#my plan is if my family won't let me pay them back i'll pay it forward by donating to medical gofundmes whenever i have some extra cash
a-b-riddle · 5 months
Part Five
Can't stop thinking about the attempt of reconciliation and reader ain't having it. Our girl is going to be wilddddd y'all. Also goodnight. See y'all tomorrow (maybe)
You call Meredith when you get home.
You. Are. Fuming. She's not sure she can ever remember a time you using so many swear words at one time.
How fucking dare them? Immature? You're the immature one? You were the one trying your best to salvage four failing relationship meanwhile none of those assholes could be bothered to try and keep one. They had one person to manage: you.
"I wanna go out this weekend." "Wear something tight and borderline risk indecent exposure."
"You know what I always say," Meredith begins. "The best way to get over someone-"
"is to get under someone else." You finish. You weren't exactly keen on the idea of bringing someone to your bed just yet, but a little attention would do you some good. "I don't want to fuck someone just yet." You admitted. "I'm more on the getting drunk and making out."
"I didn't know we resorted back secondary school heavy petting?" She teased.
"University, Dear." You corrected. "I didn't peak until after I graduated."
"No." She argued. "You didn't put your books down long enough to realize that boys actually wanted to fuck you." You were glad she couldn't see you roll your eyes. "Saturday work for you? I have a late night Friday and won't be up for it."
"That works."
"Sorry." She apologized. "I plan on getting you absolutely smashed so I need to be ready to play the nanny. I know how you love to get drunk and run off."
It was true. You had always found it hilarious when you were drunk to just run. Quite literally run away. It got to a point during university where Meredith would handcuff you to her so you didn't stray.
"I won't run." Your sober mind promised.
"Uh huh." Meredith's tone told you that she knew that was a load of shit. "I'll text Tabs. Let her know the plan."
The next day at the shop was pretty uneventful. No more unexpected visitors. You still had them all blocked. Not caring if now they decided to offer up some bullshit apology.
Months. This had been a steady decline for six months. A text or a simply sorry won't fix this. You weren't sure anything could.
But it didn't matter. You were done and they obviously were too.
You had picked up enough take out to feed a family, but you didn't plan on making your lunch before work or cooking when you got home. The rest of the week you planned on just going through the motions until you could go out Saturday and hopefully get everything out.
You weren't paying attention as you walked down the hallway to your flat. Fishing in your purse for keys. You were at almost at your door when you saw him.
Sitting next to your door was a familiar face. A face you felt you haven't seen in forever.
“What are you doing here, Kyle?" Your voice was flat as you continued to blindly try and find your keys with one hand. Fuck. You really need to clean out your purse...
“My key wouldn’t work.” He explained. "So I’m out here.”
"I'm aware why you're not in my apartment since I changed the locks," you said, trying to keep your irritation at bay. "What I am asking is why did you come here?"
"You won't return any of our messages."
"You're all blocked, so technically I didn't really get any messages." "Besides, you don't get to complain to me about not responding to texts, Kyle Garrick." Your fingers finally wraps around them. God bless. "If you're here for your things, it'll have to wait. I have to sort through everyone's shit and I don't know whose is whose."
"We need to talk." He explains as you put the key into the lock, opening the door.
"Nah," you say scrunching your nose in that way he used to adore. "I'm good. But you can swing by tomorrow and pick up your things if you'd like." You say before trying to shut the door on him. You were stupid in thinking you could be faster than him.
"I know things haven't been good and I've definitely could have been better,'' he admits. "But can you at least try and let us apologize? Let us try and work it out."
"No." You answered, trying to close the door. Not caring if you had to resort to kicking his shins to get him out.
"Why not?" He countered.
“Maybe because I've already tried, Kyle?” You gave up on trying to shut him out. You were strong, but he didn't have any issues in besting you. “Because I actually tried with you. With all of you. You didn’t need to come here giving me excuses about your life being hectic because I’ve made the excuses for you.” You didn't miss how he practically flinched. He had always blamed his busy life. Family. Work. You stopped caring about whatever excuse he gave you and realized it was just that. An excuse. “I’ve been telling myself for months that everything you guys didn’t do for me wasn’t because you didn’t care about me. It was because of the stress of your deployments is the reason none of you tell me when you get back from until it’s time to fuck. I tell myself it’s because of the fucked up situation of me being with all of you that makes it awkward to meet your families. Families you all have that I now know I’m not worthy of meeting.” He wanted to correct you. You were. You were worthy. He was an idiot. “It’s not that I need your excuses to make me feel like what you did was justified. No matter what it was, it was apparently to you because you did it.”
He took a step back, processing everything you had said. He had been selfish. You were the reliable constant in his life. Someone he believed he never disappointed. Someone he couldn't disappoint no matter how many times he fucked up.
You took the opportunity to slam the door. Quickly turning the lock before he had a chance to open it back up.
That felt good.
You had spent that evening collecting their thing in case Kyle did show back up tomorrow. You wouldn't make their lives easier by sorting all their shit and organizing it. Everything. One box. Let them figure it out. You almost had a mind to add a shirt that you knew didn't belong to any of them just to have them argue over it. Or least make them think there was someone else...
You were almost tempted if not for the premise that you wanted them to realize this was their fault. Their fuck up. But now that you were officially all broken up, you were free game.
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yanxidarlings · 1 year
continuation of my previous post (i got caught up in getting out my anthony goldstein headcanons was it obvious). okay so full disclosure, i haven't read the fanfictions lorenzo and mattheo are from (i only read yandere is it obvious) (i see their faceclaims and cannot. exclude), so if i'm not portraying them correctly shout at me. but just for a moment, imagine having the 79-80 liner slytherin boys yandere for their dormmate? (okay there is a loophole i'll write for male readers/darlings if asked).
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maybe they've known the reader/darling since childhood, and the sudden close proximity magnifies the possessive and obsessive tendencies they were developing towards the darling. or, the darling could suddenly get sorted into slytherin and now they have a roommate they did not expect to have. for the second scenario i don't think the darlings personality would matter much - either way, they're all apprehensive about this really cute kid they suddenly are dorming with.
maybe they give the reader a hard time at first (although this is only really likely to happen for a darling in a different house, or a muggleborn darling) but whoo boy if anyone else thinks of teasing the reader, they'll get hell from our dear slytherins here. actually, anyone who the reader pays mind to becomes a target of torment and bullying by draco and his gang. especially potter. please, reader, for potters own sanity and the good of the wizarding world, do not approach, think about or even look in the direction of harry. it ends in an ugly tantrum from draco, prolonged sarcasm from theodore, silence from blaise, aggression from mattheo and teasing from lorenzo. crabbe and goyle won't be carrying your books for you for the next week either.
when they get like this, it'll be the darling that'll have to make it up to them, or risk having it all drag out until one of them gets over it naturally.
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GREGORY GOYLE & VINCENT CRABBE (cast josh herdman, jamie waylett):
they're all horribly possessive and jealous by default, but generally, crabbe and goyle are the easiest to deal with, they both have a soft spot for their darling, and are pretty used to being bossed around, the second choice and having to share. they're also the easiest to appease, putting food on crabbe's plate is enough to make him happy, and paying goyle any mind will go a long way.
they don't need constant attention (draco), validation (draco), and affection (draco), from their darling, and are content just being in their life.
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BLAISE ZABINI (cast louis cordice):
after them, i honestly don't know who's worse. going in alphabetical order, blaise appears to be calm and uncaring when it comes to his darling, but do not be fooled, he's not going to sit back and let his darling get whisked away by the likes of a half blood (sorry mattheo), spolit daddy's boy (apologies draco), spolit mommy's boy (soz enzo) or someone who's one lab accident away from becoming a supervillain (blaise's words not mine theo).
blaise tolerates the rest of the slytherins for now, but if any of them think he'd ever fully agree to sharing with the likes of them, they are wrong. he fantasises about taking his darling away from the world after graduating, and probably has his mother trying to arrange a marriage the moment he decides they're his.
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DRACO MALFOY (cast tom felton):
unlike blaise, draco is not even a little bit subtle about his possesiveness over his darling, he only see's the other slytherins as tools to ensure his darlings safety and happiness at hogwarts, and does not bother to pretend like he isn't planning to kidnap move the reader into malfoy manor the minute they graduate. actually, he couldn't wait that long.
he'll look for any opportunity to have the malfoy family gain custody of his darling. all the more better if his darling comes from a dysfunctional household. but either way, he'll make sure his family is all they have to turn to.
all i know about lorenzo is that he has mommy and daddy issues so i'll have to piggybank off that. he'll present himself as the 'sane' one, if his darling is complaining about the behaviour of the other slytherins, enzo wholeheartedly agree's with them "i don't know what's wrong with all of them - you sure you didn't slip any amortentia into their drinks?" he becomes a safe haven from the possessive obsession his dormmates seem to share for their darling.
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE (fancast louis patridge):
lorenzo acts the most normal, but don't be fooled, he's just as obsessed as the rest of them. enzo is just better at hiding it. he too, frequently thinks about whisking them away, but is much less finite about it; holing his darling up in his house isn't the end goal. he could honestly live with sharing them with his fellow slytherins, but this is all assuming that the reader takes well to his attempts at becoming the 'sane one'.
if enzo isn't able to successfully befriend them, he'll have to settle for being the 'mean one'. teasing and humiliation follows his darling, as does he. it's not severe, but it's probably the push the reader needs to fall into deep depression and anxiety. so please, take the sane bait.
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MATTHEO RIDDLE (fancast benjamin wadsworth):
mattheo doesn't exactly have a family reputation to uphold, blaise, draco, enzo and theo would want to keep up a respectable reputation, whatever that is in pureblood society, but mattheo? the dark lords son? he's entirely unhinged.
if lorenzo is the 'sane one', mattheo is the 'crazy one'.
he doesn't really care what his darling, or others, think of his behaviour. if he wants to spend time with them, he's going to. he'll pull them out of class, drag them away from the other slytherins, just to skip rocks in the black lake with them, or raid the kitchens. he doesn't really bother hiding his yandere tendencies, he'll actively tell his darling not to talk to certain people "because i said so" "stop asking questions", and will refuse to elaborate further. sometimes, there will be disturbing moments of honesty between him and his darling; he'll admit that he's obsessed with them, and threaten to attack people they pay attention to. and he'll tell them that they belong to him.
sometimes it's frightening and sometimes he'll come across as sweet. he is both predictable and unpredictable, which puts his darling at unease around him.
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THEODORE NOTT (fancast lorenzo zurzolo):
theodore uses guilt to garner his darlings sympathy, all the more easier if they are childhood friends. he'll make sure they know about his harsh childhood, and make them feel responsible for his wellbeing. he's the only one to create a sense of dependency not built upon threats. out of all the slytherins, he gets to know his darling the best, he'll use guilt, emotional breakdowns and dark secrets to create a sense of obligation towards him.
theo is the most comforting of the slytherins to be around, he's quiet and the only one who they can spend time with without feeling much pressure. he demands the most of their attention, and is by far the most possessive. whilst i can see the other slytherins finding a way to deal with sharing their darling amonst themselves, if the rest don't back off eventually (stop dreaming theo) (they won't), he's the most inclined to just get rid of them - he can't stand it when his darling is around anyone but him, he wakes early to walk his darling to class just so they won't get caught up in the busy halls, where eyes can wonder and other people can have a chance to interact with his darling.
theodore pairs with them for every project, which leads to some ugly arguments between him and blaise, who only really get's his fill of his darling by sitting next to them in class. and draco, and mattheo and enzo and even goyle who was hoping the reader would help get him a good grade for once.
out of all of them, draco, goyle and blaise are the most patient. they want their darling to love them, not see them as monsters to flinch away from.
theodore, lorenzo and mattheo will take whatever they can get. lorenzo in particular doesn't want his darling to fear him but won't let them get away with trying to escape or disobedience. mattheo doesn't mind being the villain if he must be, but his heart clenches when his darling acts so obviously distrustful of him. theodore is the least patient, and if his darling starts to shy away from him, he snaps. at them, at the rest of the slytherin boys. but he's also easy to keep content, so long as his darling is always by his side.
similarly, blaise just enjoys being in the presence of his darling, and doesn't feel the need to cuddle up to them constantly like draco and enzo do. mattheo is a loose canon, and sometimes is fine being near them, other times he wants skin to skin contact 25/8.
they're hopeless at sharing, and only really get along for the sake of their darling. there are only really two ways this can end; theodore finally snaps and tries to off the rest of them after graduation, or they somehow come to an agreement on sharing, maybe they each get their own day a week
monday for draco, tuesday for blaise, wednesday for theo, thursday for enzo, and friday for mattheo. goyle and crabbe probably aren't taken seriously enough to get given their own day, so then the weekends are spent sharing (fighting).
the only time the boys will work in tandem is when someone attempts to take their darling and their attention, away. best example, darling starts dating someone. which is already pretty improbable, considering they give the reader no alone time whatsoever. but let's just say the darling here is going on a date with cormac mclaggen (get a grip, darling), any grudges they've been holding against each other are off, mclaggen has just signed his death warrant.
mattheo and theodore do most of the dirty work, whilst lorenzo distracts the reader. draco and blaise cover up their tracks, so it seems like whatever they did to mclaggen was an untimely accident. or have it blamed on someone else. goyle and crabbe intimidate anyone who tries to get close to the darling from then on.
they might hate sharing with each other, but they truly despise sharing with an 'outsider'.
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dearmantis · 1 year
Golden Crown of Sorrow
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/The Darkling x fem!Princess!Reader
Summary: After sending dozens of letters begging your father to help you flee from your betrothed and his family, someone finally comes to save you
Warnings: domestic abuse, neglectful/abusive parents, sexism/violence against women, mentions of suicide, murder, mentions of child murder, mentions of getting attacked by an animal (if you get bitten by something, even a human, get checked by a medical professional), Fjerda slander, mention of pregnancy
Word Count: 4k words
Authors Note: This was originally part of A little loss of Innocence but it works way better as it's own one shot. Also, please pay attention to the warnings. English is not my native language and I didn't edit this
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"Did my father send you?" You ask as you settle in the carriage, voice timid and quiet in a way that is so unlike the version of you that he knows that it throws him off for a second.
You haven't spoken at all during the ride here, contempt in burying your fingers in the mane of his horse or sleeping as he led it away from the house of the family you were promised to, and starring at the forest or the small fires he lit to cook food during the breaks.
His gaze wanders over you, taking in the way your shoulders are pulled together to make you appear smaller, the small, almost invisible cut on your left cheek, the way you keep wincing when the carriage shakes a bit, and how your eyes keep jumping around, gaze always flickering between the window and the position of his hands.
He can't lie to you, he realises. You're suspicious and filled to the brim with fear and paranoia. Whatever happened in Fjerda has shaken you to the core and thrown you right into survival mode. If he lies to you and you find out, you will never trust him with anything ever again.
Because even if you recover from this, you will always remember the fact that he lied to you when you were in your most vulnerable state. And Aleksander needs the trust of the royal family, as much as he might despise that fact.
You bite your lip harshly, teeth digging into the chapped, dry flesh before you nod, eyes finding his. The suspicion in them is stronger now, accompanied by a bit of confusion.
"Then why did you come? What's in it for you?"
Aleksander frowns. "Excuse me, your highness?"
"Why are you saving me? Why did you decide to come here instead of letting me die in Djerholm? My own family was ready to watch me perish there after all."
There is no anger in your voice, no sadness, nothing. Just this monotone, quiet, submissive voice that doesn't fit someone born into the status of royalty.
But your gaze is scrutinizing, clarifying that every question you ask is a test designed to make him trip in hopes of revealing his true motivations. You're expecting him to lie to you. In the back of your mind you're probably already planning how to weasel the truth out of him, so all he can really do to take control over the situation and reassure you into trusting him is to reveal the truth and in turn his playing cards for this specific game.
You want him to lie, and he has never enjoyed doing what the royal family wants.
Your surprise is like a shooting star: Visible for a singular heartbeat, then gone forever.
"Glory?" Your eyes look back down to your knees, your hands playing with the fabric of the skirt of your dress while the volume of your voice drops into a whisper. "You won't achieve glory like this. You will most likely be punished for saving me, and I'll be sent back."
Your behaviour is starting to bother him. It was a welcome change when he first got you out and traveled through Fjerda with you on the saddle in front of him, but now all he wants to do is shake you until the words start falling out of your mouth.
He thought you were just quiet because you were scared of being caught, but evidently, nothing has changed for you after he led you across the border to Ravka.
Maybe it would've been better to lie? To tell you that he was some kind of chivalrous knight in shining armour who had come to Fjerda out of the goodness of his own heart to save his struggling princess?
"I doubt that you'll be send back, your highness," he responds carefully. He never thought about the fact that your family might be upset about him saving you. They did give you away after all, and he simply acted on the assumption that they love you and want you to be safe, like all parents should. He should know by now that many parents don't love their children.
"I hope you're right," you mumble, averting your gaze to look at the scenery of Ravka rushing past the window, "For the sake of both of us."
You sink back into silence after that, and the letter still stuck in a pocket of his kefta is suddenly heavy as a bag of bricks. It's a short one, written on a scrap of paper that you must've somehow smuggled out of the house of your betrothed. It had ended up in his mail one day, either through an accident or through a servant who couldn't continue to watch the king ignore your cries for help.
Please father. I don't know how much longer I can survive this. I dream of taking a knife to my throat every day. I'm not strong enough for this.
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The next time you speak, you're less than ten minutes away from the town where he planned to take a break, your quiet voice piercing through the air like an arrow.
"Do you have to bring me to my father?"
