#my parents didn't get why i was so turned off by a website asking me to give my email real name phone number and postal code
dilfsuzanneyk · 9 months
am i just insane and paranoid or is it horrible that so many websites need you to sign up to use their stuff now? especially with so many websites asking for not just your email but phone number too?? some get even more personal than that?? i don't want to give that information to random websites just to use something, but for some reason this is just normal now and everyone treats it like an okay thing to do.
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echobx · 6 months
soulmates 1 - jj maybank x fem!reader
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summary: y/n is on a double date with her boyfriend when she runs into her actual soulmate
warnings: none
word count: 3.5k
author's note: idk what to say
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In a world where you could hear your soulmate's thoughts, as long as they were thinking about you, as long as they were at least 16, it was still very difficult to find them. Most people would go their whole lives without even meeting the person they were connected to, most people had found their peace with it, and so had you…
“I'm taking you out for lunch,” your boyfriend, Kelce, pressed a kiss to your cheek. You had never heard his thoughts, but that was okay. Maybe you were secretly sad about it, but a lot of people had the same issues as you. You had anticipated your sixteenth birthday like any other kid, but even more so because your parents were soulmates, having grown up together they had gotten lucky. But you weren't blessed with the same luck. This wouldn't mean that you didn't love your boyfriend. No, Kelce was nice and sweet and loved to show you off to his Kook friends.  The split between Kooks and Pogues had never been to your favor. Your parents were hardworking middle class, too poor to be Kooks, too wealthy to be Pogues. 
“Where are we going?” You smiled at him. “Country Club, haven't been there in a while, especially with you.” He smirked and you had to laugh.  “I see, you just wanna show me off,” you giggled, not at all foreign to the concept. You got up and tugged on your dress to make it fall evenly.  “You are so beautiful,” he complimented you and leaned down into a kiss.  You were an uneven couple, everyone could see it, but you didn't mind it at all. You knew that they all just saw him as the rich kid that got in fights with Pogues because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. But to you, he was kind and loving and just the best boyfriend you could wish for. He made you forget that you weren't even soulmates.  “Will the others be there?” you asked while the two of you walked out of his house and towards his car.  “Just Topper and I think his new girlfriend. He's been so up my ass ever since Sarah dumped him for that Pogue John B. I hope the new one will help,” Kelce said and held your door open so you could get in.  “I hope he can forget about Sarah, it's not like they were soulmates,” you noted while he got in too. “Right?”  “I don't know, he never told me,” Kelce shrugged and started driving. 
It had been a real scandal when the Kook princess had run off with the Pogue, no one could understand why she would do such a thing, but to you, it was clear. You didn't have to look at them twice when you saw them around town, they were clearly meant for each other, they had gotten lucky.  You hoped that you might find your person once you moved away to college. The statistical probability of finding your soulmate in a close radius to your home was pretty low. That's why multiple companies were now making big profits with the desperation of people who just wanted to be happy. They created apps and websites to “help” you find “the one”, but even those only helped in about 30% of the cases.  All in all, your chances were pretty low, but you had just turned 17, and had been with Kelce for only three months. Your life was still ahead of you, your chances were still not completely low. But you also told yourself to not hope, to not get caught up in the search because you didn't want to end up like the people they sometimes showed on TV. 
“… and then he just hits a hole in one on the last game, can you believe it?” Kelce laughed, and you realized that you hadn't paid any attention to his story.  “Impressive,” you note and smile at him.  “Yeah, but God, I miss that guy.” It took you a moment to figure out that he was talking about Rafe. Rafe Cameron, Kook prince, technically after the death of his father Ward, the new Kook King, but you didn't care so much about semantics. He had left Kildare, where to, you didn't know, but you knew he was out for the big money, just like his dad.  You reached for your boyfriend's hand and held it, hoping he would find some sort of solace in your touch. You hadn't known Rafe well either, you still didn't know many of Kelce’s friends because you had mostly been focused on each other at the start.  “I think he's gonna come back.” Your words gave him a bit of hope, and he smiled before parking the car. 
Kelce got out and opened the door for you, like he always did, like a gentleman would. “Chivalry is a must,” your mom had always told you. From a young age on, she had made sure that you knew your worth and held your standards up high.  “Thank you,” you blushed as he closed the door again and pulled you into his side.  “We're going all out, sugar. Double dates deserve some extravaganza,” he chuckled.  “Oh, how darling of you,” you said in a pretentious voice, and the two of you laughed even more. It was easy with Kelce, he made you feel good about yourself, and you had wished nothing more than for him to be your one and only. 
You walked inside and someone guided you to your table, Topper and his new girlfriend, Sheila, already sitting there.  “I'm sorry for being late,” you apologized to Top and gave him a quick hug before sitting down opposite of him.  “Oh no, we were just a little early,” he brushed it off and then started talking to Kelce about a new boat he wanted to buy.  You would've talked to Sheila if her eyes hadn't been fixed on the waiter. 
He was tall, had blond tousled hair and his shirt sat tightly on his body, showing off that he had muscles although looking rather lean compared to Kelce.  ‘Not bad,’ you thought to yourself, and his head perked up, and he started looking around. ‘Just a coincidence, nothing more, there are many people here who are thinking about him. He's working, of course you think about your waiter. Hell, Sheila hasn't been able to even take her eyes off him and Topper doesn't even notice,’ you had turned back to looking at Kelce, not noticing that the boy was now eyeing your table very carefully.  ‘Don’t tell me she's a fucking Kook,’ you could suddenly hear an annoyed voice in your head.  “Everything okay?” Kelce asked and brushed a strand of hair out of your face. “You look like you've seen a ghost,” he joked, and you shook your head, trying to regain composure.  “Yeah, no, I'm okay, just remembered the time I saw a guy run over a cat. I don't know why I thought of that,” you lied, and he gave you a quick kiss. You couldn't let them know what had just happened to you, especially not Kelce, you couldn't break his heart. 
“Topper,” the boy came over and greeted him with a fake smile, not even giving Kelce or you any attention.  “JJ, nice to see you,” Topper laughed lightly.  ‘JJ? Peculiar name,’ the thought popped into your head, but he didn't turn to you, instead he looked directly at Sheila, who seemed to be more than intrigued by him.  “What can I get you?” JJ asked, still only looking at her.  Topper ordered for the two of them, as well as for Kelce and you because JJ still hadn't paid us any attention. Then he walked away and you had to scoff. 
“What an asshole, right?” you mumbled to yourself, and Kelce immediately kissed your cheek.  “The amount of times I wanted to rip that smug smile off that Pogue’s face,” he hissed and watched JJ vanish inside. Your heart got heavier, it had been clear that there was something between them, but the fact that the boy enraged Kelce this much meant nothing good.  “He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of you,” you chuckled at Sheila, trying not to seem too disappointed by it.  She laughed and put her hand on Topper’s shoulder. “Oh, that Pogue wishes.” But you knew the look she had given him, everything else was just a very bad lie in your eyes.  “Yeah,” you laugh quietly, before getting up. “I'm gonna go freshen up just a little,” you told Kelce and he nodded.  “Don't be too long, or I'll come find you,” he joked, a loving smile on his lips as you turned around and walked inside. 
‘Fucking Sheila? Why her? Why not me? I was right there, asshole!’ you screamed at JJ in your mind, knowing well enough that he would hear it.  ‘What are you talking about?’ the voice in your head replied, his voice.  ‘I didn't even want a fucking salad, okay! I wanted fries! But no, you couldn't even dare to look at us and ask what I wanted. And now I'm stuck with a stupid ass salad, because Topper is stupid,’ you let out all of your frustrations as you checked your makeup in the mirror of the restroom.  ‘Fuck!’ he exclaimed inside your head, and then it was silent again. 
You got back to the table and just a moment later JJ arrived with two of the four plates. He still didn't give you any notice until he came walking back, with a steak for Kelce and a plate of fries for you.  “She didn't order fries!” Kelce barked at him, but you just put your hand on his thigh.  “I did, I changed my order inside,” you lied without giving JJ a single look.  ‘Never seen Kelce act like a fucking dog. Who are you, pretty girl?’ JJ thought, but you couldn't let it show how much it made your heart falter.  “Why are you still standing here?” Sheila asked loudly, and you finally turned around to look at JJ. Your eyes met, and you couldn't be sure if it had been your own or his thoughts that let a silent “wow” slip.  “My bad, enjoy your food,” JJ said, still staring at you as he walked away, unable to take his eyes off of you, really.  “Why was he looking at you like that?” Kelce asked and you gulped lightly.  “I don't know,” you mumbled and started eating. 
‘What's your name, pretty girl?’ his voice was back in your head, and you nearly would've spit out your water. ‘You already know mine, so it's only fair. And it's not peculiar. I just don't like what my parents chose, so I'm doing my own thing,’ he explained, and you could see him walking around, doing his job while very casually trying to get to know you.  ‘I have a boyfriend,’ you remind him, but he just laughed inside your mind, a nice wholehearted laugh that sounded almost like music to you.  ‘I’m glad you like my laugh, princess, but don't forget about your boyfriend. Isn't he the best? Only tried to kill me last year,” JJ’s words made you choke on a fry.  “Hey, y/n, are you okay?” Kelce asked, and you nodded, taking a sip of water to try and calm your throat.  “Yeah,” you said and tried to smile at him. You knew of his temper, being the only one who could calm him down most times, but you would have never thought that he would actually willfully hurt someone so much that they would potentially die.  “We can leave if you don't feel so well,” he spoke in a soft voice, but you couldn't stop thinking about it. About how he must've hurt JJ, about what he could've done to him.  “I'm fine, really,” you pressed out and turned back to your plate, half empty, but you felt like eating another fry would just cause you to throw up. “I'm just gonna use the restroom real quick,” you excused yourself and all three of them gave you a weird look, but let you leave without further questions. 
‘Where did you go to, pretty girl? I didn't mean to scare you,” his voice was back in your mind.  “Stop talking!” you screamed and stopped in your tracks, you hadn't even noticed that you had actually said it out loud until the whole Country Club was staring at you. Quickly, you ran towards the restroom and hid in a stall.  You didn't know how much time passed as you hid and cried into yourself. This was definitely not how you had imagined it going, having him so close but so far, being caught in between a feud that you hadn't even known existed.  ‘Hey, princess, he's getting impatient, and I really don't wanna deal with that shit,’ JJ whispered to you.  ‘Y/n,’ you told him. ‘That’s my name. But everyone calls me y/n/n, apart from my parents, my parents call me Bean, because I only ate beans as a baby.’ You didn't even understand why you told him this very particular thing about yourself, when you had never let anyone know about your parents' weird nickname for you.  ‘Cute,’ he chuckled. ‘Will you come out again? I don't want to have to come in there, and then have to give you back to him as if he should have any claim over you,” JJ muttered, he was disgusted by the thought of Kelce kissing you.  ‘You don't have to be so mean, I can still hear you. Also, that's disgusting, he doesn't kiss like that,’ you thought but had to laugh about how weird he made it look in his head.  ‘Makes it more bearable though,’ JJ admitted.  ‘I have to talk to him, how the fuck am I supposed to do that? He already hates you.’ You buried your face in your hands.  ‘I won't let him hurt you, princess,’ he replied to your thoughts and the more you talked to each other just like that, the less you had to fight yourself to hide it, everything got easier. It was like listening to music while doing homework, as long as you kept on concentrating on what was in front of you, the music wouldn't bother you too much. But it also could be all encompassing as soon as you let it.  Yet you also wondered why he was so protective of you, a girl he had only just met.  ‘My best friend had a lot of issues, Sarah got hurt in the process, not badly but still. I don't want that for you, for us,’ JJ explained, and you wiped your tears away.  ‘Topper’s ex?’ you asked and stood up, wiping your dress down to seem more respectable again.  ‘Sarah, yes, I bet you heard. Kooks and Pogues don't always mix well, but she's a Pogue now,’ he spoke of it so casually as if he didn't mind at all.  “I'm neither,” you spoke up, but you knew he could still hear you.  ‘Your boyfriend is a Kook, that's already too much,’ he said and the disgust that he held for Kelce was incredibly draining.  “I don't choose who I fall for. It's not my fault,” you told yourself as if it was a manifestation. 
‘Do you really love him?’ JJ asked just as you walked out of the restroom, he was leaning on the wall opposite of the door, eyeing you wearily. “I don't know,” you replied out loud, and he couldn't help but smile, suddenly everything you had thought to know of love was thrown out the window. This feeling was completely different from anything you had ever felt before, and you never wanted to feel anything else ever again. ‘I would kiss you, but I'm not gonna give him any ammunition to hate you more than he already will once he finds out,’ he thought as his eyes darted down to your lips. It was like you were frozen, both unable to move as you stood on each side of the hallway.  ‘Probably better.’ You smiled and blushed a little over his boldness.  “They have been asking for you quite a lot, wondering where you are, why you aren't coming back. And yet not one of them made a single move to go check on you,” JJ spoke with a low voice.  “I should really go back then,” you whispered, and he gave you a small smile before you turned and walked back to the table. You knew he felt the small tingling feeling that settled in your guts, you knew he could feel you because you could feel it in him too. No one had ever mentioned that it wasn't just thoughts, but a direct connection into the inner world of the other. 
