#my heroes have always been junkies
nfcomics · 10 months
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THE GHOST IN YOU • A RECKLESS BOOK • cover art • Sean Phillips • words • Ed Brubaker [April 2022]
The fourth book in the bestselling RECKLESS series is here! Crime noir masters ED BRUBAKER & SEAN PHILLIPS present yet another original graphic novel starring troublemaker-for-hire Ethan Reckless. It’s the winter of 1989 and Ethan is out of town, so this time, Anna has to tackle the job on her own. When a movie scream queen asks her to prove the mansion she’s renovating isn’t haunted, Anna will stumble into the decades-long mystery of one of Hollywood’s most infamous murder houses…a place with many dark secrets—some of which might just kill her.
Another hit from the award-winning creators of PULP, MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN JUNKIES, CRIMINAL, and KILL OR BE KILLED—and a must-have for all ED BRUBAKER & SEAN PHILLIPS fans.
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frostgears · 4 months
We Who Serve
"Lookin' good, Coda! Got something for ya," the student mage said, rolling the shimmering violet soul gem between her fingers.
"Heya, Bree," the artificer grunted. "You look, as always, like a teenage delinquent who styles her own hair using alchemical process runoff."
"Well, I'm hardly going to wear an Academy uniform down to this end of the artificers' quarter. And I don't give you shit for wearing the same reagent-spattered leather apron every time I see you."
"It's shop gear, sweetheart. Some of us have to work for a living. And I see your gem, but it better not have a dream-junkie soul in it this time," Coda grouched. "Remember your last bright idea? Remember the one that was convinced she was still dreaming? Remember the repair work when she tried to fly? Turns out a service compulsion built right into your corporeal form doesn't do jack if your mind is so scrambled that you think you're asleep."
"Dream-junkies usually die alone and unremembered, Coda. And nobody, I mean nobody, cares about them once they start using heavily. I'm practically saving lives, right?"
"Sure. Saving lives. So where's this one from?"
"You really wanna know? Thought you promised me not to ask where the souls come from, when we started doing this thing together."
"Bree. I don't want another attempted flight on my hands. Especially not off a balcony and into the middle of the owner's gala for his daughter's debut. Lost a big client there and had to eat the repair bills. No good, get me? Another like that and we're through."
"And you'd get animating souls for your dolls from where, then? But no worries. No worries at all. This one's from far away, and guaranteed worth the juice it took to bring them here." Bree's smug smile suggested repair bills would be the least of anyone's worries this time around.
"How far away?"
"The other side of a summoning circle."
"Bullshit." The artificer folded her powerful gloved arms across her chest. "You told me you looked into that, and it'd take a dozen mages as powerful as your dean to even try."
"Oh, I didn't do the summoning. Someone else did. You see, I just happen to be in the top twelve of my class…"
Coda raised an eyebrow. "You?"
Bree pouted. It was a good pout, a practiced pout; it had been the undoing of several of her classmates. "Do I not look it?"
"Academy uniform or dancehall grunge, I can't imagine you studying; that's the real fork in the mind's eye."
"I do study! I just… study best when I've got something I want to study, that's all! Anyway. So. Here I am, right? Top twelve in my class. Invited to see, for my education, a ritual that takes place at most once a decade: the Calling of a Chosen Hero."
"That time again already?"
"Evil never rests, or so they say. Anyway, it was very impressive. The best archmages in the Kingdom chanting up a hullabaloo around this huge summoning circle carved into a slab of obsidian. Candles. Incense. Wardlights glowing like a solstice tree. And they literally reach outside the boundaries of this world, Coda, and pull a soul from another one. Very heavy shit, very potently executed. Except just as they've got the soul on this side of the boundaries so they can start building a body for them, Archmage Eldreid has a stroke."
"Well, that can't be good."
"Wasn't great. Ritual falls right the fuck apart. The slab shatters and the circle with it. For a moment the combined light of the wardflames is like a stained-glass sun, but I can see the summoned soul glittering naked in the chaos, and, well," she paused and ran her fingers through her multicolored hair, "I keep my soulcatcher on me at all times because it's illegal as hell, right? Can't leave it lying around the dorms. So, me, soulcatcher, soul… my reflexes kinda took over. Next thing I knew, the docents are rushing all us students out of the room so they can get a healer and a fire crew in there."
"Bree, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"So here's the final thing," she said, ignoring Coda. "I inquired, as soon as possible, as any nervous teacher's pet would, after the health of Archmage Eldreid and the fate of the Hero. Eldreid's gonna be fine in a few weeks. And the conclusion of the other archmages, or at least the one that could be bothered to talk to us, is that 'the Hero's soul simply returned to its own world', and that they'll have to try the ritual again in a month. Which means I have the soul of a Chosen Hero in my hand, and it's untraceable, Coda. Missing and not from this world. You've heard of what they do. Just imagine how good your next doll is going to be."
The artificer took a moment to process this. Then she nodded. "You're mental. But lucky. Happens I've been working on something special. Have a look with me, Bree."
Coda proudly uncovered a draped figure at the far end of the workshop. The doll glistened, caressed by even the fading afternoon light. Its skin was fine white matte porcelain, its many joints glistening darkly iridescent metal barely visible behind ceramic limbs, and its shape a figure of idealized human perfection that any sculptor would have been proud of. Soft cotton ropes in contrasting black wrapped every limb in complex twisted bindings.
Bree whistled. "Wow."
"A cut above the ones you've seen so far, right?"
"It's gorgeous. If it was ensouled right now, I'd be asking if she was single." The student mage bit her lip. "Wait, why's it all tied up so prettily? Coda, you absolute alleycat, is she not single?"
"Gods, the imagination on you, girl. The ropes are just to hold everything in place on the stand during assembly and storage."
"Is it done?"
"Frame was finished weeks ago, shell last week, but the cosmetic detail work took forever. I attached the last of the hair this morning, installed the eyes — so, yes, I suppose it's done."
"Then let's make it go!"
"Eager to get paid, Bree?"
"No. Well. Yes. Academy studies aren't cheap even on a scholarship. But you showed me this wonder, and now I am entirely believing my own bullshit. You're a godsdamned artist. This soul has to go in this doll, Coda. It's too perfect."
"You get the money on successful ensoulment. As always."
Bree carefully marked a diagram for ensoulment on the floor, enclosing herself and the stand, then, chanting lines in a guttural voice almost entirely unlike her usual, reached around behind the doll's neck to press the soul gem into a hidden receptacle there. The diagram flared into life, a curtain of green sparks drifting upwards from the shop floor and then vanishing in directions named only by mages.
"—y'glacht nissat ephed, be thou whole and one with yourself, itisc, drah, nyen."
A shiver passed through the doll.
Clearing her throat, the mage said, "It's done," and carefully scuffed the diagram with the toe of her shoe.
It was then that the door exploded, and a blazing silver radiance filled the workshop.
"What the fu—"
Bree and Coda could barely make out the general shape of a skeleton, winged, within a halo of silver light.
It awoke to a very loud voice, a bright light, and a body that couldn't move.
Sleep paralysis again? Can I make something move anyway? It tried to flex, found immediate resistance everywhere.
Silver sparks flared from the left. Someone screamed.
More sparks. A ripping sound, a brief shock in the air as if a taut string had snapped.
Then a hand under its chin, a face that was no face, only shining bones, and a voice that reverberated inside it.