Aleksander looks up from the documents he had been reading, a deep frown on his face. "Where else would I bring you, your highness?"
You mirror his facial expression. "You could hide me at the Little Palace."
"No, I can't. What if someone catches you?"
"Nobody would catch me, I promise. I would be so quiet, I would never leave my rooms I would-"
"No. End of the discussion, or I'll tell the coachman to turn around and bring you back to your betrothed."
His voice is sharp and cold, the stress from the last few days finally boiling over, and you flinch back from him so harshly that your head hits the wood behind you. Fear burns like a small fire in your gaze, your frame curling in on itself even further.
You don't talk at all for two days straight after that. The only time he hears your voice is when you scream and cry at night, probably due to nightmares.
Looking back, he probably overreacted a bit.
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The next time you talk, it's only because he asks you a question.
You're both sitting in a tavern, quietly eating together, and while your gaze keeps jumping from the three other people around you to the door and the windows, his is glued to you.
He has collected a thousand questions on his tongue in the last few days, and his mind works overtime trying to discern the differences between you now and you before all of this. Before the betrothal, before your travels to Fjerda.
"What exactly happened to you in Fjerda?"
Your attention shifts to him, brows furrowed.
"The same thing that always happens when a woman of Ravka gets betrothed to a man of Fjerda."
In the back of his mind, he remembers the death of Princess Fruzsina. How her brother, crown prince Konstantin, didn't let anyone see her or her newborn daughters corpse when they were transported back to Ravka, not even her own parents.
"Nobody needs to see this. It's better to remember her the way she was when she was still here."
He feels acid rising in his throat.
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You talk again a few hours later, attention flickering from the window of the carriage to him and back a few times before you finally manage to find your voice again.
"Why did no one ever betroth you to someone?" You ask carefully.
Aleksander looks up from the book he has been reading, a small spark of annoyance visible in his eyes at the interruption.
He regrets it as soon as he sees you flinch again, his mind immediately travelling back to that young woman completely wrapped in shroud, her small babe right next to her. Just bundles of linen, not a milimetre of skin visible.
"Excuse me, your highness?"
"Why did no one ever betroth you to someone?" You repeat, "Or one of your ancestors at least. Wouldn't that make sense? Tie you and the Darkling line to the royal family through marriage and kids, force allegiance that way?"
Closing the book slowly, he lets your words roll over in his head.
"The Darklings have been loyal to the Royal Family since the Black Heretic died."
"Yes, but wouldn't it be better to tie the families together forever? It would also help to smooth over past animosities, I think. Suddenly, the king isn't just a stranger. He's the current Darklings father in law or uncle. And the Darkling is no longer a random stranger to the Princes and Princesses either. He's their cousin."
The idea is simple and logical, he has to give you that, but he has also spent the last two centuries making sure he wouldn't be betrothed to anyone. It kind of ruins his whole "faking his death and pretending to be his own son" ruse, after all. But he can't explain that to you, can he?
"No ravkan king would ever betroth their child to a Grisha, your Highness. Not when all over the country highborn children are still drowned in lakes and bathtubs as soon as they show their abilities." The words come out harsher than originally planned, but he doesn't correct himself. "Why are you thinking about this? You've never shown interest in Grisha, me, or the politics surrounding us."
He has to wait almost thirty minutes for an answer to that question. He's gone back to reading, carefully annotating his thoughts and questions, when your voice rings through the carriage once more, almost getting swallowed by the noise of the horses outside.
"At night, when I couldn't sleep, I often asked myself if I had other options. If I could've gotten betrothed to someone else. One of the only men I could think of that were still eligible is... you. And as soon as I realised that, I also noticed that the Darklings have never married someone highborn."
There's something else, he can tell by the way you speak, slow and careful like you're holding something back, but before he can even think to push you the carriage shakes and your face contorts into a pained grimace.
He doesn't have to see the skin hidden by your clothes to know that you're probably covered in bruises and cuts, maybe even some animal bite marks.
You should rest, and he can still interrogate you later, so he slowly nods and returns to his book, his eyes gliding over the paper without absorbing a single word. His mind stays with you.
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You start having an easier time moving and walking a week after escaping your betrothed and his family, but you're still visibly keyed up and stressed. Everything scares you, everything wakes your suspicion, everything worries you.
He hears you mutter under your breath sometimes, especially during the late hours of the night and the hours before sunrise, convinced that he must be asleep. He can never quite understand what you're saying, only catching a few words at a time when it happens. You whisper about wolves following your scent, of someone sending you back into the north, of shoving a knife into your neck, deep enough that not even a well trained healer would be able to save you in time.
Your lack of sleep worries him as well. The only times he has seen you truly sleep well were at the beginning of your travels. You almost slept for two days straight, sitting in front of him on his horse, his arms keeping you stable in the saddle, only waking up after he made camp for the night and forced you to drink and eat. Now, the only sleep you get is through small involuntary naps in the carriage, when the exhaustion claims you like it did in those first two days.
The nightmares that wake you as soon as you fall asleep don't help either.
You're petting and brushing the horses while the other Grisha accompanying you fill the water bottles at a nearby river, your only guard being the General himself sitting a few metres away, eyes on the forest surrounding you.
"I was surprised how much I missed you," you say after a while, your attention still fully on the beautiful horses in front of you, carefully brushing the dust and dirt out of their fur in hopes of making them a bit more comfortable, "I missed my brothers, of course, and my friends and servants as well. I missed the gardens of the Grand Palace, the beauty of Os Alta, my own bed. I missed being home and not being scared for my life. But I also missed you a lot more than I thought I would."
You don't look at him, your voice light as if you were talking about the weather.
"I kept thinking about how much time I spend bothering you, how much my own parents brainwashed me into disliking you, and how much you must've suffered because of that. I was a brat before I was sent north, I know that now, and I want to apologize for my behaviour. I can't thank you enough for coming to save me despite everything."
Aleksander is speechless for longer than he would like to admit, starring at you with visible shock on his face. It takes him a while to shake it off, to find the right words to respond to you.
"You were a child for most of it, Your Highness. It would be stupid of me to hold a grudge because of that."
He has held grudges because of less, but you don't need to know that. You're the first member of the Royal Family to actually apologize to him. Sure, you're probably only doing it because he saved you from your betrothed, but he can tell that you genuinely feel bad.
"It wouldn't be. I was a terror as a child and grew up to be a brat."
The Darkling frowns weakly, watching you carefully as you move onto the second horse to brush it.
"I was a brat, and stupid too. I heard the story of Princess Fruzsina a thousand times. I even dug through the archive to read the reports from the Healers. I know everything they did to her. I'm probably the only person alive that actually still knows, since no one ever bothers to read through those documents... and I went north anyway. I betrayed her memory. She begged in her last letter before she was murdered that they could never send another ravkan girl north, and I went anyway."
He shakes his head, responding to your words before he even realises that he opened his mouth. "You did what your parents wanted from you. They were the ones suggesting the betrothal, and they encouraged you to go through with it. If anyone betrayed Fruzsinas' memory, it's them, just like they betrayed you when they suggested the betrothal without educating you on the sensitive political climate in Fjerda and their exact traditions and rules."
"I'm a woman grown, General, and I did research on Fruzsinas murder on my own. I should've done the same with the treatment of women in Fjerda instead of blindly believing my mother when she assured me that the men in the north don't hit their wives anymore. That they wouldn't dare to hurt a girl from a royal family. I'm a stupid little girl, nothing more."
"You believed that your parents would keep you safe instead of selling your life away for a political alliance. You assumed that your family would do what they're supposed to do. That's not a sin, your highness."
"Oh, but it is!" You bite back, eyes finally meeting his. There's anger and hate flickering in your irises, but he knows it's not directed towards him. It's directed towards yourself. A weapon pointed at your own heart and soul instead of his head. "I'm old enough to think for myself, to make my own decisions. People expect it of me, but instead of using my head I follow my mother and father around and copy them in everything, playing the obedient little princess instead of developing a personality and beliefs of my own. It took a man beating me half to death in front of his men to change that, to free me of the shackles I put onto my own wrists and ankles."
Your voice is sharper than a knife, colder than the permafrost up north, and your breathing is getting harsher. Gone is the sumbissive, quiet thing he pulled out of that house in the middle of the night. "I did everything to apease my parents, to be the perfect princess in their eyes, in everyones eyes. I loved what they loved, hated what they hated, and did what they did. And for what? To be sold off like an animal to a slaughterhouse?"
A scoff escapes your lips, an unladylike sound that you would've never let yourself make before. He guesses you stopped caring. There are many unladylike noises that you've probably made while laying in your own blood, cowering from the man who was supposed to protect and cherish you.
"That's what I meant when I said that they will send me back. I had the help of two of the servant girls. They smuggled letters out for me and sent them off to my parents, but no answer ever came. The only reason why I got out is because you somehow knew that something was wrong and wrongfully assumed it was an opportunity for you to gain glory."
He doesn't mention that he knew of your predicament because one of your letters ended up with him on accident, nor does he disrupt you for any other reasons. This is the most you've spoken since he dragged you out of that forsaken house in Djelholm and smuggled you out of the city. It would be insane to cut you off now and risk never hearing of your thoughts and opinions ever again.
"It's ridiculous. Even if a miracle happens and I don't get sent back immediately, they will simply betroth me to someone else from Fjerda, like that's somehow going to fix the years of tension between our countries. I will never be safe again. I will never be allowed to stay here. I will never be free the way I was before all this. I didn't even realise how privileged I was."
There is a way to save you from that fate. Several, actually, but one of them would play right into his hands if he simply played his cards right.
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Aleksander suggests it two days before they reach Os Alta while they sit in the carriage.
He doesn't do anything special, doesn't prepare anything or bothers to give a speech. It would be filled with lies and manipulation anyways, and you would probably be able to tell. He hasn't officially accepted your apology for your past behaviours, after all. He just says what he wants you to do, nothing more.
"Marry me."
Your head whips up, attention dragged away from the book you had been reading.
He smiles. "Marry me."
The carriage is currently driving through a town, the noise of children playing and people talking filling the silence between you two.
"Why?" You finally ask, suspicion barely hidden in your body language.
He has many reasons to make a suggestion like this, of course. Tying himself to someone, an otkazat'sya no less, is incredibly risky for him, after all. It needs to be thought through carefully, which he has.
Aleksander feels like he has done nothing else other than think since your rescue.
You're popular with the people, ravkas beautiful rose, kind and sweet and obedient. If the commoners found out what happened to you, what your parents knowingly put you through with this betrothal, they would riot in the streets. It would only get worse if they found out that they sent you away from your lover.
The story basically writes itself. It would be easy to plant rumours amongst the merchants and peasants, make them believe that you were in love with him and planned to run off with him, knowing that the king and queen would never allow for your love to flourish. That your parents found out and sent you away for a betrothal to a harsh and violent man as a punishment. That he saved you because he loved you so deeply, marrying you on the road back to the Grand Palace in a small chapel, hoping that the marriage will tie your souls together forever even if he gets killed for disobeying the wishes of the king and queen.
If he does it right he can claim that your father attacked you and that he killed him and the rest of the royal family to defend you, or that Fjerdans assassinated the royal family in revenge for the failed betrothal and that Aleksander somehow managed to save you, placing you on the throne, him right next to you.
He would no longer be General, then, but king consort. Your reputation should be high enough with the otkazat'sya to balance the hatred they have for him out as well. The rose of ravka would never fall for an evil man, after all.
Of course, this plan could backfire horribly. What if you hate him after he slaughters your family? What if you don't want to be queen? What if one of your relatives manages to kill you before he can kill them? He would have to claim the throne through right of conquest, and the people would hate him for it, would turn your family into martyrs and put his Grisha at even more risk.
But the risks might be worth it. He just has to be smart.
And he'd be saving you from an awful marriage. He could be a god husband to you. He could make you happy.
Of course, he can't confess these things to you. The best way to force you to participate in his plans is if you don't know that he's planning anything at all.
"They can't send you back if you're married. You'll be mine. I'd be able to hide you away in the Little Palace, just like you wanted."
You make a face, clearly not convinced.
"They'll just order a priest to annul it or kill you to make me a widow and renew the betrothal," you warn.
"Your highness, as much as I respect the swordsmanship of the guards, I sincerely doubt that they would be able to kill me. Besides, I don't think that they would be able to betroth you to a fjerdan man after we consummate the marriage."
The book you've been reading drops to the floor of the carriage with a quiet thump, but you don't even notice that it has left your grasp, your full, undivided attention on him.
You're probably trying to discern if he's serious, and if you should slap him for even suggesting something like this.
"There's a chapel in this town, and a small tavern right next to it," he murmurs after a while, offering his hand to you, "It wouldn't be like the royal wedding you probably dreamed of, but you would be safe. I swear it. I protect what is mine."
He watches you swallow, traces the movement with his gaze, gleeful at the visible effect his proposal has on you. He can see the temptation in your eyes, the battle you're fighting in your head.
Are you willing to go behind your parents' backs to marry him? Are you willing to become the Darklings wife, to carry his children?
You grab his hand slowly, the look in your eyes vulnerable.
His smile widens when his fingers wrap around yours, his hand moving to knock against the wood of the carriage to get it to stop.
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kedreeva · 8 months
I have had a pretty terrible last three days. Saturday I finally made the decision to replace my car, which I am deeply attached to and have had for the past 19 years of my life, and found a replacement down in North Carolina near my family. I planned to take one last drive with him to go down, and turn him in at the dealership, only to be hit by a truck hard enough to total my car yesterday. I'm a little banged up on my shoulder and sporting a pretty tender bruise to the side of my head, but I'm otherwise fine.
After dealing with all of that and arranging a flight down instead, I got a bad feeling about the birds and the Cold after checking the weather report that said it would get to -30 wind-chill last night. I went out to check on the birds again, only to find Indie on the floor in cold shock. I brought him indoors and spent most of last night up and down checking on him and slogging out into the cold to check on the others. Thankfully my own birds are all very cold hardy and are doing fine, but Indie is a higher Spalding, and seems to be far less cold tolerant.
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Thankfully, he survived the night and warmed up, and has gotten steadier all day. At 7:30, about when the lights go off in the coops, he promptly decided it was bedtime, turned around on the tray table and tucked himself into bed so completely in the way that I also went to bed a few minutes later.
After some discussion with his owners, I cancelled my flight and rented a car, and I'll be taking him back. They VERY kindly offered to let me bring the girls I was going to breed him to down with him, and they will do the breeding there instead. This is a relief that means I won't have to deal with any peachicks this year, but I'll still hopefully be able to get a bs split leucistic pair from him and my own birds, possibly a trio.
My brother drove out and helped me unload the stuff I'd gone to get yesterday, which was mostly supplies for the birds, extra bedding to keep them warm, and the few personal things I kept in the car. Since I'm moving three birds including one adult male to the south, I'm just going to condense the pens into the barn, where they'll have more room to be indoors through this cold, and have better insulation and be easier to access for me. Of course, that means Stan and co are boarding in Bug's pen and Bug's been relegated to her baby cage for when she must be contained if we leave the house (though that's mostly because it's Too Cold, less because there are birds in her house)
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Still big enough to hold her! Thankfully it shouldn't have to hold her long.
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She's also extremely jealous I'm paying attention to Indie and not just her. She's been alternating between guarding me and sulking all day.
Anyway. Send some good vibes this way, 2024 has not been treating me very kindly so far.
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Bubz's Slasher Fictober: Day 3 Poly Ghostface Part 1 (Billy and Stu) (Apple Cider)
Day 4! If it isn't obvious by now I wrote like most of these in September so I could post them way easier when October is here so shout out to past me for planning ahead.
Part 2 to this fic here
Notes: Minors DNI, Suggestive themes, Gender neutral reader, no specific pronouns. This is a poly relationship fic so if you aren't into it then this is not the fic for you.
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"Stu that's insane" You said as he leaned against the locker next to yours, He laughed.
"Oh come on babe, Billy doesn't have to know anything"
"And you'd really think we'd be able to get away with it?" You asked incredulously, To try and do something behind Billy's back was a risk.
"Yeah babe totally. Me and you, in and out, and good ole Billy would be none the wiser" You closed your locker and leaned against it looking at him.
"Fine, If you really think we'll get away with this, But I swear Stu if Billy finds out-" Stu grabbed your shoulders.
"He won't babe, Stu's got you"
Before third period Stu had approached you with an idea, Billy had some things to take care of and wouldn't be able to do the boys usual Ghostface schtick that him and Stu usually manned. So Stu had come to you, their precious significant other, to help stalk out the next victim.
Billy had always been very much so against you EVER joining them on their excursions ever since they had come clean that they were the Ghostface. Stu had always agreed to keep Billy quiet but he had teased and propositioned you in what you thought was a joking way before until this time around.
The two of you knew that if Billy found out Stu had even so much as thought to invite you to join him while Billy was off doing other things that there would be hell to pay. But it was just a stake out to choose the next victim they wanted to go after, Stu figured it wouldn't be that bad.
"I'll do it then, If you promise Billy won't find out then fine let's do it" You told him, A wicked grin spread across his face.
"Oh babe! I knew you'd say yes!" Stu brought you into a hug and kissed the side of your head "I'll pick you up later tonight and you can even pick who it is!". If Stu Macher was anything, it was enthusiastic.
Later that night Stu arrived at your house as promised. You left your house through your window as usual and got in the passenger seat of Stu's parents car.
"It's time baby! You're gonna love it I promise" Stu said as you opened the door to get in.
"Sure Stu, I'm more so just interested to see what my boys do when I'm not around" Which was the truth, You'd always wanted to see just how the Ghostface attacks went down and how they singled out who they went after.
