#my poor baby has no social skills
lucysarah-c · 4 months
Let’s say Levi has a crush on reader but someone else also is pursuing reader. This someone else could be on a similar level to Levi but not necessarily his friend. I just more like to see what people think Levi would act like if he finally talks himself into pursuing reader but turns out he has “competition” in a way
Thank you if you answer this 🫶
Gasp Ah…. I LOVE THIS.
How are you?! Sorry for the late reply! Don't thank me for answering! Thank you for coming to my blog and asking.
Mh, LOVE IT. You know… have you listened to the song "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift? Haha, well, that's Levi LMAO.
I feel, with a hand on my heart, y'all know I love this man, but he simply cannot compete with someone in any field related to social implications. Has Levi finally talked himself into pursuing someone and trying to get his feelings across? Great, he thinks—I'll clarify—HE THINKS that he's being rather OBVIOUS. Maybe for those who know him, they would also notice Levi is interested in this person because he's not behaving like his regular self. But for the poor reader he's trying to court? … he's simply being nice HAHA.
This man would think that stopping by that person's job (if they have a bakery, tea shop, etc., for example) regularly, buying, and having a very small chit-chat is "flirting." He thinks that, if this person is a scout, asking them if they need anything from downtown or if they want a tea is CLEAR that he wants something with them. No.
So if someone else is pursuing the person he loves and has more social skills than him (which is not something hard to have), there's a high chance that person would take the lead in the "race for the reader's heart." Maybe they are more outgoing, charismatic, extroverted, etc., and they take the lead. Levi would be jealous, 100%. He would get grumpy, angry, etc., but always at himself.
I can picture him muttering and cursing at himself under his breath while working, "I'm an idiot, I'm stupid. YoUr HaIR DoESn't lOOk ThAt ShITTy toDAY," mocking his own voice, and then groaning in frustration. "… my mom must have dropped me as a baby or Kenny's kicks really damaged my brain. I can't be this stupid," realizing that this other person says "smooth shit," as he would call it, and he simply can't.
Especially because Levi's love language is acts of service… mixed with degradation lmao. "Give that, you're going to drop it," and he will carry stuff for them. "You look like shit, tch, just sit down, I'll do it," and he brews them a tea and brings them something to eat.
Levi is a grower in people. I can 100% see him having feelings for this person for months, years perhaps. Maybe they even consider and go for a relationship with Levi's competitor, and it doesn't work out, etc., and they have grown close to Levi. Something he says or does makes the reader snap and say, "… are you flirting with me, Captain?"
Levi would look stoic as ever but slightly defeated mixed with embarrassment and say, "Yeah, for the past year. Thank you for finally noticing."
(extra scene)
Levi alone in his office: "Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you? Been here all along. So, why can't you see? You belong with me."
I'll tag people on this one because I had a blast writing it. Thank you so much, you made my birthday lmao.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthor @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @kikarouflames @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 @levicansteponme Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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wheelie-sick · 7 months
this is going to be a long post, it's kinda just me writing all my raw unfiltered thoughts on ABA therapy as someone who actually went through it
-> TW for ABA therapy, child abuse, suicide <-
I was functionally diagnosed with autism at the age of 3 but it wasn't until I was 13 that I was actually formally evaluated for it and given an official diagnosis. I was behind in social skills and developmental skills
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[ID: "was also described as a sensory seeker. She does not currently have any friends and has struggled to make and maintain peer relationships throughout her childhood. Difficulties with social skills were initially noted when she was in preschool (years before the onset of clinically significant symptoms of anxiety and"]
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[ID: "Social functions: [blank]'s mother also completed a questionnaire rating her social responsiveness. Her responses on the SRS-2 indicated that [blank] is demonstrating severe deficits in the areas of Social Communication (reciprocal social interaction and nonverbal and verbal communication), Social Motivation (motivation to engage in social-interpersonal behavior) and Social Awareness (perceiving social cues) and moderate deficits in the areas of Social Cognition (understanding social cues). Severe Repetitive and Restrictive Behaviors (stereotypical behaviors or highly restricted interests) were also reported. The total T-score on the SRS-2 indicates severe deficiencies in reciprocal behavior that are likely to result in interference in everyday social interaction"]
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[ID: "%ile) are mildly impaired, while her social skills are moderately impaired (2nd %ile). By domain, demonstrates mildly to moderately impaired abilities in six adaptive skills areas, including self care (9th %ile), communication (5th %ile), home living (5th %ile), self-direction (2nd %ile), social (2nd %ile), and leisure (1st %ile)"]
and ultimately all this ended up with the number one recommendation after my autism evaluation being for ABA therapy.
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[ID: "Recommendations: Based on the above results, the following recommendations are made for [blank] and her family.
1. ABA therapy: [blank] May benefit from an intensive treatment program to foster cognitive and communication skills, improve independence and adaptive functioning, and help manage interfering behaviors (i.e home-based, 1:1 instruction, task analysis, etc.) Most private and community programs are based on principals of operant conditioning and taught in home with 1:1 instruction"]
*I'm getting misgendered here. my pronouns are he/him
"operant conditioning"-- like a dog 🐕🐕. woof woof.
my mom didn't know any better so she put me in ABA therapy with the Center for Autism and Related Disorders. she regrets this. I regret this more.
my autism evaluation was cruel, it dissected all my flaws as if I was a bug under a microscope in a highschool laboratory. my evaluation was passed around to ABA therapists, a line of high schoolers peering through the microscope examining the most vulnerable parts of me.
and I choose the highschool analogy quite deliberately. most of the ABA therapists at my center were recent highschool graduates with no degree and little training. they knew nothing about autism and had no qualifications. you need more certificates to become a professional dog trainer than to become a professional human trainer.
"operant conditioning"
and I wish I could say it was just a poor choice of words but ABA therapy was dog training for children. my dad used to call me an "it" and somehow I felt less dehumanized by that than the entire experience I had in ABA therapy.
I was the oldest person at my center (I did not receive in home therapy) with the next oldest being approximately 3 years younger than me. at the time I felt babied. I was surrounded by 5 year olds and I was treated as if I was not just a 5 year old but an autistic 5 year old and anyone who has been a visibly autistic 5 year old knows what that feels like. I had escaped being an autistic child and now I was being treated like one again. The head of the program tried to console me by telling me adults received their services too.
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[ID: "Following the principles of applied behavior analysis, CARD has developed a treatment approach for children and adolescents with"]
this was the first lie they told me. CARD does not work with adults.
I was not allowed the privileges of being a 13 year old. because I was an autistic 13 year old and therefore I was the equivalent of a 5 year old. I was in psychotherapy at the same time and I had grown very accustomed to some level of freedom in therapy. I was allowed to use the bathroom independently. in ABA therapy I was not allowed to use the bathroom independently. I tried once, me and my therapist were on an "outing" to the grocery store and I told my therapist I was going to the bathroom and walked off and I got a very stern talking to about how I needed to "stop eloping" and if I didn't stop it would "become a behavior"
eloping became a common theme used to control me and squeeze money out of my parents.
out of everything I hated in my life, including severe physical abuse at home (which they did not report), I hated ABA therapy the most. I would repeatedly make serious threats of suicide to try to get out of ABA. no one cared. everyone thought I was being dramatic but there were times I wrote out suicide notes and ABA was among the reasons I listed. ABA made me feel hopeless, depressed, revolting, disgusting, inferior, and less than human. between ABA, my home life, and my social life I had never felt so hated and it was boiling through my skin. I acted out, I was bullying people, I was behaving recklessly, I was starting fights, and all this only made the oppressive force of ABA crack down on me harder. I was a cat hissing in the corner begging to be left alone and ABA brought a net to try to tame me further. every time I scratched back it was listed as a reason I needed to be there.
I was "disruptive" and "rebellious" and "uncooperative" and "resistant to treatment" and no one could figure out why I was "regressing" despite me shouting the answer. I was screaming and no one was willing to hear me
I hated myself and my autism. my autism diagnosis made me want to die. I didn't feel freed by it or understood I felt ashamed and disgusted. I felt incompetent and like I had failed. I was ashamed to be at ABA, it was my biggest secret. I'd lie to my friends about why I couldn't hang out and I'd lie to people in public about who the woman I was with was and I'd lie about all of it to try to cover up my most shameful secret.
ABA therapy did nothing but foster this. In ABA therapy I was mocked for being autistic and what was happening only clicked when a young kid, maybe only 4 or 5, was flapping his hands and a therapist took out her phone and recorded him. we were circus animals. it was all an entertaining show to them while they poked and prodded at us with metaphorical hot irons to make us dance. the first time a therapist laughed at me for rocking back and forth I wanted to throw up. I almost did. it was systematic bullying of children I was forced to watch and experience.
my point is: the last place on earth I wanted to be was the ABA center.
so of course I tried to leave. my mom would bring me McDonald's and I'd beg, sobbing real tears, to leave early because only she could sign me out. every time I'd go to meet her I'd be marked as "eloping" and my hotel stay in hell would get extended.
my natural response to a stressful environment (leaving) was pathologized. I was eloping this way and that way and never once did I actually, truly elope. that word was a weapon used against me. they used my "elopement" to justify extending my stay to my parents. they ate it right up.
they argued I needed to stay there because I was making friends. this was true, I'm great at getting along with children it's part of why I want to go into pediatrics, but I had also made real friends with people my age at my highschool. ABA was getting in the way. I wanted to spend time with my friends outside of school but ABA took up all my time from the minute I left school to 6pm and all day on weekends. I was doing a full time job's worth of hours. I complained about how I was missing out on spending time with my real friends (as in, over the age of 7) and I was met with almost no wiggle room in my schedule. I was allowed to pre-plan time to spend with friends but every time my friend group wanted to do something spontaneously? I had to say no, and I had to lie about why. my friends would share stories about driving around town with 2 people in the group stuffed in the trunk, of hanging out in the woods together, of taking part in ordinary highschool activities as ordinary high schoolers and it made me cry because I was not an ordinary highschooler and I was not allowed to participate in ordinary highschool activities. I was one of those weird, unpleasant, socially awkward autistic people instead. eventually, they just stopped inviting me. I was forced into the out group by ABA.
I'll never get that back. I'll never get a chance to be a normal highschooler ever again.
when I did have time available to hang out with people I never had the energy to. at the time I was living with an undiagnosed physical disability and I was begging to see a doctor but no one would believe that it wasn't just anxiety. the people who believed me least of all were the people at the center.
I was constantly told I was trying to get out of therapy by "feigning" very real pain and fatigue. I tried to explain spoon theory, and that I had limited spoons, and in response they made a task for me to name things to "regenerate spoons" that's not how it works. I wasn't the only physically disabled person there. there was a wheelchair user who was constantly forced to stand for periods of time despite being in agony doing it. he wasn't allowed rewards until he did it.
rewards were used to train us like dog treats are used with dogs. sometimes the treats were fun! I'd get to cook, play Mario kart, and go on outings. other times the treats were "using the correct name and pronouns for me." I'd constantly be threatened with deadnaming and misgendering if I was being "noncompliant."
misgendering because of my autism was a theme in my life. my neuropsych evaluation report misgendered me. my parents misgendered me. the staff at ABA misgendered me. at one point the head of the program suggested that my "gender confusion" was because of my autism. my abusive father latched onto this and still claims that the reason I'm "confused" about my gender is because the evil transgenders tricked me into thinking I'm one of them because I'm autistic and therefore easily impressionable.
the two therapists I had were nice because I refused to work with the others. they weren't on a power trip and both eventually left because they realized the harm the organization was doing. other therapists were not so kind. other therapists were on a power trip, because in their mind lording over autistic 5 year olds (and autistic 14 year olds) makes them powerful and strong. occasionally I'd get stuck with one of the other therapists when my usual therapists were out. they would talk to me in a baby voice. they would make fun of me for rocking back and forth, for not making eye contact, for talking about Skyrim "too much" and generally just for being autistic.
