#native comic
bixels · 10 months
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As they say in the industry, you either know fashion or you don't. And Miss Rarity certainly knows it!
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briarmoon1015 · 19 days
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Speedsters :)
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jimbenton · 6 months
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Felis Navidad
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corpse-flame · 7 months
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got locked out of my usual drawing program for today
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imaybe5tupid · 1 month
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Touden observations
(I hc them as fantasy Norwegian)
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tomicscomics · 6 months
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JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. Jewish laws have a lot of stuff about impurities and uncleanliness.  After giving birth, for example, a mother becomes impure for a time (forty days after having a boy, or eighty for a girl).  During this time, the mother can't enter temples (dwelling places of God) or touch anything sacred. 2. In this cartoon, Joseph reads about the above impurity laws from a brochure.  At first, it seems like he's just informing his beloved wife of their religious duties, but in fact, he's only using it to build up an argument of why HE should be the one holding the new Baby Jesus.  After all, if Mary is legally impure, doesn't that mean she can't hold Jesus, since He's sacred?  Of course, by that logic, the manger could be considered a temple, since it's the current dwelling place of God-made-Man, but Joseph wisely avoids arguing this point.
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nocek · 1 month
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And this concludes the grand crossover event
(or does it?)
(it does but I was given a great idea for how to solve Gwen's problem :) )
the timeline of previous relevant comics:
[Jeff has a great fashion sense and Peter is the best hooker]
[Jeff is found and fucks are lost]
[bro landed up in the wrong universe and all he got out of it is a lousy bow]
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yesterdaysprint · 1 year
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San Francisco Examiner, California, September 25, 1911
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moonverc3x · 5 months
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(gosh I hope that comic is at least readable- Ignore all the inconsistencies, I've never drawn and colored a comic before 😭) Anyways- meet the heroes of yore! sort of... you get to know what they look like at least!
Im finally getting around to publicly sharing some tidbits of lore with yall! Originally the "heroes of yore" spiel Galacta reads was going to be just text but I thought people would probably like it a little better if there was a comic to accompany it!
and im. not sure how to end this post?? I suppose I can say that Meta and Galacta Knight are open for asks!!! Im hoping I can keep the energy to keep this thing going, but only time will tell!
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earth2eden · 2 months
he was a skater boy, he said 'see you later boy'
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more vers v
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ghostofreach117 · 29 days
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I threw this up late last night pls ignore the glaring issues w/ this comic😭. WHY CANT I DRAW KAEYA⁉️⁉️⁉️ Anyway WORLD BUILDING!!!!GUNS!!!!!! Diluc going older brother mode!!!!
+ a little bonus thingy!
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Also translations!!
When Diluc is watching Kaeya take aim he tells him to fire the gun in mondstadtian (German), and yells “oh shit” in snezhnayan (Russian) when Kaeya drops the gun and dislocates his shoulder from the recoil.
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seasonalberries · 11 months
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The Gold
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alinapeteart · 8 months
November is Native American Heritage Month! And if you want a great way to educate yourself and others about how Native folks are combining traditional teachings and modern pop culture, then you should check out Indiginerds!
I'm the editor on this project so believe me when I say that this book is SO GORGEOUS and each and every one of the stories is authentic and revolutionary in it's own way. Want to hear about creating VR cultural spaces? Or using pirate radio to support Indigenous resistance movements? We've got it!
My story in this book is about the infamous Star Trek: TNG episode, Dorvan V, where Native folks are being forcibly removed from the planet they resettled on after Earth didn't want them. I'll be posting pages from it here soon, and I hope you check them out!
Supporting this project means that you're directly supporting Indigenous comic artists! So please back us and share on all your socials! kinanâskomitin!
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tomicscomics · 5 months
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"If you cannot afford a lamb, one will be appointed to you."
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. Joseph continues reading about Jewish law from his brochure (continued from last week's cartoon).  In Jewish tradition, the sacrifice for a newborn boy was typically one yearling lamb (for the sin offering) and one turtledove (for the burnt offering).  As Mary and Joseph discuss this, the Holy Spirit (a dove, but not for sacrifice) shows up to give a knowing glance at Baby Jesus.  You see, Jesus is called the "Lamb of God," and His mission is to be sacrificed for our sins, so it's ironic that His parents are required to sacrifice a lamb for HIM under Jewish law. 2. A few commenters last week were concerned about Mary and Joseph sleeping too close together in their blanket fort, as it challenges the perpetual virginity of Mary (a core Catholic belief).  I argue that Mary and Joseph are a poor married couple sleeping in a barn that's open to the cold and creatures of nature, so the chaste and honorable Joseph would probably stay near his Holy Family for their protection, instead of sleeping apart and leaving them vulnerable.  No scandal here! 3. A few commenters last week argued about the perpetual virginity of Mary (the belief that she remained a virgin after Jesus's birth; a belief held by the early Church even before the Bible was canonized).  I just wanted to say that I'm thrilled and honored that my comics appeal to people of all religions, including other Christian denominations.  It moves me every time I get a comment from someone who isn't Catholic but loves my work.  That said, I AM Catholic, so please understand that my comics follow the canon of Catholicism when I can help it.  No hard feelings.  Of course, you're all welcome to continue giving me suggestions and debating in the comments (good-naturedly, of course).  I've learned so much by listening and looking into your apologetics.
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duicepanque · 2 months
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Since the last Club Penguin post did well, I'm posting this silly comic from 2021
Thank you for all the notes on my last post!! I wish there was a way to interact with all of them, I still don't fully understand how this site works so I'll just assume there isn't... But I appreciate all the comments left on the tags ^_^
Twitter link
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gender-luster · 2 months
what kind of adverse effects do you think batman and his so-called batcave have had on gotham's actual, local bat populations? disrupting their natural habitats like that? do you think all the lights and technology in the batcave have disrupted the local bats' sleep habits and other lifestyle necessities? he definitely doesn't use bat friendly lighting in the batcave. not to mention the very construction of the cave and alterations he's made throughout even more of gotham's cave systems. outright destroying or otherwise altering the bats' habitat.
i bet gotham's bat population has significantly decreased in the time since the batman donned his mask and cape.
and with a great decrease in the bat population, what kinds of effects do you think that's had on the rest of the gotham/gotham area ecosystem?? bats are hugely essential parts of their ecosystems, functioning as polinators, and also predators to different kinds of insects, etc. like. do you think batman is even aware of this carnage he may or may not be wreaking on the environment?
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