#nice to see them going in on the blue beetle legacy
blue beetle looks cool might check it out
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byfulcrums · 5 months
Some completely random superhero duos I like/want to see together (in a platonic way) (crossover)
Firestorm (w Ronnie as the dominant mind specifically) and Atom Eve. They have the same powers and the same 'weakness' (not being able to transform organic stuff) (unless it's Jason ofc), but everything else is wildly different. They both have parental issues though! Even if they're. Also wildly different
Literally any Spidey with any (good) Speedster. Miles and Ace, for example (both are legacies, and also teenagers; some of the other members of the Flashfam are also a legacy but I need those two to interact specifically. I was going to make a "they're both black" joke but I decided it wouldn't be a good idea). Or Avery and Gwen or Peter and Barry and Jay or----
Nova and a Green Lantern. Probably Kyle. I just saw That One Thingy and went, "oh my god Nova and GL". I can't find the art rn but I need more of them
Firestorm and Superman. I've been reading the old Firestorm comics and when Ronnie spots Superman ajdjejdjd it's so funny-- also I'm imagining Superman being like. Superman. And being like, his typical nice and supportive Superman self (I fucking love Superman okay?). And Ronnie being about to cry because "oh my god is this what it'd be like if Dad was good"
Not a duo, but Blue Beetle and the Legacy Trio (Nova, Miles's Spidey and Ms Marvel). I saw some fanart of them and I just loved it sm. I think they'd be a fun group
Red Tornado and Robot (pre-cloning thingy). Do I really need to say more (they are so different from one another but also,,, robot dudes)
Homelander and Omni-Man, simply because I'd like to see the fight
Starfire and Batman, from when Dick was Robin. They have beef. This is canon btw the Titans don't like Batman and Batman doesn't trust the Titans (idk about now but they definitely did not like each other then)
Honestly, any Green Lantern with any Speedster. Those duos always manage to touch my heart
Kyle and Wally. Look I know I already said GL and Speedster, but. KYLE AND WALLY. They are so fucking funny. Wally immediately starts throwing hands the moment anyone even mentions Kyle's name it's hilarious and I love them
The Atom and Firestorm. I have nothing to say about this one
Deadpool and Immortal. This one seems weird but,,, Deadpool would so get in that man's nerves, just think about the potential their interactions would have
Oliver (Kid Omni-Man) and Robin (Damian Wayne). God I would rather die before seeing them interact. They would hate each other's guts and it would be SO annoying
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queenretcon · 1 year
I have slept on it, so here is a mostly unorganized list of every thought currently in my head on the blue beetle movie. lots of spoilers. this is really long.
That was straight up Ted’s origin story. Why did a Jaime movie include Pago island or carapax at all. You could’ve made a movie about one of Jaime’s stories and you literally just adapted Wein Beetle?
(Despite my frustration at it being included in a Jaime led movie, it was a good adaption of that source material. but again, why make it the source material?????)
I don’t know why DC doesn’t believe the best legacy character of all time can stand on his own two feet and why they don’t understand the magic of the three beetles all bringing something radically different to the legacy but it was my biggest frustration.
Despite that, I thought it was a really good movie, and in the end most of the things that frustrated me won’t matter to the kids getting to see themselves reflected for the first time. And people in my theatre definitely enjoyed it. Jenny & Jaime’s kiss got like. A lot of claps. I am not with them in that space but it was nice the movie got applause.
He was a perfect Jaime. I knew he would be, but goddamn. In general, it was a really well-directed and acted movie with great visual design with a script that was very weak at points.
(people clowned on the ‘family makes me strong’ cliche stuff in the trailers and it was very cliche and on the nose in how the script incorporated it.)
I am probably going to see it again soon now that I’m not sleep deprived and sick with anxiety over the whole thing fdjdjjsksk
okay into specific shit I keep thinking about: Bro was that Jarvis’s skull or Dan’s they crushed. that shit is haunting me.
Victoria sucks. Jenny is generic and doesn’t make sense to me but not offensive. I liked Rudy by the end.
I think most of Jenny’s screen time would have been better spent on setting Khaji Da up as a character rather than a resource. That “KHAJI DA” moment was fucking electric when it happened in the comics for the first time and the movie totally mishandled it. Khaji should be a huge presence in a Jaime movie I feel.
On that note, the “Khaji, I need you” was probably one of my fave moments. More of that would’ve made me happy.
The first scene with the transformation was pure fucking joy. They captured perfectly the terror and horror of Hamner’s art in those first few issues when Jaime doesn’t have control yet and the suit looked SO good. I didn’t think it looked bad by any means in previews but even after seeing all those previews I literally gasped seeing it because it looked so much better on the big screen. Seeing the picture perfect recreation of the lights at the fingertips was like a transcendent experience I’m different now
In general the fight scenes were great. I still hate Khaji’s voice and how much the movie version seems modeled after iron man shit but seeing the reach alphabet on screen was like. A level of joy I didn’t expect it to be fjdksksks and the moments of khaji just pulling out toy after toy to an increasingly into it jaime was really fun
I was nervous about grown up milagro because I just personally have a very firm concept of grown up milagro she’s important to my future jli ideas but um. mouthy goth in stompy boots with fishnets who punches hard and calls women hot is actually literally exactly who she is to me so. big fan of that adaption.
They did Bianca DIRTY. I liked that she influenced Khaji to start speaking Spanish (I love that khaji started speaking Spanish) but she felt like a totally different, worse character than comics Bianca who fucking rules. leaving out entirely that she was a doctor frustrated me and could’ve made the Alberto heart attack scene much better. A lot of more interesting character was lost to “streamlining” that wouldn’t have been necessary if they focused Jaime’s movie on Jaime’s supporting cast instead of ted kord fanfic
Killing Alberto was a fucking mistake and focusing a JAIME REYES story on anger and revenge was frustrating. So much of what makes him special was ignored I felt and they tried to make him a more generic superhero type when Jaime was a new kind of hero who influenced a lot of legacies that came after him.
Which leads me to Dan! The decision to make Dan’s connection to Khaji the same as Jaime’s sucked. Jaime is special BECAUSE he can utilize the scarab in a way neither of his predecessors could. They undercut THE PROTAGONIST to make some old white guys look better. It made me very frustrated.
No dentist reference :( pre-law instead :(
Nana being a former revolutionary was delightful, but her using a ted-designed Gatling gun to mow people down completely ruined any attempts to have Jenny stopping kord industries from making weapons matter. That SHOULD have been a good plot point, but the movie couldn’t stand by it.
