#never fear anon i adore you and your asks!!!
lightlycareless · 1 day
Naoya's reaction when y/n's thighs expand 3 times its size when she sits down. For my girlie's that have thick thighs 🙏🙏 plus me. Serious insecurity but damn wouldn't that be Naoya's 2nd favourite thing after tiddies. Definitely would give some criticism that y/n don't exercise enough and that's why her thighs are like that,but would br also smother his face between her thighs? Yes
Hello anon!!
Ngl when I first read this ask (the beginning) I was like HUH? But then I read the rest and was like ugh same. I kind of relate to what you feel, that plus chafing and what not 💀
ANYWAYS I hope you enjoy this debauched piece. :) ehehehe dunno what was going through my head but I liked it.
warnings: NSFW. THOUGH NOT DETAILED, THERE'S SMUT. MINORS DNI. Naoya and the Zen'in are perverts, some more explicit than others. Also misogynistic views, unwanted commentary about bodies.
Happy reading!
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You know what I was thinking?
Naoya being so obsessed with your body, that the moment he sees you he doesn’t even bother to make formal introductions or anything; nope.
He just needed to see you sit down one time, one time, unwittingly getting a very detailed look of how your thighs just become bigger underneath your skirt, alongside the adorably cute way you attempted to tug the edge down to avoid revealing too much (Naoya had seen more than enough at that point, of course he did.) and that was it for him to know you’d be the perfect wife.
So, fast forward a few weeks, after making the right arrangements, you’re effectively married to him, “happily” living in the Zen’in estate, where he can keep an eye on you, close to whenever he might need to make use of your wifely commitments—but most importantly, underneath constant scrutiny that not even your role as future Lady of the House could save you from.
The torments you’re subjected to here aren’t ones you haven’t heard before, in fact, you’ve heard enough of them to not care anymore…
But perhaps being married to Naoya, something that many cautioned would probably never happen due to your appearance, was enough to finally make them hurt.
His family just couldn’t… wrap their mind around the fact that from all women in the world, literally anyone else, he chose you: the epitome of laziness as they’d like to say. The sheer example of not being able to control one’s selfish desires in favor of temporary satisfaction.
In a world where thinner, athletic physiques were encouraged, you sure stood out like a sore thumb.
It wasn’t your fault, though. Some people were simply born that way, with different genetics and there was nothing wrong with that.
But to them, that was not enough of an excuse, if there ever was one; and once you heard for the last time how Naoya was simply tolerating you because, well, because of some unknown reason, you had enough.
You were tired of constantly hearing them belittling your worth, comparing you to whichever woman they brought along to hopefully convince Naoya into divorcing you—or at least sow his seeds on a more suitable candidate; a fact made worse when he seemingly didn’t put a resistance to their invitations, chipping away at your confidence.
And above all, you were exhausted of unwittingly highlighting the faults in your relationship, the clear signs that Naoya was never truly happy with you, such as those scarce moments of intimacy the two shared. Those that you didn’t think much of, outside of fear and pain, for he never struck you to be the kind, patient lover (and he wasn’t).
But now that these issues were highlighted… you could only feel sorrowful.
Naoya, while insatiable when it comes to lust, seemed to have only spent the night with you for political reasons. To fulfill his duty of securing the future of the Zen’in—not because he ever harbored desire for you.
Yet, why did you even expect otherwise? For he too demeaned you with cruel commentaries, and with the one thing you were mostly self-conscious about…
“You know, your thighs wouldn’t be that big if you actually worked out or something…”
“Don’t wear that. I don’t want you to show your legs—it’s already unbefitting a woman, but in your case… well, it’s only necessary.”
That was more than enough to finally push you to the edge and do the one thing many were constantly pestering you about: not to eat. Though in your defense, it’s not like you felt like doing so anyways, the voices and faces of those that hurt you were quick to put you back in your place if you even did as little as consider it, ruining your appetite.
And you managed to keep this way for a few days, at least until you began to grow sick, tired, unable to tend to your duties as you did before, which did not escape your staff’s attention, and subsequently, Naoya’s.
“What the fuck is wrong with you??” Naoya would exclaim first thing upon returning from a mission; tired. The last thing he wanted to do was deal with the complaints of your lacking commitment, the only goddamn thing you had to do around the estate. “To go ahead and cause problems to my family, taint my name—have you got no shame?!”
“I didn’t mean to…” you murmur, yourself tired as well, due for other reasons, made worse by Naoya’s reproach.
“Then do you mind explaining what the hell were you thinking? What were you planning to do? Get my attention??” He frowns. “Dramatic, but what else could I expect from a woman like you?”
“Please, Naoya… I don’t feel like arguing…”
“No, of course not. You don’t feel like doing anything, do you? Not even eating!” He remarked. “What? Trying to lose some weight, now? Is that what’s gotten into your mind?”
You remain silent, giving him enough of an answer. He laughs.
“So it is that!” He boasts. “I can’t believe it, Y/N! I didn’t think you’d be so stupid to actually do that!”
“Leave me alone…” you whisper, tears beginning to pool around your eyes.
“To what? Puke your guts out, now? Don’t be stupid!” Naoya continues to jest. “I knew women were desperate, but I didn’t think you’d break the mold!”
His words, perhaps out of your already brewing insecurities, or simply because you’ve grown tired of his mockery, wash you over with an unprecedented wave of anger, dropping your heart to the pit of your stomach as you sharply turn around, ready to take a stand for yourself once and for all.
“And why do you care so much, hm, Naoya?!” You cry. “Weren’t you also one of those that always bothered me about my weight? About how embarrassing I am to your name simply because of the way I look?!”
He flinches, startled by your reaction at first, but soon angered by it as well.
“I won’t tolerate your disrespect—” he frowns, yet you don’t let him continue.
“You even ask me to cover myself up!” you gasp. “You’re so—you’re so disgusted by how I look that you—you wouldn’t mind if I spent the rest of my life locked away so you won’t ever have to see—”
“Do you hear yourself?” Naoya seethes, taking your hand and pulling you to him with such strength that instantly startles you, making you squirm in reaction, trying to move away but he keeps you still, understanding you’ve officially made him furious. “Do you hear the stupidities you’re spewing?!”
“Leave—leave me alone.” You whimper, tears sliding down your cheeks. “You’re hurting me!”
“I ought to hurt you more for insulting me!”
“Insulting… you?” you repeat, confused. “How was this insulting to you?!”
“You think I’d let you walk around the estate like a whore? Let you display what’s mine?!”
“Naoya, you’re not—you’re not making any sense.” You respond, shame settling in your heart. “If you’re going to make fun of me—!”
“You’re fucking stupid, did you know that?” Is all that he says before pushing you against the wall, making you whimper when roughly hitting the wooden pillar behind, a noise that is quickly shut by his lips landing on yours, wasting no time for his tongue to battle yours, subduing you. “So fucking stupid…”
He’d murmur, you moan.
“Na—Naoya—” you breathe, torn apart by his desire and your confusion. Didn’t he… dislike you? “St—stop!”
“What is it that you wanted me to do? Stand aside as my family ogles at you?!”
“Don’t you mean—don’t you mean scrutinize?!” you gasp, flinching when his lips move from yours, down to your jaw, then neck… “Stop—stop mocking me!”
“I should feel offended by your stupidity, if anything.” He responds, pulling away from you to take a good look into your teary eyes—as if trying to assess if you really declared such atrocity, or if it was work of his own anguished mind. “Your blindness to acknowledge what I truly think of you.”
“They—they hate me.” You tremble, why would he want you to remember such an awful thing? “You hate me—”
“No, Y/N.” Naoya groans, pressing closer to you while taking your hand once more to move it down to his groin where his hardening cock was in full display for you to feel, destroying the perceptions you had of everything around you—around him. “This is what you make them feel— what you make me feel!”
“Nao—Naoya—” you tremble, trying to move away your hand from his growing length, intimidated that he somehow felt even bigger underneath your palm; giving the impression his desire for you right now was much stronger than any other instances. But… how? Or more likely, Why? “I don’t—I don’t get it—!”
“Do you really think I’d be blind to the way they stare at you? To their futile attempts of bringing you down, of changing you, just so they’d stop thinking what your skin feels like underneath their fingertips—or how sweet your cunt tastes like?” Naoya breathed, continuing to rub your hand against his cock, desperate to let you know how much he needs his release—how he wants to throw this senseless discussion away…
But not without declaring his upper hand, the one he always had with his family, of course. “But they can’t” He smirks. “The moment I saw you, I knew you’d be the perfect wife, the perfect mother for my children.”
The thought of harboring such desire from Naoya made your cunt tighten, the same way his cock twitches.
“They’re just jealous I got to you first.” He continues. “That I was able to see your worth just by your wide hips and ample bosom—you’re the epitome of femininity… but even better—
You’re all mine.”
“But you—but you said horrible things to me—” you cry, his lascivious words still not enough to remove the pain from those awful moments. “Why…?”
“Aw, my love.” Naoya chuckles, cupping your face with his hands and squeezing it so softly, making you pout, a face he always loved to incite from you, amongst others. “I just can’t help it; your reactions are so adorable; you simply make it too easy.”
His hands then travel down to the edges of your skirt, lifting your kimono just enough to reveal your smooth legs to him, the same ones he always had touch and kneed whenever you were close, the mere sight of them enough to make him further spiral into his desire—
If not anger when seeing the flimsy piece of cloth covering your cunt, fingers quick to grab the edge and rip it apart, letting out a quick gasp from your mouth.
“How many times have I told you to stop wearing these stupidities?!” He hisses. “You know damn well than to go against the words of your own husband!”
“But you—you hadn’t touched me.” You fret. “Since that night, we… you hadn’t—I didn’t think it was necessary.”
“You truly couldn’t be any dumber, could you? Just because I’ve been busy does that mean you can go on and disobey my words?” Naoya accuses with a jesting tone that serves to place the direction of his following actions. “My lovely wife is really that naive… luckily for you, I’m the one in charge of doing all the thinking, while you—you just have to stay like this, ready for me…
To take my cock like the good whore of a wife you are, with that lewd body of yours that is only mine. Exclaiming for me to give you a baby, make you a mother, make your hips wider, your breasts bigger, filled milk—”
And the way your body tightens against him, letting out a moan when his hands parted your legs, guiding his cock onto your dampened slit and gently pushed the head into you, let’s him know this desire has settled in the back of your mind for quite some time, but never revealed itself by the stupidities of his own family, his too undeniably.
But after these agonizing days away from you, forced so by his job, if not those insignificant whores his family brought in an attempt to push him away from you, failing to do so for he quickly discarded them as soon as they crossed his sight…
He’ll never let the opportunity to claim you pass again.
Naoya will do whatever necessary to drill that idea into that little, pathetic mind of yours, even if it means fucking you in the middle of the hallway, where all servants and relatives alike would be able to hear his message loud and clear.
The reality they could only dream of in their most desperate moments—but to him, it was only a matter of taking.
“Naoya—Naoya please—not here.” You whimper, your husband had effectively forced you onto the ground and made you take his cock, either from behind, hands and knees on the wooden floor as he teased and kneaded your ass and hips; he was an avid enjoyed of many positions, but this one had to be one of his favorite ones. To see your skin bounce whenever his hips slammed into you, savoring the way your lewd cunt swallowed him whole, down to the base, with no intentions of letting go, regardless of what you said, it was surprising he still had some restraint. “Please—they’re—they’re going to see!”
“Let them.” Naoya moans, the thought of being caught sends a shiver through his spine; and while it’s not something he necessarily advocated for, the constant, tiring need to be proving his authority over you is what forced him to do so. You might as well play along. “Let them hear how tight your cunt is around my cock! How only I can make you come undone like this—”
“N—No—I don’t—I don’t want…!” you whimper, but even when he changed positions, having you on top of him, giving him sight of the breasts he couldn’t wait to see grow when you’re inevitably pregnant, you still do not stop jumping on his cock, moving your hips up and down alongside his, clenching whenever hitting that sensitive spot that always had you seeing stars. “I don’t want to cum—!”
“Then maybe—Maybe you shouldn’t have this lewd body.” Naoya moans, truly believing that he would never be able to stop himself from using every inch of your body for his own pleasure—from fucking his cock between your soft thighs and boobs, admiring the way they completely cover his cock, drowning it in a combination of softness and his own seed, barely able to see where the tip of his head was…
To relieve that same sensation with his own face, asking you—no, demanding you to smother him with your thighs, a sensation that has him thinking if he were to die this way, cock hard, eased by your soft licks and moans, while deep in the sweet taste of your cunt, he wouldn’t mind it, not one bit.
In fact, he hopes that’s the way he goes.
But he’s in no rush to avoid enjoying the present, the warmth of your body besides him when the two eventually stop, careless to acknowledge if they ever gathered an audience, certainly so when Naoya’s mind was firmly set in getting you pregnant, as heard by his following words.
“I’ll see you tonight.” He declares. “It’s about time you give me a heir.”
And you do nothing but oblige, though you doubted all the cum nestled inside your cervix hadn’t done the job already.
In fact, you relished the idea. If it meant getting this side of Naoya’s desire, attention you didn’t think to be deserving of, or even capable of obtaining…. Then you were nothing but obedient.
“Naoya, you’re—oh!” You gasp when instead of waiting for you to stand up to properly greet him, he lowers down to your level, taking a seat before eventually resting his head over your lap, taking a deep sigh and resting for the first time after a long week of work. “Is… everything alright?”
“I’m tired.” He responds, adjusting himself into an even better position and sighing once more. “I don’t want to talk.”
So, you don’t, preferring instead to softly caress his head, moving some of his silky black threads away from his face and letting him relax, enough to dive into the beginnings of his slumber, but not before clearing his mind from one doubt.
“Our baby—”
“He’s fine.” You murmur, placing your hand over your stomach. It’s still very early during the pregnancy to know so, and yet, there was something about you that just made it so obvious that you were carrying a life inside you—
Perhaps it was the way you glowed, or how you became softer with him ever since it was first announced.
Though the latter was mostly the fact that you started to feel… wanted by your husband, a kind of desire that while far from perfect, was enough for you to change your perspective of this marriage, allowing you to open up to him, mostly so when Naoya now defended you from those unwanted comments from his family.
