#my mom and i were dead set on moving into an apartment together for one day and then my other family was like if u move out we cant pay the
symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
Based on an idea @thediktatortot and I workshopped in the tags of this post. Enjoy Tommy, Steve, Eddie and Billy being trapped in a room together!
Part 2! Part 3! Part 4! AO3 link!
The world was hell bent on making Steve Harrington suffer. He was sure of it, dead-set, knew it in his soul.
Why else would he have gotten trapped in the high school teacher’s lounge with Eddie Munson, Tommy Hagan, and Billy Hargrove of all people?
“--you didn’t skip gym every fuckin’ year then maybe you could have kept up, freak.” Tommy hissed at Eddie, his teeth gritted as he leaned against the door a demodog was currently trying to knock down.
“Oh yeah cause tackle fucking football really prepares you for the goddamn apocalypse!” Eddie snarled back, marring the effect a little by tripping over his feet as he brought over a chair to prop against the door.
“Shut the fuck up!” Billy growled at them both, “‘M tryin’ to fuckin’ focus!”
He had his back pressed against the door, and was probably the real reason that it hadn’t been caved in yet. Ever since he’d survived his face off with the mindflayer last summer, Billy had been different. Not just in such that he didn’t try to take a bite out of anyone who got too close to him half as often, but in that he could bench his fucking car. Steve knew, because he’d seen him do it one of the days he’d picked Max up for whatever dumb thing the kids were up to. 
“Oh sorry Lou, don’t let us get in the way of your ‘roid rage.” Tommy snitted back, unable to keep his mouth shut for love of life or limb.
“Tommy, for fucks sake shut your mouth for ten goddamn minutes and help me move this vending machine.” Steve cut Billy off before he could escalate what was quickly devolving into a miniaturized Lord of the Flies reenactment.
Tommy aimed an ugly look his way while Eddie snickered.
“King’s callin’ Hagan, be a good little pawn and attend him.” 
“Munson, get your ass over here, you’re helping too.” Steve turned his disapproving glare on Eddie too.
Tommy bowed dramatically, “Ladies first.”
“Age before beauty.” Eddie bowed back.
“Hurry. The. Fuck. UP!” Billy was losing ground by inches. 
Tommy and Eddie took their places on either side of Steve and the three of them started to push the vending machine, inch by screeching inch, across the floor and in front of the door. It filled almost the entire door frame. While it wouldn’t keep a pack of demodogs out for long, it would give them long enough to get their shit together again.
“Okay, so plan?” Steve looked between the three men he now found himself stuck with, “Anybody got a plan?”
“Munson’s the ‘Dungeon Master’, isn’t coming up with plans to beat monsters kind of your thing?” Tommy poked again, securing his place on the mental list Steve knew Eddie kept of people he would eat first in a crisis.
“What the fuck is your problem, douchebag?” Eddie turned his full attention on him, “We’re in the middle of some supernatural life or death bullshit, and your go-to is still ‘Shit on the Freak’? My fuckin’ plan is to trip you while we’re running so they slow down to eat your stupid jock ass.” 
Steve pressed his fists into his eyes, trying to force himself to breathe through the headache he could feel forming at the base of his skull. Of all the combinations of people…
“I was trying to be nice!” Tommy shouted back, and even with his eyes closed, Steve could see the way his hands were gesturing, “That stupid game you play with your weirdo friends has a lot to do with making shit up as you go along! That’s a skill!”
“....did you just admit to knowing what DND is about?” Eddie sounded more confused than angry, like all the fire just burnt right out of him.
“I-! No- I just…”
“Table that,” Billy cut in, “I’m not getting torn apart by another one of those fucking things because you two can’t focus for shit.”
“Who died and made you boss, Hargrove?” Tommy snapped reflexively.
“Your fucking Dad, Hagan. It’s why I’m fucking your mom now too.”
“ENOUGH!” Steve shouted in a voice that sounded so much like Richard Harrington he hated himself a little bit for it, “None of us like each other, we all know that, it’s whatever, old news! But I’m pretty sure none of us want to die, either. You two know better than anyone that this shit is not a game.” 
Steve pointed a finger at Billy and Eddie each in turn before turning his attention on Tommy. 
He was scared, of course he was. Tommy had always used his sharp tongue to cover up his weaknesses, and right now he had to have been feeling about two feet tall and made of tissue paper. Steve had stopped flinching about bodies years ago, but Tommy hadn’t been by his side for that change either. 
So he tried to make himself sound calm, familiar, like they were just talking like they used to when they were dumb little boys sharing secrets during the secret hours of the night where nothing had to mean more than it meant. 
“I know it’s scary as hell, but we’re not going to let you die, Tommy. No one here is dying, not tonight. We’re all on the same team here, and that means we’re going to look out for each other. Okay?”
He held Tommy’s eyes for a moment more, before letting his attention move to Billy, then Eddie in turn.
Eddie was the first to respond, because of course he was.
“Alright, fine. For one night only, coming to an amphitheater near you, the freakiest Friday you’ve ever fucking seen, Off Brand Motley Crue!” Eddie imitated the distant cheering of a crowd and to Steve’s surprise Billy fucking snorted.
He shoved Eddie’s shoulder almost affectionately, muttering “You’re a fuckin’ idiot, Munson.” 
Tommy was still staring at Steve when he looked back at him. There was so much going on in the valley between his eyebrows, Steve could practically hear him thinking.
“Spit it out, Tommy.” Steve sighed while Eddie and Billy wandered off to see if they could scavenge anything of use.
“Is this why you stopped talking to me?” He asked with no preamble.
Fifteen different responses flashed through Steve’s head, all in varying degrees of bitchiness. His patience was more like a roulette wheel than a chord close to snapping at this point. There was every chance he’d say something stupid by sheer chance.
“Kind of?” He shrugged, relieved he’d started off neutral at least, “Some of it, I guess.”
“But not the big part.” Tommy laughs humorlessly, filling in the gaps between what Steve means and what he says as effortlessly as he ever did, “Well shit. Here I was telling myself my best friend ditched me to save me from some crazy horrible death or some shit.”
He laughed again, but the sound was as cruel as it was watery.
“That’s not-- you know that’s not fucking fair Tommy!” Steve could feel his expression folding in on itself.
“Not fair? So you’re saying you didn’t completely bail on me instead of being like ‘Huh we’re kinda assholes and I don’t really like that maybe we should work on that’ like a normal fucking friend would?” Tommy snapped. 
“If you’d said you just wanted to yell at him yourself, I would have ceded the floor to you without a fight, Harrington.” Eddie weighed in from across the room.
“Shut up!” Steve and Tommy chorused together, causing Eddie to raise his hands in surrender with a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
He turned back to Billy, the blonde rolling his eyes as he tore through a drawer full of seasoning packets.
“I’m not fucking stupid, Steve.” Tommy said firmly, his expression looking far more present and alert than Steve was used to, like he’d come out of whatever place he sent himself when there were other people around, “I know you hated what we were like. You’re a nice guy, you always have been. Even though you’re also a total bitch sometimes.”
Steve almost laughed, but the noise caught in his throat instead.
“Yeah well maybe I didn’t think about it. Maybe I was too caught up in needing to change that I told myself I had to get rid of everything to do it.” Steve clenched his jaw, remembering how hard everything had been back then, how alone he’d felt in the canyon between who he was and who he wanted to be.
“I would have changed with you.” Tommy said to his shoes instead of to Steve, “You know. It’s never been about-- about popularity. It’s always been about making you happy.”
The admission caught him like a blow to the stomach. He felt his eyes tearing up and pressed his thumb and forefinger into the bridge of his nose.
“I think near-death experiences with monsters from other dimensions are pretty good catalysts for second chances.” Steve said, when he felt like he could without his voice breaking on him.
“Catalysts?” Tommy raised an eyebrow, “You spend a couple years around a group of nerds and suddenly you start using the big words?”
It’s an insult but it’s good natured, it’s barbed, but like one of those foam prop spiked bats they sell for Halloween. It’s familiar, and it’s easy, and God has Steve missed bantering with someone who knows how to tease him without actually hurting his feelings.
“Pretty face isn’t gonna get me by my whole life.” Steve replied, a smile sneaking onto his lips as a matching smile spans Tommy’s.
Tommy claps him on the shoulder, “Damn straight, once you hit forty that hair is gonna move onto your back and then you’re screwed.”
Steve laughed, feeling relieved by the resolution of something he hadn’t been aware was still bothering him.
“Yeah, yeah, you can’t say that like your skin isn’t gonna melt like your uncle Fred’s did when you hit thirty.”
“Don’t you dare bring Uncle Fred into this!”
To Steve surprise, the demodogs didn’t come crashing through the vending machine door. After about an hour, they stopped trying to get through entirely. 
They thought for a moment that they’d left, but when Billy started pushing the vending machine aside to check, the growling started back up and he quickly moved it back.
“They’re keeping us pinned down.” Eddie muttered around his thumb where he was nervously biting at the skin, “Out of the way.”
“Yeah.” Steve agreed, trying not to let himself think through all the reasons that could be, “Split the party, classic.”
“So you do listen when I talk to you about DND.” Eddie beamed, “Knew it. Closet nerd.”
Billy muttered something that vaguely sounded like ‘closet something’ but he was standing on Steve’s bad side and he couldn’t really be sure. 
Steve rolled his eyes, “You try having six kids and a really hyper metalhead talking your ear off about the same thing all the time. See how much you remember.”
“Jock to nerd pipeline not withstanding, you know why splitting the party is a problem, right?” Eddie continued stubbornly on.
“We’re most of their muscle.” Billy answered instead, “Take us out or pin us down, the rest of them are easier to take out.”
“Ten XP to California.” Eddie clapped.
“So you think they’re trying to keep us out of something?” Tommy asked, surprisingly mindful of his tone.
Eddie nodded, gnawing at his nail again, “We need another way out.”
“Not a lot of options.” Steve glanced around quickly, his leg starting to bounce.
“Pretty much just the front door.” Billy agreed.
“So we need a battle plan.” Tommy summarized, “Okay, right. Munson, what are you good at?”
Eddie frowned and Tommy threw his hands into the air.
“I’m not trying to start shit, I’m asking so we can figure out where the fuck to put you. Hargrove is a one man demolition team, Steve has that bat and he’s really good at taking a punch, I’m good at defence and I can lift a lot more than those things, so what’s your deal?”
Eddie thought for a second, and Steve honestly couldn’t tell if he was considering his answer or if he was pausing for dramatic effect.
“Well,” He started eventually, “I’m good with a shield, and I’m pretty strong too. Don’t look like it, but I can manhandle Stevie here pretty easily.”
Tommy shot him a look that he pointedly ignored. There was no way he was explaining any of that right now, or ever if he had the choice. 
“Steve is easy to manhandle. Barely even fights it.” Billy replied, “That’s not a good gauge of strength.”
“You could rip an airplane in half, you’re not a good gauge of strength.” Eddie gesticulated in Billy’s general direction.
“I fought him way before that.”
“He’s right though.” Tommy shrugged, “Steve never fights being manhandled.”
Eddie scoffed and Steve was pretty sure he was going to choke to death on embarrassment long before the demodogs ever got him.
“Anyway, back on track, guys. You thinking Billy as the spearhead, you and Eddie flanking and me taking up the rear?” Steve tried to guide the conversation back to safer ground before they did something stupid like bond over having all manhandled him at some point.
“Yeah.” Tommy nodded, “Exactly.”
“That’s what I would have said.” Billy shrugged.
“Jock mindmeld.” Eddie shuddered, “Normally, a sign that conformity is alive and well, but right now? Might just save a life. I hate to say it boys, but sportsball might just save the day this time.”
“I’m telling everyone you said that.” Tommy grinned.
“That tripping you plan can still be enacted.” 
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beautifulmadnesss · 2 years
"Gravity Happens" The Summer I Turned Pretty Imagine Fisher!Reader
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Summary: Suzannah's cancer from the perspective of her youngest child and only daughter.
warning: death and loss
I figured it out first, being the pessimist, I immediately noticed when my mom's energy started fading again. One night after picking me up from a party when I was drunk, I confessed my fears to Conrad. He's the realist, so he didn't immediately believe it, but after paying closer attention, he saw the same things I did. Neither of us talked about it after that. We both just drank a lot and shared cigarettes in the quiet of the night. Jere was the last to figure it out. I think it's because he was always the optimist, just like our mom. Immediately, he wanted to confront her about it, just yelling it out at dinner one night.
"How could you not tell us the cancer is back?" He accused.
"What?" Belly and Steven asked at the same time.
"Kids, let's go into the living room okay?" My mom responded gently. The four of us got up and moved into the living room, while the Conklin's made their way upstairs.
I was already very tipsy, something I had learned to cover well, but tonight there was no hiding it as I snapped. "You can't leave. It's not fair. I hate you. We are all falling apart because we are just kids and we can't carry everyones fucking secrets. It's suffocating. You were so mad at dad for making us lie about his girlfriend and you're doing the exact same thing. Except you just want to lie to us and then just disappear one day. You are so selfish. Did you ever stop to think how we would feel? How it would feel for us?"
"Stop." Jeremiah warned, stepping towards me while Conrad wrapped an arm around our mom.
"No, I'm so tired of all this bullshit. Did you ever think how we would feel when one morning you just didn't wake up? When we went in to check on you and found you dead?" She flinched, but it felt so good to finally just explode that I couldn't stop as the tears burned my cheeks. "Then we would be all alone with a deadbeat dad and no one else. No one to take perfect little Jeremiah to his practices, no one to to sit up worrying about Conrad when he stays out all night with some girl and no one to-" My throat closed up, but I tried again, "No one to-" It was like my entire body gave up at once. My voice broke, my knees buckled, and I fell to the floor sobbing. 
