#need someone who looks at me the way b looks at k
datshitrandom · 6 months
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Klaine moments by episode | 4.10 Glee, Actually ⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆
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gorejo · 6 months
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▸ RUDOLPH - GOJO SATORU. (forbes30!gojo au)
synopsis: you've heard your boyfriend scream three times in your life. once in a haunted mansion, another when he thought a certain gremlin was supposedly dead, and lastly... after a shower, down the stairs as he sulked practically naked with only a towel covering his hips — a total drama queen.
content: 3.5 k words, unedited. reader is satoru's girlfriend, she/her pronouns. a little snippet of Toji and his babies (Megumi and Tsumki), noncanon complaint. it's a little suggestive, but it should be okay to be deemed sfw ◡̈ can be read on its own, but this is part of the forbes30!au !!
kudos to you if you know which scene from a popular studio ghibli movie inspired me. because you can't convince me gojo isn't him ◡̈ header from @/ooreonii from twt
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“AHHH ahhHHHH!” 
There was no one else who could scream like that but him. 
You heard it once or twice. No, it’s thrice — including today, in which Satoru’s done it twice already.
Once, it was at a haunted mansion during college with his hands all clammy, his body jolting with every jumpscare. And with a trembling voice, he would try to protect you from the actors.
The conclusion? Well, he ended up needing to be escorted out because he nearly knocked someone out with his fist screaming, accidentally breaking the majority of the set, including a cast member’s nose while at it, “get the fuck away, you gremlin!”
“It’s the heart that matters…” Suguru mumbled, shaking his head while standing beside you, both pitifully watching Satoru catch his breath under the shade, body slumped with his legs spread out while chugging some water. 
Escorted is kindly speaking for what he did — kicked out is more exact. 
The second time was when he thought Megumi was dead. The pure shock in his eyes when he found the little boy unmoving with arms flayed like a starfish in the middle of the living room, unresponsive to his teasing chimes when entering through the door. 
“My little brats, look what I bought — what the fuck?!” Satoru’s body immediately retaliated, tripping on his way as he ran to the living room with one shoe barely on.
You can’t forget the shrill in his voice when he saw Megumi with red splattered all over his chest, the rise and fall of his agile body barely visible. 
With his lips quivering, Satoru hurriedly dropped to his knees to check the boy’s responsiveness, only to almost faint — going from heaven and down because god decided to boot him back to earth — when Megumi suddenly woke up, with his hands mimicking a ghost, 
“Boo!” The boy stated with the littlest of emotions, face paling with nonchalance. 
“AHHH ahhHHHH!” your boyfriend screamed, falling back with his chest huffing for air and his cerulean eyes about to pop out of his sockets while his glasses landed crooked on his nose.
It was ketchup. 
And off on the side, you could hear a little girl giggling while peeping at the scene from the small corner of the hall, trying to record it all on her phone cutely strapped around her neck.
“I’m going to tell your dad,” Satoru grunted while lying down, pulling the little boy on top of him while squishing his chubby cheeks, “I should just throw you in the dumpster and tell your dad you ran away, you brat.”
“Otou-san said you can’t,” Megumi muttered, sticking out his tongue, his small hands struggling to grasp around Satoru’s wrists with a furrow to his dark brows.
And running over from the corner, giggling while she plopped herself on top of her brother, Satoru released a deep grunt from the impact.
“Papa said he’ll kick your ass if you do, Satoru-kun!” Tsumiki giggled while showing him the front screen of her phone, flashing him a toothless smile.
“You did not just call your dad!” Satoru immediately grabbed it when he saw who it was, the utter annoyance of his face dispelling with each second he was on call.
“I hope my kids are well, Gojo-kun,” a deeper voice radiated from Tsumiki’s cell, one with more maturity and weight, “and will not be found in some dumpster when I come back, right?”
Satoru’s face sours and a frown immediately forms, “Hey! At least pay me — Ow!” he grunted while Tsumiki made her way down to attack her next victim – the locks of his white hair. 
“As I was saying, at least pay me to clean up after these brats,” he slightly turned around to see the little girl playing with his hair, her nimble fingers painfully unaware of the strength they beheld when she tugged at his strands, “Tsumiki-chan ow! Be gentle with the hair please…” he pleaded before giving her father back his attention, “I’m not your company’s intern anymore!” 
“You're already rich, don’t be so selfish with money Gojo-kun,” the man sarcastically nagged.  
“Maybe we can cordially talk when you make it into the top ten of the list,” Toji further teased. Clearly, your boyfriend’s vexed expressions were the fuel for further aggravating him, “until then you’re always be my intern.”
“You fuck at least put —” you instantly close his mouth with your hand, giving him a quick glare to shut his mouth. 
“Good afternoon Zenin-san,” you smiled unsure why the screen was so dimly lit, but your attention quickly gathered to your boyfriend trying to lick your palm. 
Pulling away when you felt his warm tongue swirling around your palm, you glared down at Satoru cheekily smiling back with a wink.
"I like it when you put me in place."
“Satoru that’s gross —”
“Well, it’s actually 2 am here," Toji cleared his throat, "but I presume Satoru’s keeping things pg friendly,” the older man smirked, the edge of his scarred lip slightly tugging upward when he noticed your mortified expression — he’s topless, completely bare with his pectorals bulging, just showing right above his nipples. 
“O-oh gosh, I’m sorry,” you tried looking elsewhere, distracting yourself by looking at the kids bothering Satoru. Surely, the man was far from being pg-friendly with his nips teasing to show.
“No need, it’s my fault, I picked up because Tsumiki called,” Toji grunted, reaching over to quickly pull a shirt over himself, “but I didn’t mean to scare you, darling.” Despite his large physique and sharp features, with his gaze piercing and cut-throating low voice, Toji was sweet, a good father to both his children — a reputable person overall. It radiated from the way he spoke, his aura, and how he disciplined his children. If he wasn’t, surely your boyfriend wouldn’t have kept in contact willingly with his mortal enemy. He would’ve never agreed to take care of his kids, despite Satoru adamantly arguing that he was thrown into it. 
Peeved that your attention wasn’t on him but the obnoxious prick on the screen Satoru grumbled while rolling his eyes with a hand squishing both of Megumi’s cheeks, while the boy desperately tried to pull himself away, and the other holding onto his hair from being pulled out by Tsumiki. 
“Stop flirting with my girlfriend, weirdo.”
“There’s a beautiful lady in front of me that’s very good with my kids.” Both his children nodded in agreement, with Megumi mumbling through his puckered lips, “and cooks better too, does everything better than you,” the little boy glared at Satoru’s appalled expression, stretching out his short arms trying to reciprocate his actions.
“Megumi-chan! You’re being rude,” Satoru pouted while he tried to dodge Megumi’s advances on trying to smother his face. 
“So, can you blame me when she stole my attention? I’ll be a fool to let her go.” The man winked at you, a childish glim to his eyes, one similar to his children – especially his son.
And as by reflex, the moment he heard those words, Satoru carefully yet swiftly put Megumi down, and set him on his lap before grabbing the phone from you, “Nope, nuh uh, we ain’t doing this today. Imma bill you for the overseas phone charge.” And flipping the screen to his kids, “and kids say your final goodbyes to your dad.”
“Bye papa! See you tomorrow! Bring lots of gifts please!” Tsumiki giggled while waving goodbye with her brother.
“one minute late and these gremlins are in the dumpster,” Satoru grumbled at Toji despite Megumi securely sitting in his arms, and Tsumiki practically hanging off his shoulders.
“I’ll see you both tomorrow, alright? Listen well and be good,” contently smiling at his beloved children, and nodding a sign of gratitude towards you before smirking at your heated boyfriend, “and I’ll be expecting a coffee from you my Intern, no sugar with light — ” 
The call has ended. 
“Papa will get you for that…” Tsumiki giggled with her arms tightly around Satoru’s neck, her small feet bouncing up and down in excitement.
“Well, I can take him,” your boyfriend muttered before snatching both kids, tucking one in each arm, and carrying them off to their respective room, “wait for me here babe, gotta put these brats in the dumpster.”
“Remember to clean off the ketchup on Megumi’s shirt as well!” you called out, giggling when you heard the two bickering off in the distance.
“Ketchup?! Do you know how expensive this shirt is?”
“No, but it’s probably not expensive because you’re wearing it.”
“Why you little —”
And well, today, this happened to be the third time. Albeit, his voice wasn’t as high pitched during his freak episode at the horror house but still. It was almost on par — just a little deeper but a lot more dramatic.
“ahHHH baaaaaaaabe!” His scream barely muffled despite coming from the second floor.
“What! What! Satoru!” you jolted from the couch, your eyes searching for him while adrenaline quickly struck through your body, “what happened!”
You heard him drawing closer. The thunderous thuds of his feet slapping against the floor and the painful thumps of his body hitting the wall become louder with each millisecond.
And as if on autopilot, your boyfriend ran down the steps with a white cotton towel loosely wrapped around his hips with his torso bare and arms deliciously flexed while clenching his damp white hair.
It was a miracle he didn’t trip down those stairs. But would’ve sure been a sight to see – for both your amusement and admiration. 
“Babe!” he shrieked while fastidiously running over, “it’s hideous!” he yelled while making a complete stop in front of you with his chest heaving. You weren’t sure if his hip dimples and his inguinal crease were oddly accentuated more than usual because he was just half-naked… or because he looked hot half-naked. Though the shrill of his voice did make you reconsider your options.
“Look!” he screeched, his body shriveling up in panic while his lips formed an immediate pout when you couldn’t notice his dilemma. 
“What is?!” you scanned his face, seeing nothing abnormal about it.
“Can’t you see?” he whined, his eyes desperate for you to notice, “look at this!” he pointed to a particular red spot right under his nose.
“It’s a pimple, Satoru,” you deadpanned, “what about it?”
“I know… I never had one in my life,” he groaned while dramatically falling onto the couch, uncaring if he wasn’t particularly wearing anything underneath.
Rolling your eyes, “Welcome to the mortal world, Satoru,” you murmured while slumping onto the couch with him, "you almost gave me a heart attack." 
You tried to steady your breath, glancing over to check up on your over-dramatic boyfriend rocking himself while murmuring under his breath. With his toned back delicately carved in areas you didn’t even know muscle existed, you choked back a moan and mentally slapped yourself from trying to restrain yourself from feeling every crevice of his toned body.
“and you might want to close your legs a bit unless you want to go to jail for flashing any innocent eyes.”
“I give up,” he sobbed while crouching over with his hands fisting his hair, his towel barely wrapping around his pelvis, and the crack of his ass cheekily peaking through the edge.
Dramatically, through his breath, “I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.”
“Aren’t you being a little too much?” you chuckled while shaking your head, pushing yourself off the couch to sit on his firm lap, his arms immediately finding refuge around your waist. 
“No,” he sulked, his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, “now I’m repulsive.”
“It’s just a pimple, ‘Toru you still look pretty —” he further burrowed his face towards you, his warm breath just gliding against your skin, almost ticking you as he unknowingly moaned when you accidentally scooted closer to his body, just brushing against his minutely exposed manhood.
“No, you don’t understand,” he interjected, his voice slowly morphing into an exaggerated sob, “it’s not just a pimple, this pimple strips all my privileges and dignity of being your hot boyfriend.”
Satoru tended to exaggerate. The most recent being the time Suguru called you, a couple of weeks back, dramatically stating he was sick and in the hospital for an unknown disease. Only for that unknown disease to suddenly also be an uncurable one via text that oddly didn’t have Suguru’s usual texting style, with too many emoticons and expressions, but you dismissed it while frantically making your way to the hospital.
It was hard to define the emotions you felt when you heard from Shoko herself — appalled, flabbergasted, stunned?
No — none of the above. there were no words because your boyfriend always managed to leave you breathless — literally and figuratively.
“I’m sorry… h-he has…” pursing her lips as she clenched her fists, “I need attention or else I’ll die disease,” the doctor mouthed sorry right after. 
And that’s fine if he did, the issue was that he tended to exaggerate, teasing against the boundaries of being a complete lunatic or passionate. A case you have yet to solve, but you wish it was the latter. 
“You big baby, you’ll be fine,” you comforted while combing your fingers through his soft hair, the faint smell of his shampoo tickling your senses.
Massaging his scalp, knowing all will be well, even his dramatic ass will soon dissipate if you coddled him just the right way, “see,” you hummed while pointing to the blemishes on your face, “look, ‘Toru! I have some too!”
“But yours is different,” he didn’t even look up, “and you have four, pumpkin I counted this morning,” he mumbled.
“Okay, rude, I do not,” you pulled back your hand, his head immediately jolting over to look at you with a little frown.
“Stop that, put it back,” he grumbled, taking your hand and placing it back on his head, “you do.”
“Hey —” 
“I kiss them every morning, and I’ll kiss a hundred more if you have them.” Kissing the back of his hand before groaning with his face nuzzled into your stomach. “But that’s beside the point, I look hideous.” 
“Wow, sir,” cupping his face, his lips protruding out and cheeks squished in your small hands. 
“Hey!” he retaliated at the audacity for you to pull away again, yet you felt his hand immediately find refuge on your hips, pulling you closer to him.
“You’re obsessed.” you giggled, pinching his cheeks, feeling a sense of familiar butterflies when you saw him slightly furrowed his brows as he let you play with him.
“Yea, so vhat? It’s muthing mew,” he grumbled, his words muffled as you squeezed his cheeks. 
“Nothing,” you hummed, “let me kiss yours too then.”
Looking off the side, muttering under his breath as he tried to nonchalantly lean closer into you,  "i think… that’ll make me feel better…”
Despite the craziness that he imposed and the rambunctious energy he dissipated off the clock, Satoru was easy to love.
“Muah!” You placed a kiss on his small blemish, “you’ll be my cute Rudolph till this goes away,” you teased.
“You’re the worst.” 
“Who'll humble your high ego but me,” dramatically sighing before pushing back his bangs and placing a soft kiss on his forehead, “it’s a draining job, you know?” 
“Stop teasing,” he pulled you into his body, his arms tightly wrapping around your waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, “be nice to me because I'm suffering.”
“You’re still handsome,’Toru,” you cooed, feeling the whispers of his breath glide against your skin, his hair lightly tickling you.
“Yea? Tell me more.” Satoru’s lips gently peppered along your torso and up your neck, the heat of his body radiating over to yours making you feel hot with his tender touch as he ran his hand warmly down your back.