"One day maybe it'll be me, you and Billy, Like one big happy family, You pick the victims, me and Billy go after them. It'll be great!" Stu said as he pulled away from your house and heading towards the destination to stake out.
"You know that would take a lot of convincing on Billy's part though"
"That's why we start here, and one day we tell Billy about this and show him how good you did! Then he won't be able to deny how much of a natural you are"
"Stu it's just a stakeout I thought? Like all we're doing is picking one of these sorry pieces of shit to go after" Stu nodded.
"It is, but this is a gateway into your life of the Ghostface, and here we are!"
You looked at the window and noticed you and Stu were pulled off into a shadowy part of the backroad down the road from a house you recognized from a few parties you had went to with the boys.
It was about ten at night at this point and you knew the black car would be almost impossible to see behind the trees you were covered by so you and Stu would be impossible to see.
"Now I do have to warn you this is the boring part, We need to make sure we know when their gonna be home and when they aren't so we know when to strike" Stu told you.
You and Stu then sat in silence for about an hour just watching the house and the people who lives there coming home for the night. You were startled out of the silence by your cellphone ringing.
"It's Billy" You told Stu starting to get nervous, Stu sighed
"Just tell him your sick at home doing homework or something" Stu told you, you shakily answered.
"Hello?" You answered the phone softly.
"Hey baby" Billy's voice poured down the phone like honey.
"What's up?" You asked him "Did you get your shit done?"
"Yeah baby I did, What are you up too?" You froze then remembered what Stu told you to say.
"Oh I'm just laying down and all, I didn't feel so hot after school"
"Really?" Billy asked
"Yeah my stomach started feeling upset" You heard Billy sigh then pause for a second through the phone.
"Well see baby that actually funny, you know why?" Shit.
"Why Billy?" You asked, still hoping to play innocent.
"Well it's funny cause I'm standing in your room right now and you aren't fucking here" You turned your head and frantically tapped Stu on the shoulder to get his attention.
"Billy" You said at a loss for what else to say.
"Don't give me that shit, where the fuck are you?" Billy was angry, You could almost feel the anger through the phone.
Stu now obviously listening in to the call started the car and then grabbed the phone from you.
"Hey Billy man why don't you meet us at my house, We'll see you then, bye!" and then he hung up.
"STU! why would you hang up !?" You knew that would've pushed Billy passed the point of being furious.
"Relax babe just let Stu handle this"
A few minutes late the two of you had pulled into Stu's driveway, his parents way on another trip to some other country. Stu brought you to his room to sit on his bed and wait for Billy to arrive.
A little while later after many hushed words trying to calm you down from Stu, The two of you heard the front door slam open then shut once again, and angry hurried footsteps run up the stairs.
As soon as Stu's bedroom door opened Billy started yelling.
'What in the fuck do you two think your doing?"
"Billy It's not-" Billy didn't stop.
"No, you're gonna wait a second, I fucking told the two of you I didn't want you to be involved in mine and Stu's shit"
"Billy it wasn't all that, It was just a stakeout" Stu piped up. Billy's head snapped to look at Stu.
"Billy c'mon, don't be mad, like Stu said it wasn't all that. I was never in any danger or anything. We kept it from you cause we knew you were gonna be mad" You explained trying to diffuse any confrontation between your two boys before it started.
'That's not the point and you know it, the three of us agreed that you would never be involved at all. The two of you went behind my fucking back and violated something I only put in place to fucking protect you" Billy's anger wasn't dissipating but at least he wasn't yelling anymore.
Billy exhaled and sat next to you on the bed, you wrapped your arm around his shoulders in an attempt to start calming him down.
"Billy we're sorry, we knew you were gonna be mad and still did it, but do you really think Stu would've let me go along if I was actually going to be in any real danger"
Stu appeared on the opposite side of you as you spoke.
"Yeah man, you know I love Y/n as much as you do, If I thought things were gonna get hairy I wouldn't of even thought about the two of us going, especially not without you"
Billy sighed once again but you felt some of the tension leaving his body. You rubbed his shoulder willing him to speak what was on his mind.
"It's not just about dangerous shit like that though, It's also about if for some fucking reason we ever get caught. I want you to have no ties to it at all. You aren't apart of it and you don't know anything"
You nodded in understanding, that anger wasn't cause Billy was actually mad he was just scared. Billy continued.
"When I got to your house and went through your window expecting you to be there only to see that you weren't, I got I don't know, I got really fucking scared. Even though my brain knew you were probably with Stu knowing what we do and what danger you could really be in scared the shit out of me."
Stu scooted closer and wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you brought Billy closer to lean against you as you leaned back into Stu.
"We're sorry we scared you Honey, we honestly just thought it would be a help for me to fill in since you had shit to do tonight and couldn't. Sure we thought you were gonna be mad if you found out but we didn't mean to scare you"
"Yeah man, the last thing we wanted to do was that. I wasn't thinking shit through and thought it would be fun if maybe one day it was the three of us together instead of just me and you"
"I guess it would be nice but I still stand by what I said, for now at least please, I don't want you apart of it" Bill said looking at you, you smiled and nodded before leaning over and placing your lips on his frown.
You felt Stu's hands run up your sides, and tug at your shirt, You playfully rolled your eyes before letting him take your shirt off. Billy let out a laugh before connecting your lips once more.
Stu's lips attached themselves to your neck and Billy's hands made their way down to your pants to unbutton them and move them down your legs. Billy tossed your pants to the floor as you got up onto your knees on the bed in front of him.
Stu wrapped his arms around your middle and placed his chin on your shoulder with a smirk.
"Maybe if I dressed like this you'd let me come with you guys?" You teased.
"Certainly babe" Stu said, Billy shook his head.
"You two spend too much time around each other" he said, placing his hands underneath Stu's on your hips.
"Maybe you should spend some time with us and show us what we're missing" You smirked at him.
"Maybe I will"
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 1 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Your Step Father would like to introduce you into high society but you're required to take lessons to learn how to play the part and from your instructor's perspective it seems like you have a lot of catching up to do. Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: Explicit Language, not really anything else at this point lol a/n: Planning on turning this into a short series so please let me know what you think <3 p.s. this is horribly edited and was written in one sitting lol
"Why do I have to suffer the consequences of the decisions you made for this family?" I say chasing after my mother as she walks down the main hallway in our new home. "Y/n becoming a debutant is not a consequence" she says, making her way into the main living room.
"To me it is" I complain, dreading this entire ordeal already. "The whole process only lasts about a year so-" "A year? You expect me to be parade around in pretty dresses and entertain people I have absolutely no interest in just because you decided to marry a rich man? Yeah, no I'm not doing it" I say, watching as she takes a seat on the couch waiting for me to tell her my grievances, knowing that I won't back down easily. 
"It's not a huge commitment I promise. You'll have etiquette lessons twice a week, go to a fitting every once in a while and take dance lessons once a week. I'm sure you can sacrifice a few hours out of your week for this. "Your father wa-" "Step father" I cut her off, making my stance on the man known. "Your step father wants to introduce you as his daughter and the best way to do so would be having you come out at a debutant ball" she explains hoping to show me their reasoning behind it. "Oh I'm straight so don't worry I won't be needing a coming out event or anything like that" I say teasing her. 
"Very funny" she says clearly unamused, "I would really appreciate it if you just did this for us, and if you don't want to do it for us then do it for you, for your future. Do you know how pivotal this moment could be for you? A lot of important people go to these balls so if you want to make a name for yourself in this city then that's a great place to start" she says hoping to entice me, showing how this could benefit me as well. "Just think about it, okay?" she says standing up to leave the room and placing a hand on my shoulder as a sign of reassurance, leaving me conflicted. 
A few days later at the breakfast table I finally decide to give them my answer. "Um, dad" I say hoping to get his attention. "Yes honey?" he says putting down the newspaper that he had just been flipping through. "I think I want to go through with the whole debutant thing if you still wanted me to" I say playing with my sleeve, still unsure of the choice I've made but I guess theres no going back now. "That's great! I'll contact the agency and get all of your lessons set up straight away" he says quickly texting his assistant, asking them to get things set in motion.
"Would you prefer private lessons or would you like to take them with some of the other girls that are preparing to come out as well?" he questions, still looking down at his phone. "Oh it's okay don't worry about getting her pri-" "Private lessons would be great" I say cutting my mom off. The less interactions I can have with these spoiled rich kids, the better. I send her a tight lipped smile, telling her to back off before I change my mind and she does just that. 
"Alright, I have Matthew working on it now so we could probably get everything set up by the time your classes end. You finish up at four right?" he asks, catching me off guard, "You know my class schedule?" I question. "Of course I do! What kind of father would I be if I didn't pay attention to my daughter's academics?" he says, giving me a warm smile before taking one last sip of his coffee, standing up to go. 
"I've gotta head off, love you" he says giving my mother a quick peck and then coming over to me to give me a kiss on the top of my head. "Have a good day you two" he says to us as his final adieu, heading out to where his driver is waiting for him. "Thank you" my mother says, happy with the effort I'm putting into assimilating our family. "I'm doing this for you guys, but I'm also doing this for me like you had said, I guess I'll just have to suffer through it for the next year" I say, already questioning myself. 
"I promise you won't regret it!" she reassures me, reaching out for my hand across the table and I mirror her action. 'I sure hope not' I say to myself and give her a pained smile before leaving to head off to class. 
"You're what?" my friend Jesse say, not believing a word I just said. "I'm gonna start taking lessons to become a debutante" I say, repeating myself, hoping he'll just take in the information so we can move past it. "So you're blowing me off so you can go to Barbie school?" he says, still in disbelief. "It's not Barbie school" I say rolling my eyes at him before sitting down at the table we usually hang out at during our breaks. 
"Aren't they going to be dressing you up and making you all girly so you can go to tea parties and balls?" he questions, sitting across from me. "Yes..." I say trailing off not being able to prove him wrong. "Barbie school" he says satisfied with himself, taking a bite out of the apple he had just bought for dramatic affect. "Whatever" I say crossing my arms across my chest. "So when do you start?" he asks, suddenly curious about the topic. "Matthew sent me a text with the address I'm supposed to go to for my first etiquette lesson so I guess I'll be headed there after class. 
"And Matthew is...?" he questions, "My dad's assistant, I've told you this like five times already" I say rolling my eyes at him. "I'm sorry okay, there have been a lot of changes in your life and brand new characters added to the cast so it's hard to keep it all straight" he explains. "Name one other person besides Matthew that I've told you about" I say with a raised brow, curious as to who these 'new characters' might be. "Your step dad" he says proudly, not elaborating further. 
"Anyone else?" I ask, rolling my eyes at the cop out answer he gave me and he decides to sit in silence after putting little to no thought into anyone else I might've told him about. "Do you even know his name?" I scoff, feigning irritation. "Scott? No Thomas!" he says confident in his second answer. "It's James" I say standing up and grabbing my stuff so I can walk towards my next class. 
"I'm sorry, you know I have shit memory" he says throwing his arm around my shoulder after catching up to me, having only been a few steps behind. "I know" I shake my head laughing it off, "It's funny how clueless you are sometimes" I say, shrugging his arm off of me. "Hey!" he whines, semi offended. "It's okay though, I still love you" I say waving him off as we part in different directions and blowing a kiss at him which he bats off to the side, rejecting my love. "Later loser" he says and we head off to our respective classes.
After the lecture is finally over my professor calls me to the front. "Yes?" I question, waiting for what he has to tell me. "I read your paper last night" he starts, "I'm sorry Professor I had some other assignments due at the same time so I wasn't able to put in as much effort as I wanted to" I confess feeling guilty about putting that assignment on the back burner. "Well I was actually going to tell you that I was rather impressed with it" he says looking up at me from his seated position at his desk, fixing his glasses. 
"Really?" I question, surprised that it was good enough for him to even single out. "I wanted to ask if you would be interested in participating in this writing contest at the end of next month" he proposes and hands me the flyer showing all of the details. "You really think my writing is good enough?" I question, not even having considered signing up for something like this. "I wouldn't be speaking to you about it if I didn't think it was" he says laughing at my reactions. 
"This would be amazing thank you!" I say starting to skim through the details real quick. "You can take that with you if you'd like" he offers and at that I nod in thanks and say my goodbyes before walking out and heading out towards my car. 
"Now where exactly is this place?" I ask myself aloud, pulling up the text I got and putting the address into my gps. "45 minutes?" I say in astonishment, now slightly panicked seeing that even if I leave now I'll still be 10 minutes late. "What the hell Matthew?" I curse and put my seatbelt on, speeding out of the parking lot and down the street, praying that I'll be able to somehow shave a few minutes off the eta to make it in time.
"Punctuality is one of the most important aspects of proper etiquette" I hear the man say to me with his back turned as I walk into the area of his home he has dedicated to these lessons. "I'm very sorry I did not realize how far these lessons would be in relation to my University" I apologize hating that I've already made a bad impression which has clearly started us off on the wrong foot. 
"Proper planning is also something you must consider to be able to maintain a certain sense of decorum before arriving to your intended destination" he says still with his back to me. "I apologize again Mr. Jeon it won't happen again" I say using what I hope is the proper way he would like to be addressed. "See that it doesn't" he says finally turning around to face me. I nod my head in acknowledgement and he gives me a sour look showing he's displeased with my response. 
"One must verbally respond to properly communicate with one another" he says, placing his hands behind his back and interlocking his fingers while walking towards me and stalking around me like a predator sizing up his prey. "Understood" I respond and once he finally comes back around facing me he looks me up and down one last time before uttering another word. 
"For your next lesson be sure to come in a dress or skirt that sits at the knee as well as stockings and heels of some sort and a blouse of course to pair with the skirt. If one wants to act like a lady, one must dress like a lady" he says and turns away to grab something in the corner of the room. "Noted" I say under my breath already exasperated, "What was that?" he questions looking over his shoulder at me, sorting through a few books to bring over. "Understood Mr. Jeon" I say, trying to play along and follow his rules.
"Seeing as we need to start from the very beginnings of the art of etiquette I need you to read these books by this time next week" he says handing me five very large books weighing my arms down and requiring me to stumble back to regain my balance. "All of them in a week? That's almost a book a day!" I say surprised by the workload I've been given after not even starting the actual lesson yet.
"I was not aware of the fact I would be required to teach you everything from the very start so let's just say we both have a lot of work to do" he says and motions towards a place I can set my purse down along with my five new headaches for this next week.
"Take a seat here please" he now motions to a chair that he has placed in the middle of the room waiting for me to do as he says. I walk up cautiously and take a seat, sitting on it like I normally would, knowing that he's meant to critique how I sit to change it. "Sit up straight, roll your shoulders back" he says taking in my posture at all angles while I follow along with his orders. "Loosen the tension in your back and shoulders" he says placing his hands on my shoulders from behind making me tense up even more from the unexpected contact. 
"You've done the opposite of what I've asked you to" he says and I can hear how fed up with me he continues to be. "You startled me, I didn't realize you were going to do that" I say under my breath but loud enough for him to hear. "One must never mumble or talk back to anyone no matter the circumstances. Especially aimed to or in front of an authority figure" he says and walks back around to face me again. "So you see yourself as an authority figure to me?" I question, curious to see what his answer might be.
"I see myself as someone who deserves your respect and obedience" he says and tilts my chin up with his pointer finger maintaining purposeful eye contact. "And you will treat me as such". 
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Him As a Fake Boyfriend | Genshin Impact
✧ So, my inspiration is from a movie, there are so many like these and they're always fun to me, sooooo I wrote about it! I hope you like it! The "plot" is generic, don't mind me. Also, usually I'll have a template for consistency but I didn't really come up with one here- sorry, I just really wanted to write it lol.
✧ Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma, Wanderer, Tighnari, Kaveh
✧ Extra: As per usual, (w/n) stands for wanderer's name in the event you wanna use the one you chose
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Your sister is getting married, so of course you would be attending. The problem was... your ex was going to be there as well. As much as you disliked them, you had to attend. You had already lied a few times to your family that you did, indeed, have a boyfriend and planned a whole breakup story before actually attending the wedding. That's when your sister mentioned to you that your ex was attending.
Of course, she also told you to bring your boyfriend so that you could show him off. One problem: you didn't have one. So what was your plan?
You were going to hire one.
✧✧ Diluc ✧✧
Well, you're bold to approach him to be your fake boyfriend. You two were... barely friends, really. So he flat out rejected you the first time you asked.
You had to give him a whole explanation, practically begging him to reconsider. It took a while, but he finally accepted, declining when you said you'd pay him.
He told you to consider it a favor, and that he'll definitely be asking for one back in the future. You agreed- seeing as how you had little choice you had.
Diluc is pretty good at faking it. He's the type that keeps around you, comes up with replies really fast. He's good at remembering everything- all the information you gave him.
Definitely a no-nonsense boyfriend. If you're lying to yourself, he'll let you know. He also makes sure to remind you that you lying to everyone won't help either and it's best to resolve the issue quickly.
However, he also plays his role really well. There are no slipups, he's super confident, and he definitely scares your ex. The glares he sends your ex's way are just... so good.
You can help but be attracted to Diluc toward the end... he was pretty amazing...
✧✧ Kaeya ✧✧
He is definitely smirking and making assumptions on why you came to him, specifically. Of course, he teased you for a few minutes but eventually agreed. However, you'd owe him now.
He sat you down somewhere private and asked you seriously why you were asking for this. You gave him a quick rundown of the situation and he listened quietly before affirming that he'd be helping.
He's good at memorizing all your family members names, their faces, likes, dislikes, all that. You give him a lengthy speech before getting to the town where the wedding was going to be.
