#nanit xd
jazzyblusnowflake · 6 months
I wanted to put together some details i liked about my last doodle that some people were able to point out XD
did you catch them? :"D
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1st- The festering nanites on Uzis back from where the wings & etc contort out of using the body nanoparticles- and the PRE-SOLVER SCAR on her chest when N stabbed her.
2nd- Air vents on their sides for inside cooling and ventilation. they are kinda like a fish XD
3rd and 4th are Ns real eyes... the pupils are subtle but can sometimes be seen roaming towards different directions up there. kinda creepy XD they seem to be dilated and relaxed and then pinned down and excited looking at his gf :p
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rescuebabiesau · 2 months
"Rogue pizza dough, thefts committed by miniature versions of ourselves, having to navigate a sewer system at half an inch tall, Squilsh-"
"-Teleporting probes trapping all of Griffin Rock in a collapsing cavern, a machine that forces us to sing for a whole day, movie monsters coming to life, flobsters, ghost ships, Griffin Rock Triangle, crystal teleporting the entire island to the arctic-"
"-trapped in a video game, time-travel, super-sized toddlers, mind-controlled whales, townsfolk turned into monsters from expired food, blizzard in July, fire tornadoes, runaway dinobots, stolen cross-eyed lions, mechanical bulls, nanites sending Boulder on a rampage-"
"-Robo-Baby, Velgrox, Gremlins, snake infestation in Heatwave's back seat, using Blades as a ramp for a runaway boat, runaway train, mind-swap, crashing satellites, fairies, running for mayor, and a camp director armed with dynamite, just to name a few."
These bots have been through some stuff, even in canon XD
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quirkyfries · 4 months
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These are not my characters!
WAAH we’re on the last few chapters of L&S!! Yes I know other things happened in the most recent chapter but this exchange made me giggle. Hence, warmup doodle XD
One of my favorite things about L&S Ruin specifically is that he’s one of the only Celestials that doesn’t seem to have magic or natural weapons via nanites. Instead, he is The Gun Guy™️ and I bet he wouldn’t trade that fact if he had the choice. That paired with his comment to Roxy makes me think of a “you may think [ruin] is the most vulnerable here, but he’s the one you have to worry about the most, why do you think [eclipse] is holding on to him” kind of situation lol. You know a fight I would pay to see? Ruin and Moonrise—
These characters belong to @sinclairmaxwellao3 ‘s TSAMS Mafia AU! Please check out her work at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54344629?view_full_work=true
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Hahaha more Jean trolling.
So after Yashida's like "Hey man wanna gimme your regen and die?", Logan goes to bed and we close in on his cup with a strange mist coming off it, indicating he's been drugged.
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He still thinks he's conscious, but Jean disagrees.
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"Now Logan, before you refuse Yashida's offer, I think we should stop and really consider the merits of getting you killed. I think you're being a little hasty in turning down this opportunity to fucking die."
My dude, I don't think your trauma ghost has your best intentions in mind.
Then Jean starts making out with him.
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But she's not actually making out with him. She's providing sensory cover for Viper, who is shoving her snake tongue down his throat.
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...for reasons that in some way relate to stealing his regeneration. I don't remember exactly how. I guess she's, like... sticking the nanites down his throat with her tongue or something, IDK.
Point is, she drugged his tea and snuck in here to steal his healing factor. To try and keep him from noticing that a strange tongue is penetrating his esophagus with intentions on his life, Trauma Ghost Jean's like, "I got you, sister!" XD
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Thoughts about Gandra Dee and Fenton? (Pt. 2)
So, in this post I raised a bunch of questions that always confused me about Gandra and Fenton's relationship and her being in F.O.W.L. In that last post of mine, I invited others to chime in with their own ideas. I'm just listing some of my own headcanons for them, which I've used in my fanfics. Please feel free to add your own two cents. (And I'm only listing my thoughts on the questions I actually have headcanons for).
How and when did they reconnect after 'The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee' (which took place in the middle of season 2, while 'Beaks In the Shell' happened near the end of season 3)?
