also and specially your previous relationship.
It was… chaotic to say the least. As much as you loved your ex-partner, they were not the kind of lover that made you feel validated as a mentally unwell person.
You accepted a lot of things from them, the countless nights waiting for him to come back home, not knowing if he would, cheating, mental abuse and so many other things, but you drew the line at when they started hitting you when they were drunk. It may have happened only once, but to you it was too much. It happened earlier today, during one of the countless days he was drunk. No matter how much you loved them, it was just too much for you to handle for the sake of your mental health.
Now you were sitting here on a rooftop, wondering what you were going to do alone in the streets, with no clothes, no food but most importantly no physical shelter.
-Oh, hello Miguel, you say with an absent smile. I didn’t notice you were here. How’s life recently? You asked, vaguely.
-I’m… alright, but what about you? He asked as he notices your expression felt off.
-Life could be better. Well, it can’t in a way because I got out of my abusive relationship- you know, the one I always talk to you about- they hit me, so I decided it had to end. As much as I feel freed from this relationship I have nowhere to live anymore.  (you laid your back on the floor of the rooftop with your legs dangling in the void, the flashing lights of the animated city of New York below you.) I guess I’ll be able to steal some food here and there but I’m afraid I won’t have anywhere to live anymore.
He took an instant before answering.
-That sounds awful I’m sorry to hear that. How are you feeling?
-I don’t really know. We were together since high school so dumping them was a hard decision. Even though I know it’s for the better, I can’t help but think it’s my fault if it ended. Now I’m here, homeless and with no family to contact.
Even though your family was a sensitive subject, he knew it was a painful topic to approach. You sometimes tried to make jokes about your familial situation “ohh my parents are going to be so disappointed if they saw me now, hopefully they can’t” but everyone know it hurts you deep down.
-I don’t know if it can resolve your problem but you can come live at my place if you want. It has been pretty empty for a while now, and I’m not leaving you alone in this state. 
-Seems like I don’t really have a choice, you chuckle. I’m not complaining though!
The two of you headed to Miguel’s apartment.
His place was a charming little house in the downtown. It was not particularly big, neither had it anything special, but it gave you a strange warmth in your heart. For the first time in your whole life, you truly felt at home.
-Make yourself at home! He said with a frank smile.
-Thank you, you whisper, unused to that kind of kindness.
Time skip to some time- a week, maybe two, even a month? I don’t know but I don’t want the story to be repetitive and I don’t think Miguel is the kind of guy to fall in love fast (that doesn't make any sense since the two of you were long time friends, but you get the thing. Anyway, that was just me rambling so back to the story.
It was some months since you moved in Miguel’s house. You never questioned your feelings towards him: he was your friend and colleague. However, those past few months got you wondering how it would feel to have him as a lover. Whenever these thoughts crossed your mind- which was pretty often- you shook your head to stop them. But, after all that time, you couldn't get those thoughts out of your head. But he was just different when he was with you. He was kind, caring and sweet.
At night when you couldn’t sleep, you couldn’t help but wonder why, all of a sudden he invited you to live at his place.
Whenever you felt strange, you walked up to the rooftop and tonight was no exception.
Is he in love with me? You ask yourself in a mutter. There’s no way, you think, shaking your head.
As much as you did your best to suppress these thoughts, you secretly hoped they were true.
Is this how it feels to be treated right after years of an abusive relationship? It sure feels great…
-If you keep coming here so often I’m going to feel like you hate me, carinõ. What’s with the avoiding? Asked your best friend.
Your heart skipped a beat when you understood who it was. The more you tried to avoid him – at least when you were in the Spider-Society’s headquarters – the more your feelings for him seemed to grow. 
What was stopping you from being in love with him? It was not cheating - and even if it was it would’ve been nothing to everything your ex made you go through – but you somehow felt guilty for feeling love again. It was probably because of the years of mental abuse and gaslighting, both coming from your family and your ex, but with Miguel, it was different. He made you feel valid.  
-I don’t know… you start. I thought that if I stopped seeing you so often in the headquarters these feelings would stop but they don’t, in fact it’s as strange as if they seem to grow even more the more I try to stop. And I really don’t know why I feel this way; you probably just see me as friend – or even just as a colleague and –
He interrupted you by cupping your face and giving you a kiss on the lips.
You (obviously) kissed him back, not realizing what was happening. Surprisingly, his lips were as soft as silk.
When the two of you pulled back to take your breaths, a lot of questions rushed in your mind. What did it mean? Did that make the two of you official or was he just playing with you?
-Wait. What does this mean?? You ask, confused.
-It means I fell in love with the most wonderful soul in all the universes there possibly can be. He looked into your eyes before cupping your face again. It all made sense now; the helping, him inviting you to stay  at his place, Lyla always asking for you… Everything made sense, especially the strange warmth when you saw his messy morning face… You were simply in love with him, and the most wonderful thing is that he was in love with you too.
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sxrgeantbarnes · 5 months
for a happiness themed headcanon, a romance theme headcanon, and a love theme headcanon (my copy/paste didn't work sorry!)