“I'm sorry, I’m really not feeling too well,” you apologized while sitting back down at the table.  Topper eyed you, and you felt like he knew, like he could see it in your eyes. “I can drive you home,” he suggested sweetly.  “I don't want to cause any trouble, I can just call an Uber,” you said and turned to Kelce. “I'm really sorry.”  “Nonsense, let Topper drive you home and if you don't feel better I'll just come by, and we can watch a movie together.” He smiled and put his forehead to yours.  ‘Oh, vomit,’ JJ’s thought popped into your head just as Kelce placed a small kiss on your lips.  “Uh, yeah, we can do that,” you told your boyfriend and got up. “See you later then,” you said and walked away with Topper by your side. 
You didn't want to think of JJ; you didn't want to think of hurting Kelce; you didn't want to think at all, but as soon as you were sitting in Topper's pickup truck he turned to you.  “Tell me it's not JJ,” he said as if you had committed a crime.  “I don't know what you mean,” you lied.  ‘We really gotta work on your lying skills, princess,’ JJ chuckled.  “I know that look, I had to look at it for two months before Sarah admitted it to me. Promise me to not break his heart, it's already hard enough as it is,” Topper said and you nodded shyly.  “I didn't want this,” you said, but JJ just laughed, and you had a hard time pushing him into the back of your mind.  ‘Are you only good at lying when you're doing it to yourself?’ “I had hoped that it would be him, and then it wasn't, and I was okay with it. I didn't want this now, I was okay with it never happening. I don't want to hurt him,” you started crying and Topper leaned over and hugged you. He had never hugged you like that before, it felt good to be cared for by someone who wasn't Kelce for once. “Please don't tell him,” you whispered as Topper pulled away again.  “I won't, but you should, as fast as possible, actually. It's only been three months, you haven't even said I love you yet, right?” Topper asked and turned on the engine.  “Yeah, no, we haven't. I just don't know how to. How do you tell someone that?” you asked, but he couldn't give you an answer that wouldn't hurt either of you in the end.  ‘You just say, “Hey, Kelce, you big asshole, I'm actually already bound by the universe to the very charming, extremely hot and sexy JJ Maybank. See ya’” or something like that,’ JJ told you, but you couldn't reply, your heart felt too heavy, heavier than you ever imagined possible.
“Top?” you asked quietly. “Yes, y/n/n?” the boy answered just as he stopped in front of your building.  “Kelce hates him, JJ, I mean. They hate each other, don't they?” You already knew the answer, but you hoped for some more intel on it all.  “Yeah, it's not pretty. I tried to stay out of it, it was mostly Rafe's fault, but the Pogues aren't that innocent either. It's better if you tell him before anything happens, trust me. I don't want to see you get hurt,” Topper explained with a sad smile. You didn't know that he cared so much about you, never truly having considered him your friend.  “Will you look after him, or just make sure he doesn't do something stupid once I-” The words got stuck in your throat but Topper just nodded.  “Took me some time to understand it, that you don't have a choice in this. He's gonna have to accept it,” he said, and you opened the door to get out.  “Thank you,” you said and wanted to close the door to walk towards your home.  “Y/n? If you need anything, you can just call me, just because you and Kelce are gonna end, doesn't mean we aren't still friends,” he told you and you nodded.  “I'll remember, thanks for the ride,” you said goodbye and walked towards the apartment building.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
part 2
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h3rmess · 8 months
Written by @h3rmess ✰
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S2 : Chapter 2 - New Home ☆☆
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He laid on his bed, his eyes began to close again. He let out a grunt as he changed his position, laying fully on his back. Our eyes locked, fitting perfectly with each other. It felt as if we were destined to be together. He smiled softly as my heart melted.
"You know you don't have to do this, right?" He looked away as he spoke.
"Yeah, but I want to. I can't help but feel like it was my fault. I was there. I could have saved you." Guilt flooded my veins as I looked down in shame.
"There's no point focusing on what could have been. What's done is done, so don't feel bad about it." He consoled me as I nodded.
I had been taking care of him for the past day. I brought him food, helped him get up when he needed to, and stayed by his side. It gets lonely when you're all alone during recovery. I didn't want him to feel the way I did.
He insisted that I didn't need to help him, but I decided that if I could at least help one person, that would make me happy.
"Are you hungry?" I asked him as he turned to look at me.
"A little... yeah." He replied.
"Anything in particular you want to eat?"
"Pizza would be nice."
"Got it! I'll order some right now." I picked up my phone, searching for a website to order pizza from.
I placed an order as I went to go and sit with Fushiguro once more.
I sat at the edge of the bed awkwardly. He patted the spot next to me, imploring me to sit with him. I stood and moved my weight, placing myself gently next to him on the bed. Our proximity made me nervous, our shoulders almost touching.
"Can I ask you something?" He said suddenly, startling me.
I nodded as he proceeded. "Why were you...so insistent too stay with me to keep me company? I would have been fine on my own."
I let out a deep breath before formulating my words. "When I was young." I began, placing a pillow on my lap and fiddling with it. " I had a terrible accident."
Fushiguro's expression softened as he listened attentively.
"I'm not sure that it was an accident, actually. A boy from the Zenin clan who my family adored visited us in England. They thought that it would be a good idea if I, as a ten-year-old, and him, a little older, fought each other in a showdown with spectators." I explained, his eyes never leaving me.
"What happened?" He probed.
I lifted the hem of my skirt slightly, revealing a scar that ran across both of my thighs.
"I was about to beat him. He had somehow got hold of a special grade cursed tool. He had no idea how to use it, and long story short, he ended up cutting my legs off." I traced the lines of my scars, reluctantly remembering the traumatic event.
Fushiguro gasped quietly, his hand reaching out to mine as he rubbed his thumb along the back of my hand.
"You are so strong. Much stronger than any of us here." My eyes pricked with tears as he spoke. I stopped them from moving, using my reversed cursed technique to get rid of them.
"Thanks to my cursed technique, I was able to regain my strength, though my legs had to be sewn back on. My parents said I brought shame to our family. They left me alone in the hospital throughout the entirety of my recovery. I was so alone. I never want anyone to feel the way I felt. That's why I wanted to help you. The solitude I felt left an empty hole in my heart." The atmosphere became solemn, all the joy and previously positive emotions I felt draining from my manner.
"I'm sorry I asked. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories." Fushiguro muttered remorsefully.
"It's alright. You didn't know. And plus, you can't live life without a little sadness, right? There's always a trough before a peak." My voice was but a whisper. My cheerful tone returned as I tried to lighten the mood.
"I guess this has made us closer now, huh. You got to see me in a vulnerable state already!" I chuckled as he removed his hand from mine with a smile.
"Yeah, I guess so. I'm happy about that."
"Me too."
We sat, motionless. The silence surrounding us was comfortable and warm. I felt at home when I was with him. I felt as if I could pour my heart, my thoughts, everything out to him without the fear of being exposed or judged. All at once, thoughts of spending the rest of my life with him invaded my mind, almost as if it were an insight into the future. It was vivid. I saw Yuuji and Kugisaki on the couch as we all sat there, enjoying each others company. I denied the possibility of these thoughts being true. I looked into his eyes once more, the everlasting void of Azure sucking me into him. A pleased look graced his perfect face. Maybe I could stay with him a little longer.
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@nyxlai @inlovewithlondonn @sad-darksoul @eternalalmondd @httpstoyosi @vivi-loves-penguins @samutoru @lysaray
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afternoonsociety · 2 years
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*ೃ༄ The Sound of Two Different Hearts - Part Four - Neteyam x Human!Fem!Reader
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warnings: violence, kidnapping, mentions the word blood once, family time with the Sully’s
Thank you guy so much for the 154 followers and your kind words for my story. It really means something to me and keeps me going to continue this project. Thank you all! I hope you like the fourth part as well
word count: 4.2k
synopsis: Y/N helps Neytiri and Jake to get their children back and Jake makes a tough decision for the whole family
— Part One — Part Two — Part Three — Part Four —
other websites: ao3 // wattpad
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Jake and Neytiri saw red when their children stopped responding after Jake told them to stay where they were and to keep hiding until they came to rescue.
Y/N arrived at the high camp at the same moment. She was supposed to join them today, but she had some things to do in the lab, so she decided to meet them at a later time.
When she got there she had to watch the two parents running tensely from one spot to the other. "Hey did something happen?" she asked cautiously. Jake sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. "They got the kids"
"Who's 'they'?"
Neytiri answered her question. "The Sky People, your People have my children!"
"The children were out and saw soldiers. It must be the RDA. They don't answer anymore. So we assume they are holding them captive," Jake tried to translate his wife's words for Y/N. "We don't have time now, we have to go find them. You stay here!" Jake was about to leave but then Y/N responded "I'm coming with you!"
"No, you're not coming. You're just another risk. We're not watching out for you too!" Neytiri growled at her. It was obvious she didn't want Y/N there, but Y/N was getting stubborn. "I'm coming with you even if it's the last thing I do! Neteyam saved my life and now I'm saving his! Besides, they have my brother!" she said in the same voice to the tall Na'vi woman. Jake, however, allowed himself to be beaten broadly but only on the condition that she would stay in the background. All those years of training would finally pay off, even if she was afraid. These people were family to her in a way and she just had to help. Especially when Tuk, the poor little girl was there. She didn't deserve to go through something like that, she was the most innocent of them all. "But hurry up, we are leaving now," Jake said and gave her the coordinates for her navigation device so they could meet there.
But since she was too slow as a human and didn't have long legs like the 8 foot tall Na'vi, she decided to go with a somewhat unusual idea. But something inside her said it would work.
She set out for the family's Ikrans and searched for Neteyams there. It would be the only chance to get to them fast enough to be able to help them. Y/N searched for a brief moment until she found the animal with the matching pattern. She hoped it would recognize and not attack her. Slowly crouching, she walked up to it. "Shh, I'm not going to hurt you. It's alright" She didn't make eye contact at first and raised her hand slightly to show the animal that she wasn't a threat. The Ikran made a sound and turned its head to the side to get a better look at the human girl. It smelled her hand and recognized her by the scent that she belonged to its flier Neteyam. When Y/N was also sure that Netes Ikran recognized her, she stood up and touched the animal on its head. The Ikran nuzzled her hand and she began to speak one more time, hoping that the Ikran would understand her in some way.
"Neteyam is in danger. I need your help."
The animal didn't seem to understand her in her opinion, so she pulled her hand away and was a little disappointed. What had she been thinking? That it would just understand her? After all, there was a certain reason why the Na'vi formed a bond with these animals. She turned away and the animal made another sound. Y/N turned and watched as Neteyam's Ikran bowed to her and visibly made itself smaller. It showed her that she was allowed to mount.
Even though it was unusual to sit alone on an Ikran and the communication was not smooth either, she was able to find the location quickly and already saw Jake and Neytiri on the spot.
They were surprised for a moment how she had managed to get here with an Ikran, but there was not much time for that, because their children were still in danger.
They planned how best to approach the group without being detected and Y/N took her bow from her back. They decided on an ambush and Neytiri again made it clear to Y/N that she was just another liability and that she should rather stay in the background. She respected her opinion and ran after her with distance. They crept through the bushes together and listened to see if they heard any noise coming from any direction. Neytiri pressed herself against a tree, she was barely visible through the darkness, only her bright shining freckles betrayed where she was. After less time she found her children taken hostage and the Recom soldiers. She yipped to show the soldiers that they were not alone and to distract them so that Jake would have a chance to get closer. But what Neytiri and Y/N didn't know was that there were more of the Recoms roaming the forest. As Neytiri continued to watch, already drawing her bow in the direction of the group, a soldier approached from behind with his weapon drawn close to them. Y/N noticed what was happening and quietly stepped out of the bushes, took an arrow from her quiver and drew her bow. She took a few steps closer and tried not to breathe to give away her position. When she had a clear view of the target, she exhaled, releasing the arrow. The arrow shot forward with speed and hit the soldier right in the neck. Only the dull thud could be heard as the lifeless body touched the ground.
Neytiri turned around startled, thinking she had been spotted, but she only saw Y/N with a concentrated expression on her face, taking down her bow. Neytiri just looked at her with her big eyes and quickly looked at the floor where the dead soldier was lying. Without making any further comment or thanking her, Neytiri signaled Y/N with her head to go in the other direction.