Then the silver light was gone.
It still couldn't move.
Later, it heard the sound of bitter laughter. A woman with close-cropped hair wearing shop leathers held a shimmering violet gem in one hand, a scroll and a carved stick in the other. She waved the objects in front of it. "Look what's become of my business partner," she told it. "She'll need a body soon. Like yours, I think. Bree liked yours. You'll help me. You don't have a choice, by the way."
She busied herself with its restraints. When a critical knot was loosened, it suddenly collapsed to the ground. It should have hurt; it didn't. It stood up, taking a proffered hand from the woman in shop leathers.
"Hmm. We should get some clothes on you. Should be a uniform your size in that box over there. Mirror on the left."
It opened the box, held up frilly black and white pieces of cloth, some vaguely recognized.
A dress? But… I'm…
It looked down on unfamiliar curves rendered in ceramic and metal, and collapsed again.
A hand hauled it back to woozy verticality.
"You'll get used to that body soon. Just stand, I guess. I'll put it on you." Hands brushed its side. Fabric dropped over its head and into a snug fit. Ties were tied.
"Better. Mirror."
It walked, slowly but more steady with each step, to the mirror.
A doll looked back at it, wearing the tight-fitting dress and apron of a maid.
It spoke, and its own voice sounded strangely musical to it: "Who am I?"
"Do they not have names where you come from?"
"I don't remember mine."
"Hmm. I'll call you after your design, then. Your name, doll, will be Lyric."
"Coda," the woman said, indicating herself with a thumb.
It curtsied, feeling that this was somehow the thing to do, and then asked, "Doll?"
"Yep. But like I said, you'll get used to it. Welcome to Coda's." She sighed. "You can start by sweeping up what's left of the door."
It would have time to wonder later why sweeping felt like the right thing to do. Why obeying felt like the right thing to do. How "JUSTICE MAY YET BE DONE HERE" had anything to do with chores. But for now, it had the broom. Now was fine. It could stay in now. So it did. □ --- next: We Who Will Not Bow
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eddieslovers · 2 months
The Heroes Amoung Us
Completed! 22/22 chapters
Words: 87,877
Buddie; Actor!Buck Firefighter!Eddie (also fan!eddie)
Eddie feels his life is a mess, with struggling to adjust to civilian life, being woefully out of touch with his team and the struggles of single-fatherhood. The little stability he has gets upturned when he mistakes famous Lonestar actor, Evan Buckley as an adrenaline junkie at the scene of an accident.
Suddenly, Eddie is unable to escape the Lonestar fans, but eventually finds an outlet with his journey into fandomhood. This would be a great way to cope with his PTSD if Evan Buckley didn't keep showing up in his life, making his journey into fandom a little more complicated.
Wow! This has been such a journey with this fic. I had so much fun writing this, and is my longest project to date. We follow these boys through a lot of canon events that change as we get to know them.
I started writing this after I watched the Coma episode, and was writing it off and on. As much as it brings me joy that Buck is so integrel to Eddie's life that he would utterly fall apart without him I felt Eddie was so much stronger than that??? like wtf??
I also like the idea that they'll always find each other. I cried a lot writing the last two chatpers, 80k words later and finally they're happy and have everytihng they need.
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nanowrimo · 2 years
Black Joy Is Revolutionary or Why Writing Black Doesn't Equal Trauma or Pain
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It’s important to talk about what kind of stories get represented in mainstream media. NaNo Participant Kymberlyn Reed tells us why stories centered around Black joy are necessary. As a little Black girl who loved reading, it always saddened me that there was never a Babysitter's Club or Sweet Valley High series in which Black kids were centered (not sidekicks or best friends lacking a backstory) just having fun, going through typical teenage stuff and hanging out with cool friends. The fantasy genre, as much as I loved it, also seemed to have no place for Black people to had amazing adventures in far away worlds.
That's why — as a middle aged Blerd — I have been on an absolute roll with so many wonderful stories about Black people just existing and I think there needs to be MORE of them. There is room for Black joy in a society that devalues Blackness as a whole (while co-opting and/or misappropriating the aspects it finds marketable).
This isn't to say there's no need for stories centered around the very real issues of social justice. There's a reason Angie Thomas' The Hate U Give resonated with so many readers of all races (and why so many school districts are trying to ban it). However, not everything about Blackness is about pain and suffering.
And that's the problem. The idea of a single black experience — mainly centered around our suffering —has far too long dictated what people want to write and/or read about us. If there had been more books about Black mermaids in the past (despite the fact that many African cultures have myths about mermaids), people probably wouldn't be losing their minds over Halle Bailey right now.
Not every book about Black people needs to be a "teachable moment" for non-Black readers. Black people should not have to exist or expend unpaid emotional labor just to "teach." Our historical and current traumas should not be the only way to create "empathy.”
Black joy seems to upset people or has some of them believing it's not "authentic Blackness." One of my all time favorite romance authors — Beverly Jenkins — once received a letter from a white reader who was SHOCKED that Black people actually fell in love and had committed relationships! She long believed that Black people just had indiscriminate sex and children out of wedlock.
It took a historical romance featuring a Black hero and heroine to open this woman's mind.
Reading and writing about Black people doing the mundane (as we do everyday) in made up worlds shows us just being, that our skin in all of its glorious hues, is just a part of who we are. We have many intersecting identities, and limiting us to the "poor downtrodden Black person in need of saving" deprives us of our individuality.
Black LGBTQ have coming-out stories and meet-cutes.
Black girls can be princesses.
Black men can be cowboys (and in fact were some of the original cowboys).
Most importantly, Black people exist in every walk of life, even in places and spaces where the media at large ignores our presence. For example, there are Black surfers who teach free courses at The Inkwell, a historic stretch of beach located in Santa Monica, California.
When you read or write about Black people living fully, you are changing the narrative and in a lot of ways, changing minds. Not only that, but writing Black joy is fun too. It's inclusive and it's telling Black readers our stories matter.
All of them.
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Kymberlyn Reed is an author who's been published in two countries--Germany and the U.S.  No, she doesn't speak a bit of German, but her writing "sister" does. 
She's been doing the NaNoWriMo thing for a long time now and will always be a pantser because her characters refuse to behave otherwise. She owns more books than clothes. She's also a lifelong Blerd, fountain pen and Japanese stationery aficionado, lipstick junkie, and an unapologetic metalhead who can do a pretty good death metal growl with enough absinthe in her system. Photo by Junior REIS on Unsplash  
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
If you had to pick one song that you thought represented Dick Grayson, what would that song be?
(Personally, The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy is mine)
Oh!! I think of that one for him too!
And only one song?! Cruelty, thy name is.
But...I do have one-Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons
Like the whole song is too perfect, I just want to write everything that matches. Actually I will
Always had a fear of being typical Looking at my body feeling miserable Always hanging on to the visual I wanna be invisible
Dick has always thrived for adventure and excitement which is one of the defining features of his Robin.
The sexual comments he hears and his reaction to his body.
Looking at my years like a martyrdom Everybody needs to be a part of 'em Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son I was born to run, I was born for this
He was ready to die for his beliefs, he was always going to do things his way come hell or high water.
Everyone was involved in Dick's life. Whether they were during his time or after, everyone knows the glory of the first robin.
