#my soul left my body when we passed the sign that said
jujutsukatsuki · 7 months
Pretty Baby || Alastor x Reader || 18+
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I got a request for Alastor with a Female Reader with a praise kink so here i am to abide! I do not support Viv or their actions! || includes: praise kink so MDI!, Fem bodied reader ||
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You sat on the couch in the lobby, a book in hand as you snuggled up in a blanket, Alastor had wandered off to god know's where while you were at the hotel listening to Husk and Angel debate something they saw on tv. The door to the hotel opened and in walked your tall dark and creepy beloved. He walked over and gently used his cane to lift your head, the cold steel made your skin shiver as your eyes met his red ones. "Hello my love, what have you done all day?" You smile as he questions you. "Just read and listen to everyone." You hummed as you stood up and looked up to Alastor's face, his gorgeous grin on his lips. "Good girl. Lets take a walk, go get your coat my love." You shivered at his praise, his smirk got a bit more sinister as he noticed. You dashed up the stairs to change, you put on a dress that resembled something women in Alastor's time when he was alive would wear along with a jacket to go over it. Not like you needed one, hell was hot. "There is my pretty baby." Alastor smiled as he offered his arm to you, you took it as you left out the front door of the hotel. A cold shiver ran up your spine at his words.
"Where are we going Ali?" The nickname was silly, but Alastor loved it. "You'll see my love." He hummed as the two of you walked the streets of hell, demons cowering away from Alastor's presence. Soon enough you noticed the sign that read Cannibal Town. "Aunt Rosies?" You asked Alastor who nodded and walked with you into the shop.
"Alastor you old dog!, and the beautiful Y/n! Still look delicious, sure you dont want to give me a taste? Oh im joking!" Rosie giggled as you let out a small awkward laugh and looked to Alastor who brushed it off. "Darling, why don't you go find a new perfume you like." Alastor smiled and let you walk away. You kept glancing at Rosie and Alastor who passed him a box of sorts. You walked back over to where the two sat. "Alright darling, time to go!" Alastor said as he shoved the box in his pocket. "Oh uh-" You didnt have time to say anything as you were whisked out the door by him. The walk home seemed quiet and longer, once at the hotel, you were taken upstairs to the bedroom you two shared. "Alastor, what-"
The box was pulled from his pocket and he opened it, inside was a necklace that held a small pendent of an A. "Oh Alastor!" You cooed as he clipped the necklace to your neck, his fingers lingering on your skin. "Youre always such a good girl, i figured you were owed a present for all your understanding of my deals and being gone often." You let out a small gasp at his words, his hand still on the back of your neck. He spins you around and grabs your chin. "Good girl." He whispers, letting the radio filter leave his voice. "Alastor.." You mumble and squeeze your thighs together, he was playing a dangerous game. He may be the powerful radio demon with hundreds of souls under his belt, but you. You were the one who was starving for his affection and wouldnt stop until you were satisfied. "What darling? I cant help it. Youre my pretty girl." He guides you to your knees, his red eys staring to your own. "Such a good girl." He pets your hair, his fingers running through your hair. "Now, keep being my pretty, perfect girl and open that pretty mouth of yours." He grinned, it was going to be a very, very long night.
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thescarletnargacuga · 23 days
The events leading up to Cade? Hurt/Comfort, near death experience. The relief. The happiness.
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A/N:ooooooh here we go! ✍️
WARNING: rough pregnancy, hurt/comfort
The first sign Caine had that Pomni wasn't herself was how exhausted she seemed after a simple retrieval mission of a charm. She didn't fight any bosses or even leave the City of Circuits, and yet she was dead on her feet. Naturally, she denied any assistance or examination. She's fine. Stop worrying.
Caine did not stop worrying. Pomni was sleeping later and later into the day without pulling all nighters. He had Bubble prepare a salmon sandwich for her. Maybe it would help her feel better. When Caine checked on her later, she barely touched it, and she was bent out the window throwing up into the bushes below.
"Pomni, my dear, please tell me what's going on. I've never seen a puppet get so violently physically ill like this, not without heavy binge drinking, but that's beside the point." Caine held her hair out of her face as she finished ejecting the contents of her pseudo digestive tract.
Pomni wiped away black bile dripping down her chin. "I'm...fine. Just...bad fish."
Caine didn't believe that for a second, but he wasn't to the point of forcing her to the workshop for an evaluation. "You can tell me if you're not okay, Pomni. Do you remember what I told you?"
Pomni ran her hand through her hair, her head was throbbing and her chest felt heavy. "...that you love me."
"Exactly. Through sickness and through health. I'm here for you. Please don't hide it from me. Let me care about you." Caine guided her back to bed and did a visual examination as he tucked her back in. Aside from the signs of exhaustion, she seemed healthy. Maybe he's pushed her too far with the amount of missions, but this is the first time he's ever seen her run out of steam.
Caine kissed her forehead and left her to rest. He has Bubble stay outside her room under orders that if she needs anything, to contact him immediately. He spent the next few days pouring through his notes on puppet physiology. How the internal flesh reacts to different physical and mental stressors. Nothing was adding up. Whatever was happening was new, and that scared him.
Pomni's health continued to decline. She tried to force herself out of bed out of boredom, but the extreme exhaustion would force her down every time. Caine couldn't take it anymore. He carried her down to the workshop and laid her on the examination table. Her letting him take her without so much as a grunt of protest out urgency in his step.
The first thing he did was open her chest to check her heart. Her internal flesh that sprouted from her D.I.E had almost completely retracted back. The fleshy vines were thin and brittle, starved of energy. Caine's hands trembled as he opened her heart, exposing the D.I.E that contained her soul.
Pomni was barely conscious on the table beneath him. She had just enough energy to lift her hand and grab his shirt, getting his attention. "I love you..." She said weakly and passed out.
Caine's eyes widened and he cradled her face. "Pomni? Pomni??" Now he feared he waited too long. He went back to her D.I.E. It's glow was very faint. He carefully extracted it from her heart, her body going dead still.
He focused energy into his palm, giving her soul a taste of his own. "There you go. Drink up. You poor thing. What is happening to you?" The more he interacted with her soul, the more he could tell what was off about it. The energy he was giving her was being syphoned elsewhere. He followed the flow of energy to a second presence within the D.I.E. "What in the world?"
Her type of D.I.E was designed to house only one soul. The presence of a second led him to the conclusion that Pomni's soul was fragmenting itself. He got a blank D.I.E and proceeded to extract the secondary soul. Afterwards, the larger fragment of Pomni's soul came back to it's original glow thanks to him feeding it his own energy.
The secondary soul flickered softly in his other hand, like low candle light. His energy examined it curiously. It felt like Pomni, but also...not? It was strange. "Where did you come from, little one?" The small soul reacted positively to his presence, like it recognized him.
Caine held the secondary soul right in his palm as he returned Pomni's D.I.E to her body. It took a few minutes, but Pomni opened her eyes. She sat up slowly, Caine helping her up. "Fuck...that was awful. For a second, I thought-..." She turned and embraced Caine.
Caine held her tightly to his chest. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I went ten rounds with every boss I've ever fought all at once, but at least I can stay awake for more than five minutes. What happened to me?"
Caine opened his palm and showed her the D.I.E containing the secondary soul. "I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but it seems your soul fragmented itself. Say hello to the little troublemaker that knocked you on your ass." He chuckled.
Pomni took the D.I.E and looked at it closely. The small soul reacted excitedly, flaring up in her hand. What little energy she had to spare reached out to it, and it felt like interacting with Caine....but also not. "Are you sure this isn't just a part of you that clung to me when we...uh...bonded?" She asked with a subtle blush on her face as she remembered what they did.
Caine held her hand holding the D.I.E. "I really don't know. When I inspected it, it didn't feel like a part of me, but it also didn't fully feel like you either. Whatever- WHOever this is, they're new. However...because this came from your heart and it was such a hassle, even becoming dangerous to your health...I'll let you be the judge of what we do next. Do you wish to keep it?"
They sat in silence for a moment, just basking in the glow of the new soul. It felt like it was reaching out to both hands cradling it. Pomni felt a connection to the soul. It was new, but also a part of her and Caine. Was this...a child? "He stays."
"He?" Caine asked. "How can you tell?"
"I just can. Caine...I think we have a son."
Caine blinked in astonishment. The new soul being the result of esoteric procreation was not on his list of possibilities. He hand closed around Pomni's, who in turn closed around the new soul protectively. "We made new life..." He was still in complete disbelief.
"Cade." Pomni said softly.
"His name. Cade." Pomni used her free hand to cover Caine's and held the combined parental embrace over the new soul to her chest. Somewhere, deep within her heart, her soul rejoiced in the presence of her new son. Perhaps the person's soul she holds always wanted to be a mother.
"That's perfect. I'll get on building him a body right away. If he is who you believe...maybe I should include physical traits from both of us."
"You don't think this is your son?"
"I don't know what to think, Pomni. I thought I was watching you die, so I'm a bit drained myself. It does have an interesting reaction to my presence. Otherwise...I just don't know yet. But, if you are certain this is our child, then I won't question you. It was literally inside you for who knows how long. You would know better than I."
"You're afraid." Pomni said flatly, looking him in the eye.
Caine sighed. "I never thought I'd be good father material. I suppose this just...has me feeling defensive. Not that the concept of children has even been considered possible since the fall of humanity, so this is extraordinarily unexpected."
"Yeah....you're right. I feel caught off guard too but, it...I don't know. I feel...connected to him. I can't just let him go. This is mine now."
Caine smiled softly and kissed Pomni's temple. "Congratulations, on becoming a mother."
"Thanks, daddy." She sniggered at her own joke the second it left her lips.
"WOW. I mean, wow Pomni. Thanks for ruining the moment." He tried to sound annoyed but he was half laughing.
Pomni leaned into Caine and kissed his lower jaw softly. "Let me try again. Congrats, you're a dad, and you're going to be the best."
"Maybe...I've certainly had enough practice wrangling all of you weirdos that live in the manor. What's one more?"
"Our little weirdo." Pomni smiled.
"Ours..." Caine smiled back.
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cheesus-doodles · 8 months
Going Home: Chapter 4
Yandere Platonic Toman + Time Leaper Darling
Going Home: Chapter 1 | 2 | 3
I kept my promise!! Editing tmr, I'm dead on my feet rn
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The neighborhood that Takemichi and Naoto found themselves in was a far cry from the dazzling city lights of Shibuya City that Draken once called home: a suburb outside of the bustling city, where houses and apartments alike that lined the streets as far as the eye can see with the occasional shop breaking the facade. Yet even with the shop entrance nestled off on a side alley, the roads still noticeably buzzed with life as the time drew closer to noon, the hustle and bustle of non-stop traffic and office workers swarming through town that Takemichi remembered had instead been replaced smaller, livelier groups of students filing past with nay a glance at the duo, too caught up in their chatter and gossip of the day.
It was jarring, the former Toman member had to admit, watching the rest of the world go by uncaringly at its own relaxed pace when compared against the urgency of the sticky situation he was in the midst of. Whatever time he spent in the present was time that he couldn’t spend twelve years in the past fixing the future after all. Blue eyes nervously glanced around at every passing soul, before they turned to meet gray ones for the umpteenth time. “Are you sure this is the right place?” The former delinquent asked again, anxiously wringing his hands. He couldn’t help himself, even if Naoto’s sympathetic look had long given way to an annoyed frown. “Maybe we should ring again?”
"No, just give it a minute."
Something felt wrong, yet this ordinary bike shop was precisely where the detective’s digging had pointed him too, the name on the business license unmistakable. So why did it feel so strange? So out-of-place? Takemichi glanced at the shop sign again, the unlit signboard ominously looming over the small alley. 
The questions quickly faded as footsteps started to thunder down what must have been a flight of steps after the doorbell announced their presence outside the nondescript motorcycle shop, the sound of annoyed mumbling growing louder as the footsteps approached. Takemichi held his breath. The door rattled for a brief moment before it was yanked open.
The single word was growled out before the figure behind the door was fully visible, and Takemichi’s soul nearly left his body as he came face to face with a clearly pissed off Draken. The former Vice Captain of Toman had only grown taller and more intimidating with every passed year, and now twelve years in the future, he made for one formidable figure, blond hair now back to its natural black. A minute of silence as Draken looked between the two, before recognition sparked behind those abyss eyes. “Takemichi?” 
“It’s me,” was all said man managed to squeak back.
Letting out a sigh, the bike mechanic dressed in overalls visibly relaxed, the hand clutching a wrench dropping to hang loosely by his side. “It’s been years.”
"It has been," Takemichi nervously laughed, before waving over to a very calm Naoto. “This is Naoto, a friend of mine.”
"So what do the two of you want?"
Straight to the point huh. The time leaper took a gulp of air, steeling his nerves. “W-well, um, Draken-kun, we actually wanted to ask about the… seventh founding member of Toman.” They wanted to ask about you was, what Takemichi wanted to say, but all those instances of being drilled again and again by Chifuyu to avoid saying your name at all costs twelve years ago stopped his heavy tongue from spitting it out.
Another pause as the larger man stared him down, and this time, the stillness was palpable. Takemichi could feel the sweat rolling down the side of his head, waiting for a reaction. His gut only churned more. This was not good,
Quicker than he could see, the next thing the time traveller could process was him being lifted cleanly off the ground by the front of his shirt, his face suddenly leveled with a furious Draken’s. “What?” The Toman founder hissed, the vein on his forehead throbbing. “Wanna repeat that?”
Slamming the door shut behind him, the once-Toman Vice President cursed under his breath as he stormed out from the back room. How fucking dare he. How dare Takemichi come asking for information on you. He had been inches from turning that turd face into a smear on the ground for soiling the memory of you with his thoughts.
Yet for all the anger smeared across his face in plain sight for customers and passers-by alike to see, it was an uncomfortable turmoil that brewed in the base of his gut, one that Draken knew came from a lack of closure. Of course he had been keeping his ear to the ground all these years - how could he not, when you meant and still mean the world to him - but the last thing he expected to happen today would be to be reminded of you and your sudden disappearance twelve years ago and the quick downfall of everything else that followed. You had always been the center of the Tokyo Manji Gang, after all. 
In a vain attempt to distract himself from the sudden flurry of memories and thoughts, the former delinquent picked up a socket wrench and pulled out a stool. There was nothing more he could do at the moment, Draken tried to convince himself, busying his hands with loosening the bolts of a motorcycle engine; all Takemichi and his detective friend had brought were more questions instead of answers, but he was certain that he would have heard of any news regarding you.