You’re carrying the future of the Zen’in, after all, some decorum must be maintained.
Yet something tells you his changed demeaner ran far deeper than what Naoya wanted to reveal. «All in due time» you suppose.
“I love you, and our baby too.” You say, instinctively taken by this calm moment of domesticity with your loving husband, not expecting a response considering his somewhat cold nature—only to be proven wrong when he turns around to see you, silently placing his gaze on yours in such way that initially makes you think you might’ve ruined this moment, just for him to pull you closer to him, taking your lips in a soft, quick kiss before returning to your lap, closing his eyes and sleeping.
He may not have said it, but the sentiment was the same, and that was enough for you to be happy.
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Naoya is still a jerk, but I like to think he eventually got to genuinely care about you. Also, he got real lucky that one time he thought with his dick, imagine if you were a piece of shit too? NAH He'd lose it. He got real lucky that you were nice, I tell you...
Also, I'm still with the pregnancy stuff :) sorrynotsorry.
OH! and also!! It's safe to say that the things Naoya said are NOT a reflection of what I think!! Everybody is beautiful and deserving of love, no matter what body type ❤️
Now, thank you so much for sending this niche ask... I gotta say, I have been thinking about it since I do relate to it............... but I try to keep my work pretty open-ended so anyone can relate :) Still, if there's something you'd like me to write a bit more detailed, just let me know! I'll be sure to try my best tho, some I might reject if I don't feel like I know much about the matter....
Anyways, thank you so much for this ask ❤️ take care, and hope to see you soon ❤️
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dragonsarecats · 6 months
I definitely agree that the sway of Byleth as a lot of weight for SS! But I don't think it's the only important factor? Because to me if it was the case, Claude and Dimitri would have their own SS: the fact that it's specific to Edelgard do seems means something about the Eagles loyalty toward her.
Edelgard don't feel betrayed in Silver Snow nor did she trusted the other Eagles? Can you give specific dialog? To me Silver Snow, at least regarding Byleth and other student is kinda just what she expected to happen?
I do think the Hubert point has to be nuanced: Hubert is only one person in Edelgard huge lack of positive relationship, and more widely Edelgard truly awful situation. Edelgard is constantly watched by her abuser, she has to constantly worry that people she met could very much be TWSITD agent, ... Yes, she has someone to rely on but comparatively she has countless ennemies on her track ( unlike Claude who has mostly potential enemy, or indirect ennemies that have in no way the same weight as TWSITD or Aegir for example ). So yeah, while Claude and Edelgard trust issue are different in certain ways, I don't think Claude trust issue can be a point as to why found family is a fundamental trope of VW and not of CF?
For the inherent respect as a leader I'm sorry to have missed what you meant! But while you're right that Claude as the thoughest situation, the other lord don't take the respect as granted? The role of Emperor is now a puppet leader and the Prime Minister is supposed to hold the true power, Edelgard certainly does have to work for the respect and the amount of power she has in CF: she has to rely on TWSITD and make alliance with Caspar and Linhardt father for example. Even Dimitri who clearly has the best position of the three when it comes to natural respect has the whole Rufus affair!
For Ferdinand a the reason behind him being rival who don't litteraly seek to take her power, it's because he already has power over her so I don't think it's necessarily a strong point? Because of the insurrection, she's the puppet leader, he's the one with the actual power. And Edelgard noble connection are small and actually very unimpactful. Especially compared to Dimitri who has his actual group of childhood friend and adoptive fathers
How is Edelgard not inherently untrusting compared to Claude and Hubert? I mean, they made a choice to give one lord the line about being so untrusful they can't even trust themselves, they made SB about the hardship of trusting unlike GW where Claude surprisingly trust Shez to some extent quickly? I genuinely don't see how she has less trust issue, or at least less deep, and to me it kinda wouldn't make sense with her backstory ( especially on the Hubert comparison )?
I'm sorry for all the misunderstanding too, I hope I'm not too rude- And really if my ask bother you or take too much time to respond I really won't mind if you don't respond ^^" Thanks you for taking your time in any case
First of all anon, let's clear something up! I ADORE your asks! You're not rude at all, I really, genuinely enjoy disagreeing with you, if that makes sense? You're clearly super passionate about Three Houses and talking about this game with someone who is super passionate is really fun for me! And don't worry about how long it takes me to respond to you lol--which is very ironic considering this response took nearly twenty days when I normally reply within eight hours (finals hit hard D:) --because I love doing it! You're genuinely a bright spot in my day!
Now, to the rest of your ask!
So for me, the reason why Claude and Dimitri don't have a "Silver Snow", as you put it, is because thematically they don't really "need" one. The type of conflict dealt with by Claude and Dimitri both personally and politically doesn't require an additional route to explore, and also, Silver Snow is much more the Church route then it is the oppositional-Edelgard route. I think Silver Snow branches from Edelgard's route because that's the most interesting place to put it. As personally as Dimitri's route gets with Edelgard, he isn't her true opposition; Rhea is.
And thus for me, the Silver Snow route says much more about Rhea, Edelgard, Seteth, and Byleth, then it does the Eagles. I definitely think it says something about the Eagles-- that they don't appreciate Edelgard's methodology and could be convinced to opposed her (and have mixed feelings about them) puts them in a very similar boat to Claude, who is most frequently compared with Edelgard. However, when removed from the context of SS/CF (and thus, recruitment ignored, away from Byleth's influence), all of them do show up at Edelgard's side, and are willing to die for her. I think, similarly to the other routes, their relationships are different and more strained, but ultimately without the influence of Byleth they are loyal to Edelgard (and the Empire) in a way that can't be ignored.
"Edelgard don't feel betrayed in Silver Snow nor did she trusted the other Eagles? Can you give specific dialog? To me Silver Snow, at least regarding Byleth and other student is kinda just what she expected to happen?"
No, you're absolutely correct here, I definitely misspoke. If I were to try and correct what I said...I don't think Edelgard felt betrayed by the other Eagles, but perhaps, disappointed? It's a conclusion I come to from seeing her in CF more than anything else, frankly, because (and I'll elaborate on this a few paragraphs down), I see Edelgard as a very desperate person. She is desperate to trust even as she views everyone with suspicion, two traits that seem more diametrically opposed then they really are.
Go back into trust issues (and the leadership points), I think there is no "better" or "worse" when comparing Edelgard and Claude's trust issues, just "different." Edelgard's trust issues cause her to put on a front of suspicion, but it's not a strong one. This is the result of two things: her trauma, and Hubert. Edelgard has a peer she can trust anything and everything with (and this is a good thing for her), and that includes vetting people. Even with the Professor, Edelgard grows fond of her quickly, and begins to trust her (implied by game mechanics to really, really start at C+ but also scene in other routes the fondness really does carry), but Hubert holds off on Byleth until she makes that critical choice to go against the church. This to me symbolizes a sort of "safety" net that Edelgard has with Hubert? Further on her relationship with Byleth, Edelgard's trauma does result in her putting on a front of suspicion (which makes it no less apart of her, but rather something she deliberately does to protect herself), but I think Edelgard is just desperate for someone to reach out to her.
I haven't talked about this before, but I think one of the things that highlights the differences between Edelgard and Claude and also their trust level, is the concept of "adults." This affects Dimitri as well, but as a "rule" in three houses if something majorly affects two house leaders it affects the third in less dramatic/major ways. That is to say, that while Edelgard has never had an adult/authority figure she could rely on, Claude has. And while Claude has never had the ability to rely on a peer, she has. Edelgard removes the old guard almost completely when she rises to power, only compromising, as you said, with Lindhardt and Caspar's parents. She replaces everyone she can't rely one with people she can rely on, because she's learned the hard way through what happened to her and her family. Claude, on the other hand, had his parents. They raised him to be self sufficient and to survive in a world that hated him. Later, Claude had his grandfather, and now has Judith and Nader (who trained him in childhood). He had no peers and no friends until he arrives at the Academy. As a result, Claude simply...lives with the discomfort. He deals with the reverse of what Edelgard went through; instead of living with people who have harmed you, he experienced harm from other people and now is forced to be around people who think the same way and thus could harm him in the future. Whereas Edelgard clears out the rot and only compromises where she has to, Claude is a being of compromise. It's not just that he distrusts others, it's that others fundamentally distrust him.
Edelgard's place as the next Emperor is never in doubt. It just isn't. What really shows this off to me, is the silver snow cutscene in which the flame emperor is blatantly backtalking to the Agarthans! Talking about how she doesn't approve of what they've doing and how they're going to pay--to me it was really effective at showing off how well they were at manipulating her because there is a reason Edelgard goes after the Church first and not the people responsible for her own personal tragedy. It's never in doubt in the Crimson Flower route that Edelgard will be Emperor. She never doubts it. To better compare her and Dimitri to Claude--he's basically a bastard to the Alliance. Sure, Edelgard is at risk of being undermined and turned into a puppet leader, but the fact that she will be that leader is objectively not up for debate. Edelgard is not afraid of the people in the Empire (non-Agarthan) who caused the coup, and she's relatively easily able to steamroll over them. Edelgard has stability in her place in the world--her place has been custom made, after all, as the only survivor of her siblings. In a way, it's also what makes her such a tragic figure--she has a lot less agency in her route then it feels because she's trying to make the best out of a bad situation.
Claude, on the other hand, is implied to be in a very precarious position. He can't pull off the stuff Edelgard does because Edelgard is an absolute monarch in a similar way to Dimitri. She is the Emperor and Dimitri is the King. Claude is the head of the von Reigan house, but the constant pressure and presence of Lorenz combined with Holtz's looming (if pleasant) figure in the background shows to the player that Claude is objectively replaceable. It's why his ultimate strategy during the time skip is to stall, to take advantage of the lack of unification in the Alliance (the lack of unification under him), in order to keep the Empire's eyes off of his people for the longest period possible.
So I think their trust issues are fundamentally different despite how similar Claude and Edelgard are!
Before I go to that, though, I'd like to address Ferdinand. That man has absolutely no power over Edelgard lol. Their support chain honestly makes me feel a little bad for him? The other two rivals--Lorenz and Felix--get deeper, more meaningful resolutions with their Lords but to me, personally, it feels like Ferdinand just accepts that Edelgard is better than him and becomes humble in a way that feels almost self-depreciating (esp. in their line progression if you have them pull weeds together the whole run, like me and my friend lol). Ferdinand has no idea about the coup, and he's a rather oblivious character--he believes it's his job to keep Edelgard in check, and he is only allowed to be Prime Minister because when she ousted his father, she chose to keep him there. Edelgard has so much power over Ferdinand it's crazy--both personal and political--and I don't necessarily think they have a "bad" relationship or anything I just think that Ferdinand has self esteem issues, lol, and weighs his own worth against hers which she isn't responsible for. I think you're underestimating Edelgard here--while Dimitri does have a lot of personal and political connections, so does she! There's a reason she's able to almost instantly obliterate the old guard, and that's because she has replacements like Ladislava and Randolph waiting in the wings. She's also able to keep on nobles like Lindhardt and Caspar's father's. Edelgard is a very powerful character, I think it just feels otherwise sometimes because she's so deeply affected by what happened to her as a child (as she should be) and unlike Dimitri it doesn't make her large and imposing if that makes sense.
Edelgard is jaded in a way Claude is not. I did not mean to make it seem like she was trusting because she absolutely tries not to be. Her trust issues are bone deep, and comparing her and Claude as "more" or "less" was not something I intended to do, it's just that they manifest differently. What they each want from people they could potentially trust is different: Edelgard is desperate to have someone reach out their hand to her, and Claude is desperate for someone not to slap his away when he does. Edelgard is drowning in the same way Dimitri is, emotionally. The Hubert thing was less of a comparison and more of an example of why Edelgard wants to trust someone so bad and appears to "slip" more than Claude does with her mask even though hers is a lot more obvious partially because she has Hubert. She does not have to do all her vetting herself, and I think that's very good for her.
I think the reason for me, why found family seems to be a much bigger theme in Verdant Wind then Crimson Flower, is again, partially because of the power structure less inherent in the Golden Deer house. Lorenz is visibly worn down over time through conversation with Leonie (our queen!) about commoners, and despite everything about Claude being inherently political, the Golden Deer manage to be peers in a way no one else is, because let's be real, Claude is an equal to the other nobles the way Edelgard and Dimitri can't be. It doesn't make him closer to the others--Hubert calls Edelgard only ever by respectful titles and I think if they were any closer they'd merge into a single soul lmao--but it puts him on a more level playing field. Mr. Leader Man is treated with a lot more humor than grandiosity, and characters like Leonie and Raphael really do result in the Golden Deer all feeling like they're equals even if you're conscious that they aren't. This, for me, makes it feel a lot more explicit when you get your found family forming, because in a big big way, it's forming completely from scratch. There's almost no real positive relationship between any of the Deer when the game starts! And I'm including Raph and Ignatz in it because of Ignatz's massive guilt! It makes that development very tangible, because it almost doesn't feel like a natural progression. For me, the theme is so prominent because it's about the formation of found family, although I think you could definitely argue that other routes have other aspects of found family more prominent.
I'm so sorry this took me so long anon!! Know I've been slowly working on this and thinking of you, lol!
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hxmocrastic · 5 months
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧 | HCS
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Pairing ; {📺+📖} Luke Castellan x GN!Reader
Warnings ; Yandere, Stalking, Gaslighting, Fear of Abandonment, Imminent Kidnapping, Manipulation, Inferiority Complex, Emotional Abuse. ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP 18+
A/N ; Sorry I didn't respond directly to you anon, I accidentally posted this before it was finished and couldn't edit it 💀 But Enjoy!!
Luke is a Gaslighting, Guilt tripping, Boyfailure personified.
At first he takes up his signature friendly act and introduces himself to you first. He even offers to show you around camp !
To him, you're just so adorable. He loves how docile & compliant you are, how your sweet little chin nod's at his every word. You're just so fucking addicting, As soon as he saw you he knew he had to have you.
In order to get you alone & helpless, He'll start spreading false rumors of your parentage, Just to swoop in and shoo those pesky campers away. See? He's such a good boyfriend ! Why won't you look at him?