“Nope!” you smirked, pulling his gaze upward as you stared down at his glistening eyes, “one compliment a day, or else you become unmanageable with your pride.” 
“wow, just tell me you hate me,” he grumbled.
“Gotta keep my princess humble, ya know?” you winked before landing a short, sweet kiss on his soft lips. “let’s go upstairs, ‘Toru” tapping his back.
But instead, you felt his arms tightening around you, ignoring your words as he further nuzzled himself into your chest. “C’me on loser, I’ll put some medicine on it for you,” you softly stated, gently pulling away to stand up while grasping his hand, using extra strength to tug his dead weight.
“Just watch, the little brat is going to say something, I just know…” he groaned while he followed you to the bathroom, his feet practically dragging behind you like a toddler.
“Ten bucks he’s going to say something.” Satoru bargained, leaning against the kitchen counter while he took a sip of water. 
“Just act normally, Satoru… there’s no way he’ll know, he’s only a child.” Your eyes were focused on putting a couple of bandages on his right hand, small cuts that he’d gotten from the morning trying to prepare breakfast.
“You truly undermine him, he’s not your average kid… he’s scary, babe.” Shuddering while clenching his eyes, “evil just like his dad.”
“Well I do think Toji-san is a gentleman, and Megumi will grow just like him.” you hummed while locking up the first aid kit, “and plus, you’re the one that agreed to babysitting them.”
“I didn’t agree, I was forced to,” he corrected, “the man threatened me if I didn’t.”
“I’m sure Toji-san didn't threaten you.”
“You don’t know him like I do, the man is the devil himself.” 
“I mean… he was technically your boss since you decided to intern for him.”
“It was that or I was to get engaged to —“
The door opens. Satoru flinches when he hears two different steps come through the hall — one happily skipping, unthreatening, the other… silently treading closer in, each step mysterious like the stoicism on his face.
“We’re back!” The older one chirped, the bottom of her bag lightly tapping against her back while she ran over, her small feet softly rapping against the floor.
“Hey pumpkin,” you welcomed, dropping to your knees to level to her height, opening up your arms to offer her a hug and take her bag, “you hungry, kiddo?”
“Mhm,” Tsumiki giggled, flashing her eye smile, “also! I finished all my lunch too!”
“Aww you did?” Nuzzling your nose with hers while she gently cupped your face, “Satoru tried extra hard with it today,” you grinned.
“Satoru-kun made us late again.”
“Oh he did,” you raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend awkwardly trying to avoid your gaze, “guess, he forgot to mention that to me today,” you responded looking back at him awkwardly avoiding your gaze.
“but I forgive him because everyone was jealous of my lunch today!” jumping on her toes, her face filled with excitement, “And he did my hair, look!”
“You little gremlin, that was supposed to be a secret.” Gojo huffed, hiding his bandaged hand behind his back, unable to hide the twitch of his lips, proud of the little girl’s compliment.
“Hello.” a toneless voice alerted his presence from behind you, raising his hand to say his greetings with the typical indifference to his face.
You can almost hear the sharp gulp Satoru took when Megumi entered — viscous and think, nervously pulled down his throat.
“Hello, Megumi-chan,” you warmly smiled, reaching over to take his bag.
“It’s okay, I got it,” the boy murmured, “it’s heavy and you have Tsumiki’s already.”
“What a gentleman,” you cooed while gently tapping his head, “go wash your hands, ‘Toru and I will prepare your snacks.”
“Okay,” Megumi mumbled while walking away, taking a quick glance at Satoru before heading over to the restroom. 
Quickly standing up and quietly jogging over Satoru, you whispered while nudging him with your elbow, “See, I told you ‘Toru, he didn’t notice.”
“There’s something off…” his gaze warily staring at the back of Megumi’s head, “I swore I saw him —”
“Well, I think you’re just overreacting, he’s just a child —"
“guess Christmas came early.” the little boy muttered just before entering the bathroom, smirking as he pointed forward, making it abundantly clear who the recipient was of his comment. 
“You’re silly, December just started, Gumi.” Tsumiki stated, confusion apparent in her tone at her brother's statement as she stepped onto the stool to reach the sink faucet.
No fucking way.
Megumi didn’t greet Satoru with his usual monotonous voice when he came home today. but instead chose to say his greetings in a rather more peculiar way, one with a higher pitch — the same one he had when he almost killed Satoru with his little prank months prior.
“Because look, Tsumiki, it’s Rudolph.” 
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author's comment: did you guess it?? it's howl from howl's moving castle! the specific scene with sophie mixed his potions while cleaning his bathroom and he has a mental breakdown? i saw an artist draw satoru as howl and I couldn't get it out of my head!!
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“Steve, it’s an emergency. I need to kiss you. Actually, I need you to kiss me. But I can’t just do it without asking because what if you don’t want me to, and I practically attack you? So yes or no? I swear it’s for a good cause.” Eddie comes running up to Steve in the bar, panting so hard Steve can see the chest movements.
They have taken Robin to a bar out in Indy to get her laid finally. Or at least a tongue in her mouth. The girl is pent up. And it’s Steve’s job as best friend to make that happen (Robin has told him to stop saying that, ‘it is gross’). Eddie is the only other queer person they know and, luckily, has made quite a few trips to Indy to know which bars were the good ones. He tells Steve that, like Robin, he is desperate to get laid, so this is the perfect opportunity.
Steve does his best to try and ignore the burning jealousy he feels at that. Eddie doesn’t know about his feelings (hell about his sexuality), and Steve is pretty sure Eddie doesn’t see him that way.
“Huh?” Asks confused, his brain struggling to process.
“Okay, I see you’re stuck on how to answer, but Steve—“ Eddie grips Steve’s shoulder, and Steve tries not to swoon. “—my ex, the extra shitty one, is here, and if he sees me alone I’ll either a) go home with him tonight and—“
Steve cuts Eddie off with a searing kiss. The thought of Eddie going home with someone else was enough for Steve’s brain to catch up to speed. Steve presses Eddie against the bar. The loud bass of the music suddenly becomes a light thrum in the background. All that he feels is the delightful pressure of their lips together. Eddie’s hands slide up into Steve’s hair as he gets pressed harder into the bar. Steve’s hands' grip Eddie’s waist and give them a tight squeeze. The idea of bruises being left behind, a mark of what they are doing here, makes Steve deepen the kiss. His tongue used to massage Eddie’s, tasting the menthol and rum on his breath. Eddie moans loud and heavy, vibrating Steve’s entire body.
“Eddie?” A voice interrupts them. Steve feels his anger spark back slightly but wills it down because the interruption is probably needed. They are very close to getting kicked out for public indecency.
“Oh hey, Ryan.” Eddie looks the blonde man up and down. He’s cute, Steve notes, but he lacked personality in his appearance. He isn’t what Steve expects from an ex of Eddie’s. He isn’t naive enough to think Eddie dates exclusively metal heads, but he expects someone to match Eddie’s energy. This guy—Ryan apparently—looks like every other guy you’d find on a Sunday in Supermart. Boring and lacking imagination.
“Who’s this?” Ryan looks at Steve pissed.
“Steve?” Eddie wraps an arm around his waist, bringing Steve close up against him. “This is my boyfriend.”
“This dude’s your boyfriend?” Ryan snorts. “C'mon baby, I know you can do better.”
Steve feels his anger finally pop. “He is not your baby. Yea, he can do better than both of us combine, but I’m lucky enough to get him. Now, you interrupted our time together, and we both know you saw what we’re up to, so don’t act like it wasn’t on purpose.”
Ryan startles backwards, “I—“
“Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear. I meant leave the fuck right now.” Steve grits out, some of his Upside Down protection mode popping out. Ryan scatters quickly.
“Jesus, Steve, that was amazing. I’m sorry I had to make you uncomfortable with that.” Eddie’s eyes find his and cuts Steve off before he can protest and explain no, he really did like that “—and you never even let me explain reason b, by the way! Reason b is b) he would probably humiliate me in the middle of the club.”
Steve nods at Eddie but has one track mind at this point. He grabs Eddie by the face this time before crashing their lips together once again. This time Steve moans into Eddie’s mouth as they both get lost in the kiss.
Steve pulls back ever so slightly and talks directly into Eddie’s mouth, “Sorry. I think he’s still staring. Needed to do more.”
Eddie, with swollen lips and a kissed-out face, looks around the bar to find nothing. “I don’t see him anywhere.”
Steve smirks and pulls Eddie by his belt loops so they are flushed together. Steve leans into Eddie’s ear and nibbles at his lobe. “Hmmm, you’re right. I think he’s actually in the bathroom. Maybe we should kiss in front of him there.” Steve whispers hotly.
Eddie’s brain, which has short-circuited much like Steve only minutes ago, finally catches up. Eddie groans, his face collapsing into Steve’s neck. He licks a stripe up Steve’s neck all the way to his mouth. “Fuck. Yea, baby, I think I saw him too. Think kissing, though, won’t be enough. We might need to up our game.”
Steve nips at Eddie’s lips, “I was hoping you would say that. Guess I just know how much you love your games, Eds.”
They meet each other for one last searing kiss before rushing to the bathrooms to share a very tight, very heated stall.
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Skinny Dipping
Pairing: Dean WInchester/F!Reader
Authors note: This has the been the hardest, and biggest of my re-mastered fics so far. I’m pretty sure the original was an amalgamation of imagines from supernaturalimagine and dirtysupernaturalimagines but I couldn’t even guess at which imagines exactly. This is like, my 4th public/semi-public fic in like 3 months, I’m starting to feel like this is a kink I didn’t know I had.  Also, Metallica have not cancelled anything, don’t worry. (and I don’t know jack about cars, people that do, please don’t come for me, I really did try, k, thanks, bye.) 💖
Plot: Reader is a mechanic who Dean's been checking in on, and checking out for a while now. Dean has the perfect excuse to see her after baby breaks down nearby.
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Rating: M/18+
Words: 2936
Content: Swearing, consumption of alcohol, reckless drunken/tipsy behaviour, being submerged underwater, skinny dipping, teasing, brief retraining, size-difference, dry-humping, (or I guess wet-humping), semi-public sex, unprotected sex, p in v, water sex, mild angst.
Please remember: If you never try, you’ll never know.
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You switch off the radio, listening to the purr of your car's ignition as you pull up behind a familiar black impala. It was a beauty, but it was nothing compared to your ‘70 boss. You watched as its owner climbed out of the front seat and headed towards you.
Its owner being your old friend Dean Winchester. He and his brother had saved you from a coven of witches a few years back, and ever since he’s been popping back into your life every few months. ‘Working on a case nearby’, ‘just passing through’, ‘baby needs a new compressor’. Every visit he laid the flirting on thicker. You weren’t sure if he was just joking around with you, or if he was serious, or if he saw you as a challenge. Either way you’d been making him work for it. Today it just so happened that his car had broken down a few miles out from your shop, the perfect excuse to see you on a Friday night.
You were pulled from your train of thought by a light tapping on your window. You snapped your head to the side to see Dean hovering over your door. His familiar smile set your heart racing. Okay, so maybe his seduction tactics were working, he was hot, who could blame you?
“Is there a problem, officer?” You joked, rolling down your window.
Dean rested an arm on the hood and leaned in. “No, no, just a routine check.” You knew he impersonated officers and agents all the time, but you hadn’t seen it firsthand. It was impressive how easily he slid into character.
“I am, however, gonna have to ask you to step out of the vehicle for a full strip search.”
Act ruined.
“At least buy me drink first.” You quipped.
“If you can help me, I’ll buy you a whole dinner.” He winked and opened the car door from the outside. You raised your brows at him but climbed out anyway before making a b-line for the impala’s engine.
“What’s wrong?” You directed your question to the car in the same tone you would address a small child or animal, gently rubbing a hand across its roof as you walked beside it. "Has someone been neglecting you?”
“Hey!” Dean barked, clearly offended. “I take better care of this baby than I do myself.”
At that you looked back over at him. He’d forgone his usual flannel today, leaving him in a pair of jeans that hugged him in all the right places and a grey t-shirt that clung tight and accentuated his broad chest. By the time your eyes reached his face, Dean was sporting a wicked grin, clearly ecstatic to have caught you checking him out. You avoid his smug gaze by popping the hood of his car to take a look at the engine.
“You weren’t kidding.” You whistled; Dean really was taking care of the thing.  The motor was almost gleaming. You felt his warm hand suddenly press against your lower back and turn to look up at him. The expression on his face could only be described as that of a proud father.
“Yeah.” He agreed before pointing to the main battery with his free hand: “This is the problem. It’s busted.”
“Ah, you’re gonna need a new one. I’m surprised you don’t keep a spare.” 
“Yeah.” To his credit, he looked pretty sheepish. “I normally do, but guess I forgot when the last one went out.”
“I don’t have one.” You said, pursing your lips to express your sympathies.
Dean didn’t respond, biting his lip while he waited for you to continue.
“But I could give you a jump start if you gotta head out soon.” You bring the hood back down and start heading to the boot of your car.
“No good,” Dean calls after you. “I’m not in a rush, but I don’t have enough gas to get me where I’m going.”
“Well… I’ve got a guy. He’s a few towns over. He’s closed at this time.” You inform as you open your boot and pull out your tow rope, flashing it to Dean with a smile. I can tow you into town for tonight, then drive you there and back in the morning.”
“I knew I could count on you!”
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An hour later, you’d slowly but surely managed to drag Dean and his baby back into town, argued with him about him staying at a motel or on your couch (you’d won), and successfully swindled him into buying you that dinner he’d promised. Dinner being take-put pizza and over-priced ice-cream. Now, the two of you were sitting in your backyard, sharing the aforementioned ice-cream and an old bottle of Jack Daniels you’d pulled from the back of your cupboards. 
“So,” Dean began, his speech slurred by the spoon hanging from his mouth. How’s the garage doin’?”
You take a sip of the JD and proceed to suck on your teeth as you consider how to respond.
“Honestly, bad. Ever since that shitty corporate place set up shop down the road, we’ve been going downhill.” You punctuate your statement with another sip from the bottle before offering it to Dean. “I’m keeping it up and running by tooth and claw, but truthfully, it’s probably only got a few months left in it.” 
He gives you a sombre smile as he exchanges the tub of ice cream for the bottle. It's a touchy subject, but you can’t help admiring the way his neck moves as he tilts his head back to drink. You avert your eyes by scooping up the last bit of cold, sugary goodness and placing the empty container on the grass beside you.