My mom was holding me within seconds and soon after both of my brothers joined in. We were all just holding each other and crying together. She knew I hadn’t meant any of the things I had said in the same way she never held onto anything I said to her when we were fighting when I was younger. I always got so angry when I was hurt or scared. Now, I was all of the above. My mom was dying of cancer. Thirty seconds ago I was overflowing with emotion and now I just felt numb. I don’t even really know what I was going to say. There were so many things I had looked forward to doing with my mom. Things I would never get to do. 
“We need you.” I cried. 
“I’m right here, sunshine. I’m right here.” She said, squeezing us tighter.
We stayed like that for a while, none of us saying anything else, just quietly crying and holding each other tightly. My mom was the first to break the silence, kissing each of us on the tops of our heads and then declaring "that's enough, crying for now. We are going to do our best to enjoy the time we have left together." She stood and moved toward the kitchen before turning back to us. "Who wants to make some waffles?" She smiled, one that none of us returned, but we did follow her into the kitchen.
She started pulling out the ingredients while softly humming a cheery tune. I took the middle stool while each of my brothers sat on either side of me.
"Jere, will you get the eggs, milk, and butter from the fridge?" She asked, setting the dry ingredients onto the counter.
"Sure, mom." He gave her a small smile in return
"As for you two, you can choose to sit there and sulk or you can help us make some delicious waffles." Conrad and I shared a look before getting up and helping get the rest of the materials together.
The motions felt empty. Our Saturday mornings as kids were always filled with tantalizing smells, warmth, and laughter. Now, it felt like all I could think about was every moment with her could be our last. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed with a drink and make everything else go away.
I felt the powdery substance coat my face and spun around to see my mom and Jeremiah laughing, each with a hand covered in flour.
"Seriously?" Conrad spoke up, voicing my thoughts.
"What's the matter? Scared of a little competition?" My mom teased with a mischievous smile.
Conrad reacted first, diving for the eggs and handing one to me, but not before Jeremiah hit me in the face with even more flour. I quickly retaliated by launching an egg that landed with a satisfying crack, spilling goopy yellow onto his mop of hair. Conrad threw an egg at my mom that connected with her shoulder as she attempted to put the island between the two of them. I think Jeremiah found the sink first, coating all of us with streams of cold water, which only made the flour that my mom dumped on all three of us stick like glue. In just a few minutes we had created a disaster in the kitchen, but it was once again full of laughter and warmth.
That was how we spent our last week at the summer home and the following two months after that. Conrad and I both drank less, but we still spent most nights smoking on the porch together. Eventually, the quiet days spent in her bed outweighed the days of laughter. She was so small and weak that we were scared to touch her, but she never lost her joy. One night, she got a burst of energy so we made popcorn and brought the mattresses into the living room to make a giant bed where we cuddled together watching her favorite movie. She slept on the couch while the three of us shared the giant bed. My mom fell asleep first and the three of us stayed up a little longer, just watching her sleep, no evidence of pain on her face for the first time in weeks.
I woke up first the next morning and I just knew.
"Mommy?" I whispered, my voice cracking and the tears already dripping onto her face as I tried to gently shake her. "Mommy please. I'm not ready yet." I begged, my movements becoming more forceful. "I'm really sorry. I'll be better I promise, just please please wake up" My voice rose to a scream at the end. The sobs shook my entire body as I desperately called out to my favorite person in the entire world even though I knew she was already gone.
I wasn't sure which of my brothers was holding me, but he led us both out of the living room and onto the porch. He held me against his chest and gently ran his fingers through my hair. I could feel him sobbing with me. Eventually I heard the door close and we both looked up to see Conrad with puffy eyes and tears on his face.
"I called the funeral home, dad, and Laurel." He said, his voice sounding as if the phone calls had take all the energy he had. "We're going to be okay." He said as he sat down on the other side of me and wrapped an arm around both of us. Despite knowing this was coming for months, it didn't feel like she was really gone. The only thing that made it feel real was the tangible darkness without the joy of Suzanna Fisher, the light of our world.
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rae-raewrites · 1 year
Hi! First off I love you're writing your very talented! And second how do you think the riddlers would react to finding out they have a teenage daughter they never knew about (how inherited there smarts and sass)and something happened to the mom so they have nowhere to go so they track him down.
Oh geez it’s dad angst time😂 this is just a bunch of boys dealing with the younger versions of themselves. Also sorry this took so long anon!
The riddlers finding out they have a teenage daughter
Warning:mentions of death
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It was out of pure annoyance when he actually answers the phone after 13 missed calls from Jonathan crane.
So when Jon casually invites him over saying he needs talk to him he’s even more miffed. And then he finds this kid having tea with the dr, who the hell was she-?
“Ah Edward so nice of you to join us,this wonderful young lady has been trying to find some way to reach you.”
The her in question was a rather well put together 16 year old girl who was like a mirror of his younger years. She certainly had his eyes. Eleanor,her name was Eleanor
He’s not stupid and he puts two together quite easily.
Mom gone to cancer,the youngster was left in Gotham to survive on her own with only the understanding that he was her father. Her mother had apparently kept his tie from the fateful evening.
Apart of him him tells himself to just not bother with her,the other stronger side tells him not to be his father
Things are tense at first with moving in. He’s never really shared a space before with anyone so he’s avoidant at first. Not thinking she’s going to be much help with his projects
He is completely surprised when he finds out she knows her way around electronics
But then he realizes the kid has his photographic memory. And his sass……
“When was the last time you took a shower?” “Please explain to me a how a shower will improve any of my plans.” “Simple: you’ll stop me from dying from gross sewer dad smell.”
It irritates the hell out of him but when she start’s jabbing at the other rouges he’s a proud man.
They bond over getting work done,so much time lost yet there making up for it real quick
She created a rather wacky Rubik’s cube that left Batman puzzled for at least two days
Of course he got a kick out of taunting the dork knight while also genuinely being proud of his daughter
It’s hard to get used to hearing the word “dad” in relation to him but it’s a title he “humbly” accepts in the end
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He received a knock on his door one extremely sunny morning
Gina found him after his “reformation” and partnership with wacko toys was announced to the public. It wasn’t hard tracking down a man in the spotlight
Edward is of course absolutely stunned by the realization.
To his understanding the girl from metropolis knew the basics of his criminal career. The off traps and puzzles were something well known outside of the city.
He feels out of obligation to take her in,I mean he’s a villain but not a monster. Kid gets say down with some hot coco
Of course when he is brought back to Arkham the poor kid is quick to go and visit him and calm him down as well as work on a way to get him out
He’s rather surprised when he get broken out by jervis and Jonathan and they have him a letter from his prodigy with little xoxo’s and detailed escape plans
When he does get home he pretty much is dead set on teaching her everything he possibly can,how he got the virtual reality set up to work,his more simple traps
Of course just like her dear old dad she’s quick to design some of her own.
“A nothing machine that actually does something……. Out of the box but I adore the ingenuity.” “At least it’s more safe than the vr incident”
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It was another day of Eddie not being able to figure something out using the box method,unfortunately sticking two nuclear bombs and a tricycle and an old Macintosh in the box just wasn’t cutting it that day.
Cue Tuesday getting a phone call from Miss autumn at the behest of scarecrow
“Hey Eddie do you have any kids you forgot to tell me about?? “No….why?” “Oh geez”
He’s basically the surprised pikachu face meme when he meets Tina,kid was smart enough to get the drug king pin of Gotham to listen to her.
She looks so much like him!!
Of course he’s still skeptical! I mean any kid can just say there his! (But still!)
That completely disappears when the kid creates her own gizmos that rival her fathers
Of course rivaling his intellect means also rivaling his ability sass and make fun of everyone else
“A toaster with a tv screen?” “I know,I know not my best work.” “Well duh coulda thrown it in Gotham harbor and it would be more useful.”
Of course him and her quickly put their collective mind brains together and craft some rather complex new plans
Tuesday is totally chill with her around especially considering she’s able to chill him out when he’s suffering from writers block
Really Edward just got another child on top of already having miss Tuesday. He loves his two daughters from their two different origins
Zero year
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Moira visited his cell at Arkham shortly after his defeat at zero year
He was already not in the mood for visitors until the determined teen calls him an idiot in a lime colored pimp suit
Hey! He doesn’t need some red headed brat coming in to his cell like she owns the place!
Oh wait…….
Let’s just say that he smartens up real quick to what’s going on.
Initially wants to tell the kid to bug off,he’s got a criminal career to succeed in but she’s quick to point out he doesn’t have anything right now
So they come to an agreement: get him outta there and he’ll maybe let her crash with him for awhile
So color him surprised when she gets him out safe with minimal bruising
Hell she’s pretty damm smart he has to admit,she certainly didn’t get it from her mother
He does ask eventually what became of his ex,a car crash left the poor kid with barely much. He was kinda her best and only option go figure
He’s snarky with the kid for awhile,of course she’s very quick to throw it right back at him
But they quickly start to getting together quite well especially when they DO get into a fight and quickly realize how stupid it was to begin with
I mean c’mon,kid could probably rule Gotham in less than a week. She’s not someone he wants to scorn
She’s a pretty smart kid he guesses (he totally loves her he’s just got an ego)
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illunicae · 6 months
When the Light Goes Out
Was rewatching The Last of Us and got inspired so I wrote this in a single sitting. (Also found on Ao3)
Pairing: Rise Donatello x Female Reader
TWs: Semi-graphic description of wounds, Character death, Passive suicidal ideation, Loss of a child, The Kraang apocalypse, Mentions of past character deaths
Plot: The world broke when you were just a child, but you learned to survive and every day since has been a constant fight. Despite the hell outside your door, you found solace in your husband, Donatello, and you had a daughter a few years into the apocalypse. You did not like the world you brought your daughter into, but you promised her one day the war would end. But hope is a dimming candle, especially when you're losing family left and right: including your beloved Donatello. What more could you lose?
Sarah's death scene from The Last of Us, but with you and your daughter instead.
"Mom, will I ever see the stars?" 
You looked down at your young daughter, barely the age you were when the whole kraang apocalypse started. Lenore's eyes sparkled with curiosity, but you could see the small flash of doubt and sorrow that seemed to cling to your daughter these months of late. You cupped your daughter's green-scaled cheek in your palm, swiping your thumb across the purple spot on her cheekbone. "Oh, my sweet little light, that is why we fight this war. Because when we win, I will show you all the stars." 
Lenore didn't quite look convinced. 
"And my little light, it is so beautiful. There are more stars in the sky than you can count. And they shine so brightly that it's like the sun never set, lighting the world with a silver glow where shadows spill secrets and the world is at peace." You pulled Lenore closer, and you two touched your foreheads together in a silent expression of love. "I promise. At the end of this war, I will show you the stars and tell you all their names."
Lenore sank into your embrace, and the two of you sat together on your small bed, listening to the workings of the resistance around you. This was the world Lenore was born into—a world where you constantly had to fight to survive, where food seemed to always be on the verge of running out, where the sun burns red, and the moon drowns in dark clouds.
"Look out!" Leo shouted, and you were on the move instantly, trying to reach your daughter right as the blast struck the ground. Your feet left the ground as the explosion scorched the very air. You could hear your daughter scream as she hit the ground. Your body ached, your ears rang, and your head spun.
You groaned as you felt a spike of pain in your side. No doubt, something grazed you. You came to your senses just as a kraang hound loomed over you. Its maw was wide and dripping with bloody saliva; the low growl in its throat seemed to shake your bones as you groped around yourself for a weapon of any kind. Like a tightening spring, the beast moved, preparing for the kill. 
The singing of metal through flesh caused you to flinch slightly as the hound yelped a pitiful sound before slumping dead with a familiar katana through its skull. You could feel the relief wash over you as you glanced up at Leo; gratitude was on the tip of your tongue, but it died as Leo's horrified look swept over you to something beyond. 
"Oh, god." His voice was barely audible above the sounds of war around you, but you heard it, and the fear it brought struck you like the blade he wielded. You flipped over to see what caught Leo's attention. 
The battle continued around you, but all you could see was the limp form of your daughter, Lenore. The bright and brilliant little girl who was always smiling despite the hell that resided outside her window. The little girl you would tear the world apart for. 
"Lenore?" Your voice was soft as your vision spun; the blast had knocked you clear to the floor causing you to hit your head, but your focus was zeroed in on the rapid rising and falling of Lenore's chest. All other sounds fell away as Lenore's rapid panting echoed in your mind.  
As fear and a cold grip of dread crawled under your skin, you pulled yourself up, and only then did you see the blood slowly soaking the already red earth. Alarm bells rang, blaring in your mind as you scrambled forward. 
"No. No, no, no." Your knees dug into the soft ground as you crawled desperately. "No, no, no." Like a mantra, you repeated the single phrase over and over. 
Lenore had landed on her carapace with her gaze to the sky as her eyes glazed over unfocused. Her hand clutched her side, where blood was freely pouring from the wound in her plastron. The dark ground drank up her blood greedily as if it hadn't had enough already with everyone the resistance had lost. You wouldn't let your daughter's blood feed the soil as well; you couldn't bear to sink your daughter down into the infected dirt like so many family members before her: Splinter, Raph, Casey…him.
No, you would not lose your daughter, too. You couldn't: you were still healing.
"Let me see, baby. Let me see." You begged, fighting to keep the thick tears from clogging your throat and silencing your voice. 