Kaeya is really good at calming you down, making sure to say the right things when any family member upsets you. He's not all that intimidating at first glance and he's ok with that.
He keeps your ex away by being all over you. The second your ex is even approaching you, Kaeya's arm is around your waist, pulling you against his chest, and kissing your cheek.
Honestly, your entire family is convinced Kaeya is so head over heels for you and keeps telling you that you should marry him soon. Of course, Kaeya happily agrees to it in front of them, but says nothing afterward.
At the end of the day, this was just a fake boyfriend situation. Or was it?
You and Thoma weren't the closest, but you knew of him and so... you tried anyway. Thoma was shocked for sure and a little unsure at first. But you needed help so... he agreed. He wanted you to keep the money, but you insisted, telling him to just treat it like a job since you two weren't that close.
He had little to no trouble remembering names, likes, dislikes, and problematic people. You explained that some family members were really obnoxious and sometimes got into arguments with one another or insulted you.
Thoma memorized everyone and assured you it would be fine. You also gave him an explanation on that dumb ex of yours. Thoma picked up on your discomfort and touched your shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll be fine."
You two were staying in a family member's large home, in which you and Thoma shared a room. He offered to sleep on the floor but you didn't mind sharing the bed.
Everyone LOVES him. He's entertaining, kind, sweet, and very comforting. If someone says something that upsets you, he makes an excuse to pull you away and immediately says the opposite. Someone makes fun of you? He's telling you how gorgeous you look.
Your ex can't even get a minute with you. The second they look at you and are coming over, Thoma's grabbing your arm and taking you somewhere else.
He's the comforting boyfriend and it almost makes you a little sad when you're both heading back because you know this charade will be over soon. But it was definitely fun while it lasted. Maybe.. you might ask him out to a real date soon.
First of all, why him? Second, he wants that payment upfront. Every mora. He's rolling his eyes the entire time you're explaining why you wanted him to help you.
However, he does listen well when you're telling him names and personalities. He asks questions and makes sure he remembers everything to keep from embarrassing you.
He... doesn't stand for anyone making fun of you. Old friends, family, that dumbass ex. Right now, you're his and no one's gonna insult what belongs to him.
It was actually endearing. He may have been a bit too aggressive, but the way he defended you almost made you feel sad you weren't actually with him.
He's, of course, the no no-nonsense boyfriend, letting you know if you're being a doormat for everyone. He is, however, encouraging. Telling you what to do to actually be happy- as an unbiased party watching you crash and burn. That made you laugh for sure.
Your ex had managed to pull you away for a minute, telling you that they were better than (w/n) and that's when your "boyfriend" swooped in. Pretty much insulted and threatened your ex before dragging you off.
All in all, you enjoyed the wedding with (w/n)- a lot more than you thought you would. You were almost tempted to ask him out on a real date. He might've even said yes, who knows...
Tighnari thought it was a joke at first and actually laughed before his smile faltered and he apologized. You explained the whole reason- practically holding nothing back.
Tighnari felt bad so he agreed, he also insisted you keep your money. You explained that you'd need to stay at your family's home for a few days and he agreed to that too.
You two went through the family names and all that- but he almost made a point to ask what you were comfortable with. Hugs, kisses, PDA- all that. You knew there wasn't much of a choice, you two needed to look like a genuine couple... so everything was ok.
Tighnari's interactions with your family made him seem like he fit in almost perfectly. Your family loved him, but there were some that were skeptics. Especially your ex. Tighnari simply explained you were a new couple, so you two were still getting used to one another.
He took really good care of you. He made sure you didn't drink too much, he kept you from anyone who didn't like you, countered any insult that was thrown your way, and was just so perfect.
He showed his affection through touches and light kisses, rubbing your wrist before grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. The event went so smoothly with him there.
At the end of it, you were quite sad that you weren't actually with him. You made sure to thank him repeatedly but he only chuckled and waved it off, saying he had fun. You heavily debated asking him out right then and there.
Kaveh... wasn't sure. Pretending to be your boyfriend? That would just lead to more problems. Especially if he slipped up. He refused at first, but you really asked him.
He was dead set on rejecting you but when your eyes met his and he saw that desperation in there, he kinda froze up. You really needed help and what kind of man would he be to turn you down? So, he agreed- but he didn't want to be paid for it.
Learning about your family was hard, especially in one day. Of course, that didn't mean he didn't give it his darndest, but he couldn't remember them all before the day you were supposed to be at the family home.
Even if he couldn't remember them all, Kaveh has a very shiny personality and easily won your entire family over. He was so easy going, such a goof, and really kind! Your ex, however, didn't like him.
That was the entire point, every time he talked near your ex, Kaveh just went on tirades about how perfect you were for him and how lucky of a man he was to have such a sweet person loving him. Honestly, your family was already planning your wedding while still at your sister's wedding!
He was definitely the sweet, touchy boyfriend. He always had an arm around you, he often gave you kisses, don't forget dance practice! Honestly, he had so much fun- even if half of it was fake. Before you two knew it, the wedding was over and you were headed back.
You really had fun and throughout the party you kept comparing Kaveh to your ex. He was so much better- kinder, more fun, more loving, even if it was fake. There was a dull ache in your chest as you were going home and you were heavily debating on whether or not you should ask him out for real.
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poke-me-with-a-stick · 10 months
Chapter 28 of 'Artificial Wingman'!
For the full story on AO3, click Here!
Just like Jason predicted, Danny didn't seem perturbed by the news that the others were looking more into him. A little uncomfortable, sure, but not really bothered. The teen just shrugged when he was told about the conversation he and Dick had. Damian on the other hand...
"I'll kill them." The teen muttered, pacing behind the stool Danny was perched on. The look on his face was down right murderous.
"No you won't." The response is out before he could even really think about it, not that he was actually worried. "You haven't made a murder attempt in years."
Damian paused at that, glaring at the man over Danny's head, but didn't bother denying it. "Fine, I won't kill them." The teen relented, grasping his chin with his hand as he thought it over. "But I don't have to kill them to take them off the case..."
Jason let out a sigh. This was going to be a long night. "You can't maim them either. Alfred wouldn't approve." Damian huffed a breath through gritted teeth, not responding as he continued to pace a hole into the worn flooring.
"Robin, it's okay," Danny pipped up, turning to look at the teen over his shoulder. "It's not really that surprising, is it? I mean, I did punch your brother in the face before grabbing you and running away. Can you really say that it was completely unexpected for them to try and look for me?" A small, very out of place grin wormed it's way onto the demon brat's face at Danny's comment, before it was quickly stifled back into his usual expressionless expression. "Besides," Danny continued, either entirely unaware or just uncaring of what he caused, "It's not like they'll find anything on me. I don't exist here."
"I... suppose you're right," Damian admitted reluctantly, moving to lean slightly against the teen's shoulder. "I just hoped that we would have a bit more time before my paranoid family began sniffing around."
"I'm sorry, but did you just say that you punched someone? Which one was it?" Jason ignored the exchange between the two, more hung up on that little tidbit. Why hadn't he heard about this?
Danny shot him a confused look, then turned that look to Damian. "Uhh, I'm not sure. Robin, which one was he again?"
"That would be Richard. You punched my eldest adopted brother." Damian brushed the teen's bangs from his face, not paying any attention to the way Jason gaped at them, stunned. He was silent for a moment, before he burst into uproarious laughter.
"You punched Dick?" Jason couldn't hide the glee in his voice if he tried. "Oh man, that's amazing. Please tell me that there's footage of it somewhere."
A more familiar smile flickered across Damian's face this time. "I'm not sure if we have the footage, but I'm sure that it would be no problem to retrieve it from the store's security cameras ourselves at a later date." The smile fell into a more grim expression. "Of course, that will have to wait until after we plan around this... inconvenience."
Jason sobered up quickly, back on the task at hand. "Right. Well, first things first, we should probably try and keep you out of the public eye." He pointed at Danny, who was fiddling with something in his lap. "I know it sucks, but you probably shouldn't go outside much for the time being. Now that the other's are looking for you, its too risky to chance any of O's camera's catching a glimpse of you."
Danny frowned at that, his attention shifting back to the man. "I... guess that makes sense," H" He pouted, looking disappointed. "That's gonna suck."
"Do not worry," Damian pressed himself more tightly to the teen's side, as if to remind the teen of his presence. "I will not leave your side until it is safe to do so again." That seemed to cheer the teen up a bit, his cloudy expression brightening as he leaned back into the vigilantie's touch.
Nodding, Jason made a noise to gain their attention back. "Well, there's also problems that come with that, too. We can't stay here." He gestures at the apartment space around them with a wave of his arm. "This place is basically an OSHA violation. I was fine with us crashing here for a day or two, but if we're gonna be dodging the bats and birds, then we need to move shop."
Damian nodded in agreement, letting go of Danny and moving to start packing up their belongings. Danny, on the other hand, frowned. "I don't see the problem with staying here." He commented, leaning back on the bar stool until the front legs picked up off the floor before coming back down with a dull thump. "It's a bit rundown, sure, but I've stayed in worse before." Like Devine intervention, just as the words left his mouth, the stool under him gave an ominous creak before giving way. Danny let out a yelp as he was sent tumbling backwards, head first towards the crumbling counter behind him.
Both Jason and Damian lunged forwards to catch him, missing entirely as the halfa dropped through the decaying wood. They froze for a minute, trying to comprehend Danny's suddenly headless body, when the teen sat up quickly with a small screech. He was on his feet in an instant, making the two brothers jerk in place as he practically flew past them to duck behind Jazz, who had just walked into the room. "Uhh," Jazz stuttered, looking between her brother and them. "What happened here?"
Jason started to respond, but was beaten to the punch by Danny. "We were talking about how we should be moving to a new safe house!" He answered in a tone of strained cheer. "Which, I for one, think is an excellent idea! Say, Jason, did you have a place in mind? Maybe one without so many, uh, spiders?"
'Spiders?' Jason shook his head. He wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth, and if Danny was anything like the rest of his family when it came to compromises, then that bar stool breaking was definitely a gift. "Uh, yeah. I had one in mind, it's a little more crowded, but it's in much better shape than this place." Not that it was much of a challenge in the first place.
"Well, that's great and all, but what about the Specter Speeder? I thought the whole point of us hiding out here was so that we could keep it hidden." Jazz pointed out cautiously. "I don't know about you, but I really don't want to just leave it somewhere too far away from us. What if we need something out of it, or someone stumbles across it?"
'She has a point.' Jason frowned, crossing his arms as he tried to come up with a solution. "She's right. We can't just leave it here, and parking it out on the street would bring too much unwanted attention to us."
Danny scoffed from where he was still hiding behind his sister. "That's an easy fix." He stated. "Just put it in Camouflage mode."
Jazz frowned at her brother. "You know turning something invisible isn't always the best way to solve your problems, little brother. Turning it invisible won't stop someone from accidentally kicking it. Or worse, someone crashing their car into it thinking that there isn't anything there."
"Uhh, I didn't say turn it invisible. I said turn on Camouflage mode." Jazz's stern frown dropped into a look of confusion. "Wait, you did know that there was a Camouflage mode, right?" When all he got was an embarrassed silence in response, an exasperated look crossed his face. "Seriously Jazz? We gave you a manual and everything!"
"Hey!" She started, defensive. "It's not my fault that you and Tucker decided to finish up just as exam week was starting! I barely had time to eat and sleep. Did you honestly expect me to read the forty-eight page booklet on all the updates you made?"
Danny blinked in surprise. "Sam made the manual forty-eight pages?" They both stared at each other for a minute, before Jazz broke into a fit of giggles. The teen followed suit, a very undignified snort escaping him. "That actually does sound like Sam." He acknowledged. "Did she make an actual book, or was it a PDF?"
"Take a wild guess." Jazz snarked at him, giggling some more when Danny shook his head with a groan. "Yeah, you remember her three-hour lecture on why excess use of paper was leading to deforestation and why it was better for the environment to switch to digital documents." Both shuddered at the reminder, making Damian and Jason glance at each other.
"Tucker was actually pretty hyped after that one." Danny admitted with a wry grin. "He and Sam spent the rest of the week persuading the school to go digital. They almost succeeded, too, if Technus hadn't invaded the computer lab and deleted the online teachers planner."
Before they could delve more into... whatever those memories were, Jason interrupted. "Well, if you have a way to hide the Speeder, then I believe we should get packed up." He turned away from the siblings, going over to help Damian stuff the pile of wires and circuits into a box. Behind them, Danny let out a squawk of panic, rushing forwards with shouts of 'Be Careful with those!'
Safe to say, it wasn't even an hour later before they were piling into the Speeder, Danny in the driver's seat. The teen fiddled with some buttons before the vehicle's exterior seemed to ripple, going invisible for a minute as he adjusted something. "Okay, what kind of disguise should I go for?" He asked, turning a dial.
"Something in black." Damian stated from the back seat, where he was buckled in behind the driver's seat. "The most common vehicle color is white, with the second being black, so it would be less likely to draw attention."
Danny nodded, the dial making a light clicking noise before he pushed it down. A generic looking car body was visible in the rear-view mirror, it's color shifting in a way that reminded Jason of Miss Martian's Bio-ship. "Okay, I think we're good to go now!" The teen shot his passengers a fanged smile as he put the vehicle in drive.
"Uhh, Jazz?" Jason glanced over at the woman. "Does your brother have a driver's license?" Maybe he should have asked before they started driving.
"No, but he practically re-built this thing. He knows how to operate it." Came her unbothered reply. He would have believed her, had the teen driving not promptly flew over a speed bump seconds later.
Thankfully, they made it to their destination in one piece. The moment the speeder came to a stop, Jason was sliding out of the back, silently praying for the poor soul that would have to grade Danny's driving when the teen did go to get his license. The man was followed a few seconds later by Damian and Jazz, Danny pouting as he pulled himself out of the now normal-looking car. "Oh, come on! My driving isn't that bad!" The teen whined.
"Beloved, you are a being with many skills. Driving does not appear to be one of them." Damian wrapped a possessive arm around the teen, pulling Danny into his side as he surveyed the apartment complex in front of them. "Are you sure that this is the place?" He asked, turning to shoot a look at Jason.
"Yeah, I'm sure, brat." He started forward, holding the door open for them as they filed in. The man nodded to a woman with a baby stroller as he led them towards the elevator, earning a polite nod from the woman and an excited wave from the little boy strapped into it. Once on the lift, he clicked the button for the fourth floor. "It's owned by one Harold Treeny, a middle-aged man from Connecticut that inherited the building from his aunt. He's never visited, but puts a lot of money into maintaining it, yet he keeps the rent low for the people who live here, and gives leniency to single mom's and the elderly when it comes to late payments."
Damian shot him a look from the corner of his eye. "This Treeny wouldn't happen to be one of your aliases, would it Todd?" He asked, though it was obvious he already knew the answer.
Jason chuckled. "No, not one of mine. It's actually one of Roy's. He wanted a place to stay, should he ever need to crash in Gotham, and he just lets me use it when he's not here. Though, we have discussed letting it fall into the Red Hood's hands, just for a bit." He let the conversation drop as the elevator doors opened, giving a friendly wave to an elderly couple that shuffled into the elevator as they exited. It was only when they were safely in Apartment 405 that he picked it back up. "The gang activity in the area has started to uptick in the past couple of weeks, and he's a bit worried about this place being caught in the crossfire."
Damian turned away from him, inspecting the rest of the apartment now that his curiosity was sated. Jazz, however, frowned. Leaning on her brother's shoulders, she looked to him. "Are you sure it's a good idea to stay here, with that going on? What if something happens?"
"I wouldn't worry about it too much. The activity hasn't spread more than a block since the last time I checked it, and I have some of my men spread around to alert me should that change." Jason shot a comforting smile at her, but it did little to release the tension that had coulded in her at the mention of gang activity.
Thankfully, Jason wasn't the only one who had noticed the woman's discomfort. Danny pressed his shoulder back into her chest gently, drawing her attention. "Hey, don't worry so much. It's not like a couple guys with guns would be any match for your's truly." He puffed up his chest in an exaggerated way, preening visibly when his sister laughed at him.
"Okay, okay. I guess you have a point." She admitted, ruffling her brother's hair and snagging his bag's strap while he squawked in protest. Darting gracefully out of her brother's reach, she gently sat the bag down on the coffee table before turning back around. "Okay! I don't know about you boys, but I for one think we could all do with some food." She looked around the room, clearly waiting for their responses.
"You still have an appetite after that harrowing experience?" Jason joked, barely flinching as Danny elbowed him.
"My driving was perfectly fine!" The teen protested, a pout forming as he crossed his arms.
"You drove over four different speedbumps like they weren't there, hit several potholes, and almost snagged a manhole cover with your rear... tire." Jason listed off, taking a page out of Jazz's book and violently ruffling his hair. "I'd call that a harrowing experience for any normal person."
Danny pulled away from the man's overzealous hair ruining efforts, patting down the loose strands with very little success. Giving up, he turned and glared at Jason. "Since when have any of us been normal?" He gripes, tugging the hood of his borrowed hoodie over his head and tightening the strings a bit. Tossing one of the agglets into his mouth, he chewed on the plastic as he thought. "I could eat." He decided eventually with a shrug, plopping down on the thrifted couch with an appreciative sigh.
Damian settled down next to the teen with more grace, letting his arm rest beside his lap so that it occasionally brushed against Danny's leg. "Food does seem like a good idea," the vigilante agreed. Now everyone turned to Jason, as if waiting for his opinion.