How did that conversation go and what was said? How exactly did Gandra earn Fenton's trust after hurting him so badly? That is, how could he be absolutely sure he could trust her (even after she presumably told him- off-screen, anyway- her backstory leading to making a lot of bad choices in her desperation to get her science projects funded?
How did it not compromise Fenton's morals (because he's such a morally upright person, a total goody-goody) to be in a relationship with somebody with such a shady past, who was currently part of an evil spy organization? It's obvious he wanted to give her a chance after hearing her backstory, and understood that she's not really a bad person, but I just don't understand how he still didn't feel conflicted.
I like to think maybe a few days to a week after their so-called date, Fenton- who had Gandra's contact info, as it showed in 'Dangerous Chemistry'- couldn't stop thinking about Gandra, and reached out to her to talk about everything that happened. She was just so intriguing and he'd never met anyone he so strongly connected with, somebody who shared his passion for science (not counting Gyro) and who he shared such chemistry with (science humor, ya'll XD). He knew there was a real spark between them (and not just when she shocked his hand with her electric nanites when she demonstrated them to him XD). And he also felt really conflicted, because she was a crook who did take advantage of him and totally betrayed his trust (and although she helped him defeat Beaks and left him with the correct equation to help him complete his experiment, which he was undoubtedly very grateful for, I imagine he still felt conflicted).
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They reconnected and talked about everything, and she earnestly apologized for everything she did- including just taking off without a word in the end, which I think she did because she felt too ashamed to stay and face him- and explained her backstory (about how she was always misunderstood for her passion for super-science, which was always rejected for being too dangerous and unorthodox, leading her to experiment on herself and allowing herself to be hired by bad guys- the only ones who would fund her work, because they didn't care how much destruction it caused- and become this hardened, tough-as-nails, lone-wolf scientist who did what she did from desperation). And that led her to admitting she was in F.O.W.L. and explaining about them, knowing she owed him the truth. She hated being unable to truly be her own scientist like she originally bragged to Fenton, and she felt so trapped in this lifestyle and disgusted with herself, but always felt she had no choice- and she tried to look at it like she was the one using them for her funding, even tho she knew they were just using her too and didn't care about her brilliance.
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(Gandra explaining her past and reasons for being in F.O.W.L. to Huey in 'Beaks in the Shell')
Fenton was shocked, but filled with sympathy and compassion for her, even if he strongly disapproved of her lifestyle choices (but couldn't really judge her for them). He wanted to give her a chance and be the source of support she never got, and realized she wasn't fundamentally a bad person. And that led them to confessing their feelings for each other and developing their secret relationship (to keep the people in Fenton's life from finding out he was involved with an 'enemy' and branding him a traitor, and to keep F.O.W.L. from finding out she was a traitor involved with Gizmoduck and an ally of the Ducks- which was even more serious in her case, because they could do a lot more than just fire her for her treachery...). And ofc they eventually developed their top-secret VR space for the science community to conduct super-science in a safe, controlled environment, which she used her funding from F.O.W.L. and their resources to build, and planned to finally quit F.O.W.L. for good once the project was finished.
How long Gandra had been in F.O.W.L.? Did she join before or after meeting Fenton?
I like to think she was already in F.O.W.L. when Mark Beaks hired her, because it wouldn't make sense for her to join F.O.W.L. after reconnecting with Fenton, apologizing, and confessing everything, him giving her a chance, and them becoming a couple; that would look very bad, and I just don't see how Fenton could have trusted her if she did that afterwards.
What was the extent of Gandra's knowledge of Bradford's plans? Other than retrieving the Missing Mysteries as part of F.O.W.L.'s ultimate goal to destroy all adventure, chaos, and unpredictability and take over the world (which she already knew), what else did she know?
What was the extent of Fenton's knowledge of F.O.W.L.'s plans from Gandra? (Did he know everything she knew? Did she fill him in on anything? Or did she withhold certain information from him for his own protection?)
I think she knew the basics- that F.O.W.L.'s main objective was to ransom the world and take it over, to remake the world in Bradford's perfect image by eliminating all adventure and anything chaotic and unpredictable. She knew about the Missing Mysteries of Isabella Finch (she was the one who informed Bradford the Ducks found her journal they planted at the end of 'Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks') and that Bradford wanted the Ducks to find the artifacts so they could steal them all from the family.
