#my unwritten fics
toffeelemon · 1 year
I’m an first generation immigrant trans guy and the way you wrote trans Simon was. Amazing. Perfect. You wrote him with so much care and understanding. Thank you for sharing!
oh gosh hello thank you for finding my dear boy from the depths of history and loving him in the way that’s so much deserved ♥︎
i’m guessing you’re talking about this - i created him in rage and anguish but here’s also some cuter rambles about ftm simon
i always create stories that i think literally no one else but i want to see so tysm for adding fuel to what will one day be a full blown 50k au for trans simon - he deserves that much
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Tbh this has been on my mind for MONTHS
Human codes… but they’re not actually codes??
A small group of humans is discovered by some curious aliens. Both sides can assume that the other is sentient. The aliens are trying to translate the humans’ language to their own, and the humans are trying to learn the aliens’ language. But since humans are tricky, they’ve decided that they don’t want the aliens to know their language, so they can have secret conversations.
So they go a little crazy. With written words, they randomly use lowercase and capital letters, even using numbers and symbols, and use a lot of slang, occasionally using words incorrectly on purpose. They’ll jumble the words a bit so that only human brains can guess their meaning (that thing where if you use all the letters and put the proper letters at the beginning and end it’ll be comprehensible), and even use additional or unofficial languages (commonly known words like ‘hola’, ‘si’, ‘oui’, etc, and piglatin, in which you typically take the first letter or syllable of a word, place it at the end, and add ‘ay’ to the end).
As for spoken words, they will do a bit of the above, mashing languages and slang, perhaps mispronouncing a few things, and quoting memes, vines, movies, and even singing parts of songs to throw off the aliens. Perhaps they will say something with a somber meaning in a joyful way to throw off the meaning, or even just naturally (‘I wanna die!’ ‘Mood’), or vice versa.
Additionally, there would have to be a TON of body language. Maybe even sign language, should they know any. Gestures and expressions, eyebrow wiggles and poorly-hidden grins. Ah, the beauties of communication.
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vanderbilt-draws · 24 days
hazel with her friends in star fleet uniforms
they escaped a local Nerd Con to have fun together <333
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pistatsia · 11 months
Karasu and control
I've been thinking about this for a while, and this part of Hiori's novel (previous reblog) just brought it back to my attention.
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Karasu really likes to control things. I'm not saying he's a control freak, of course, but he certainly likes to feel a safe base beneath his feet. You can see this in his play style (when he gathers all the available information and acts only after that; his choice of France) and his fear of water (if I remember correctly, the thing that scares him the most in it is the unknown). AND also from the whole Marisa (his childhood crush) story (assuming it's true lol) - he's not the type to rush into anything: neither in relationships nor hobbies. I don't think he would have chosen to join Blue Lock if he wasn't really sure in his abilities. He's really mature about things like that.
I was thinking in the context of him probably going to university (data analysis please!) in addition to his sports career, since he seems like a really rational guy when it comes to serious stuff? He gives Hiori some great advice about not wasting his time on something he doesn't like, Ego mentions that his greatest skill is his analytical ability - he never acts because-he-just-feels-it, he was the one who argued with the referee in the U-20 game about Rin's injury (so responsible!), and generally acts very logically (except for the whole Hiori and his legs theme lol). I don't think he would be able to fully relate on the sport, he certainly knows about the statistics of failures and broken careers.
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He loves football, of course, but he is really right about "people who only play football can't become great players". But that's more because for Karasu, it's unrealistic to be stable (which is sometimes a deciding point in the game) when your whole life depends on it. When everything relies on you winning. Karasu really has a glimpse of Snuffy's philosophy in that, and it's great to see that in the character: Failing at one thing doesn't say anything about you. And you should always be more than one thing to have the right mental balance.
That's what makes him so strong - not that he'll never fail. Of course one day he will.
But rather the knowledge that he has done everything to be stable in case of failure; that any possible failure will not ruin his life. 
Because he has made sure that his back is covered.
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sarcasticscribbles · 5 months
Hello Timsasha icon of tumblr, I was wondering if you had any first date head canons for them?
Oh! I like to imagine they met at after work events when Tim started the Institute. Probably got paired up for some horror film trivia and kept going every week in hope to see each other again. Tim fell first, and hardest, but they developed a rich friendship first over pints. They prioritized being friends, but then the ill advice hook-up happened, some awkward aftermath, and gradually rebuilding friendship. In my mind the hookup took place just around before s1, and they had just regained each other as friends when Jon got picked as the archivist (was Sasha expecting it to be her, and needed support in an old friend despite their awkward past? Maybe). Tim always had pretty obvious, known feelings for Sasha, but she was in the middle of figuring out her next career move.
