#my friends are trying to be encouraging and telling me im almost at the end. i can almost leave
paiges-1vur · 2 months
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pt. 1. | from across the crowd.. as always, enjoy loves <3 *prologue posted* 🏀⚡️🪩
“what.. you guys, why are you all looking at me like that!” my words led to only more strange looks. my friends all sat around me, mouths open. “tiff. oh my gosh. are you joking!” my friends all start bombarding me with insults and “i can’t believe you’s”
i seriously had no clue this girl even existed until my friends had shown me her.. ten minutes before the game started. while i didn’t even know of her existence, my friends seemed to know her whole life story.
“okay guys but should i put it on?” i ask the group around me. i mean, i was genuinely cold. i had goosebumps forming on my arms and legs from how cold it was in the stadium. i should have noticed something was off when i left my apartment and nobody else was in going out clothes.
my closest friend madisen, who also seemed to know the most about paige encouraged me to put it on. “she wouldn’t have given it to you if she didn’t want you to wear it.. right?” she says shrugging. i slowly pull the hoodie over my head, immediately feeling warmed up.
the hoodie says uconn basketball on it, and has paiges number and last name on it. im immediately flooded by her scent. she smells… really good. like a mix of musk, wood, and smoke. as the rest of the game plays out all i can think about is the fact that i’m wearing her hoodie. i didn’t want the moment to ever end. but it unfortunately did when the buzzer sounded and Uconn was announced the winner.
me and my friends decided to stick around after the game for a little while. they got up to throw out our trash, and empty drink cans while i tried to find paige. i wanted to thank her for lending me her hoodie. its the least i could have done.
as i get up to search for paige, i see her walk out of the locker room.. and walking up to me. she was smiling, standing in front of me, practically towering over me. to be fair, i am 4’11 but that is only due to terrible genetics, and a very short mother. “hey” is all she says, but its enough to make my heart beat faster.
“hey, your name is… paige right?” i say to her smiling innocently, pausing before saying her name, not sure if i had remembered it totally correctly. honestly i could forget my own name right now if she asked me for it. she laughs slightly before responding, “yea thats my name, you remember me?”
I try to play it cool. “well my friends wouldnt shut up about you the whole game” i say laughing. “i didnt even know who you were before i got here.. well they dragged me here, and then almost killed me when i didnt know who you were. long story” i say, trying to explain the crazy night i’ve had. she laughed harder than me, surprised at my confession. “oh.. so you’re telling me you just showed up here, not even knowing who i was?”
im slightly embarrassed, and i hope its not showing on my cheeks. “well.. I’ve never been a fan of basketball, so my friends knew i wouldnt come to the game. they told me we were going out to the bars tonight, and dragged me here. that’s why i was wearing such a… revealing outfit before you gave me your hoodie. bad outfit planning on my part. and yea to be honest i had never heard of you in my life” I try to explain clearly, but I’m not even sure if i believe this all happened in one night.
“oh, wow so you really had no idea who i was?” she sounds almost surprised at this fact. “no.. not really, why?” I say, a slight bit confused. i wonder if i should have known her.
“oh, here’s your hoodie, by the way” i say, pulling it off and folding it into my hands. im now left in ny old outfit. my jean mini skirt and Uconn tank top leave quite frankly, little to the imagination. im not very proud of how i look in this moment, but the least i can do is give paige her hoodie back. “nah, don’t worry about it you can keep it. you look..” her eyes roam my body quickly, “cold anyway. and it looks better on you than me.” i smile at her and slip it back on. the hoodie reaches my mid thigh, its so oversized. “thank you so much- again im so sorry i didn’t know the stadiums were so.. cold oh my gosh.” i say laughing.
she laughs too, looking down at me and smiling. she bites her lip, like shes thinking hard about something before she speaks again. “can i, ask you a question?” im suddenly intrigued why paige bueckers would want to ask me a question but i bite. “yea sure, go ahead.” i say smiling at her, awaiting her next words.
“you probably have a boyfriend.. right?”
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astarionancuntnin · 5 months
Die For You
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summary: the ascension changed the person Astarion was, or so you believed. you broke up and parted ways after defeating the netherbrain, thinking it was for the best, but when you see him again 6 months later at the reunion, you realize you never truly moved on.
and it seems neither did he.
rating: E
word count: 3.9k
pairing: astarion x you (fem!reader) (fic wide), shadowheart x you (chapter 1 specifically)
cw: 18+. angst, smut, porn with plot, porn with (some) feelings, ascended astarion, bad breakup, awkwardly avoiding your ex, alcohol induced sex, rebound sex (in the sense that youre trying to forget about your ex but you might have feelings for that other person too), oral sex, fingering, stalking, kidnapping, mild violence.
a/n: i have been working on this for over a month now, i have 2 other chapters also ready BUT im undecided on which ending i want for this, so yall get chapter 1 as a teaser, let me know whatcha think :eyes:
a/n²: this is the start of a long fic (my first one, phew)! i intend to update it weekly-ish, i GREATLY appreciate comments as it helps me test the waters on whats to come with it
read on ao3
next chapter
or keep reading down below~
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I like (I like) what you like (what you like) Long hair (no bra) that's my type (that's right) You just told me, want me to fuck you Baby, I will 'cause I really want to
The ascension was complete. He actually went through with it. 7000 souls, gone. 
Astarion, The Vampire Ascendant.
He convinced you that it’s what was necessary. You thought this would bring him peace. It’s what he wanted. You loved him, and you would’ve gone to the ends of the world for him; in your eyes, after everything he'd been through, it's what he deserved.
“I can hear it at last, how all the lowly creatures of this plane are begging to serve.”
But now that it was done, you couldn’t tell if he was still him. If the vampire before you was still the same you spent that first night in the woods. That same one who admitted to have fallen for you. The same one who thanked you for taking a stand against Araj at Moonrise Towers. And if he wasn’t, who was he now? Did he have anything left from his previous self? And could you still love him if he didn’t?
"The world will stir in fear."
The walk back to camp that day was dreary. As Astarion walked ahead of everyone with his newfound confidence, you were dragging your feet behind the rest of your party. The weight of what you had done, slowly setting in. Your friends asked about your well-being and you reassured them all that everything’s fine! It was just a big day! And you simply couldn’t wait to finally rest. You didn’t have the heart to admit that you were regretting what you had encouraged Astarion to do.
Back at the Elfsong, you wave to your companions an early good night as you are heading to bed, before Astarion pulls you aside.
“My consort, we are so close to our triumph, I can almost taste it.” Even his tone was different. What you used to qualify as theatrical was now leaning towards dramatical.
You freeze and look at him dead in his eyes. Every part of you is looking for any proof at all that he was still himself. After all, you had no way to know if the 7007 souls sacrificed also included his own.
“I think we need to talk,” your voice comes out colder than intended.
“Little love, whatever could be the matter?”
“Just– what in the Hells happened to you in there?” The words come out of their own, tainted with sadness.
“It's quite simple, really: I became a better version of myself. The very best, dare I say. And I have no one else but you to thank for it.”
You cross your arms and evade his eyes, your shame for your actions creeping up on you. “I don’t feel great about it, honestly.”
“Well, what’s done is done, and there’s simply no point in dwelling on the past, is there?”
His disdain for the enormous sacrifice that was made makes you scoff, incredulous. “You’re nothing like the Astarion I knew before.”
“I know. I’m better, stronger than he ever was. Finally free of my past.” He smiles, satisfied. “I’m who I always wanted to be. I have everything I ever wanted, except you, by my side.”
His hand reaches out to you and you quickly understand the offer he’s making: to make you a spawn, his spawn. The whole situation is bittersweet to you; of course you’ve always wanted what he wanted, what was best for him, and you would've spent your lifetime with him in another context, but with how he turned out following the ascension, this future isn't something you can imagine yourself in. Now that this choice is given to you, you know better than to accept. 
You shake your head as you step back, “No… I won’t do it.”
He sighs, dropping his hand to his side, “Seems I misjudged you. I thought we might have a future together, eternity, even. Perhaps you’re not worthy.”
His condescending tone sparks a fury within you. “We’ll defeat the elder brain together. But after that, I want nothing to do with you,” you say as you try to contain the anger rising in your chest. His brows furrow, matching your energy. “So be it. You will regret leaving me, more than anything you live to regret.”
You give him one last angry look before walking to your bed, muttering to yourself as you feel tears swelling up. 
“I regret letting you go through with that damned ritual.”
You follow through with your promise. With the Netherbrain gone and your tadpoles vanished, nothing kept you together anymore. You parted ways with all your companions, going out on your own, wherever your next adventure guided you. Finally, a normal life, or something closer to it, anyway. You did miss most of them, for what it’s worth; you considered them your family. You often wondered how Wyll and Karlach were faring in the Hells, and how Lae’zel’s quest to take down Vlaakith was going; you even considered offering your help at one point, but after ending things with Astarion, you needed to be alone. The breakup hit you harder than you expected, it left your heart with a void. He looked happy following his ascension, so why couldn’t you be happy for him? Why was this so hard on you? It’s not something you had ever experienced in your past relationships, usually able to move to the next one rather quickly. You didn’t naturally get attached to people, you used to think that nothing lasts forever, and relationships weren’t an exception. This damned vampire proved to you once again that you were right, although you wished for once you weren’t. He took up all your thoughts, and you had to do something to wash him away.
You occupied your time best by helping people in need, taking bounties left and right, roaming the lands and fighting monsters. When you could afford it, you’d spend the night at the local inn, drinking to numb the feelings. On nights when you were most drunk, you ended up sharing someone else's bed, whoever proposed it to you on those nights. With the alcohol in your veins and your eyes closed, your mind let you believe that you were in his arms again. That it was all a bad dream, and you would wake up next to him, only to be hit by the harsh reality the next morning.