Y/N continued to sneak through the bushes and hid behind a thick branch. From a distance, another Yipp could be heard and she saw the other Recom soldiers turn to look where the sound was coming from. The children's ears pricked up as well when they recognized their mother's voice. Tuk smiled and whispered a soft "Mom." Quaritch just said, "Sounds like we got a visit from Mrs. Sully." The other soldiers got ready for an attack and raised their weapons in the direction of the bushes.
Because of her size, Y/N had trouble keeping track of the situation, so she decided to climb to a higher level. From there she had to watch how brutally they held their friends and pointed weapons at them. She also saw Jake hiding on the other side, waiting for the right moment. They kept eye contact as he spotted her and Y/N waited for a sign from him and she cocked her bow for good measure. Neytiri moved closer and when they thought it was the best moment Jake gave his signal and an attack was made. From two sides came bow shots, each time hitting a different Recom soldier, and Jake came out of the bushes and grabbed another soldier from behind, taking him out with his knife.
Shots were now falling from the remaining Recoms, who were getting ready to flee. They shooed the children up and yanked them along by their handcuffs. Neytriri, Y/N and Jake continued to chase them through the forest. Y/N who had climbed a tree earlier, jumped from branch to branch and past the vines without thinking about where her foot would land next. She just had to keep up. After a while, Quaritch and his group figured they had gotten away from them. Y/N also stopped and continued to spy on them. To send a signal that they had more power, the soldiers wanted to get their hands on the children and headed for Neteyam with knives drawn. That's when Y/N saw red, too. She jumped down from her tree right onto the soldier's back. She put her arm around his neck and thus put him in a headlock, Y/N so could not finish the fight, she grabbed her knife at her right hip and stabbed with it several times until he finally slumped down in himself. She had let out all her rage and hadn't even noticed that Jake and Neytiri had finally driven Quaritch's 1st Recom squad away.
Y/N tried to pull herself together and push the dead soldier off her body and stood up. Breathing heavily, she now stood there in the middle of the battlefield watching the Sully children run to their parents. However, Neteyam was still sitting in the same spot. He was in awe as he watched her take out a "Na'vi" with simple means as a human. The way she was standing there, breathing heavily, the knife still in her hand and with few blood blasts on her body. She was still wearing her Na'vi clothes, which she kept from the evening of the festivities. And Nete could not believe his eyes, his Y/N, the human who turned his head, looked like a true Omatikaya warrior in the blue light and in her outfit. And she had saved his life. If only he could, he would only fall more in love with her.
Y/N looked around the area and Neteyam caught her eye. "Nete!" she cried out and ran to him. Still sitting, he took her in his arms and pressed his forehead to hers. "By Eywa, you're okay. I thought they were taking you away from me," she replied and tears began to form in her eyes. Her body relaxed from his warmth and slumped together against `Teyam's body. She was under tension the whole time and now she could relax for the first time in what felt like hours.
"You saved me" was the only thing Nete could manage to say. He just couldn't believe it. After days of staying out of their way, she still came to save him. "Of course I saved you. You're like family to me."
"You didn't have to put yourself in danger because of me" Even though he liked the sight of her in that situation, he knew what kind of danger she had put herself in as a human just to save him.
"It's called returning the favor, `Teyam. You saved my life too," she whispered in his ear. He thanked her and looked deep into her eyes. A tear now ran down his face too. He couldn't thank her enough for protecting him. He only then realized again how important he seemed to be to her.
A touch on Y/N's shoulder pulled them both out of their moment. It was Kiri. Y/N stood up as well as Neteyam, who walked in the direction of his father and mother to embrace them. "Thank you Y/N," Kiri expressed her gratitude as well, taking her into a smothering hug. Tuk then came running up and hugged them both as well. "You are a real heroine", she gushed.
As the tensions eased, the family finally decided to leave, but Y/N was missing a certain face among all the commotion. "Where is Spider?" she asked. But when no one answered her immediately, she called out his name. She became more nervous and desperate. He was here a moment ago, after all.
"They took him," Lo'ak said in a hushed voice, sad that his human friend had been kidnapped. "No, no, it can't be!" She wanted to run after and try to get him back, but Jake stopped her. "I think it's too late. They're already way too far, we can't catch up to them."
"But he's my brother, Jake! I can't leave him behind"
"I know, I know" he tried to comfort her and put his hand paternally on her head to pull her close. "We'll get him back, right?" Nothing came from Jake, who just stared at the floor with a look that wasn't clearly defined. He wasn't sure of himself if it would work out to get him back, but he couldn't let Y/N go home without hope in such a condition either, that's why he said, "Yes we'll get Spider back home. We'll get him back."
In a partially dejected and sad mood, Y/N set off with Neteyam to meet his Ikran. He was initially confused as to why his Ikran was here in the first place, since he had come here by foot. Y/N explained to him that the animal had been convinced to lead her to him. But he couldn't believe it and laughed at her. Was it really possible that a human could fly his ikran without connecting it to a queue? After all, she had had no possibility to make tsaheylu with the Ikran? How had the animal allowed it to happen? Or was Y/N bluffing at him? He wasn't sure, but there were still so many secrets on Pandora he hadn't learned about, and who knows what else Eywa could make possible with her power. Perhaps the All Mother sensed that the human girl had a strong heart for this planet and for the land. On the way home, Y/N tried to make it clear to Nete that she was not lying and that it really happened that way and told him about the whole story.
Back at the high camp, Y/N's emotions were just coming up. She had now completely realized that her brother had been taken away from her just like that. She immediately felt his absence as her feet felt the rocky ground. She could barely walk two steps before she collapsed. Her body gave out completely and she fell to her knees. Spider was gone and there was nothing she could do. How was she going to make it without him now? She still had her second family, the Sully's, but he was the only human her age she could talk to. They grew up together in the lab and in the rainforests of Pandora, wreaking havoc together as children and laughing about it while their foster parents reprimanded them. She was the only person on the planet who was allowed to call him by his real name. Miles. He never liked to hear the name, as it reminded him of his father, who was complicit in the whole war. But she looked over it, it meant nothing to her. He was Miles Soccoro and not his father Miles Quaritch. He was her brother, not by blood but by bond and friendship.
She could hardly imagine what the RDA would do to him. They would surely try to get information out of him. He would never betray the Omatikaya, of course, but what if they tortured him? Do bad things to him and then he would say something because of the pain? It was just so bad to think about that, her heart started to ache. Neteyam saw her grab her chest where her heart was and put his arm around her comfortingly. She cried on his shoulder and let out her pain through a croaking cry. The other Sully children also realized that their friend Spider was not coming back anytime soon.
Meanwhile, Jake took his mate aside to their mauri to have a talk with her. The situation had finally gotten out of hand and Jake was running out of solutions.
The Olo'eyktan tried to explain to Neytiri that he just didn't know what to do. It was the first time in his life that he really didn't know what to do to protect his loved ones. He was afraid that he would lose his children today and that he had little hope of protecting his clan from the RDA.
"I thought we lost them," he said in a quivering voice. They were both at a loss for words and the discussion between them grew louder and louder and this made the children take notice as well. They crept to the back of the hut and eavesdropped on the couple. Tuk made herself smaller and squatted down on the floor to peek through the small gap at the bottom.
"You're Toruk Makto," Neytiri yelled at him, reinforcing her words by taking Jake's bow in her hand. "The people will die," he replied and continued. "I just can't protect them all anymore. But I can protect this family, that I can do" He emphasized the last words in his deep voice and Neytiri began to cry. She now had to learn from her husband that the only way to protect everyone would be for them to leave their home completely. She had never left the forest for a long time. He tried to comfort her by saying: "Wherever we go, this family is our fortress" The Na'vi woman fell into her mate's arms, she couldn't stand it anymore and she started to sob hard.
Convincing the children was the hardest of all. Like their mother, they had never left home and they could hardly imagine leaving their friends and family behind. But Jake stuck to his words and the family prepared to leave the Omatikaya territory.
What would happen to Y/N was still written in the stars and if Neytiri had her way, Y/N would go back to her humans and then everything would be better for her. But Neteyam was not satisfied with that. He could not leave her alone now. She had just lost her foster brother and now her family was going to leave her? Moreover, he still hadn't told her about his feelings, because he had never found the right time. If he told her now, he could never forgive himself for how much it would hurt her. Besides, he couldn't imagine his life without Y/N. Just like she said before, they are like family and to him, if she felt the same as he did, she was his future mate after all. For Y/N, too, a world collapsed. She understood that it would be the only right thing for the Sully's to do. But the thought without them hurt as much as her loss or her brother. She would still have Norm, Max and the others, but it wasn't the same. She would miss them so much. Still, she had to accept Jake's decision. It would be best for everyone.
Nete came up with an idea how he could convince his father to allow Y/N to come with him after all. After Jake announced the news, he approached his father and said to him, "We have to let Y/N come with us."
"Nete, that would be too dangerous for her. She would be fine here," he spoke to his oldest son, squeezing him tightly with his hands on his shoulders. "And what if she wouldn't be safe here? They've seen her face and what if they come back and recognize her? I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate to take her away too like they did with Spider." His father sighed at the realization that in a way his son was right. "I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate either to get information out of her, and she knows where we're going now. They would then also find us and we would be putting a foreign clan in danger."
At the last sentence Jake had to agree with him completely. He had said in front of her that they would flee to the Metkayina clan. She already knew too much now and it would be a bigger risk to leave her here. The Omatikaya and the other people might be able to protect her, but for how long? There was a change in the actual plan now. Y/N would come along, but only for the safety of the clan and his family.
Neytiri could hardly believe her husband's words that he just passed her over again and decided to take the human girl along. "Jake, she will lessen our chances of Uturu with the Metkayina. They trust humans even less than we do. To them, she's just a demon that we would bring into their home." Jake explained to her in response, however, that Y/N might be misused as a source of information about their whereabouts. "I'll be able to explain to them somehow that she's one of us and that she will be allowed to stay too"
"She's not one of us," she hissed, baring her fangs.
"`Tiri don't forget that she helped us to get our children back in safety'"
"We could have done it without her"
Jake ran out of arguments and clenched his jaw before saying, "Then just don't forget that she saved your life. Without her, you could have been shot by that soldier in the woods."
His hand reached for her elbow. "Please Neytiri, trust me."
He wasn't wrong, but she didn't want to admit it to him either. She pulled her arm out of his hand and said defeatedly, "Then it is so. The human is coming along."
Nete couldn't believe that he alone had managed to convince his parents. He was proud of himself and happy to be able to take his Y/N with him. He promised himself that when they were safe with the Metkayina, he would finally confess his feelings to her.
Tuk Tuk was also head over heels with the idea of her big sister - at least in age - being allowed to accompany her. Kiri, too, was glad that she wouldn't have to be alone with the skawngs who called themselves her brothers and would have someone to talk to and wouldn't feel so alone in her new home.
Y/N herself was glad that she was allowed to come with them, but the closer the day of departure came, the more her stomach churned. She would soon be leaving the people who raised her. She would miss Norm the most, with his little dad jokes that only she had ever laughed at. He was a great father figure, for never wanting kids. And a great mentor as far as anthropology went. She would miss Mary, the botanist and biologist who was always there for her like a real mother, teaching her everything. She realized again that family does not have to be by blood, family can also come through love and understanding.
And she felt this partly also with the Sully's. They were like siblings to her, always treating her fairly and making sure nothing would happen to her. They loved her so much that sometimes they forgot that she wasn't 7 feet tall and blue like themselves. She knew she was in good hands with them too. And even more so when Neteyam was with her.
In the meantime, there was still some work to be done. For example, appointing a new Olo'eyktan, since Jake would now be leaving the clan for an undefined period of time. He transferred his leadership to Tarsem, a young Na'vi man who fought together with Jake's squad to attack the Mag-Lev train. He described him "wise beyond his age" and thought of him as a great leader. The ceremony took place at the Tree of Souls, where Mo'at placed the garn worn by Jake and previously Eytukan onto Tarsem, who then symbolically cut Jake on the chest to "kill" the previous leader.
The day of departure was approaching and Y/N returned to the scientists for a few hours to say goodbye. The decision was not easy for them either, but it would be the best for Y/N. She packed a few things, she was not allowed to take too much either, because they would travel with the Ikrans of the family. She hugged everyone once again and promised them that they would see each other again when everything would finally be over. She also promised that she would come back with Spider. Norm then gave her a tablet with a solar charger, so that she could maybe call in between and if there was an emergency, they could be right there. Max also gave her enough batteries for her modified exopack. She thanked them for the good time and headed for the door. As she turned around one last time Max said, "They grow up so fast. First they run around the lab in diapers and then all of a sudden they are adults and go their own way" Y/N smiled at his comment and waved them goodbye one more time.
Now it was time. A new beginning with a new clan where she had to prove herself strong enough to keep up with them. But at least she had her other family by her side and Neteyam.