Looking into your daughter's eyes bright with pain as she focused on you instead of the hellish sky, you gripped Lenore's hand. The warm blood glazing Lenore's skin swiftly coated your own palms as you moved the appendage. The sight that greeted you threw a bundle of barbed wire down your throat. There was a large gash in Lenore's side, along with a crack and hole in her plastron where a piece of shrapnel tore right through her muscle and shell. Blood poured freely from the wound as Lenore cried out. 
"Shh. Shh, you're okay." You placed your hand over the wound to apply pressure in a desperate attempt to stall the bleeding. "You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay, baby, I promise." The wound needed to be patched now, and you two couldn't stay there in the middle of the battlefield. 
You moved quickly as your heart hammered in your chest. You got your arm under Lenore's neck, but the movement jostled her, and Lenore cried out while attempting to fight you off, to push you away. 
"I know, baby. I know. I know. I know. I know." You kept pressure on the wound while trying to get your daughter into your arms. Lenore's arms flew up and latched onto your shoulder and your forearm. She cried out in pain as another movement jostled her. "I know it hurts, but we gotta get you back. We gotta get you home. I gotta get you up."
Lenore shook her head as tears flowed down the sides of her face. Her breathing was still sporadic and rapid as she cried.
"I know. I know. I know. I know. I know, baby." You could only keep pressure on the wound as you watched your daughter gasp for breath. "I know it hurts, but you're gonna be okay. Okay? You're gonna be okay." You threaded your arm around Lenore's shoulders and pulled her up. Lenore gasped and wheezed in pain while shaking her head. 
"I gotta get you home. I gotta get you home. I know, baby. I'm sorry." 
Lenore cried out again as you shifted to get her more in your lap. A small, bloodied hand left a trail on your cheek before Lenore grabbed around the back of your neck. Eyes screwed shut in pain, Lenore's breathing was getting faster and more shallow. "I know. I know. I know." Lenore whimpered.
"LEO, HELP ME!" You whipped your head up toward the slider standing a few feet away surrounded by more hound bodies. 
"(Y/n), we can't stay here." His voice was soft and heavy with an ugly mix of grief, pity, and authority.
Shaking your head, you pulled Lenore closer as her grip was becoming lighter and her breaths quieter. "Come on, baby girl." The limp arm fell off your shoulder. "Come on. I gotta get you home." You pulled your little girl closer to you and more fully into your lap. 
Lenore wasn't fighting anymore. 
"Come on, I gotta get you up. Lenore, we gotta go home." You held your daughter close as you cupped her cheek with your hand, only leaving a smear of blood along the skin that once seemed to glow with infectious joy. "Come on, baby. Come on. I–I can't–" Your breath wheezed out, a shaky exhale as hope dimmed in your heart in time with the light dimming from your little daughter's eyes. "I can't lose you too." Silent sobs shook your lungs as you clutched your daughter to your lap, blood soaking your shirt and cloak. 
"Oh, my little light." Your voice was soft and scratchy as the barbed wire in your throat tightened. Lenore's plastron dug into your skin as you hugged her tightly, but you didn't care. You held on, arms tight around Lenore's soft, leathery shell. Refusing to let go of your once shiny star, you began rocking back and forth as sobs were building in strength. 
Unfocused, dulled eyes stared at the sky above. No longer would they twinkle with mischief. No longer would they sparkle with that ravenous need to learn, much like her father. No longer would they shine against the dark, leading you to the hope against this never ending hellfire. 
The ground shook as the battle crescendoed. There were screams and shouts, gunfire and explosions: all of it white noise to your drowning heartbeat as you lowered Lenore slowly away from your chest. There was no movement from her body and no color in her skin. The overbearing urge to let a kraang find you and finish you off weighed down on your shoulders. Your whole fight, this whole resistance against the kraang, was for Lenore and children born into this unfair world. So that they may have a chance to see a world that is not torn apart by red skies and live a life that is not dictated by fear. 
Your fight was gone. Your reason was gone. 
What motive do you have now that your daughter will never see the end of this war? What could you possibly live for knowing that you'll never show your daughter the stars?
You gasped as a hand gripped your shoulder tightly, pulling you from the spiraling thoughts. You looked over your shoulder with unseeing eyes. Leo was shouting something, but you weren't hearing it. How could you over the rushing in your ears?
"(Y/n), we have to get out of here. You have to let her go." Leo's voice and the cacophony of battle rushed back to you in an overwhelming wave. Registering Leo's words, you shook your head, looking down at Lenore. Leo knelt down across from you and cupped your cheek with his palm, forcing you to look at him and not Lenore. "(Y/n), listen to me, she's gone. There's nothing we can do for her now."
A broken whine left your lips as you tried to look down again, but Leo wouldn't let you.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n)." He got to his feet and, in the same movement, lifted you from the ground, trapping you over his shoulder to take you out of the battlefield and back to base. 
"No. NO! Leo, let go. I need to bring her home. I have to bring her home! I can't leave her!" You screamed as you beat on the shell of your best friend. Leo just secured his grip on you while you thrashed.
"We have to go, (Y/n). If we stay here we'll die. I'm sorry." His voice was once again laden with a crushing mix of grief and authority. 
You fell semi-limp as you sobbed openly. You barely heard Mikey's or CJ's shocked voices as Leo called out the order to retreat. Deep down, you knew they'd be back to retrieve the dead once New York no longer feels like Hell-on-Earth, but you couldn't help but stare across the field at where your daughter lay, abandoned. You swore to protect her. You promised him she'd be safe. You failed. A once bright, shining star now lays dull and dark. 
A vibrant, beautiful light, now snuffed out.
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totallybakedcake · 1 month
hello :) (if you recived another message sorry I don't know if I sent it bc my phone doesn't work) as I asked before like could you do a Aoi x Haruichi fanfict? also I'd like to read something that focuses also on Haruichi's family issue because I'm really struggling to think about something and I'd like to know other people's thoughts :)
Woo hoo my first character x character fic!! Really I do like to ship many characters together but don't have any motivation to write. I had fun trying to make a backstory so thanks:D
The joy of silence
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There were no cute fanarts on them on google so settling with this one ig
Haruichi was just in his apartment, gazing at the mellow sunset while lost in thought. He had for the past four hours been opening his phone every five minutes, which even made the vice captain and instructors concerned, so he had to stop.
He didn't tell anyone; he wasn't bold enough to tell them that it was his father's birthday, and he had tried to call him multiple times, text him plenty of times, and even send him some gifts, but in response, he got dead silence.
He felt so annoyed and nervous at the beginning of the day that he worked way harder than usual, and now everything would hurt if he even moved an inch.
"I am hungry." He thought to make dinner, but during cooking, most probably his body would give out, so he diverted his mind and would think about that later.
This is the first time he felt so useless that he might cry from it, but what could even help him cheer up? Just then
The doorbell rang.
Usually at this hour, nobody came to visit him, though Haruichi did think of a certain someone when he needed to talk.
"Aoi?" Ah, yes, it was Aoi. He didn't outright say it, but he was glad that he had come to visit him.
"Talk." Kaguragi simply said that and settled on the couch. He damn well knew that Haruichi was very upset and wanted to confront him in private.
"Caught me, huh? Well,  what can I expect from you?" Haruichi didn't even hide the fact and just sat down beside him, offering him some ramen before digging into his.
He took deep breaths to calm down as he spoke. "I had a little brother; he was younger by 4 years. We played for hours and hours every day. Each day our parents would come home with gifts. He always wanted some sort of building set that helped him build weapon toys. He was going to be the one to inherit the Izumo family business. While I was 18 and he was 14, a kaiju attacked our home. He died; mom got an illness and died soon later. I was the one left that dad would leave the business to. My destiny was to become a defense force officer or maybe a captain someday, so I refused, and we argued day and night after that. Dad quit trying to convince me but also stopped talking to me as we both cut ties. Today is his birthday. I did countless things to reach out, but he just wouldn't reply."
The room felt silent as none of them dared to say anything else. Haruichi was and is still hiding his pain deep down, but the tears might start to fall and not stop.
Aoi pulled him in an awkward hug. He had never hugged anyone, but it was a great way to comfort a sad person. "At least you have us; I am sure in the future your father will forgive you; give him some time."
To say he was shocked is an understatement. Haruichi wrapped his arms around Aoi. He closed his eyes, muttering thanks over and over as he got comfortable in the warm embrace that was like a balm to his sore muscles.
It was a quiet moment where no words needed to be exchanged; just the relaxing touch was enough. They were enjoying each other's company.
Falling asleep with Kaguragi felt like heaven, but there was no way in hell that Haruichi was ever going to admit that.
"Oh Kaguragi, I love you," he thought to himself before joining in on the slumber.
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scaryscarecrows · 5 months
Here I Lay (Still and Breathless)
AN: Follow-up to ‘Can You Sew Them Shut?’ You will be lost and confused without that, so. Y’know. Definitely go check it out. Title from Deftones’ ‘Passenger’.
* * *
Jason shudders in the restraints, the cold blooming inside him like he’s swallowed an ice cube whole. He can’t focus on anything apart from thread thread thread; even trying his usual techniques, like the Fives rule, only ever gets him stuck in a loop of thread. It feels like he’s suffocating, struggling to get enough air through his nose, and God, God help him, he has to get out of here, he can’t…
The cart is just visible out of the corner of his eye and he’s trying, desperately, not to look at it. Trying just makes his eyes go over there all the more.
The doors swing open. Crane steps in first, briefcase in hand, looking like he’s on his way to work. Which, Jason guesses, he is.
“Perfect stitches, Kitty.” He nudges the cart over, out of Jason’s view, and leans closer. “Let me just…”
He frowns, jabs Jason’s top lip, and nods at the involuntary flinch.
“Local’s worn off. Wonderful.”
Richardson hums. She’s fiddling with a camcorder and all Jason can hear, suddenly, is his voice.
“Did ya get that, Bats? Kid’s not yours anymore.”
There’s a sharp, sudden pain, a quick pinch against his wrist, and Joker shuts up.
“I need you present, Hood,” Crane warns. Jason would love to tell him to fuck off, but he can’t he can’t he can’t. “Don’t wander off, now.”
They both laugh. Richardson snags her stool, sets the camcorder on it, and comes over to check the restraints again. Crane pulls a vital monitor over and Jason wonders, through the haze of panic, where they even are. They have a lot of equipment they usually don’t a-a-and–
Beep. Beep. Beep.
“All right…restraints secure…are we loosening the vise before or after?”
“After. This one’s spiteful.”
“Whatever you say, Doctor Crane.” There’s the sound of buttons. “Camera is…on. Ready when you are.”
“Thank you, Nurse.” Tip-tap. “Patient will be receiving three milliliters of formula nine-z-s-eight-two-zero. He will be the fourth such subject to do so. Patient has experienced prior exposure on…” Crane pauses, counting under his breath. “Nine known occasions to date, though six of those were in conjunction with other drugs and cannot be counted as inoculations.” Crane smiles down at him. “Deep breaths, child. Only a little pinch.”
Fear toxin hurts going in. It’s thick and it burns, sluicing through the vein like toxic sludge. Jason breathes through his nose and tries, desperately, to focus. He can’t scream. No matter what he sees, or hears, or anything, he can’t scream.
Dimly, he’s aware of the vise being taken off. The sudden release of the pressure on his teeth is a fleeting moment of relief, but the sudden slackness pulls warningly at his lips and he tightens back up as much as he can.
Keep it together, Jay. 
Breathe in, breathe out. Eyes closed–eyes lie. Focus on what he knows is real; the sound of his pained breaths, the sticky, slightly sweaty vinyl seating under him, the. The thread in his lips. Maybe especially that last one, for motivation. He can do this. Just got to ride it out. He’s made it through fear toxin before and sure, it’s nasty, but he can do this.
Oh, God, no, please.
He squeezes his eyes shut until weird spots dance behind his eyelids. He doesn’t want to see this, see whatever monstrosity Mom’s become because she’s dead he knows that he knows he should’ve stayed with her that night but he didn’t and–
“I’m sorry Jay, please don’t be upset.” A frigid hand rests on his shoulder, thumb moving in little circles. “Please talk to me, kiddo.”
He bites back a frantic, Mom please don’t be sorry it’s all my fault only because it pulls. That’s right. She’s not here. She can’t be here.
Pained breaths. The thread in his lips. The hard, chipped tiles under his body, leaching the heat from him. Those are real. Mom’s not. The damp, medicinal reek is not.
“Jason.” Her voice is thick, like she’s going to start to cry. “At least look at me, baby. Please?”
He can’t. He can’t face her.
There’s a soft sniffling and he clings to the feeling of thread, even though he’s wondering if I just try not to move my lips, I could maybe still–
Her face presses into his hair, warm tears seeping through it, and he chokes, throat swelling up and threatening to force out something. If he could just pick his hand up, at least, that would be enough to show her he’s not mad, if anything, she should be mad at him–
He tries. He does. But it won’t move. He settles for trying to lean his head towards her instead, hoping it’ll be enough.
There’s a sudden shriek and he feels her being pulled away, hears the clang! of her skull striking the cart followed by crack! of it hitting the tiles.
“Whoops!” Joker cackles. “Don’t know my own strength sometimes!”
His eyes fly open without his consent. Mom’s lying facedown on the tiles, blood slowly pooling under her head, but she’s still breathing, he can see that. Joker stands over her, twirling a crowbar, but when he makes eye contact with Jason, his smile manages to grow even wider.
