#narcotic heroin
heroinangelz · 1 year
♡ I just want to be high with you ♡
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"whats it feel like?"
"theres a chill....dont forget it passes.. and you'll see, I'll see you there ♡"
~Breaking Bad - Jesse And Jane (Episode 11)
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ange1bae · 1 year
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xxoxolaya · 1 year
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im dead already, but no one can see. 👁️‍🗨️
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onceagwen · 1 year
in light of a friend who passed away on tuesday
my friends struggling with addiction - if you have any amount of clean time, and you relapse, please know your body cannot handle the same dosages you took before you got clean. it’s very common for addicts to pass away after gaining a stretch of clean time because they misjudge how much their body can tolerate during a relapse.
relapse is a normal part of the struggle with addiction. it happens. just please make sure you’re working your way back into using with smaller dosages. your tolerance will not be the same as when you stopped using.
anyway stay safe out there. love y’all.
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danielleelizabethhh · 8 months
I’m grateful everyday
Grateful for another opportunity for another day, and another chance to live my life -
Freedom from addiction
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klinefelterrible · 6 months
Here's an unoriginal thought of mine:
If you don't want your kids to ever try narcotics and drugs at all just show them "Requiem for a dream" movie
Just show them some amatueur ugly crackhead street blowjobs and TELL THEM IT'S THEIR FUTURE IF THEY CONTINUE
As for me I saw both and to be honest I never really wanted to try any opioids or amphetamines or coke and I know a guy who sold almost all of his shoes except one pair to have money on opios and one girl I knew went from taking and selling drugs to just regularly sucking dicks in some shady brothel just to have money for heroin and I know plenty of stories of how mighty (or weak) have fallen and I might not be a role model for anything but I don't do drugs
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allifunny25 · 6 months
What is in a name? For too long, I've been nameless. Even in the Bible a name is important. Look at Lazarus and the Rich Man. The Rich Man went to hell without so much as a name, and so have I. I have been living in this hell of addiction without so much as a name. You see addiction doesn't care what your name is, or the color of your eyes. Only what you will give to it and what you will give up for it. Addiction takes without regard, like a narcissist in love. So, how do we take back our power? You would think it would be in our name, but it is what comes after that gives all the power.
I'm Allison, I'm an addict.
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narcotic-neurosis · 2 years
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you already know
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ak-the-alien-witch · 2 years
Let me explain to you something about addicts and our brains…Our brain reroutes the impulse of craving to go through the hypothalamus (part of the brain that controls behavior needed for human survival like sleep, eating and reproducing) instead of going through the frontal lobe (thinking, problem solving, emotions) so instead of it being a cognitive decision that we weigh risk/reward and consider our emotions or the emotions of others like most choices humans make... it becomes closer to an instinct and mimics the signals your brain sends to eat for survival (which is actually a reason many addicts look like skeletons, they can't distinguish the difference between the "hungry" brain signal and the "get high" brain signal.) This means if/when we stop using, our brain thinks we are depriving it of something essential for survival and do whatever it can to get that back in our body. So if you catch and addict using… don’t flush their stash, don’t hold them hostage and instead of telling your loved ones “if you love me enough you’ll quit for me” or “why can’t you just stop” or “why is it more important than me” just don’t make any demeaning comments and take them to get help because they don’t know they need it, their brain thinks they need it to survive just as much as they need food and water. Stop guilt tripping addicts and help them get the help they need to rewire their brains (which takes MONTHS without substances in their body so also plz be patient. ❤︎︎)
Ok that’s it.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
**If you are an addict and want to know more you can message me and I won’t preach to you or try to sell you on rehab/NA but I’d love to answer your questions and share my knowledge because I was you once and I didn’t want to stop**
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alittlelaudanum · 2 years
Heroin was like being dead without the commitment tbh
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"YOUTHS GET STIFF TERMS," Victoria Daily Times. August 5, 1933. Page 1 & 2. ---- MacNaughton and Watkins Go to Penitentiary For Four Years on Drug Counts ---- Davies Given Three Months; Sentences Climax Series of Burglaries ---- James E. MacNaughton and William Watkins, two of the trio of youths charged by the police with perpetrating a series of burglaries here since the latter part of July, were each sentenced in the City Police Court by Magistrate Jay to four years in the penitentiary. along with a fine of $500. If the fines are not paid they will each spend an additional six months in the penitentiary.