He'll even get you into some weaving classes, After all a sword is way too dangerous for someone like you. Don't worry about it! He knows what's best for you !
Luke will gladly take his time in wooing you. Slowly implanting little seeds in that cute little head of yours, Whispering things underneath his breath, Increasing physical contact, Even sending you gifts.
The last encounter he had with his father was a scar that will never heal, and a reminder that the gods see him and his siblings as nothing but cattle awaiting the slaughter.
Underestimated, Undermined, Luke always feels he has to go the extra mile prove himself. He thinks that in the eyes of his father he's worthless but in yours he has a purpose, He's a hero.
He'll do anything to keep up that facade, As he only wishes for you to see him in a glorified light. Isn't that what demigods fight for?? Glory,? It only makes sense that you'd love him too !
But truth is, Although he may sustain his benevolent friendly facade, He sees other's as emerging rivals. Whether it be in 'love' or Competition, He views them as competition.
All his life he'd felt powerless & helpless to the evils that robbed him of his childhood. Like his life wasn't his own, How he was always at the mercy of others whether it be the fates, monsters, or the gods themselves. He's never felt real control.
But at camp he feels like he has some control, some authority of his own. And not just of his own life but of other's too. He's finally at the other end of the stick.
Luke loves the power he has over the camp, how the girls & boys of Aphrodite cabin silently fawn at the slightest glance of his figure.
How his stare alone can send clarisse and her cabin trudging to the steps of their cabin like wet dogs. The power excites him.
But your arrival was different. He would've thought it'd be enough to constantly receive the admiration from camp but he desires more from you.
Luke doesn't just want you to favor him, He wants you to obey him. To hang on his every word. He wants you to worship him, To give him the adoration he would never receive from his bastard father.
This is where it gets dangerous. Once the Luke you knew to be a sweet and protective head counselor, He starts becoming a lot more domineering and unreasonably aggressive. And whenever you asks about, He slips back into his loving demeanor and reassures you softly that everything's alright, You're just seeing things that's all!
But you could've sworn you saw him scowling at your friends. Maybe you were just going crazy, it'd be the only reasonable explanation right? Who'd believe you if you said you heard Luke castellan speaking with another voice, right?
For your own safety, You stay quiet. You abide him and start slipping on a facade of your own. Just play along and you will be fine...
He's your hero, your knight in golden armor, Depend on him and solely on him why would you need anybody else?? Love him and only him, and just maybe your cabin mates will be safe. (Not)
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temis-de-leon · 2 months
Shy gn!reader confesses to the Dateables
Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon (x reader, separately)
Part 2 , Demon brothers version
Anon request: Could I request headcanons for Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Simeon react to shy gn crush confessing to him nervously?
A/N: I made this so the Dateables were already crushing on the reader for a while, but it's the reader who confesses. Once again, Simeon gave me no inspiration and yet his section was the one I enjoyed the most
He’s used to loneliness and sacrifices, dedicating his limited free time to a small inner circle that he’s unable to expand. The rest of his devotions goes to his dreams and his duties, and that includes, above many other things, the student exchange program.
The only human he personally knows is Solomon and everybody is aware of the sorcerer’s peculiar personality, so he’s quick to accept that you’re going to be different from everything he’s ever known.
He just didn’t know how much.
You build a friendship with him, treating him without inhibitions while still respecting him. You accept and join his childish whims, ask for his advice in more serious matters and speak your mind without fear.
You make him feel normal, helping his love for you grow slow but steady over a strong foundation.
But then your behaviour around him changes and he feels completely lost. There’s a sort of restraint he’s never seen in you, your recent silence and your avoidance to look at him in the eye making him wonder in hurt if you finally know enough about him to be afraid.
Diavolo feels his heart sink when you ask to speak to him in private and he’s willing to accept he has lost you.
How wrong he is.
Your confession leaves him speechless, but the more you talk with a stammer while twisting your fingers, the more he feels his cheeks blush.
He doesn’t confess back. He directly asks you out on a date.
His duty to the Young Master doesn’t feel like a sacrifice to him. It’s an honour he’s glad to act in, so, although he likes to keep some free time for his private life, Barbatos is more than happy to set Lord Diavolo above everything else.
He doesn’t pay you much attention at first, given that there’s little to no connexion between you two. In fact, the first few times you hang out together outside official matters it’s always organized by someone else, mainly Luke.
The young angel enjoys baking and even his prejudices decrease upon the demon’s talents in the kitchen.
He also enjoys spending time with MC.
So he combines both of those things. That’s how Barbatos gets to know you better.
He revels in the discovery of your resilience and your kindness despite what surrounds you. Your smile while measuring ingredients with Luke, your attentiveness at his teaching.
He knows Lord Diavolo appreciates him and thanks his presence, but you’re the first one to treat him so… highly? You admire him, you hear him, you seek him.
His busy mind and busy schedule give him almost no time to ruminate his feelings, but he can’t run away for much longer.
It’s around the same time he finally accepts his need to be with you that you start to fidget around him. He sees you looking at him under your lashes, timidly smiling and looking at him when you think he isn’t paying attention.
Your feelings are obvious to him, but he lets himself enjoy the situation for as long as possible. It’s too adorable to let go.
When you finally gather the courage you need to confess and it’s his turn to be sincere, his words are worth more than a hundred romance books.
At the beginning, his interest in you is entirely academic. A regular human living amongst the most powerful demons of the Devildom? Now, that is something worth his while!
Witnessing first-hand how your humanity is put to the test on the daily is fun at first, but then again… You still have humanity. Once lost, it wouldn’t come back.
He ultimately decides to side with you. It makes him feel a little better too.
Although you both have a cordial relationship, barely a friendship, he isn’t your priority. To be fair, you aren’t his either, so he can’t complain.
But then time passes and his infatuation starts to grow.
You remind him of better things. Those he lost long time ago and those he knows he’s incapable of reaching. You make him want to be better, to try and to be someone that you could be prouder of.
He uses his vast knowledge to compete for your attention. His stories and his studies, his vulnerability slowly showing to you. It’s difficult, but you’re worth it.
He knows it’s working when you go out of your way to spend time with him, a difficult task when half of your roommates, if not all of them, don’t trust him at all. That makes him elated, but insecure at the same time.
He doesn’t know how to move things forward without spoiling them, so he waits until you make the first move. When the moment comes, he forces himself to memorize every second of it.
Solomon doesn’t want to forget your timid expression or the way you can’t decide what to say to put your feelings on display. He doesn’t want to forget the wide smile you show when he reciprocates your affections.
He cares for you since the beginning, even before forming a friendship. It’s in his nature to be kind and caring and he can’t help but to act on it with you.
Your personality immediately draws him closer. How positive you are despite your situation as well as your determination to keep going forward, proving the demons wrong.
Simeon feels a strange satisfaction whenever Lucifer’s brow twitches at your misdeeds.
It’s thanks to Luke, who wants to keep two of his favourite people close, that he gets the chance to know you better.
He enjoys every occasion you visit Purgatory Hall. Sometimes you’re invited by Luke to help him cook, study or even make puzzles; and other times is Simeon himself who asks you to spend time with them.
The evenings you manage to have dinner with them are the most fulfilling for him.
He’s never felt a love so strong before, but he’s a world renounced writer and a romantic at heart, so the only thing he’s capable of doing in this situation is to pour his affections and hope for you to accept his heart.
The conclusion reaches an end when he manages to reset his DDD yet again.
Luke, although irritated at him, manages to call you before going to the castle to hung out with Barbatos, but Simeon doesn’t mind. More than that, he prefers it.
The sole idea of being alone with you brings warmth to his heart, after all.
He knows you feel the same too. Seeing the light in your eyes, the curve of your smile and the tenderness in your shy-filled whispers is enough for him to know.
You don’t even have time to confess on your own.
Simeon asks with a sweet voice if his interpretations of your feelings are correct. If they are, bless his heart, he feels the very same.
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
hi, i love your writing!
could you do yandere ranpo, chuuya, dazai and atsushi with a s/o who’s really sleepy all the time? basically like, anemic like fyodor 💀
no stop this ask is like a callout post. i sleep all of the time during the day and i stay up all night… i should probably fix that LMAO. anon, you and i may or may not be anemic. /j anyways yes i love this request! thank you for requesting!! <3
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Their Darling Is Always Sleepy; Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Atsushi Nakajima, and Chuuya Nakahara
Format: Headcanons
Possible warnings: Yandere content, dark themes, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of non-consensual drug usage
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Osamu Dazai
When he first met you he took note of your trait of sleeping all of the time. At first it concerned him since he thought that it might have been a health condition, but when he found out that it wasn't, he found it absolutely adorable.
He would bring you pillows so you can nap comfortably on your desk, or sometimes he’d even bring a spare blanket to the agency for you.
Sometimes he’d find you sleeping around the agency’s office, or he’d find you sleeping in a booth at the café downstairs. He’d of course let you sleep because someone as adorable as you deserves your beauty rest, no?
Though, sometimes he’d get slightly frustrated because he wanted to spend more time with you. You would know when you ticked him off by his tone of voice. If he was more whiny then usual, then that was your telltale sign of to stay awake for him.
More often than not you’d wake up to his coat draped on your shoulders, acting as a makeshift blanket. You told him more than once that he didn’t need to do this for you, but he insisted on doing this for you.
Eventually when he fell in love with you, he’d become paranoid about your sleeping habits. He knew that you were very capable of protecting yourself, but what if someone took advantage of you while you were sleeping? And what if he wasn’t there to protect you? He absolutely hated the thought.
After all, evil expects evil.
He didn’t want anything bad happening to you. You may have not known it then, but you were his lifeline. If something happened to you, then he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
After a few weeks of contemplating on what he should do, he eventually kidnapped you.
Terribly enough, he took you while you were napping. He did exactly what he feared what would happen to you. A part of him felt awful, but another part was happy that you were finally safe in his arms.
He knew that you’d never leave him.
You like him far too much for that.
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Ranpo Edogawa
To put it in short, he absolutely loved your ability to sleep anywhere. In fact it’s one of the reasons why he fell so head over heels for you. He found it absolutely adorable! How could he not?! He got to see your adorable sleeping face!
In fact, seeing you nap was his motivation for each day. He absolutely loved seeing you so at peace. He wouldn’t trade it for the world.
When you two first got into a more normal relationship, he’d often nap with you if he wasn’t on a case. He absolutely loved to snuggle up to you and close his eyes. It was very relaxing to him.
Ranpo would keep a blanket and two pillows in a closet reserved only for the two of you. Fukuzawa of course approved of this for some reason. Maybe it was because Ranpo talked him into it?
Sometimes you’d find that you were more tired than usual. This would always happen after Ranpo offered you a drink as well. Surly he wouldn’t drug you just so he could cuddle you, right? He’s not that insane, right?
If you ever wanted to snack on something right after you woke up, then he’d let you eat some of his food. He is obsessed with you after all. Why wouldn’t he show you his love like this?
When you started to not want to nap with anymore, that’s when his obsessive tendencies started to kick in. How dare you not want to cuddle with the greatest detective anymore? You said it was because that you were starting to get sweaty from the constant affections since it was the summer months, but he didn’t want to hear any of it.
After all, he is quite childish.
When he decided to kidnap you, he gave you a higher dosage of the sleeping drug that he would give you. It wasn’t enough to cause permanent damage, no, but it was enough to have you asleep for a whole day if he was lucky.
Now that you’re with him, he’ll make sure that the two of you nap and or cuddle whenever he gets the chance. He’s very clingy towards you because he loves you oh so much.
And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Atsushi Nakajima
When he first met you, you were napping at your desk. Originally he didn’t believe in love at first sight, but you somehow managed to change his view on that just by being lazy and sleeping while on the clock.
He absolutely found your ability to sleep anywhere adorable, but also slightly concerning. He was overly cautious of what might happen to you. What if the Port Mafia went to strike while you were sleeping? What if the agency got in danger? What if some one tried to kill you?
He got very anxious because of these things. He knew he wasn’t being rational, but still, those thoughts clouded his brain. He couldn’t get them out of his head, and he hated it.
When you went home for the day to take yet another nap, he would follow you home and watch you through a window. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he had to make sure that you’d be alright.
You’re the light of his life.
When you were sleeping in the office, he’d always make sure to move right near you just in case of an emergency. Though, he’d do this once he was sure that you were asleep. Because of his ability allowing him to hear slightly better than others, he’d only come near you once your breathing became more steady.
Sometimes your coworkers would coo at the two of you. They honestly thought that you were dating because of how clingy the weretiger was.
You’d have to explain to them that you’re just friends, and that wounded Atsushi. He wouldn’t let that show though.
Atsushi wouldn’t resort to kidnapping out of worry for you. No, not at all. What he’d do is make sure to stay near you at all times. He’s guilt trip you into moving in with him because he was just that worried about you.
Once he was able to always keep a watchful eye on you, he’d start to relax. He’d let you sleep without any worrying on his end.
Just don’t leave him, alright?
He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you left.
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Chuuya Nakahara
When he first found out about your tendencies to sleep anywhere at any given time, he was a tad bit concerned for your health. He knew that wasn’t normal, so when he asked you about it you made sure to assure him that it’s just something you do. You had to repeatedly tell him that you’re fine.
Once he got more used to your ability to sleep like that, he found it adorable. He liked that you trusted him enough to nap around him without a care in the world. He liked that if anything happened, he would be the one to save you.
Much like Dazai, sometimes he’d drape his coat over your shoulders so you could have a makeshift blanket. Or if it just so happened to be too bright in the room, he’d give you his hat so you could put it over your face to block out the light.
Though, sometimes he’d find your constant napping somewhat annoying. He wanted to spend time with you, especially on his rare days off! He didn’t just want to watch you sleep.
Because of this, on his days off you are forced to stay awake and be with him at all times. If you fell asleep or strayed away from him, then he’d get quite angry with you. He wouldn’t hurt you, no not in the slightest, but he’d lightly threaten you. After a few times you got the message and you’ve been by his side ever since.
More often than not he’d coax you into sleeping over at his place. The reasons he gave you to do so were simple; his house was on the larger side, and you’d be more comfortable.
Those reasons were true, yes, but he also left out the part where he’d watch you nap almost obsessively.