You did anything that you thought would help keep your mind busy. It did work for some time; as long as you were actively doing something – focused on the task at hand – you didn’t think about the past, but the moment night fell and you laid to rest alone, you were back at square one. 
You felt guilty about Astarion’s ascension. Guilty of the impact it had on him and your relationship, guilty of the power you let him have and the consequences that it meant. Even guilty of how you felt about it; it was a vicious cycle that plagued you.
It had been your one and only mistake. You let yourself be blinded by the rose-coloured glasses of your love for him, and although you meant well, you’re very conscious of the damage this decision had on him and potentially the city, but also the 7000 souls sacrificed in the process. Granted, they were already spawns and there was no way to save them from this fate, they could’ve at least have had a chance at living in the Underdark. Yes, you had saved the city – damages aside – lifted a curse, freed everyone and yourself from the Absolute, defeated the chosens of the Dead Three, bla bla bla, but your mind always drifted to Astarion’s fate. What if you had stopped him? Surely, your life would be different now. You would be roaming the streets with him, probably. Maybe living together in the Underdark. He would’ve stayed himself. You would’ve been… happier.
When you receive Withers’ invitation to the reunion, it’s the first time in months you’re actually happy, excited even, to see your friends at long last, but also anxious. Your mind drifts to the vampire you used to love. Would you see him at the reunion? Would he have changed at all? How has he been?
Did he still think about you, too?
Looking forward to the night, you treat yourself out to a nice outfit from the local seamstress. You settle on a simple, yet elegant, black long dress with an open back. The summer night is nice and fresh; you’re glad you went for a long sleeved dress. Your hair, which you decided to let down, also partially covers your exposed back, covering you from the breeze. You reach your old campsite to find out you’re the last to arrive, as you see all your friends already mingling. You decide to talk to Shadowheart first, as she was the one you missed the most, as you had grown particularly closer to her during your adventure. In another life, you would’ve been together, you think. You felt bad about not contacting her sooner, but her joy upon seeing you washes away all guilt. She greets you with a smile and a large embrace.
“Come here you! Gods, I missed you!”
You hold her tight, enjoying her strong hug. 
“Tell me everything! How have you been?”
“Oh you know, a few killings here and there, little shenanigans all around, I’m sure whatever you have to share is much more interesting.” You wish you could say something different, but your adventures really had been that bland. 
She rolls her eyes playfully at your deflection, “And how have you been feeling?”
“Greaaat, every day is a new adventure for me to discover.” You give a poor excuse for a laugh as an attempt to convince her.
She tilts her head forward and raises her eyebrow at you. She knew you better than you gave her credit for. “You know what I meant.” Her gaze points to the side behind you and you give a quick glance to see Astarion disdainfully looking at his surroundings, a silver cup in hand.
You sigh as you turn back to her, the facade falling at once. “I try not to think about it. I… hated what he became, and felt guilty about it. I did take part in it, I could’ve stopped it, but I didn’t.” You cross your arms, recollecting your thoughts. “But I’m starting to think that maybe I jumped to conclusions too quickly when I left him. I miss him and it’s… frustrating. Maybe I shouldn’t have come. Seeing him again so soon is more difficult than I originally thought.”
“Did you talk to him?” “I was actually trying to avoid him,” you confess.
“And you think that's healthy?” “It's the only way I'll be able to move on.”
“And how’s that been going?”
“I–” You’re unable to answer her, the truth being that it was going horribly.
She grabs you by your shoulders, bringing your attention back to her, “Hey, you know if you need anything, I’ll be there for you.” You smile, sheepishly, as she brushes your hair behind your ear, softly cupping your cheek. “And if you’re looking for some company to take your mind off of a certain vampire, well, I would be glad to offer mine.” You get lost in her eyes, with her hand soft and warm against your skin. Her invitation is tempting, and your gaze falls on her lips as you speak up.
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “I wouldn’t mind the company.”
“Come meet me when the party's over.” She smiles back, giving you a quick peck on the cheek before walking away. 
You spend the rest of the night catching up with all your friends, always keeping an eye on Astarion, who you notice has been eyeing you as well, as if he was expecting you to approach him, but you never do. You’re convinced nothing good will come out of it and even if you did talk, you’re not sure where you would even begin, so you keep your distance.
As the night settles down, you bid your close friends farewell and sneak out two bottles of wine to share with Shadowheart as she walks you to the inn she’d been staying at. The road is peaceful, and you reminisce about the past with the cleric, indulging in the leftover drinks you stole from the party. When you finally reach the inn, you're both a giggling and stumbling mess, empty bottles of wine still in hand as you enter her room.
As she closes the door behind her, you hear some patrons through the walls yell at you to shut up – it was late and your entrance had been pretty noisy – and you mockingly hush your friend, pressing a finger on her lips.
“Shadoooow, shhhhh” you whisper, your speech slurred. “You’re bothering people.”
“Oh, I’m bothering people? Care to remind me who stumbled their way up the stairs?” She says, laughing, her cheeks blushed by the alcohol.
“Hey– it’s not my fault their steps are so high and your room is so far,” you pout.
“Oh, my apologies,” she takes on a chivalrous tone. “Does my lady require assistance to reach her bed for the night?” 
You answer, matching her tone. “That would be most welcome, dearest.”
You squeal as she picks you up in her arms with an impressive strength, and carries you to the large bed. You giggle when she drops you off, and she leans over you.
“Is my lady satisfied with my service?”
You fail to keep a straight face when you answer. “Most definitely. Thank you, my liege.”
She smiles back softly before crashing next to you, both of you staring at the ceiling, taking in the first moment of silence of your night. A second later and your mind is already thinking about Astarion and you sigh heavily. Your companion instantly notices your change of mood.
“It’s him again, isn't it?”
You groan, grabbing your hair in frustration. “Was I wrong? To let him go through with that damn ritual? Why does he get to live his best life and I’m still feeling awful abo–”
She cups your cheek and pulls your face close to hers, cutting you off with a kiss. 
“How about we get to work on ‘forgetting about him’, hm?”
You nod slightly as you stare into her eyes, and she grins, her hand curling around your neck before crashing her lips against yours once again. You moan into the kiss, feeling the heat spread across your face and to your chest. Her kisses travel from your jaw down to your neck. She pulls your dress down, gradually exposing your flushed chest, before pulling back to take a good look at you, her own face matching your colour.
“You blush so beautifully.” Her voice is soft like velvet, each word making your heart pounce, as she continues to kiss her way down your navel, eventually discarding your dress on the floor.
You hide your face between your hands, trying to conceal the warmth coming from your cheeks and she comes back up to take your hands in hers, revealing your flustered state.
“You’re too pretty to hide yourself like that,” she reassures you with another kiss. “Let me admire you.”
You struggle to keep eye contact as one of her hands makes its way between your legs, teasing your entrance. Her fingers slide easily between your folds, earning her a moan out of you. She finds your clit and rubs you softly, your entire body twitching in reaction to her touch, and you shut your eyes to focus on the feeling, throwing your head back. Shadowheart takes this chance to trace the curve of your breast with her tongue, closing her mouth on its peak and sucking over it. Her tongue works wonders on you, and you whimper as she lightly bites you. 
“Keep singing for me,” She says between kisses, her voice thick with lust. “I love the sound of your voice.”
Her name on your lips is like a prayer as she ravishes your breast, leaving a few love bites over your chest. She pulls back temporarily to remove her own clothing before climbing back in bed, resting between your legs. You barely manage to raise yourself up when she pushes you back down against the bed.
“Lay down love, and let me take care of you. Just the way you deserve it.”
She throws your legs over her shoulders and kisses the inside of your thighs, leaving more love bites and she makes her way to your cunt. Her tongue finally finds its way between your folds and she laps at your juices, making sure to lick you clean.
“Gods, you taste divine.”
Her hands dig in your thighs as she devours you and you arch your back at the sensation, taking in the feeling of her tongue entering you. Your hips soon follow the movement, wanting more contact, and she takes the hint, moving to your clit to give it the attention it deserves. You whine when she enters you with a finger, and a second one, slowly thrusting into you, as her tongue circles your sensitive bud. Your chest rises higher and faster as your breathing quickens, and she knows you're close. Your eyes are long gone, but she looks up to you, admiring your state before she speaks up.
“Let it go, love. Come for me.”
She sucks once more on your clit, her fingers pushing harder against that sweet spot inside of you. You throw your head back, grabbing the bed sheets at your sides as you scream her name with the remaining air in your lungs and a crashing wave of sensations washes over you. For a moment, your mind goes blank, there's nothing but pure bliss. You want to stay like this forever; finally at peace, content. As you come down from your high, your legs give out and you pant excessively, trying to catch your breath.
You feel the bed shift beside you and open your eyes to see Shadowheart lazily making her way next to you.
“But– what about you?” you ask, breathless and tired.
“You don’t think I enjoyed myself just now?” She laughs and kisses you. “You’re simply adorable.” She cups your cheek lovingly, brushing your hair away. 
“Tonight was all about you. Plus, I doubt you'd be able to accomplish anything in the state you're in. You can always make it up to me another night,” she grins and boops your nose, smiling tenderly, before snuggling against you.
You watch her as she drifts to sleep next to you, moments before you cave into your own exhaustion. For the first time in months, you get a good, restful night of sleep.
When morning comes, you’re awakened by a god-awful headache, the consequences of last night’s drinking catching up to you. On the bright side, you find Shadowheart wrapped around you from behind, with her face nuzzled in your neck. You smile and hold on to her arm around your waist, linking your fingers with hers. She awakens soon after and greets you with kisses on your shoulder. You turn around to properly kiss her good morning, but the pain throbbing in your head has you groaning and holding your head instead. She catches on quickly and casts lesser restoration on you, fixing your headache instantly.
“Thank you, doc.” You sigh, content, and turn your head to face her. “How will I ever repay you?”
“I'm sure you'll think of something.”