I never really knew what I was supposed to be doing, just that I was doing it wrong. the therapists there rarely actually told me what my tasks were they'd just mark yes or no on them, judging me for something I wasn't aware of. I was never actually supposed to graduate, I was never supposed to get out, if they wanted me to succeed they would have taught and explained what was happening but I was intentionally left in the dark.
I continued threatening suicide to get out. no one took me seriously. I was seriously considering it. there's no happy conclusion where someone finally realized it was all wrong, or I figured out how to be allistic and graduated, or I felt more comfortable there. I only got out when covid struck and shut the center down. it's gone now, replaced by a family advice center. I hope their advice for autistic children is to never put them in ABA.
there is no grander message here just suffering. I'm sorry if you were expecting some sort of great point at the end of this. there's not one. it happened, I wish it didn't, and I hope no one else experiences what I did ever again.
okay to reblog
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celestial-depths · 8 months
Poor Things and Born Sexy Yesterday
(spoilers for Poor Things)
I stumbled on a discussion on whether Bella Baxter from the movie Poor Things (2023) is a representation of the Born Sexy Yesterday trope coined by video essayist Pop Culture Detective, who defines it as a mostly fantasy and sci-fi adjacent trope of a regular human man falling in love with a beautiful, otherworldly woman who, through some plot quirk or another, has no knowledge of social norms and no sexual or romantic past. Even though he is brutally average, he is able to win her love simply because he is the first (human) man she connects with and thus everything that's basic about him is impressive to her. Some examples of the trope given by Pop Culture Detective in his video essay are Leeloo from Fifth Element (the physically grown yet mentally child-like alien creature who falls in love with a taxi driver in a wifebeater) and Madison from Splash (a clothes-aversive mermaid who thinks that Tom Hanks is the most enchanting man in the world). I love Pop Culture Detective's work, and the Born Sexy Yesterday video essay was a cultural reset in my personal history. I saw the video when it premiered six years ago, but it has never fully left my mind, so of course I immediately thought of it when I saw Poor Things a couple of weeks ago. The movie certainly touches on the same themes that the Born Sexy Yesterday is made of. However, I think that the movie is an intentional subversion and a satire of the trope rather than a sincere execution of it.
The main character of the movie Bella Baxter starts out as a grotesquely literal version of the trope, as she is literally a newborn in the shape of a conventionally attractive woman who is being actively shielded from the influence of the outside world. She has the brain of a baby salvaged from the fresh corpse of a deceased pregnant woman, planted inside the skull of the reanimated body of the aforementioned woman as an experiment done by the unorthodox doctor Godwin Baxter. He keeps her locked inside his house and controls every aspect of her life, so when he invites the young doctor Max McCandles to join his research, McCandles is served what is essentially the perfect Born Sexy Yesterday experience: an exclusive access to a beautiful and naive young woman who is in a prime position of being groomed into whatever her keepers wish her to become.
Or so they would think.
A sincere Born Sexy Yesterday would be fully fascinated by this power dynamic and probably leave her here to be romanced by McCandles for the rest of the film. The audience would be expected to assume McCandles's perspective and indulge in the fantasy of falling in love with the untainted woman who has neither the life experience nor the critical thinking skills needed to question him.
But, fortunately, the movie doesn't remain here. After the first act, the movie switches its point of view from McCandles to Bella and starts putting her experiences to the forefront. She starts developing interests that absolutely do not align with the wants and needs of the men around her, and she begins to learn things that clash with the essence of the Born Sexy Yesterday trope. Soon, she has grown into a headstrong, independent, sexually experienced, intellectually curious woman who had zero interest in entertaining the whims of men and who intends to live fully for herself and herself alone: an absolute antithesis of the clueless and subservient blank slate the trope would require her to be. My reading of the film is that it's an intentional satire and an autopsy of the BSY trope and the gender politics that gave birth to it. It criticizes the men who entertain fantasies like it by making them look like absolute losers, urging us to ponder on what the hell is wrong with these creeps who see nothing wrong with drooling over a woman who is mentally a toddler instead of their intellectual equal.
The movie also reads as a critique of how women are socialized into a patriarchy. Godwin treats Bella just like a possession of his. Her body and her life are completely under his control from the moment she is "born" (another act in which neither Bella nor the woman she was born from had any say in), which isn't dissimilar to how a lot of fathers view their daughters. He wishes to keep her under constant supervision until the end of her life, until she protests and gets him to change his mind. When he asks McCandles to marry her, the two men treat the proposed marriage as a contract between the two of them rather than as a contract between McCandles and Bella herself. Again, this isn't too different to what marriage between men and women has meant throughout history.
McCandles is romantically interested in Bella even though he is fully aware of the fact that she is mentally a child. He seems to be looking forward to starting a sexual relationship with her after they are wed, as if the seal of marriage would make the intellectual disparity between them any less iffy. This bears resemblance to the way men in the real world prey on young girls with little to no sexual experience and whose brains are not fully developed because they're easier to control than grown women. I don't think that McCandles's hypocrisy is lost on the film. He agrees to marry Bella almost in the same breath as expressing his desire to keep her safe from other men, as if his desire to bed a person who is intellectually at the level of a five-year-old was any better than theirs.
When Bella chooses to leave Godwin's house to explore the world, the two men immediately replace her with a new experiment, showing that they were never truly interested in her as a person. They wanted the eternal baby, the thing that they can cage and control, and not the person who can think and learn and disagree with them. This exemplifies how disposable women are when they no longer serve their limited purpose in a patriarchy, and how replaceable people are when they are primarily viewed as bodies to be used. (Sidenote: I do think that Godwin and McCandles eventually learn to appreciate Bella for the person she is and that they both grow to be better people by the end of the film, but I still attest that these two are total creeps at least by this point of the movie.)
And then there's the supreme loser of the movie: the sleazy lawyer Wedderburn, who slithers into Bella's life and convinces her to run away with him. He is the darkest example of the kind of person who is drawn to inexperienced women like the ones represented in BSY movies - a predator who finds pleasure in the prospect of getting to corrupt and consume an innocent. He intends to take advantage of Bella and abandon her once he's gotten his fill only to find himself choking on his prey, who turns out not to be the malleable, naive creature he thought her to be.
This is the point where I think the movie goes from simply critiquing the BSY trope and everything it represents to successfully subverting it. The characters who embody the BSY trope don't really evolve. The movies they appear in are not really interested in their inner worlds and individual experiences beyond whatever serves the interests of the male protagonists. These characters are projections of male fantasies, so there really isn't a way for them to exist without centering men. This is not the case with Bella, who quickly grows into her own woman who is only tangentially interested in the men around her.
The bright side of Bella's condition is that she isn't just unaware of the ways of the world, but that she's also unaffected by the years of patriarchal conditioning that most normal women are burdened with. She literally has no shame, no internalized misogyny, no history of crushing blows to her sense of self-worth, and no looming knowledge of societal norms society. She has skipped the part in life where she is constantly bombarded with demands to make herself smaller and more palatable, to hate herself, to think of her body and the way it finds pleasure as something disgusting and abnormal, to treat other women as competition, and to think of herself as so much less important than men that she must pursue their validation beyond all else. Because of this blessed defect, she is free in a very rare way.
Wedderburn absolutely cannot handle that. When Bella first gets to know him, he paints a flattering picture of himself as a proud social deviant who gleefully eschews the rules of polite society. However, when faced with the actually deviant Bella, who flatly refuses to obey and center him, Wedderburn is revealed to be a phony. He is not a genuine libertine. He does not want to live in a truly free world with a free spirit like Bella, because he is a pathetic, insecure little man who only likes women in scenarios where the power balance is stacked against them. In my opinion, this is a direct shot fired at the BSY trope and its average enjoyers: if your ideal woman is someone who is many steps behind you in terms of mental capacity and experience, you are quite pitiful and would not stand a chance in an equal playing field.
It's hilarious how Wedderburn loses his mind when Bella starts exhibiting the kind of behavior he himself has proudly displayed earlier in the film: having multiple sexual partners, keeping sex and feelings separate, not falling in love with him or treating him like he's special, dropping him once she's had enough of him, and generally living life in an unconventional way. Again, the movie is pointing out the hypocrisy in men who fetishize inexperienced women while bragging about their own sexual conquests.
The part in the movie where Bella becomes a sex worker delivers the final blow to whatever is left of the BSY trope in her story, because the trope relies on sexual exclusivity and the fetishization of virginity. By having many partners and gaining lots of sexual experience out of her own free will, Bella stops fitting the ideal of the untouched woman who can be deflowered and exclusively possessed by the male protagonist. Also, through the conversations between Bella and the other sex workers, the movie finds another way to address the politics behind certain men's sexual fantasies of women - such as pointing out that some men enjoy sex with women more the less the women themselves enjoy it. It's a stray observation that the movie doesn't get deep into, but it has its place in the tapestry of the general theme of what desire reveals about people.
Finally, there's Alfie, who gives Bella (and us) an idea of the kind of life Bella's "mother" lived - as well as the kind of life Bella herself might be living had she grown up the normal way. It seems hellish. She'd be living under the tyranny of her awful husband, under a constant threat of violence, under absolute bodily control. Alfie wants to impregnate her against her will and to mutilate her genitals to deprive her of pleasure, and there's nothing that she could do about it because he is her husband and thus legally allowed to lord over her. She sees a terrifying glimpse of the role even privileged women like her have in this world: objects who exist solely for the pleasure of the men who own them. I would venture to say that the same description lies in the underbelly of the BSY trope.
I am happy that the movie doesn't take its sweet time to revel in the horror of this part of the story like so many other movies that address the oppression of women do. Instead, Bella stays with Alfie just enough time to say a hard and a well-informed no to his bullshit before getting on her merry way.
I think Poor Things is such a great example of taking a trope and exploring its implications in a way that goes beyond just pointing it out or parodying it by simply repeating it.
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gallus-rising · 7 months
i need someone more articulate and well-versed in the topic(s) to talk about how Kabru's upbringing contributed to the way he somewhat treats other people like things to be studied
he describes Milsiril as raising orphaned short-lived children "as a hobby" which is already kind of fucked up + other elves accuse her of treating them like pets. i don't think that's quite true since we know that elves generally treat tallmen/half feet like perma-babies, and Milsiril is somewhat ostracized from elven society, so there's reasons for them to talk shit about her. but also Milsiril isn't free from prejudice and she's clearly traumatized from her time w the canaries. she smothers Kabru (and her other children) because she's been hurt and doesn't want them to go thru that, which is an unhealthy way to be raised irl, and because of the lifespan difference + her own prejudices acts like they'll never really grow up. no matter her best intentions Kabru grew up 1: being treated like a precious forever-baby to be protected for the harsh world and 2: hearing from other elves, his caretaker's primary social circle whether she liked it or not, that Milsiril viewed him like a weird pet. he's been treated like a Specimen most of his life so ofc other people are, too
and ofc this is all in addition to how i think Kabru is predisposed to Studying other people. he has Good Masking and Very Social autism vs Laois' Poor Masking and Bad Social Skills autism. it's just. the way your upbringing influences how you interact w the world! generational trauma! particularly how it compounds with the needs of neurodivergent children! working to break the cycle! rattling the bars of my cage!!