He's canonically called the Prodigal son. Becoming Robin was his destiny, becoming Batman was his duty. He was born for this.
Whip, whip Run me like a racehorse Pull me like a ripcord Break me down and build me up I wanna be the slip, slip Word upon your lip, lip Letter that you rip, rip Break me down and build me up
Dick thrives off challenge. The higher the fall, the stronger the pain, the harder the task, the more excited he is. Always reaching for the next greater thing, he craves the difficulty with eager eyes.
Whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains Whatever it takes Yeah, take me to the top, I'm ready for Whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes
It's always been the thrill for him. He's canonically called an adrenaline junkie and the untouchable standards he sets? The ones everyone just accepts as impossible because it is impossible except for him and his perfectionist drive. He shatters his own glass ceilings.
Hypocritical, egotistical Don't wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical Working onto something that I'm proud of, out of the box An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost I'm an apostrophe I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see I'm just a product of the system, a catastrophe And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased And when I am deceased At least I go down to the grave and die happily Leave the body and my soul to be a part of thee I do what it takes
The greatest thing about Dick is he's always working to be something greater, something legendary.
He reminds people there's more to humanity, his hope and compassion are beacon of light to heroes and civilians and even villains occasionally get caught up in it like moths to a flame.
He's a masterpiece with crinkled edges and dancing shadows.
And he'll live life to the fullest until his end, may his legacy and glory live on.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #1000000
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
Hello! Hii! You don't know because im semi new here so let me introduce myself! Hi im amistakehadhappened but you can just call me Junkie or Renren!
Anyways ive been obsessing over your 'A Player's Aid' fanfic and other works related to it and it has gotten me thinking about how i think other link's would "remember" the player! I don't really have anyone else to share my ideas with so i figured why not tell the creator of the work? I dont want to overwhelm you so I'll just talk about one of the link's for now and that one being Time.
Now Time is very interesting to me for the idea that he was one of the youngest links to start his journey and was forced to grow up fast so he could defeat ganondorf. Similarly to Wind, biggest difference is that Wind stayed a child during his entire adventure. So I think that Time would have some level of protectiveness over Wind especially compared to the others. Not just because he's the youngest but because Time hates the idea that Wind had to go on his journey as a child like him when he was younger. So overprotective dad Time.
You may be wondering what this has to do with the Player? Well heres my idea. I think that when Player was back in their world, and first started oot and/or mm, they found it odd that link was so young for a hero(assuming this isn't the first game they've played so they wouldn't consider this "normal" for link to be a child). So often they would both sympathize with the young Time and also be concerned for him. I also think that Player probably would have been very upset that Time was forced to grow up and miss out on a huge part of his childhood just so he could be a hero.
You've already confirmed that even though they dont remember the Player helping them on their journeys(besides Hyrule and Wild as of now), the Player was still very physically and vocally active during each link's adventure. Now finally i can get to what all of this was leading up to.
Imagine this: the chain plus Player are all resting at a temporary camp they set up. Most of the others have gone to sleep, with the exception of 2. Time because he's currently on watch and Twilight because im assuming wolf reasons. Suddenly Wind quickly jolts up and starts looking around the camp, to see of anybody's awake. He notices Time sitting guard but doesn't want to bother him, instead Wind goes to quietly find Player for comfort. Gently waking up Player, Wind softly tells them that he had a nightmare and can't go back to sleep. Player, obviously concerned for him, offers to try and sing him a lullaby to help him sleep better. So Wind gets comfortable next to Player and Player starts softly singing to Wind, hoping to help the poor boy fall back asleep. And finally this is what i think Player would be singing to Wind.
Player would sing Everything Stay's from Adventure Time to Wind. Now this quickly helps Wind to fall back into a deep sleep. However this song is quick to catch the attention of the man on guard, Time. Time stays quiet for the whole song but once he knows Player is done and Wind is fast asleep he makes his voice known. Briefly startling Player, Time asks where Player learned that song. To which Player responds with saying it was from their childhood.
Time scoffs at this, confusing Player before adding "When I was younger, back when I was a child, I would often hear someone singing to me a song that sounded exactly like that one. Typically I would hear the song during times where i was very stressed or scared. It always found a way to calm me down and made me feel like everything was going to be ok..... That voice sounded exactly like yours."
And the it hits both of them. Player realizes that Time remembers them and the journey they had together and Time feels like a part of him that was missing for so long has finally come back to him. After they talk for a little while longer, Time wanted to try and catch up, Player can no longer stay awake and they fall asleep again, now cuddling and very clingy Wind in their arms.
The next day it is safe to say that pretty much everyone else is very confused as to why all of a sudden Time is being very docile and friendly to the Player. Going as far as to hand them a cup of coffee and sharing bits of his own food. Acting as if they have been friends for years, which in a way they technically were.
So yeah that's my idea on how i think Time and Player would connect and bond. Just a simple lullaby that changed Time's life. I hope you enjoy what I wrote and if this was weird or something you don't like im very sorry. But i do hope you have a very good day and thank you for even giving me a brief second of your time!
Thank you so much for sharing! Make sure to remember you can share as much as you want on here I love hearing people's ideas!
Honestly, the thought of a lullaby being what makes Time remember is such a sweet idea? Give him something soft after he's experienced so much heartache through the years- our old man deserves it!
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
Hello dear,
This is my first time actively engaging on Tumblr in... a very long time, so please bear with me while I teach myself how to Tumblr again.
Could I request a match-up for Harry Potter and Marvel from you per chance?
My pronouns are she/her and I have no preference when it comes to gender.
So I don't clog your ask box with my ceaseless ramblings (because I do not physically understand the concept of brevity), I have my bio pinned to the top of my blog. I hope that is okay. This way I can keep this relatively short and sweet.
Anyway, thank you for your time. It is greatly appreciated.
Hi! I apologize for your matchup requests being so late! I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! <333
Harry Potter;
Draco Malfoy:
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🐍 You met Draco after Hogwarts, a couple of years after in fact - though you remembered him in school; him being a Slytherin and you being a Ravenclaw (even though you knew deep in your heart that you could've been a Slytherin too)
🐍 Maybe that was why you and Draco seemed to get along so well... Though, you had known him to be a bully, he had seemed to grow out of that, maturing into a kind young gentleman - and though it took some time for the both of you to get used to each other, the time did come
🐍 You and Draco would have little dates, and the more time that you spent together, the more you slipped out of your aloof shell, and he did the same - finding out that the both of you had more in common than you both thought
🐍 When you and Draco were spending time together, you would both bake and bake - to name a few - you even help teach Draco how to horseback ride; and Draco loves to see your makeup process, amazed by how talented you are with a makeup brush or pen
🐍 You and Draco understand each other, and compliment each other perfectly - always there for each other - just you and Draco against the world
Natasha Romanoff:
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🌹 You met Natasha when you joined the Avengers, having many valuable skills that make you a very good member of the team; you are very similar to Natasha in the way you fight, how you move, and how you are intimidating and very good at getting information out of people
🌹 You and Natasha were regular pinned together in training, the team liked to bet on who would win - but you and Natasha were too well matched, all training ended up in a tie; throughout the time that you and Natasha spent together training, on missions, and just down time in the tower, the both of you got pretty close (you and her were really both alike)
🌹 You would often playfully flirt with each other - and it was quite obvious to the rest of the team that you and Natasha were probably going to become more than friends; it was only a matter of time
🌹 When you and Nat are not busy doing hero things, you and her spend time together, just the two of you getting to better know each other in the quiet of your room or hers (at many points, you end up giving her many baked goods
🌹 Being an adrenaline junkie, you and Natasha sometimes go out to fairs, when they aren't too crowded and loud, to go on rollercoasters, on weekends you'd skydive, and on Wednesdays you and Nat would go scuba dive
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anime-simp-0 · 2 years
what i think each MHA 1A student would do in a quirkless society
midoriya: nurse. oh my god i saw a fanart of nurse deku forever ago and it was fine asf. but anyways. i think he would still have the desire to help people and save them, but not wanna go running head first into buildings. so, he decides to use his head and hands instead. i could also see emt since it’s still a little dangerous for his adrenaline junkie ass without almost burning alive.