Jason sighed, finally allowing himself to acknowledge the hunger he felt. He hadn't eaten since before patrol last night, and now that they were safe for the time being, his stomach let him know just how much it appreciated not being fed. "Alright, alright!" He tossed his hands up in mock exasperation. "I know a good Thai place just a block from here. They have decent vegan options," he answered before Damian could ask, "and the owners know me. We can place an order and have it ready by the time I get there." When no one protested, the man pulled out his phone and dialed the number, not bothering to ask before placing an order he usually gave for when the other Outlaws were in town. It had a bit of everything, and plenty of servings. Of course, they would be more likely to have leftovers after, but all that meant is that Jason might not have to cook for a bit.
Cass and Steph watched as Tim and Dick argued, their heads bouncing back and fourth between the two like it was a tennis match.
"Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Dick asked, arms crossed and pout firmly on his face. It had been there since Tim had told him that he had already been looking into Danny, though they still didn't know the teen's actual name.
"I didn't say anything earlier because I thought it went without saying. We've seen this kid with Damian multiple times, you got punched by him!" Tim clutched his coffee mug close to his chest as he rambled, preventing Cass from slipping anything melatonin into it. Part if her was sure that, on some level, he had begun to suspect some sort of tampering.
...maybe it was time to brainstorm a new way of enforcing Alfred's healthy sleep schedule on her workaholic brother.
Cass was pulled from her thoughts by Steph's loud sigh of relief. Both Tim and Dick had left the room, probably headed to check whatever working file they had on Danny. "Man," Steph whined, stretching until her back popped slightly. "This is harder than I thought it would be. How have you not told them something super cryptic and usless yet?"
Cass smiled at the girl, standing as well to follow her to the kitchen. They both nodded at Alfred as Steph began to dig for snacks. Cass leaned against the counter, accepting the oatmeal cookie Alfred handed her gratefully.
"It is tempting." Cass admitted, biting down on the award winning pastry. "But Damian needs this." Her littlest brother was always so prim and proper, when not being serious and focused. It was good for him to let loose a bit, and expand his social circle past Jon Kent and Skylar from his art club.
"Your right," Steph pulled her head out of the fridge. "He does need to let loose once in a while." Diving back in, she made an "aha!" noise as she pulled out a leftover slice of chocolate cake. Snack found, she started to search for a fork. "So, how do we distract them?" She asked.
"Melatonin works well for Tim." She admitted quietly. "But Dick will be harder to distract."
"Hmm," Steph took a minute to think about it, slowly chewing. "Oh! I've got it!" An devious smirk worked its way onto her face as she gestured Cass closer, whispering her plan. When Cass pulled back, she had a thoughtfully look on her face.
"That could work." She agreed, a similar smirk appearing on her face. Behind them, Alfred shook his head fondly before going back to his prepwork for dinner. As long as things didn't get too out of hand, the man was content to let the girls have free reign. After all, he too agreed that Master Damian needed this break.
(I know there are probably some grammar/spelling mistakes, but it's okay because I tried my best!)
For the amazing person who made the prompt for this story, and the awesome people who follow along!
@halfblackwolfdemon @manapeer @xxwintrynightzxx @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @blu-lilac @academicpurposes @secretdestinywerewolf @passivedecept @naluforever3 @postit-nope @spiteismymiddlename @2t-productions @plague-daisy @feet-achy @bubblecookies16 @thesapphiredragon13 @justwannabecat @magicalcollecter @adeniumdream @amuseofminds @lupagrim @readerkayden @dr-syko-pharm-4 @ladythugs @angelheartgamer @markthespot68 @kyrianclawraith @michikoy-yuki @servasvictoria02 @your-emo-nightmare @vala-dreams @scarlett-green-rose @t1dwarrior-of-earth @charlie-the-frogie @akikoyuii @mysticalcomputerdetective @roseuniverse999 @im-totally-not-an-alien @thefearfullone @weird-droplet-309 @jaytriesstuff @raventao @jacquelynwinchester @dragongoblet @tlise21 @longlivethefallen @the-archer-goddess @temple-of-jalebi @adepresseddwightsblogofjunk @plainly-colorful @the-legalHe-shipper @49saltpeppershakers @igotafewbadideas @tumbling-darkling @sparklygardenbouquet @sarcastic-yami @blueneko9314 @starscreamlover @liedboutmurder @do3y @roze-realm @some-mildly-happy-human @yinari-uchiha @azuera @chaoticmistake @altairsarts @kawaiikenna @heartsong18 @thetoyboxs @tricksovertreats @mnemovoid @lim4b3ans @horribly-lost-and-gay @keimiwolf @dryeraseslime @joey394
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ladyceej · 3 months
Reblog to Help with an Urgent Request
I know the world sucks right now, and I actually feel guilty for thinking that being super stressed about my parents is urgent, but I'm not sure what I'll do if I lose one of them, and I wasn't there for them. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-familys-urgent-move-to-oregon
That there link is a link to a gofundme, for me, to drive my animals across Canada and down to Oregon. Because one of my animals is an elderly Ewe, I don't have any other options for transport. I did think I could get her on a plane, but she is too big for a 500 crate and that is the limit the airlines will let her be. Body of the gofundme discription: I am trying to move my family out of Alaska to take care of my parents down in Oregon. Both my parents are going through cancer treatments, and my father is having a rougher go with it than my mother. I would like to move closer to them so not only will they have myself and my spouse closer to them in case of the worst scenario of losing them both (which it hopefully won't come to), but to also help them as neither can do as much as they use to in home maintenance, and whatnot. I need to be there for them and I'm thousands of miles away. It's starting to seem that it doesn't matter how much overtime I take, my paychecks don't allow me to save past paying monthly bills. The main thing I need help with on moving, are my elderly animals and transportation.
My vehicle will need repairs before I can drive it down the Al/Can highway. I will need to add a tow bar to the back of it. I will need a small livestock trailer to transport my elderly ewe. To cross over Canada, they will all need health certificates from the vet. Lastly, I will need some travel crates for my dogs/cat. I've done most of my pricing from Facebook Market Place and Craigslist to do most of this 2nd hand.
I'm just very stressed and worried about my parents and how I can't seem to get any closer to this goal of moving. They had already built a place for the sheep in the past when we first talked about moving closer. Once there, I'll find new employment, and live with my parents, helping with their bills, but being able to save to hire movers to bring my belongings from storage down to Oregon. I just need help to get my family down there.
I've shared photos of my Dad from 2019 compared to photos of him now with close friends (I don't think he'd appreciate me sharing them on a reblogable public tumblr) and he's lost about 150 pounds, most of that in just the past year. But what I can share, is pictures of said animals.
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This is Salt. She is 9 and has been a little lonely since our Ram, Dr. Livingston, passed away. She is the main reason this is such an expense. I'm not willing to give her to another person/farm that will likely turn her to mutton. I've had her since she was a lamb and we love her dearly.
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Here are the Doggos, Diego (14), Romeo (13) and Pepper (11). They're all up there in age, and will need health certificates and their regular vet check ups. I also plan on getting them hard sided crates from facebook market place or craigslist so they have some privacy on the way down. Diego is special needs, and prefers to be left alone. Romeo has a history of singing along with the radio, so I think he'd be the biggest stresser for Diego and also for the last passenger:
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Pumpkin is an 18 year old kitty. (Black cat in 2nd picture is Salem, who is no longer with us, I just really love that picture of them snuggling) She's a little grumpy and doesn't get along with Romeo and Pepper all that well. She ignores Diego and just tolerates the other two. She does get along pretty well with Salt though. So please pass this along. I really hope to get to my parents so I can help them out and hopefully not have to say goodbye over the phone.
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luvyeni · 1 year
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— CHAPTER ELEVEN : doctors appointment
— 𖦹 warnings?
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( writen part below ) ...
"jungwon is blowing up my phone right now." you laughed , reading all his messages as you waited for the doctor to show up, before replying to him that you're perfectly fine and that you can handle yourself around jake.
"does he ever let you be?" jake asked , he didn't mean for it to come out laced with so much jealousy , but too be fair his friend has been on his ass since he started coming around you.
"that's just jungwon , he's been like that since we were younger." you explained , you and jungwon had been neighbors since you were kids , you were older than him by two years , but his family would always invite you to things , and that's how you and jungwon became so close.
"well tell him that you're safe with me , and i won't let anything bad happen to you , so he can step off my neck." you rolled your eyes , your heart beating at the statement.
"ah , is your face red? are you blushing?" he smirked. "shut up." he laughed. "you are blushing , are my word flustering you?" he sat in the seat next to you. "fuck you." you laid back , turning your face to the side.
"didn't you already?" his eyebrows quirked up. "of course you would say that." you scoffed , as the door opened the doctor walking in. "( name )" you nodded , she read through the chart.
"we did a few labs , and they seem good , everything is okay with the baby , i just want to do a quick ultrasound and you should be good to go." you lifted your shirt , she picked up the liquid squirting some on your stomach , you flinched at the coldness.
"you okay?" jake asked , concerned. "it's just a little cold , calm down." you laughed at his reaction. "you dad?" the doctor turned to jake , his eyes widened , he actually hadn't heard anyone say that before. "me? yeah , i guess i am." he said.
"well here's your baby." she turned the screen to him. "that's the baby?" he was speechless , it finally felt real , he was actually having a baby. "jake , you alright?" you tapped him. "oh , yeah im fine , just shocked , this is really happening."
the doctor chuckled. "your parents must be so excited , are you guys planning on marrying before the baby is born?" the doctors words shocking both of you. "oh we aren't together." you said. "you aren't?" she said. "nope."
"your parents must be disappointed , you're both so young , and you aren't even together." jake noticed the doctor's sudden voice change. "well they don't know yet." he said , watching her face turn again. the hell was this ladies problem , you both decided you'd wait to tell you parents.
"tsk , you kids today , so irresponsible." she took the thing off your stomach , giving you a tissue. "i just need you to sign some forms and then you can go." she left out of the room , leaving you and jake to sit in the awkward silence she created.
he noticed the change in your attitude , you were quiet , staring at the ground. "don't listen to her , what does she know , it was our decision to do it this way." you shrugged , wiping the liquid off your stomach , pulling your shirt down. "whatever."
the doctor returned , handing you the papers which you quickly signed , just wanted to get out of there. "well you free to leave now." you grabbed your things , walking out of the room , jake following behind.
you could feel the stares of the receptionists and other nurses, knowing the nurse probably spilled the beans , jake grabbed your shoulders , shielding you from het nasty glare.
"you hungry , let's get something to eat , okay , i'll pay." he said. "im not - don't , we're going." he grabbed your hand. "don't pay attention to them , let's just go." he said , dragging you out the doctors office.
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178 notes · View notes
harrysmimi · 2 years
Synopsis: One where Harry pays for the consequences of ghosting the girl he was seeing for two months
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It was pretty late, but Harry was actually excited to finally get back in university and get his master's four years later!
It was his initial plan to do so but he kept putting it off as he was deep in debt, but now that's he's got his life back on track he was ready to get that masters because apparently the Management field looks for papers along with experience for better paying jobs. And honestly he hates his job as assistant to charted accountant now. Though he was already dreading this, his friends Niall and Liam were going with him, they were in the same Marketing and Business Law classes to put his anxious mind at ease.
Him and his friends would probably be the older of the demographic in the batch of this year, but who cares? He's there to learn and get that degree with his name slapped on it. Niall was coming over to pick him today as his car was in service for past one week.
"Oh, she's hot!" Niall commented the girl had seemed to heard it as she picked up her pace of walking, "hope she's in our class. She's got a marketing text book in her hand." He was apparently talking about this girl who just parked next to them and started running towards what he hoped to class.
Harry's heart skipped a beat when he saw her though. She looked awfully familiar to him. Shaking his head he proceeded to go to his first class which was Marketing Management.
The lecture hall was massive for the class strength to be of only 60 students, desks arranged in arranged in tiers to give the lecturer perfect view of the class. A projector set up for the lecture already. Harry and his friends had no other option than to sit on the very first desks, it would be pretty difficult of the trio as they've been the back benchers their whole life.
"Good morning class, I am sorry for being late to the class was about to begin ten minutes ago." The professor barged in with her text book and laptop and Harry almost shat his pants. "Settle down everyone, please." She waited for the class to get settled in their desired places.
"First day of academic year it's always exciting, isn't it? Then it all gets dreadful and by the end of the semester you're like "urgh! I can't wait to be done with this stuff!" but that won't be happening in my class, I'll try to not let that happen at least." The professor went on as she observed the class carefully starting from the very back, "let's start with introducing ourselves to the class, I'll start; I am YN YLN. I teach Marketing and Business Law, I've been teaching for four years now. I come from a family of professors, I mean even my great grand parents from my both parents side were teachers. That's something I like to brag about."
She smiled an adorable cheeky smile. She's really a ray of sunshine, Harry decided.
"Now you all don't have to feel pressured to introduce yourself though it is highly encouraged, if not we'll proceed with our first lesson today." She gave the class a moment.
Surprisingly many students stood up and talked about themselves, where they come from, what they like to do, and all the good stuff like that. The class was actually liking her that much even the shy ones tried to interract.
"Oh my god, she's definitely gonna hate me for calling her hot in the parking lot. She heard me!" Niall murmured to him.
But he's got way worse to deal with her. His professor.
Never in his life he thought he'd ever find himself in a situation like this, ever!
He met YN at the start of summer this year on a dating site. In all honesty he was just looking to get laid but for some reason he took it too far with her without telling her what he really wanted. Yes, he is an asshole for doing that, but he did not expected to have karma hit him this way.
Her dating profile was really what someone who was dating to get married would swipe right in a heartbeat. She was same age as him couple months younger even, she could cook (if anyone cared for that), she was well educated, and had a four year teaching experience at University — though the name of the university was not mentioned — she was a mum to an almost two year old boy.
Least to say he didn't wanted to hook up with her on the first date, she was just that sweet and humble. He just dropped her off to hers and asked if he could take her out for coffee and he did. He saw her over the weekend. Got laid as well. Led her on for five weeks straight. For the first time since he graduated he felt like wanting to get into a relationship, but she called off their date twice last minute because her son was severely sick.
Yeah! He totally feels awful for that. He knew she's a mother and he won't be on her first priority list probably for a very long time if he did not blew things up with her. He didn't even mind that she have a child in the beginning.
Maybe he got scared of the commitment? But she would have understood that as she had talked about getting stood up by dates for the reason, but also made it pretty clear in his opinion that she was looking for something serious if things led to other. He felt even more guilty. He just ghosted her.
And he was starting to like her, a lot. Seeing the way how she talked about her son in most subtle way, he found it very adorable and attractive in a way, she even paid all her mind when he talked about his own interests in his slow tone like he usually does which many find annoying. She had way too much patience to put up with him. She did come off as shy and introverted the whole time and not like as she is being in the class right now.
None of his friends knew he was seeing someone over the summer. That was the little down cor why Professor YLN had his heart running like a wild horse. He almost died when she finally noticed him as a sly smirk took over her pretty features making him sink in his seat like a melting ice cube of a burning iron skillet. He wanted to disappear. Throw himself against the wall.
"Anyone from the front desks? Very familiar faces from around the campus." She asked, eying him with a revenge being plotted in her mind. He is sure she's going to be petty with the look on her face like that. She even glared at Niall who commented on her earlier.
She proceeded with the first topic after two more introductions from the students. Honestly she was amazing at her job. Even more amazing than any of the teachers he's had his entire life (apart from his mother).
"Before we dismissed the class," YN said closing off the tabs on the projector for the class, "I just want to make you know that if you do not understand anything, you can feel free to ask away any of your doubts and please be free to give any feedbacks you have on my teaching methods, if I'm going too fast or too slow with the portion. I'm here to help. My office hours are from 3pm to 4.30pm, you can come in to get your doubts cleared if needed in the future."
"If you have any doubts from today's lecture, I'll be clearing those the first thing in the next class on Wednesday. From the next class onwards the first fifteen minutes would be to clear out any doubts and queries. And that will be all for today. Thank you so much for your time today. Hope you all have an amazing rest of the day." With that she dismissed the class, and left the hall.
"Move, move, move," Harry chanted getting up from his chair almost pushing Niall over who was had taken the aisle seat.
"Patience!" Niall stood up making a way for his friends who barged out like a racing car.
Harry ran straight to the bathroom and locked himself up in a stall as he threw up.
God he's going to have to put up with her for next six months. She's probably going to make his life hell in college. He's probably going to have to his arse off for her class. For a moment he thought he'd blackmail her if she tries to fail him but it won't work as he haven't seen her in a month and things came to an end before he even got accepted into this academic institution. His mind was racing with most stupid and fucked up possibilities as he emptied out the hearty breakfast he had this morning.
He finally got up and made his way out to wash his face but he felt like he was going to pass out if it weren't for Liam who came looking for him, he would have had fallen down and hit his head somewhere.
"You alright, mate?" Liam asked.
All it took was for him to shake his head. "Uhh, yeah!" He somehow pulled himself together.
"You want to go home? I'm sure none of the professors would be getting anything important done today." Liam suggested.
"No, no, I am fine." He shook his head again, washed his face and rinsed his mouth and drank some water Niall gave him.
He was going to have to put up with all this because he was so determined to prove his father wrong that he can actually do something with his life. He was still living in the same old studio flat since he moved out at the age of eighteen, now he's twenty-five, he works a job which pays him just enough to live on cheque go cheque. He had that pressure from his father because his sister was going amazing!
She had written three best selling books out there. She is doing so much better with her life than him. She was in a stable and healthy relationship. Had her own house, two cars. Even his step siblings were better than him in many aspects. But he's happy with what he has is always looked over at and he's compared to everyone who's figuratively doing much better than him at every family gathering.
He has even started to skip those now the best he can.