However... I don't think she knew just how truly evil or insane Bradford was. I don't think she- or any of the other agents, until much later- knew about his plan for the Papyrus of Binding or his plan to clone Webby (which was all related to his convoluted plan to get Scrooge to give up on adventuring forever). Gandra was with the other agents at the end of 'The Sword of Swanstantine' when Heron contacted Bradford and held up the feather they managed to secretly get from Webby, saying "Mission accomplished"- and the other agents obviously knew about May and June by the time of the finale (not counting Gandra, because she'd been captured three episodes away from the finale before they were created)- but I don't think any of the agents knew about Bradford's plan to clone Webby until much closer to the end of the series. If Gandra had known, which she would have if she didn't get captured at the end of 'Beaks In the Shell', I think that's something she definitely would've tipped Fenton off about so he could warn the Ducks! So, I don't think any of the F.O.W.L. agents knew why their real objective was to obtain a feather from Webby on that mission- they just were following orders. It's my headcanon the information the agents got from Bradford and Heron was strictly on a need-to-know basis, only telling them what they deemed appropriate when they deemed it appropriate (Bradford obviously didn't trust his people with too much information at once).
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Proof of this is at the end of 'Beaks In the Shell' when Bradford caught onto Gandra's treachery before she could quit, and ordered her to be captured and brought to the Lost Library. Gandra cried out, "What?! What library?!" Bradford replied, "You have your secrets, Agent Dee. I have mine." And obviously Bradford finally told the other agents about the Lost Library by 'The Last Adventure' because F.O.W.L. relocated there on Bradford's orders early on in that episode.
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And she obviously also didn't know about Bradford's plan to capture and destroy everyone even remotely associated with the Ducks (family, friends, allies, enemies) along with all the Missing Mysteries- which she warned Huey about when he found her in the final episode- until she herself was imprisoned in the Lost Library with everyone else. Again, that's something HUGE that she definitely would've alerted Fenton to if she knew!
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And she was just as shocked as everyone else when Ludwig Von Drake dropped the big reveal that Webby was cloned from Scrooge (even more proof she didn't know anything about the whole plan to clone Webby):
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And I absolutely headcanon that Gandra and Fenton agreed that Gandra wouldn't/couldn't tell him most of what she did know about Bradford's goals and plans, for fear of putting them both at risk (including the secret location of F.O.W.L.'s headquarters underneath Funso's Fun Zone), as well as to avoid making their relationship awkward and reduce conflict in it.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts for those questions that never got addressed in the show. There are the other questions and plot-holes (again, see the other post I linked to at the top of this one) that have me scratching my head, but I wouldn't mind your thoughts.
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theriu · 2 years
Was just looking up mercury things for my character whose superpower is controlling trillions of mercury nanites, and I did NOT consider how HEAVY mercury is. Like, this cool video of a guy doing a waterbottle flip with a bottle of mercury, he said it was TWO POUNTS of mercury... the bottle was maybe two inches full.
So now I’m considering how much fun I can have with a teenage girl weighing WAY WAY MORE than she looks. XD This could be really interesting or REALLY problematic.
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sinclairmaxwellao3 · 4 months
Heyo! Lets say Eldritch!Sun happens, in any of your current stories. would the turn via Star Power or Nanites(like in the TMIB fic? and if he still has them ofc) or a mix of both?
Hmmmmmm....I really like the idea of nanites doing it but since that was how it happened in TMIB, I'd probably go Star power :) Or come up with a different reasoning entirely like Creator or Golden Freddy shenanigans xD MAGIC! Of some kind at least.
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
Who was the redhead with glasses in the bayverse post?
That was Ratchet in his holomatter. I've been seeing so many wonderful humanformers artwork, and I'm just in love with redhead Ratchet with eyewear XD
Originally, I was going to have far more dialogue and introduction, but then I went down the tunnel of what other havoc could have those nanites been doing...