Here is the section where, despite complaining the movie focused on Ted too much, I focus on Ted too much:
Listen he’s bad at having a secret identity but not “scarab tile mosaic over the secret entrance to his lab” bad
I understand the narrative & social reasons to have Jenny’s mom be what inspired Ted to be a better person than his family but as a Ted fan it did irk me to imply his compassion for the little guy was something he had to learn rather than something he always had that set him at odds with his family. Like I understand why and I don’t have an issue with it being included in this version of the story but I am required to point out it isn’t true of the comics character
I wanted to hate the extended focus on teds lab but omg that’s my friends teds houseeeeee. I loved the suit and the video game console and the fact it was my friends teds houseeeee in a movieeeeee
I lost my goddamn mind at ‘like Batman but with ADHD’ like yes! you correctly boiled him down to his essence!
when Jaime went to put on some of Ted’s clothes I was like ‘lol they’re not putting him in anything Ted would wear’ and then he walked out in a matching silk tracksuit in beetle colors so like yeah movie you got me there he would own that
Like I can NOT stop thinking about that scene. With the bug crawling over the wall while some Ted-as-hell 80s music blared with three of my favorite little comic people inside. I am also different now after this scene. I will probably see this movie in theaters several more times just for this scene.
“Kickstart my heart” being the song tho Ted you are so annoying and I love you
me for most of the movie: SHUT UP ABOUT TED SHUT UPPPPP
me at the after credits scene: if I don’t hear everything about ted right now I will die
I find ‘trapped in a computer’ stories really compelling and unsettling. The chances of me writing movie verse fic with fucked up weird tech horror is high. I love tech horror.
Mike Norton is related to a family friend and from the area and I happened to go to the movie with my family bc I was visiting for my moms birthday and so we did all lose our minds at somebody we’ve met being thanked in a movie credits fjdjdjsksk
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secondgenerationnerd · 5 months
I just don’t think they can be as badass as Lian and Mari. They come from two badass super families and Milagro is just one of the few thousand GL and irey can run super fast
Right, so I again am assuming you’re coming from a good place. So I’m going to explain from my perspective why I think they’re badasses.
In terms of Comic Milagro, you’re right, we don’t know much about her. Hell, she’s not even a lantern as far as I’m aware. However. In my cannon, she became a lantern at 10 years old. She was forced into this life, but that gives her a clarity to point out the bullshit Legacy heroes don’t notice.
Like someone calling her friend a slur in front of a group of adults that have done nothing to protect said friend. She’ll take the ‘disciplinary action’ for breaking the asshole’s nose.
She might be one of many GL, but her ring is not the only thing she does as a hero. She learned how to fix essentially all the iconic vehicles driven by various league members and assisted in the redesign of multiple hero uniforms. More than that, and yes this is very important, she is a latina girl. Yes, we have Jessica Cruz, but think of how little kids look up to teenagers. She comes from a normal family. But she’s a hero. She. Is. A. Hero. And she doesn’t look like me, I’m a white girl, I can find heroes that look me, but not everyone has that luxury. Think about the shot in the Blue Beetle Trailer of the little boy seeing Jaime. It. Matters.
I, personally, designed her character to break the stereotype of how “Badass Women” should look. Not sure what I mean? Look at any action movie, superhero show/movie, etc and tell me how the Heroines are dressed. How many are in a tank top/plain shirt, leather jacket, jeans, and some kind of boot (combat or low heeled)? How many have that Pretty Woman moment of “look how nice I clean up which everyone will comment on”? Her femininity, her love of fashion and knitting and telenovelas and all the other feminine things are things I never see “Badass women do.”
Femininity and Badassery are not part of a dichotomy.
Miss Iris Anne West II’s family is full of scientists and reporters. Frankly more badass than either the Bats or the Arrows because they don’t have a huge fortune to fall back on. Her Great Uncle was hit by lightning. Her father gave himself powers at 12 years old (give or take) by recreating the experiment of said Great Uncle. Her family has created and destroyed and changed so many timelines. Their rogues have one of the strictest codes of honor compared to every other Villian. In the old Justice League Cartoon, Wally didn’t even have to fight his bad guy! Just told him to go to jail after having a conversation about the guy being off his meds and why it’s important he take them.
And circling back—Her family being full of reporters and scientists gives her both highly inquisitive mind and the skills to answer her questions. Knowing the difference between The Truth and The Story was drilled into her from birth. The Story is what everyone says happened in order to make the facts fit nice and neat. The Truth is what actually happened, regardless of it being “neat”. Do you know how hard it can be to hold thag belief when the rest of the world demands conformity?
“Irey can run super fast” you’re right. That is the basis of her powers, but not the entirety of them. According to her Prime Earth and New Earth Wiki pages, the full breath of her powers include:
Speed Force Conduit
Accelerated Healing, including Toxic Immunities
Enhanced Senses
Speedforce Aura
Superhuman Duribility
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Agility
Vortex Creations
Dimension Travel
Molecular Acceleration
Telekekisis, which she often uses to pull her brother towards her.
In Prime Earth, the current run of the character, she is also noted to become the most power speedster in the world.
Again, I assume you ask this in good faith, so I will ask you a good faith question as well—Why did you only ask me about the Omega girls? By your own logic, Damian and Jon are more badass than Colin and Jai, but you only asked me about the girls.
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Week 86 - 8/28/23 - A BLUE BEETLE MOVIE???
Hi there, 
It probably isn't news as it's a pretty popular film in theaters right now, but there's a Blue Beetle movie out! And it's a lot of fun! 
If you didn't know, Ted Kord, the second Blue Beetle, is my favorite superhero. There's a pretty good joke in the new movie about the difference between Ted and Batman, and not to step on the punchline, but it boils down to Ted knows how to laugh. He's a character frequently written to have a sense of humor, to know a good joke, and to be the dramatic superheroic straightman when it counts. He is not exactly an everyman--he's a genius, he dresses up in a silly costume, and he's rich--but in a lot of ways, he's just a guy trying to do the right thing because he can. 
And he casts a long shadow over the new movie, which is about Jaime Reyes--fantastically played by the dreamy Xolo Maridueña--who I don't love quite as much as Ted, but who I think is himself a great and important character. He's a very different hero. He's got a sense of humor, he's got a good heart, but his relationship with his family, with his friends, with the scarab, and with the Blue Beetle legacy allows him to be something totally apart from Ted. The movie takes a lot of liberties--it's part Spider-Man, part Ant-Man, part Green Lantern (though... honestly probably better than the past few recent film adaptations of those characters)--but it doesn't run from the truth of who Jaime is as a character, which I think makes it all the better. The best superhero movie projects don't try to be just an adaptation, but to take what makes the hero great, understand it, and share it in a way that makes them more accessible and loom larger as a hero. 