“Mmh, I might have an idea.”
“Oh?” She chuckles. “Colour me intrigued.”
You flip yourself above her, pinning her down before kissing her lovingly. When you pull away, you find her looking at you with the same lust she had for you the night prior. Her eyes fall on your lips before she speaks again.
“You should follow me on my next adventure. I think it would help you clear things up.”
You pull back, now sitting on her, as you take a moment to answer. “I have a few errands to run, but I might take you up on that offer.”
“I still have the room for a tenday,” she raises herself up on her elbows and gives you a pensive look before continuing her thought. “Let me know when you make up your mind.”
You get dressed up and kiss her goodbye, eager to go back to your own inn to get changed and take a much deserved bath. Since the room you had rented was yours for a few days, you might as well take the chance to shop around while you were there; you were in dire need of new equipment for your next adventures. You spend those days getting upgrades for your gear, and visiting the city. Day after day, something felt odd; you had the weird feeling that you were being watched. Every time, nothing would happen, and neither did you see anyone suspicious, but the feeling never left. One night, as you were making your way to your inn, that feeling only got stronger. The streets weren’t busy per say, but everyone you could see was minding their business, discussing amongst themselves. You pressed ahead to reach the inn faster; maybe it was all in your head, but just in case your intuition was right, you didn’t want to take any chances.
As you turn the corner to take a shortcut in a back alley, two figures block your path. In the dark of the night, you can’t make out their identities, but their threatening auras are enough to make you back away. You bump into two more imposing shadows, somehow having managed to sneak up behind you, who quickly grab your arms before you can think of escaping. You try to fight against them but their combined forces pin you down almost completely. You were strong, you shouldn’t have had any issue fighting them off, but their strength almost felt… surnatural. If you had learned one thing during your misadventures, it was that when brute strength wasn't an option, you had to aim for their egos.
“Come on, four against one? How's that fair? Are you so weak that you can't face me alone? Let me get the chance to fuck you up, one after the other.” You smile cheekily, your blood running hot, ready for a fight. Karlach would be proud.
The bandits remain unphased by your taunting, with only one of them answering to your banter.
“We won't fight you. Our Master requested that you be brought alive.”
“Aw, poor lil pup can’t do anything without its master's permission,” you say, mocking them, and you laugh disdainfully at them. “You’re fucking pathetic.” 
The figure moves towards you and you’re slapped with a strength that would’ve made you fall to your knees, had you not been held by the two other goons.
“ENOUGH!” Another figure speaks up. “Remember the Master mentioned that she be left unharmed.”
You lift your head back up, your breathing ragged by your furor. “How about you bring me to that master of yours so I can show him who he’s messing with?”
You wish you could take back your words as another figure appears, stepping out from the shadows, this one all too familiar.
“Hello, my sweet.”
I bet they planned it all out like the shows Went everywhere I go Walked in the store right behind me Stood in line right beside me and followed me to my home I'm sure they figured it out early on That I would never run That they could shoot, but that's no fun 'Cause then they're killing the stolen son, oh
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mrsrileywrites · 6 months
Hi! I read lots of your work and im SO IN LOVE!!! Like I absolutely fell so hard for papa simon 😭😭 i wanna give him a babyy! But i was wondering, how would pregnancy be like with his child. I mean bro is HUGE so his baby would probably be not only pretty big and probably weight a little bit more too than an average newborn. If its okay with you would it be possible for you to write a little story maybe add a little bit of angst? (Idk like argument about something that made the reader really sad?) but please a happy ending 🥹
Feel free to ignore if thats not your thing or just not feeling comfortable writing about it!! LOVE YOUU!! Btw sorry for any misspelling English is not my first language.
First of, as a not native English speaker, your English is perfect.
And second, thank you for your kind words, it really encourages me to keep writing and also boosts my ego 😁
You asked in such a nice and respectful way so I really want to make you happy.
Now here's the thing, I'm an adult with lots of responsibilities and sometimes adulting makes me tired, like last night when I was trying to finish this but I fell asleep and I woke up this morning to find half of my writing disappeared, it just vanished 🥲
But I'll give you this to munch on and I promise I'll finish this before the end of the week.
I hope this is what you were expecting... Enjoy 🫶
A little over 700 words.
You stood in front of the sink of your bathroom, holding a pregnancy test on your shaky hands, two little red lines staring right back at you.
How did this happen? How would you tell him? He doesn't want kids, he made it clear from the beginning and you accepted it without a fuss, that's why you've been taking your pills diligently every day, you didn't forget one, did you?... No, you know you didn't, how did this happen?
"You okay there, love?" Simon knocks on the bathroom door and you jump in surprise, like a child that's been caught red handed.
"Y-yes Si, j-just give me a minute... I'll be right there." Your period is about three weeks late so you bought a pregnancy test, your best friends advice, it wouldn't hurt, it was just to make sure, you certainly were not expecting this.
You hid the test on the cabinet under the sink and washed your face before coming out.
It's been a week since your ob-gyn confirmed a six weeks pregnancy and you still haven't found the courage nor the right time to break the news to Simon, so when he gets a call from Price to get deployed on a long mission you fear it would be too late by the time he comes back.
One month at most he said when he kissed you goodbye almost two months ago, you are 16 weeks into your pregnancy and your bump is starting to show, which only adds to your anxiety, between the morning sickness and your hormones being all over the place you still haven't figured out how to tell him.
As you ponder how to break the news to him, you realize that a simple phone call wouldn't suffice. With him stationed on the other side of the globe, risking his life every day, you hesitate to burden him further. At the same time, you know it wouldn't be ideal for him to return home and suddenly find you waddling around with a baby bump.
So you stay quiet and whenever he calls and asks why you sound so exhausted you blame it on your job, you say you are just stressed out, and he promises he'll take care of you once he's back, he'll relieve you from the stress the way you like it, the way only he knows how to.
You are laying on the couch wearing Simon's t-shirt, stuffing yourself with your favorite ice cream and watching trash tv when you hear fumbling outside your front door before it swings open, a very rugged Simon stands in the threshold , you curse under your breath, he didn't say he was coming home the last time you talked on the phone three days ago so you stand there and look at him overly conscious of the bump hiding under his t-shir and you thank the heavens he is a big man, you think the loose fit of his T-shirt would buy you time, your ice cream long forgotten in the coffee table.
He walks towards you with long strides as he pulls his balaclava over his head running his fingers through his messy hair and you shy away, you step back and freeze, eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights, he stops in his tracks and tilts her head, his eyebrows pinch as his eyes linger on your midsection and you know you're fucked, he noticed, how wouldn't he, and you hope and pray he'd say something, anything, but he doesn't, he turns on his heels ready to walk out.
"Simon wait!" You call for him and he stops, his hand lingers on the door knob, "I can explain, please just hear me out" your voice cracks and you wish you had been brave enough to tell him before, you know about his childhood and his trauma, you know his struggles and why he didn't want children in the first place, he trusted you and you broke his trust, you deceived him from the moment you found out you were pregnant and decided to keep it to yourself because you were too scared to trust him back.
"Explain what?" He shouts turning around and walking towards you again, your hands fly to your belly instinctively, protective. You lower your head, eyes glued to the floor, ashamed.
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teamatsumu · 9 months
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was i meant to love you? (last part)
pairing: miya osamu x reader
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summary: the kanji on your arm says miya atsumu’s name. but every fiber of your being is in love with his twin brother.
word count: 1501
warnings: swearing, some angst, happy ending
tags: @hadukada @utopiamiroh @angstylittleb1tch @sassycheesecake @i-have-no-life-charlie @tsukiran-blog @mommyourcall420 @ak-aaa-li @ti-mame @ellesalazar @seijaelee @hiraethwa
a/n: this is so late im so sorry writers block is a little bitch but omg this is the last part! I hope you all like it xx
previous part // series masterlist
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The living room was hardly silent, between the sitcom playing on TV and Atsumu’s incredibly loud chewing, but it still felt like the air was thick and still around you. You were sure it was just you, and not Atsumu who felt this way. It likely had to do with your apprehension, trying to prepare yourself for the topic at hand. You remembered Osamu’s words, drawing confidence from his encouragement. You tried to revise in your head how to approach this, but your bravery was failing you.
How the hell were you supposed to tell your soulmate that you weren’t in love with him?
Osamu’s platonic soulmates theory didn’t sound all too convincing to you, but hearing that it came from Kita did give you some confidence. You were sure Kita would never put forth an idea that he didn’t consider to have merit. So maybe there was some weight to his words. You were still on the fence though. It all depended on what Atsumu had to say about it.
Speaking of, you watched Atsumu slurp down his ramen like it was his last meal on earth, and you could empathize with him. His routine was grueling. A lot went into being a pro athlete, much more than you could have anticipated. You almost felt bad for springing this on him after a tiring day when he was trying to wind down. But you didn’t exactly have any other opportunity for it.
You cleared your throat and shifted in place, turning so you were facing Atsumu instead of the TV. He turned to look at you, slurping up a noodle dangling from his mouth before licking his lips and giving you a look.
“I need to talk to you about something.” You fidgeted with your fingers, unable to look him in the eye. Atsumu seemed to freeze, leaning forward to place his bowl on the coffee table before facing you and giving you his full attention. Somehow that made it harder for you to get the words out. Your mouth opened and closed like a dumb goldfish. Several moments passed.
Atsumu’s hand landed on top of your own, halting the nervous movements of your fingers. You closed your eyes, feeling a sudden wave of shame wash over you.
“Just say it.” He spoke gently, as if understanding the turmoil going on in your head. You looked up at him, at the calming brown of his eyes and the soft curl of his mouth, and you felt yourself tear up.
“You don’t deserve this.” You breathed, shaking your head. “I can’t do this to you. I’m a horrible person.”
His lip ticked up in a little smile. “Ya gotta give me more than that, babe. I have no idea what yer talkin’ about.”