bakugo: i can’t explain why but quirkless AU bakugo to me is always a firefighter 🤷. i think he is a junkie when it comes to danger and saving people is just engrained in him so, even without a quirk, he would still wanna do something whether military or police service.
todoroki: i’m gonna say family business. but he runs it the exact opposite of his old man just to piss him off.
kirishima: public service of some kind. i’m stuck between police officer or a firefighter cuz i could see both. on one hand, i could see him running head fire into fires with bakugo being each others partners and saving each other left and right since he’s the only one that can put up with him. but i can also see him as the police officer of an area. like the one that everyone loves and treats with respect. so much so that even the gangsters and drug dealers are like “hey sir, how’s your day been” because kiri wasn’t disrespect even when arresting them.
denki: i'm gonna say electronical engineer. he might act stupid but he managed to pass the UA written exam just like the other members of UA so clearly there is a brain up there. Having said that, electronics were something he always thought were cool and he started messing around with them as a kid and it stuck.
sero: i feel like he would LEGALLY sell marijuana. like he would have a license to and would sell edible snacks as well as marijuana straight. he just gives me hippie-ish "the world is less shitty when your high" vibes so he sells good quality weed so people get blissed.
iida: i think his family business would be something tech based instead of heroing. i still think they would make bank from it tho. and the family business would make him feel obligated to follow it.
aoyama: model. enough said.
uraraka: probably join the family construction company “temporarily” but then always come up with an excuse to why she needs to stay. “well, __ is gonna be on a 1 week vacation so, i’ll put in my notice after they’re back” “well, now it’s close to *insert holiday* so i better stay and help get the projects done faster” and on and on.
momo: design. whether fashion, interior design, architecture. something with design tho. she likes being able to create things from scratch. enjoys watching what she can turn things into.
jirou: musician. specifically vocalist and guitarist for a indie rock / alternative rock band.
ojiro: i feel like he would totally have a therapy office where you talk about your feelings while doing yoga 😂. his reason is it helps align your body and your mind.
tsu: i feel like she would be one of those people that study plants and creatures in their native habitats. but she would exclusively work with ponds, rivers and streams and has a deep love and interest/fascination with frogs.
mina: model. i think she would start as a model for a fitness brand and would gradually move over to being a diverse model as her career grows.
hagakure: kindergarden teacher for some reason. i can't explain why. it just seems right in my brain.
satou: baker. like come on.
tokoyami: musician. specifically guitarist for a rock / metal band. it just… fits.
koda: something to do with animals. whether that’s working at a zoo or traveling the world studying animals.
shouji: cop. he's really good at spacial awareness and protecting his partners. plus he has really fast reflexes.
mineta: he died <3
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barclaysangel · 7 months
Okay....hear me out....Chucky/Big Hero 6 AU
Here's who would be who:
Jules ~ Sadly, I can Imagine him being In Tadashi's role as the supportive and Incredibly Intelligent Inventor big brother who dies In the fire at the beginning of the story and kickstarts the whole superhero team Idea
Junior ~ He'd definitely (and obviously) be Hiro as the Incredibly smart, but reckless younger brother who graduated high school extremely young (13 years old to be exact) and Is always getting himself Into trouble, but he has to try and work through his grief over losing his brother and meets a sweet and huggable robot that his brother Invented and showed to him shortly before he died
Lydia ~ I can maybe Imagine her being GoGo as the steadfast adrenaline junkie who's always on her feet and needing a piece of the action, but Is Junior's biggest supporter after Jules’ death. Only thing Is that she may just have to be a friend of Jules and Junior's rather than their cousin to fit Into the story
Lexy ~ Idk, she could most likely be Honey Lemon even though Lexy Is a reformed mean girl while Honey Lemon Is a huge ball of friendly energy. But she could still work by being the sweet and supportive friend (and eventual girlfriend) of Junior's that tries to be there for him as much as he can. I think that It'd be Interesting for her and Junior to start out as friends and maybe build up their relationship throughout the story
Jake ~ It took a bit of thought, but I really think Jake would be Wasabi as the smart and awkward clean freak that can't stand the sight of blood and Is always trying to keep things tidy. He's really anxious about a lot of things and thinks that Junior Is crazy for wanting to build a superhero team Initially, but he gives In for his sake and for the sake of keeping an eye on him for Jules. Once more, none of the Wheeler's would really be related except for Jules and Junior for the sake of the story.
Devon ~ Again, It took a bit of thought, but I genuinely think Devon would be Fred as the super nerdy guy who's not only Into true crime and comic books, but science as well. He just wants to give Junior as much comfort as he can and Is ultimately excited to be a part of Junior's superhero team
Baymax can stay the same as the loveable healthcare robot that Jules creates not only for the sake of helping other people, but for the sake of helping Junior the most, which definitely happens once Jules Is gone (Thinking of doing the scene where Baymax shows the testing videos of Tadashi to Hiro with Jules and Junior Is already making me wanna cry😭)
Nica could be In Aunt Cass’ role because my girl definitely needs more love. I can definitely see her being the lovable and supportive young aunt to Jules and Junior. Maybe Andy can be thrown In as their uncle just so he can be there, lol
Idk who would be Professor Callaghan (a.k.a the villain of the story), so maybe he can stay the same? Either that or Andy can be In his place?
But I really hope you've seen Big Hero 6 because It's my all-time favorite Disney movie and I really love this Idea and have been thinking about It for a while!
This is awesome!!!
Man, the first time I watched Big Hero 6, it made me cry for 20 minutes after it ended…
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
Genuine ask: What is it that's appealing about Horror? I've never really been into it (Except for reading some Stephen King). Have I just not been exposed to *good* horror?
Long ramble ahead, I'm very passionate about this stuff
Well it's definitely a polarizing genre, there are some people who love it and some people who really can't get into it no matter how much they try. I'm the former, so is my dad, my mother is the latter. She does not enjoy horror and never will, and that's fine.
I find a few things really fun about horror. The first is that I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie, so the fear and tension in a good horror movie is a similar effect to riding a roller coaster or going skydiving. Some people find it a thrill, others find it terrifying. I find it a thrill.
There's also a psychological phenomenon linked to it, called excitation transfer. Basically, the more intense a scary situation is, the more pleasant the relief feels when it's over. I actually did a whole research project on this! Horror movies present a safe space for experiencing these emotions, since you know you can't really get hurt, and excitation transfer means that even when the fear and anxiety during the movie may be unpleasant, the relief feels really good afterwards. Again, same principle as thrill rides at theme parks - terrifying in the moment, but fun when it's over. Granted, I like roller coasters in the moment too since I actually really like the feeling of flight or falling, but... same principle.
