#my throat hurts from screaming all of a sudden like that holy smokes
goldengoddess · 3 years
you & the stars - jesper fahey
pairing: jesper fahey x reader 
request: Hii Could I request head-cannons for dating Jesper and getting hurt on a job. I love your work so much !!
a/n: thank you so much<3 oh my god i totally got carried away with this,,, this might be one of my favorite things i’ve written holy fuck so self indulgent because i love jesper with every part of me 
warnings: angst (but comfort at the end), bullet wounds, injury, blood, almost dying, curse words
you saw the blood before you felt the pain in your side. it dripped down your stomach and into your hands. and then came the horrible vision blurring pain that followed. black spots flowered in your vision as you fell to the floor on your knees. you clutched your stomach as if your two hands could stop the bleeding of a bullet hole.
this was meant to be an easy job. it was meant to be in and out. you and the crows had escaped the ice court, the hands of jan van eck, and the capture of multiple countries. a re con mission at a merchant party should have been a joke. it was meant to even be fun.
you had been looking forward to it for weeks. looking forward to dressing up. feeling nice fancy satin on your skin for one beautiful night. being able to see jesper all cleaned up and in a suit.
you had woken up that morning ready to let your fantasy world take over, to pretend that this job was just a date between you and your boyfriend. that you two fit into this world of luxury and ease, and not the world of street fights and bullet wounds.
how wrong your day dreaming had been, you thought to yourself.
you didn’t remember falling to the floor completely, but suddenly your back was pressed onto the street and you could see the night sky above you.
it was pitch black, filled with clouds of smoke and pollution, a staple of ketterdam.
you could vaguely hear voices calling your name in the distance, muffled by the roar of pain your body was in.
where were the stars, you wondered. i need to see the stars.
the tears in your eyes made it hard for you to see but suddenly jesper’s face appeared in your line of vision, followed by inej’s.
a string of curse words left jesper’s mouth as he gently cradled your head and upper body.
inej unwrapped her scarf and pressed it into the wound in your stomach. you winced in pain every time she moved or shook from fear.
“y/n, sweetheart, you have to stay with me” jesper pleaded.
he looked so worn out, so scared. his eyes were wide and sad. his mouth turned into a frown. you hated when jesper didn’t smile, his grin was just too bright for this world.
“please smile for me” you groaned. everything in your body hurt, your vision was blurry, and it was getting harder and harder to form coherent thoughts.
jesper’s frown only deepened as he rubbed your cheek with his thumb, “just stay with me please. i’ll smile for the rest of my life. just stay with me.”
you let out what you hoped was a little whine and not a blood curdling scream.
you guessed it was the latter as both inej and jesper looked at each other with wide eyes.
jesper started screaming nina’s name at the top of his lungs, his voice raw and desperate cracking at the end of each scream.
she won’t get here in time.
you used every ounce of energy your body had left to lift your hand up to jesper’s face.
your touch shocked him and he turned his attention back to your face, you in his arms. he leaned into your hand and you could see tears at the corner of his eyes.
“i love you.” you wheezed out, “i love you so much. you are the best person i’ve ever known. i need you to know that and remember that when i’m not there to tell you.”
his face grew angry at your words and his grip tightened on your body, “no. you are gonna be there. you’re gonna be there for the rest of my stupid life telling me how great i am and sometimes how obnoxious i can be. you are not allowed to die, we aren’t finished.”
you removed your hand from his face. the blood on your hands staining his cheek and shirt. jesper saw the blood on him and let out a small gasp. 
the sky caught your attention again.
no stars.
you wanted stars.
you registered the feeling of being lifted off the ground by jesper, his arms hooked under your knees and supporting you head at the same time.
he was walking as fast as he could without hurting you and every small protest of pain from your mouth squeezed at his heart.
you gripped his shirt, “jesper.”
he looked down at you and even scared and covered in your blood you couldn’t believe how beautiful he looked.
“what baby?” he asked as gently as possible, still moving towards, what you hoped, was the slat.
“the stars aren’t there” you said deliriously, resting your head on his chest, “i want to see the stars.”
“stay awake and i’ll take you to the stars sweetheart. just stay awake.” you heard him say before you closed your eyes and the world went silent.
you opened your eyes and you let out a sigh of relief at the familiar sight and smell of your room at the slat.
you craned your neck to the side, and you were met with nina zenik sitting in a chair with her head in her hands, mumbling prayers and nonsense.
“saints zenik, i never took you for the religious type” you teased, your voice coming out sounding wrong thanks to your scratchy throat.
her head snapped up and she rushed to your bed side, clutching your hand.
“oh you absolute idiot, you are not allowed to do that again. do you hear me?” she threatened.
you let out a little laugh, “or what zenik?”
her eyes got sad all of a sudden and she squeezed your hand gently, like if we squeezed just the right way she could transfer all of her love and strength to you. “im sorry i couldn’t get there earlier. by the time you got to me i thought there was nothing i could do.” she sighed and puffed out her chest slightly, “but this is me we’re talking about so of course i fixed you right up. but i didn’t have time to worry about the beauty of all of it so it’ll leave a pretty nasty scar.”
you nodded your head as she talked. you had assumed as much, everything in your body was sore but you were happy that it wasn’t screaming in pain like before.
“god jesper was about to kill me dead as i worked on you, i swear he was so worried and pissed he would have bitch slapped me right there in front of the crows and- oh my god jesper!?” she shrieked the last part.
she got off the floor and opened the door, “jes! get your ass up here.”
she turned back to you, “y/n he was here the entire time. we finally convinced him to go get something to eat i promise. he’s going to be so angry he wasn’t here when you woke up.”
and even thought you’d almost died, the thought of jesper waiting at your bedside made you blush.
nina noticed and rolled her eyes, “yuck, the two of you are so in love it hurts.”
suddenly jesper was at the door, his breathing labored making it very clear that he had run up the stairs at full speed to get to your room.
nina gave you a small smile before slipping out of the room and closing the door.
jesper was at your side before you could blink. his forehead pressed into your arm as he held the same hand nina had held only a few minutes ago.
he kept repeating “you’re okay” and “i’m so sorry” over and over. and you couldn’t speak. because you couldn’t believe you had this beautiful boy in your life and you were making him worry.
you lifted his head so he was looking at you and you placed your hand on his cheek. you got a horrible sense of deja vu. jesper felt it too because he immediately tensed. you pulled your hand away and when you both saw there was no blood, you put it back.
“jes, you incredible idiot, this is not your fault. you don’t have to say sorry. i’m okay. i’m still here. we are okay.”
you punctuated each word to make him really get it. you couldn’t live with yourself if this moment destroyed the happy boy that you had fallen in love with.
he let out a breath and motioned for you to make room in the bed. you wiggled to one side, wincing a little bit. jesper climbed in and you rested your head on his shoulder as he played with your fingers.
“don’t ever scare me like that again” he grumbled.
you laughed and jokingly responded with “no sorry babe i can’t promise that, i just love getting shot in the stomach. quiet enjoyed it”
he glared at you for a second before laughing with you.
he traced a little heart into your palm with his pointer finger. “you’re my favorite person in this world. i couldn’t live without you.”
“then you’re lucky you don’t have to” you hummed in response.
“yeah i am, who would annoy the crap out of me if not” he teased.
you giggled into his shoulder and left a little kiss.
“when you’re feeling better, you know, not on the brink of death by bullet, i’m going to take you to novyi zem.” you looked up at him, shocked because jesper had never suggested visiting his home country. but he was still looking at your fingers like his life depended on it. “we’re going to spend a week at my da’s farm and we’ll stay up all night looking at the stars and making up stories.” he said. it didn’t sound like a request but more like a plea. like he had to give this to you.
you only vaguely recalled mentioning the stars and jesper holding you in his arms but you nodded your head anyways.
“as much as i’m incredibly excited for that, i already have the brightest star right here.” you grinned, tapping his nose.
he rolled his eyes and kissed the crown of your head, “cheesy sweetheart. even for you.”
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hood-ex · 4 years
I'd be thrilled if you did a crash (plane or other vehicle) in winter weather with Dick and Roy 🤣 ok, we all know I'd just be thrilled to read any hurt comfort or whump with Dick, and bonus Roy is a bonus 😁 excited to see what you come up with for all of these prompts.
Roy’s running, and he’s running fucking fast. The air he sucks in through his mouth is cold enough to make his teeth throb, and his legs are burning as he pushes them to go faster. It’s a relief when the adrenaline consumes his whole body and leaves everything numb except for the erratic beating of his heart. Now he can focus on getting to the hunk of aluminum that just went down with Dick inside of it. 
Holy shit, he can’t believe that just happened. He can’t fucking believe the plane Dick hijacked started spiraling towards the ground after the pilot nosedived. If Kyle hadn’t acted when he did... if he hadn’t caught the plane before it crashed... 
Roy shudders. He doesn’t want to think about that. He doesn’t want to imagine Dick’s body burning up into nothing but a pile of ash. That’s just... no. That can’t happen to Dick. Nothing’s supposed to touch him. Roy’s not supposed to let something like that touch him.  
He’s only about fifty feet away from a motorcycle when a H.I.V.E. goon tries to intercept him with his gun, and damn, can’t the yellow wearing H.I.V.E. freak see that Roy doesn’t have time for this? He quickly notches an arrow and shoots it in retaliation. It’s one of his trick arrows that shoots out a screen of smoke, and Roy grins because now the yellow fuck can’t see what he’s shooting at. 
His legs eat up the distance to the bike before the smoke dissipates, and he swings himself up on the seat in one fluid motion. He’s panting, and his throat feels like the Snow Miser just pissed in it, but he hardly pays attention to that because he catches sight of the key in the ignition, and relief washes over him. One of the H.I.V.E. freaks must have planned on coming back for the bike and just left the key behind for easy access. 
Roy’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He takes off like a shot down the paved road past the H.I.V.E. freaks who are wasting their bullets on Kyle. Then he passes H.I.V.E.’s honeycomb shaped building and heads towards the back of it where the plane went down. The closer he gets, the more he can see a runway that stretches on for miles and miles with grass growing on either side of it. He guesses the runway is the reason H.I.V.E. built this base in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania. 
The plane is sitting upright in a patch of grass to the right of the runway in the same place Kyle had set it. Roy wastes no time flinging himself off his bike as soon as it comes to a stop. His heartbeat pulses in his ears, and shit, even though it’s 18° today, he feels his hands sweating and shaking inside his gloves. 
He’s not sure what he’s about to walk into is the thing. If Dick didn’t have time to strap himself into a seat then there’s no telling what kind of damage he could have taken during the plane’s freefall. The idea that Dick might be dead is almost more than Roy can handle, and he has to try and take some deep breaths to calm himself down.
The door of the plane is already open, and thank fuck for that because otherwise, this whole thing would take longer, and Roy’s nerves are already shot to hell from waiting. He’s not sure if the open door means someone already got off the plane or not. There’s no telling how many people were inside of it other than Dick and the pilot. Roy thinks probably not many since it’s a private plane that only seems big enough to have about eight or ten seats in it. 
He arms himself with a knife just in case, and he has to remind himself not to bulldoze his way inside no matter how badly he wants to. Dick taught him to be stealthier than that. 
His footsteps are as quiet as he can make them when he climbs up the small number of stairs on to the plane. The first thing he notices is that it’s just as cold in here as it is outside, which isn’t surprising considering the open door. The second thing he notices is that the door to the cockpit is open with no one inside of it. A look towards the cabin shows no sign of anyone either, and now Roy is cursing a thousand times over in his head because where the fuck is Dick?
“Wing?” he says quietly, maybe a little too quiet. 
He heads further into the cabin, checking each of the plush seats for any signs of black and blue. By the time he starts to near the end of the cabin, hope and anxiety are boxing each other in his chest. Anxiety over finding Dick dead, and hope over the idea that maybe Dick is fine enough to have gotten out on his own. 
Both feelings sucker punch each other when he gets to the two seats in the back that are facing one other. The one facing Roy is empty. The one turned away from Roy is where Dick sits with his head slumped over his chest. 
The fact that Dick is wearing a seatbelt—and Roy is itching to know how the fuck he pulled that off—is such relief that Roy has to clutch on to the arm of the seat and just breathe. Things will be okay, right? Dick’s here. Roy found him. Things are gonna be fine. 
He’s not moving, Roy’s brain screams at him, and Roy wants to tell the voice to shut the fuck up. He wants to walk over to the toilet and shove that thought into it and flush it until it’s gone forever. But no matter how much he wants to ignore it, he can’t deny that Dick isn’t moving a damn inch. 
Dick’s dead. There’s no blood or wounds on him, but he’s not moving. He has to be dead. If he’s not dead then he’s got a traumatic brain injury that’s keeping him from waking up, and Roy feels like he can’t breathe because neither are good. They’re both really fucking bad, and Roy can’t... Dick can’t... 
“Wing?” he says, and his voice is weak and strangled. He doesn’t remember the last time he sounded like this. Probably not since Donna. 
He can’t lose him. Not Dick. Never Dick. Dick is supposed to be untouchable. He’s always there. Always there when Roy needs him. Always there when other people need him. He’s not dead... he can’t be dead. God, please don’t let Dick be dead...
He takes his glove off, and even though his hand is shaking, he reaches out to place his fingers against Dick’s pulse. He imagines not feeling anything, and he thinks he’s going to throw up. 
The pad of his middle finger barely touches Dick’s skin before Dick suddenly jerks hard to the right. It scares the absolute shit out of Roy, and he flails backward with a yelp, heart thundering in his chest. 
“Arsenal?” Dick slurs. His head rolls in Roy’s direction, and Roy has never hated Dick’s mask for deceiving him more than this very moment. 
Something like a whimper slips out of Roy’s mouth, and he dives in for a side hug that has his cheek pressed against Dick’s. Their faces are both freezing cold, and even though this is probably one of the most unpleasant hugs Roy’s ever had, it means everything to him. He feels like someone replaced all of his bones with jello, and he can’t help but slump against Dick like he’s a kid seeking comfort. 
“I thought you were...” Roy tries to clear his throat, and it’s nearly impossible with how tight it is. “I thought...”
“My head,” Dick interrupts quietly. Roy pulls away from him and sees Dick raise one of his hands to lightly prod at the right side of his head. “Hurts...”
“Must have hit it when the plane was tumbling around,” Roy says a little numbly, thinking that the way Dick is slurring and moving slowly is because he’s concussed. “Probably got nasty whiplash too.”
“I fell in a plane?” Dick says more like he’s talking to himself rather than asking Roy. 
Amnesia of the traumatic event. Another concussion symptom. 
“Yeah,” Roy says quietly, not wanting to irritate Dick’s senses when they’re bound to be sensitive right now. “You fell.”
Dick’s face twists in confusion. “How did I—”
“GL caught the plane before it could crash.”
“Oh,” Dick says. His mouth is a hard line like he’s trying to make himself remember. “We’re at the H.I.V.E. base getting the kryptonite.”
Roy brushes strands of black hair away from Dick’s eyelets to give his hands something to do, and then he remembers that Dick is still strapped into the chair. 
“Yeah, we’re at H.I.V.E.,” Roy says. He gently maneuvers Dick’s arms up so that he can undo the seatbelt. 
“I can do it,” Dick says, making zero attempts at it. 
“I know,” Roy murmurs. 
“We need to get back to the others,” Dick says, and the leader in him that leaks out makes Roy want to smile and roll his eyes all at once. Trust Dick to compartmentalize his near death experience to focus on the mission. 
“No, I need to get back to the others,” Roy says. He’s sure that Dick is glaring at him behind his mask, so he quickly tacks on, “You’re staying put until I can send GL to you because you might have hurt your spine or something else during the fall.” 
“I’m f—”
“You’re not fine!” Roy hisses. He immediately feels shitty about it when Dick flinches at the loud tone. “You’re not,” he says softer this time. He takes a seat in the chair across from Dick’s and places his hand on Dick’s knee. He’s not sure which of them he’s trying to ground. “You know what I thought when I saw you bent over like your neck was snapped?”
“I thought you were dead, Wing.” And now he knows he’s got Dick’s full attention because Dick cocks his head to the side like he’s assessing Roy’s well-being. “You weren’t moving, and I thought you were just... gone. Gone like GA.” He feels so fucking tired all of a sudden, and he knows it’s the adrenaline crash kicking his ass. “Gone like Troia.”
Dick tenses at that, and Roy hates bringing up bad memories for both of them, but he just needs Dick to understand. 
“I need you to be okay,” he says, lightly squeezing Dick’s knee. He stares down at Dick’s feet because it’s better than having to see Dick looking at him like he thinks Roy is fragile. And shit, he kind of is fragile right now, isn’t he? His hands still haven’t stopped shaking for fuck’s sake, and there’s still a sense of fear etched into him that he doesn’t think is going to go away until Dick’s been to a hospital. “I need you to trust me to do this without you like you trusted me with the Titans.” 
Dick inhales sharply through his nose and presses his shoulders back against his chair. Roy knows this is hard for him. Hard for him to just sit here where he can’t help keep the team safe. It’s hard for Roy too, knowing Dick is vulnerable in his current state. It kills him that he can’t put Dick on the bike and get him to safety without possibly causing irreparable damage to his body. 
“I always trust you,” Dick says, and it warms Roy’s heart to hear it. Getting validation from Dick has always felt kind of like a reward. “And I guess you’re right. I won’t be much help to any of you out there.”
Dick’s face suddenly gets a pinched look, his hand going back to the side of his head. Roy nearly forgot about Dick’s concussion because Dick’s so damn good at faking that he’s okay. 
“You’ll be alright?” Roy looks at Dick urgently because he really needs to get back to the others. It’s not like he’s been with Dick all that long by normal standards, but by mission standards, it’s been way too long. 
“As alright as I can be after getting my body shaken like a maraca.” 
“Yes, I’ll be fine. Now hurry up and go.”
Roy gives Dick’s knee one last comforting squeeze before he goes. Leaving Dick behind makes him feel like a nervous wreck all over again, and he swears that if something happens to Dick while he’s gone, he’ll never forgive himself. But he leaves all the same because he’s got other friends to take care of, and Dick is trusting him to look after them. 
Roy won’t let him down. 
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arya-skywalker · 3 years
Flying Free (Sanders Sides Fanfic)
Summary: Virgil is abducted by aliens and tossed into a cell with four alien children— who (after getting over their fear of the deathworlder) imprint on him as a parental figure. For better or worse, he’s stuck with them.
Notes: Fic in exchange for art by the amazing @alicat54c ! Inspired by a brainstorm with alicat and @droidofmay
There are some things I definitely would have expanded on if I had the time. Perhaps I’ll write a sequel at some point. But overall I’m happy with how it came out!
TW: imprisonment, kidnapping, brief mention of gross food, violence
AO3 Link
Virgil hissed and thrashed as he was shoved down the hall, struggling blindly against his captors. Abducted by aliens. Again. That couldn’t be good.
“Stop fight! Stop fight!” The alien guards snapped in broken Galactic Basic. At least, that’s all Virgil understood between gargles and growls. “New home!”
New home.... Virgil stopped fighting to process. New home.... new cell? New owner?
The guards practically threw him into the cell. “Eat feathered one. Not others. Clear?” One said, removing the bag over Virgil’s head and quickly jumping out of biting range.
Virgil blinked, recoiling from the sudden bright light. He nodded once, since that was easier than arguing that he didn’t want to eat anyone.
The guards left the cell and locked the door. His cuffs beeped, disabling the magnet-electric-whatever connecting them to allow him to move.
Suddenly a bright blue puffball launched itself at Virgil and clung to his shirt.
Virgil reared back, about to throw it back across the room— but it was alive. It was chittering and purring and nuzzling him. Then it looked up at him with the biggest eyes Virgil had ever seen. “Holy shit it’s a baby,” Virgil breathed, carefully reaching up to stroke the baby’s fluffy feathers. He said in careful basic, “I will not hurt you.”
He looked up at the other alien prisoners— the closest one being a dark blue lizard-like creature, about 3 feet tall, with humanoid hands; in the corner were two smaller finned creatures, which started pulsing with painfully-bright lights as soon as he looked in their direction. Virgil covered his eyes with a hiss. “Stop light! Stop with the lights! Lights off!”
The aliens said something in another language, and a moment later the lights stopped. Virgil grimaced and moved to sit on the floor, back to a wall, carefully cradling the blue puffball.
The lizard moved closer. “You speak basic?” It asked.
Virgil shrugged. “A little. Enough,” he said. He’d never formally learned the language, but after a few years being tossed around the universe he picked up a decent amount.
“I am Logan. That is Patton. There, Roman and Remus,” the lizard said, pointing to himself, then the blue puffball, then the red finned one, then the green finned one.
“Virgil,” he said, pointing to himself.
Logan nodded slowly. “You will not hurt us?”
“No. No hurt,” Virgil said quickly. “I do not want to fight.”
Logan nodded. “That is greatly appreciated, thank you.”
Logan watched the deathworlder sleep, Patton still peacefully cradled in his arms. “I do not think he means us any harm,” he whispered to the twins in the language of their homeworld.
“He’s a deathworlder!” Roman hissed, bright red swirls pulsing on his skin. “Monster!”
“Patton is attached to him. Physically and emotionally. He provides warmth,” Logan said. “If he were truly a monster, he would not be so gentle.”
“I’m gonna poke him,” Remus said after a moment, edging closer. “He looks poke-able.”
“Are you insane?” Roman tackled him. “He’ll kill you! He’ll kill all of us and eat us!”
The twins wrestled each other, pulsing and keening and hissing. Logan sighed.
The deathworlder stirred and groaned.
“Roman, Remus, please desist. I believe you are upsetting the deathworlder’s sleep cycles,” Logan said.
Roman suddenly let go and hopped away, pulsing in panic.
Remus took the opportunity to run at the deathworlder and poke his face.
The deathworlder jerked awake and recoiled with what seemed to be a swear-word in his native tongue. “What?” he snarled in basic.
Remus slithered back to the corner, laughing.
“Remus wanted to poke you. He is rather impulsive. Our apologies for disrupting your sleep,” Logan replied.
The deathworlder blinked. “It was a...” He floundered for a moment, searching for the word. “... joke? Not attack?”
“Not attack. I assure you he meant no harm.”
The deathworlder made a strange gesture with his hand that somehow seemed obscene, but not violent.
Remus laughed again.
Some time later, the door opened. Guards slid bowls of grey slop towards the aliens. One looked at Virgil and pointed to Patton. “Why not eat?”
Virgil bared his teeth, holding Patton protectively. “This is baby. I do not eat children.”
The guard stared at him. “Easy prey. Eat!”
“No. Will not eat.” Virgil glared back. “If you touch him, I eat you.” He wouldn’t, of course. Eating sentient beings in general was not something he wanted to do.
The guards argued amongst each other in growls, then left without further issue.
Virgil sagged against the wall and looked back at Patton, stroking his fluff gently. “You okay, little guy?”
Patton chirped and nuzzled him.
Logan cleared his throat. “We can share. I do not eat much,” he offered.
Virgil glanced at the slop and shook his head. “No need, thanks.”
“You need to keep up your strength. Patton will die if you die.”
“Great...” Virgil sighed, glanced at the little puffball, then moved to sit next to Logan. “You eat something too.”
“This is agreeable.”
The slop was disgusting. But at least it was something. And it didn’t seem to be drugged.
Roman was.... singing. At least, that’s what it seemed like. Like whale singing mixed with bird calls. Soft colors swirled across his fins, calming, hypnotic...
Virgil shook his head to clear it, looking away before he could get pulled in. But it still sounded nice.
Once the song faded, Virgil applauded lightly, making sure not to be too loud. “Logan, please tell Roman that was beautiful,” he said, smiling encouragingly.
Logan translated, and Roman trilled in response, flapping his fins.
The cell door opened, and a human kid was shoved inside, crying. The door was quickly locked again. Virgil cursed under his breath, then crouched down next to the kid. “Hey, hey, it’s alright,” he said, alternating between English and Basic in hopes of getting the message across.