He went back home his cat Evie all tired and still feeling about shit he probably have put YN through. Even the cat reminded him of her now, Evie loved the girl more than him and she was over all for four times at his.
For fucks sake it was just a two months thing he shouldn't make a big deal out of it, man up and apologise to her.
And he did. He texted her, waited for an entire for reply just to remember she was really bad at texting, she admitted to it and that she preferred to talk on phone calls instead.
It was Tuesday night when he called her. It rang through twice but she didn't answer. He just tried to go to bed but he couldn't sleep all night. He wanted to drive upto her house but it would have it's own consequences if anyone from his class saw him. He did talked to many of his classmates on the first day who lived in the same area as hers.
On the Wednesday morning he got to know two his classes were cancelled for the day, which YN takes. That worried him because he saw on Tuesday on campus busy with her other classes. It took a text for him mum requesting him to take her to the hospital as she was having some sever allergic reactions, so he was more worried about that instead of dealing with the shit he had spread.
His mum was very sick to add to his worries, he drove her to the emergency room and waited for doctors to check on her outside. She was advised to stay there for the day and could go home in the evening if everything was under control with the medications she was given.
"You want me to get you something?" Harry asked.
"A bottle of water would be good," Anne nodded.
"I'll be back," he smiled, kissing her forehead he headed out. He had to walk all the way to the hospital canteen as there were no vending machines in this hospital which actually worked. He was already frustrated that he can to walk tem minutes to get his mother a bottle of water she needed. He can do no thing right!
"Can I get a black coffee with no sweetner and a bottle of water please?" He asked the cashier, already finishing for his wallet in his back pocket. He had to wait for his coffee so he took a seat at one of the table.
He decided to call YN again as he waited. She did answered it this time but a phone rang just behind him catching his attention.
"Hello?" He said.
"Hello, Harry if it is not anything urgent can I call you later?" She rushed in a murmur.
"Yeah, but are you okay?" He looked around to find her at the table just behind her, looking all tensed.
"Yes. I'll, I'll call you later, okay?"
"Okay." He said and hung up.
He left her alone there, as she seemed to with a lady who reckoned to be her mother. He didn't wanted to bother her and he had his mother to worry about too.
It was the next morning he got a call back from YN just when he was about to text her again and go on to get ready for uni. His mum was doing good and was sent back home in the evening as expected.
"Hey, you needed any help that you called yesterday?" She asked, getting straight to the point, she sounded very tired on the other side of the call.
"Hi," he took in a deep breath, "ummm, I wanted to talk."
"If it's something related to class I don't know if I'll be help now, but I'll try my best, what is it?" She asked, politely.
"No, no it's not related to class. I, ehm, want to apologise for what I did." He said, "I shouldn't talk about this over a phone call, if we could meet?"
"I don't think that's a good idea now, Harry," she suggested, "and I can't see you right now. Whatever happened I'm just over it, you and I can move on from it and be professionals."
"You're going to forgive me that easily?" He asked. Hurt honestly that she's not going to hold anything against him because he truly believes he deserves that.
He heard a frustrated sigh from the other side, "I have got other things to worry about and what you did is honestly the least of my worries." She made it clear to him, "if you're worried I might fail you in either of your classes, I won't. I am not petty. You've got nothing to worry about just be good with your progress, I assure you will be treated as rest of the students." That hit him like a truck but with a whiff of cold air.
"I am not worried about that." Lie. A half lie. Or you can even a quarter lie. "I genuinely feel bad for ghosting you like that."
"And I forgive you for that, okay?" He was getting on her nerves now which was evident through her voice, "it's okay. Now if you're done, I have somewhere to go to."
"Yeah." He sounded before he heard the line go dead.
YN was miserable seeing her baby so sick. He had a surgery coming up this afternoon which had much higher rates of full recovery but it stung at her motherly heart that he even has to go through all of this.
He was born with atrial septal defect but doctors said it isn't fetal and he can live just normal. He basically had a tiny hole in his tiny heart. It wasn't until last month that he started getting sick and sick, that doctors suggested it was better to get the surgery done. Her insurance covered the costs of the surgery but the stay at hospital for next week was something she couldn't afford as she was paying off the rest of the loan for the house she lives in now.
Her parents weren't happy with having a baby, especially when she got knocked up by a random dude she hooked up with who refused to be involved with his life. She was going through her rebellious phase in college instead of going through it when she was teenager. Her parents being religious did not helped either when she decided she wanted to keep the child. They almost kicked her out and they did, but they came around sooner than she expected, helped her around until she got her life together. She is their only child.
YN was just so shocked when her dad called her one evening to give the house he bought for her to give her as a wedding present which he worked his whole life for. She was really grateful for that because she was really struggling with finances and raising a tiny human. Her parents do teach her lessons which are much needed but they're very supportive of her which she finds herself to be fortunate of.
She had no face to go ask for help from her parents now, her dad had given her everything, he bought her a house and furnished it for her, even her car was bought by him. She didn't tell them that her son has a condition since he was born, until her mother saw her at the hospital yesterday as she was there with her father to get her routine check up done. Least to say her father still loves her that he agreed to help her out in a heartbeat, though they've had a very rocky relationship from past almost three years.
The thing with Harry was least she can worry about. He was just a guy she met a few months ago. Her son was her life time commitment she made the moment she decided to keep her pregnancy. Which was definitely the best one she has made in her life.
She went to see her son who was resting in his room as the OT was being prepared for him. She didn't know how she was going to tell him what the doctors are going to do to him but she was going to try as the doctors have suggested it. A nursed was checking up on him as he had just woken up from his nap. He was a bit sleepy due to the medications or else he is usually tailing after her so she can drop him off at daycare so he can go play with his friends Justin and Sienna.
"How is my little Lion doing?" She asked, he was dressed in his Lion King PJs he threw a massive tantrum for in the middle of the store for, he was obsessed with the show for some reason.
"Mamma!" He whispered.
"He's doing great." The nurse said, "we'll take him to the OT in an hour."
"Yeah, thank you." YN nodded politely at the nurse as she left. "Did you had a good sleep?"
"Mhmm." He nodded pushing his hair away from his face, YN helped him with that. "Simba is there, Mamma look." He pointed at the wall art in his room.
"Yeah, you finally saw it." YN cooed.
"I wan, I wan go home." He looked at her with his big doe eyes, sad like a small puppy, he still stutters while talking even though his vocabulary for almost two year old much more advanced, YN found it adorable to say the least.
"We will go home soon, okay? I promise." She assured him, "do you want to cuddle?"
YN sat up on his bed, placing him in her lap careful of the IV on his arm. He immediately snuggled into her chest.
"When we goin' home?"
"Uhmmm, after you're feeling fully better." YN stuttered to answer him, "for that you know the doctor will have to operate on you so you can get better faster and we can go home."
"What is that?" He asked.
"That is a bit difficult for me to explain, my baby, but when you're sleeping the doctor will help your heart feel better so you can go play with Justin and Sienna." YN shared, "Mamma wants you to know that it is okay, I'm here with you, yeah?"
"Mhmm." He nodded, "I miss Daisy."
"Yeah, you miss her?" She cooed. Daisy was YN's Persian cat she has had since she was eighteen. "She said she misses you too, but she wants you to stay here."
"Why?" He whined.
"So you can get better to play with her too." YN reminded him, "you're feeling not well, right?"
"No well." The little boy shook his head.
"Yeah, she said she loves you and wants to play with you loads and loads when you get back home." She tried to hype her up the best she could. He's just two years old to say the most. "I love you."
"I love you." He repeated. "I wan ice cream please, Mamma."
"What else do you want?"
"A big Burger, please?" He chirped in excitement because she doesn't let him eat junk food as much as her friends let him.
"A big burger it is." She agreed using the same tone he used to describe the size of food he wants.
"I wan a lion toy." He demanded.
"You already have one." YN gasped.
"A big one!" He exclaimed the best he could lifting his free arm up to show his mother a size of a stuffed animal he desires. And proceeded to talk about all the animals he likes and randomly talking about food in between.
She wonders if he is going to be a zoologist when he grows up.
He did had a little breakdown, it was pretty obvious an almost two year old is going to be scared to be rolled on a stretcher by strangers to a scary looking room. But he did well. The surgery took three hours in total to be completed but it was a success and he was doing amazing!
"Your son is doing amazing, Ms. YLN." The doctor shared with her during the consultation after the surgery in his office, "he will be off the anesthesia by morning, we'll have to have him under observation for next five to six days — or less depending upon his recovery speed — before he can go home and have weekly check ins if needed for next six weeks."
"Oh okay," YN nodded, "thank you so much for your help doctor. I hope he wasn't too scared."
"He was but we talked about things he loves, he apparently loves animals a lot." Doctor shared the humourous moment with YN's son in the OT.
"Oh yeah, he does." She chuckled.
YN had to go back to work on the Monday as she could not take anymore leaves. Luckily her mother offered to stay at the hospital until she gets off.
She was dreading the office work she had to do, and she have to cover up the portion she missed for week as soon as humanly possible. First semesters usually tend to go faster for her for some reason. She had cut off her office hours for next couple of weeks now just so she can go back to her baby and have talk her ears off about a new animal documentary he watched with his Nani.
She was so grateful that her day came to an end at work, she still had to go home and pack a change of clothes for him and some food for her mother and herself. But he heard knock on her cabin, she saw the same frog face she was harbouring a massive crush on months ago. She wanted to smack that stupid of his when he ghosted though.
"Yes, Harry how may I help you?" She asked, gathering her stuff so she can work the time she gets when her is sleeping. He really had his notes printed in his hand.
"I have a doubt." He said, "do you mind if I come in?"
"Sure." She nodded. He's her student she's not going to ask him to leave when that's what she gets paid for. Turned out he genuinely had a doubt which she explained him in matter of ten minutes. "Is there anything else you meed help with?"
"No, that was all, thank you so much." He smiled. "Are you okay? Saw you at the hospital last week when I was there with my mum."
"I am fine, it was my son he's doing good now." She shared as she closed her laptop and put it back in her bag, "I will share the presentation on the classroom online do you can take notes from them, tell your friends about it too."
"I will," he nodded. "What happened to him if you don't mind me asking?"
"Actually I do mind." She smiled a forced thin lipped smile, "thank you for being concerned though."
"Sorry." He mumbled sheepishly looking down biting on his lip, "I'll take a leave now." With his head down he just left. YN instantly felt bad for talking to him like that.
It was three weeks later and YN's som was back home. He has been doing great and spending all his days with his grandma when his mum goes to work.
YN have finally gotten back on track with the portion she has missed on the days she took off. She had assigned the first assignments to her classes, and god it was going to be a hassle with double the queries coming in her way. She thought five classes including both UG and PG students and one extra class this semester as one of the professor is on a maternity leave.
"I clearly don't get paid enough for this!" She mumbled to herself as she frustratedly checked the first few assignments the students have turned in just to get over with.
Well, she get it. She was a student not too long ago and she is still studying for her PhD but this was atrocious how students actually treat their teachers. She had to turn all of the assignments back to the students with individual remarks on individual assignment.
Recently all she have been wanting to do is just spend time with her baby boy. But all she have to resort to from eight in the morning to six in the evening is just to look at his picture on her desk she recently put up on her mother's suggestion. The boy was doing amazingly, recovering faster than expected, getting back to starting to be active again and be his tiny human self.
YN was going to get him to get a hair cut in a long time now because he willingly asked for it this weekend. And he's been excited about it all week. It was also his second birthday.
YN had decided to go very lowkey on with the celebration unlike her and her father did for his first birthday. She doesn't want him to hurt himself because she knows how hyper he can get when around other children with adrenaline and run and jump around like there's no tomorrow. He still needs to be easy as he heals from a major surgery.
So it was just going to be him, his friends Justin and Sienna coming over for a play date later in the evening in the backyard. His Nana went over board and got him a slide and a swing set to add to plethora of his outdoor toys like a mini golf course and a basketball hoop he got on his first birthday. YN was going to take him out on a little date, buy him two new toys he wishes for and get a hair cut.
She had her day planned out with her baby, getting her all happy and giddy already.
And just when she is about to leave it was Harry coming to her office for yet another doubt. At this point she genuinely started to believe be never has any doubts because she sees him pay attention in class and she never speaks or asks questions, and he asks ber random questions like he did on their dates. He always manages to go to her office with doubts just when she's about to leave. YN finds it annoying because she figured he's always to everything and she thrives on time decipline since she was very young.
"I did not understand the Consumer behaviour." He said, not even bothering to hide his cheeky smirk as he walked in and took a seat on the chair in front of her desk, putting his half written notes on her desk.
"What do you not understand about it? I guess it have been repeated taught to business and management students for years." She reminded him.
"This is my first semester in college after four years of working as an accountant. I think my knowledge has been rusted a bit since." He explained. She took a look at his notes to know what he might have and not have understood. There was nothing but the title of today's lecture written with a black pen in block letters on an unruled page of the book.
"You have literally written nothing." She pointed.
"Exactly, my point." He shrugged.
"What did you not understand?" She asked.
"How does demand law come into play with consumer behaviour?" He asked.
"Because it is basically a behaviour." She said.
"You know when prices go high the deman decline and that decline comes from customers desire for not wanting to spend that much on something and vice versa." She explained, hints of frustration now laced through her tones. "And that desire for not wanting to or wanting to buy a particular good is a behaviour by customers who are the consumers."
"Good, okay." He nodded, clicking his pen open, "can you repeat that, please?"
YN took in a deep breath and out, "I will explain this entire topic again, tomorrow morning the first thing in the class and I will be conducting a class test the very next day on the same. Now if you're done with your querie, my shift is already over."
"Hey, I'm sorry," he rushed chuckling, "now that your shift is over and you're no longer my professor, can I ask you something?"
"In premises of this campus, I am still your professor." She reminded him, "and Harry please I am begging you do not do something which both of us would have to regret and face consequences for. I have a son and I need this job."
"I won't, I promise. I just feel bad for—"
"I know you do and I told you I forgive you for that. Make peace with it and move on for gods sake?" She interrupted him. "So when we see each other again on Monday, we're nothing more than professor and student, okay?"
"Okay." He nodded as the dimples on his cheeks disappeared in instant. He just grabbed his book and his bag and left her office.
When YN got back home she couldn't help but shake the face of upset Harry off her sight.
She did started with her usual routine with asking her son clean his play area after she got freshen up and started preparing for dinner with him next to her. She had him fed, gave him his medications and tucked him in bed. She have now moved his bed to her room for the time being so she can keep an closer eye on her. She kissed him good night before she got into her own bed.
She went on to her phone after a very long time. Checking in on what her uni friends are upto now on Instagram. Most of them traveling for work whilst others were just having their own babies. When she stumbled upon stories of Harry.
She is still following him. Just when she was about to go to his profile and hit the unfollow button, she saw him partying with his friends. She recognised everyone from her class, especially the blonde named Hope, being inappropriate in the background as his two friends took shots. Least to say YN quickly unfollowed him immediately.
Yes, she fell for it quickly. She had a crush on him the moment she saw him on her phone screen really. It was her who had downloaded the dating app that one night, she's got no friends who would actually hype her to do so. All them are busy with their own shenanigans. Part it was pressure from her family and her extended family that she's unmarried and already has a kid and part of it was her loneliness.
She matched with couple of people she went on few dates on but none of them went further than one date until Harry. He actually did not judge her when she told him she's got a son even though she's his own age. She had many men and women just tell her that they're not interested in her after she'd casually mention about her son even though she had it mentioned on her profile.
Harry said he actually read that when she swiped right on her. The summer with him was amazing!
Especially when her son was spending much more time at her Nani's house as his cousins would be there. For the first time after having him she has that free time to actually give herself that much needed time. He actually seemed to care about her whenever with her, he'd even text her to check up on her but she is very bad with checking her texts.
The mother and son duo were dressed in matching black hoodies and jeans with boots as they headed out after a nice breakfast with Nana and Nani.
"Ohhh!" The little boy squealed a sound of amusement seeing the London Eye for the first time as they walked to the salon for his appointment. She was going to take him there the next day.
"Hello little lad," the guy who was going to cut his hair greeted him as he placed the boy on a chair and placed a cloak around his neck.
"You don't have to be afraid of the noises the machine would make, okay? It's not going to hurt." YN assured him. She explained the hair dresser how she wants her boy's hair to be cut.
For the longest YN did not understood why he had dark honey blond hair but later learned she had the same hair when she was born but her's darkened up before she turned one. His just decided to blond for a long time. All the while he sat there giggling and laughing, feeling ticklish from the buzz of the electric clippers.
"You like that?" YN asked once the hair cut was done.
"I love it!" He exclaimed raising his hands up in excitement to celebrate.
"Yeah? What do you say then?" YN suggested.
"Thank you." He looked at the hair dresser.
"You're welcome." The guy smiled.
Later the mother son duo went on shopping. They walked around the entire toy store.
"Mamma, I wan this!" The little boy hit at the box with a picture of a pretty blue doll house.
"Yeah, do you also want dolls to put in it?" She suggested.
"Mhmm." He nodded.
"Okay, lemme put that in our cart, okay?" She placed him in the seat on the shopping cart and strapped him before she put the choice of his toy in the cart. "Do you also want to get a few presents for your friends?"
"Yes, yes, yes!"
After they headed straight to parking lot and YN drove them to a restaurant for lunch. They were having an amazing day really. They went back home and wrapped the presents they got for his friends and put them in individual bags like a little hamper. YN remember this was something her parents did on her birthdays up until her eighteenth birthday. It was a nice gesture and who does like gifts. That really taught her growing up that the world really doesn't revolve around ber even though she was quite spoilt as a child.