Hence, little feral human-carrier that's perpetually stressed, always exhausted, and ridiculously hungry.
He was hoping to at least get a quick scan on the little carrier before they get tucked away by Prime, especially since 1) he needs a baseline to make comparisons and refine a health plan, 2) check out the sparklet's readings, and 3) examine the defensive stress signs Reader is exhibiting.
Ratchet thought you would be less apprehensive with another woman but no dice.
(Ngl, he based his female holomatter on Judy Witwicky's fashion aesthetic, so that's why lady Ratchet has floral prints and skirts.)
At least the Autobots know how the hell you managed to consistently slip away from Sector Seven's recovery attempts.
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seacrestseacon · 9 months
🎁 (Cee's cruise celebration xD)
Send me 🎁 (or “present”) for a holiday gift from my muse
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Seems to be a group present!
Caspian drew you a little map of which levels of the ship have the best supplies for blanket forts.
Shellshock has festive sweets with nanites in them to be both healthy and fun
Seacrest had an audio file of him belting Christmas carols because he is so much better than the toaster.
Echo has a rather cocky letter for a spar
Bannin has an imitation bottle of old vossian high-grade, distilled by yours truely.
Blacktip has given you an access card to the library on the upper levels.
Jetblade has a little maintenance kit for inner seam blasters
Malacos has an IOU for some fun throwables.
Suckerpunch just has a bullet. … is this a festive threat?
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jedusaur · 2 years
@there-must-be-a-lock asked fic authors to share never-before-seen playlists/moodboards/background lore for their fics here. I don't really do playlists or moodboards, but I can do some background!
No Consequences, No Hangovers—when Clint feels the vibrations of Bucky talking after he already said he can't hear and internally gripes about it, Bucky is actually testing whether they're being monitored by talking loudly about one of his weapons they missed in the patdown to see whether they'll come take it away. I was gonna come back to that in the fic, but I just couldn't find a natural way to work it in.
just trying to matter—in this fic Roy uses food to communicate sympathy/support (stuffed pasta), capitulation (popcorn), reconciliation (tacos), annoyance/spite (millionaire's shortbread), and love/affection (all of it, really, but particularly the breakfasts and the Toblerone). he has absolutely no idea at any point that he is expressing himself this way.
Fuck-You Money—the spinach and cheese pastry Stiles gives Derek as a grand gesture is based on the ones from Konditorei in Davis, CA, which I just googled to find a picture and found out they closed last year :( but the pastries looked like this! ahhh they were so GOOD
The History Bros—Shitty's pop-quiz interjection was born from my utter astonishment when I searched for women's hockey history and learned when women started playing college hockey. male hockey fans LOVE to "pop quiz" when they find out anyone they perceive as a woman is into hockey and it drives me bonkers, so it's a subversion of that; I guarantee you not one of the men who has ever done the "pop quiz" thing to me knows the answer to Shitty's question. (for the record, I have known the correct answers to every one of the questions those douchenuts have ever asked me. TWO of them then tried to "correct" me to a wrong answer and wouldn't accept that I was right even after I brought up proof on my phone)
remembrances ⊻ memoria—when Clint and Bucky first fuck in 1986, Bucky's hair looks like this XD
Check and Mate—when Jamie goes out in the stands to kiss fans looking for his soulbond, most of the people he's kissing have already kissed him after previous games. he just doesn't pay enough attention to notice all the repeats, and they don't tell him
something in consciousness—the reason the nanites can't control thoughts and decisions is because they work by positioning themselves all through the person's hair and sending signals to each other through the brain, and the prefrontal cortex falls mostly outside the area they can access that way. the strongest effects are visual and tactile because the occipital and parietal lobes are the areas with the most nanite coverage. (this is not in the fic because it's Clint's POV and Clint does not give a shit lol)
Mounting Available On Request—the IKEA entertainment center situation is based directly on my own dumbass decision to ignore the instructions and do it alone, which resulted in a shelf snapping clean off >.< still less embarrassing than accidentally hiring a hooker tho
Hugs Gimme Hugs—I wrote this 12 years ago and probably no one remembers it except me, but it made me a lot more aware of my own water use and I still think of it every single time I see a bathroom sink starting to fill up
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androidcharles · 2 years
Headcanon for your Android Charles specifically:
He has tried to eat a helicopter, but got stopped before he could even take one bite. Which now calls for security around the helicopters, just so Charles doesn't eat one.