“Want Jan!” The kid sobbed.
English. Okay, he could work with this. Hopefully. “Jan’s not here right now, but no one in this cell is gonna hurt you, promise,” Virgil said gently.
The kid threw himself into Virgil’s arms, hugging tightly. Patton squeaked in protest and squirmed to Virgil’s head, clinging to his hair. Virgil sighed and hugged the kid, trying not to be too awkward. Once the sobs subsided, Virgil cleared his throat and asked, “What’s your name, kid? I’m Virgil.”
“Thomas,” he said, face still smooshed against Virgil’s chest.
“Okay, Thomas. I’m gonna keep you safe, alright?”
Thomas nodded and sniffled. “Jan will come.”
“Sure, whatever you say, kid,” Virgil muttered, doubting this Jan was even alive. “You wanna meet the others?”
Thomas smiled shyly and nodded, pulling away just enough to sit on the floor.
“Alright. This is Patton....” Virgil pointed the puffball on his head.
Thomas gasped. “He’s so cute! Can I pet him?”
Virgil hesitated. “He’s a baby. You’ll be careful?”
Thomas nodded. “Promise!”
“Okay.... Go ahead, then. Gently.”
Thomas giggled and stood, reaching up to pet the puffball and squealing in delight. Patton chirped in response.
Virgil waited for Thomas to stop, then pointed to the lizard. “That’s Logan. He can speak basic too.” He pointed to the twins. “Roman and Remus. They can’t really talk, at least not from what I can see, but they change colors sometimes, and sing.”
Thomas waved shyly. “Hi,” he said.
Virgil briefly switched to basic, addressing Logan, “This is Thomas. He is... young one. Little. Harmless.”
Logan nodded, then said something to the twins in their language, who trilled and flapped their fins in greeting. A far warmer welcome than Virgil had received, but that was fine.
Virgil suddenly awoke to alarms blaring. He lurched to his feet, careful not to drop Patton. “What’s going on?”
Logan didn’t respond, frozen in fear. The twins were flashing in panic.
“Release all humans to me or I will kill every single non-human on this blasted ship!” The message repeated in English, Galactic Basic, and a handful of other languages Virgil didn’t recognize. Gunshots and screams punctuated each iteration.
“It’s Jan! He’s coming!” Thomas cheered in English, waddling to the locked door. “Jan! I’m in here! Help!”
“Woah, hey, be careful! How do you know it’s your friend?” Virgil grabbed the back of Thomas’s shirt, pulling him away from the door. “It could be a terrorist or he could just sell us again or—“
“I know Jan’s voice. He’s coming to save us,” Thomas said stubbornly.
Virgil groaned. Great. Thomas’s best friend was a terrorist. That’s just what they needed.
The screams grew closer and suddenly the door was blasted open. A human stood in the opening, guns still smoking and belt bedecked with more weapons then Virgil could count. His face was tattooed with scales. “Thomas! There you are, come with me,” he said in English.
Thomas squirmed free and ran over to the other human, giggling and hugging his legs. “Jan! I made friends!”
Virgil moved to stand in front of the other kids. “Don’t hurt them. They’re innocent,” he said.
“Oh please, don’t tell me you’re domesticated.” Jan rolled his eyes.
Virgil clenched his jaw. “I’m not, but the little ones here imprinted on me. They are convinced I am their parental figure, and I’d hate to let them down.”
“Jan! We gotta take them with us! Please please please?” Thomas begged.
Jan looked down at him and sighed. “Really? All of them?”
“Yes all of them! They’re my friends!”
“Sweetie you’ve only been gone for a week. You don’t know them.”
“Yes I do! They’re kids like me and they’re my friends!”
Jan shook his head. “We can’t trust them.”
“I do!”
An alien guard moved towards them. “Hey, behind you!” Virgil snapped.
Jan shot without even looking, effortlessly killing the alien. “Thanks, but I totally knew it was there.”
Thomas pouted up at him. “I’m not leaving without them!”
Jan rolled his eyes. “Oh fine, we don’t have time to argue. Go on, tell your babies we’re leaving.”
Virgil blushed slightly and glanced back at the other kids. “Uh... we’re going. This human is helping us. Friend,” he said in basic.
Logan frowned. “You are certain we can trust him?”
“Thomas trusts him. That’s gonna have to be good enough,” Virgil replied.
Logan hesitated for a moment, looking at Jan suspiciously, then turned to the twins and said something in another language. They flashed and pulsed.
“What are they doing? Stop them!” Jan hissed in basic.
Virgil winced. “Tell them they’re hurting us, please,” he added. “Tell them this human is a friend.”
Logan said something else and eventually the twins seemed to relax.
Jan glared at the twins. “They better not do that again.”
“They will try not to,” Logan said. “It is a stress response. This is stressful.”
“Give me a gun, or a knife, or something,” Virgil said to Jan. “Let me help.”
“He’s good,” Thomas whispered, still clinging to Jan’s legs.
Jan snarled and shoved a blaster at Virgil. “Take it! We don’t have all day, so move it!”
Virgil awkwardly accepted the blaster, then glanced down at Thomas. “Hey, do you wanna carry Patton? Keep him safe for me until we get off this ship?” he asked in English.
Thomas’s eyes widened and he eagerly nodded, holding out his hands. Virgil smiled wanly and carefully extracted Patton, handing him over gently. Luckily they seemed to get along.
Then they were off. Janus in the lead, Thomas right behind him, Logan carrying the twins and waddling after, Virgil taking up the rear to guard against any aliens trying to follow. The rest was a blur. Running. Shooting. Yelling.
Suddenly they stopped at the launch bay and Jan ushered them onto another ship. An old modified cruiser of some sort— with added gun turrets.
Virgil leaped inside as the ship was taking off, somehow managing to land on his feet. “Everyone safe? No one hurt?” he asked in basic, looking at the kids already huddled in the corner.
“We are unharmed,” Logan said, putting down the twins.
“Here! I kept him warm!” Thomas said in English, holding Patton up.
Virgil smiled wanly and took Patton back, holding the blue puffball close. “Thanks, kid. You did well,” he said.
Thomas beamed and skipped over to a seat, strapping in.
“Is that everyone? Hooo boy, we’ve got a whole freak show back here!” A stranger stood in the doorway to the cockpit, holding a cup of what smelled like coffee.
“Yes, it’s everyone! Get us out of here!” Jan snapped, taking a seat next to Thomas. “We’ll explain on the way.”
“Bossy, bossy!” The man clicked his tongue. “Hold onto your butts, this might get bumpy.” Without waiting for a response, he vanished back into the cockpit. A second later the ship lurched into motion.
“Hold onto something!” Virgil warned in basic, which Logan quickly translated for the twins. They did their best to secure themselves, but the seats clearly weren’t fashioned for aliens. Virgil sat next to them, hoping he’d be able to catch them if something went wrong.
The much larger smugglers’ ship exploded behind them.
Free. They were free.
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vocalyunho · 4 years
Why’d you only call me when you’re high?
pairing — San x reader (fem)
genre — angst, smut
word count — 2.8k
warnings — mentions of alcohol, oral, fingering, spanking, choking (not really), explicit unprotected sex.
synopsis — San’s on your doorstep again, high and needy, like every other time. You can’t bring yourself to say no to him though, not when your emotions for him are this strong.
A/N: AM’s “Why’d you only call me when you’re high?” was the inspiration of this.
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“are you up?”
San’s text got followed by one more shot that made his throat feel like he’d breathe out fire in the form of bright blue flames. He tried to walk to the bathroom and once he reached it, his already blurry vision got blurrier, as he held himself up by holding on the sink. The clean mirror in front of him, that reflected his -not so good- state, told him it was about time he left but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. Not with his mind on how you weren’t there with him, by his side, and he knew, very well, he shouldn’t want you there.
All his calls to you went unanswered and all his texts got overlooked with one single text that said it all “why’d you only call me when you’re high, San?”. He couldn’t bring his mind to logically answer to that, not because he wasn’t sober -even when he was he couldn’t answer to that- but because there was no answer to his liking that could explain that.
Exiting the -God knows what type of- place he was in, all the streets were empty. The dim yellow lighting from the streetlights was the only thing that helped him walk on the sidewalk and not in the middle of the road. His jacket felt heavier than ever, but the cold breeze of the spring night didn’t let him take it off. He walked slowly, his mind going dizzier by the bright lights of the ‘twenty four hours open’ little shops that were there for people who were out for the night, like him.
He walked past one of them and, turning his head to the right, he thought he saw you in there. His eyes widened but after a while, your -almost too real form- vanished proving him that this was just his mind playing tricks at 3:30AM. San shook his head in an attempt to make it see things as they were but as he kept walking, he passed in front of a dark alley in which two dudes were smoking something illegal, probably. His heart skipped two or three beats when he thought he saw you there again. This time though, he wasn’t so naïve. He shook his head harder and when he opened his eyes again, he was sure you weren’t there. His legs continued walking on their own. The sounds of the meager cars passing by him, echoed in his ears making his head throb at the too much noise pollution. He thought he saw you everywhere…
He didn’t have a final destination when he left the bar, he walked and walked but when he reached your neighborhood, he felt like he was finally home.
Your bell rang, echoing in the silent apartment, and you flinched at the unexpected visit at such hour. Your eyes left the tv and, walking to the door, you looked through the peephole before opening it with a heavy heart. And there he was, at your doorstep. Again. His eyes filled with lust and need like every other time but, this time, there was something else there too that you couldn’t figure out. You’re tired, so tired of it, but you can’t bring yourself to refuse to his request…to refuse to him.
“I was so worried”, he said with heavy eyes, his hand against the door frame, holding him up “why didn’t you answer to my calls, I didn’t know if you were okay”
“you need to leave, San”
“let me stay just for the night”
It’s funny how many times you’ve heard that sentence leaving his plump lips and it’s even funnier that you let him stay every time, even though things always end up the same. With you under him and his lips on your hot flesh that feels like it needs him and only him.
…And his lips were on yours in a second, this time too, after the door was shut close. His hands all over your body worshiping the curves sculpted by heaven itself or so he thought. San got rid of his jacket fast, that was now laying on the wooden floor of your small living room and his shoes were here and there as he took them off without glancing at them. He was too busy sucking on your neck, marking it, making it his but at the same time, not his, at all.
Your mind said no, but your heart could only scream yes. You could smell every single drop of alcohol he’s consumed tonight, you could sense every bit of need in his actions and every bit of desire in his breathy moans against your neck, but not a single hint of love.
His body was so close to yours, you could feel every inhale and exhale and he kept coming closer, moving your body backwards until you reached the plum bedroom. He knew your house better than you at this point, but what hurt you the most is that he also knew your body better than you. He’s kissed, marked, licked, explored all of it and you’d lie if you said you didn’t like it. But it hurt.
San reached for the hem of your white t-shirt and only detached his lips from your neck for a second to take it off. Like a starved man, he attacked your lips moaning your name in the process. Before you could think of it, he started unbuttoning his own shirt and once it was completely open, your fingertips moved to his exposed body like they had a mind of their own. You caressed the toned chest and flexed abs up and down the same way your tongue had done millions of times before. He moaned in your mouth and your knees weakened.
Your body was aching both because of need and pain. San always kept coming back to you and the gullible hope in your heart, always thought it was because he wanted you like you wanted him. He needed you like you needed him…with the actual meaning of the word, not just for the animalistic drunk sex you had.
He pushed you on the edge of the bed and slid your pajama pants to your ankles till they were off and thrown somewhere on the floor along with his own. You crawled further up the bed as he got rid of his boxers, like it was the most useless piece of clothing ever. His cock sprung up, red, swollen, needy as always, with pre-cum already leaking from the tip and you knew how this would go but you still stayed there, anticipating for it.
You only needed him to care. You only needed to wake up the next morning and find him next to you on the bed, but it never went like this.
He crawled on top of you and before he could move, you held his wrists tightly. You just wanted to see him for a bit, to know that he was really there, to let him know that this means more than he thinks to you…and he stayed. He stayed staring at you and you felt like this was the first time he’s ever looked in your eyes. You always thought his face was a masterpiece, a painting in a museum where all other works of art would be jealous of the beauty it held. His lips were always red and plump, his nose high and elegant like a Greek god’s and his eyes…these were your favorite. They held the entire sky and all of galaxy’s stars, no matter how corny that sounds.
“I don’t have a condom”, he broke the silence but you expected that from him, he couldn’t keep himself any longer, probably.
“you never do”
“you’re on birth control, right?”
“that’s my baby”
He kissed your temple and you wished he could, for once, mean both the “my” and the kiss.
“you’ll do as I say and you won’t come before a let you?”
San was always slightly aggressive when drunk, but especially talkative and very much horny.
He lowered his body until his face was in between your legs and grasping your thighs, he didn’t even dare to take your panties off. The fabric was in between his fingers in a second and when he slid it to the side, he pecked your clit softly. The familiar tingling feeling washed your spine. He ran his tongue along the entirety of your center, collecting some of your silk and once it was down his throat, he pressed his tongue on the bundle of nerves. Your eyes shut close fast and a small moan left your lips, and before you could even get used to his actions, he puckered his lips and sucked hard “o-ohmygod”
You grabbed his hair and your fingers got clumsily tangled in the waves. Your hips backed up asking for more but he only dug his fingers on the soft flesh of your thighs, keeping you down and open for him to do as he wished. The lewd sounds of your silk getting sucked echoed in the silent apartment, driving you crazy and you felt your center burn. San’s eyes were closed until he took one hand away from your thigh to wipe the wetness from your cunt, before pushing two digits in. “holy shit-”
He only moaned at your curse as he synchronized the quick thrusting of his fingers with the lapping of his tongue and you pulled his hair when you felt your climax reaching you “S-San imgonna come”.
“don’t you dare baby”
He took his face away from your cunt and brought it on your level, but the thrusting of his fingers quickened making your eyes roll back and your head pin to the pillow. “let me see that pretty face of yours”, he groaned and pulled your chin down. You couldn’t care less at how he stared you, you only needed to chase after your orgasm even if he told you not to. The sounds from between your legs got squelchier and he bit his bottom lip in an attempt to make his hand keep going. You moaned loudly when your legs started trembling and San pulled his fingers out of you fast.
You whined at the sudden lack of penetration but he straddled you and brought his fingers to your lips, tapping them softly “open up”. You did and he inserted them to the pit, making you gag but as he pulled them slowly backwards you got to taste yourself, moaning both at the taste and the feeling of his fingers in your mouth. San twitched.
“I think you should be a good girl and fall on all fours, mhm?”
He said and took your underwear off as he left your lap. He always loved it doggy and as you held yourself up and turned around, he grabbed your hips bringing them higher than the rest of your body. Your face fell on the mattress and before you could see him from the corner of your eye, a loud smack landed on your ass.
“fuck baby, why so sensitive today?”
The way you backed your hips down made him wonder what changed today. You usually push them higher to earn more but not this time.
“I need you San-”
“you need what?”
He caressed the reddened flesh before landing another, harder smack on it “you need what?”
“your cock-”
“that’s right”
“inside me, pplease”
He guided himself to your entrance but only nudged it up and down, earning a loud sigh from you.
“San- please”
“I love it when you beg”
“fuck please”
Every pleading felt like music to his ears. He adored it when the walls of your pride fell apart for him, mostly because he knew you weren’t like this in other spectrums of your life. You never begged anyone for anything, but you did beg him because you needed him.
“your pretty begs only get me harder, babygirl”
Your heart clenched at the nickname “please San, let me feel you”
“only because it’s you”
He took his hand off his member and held on your sides as he pushed in slowly, groaning at the tightness around him.
“fuck yes”
It felt more relieving than painful and you sighed loudly at the long-awaited stretch. He went halfway in before drawing his hips back and snapping them forward again. His hands roamed your sides, moving you against his dick slowly and it would feel like lovers making love, if only there was the tiniest hint of love hidden in his actions or words. Sometimes it fooled you, making you feel like there really is something bigger there, something that could grow and even reach the level of love but you were wrong. If love exists in one party, it can never be called proper love…
His thrusts started getting faster and you clutched on the sheets on each side of your body for support. The force of his hips made you bounce against him and every time he drew back and in again, your bodies collided rhythmically.
San’s eyes narrowed as he tried to thrust faster, but he didn’t warn you, and once he bottomed out, a loud cry got mixed with your whimpers. Your knees weakened and you felt like collapsing while San only went faster, shortening his thrusts but hitting deep.
You tried to hold his thigh as your legs spread further without realizing, but he grabbed your knees and brought them up as they should be again. You cried out and pushed your ass up to help him reach deeper but he throbbed and the groan the left him came from deep in his chest.
“d-do you like that?”
He slapped your ass and it hurt more than before but a smile creeped up your lips knowing how you would see his mark on you the next morning, once again. When your hand on his thigh got held, it took you by surprise. Your wrist was in his palm and, in a moment, he brought it up on his lips and kissed it softly contrasting the way his hips treated yours.
“fuck baby, you’re so good”
“San I’m-”
“come for me”, he almost growled and wrapped his hand around your throat to bring you up against his chest. The warmth on your back made you give yourself completely in him. He held you as he wished, he moved you as he wished, he fucked you as he wished…and you could only love it. Your head fell back, on his shoulder and you could see him from a new angle. His jaw was clenched and sweat was already dripping from the side of his face. He looked too good like that.
He saw you staring at him and the exposed flesh of your neck was more than enough to occupy his lips. He kissed on it like when he first came in your apartment tonight, but this time he nibbled and sucked more gently. He wanted to hear all your sounds, to know that he was the one responsible for them. Your eyes rolled on the back of your head when he hit your g-spot and his lips on your neck made it feel like heaven. He twitched and let a deep groan tickle your skin, you felt him trembling…
Cries of his name rolled off your tongue and your walls clenched hard. He held your side tightly with his left hand while the other was still around your throat, holding gently rather than harshly. His thrusts began to slow down and get longer but your mind went dizzier and dizzier. It was like you were drunk on the pain of him not loving you back instead of the bliss he was sending you to. There was no way you could take it anymore, you couldn’t keep bearing this pain, you needed him to be with you on daylight too, not only during the night when he’s drunk and in need of your comfort.
“San…pplease come-”
Your voice was desperate and almost a real cry as your climax got over you and you came around him, trembling and falling forward but he kept you steady. He forced his hips forward, with heavy pants and quivering thighs.
“can I stay afterwards?”, he spoke softly even though he was on the verge too.
“you already are”
“not only till the sun rises”
He kissed your lips and came with a deep groan, painting you like a canvas.
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Day 24
Remember I said I had another pair (technically two pairs) of interconnected prompts for the rest of the month? Well, this is the first part of the first of those sets. Conclusion tomorrow, at which point I’ll put it up on ao3. Written for:
Accidents | Hunting Season | Mugged
Modern AND firefighter au, I suppose? Warnings for car accidents and severe injuries, Obi-Wan being a bit of a flirt while badly hurt. Part two turns into a meet-cute full of whump? Pre-Codywan.
Obi-Wan saw accidents most every day. He’d grown used to assessing collisions with a clear head, taking them apart like a puzzle. Twisted metal and spilled fuel were only distractions, there to get in the way of his job, which was, at the end of the day, doing his best to make sure everyone involved walked away alive and as well as possible.
He knew the best way to open a crushed door on an old pick-up. In fact, he considered, panting up at the ceiling, trying to think around the crowding, noisy pain in his head, he wouldn’t try to take the door in this situation.
Someone - he didn’t know who, hadn’t gotten more than a passing glance at the vehicle - had T-boned his truck. They must have been driving a tank, he thought, with a weak laugh, because they’d driven away just fine afterwards, leaving him half-off the road, crushed against a tree, dark smoke rising out from the hood through the frozen air, his truck alarm blaring on and off for no reason he could discern.
He needed to focus. He knew that. Needed to stay conscious. Think his was through the situation. 
So...so, no, he wouldn’t have tried to open the door, not if he’d been sent out to the scene of the accident from the station, not if it were someone else sitting in the driver’s seat. Metal was pressed all against him, crushed around him. Crushed into him, he considered, twitching the fingers on his left hand and stopping as a wave of cold heat rocketed up his arm.
The front of his vehicle had been striven in by the tree he’d hit, on his way off the road. There was pressure, against his lower gut, the hard, rounded edge of the steering wheel, he thought. Internal injuries would, he considered, explain the problems he was having breathing deeply. Focusing.
That was right. He needed to focus. Someone had hit him, slammed into the driver’s side door, pushed him off the road and into this tree, left the truck smoking. He smelled something burning. They’d driven away. He’d watched the red of their brake lights disappear, tried to focus on the license plate and caught, perhaps, a pair of sixes….
And now he was pinned into place, metal holding him in a cold embrace. Opening the door, pulling the metal away all at once, could end up causing major hemorrhaging. So, if he’d been the first responder, instead of the person trapped in their truck, he would not have pulled the door right away.
His head swam. He could taste salt and copper in the back of his throat.
It was dark, he considered, staring through the cracked windshield. And he’d been on the way home, after a terribly long shift. The night was in that twisty period where it might have been better called morning, the wrong side of three A.M.
He considered the likelihood of anyone else driving down the road before the blood loss got him and didn’t like the answer he got. His cell was on the other seat, in his coat. There but unreachable.
Obi-Wan swallowed, half-laughed, and shut his eyes, just for a moment.
When he opened them again, his ears were ringing. The truck alarm had stopped, which was a relief. He was shivering, all over.
He stared forward, wondering, absently, what had woken him up. It must have been the light, he considered, groggy. For a long beat, he assumed the sun had come up, surprised he’d lived that long. It took him a long, confused moment to realize that it wasn’t the sun’s rays streaming in through his windshield, distorted by all the smoke.
The angle was all wrong. And the light was too white-blue and focused.
Headlights, his brain supplied, after he considered and discarded a half-dozen other options. Another vehicle. For a moment, he thought it was going to hit him, too, and he braced, but the lights weren’t moving.
They just stayed where they were, and he stared forward into them, thoughts getting more sluggish by the moment, until someone swore, loudly, close by and said, “Holy shit, there’s someone in here.”
Obi-Wan rolled his head to the side. The noise had come through his broken window. He blinked, his night-vision gone from staring into the light, and said, “Yes, hello.”
“Fuck,” his as-yet-unseen visitor said, eloquently. He had a nice voice, though, this strange man who had found Obi-Wan on the side of the road. Soothing. “Hey, are you alright?”
“Not really,” Obi-Wan said, feeling a crooked smile stretch across his mouth, his focus drifting away again. “How are you?” His eyes were very heavy, too heavy to keep open. He shut them, just for a moment.
He snapped them open again to his guest snapping, “Hey, hey, I need you to stay with me, alright? Keep your eyes open, alright?”
The voice was coming from a different place. Obi-Wan’s head wasn’t working right, and he recognized that, from somewhere far away. He rolled his head to the other side. There was a man in the passenger seat. Obi-Wan was almost certain he hadn’t been there before.
He was...unfamiliar. Obi-Wan had never seen him before. He had close-cropped dark hair. A set, unhappy look to his mouth. A scar down one side of his face.  “Dashing,” Obi-Wan slurred, vaguely worried that he seemed to have stopped shivering at some point.
“What?” the man asked. He wasn’t sitting properly. He had one knee on the seat and was leaning over the center console towards Obi-Wan. He was, Obi-Wan realized, after a bleary moment, doing something down by Obi-Wan’s hips. Obi-Wan looked down, head dropping heavily, and watched him slice through the seat belt with a knife.
“I said you look very dashing,” Obi-Wan gasped out, the consideration that, perhaps, this man was trying to help him slowly rising in his head. He licked his lips and asked, “Do you think you could call 911?”
“Rex is on the phone with them now,” the man said. Obi-Wan wondered who Rex was. 
“Oh, good,” he said, instead of asking. He couldn’t seem to lift his head again, which was a shame. The angle hurt his neck, terribly. He blinked, trying to focus, and managed to rasp out, “Thank you.”