“That sucks.” He places a hand on your shoulder, attempting to offer comfort. “That really sucks. Do you have a back-up plan?”
You grab the bottle back from Dean and take another sip before answering.
“I dunno. Sometimes I think about doing what you do. Kinda.” You begin. You don’t miss the way his entire body stiffens before you clarify. “Without the monsters. Just hit the road, get drunk at every bar in the country, visit Disney, become Metallica groupie, an-”
“You know they cancelled that tour, right?” Dean butts in.
“WHAT?” You shake his hand off and stare up at him in disbelief.
“Yeah.” He shrugs. The smile on his face is anything but sympathetic.
“Bastards.” You cross your arms and pout dramatically. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but the laugh that escapes Dean's lips is magical, and you can’t help but join in. When he returns his hand to your shoulder, this time reaching for the furthest from him, thus wrapping himself around you, your skin tingles, and you let yourself fall into him.
As the two of you slowly seize your giggling, Dean checks his watch. He quirks an evocative brow at you when he speaks, “It’s getting late. Maybe we should head inside?”
You mull it over, dramatically swaying your head from side to side before you voice your decision. “Actually, I have a better idea.”
You stand up, offering your hand to Dean, who eyes you sceptically. Nevertheless, he takes the bait, placing his hand in yours and allowing you to lead him toward the footpath just outside your garden.
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“Where are you taking me?” he asks, and you can sense the caution in his voice. You assume it’s the hunter in him being paranoid, and you know for a fact that his free hand is hovering over the knife he keeps tucked into the back of his jeans at all times.
“I’m taking you here,” you answer as you pull him through the last set of trees and onto the shore of the local lake. You scan the surrounding area as you kick off your shoes. Satisfied that nobody is nearby, you start pulling off your trousers.
As you bend down to pull your socks off, you look up at Dean. He’s staring back at you intensely, mouth open, cheeks pink.
When you start pulling your top over your head you feel his fingers lightly brush against your hips. He’d stepped closer, and you’re tempted to touch him back or to reach up and kiss him. But you don’t. Instead, you throw your top over his head and sprint for the water.
“RACE YOU!” You challenge, discarding your bra and panties before you reach the water and forward dive in. Dean follows you moments later with a cannonball that splashes your face just as you’re resurfacing from your own dive.
“Fuck! That’s colder than I expected.” You yell to him.
“I’ll warm you up.” Dean replies as he swims close to you. You let his hands return to your hips, not expecting it when he dunks you back under the water.
You cough and splurge as he brings you back up. You flail your arms around until you find the top of his head, and you cling to him for dear life, but Deans is stronger, taller, and he’s found solid ground to plant his feet onto below the water. He escapes your grip and throws you under again.
“STOP. MERCY!” You yell when you come back up. This time, you use your legs for safety, wrapping them around his hips. You'd be safe if you could just get a grip on his arms. You’d been too distracted to notice his erection until you feel it poking at you. You’re about to make a comment about it, but Dean speaks first.
“You’re cute when you’re scared.” He laughs, you silence him with a swift but playful punch to the chest. In defence he grabs at your wrists, able to trap both in just one of his hands. His other hand slides up your arms, over your shoulder, your neck, until he reaches your cheek. He leisurely rubs his thumb against your wet skin.
You stay like that for a while, watching each other, before you finally ask, “Are you gonna kiss me or what?”
Without any further hesitation Dean lunges forward, forcing his lips against yours. His kiss is hard and animalistic; he skips straight past the pecking and teasing to roaming your mouth with his tongue. His fingers leave your cheek and weave into your hair, holding you against him, his stubble scratches against your skin.
In a play for dominance, you dart your own tongue out, grazing his chapped lips, but he denies you. Instead, he pulls away from your lips, refocusing his attention on nipping and kissing at your jaw, neck, and collarbone.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been imagining this.” He utters onto your skin.
“What, this exact scenario?” You joke.
“Not exactly.” He lets out a breathy chuckle, and the gust of air against your skin makes you tremble.
“Then what?” You challenge. Your inability to touch him is frustrating you. In an attempt to stimulate him back, you grip your legs around him tighter, using him as leverage to grind against him. The tip of his cock doesn’t quite reach your clit, but its added pressure helps it spread your lips. “Tell me.”
He drops his hand from your head, and cups it under your asscheek. Firmly guiding you up and down, assisting you in rutting against his cock. Shakey breaths become grunts, and after a few seconds he releases your wrists so that he can grip you with both hands. Free to move, you shimmy down his body until you can feel his dick brush against your clit with each grind.
“Come on, tell me.” You plead, reaching up to card your fingers through his hair, your grip tightening every time he hits your sweet spot. You know he's not shy, that he’s just getting lost in the feeling, and it pains you to say it, but eventually, you taunt. “I’m not gonna fuck you if you don’t tell me.”
He whimpers at your empty threat but finally confesses. “Just you. Your body, under me. Every night, I think about how you’d look, how you’d feel squirming, moaning my name.”
“Fuck. That’s hot.” You reply and he smiles as you plant your lips against his once again.
“Can I fuck you now?” He asks, speech slurred as he tries to speak between kisses.
“Yes.” You respond instantly, pulling back to look him in the eye. “Please fuck me, Dean.”
He doesn’t hesitate. His grip on your ass is like a vice as he lifts you up slightly. You both work in sync to position yourselves just right until he lowers you onto his cock, slowly pressing into you. There’s some resistance as he stretches your walls, but the sound of his whispered praises helps you relax until he finally bottoms out, stretching you in all the right places.
“Fuck, that feels so good. You took me so well.” He affirms, and even though he’s already balls deep, you can’t help the heat that spreads across your face.
He begins lifting you again before you can respond, sliding you up and down his cock in slow, steady movements. You grip tight to his shoulders and hips with your hands and knees, using them as leverage points to help move your body up and down. Each thrush is slow and shallow, but Dean seems to be loving it; his head rolls back, and he releases breathy moans with every rock.
“Shit.” You shout, holding tighter still when Dean unexpectedly shifts below you, repositioning his legs to a sturdier position. You watch through hazy eyes as he reaches up and grips your hand, before guiding it down the tight space between your bodies. You get the message quickly, and begin rubbing your clit in lazy circles, keeping in time with the pace of Dean's cock.
The added stimulation had your toes curling in no time. When your pussy starts clenching around Dean’s cock, you see the sudden concentration in his face. His brow furrows, and he bites his lip as he focuses on riding you through your orgasm. The sight was the final push you need to take you over the edge.
“Fuck, Dean. Fuck fuck fuck, that feels good.” You cry out as you hit your climax.
“Keep saying my name, baby.” Dean begs as he continues rolling your hips together. You feel his body shake as he starts to struggle with your combined weights as he chases his own release.
You try to assist, desperately pumping yourself up and down despite the newfound sensitivity as you chant his name.
“Fuck, yes baby.” You feel the twitch of his cock inside you. He buries his head in the crook of your neck as he hits his orgasm, rutting his cock as deep as he can as he cums inside you. “oohhh yeah.”
You stay in position for a long time following, holding on tight to each other, listening to each other's breathing as you come back down, until Dean guides your body backwards so that you’re face to face again. “How you feelin’?”
“Good.” You reply with a smile.
“Good.” He grins at you mischievously before plunging backwards into the water, taking you with him.
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“So, was that everything you imagined it to be?”
He purses his lips in thought before teasingly responding. “Eh, it wasn’t bad.”
You both laugh as you lay your head down on Dean's bare chest; his arms envelop your body as you both blankly look up at the stars. You play with the hem of the shirt you’d stolen from him when you emerged from the water and re-dressed.
“You should do it.” Dean says when you're both fully settled down.
“Do what?” You query, popping your head up to look at him, unsure what he’s talking about.
“Hit the road.” He clarifies, revisiting your earlier conversation. “I mean, life on the road isn’t easy or sustainable, trust me, I know.”
“But…” You prompt, knowing fully that he wasn’t going to stop there.
“But it could be fun for a while. If it’s what you wanna do. Hell, I’d totally be a roadie if… you know.”
“I know,” You reply. You’re smiling at him, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. The reminder of your failing business stung, but you didn’t want it to spoil your night. You lean forward, caressing his cheek; his stubble feels rough against your fingers. You gently pull his face forward and plant a chaste kiss on his lips. “I might. I probably will. If it comes to it.”
“I can’t come with you.” He says when you lean away. You hadn’t expected him to want to come with you. Hoped, maybe? But you knew it wasn’t a possibility.
“I know.” You repeat.
He carefully reaches up to run his hand across your damp hair as he pulls you in for another kiss. This one is longer, softer than any you’d shared all night. When you’re done, he lets his head fall back against the ground, and you perch yourself against his chest once more. 
“You’ll still call me though, right?”
“Always.” He replies instantly. “You’re my best girl. Well, second-best girl.”
“The car?” You ask deadpan. Of course, the car is his number one.
“Who else?” He replies shamelessly.
You’re not sure how long you stayed like that, entwined in each other’s arms, spent and damp under the stars, until eventually, you feel your lids growing heavy. You fight it for a while, willing yourself to remain awake, until eventually your tiredness wins out. You cuddle closer into the warmth of Dean's chest as you fall asleep.
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pia-nor481 · 4 months
Daniel Ricciardo NSFW alphabet
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A-Aftercare (what they're like after sex?)
He very much likes looking after her, so imagine long showers/ baths. He is certified skincareologist-he has watched her do the routines so many times that he's a professional now. Plus he loves to rub moisturisers all over her body. He loves physical contact so don't expect to be left alone.
B-Body part (what is their favourite part of theirs and their partner?)
I think he really likes his abs, it's just nice to look at. (The fact he doesn't like his side profile is criminal)
He LOVES his partners hips, perfect to grab. I believe he likes to hold her hips when dancing, or railing her.
C-Cum (anything to do with cum)
I don't think he Cums a lot, volume wise. But he just loves to cum. I believe he has a preference of cumming inside, however he's happy with where ever she wants it.
D-Dirty secret (just a dirty secret of theirs)
I think he’d really want to fuck in slightly public places, a pool is the best example. Just something about it is so appealing.
E- Experience (how experienced are they)
VERY. He's obviously very attractive and so has had many girls. He's learned all of the possible techniques and doesn't need guidance. He loves to try our new methods and can read her like a book.
F- Favourite position
Cowgirl- I don't know what you expected from me. He loves any position where she's riding him. Or maybe where she's up against a wall. He also definitely likes car sex (have you seen the interview?)
G- Goofy (how serious are they in the moment)
75% serious. He likes to really focus on the sex but other times he just can't help but he his funny self.
H- Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes)
The hair is exactly the same. I will say though he strikes me as someone who's completely clean shaven, but waits quite a while to shave again. It's not a matter of forgetting or laziness, but actually convince. He doesn't have to trim it as often this way. He does have a tummy trail which I think is cute- even though no one asked.
I- Intimacy (how are they during the moment? Romantic? Pleasure driven?)
Very romantic, he likes to be sweet and loving. Daniel definitely likes to hold hands. But I can also see him just repeating "fuck" as he's pounding her when she's pushed up against some wall, and he's just so desperate for pleasure that's all he can think about.
J- Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Self care king. He actually really likes to masturbate, whether that he by himself or with her watching. He does really enjoy his hand.
K- Kinks (one or more of their kinks)
BDSM- not in a super SM way. He likes restraints and blindfolds, but not necessarily pain. A little is fun, just enough that it doesn’t cause an issue for the following day
Wax- he likes to drip hot wax down her body during the off season. This definitely started with one of those lotion candles and then with some other low temperature melting candles.
Edging- Daniel loves hearing her beg to cum, bucking her hips towards him just for that release. But he doesn’t like to give it to her straight away.
L- Location (their favourite place)
Anywhere in the house-the kitchen is great for bending her over, or eating her out while she's sat on the counter. The living room is perfect for soft/cuddley sofa sex, or when she wants to ride him, but he must have his hands on her.
The car- anytime Daniel gets a new car he makes a point of driving her somewhere, whether it's just the longest route possible or to go to a secluded location. He likes the option of her riding him in the front, or fucking her in the back. Also, road head!!
M- Motivation (what gets them going?)
He loves a sexy phone call, or a really long voice note of her pleasuring herself. He's not fond of sexting but, phone sex is one of his favourites. So just hearing her saying things like "I'm so wet just thinking about what you're going to do to me tomorrow." He just can't resist.
The dancing has made a come back, even if it's very innocent, he'll find a way.
He's a man and so will like visual things, so anytime you're showing him an outfit, or he sees lingerie.
N- No (what turns them off)
Anything typically considered "gross" like piss and such. This might just be me protecting my hate, you do you though.
I also don't think he wasn't to be a cuck. Or a bottom tbh
O- Oral (preference on giving or receiving. Skill)
This man loves blow jobs so much it's unreal. I could spend hours talking about this. He enjoys most techniques, when his tip is up against the roof of her mouth, or pushing against her cheek, or when is dick is down her throat. He loves it all!!! He does also really love giving, I think this is something he's grown more into liking. He might need a little convincing for her to ride his face but once he starts he doesn't want to stop. Pussy DRUNK.
P- Pace (Are they fast or slow? Rough or sensual?)
He loves to be sensual, his love language is physical touch so you should know he's taking his time to really feel absolutely everything. That doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy hardcore. He likes rough and hard, he likes to be fast, when he wants to prove a point ;)
Q- Quickie (their opinions on them? How often?)
He is very neutral. It happens every now and then, he does enjoy them, but would definitely prefer lots of foreplay and teasing, no matter how much he likes to cum.
R- Risk (will they experiment? Do they take risks?)
I don't know if this is an Australian thing, but these lot seem to be up for pretty much everything. So I think he's more than happy to try anything that isn't a hard no. So he definitely takes risks.
S- Stamina (how many rounds do they go for?)
I don't think that many rounds (as much as I love him, he is 34) but that doesn't stop him. Probably 2/3
T-Toys (do they own any? Do they use them? On a partner or themself?)
I think there is one of every kind. But only one toy gets used at a time. You can have cuffs or a vibrator, not both. He doesn't really use them on himself, unless he's
U-Unfair (how much do they tease?)
He absolutely loves it. He’ll be torturing her clit for ages, then just pull away to kiss around her cunt, or onto her thighs. In my mind he always runs his hands over her body in a featherlight teasing manner.
V-Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
He groans very loud, and it’s always super throaty. I think he gets out of breath very quickly where he really likes to talk through out. It’s another way of his teasing.