A buzz as the bell to the backroom door went off once more, and every last shred of concentration the man with the dragon tattoo had left instantly went down the gutter. His mind leapt straight back to Takemichi as the vulgarities and curses started to flow once more. If it was that bastard again with his questions, he swears- “What?!” He barked out as the door flew open once more with a bang, not sparing a second glance as to who it was.
But it wasn’t the two black mobs of hair he had expected to see standing outside, instead being greeted by an awfully familiar swish of a ponytail that Draken hadn’t seen in years, the green of an apron with the logo of a pet shop striking against the backdrop of a dull, gray alley. Those distinct yellow eyes of Baji, once sharp and methodical, were instead completely blown wide with panic, the other shoving the screen of a smartphone straight at him. “It’s- it’s-” The words died away before they could leave his tongue; the former Toman’s First Division Captain clearly too shocked by something to say a hello or even notice Draken’s foul mood. And the temperamental pet shop delinquent would have never let that kind of tone drop without a fight.
The motorcycle engineer simply snatched up the phone to take a better look himself. “What am I looking at?” A pause, a sudden silence as Draken continued to squint at the screen while Baji collected his thoughts and emotions.
“It’s her.”
Draken almost dropped the phone as soon as the other blurted out those two laden words. “What?” The man muttered, his voice lost to disbelief. He knew, of course, who Baji was referring to. “That’s not possible.” It simply wasn’t. He would have known if you had been seen.
“Look.” Snatching back his phone, Baji clicked into one of his conversations, before turning the screen back around. “A message from her number. Yesterday night. I only saw it when I woke up.”
Draken’s mind instantly jumped to his earlier visit, and Takemichi’s probing questions about you. Was this related? Did he know something that Draken did not? Logic told the tattooed man otherwise - as much as he would have liked for you to have appeared out of thin air, there must be a different explanation. “Could it have been Mikey?” It must be, since they both knew that Bonten had continued to maintain your number all these years, Mikey having never really gotten over your sudden disappearance.
“So you don’t know about this either, huh?” The once First Division Captain shook his head, frowning as he concentrated. “Why would he send something like this?” 
And that was true: the way the message started with a very hesitant “to whoever this number now belongs to” and directly addressed to a “hopefully Baji-kun”, there was no doubt that it must be you. What was the chance someone else with the same name as you would also know that this was Baji’s personal number? But how?
Any conversation left between the two died away, the two men left to ponder. The world, of course, simply kept turning, passersby eagerly making their way to unknown destinations, strolling past the small alley without a second glance at the duo, while the occasional vehicle rattled and raced down wide, empty roads.
Letting out a sigh, Draken stepped aside, waving at his once close-friend into the dimly-lit backroom. “I think you best come in. I’ll close up shop for the day.”
Twelve years in the past, despite your best efforts, you once again found yourself in the thick of things.
You sighed. “This is a bit of an overkill, don’t you think boys?” The rattling of chains seemed to agree with you, the metal links rubbing and clanking against each other as they followed the cuffed hand you raised to shake amusedly at the Toman founders huddled around you. Back twelve years in the past and once more separate from Takemichi’s time leaping woes, things were hardly going any better for you. “I’m really not going anywhere, I promise.”
To no one’s surprise, the boys disagreed, and they were far from afraid to make that known despite your assurances; you could tell from the tightening clutches and tugging on your shirt, and that was if you could ignore the immediate protests and whining and whimpering that broke out. But you couldn’t really blame them, you suppose, musing to yourself as you rested your chin atop a shifty Mikey’s head, unchained hand moving to gently hold Draken’s much larger one as Kazutora tried his best to snuggle his way into the crook of your neck and probably under your skin as well. After all, it had been just a single night since you had made your sudden reappearance in the small alley a stone’s throw away from your school in a gust of wind, and three nights since you first disappeared. You were sure this was the first and longest time your boys had been apart from you ever since they entered your life.
“You did disappear though,” Mitsuya’s voice cut above the others, those dark, heavy eyebags that clung to the bottom of his and everyone else’s eyes telling you everything you needed to know. “And we still haven’t figured out what caused you to… vanish.”
“To time travel,” you corrected gently. It was easy to tell that the delinquents around you were still uncertain about how you managed to slip their grasp without their knowledge, let alone accept the idea of you having somehow leapt into the future, somewhere that they were unable to follow you to. They had always been protective of you, perhaps because of the difference between their strength and yours.
Allowing your gaze to take a wander away from the mobs of hair of various colors gathered around you, your bedroom was exactly how you remembered it had been even twelve years in the future, your belongings having been left in the exact same spot all those years. Well, aside from the unmade bed where you had fallen asleep amidst the pile of delinquents the previous night, that is. Your present blankets were left still tossed aside into a messy pile, and you couldn’t help but wonder how your Toman friends knew how to fold them back the same way you always had. Did they also take turns keeping your home clean all those years? You wondered if they had managed to share such a difficult task that would have carried so many possibly painful memories. Which inevitably led your line of thought straight back to the various questions that had been plaguing your mind: where was the future you? What happened to Mikey that left him in such a state? And where were the rest of your Toman friends?
Yet all you had were more and more questions. Shaking yourself out of your ponderings, you focused your gaze back onto the lively group of delinquents. “I don’t know what’s going on either, but it’s probably linked to the onomori you boys gave me for safekeeping.” The same purple-and-gold charm from the very founding of the gang, the same onomori that had been stabbed during that life-threatening attack on Ken-chin you tried in vain to stop, the same one that Sanzu had accidentally discovered could summon you back from the future: it now hung from a metal chain under said Vice Captain’s shirt, pressed tight against his sternum where it could get constant skin contact, and more importantly, safe from the grabby fingers of Mikey and Kazutora.
The blond-haired delinquent with the intimidating dragon tattoo only instinctively reached for the onomori once more, as if to assure himself it was still there, the collar of his shirt crumpling as he closed his fist around the bloodstained, amateurishly-patched charm. Now that they had it, you mused, there shouldn’t be any more issues.
Baji, who had earlier been shoved aside by a bawling Kazutora, grumpily poked your side, and you jumped a little in response. “So what happens in the future?” The black-haired boy asked, as you beckoned him closer, patting an empty spot to your right where he could lean up against your shoulder.
Ah, you had hoped that their line of thought wouldn’t have gone there. Because how were you supposed to respond? You hesitated, the white-haired bony, tired figure of the future Mikey roaring straight back to the front of your mind with that question. Should you be telling them about the future? Sure that would be the easiest way to ensure that that particular timeline never happened, given you were sure this would be the first time your boys will have ever heard of this predicament you found yourself in, but what if you accidentally changed the future for the worse? What if you did something irreversible that only made a bigger mess?
Maybe it would be better if you kept things to yourself first - you could always tell them the full truth later on if you needed to. Keeping that in mind, you were quick to school your face back to a neutral expression, though the brief flash of internal panic across your face at that question was enough to raise suspicion. Kazutora instantly leapt to his feet, tears that had already been dried starting to well once more at the corner of reddened eyes, lips starting to quaver once more as he jabbed a finger in your direction. “Y-you left us,” his word ladened with accusation, those sandy brown eyes clouding over as the waterworks flowed. “You did, didn’t you? You m-married someone else in the future.”
And he sounded so convinced by his own words too, you amusedly noted, as if it had already happened because he said so. “I did not,” you stated simply, reaching over to affectionately pat his knee. “I told you, you boys will always be my priority.” You weren’t sure how the delinquent with the duo-colored hair came to that particular conclusion, though you supposed it was simply just jealous. 
Draken raised an imposing eyebrow. “And you don’t want to tell us what happens because?”
“Because I’m afraid it changes the future for the worse.”
“What can you tell us?”
You hummed, your eyes glancing momentarily towards the ceiling as you thought before returning to meet Draken’s gaze. “My room was still exactly the same in the future.”
“Really?” Pah looked intrigued at the idea.
“Yup! Whoever did it did a good job too, my blankets were even folded back neatly.”
Outside, your neighbor was quiet as it always was right at noon, with students yet to be released from their classes and workers still congregated under the big city lights. It was strange, looking over roads and houses that you knew would stand the test of time, leaving you to wonder if the neighbors you were well-acquainted with still occupied their homes in the future you came from. Letting out a sigh as you leaned back onto your bedroom wall, you stretched out lazily as best as you could. “Say,” you ventured. “Did you happen to meet future me?”
Kazutora sniffled, just as Mikey lifted his head to stare blankly at you, as if your question had been asked in Martian. “W-what?” “What?”
”Nothing,” you hastily concluded. Seems like the ‘future you’ was somehow missing, and you noted that down mentally in case you needed that.
Thankfully the subject of your apparently strange question was dropped before you had to elaborate any further on your awkward question, with dirty looks immediately being exchanged between the two still clung to you, though the black-and-yellow haired boy’s ire was quickly stolen 
You hadn’t missed Mitsuya’s unwillingness to mingle with the rest for the entire length of the time the six boys had been gathered, the lilac-haired boy keeping a careful distance from Kazutora in particular, nor did you miss Kazutora’s and Mikey’s seeming aversion to each other’s presence as well, the ugly stink eyes they shot at each other over your shoulders while attempting to jab at each other when they thought you weren’t looking hard to pass over. It was clear that your disappearance had sparked a fight between the Toman founders, and though the exact details were still lost on you, it wouldn’t do to leave this crack to split any further as far as you could help it. Huffing at Kazutora’s more insistent grip around your waist, an indulgent smile pulled at the corner of your lips as you beckoned at Mitsuya to join the huddle, before your hand moved to gently stroke a pouting Mikey’s back. “Have you boys been fighting again?”
“No.” “No.” The immediate denials, combined with their gazes instantly dropping from yours, were suspicious to say the least. You imagined that they had, in fact, been fighting while you were lost to the flow of time. You wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest.
Tutting, you dished out forehead kisses to the beefing delinquents, feeling them melt away against you. “If I cook some tempura for everyone for lunch, would you be willing to make up?”
You didn’t need to wait long to get your answer.
Days started to pass, the hours slipping through your fingers like water. Every minute brought you further and further from your little trip to the future, your disappearance from this present. Your boys had yet to let up with their obsessive observations of you as you expected. It had, after all, just been four days since your return. You simply took it in stride, having no qualms about them wanting to tail you anywhere and everywhere, clinging to a limb or to your back as you went about your day; it definitely beat being confined to just your bedroom and cuffed to your bedpost. With enough reassurances about how you really wouldn’t leave them, and that no, you couldn’t control your time traveling, you even managed to convince your delinquents to let you back out into the wider world for accompanied trips to the supermarket and snack shops. School, however, was still out of the question for the foreseeable future (you tried).
The afternoon sky overhead was unusually overcast, the threat of rain only growing more convincing with every passing minute. Strong gusts of wind rattled windows and doors, ferrying the heavy gray clouds straight in your direction as the humidity only seemed to climb higher and higher, and you were very certain that a thunderstorm was brewing despite the continued absence of thunder. Yet here you were, you mused, as you sat on a curb with a drink in hand, alone outside for the first time in a week while you waited for Baji to settle some differences with the other delinquents inside the store. Come to think of it, you couldn’t remember the last time you had been left truly alone ever since your disappearance, though clearly, Baji not wanting you to watch him fight sat higher on the priority list. It probably wasn’t going to take long anyway.
A pause as you scratched mindlessly at your skin under the cuff. Did Baji from the future also like to fight as much as your current Baji?
Despite the possibility of you returning to that particular future being close to zero in your opinion, given that the boys had a good handle on that purple-gold charm, but you couldn’t help but think back on the white-haired Mikey from the future that had melted in your arms, that you had left behind. Ah no, not left behind, you corrected yourself, as you tried to wave away the instant guilt that settled in your heart. Technically - technically it was just one of many possible futures, and that particular future where your friend had suffered so much could have already been changed.
But something deep in your gut told you that you were wrong. Pushing that line of thinking to the back of your head, you instead opted to amuse yourself with the shenanigans of the past few days as you waited.
You had, for one, been cooking almost non-stop for your boys ever since your return: breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snacks. Unusual, certainly, and you didn’t have to of course: no one was forcing you to, even if your clingy trio had the strongest pouty faces and watery eyes you knew, but you did feel like you had to make it up to them for all the worry. You did however get a lot of amusement attempting to send them to the supermarket with a grocery list. 
And then there was the matter of Sanzu and the residue guilt that you couldn’t shake off. Sure, this Sanzu was not the same as the pink-haired man from the future with the crazy eyes, but you still wanted to put things right. Consoling yourself that even if it did change the future, a Sanzu that you were on amicable terms on was much better than dealing with someone that absolutely hated your guts for reasons beyond you, and apologizing in advance never caused any harm. It did take a lot of pleading, cajoling and outright bribery, but you finally manage to get Mikey and Draken to reluctantly agree to allow you to meet with the Fifth Division Vice Captain, though the two did remain very suspicious of how you knew the other.
Your lips were sealed from any further details, and you said your apologies and your thanks without giving out much information to the confusion of the boy with the mask, though thankfully for everyone involved, the meeting went rather uneventfully. Much to your dismay, the other was most likely forbidden from speaking to you, simply opting to listen quietly and then nodding at the end of your rambling, but you didn’t want to give him any more trouble - you didn’t trust your boys’ usual excuse that Sanzu was just quiet by nature and didn’t like to talk; they have been using that excuse for years by now. At least, you comforted yourself, you did manage to slip him another bag of karaage while a pouting Mikey was distracted.
You breathed out, watching another car whizz by as you took a sip from the bottle of iced tea. Beaded sweat that clung to your hair was dabbed off with a handkerchief, the humidity of the already hot afternoon only rising as the rain-laden clouds, gray from their load, rolled threateningly closer.
Glancing at your watch, you decided that it had been a long enough period of time for you to venture back into the small shop, the plastic bag hanging from your wrist rustling as you stood - your delinquent friend should be about done by now. But all you managed to take was a single step before you were quickly stopped once more. “Oh-” You blinked, shaking off the surprise, the black of the other’s shirt that you ran into momentarily blocking your entire field of vision. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
An annoyed tsk was all you earned it seemed as you quickly moved aside, and as your gaze was raised from the ground to meet the other, your obstacle was quickly revealed to be a boy with streaked yellow and blue hair, pierced violet eyes staring down at you through the circle lens of gold-rimmed glasses. A face you didn’t recognize from anywhere, not even the future. One that you would usually apologize again, write to the back of your mind, and then quickly move on to avoid any trouble, though the trailing blood leaking from the other’s nose and the bruises that decorated his face made you pause. “You’re hurt! Are you okay?”
