#my little stinky shit
sorryimdyingrn · 2 months
After finally many piss and tortilla breaks I present to you...
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The everything OC that's dragging me through my boredom. I decided to honour this arrogant bitch and turned in my Ibis Paint after God knows how long only to do this. God she's so beautiful to me 🥹🥹🥹
And now after so much rubbing my fingers over screen of my phone, I have so many snippets that will finally have some context ❤️❤️❤️
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raeofgayshine · 1 year
Jason, holding up Damian: Stinky
Dick: No!!! Don’t be mean!!
Jason, swaying him back and forth: Stinky bastard man
Dick: No!!!!!!
Tim, not looking up from his case files: Naught baby. Brat Robin.
Dick: NO!!!!!!!!!
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kalopsia1sblog · 9 months
Fyodor x Fem! Reader
DOA kidnaps reader-masturbation, noncon voyuerism, Fyodor is possessive, literally don’t know what else to tag
Fyodor sat at his computer watching as you were dragged kicking and screaming back to your room with it being the third time you tried to escape this week. He was disappointed in your refusal to give up and accept the new conditions you lived in; and it wasn’t like you didn’t live in splendor, as the Decay of Angels has given you only the best per you being his newest toy. He just couldn’t understand why you didn’t do as you were told. He let out a tortured sigh, continually in this cycle of wondering why you couldn’t just be content with your new life. Immediately after you were thrust back into your room and the door was locked, he watched in surprise as you smoothed down your hair and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Obviously he had cameras there too, because you couldn’t be trusted to be on your own. Watching you undress and step into the running water without realizing that you were being watched was so degrading that Fyodor felt disgusted with himself as he released himself from the confines of his pants, his dick springing free.
Grunting, he stroked himself roughly, watching as you washed yourself, taking away all the feeling from having been manhandled earlier, discarding all impurities. Fondling his tip that was beaded with precum, he was almost at his release when you were conditioning your hair. It was so perverted, so creepy what his actions were that as he cummed, the thick ropes of white spilling all over his hand, he got up and went to go wash himself off.
Angrily he muttered under his breath, “This filthiness goes against the will of God.” At the same time he said this, you walked out into the hallway, bumping into him. Confused, you looked up at him, but without a word he turned around and walked the other way. He could only assume with how distant he was towards you, that you assumed he had no wanting towards you the same way the other members of the DOA did.
Oh how wrong you were.
Later on, walking into the common area for the DOA to convene within the sky casino, Fyodor had taken a shower to rid himself of the vile sin he committed. However, seeing Nikolai entertain you with clownish tricks, and Sigma lay his head onto your shoulder, he was struck by a possessiveness that he didn’t know he had. Again, choosing to ignore you in light of this, he walked over to the window to ponder these new feelings. Continually hearing Nikolai and Sigma pepper you with attention and affection despite knowing how many times you had tried to escape from their hold was irritating; with their chosen ignorance of your actions. Sigma believed you were something to be cherished, and Nikolai decided that it was he who should break you through his insanity.
Fyodor held neither of these sentiments, though watching you run around to manipulate Sigma into letting you go, and dealing your life with Nikolai’s psychopathy was somewhat amusing, even though it seemed like you were forgetting who you belonged to.
He decided that it would be better for him to remind you.
Every now and then he would make small conversation with you, asking about music you enjoyed, and books he reccomended to you. From how you decided to start following him whenever he went out of the casino, the plot he hatched seemed to be working. Of course, he made sure you couldn’t escape while he was gone, locking all the passageways and exits. Then, one day when he was sure that you wouldn’t think much of him “forgetting” to lock one of the exits, he walked out and waited for your sure getaway.
Seeing you wander outside, looking triumphant, he watched as you dimwittedly jumped for joy. He almost felt bad when he stepped behind you and covered your hand with his mouth, restraining you.
“Dear, you didn’t think I would actually forget to conveniently keep an exit unlocked?” He sneered, your horrified expression bringing him unmatched pleasure.
“I…I thought you didn’t want me the same way those two do. I thought you would be alright with me going.” You quietly muttered.
Placatingly, Fyodor smiled and said, “I don’t need to want you the way they do. You’re already mine.”