Thematic Headcanons
Happiness: Taking care of people is his biggest source of peace and happiness, though he doesn’t exactly realize it. He’s a caretaker by nature, has been his entire life, so he doesn’t have a ‘This makes me happy’ realization, it just simply has always been that way. Things are a little more complicated in his life now— taking care of others tends to be bigger, it’s frequently saving lives and a whole lot of responsibility that he sometimes shies away from because it feels too big. But that feeling he gets after successfully shielding others, helping them— he thinks it’s just a feeling of accomplishment. And it is, sure, but it’s beyond that too. It’s his genuine happiness.
Romance: I share this hc with a lot of people, but god does he love a good slow dance. Dancing in general is a fun time for him, but a slow dance in particular is romantic and sweet and he could do it for hours with someone he cares about. He doesn’t even need music, he can hum along to the music in his head, he just likes the excuse to pull someone in and hold them close. Hold eye contact or let them rest their head on his shoulder, or vice versa. It is better with some nice low jazz playing, old school for nostalgia’s sake. His partners can expect a spontaneous slow sway in the living room, in the kitchen, damn near anywhere if he’s in a bit of a romantic mood.
Love: Growing up, Bucky was such a lover. Incredibly free with it, he didn’t hide his affection for his friends and family. Even to neighbors, like the old woman who lived a floor below and constantly complained about him and Steve, but always got a big smooch on the cheek from Bucky regardless. He told his parents he loved them before leaving the apartment, told his sisters he loved them while putting them to bed, told Steve whenever he felt like it. Because he did, and loving people is such a big thing he figured they should be reminded. Only people he didn’t say it to was romantic partners, referenced here. But he did frequently have a girl on his arm, or flirted with random people in town, slung an arm around his friends shoulders, gave hugs to anyone who wanted one. He was a charmer, for sure, all stemming from being a lover at heart. That’s the way he was always taught to be. He’s reserved for obvious reasons now, but when Bucky Barnes lets himself love you, you will feel it.
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shanaraharlyah · 1 year
Hey, so great to see you take part! I look forward to learning more about your writing! I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about the following (sorry, I'm greedy lol)
A Life Together (Hogwarts Legacy)
DAI Trespasser for Kartaelin Lavellan/Dorian Pavus
An Elven Tale from your original fic
Thank you!!
Thank you for asking, Cat! 😘 Let me just say I really only started writing more than a couple sentences for artwork descriptions just before and during the pandemic and my first of these was the Dorian/Kartaelin Trespasser fic. I sent it to a friend who told me she thought it was really good and very in character so I continued and have a whole docs folder full of WIPs now. So I'll start with that one.
DAI Trespasser
(Kartaelin Lavellen/Dorian Pavus)
I got really attached to these two on my fourth playthrough of Inquisition. Kartaelin is one of my OCs from the Elven Tale brought over to Dragon Age and had a similar rough go regarding his attraction to men, so I really just wanted both of them to be happy. And Trespasser is rough. I really wanted to do something with the in between scenes. Things we don't see in the game. So this part takes place directly after meeting Solas, Dorian finding him passed out and missing an arm. I have actually posted most of this one along with the artworks I wrote it for here if you'd like to read it - Never Gonna Be Alone. The incomplete/unposted portion involves the trek back, being seen by a healer and the council being postponed again for him to begin to heal.
A Life Together
(Hellendil/Sebastian Sallow)
This one is partially in response to some gorgeous artwork and headcanons I've seen in the Hogwarts Legacy fandom of Sebastian growing up and growing a beard or not because of trauma triggers. It takes place 10 years after the events of the game. Their friendship and budding relationship survived everything they went through during 5th year. The two have grown up, have jobs at the ministry and are living together. The wizarding world is more accepting of same sex relationships than the Victorian muggle world so they've settled in Hogsmeade. It's softness, a little spice and a lot of hurt/comfort around a shared traumatic experience. I'll share the first two paragraphs below the cut.
The early morning sun shone into the second floor bedroom through partially closed curtains.  Dust motes danced in the air as it crept across the room to light the forms of the entangled pair sleeping there.  As it traversed the warm tan skin of Hellendil, he began to stir, cuddling up closer to Sebastian to enjoy their shared warmth and deny his wakefulness for just a moment longer.  It was a rare day that he awoke before his partner, so he decided to take advantage of it.  He let out a soft sigh and raised his head, pushing his long hair back from his face in order to watch the sleeping brunet.   Sebastian's skin was fair but slightly flushed around his nose and cheeks and he was covered from head to toe with freckles.  Every now and then his breath caught in a snore and he seemed on the verge of waking.  He'd thinned out somewhat since their school days, more in the face than elsewhere.  Hellendil appreciated the extra softness of his lover's body.  A marked contrast to his own lithe frame, he found it great for cuddling and had taken to sleeping with his head resting on his chest, in spite of being the taller of the two.  An admiring smile appeared on his face as he observed him.  "Beautiful,"  he whispered.
An Elven Tale
There's really very little of this written yet just a couple of scenes in this document and the other so far. The rest is scattered thoughts, sketches and the beginnings of an outline. It follows Sarovanya and Tarwen as they begin to find their place in the world. Saro has always loved Tarwen, but his love is unrequited. She's known him since they were both very young and his exhibitionist ways and desire to be the center of attention are big turn offs, even if he's doing some of it for her. When they leave their home land to grow their skills, Tarwen meets a quiet and kind dark elf with whom she grows close. But there's a secret darkness lurking under the surface that he hides and tries to keep at bay.