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taglist: @cedeni-beanie @byunpum @welcomebackfelicia @mashiromochi @sssspencerrr @fanboyluvr @yourbloodyqueen @eywas-heir @hwang-jully @padfootsvixen @dreamergirljen @jordynmrowe @ozlsens @devil-on-acid @ghostjoohoney @sassy-persona @andyyy4444 @abbersreads @droopycoquette @saltedcoffeescotch @kittypoopies @avadakadabra93 @yeosxxx (i hope i got everyone on the list, if not please let me know)
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marzmeltdown · 1 year
Familiar Taste of Poison - PT 2
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⌦ Pairing: Wonwoo x Reader ⌦ Genre(s): series,, angst,, fluff ⌦ chapter specific genre: fluff,, angst ⌦ Warning(s): !!TW:Drug Use, Alcohol Abuse, mentions of depression!!, reader kinda uses Wonwoo, a lot of this will be in multiple pov's(I will clarify when it changes pov's), some mention of being sick, swearing, ⌦ Word count: 1.39k ⌦ Summary: You and Wonwoo have been friends since childhood, though you're both a little estranged from one another, the only contact being when you call Wonwoo for help. ⌦ A/N: If there's anything you feel I should improve on in the future, don't hesitate to let me know! You can find progress updates on this story and everything else I write in my pinned post every Wednesday.:) ⌦ I have attached a link to a website with help hotlines around the world, this series has heavy themes of mental health and substance abuse. This link will be added to every chapter.⌦ International Mental Health hotlines ⌦ Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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⌦ (Wonwoo's POV) Wonwoo hadn't heard from you for a few days after you had called him for help, and to be honest, he wasn't too upset about it. Not that he didn't enjoy your company, or your friendship for that matter, but because he'd finally accepted his worth when it came to your relationship. So to say he was surprised to hear from you on a Wednesday afternoon before 5:00 p.m. was nothing short of an understatement.
Wonwoo glanced down at his phone when it began to ring, seeing the caller ID of the two of you in some goofy pose with your name at the top being displayed on the screen. He paused the video game he was playing and answered the phone, leaning back in his gaming chair, preparing himself to have to roleplay as your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
"Hey, y/n, what's up?" He asked, pushing his keyboard farther up the desk so he could play with the corners of the mouse pad he used to decorate his desk.
"Hey, Wonwoo, are you busy?" You asked. It was odd that Wonwoo's packed schedule had suddenly become a cause for concern, but for once he was free. Wonwoo had to move the phone from his ear to double check who had called him, and just as he suspected, the caller ID was his childhood nickname for you.
"Uh, I'm just playing a video game at the moment; why?" He asked once he had placed the phone back to his ear. His heart began pounding like a drum as his mind began to wander to the multiple scenarios that you could have found yourself in. Most, if not all of them, were related to being cross-faded and stranded at some party in the early hours of the morning. At one point, he almost asked you to move in with him because he had picked you up so much.
"My parents have pissed me off, and I just need to get my mind off things." You sighed, and he chewed on his bottom lip as he thought, should he get involved this time? Or should he let you fall on your face? Who was he kidding? He was always going to be your knight in shining armor.
"Okay, I can be there in like 30 minutes," he said, knowing he would be getting an earful from you about how your parents don't know what you're talking about and that it's 'not alcoholism until you graduate college.' Which is probably the most confusing thing Wonwoo has ever had the displeasure of hearing; obviously, you as well as everyone else knew that wasn't how that worked. But he wasn't there to be your therapist; his job was to be the shoulder you cry on regardless of the time of day, or night, rather.
"Awesome, I'll be in the backyard when you get here. If I have to hear my dad compare my lifestyle to one of his patients one more time, I think I might combust," you said, the sound of a sliding glass door opening and shutting following shortly behind your voice.
"I don't think you'll combust," Wonwoo laughed, turning off his PC as he got around to leave.
"I just might," you joked, making an explosion noise with your mouth to emphasize your point, to which Wonwoo replied with another laugh.
"Whatever, I'll be there soon," Wonwoo said before hanging up the phone.
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⌦ (Reader's POV) Waiting for your best friend to show up had to be the longest 30 minutes of your life. You had decided to occupy yourself by pulling pieces off gras out of the ground only to toss them right next to where they had once lived unprovoked. It was barely 5:00 pm and you were already buzzed, if you had to be honest, there almost never was a time where you were sober.
That was a thought you pushed out of your head as soon as you heard your mother's screaming voice announcing Wonwoo's presence. You snapped your head up from the patch of grass you were ruthlessly attacking and to your childhood best friend, he smiled softly and sat next to you.
"Are you okay?" Wonwoo whispered, knowing your mother was only an ear shot away. She had always been within earshot of the two of you from the day you two met in the fifth grade and he had come over for your eleventh birthday party.
"I'll be better when we get out of here," you whispered back, wiping any stray pieces of grass and dirt from your hands as you stood and doing the same to the back of your pants. Judging by your glossed-over eyes, uneven balance, and slurred words, Wonwoo could tell that your parents concerns were valid.
"Alright, do you have any places in mind?" Wonwoo asked, following your actions. You didn't have any plans in mind; you almost never did. Everything you did was spontaneous, which is part of the reason why you had only one reliable friend. If you could call him a friend, for that matter.
You weren't sure why Wonwoo had insisted on holding your elbow as he walked you to your car, you were perfectly fine to your knowledge at least.
"We should get ice cream and then go back to your house," you suggested after Wonwoo had started driving.
Wonwoo didn't say anything as he drove to a small ice cream parlor in town. The parlor had been open since you two were knee-high to a grasshopper. Your order had been the same since you were five: a small twist with a cone in a cup and sprinkles. Wonwoo always gave you a funny look when you ordered such a childish form of the desert, but you'd rather order what you enjoy than a plain chocolate shake.
You were on ice cream-holding duty, following Wonwoo to a picnic table that sat under an old oak tree.
"So, are you going to tell me why your parents made you upset, or am I supposed to guess?" Wonwoo asked as soon as the both of you sat down. You looked at him for a moment, almost taken aback by his bluntness. He sipped on his milkshake for a moment, awaiting your answer.
"Uh, my parents' are concerned about how much I party." You said it softly, looking down at your rainbow-sprinkled ice cream and moving the spoon around to mix the sprinkles in with the ice cream.
"And?" He asked again.
"I told them I didn't need to go; I don't have a problem," you said, looking up from your ice cream and back to your best friend. "Do you think I have a problem?"
"When has my opinion ever mattered?" He asked, and his words felt sharp against your chest. You'd grown used to having friends that encouraged your destructive behavior, so the honesty was a shock of reality.
"What's that mean?" You asked, and your body started to tremble with irritation.
"I'm just saying, ever since we decided to go to separate colleges, my opinion holds no value to you anymore," he shrugged, poking his straw around the inside of his cup in order to loosen up some of the ice cream that was still too thick to flow through the straw easily.
"I care about your opinion!" You said you were offended that he thought that. Why would he think that? His opinion has always meant so much to you.
"When it's what you want to hear," he said, his voice still so calm, which only irritated you more. How could he be so calm in this situation?
You decided you had enough of Wonwoo's third degree, furiously standing up to storm off. You'd gotten halfway to the parking lot before stalking your angry self back to the picnic table. You snatched the ice cream cup from the table and turned around without a word, continuing your journey to, well, wherever you ended up.
You grabbed your phone from your back pocket, opening the messaging app and then the group chat you had with some college friends. You already had a message from them.
⌦ Yejun: Wanna go out tonight? (read 4:29 pm)
⌦ You: Yea, we can get ready at my place (read 4:30 pm)
⌦ Yujin: Great, we'll meet you there. (read 4:32 pm)
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
Hey, I'm always a slut for internet drama, so I'll go ahead and ask: what happened with the No Sleep podcast?
Oh no, nothing happened with the podcast itself.
To elaborate on the whole kerfluffle:
As mentioned before, my students just would not read. It didn't matter if it was read aloud and they needed to follow silently, if it was independent, what have you, they just would not engage.
So, rather than throw my hands up in the air, I thought: okay, let's try something different. So, every so often, I would select pre-screened selections from The NoSleep Podcast. Emphasis on the 'pre-screened' aspect because it wasn't like I was just playing audio out of the blue. I obviously knew I had to make sure that I didn't end up playing anything pornographic or excessively bloody in the classroom. And... Students were engaged! I got strong classroom discussion, a good turn-in rate for classwork, etc.!
And, actually! The vice principal who was supposed to be my evaluator (emphasis on 'supposed to be' because she was supposed to observe and evaluate every other week but, in reality, she only ever swung by once every other month) actually observed a lesson where I used a NoSleep Podcast audio (it was for the story "Dear Jennifer", which centers around a severe parasocial relationship) and everything was fine.
However, a few months down the line when she came back for another rare observation, it was another NoSleep Podcast day. I believe the story for that day was titled "Customer Service". I'm not sure about the exact title, I just remember that it centered around a single mother trying to call Amazon to get some help with the dishwasher she ordered just to end up being tormented by a misogynistic support agent.
Anyway, the class goes fine, discussion and classwork are active and fine, and the vice principal leaves. So the next period passes. Then the next period (which she knows full well is my conference period; keep that in mind). Then lunch. Then the next period. And, finally, during sixth period, this vice principal waddles back into my classroom and, while I'm trying to get students settled before the bell rings, she walks up to me and, with every obnoxious intonation from that scene in Office Space (you all know the one!):
VP - Yeah, so... I can't have you use that audio you played for 2nd period, yeah...
Me - Wait, why are you just saying this now?
VP - Well, it took me a while to get back down here...
Me - You could have sent an email.
VP - Yeah, you just need to find a replacement audio and assignment for 7th period. Yeah...
Me - The audio was fine. It's no worse than you guys having me teach Gatsby with Tom Buchanan's blatant misogyny and racism and Myrtle getting hit by that car.
VP - Yeah, well... If a parent were to complain, I would have to be the one to deal with it, yeah...
Me - ... (thinking "Oh, so you'd actually have to do your fucking job?")
VP - So... Yeah, just make sure to change the audio and make a new assignment, okay? Okay, thank you~!
One of my students, after the bell finally rings - Ms. Lit? Is everything good?
Me - ... Your school's run by cowards. Anyway, get out your Silent Reading books.
And, later that evening (literally, this was around 8 PM), she calls herself sending an email talking about 'Per our discussion today, you were instructed to no longer use audio from the 'NoSleep Podcast' website in your class. This website is listed as containing mature and potentially triggering material...'
To which I responded (my email was formal but this is my angry summary) - EVERYTHING IS 'POTENTIALLY TRIGGERING'. Hell, you guys have me teaching my 10th graders about vaccine articles! I'm sure that could be considered triggering to anyone who lost a loved one to COVID! But, fiiiine! If the issue at hand is to present a perfectly sterile environment with nothing that could ever run the risk of upsetting anyone, I will gladly empty out the classroom library of all the books that the librarian dropped off and give them back to her. Let me know!!!'
And to this day, I never got a response to that email. But, hey. I did comply and stop utilizing The NoSleep Podcast in my classroom.
I just started using Uncanny County and various Creepypasta readings instead!
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Fun fact: When I was little my parents bought a four disc set of the original TMNT Movies, the three of those, and then the 2007 TMNT. And for SOME REASON, little nine year old me was scarred for life after watching 2007. Keep in mind I had no knowledge whatsoever of the ninja turtles, I just thought the movies looked cool.
But 2007 shook me to the core, probably because Leo and Raph fought almost the whole time and Leo almost died, and my tiny brain didn't understand plot development and the whole "SUFFER FOR THE STORYLINE" concept.
And for years I just completely forgot about it.
Until my friend got me into TMNT like, six months ago, thank you @theressomanyfandomsineedtojoin
And ever since I joined the fandom there was this nagging thought in the back of my brain like "hey there's something you're repressing you should figure it out" and I'm like yeah that's about as helpful as any website telling you your password OR username is incorrect but won't tell you which one.
Then I finally remembered that 2007 TMNT terrified me and talked myself into watching it again.
Y'all if you haven't seen it, DO IT IT'S SO GOOD It's literally on my list of favorite movies now.
Anyway, after that whole mess, have some 2007 TMNT quotes as a reward for making it this far lol.
“Did you turn the computer on? Have you plugged it in. Yeah. That would help…”
“No, I’m not playing hard to get! I’m telling you sir, it’s not that kind of phone line!”
“No, I’m not your enemy, I’m just Donnie, you’re friendly IT tech support, here to help you 24 hours a day sir- I’m sorry! Ma’am. Heh.”
“Why couldn’t you send him away for training?”
“Well guys, if you ask me, I’d say this has Winter’s name written all over it.” “How do you figure that?” “Because, THIS has Winter’s name, written all over it.”