“I don’t-” You felt the words pour out of you like vomit. “I don’t think I love you. Not like I should. And it’s tearing me apart because I care for you so much and Osamu told me about this thing called platonic soulmates which sounds like bullshit, I know, but it explains the way I’m feeling! But sometimes I just feel like I’m a bad person and this is my way of justifying it-”
“And I do love you. So much Tsumu, you’re my closest friend and you understand me so well but I don’t feel it romantically at all, which is so fucked up-”
“Hey!” You stopped short, staring at the man before you with teary eyes. You expected him to look horrified. Maybe confused. Definitely hurt. But all you saw was amusement.
“Ya gotta cool it.” He grinned, running a hand through your hair while the other squeezed yours comfortingly.
“S-sorry.” You choked out, sniffling a bit.
Atsumu sighed, staring down at your joined hands. The moment was silent except your wet sniffles, and the very low volume of the TV playing in the background. You watched as Atsumu smiled a bit.
“I’m relieved.” He spoke up, and you blinked at his words. “I always thought I was a fuckin’ asshole, ya know? ‘Cause yer so beautiful and a great person. But kissing ya was kinda painful.”
You gasped. “Hey!”
“Yer telling me the thought of layin’ a smooch on me didn’t make ya wanna barf?” Atsumu retaliated, and you fell silent, still sneering. He chuckled a bit, shaking his head.
“What did ya say it was called?”
“Platonic soulmates.”
Atsumu hummed. “Makes sense. Yer my best friend.”
You smiled at that, squeezing his hand. “And you’re mine.”
When he opened his arms, you fell into them, reveling in his embrace. Somehow, it felt ten times better than any time you had hugged him. You figured it had to do with the fact that your chronic guilt was not bothering you anymore. You buried your face in Atsumu’s neck.
“I love ya.”
“I love you, too.”
A bout of silence.
“But not like that.”
You let out a laugh. “I get it, Tsumu.”
“Just wanted ta make it clear.”
“Shut up.”
And he did. You smiled and settled into him, feeling lighter than you had in years.
When Osamu saw the look on Atsumu’s face, he immediately froze. He knew, in that instant, that you had talked to his brother. He just knew Atsumu too well to not know any change in his demeanor. And his demeanor had definitely changed. Except it wasn’t the change he was expecting.
Atsumu looked more relaxed. Happier, even? Maybe that was going too far. But then his twin was grinning up at him and settling into a stool in front of the counter, and Osamu could no longer ignore the spring in his step.
“What’s got ya so preppy?” He tested, trying not to build up his hope. Atsumu grinned.
“I just got answers ta some really old questions.” He replied, and Osamu raised an eyebrow.
“Wanna tell me what yer talkin’ about?”
And Atsumu did, sounding jovial, and with a light tone. Osamu stayed rock still as he spoke, unable to believe that Atsumu too had felt this way his whole life. He was almost shocked that he had missed such a huge part of his brother’s feelings, but it was overshadowed by the kindling of hope in his chest at the prospect that he could actually be with the girl he loved.
So when Atsumu had stopped talking, and Osamu had served him a plate of fresh Onigiri, he worked up the courage to drop another bomb on his twin. One that was arguably worse than the Platonic Soulmates one.
“Tsumu,” he began. “What do ya think about her datin’…. someone else?”
“Hm?” Atsumu looked up at his brother. “Why? She like someone?”
Osamu nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. He finally let the words leave his mouth.
Atsumu stopped eating then, eyes meeting Osamu’s. Osamu felt like he was holding his breath, heart racing.
“I like her too. Uh, it’s- I’ve liked her for a while. Didn’t do anythin’ for obvious reasons, ya know.”
Atsumu sighed, turning back to his plate. He bit into another rice ball.
“What is this? Kimchi mayo? It’s real good.”
Osamu blinked, trying to fight off his incredulity in favor of staring down his brother.
“Are ya for real?”
Atsumu rolled his eyes. “Samu, ‘m not really shocked. It’s pretty obvious ya got a thing for her. And I don’t have anything with her at all, so if ya wanna date, go ahead.”
Then he gave Osamu a lopsided grin, and Osamu felt like everything in the universe had just fallen into place.
“Ya better not break her heart though. She’s still my soulmate.”
Osamu’s smile was genuine. His relief was immense. He felt almost stupid with joy at that point. And he realized he gave Atsumu far less credit than his due. His brother had just stumped him completely, and he couldn’t be more grateful.
“I won’t.”
Your and Osamu’s first kiss wasn’t anything to write home about. It was at a train station, rushed and messy, so quick that you almost didn’t feel it. It was immediately followed by a feeling of regret, panic and guilt. Something you both wanted so bad, but couldn’t have. So forbidden that it broke your heart into pieces.
Your second kiss was the exact opposite in every single way. Everything that had broken your heart seemed to mend now. Heart and stomachs both full after the wonderful date you had just been on, when Osamu finally leaned down to press his lips on yours. It felt like every fiber of your body had been pulled taut and then released, and your hands felt shaky as you finally allowed them to run over his body. His own grip was worryingly tight, arms enveloping you completely, not that you minded. You reveled in the feeling of his mouth, hoping you never stopped kissing him. Hoping he never let you go.
The kiss did end. But he never let you go.
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steventhusiast · 1 year
IM LATE BUT LIKE WHATEVER i just decided im gonna try and commit to @steddie-week so DAY 1: somebody to love by queen
when steve and eddie first tell the party about their relationship, a lot of them are a little confused. especially nancy. at first glance, the pair makes no sense at all.
steve is a soft soul that really enjoys basketball. he was a jock in high school, and doesn't really have any higher ambition in life than to make enough money to live and be with his loved ones. his favourite artists are the likes of tears for fears and abba. the hobbies he's most committed to are baking sweet treats and watching reality tv with claudia henderson.
and then there's eddie, who in a lot of ways is the antithesis to that.
he almost exclusively wears dark clothes that look three days away from falling apart, he despises sport. he was an outcast in high school, and even though he barely made it to graduation (a few years later than he should've) he is full to the brim of ideas and big ambitions. he's pretentious about music, hates pop and loves metal music. and he's a nerd.
they don't have much in common, so nancy's surprised they work as friends let alone as a couple. then again, she doesn't know eddie too well past what she's already said.
so her and a lot of the party don't really get it at first. until they're having a party over summer break, and everyone's out in the hopper-byers backyard watching hopper grill burgers for everyone and there's music playing through speakers somewhere.
the younger party members are all excitedly chatting amongst themselves, and the teens are sat leaning back on the grass. eddie and steve aren't cuddling for once, settling for linking pinkies as they lean back on their hands.
the song that was playing ends, and a new song starts. freddie mercury's voice starts singing, and nancy doesn't think she's ever seen steve move so fast in all her years of knowing him.
"can anybody find me somebody to love?"
freddie mercury is barely on the second word of that first line when steve and eddie's heads whip around to be facing each other. twin grins are on their faces, and they've jumped up together by the time the first line's over. steve seems to lose steam as he realises a lot of the party are now looking at them incredulously, and his cheeks suddenly have a red tint to them.
eddie immediately grabs steve's hands and starts dramatically serenading him. if nancy thought eddie was a little dramatic from overhearing mike retelling hellfire club anecdotes, she thinks he's extremely dramatic now she's seen his antics in the flesh.
he's gently swinging his and steve's hands as he encourages steve to dance with him. steve just smiles at his boyfriend, a little shy and a lot fond, but eddie's not put off in the slightest. he keeps gently pulling at steve's hands until steve gives in and starts moving to the music with him.
by the time the first verse is over, steve's almost as into it as eddie is, and nancy has never steve like this.
"i work hard, every day of my life." eddie sings along loudly, and steve sings the other part.
"he works hard." he sings softly with a smile.
his confidence amps up as the song goes on, and his dance moves get more and more ridiculous and less restrained as eddie encourages him and laughs with him as they sing. by the time it gets to the instrumental break, the entire party is watching them with smiles and singing along in some way.
the steve nancy dated would never be caught dead doing something like this, but here current steve is, back to back with eddie as they both dramatically play the air guitar. nancy looks toward robin to see if she's as shocked as she is at this display. but robin is just rolling her eyes, like she sees antics like this on the daily. she shakes her head at something dustin says to her, and then yells at the couple.
"i thought you promised to stop doing this every time this song came on?" she tries to look annoyed as she yells over the song, but fails massively.
steve stops his dramatics for a second, and points at her dramatically.
"you asking us to do that is exactly why i am doing this in front of everyone." he claims, and gets a (subtle, because everyone respects joyce) middle finger in return from robin.
"his pettiness knows no bounds, buckley, you should know this! you can only take so much of the mean girl out of the jock." eddie adds on, and that gets the pair another middle finger.
steve throws his head back as he laughs, and nancy smiles at him. he looks a lot happier than she's seen him in a long time. probably happier than she's ever seen him, actually.
"find me, find me, find me love."
as the last little bit of the song plays out, and steve and eddie dramatically fall on top of robin to dog pile her, nancy decides that maybe steve and eddie do make sense.
even in seemingly polar opposites, there is common ground.
-> day two
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AITA for telling my hairdresser the truth?
So I've (25f) been going to the same Hairdresser (27F) for over 7 years. Shes amazing and I love her. I have a guy friend D (31M) who used to go to the same salon i did, but ended up leaving and going where his mom did. About 5 years ago I encouraged him to try her service and he did and has been loyal since
I had a falling out with him over a few issues, mostly personal (such as him calling me names as "jokes", him getting drunk and telling our friends we were celebrating his birthday with that I was a whore, etc). He claims he was drunk the one time and everything else was him joking and I needed to lighten up. I almost agreed, he is very good at talking, and then he came out that he was dating a girl. Who was still in high school.
