#neil will probably come up with something far better
idliketobeatree · 7 months
I just had an idea, thinking about how S2 established that Aziraphale and Crowley are very much capable of creating embassies out of places they consider their own— and how much they've been trying to achieve that peaceful existence without compromising the life belonging on this planet.
I don't know how Aziraphale and Crowley would do it – surely they'd need something stronger than a 25 Lazarii miracle – but if they can share property over the bookshop and the Bentley, making it impossible for demons (angels too?) to cross over uninvited, maybe they could call the entire Earth their home? So that no one could go there with ill intentions, the Second Coming business or otherwise. And if they aren't powerful enough? The combined forces of the new Supreme Archangel and the new Duke of Hell, or even a former demon who was a high-ranking angel before the Fall, aided by f.e. Beelzebub and Gabriel would probably do the trick. Seems crazy, but really, they've been the protectors all along. And it's not like Earth would be permanently closed off; Aziraphale would simply stand on guard, like he was meant to do from the start. Just because She doesn't watch over anymore, doesn't mean they couldn't, and you have to admit there are no better candidates for the task.
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wasitforrevenge · 7 months
oh sweetheart pt. 2.5
pairing: boxer!ellie x f! jesses sister!reader
word count: 1.2k
rating: 18+ (smut will be coming in later parts)
warnings: dealer! boxer!ellie, weed, alcohol,
summary: ellie gets your phone number.
author notes: hi just something small for a filler, setting up for the next part, hoping to have it posted up friday the 1st! thank you for reading! pls reblog, comment, or like! i love the support, and thank you for over 1000 likes and 100 followers!! it’s a great feeling
italic = ellie and bold = reader
part 2.5 | part 3
series masterlist <3
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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its been a week and a half since you last saw her when she drove you home from the match in her old busted truck. thoughts of her plagued your mind all week. you wondered if she was working. you wondered if she was out with friends. you wondered if she was thinking about you. she is but you don’t know that. you’re not aware she’s thinking of you also. thinking of the way the smell of strawberries stained her car after you left. thinking of the way you said you like it when she calls you sweetheart.
both of you wonder when the next time you’ll see each other is.
its a wednesday afternoon, you’re currently sitting on the couch with dina. she’s the only friend you have down here so far and its not weird that she’s dating your brother. she has come over a bunch, helping you shop, getting little things for your apartment, watching movies and of course, getting high. which is exactly what you’re doing right now. you both sat on your old lumpy couch and watched the iron man series that you had on dvd, not paying to much attention to the tv, but rather your conversion.
“so no luck still? you should just come work with me at the farm, i mean i love it- the horse shit not so much.” dina exclaimed.
“yeah its like no one is hiring, i may have to take you up on that, i still wanna keep looking though, maybe something will come along.” you told her.
“yeah avoid horse shit as long as you can, something will come along don’t worry!” she said trying to make you feel better knowing you’re stressed. but at the end of the day, you need something to fill your time besides thinking of the boxer that drove you home.
you guys just sat and talked then eventually as the credits rolled for the last movie, you got up and started to clean up the mess from the pizza you ordered earlier. after you went to the kitchen and put the plates in the sink, you grabbed the bottle of wine and two glasses and made your way back to dina still in the living room. you hold it up to her and with the look on her face, you knew she was thinking the same thing.
by the third bottle, it was 10pm and you’ve run out of weed and not much wine left but you both are feeling great, laughing and giggling like kids. its nice to have a friend you thought.
“what are you doing friday night?” she questioned.
you responded to her, “probably exactly what im doing right now” you both laughed.
“well there’s another match this weekend, me and jesse are going if you want to come along again, ellie will be there too.” she replied. you couldn’t hide the smile on your face when she said her name.
“woah! what’s with the smiling and the blushing…” she joked asking. you didn’t tell either of them what happened that night at the first match. from outside or inside, they assumed you both got an uber and you didn’t tell them any differently.
“nothing, i just thought she was nice thats all.” you said trying not make any signs of anything more.
“oh she is!,” dina started, “well maybe not at first but once you get to know her, we’ve been friends for years now,” she laughed and kept going, “she fights at the gym sometimes, but she works there too, its a good hang out space plus cheap drinks. plus she’s bringing us the restock.” she finished as she picked up her weed jar.
“oh you get it from her?” you inquired, thinking back to the faint smell of weed in her car when she drove you home.
“yeah she’s got good stuff and nice deals, ugh its great, always easier to get it from someone you know,” she ended. you thought about asking her if you could tell her to get you some to and for some other non-obvious reason but she beat you to it.
“ill send her your number and she’ll text you.” she said to you as she pulled out her phone and sent a message. a few moments later, her phone rang and she answered, it was jesse waiting outside for her so she gave you a hug and grabbed her stuff and you walked her to the door.
you locked it before you turned around to sit back down on the couch, grabbed the wine glass and poured the last bit in your cup, you were still drunk and definitely feeling it. you heard your phone buzz and you picked it up, answering the call, not paying attention, thinking it was dina but the voice surprised you.
hey sweetheart
you didn’t expect her to call so soon, you haven’t even given yourself a moment to think about what to say beforehand. you weren’t prepared for this. you feel yourself getting nervous over the girl you only met last week but you just cant help it. she’s been on your mind since you met her.
hi ellie
dina sent me your number i hope that’s okay
yes she said she was going to
well in that case, she said you needed to buy
yeah we managed to smoke up all her stash and i haven’t gotten any since i moved here, probably cause i didn’t know where to get it
well no worries, i’ve got everything you need sweetheart.
thank you ellie, you said smiling but she couldn’t see you through the phone, you wondered what she’d think if she saw how red your face was right now.
you can call me el sweetheart, no need to be so formal.
she laughed through the phone, and then asked if you were coming to the gym on friday with your brother and dina.
they invited me but i hadn’t thought about it yet, not wanting to sound too eager about the potential thought of seeing her on friday.
mhm- well you should, we’re just gonna have some drinks and chill so nothing crazy. but i will have the weed for you then if that peaks your interest.
bribing me with drugs?, you laugh into the phone and she laughs with you.
if that’s how you want to put it sweetheart, sure
you smiled into the phone, not even sure how to respond to that before becoming flustered, before you continued,
i guess we’ll just have to wait and see then…
yeah i guess we will… goodnight sweetheart.
that was the last thing she said before she hung up and you sat staring back at a black screen. thinking that now she has your number and you have hers.
it’s almost 11 now as you brush your teeth, throw on a t shirt and cuddle up in bed. falling asleep to the thoughts of how friday was going to go when you finally saw her again.
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edgarallennope · 1 year
Honestly I love the kiss so much, but I love it even MORE as a response to the constant debate that Neil Gaiman has kind of been made to be in the middle of. That only a kiss would make it canon, that it wasn't "real queer rep" otherwise.
To which Neil Gaiman said, fine! You get three queer couples this season.
Here are Nina and Maggie. They are both women, they are both explicitly gay. They will be something someday, probably, but not yet. They need time, but they know they like each other. They do not kiss.
Here are Beelzebub and Gabriel. They are genderless beings that come in He and They flavouring, and they are very explicitly (and DISGUSTINGLY) in love, and they hold hands and serenade each other and everything. They do not kiss.
Here are Aziraphale and Crowley. They are genderless beings that come in a variety of flavours but have most frequently been He-ing it up. They have known each other over 6000 years. They have loved each other almost the entire time. They know each other better than any other beings in existence. They have lived their entire existence pretending there's nothing between them, far too afraid to call attention to the love that dare not speak its name, for fear at first of retribution, but deeper than that there is a fear of driving away the only being in the universe who understands and accepts them fully. Of losing the only friend they have in the world.
They kiss, and it is NOT a happy kiss. It is the FURTHEST THING from a relationship confirming kiss. It is a goodbye kiss, a throwing-sand-over-the-fire kiss. It is a truly DESPERATE kiss (and I've seen Richard II I know damn well that David Tennant can do a longing and fearful kiss when he needs to), and it hurts more than anything else.
There, Neil Gaiman says. You got your kiss. Are you happy? Are they real now? More-so than before?
TLDR: newsflash asshole they've been in love and queer the entire goddamn time.
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pt VI good omens s1e2, a totally all-inclusive summary i remember everything
i don't, that's a lie. i lie like aziraphale, rarely and badly but with great gaslight energy.
alright well let's not dawdle for 6000 years, i'll forget what i DO remember.
An angel named Gabriel who is not Jimbriel yet, so a foetus Jimbriel, gets into Aziraphale's bookstore and yells about pornography to keep humans from following him into Aziraphale's secret back chamber.
What they do there, I do not know. It is up to speculation. They talk and Aziraphale is flustered about Crowley, I think, but that's the whole show so far.
The intro sequence remains strange. Cartoon Aziraphale is an impregnated chicken, cartoon Crowley is the baby daddy.
There are witch hunters and they want to burn Agnes Nutter alive. I don't know who Anges Nutter is yet.
We cut to Agnes Nutter and I know I will never forget her. She is beautiful and a BAMF. A MILF. An absolute bombshell.
The bombshell part is literal. They set her on fire and she explodes, killing all those in a 100 metre radius. I want to be her.
I assume it is a witch thing, but then find out she put bombs under her skirts. I want to be her, but more ardently.
There is a book. She writes prophecies in it.
There are horsemen of the apocalypse, which I forgot was still happening. We are in present day.
War kills everyone. She is pretty. She is not Warlock, the kid whom Aziraphale and Crowley raised.
Famine is a sexy beast, and runs Michelin star restaurants. He likes tiny food. He is developing foodless food.
If there are others, I do not notice. There could be. There really could be. There probably are.
There is a girl who scribbles on the book from earlier. She grows up. I think she is War. I am wrong. This is probably a good time to mention to Tumblr that I have mild issues with facial recognition, which is totally not going to affect my understanding of what is happening at all.
She is named Anathema. That could be someone else. What is real? Not Neil Gaiman.
She finds the Antichrist and the Them, and they are all playing at a witch hunt. The Antichrist does not have an aura. Yellow is fear. Yellow is joy. I lose track of what is happening for several scenes.
Newt is works in an office. There is a power cut. Newt no longer works at an office.
Newt joins a witch hunt.
There is a delivery man. I think he is Newt. I am wrong. His name is something resembling Judy. It is an easy mistake, everyone's reaction to not-Newt-maybe-Judy is the same as that to Newt, deep protective love.
Crowley and Aziraphale steal a Bentley. Find a Bentley? I am unsure. I am too busy looking at Crowley.
Crowley speeds. Crowley likes speeding. They hit a motorbike that has maybe-Anathema. They pick her up and take her to a house somewhere. The Bentley plays Queen music. Everyone is very excited about this. Beepop.
Maybe-Anathema enters the house. This could have been before she finds the Antichrist. But if the show isn't linear I don't have to be either, I decide.
Crowley and Aziraphale panic a lot, but find time to eye each other hungrily and lovingly. They have priorities, and I respect that.
Crowley yells at his plants to grow better. He pretends to kill one of them. I cannot believe I was entirely right about my interpretation of that GIF. I am filled with confused anger. Later I find out that he is projecting how heaven told him he was a disappointment and threw him out. I am no longer angry. I am sad. This is an ongoing thing when it comes to Crowley.
A major plot point is Dog, the best friend of the Antichrist, having a face off with a fat tabby cat. Dog loses. It was doomed from the start.
Aziraphale gaslights gatekeeps and girlbosses. He assures heaven that everything is under control. It is not. That is okay. I think.
Heaven asks about Crowley. Aziraphale gets flustered. This is as per usual and he assures them that he is battling Crowley, who keeps him on his toes. I not-so-privately think that Crowley keeps him on his knees, really.
Things happen. I'm too busy thinking about Aziraphale's puppy eyes. He is a bitchy sweetheart. I love him.
More things happen. I'm too busy thinking about Crowley's sexy hips and shoulders and, well, everything.
The episode ends. I am still thinking about Crowley. I am always thinking about Crowley. Everyone is always thinking about Crowley.
This... this is all I remember. Have it, Tumblr.
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anhonest-puck · 2 months
i have some neil hcs i’ve been told to post for yall so here they all are under the cut! (there’s so many omgghdhshdjs)
• wears dirty ass converse and sweaters like all the time
• the only ‘nice’ shoes he really has were gifts from his parents or the other poets
• ambidextrous!! mainly right handed, though
• has one specific pen he uses for like everything (probably calls it something stupid like his Thinking Pen too LMAO)
• slim, neat handwriting
• good with kids (to a certain extent)
• his mother taught him how to cook/bake when he was younger
• he’s terrible at haunted houses (the poets went into one once and he was glued to todd practically the entire time)
• he says he hates his glasses but he really doesn’t mind them!
• tired all the time
• chronic overpacker when it comes to road trips/vacations
• he’s def one of those people that sing in the shower very loudly, but it actually sounds good surprisingly (also will recite lines from plays when he’s showering too,)
• almost perfectly straight top row of teeth, but more crooked bottom row
• always cold. he has a blanket/jacket on like 90% of the time
• heavy sleeper
• both a night owl and an early bird (he gets no sleep like ever)
• he probably has carpe diem written on his hand at all times
• The Yapper ™️
• insane sweet tooth
• sleeps with a stuffed animal he got when he was younger (gives him a sense of comfort and stability!)