She wants her son to learn that early, the feel of being grounded even though he's twice as spoilt by her parents.
The kids had amazing time playing their to exhaustion. YN's parents got along with Sienna's mother who held same interests in English and Hindi literature, talking about things she's never heard of. YN never read a novel in her life even though ber dad is an English professor and her mother is French and English professor. It was never her cup of tea which her dad like to tease her about.
"He's seem to be doing really great now." Alex, Justin's dad said.
"Yeah, Sienna missed her friend too, she was asking about him." Marie joined in.
"Yeah, he's doing very well." YN nodded admiring her son laughing and giggling with his friends from afar. He just turned two and he's got more friends than her. "He was talking about Justin and Sienna too. They've become best friends, haven't they?"
"Okay, maybe we should discard that conclusion for a while." YN mum stood up immediately watching the kids now starting to fight over something. The fight was resolved and they were back to playing again. "They're best friends again!"
Everyone came in for a nice dinner YN and her dad made today. The kiss still wanted to play but were promised another playdate tomorrow at Sienna's house the same time. YN parents stayed after to help her clean the mess the kids had made before leaving.
She bathed the boy and put him to bed before she headed down to get herself a glass wine. Though she wasn't a big fan of drinking even a glass of alcohol but she needed it after stressful couple of weeks. Just as she was about to pop open a new bottle of wine Alex gifted YN and Marie after he returned from his trip from Italy like six months ago. He said it was something fruity, like berries. Just as she was about to pop open the bottle there was a knock on the door. She peeped through the hole as she was alone at home and it has gotten quite late at night. It was Harry to her surprise.
"Hi," she said after she opened the door.
"Hi," he smiled, awkwardly, "came to talk if you have a moment."
"I, ehm, do you want to come in?" She asked already stepping aside so be can walk in. He nodded and walked in, took off his shoes by the door. He was immediately greeted by Daisy trying to trip over as he followed YN in to the living room. "Please sit, would you like me to get you something?" She proceeded to walk into kitchen where he followed her to.
"No, I'm good." He said, politely, yet she got him a glass of water. "I want to see you again, I am sorry for ghosting you like that. I shouldn't have knowing you wouldn't do that on purpose unless it was something serious."
"What did you thought?" She was confused.
"I thought you didn't wanted to see me," he admitted, "you used your son being sick as an excuse. I know that was very childish of me and I am really sorry for that."
"Even if you are sorry nothing can happen now, you're my student, I can't pursue a relationship with my student." She kept tone was as low as he could hear with frustrated and upset undertone, "I would never make an excuse. Especially my son being sick. Thank you for telling how low you think of me." Her vision started to het blurry with tears, she looked down quickly to pick up the wine opener and putting it in it's place, next was the bottle
"I don't think low of you, YN, don't say that." He stressed on defending himself.
"Heydar, my son was really sick, okay. I am not going to give you an explanation but that's how I felt when you said that." She shared, "that's what I feel like is the truth. He had an open heart surgery not even a month ago and he turned two just today, you knew I was going to put him first before anyone, even myself. You thought I'm that much of a coward that I'd lie about an innocent two year old boy being severely sick just to get out of the situation with you?"
"I get it, I am so sorry about that." He apologised again with his head hung low, "I never dated since I graduated — well not this once before — so it was a rollercoaster ride to be with you emotionally for me because those were the best two months I've ever spent in a very long fucking time. I just thought after we slept together that you didn't want to have to do anything with me. We became really good friends if not anything more and I ghosted you at the time you needed all the emotional support."
He talks slow but YN stood there listening to him. Carefully. "I want to fix this. Really. But I don't know how to. I want to fix this."
Harry's never been hung up on anyone. Especially since that one time where his friends conned him to basically go on a date and set him up so cleverly. He actually started getting along with that girl and after they both slept together for the first time she just told it on his face she doesn't want to go any further with him. It was worse than being ghosted he felt that time. YN's situation was worse here. He also knew that the pressure from his family to do better in his career had something to do with it that it scared him off from the commitment.
All those times she's just take out even fifteen minutes for him if her son was with her parents, she'd go to see him after work. He knew she was a professor but he didn't know she worked at the University he applied and got approved at. The way she'd go over evey little text he'd sent her through the day, every little meme which sort of reminded of him she'd carefully reply each one of them at the end of the day when she'd finally get the time to look at her phone, entertainment herself to clear her mind for a little before going to bed.
And YN wouldn't lie, she needed that emotional support if not financial support from her parents and she didn't exactly had good friends to rely onto for that. Her brown parents aren't exactly best at showing emotional affection or any affection at all, and she even felt guilty to ask for it because she's put them through hell her entire life being rebellious and especially after getting pregnant by a hook-up.
Though it wasn't anyone's business but the cultural environment she grew up liked to make it their business anyway, very much so that people started side eying her parents, especially her mother for her upbringing. Especially criticising them for having their daughter attend the Sex Ed classes for her own good before she was married, which allegedly influenced her to get pregnant with a strangers baby.
Her parents are long over it but she still carries that guilt with her.
Having a part of her go through a major procedure drained her mentally and emotionally. It is surely a bad time for her (she's certain it is going to pass), she knows no one is entitled to make her feel good mentally and emotionally but herself. So she didn't let the thing with Harry affect her that much, though she did cried the night after he didn't answer her texts.
"I don't know what you want me to do with it, Harry, I am quite confused here." She shared, "I know that I have been clear from the very first time we talked that I am looking for a long term commitment. I've got a son and I can't go out and date every other person and drag him through all of it and scar him emotionally and mentally for his life. I still don't know why you ghosted me like that. That can not be the only reason. I was so hurt that you led me on for two months just to sleep with me. You ignored me the night after I went over to yours and we had sex."
She took in a long breath to calm herself from crying in front of him, she didn't wanted that. "Then again. We were only seeing each other for mere two months. I don't know why I let myself go hurt me like that. It was just a summer fling for you."
"No, don't say that, please." He took a careful step over to the kitchen island separating them. "What I feel for you is still very real, I wouldn't say what we had was just a summer fling for me, I simply got scared of the commitment. I know should have conveyed that in a proper way like a decent human. I am really sorry for that. Please gimme a chance to fix this, YN?"
"So you're not scared of commitment anymore?" She sounded amused.
"I am not." He answered in a heartbeat. "I've got my shit together now. I know fucked up." When she didn't say anything it hit him that they can't technically date because she is her professor now, amd will be even if the semester is over and even after he graduates. "There's no way we can get back to where we left, isn't it?" He sighed.
"I don't know." She said.
"What about after the semester ends? It's not like we got to know each other on campus. We were seeing each other way before." He started brain storming.
"I don't want to talk about this." She said, knowing it is going to hurt her even more with faux convincing.
The university can still hold it against her saying that she should have informed them earlier if they get back together, it's been over a month and half since the academic year started.
She was still not over how he ghosted her. He was the first person she was open to be vulnerable enough to be share something that intimate after having a child. He did broke her heart that way badly.
"Mamma!" YN heard a high pitched call of a whine for her, she looked up to find her little boy going down the stairs slowly, clutching onto the railing. She rushed towards him even though he had quite master going down stairs by now.
"What's wrong, my love?" She cooed to him immediately scooping him up.
"I scared." He shared hiding in her chest, "I saw a monster when I sleeping."
"It's okay," she assured him, "it was not real. Monsters are not real."
"Okay, okay, Mamma is here with you. You can go back to sleep."
"No!" He whined clutching onto her like his life depends on her in that moment, "I wan Mamma!"
"Okay, I'm here." She assured her and almost went upstairs forgetting Harry was there. But she went down as Heyder clung onto her like a baby koala, dozing back to sleep.
Harry saw her coming back downstairs, he saw her son for the first time here. He never saw his pictures before. But the little boy was wearing mismatched Rapunzel and Iron Man PJs, with a small stuffed bunny tucked in his grip.
"Just stay here for a moment." YN told him as she walked back into living room. She was there for solid ten minutes as her son refused to go back to sleep, so she gave him a sensory book which made car noises to play with as she went back to kitchen after telling him they have a guest over. Heyder tried mimicking the sound of an engine starting which made Harry giggle. He looked at YN and stopped immediately, the same neutral look on her features hasn't left yet but he thought she found it offending.
"Sorry." He cleared his throat.
"It's okay." She smiled herself hearing her son in the living room. He stood there in silence between them two with weird car noises in the back for what felt like ages before he decided he better take his ass out of her house. She isn't going to kick him out or ask him to leave. He isn't going to get his answer, at least not in that moment.
"Alright, see you tomorrow in class Ms. YLN." He smiled, earning a nod from her.
"I'll walk you to the door." She said and followed him out, "umm Harry?"
"Just don't talk about this to anyone, not even your friends please?" She requested, "I can loose my job and you can get expelled if the word goes to the faculty in a wrong way."
"You're going to talk about this?" He asked.
"I will have to. I have no other choice." She admitted, "don't want to face bigger consequences later for this."
"Okay. I won't talk about this to anyone." He assured her. It gave him hope for reconciliation with her.
As they walked to her front door he saw the little lad trailing begin YN close by. Harry also noticed the balloon and decoration and big Happy Birthday banner in the living room still up, a few unopened presents left on the coffee table.
"It's still his birthday?" Harry asked.
"Mhmm." YN sounded.
"Can I wish him if you don't mind?" He asked, they were already at the door.
"Hiya," Harry looked at her son, bending down to make himself appear smaller, "Happy Birthday little lad." He shied away behind his mother smiling.
"What do you say, Heydar?" YN encouraged him.
"Thank you." He mumbled.
"Of course, darling." Harry chuckled seeing him forward his small hand for a handshake which he returned gladly. He finally took his leave and walked out. It was slightly awkward he wouldn't lie. YN shut the door after he left and locked it before turning to find her son still stood in his place.
"Let's get your bum-bum back in bed now!" She announced, the little boy squealed as he started running around. But she caught him scooping him up in her arms tickling his sides. "Do you want to sleep in Mamma's bed?"
"Mhmm." He nodded.
Months passed by, quicker for YN and slow like a turtle for Harry.
Though he's really gotten his shit together. Set firm boundaries with his parents who always tried to put pressure on him to do better and compare him to his sister who is conventionally more successful than him.
He doesn't care if he's got a partner to settle with. He doesn't care what people think of his job, he loves it!
Harry learned he's been hating his job just because of his parents constant pressures to get a better job, or at least beg his way for a promotion. Well he's been working in that firm for just two years, he left the previous company for their unethical work environment. He's sure he'll get a promotion sooner than he'd expect, his boss is very impressed by it. He learned it was better to not let his work consume his life whilst he still has time to live and enjoy the best he can really.
Somewhere YN was the one behind it all even if she didn't know it. Her little pieces of wisdom in class to her student for occasional motivation really changed his perspective on life. Corporate was fucked and will be fucked for the rest of the days, you just don't have to let it fuck you over and ruin your life. She'd never talked to him about them yet though he knows he had talked to her higher faculty. He doesn't know what they told her, she refused to say even a word about it. She'd prohibited him for visiting her house since.
Harry's sister Gemma and one of his cousin's lived on the same street as hers. His sister liked to have him over for meals because he does eat well according fo her and she likes to spend time with him. They grew up apart from each other after Harry started his middle school and both of them were sent to different bording schools for higher studies so, it was her way to make up for lost time with her baby brother. She truly loves him, Harry came to realise sooner.
He couldn't help but be hung up on this situation with YN. He still haven't gotten over her yet and seeing her everyday does little to nothing to help him.
But once the semester ended, he'd gotten a call from her to meet her up for lunch at the same resturant where they went for their first date. It was her treat she said, celebration of him passing the first of four semesters.
A rather bright weekend it was, clear sky and perfect weather as Harry drove down to this little restaurant. She was already there he noticed. He still doesn't know how she does this even though she's got a toddler of her own to look after. But he saw a little black stroller besides her with his sun cover zipped up and she was busy reading from the University handbook. Thay scared him.
Gathering all his courage Harry went to greet her, the small talk killing him as they ordered their food. Her telling how her son had a doctor's appointment earlier and she doesn't have anyone to look after him for a couple of hours so she had no choice but to bring him with her. Little boy was fast asleep anyway, Harry didn't mind a little toddler around him. Especially one as sweet and well behaved as Heydar.
"YN what is it? You never called me to meet you like this before," he said cutting to the chase, "it's making me anxious."
"Sorry." She mumbled, "I talked to my head of department about, about you and I, and ehm..." She stammered.
"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" His enquiry gree more anxious.
"Yes." She rushed through a breath, "I explained it to her everything, Mrs. Davis, you might know her—"
"YN I'm not in your class anymore." He reminded her.
Caught. She couldn't look up, "okay, I explained it to her that we had been seeing each other since before and we never talked about you applying at my university. Since I didn't had any correlation with you getting approved in the uni, and I had to show her some proofs you can say."
"She said she'd evaluate everything because she doesn't want you to get expelled because you're an exceptional student and she doesn't want me to loose my job. She talked with the school board and they said it was okay." She said. Just her last word was enough to make Harry let out the breath he didn't know he was caught on. "But..."
"Why is where a but now?" His brows pinched together on his forehead.
"But they said they'd evaluate my non-biased judgement on you as your professor as it would be unfair for other students if I were to give the person I'm see a little extra help outside. That is why I asked you to not visit because there are many of my students who live in my neighborhood and new in institutions spread like wildfire." She continued, "they said I should just lay low until the semester is over unless you plan on taking any of the other classes I teach, or until you graduate. We both are going to be under strict eye, especially me as your professor."
"Is it illegal?" He asked.
"Not in the UK, no." She shook her head, "they said because we're of same age they don't see a problem of power imbalance, but there could be possibilities. They just want to protect their students."
He sat there, leaning his back on his seat as he let this all sink in. YN continued, "I understand if you don't want to have to continue us seeing each other, I had to tell them anyway. I know it's a lot to take in and I couldn't talk to you about this until now. I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't apologise." He rushed pushing himself up to sit on his chair, "I know how much you need this job, wouldn't do anything to put it at risk, I promise you that."
"Does this mean you're okay with this setting?" She hesitated to even assume.
"More than okay," he assured her, a toothie grin on his face showing off his front bunny teeth. "I've been hung up on you since little lad's birthday night. I was dying each day and seeing you all week for two hours didn't helped me one bit." He pulled his chair next to her careful to not knock the stroller in attempt to be closer to her, "I might have fallen for you already and easily it's amazingly the most insane thing I've gotten myself into. Let me make it up to you now that we've got ourselves a sort of green flag, yeah?"
"Mhmm." She nodded, opening her arms up so he can hug her. He the exact same wrapped his arms around her middle firmly.
They were going on a date soon!
N O T E:
1) just a fun one I wrote in a few sittings :)))
2) please do share your views in the comments and vote if you want to. It just really motivates me to write more.
Tag list:
@vrittivsanghavi @buckymydarlingangel @sweetwritingfanficfriend @theroosterswife24 @sleutherclaw @melllinaa @michellekstyles @sunshinemoonsposts
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imma-write-stuff · 1 year
If you don't mind can I get your hc's for Azul, Vil, leona (and malleus if possible) with a s/o who's life so much like Cinderella it lead to their overblot please (i have no preference on weather or not they are separate)
Author's Note: Hello! Sure I can do all four of them I'll do them separate. Sorry it took so long i was pretty burn out from a lot of things happening.
CW: Vague talks of child abuse, angst, overblot, vague talks of mental health but I won't get into it.
Azul - You often spend time with Azul in his office a lot when school is not in session. He wonder why you would stay at his office and cafe later then usual. You admitted you like it here better then home you told him about your step family. Azul didn't know what to do with you at first but he give little jobs for errands. You two ended up growing closer. One night the mental toll made you overblot. Azul wasn't shock nor surprised Azul along with friends manage to stop you before the damage is done. After it was over you were sitting at a table looking really depressed. Azul was pretty worried, he asked what happen you told him you angered your step mother cause you didn't do a chore and she got angry. It wasn't pretty, this he to talk to the eel brothers and made a plan to expose your step family to teach them a lesson. Lets say they got shun a lot by the court in your homeworld and school. Azul decided to have you get a job at his family's work and help you get out of there.
"I had found some leads that would bring them to their downfall. Your family estate? Don't worry I got it covered, your step family won't be able to hurt you in that part. After all you were supposed to get it when you're an adult. Also I contacted my family, they told me if you wish you can come stay with us away from home. They even said they had openings for their work so you can make some money."
Vil - While Vil can be critical, moments when you spend time in his room, doing skincare, make up, or dress up. It helps you forget everything that's been going on at home. One night you enter the room with ripped clothes in tears. Vil sees this and asks whats going on. You admitted to what your step siblings torn your clothes out of jealousy. And your step mother encouraged it. Eventually one day your step mother cause another incident that made you overblot. Vil had to quickly use his magic to stop you and took the time to reason with you. He didn't want you to make similar mistakes as he did. 9The events that led to him overblotting.) Vil will become pretty angry, he lowkey wanted to make them pay for their behavior. I can see him humiliate them in public. He'll take you to an important event in lovely clothes. And lowkey be a little petty by ignoring your step siblings and dance with you.
"Potato, don't worry about those rotten fools. I'll make sure to focus on you, if they try to start something let me know."
Leona - Leona notices how exhausted you look and asks you if you're ok. You shrugged it off at first but eventually one day you admit that your step family have been treating you badly. From taking over the family estate you were suppose to own. Then they made you a servant (slave more or less,). Ooh boy Leona will be pissed at his S/O's step family for treating you like that. I imagine that he would use his status to tell the step family to back off. When you overblotted, it broke his heart, he had to get Riddle to help him restrain his s/o. After the overblot is over and you are in bed. Leona contacted his brother to ask him to prepare a few things for his s/o. After his s/o is recovered, Leona will sat you down to talk.