The man laughed, sudden and sharp, startled, and Obi-Wan wondered what was funny but...he was too tired to ask, so tired, and--
“Hey!” the man said, loud and sharp, close. “I need you to stay awake,” he said, and, oh, he’d put a hand on Obi-Wan’s cheek, pushing his head back up so it wasn’t just hanging. He had warm skin. Calluses on his palm and fingers. “Can you do that for me?”
“Probably not, I’m afraid,” Obi-Wan told him, too tired to try to lie. The man swore, and...oh, he wasn’t in the passenger seat anymore. Obi-Wan wasn’t sure how he’d gotten around the truck, but he was reaching in through the driver’s side window. Obi-Wan blinked up at him, he seemed blurry, and asked, “What’s your name?”
The man frowned, briefly, and turned to snap some words that were just white-noise in Obi-Wan’s head. Maybe he was talking to someone else. Whoever was calling 911. That would be nice. He shut his eyes.
“--Cody,” the man said, hand cupped warm against Obi-Wan’s jaw. “Hey, did you hear me?”
“Cody,” Obi-Wan slurred, because that was a name, wasn’t it? He’d wanted to know the man’s name, hadn’t he? “The handsome man. From my truck.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” the man said, he flashed a smile that looked reassuring, turned and spoke to someone else for a beat. Obi-Wan leaned against his hand. He couldn’t support the weight of his own head. It felt like it weighed roughly a ton. “Hey, hey, no, none of that, stay awake. Hey, we can’t keep him like this, he’s not going to last.”
“Fuck,” another man said, voice very similiar, so similar that for a moment Obi-Wan thought it was still Cody. “Well they’re not going to--”
“--going to hurt,” someone said. Cody. Obi-Wan blinked, made a questioning sound, and tried to scream. He didn’t think he succeeded. There was white-hot pain, lurching through his body, turning the world inside out for a moment, so that nothing else existed outside of his bones and gut, all set on fire and frozen to ice and--
“--give my hand a squeeze, can you do that for me?” There were spots of white, overhead, Obi-Wan stared up at them, drifting. The pain had gone away, somewhere else. Everything had gone somewhere else. 
Something leaned over, blocking out the spots of light. A face. Handsome. Cody. “Hey, hey, there you go, that’s good,” he said, “you just stay with us, alright? Squeeze my hand, can you do that?”
Obi-Wan took a moment to remember where his hand was. Oh, it was warm. That helped locate it. He closed his fingers, as best he could, and heard Cody make a relieved sound. Thinking about his hand brought back awareness of the rest of his body, of something soft under his back.
He was, he realized, after a long minute, laying down. He squeezed Cody’s hand again and slurred, “What?”
“We’re taking you to the ER,” Cody said, and Obi-Wan blinked at him, because that didn’t make any sense. They were supposed to wait for the ambulance. But he was vaguely aware of the thrum of an engine. He tried to focus past Cody’s face. There were… seats, he supposed. Another man, sitting in one of them.
“Why?” he asked, trying to take stock of the rest of his body. They’d...wedged him in to the backseat of a vehicle, he thought. His legs were up, elevated. He couldn’t move his left arm, but it felt warm and far away. 
“Because you were going to die if we left you there,” Cody said, drawing back Obi-Wan’s focus. He had his other hand on Obi-Wan’s stomach, pushing so hard it hurt, more than a little. Pressure, Obi-Wan thought. Pressure to keep his blood inside, where it belonged. He was… sitting in the leg-room in the backseat, wedged in awkwardly.
Obi-Wan closed his eyes and slurred, “Wear your seatbelt.”
Cody made a sound. A laugh. And then he squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand and said, “Hey, no, eyes open, come on.”
Obi-Wan shook his head, just a little, and Cody shouted something at someone, maybe him. But it didn’t make any sense to tell him to drive faster. He couldn’t drive at all. And the dark behind his eyes was so warm and welcoming.
He sank into it, vaguely aware of a squeeze around his hand before he slipped under, completely.
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demxters · 4 years
Three Times
sarah cameron x female!reader 
summary: the three times john b tries to make a move on sarah cameron, your girlfriend...
requested: kind of? anon asked for any sarah cameron fic if i was planning on posting my writing on here 
word count: 1.9k
warnings: swearing 
a/n: my first sarah cameron imagine! i kinda liked how this turned out and hopefully you guys do too :) 
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(gif credit @rue-bennett​) 
Sarah has come to you countless times about John B’s blatant flirting. You were more amused than upset if you were being honest. You and Sarah have been in a secret relationship for over a month now. The desire to keep your relationship a secret was shared amongst you both for you weren’t sure how your families would react to the news. You were both already walking on thin ice with your parents for hanging out with the Pogues. Sneaking kisses when no one was looking and teasing under the table gave you two such a rush that you didn’t mind keeping it a secret a little longer. That was until John B tried making a move on Sarah. 
The first time it happened... You and Sarah were spending another summer day out with the Pogues in the marsh, swimming, smoking, and drinking, your usual shenanigans. You were laying on the bow of the boat sunbathing and admiring your girlfriend swimming with the Pogues from afar. Sarah saw you staring and swam up to the front of the boat. 
“Hey you,” she said with a grin. “Join us for a swim, you look like you're burning up here.” 
You let out a laugh, “I’m good thanks. Besides, I was just enjoying the view.” You send Sarah a smirk as you lower your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose, your gaze meeting hers. 
“Shut up,” Sarah says while rolling her eyes as if she’s annoyed, but you could tell she was trying to suppress a smile from the blush on her cheeks. She splashes you with some water, the sudden cold causing you to shoot up from laying down and you shrivel into yourself. 
“Jeez! The water’s cold…” You playfully glare at Sarah and sit up to fold the towel you were laying on. “I hate you.” 
“C’mon Y/N, you don’t mean that,” Sarah giggles using her forearms to push herself up so you are both at each other's eye level, slightly leaning in. 
You begin to lean in as well but right before your lips touch hers, she leans up to press a kiss onto your nose before dunking herself back in the water and swimming away. “Sarah Cameron you tease!” you exclaim. 
Sarah lets out a laugh as she swims away. 
The sun began to set as the Pogues make their way back to the boat.  
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ greats as he pulls himself onto the boat. “Pass me a beer please?” 
“You got it Maybank.” You pop open the cooler that’s placed beside you and toss him a can of beer. 
Pope and Kie get onto the boat not long after him and you find yourself so engrossed in a conversation about saving the environment and college scholarships that you don’t notice Sarah and John B getting back onto the boat as well. 
The sound of John B’s laugh pulls you out of your conversation with Pope and Kiara and you glance over at him to see him cozying up to your girlfriend. John B is sitting so close to Sarah that his leg is pressed up against hers. Sarah turns to you and gives you a small look that screams, ‘Help!’. You giggle and shake your head, but when you see John B place his hand on Sarah’s bare thigh you abruptly stand up causing everyone to look at you in shock and confusion. You just clear your throat and walk over to John B and Sarah, plopping yourself in between them. “Sarah, can you re-tie my bikini top? It feels like it’s getting loose,” you say moving your hair to your front and facing John B. You send him a small smile to which he looks down at his feet. 
“All done,” Sarah says with a look of amusement on her face. 
“Thanks, babe,” you say, patting her cheek with your hand before returning back to your spot next to Pope and Kie, leaving a dumbfounded John B and smiling Sarah in your wake. 
The second time it happened… You and the gang were watching movies at the Chateau. It was a weekly tradition to have a movie night every Friday. Tonight’s movie was ‘Scream.’ You were in the kitchen popping some popcorn while everyone else was situating themselves in the living room. 
“JJ get your feet out of my face!” Kiara says as she continues to slap JJ’s leg. 
Pope moves in beside Kie and puts an arm around her shoulder as he laughs at the two. 
Sarah places herself on the floor placing her blanket in your spot. Seeing that Sarah is sitting on the floor, John B offers Sarah a spot next to him on the loveseat. 
“It’s ok John B. Y/N/N and I are ok sitting on the floor,” she responds without even sparing him a second glance. 
John B stands up and sits on the other side of Sarah, puts his arm around her and says, “Well I can’t have you two ladies sitting here by yourselves.” To which Sarah gives him a nervous chuckle. 
With the popcorn bowl in hand, you make your way into the living room announcing, “Who wants some popcorn?” 
A chorus of “me’s” and a loud “yes!” from JJ greets you as you give the bowl to Kiara and take your seat next to Sarah, noticing that John B was seated on her other side. 
“How come no one wants to sit on the loveseat?” you ask, noticing its vacancy. 
“Well, I offered Sarah a spot but she said she was just gonna sit on the floor with you, so I decided it wasn’t fair to have the loveseat all to myself while you ladies were on the floor,” John B says nonchalantly. 
“Oh, well John B do you mind if me and Sarah take the loveseat instead then? I’m sure they can make some room for you on the couch, right guys?” you ask, giving Kiara a look. 
“Yeah, definitely,” Kie responds. “JJ, scoot over.”
“What? But I was laying down here-” JJ cuts off as Kiara hits him on the arm. “Ow, ok fine I’m moving,” He grumbles as he sits back up.
“C’mon,” you whisper to Sarah grabbing her hand and pulling her over to the loveseat.
John B gives Sarah one last look of longing before sitting down next to JJ on the couch. 
“Is someone jealous?” Sarah asks softly in her spot next to you. She pokes your side under the blanket causing you to let out a small giggle. 
“No, and stop that. I just think John B needs to learn the definition of personal space.” You grab her finger when she tries to poke you again and lace your fingers through hers. 
Sarah glances back down at your intertwined hands that are under the blanket and turns to the tv screen with flushed cheeks and a smile on her face. 
The third time it happened… You were waiting for Sarah and Kie at the wreck with the boys. Sitting at your usual table, you were munching on some fries while the boys were having a little conversation of their own. 
“Why don’t you just tell her, man? Maybe she just thinks you're being overly affectionate like you are with the rest of us,” you hear JJ say. 
“Or she could just like someone else guys, you never know.” Pope replies. 
“No, I know, but it can’t hurt to try, right?” John B asks. 
Their conversation suddenly piques your interest so you ask, “Can’t hurt to try what?” 
“Nothing,” John B says as Pope says at the same time, “Ask Sarah out.” 
“Oh,” is all you say before continuing to eat your fries. 
“What do you think I should do Y/N? I mean has she told you if she likes anyone? Or has she ever mentioned me before?” John B asks with a desperate look in his eyes. 
You feel kind of bad as you look at John B knowing he has no chance with her so you say, “She’s mentioned how great of a friend you are? She hasn’t said anymore than that.” You pause. “Oh, and she also has her eye on someone else.” 
“Yikes dude you just got friendzoned,” JJ says. Pope lets out a low whistle. 
Sarah and Kie enter The Wreck and move towards your table. 
“Hey guys, sorry we’re late,” Sarah says taking a seat next to you. 
“S’no problem,” Pope says, making room for Kiara. 
“Hey Sarah, can I talk to you for a second?” John B asks. 
God this boy is stubborn as hell, you think. 
Sarah responds, “Um, yeah sure. What about?” 
John B scratches the back of his neck. “Can we talk alone?” 
“Oh, ok,” Sarah says, her face falling. “We’ll be back in a sec, guys.”
You get a sick feeling in your gut as you realize what’s about to happen. John B is going to try to ask Sarah out and you can’t say anything about it. You were getting so tired of John B constantly hitting on your girlfriend that you couldn’t continue being silent, so you did the unimaginable. As Sarah got up from her seat, you grabbed her hand and said, “That’s fine, babe just be quick.” You pulled her down to your level and planted a quick kiss on her lips. 
John B says, “Um, what?” while JJ mutters, “Holy shit dude.” Kie slow claps and Pope lets out an, “It’s about time!” 
Sarah looks shocked at first before giving you an incredulous look and kisses you again. This time, you stand up and she cups your face with her hands. Sarah pulls away, her face bright red and her eyes full of love. “Y/N’s my girlfriend,” she whispers to no one in particular, still looking at you. She grabs both of your hands in hers and turns to John B and the rest of the group as she confidently says, “Y/N’s my girlfriend.” 
You smile and shyly put your head down, a little nervous to know how the Pogues would react. 
Pope smiles and says, “We know, Sarah.” 
“Wha-you know?” 
“Yeah, Pope, you know?” John B adds. 
“Yes, we know, dumbass,” Kie responds. “Pope and I figured it out a couple weeks ago. The way the two look at each other, call each other pet names, and are always leaving our get togethers early should’ve been your first clue.” 
“Shit, guys,” John B says with a guilty look on his face. “If I had known-” 
“John B,” you cut him off, “It’s ok.” You let go of Sarah’s hands and walk over to John B. You grab his hand and say, “I’m sorry we kept this a secret from you, from all of you actually,” you acknowledge the rest of the group. “We just didn’t know how to tell you and our parents,” you pause before continuing, “our parents would kill us if they found out.” 
“It’s ok, I get it,” John B says. He runs his hand through his hair still in shock. 
“Don’t worry John,” you say squeezing his hand lightly, “There’s so many other girls out there and you’re such a great guy that I’m sure you’ll find the one for you someday.” 
You pull John B in for a hug and he whispers to you, “Thanks, Y/N.” 
“So, you two have sex yet?” 
“JJ!” you and Sarah exclaim. 
John B pulls away from you. “Way to ruin the moment, man.” 
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jjba-hell · 4 years
Fate and Fortune
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Part 7 (holy shit)
A bit of a filler but I swear the next part is gonna get juicy- the way I write Jotaro is just painstakingly layered in non-verbal communication so it takes longer to describe.
Content Warnings: familial loss, it is the Strength card arc (harassment) some sea sickness but that’s about it
For the moots keeping up with my bs: @risottoneroo @fyre23
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
“Vera?” Avdol’s voice rang on the other side of the metal door. “Are you alright?”
The concern was understandable- she wasn’t exactly used to sleeping in the top bench so when the ship took a particularly harsh hit she simply rolled off and with a loud thud landed on the floor. Too exhausted to move, she then simply pulled the blanket from the bottom bunk and tried to continue sleeping.
“I’m opening the door.” He warned before doing just that. The exasperated sigh that followed made her laugh to herself.
“Vera, I was concerned you had hit your head.”
Once again she found herself taking his outstretched hand to get up, looking up at him with his hair half in and out of the signature buns atop his head made her laugh. “It’s an ungodly hour to still be working on your hair, don’t you think Avdol?”
“Oh and I suppose you’re willing to sacrifice your sleep for me?”
Vera dramatically held a hand over her heart like she was offended. “You think so ill of me, Avdol! After all that time of nightmares disturbing us both?”
She rose up from her blanket on the floor and with feign indifference fixed her pajama shirt. He only folded his hands over his chest, raising in an eyebrow at her in that same feigned annoyance.
“You can be so dramatic sometimes. Very well, Vera- could you please come help me tend to my hair?”
“Hmmmm, on one condition.”
“I’m listening.” He laughed.
“Just some fire from Magician for when I come back to bed, I’m cold.”
“That’s all?”
She nodded, strolling past him into the hallway, Avdol’s arms remaining crossed as he watched her wait all too happily outside in the hallway.
“Very well.”
Before Vera had as much control of her stand as she did, accidents were a common occurrence in Avdol’s house- Fortune being the cause but neither one of them noticing. One particular time, Avdol had burned just the tip of his finger on a stove top he believed had cooled down enough- using his usual hair care products in his hands annoyed him to no end. So she made him teach her.
Now she could do it with relative ease but the first time she did it, it was definitely a learning curve.
“I worry about you.” He had said as she was nearing the end of the last bun.
“Why? Because you find me on the floor with a blanket simply because I am too lazy to get back on the bed?”
“I’m more concerned for your nightmares. I haven’t seen you well rested ever since you came to Japan.”
She shrugged, knowing full well he couldn’t see. “You’re not wrong but there’s not much I can do.”
There was a stretch of silence and then, “What happens in your dreams? I’ve always been wary of asking you prying questions on the matter but perhaps speaking on it might help you resolve something deep within your soul.”
Vera’s hands shakily continued with Avdol’s strands, the lump in her throat growing bigger. “I dream of my mother, more than anything. I didn’t see my father’s face in death but my mother...”
With a shaky exhale she let the words pour out of her. “I never hear her, not like I hear my own screaming. I always just see her reaching out for me from the darkness- I’m always just a few inches short from reaching.”
She carefully wrapped the silk headdress over Avdol’s head, straightening out the little braid that ran down his back. “Embarrassingly, whenever I think of my father- the only face I see is yours.”
With a slight pat on the shoulder, like it would help him forget what she had said, Vera took her cigarettes from his bedside that she had brought and moved away towards the door.
Magician’s Red emerged from his user and offered a little flame in his hand. Fortune took the honor of taking it and with a smile she looked over at Avdol.
“You’re certainly an unexpected daughter, Vera... but I can’t think of a stronger person, even if I tried.”
And without adding any more sarcasm to ruin his good mood, Vera was off again back to her room, Fortune trailing behind with the little fire that seemed to warm her own hands in her pockets just as well.
The next morning she sat on the deck in the sun to get a better look at her bruised and splinter-filled leg.
For once it was Kakyoin using a metal tweezer to pull the splinters from her knee and shin- her head tipped over the backrest of the lounge chair she was seated on and a cigarette in her other hand.
“And you’re telling me it doesn’t hurt?” Noriaki laughed as he pulled a rather thick one out of the side of her shin.
“Of course it hurts but it feels more like an itch than stinging pain.” She answered, taking a drag and watching the smoke swirl up and dance with the subtle breeze around them.
“And you said it was from your fever?”
She threw her hands up, “Beats me- I just theorized that my nerve endings were burned half to death during the fever.”
Beside her, in her peripheral, she was watching as Jotaro’s eyes burned holes into Noriaki’s hand on her knee. He hadn’t ashed his cigarette in a while so she knew he was most certainly not casually smoking.
“And why is it that you refuse to heal yourself?”
Her attention returned to Noriaki. “Well for the most part, most of my injuries are from bad luck which is penance for manipulating fate. Also- I can’t revert my own luck. I can only move it forward under dire circumstances.”
Noriaki carefully disinfected the little holes literring her leg and had just finished wrapping up the ones still bleeding when a commotion below deck caught everyone’s attention.
Vera rose up and took hold of the first aid kit. She’d been trying to distract herself from the immense sea sickness that felt like a knife twisting in her gut but that last cigarette was the last straw.
On shaky legs she came to lean against the railing beside Jotaro, maybe a step too close for casual but she gazed up at him regardless. “I’m gonna take the first aid kit back- holler if you need me.”
He only gave a curt nod. She nodded right back, pushing off the railing and bumping into Jotaro in her disoriented state. He caught hold of her shoulder as she tried to regain her sense of direction.
“You look like shit.”
The comment probably shouldn’t have sparked so much anger in her but regardless she looked up at him and purposefully dropped the first aid box a hair width away from his foot.
“I’ll yack my breakfast out on you, Kujo. I’m well aware that I look like shit.”
With an angry shove away from him she pushed her way to the stair railing that led below deck. “Ms! Is everything alright?” One of the crewmate called from the bottom of the stairs and for once she was grateful to have someone help her down a flight of stairs.
She had just sat down in the captain’s quarters with a sigh when she looked down at the desk- a unopened letter with the Speedwagon Foundation seal lay on the top of a stack of paperwork. Her curiosity burned perhaps a bit brighter than it should have, so she let Fortune bring the letter to her hand- turning it around to see if it wasn’t open by any chance.
The letter was returned to the stack- after she realized it really wasn’t open- and then replaced by the piece of scribbled paper just below. At reading the name spelled in all capitals in the letter, her heart dropped to her already twisting stomach.
“A false captain, huh?” Her eyes scanned the document further.
The sudden crash and tremors moving through the ship had her shoot up out of her seat and back towards the top of the deck. She was greeted my Mr Joestar’s wide eyes then slight relief. “Good, you’re not hurt- we’re evacuating the ship!” He announced to the crew.
“What? Why?”
“The captain was a fake- he’s gonna detonate the ship.”
She ran after him, trying to come up with a better solution than bobbing about on a dinghy. “Can’t we just find the bomb and I can delay the timer?”
Her duffel bag got put down right at her feet. “No time to look, ship’s too big.”
Internally, she was screaming as she picked up her duffel bag and ran to help grab the other guy’s bags as well before running up deck just in time to see them lowering the life boats.
It had been a few hours since they started aimlessly drifting in the water and Vera was losing her grip on whatever food had been pushing its way back up.
“I never understood when they said you become green when ill but I think I see it now.” Avdol joked from across the lifeboat from her.
The frantic laugh that left her lips had the whole crew watching as she pushed her head between her knees and think about solid ground and not the insistent bobbing of the waves around her.
“Funny joke, Avdol. Wanna lend me your robe?” She asked as she stuck a hand ahead of her.
Kakyoin’s hand rubbed soothing circles over her back, the subtle warmth on her back helping her ground herself. It was usually when Kakyoin as much as opened his mouth that Jotaro’s knee moved closer to her- the most subtle movement to bring himself closer to her. Vera couldn’t exactly complain- having his leg beside her helped her ground herself even more. But Noriaki, despite his flirtatious nature, was very careful not to move too close to her, even when she sat up, his shoulder rarely grazed hers- as if he was deliberately swaying himself away from touching her. Jotaro however, took his space freely- his arm was almost attached to hers and his knee only seemed to move away when he could tell Kakyoin was going to keep his distance.
So- in the name of gaining more grounding- she moved her other hand to extend across Noriaki’s lap. He seemed to get the message pretty quickly since he took hold of her extended hand, which was probably the ‘all clear’ signal for him since his knee moved against hers as well. Jotaro’s response was to lean his arms onto his lap- their arms touching once again.
“So which one of you are dating?”
Those words uttered by Anne was enough for Vera to end up feeling like the floor was ripped right under her. Both of the boys moved away from her, her head shooting up the overwhelmingly bright blue sky. Her eyes took a moment to adjust but there it was- another ship.
“We’re getting out of here!” She exclaimed.
Jinxed it.
Soon as she stepped on the stairs to the upper deck she stopped a moment. Jotaro was on the landing with her, watching her shakily bend at the knee to get closer to the water and rather undignifyingly let IT all out.
The strong hand on her shoulder came as a surprise though, as if holding her from falling forward into the water.
The handkerchief offered to her truly had her questioning if it was even Jotaro standing beside her. Did she miss something?
Without another word his hand left her shoulder and she stood up- now painfully unable to look him in the eye. He noticed just enough to give a huff of laughter before turning to walk up the stairs.
“Thanks.” She called back without looking back. Jotaro’s footsteps stopped for a moment.
“What did you say?” She could just hear the cockiness as he turned around on the step he was standing on.
Now this game she was not going to play. Vera spun around and walked up the stairs until she was one step below him, craning her neck to look up at him. “Thank you, Jotaro.” Her hand landed gently ontop of Jotaro’s hand holding the railing.
The smugness on his face slid off and was replaced by the same flat, stoic face with maybe a hint of surprise in the height of his eyebrows.
“Whatever.” He mumbled as he turned around and continued up the stairs.
On the upper deck she was asked to help Anne rinse off the saltwater in the bathrooms- she understood why but she was not into playing babysitter.
“You just had to jump onto a ship with a jean overall, huh kid?”
Vera ripped up one of her button ups along with the the last short in her duffel bag for Anne before standing guard at the bathroom.
Jotaro’s heavy step echoed through the hallway until he came into view and the first thing she asked was “Do you feel eyes on you?”
She’d say she started feeling as if she was being watched shortly after they saw that stupid orangutan sitting in its cage.
“I wouldn’t say eyes, but something does feel off.”
Vera leaned against the door frame, humming. They’d already had the suspicion that it could be a trap but the user would have made themselves known by now, wouldn’t they?
“Are you still sea sick?”
Her gaze trailed up at him, leaning across the hallway from her. He didn’t seem malicious in asking or even joking. The same stoic face looked back at her as he asked that.