• “what’s personal space?”
• awful caffeine addiction
• him and charlie probably need to be leashed when they’re out in public just because of how chaotic they are, they’d cause too much damage :,)
• (neil lives au) after his attempt, he made a promise to himself to be a far better father than his own
and that’s all! who knows i might come up with more later hehe >:)
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celestialcrowley · 9 months
My mom and I were finally able to watch the final episode of Good Omens season 2.
Before we dive in, my mom is very — how do I say this — anti on certain things. My friend said it perfectly. He said she gave him the homophobic put the fear of God type vibes when he first met her.
I don’t believe anything will ever fully change her opinions or views of us. I’ve not even referred to myself as aromantic / asexual in her presence, and I doubt I ever will. I simply tell her I’m done dating. It’s clearly not in my future, and, after trying it a couple of times, it just isn’t something I’m interested in.
I hope that one day she will open her eyes and realize that it’s all fine. Whatever we are. It’s okay.
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My mom enjoyed season one. When I asked her what she thought of Aziraphale and Crowley, here’s what she said. Not her exact words but close enough to what I can remember.
“Aziraphale seems like he’s afraid of getting into trouble with Heaven, but not enough to keep him from going against God’s orders.”
Just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.
“Crowley isn’t as evil as he paints himself to be.”
Just a little bit a good person.
The only thing, as far as I’m aware, that didn’t quite sit right with my mom is that God is a She.
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey…
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I was terrified for her to watch the second season because of Maggie and Nina and That Big Damn Kiss. She’s told me some less than desirable things previously. Here are a handful of them.
“I won’t watch shows that have gay couples in them.”
“I will watch them, but I’ll just turn my head away when they kiss.”
About my friend who is a lesbian —
“Your friend just says that, but she doesn’t actually know what she is.”
Okay, mom. You go ahead and keep telling yourself that.
I am certain, despite my fear, that I wanted her to watch Good Omens so badly because I thought maybe it would be the golden ticket. It’s uniquely different.
We have been gifted with Anthony J’I’m Not Actually Either Crowley and Mister AZ Smitten I Believe Fell, The Almighty God She, Nina I’m Not Your Type and Maggie You Have No Idea.
I was expecting my mom to frown upon Maggie and Nina’s story in season two, but she didn’t. She actually didn’t even have anything negative to say.
Y’all should have seen me when That Big Damn Kiss was coming up. I was fidgeting probably as bad as Aziraphale was when he was gathering up the courage to ask Crowley to dance with him.
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I don’t think I’ve ever fidgeted that much in my life.
And then it happened.
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That Big Damn Kiss
And she watched all of it. She didn’t look away. She didn’t make a face. She didn’t say anything negative.
I don’t necessarily think her views have changed because she laughed at something my uncle told her about a former coworker of his. This coworker used to go by Craig, but he later came out as trans and asked to be called Cindy. My uncle said, “The best we can do is Crindy.”
Most of my family are homophobic, and I don’t care for it.
I don’t know if it’s the way Neil Gaiman has written Good Omens, but I was surprised that she watched the entire show, had nothing negative to say and even added that she needs to watch all of both seasons again to better understand it.
That’s something, I suppose.
Maybe she’s coming around.
Thank you, Neil Gaiman.
You truly are a legend. 💚
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 20
FF had watched more than a few self-defense videos when he believed that Andrew Minyard was looking for a dark alley to stab him in. He had learned how to turn the attacker’s momentum against them. Had learned about disarming the person trying to stab him.
He’d even had Matt teach him a few punches claiming that it was for the dust-ups that tended to happen on the court.
He, naturally, does not use any of that knowledge because his mind immediately reverts into Lizard panic mode the moment Jackson Plank takes another step forward with a knife (HUGE. Is it wild that he is thinking about Crocodile Dundee right now?)
“If you come quietly you won’t get hurt.” Jackson says and he reverts to who he is as a person and he freezes. His bravery was used up maybe it was only ever tied to great pump up songs and now in the silence of the alley he is back to being Stone-Faced Smith.
“You’re going to dial up Wesninski and if you don’t say EXACTLY what I tell you to then I’m going to have you SING in agony.”
Y’know in that moment he stops thinking about Crocodile Dundee.
He thinks about a movie that is far more ingrained in his mind than any number of self-defense videos or one-off lessons with Matthew Boyd where he’d been trying not to flinch. A movie he had watched in better days with his family and had been a favorite of his Grandma’s (and his).
He thinks about Miss Congeniality.
Sandra Bullock as Gracie Hart has taught him everything he ever truly needs to know when he takes a step back and Jackson comes at him.
He strikes right at Jackson’s nose with the palm of his hand.
The knife is dropped and FF kicks it under a dumpster.
FF grabs the single weapon he has on his person.
The McDonald’s Megamind Happy Meal Light Effects Brainbot.
He points the LED light straight at Jackson’s eyes and just like Aaron in the car on the way back, “Shit, that’s bright!” And now completely blinded by a combination of watery eyes and LED McDonald’s toy he proceeds to SING just as Gracie Hart had taught him.
S - Solar Plexus. He punches Jackson there as hard as he can.
I - Instep. He smashes his booted foot down on the inside of Jackson’s shoes (who the fuck wears LOAFERS to a kidnapping?)
N - Nose. He’d feel bad about hitting it again if Jackson wasn’t y’know…a hitman out to hurt Captain Neil.
G - Groin. He may have to give himself just half a second to apologize to all of mankind for what he is about to do. His step brothers had definitely kicked him in the groin plenty of times to try and get a reaction. It’s an art to not let anyone know that your ball has retreated up into lower intestine. He kicks Jackson as hard as he can (collegiate athlete) with the boots that Nicky had let him borrow. He is right on target with the toe of his shoes.
Jackson goes down.
The next thing he does is not something Gracie Hart had taught him but does still feel like the right thing to do in this situation. He kicks Jackson in the head and the man goes limp.
If FF throws both hands up in the air and lets out a “I am Miss Congeniality!” Victory cry into the alleyway well no one is around or awake to know that.
He feels like he deserves a sash and a crown and some flowers.
He looks down at Jackson and then over at the van the man had hopped out of. He was definitely PLANNING on kidnapping Captain Neil so he probably has like…some kind of restraint?
Well, better to completely subdue this guy before he tries to figure out the game plan for Romero. Wait, what’s that next to the Crocodile Dundee knife, are those...?
Roland is calling for a second time.
Andrew had let it go to voicemail the first time. It was usually Roland complaining about Nicky, Aaron, or Kevin doing something exceptionally stupid in their inebriated states. They have a system. Roland will call and leave a voicemail detailing the dumb shit his family has gotten up to and then he’ll let it go.
If Roland calls twice then there’s an issue.
Arm still around Neil’s shoulders he answers the phone, “What.” He asks.
“You need to help your new friend. There’s some guy following him, he’s armed and dangerous and looking for someone to grab to get Neil’s attention. He tried to lead the guy outside but he’s standing watching it for now so there might have already been someone waiting?” Roland gets out in a rush and Andrew is up and moving towards the stairs even as he’s closing the phone to disconnect the call.
Neil, of course, is right on his heels. “What is it? Did something happen?” Neil asks and they are up the stairs and pushing past Frank and his stupid pineapple shirt. Andrew spots Nicky and he spots Aaron.
“Get Nicky and Aaron somewhere safe. I need to go help Smith with something.” He says because whoever this is wants Neil and Andrew will not let Neil get within grabbing distance and won’t mention it. Neil, blessedly, does what Andrew asks without question.
Andrew scans the crowd and finds a man whose gaze goes between his phone and the back door.
A face that Andrew had memorized.
One of Nathan’s surviving men.
In the same Zip Code as Neil.
And that man has the audacity to still be breathing.
He looks and Nicky and Aaron (drunk, drugged, and useless because Andrew had wanted them to be) are with Neil and Roland is directing them to the backroom.
Andrew goes out the alley and can feel Romero’s eyes on him.
He’s prepared for a lot of things to see out in that alley. He’s angry that FF hadn’t just come down and grabbed him and Neil (he does not need TWO martyrs) and he wants to know what the fuck FF was thinking (or if he was thinking at all). Even with that anger he does not wish to see FF’s blood spilled all over an alleyway because Andrew’s family needed to be protected and FF was the only one sober enough and aware enough to do it.
He knows what Nathan’s men are capable of.
Knows that Romero was one of Nathan’s best so if there is someone out in the alleyway then it’s likely one of his other bests.
FF doesn’t even know how to use a knife. He had asked and FF had firmly declined every time Andrew had brought it up after the first fainting incident. “I’m not interested in learning that. No.” Had been the standard response.
He knew FF had at least taken a lesson or two from Boyd on throwing a punch considering the one he shot out a week ago when a Striker came at him after the third time FF intercepted a pass.
Still, Andrew had not anticipated coming out into the alleyway and finding an unharmed FF securing an unconscious Jackson Plank’s arms behind his back with fuzzy handcuffs.
“Am I interrupting something?” He asks and FF looks up at him with a flush on his cheeks.
“It’s not my fault this is a weird sex alleyway! They’re the first thing I found on my way over to the van to look for actual restraints.” FF says immediately and Andrew almost laughs at the insanity of it. “Wait, where’s Captain Neil?” FF looks around nervously.
“He’s with Aaron and Nicky in the backroom. Roland gave me your S.O.S.” Andrew says even as he quickly makes his way away from the door and towards FF. “Romero is watching the door. Let’s give him a reason to come out.” He says going over to Jackson and when he rolls the man over he raises an eyebrow at the piss stain on his pants and the blood dripping down his nose.
He looks to FF who resolutely does not look back at him.
It’s a story he’ll get out of his friend eventually. Looks like FF didn’t really need those knife lessons. Something settles a bit more in Andrew, it’s nice to have someone else in their group that could handle themselves in a fight.
Andrew finds a phone and FF rolls Jackson back onto his stomach, “He could choke on his own blood.” He shrugs and Andrew wouldn’t care if Jackson choked on his own blood in fuzzy handcuffs in a back alley but he can understand FF not wanting a murder charge.
Andrew looks at the phone and sees the the swipe pattern clear as day. It takes him two tries to get the order right but then Jackson’s phone is available for him to get over to the texting app.
The texts he reads there make him angry. There were a lot of plans on what the two of them were going to do to Neil before his body was offered up to a different crime family to show that Romero and Jackson had no loyalty left to the Wesninski line.
He types out a text to Romero that will have the jackass come out thinking everything had gone well and they had two hostages. He looks over to FF, “You ready for round two?” He asks.
“There isn’t a tap out option right?” FF asks and Andrew laughs at the joke.
Always cool under pressure it seems.
“Then yeah, I guess just hit send.” FF says with a shrug.
Andrew does just that.
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Didn’t wanna leave ya’ll hanging on that particular cliffhanger for too long ;)
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The requests to be added to the tag list keep being spread out across a few different areas. If I missed you please just ask again in the replies I promise I just missed you.
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it  right but you didn’t  get a notification there might be something  switched around in  your settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
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prettyyoungandbored · 3 months
See You Again - Charlie Dalton
Pairing: Adult!Charlie Dalton x Fem!Pregnant!Reader
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“What do you want for dinner tonight?” Charlie asked, rubbing his wife’s back.
“Everything that is terrible for me,” she replied with a tired sigh, putting one hand on her belly. “Probably a bad idea bringing me into the grocery store.”
“We’re almost done with the list,” he told her. “Besides, we’ll be here for a week. We can always come back if you need other stuff.”
They decided to spend the week at his parent’s vacation home in Vermont. Y/N had been itching to get away from the city but considering she was four months pregnant, Charlie didn’t feel like going too far.
“How about we do some roast chicken thighs tonight?” she suggested. “It’s easy enough.“
“Perfect.” He kissed her cheek.
“Ok, so for that we’ll need some chicken thighs, rosemary-.”
Charlie looked away from Y/N, his smile falling. His blood ran cold at the figure standing in front of him.
Mr. Perry.
The last he saw Neil’s father was at Neil’s funeral. That was a little over 10 years ago, yet the man hadn’t aged all that much.
In all the times Charlie’s returned to Vermont since being kicked out of Welton, he managed to avoid seeing the Perry’s. There was the scare when his mother invited them to his and Y/N’s wedding, but they never responded nor showed up.
Y/N’s shifted from Charlie and the old man, wondering if she should stay behind Charlie and protect their baby.
“Mr. Perry,” Charlie spoke up, trying to swallow the lump in the throat.
Y/N’s eyes widened in realization and she wondered if she should step in for Charlie’s sake.
Meanwhile, Charlie saw Mr. Perry’s eyes fall to Y/N’s stomach. Charlie tightened his jaw, fists clenched.
“Congratulations…son,” the old man said with a nod.
Once the old man turned away, Y/N sighed in relief. “Let’s just pay and go, ok?”
Charlie wasn’t going to argue.