W-Wild card (a random headcanon)
I think he actually quite liked period sex. Idk why, not to bring up the Australian thing again, but I genuinely believe he’d really like it. Just the intimacy and providing relief ig.
X-X-ray (how big are they?)
Definitely quite long, but not that thick. I think either bends very lightly left, or up.
Y- Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Not that high, however if she wanted to fuck, he’s never going to say no. I think now that he’s doing a lot more, he’s a lot busier :(
Z-Zzz (how quick do they fall asleep afterwards?)
I like to think that he stays up quite late. Daniel likes to fall asleep to noise (cannon) so he’d like conversations or just generally listening to her talk. Or maybe he’d put some soft music on.
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Pinterest wasn’t giving what I needed today. I was looking for such a specific image but it wasn’t providing.
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atrirose · 8 months
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ft. sim jake sfw (fluff) warning : kissing, chemistry wc.325
an.? reading my older post made me think jake needs a whole one shot for that headcanon cuz i can’t- I START TO BLUSH AT THAT,, AND WHOLE smiling between kisses is just 😭
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“so basically k is x plus y” you asked boyfriend jake who is smiling listening to you like you are reading him a love letter “ah no my love k over here is rate constant so it a into b, x plus y is the order of reaction” he said as he wrote down the formulas on your book.
“i can’t deal with this” you sighed heavily “how are u dealing with me ugh look at you all smiles, i would be frustrated if someone asked me help last minute and didn’t know the whole chapter” you said burying your face in your hands, “i can never get frustrated by you and it doesn’t matter we can always learn” jake said as he stroked your hair, it’s impossible to have a tutor as patient as jake, and it was nice and reassuring to have someone like that with you.
“try solving this one yn” jake said as he handed you another question “and” he turns your face as he bought his face closer to yours, his soft lips landed on yours, his hands snaking around your waist as you touch his jaw in surprise by the sudden kiss, his lips moved sensuously over yours as you pull his collar for more, he smiles against your lips between kisses
he does that a lot, smiling between kisses or during, it’s so frustratingly hot and you hate that he knows how get you all bothered and carving for more.
his eyelashes tickling you, he breaks the kisses leaving you breathless and fuzzy brain, then he presses wet kisses down your neck and collar bone by pulling your shirt a bit lower “jake?”
“hmm” he hummed against your neck for you to continue, he bites your neck. you pout as he pecks your lips one last time and goes back to writing more questions on a paper “now that you got that taste” he said with a devilish smirk “solve this and you would get a kiss on every right answer” he is so cruel, so cruelly beautiful.
“by the way the lip balm taste good”
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okkotsuus · 1 year
PLEASE i need that dealing with ur ex as ur boyf but for barou cus i KNOW that man would GO OFF!
ex encounters (bllk pt.2) !
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no because barou would beat the shit out of someone. i'm jut gonna include the rest i wanted for pt.2 with this <3
features: barou s. jingo r. rensuke k. meguru b.
contents: bad exes. ig hurt comfort. kind of comical. barou tries to fight someone. raichi actually fights someone. barou, raichi, and kunigami are physically imposing. bachira pretends to be cray cray (is he really pretending tho?). they're adults bc i said so. 1.9k words.
tw for the exes: copying you. light implied obsession. second choice. gas lighting. being physically imposing. cheating. implied love bombing. stage 5 clinger (derogatory). extremely mild stalking? (can't think of a better word for it).
pt.1 — pt.3 — pt.4
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barou would be so bothered, he would verbally degrade the poor dude to tears. not to mention how physically imposing the man is, the ex would be SPRINTING away.
it all started about three years ago when you broke up with your ex, because you just didn't love him anymore and didn't want to keep him trapped in a loveless relationship.
you always felt bad about it, but never bad enough to get back together with him. especially not after barou had barged his way into your life, conquering your heart.
you were sitting on a bench in the park while waiting for him to come back from getting ice cream for the two of you. y'know, not expecting to see your ex, you were minding your business and scrolling though tiktok.
"y/n, hey!" you looked up to see your ex, at first you were confused because frankly, you didn't recognize him. he had changed a lot about himself, physically, dying his hair and dressing different.
part of you already had an idea where this was going. so, you just smiled at him and tried your best to be polite.
"oh, hello." yep, polite, but not nice so that it would lead him on. he stated blabbing on about how he had changed a lot lately, talking about things from the food he liked to the music he listened to. you noticed that it was all things that you had done or liked back when the two of you were together. it was kind of creeping you out.
"i guess what i'm trying to say is: will you please give me another chance. we should be much more compatible now-" you watched half in amusement and half in shock as a cone of ice cream was sat on his freshly coiffed hair.
your ex whirled around in anger, but immediately when dead still when he saw who did it: your boyfriend, barou. he was now holding only one ice cream as he stared down on your ex.
"you dare to speak to MY servant? begone from my sight, you filthy donkey." his words were spat with a venom as he threateningly stepped towards your ex who ran away.
he grumbled and handed you the ice cream he didn't shove on your ex's head, watching as you looked at him with stars in your eyes. he just huffed and ruffled your hair, looking away to hide the slight flush on his cheeks.
"he won't bother you again, but you better share your ice cream with me as a thanks."
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jingo would swing on sight. i’m being so deadass he would sucker punch them and spit on them before looking at you all smiley and walking out while holding your hand.
while on a date with raichi, you had lost him in the aisles of the target that you had chosen to torment. you and him had been having a grand time while terrorizing everyone there with your boisterous cackles at any little thing that slightly amused you.
you had looped around an aisle to find him after walking too fast and he was no where in sight. at first you thought he was hiding from you as a joke so you jumped at the beginning of every aisle to try to catch him off guard. but no one was there.
well no one except your ex. because of course he was there. why wouldn't he be in this random target while you just happened to by separated from your boyfriend?
he wasn't a terrible person per say, but he just had a tendency to choose other things or people over you. that was just something that gnawed at you until you snapped which lead to this big fight, where he accused you of making everything up. that was the last straw for you so you broke up with him and never spoke to him, ignoring his calls until they stopped coming.
but here he was, standing directly in front of you, a wobbly smile on his lips that didn't match the look in his eyes. "hey, honey. how've you been? i've been really bad without you..."
you didn't answer and just stared at him while backing off slightly. he just continued, taking a step forward for every one you took back.
"i really miss you, you make me complete"
"you don't really mean that." the words flew from your lips before you could think, speaking the cold and harsh truth. he knew that as his expression turned in anger, taking a bigger step towards you.
but he was immediately thrown back by a fist ramming right against his cheek. he flew back and stood there stunned, taking in the sight of your boyfriend. his widened eyes, sharp teeth, and muscular form. raichi was cracking his knuckles as he growled at the guy.
your ex was about to swing back only to be punched straight in the nose, falling to the ground, being temporarily knocked out. raichi spat on him and turned to you, grimace turning into a sweet grin. he held your hand as an employee kicked you out of the store.
"we're definitely banned, don't regret it though angel, there are other targets."
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rensuke would be just annoyed. he knows what he looks like compared to most men and just stands behind you while looking at the guy, doesn’t even have to do anything.
you were sitting at a table in your favorite restaurant while kunigami went to park the car, wanting to optimize the time that it would take to wait for a table. surprisingly, it wasn't very packed so you were able to get one as soon as you asked the hostess.
so, here you sat, sipping on your water as you waited for your boyfriend to come back to join you.
what you didn't expect was to feel an unfamiliar hand on your shoulder, turning to see your ex. he wasn't anything special; the typical cheater. he was so sweet to you at the beginning of it all, treating you as if he was your world almost instantly. that really should have only clued to you that he was hiding something.
he cheated on you with not only one person, but THREE. so he was the furthest from someone you could get back together with. so when he started doing the same sweet lines that he had given you during the beginning of your relationship, a familiar sense of dread set in.
"hey there pretty, missed ya so much, why don't i join you here?"
you just shook your head as you noticed rensuke approaching from the front of the restaurant. you had stopped listening to your ex and you watched his form talk to the hostess.
she pointed in your direction, and you watched as his gaze moved upon you and the predicament you were in. he sent an apologetic smile your way as he walked with a slight haste you way.
"...and those are the reasons why we would be perfect if we got back together." he finished off a long spiel that you, frankly, weren't listening to. you just nodded, watching as rensuke settled behind the guy, waiting for him to notice.
"that's nice and all, it's just: i already have a boyfriend. plus, you cheated on me." your ex just sighed and began to start complimenting you, saying he was such a fool.
rensuke cleared his throat as he stood with his arms crossed, a brow quirked. he was kinda hot like this, to be honest. your ex just turned around and when he saw him, you saw his eyes widen.
your ex just looked between the two of you, acknowledging your loving gaze at the other man, he just sighed and left. rensuke snickered and sat across from you, flipping through the menu.
"can't take ya anywhere, can i, sweetheart?"
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meguru would go like feral. he would start talking to the monster in front of the dude and just make him think he was batshit crazy. i mean, it worked, so whatever.
you were sitting with bachira on a bench while he idly chattered about bees. you just smiled as you listened to him list off all sorts of things that you couldn't understand through the jumbling of his words from excitement.
suddenly, your pleasant afternoon was interrupted by a voice shouting your name. you turned to see you ex running up to you with a smile. he never really left you alone, even after you had broken up. always happy to see you and insert himself into anything that you were doing. like a nosey dog. somehow, he was everywhere you were, like he knew you'd be there.
"heya! how've you been, missed you!" he went in for a side-hug but you scooted further into bachira's side, skirting away from it. bachira had long forgotten his beloved bees, instead scrutinizing your ex with a hollow, yellow gaze.
"hey..." you trailed off, lookng away as he sat down, squeezing into the two person bench, legs against yours. so you leaned further into bachira, relishing in the arm he draped over the back of the bench to rest around your shoulders. you also saw the glare your ex shot his way.
"just wanted you to know that i've really missed you, and i'm practically begging you for another chance!" his tone was chipper as his eyes glared harshly into your boyfriend, holding all but friendliness.
bachira suddenly burst into laughter, cackling like a maniac. he looked at the ground in front of the two of you, as if something was there.
"d'you hear the never of this guy? flirting with my partner right in front of me?" he spoke to nothing, it took you a little aback at first before remembering about his 'monster.' your ex just looked at him with wide eyes, clearly freaked out.
bachira nodded at the spot, mumbling agreements. he suddenly turned to your ex, looking him dead in the eye, piercing into him. his face was blank, eyes wide and empty, the only expression was a smirk on his lips.
"the monster in me says that the world would be better of without you... and i agree." your ex jumped up and muttered a goodbye to you before speedwalking away.
you turned to bachira and watched him shake his head like a dog, expression returning to normal as he looked at you with sparkly eyes and a genuine smile. your heart returned to normal as he kissed your shoulder.
"i may be crazy for you, sweet thing, but i'm not actually crazy. yet..."
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okkotsuus 23
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chaos0pikachu · 7 months
okay so if I don't talk about the kinnporsche side story I will literally combust b/c they didn't need to give us that they didn't NEED to give us this little youtube up short that spanned the spectrum of chaotic human emotion as a stop gap between one of the best episodes of the series and the hyper escalation to flowers in the attic-ville where the lamps have chains okay but they did and bless them for it cause like
first off you have porsche who's given up his chance at something of a normal life with his sunshine kitten of a baby brother walking around the hospital ass out b/c KINN GOT SHOT FOR HIM like fucking what porsche is like welp he's earned that bussy now and tankhun is like OMG MY BABY BROTHER IS DEAD crying in Arm's arms and porsche is like OMG KINN DIED and tankhun is like no you dumb pretty bitch he's dead to me spiritally for being an in love idiot but porsche is already half way down the hall heart pounding b/c his self sacrificing big dicked mafia daddy just bit it only to then see kinn is alive and breathing if moderately a pin cushion only to
THEN be confronted by Vegas wearing this summers best Second Lead in a K-Drama Couture look flowers at the ready like omg porsche I am but a sweet and loving man, holding out flowers, hoping another man, will love me back did you know these mean longing? friendship? unrequited love?? and porsche is like, wtf who's giving flowers meaning seems like a waste of time and money to me rich ppl are so weird meanwhile kinn's "someone's after porsche's baked booty" senses start tingling waking him up from the morphine b/c drugs will NOT keep him away from his man and is like "vegas you whore" and vegas is like "kinn your alive (derogatory)" and kinn's like "take back your fake ass cheap ass dollar store flowers" and vegas is like "see porsche, see what I go through? the hardships that are my life??" and it's just elevator music in porsche's head just full on disassociation at this point b/c why are all these hot dangerous men hitting on him all the time he's just trying to make a living out here
and then kinn's like I got shot cuddle me pls and porsche is like only b/c I don't want the ghosts to eat my ass and kinn is like me either cause that's my job and they cuddle while the music swells and that video has 6.5 MILLION VIEWS EVERY ONE EARNED
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
A-Z Yandere Prompts w/ Dialogue Starters
A is for... Appetite
“I want to know how you’ll taste between my teeth.”
“I can never get enough of you. I’ll drink you down to the last sip.”
“You look delicious. I won't stop until I’ve eaten every bite.”
B is for... Brand
“I’m going to engrave myself into your very being.”
“We won’t stop until you’re so covered in my scent, no one will dare touch you again.”
“With this tattoo I’ve claimed you.”
C is for... Consequences
“Don’t play with fire if you don’t want to burn.” 
“Don’t complain now – you did this to yourself.” 
“You reap what you sow.”
D is for... Delusion
“This hurts me more than it hurts you.” 
“Why are you acting like you don’t know me?”  
“Why are you running? I did this for you!”
E is for... Eradicate
“You don’t need a job, baby. Your job is being mine.” 
“You’re better off without them anyway.” 
“I removed the problem. You should be thanking me.”
F is for... Forbidden
“You knew what you were getting into when you got involved with me.” 
“They will never let us be together unless we make them.” 
“It’s only taboo to those who’ve never loved like us.”
G is for... Game
“Here kitty, kitty.”
“I don’t know how to lose.” 
“One, two, Daddy is coming for you. Three, four, knocking down your door.”
H is for... Harmless
“I would never hurt you. You know that, right?” 
“Why are you scared?” 
“You’re the only reason worth living for.”
I is for... Isolation
“Why would you want to leave? I’m keeping you here for your own good!”
“There’s nothing left for you but me. Everyone else is gone.” 