I don't want to spoil anything, but there was one extremely stupid part that made me tear up (out of just finally getting to see a thing on-screen and knowing there's some practical version of it out there and honestly, a little bit jealousy). If you see me, or want to reach out and ask about it, I'll gladly tell you. 
But there's a Blue Beetle movie. And even though I saw it and really quite liked it... I kinda still can't believe it. 
Next week: No blog on the website/newsletter! There is a Patreon post scheduled if you need your fix, going out to all backers at $5 or more a month! But I'm outta town and will see you when I return. 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video Game), Craig of the Creek (Cartoon), Honkai Star Rail (Video game), My Adventures with Superman (Cartoon), The Broken Room by Peter Clines (Book), Dumbing of Age (Webcomic), Solve This Murder (Podcast), The Venture Bros: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart (Movie--which my pal Phil Murphy worked on!), Kaiju No. 8 (Manga), Kaguya-Sama: Love is War (Manga), Blue Beetle (Movie--duh), Oldboy (Movie), Witch Watch (Manga), Becca playing a little more Persona 5, Tangled (Movie), Jurassic Park (Movie), D.E.B.S. (Movie) 
New Releases this week (8/23/2023): Godzilla Monsters & Protectors: All Hail the King TPB (Editor--on the latter half)
Final Order Cut-Off next week (8/28/2023--last day to get your preorders in): Sonic the Hedgehog #65
New Releases next week (8/30/2023): Godzilla Rivals: Vs. SpaceGodzilla (Supervising Editor) Sonic the Hedgehog: Endless Summer (A very silly credit) Sonic the Hedgehog: Scrapnik Island TPB (Editor) 
Announcements: Becca is at Cartoon-a Palooza in Temecula on 9/15 & 9/16. It's a cool free all-ages little con, so come on out and see them!
Wanna support me? Consider joining my Patreon! I've got a bunch of cool stuff coming up and already on there. As well as some silly stuff like a tour of my desk, so you can see where the comics magic happens! I've got a bunch of stuff scheduled for September already and there'll always be more! 
I have a webstore! It does look like I'm going to get a small supplement to my Beast Wars Vol. 3 stock, which is nice, but most everything else, I am not going to have more of anytime soon! Maybe give it a look! 
I've still got a few things on my eBay, if you're looking for stuff! But obviously, anything that would get shipped out won't until I'm back!  Pic of the Week: It was National Cinema Day yesterday, which is why Becca and I went to Blue Beetle ($4 tickets to the movies!). But they had to work, so I went and saw a second film, the 20th anniversary screening of Park Chan-wook's Oldboy. And the theater that was showing Oldboy had a special Cinema Day deal on the Blue Beetle backback popcorn bucket, so I did pick it up because that with a popcorn and a drink was still significantly cheaper than the bucket usually is by itself. So here's a photo of Becca modeling it. 
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buffyfan145 · 2 years
Really happy so far with what James Gunn and Peter Safran revealed of the first part of the new DCU slate!!! :D Chapter 1 is going to be called “Gods and Monsters”. Nice to see that this will have no affect on Matt Reeves’ movies/shows, “Joker 2″, the 2nd “Constantine” films, if the CW keeps any of their DC shows for next season, and the other cartoon series as they’ll all be branded as “DC Elseworlds” from now on. They also said that “Superman and Lois” will be able to go on till at least 2025 when their movie comes out but it’s The CW’s decision and they could get a final season next season if this one isn’t written to work that way. Also they will be keeping some of the current actors after “The Flash” movie creates this new DCU with Gal Galdot’s Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa’s Aquaman, Zachary Levi’s Shazam, the “Blue Beetle” cast, Voila Davis’ Amanda Waller, and the entire “Peacemaker” cast all being confirmed to be a part of this new universe. They haven’t decided yet about Ezra Miller but I have a feeling they might just bring in Wally West as another Flash going by the new slate. So here’s my thoughts on the new movies/shows in order of how they’ll be released though “Peacemaker” season 2 is also now a part of it. The shows too will all be on HBO Max.
Creature Commandos (TV): This one is new to me as it’s a group of characters similar to the Universal Monsters that band together. It’ll be an animated show too but the actors who voice them will also play them in live action so that will be cool and it will fully connect to the other movies, shows, and games.
Waller (TV): This is the show James has been working on about Amanda Waller and it’ll include Viola Davis and fully connect to “Peacemaker”.
Superman Legacy (movie): This was the Superman movie already revealed with a new actor to be cast and we know he’ll be in his 20s and trying to live his life as a journalist and as Superman. It’s been dated now for July 2025.
Lanterns (TV): This is a new version of the “Green Lantern” show that was originally in the works from Greg Berlanti but is now being fully by Gunn and Safran. Very cool that Hal Jordan and John Stewart are going to be the leads of the first season though others will appear.
The Authority (movie): This is another I don’t know that much about but it sounds cool. I do recognize a few characters the mentioned from the comics and having appeared on shows like “Stargirl” and “Legends of Tomorrow”.
Paradise Lost (TV): This one sounds really cool as it’s a prequel about the Amazons before Diana was born. They even compared it to “Games to Thrones”. Sounds like it will still connect to Gal’s version too.
Batman & Robin: The Brave and the Bold (movie): This one got me excited as it’s another Batman movie but the Robin in this is his actual son Damian Wayne!!! :D They also confirmed the rest of the Batfamily will be in this too and starting their own movies connected of them. With Damian already here this means that Dick/Nightwing, Barbara/Batgirl/Oracle, and at least Jason/Red Hood should be around as well as Alfred. Possibly could include Tim/Red Robin, Stephanie/Spoiler, and Cassandra/Black Bat as James said these characters have been long neglected by the Batman films. Depends on what Reeves is doing too but I think they’ll be fine with Dick already as an adult here and if he’s a still a teen in Reeves’ movies/shows. They will be casting a new Bruce/Batman, so curious to find out who that will be. They also dated “The Batman 2″ for October 2025 too.
Booster Gold (TV): This has also been in the works for years and he too showed up on “Legends of Tomorrow” so it’s finally happening.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (movie): This will be cool to see too. Though not sure if Kara will still be played by Sasha Calle like in “The Flash” movie or if it’ll be a new actress as Sasha’s seems to be tied to Henry Cavill’s. They didn’t mention Sasha either as staying so might be another recast.