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Due to lack of affecion in my life I gladly wanna say that I made another
Slashers hugs and kisses headcanons
It's fully swf! Pure fluff! They/them Somone hug me pls. Request open
Brahms Heelshire
How his hugs look like: he either goes romantic and hugs them very gently OR just grabs them and holds them as close to him as possible. Loves hearing heartbeat too (when laying in bed )
He loves any kind of physical contact with them! Any handholding, hugs, cuddles ANYTHING this guy loves. Especially grabbing their hips or dhoulders when they are cooking or doing chores
Laying in bed together before staring day and morning routine is a must! He needs to wake up with good mood or he will stay grumpy for whole day
Also pls give him little kisses! On cheeks, forehead, hand, neck HE LOVES THOSE
Billy Lenz
Hugs on couch, him on top cuddling like his life depends on it, like they gonna evaporate in his hands if he stops hugging
Also he is going to say a lot of weird things (wow no way billy lenz saying weird stuff??) And he will inform them that he is plannin on doing the nasty with them later (respectfully)
But he enjoys the moment
Everytime he sees them after long day (assuming that s/o works/studies outside their household) he will just keep one of his arms around them till they go shleep really
Also he stares, a lot, if they aren't in huggy mood he will just stare without any emotions on his face, hes not mad he just misses the warm feeling of somone loving him :(
Also he bites
Asa emory
I swear this little prankster will pretend he fell asleep on couch while yall be watching movie, just to hear them react and take care of him. Also he melts when they give him little kisses or turn tv off so he can peacefully nap.
Or when they are tired after long day and have nap on him while he monologues about cool bugs. Playing with hair and lil massage included
He doesnt really like hugging while he just stands, it feels so akward, so he rather go lay on couch/sit on armchair while yall wanna get phisical
Every cuddle session ends with one of you falling asleep and other one really hates waking the first one up
Jason Voorhees
I dont really write for Jason but oh boi
Cuddling before sleep is so goofy, this guy is huge, like HUGE. If s/o prefers being smol spoon he will cover them completely, he is one of those people who put their leg on their partner so they are closer. But if s/o prefers being big spoon, he will giggle, blush even, he loves it! Also good luck with not being squshed at night
This guy really goes 'a mimiimi ah mimimii zzz' when sleeping btw
He will pick them up while hugging and hold hands 24/7, especially after that one event when s/o got lost in Forest once. No. No more of that pls there are degenerates around
Bear hugs
Micheal Myers
Just no
He won't hug anyone really, its uncomfortable for him. I mean after really long time spent and enough trust given, he will let them hug him, or grab his arms and hands and give him lil smooches
But he won't really give those back, no, even if they are very upset or in bad mental situation, he won't. Respect that
Again-if he knows them well and likes them, he will pay no mind in them giving him smooches or hugging him. He gets that that's how they find comfort, but don't think he will do it too
Vincent Sinclair
This one is very hugable bean
He will be akward due to his lack of social skills but oh boi isn't he very meow meow?
When they kiss his head or hug him while saying something nice. Guy will be soso happy
He gets very shy when Bo sees yall hugging. Like he did something embarrassing:(( somone needs to explain to this poor baby that hugs and comfort is okay and valid :(
Bo Sinclair
His hands are all over them
If yall aren't holding hands, he has his on their hip, or on they shoulder
He also kinda ??? Sniffs you??? Idk he likes how they smell?
He likes when they lay on top of him or when he's big spoon
Will say some goofy level stuff, wacky even
And bites them a bit, not hard tho
Also vincent once walked in room while yall were cuddling and laughing and he thought yall were doing the nasty and now he has (another) trauma
Boioioioojgn 3am here yall have great day bai
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boneyardbob · 12 days
Once again rambling about how Tim has this subtle, overly formal accent to him that I am over qualified to recognize. Maybe I'm just crazy but its a fun headcanon either way.
Its not obvious at all but compared to Jay and Alex especially, the way Tim talks and carries himself is proper. At least in a sorta southern sense. He is overcompensating for his lack of social skills in a way that gives him the most positive feedback in that environment. I know old ladies LOVE Tim. He goes to any diner and is getting called a Honey Bun, Sugar Pie, and Sweet Baby by every waitress in there. He's just SO polite and kind how could you not!?
I've known MANY a man like Tim in my life, good and bad, and each time I interact with them I instantly know three things.
1. He is special (needs)
2. He is scared all of the time
3. That boy gained human consciousness sitting in a church pew, wearing a bow tie and suspenders....And mentally he is still there.
Also my roleplay partner suggested that his love for old media came from the kinds of movies shown in the pyschward. It was likely running off of mostly donations so as Tim grew up, the only things ever playing in the living-area would be black and white movies no one wanted to watch, spaghetti westerns, and old Disney like Lady and the Tramp, Snow White, etc. Poor 17 year old Tim, sighing over an obscure 1920s romance movie he has seen 100 times, fantasizing that when he enters the real world he'll find a girl and be JUST like the sweet guy in the movie. Must have been a very rude awakening to step onto a college campus in the early 2000s.
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episims · 2 years
TS2 dev comments about wants
At some point I fiddled with WantTrees and noticed there are many comments left behind by devs who worked on TS2, mostly considering how wants work for different aspirations.
Some of them seemed interesting so I started copying comments to a separate file... and then forgot about it. Well, I was cleaning my desktop just now and found the file again.
Since these might be interesting for other TS2 nerds as well, a random collection of TS2 dev commentary about the wants under the cut!
(I edited out the abbreviations and random typos to make these easier to read. Spoiler alert for, uh, exposed game mechanics?)
When a Romance Sim buys a fireplace, they want to use it. When a Family and Knowledge sims lights a fire in a fireplace, they fear fire, Family death.
Sims want to chat and send email after buying a computer. Elders fear email once.
When a Sim sees another Sim die, they want to beat the grim reaper. Must be short-lived.
Family Parents with strong personality traits will want their children to be more like them. Wants are exclusive for personality, needs min rel with child. Recurs after sleep.
After owning a lot of outdoor growing plants, Fortune Sims want a gardener.
Sloppy Sims hate changing a diaper after they have a child/adopt a child/have a grandchild. Lasts until the child is no longer in diapers.
Family Sims who have their children taken by the social worker want a baby.
After reaching creativity level 3, a Sim wants to buy a new creativity skill object.
After having a fire, sims want a fire alarm.
If a Popularity Sim has a lousy party, they want these objects which help make parties better.
Fortune Sims want to hire an exterminator when they see vermin. Family too.
Sims who buy hot tubs and double beds want to woohoo in them.
The Popularity Sim wants to make Friends, then Best Friends with another Sim after meeting them.
Teen Romance Sims who make out twice with the same sim want to meet someone new.
Sims who are sick worry about the downsides.
Knowledge Sims who have been shocked will fear being shocked again if an object breaks.
Fortune sims want the handyman to fix things.
Child's wants regarding building friends. If they lose repeatedly, and they are mean, they want to fight.
The Popularity Sim wants to make espresso for guests if they have an espresso machine; the behavior is triggered each time they entertain, play or talk.
Fortune Sims want to marry Rich if they have never worked, if they have had their stuff taken by the repo man (they are poor), or if they are getting old and are unmarried.
Makes the Romance Sim who has had a WooHoo want it in different objects, and want it again with the same sim the next day, but with less and less intensity each day that goes by.
Repeating cluster where non Popularity Sim wants to socialize with their best friend every 6 hours, strengthening as the relationship becomes stronger. This makes the Sim focus more on Sims who are their best friends.
Once having maxed the creativity skill, Sims want to write a great novel or paint a great painting. Once having sold a great novel/painting, they want to quit their job and keep doing it.
Progressive social tree for Romance Sims after being tickled. Lets the Sim who has been tickled with "binge" for a while on relatively easy, short term, high ad wants.
After eating a food prepared to some minimal level of quality, the sim will want to eat that food at the right time of day, for about as long as they are the current age, then it dies away. Sims who are "off schedule" may not have this behavior due to food type unavailability.
Wants for Sims who were Best friends/Steadies/relatives of the Sim who went to college. Drives wanting to maintain the relationship, wanting to follow Sim to college where appropriate, and wants for the college Sim to do well/fear doing badly.
Romance Sim wants to socialize with their Lover every 6 hours, weakening as the relationship becomes stronger. This makes the Sim focus more on Sims who are approaching the point of losing the Love Bit bit, making the Sim try to retain love relationships. When the relationship rises, however, the Sim will focus more on relationships which are not yet developed into Love.
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greenyvertekins · 9 months
On the topic of Flynn and Silver, I've found multiple of his answers to be almost infantilizing of Silver's character. Stuff like him being irresponsible with his powers and needing Whisper to keep an eye on him, his favourite food being mac and cheese (often considered a childish and easy-to-make dish, also lols there because Silver's been shown with apples at least half a dozen times), him getting all Goofy Silly Stuttering Awkward about being considered famous, and I also read something about him missing Amy's birthday party because he got the date wrong... Blegh. The fact that none of these are ever shown in any media that takes the franchise seriously aside, it's so incessantly bothersome to me how much of an idiot baby he makes Silver into. And "fans" just eat it up and coo over how ✨siwwee✨ little asthma-riddled asphalt-eating Silver with no social skills and who would keel over and die if he had to take two steps by himself is. (These are all claims I regularly see floating by, with, again, just about a negative basis in canon, lol.)
I truly cannot get my head around how people claim they like and respect a character, only for the version they have created in their minds to be a caricature/spit in the face of said character at best. Statements like "My interpretation of the character is not the correct one!! :)" can only get you so far if your interpretation features solely the outer shell of the character in question, in my honest opinion. And Flynn and his Bumblekast honestly seem to only be making the problem actively worse.
But lets not act that it's purely Flynn who keeps fucking up the character. Stanley has a big hand in it too. Not surprising for someone who literally made art of him walking into a Lush then walking out spitting bubbles after eating the soaps in there :| Like, how do you view art of Silver using his PSI in a precise manner to deftly move packages (Assuming THEY EVEN VIEWED IT.)...
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And then morph him into being such a fucking amateur that he gets smothered by tools that he isn't shown to have the smallest control over?
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But lets not stop there in regards to the utter fail of a portrayal.
Compare Forces. In which Chad Silver went toe-to-toe with the monster that was dreaded by the Resistance because he turned the war in Dr Eggman's favour and singlehandedly killed multiple resistance fighters (The fact he lost isn't the point - Sonic did too. And he still held his own for an admirable amount of time against this supowered bully.);
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...To this Virgin mockery that was imperiled by a fucking EGG PAWN (And had to have a canon foreigner save his ass. Whom I'll add he fangirled over.);
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I'm not even a huge fan of Silver (Though he is in my top 25 characters.) and even I call bull on this slander. Fans rightly criticise IDW!Sonic all the time as the complete mangling of Sonic as a character that it is. But the consistently off-model, adaptational dumbass weakling that poor Silver was morphed into is arguably just as bad.