“No one will ever find you here.”
J is for... Jealousy
“If his filthy hands touch you again I’ll kill him.” 
“Shouldn’t you be spending more time with me?” 
“I can’t control how I react when your eyes wander.”
K is for... Kidnap
“You say kidnap, I say date. Who’s really to know?” 
“It’s not kidnapping when your soul yearns to be here.” 
“There’s no use trying to run. This is your home now.”
L is for... Lies
“The truth would have just hurt you.” 
“I’m not lying – I bent the truth a little to protect you.” 
“Don’t you believe me?”
M is for... Manipulation
“I’ve done everything for you and this is how you repay me?” 
“If you leave me now I’ll die. I can’t survive without you.” 
“I told you they couldn’t be trusted.”
N is for... Neglect
“Stop ignoring me!” 
“Look at you, you’re skin and bones.” 
“If you won’t take care of yourself I will be forced to do it for you.”
O is for... Obsession
“It’s our anniversary! How could you forget? There isn’t a single thing I don’t remember about you.” 
“So it's a little crush when you fawn over him but it's an obsession when I pay attention to you?” 
“I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. You’re all I can think about.”
P is for... Persistence
“To my dying breath, I’ll never let you go.” 
“I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth. No matter where you run, I’ll catch you.” 
“Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
Q is for Quid Pro Quo
“If you do this for me I’ll think about helping you.” 
“Well, I guess it pays to have friends in high places.” 
“You owe me.”
R is for... Restraints
“I’ll let you go when you understand this is where you belong.” 
“Your poor wrists… Maybe next time you’ll do what I say the first time I ask.” 
“The cuffs will come off when you start acting like someone who doesn’t need them.”
S is for... Spoil
“I’d do anything for you, babe. Anything.” 
“Is this okay? Did I do well?”
“Nothing is ever enough for you, is it?”
T is for... Training
“We can do this the hard way or the easy way. It’s up to you.” 
“Haven’t we already moved past this? Do I have to train you again?”
“Patience is a virtue. We’ll keep going until you learn.”
U is for... Unending
“No matter how long you make me wait, our love will never die.” 
“The only way out of this house is death.” 
“There is no end. We are eternal.”
V is for... Voyeur
“Don’t act as if you don’t know me. I've been watching you watch me.” 
“I like you best when you’re sleeping.”  
“If I don’t keep an eye on you, who knows what will happen?”
W is for... Worship
“You’re my whole world, my Goddess. You're more than divine, you’re celestial.” 
“Let me show you what adoration truly looks like.” 
“No matter what you do to me, I’ll worship the very ground you walk on. That's what it means to love someone.”
X is for... XOXO
“I want to hold you but I can’t. Once I do, I know I’ll never stop.” 
“I need to kiss every inch of your skin.” 
“When we part, every caress becomes more agonizing than the last.”
Y is for... Yearn
“I’m aching for your touch.” 
“You’re my oasis. Please don’t leave me thirsting.” 
“You don’t know true pain. I’ll show you what it really means to crave something.”
Z is for... Zealot
“You are my religion.” 
“Words like radical and extremist are just a pseudonym for enthusiastic.” 
“No matter the world, we are fated. Through time and space we will always find each other.”
~Feel free to reblog and use~
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lightfeltmemories · 3 months
chilchuck tims: nsfw alphabet
note: we need more content on this guy, he's so damn fine and i'm not afraid to admit it lmao, i have plans on doing the other characters one of these days, i'm mad nervous of mischaracterizing him so apologies if something seems.... off. there is also a fem afab reader in mind but i'll try my best to appeal to anyone, we chilchuck fans gotta stick together lmaooo.
tw: none.
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minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked if seen liking, reblogging, or commenting on this post.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
when the two of you first did it, he.. wasn't very good at the concept, at first he would either get up to be by himself for a while or just... not do anything really, but over the years of the two of you being together he started to slowly get better, it started off small such as cuddling with you and watching you fall asleep, then it started with small conversations whilst bathing.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on him, he likes his hands, the way the grab onto you as he fucks you, but on you, your hips and waist.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
something tells me his cum has some salty undertones, or it tastes like nothing, he also doesn't cum much either, if he were to cum on your stomach..... would it even reach your bellybutton? yes probably.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
a moment ago, laois had asked him if he had ever thought about having a threesome, and of course he said no because that's kind of weird... is it? the concept of it all is eating away at him and one of these days, it wouldn't hurt to try it at least once.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
this guy (canonically) has three kids, three daughters, and a previous wife, of course this guy has experience, but outside of the concept of procreation.. that's kind of where things steer left, realistically back in the day, people only really had sex due to procreation, and theres a high chance in hell that he never knew women could orgasam until he met you, and that's when he started to gain more experience in pleasing his partner.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he usually prefers positions that gives him a good view of your face, he thinks it's beautiful the way your face scrunches up when he enters you, and when the two of you look at one another when he pounds away at you, but other positions are fine as well.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
a serious man he is, it ruins the intimate atmosphere if someone's cracking jokes, but he isn't above lighting up the mood if it ever calls for it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he has hair down there, not the bushiest but it's not the neatest, either, i don't think he cares much for grooming himself down there. as long as it doesn't smell bad then who cares?
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
just like aftercare, at first it kind of felt like a hookup, like it was just... sex, really, but further into the relationship, he started to take his time more, asking what you liked, willing to continue to make sure you cum as well.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he has done it before as a last resort, but he doesn't do it as often especially after he got with you, it's not even necessary now.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
he doesn't have many kinks, but he finds it kind of hot when you sit on his face, especially if you're a chubby one with some curves, when the two of you are alone you'll see his hands caress your body... yeah i feel like he definitely has a thing for curves lmao.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
it has to be in a place where the party (or anyone for that matter) cannot hear or see the two of you, your place is definitely his favorite.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
nine times out of ten, you being half naked such as coming back from bathing, or wearing something that shows a bit of cleavage or skin tight can get him up a little, also, i imagine him having a thing for some slight brattiness, do with that what you will.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
obviously anything with bodily fluids, but that's too obvious, isn't it? for one he's not too keen on degradation, he doesn't get the premise of.. insulting his partner during intercourse, i also feel like he cringes at the thought of pet names such as "baby" anything similar, especially during sex.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
definitely a giver, at first he wasn't really good since outside of pure procreation he didn't know what to do much, but after learning what you liked, he started to get better and better, he also loves when you go down on him, too.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
not very fast, but also not very slow, right in the middle, enough to hear some slaps, enough for the bed to shake a little, but when he's close to cumming, he goes faster.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
quickies are rare, he doesn't think about them often, you've only done like 2 quickies with him, honestly.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
it would kill him if he ever got caught by the party, especially laois.. the endless teasing would be unbearable.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he surprisingly has some good stamina, especially for someone who doesn't fight...... often... he can go for a while, not really a "night till dawn" type though.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
you two don't own toys at the moment, unless you ask..? he might be up for it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he don't look it, but this man can tease, right when you're about to cum, he'll pull away just to see you whine, of course he won't leave you hanging for long.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
quiet.. but not silent, his moans are cute, especially when you tease him, and when he's about to cum you can hear him slightly grow louder, don't tease him for it though he'll be embarrassed.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
as much as he doesn't like getting caught, he has definitely wanted you to suck him off while the party was sleeping, he won't ask for it though because it's too risky, but the though of it makes him rock solid.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's average length for someone of his species, he may not have the biggest dick but he knows what to do with it, i give his size about 5 or so inches when hard.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
pretty low, sex isn't the most important factor of his relationship, but it isn't a once every blue moon type of thing though.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
it depends, sometimes he falls asleep right away, sometimes he stays up a little, you might even be the one to fall asleep first.
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sulumuns-dootah · 3 months
NSFW Alphabet - Beelzebub  
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
‎‧₊˚✧ 18+ Minors Do Not Interact‎ ✧˚₊‧
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
None, unless you're someone very special to him. Beel's the type to nut and bolt. Though, if by some miracle you manage to dominate him, expect him to demand every type of aftercare under the sun.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On him it's thighs in cannon. I also imagine he loves his piercings, more specifically the tongue one. On a partner, I'd say piercings too as well as their armpits and tits(or ass – whichever you have more of).
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His shit tastes * good *. Also definitely has some aphrodisiac effects. I HC it looks like an icing and this bastard loves to offer you some pastry with his “icing” on top without telling you it's not actually the normal kind of icing.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not really a secret, more like something you'd expect him to do, and he actually does it, but doesn't have the need to mention it: He fucks with his clones/doubles. He's hot and they're hot, so why not? Just don't ask me how they work out who's gonna be on top.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's the most experienced out of all the kings. Even more than Asmodeus. There's only so many ways you can relax while being on the run from your kingly duties.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He loves to eat and be eaten so it's 69 for sure. Also I can imagine him loving having you bent over the counter while he's cooking.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? Etc.)
More cocky than goofy, but definitely would crack a few jokes if he's not that desperate to cum. If he's teasing you, he'll definitely be sporting his signature smirk.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
This man doesn't grow hair unless he wants to so he's as hairless down there as he wants. If he did however want some hair, I imagine it would be a bit darker than his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Mostly cocky unless you've teased him for a bit too long, then he'll start degrading you. On the other hand, if you get him to sub, he'll be praising you like there's no tomorrow
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Who needs to jack off when you're the most attractive demon in all Hell? There's always a time and a place for a quickie with this demon. Beel doesn't jack off, unless you count fucking your clone as masturbation.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Aside from the obvious cannon one, I feel like he would be into cum eating and aphrodisiacs. Beel's also someone who might get into love cannibalism. Plus, I kinda hate to say it, but he is into feeding.(No hate if you're into that yourself, just not my thing)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere and anytime. Let's be honest, this lovable bastard is a walking aphrodisiac and when he's horny, he doesn't care.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you smell nice, obviously, or if you cook something that smells good. Also, he's probably into seeing you workout since you're sweating.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Put you in a harms way. Sure, you two can play rough, but only as long as Beel is still in controll. The last thign he want to happen is getting you seriously injured.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This man doesn't care. With him it's 24/7 open buffet with the option to eat or be eaten.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? Etc.)
For him there's two modes: rough and fast, when he's really horny, and slow and teasing, for when you're the needy one.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Being on the go, it's almost a requirement. Staying too long in one place is a risk for being attacked or worse – cought by Bael and dragged back to Abyssos. So most of his encounters are short, rough and to the point.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? Etc.)
Only those that he can control, like I already mentioned. It's also important to remind him of your limits though. Just because something is in his eyes low risk, doesn't mean it's the same for humans.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This juicy ass packs a lot of stamina from all that running around he does. How long he lasts entirely depends on how long he wants to. If he's in a teasing mood, he can go for hours without actually finishing either one of you off while still maintaining the same speed.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
If you introduce them, he'll be down. He himself doesn't do toys though. All he needs are his hands, tongue, horn and clones. Actually, you could technically count the clones(?)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This bitch is a tease and a half. Bully him a bit too much and rest assured, you'll be woken up in the middle of the night by him eating you out and don't expect to have him be merciful on you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Ooh the way this man talks. Someone call Astaroth that he's not the one with the hot voice. If you have the Attacker card and have been to secret club with him, you know what I mean. I do have a tiny little clip actually posted here (watch out for the Trixie Mattel jumpscare)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He's slept with Bael few times when they were young. Afterall Bael is supposed to realistically portray Beel or no? Why not teach him hot to fuck like Beel too?
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
If you have the Erolabs version, there is an option in secret club to take a look, but I kinda disagree with it. Our chaotic piercing king has a frenum ladder at least and you can't convince me otherwise. The 666 tattoo is nice, but Beel strikes me more as a piercing freak than tattoos.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
This man literally tried to fuck us while dying. This man is ready to go anytime. Someone call Asmo, because Beel has him beat in all fronts.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
No time to sleep for this one. Gotta go fast before someone catches up to him. If you're lucky he'll stay with you until you fall asleep, but he's gotta go and maybe see you some other time.
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fairybin · 1 year
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taehyun nsfw alphabet
pairing: taehyun x afab reader
genre: smut
warnings: 18+ content under the cut. minors do not interact!
word count: 1.1k
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
taehyun is very smug after sex and likes to play around almost as if he didn’t just ruin your body in ways unknown. he’ll probably just lay in bed with you until you need to get up or fall asleep, holding onto you and stroking his hands up and down your sides.
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
taehyun seems like a chest guy, even though everyone thinks he’s an ass guy. something about just getting a mouthful of your chest and nipples gets him hot. his favorite part of his body is his mouth. taehyun definitely knows how to use his tongue and teeth on you.
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
have you guys seen taehyun pictures? he’s packing a lot in his pants, so of course he has to accommodate for his size. i feel like taehyun likes to cum in your mouth more, but if you’ll let him, he’ll definitely cum inside you.
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
taehyun will never let anyone know this but he likes hentai video and he uses them to get off after a long day of practice or schedules. he’ll lock his dorm room door and get comfortable into bed, sliding his hand into his pants before he even pulls up a good video. once he finds the one he wants, he plugs his headphones in and goes to work until he’s cumming.
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i don’t think taehyun has officially had sex with someone, but i feel like when he does, he’ll know exactly what to do with them and their body. i do feel like he’ll get really good at sex really fast when he finds the right person.
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
taehyun literally foams at the mouth doing doggy. lhe likes being in control of your hips and how fast you’re going. if you have a mirror in the room that you’re having sex in, expect for taehyun to make you look at yourself and how he’s fucking you.
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
taehyun will joke around a lot with you during sex. if you’re trying to tap out from how good he feels inside you, he’ll laugh and say something annoyingly cute like “you can’t take anymore? i’m fucking you so good that you can’t take it?” and it’ll make you both laugh. but there will definitely be moments where he’s more serious.
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
taehyun probably has some hair, but it’s trimmed. i doubt it’s a complete forest down there but it’s probably cut down.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
taehyun will joke around often during sex, but he’s still romantic. if you really can’t take it, he’ll pull out and hold you until you’re ready again, or if you’re not ready, he’ll understand and help you clean up, giving you kisses all over. he also likes to be close to you during sex, so he’ll hold you tight while he’s inside you.
j = jack off (masturbation)
taehyun comes off to me as someone who masturbates as much as they can (haven’t yall seen the video of him with his hand literally just chilling in his pants?) anytime he has free private time, his fingers are wrapped around his dick, pumping up and down. if he has time, he’ll call you and listen to your voice while he’s going at it.