Sometimes he’d carry you to his bed and tuck you in for the night. He loved moments like those because it made him feel like your actual boyfriend.
Chuuya wouldn’t kidnap you because of your tendencies to sleep whenever you get the chance. Well, maybe he would if something bad happened to you, but that would be in the future and it would be a huge ‘what if’ scenario.
Just don’t leave your guard dog, alright?
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lancermylove · 4 months
Headpats (Scenarios)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x fem!Reader, Luke platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can I request a headcanon about female mc tried to give all the obey me characters headpat. Female mc's height is 150 cm,
A/N: The struggles of short people. I can relate. 😂
Diavolo tilted his head, watching you like a curious puppy. While he understood you wanted to reach his head, the prince had no idea why you wanted to pat his head. He was amused and a bit surprised at your boldness. The image of an adorable human patting the head of the future King of Devildom was something Diavolo didn't want anyone to see. But he didn't want to insult or push you away, so the prince laughed.
"You never cease to surprise me, (y/n)."
Diavolo rested his large hand on your head and affectionately tussled your hair.
Barbatos found it amusing and strange as most beings feared him or dared not to come close to him. Yet, here you were, hoping to affectionately pat his head. Though the situation was endearing, Barbatos had an image to uphold. He considered rejecting your action, but the thought of hurting you tugged at his heartstrings.
With a sigh, he looked around to ensure the two of you were alone and slightly crouched down. As you pat his head, Barbatos chuckled and pecked your forehead.
Solomon was amused to see you getting on your toes and stretched your hand as far up as you could.
“My, (y/n). You are adorable.”
The sorcerer teased you harmlessly about your pocket-sized height. By the time he was done with you, you were either sulking or glaring at him. Solomon bent down to your height as a gift for putting up with his teasing. But as soon as you reached to pat his head, the sorcerer stood upright and laughed, teasing you again.
It took him a minute to register what you were trying to do, but even then, the angel wasn't sure. He understood you wanted to reach something on his face or head but nothing more. So, Simeon bent down, watching your moves curiously. When you patted his head, he was surprised.
Simeon blushed lightly and smiled but didn't say anything. He found your actions cute, but his focus was on your innocent smile, which made his heart skip a beat.
Luke was around your height, so you didn't have to struggle to pat his head. When your hand met his head, the young angel looked at you with wide eyes. Had it been anyone else, Luke would have stepped away or swatted their hand away, as he didn't like it when adults treated him like a child. But the way you lovingly patted his head, the young angel smiled brightly and closed his eyes. He felt like he had done something good and was receiving his gift in the form of your head pats.
Were you trying to pat a grim reaper's head? She knew she was cute and all, but seriously? Thirteen laughed and lowered her head, allowing you to pat her colorful hair. Once you were done, she pinched your cheeks and showered you with compliments.
"You look so cute! I want to gobble you up."
Even when you protested her pinching your cheeks, Thirteen didn't stop and teased you.
"If you get to pat my head, I get to pinch your cheeks."
Raphael had no idea why you were jumping up and down with your arm stretched upwards. He curiously stared at you for a while, but when the angel couldn't decode your actions, he asked what you were doing.
"I want to pat your head."
That was certainly a line he had never heard. Though he couldn't understand your reason, Raphael crouched down to your height so you could fulfill your wish. When you met his gaze, the angel gave you a soft smile. Your action was somehow endearing and comforting.
Was a human attempting to pat his head? Mephistopheles rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, watching your struggles with an unamused expression. That was not something anyone had dared to try with him. The demon wasn't sure how to react; on the one hand, he found it annoying but couldn't deny you look adorable. However, no matter how hard you struggled or how cute you looked, Mephistopheles would not allow you to pat his head. He was too much of a classy demon to allow a human to touch his perfect hair.
Lucifer stared at you unamused. At first, he thought about staring down at you with a glare, but your struggle to reach his head was endearing. His face softened, and there was no way he could be mean to you, especially since you wanted to show affection to him. Going against his prideful nature, he bent down to let you affectionately pat his head. Your bright smile was worth momentarily snuffing his pride.
“Do not get used to this, (y/n).”
Mammon was confused when he saw you hopping up and down like a bunny. He was in a playful mood, so when you jumped up, Mammon jumped with you.
"Mammon, lower your head!"
"Why didn't ya just say so?"
The demon blinked rapidly when you affectionately patted his head. His cheeks instantly turned red, and he covered his mouth, averting his eyes from you. How was he supposed to resist you when you were being so damn cute?
As soon as you stretched your hand up and jumped once, Levi knew what you were trying to do. He immediately stepped away and looked away, embarrassed.
"Do I look like a child to you?" He stuttered.
But then he saw your sad face, and Levi lowered his head. When you patted his head, his face and ears heated up. Though he didn't want to admit it, your small, affectionate action caused an earthquake in his heart.
He felt the need to remind you that he was a demon, not a puppy or child that needed pats. But the longer Satan thought of it, the more he realized you only wanted to show him your affection. Sighing, he lowered his body.
His muscles stiffened, and his face hardened. Why did he like this action? It didn't take long for Satan's cheeks to glow red. Though he remained silent, it was apparent he enjoyed your touch.
Knowing what you wanted to do, Asmo watched you with a warm smile. Your cuteness and charm were on another level, and he couldn't get enough of it. He brought his face to your level and laughed softly as you patted his head. Once you were done, Asmo reciprocated your action by patting your head.
"You are adorable, (y/n)."
Beel raised his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly. His eyes followed you as you jumped up and down. What were you trying to do? The Avatar of Gluttony thought you looked adorable and smiled softly. He placed his hands on the curves of your waist and effortlessly lifted you up.
Beel was surprised when you patted his hair, but he chuckled and let you pat him as much as you wanted.
Belphie was used to receiving affection and enjoyed every moment of it. So, as soon as you grinned and extended your hand up to his head, the Avatar of Sloth slowly lowered his head. He chuckled slightly as your hand patted his head. When you stopped patting his head, Belphie shook his head and placed your hand on his head again.
"Don't stop."
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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cheriiyaya · 6 months
Hiii! First of all i hope you are doing well and merry early cristmas!
Could i possibly request dazai with a very touchstarved reader like genuienly you just hug and lay your head on her shoulder and she shivers and starts twitching/moving around, but it doesnt mean she doesnt like physical affection, quite the opposite, but she just isnt used to it?
You see my face in every place
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☾⋆⁺₊⋆ You want affection, but it's just something your not used to...but dazai's not having it
☾⋆⁺₊⋆ Contents: Dazai x fem!reader, reader is just like me frfr, dazai being kinda lovesick, umm no real warnings tbh
☾⋆⁺₊⋆ A/N: oml anon this has been on my mind and now i have an excuse to write it tyyyy
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It's not like you don't like it, it's just...strange.
The feeling of someone's arms wrapping around you, caging you to their chest felt wrong, it felt too intimate. sometimes it felt as if they were trying to swallow you whole, trapping you so you'd never leave. So, you opted for simple nods of acknowledgement when faced with someone, yet at the same time you craved the touch of another person.
Enter, Osamu Dazai.
That man; he was everything you wanted and feared in one pretty package. At first glance, you thought of him as just another pretty face; you'd seen many, after all. But the way he spoke and teased caused your heart to claw up your throat and your insides to flip upside down.
At first, you feared him.
You weren't sure about this feeling-about him. Love and fear manifest in similar ways and for someone who had known one more than the other, you chose to believe that you felt the latter towards him.
Dazai had noticed this, and in simple curiosity he had walked up behind you and planted his chin on your shoulder, hoping to get your attention.
He did not expect your reaction, to say the least. You, jumping from your chair and spinning around, gripping the armrests of your chair as your eyes widen and shock and something else.
Dazai didn't try to touch you in any way, after that.
But he still couldn't help to be drawn to you, angelic eyes looking up at him and the sweet hum that was your voice.
He was enraptured by you.
He wanted you to feel safe around him so bad, he really did. But he was scared after seeing your reaction that one time. What if he hurt you in some way? What if he scared you away? He didn't want to sully you in any way, you were too precious for the likes of him.
But of course the red string of fate bound you two together and words that never should have been known to the world slipped from drunken lips as a bottle of red liqueur smashed to the ground one night.
Yet you still shied away from any contact, whether it be the bush of hands against one another as you picked up ruby-stained shards of glass.
Dazai wanted you to open up to him, he wanted to hold you and cherish you, show his love for you in any way he could. So, he started simple;
a simple, fleeting mussing of your hair that made you wonder if it was simply the wind.
nudging his knee against yours under the desks as he leaned in to whisper something to you, passing it off as an accident.
Small, unnoticeable things.
Then, he did more.
Asking you if he could kiss your hands before he left.
A gentle hand on your shoulder that made you tense up a bit but no longer brought the horrified reaction from before.
Dazai kept this pattern until one day you found yourself in his arms, allowing yourself to indulge in his addictive touch.
Now, dazai swears he can't keep his hands off you.
Always swathing your face in delicate kisses and leaving lingering touches whenever he can. he clings onto you like vines to a tree, enveloping you and protecting you from those who'd wish harm on his love.
You're the most precious thing to him, feeling the warmth of you seeping into his cold skin as you lay with him, he feels alive. He can't imagine feeling more love and adoration enveloping him than he feels when you're there.
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©Cheriiyaya 2023
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jakesangel · 17 days
jake comforting you because of thunders -requested
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dating jake while having some sort of fear mean having unconditional comfort and love coming from him. every time he hears thunder or heaving pouring, he will always text you making sure that you are okay telling you to stay on your bed listening to music loud enough to not hear the storm. he will never let you on your own knowing that you aren't okay and he would always do his best to be there for you.
so if he is free when the storm happens, he will come over to you as fast as possible,not wanting to leave you too munch alone, w items he knows will soothe you down. he'll bring your fav snacks, his laptop, his headphones and some of his clothes he was wearing a day ago. he knows that you're listening music just like he asked you so he knows that ringing or knowing at your door is useless. that's why he had asked your keys in the past, only using it for emergencies.
finding you on the bed, just like he told you to be, he would come in front of the bed, hands waving, him facing you as u couldn't hear him. you'd try to remove your own headphones, to greet him, but he wouldn't let you, knowing the thunder sound is a huge trigger. he'd come join you in the bed, wrapping his body to yours and stroke your body softly, specially in the places he knows you'd scratch out of fear, loving them and you. he would stay close to you, until it quiets down or until you fall asleep in his arms.
when it does quiet down, enough for him to leave your bed, he would prepare his infamous ramen along your fav snacks. he would then prepare the living room, w blankets n the food he just made, bringing his laptop and his headphones. he would come back, sitting on your bed and he'd take your headphones off. my baby, come here, he says, sitting you up, you're all okay, my pretty girl, he would then add, kissing your temple, keeping you close to him. i've made you food, let's go ?
he will place you on the sofa under the blankets before going to go kitchen getting the ramen and the snacks. but he wouldn't forget to put your comfort show n make you wear his better quality headphones. he'd eat faster than you so he can free his hands from his bowl, taking you in his arms he'd even trap you under his top leg, his two arms around your body, trying to not bothering you from eating tho. he wouldn't pay attention to the movie, but more to you, kissing you or hugging you tighter, trying to make you forget about the environment surrounding you.
if luckily, the storms stops, he will stay as affectionate as he was, finally giving you his clothes to wear after you'd take a shower. but if it doesn't, he'll help you with it. he would run you a bath,if you do have one, n help you w taking off your clothes, music loudly beating on the speaker. he would keep his clothes on, only wanting to take care of you. he would give you the softest hair massage, while humming along the song. he would also worship-kiss your face, telling you soft n comforting words my pretty baby, i'm all here you don't need to be scared or pretty pretty angel, the world is too harsh for you, words laced w nothing but adoration for you.
once done, he would patiently wait, for you to wear your his clothes, in the bathroom w you to help you w your night routine. he will keep telling you sweet words and kissing you, while putting on your face cream or helping you brush your teeth. he wouldn't stop being all over you and doing things for you until you would fall asleep, so your mind can turn off, ur anxiety too.
he will feel like his duties will be accomplished, once you've peacefully fallen asleep in his arms, he'd smile to himself seeing you so prettily sleeping, kissing you alseep.
notes : hai anon, here is yours request done earlier than expected ᵎ i truly hope it was better than what u imagined n i truly wish you find a jake to take care of you that way >< i tried to add the scratch part, i hope it's alright ᵎ please lemme kno what you think in the inbox <3
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @heeseungswifefr @stwrjvke @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz
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thegoldencontracts · 2 months
I can make a request for Azul x Reader who confesses to him, but asks him to reject their feelings because they thinks he doesn't return their feelings and thinks he wouldn't date someone like them? Make it have a fluffy ending please!!!
Of course! Thank you for requestingg <3
Irrationality, Love
Summary: Azul never could help the irrational way he acted around you. An unexpected confession helps him sort himself out.
Notes: A dash of angst(?), I'm soo sorry to you anon I think I got a bit too self-indulgent with the prompt
You were an odd person. You weren't meant to be, that was the problem. You were average. No particularly remarkable talents or privileges to set you apart- at least, not when compared to the highly eccentric students of Night Raven.
And yet, you made Azul act in an infuriatingly irrational way. His heart raced, his face flushed, his head rushed. Seeing you in the hallways, he couldn't help but stare.
Your eyes, your hair, your lips- they were all tantalizing. Were they really, though? Or was that merely a part of the odd curse you'd set upon him, for him to be doomed to admire you no matter what?
It was an odd, addicting feeling. Why was it addicting? Why did he so crave the sight of your visage? He didn't even know.
He still remembered the first time he'd met you. Well, 'met' was a generous way to put it.
You'd been dining at the Lounge one day, and he'd been observing to make sure things were running smoothly.
But the moment he saw you, that turned into observing your face.
For quite a while. You seemed to sparkle, to shine. He couldn't look away.
Then, you met his gaze.
"Uh- is something the matter?" You asked, tilting your head in a confused manner that looked positively adorable. Wait, no, he wasn't supposed to think that.
"I don't understand what you're asking," Azul said, plastering his face with a condescending grin, before feigning a look of shock. "Oh, did you believe I was looking at you? Odd. I assure you, that wasn't the case. Apologies for souring your experience."
