#nOT her piss tho .
nouverx · 5 months
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*proceeds to drink the whole bottle*
Yeah Alastor you're gonna be loved and appreciated wether you want it or not :)
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pineapple-frenzy · 6 months
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Book 2 au: sparring sessions and short hair katara
They like to have sparring sessions in order to keep their bending skills sharp. They allow themselves to go all out and not hold back at all cause they know if anyone got hurt, Katara could just heal them
But anyways, wouldn't it be kinda funny if Zuko accidentally burned Katara's hair tho? Aofkqldkkajfjd
The "I think we can save the hairloops" line is from @linnoya-writes thank you for that!! :>>
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allastoredeer · 2 months
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Rewatching episode 1 right now and sdofsljfkljk have we ever talked about how unhinged it was of Adam and Lute to just...sit in the dark while they waited for Charlie? Like, there was no reason they had to do that. Adam was trolling Charlie before he even met her.
And it HAD to be his idea too. I can totally imagine him insisting on sitting in the dark until Charlie showed up just so they could scare her, and the only reason Lute agreed was because he claimed it was an "intimidation" tactic, but he just thought it'd be hilarious and wanted to be an asshole.
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sleepsucks · 3 months
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tuscyanie · 2 months
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i luv her <3
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barksbog · 4 months
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Chicken Fillet my special baby
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starrysharks · 6 months
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twyla sadangi from cancelled 2002 show "canterlot high"
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3-aem · 11 days
i dont wanna draw gojo back again bc it feels like such a cop out for me even tho i know yall like it
that being said i really fumbled the art ball this weekend by getting distracted by every possible side quest….and i still wanna draw smth
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sainamoonshine · 5 months
My unpopular opinion is that in languages with grammatical gender like french, it does make sense for Murderbot to be referred to by whatever pronoun is usually used for robots or constructs. (In french, therefore, grammatical masculine.) Because there are no traditional « it » pronouns in these languages for objects, and while there are neo-pronouns, they are things one must choose for themselves. Do you honestly think MB actually spent time thinking about its pronouns?! No it didn’t. On forms it picks « non-applicable ». When people ask it what pronouns they should use, its honest opinion is « why do you even need to talk about me. Just don’t fucking do that. Don’t think about me either. Just fucking stop perceiving me altogether! »
Thinking about what pronouns to use probably makes it way more uncomfortable than letting people call it what they’ve already been calling it. Making a conscious choice about its identity? And telling other people about it??? No thanks bye, it’s just gonna walk into the ocean now, see you never.
Lbr it probably thinks the only bots that get fancy pronouns are comfort units, and the pronouns are probably shoved into them by humans same as everything else. MB would meet a bot using a neopronoun and it would wish it could barf. Because in a language like french, he/him and she/her, when applied to objects, ARE fulfilling the function of the english « it ». Nobody is saying the table is a woman or related to feminity in any way outside of stand-up comedy; when it comes to objects grammatical gender really has fuckall to do with human gender even if we use the same words. Even animal species names have grammatical gender and everyone gets that there are male and female turtles even if the word « turtle » is a female word, it’s not that confusing.
(I know this is strange when your language has different pronouns for people and for objects, but understand that english uses the same word to indicate if I’m addressing one or many people, and that is confusing to me.)
TL;DR; stop harassing international fans for not getting the correct MB pronoun in english right off the bat. Yes in english calling it « he » or « her » or « them » is upsetting because it’s projecting an identity unto it. But same goes for trying to get a foreign language translation to use a pronoun intended to express or showcase an identity (or even a lack of one!). Murderbot has not thought about it this hard, refuses to think about it this hard -> and that is its only canon accurate gender identity.
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midnighteclipze · 4 months
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I wonder what Kidd did to piss off Billie this badly 👀
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malboraslihangifs · 3 months
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by   clicking   the   source   link   you   will   be   directed   to   a   total   of   85   gifs   of   maia   reficco   in   pretty   little   liars   summer   school   episode   7   available   on   my   discord   server.   she’s   latina  ,   so   make   sure   to   have   that   in   mind   when   building   your   muse.   the   gifs   are   all   sized   268x150   and   made   from   scratch   by   me.    likes   and   reblogs   are   always   welcomed   if   you   find   these   helpful   !
DO   NOT:   redistribute,   resize,   repost   or   include   any   of   the   following   gifs   in   another   gif   hunt   ,   use   my   gifs   in   any   tab*o   things,   smut   threads   ,   in   krps   ,   if   you   are   blocked   or   if   you   use   turkish   fcs   with   non   turkish   names   .