I dont typically have an issue with age gaps when someone is of a certain maturity, but I knew the girl and she was very immature (never having had a relationship, didn't know what career she wanted, etc). He has everything figured out for himself and has bought a house and lived in it, he just wants a wife.
Well they surprised everyone and got married prior to the original date they had set. Which brings up the Hairdresser because he went to her the day before to get his hair done and mentioned he was getting married the next day.
She was shocked. She asked me my honest opinion and I told her it. I said we don't talk much anymore, I wasnt invited (they had about 15 people invited) even though the rest of my siblings were (one was working and couldn't go the other went as D was best man in his wedding). I also told her I am concerned that they have only been together less then a year and she's just now 18 (which I didnt know prior). I felt concerned because he is encouraging her to quit her job and stay home to cook and clean. I had previously expressed my concerns to the girl which D obviously didn't like and he called me drunk yelling at me one night.
The hairdresser was shocked again and didn't realize how young the girl was. She said she felt uncomfortable with a few things he had said and done during the last session but she wanted to make sure she wasn't overreacting (j dont know exactly what was said and done). She mentioned she probably won't have him back as a client.
I told my siblings at our monthly dinner, and the one who had him as best man actually was the one who didn't care and said it was my opinion. My sister told me I shouldn't have said anything and was smearing his reputation and pointed out that one of the reasons I was mad at D was because he had been going around to our mutual friends (including some mutual friends' parents) and had talked bad about me (alluding to me having a drinking problem and sleeping around, when I hadn't drank for over 6 months at the time he did this and im a virgin lmao- not like im going to correct his thinking on if I am a virgin, because it isnt any of his business, but I have no clue why he thinks I'm not).
So AITA for telling my hairdresser the truth and potentially getting her to remove him as a client?
What are these acronyms?
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I dont know if anyone is ready for this but these are my "Problems in We Are" post:
Disclaimer: if you have been on my blog or know me at all, you know that i love this series with my whole heart. But that being said, im nothing if not fair, and in all fairness, this series had its flaws. Less than most, but still there, these flaws do need to be addressed. My love for the series does not decrease, nor does it for the actors, characters, plots and settings.
QToey: Stagnancy that was Very Fixable.
I don't think many would disagree with me on the fact that Q and Toey's relationship became stagnant after the confession. Their moments could only be seen as Cute and their dynamic was definitely not explored any more. Another thing everyone would agree on is that we would have loved to see the ase/demisexual representation in these two characters. Had this been done, just one conversation around it, the whole plot and mood could have been shifted to a much more positive and progressive impact. Yeah the whole conversation would be a "difficult" one but Satang and Winny could have handled it.
The Lack of Focus on ChainPun
Look, I get it. There's a heirarchy of importance and ChainPun were definitely on a lower rung than the rest. I also am not against them getting together in the last minute of the last episode. But there were definitely times where there could have been a flashback scene for them, like all the others got. The only reason their relationship didnt become a background/2D narrative was because of Marc and Poon being brilliant actors. Had their efforts to make Chain and Pun important not made through the screen, there would be very little cheer for them and certainly no impact.
The First Few Episodes
Till the 5th episode, the direction and cinematography of this show was choppy as fuck. There were stills of absolutely irrelevant objects, sceneries or characters (in the moment) that could've been fixed with just a little bit of finesse in editing. It was fixed in the episodes that aired 5th and onwards, but it did almost make me drop the series (i get slightly OCD about these things)
Yet Another Almost Useless Female Character
Look me in the eyes and tell me that my girl Fai didnt deserve more. In the first couple of episodes she is shown to be integral to the group, a core member and close friend. And then poof she goes, only to appear when it is convenient to the plot. Yes we did have Aunt Pui as a prominent female character, but her role was that of a Guardian that is there in ever series, while the same series disposes every other female in it. Fai could have been given a role in the group, including the trips and outtings, and i shall die on that hill if i must.
Lastly, and surprisingly, the Way they handled Phum's parents
Till the last episode, i was big on Peem only encouraging reconciliation as he hoped for Phum to receive the love that he had himself received from his own parents. And yes, that does remain. But they could have gone without making Phum accept his father, or his father being this sweet guy who is "trying". Phum's dad is not sweet, he is not trying, he is not worthy of Phum or Fang's forgiveness. Though it was only implied and signifies just healing, i wish that the family dinner could've just meant Phum, Fang, Peem, Tan and maybe their brother, with if any, his partner, and a small intro of Peem to Phum's mom. But we shall work with what we have Ao3 and Fix Its.
With that, I end my saga and shall return to random thoughts as and when I have them and maybe a new chapter every now and then to the relic of a fic i have that no one reads lmao.
Thank you for reading and please do add on/leave your opinionss
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cheesesoda · 1 year
leons-little-slut requested
“Can I request a Luis Serra x reader? We need more of him with how amazing his character is in the remake, maybe just some fluff if that’s okay to ask for 😭💖💖(Idon’t really use Tumblr too much and don’t know if I’m requesting right, so sorry if I am 🥲)”
a/n: ofc bbg i gotchu 😽😽 spanish is in italics (“lo siento” means “im sorry”)
luis sera x reader
genre: fluff
cw: none
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you were discovered in a sleeping bag by leon kennedy, a government agent looking for the president’s daughter. he let you out along with another man. “wow, at least i get to see a pretty señorita after being stuffed in that sleeping bag for so long,” the man grins and kisses the back of your hand. “name’s luis sera.” you smirk back at him. “y/n l/n.” you had to admit, he was pretty attractive.
the two of you became fast friends, always making jokes and laughing even in the most dire situations (much to leon’s annoyance). you and luis accompanied leon on his mission to find “baby eagle” and when you found her in the church, you bonded with her as well.
“nice shot, señorita!” luis smirks at you when you hit multiple bullseyes at the shooting range. you jokingly pretend to blow smoke off the tip of your gun and wink at him. ashley observes the sight.
“i swear, luis, be more careful! geez, it’s almost like you want to get hurt!” you scold the man. “maybe i do, i mean, when else do i get the privilege to be taken care of by such a pretty señorita?” he winks. “if that’s your motivation, then you’re tending to your own wounds from now on.” you groan. “lo siento, señorita!” he pleads, grabbing both your hands as you laugh at him. ashley smiles at the sight.
as ashley and leon walk behind you and luis, ashley observes the two of you. you’re laughing with luis about some inside joke that makes no sense whatsoever to leon or ashley. you put your hand on his shoulder to stabilize yourself from falling over and end up resting your forehead on that same shoulder. ashley giggles at your laughter.
while leon and luis are out trying to find an exit to the village, you stay behind in the safe room with ashley. as you clean your gun, you feel her gaze upon you. “yes?” you look at her in anticipation. “soooooooo,” she grins. “you and luis, huh?” you give her your full attention now. “what? nooo! we’re just friends.” you scoffs unconvincingly. “yeah and i’m the president of the united states.” she rolls her eyes. “you’re his daughter.” you deadpan. “shut up,” she giggles. “anyway, it’s so obvious!” you stay silent for a minute before responding. “sure, let’s say i do like him, hypothetically. it doesn’t matter cuz he doesn’t like me.” you groan. “uh, are you blind?” ashley asks. “not to my knowledge. i just know that he flirts with every girl. it’s not like i’m special.” you reply. “the inside jokes! the compliments! the looks! the little touches! he SO likes you!” ashley exclaims. “ya think so?” you whisper. “oh, i know so. just tell him!” she encourages you.
once the two get back, ashley makes some excuse to get her and leon away from you and luis. “luis,” you inhale. “i wanna tell you something.” he looks at you with concern. “what’s wrong?” he asks. “nothing, i just…” “you can tell me.” he reassures you, grabbing your hands. you take a deep breath. “i really like being around you. i like laughing with you and talking with you and just all of it.” you tiptoe around the words “i love you”. “if i didn’t know any better, señorita, i’d think you’re confessing your love to me.” he chuckles. “i am.” you blurt. he looks at you in shock for a moment before smilingly softly at you. he takes your cheeks in his hands and presses a soft kiss to your lips. “i love you too, señorita.”
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b-ritney · 2 years
My Favorites Fics
This is going to be an ever expanding list that I will edit from time to time, I have almost 400 liked stories though so it will take me a while to get through everything!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't be offended if a story you wrote doesn't come up on the list I promise I don't mean to leave anyone out I LOVE all the stories I've liked and the writers, and I tell my IRL friends about your writing ALL the time!
I will write next to each thing what it is :)
Take The Edge Off by @ohcaptainstains : SMUT
This is soooo good it's one of the first fics I read when I got really into this community and I was immediately hooked.
Aftercare by @dazed-nymphsss : FLUFF but mentions smut
Another really sweet one I read at the beginning of my obsession, I read it while I was overnight dog-sitting for my grandma's neighbor and I just remember the dog giving me the weirdest looks when I was giggling and kicking my feet.
Gentle With Me by @swingsuckerswing: SMUT
Reminds me of a movie I just can't figure out which one though.... I just love how Eddie is so sweet about the whole first-time thing.
he's gentle when he wants to be by @munsonussy: SMUT
LITERALLY, I DIED "Is it okay if I touch you baby, or not yet?" SUCH A GENTLEMAN AHHHHH
something extra by @luveline: SMUT
It's the way he so sexily explains what he's gonna do to the reader and asks if it's ok and everything, we love a respectful man UGH actually though it is so so so so good.
Eddie loves on anxious reader drabble by @bambimunson: FLUFF
As someone who struggles with an anxiety disorder this type of love and affection would make me want to hold onto that person and never let them go sooooo sweet!
Shy! reader joins hellfire by @luveline: FLUFF
THE ENDING BRUH I kid you not I cried, having a friend like Eddie would be so special. Who gave him the right to be this charming and adorable!
