#narcissa edition
saintsenara · 4 months
Narcissa ship meme edition: Narcissa/Hermione. ; Narcissa/Snape. ; Narcissa/Lily Evans ; Narcissa / Arthur WEasley
thank you very much for the ask, anon! delighted to see narcissa getting some rare-pair fun.
hermione granger/narcissa malfoy
so i don't back this, but not for the reason that you might expect...
why i think it's flopping is because hermione is someone who values unshakeable - and public - loyalty. and while she predominantly values this loyalty in relation to the cause that she herself supports, i think she'd equally apply the principle to those on the other side.
which means that i think she can understand - even if she doesn't like or agree with - the unwavering commitment bellatrix has to voldemort. narcissa - no matter her late-in-the-game turn against the dark lord [which i think hermione would approve of since it keeps harry alive, which isn't to be sniffed at] - is someone i think she would regard as a bit sly and insubstantial.
narcissa, for her part, would think hermione was hugely interpersonally off-putting and needed to learn to shut up every once in a while.
neither would be wrong.
narcissa malfoy/severus snape
no, really. i've explained why here.
lily evans/narcissa malfoy
ok, so i’m afraid to say that narlily is one of those marauders-era ships which i don’t fully get the increasingly popularity of - and so, if you do ship it i would be thrilled to get your recs and manifestos as to why.
my objection doesn’t actually have anything to do with narcissa being a blood-supremacist [although i don’t think i’d vibe with a story which didn’t address this at all - and i’m not compelled by a common version of fanon!narcissa which has her as not sincerely holding these beliefs: she is just as much of a bigot as lucius] - i think something quite interesting could be done with narlily [as in all death-eater-with-a-non-pureblood ships] as a vehicle for an examination of the hypocrisy of blood-supremacy; and with narlily as a femslash ship specifically as a vehicle for an examination of how sex with a non-pureblood which has no chance of resulting in pregnancy would be more acceptable in a culture which is so obsessed with heritage and lineage than sex which could.
why i don’t really think it would slap for me, though, is that narcissa always comes across in canon as someone who is conformist and a bit staid - largely, as i’ve written about elsewhere, because she feels a desire to perform according to the gendered conventions expected of a woman of her class background as a way of deflecting the shame brought upon her family’s standing in polite society by bellatrix and andromeda’s behaviour. lily - on the other hand - is famously a bit bolshy - cheeky and adventurous and argumentative and stubborn.
and so i simply do not imagine their personalities either working well together in any meaningful way or clashing spicily [they’d clearly both regard the other as not worth their time popping off at].
please change my mind!
narcissa malfoy/arthur weasley
yes. a pure, unadulterated [except - well - for the adultery] banger.
my justification for why... here.
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yin-shimo · 2 months
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yeah Abel's not here yet, but someone sure did 'arrive' early lol (reminder: these are Abel's moms Narcissa/Annalise)
Ive spent the past two days doing the interior of this house and immediately had them fuck in it lol
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fyodorwrites · 3 months
Guys, i think i'm too dedicated to writing my gay hp fic
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Ps : all the characters in the tags are like important ass caracters in this fic thats why they're in there
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obsessiontoh · 1 year
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noblehouseofgay · 2 months
They will never make me hate you Narcissa
Never ever
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unwoundcorridors · 7 months
prompt #8: masked ball
pairing: narcissa/hermione word count: 574
❈ written for @sapphicmicrofics ❈
Face flushed and hot underneath her robes from the dance she had just experienced, Hermione had walked out of the ornate Parkinson ballroom, half-expecting—or rather, half-hoping—that by leaving for the balconies, she’d never be allowed back in. She wasn’t sure why she had agreed to come in the first place, but she never planned to come to another in her entire life.
Not knowing who the hell she was dancing with, because of course magic did more than simply obscure someone’s face partially, but also confounded her memory of where she’d heard her dancing partners’ voices before.
Total anonymity, or at least as close as anyone could get to it barring the usage of something like the Polyjuice potion.
She’d needed air once it all became too much. Her last dancing partner had been a pale-skinned woman perhaps a few inches taller than her in a sparkling white mask, brown hair tied up into an ornate knot. Hermione swore she knew in the back of her mind who the woman was, but magic prevented her from landing on a name.
Tugging off her own mask and setting it on the rim of an elegant pot housing a tall plant next to her, Hermione crossed her arms and leaned her elbows on the railing.