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junespriince · 4 months
Flowers floating in the dark void au
Dick, at his desk overwhelmed:
Wally, walking in: ah, found him Jay, thanks for the help.
Jason (Thanos): yeah, yeah, happy to help, just get him out of there.
Wally, smile: of course. *Shuts the door, walks over to Dick leaning on the desk* hey my love, it's spring time, ya know.
Dick, still doing paperwork, not listening: I'll get to it later, put it in the pile Jay.
Wally, sighs and grabs Dick's face: I don't like being ignored, my love.
Dick, blushing again (and he'll do it again!!): o-oh, sweetheart, I didn't know you were coming to visit, it's spring isn't it?
Wally, smiles again: yes, that's why I came down here. Now put this paperwork up and be with me instead.
Dick: I would, but I can't go on a date right now, I have to get these all sorted out and —
Wally, let's go of his face: I don't need you for a date, I need you to be my little bee and pollinate me, honey.
Dick, confused:
Dick, still confused:
Dick, got it: OH! I uh... *Throws paper work to the floor not caring and got up* of course, why didn't you lead with that.
Wally: thought I was being obvious.
Next meeting with the gods, minus Wally working hard that day
Dick, looking at the floor, very disheveled, bite marks and hickeys on show: I uh, I didn't get to finish my work.
Bruce, glaring at him, thinking some human has distracted him: I can see.
Jason, trying hard not to laugh:
Tim (Ares), looking away because he can't hide his grin:
Damian (Hermes), sighs in disappointment:
Steph (Artemis): oh we're so gonna have to meet this, wildflower, of yours.
Duke (Ouranos): damn,,, and I thought Hal (Dionysus) was bad.
Hal: rude!
Cass (psyche): well, at least you're not stressed anymore.
Kori (Aphrodite), smirking: I'll say.
Dick, blushing even harder: sh-shut up....
Iris (Demeter), glaring: so that's where he went.
Bruce, confused: you know which human did this to him?
Iris: he's not human.
Bruce: oh.
Bruce: OH! Iris, please, don't kill my son we don't have a replacement for his work, and I love my kid.
Dick, glares at Bruce: why my work at front? Why is it important, dad?
Iris, glaring at Bruce: yeah, Bruce, why ain't your love for your child not first?
Bruce, scared: I-I... I'm keeping my mouth shut.
Dick and Iris: good.
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Clone wars headcanons that took me forever to edit
I feel like my last couple of headcanons have been mushy so I’ve decided to write some shit Ahsoka and Anakin do that piss each other off 
Ahsoka bites the skin around her nails all the time and most of the time she won't stop till they’re bleeding 
Anakin’s tried literally everything in the book to get her to stop 
He tried putting spices on her hands forgetting that she likes spicy food, he’s tried painting her nails (like that’ll do anything) but she keeps picking the paint off, now he just uses the force to remove them from her mouth 
That’s gotten a few growls from her but at least it makes her aware she’s doing it but it doesn’t stop her from bitting them a couple of seconds later
Honestly he’s given up and just sits in silence while she complains about the pain
Anakin paces whenever he’s even slightly nervous and she can tell how nervous he is depending on how fast he moves 
If he’s just kinda anxious he moves pretty slow but if he’s like one shirt caught on a door handle away from a panic attack he’s teleporting 
When Padme told him he was gonna be a dad he was ecstatic for about 24 hours but after that some invisible timer went off in his head he booked it to Ahsoka’s house (she lives down the street cause of course she does)
Walked into her room and woke her poor sleepy butt up with all his pacing 
Girl swears to this day he broke the damn sound barrier with how fast he was moving 
She just wordlessly sat up and patted her bed cause she knew she wasn’t gonna get any sleep until he did 
She sat by him and listened as he rattled off all his worries and only really stepped in when the darker thoughts surfaced when it was all said and done she turned to him and said “Now let me kriffing sleep” 
Should he have probably left the room yeah but he got a total of 30 minutes of “sleep” that night so it’s not surprising that he knocked the fuck out of
Padme was a little bit alarmed to wake up without Anakin but was quickly soothed when she read Ahsoka’s message “Your nerf herders with me” 
She knew the pregnancy would dredge up some unhappy feelings and she also knew Anakin can’t think clearly if he doesn’t have Ahsoka to sort through the bullshit in his head 
She just got ready for brunch with her two favorite people and smiled cause she knew Obi-Wan and Rex would join them for dinner with or without an invitation 
When Anakin and Ahsoka were living together they would kick each other out of their own bathrooms 
Why? Well Ahsoka said Anakin’s had better lighting and water pressure and Anakin would do it to spite Ahsoka because he knew it would piss her off  