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yua-nism · 11 months
I saw your tags and I’m now very intrigued like what do you mean yuhan has the SHORTEST TRAGIC BACKSTORY?!?! JUST WHAT IS GOING ON?? like granted I should have known a game about devil cat butlers would have some angst and tragic backstories but god damn 😭😭
there was a miscalculation on my part and yuuhan's is in fact, not the one with the shortest backstory! however that's only because the others have yet to have their backstories be revealed. sorry for the late answer btw, exams have made me pretty tired.
ok so ill briefly explain a bit. this ties in to the requirement to become a devil butler that is, having felt so much despair that one feels like dying. normal people will be swallowed up by the devils they contract with. the despair essentially acts like chains for the devil. so to talk about their pasts in the Briefest Way Possible (lie):
miyaji has beef with lucas on the surface but really it's because he still can't get over the fact that lucas decided to save him from the verge of death instead of someone else he thought was more capable than him while lucas simply chose to save miyaji because he had higher chances of living.
lucas was basically a child prodigy/genius. since young, he's always loved reading books, and even read thick books that even adults struggled to understand. even though he was lonely and had no one to talk to, he still endured it, skipped grades, and became a doctor at the age of 10+. at first he was looked down on for being young, but an older doctor stood up for him. eventually he became the leader of the doctors, but due to his lack of social skills, he struggled to communicate well, which resulted in the doctors hating him. in the end, all the doctors except lucas quit their job. and the group collapsed. (tbf id quit too... imagine being said you didn't work as hard as him and don't have as much brainpower compared to him as well)
ammon has only had his mom since birth and lived with her, selling flowers for a living. ammon would always make sure the flowers would be sold out at the end of the day for his sickly mother, but if he doesn't manage to sell all of them it's heavily implied his mom whips him like he does to himself even now. they were like super poor but ammon still loved his mom because he only had her
berrien has like this super mysterious past but rn it's starting to unravel in chapter 4. he's an orphan and got adopted into a church backed by the grovanas or whatever nobel family to nurture warriors who could fight angels, but surprisingly the church is actually full of love and was ran by someone who fighted angels named Goetia. berrien also met his soon-to-be older brother figure named Beren/Belen. btw all of the kids go by the last name Cliane because goetia wants everyone to become true family.
when berrien was 26 (Beren 29), goetia died from a chronic disease and Beren had to take on goetia's responsibilities. berrien became the one running the church, however shit happened, Beren got demonized, and berrien used his powers to keep Beren alive after forming a contract with his current devil. he's still residing in berrien's basement as of current, but in a coma. berrien still thinks he himself has no rights to be a butler and really does not believe that he's the one keeping the damn thing running
also the church got destroyed like 2400 years ago and yes berrien is 2000+ years old
haures was born into some wack ass family, his dad ran away with some other woman and his mom projected her rage and stuff like that onto haures, and his newborn younger sister Tricia. haures is 10 years older than Tricia. when he was that age, he ran away from home with Tricia (literal baby) because he no longer trusted his mom to take good care of them. after that, when haures was 18, he trained hard to become a soldier under the grovanas nobles so he could afford to let Tricia get treatment for her worsening vision. one heartbreaking scene was when haures showed off his red uniform to Tricia and she said the blue uniform looked good on him... but 5 years later, haures managed to get Tricia's eyes healed!!! surely nothing bad could happen!!!!
sike. haures caught one of the grovanas nobles illegally trafficking humans with some dealer, and arrested him. however that led to the seller getting revenge, and he decided to capture tricia. he stabbed her and threw her into the woods. when haures found her, she only managed to call out to haures before she died after a few breaths. haures was really really really devastated. he sought revenge on the noble, and while the noble didn't die, he was jailed 5 years for harming the noble (not death sentence because he was determined mentally unstable after losing Tricia.). after he got out of jail, he found the noble again and wanted to kill him, but he was reminded of how Tricia admired him for protecting the people and helping those in need, which stopped him. after that, he became a devil butler because of his proficient fighting skills.
lamli was forced to work at a circus by his mom at the age of 10, while starting up with simple duties, he decided to train to become a circus troupe performer so he'd earn more money for his complaining mother. its heavily implied he's abandoned by her and becomes a devil butler because of his nimble body. btw his mom said she never wanted to have lamli right in front of him. jesus.
fennesz was born into a wealthy happy family, and had an older sister. however his war general father lost a war against nobles, and the economy went into shambles. his mom remarried but even though their stepdad was nice, fennesz and his sister ended up strays on the street due to some reasons i forgot of. fennesz would get bullied by kids on the street because of his father's loss in the war, but his sister would always protect him, and they relied on each other for survival. she's very smart, as shown in the story. she also loves history, as she said, it can help people learn from the past. its heavily implied she is dead.
ok flure! flure grew up with his older sister and mother who both did ballet (can one of you have an actual dad for once?), and he also followed in their footsteps. however when he was a child he was bullied for liking stereotypical girly things, like playing with his sister's dolls, doing ballet and having long hair. even though he was laughed at for doing it, he still underwent strict training guided bg his sister and mother. he never found the courage to tell his sister or mom even though his sister could tell something was wrong (heard him crying at night). he still thinks he should be more courageous to this day and thinks he's pathetic. we don't know what happened to his family but they probably died.
i wanted to talk about boschi but i realized idk much about him apart from the fact that he only had his grandmother (who's actually a great caretaker for once!) and he was bullied for being a bookworm/nerd at school and had no friends. though he did actually beat those bullies up later for mocking his grandma when she wanted to take him back home. she didn't want boschi to fight but she said herself she was actually rooting for him when he was fighting LMAOOO love her for that
lono. ok so lono was really poor and had no parents, and he acted as the older brother for the younger kids living on the streets with him. he'd work as someone who'd clean up rubble from battling angels, which was a job that had unstable income since no one knows when angels are gonna appear. they were family basically. lono would rather starve than let his siblings eat less, and his love of cooking originated here because he loved seeing them happy from his cooking. we don't know what happened to them, but they're probably dead
nac was born into a rich family, and has a father, not sure if he has a mother, never mentioned at least. apparently the stein family was great at sales or trading or smth??? they're just some very rich and well-known name. however on his 12th birthday, his butler led him to the forest near the stein mansion, and revealed himself to be someone the stein family harmed. just as he was about to kill lil nac in shock, nac retaliated in defense. and when he realized, he already stabbed the man at his vital point. his dad appears out of nowhere and reveals that he knew this all along, and that the stein family is actually a long line of assassins with sales as their front personas. nac was trained to kill since then, and thought he'd never feel positive emotions again before he became a devil butler. he also has scars all around his body, probably from the assassin work he did.
lato and his non-blood related brother, Aleks I think? were kidnapped by people who wanted to train people to become angel fighters. however unlike berrien, this time it's just pure cruelness and literal torture. they were 8 when this experiment started. not only that, all the children were sold by their caretakers to this place, including lato and aleks' "mother", the head of their orphanage, who they deeply loved and believed in. when lato finally found a way to escape, almost half the children were dead.
and when he told the others, they told lato that they already gave up on escaping, including aleks. from, i suppose, all the suppressed anger and trauma, he burned the experiment facility down, leaving the other kids to die because he hallucinated that they wanted them to be burned so they could be free. after that, lato returned to the orphanage even though he knew the "mother" sold him in the first place. guess what the mother did! that's right she ran back into the orphanage when she saw him, locked the fucking door and told him to get the fuck away from her. and lato burned the orphanage down.
now onto the new butler trio!
teddy is the one with the most details in his backstory so far. when he was young, he Had a twin brother, and teddy was a far cry from who he is now. he was negative and gloomy compared to his brother, who was positive and talented, and people always favored teddy's brother more. but one day, his brother died protecting him from an angel, but since they were so alike people didn't know whether the one that died was teddy or his brother. and after grieving his brother, teddy decided to become him, and used his brother's name to live on as him so people wouldn't be sad, because "teddy" was the one that died. and that led to teddy forming his personality today. teddy is his actual name though, he started using it after he became a knight. he became a knight because he wanted to protect people from angels.
but during an attack by an intelligent angel, namely seraphim, one of the angels that appeared at the end of chapter 1 and also the major antagonist of the story, teddy's entire unit got killed. at the start of chapter 2.5, he recuperated in a hospital, however he kept terrible nightmares (reliving the massacre, and hearing the voices of his comrades asking him why he abandoned them and why he got to survive) and so didn't sleep at all. he eventually snuck out of the hospital to visit their graves, and then started wondering what the point of him still being alive is. he almost threw himself off a cliff before haures and aruji reached him.
hanamaru. ten years before the story, hanamaru was fleeing from something- he walked all the way from the east to the central, and collapsed in a forest. a nun found him and took him back to a church that doubled as an orphanage. however the nun soon fell ill and died, so hanamaru began taking care of the kids in the church after he was saved by her.
but 5 years later, the church was attacked by angels. he was away from the church when the attack happened, and when he came back, all he saw were angels flying away from the ruined church. only 4 kids survived. hanamaru had a breakdown, and kept kneeling and pressing his head against the ground, saying things like "i couldn't protect them", "i swear ill keep them safe next time", implying this is not the first time something like this has happened. he swore vengeance against the angels that day, that he would never forgive them, and himself. so berrien suspects that the 4 kids that survived were the people that kept hanamaru around. who knows what could've happened if they passed as well...
lastly (finally), yuuhan. at the age of 9, he trained to become a soldier of the sardeis family so he could protect his hometown, and made it after 3 years. he quickly rose up in the ranks, being a prodigy. in the main story, he started doubting his loyalty to the family after they attempted an assassination on the devil butlers. and he betrayed the sardeis family and fell into their trap when investigating forbidden records. he got thrown into jail by the head, and the head decided for his punishment, yuuhan's whole village and everyone he knew there will be burned and killed. he could only despair in jail. in the story, after his prison guard left after serving him food, yuuhan started crying. he called out to his father, his mother, everyone from his hometown, apologizing again and again, believing that it's his fault that they died.
after that, the head, fubuki, paid him a visit. fubuki beat yuuhan up, pushed him to the verge of death, but not grave enough injuries to die. yuuhan asked fubuki to kill him, but fubuki refused. he even says he'll force feed yuuhan till the day of his death execution if necessary. however, yuuhan was rescued by the butlers during his execution. (it took place in a forest with tigers. basically the death penalty is getting eaten by tigers) he became a devil butler after that.
holy shit. also im not typing Bastien's since you can read his backstory from the tls available here.
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soullessjack · 10 months
I’ve been on TikTok a lot because my FYP has been infiltrated by SPN and most people on there think he has the mental mind of a 3 y/o or a baby. How is this possible to think with his storylines? It doesn’t make sense to me. I wasn’t in the fandom, just an avid show watcher, and I saw him similar to Amara and how she’s an adult that grew up fast except he was just born grown but naive because the world is complex. So how do people get to him having a baby mind? It feels ableist to me but I can’t figure out how to articulate why (like when someone has developmental disabilities and someone says, “They have the mind of a _y/o,” when that person’s needs/skills/etc are more complex) and I was wondering if you could shine some light on why you think this happens. I don’t think people understand why other people have uncomfortable feelings surrounding baby/toddler/kid!Jack but I can’t remove it from accidental ableism. I’ve tried talking to people about it on TikTok but they either double down or say that it’s my opinion. However, I don’t feel like canon supports theirs. Thank you. I love you your posts about Jack and your insight. Good work.
hi, thanks :3
genuinely I don’t know, and I ask myself that every single time I go through spn tiktok lmao. the best I can figure is, for one, TikTok is the app where media literacy and nuance go to die like dogs. there’s no arguing with anybody there unless you get lucky (source: I’ve argued).
two, I think genuinely it comes from the over-saturation of baby!jack content in the fandom, both in and out of tumblr, and the extremely minimal amount of content where he’s actually treated with nuance and complexity. like, it exists, but only in very small circles that the majority of the fandom clearly ignores. from what I’ve seen most of spn-tok is focused on TFW or Dean or Destiel and don’t generally care about Jack that much, so it kinda makes sense that they’d just run with the most prevalent idea of jack and not really think about it in the long run, or when they watch the show.
a lot of the arguments I’ve seen literally boil down to “he wears Velcro sneakers” and “he doesn’t know [insert thing]” or just his general social awkwardness/unawareness (which Cas displayed all the time in the early seasons but never got outright infantilized for). like look at this:
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and there’s millions more comments like this, unfortunately. I don’t mean to speak for everyone, but at least for me, the body language and specific mannerisms Alex put into his portrayal of Jack is what resonated the most as an autistic thing, naïveté and poor social skills aside of course. Like, he fidgets/stims constantly—
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and none of this is scripted for him to do, either! Alex just decided it worked, and he was right!!