He had to save face. He was Azul Ashengrotto, the mercantile housewarden of Octavinelle. His ruthless yet elegant demeanor had garnered him fear and reverence alike throughout the school. He couldn't just throw that away over- this!
You seemed to accept that answer. Azul hastily left, only letting himself let out his long suppressed sigh of frustration after entering his room.
From next to him, Jade grinned.
"You seem out of sorts," he said, with the look of a predator analysing every weakness in their prey. Azul loathed having that look directed at him; he'd much rather Jade save it fort the clients.
"Shut it."
Jade merely laughed.
"I'm going to handle this- illness of mine, I assure you," Azul said, and Jade actually seemed confused at that. No matter. Azul wouldn't let himself be made a fool of. He couldn't.
Since then, he'd attempted to avoid you, though he'd failed quite a few times. More than quite a few times, in fact. Against his wishes and yet in compliance with them at the same time, you two'd grown closer, and the pounding of his heart around you only seemed to increase.
"Can't believe you're doing this for free, Azul," you said during one of your joint study-sessions, an impish grin on your face. "Is big bad Azul trying to make friends with someone? How shocking!"
Azul didn't know why, but the thought of you two being friends made him upset in a way that signalled that he wanted something more. What more could he possibly want? And why were you implying he was acting out of sentiment?
"P-Preposterous," he said, though his face was flushed. "I don't have friends, only business partners. A-and this is a mutually beneficial business exchange."
You just laughed.
"I never knew you could be so cute, Azul."
What was that supposed to mean? He wasn't cute, he was a businessman! A highly intimidating, refined businessman!
"F-Focus," he said. Why did he keep stuttering? This was all so odd. He only did this around you. He'd tried to get away, and yet he couldn't bring himself to? Why?
"Of course," you said, and that was it for your teasing. Well, for that study session, at least. It seemed like you'd never stop teasing him.
One day, however, you approached him in private, an uncharacteristically somber expression on your face. He wanted to wipe it off, to bring that impish grin back.
"I, uh, have something to tell you," you said, gaze downcast.
"What is it?"
"I love you," you said, as if it was nothing, as if you hadn't just brought a thousand questions to the forefront of his mind. You spoke once more after a few seconds. "...You can reject me now."
You'd been expecting rejection? Could he even reject you, when your confession had brought an answer to the question he'd had for ages?
Love. Was that the odd emotion you'd made him feel all along? It made sense.
"I assure you, you mustn't -"
"Don't try that customer service crap on me. I know you too well." A laugh and a choked sob, all at once. "I know that you're smart, hard-working, adorable and handsome at the same time, ambitious, strong, and just about a hundred other positive adjectives. And look-"
A tear fell from your right eye. It wasn't dramatic or even noticeable at a glance, but it was more heartbreaking than any cinematic breakdown.
"Look at me." Your words were naught but a cracked whisper. "I never stood a chance."
You'd expected rejection, but that wasn't what he was going to give. Azul had repressed his emotions, and that had hurt you. He couldn't let that happen. Not anymore.
Azul steeled himself.
"You're being much too hard on yourself," he chided. "And much too kind about me. If you think I don't return your feelings, then you're mistaken."
You looked at him, eyes wide with shock.
"You're joking, you've gotta be-"
In a fit of what he could only give the shameful label of primal instinct, Azul pulled you in by the tie of your uniform for a kiss.
Long, passionate, and greedy - though he was disappointed at the lack of internal fireworks that Idia's visual novels had promised him, it was lovely.
Azul pulled back after a while, leaving both of you breathless.
"Does that make my stance on the matter clear?" He said, and you nodded shakily. He was thankful for that, because he couldn't imagine having to say the words 'I love you' aloud.
"We're dating, then?" You said, a hopeful shine in your eyes.
He grinned.
"I'd love that."
"You've finally managed to overcome your emotional waterlogging, Azul? I couldn't be more proud."
"Yeah, little Azul's all~ grown up!"
"Hush, you," Azul said, before he realized.
"How long have you known?"
"Since you two first met," Jade said as if they were nothing.
They'd known for- for that long? He'd been that obvious? How had he not noticed earlier? This was insane! He was slipping, and-
"Is something the matter, Azul?"
"I think you broke him."
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sugoi-writes · 1 month
Can I be 🦇 anon? For some reason I’ve always been obsessed with the flexing part of an arm? I don’t know the technical term but I can’t see Demon Al doing this as much as his human counterpart would sooooooooo human Alastor with his sweetheart who has never EVER soon for him like woman usually do I mean he has ladies fainting LMAOA HOWEVER one day when he’s cutting idk wood or something she sees his arm flex she’s like a puddle I mean full fangirling giggling and screaming and he’s like huh??? Until he realizes and then boom from then on he’s flexing any time he can to pull a scream from her
🦇Anon? Love it! I'm a big fan of bats! This ask was too adorable. I just KNEW I could cook something up!
It does get a liiiiittle suggestive in parts, but otherwise stays perfectly appropriate! FEAST, my dearies!!!
"Love? The fire is going out! We'll need more firewood!" You call from inside. You make your way to the door, your top half hovering just outside as you searched for your darling beau. You've always enjoyed your time with him at his family's cabin, a piece of his inheritance that was used quite often. And, of course, it was highly appreciated by the both of you.
Your eyes dart about until you heard a distinct CHOP, eyes finding Alastor with his axe buried into an old tree stump. His smile widens when he sees you, wiping the sweat from his brow. You feel your pulse race, surprised to see his bare chest gleaming in the sunlight. The humid, thick air that permeated in the South could not be helped, and so, Alastor worked without a shirt on. Even with this simple and understandable notion, you found yourself fond of (and shocked by) the rare sight. You try to make your face pleasantly neutral and wave, trying to save face.
"No worries, dear. 'Already mending that problem!"
You chuckle, leaning fully into the door frame as Alastor positions a new log to cleave through. The Summer was good for one thing, you reasoned; seeing Alastor's chest, bared for only you to see, heaving steadily as he worked. Better yet, you could practically feel the gaze he gave back to you, his knowing smile making you beam every time you saw it. While you weren't like most others, not being overly doting or frivolous about his appearance, you still appreciated and treasured it deeply.
When Alastor returned to his work, your eyes fixated on his hands, then his arms. Indeed, you were very familiar with how powerful they were. They did wonders for and to you. But then: you see a flex. A jut and shift of his bicep has your mouth watering lecherously. As his grip relaxed on the axe, his body bending down to grab another log, you watched the muscles in his arm relax and re-fire. This set of motions repeated for a time, much to your enjoyment. As an extra treat, sometimes a vein in his neck would pop out at the same time his forearms and triceps strained, making your pupils bloom and shrink with hunger.
It was, without a doubt, an extremely alluring sight. Each time the axe raised over his head, your eyes followed, forcing you to stiffle a nervous chuckle. God, he was too beautiful for his own good. He was too strong for you to handle, and far too beautiful to be a called simple, minimalist man. His body was the work of a master craftsman, thank God.
As another piece of firewood was cut, you covered you mouth, stifling a squeal as he brought a towel to his forehead, huffing from his efforts. When he heard your little noises, he turned to you, his smile drooping slightly," Anything the matter, dear?" You were quick to shrink back, waving his concern off with a nervous laugh.
"Ha-ha, NO! No, I'm fine! Don't worry about me! I-I'll start working on dinner, okay?" Alastor doesn't seem convinced, squinting in your direction. His glasses were cast aside earlier, in fear they may fall off and become a victim of his labor," If you say so, dear. I'll be inside in a moment to help with the potatoes, mon cherie." You nod and turn to go inside, your face still boiling hot as you try to distract yourself. Your body starts to go through the motions, chopping veggies that were freshly harvested to use in your stew. You try to focus on the task at hand, your mind lingering on images of Alastor's physique. You had failed at your task stupendously. You felt no remorse!
You couldn't help but squirm at the mental images: veins and muscles shifting from physical effort. That devilishly handsome smile and toned body... it made your heart race! You wondered what his arms must've looked like when he was hovering above you... Your grip was tightening as you chopped the veggies faster, your safety disregarded. You giggle to yourself, eyes closing momentarily to focus on the pleasant thought of Alastor caging you with his muscular arms until--
"FUCK-- shit!"
No sooner did you wail was Alastor at the door, slamming it open," What happened??? What did--"
Alastor's eyes were wide, pupils shrunken to mere pinpricks as he took in your form. You held your bleeding finger, huffing.
"I-It's fine, it's fine! I'm fine!" You reassure, grabbing a handtowel to press to your wound. Alastor strode over to you, tongue clicking at your carelessness. As he went to put his axe down, your eyes caught his arms again, yelping as you turn away hastily. Your sudden movement left your partner clueless.
Alastor pauses again, a brow raising," My love, what's gotten into you? You've never been this careless before..."
You shuddered as Alastor came behind you, hands resting on the counter on either side of your hips," Are you sure you're quite alright?"
He leaned in to kiss your cheek, coaxing you into looking his way. You began yelping again, your mouth slamming shut as you tear your eyes away from his body. Alastor grumbles, slightly annoyed with your silence," Sweetheart, I can't help you if you don't use your words--"
One hand snatches you by the hip, spinning you quickly around while the other takes your wounded hand.
You eyes are blown wide, unable to make eye contact as they stare down at Alastor's arms," I-Im fine, really just-- just got lost in my thoughts! I promise!"
Between Al's proximity, his partial nudity, and those arms trapping you, you felt like your face blazed hotter than the fucking Sun. Alastor seemed to catch on, watching as your legs squeezed, shifting your weight uncomfortably. He leans closer to you, the muscles in his torso expanding and contracting with his movements. You sigh shakily, stifling a blissful squeak. Ahh. So it was him that was causing you to fret...
Alastor began to chuckle slowly at first, before laughing heartily. You stammered as a large hand came to your shoulder to steady himself, your lips blubbering pathetically. He was laughing fairly hard, causing his abdominals to flex and seize (a sight too delicious to behold). You were whining, on the verge of squealing as you weakly pushed against him again.
"A-Alastor, if you don't back up, I just might NOT be okay!!!" Alastor couldn't help himself, working himself into short bursts of stitches as he calms down, eyes watering.
"Ohhh, dearest... honestly, was I really that distracting to you?" His voice was low and flirtatious as you felt yourself being pressed into the counter, his hips holding you in place. You nearly shrieked as Alastor's hands gripped the counter harshly, knuckles white. Your mouth fell agape with a silent moan as the muscles in his upper arms and pecs stirred once more. You push against him once more, feeling as though you would pop like a balloon.
"A-Al, this isn't cute!!! Stop it, please!" You practically whine as Alastor just leaned, kissing your bright, heated cheeks.
"Well, I suppose I could go chop more wood, if the space could offer you some reprieve..."
You gasp as your chin is pulled forward, forcing you to make eye contact with him. If you weren't in your prime, you'd fear having a stroke at the sight of his almond colored eyes staring back into yours with a tumultuous energy.
"But, I think we both know you'd prefer that I stay rii~iiight here, don't you?" He teased, his lips dangerously close to your own. Your own lips quivered at the relentless pestering, your eyes struggling to make contact again," W-Well, I-- you know I-- uugghhh, if you keep teasing me, dinner is going to be late!!!"
"That's fiiiine by me!" Alastor says in a sing-song tone, and to your horror, you are lifted and placed onto the counter with minimal effort. Your eyes become transfixed on him, unable to clench your legs closed. Alastor knew exactly what he was doing, and he wasn't going to let you off the hook so easily. Your partner moved to be between your thighs, his voice a husky gravel; his tone was JUST loud enough for you to process.
"How about we start with dessert first, hmm~?"
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neteyamsoare · 1 year
Do you write headcanons? In case it's a yes, can you write Tonowari and Ronal headcanons? I LOVE their dynamic. Thank u🧡
Their Firstborn.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Tonowari x Ronal & Daughter! Reader.
༉‧₊˚. Summary. Ronal and Tonowari couldn’t be any more excited after hearing the arrival of their firstborn.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Fluff.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Pregnancy and slight fear at the end.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 702.
༉‧₊˚. Index. Tiyawn — [Love], Yawne — [beloved], Syulang — [Flower], Tsahik — [the spiritual leader of a Na'vi clan], and Olo'eyktan — [clan leader].
༉‧₊˚. Notes. Thank you anon for this request, I hope you liked it as much as I did as I was writing it. If you weren't expecting this then please feel free to request again but be specific in what you want it to feature.
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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➱ The day Ronal found out she was pregnant with you was the best news she could ever receive with you being her first child.
➱ She quickly rushed to tell Tonowari that no matter how busy he was, he needed to know. Ronal waits for no one. 
➱ “Yawne, what is so important that you had to drag me away from hunting?” Tonowari asks, a bit worried as he looks down at his mate who has a big smile on her face while tears fill her eyes.
➱ “We’re having a baby,” she says as the tears fall down her cheeks, she takes his hand and puts it over her stomach, she looks up at him, his eyes filling with tears as he can’t believe that his dream of having a little one was finally becoming true. They shared a long embrace that day. 
➱ Since the news, they’ve been patiently waiting for your arrival.
➱ Tonowari being the lovely husband he is, tended to Ronal’s every care, craving, and support she needed not being able to lift a finger when he was around.
➱ She did scold him that she could do some things by herself, she was pregnant but not sick, Tonowari was a bit scared but understood and backed off- only a little.
➱ Tonowari would sing to you every morning before he had to leave to deal with his daily duties of being Olo’eyktan while rubbing Ronal’s belly. “I’m so sorry my sweet baby but your father is not a good singer,” she thought to herself as she looked down at her mate. 
➱ After he left, she sang to you as she rubbed her belly. “Don’t worry my sweet child, Mama got you, she always will.”
➱ Ronal would make special jewelry for you to wear when you make your appearance, picking out the prettiest shells and pearls so you were her precious little jewel. 
➱ The day you arrived, they were so excited to hear you cry and as you were placed in Ronal’s arms, she gently held you supporting your head, and rocked you a bit while Tonowari held your tiny hand “What should we call her, tiyawn?” he says while never taking his eyes off you. 
➱ “How about y/n?” She says looking up at him as tears roll down his eyes. 