Aftercare w/ Eddie by @silkscream: FLUFF with mentions of smut
I'm a fool for the giggly, loving afterglow when nothing else matters but the 2 of you. This is *chefs kiss*
Right Here by @upsidedownwithsteve: Fluff but with *sMuTtY sPicE*
Shit you not I probably come back and read this at least once a week... I think I'm jealous of the reader lmao, The shotgunning is... *bites knuckle* so so so so sexy.
Eddie holds your hand while he eats you out by @manicpixiedreamcurl: SMUT
If one day someone ever loves me for real, they better hold my hand like this.
Systematic Oppression by @fierce-writer Guns n Roses Meme
They would absolutely do that, also LOVE your profile pic Myles and Slash kick ASS!
Period Sex w/ Eddie by @ddejavvu: SMUT
Some people are just lucky I guess UGH we love a bf how doesn't mind getting a little messy haha seriously though Im in love with this lmao
Size kink with Billy Hargrove by @tommydarlings: SMUT
I love the whole thing but the NSFW part *bites knuckles again* my intimidation kink is really making itself known rn lmao
Bi-Billy I'm Nervous by @smolkiwi98 : SMUT
I resonated with this one so much, my virgin ass still goes crazy re-reading this all the damn time. The reader just sounded so much like me lmao but LIKE when he's still a little mean when she tenses up HEHEHEHE I'm a SLUT for that shit.
FACESITTING W/ EDDIE by @forourmoons: SMUT
I'm what society considers plus size sooo I've always been hesitant to even indulge myself in this topic, but HOLY SHIT, this fic is so cute and encouraging, while also being nasty af. Like me LMAO JK JK
Baby, Kiss Me Quick by @upsidedownwithsteve: SMUT
Call me sweetheart again I dare you! ..... no seriously like call me sweetheart again hehehehehehe (Have you ever heard sponge bob say "I loOOVVEE ITTTT" bc that's what I sound like rn.)
Ice Cube request by @sunflowersteves: SMUT
Listen.... don't knock it till you try it, that's all I'm gonna say. LMAO seriously though this is again *chefs kiss* (PLZ DON'T TRY THIS UNLESS YOU'VE TALKED TO LIKE A DOCTOR OR SOMETHING, just keep the ice on the outside unless you know what your doing...)
Stick & Poke by @idkmanijustwannawrite SMUT
I'm just jealous of the reader honestly, I'm a whore for that shit, also is it weird that I like the feeling of being tattooed... the whole experience is like a challenge to see if you can take it or not... OMG I just learned something about myself LMAO
camera shy by @bowerquinn SMUT
excuse me while I *swallow my whole fist* it stayed up until 2am reading this one a while back.
Babysitter x Steve by @mypoisonedvine: SMUT
This was like a gateway drug for me into the universe of STEDDIE X BABYSITTER fics which is currently my all-time favorite trope. It's so good omfg.
Angst writer Meme by @thedialup
Lol the cheeky little smile on the stick figures face is accurate as hell too, they know they are channeling all that internal rage and turmoil into a masterpiece lmao.
The "Yes" Policy by @pinkrelish Mix of Fluff/SMUT/angst kind of
This series has 7 PARTS as of right now, when I tell you it's good it's fucking GOOD, the way the tension slowly builds between the reader and Eddie is so... for lack of a better term *tAntAliZinG* I LOVE IT.
Boys On Film by @corrodedcorpses SMUT
This writer... y'all this writer, she is F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C this is also a series that is so FUCKING good.
June Baby by @luveline Mix fluff/angst/ idk about smut I haven't finished the series yet.
Ok, so this series consistently made me cry in the best way. Something about Eddie just being so good to this young single mom made me emotional, so so amazing.
Soft Sex with Eddie by @wroteclassicaly SMUT
This makes me involuntarily shake.. like a constant state of anticipation the intimacy is OFF THE CHARTS. I loVe iT
Rumour by @msgexymunson SMUT
This..... I don't even know where to start.. not only has this series been giving me actual life the last few weeks but I JUST KEEP COMING BACK TO IT... listen, the dick piercing? masterstroke my friend, well done. take a bow honestly. *clap* *clap* *clap*
Love Me Deep by @tastefulstars SMUT
These men have a choke hold on me right now... why is it that the idea of being helpless between them turns me on so much lmao. Maybe it's like the unintentionally filthy, dirty talk they do, idk lol.
The Sheep by @newlips SMUT
It's the tattoo's for me *drooling*
Shy reader x Rockstar Eddie! by @lucasnclair FLUFF
The cutest... this is basically what I want from my future rockstar husband. I will come back and thank this writer when I print this story and hand it to my husband as a BLUEPRINT lmao (don't worry I'll make sure I credit you haha)
Paparazzi by @tiannasfanfic FLUFF/ SMUT/ ANGST
I apologize for the language but good FUCKING god this fic made me feel all the emotions. This writer's talent is unbelievable! I will say I love how you made Eddie's publicity wife the actual baddest bitch ever, we love a powerful woman who helps those in need.
How They Comfort You by @dazed-nymphsss FLUFF with some innuendo
Taking Steve and Eddie At The Same Time... by @indulgentlyinclined SMUT
The way this kept me up at night for 3 days straight. I- am drooling
Steddie X babysitter by @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint SMUT
I could go on for FUCKING WEEKS about this currently 2 PART series.... It is my current obsession and the topic of every conversation I have with my irl friend I read fics with... I almost stayed awake through the night when I stumbled on this one... like I was giggling so much I had to keep stopping and starting lol... literally so good.
Pretty Sounds by @eddiethefreakkmunson SMUT
Can you imagine if this was reality though... Axl Rose is on his fucking knees, Eddie would be his god.
Sitting on Eddie's Amp by @corrodedcherry SMUT
Thank you for giving yet another reason to love dirty ass rockstars... I've been perched on top of a live amp before lmao.... listen... like I said before, DONT KNOCK IT TILL YOU TRY IT
Eddie's rings while he eats you out by @niceboyeds and @munsonology SMUT
But can you imagine though UGH
Inked Eddie x reader x steve by @muertawrites SMUT
Again with the tattoo thing, I LOVE the feeling of being tattooed so I don't relate to the reader's physical pain BUT BUT BUT I can relate to wanting to be in her exact position every time I read this fic, AHHH the jealousy is TOO REAL lol
Approved by @writingdumpster SMUT
I can't wait to make my parents this angry lmao, this is soooo *spIcY*
As You Wish by @corroded-hellfire SMUT
I'm biting my knuckles again seriously like this is sooo damn hot. Thank you for giving me life with another Babysitter fic UGH
weekend storm by @wroteclassicaly SMUT
You're a wizard Harry, seriously this is *MaGic*
Enjolras eats mad revolutionary pussy by @ceriseheaven SMUT
When I tell you I showed this to everyone... *bites knuckles* the part with the corset... you're a GENIUS! also..... THE FRENCH
I'm In Control by @justmeinadaze SMUT SMUT SMUT
Every time you update I giggle with excitement. This series blows my mind in the best way ugh
Helping Hands by @daddyreid SMUT
The way this has invaded my thoughts every day since the first time I read it... round of applause for this author.
Easy Like A Sunday Afternoon by @newlips SMUT
My friend and I read this together during the intermissions of a hockey game and we both screamed at the part where he protects her head WE LOVE A THOUGHTFUL CARING MAN!
Baby, as if by @carolmunson SMUT SMUT SMUT
OK be warned if you are not into dark toxic mean Eddie then you might want to be very cautious, but FOR ME.... my panties evaporated LMAO are we okay?! hahaha
Perv Eddie Eats Your Puss while you sleep by @corrodedcherry SMUT
... imagine having like a sexy dream and then waking up and it's for real happening ummmm.... hehehehe (consensual of course)
Eddie spits on your pussy by @ceriseheaven
Take a bow queen bc this is a masterpiece, when he, "need another taste baby, you'll give it to me?" LMAO my mom goes "Why the fuck are you screaming." This is absolutely one I'll come back too, I'm sending this to the girly group chat as we speak.
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c0rsp3 · 24 days
strong suspicion of DID
ok so i’ve been like this since i was 7 i’ve always herd a voice in my head and end up in places i don’t remember going like the kitchen about 2 or 3 months ago the voice said that her name was bernadette and she was the reason i almost attacked two people and threatened murder on someone and got me suspended two times she hates my ways of coping which is SH, masterbate, and vaping. she calls me a pussy for it. one time my friend said “why was your behavior so out of control” and i don’t remember anything from my behavior she’s talking about usually i hear thing like “who am i” and when i look at myself in the mirror all i see is someone else staring at me and i don’t know if this was because i was SA’D and emotionally abused. i don’t remember my last blackout but i don’t like this alter. she’s annoying and wont leave me alone i tried to tell my mom about this and she said i was “faking” IM NOT FAKING. and there’s a possibility that she came from the fact im really suicidal and attempted suicide many of times when i was 11-12 people say it’s just my “anxiety” when it’s not. bernadette wants to hide me from reality because i can’t handle it and that she’s a trash disposal everything I couldn’t handle. she always wants to front, i’ve been doing ALOT of research about DID and i match alot of the symptoms and i don’t know if i want to self diagnose or try to tell my mom again. bernadette ruined my last ex relationship because she got mad over something SO SMALL and ghosted them and i don’t even remember doing that at all. bernadette really likes roses and doesn’t really like animals but doesn’t harm them and she fucking HATES people and tries to encourage me to hurt them before she does i don’t know her triggers at all or why she comes out. im not faking and being honest about this i actually want help.
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slipshod-sawyer · 2 months
I don’t know but I feel like i have to put it somewhere?
Contains religious trauma and venting about Christianity thanks
I was raised on Christianity, Baptist to be exact, and then slowly my family gravitated into being non-denominational after a while.
I was maybe 10, going to bible club once a week, having fun with my friends, but with the terrible fear that I wasn’t being good enough for God.