“I feel a lot better but it’s kinda touch and go but thanks for asking.” It was probably the first time she didn’t answer with a bit that hint of sarcasm- instead answering him straight. The moment was gone the second a blood-curdling scream from the showers made her jump out of her skin and straight to where it was coming from.
Vera’s mind shut down at the sight of the orangutan holding her underwear, her duffel bag’s contents strewn over the floor of the bathroom and Anne cornered in a shower.
All discomfort she could ever have felt melted away in that moment and Fortune leapt forward faster than she’d ever seen her move. They had landed one good hit to the jaw, when the walls around her started to close in on her and her stand.
“What the hell?” She pushed against the metal boxing her in place with no success. “How the hell do you move like liquid in one moment and stay solid in the next.”
Out of desparation she brought Fortune back out and tried to push with her, the metal groaning in protest but not enough for her to get out.
When another scream on the other side sounded behind the metal walls separating them, desperation set in and she called out to Jotaro. “You boxed in?”
“Yeah. Any plans?”
“I’m gonna phase you in with her, you keep her safe- okay?”
She didn’t wait for an answer as she sent Fortune through the walls to where she’d guess Jotaro was and then dragging him through to the other side of the metal wall she heard the scream coming from. The walls started to cave in all around her, her arms starting to lose mobility the closer the walls crawled closer to her.
“To whoever’s stand this is, cop a good feel while you can motherfucker cause I’ll make sure you don’t have hands to feel with ever again!”
As she was about to attempt another struggle the walls seemed to slowly deflate like a balloon and on the other side was the busted up orangutan, Jotaro and Anne.
“Vera...” Anne started shakily as Jotaro almost marched with his back turned to them.
“It was the orangutan, the whole ship is his stand. We’ve gotta get off.”
She only listened with half an ear as she handed Anne the clothes she had originally intended for her to wear. Jotaro hastily grabbed her duffel bag and stuffed as much of her stuff in as he could before they booked it out of there- ending up right back where they started.
With Vera’s head between her knees trying to fight off the sea sickness.
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molachaka · 4 years
cigarettes - sabito (fluff)
Assumptions made the boy hesitate to give his heart to her.
"You're smoking?"
Sabito did not reply to your high-pitched question, instead, inhaling more of the aired wisps and letting it out in the night, swept off with wind.
Offended at the lack of response, you stomped towards the man on the park and pulled the cancer stick out of his fingers – the putrid smell of acid smoke burns your nose unpleasantly, scrunching your face on the process.
Your coworker did not move on the bench, but he did set his eyes on you before huffing out the smoke in his mouth. Right on your face.
"Ugh, Sabito-!" You coughed and swat the dirty air away, completely letting go of the still burning stick to the ground.
The pink-haired man couldn't help but chuckle pleasantly at your reaction - finding it adorably cute, before grimacing at that sudden thought and looking back at the bright city view behind you with more focus than needed.
Truthfully told, he likes you – even much so that he thinks he might be falling for you. Any other day, he would have repeatedly tease you, soak up your attention – both good and bad – and try to get some charm points to get you to notice him but...
News on the corps you're already dating someone. On the fucking internet. Who the fuck does that?
Sabito scorned at the thought of losing you to some stranger he couldn't even punch of.
That's why he's here, smoking miles away from where you parked on your own car, but can you believe his terrible luck? You're here too.
His mind wants to ease his thoughts off you, take his moment to be fond of the cigarette taste in his tongue rather than his mind wandering of what your kiss would taste like, and maybe perhaps go to a bar and drink this stupid, dejected feeling away.
But here you are; your very being torments him in such, disgusting(ly good) way.
"You shouldn't smoke you damn idiot! You already got sick last week with a stupid cold," you crossed your arms and shot him an unhappy look, giving him your side eye with a cute sneer to boot. 
"Now you're going to kill yourself slowly with a literal cancer stick? Unbelievable!" You lecture him as you always do whenever you see him doing 'bad' things, and usually... he would have soaked them all up as he watches your lips move tantalizingly, wandering when he could kiss them until he'll snapped out by a good slap on the back with a foreboding threat coming from you.
This time, he's not in the mood to even breathe in the same air as you. Sabito did not hide his growing frown. He doesn't know if you're doing this for fun, or you're just torturing him. Because all of you - your words, your act - they all seems to relay on him with mixed messages.
And he hates them. He's sick of them. Perhaps part of you for dating someone else that isn't him too. But he also hated the fact you're acting 'concern' to him when just a day ago, you threw a memo pad on his temple after taking the last bite from your pudding.
With your hurtful words of his habit traveling from one ear and another, Sabito mused at that one thought.
He has to say, the dessert you craved so much is sweeter with your taste on it. Always have been. Then again, he couldn't pull the same stunt anymore now that you're in a 'relationship'.
Sabito let out a long, dreaded sigh at such reality. With an aggro tone, the man folded his hands on his chest and blankly stared at you with tired lavender eyes.
"Now why would you care?"
Your jaw dropped at his sudden question and your eyes widened in disbelief – shutting yourself up from your minutes long lecture about the importance of a healthy lung.
He usually just listens to you with a sly smirk on his face, so you didn't expect him to ask such a trivial question now out of the blue.
You expected him to defend himself – maybe tease his way out like other times - not counter you with such a sentimental question.
"It's bad for the health!" You retorted quickly, too quickly for the pillar to notice your ever blushing form. "It's common sense!"
"Common sense?" Sabito tilted his head like a sly fox scrutinizing its prey. "Do you snatch cigarettes from every smoking person you see in this district?"
One of your eye twitched at his sarcastic tone, before blushing madly at the way his amethyst eyes looked up at you with sharpness that makes you feel judged.
"N-no, but-"
Sabito hummed nonchalantly, sitting straight from the bench and walked towards you.
"Is that so?"
Each step he takes is like an earthquake that shook your core, and with an expression like that; Narrowed eyes, teasing grin and a sense of luster of colors in those purple mirrors - you couldn't help but be frozen in your place out of shock of this new light on his personality.
"I'm asking you again this time," Sabito took your chin with his thin fingers, the pads rough on your skin and creating an evident contrast that warms your cheek. When his sharp nose brushed on yours, you felt your breath-hitching in your throat. You find it impossible to pull yourself away, especially when he's staring you down with soulful lidded eyes.
He exhaled, the warmth on his breath flushing your face just as his question did to your chest.
"Why do you care?"
The telltale of smoke in his breath lingers, and you feel like you're melting from both the heat from your cheeks and the way his body pressing against yours.
"I-I," you gulped, heart ramming in your chest – vision dizzying from the focus you have instilled in his stare. "Just care for you..."
A hand gripped your shoulder, squeezing them with a tight hold - and before you know it, you're pinned on the nearby street lamp with Sabito smirking down at you like a predator would a helpless prey.
"Easy, isn't it?" Warm lips stretched tantalizingly slow, before disappearing besides you - the soft flesh skimming against your ear.
He whispered your name huskily. "I'd like more of your honesty next time."
Sabito spat out the tea you prepared for him, getting an earful from you at the process. "Can you not? I just finished cleaning the house."
"So you're saying..." His body started shaking at suppressing his laughter as his fingers traveled up to his hair and gripped on them - eyes closed and a big aloof grin on his face. "You're 'dating' an anime character? On a game?"
My kami. Why.
You slumped your shoulders exaggeratedly and looked at him with a lost, yet annoyed expression. "Is it really that hard to believe?"
He cannot. Sabito can't-
Full blown laughter echoed around the room - the deep octaves of his voice trembled in your chest as you tried hard to scrubbed the tea of your beloved floor.
"Shut up" You shouted, embarrassed and cheeks warm from his joy. "I'd rather date someone who'll love me for me even if they're just two dimensional."
Laughter soon became dying wheezes as Sabito threw himself on the floor at your reply - cradling his stomach as tears bites his lavender eyes. Shit, he doesn't know if he'll feel bad at your predicament or relieved that you're single, but holy shit.
Why have you torture him with this information? Why? He might as well sounds like a broken woodpecker right now.
You glared at this man before throwing a dry towel at his face in tantrum, hoping he'd suffocate from it. "Well if you think that's funny - don't dare try to kiss me and ask if I'm single on the same night, you damn idiot." Crossing your arms, you couldn't help but puff your cheeks at the memory - sure it affected you since you do care for this man more than you wanted to but, you felt belittled after telling the damn truth. "I should've just screamed rape when I had the chance."
"You know," Sabito composed himself, a hand on your coffee table as he inhaled the much needed air for his lungs. "You don't need to date something two dimensional. When you can date me."
The sight of your face suddenly fuming red made the man laugh an easy laugh and he did not hesitate in pulling you against him for another kiss.
And the way you melted against him made him crave for more.
Sabito cradled your head and gripped your hair with a soft hold, tugging on it lightly to make you gasp. The air that escaped your lips traveled down in his stomach in a pleasant buzz. He captured your lips with ferocity that melted your frame against him, his hand traveling down to hold you down on his lap to feel you more.
Your arms snaked around his neck, and the weight of them settled on his chest as your own pressed against his - the feel of your tongue against his own drugged him with lust, and he pulled himself away from your lips to trail down kisses down your neck to savor more of you; groaning appreciatively when your back arched before him. And the moaned you gave him when he latched on your neck with a soft bite egged him to do more.
The way you smell... your reactions, and how you feel above him - all of those did no justice with the way you uttered his name in a breathless plea, and it made him stop to kiss your lips with a lust-filled apology leaving his own.
Because Sabito hopes you'd forgive him for what he'll do to you tonight.
When he only need to ask the truth and receive hers.
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antiquechampagne · 3 years
Absolute Zero - Chapter 6
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Angela nearly made it to the big double doors of the Rexford before she heard a whistle. She knew immediately it was directed at her. She sidestepped the building, meeting Chine and Chuck in the long shadows of the alley.
“What was that all about?” Chine asked as she leaned against a dumpster, cigarette between her fingers. Chuck just glared at her.
“What do you think? I’ve been working with next to no sleep for close to 72 hours. I fucked up, ruined the seals of some Ultrajet containers. They leaked all over and were ruined.”
“Expensive mistake.” Chuck chided.
Angela just glared back at him.
“I’ve been ordered to take a break and stop getting sloppy.”
Chuck and Chine looked at each other. For a moment, Angela thought her ruse might not have been enough to fool them.
Chine took a long drag from her cancer stick. “Then I guess you better get some beauty sleep, princess.”
Angela quickly took their cue and returned to the basement. Sitting on her mattress, she pulled out her binder again. Carefully, she pulled out her precious family photo. With a lump burning in her throat, she then fished something out of her pants pocket and held it tightly in her hand. She was afraid to open her fingers afraid that if she looked, she might somehow jinx and destroy the small glimmer of hope she felt. Slowly, she forced her hand to relax and looked lovingly at the molerat tooth necklace, its surface worn smooth by years of wear. Ben had made one for each of them the same day that picture had been taken, a token to remember the joyous triumph of their kids’ first successful hunting trip. They all had worn them every day since, a kind of good luck charm.
Angela had taken hers off when she started her ominous trek to Boston. Her luck, she presumed, had run out.
“I’m coming for you. Hold on, just a little while longer.”
She traced the edge of the tooth before slipping the braided leather cord over her head, the tooth warming next to her skin. Laying down, she slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep. It was the first restful sleep she had had in what felt like months.
Waking up, Angela stretched and got to work. She still cooked a fast pace, but she felt focused and refreshed. She took breaks to eat when she was hungry, to sit when her feet began to hurt. The frenzy in which she had been perpetually living in had simmered down to pure drive. She even enjoyed shifting gears mid-creation when she received a note from Hancock a few days later.
Make things that go boom.
Soon, crates of various varieties of grenades and mines began making their way to the Old State House.
Angela was concentrating so hard on attaching a triggering mechanism to the bottle cap mine she was working on, she barely noticed someone walk up behind her until they were only a few feet away. Catching the sudden movement out of the corner of her eye, she nearly pressed the trigger herself when she stifled a surprised scream.
Carefully putting the modified lunch box down on her bench, she spun around angrily.
“What the FUCK? I damn near set the thing off!”
She wasn’t expecting to be face to face with Chuck, his disgusting face plastered with a grotesquely twisted grin.
“Soon enough, sweet cheeks. When I own your pussy, you’re never going to sit down.” His eyes were dull and glassy, his speech slurring at the edges. Angela fought back a wave of nausea and visceral revulsion. She steeled herself as best she could.
“You shouldn’t be here.” She wanted to sound strong and resolute, but her words came out barely more than a whisper. “I’m working.”
As Chuck began to laugh, Angela heard a pair of heavy boots rush down the basements’ wooden steps.
“Holy shit, Chuck! What are you doing?” Exasperated, Chine grabbed his shoulder. “I go take a piss and you disappear!” He shook her off. Her face contorted in confusion, studying his face. “Did you take even more Buffout? You’ve had like four doses already!”
“So?’ he grunted.
Angela tried her best to stay still, hoping whatever confrontation was unfolding in front of her would continue to not include her.
“I cut you off for a reason. Those pills make you dumber than brahmin shit. Get back upstairs and sleep it off.”
“Fuck off!” Chuck shoved Chine roughly into the wall, his face growing red.
“Am I interrupting?”
Angela looked up in surprise to see Hancock walking down the stairs.
“Angela, are these drifters bothering you?”
Chuck lowered his head. “Smug fucking corpse,” he hissed under his breath, his hands clutched into fists.
The mayor stopped and the foot of the stairs, tilting his head ever so ominously. “Excuse me? Mind speaking up?”
Chine quickly pushed Chuck back with a hand on his chest. “Shut up, you fucking moron!” She turned to Hancock. “Sorry, Mayor. My buddy here is on a bad trip. I’ll get him out of here.” Chine grabbed Chuck’s elbow to try and coax him away. “Not sure why he came down here in the first place.”
Chuck exploded with a guttural cry, grabbing Chine head and smashing his knee into her face, bone crunching. The raider crumpled to the floor. Chuck didn’t stop, brutally stomping on her head.
Angela screamed. Chuck’s murderous gaze focused on her.
“Bitch!’ he slurred as he began to run at her. Angela took a step back, finding the chemistry bench blocking her escape.
Hancock drew a knife and stepped in the path of the raging man. “Enough of this.” Without breaking his stride, Chuck barreled into the Mayor, laying him out on the floor. The knife skittered across concrete. Chuck began to pummel Hancock, who fought back as best he could with the solidly muscled man on top of him.
With a burst of adrenaline, Angela grabbed Hancock’s heavy blade and plunged it between his ribs. All the injury seemed to do was infuriate him further. Sitting up, Chuck grabbed at Angela, catching her forearm with one hand and twisting it painfully, pulling her down on her knees and towards him.
There was a loud bang. As suddenly as the fight began, it was ended. Chuck slumped over, everything from his forehead down gone in a bloody explosion. Angela looked up the stairs after wiping the blood out of her eyes. The vault dweller who had gifted her the pair of googles and a proper lab coat ran down the stairs, smoking revolver in her hands.
“John!” She ran to the ghoul’s side. “Are you okay?”
Hancock grunted as he pushed Chuck’s dead body off then stood. “Yeah, nothing a few drinks won’t help cure.” Angela wasn’t so sure. Even with his scared and mottled skin, she could see nasty bruises developing where the raider had gone to town on his face.
“Angela? Are you hurt?”
Angela was shaken but nodded. “Just my arm. The bastard twisted it pretty badly.”
“Let’s get you both to the doc. Just to be cautious. We can talk there.”
Hancock shook his head as he looked at the corpses on the floor. “Who’s going to tell Clair? She’s going to be pissed.”
Nora just rolled her eyes.
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loki-hargreeves · 5 years
Loki x Reader - When the Future Meets the Past (Endgame Spoilers)
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Summary: After Loki takes back the tesseract in New York, he uses it to escape but he doesn’t go alone, because you follow him. Little does he know it’s you from the future and you’re an Avenger now, on a mission to secure the team gets the space stone. Can you fight the man you love, the man you saw dead just years ago? One way or another, you have to help Loki, because future him told you a very deep secret, Thanos controlled his mind during New York. You were not going to leave in his Thanos’ claws once more… Warnings: ⚠️!!MAJOR AVENGERS ENDGAME SPOILERS!!⚠️ angst, vulgar language, mentions of death, mentions of torture, fighting, slight fluff at the end maybe Word Count 4.5K [PART 2]
Your POV
“Y/N, are you sure you want to go to New York again?” Steve asked me for what felt like the millionth time now. We were all getting ready to team up and travel back in time, which was crazy, but we had to give it a try. I was teamed up with Bruce, Scott, Steve and Tony and we were heading to New York, 2012, when Loki was captured. Just the thought of him made me smile a little melancholily. I really missed him.
Before I let my sadness show, I faced Steve and tried to look as bright as I could. “Yes, I’m sure. I mean, if Loki gets out of hand for some reason, and not to sound selfish, but I feel like I have the best shots of grabbing the leash again”, I explained to him like it was obvious. Steve knew that Loki and I had been together on Asgard. He knew that Loki could listen to me. He also knew I was devastated after his death, which probably worried him because I was going back in time and I could see him. Honestly, I had no idea how I’d react. Would I be able to stay in the shadows?
“I know you miss him, Y/N. It’s going to be difficult but you have to remember that this…this him is the past. He might not be what you remember him as”, He explained to me. I could tell he didn’t like to say these things but I understood why. He had experienced something similar when Bucky was under HYDRA’s control. Although it stung a little bit, I agreed by nodding to his words. Steve pulled his lips into a thin line and put his hand on my shoulder. “Let’s get going, shall we?” 
“It’s now or never”, I replied in an attempt to forget our previous conversation. Then we returned to the team and we got suited up in our tie travel costumes that would protect us in the quantum realm. As an Asgardian, I knew something about it but I still felt a bit unsure. This could all turn bad really quick. Everyone seemed to be ready and so we all stepped on the platform. I looked at Thor, my king, hoping dearly that he wouldn’t screw things up. He had changed a lot in five years but I knew underneath all that, he was just as devastated as the rest of us. He couldn’t handle the loss which was very well understood, but we needed him to work well on Asgard. Thor noticed that I was staring and for a moment, he looked like his past self. He looked at me seriously and nodded as if he could read my thoughts. 
It was time to go.
We said our goodbyes and pressed our buttons. Everything happened so fast. I felt how I shrank madly as I got sucked into the quantum realm in lightning speed. My heart was racing by now but I focused as well as I could. My team and I all headed to the route that would take us back in time and the next thing I knew, I was standing on the streets that seemed familiar. The smell of smoke and dust made everything feel so much more realistic. Steve, Tony, Bruce and Scott were here with me and we all looked at each other in both shock and delight. It fucking worked! The screams and smoke around us didn’t seem to bother us too much. The fact that we were here felt euphoric - in a way. 
“Holy fuck!” I heard Scott cursing. He was as shocked as the rest of us, most likely. We just travelled back in time!
“Alright, let’s get going. We’re on the clock”, Tony clapped his hand to get our attention. I saw how Bruce ripped off his clothes to look like 2012 Hulk. Just like that, he was on his way to get the time stone. 
That’s when I used my magic to change my appearance from my battle outfit to a Midgardian disguise, a businesswoman. I looked like I worked at the Stark Tower or possibly S.H.I.E.L.D, therefore getting inside would be easy. “Good luck, guys”, I wished my friends the best of luck as I got ready to get back on track on my mission. Thanks to my abilities, I would get to the Stark tower in no time, definitely quicker than these guys.
“Keep a good eye on him, Y/N!” Tony yelled after me. I sure would.
“And if you get the mind stone before us, just snatch it!” Steve added quickly. 
                                                Once I reached the Stark tower, I just walked inside and found a hiding spot. I knew Loki would take the elevator down with the rest of the team. Then Tony and Scott’s plan would come to life and I had to keep an eye on Loki. They suspected he could use the chaos for his own good and I didn’t doubt that at all. As I waited for the elevator doors to slide open, I began to worry. I hadn’t seen the love of my life in five years and he would come out those doors any second now. Just the thought of it was enough to make my eyes sting but I kept my emotions somewhat in the side. I had to focus on my mission! I had to make sure Loki or anybody else wouldn’t get the tesseract before we would.
Then it happened. The elevator doors opened and the past Avengers and Loki walked out of it with the briefcase we all had eyes on. As I saw Loki, being walked out of there with a muzzle, I felt like I was frozen in time. It took every last ounce of strength I had not to run there and wrap him into my arms. Suddenly, my heart felt too big in my chest and my breath got stuck in my throat. Oh, how I wanted to, but I knew I couldn’t. I just watched from aside as they approached the men from HYDRA, who were pretending to be their allies. They made me wonder how Steve was holding up. 
I moved a little bit from my hiding spot, feeling rather confident in my disguise as a middle-aged businesswoman. Tony, dressed as a guard, noticed me and he simply nodded. Only a few seconds later, 2012 Tony fell on the floor nearby and all chaos broke loose. I turned around and saw people around Tony, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Then all of a sudden, the briefcase fell on the floor and a shiny, blue cube caught my attention
the tesseract!
My eyes widened in horror as I saw it on the floor. Then I hurried towards it, hoping I could catch it before anyone else could. Just as I tried to reach it, Loki did and I stumbled by his feet. I winced out in pain but tried to get up as fast as I could. “Loki! Don’t use it!” I begged and lifted my disguise, showing him my true self. He just stared at me with empty, rather blue eyes. It’s like he looked right past me as I looked at everything I ever knew to love and god it hurt. It felt like I was swallowing acid as I held back my emotions. I was on a mission.
Loki didn’t seem to care. He wielded the true power of the tesseract and a portal opened behind him. I didn’t think, I just did what I felt was right. As he stepped back inside it, I leapt in with him just in time. The portal shut behind me and I felt the darkness of space surrounding us. Loki didn’t seem too stressed about the fact I was holding onto his arm for dear life. But he also didn’t seem to care about the fact it was me. That eerie side of him just confirmed everything he had told me in the past after he was imprisoned. This was all Thanos. Loki was somewhere deep inside his shell but definitely not on the outside. But his scent was there, burning in my nose, bringing back memories that were made for just the two of us. God, how I wanted to hold him and forget the world but I knew I couldn’t. I needed the tesseract, billions of precious lives needed that cube. I had to take it back.
Once I opened my eyes, I noticed we were somewhere, possibly on a spaceship. Loki stood there and looked at me curiously. Since he hadn’t pushed me off yet, I felt confident enough to let go of his arm. He obviously wanted to know where I came from all of a sudden and why on earth I followed him to the unknown. 
“Took you long enough to show up. I thought you were thriving back on Asgard since you didn’t show up here with Thor. Or perhaps Odin didn’t have enough power to send the both of you at the same time, is that so?” He finally spoke and his voice was like music to my ears. It made my heart swell with misery. On the other hand, the tone of his voice sent shivers down my back because it was so mocking and honestly ominous. There was so much he didn’t know but then my mind got caught up with one word, thriving. Back when this happened, I was still loathing in self-pity back in our shared chamber, holding onto his blanket although it didn’t bring him back.
“Thriving? Are you out of your mind, Loki? Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you?” 
He narrowed his rather blue eyes at me, studying my face like many times before. Only this time I knew he wasn’t himself. That’s when I got an idea. I knew I was working on the clock and I knew how dangerous it was but man, I wanted to do it. I looked around me and began to wonder, was this Thanos’ ship? It would make sense. If he controlled Loki, it would only be right that Loki came here to give the stone to Thanos.
If we were indeed on his ship, we could get killed. I didn’t have time to dwell on what had happened. I had to help Loki snap out of this.
“Perhaps, you’d like to explain to me why there were two men of iron back on Midgard”, Loki completely ignored what I said earlier. So he knew?
“I will if you listen to me, Loki. You can’t give the tesseract to Thanos-”
“What do you know about him?” Loki growled, being taken back by just hearing the Titan's name. Now he looked at me with a bit more emotion, concern almost. I looked at him and noticed that some parts of him were surfacing. I had to keep pushing him and hope it would help him break free. Natasha told me he snapped Clint out of his trance by hitting his head a few times but I wasn’t confident I could fight Loki after finally being reunited with him.