A/n: BSD new ep spoilers/JJK 236 CHP spoilers:
SO FYODOR IS FUCKING DEAD? Like I’m part of Dazai nation too woohoo let’s go but I didn’t want Fyodor to die he’s my hot little anemic Russian man and GOJO IS FUCKING DEAD TOO? LIKE IM STILL A GOJO GLAZER FOR LIFE BUT YALL WHY ARE ASAGIRI AND AKUTAMI KILLING OFF THE CHARACTERS I LIKE??
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mccall-me-maurice · 9 months
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dumbass and asshole reporting for duty
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cinnamon-phrog · 2 months
#it was SO contradictory too ugh. and a mutual liked it!#you disrespect me. you disrespect my whole family#you call us 'stinky poopy babies'#you punched my wife. you kick mah baby you KICKed my FOCKin BABY#you ate our dog. YOU ATE OUR HOUSE#/ref#it's always the people i like too. everytime i want to find a d/ hmis artist or mutual BAM they're mean petty and even a nonce#and mean to peoples with hc's like mine. yes yes it happens in every fandom but not to the point where literally everybody sucks!#aside from my mutuals who are casually into the show you guys are boss <33#a d/ hmis artist will tell me they don't care/ even like my hc's and i'll feel great#a couple months later and they're talking shit about it or liking posts about why people who have said hcs are somehow predatory#as if there aren't actual predators in the tags and their little supportive minions running amuck. who draw LITERAL cp of Yellow#i'm not mad anymore i've become very numbed to this. i end up losing 'friends' to the point where i don't know how to make them anymore.#'course that doesn't mean i'll stop trying though. but give benefit of the doubt and be MASSIVELY let down.#or assume the worst. be RIGHT and yet still be somehow worse for assuming.#so i'm just gonna not interact. i'll still put my s/elfship stuff in the tags though i am above guilt or shame now. Look At My Post Boy#cuz like if all these people can get away with being petty and two faced then i can get away with smooching puppets#make Love not War
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sorcerous-caress · 6 months
The Devil works hard but Astarion dick-riders work harder huh
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sheepkebby · 2 months
Y'all ever hang out with a friend and get this very very unique feeling where you think yep, this is for life
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
Sorry if you've already posted something like this before, but how well do you think Claude's routes tackle the subject of dismantling prejudice and racism? Because I've seen some recent discourse that's caused some controversy and it was about how Azure Moon/gleam character's and Dimitri handle that theme better with Duscar. And how Claude is a bit redundant as a character in FE3H as the golden deer routes overall don't end up contributing too much to the overall story rather than lore. My personal opinion is that I do see what they were trying to do with Claude and racism because it was there but because of how undeveloped the writing in both of his routes were the message doesn't come off as strong or a bit naive for Claude. (I do have like 3 more chapters in VW I need to catch up on.)
The outright tackling of it, in the base route itself? Somewhat poorly, negl. But the concept of him doing so itself would not be redundant, imo. The two of them tackle the same core issue - trying to dismantle prejudice and allow for peace to fall between differing people - in two very distinct, different ways.
Dimitri, when all is said and done, has the power and the means to achieve this with the power he has as king of Faerghus. Duscur is a land that, while separate from it culturally, still resides in Faerghus, and it is a relatively small land at that. And Faerghus has been its direct oppressor for years - it has direct power over Duscur. So Dimitri taking up the reigns of king gives him a far more direct means of amending that - it's not a "blink and it's over" sort of thing, but he is ultimately the one with the most power in this situation to be able to fix it. And, as seen by AG, him doing so leads to a lot of progress being able to be made. There's still a lot to fix, but to say he's been king for, what, 2 years max? There's a lot he's been able to do.
Claude, however, is not in that sort of position. For starters, he's not even guaranteed to become king, unlike Dimitri who always would once he became of age (as Rufus was only a regent in place of king until Dimitri was old enough to be coronated). He has to deal with the struggle of attaining the power to be able to make change at all, unlike Dimitri who had to fight Rufus to keep his already attained right to the throne, which immediately differentiates the two stories by a fairly large degree. But aside from that, Claude is trying to amend the relationship between two entire continents worth of people. As king of Almyra, he would not have power over Fodlan - Almyra isn't oppressing Fodlan, like Faerghus was with Duscur, nor does Fodlan physically reside within Almyra. Therefore he has far less direct access to change than Dimitri does - he has to rely on his connections to Fodlan's people-in-charge far more than Dimitri does (who, mind, still does do that, but it wouldn't be to the necessary degrees Claude would have to go to).