Charles eventually satisfied his hunger with a drone helicopter, and never made another attempt to nom a full sized helicopter
For some reason imagining this is hilarious, because whenever he crashes and gets severely "injured" he does have to eat parts of his helicopter in order to activate his self reparation nanites XD
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commenter2 · 27 days
Murder Drones Pilot review
I'm moving some of my DA stuff here on Tumblr, like my "review" series of Murder Drones.
One thing that I like about the series is how “out there” the humor is, as in there not scared to just say there doing that trope or theme, like how the first joke in the series is them playing with the whole “series about robots” theme by having that “Booting up EXPOSITON” display.
Here is a free funny video idea, replace the “In space” audio from the Power Rangers In Space theme song with Uzi’s version of her saying that XD.
Did those two workers just do the “Guess I’ll die” meme?
So does the series take place on one of Saturn’s moons or are they near a generic ring planet?
Now the Murder Drones were already scary, but that fact that they just look like the Worker Drones is even spookier in my opinion. Gives them a bit of a fallen angel vibe along with the fact there confirmed to be robot vampires but more on that later.
Oh Uzi is going to be a great protagonist :)
Along with showing how advance the AI of the drones are, having them wear clothing and hair is a good way to tell the bots apart.
Again, I’m liking the series humor so far like the signs that say “Don’t wash your hands U R A robot, idiot” and the “What Hurts” sign having existential dread as a pain option.
I originally questioned what the eye bandage and ice pack are for, but since they can leak oil and likely their screens can be hot, it makes some sense.
Jeez. Uzi’s father really doesn’t like her which makes me wonder if there’s a deeper reason for it.
Behold the first ship of the series, Uzi X Thad. They are kind of nice together.
Uzi just confirmed that young robots can feel “hormonal” but how does that work since there robots? BTW hormonal means more than sexual stuff.
Another “there robots” joke in the scene of Uzi’s alarm being a part of her.
The first time I watched this, when trying to get the key, I saw the pic of Uzi and her father with her mother being “ripped out” and have yellow markings on it, only to later find it out was likely burned out by nanite acid. Still won’t stop people from theorizing about Uzi’s mom but more on that later.
Did Uzi just do a magic card trick with the master key to make it “disappear”?
So Uzi’s father is an idiot AND has a door addiction. That explains a lot about Uzi’s character so far.
I’m surprise Khan doesn’t have cameras at the front door, cause what if one of the Murder Drones was out there waiting for them? Also if the drones have acid that can harm robots, how come they don’t use it on the door? One possibility is that even when combined, the 3 just don’t have enough acid to cut through a door like that.
Once again, anime has saved a character’s life.
I know this would end the series in one episode but if a robot teenager can make a weapon that powerful, how come no one else has made one before? With an army of those guns they wouldn’t have to live in fear. Hopefully they give one kind of reason for this later like the gun uses more hard-to-find materials.
So the Disassembly Drones can self-repair themselves. Good to know. I also like how the one red light indicates that N is still damaged and how it temporarily turns back to yellow when he starts talking about how sweet the worker drones oil is.
This section of the episode also introduces us to two more ships for the series, Uzi X N and V x N. I like Uzi X N more.
I can’t see what the screen of the broken spaceship is saying but I feel like something important is there if you slow down enough. All I could get was a #551
Even before the 2nd episode, Uzi did bring up a good point about the company getting rid of N and the others when they were done. I strangely feel like one of the true reasons the company is doing all of this is that they likely lied about what happened on the exoplanet to protect their stocks/profit and are trying to get rid of all robotic witnesses before they contact humanity.
I just want to point that after N’s screen said “YOU”RE DEAD [idiot], you can see something in the upper left corner that says “Absolute Solver” blocked by admission “CYN” but more on that in the next episode.