Following by a silent car ride home, Y/N spoke up the moment they walked inside the vacation home.
“I know you don’t want to talk about it, but we’re going to,” she said.
“Non-negotiable, Charlie.”
His jaw tightened. “Fine. Alright. He has no right to show his face to me. Not after what he did. And the way he looked at your stomach…like…who am I to be a father, right? Like he…he…”
“Neil should be here, dammit! He should be here and the fact his asshole of father is still walking around after what he did! After what he caused!”
Tears streamed violently down his face. Y/N reached out to him, but he stepped back. He turned around and walked outside, slamming the door.
Y/N exhaled softly, guilty tears filling her eyes. She just wanted to talk with him about it, but she knew she should have known better.
As she sat down on the couch, she pretended to ignore the sound of the car driving off.
Charlie closed the car door and made his way up the hill, hands buried in his jacket pocket. He walked across the cemetery, glancing at the names until he saw the one he needed to see.
And then he spotted it, his heart dropping to his stomach.
NOVEMBER 10, 1943 - DECEMBER 15, 1959.
He’d avoided coming here long enough. He’d sworn after the funeral he wouldn’t go here, already traumatized by the fact his best friend was in a casket.
Hot tears strolled down his face, as he lowered his head.
“I’m sorry I haven’t come out here,” he spoke up. “I would say it’s not for a lack of trying, but…”
He shook his head. “You know, I never forgave myself for not stopping your dad. I thought if maybe I intervened or actually did something, I could’ve…you know. I promised myself that next time I’d see him, I’d give him a piece of mind. Tell him what I should’ve told him at the funeral. Yet the second I see the son of a bitch in the grocery store, I choke.”
He lowered his head, a tear rolling down his cheek and hitting the headstone.
“I’m gonna be a dad, Neil,” he continued. “How can I protect my kid when I couldn’t protect you?”
The silence that fell was a reminder that Neil could not respond. He couldn’t tell Charlie what he needed to hear. He couldn’t tell him that things would be ok.
And he never would.
Charlie wiped his tears and sniffled. “I miss you, Neil.”
When Charlie returned to the house, he hung his jacket and slid off his shoes. Figuring Y/N was probably asleep, he quietly made his way up the stairs into the master bedroom.
There, he found Y/N lying awake in bed, the soft glow from the television reflecting on her.
She propped herself up when she saw him walk in. “Charlie, I’m sorry I-.”
“No, no don’t apologize,” he said, crawling into bed beside her. “I’m sorry I screamed and ran off like that.”
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s ok. You were shaken up and I-.”
“No, Y/N, it’s not ok. There’s no justification for it.” He grabbed her hand, kissing her open palm. “I’m sorry and I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Y/N went to turn off the TV when Charlie asked, “Can we keep it on a bit longer?”
“Of course.”
She snuggled into him, as he threw an arm around her shoulders.
Not a moment passed by when Y/N broke the silence and returned to the subject. “Where did you go?”
Charlie sighed, wishing to avoid it but knowing he needed to face it one way or another.
“I went to Neil’s grave,” he answered.
She straightened up her posture, mouth hung open slightly. “You actually went?”
“I didn’t really know where else to go. Plus, I figured it was time.”
He wanted to end the conversation there, but she had that look he knew all too well. It was the kind of look that begged him to keep talking about it.
“It was strange,” he continued. “The idea of talking at a headstone, knowing that’s the only way I can talk to him.”
His eyes fell to her stomach. “You know what kills me the most? The way Mr. Perry looked at me after he saw your stomach, like I had the audacity to become a father.”
“He knows you’ll be better than he was and that’s what kills him,” she said.
He glanced back up at her. “You think so?”
“The fact you’re opening up about it means you care enough not to repeat the mistakes you’ve seen others make,” she said. “I know you’ll be a better father than Mr. Perry and your dad ever was.”
His hand met her stomach. She placed a hand over his.
“I promise I’m gonna do my best,” he said.
He used his other hand to take a strand of Y/N’s hair, tucking it behind her ears. “I’m sorry I yelled and walked out on you. You never deserved that.”
“I’m sorry I pushed you to talk about it. I should’ve let you had a moment to process it.”
“You were trying to help.”
“I could’ve gone about it better though.”
“How about we leave it at we’re both sorry and we focus on enjoying each other’s company during the trip?” he suggested gently.
She smiled in agreement. “Works for me.”
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orionsangel86 · 2 years
The Problem With Thessaly
I’m sure plenty of fans would agree with me that there are certain elements of the Sandman comics that are going to be very difficult to adapt for television. I don’t envy the mammoth task Neil and the creative team on the show have ahead of them. But one element in particular which has been on my mind frequently is how they are going to introduce Thessaly to our screens.
It’s not just that she’s a TERF. It’s that she’s a cold, cruel, selfish, and inconsiderate bitch who only ever thinks about herself. Oh yeah, and she’s a huge TERF. There isn’t a single likeable element to her.
And yet.
We are supposed to somehow believe that our main protagonist, idiotic as he may sometimes be, depressed and seriously down on his luck as he is, will fall head over heels in love with her.
Sorry. But it ain’t happening. Something has gotta change. So here are my thoughts on how they could fix the Thessaly Problem.
Under a cut for comic spoilers (and its a bit long)
I kinda get the reason it happens in the comics. Kinda. I can’t remember the exact quote, or where I read it, but Neil explained it as “two people who you know are absolutely not right for each other and no one who knows them can understand why they are together.” He purposely wrote it to be a really weird match that didn’t make sense.
From Dream’s perspective, at this point in the story he has just had some of his biggest romantic disasters slapped in his face (at one point literally) all within a very short space of time for an entity as long lived as him. First Calliope, then Nada, and then Alianora, and he is hurting from all of them. Having to face his romantic failures one after another within the space of a few years AFTER having to go through 70 odd years of relentless suffering trapped in a glass prison has GOT to mess with your head. So I think Thessaly is basically the worst rebound in history. They are only canonically together for a few weeks but he somehow falls head over heels for this plain, dull, horrible person. 100% this is a rebound. He’s messed up. So yeah, I kinda get it.
From Thessaly’s perspective it seems she just really liked the idea of being the object of someones attention and desire even though she never returned his feelings and left him the minute he stopped devoting all his attention to her (god she really is a bitch).
So why don’t I think this will work in the show?
Because the show is a kinder universe than the comic. Dream is different in the show. He is already more thoughtful, warm, compassionate, and has a better self awareness when it comes to his shortcomings. He’s also a far more romantic character in the show, which is probably thanks to Tom Sturridge’s excellent performance and likeability and absolutely maddening sexual chemistry with literally every character he interacts with (his pretty face doesn’t hurt either). You just have to look at his scenes with Calliope to know that they are playing up the romance and kindness there when in the comics Dream is extremely cold to Calliope throughout their very short interactions.
Given the news that the writing team on Game of You will include trans writers specifically to cover the sensitivities of honouring Wanda, I don’t know how they will adapt the transphobia she suffers at Thessaly’s hand, or whether they will include that at all - personally I think they should remove it. Not to make Thessaly more likeable, but because it reinforces a really wrong view of witchcraft and magick that modern witches and pagans are working extremely hard to reject. Not to get too deep into these topics, but transphobia is a fucking plague in those communities and the last thing we need is more people thinking everyone who practices witchcraft is a fucking TERF. The comic even goes so far as to imply the actual MOON is transphobic. Like WTF? The moon isn’t fucking transphobic and “womb magic” is stupid. If I ever have to read the words “divine feminine” in a witchcraft FB group again I’m gonna scream.
Anyway my point is that I don’t think those scenes in the comic are necessary and there are plenty of other ways to adapt that story without resorting to transphobia.
The other issue is that if they do keep it in, they somehow have to deal with the fact that their protagonist is seemingly totally cool with dating a transphobic murderous bitch. Um. Yeah, not cool Dream. I think the show is going to do everything it can to make Dream MORE likeable and based on what we have seen so far I definitely think that’s the route they are taking.
So yeah Dream won’t be falling in love with a TERF in the show, that I am sure of.
The thing is, the best way they can deal with the Thessaly problem is also the simplest - Don’t include her. Just don’t write her into the show. Simples.
Because we already have a character in the show universe who technically doesn’t exist in comic canon, who knows magic and the occult, and who is MUCH more likeable and kind whilst still being a bit messy and selfish and totally a terrible match for Dream... Oh, and who also happens to be played by possibly the most well known actor on the shows main cast list.
Johanna Constantine.
Jenna Coleman is a fairly big name and one of the primary stars for the show. At least Netflix seemed to think so since her face was all over the marketing and she was included in basically every cast interview, even though her character only turns up in 1 and a half episodes. She is also playing a new version of an already well known character in pop culture and I am convinced Netflix is already considering spin off options for her. So there is no way they aren’t going to include her in future episodes of the Sandman.
Except thats where Netflix has a problem if it wants to stick to comic canon. Lady Johanna Constantine only turns up in one more Sandman story, and John Constantine doesn’t show up again at all in the comics.
So my piece of speculation that I’m almost 90% certain will happen, is that they will bring back modern Johanna Constantine in an extended or adapted role based on another character.
My money is on Thessaly. Remove Thessaly, replace her with Johanna.
I’m not just saying this because I think Johanna and Morpheus hooking up will be hot (it will be, don’t deny it. My bisexual ass knows a hot couple when I see them). But because it makes sense.
Yeah okay we have that pesky little rule about the Endless not dating mortals - but that rule currently doesn’t exist in show canon either, so theres no reason why they can’t just also scrap that for the sake of some sexy, messy, and definitely disastrous bi4bi action.
All jokes aside, with only a few tweaks to the story in a Game of You, you could seemlessly fit Johanna into it. She can be in New York for a specific case, hell, maybe Barbie and the sudden appearance of Martin Tenbones on a busy New York street IS the case she’s investigating? She can still find a way to break Hazel and Foxglove into the Dreaming AND when Morpheus shows up they can have another tantalising showdown like they did in episode 3. It works better with Johanna tbh. She actually cares about people, the motivation is there for her to want to save Barbie and protect people from supernatural sources. We can just make the storm and the collapse of the apartment block be caused by George or the cuckoo or something (or not have it happen at all since I am also practically certain that Wanda is NOT going to die in the show).
This ALSO means that much later on, when Lyta is having her breakdown and destroying the Dreaming, having Johanna being the one to protect her from Morpheus rather than Thessaly also adds a more human element to it. Morpheus has never been a killer, but sometimes his duties demand it. He goes to kill Lyta to prevent the Kindly Ones destroying the Dreaming. If it is Johanna blocking him instead of Thessaly, their motives align. Johanna would protect Lyta for the simple fact that she won’t let a supernatural creature harm a human (as much as she can - sorry Kevin), and Morpheus, being hesitant about killing anyway, would be easily talked out of it by Johanna. “Find another way to save the Dreaming, I won’t let you harm her.”
It just adds an emotional weight that isn’t there with Thessaly, who only protects Lyta because she made a deal with the Kindly Ones in exchange for more centuries of life - an ironic request when Morpheus (and Death) are keeping Hob Gadling alive simply so he can be Dream’s BFF.
It just works for me. Scrap the “no mortals” rule and you can have them have the messy disastrous relationship that doesn’t work out. It is far more believable that Johanna Constantine could break Dream’s heart - she’s already a known heartbreaker in the show (sorry Rachel). It’s a doomed love story a modern audience can get behind, makes sense, the actors already have insane sexual chemistry, and it could definitely hit all those story beats needed to get the show to a version of the Kindly Ones whilst also actively improving it.
I may first and foremost be a Dreamling shipper, but talking in terms of canon I very much want Morpheus to have a passionate short-lived heart breaking affair with Johanna. Fuck Thessaly. Keep her relegated to comic canon. Morphanna all the way.
And THAT is how we fix the problem with Thessaly.