➱ “Y/n is perfect.” He smiles at her and looks back at you as you look up at them with an adorable curious face. 
Bonus - You as a toddler.
You were definitely a mama’s girl, always around her while she did her job as tsahik. She would carry you around with her as she made sure her people were doing alright, and you would never cause trouble with her, you were mostly quiet. 
Your father on the other hand, you love giving him trouble, out of love of course. You were his little troublemaker. When he first took watch on you, he had brought you down to the beach so you could feel the touch of sand. 
When he put you down, you were so fascinated by the texture, how soft it felt on your legs. You let out a giggle that made a smile appear on your father’s face as he watched you. Someone had gotten your father’s attention to say hi and by time he looked back to where you were sitting, you were gone which immediately struck fear in him.
“Where is she - Ronal’s is going to skin me alive - how could I lose my daughter the first time I take watch on her?” thoughts flooding his mind one after the other as he looked around frantically until he saw you near the ocean softly patting a baby ilu that came to greet you. He lets out a long breath that he’s been holding in as he makes his way toward you. When he reaches next to you, he immediately picks you up and hugs you tightly which makes you smile at the hold of your father. “I can tell you’re going to be the death of me, syulang.” he looks down at you as you look up at him with a smile.
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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yayakoishii · 9 months
sanji with a very flirtatious and physically affectionate reader 🤩
Flirt | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Word Count: 800+ words
Genre: Fluffy drabble~! A little bit silly!
A/n: I originally wasn't sure if I could write this because I don't know how to flirt. So I wasn't sure how to write a flirty reader but this one came out by itself when I started writing. It's a silly little thing to be honest >///<. Thank you for the ask anon, I hope you enjoy this! <3
also available on ao3!
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Familiar hands wrapped around Sanji's midriff, catching him off guard. It wasn't enough to upset the pan he was cooking on, but the momentary fear of spilling the hot food on you by mistake made his heart jump.
"Saaanjiii," you mumbled into his back, and the chef had to stop himself from fainting at the way he could feel your chest touching his back, along with your lips mouthing words that were tickling him. "I'm hungryyy~!"
"R- Right away, (y/n)-chan!" Sanji stammered, dying internally from the adorable lisp in your voice from having just woken up. You did this every morning, waking up before the rest of the crew. You would slip into the kitchen unnoticed and hug him from behind. The first time it happened, he had nearly upended the egg mixture. Even though he wasn't as surprised anymore, it still drove him insane when your tiny, soft fingers would hold him gently, like he was fragile, but also firmly, like if given the choice, you would never let go.
"The smell of your food always wakes me up," you mumbled, rubbing your face into his back. The chef flushed at the action, beating down the urge to wrap you up in his arms. You were too adorable, and he wasn't sure if you knew how your actions affected him. "I'll freshen up, keep my plate ready?"
"Of course, my sweet," he managed out, telling himself to breathe through his nose. He felt you detach then watched you leave the room before he let his shoulders slump. You were not good for his heart, with your physically affectionate ways and sweet and sometimes suggestive words. But you always said them so innocently that he didn't think you were doing it on purpose.
When you came back, you were more awake and gave him a small squeeze on his hand as a thank you for the food. Sanji sat down opposite to you, watching you eat and talk, answering and giving his inputs wherever he could. Sometime in the middle of the conversation, your foot had swung over to his and it was now trailing up and down his leg in a ticklish way. Sanji saw your lips twitching at the end when he tried to remove his leg and oh.
You were totally doing it on purpose.
So he indulged you, not moving his leg and just letting you feel him up– even though he was blushing hard by the time you were done eating. When you finally removed your leg to stand up, he let out a small sigh or relief and just watched you bounce up to the sink and place your plate. You washed your hands and took a towel to dry them, knowing that Sanji was watching you. With your hands finally dried, you made your way back to where he was sitting and this time, you decided that it was time to be obvious. Clearly, Sanji wasn't getting the hint.
"Back up a bit, Sanji," you tilted your head as you spoke. He didn't question it and immediately put some distance between the chair and the table, eyes still on you. Carefully, you manoeuvred into the gap and plopped down on his lap, startling the chef. Sanji automatically wrapped his arms around your waist so that you wouldn't fall and the pupils in his wide eyes dilated at the proximity.
"(Y-/n)-chan?" He stammered a bit breathlessly. You were in his lap, in his arms, smelling like your citrus soap and it was too much for him and his poor little heart. "W- What are you doing?"
You hummed, picking up his tie and pulling it a little; not enough to get him to move or even feel choked, but just enough for him to feel the pull. "I like it here."
"H- Huh?" Sanji couldn't believe his ears.
"I like you like this," you murmured, letting your right ear press up against his chest, curling up in his arms. "I love that you can flirt with all these girls but the moment I flirt back, you're redder than a tomato. I love how when I touch you, you go a little breathless and stammer unlike your usual cool self. I love that I have this effect on you, but Sanji."
The said man was stiff under you, not even breathing.
"You never get serious," you pouted, taking your head off his chest to look at him. Sanji looked like he was in hell and heaven at the same time. "Do you not like me like I like you?"
You tilted your head at the question and that was it. Blood spurted out of Sanji's nose and he fainted, head dropping back. You blinked for a second before realising what happened.
"Sanji? Sanji?! Oh my god, CHOPPER WAKE UP, SANJI ISN'T RESPONDING!!!"
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The Joke's On
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Hi guys!
This is a request but I can't find it and that's break my heart because the idea was sooo fun to write 😔 Dear anon where are you, please come back?
Well I'm not really happy with the end, but please enjoy this one 🙃
TW : People scaring people, a lot of angst, (fake) blood.
Alessia is a spontaneous and adorable girl and this is probably what you prefer about her. Not to mention her beautiful smile, her incredible blue eyes and her little angel face. You fall in love with her the very first time your eyes lay on her. You were first friends, before you try to make a move by asking her on a date. The rest is history and you are both very happy.
You realized pretty soon after you met her that scaring her was something really easy and you have to admit that you abuse it a little. Whether during your trainings or in your apartment, every opportunity is good to make her jump or scream. And if you can film it to keep those memories, it’s even better.
Even if it must bore her in the long run, Alessia doesn't seem to hold it against you, laughing once the fear has passed. At least it was what you imagined.
With the Arsenal team, after celebrating New Year, you flew to Portugal for a training camp. You enjoy this kind of moment generally, because it allows the team to get together and enjoy themselves after a little separate time. It’s more appreciated for you as you fly away with your girlfriend, both playing for Arsenal.
After having celebrated Christmas separately, Alessia joined you in your native Ireland to celebrate New Year together. You then flew back to London, where you flew with the rest of the team to Portugal. Climate change is significant, even if it rains almost as much as in London. This isn't where you will perfect your tan, unlike Katie and Caitlin who were coming back from Australia tanned like never before.
Speaking of Katie, it's with your compatriot that you return to the hotel after your little night walk. Alessia refused to accompany you, like all the others finally. This didn't surprise you, today’s training was particularly physical and tiring. But if you don’t have your little night walk, you can’t fall asleep.
"Where’s Lessi?" you ask, frowning, once you joined the team in the common room.
Most of them sit in front of the television, but there’s no trace of your girlfriend.
"She said she wanted to wash her hair, I think" Lia says, smiling nicely.
You smile while rolling your eyes. Alessia has a very special hair care routine and you like to tease her about it. This doesn't prevent you from regularly offering to brush her hair or dry it, loving to take care of her and the smile she offers you when you do it.
"I’ll go see her" you decide, going to the elevators.
"Don’t do things I wouldn’t do" Katie teases you maliciously.
Blushing in spite of yourself, you show her your middle finger before leaving the room and joining the room that Alessia shares with Lotte. The staff having the habit of not putting couples together, you find yourself with Caitlin. Which is not disturbing since you like the young woman, but you’d rather sleep with your girlfriend.
Out of pure politeness, you knock on the door before sliding the magnetic card she gave you earlier. You are however surprised to see that the room is plunged into darkness, just like the bathroom. Either Alessia did it faster than usual, or she changed her mind.
Leah not being in front of the television either, you go to the room that she shares with Katie.
"Is Alessia with you?" you ask your captain once she opened the door.
"No, just Beth and Viv. Why?"
"She’s not downstairs and she’s not in her room" you answer with a frown.
"Did you try calling her?" asks Beth from the bed where she’s sitting on.
You shake your head and take your phone out of your pocket to try to call her, Leah pulling you inside the room so you don’t get stuck in the hallway.
"Are you sure she’s not downstairs?" asks Leah
"Yeah. Lia told me she went up to her room" you mumbled
When you land on her voicemail after several tones, your eyebrows are so wrinkled that Leah would be jealous. You look at your phone screen as if it was responsible for the silence of your favorite blonde, before writing her a message.
"Oh look at this poor little thing missing, her sweetheart’s hugs" teases you Beth.
You roll your eyes once again, before putting your phone back in your pocket, checking that it's not silent to hear Alessia’s answer.
"Go back check downstairs, maybe she went down when you went up"
You approve Viv’s advice before coming out of the room to go to the ground floor. You take a look in Alessia’s room and in yours by the way, both completely empty. And, when you find yourself again in the TV room without any Alessia on the horizon, you look so defeated that it seems to alert Manu.
"You all right, Mate?"
It draws the attention of others to you and you shrug your shoulders. In truth, her disappearance is beginning to worry you. All the others, except Beth, Viv and Leah are here.
"I can’t find Alessia"
"Isn’t she in our room?" Lotte wonders and you shake your head negatively.
"In Leah’s? Or yours?" Katie asks.
But you shake your head twice at these proposals, nervously passing your hand in your hair.
"It’s starting to worry me" you whisper to Katie.
You know you’re probably gonna get teased by one or two people, but when her eyes cross yours, Katie understands that you’re serious. You see her exchange a look with Caitlin before getting up from the chair on which she had settled.
"I’ll help you look for it, she must not be far"
She puts a hand on your shoulder while training with her outside the room.
"I’m coming with you" Kyra proposes, standing on her legs.
"She's not answering her phone either" you inform them.
At Katie’s request, you try to call her again but in vain. You take a look in the common areas of the hotel, even going to the gym. But after looking almost everywhere, there is no trace of your blonde.
"Let’s go back to the rooms" proposes Kyra by heading to the elevators.
You follow them mechanically, pulling out your phone to try to reach her again.
"What is that?"
You’re not paying attention to Kyra’s question, until Katie approaches what the Australian is pointing at. When Katie gets up with something in her hand, you feel your stomach drops.
"It's Lessi's phone!"
You almost rip the phone out of Katie’s hands, turning on the screen to see that the oldest notifications are two hours old. There are also your missed calls and messages. When you look up at your two teammates, your face is livid.
"I’ll call the police" you decide without hesitation.
"There must be a logical explanation, Y/N, don’t panic" Kyra kindly tells you.
"Alessia has been missing for two hours, no one knows where she is and her phone is found on the floor in the hotel hallway! What more do you need, Kyra seriously?"
"Stay calm, don’t yell at her" Katie steps in and puts a hand on your shoulder.
But you just glare at her. That’s when Leah’s room opens, revealing your captain’s face.
"Why are you making all this noise?" asks the blonde.
"Less is missing, she’s nowhere to be found and her phone was on the floor in the hallway" you almost yell at Leah, hoping for a little more support.
You’re almost reassured to see Leah’s blemish face. She also knows Alessia well and they’re friends.
"Maybe she went for a walk too?" asks Beth.
"Less?" snorts Leah
"Nah, if she didn’t want to follow her missus, she wouldn’t have left by herself" Katie add.
"Keep talking, I’ll get my jacket and then I’ll tell Jonas I’m going to the cops"
You lose patience quickly, nerves more tense than ever. You died of worry, it's not in Alessia’s habits to disappear like this without even taking care to warn anyone. You can already imagine the worst-case scenarios, the main one being a kidnapping of your girlfriend by a psychopath.
"I’m coming with you"
In two seconds, Leah puts on her jacket and follows you to Alessia’s room.
"I left it here" you mumble to Leah, opening the door for the third time this evening.
But this time, as you take your jacket off a chair in the room something catches your eye. Something you haven’t seen before.
"Leah" you call in a fear voice
The blonde was waiting for you at the open door and slide her head through the yawn. Your finger shakes when you point the red puddle on the ground.
"You said you checked the room!" exclaims Leah with wide eyes
"I did! I hadn’t seen it before!"
You feel panic so much that you wonder if you’re not going to throw up. You don't know what you will find when you open the bathroom door, in truth you don't really ask yourself, which is probably better that way.
The bathroom light turns on suddenly when the door is open. And, instead of facing a horror scene, you find yourself facing a laughing Alessia who jumps on you.
You are too shocked to react, not realizing that almost all of your teammates are now in the corridor to witness Alessia’s victory. Leah highfive with Alessia above your head when you finally realize what just happened.
"Did you know about this?" you ask Katie, still half stunned by the outcome of the evening.
"Of course we did, we even helped her set it up" laughs Katie, triggering more laughter around you.
"Traitor" you moan, holding back a smile.
Katie laughs again and your eyes fall on Alessia’s delighted face when your best friend takes the others out of the room to "let you back on earth".
"Are you okay?" asks Alessia, looking uncertain, seeing you always looking stunned.
"I hate you" you mumble and smile in spite of yourself.
Alessia laughs and fondly hugs you to kiss your head.
"Oh baby, I’m sorry. But maybe now you’ll think twice before you hide a plastic spider in my sneakers. Or stick a photo of gollum on my rearview mirror. Or…"
"Okay, Okay Babe. I get it"
You’ve probably never been so calm in a long time as at the end of the evening, to the delight of your teammates and your girlfriend. The blonde probably ends up feeling a little guilty, since she begs Leah to accept that you and Lotte swap rooms for the night so you can sleep together. Faced with Alessia’s level of supplication, Leah finally gave in.
So it’s with pleasure that you snuggled up against Alessia after your shower and put on your pajamas. The pretty blonde doesn't wait before passing an arm around your waist to hold you against her.
"Aren’t you mad at me?" asks Alessia after a few seconds of silence.
You’re amused by the question, but don’t be surprised either. The kindness and benevolence of the blonde are known to everyone. It even surprises you that she managed to put all this together without changing her mind and thinking that it might cause you too much panic.