”Fuck off.”
You didn’t let that bother you. “Don’t worry,” you assured, showing the other the scar left on your palm back from when you tried to save Ken-chin from that knife attack. “I’m a professional.” 
That seemed to confuse the boy enough for you to leap into action as his violet eyes looked bewilderedly between the small mark and your confident gaze. Whipping open your bag, you produced a small bottle of ointment and a few bandages, basic supplies that you always kept on hand for your own delinquent boys. “What’s your name?” You asked cheerfully as you ever so gently dabbed the dark spots before sticking a bandage over. 
“Rindo,” the boy answered. You replied with your own name, and that was that.
Carefully rinsing and repeating your procedure with each bruise till you were done (you were rather surprise he let you, if you were being honest), you passed him a tissue for his nose after with strict instructions to blow out the blood and not swallow it.
The other obediently held the tissue to his nose without complaints, as if silently asking if you were done now and to leave him alone. Not that you noticed, too busy rummaging through the convenience store plastic bag and retrieving a wrapped piece of taiyaki, to which you pressed it into his hand. “Here! For you,” you lifted your own open drink. “Sorry, I only bought one drink.” 
The ring of the convenience store door opening again was a bell that cut off any further conversations, and you waved a short bye to your newfound friend before rushing over to meet an exiting and very grumpy Baji.
Once more separated from you by simple time, the gunshot shattered the tension weighing down the freezing air of the refrigerated warehouse, finally silencing the annoying muffled begging as the bullet cleaved through flesh as effortlessly as a butcher’s knife through tuna. A click as the used shell was expelled, yet hushness was quick to fall once more over the warehouse despite the area being far from empty. Mikey exhaled, his warm breath leaving a trail of fog behind in the cold air even as the man simply continued to stare blankly ahead, abyss eyes fixed on some unknown spot off from where the traitor’s head had been just a minute earlier, gun lowered to hang limply by his side. 
A stone’s throw away, unusually alert green eyes framed by long pink lashes remained trained on the unmoving Mikey, the corners of Sanzu’s scarred mouth remained downturned as he contemplated what he had just witnessed. Far from the blood and death that bothered the made man, it was rather the sight of Mikey being there amidst the pooling blood instead of him, Bonten’s Hammer. After all, it was rare - unheard of - for the boss to personally bloody his hands with the dirty work, yet this was far from being the first instance of such an exception happening this week alone, be it to rivals, traitors or Bonten members alike. There had been several close calls for even the executives where the various members had found themselves at the business end of Mikey’s gun, Sanzu included, though fortunately there hadn’t been any accidental deaths yet. 
And it was clear they remembered the past week’s incidents, Bonten’s Number Two breaking from his thoughts to throw an accusatory glance Kakucho’s way, given how everyone else was happy to let the boss stew, content with their quiet observation from a safe distance. Said black-haired man returned Sanzu’s icy look with a shrug that said everything: no one was too sure what was going to accidentally set Mikey off next, and with how trigger happy the man has been in the past few days, no one was quite keen to find out either. 
Which left only Sanzu to do the job - the same man who had just been discharged from hospital after committing the ultimate sin and still very much neck deep in Mikey’s shit list - but still the only person left willing to risk his life. And he didn’t even have any drugs left - that shithead of a doctor in Bonten’s infirmary ward had confiscated his own stash on top of denying him any painkillers. Traitors, the whole lot of them. 
The soles of Sanzu’s handcrafted shoes crunched atop the icy floor as he hesitantly took a few steps in the direction of his king.“Mikey?” 
No response. Not a twitch. 
The white-haired man seemed to barely even be breathing, lost to the breaking world in his mind. And there was no doubt about what caused this spiral. After all, it had been a mere three nights since you disappeared from his arms. Four days since Mikey had completely stopped eating or sleeping; and the few times Sanzu had caught the other nodding off for a few minutes before something wretched him back awake once more didn’t count. Short stubble dotting his chin, his mob of white, uncombed hair unkept atop his head, and still dressed in the same days-old clothes, it was as if he had ceased to function completely, and it was because of you that Sanzu’s king was rotting away, perishing before his eyes. A ruthless, cold man Mikey was as the head of the largest criminal syndicate in Japan, but twelve long years apart and for him to have only a taste of his darling you before some unknown force wretched you away from him again; it was as if the spark to keep slugging onwards had finally been extinguished from the broken man, and the strongman facade was starting to crack. 
Despite the pink-haired man’s continued disdain for you, he understood, but there was nothing more he could do. Every available resource at Bonten’s disposal had already been committed to combing every inch of Tokyo, and all they could do now was wait. Letting out a sigh, Sanzu closed the distance, taking the few steps that brought him elbow to elbow with the boss, with just a couple of inches between the two. “Mikey? You alright?” He tried again.
Silence once more blanketed the area as his words drifted off and died, the freezing air in the refrigerated warehouse thick and heavy and hard to breathe. Off in the distance, Rindo shivered from behind the seat of a forklift, the chill finally getting to the younger of the Haitani brothers, but the world still fell silent. 
At least this time Mikey did react, though not to Sanzu, the Bonten boss simply turning away from his right hand man, slippers making nay a sound as he padded away towards the exit, body listing from side to side with every step. “Ah, is it?” The ragged whisper that fell from Mikey’s lips seemed to echo louder than the earlier gunshot, unsteady steps threatening to give way under the man’s frail frame as he muttered to himself. “It was me? I see.”
All Sanzu could do was watch and grimace, hand moving to grip the bottom of his striped vest, knuckles turning white from his tight, frustrated clench. Mikey wasn’t speaking to any of the executives present, no, but to you: the whispering, taunting version of you that lived rent-free in Mikey’s hallucinations and delusions. Like a ghost that refused to depart, your shade haunting the white-haired man’s every move despite your absence, staying just beyond his grasp yet so mockingly close - who knew what kind of vicious words you were tormenting him with?
Even as he still questioned what had led to his intense dislike of you in the first place, he knew that the real you would never do such a thing, especially considering the tenderness with which he had previously witnessed you holding Mikey’s bony hand with. Definitely not to Mikey, but that was a matter for a different time. Shaking his head to clear his mind, the second-in-command tuned out those nagging voices, letting out a sigh that instantly fogged up into a cloud of white fog as he turned his attention back on the unstable man in front of him. Truly, having to live with this amount of clarity at all times was painful.
One step wrongly placed, and time felt as if it came to a crawl as Mikey’s slipper failed to get a grasp on the thin layer of ice that coated the cement tiles, the already lethargic man looked as if he would be meeting the ground under his own weakened legs, white hair streaming out behind the Bonten boss as he descended. 
Sanzu moved. “Wait Mikey, you’re-” Calloused hands shot out in an attempt to catch his falling king, though it seemed too little too late, that signature black shirt brushing past the tips of his fingers.
But in that instant, the former up-and-coming delinquent was quicker, a speed reminiscent of his glory days as Toman’s President as he caught himself with little difficulty. “Don’t you fucking touch her,” the guttural growl reverberated across the tin-roofed building, and in one smooth move, the black pistol whipped around to lined straight up with the centre of Sanzu’s forehead, the black, heavy eyebags that clung to the bottom of Mikey’s eyes scrunching up as his gaze narrowed dangerously.
The world held its breath as green eyes met abyss ones. 
A second ticked by. 
A bead of sweat gathered along Sanzu’s pink hairline despite the freezing temperature, trickling down the side of his face. Was this it?
Another second.
Perhaps it was a mere moment of recognition that glimmered behind those exhausted eyes to which clung black, heavy eyebags, perhaps it was your specter taking pity on him, saving him from what was an unenviable fate. Whatever it had been, the heaved sigh of relief that slipped out from Sanzu’s scarred lips started his world spinning once more as the barrel of the gun was lowered, the other’s bony arm shaking from the effort of holding up the pistol. He hadn’t been sure if Mikey would squeeze the trigger, and even though he wouldn’t have been too angry to die by his liege’s hands, it was far from the right time to leave the other to those spiralling thoughts. He did, after all, swear an oath to keep the former Toman President safe; he had for all this time and he will continue to do so, even if it meant keeping Mikey safe from himself.
The palpable stillness persisted as seven pairs of various colored eyes watched Mikey turn once more to leave, soundless steps reverberating through the tense air as his abnormally delicate figure grew smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared behind the half-open warehouse door, long tendrils of cold fog lazily trailing out after him.
Running one hand through his mob of pink hair, Sanzu took a glance around at the rest of the executives present as a silent grumble slipped his lips; it was rare to see anything but amusement on the faces of these usually desensitized criminals, and even rarer for everyone present to be of the same thought. And if it had been anything but this conundrum, the pink-haired second in command wouldn’t have wasted any time in giving it to them for showing such useless emotions. But with the quickly deteriorating state of their boss as the hours and days go by and no sign of your return or your presence anywhere, there was little they could do but watch with concern as Mikey wasted away. 
Despite the already ongoing search looking non-stop for you, all day and all night, a tightening knot at the base of his gut combined with a nagging feeling told Sanzu that they were unlikely to find you anywhere, his mind instantly leaping back to the pounding headache and the change in his memory back when he awoke in the infirmary four days ago. Why did he stop hating you with every fiber of his being previously? How did you do that? No matter what the others said, there was definitely something off about his sudden change of heart with regards to you, Sanzu knew without doubt, and he would get to the bottom of this.
For now, what he needed to figure out was what combination of begging and groveling would be enough to get Mikey to at least accept some water.
Yet just three hours later, Mikey’s situation had already taken a turn for the worse. Four days without food, let alone sleep, would do anyone in, and even the once undefeated Toman President was no exception. Now standing alone, consumed by the darkness of the last untrodden area in Bonten headquarters, Sanzu knew he was breaking every rule worth remembering, doing something so explicitly forbidden by his king. But as he rummaged through mostly empty cupboards and amidst the little belongings owned by the infinitely wealthy yakuza boss in a bid to find something, anything that could help, the black hole of spiraling thoughts that encompassed the events of the past thirty minutes overriding any awareness he had the items passing through his hands. 
After all, it had been him who had come across Mikey, his near-skeletal figure sprawled unconscious across plush carpets halfway down Executive Row, just meters away from the worn white door of his bedroom. It had been him who had scooped the man into his arms and rushed him down to the infirmary, grimly noting how the man weighed barely anything. And it had also been him, on his knees and his forehead to the ground, pleading with a conscious Mikey to allow the doctor to administer a fluid IV, only for the other to reject his fervent imploring with a simple turn of his head, those exhausted abyss eyes breaking from his teary green ones wordlessly to stare blankly at the ceiling. Because no words needed to be said for Sanzu to know what the boss demanded: he would accept nothing less than your return and your cooking.
Despite the white-haired man not being present, allowing the light from the hallway outside to pour into the usually unilluminated room - the gloom and morbidness just as Mikey likes it - felt too much like the discretion of such a sacred space to the ever-loyal Sanzu, though this did leave him to conduct his hunt with just the sliver of light that sipped in from under the door. The cold sweat that gathered and pooled on his palms was hastily wiped away on striped pants as the usually high second-in-command attempted to focus back on his searching, green eyes scanning around in a desperate attempt to find something that could help, a clue that could point to where you were, anything. 
This was all your fault. Was there nothing he could do but let fate play out?
It was only as Sanzu threw up his arms in exasperation did a glimmer from the furthest end of the room catch the corner of his eye; the small amount of light that reflected back seemed to sparkle even in the dark. The faintest shimmer of gold. What was that? A cautious few steps revealed the source to be a school bag - your school bag, judging from the neatly written name on the tag - that you had failed to take with you for whatever reason. And more importantly, hanging from the front of the bag from a zipper was that notorious purple-and-gold onomori that had him recoil his hand as if burnt. 
No doubt it was the same one that still haunted his every step, one that marked you as off-limits all those years ago on the threat of torture and death. Yet -
The Bonten man reached out, gripping the onomori with one fist. He vaguely remembered something from many years ago, maybe twelve or more, when you first disappeared, when you first gave him that bag of karaage. He had been the one to find your charm, and if his scrambled memory hasn’t failed him, the simple of act of picking up this charm had summoned you out of thin air. Though after holding it for a rough five minutes, Sanzu sighed, undoing the simple note that kept the charm tied to your bag before standing. He probably just dreamt that particular one up during one of his highs.
Still, the man noted as he wrapped the small item ever so carefully in a clean handkerchief and tucked it into his breast pocket, it was probably precious to Mikey. Something to lift his spirits a bit maybe, if it did nothing else - anything that would keep his king going until you could be located. 
And pressing it into said man’s weak hand later, and watching the charm disappear under sterile white blankets as Mikey retracted his thin arm, it was all too clear to Sanzu that the other was running out of time. If they don't find you soon, Mikey dies. 
Turning to leave his boss to his thoughts, the right-hand man decided that he didn’t quite enjoy all the stress. He could use a smoke about now.
The sight of the empty lot where your school building formerly sat brought that familiar gut-sinking feeling back to your abdomen, one that you didn’t think you would be feeling again. Running one hand through your hair, you let a sigh escape your lips. You were back in the future again, it seems. Whether this was the same future or a different one, or even if you had skipped ahead the same number of years was something that was beyond you at the moment, and you had even less on you this time then the previous incident, having been caught in your literal pajamas right as you were about to head to bed. Which came with a secondary problem, one that you found by simply looking up - it was still the middle of night.
The neighborhood where your school once was was silent as it always was at this time of day, with most students and adults alike usually asleep by this time of day. Slipping your phone out from your pocket, you noted that the battery was dead once more: was it just a side effect of the time leaping?
Patting down the rest of your pajamas only confirmed that you had none of your house keys on you unlike your previous experience, which only meant that you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. Though heading back home wouldn’t be a bad idea if this was still the same timeline, and your feet started to carry you down familiar paths once more. Yes, you were sure at least someone would know you were back if you waited by the front door.
Takemichi let out an exasperated grunt, ruffling his hands through his hair. He had been back and forth from the future twice in the last four days alone, plus that disaster meeting with Draken, and nothing. No clues, no progress, nothing. You were still nowhere to be found. Kicking a stone down empty roads, the former Toman delinquent felt truly helpless for the first time. If his time leaping ability was being overridden by yours, then there was no point to what he was putting himself through - he couldn’t change the future until they could figure out how to stop yours.
And that meant…
The black-haired man shook his head vigorously in an attempt to stop his thoughts from going down that beckoning abyss. No, he couldn’t give up now. Taking a deep breath, Takemichi looked up, fists clenched determined by his side. 