I’m surprised the writers didn’t have that smug robot say “worth it” before dying, but I think that would have ruined the moment so good for them.
This scene is pretty good as it shows us that even dumb Murder Drones like N can still be very deadly for the regular Drones.
Khan: Uzi, you let a Murder Drone in Here?
Peter Griffin: AH, he said it!
(Side note, I’m not a Family Guy fan but that joke is fitting for this scene)
Woah I was not expecting N to attack Uzi like that, I thought at worse he would just know her down. At least he feels bad for doing it.
At least Khan felt bad about ditching his own child, most of the parents on web series I’ve seen would have done that for even shittier reasons.
I like how V is talking about that vent that got a whole few second of dedication from earlier in the episode when Uzi was trying to get outside. Love the continuity.
Some would say it was TOO convenient that Uzi’s wrench could take off a dangerous bolt like that, but if you’ve played as much Ratchet & Clank as I have, you know that a wrench can solve a lot of problems.
Evacuation spot? Does that mean all the worker drones on the planet are living underground and are connected via tunnels? If not, then where were they going to escape to?
It is odd that a defense force doesn’t have weaponry to begin with, not even lame stuff that would show how important Uzi’s gun is.
THAD NO! Oh thank god, he survived.
How strong are those pens? Also was that inspired by a John Wick?
At first I wondered how so many weapons could fit into the Murder Drones besides “cartoon logic” but considering the fact that they have a liquid that can fix them if they get damaged, makes me think it can also be used to make whatever kind of weapons they want. When there done with said weapon, it turns back into a liquid.
BestMonologueEver.mp3 sounds like something Jim Carrey’s Eggman would name one of his soundstracks XD
You think with all the money the company put in to making robots that can self repair and likely generate all kinds of weapons, they would splurge for better feet so the female drones can handle all kinds of terrain XD
So yeah it makes sense that the material that repaired murder drones was in their torso area, hence why J doesn’t get rebuilt…kind of but more on that later.
“Sees Uzi malfunctions”
Me: That can’t be good
Again I like how Kahn feels bad about what he did and what his daughter thinks of him, as this did lead to some character development for him and Uzi later in the series.
So the ending is good for several reason. The main thing is that it again plays to the creator’s message about how the Murder Drones are “pretty much robot vampires” as we see that Uzi seems to be slowly transforming INTO one of them, likely as a result of N’s saliva fixing her up but also changing her code as a result. Later stuff confirms this but still.
We also not only get the main goal of the series by having Uzi want to go to Earth to kill humans (likely a result of her new Murder Drone tendencies awaking her inner desires) and we see that more Murder Drones are on the way, but we also get a hint at an upcoming plot line.
I personally liked the song that plays at the end of the video. For those wondering, it’s called Uzi the Drone Killer.
And that was my review of the Murder Drone pilot episode. Its good as pilots go, giving us details on how this world works and showing us what writing is going to be like, which is really good. I also like how it takes inspiration form Liam Vickers previous works like Internecion Cube and Cliffside, like how the Murder Drones do remind me of Cordie in a way.
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bookandyarndragon · 11 months
Hello there! I'm chameleon anon, and I'm curious- how would you describe the translator device that is sometimes used in Callsign-Relic's Tasty AU? I'm making a fic with TFP Wheeljack and I just don't really know how to describe it xD Hope you're doing well!
- ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
I hadn't put a great deal of thought on what the translator would look like. For Brainstorm's TRUT I had something nanite based so maybe something like a 30ml syringe full of a shiny solution. It just encorperates into the brain and body. For TFP you could go the similar route or you could go with something like an ear piece or a walkie-talkie for something less permanent and scary. Plus Wheeljack could get the language from a software update if need be.
Hope this helps!
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hardcore-lonewolf · 11 months
We know his evil counterpart is Cyberion as a Justice Lord, his Crime Syndicate form should be Alexander Lyons aka Battalion from the Teen Titans Go Comics, his superhero costume should be an Omegadrome battle suit mixed with his bionic superhuman attire, and Zavior is a villain in DC Comics that wasn't popular at our time now.