And even outside the thrill perspective of it: horror movies can have some of the best or most interesting practical effects, and I'm an SFX artist myself so I have to appreciate those. And because of how many complicated, intense emotions it presents, it can often involve some of the best acting on top of it. Horror usually presents a greater variety in themes and plot than other genres, since they aren't afraid to go to uncomfortable places. I mean, you watch a romcom and pretty much always expect that the guy gets the girl, you watch an action movie and expect the heroes to come out on top, but with horror it's a lot harder to really guess how something could end, or if it'll be a win for the "good guys" at all. Sometimes the dark ending is just what's right for the story, and horror is more likely to keep that ending while other genres may shy away from it.
And horror can also present as a bit of escapism - you can see yourself as the final girl, or the killer exacting well-deserved vengeance, or whoever else. Everyone has dark fantasies sometimes, and there's almost always a movie to reflect that in a safe space. You daydream about killing your boss at work? Mayhem (2017). Belko Experiment (2016). You want to see spoiled rich brats getting their comeuppance? Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022). The Menu (2021). You like zombies? Vampires? Robots? Demons? Slashers? Mind control? Mundane settings turned terrifying? It's such a versatile genre, there's something for just about anyone as long as they like scary things.
From an academic perspective, too: horror reflects the societal fears of its time period. In the 60s we got Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the Manchurian Candidate because it was the Cold War and people's biggest fear was foreign spies. In the 80s it was a lot of demons and Satanic themes, because the Satanic panic was what had people scared. Lately we've been getting a lot of tech-based horror like Countdown and Host, since technology is usually at the forefront of people's fears. It's neat (to me at least) to see how society's trends reflect themselves in horror.
Plus, I just really like spooky things. Vampires and zombies and creepy mutated creatures and whatever else are my jam! I can get all academic on why horror is a great genre and why people enjoy it, but this stuff also just calls to me. I love it.
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semi-sketchy · 2 years
As for the OC thing, I don't have an inherent problem with them existing (I mean, it's not like I don't have my own OC...), and I can even understand being mindful of wanting them to fully be their own person, as opposed to *just* something that Sonic influences. But of course, IDW has handled them very poorly, with most of them either being just plain shit (like Surge), or the ones who could have been great being ruined to the point of fatigue (like Tangle).
I got my own OCs, too. They're a lot of fun! I will finish their refs one day I just keep drawing dogs instead
I think Sonic as a series is very open to new characters. Unlike something that follows a completely linear story/timeline (like Xenoblade), it's incredibly easy to add someone new to the cast since Sonic is always traveling, looking for the next adventure and meeting new people. If a new character is introduced, it doesn't interrupt the overarching story since each one is relatively self-contained. You can hop in anywhere and that's something I love.
When you have a static character like Sonic who isn't going to have major development arcs, it makes sense to show how his positive attitude and heart of gold inspires others. The story isn't about following his personal growth; it's about how he touches the lives of others.
He helped give Tails confidence after he was bullied, he inspired Amy to become stronger so she could keep up with her hero, taught Blaze she didn't need to shoulder everything alone, showed Chip the world he never knew, and was there for Shahra when she was finally freed from her abusive boyfriend. It's not just Sonic either, this even extends to other characters, such as Amy reminding Shadow what he was created for.
I think that's actually a strong suit of the Sonic series and considering how large the cast is, I believe Sonic Team sees that, too. Which is why I'm missing it so bad in IDW.
Lots of the comic cast are just kinda there and that's okay, not everyone in the game cast is specially touched by Sonic, I mean the Babylon Rogues didn't exactly have a takeaway. Although, there hasn't really been anyone new that Sonic has had a personal impact on.
Tangle was a fighting adrenaline junkie already, Whisper opened up because of Tangle, Tails is just housing Belle and she finds closure on her own, Jewel is...I'll be honest I haven't quite figured that out yet, she really just exists.
Lanolin DOES get inspired to do more because of Sonic, but that's all off-screen and when she doubts herself, it's Tangle that picks her up — not Sonic. The closest I feel we've gotten to a character that Sonic has really affected is Surge and...yeah, she's her own bundle of problems.
I believe Surge and Kit were supposed to be Sonic's consequences — something to make him reflect on his mistakes and possibly take some responsibility for it, but it became condescending. It served for him to double-down on how he was right instead of acknowledging that his actions enabled their creation and continued to cause them pain.
I just saw projection. Surge spouting off about Sonic's holier-than-thou attitude, flinging the criticisms Flynn had gotten at Sonic and digging in his heels that he was right. (I know Stanley handled them after #51, although it appears the writing process is very much a collaborative one and she does try to mimic his style.)
There was nothing learned, nothing gained, no growth for anyone, the arc didn't matter, which is a problem the comic has suffered from before. I recognize it's a challenge with continuous stories, things happen because they're entertaining to read, but there really was no takeaway with any of it.
It's a shame because it'd be so easy to apply the obvious angle of getting close/succeeding in your goal doesn't fix the actual problem. The pain and anger doesn't go away, but now you don't have anywhere to direct it to. That's what I wanted to see with them, but of course, as Flynn said, this isn't something smarter.
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
good farewells with all the Scions and other NPCs leading up to the final blastoff
of note, the main trio of grownup Scions are endearing and have grown a lot and I hope for Y'shtola's and Thancred's sake, we figure out how to get them back to the First. love that they do clearly care about each other and want to stay involved even if they might go their separate ways
Estinien continues to impress me with his character growth; right at the Hydalen fight, when she exposits on everyone's arcs, she mentions the rage Estinien's traded in for love and he clearly gets embarrassed having to admit that FINE, yes, he loves things, even Ysayle and Alphy and the stupid WoL and his stupid home and he's never known peace since letting these maniacs into his life and HAHA! Estinien has feelings!
So naturally him having to meet Alphinaud's mom and then probably a.) panic because the Leveilleurs are like... rich rich, and he is a feral cat, and b.) PANIC because oh no, he has a family again and seeing Alphinaud with his mom reminds Estinien of his own mom and he has a little brother again and his surrogate brother's mom also loves him and oh no he's not a feral cat anymore he got adopted, SHIT
Alphy as always is my special little guy and he now confidently embraces sentiment and saying the things he thinks and feels and believes, and god, he's such a good and gentle character, I love him so much. Getting to say thanks to him and Estinien both isn't enough, Alphinaud is the reason she's a Hero at all and not just a killing machine with a conscience, he reminded her to hope and to try, he's the best
Alisaie and G'raha's moments were cute but nothing especially revelatory or reflective. I did finally figure out why they always get thrown into situations together tho; because they are both tiny hyperactive adrenaline junkies who want to impress the WoL SO BAD and are red themed, so, appropriate! They tuckered themselves out and passed out on a bench, adorable.
And Tataru also finally made me a good outfit! truly, everyone's character arcs have been resolved :)
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whimsyswastry · 8 months
Right back at you for the creating your OC ask! :)
Numbers 3, 15 and 17 for everyone?
Oooh...goodness :D This may take a while...as I listed a lot of OCs.
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All the Info below the cut 💛
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3. How did you choose their name?