"Herbivore, listen, normally I don't do this without your word, however you will be moving in with me. I had a talk with that "family" of yours. Yes I did, I made sure they won't cause you anymore trouble.
Malleus - You overblot cause they sold a servant that was part of your family for a long time. Lilia ended up knocking you out and Malleus used his magic to stop the overblot. Once you told him about your life all hell breaks loose. Like Leona, Malleus will use his status to put down your step family and threaten them. Even sends Lilia to give them a good scare. Your family finally stop attacking you and pretty much ;eave you be in your own home. Malleus would give you an important role to remind your family of your status. Though he lowkey want to really hurt them but you urge not to instead offered a different idea. You had your step family work as servant for him. Malleus agree with it seeing how you wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine.
"So you wish to make them work for me? Hmm I suppose its not a bad idea. Though I wish I could do more, however I will respect your wish to spare them."
Edit: I forgot to add the overblot parts my bad I got so deep into the step family part. I added some things in the story inspired by a Cinderella movie that was my favorite along with the disney classic.
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astroprompts · 10 months
“Why do we even have saucers? We don't drink tea!”
“Do you have a thousand dollars? Because each minute I spend talking to you, that's how much money I'm wasting.”
“You're the only one in this building who isn't a total snooze-cooze.”
“No one watches this show to feel feelings. Life is depressing enough already!”
“All this time, I assumed there was more to me than everyone thought. But maybe there isn't.”
“I don't care if you are happy or not. You have a job to do.”
“Look who finally decided to pick up the phone.”
“You must think I'm a real monster.”
“You were born broken, that's your birthright.”
“Can't say I'll miss it, but we did have some crazy adventures together these last few weeks.”
“Sometimes you wanna go where no one knows your name.”
“Is that name supposed to mean something to me?”
“I want to do things with you. Fully clothed, sober, in daylight hours.”
“Look, you obviously really care about this girl and that scares you, so you sabotage yourself.”
“How about you just stop sulking and go win her back, dummy?”
“I'm cynical, and I'm possessive, and I can sometimes fly off the handle. I'm not always the best at being not terrible. But I want to be better, I'm trying to be better.”
“Why do I always do this? I push away everyone I care about.”
“No matter what, we're going to stick together.”
“I'm no good with funerals. When I cry, it messes up my makeup and then I get really bummed out.”
“Okay, you're clearly in one of your moods.”
“Why serve dates and not have a place to put the pits? You know, some people just have no class.”
“There's so much to hate about what you just said.”
“Shove it up your ass with a spoonful of sugar, you supercalifragilisticexpiali-bitch!”
“You know, maybe it's for the best we don't get together that often. We'd most likely drive each other mad.”
“No one knows how to get under your skin like family.”
“You wanna check out this cool new game I got?”
“I know there's no accounting for taste, but come on.”
“There is no shame in dying for nothing. That's why most people die.”
“Quick, jump out the window, shimmy down the drainpipe and wait in the car.”
“When you don't regret the tattoo in the morning, that's how you know it's love.”
“I guess I was just foolish enough to believe this dumb world still had a little spark of romance in it.”
“Look, what happened back there is not your fault.”
“If you wanna go for a walk in the woods at night, go crazy, but I'm not going anywhere.”
“Look, pal, I'll pay the bill, just-- Just let us get you to a damn hospital.”
“Um, do you wanna talk about what happened?”
“Any time someone tries to love you, you shove them away.”
“I was this badass overachiever that had these big plans to change the world.”
“So, now you're just gonna do whatever a teenage girl says?”
“I don't need you to like me. It would be fun if you liked me, because I'd prove my parents were wrong to never support me, because I earned the admiration of an authority figure, proving I have intrinsic worth, but it's not a big deal or anything. Jeez.”
“You know, sometimes I feel like my whole life is just a series of loosely-related wacky misadventures.”
“When you think something isn't about you, you find a way to save the day and realize that it was, all along, all about you.”
“Oh, is that that thing where you strangle yourself in an attempt to heighten sexual arousal?”
“So, noose-wise, what are we talking? You use a standard sailor's knot or more like your average birthday-present bow?”
“I don't know if I want your jack-off kit at my house.”
“This is the part of the movie where you get your heart broken. Where the world tests you, and people treat you like shit. But it has to happen this way. Otherwise, the end of the movie, when you get everything you want, won't feel as rewarding.”
“Jesus, why does cantaloupe think every time it gets invited to a party, it can bring along its dumb friend honeydew?”
“When we know what we know about a monster like that and we still put him on TV every week, we're teaching a generation of young boys and girls that a man's reputation is more important than the lives of the women he's ruined.”
“I don't understand why you can't be on my side about this.”
“I asked you, really nicely, not to make a big thing out of this.”
“Why does it suddenly matter what I want?”
“All I ever wanted was to be your friend.”
“Stop kidding yourself. If you really wanted the simple life, you'd have a simple life.”
“Love is an illusion, and happiness is fleeting, no such thing as God, and all your favorite musicians beat their wives.”
“Well, I'm sorry that things have been so hard for you, but that doesn't give you the right to be shitty to me.”
“I can't be around someone who's just fueled by bitterness and negativity.”
“You know, it's funny. When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.”
“I wish I could just go home right now and crawl into bed and not have to talk about anything or explain anything.”
“I'm sorry I'm not the person I thought I was.”
“Hey, you wanna climb up on the water tower?”
“I'm really glad we left that stupid prom, but I'm kind of bummed we didn't get to dance.”
“Look, sometimes when you're an adult, the right thing isn't always the best thing.”
“You're the first grown-up I've ever met who actually treats me like... You know, a person.”
“I said so many things when I was young. I thought I was so deep.”
“It doesn't matter where you are, it's who you are.”
“So many times in my life I've done the wrong thing, but this is the right thing, and I have never been more sure of anything.”
“I've wasted so much time sitting on my hands and imagining what could have been.”
“If you are not out of my driveway in 30 minutes, I will call the police.”
“If you ever try to contact me or my family again, I will fucking kill you.”
“Wake up, captain dumbshit.”
“Now let's get out there and tell all those garbage rat bastard sons of bastards what we really think of them, once and for all.”
“If you're holding out for something better, well, I hate to break it to you, but you're gonna be alone for a long time.”
“Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part.”
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strawberrynightmere · 2 years
Grave Robbery (Yandere! Fushiguro fam x Necromancer female!reader)
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⚠️TW: yandere tendencies, grave robbery (mentioned), necromancy (mentioned), cannon divergence (like a lot will be changed), some nsfw-is elements at the end (I guess)
Side note: I can't belive I forgot about Tsumiki, she will be involved here too.
You are a necromancer and you drive serial killers insane for shits and giggles. The pay is good but you're not nearly on clock like the jujutsu sorcerers are, so you have side-gigs.
One of them is being a temporary nanny for the Fushiguro family, the pay covered way more than you essentially needed, all for housework and taking care of two well-behaved kids; Tsumiki and Megumi.
Their father (your employer) is almost never home and when he is, he's usually there for a few days before leaving for his job which lasts from a few weeks or longer. In all honesty, when he is home you try to avoid him as much as possible. Why? There is just something off about him.
"Will you marry dad?" Tsumiki asked.
"No." You answered bluntly while washing the dishes.
"Yes." Megumi fired back.
"Yes!" Now it was Tsumikis turn.
"Yes!" Both answered in unison.
"No!" The old trick in the book.
"No." The two were pouting in disappointment.
"Why do you want me to marry him anyway?"
"So we can call you mom."
"You call me that every day."
"So... you could... live us."
"But I already live with you."
"Yes, but forever."
So that's what this is all about. You rinse the last dish and put it off to dry and kneel down to their level.
"Listen, I can't stay here forever, only until your dad finds someone who can take my place."
"Nooo!" Both tackle you and cry. You can understand why they're acting like this. You're the closest thing to a mother to them, Tsumiki vaguely remembers her adoptive mother and Megumi when she passed away.
"Alright! Alright! Get off. It's time for bed, both of you." Since they didn't budge, you just ended up carrying them to bed.
After two hours, you successfully cleaned the apartment. You can go to bed and watch The 1am Special on your phone.
You almost jumped out of your skin when you heard the front door slam open and shut. That was probably your boss. It obviously wasn't the first time he entered the house like that at this ungodly hour. Better put him in bed, too.
"Welcome back, sir." Did he reek of alcohol. You carefully guide him to his bedroom and lay him down. Unfortunately, he doesn't let you go. Instead, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you down with him.
"Goddammit." He was out like a light, and you were stuck. You don't hate this job, but it's supposed to be temporary, and it doesn't seem like they won't let you go anytime soon.
An idea formed in your mind. It's not a good one, but it might work.
"O-one second! I was dead?!" Poor Mrs. Fushigura was trying to put 2 and 2 together while also putting herself together.
"Ho-how long was I gone?!" She was frantic, which was understandable.
"A few years, not that long. The kids started school, so you missed like two or three milestones, nothing bad, they're still growing up." You better keep your mouth shut. Her reaction wasn't getting any better.
"No panic! No panic! I'll help you adjust to this sudden change." You put reassuring hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.
Your plan worked... in a way. The family was happy that you brought Mrs. Fushiguro back from the dead. Alright, your boss was happy, and he he expressed it weirdly. The kids, however, were awkward at first, but they came around.
And you kept your word, helping Mrs. Fushiguro adjust to her new life before leaving.
"So there are different rituals for different corpses?" Mrs. Fushiguro asked, interested in your field of work.
"More so for how long the person was dead, that is." You hand her a cup of tea before sitting next to her.
"Like for you; I had to make a grave robbery not look like a grave robbery, plus the preparations. Don't have to do that with a newly dead person." You let out a half-hearted,'heh' as she just nodded, and you both drank tea.
"Thank you so much for helping me adjust with everything."
"No need to thank me." You try to brush it off.
"Really!" She puts a hand on your thigh. "I am really thankful to you." She looks at you in a way you can't figure out.
Having drinks with your employers on your last day was not something you would plan, but you think to yourself might as well have a small celebration on the last day.
One drink after another, your vision becomes blurry, and your other senses are dulled. Something in the back of your head screams to get out of there, but your body is heating up.
"It's getting too late. We should take you back home."
You're not sure when and how you woke up naked and sandwiched between them with a splitting headache, and the sunlight wasn't doing you any favors.
"Morning sweetheart, hope we weren't too rough with you." You feel Toji's lips going up your back and shoulders as soft hands rub up and down your body.
"Let her be dear. She had a long night."
You feel yourself drift back to sleep again, aware that there's no way you're getting out of here.
I had no intention of writing this. I hope it's not disappointing.
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memekais · 9 months
epic the musical sentence starters. the troy saga. feel free to change pronouns as needed!
the horse and the infant
ten years of war they killed us slowly but now we'll be the ones who slay.
your families wonder where you've been.
do what i say and you'll see them again.
find that inner strength now, use that well of pride.
ask yourself inside - what do you live for?
what do you try for? what do you wish for? what do you fight for?
i fight for us, i fight for us...
a vision of what is to come, can not be outrun, can only be dealt with right here and now.
say no more, i know that I'm ready.
what sort of imminent threat does he pose that I can not avoid?
if you don't end him now you'll have no one left to save.
i'd rather bleed for ya, down on my knees for ya - i'm begging, please!
please don't make me do this, don't make me do this!
the blood on your hands is something you won't lose, all you choose is whose.
just a man
i look into your eyes and I think back to the son of mine. you're as old as he was when i left for war.
will these actions haunt my days? is the price i pay endless pain?
close your eyes and spare yourself the view.
how could I hurt you?
i'm just a man who's trying to go home even after all the years away from what i've known.
i'm just a man who's fighting for his life.
deep down i would trade the world to see my son and wife.
but when does a comet become a meteor? when does a candle become a blaze?
when does a man become a monster?
when does a ripple become a tidal wave? when does the reason become the blame?
forgive me... i'm just a man.
full speed ahead
the problem's not the distance, it's what lies in between.
[name]'s waiting for me so full speed ahead!
we've run out of supplies to eat.
curse the war, our food store's depleted.
six hundred men, six hundred reasons to take what we can so captain, what's the plan?
watch where the birds fly, they will lead us to land. there we'll hunt for food, my second in command.
look! there in the distance, i see an island!
i see a light that faintly glows. maybe they're people lighting a fire. maybe they'll share some food, who knows?
something feels off here. i see fire but there's no smoke.
i say we strike first, we don't have time to waste so let's raid the place!
we should try to find a way no one ends up dead!
give me til sunrise, and if we don't return then six hundred men can make this whole place burn!
open arms
i can tell you're getting nervous so do yourself a service and try to relax, my friend.
think of all that we have been through. we'll survive what we get into.
i know that you're tired of the war and bloodshed.
tell me, is this how we're supposed to live?
why should we take when we could give?
you could show a person that you trust them when you stop and lower your guard.
here we have a chance for some adjustment... give it a try, it's not that hard.
this life is amazing when you greet it with open arms.
whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart.
no matter the place, we can light up the world. here's how to start: greet the world with open arms.
stay back, i'm warning you.
if we don't get back safely, my men will turn this place into blazes.
it took me a while to notice what kind of fruit they eat. it's a lotus, it controls your mind and never lets you free. that's what we'd get with open arms.
i'd like to show my friend that kindness is brave.
i see in your face, there is so much guilt inside your heart.
you can relax, my friend.
warrior of the mind
have you forgotten the lessons i taught you?
have you forgotten to turn off your heart? this is not you.
i see you changing from how I've designed you.
have you forgotten your purpose? let me remind you.
my life has one mission, create the greatest warrior.
maybe one day he'll follow me and we'll make a greater tomorrow, then they'll see.
i know he'll change the world 'cause he is a warrior of the mind.
maybe one day i'll reach him and we can build his skills as i teach him.
if there's a problem, he'll have the answer.
show yourself, i know you're watching me. show yourself. i can see you...
haha! i was lying and you fell for my bluff! hahahaha!
well done, enlighten me, what's your name?
nah, don't be modest - i know you're a goddess!
badass in the arena! unmatched, witty and queen of the best strategies we've seen!
if you're looking for a mentor, i'll make sure your time's well spent.
sounds like a plan! goddess and man, bestest of friends!
i know we'll change the world 'cause we are the warriors of the mind!
i still intend to make sure you don't fall behind. don't forget that you're a warrior of a very special kind.
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ohpike-mycaptain · 1 year
Shore Leave
Pairing: Captain Christopher Pike x Reader
Prompt: "Could you... hold my hand?"
Word Count: ~650
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"Lieutenant?" Captain Pike questions when he catches you peeking around the corridor of the space port where the Enterprise is currently docked. "Is everything alright?" His voice is thick with amusement.
"Captain! Hi!" You wince when you hear how strained your voice sounds and it's almost an octave higher than usual. Great. Totally not suspicious. "I… uh…" Your thoughts trail off when you finally get a good look at him.
It's been a while since you've seen him dressed so casually. The henley he's wearing clings in all the right places and his blue eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief even as his posture straightens slightly in response to your nervousness. "I have seen you stare down the wrong end of a phaser without blinking, lieutenant. What part of shore leave could possibly have scared you?"
"I'm not scared. It's just…" You let out a sigh, trying not to get defensive because of some light-hearted teasing.
"It's just… what?" He says the last word in a hushed tone like you're about to confess some big secret as he steps closer to you.
"This is my home colony, sir, and my family came to welcome me back…" You try to look anywhere but at his face.
"We're off duty, you know you can call me Chris. And that sounds like a good thing. Or do you not like your family…?" He leans around the corner, not sure what, or who, exactly he's looking for. 
"No, they're fine." You wave off his initial assumption. "They've never really been thrilled that I joined Starfleet, but it's not a big issue. Or at least, I didn't think so…"
Chris focuses back on you and tilts his head slightly, prompting you to continue.
"I figured they would try to convince me to stay and finally 'settle down' but apparently they brought my ex to help." You rub your temple, trying to soothe the headache you can feel starting. "I don't know why I can't make them understand that I'm happy where I am. I love exploring space, and I love the family I've found aboard the Enterprise even more." You blush and look away. You didn't mean to admit all of that.
Your heart skips a beat when warm hands settle on your shoulders and your attention snaps back to the captain as he starts to speak. "Would it help if I went with you to meet them?"
"You don't have to do that, Chris. I'm sure you have plans for your leave already." Energy sparks through your nerves as he slides his hands from your shoulders to your arms.
"I'd be happy to help if I can. I don't want to lose one of my favorite lieutenants. And you can pay me back by showing me around." He grins and your stomach flutters. "Now, I'll defer to your expertise, how do you want us to handle this?"
You consider your options. What would show your parents that you're happy in a way they will understand? "Could you… hold my hand? And maybe not mention our ranks?"
He smirks. "Oh, I can do better than that." Chris slides an arm around your waist, pulling you protectively into his side. "How is this?"
"Perfect." You reply quietly, taking a moment to cherish the embrace, wishing it wasn't just an act. "Thank you for this, Chris."
He ushers you around the corner and starts down the corridor. "Just point me in the right direction." He glances down at you and grins, the mischief returning to his eyes. "Depending on how this goes I might need your local expertise for the remainder of our shore leave."
You blush at the implication of spending your entire stay with Chris instead of your family. "I think I'd like that."
He laughs, head tilted back and you curl into his side. Maybe this shore leave won't be as bad as you thought.
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