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
hear me out...orgasm play. taehyun is 100% a dom and being able to control when you cum makes his head spin. he’ll flick and lick on your pussy until he knows you’re close, then just as you’re about to cum, he’ll stop and laugh like the little shit he is. if you start complaining about him stopping, he’ll completely take himself out of you until you’re begging him to put it back in like the little shit he is.
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
i don’t think taehyun would take the risk to have sex anyplace outside the bedroom just in case he gets caught, but if he’s absolutely desperate to get his dick wet, he might sneak off with you into public bathrooms and have you on your knees for him or he’ll pull you onto the sink and suck you off.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
taehyun likes your moaning. hearing you scream and groan out from the pleasure he’s giving you does something to his head and makes him want to go faster and deeper.
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don’t think taehyun is into bringing other people into the bedroom with you. he wants to be the only person making you feel good. if you asked to have a threesome, he might agree but he wouldn’t be the one to recommend it.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
taehyun likes giving. hearing how you react to him gets him hot and bothered and he knows what he’s doing. he’s really good with his tongue and knows all the places that will make you squirm.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
depends on your position. if you’re doing doggy, taehyun will grab onto your hips and go to town, going back and forth at an insane pace. if you’re on the bottom facing him, he might go slower just to look at you and your face to kiss you, with the occasional deep stroke just for the laughs.
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
taehyun probably doesn’t want to do quickies that much since he doesn’t really want to risk getting caught if you’re having public sex, so the opportunity for a quickie doesn’t really come often. when you do have the rare quickie, he’ll definitely make it quick, no longer than 10 minutes.
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
other than public sex, i think taehyun would be down for anything if you asked for it. if you want fire play, sure. if you want to be tied up, okay. taehyun lives to please you, so he wouldn’t say no.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
i just know that taehyun can go for a while, without getting tired. i think he can probably have three or four rounds in one night back-to-back if his partner can take it. if not, then he’d probably finish the job by himself, jerking iff until he cums.
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
taehyun has the remote control panties to use on his partner. if you’re out together and you’re giving him attitude, he’ll just take his phone out and turn it to the highest setting until you’re behaving again (actually this’ll be closest to public sex as he’ll get).
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
do i even need to say it? taehyun is the biggest tease there is. unless you call out your safe word, to him it’s full reign. he won’t even stop when you’re screaming with tears running down your face.
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
taehyun seems like more of a groaner to me, like not completely moaning but also not silent either. he’ll definitely whisper under his breathe when you’re sucking his dick and when he’s fucking you. he doesn’t seem to be that loud though.
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
“i don’t think we should be doing this right here babe.” he spoke out, looking around at the street of cafes and shops. you two had walked off of the main road until you reached a closed off alleyway. “taehyun just relax and trust me,” you whispered into his ear as you trailed kisses down his body until you reached his bottoms and pulled them down. you took his dick in your hands, pumping him a few times. you left a tiny kiss on the tip then slipped him entirely into your mouth. taehyun’s hands wrapped around your neck guiding you as you bobbed your head back and forth. “fuck baby, you’re so good taking my cock,” he breathed out. you looked up at his face, the saliva from sucking him dripping down the side of your mouth. taehyun looked down at you for a second, seeing what happened, then lifted you up, pulling you into a deep kiss, tasting himself on your tongue.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
i just know taehyun has a big dick. he’s definitely not the biggest in txt but he has the girth and width to keep up with the other members.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i think taehyun isn’t absolutely crazy for sex, but he wants to have sex whenever you want to and whenever it’s convenient for the both of you. however, when he’s horny, he’s horny and needs to relieve himself, whether he has sex with you or if he has to masturbate. either way, he’ll get what he needs.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
taehyun won’t fall asleep until he’s showered. he doesn’t want to be sticky when he wakes up. even if he’s super tired, he’ll at least get a damp towel and wipe himself off before he can sleep.
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written by fairybin. no copying, reposting, rewriting, or translating of any kind.
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praisethesuuun · 10 months
Hiiiiiiiii Could I request for a Buddha NSFW alphabet? please? qwp"
the time...has come. I apologize for any kind of mistake or if it's not the best, I tried my best!
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Buddha: NSFW Alphabet
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A: aftercare <what they're like after sex>
I'm pretty sure this concept isn't too developed in Buddha's mind, I don't think he's the best person for aftercare, but he has his tricks to make you fall at his feet. I can see him offering you some sweets or your favorite snacks stored in the drawer next to your bed. I think Buddha deserved some cuddles, he tried so hard not to eat them!
B: body part <their favourite body part on them and you>
His favorite part of his own body is probably his eyes: Buddha likes the way they allow them to read you like an open book, or your dazed gaze every time you enchant yourself in front of his irises. His ego skyrockets every time it happens and he will never stop teasing you about it. As for which part of your body Buddha prefers, I don't think there is one in particular; he doesn't seem like someone who places too much emphasis on physical appearance. If he loves you, Buddha will love everything about you, without preferences.
C: cum <anything to do with it, really>
I'm pretty sure Buddha lives for cumming in your mouth. He would squeeze your cheeks or pull your hair, seeing how you swallow everything; a grin on his face when you struggle. "Was it sweet, honey? No, no, bad girl...don't talk with your mouth full~"
D: dirty secret <a dirty secret of theirs>
Buddha always had a fantasy involving candy in bed. Let me explain, he would masturbate you with a lollipop, making you lick it and asking you which is tastier, the sweet or you. Buddha would make you cum repeatedly with his tongue, licking you good in all the right spots, feeling the sweet taste of his two favorite snacks, giggling from time to time. You'll need a shower after...you'll be a little sticky-
E: experience <how experienced are they>
Well, Buddha had a wife and children before he set out on his path to enlightenment; so I'd say he has enough experience.
F: favourite position <self-explanatory>
I think the lotus position is the most suitable, because he can hold you close to him, neither of you is in control, you are moving at the same time. It's the right definition of equality and balance, just the way he likes it. Not surprisingly, another position Buddha is crazy about is 69; bring you pleasure with his hot tongue, while he thrusts ruthlessy in your mouth...it's just perfect for him!
G: goofy <would they use humor in the moment?>
It is Buddha we are talking about, it is obvious that he will crack a few jokes here and there. He's not serious AT ALL.
H: hair <how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the courtains?>
The carpet is slightly darker than the curtains. Also, Buddha is not really clean, travels all the time and lives on poverty and good principles. You certainly can't expect too much. I'm not saying he totally stinks, but remind him to wash up once in a while, okay?
I: intimacy <are they romantic in the moment or they do not care?>
Given his character, Buddha is not inclined to bond with anyone, but only with people who manage to catch his attention; as a result, he'll try to make every moment he spends with you special - in his own way. Your sessions are not necessarily long, but very passionate and romantic, full of love and sweet words.
J: jack off <...self-explanatory part 2>
To no one's surprise, he does, but only when he hasn't seen you in a long time. Otherwise, you can rest assured that he will come looking for you at the exact moment he feels aroused.
K: kinks <their kinks>
If there's one important thing for Buddha, it's feeling every part of you, he has to live you deeply. When you make love, Buddha kisses every part of your body and enjoys when you masturbate each other; plus, he has a thing for involving food. Once, he could easily blindfold you, and then cover you entirely with honey, licking and kissing you, mixing the sweetness of that sticky gold with the taste of your fluids.
L: location <where they usually do the do>
Buddha is a person who wants to bring out the best in you, trying to grow the couple, so his favorite time to do it is at night, in the moonlight. When the soft moonlight illuminates your red cheeks and bright eyes, while is hair falls softly on his shoulders, creating a sort of barrier around you two. Also, this boy has a penchant for fucking near water sources, like rivers, lakes, or natural waterfalls.
M: motivation <what turns them on>
How can Buddha resist your tongue and lips sensually enveloping a lollipop? Especially if it's HIS lollipop, which you literally ripped out of his mouth. If anyone else did it, that person would be dead by now, but since it's you...he'll give you another kind of punishment...
N: no <things they refuse to do>
Involving other people in your sex life, he does not feel like it. As I said before, Buddha has to live you and no one else, your relationship is like a small nucleus that no one has the right to intrude; whether it's from a sexual or amorous point of view.
O: oral <do they like giving or receiving?>
He probably has no preferences, however, if someone were to present the choice in front of him, he would prefer to receive. Buddha must see you struggling as he grips your hair, abusing your mouth as he pleases. Buddha hears your gags, moans...everything, and it drives him crazy.
P: pace <are they slow and sensual or fast and rough>
It really depends on his mood, but he takes it easy most of the time. Buddha wants slow and romantic sex, full of passion, as if his every breath was the equivalent of a small part of his heart; but if you want it to go faster, you can straddle him and ride him like there's no tomorrow. He'll enjoy the pleasure, sucking your breasts while you ruin him❤️
Q: quickie <would they fuck you for five minutes or wait until you wait home?>
Let's say Buddha prefers to take his time and not act hastily: he wants you both to enjoy the moment, he wants to play it safe and take his time, and, more importantly, he wants to avoid anyone seeing you.
R: risk <...DUH>
To make you happy, but just to listen to you for once, Buddha would be inclined to take risks. But you absolutely choose a safe word and, at the first wrong thing, you stop immediately and cuddle.
S: stamina <how long can they last?>
His rounds are quite long and passionate, so Buddha can go on for a good few hours. I'll say at least 4 or 5 hours.
T: toys <do they own any? do they use them?>
I don't think Buddha has too many toys - also because he doesn't have enough money to buy them - so, I'm sorry but that's a no. However, you could easily involve simple things, like, bandages or bandanas to tie you up.
U: unfair <how much they like to tease>
All right, I say it, Buddha likes it a lot; however, it only does so because it can prepare you better that way. With his teasing, he always makes you nice and wet, ready to welcoming him and his cock.
V: volume <are they asking for a noise complaint, or are they quiet?>
Does he look like he's quite? This one a screamer, not gonna lie! Everyone knows when you are making love, and whoever hears you starts betting on who will moan the most, if you or Buddha. He can't help himself and sees no reason to not moan out of pleasure if he feels good.
W: wild card <a random headcanon☆>
Let's talk about that time you got stucked to the covers. After everything I've told you, you couldn't not expect such an episode. It was among the first times that Buddha had insisted on trying to involve food during one of your sessions, in particular, a mix between honey and caramel was created. You got attached to the bedsheets. Buddha laughed. That mix was never used again.
X: x-ray <what to they look like under there?>
Well, the size is average, it's neither too big nor too small, and it's perfectly straight. The base is slightly wider. The tip color is #e8a497. Oh, and it's a bit hairy!
Y: yearning <are they in the mood to fuck or are they tame?>
Buddha is very lazy, you have to stimulate him, always looking for interesting ways to make him lose his mind. You could play brat, that might get his attention...why don't you steal his snacks? That's a good idea!
Z: zzz <how quickly they fall asleep afterwards>
Pretty fast asleep, but he doesn't fall asleep until he's sure you're safe. So expect to find yourself sleeping on his chest where he can feel you close.
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cosmicstarlatte · 8 months
Beel A-Z Smut HCs (Obey Me!)
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⬅Back to Smut HC A-Z Masterlist ◇
18+ only, minors do not interact.
My personal headcanons using this [prompt list]
The goal is to finish the whole list; you are welcome to request a letter so I get to it faster. I will work on it as quick as I can but keep in mind I do have a life & responsibilities lol. ^^
Last Updated: Oct.1.2023 (6 out of 26)
⚠️Notes: I'll tag any sections if needed. If you think a section needs a tag, kindly let me know.
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A: Affair (Describe an extra-marital affair)
B: Birthday (Describe birthday sex)
C: Compliments (Mid- and post-sex compliments)
D: Dry Humping (Describe a dry-humping scene)
You only went into the kitchen for a snack & you somehow ended up pushed against the counter with Beel dry humping your ass. Still, the gentle(?) giant wouldn't let go of the devil croissant in his mouth & managed to swallow it with another bite. "Mmph. Sorry. C-couldn't resist." You moaned as you felt his cock twitch against you, desperately wanting more. His arms were wrapped easily around your waist. "C-can I?" He asks as he continues grinding & a hand slipped to reach for your waistband. "Beel what if someone walks in!" You whined yet still pushing up against him. He swiftly pulled your bottoms down, "...it'll be really quick."
E: Experimenting (Trying something new)
F: Firsts (First time having sex together)
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
H: Handsy (When they can’t keep their hands to themselves)
I: Initiator (Who initiates most of the time? How?)
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
K: Kitchen (Describe a sex scene in the kitchen)
L: Likes (What they like in the bedroom)
M: Morning (Describe morning sex)
N: Never (Things they would never try)
O: Orgasm (Describe coming--who comes first? What do they say? How does the other person know it’s approaching?)
You're always going to cum first about 90% of the time. The only exception really being if you decide to just give him a blowjob. Anyway Beel's a giver, he loves to eat, we know this already! He could stay eating you out for hoursss. He's the type to say thank you & ask for more when you cum on his tongue. He tells you how delicious you taste.❤️ Now if he's cumming, you know by the sudden gasp and low groan he always does, always pushing himself as deep as he can go & you always eagerly await the big load this giant gives you. :3
P: Playlist (A playlist for getting down and dirty; will probably include a lap dance song, a song for making love, and a song that represents their sex life)
Q: Quiet (Reaction to a quiet partner)
He doesn't really feel one way or another about it, he's just a big teddy bear that loves to make love with you.🙂 Of course the few sounds you do make when he stuffs his massive cock in you does turn him on, he prefers to see the pretty sexy faces you make as he fucks you senseless. ^^
R: Ruttish (Signs that they’re horny)
Beel has his moments & he can be blunt. If you're dating, he'll tell you & ask, respectfully, if you want to fuck lol. If you're not together quite yet... well, he's going to be a little clingy & you'll notice him smelling you a lot more often like some tasty snack he can't wait to have. He'll have a flushed face & somehow eat more than he already does until something is finally done about it.
S: Safe Word (How often is the safe word used? Why?)
T: Teasing (Who’s the tease in the relationship? What do they do? How often?)
U: Undressing (Strip teasing a partner)
V: Videos (Sending NSFW videos to each other)
W: Wedding Night (Consummating the marriage)
X: XXX (What kind of porn does the person watch? How often?)
He's not too picky & usually finds whatever is on the first page or two of a porn site. Sometimes he will look at food porn but tbh it's a lot more distracting & he always ends up feeling hungry after it. He doesn't really watch it that often & prefers to imagine his own little scenarios in his head.