Ellaria Trevelyan -> I think I must have been in the midst of reading Game of Thrones. Which, naming her after another character was completely unintentional. I don't even remember thinking about it, until I saw the GoT episode with Ellaria Sand and being like... "Huh... I wonder..."
Ori Lavellan -> Oriana's full name actually came from the fantasy name generator website. It didn't really seem to fit the naive and idealistic character I was crafting, but the shortened version of Ori really did. Plus, I just love nicknames.
Eliza Shepard -> I really like the word Elysium. So, initially, the name was Elysia. But as her background is a twisted version of a War Hero, I didn't want her name being so close to Elysium. I figured Eliza kept the feeling without seeming uninspired.
Lucette de Sardet -> This is another one that I got from a nickname. She's very close to her cousin Constantin. I wanted Constantin to use a petname for her that was one part obnoxious and one part adorable and settled on LuLu, but she's a diplomat and part of the royal family so she couldn't be named Lucy, but Lucette worked perfectly especially with the surname De Sardet.
**I should note that both of my Ryders look the same (default), but I kept waffling on his personality. I couldn't decide between a bitter, angry, daddy-issue ridden asshole who doesn't want anyone to know he has a heart of gold (Thomas) and a goofy, adrenaline junkie, with a nerdy side (Alexander). So I just ended up using both for different stories.
Thomas Scott Ryder -> I created Thomas Scott around the same time I was playing Greefall, and Lucette's faceclaim has always been Antonia Thomas. I thought the name sounded really natural. I like to think he's named after his mother's grandfather who was 10x the father to him that Alec ever was.
Alexander Scott Ryder -> This one was lazy. I just wanted him to be named after Alec, but Scott Alexander didn't sound nearly as good as Alexander Scott.
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15. What is something about your OC that makes you laugh?
Ellaria Trevelyan -> She is really outgoing, but doubly so when she's around Cullen who is so reserved. She makes bawdy jokes and gets in his space because she finds it so funny and can tell he likes it, even if it turns his ears scarlet.
Ori Lavellan -> Having grown up with only the noises of nature, she's actually really skittish. Not scared, but easily startled by loud noises. This has lead Varric to calling her Cricket because she jumps so high.
Eliza Shepard -> She has a voracious sweet tooth (in part inspired by my own blasted sugar addiction). She keeps a secret drawer of sweets that Kaidan and Liara pilfer from to help them cope with their biotic metabolism. Eliza still hasn't figured it out because she thinks she ate it and just doesn't remember.
Lucette de Sardet -> She is really diplomatic. It's her job. She's representing her entire country! But she also has a really strong moral compass, and when someone crosses those lines, she has no qualms punching them in the face. Needless to say, she's caused a diplomatic incident or two.
Thomas Scott Ryder -> His relationship with his sister. I only have sisters, but I have a couple cousins who have always been really protective, playful, and rambunctious with me the way I imagine an older brother would have. It's really fun to write and I hope equally fun to read. Especially since he's an asshole to just about everyone else.
Alexander Scott Ryder -> Just how energetic he is. I am always drained so it's lots of fun to explore a character who acts like a kid hopped up on an entire bag of halloween candy. And, just like that kid, how he crashes into his bed at the end of the day.
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17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Ellaria Trevelyan -> Big YES for this one. Initially, her backstory involved abuse by a templar. I thought it was an important part of showing the power imbalance between mages and templars in the circle. But, even though the abuse was only ever eluded to and not explicit, it never felt right. I couldn't do justice to her experience. So Unharrowed (my fic about the Inquisitor pre-DAI) has been on hiatus for the last...5 years. I recently had a breakthrough with her backstory and finally starting writing the version of Unharrowed I've always wanted.
Ori Lavellan -> I have a few ficlets when Ori is really struggling with Solas' departure and uses another character to feel something other than pain...These were written for fictober a few years ago and upon reflection, she never would've done this no matter how much pain she was in.
Eliza Shepard -> This is more of an oversight on my part. But half of her storyline is written as though she has biotics and the other half as though she's just a soldier. I like the story with her as a soldier, it makes her interactions with Kaidan's biotics more novel.
Lucette de Sardet -> It's been a while since I've read any of my Lucette fics...but nothing comes to mind for her :)
Thomas Scott Ryder -> I both love and hate that he smokes clove cigarettes. It fits his angry at the world, leave me a lone so I can sulk outer persona. But I worry that readers will judge him because it's 2185/2819 and he's still partaking in a really unhealthy habit.
Alexander Scott Ryder -> It's not really a character element, but another writing regret regarding him. The only stories I've ever written about Alexander Scott take place after High Noon / breaking up with Reyes. I feel like I could've made the stories infinitely better if I'd taken the time to think about specific storylines or head canons about the way he and Reyes got together. As it is, it feels somewhat generic.
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tsarinatorment · 2 years
Longfic Recs
My muses are stalling as I write my own latest longfic, so I figured I might as well pluck out a few longfics by other people in case anyone’s after a few good long reads!
All fics in this list are at least 100k words long, and complete!  I’ll sort by fandom this time to make it a bit easier to find fics relevant to people’s interests...
(life happens) wherever you are by howlikeagod [AO3] Teen.  Family/Friendship.  Zuko, Iroh.  159k On the day before Ba Sing Se falls, Katara decides two things: 1) not to stop for a cup of tea; 2) consequently, the fate of the world.  Behind the walls, Zuko loses sleep, runs errands, contemplates treason, and drinks a lot of hot leaf juice—not necessarily in that order.
Embers by Vathara [AO3] Not Rated.  Friendship/Adventure.  Zuko.  704k Dragon's fire is not so easily extinguished; when Zuko rediscovers a lost firebending technique, shifting flames can shift the world...
Don't Ask Don't Tell by Ms_Chunks [AO3] Teen.  Friendship/Romance.  Bakugo, Uraraka.  182k Uraraka and Bakugo have a secret. It’s not what their classmates think it is.
Mild-Mannered School Teacher/Adrenaline-Junkie Vigilante by JajaLala [AO3] Teen.  Family.  Fuyumi, Dabi, Miruko.  136k Fuyumi Todoroki was stressed. She was always the peacekeeper, the ice-quirk user who calms the hot-headed members of her family. What was she supposed to do when she was frustrated, and couldn't calm herself down?  Go onto the streets and become a vigilante, of course.
Viridian: The Green Guide by Clouds (myheadinthecoudsnotcomingdown) [AO3] Teen.  Adventure/Friendship.  Izuku, Aizawa.  272k After his dream is finally crushed, Izuku isn’t quite sure there’s anything left for him to live for, but...he can’t exactly kill himself either, not without hurting the people he cares the most about. So, when he realizes that the quirkless can’t technically be vigilantes, it seems like the best of both worlds. He’ll be able to save people even without being a hero and, if he happens to die while he’s at it...well, like Kacchan said, maybe he’d be born with a quirk in the next life.
Why Are We Here Again? by cloud_nine_and_three_quarters [AO3] Teen.  Friendship.  Class 1-A, Aizawa.  236k "You aren't villains - you never were, and you never will be. But you can take that fire inside of you and put it to good use. We're in a hero school, aren't we? Well then...  Let's be heroes."