“There you are, Todders! I keep telling your mother, spare the rod and spoil the child.” He shakes his head. “You should have done what you were told. Now look at what I have to do!” He gestures vaguely with the crowbar. “You’ll be the one cleaning this mess. It’s the only way you’ll learn anything.”
He raises the crowbar. Brings it down.
Raises it up.
Brings it down.
“Stop it!” There’s a terrible tearing and pain and he spits blood, has no idea where it came from. “Stop it, please!”
Joker does stop. He looks up, flicks bits of blood and bone and brain matter from the end of the crowbar. Jason’s shaking, hot blood streaming down his chin and onto his neck and dripping towards his chest.
“Please,” he whispers. “Please don’t.”
For a second, that’s not Joker. That’s Scarecrow’s mask, gazing passively at him as worms wriggle through the burlap. Then the stitches curve into a smile and Joker’s back where he was.
Regardless of Jason’s desperate screams, he doesn’t stop.
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decks-writing-blog · 3 months
Want You to be Happy
Summary: Alyx overheard a rumor about her father and Kleiner's relationship. It bothers her.
“Of course I want Dad to be happy,” Alyx said as she looked up from the Combine terminal she was supposed to be taking apart for study. Upon hearing of this opportunity she’d been so excited to rush over and learn anything and everything she could from it. But then she’d just had to go and be nosy about lame gossip and now couldn’t focuson it.
Dog, standing guard lest the terminal still have something in it that alerted the Combine to it being tampered with and thus calling them here, looked back at her in return but of course couldn’t respond. He didn’t need to respond though so Alyx continued, lowering her tools to her lap.
She switched to a whisper, being overheard venting and rambling to Dog was always embarrassing but especially today she didn’t want anyone else to hear her. “And it’s just a rumor anyway, it might not even be true. And if it is then… it’s fine. Isaac…” Damn it. Everyone called him Dr. Kleiner so she should too in professional settings because she was a professional part of the Resistance. … Dad called him Isaac though or Izzy, sometimes even in professional settings. He was the only one. “Dr. Kleiner’s great. He basically helped raise me anyway so if he and Dad are dating then… it should be fine.
“It doesn’t feel fine though. It feels like… like… I don’t know. Like he’s replacing Mom or something. And I know that’s dumb. It’s been more than ten years by now, we’ve all moved on, right? … I think.”
Dog turned all the way around to face her. His head was titled in that way he always did when she rambled at him. He was listening. How much he understood, none of them, not even Dad who’d built him, were entirely sure of. He was really good at listening though.
Alyx stood, still clutching her screwdriver. It really wasn’t hers but Dad’s or Isaac’s. Though the two of them shared and borrowed tools from each other so much the distinction didn’t even matter. Regardless of the source of the rumor of their romantic involvement, they were for sure close. As far as she could remember, they always had been. Whether that made it more or less likely to be true was hard to say.
“I was barely five when Mom died so… maybe I shouldn’t even care that much, right? All my memories of her are pretty foggy at best.” There was a non-zero chance she wouldn’t even remember Mom’s face if not for the family photo Dad brought everywhere they went. “I have more memories of missing her and being sad about her being dead than stuff we did together when she was alive. But… I still wish she was here.”
Would she have been proud of Alyx? Probably, right? Dad was. It would’ve been nice to hear her say it though. And it would’ve been even nicer if her and Dad were still a constant in her life. Even if the Combine had still invaded, it would’ve been easier to have both of them still here, still together. And one more Black Mesa scientist surely would’ve been a boon to the Resistance as well.
Dog took a couple steps towards her, closing the distance. He made a small sound as he titled his head the other way. Alyx reached up a hand to pet him. He leaned into it as if he enjoyed it. Even without words he could sometimes be the single most comforting being in her life.
“Thanks Dog, I appreciate you being here for me. And… I know I’m being a little unfair. I want Dad to be happy, Dr. Kleiner too. Happiness isn’t exactly common these days, you know? So if they’re happy together then…” She trailed off with a sigh. “I just wish they could both be happy without… I don’t know. Without this being a thing.” It would’ve been easier if they remained solely good friends. Which actually, they might be. It was just a rumor, overheard partially on accident.
Dog made another sound that might’ve been him also recognizing it as just a unproven rumor, perhaps even him trying to covey that thought. Probably not but she could pretend like his sounds meant things.
“You’re right, I should talk to Dad about it, huh? Instead of just assuming what other people say about him and who he might or might not be dating holds much truth.”
Dog nodded, apparently in agreement.
With a deep breath, Alyx turned to face the terminal again. Perhaps now that she had a plan to deal with all that later, she could focus better. This was a very exciting opportunity after all.
As leader of the Resistance, no matter where they ended up headquartered, Dad always got an office even when he said he didn’t want one. The compromise was that he got a small room, usually off the main lab area, dedicated to him. Despite claiming he didn’t want it, he did always use it which was why he never put up much of an argument about it. Thus finding time and space to talk to him alone was always easy.
He sat at the cluttered desk, looking up from whatever he was working on as Alyx entered. “Alyx, good to see you.”
Alyx closed the door behind her. “Hey, Dad.”
“How’d your mission go?”
“It went well, actually. I brought back as much of the terminal as we could after making sure there weren’t any trackers in it of course. But uh… before I got to it, I spent some time with some of the Resistance folk who were guarding the area. And I may have accidentally overheard a conversation some of them were having about you and uh… Isaac.”
Dad frowned slightly but didn’t interrupt.
“Is it true are two are… dating? ‘Dating’ isn’t really the word they used but it’s close enough I think.” She couldn’t met his eyes at that as her gaze instead shifted to the picture on his desk. It was turned to face him, thus she couldn’t see it from this angle, but she knew what it was; her, Mom, and Dad, taken a couple years before the resonance cascade.
Dad let out a heavy breath as he leaned back in his chair. “Oof, I suppose this conversation was bound to happen eventually with all the rumors going around. I should’ve talked to you about it before letting you overhear something. I’m sorry.”
“So it is true then?”
He stood so he could walk around to stand in front of his desk, putting them closer to eye level even if he was still a good head or so taller. “Before I answer, let me clarify that I will always love your mother. Nothing will ever change that, understand?”
“Um… understood.” Perhaps that shouldn’t be as much of a comfort as it was. Dad still wore his wedding ring after all thus presumably still had some kind of attachment to her memory even if they didn’t talk about her much – it was hard to find time to with so much else going on. But it was good to have it confirmed and reinforced though. Dad still loved Mom, he wasn’t forgetting her.
“I will always love your mother and I will always love you, Alyx, no matter what happens or how I feel about anyone else , okay?”
“Yeah okay, but… well, I sense a ‘but’ coming. You love Mom and me but…” She gestured to him.
He sighed. “Isaac has always been a very dear friend to me. There was a time in college when I had to choose between him and your mother. I’m sure you can guess who I chose. But there is a ‘but’. Things are different now and… we’re not involved or even dating. We just talked about it. Barney overheard part of it and you know how he is so now half the Resistance thinks we’re involved somehow. I wanted to talk to you about it first though. I just… haven’t found the time.”
“To be fair, it’s a kind of awkward thing to talk about. And we’ve been busy getting ready to break into City 17.” It was far from the first time they’d moved but this was a major deal because for once the move wasn’t to run but to get into a better position to do more.
“Yes, true. It’s been brought up now though so… Alyx, sweetie, if Isaac and I were to experiment with being romantically involved, would that be all right with you? If you’d prefer your old man stay loyal only to your mother, that’s fine too. Both him and I are too old to let those feelings or having talked about them make anything awkward or uncomfortable. Not to mention, we’re both a little too invested in the fighting the Combine thing to have a big split anyway. So don’t worry ‘bout us. More than anything I want you to be happy, okay?”
Just a few hours ago Alyx had been agonizing over this. If asked then she’d have had an easy answer; ‘No, stay loyal to Mom’. But she’d had time to calm down and think about it and had gotten reassurance that even despite this, Dad still loved Mom and always would. It was possible to love more than one person, right? And it wasn’t just about Alyx and Dad, Mom would’ve wanted him to be happy too. She’d have wanted both of them to be happy even if it did have to be without her. And happiness was so rare these days.
“If you want time to…” Dad began before Alyx interrupted.
“I want you to be happy too. I’m all right with it if it’ll make you happy. And uh… Isaac’s basically already kind of my step-dad anyway, right? He helped raised me.” It could be argued that he was still helping raise her but she was starting to near seventeen, basically an adult. “So not much really changes.” It’s not like they had time to go gallivanting off on a big romantic adventure. They were too busy leading the Resistance. That would remain the focus, whatever love and happiness they found in between that wasn’t likely to affect much else.
He stepped forward to pull her into a hug. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” It did still bother her a little but more than that, she loved both of them and wanted them to happy too. In time it would likely grow less weird. Maybe it would even be good for all three of them.
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sugolara · 10 months
𝙎𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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Emerging from the woods, Katsuki, Izuku, F/n and Shoto waste no time and run behind the parked cars to avoid the rotters walking in the city streets. With F/n leading them to a building where they can catch their breath, behind her followed Shoto, Izuku and lastly Katsuki. 
Finding a building that seemed stable, the group entered it. Katsuki killed one of the rotters that followed behind before closing the door. F/n and Shoto killed a few that were inside while Izuku blocked the door with chairs and tables.
They set their stuff down and took a breath, feeling relieved that they made it through the night. Izuku grabbed the bag of ammos and took out the medical supplies and began patching himself up. He smiled as his wound seemed to be getting better as well as his palms. 
F/n sat down on the counter and took her gun apart to clean. She used a rag that she found on the restaurant's counter and began to wipe the dirt away. 
Shoto kept watch as he stared out the window while chewing on some nuts. He watched a few stragglers bump into each other and others moving towards a black cat that ran into an alley.
Katsuki was in the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets and shelf. He moved pots and pans away but felt unsatisfied when nothing decent came in view. 
“Can you keep it down?” Shoto said to Katsuki as a few rotters looked their way from the clanging. 
Katsuki rolled his eyes and headed to where the others were at, “Nothing.”
“Should we keep moving?” Shoto asked, watching a rotter leave his view. 
“I don’t see why not.” Izuku hissed a bit from cleaning his palms, “We still need a car. And we have miles ahead from us.”
Putting her gun back together, F/n stood up, “I say we split into two. One group looks for a car while the other looks for food. Makes it faster.”
“I go with F/n.” Shoto quickly said, pulling the bag of guns on. F/n nodded and pointed at Katsuki and Izuku, “You two look for supplies. Me and Shoto will look for a car.”
Izuku slyly glared at Shoto but nodded nevertheless. Katsuki on the other hand wanted to let out a groan. He still hasn’t apologized and felt like being with Izuku would make things awkward. 
When the group had gathered their stuff they headed out. They reached a four way street. 
“If we don’t find anything then we meet here in 30 minutes.” They all nodded and with that, F/n and Shoto continued forward while Katsuki and Izuku took a right turn. 
“You wanted to come with me so Izuku and Katsuki made up, right?” F/n asked Shoto. 
He glanced to the side, “Yeah, sure. They have to anyway and we both know Katsuki won’t apologize.” 
“True.” They spot a car and head to it. With the window halfway open, F/n used her butterfly knife to stab the rotter. She then opened the door and dragged it out of the car. Shoto watched as F/n used her knife to take the compartment of the bottom wheel out.
“You mentioned your dad was a survivalist.” Shoto began, “How does that work?”
“Well,” F/n grabbed the wires from underneath, “we lived on a farm outside of Musutafu. My grandfather owned the property but let us move in. I was 10 when I went to school. My dad would teach me and sometimes my mom on how to gather your own resources and how to tell time.”
F/n smiled at the thought, “I thought he was crazy. When we went on camping trips, he would bring little food and water, sometimes he’d leave me so I could find my way back. We’d go fishing but with our hands and drank water from the creak. We’d sometimes starve to. My mom never went with us because of it.
“Then, when I turned 10, he taught me how to shoot. He was a cop so he knew better.” Her smile faltered and shrugged, trying to not be affected by the memories, “He taught me to never trust people and to never love someone deeply because before you know it, they’ll be gone. They’re dead now.”
Shoto watched her smile leave and even though she was good at hiding her emotions, he could feel the sad energy she was letting out. He then glanced ahead, “...My oldest brother might still be out there.”
She stopped her movements for a moment and hesitated, “...How are you so sure he’s still alive?”
“I have a feeling.” Shoto said, “But the rest of my family is dead. Him being alive is the only hope I have left.”
F/n got out of the car and gave him a soothing smile, “Then let's hope he's in Sortson.”
He returned the smile as they both walked off to another car, “If the world wasn’t as it was today, do you think we would have met?”
F/n hummed, “Well, we did go to the same school so I’d say chances are we would have. Though I don’t think we would have been great friends.”
“What makes you say that?” Shoto asked.
“Because we’re complete opposites.” She simply said, “And your family is wealthy and I honestly don’t think they would appreciate you hanging out with a commoner.”
Shoto raised his brows in surprise, “You know  my family?”
“You’re a Todoroki.” F/n looked at him, “Everyone knows who you are.”
Grunting, Izuku pulled his knife from the rotter's skull. He wiped the bloody blade on his jeans and followed Katsuki as they entered a convenience store. Hearing a rotter moaning below him, Izuku sorrowingly looked at its decapitated body and put it to rest. 
The squishy sound of piercing the skull made Katsuki cringe. He flinched back when the blood squirted to his face. He wiped the blood away with a grimace. 
The male next to him let out a disappointing sigh when he saw no sign of supplies, “Everything’s gone.”