—and to see these very blatant autistic traits be reduced down to “portrayal of a child/toddler” is downright sickening, especially when plenty of other autistic fans have pointed it out and expressed to Alex that they relate to Jack and even asked if he had done it on purpose because it was so well done.
what I’m personally confused on is how many people will double down on jack being a child like it’s driftwood in the ocean. like, going back to my argument, I gave the other person multiple points in the show that make it obvious jack is intended to be an adult. Harper, the beer, any of the trauma he’s endured; the works. and all they had to say to that was “you do you I guess.” and it’s like what do you mean, ‘you do you’? I’m giving you actual examples that happen in the show, and I’m asking you to think ‘hey, maybe if jack flirted with a girl and talked nonstop about what it’s like to fall in love and have sex for an entire episode and had his dad offer to go to a dive bar for bucket-list hookups in the episode after, maybe he isn’t a child.’
but again, this is TikTok, so asking for any kind of self examination is asking for too much.
it just strikes me as odd. it’s odd and confusing and horribly frustrating that people are dying on this hill like it’s some kind of civic duty. like, why does it matter to you so much to see Jack as a child? why is it so important for you to think of him that way, that you just ignore canon evidence and autistic voices to make yourself feel right? what was even weirder was they were autistic themselves, and said they wouldn’t dream of infantilizing him, but here we are. their reasoning was “he’s literally 3 by the end of the show,” and that was it. And of course they weren’t wrong, but if you look at every time Jack or anyone else acknowledges his age:
D: “how old do you think you are?”
J: “3 days, 17 hours and 42 minutes”
Dean shrugs and lets him drink beer.
M: “You should be six months old.”
J: “I am…sort of.”
Mary shrugs and treats Jack like a teenager from there on out
M: “Do you ever hang out? I mean, with kids your own age?”
J: “Well, I’m two…enty. I’m twenty…two. I’m twenty-two.”
While the show acknowledges Jack’s actual age, it’s arguably on the same level of acknowledgment of Cas being literally older than time, because what people strangely fail to remember is that Jack is not completely human and doesn’t have the natural aging or developmental process that humans do. He’s three in the same way Vision is three, and Vision is already married with children. Beyond that, there are plenty of times when Jack is referred to as a teenager or treated like one, like Dean’s “he’s a millennial” joke in Last Holiday (wrongly termed but the intent is still there). Hell, even in the scripts they’ll directly say things like:
“Jack is spiraling out, a teenage powder keg,” (13x06 Tombstone, deleted writer’s draft)
“Kelly can’t help but smile, so impressed by the man he’s become, but not about to let him out of her sight,” (14x08 Byzantium, prod. draft)
that make it pretty clear Jack is functionally an adult despite his unnatural age, just like Cas or Amara or even Emma (also the added bonus that Jack explicitly hates being called a child or treated like one, but people literally reacted to that like “oh silly baby wants to be in charge like a grownup” so, like, I don’t even know what to do with that) (and banking off of that, every other time Jack is explicitly put into an adult situation, like flirting with Harper and literally asking Dean how to have sex, sooo many notes on that gif set were the same parroted “nooo baby boy don’t corrupt your innocent mind!! dean is such a bad influence 😂😂😂😂”, so the obtuseness is very intentional). I try not to be accusatory when I talk about the way Jack is treated in the fandom, as a general for online discussion and because I know it’s largely unintentional, but I really do think Destiel (and Sastiel) have some hand in it.
If you look at the majority of Baby!Jack content, it all centers around how domestic either ship is with baby!jack, how good Dean is with kids (baby jack) and how much of a sweet older sister Claire would be, etc. It’s all for the sake of domesticity. It’s the white picket fence family dream that canon TFW2.0 doesn’t really quite have. It’s to make Dean and Cas and Sam and Cas and Claire and Rowena and whoever else, a softer version of themselves. It’s never actually about Jack. He’s just the cannon fodder; the prop; the dress setting; the accessory. He’s there to make everyone else look better and to fuel them forward. No matter how much people want to argue that it’s “giving Jack the childhood he should’ve had,” we both know it’s not actually about him, because canon coming in with the steel chair again: Jack literally chose to be an adult. He hates being considered a child and has never expressed anything more than wanting to be a regular teenager. And like I said, people on spn-tok are naturally Destiel centered, so it’s honestly not very surprising that they just can’t let go of this content cow because it’s just too cute and wholesome and precious of course, despite it being rampant ableism and just generally annoying to people who actually do care about Jack in a deeper sense. Gag me. So maybe that explains the doubling down, but then what gets even more confusing to me is, like, you can have a domestic family AU that doesn’t rely on erasing a character to fit a specific image. You can have a domestic family AU without being ableist about it. You don’t have to do any of the things you keep consistently doing. You even fucking already it in the show! Canon TFW2.0 is dysfunctional on various levels, but so was TFW, and so were just Sam and Dean. It’s simply their dynamic, and it’s what adds to their family bond being what it is to begin with. Nothing you’re doing is something you need to.
I wanna stop before this gets longer than it has to be, but for one final thought I think the general lack of care for autistic people in any space is part of it, too. It’s why half of our representation is painfully inaccurate or egregiously offensive; it’s why fandoms of media with autistic/autistic-coded characters almost always rampantly infantilize them (cough cough SheRa). And like with Alex’s mannerism choices, it’s the distinct yet subconscious connection between autistic behaviors and childlike behaviors, because autistic people are so largely treated as incapable innocent children and cannon fodder for their autism warrior parents; both of which reflect like direct sunlight in Baby!Jack tropes. And it’s why people just don’t care enough to do anything about it, to heed any criticisms about the harm they’re doing, because to them it’s not harmful. It’s not a problem that’s doing any perceivably “real” damage because they haven’t been personally hurt by it (except when it comes to unfair Dean criticism or Sam or Cas criticism, because that’s clearly more important than ableist rhetoric and representation erasure), and probably because they already hold those views to autistic people in the real world.
The world at large does not care for autistic people, or disabled people in general. Nothing that hurts us is considered anything serious. Nothing that matters to us is considered valuable or worth respecting. And because of that, we already struggle in the real world day by day, so we turn to online spaces for connection and sharing our interests safely. We turn here for community, only to be met with the same indifference and rejection as the real world, because the same people we’re trying to avoid are here too, and then we have nowhere else.
**im probably going to make this a separate post but I also want to talk about the weird cognitive dissonance that the fandom has with babyjack and how it’s pretty much considered “acceptable infantilization,” and how so many people in the fandom have said they want more complex jack but still engage with content that actively erases Jack’s complexity and relies on that erasure to make him what he is).
***edit: tags 4 reach, absolutely feel free to ask for removal! ik it’s out of the blue but you guys have had some of the better takes on jack lol @angelsdean @hauntedpearl @uh-ohspaghettio @queermania
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bella-rose29 · 7 months
episode 2 commentary - Let Go of Me
major spoilers for show and books, swearing, me obsessing over lockwood's hands probably (edit: definitely, and George's)
why did I immediately think jellyfish
omg the flowers
Luce you really shouldn't have taken that
just like @demigoddess-of-ghosts said, why tf are deprac asking if there's anyone else there when Lucy is quite literally screaming 'lockwood'
"miss lockwood" and "lockwood's my partner" 🤭
"we called your mother" ok well her mother is a Bitch so that wasn't a good idea
"rest up until he's given you the all-clear" like fuck she's gonna do that
omg the flowers!!!
ooo spooky green lighting
omg the ghost lock victims ward 🥲
I would love to know what they were planning on doing with this scene actually bc I feel like it sets up some sort of ghost lock victim storyline for the future - maybe using them for science? idk I'd just love to know
oof lockwood's hands
just this whole scene of lockwood
barnes is not fucking around lol
the way he sits back in the chair has me WEAK
can you tell I'm going feral
George's lil run omg
George is so neurospicy I love it
George your posture needs sorting out my love 😭
"You're meant to say no, Lucy" well it's difficult to say no to lockwood when he looks at you with his beautiful eyes and smile and-
"I'd say like a house on fire" 😭
my poor baby looks so tired :( and he definitely needs a shower oh dear
I didn't think I would hear lockwood with his queen's English call someone 'mate'
I love that George just says straight up facts
"posh one who thinks he's god's gift" sounds about right
"his weird mate with zero social skills" also sounds about right
I love that they included the tapes for norrie bc actually it's a great way of adding to the narrative (bc we don't have any voice overs) and we get lucy's view on stuff
and we see her survivor's guilt too - "like how I should have helped you" omg 🥲 (excuse me while I go cry in a corner)
ruby stokes the woman you are
"no it doesn't, it looks like I cooked it in an active volcano" pfffft George I love you
"Andrew lockwood"
"girls are funny about baths" he's trying goddammit
"she's not unhinged" "you're hardly the best judge of these things" "you need normal people around you" "you really think you're normal?" your honour I love their friendship
"the world's mad, and normal never fixed anything" gonna make it my motto
"let me... sleep on it" BOY YOU DON'T EVER SLEEP
oh Luce
okay but these special effects are so fucking cool
hang on why the hell did Lucy go to sleep holding the ring
Jesus Christ that scared the shit out of me
ooo green lighting!!!
pfft goes to hold his hand to wake him up
I love the disgruntlement of george
"trousers are for wimps" ICONIC
omg I love that we get to see George's Touch!!! also his hand??? brb gonna go melt
omg Georgie it's not a wasp I'm sorry
I am dying how the hell did Ali manage to make his voice say "oh shit" like that
"I can't believe you stole a Source" GEORGE YOU ARE ONE TO TALK
yeah Luce call him out
"we need to destroy her source and move on. let her go" I have so much to say about this omgggg bc on the one hand the episode is called Let Go of Me and rn I'm 1/3 of the way through this episode and they've repeated those words in different ways so many times it's unreal. and then on the other hand (spoilers for the books) there's the way that Lockwood isn't doing this himself, because he hasn't destroyed the source in his house and let his own ghosts go 😭
omg George loves an experiment you can hear the joy in his voice
NOT THE WAY HE PHYSICALLY MOVES TO PROVE HE'S ON LUCY'S SIDE omg they're becoming friends even if they don't know it yet
OH LORD THE HOODIE??? I wanna steal it
his smile omg
ruby stokes the woman you are omg
lockwood's face omg he's so conflicted bc on the one hand he's worried but on the other he's trying to not say yes when she goes 'you love me don't you?'
lockwood immediately pushing her aside
lockwood you need to stop taking sole responsibility for things
the sadness in his voice when he says 'this place is all that's left of my parents' omg
"Jesus, lockwood, we're screwed!" yep (also the way George says it is so funny help)
barnes isn't taking any shit omg
such an ominous phone call
George's prison outfit (I can't remember who called it that)
omg I want lucy's playsuit
also lockwood get your shoes off the table you heathen
no bc I actually want her playsuit
"not a braying gallery for bellends" George I love you
Lucy going straight in with the hard facts I love her
omg the scoff
kipps is such an arse
the way he says "yes you do" has me in a chokehold
the sMIRK
"irrelevant prick" love it
when the mutual friend leaves and you're left with the one you don't get on with
George you might be a weirdo but I love you for it
Lucy getting the juicy gossip and immediately becoming besties with george
ok well your mum is a bitch
oh lockwood wtf are you doing
"he's a little shit sir"
lockwood why
he looks so proud of himself I can't help it
"you're our biggest asset" oh boy
the regret on his face oops
"my judgement's been a little off recently" yeah bc you just met the love of your life
ok but women with swords 👀 bonus points if they're angry
pink socks again
barnes once again not taking shit
she is a child sir you can't just spring that on her
omg Lucy :((((((
"let me go" - is that another reference to the episode title I see?