You Want It Darker by Ms_Chunks [AO3] Explicit.  Drama/Angst. Shinsou, Aizawa. 533k Aizawa hunts a killer and takes on a new student. He gets more than he bargained for from both.  MIND THE WARNINGS
While the Ring Went South... by ThunderaTiger [AO3] Gen.  Friendship.  The Fellowship.  145k For two weeks, the Fellowship wandered south from Rivendell making for Caradhras, yet Tolkien tells us almost nothing of this journey. Behold the missing scenes!
A Heart of Iron by TardisThiefTennant [AO3] Teen.  Angst/Family.  Peter, Tony.  148k After the death of Aunt May, Peter Parker is left alone on the streets of New York. That is, until Iron Man swoops in and changes his life forever. Can he get close to Tony, or will he keep him safe, by keeping him at arm's length? And can Tony fill a hole in his life with this secretive orphan?
Powers of Invisibility by yestomiraculous [AO3] Gen. Friendship.  Juleka, Rose, Marinette, Adrien Juleka has always been invisible. She doesn't always mind. Especially when it allows her to see things no one else does...  It starts slow at first. Little hints here and there. Innocent teenagers not being in the right place at the right time.  The next thing Juleka knows, she's at the center of the biggest mess of secrets Paris has likely ever seen.
Secrets and Betrayals by LilyTheNinjaGirl [AO3] Teen.  Drama.  Marinette, Adrien. 101k When Ladybug and Chat Noir get into a fight, they end their friendship each vowing that they never want to see the other again. But when Adrien, Marinette's school crush, disappears and she can't find Chat anywhere she fears that Chat Noir has kidnapped Adrien out of rage. When she finds Chat beaten and bloody on a rooftop, will the two be able to trust each other again? AU. Angst with a happy ending.
Tendencies by KryallaOrchid [AO3] Mature.  Friendship/Romance.  Marinette, Adrien. 245k Miraculous have side effects. From pats becoming a necessity to eating flowers, follow Adrien and Marinette as they come to terms with their new tendencies, and each other. Hawk Moth is coming.
Focus, then Refocus by jimmythemystic [AO3] Teen.  Family/Friendship.  Sasuke, Kakashi, Orochimaru. 193k Sasuke gets sent back in time to stop Danzo. He intends to save his clan, and his brother. But he made one major mistake: He left the number one unpredictable ninja in charge of the jutsu. He's about 10 years too early. Thanks, Naruto...  Now what?
Please get these children therapy by anaceattorney [AO3] Teen.  Family.  Iruka, Gaara, Naruto. 313k Iruka did not know how he ended up as the caretaker to the Kazekage's youngest, but here he is and he is going to make the most of it. The Kazekage certainly wasn't going to look after his children.
Pulling My Weight by itsthechocopuff [AO3] Teen. Friendship/Family.  Sakura, Genma. 423k During their mission to Wave, Sakura realises how behind she is in her training and decides to do something about it. She vows to become a shinobi her Village and her teammates can respect and depend on. But Sakura has always been a paper-ninja, so her first stop for inspiration is the library where she finds unexpected help in the form of one very bored tokujo who quickly goes on to become an integral part of her life. Soon, despite the neglect of her sensei and all odds seemingly against her, Sakura's destiny begins to change.
The Uchiha Platoon by WriterBen01 [AO3] Teen.  Friendship/Family.  Sasuke, Team Seven. 293k Sasuke, over forty years old, is one of the few Konoha ninja left. With no more precious people left to lose, he uses one of most secret and forbidden techniques known to shinobi. He travels back in time. He will create the strongest team that ever existed, face all the threats that are coming, and do it with the two best ninja that ever lived by his side.
Seafaring Heartless: Exit North Blue by Avian Swallow [FFN] T.  Adventure.  Heart Pirates.  159k Pirates may be considered evil by the majority, but Law had met quite a few of the world's navy who were corrupt to the core and putting up a very thick facade. He reasoned that if he was going to manipulate and scheme his way into that goal, at least he was going to be honest enough to admit it.
Watashitachi wa Roger kaizoku desu (we still stand proud) by stereden [AO3] Teen.  Adventure/Family.  Buggy, Shanks. 280k The Roger Pirates disappeared after their Captain's death, and were happy enough to let the Marines forget about them.  Until the Marines decide to execute their Captain's son, that is.
if you need, come build your home in me by yrbeecharmer [AO3] Teen.  Family/Angst.  Will, Cabin Seven.  326k Even though the world keeps falling down around him, Will Solace can't seem to help but keep growing up.
Edge of the World // Here Be Dragons by corbyinoz2 [FFN] T.  Hurt/Comfort/Adventure.  Gordon, Virgil, Scott, John.  47k // 114k When returning from a rescue mission, Thunderbird Two is attacked by an unknown force. As Virgil and Gordon plummet towards the ocean, their chances of survival will depend, as it always does, on each other.
Holiday From Hell by Loopstagirl [FFN] T.  Hurt/Comfort/Family.  Scott, Virgil.  158k It was supposed to be the break they all needed to put the last year behind them and take a step forward. But things never do work out that easily for the Tracys.
Never Too Late // Never Too Lost // Never Too Long by Loopstagirl [FFN] T.  Hurt/Comfort/Family.  Scott, Jeff, Tracy Family.   58k // 75k // 138k As the family deal with grief, Scott must face his fears and grow up, whilst Jeff battles between being dad and being a successful businessman. But what will it take to bring the two of them back together again?
Out of Your Mind // All in Your Mind by Loopstagirl [FFN] T.  Family/Hurt/Comfort.  Gordon, Tracy Family.   75k // 149k They can defy the odds and snatch people from the jaws of death on a daily basis. But sometimes, not all dangers come in a physical form.
Tomorrow Never Knows by Silverstar [FFN] T.  Hurt/Comfort/Angst.  Gordon, Scott, Alan.  110k Things had not gone according to plan, to say the least. Now they were trapped on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere with no hope of rescue and increasingly slim chances of survival. To make matters worse, the Chaos Crew had shown up. This was not going to be a fun week.
Triple Jeopardy by Purupuss [FFN] T.  Drama.  Tracy Family.  217k One inventor and one set of plans. But triple trouble for the Tracys and International Rescue.
Weathering the Storm by tiylaya [FFN] T.  Adventure/Angst.  Scott, Gordon, Jeff, Virgil.  102k When an unexpected storm shipwrecks a holidaying Jeff Tracy and three of his young sons, they're thrown into a situation far more dangerous and complex than anyone initially realises.
Thrower of the Dart by Vathara [AO3] Teen.  Adventure.  Artemis, Holly, Tony, Avengers.  101k What might have happened instead of Artemis Fowl book 6, if it'd happened in the Marvel Universe. Megalomaniacs ahoy!
They All Fall Down by JadeOokami [FFN] T.  Adventure/Friendship.  Harry, Allen.  160k There was the softest sound from the window; he spun his head to look. He found, much to his alarm, a figure cloaked in black crouching down and balanced precariously on the sill. "I did not expect to run into a exorcist here."
The Immortal and the Revenant by RileyWilliamsJr [AO3] Teen.  Friendship/Adventure.  Merlin, Harry.  153k As usual, Merlin has utterly failed in keeping a low profile by inadvertently getting himself dragged into a mess of a situation that appears to have something to do with a seemingly unkillable snake man, a toad woman, an order of phoenixes, and a boy named Harry Potter who, he quickly finds, is equally bemused by his current predicament. When he discovers how lost the boy is, he resolves to help him and his friends get rid of this dark lord--as well as their malignant (and worse, ineffectual) new teacher.