"Nah. I’m actually quite impressed with what you managed to organize" you admit.
Your finger drawing shapes on her belly, you feel it contracting when she laughs softly. Again, you can’t help but smile. Her laughter is the sweetest of melodies to your ears.
"I asked Katie and Leah to help me. And then we got everyone involved. There’s just Kyra who didn’t know, we were too afraid that she would give you information unintentionally."
You hum for any answer, continuing to slide your finger on her skin. Tonight’s emotions tired you to be completely honest.
"I really thought something had happened to you" you admit quietly after another moment of silence.
You know perfectly well that Less could tease you a little more, but you also know that she’s not going to do it before you open your mouth.
"I’m fine. And I’m right here with you"
She tightens you against her and you find yourself lying almost entirely on her, which you will not complain about at all.
"On the other hand if now I do not let you take a step without having stuck me to you, you should not complain"
"It fits me perfectly. Now please kiss me."
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shootingmorningstar · 3 months
[slides on in] well hello there fellow lucifer fanatic
could i request some hcs with luci and an indecisive reader? gn and established relationship!! ex: he asks what they want for dinner and they panic trying to pick something because they feel like they need to decide right then and there or they’ll annoy him.
please and thank you! 🫶
anon, you're just like me fr. i also can never make up my mind and love lucifer. i'd be happy to write this for you .ᐟ
thank you for my first request, by the way ~ .ᐟ now to get to the good part.
Look at this man. This is the man who has piles upon piles of rubber ducks in his workshop. You cannot tell me Lucifer isn't also indecisive, at least when it comes to less serious things.
Seriously. You expect me to believe he hasn't looked at his own work and went 'nope, looks bad. starting over.' .ᐣ
With that being said, I think he would find it an incredibly endearing trait in you. The concentrated face you make when you're stuck between two options .ᐣ Absolutely adorable.
That is, until the unsure and conflicted look on your face morphs into one telling of your anxiety and worry.
Now, I hope you'll excuse the bird pun, but he is absolutely a mother hen type.
The second he sees even a hint of panic on your face .ᐣ He's immediately shifting all of his focus on you -- if it hadn't been already.
He's rushing over to you without you having to so much as ask -- his beloved partner, distressed .ᐣ No matter the reason, that won't do. He won't rest until he sees you smiling again.
Wrapping his arms around you in a hug, likely even his wings, too. He's suffered so many panic attacks before, he knows just how miserable they are.
He wishes you had come into his life earlier so you could of comforted him through the worst of his.
Even if your panic hasn't dissolved into a full blown attack, he is there. His touch is grounding, it helps you calm down and come back to reality.
When your heart's stopped racing and you look as if you're able to talk about it, he'll ask you just what has you so distressed.
Don't even bother trying to lie to him. He can tell when someone's hiding their feelings.
He won't force you to tell him, though. He just wants to know what went wrong so he can help prevent it from happening again.
If you decide to share your worries with him, he wouldn't belittle you in the slightest. Is it time you need .ᐣ You two have all the time in the world.
Would you rather he choose .ᐣ Because he wouldn't mind.
Or if it's something more serious, he offers to sit down with you and discuss the pros and cons of each -- maybe you two can come up with a decision together .ᐣ
His face sort of falls if you decide to tell him part of the reasoning behind your anxiety is a fear that you'll end up annoying him. Did he do something to make you think he'd judge you .ᐣ
Or maybe he got short with you .ᐣ He's so apologetic. He wants you to feel like you can share anything and everything with him.
He won't let himself start feeling overwhelmed with guilt, though. This moment is about you and the reassurance you need, not his guilt issues.
Explain to him that you know he'd never do such a thing and that it's just an irrational thought coming from worry and he's taking your face into his hands, telling you that he would never, ever think less of you, much less get upset over something as silly as struggling to make a choice.
Like he said earlier, let him help you choose. You two are stronger together and this is no exception.
He's always soft to you, but count on him being even more so than usual for the rest of the night. You two can watch your favorite show or movie -- or whatever you'd like to do to destress. ♡
first request finished ~ .ᐟ how'd I do .ᐣ i'd love to hear your thoughts. feedback fuels my writing muse more than anything else .ᐟ
i'm really hoping this formats correctly, i'm used to using the tumblr app && currently stuck on laptop </3
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heyyyitsgrey · 1 year
Carlisle Cullen- NSFW Alphabet
LETS GOOO- continuing my smut streak
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Here you go anon, I hope this meets your expectations lmao. Once again, Carlisle isn’t my cup of tea so let’s hope this is up to par.
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
This man is a god when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need and when. He is particularly fond of cuddling after sex, although if you want to do something else, that is what y'all will end up doing.
He makes it a priority after having sex that you 1) have water and 2) go to the bathroom. I mean he's a doctor STD prevention is going to be a very big thing for him. (Can vampires get STDs? Can they give them to someone else?? These are the questions we should be asking)
B = Body part (Their favorite body part and also their partner’s)
His favorite part of his body is his hands (in both a sexual manner and a non-sexual manner). He loves how you react to his touch when he trails his hands over your body.
His favorite part of your body is probably your chest. It's his favorite place to line with hickies because no one can see them when you're wearing a shirt. Plus, he can hear your heart racing easiest from your chest.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…I’m a disgusting person)
He loves cumming inside you, but ever the gentleman, Carlisle would only ever cum inside you with your permission. Otherwise, he loves cumming all over your thighs. (He would clean it up though don't worry)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He would love having you sit under his desk (either at work or home) and just be his cock warmer. Although, he wouldn't bring it up in fear of making you uncomfortable or feel exposed.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he wouldn't have that much experience, I mean before he was turned it was the 1600s (I think?), and waiting for marriage was a very big thing then. Despite his general lack of experience, he would still know how to please you.
F, = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
The obvious answer here is missionary (because his dad was a priest- get it??), but I think his favorite position would be you riding him. He likes it when you’re on top. He’d like being able to control your hip movements and how much you move. He’s a doctor, being in control in all aspects of his life is a necessity .
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
He’s probably something in between serious and goofy in the moment. When y’all are done and he’s started aftercare though- he’s completely serious until you’ve drank some water and gone to the bathroom. (It doesn’t matter if your human or not-he’ll make sure you take care of yourself)
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Like the other guys' hair growth isn't an issue for Carlisle, he'll go to you and ask what you think. Whatever you say is what he does. And yes, the carpet does match the drapes.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He tries his hardest to be romantic all the time, during sex especially. He wants you to know just how much he adores you (although there’s no way for his level of adoration to be properly expressed without hours of overstimulation)
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Hmmm because he grew up in the 1600’s I feel like he’d have an aversion to masturbation. He’d feel guilty jacking off but he’d love to watch you masturbate.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Overstimulation is one of his biggest kinks. Turning you into a blubbering mess, crying for him to stop could get him off on its own
He’d like the idea of exhibitionism but he’d probably never bring it up to you. For example, his dirty secret of getting you to suck him off under his desk.
He’s a voyeur (he will not admit it) but only when watching you get yourself off- if you have sex with someone else mmm have fun with the aftermath of that
Temperature play would be another of his favorites. Pouring hot wax on your skin and then using his hands or a piece of ice to cool the skin around it? Oh yeah sign him up
Cock warming (is that a kink?) would be yet another thing he doesn’t bring up. But god, the idea of his cock just in you (or your mouth) not moving, for some reason it makes him hard.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
His all-time favorite place would be in his office/study. Fucking you over his desk with the threat of someone walking in looming over your heads? Yeah, that’s peak sex. He’d also like to have sex in your bed in the privacy of your shared room.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
There isn’t anything specific that turns him on. You could say his name (not in a casual conversation way but in the same tone you would in bed) and he’d have a boner. OOH also bedroom eyes…give him bedroom eyes and you better start running.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
If you're injured that’s a hard no. The only thing you should do when injured is rest, and forget having sex. Impact play is completely off the table, the idea of you being hurt at his hand makes him sick, for god's sake he’s a doctor that’s the opposite of what he should be doing.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This man would love getting head. I feel like he’d like having you on your knees, it’s a control thing. Plus, feeling you gag around his cock pushes him closer to cumming in your mouth- When you’re giving him head he’d prefer cumming in your mouth one hundred percent.
He’d love giving head. He’s pretty skilled at giving head, depending on how horny you are he could make you cum with his mouth in just a few minutes. It plays into his overstim kink, seeing how many times he can make you cum with just his mouth is like a game to this man.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
Carlisle would prefer a slower pace, everything around him moves super quickly, so sex would be the one thing he wants to be slow. He gets off at a slower sensual pace. Trailing his hands all over your body, leaving trails of kisses down your body.
Q = Quickie (Their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He prefers proper sex to quickies, he wants to make sure you feel properly appreciated. However, if one or both of you need to get off before he goes to work he’s not opposed to it.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He wouldn’t be one to experiment all that much. Temperature play was only brought into the picture after you thoroughly explained that the wax wouldn’t leave your skin burnt. Forget risks altogether. The most he would risk is getting caught with your and his pants down. It doesn’t matter if you're human or vampire, risk and experiment are not his thing.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Since he’s a vampire he has heightened stamina and can go on for a while. If you’re human he’ll go as long you want or can (if he’s in the mood for overstim). If you’re a vampire it’s the same situation, he’ll go until you can’t.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He only owns one toy, a vibrator. He’s never used it on himself, it’s specifically for you. He added it to his little overstimulation game, and it’s one of the best decisions he ever made.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He’s not that much of a tease. Most times when he teases you it’s when he’s in the middle of overstimulating you. He’ll look you in the eye and say “Come on love, one more yeah? I think you can handle one more. For me,”
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not loud, nor is he all that vocal. He’s the most vocal when you're giving him head. A lot of the time, the sounds he makes are drowned out by the sounds you make.
He loves it when you moan, it is the best signal that what he’s doing is making you feel good. But, if your fucking in a place or when your not supposed to be he’ll cover your mouth. “Be quiet love. You don’t want us to get caught, do you?”
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He’s big on safe words (and say it with me now- it’s a control thing). He wants you to be comfortable at all times, so the best way to guarantee that is a safe word. Plus, when you're too fucked out for full sentences a safe word is the best way to stop.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Hmmm- he’s just slightly bigger than average. He’s not that thick. Overall, it doesn’t matter cause he can make you see stars anyway.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is slightly higher than that of a sixteen-year-old boy. (So really fucking high) If he had the time you’d fuck twice a day, but alas he doesn’t.
Z = ZZZ (…how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s a vampire, so he doesn’t have the need to sleep. If you’re a human, after you’ve gone to the bathroom and drank some water, he’ll hold you as you sleep. If you’re a vampire, after cleaning up, you’ll more likely end up cuddling.
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tkaulitzlvr · 9 months
hii i absolutely adore your writing it’s literally the best thing on this app!
since my birthday is in a week i just wanted to request a fic where it’s the readers birthday and tom and everyone is ignoring her and “forgot” it’s her birthday but it’s a part of tom’s plan bc he’s throwing a party for her and surprises her when she comes back home but later on in the night tom has another surprise for her if ykwim ;)
if you can’t get to this i understand but thank you for blessing the world w your writing <3
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synopsis: you wake up on your birthday, tom acting like he would any other day, bringing you to the conclusion that he had forgotten about your special day. little did you know, this was all part of his plan.
content: tinyyy bit of angst, smut
a/n: i’m so sorry for not posting for like a week wtf😭 i’ve gotten a lot of requests whilst i’ve been inactive so i’m gonna try work through them asap, but happy birthday anon hope u have an amazing day!! thank u so much for the request, hope i did it justice! 💞
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my eyes slowly flutter open, staying half-lidded as the sun’s rays leak in from the small gap in the curtains, not used to the sudden exposure to light. i look downwards, bending my neck slightly, seeing tom’s arm thrown loosely across my stomach, quiet and steady snores escaping his parted lips as he sleeps. his face smushed against the pillow, body flat on his stomach, head nestled just above my shoulder, i know that he is in deep sleep, not planning to wake up anytime soon. the disappointed tinge in my stomach tightens once i realise this, expecting tom to already be awake, preparing me a special breakfast, showering me with gifts and kisses as he usually would on my birthday.
but the room is as it usually looks - no balloons, no presents, no banners, no candies; nothing. but i try to stay hopeful, considering the possibility that he had got up in the night, the array of gifts waiting for me downstairs. so i let him sleep a little longer, veins oozing with excitement as i hang fire, studying his expression for any sign that he is waking up, desperate to see what he had prepared for me, as he usually had a tendency to go all out for these occasions.
he stirs slowly, groaning a little as his arms stretch out, pulling me further into him. his eyes open, a lazy smile gracing his lips when he sees me. i stay quiet, waiting for him to acknowledge my special day, showering me with love and affection and reminding me of the day i have ahead of me. but my face falls at his words, more specifically, the lack of them.
“morning, beautiful.”
my eyebrows furrow in confusion, wondering if he is playing some sort of prank on me - not at all amused if he is. if he does sense my annoyance, he doesn’t acknowledge it, instead he dips his head into my neck so that his lips are brushing against it, and begins to plant slow and soft kisses there, hands occasionally squeezing the flesh of my hips. i don’t stop him, instead i allow the millions of questions in my mind to sit there, the sinking feeling in my stomach rising as i try to prevent the realisation that he has forgotten about my birthday truly feel real. there is no way - he’s never forgotten, even before we started dating, he’d always wish me happy birthday. however the more sloppy his kisses on my neck get, his lips smiling against it, body inching further into mine lazily as it would every other morning, it is clear that my fear has completely come true, and, somehow, he is totally unaware of how special this day is - to me, at least.
“you got any plans today, schatz?” he asks, head still buried into my neck as he speaks in between kisses, eventually moving it upwards so that he is now looking into my eyes, completely clueless.
internally, i want to slap him, scold him for having such a terrible memory and even being able to remotely forget about today. but, i decide to hold back, coming to the silent conclusion that i will go out elsewhere, with people who actually have the decency to remember my birthday unlike my boyfriend. so i shake my head, forcing my lips into a weak smile, my fingers reaching upwards to play with a loose dread falling from his face.
his eyebrows furrow, head tilting to the side as he senses something is wrong. my heart swells in excitement as i watch him appear to think something over, waiting for him to finally remember what day it is. but, i am quickly proven wrong as he is still just as clueless as he was five minutes ago.