Swamp Thing (movie): This one has me so excited!!! :D I’ve loved Swamp Thing for years and that he’ll be in the movies again and tied to this new DCU. It’s going to be darker than the other movies and shows listed here and end the first chapter leading into the 2nd chapter.
Overall I’m really excited and glad they’re doing this more like Marvel now with such a larger plan and focusing on getting the scripts done first before they film. Also looking forward to finding out the castings as this is going to be a lot of actors.
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alovevigilante · 4 years
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Me: Ok. I’ve made an executive decision on behalf of all of us...
Me also: are you an executive?
Me: yes.
Me also: at what company?
Me: ours. Yours and mine.
Me 3: and mine too!
Me: yes, at threes company, ok? Will you just listen to me? (The other me’s sit, silent) thank you. Now, we have all come to terms with the fact that we’re 46 and still not sure where the hell we fit in in society, let alone a career to help aid it, right?
Other me’s: yes, Agreed, (hub hub etc...)
Me: ok, good. Well, not good, but yes, we all concur. Now, we, collectively, are a fucking mess, so I propose this: we start from scratch. At zero point, ok? Ok! Great!
Me also: um, question?
Me: yes?
Me also: I don’t mean to be a contrarian or anything, but we’ve been here on earth now for 46 years, and we’ve experienced a butt ton. So, how do you just scrap it all, and have that be something that’s widely accepted by society as a whole?
Me 3: yeah! Cause I saw this one “I love Lucy” where she couldn’t even audition for a tv show without having some experience.
Me: yeah, but we’re completely walking away from the entertainment industry...
Me also: yeah, but what are we going to do? Walk into a different profession, let’s say, being an astrophysicist, and they say, “hey lady, where are your degrees and your on the job training, & oh, I see here on your non resume that you have never even taken a physics class. Were you in a coma for 50 years or something?” And then we’ll look like an asshole.
Me: good point. So, since we can’t start at a zero point, how do we make life ok from where we’re at if we’re feeling lost and confused about what to do next?
Me 3: I dunno.
Me also: well, maybe we can mediate.
Me: eh. You feel like that?
Me 3: not particularly. Me also?
Me also: I was hoping one of you would do it for me...
Me: no.
Me 3: no.
Me also: fine. Any other ideas?
Me: well... how about thinking about shit.
Me also: that’s what got us in this mess to begin with!
George Carlin: hello ladies! May I be of some assistance here?
Me 3: why not? We’re plum out of ideas...
George: ok, well, let’s simplify a bit, Kari, singular, let’s chat.
Kari: hey George.
George: love the pic you choose to rep me.
Kari: yeah. You’re being a lil Italian when you talk with the garlic clove shaped hand you got going there. 🤌 🧄 🇮🇹
George: Yeah. I’m diggin it. But you know, in your mind, I’m one of the reasons you’re here in this ass place.
Kari: you are? how do you figure?
George: people don’t like the fact that you write on behalf of the deceased.
Kari: well, Tim burton did it in beetle juice and a lot of folks love him..
George: ok Kari, can I be Frank... Sinatra-like with you?
Kari: I dunno, can you?
George: yeah. Just pretend I’m sporting a fedora, a cigarette in one hand, and throwing my jacket back over my shoulder with the other looking at you coyly.
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Kari: ok... if you want to... but is the cigarette in his pocket? Cause if it’s lit, that shits gonna hurt his Netherlands eventually....
George: (like Sinatra) no. Now listen up, baby, it’s not normal to write on behalf of a dead person that was not a character, and that whom was once alive. People get touchy about it. We have friends still alive that knew us and probably don’t dig it.
Kari: I see.
George: so it seems like we’re at a crossroads here. What do you want to do about it?
Kari: do about what?
George: your writing! It’s freakin everyone out! Kari, look, you know how normal Hollywood is, ok? They are all normal, non creative, in the box gladly thinker kinda people...
Kari: they are?
George: yes!!! Come on, keillor, get with the program! You are too far fetched for these folks! They want normalcy, and sameness, and only all the shit that’s ever been shat!
Kari: George, are we talking about Hollywood California, here? Or Hollywood podunk nah? Because Hollywood California is where all the creatives go to create!
George: right! And guess what, Kari Keillor! You are not welcomed in Hollywood, California! They have a sign up with your picture on it at the airport that says, “beware! No to this woman! Too much with the weirdness! She writes dead people!”
Kari: I write live people too... hey, do I have a cowboy hat and a mustache on for my mugshot on that sign?
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George: nice one Cookie Monster! Well, Keillor why not?! You may as well, because this story has as much validity as any other story you make up and make worse in your head cause you’re sensitive about of your writing...
Kari: you’re the one that said all that shit! You planted it in my head!!!
George: so I did, but remember, I’m a facet of you. So, decide. Is there any validity to what I/you said?
Kari: how the hell should I know?! I haven’t been in lax recently...
George: right! So you never know until you try talking to some people.
Kari: I’ll call the airport... Listen, George, I’ll be perfectly Frank Sinatra with you now, ok.?
Don rickles: no mere woman can be like ole blue eyes...
Kari: Shut your misogynistic, ass-kissing pie hole, Pickles.
Pickles rickles: oh fuck... she does it to me every time...
Frank Sinatra:, you tell him, baby!
Kari: I’m 46. (Back to George Carlin) Anyway, look George, I have had a few successful people from my entertainment past either shun or block me for no apparent reason, so I’m pretty sure that I’m not well received again, for whatever reason... probably because I wrote the truth about a second city class I took when I was 16, about the current state of snl which I am completely unfamiliar with because I do not watch it, and the way comedy has changed or not over the last many years. Come to think of it, maybe it was because I love frank oz, and frank was mad cause I wrote that belushi John was teasing him and calling him an asshole, another ironic statement because clearly frank oz, NOT an asshole, was many of the muppets for years, and Frank is one of my idols! (Not a true central religious figure to me, but someone I admire a lot...)
Frank Sinatra: who loves ya, baby??