It was the middle of the night now, and the streets were completely empty of souls, with the exception of him wandering down aimlessly. In the distant, an occasional rumble of the engine of a passing vehicle, though none passed his way. But Naoto had mentioned that this area was where your school once stood, plus you lived not too far away as well, and therefore if you were really a time leaper, then there was a high chance this was the place you would return to. It made sense, Takemichi agreed, but this was already the umpteeth time he had searched.
Pulling one hand down his face, a flash of hair in the distance caught the man’s eye before it quickly disappeared behind a wall, too fast for him to even register. That looked like…you? Was that a hallucination? 
A quick jog forward took Takemichi to the bend in the street, but when he looked round the corner, whatever trace of whoever it had been walking the roads was already gone.
Across the bustling city of Tokyo, Rindo froze mid-step. 
Yet the sudden lack of movement was lost on Ran. The evening traffic had yet to let up outside, the rumbling of cars and the occasional horn cutting through the unnatural silence that hung inside the tiny shop tucked just a street away from the main road, though it was precisely the quietness that had carried with it the promise of an earlier rest. Careful to avoid dirtying his shoes with blood, the older Haitani had already made his way to the exit, suit jacket casually swung over one shoulder, gun tucked away safely and out of his side under his vest. “Let’s head straight back to base, Rindo,” Ran groaned, running one hand through his short purple hair only to grimace upon realizing that said hand was caked with someone else’s blood. Today was really not going his way. “You can grab a drink at the rooftop bar or something, I don’t know.”
Yanking the front door open with a grunt, said Bonten executive didn’t stop to hear if there was a response from his younger brother, instead opting to step straight out and back onto the narrow side alley, the buzzing streetlight overhead as if a welcome back from the grim of that filthy store and its dead, traitorous owner. Taking a breath of the comparatively better smelling air outside, Ran stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants, pulling out a sole crumpled cigarette and a handful of change - but no lighter. Not even a match. Fuck this fucking disgusting job.
Ran turned, hand already outstretched. “Rindo, do you have a light -” And it was only then did it hit him that his brother had not followed him out. Rindo was still in the store for some goddamn reason, and he had to go back in there. The feared mafia officer sighed. This had better be important.
Alas, he spoke too soon.
“I think my memories just changed,” was seemingly all that Rindo could bring himself to mumble at the chime that came with the opening door, the man with the long purple hair still standing by the row of unpowered display refrigerators where Ran had last seen him, violet eyes staring down at the blood pooling around the cooling bodies sprawled on the floor. The stench of iron didn’t seem to bother the younger Haitani, too caught up in his jumbled mind as Rindo tried to make head or tail of what had just happened.
Ran, however, was far from impressed, simply propping both his hands on his hips and raising one eyebrow at that statement. “Did you get into Sanzu’s drug stash?”
The sheer vileness of that statement alone was enough to shake Rindo out from his own little world, with said man snapping straight back into reality ready for a fight. “How dare you-” the younger of the two let out a cough, the sudden thick smell of death and blood that made itself known to his previously oblivious nostrils choking up his airway momentarily. “How dare you say that.”
“Well, what else am I supposed to say when you talk dumb shit?”
“It’s not dumb shit, fuck you Ran! My memories changed!” Rindo insisted, carelessly stepping over the bodies at his feet, Ran wincing at the blood splattering up and all over his brother’s shoes. That would be a pain to clean later. 
But still, the older Haitani led the way back outside and into the fresher air of the alleyway, before turning around to better understand the situation his dear brother seemed to have found himself in. “Alright, if not pink pills, then what happened?”
Rindo himself still seemed to be struggling to make head or tail of what had just happened, letting out a groan as the man with the long purple hair rubbed his temple with one hand. “It was after we shot those two inside. All of a sudden, my head felt like it was about to explode for a second, and I suddenly knew…stuff. Things that I didn’t know before."
“Like what?”
“You know you were telling me about Mikey’s girl earlier?”
“Uh huh.”
“I’ve never met her, and before the job, I couldn’t tell you what color her hair was. I can pick her out from a line of schoolgirls now.”
Violet eyes met each other, and as if on instinct, both men thought back to the Bonten infirmary just days earlier, where an eerily similar sentence had been muttered. Sanzu. Ran sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “So it wasn’t the drugs.” This day was just getting worse and worse. “Let’s head back and sync up.”
“Sure,’ Rindo shrugged, scratching the back of his head as he nonchalantly followed his older brother, the purple-haired duo stepping out onto the busy main street and blending into the crowd, blood splattered shoes a distant thought. “I do remember her being pretty nice though.”
Ran raised an eyebrow, as he absentmindedly fiddled with his earring. “Pretty nice or pretty and nice?”
The younger Haitani audibly tsked, raising one leg to kick at the other’s. “You know what I said.”
The lighter, joky mood that the brothers shared didn’t last past their return to Bonten HQ, much to Ran’s disappointment, the usually silent place abuzz with a rare, panic atmosphere. Men and women alike dressed in neatly pressed suits rushing every which way, the small bulge under their suit jacket where their guns were strapped to an unspoken reminder of where they were - no doubt the communicators fixed to their ears were all but alight with barked orders and updates. Casually grabbing a passing grunt, it took a mere moment and single shouted objection for the poor soul to realize who exactly had grabbed him by the back of his shirt, the purple and green striped suits too iconic to be mistaken. “Ah- oh, Haitani-sama.”
“What’s going on?” Ran didn’t need to see through those dark sunglasses to see the other’s shifty look: the nameless Bonten grunt was definitely contemplating the chance of him being dead within the next five minutes as opposed to the next hour.
Rindo reached threateningly into the depths of his suit, and sweat began to pour off the other’s forehead. “You know,” the younger of the two Haitanis started. “I’ve had a really bad day.”
”No, please, Haitani-sama, I’m not sure-“
Fortunately for all three men involved, the interrogation was brought to quick and uneventful close with the appearance of an all-too familiar mob of pink hair just as Rindo pulled a lollipop out to pop into his mouth. The grunt was let go to scramble off as both sets of violet eyes snapped to the unusual sight of Sanzu impatiently tapping his foot soundlessly against the plush carpet of the foyer, smoking cigarette held between scarred lips as the man looked around before glancing once more at his watch. 
A smirk instantly began to pull at Ran’s lips as he stuffed both hands into the pockets of his pants, strolling over. “Oh Sanzu~”
“I’m busy,” came the other’s curt reply, green eyes looking Ran up and down a mere moment before turning away.
”We know, we know,” the man with the short purple hair pacified. “It’s just that-“
Rindo quickly butted in, having closely followed his older brother over. It was clear that Sanzu, far from his usual drugged up and easily bullied state, actually had things to do and places to be. “My memories changed.”
Sanzu’s unusually alert gaze slid over once more to meet Rindo’s, and it seemed the severity of what the younger Haitani said set in quickly as his eyes steeled. “Mine did too. Again,” the Bonten second-in-command disclosed, though he said no more as the glass doors of the foyer slid open and Kakucho stepped out, gloved hand lightly touching where his gun was strapped to his chest under his jacket. “We’ll talk about this later. House alarm tripped again.”
Ah, your little pick-up party, Ran noted from the side, watching the two top Bonten executives slip effortlessly into a black, featureless car that quickly pulled away from the compound. So you were back - and your arrival must have something to do with the changing memories.
How interesting.
Across town, Draken cursed out loud as his feet flew over concrete paths down empty streets. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
You were a fucking time leaper.
He had been working late on a client’s bike as he always did, the closed garage a quiet refuge after the hustle of the normal work day. The headache had hit him like a clap of thunder, with his brain feeling it was pressing up against his skull; and memories of twelve years past suddenly started to flood back, a recollection he couldn’t control. But they were all memories that he didn’t previously have, freshly added memories: some of your reappearance in his past, some of a fight he never recalled having with the other Toman founders, and most importantly, memories of you telling them what had happened.
It changed him, Draken admitted. It gave him a renewed hope that he didn’t remember possessing, that they might be able to fix this entire mess, that you were somewhere out there. All this time you were missing - it was true. You couldn’t control it like you had admitted. But if the past him still had that onomori, then why were you back in the future? 
Turning a corner, a quick step aside was the only thing that kept him from running straight into someone else, though those fast, honed reflexes also almost had Draken swinging his fist into an all-too familiar face. 
Baji was panting as if he had ran a full marathon, his apron half undone and left swinging from his neck, his hand clutching his open phone. It seemed like the other Toman founder had been struck with the same revelations, Draken determined, judging from the half-dressed state he was in. 
And then those two fateful words tumbled from Baji’s lips. “Time leaper.”
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Eternal garden
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TW: Reader’s call sign is Nova, mentions of death, gun violence, and really sad shit 😟 (ooc ghost, maybe?)
For all my broken heart girlies, ilysm.
(also this my first time writing something related to cod, pls lmk what you think if u can! Enjoy! <3)
It happened in a split second, right before his frightened eyes.
the piercing sound of a single bullet flying right by him missing him, but it was all too late as he aimed his own gun at the sniper on the roof, as it has already penetrated her delicate skin.
Nova was his reason to keep going, he adored her more than anyone, vowed to protect her life for eternity even if that meant he could lose his.
He rushed to hold her fragile frame in his arms as a single tear fell from her eye down to the mask covering her soft features. Her eyes, in Simon’s world at least, were clouds for even when they fill with sorrow and drown the land, they paint the sky with unimaginable beauty.
Nova always feared this day would come, he’d always hold her so tight as she cried and burrowed her face so deep into his chest she could smell his scent for hours after. She’d sob for so long and he’d never get annoyed or bored with her, he was simply satisfied with the fact he was there for her, sometimes they’d fuck it out, and sometimes they wouldn’t, it all depended on his ‘beauty’, as he called her.
“I would rather have my bones crushed one by one, than see a single tear drop from your beautiful eyes, for your body is repairable, but your heart isn’t, my life.” He would say.
He was frightened to hold her that she’s pure, heavenly and unreachable for his sinned hands.  “It hurts, Simon.” She cooed out softly, barely being able to speak.
And at that very moment, he felt his heart break into a million pieces as he could not take her pain away all to himself, he’d never be able to forgive himself for being so late and far enough form the bullet to not pierce his chest instead of hers.
“Johnny! Call for evac! Nova has been shot!”
Simon was a brave, strong man. He never cried for animals that died in movies or for children that passed from cancer. Hell, not even for his soldiers that fought beside him in war. But he felt his eyes water as blood started draining from her beautiful face.
 “Don’t you dare close your eyes now, love. That’s an order!”
She smiled weakly as she held her cold hand against his cheek.
“Still bossy even in death, I see.”
“Don’t. Don’t let that word out of your mouth again, you hear me? You are not dying.”
Johnny rushed to his side taking in the sight before him; Simon crouched down on his knees holding what once was so cheerful and full of life, become tainted with blood and face painted of yellow.
“I called for evac but we are far from reach, Ghost, said they’ll be here in an hour.”
Simon Riley then prayed. He closed his teary eyes and prayed so hard to a god he didn’t know if he believed in, to save his beloved.
“You can do it, darling, I know you can. You have been through worse, I believe in you strong girl.” He babbled on and on about how you were stronger than a bullet, but he didn’t know if he was comforting you or himself. “My sweet girl.”
Johnny always suspected there was something between the lieutenant and his sergeant, but he was still a bit surprised at Simon’s affection and emotions.
They were inseparable back at base, even in missions, Simon always made sure Nova was right by him. Sometimes Soap and Gaz would make fun of their lieutenant as he always was looked out for her, made sure there was enough food left for her, pulled back her chair when she went to sit and scared off soldiers that bothered her, but he’d always deny their allegations and tell them to “shut it”, but they all knew he was just frightened and believed he was undeserving of any form of love, let alone yours.
He was smitten ever since the day you arrived, and if he was blinded by the moment he laid his eyes on you, his soul would not grieve, for in that very instance, it truly gazed upon perfection.
To say that he was scared was an understatement. He couldn’t bring himself to let go of her hand or even dare to look away from her face, feeling as if she’d slip away if he did.
“Do you remember what we talked about before this mission? How we’d retire, get a cabin somewhere far in the woods, with a big dog? Hm?”
she stayed still for a minute before chuckling faintly. “And two cats.”
He laughed, genuinely laughed at her response, she was always cheerful and full of hope even in the worse of situations. “And two cats.” He repeated.
“You promised we’d name the dog Fluffy, and that he’d be a golden retriever. You never liked cats much though.”
“We can get as many cats and dogs as you want my love, just keep those pretty eyes open for me, yeah? Johnny is here for you too.”
Ghost reached for her other hand and put in on top of Soap’s.
Johnny tried his best to not break down in front of his dying friend. They were always the trouble makers back at the base. Clowns, as Captain Price labeled the pair. They would always pull the silliest pranks on their teammates, they once poured a whole tub of salt into Gaz’s coffee, and cut holes in a few shirts of ghost’s after they both finished watching Mean Girls together, but Johnny got a taste of his own medicine once when his partner in crime turned against him and put neon green hair dye in his conditioner, and let’s just say that that did not end well as he gained a new look and an eye infection.
“They’re almost here, Nova, you’re gonna be back on your feet in no time, and we’ll pull even more pranks back in base, we can even get captain Price this time! We can sew a unicorn horn in the middle of his hat, like we said we would. How does that sound?” He frantically said.
Dreaded silence was all that was heard before both her hands dropped to the ground beside her limp body. She was unresponsive.
Johnny couldn’t hold his tears back anymore and let them fall freely on her stomach as he clung so tightly to the corpse of his best friend.
Simon was crushed, to say the very least. He kept his warm hands on her beautiful face, and even in death’s grip she looked stunning, her face beamed underneath the setting sun, and her chapped lips curled up into a soft smile, and if it wasn’t for the blood on her clothes, you’d think she was in deep sleep.
He couldn’t bring himself to let go of her, even after evacuation arrived at scene, including captain price, Gaz and König. They all had to pry him off of her so that they could put her body on the carrier, and to the helicopter. That was the first and last time they had ever seen Ghost break down, so miserable and helpless.
Simon never once forgot about Nova, or her cheerful smile that lit up every room brighter than the early rays of the morning sun, nor her ridiculous jokes she’d crack at the wrong times. She was his light, his dream, and if he had a flower for every thought he had of her after her death, he’d walk through a beautiful garden for eternity.
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diefxrguns · 2 years
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✯pairings- jean kirstein x afab!reader
✯ a/n- do not share my work on other platforms, if you're not comfortable then don't read.