Here is a little snippet from one of the scenes and the link to the render that goes with it.
“What’s wrong!?” she gasped as she began to move toward him.
“Leave, Tarwen,” the dark elf replied, cringing in pain.
“Get away from me!” he snapped, lashing out and upsetting the table in the room they had restored together.
Torn between worry for Morcundu’s ailment and fear for her own life, Tarwen stepped back with tears welling in her eyes. A flash of his… inhuman eyes set her fleeing into the forest. Her thoughts and surroundings were a blur as she ran, the rain stinging her face and mixing with tears. From somewhere nearby, she heard a familiar and welcome voice calling her name. Instinctively she turned toward the voice and within a few moments had crashed into the open arms of Sarovanya. She clung to his vest, tears streaming down her face, as he enveloped her in his protective arms.
Sarovanya relished the intimate moment, but worry soon washed over his handsome face. Taking her by the shoulders, he queried, “Are you okay? …Did he hurt you?” Tarwen shook her head in reply. Realizing his previous questions were a bit agitated, he took a deep breath and asked more gently, “What happened, Tarwen?”
Thank you again for asking about these! I haven't shared much about them before. ☺️
Throwing the link to the ask game in case anyone wants to send more!
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The Day Before You ~ Part 1
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My Blurb: I’m not really sure how this happened. I fully blame @pioched​. But here we are. My hand slipped. I don’t know if there will be another part. Depends on the feedback I get.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Pairing: Ridge Holland x OFC Lyssa Hutchinson
Warnings: A couple curse words.
Tagging: @snarkandsarcasmftw​  @pioched​​  @pikapuff316​ because I always appreciate your feedback and support!
Also Check Out: My Whole Masterlist | My Wrestling Masterlist
“Lyssa Hutchinson, you get out on the floor right now!” I groaned when my mother grabbed my arm and pulled me out from behind the coat rack I was trying to hide behind. It may or may not have been to avoid the bouquet toss.
“Mom, catching the bouquet is not a guarantee that I am getting married next. Astaire hasn’t even proposed. Or hinted at it for that matter.” I attempted to pull my arm out of her grip but it didn’t budge and I rolled my eyes. I love my mom and knew she just wanted what was best for me, which in her mind meant settling down and having babies…lots of babies. It didn’t help that we were at a wedding…my cousin Isabella’s wedding to be exact. My mom and aunt were twins and had been competitive their whole lives. 
My cousin caught my eye then and sent me a wink as she prepared to toss the bouquet. I shook my head with a laugh. Our mothers may have been competitive but we were still a close family, Isabella & I have been friends from birth. I couldn’t be happier that she had met Stephen, also known by his ring name Sheamus. Neither of them could have looked happier throughout the ceremony and their first dance, barely able to take their eyes off each other. He was a wrestler with WWE and there was no lack of his coworkers in attendance. It was actually a little intimidating being surrounded by so many large men and beautiful women. A couple of those groomsmen had looked especially hunky. I suddenly felt better about my boyfriend not being able to join me. 
Distracted by my thoughts, I failed to notice the crush of girls surrounding me and when the cheering and jostling started I flung my arms up on instinct as something smacked into my hands. The cheering got louder and I opened my eyes, groaning to realize Isabella had chucked the bouquet directly at me. I shot her a glare through the throng of older ladies who surrounded me, twittering about how “You’re next!”. 
We cleared the dancefloor as the men were shuffled on to it for the garter toss. I laughed out loud as the wrestlers in attendance legitimately wrestled each other to get the scrap of silk. When the dust settled one of the guys raised his hand in victory causing a cheer to go up through the crowd. He looked familiar and I was pretty sure he was one of the guys currently partnering with Stephen. Ridge or Butch? Wait, Butch was the small one…and this was definitely not the small one. 
Isabella appeared at my side a moment later with a grin on her face, “come on, time for the dances, have you met Ridge yet?” 
“Dances? Wait what? Why am I dancing, who am I dancing with?” trying to pull out of her grip but once again being pulled across the floor to where Stephen stood with the garter belt guy clapping him on the back so roughly it would have sent me across the room. Garter belt guy barely moved.
“The groomsman and bridesmaid have one dance together and so do the bouquet and garter catchers,” Isabella whispered quickly “Ridge, this is my cousin Lyssa.” she said loudly as we reached the two. He was even bigger up close.
“Nice to meet you” Ridge smiled “I guess we are dancing” he added as Stephen and Isabella left us and the other couples arrived on the dance floor. 
“Um, I guess we are. It’s nice to meet you too” I smiled politely, accepting his offered hand and moving towards him. In heels my head was just below his chin and I realized without them I would barely reach his shoulders but his hand was gentle as it settled respectfully on my upper back. The music started and we began moving as the silence stretched between us. Not that I noticed, I was too busy studying the giant maneuvering me easily. He was wearing a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. Over that was a russet colored vest and the outfit was finished off with gray slacks. 
“So, um, you’re related to Isabella?” Ridge asked, interrupting my thoughts when he pulled me a little closer as another couple attempted their version of a waltz.