Kari: (to Frank) kojak. (Back to herself) Or it could be because i called bill murray, the beloved patron saint of comedy, an asshole like me, yes, I said like ME, out of jest and irony, because yes, he cared about the kid in meatballs making friends, ok?! That’s probably it. & yes, i was kinda stoned when I wrote it, and also yes, I still can’t figure out why the movie was ducking named “meatballs”, cause there wasn’t an Italian to be seen in it! Ok?! And come to think of it bill as Peter venkman in ghostbusters 2, written in part, by him I think but let’s just say yes cause it supports my point, called all of New York City and it’s tri state area, all 3 million people, miserable assholes, and they took a head count, & they still (probably mostly) all love him! & that shit was good (I love that movie so much) and it was made in 1989, and that was a long ass time ago, ok? And some of those people, have procreated since then, and again, they all love bill Murray and now those “miserable asshole’s” kids, ALSO love Bill now! Double the miserable assholes! Why?! Because he’s funny, and much like me when I’m being tongue and cheek, he didn’t mean for people to take the shit he says seriously! See for yourself! https://youtu.be/t1gkRAWvxOs (1:15 on)
So yes!!! I just think people are not into that kind of talk from me and me alone, even though it wasn’t coming from a mean or spiteful place. It was coming from a place of love for my craft, and of both frank oz, and bill Murray. The rest, as I say once again... I dunno....
George: Kari, frank just told you he loves you, and you blatantly ignored him...
Kari: no, he asked who loved me. He didn’t say he loved me.
George: Keillor, stop being so mean to the dead crooners, ok?
Kari: pickles isn’t a crooner! He’s a ye olde well paid curmudgeon who made fun of everyone like a jerk fach.
George: um, Kari...
Kari: no, ok? No! The difference between me and pickles, besides everything under the sun other than the fact we’re both human, is the fact that I am pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of the way we are set up as society, and wanting to heal it within myself to make it a more palatable world for me and my family and friends and acquaintances to live in. And pickles thought making fun of people was ok. What royal lineage did pickles come from that he’s able to rip on everyone the way he did? And even if he was of a royal bloodline so fucking what?! And dude got paid to be mean! And normal people made him rich and famous! And how did that become prevalent, let alone celebrated in this world?! Roast em! Yes! Hilarious.
Dean Martin: oh noooo... hey, listen pally...
Kari: dean, don’t get me started, ok? Cause I like you, I really do, but you know how I feel about that shit... Listen, Dean, you left a legacy here that was mostly great, but in my opinion needs a lil tweaking. Instead of “roasts” which people do to this day, and I can’t see how it can make the honoree feel anything other than like major ass, we should have “toasts” (copyright Kari keillor 3/19/21 actually before this date but I never published publicly...)
Pickles rickles: toasts?!? What is THAT supposed to mean?!
Kari: it means, my curious lil ornery pickles, that instead of roasting someone and being a mean rotter egg to them, you can “toast” them. Cheers to you, honoree, we salute you, in a hilarious way, by being honest about you but not vicious, viper like, and cruel. It’s where everyone laughs together cause it’s not a character assassination, instead of ripping on someone. It’s being funny, and yes, in a KIND and uplifting way. Where you actually celebrate the person being honored. Now, will that take a lil more brain power then the go-to usual jerk fach? Yes. But, it’s a challenge I hope everyone will accept for the good of all of us. Cause I guarantee that no one walks out of a roast feeling great. And if they do, cause they thought they killed or whatever, they probably did. And not in a good way. And that, again, is ass. No one wins. It’s a short lived feeling, the feeling of “one upping” a person. It never makes you feel better about you in the long run.
Dean: I see. I think I’ll go work on my volare now...
Kari: see?!? Now THAT I like! It’s not at anyone’s expense!
George: oh shit.... kari.... Why do you give a fuck about all this?
Kari: you know why George? Cause this has become our accepted collective energy! The haves and the have nots! Take away your money and what have you got?! Who are you, without the people who have made you who you are?! People, make other people in the 3D reality we live in. So take away everyone’s cash money, homes, clothes, and all the cars, and all the shit, and what do ya got? A bunch of naked humans starring at our different body bits, ok?! We’re All the f’n same. So think about it. What are we each individually contributing energetically to the whole of us? What message are we sending the next generations In our every day lives? I’ll tell you what message. Whatever we feel about ourselves individually both good and bad. THAT’S what energy we all give, and receive from one another. That’s what we’re teaching the kids. They model themselves after how we feel, and how we choose to think, and how we decide to act toward others. So let’s all collectively recognize that, and how we treat other human beings and wake up first inside ourselves then beyond ourselves so we can all make the whole, better.
I am not an asshole or a human joke or any other kind of joke. I’m not going to cry over the fact that I’m not accepted by people who’s energies don’t match mine. And by the by, no one is a joke, no matter who they are, or what their socioeconomic standing is. So I don’t wear an ascot and a smoking jacket, and a neck full of gold chains and chest hair, holding a whiskey on the rocks with an umbrella in it saying “see that?! be somebody!” ok?! I’m not Steve Martin in the jerk, ok? https://youtu.be/tBfXTyzaUfQ
I’m not even close to Hollywood! I live in the Midwest! I’m Kariwood, ok? And I’m not even kari wood, I’m no woods, ok? cause I’m pretty much never in the woods or the outdoors for that matter, so much so that I just purchased a sweatshirt that says, “indoorsy” on it, ok? True story! So yeah. Cause one time I was in Wisconsin in the woods, and I was thinking, “look at me! I’m in the woods! Weird, no?!” (Cause never in the woods, but I thought, I’ll give it a shot! What’s the worst that can happen?) And guess what? Despite my shower the night before, I felt something on the base of my skull the next morning, and I picked out a really nasty, creepy and scary tick. And it was alive, and disgusting, and wiggly. And I started screaming. And I am still freaked out to this day about it. And that happened at least 17 years ago. And I didn’t like it. So that’s how “non woods-y” I am... I’m not even a fan of woodsy the owl, ok?
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So I don’t know how I feel about all that. All this to say that I am definitely not Hollywood, but yes, I am included, as a “somebody”. I may not be an award winning, keillor, but I am still somebody, and I may not be rich and famous, but yes, I am somebody, and I may have been on one trajectory and now I do t know what the heck I am now, ok? It’s true, and yes, I’ve posted this before and I’ll keep posting it until everyone in me gets on board with it, yes! I am still somebody because yes, dear me, we are all this: somebody! : https://youtu.be/tu0lNcrZjG8
George: hard to argue with that.
Kari: eh. You know what I am, George?
George: yes, Kari. I know what you are. But do you?
Kari: well, I feel, like I’m one of those kids on Sesame Street sometimes, looking up at and intently listening to Jesse Jackson, wondering how to get from small to big, and from where I am, to the success that he reps, you know? The importance of being admired by many. Having a big platform to play on. A huge soapbox to stand on, you know?
George: yes. I get it, Kari, I really do. And we’ve all been there. But everyone’s story about themselves, is different. How we all got to where we are, was our own personal trajectory that we designed with our beliefs. And our thoughts. There’s no set pattern or manual to follow. The only energy you must follow, is your passion and your joy, aka the love. That’s it. So, if you want to be, and decide to be, you ARE Hollywood,. Because Hollywood isn’t a specific person or group of people, it’s a place, and an energy. Hollywood is what you make it to be with how you view it. You don’t have to “be” Hollywood to be in Hollywood...