They go through season one as rebuild friends, and I think Sasha would be the one to take the (second) first step and ask Tim out. Maybe somewhere in the summer, say, oh, I don't know, maybe on 29th of July 2016.
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br1ghtestlight · 6 months
I wish bob's burgers had more alternate universe type fanfics of different genres because a daddy daughter serial killer or criminal duo fic with bob and louise would go hard as HELL
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Things the axolotl would say to bill
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zentriii · 8 months
atsumu obnoxiously refers to MSBY as the BJs the day he learns what it means in english, and sakusa tries to strangle him for it at some point
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malinowaj · 18 days
taking a break from editing chapter 10 of always losing to win (coming sometime next week, it's just a lot to go through) by writing some absolutely zero chill party-ferry wilmon. because why not.
“Wille, stop flirting with strays! The bingo starts in ten minutes. We’re gonna need to go and win that bottle of champagne,” one of the other guys exclaims and Simon watches as Wille’s cheeks turn a little pink. Blushing makes him look pretty, Simon finds himself thinking and chides himself immediately. He’s not about to have a crush on a total stranger he’s spent five minutes talking to. No matter how good-looking said stranger is. 
“I wasn’t flir—” Wille protests but he’s cut off by a series of ‘yeah, yeah’ from the guy wearing the crown. 
“Let’s go,” a tall guy with dark hair says, sounding more than a little impatient. The men shuffle out of the chairs and start heading towards the doorway. Wille gets up to follow them but seems to hesitate for a moment before turning back to the table and speaking.
“Want to join us?” he asks.
Simon looks up and is met with a hopeful look on Wille’s face. An image of his tiny cabin flashes in his mind. Oh screw it, Simon thinks, it’s not like he has anything better to do. “You know what, sure. Lead the way.”
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urne-buriall · 2 years
next question, who wants the Cas POV on that first spirit of the west kiss (/devastating)
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ruins-and-rewritez · 7 months
Kaz regarded her the way he might a treacherous adversary. To love her was to breathe. To desire her? That was to drown with nary a drop of water in sight.
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zannolin · 10 days
truly in the minority of fic writers bc i don't mind writing or reading romance but it's never about the kissing to me. or sex but like everyone who knows me knows i don't write smut i jsut don't care. and kissing is perfectly fine and all but it's never what i'm building up to, not really. the real intimacy and vulnerability and climatic moment is when she touches his hand with the very tips of her fingers, or he places two fingers against her hipbone, or he leans across the counter to rest one hand on his wrist, or they rest their foreheads against the other's, or she places her fingers against his pulse point in the hollow of his neck, or they're sitting on the counter with their shoulders pressed together. you know. platonic or romantic or any other thing. it's never about kissing or hugging or big things. it's the little ones.
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tuliharja · 2 months
I should really, really translate my one fic about Kenpachi and the unnamed fifth seat of the Fourth Division. Who wouldn't love a sassy nurse who is extremely tired of Kenpachi's behavior when she has to patch him up?
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mqfx · 2 months
maybe if i write it down asap i can forget about it and then a year or two from now i'll be surprised while going down my archives. anyway
premise summary: the last two factions of a continent at war are at a stalemate and are planning peace negotiations. the emperor (JW) sends his envoy, a fallen prince from one of the defeated kingdoms (XL) to treat with the enemy rebels (led by HC). each party brings their head generals, FX (from XL's side) and MQ (from HC's side) as a show of trust and commitment to the negotiations.
as talks begin, it's clear that the envoy and the rebel leader are quickly becoming more than tentative allies--which would be great for the peace of the continent! if it weren't for their generals nearly sabotaging every chance due to their clear and volatile hatred for each other caused by years of fighting on the battlefield.
but what will they do when they each find out the truth: that both sides are using the talks as a cover for their plans to betray and annihilate the other? can they put aside their differences for the sake of their masters and their kingdoms, or will they plunge the continent further into war?
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godsfavoritescientist · 11 months
Drabble request: post-canon "happy" ending for Bill & Ford, but find some way to imply that something super fucked up is going on just beneath the surface. Mind control, dream bubble fantasy, idk, dealer's choice, just something messed up.
Fragments of what was once Earth drift through the empty vacuum of space. They sit together on a summoned-up couch, watching it all float by. Ford fidgets with his brand new eye-shaped gold cufflinks. His ornately-embroidered sleeves are drenched in blood.
The henchmaniacs are busy elsewhere, expanding their reign of benevolent terror to the outer reaches of the galaxy. This mostly entails eating space rocks and crashing planets into eachother. For the first time since Ford accepted Bill’s offer, they’ve had time to really sit down and chat.