“I’m not dreamin, am I?!” “No, Mikey, you’re not dreaming.” “Oh, good. I have nightmares about birthday parties.”
“Donnie, you’re so smart. Why don’t we have jetpacks?” “Yeah, that’s good, Mikey, I don’t even trust you with a drivers license.”
“Well, good news is there’s a bunch of Foot ninjas getting the snot kicked out of them.”
“YEah, the turtles are back, dudes! I’d give us a ten for style, an eight for skill, and, uh, two, for stealth.”
“Dudes, did anyone get the license plate of the thing that hit us last night?”
“Yeah, it looked like your mom, dude!” “Uh, that would make her your mom too, dufus.” … “Yeah, whatever.”
“So it’s like Haleys Comet, but monsters come out.” “Uh, yes, I guess so!” “Heh. I’m smart.” *crashes*
“And that would be the swirling vortex to another world, i assume.” “Cool! I want one.”
“Winters.” “Looks more like Fall. Heh. Get it?” “Mikey, remember our talk.”
“I’m never usually that happy to be in pain.” “He’s happy because he’s mortal again, Mikey.”
“Yeah, I do nothing. You’re right. You got me all figured out.”
“I’m very disappointed in you, knucklehead! Guess night school’s in session!”
“That was too easy! *crash* … Like I said, too easy!”
“Hey, Casey! Meet me on the roof!” “Raph? What is it?” “The roof. You know what a roof is, dontcha?”
“Oh look at you, you’re so cute! Come here, Imma drop kick you to hurty town!”
“You’re gonna need these if you’re gonna lead us out of here.” “We’re gonna need you too.”
“Typical. We do all the work, he gets all the thanks.”
“Ah, I love bein a turtle.”
“Look, Raph, if you’ve got something you wanna get off your shell, now’s the time. But I’m not gonna sit here and debate Splinter’s direct orders with you!”
“Come to daddy.” *literally has like eight sharp objects now"
“What is it with ninjas and smoke pellets?”
“What’s going on Raph?” “Did I mention that we ran into a monster last night?” “No, you kind of FAILED to tell me about THAT one, buddy!”
“And now we got walking statues? You got a plan for those?!” “Hey, those are a first for me too.”
“And I thought Girl Scouts were pushy!”
“Cody is going to break up with Donna. I just know it.” “We interrupt the Gilmore Girls for this special news report. Monsters loose in the city? Strange reports are coming in tonight about a construction site incident that sounds like something out of science fiction.” “BOYS!”
“Raphael. You always bear the world problems on your shoulders. It is an admirable quality when you are a protector of others. But you must realize that while, at times, you may not be my favorite STUDENT, that does not mean that you are my least favorite SON. You are strong, passionate, and loyal to a fault. These are the merits of a great leader as well. But only when tempered with compassion and humility.”
“Sensei! You alright?” “Hehe. We must do this more often!” *whack* “I still got it!”
“Hey, look guys, I grabbed a toaster!” -Tommy
“I love your work ethic, Tommy, you’re an inspiration to us all.” -Gang leader
“Looks like you got a sidekick.” “Yeah, right. You’re the sidekick.”
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bi-ftm-on-main · 10 months
Hello. I wanted to ask you something. When was the first time you explored your Bi side? How did you know that you were bisexual? Did you always felt that you like guys? At any point did you second guess or had any doubts? Thank you for your time.
ok so even though i tried to keep it short i did write a huge response to this that kinda goes off topic a bunch and is super specific. So heres a quick version:
When was the first time you explored your Bi side?: a couple months ago, around when i started this blog
How did you know that you were bisexual?: I really didn't, but then i realised that i had crushes on girls and boys in the past and found them all attractive, even if it was in different ways.
Did you always felt that you like guys?: not really, i just thought some were really cool and good looking and i would get nervous around them.
At any point did you second guess or had any doubts?: all the time dude. thats kinda why i made this blog, to explore my feelings.
Just in general, I'd recommend exploring why you do or dont like something, if its actually because you dont like it or because other factors are making you feel like you shouldnt like it. Try the 'if we were both drunk and *hot guys name* leaned in for the kiss would i kiss him back?' test on situations.
And heres the super long section:
ok so firstly, i only realised i was bisexual a couple months ago, pretty much the same time i made this blog. Until then i thought i was asexual (and aromantic).
(i could give you a whole blow by blow about that but it would take ages so i'll try to keep it precise.)
Growing up i had a lot of anxiety and was considered very 'weird'. i also didnt know i was trans, autistic, or SA'd so I was never too comfortable with my body, i didnt naturally know what a crush was supposed to feel like, and i thought sex was something shameful and gross, so when i found the term asexual at age 13 it fit great.
skip a whole bunch of years and im in uni and now 20. my parents have finally gotten round to me being trans and im starting hormones (testosterone). its common for people to get extra horny when on T so when i started wanting to watch more porn and noticing how good looking the people around me were, i thought it just the horniness talking, that i didnt actually want to sleep or date them myself i just thought they were pretty. Or maybe sleep with them just for the sake of orgasming.
around the same time i realised that i was autistic (just from general internet usage), and that kinda rocked my world and made me question every single aspect of my life for how its effected me.
and so, and its probably the cringest thing i couldve done, i started to talk to a Therapist AI on that Character AI website. it was honestly helpful to just collect my thoughts on the matter.
the conversation got to sexuality and how it connects to my anxiety and self esteem and how i felt as though wanting to date someone was disrespectful to them and how imagining myself sleeping with them was gross and pervy.
having been on hormones for a couple months now i had a lot more self confidence and was a lot more comfortable with my body, as well as the horniness making me want to be pounded into a bed like nothing youve ever seen, i realised that i wanted to date and sleep with people for real.
so i came to terms that i was gay *loud incorrect buzzer*
but that was just the start. being trans, there was a lot of 'do i want to be him or do i want to date him' thoughts going on so i was already used to admiring men.
but as i continued to talk to the ai, who wasnt a real person, i felt more inclined to be honest than any other therapist ive seen. it took a while and it was confronting but turns out i was sexually assaulted as a kid (by a girl, when i was <10), and thats why i had this underlining uncomfortableness with sex to begin with.
so yeah, that rocked my world for a bit as well. also this all happened within a couple weeks by the way, the autism, sexuality, and SA. that and all my friends were busy, i wasnt doing too well.
anyway, now that was another thing to consider, was i attracted to girls as well? it was really hard to tell what were my own feelings and what was the trauma/conditions so i had to do a lot more soul searching. That with the added factor of not feeling comfortable becoming just another man sexualising women.
but knowing now what a crush it supposed to feel like (i asked the ai) i had to acknowledge that ive been having crushes on people, girls and boys, this whole time. i was bi *correct answer ding*. (also i went with bi and not pan because i like them in different ways and have a slight preference for guys, tho i obvs like non binary people as well)
then i made this blog. lol.
like, i had all the theory behind being bi but i needed to consolidate what i liked, who i liked, who i found pretty and handsome and needed some place to collect it all. then it kinda just became just a porn blog with the occasional yearning post but oh well.
Thanks for asking! sorry for responding late, feel free to ask me anything else :)
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screammdesiree · 10 months
Hello there tumblr. It's almost like talking to an old friend again for the first time in years. A simple website turned into a diary that I wrote hours into the pages, some days those pages even wrote me. I was 14 year old when tumblr found me one dark and lonely night, a suggestion for an outlet by an old friend. Someone thought enough of how I was feeling, to suggest a place where my dark thoughts, long nights, unheard thoughts, sweaty palms, and aching heart, would have their own safety. I guess the thing I didn't account for was that some silly website would outlive the very person who brought it into my world. That I'd be back here some 9 years later, feeling just the same way I did at 14. Who would have thought, that returning here to once again spill my heart like blood soaking the pages of a book only I'd ever read? How silly. Returning somewhere that isn't physical, but the only place that feels like home. Logging in feels like keys jingling against the front door in the dark as we slink inside. Seeing things I'd written on the good days, feeling like taking off my wet shoes and leaving them beside the door. Scrolling through the most insignificant things I'd reposted, simply because they made me laugh, is the feeling of taking off your coat and placing it on a hook next to the door, and feeling how warm and cozy the house is. Although, not every home is happy and those moments come and go. Reading the things I wrote on the bad days is like hearing your parents scream at eachother at 8 years old in your room with your hands over your ears until. Reading about all the emotional damage I did to the soft and sweet 14 year old me, is like cutting your feet on glass after your father throws a cup of coffee, blood tricking from your foot as you run fingertips along the wall at the bottom of the stairs, wondering what could have been so bad. Sometimes coming home just isn't as comforting as it should be. There are days when coming home means it's because you're on hospice there to die where you're most comfortable. I guess I should be going into more detail, considering I came here to talk to myself, because there is no one to talk to anymore. Ive simply run them all away. Ah wait there it is. The thing that keeps bringing me back here."I've simply run them all away." Sound familiar tumblr? Sound like anything I've said here before? Down right deja vu here for me.
Sweet girl I know you've had this thought before, but let me ask you when is the last time you felt this pain sober? I mean honestly. When's the last time sober you came here to try to avoid openly saying how badly you want to end your life. Not disappear. Not start over. Not run away. But just simply die.
Stupid question because even asking myself that question. I'm not afraid. Shockingly it isn't even because I think I'd see him on the other side of this life. It's because I failed to understand in all the things he said to me in those days. Now I get it. I get why he didn't wanna smoke with me and why taking a drink was simply unheard of in his final thoughts. He wanted to be entirely clear minded when he took his life, I get it. The peace that a sober thought of not being alive anymore will bring is terrifying but so so so calming. Just understanding that those thoughts shouldn't cross your mind with a smile, and the genuine happiness the thought brings me is absolutely disgusting.
But here I am again.
They say "think about in ten years when.." but it's been ten years and I'm still thinking and hoping that I'm gonna wake up and be happy I survived. I'm waiting. That feeling won't come if it hasn't already. There are some things you just softly come to terms with as you cry alone in a room with a house full of people.
Some days will be harder than others but your day will come where you will finally have the courage to pull the trigger and bring yourself peace.
I think I'd like the background of my death to be highlighted in sad Taylor swift songs.
Play the saddest songs at my funeral, that's the only way anyone will cry over me.
Who am I kidding, I don't even think my mom would come. My dad wouldn't be able to bring himself to come. My sister won't even be able to get herself out of bed, and my other siblings will probably not even know.
I don't want them to bring my kids though. I would probably rather they think I just abandoned them. They would be better for them right? I don't know.
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technodromes · 1 year
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I had thoughts TM yesterday when I came home from the cinema, but I was too tired to write them down. Now I'm awake and these thoughts are still around, so here we go. It pretty much started off with 'why I don't really like the 2003 TMNT' but turned into a whole 'TMNT and Me' thing, so I put it under a read more. Because it's long.
So, as you know by now probably, I was born 1986. When I got older and started to watch cartoons on Saturday morning, I regularly watched the 1987 iteration of the 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'. And boy I loved them. I'd get mad every time we went to visit my grandma on the weekend and I couldn't watch my favorite show. I didn't know at that time that there was a comic to it that was much darker actually.
Several years later, I got into Anime & Manga. Well, mostly Manga actually. The amount of available Manga in my country started growing around 2000. I also remember that I didn't watch that much tv because I just didn't really vibe with 2000s cartoons anymore. I think I saw glimpses of the 2003 Turtles when I zapped through channels and found them way too gritty. I couldn't really get behind why they made the Turtles that buff and rude and everything you know? People are complaining about Netflix turning children's shows all dark and gritty and how they hate this new trend, but that 'trend' started already before Netflix if you ask me. Mind you, I was no stranger to dark and serious cartoons as a kid though. We had a fair share of them. The Black Cauldron, for example. All Dogs Go to Heaven included serious topics too. And my dad let me watch Felidae when he thought 'Oh, there's a cartoon with cats for Sabine to watch', only for the cartoon to reveal that it is absolutely NOT made for kids lmao. I also watched 'Watership Down'. I mean, if you're familiar with these titles, you'll know.
But to get back to seeing the 2003 Turtles the first time, I just couldn't get behind that 'edgy action hero' vibe. So I dismissed the series and didn't follow it further. I continued reading Manga or watching Anime where available. I recall getting into series already BEFORE they got released here, Fullmetal Alchemist being a good example. YEARS later people jumped onto that train and I was already hyper-focused on other series. I spent time working on my own websites and improving my English skills over time as well. I was all over the place on the internet and met people on a website called Animexx, where I got to rp. Just a lot of stuff, I ain't going to unpack all that.