A bit before i turned 11, my aunt told my mom that I was heathen and wasn’t good enough because I called my brother annoying. So i got even more worried.
From when I was 11-13, it got slightly worse. I started attending a more focused on God bible club and study twice a week, and it was okay for a bit. Eventually though, stuff was going downhill. I had a really bad stutter. Bad enough that I tried not to talk in public most of the time and was terrified of going anywhere where I would have to speak for myself.
My grandmother, who was no bible thumper really, but she was Christian, decided to tell me one day when I was 11 that my stuttering was because God was punishing me for being an evil and bad child, and that I was going hell for being so cruel and mean. I cried a lot, i think, and I almost had a panic attack at bible study the next day. It hurt, badly.
I had really bad anger issues, admittedly, and I know I should have tried to work on them, and I did sometimes, but I was still pretty bad. I was so terrified after that though that my stutter got worse and I was scared of trying to not stutter cause it would make me stutter more.
When I was 12, my club leader told me that I was a bully (i wasn’t, i don’t know where he got that from) and that God wasn’t going to be happy with me unless I stopped acting like i did. I then started trying to read the bible more and act like the other kids around me, and the few friends I did have stopped being friends with me due to being a “bully”. Mind you all, I was homeschooled, so these were the only times I had around other kids my age.
Right before my 13th birthday, I had a few months go where I thought I liked a girl. I got in trouble for asking about it and being online talking to other people who were thinking they did to. I was grounded for months and I was told that it was against the bible and God and that I was being stupid and would go to hell for even thinking I could like a girl.
Around the time I was 13, we were in zoom meetings since Covid was going around. We were reading Abraham and Isaac’s story and I wanted to cry on camera cause Abraham was willing to kill his child cause God said so. I remember asking my mother and she told me that she would never do that, and I was okay for a bit, until I heard my grandma disagreeing and I was crying again.
When I was 14, we had moved states and I was in a different bible club. The new leader lady said i needed to ask God before doing anything, any decision. If it was important enough for there to be a secondary option, i had to ask God. So I was terrified of every time I did something, trying to think and wonder if God was agreeing with the decision i made.
I started having panic attacks, stuttering more, I couldn’t even open the bible without seeing my notes and where I had written everything I had watch myself for. I was so so scared that I was going to hell for being horrible. I was terrified that I was going to do something wrong and end up in hell for being mean, not making the right decisions, liking a girl, or even for just stuttering too much.
When I was 15, my parents left Christianity for their own reasons. Me and my siblings stopped going to club and bible study, and my grandma died. I had nothing tying me to the religion anymore.
To this very day, I’m still terrified that I’m doing things wrong. That every time I look over my shoulder, a crack will open in the earth and I’ll end up in hell. Im scared that I’m wrong, and that I was really the problem. Every time a friend encourages me to heal and try reading the bible without someone else’s words in my ear, I have a panic attack trying to do so. Im terrified.
Alongside this, I have friends and people at school who judge me for not being Christian anymore, the ones who tell me I’m dramatic or stupid, the ones who tell me that i’m not listening. My own soccer team gave me weird looks when I wouldn’t pray with them before games because I felt like I was going to be sick, and one of them mocked me and almost cussed me out for “embarrassing her”.
I’m trying to heal, I’m trying to get over my trauma, but sometimes i worry if it’s really trauma or am I being dramatic and making it up in my head.
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ghost-proofbaby · 11 months
Hi ghost I was a bit of a menace to the guy today. I was shopping at target and I saw this really cute dress and it's like knee length and long sleeved and has a deep neckline and I went to try it on. I normally don't wear things that show off my boobs as im really generally self conscious about my entire body so I usually just cover it up. But this dress was calling to me. So I send a picture to two of my friends like um should I go back and get this and they were both like YES DUH GO and i hesitated. Then the friend that set us up was like send a picture to him and see what he thinks. So I was like okay. And I sent it and asked if he liked the dress. and literally IMMEDIATELY he sends back that he likes the dress. I say then I will get the dress and hmmm I wonder what he likes about it 🤔 and he does not open the new message/respond for a whole HALF HOUR and im sitting there like man i think i might have broke him with a picture of me in a dress that made my boobs look rather nice (both of my friends agreed on that 😂) but he responds... eventually... and said that was a good question about me wondering what he liked about it. So I said yes that's a good question I wonder what the answer is. And he doesn't tell me 😤 but anyway I did get the dress (I had fully left target at this point and had to go back 😂) and I ended up getting it in both purple and blue.
But then later we were talking (I had my usual meltdown where my dumbass brain is convinced he hates me if he's not talking to me even though I keep trying to train myself to shut the fuck up and know that he doesn't have to text me all day every day) and I was telling him about how I spoil my dog and that she has 3 boxes of toys that I've bought her bc I have no self control and maybe one day he'll have 3 boxes of stuff from me bc i like buying things for people I like. and he said he was okay with that and I was like see now you're encouraging it 😂 and I told him about how when I went back to get the dress that I saw it in a different color and I bought both. And he said I do like that dress. And I told him how I almost didn't buy it but I was encouraged by the besties and to also send the picture to him so he has them to thank for that 😂
And we're trying to make more plans and he said the new Lego set is coming in soon and I told him how my mom's friends think that building legos is a euphemism for something. and then i had to explain what a euphemism was 😂
But I was having way too much fun with the dress situation and I just kept giggling to myself the longer it went without him responding after IMMEDIATELY telling me he liked the dress. And I kept humming dress by taylor swift 😂
🎸 anon ❤️
HUMMING DRESS IS SO OUT OF POCKET but i love you for it so much 😭 everything about this is so cute i am getting giggly for you my friend aaaaaaaaahhhhh 🥹🖤
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ankhisms · 1 year
allow me to complain about theater things (not related to the strike im talking about local community theater)
so as i mentioned like a day ago i didnt get into the play that i auditioned for, i was a bit bummed out but its not the end of the world im pretty much over it despite what you may think when you read this im more than anything wanting to like write out my criticisms of the culture surrounding theater circles and specifically some hypocricy that ive been noticing within the theater that i am now a member of the company (which means i am an actor who was acted in that theater company)
the play that i auditioned for was intentionally written so that any actor could fit into any of the roles, and there specifically was a note by the playwright about the huge issues of racism, ableism, and homo/transphobia in theater spaces, and how the odds of getting good roles are stacked against you if youre not white, straight, cis, abled body and neurotypical and dont fit conventional bigoted beauty standards. the playwright specifically wrote this note to encourage directors and people producing the play who would be casting it that there was no reason why any of the roles couldnt be given to nonwhite, lgbt, neurodivergent and disabled actors and encouraging directors to not just cast very conventionally attractive able bodied cishet white actors.
obviously i am a white actor and i always am aware of that, i am also a disabled actor and am not conventionally attractive. my friend and former castmate who i did a lot of theater with when we were younger is a disabled indigenous mexican actor, she brought her cane with her to the audition. even without any positive bias i might have towards her since weve acted together for a while, i can say confidently shes an excellent actor. there was also a trans woman at the audition who i really hope i can do some performances with her in the future if she comes to more auditions because she was fantastic. none of us fit the bigoted beauty standards that are often prepetuated in not only hollywood but also smaller community theater like this.
now i dont want to dismiss any of the actors who got casted for their skills and their talent, im sure that they genuinely are good actors and that they will do a good job at their roles. but it has just occured to me how this is a pattern im noticing with almost all the community theater ive been involved in (except for my theater that i grew up acting in) where all of the people cast in main roles are almost always white, cis, able bodied, and fit conventionally attractive beauty standards. even in this play where the playwright SPECIFICALLY TRIED TO MAKE A POINT of telling directors and people casting hey, you should REALLY REALLY try to not just cast conventionally attractive cishet able bodied white actors, thats a problem we have in our artform. and the community theater ive acted in specifically is very much like. one that tries to be progressive and have left leaning ideas and presents itself this way, and i dont at all think that all of that is just posturing or totally fake. im just saying that i think these biases run very deep and that its just like... dude you still have been just continuing the problem with your casting choices even when youre aware of the problem.
anyway basically when i started really thinking about it i just
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seoafin · 1 year
i just finished the last the bear episode…..wow so many thoughts they ate truly wow like the bear is just so fucking good. AND IM GLAD U AGREE ABOUT CLAIRE PRETTY GIRL BUT SO FUCKING BORING AND U KNOW WHAT SYD N MARCUS R ALSO BORING AS SHIT TOGETHER love them separately tho but omg richie…richie man richie made me wanna cry when he kept telling carmy he loved him while carmen was dogging the shit outta him in that freezer ughhhhh i love my bf i literally love him so much i have main character loving syndrome and omg mikey when he was throwing those forks at saul goodman would u be down to like talk more in depth on ur thoughts of the final episode and the season overall and how hot carmen and his brother r n how amazing it would be feel to get a train ram by both of them. also u think carmens got some kind of ocd? i love my obsessive compulsive boyfriend so much
spoilers for the bear s2
yeah i had to skip the claire scenes because it was just SO boring. syd and carmy have that chemistry and connection i rlly hope this is a slowburn type of situation because i can really see the two of them together. also i love marcus but not with syd. really wish the writers didn't give marcus the unrequited love trope with syd because they genuinely work better as friends encouraging each other rip. hope the next season sees them working better together as friends bc i love marcus he deserves the world.