“You’re not supposed to do that,” a quiet voice came from behind her.
Hermione startled, swearing loudly, and turned around to face… the same woman she’d only just danced with. The woman with the gentle touch and alluring, familiar voice that she still couldn’t quite place. The woman who had stirred something warm and wanting in her gut.
“I know. I’m surprised the manor itself hasn’t used magic to evict me from the premises.”
The woman tilted her head curiously, as if she’d given the wrong answer, then raised her hands to undo the bun holding her…
Hermione blinked. “Wait. Wasn’t your hair brown?”
The witch only smiled, her now blonde hair falling to just below her shoulders. “Excellent observational skills, Ms Granger. Do you remember what your invitation said?”
Wracking her memory, Hermione furrowed her brow before it hit her, and in a voice almost a whisper, she repeated the words she’d only first read two weeks prior: “If you so wish to discard your disguise for any reason, simply leave the manor’s interior walls. Re-entry, however…”
“… is explicitly forbidden,” the woman finished for her, fingers grasping an edge of her mask.
Hermione’s heart thrashed within her chest, not by what this meant for her, but for the other witch. “Why… why did you come out here?”
The woman lifted a shoulder in a half-shrug. “Curiosity. Perhaps a sense of guilt that I might have been the one to send you running out here, as well. Salazar only knows that I…”
Yet she trailed off, barely shaking her head, and Hermione caught the muscles of the woman’s throat working as she swallowed the rest of her words down.
Rolling her lips, Hermione gestured toward the witch’s mask. “Were you going to take that off?”
“I—” The woman’s fingers twitched on the fabric of the mask. “Yes, of course. It is the least you deserve now that I am certain of who you are.”
Slowly, almost agonisingly slowly in Hermione’s mind, the woman pulled the mask down to rest against the hollow of her throat, and the shimmer clouding the woman’s distinguishing features disappeared, revealing Narcissa Black.
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rosesneverwither · 11 months
Harry Potter ships
Day 28
Lucius Malfoy x Narcissa Malfoy 🐍
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If Hogwarts had social medias
Instagram edition part 31/41
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chaliceni · 1 year
Cissamione - 'Lost Voice'
~140 words
When Hermione stepped through the floo to Narcissa’s cottage, the stylish older witch didn’t await her at the other side as usual. Nor sat any teacups, saucers or petit fours on the coffee table.
“Narcissa?” She called out into the empty room.
The scuff of loose slippers was the only indication that anyone was home at all. Meekly, Narcissa shuffled into the living room, not looking her lavish self.
“Are you alright?” Hermione asked, rather stupidly.
Narcissa shook her head, holding out a small piece of parchment. It read:
‘I’m rather unwell and I’ve lost my voice, would you allow me to try something?’
She answered, glancing between the note and the woman in front of her. “Of course, anything you need.”
Not a second later, a voice echoed through her mind, Narcissa’s voice, although Hermione knew she hadn’t spoken.
“Hello, darling.”
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Bellatrix, Andromeda & Narcissa.
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siriusly-sapphic · 11 months
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@hp-femslash launch celebration ♡ Dorcas x Narcissa
I know that you still remember, We were born to be national treasures.
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wambsroy · 4 months
lucissa fancast
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claire foy (breathe & a very british scandal) as narcissa
matt smith (hotd) as lucius
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yin-shimo · 1 month
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i reverted Narcissa's hair to her old one and update Annalise's so i wanted to take them to a new lot and well .....
bonus: this dumbass for walking in
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greenerteacups · 6 months
this is very important are you a chasing cars person or the man who can't be moved person. (in other words i absolutely adore your character playlists and your narcissa black one has me frothing at the mouth)
Jesus Christ. This is like the Mortal Kombat of Irish sadrock. Okay.
When you put Gary Lightbody in a contest against someone who's not Gary Lightbody (co-author of "The Last Time" ft. Taylor Swift a.k.a. Movement 1 of the "let's ruin GT's fucking evening" Swift quartet) then there's only so many things I can say. I like the Script. But who's their Gary Lightbody? Gary fucking Lightbody? A songwriter inspired by the poetry of Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney? A professional musician who said THIS about his technical abilities?
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TLDR: "Chasing Cars" made me cry when I was a teenager and watching shitty fanvids in bed. And it still hits.
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them-bo-dacious · 6 months
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Moodboard of Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa as Hogwarts students.
Requested by: anon.
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