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about the choking scene, it really is the damn kevin of it all that I hate about it😭but not because I like kevin as a character (I do, but that's not the point) but more because I personally hate the idea where its like you can only have the one person youre in a romantic relationship with important to you and evrything else comes second and fandoms push that a lot, though I expected something different from a fandom that probably has more ace/aro ppl than others, other types of relationships can be just as important and I think it would be nice for characters who have been lonely for so long to have a few people who are important to them 😭I think it's like you said where I don't like when other relationships get butchered for the romantic one, I don't think it was ooc, and even if it was, people do things in desperate situations that are ooc so that wouldn't be a problem, it's that a lot of readers make it this romantic thing or a thing where Andrews prioritised neil over kevin, or has picked neil over kevin and they do the same thing with aaron too, it's like can't andrew love and care about his brother and boyfriend and kevin at the same time😭does it have to be a competition? Love can't even be quantified so a competition would be stupid anyway
I just think I hate the way a lot of people talk about it and I wanted to discuss it with a person whose posts are more objective and that I like, like it's such a tricky scene to think about, it's like the wires get crossed in my head its a hard scene to contend with in general
omg yeah basically everything you've said here is how I feel about it. a lot of people say that Andrew's relationship with Neil is more significant and just means more than any of Andrew's other relationships because of how Neil you know. gets him I guess. but honestly even though I fully understand that his relationship with Neil is on a different level, I still hate the ditching of Kevin (AND AARON UGH I HATE HOW THE TWINS LITERALLY CHOSE THEIR S/O'S OVER EACH OTHER. it's completely understandable in context and it is way more in character than the opposite would've been but still. I hate it) and I think people also tend to like. baby Andrew when it comes to his relationship with Kevin like "well if Kevin treated him better and understood him better then mAYBE—"
but yeah the thing that makes me most uncomfortable about the choking bit is like you said how people try to make it romantic. which, to be honest, is I think how it's supposed to be taken like it's supposed to be showing Andrew's desperation and how far he's willing to go for Neil. I just. well. I despise that Kevin was the one that had to be used to demonstrate that. but the whole thing is that, because that's Kevin, it's the only way to show the magnitude of Andrew's frustration, like it wouldn't have been the same if he'd just trashed the hotel room in rage or something but I still hate that he overstepped their boundaries for it because me personally I'm thinking about Kevin when I read that scene, not Andrew and Neil.
that whole thing just uses how important Kevin is to Andrew to show how much more important Neil now is. so if you're mostly about the romance in these books, which I think a lot of fans are, then ofc you'll eat that up but personally the non romantic pairings always are more interesting and dearer to me so I think that's why it bothers me
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al1v3-p03ts-s0ci3ty · 8 months
Hi! Can you write a Meeks one shot? (Fem!reader or GN!reader) where you're both nerds lmao, just some fluff :]
Hiiii :] I don't usually write Meeks stuff so forgive me if this is kind of out of character.
Essentially the gang plays d&d, on their way back to their dorms Meeks compliments YN on how well they played the game! I hope you enjoy >:] I haven't properly gone over this or corrected any grammar, so I apologise.
The room was the most quiet it had ever been, it wasn't normal for the common room to be this still. Though it was silent, the tension could be cut with a knife.
All the poets were gathered around the main table, usually used for studying, but occasionally the group enjoyed fantasy games aswell.
Neil was at the head of the table, there was a notebook in his hand which contained all of the outcomes of the story and characters depending on your dice roll. He was the dungeon master.
Todd and Charlie's characters had died not long ago, they were both waiting in anticipation. Pitts sat at the opposite head of the table, waiting for you to toss the dice. You could feel all 5 pears of eyes burning into you.
The dice were warm in your hand, the air in the room buzzed. This is what you've been waiting for. For weeks now, the poets would gather here and play d&d, it was different from their routinely meetings in that old cave.
Then there was a whisper. "No pressure, take your time." Meeks' voice was just as genuine as it always was. He was so kind to you and he knew exactly how to help during high stress situations just as this one.
You and him had been the only ones to have come this far in the game.
Neil was rather harsh with his villains, most of them had killed off the other members of the group. Other than Charlie of course, who rolled a 1 and his character tripped over a rock and died in the beginning of this session. But he still stuck around, curious of the ending of the game.
"Okay..." You say, your voice shaking.
You toss the dice at the table.
Everyone seemed to gasp and stand in unison, trying to get a better look at the dice.
Though, this didn't do much as the dice had managed to hit the table and bounce in the opposite direction of where you intended it to land.
"Turn on the light!" Charlie's voice was loud and rushed in comparison to the other silent poets.
Neil, being closest to the switch, turned on the light. It was pretty much no use as nobody saw exactly where the dice went.
You stutter, your anxiety getting to you. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Don't worry about it." Meeks gave your arm a kind reassuring squeeze. You're sure that just his smile could make you feel better in a time like this, he didn't need to say anything at all, but he did.
"Thanks..." Your voice went quiet as the other members of the group went around the room looking for the dice.
"It couldn't have gone far." Charlie called from the other side of the room. "Geez, how hard did you throw it?" He laughed.
You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could Meeks nudged you lightly. "Don't listen to him, you know how Charlie gets." Meeks voice was a whisper in your ear. His words never failed to make you smile.
After a small while of searching for the missing dice, the group gave up.
"It'll probably show up later," Neil chimed in while everyone collected their things to leave, "I wouldn't worry about it." Even though it was his dice that you lost he seemed completely unbothered, but that was Neil, he was an optimist after all.
"Still though," you began, "I'm sorry. I promise I'll look for them tomorrow."
Neil waved his hand toward you, dismissing what you said. You often wondered how he could be so calm with the group.
Most of the posts had left the room by this time, the only people left in the room were you and Meeks, though he seemed to be waiting for you.
Once you'd gathered your things and slung your bag over your shoulder, your short friend held the common room door open for you. 'What a gentleman.' you thought.
"Good game." His voice was just as quiet and soft as always but it still held the level of excitement that he had when he was in that room. "You handled some of those last guys really well, especially considering the rest of the group weren't playing."
The door closed behind you both. The halls were empty now, the other members had gone to their dorms already.
"You think so?" You say, masking your insecurity behind a chuckle. The other poets often complimented eachother on how they'd done during their games, but it was different coming from Meeks.
"Of course I do." The smile on his face hasn't faded, not even for a second. "You were so strategic and you knew exactly what to do." He looked up at you while you both walked through the quiet halls. "That's a quality I really admire."
You felt a blush creep up on your cheeks. "Really?"
He nodded in response to your question as if the answer was obvious. The feeling you got from talking to Meeks never got old, you couldn't possibly get bored of this even if you tried.
"I can walk you back to your dorm if you'd like?" His voice was a little more quiet now than it normally is and you noticed him fidgeting with the hem of his blazer. Had you made him nervous somehow?
"Sure." You took a mental note to repeat every detail of this moment to Neil when you had the chance.
You turned slightly and caught a glimpse of Meeks' now blush pink face and that adorable smile that he had plastered on him.
"You did great too," you said, breaking the silence, "I wouldn't have been able to do any of those things without you." The volume of your voice shrunk down while you spoke.
"No way, that was all you!" He said in disbelief.
"You're kidding! There's no way I couldv'e played a game that well without you." Both of your voices were booming, you both spoke with such passion.
Too quickly had you reached your own dorm room, you regretted leaving the common room so soon. Though, it was late and if you didn't get any rest now you'd definitely regret it in the morning.
"Thank you for walking me here." You stood just beside the closed door.
"It's no problem." He said, the kindness in his voice was prominent.
"I really appreciate it." You smile back at him. Your cheeks were obviously rosy now and there was no way of hiding in. However, the same thing could be said about the boy infront of you.
There was a pause before either of you started talking again, a moment of silence neither of you had really noticed. Being in his presence was just so calming to you, the time you spent together flew by so fast.
"I should get going..." He shook his head, as though he was trying to pull himself from a trance.
"Yeah..." You nodded, your voice was slow. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'll see you." Just as he turned to leave he flashed you that cute smile again. "Goodnight!"
"Night!" You gave him a quick wave before entering your dorm room. After closing the door you sunk down beside it. Your face was bright red thinking about him, Steven Meeks. Who knew he could have such an affect on you.
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buckysgrace · 4 months
Dancing in the Dark Masterlist
Valentine’s Day rolled around quickly, leaving Billy nervous as he kept thinking over his plans for the day. He’d never really done anything fancy for the stupid holiday. They were usually cheap dates and quick fucks. Nothing special. Not until now. 
He was stressed about it. He didn’t know how he was going to make it special for her. She couldn’t keep her nose out of cheesy romance novels, fawned over passionate movies and had a whole journal dedicated to her dream wedding. He was sure that he was fucked. She probably had the perfect day planned out and he had no idea about any of it. 
“Hey,” Billy hesitated as he leaned against the doorway, watching as Rosemary finished sweeping up the front of the store, “I was going to take Kim out tonight. I mean I am. I got us a hotel room too.” He said slowly, unsure of why he was so nervous to ask her. 
This morning had been busy, a lot busier than what he was used to. Mostly men, coming in to do some last minute cake shopping. Billy was very happy that he had ordered things ahead of time. He didn’t want to be bustling around last second. 
When he’d arrived this morning he had noticed a little set up on his counter. There was one red rose, a bag of handmade peanut butter pretzels and a square crocheted heart pattern. She was too sweet for her own good. He was fearing his gestures wouldn't come close to hers. 
Rosemary had wished him a happy Valentine’s Day that morning as well and thus far the only other card that he’d received had been from Cindy. It was store bought and her number was scribbled in neatly at the bottom. She was even so kind to say she wished the best for Kim. He tossed it immediately. 
“Oh that will be fun,” Rosemary smiled as she sat up, leaning against the broom for a second, “Sam and I are going out too.” She said excitedly, chewing on her bottom lip as she thought about it. He paused, sure that this meant that him and Kim wouldn’t be able to go. 
“Sorry,” He apologized, “I didn’t know. Do you need us to watch Russell?” He asked seriously, thinking about how often he had to cancel dates because Neil and Susan went out. He hated playing the babysitter part, but he’d do it after all the stress he’d put them through recently. 
“Well,” She paused, “I already got someone to watch him.” She said with a nod of her head. He tilted his chin in confusion, noticing the way she was holding something back. It was curious. 
“Who?” Billy asked, laughing as he thought about it, “It’s Valentine’s Day. I’m sure only weirdos and losers are out.” He stated, furrowing his eyebrows as he thought about what poor person got stuck watching Russell. Then again, Russell would probably be the one stuck with some lame person. 
“Funny,” She replied dryly, “Your friend Tommy actually agreed to it. He said he had nothing better to do and could use the cash.” She smirked a little bit as she rested her hand on her hip, looking quite proud. Billy snorted, sure that Tommy was doing this to get on Rosemary’s good side. It was sickening. 
“That asshole just doesn’t want to babysit Jennifer,” He said quickly as he shook his head, “And Tommy is a terrible influence.” He pointed out, unsure if it was a good thing or not to leave him alone with Russell. Tommy was odd in his own way.
“Well, like you said,” Rosemary replied with a grin, “The only ones left were losers and weirdos. Besides, at least Tommy can keep Russell entertained.” She said as she nodded her head, looking quite pleased with her answer still. He supposed that she was right. Tommy wasn’t that hard to entertain. Sometimes. 
“He’ll probably lock him outside,” Billy mumbled before he shook his head, “So is that fine with you then?” He rubbed the back of his neck, still expecting her to laugh in his face. Neil would’ve told him that it was stupid. That he shouldn’t spend so much time fussing over a girl on top of a lot of other things. 
“Yeah,” She nodded her head, “I just want to know when you guys get there, for safety reasons. Call the house, please let someone know.” She said seriously, pointing the end of the broom at him to tell him that she meant business. 
“We will,” He nodded his head, “Thanks, I appreciate it.” He said seriously, watching as she threw the dirt from the pail away. She put the broom away, then paused as she turned towards him again. 
“You two have fun,” She said with a big smile, “And Billy?” She said a second later, making him stop his movements as he headed towards the back of the kitchen. He needed to get ready to leave, to ensure that he got the rest of his stuff picked up in time. 
“Hm?” He asked, resting his hands on his hips as he waited for whatever she had to say. 
“Buy a box of condoms,” She said, shaking her head as he felt his face suddenly burn, “Or by next Thanksgiving you’ll have to deal with Susan and a crying baby.” She mocked a serious expression, nodding her head and making him think about how true that was. No babies in his immediate future.
“I’ll remember that,” He told her seriously as he nodded his head, trying to ignore how his face continued to heat up, “Thank you. I’ll see you at home.” He nodded his head, grumbling underneath his breath as he ducked his head towards the exit. He continued to mumble, all the way until he was in the safety of his car. 
He had most of her gifts already picked up and hidden within his room. He was hoping that she wouldn’t be nosey enough to search through while he was gone. The only thing he really needed to pick up today was the flowers. He had thought that flowers would be very important to her. 
He felt awkward shuffling them into his car, even more awkward when he carefully pulled them free and carried them up towards the house. He shuffled around for a moment, trying to think of the right thing to say once he entered.
“Are those for me?” Russell mocked as he greeted him at the door, still wearing his backpack on his shoulders, “You shouldn’t have.” He said sweetly as he held his hand over his chest, making Billy roll his eyes in exasperation.
“What about you?” He asked as he raised his eyebrows, looking at Russell curiously, “Did uh, any assholes give you any cards today?” He pondered for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to ask him. He wondered if there were any girls that liked Russell and how he got around that whole situation. 
“Shut up.” Russell responded with a burning face, his cheeks lighting up so brightly that he could put Kim to shame. Amusement struck him as he realized that there must be some truth to it. 
“Wait,” Billy laughed as he started to follow behind him, “It sounds like someone did.” He said a little more seriously, wanting to know what little punk was messing with his little brother. Russell walked a little faster, almost toppling into Pearl who had jumped out. 
“Go away!” He protested, his face still burning brightly as he slammed his bedroom door shut. Billy paused outside, rattling the doorknob for a moment as he decided that he’d get the information out of Russell later.
He paused as he held onto the flowers, wondering how the best way to approach her would be. He didn’t want to just throw them at her, but he wasn’t sure if he’d have time to set anything fancy up for her. 