The heavy sentence was imposed by the magistrate because their burglar- les of doctors' offices and a drug store had yielded them a large quantity of heroin, morphine and cocaine.
Detective Fearon Woodburn told the court before the magistrate passed sentence that MacNaughton had admitted he was a drug user, and that he had used some of the drugs that had been stolen here before the police captured them.
"The charge of having drugs such as morphine, cocaine and heroin in your case is aggravated by the fact of you having stolen them in large quanti- ties," said the magistrate to Mac- Naughton and Watkins,
For the burglaries of the Begg Motor Company, and the offices of Dr. M. J. Keys and Dr. Thomas McPherson, the magistrate imposed a sentence of four years. For the robbery of the grocery store of James Adam a sentence of three months was imposed. However. the two latter sentences of four years and three months will not add to the penitentiary term, as they are to run concurrently, the magistrate stipulated. This makes the total sentence four years and six months, if the $500 fines are not paid. DAVIES GETS HORT TERM To the third of the trio, Frank Davies, the magistrate handed a sentence of three months. He said that Davies had been proved guilty only on the charge in connection with the burglary of Adam's store, and as the value of the goods stolen was under $25 it was rated only as a minor offence with the penalty in proportion.
Detective Woodburn showed the court the quantity of high-powered narcotic drugs that had been found in the possession of the young men when the police at 2 o'clock in the morning invaded the house at 478 Earsman Street, in which they were staying.The collection included sixty-eight vials of these drugs in a case, four bottles of heroin, and various bottles of morphine tablets. These had been taken from the doctors' offices and from Jeanneret's drug store. Quantities of powders and vanity accessories in packages were among the drug store goods also found in the young men's possession.
Watkins at first pleaded not guilty. but on Friday changed his plea to guilty.
The police informed the court that $15 in cash was found in MacNaughton's pockets when he was searched. It was explained that 89 in cash had been taken from Jeanneret's drug store and $7.50 from Dr. McPherson's office. The magistrate ordered the cash recovered to be divided between the two as it was undoubtedly part of the cash stolen.
CAREER ENDS HERE The sentencing of the three here today climaxes the venture to the Coast upon which they set out a few weeks ago from Winnipeg, where they had associated at "Mike's" rooming house, and where MacNaughton admitted he had been convicted of thieving and was sentenced to two years.
MacNaughton, under examination by Prosecutor C. L. Harrison, told the court how the three had beaten their way to the Coast on freight trains, sending their suit cases and club bags ahead of them by express from town to town. They stopped at hotels in the various cities on the way across to Vancouver. When they reached Victoria they established themselves in the Earsman Street house of a sister of one of the trio, who had left town on a vacation. It was there that the detectives discovered the loot from the series of Victoria burglaries, following the capture of MacNaughton early last Sunday morning as he was leaving Dr. Keys's office by George Hawes and Stanley Weston, janitor at the Pemberton Building.
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jasonborrowed · 2 months
Your gone and I gotta stay high, all the time, to keep you off my mind. High, all the time to keep you off my mind...... Spend my days, trapped in a haze, trying to forget you babe, I fall back down, so i gotta get high all my life to forget I'm missing you......
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i-knowur · 5 months
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niveditaabaidya · 1 year
Singapore Executes First Woman In Nearly 20 years #singapore #heroin #n...
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at0mickitten · 1 year
i think that drug addiction is the hardest mental health problem to solve. once you get addicted, if it’s a heavy drug, you’re life is basically over. you’ll be getting more and more addicted, selling your stuff, until you turn homeless, and spend years on the streets or end up having an overdose and showing up dead somewhere. your family will stop loving you, and you will stop loving yourself. and you’ll be all alone by yourself, while society looks at you like a dirty rat, wishing you would just disappear and never bother anyone again. and if your family still loves you, they will pity you, they will be completely disappointed with you, they’ll try to help you, you’ll go to multiple rehab clinics but you’ll always have that loud desire for using, and it will exhaust you to resist to the temptations. until you go back to old habits, and maybe spend another year at rehab. and that’s your life. you once were a little kid filled with hapiness, and now you’re not, and it’s all your fault. # the chances of getting better are so so low. statistically. only 10% of crack users who TRY, succeed.
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