✯synopsis- jean kirstein has had a crush on his best friend's younger sister for a while now, but it's not exactly a crush per se.
✯c/w- smut
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" move baby, move baby I'm in love"
He was honestly afraid, he was afraid of loosing the friendship he had with Connie Springer, your older brother. You weren't particularly "close" with the older boy- named Jean Kirstein. But you were safe around him, ya know .
You felt a sense of comfort around the man, he was a few years older then you. You being 18 and Jean being 22.
Jean always escorted you to your small car after a party, just to make sure you're safe and sound.
His hands on your shoulder when the two of you went into a convenience store, late at night to get Connie some things. He did this to show the people there, that he was there.
Your body sprawled out underneath Jean, as his hand was on your mouth. Helping you conceal the lewd sounds that were escaping your mouth- with every thrust.
This was so fucking wrong, in so many ways. It was immoral almost.
Fucking his best friend's little sis, his longer hair falling his sweaty face. And one of his hands gripping your boob.
If Springer found out, you'd be dead. No Jean would be dead actually.
" Mhmmm" was all you could manage to say even though your mouth was covered by his hand.
Truthfully you wanted to scream, you wanted to scream so loud. It was all to overwhelming for you. You always had feelings for Jean. Just the way his eyes pierced through your soul. His hair, his tattoos, his muscles...
When you two were left alone, he took the opportunity. And he liked you too, he was overly protective, so that's an obvious sign of attraction.
" Yeah, you taking me so well hon, keep silent for me yeah" he said through heavy breaths
You did nothing but nod under him, with tear filled eyes and your hand gripping his wrist. Your legs over his shoulders, as he thrusted into you slowly.
" Oh, Oh fuck I'm gonna cum in this pussy yeah. Hmmm you'd like that hey- you'd like if I cum and make your pussy all creamy with my spunk" he said, his orgasm on route.
As he continued to thrust into your tight cunt, making wet noises that were getting louder by the second... Your orgasm hit you like a buss going full speed on a highway.
" Oh, mmmhmm" the sounds escaping your lips but were muffled due to his hand still on your mouth.
" Yeah, fuck- oh, you like that hmmm. I bet you love that don't ya" he said as he came but pulled out, his semen falling onto your pink sheets below
He let go of your mouth, making you gasp for some fresh air.
Your hair all messy and your body sweaty, your breathing heavy as he plopped on your bed next to you.
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He hugged your small body as you fell asleep in his muscular arms- covered with tattoos.
His head resting on your shoulder, as you both dozed off.
From then on, you and Jean kept fucking. Everytime Connie left you were banging the shit out of each other. Even in his car when he dropped you off. After all that time, things still never got official between you two.
Maybe Jean just wasn't ready for a relationship, but apart of you always thought it was because he was using you for easy sex.
Gradually as time passed, the sexual energy between you and Jean could be seen by your other friends, including Connie.
"So Y/N why is Jean looking at you so much?" Asked Historia as she whispered in your ear.
Across the room, sat Jean with Eren, Connie, Armin, Reiner and Berthold.
It was game night, something your friend group did, every Friday night. It was kind of like a "tradition"
" Um I don't know Krista, He's probably just staring into space" you said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear akwardly
" Don't fucking lie, we see the way he's staring. Maybe it's the dress?" Said Sasha loudly, making the boys look at you all at once
" What about a dress? " Asked Armin looking at the group of girls
" She looks fucking hot, that's what this dress things about, Hey Y/N" said Annie in a somewhat sarcastic yet complementing manner
" Well Y/ N is fucking hot though" said Reiner munching on some chips
" That's enough boys, let's start the game shall we" said Connie, obviously and visibly uncomfortable by the remarks about his baby sister.
The game was a game of truth or dare, but not the regular truth or dare games that ask boring questions. This game was extremely provocative asking the most sexual questions.
" Alright, it landed on Armin... Truth or dare" asked Connie as he looked at Armin
" Hmm... Well.. I'll say truth- yeah truth" said Armin
" Who's your crush, you have to tell us" asked Connie holding back his laugh
Armin's face was bright red, as he froze. The boys knew who he liked but Armin never dared to tell anyone his secret. It was now or never I guess ...
" A-A.. I like Annie" Armin said as he looked away quickly
Annie's eyes widened as she blushed slightly, she found Armin so adorable and smart. In all honesty Annie could see herself with the younger boy.
" Ok next, it's Reiner" said Connie
" Truth or dare Ox" said Connie in a sarcastic manner, obviously joking with the bigger male
" It's truth for me" said Reiner clearly unfazed
" Ok who do you like? " Asked Connie with a big fat smirk on his face
" Well, that's interesting... She's sitting here right now. I mean, I've had my eyes on her forra while now- but she's playing hard to get. " Said Reiner with a smirk
" C'mon bro, who is she?" Asked Jean punching Reiners shoulder
" Y/N of course, I mean just look at her. Sorry Connie but your sister is 11/10, 100/10 in a bikini" said Reiner
And the room suddenly went quite, Connie held his arm awkwardly but never said a word, he wasn't to pleased. But Jean on the other hand was pissed. He wanted you all to himself, and in all honesty Jean disliked Reiner just because of how unnecessary Reiner could be.
" Well... Um, let's move on. Truth or dare Jean" asked Armin
" Dare" Jean said with his jaw clenched and his eyes darting at you
" I dare you to kiss anybody, anyone in the room"
That's when Jean got up and gave you the best kiss of a lifetime. His tongue entering your mouth and his hands found their way to your waist, grabbing you tight.
Reiner and Connie did nothing but gawk as gasps could be heard.
He was tired of waiting, he was tired of competing... You were his and his only.
" Fuck this shit, let's go Y/N. And to set this fucking thing straight, Connie- I've been fucking your sister. And I love it, I love her" said Jean as he grabbed your hand and walked out the house.
" I love you" he said as he drove away
(⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠)⁠ノa/n- this was so rushed ughh, kind of mid too. But anyways hope you enjoyed it
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jarofstyles · 2 years
Can we have wolfrry being protective and jealous over her or her over him pleaseeee 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🤌🏻
Hm. The please really sold it 😇
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“I just… I really don’t like the way he looks at you, petal.” He grumbled, watching from their seats. Y/N was settled in his lap, arm curled around his shoulder as she laughed softly at his tone. Harry really didn’t like it. He was as possessive as it got, mixing the human emotion with the wolf ish possessive nature? It was a recipe for a man that would be toxic in any human scenario.
“You’re grumbling like a pup.” She cooed, stroking a bit of his hair behind his ear. It was tied into a bun behind his head but some tendrils always managed to break through. “You’re the alpha. He’s simply visiting and observing. You said you’d try to give this treaty a shot. It’s too exhausting being at odds with everyone, my love.” His soothing croon called to the beast inside of him, though it did little to unbristle the hair standing at his neck.
The bonfire was to celebrate a signed treaty with a nearby pack. Harry knew it was the right decision. Their pack was fine on their own but it would give him more peace of mind to have more people on their side. He hadn’t signed a new treaty in years, but Y/N had convinced him with the promise of a bit more time to relax with her and spend less time stressing over the borders- and he had a very, very difficult time telling his mate no.
He had swallowed his pride and signed it with his blood, bonding them to it. The terms were clear and he knew that this higher guard of the opposite pack knew that making a move or leering at his mate could mean voiding it. It pissed him off. Of course he was well aware that Y/N was a ethereal beauty. It wasn’t of this world. It extended far pass it. But that didn’t mean he enjoyed people looking at her like they wanted to devour her.
“I know. I will stick to my word… so long as they adhere to the agreement and show me respect.” His nose nudged her cheek, urging her to turn so he could rub against her. The affection he showed her was still a bit shocking to people who knew him pre-Y/N. He wouldn’t be caught dead being this gentle with a woman. Or- with a woman out like this in general: the man was completely and utterly soul bonded to the deepest ties.
“Good.” The woman purred, cupping his large cheek in her smaller palm, keeping him still as she pressed a kiss to his lips. The stubble tickled her soft skin, making her smile against his mouth. “You’re such a jealous creature. They all know that I’m yours, Alpha.” She whispered. “You take me on the balcony often enough. They hear my cries of pleasure just for you. Calls for you. My orgasms for you. It’s beyond clear that I belong solely to you. Only a fool would challenge that.” Let alone him. Harry was incredibly powerful. It was a death wish to go against him if they were being honest.
Harry let out a pleased noise from his chest at her reassurance. Had he purposely taken her on the balcony when the other pack had been given a simple tour? Yes. He likes to make sure people had no second guesses. With his mark proudly displayed on her neck, there was little mistake to know that they were very smitten and Harry was incredibly possessive. His hands haven’t left her body all day, she’s been in his arms and on his lap. Y/N wouldn’t dare complain.
“Good. I will do it again tonight.” His hands tightened around her thighs, pulling her closer to him. “Your pleasure is mine alone. They can hear it, even see it if I’m inside of you, but they can’t provide it.” He brushed his teeth against the side of her neck to make her shiver, a possessive grunt rumbling through his throat.
“Yes alpha.” Y/N sighed, melting into his strong form. How could she complain? Selfishly, she loved when he got like this. Possessive and a little mean. He took her harder that way, stroked her a bit more intensely. He was ruthless in giving her pleasure and he went for a long while. The sore limbs only lasted for a bit and he always licked her sore and puffy cunt better, cleaning her up enough. Some of his last release trickled into her panties, the scent of him saturating her fully. Perhaps it was the primal part of their being, but she felt better this way. “I love when you do. They all know I belong to you.”
“They do, and if they aren’t sure? They’ll be reminded.”
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
I Walked with You Once Upon a Dream
Summary: Two souls find themselves in Dream World, a place with an endless sea and sky.
Note: royal au, fluff, cameos, and set after Lilia's fic. Dream World is based on Final World from KH3
Warning: not beta read, fem Yuu/reader, mini Book 7 spoiler, and possible ooc characters
Word Count: 2.2k
Masterlist: here, Series Masterlist: here
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Yuu opened her eyes to find herself looking at a bright blue sky. 
"This is not my room," Yuu said as she tried to cover her eyes from the light. "What?!" She exclaimed as her fingers ran through the shallow water around her. It looked like she was not in a body of water as the water kept going as far as the eye could see. Despite being in the water, Yuu's clothes were not wet at all. 
Yuu turned to find a silver star nearby. When did they get there? That star was not there earlier. 
"Who are you?" She asked, inspecting the star.  
"My name is Silver Vanrouge."
"I'm sorry I didn't catch that."
"I said my name is Silver."
Yuu shook her head, and her face turned grim. "I'm sorry I didn't get that. Your voice cut off at your name."" 
"What is your name then?"
The star(?) shook side to side as if it were saying no. "I didn't get that either. I wonder why…"
The star stayed quiet while Yuu examined the bright floating star again. "You can talk?"
"Of course, I can talk. I'm a human, unlike you."
"What do you mean? You're literally a star." Yuu eyed the star suspiciously. How could something like this be a human? 
"Oh, that's what you look like to me…strange. It must be like that for everyone, then."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that other people, in people's perspectives, will look like stars. It must explain why we can't hear our names. But it seems like we are the only two people here."
Yuu looked left and right only to realize nothing living was around them. They were surrounded by the endless sea and sky. 
"Wait, does this mean we are stuck here?"
"I don't think so. It could only be a temporary thing. What were you doing before you woke up here?"
"I was sleeping."
"So was I. Maybe Father might know something about this place…" The star trailed off. Yuu stared at the star with interest. It had a crystal-like structure, and it reflected the sunlight. Yuu hesitantly reached her hand out to touch it. "Hey, what are you-" 
The moment her hand made contact with it, a bright light came out and blinded her. Yuu shielded her eyes with her arms until it was gone. 
When she opened her eyes, she was on her bed, and the sun was up. 
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"Hey, you're back." the star greeted. A few days had passed since the first night, and everything looked the same as when she left. 
"It is nice to see you too. Maybe we can actually hear our names now?"
"Alright, my name is Silver Vanrouge."
"Silver," Yuu let his name roll out out her tongue. "I did not get your last name, but this is an improvement. In that case, I'm Yuu."
"Nice to meet you, Yuu." 
"Did your father ever figure out what this place is?" Yuu asked, looking around the same sky and sea as last night. 
Silver nodded. "My Father once read about it. He told me that it is a fixed place called the Dream World, meaning that the scenery cannot be changed, and only a few people can access it when they sleep."
"I see. I need to find a book about this place. I am only confused about why we are the ones here. Why is no one else here?"
"Father said it is unique to the two people who enter it. He was grinning while explaining it but did not explain why."
Yuu hummed in thought and sat down on the water. Her clothes showed no sign of being wet. "I see. So I guess if we want to reveal ourselves more, then we should start talking."
"I agree." Silver floated down next to Yuu. "We can start with telling something interesting about ourselves. My father, who adopted me as a baby, is a famous fae general."
"But aren't you a human?"
"Yes. I figured out we were different when I was a child, but we have come a long way. Now I have two parents, and they are both faces."
Yuu's mouth pressed together in a thin line. "I'm sorry if this sounds personal, but aren't you afraid of them outliving you."
"It's alright. I don't mind sharing." Silver's star had a red hue to it. "My father and I used to be worried about that. I often asked myself, how will Father handle me not being there when I go?" The star lightened up to a magenta color. "One day, he sat down with me and said, 'Silver, you cannot worry about the future. Focus on spending time with the people around you. You may not be with me one day, but you will live through memories.'"
Yuu smiled; her heart warmed up, thinking about Silver and his father. "Your father sounds like a wonderful person."
"I'm proud to be his son, now and forever." Silver's star went back to it's silver color. "So, what are your parents like?"
"My parents are human, unlike yours. I was born in Sunset Savanna but grew up in the Land of Scalding Sands."
Yuu did not know why, but she sensed that Silver was smiling. "I know someone from there. His name is Kalim."
Yuu's eyes lit up in recognition. "Oh, I know of him. I never met him, but his family plays an important role in Silk City. So, did you grow up in Briar Valley? I hear most fae come from there."
"I do. I live in the castle as a knight for the King."
Yuu's eyes widen in interest. Every story of Briar Valley she heard of made it sound like a mystery, where the King never stepped out of the country. However, she had heard rumors that the King once visited Silk City. "Really? What's it like?"
The King looks intimidating, but he is not. My father is his caretaker, and I see the King as a brother. He and another knight are like brothers to me." 
"That's sweet." Yuu smiled. "It looks like you have a loving family."
"I am glad to have met them." Silver nodded. "So what is the Scalding Sands like? I've been there a few times but did not see everything."