Bill throws an arm over Ford’s shoulder. “Lemme tell you something, Sixer. It doesn’t really matter how necessary it was–and believe me, it was necessary! What matters more is that it was the most fun you’ll ever have! Now that you’re immortal, I won’t sugarcoat it: Earth’s entire existence is a blip in the grand scheme of things. It was like a really dry log: destined to be burned!” He pats Ford on the back. “So don’t let me catch you moping about it.”
“I’m not moping,” Ford bristles, leaning away from Bill’s touch. “I’m contemplating.”
“Hah! Contemplating! You hear this guy?” Bill asks an imaginary audience, gesturing at Ford with his thumb. “Well contemplate this: we’ve got ultimate power over the entire multiverse. You might as well be a god. You can spend an eternity studying everything that ever was and ever will be. This is a sweet deal no matter how you spin it!”
Ford makes a noncommital sound. “That very well may be true, and I am grateful to you, but… human emotion is not so easy to logic away, I’m afraid. I want to move on as easily as you did, but…” he shrugs helplessly. “It’s just hard to believe it’s gone.”
Bill pats him on the back. “A little bit of shock is normal! Took me a few weeks to work through. Of course, I was brand new to the third dimension too, so it shouldn’t take quite that long for you. But humans are more emotional than shapes, so I’ll be patient! Don’t say I never did anything for ‘ya.”
Ford doesn’t meet his eyes. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it. Now! You know what helps me when I’m like this? A good distraction! There’s bound to be dozens of my enemies tracking us down right now–it’s not exactly hard to miss a whole planet blowing up. So we’d better get a head start on things, attack first before any of them can put us on the defensiv-” Bill squints at something approaching from the distance. “Hey, what’s that?”
Ford looks up sharply. It takes a few seconds to spot it, but as it gets closer, it’s unmistakable: a steely-gray entirely flat object, no more than two feet wide and long, flying towards them.
Once it’s right between them, it slows to a stop. From above, it’s clearly shaped like a 2D spacecraft, except that all four walls are enclosed, not just the perimeter.
A stick-thin door opens up, and out floats a dozen multicolored geometric shapes, all with skin covering their bodies from above and below, not just around their perimeter.
For the first time in eons, Bill is too stunned to speak a single word.
The leader of the group, a irregularly-shaped silver isoceles triangle, speaks first. “It’s you! It’s really you! We were starting to think you died in the aftermath of our dimension’s death. But the energy signals we’ve been following over the past week… we knew it couldn’t be anyone else.”
Bill’s voice is very quiet, and much less echoey than usual, as he says, “I thought you all died. I made sure you all died.”
The little silver triangle laughs. “Nope! The cleverest of us were able to escape. Your destruction only took the lives of those unwilling to change, unwilling to adapt to the higher dimensions. And the lives we’ve led since then have been so much better than anything our homeworld could have ever offered to us. We owe you a great deal.”
As he listens to this, Bill glows brighter and brighter and brighter, until he’s glowing the brightest that he’s ever been. “I knew it! I knew the worthy ones would live, I knew there was a way out for ones like you!”
He turns to Ford with a brilliant gleam in his eye. “Ford, these are survivors from my home dimension! Do you know how long it’s been? At least a trillion years! These guys are persistent. More than worthy of joining the gang, right Ford?”
Ford looks just as overjoyed as Bill. “Absolutely—but this is incredible! Liberating my dimension didn’t just give me an eternity at your side, but it’s also allowed these shapes to finally find you!” He shakes his head in wonder. “This whole time, you were right, Bill. You were right about everything. If our first act as joint-rulers of the multiverse can accomplish something of this scope, then there’s nothing we can’t accomplish together.”
Bill embraces Ford in a hug that sends them both twirling through outerspace. “Isn’t it exhilirating? Being free from all those stupid little ties to a planet that’ll be dead and gone in the blink of an eye?”
Ford nods wholeheartedly. “There’s a whole multiverse out there for the taking. You’ve finally made me see that.”
He lets go of Bill, and looks back at the handful of shapes floating nearby. “You must have so many questions. I know I do. But I’ll let you catch up with Bill, first.”
Bill zooms back to face the shapes. “Boy do I ever!!! How long do you guys live now that you’ve adapted yourselves to a three-dimensional world, because we’re gonna be here for a while.”
The group settles in for a very long chat, exchanging stories and ideas and many cups of tea. And way off in the distance, far out of Bill’s line of sight, his little world’s edge glimmers with the iridescence of a soap bubble.
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zentriii · 8 months
making sakuatsu a special breed of assholes in love in my bokuto fic. btw
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