Slowly but surely their stuff gets moved into each other's bathrooms and it’s a weird amalgamation of crap 
Also when they were living together Anakin would ask Ahsoka if she was hungry before cooking and she’d often say no because she didn’t want to impose but his cooking always looked and smelled good 
So half the time girl would just end up eating some of his food when she thought he wasn’t looking 
At first he was like “Snips you said you weren’t hungry” to which she would respond “Yeah I wasn’t hungry then but I am now” after that he starts making more food on instinct cause damn that girl can eat 
Anakin gets back at her pretty easily tho by taking the first bite of her food whenever they go out to eat his excuse is that he’s “making sure it’s not poisoned” he never does this to Padme cause he respects her too damn much 
And he can’t use that trick on Obi-Wan and Rex cause the former taught him the trick and the latter has a bullshit detecter built-in 
Both Anakin and Ahsoka pull that trick on the twins tho (which gets them a quick scolding from Padme) 
Speaking of the twins it’s not surprising that as they grow up they realize that their auntie isn’t human so of course like any normal child they have questions and Anakin being the little shit that he is spots an opportunity for some laughs 
So he turns to the twins all serious-like and goes “Well my loves we actually found your auntie in a dumpster we have no idea where she came from” the twins are distraught and go to the nearest adult who just so happens to be their uncle Rex 
And Rex also being a little shit backs up Anakin’s story with so much sincerity that even Anakin believed it a little bit 
The twins being the angels they are apologize to their auntie for her terrible origin story with tears in their eyes and her reaction more than made up for the swift ass-kicking the boys got  
When Anakin was taller than Ahsoka he made her life hell by making fun of her every time something was even slightly out of her reach
He would make a big deal about grabbing it for her while commenting about how the temple’s architecture wasn’t made with the “young ones” in mind 
Obi-Wan has turned multiple blind eyes when Ahsoka socked the shit out of his arm when he tells one too many jokes some days
When she finally grows taller than him she makes the biggest deal about it and no one can blame her 
While Anakin is the pilot Ahsoka is easily the navigator she often jokes that Anakin wouldn’t find his way out of bed without help 
Which is funny cause he often acts like a herding dog with her putting his hand on her back or holding her arm to guide her 
But he’s wrong 9/10 times so it’s not uncommon to see Anakin guiding her in one direction and then see him get dragged in the opposite direction a couple of minutes later  
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salemontrial · 6 months
Why the FUCK didn't Sasha apologize to Quinni.
#no im so pissed about that.#dude you don't give an autistic person a meltdown that big over something that hurtful#and just#walk away scot free#last time someone gave me a meltdown that hardcore I cut them off for a month.#that might just be the bpd tho#but still#quinni doesn't seem like the type to just. be chill without an apology and hearing sasha explain herself#and then she makes her her vice??????????#she already acknowledged sasha is only in it for the power trip#sasha didn't even do anything in the investigation she just followed quinni around#which as she should#but she hasn't made up for how she treated quinni AT ALL#in fact she's just gotten MORE of a performative activist#like why the fuck was she such a bitch to missy abt spider#i get it yea. ur friends sometimes have dogshit taste in men but you don't need to make them feel like trash abt it#and the way she was like 'he fetishizes u for being black omg its probably asian girls next omg i dont feel safe'#THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU????????.#also she 100% jumpstarted quinnis identity crisis#with how she was constantly switching between infantilizing her and undermining her autonomy over her own decisions#and treating doing things quinni wanted to do and the specific way she needed to do them as a chore#and then victimizing herself!!!!!!!#like from experience that relationship dynamic IS abusive to autistic people it just is#idk if nt people get it but it's really fucking awful to come from your partner#anyway. until sasha apologizes to both quinni and missy this will continue to be a sasha hate page.#heartbreak high#heartbreak high season 2#quinni gallagher jones#sasha so#missy beckett
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shalpilot · 28 days
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oh so that's where he went
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narugen · 3 months
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hoshimina beach date….. please let them rest 😭🙏
(related art)
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