I smiled gratefully as he maneuvered us away from the couple. “Ya, cousins, our moms are sisters. You work with Stephen?” 
He laughed before nodding “It’s been so weird hearing everyone call him Stephen while we’ve been here. He’s been in the business so long everyone just calls him Sheamus at work.” 
“That’s fair. I only know him as Stephen, I don’t know much about wrestling, I watch occasionally with Isabella. She only started watching when he asked her out.” I replied.
Ridge smiled back. “You should come to a show sometime, you might like it. I may be a little biased though.”
I laughed and nodded. “Have you always wanted to be a wrestler?”
“I played rugby for a long time in several clubs, I’ve only been wrestling for about five years.” He looked thoughtful before adding, “I think I always knew my endgame was wrestling. What about you?” 
“I’m an editor for a publishing company. Mostly cheesy romance novels.” I shrugged realizing the song was coming to an end and others were coming to the dance floor. 
“Can I ask for another dance?” Ridge asked, wincing when I hesitated and looked around. “Unless you have a boyfriend or date you need to get back to.”
“Oh, no. It’s not that, well I do have a boyfriend but he couldn’t come tonight. But another dance would keep me out of my mother’s clutches for a little longer.” I assured him, suspiciously not eager to leave his embrace. Even though his bicep was the size of my head, he seemed very in control of his strength. 
“Happy to be of service, I’m lucky my mums not here or I would be in the same boat.” He laughed. We talked for a while before I was summoned to help Isabella change out of her dress. With a promise to watch more wrestling, I waved and headed out of the reception hall. 
~~~~~~~~4 Months Later ~~~~~~~~
 “Hey Ridge! I got some good news for ya!” Butch announced as soon as he entered the locker room, door bouncing off the wall. 
“If it’s another plan for you to run off, I don’t have the energy for it and Sheamus will kill you.” I  replied, using the bench to stretch out my legs, focusing on the ankle I’d broken a couple years ago. 
Sheamus caught the door on his way in closing it behind him. “Isabella is bringing her cousin to the show tonight, Butchy just wants to laugh at you some more.” 
My foot slipped off the bench but I recovered enough to make it look purposeful at his words. Butch had caught me looking at Lyssa’s Instagram a week after the wedding and naturally assumed I was pining for her. He’d been bringing her up anytime Isabella was around, nudging me in the ribs until I threatened to punch him through a wall. I wasn’t pining for her. The fact that her joyous laugh and bright smile had haunted my dreams for the past four months had nothing to do with it. Remembering how even though she was much smaller than me, she hadn’t seemed intimidated like most women, also had nothing to do with it. She had a boyfriend and I was just a guy she danced with at a wedding.
“There’s the dopey look again. The one you get when you are thinking about her” Butch pointed out with a raised eyebrow.
“I was thinking about the match, that’s great that Lyssa is coming. She said she planned on watching more.” I turned away from them to finish taping my wrists.
“Sure, fella, that lovesick look is for the Bloodline and not for Lyssa.” Sheamus smirked, patting me on the shoulder. “You know Isabella told me that her and that whiny ass boyfriend finally broke up a couple months ago...” He trailed off and turned to his bag. I could hear Butch’s snort of laughter behind me. Before I could punch him through the wall there was a knock at the door and he dodged to get it. 
I smoothed my shirt down again as we waited for the door to open. There was a sign on it that showed the same logo on the one I had just bought from one of the merch booths. The Brawling Broots. Isabella wore one also, though hers was a little faded from constant wear. I wasn’t nervous exactly but when Isabella had invited me to attend the show with her, I hadn’t realized we would be able to go backstage and it was a little intimidating being around all the giants again. They were all nice though, some had even remembered me from the wedding and included me when they greeted Isabella.
The door in front of us swung open and Butch greeted us. He smiled politely at Isabella and smirked at me as he stepped back and allowed us into the room. Isabella immediately went to Stephen wrapping him in a hug and proceeding to have a very awkward mini makeout session. Ugh, honeymoon stage. 
I tore my eyes from them to spot Butch staring behind me, the smirk still on his face. Turning I saw Ridge. Had he gotten bigger? It was probably just because I was wearing flats tonight and he was wearing a shirt with the sleeves removed to show off his arms and make him look intimidating. 
I smiled when he reached me, putting my arms out to be enveloped in a hug. “It’s good to see you again.”
“You too, nice shirt.” he replied, glancing at mine and then at his own. We were matching. 
“Thanks, Isabella told me I had to buy something at the booth to wear, then heavily implied if it wasn’t in support of you guys she wouldn’t sit with me” I replied with a shrug. “So you guys have a pretty big match tonight against the Bloodline, don’t get blindsided by Sami again.” 
“You’ve been watching.” He said it as a statement and I nodded. 
“Ya, caught my boyfriend cheating and thought I should learn some moves in case it ever happens again. My advice would be to suplex the crap out of Solo as soon as you get in. Like just straight Brock Lesnar style” I leaned in and whispered, causing him to throw his head back and laugh. 
“I will definitely take that under advisement.” he chuckled as a guy with a clipboard poked his head in the room informing them they were being interviewed in 5 minutes. 
Isabella and I nodded, taking that as our cue to head for our seats. “Good luck tonight” I smiled and followed Isabella out of the room.