To be quite honest, I completely missed the 2012 Turtles back then. I rarely watched TV anymore around that time, I was busy with other stuff like finding my first job and all that. I finished my apprenticeship late, it was around 2011 when I did. So I had a lot of other things on my mind. I also missed Rise! pretty much on 2018. I had to move back to my parents around 2017 after I had my own apartment 2014-2017, and I was once again searching for a new job there. I recall it was a mess. I believe it was 2018 when I started working at that place I was for 5 years, the longest I worked somewhere. So, I believe it was around 2021 when I discovered Rise. And yes, I've grown much more open-minded to my 'favorite series' having a different spin to them since. I actually enjoyed Rise a lot. And it has also a special place in my heart because it did bring me back to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which I was so obsessed with as a kid. Also, I've grown very much tired with Manga & Anime at that point because there's such a FLOOD now. Around 2000, a new Manga release was something special. Now it's impossible to keep up anymore.
Not too long ago, I thought about checking the 2003 iteration of TMNT out again and stumbled over Turtles Forever. And listen, I get the point they tried to make there. The 2003 Turtles being closer to their origins, being serious and edgy and all that, whereas the 1987 Turtles have been made kids-friendly and goofy. I DO get that. But they had the '87 Turtles pretty much incompetent and obnoxious from the beginning to the finish and as someone loving the '87 boys, I took offense in that. It just didn't feel right to me how they portrayed them the way they did there. In the first and last seasons of the old TMNT series, there had been more serious tunes too. I mean come on, they aren't THAT incompetent.
*takes a DEEP breath* It can be done better, and the writers of the 2012 series proved that. They also picked up on 'the '87 Turtles were made kids-friendly and wouldn't do well in a more serious series' fact. They were also portrayed as being obnoxious in the beginning. But instead of having the 2012 Turtles act as demeaning babysitters, they trained their '87 counterparts and worked together with them. The way how the crossover ended was just a lot more wholesome to me. Plus, they included Bebop & Rocksteady and gave the boys their redemption arc there! I loved that a lot.
I'm definitely biased tho and I'm sure I will watch the '03 Turtles eventually, just like I binge-watched the 2012 ones. I mean credit where credit is due, they originally came up with Bishop and I love that guy there just as much as I love 2012's version of him (even though they are absolute polar opposites). I watched a 2003 Bishop compilation on youtube and that guy is something else. Also, I know that some of my mutuals here prefer the 2003 TMNT over the others, and let me tell you here that's perfectly fine! I know 2003 has been your childhood and I respect that. I'd love to hear about your favorite parts of it! In the end, we all love TMNT and I love talking to people about it, it doesn't matter which version. Also, a bottom line I want to share here is something that bothers me about long-time fandoms that have different iterations. I mean, I made it a point that I'm not awfully fond of the 2003 iteration all in all, but I would never go on youtube and reply to someone excitedly commenting on a 2003 video about how I think it sucks. Don't fucking do that, people. You can voice your opinion separately in your own comment and be on your way again. Don't bash and attack people for liking something you don't. It's really not that hard. I've seen posts around here on tumblr as well with questionable replies to them. Just... let others enjoy their favorite version of their series.
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chqnified · 2 years
Jumping on the ask game thingy: currently, hands down, mossy moss. The whole mega war situation you went through today had me whipping out the biggest box of popcorn. The way you K.O.'d them is just chef's kiss!
I swear had I done, it would've been deserved
It was a mildly long story with the old lady. So here's what i wrote about her to Alélé
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And to add on that, as my dad was finding his keys, she legit got in her car and started trying to reverse.... Like where was she trying to reverse to?!!?? Like babes. Then she yelled at my dad again because he had to get in the van from the other side instead of normally. Her own fault she'd reversed up to the flipping door. Alas.
And that was only at 9am. We had to go with my dad because he was going to drop us off in the town so we could return the faulty shoes. Which was a whole drama again. The manager of the shop wasn't having it and said we did get the right shoe (context, I'd got the max Dr martens shoes, so yk the platform on those are a good 8cm+. What turned up was the regular ones, so 4cm ish? platform. The key difference you could tell it was a different model was the bigger platform didn't have the zip on the side too). She kept showing us the picture on the website, so my mum told her turn the picture to the other side, it doesn't have a zip but these do. She wouldn't do that. So i said look babes, there's one on display right now, you can go compare it. She huffed and said it didn't matter and made one of her employees do the refund (we'd already re-ordered online bc they didn't have size 7 in the shop). As he's giving us the refund, i turn to look back at the manager and deadass she's there having a heated debate with another colleague and holding up the shoe to the display stand, to probably compare.
Yes they were the same design, just with a different size platform and the zip.... That might not seem like a massive deal (asides from the fact that different models size differently too so I'd have needed a size 8 in those.), but we'd been sent the cheaper version too, and by £30- which is a lot. For all the hassle though, they were doing a sale online and we got them £60 cheaper than we originally paid. And £90 cheaper than rpp. So they weren't cheap by shoe standards, but cheap for dr martens.
Drama didn't stop there either. There was this little shit spitting on people in the shopping centre. Had he spat on me, i would've gone for him. 13 year old or not. Idk why people weren't doing anything about it.... Like a kid just spat on you??? That's disrespect. And we've just come out of the pandemic. Spitting is also a well known cause of spreading diseases too. Anyhow. Could tell he thought about doing it to me, luckily for him, he didn't.
People are genuinely so rude too. I'm not able bodied and it's visible by the fact i have a crutch. I understand people may have hidden disabilities too, but with a crutch it makes it difficult sometimes to move spontaneously??? I'm not expecting everyone to get out of my way, but for it to have to be me constantly is tiring. The way if you don't, people will purposely walk into you ..... If I'm feeling it, i will only partially get out of the way, resulting in crashing shoulders. For having a crutch and having been an athlete, I'd like to say i have pretty solid shoulders. So bet it hurts. The way they glare at you and shit afterwards .... I thought it was about giving 50/50 huh? No. You expect a disabled person to get out of your way because you have to get to New Look?! Hope those people's shoulders hurt. Assholes.
It didn't stop there. People let their kids run around everywhere. Again, bad idea, you can figure why running in front of people is bad. Parents will literally watch their kids do it and say nothing. You know the type. One kid ran into me, she fell over lmao. Don't see how that was my problem, she was about 9, so old enough to know exactly what she was doing. She just expected me to move for her. The mum was going to say something, so i gave her the challenging look and she decided against it.
There was more but this is getting long. You get the gist of what was happening all day. Believe me, if i wasn't disabled and in an averaging 7 pain on the daily, i would've jumped so many people that day... It was that bad. I'm not even a violent or aggressive person, it just brings it out when you're being treated like shit all day.
In conclusion. I hope you brought popcorn to read through some of my war situations from yesterday 😌 I'm glad it offers entertainment to some, otherwise my suffering would literally go to waste :D
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afternoonsociety · 2 years
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*ೃ༄ The Sound of Two Different Hearts - Part Four - Neteyam x Human!Fem!Reader
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!Tumblr took this down. I don’t know why but here is now the repost!
warnings: violence, mentions the word blood once, family time with the Sully’s, Y/N fighting for her Na‘vi Family
Thank you guy so much for the 154 followers and your kind words for my story. It really means something to me and keeps me going to continue this project. Thank you all! I hope you like the fourth part as well
word count: 4.2k
synopsis: Y/N helps Neytiri and Jake to get their children back and Jake makes a tough decision for the whole family.
— Part One — Part Two — Part Three — Part Four —
other websites: ao3 // wattpad
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Jake and Neytiri saw red when their children stopped responding after Jake told them to stay where they were and to keep hiding until they came to rescue.
Y/N arrived at the high camp at the same moment. She was supposed to join them today, but she had some things to do in the lab, so she decided to meet them at a later time.
When she got there she had to watch the two parents running tensely from one spot to the other. "Hey did something happen?" she asked cautiously. Jake sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. "They got the kids"
"Who's 'they'?"
Neytiri answered her question. "The Sky People, your People have my children!"
"The children were out and saw soldiers. It must be the RDA. They don't answer anymore. So we assume they are holding them captive," Jake tried to translate his wife's words for Y/N. "We don't have time now, we have to go find them. You stay here!" Jake was about to leave but then Y/N responded "I'm coming with you!"
"No, you're not coming. You're just another risk. We're not watching out for you too!" Neytiri growled at her. It was obvious she didn't want Y/N there, but Y/N was getting stubborn. "I'm coming with you even if it's the last thing I do! Neteyam saved my life and now I'm saving his! Besides, they have my brother!" she said in the same voice to the tall Na'vi woman. Jake, however, allowed himself to be beaten broadly but only on the condition that she would stay in the background. All those years of training would finally pay off, even if she was afraid. These people were family to her in a way and she just had to help. Especially when Tuk, the poor little girl was there. She didn't deserve to go through something like that, she was the most innocent of them all. "But hurry up, we are leaving now," Jake said and gave her the coordinates for her navigation device so they could meet there.
But since she was too slow as a human and didn't have long legs like the 8 foot tall Na'vi, she decided to go with a somewhat unusual idea. But something inside her said it would work.
She set out for the family's Ikrans and searched for Neteyams there. It would be the only chance to get to them fast enough to be able to help them. Y/N searched for a brief moment until she found the animal with the matching pattern. She hoped it would recognize and not attack her. Slowly crouching, she walked up to it. "Shh, I'm not going to hurt you. It's alright" She didn't make eye contact at first and raised her hand slightly to show the animal that she wasn't a threat. The Ikran made a sound and turned its head to the side to get a better look at the human girl. It smelled her hand and recognized her by the scent that she belonged to its flier Neteyam. When Y/N was also sure that Netes Ikran recognized her, she stood up and touched the animal on its head. The Ikran nuzzled her hand and she began to speak one more time, hoping that the Ikran would understand her in some way.
"Neteyam is in danger. I need your help."
The animal didn't seem to understand her in her opinion, so she pulled her hand away and was a little disappointed. What had she been thinking? That it would just understand her? After all, there was a certain reason why the Na'vi formed a bond with these animals. She turned away and the animal made another sound. Y/N turned and watched as Neteyam's Ikran bowed to her and visibly made itself smaller. It showed her that she was allowed to mount.
Even though it was unusual to sit alone on an Ikran and the communication was not smooth either, she was able to find the location quickly and already saw Jake and Neytiri on the spot.
They were surprised for a moment how she had managed to get here with an Ikran, but there was not much time for that, because their children were still in danger.
They planned how best to approach the group without being detected and Y/N took her bow from her back. They decided on an ambush and Neytiri again made it clear to Y/N that she was just another liability and that she should rather stay in the background. She respected her opinion and ran after her with distance. They crept through the bushes together and listened to see if they heard any noise coming from any direction. Neytiri pressed herself against a tree, she was barely visible through the darkness, only her bright shining freckles betrayed where she was. After less time she found her children taken hostage and the Recom soldiers. She yipped to show the soldiers that they were not alone and to distract them so that Jake would have a chance to get closer. But what Neytiri and Y/N didn't know was that there were more of the Recoms roaming the forest. As Neytiri continued to watch, already drawing her bow in the direction of the group, a soldier approached from behind with his weapon drawn close to them. Y/N noticed what was happening and quietly stepped out of the bushes, took an arrow from her quiver and drew her bow. She took a few steps closer and tried not to breathe to give away her position. When she had a clear view of the target, she exhaled, releasing the arrow. The arrow shot forward with speed and hit the soldier right in the neck. Only the dull thud could be heard as the lifeless body touched the ground.
Neytiri turned around startled, thinking she had been spotted, but she only saw Y/N with a concentrated expression on her face, taking down her bow. Neytiri just looked at her with her big eyes and quickly looked at the floor where the dead soldier was lying. Without making any further comment or thanking her, Neytiri signaled Y/N with her head to go in the other direction.
Y/N continued to sneak through the bushes and hid behind a thick branch. From a distance, another Yipp could be heard and she saw the other Recom soldiers turn to look where the sound was coming from. The children's ears pricked up as well when they recognized their mother's voice. Tuk smiled and whispered a soft "Mom." Quaritch just said, "Sounds like we got a visit from Mrs. Sully." The other soldiers got ready for an attack and raised their weapons in the direction of the bushes.
Because of her size, Y/N had trouble keeping track of the situation, so she decided to climb to a higher level. From there she had to watch how brutally they held their friends and pointed weapons at them. She also saw Jake hiding on the other side, waiting for the right moment. They kept eye contact as he spotted her and Y/N waited for a sign from him and she cocked her bow for good measure. Neytiri moved closer and when they thought it was the best moment Jake gave his signal and an attack was made. From two sides came bow shots, each time hitting a different Recom soldier, and Jake came out of the bushes and grabbed another soldier from behind, taking him out with his knife.