"lockwood's a charlatan" pfft
"they always make the most boring, unimaginative moves possible, don't they" - it's giving Cameron saying that everything is basic
lockwood read the room (cab)
"You were brilliant" boy's in love
"can we talk about this in the car" *taxi drives away*
"you might be able to turn your feelings on and off like a tap, but I am drowning here, lockwood" 😭
"You know sometimes I just... I just think I'd be better off dead" oh Luce 😢
also lockwood's reaction to that omg he pauses for a while and is all glassy eyed and then: "I understand that"
never mind them I am drowning here (in my tears)
"We need you, and it's not because you're an asset" "why then?" "because... because you're..." *looks away and clenches jaw* "Lucy Carlyle" *smiles really widely (I feel like he was considering telling her his feelings)
"We're lockwood and co. you, me, and George" FUCK YEAH YOU ARE
"please stay" 🥺 (anything for you my love)
"so you'd look cool" lol
"you're more of a liability than an asset, Lucy" HE SAYS WHILE LOOKING AT HER WITH HEART EYES
oh Georgie
green lighting!!!
"I'll take him" says boy with immense confidence
"can I offer you a cup of tea while you ransack my house? one lump or two" *throws torch and misses*
oh my god the still I paused it on to write the above comment is gonna make me pee myself with laughter 😭😂 I wish I could screenshot to show everyone
ooo I might be completely delusional but Lucy smashes the mirror with her elbow in this scene (and the camera pauses on it for a good couple of seconds) and then plays a part in smashing the bone glass later on??? am I delusional or am I making connections???
Georgie omg
LUCY PICKING UP HIS GLASSES!!! I love this omg I would be lost without mine
fuck me that neck crack was hot (also could lockwood fuck me please?)
green lighting!!!
also how did I never notice the stairs were spirally?
George you are so funny and I love you
George hauling those chains around like it's nothing 👀
green lighting!!!
yeah you better run bitch
"we should have people round more often" lolllllll
lockwood can kick me-
"why are you making that face?"
"that's not your normal face, that's your 'I know something you don't' face"
sweaty lockwood
George's face when she pulls the ring out is so funny to me 😂
"you lunatic" *lockwood grinning widely* I love their reactions
aww let Georgie swear :(
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skele-bunny · 2 months
I enjoyed your kit Special and Cowbell talk. What were they like when their other brothers started coming around? >w< I bet they were excited big brothers
They were curious little things, but yes so fucking excited! Once again, timeline fuckery, I think there's a lot of time between each Emeritus. When Primo came around, this was their first exposure to a human child. Their tails couldn't stop wagging as they tucked their heads in the bassinet and scenting over this newborn human. Super protective and although they were young themselves, and raised as humans, they still had ghoul instincts. That "this is a frail thing. We need to be cautious."
Few times they snapped their jaw at Nihil because they didn't register that humans don't have scents and their ghoul minds couldn't find a scent for Nihil. It calmed down though, and they were just head over heels for their new brother. Constantly found cuddled up. Bluebell loved babysitting until Primo would start crying, then Phil would step in and just scoop! His baby.
Secondo was no different, lots of nuzzle bumps but now that they were older, their instincts grew, too. Absentmindedly grooming him and Sister just "????" When Secondo comes back with his hair sticking up everywhere and smelling like straight ghoul. First time she seen it she took so many pictures as Bluebell was half awake, just his tongue slowly pressed against Secondo's head wnsjkd They started taking baby duty at night as they were super nocturnal at the time, and had no mind keeping Second in his bassinet in their room
Now Terzo, "Terzi" at the time, was a whole new game. They had a little sister, not only did she look different but she just... In general was different. Her hair mimicked Cowbell's from the amount of curls and fluff, and was just the happiest baby ever where as Primo seemed to not like anything and Secondo was a big crier.
Their grooming habits were still there but not as much, and they had started scruffing. However, they knew to only do it when she was older and by her clothes to not harm the little human. The family had to quickly adapt to getting a toddler handheld over by the collar of her onesie. She never minded though, just a big ass smile and babbling
When they all got older, Special unfortunately started getting more rare to come around as he was now full force in his work assigned by Sister. Cowbell wasn't assigned yet, so he got the chance to bond more. They still adored Phil and cherished the times he came around.
Cowbell was not spared from Primo's rolled up newspaper, book bonks, or sandel throws.... No one was. But, still the biggest cuddle bug with Primo. Always loved helping him garden or practice wether with study cards or sudden pop quizzes. Primo was his primary caretaker when Special wasn't around, they both just clicked perfectly. They kept each other in check and on task! When Primo was a young lad still, he tried mimicking his big brothers purrs. Sometimes he absentmindedly still does in his sleep when Bell purrs. No one has the heart to tell Primo he sounds like a broken lawnmower
He and Secondo were the absolute closest, however. Secondo was the one that started "Cowbell" instead of Bluebell. Loved listening to his brother read aloud his studies and just laying his head in Secondo's lap to be pet as he'd work silently. During this time, Bell still had very poor social skills so Secondo was his voice to many conversations. When Secondo would get overwhelmed with his studies, he went straight to Bell and just needed to be held. So, they'd sit and cuddle until Secondo felt okay enough to try again
Now, Terzo? Him and Special were like no other. Even from a young age he'd find his way to Special's office. "YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT MRS. CRESSIBLE SAID TO SISTER MARY TODAY IN CLASS!!!" and Phil was all about it, love hearing his brother blabber on for hours while he did his homework. Phil was the first one Terzo came out to, who helped him change the wardrobe, tell his family, and even start looking into medically transitioning. Special had to help with his shots for a while as he was too nervous but got into the habit quickly! Even had Phil help pick out a surgeon for top surgery! They're still little gossip pals.
"Guess what Omega said to me."
"Oh fuck, tell me! Also, you need to know what I seen Secondo doing—"
They love their brothers so much, and they love them just as much back! Species difference be gone, these fuckers were a happy family.
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
honestly, your analysis and headcanons on the Blacks are always very interesting. If you don't mind, can I ask you for your opinion and headcanons about Andromeda?
Hi! I don't mind at all, thank you for the question (and the compliment!) ❤️
Andromeda is one of those characters I mostly have soft headcanons about, meaning that I can comfortably and happily read many different versions of her. Let's say that I dislike the soft little girl ones, the poor, poor Andy abused by her mean parents the most.
My favourite Andromeda is a steely sort. Oh, she's kind, soft, gentle (more than her sisters), but only to her own. Heart-of-gold, would-mother-the-whole-world-if-she-could, à la Molly, is not my cup of tea.
So, I can speak about how I personally write her but unlike many other characters, this is not a very fixed idea in my head.
Beautiful, but not as beautiful as Bellatrix, who she resembles quite a bit. Definitely less charismatic, less striking. This breeds insecurity, especially in a young teenage girl. She's the Regulus to Bellatrix's Sirius.
Also not as brilliant as Bellatrix, in school. Again: this breeds insecurity.
I think Cygnus and Druella loved their daughters, but since all three of them were quite remarkable young ladies, Andromeda still suffers from Middle Child Syndrome - she's the forgotten one: Bella was exceptional (she was after all noticed by LV himself, and was one of the most powerful fighters in the second war) and Cissy was the baby, so unintentionally it was sorta-maybe-true.
Consequently: a bit of a social butterfly. Much warmer than both her sisters, more beloved in school. Had good relationships with the other Prefects (of course she was a Prefect; all the sisters were) from other houses.
That's how she became close with Hufflepuff Prefect Ted Tonks.
Also also also can I just say they don't have curly hair like Bella has in the movies? Dromeda's is a lighter shade, but still somewhere in between straight and wavy.
Out of the three of them, she had the best people skills, the best soft skills, she might have been the best at manipulation. For years after she left, and when she was tasked with making meaningful connections with other Death Eaters' wives, Narcissa would lament not having the same soft skills as Andromeda.
Unlike Sirius and Bella who have, as I've mentioned in the past, a very black-and-white morality, Andromeda sees the world in shades of grey. She's more flexible. A pragmatist, unlike her idealist sister and cousin. For this reason:
I don't think Andromeda ever let go of all of her biases. Not enough fanfictions explore what it means to unlearn all the notions that your blood-supremacist upbringing may have ingrained in you. Sirius is the one in the family who hates Dark Magic, who befriends the broken, the beaten and the damned. He is the one that would fight for social equality.
I don't think Andromeda cared much for Muggleborns at all. I think she cared for Ted. I am convinced that before she left, she and Bella had some kind of showdown and she basically said something along the lines of: look. I don't think that Muggles and Mudbloods are equal to us, and I don't think that they deserve to be equal to us in society, but I am asking you, as my sister, to make an exception for Ted and me.
Ted - smart, funny, future Healer Ted Tonks, who worshipped the ground she walked on - was her exception (like Remus was Sirius', like Lily was Snape's).
Ted who showed her unconditional love and support, who was the only thing her family wouldn't approve of- her only, only act of rebellion after years of being the perfect daughter, the forgotten child. But they gave her an ultimatum and she chose him.
Oh, it broke Bella and Cissy when Andromeda left. But as I say here, Andromeda was convinced that Bella betrayed her first, by choosing her Master instead of her.
Andy & Bella were always the closest. The three sisters were very close in general and both Bellatrix and Narcissa were closest to Andromeda, but Andy & Bella shared a bond which was so exclusive to the two of them that it could never be replicated, not even when Bella & Cissy grew closer after Andromeda left. They both loved their youngest fiercely and would have done anything to protect her from harm.
She loved Transfiguration.
Absolute prodigy with Household charms (and this is canon), but also the best, out of all the sisters, with healing magic and healing charms. (She does cure Hagrid after the Battle of the Seven Potter, after all, and he's tricky because he's half-giant).
I think she might have been a private Healer, more on that here.
She disliked cruelty (Muggle hunting and the sort) but she could be ruthless when she wanted to.
Now. The following are my personal headcanons which have no basis in reality whatsoever, but I love them. Was sorta-involved with Rabastan as a child.
Andromeda & Rabastan (& Regulus), for the way I write them, all suffer from being in the shadow of their older siblings. I think they might have played together as children, and that she had, at different points in time, a bit of a crush on both the Lestranges. Rabastan first, as kids, when he was still in his phase ewwww girls.