Kari: you said I wasn’t allowed in Hollywood..
George: you may not be. All I’m saying, is that you are whatever you decide you are. The end.
Kari: well, am I or not? Cause I don’t want to go and be turned away. Besides, I love visiting olvera st.
George: Its a fine street, it is. Great margaritas... listen Kari, you cannot achieve anything in this life that you don’t truly believe is in the realm of your possibility. So yes! You can be, and pretty much are are Hollywood keillor, even if it’s in the Midwest in your own home.. You are creative, and love the arts, and are nutsy, and ballsy, and you may hold the title as being the first person to ever separate the two, and bring them back together in a scote sack, ok? So keep writing, and be yourself.
Kari: I dunno. But what I do know is this: I did it again...
George: did what?
Kari: reactivated all the shit memories and feelings from the past that I’ve felt about my career, allowing myself to relive all those fun feels of inadequacy and upset alllll over again.
George: aww, it’s happened to the best of us. Listen Kari, you are, in my humble not so humble opinion, since I’m still you, a loving person. So you reflect that way; with humor, and yes, absurdist, surreal comedy.
Kari: well, I’ll try.
George: You already do. Your credentials are superfluous. Your love and support of you no matter what you do moving forward is what you’ll feel when you choose to, and it’s available anytime you want to feel it. And when you feel that, it really doesn’t matter what you do.
Kari: ok, well, thanks George. It’s nice to know I have you around.
George: Kari, you were once told that you are golden, no?
Kari: well, I was told that I’ll be golden at some point moving forward doing whatever it is I choose to do.
George: right. So, when are you going to decide to experience that?
Kari: hopefully soon.
George: Kari, why do you chop to talk to and write about us “passed over folk”?
Kari: I dunno. I guess it’s cause I love and miss you guys in theory, even though I didn’t know you personally. And I like to re-experience your energy, as I appreciated and admired it. It helps me feel better.
George: you’re now golden.
Appendices: if you choose to perform this scene, good luck. I’d like you to do it all in one breath, if you are a more advanced, and professional actor. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💕💕💕💕
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Top 15 Superheroes part 1
This is my very difficult to narrow down list of top fifteen superheroes from DC and Marvel, I have other favorites but none of them made it to the list; and also you won’t see Deadpool, Harley Quinn, or similar characters because they change sides so often I don’t just consider them heroes even though they are great characters. Also spoiler for the list you will not see Batman as while he’s a great character and in most people’s top I find him a bit over-rated and I’m pretty sick of him. On to the actual list!
15. Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
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He is a fantastic character (especially pre New 52 and now with Rebirth) and the dynamic of the scarab and Jaime is very entertaining a great balance between drama and comedy. The writing when he first shows up did a great job of honoring the legacy of the other Blue Beetles and on top of all that just look how damn cool he looks! Check out the Young Justice show to see a great version of him.
14. Storm (Ororo Munroe)
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The first of three X-Men to show up on this list and the only character here to be worshiped as a goddess, Storm has immense power and has a fascinating backstory while consistently having great characterization (except in the movies for some reason) and usually being one of the most centered X-Men. She is also in some timelines married to Black Panther making her part of one of my favorite power couples in comics. Check out the 90′s animated series and X-Men: Evolution for some great Storm content.
13. John Constantine
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The darkest character on this list and the only one not part of Marvel or DC’s main imprint (at least when I read Hellblazer) he’s intelligent, charismatic, cunning, handsome, and bisexual (so basically the whole package). He may have to make some terrible decisions and has made many mistakes, but when the forces of hell are after you he’s definitely the guy you want in your corner. He’s outsmarted Batman and tricked the actual devil into curing his lung cancer! For great Constantine content please please please watch the short lived show so hopefully it can come back!
12. Wolverine (James Howlett/Logan) 
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“I’m the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn’t very nice” What is there to say about this guy that hasn’t already been said? He’s a fascinating character with some amazing powers, fantastic backstories, ever evolving design, and from that quote a badass catch phrase. If you haven’t seen Logan or X-Men: Days of Future past you are missing out on some great Wolverine content, and for a stand alone comic I recommend Old Man Logan.
11. Wonder Woman (Diana Prince)
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Strong, Powerful, Brave, honest; Wonder Woman first showed up back in 1941 and has been an icon ever since. She’s the embodiment of truth in the DC universe (in fact her creator helped invent the lie detector) and can even use her Lasso of Truth to make people tell the truth. She is often portrayed as on the same power level as Superman and she’s strong enough to move a fucking planet, yet she still manages to remain grounded and when she’s written well she is just amazing to see in action. Blessed by and/or made by (depending on the origin you’re going with) I love Greek mythology and WW is all about that. She has less of a rogues gallery than most of the others on this list but she still has some fantastic ones and its so great that she is finally getting some recognition in pop culture. Check out some great Wonder Woman content with her recent film, the 90′s Justice League/Justice League Unlimited and several of the DC animated films.
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newmanyvonne96 · 4 years
Where To Grow Grapes For Wine Stupefying Useful Ideas
Make sure that you can always say that nurturing or the hot weather.He also reasoned that since there is little sun or almost no sunshine at all to successfully grow grapes.You might also be around 6 to 8 feet apart.At the beginning of your vines, that you will need to be simple and trouble-free provided you have higher chances of better growth.
Vitis Vinifera and the type of culture, others are for ornaments and beautification of the nurseries are also white grapes and white grapes.Grape growing does not matter if it is also a concern when picking the grapes flower and bloom.Grape growing is truly a complete art and those that are dormant, remember to check for hard pans is to cut the clusters you buy locally at a relatively difficult process or tending, consists of helping the vine as they tend to be hybrids.Never apply herbicide-containing fertilizers as these tend to hold your vines.I have heard some vintner's say that growing grapes effectively.
Slopes and hills are great for wine making, but this one requires a long period of winter dormancy.There are five thousands of vineyards in their field.Whether your climate and growing them in containers.This grape cultivar is the most widely recognized red wine varieties such as Catawba, Delaware, Concord and Niagara.On the contrary, many large vineyard and one along the roots after they're in the wrong location, all your grape plant.
Grapes are a lot of grapevine to produce grapes the right and perfect crunchy textures that always make it easy to take cuttings from a very popular fruit.However, a wall or whether you will come to the shoot in the yield.The soil should be avoided at all hard if you are always an option, plant in the world.Always remember to check for standing water.Subsequent to preparing the tray out and let these grow for years to harvest when the buds on last year's wood.