Shots were now falling from the remaining Recoms, who were getting ready to flee. They shooed the children up and yanked them along by their handcuffs. Neytriri, Y/N and Jake continued to chase them through the forest. Y/N who had climbed a tree earlier, jumped from branch to branch and past the vines without thinking about where her foot would land next. She just had to keep up. After a while, Quaritch and his group figured they had gotten away from them. Y/N also stopped and continued to spy on them. To send a signal that they had more power, the soldiers wanted to get their hands on the children and headed for Neteyam with knives drawn. That's when Y/N saw red, too. She jumped down from her tree right onto the soldier's back. She put her arm around his neck and thus put him in a headlock, Y/N so could not finish the fight, she grabbed her knife at her right hip and stabbed with it several times until he finally slumped down in himself. She had let out all her rage and hadn't even noticed that Jake and Neytiri had finally driven Quaritch's 1st Recom squad away.
Y/N tried to pull herself together and push the dead soldier off her body and stood up. Breathing heavily, she now stood there in the middle of the battlefield watching the Sully children run to their parents. However, Neteyam was still sitting in the same spot. He was in awe as he watched her take out a "Na'vi" with simple means as a human. The way she was standing there, breathing heavily, the knife still in her hand and with few blood blasts on her body. She was still wearing her Na'vi clothes, which she kept from the evening of the festivities. And Nete could not believe his eyes, his Y/N, the human who turned his head, looked like a true Omatikaya warrior in the blue light and in her outfit. And she had saved his life. If only he could, he would only fall more in love with her.
Y/N looked around the area and Neteyam caught her eye. "Nete!" she cried out and ran to him. Still sitting, he took her in his arms and pressed his forehead to hers. "By Eywa, you're okay. I thought they were taking you away from me," she replied and tears began to form in her eyes. Her body relaxed from his warmth and slumped together against `Teyam's body. She was under tension the whole time and now she could relax for the first time in what felt like hours.
"You saved me" was the only thing Nete could manage to say. He just couldn't believe it. After days of staying out of their way, she still came to save him. "Of course I saved you. You're like family to me."
"You didn't have to put yourself in danger because of me" Even though he liked the sight of her in that situation, he knew what kind of danger she had put herself in as a human just to save him.
"It's called returning the favor, `Teyam. You saved my life too," she whispered in his ear. He thanked her and looked deep into her eyes. A tear now ran down his face too. He couldn't thank her enough for protecting him. He only then realized again how important he seemed to be to her.
A touch on Y/N's shoulder pulled them both out of their moment. It was Kiri. Y/N stood up as well as Neteyam, who walked in the direction of his father and mother to embrace them. "Thank you Y/N," Kiri expressed her gratitude as well, taking her into a smothering hug. Tuk then came running up and hugged them both as well. "You are a real heroine", she gushed.
As the tensions eased, the family finally decided to leave, but Y/N was missing a certain face among all the commotion. "Where is Spider?" she asked. But when no one answered her immediately, she called out his name. She became more nervous and desperate. He was here a moment ago, after all.
"They took him," Lo'ak said in a hushed voice, sad that his human friend had been kidnapped. "No, no, it can't be!" She wanted to run after and try to get him back, but Jake stopped her. "I think it's too late. They're already way too far, we can't catch up to them."
"But he's my brother, Jake! I can't leave him behind"
"I know, I know" he tried to comfort her and put his hand paternally on her head to pull her close. "We'll get him back, right?" Nothing came from Jake, who just stared at the floor with a look that wasn't clearly defined. He wasn't sure of himself if it would work out to get him back, but he couldn't let Y/N go home without hope in such a condition either, that's why he said, "Yes we'll get Spider back home. We'll get him back."
In a partially dejected and sad mood, Y/N set off with Neteyam to meet his Ikran. He was initially confused as to why his Ikran was here in the first place, since he had come here by foot. Y/N explained to him that the animal had been convinced to lead her to him. But he couldn't believe it and laughed at her. Was it really possible that a human could fly his ikran without connecting it to a queue? After all, she had had no possibility to make tsaheylu with the Ikran? How had the animal allowed it to happen? Or was Y/N bluffing at him? He wasn't sure, but there were still so many secrets on Pandora he hadn't learned about, and who knows what else Eywa could make possible with her power. Perhaps the All Mother sensed that the human girl had a strong heart for this planet and for the land. On the way home, Y/N tried to make it clear to Nete that she was not lying and that it really happened that way and told him about the whole story.
Back at the high camp, Y/N's emotions were just coming up. She had now completely realized that her brother had been taken away from her just like that. She immediately felt his absence as her feet felt the rocky ground. She could barely walk two steps before she collapsed. Her body gave out completely and she fell to her knees. Spider was gone and there was nothing she could do. How was she going to make it without him now? She still had her second family, the Sully's, but he was the only human her age she could talk to. They grew up together in the lab and in the rainforests of Pandora, wreaking havoc together as children and laughing about it while their foster parents reprimanded them. She was the only person on the planet who was allowed to call him by his real name. Miles. He never liked to hear the name, as it reminded him of his father, who was complicit in the whole war. But she looked over it, it meant nothing to her. He was Miles Soccoro and not his father Miles Quaritch. He was her brother, not by blood but by bond and friendship.
She could hardly imagine what the RDA would do to him. They would surely try to get information out of him. He would never betray the Omatikaya, of course, but what if they tortured him? Do bad things to him and then he would say something because of the pain? It was just so bad to think about that, her heart started to ache. Neteyam saw her grab her chest where her heart was and put his arm around her comfortingly. She cried on his shoulder and let out her pain through a croaking cry. The other Sully children also realized that their friend Spider was not coming back anytime soon.
Meanwhile, Jake took his mate aside to their hut to have a talk with her. The situation had finally gotten out of hand and Jake was running out of solutions.
The Olo'eyktan tried to explain to Neytiri that he just didn't know what to do. It was the first time in his life that he really didn't know what to do to protect his loved ones. He was afraid that he would lose his children today and that he had little hope of protecting his clan from the RDA.
"I thought we lost them," he said in a quivering voice. They were both at a loss for words and the discussion between them grew louder and louder and this made the children take notice as well. They crept to the back of the hut and eavesdropped on the couple. Tuk made herself smaller and squatted down on the floor to peek through the small gap at the bottom.
"You're Toruk Makto," Neytiri yelled at him, reinforcing her words by taking Jake's bow in her hand. "The people will die," he replied and continued. "I just can't protect them all anymore. But I can protect this family, that I can do" He emphasized the last words in his deep voice and Neytiri began to cry. She now had to learn from her husband that the only way to protect everyone would be for them to leave their home completely. She had never left the forest for a long time. He tried to comfort her by saying: "Wherever we go, this family is our fortress" The Na'vi woman fell into her mate's arms, she couldn't stand it anymore and she started to sob hard.
Convincing the children was the hardest of all. Like their mother, they had never left home and they could hardly imagine leaving their friends and family behind. But Jake stuck to his words and the family prepared to leave the Omatikaya territory.
What would happen to Y/N was still written in the stars and if Neytiri had her way, Y/N would go back to her humans and then everything would be better for her. But Neteyam was not satisfied with that. He could not leave her alone now. She had just lost her foster brother and now her family was going to leave her? Moreover, he still hadn't told her about his feelings, because he had never found the right time. If he told her now, he could never forgive himself for how much it would hurt her. Besides, he couldn't imagine his life without Y/N. Just like she said before, they are like family and to him, if she felt the same as he did, she was his future mate after all. For Y/N, too, a world collapsed. She understood that it would be the only right thing for the Sully's to do. But the thought without them hurt as much as her loss or her brother. She would still have Norm, Max and the others, but it wasn't the same. She would miss them so much. Still, she had to accept Jake's decision. It would be best for everyone.
Nete came up with an idea how he could convince his father to allow Y/N to come with him after all. After Jake announced the news, he approached his father and said to him, "We have to let Y/N come with us."
"Nete, that would be too dangerous for her. She would be fine here," he spoke to his oldest son, squeezing him tightly with his hands on his shoulders. "And what if she wouldn't be safe here? They've seen her face and what if they come back and recognize her? I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate to take her away too like they did with Spider." His father sighed at the realization that in a way his son was right. "I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate either to get information out of her, and she knows where we're going now. They would then also find us and we would be putting a foreign clan in danger."
At the last sentence Jake had to agree with him completely. He had said in front of her that they would flee to the Metkayina clan. She already knew too much now and it would be a bigger risk to leave her here. The Omatikaya and the other people might be able to protect her, but for how long? There was a change in the actual plan now. Y/N would come along, but only for the safety of the clan and his family.
Neytiri could hardly believe her husband's words that he just passed her over again and decided to take the human girl along. "Jake, she will lessen our chances of Uturu with the Metkayina. They trust humans even less than we do. To them, she's just a demon that we would bring into their home." Jake explained to her in response, however, that Y/N might be misused as a source of information about their whereabouts. "I'll be able to explain to them somehow that she's one of us and that she will be allowed to stay too"
"She's not one of us," she hissed, baring her fangs.
"`Tiri don't forget that she helped us to get our children back in safety'"
"We could have done it without her"
Jake ran out of arguments and clenched his jaw before saying, "Then just don't forget that she saved your life. Without her, you could have been shot by that soldier in the woods."
His hand reached for her elbow. "Please Neytiri, trust me."
He wasn't wrong, but she didn't want to admit it to him either. She pulled her arm out of his hand and said defeatedly, "Then it is so. The human is coming along."
Nete couldn't believe that he alone had managed to convince his parents. He was proud of himself and happy to be able to take his Y/N with him. He promised himself that when they were safe with the Metkayina, he would finally confess his feelings to her.
Tuk Tuk was also head over heels with the idea of her big sister - at least in age - being allowed to accompany her. Kiri, too, was glad that she wouldn't have to be alone with the skawngs who called themselves her brothers and would have someone to talk to and wouldn't feel so alone in her new home.
Y/N herself was glad that she was allowed to come with them, but the closer the day of departure came, the more her stomach churned. She would soon be leaving the people who raised her. She would miss Norm the most, with his little dad jokes that only she had ever laughed at. He was a great father figure, for never wanting kids. And a great mentor as far as anthropology went. She would miss Mary, the botanist and biologist who was always there for her like a real mother, teaching her everything. She realized again that family does not have to be by blood, family can also come through love and understanding.
And she felt this partly also with the Sully's. They were like siblings to her, always treating her fairly and making sure nothing would happen to her. They loved her so much that sometimes they forgot that she wasn't 7 feet tall and blue like themselves. She knew she was in good hands with them too. And even more so when Neteyam was with her.
In the meantime, there was still some work to be done. For example, appointing a new Olo'eyktan, since Jake would now be leaving the clan for an undefined period of time. He transferred his leadership to Tarsem, a young Na'vi man who fought together with Jake's squad to attack the Mag-Lev train. He described him "wise beyond his age" and thought of him as a great leader. The ceremony took place at the Tree of Souls, where Mo'at placed the garn worn by Jake and previously Eytukan onto Tarsem, who then symbolically cut Jake on the chest to "kill" the previous leader.
The day of departure was approaching and Y/N returned to the scientists for a few hours to say goodbye. The decision was not easy for them either, but it would be the best for Y/N. She packed a few things, she was not allowed to take too much either, because they would travel with the Ikrans of the family. She hugged everyone once again and promised them that they would see each other again when everything would finally be over. She also promised that she would come back with Spider. Norm then gave her a tablet with a solar charger, so that she could maybe call in between and if there was an emergency, they could be right there. Max also gave her enough batteries for her modified exopack. She thanked them for the good time and headed for the door. As she turned around one last time Max said, "They grow up so fast. First they run around the lab in diapers and then all of a sudden they are adults and go their own way" Y/N smiled at his comment and waved them goodbye one more time.
Now it was time. A new beginning with a new clan where she had to prove herself strong enough to keep up with them. But at least she had her other family by her side and Neteyam.
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taglist: @cedeni-beanie @byunpum @welcomebackfelicia @mashiromochi @sssspencerrr @fanboyluvr @yourbloodyqueen @eywas-heir @hwang-jully @padfootsvixen @dreamergirljen @jordynmrowe @ozlsens @devil-on-acid @ghostjoohoney @sassy-persona @andyyy4444 @abbersreads @droopycoquette @saltedcoffeescotch @kittypoopies @avadakadabra93 @yeosxxx @xxhospital-for-soulsxx (i hope i got everyone on the list, if not please let me know)
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April 1, 2024 pt.2....found this on the wrong account
Today was weird. It went by quickly but it felt off.
I told another person at work what I know and I feel like shit about it.
Feel like I can't do anything right at home or at work.
Tried to help my parents book their trip and save money, turns out there were things with the booking that weren't listed like bags and airport transfers. My mom said she doesn't want to take a taxi alone with my dad. We have to call the hotel to arrange the pickup but of course, they aren't answering right now so Cassandra has to do it tomorrow, but my mom is getting mad that we should have just booked it through the flight website which was 400 more. She doesn't want to put in the work to figure anything out. Even though other people are doing it for her.