Joke's on him because later he became absolutely obsessed with her. To a creepy degree almost. He didn't think it fair that his older brother got to marry a Black and he didn't, he didn't understand why, all of a sudden, Andromeda seemed to hate him when she had been a comfort to him in the past... And he had grown up now, he could see that she was beautiful, hard and perfect but softer than Bella, someone he could handle.
The less she wanted him, the more he desired her.
But she had become more and more disgusted with him as the years went by. At first, he had been a sweet kid, but he had turned out much worse than his older brother, definitely a bit of a sadist, too tightly wound, with a much-too-cruel sense of humour for her liking.
She was also already smitten with Ted at this point.
Both she and Cissy had a teeeeeny tiny crush on Rodolphus at a certain point and were generally very soft and over-indulgent with him, especially in his bickering with Bellatrix (which drove her insane and made Rabastan extremely jealous). But who can blame them, my man is hot.
Rocks short hair (by ‘short’ I mean a cool bob like Shiv Roy) which is something that Ted encouraged her to get after she had Nymphadora. Apart from that, she always had long hair, like her sisters.
Speaking of which. All of you must know by now that I headcanon all the Black women (Walburga, Narcissa, Bellatrix) as having fertility problems: either they couldn't conceive or when they could they never managed to carry to term. Not Andromeda. No. Maybe it was the new blood, Ted's blood, or maybe it was sheer bad luck, but when Andromeda was sleeping with Ted as a 19-year-old, she wasn't that careful. She figured that nothing would happen - it was- oh, it was so unlikely that anything would happen. But it did.
Andromeda ran away because she had fallen pregnant with Nymphadora. She loved her darling girl from the very first minute - more than her sisters, more than anyone in the world. Her family wouldn't accept her, which hastened things.
Yeah, maybe in another universe she could have been Rabastan Lestrange's bored wife (by the way, my boy Rab is bisexual just so ya know), having an affair with Ted on the side, Lady Chatterley-style (someone write that fic!) But not in this one.
In this one, despite the love she has for her parents, her sisters, and the luxuries of her old life (her pureblood friends, the tea parties, the balls, the gowns and vacations...) she is willing to throw everything away for Ted. And most of all, for Dora.
Horrid taste in names. Rabastan is lucky he didn't end up with her, his kids would have been named something obnoxious and self-referential like Alpheratz.
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artzychic27 · 11 months
So since the shadybug and claw noire is out, are you going to do a post on how the science kids are like in that universe since it isn’t a what we all thought it was?
Imagine Dad For One. That’s how he is with Kiran
“My precious baby brother can’t survive in such a cruel world. So, it’s best if I just keep him locked in his room.”
He’s just a little bit psycho and carries around a lot of knives
A well-known street fighter who’s known for making people a lot of money when he sends his opponents to the hospital
Marc has a habit of stabbing people. Specifically guys. It’s best to just let him keep stabbing you until he gets bored or until Nathaniel calls for him
Relies on brute force for everything
Always called on to deliver the “Death Hug” punishment to insubordinates at DuPont. Basically, they just wrap their arms around some poor guy until their eyes bulge out of their sockets and they plead for mercy
Takes pleasure in hurting those they deem weaker
The only exception is Simon. Hurt him in any way, and they will hunt you down and Death Hug you when you least expect it
You’ll know they’re around when you hear bones cracking
A tech genius who absolutely loathes Max. There’s just something up with him, but he doesn’t know what
Has been trying to track down the Resistance so he can get in The Supreme’s good graces
All so he can get rid of his parents
He still unfortunately lives with his parents, and he has a burn scar over his left eye due to their negligence when he was five
A bit of a recluse. He secludes himself in his surveillance room/basement
Her mother has ties to The Supreme due to her military status, so the family’s rich
Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, street fighting, and they know the nerve punch technique to knock people out
Oh, and it has brass knuckles
They get into street fights with Marc, and have a mutual respect for each other
Cold, calculated, and in an arranged marriage with Austin Boulet to boost both family’s social status. In reality, she’s making out with some stuck up chick’s half sister
Pompous stuck-up girl from New York who enjoys making everyone’s life hell. When she tried to insult Cosette, she got punched in the face
… Now she’s in love
Unlike Chloé, their insults are more psychological, and leave people mentally scarred
His dad, Morgan, can put the Bourgeois family to shame with his wealth. He practically owns all of New York
Owns a motorcycle
You can tell she’s near when she clacking glass bottles attached to her fingers, chanting, “Resistance… Come out and play~”
Not part of the Supreme, not part of the Resistance. She just wants to see the world burn and get her family out with her
Tries to make connections to get ahead and get her family out of this damn city. If that means double-crossing a few people to get to someplace without any psycho Miraculous holders, so be it
Is not afraid to curbstomp some motherfucker
May or may not have a slight crush on Reshma
Sold by his cruel-ass mom to the Tomassian family for their son when he was like ten. (Yeah, she sucks) And his dad, a Resistance veteran was powerless to stop her
Austin had just come out as gay, Jean’s egg donor was desperate for cash, and so begins a loveless relationship
He’s like one of those emotionless trophy wives on sitcoms and holds out his hand whenever he wants some money
“Babe.” *Holds out his hand*
They’re dying inside
A moody rich girl with nothing to do other than shave half her hair off and pay some girls in dire need of money to make out with her
Family has strong ties to The Supreme, and her parents are trying to get her to become a Miraculous holder
Sneaks out at night to shank unsuspecting people with Marc
May or may not have a slight crush on Lacey
Goes out for joyrides in the Lexus
Hates The Supreme, hates The Resistance. He just hates shit
Imagine Max from Camp Camp
Hits some creeps with his skateboard when he goes out riding at night
A bit of a loner
Steals money, food, and decent clothes since his mom don’t do shit
Her brother took her and her sister away from their parents, and has been taking care of them for eight years now
Rafael is a member of another sector of the Resistance, one that’s trained in many different forms of combat
Aurore has been learning self defense since she was nine
An expert survivalist who knows how to sand off her own fingerprints
Should anyone tied to the Supreme try to locate Rafael and track down where he lives, Aurore has an escape route ready so she can take Catherine to safety
Alec got custody of her and Theo thanks to his ties to the Supreme
She’s closed off more than usual and refuses to speak to anyone except for Theo
Has sort of a goth thing going on
Hates just about everyone she comes across… She and Ismael get along well, though
Sometimes during the night, they go out, break a few windows, and steal some cash
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KH OC Week Day 1
Hello! How fun that KH OC Week is finally here! Actually, even though I've known about it since it started, I've never actually taken part in it. But I'm trying it! I'm trying so hard! I've been writing for a very long time, but only started dabbling in KH-related stuff because of @hinataoc. My characters were really originally mostly made to help support her characters and her stories, but the ol' writing bug would bite me every here and there and eventually I started writing little stories and adventures of my own for them. I've got a few now, but this week I think I'll just focus on the two OCs that started this journey for me. So... uh, here we go.
Day 1: Introductions
◾Tell us about your OC!
To start off my first OC Week, I’d like to introduce two of my characters - Velcia and Velcia! …Wait, what?
Yes, I’m afraid that it may seem a bit confusing at first. Both characters share the same name and very similar appearances, but they are in fact very different people! So let me introduce them both and tell you a bit about each one.
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First, credit to the amazing @amyhayanora for the wonderful art of these two for me! She did such a good job of bringing them to life.
Now, to get started! On the left we have the first “Velcia”, who lived in Daybreak Town as a Keyblade Wielder up until the Keyblade War.
KHx-Era Velcia:
Her true name is “Valencia Florere”, but when she arrived in Daybreak Town all alone at the age of 3 years old she was unable to pronounce her own name properly. Nobody in Daybreak Town could have known otherwise, and so her mispronunciation “Velcia” was how she was known. For just this one introduction, I’ll use her ‘real name’, though don’t expect her to recognize it!!
As a toddler, Valencia was rescued from the Lanes Between Worlds by The Master of Masters, who did not deem fit to provide to anyone else an explanation of how she ended up there. Not having the faculty to raise a babbling baby, The Master of Masters created a digital data world modeled after Enchanted Dominion. This snippet of a world was completely devoid of danger, and it was here that Valencia was raised alongside a digital Aurora by the Good Fairies.
Pleasant and peaceful though it was, being raised by digital facsimiles of real people does tend to leave one a little odd, and by time Valencia was old enough to leave this fictional nursery she was quite an odd girl indeed.
Shy, awkward, and almost entirely lacking in social skills, Valencia was nonetheless an aspiring artist who quickly honed her craft as she worked to document as many Wielders and events in Daybreak Town as she could as a sort of reclusive self-styled historian. Her fingers and hands usually have pencil smears on the sides from all her drawing. She does wipe them off constantly, but she’s also drawing constantly so it’s a bit of a self-defeating endeavor.
She doesn’t try to be annoying or obnoxious but has a vague sense that there are things that she does that bother other people that she can’t really seem to change. This leaves her with a bit of a lack of confidence, but she’s always so eager to learn more and add more things to her books she pushes past her awkwardness anyway. 
Poor Valencia is terrible at fighting and quite a pushover, who did her best to stick to the periphery and hope nobody would notice her working quickly to sketch them into one of her many books. It wasn’t until she finally met a young man named Balthazar that she was really able to find a stable friend and companion. 
Valencia found she had a strong affinity for the World of Olympus, dearly loving everything about it. Of all the Projected Worlds, Olympus was where she spent the most time and as soon as she was able she bought a set of Olympian Robes from the Moogle in Daybreak Town; but stuck to wearing her more familiar boots, pants, and other various accessories. She didn’t know what her true homeworld was supposed to be, but she hoped beyond hope it could be Olympus.
The events leading up to the Keyblade War were nearly as devastating to Valencia as the War itself, and during the war she was struck with what should have been a fatal blow and left for dead - but a very odd thing happened. An unusual Heartless appeared on the battlefield and whisked her away from the chaos, bringing her to Olympus and healing her before ultimately being destroyed.
Now living on the world of her dreams, Valencia eventually managed to put the traumas of her past behind her and start a family. Her now-powerless Keyblade and the name “Velcia” were both passed down through the generations, and each time one “Velcia” passed away the next-born daughter received the name and the heirloom Keyblade, and after some time that brings us to…
KHII-Era Velcia
Velcia Anthes, daughter of Hephestus and Ioanna Anthes, was raised in Thebes as a Potion-Maker and Alchemist by her father after her mother mysteriously vanished when she was two years old. Named after her Keyblade-Wielding Ancestor from her mother’s side, Velcia received the Heirloom Keyblade and grew up hearing stories of wielders from her grandmother and marveling at the tales.
Coming from a family of scholars on her father’s side, Velcia is keenly interested in learning everything she can about the fundamentals of both magic and potion-making; and her devotion to learning magic hit an all-time high after her father and cousin were killed by Vanitas during the events of KH:BBS. 
After this, she was taken in by her aunt and uncle who helped her to stay strong and focus on her studies as they worked together to overcome the pain of losing their loved ones. Thanks in no small part to their support and the integrity of her father, Velcia is kind, graceful, and has every bit of the elegance that her KHx-era ancestor lacked; but most of all she is driven and determined to help anybody she can, especially if it means they can avoid the sorts of losses she dealt with growing up.
Thanks to time spent participating in events at the Coliseum when she was younger, Velcia combined her effective if rudimentary physical fighting skills with her growing array of spells to become a competent red mage who was very confident in her magic abilities. In her mid-twenties during the events of KHII, Velcia thought that her life as a potion-maker was perhaps all she would ever be.