Katsuki scoffed and walked further, “Has the apocalyptic taught you nothing? You gotta move the floor and tear down a wall for food.”
Izuku rolled his eyes and muttered to himself, “And clearly the apocalypse taught you to let go.”
The blonde heard but decided to leave it as he didn’t want to start another argument or upset Izuku even more. He rummaged and moved shelfs in case anybody hid something underneath it.
He tried focusing, but ever since he lashed out on Izuku and said many hurtful things, he felt guilty. What if Izuku had died and died thinking that he was at fault? Or what if F/n and Shoto died making Izuku feel guilty because Katsuki was right all along?
He didn’t want that. He couldn't bear to witness seeing Izuku’s spirit crush and couldn’t even imagine seeing his childhood friend dead. Besides, he liked the way Izuku thought. It made him feel like there is still good in such a terrible world. 
From where he stood, Katsuki could see Izuku picking up empty supplies. He picked up a box of bandaids and placed three of them in his hands, “...Hey.”
Izuku eyed him and hummed, “Yeah?”
The blonde felt awkward as he thought of what to say, “So..back then, I shouldn’t have said…those things. About you dying, you getting people killed. I know that you want to help people and so do I, but sometimes…we can’t. I won’t say I’m sor-”
“I know.” Izuku let out a pleased smile, and continued a little further, “But, you are right. About everything. I have to stop thinking like the old ways and start thinking about surviving and doing things that…I’ll never forgive myself for.” 
Katsuki looked down, the chipped tile beneath his foot looked to be taped on. He found it strange as he listened to Izuku. “I’m also sorry for being petty and ignoring you.”
The blonde reached down, removing the tile, “So…we good?”
“Yeah, always.” Seeing Katsuki picking a tile, Izuku moved closer to him, “What did you find?”
The cheap tile split into pieces. Underneath it was a piece of concrete and underneath that was a pair of dirty flashlights. They both grabbed one, examining it to see if it turned on. Katsuki’s light turned on fine while Izuku’s kept flickering until it stopped, his light being dimmed. 
“Seems good.” Izuku muttered. 
The sound of moans interrupted them. They looked at each other and exited the store, their eyes widened as to what they were seeing. A horde. A horde that could trample them within seconds. 
Without hesitation, they run out of the store and head to their friends in hope they reach in time so they all have a chance to run away. Luckily, they easily spotted F/n and Shoto who turned around as Izuku and Katsui shouted at them. 
The pair's eyes widened as they saw a horde just behind the green and blonde hair males. All of them run to find a safe place. Their legs hurt and their breaths fell short as the rotters seemed to get faster from their tiredness. 
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ladysophiebeckett · 11 months
need to discuss the hallmark movie 'just one kiss' starring santino fontana and krysta rodriguez, now streaming on peacock. it has the most out of pocket ending i have ever seen in a hallmark movie. i am still reeling from it.
clearly this movie was made so fontana could sing every like, 15 minutes. (im assuming it was part of his negotiation). anyway, the movie makes you think their mother's are setting them up secretly. you see them plan a meet cute, leaving some apartment notice at female protagonists place so that she and her daughter move into his apartment building (she's going through a divorce), then you see the mom's place little ads under their doors for free cheesecakes, so that they run into each other later that night.
a bunch of other romcom stuff happens (misunderstanding and miscommunication). whatever. they get together and then he says 'my mom would have loved you' and then she says 'my mom would have been crazy about you'\'i wish i could have known her', 'yeah me too'.
that's right. the moms were DEAD the ENTIRE TIME. even tho there's a scene where the mom is in the room with her daughter and granddaughter--which explains why female protag couldn't find a sitter. bc her mom was dead.
its ends with the mom's saying 'we did it' and then they leave the movie theater and apparently the exit is heaven.
i can't stop thinking about it.
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val-writesstuff · 1 year
Dear Diary
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Summary: Your brother and his best friend that you're secretly in love with, go missing. Peggy thinks somehow you’ll be able to find them. Will you find them, or will you lose yourself in the process?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
a/n: Am I starting a new series to procrastinate from my other one? Maybe. My brain doesn't listen when I tell it to focus on one thing, so here ya go.
Italics are writing
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Dear Diary
It's been a month since Steve disappeared. With him gone, nothing feels real. It feels like I'm drifting through life. I haven't felt like this since our mom died, Steve and Bucky were the only ones who could bring me back and now they're both gone.
Gone, not dead. Neither of my boys came home, neither had bodies. I think that might be worse, the not knowing. They could be stranded somewhere, freezing, and injured. I wish I could help them, wherever they are.
It’s weird being in this house alone. I don't go out anymore. I spend most of my days wrapped in my bed. I’ve been too scared to enter his room or move his stuff, what if he comes home and everything he knew is gone?
Peggy keeps coming by the house. She brings groceries, she cooks for me. Sometimes we sit and have tea together. She used to try to make small talk, but the past few days she just looked nervous around me. I know she feels bad about what happened but I can't help but blame her a little.
Our lives used to be relatively normal. Then Steve somehow gets into the army which, I know was his dream but it was crazy. I hoped they’d give him something easier like being a medic or something but he sends me a letter saying he's going to be experimented on. I didn't hear from him for a long time after that. Then ‘Captain America’ starts going around doing shows. I guess he was busy entertaining the masses. The next letter i got, he said something had happened to bucky and he was going to rescue him.
Then I got a knock on the door. Peggy herself was standing on my doorstep. I had never met her before but from the look on her face, I knew something had happened. Diary, I’m not proud of what happened next. There was a lot of screaming and crying, mostly from me. I know you'll say it's not very ladylike, but when have I cared about that before?
I still hate her a little, even if she's not the reason he joined. She got him involved in the stuff that got him killed. Got bucky killed too. I don't know if I’ll ever forgive her.
When I hear the knocking on the door I know it's her. I close up my diary and shove it back on the shelf before I open the door. Her smile wavers a little and I take a step back to let her in the apartment. I close the door behind her and busy myself with making tea so I don’t have to look at her.
I hear her sit at the table and take a deep breath before she finally says something. “Listen, I know I keep showing up and I'm probably the last person you want to see right now-” I scoff as I set the tea on the table and sit across from her. “But this time I'm here to suggest something and it's going to sound a little crazy, so please don't kick me out yet.”
From what I knew of her, Peggy’s version of crazy could be ‘come out and have a drink with me and some of the guys your brother knew’ or ‘Come get injected with an untested serum so you can fight bad guys.” Neither option sounds great right about now. 
“Your brother told me about you. He told me about the things you can do, and how you're special in ways others aren't.” 
“I don't know what he said but you have to believe me when I say it's not true.” I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “Stevie has always had a very active imagination.” I tried to muster up a chuckle as I rambled about my brother. “It's probably from all his time locked inside. You know he used to get sick easily? So, mom, wouldn't let him go play with the other kids. He’d spend all his time reading fairytales or drawing them and-”
She leaned in close and whispered as if somebody might overhear her. “He told me because he thought you could help us. He knew if anybody could get you in, it’d be me. He told me how you always used to take care of him, he wanted to take care of you.” 
I cross my arms and glare at her. “He had no right to tell you that. You shouldn't know about that.”
“You might be right, but I'm glad he told me. I want you to do a job for me. My little team wants to search for them, Barnes and Steve. I convinced them you're the right person for the job.” Now I knew why she had looked so nervous recently, she was offering me a small ray of hope in the darkness.
“That sounds great and all but I don't have any experience with this kind of thing. My abilities wouldn't be of any help to you.” I didn't like the idea of anybody knowing what I could do, but if it helped find Bucky or Steve I’d do whatever I could.
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“Dear diary…” I mutter as I pull my coat tighter around me as the wind blows snow in my face. “Today I get to explore the middle of nowhere because my stupid brother's insane girlfriend thought it would be wise to send me out here after a month of training. Truly a match made in heaven, those two.”
“I know it seems impossible but you're their only hope.” Peggy's voice crackled out of the portable radio I was clutching in my hand. “Howard's equipment picked up activity out there and we have high hopes it's him.” 
“Peggy I admire your optimism, I do.” I sighed as I paused and looked around. All I could see was whirling snow and rocky cliffs. “But it's been months… He fell off a train for god's sake. On the off chance he is alive, he would've had to survive with probably very serious injuries and no rations. If he found a way to do that…I don't think he’d still be himself.”
“Please, you have to find him.” I could hear her voice crack even through the static of the radio. I knew she wanted me to do this so she’d have a justifiable reason to send me after Steve, that's what she wanted. 
In the distance, I saw something silver glint in the sun and I took off running toward it. I fell to my knees as I pulled a pair of dog tags on a chain out of the snow. “Peggy I found-” my body couldn't decide if I wanted to sob or laugh. He was somewhere out here and he had survived the fall.
I was so distracted by what I found I never noticed the man creeping up behind me. Didn't realize I wasn’t alone until I felt the sharp pain of a needle in my neck.
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Remember, likes are nice but reblogs/feedback are golden!
Tagging people i think might be interested (unless you ask/fill the taglist form, i will not tag you in future posts): @wakandabiitch2 @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @piperstofu101 @holyhumorliteraturelight @moonlissworld @matchat3a @vicmc624 @hw-shorty @juliapowers @jobean12-blog @jamesbuchananbarnesslut @buckyownsmylife @cjand10
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itscaptaint · 1 year
Is That Alright?
Dean X reader
based off the song “Is That Alright?” by Lady Gaga
There’s probably grammatical errors, but I’m getting back into the writing game after a few years so cut me some slack...
“Why can’t I just be undercover as a bartender? That’s what I’m good at!” I argue with Sam as we are getting dressed for this shape shifter hunt. Somehow this asshat got me a legit job at the art museum’s gala tonight as the entertainment. I’ll be on piano all evening entertaining the guests as they peruse the old junk that the shifter is trying to steal. 
“Because this way if we get our cover blown, at least we will still have a set of eyes in the joint no matter what,” Sam says, straightening out his tie. “You’re also a musical genius, so that’s why.”
We’ve been tracking this shifter for days and we finally learned that it’s MO was expensive old shit. The art museum is holding their annual charity gala tonight and it will be the perfect time for extra bodies to be in the building unnoticed. Sam was the brains on this one which is why I’m stuck in the public eye all night, Sam is working security and Dean will be hanging out behind the bar. At least if Dean is slinging drinks all night, they’ll be free. 
“Are you two ready-” Dean starts to groan rounding the corner and stops dead in his tracks, staring at the long velvet green dress I scored from the closet of the shifter’s last vic. It’s simple, long sleeved with a deep V neck and a slit up the leg that shows a little more than I’d like. I can tell Dean is staring at the slit and I catch his eyes as they wander up to the neck line. By the time he reaches my face, he is pink with embarrassment. 
Not wanting to be gawked at, I turn instantly, grabbing my bag and gun and heading out towards the car. 
“Dude, seriously?” I hear Sam say through gritted teeth, thinking I was already out of earshot.
“What?” Dean whisper-yells. “I haven’t seen her dress up since…well it’s been a long time.”
“Yeah, that’s why you were staring.” I can only imagine that Sam rolled his eyes as he said that before heading to meet me in the car.
“Alright superstar, you ready?” Dean wiggles his eyebrows, sliding into the driver’s seat. 
“Not really, but at least I have the skillset,” I say, shrugging and sinking lower into the backseat to try and avoid Dean’s eyes in the rearview mirror. 
Back in college, I was a dance and theater major. I had grown up dancing and playing piano my entire life. It wasn’t until school that I realized I had a real knack for writing as well. I got really into writing short plays and original songs for musicals. After graduating, I was working at a nightclub in New York as a bartender and singer. Everyone in NYC is some sort of artist so we all had other jobs to help with that lifestyle. Most of the other people I worked with were actors and singers so we all played double duty behind the bar and on stage most nights. It was good practice for auditions and good money to get us through until the next gig. Unfortunately, the club I was working in was destroyed by a poltergeist. 
I’ve known the Winchester family my entire life. My family lived next door to theirs when I was little. Dean was my first friend. We were 4 years old and would always be playing in the backyard together. I remember my mom constantly having to drag me back inside for a lunch or dinner break. After their mom died, I remember Dean being really sad and I couldn’t understand what was really happening, but I just knew that my friend needed me. We talked about everything, and he told all about the man with the yellow eyes. It didn’t make sense at the time but I was a kid so not much made sense. Two years  later, he told me that he was moving, but he didn’t know where. That’s when John decided to hit the road and hunt down whatever killed Mary. Dean said that he would send me a postcard when they got to wherever they were going so that way it was like we weren’t going to be apart. 
The postcards and letters from Dean were coming as often as one a week. My dad would set them aside for me to read after school and then help me send one back. Even apart we were still best friends. As we got older, the letters were less frequent. We went from sending them once a week, to one a month, but life got busy. My family moved to Ohio and Dean was all over the place. I finally accepted that all the crazy stories he was telling me were true after John had to talk my dad through salt and burn over the phone once. 
I struggled when we first got to Ohio. It was the middle of my freshmen year of high school, I had no friends and I was super into dancing and playing piano.I was definitely labeled a dork the first day there. I obviously wrote to Dean to tell him all about it and his next letter came much quicker than they had been. He wanted to make sure I was ok. It was nice knowing that I had someone looking out for me even if he wasn’t there in person. Our letters were getting more frequent again and my dad noticed that I was getting a little too excited to hear from Dean. My dad, wasn’t dumb. He could tell that I was crushing on my pen pal. He tried to tell me that I was just crushing on the fantasy and the thrill of he adventure. Along with the letters, Dean had started sending pictures of him and Sam in cool places or doing silly little things. I never showed my dad any of those photos. 