The Dragon-King's Temple by Kryal [AO3] Teen.  Friendship/Adventure.  Zuko, Toph, Jack, Janet. 196k Through the spite of the spirits or plain rotten chance, a door that would have been better left untouched has opened. On the other hand, with Fire and Earth as one's allies, sometimes escaping is the easy part.
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faller-fears · 10 months
Hard to kill
Uh-- name's Fennec. Probably. I mean, it's the one I'm using right now, you know? Sorry, sorry, it's just-- it's weird, okay? You know how it is. There's the deadname, the name I tried out for a while but it didn't click, the name for friends only, the online name, the fursona--
Fennec Mortimer is fine. Well. Anyways. Today's....friday, I think? Yeah. Statement begins?
So, I guess I've always been kind of an adrenaline junkie. As a kid, I was always that weird little girl who hung out with the boys and climbed trees, but I went faster and higher than any of them. Hated skirts, not 'cause they were girly but because they were impractical, same with hair long enough to grab.
When Plasma was active, I was almost old enough to go on a journey, in my mind, but I wasn't allowed to, because, you know. Moms have this gossip grapevine, and she'd heard that a friend of hers had a daughter whose pokemon had been stolen by Plasma. They got it back, in the end, and the girl ended up settling down as a lab assistant, but the point is...well. My ten year old brain was convinced that if I just harassed enough grunts with flaming pinecone molotovs, they would all explode into sparkles and I'd suddenly be allowed to go on my journey.
I think mom was hoping that me coming out as a boy would make me calm down. She walked me through all the legal and medical stuff, got me a haircut and dye, even called Dad back from his work in Kanto so we could have some proper father-son bonding. And it was great, don't get me wrong! It just... I dunno. Didn't satisfy that urge.
Neither did my journey, really. I just... gods, how do I even explain it? It felt like there was something missing. I couldn't explain this gaping hole in my life, for something I didn't know the words for. I needed more, and I needed it constantly, and I was always vibrating with this...need.
Anyways. I got into urban exploration after a lot of wandering places I shouldn't have been, and I think mom was relieved. She got into it too-- got me a proper dust mask to filter out stuff, a sturdy pair of boots, and a first aid kit. When my friend Sol suggested we start a poketube and record ourselves, I'm pretty sure my mom slipped some money to them out of sheer relief. It meant we'd be going safe places, taking video, and she'd have some semblance of an idea where I'd been.
Well. Our first video was the old Plasma castle, see. I'd fucked around in the Unova underground enough to find an entrance, and it seemed stable enough, so we were getting to a part that was off limits to the public. Dist, it might not have been a place that anyone had seen for ages! So yeah, we were excited to go down there. Maybe mom didn't know about the whole secret base we'd set up underground, but she'd be happy that I was getting out and doing something marginally less stupid than usual.
I didn't wear the mask. I know, I know, stupid, but listen-- gender euphoria is a hell of a drug, and I'd somehow gotten it into my head that if I wasn't wearing the dust mask, maybe I'd start growing hair on my face instead of my-- you know what, that's not going in the official log. I wanted facial hair, is the point.
We pushed our way in and started recording-- introduced ourselves, had a silly little moment or two, then started walking. We were in one of the lower hallways, where the grunts had lived, and it was lined wall to wall with old tapestries and hanging fabric to insulate it.
They just... lived underground like drilbur. Kind of fucked up, seeing so many of them in the aftermath, pasty pale and blinking like they'd never seen so much daylight. Also kind of fucked up that they were just allowed to walk free after the shit they pulled, but I guess my beef's not with the grunts. Not really.
I knew, vaguely, that they were some kind of cult who'd been taught a revisionist history, that Reshiram was some great hero and Zekrom was the lesser jealous villain, but this... cemented it. Suddenly it was like we were walking with the memories of real people, in that hallway full of tapestries.
And most of them were burned. Not completely, just... bits and pieces. Precise. As we went on, we started to notice the patterns. A lot of the tapestries were just...everyday stuff, people going about their lives, woman posing with her skitty stuffed in a silly dress, bunch of guys eating dinner together.
The burn marks were just... I mean, I thought they were chemical burns at first. They bleached the surrounding threads a pure white, but they smelled no different than actual burned fabric. And I would, unfortunately, know what burned fabric smelled like. I didn't process what was being burned out at first until I saw a tapestry of a classroom-- one room schoolhouse kind of thing. And every single child was bleached white and burned through, leaving a swiss cheese mess of empty desks and scenery.
I wish I knew what happened next. But in all honesty, there wasn't even panic or darkness or any warning, I was just staring at the ceiling, like I'd spaced out. And I started to realize that someone was yelling my name.
I....should have panicked. I mean. It looked like some kind of torture dungeon, exactly the kind of thing you'd see in a cult. Sol was...locked in some kind of cage. I dunno, I was strapped down to a table and couldn't really turn my head. But it felt right, somehow. I mean, it's going to sound stupid. You're going to laugh. But my heart was pounding like crazy, and for once I wasn't vibrating out of my skin. Like this was the adventure I'd always craved.
I...don't know if I should be telling you this, actually. After all... it's not like I can get back what he stole from me. Fuck it, I
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1337wtfomgbbq · 1 year
Tagged by @kimizilla 😊
Name: Junky for yall, unless you badger me enough in private then I'll probably tell you 😅
Sign: Scorpio
Time: 17:30 pm
Favourite band/artist: Sabaton, Carrie Underwood, Robbie Williams, Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, PUR
Last movie: Scary Movie 5
Last show: Drawn Together
When I created this blog: Erm... sometime during 2020 I think. I have been lurking on here without an account since like 2010 though 🤷
What I post: All of the stuff that I find in greasy old happy meals. Which oddly enough is a lot of classic f1 and cycling... some supernatural and justified, also hbo war when I feel like it. Mostly I will annoy the fuck out of you with my classic cyclists though😅🤌
Other blogs: There is only this one and there will only be this one. I sometimes play with the idea of making a mock blog for James Hunt. Where there would only be pictures of budgies and Niki. But so far that hasn't come to fruition🤷
Followers: I won't tell you because I know how much comparing yourself to others can pull you down when you are struggling with your mental health🫂❤️
Do I get asks: Yes. They range from tag games, to requests for fics, to nice things that my mutuals and followers leave me. I like receiving asks, and I like asking people stuff. If it brightens up your day it will also brighten up someone else's day.
Average hours of sleep: currently like 5-8 hours... sometimes I do better and sometimes I do worse. I have big issues falling asleep though.
Instruments: None
What I am wearing: Black oversized shirt that reads 'Bingo! Dino DNA!' and light grey yoga pants.
Dream trip: anywhere that's warm and sunny, preferebly with my sisters or the whole family. Or to [redacted] to visit @miafi🫂❤️
Dream job: one thing's for sure... ANYTHING but fucking retail!
Favourite song atm: My hero academia intro of season 1 and 3 (the first one of each season) and 'Seiltänzertraum' by PUR.
Tagging: @miafi @rainylore @gufettogrigio @green-like-the-sky @artemisalilianvesta @dorianslover @nancylou444 @eliotheeangelis @eliodeangelisf1 @didierpironi @ilikecarsandlike4people @itookyoudown @prongcollar @originalgiantdreamerllama
And as always:
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