My first time at a live show and I was having the time of my life. I had started watching more regularly after the wedding and to soothe myself after the breakup but it didn't compare to the excitement of a live crowd. By the time the main event arrived, I was amped and ready to see The Brawling Brutes take on The Bloodline. It was as hard hitting as everyone expected and I had a hard time tearing my eyes from Ridge even when he tagged out. I would have been lying if i said I hadn’t thought of him since the wedding, in fact after breaking up with Astaire, he had more often than not been my imaginary awww night time companion.
The match ended with Butch getting pinned by Jey after Sami distracted the ref and Solo got a cheapshot in on Ridge while Ste…Sheamus was busy with Jimmy. I had warned him about that! 
Beside me, Isabella huffed with disappointment.  “Stephen isn’t going to be happy about that.” I nodded, watching as Ridge helped Butch out of the ring. “You know, I think you guys would be good together.” she added and I tore my eyes from the ring to find her watching me.
“Oh no you don’t!” I warned, praying my face wasn’t turning red. 
Holding up her hands in defense, she laughed “Fine, but don’t stay hung up on that douche bag, daddy’s boy. He isn’t worth it.”
I followed her to a hallway where other family and friends of the wrestlers seemed to be waiting after the show. A woman holding a toddler approached and Isabella introduced her as Butch’s wife. One by one the wrestlers appeared, hugging whoever was waiting and then heading out of the arena, bags in tow. Butch pushed through the door, lighting up when he saw his family. He waved to Isabella and sent me another smirk before leading them to the exit. 
“So, you going to ask her out?” Sheamus nudged my shoulder as we reached the doors. Butch had already left to see his family and I was following Sheamus out to where Isabella & Lyssa waited. 
Before I could answer, he opened the door and Isabella appeared in his arms, dropping kisses on every part of his face she could reach. Honeymooners I grimaced, turning to see Lyssa with an equally disgusted look on her face but it melted into a smile when she saw me.
“I told you to suplex him.” she raised an eyebrow at me and despite the pain in my ribs from the cheapshot I chuckled.
“I’ll make sure and follow your advice next time.” I ceded, pulling my bag to a stop beside me.
Isabella and Sheamus passed us, still glued to the hip and Lyssa sighed, watching them before turning back to me. “Well, that’s my ride, I better make sure they stop sucking face long enough to not forget about me. I’ll see you later?” 
The question in her voice made me smile “We’re on the road next week but when we get back could I take you out for coffee or dinner sometime?”
She studied me for a minute before saying “I’d like that, give me your phone.” I placed it in her hand, watching intently as she added herself to my contacts before handing it back with a shy smile. “Talk to you soon” before turning and heading towards the car. 
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slickbackdani · 1 year
Favorite Villain defeats?
Okay, this is gonna be quite a long list…
Thanos and his forces getting snapped out of existence by an Infinity Gem-wielding Tony Stark in Avengers Endgame; karmic considering that's exactly what Thanos did to half the universe's population in the original timeline
Two from Dragon Ball Z: first was Freeza’s invasion of earth ending with him getting chopped to bits and blasted away by Future Trunks, second was Cell being vaporized after his prolonged Kamehameha duel with Gohan. Granted, there were a lot of great villain defeats in that anime, but those two are the most noteworthy due to these two all-powerful, sadistic mass murderers being annihilated by foes they arrogantly underestimated
Theo Galavan suffering brutal revenge at the hands of James Gordon and The Penguin in Gotham. Up to that point, Theo had been a smug, high-and-mighty manipulator who got away with any number of horrible things with the public lauding him as a hero, so seeing him reduced to fruitlessly begging for mercy while the two men whose lives he ruined the most put aside their differences to put him down for good was immensely satisfying
From The Princess Bride — Inigo Montoya bouncing back from certain defeat during his sword fight with Count Rugen, overpowering the man who tormented him throughout his life before slashing him through his black heart with one last sword stroke preceded with ten words: "I want my father back, YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
Dr. Facilier being dragged into the underworld by his "Friends on the Other Side" in The Princess and the Frog. Suffice it to say, he wasn't ready.
Adolf Hitler getting blown up by American suicide bombers while the rest of the Nazi high command are trapped in a burning movie theater in Inglorious Basterds
The abusive orphanage guy getting run over by Dopinder in Deadpool 2
Miles Bron's mansion getting burned down with the Mona Lisa in it in Glass Onion
Many examples from Saints Row:
The Boss beating Maero's monster truck ambush before capping Maero personally when the latter is pinned beneath the flaming wreckage of his rig
The Boss and Johnny Gat burying Shogo Akuji alive after Shogo had Gat's wife killed and crashed her funeral
The Boss seemingly losing to Shogo's yakuza father Kazuo in a sword fight before "cheating" by shooting him, running him through with his own sword, and leaving him pinned to the deck of an exploding boat
The Boss shooting corrupt CEO Dane Vogel out the window of the top floor of his skyscraper
The Boss donning power armor to challenge the alien overlord Zinyak to a one-on-one fight, concluding with The Boss dethroning the all-powerful extraterrestrial invader by ripping his head off
A lot of examples from James Bond:
Bond tricking Auric Goldfinger into shooting out an airplane window, causing him to get sucked out to his doom in Goldfinger ("Where's Goldfinger?" "Playing his golden harp")
Bond making Dr. Kananga inflate like a balloon until he exploded in Live and Let Die ("He always did have an inflated opinion of himself")
Bond using Scaramanga's own tricks against him during their pistol duel in the funhouse in The Man with the Golden Gun
Bond shooting Karl Stromberg twice below the belt in The Spy Who Loved Me
Bond shunting Hugo Drax out an airlock and launching him into space in Moonraker ("Where's Drax?" "Oh, he had to fly")
Max Zorin plummeting to his doom from atop the Golden Gate Bridge, laughing all the while, in A View to a Kill
Bond setting drug lord Franz Sanchez on fire with the lighter Felix gave him in License to Kill
Bond dropping his evil former partner Alec Trevelyn to the bottom of a ravine where he's left barely clinging to life before the entire satellite building collapses on top of him in GoldenEye ("For England, James?" "No, for me!")