My favorite photo came towards the end of my senior year. It was a picture of Sam and Dean standing next to a giant bear in the woods. They had gone up to Vancouver for what they thought was a werewolf hunt, but it turns out that it was just a bear wreaking havoc on the town. The caption on the back said big scary bear hunt, wish you were here to see this. A big scary bear hunt would be more exciting than trying to find a prom date. When I wrote back to Dean I wanted to say those exact thoughts and then beg him to come to town to go with me, but I chickened out. Instead I wrote back I’ll make sure to send a scary photo of me in a prom dress so we’re even.
As prom night approached, I had been so stressed about graduation and final exams that I hadn’t even realized that Dean hadn’t sent a letter in a while. A few friends that also didn’t have dates for the prom were over taking pictures and we were having a blast. This was definitely going to be a night to remember. The second we pulled up to the school parking lot, the sky just opened and start raining cats and dogs. Luckily we didn’t get too wet on the way in the building. By the time we got in, the music was going, people were dancing and I could tell there was already someone spiking the punch. I was having the night of my life. When the third slow song of the night started playing, I took that as my cue to go outside and hope it had stopped raining just long enough to get some fresh air. When I get to the main entrance I noticed a boy standing all by himself pacing back and forth in front of his car with a flower in his hand. I thought nothing of it until I realized what kind of car it was. 
He turned his head so fast that he probably gave himself whiplash. “Hey, Y/n. Happy prom night.”
“What are you doing here?” I ask in total shock. 
“Well, you said you were going to send a scary photo in a prom dress, but I wanted to see it in person. Figured it wouldn’t be so scary that way,” we both chuckle and awkwardly just stand there for a few more minutes. “Oh, this is for you by the way,” he says, handing me the wrist corsage. 
“Thanks,” I say and I can’t help but blush. I could hear cheering from inside so that must mean that the music has picked back up. “Do you want to come in?”
“If that’s your way of asking me to prom, Y/N,” Dean sighed. “Then abso-freaking-lutely.”
Dean and I danced all night and when it was time to go we ended up driving to the park down the street to just catch up. The rain had stopped and it had turned out to be a pretty decent night so we just sat on the swings talking for hours. He filled me in on hunting life, I filled him in on high school and what I was doing after graduation. The plan was to study dance and theater at NYU and hopefully end up living in the city. Everything just felt right. It was in this moment that I knew I was falling for Dean. The way he talked about his family and how he took care of his brother when his dad was away, or the way he looked at me when I was telling the silliest of stories just made me feel slightly weaker than I should have. 
We were so into our conversation that we hadn’t realized it had started to lightly rain again until it started pouring. Dean took off his jacket and tried to shield us from getting wet. Halfway to the car I froze. I knew that if we got in that car and he took me home, I might not get the chance to do what I have been wanting to do all night. Dean turned around, having given up on the jacket at this point since we were already soaked. “Y/N, come on!” 
I still just stood there. Dean comes running up, grabbing my hand to try and get me to move, but when he does I resist, pull him in to me and slam my lips onto his. It takes me a second to realize what I’ve done before pulling away. What if he didn’t want this? What if he thinks of me like a little sister? What if he is with somebody else somewhere else? Thoughts crowding my head, I pull back and start to profusely apologize. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I don’t know-” I was cut off by Dean pulling me back into our kiss. This time my thoughts slowed and shifted out of panic and into something else. It was something I hadn’t felt before but I liked it. We kissed for what felt like forever, forgetting that it was raining. When he pulled away he pressed his forehead to mine. “Was that alright?”
I just smiled the biggest smile I had ever smiled before. “Definitely alright.”
After prom night, I hadn’t seen Dean or Sam much. I knew of their whereabouts and they knew of mine, but life got even busier. As much as I wanted to see Dean and talk about us, I knew it probably wasn’t going to happen. By the time I had graduated from NYU I had convinced myself that my feelings for Dean were just a school girl crush and that I could just get over it. The boys were hunting nonstop and I was focused on my career. I was so focused on my career that I had almost missed all the signs that the club was being haunted by a poltergeist. 
As soon as I figured it out, I had called Dean and Sam and they were in the city the next day and the problem was mostly solved. Things got a little hairy and unfortunately the club burned down and was going to need rebuilt. On the brightside, the poltergeist problem was gone. With the club gone and my job no longer existent, I had no way to pay rent so in a very quick turn of events, I ended up leaving the city in the back of the Impala and have been with the boys ever since. 
The night started slow. Sam was scanning security footage looking for any flares while Dean was trying to subtly touch every guest with some sort of silver. I was posted up at a gorgeous black baby grand piano all night and was much less focused on the hunt than I should have been. Guests were requesting their favorite songs, and some of them even asked if I had any originals I would be willing to play. I do have a few originals, but nobody has ever heard them before. Most of them are a tad too personal to be playing for this crowd, specifically Dean. 
Off by the bar, I see Sam and Dean deep in conversation. When we make eye contact, they flag me down. I announce that I’d be taking a short break and head down the hall to the main gallery. We barely make it down the hall and out of sight of the guests before I’m slammed against a stone statue and start seeing double. Well, just double of Dean. There was still only one of Sam, though he was knocked out in a crumpled mess on the floor. One Dean was laying on the floor scrambling to get out from under a painting that had come crashing down and one was strolling towards me without a care in the world. 
“Turns out shifting into the bartender is easier when he’s already half drunk,” the sauntering Dean said. “Even if he is a hunter.” 
I try to find my bag which has been knocked out of my reach when the shifter reaches me. “So you’re the pretty one he’s been drinking over all night.”
“Y/N!” I hear Dean yell. “Stay away from her, you son of a bitch!”
“‘Did you know that when we change appearance, we also get a little insight into what the human scum is actually thinking. Turns out, Deano over there has been undressing you with his eyes since you got here. But what I don’t understand is why he hasn’t done it before.” 
The shifter’s words meant nothing to me. I knew it was lying. Did I want Dean to think of me that way? Yeah, yeah I did. But this was not going to throw me off my game. My purse with my gun in it may have been knocked clear out of reach, but the knife I had strapped to my leg was already in my hands. Before I can let the shifter get any closer, my silver knife is through its chest and I’m shoving it away as fast as I possibly can to avoid any blood getting on this dress. Shifter hits the floor, Dean is finally on his feet and Sam’s eyes are back open. 
“What did I miss?” Sam groans, grabbing the back of his head. 
“Seems like Y/N had it taken care of,” Dean reached out his hand for Sam’s, pulling him to his feet. “Y/N, we can clean this up if you want to get back out there.”
“Uh,” I say looking down at my dress making sure I still look presentable. Don’t want the guests freaking out over a blood splattered dress. “Yeah, totally. I can go and finish up my set and then we can get out of here.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Dean runs over to me before I head down the hall. “You good? You look a little shaken.” Thinking about what the shifter said did shake me up a bit, but it’s not true. It can’t be true. 
“I’m good, Dean.” I pat his shoulder and head back to the gala. I stopped for a glass of wine on my way back to the piano when the event organizer stopped me.
 “Any chance you can play some of your originals? That crowd is getting a little rowdy with the classics. Maybe a few new songs will tone them back down a bit. I think the bartender is a little heavy handed on the pour.”
I glanced around for any sight of the Winchesters, knowing full well that they were going to be a while since they had to clean up our mess. If they aren’t here, then they can’t hear. “Um, sure. I’ve got a few that I can play.”
“Great! Thank you,” she says running off in the other direction to go deal with some big time buyers. 
I down the glass of wine and take my place back at the piano. A few guests clapped at my return. I take a deep breath and decide to slow things down a little bit for the crowd since it really has turned into a party out here. Well, here goes…
Life is so simple
A little boy, a little girl
Laughing and loving
Trying to figure out the world
It felt like summer
When I kissed you in the rain
And I know your story
But tell me again
Nothing you say wouldn't interest me
All of your words are like poems to me
I would be honored if you would take me as I am
I want you to look right in my eyes
To tell me you love me, to be by my side
I want you at the end of my life
I wanna see your face, when I fall with grace
At the moment I die
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
I hadn’t realized that the entire crowd had stopped everything they were doing to listen. I glanced up out of my trance to see everyone watching with eyes that were truly taken by what I was singing. Thank god Dean wasn’t out there listening to what I knew I would never be able to say to his face...
I hope you're still with me when I'm not quite myself
And I pray that you'll lift me when you know I need help
It's a warm celebration of all of our years
I dream of our story, of our fairy tale
Family dinners and family trees
Teaching the kids to say thank you and please
Knowing if we stay together that things will be right
I didn’t need to look up very much to see that furrowed brow and look of confusion that I hoped wouldn’t be watching. Can’t stop now, if he only knew this was all for him…
I want you to look right in my eyes
To tell me you love me, to be by my side
I want you at the end of my life
I wanna see your face, when I fall with grace
At the moment I die
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Is that alright?
Finishing the last few notes was a relief. I loved this song, but it was too personal. I should have picked a different one. Luckily, the organizer was the first to applaud as she walked over with a mic announcing that the auction would be starting which was my cue to head out. I didn’t even take a second glance over at the bar to know that Dean and Sam had already headed out so I beeline it out to the Impala, hop in the backseat and sink as low as I can avoiding Dean’s gaze in the mirror once again. I was exhausted physically and mentally. I knew the ride was short but I closed my eyes anyway. The car was quiet and I took advantage of the silence to feign sleep. Turns out I actually fell asleep and didn’t realize it until I was plopped into my bed in the motel.
When I wake up the next morning, there’s a cup of coffee next to the bed already and Sam is sitting across from me at the table, laptop open. “Morning, Y/N.”
“Morning Sam,” I sat up realizing I’m still in my dress from last night. “Sorry I passed out on y’all last night.” I swing my feet out of bed and grab a t-shirt and shorts to throw on instead of my dress. As much as I was loving this dress, it wasn’t really daytime apparel. “Dean go to grab food?”
“I think so,” he shrugged.” He was gone before I got up. Should be back within the hour I assume. You wanna go for a run while we wait?” 
Sam was always down for a run. Dean hated all versions of physical activity which made zero sense. The man ate like a linebacker but was still fit as hell. It wasn’t fair. I change my clothes, lace up my shoes and head out with Sam. We reach a small pond at the end of the trail and realized where Dean actually went. 
“Did you run out here?” Sam asked, approaching Dean sitting on the sole bench next to the water. 
“Uh, yeah,” Dean scoffs, turning to look at us approaching his quiet time.
“Were you running from something spooky? Or was it voluntary?” 
“Fuck off, Sammy.”
“Language!” I scold as I finally make it up to Sam. 
“Ya know, it was quiet before you two hooligans showed up,” Dean scoffs standing up from what I have now determined was his hiding spot. We all just stand there in total silence for about a minute before Sam calls dibs on the shower and takes off faster than I’ve ever seen him run before. Clearly the silence was more uncomfortable for him than it was for me. 
“Guess he really wants a hot shower,” I murmur, turning towards Dean. “You wanna just walk back?” I shrug starting on the trail back when Dean grabs my arm and turns me towards him. 
“We gotta talk.”
“Seriously? I heard that song last night, Y/N.”
Oh, so he did pay attention. Crap.
“It was just a song, Dean. Have you heard the crap on the radio nowadays? Songs can literally be about anything.” I try to get myself out of this confrontation. I was able to walk away from his grip for 4 seconds before he shouts at me.
“It was about us!” 
I froze in my tracks. “Dean,” I slowly turn around briefly finding his piercing green eyes. “There is no us,” I whisper, taking my eyes to the ground and shaking my head. “It’s just a song.” I turn back around and start walking as fast as I can back in the direction we came hoping I can get far enough down the road before involuntary tears start falling. I don’t make it very far. The tears start to fall and my steps slow. I freeze and let my emotions finally take over. I haven’t let myself feel what I had been wanting to feel in a long time. I hadn’t even realized that Dean had caught up.
“Did you mean what you said?” He whispered into my ear as he pulled me into his chest. “Do you really want me by your side? Because if you do, I want to be there.”
I pull away briefly looking up into his wet eyes. I want him so bad. He’s all I ever wanted. “Is that alright?”
Dean’s facial expression changes into one that is rarely seen. “Oh, sweetheart. It’s more than alright.”
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eastralyn · 1 year
1993-1995 cont'd
I grappled a lot with writing this one down, because it naturally felt like the next thing to move on to. I don't quite recall the exact circumstances of that time because I feel ashamed of this memory, and I feel afraid to set this one free. I barely acknowledge the memory in my mind, but I see it clear as day, as if I was watching myself from a corner of the room. I don't articulate it internally, but I feel it, deeper than my bones; in a place so deep that it grew from the moment I had existence.
I'll never forget the first time my mom told me she hated me. I was four or five years old at the time. It was in the same apartment that my mom assaulted my dad in. God, how I wanted to love that apartment with the royal blue rugs. It was perfect to me, but it housed horrors within. This being one of them.
I was young enough to have these pink onesie pajamas. I remember those being on me a lot actually. And I was in my mom's bedroom. I was always in there too, usually with the pink pajamas on. Off my mom's bedroom was an ensuite that had a door perpendicular to the bed. It was small, but nice.
I don't remember if it was day or night, but I remember jumping on her bed and trying to be goofy. I wanted to make her laugh so badly. I wanted to make her get up and laugh and tickle me and we could have fun together for once. I wanted her to be a part of me so badly. And it was coming out in pure, little kid chaotic energy. The thing is, I don't remember if I was just hyper and bouncing around or having a full blown crying and yelling temper tantrum. Either way, I wanted my mom. And while she was right there, she was so so so far away.