I am really stressed that my period is over a week late.
I cried over a riceball today. My dad said he was going to save me one. I had some leftovers before I left for my facial (I didn't see the other food). I got home and I noticed the table was set but didn't ask. My mom didn't tell me there was other food. She pulls it out for my sisters BF and he takes the rice ball that is left and I asked if she saved me any and she said no. Then I felt bad that I took it from him, so I tried to talk to her about it and she goes "you should have just gave it to him". Which made me feel worse. Then she started yelling at me for crying. I am aware I am over-emotional, but would it hurt her to support me in any way.
I don't know why I have been thinking a lot about my sister and her best friend who haven't been talking. I feel bad that my sister doesn't have her friend and I want to try and help, but I don't know how. I miss having her around too. She told my sister she needs space, and my sister has given it to her. I know my sister isn't innocent and hadn't been a great friend, but I also know that there was negative influences that made the friend think worse things. I miss her being around too. I have been thinking a lot about covid and how those days looked.
I am thinking a lot about my career and how I see my future. I've been thinking a lot about my relationship and I et scared sometimes that B is going to leave me for some stupid reason, I know he's not like the rest, but there's a piece of my trauma, past that can't help but to be scared. I love his family and spending time with them. I love how they just take me in and make me feel at home.
I don't like that I come home and that I don't feel like I am at home.
Everything is very complicated.
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unknown-limes · 1 year
Sorry I'm so late getting myself on the company website, there's kind of this personal drama going on and I wanted to wait for it to die down a little before I got online. Oh, what is it? Well, I guess it's okay to talk about now. So, my parent is currently in the middle of a nasty divorce, and their soon-to-be ex isn't a very nice person who already didn't like me during the marriage, and she kinda got on a villain arc for a second there where she was harassing my family. Like, when you first sent an email asking for a picture, that same week, she uploaded a picture of me without my consent or knowledge and gave it a really cruel caption saying that my acne is actually an STD. And that was better than what she said in the caption of the photo of my little brother that she also uploaded without his consent or knowledge. So that kinda turned me off of putting any other pictures of myself online. Yeah. She apparently got a lawyer recently and they probably told her to stop posting because we haven't heard anything for a couple of weeks, and that's why I'm finally sending this picture so I can get listed on the website.
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10/3/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Matthew 2, Luke 2 39 - 52
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological it's the third day of October who we're cruising and today we're reading Matthew chapter two, and then we're going to switch over to Luke and read Luke chapter 2, verses 39 through 52, Matthew chapter 2.
I love in the reading today that we get to see the humanity of Jesus. We rarely Think of him as human. We rarely think of him as a little boy because we have very little Stories about him as a young boy, but here today we see him, I started to say wandering into the temple just because I think of my own kids, curiosity that made them wander or just the The lack of fear that just made them want to explore, and then the sheer panic that I experienced when I discovered that they weren't by my side. I remember distinctly losing China in a store after I had Max. I was a young mom with four kids and still trying to figure out how to Juggle and manage it all and Max needed to eat in Walmart and I ducked out on a shelf. Thought China was with my mom. My mom thought she was with me and just sheer and utter panic. But it's Jesus, We can't Say that he wandered off. If we go by his response to his parents after they found him, it's like it didn't phase Jesus to think that Him wandering off to go into the temple to be in his father's house. It's Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know that it was necessary for me to be in my father's house? And they didn't understand What he said to them, and maybe we don't quite understand What his response to them was, But it's almost like we can take it where Jesus was saying. Where else would I be? Where else? Why did you not think that I would be here? But what a beautiful picture we get of Jesus as a young boy and we see that he was amazing the teachers by his questions that he was asking them, and they were amazed by his understanding and by his answers and responses. Now it's safe to say It's Jesus. Why wouldn't we be amazed by Jesus? But sometimes when I just talk to my own children When I ask them questions instead of feeding them all of the answers, I'm amazed at how much they know. How much simple wisdom they already possess. But we we so often think we've got all the answers and we need to teach them. It's amazing, It's amazing what you will find when you just stop and ask a child. We're going to savor this story today because we're going to move through the life of Jesus fairly quickly.
Father, we thank you for your word today. Thank you that we have turned another page In your word, we've turned another page in the stories of our own lives. We're grateful to be on this journey with you. We thank you that we get to pause today And see Jesus as a young boy. The humanness of Jesus as a young Boy, it's hard to grasp and hard to comprehend. But we’ll,  We'll just sit here in this story today intentionally focusing on the fact that Jesus grew up in the same way that we grew from baby to toddler to child, young teenage to a man or a woman. We’ll grasp that Jesus came to be Emmanuel. God With us. Thank you for that. We pray this in the name of the Father and the Son And the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Daily Audio Bible. That's home base. Check it out if you have not. If you would like to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, we thank you so much for your partnership. If you're giving by mail, DAB PO Box 1996, Spring Hill TN 37174, or you can hit the give icon, it's up at the top right hand corner of your mobile device. Or look for the give Icon on the website as well.If you need prayer, if you'd like to call in and share what's going on and just ask the community to pray for you, you can do so. If you would like to call in and pray for someone that's previously called in, you can do so 800-583-2164. Or you can hit the red circle button, it's up at the top right hand corner. Just turn that wheel to chronological, it will get to the right place and we appreciate your cooperation with that. It's going to do it for me today. I'm Jill. We will turn the page together tomorrow. And I look forward to it every single day. Until then, Love one another.
Community Prayer Line
Hey y'all, hey, it's Simone in Texas. And this is for Heather in Santa Barbara. I'm praying for you, sis. So let's go ahead and and pray. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord God on today we approach the Throne of Grace With humility, but yet with boldness, God we’re thanking you for the mercies And today because your word says that your mercy renews every day and it's everlasting. So we thank you for the mercy and the grace in today. Father God on today I lift up my sister Heather and Santa Barbara to you God, oh God, you know her heart. You know her sorrow, you know her pain, You know her needs, Father God. I thank you God that in this season you will be Jehovah Gjyra to her God with doctor bills mounting and bills mounting and. And commitments she had. She has commitments and things that need to be paid. God, you are God that sees and knows all. So I thank you, Father. God that you're being Jehovah gjyra in this season. I thank you, father. You're also being Jehovah Rapha. God, you're you're being being her healer. God, I ask that you would touch her from the crown of her head To the soles of her feet, Lord God, that your spirit Holy Spirit will permeate through her Father God and begin to heal the bones and and the breaks and the issues that she has going on with her in her body and God. We just thank you for being God. We know you are strong in your mighty and you can do all things. I thank you that even in this season, maybe you're slowing her down to bring her back to you. I don't know what you're doing in the season, but I thank you for what it is you're doing in this season and help her to approach it with grace. It's in Jesus name. Amen.
Dear God, I come before your presence, thanking you, Father. I thank you that you are our Lord, that you are a savior, that you are a healer. I thank you that you see us as your precious children. I thank you for your new mercies this morning, Father. Thank you for your precious children. All my dabbers. I love them all so much. And Lord, I wanna lift up this gentleman who called in. Umm.To request He actually prayed for others as amazing. God bless him. He pray for others before he put in his prayer request. And Lord, I ask you that you incline your ears upon his lips. Your Father, God, in our prayers, your Lord, I pray that you watch over him As he gets his procedure and October 3rd father in Florida Lord, I pray that your presence will be there. Then guide the Staffs, guide the surgeon, Guide everything your father and that has to do with his life, with his heart. I thank you for your love for him. We love him also so much I thank you father forListening and I, we are looking for a praise report and that it will be the last time that they have He has to deal with this situation in his heart. Thank you for holding his heart in your hands, for for watching over him, and for using him. Thank you, Father. God bless you, my brother and I love you. This is Minita from Lombard.Have a great day.
Ah, this pure heart from Tennessee. And I just wanted to. A lot.Anyhow, I wasn't for sure when was your delivery time, but I've kind of figured it was getting close because I could hear you being a little winded as you read to us, but there are many that are praying and lifting you up and and asking God for favor during your pregnancy and Uh Speaking with them and guidance and directions as parents and how to raise up your children In the adoration of Jesus, but I want to pray for you, Father God, I just pray for the Brown family, and I just ask that as they welcome this new gift that you've Bestowed upon them that they would hear from the Holy Spirit and know the the right ways you would have for them to the raise that baby that you've given them charge over. Father God, I pray that they always be enough resources in the home I pray against any his sickness and disease that will try to attack any of them in Jesus name and I pray that Chinas Delivery will go smoothly. Exceedingly abundantly above all that she could ask or think just You are mighty Hannah. Be delivering Her first hand in Jesus name and Father God, I pray for her husband and mighty man of God that he'll.Bio Great leader in the home. 
0 notes
creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
What I'm So Afraid Of
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The villain hesitated for a moment, and it made the hero's heart sink.
"Come on, I only asked what your favourite colour was. That's like, the easiest question I could think of!"
The villain fidgeted, looking to the ground, an expression like they were mad at themselves. Regardless, they relented.
"It's... uh, blue,"
"Blue..." the hero deadpanned, unimpressed and disappointed by the uncertainty in the other's voice.
"it is!" The villain urged, but the hero just shook their head.
"It's okay, I get it, you still don't trust me yet," the hero replied as they stood up, trying to sound like they were unbothered despite how obvious the hurt was in their voice.
"What!? No! Of course I trust you! It's just-"
"Don't, please." The hero replied, "having trust issues and needing more time to trust me is one thing. And that's okay! I don't mind that." they explained, "but.. lying to me about it is another," the hero fidgeted, "I- I know you're only trying to make me feel better, but..."
The hero sighed, running their fingers through their hair, "I'm gonna head to bed early tonight. I'll see you in the morning, okay?" they said, trying for a smile before turning and walking off toward their bedroom leaving a very sad and guilty feeling villain on the couch behind them.
It wasn't that they didn't *trust* the hero, in fact, they would trust the other with their life; that wasn't the problem.
No, the *problem* was the villain themselves. Who -and, more importantly, *what*,- they were.
What if something made them remember just what kind of monster they were dating?
The villain waited a full hour before going to bed themselves, quietly slipping into the dark bedroom, relieved to see their partner was sound asleep.
The hero was laid on their side, facing them, but had their face half-buried in the blankets. The sight brought a small, silent, yet pained smile to the villain's face.
As quietly as possible, they slipped into their side of the bed, looking down at the hero next to them.
The villain sighed, "I really wish you'd listen to me sometimes when I say you deserve so much better," they whispered, reaching over to very gently tuck a strand of the hero's hair behind their ear.
"I'm not afraid to tell you something as personal as my biggest fear, I'm afraid of how you'll react when the answer is: losing you,"
They glanced over, admiring the sleeping hero next to them.
"I'm not afraid to tell you simple stuff like my favourite pastry is a cinnamon bun. I'm afraid of telling you that's because it's the only pastry I've ever *had,* after *you* got me one,"
The villain brushed over the hero's hair gently, something they always did to help the other sleep, smiling when the hero leaned into the touch.
"My coolest talent is I can pick almost any lock. I can't tell you my parent's names cuz' I never knew them. You already know what my hobbies and bad habits are," they explained, laughing under their breath slightly at the last one before continuing, "but any of those things could just serve to remind you what kind of monster you sleep with every night,"
The villain shook their head, huffing a laugh of self-pityI'm, "and I'm certainly not afraid to tell you my favourite colour is ocean blue, I'm afraid to tell you it's because that's the colour of your eyes. What... what if you think that's creepy?" They took a deep breath, "I've *never * not trusted you. I'm not scared of giving you information. Im afraid it will make you finally remember what I am, and that you've made a mistake. I'm terrified of not waking up beside you,"
They glanced over again, and thankfully the hero was still asleep.
The villain gave a deep sigh, before leaning down to kiss the top of their lover's head gently.
"I'm sorry," they whispered, before pulling back up and-
Awake. The hero was awake.
Their eyes were all but *gleaming* up at the villain next to them, a smile plastered on their face.
The villain immediately froze, statue still, like a mouse that had been spotted by a cat.
Except this mouse also lit up a bright firetruck red.
How long had the hero been awake!?
The hero laughed, genuinely, but before the villain could react, the hero grabbed their hips, pulling them closer on the bed and subsequently causing the villain to topple over backwards.
"You're forgiven, you big dork," the hero replied with a smile, hands still on the other's hips as they supported themselves to loom over the villain below.
They giggled again at whatever expression they received, not giving their partner a chance to reply before leaning down to bring their lips together.
"I never knew you could be so soft and sweet," the hero teased when they finally broke, lifting themselves to look down at the other again.
The villain somehow blushed more. "You weren't supposed to know..." they muttered, pouting and glancing away, "I was afraid-"
"Well, believe it or not," the hero replied, cutting them off and leaning down to kiss the other's nose, who squeaked, "you've got nothing to be afraid of,"
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