“She’s in her room,” Sam said as he looked over the bouquet of flowers from his doorway, “She’s going to like those.” He continued on with a large smile, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. Billy didn’t know how to handle that. 
“Thanks,” He mumbled, “I appreciate it.” He nodded, raising his free hand up towards him as he turned away. He headed into his room, trying to gain sense of what to say. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to give her the presents now, but he didn’t want to do it at the restaurant either. 
He gathered up the rest of his things, organizing them neatly in the little basket he’d found. He wondered suddenly if he should’ve added more color, made it a little brighter. He was suddenly worried, hoping that she would like it.
He knocked outside of her door, feeling nervous as he glanced down at Pearl who had settled herself on top of his foot. She looked up at him with her different colored eyes, a hint of mischief in them like she was planning on tripping him.
“Come on!” Kim shouted kindly from inside, her voice soft and smooth as he slowly twisted the door open. Her curtains were spread far apart, her windows open as she invited in the bright sun and calm breeze. She was stretched out on her stomach, the pages of her book pressed between her fingers as her ankles crossed in the air. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” He spoke up, grinning as he walked into the room. He held onto the stuff awkwardly, not quite sure where to put everything. She gasped as she quickly stood up, her dress rising over her thighs as she rushed towards him. Her eyes were wide, completely taken aback. 
He felt his smile grow as he watched her quickly analyze everything, her cheeks turning pink as she slowly pressed the presents in her hands. She put the gift basket down, staring at the bouquet in wonder. 
“Billy,” She gasped as she looked over the carnations, “You didn’t have to get me this many. Oh my goodness, these are beautiful. And chocolate! Thank you.” She said as she looked at the little heart box that was looped around the stems. She bounced on the tips of her toes, seemingly overjoyed as he felt this heart hammering in his chest. 
“Of course I did,” He said with a grin, watching the way her eyes flashed in joy, “You deserve all of the flowers.” He said as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. He paused for a moment before he took the flowers again, gesturing towards the rest of her presents.
She plopped down at the edge of the bed, pulling free some of the little heart decorations he’d found. Okay, that Russell had found. He had been a fairly big help in making sure that Billy didn’t make it look completely ugly. 
“Oh my God!” She exclaimed as she held the stuffed cow up, “It’s huge! Where did you find him?” She asked seriously as she tugged it into her arms. It was indeed huge, at least the side of half of her body. The cow was white with brown heart shaped spots, as well as heart shaped antenna. Pearl hopped up on her lap, sniffling it curiously. 
“That’s a secret,” He said playfully, amused by how entertained she was, “Do you like everything?” He watched as she continued to pull out little bags of candy, some rolls of yarn and a few mystery novels he’d found. Alma had mentioned throwing in a sketchbook, which he had done. Kim had a little bit of everything, just like Christmas. 
“I love them,” She said, smiling brightly as she examined the earrings, “I was going to give you yours later, but now s’fine.” She said as she placed her things aside gently, then came forth with a large pink basket. There were a few red balloons attached to it, shaped into hearts. She had definitely gone all out with the little heart decorations and glitter. Oh well. It was sweet. 
Inside of his basket held a shirt, a navy blue buttoned up with various stripes going down the front of it. Inside was also what seemed to be a mixtape, a red crocheted hat, a new copy of Cold Moon Over Babylon and a new set of gold earrings. They were little hoops, making him grin as he looked over at them. 
“What’s this?” He asked as he held up a little hard. It was handmade, cut from pink sheets of construction paper. She had clearly used some sort of white material to make the lace part of it as well. His name was written in large cursive, soft. He could tell it was her handwriting by the way she curved her y. 
“It’s nothing,” She said, face burning as she tucked her hair behind her ears, “It’s just-, you know. It’s just a little poem. In the card.” She said bashfully as she clasped her hands together, then distracted herself by threading her fingers through Pearl’s soft fur. 
“You wrote it?” He grinned, watching as she nodded her head, “So I have an original Kim Mayfield?” He teased her, but fully meant it. Her poem was sweet, cute. And very cheesy. But it was personal. It was clearly about him. He’d never been compared to the sun before, but he sort of liked it. He’d have to put it up. 
“Stop,” She said as she held her hands up to her bright red face, “It’s embarrassing. I didn’t know if you’d really like it or not.” She whispered shyly, looking like she was seconds from crawling underneath the bed. He shook his head in disbelief. It was all perfect. He couldn’t ask for more from her. 
“I love it,” He told her seriously as he kissed the side of her cheek again, “And I really love these peanut butter clusters. Thank you.” He added, watching the way she flushed all over again. She paused as she pulled one of the boxes of candy free from her basket. 
“These are so good,” She said, eating candy heart after candy heart, “Do you want one?” She asked, offering him a red one. He quickly shook his head. Those were definitely all sugar. He didn’t need that, too sweet for his teeth. 
“No thank you,” He told her softly, “What are you going to wear? I have big plans for tonight.” He mumbled as he nuzzled his way into the crook of her neck. She held onto him, brushing her fingers through his curls softly. He sighed deeply, enjoying the sensation. 
“You do?” She asked brightly, “Like what?” She asked, giggling softly as he began to pepper kisses against the sensitive spot on her neck. He rubbed his fingers across the side of her waist, rubbing her skin gently. 
“Some of it is a surprise,” He said with a smile, “But we’re going out. And I rented a hotel.” He sighed, inhaling the scent of cherries against her skin. He wondered how she always managed to smell so sweet, just a little tart. He liked that. 
“Did our parents mind?” She asked softly as she leaned her cheek against the top of his head. He supposed he should move away, but he liked the feeling of her skin against his own. It was comforting. “Mom didn’t,” He told her truthfully, leaving out the conversation about Rosemary’s suggestion. Perhaps he’d tease her about it later, but not right yet, “It will be fun. Come on.” 
“Here’s the money for the pizza,” Sam said as he pulled cash out, waving it towards Russell before he set it down on the counter, “And the number of the restaurant if you guys need us.” He said, furrowing his eyebrows together as he pushed his glasses up his nose again. He was dressed nicely, but Rosemary kept going behind him to tuck his shirt back into his pants. 
“Got it.” Russell responded as he continued to work on the Lego set he was building. It was supposedly a king’s castle. For whatever reason, it held his interest.
They’d all spent turns talking to Max on the phone, wishing her a Happy Birthday despite her being clearly annoyed. They had somehow managed to gather around the phone, all of them singing into it. He could practically feel her anger and embarrassment seeping through the line. It was funny. 
“We can get a picture of you,” Kim said quickly, “You both look cute. It would be nice.” Billy turned towards her, admiring her all over again. Her dress was a little older, perhaps from the fifties. It was white, with little red polka dots covered across it. It was tighter around her waist, then fluffed out towards her knees where it ended. Her shoulders were exposed and there were three different sections across the dress which held a red bow and ribbon. Her hair was in thick curls, framed out of her face. 
“Oh, sure,” Rosemary said brightly, “Get over here, Sam.” She said happily as she pulled Sam forward. Her dress ended at her feet, had small straps and was covered in different floral patterns. 
“Oh, joy,” Sam said as he looped his arm around her waist, “I hope you’re getting my good side.” He said playfully as he turned towards Billy. He shook his head, holding up the camera so he could get a good picture of the two of them. 
“Ha,” He responded dryly, “There you go.” He replied as he pulled it free, giving it a good shake before handing it towards them. Sam took it, grinning as he showed it off towards Rosemary. 
“Russell,” Rosemary snapped her fingers towards him, gaining his attention instantly, “Make sure you get a picture of Kim and Billy before they leave.” She said, nodding her head as Russell’s nose curled up in annoyance. 
“Okay, okay,” He said quickly, “I won’t forget!” He shouted as he waved his little Lego man around. Billy shook his head, watching as Sam and Rosemary began to head towards the door. 
“Good,” She said as she kissed the top of his head, then made her rounds towards Kim and Billy, “Everyone be safe. Call us when you get to the hotel.” She said sternly, pointing towards the two of them so they wouldn’t forget. 
“We will,” Kim replied with a smile, “We promise.” She nodded her head as she turned to look at Billy, the curve of her lips growing as he pulled her closer. He was pretty crazy about her. 
“Have fun,” Sam said as he walked out after Rosemary, “But not too much fun!” He said, laughing as he sent them both a wink. Kim flushed, almost matching the red on her dress as Billy rolled his eyes in annoyance. 
“Gross.” Russell spoke up as he wrinkled his lips up in disgust. He shivered, looking like he might vomit before he turned back to his Legos. 
“We better go,” Billy said quickly, determined to not be late, “I made dinner reservations.” He told her for the first time, grinning as he revealed the news. It would be special, not some ordinary restaurant. He supposed they could go somewhere fancy for once. 
“What?” She turned towards him quickly, her eyebrows furrowing together as she parted her lips in confusion. He stalled for just a moment. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked her seriously, hoping that he hadn’t done something wrong. She paused as she bit down on her glossed lips, then smoothed her hands over the puffy part of her dress. 
“I made dinner reservations,” She said, smiling sheepishly, “Where did you set it up at?” She asked, making him laugh as he realized they hadn’t planned this very well. It was better to be over prepared, than not at all. 
“This pasta place,” He said as he kissed her nose, “What about you?” He mused as he held onto her, flattered that she had thought so strongly about this as well. He shouldn’t be surprised.
“A steakhouse,” She giggled softly, “I figured you’d like that.” She shrugged her shoulders, her cheeks forming a slight pink color as she fretted with the ends of her curls. 
“Well what sounds better?” He asked her a second later, wondering what she would prefer to eat. It should be something they agreed on, but she was certainly the pickier one. 
“I’m okay with whatever.” She said gently, smiling like she meant it. He scoffed softly, really not wanting to be the one to decide this time. He wanted to go wherever she wanted to go. 
“Rock, paper, scissors for it?” She asked as she turned towards him, her eyes flashing in amusement as she laid her suggestion out. He thought about it for a moment, deciding it was the one way she’d pick it out. He wondered if he should move his hands a little slower, just to make her purposely win. 
“Fine,” He said as he held his hand up, “You ready?” She nodded her head, confirming her answer as they began to tap their fists against their palms. 
“Ha,” She said as she looked up with a grin, “You win. Pasta it is.” She said as she let his palm cover her fist. He shook his head, deciding that it was fair after all. 
Russell took their picture and they waited just a little bit longer until Tommy appeared. It was a little harder trying to get out of the house after that, as he apparently had much he wanted to talk about. Billy, at the moment, really didn’t care. 
The car ride there was pleasant as he kept the music a little lower, choosing to listen to her ramble about her school projects instead. He liked listening to her talk about school, and liked hearing about how smart she was. Sometimes he wished he could pick apart her mind and study it. Gently. He’d never want to harm her. 
“Here we are,” He said as he held the door open for her, smiling as she stuck her feet out towards him, “Don’t kick me now.” He teased her, watching the way her shoes almost struck him. They had a slight heel to them, leaving them the same height. 
“I wouldn’t do it on purpose,” She protested with a hint of a smile, “Purely accidental.” She promised him as she took his hand, letting him pull her forward. She grinned, holding his hand tightly as they moved across the street. 
“I’m sure,” He said as he held onto her waist, looking at how busy it was inside, “You’re clumsy sometimes, you know that?” He reminded her, feeling like he should keep her in bubble wrap sometimes. It was alright. Just another thing to love her for. 
“You may have mentioned that before,” She said with a smile, slotting up towards him as another couple slid in behind them, “It just means I have you to patch me up later.” She teased as she nudged her shoulder against his. 
“I don’t mind that at all,” He said as they waited in line for a few moments, “Reservation for Hargrove.” He said as he pulled her close, watching the way her eyes darted around at the crowds. He held onto her, giving her a soft squeeze before they followed the waitress. 
They sat near the windows, giving them a clear view into the busy street life. The moon was out, high in the air as a faint darkness slipped through the crowds. He pushed in her chair for her, determined to be as sweet as he could tonight. He wiped his hands against his pants out of nerves. He’d never been this close to someone before, never quite this nervous. He wondered if this was how she had felt on their first few dates. 
“What do you want?” He asked her as he pulled his menu forward, struggling with it for a moment before he got it held straight once again. He pressed it up to his nose, hoping that she couldn’t see how nervous he was suddenly. 
“I think the-,” She paused as she looked over it, “Chicken alfredo. That sounds really good.” She squinted her eyes, dropping her lips for just as second as she nodded her head. She looked quite proud of her answer as she shut the menu, as she had already read through all of it. 
“You should add mushrooms to it.” He teased her as he flicked his eyes over the various items. He ignored the prices on the menu, hoping that she had done the same thing. He really wanted it to be special for her. 
“I’m not feeling that risky,” She said with a giggle, “What about you?” She asked as she pressed her elbows on the table, then rested her chin onto her fists. He wished he had brought his camera with him. She looked too pretty for her own good. He couldn’t wait to use the video camera on her. 
“We should share the arancini balls,” He said as he watched the way the lights danced off of her features, “I think I want the chicken piccata.” He said as he shut the menu, then slowly reached forward to snag hers. He didn’t want her to look over it and change her mind. 