Bond turning Elliot Carver's drill machine against him in Tomorrow Never Dies ("YOU FORGOT THE FIRST RULE OF MASS MEDIA, ELLIOT! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!")
Bond ending Silva's rampage with a stab to the back in SkyFall ("Last rat standing")
So many examples from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
Kars getting launched into space after becoming immortal
Polnareff avenging his sister's death by turning her killer, J. Geil, into a human pincushion
The brutal beatdown Jotaro gave smug bully Steely Dan after putting up with his tricks for too long
Jotaro beating Daniel D'arby in poker by bluffing so brazenly that Dan had a mental breakdown
The shorter but still impactful beatdown Jotaro gave Terence D'arby after the latter cheated in a game to take their souls
Jotaro finally putting a stop to DIO's reign of terror by exploding his head after a massive battle across Egypt
Josuke forcibly fusing serial killer Angelo Katagiri into a rock for all eternity
Rohan tricking the obnoxious Cheap Trick into looking back at the Haunted Alley, causing the ghosts to drag him into oblivion (with Rohan even writing "I will go to Hell" on Cheap Trick just to make sure he wouldn't escape punishment)
Yoshikage Kira getting run over by an ambulance before his soul is ripped to pieces by the vengeful spirits of his many victims
Giorno giving the mass-murdering Cioccolata the longest and most brutal beating in the history of the show
Unhinged mafia don Diavolo being cursed to die over and over again in increasingly horrific ways for all eternity
There are many more, but these are all the ones I could think of at the moment
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gothofgotham · 2 years
NYC moments that humbled me
-my card got declined while I tried to buy a burrito
-I cried on the subway next to a gay couple and mother with her small child
-rude bitches on the subway
-fat ass rats running in front of me at night (ngl they’re kinda cute)
-literally anything Eric Adams has ever said I stg
-trying to take the subway and seeing a man with his hands down his boxers
-getting lost in Brooklyn after seeing Pearl at the movies
-my card getting declined at a Walgreens
-moving in/out of my building while trying not to get hit by cars
-a man harassing my dad and I about religious cults outside of the New York public library
-accidentally buying an expensive ass hair clip for my friend
-when I was on a first date with a guy and he jumped the turnstiles at grand central and got caught/ticketed by the NYPD
-hearing drunk people/people tweaking scream bloody murder at 3 am
-living below dance major students who tap dance at 2 am
-my school’s cafeteria food
-losing my id and crying to security
-finding out my grandfather died while my RA was coming in for room checks and I was sobbing
-crying and having meltdowns on the floor or in bed at night quietly
-when I thought I was crying quietly but my roommate heard me through the bathroom walls
-anytime my other roommate kisses her partner at night and it sounds absolutely disgusting like when my dog sucks his toes
-having zero rizz in a city with 8 million people
And so much more
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httpdabi · 3 years
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The Game
Genre: Smut
Summary: Playing a game made for couples with your best friend wasn’t such a bright idea. Or was it ?
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: 18+ (Minors, leave me and my blog alone), spanking, mention of daddy kink, cream pie, rough, dom!Dabi, praising
,, Can you hurry up already ? ‘’ Touya yelled from the living room as you were getting ready. ,, We are only going to buy groceries, we ain’t going to Met Gala for fucks sake’’ he hissed, once he realised that you ain’t answering him.
,, Give me a second’’ you screamed, as you were putting on your mascara carefully.
,, I gave you a whole fucking hour, woman’’ Touya snapped back, rolling his eyes playfully. He had to stress around a bit. Thinking about it, the two of you looked like married couple, yet you were nothing more than two best friends and roommates.
Once you were done, you made your way toward the shopping center that wasn’t that far away from your apartment. There wasn’t any specific reason the two of you were going there, you only needed some groceries to get, and you could literally get that in the store near your apartment. But the two of you decided to go out a bit, since both of you were pretty much focused on the studies last few days.
You and Touya know each other since you were little kids. Your mother and Rei were childhood best friends, so you and Touya grew up together. It was one of those forced friendships, that would have some huge development later on. As you were getting older, you started realising that you actually liked spending your time with him.
,, I hate this.. When I have money, there is nothing nice to buy, but when I’m broke as fuck, every dress is looking beautiful’’ you rolled your eyes disappointedly. Every time you don’t have much money, the stores around are having such a beautiful collections.