"Well, it's like-" Yuu's voice went up as she recalled her homeland with old stories and innovations. Meanwhile, Silver listened attentively, just as Yuu had done before. Yuu only wished she could see Silver's expression. "And then they have a festival called Al'ab Nariya. It uses fireworks to-" A flashing light appeared, and an invisible force was pulling at Yuu and Silver's bodies. "I never got to finish telling you everything!" Yuu exclaimed while holding her hands out to grab the star. 
"You can always tell me tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you. Yuu."
For a moment, Yuu swore she saw a smile on the star but must have been imagining it. Right?.
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Yuu and Silver continued to meet in Dream World for many nights following that. The two spent hours talking about anything they desired. The more they talked, the more details were revealed of each other. First was the star, then an orb of light; now, it was a silhouette of his body. 
The two were currently sitting on the water like usual. Yuu finished retelling a story about her day while Silver was lying on her lap. Her fingers combed through his soft hair when Silver told her the news. 
"Did you know I'm going to be a big brother? My parents had told me before I went to sleep." Silver brought up one day. He had a bright smile and a sparkle in his eyes. 
Yuu turned to Silver in excitement. "Congratulations! Now you have someone to look over besides Sebek." Yuu giggled. Everything she heard of the infamous Sebek was secondhanded from Silver. Yuu was determined to meet him one day, even if he disliked humans. 
"Yes, but I don't know if I will be the best brother."
"What do you mean?"
Silver sighed and tapped his finger against the water, causing ripples around them. "I only know how to cook things that are good enough to eat, like chopped meats and vegetables."
"I see. Sadly, I'm not familiar with babies myself. I'm not much help." Yuu said, and her eyes lit up with an idea. "Why don't you ask your parents to help you cook? I'm sure they know what to feed a baby." 
"I can ask my mother. I will not ask my father." Silver said firmly, "He's really wise but a horrible cook. I recommend you don't eat his cooking if you value your life. He will find a way to jazz it up."
"Oh, can I visit Briar Valley one day?
Silver chuckled, and he looked at Yuu. "I want you to visit Briar Valley."
Yuu's mouth opened in an o, and her eyes widened in shock. "What?"
"I want you to come visit me one day. We always talk here, but we never met once in real life. I can even give you a tour when you come."
Yuu nodded. "I would love that, and I can give you a tour of the Scalding Sands if you decide to visit."
"I will, Yuu. I promise." The world around them turned bright like sunlight. The two were already familiar with what happened next. Yet, Yuu swore she saw auroral eyes staring back at her.  
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Days passed.
Weeks passed.
Nothing happened. 
Yuu went to sleep and woke up like usual, like her meeting Silver was all a dream. 
It was ironic, in Yuu's opinion. 
Yuu looked everywhere for days to find anything about the Dream World. She looked through the libraries all across Silk City, only to come up empty. She was even desperate enough to go to Asim Palace to talk to Kalim, only to find out from his past retainer's sister that he was away on a trip. 
Luckily for Yuu, Najma took pity on her and helped her look through the Asim library. 
Again, they found nothing. Najma was kind enough to continue her search for her and would update her if she saw anything. 
Days had passed since then, and Yuu was thinking about Silver as she weaved through the bustling Camel Bazaar when she felt it. 
A man had casually walked past her, and it felt like the world slowed down around her; the local voices sounded like unintelligible noises, the familiar golden sands had a pink hue, and it all started when the man passed her. 
Yuu turned to find a man with silver hair and familiar auroral eyes staring at her with a mirrored expression. The silhouette of him did not do him justice. Silver was about her age, was slightly taller than her, and had lovely eyes. He looked like a prince straight out a fairytale. She felt a pull towards him that she could not describe. Despite that, the first thing that came out of her mouth was-
"Are you not sweating in that?" she pointed at the black and green leather outfit that would not help an average person in the desert heat. 
Silver shrugged with a smile on his face. "Not really, but I can change into something more appropriate if you are worried about me."
Yuu blushed. How could he say that so casually when they first met? She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the shops. "I know a place that sells quality clothes, and we can grab something to eat after."
"Oh, like a date? Father mentioned how he used to go on one like these…" Silver said innocently, unaware of Yuu turning red like the color the Sorceror of Sands wore. 
"Wait, we need to get you something before discussing that!"
Silver stopped walking, took Yuu's hands, and looked into her eyes. "Yuu, I know this is the first time we met in person, but I felt something the moment you walked by. I once felt it when I met my mother because I knew she would be important to me. It sounds silly, but trust me. Let me court you properly once we settle this."
Yuu's heart swooned, ignoring the many eyes watching Silver's declaration in public, especially the gossiping aunts who give them a few hours and Yuu's parents would hear about the news. She was too focused on Silver to care. 
"Alright." She grasped Silver's hand and walked off. "This place gets more crowded at night, and I don't want you to get lost."
Silver smiled, making him look like a prince from the fairytales. "I wouldn't dream of it."
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Excerpt taken from A Book About Soulmates (previously owned by Mallenoa Draconia)
Once upon a time, two souls fell into tragedy. However, before they died, they met an angel who gave them each a wish. One wished for happiness with the other. The other wanted to meet his loved one every 1000 years. The angel granted their wishes and set their souls to meet in the Dream World. Their bond was so strong and special that they would see each other whenever they slept. The only time they stop is when they start falling in love. After that, the two are bound to love each other for a lifetime. 
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A/N: I might make a sequel to this once Book 7 comes out in the EN server
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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heresylog · 2 years
Do you have any simple resources on learning how to pray the rosary? My family are all Catholic but never passed on any knowledge to me and I have not put much effort into learning before. I'd like to learn now. Thank you.
I was going to link you to a how-to but I’d rather just explain it.
I wrote this from mostly memory. For a more in depth explanation I’d recommend researching on your own. There are so many things I left out.
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You begin with the crucifix on the bottom and do the sign of the cross “in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit” and it starts on your forehead for father, your chest for son, and your left shoulder for holy and right shoulder for spirit.
Then you say the Apostle’s Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Then you do three Hail Marys for an increase in faith, hope, and charity. I will include the prayers in the end.
You then begin with the first mystery (each set of mysteries corresponds for a day of the week) You will read the passage from the Bible and meditate on the fruit of the mystery. For example, the first sorrowful mystery is about Jesus praying the night before and becoming so stressed that beads of blood formed instead of sweat. The fruit of that mystery is obedience and you are meant to meditate on how that passage and obedience plays a role in your life.
You will pray the Our Father and then you will say 10 Hail Marys (a decade) while meditating on the mystery. Once you reach the tenth you will then pray Glory Be. After that you will pray Fatima’s Prayer (also known as the O My Jesus prayer) and then you will do the same thing with another mystery.
Once you reach the end of the rosary, there’s usually a connecting bead that corresponds. You will pray the Hail Holy Queen. Sometimes people end with a response, sometimes it just ends there. It just depends on you, your situation, or the group you pray in.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Our Father
Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Glory Be
Glory be to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen.
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sims. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of thy mercy.
Hail Holy Queen
Hail holy queen mother of mercy. Our life our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate thine eyes of mercy toward us. Show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us O holy mother of God that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
*all text in red indicates that it is meant to be said by everyone in a group setting. When by yourself, obviously you will pray both parts. When in a group, only the leader will say the words in white.
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dailytafsirofquran · 3 days
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Al-Kahf Ayah 21
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
18:21 And thus We made their case known, that they might know that the promise of Allah is true, and that there can be no doubt about the Hour.
(Remember) when they (the people) disputed among themselves about their case, they said: "Construct a building over them; their Lord knows best about them,'' (then) those who won their point said: "We verily, shall build a place of worship over them.''
How the People of the City came to know about Them; building a Memorial over the Cave
Allah tells:
And thus We made their case known,
means, `We caused the people to find them.'
that they might know that the promise of Allah is true, and that there can be no doubt about the Hour.
Several scholars of the Salaf mentioned that the people of that time were skeptical about the Resurrection.
Ikrimah said:
"There was a group of them who said that the souls would be resurrected but not the bodies, so Allah resurrected the people of the Cave as a sign and proof of resurrection.''
They mentioned that when they wanted to send one of their members out to the city to buy them something to eat, he disguised himself and set out walking by a different route, until he reached the city, which they said was called Daqsus.
He thought that it was not long since he left it, but in fact century after century, generation after generation, nation after nation had passed, and the country and its people had changed. He saw no local landmarks that he recognized, and he did not recognize any of the people, elite or commoners. He began to feel confused and said to himself,
"Maybe I am crazy or deluded, maybe I am dreaming.''
Then he said, "By Allah, I am nothing of the sort, what I know I saw last night was different from this.''
Then he said, "I had better get out of here.''
Then he went to one of the men selling food, gave him the money he had and asked him to sell him some food. When the man saw the money he did not recognize it or its imprint, so he passed it to his neighbor and they all began to pass it around, saying, "Maybe this man found some treasure.''
They asked him who he was and where he got this money. Had he found a treasure! Who was he!
He said, "I am from this land, I was living here yesterday and Decianus was the ruler.''
They accused him of being crazy and took him to the governor who questioned him about his circumstances, and he told him. He was confused about his situation. When he told them about it, they -- the king and the people of the city -- went with him to the cave, where he told them, "Let me go in first and let my companions know.''
It was said that the people did not know how he entered it, and that the people did not know about their story.
It was also said that they did enter the cave and see them, and the king greeted them and embraced them. Apparently he was a Muslim, and his name was Tedosis.
They rejoiced at meeting him and spoke with him, then they bid farewell to him and went back to sleep, then Allah caused them to die. And Allah knows best.
And thus We made their case known,
meaning, `just as We caused them to sleep then woke them up physically intact, We made their story known to the people of that time.'
that they might know that the promise of Allah is true, and that there can be no doubt about the Hour.
(Remember) when they (the people) disputed among themselves about their case,
meaning, about Resurrection.
Some believed in it and some denied it, so Allah made their discovery of the people of the cave evidence either in their favor or against them.
they said: "Construct a building over them; their Lord knows best about them,''
meaning, seal the door of their cave over them, and leave them as they are.
those who won their point said: "We verily, shall build a place of worship over them.''
Those who said this were the people of power and influence, but were they good people or not; there is some debate on this point, because the Prophet said:
Allah has cursed the Jews and the Christians who took the graves of their Prophets and righteous people as places of worship.
Warning against what they did.
We have reported about the Commander of the faithful Umar bin Al-Khattab that;
when he found the grave of Danyal (Daniel) in Iraq during his period of rule, he gave orders that news of this grave should be withheld from the people, and that the inscription containing mention of battles etc., that they found there should be buried.
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gothicdicordia · 25 days
I saw a dead black kitten today on the bridge on 75 and of course it filled me with utter sorrow. Then it occurred to me that no one else need suffer seeing a dead kitten. And of course it would sit there forever, like a forgotten sock, upsetting people and children.
I went to Walmart, shopped quick, got an extra plastic sack, and then doubled back. I parked beside the bridge, leaving my car open, and walked up 100 feet to where the kitten had been hit by car. It was head trauma. Not long dead. I scooped the tiny body up staring hard at the tiny black paws and tip of tail that stuck out of the bag. It was very hot today - humid as hell. I wrapped it up again, tied the bag, and set it in the back of my car.
I thought - her name should've been Marigold. Then I drove home and removed everything from the car but the kitten. I went in and cut up my roast chicken for lunch, poured a carafe of Ice tea because I'd be working late, and packed everything up. I unlocked the back door. I took everything and loaded my car up.
Then I picked up the bag with the kitten inside. I carried it through the house, out the back door, while grabbing my hori knife. I went to under my window in a flower bed I knew would never be dug into or mowed. I used a rusty fork to lift up the daylily bulbs. The soil is dry - so dry from the 7 days of incredibly hot weather. I had not gone out. I had not watered. I had picked beans there yesterday.
Cocoa, the Siamese Cat, watched me from her catio not too far away, but I would not let her see I was burying a her kind. I didn't want to confuse her. When the hole was as deep as I could manage, so I knelt down and unwrapped one covering, and left the other one slight on, laid the kitten under the daylily bulbs, and covered it with dry, dark dirt. Then bulbs, then more dirt. Then remembering we had a few scavengers around - I found two bricks by the shed and I pressed them upon the spot. I'll remove them in winter after the rains come and roots knit.
And I said "Rest little Marigold, your soul can fly free, and my cats will help you home. You are safe now. Sleep."
And I remembered in the past me doing this is an omen or a sign of a spirit passing into my hands and a spirit that will return again in a new form. First time I ushered a cat to death - I found a half-dead Siamese Cat on the Boulder Creek in front of the Brookhaven Hotel and I stopped to pick it up. It was barely alive, but died in my trunk as I watched, as I considered helping it die.
Not soon after I was given Freya. Years later Freya was held in my arms, emaciated and blind, before she passed from this world. Her sister is still with me now and so all of this is an omen of concern.
Loki is a black calico cat and a little worse for wear. I fear Fall and Halloween will take more this year than we ever imagined - this little black kitten, left alone to die, god forbid thrown there, maybe just fell out of an engine there, the kitten is a portent of the coming season.
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ruumirmir · 1 year
Gojo Satoru, the man that you are, had me researching Buddhism and shit
///Jjk chap 236 leaks and spoilers pls begone thankuverymuch
I have never been more deranged in my life of living. And when I say deranged,, I hope everyone involved will enjoy my copium induced girl dinner rant that I cooked up 💥🔥
going through five stages of grief,, about to invent the 6th and 7th one. over Lines on Paper this is my life
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Anyways,, so I came across a tweet which started my spiral after I read through these:
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jujutsu kaisen
has the potential to create THE arc of all Time ever if,, BY GOING OFF OF SYMBOLISM,,, the plot NAILS this
bc the buddha imagery and symbolism of gojo is already the coldest shit ever when gege cooked with the "throughout heaven and earth, i alone am the honored one"
if this actually happens to some degree
we could have the biggest "WE'RE SO FUCKING BACK" moment in all of manga history
《Gautama Buddha died at the age of 80 in 483 BCE at a place called Kushinagara a town in UP》
thank god we still have 8 more decades left until gojo is FEASIBLY ALLOWED TO DIE AT A SUITABLE AGE AND AFTER A LONG HAPPY LIFE.
ok wait technically 5 more decades since hes close to pushing 30
Raggedy old man. Bros aging 💀
death of an anime man got me actually researching about Gautama Buddha with sincere interest now
《"Mara" is one of the earliest non-human beings to appear in Buddhist scriptures. He is a demon, sometimes called the Lord of Death, who plays a role in many stories of the Buddha and his monks.》
apparently this is the demon equivalent to reflect sukuna's character. hes mostly present in esoteric buddhism
the hand sign,, is same as sukuna's domain expansion here
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《In East Asian and Buddhist mythology, Yama,, also known as King Yan/Yan Wang is the King of Hell and a dharmapala (wrathful god) said to judge the dead and preside over the Narakas and the cycle of afterlife saṃsāra.》
In Hinduism,, that's Lord Yama, god of the dead, similarly shown with a Bull as his familiar.
from chinese mythology:
《Yan is portrayed as a large man with a scowling red face, bulging eyes, and a long beard. He wears traditional robes and a judge's cap or a crown which bears the character for "king".》
This cant translate to sukuna's "true form"
Yknow,, the big fucking body with 4 arms and a wooden mask thing on the left side of his face. He definetely IS shown to wear traditional robes.