His powers are now including omega nanites and turbo modes of energy, my combination from Generator Rex and Max Steel...my favorites from Cartoon Network to Disney XD.
The nanite goggles are for Victor's work on his inventions to his vehicles, and the turbo modes on his suit will be reliable for him and his true form...let's say he has metallic steel skin of a Cybertronian from the 3D series I've watched all my life, tungsten for bones, titanium for flesh, blue cybernetic eyes with platinum sclera, and silver for nails and hair.
This idea came from a Deviantart user making Julie Yamamoto half Cybertronian known as Armorstrike, it fits her well and I love her concept made by them...follow them on Deviantart.
Combining Zavior as Victor's first alien name with a Prime for his alien surname to make himself look badass and vintage was my idea for a honorary man-made machine like Cyborg.
Cyberion Technis was already one of his aliases and the home planet of his birth mother Elinore Lyons should be Planet Cyberion with their moon named Technis.
If he was being captured by Cadmus, his Project name will most likely be Promethium for being fused with the Motherbox that was located in Talyn where his maternal grandparents met.
Comment down below, reblog if you love robots and technology, and click that follow above the post and smash that heart down there.
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dbphantom · 2 years
10, 36 and 44 from the fanfic writer game . Hope you enjoy your day!
Thank you so much!! Right back at you!
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?
Oooh, loaded question! For Alkali, I chose to follow the episode Noctis ending bc I always wanted them to have a happy ending and, honestly, I just thought the book/planned ending was really good. I changed a few things to fit the focus of the story better, but overall it's the episode Noctis ending. As for the changes, you know that one scene in the last episode of H2O Season 1 where Rikki steps into the ocean? Yeah. It's a little like that.
For alt. endings, I'm not the biggest fan of the verse 2 ending from episode Ignis, but [BUT] with a couple big changes I thought it made for a fun detour with the same episode Noctis ending. It actually ended up becoming the 'main' timeline for this fic because I was having so much fun with it. I fit in the events of Episode Prompto, plus Ravus and Aranea team up with the chocobros to navigate through Zegnaurbfjflhs Keep and shut down the wall breaker wave machine. So, Ignis still puts on the ring and loses his sight and Prompto still takes down worm Verstael, it all just happens a little out of order and in new fun and exciting locations. [Verstael, to Ardyn: would you still love me if I was a worm?]
So the other timeline I had was Leviathan taking her payment early during the events of Episode Ignis, leaving Iggy with no memories of Noct to keep him from acting irrationally next time. It ends poorly. It's me, boy, I'm the sea godess, speaking to you from inside your brain. Listen to me, boy, lead the prince, to the crystal. Then come with me and guard this space. We'll have mermaid times. On Eos! Do do da do, yeah. You need me, boy. Your free will is an illusion.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
Yesssss, I would love to!!! I'm having such a hard time deciding which fic to choose because I love everything, but you know what? Surprise attack!!! Here's an excerpt from chapter 10 of Masked, my genrex secret identity fic.
"... I wasn't with Noah for half of the classes I went to, but I aced a pop quiz the trigonometry teacher gave us!"
Holiday's heart ached. This was the sort of stuff he should be talking about on a daily basis, not EVOs or training or which painkillers worked best before his nanites neutralized them. He reminded her so much of Beverly in that moment, excitedly going on about her day at school and the things she'd learned to her big sister in college. She wanted to do nothing more than hug him and tell him everything was going to be okay, that the adults were going to handle it all from now on and he didn't need to worry.
But Providence wasn't so kind.
Thankfully, Holiday was, and she was fiercely stubborn to boot. The one thing she wanted to do in that exact moment was protect that innocent smile on Rex's face, and she was going to do her damndest to try.
44) What is the last line you wrote?
Prompto's fumbling the reload, electric panic surging through his veins.
Uh oh... This is from the area right before Keycatrich. Cor's around, so they'll be okay XD
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drtenebrisxii · 2 years
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"Onírica - Disguise"
Ayán disguising himself as a bio dragon with nanites :3 apparently someone problamtic discovered him xD
a test of how this may look.
I hope you like this ^^
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