Y: Yawn (How they sleep post-sex)
Z: Zoo (Their animalistic qualities in the bedroom)
tags: biting, breeding He's a biter, he loves to mark you in so many ways. Some are soft bites & others are harder love bites. He loves to leave his scent on you!!! Also sorry if he does get just a little rough, he can't help it when you look so small, all he wants to do is breed you. He loves doggy & the mating press, please let him go wild with you ♡
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
First of all I wanna say I hope both sides of ur pillow are cold at night, your charger works at every angle and you never stub your toe 🛐🛐🛐💞💌💌🥺🥺 Idk if you take requests, apologies of you don't, but I would like to ask if you would make one of those NSFW Alphabets with Shanks? Thank you for getting me through this week with your fics 🙏🏻 I have become a Mihawk girlie now too because of your work 😩
I'm so glad you you love the fics!! And thank you for the kindness towards me you are truly a Saint to wish for my pillow to be cold 🙏
Welcome to the Mihawk club BTW ;3
But I Gotcha Darling!
N$FW Alphabet:
Shanks Edition!
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Very loving, he is kind and has a strong sense of responsibility for his S/O. He will clean them up, get them anything they need and cuddles too.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
Truthfully he loves his hair, it's a odd relationship since its such a unique feature of his so it draws too much attention. But also loves it since it's a heavy part of his identity.
Their back weirdly enough, the curve of their form and dip of their hips. He will guide his fingertips down their back and admire it.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
Shanks can be a bit messy, he will cum on the nearest surface of skin of his S/O. But his favorite is inside-
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
He and Buggy used to have a physical thing for a while. It was more experimental and gave him creative ideas for sex, however he is very transparent with his S/O about it and open to any questions.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
This man has a open book of experiences, having done and seen a lot of things in his day! He knows every way to make someone squirm moan and more.
F= Favorite position
The Face-Off is his favorite position. Seated and with his S/O on his lap facing him while they ride him.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
He isn't the most serious especially with intimate moments in bed. He feels like it's a moment for him to be vulnerable and open. Will giggle with them and kiss their cheeks, drawing chuckles from his S/O
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Is a bit lazy with his own grooming habits, he will occasionally give himself a trim up but is more okay with a all natural look. Defiently has the Nickname of Fire Bush 🔥
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
Shanks is very romantic, he can get rough but he is Defiently the type to differ in Sex Vs. Love Making and with his S/O it's always lovemaking.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
Not as often, he used to in the past but finds he'd rather do other things. Especially since he has a S/O so it's unnecessary.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
He has two big kinks he loves. He does have a mild breeding kink, he loved the idea of 'Breeding' his so in any means and knowing it was him who did it.
His second biggest Kink a Praise Kink and he is open to switching in this role as he loves to be praised or give it.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
He likes his own place in terms of Sex or a good Hotel. He isn't one to judt fuck anywhere and even for Quickies he has his favorite spots pre-picked out.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Truthfully his S/O is his biggest turn on- them just walking around will be enough to get him worked up.
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
Degradation is a turn off for him, as well as amputation kinks. He finds both I credibly disturbing and will immediately not be interested.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
He is a giver, while he does love some good oral he prefers to give. He likes the feeling of being inbetween his S/O's legs and feeling their reactions.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
He keeps a pretty even pace, he can be pretty quick in hip movement. However in terms of length in bed he can last quite a while.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
He does enjoy a good Quickie. However it's only if that is the only option he likes something more sensual if it's available but a has hard fuck is never a issue
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
Hell yeah, he's always willing to try new things! If he hasn't done it already he will give it a go.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
Shanks has fairly high Stamina and can last at 20 minute goes with at least 3 rounds in him.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
Shanks down for toys, is willing to use them on his S/O or let them be used against himself.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
Shanks is a walking tease, yes he loves romantic and even pacing in terms of sex but he LOVES to take his time to watch his S/O come undone. The look on their faces as they moan and desperately get closer to their climax is so hot to him.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
From grunts, gentle moans and words of Praise Shanks can be quite vocal. He likes to say sweet things to his S/O if he's on top.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
He has been pegged and did not mind it. While isn't his most favorite of things it was interesting at the time and if his S/O is interested he will be down for another round with the plastic.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Shanks is very blessed- 9.5in easy, and let's say he's more of s grower then a show-er in these parts 😉
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
While he is incredibly flirtatious he doesn't have the highest of sex drives. Defiently very relaxed and will be down if his parter is. However naturally is a twice a week kind of man.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
Shanks will stay up for a bit, making sure they fall asleep and just admire his S/Os form. Run his hand through their hair and make sure they're comforble
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starillusion13 · 9 months
Like We Just Met!
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Alien AU ( Intro )
“No your MBTI is OURS.”
Pairing: nct dream(ot7) x reader
Genre: Alien au, Fluff
W.C: 5.7k
Warnings: This chapter contains just some emotions and some confusing meetings with the members.
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated 😭. Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
Network: @k-vanity @cultofdionysusnet
Girl let me explain (I will let NCT DREAM explain to me anything, Honestly.) I just love them so much!!!
“I don’t know them.”
“Girl. You are literally giving me so many details on them since yesterday and now you are telling me that you don’t know them.”
“Trust me, I really don’t know them.”
It’s just like you are ranting about your sudden encounters with seven boys. Well, who are these boys? Your friend was out of town for one month and your life has new stories like it has come past one decade. Living in this new town with your friend is okay but you being all alone in this place seems very uncomfortable when you are literally an introvert and approaching someone or to go out often for every need is becoming unbearable. As an ISTJ, you are very independent girl, enjoy maintaining your responsibilities and duties to have a decent life than others. Your life was pretty much going usual until these random boys came across your path. You haven’t seen them before but the way they approached to you, smiling at you and helping you seems like they have known you for so long. If you have encountered them before then maybe you would have remembered them somehow but NO.
Your friend has cut the video call when she finds out how you are zoning out and her being overseas is not really possible to be on the call for too long because of the differ in time zone. You haven’t notice yet the blank screen before you as the screen turned black under being no use for more than thirty seconds. You turn to look outside the window, the wind blowing slowly but enough to wave your curtains and your locks dancing to the breeze. You inhaled sharply before drifting to the flashbacks of encountering the boys in different places.
The evening was pretty nice and so you thought to have some time for yourself, the activities you like to do on your spare time. Being in your room all alone was eating you of boredom so grabbing your skateboard from the rack, you made your way towards the skating zone of the park. You waited in a corner and kept yourself busy on the phone to kill some time before the place become a bit less populated and then you could have your skating time. Your skateboard kept leaning against the wall and you be watching some music videos of your favorite artist with your headphones on. Head bopping to the beats and feet tapping on the pitch, not taking in the surrounding how people were going back home with the passing of time. An add appeared on your screen and you took your eyes off of the screen to finally notice that you were out for so long. Locking the phone and fishing it inside your pocket, you grabbed your board and went towards your desired spot to ride your skateboard.
You just preferred it that way, away from all people and enjoying by yourself. Hairs flowing beside your face, hands spread wide and eyes focusing on the way in front and body keeping the balance on the board. A sweet smile adorning your face and you heard a ‘click’ sound with a flash from a side, you quickly looked towards the direction but didn’t see anyone. Getting distracted, you didn’t notice a tiny rock and you fell down.
Rubbing your elbows, you investigate your hands and legs for injuries and well, there were some scratches due to the fall and it’s stinging. Your butt is paining as you fell on it and you didn’t think you could walk anymore like this but its not like someone would carry you to your house so you have to do everything on your own. You tried to get up but it was all in vain when you saw an extended hand in front of you. Eyes followed the hand to his face and damn, the boy was so cute but he didn’t look like any common guy from the colony, he looks different than usual, maybe he is not from anywhere around. Also, when did he approach you? You didn’t hear any footsteps and did he see you fall down? Thinking this you felt shy in front of him. The boy suddenly gave you a smile and honestly you thought that you have never seen such a cute boy ever in your life. He gestured to hold his hand and when you hesitantly accepted the offer, he quickly pulled you up. Before you could say anything, he started to brush off your hands and legs and your shorts but keeping himself decent from maintaining not to touch anywhere private. You shyly tugged your hairs behind and thanked him. He laughed, shook his head and patted your head like you are his pet.
“Come on, dude its okay. I feel like you needed my help. Its pretty late and why are you out in this hour?”
“Uh, it’s fine as I live down the streets and I like being alone here.”
“You skate so good. Can you teach me someday?”
“Yeah sure. If only we meet again then I will teach you promise.”
“We will meet again fore sure, myself Mark.”
He extended his hand for a handshake and you just stared at it. Biting your lips, you were deciding whether you should accept it or not and with a final smile, you shook his hand.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
“Such a pretty name. I hope we will meet again.”
He gave you a printed band-aid from his pocket and when you rejected it, he bent down to put it on your knees.
“Thanks Mark.”
“Just be careful on skateboard next time.”
With that you both parted your ways but somewhere you hoped to see him again. He helped you to reach your house because you were limping and he insisted. Turning your back to him, a smile appeared on your face again and you ran inside. Since that day, you met often near the park and deep inside, without any reason you felt like to go there even just to get a glimpse of him playing basketball with his friends. Well, skateboarding is not your hobby but you are addicted to it for him.
‘Blue waves’
Another day of your life and you feeling down for missing your parents. The memories of your happy moments all spent together running through your mind and tears running down your cheeks. You knew that if you spend some more time inside the house alone, you might think of all worst possibilities and so you made your way towards the bus stop. It was a calm afternoon with a pleasant weather and you made your mind to relieve yourself near a seaside. You took a bus to the nearest beach and meanwhile you noticed a child playing with her mother beside your seat. You sadly smiled at them and a tear fell from your eyes. Reaching to the desired location, you stood at the entrance of the path leading to the beach. Staring at the sea from afar somewhat felt like nostalgic. It reminded you of your father who used to wait with some candies or flowers for you and your mother near the shore and waving at both of you. Then, both of you used to run to him to give a tight hug to each other. Those bright happy days are just fading memories now.
Wiping your eyes, with slow footsteps, you walked towards the shore. Hands clutching your flowy knee length skirt. Pressing your teeth tightly and gulping the lump in your throat so that not a single sob could escape your lips. On reaching the shore, ears picked up the loud growling of the blue waves of the sea hitting the shore. You let your eyes closed to only listen to the sounds of the nature and how the breeze hitting your body as if it could take away all your problems away. The breeze caressing your cheeks as if your mother giving you some love after a stressful day.
“Mom...Dad…I miss you…” You whispered. It’s not like anyone could hear you as every other sound was getting lost due the loud waves.
“They miss you too, you know.”
Your eyes shot open on hearing the voice. Looking at the side, you could see a boy staring at you with a pitiful expression. His voice was so melodious as if a siren suddenly appeared from the sea to accompany you. You wanted to be alone but somehow you were appreciating his presence on your side. He had that calmness which can ease your racing mind and his voice was as if could just silence the loud waves. Well, when he spoke, the only sound you could hear was his and the shore was strangely silent.
Giving you a soft smile, he gave you a paper. Taking the paper from his hand, you could see how beautifully painted was the view with a girl facing the sea under the sun in an afternoon. Just like you. The difference was only you were in a gloomy mood and the girl in the painting was somewhat happy.
“Do you like it?”
“Hm. This is so nice. Have you painted it?”
“Yes. Just now when you were lost in your thoughts.”
“Uh y-yeah. The girl in this picture seems so lively unlike me.”
“Nothing is there to be sad you know. We should leave behind the past and stay happy with the ones you are currently with. Like these blue waves always washing the shore and keeping it look so refreshing so let your sad thoughts flow away with these waves and lock your memories safe.”
He came closer to your form, palm resting on your cheek, fingers brushing the dried-up tears.
“Let someone guide you to the right path when you are needed. Blue represents hope and let these blue waves give you some hope to be cheerful always.”
With a last glance, he went away leaving the piece of paper with you. Glancing to the corner of the paper, there was a signature with a name ‘Renjun.’
You have a new memory and interest to come to seaside often. Well, surprisingly everyday you would find that the boy be painting there as if he waiting for your arrival. The blue waves must have some magic with hopes.
‘pretzel’ and ‘yoghurt shake’
Craving for snacks is a daily part of your life. Glancing at the clock you found out its already late night but it didn’t matter when the convenience store would be open whenever you would go there. So, just picking up your phone and wallet, you made up your mind to head out. Locking the door, you walked down the streets towards the store. The night was chilly unlike other days and you hugged yourself, also your heart suddenly racing for how unusually the place was quiet and dark a bit. Calming yourself, you hurriedly made your way when the neo signboard of the store was in your sight.
Quickly getting inside the store, the bell ringing alarming the person at counter of your arrival. She frowned while getting up as why you were breathing heavily. Asking you if you needed any help, you shook your head and waved your hands in front, laughing awkwardly and told that how everything was fine. You were well aware of the place that how it was so safe to roam around in late hours but still you felt that someone was following you and you couldn’t ignore how your heart was racing. Was it due to the fear or it was signalling something else? Shaking your doubts, you went towards your usual snack centre.
Eyes taking in all the products available and you could see how some things were out of stock and many were newly arrived. Some things were very new to you as you haven’t seen them before so you squinted your eyes to read the names as it was on a top shelf and the way light was falling on it, making it difficult to read.
“Dream Pretzel.”
You got startled when a husky and dark voice spoke behind you. Your back hit his chest and you quickly turned around hoping he would move away a bit before you could reply him. But no. He remained on his place and now you were looking up to his height and him towering you with a dark expression. You looked around you to see if anyone was watching you or not but thankfully you were alone with him. Thankfully? Alone? No, I should tell him to move.
“Can you please move back a bit? Thank you.”
His eyes scanning your face and you could feel he was not having any intention to move. Gulping you tried to push him, hands on his chest over his black t-shirt. He quickly took a hold of your wrist and gripped it tighter, you winced under his strong hold.
“I have to take the item from that shelf so its you who is blocking my way.”
Releasing a heavy breath, you made your attempt to move to the side but before you could, he raised his hands and pressed his body in front to grab a packet from the top shelf. You panicked and your eyes went wide due to his actions. Getting the item in his hold, he scooted backwards, giving you some space to breathe finally. You were frozen and mentally screaming what just happened right now. He stared at you intensely and under his gaze, you were feeling so exposed even when you were fully covered in hoodie and trouser. You avert your eyes away from him and with slow steps, you went to the other shelf.