“you okay? you seem upset.” he says, so absentmindedly i wonder if he is actually being serious. it seems that he is completely sincere, his hand moving to stroke my cheek as he awaits an answer, failing to understand that his obliviousness is the reason for my sadness.
“yeah i’m fine, just a little tired.” i reassure him, trying to make my smile seem a little more real, and, somehow he buys it, nodding his head and moving downwards to plant a tender kiss on my lips.
“okay, well the guys want me at the studio to rehearse.” he begins, pecking my lips a few more times, not noticing the way my face falls, in disbelief of this entire situation, having expected to be celebrating with him the whole day. “so i don’t know when i’ll be back. but we can watch a movie and order takeout or something tonight, mhm?”
“sounds great.” i say, sarcasm laced in my tone as i now feel anger more than anything. i reach my hands to his chest, placing them flat against it, pushing him off of my body as i sit up, turning around to get out of bed.
“hey, what’s wrong?” he quickly says, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, kissing my shoulder as he pulls me further into him, my back flush against his chest.
“nothing tom. have fun with the band, text me when you’re finished, yeah?” i turn my head, pressing my lips to his in an attempt to shut him up, wanting to be as far away from him as possible right now, hoping that he is planning on leaving soon.
“if you’re sure.” he shrugs, pecking my lips once again before climbing out of bed, as i do the same. “i’m running late schatz, i’m gonna get dressed then i have to go.”
i nod my head as he takes a few steps towards me, wrapping his arms around my frame and embracing me in a tight hug, my head resting in his shoulder.
“i love you.” he whispers, his head resting on top of mine.
“love you too.” i quickly say, breaking apart from the hug. he kisses my forehead quickly, before walking over to the closet, picking out some baggy jeans and an oversized t-shirt as he would every day. he hurriedly slips them on, tying his dreads in a ponytail and placing a matching cap on his head. he smooths out his t-shirt, walking over to me once more.
“i love you beautiful, see you tonight.” he says, swiftly kissing my lips before rushing out of our bedroom, the front door closing a few seconds later.
i sit down on the edge of the bed, my eyes clouding with tears, wondering what i could have done to make my own boyfriend forget about my birthday, feeling completely miserable. to make things even worse, i hadn’t received any messages from my friends, family - anybody.
but i tried to stay happy, remembering that even if tom had forgotten, my friends and i were still going out for my birthday meal tonight as we did every year.
6:04pm, the time on my screen reads, reminding me that i should start getting ready, my birthday dinner booked for 7:30. tom hadn’t texted me all day, neither had anybody, yet i still had the hope that my friends were all getting ready too - feeling sick at the thought that it wasn’t just tom that had forgotten. but i didn’t want to think about him, my pent up anger and frustration going to be released when he came home from the studio, though i silently wished that he wouldn’t, not even wanting to see him.
i scan my closet, my fingers landing on a small black dress that i hadn’t worn yet, pulling it from the hanger and studying it, contemplating before nodding my head, taking my comfy clothes off and getting changed into it. i walk to the mirror, content with my appearance for once, the dress perfectly highlighting my curves, the material reaching mid-way down my thighs. my hair already straight as i had fixed it earlier, i move onto my makeup, applying basically everything as i take care in making sure i look perfect for tonight, not wanting anything else to go wrong.
finishing my lipstick, i move away from the mirror, adjusting my hair and running my fingers through it, removing any small knots. i check the time once again - 7:02pm. my eyes widen, realising that i have to leave, yet as i am rushing to get my heels on, my phone buzzes. i stop, placing my second heel on my foot before looking at the words on my screen.
so sorry girl, a family emergency has come up and the rest of the girls can’t make it. we will make it up to u i promise!! - 7:04pm
my eyes stare at the screen in disbelief, reading the words over and over again, wondering if i am imagining them as it seems impossible that so much has gone wrong in one day. i slump onto my bed, frustratedly kicking my heels off, trying to stop the tears forming in my eyes from falling - even if i’m not going out, my makeup still looks perfect, some pathetic tears aren’t going to ruin it. but before i can become too upset, my phone buzzes again, the screen lighting up as i roll my eyes, seeing that tom has finally texted me.
schatz, come to bill’s house. be quick if you can, it’s pretty important. i love you. - 7:08pm
my eyes widen, quickly picking up on the urgency of his text, my mind assuming that the worst has happened. i quickly rush to put my heels back on, not caring that i am dressed to go to a party, more focused on getting to tom as fast as i can, feeling so selfish for being mad that he hadn’t texted me all day, now worried sick as i scramble for my car keys, quickly rushing out of the front door.
i pull up outside of bill’s house, the lights off, the entire place eerily quiet. having known him all my life, i no longer knock on his door, instead i walk straight in, my eyes met with an empty hallway.
“tom? bill?” i got your message, is everything okay?” i call out, my heels clicking against the hardwood floor as i walk into the kitchen, which is just as empty as the room before, my eyes furrowing in confusion, whatever tom needed me for clearly not as urgent as he had made out.
i turn around, about to leave the kitchen, but just as i am about to take my first step, my eyes are covered by two large hands, my body freezing in shock.
“guess who?” a familiar voice says, my body turning to be met with his cocky smile, his hands moving to rest on my hips as i stare at him in disbelief.
“tom? what the fuck, are you okay? is bill okay? i’ve been worried sick, what’s going-”
my rambling is cut off by tom pressing his lips to mine, smiling against them as he pulls away after a few seconds, my concern somehow amusing to him.
“shhh, come with me.” he mutters against my lips, taking my hand and pulling me out of the kitchen.
“what? where are we going? tom you’re driving me crazy what is going on?” i ask as he pulls me through the hallway, leading me outwards towards the garden.
“baby calm down. everything is fine.” he begins, stopping and turning to face me, taking my hands in his. “you look beautiful by the way.”
“thanks tom but that’s not-”
“schatz, just trust me okay? come on.” he interrupts, squeezing my hand as we continue to walk towards the garden. the double doors leading out to it are closed, heavy curtains draped over the glass, stopping me from seeing what is outside. tom moves the curtain a little, opening the door and stepping outside, my mouth falling open in shock.
my eyes are met with a crowd of all of my friends, a few people unfamiliar, some people that i recognise to be tom’s friends, as well as an array of balloons, food, alcohol, banners, the pool lit up as confetti decorates the outside of it.
“happy birthday!” a chorus of voice says, my hands flying to my mouth in shock, a wide smile on my face as i turn to tom, his eyes already on mine. i quickly pull him into a hug, so tight that his body stumbles backwards a little, but his arms soon wrap around my lower back, a proud grin etched upon his face.
“happy birthday meine liebe.” he says, raising his voice a little as the music that has just been turned on drowns out any other noise.
“how did you- i thought you forgot?” i question, pulling away from the hug, staying within his embrace as his arms remain on my hips. he chuckles lightly, shaking his head.
“how could i forget about my girl’s birthday? i’ve been planning this for so long. it’s been so hard to keep it a secret, and i hated making you upset this morning, i almost cracked when you got mad at me, but, seeing your reaction now makes it all worth it.” he says, eyes staring into mine.
i stand there speechless, unable to find the right words, wondering how he managed to pull this whole thing off. i pull his face towards mine, connecting our lips in a soft kiss, tom deepening it a little as he presses his lips harder onto mine. i pull away for breath, resting my forehead against his.
“it’s perfect, i don’t even know what to say. i love you.” i state, unable to hide my excitement.
“i love you too baby. now come on, let’s have fun.” he smiles, taking my hand and guiding me over to some of our friends.
“there’s one more surprise for you.” tom whispers in my ear, giving my ass a rough squeeze as he smirks knowingly, the lustful tint within his eyes saying exactly what kind of surprise he is hinting towards.
we had been at the party for a few hours, certainly tipsy as everyone else was, yet it didn’t show any sign of ending soon, the music seeming to get louder, amount of alcohol coming from inside only increasing.
“oh yeah? and what’s that?” i ask, looking upwards at him, my hand running down his chest.
he chuckles slightly, bending down so his lips are level with my ear, his breathing tickling the area. “you’ll have to wait until we get home.” he teases, kissing the skin below my ear before moving back, taking a drink from his cup as his other arm remains around my shoulder.
“or we could just leave now.” i challenge, willing to play whatever game he thinks he has started, knowing that he will cave in.
“hmm.” he begins, titling his head, trying to make it look like he is debating on letting me win, though i can tell his mind was made the second i said the words. “you are the birthday girl, you’re in charge beautiful.”
he shrugs his shoulders, tongue poking outwards to play with his lip ring.
“then we’re leaving.” i state, taking his hand and saying my brief goodbyes to everybody, not being able to get out of the house fast enough.
we reach my car as i throw my keys over to tom, letting him drive as he is the more sober one out of the two of us, having only had one drink. the drive home is torturous, tom squeezing my thigh and whispering just the right things in my ear, knowing the effect that his words have on me, my legs squeezing together as the heat between them becomes unbearable.
he pulls up in the driveway, stepping out of the car and taking my hand, unlocking the front door. he guides me upstairs and into the bedroom, walking towards his closet and returning with a square black box. he places it in front of me as i sit on the bed, his body towering over me.
“happy birthday baby.” is all he says, watching me as i take the lid off of the box, revealing the most beautiful black lingerie set i had ever laid my eyes on. i take it out of the box, holding it in front of me as i stare at it in awe.
“i love it! thank you thank you thank you!” i squeal, standing on my knees on the edge of the bed and kissing his lips quickly.
“you gonna put it on for me? i’ve been waiting to see you in it since i bought it, been driving me crazy.” he whispers against my lips, teeth tugging my bottom lip gently as he slowly releases it, smirking slightly against me. “don’t keep me waiting any longer.”
i nod my head, pecking his lips once more before climbing off of the bed, heading into the bathroom and closing the door. i slip my dress off, netting it pool at my feet, before pulling the panties upwards and onto my body. the bra follows as i clip it on, adjusting the straps. i look at myself in the mirror, in shock of how well tom knows me. it fits perfectly, complimenting my figure in ways i didn’t know were possible.
i open the door, tom quickly turning to face me. his eyes widen, a grin taking over his expression as his tongue swipes across his bottom lip. he walks towards he, hands finding my hips as his fingers dip in and out of the lacy material of my panties, eyes burning into my figure. he bends down, pushing his lips against mine and quickly sliding his tongue in, groaning quietly against me.
his hands move under my thighs, squeezing the flesh as he uses them to lift me up, wrapping my legs against his torso. he walks us over to the bed, falling onto it as i collapse on top of him, never breaking the kiss. his fingers grace my figure, starting at my back, slowly moving to my ass as he kneads it roughly, using it to grind my body against him, his dick already hard through his jeans. i gasp into his mouth at the feeling, my hands cupping his face as i pull his lips harder against my own.
“better than i imagined.” he mutters against my lips, biting them softly. “you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
i moan lightly in response, pulling backwards to reach for his t-shirt, not liking that he is still fully dressed. he smirks at my desperation, helping me to pull his t-shirt off. i sit up, straddling him as he holds my waist, my fingers fiddling with the button of his jeans, scrambling to take them off. he sees me struggling, moving upwards a little, undoing the zipper and pulling them from his legs, my hips lifting upwards momentarily so that he can take them completely off.
he is now in his boxers, my hands tracing his abs as he reconnects our lips, his fingers reaching for the clasp of my bra, undoing it in one swift motion. i pull at his boxers, getting them off as i want nothing more than him to be inside of me.
“how do you want it baby?” he mutters against me, slipping my panties off as he speaks. “whatever you want beautiful, just let me make you feel good.”
his chest moves up and down, lips parted as his eyes stare into mine, awaiting my response. instead of voicing my needs verbally, i climb off of him, laying flat against the bed as i pull him on top of me, taking his dick and putting it at my entrance, letting him move fully inside of me.
my mouth falls open as he bottoms out, small whines escaping from my lips. my hands fly to his back, nails digging into the skin as they rake downwards, tom wincing as the slight pain only fuels his desire. he pulls almost completely out, before slamming into me, a loud moan leaving my lips at the exciting mix of pain and pleasure, able to tune out the slight discomfort and focus on the way he fills me up.
he groans against my lips, kissing them repeatedly as he moves in and out of me, building a steady pace. “fuck you feel so good.” he sighs, grabbing my legs and throwing them over his shoulders, the new angle causing me to practically scream in satisfaction, his tip drilling against my g-spot repeatedly.
“please don’t stop, right there, mhm!” i manage to say, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as his dick continues to stretch me out, hitting places that no one but him ever could.
my walls clench around him, a small groan coming from the base of his throat at my movement. “do that again baby- fuck, do it again.” he basically begs, his head falling backwards once i repeat my motions.
i attempt to kiss him, my movements against his lips sloppy and inconsistent, loud moans pouring from my mouth into his as he groans lowly, his pace speeding up, breathing becoming fast and heavy. his chest is flush against mine, bodies sticking together, the sound of our skin slapping together sounding throughout the room, a chorus of inaudible sounds leaving our lips as we chase our release.
“i’m close, keep going, please.” i beg, my voice coming out as a desperate whine. he nods his head in response, gripping my thighs harder, his muscles flexing with each movement as his thrusts become faster and stronger. his dick starts to twitch, signalling to me that he is close too.
“where do you want it baby?” he breathes out, his eyes squeezed shut, movements now becoming irregular.
“inside.” i moan out, not caring about the consequences right now, drunk on the feeling of his dick moving in and out of me.
he lets out a small ‘mhm’, his response soon cut off by a loud groan as he feel him shoot his hot cum into me, the liquid coating my walls, the sudden pressure triggering my own climax. the knot in my stomach unravels, a high pitched moan leaving my lips as i clutch onto him harder than i ever have before, watching the way his face twists in pleasure, head rolling backwards as he rocks his hips at a slow pace, riding out our highs.
he collapses on top of me, hands running up and down my waist as he places a small kiss on my collarbone before lazily muttering against my skin, his voice low and hoarse.
“happy fucking birthday.”
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