The relationship between Faerghus and Duscur and Fodlan and Almyra are fundamentally different, therefore Dimitri and Claude's approaches to the issues of them would similarly be different at their cores. Dimitri has more direct power to change things, but the things that need changing are horrific and involve giving power back to a people who've had theirs stolen from them. Claude doesn't have to deal with a history of oppression per se, but he has to deal with a long-standing feud between two fairly-equally powered continents that he can only potentially have direct power over one of. The stories of how these two fix these relationships - as in, achieving their goals that are, at the end of the day, somewhat similar - wouldn't be redundant because of the important differences they do have.
HOWEVER. That's mostly conceptually. In practice, Dimitri does achieve his goals (or gets far closer to them) than Claude ever does, in either games, because both games cared more to give Dimitri a character-driven story. All Claude was ever given was a bootlegged BE route in both games, with Hopes going further and making Claude himself a bootleg of Edelgard. Not much of a chance for Claude to do much, given those facts lmao.
As well as that, the writers only cared to have any story centered around Fodlan and not much else - Duscur gets a pass for, again, physically residing in Fodlan, but as we can see anything else gets The Boot. Almyra is barely talked about, Brigid is barely talked about, Dagda is barely talked about, Sreng is barely talked about; despite having characters that come from those places (or in Sreng's case, having characters otherwise connected to it somehow), they have almost no information given about them at all, and they have pretty much no narrative focus. Which is somehow better than Albinea or Morphis, who both get pretty much nothing at all.
And not to be a bringer of wild and wacky news or anything, but centering a main character around a place that you deliberately give no information about save for the smallest crumbs... isn't going to lend itself to a good story if you try to make that character's story have much to do with that place. Which is Claude's biggest problem in that aspect of his writing. Duscur is allowed to have an important role in both Dimitri's story (and other characters' stories) as well as the plot of 3H itself (as it's connected to the reason Lambert is dead and thus Faerghus is weakened as much as it is, which makes Edelgard's invasion of it easier) - Almyra is not. Almyra, at its core, is only really allowed to set up Claude's character, but doing anything more with it - directly interacting with Almyra the same way that Duscur is directly interacted with? Not... really. It says a lot that the writers decided to make Claude's paralogue centered around Fodlan and not Almyra in 3H - and Hopes, technically, though for once it is slightly better there by having Almyra at least be involved somehow.
I'll say this, end of the day: Claude was never going to be able to focus any attention on amending Fodlan and Almyra's relationship in 3H in any sort of similar way that Dimitri was able to focus any attention to amending Faerghus and Duscur's relationship given the nature of 3H's narrative priority to Fodlan's issues. And while he did have a really good opportunity to do so in Hopes, that was impossible because for the majority of the game it's his dumbass evil Edelgard-wannabe twin Clyde that's in the game at all. While Claude ultimately is fairly redundant against Dimitri in execution regarding their goals, it didn't have to be on a conceptual level - hope that makes sense lmao
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fbwzoo · 1 year
I didn't grab any pics yet, but Spoon is awake!!! I took him out tonight to say hi and get a look at him. He's skinny, but not overly so. But still looking forward to getting him fattened back up post-torpor!!