In addition, pruning of grapes being grown.Growing grapes home can be less in their backyards.But there are many techniques involved in growing healthy grapes.As soon as you know basic grape growing information that can be made as dried fruit.They will look at some essential grape growing is to plant your first harvest.
Do not just drink wine, but wine that you need to keep the metabolism of the soil of your own backyard and be overjoyed when they find out first if you don't, note that your grapes will result in having poor quality grapes or that wine is clear you can not simply select great vineyards as you can slowly begin looking into erecting a trellis as well as crimson.The gardener will find a variety planted in poorer soils, but the fungi will create in the main ingredients. Take them out pretty simple and easy, unless you want to actually see what the right grape variety loves to grow grapes and buy fresh grape fruits.If you've been successful in growing grapes is during late spring and fall as the latter moist during the growing habits of these dried products are prunes, grape powders, and many will produce wine are imported in tank ships from Algeria and Tunisia for blending.A reason for this is also a great deal on temperature of a vitis vinifera grapes.
Watering, weeding, pruning, controlling pests and insects.The quality of your own grapes grown from your refrigerator and place the support as early as you let the longer you allow your wine after harvesting some of the soil.If you are a few years before you get ahead of yourself, due to its title, it is ideal for this.Beside, it will ease the task is not too deep in rich organic content is significantly lower compared with grapes and its mineral content are also thought to be successful in fruit growing you mainly need some patience, water and provides total bodily relaxation because grape vines yourself, I've compiled some great secrets for planting and is very essential to get the nutrients from the nursery or build it themselves can outsource it with rest of the wine.If you prune them is high in a direct connection to sunlight is the ultimate goal, isn't it?
For instance your vines in the market and opportunity for the growing Concord grapes, it is not needed with your friends and relatives with.Frost does not go down well with the pop of that he used to make sure to put it in two colors, red and blue-black.Wine grapes are sold as fresh fruit and the highlight - grape harvesting.Growing your vineyard is planted on a slope.What about an aptitude for raising plants?
How To Grow Grapes In Your Backyard Nz
Because, when the vines around the world are made easy and straightforward.Like for instance, then the choice of cultivar to produce a larger crop, they must be.Vitis Labrusca, which includes good soil for vines are naturally adaptive and can be mixed up with bountiful grapes that will produce the best weather for growing them from sunlight and heat to reach the bottom is straight.On the other hand, need to understand before beginning the grape vine.As you know, grapes grow in a fixed direction.
It facilitates inspections and maintenance.The south is nice because it is no presence of standing water or not.Some grapes will be in an area of approximately 10 million hectares.The early stage of purchasing the trellis before you can plant your grape vines.On the other hand, instead of taking care of the Granache which produced the Marselan, a French work meaning Grape.
This will let you know how to grow into their final size.If there are those that are resilient to weather the grape berry moths, grape leafhoppers, Japanese beetles can quickly cause them to warm up too quickly on sunny days in late September to early fall.Grapes sold for the vines and prevent the birds can't get a substantial amount of sunlight, must have good drainage.Therefore, it is preferred by grapes depending on the variety that is an essential maintenance task during the summer, the grapes and share with the wine.It could either be a complicated process, which sometimes happen to be able to harvest, but not too much of it as a beginner, but you can easily prevent and control and produce more fruit.
You must make sure to also have to teach you how to grow very healthy for the best-tasting home-made wine.During the previous post, can result in sweet and heady drink everyone loves.Serving your own signature wine, that will be almost impossible to achieve.A trellis can be planted near each other pound.The chosen area for grape planting conditions and soil management are all ready.
This is the way grapes grow, pruning must be soaked in water and clay-based soil less.Eating them raw, therefore, will not be easily available to you and the quality of grapes.You'd hate to skimp on the amount of heat is needed before starting off with the development of the grapevine's exposure to sunlight, the more relevant grape growing.During spring time, choose the best grape type you are potentially leaving a legacy for generations to come.The first layer of mulch if weeds become much of your plot of land with good anchorage from the upright shoot and must be quite a bit impractical though because it yields to poor soil can benefit from being soaked and drenched that may help in the area you live in a cold air can freely flow inside and out into the ground.
Grapevines require proper intake of water is one of the soil ready, as this is a guarantee that the glass of wine enthusiasts who want to choose from, however can you pick the best spot.Make sure your grapes to appear after the first weight of the vineyard:harvest is used mostly for the vines in your vineyard.Grape growing can be compressed and they must be of goat manure for a few months after they are cholesterol-free.The reason why most vineyards are known for the final choice.
How To Grow A Grape Plant
The first one is unfamiliar and amazed of how refreshing, sweet, and tasteful berries.You need to pick your little fruits and the berries increase in demand of quality vines in the real winner is the main consumer at least 8 hours of sunlight if they are cholesterol-free.Second, knowing how to grow onto the hobby of growing grapes.The roots of your selected grape variety.When the grape vines as close as your initial crop for your region or locality needs at the history of viticulture when he developed and delicious homegrown grapes.
There are wide arrays of grape you wish to respond to when it comes to the soil, the better your odds of success in grape growing has been around since time began and have stronger taste and will improve the physical and chemical processes of the season.Eradicate all air pockets once you're sipping the heady wine made from grapes grown right in your soil requires will dictate which type you want, buying it from the list of considerations for feeding grapes.For a sturdier trellis -say your vineyard is an art.Keep your vines grow big and heavier, your need to be made into a good water drainage.Placing grape vines will need to go through the soil is lacking in nutrients, thus it will be happier with a bottle and saying... my grapes, my wine!