Of course, being your best friend, Touya always bought you clothes you had your eyes on, as a small surprise after you had a long and hard day at uni. You really loved him. Not only because of that, but simply for being him. Everyone knew how damn grateful you were for having him and your life and you really never tried to hide that.
,, Let’s go see if they have some board games, maybe we can buy something and play tonight’’ Touya suggested, grabbing your hand as he took the lead. Every time Touya would hold your hand, your heart would skip a beat. Probably because of the fact that you had one big and fat crush on your best friend.
You were not sure when did it start. Maybe when he pierced his nose, or when people started thinking that the two of you are couple, or maybe the feeling was always there, but you kept it somewhere buried in your mind. Hiding it from everyone and especially from him.
,, Oh, I always wanted to play thing game’’ Touya said, holding a small, black package in his hands. You tried to grab it away from him, but unsuccessfully.
,, What is it ? Show me’’ You squeaked excitedly, hoping it’s something fun.
,, It’s Drunk in love’’ He said, waving the small package in the air. Confusion and jealousy washed over you as you looked at the back of the package. You’ve heard about that game, it’s one for couples.
,, Should we buy it ? I really want to play it’’ He asked. Only confusion was left in your body once he asked you that.
,, Isn’t that a game for couples ?’’ You asked him back.
,, Yeah, but it really isn’t something special, after all everyone is mistaking us for couple, so i don’t see a problem here’’ Touya said, winking at you. ,, Unless you are scared’’ he added fast. You knew that he was just trying to tease you a bit, it was how he always got things his way.
,, You know very well that I ain’t scared. But Touya, that’s not something we should play’’ you said honestly. Sure you would love to play that with him, but you didn’t know what kind of game that really is, so it gave you mixed feelings.
,, Trust me, the game is not a big deal. It’s just fun.’’ He said, looking down at you, hoping you’ll agree with his suggestion. ,, Trust me doll’’ he repeated, and the moment you let a deep breath out and rolled your eyes, Touya knew that he won, making his way to the cashier immediately.
,, Let’s buy something to drink at least’’ you said, hoping that the game won’t be so bad at the end.
,, We have to, it’s a drinking game anyway’’ Touya laughed, placing one arm around you, as the two of you walked to the store with alcohol.
The two of you bought a bottle of vodka, before you made your way home. Not wasting any time, Touya helped you put the groceries in the fridge, before he opened the small package. He took two small glasses for shots, and placed them beside the deck of cards that were already on the table in the living room.
You took two normal glasses and orange juice, in case the vodka might be too much. Touya was already waiting for you, searching for some music on YouTube, as he sat on the floor.
,,Here’’ Touya offered you a cigarette, once you sat on the other side, placing one pillow under your ass. You gladly accepted the cigarette, as you enjoyed the music he found.
The two of you drank few shots of vodka, before you started to play. You weren’t sure what to expect of that game, but if you were being honest, the alcohol was helping you, even tho it was just a little bit.
,, Imma go first’’ Touya said, taking one card. ,, Describe your worst hookup ever or drink’’ he read it out lout. Okay, that wasn’t something so bad, after all, you’ve already talked about it with him.
,, Ehh, that one time I slept with Kai.’’ You said rolling your eyes as you thought about it.
,,Ah, that time when you though he’s still fingering you ?’’ Touya asked, laughing a bit.
,, Yes Touya, his dick was that small’’ You laughed, feeling a little bit more comfy about the stupid game. ,, My turn’’ you added, taking one card.
,, Reveal your biggest sexual fantasy or drink’’ You read it excitedly, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
,, Yeah, no’’ Touya laughed, taking a shot without thinking twice, leaving you all disappointed. ,, Pull another one’’ Touya said, closing his eyes because of the strong taste of the alcohol.
,, Give your parter a piggy back ride around the room or drink’’ a big smile formed on your face as you read the sentence.
,, Easy peasy’’ Touya commented, standing up. The moment he turned around, giving you a sign to hop on his back, you did it. The two of you looked like children, running around the apartment like crazy.
,, Drink if you’ve ever faked an orgasm’’ Touya said, placing the card on the table. Of course you had to drink, thanking God you didn’t have to take a shot for every orgasm you faked.
Card after card, and shot after shot, the two of you were getting tipsier and the cards were getting spicier.
,, Blindfold your partner and make them guess which body part they’re touching or drink’’ Touya read the sentence, glad he was the one who found it first. ,, Yeah, you gonna chicken out ‘’ he teased.
,, Shut up and close your eyes’’ You said thinking about what part you should let him touch. Everything was way too easy to guess. At one point you were almost sure that there was a typo on the card, and that you should touch yourself and he should guess which part, but Touya was 100% sure that he was supposed to touch you.
Taking his hands, you decided that it would be the best if he would touch your collar and breast bones. At your surprise, he was tracing his fingers lightly over your skin, furrowing his eyebrows confusingly as he tried to understand what part of your body he’s touching.
,, Collarbones’’ He said opening his eyes immediately. ,, Ok, you’ve lost, drink’’ he commanded with a smirk on his face, as he took another card.