“That sounds good,” She said as she clasped her fingers together, “I’m really happy we’re doing this.” She said sweetly, lips pressed softly together as she watched him. He felt warm inside, tingly as if he might explode if she continued to look at him that way. 
“Me too,” Billy started, then paused as the waitress came to take their order. He repeated it all back, noticing the way Kim began to tug on the ends of her hair. She was still shy around people, even just to tell her order. She was too damn cute, “What do you think they’re fighting about?” He whispered as he secretly gestured towards the couple a few tables away from them. 
“Hm,” Kim paused for a moment, “She’s mad because he mixed up her present with his mistresses one.” She said at last, narrowing her eyes as she glanced towards them. He raised his eyebrows, surprised by her answer. 
“Damn,” He said with a laugh, “That’s just fucked up.” He said with a laugh as he sipped on his Coke. He tried not to think about the bottle of whiskey in his car. He’d have to get rid of it. Soon. He didn’t want her to find it, to be disappointed in him. 
“What?” She giggled with a flushed expression, “You told me to guess.” She defended herself as she tucked her hair behind her ears. He nodded along with her, figuring that she might not be too far away. 
“I think-,” He said slowly as he examined them again, “She just told him she’s pregnant, but he’s sterile.” He said, raising the cards as he faced her again. It was her turn to raise her eyebrows in surprise as she faced him again. 
“And you said mine was bad,” She grinned softly, “How will we ever know the truth?” She lowered herself once again as the waitress appeared, dropping off their appetizer before she disappeared again. Kim paused as she reached forward and grabbed one of the balls, inspecting it before she took a bite. 
“We won’t,” He grinned at her, “But that’s not so bad.” He told her, admiring the way she slowly chewed the food around in her mouth. She nodded her head a second later, giving her approval towards him. 
Their food arrived a few minutes later, cutting off his story about how Steve had told him about working at whichever restaurant he was currently at. Billy had thought it would be something funny, because it was. Kim was more excited about the prospect, promising that he would do good. 
“It’s so good,” She said as she munched on her noodles, “Do you want some?” She had them scooped messily onto her fork, her eyes wide with hope as he eventually felt himself giving in. 
“Sure,” He chuckled as he leaned over, letting her spoon a big bite into his mouth, “That is nice. Do you want to try this?” He asked her playfully, showing his plate off. She looked at it for a moment before she shook her head. 
“No thanks,” She said with a laugh, “I’m getting so full.” She brushed him off as she continued to eat, playfully slurping on her noodles. He leaned forward to wipe some of the sauce from the corner of her lips. 
“No room for dessert?” He teased her, knowing fully well that she’d always have room for something sweet. Her eyes lit up as she looked at him, like it was Christmas all over again. 
“Can we take it with us?” She asked him seriously as she brushed her thumbs across the edge of the plate. He tilted his head back and forth, pretending to think about it. 
“I suppose,” He said with a chuckle, “What do you want?” He asked her, turning the smaller dessert menu a little closer to him. He was still a little worried that she’d fret over the prices. He really didn’t want her to worry about that tonight. 
“The cheesecake kind of sounds good.” She admitted as she flicked her eyes back and forth. She pressed her lips together, thinking for a moment like she really wasn’t sure. 
“What about the chocolate strawberries?” He suggested, “Those are really good.” He told her seriously. He thought that she would really like them as well. It would be easy to take with them and share too. 
“Sure,” She smiled, “If you think that will be best.” She said, as agreeable as ever. He watched her curiously for a moment, admiring her soft lines and curves. He really had a hard time believing that he was here with her right now. 
“It will be.” He teased her, sending a wink in her direction. He waited until the waitress returned to repeat what they’d decided on, then worked on wiggling his wallet out of his pants when she brought the boxes and receipt over. 
“Oh my God,” Kim exclaimed once the waitress walked away as she snagged the receipt. Her face went pale, her eyes wide like she might collapse onto the floor, “This is so expensive. Oh my God. This is insane.”
“It’s fine,” He told her quickly, trying to calm her down before she hyperventilated, “It’s one night. It won’t kill me.” He reassured her as he began to skim through his cash. In all honesty, it wasn’t that expensive. But he was fairly certain that she had never spent this much money on something before. 
“I have to pay too,” She said as she gulped hard, “Or if we don’t have enough maybe they’ll let us do some work, or we can-,” She began to ramble off, but he stopped her; not wanting her to jump to conclusions. 
“I have the money,” He clarified gently a second later, “And it’s fine. Really. I wanted to do something special for you tonight.” He told her as he nodded his head, watching the slow way she exhaled. She nodded along, but still looked flustered about it. He couldn’t blame her. She’d never had much money growing up, it was probably a shock. 
He paid for the meal despite her protests, then held onto her hand as they walked around town for a little bit. Once they tired they headed back to his car, but he wasn’t through with night just yet. 
“Can we be on the beach this late?” She asked him, holding her shoes in one hand as she walked through the sand. He held onto their box of strawberries, a blanket loosely thrown over his shoulder.
“Who's going to stop us?” He asked her seriously. He knew that no one would really be out over here, especially officers. It was too dark, a little too chill. They’d have it all to themselves for right now. 
“You’re funny,” She said as she bumped her shoulder against him, “It’s nice out here.” She said as she looked around. She looked like she fitted in with the moonlight dancing against her skin. 
He set out the blanket, then kicked his shoes off next. He didn’t have plans on getting in the water, but supposed it wouldn’t be that bad either. Perhaps just a little chilly, but they could survive it if they chose to do it.
He scooped out the leftover box, opening it to expose the chocolate covered strawberries. He grinned as he held one up to her mouth, watching the way she exposed her shiny teeth and took a bite from it. 
“You were right,” She said as she nodded her head, taking another bite from the chocolate covered strawberry, “These are better than the cheesecake.” He nodded his head as he finished off the rest of the strawberry, then tossed the end of it back into the box. 
“If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life-.” He drew out dramatically as he turned towards her, lying lazily on the towel, “What would it be?”
“That’s an evil question.” She told him seriously, grinning as she took another bite out of one. She chewed it around for a moment, thinking deeply to herself. 
“I have a dire need to know your answer.” He said teasingly, but fully meant it. He was sure that there had to be a favorite dessert that she loved, that she hadn’t revealed to him just yet. 
“I guess it would have to be-,” She paused as she thought about it once again, “I really think strawberry cake. Especially if it has that sweet, cream cheese frosting. I really like ice cream too.”
“Mint chocolate chip?” He questioned as he cocked his eyebrows, “You know, that’s an odd choice.” He told her seriously, thinking about how mint often tasted like toothpaste to him. 
“What?” She asked, sounding a little offended, “The ice cream?” She narrowed her eyes a little bit, inspecting if her suspicions were correct. She pointed a strawberry towards him playfully, grinning as he leaned forward to take a bite from it. 
“Yes,” He nodded his head, “But that with the strawberry cake. You always picked that for your birthday.” He said as he recounted how many times they’d done that for her birthday. He didn’t understand how she thought the two flavors could blend together. They didn’t; not at all. 
“That’s because it’s my favorite,” She said as she held her chin high towards him, “And I think the flavors really compliment each other.” She replied with a smile as she discarded the stem of the strawberry. He shook his head softly at her reasoning. 
“Mhm,” He hummed as he leaned forward, stealing a kiss from her lips, “I’ll let it slide because you’re cute.” He told her as he brushed his thumb across her slightly cool cheek. He smiled as she nuzzled her face up against his. 
“What’s your favorite sweet?” She asked him as she inhaled deeply against his skin. She smelt sweet. She felt soft. He liked that about her. 
“I like pie, I guess,” He said as he shrugged his shoulders, “You know the strawberry rhubarb. Or peanut butter if I’m feeling frisky.” He said teasingly. He’d rather eat something savory, salty or maybe even spicy if he had the choice. The sugary sweets just weren’t his thing. 
“Oh, is that what you call it?” She said as she curled up towards him a little bit, “It’s nice out.” She told him as she snuggled her way closer to him. He pulled her deeper, nearly onto his lap as they listened to the waves crashing against the shore. 
“You feel cold.” He told her seriously as he rubbed his large palms across her exposed shoulders. She felt really chill. He squeezed at her skin softly, not wanting her to get sick. 
“You’re warm,” She said in response, “This is nice.” She sighed softly as she looked up towards the sky, her eyes dark as the colors molded into the night sky. He glanced up, wondering if she had any fun constellation stories to tell him. 
“Maybe we could get a house on the beach one day,” He said as he pushed her hair from her face, “And we could sit out here at night.” He said softly, thinking about what they’d be like in a few years. It was odd to think about getting that old with someone, because he had been certain that at one point he’d be alone forever. 
“That would be fun,” She said softly as she looked up towards him, “Maybe we could make a bonfire.” She suggested, her eyes flashing with color as she suggested it towards him. He chuckled as he played with her loose strands. 
“Mhm,” He hummed along, “And we could go skinny dipping.” He replied cheekily, sending her a wink that quickly left her flushed. She shook her head, giggling like she still couldn’t believe he’d suggest such a thing. 
“Oh gosh,” She said as she rolled her eyes, grinning gently, “Of course you’d say that.” She pointed at his ribs softly, making him jerk as he felt a sudden urge to laugh. He pressed her fingers away gently, not wanting her to tickle him. 
“Here,” He said as he gave her the last strawberry, distracting her by shoving it in her mouth so she couldn’t focus on the way he almost laughed, “You ready to go?” He asked, watching the way she held her manicured nails up to her lips. 
“Mhm,” She said as she nodded her head, furrowing her eyebrows together as she tried to chew down the large bite, “That was a lot.” She breathed out, cheeks full as her words came out into mumbles. He chuckled as he poked the side of her cheek, nodding as he began to gather everything up. 
The drive to the hotel was short, not far away from the beach. Kim shuffled back into her Mary Jane’s, her dress slightly sandy as he led her inside. He carried their bags, grinning as she looked around curiously. It wasn’t the fanciest thing, but it was better than the motel at Hawkins. 
“Uh, I had a room reservation,” He said as he tapped his fingers against the desk, “For William Hargrove.” He said as he waited for a moment, going through the rest of the process before he paid for the room. 
The worker moved the key towards them, giving a soft smile before they turned away. Billy handed the key towards her; picked up the bags and then headed towards the elevator. The lobby was fairly empty, meaning that people were either already in their rooms or hadn’t arrived yet.
“William?” Kim teased him, “How formal.” She said as she bumped her shoulder against his. He snickered, trying to ignore the flames on his cheeks as she rested her chin on top of his shoulder. 
“Shut it, Kimberly.” He sassed back playfully as he hit the button to the sixth floor, then reached around to squeeze at her waist. William just sounded more mature than what Billy did. She snuggled up to him again, breathing in softly as the elevator took them up and up. 
“Can I?” She asked as she held the key up towards her face, grinning excitedly as they stopped in front of the room. He watched her in amusement, wondering how she could be so excited over something so small. 
“That’s why I handed it to you,” He said with a smile, “It’s all yours.” He took a step back as he gestured towards the door, leaving her room to do her thing. He watched the way her dress moved against her thighs, how her features lit up as she got the door unlocked and then opened. 
“Wow,” She said as she looked around, “This is nice.” She nodded her head softly, staring at the photos on the walls. His attention was quickly turned towards the little bottles on the dresser, recognizing right away what they were. 
“Very nice,” He said, trying to keep calm as he leaned in front of the dresser, “You want to freshen up first?” He asked as he put his hand on his hip, mentally cursing himself. He didn’t think to ask about removing them beforehand. 
“We’re taking turns?” She asked, making him shrug his shoulders as he did his best to keep nonchalant, “Sure.” She grinned as she grabbed her bag and walked towards the bathroom. 
He worked quickly, glancing around the room for what he might be able to hide them in. He didn’t want to act like he didn’t trust her, but he didn’t want her to be tempted either. He searched until he finally found a paper bag. 
“Can I come out now?” Her voice rang from the bathroom, making him jump as he searched for a way to quickly discard them. He furrowed his eyebrows as he worked quickly to get rid of them. 
“Uh,” He said as he shuffled them into the paper bag quickly, twisting the top of it tightly before he could find somewhere to hide the little bottles, “Yeah! I’m um, totally ready.” He said as he shoved the bag underneath the bed, deciding it would be the best place to keep them. 
She walked out, her cheeks red as she tugged her hair behind her ears. She had fixed her hair, making the curls fall back into place as she slowly approached him. He stared for the longest time, trying to find the words to speak. 
“When did you get this?” He asked her softly, brushing his fingers across the tiny black straps on her slender shoulders. He dragged his finger down the strap, following it over the curve of her perky tit. The lacy black material barely covered her boobs and left a vast amount of skin revealed down her ribs. 
He could feel his cock springing to life in his jeans as he looked at the little red bow that was resting between her tits before he moved his hand further down. It was scandalous, the sides of it cut up high to reveal her soft hips. Her pussy was barely covered, hidden away by only a small section of lace. He slowly rubbed his palm against her side, admiring her soft ass. 