RICHIE RICHIE RICHIE HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! he just wants a place to belong and i think he's been trying to carve that little space out for himself whether that be in the bear family or the restaurant or literally his OWN family....i get why he was so defensive over carmy coming and changing everything in the restaurant....it meant that he'd be the odd one out again. he'd be displaced and forced to find another place to belong. so so glad he came through in the end with all the orders. i hope the restaurant finally makes him content!! also richie screaming to love story in the car HE'S SO REAL.
while not every semi side character had the spotlight this season i think this season rlly did tina and marcus soooo good. loved seeing tina flourish and come into her own a chef. her smile....so lovely. i loved seeing marcus in coppenhagen like will poulter should NOT be looking that fine kneading bread. but somehow.
but like i said i simply did not care about the claire scenes i literally would have taken any other character getting screen time especially since carmy broke up with her anyway. would've loved seeing more syd and her dad tbh.
im so glad this season finally elaborated on the dysfunctional bear family and shed a little more light on micheal and the person he was. i was clinging to the edge of my SEAT watching that fork scene. honestly i don't think carmy has OCD i think that man has PTSD fjnskdfjsdk like all that verbal abuse from working at the number one restaurant in the world....it makes me think he was somehow seeking the dysfunctional aspects of his household and almost finding comfort in the abuse in his dynamics with the head chef(???) dude. especially since we see carmy unwittingly replicating those very same dynamics in the kitchen with syd and then even in the freezer screaming at richie the same exact abuse that head chef told him. he's useless he's a waste of space etc. but richie choosing to respond with kindness and telling him he loves him.....wow....it was such a touching moment to see and i say that genuinely considering richie also yells at him about how carmy can't let himself be happy. it says so much that carmy himself says that he shouldn't seek amusement or enjoyment which im sure speaks to larger issues than just his self esteem issues. i rlly hope the next season does a deep dive into carmy's family and the dynamics of his relationship with micheal and his mother!!!! i definitely think there's something coming with that considering how sugar is going to become a mother soon and how their mother showed up to the restaurant but left out of guilt.
i need a bit more time to formulate my thoughts sorry i just barfed this out i finished the ep like 15 minutes ago LOL
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Hi !! I just visited your blog and I’m so interested on every of your post. You’re doing great and i hope all the best for you, if you don’t mind, I wanna ask something that’s related to the addiction things. So, i have an addict friend, she’s always been so frustrated when she’s sober, she doesn’t want to recover nor to heal, i love her so much, but because we live in different country it’s hard for me to watch over her, it’s hard for me to control her with the drugs (almost impossible), she’s been using it for 9 years and never get proper treatment for it, i want her to heal, i want her to have this spirit to recover but she said it’s hard for her for it, she can’t without the drugs, she doesn’t want to get treatment for her addiction but she always tells me everytime she wants to take the drugs as if she asked for my consent even though we both know that it will only end up with her take it no matter how hard I prevent her to not take it, and I actually know it already in the first place. But idk i just i feel so cruel if I let her use the drugs just like that, that’s why i always tried even though i know all my words will just be in “vain”. This kind of state confusing me ngl, like i feel I don’t know nothing about how to face/handle her, how to help her, I’m willing to try and i really want to but i just don’t know how. Like i want her to heal but she doesn’t want to heal, but in other hand, she always told me everytime she wants to take the drugs as if she wanted me stop her, it’s frustrating me, idk what I’m supposed to do, like should I encourage her more to get any help (which could make her hates me cz that’d make it look like I don’t respect her decision to not get any) or should i just let her be and just be there for her (but I don’t how to behave and what to say everytime she asks for my consent to take the drugs). This is my first time having friend that has addiction problem. And now I’m in state that idk what to do or say to her (im afraid i will do wrong thing that’ll hurt her), based your experience I really want to know if you have any advice/opinion how to handle an addict properly without hurting them cz I don’t wanna hurt her but I also don’t want her to think that i don’t care about her. I will be so glad if you can share some of your thoughts ‘bout it. Well, you can ignore this if you feel uncomfortable to give an answer, it’s ok i will understand. I hope you have a nice day <3
Hi... well. I'm sorry you have to go through something like this, I always say there is only one thing worse than being an addict, and that's loving an addict.
I cannot tell you how to help your friend. I don't know her, but I know all addicts in active addiction lie to themselves to justify their using, and because of that, they lie to others as well. You cannot handle an addict. You can't control her using, and you can't make her want to recover. You can't force her to ask for help. By telling you she wants to use, she's most likely not trying to stop herself, she wishes for your approval to feel better about herself, because she probably feels like shit. You said it yourself - she doesn't want to heal.
It may seem cruel, but you should accept that you can't help her with her using, not until she's ready.
You should ask her what is she expecting from you in this matter, have a conversation. You can try to be a positive infuence, listen to her, show her that there is more to life than what she's currently able to see. Send her to a NA/AA meeting. And since addiction is usually based on traumatic experiences, i would recommend therapy.
You can be there to support her if she decides to do something about her using, but that's it. Her using and her life is her responsibility, not yours. Failing to see this may destroy you as well.
Take care of yourself.
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
unasked for otp answers
I’m bored so im just going to do this for my twc ships. I might do it for my other ships too, i don’t know. I don’t feel like writing but i want to talk about my blorbos.
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
 Valdam: Neither of them. If it had to be one, it would probably be Val. It would be semi-intentional or not at all, and it would be entirely desperate. For all that Adam is like ‘tu omina’ and ‘do it for me’ I don’t think they would use an ILU in that moment …
Kate: Nate! AND Kendis would learn him good. He would NEVER PULL that shit again. 
Nai: Nat. Kai would tolerate it better than Kendis would
Feirre: Pierre. It would probably be more a whispered statement, like a confession and an apology. IF he ever did this. I won’t put him as a hard no, because while it’s not fully his vibe, he is his mother’s child.
Mandy: Andy. lmao. And he would deserve Mason punching him (only because he would say it in such an infuriating manner to deflect, lmao). 
Clown Romance: Ava is the only person who would tolerate this from Nathaniel. Because Alexis would’ve already left and Kendis would be too busy giving him the finger. But Ava would pull an uno reverse with a ‘do it for me’ or ‘I’m doing this for you’ and NATHANIEL WILL LEARN FINALLY HOW IT FEELS. 
Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
This might be a bit of a cop out but all of them need to be protected, and all of them would protect the other, in different ways. Even Misters ‘this is just casual fucking’ Andy & Mason. 
Describe their cozy night in.
Mandy: Sex. Eventually it’ll just be them being quiet old men, lmao. The activity will matter less than the fact that they’re doing it together, silence. Adult parallel play. I can see Andy taking up reading to Mason
Tareq x Ava: Watching soap operas and board games. 
Clown Romance: I could see Kendis cooking, Nate cleaning up, Ava and Alexis setting up. Alexis picks the music or the entertainment. Dinner and a movie brought home. Maybe a trivia night? Three fourths of that polyam is heckin competitive. 
Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
Feirre: Yes. Felix wouldn’t even have to ask that hard because Pierre would be so soft over how excited Felix is at the prospect (and it wont cause destruction soooooo). But Felix might regret it, because Pierre would get pedantic about measurements. It’s cool though, because Felix will be able to distract him and tease him. And sunshine man would win again.
Clown Romance: Yes. Even Alexis and Ava. Why? Because Kendis said so. 
Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Kelendis: Yes. Yes. *hums ‘lucky i’m in love with my best friend* 
Who’s the bigger tease?
Tareq & Ava: Tareq.
Feirre: Felix, but Pierre gives a good run.
All my N ships (why do I of all people have three N ships???) it’s Nat/e except for Clown Romance where my money is on Alexis. 
Valdam: Adam, haha. LMAO. 
How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Valdam: They’re both pessimistic, lol. They’re both pragmatic and logical (surprisingly I know, in Val’s case) individuals. It is hard to describe it – but it isn’t so much they expect the worse, though they can, as they’re not fully surprised about the darker or more selfish aspects of others or the world. It’s a sorta ‘okay …’ / almost take it as it comes attitude. I’ve always said Adam’s acceptance of Val’s more “mercenary” side is what really has them working. They’re both very prone to justice and that drives them. Val is more duty-bound than they give themselves credit. I think Adam would encourage them not to approach it ironically but I think Val would bring back a zest to it for Adam, that sort of focus on the little guy and less what the agency-wills. They’re also both lonely and broken creatures, lmao. Though they have their teams, thankfully. 
They are both stubborn. Val is impulsive, prone to childishness, and can lash out emotionally while Adam overthinks, is highly serious, and draws inward. They both strive to ‘annoy’, in a sense, when upset or … annoyed themselves. Adam being condescending, Val being a brat/raccoon. 
Kate: They’re both very determined and optimistic. They’re the supportive type, the shoulder, the one that encourages. They take their responsibilities seriously and are hard-workers. They’re both homemakers. That said, Nate is infinitely more driven by his heart than Kendis is by hers – she’s big-hearted but she’s more wary about things than he is. So, he’d definitely encourage her to open up but she’d pull him back from getting his bleeding heart chopped up. They both love fancy and spending, but Kendis can balance a checkbook and is thrifty. So Nate would learn. 
Kendis is infinitely more stubborn than Nate. He’s also more romantic, in general but specifically in terms of what they’re both looking for at the moment. Kendis has a temper and a mouth on them, and I feel that would cause trouble if the game was darker. 
Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
Tareq & Ava: Tareq, obviously. 
Feirre: Felix, but Pierre catches onto the habit too. Maybe not as much as Felix, but he expresses it in other ways. 
Can they stay up all night just talking?
Kelendis: I’ll say yes. But more Kendis with the chats.
Feirre: Yep. 
Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Nai: Nat. But Kai DOES have his moments.
Tareq & Ava: Tareq. 
How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
Feirre: Yes. I think Felix convinces Pierre when he sees how the cats in the building love him, so they get one cat. Ends up loving Felix more, but Pierre doeesn’t mind. 
Clown Romance: So many. Any kind Kendis can get their hands on. Once in their original ‘verse they adopted an extinct lizard (brought back to life by magic) and brought home a creepypasta deer and everyone had to be like YOU CAN’T KEEP IT KENDIS, and they were like I KNOW. but …. Did they? Did they really know?
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Nai:  The More I See You by Nat King Cole
Feirre: Maybe not 100% but 90% Someone To You by BANNERS
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