,, Take one article of clothing or drink’’ Touya placed the card on the table, leaning back onto the lower part of your couch. When he took of his shirt, showing of his perfectly toned body covered with various different tattoos, you realised that the card was referring to both of you. Since your shirt was a bit oversized, you decided to take of your pants.
Trying to ignore the small situation you found yourself in, you took another card fast.
,, Let your partner spank you or drink’’ you read it confusedly, trying to understand what the fuck is happening. Once you understood, you started shaking your head in disbelief, following with one loud laugh. What the fuck did you get yourself into ?
,, Come on doll, come to daddy ‘’ Touya joked, spreading his arms over the couch, as you took the shot of vodka anyway, before you made your way toward him.
Not giving you much time, Touya pulled you down, bending you over his lap. ,, You have no idea how much I wanted to do this’’ He confessed, as he pulled your shirt just enough to show your ass. You couldn’t even focus on his small confession, since you were trying to prepare yourself on the upcoming spanks.
Instead of spanking you, Touya decided to take his time with you, tracing his fingers over your hips and playing with the ends of your panties, pulling them up, forming a thong with them. You were glad that some alcohol was in your system, because you were pretty sure that sober you would never survive that.
,, Now doll, be a good girl and take every single spank for daddy’’ Touya whispered, before he connected his palm with your ass cheek, making you yelp in pain. With every spank he gave you, the pain was getting intenser. But you didn’t mind, after all, isn’t that what you wished for ?
,, Such a good Girl’’ He prised, caressing the red marks he left over your ass. Once you got back on the other side of the table, both you and him started laughing hysterically.
,, Lick your partner below the waist or finish your drink’’ Touya said, smirking widely once again. ,, There’s no way I’m finishing this drink’’ He added, grabbing your arm and pushing you toward him.Touya pushed up on the couch, as he started licking your legs slowly.
You couldn’t believe what the fuck was happening. Both of you half naked, playing some overly sexual game, which led him to licking your legs. You weren’t sure what was driving you more crazy, him licking your legs or his erection that was showing under his grey sweatpants.
Touya placed his hand on your tight, giving in one strong squeeze as he was placing wet kisses on your right inner tight. You could feel his lips getting closer and closer to your private parts, but you didn’t dare to say anything.
,, Wanna know what my fantasy is ?’’ Touya asked, kissing and biting onto the skin around your panties. All you could do is nod your head quietly, lost under his touch and soft kisses.
,, You, you are my biggest fantasy. I want to have you all for myself’’ Touya said hovering over you. ,, I want you to be mine’’ he added, looking you directly in the eyes, before he started leaving soft kisses all over your face.
,, Wanna be mine ? Just you and me doll’’ He asked, biting your lip.
,, Yes’’ You answered him so fast. Fuck yes you want to be his, He didn’t even have to ask you that, you were always his.
Once he heard you say that, Touya pulled his sweatpants and boxers down, letting his hard dick jump straight up. Not breaking the kiss, he started rubbing the tip of his dick around your entrance.
,, Doll, tell me if I’m too rought’’ He said, entering you slowly while he sucked onto your neck, leaving wet love bites. You couldn’t manage to give him a proper answer, hoping that simply nodding your head was understandable enough.
Once he was fully inside of you, he gave you some time to adjust to his size before he started rocking his hips into you. He wasn’t doing it slow, and the position you were in wasn’t the most comfortable one, but you didn’t care about that. All you could think of was the pleasure he was giving you at the moment, mixed with pain.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he rammed into you recklessly, breathing into your neck as his moves were getting stronger and stronger.
,, So tight for me’’ Touya groaned, enjoying the warm feeling your walls were giving him. It felt like you were made just for him. Placing one hand on your hip, and other one on the edge of the couch, he increased his speed, fucking you stronger and deeper than before. With every move he made, he was hitting your g spot, making you moan louder and louder. You were pretty sure that your neighbours were able to hear the two of you, but none of you gave a single fuck.
Both of you were about to cum. His groans were getting louder, and he was fucking you ever harder, while your walls were getting tighter and tighter around him, making it even more enjoyable for him.
,, You can cum inside’’ You managed to say somehow, moaning his name and squeezing your eyes shut once you reached your high.
,, I was planning to ’’ He groaned, fucking you through your orgasm, making it even better for you. After few thrusts, he spilled his seed deep into you. Moving few more times as he made sure to fill you nice and good, not wasting a single drop of his sperm. Once he was done, he collapsed on top of you, fighting for his breath.
,, I love you so much Doll’’ he said, connecting his lips with your own.
,, I love you too’’ You answered him, smiling widely into the kiss.
That night he took care of you, cleaning you, and taking you to his room, making sure that you are alright and that he didn’t hurt you. That night he made sure to clear some things out, he made sure that you wouldn’t think this was some sort of misunderstanding. Telling you how he actually always wanted to ask you out, and how that game was just a chance for him to get him where he is now. With you in his bed, locked between his arms.
That night you understood that your crush was never one sided, and that you were the reason why your best friend never dated anyone else.
Who would have thought that such a dirty game could bring people together ? Would lead them to confessing to each other. You sure didn’t think so, yet there you are, instead of daydreaming about it, you are enjoying the warmth of your best friend, roommate and lover.
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