“Secret,” She said softly, grinning shyly as she started to play with her hair. She looked sexy, beautiful. But he could tell that she was uncomfortable with what she was wearing, “Do you like it?” She whispered, looking a little nervous as she glanced towards him.
“Mhm,” He mumbled as he tapped his finger against her chin, tilting her head up just a bit to ghost his lips over hers, “Do you want to see your other gift?” He asked her, watching the way her eyes flickered up in surprise. 
“You shouldn’t have-,” She began to protest, shaking her head as he pressed his finger against her lips. He’d thought of something similar, following her mindset.
“Shh,” He mumbled, smirking as he let himself grope his rough palms over her smooth ass, “Just try it on.” He said, doing his best to keep from grinding himself forward against her slender thighs. He wanted to desperately feel her. 
“Okay,” She said bashfully as she glanced at him, biting her lip as she bent over to grab the bag. He groaned, pressing a palm over his growing bulge. He chewed on his bottom lip, trying to keep his groans to himself as he teased himself while she pulled the outfit free, “Oh. Wow. it’s beautiful.”
“You wanna wear it?” He asked her, tilting his head as he watched the way her features wrinkled up in delight as she continued to stare at it. He had a feeling she would like it. He had spent a lot of time thinking of her in it. 
“Can I?” She asked as she turned towards him nervously, blinking at him with those big hazel eyes that drove him crazy. He nodded his head, eyes glued to her slender curves as she took off the skimpy black material and slid the new one on, “What do you think?”
He drifted his eyes over the thicker white straps, the big bow that rested just above her boobs. From there down it was a sheer light green, leaving him with just enough to see the curve of her body. He flicked his tongue across his bottom lip as he stared at her hardened nipples, at the slight tuft of hair across her cunt. The dress ended mid thigh, matching the white material that was at the top of the dress. She looked more comfortable as she twisted around, grinning proudly as her cheeks burned brightly. It was very much her. 
“You look beautiful,” He told her as he leaned against the dresser, smirking as he motioned her towards him, “C’mere. Let me see you.” He told her, eyes ravenous at the slow way she approached him. 
He pressed his hands against the sheer material gently, touching her hips gently as he smoothed it down over her sides. She was stunning, leaving his cock aching in a way he didn’t think was possible. He drifted his eyes back up towards her, enjoying the way her face continued to burn. 
He kissed her deeply, keeping his hands across her slender jaw as he held her close. He savored the feeling of her pouty lips against hers, of the way they dragged against his own. She tasted sweet, like cherries. The taste of her drove him crazy, made him want more as her hands ghosted along his biceps.
She moaned as he pressed his thumb into the curve of her neck, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue between her parted lips. It was messy, sloppy as he brushed his tongue against hers. She twitched against his tongue as he spread his tongue through her mouth, licking away her saliva and moans as she began to rut her hips forward.
“Mhm,” He mumbled as he snagged his teeth against her bottom lip, enjoying the gasp that fell from her tongue, “You’re so pretty, wanna feel you. S’that what you want?” He asked as he brushed his nose against hers, enjoying the way she pressed herself closer to him. 
“Yeah,” She breathed out against his mouth, tasting like the sweet strawberries they’d eaten earlier, “I want you so badly.” She whispered sweetly, eyes flashing with lust as she palmed at his cock. He hissed this time, staring down at the way she grasped him.
She stripped him slowly, like she was taking her time as he pulled free his shirt. She kissed at the crook of his neck, making him shiver as she brushed her fingertips along his spine. She moved her hands across his ribs, continuing to suck at his skin before she moved her hands down further.
She was slow to remove his belt, making him smile a little bit as he cupped her cheeks and kissed her once again. She was fumbling, but he was in no rush. He wanted to savor each little second with her. 
She finally got it removed, looping it free so roughly that she almost smacked herself in the face. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at it, laughing as she looked up at him. He grinned as he brushed his fingers through her hair, thinking about how crazy she made him feel.
“Gently,” She said with a soft smile, her cheeks reddening as she slowly wrapped her fingers around his cock. He hissed softly at the sensation, groaning as he felt himself hardening against her simple touch. She drove him crazy, “S’pretty.” She said softly as she slowly moved her hand along the length of his cock.
“You’re pretty,” He told her softly, cupping her chin as he slowly jerked his hips forward against her touch. He enjoyed the feeling of her hand, but didn’t want to get himself too distracted. He wanted to tease her first, get her a little wild and frisky, “And naughty.” He teased, gripping her hands and pushing her down onto the bed before she could protest.
He grinned as he crawled over her, looking at the way her eyebrows furrowed together as she parted her lips to protest. He ignored her words, kissing her deeply as he drifted his hands down to her sides. He squeezed at her skin before he moved towards her clothed tits, massaging them in her hands.
“I’m good,” She whimpered against his lips, her eyes hazy as she stared up at him, “Really good.” She pressed her lips together, looking like she was close to pouting. He did his best to keep from laughing, fully amused with how she always wanted to be good in his eyes. 
“Are you?” He continued to tease her as he moved his fingers up towards her chin, cupping her skin softly before he dragged his thumb across her pouty lips. He breathed in gently, admiring how smooth they were under his thumb. 
“Mhm.” She said softly, puckering her lips together as she kissed his thumb softly. She watched him, sliding his thumb in further as she began to suck on it. She slid her legs out from underneath them, spreading them wide as she swirled her tongue across the length of his digit. 
He pulled away slowly, watching the trail of spit that was left in his wake before he pushed her further up the bed. He grinned as he played with the hem of the dress, touching it gently before he pushed it up towards her belly button.
He kissed her skin softly, then licked down towards her pretty pussy. He brushed his fingers across her pink folds, earning a gasp from her as he continued to kiss around her clit. He breathed in her sweet musk, having a dire need to bury himself beneath her legs.
“Does this feel good?” He teased her as he pressed his thumb against her clit, pressing down softly and then rubbing in the small circles that she enjoyed. She moaned, her eyes already shut from the simple movements. He bit down on her thigh softly, enjoying the way she jumped surprise.
“Yes,” She whined as she brushed her fingers through his hair. He groaned at the sensation, licking at the teeth marks on her skin as he continued to play with her clit, “Feels really good.” She breathed out, eyes opening as she turned her gaze down towards him.
He moved his hands away, gripping her thighs and pushing them up towards her chest so she was fully exposed to him. Her face burned as a smirk formed on his lips. He felt like he could read her, like he knew what she was thinking.
He pressed his lips against her folds softly, inhaling as he flicked his tongue out against her. He licked away her slick messily, letting himself drool onto her cunt to make it even more dirty. He enjoyed the sounds from her mouth, but even more the sounds of her slippery folds against his mouth. 
He moved his lips down further, licking as he went before he spread his fingertips down between her cheeks. He spread the mixture of his saliva, or her slick against her rim. Her body shook in response, always a little jolty when he teased her. 
He spit repeatedly against her hole, admiring the way it glimmered before he swirled his saliva across her hole. He briefly pressed a kiss against her clit again before he slid his finger inside of her puckered hole. He moved slowly, recognizing it had been some time as he waited as she adjusted around his thick digit. He mumbled under his breath, savoring the taste of her pretty cunt on his tongue.
Her moans were loud, slightly shrill as he curled his finger inside of her. He slowly pumped it in and out as he traced his tongue along her pussy again, chuckling softly at the way she began to grind her hips up against his mouth. 
“So needy,” He teased her as he glanced towards her, using his free hand to hold down on her hip, “Relax, baby sister. Let me take care of you.” He mocked her softly, enjoying the way her cheeks flushed as he began to curl his fingers deeper inside of her. 
He pressed his lips against her clit again, licking languidly as she continued to slowly wiggled against his mouth. He groaned as he flicked his tongue out against her clit repeatedly, earning a loud cry from her. 
He pressed his thumb inside of her cunt slowly, just gently pressing inside of her while he continued to grind his fingers up into her puckered hole. She whimpered loudly, leaving him groaning into her folds as he did his best to keep from rutting against the mattress. Just the sound of her was able to drive him crazy, made him feel like he could cum by just her sounds. 
He slid his tongue in against his thumb, curling it inside deeper as he began to lick against her walls. He moved his fingers roughly, enjoying the way she began to clamp down against his digit as his nose began to rub against her clit. 
“Billy!” She moaned loudly, her cries bouncing off of the walls as her movements against his tongue became more desperate. He curled his tongue in deeper, flicking at her spongy walls as he continued to grind his fingers further into her hole. His tongue was pressed against her clit, her slick smearing all across his face as he licked away the remnants of her. 
He chuckled, unable to help himself as he watched the way her chest quickly rose and fell. Her skin was flushed and warm as he kissed up her body slowly. He brushed his thumb across her exposed skin, pressing his thigh between her legs as he slid his lips across her pretty collarbone. 
“So good for me,” He mumbled as he reached her lips, kissing her gently as she continued to fight to catch her breath. He sat up a bit, reaching back onto the edge of the bed before he joined her again, “Do you trust me?”
“More than anyone else.” She said as he hooked the belt around her neck, thinking that in some odd way it looked like she belonged. She was his, like he was hers. She chewed on her bottom lip, looking exhilarated as she watched him.
He grinned at her, squeezing her chin once again before he moved away from her. He settled on his knees for a moment, smacking against the side of her thighs gently until she moved onto her hands and knees.
She giggled softly, the sound slightly muffled until she pulled herself up onto her elbows. She looked back towards him, her eyes full and round as he moved behind her. He pressed his rough palms underneath her dress, wiggling himself closer as his cock ached in anticipation. 
He exhaled slowly as he dragged the tip of his cock between her wet folds, teasing them both for just a moment before he pressed himself inside of her. He sighed deeply, doing his best to keep from slamming into her as he savored the way her walls stretched around his girth. 
She was soft, warm and wet all at once as he thrusted his cock deeper inside of her. She moaned from underneath him as he drifted his hands up the curve of her spine, admiring the way his cock disappeared inside of her tight cunt as he moved his fingers to the back of her neck.
He looped his fingers lazily through the belt, giving a soft squeeze as he pulled his hips back and then thrusted his cock deep inside of her spongy walls once again. He groaned in bliss, her body trembling underneath his as he began to build a steady rhythm. 
“Look at you,” He tsked, pushing the material of her dress up over her hips to admire the way her ass moved as he dragged her back against the length of his cock, “Mhm, such a dirty girl. Taking my cock so well.” He exhaled roughly, pleasure rushing through his body at the way her cunt squeezed his girth. 
“Yeah,” She cried out, whimpering as she tossed her head back lazily. He tugged on the belt a little harder, making her whine as he dragged her body up against his, “Oh, God!” She whimpered, cheeks red as he held onto her.
“Mhm,” He mumbled as he brought his other hand against her tits, squeezing the right one roughly in his hand as he continued to jerk his hips forward, “Such a dirty little bitch. You like that, don’t you?” He huffed out as he brushed his nose against her neck, enjoying the way she shivered against him. 
“Yes!” She whined louder this time, moaning in awe as he felt his thrusts growing a little more frantic, “More, more. I want more.” He groaned as he felt her leaking around him, the sound of her cunt squeezing his cock echoing in the room. 
He grunted as he continued to grind his cock deeper inside of her, earning a fresh wave of moans from her lips. He tugged on the belt a little bit, pulling her mouth towards his. He kissed her roughly, enjoying how his lips vibrated from her moans. 
She rocked herself along the length of his cock, whining as she flicked her tongue against his. Her eyes were wide, her lips plump as she pressed herself back against him. He could feel himself throbbing inside of her, his own pleasure spreading through his body as he felt himself sliding deeper inside of her. 
“Greedy little thing, aren’t ya?” He grinned as he cupped her chin, using his thumb to wipe away the drool from the corner of her lips, “Your pretty cunt is squeezing me so tight, making me feel so good. You hear her?” He muttered as he dragged his fingers across her clit. She jolted, crooning from the sensation.
“Yeah,” She whimpered, shaking as he felt his thrusts becoming deeper and rougher. He grazed his teeth along her cheek, his cock aching as he felt his orgasm growing closer and closer, “Jesus, Billy! Right there!” She whined as she bounced along his cock, making rough groans leave his mouth.
He pressed his brows tightly together, trying to stay concentrated as he met her rapid movements. He licked his bottom lip, watching the way his cock slid deep inside of her cunt. He grunted, spilling out a series of curses before he quickly removed his cock.
It took one swift jerk of his hand before he was cumming on her pale ass, covering her milky thighs with his white spunk. He hissed softly, his cock twitching in his hand as thick ropes continued to pain her skin. 
“Fuck,” He hissed, groaning as he pushed her back down onto the mattress. He reached his fingers messily between her legs, brushing his fingertips across her clit roughly, “S’good for me. S’okay, baby.” He praised her, urging her orgasm from her. 
She cried out even louder, gripping the sheets tightly as she turned her head towards the side. Her eyes were shut, lips parted as she twitched underneath him. He groaned, wishing he could feel her spongy walls cumming around his girth. 
He pressed down against her abdomen, keeping her hips still as he began to rub his fingertips across her clit roughly. She squirmed and whined, crying out as her legs twitched uncontrollably. He grunted in concentration, admiring the way her pussy felt on his fingers and the wet sound that filled the room.