I swallowed thickly and got ready to defend myself if Loki wanted to fight, or the man who controlled him. I had to remind myself that if Loki got violent, it wasn’t truly him. It was Thanos. “I know that he tortured you after you…you fell down the Bifrost and got swallowed by that portal. I know he’s trying to gather all the infinity stones so he can fulfil his plan and destroy half of all life. What else do you want to know?”
For once, Loki seemed surprised. He chuckled lightly and looked at the tesseract for a while. “Something’s different about you, Y/N. The woman I once knew never stood in my way. You would’ve been ready to be by my side no matter what, yet here we are. I can’t let anyone stand in my way, not even you. You have two choices, darling, move out of the way or”, he paused dramatically, holding out his hand to me which was really tempting to grab, “or join me. I know for a fact that I’m returning this to him no matter what.”
Hearing that made me feel sick my to stomach. He really was Thanos’ puppet. I pushed his hand away from me and tried to grab the tesseract, but Loki was quicker than me. Loki stepped aside and I almost hit the wall but I caught my balance just in time. As I turned to look at him again, he made it vanish so I couldn’t possibly take it. “Your choice, love”, he sighed disappointedly. The next thing I knew, Loki sent a powerful energy blast towards me. My heart jolted to my throat as I created a shield before it could’ve struck me. This was not what I expected to happen. If it wasn’t for the adrenaline in my body, I would’ve possibly had a nervous breakdown. I was fighting Loki whom I thought was dead! This was insane!
“I know this isn’t you, Loki!” I screamed as I laid down my magic shield and grabbed my daggers from my weapon belt. 
“I’ve been gone for a while, how could you know me these days?” He replied angrily and grabbed his own daggers. I glanced at them and cursed silently. Loki had taught me how to fight with daggers so he knew my every move. “What? It’s a fair fight, don’t you think?” He smirked like this was fun.
“I shouldn’t be telling you this but I’ve got nothing to lose”, I began but he wasn’t here to listen. Loki leapt at me and tried to grab my throat but I was quick enough to dodge that death grip. I stepped aside just in time to see him turning around quickly. Loki threw a dagger at me which I didn’t see coming at all and it struck the side of my ribcage. The blade was sharp enough to cut through the leather that had protected me and it sliced my skin which stung like hell. I groaned in pain but it didn’t stop me. 
“What? Spill your little secrets, I’m all ears”, Loki encouraged me to keep talking. I pretended to be more hurt than I was by pressing my hand to my side and leaning against the wall. He bought it because he walked close to me calmly. Although he seemed like he was ready to kill me, I could still sense some remorse. His eyes said it all. He didn’t want to hurt me but it seemed he had no choice. This Loki still feared Thanos would come after his loved ones if he didn’t do his dirty work.
“He doesn’t care about your deal, Loki. He’s going to get those stones and then he will kill you”, I told him the truth, hoping that the god of lies could see that.
“I very much doubt that.”
“Well, I’ve seen it! This might sound..well it does sound crazy but I’m from the future! He killed you, Loki. He…he killed our people. I can’t let you do this, I can’t let you give that to him”, I stated the facts and swallowed my tears. As Loki processed my words, I used the moment for my good. I kicked his legs hard which made him stumble a little bit. Then quickly, I ran behind him and jumped on his back, holding the edge my dagger against his throat. It broke my heart to be in this situation but I knew I had no choice. 
“Ah, you’ve joined the silly mortals and my brother and now you’re against me. I didn’t think you’d be like everybody else”, Loki attempted to guilt-trip me which almost worked. It was painful to do this, it really was, but it was for his best too.
“I’m not. I’m doing this for you- fuck!” I screamed out in pain as Loki hit me against the wall. I fell on the ground and my daggers slid across the room we were in. Loki kicked them far away from me and then knelt right in front of me, holding my jaw roughly so he looked right into my eyes. I didn’t feel safe enough to attack him because he could slit my exposed throat easily. My blood began to flow quicker and I could hear it flowing in my ears. 
Loki sighed again. “You’re just like Thor, so sentimental.”
Just then, I got an idea. Sure, it was dangerous but it was my biggest chance of survival. “If you’re going to kill me, now’s your chance. Do it, Loki. I’m not going to be in your way.”
He seemed confused. He knitted his eyebrows together and looked at me like I was mad. “Whatever you’re planning, it’s not going to work. You can’t trick me.”
“Maybe not but I can do this”, I told him and grabbed his wrist with the arm I had the time travel gadget on. With my other hand, I pushed the button. Loki had no idea what was going on as we were both sucked to the quantum realm. Since he didn’t have the suit, he was knocked out of his senses. It hurt to see him like that but I held onto him tightly, dragging him with me to my present, his future. 
The two of us appeared back on the platform where we had started the time mission. I stumbled on it with a passed out Loki in my arms. The moment I realized we were back safely, I threw off my mask and hurried to help Loki. My entire body was trembling as I pushed him on his back and I checked his pulse. Once I felt his heartbeat throbbing against my fingers, I almost cried out of joy. 
He was alive!
Everybody else started to appear beside us as they returned from their missions. Steve and Tony looked at me and I saw a briefcase with them. Somehow, they got the tesseract which I was so relieved about. It meant that they had travelled even further back in time before Loki got it. They would probably be so mad I had Loki with me but I couldn’t care less. At least, I ensured he couldn’t give it to Thanos in 2012 and fuck up that timeline. 
“Where’s Natasha?” I heard someone ask. I had been so focused on Loki that I didn’t even see if everyone had returned. Everyone, including me, turned to look at Clint who had the soul stone but the misery and pain on his face said it all. Natasha didn’t make it…
It had only been a few hours since we all came back. The team was in a devastating state of shock because we lost Nat but we had to keep working. Then night arrived and some of us went to bed, knowing tomorrow was going to be a big day. We would assemble Tony’s version of the infinity gauntlet and someone would have to wield it. But I couldn’t rest.
Loki was strapped down to a bed in one of the headquarter’s healing rooms. He was still passed out and I was scared the quantum realm trip had hurt him too badly. If he wouldn’t wake up, I’d probably drown in my guilt. So I stayed by his side. I was ready to help him calm down if he woke up in panic. Oh and I wished and prayed to the gods that he wasn’t under Thanos’ control anymore. I didn’t see how it would be possible after he travelled in time so, in a way, 2012 Thanos couldn’t possibly control Loki in the future, right?
Gosh, some of the team members were pissed at me for bringing Loki back with me. I tried to explain that it was this close that I would’ve died and I explained how we were about to stare Thanos in the face, well Loki would’ve and then handed over the tesseract. I didn’t even want to imagine what would’ve happened if he had succeeded! Then, somehow someway Tony and Steve returned with the tesseract from the 70s. Since Loki was still in his deep slumber, I wasn’t sure if he still possessed the space stone or if it had vanished. All I knew was that time was hella confusing.
“Please wake up, my love”, I whispered after the silence grew too heavy around me. I rested my head beside his arm and I drew gentle patterns on his chest. He was still in his battle armour because we rushed to get him strapped down, in case of emergency. Thor had aided us then but he hadn’t shown up after. It’s like seeing his brother was too much for him at the moment or perhaps he actually wanted to brainstorm while being drunk. I didn’t know what it was. 
That’s when I felt movement. Loki tried to move his arm but realized soon that he couldn’t. I stood up quickly and tried to get his attention before he could freak out. But it was too late. Loki tried to yank himself free hopelessly and once he realized he couldn’t, terror decorated his face. “Loki! Loki, it’s okay, you’re safe”, I tried to get the word through to him. After I repeated myself a few times, he stopped fighting and he just stared at me. 
“Y/N…you’re alright!” Loki breathed out in shock. It seemed like he woke up from a terrible nightmare.
“Yes, but less of me. How are you feeling?” I just had to know. Loki seemed baffled and he took in his surroundings. This was all unfamiliar to him and I knew that. I didn’t want him to feel unsafe anymore. This was past him and for him, all the torture happened only a brief while ago. Being strapped down probably brought back awful memories but I had to know I could trust him before I could let him free.
“Hold on- what happened? I-…I was about to, god, Y/N I really hope you know it wasn’t my intention”, Loki began to remember what had happened before we got here. He probably had no idea that I knew everything and I couldn’t blame him at all for what happened on the ship.
“It’s okay, Loki. I know everything. You don’t have to worry about that”, I reassured him sweetly. He took a deep breath and rested his head against the pillow. He seemed slightly relieved about that. As I looked at him, my emotions began to crawl back to me. I was finally with him again after Thanos snapped his neck in front of us which was a picture that had tormented me for five years. But this Loki, he didn’t know any better. He never returned to Asgard, he never got imprisoned by his own father, he never lost his mother, he never fought for his home only to destroy it, he never died. 
“What?” He seemed to notice I wasn’t fully here. 
“Do you remember when I said I was from the future?” I wondered. He seemed to think about it and then remember something. 
“You were serious?” He questioned me entreatingly as if the answer was obvious but he wasn’t sure what to make of it.
Now I sighed. “I’m dead serious, Loki. This-”, I paused just to look around us, “is the future for you but the present for me.”
Loki fell silent. I figured he was back to himself so instead of messing with his fragile mind even more, I went ahead and unstrapped him from the bed. He didn’t mind as I freed him and soon enough, Loki was all free. He seemed to be deep in his thoughts though, just like me. I really wanted to get in there with him and hug him but I also felt like I would cry which I really didn’t want to. Emotionally, I was exhausted. I didn’t know what to do really.
He sat up straight and threw his legs off the edge of the bed. I watched as his head hung low and he tried to gather himself. I wasn’t sure whether he was relieved he wasn’t under Thanos’ control of if he was letting everything that had happened to him finally sink in. No matter what it was, I wasn’t going to stand there and let him crumble to pieces by himself. I sat down beside him and wrapped my arms around his body. At first, Loki was hesitant, almost like he didn’t want my comfort but he couldn’t resist it. He leaned against me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His head was on my shoulder and it felt so good. That’s when everything got the best of me too. I was happy to hold him but I was also devastated because we lost Natasha. Everything was simply overwhelming and only Loki could make it all better. 
“I missed you”, I whispered and let a few silent tears roll down my face. Perhaps he didn’t even know how much I had missed him but it didn’t matter. Right now, we had each other and even if it was for a short while only, it was all that mattered. Tomorrow was going to be a new day but I didn’t even want to give it a thought. I wanted to be here for a moment like there was no tomorrow at all. 
But that wasn’t going to happen. We both heard footsteps approaching us and Loki let go of me. He cursed and got up, facing both me and the door with his back to hide his pained expression. It hurt to see how fast he changed but I knew Loki. He hated to show his vulnerable side to anyone. Then the doors opened and Thor walked in. He looked at me and then at his brother who was now by the windows. I used that moment to wipe away my tears.
“Y/N! We’re- Oh, you’re awake”, Thor muttered, talking about Loki. It’s like he forgot why he even came here.
“Good to know you still have vision”, Loki mumbled back with sass. It’s like all emotion and vulnerability he had ten seconds ago was all gone. Now it was his cold and hard shell that had taken years to break. Loki turned around and I saw no traces of the terror that had been in his eyes previously. Once he saw Thor, his eyebrows knit together. “You’ve…changed.”
[PART 2]
Author’s Note: I had to end this before I would’ve written a few thousand words more. I’m still shook over Endgame and really upset that Loki didn’t get to fight Thanos. So I wrote this little thing in hopes it would ease the pain but it didn’t. Might write a part 2. 
 Anyway, Feedback would be really nice! Thank you, darlings :)
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the haunting of bill denbrough
George Denbrough had been dead five long years the night he woke his brother Bill up at one in the morning.
For just a moment, in the split second it took for Bill’s eyes to adjust to the darkness and remind his brain exactly where he was, Bill was thirteen again and Georgie was alive. Around that time of their lives, Georgie had woken Bill up quite often in the middle of the night, searching for somewhere safe from whatever lay waiting for him in the dark and someone brave and strong, someone like Bill, to protect him from it. Bill would make a scene- they were getting too old to sleep together, really- but they both knew sooner or later Bill would roll his eyes a final time and pull aside the covers, making room for Georgie to join him.
The Georgie that stood beside Bill’s bed now looked scared enough for this scenario to be true. His eyes, heavy with fear and wet with tears he seemed to be desperately trying to keep from spilling out, were wide against his pale skin. Bill had seen this look many times; it was the face of a child who has fallen off their bike unexpectedly and, by skinning their knee, suddenly realized that they are not invincible. Overall, Georgie’s expression was a familiar one. But there was something else in his face too, something that woke Bill up completely and increased the tempo of his heartbeat by a couple dozen beats.
Not any type of fear- not the kind that used to bring Georgie running to Bill’s room in the middle of the night, nor the kind that prompted Bill to check under his bed every now and then before bed, just to make sure nothing was hiding there. The fear in Georgie’s eyes was the kind that made a heavy nest in your stomach and stayed there forever, or as long as you had left to feel things, anyway. It was powerful enough to break your mind into tiny pieces. Bill had seen this fear reflected on the faces of his friends many times during the summer they’d delved deep into Derry’s sewer system. And he saw it written plainly across Georgie’s face now.
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Georgie’s eyes, wide and troubled, were filled with it. It was as though, if Bill looked really hard, he might see Georgie’s last memories reflected there. His last memories, ones of clowns and sewers and a brother who’d pretended to be sicker than he really was so he wouldn’t have to spend a second longer with his annoying, god-awful little sibling.
Bill shot up, heart pounding painfully in his chest. Reality took hold and screamed dead dead dead your fault into his ears. The real Georgie was miles below where Bill sat now, probably already rotted down to the bone, surrounded by the other dead children of Derry. Georgie was dead. This could be a dream, a hallucination, the aftereffects of the really shitty weed he’d shared with Beverly the day before, but it could not really be Georgie. And yet, some hopeful part of Bill’s heart begged for it to be real, one more chance to hold his brother. He frantically rubbed whatever sleep was left from his eyes, sure Georgie would be gone when he looked again with fresh eyes.
But Georgie stayed put, looking as frightened and pitiful as before.
God, Bill thought. I’d almost forgotten what he looked like.
And it really did look like Georgie, whatever stood beside Bill’s bed in a yellow raincoat and muddied jeans. He looked much smaller, much more fragile, than he had seemed to Bill in life, but, other than that, everything was the same. His eyes were deep and trusting, the same warm brown they’d been the day he’d died. His hair was light and mussed, almost like he’d forgotten to brush it. His mouth was turned downwards, like he was on the verge of crying. Georgie’s face, familiar and sad and trusting, pulled at the walls around Bill’s heart and threatened to overwhelm him with grief and guilt.
“Jesus,” he choked, vision blurry. He hadn’t cried in a very long time, and it was as though his tear ducts were trying to make up for lost time by producing as many tears as they possibly could. They made quick tracks down his cheeks, rolling off his face and onto his sheets. He wiped them away as best he could and reached towards his bedside table, careful not to touch whatever stood there borrowing his brother’s face, and turned on the lamp. He winced once as the lamp flooded the room with warmth and light, and once more when he saw Georgie’s face, no longer half-hidden by darkness. The light shone on the dark circles around his eyes, showed how sunken and bruised his features really were. His skin was a sickly, unhealthy color that reminded Bill of cigarette smoke and crummy gas station bathrooms.
“Oh,  jesus,” Bill’s voice was strangled, and he fought to keep sudden, panicked sobs from tearing their way out of his throat. “Georgie?”
The thing that might be Georgie slowly lifted a hand towards Bill in response, palm upwards as though asking for something.
“Holy-” Bill choked. He scrambled backwards, fighting to untangle himself from his sheets and blankets. He fell gracelessly off the bed, hitting his tailbone painfully on the hardwood floor.
Georgie was dead. Long, long dead. Whatever this was wasn’t here to crawl into Bill’s bed and complain that Bill’s feet were too cold, or be shushed by their parents for laughing too loudly so late at night. It was here to hurt, to taunt. To remind Bill of something that was, hopefully, as dead as Georgie.
Bill fumbled in the semi-darkness for the baseball bat he kept under his bed, hands exploring the dusty darkness frantically. After a few long moments he pulled it out and stood quickly, pointing it forcefully in the thing’s direction.
“We-we killed you,” Bill demanded, as though saying it was enough to make it true. It had been so long since he’d seen It in anything other than his nightmares; and now, looking at Georgie, he wondered for a quick moment why they’d been so scared of It all those years ago. Whatever stood by Bill’s bed did not ooze hate and evil and otherness like It did in his dreams. This thing was sad and lonely and afraid, but not evil. Still, what else could it be, if not It? “Y-y-y-y-you’re duh-duh-duh-duh-, we k-k-killed you!”
Georgie blinked slowly in reply.
“You’re s-s-s-supposed to buh-buh-be d-d-dead,” Bill coughed. He wiped away the snot that had started dripping and bubbling from his nose.
He heard his parents stir in the next room over at the same time his phone started ringing. His parents weren’t a problem; they wouldn’t come in to check on him if they woke up, and even if they did they wouldn’t be able to see whatever was standing by his ball. The phone call, on the other hand, managed to pry his attention away from whatever was impersonating his dead brother so perfectly. There were only six people in the world who might call him this late at night, and nothing would keep him from answering. 
Just a few blocks away, Richie Tozier was busy losing a match of Mario Tennis Aces.
It would have been embarrassing if anyone had been there to see it, but he was, thankfully, very much alone. He sat on the edge of his bed, wearing only a ratty pair of boxers and an extra-large t-shirt he’d found hidden in the back of Ben’s closet. The blue glow emanating from his TV screen was beginning to hurt his eyes; he took a quick swig of Mountain Dew to combat the discomfort.
Nighttime had never been kind to Richie; he blamed his current losing streak on that fact. Along with bad luck in digital tennis matches, nighttime brought sleep, and sleep brought nightmares. Amongst the Losers, nightmares were nothing new. It seemed that they were the price you paid to battle a demonic clown and escape unscathed. Overall, it was much easier to stay awake as late as possible and risk falling asleep in AP Bio for the umpteenth time than revisit his one and only trip through Derry’s sewer system every fucking time he closed his eyes.
He was just getting ready to give his remote control a quick good luck kiss before the next round began when a sudden, rapid banging on his window almost made him soil the only clean pair of boxers he had left.
“Holy shit,” Richie gasped. The contents of his stomach threatened to make a panicked appearance; Richie quickly choked them back down. The source of the noise knocked again, impatiently. Richie sighed, but a slow, easy smile made its way across his face. He leaned across his bed, stretching to open the window. He watched Stanley Uris crawl through it and smiled some more as Stan dusted himself off. “Gimme some warning next time, will ya? I almost shit my pants.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Stan mumbled. His shoulders, tense with something- Richie guessed anxiety- slowly relaxed the longer he stood in Richie’s room. Stan bent down to unit his shoes and take off his socks, placing them neatly against the wall. Richie watched him work in silence. It made his heart do summersaults in his chest to see Stan the way he was now- flushed from the bike ride over, hair tangled by sleep and wind, soft and warm in his flannel pajama pants and cotton t-shirt.
Stan said nothing when he was done, just stood quietly, solemnly considering the boy sitting before him. Richie gave him a moment to get whatever he needed from the silence between them and Stan soaked it up, slowly unclenching his jaw and shaking out the nerves that had settled in his fists.
Eventually, Stan sighed, slow and grateful, and Richie decided it was alright to speak. “What’s crackin’, baby doll?”
Stan grimaced. “Bad dream.”
“Same one?”
“Always the same.”
Richie hummed his displeasure and opened his arms, inviting Stanley to fill the space between them. Stan made his way towards them gratefully, crawling into Richie’s lap and leaning his head against Richie’s chest. Richie ran a hand through Stan’s hair, soft and gentle. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Maybe next time.”
Richie hummed again. Stan always said that, and so far they had never talked about it. “Want some Mountain Dew?”
Stan rolled his eyes, even though Richie couldn’t see his face. “No, thanks. But I’d take something stronger if you had it.”
Richie grinned and gave the top of Stan’s head a quick kiss. “I think I might have somethin’ like that,” he leaned across the bed, careful to keep Stan safely balanced in his lap, to grab his phone. “Let’s get Big Bill over here, while we’re at it.”
“No,” Stan snatched the phone from Richie’s hands and held it close to his chest. Sleep wasn’t something any of them could take lightly, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to steal a single second of it from Bill. “Don’t wake him up.”
“Come on, you know he hates missing out on stuff. He can always sleep once he gets here if he wants to.”
Their eyes locked and Richie grew suddenly seriously; a battle had begun. Stan figured they were too old to keep using staring contests to settle disputes. Richie said they were too old to let sacred traditions die so flippantly. In the end, they usually served Stan’s interests anyway; he could hold a glare with the best of ‘em. A few long moments passed; the air thick with concentration. And then Richie did what he usually did when he knew he couldn’t win- cheated.
Stan furiously blinked Richie’s sudden stream of warm, wet air out of his eyes. “I hate you,” he glared, hiding a grin, and held out the phone.
Richie laughed a happy, victorious laugh and gave Stan another kiss, this one on his forehead. Perhaps his nighttime losing streak was over at last; if this night was going anyway like he thought it was, he was going to get lucky two times over.
Pretty much everything about the three of them was built on luck. Luck, and a whole lot of hard fucking work. There were no guidebooks on how to date two of your best friends at once, no polyamorous trailblazers to show them the way. There was nothing, no one to tell them how to do this wonderful, lovely thing between the three of them. It was messy and hard sometimes, but god if it wasn’t good. All things considered, Richie thought they were doing pretty well for themselves.
He smiled softly and wildly into Stanley’s hair as he dialed Bill’s number.
Bill used the bat to keep at least three feet between him and Georgie as he walked slowly to the other side of the bed, towards the bedside table where his phone sat.
He struggled to pick it up, hands shaking, and cursed quietly when he almost hung up accidentally. “Huh-huh-ello?”
“Billy boy!” Richie sang, too excited to notice that Bill’s stutter, which normally took a siesta whenever he was talking to someone he loved, had returned full force. “Get your ass over here; we’re having an impromptu fiesta, just me, you, and-.”
“Ruh-ruh-ruh-ruh-Richie.” Bill interrupted. His body filled with relief at the sound of Richie’s voice, so much so that the bat almost slipped out of his hand. Here was someone who could understand, who might be able to help. He held his phone tight against his ear, as if doing so would transport him closer to Richie, away from whatever nightmare he was stuck in now.
Richie said something quick to someone that wasn’t Bill, his voice muffled and far-away. He sounded worried when he turned his attention back to Bill, like it had finally hit him that something wasn’t quite right. “Yeah, Bill, it’s me. What’s wrong?”
“I-I-I,” he stammered, eyes locked on his dead brother. “I-I th-th-th-think Guh-Guh-Georgie i-i-is in m-m-muuhhh-my r-r-room.”
“Fuck, Bill, I can hardly understand a word you’re saying. Did you-did you say something about Georgie?”
Bill flinched, like someone had just made as if to slap him. He hadn’t heard anyone say that name aloud in years. “H-h-h-h-h-h-hhhhh-,” he took a frantic breath, as if that would dislodge the word stuck in his throat. “Fuck, R-Richie, G-g-g-Georgie’s in m-my fucking ruh-uh-room.”
Richie said something else to whoever was in the room with him. They seemed to argue for a short moment which seemed impossibly long to Bill. “Hey, Bill? Don’t move. We’re on our way.”
The line went dead.
“Why did you hang up?” Stan spat, trying for the fifteenth time to reach Bill again. “He’s not picking up the phone.”
Despite being walking distance away from Bill’s house, they’d quickly decided to borrow (steal was a better word, as Richie was banned from driving it) Richie’s mother’s car. It whined loudly as Richie forced it faster and faster through the darkened streets toward Bill’s house.