I remember her on sitting the toilet seat, with the door open. I don't remember what she was doing, but she was bent over so I couldn't see her face. I remember how dark her hair looked, as that was all I could see. I kept yelling to her, for her over and over. I don't know what I was saying. But I just kept jumping around and trying so hard. She finally looked up.
Her face was a twisted pile of misery. She looked absolutely ravenous with anger. I didn't understand; why was she looking at me like this? I think I stopped dead in my tracks. She looked at me and then opened her mouth. I felt like I was waiting an eternity but it was still too quick and cold when she started screaming and crying "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" over and over again. I don't remember how much she said it, or when she stopped. All I know was in that moment, it shattered me, although I didn't know it until many many years later. I knew what that word meant. But more deeply, I felt her hatred fixated on me and how much she truly didn't want me there.
That was the first time I remember feeling like something inside of me broke. I don't think I had the maturity or the words or the knowledge to know that's what happened in that moment, but I remember every time I've felt it since. It's the same feeling, I just know it's name now.
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dragonsarecool · 4 months
June of Doom Day 5 - Disfiguration
A/N: After farewelling Doc and family, Jennifer sets about tending to her time traveller and his injuries. Set immediately after Part III.
They'd stayed at the wreckage site for some time, wrapped in a tight embrace that neither was willing to break. Despite being mid-morning on a Saturday, the world around them remained eerily silent, apart from the distant thuds of tyres and irritated car horns crossing the railway tracks.
Eventually, Jennifer realised that her beloved was starting to hang from her shoulders instead of hugging them, and gently broke away to cup his dirt-streaked cheeks. The bags under his eyes were sagging spectacularly, his lashes flickering rapidly as he fought to remain conscious. "You need some rest, mister. And a good shower."
Marty opened his mouth to protest, but was silenced when Jennifer lifted the top of his poncho for him to smell, the astringent scent being powerful enough to make him gag slightly. He nodded in embarrassment as he cleared his throat, ignoring Jennifer's light giggles. "Point taken, ma'am."
He hadn't wanted to admit it, but the desire for modern washroom facilities and scorching hot water instead of freezing his privates off in a tetanus-ridden bathtub had been one of the few things he'd dreamt about on the eve of the train heist.
He also didn't want to admit how sore he actually was, but he was sure Jennifer had worked it out based on how stiffly he was moving. Even holding himself upright was becoming a strenuous task. "Jen, I…I m-might need some help, with, uh, t-the bruises and splinters, and uh, I-I don't really wanna go to a hospital a-and try to explain all of this—"
Jennifer wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders, taking some of his dead weight as they stumbled across the tracks and back to his truck around the corner. The loud hiss that slipped between his lips as they walked troubled her, as did the suspicious bruise under his jaw that she only noticed in the direct sunlight.
You need to stay positive, Jen, for his sake. "I've got a nurse for a mom, Marty. We can handle this!"
The first roadblock came when they tried to remove Marty's clothes. The young man struggled and swore with his poncho and undershirt, seemingly unable to lift his arms high enough above his head to remove it on his own. With the longer he struggled, the more worried Jennifer became about the injuries he'd sustained. It's almost like he got hit by a bus, but there were no buses in the old west…What the hell happened to him?!
"Aahhh! SHIT!" He clenched his teeth together, hanging his head as he tried to breathe through the discomfort. If not for Jennifer's intervention, he would have fallen off from his perch on the edge of the bathtub.
"Marty, let me-"
"No, Jen, it's fine! I-I'll get it eventually…ARGH!"
Jennifer shook her head, deciding that he'd suffered enough. Running to retrieve a pair of scissors from Marty's desk, she began snipping the garments away before the patient had a chance to complain. As the material collapsed to the tiles below, her face blanched as the skin beneath them was revealed. "Oh my God-"
Marty was lost for words, mouth opening and closing soundlessly. He was clearly conflicted between feeling self-conscious and defending himself, and tried to avoid making eye contact with Jennifer. "Jen, I-I…"
She sat back on the edge of the bath, staring at her boyfriend's torso in shock. Where there had once been pristine, unblemished skin was been replaced with a kaleidoscope of bruises, lacerations and rashes. She'd already seen the dried blood and splinters that decorated his hands and fingers, but was disturbed to see just how damaged the rest of his body was. Paper thin cuts ran around the base of his neck, and in the bathroom light she realised that both sides of his jaw were sporting fist-sized bruises. Oh my poor love…
Her eyes were drawn to the suspicious maroon and black blotches either side of Marty's sternum, which extended downward to his stomach before wrapping around both sides of his body. Alarm bells began ringing in her head the more she inspected him, and she took a moment to compose her thoughts. "Marty, you need to tell me exactly what happened to you, because…because this looks serious."
Marty was flustered. He refused to meet Jennifer's gaze, taking in a shaky sigh as he gazed tiredly at the wall.
"Okay then, uh…Let's start with these," Jennifer placed her fingers against what she suspected were broken ribs. "Are these from the fifties, or the old west?"
He swallowed hard, his voice barely audible as he fought back tears. "…Both."
Marty gasped, his resolve crumbling as she continued to feel along his battered body. "…Biff was, uh, responsible for this bit," He pointed directly to his stomach, his gaze never leaving the wall, "and the rest was his, uh, h-his grandfather."
"Are these from punches or a vehicle?"
"S-Some were punches. Most of it was from t-the horse."
What the hell?! Jennifer paused her examination, her jaw falling open as she reeled with the shock. "You got trampled by a horse?!"
"M-More like dragged, actually." Marty whispered, scrunching his eyes tightly.
"God…" Knowing that she was doing a terrible job of hiding her shock, she took a moment to compose herself before wetting a face washer under the tap. "…I think it's best if we clean these up a bit before you jump in the shower, Marty. J-Just to help you with the pain, okay?"
Marty stifled a whimper as she dabbed the cloth across his face, wiping away a week's worth of muck and soot, as well as erasing the fresh tear tracks that had been carved through the grime. He delicately leaned into her touch, a small whine escaping his lips. The last of his strength rapidly melted away and he began to sob uncontrollably, but whether it was from the pain alone or a combination of relief and exhaustion, she couldn't tell.
"Hey hey, it's okay, Marty," Jennifer murmured soothingly. "It's okay. You're safe, you're home-"
"I couldn't stop it, Jen!" Marty gripped her hand as he wept. "It just kept coming and coming and a-as soon as it s-stopped hurting, s-something else happened a-and-"
"Can you tell me what happened with your neck?" She interrupted gently, trying to ignore his flinching as she dabbed his collarbone with a wet face washer. He needs to stay calm or he's going to hyperventilate…
"A rope…" He gasped. "I-It was a rope, Jen. T-They tried to h-hang me, a-and I got pulled by the horse a-and it slammed me into all this shit, a-and if Doc hadn't…if he hadn't, I-I'd be-"
Losing his composure, Marty threw his aching arms around Jennifer, almost suffocating her with his greasy hair as he desperately hugged her. "It hurts, Jenny! It hurts so bad, a-and I c-couldn't stop it!…"
She felt tears slipping through her own lashes. Putting the washcloth aside, she returned the embrace and began massaging her fingers through Marty's hair. Her own body shook from the force of his sobs, and she was glad the house was currently empty, for she knew his cries would've broken the hearts of anyone who heard them. "It's okay, love. It's okay. It's all done."
"NO MORE!!…" Marty wailed. "N-No more, please…I-I can't…Doc, I-"
"It's all over, Marty. You're home," Jennifer held him as a mother would hold her child, rocking him gently as he released a fortnight's worth of unsung fear into her arms.
Looks like the shower will have to wait.
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aajjks · 4 months
mommy issues!JK
“TOOK HER?! WHAT?!!! i’m on my way right now, okay? we’ll look for her together okay? don’t do anything crazy!!” eunwoo hangs up the phone, grabs his keys, and makes a speedy trip to jungkook’s apartment.
as eunwoo is speeding down the highway, he realizes that this is a set up. the job offer, him spying on you, everything was set up. the argument must’ve been intentional and you both played into their hands like a card game.
“please be okay, y/n. please be okay…”
ji-cheol strokes your cheek. you’re still as beautiful as he remembers. even though he’s not a fan of your short haircut, he’s still in awe of your beauty. so radiant, so pretty. ji-cheol firmly believes that you were made for someone like him and although your action should be deemed unforgivable, he still loves you. he’s got your name permanently on his heart, after all.
your steady breathing calms the anger deep inside him because right now, all that matters is your safety. you could’ve gotten kidnapped or killed but he’s thankful you were safe and healthy in busan.
it’s a three hour drive from busan to home and despite your betrayal, your family still welcomes you with open arms. have things changed? will everything remain the same? will you see jungkook again? you’ll never know because your life isn’t in your hands anymore. it’s in theirs now.
“calm down” nara rolls her eyes. “isn’t this what you wanted?”
jungkook doesn’t hear her. he’s too focused on the fact that you’re gone and there’s no way to track your location. right at this moment, he could be out of the country and flying you god knows where. you aren’t safe with ji-cheol and he knows for a fact the he has you but how will he find you?
“WILL YOU GET A FUCKING GRIP?!” yells nara who’s patience has worn thin. she’s tired of jungkook always talking about you. you aren’t even here anymore, so you’re none of his concern yet you’re all he’s thinking about. you’re all he’s talking about.
“i hope she’s fucking dead so you can stop being such a bitch and move on. SHE DOESN’T EVEN LOVE YOU, DUMBASS!!! she doesn’t love you or your son. she never has and she never will. she probably ran off with ji-cheol because he’s better than you”
seol jumps in his sleep when nara yells at jungkook and slowly, he wakes up wondering what’s with all the commotion? once he comes to, for some reason you’re nowhere to be found and his father looks panicked.
“oh! hi seol. long time no see, baby~” coos nara. “d-daddy? where’s mommy?”
“i’m right here, love”
“you’re not my mommy” seol gets up to go to jungkook’s side but nara quickly grabs him.
“tell seol that i’m his mom and that we’re getting married or i swear to god i will hurt him. TELL HIM RIGHT NOW!!”
Jungkooks face pales and his blood runs cold, his teary eyes filling up with more tears as he realises that Seol is in danger.
“L-LEAVE my baby please I beg you please! PLEASE LEAVE HIM! GIVE HIM TO ME I SWEAR TO GOD!” Jungkook screams at the top of his lungs as he tries to snatch his son away from the woman- but she starts to dig her nails into seol’s fragile skin.
“AHHH! AH! D-DADDY!” Jungkook gets up and cries out in horror- he immediately tackles Nara to the ground before slapping her hard across the face.
He slaps her so hard that it makes a cringey sound. He cannot believe this he is raising his hand on a woman-but she’s not a woman she’s a monster.
“NO ONE HURTS MY CHILD GETS AWAY WITH IT!” He spits on her. “SEOL GO TO YOUR ROOM AND DON’T COME OUT UNTIL DADDY SAYS SO?” Seol nods crying loudly as he runs to his room.
“YOU HURT MY BABY!” He backhands her again, and it feels fucking good to inflict pain on her, “YOU WANT TO BE HIS MOTHER?! A MOTHER CAN DIE FOR HER CHILD! SHE CANNOT EVEN THINK OF HURTING HER CHILD! like YN! YOU CAN NEVER BE HER YOU PSYCHO BITCH!” Jungkook is going crazy with rage.
He slaps her again and then grabs her hair and tugs on it. “You psycho bitch you said that you hope that yn dies?! I WILL KILL YOU!” He grabs her throat, and starts to choke her.
Her busted lip is bleeding but jungkook is not feeling an ounce of guilt, “You want to replace her? YOU’RE ABOUT TO MEET YOUR FUCKING WHORE OF AN AUNT!” He laughs maniacally.
She struggles to breathe, kicking at him, but it doesn’t hurt- she’s about to die, and he will be free of her forever.
Nobody hurts his child- or you.
But as he’s choking her? Someone busts in through jungkooks unlocked door and it’s eunwoo as jungkook looks up to see.
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creativemessbyvd · 2 years
Fic Idea Vault #11: Another SW Fix-it Fanfic Idea - The Shadow´s Plan
S I G H who wants to hear another of my plot bunnies that I will probably never write?