One fateful day she meets a visitor from another world named Samantha, and almost the next thing Velcia realizes she’s being asked to come use her magical powers and knowledge to help Sam and Hinata chase down a dangerous Replica called Thaanix. This, it turns out, is only the start of her adventures…
That’s about it for my introductions! I will include answers for both Velcias going forward for the rest of the week, but will likely have more information and pictures posted for the Modern-Era Velcia as I have more stories and art for her. Truth be told, the picture above is really the only proper picture of KHx-Era Velcia I have! Thank you for reading these little bits about my characters, I really hope you’ve enjoyed them.
Anyone who would like to read any of the stories I've written can find them either on my AO3, or on @hinataoc's Fanfiction.net page (which also has a plethora of other very good stories by her that you should check out). Archive of our Own Fanfiction.net
In addition, I have been in the middle of posting a new story about the Modern-Era Velcia called "Return to Eos", with a new chapter posted every weekend. I'm trying to post a little snippet of the chapters here on Tumblr as they go up, so if you are interested you can keep an eye out for those, too. Lastly, thanks very much to the @khoc-week crew (small as it may be this year) for hosting this event. :D
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trollsedits · 6 months
I saw your posts requesting ideas! I am curious, what are you head canons on the Trolls and their relationship with Velvet and Veneer? Let’s say this is based on a redemption arc for them where they slowly befriend the Trolls :3
Thank you so much for this request!!! I love the idea of Velvet and Veneer becoming friends w the trolls reminds me a lot when Bergens befriend the trolls ahahah 😩🫶🏻 Honestly I’m hoping to see velvet and veneer redemption arc in the next movie cuz they reminds me so much of my two close friends who are siblings anyways yes I’ll do my own headcanon on their relationship is w befriended with the trolls I hope you like this again this is my headcanon! 🩷
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So this redemption arc takes place after the events of Trolls band together! And also Velvet & Veneer got out of prison and the trolls (mostly poppy or Floyd ideas to help them become a better person and befriend the trolls)
John Dory:
-I would say that although he’s willing to help the siblings be a better person he still hold some grudges against them
-Jonh Dory won’t be as good as the other trolls when helping the twins to befriend w the trolls cuz that Amazon box looking dude I mean John has been living alone for 20+ years with no good social skills
-he will definitely help teach them survival skills Venner will most likely take that lessons from him and Velvet on the other hand will think is dumb and useless but she’s actually listening she won’t admit that she likes these lessons until she had to build a tent and do survival stuff cause John made them spend a night in the woods
-over time Veneer will have a good relationship with Amazon Box Uh I mean John Dory John would even be comfortable enough to show veneer embarrassing pictures of Floyd and others brozone brother
-Velvet and John relationship became rocky because like I’ve mentioned Jonh holds grudges towards velvet the most he knows that veneer wants no part in this troll-napping but he still gives velvet a chance to be friends with him and fix her past mistakes they would argue 24/7
-Venner would be the one to stop velvet from trying to troll-nap Jonh because he feels like he’s so annoying
Venner: Don’t You dare try to capture him again Vels, He’s trying to help us be a better person and be friends with him give him a chance!
Velvet: Ugh! Fine you’re lucky Amazon square box that veneer save your little *** I’ll do what ever you ask *rolls her eyes at John an cross her arms*
-Over time velvet and Jonh will warm up with each other eventually those two will share embarrassing stories about their younger siblings isn’t that great 😌
Sorry if John Dory one was a bit bad but I honestly feel like velvet and Venner relationship w square face will be like a mix feeling for this dude like I believe that Venner will automatically become friends with the trolls and velvet would take a while :]
-As soon as they both got out of jail Bruce and brandy offered to let the twins worked at his restaurant as waiters and waitresses
-They were both bad at their jobs at first rude to the customers mostly velvet she would even scared his poor 13 kids they would have nightmares about her and veneer would just sass the customers
-unlike John Bruce dose not hold grunges against them b/c they were just teenagers and they didn’t know any better so he gave them a 2nd chance
-Bruce relationship with Venner reminds Bruce of him and his 3 younger brother who would often sass him mostly clay and Floyd would sass him but Bruce would treat Venner like a literal child if Venner give him attitude
Bruce: I won’t let you go on break until you tell that customer that you’re sorry for being rude to them come on now say it that you mean it
-once the restaurant was closed Bruce would help the twins with training and how to treat the customers with kindness
-Bruce and velvet won’t get along at first because you will hear Bruce yelling at velvet for being rude to a customer (she once threw a bowl is galss nachos at a customer which made Bruce apologize to that customer and offered them free meals and drink due to velvet behavior)
-he will not give up on teaching the twins how to be nice around others not just trolls but other people especially his wife and children
-Overtime Venner would become less sassy and he actually improving he was much nicer to them and he also was becoming super nice that Bruce promoted him to the kitchen w his wife she would teach veneer how to cook which got him excited
-Venner almost burned the place down he apologized to Bruce and brandy and he means it he was crying and begging Bruce not to send him back to prison
Venner: I’m so sorry that I almost burned the place down please don’t send me away 😭
Bruce: *Pats his head* is okay Venner we all make mistakes and hey don’t worry is a learning process you have been improving a lot unlike your sister who needs a bit more work :)
-Bruce will continue to work with velvet to get her to change her attitude meaning that he will stand by her shoulders when she’s taking orders to make sure she’s won’t say anything rude to them
-Soon velvet will also become less rude to the customers and she and brandy built up a friendship and she will soon stop scaring Bruce kids they will soon to love her and Venner and ask Bruce and brandy if they could baby sit them while these two go on their date night
-velvet and Venner would be pretty good friends/ babysitter for the kids if they continue to change their attitude meaning no more sass and being rude)
-Bruce would automatically become friends with them overtime because of how much they change and he’s proud of them for changing their attitude
I feel like clay would be short cuz that dude just like John hold grunges against them but he’ll make a offer to let them befriend him but he’s careful he still doesn’t trust them
-Just like JD he holds grudges against them because he almost lost Floyd cuz of them
-Would let them join his book club velvet thinks is stupid cuz you just sit there and cry and hug
-Venner on the other hand would actually cry holding clay and the others putt-Putt trolls and squeezing them a little too tight he wanted to let his tears out til he has no tears left to cry
Venner: you trolls are so huggable I could squeeze you forever <3 :D
-By hearing Venner say that clay immediately jumps off aswell the other putt-putt trolls
-Clay relationship with the siblings would be a struggle at first but he soon noticed how Venner got along with the others trolls and joining clays sad book club and Venner over time slowly is very careful not to squeeze the trolls when hugging and crying… (I need a fanart of Venner hugging clay or the other trolls crying tag me if you drew it I wanna see it 😩)
-Clay would give velvet a book on “How to treat others people with kindness” velvet wouldn’t read it at first but after Clay convincing her to she then read it
-later she would ask clay to help her how to be friends with other trolls cause she see how well Venner got along with clay and the other trolls
-Overtime, she and clay would be friends just like him and Venner but clay still doesn’t trust them clays always ready just in case they turn their backs on him
I’m so sorry if clay was super short I know clay relationship w the twins is kinda like Okay we can be friends but I don’t trust you enough type of friend ship I believe Bruce would convince clay to trust them but clay won’t trust them 100%
-There’s no need for him to hold grudges against those two especially velvet who has been very mean to him during the band together events
-Venner would be the frist one to apologize to Floyd for his sister behavior aswell his 🥺 and he promised that he has change
-He easily forgave Venner as for velvet he’s slowly getting there but he’s still do anything to help velvet and Venner be friends with other trolls
-Venner and Floyd would quickly becomes friends because Floyd saw how much Venner has change over the past years
-Floyd would have a day where he spend times with each of the siblings separately he had no problem with Venner they bonded and all but when it came to velvet he had much harder time cuz she would give him that look as if she was gonna lock him up in a diamonds prison again but he still made and effort to help velvet
-He’s very calm when velvet would have one of her meltdown in public where every trolls is looking at her having a break down and Floyd was just telling her to calm down
-Overtime velvet would slowly open up to Floyd being a sensitive understanding troll he understands velvet pain and the reason why she did what she did he felt bad so…
-He offered to help velvet and Venner find their true voice by giving them voice lessons and he would make them sing happy birthday and the alphabet every single day velvet often complain but she slowly realizes that her voice is becoming better with out any trolls
-Floyd would even adopt these siblings as his kids because he knows their struggles and he could help them through this and he’s understand them like no other trolls would ever not even homegirl crimp know them like Floyd dose despite him being locked up in a diamond prison
-Overtime velvet would be comfortable enough to apologize to Floyd for imprisoning him and she will grow soft on Floyd meaning that she will be protective of Floyd she’s like a cat who’s follow their owners everywhere
-Velvet begs Floyd not to tell anyone that she’s grown soft on him but eventually everyone knows even branch was worried and he has his gear ready but poppy threw them away
I honestly think Floyd and the twins relationship would be like father and kids cuz I have high hope that if any trolls beside poppy who would help these former superstars be friends with trolls is Floyd and they would actually become 100% nicer even velvet despite her lack of empathy and showing any signs of emotion towards others I honestly loved Floyd and their relationship for the redemption arc 🫶🏻
-Just like John and clay but expect poor branch holds the biggest grudges against them because they almost killed his favorite brother
-He would give them a cold look
-Poppy and Floyd would often hold him back because we all know he wants to attack these twins so badly
-Poppy would tell branch to give them a chance and think positively and that they will change just like the Bergens
Poppy: come on branch give them a change branch I’m sure they have learn their lesson and they are ready to become friends with the trolls
Branch: okay, poppy I’m positive that they will betray us and kidnap us and locked us up in a diamond prison :^)
Poppy: come on branch I’m trying here -_-
-still can’t convince branch to forgive them but poppy made him and the twins bonds together at first it was a struggle usually branch would be yelling at them to the point where when poppy came to check on them velvet and Venner were just shaking and crying cuz out of all the brozone brothers branch would hate them that much T-T
Okay, I’m sorry if branch was short cuz I feel like branch holds grunge’s against them so his relationship with them isn’t going anywhere else despite they have a redemption arc and are trying to be friends trolls and become a better person so they will slowly have to earn branch trust then 🤷🏻‍♀️
I would write poppy but you all already know that she will easily forgive the twins. And their relationship with her would be similar to Floyd so I didn’t write a poppy headcanon for that cuz that trolls easily forgives anyone she’ll probably even forgive Creek for selling them out aswell which made branch a bit tick off of how easily his girlfriend easily forgave someone especially the superstar twins who almost killed his brother…
As for viva she wasn’t there beside helping rescue brozone but just like her sister poppy she would forgive the twins and they would easily become friends from her braiding their hair and so much more…
Anyways, I hope you liked this sorry if it not exactly what you were looking for but I still hope you do like it <3 this took me one whole day well I had to take breaks in between cuz I have homework but anyways I hope you liked it 🥺
Anyways if you want to request me anything just click under my profile “Ask me anything!” And request me some content cuz I’m running out of ideas rn
In the meantime I’m going to be super busy for the next couple of weeks due to school and real life stuff but I will absolutely get back to you so it will take me a while I enjoy writing headcanon and stuff I appreciate being here you guys keep me motivated to post more trolls content anyways moving forward I like I’ve mentioned I will be busy for the next couples of weeks so please be patient 🫶🏻…..
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