Now bear with me here, I'm derailing my sanity rn.
yes now THIS is interestinger:
《The spirits of the dead, on being judged by Yan, are supposed to either pass through a term of enjoyment in a region midway between the earth and the heaven of the gods.》
We LITERALLY. have a whole segment of gojo enjoying his time seeing suguru and his other friends who died in an afterlife-kinda setting. We also specifically get a panel of sukuna praising satoru,, passing his judgement,, that we've seen him do to other characters as well [jogo, although that's kinda debatable 💀 since Sukuna kind of. Trashed him]
《-or to undergo their measure of punishment in the nether world. Neither location is permanent and after a time, they return to Earth in new bodies.》
JUMPING UP AND FUCKING DOWN RN. Isnt Kusakabe on standby,, who cultivated an ability to act as a medium and swap/ conduct other people's souls with his own. As i said before,,, SURELYYYYYYY gege wouldnt do this shit without REASON
(it is the funniest shit in the world to type up "Indra god hand gesture" and for gojo fucking satoru's face to pop up in the image and ACTUALLY be linked to a legit discussion on his domain expansion hand sign being referenced from Indra)
ok so, in hinduism,, its "Indra", but in buddhism the same god is translated unto "Sakra"
yknow how it be. Different religions and practices share the same god and the beliefs overlap here and there.
so theres this
《When one Śakra dies, his place is taken by another deity who becomes the new Śakra.》
which is basically the jujutsu kaisen equivalent of people in the gojo clan being born. With the liberty taken of SixEyes + Limitless users taking hundreds of years to be born after deaths of the previous one.
Okay so
"then with his face to the north took seven strides while a white canopy was held over him" is the text referencing buddha's enlightening birth.
the white canopy held over his head is a symbol that he'll achieve nirvana.
《In Buddhism, "Nirvana" is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person's individual desires and suffering go away. The origin of the word nirvana relates to religious enlightenment; it comes from the Sanskrit meaning "extinction, disappearance" of the individual to the universal.》
Since we've Already seen that gojo's achieved his state of enlightenment at his first death (by toji)
This can be the second stage where he achieves Nirvana at his second death,,
in the storyline,, gojo is Heavily only recognized and labeled by his powers and strength with the Limitless and the Six eyes that he possesses.
(Literally, it means “blowing out” or “becoming extinguished,” as when a flame is blown out or a fire burns out. nirvana.)
So if somehow,, we've all been theorizing,, if gojo erases that aspect of him. Destroys the aspect that defines him as Gojo Satoru, he'll technically be achieving Nirvana and being born (revived) anew.
which is also sweetening the conclusion of the age old question
"Are you the strongest because youre gojo satoru? Or are you gojo satoru because you're the strongest", that geto had ask him years ago.
Which ig, Also raises the question:
IF, gojo were to sacrifice his SixEyes and Limitless in his pact of revival (details to be pondered upon later), would this count as a Legitmate "death" with relevance to the world's balance being re-altered, and Also resetting the cycle for another user to be born?
Or idk maybe I'm just tripping balls <3
Goodnight everynyan. Let's awaken to a day where Satoru Gojo comes to live amongst us once again. 🕊
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noirshitsuji · 1 year
two pieces of driftwood, meeting
AO3 link.
And then he gets it. Mal is still a tracker, even after everything. His internal compass is gone, but the muscle memory and the years of skill-building is still there, and it’s an alien feeling, having this expertise without all of his soul being tied to it. And he realises - belatedly - that Inej is also a protector, even when the reason she became one isn’t around.
Or: Mal, Inej, and finding out who you are beyond the person you love.
[mal & inej, inej/tolya, inej/kaz, mal/alina, mal/random women, mild angst, introspection, implied sexual content]
aka pov you came back to fandom tumblr for one specific fandom but the first piece you're posting is for another one
Read below the line.
He tries to look at other women.
Looking being the key word. Mal has no issue, once he relearns how many glasses of kvas it takes him to be just out of it enough to make a potentially stupid decision and still manage to get back to his bunk on his own, sleeping with other women. The things that stick with you even after you leave the army, Dubrov might’ve said, flashing him a smile, and Mal drinks another glass to that as well before heading for the nearest thing with curves. 
No, the issue is getting his gaze to stay on them for more than a moment. To pay attention to their faces and not just their bodies, to see if he even can gaze at another face that isn’t hers. 
But he can only focus his attention on thighs and torsos and things in-between them, and it always ends up being solely about the women’s enjoyment. There’s a part of him that feels like that’s better, that’s telling him he’s proving something. 
He’s just not sure if it’s something worth proving any more.
“How did you know where they would head for?”
Mal blinks. He’s gotten used to Inej appearing out of nowhere – they all had, out of necessity, because she seemed incapable of moving without a shadow at her tail – but he still needs a moment to readjust to her presence, to the intensity of her gaze.
“It made sense,” he says. “We knew where they were headed and the route it would’ve made sense for them to take, and the way the winds usually are this time of the year, it wasn’t that hard to figure out they’d end up rerouting through the other sleeve of the Bone Road.”
Inej looks at him for a moment before slowly nodding. “I see. I was never taught these things. Is it a matter of a great deal of study? Being a tracker?”
“More than people think it is.”
The words have left his mouth before he can think too much about them, but he realises with a start that they’re true. Alina had only ever taken up mapmaking because he and her would spend hours exploring the area around Keramzin as children, hiding away from Ana Kutya, and she’d never been able to remember it as well as Mal had, the paths and the berry bushes and the rest of it. He could find his way around the area and back to the orphanage blindfolded and on a handstand. Thinking back on it, he’d done so several times when Alina and the other girls had been taken to the town to observe one trade or the other and he’d been bored out of his skull. Signing up for the in-depth tracker training at the army had been one of the most obvious decisions of his life.
“Well, we’re very lucky to have you, then,” Inej says, smiling at him. 
Mal doesn’t know what else to do but smile back, even if he’s not quite sure where it’s coming from.
“My brother is an idiot,” Tamar says as Tolya shouts something up at Inej.
She’s cracking walnuts open as she speaks, the loud crunch getting lost in the breeze that’s their constant companion. Mal raises an eyebrow at her. She raises one right back. There’s a rueful smile on her face.
“Look at him,” she adds.
Mal does. He watches Inej lower herself down to Tolya’s level to reply to his question. He says something back, and Inej stays lowered, a warm smile on her lips.
“It’s stupid,” Tamar says. Another crack, and she’s passing him a walnut as well.
He takes it. “Why would it be stupid?”
“Have you seen her and Brekker together? This isn’t going to last.”
“Does it have to?” Mal says. Tamar looks at him, surprised. He takes a moment to chew the walnut and swallow it, before speaking again. “Does it? For either of them?”
“He’s too romantic. This will hurt him.”
Kaz was the only one who managed to quote the name and author of that piece, Mal wants to say. What do you think that means? 
“And if he chooses it to? If he goes for it anyway?”
Tamar purses her lips, but she doesn’t reply. Mal feels for her, really. It’s tough, seeing someone you care about walking into the abyss willingly like that.
He’s more worried about Inej, though. Inej isn’t arrogant, but Mal knows how easy it is to fall into the routine of defying gravity. How easy it is to get complacent when so many impossible things have already happened to you.
They find her brother. 
They find her brother, and when they next find port in Ravka, Inej’s parents are waiting there. They say it’s courtesy of the king that they’ve managed to reunite, but Nikolai had written to the Volkvolny months ago that he’d had to redirect resources to other things. Inej smiles at them like she knows why they’re lying, hugs them tight, and Mal thinks, this is it, and a wave of light melancholy washes over him. It won’t be the same without her.
But then Inej steps back, and her smile is sadder than before, and she tells her parents that no, she cannot stay, that yes, she will keep in touch and visit, and then turns to him and Tolya and Tamar and asks them for a three-day break before they leave again.
Once they’re on the ship again, he asks her why she didn’t stay, and all she says is:
“Well, we have a job to do, don’t we?”
And then he gets it.
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Call Me Josh Chapter 27
The Passover approaches. He explains to his mama that this year it is important to have it with his friends. She sadly meets his eyes.
“It is almost time, isn’t it? For what you came to do?”
He swallows back tears. “Yes mama.” Her eyes close and she rests up against him. “I have to. It is why I came.”
“I know. When you were just a baby, around a year old, we were at the grocery store and you, I believe you healed a woman. She told me that you were special and then,” She swallows hard. “she said that my heart would be broken.”
He closes his own, resting his head on hers. “I will heal it and you will have a place in my kingdom. I swear it mama.” She hugs him tight.
“Shalom Joshua. Be off with you. Do what you need to do.”
They rent a room, upstairs in a hotel. A banquet room, it will work for their needs. Their parents prepare the food. As he and his disciples walk towards the hotel, he is greeted with shouts of praise.
“Behold the Son of David, the Redeemer!” They call out. Some Rabbi’s standing there rebuke them.
“If I silence them, the very rocks will call out.” He tells them. Sneers greet this. Ignoring them, he enters with his followers.
The table is set with all the elements. Before they take seats, he insists that they seat while he watches their feet. John balks. “No Lord. It isn’t right that you wash my feet.”
“John, unless I wash you, you can have no part of me.”
“Then wash my hair too.” He calls out. Joshua laughs.
“That is clean enough.” When he is done, they take seats around the table. He sits in the center, with John beside his left side and Judas on his right. The later had spoken to Rabbi Leary a few days ago. The last straw for him had been the prostitute who had came up to them while they dined at his house. She had poured perfume over his head. Expensive stuff. Judas had complained that if she wanted to use it for the ministry then it would have been better sold and used for the poor.
Joshua’s response, “The poor you will always have with you. She has anointed my body for burial. Her act of kindness will be remembered wherever the Word is preached.”
It wasn’t just the waste, as he perceived it, no it was his acceptance of all things that Judaism calls unclean. He forgives the unforgivable, in Judas’ eyes. That is when he decided to talk to Rabbi Leary. He is anxious as the meal precedes. Joshua notices. With a sigh that is soul deep, he says to him, “Go friend. What you have to do, do quickly.” He raises and leaves the room. A heaviness seems to lift at his leaving.
Joshua takes the bread, lifting it up, he blesses it. He then tears it in two. “This bread no longer just represents the passing over of the angel of death in Egypt. No, it is the bread of a new covenant, representing my body, to be broken for you. Whenever you eat it, from now on, do it in remembrance of me.” He places it around to them. They all take bites all to fearful to ask him what exactly he means by that.
He next pours a glass of wine. Again he blesses it. Then he turns to them, “This fruit of the Vine, I will not drink again until I drink it in my Kingdom. It represents my blood shed for you. As often as you drink it, do it to remember me.”
He takes a drink and passes it around to them. Then he raises and they raise with him. The sing a hymn and then he leads them out.
There is a garden a bit away from the hotel. He knows that is where he needs to be. That is where it will happen. As they walk, he teaches them more, knowing the time is short.
“I must leave you but won’t leave you alone. I will ask my Father and he will send you another comforter. He will teach the meaning of all I have told you. You see, as the vine gets it’s nourishment from its roots, and can’t live separate from them, I can’t exist separate from my Father. He and I are one. As we are one, I pray you will be one with the Father and each other.”
He sighs. “Watch the signs of the times. As a red sky can predict the weather, so the signs can show what must happen before I return again. There will be many wars and rumors of more. There will be earth wakes and floods, many illnesses, there will be famine. Many will claim to be me, they will come with many wonders, but don’t believe them. For when I come, their will be no doubt. For as you see me go up, so I will return and the whole world will see me on that day.
Don’t leave town until the promised Gift comes over you. Then the words of prophecy will come true. “My Spirit will come upon you and you will speak in different languages and prophecy. You will dream dreams and see visions. “
“Joshua, no matter what happens, I won’t leave your side. “Peter declares, and the others agree.
“Peter, before the sun raises, you will deny me three times.”
“No! I could never.”
They have made it to the small park. “Watch and prayer. I know your spirits are willing but the flesh is weak.”
He walks a bit away from them and falls on his knees. His eyes lift towards heaven. “Father, let this cup pass from me, You know how bitter it will be, but nevertheless, Your will and not mine.” He stays there, weeping and praying, so distressed that his sweat contains drops of blood. After a while, he stands and makes his way back to his friends. He finds them all asleep.
“Wake up and pray, for Satan waits to shift you like wheat.”
He returns to pleading with his Father. Again he declares that he seeks His will. Again, when he returns to the men, he finds them asleep. He leaves them, knowing the time is near.
The third time, he wakes them. “Get up for my betrayer comes.” They raise. Judas walks right up to him, kissing his cheek. “Shalom Joshua.”
He meets his eyes, still full of compassion. He knows his fate and knows it can’t be changed. “Shalom Judas. You betray your Lord with a kiss.”
The rabbi’s have brought big men with them. They grab him. Peter yells out and goes to grab the knife he carries. “No Peter. This is how it is meant to be.” He is lead away and his friends take off in all directions. Peter follows behind as Judas, full of regret, heads off to return the blood money he has received for betraying him.
He is taken to Rabbi Leary’s synagogue. Peter waits outside. One of the servants comes up, studying him. “Aren’t you one of that Joshua’s followers?”
“Wrong guy. I don’t even know who you are talking about.”
“There are those that claim you have healed them. They even say you can raise the dead.” Joshua stays silent. Rabbi Nicklaus, there to try to help, searches out his eyes, trying to communicate that he needs to answer them. Joshua just shakes his head. It isn’t time to answer them, not yet.
Even when they start to slap him with taunts of, “Prophecy. Who hit you this time?” he stays silent.
Finally they ask the question he has waiting for. “Are you the son of God?”