I'm writing it down bc it's a plot bunny so big it actually came with little bunnies =.= And it is such a big idea I just have to write it down, you know before it consumes my soul more
Star Wars ofc bc I'm currently just on that hyper fixation
Not a complete fix it, definitely lots of angst but also found family, drama, misunderstandings and the disaster lineage being a disaster
TLDR; Qui Gon manages to reach out to his master after his death and prevents Dooku from falling; Dooku confines in Yaddle who is the head of the Jedi Shadows and they start trying to stop the Sith's plans but things still happen, namely O66 is given out and the Empire rises with Anakin as Vader, but secretly, he had the younglings saved and all Jedi's deaths are "staged", moving them all to a secret planet while he becomes the inside man with the Sith after Dooku dies. Obi Wan, Ahsoka, and others' stories remain the same as everyone keeps secrets, pretends to be bad or fallen, the twins are separated and Padmé lives to lead the rebellion, meanwhile in Palps perfect Empire, his second in command keeps the Jedi safe with his "inquisitors" and a bunch of bounty hunter Mandos who never take off their helmets (wink wink) who are very good at finding Jedi and "eliminating them". It will end with everyone reuniting at some point some 7 or 8 years into the empire and Anakin becoming the chosen one by taking off Palps head :). But things wouldn't be so easy, families have been torn apart and being able to trust again is not easy when you thought your loved ones had died and or had fallen to the dark and were out there commiting murder in the galaxy. But maybe with the help of the galaxy's cutest twins and anyone they rope into their shenanigans they might just be able to set their family back together. Will feature Anidala, Codywan, Kesett, and a bunch of other ships, people adopting just about every teen and child around, DinLuke in the future and also all your faves that "died" not actually dead :) and that's it basically, if you want a more detailed breakdown, keep reading ;)
- Galidraan happen differently and Jaster and Jango survived with a bunch of True mandalorians, leading Dooku to investigate more closely and keep in contact with Jango
- I am not making Komari to be in love with Dooku, but rather she has more problems with anger and is actually choosen to become a Shadow and fakes going crazy to get inside info on the illegal substance trade
- Dooku is busy with all his investigations so he does not meet Obi, but he sets Rael to watch over Qui Gon and this leads others to wack Qui Gon when he is being a dick, which leads to a better padawanship for Obi, also Tahl does not die here but she does lose her sight and leaves for the AgriCorps (Obi deserves a mom figure)
- The true mandos and the new mandos start working together to take down death watch and get help from the jedi after they find someone is helping DW aka Palps
- Everything about Padme being almost killed, finding Anakin and Qui Gon dying is the same, but Qui Gon, now one with the force gets glimpses of the future and makes more of an effort to reach out to his family to warn them
- Dooku feels that Qui Gon is around and is very concerned, so he reaches out to Yaddle thinking he is going crazy and together Qui Gon is able to sorta communicate
- Dooku "falls" to be an inside man with the sith and takes in Ventress (but he is actually nice and get help from Komari and Yaddle to help the girl fake being dark, Komari is used as the prize to help decide who should be the template for the clone army (Syfo Dyas goes to Dooku only after he was pushed to make the order to the Kaminoans and they figure out Palps manipulated him to do it, so he has to also “die”
- Jango is still chosen to be the template for the clone army after he choose to leave Komari alive, and he recognizes Dooku and is included in the plan to secretly take out the sith trying to take over the galaxy. He still asks for Boba (he thinks the clones will be souless but quickly changes his mind as the first batches show that they are all individuals so he makes sure to have many of his True Mandos train and teach their culture to the clones). Jaster dies later on trying to defend Mandalore but this time Jango is not against the Jedi and welcomes their help as everyonw is suspicious of this clone army that the Jedi def didn´t ask for
- Obi Wan still raises and trains Anakin (albeit has a lot more people helping him, namely his Padawan brother Feemor and others from afar, including Dooku, Komari, Rael, Tahl and the Council) Qui Gon comes to both of them through dreams and Anakin can sometimes see him, but Qui Gon prefers to save his energy in case Dooku or the Shadows need him in stopping the Sith and their plans
- The clones are not treated well by the Kaminoans but they are raised more Mandalorian and their chips are reprogrammed (they can´t take them out bc it would be too suspicious) so now Jango can be the only one to override the orders Palps gives
- Dooku knows that Palps has his eye on Anakin but they can't do much except make sure to keep an eye on him, Anakin and Obi have a better support network so they are much more open. Anakin misses his mom and Obi is able to talk to others about maybe getting her freed
- Komari is still pulling the strings on the spice trade and has a lot of pirates working for her that secretly free worlds.Tatooine is freed but many people remain there and to the wider galaxy they are still under the crime lords. Shmi marries and has Owen and when Anakin is 15 they go to visit and he gets to meet his brother. Shmi is also in on the secret Shadow mission that Dooku is part of when he figures out that Palps might do something to her to break Anakin, She promises to keep an eye out and given that the world is free, the Tusken riders are actually making deals and becoming friends with the general population so no chance they will kill her. Palps does not know this :)
- The war still begins, Shmi must fake her death and is also taken to live out with others who have “died” like Syfo Dyas, Yaddle, Komari and in the end Jango as well (he impaled himself on Mace Windu´s saber so that is how he is clued in finally that there are secrets the Shadows are keeping), Anakin gets there in time to send his mom off, and must fake that he lost her (she can´t tell him the full truth only that someone is trying to isolate him and that he should only trust the Jedi, this leaves him with more questions than answers and while Padme Is safe from suspicion, Palps isn´t and he is more weary of him from then on)
- Ahsoka still becomes his padawan and he loves being her master and teaching her, everyone bonds with the clones and there are a lot more losses on the Separatists side than on the Republic side. Anakin still is with Padme (they don´t marry yet but plan to after the war is over).
- Boba is taken care of and also becomes a player in the Shadow plan, pretending to hate Jedi and learning to be a bounty hunter. Any losses that the GAR has are actually instances in which the clones are placed as mandalorians that never take their armor off and help settle a secret planet full of refugees
- Lots of things still happen, Maul is someone that gets help after Dooku clues in his mother and the rest of the Nightsisters on their secret plans and she manages to get him to be less murdery. Ventress helps alot in that regard as she pretends to be bad. As the end of the war draws close, Anakin starts having visions and then Padme ends up pregnant and he is very scared, although this time he does go to Obi Wan, who promises to help him out but Palps won´t let them stay together for long and keeps pushing for Anakin to be alone. Anakin is given a message that Ahsoka is next to be targeted and he urges here to resign (although this time, the Council don´t want her to leave but rather to have her have a trial within the order) and leave the Jedi, telling her that she needs to be safe as something else is happening. She is angry he won´t talk to her but agrees to take her men and Rex and help out Mandalore (which is not actually under Maul´s control, rather DW is acting up and Satine also had to “die”, although Bo-Katan is not in on it and is putting her foot in her mouth by still using the DW to get Maul out) Ahsoka is almost told the truth of the secrets of the Shadow plan but Dooku “dies”, O66 is given out and suddenly Palps is saying all Jedi are traitors.
- The real changed Order 66 is to have all Jedi incapacitated and to fake their deaths and destroy all temples, moving the Jedi to their safe planet. Since no one was expecting this so soon, lots of Jedi think they have been betrayed, so Cal Kestis and Ahsoka and Rex are forced to flee. Yoda and the Council go for Palps and Anakin realizes that if he doesn´t step in, they will be killed. So he pretends to Fall and throws everyone out the windows where the Guard catch the dead and take them off planet. Then Anakin takes the 501st and has them all take the children and Jedi left at the temple to safety and burns the temple down to. Obi Wan thinks that his soldiers have turned and leaves the planet, Yoda escapes and mistakenly thinks Anakin has fallen and him and Obi make their plans.
- Padme thinks that Anakin has also fallen and her and Obi go to confront Anakin, and a fight breaks out. He is trying to make them understand but still has an anger issue and with Palps darkness around him he still tries to take down Obi Wan. He doesn´t hurt Padme but seeing her scared has him pretend to fall into the lava to have them escape. She gives birth in space and survives barely. They fake their deaths and Padme even has a whole funeral (Sabe and the others are in on her plan to die to start a rebellion), which Anakin believes so he stops trying to look for them and focuses on the plan that Dooku and the others had been constructing for years.
- Padme knows the twins will be in danger together and she wants to help the rebellion take back the Galaxy, so Leia still goes to the Organas and Luke is sent to Tatooine. (She knew that Shmi survived but has no way of knowing where she might be and trusts Obi Wan to try to get that info). When the news reach Tatooine, all communication Shmi might have with Owen is cut and he believes that Anakin killed her after he went dark. He was never told the full truth so he doesn´t know of the Shadow plan, but Beru wants to keep Luke and  agrees:
- Anakin dons the Vader suit while everyone thinks he died. Secretly they run their own rebellion faction apart from the one that Padme and Ahsoka have. Clones are choosen to be bounty hunters that get Jedi lost in the Galaxy. Some Jedi choose to be Inquisitors like Reva and Trilla who pretend to be dark now but actually are with Anakin in hopes of taking down Palps.
- 8 years pass, and Leia gets kidnapped by Palps orders, making Obi go after her with a little Luke who felt his sister´s distress along for the ride. Cue in everyone trying to find Obi and the twins, from real Inquisitors, to Anakin and his fake inquisitors pretending to be bad but secretly wanting to finally get Obi Wan back and in on the plan, to Padme and Ahsoka on the side of the Rebellion, to Cal and his crew thinking they will save some poor force sensitive children from the Empire. Its a whole adventure, filled with everyone finally coming together and truths being revealed.
- The twins meet various family members they didn´t know they had, everyone who is in love being an idiot (Padme and Anakin, Obi and Cody, Cal and Boba) while also families being idiots and not communicating (Obi and Anakin, Qui Gon and Obi, Shmi and Owen, Cal and Jaro Tapal, Ahsoka and Anakin and Obi, the disaster lineage in general). Funny enough, Boba and Jango are the best family around alongside Dooku and Ventress, so they end up running interference alongside the Twins.
- Also, Din is here and he was adopted by Jango so he is Boba´s little brother. Han is also here and helps out in the Twins shenanigans.
- in the end, Anakin and the adults go after Palps and Anakin can fulfill his destiny as the choosen one. He decides to leave the order and after some time, him and Padme get married. The galaxy is still shit, but there are a lot of people in better states that soon everyone is able to be better. With the Agricrops Jedi still here, they immediately set out to help the worst planets. The inquisitors are no match for Jedi and Clones and the Rebellion Padme and Ahsoka build is a better basis for a better republic. Lots of slavery and spice trade was erradicated thanks to the efforts of the Shadow´s work, and its all better for everyone.
Bonus, Cal and Boba push for Din and Luke and Leia and Han in the future when everyone is at least 20 and various parents and family get in the way. 
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platinumaspiration · 2 years
hey! i’m a fellow uberhood player and i’m super nosey so could you tell us some fun/exciting/dramatic things that have happened in your hood?
hello, my fellow uberhood player! Oh, man... well, I have a habit of romanticizing my sims' lives (and my own) so there's a long wall of text under the cut + pictures!
The Beaker Fire of 2022 - There is an ongoing investigation into the disastrous fire that left two dead: Nervous and Loki. The suspects in question are Freya, the cat and Cyclotron, the Servo. Consequently, Circe was left with Loki's side projects: Ceres and Atom and so, to make her happy, Cyclotron has officially changed his name to CycLoki and assumed Loki's identity. No one says anything about it because no one else is going to do the dishes and clean up the lab. And me, as The Watcher, will enable CycLoki in any endeavor even though he annoys me.
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2. An Indecent Proposal - As some may recall, Tybalt and Puck were an overly obnoxious couple throughout Uni. They even went as far as to get engaged autonomously! After Uni, they moved in together to a small house in Veronaville. While Tybalt was at work, Puck wanted to invite someone over. He also had a want to flirt with Tank. As a benevolent and beautiful Watcher, I put the pieces together and ushered Puck to the phone.
First, I want to say, Tank and Puck have 3 bolt chemistry and second, Puck and Tank have made out IN FRONT OF Tybalt and he didn't mind. Anyway, Puck and Tank hooked up and Tybalt came home from work and lo and behold, Tybalt was not upset. Did not care. Confident or Cuckold?
Puck then walked over to Tybalt and AUTONOMOUSLY broke up with him. Yes, all of the sudden I get a pop up asking me who will move out. Dismissed, rejected, publicly humiliated. It was more than Tybalt could bear.
I switch over to Tybalt's new apartment and he's invited to an outing downtown by none other than Puck. I'm thinking, oh maybe there's a chance? Nope. At the outing, it's Puck, Tank, Romeo, Juliette, Hermia, and Puck's mom, Titania. So, basically, it was Tybalt vs Tank and Romeo all night.
Puck must have been feeling some kind of way because as Tybalt was calling a taxi, Puck tried to serenade him. It was at that moment Tybalt swore to ruin Puck and Tank's happiness.
Tybalt ended his round sleeping with John Mole (Tank's love interest) and - I believe - he had a hand in Puck losing his job.
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3. The Curious Case of Pascal... Curious - I think it's just a fun/funny fact that Pascal remains a virgin who has never been kissed. I hope he will die like that.
4. Occupied Bathroom - In an effort to condense households, I moved David Ottomas and Gavin Newson in together and they both died. I have no idea how; I came back from whatever I was doing to find two urns in separate bathrooms. Sorry to Angela Pleasant, I know she loved Gavin 😥
5. She Said No - Patricia Wan and Cleo Shikibu are like peanut butter and jelly. They really love hanging out with each other and naturally talk to each other in game. So why the heck would Patricia deny Cleo's autonomous proposal?? And Cleo just had their twins?? That moment was a table flipping moment. Granted, nothing happened after that, but the point remains!
6. He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not - Juliette and Romeo. Romeo and Juliette. Lovers forced apart by no one except themselves in my game. Juliette is constantly rolling wants for Romeo so when her round came up, I had her ask Romeo on a date. She immediately rolled wants to be engaged and married to Romeo... And continuing my efforts to be the best Watcher I can be, I had Juliette propose. Romeo shrugged it off then wanted to make out. He doesn't roll wants for multiple partners, I truly think he just wants Juliette but not tied down.
[I play with vvqb's Alt Veronaville where the parents are alive.] Cordelia has an extreme dislike of Romeo and opted to set up Juliette with Dirk Dreamer. Juliette - after two dates with Dirk and another one with Romeo - finally rolled a want to marry Dirk. Dirk said yes, but I'll be damned that Juliette rolled to kiss Romeo. We'll see how this plays out next round.
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7. A New Demographic - The Unsavory Charlatan found a new group of sims to pickpocket. He really has hit rock bottom and brought a shovel with him.
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