“Chillax, Stanley,” Richie spat back, voice much less poisonous than Stan’s had been, obviously not chillaxing himself. He leaned forward in his seat, knuckles white around the wheel, as if worrying would help them get there faster. “Big Bill knows how to take care of himself. Whatever’s goin’ on, he’ll be alright.”
Stan shot a quick look of incredulous disbelief in Richie’s direction. It was the kind of look he usually saved for those students of Derry High with less common sense than a bucket of dying paint. It screamed: Are you an idiot? Stan himself screamed nothing and simply tried Bill’s number again.
No answer.
Richie urged the speedometer forward.
Already a few streets away, Bill Denbrough was busy ignoring the fact that he’d been told to stay put.
He’d made up his mind even before Richie had finished talking that he had to leave, to put as much distance between himself and whatever was in his room as possible. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could stand the look of fear and desperation on Georgie’s face, even if it wasn’t really Georgie he was looking at.
Georgie had followed as he’d stumbled out of the room, and Bill could see him now, standing in solemn silence at the end of their driveway. The absolute silence scared Bill more than anything else. In life, Georgie had been anything but silent. Contemplative, sometimes. But never quiet. Bill almost wished the thing that looked like Georgie would call after him, tell him to stop, something. But Georgie did nothing but watch him and Silver wobble unsteadily for a moment, his frightened gaze following Bill’s form as he made his way down the street.
Bill’s legs and arms knew where they were going before Bill did. Silver took them quickly to their destination, and Bill hopped off the seat before the bike had any time to slow down. He tripped over one of the wheels and fell to the concrete, Silver landing on top of him. He grunted in pain, loose gravel digging its way into the sides of his bare arms.
Bill looked up; he was on eye level with the sewer drain Georgie had spent his last moments crouched before. It did not mock or taunt or scream haha! I killed your brother! like Bill expected it to. It just sat, inconspicuously, like most sewer drains tended to do.
He pushed Silver off of him and scrambled forward. He braced himself against the concrete, poking his head into the sewer as far as the laws of mass and physical space would allow.
Stan and Richie were more surprised than they should have been to find Bill’s room empty.
Stan poked around the room methodically, looking for any evidence of what had happened, anything to clue them in on what was going on. Richie swallowed the shitty Sherlock Holmes joke working its way up his throat and fidgeted nervously in the doorway.
Stan picked up Bill’s phone, which sat on the bed, and frowned at it. “I don’t think he’s here.”
“I dunno, have you checked the bathroom? Maybe he’s taking a shit.”
Stan ignored him. “Where would he have gone? His truck’s still in the driveway.”
Bill’s truck was always in the driveway. He only ever used one thing to get where he wanted to go. Stan and Richie remembered this fact simultaneously.
“Oh, shit,” Riche groaned. “I’ll bet he’s halfway across the state by now.”
“No,” Stan shook his head. “He’d want to go somewhere. You said he saw Georgie, yes? What places do you think of when you think about Georgie?”
Simultaneously, Richie and Stan remembered something else. Remembered the last, rainy day George Denbrough had lived to see and the last place he had visited before his death.
They ran back to the car.
The overwhelming smell of rotting trash and stagnant water coming from the sewer drain made Bill want to gag. He turned his head to the side and took a quick whiff of fresh air before turning back to towards the opening.
“Wah-wah-wah-aht d-d-do y-you wuh-uh-want?” Bill shouted. “T-tell me!”
The drain did not grace his hurt and anger with an answer. Somewhere down the street, someone turned on a porch light.
Bill strained to see inside the sewer. He was so focused on making sense of the darkness he found there that he almost didn’t notice the light tug on his sweatshirt. His heart stopped dead in its track and he scrambled upwards to face his death, sure Pennywise himself had crawled from his hiding place to wipe the last of the Denbrough children off the face of the Earth. Instead of finding a killer clown, there stood the thing that looked like Georgie.
Georgie’s face was on fire with panic and fear. Blood streamed from beneath his right jacket-sleeve and down his hand, making soft splattering sounds on the asphalt. Bill’s heart ached, seeing Georgie’s face the way he was sure it must have been before It had killed him. He fell onto his knees and pulled the Georgie thing to him. Georgie felt as real as he looked- solid and firm. He even smelled a little like Georgie had too, like outdoors and the candles their mother liked to light on rainy days. Bill broke then, and sobbed painfully into Georgie’s small, cold chest. Georgie let himself be cried on and did not protest as Bill tightened his grip. He did nothing at all except look down at Bill’s head mournfully and continue drip drip dripping blood.
And this was how Stan and Richie happened upon the final third of their threesome, clutching onto nothing and sobbing endless, heart wrenching sobs.
And so began the haunting of Bill Denbrough.
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Chapter 3
Los Angeles California, September 24 1991
"You're such a fucking bitch you know that? I can't even fucking believe I'm even with you anymore!"
"I'm a bitch? What the serious fuck John? I fucking caught you with her and I'm a bitch?" I exclaim in the passenger seat of his Ford pick up truck.
"You know what, she was a better fucking fuck than you ever were and I'm not even sorry you caught me. I don't give a shit, I just want you out of my life," John's eyes burn into mine as he drives us down the street.
"You want me out of your life? Well fine fuck you! Fuck you and that little fucking whore... you deserve each other!" I scream and he aggressively pulls up to the curb.
"Get the fuck out of my truck!" He says menacingly.
"Gladly!" I yell grabbing my bag, quickly opening the door and stepping out but not before he speeds away, almost taking me with him.
"Fuck you, you fucking asshole!" I scream as I nearly stubble out on the sidewalk and throw up my middle finger at him. For a moment I didn't even care that people were out on the sidewalk watching our fight take place.
I had enough. Just another person in my life who doesn't give a shit about me.
As John spins the tires of his shitty Ford pick-up and speeds away I accidentally stumble right into a tall figure, practically planting right in his chest.
"Shit, you alright?" He catches me to steady me as I stumble backwards a little.
I know that voice.
I look up and I swear to god I thought my heart was about to stop.
Chris Cornell.
"Wait... Andi...? " He says as he looks down at me, his eyebrows raised in surprise, his hands still holding my arms. I was speechless.
"Uh, yea..." I clear my throat feeling extremely embarrassed but stable myself pushing a few curls out of my face, making sure my sunglasses were still on.
"Jeezus Christ are you ok? Who was that?" Chris asks extremely concerned as he looks down the road where John sped off and then turns back to me trying to look into my eyes though I keep my sunglasses on.
"No one,"
"You sure you're alright?" Chris asks giving me those concerned eyes again.
"I'm good... I just um... I'm good," I smile awkwardly back and suddenly there was this weird empty space between us.
"I almost didn't even recognize you..." He smiles at me, those gorgeous blue eyes feeling like they are burning into my soul.
"Yea... I seem to have that affect on people..." I smile awkwardly again. This is not how I intended to run into Chris,  if I was to run into him... which now I have.
"You know I can go kick his ass if you want me to?" Chris hooks his thumb towards the direction that John sped off to.
"No, no I'm fine... I'll be fine... he was just an... asshole," I say as I adjust my shirt and I feel Chris's eyes flick over my body. God how I missed that. There was more awkward silence between us and all I wanted to do was just run. I really didn't want Chris to see me like this. After the way we left things back in the summer, I didn't want him to see me stuck at the same spot in my life.
"I'm just heading to the Rainbow for a few drinks with the guys, wanna join me? We can catch up?" He asks so sweetly. As much as that offer was tempting I really didn't want to face a crowd of people right now, especially a crowd I haven't met yet.
"Um... I can't right now..." I trail off moving around him feeling horribly guilty that I don't really have an excuse other than I just don't want to be around a crowd right now.
"Oh... ok um, well how'bout later tonight then? We're having a record release party at the hotel we're staying at but I'd really like it if you came?" He says as I turn back to face him and he flips those gorgeous curls out of his face.
"Sure, tonight sounds... good," I offer a smile back. Chris smiles back at me and it almost felt like my heart was about to stop again. He then reaches into the pocket of his baggy black shorts, pulls out his wallet and hands me a card.
"It's where we're staying..." He trails of flipping his curls out of his face again.
"Ok," I say quietly as I look down at the card.
"You sure you're ok? I mean it, I'll kick his ass," Chris says which actually made me giggle.
"Yea, I'm ok," I smile at him.
"Ok... I'll uh... see you tonight then," He smiles at me and I nod feeling that awkward moment creeping back up again and as soon as it showed up, it was broken as he continues on his way down the sidewalk, his dark curls swaying with each stride of his Doc's while he lights up a cigarette and exhales a cloud of smoke. I let out a long exhale, not realizing I was holding my breath, then turn and make my way back to the place that I was staying at. It was just a friends place since I needed a place to stay while I was stupidly trying to work it out with John. But now I know that it's definitely over between us, I'm pretty much ready to pack up and leave California, much like all those months ago when I met Chris the first time. Only this time I'm sticking to it.
See a train wreck, become that train wreck. Funny how that seems to stick with me no matter what I try to do to get rid of it. It wasn't liked I loved John anyways. I thought maybe I did but...I don't even know what love feels like but I sure as hell know it doesn't feel like this.
Within a few short hours I was once again able to pack everything I had in my duffel bag, throwing it in the back seat of my black '69 Dodge Charger and headed down the streets of L.A. Even though so many months have passed since I did this the first time, I hadn't made any progress in not repeating my same mistakes.
"But at least I still don't have any feelings left to hurt," I mumble to myself, leaning my head on my hand as I drive down the street trying to find somewhere to stay for the night. I was tempted to just stay at the hotel that Chris is staying at, since he gave me that card but I didn't know if that would be weird or not. I am kind of excited to see him and once again forget about who I am and just have some fun.
"Fuck it," I say to myself and turn down the sunset strip, making my way to the hotel that Chris was staying at.
I find a parking spot, and with my duffel bag in tow, I head into the hotel and check into a room. Once I get to my room, I take a quick shower, clean myself up a bit and take a look at the damage in the mirror. The bruise under my eye is still there, of course but at least it's not swollen like it was earlier today.
"Fuck..." I exhale.
Maybe I can work a little make-up magic on it.
I fix my curls and walk out of the bathroom to change into a tight black mini skirt that I had cut up and distressed, my Pantera band shirt from earlier today and my Doc's of course. Once I feel like I look human again, I take one last look in the mirror, then make my way to Chris's room.
"Well... are you going to let me in or not?" I ask looking back and forth between the two body guards that stood in front of the door.
"Look, sweetie, we said no, it's a private party now just run along alright?" The larger bodyguard said as he crossed him arms over his chest. He was big but not muscular, he mostly looked fat. The kind of fat that starts at the back of his neck and goes all the way down to his feet.
I sighed and turned to head back to my room and just forget about the whole thing, listening to those big goons snicker behind me. I was about to turn around and say something but I figured what's the point? Standing in the elevator, embarrassed with myself to think that I would've been able to show up at a record release party with no invitation, other than just a card with a room number on it.
Once I arrive back at my room, I sat down on the bed, kicked my feet up and mindlessly flipped on the T.V, flipping through channels thinking about where I should go from here.
At least this time I have a place to stay and not just the back seat of my car... or well you know.
Thirty minutes of me flipping through the channels I finally glance over at the phone and see a red light flashing indicating I had a message.
"Hi Andi, it's Chris... I saw you down in the lobby checking in earlier so I had the front desk connect me to you room, but you're out... obviously... so yea I'm glad you're here... if you wanna come up to the room, just call first so I can let the guys know to let you in, ok? ... alright see ya,"
Holy shit he called me!
I listened to it twice more just to make sure I wasn't imagining it, I mean I know I ran into him on the street today but I didn't think he would call me.
I have no idea why all of a sudden I feel so insatiably nervous. I just ran into him a few hours ago but for some reason the nervousness is hitting me hard. I take in a few deep breaths and lift up the receiver and dial the suite number.
"Hey... uh can I speak to Chris?" My voice cracks
"What? You gotta speak up sweetie,"
"Chris, Can I talk to Chris?" I repeat a little louder.
"Oh yea sure, hang on,"
I hear the phone drop and a bunch of music in the background with people yelling and singing. Finally after what seemed like an eternity I heard the phone pick up again.
"Hello, Chris here,"
His voice sounded slightly hoarse and I froze just for a second.
"Hello?" He said again.
"Hi, it's... it's Andi," my voice cracks again. Why the hell am I sounding like this?
"Andi! Alright, you got my message," He says excitedly.
"You wanna come up?" He asks.
"Sure... but tell your boys to let me in this time," I say.
"Never mind,  I'll be right up,"
We hang up with each other and I switch off the T.V , running over to the mirror and making sure everything still looks as it should. The black smoky eye shadow I decided to go with seems to be hiding the bruise well, so at least I wont be asked any questions on that. I fluff my curls a bit as they fall down around my shoulders, adjust my Pantera shirt once again making sure my cleavage looks amazing and I head out the door.
A few minutes later I emerge from the elevator and turn the corner again to see those two big goons down at the end of the hall standing in front of the door laughing and carrying on.
"Awe... look who it is again, c'mon sweetie you know we're not going to let you in," The big fat one says again with a stupid smirk on his face.
"I'm Andi... Chris invited me so, I think you are going to let me in," I say.
"You're Andi? Shit... why didn't you say so the first time?" The quiet one says this time.
"I did," I say flatly. They look back and forth between each other then look back at me obviously feeling guilty that they turned me away the first time.
"We're uh, sorry sweetie... you can go right in," The quiet one says as he steps aside. I give him a nod and the fatter one says nothing as I walk through the door.
Inside, there were a ton of people laughing and having fun with a haze of smoke through the air. I knew since it was a party that there would be lots of people but I didn't think there were going to be this many. It sounded like the new record was playing and I could hear Chris's voice over the sound system.
As I nonchalantly make my way through the crowd, I see Chris sitting on one of the couches with an acoustic guitar across his lap and couple of his band mates around him, along with a few girls that sat opposite of them all that seemed to just be hanging out and talking with each other. I think the tall dark haired guy was Kim and the blonde was Matt. I haven't met them  but I remember them from that night at the bar and their videos that play on MTV.
I could feel my nervousness creeping back up again and I desperately need a drink. It's crazy that I don't remember being nervous the night that we... well...
I see Kim lean into Chris and point towards me which made my cheeks flush a bit. Chris looks up from his guitar but still plucks the strings and plays a few chords, his eyebrow raised with a smile slowly spreading across those beautiful lips as his blue eyes glance over my body, landing at my chest for a moment and then back up to my eyes.
"Hi," He says sweetly as I approach the couches.
"Hi," I smile back.
"I'm glad you made it... have a seat," He says, his voice cracking a bit as he gestures to the empty chair that sat beside him. I take his lead and sit down in the chair flipping my curls out of my face as I fight the craving for a cigarette.
"That's uh, Kim... and Matt over there... I have no idea where Ben is though," Chris gestures to Kim and Matt and they give me a wave and a nod. Then someone passes me a beer though I'm not sure who, I thank them and take a sip.
"So uh, how you been?" Chris asks as he flips his curls out of his face and removes the guitar from his lap and leans it against the back of the couch.
"Alright, I guess," I say and take a sip of my beer as I let my eyes wonder over him, wanting to see what was under his black 90 logo T-shirt and those black baggy shorts of his again.
"Better than earlier?" He asks with a smirk. I give him a confused look, then I remember how I ran into him today.
"Oh yea... that... sorry about that," I say and trace my thumb along the label of my beer.
"It's ok, you don't need to be sorry... I just wanted to make sure you're ok,"
"Yea, I'm ok... on to the next," I say looking at my beer for a moment hoping he doesn't ask any more questions. I glance back at him and he looks at me with those damn eyes again. Those eyes that seem to want to either feel sorry for me or save me, I couldn't tell which.
"You uh, living out here now?" Chris asks as he reaches for his beer that sat on the square coffee table in front of us, then sits back resting his leg across his knee and takes a sip.
"Not exactly..." I trail off and take another sip.
"Still running?" He raises his eyebrow at me as that question hit me in the chest like a ton of bricks.
"It's a long story," I say when I finish my sip and he nods. His eyes flick over me and there was that empty space between us again.
"I guess that's why I couldn't reach you," Chris says and looks down at his beer bottle.
"You tried to call me?" I ask in slight disbelief.
"Of course... but uh, the number was disconnected..." Chris flicks his eyes back to me. I didn't know how to tell him that I never made it to Vegas.
"Oh," Was all I could say.
"I thought maybe you gave me a fake number or something," Chris chuckles.
"No, no it wasn't a fake number... I uh, well that morning we left each other, I tried to catch up with you in Seattle..."
"Really?" Chris smiles.
"Yea, but some stupid state trooper idiot pulled me over... speeding I guess... he wrote me up big time though..." I say looking at my beer and trailing my thumb along the label again as Chris smirks and takes a sip of his beer.
"You still driving the Charger?" He asks.
"Yea... she's my baby," I smile at him.
"She's one hell of a gorgeous car," He says.
"Yea... I spent all my savings to buy her. The only thing in my life that hasn't let me down," I say looking back down at my beer, not realizing that I said it as loud as I did and Chris's expression hardens a little.
There was some more silence between us though the party raged on around us and I was starting to get the feeling that I should really just head back to my room. As much as I want to be around Chris, I'm also wanting to slump into a corner of the room and hide away from everyone.
"Come with me," Chris says breaking me out of my thoughts for a moment, leaning over to me and stroking my bare calf with his hand, feeling his heat, reminding me of that night. I make a move, setting my beer down, rising from the chair as he rises from the couch and leads the way, his curls swaying with his movements, his boots thudding against the carpeted grand hotel suite. He leads me through more people, to the large sliding glass doors and out onto the large balcony overlooking downtown L.A.
The air was only slightly cooler than earlier with a gentle breeze blowing through. I follow him up to the railing of the balcony as we both lean out to look at the streets below.
"I uh, thought it'd be better out here... you looked like you were wanting to get away... or something," He says leaning back on the railing and pulling out a cigarette to light it up.
"I'm ok," I say as I look down at the street below. He takes a drag of his cigarette and looks at me, his eyes squinting from the smoke.
"So, that asshole earlier give you that as a going away present?" Chris asks with the cigarette between his lips, gesturing to the bruise under my eye. Once again he somehow knows the questions to ask that hit me hard, practically knocking the wind out of me. I honestly thought I'd covered it up enough, but apparently not. I look at him and reach up, taking the cigarette from his lips and take a drag for myself and stay silent.
"Look... why don't we get outta here for a little bit?" Chris asks as he looks back towards the party as I exhale a cloud of smoke and I suddenly couldn't resist that offer.
"Where...?" I say keeping my eyes on him, taking another drag and flipping my curls out of my face.
"How about we go for a ride?" He looks back at me with a sweet smile and I couldn't help but smirk at him.
"Sure, but I'm driving this time..." I say as I take another drag of the cigarette and pass it back to him. He chuckles as he takes a drag of the cigarette as I turn to head back through the sliding glass doors while he watches me for a second, then follows behind me. I walk through the crowd of people and Chris follows, stopping for a moment to say something to Kim but I couldn't hear over the music. I glance at them as they talk for a minute, tap each other on the shoulder then Chris turns to walk back up to me.
"Let's go," He says sweetly to me and suddenly reaches for my hand taking the last drag of the cigarette and quickly butting it out in an ashtray as he leads me towards the door. His hand feels so warm and soft as he held mine, lacing his fingers through, feeling his suede leather wrist band brush against my wrist. As soon as I felt the warmth of his hand, my entire body was alive with anticipation of him touching me again like that night in the Mojave Desert.
We make our way down the hall towards the elevators and I look back for a second to see those two goons still guarding the door but didn't even bat an eye as I leave with Chris. The entire time we were in the elevator, we didn't say anything, but I could feel his blue eyes looking over me as if they were burning into my soul again. The elevator eventually stopped at the underground parking garage inside the hotel and I take the lead as Chris follows me to where my car was parked. Once we climb in my car, I start the engine and suddenly Type O Negative's Slow Deep And Hard album comes through my stereo, right at the part in the song Unsuccessfully Coping With The Natural Beauty of Infidelity where Peter starts killing the girl and there's nothing but screaming and then obvious sounds of fucking.
"Shit... sorry," I say and quickly turn down the stereo, my cheeks burning as Chris looks at me with his eyebrow raised then starts to laugh.
"It's alright... you don't have to turn it down," Chris chuckles as it changes into 'I Know You're Fucking Someone Else'
"You went to L'amour Saturday night Red nails and lipstick dressed two sizes two tight His tongue down your throat His hand up your skirt Yeah I'm a man But it still hurts"
Why did it have to be that song?
"Um, how about some... Sepultura instead?" I say as I reach into the glove compartment and pull out Sepultura's Arise album and quickly stop Type O Negative. Chris says nothing and just looks at me as I switch the cassettes.
Much better.
Chris then just gives me a smirk, as I pull out of the parking spot, switching gears and we make our way out of the hotel car garage.
"So, what made you want to leave your own party?" I ask.
"Pfff... it's just a record release party... it's the record label that's throwing it not the band... I mean... I just wanted to spend some time with you instead," He says flicking his eyes back to me and I softly smile at him.
"Did you have some place in mind?" I ask as I take us down the streets of L.A.
"Honestly... not really,"
"Um... well I know a place we can go... it's a bit of a drive but... if you feel like it?,"
"Sure," He smiles at me and I drive us through the streets of L.A, towards Santa Monica. I know a couple of private spots along the beach that would be perfect for us.
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rocknrollmj · 6 years
Keep Your Promises Part 2
A/N: holy smokes I did not expect this to happen! Here’s a few things before we start off:
- I wasn’t planning on writing a second part so sorry if it’s shit
- Part 3 of ‘Who Are You?’ Is coming out tomorrow
- No I will not be writing part 2 of ‘Happy Birthday’ (sorry!)
- Also I’ve seen some questions about what would happen when Five goes back in time, idk what would happen cause I barely understand time travel half the time lol.
Ok I think that that’s it! Enjoy your tears y’all!
The hour seemed to drag on and on. Your eyes were red and your throat was raw from screaming. Finally a familiar figure came into view, your father, he walked briskly by you and unlocked the door to the mausoleum. You heard it creak open and saw a pale light flood into the once pitch black room. And in the corner, knees up to his chest, shuddering with cries of pain and fear, was Klaus.
You couldn’t help but feel remorse, you had done this, you had made him go through all that pain and suffering. It was all your fault. You saw him look up to where you and your father were now standing, your knees were shaking from all the emotion coursing through your body. You wanted to hug your brother so badly, but you knew that you shouldn’t. He probably hated you for doing this to him. It was all your fault.
“Number 4. Your punishment is over. Come out now.” Your father said in a strong demanding voice. Body shaking, your brother slowly unfolded himself from the corner of the room and walked towards the door. He kept his head down, as afraid to look at anything, like an ashamed puppy. You had no idea what to do, as he passed you he refused to look at you, and you couldn’t blame him. This was all your fault.
That night, back at the academy, was silent. Usually it would be filled with you and Klaus laughing or pulling a prank on one of your siblings, but tonight was as quiet as an abandoned graveyard. You sat at the kitchen table opposite him, both of you had glasses of water in your hands, but neither of you were drinking from them. Finally, you decided to break the silence.
“Klaus?” You said in a small voice, he refused to look at you. He was still very focused on his glass.
“Klaus, I’m so sorry. I wanted to help you I did. But he threatened to lock you in there all night if I did. It’s my fault, I’m sorry.” Silence over took the room again, tears threatened to spill down your face, but you held them back.
“There was a woman…” You looked up at the sound of his voice.
“There was a woman… that had been dead for 70 years in there. She seemed friendly… but she wasn’t” you bowed your head in sorrow and shame. You hated to think what he must’ve gone through.