Deciding on the item you wanted to pick for your craving, your view got blocked when suddenly a snack was placed in front of your eyes. Annoyedly, you craned to look who was the person. And. that boy again, but he was gesturing you to grab the item from his hand. You hesitantly held it and without speaking a word, he turned around. You looked down to the item and it was the pretzel.
“Thank you……”
“Jeno…..it’s nice….you will like the taste.”
A smile appeared on your face and with that you went towards the drink section. Oblivion to you, he was smiling all the way out of the store. Arriving to the drink section, to your disappointment, your favorite drink was not available so you decided to leave the drink for that day and just go back with hot sauce snack or maybe some other snacks. Satisfied with your decision, you grabbed some other things in your way to the counter, the cashier smiled at you. Scanning the items, you noticed how she kept the pretzel packet on the other side with a yoghurt shake. A frown appeared on your face and the cashier told you about the total cost.
“That pretzel?”
“Oh sure. Its yours but the boy came here before has already paid for it and another boy who was with him paid for the shake and asked me to give it you.”
“Another boy?”
“Hm. They were together and they bought these for themselves too. You must be close to them that they bought these for you and they come here often but I haven’t seen you with them anytime. Are you, their girlfriend?”
“What? No no. I- I don’t know them. We just met few minutes back….”
“Oh. Here is your item ma’am. Have a safe night ahead.”
After greeting each other goodbye, you made your way back on the same road which seems more-lonely than before. You felt that creepy feeling rising up your spines and goosebumps appearing on your skin when you felt eyes on you. Someone might be watching from the dark. But who? And why? Isn’t this place safe for the people but that feeling of being watched could not be ignored. Your attempt to run was interrupted when you felt a hand resting on your shoulder from behind.
“Shhh. Wow. You scream so loud.”
“W-who are you?”
A ghost? A kidnapper? A murderer? No no no. please why me?  You just wanted to have some time for yourself with snacks and binge watch dramas but you didn’t think of getting yourself in such situation anyhow.
“I am not a ghost.” In a weird accent, the voice spoke up and you somehow hoped the person to be ghost.
“Please…let me go…I want to go home.”
“I wont hurt you. I just want to say you something.”
You slowly turned around to meet the voice. You stared to the smiling face and his shining eyes under the streetlight, he looking so cute with that smile. You nodded to tell him to proceed whatever he wants to tell you. He glanced at your hand which was holding the items you bought previously.
“Drink that shake. It is a rare one and I know that you will like it.”
You glanced at the plastic bag in your hand and in confusion, you look towards him. You were still thinking how he knew about the shake as it was not visible from outside then it’s only possible if he was stalking you. The eyes watching you all these times must be him. Oh wait. This shake was given by someone then maybe he is that person but why he is approaching you like a creep. He could have offered you in that store in person and not mentioning about it here in the lonely streets. Well, lonely…his presence was no more making you feel alone rather you were at ease and feeling…safe. I should not feel this right now.
“Are you the person who bought me this?”
His smile widened and he was grinning towards you like a little boy who got his candy after whining for too long. He nodded and pinched your nose.
“That’s a gift for you. We are neighbours and I thought I should start our friendship like this.”
“Oh thanks.” You offered a kind smile to him. “But you could have given me before then we would have been friends then and there.”
“well, I was scared of the rejection and I’m kind of shy and also my friend was in hurry for something.”
You nodded on his words. Suddenly, he came closer to you than before and you became cautious of the situation and scooted back. He noticed your action and a hurt expression appeared on his face but quickly he showed you his sweet smile. You awkwardly mimicked the smile when he offered his hand for a shake. Your mind recalled the situation with mark and a thought came across your mind that after that event how you are meeting so many new people in your life. Maybe, without your friend in the town, you are finally socializing with people. Unlike before, you gladly accepted his hand and shook with a shy and awkward smile.
“We are friends now. Myself Jaemin.”
“Nice to meet you Jaemin. This is Y/N.”
His grip tightened and he closed his eyes with a sly smile resting on his face. He was memorizing how you sweet voice voiced out his name and he could never be happier than hearing his name from you. Opening his eyes, he brought your hands up to his lips to press a soft kiss on your knuckles. You were lost in admiring his features that you didn’t notice his actions until you felt his cold lips against your skin. Shy? He is a damn flirt.
“Let’s head back home. Its pretty late. Even if the place is safe, you don’t know what mysteries are hiding behind the dark.”
Agreeing with him, you both went back to your way. Then, you noticed how he really was your neighbour but you didn’t come across with each other’s path before.
After that day, you somehow felt an eagerness to pass through the convenience store everyday after having the skating lesson with Mark in the park. On arriving everyday to the store, you could see Jaemin drinking a yoghurt milk and grinningly waiting for you and also, Jeno stealing glances from the side while being busy playing games on his phone. The must be very close with each other that they always being together.
Waiting. That’s what you were literally doing for past fifteen minutes but still not seeing any sight of the person. It’s quite a late afternoon and you were so happy today. Why? Just because you nowadays feel happy after coming from your daily tour from the seaside. And today, you spent a bit more time with that blue wave guy. You chuckled on your own thought as what a silly nickname you have given him. With a little pout, you shrink in your seat. He usually comes running to you when he would see you sitting there. You casted a glance to your skateboard and well you could see the teddy bear sticker on it and that was what Mark had sticked on it last day.
“So, who is that lucky person you are thinking about?”
Craning your neck, you could see a guy chewing a gum and giving you a teasing smirk and shielding his eyes with a sunglass. With striking a pose, he brushed his hairs backward and when he felt your eyes on him, his smirk became wide. With a striking walk, he came beside you and sat on the empty place.
“Who are you?”
“You don’t know me? That’s so bad.”
He asked you and fake gasped when you shook your head. He was reacting as if it’s your fault in not being aware of his status. A frown appeared on your face and your expressions were totally how you were judging his over dramatic self.
“Why is it important to know?”
Clearing his throat, he turned his body towards your direction, placing a hand on head of the seat and placing the leg over another, striking a sassy pose. You pressed your lips just to prevent yourself showing your annoyance to him and being rude on your first meeting.
“Everyone in this colony knows about me and I’m honestly surprised that you don’t know me.”
“Yah! Why are you so casual about it? Don’t I stand out among all the boys here.”
Honestly, he stands out. It was because you haven’t encountered any other boy with such a unique personality who acts like this on their first meeting even with a girl. Every guy tries to be formal or shy when interacting but this boy was totally over confident about himself and somewhere deep inside you were enjoying his company while waiting for Mark. You laughed lightly at his annoyed expression but quickly regained your composure when you saw him taking off his sunglasses and glaring at you.
“So how was your little ride from seaside?”
How does he know about you? You were literally scared when he asked it and you thought that he might be some kind of stalker who was acting dumb in front of you.
“I’m not a stalker. That’s a very cheap name for me. Haechan is my name. I’m friends with Renjun and Mark so I know you.”
“oh.” So, they have talked about me among themselves. Why? They haven’t mentioned about being known to each other. Oh wait. You haven’t told them about each other then why they will tell you. But this boy is telling that they have talked about you then they must know now.
“Take this, you are overthinking too much. It looks like you don’t interact with people that much and that’s how you think about all the worst possibilities of everything.”
You watched how he took out a gum strip from a small pocket sized box and offered you to take it. You stared at that.
“What if it’s poison and then you might kidnap me?”
“That’s true. But to your luck, I don’t carry those cheap and useless stuffs in my precious and luxury jacket’s pocket. You are the poison to my mind you know. When they talk about you, after that you are stuck in my head and it’s so relaxing to see the angel in person.”
Again, that damn smirk reappeared on his face.
“Also, I would not attempt to pull out such a stunt in front of these much of people, right my Y/N?”
Gesturing with his open palm to all the people spread across the park. He pointed with his chin to take the gum and you accepted it. Satisfied with you, he gave you a teasing grin and eyes scanned your form.
“Haechan. What are you doing here? And.... oh Y/N?”
“I was waiting for you Mark.” you smiled.
“And me being a gentleman was accompanying her unlike you who kept her waiting here for so long.”
“Oh me. I’m sorry. I was just stuck in an important work and couldn’t make it on time.”
Haechan made a ‘tsk’ sound and stared at him to which the latter glared at him and it was of no effect on him because he smiled back to him.
“it’s okay Mark. I was….enjoying his company.”
Damn. His smug face was mocking his friend whose coming late was up to his satisfaction that he got to spend time with you.
“I’m sorry Y/N but I cant spend time with you today as I have to go somewhere and I thought you must be here so I came running here to tell you.” He awkwardly smiled to you and shuffled his hairs and honestly you found it too attractive.
“it’s okay. I can understand.”
Hanging his arm around Haechan’s neck, he bid you goodbye and your eyes followed how they were fighting and bickering jokingly while making their way out of the park. Looking down to the gum in your hand, your eyes widen when a paper folded into tiny folds was attached to it. On unfolding it, you found out the scribbles on it and you giggled.
‘This is my number below. If he makes you wait again, call me and I will tell you about his whereabout. Save the number, ~Haechan.’
‘Broken Melodies’
Suddenly today you are feeling to go through the confession page of your office. One might wonder as if why you were suddenly wanting to go through that site when you are never really interested in those stuffs. Well, the real matter was that you heard a rumor that one of your mangers has proposed his employee and everyone was fangirling over the fact. Surprisingly, even you. You were not expecting something like that for you but was really curious on the fact that how does that page look like. How people actually confess there? As far as You heard, the manager was an anonymous character there then how come everyone knows about it? Did that girl inform them?
You took your laptop and sat comfortably leaning to the headboard with it on your lap. You remembered the name of the page and typed in your Instagram account. The account popped up and you quickly clicked on it. You opened the first post and read the confession. You giggled on the cute message. Eyes reading all the posts when suddenly a particular post made you stop. The person had mentioned his name, well only his account name on Instagram ‘Broken melodies’.
I fell in love again, with her...again. I tried everyday to teach me how to unlove someone. Looking up to the sky, I have told myself countable times that I am capable of leaving her there. But… I cant get her out of my mind even if I hate her. I hate when I see those eyes staring back at me as if I am a stranger and we never knew each other. Whenever she comes near to me, those memories come across my mind along with her presence. Huh! Then only I can realize how I have treasured every moment spend together. Maybe we have made some mistakes back then and I should keep in mind not to repeat them again when she is close to me again. Again, in my life. I want to keep her with me. She is my everything but I’m just a stranger to her. I want to spend my every seven days of a week with you. Can we turn it back again?
I want to sing to her and see her smile again. Those admiration for me in her eyes, I miss them. My songs were the most melodious tunes with her but they are just the broken melodies without her.
“Oh damn. Who is this? I want her to get back to him. I don’t want him to sing alone, she should see this. But I haven’t heard any break up story in our work place.”
Thinking on the gossips you heard all in the past and recently, you tried to remember any story like this. Oh wait. Then this person has a lover from outside the work place.
Smiling, you like the post and commented.
‘You will get her soon.’
Within two minutes, you got a notification from Instagram and it was of someone liked your comment and when you opened the banner, it was from ‘Broken Melodies’.
Somewhere in a cold room, a smiling boy smiling and staring at his phone in his hand on reading a comment. He quickly liked it and sent a follow request to the account. Found it. He shook his head when he realised how he was smiling like a fool, maybe a fool in love.
“Chenle…Why are you smiling at the screen? What’s there so interesting that you couldn’t hear me calling out your name?”
“I have found her profile.”
The latter boy just shook his head but not because he thought his friend was silly but he was going to ask him for the profile and the owner of that account later that night.
“Are you coming?”
“You didn’t have to scream so loud. Aish, my ears will bleed soon.”
Chenle started laughing on seeing his friend’s dramatic attempt to press his palms over his ears and fake crying that he couldn’t hear anything anymore.
You accepted the profile when you thought he must be another worker from your office as all other employees you know were already friends with him. This is how the story begins with the pages being turned over to the initial.
‘Starry night’
“Have you ever wondered if anybody is looking back to from up there?”
You turned to your supposed to be high school classmate. He was already staring at the sky and was attempting to count the stars. Your thoughtful expression glanced at him and avert your eyes back to the sky.
Is there?
“I don’t know….”
“There is someone or should say some people.”
His eyes taking in the view, how the moonlight falling over you and you were still managing to glow. To some other eyes, you might be a common person standing to the side leaning against the pillar on the bridge with your boyfriend but to him you were the most shining star under the night sky at that moment. He met you at the bus stand few days back when you were returning from your work and he was so happy to meet you after so many years. You were confused when he first introduced himself but you then realised that he was the quiet and nerdy boy in your class.
It was Sunday evening when you both decided to have a meet up to chat and relive those old school memories. He was still a shy boy but you saw how he has gained so much confidence unlike before because of which he could approach you that day.
“You are telling it the way as if you are sure and can prove it if possible.”
“I can.”
“There are many things you still don’t know, Y/N.”
“And you know?”
“Perhaps yes.”
“Have you lost someone to up there?”
Silence. That's what you got in return after you asked the question to him. You casted a worried glance towards him to see if you have crossed your boundaries and asked any question that might be too sensitive to him in some ways. When you were about to apologize to him, he turned around and cupped your face and you watched how a tear fell sliding through his cheeks, the end of tear line reflecting the moonlight.
“Yes. A very precious one.”
“Can’t you………get back them again?”
“I have got her back again. Very close to my heart and the person will be there with me all night long under this starry blanket of the night sky.”
“That’s really nice.”
Your hands went up to touch your cheeks and felt tears falling, similarly the way you had seen on Jisung’s face. Why are you crying? It was not you who lost someone except your parents but the way he was saying those words while staring directly to your eyes felt so real like as if he was directing the words to you.
You glanced at the clock and it was already so late and you looked at the snacks kept on the table which you bought from the store before calling your friend. When the clock shows how late you were and the nest day you need to wake up early for your work, you realised you were zoning out for too long, thinking about the encounters with these seven boys. The encounters were like a dream occurring in the reality.
Arranging everything as per your routine before bed, you went on to have a sleep to rest your mind and body after having your little trips to different places.
You have to arrange the pieces to the puzzle of your life. These boys seem like the missing puzzle pieces and are to fix your life into a final piece.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @eriny123 @jaehunnyy @is4b3ll3s @she-is-dreaming
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