“I am and you will see the Son seating at God’s right hand.”
Rabbi Leary tears his shirt. “We need nothing else. He admits the blasphemy himself! What is to be done, gentleman?”
“Crucify him!” roars back.
“Come, I know you know him. I swear I have seen you with him.”
“I don’t know him!”
Another servants comes out and the first says, “This guy, he is with Joshua, isn’t he? Didn’t we see him at that video of Joshua preaching at the hill.”
“I am telling you, I don’t know the man!”
The sun starts to raise and they lead Joshua out. He meets his friend’s eye and Peter recalls what he said. He lowers his head and starts to bitterly weep.
“Crucifixion, that hasn’t been used in years.” One of the rabbi’s says.
“How long has it been since we had someone claiming to be the Christ?” Rabbi Leary replies, “It fits.”
They stop to scorch him, tearing his back to shreds. Peter runs off to tell the others and his family.
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In my deep depression and recent mental health plagued I have of course been keeping myself company with poetry and literature and words. It’s notoriously known that deep existential thinking and mourning of your past is very healthy and will make you feel so much better.
With this I have written some poetry and of course must share it amongst you people in case somebody sees it and likes what they read. Note that as of writing these they are not part of my new anthology as that involves a lot more cursing, being generally offensive and anger. That being said please appreciate my poetry. I apologise to those who find it to be to dark and sad.
Off Into The Void I Go
The nights weigh heavy, cold and close the door,
Between myself and all I used to be.
I hear your laugh with someone else, no more
Are you beside me. Loss is all I see.
I watch the world through fractured, hollow glass,
Each breath a whisper, crumbling in my chest.
The days, they blur and pass, then slowly pass,
Until they’re gone. Perhaps it’s for the best.
The mirror shows a stranger, pale and thin,
A face I barely know, but still must wear.
I wash my hands of this old life I’m in,
Yet filth remains — despair is everywhere.
I cut the threads that held old friends too close,
For silence now is easier to bear.
Their voices only haunt, they don’t console;
In every word, the lie of “I still care.”
This weight, it sinks me deeper in the void,
Where nothing soothes, and nothing pulls me back.
Each hour feels like time I can’t avoid,
A train that speeds along its final track.
What comfort lies in pills, or smoke, or glass?
The hollow things we clutch when all else fades.
These fleeting moments hold no strength, no past,
Just emptiness that leaves us more afraid.
The world outside is cold, yet colder still
The thoughts that gnaw inside, they never leave.
No cure for this; no hope, no magic pill—
Just days of drifting by, too numb to grieve.
And so, into the void I quietly go,
No fanfare for the broken, just the night.
Perhaps there’s peace beyond the pull of woe,
Perhaps we fade, then fade into the light.
“Cold Hands”
The night they found her wasn’t cold,
But bright beneath that neon sky.
She lay there, broke beneath the mold,
Of love that withered—gutted, dry.
The sirens hummed like tired bees,
In swarms, they circled dead-end streets,
While no one cried and no one prayed,
Just another ghost in these cracked concrete days.
The world moves fast, they say, and strange,
We wear our masks, we shift, we change.
But in the shadows, something crawls,
Between the hearts we’ve slammed to walls.
Her name was Amy, quiet girl—
She used to dream of city lights,
Met a man who fed her pearls,
Then left her starving on lonely nights.
They played the game, like we all do,
Of texts unread and calls ignored,
Of promises made in darkened rooms,
Where love is sold and hearts are whored.
She took his lies, took every blow,
His voice as sharp as fractured bone,
Until one night, beneath the glow,
She made him feel her knife alone.
Cold hands in colder sheets,
What does love mean if it dies in the streets?
A corpse wrapped in something sweet,
Now her heart is ash and her soul’s incomplete.
They found her body, limbs all wrong,
A mannequin left out too long.
Her lover? Gone, no sign, no trace—
Just blood smudged on a broken face.
And when they asked, what did they say?
“She’s just a girl who lost her way.”
But here’s the thing, we’re all so lost,
In every hand we’ve double-crossed.
Love isn’t love, it’s just a game—
You find a face, you take a name.
And then you push and pull and fuck,
Until it snaps beneath the muck.
I saw her once, or thought I did—
She looked like someone once who smiled,
But now her eyes were hollowed lids,
Her lips drawn tight like winter’s child.
I passed her by, like we all do,
Another ghost among the few,
Who lived and loved and burned and bled—
Then disappeared like all the dead.
We dress it up, we make it neat,
But in the end, love’s dead in the street.
We say it’s tragic, then move on—
Until we’re dust, till we’re all gone.
Cold hands in colder sheets,
What does love mean if it dies in the streets?
A corpse wrapped in something sweet,
Now her heart is ash and her soul’s incomplete.
So here’s the truth no one will say:
We all just fake our love away.
We text, we post, we fuck, we lie—
And then we leave, and let them die.
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henrywaldvolker · 8 days
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A Twisted Path Gormr knew the journey would be arduous; bringing his grandchildren made it unbearable.
The twins Áskell and Ásta knew nothing of the danger ahead as they entered the forest, hoping to find answers to their grandmother's sudden illness.
"I need to tell you how serious it is to keep focused on the path and under no circumstances interact with the stones or trees," their grandfather cautioned.
"Yes, Papa, we understand and will do as you ask," replied the twins.
Ásta knew what the trees and stones were, prisons for the souls who even Hell refused to admit.
After just an hour, Gormr became disoriented and had to be led down the path by the children. "How long now, Papa," asked Áskell.
"Soon, can you smell how the air is moist and sweet? That means the cavern is nearby," answered the man.
Soon, they cleared the trees, and before them were steps carved into the rock leading into a black void. "We should rest before we head into the shrine," said Ásta.
They drank from a small pool and cleaned their faces with the cool spring water. After regaining their strength, the group descended the steps leading to the shrine.
"How are these torches burning? Is it magic?" asked Áskell.
No, a monk who lives here renews the oil to the lamps and torches each day," answered Gormr. A light shone ahead, and soon, the three stood at the shrine's entrance gate.
Gormr placed a silver coin on the head of the shrine's guardian statue, bowed low, and went through the gate. The twins mimicked his actions and followed close behind. Járngerthr, keeper of secrets and bestower of wishes, stood before them.
"We come to you in search of a cause of my wife's illness, which no healer can say what is. We beg you for an answer, mighty one," said Gormr.
Silence and nothing more was his answer. "Please seer of truth and knowledge, please give us the answer we seek," asked Áskell—only the wind and nothing more.
"Kind and lovely Járngerthr who guides the lost and heals the sick, may you grant us a sign so we may learn the truth ourselves," asked Ásta.
The torches exploded with flames, causing the party to fall to its knees. "Jealousy drives the stake. Find the one with an evil eye, and you will have your answer," a voice said.
Gormr bowed three times, then backed away to the gate with the twins following. "We must get back. I know who has done this, and she will not stop until MaMa has passed," said the man, hurrying up the trail.
With the answer in hand, the three raced through the forest without concern for the stones or trees. That fear was reserved for the one with the evil eye.
Reaching the village, Gormr went to the church, secured a vial of holy water, and then headed to the miller's home.
Standing before the house, the old man called out the summoning spell, "One of darkness, I call you out, keeper of evil, I call you out. Stand now before me or suffer the wrath of Heaven's sword," said Papa.
The cottage door slowly opens, revealing a lean croan half bent, holding a staff topped with a carved vulture's head. "You have been to see Járngerthr. You are indeed a brave man," croaked the croan.
"Release her from your eye, or I shall pour holy water over your head, blinding you in this life and the next," shouted Gormr. The older woman's face twisted into a cruel expression, then a demonic grin.
"Go ahead if you think you can overpower the eye," said the croan.
Before she could take a step back, the twins rushed her from either side. Áskell grabbed her while Ásta poured a vial of liquid into her eyes.
"Eeeeeeee fools my eyes, I will destroy you all," screamed the woman, then fell to her knees and began to convulse violently.
After a while, her body stilled, and she was found to be dead. "She had used up her power cursing, Mama, and was left unprepared for our attack," said Gormr.
Upon returning to the family's cottage, the three were surprised to see Mama out feeding the chickens. When asked how she felt, she said, "Like a spring chick."
Not wanting any further trouble, Gormr hung a horseshoe on the front of the cottage to ensure no one could ever use the evil eye on his family again. Folksburywoods Story Blog www.folksburywoods.com
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 1 month
The Alpha's Boy - Chapter 13 - Part 1
Book Two In : The Alpha's Trilogy
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Alistair 'Star' Claymore-Phoenix
I threw up and after I threw up I needed to sit down and once I was down I was out.
I didn't wake up again until the sky was dark, I was alone in my bedroom.
My body felt freezing, I couldn't help but cocoon myself in the thick blanket but I was sweating, I could feel the cold sweat pool on my face.
My breath shook and my body racked with a shiver.
I couldn't keep myself awake, my eyes forced themselves closed once again.
I woke up again to Nana patting a cloth on my forehead, humming an unreliable tune but once again I was soon asleep.
I wish the sleep was dreamless but every time my eyes closed I saw smoke, fire and Lucca. I saw Raylene laughing and I saw Charles Maverick and Moon Goddess, he was the worst.
Lucca may have nearly killed me but Charles kept me alive as pure entertainment.
His face was always in the back of my mind with every sober moment I had in my dreams.
Every time I woke up it was with a jump, startled by what my own mind was showing me.
When I was finally awake enough to not fall asleep I didn't want to just lay in bed.
I felt like a silly child, I didn't want to waste this time stuck inside.
I couldn't believe this.
The most important moment of my life and I barfed on his feet.
Finding your mate wasn't something crazy like you'd seen on T.V.
A lot of people just felt the tug, you built on it like you would with anything else but as a Golden Wolf, just like everything else.
Things were more intense.
When I saw the man, who I could only assume was Riot, though I couldn't be sure because I was passed out before he could say anything but there was no doubt, the man that I had just met was my mate.
My heart told me that 'my soul told me that'.
I let out a silent groan, sitting up as my body fought it.
I needed to get out of this house, I needed to get out of this space, my head pounded with every move I made.
Once I was up and about to pull a pair of pants over the boxer I was left in, my door was opened and I was met face to face with a very angry looking Nana.
"What do you think you're doing?" she asked, her hands shaking me towards the bed, I couldn't help but step back as the small woman came towards me, forcing me to sit on the bed again. '
Nani, I'm just... '
"I don't want to see it. You're not leaving this bedroom. You haven't eaten anything in days, you sit down and wait for me to bring you some water and food."
"Yes, days. Now wait here. I'll be back in a moment."
'Days? I had been asleep for days?'
No wonder my body felt like it had been run over by several trucks.
When Nana came back she had a tray with chicken soup and cold water on it, plus some vitamins that she insisted I take.
'What do you mean by days?' I finally asked once I had finished eating, which was a while later because my stomach was not a fan of being raining on after begging empty for so long.
"Three days, you slept for most of it. We did get you to the bathroom a few times. Your fever was so high that I don't think you were in the world most of the time. You sat up a few times like you were trying to scream. Are you feeling better sweetheart?"
I nodded my head, pushing the bowl from me and crossing my legs on the bed, I felt guilty.
The feeling sat in my stomach, a pit that didn't want to be pushed aside.
Nana didn't sign up for this, she's been taking more care of me than anyone, besides my Dads of course.
I felt like I was taking advantage of her, of her kindness and motherly softness but at the same time, I craved it, I wanted the soft motherly figure to help me feel better about myself.
Nana kissed my forehead, taking me from my dazed thoughts for the moment, I looked at her and her face.
Her gentle smile as she lightly patted my neck.
"It's okay sweetie, I like taking care of you," she said as if she was reading my mind.
I smiled back at her, not as wide as the smile she gave me but I did try.
Feeling things again was a little unsettling for me.
I felt things when I was high but they were mostly muted and I liked it that way.
I didn't like the feeling in my stomach, that pit that settled there but more than anything I hated that feeling in my chest.
I was nervous, I didn't want to disappoint someone, I didn't want them to disappoint me.
I hugged Nani one last time before she left and let me finish getting ready.
It was darker now, the sun starting to set and the animals on the farm starting to hide away for the night but in the distance headlights from the side by side could be seen.
They were driving closer and I was less than surprised to see Preston driving but of course, he wasn't alone and beside him was the black-haired man whose shoes I had become acquainted with earlier.
My hands were deep in my pockets, I felt nervous, scared, anxious.
Every cell in my body told me to run away and find comfort the only way I knew how but I couldn't, I needed to face this like a man.
My fingers twitched in my pockets while my shoulders stayed taut.
I let out short breaths through my nose as I watched the two men get out of the cart, Preston hitting the other man's arm, giving me a nod before walking towards the guest house.
"Star," he said as he walked towards me, putting his hands in the pocket of his dark blue jeans.
'Riot,' I signed with a nod.
We stood for an awkward moment before Riot let out a long breath and nodded his head for me to follow him.
I was quick to do so, I couldn't help but lick my lips, they felt dry as I followed him into the field where the horses were still grazing.
I took out my cell-phone, getting ready to type out some long-winded message but it was short-lived because Riot took his hand and put it over the screen.
I put my hands down, looking up at him, though he wasn't much taller than I, maybe an inch or two.
I felt small like his green eyes were judging every move I was making 'and possibly he was' I wouldn't blame him for it.
I mean, look at me, I was a skinny, pale, recovery addict with psycho-brother issues, I'd judge me too.
"I'm not going to sugarcoat this," he started, looking at me the same way my parents did when they were disappointed in me.
"I'm not happy about this. I'm not going to sit here and judge you, Preston told me that you've been trying to recover. I get it, that's cool but I'm not a babysitter. If we decide to make this work, it's on you to stay sober, I'm not your parent or guardian."
My lips pulled in, I nodded, I couldn't look at him, my eyes couldn't help but look down at our feet.
I didn't want to look him in the eyes and see the disappointment in me.
Not another person hurt by what I was doing, someone I didn't even really know.
Again I put my cell-phone up to type.
"I know ASL," Riot interrupted.
A little shocked at that I nodded, putting my phone down and hoping my shaking hands could say what I needed them to.
'I'm sorry that I'm not what you were expecting as a mate.'
"Is any mate really what a person is expecting?"
I didn't want to reply, I didn't know how, so I just shook my head.
He sighed, running a hand in his hair.
"Look, we've got to be up early. Start fresh in the morning, yeah?"
'Sure,' I signed, before we parted ways, the pit in my stomach only growing.
'Fuck, of course, I would fuck this up.' 
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