“Because she was dead for so long… she hadn’t been able to talk… or touch anybody for so long. She was terrifying, her eyes had no colour. She looked so… so… dead. Beyond dead, she wasn’t even decaying any longer, she was just… gone. She wouldn’t stop whispering my name, even when I told her to. Then she started getting louder… and louder… until she was screaming it from all around me. Then…. and then she reached out to try and touch me. I was hoping that if I crumpled up enough she wouldn’t be able to reach me, but I was wrong. I felt her… and there was nothing but pain… and anguish inside her. It wasn’t a soft touch… it was so horrible. She had these long fingers, and she reached out and tried to scratch my skin to see what would happen. But her fingers went through my skin and started to scratch at my bones… it was as if I was being torn from the inside out. And then more came, and more and more until the door opened. They didn’t stop, I begged them to, and they just kept screaming.” He finished his tale, and you hadn’t noticed that tears were streaming down your face. You knew that the mausoleum was bad, but you had never had that experience. You let the tears fall as you looked at your brother hidden face.
“Klaus. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” He finally looked up at you, you saw the pain in his eyes, they reflected in the tears silently streaming down his face.
“Yes. Yes it is.” Your mouth slightly opened in shock. This was worse than when Reginald told you it was your fault, because now it was confirmed. You felt as though you had been slapped in the face and the tears you had once held back had suddenly been released. The one person you trusted. The one person that you cared the most about. Had blamed you. You had let him down. It was all your fault.
“Klaus…” You started, but before you could say anything more, he pushed his chair back and swiftly left the table.
“Save it Y/N. Just don’t talk to me. Just… just leave me alone.” And with that he left the room, with tears now pouring down both your faces.
That night you lay in your bed awake. You couldn’t sleep. All you saw was Klaus’ face and heard the words over and over again. It’s your fault. It’s your fault. It’s your fault. You decided that you couldn’t hurt him or any of your other siblings like that ever again. So you made a decision, you packed up a few necessities in a duffel bag and silently snuck out of your window. You didn’t know how you were going to make it work, but you would. And with that final thought, you slipped into the night without any trace.
5 years later
It was a simple mission. Or so they were lead to believe, the siblings were told that there was yet another robbery at the local bank and that there were several hostages taken. Their mission was to take out the two located targets, free the hostages, and save the day. Well that didn’t happen.
“I thought that dad said that there was only TWO of these guys!” Luther yelled as he threw another robber across the room.
“There’s got to be at least, 10 here!” Allison responded. The team knew that they weren’t strong enough, they only had four members fighting with them. But they knew that no matter what they had to do the job.
“Uh- a little help over here guys?!?!” They heard Diego call, the siblings quickly turned around and noticed that he was cornered by three still remaining villains. But, before anyone could do anything, there was a crash in the ceiling. Everyone turned their gaze upwards and watched as a figure dropped in from the sky, landing perfectly. Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, the person fell into action. Punching, kicking and flipping in an almost otherworldly manner. They had no idea what was going on and before they knew what was happening, the three men were suddenly on the floor, knocked out. They all stood in shock, not believing what just happened.
“Who- who are you?” Diego finally stuttered out.
“Y/N, and you’re welcome by the way.” You said swiftly without looking at him, instead striding over to where the hostages were and freeing them. There was a sudden swarm of hysterical people running out of the building, once they were gone however, they left the room the way it was before the robbery. Silent.
“Y/N? Like… our sibling Y/N?” You nodded from underneath your domino mask.
“Oh, like my twin who left one night without even saying goodbye?” Klaus half yelled. You looked down.
“Hi Klaus.” He looked at you in disbelief.
“‘Hi Klaus?!?!’ That’s all you have to say?!!? After five years of you being MIA, and me thinking that were in danger, or trying to contact your ghost because I thought that you were dead! All you have to say is HI?!?!?!?!?!” You met is gaze.
“I’m sorry, but I thought that it was best for everyone if I left.” Klaus scoffed in disbelief.
“Don’t give me that ‘I did it for the greater good’ bullshit! You left us! You left me! YOUR OWN BROTHER!!!”
“I LEFT YOU BECAUSE IT WAS MY FAULT THAT YOU GOT HURT! I DIDN’T WANT IT TO HAPPEN AGAIN SO I TOOK MYSELF OUT OF THE EQUATION!!! OR DO YOU FORGET THE PART WHERE YOU TOLD ME TO NOT TALK TO YOU AND LEAVE YOU ALONE!!!” You yelled back, your face was red and you felt tears starting pool in your eyes, only to be covered by your mask. You were panting, your siblings stood, shell shocked. Klaus most of all, his mouth was wide open. In all the years that he had know you, you had never been this angry. He opened and closed his mouth again and again to try and figure out what to say next.
“I don’t blame you for what happened that night.” He said slowly and timidly.
“Oh yeah? Well that’s a change.” You scoffed in reply.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t in the right place and I blamed you for what happened. Even though you weren’t the one who hurt me. I’m sorry Y/N.” He finished, he took off his domino mask and you saw that he was crying. You took off yours to show that you were too. You both gave each other watery smiles. You opened your mouth to say something but you got distracted by movement. You turned around quickly to see that one of the guys was awake again, and he had a gun. Pointed at Klaus.
Your mind worked fast, you had sensed what was going to happen, and you didn’t hesitate. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. You heard the sound of the gun as the shot rang out, you saw Klaus and the rest of your siblings turn towards the noise. And then as if time had resumed, Luther had the guy by his throat and flung him out of the tall frail glass window of the building. They all let out deep breathes, until they turned to look at Klaus, he was still standing, unharmed. They then turned towards a groan coming from their right. It was you. They saw a pool of blood beside you as you panted trying to catch your breathe, you were lying down on the ground. You had been shot. You had taken the bullet for Klaus.
The siblings reached your side immediately. Luther had started giving orders to Allison and Diego to try and save you, Klaus just fell to his knees as he picked up your head and cradled you.
“No no no no. Please no. Not like this please. It should be me not you.” He cried, you gave him a weak smile. Klaus turned to look at his brothers and sister.
“Please! YOU HAVE TO HELP THEM PLEASE!!” He yelled, the brothers looked away.
“Klaus, the bullet went through their heart. There’s nothing that we can do, we won’t be able to keep them alive long enough for medics to arrive.” Allison said, tears threatening to spill. Klaus looked away and down at the floor.
“I can’t lose another sibling. Please I just can’t! It’s not fair!”
“Hey” You said gently, Klaus turned to look at you, still cradled on his lap and in his arms. You were getting paler, and the pool of blood was getting bigger.
“I’m so sorry! I’m sorry for everything, I’m sorry for blaming you. For making you run away. For yelling at you. I’m sorry for this. I’m sorry for everything!” He sobbed. You shushed him quietly.
“It’s ok Klaus. It’s ok, I know that you would’ve done the same for me. It wasn’t your fault.” You said, coughing a bit.
“It wasn’t your fault either. Any of it” Klaus responded. You smiled weakly.
“That’s all I needed to hear.” And with that, your brothers cries fell silent on your ears. And you let the darkness consume you, with one thought ringing through your head.
‘It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. It’s not your f-’
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dxlansfxck · 5 years
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As soon as Y/N opens her eyes, she’s greeted by one of the biggest headaches of her life. Everything that happened last night was blacked out, the only thing she remembered was buying some pills from Jairus, sleeping with him and heading home – besides that, nothing. Roaming her brain, she tries to find anything that could’ve happened last night, but her mind remained empty, her synapses blocking her from getting any information.
Sighing in defeat, she fights her way out of the bed, getting dressed in some random clothes that were splattered around the room before walking into her bathroom, trying to wash away the sweaty night. Once her naked feet step inside the shower and she wants to start the water, images from last night hit her like a wave. Grayson. Some woman. Blowjob. Y/N has to hold onto the glass wall around the shower, trying not to hit the ground, instead letting herself sink down slowly.  Burying her face into her shaking hands, she lets the memories overcome her.
I am a ghost, but only if you remember, so save your prayers and promises for something better.
Well, seems like Grayson had lots of fun last night. But Y/N didn’t care. Really. She didn’t. At least that’s what she was thinking. Because she had lots of fun too. With Jairus. And Luke. Oh, Luke. The man with those pretty blue eyes. The man that made her feel so special while she was on top of him, even though she usually went for younger, more devote boys. She actually quite enjoyed Luke taking the lead in this part of their ‘relationship’.
After all, she steps under the shower, her mood swings confusing her, but she knew they were caused by the drugs she took every so often. But right now, she didn’t care about Grayson fucking some random girl because she did the same. At least this girl was just the second one he brought home this year – and it was almost October. Halloween was coming closer and closer and Y/N couldn’t help but smile at all the memories she shared with the twins. They loved Halloween just as much as they loved to be high in some shitty nightclub. But the last memory they had together was Halloween two years ago, where they first took some drugs together before heading over to their local cinema, watching some trashy horror movie – which bored the shit out of her. Blood and death were some of her daily thoughts, why watch this to get scared? It was her life by now.
We waged our war but failed to find our hope. We made our world but lost our way back home.
Freshly showered and now better smelling than before, Y/N steps out of the bathroom just covered by one of their huge, fluffy towels. Hiding a yawn, she walks past Grayson’s room and gets repaid by some more pictures from last night. Grayson’s closed door, a muffled moan. Her own hand, opening his door and asking him to join her because she slept bad.
Confused, she shakes her head while walking back into her own room to put on some fresh clothes. Then she decides it was the right time to head outside, stepping barefoot onto their patio to smoke her first cigarette of the day. Menthol, of course, because that’s what she did when she took some chemical drugs the day before. It was her ritual.
Lost in her own thoughts, she flicks off the burnt ash and keeps the deadly smoke longer than necessary in her lungs before releasing it with a desperate scream. Holding up her face to the sky, she closes her tired eyes.
We will fight through the storm or stay forever more, the prisoners of war. Am I the prisoner?
I sold my soul and traded my wings for glory – but when I close my eyes, I hear the angels sing to me.
She quickly finishes her cigarette just to stand up and walk to their outdoor bar, grabbing some Hennessey – not caring about a cup – and opening it to take a huge gulp. Some people get rid of their anger by doing sports, probably kick boxing or running, but Y/N just preferred to either drink or smoke marijuana to calm down – or both. Just starting a day like she deserved it. Well, what was this nice saying about? One should not honor the morning before breakfast.
We live to exist, but are we alive? We can’t run away, how will we survive? I’m losing my grip; I can’t wait to die.
Y/N ignores the patio door that slowly slides open as Grayson sits down next to her, but as soon as he tries to grab her holy grail out of her hand, she starts speaking. “Build your own, dude”, she grumbles while closing her eyes once more as she inhaled the sweet drug.
“I don’t want to smoke right now, I want you to tell me about last night. Don’t you want to get rid of something?”, Grayson raises an eyebrow as Y/N opens her eyes in confusion to look at him suspiciously. “What do you mean? I mean, it was a fucking amazing trip last night, but I don’t know what you’re talking about? And well, whatever it is: I don’t care.” She closes her eyes again, letting the soft waves of her high flood through her body, signaling him to leave her alone.
Grayson snorts in amusement. “Then you don’t care that I kissed you last night? Oh, okay. I thought it meant so much to you, Y/N.” He taunts her, wants to get on her nerves – and he succeeds. She raises quickly, ignoring the glass bottle that breaks in front of her feet, playing the joint between her lips to keep her hands free. Of course, Grayson knows what was about to come now, knowing anything about her tantrums that she usually lets out on him. Soon enough, her fist meets his jaw, quickly followed by the other one. Hitting him over and over again, Grayson didn’t move an inch, letting her scream at him, letting her hit him. He didn’t even grimaces as her legs started to shake, holding her as she collapses right into his arms. Still remaining the best friend he once was to her, he carries her into her bedroom, knowing that her legs wouldn’t be strong enough to have her walking on them right now. Not caring about the tears running down her cheeks, he softly places her onto the bed and pulls the covers over her – much to her dislike. “I hate you, Grayson.”
Grayson chuckles in amusement before looking at her, making Y/N snort. Was she his personal jester now? “If you remembered last night, you’d know that’s not true.” With that, he leaves her alone in her personal darkness once again.
I am a ghost, but only a few remember – will you remember me?
Y/N got woken up by a terrible headache, causing her to stand up with a groan. A look on her phone shows her that it’s almost midnight, her sleep patterns were out of control anyways, so she decides to sneak into the kitchen for a glass of water to calm down her dry throat. Soon enough, a sleepy Grayson follows her, probably woken up by the sound of running water. She looks at him in all peace, trying to find anything that may reminds her of last night, but the only thing she realizes is a cut on Grayson’s left arm. Not even a second later, she stands in front of him, holding his freshly wounded arm in her hands. “What the fuck did you do? How the hell did you come up with the idea to hurt yourself, Grayson? And don’t tell me it was an accident – I was the one who made up that excuse.”
Her fingers softly trace the outlines of the cut, feeling her heart clench as Grayson just shrugs his shoulders. “I wanted to know how you’re feeling. And to be honest, I can’t understand why you’re doing it, it doesn’t feel that great.” His eyes pierce her in that unpleasant way that only he masters.
“Well, then be glad that you don’t have to. It’s my thing, after all.”
How does it feel to be what you’ve become? What you said you’d never be?
When she wakes up the second time that night, it is simply because someone was pulling her blanket from her, causing her to shiver. Grayson. Next to her. In unknown territory. One look over to the other side shows her that they were in his bed – and she was unable to move, her legs being embraced by his much stronger ones. This should make her happy, right? She’s supposed to feel all those butterflies flying around. Poor depressive girl finally lying in bed with her big love, cuddling and hugging.
Yeah, no. The only thing she was truly feeling was the taste of vomit in her mouth. She tries to get up on her elbows without waking the sleeping beauty next to her while looking at his alarm clock. 6:17 AM. A strong hand was pressing her back into the soft pillow. “Sleep”, Grayson pulls her tight against his naked chest, resting his head on hers while rubbing her stomach to calm her heavy breathing down. Well, sleeping definitely wasn’t on her schedule anymore. His sudden touch and the heat coming from his body making her claustrophobic, but at the same time, she’s feeling some kind of feeling that she had never felt before. Security? Well-being? She doesn’t know what it meant and was unsure if she liked it, but she’s cuddling deeper into her best friend, trying to sleep again. A wave of anxiety washes over her again, causing her to shift around for a few minutes before Grayson hums into her ear, singing quietly to the melody he just created.
Y/N looks down to her tangled bodies, she was just so pale while Grayson had the typical LA tan going on, she was soft while he was muscular in the right places. Their skin tones mix in the milky moonlight that shines through the half closed windows. Then, she looks at his face. Peaceful. Flawless. His hands that were suddenly intertwined with hers, the tattoos that covered some of his fingers. Even if she tried, she couldn’t hide that smile that was going on in her face while looking out of the window.
The sun shows your body, the moon shows your soul.
If anyone would’ve told Y/N the past couple weeks that she’d watch Dragonball on the couch, Grayson next to her and her legs in his lap, she would’ve for sure had a breakdown from all the laughter. But, well, this is exactly what is going on right now. They are watching Dragonball Super, drinking some of their favorite alcohol while talking about anything that kept them busy the last months. Without screaming at each other. Without harmful words. Just like they used to talk last year. Y/N was so concentrated on the screen that she didn’t realize how close Grayson was sitting by now – not that she didn’t care about that, but Goku just turned into a super saiyan god blue and damn, he looked bomb. By now, Grayson was almost sitting on Y/N’s lap, making her grin. “If you want to sit on here, just tell me instead of trying it without me knowing.” She waits for his reaction but didn’t really think of what could happen. Grayson climbs onto her lap, sitting there with spread legs while looking down at her in amusement. Shaking her head disbelief, Y/N keeps on watching the remake of her favorite show, but Grayson must’ve had other plans. He pouts at her with an accusing look on his face. “Buuuubbblllleeeessss, I’m bored. We can watch this episode later. Play with me.”
His eyes pierce her lustfully, something must’ve happened, but Y/N didn’t know what it was. “Okay, what happened that night? You’re affectionate as fuck, Gray. You’re touchy and now you’re sitting on my lap? Seems like I’m having a big hole in my memory, so would you like to finally tell me what’s going on?” She pushes him off her lap to go and grab a cigarette because all Grayson did was go on her nerves, driving her crazy but he’s still everything she desires.
Once she kind of calmed down, she heads back into their living room, trying to talk to Grayson – but he was gone. “Gray? Where are you? Dude”, she groans in frustration, not wanting to play hide and seek to get her answers. Without even thinking about it, she enters the room she expects him in, which of course was his own one. But once she saw how he was laying on his bed, wearing nothing but his tight boxer shorts (which weren’t hiding anything) and next to him a fucking pair of handcuffs.
“Okay, quit playing games. What’s going on? Start to fucking tell me what all of this is supposed to be – and put these damned cuffs away, otherwise I’m gonna use them right now!”
Grayson looks her with his puppy eyes, trying to act all innocent and lovely, but Y/N wasn’t having it today. He sighs before opening his mouth. “That night… you told me how you’d love to fuck me, showed me how you’d touch me and you let me kiss you. I was ready to let you fuck me, Bubbles, so fucking ready. But you kind of snapped, told me to fuck off, pushed me away like you always do lately”, another sigh leaves his lips, this time it even hit her in the heart. “You said I was just playing with you, making a game out of this situation. You said… You said you’d kill yourself because of me one day. Bubbles… Don’t say things like that, okay? You won’t die! I won’t let you die! And then… Well, I cut myself, I wanted to understand how you’re feeling while doing so. To be honest, I can’t. Well, I laid you down and let you sleep after you literally tried to kick me down, I don’t know what drugs you took, okay? But I went… out, afterwards, in some club where I met this guy that wanted to sell me drugs – but you know how I am, I don’t like doing anything but weed, so I said no. But then, he came up with another offer…”
Club, drugs, sex? Something rang a bell in Y/N’s head, making her frown in disbelief. “Don’t tell me his name was Jairus, please, Gray.” “It was!  Blonde guy with nose ring, pretty hot, actually. We kissed and made out for a bit.” Fuck. “What was his offer? Did you fuck him? Did you let him fuck you?” Grayson gasps, shaking his head. “What? No! Bubbles, the only person I’d love to fuck right now is you. I can’t tell if I’m in love with you, if I’m able to start a real relationship, but I want to try. I want to do it your way, Y/N, show me how you like to do things. Maybe it’ll help you build a daily schedule again. Ugh, I suck at that entire feeling thing, y’know. Don’t make me plan out everything, let thinks happen, okay? I know what I want for now. I want to fuck you, I want to cuddle. I want you to be able to talk about your problems with me. I want to be there for you. I don’t want you to cut again or fall back into doing drugs. Let me be your drug, Bubbles.”
His insecurity turns Y/N on so much, her dominant side showing even more once he keeps on talking. He wasn’t a virgin, but he wasn’t the most experienced either, probably just some nice and loving fucks here and there. “Don’t expect vanilla sex from me, Gray. I don’t like to be nice or loving, I just want to fuck, I want you to feel pain, I want to feel pain.” If he wants her, then he must accept her kinks, all of them. “I’m the dominating one, Gray. Sometimes, I like to switch it up, but most of the time I like to be the one in charge. You need to accept that, okay? If not, we can… cuddle, I guess. You can put those away, we won’t need them just now”, she points to the handcuffs. “Are you sure you want that?”
Grayson thinks about it for quite some time, but Y/N didn’t mind that at all, she want’s him to be hundred percent sure about that. “You need to accept my body the way it is, not asking if new wounds appear. Don’t make me eat if I’m not hungry, don’t try to get rid of my drugs. If I want them, I take them. You want to make this happen? Then do it slowly, change things from time to time. I don’t know if I’m ready for a relationship, I haven’t been in one for years, I usually just to one-night stands. I don’t want to hurt you, Gray.“
His beautiful eyes look at her while he nods slowly. “I agree.”
You could never believe how long she’s been waiting for this special moment: Grayson laying underneath her, ready to do whatever she wants from him. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, tongues exploring each other’s mouth while brushing against the other’s. Her hands were thirsty to feel Grayson’s skin, to finally grab onto his biceps, to be able to claw into his chest once she’ll be sliding down onto his length.
Y/N pulls back for a quick second, just to look at him, to soak him up with her eyes. Grayson notices, turning his head to the side and covers his face with one arm, feeling visibly uncomfortable. “Hey, put your arm away, you don’t need to be ashamed, Gray. We know each other, remember?” Soft, but determining, she tugs his arm aside, catching his gaze with hers. “We don’t to anything forbidden, okay? We can stop at any time, you need to trust me, Bub.” A nod in turn, but before he can answer, their lips were smashed against each other’s again. Her chewed fingernails are scratching his chest, toying the area around his nipples, pinching playfully into them. He squirms in pleasure, right where she wants him. Again, their kiss dissolves so she could sit on his pelvis.
She starts by brushing through his hair, pulling on it easily. Running her fingertips over his facial contours, gently touching his lips before placing a sweet little kiss on them. Then, she dedicates her time to his shoulders and his chest, touching every inch of skin while keeping her eyes on his face. Sliding down a little to stroke his hip, his legs and decorating his inner thighs with kisses, playfully nibbling on the soft skin. Then, she works her way back up, from the hip to the neck where she traces his main artery with her tongue, biting into his larynx and enjoying the whimpers that leave his mouth throughout the entire process. He was ready for her, yet she didn’t even start doing anything but admiring his body.
Taking most of her time on his tattoos, she traces every line with her tongue as his hands dig into her hair, pulling on it, eliciting her a soft moan. She wants to make him suffer, in a good way, for sure. Not taking her eyes off him as she works her way back down to the waistband of his boxer shorts, she caresses the slightly hairy skin with her tongue before dipping down the fabric to kiss the sensitive skin above his cock. His body twitches, he gasps, then groans. He tries to hold her stare, but lowers his eyes in shame, turning his head to the side again while blushing. Y/N rolls her eyes again, they’d for sure need to work on that later on.  
His boxer short lies on the floor a short while later while Y/N already rests between his legs, a considerable penis in front of her face. Her fingernails scratch lightly over his inner thighs as she begins to kitten lick over the bottom of his hardness. He does not hold back, beginning to moan unrestrained. It almost seemed like he didn’t have – good -  sex in a while if he's already like this, a moaning mess under her touch. Shortly thereafter, she lets his complete length disappear in her mouth, where he starts to almost tear all the hair from her head from tugging on it. As if he has never gotten a blowjob. Y/N continues what she started, as he signals that he will come any time soon.
Surely, he was only in bed with women who would have stopped sucking his cock because they were disgusted by the idea of swallowing his load. Thinking that you could get pregnant from blowjobs, sure. But, if Y/N starts sucking someone off, she does it right, bobbing her head in a wild pace while literally choking on his dick, not stopping before she feels his load shooting into her throat. A few seconds later, he ejaculates with a loud moan, whereupon she swallows like the nice girl she is.
Then, she lies down beside him, grinning cheekily. "And?" He seems to be out of breath, gets barely a word out and looks at her incredulously. "How can you ... I mean, sure it was cool, but ... That's weird. And should I now ..? " Cute. "It would be nice, but if you do not want to, we can wait." Y/N acts all easy, but she was longing for release herself, not wanting to use her vibrator this night, instead getting a nice preview from what wonders his tongue could work.  
“Don’t worry, I got you”, he winks at her with a sudden boost of self-confidence, finally being able to at least give her a glance of his dominant side. “Lay down, Bubbles.” His digits come on contact with her still clothed pussy, rubbing her through the lacey material that was already soaked with her wetness. Giving her a soft slap on her abdomen, Y/N lifts her lips to let him remove her thong, gasping at the view in front of him. “Such a pretty pussy.” She pushes her thighs further apart, giving him the best view of her core, juices dribbling down her folds, ready for him to drink up. “Fuck, stay like that, babe”, he purrs while collecting your wetness with his long index finger.
She was spread wide for him, looking like a five star meal and he was starving, thirsty like a passenger roaming the Sahara. But once his flattened tongue met her core, Grayson knew he couldn’t get enough for the rest of his life. He knows what he is doing, that is for sure – but Y/N couldn’t care less about being jealous right now. Gray plays with her folds, kissing and devouring them before biting into her clit, making her jump with a loud moan. Smirking against her core, he adds first one, then two fingers inside her, stretching her tight pussy so good, so satisfying that she was moaning once more. Without stopping his finger movements, he keeps on lapping at her clit, literally shoving his nose inside her folds as well. His free hand comes up to pinch her hard nipples, making her body even more of a mess, not being able to keep still for a second.