“Jesus!” She squeaked out, eyes shut tightly and eyebrows furrowed together as she pressed her hips forward. He looked up at her, admiring the pleasure that spread across her features. She was the prettiest woman she’d ever seen. She came with a cry, her liquid squirting out towards him and coating his hand. He grunted at the feeling, at the sight. He was sure he’d never seen something so sexy before. 
“Fuck,” He groaned as he continued to rub his fingers against her clit, “God. Look at you, messy girl. Dirty little slut.” He came to a slow halt, listening to her soft whimpers and cries as her body shook underneath him. He smirked as he brought his fingers up to his mouth, licking them clean.
“What?” She asked curiously, eyes hazy and glossed over as she blinked at him in confusion. She was breathing hard again, her mouth barely opening as she turned towards him lazily.
“I didn’t say anything,” He said with a laugh, watching the way she slowly exhaled, “Stay here. I’ll get you cleaned up.” He promised as he stood, heading towards the bathroom and quickly warming up a warm washcloth.
He returned quickly, trying not to laugh at the lazy way she was still trying to hold her bottom high in the air. He was sure the position was a little uncomfortable, well, possibly a lot. He hummed as he joined her at the edge of the bed again. 
“Are you alright?” He asked as he slowly cleaned her up. He was gentle across her folds and clit, noticing the way she jolted again. He wiped his cum from her ass next, moving carefully so it didn’t smear. 
“I feel like I could sleep forever,” She said with a tired smile, “What about you?” She asked, humming softly as he tossed the rag towards the corner of the room. He smacked her bottom softly, laughing at the way she lazily fell onto her side.
“I’m tired too,” He agreed, leaning over again to wrap his arms around her waist. She groaned as she wrapped her legs around his waist, protesting for just a moment as he lifted her up. He held onto her with one arm, using the other to pull the sheets back before he laid her down, “Did you have a good time?”
“Best Valentine's Day Ever,” She promised as she slowly pushed the dress back over her thighs. She was apparently too attached to it, not wanting to take it off, “What about you?” She asked hesitantly, like she was afraid of his answer.
“You’re the first one I’ve taken out for Valentine’s Day,” He promised as he climbed in next to her. He’d get up and brush his teeth in a moment, for now, he just wanted to soak in the feeling of her against him, “I love you.” He told her, fully meaning it as he thought of how he’d have to try and top this day every single year. It would be hard, but worth it. 
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ok555ficideas · 17 days
I had the idea of writing this into my Kevaaron fic ever since the edits of gold medalists running straight to their partners to "The alchemy" by Taylor Swift started to be a thing and the time finally came
This is a fragment of chapter 14 from my fic "Saving the Day"
He was let out back on the court with fifteen minutes remaining and two goals behind. Neil was with him and he was glad for it. There was no one who understood each other better on the court than them. They had years of practice and shared experience to back up their bond. 
After only thirty seconds on the court Kevin managed to score after an outstanding pass from his fellow striker. It has been a while since Neil did something on the court that didn’t meet Kevin’s approval. He was proud of his friend, because of how far he had come. 
Next minutes were full of  painful tries back and forth to reach the goal. The other team tried to score over and over again, but Neil had to have promised Andrew something worth shutting down the goal for, because his stance was impenetrable. 
With one minute remaining on the board, the opponent’s backliner fouled Neil and the striker scored the penalty shot, bringing them to a tie. Kevin’s adrenaline was riding high and he knew that everything could happen if they went into overtime. 
He had to finish it right here and right now or the other team would be able to pick themselves back up. There were thirty seconds left of the second half and the ball was near Andrew’s goal. 
Usually Andrew would send a fast ball all across the court to Neil since the redhead was faster, but the blonde must have seen something in Kevin that screamed determination and there was a look of understanding between them. 
Kevin threw himself into a run, before the striker of the other team even attempted to score. It gave him a couple of seconds of advantage and when Andrew’s heavy racket blocked the shot, he sent it all the way to the opposite wall and it went straight to Kevin’s waiting racket after bouncing. 
Kevin heard only silence. All that mattered was him and the goal. He knew he had approximately five seconds left on the clock. He took four steps to get himself closer to the goal and the ball left his net a second before the buzzer announced the end of the game. 
Kevin watched the ball making its way in the direction of the goal in slow motion. The goalkeeper threw himself in the same direction as the ball was going, but wasn’t fast enough. The goal blinked red and cheers erupted all over the stadium. 
Kevin might have been dead focused on the game while making that shot, but the second he came back to himself, there was only one thing he wanted to do. 
Aaron was already opening the plexiglass door to the court and patiently waiting for Kevin to approach him, probably giving him space to celebrate with his team, but that was the farthest thing on Kevin’s mind. 
He just won the Olympic Gold medal for the second time in a row. And he would be damned if he didn’t kiss his boyfriend about it. His legs, which were mere seconds ago made of cotton, suddenly got a second wind and he ran to Aaron with lighting speed. 
He picked the blonde up, but instead of giving him the usual twirl and putting him back down, he brought him into a bruising kiss. There was a sound of surprise from the other man, but he quickly got with the program and kissed back just as passionately. 
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o-vera-nalyzing · 4 months
Hi, you're the first person that I know of that love both Haikyuu and AFTG. So excited....! And I never thought it before but yes, Kageyama/Hinata is if Kevin end up with Neil....
So because you also love Haikyuu. From AFTG, which characters (can be your favorite or not) will be besties with who (in your opinions) if they were in other universe, with characters from Haikyuu? Why? Please pick 3 or 5 characters from each series. Hope my questions are not confusing.....
oooh this is a really good question!!! i think the obvious ones are like neil/kevin/hinata/kageyama who would all be besties for the fact that they’re all obsessed with their respective sports to the point of insanity. i think they would argue a lot ab which sports was better and kevin and kageyama would get way too into it but come out the other end besties.
without the connection of sports i think neil and hinata wouldn’t get along. hinata would try soooo hard to be neil’s friend and neil would be like ‘why is this weird smiley child harassing me?’ yes he would call hinata a child even tho he’s taller than him.
as for the rest, i think that dan/matt and daichi/suga would tooootally get along so well and talk about their respective demon underclass men. andrew and tsukki would have a cunt-off (for clarification they would bitch at eachother until one finally broke) and unfortunately my vote is on andrew winning cause tsukki is going to think that short jokes will work far more than they actually will. andrew would tolerate the banter for a little while cause he’s chaotic but eventually tsukki would cross a line and andrew would pull a knife <3
those are the ones that really stand out to me from karasuno but outside of karasuno obviously oikawa and nicky are best friends and probably facetime daily. kevin and atsumu are too alike to be extremely close but they have a healthy respect for eachother.
i think a lot of these are just characters that i find similar and therefore they would get along but as for ones that aren’t similar but i still think would get along, i have to pick kenma and neil. they’re both often quiet and just weird enough to get along, but they’re definitely not similar. kenma would definitely find neil’s antics with the press hilarious and neil would occasionally rt like kenma’s merch sales or something and break the internet just for funsies. also kuroo would find neil very entertaining and treat him like a weird dog kenma found in the dumpster (appropriate response) and neil is so used to that from andrew and the monsters he would actually feel more comfortable around kuroo because of it.
i hope that answers ur question, that’s just off the top of my head but that was really fun so thanks for asking!!
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meerawrites · 1 year
why do you like the vampire chronicles?
- a fellow fan
Ooh boy, this will probably be an essay blog post at some point, but, I shall endeavour to give the TLDR version to the best of my present ability. None of us really changes over time. We only become more fully what we are and memory is a monster.
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Do not ask me to recall my age, I am 20 now, though I often feel like Louis and Lestat, inhuman and haven't been human for 200 years. Plus the pandemic destroyed my sense of time.
Before the pandemic, a dear friend of mine introduced me to gothic literary vampires, I had just read Shelley's Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray of my own accord, and he cast me as Mina Murray-Harker in his production of Dracula (1897) opposite one of my best friends as Lucy Westenra himself as Jonathan and one of our aspiring villain actors as Count Dracula himself. I then got hooked on Dracula (the 1897 novel) and following that I wanted more vampires. We watched the 1994 IWTV Neil Jordan film together and I immediately took Lestat as my pathetic bi meow meow. I read the 1976 novel not that far after and started role-playing and cosplaying Lestat as soon as I understood him enough to make him my bi pathetic meow meow. I wouldn't pick up the chronicles again until catholic school and the move to Canada.
When I was in middle school I was a constant victim of bullying, mostly by the white rich kids for being brown, and vaguely gothic in inclinations and "witchy" and "other." My dad was also emotionally overbearing and expected a lot at an early age from me. He has since gotten better and I'm no longer anyone's victim, but, it's worthwhile to note I was victimized (past tense) for a long time. I've also had my fair share of misogyny + anti brown racism flung at me, and I am bi and genderqueer. For the record I forgive my middle school bullies, we were simply kids who didn't know better. Now, do better. I've also been the victim of emotional abuse and gaslighting, while it never escalated to physical that sort of violence even if emotional violence sticks with you. But as mentioned, victimized, in past tense.
I moved to Canada and suffered the indignity of the Catholic school system. I quit after a year and after their queerphobia made international news. But not before a brief run as a spiteful bi as fuck atheist and picking up The Vampire Lestat, finally.
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Before the pandemic, I felt like Louis de Pointe du Lac and Mona Mayfair, during the pandemic and in catholic school I felt like Nicolas de Lenfent, following the pandemic and up til the present I aspire to be something of a Lestat de Lioncourt and Rowan Mayfair meaning less cynical, unlearning my shame, confident, clever at least intellectually but foolishly in love with the beauty of humanity. Now, we're here.
IWTV 1994 lost in adaptation
Vampire Reviews: IWTV 1994 ft @elisaintime
What Constitutes Evil?
Vampire Reviews: The Vampire Chronicles ft @elisaintime
Vampire Reviews: The Vampire Lestat ft @elisaintime
Late Interview with the Vampire author Anne Rice remembered by trans woman she helped come out.
Tagging: @covenofthearticulate, @monstersinthecosmos, @elisaintime & @the-brat-prince-1760, @dontbesylly & @i-want-my-iwtv (no pressure to reply, I just thought y'all would appreciate this story).
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inahallucination · 2 years
anderperry au where mr perry doesn’t want neil dating becuz that might make him happy distract him 
but the andersons are a family of money and influence (i mean im guessing) and after hiding their relationship constantly from eyes that might report back to mr perry and almost being caught becuz of his random visits, neil and todd decide they need to do something
and todd remembers back when jeff got a girlfriend, todd didn’t know her name, jeff barely knew her name, but their parents had gushed about her family name and the potential business deals (they’d broken up not long after adn they had switched to ‘well there are better families’ and ‘you should focus on your school and you’ll find a better family in college’ though jeff had just looked bored adn relieved) 
and todd’s like wait that could work
adn so the poets hatch a plan to let mr perry think that neil pursuing todd is his idea for the sake of a potential partnership with the andersons (idk what the families do but its probably boring and compatible) 
the first step is putting the idea in his head
so when mr perry comes to yell at neil for one thing or the other one fo the poets just happens to come and complain about being worried about being set u with another poet because of family business
and then to put todd in the list of potential candidates they have lookout watching mr perry come see neil just in time to ‘accidently overhear’ todd ask neil if he wants to come with todd to visit his brother, JEFF ANDERSON at harvard or wherever the fuck jeff is at (did he or did he not blackmail the fuck out of his older brother to convince him to this plan ? mayhaps . could it still have been done if he just asked ? mayhaps .) 
to sweeten the deal, todd calls neil during thanksgiving break to invite him to some get together his parents are hosting 
of course, there’s the added bonus of the andersons thinking that someone who’s set to harvard being in a relationship wtiht heir son will be good for them
(if u got this far adn are still thinking ‘wait the andersons and the perrys are pieces of shit why r they so accepting’ have i ever written an au where anyone is homophobic)
so anyway
all this and mr perry finally tells neilt hat he should consider getting closer to the anderson kid while teh andersons probably imply the same and have todd blink at them and say ‘what, like married? i don’t think we can until we’re like 18’ because he kinda forgot that his parents didn't know about him and neil because he was so focused on the perrys
on the other side, neil tells his dad that him and todd are already really close friends
and mr perry is like ‘have you considered pursuing a relationship’
and neil’s like ‘im not allowed to date dad’
and mr perrys like given the circumstances, that rule is no longer important, in terms of todd anderson
and neil’s like ‘well i’ll try, but ill have to convince todd that im interesting beyond just like school stuff’
and mr perry’s like jsut do whatever you think you need to do, an in into the anderson family could be good
and neil’s like of course dad and then he goes back to todd to kiss him senseless because yayyyy it worked !!
and yeah
were there less complicated ways to get the same result ? probably, but todd and neil asked charlie and meeks for help planning, and it kind of spiraled
but like i want a 293458298523 words fic of the poets gaslighting mr perry into thinking anderperry was his brilliant business idea while neil adn todd, already planning their future because theyre fucking saps, are making out in the background
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