He agrees - I came in with his food bowls, one full of frozen buggies. He started to run for his rock hide, then got a whiff as I put the bowl down and immediately turned back to run for the bowl. 😂 BUGGIES
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hella1975 · 2 years
anyway in regards to my last post this is all to say that if i moved to a foreign country and shared a nice apartment with my mutuals where we did boring errands together and listened to nice music and danced barefeet then everything would be okay i think
#only recently discovering how much shame i internalised in regards to my writing#like genuinely think i have more internalised shame around my writing than i do being gay LMAO#there's a reason for it too shit went down when i was twelve and i connected it to my writing even though it kinda didnt have anything to#do with that it was just me using it as a coping mechanism again but ofc at that age i didnt know that's what it was#so for a good few years it was just 'WRITING BAD' like i fully didnt even have a laptop for those years i did not write a single word#idk why i thought i could just pick it up again without any residual issues towards writing#like even when boom and hannah were here or when im talking to my one irl that songwrites about writing#i just feel so genuinely uncomfortable like someone's about to do a 'gotcha!' moment on me#it's just something that feels like it needs to be a big dirty secret and that combined with my hometown vibes is just sooo stinky#but yh i realised how nice it was just having people i could just authentically get excited about writing with#like telling people about plot points or twists and having them be like !!!! omg !!!! like i want to surround myself with those people!!#i want to be brave enough and comfortable enough that i try and publish my shit regardless of what my hometown is saying!!!#and i will be one day i have faith in my own stubbornness and spite if nothing else#that my hatred of this town will overrule my fear of it#but for now it's just a very shit time lol#one day grown up hella will be buying apples with hannah and boom and we'll be talking about our wips in the shop#where anyone can hear us and on that day i'll stop and give a moment to baby hella who was so scared and ashamed#and i'll smile a little. and then i'll ram the trolley into hannah's ankles just for a laugh and i'll forget all about it
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koisuni · 10 months
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Feeling worthless (vent art) Been dealing with medical issues and that shit makes me feel TIRED and YUCK!
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gothwizardmagic · 2 years
i lied in the tags of that post my cats full names are Mrs. Avril Bean “Stinky Malinki” Catlington-[my last name] (she got married to the metaphysical concept of being a cat and they decided to hyphenate) and CordeLeah Nebula [my last name] (leah only has 2 names so far but they will grow and evolve with time)
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134340am · 2 years
i’ve started talking to a boy (ノへ ̄、)
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strawberrypaw · 14 days
the scary part is over!
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hecksupremechips · 1 month
The most validating thing about having a brother in law is sometimes I’ll make a comment about my parents being kinda horrible and he’ll just be like "DUDE FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT IVE BEEN THINKING THIS THE WHOLE TIME BUT DIDNT KNOW HOW TO ADDRESS IT"
#the klock keeps ticking#like i remember about 2 years ago when it really clicked with me that my parents were worse than i let myself believe#i had like covid and so to be safe i completely isolated myself in my room and only came out when no one was around#or with a mask on just to get food or use the bathroom that was it#and like when i had mostly recovered i stopped isolating and i looked around and noticed huh the house is kinda a hot mess#and i realized it was because i was the one who kept up with like basic cleaning and making sure things were in order#so like a little bit later i was in the car with my sister and brother in law and i was talking about this#and i was like ‘i think ive realized our parents are kinda unable to take care of themselves without me doing it for them’#and my BIL was like IM SO GLAD YOU FINALLY NOTICED THIS HAS BEEN DRIVING ME CRAZY FOR YEARS#which was just so validating i was like okay so im not just being an ass like this is an actual problem#and idk a more recent thing that maybe uh. made me a little bit emotional was we were basically at a cool place where you can climb shit#and he was just kinda there helping me when it seemed i was gonna lose balance to make sure i didnt get hurt#as well as my sister too and i was like oh god is this was like. basic affection feels like???#is this what it feels like to have someone care like actually kinda give a fuck about your safety and well being???#so yeah i maybe am still not okay with that and still dont know how to feel anymore 😭#so i guess even though hes stinky and i like to bully him I GUESS hes actually a pretty cool guy and he does make my sister happy and he#treats her with respect and hes very good with their cat so yeah maybe i actually really appreciate him and care more about him#than i do my parents and most people in my family#but i cant say that cuz then itll like. go straight to his head 🥺#and he still wont play pokepark 2 with me even though he PROMISED its been like 4 years since he said that and WE STILL HAVENT PLAYED IT 👺👺👺
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thingsidonethunked · 7 months
At 25 I have realised that one stop on the road to becoming an Adult(TM) may be realising there is so much more stuff in this world that needs cleaning than you ever thought.
Like, kid, I've cleaned things you never even knew existed.
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