He furrows his eyebrows, looking up at her. “Bubbles, I can’t eat when you’re moving.” Then, he’s back in between her legs again, eager to make her cum onto his fingers. She’s clutching into his hair, moving against his face and fingers, smearing his face with her wetness, but Grayson could care less. You were dripping by now, your juices already running down Grayson’s chin as if he just spilled a cup of water over his face, but he was so turned on by it. This side alone brought Y/N even closer to her orgasm, stuttering his name and quiet ‘fuck’s and she doesn’t have much more time before her orgasm washes over her, releasing with a loud scream.
Just as Y/N tries to catch her breath, Grayson climbs back up to her to press a – quite wet – kiss onto her lips. “Was I really good enough?” Why was the son of a bitch suddenly so insecure? “Shut up, Gray. It was better than I could expect, good job. Don’t worry, you’ll still learn the rest, baby”, she grins at him knowingly, having to teach him so many more lessons. Grayson just pulls away from her embrace, lying down onto her chest and covering them with his soft blanket. “You’re sleeping here today.” Y/N should say no. She wants to say no. But she couldn’t. “Good night, Gray.” “Good night, Bubbles”, he mumbles against her naked breasts, enjoying Y/N playing with his hair as he falls asleep quite quickly, not struggling with the thoughts she had to fight right now.
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Title: Friends
Request/Prompt: Alright so I’ve had this idea on my mind for a while and would love to see it in writing but if you don’t want to then don’t worry about it. Sam and Dean are on a hunt with Cas when they all get captured. The boys ask Cas what to do and he’s like “Hold on a second. Let me pray.” And they’re wondering why he’s doing that. So he starts praying to some person named (Y/N) And lo and behold, an angel appears and saved them. When they’re safe, the boys are like “Who the crap is this?”And she’s like “I’m (Y/N).” Then Cas says “She’s my twin.” And they’re shocked but eventually get over it and she sticks around and is like Cas when he first came down and is very blunt and literal. She warms up slowly and a while later they’re all chilling and they mention something about her being such a great friend and she’s like “We’re friends?” And they say some fluffy stuff and yea. (Sorry it’s so long and please feel free to change whatever you need to!) Thanks! - @not-zari-tak  
Pairing: Platonic TFW x female angel!reader
Warnings: I mean I guess violence a little ?? (angel smiting, nothing graphic)
Word Count: 1,922
note; here you go! I hope I did your idea justice, it was super fun to write! :)
   This was certainly not a part of the plan.
  They were outnumbered - Sam and Dean were bound with rope in the corner, whilst Castiel was trapped in a burning ring of holy fire. Its flames leapt towards the roof of the abandoned warehouse, sending showers of sparks through the air that eventually found their home scattered across the gravel strewn ground. Three demons looked on glee - finally, they had achieved the unachievable.
  “The infamous Winchesters,” one sneered, eyes flitting to black as he sauntered forwards with a taunting smirk. “At last, your time has run out.”
  “We’ll be rewarded for your demise,” another chimed in, her blonde hair matted with blood as she wielded a curved, threatening blade. “The forces of Heaven and Hell combined couldn’t stop you or your… feathered friend-” she cast Castiel a disgusted glance - “but us? We’ll go down in history, conquerors of the unconquerable.”
  “Who knows,” the third added with a sly glance, “we might even preside over your torture. What, you don’t think you’ll make it upstairs, do you? After everything you’ve done?”
  Sam and Dean shared a solemn glance, each of them searching the other’s eyes in hopes that someone had a plan. They were disappointed, and as the demons turned away in discussion, Dean looked to Castiel.
  “Cas. Please tell me you have an idea, cos I don’t see a way out of this,” he said urgently, keeping his tone low.
  Cas considered his words gravely, mind running through all potential possibilities and crossing them, one by one, off the list of options. He was left with one recourse, a desperate one at that. He hadn’t spoken to her in years… could he get through to her? Would she even care? So much had changed since they’d last spoken…
  But it was their only option.
  “There’s… one possibility,” Castiel replied cautiously. “But I don’t know…”
  “Cas, we’re kinda outta options here, buddy,” Sam interjected lightly, though his eyes betrayed a hint of panic at their predicament. Cas set his jaw, staring ahead as he nodded.
  “I understand. Just a moment,” he excused, turning away from the brothers and closing his eyes. “Y/N…” he murmured, “if you can hear me, I know it’s been a while, but… I need a favour.”
  “Who’s he talking to?” Dean hissed in confusion to Sam, who shrugged. The sudden fluttering of wings echoed through the space, and all three men span around in search of the noise’s source.
  “Castiel. You called?”
  You hadn’t spoken to your brother in what felt like years - his rebellion had turned Heaven on its head, a chaos only perpetuated by the Fall, and you spent most of your time struggling to find order in the mayhem. You’d look down on him whenever you had a spare moment, but he’d never reached out to you, and so you had kept yourself busy and distant, under the impression that Cas had all but forgotten you in favour of his new… acquaintances.
  But when you heard his voice echo around your mind in a desperate plea, you found yourself itching to respond to his call. He must truly be in trouble to call on you, and despite your years of separation, you couldn’t find it within yourself to let your brother find pain when you could prevent it, or at least try to.
  And so, you answered, immediately appearing in the warehouse you had tracked your twin to. It was warm and clogged with smoke from holy fire, the metal walls trapping the heat like an industrial oven. You saw the three demons a few metres ahead, their souls twisted and disfigured beneath their human meatsuits. Your lip curled in disgust, but before you could take care of them, you turned to your brother who was trapped within the flames.
  “Castiel. You called?”
  He turned to you immediately, a small smile crossing his face as he saw you for the first time in far too long, though the passing of time was but a blink of an eye to beings such as yourselves.
  “Y/N,” he greeted, nodding in acknowledgment. The two men tied up in the corner jumped at your sudden appearance, turning to you with eyes widened in curiosity and betraying a touch of fear.
  “You must be the Winchester brothers,” you said with a nod. “You’ve stirred quite a fuss of late.”
  At last, the demons appeared to register your presence, spinning around with mouths etched into snarls.
  “What are you doing here, angel?” one spat. “Run along home before you join your friend in the flames!”
  A demure smile crossed your lips as you stalked forward leisurely, eyeing them with a predatory curiosity, not unlike a cat observing its prey. You tilted your head in amusement. “You think you can trap me so easily?” you scoffed. “Wow, I knew demons weren’t the brightest, but it seems this might be even easier than I first thought.”
  You felt your eyes burning with your grace, and the demons winced at the light, stumbling away. “Now, now, there’s no need to fear,” you told them mockingly, moving forwards until they were trapped against a wall. You gently rested a hand on one’s forehead, and with an anguished scream, it fell as you smited it. The other two were quick to follow, and once the threat was vanquished, you waved your hand breezily and extinguished the flames trapping Castiel to his small patch of floor. He was quick to assist the Winchesters in attaining their freedom, and the two brothers turned to you warily.
  “And who the hell are you?” Dean demanded, and you raised an eyebrow.
  “Aren’t you charming? I knew humans weren’t as polite as they once were, but I certainly expected at least a thank you,” you said icily. Castiel bowed his head in respect.
  “Thank you, Y/N. Sam, Dean, this is my sister. I suppose she could be considered my twin.”
  Sam raised his eyebrows in curiosity. “Angels can have twins?”
  “We were created simultaneously, and we’ve been informed on numerous occasions that our true forms hold a certain likeness to one another,” you informed him. “No matter - your human terms are irrelevant to me. Castiel is my brother, and now that he is safe, I should be leaving,” you said bluntly.
  “Wait!” Castiel objected, and you looked at him questioningly. “Stay. You can come to the bunker with us. We can... catch up.”
  You frowned. “Catch what?”
  Cas opened his mouth to answer, but Dean cut him off. “Hey! You can’t just spring this on us and expect us to roll with it,” he exclaimed defensively. “We’ve known you for… how long now? And you never once mentioned a twin - that seems like the kind of thing that should come up! How do we know we can trust her? You said yourself it’s ‘been a while’, you weren’t even sure she’d come! Why didn’t you mention this?”
  You shot Dean a cold stare, whilst Cas looked on patiently. “To be honest, I thought she was dead,” he said softly, staring at you sadly. “After the fall…” He trailed off, eyes gazing mistily into the distance.
  “I would have come if you’d only called!” you spat. “You’re my brother, Castiel. Would it have hurt for you to check in on me? I certainly checked in on you!”
  “You’ve watched over me?” Cas asked in surprise, and you huffed in annoyance.
  “Of course I have. You’re my brother,” you replied gruffly. “I deduced you’d stopped caring after replacing me with your new friends - the least you could have done was call on me after making the mess you left me behind to clean up!”
  Cas bowed his head, eyes wounded. “I’m truly sorry, Y/N. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me.”
  You huffed again. “Don’t be so foolish. You were forgiven the moment you contacted me,” you muttered. Your tone softened as you recalled his words. “Do you truly want me to stay?”
  Dean and Sam were glancing between the two of you in bewilderment, hesitant to interrupt you and your brother’s argument.
  “I do,” Cas said solemnly. “If Dean will allow it.” He glanced pointedly at the man, who cleared his throat and shrugged.
  “I guess… since you saved us… only because Cas trusts you!” he eventually relented, shooting you a warning glance. Sam smiled at you warmly. At least one of the two had some semblance of etiquette.
  “Then stay I shall,” you announce, “though I shan’t stay long. Heaven is still in shambles, and someone needs to tend to it.”
  With this lingering in your mind, the four of you squeezed into the Impala and headed to the bunker.
  Living with humans was… interesting, particularly since Sam and Dean seemed to both refute all knowledge you had of humans, whilst simultaneously displaying the most humanity you had ever encountered.
  They lived the opposite of an ordinary lifestyle - not many humans lived in a secret underground bunker and hunted monsters for a living, or so you assumed - and yet, their incessant bickering, their exemplification of empathy, even their board game nights and their laughter all contributed to a sense of homeliness and familiarity that you had never felt before, not even in Heaven itself. You were starting to see why Castiel enjoyed their company.
  It took them some time to warm up to you, and you to them, but eventually you found yourself helping them not out of obligation, but of desire. You wanted to see them happy, fulfilled, and after some time, you realised that they, too, seemed to care about you, a sensation that was altogether unfamiliar.
  “Hey, Y/N, beer?” Dean offered as he headed to the kitchen. He, you, Cas and Sam were having a “movie marathon”, and though you didn’t quite grasp the ‘marathon’ aspect considering it mostly involved reclining lazily on various pieces of furniture, you found yourself enjoying the experience.
  “No, thank you,” you said politely, turning back to the enthralling conversation you were having with Sam regarding your knowledge of ancient literature that seemed to endlessly fascinate him.
  “You mean some texts survived the burning of Alexandria?” he asked eagerly, and you nodded.
  “Of course - I saved some of my favourites, it would be in poor taste to let them perish,” you informed him. “I could lend you them, if you’d like.”
  Sam’s eyes shone with awe. “Wow. You’re a great friend, Y/N.”
  You stiffened at his fond words. “We’re… friends?” you asked meekly, and Sam nodded vigorously.
  “Of course!” he exclaimed, and Dean affirmed this as he re-entered the room.
  “Duh, you’ve saved our lives enough times that we’d be pretty stupid to call you anything but a friend now,” he noted. “Besides, you’re actually fun to hang out with. Unlike some people,” he said, casting a withering stare at Sam, who narrowed his eyes at his brother.
  “Ha ha, very funny. Seriously though, Y/N - didn’t you realise we considered you a friend?”
  You felt yourself blush, and Sam smiled at your antics affectionately. “Well, I- I wasn’t sure. Friendship is a… new concept for me. I like it, though,” you added hastily.
  “Well, good, cos you’re not getting rid of us anytime soon,” Dean said.
  “I’ll cheers to that,” Sam agreed, clinking his can with Dean’s. You turned to Castiel, who had been a silent observer. You gave him a smile.
  “I can see why you rebelled, now. This? This is worth it.”
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bugheadspoby · 5 years
Bad, Sinful things. (Part 3 of Obsessed with my stalker)
Part 3.
*Please ask me in comments if you get confused because the story is just unfolding and Betty and Jughead have A LOT of bad past and psychotic things on their plates that they’re not ashamed of. Also it seems a little rushed but actually it isn’t and you’ll slowly get answers as the plot moves* *Frequent changes of POVS*
6:03 PM
“Going somewhere Elizabeth?” a queer bitchy voice reached my ears as I stopped in the tracks on the backside of Pops. “Who the fuck let you in?” I gasped making queer eye contact. “Oh, no one! I helped myself in..I used to live in Riverdale remember? ” she smirked. “Are you here to meet the boy of your dirty dreams?” “Why the hell do you care where I go or what I do? and why exactly are you showing me your disgusting face Darla?” I shouted. “Easy girl, easy! I’m just here to tell you that although I had some unfinished buisness with him..I had fun..” she said casually roaming around the broken tracks. “watching you kill that Blossom boy” she continued. “But right now… I prefer if you join him too” “So you’re here to kill me?” I frowned and laughed. “That’s the plan Cooper!” she smirked again. “And that’s why I decided to do it here! Killing you under his territory will bring nothing but joy to me” My mind rummaged quickly as she took out a pocket knife and stepped closer to me, holding it to my face and smiling like a freak. “It’s gonna be a long night if you oppose me now ponytail. So I suggest you step down and let my dagger taste your blood” she laughed. “Easy Darla! I bet you don’t wanna hurt me” I smirked looking at her face. “ I’ll bury you alive with..what was his name..your son? Kurtz?” I whispered smiling. Her face expressions turned hard and bothered as she gritted her teeth, cursing under her breath. “YOU. BITCH! you’ll pay” she shouted. “Both of you will!” I smiled looking back at the amazing yet awful memories of the sophomore homecoming night Jughead and I touched for the first time. *flashback* I was standing on the roof of the school as I watched Cheryl and Veronica kissing in the parking lot and I smiled because V finally got the nerve to ask her out but Cheryl being a bitch denied her the next day saying it was just the heat of the moment and she’s not interested. On the other side I saw Juggy, smoking a joint, annoyed just like me because of phonies and assholes that filled the place. He looked deliciously good that day with a black tux and his signature beanie and I caught him twice while he was checking me out at the party. He looked up at the roof and found me and I casually looked away but he didn’t. He kept on staring until I was out of breath. His stare did something to me that I could never understand. I was just enjoying this indirect eye fucking session when I felt a hand on my waist and I turned around to find the most annoying boy of Riverdale High,even more than Archie. Kurtz Tonsz. “What is a princess like you doing alone up here? In the middle of the dance?” he flirted. “I don’t feel like dancing Kurtz! Go away” I blurted taking his hands off of my waist. “Oh come on Elizabeth! Give boys like me a chance too.. I know you have your eyes on the most dangerous prize but I don’t think he’s into you” he said in a flirty tone as I looked at him in surprisingly disgusted manner. “You know nothing about me Kurtz. Get the hell away” I said and noticed Jughead smoking while his eyes were on fire looking at us. “He likes bad girls, the ones who are deadly” he said as I rolled my eyes.“You are the perfect girl Betty but maybe I can..” he said approaching closer as I flinched to get away from his tight grasp on my waist. “Maybe I can make you feel less of a good girl if you wanna be worthy for him. Just a tryout huh?” “Take your hands off of me Kurtz, now!” I shouted as the grip grew tighter. “Come on blondie don’t push too hard. I know you want it and I’ve never tasted a good girl before” he smirked at me pullinghis face closer as I pushed back and the next moment he was on the ground, bleeding from his mouth. “Betty are you okay?” he asked grabbing me by my arms. “J-Juggy?” I gasped, trying to comprehend what happened. “He’ll pay for it” he said as I just nodded, a little overwhelmed from the sudden turn of events. “He won’t touch you again..” he cupped my cheeks and pulled me a little closer to him with God knows what intention but it sent sparks into my body. “Go home Betty” His fingers caressed my waist and cold blooded eyes were burning holes in my body and when he finally let go, I ran off to home and locked myself in my room. After a while I just started smiling so hard, thinking about all the stuff that happened and I lost control over myself. We’ve been close before but never this close. I could literally feel his breath on my lips, his hands on my cheeks and his rough fingers on waist. I closed my eyes and laid down and before I could even think, my own mind betrayed me and hands went to places. I was feeling something so sinful touching myself in a way I never did before and when I realized what I was doing I was naked and dripping. It wasn’t just lust like I thought. It was something else about him. I was in love with him since a very long time but until that day I’ve mistaken it for lust. *end of flashback* 
“It took me three weeks to find him and when I did he was already buried” she spat. “Jughead didn’t bury him Darla! He just kicked him until he was out of Riverdale and in front of a car that ran, what was left of him, over” “But you know what blondie?!..it’ll be my pleasure to see him suffer over your trashed dead body” she moved forward a little and aimed the pocket knife on my throat as I smiled looking in her eyes. “Go ahead! What are you waiting for?” I laughed and she went on edge of anger when a bullet rummaged on the back of her leg and she fell down on her knees. “I thought I made myself clear when I threw you out of Riverdale Darla” Jughead said blowing the smoke out of his gun. “I guess I was wrong. Bitches like you never learn!” he smirked as she tried to struggle to get up on one knee. My eyes met his. His hair curl was casually sitting on his forehead covering his left eye, he was dressed in his signature ’S’ shirt and black jeans and he wasn’t wearing his beanie on his head and suddenly I began to realize that I wasn’t wearing any panties either. Our little moment ended when she suddenly screamed on the ground and attacked me with the knife and I fell to the ground too and everything went black all of a sudden. —- “Go ahead! What are you waiting for?” I heard her say and smirked at her courage. I knew this girl was trouble the first time I saw her. Courageous, beautiful, brave and drop dead gorgeous. Darla went on the edge of anger but before she could do it I shot her on the leg and she fell to the ground, grunting in pain. “I thought I made myself clear when I threw you out of Riverdale Darla” I said blowing the smoke out. “I guess I was wrong. Bitches like you never learn!” Somewhere in between her struggles I caught her eyes and she was busy checking me out, scratching her neck and biting her lips like she was freakishly turned on. We were just lusting on to each other when suddenly that filthy bitch attacked her with a knife and she fell to the ground. Serpents gathered at my call and took her away while I carried a passed out Betty in my arms. Her thighs were bleeding so bad and my trailer was pretty far away so I had to take her to the Wyrm. The Serpents called it a night and went back to their places after putting Darla into an abandoned trailer. I was literally in heaven as my inner pervert was finally a little bit satisfied by placing himself in between her legs, stitching her wounds and applying ointment. Her body started to tense up underneath my palms and I realized she was starting to wake up. It was so sexy how her body responded to my touch but it was a little awkward too. —- I opened my eyes and I was lying on a board-like uneasy surface, my legs were apart and hurted like a bitch. It took me sometime to realize that I had dirt in my hair and that someone was in between my opened legs trying to stitch my awkwardly placed wounds. I couldn’t get up because of the pain but I was finally awake and slowly realizing that I was on some sort of game board. Why is it so dark in here? Why are there p-poles? Stripper poles? Is this..? Holy Cr-Am I lying on a snooker table in the Whyte Wyrm? My mind flashed sparks and my eyes went to the back of my head when I recognized the touch between my legs. Was he stitching me up? Crap! I’m not even wearing anything underneath that terribly short skirt and my body is already reacting to him. I tried to get up despite of my jolting head and spinning vision. He was heating up his pocket knife with his lighter. He stopped to look up at me as I tried to maintain my sitting balance. “Hey! How are you feeling?” he asked caressing my cheeks. “I-I’ll be okay…just a little pain down there” I said as he smirked. “What are you doing with that knife?” “It’ll help your wounds heal better” “D-does that hurt?” I asked looking at the heated metal. “Yeah it will” he said. “But I know you can handle it” his whisper sent me to another world. My mind was on fire and so was my body and he was in charge of the situation right now which was even more sexier. He looked at me one last time before putting that fired metal on my leg and I screamed a little which made him smirk even more harder. I could clearly see right through him and his intentions were bad but in a good way. I was literally a meal on the table for him right now and for the first time in my life it felt so good to be helpless. He knew he had the authority right now, I even needed his help to move. He can do anything to me and I’ll be happy if he wants to take me right there on that snooker table. I can’t be on my knees right now but I’ll happily lick him to the core. “Where is everybody?” I asked breaking the silence. “Wyrm is closed on Thursdays” he said and I looked over to him. “Then what are you doing here?” I asked again as his eyes shot up to me. “What you’re trying to ask Betty? Shoot!” “Why did you call me in here when the Wyrm was closed and you weren’t working and Did you know about Darla?” “No! I didn’t know about Darla and I called you here on purpose” he confessed getting up from the floor and wiping his hands with a cloth. “I want this little game to be over Betty” “What game?” I asked as his face gained a mischievous smirk that burned my insides. “The game we’re both playing since ages” he whispered and sat down on the chair in front of me. “Lets confess the things we did for each other! Bad, sinful things” he grabbed both of my thighs and I went breathless looking in his eyes as his grip got tighter and tighter with every passing second. He slowly made his way underneath my skirt with his fingers and teased me. “I’ll go first” I must say he knew how to make a girl feel so vulnerable but yet so aroused at the same time and I was starting to wonder how his fingers will feel a little more inside of my skirt. “I am the one you probably presumed as your stalker��� he finally confessed. “The one who left notes for you and roses that were just as beautiful as you are” “I can’t believe this!” I said as my eyes went wide. “I doubted you. I definitely did but..” “But what baby?” “F-FP?” I stuttered. “Yeah I did that! He deserved to be in jail for killing his own daughter but he never got in so.. I thought it’ll serve him well” he took one of his hands out of my skirt leaving a warm spot and brushed my hair out of my face. “Your turn” “I-” my words came out weak. I never felt this vulnerable to anybody. “I-I killed y-your Queen” I spat and started looking down for God knows what reason. It was maybe guilt, maybe shame or maybe just a thought that what will he think about me but then he suddenly pushed me back and I was lying on the table as he climbed up on me, between my opened legs. “My Queen?” he whispered in a different tone and I could’ve bet he’s angry at me. I don’t know what got me to confess something like this in front of him. I never knew what he felt about her and I just presumed that I’m the better option for him. “She’s not dead! She’s right here lying at the table as I’m praising her beauty” he said and looked at my surprised face before he casually pushed a finger inside and OH BOY that felt incredible. I gasped and lifted my body a little as his skillful fingers made there way in and he moaned and smiled too at the feeling of my wetness. “Don’t come yet” he commanded and I looked at his face but I was too turned on to observe the way he studied my face as his fingers went deeper. “Now my turn!” “I love watching you from Archie’s window” he bit his lip as I rolled my eyes in pleasure. “I was so close to jerk off the night I saw you naked but boy Archie had to destroy it, by existing” I giggled at his words and he gave me a little spin that threw me off the edge. “J-Juggy” I stuttered. “I-I can’t-I-I have to..please” I begged as he smiled vividly and then whispered coming close to my lips. “It was one of my sick fantasies to not let you come till you cry but you look so good begging for it” he gently touched my shivering face with the other hand. “Don’t hold anything back babe..let it all out” I screamed and the very next second I did what he commanded and he was just smiling at me with I don’t know pure adoration or something but it was something I’ve never seen on his face before. “That was even more beautiful than I ever imagined” he kissed me on the lips which lasted some moments and I knew that the taste was bound to last forever but the next moment he said something that twisted my heart and turned my world upside down. “I have another confession to make Betty” he sighed. The look on his face showed how bad it was going to be and I was terrified for a second followed by “What is it?” while I cupped his face gently and his face began to melt. “I killed Hal Cooper” he whispered.
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