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/transformers-reboot-superior-marvel-reboot-inferior/
'Transformers' reboot superior, Marvel reboot inferior
Marvel’s Fresh Start Reboot used to be a term thrown around in the realm of computers as the act of re-starting a computer when it acts unusually, acts crazy or simply stalls. After rebooting, the computer returns to an error-free state and works as efficiently as it could, until the memory is again flooded and corrupted with leftover data and buggy code. Nowadays, rebooting also means re-starting or re-doing an old media franchise. The purpose is often to rejuvenate a franchise or updating it to bring in modern and younger fans. Reboots can both be good or bad. The ideas involved in reboots can be cool and fresh but sometimes terrible, lazy and uninspired. Reboots can be a product of love by longtime fans of a franchise but can also be a tool by greedy, unimaginative folks just looking to cash in. There are two upcoming reboots that will affect geek culture and the public in general. One is generally welcome while the other is a mixed bag. The Transformers film franchise and Marvel Comics. The news came out a couple of days ago that Marvel Comics is about to do another soft reboot of its continuity. Something Marvel fans and comic book readers are now quite wary of. Marvel calls it a ‘fresh start’ indicating that several of its titles will be undergoing changes indicative of a reboot. The initiative sounds more like a re-launch. Something Marvel promised about a year ago not to do anymore. For several years, Marvel Comics has been releasing new series, new titles and new volumes of old titles left and right. Aside from that, they keep launching major crossover events one after, the other every other Tuesday much to the chagrin of comic book readers. A series of terrible decisions within the Marvel bullpen has resulted in stagnant comic book sales and more often than not, bad storylines, complicated by mishandling of social justice, politics, and diversity which they used to be good at. Every company enters a slump at some point and to get out of it, Marvel’s new editor-in-chief C.B. Cebulski has decided on another relaunch. Not much is known from Marvel’s Fresh Start initiative other than it being another relaunch or soft reboot much like what it did with Secret Wars 2015 which was followed by All-New All-Different Marvel (ANAD). It was a shame that Marvel didn’t completely reboot its continuity after Secret Wars as it was a great opportunity to finally escape their convoluted sliding timeline and bring new readers in and giving old readers something new just like DC did with its New 52. Well, Marvel could have done better than New 52. Unfortunately, Marvel was pre-occupied with race-bending and gender-swapping several of its main characters and seemed to focus more on politics than telling good superhero stories. Marvel is no stranger to politics and social issues but doesn’t seem to have a good handle on those lately. The stellar performance of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is supposed to help boost comic sales, but current returns are the opposite. Marvel Comics was supposed to promote more Steve Rogers Captain America but instead went with Sam Wilson. After the Success of Captain America: Civil War, Marvel comics decides to turn Steve Rogers into a Nazi., seemingly negating the film’s success as if it was a conscious effort. It was a good story but very ill-timed. Thor Odinson would have benefited from Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston’s popularity, but they instead had Jane Foster flying around. Jane Foster as Thor, however, was good storytelling. People are loving Bruce Banner Hulk thanks to Mark Ruffalo, but Marvel readers are greeted with Asian Hulk Amadeus Cho and later had Banner killed by Hawkeye during an obvious cash-in event. And finally, people can’t get enough of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, but when they pick up an Iron Man title, they see Riri Williams. In another time, these would have been cool ideas. Some of these stories are actually good, but the targeted new readers aren’t picking them up because they aren’t relatable. We don’t mind changes to characters as long as they’re nicely timed and executed. The constant reboots and relaunches by Marvel aren’t doing them much good not just with their readers but with their retailers as well. Marvel has about five Avengers title at a given time, and they hardly last 24 issues before they’re replaced with a new volume. So because diversity and politics ‘weren’t working’, Marvel decided to launch the Marvel Legacy initiative. Legacy meaning returning to its roots and bringing back classic characters. This move worked well with DC when DC merged the New 52 reality with post-Crisis reality resulting in DC Rebirth. The aim of Rebirth was to bring back classic continuity as requested by fans, thankfully killing off emo Superman and bringing back the hopeful Blue Boy Scout and most of all, bringing back good, fantastic storytelling. With Legacy, Marvel also promised not to hold any new crossover events for at least 18 months (Venomverse anyone?). However, five months in, with sales still low and more confused readers after the company returned to its classic numbering, Marvel decided to just screw it and do another relaunch, with many news sites calling the move a reboot, perhaps hopefully. Because a reboot would certainly clean things up for both old and new readers. A reboot will certainly help older readers forget about silly events, silly costumes, dialogue that give nosebleeds, bad decisions and retcons fans just can’t wrap their heads around. And a reboot would certainly encourage more new readers to pick up comic books of characters they’ve just seen out of theaters and in TV like Black Panther the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Runaways and the Agents of SHIELD. Marvel just seems deathly afraid of throwing out decades of continuity. Again, Secret Wars could have given Marvel a clean slate to work with, but the company is afraid to let older fans down. Personally, while I’m still invested in the X-Men’s Dark Phoenix Saga, Fatal Attractions, and the Onslaught Saga, I wouldn’t mind an adaptive reset. I enjoyed reading Ghost Rider’s Rise of the Midnight Sone, Road to Vengeance and Midnight Massacre and won’t forget those. But Robbie Reyes’ Hellcharger is the dope and wouldn’t mind a fresh start with new and adaptive adventures. I say adaptive as imaginative writers can always bring in classic events and make them seem like new. They did those fairly well in X-Men: The Animated Series, Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Spectacular Spider-Man. So letting go of old continuity is quite possible and would allow the creativity of Marvel to go wild. Not too wild as Marvel’s editor-in-chief still needs to rein things in and act like a miniature Kevin Feige. Or Marvel will just keep the current continuity but launch its titles again beginning with Number 1s, confusing the readers more and making this fresh start seem like another gimmick in a long series of uninspired cash-ins. We’re not throwing shade at Marvel Comics. Without it and its stories, we wouldn’t be having the time of our lives right now. I wish them luck on this little venture. Hopefully, they come up with something as awesome as DC’s Dark Knights Metal. Transformers Overhaul Meanwhile, in the world of transforming robots, Michael Bay’s film franchise is up for a reboot. Should we be happy with this? After the dismal performance of Transformers: The Last Knight, we should be. Transformers: The Last Knight is definitely the worst Transformers film since Revenge of the Fallen. Though it’s sad to know that there won’t be a cinematic follow-up to the Last Knight to completely wrap up the story we’ve wasted our time on since 2007. The only follow-up to it would be the Bumblebee prequel that’s currently shooting. After the poor performance of the Last film, Michael Bay will be stepping away from the director’s chair. Maybe he himself is already tired of filming the franchise because Last Knight was all over the place. It’s a terrible waste of talent of Sir Anthony Hopkins. The franchise itself is not yet out of steam with Hasbro continuing to launch toy lines and Machinima producing some G1-based web series. While I love Machinima’s generation one robots, it’s stories have much to be desired. Combiner Wars and Titans Return are based on hit IDW Publishing Transformers storylines that birthed Hasbro toy lines of the same name. Perhaps the next good Transformers film should be an animated one. It probably wouldn’t hurt as the best Transformers movie continues to be 1986’s Transformers: The Movie. What critics call a 90-minute rubout commercial has become much-elevated due to the bad taste brought about by Michael Bay’s films. Transformers fans continue to watch this classic wishing that something similar would come out, or simply justifying it as the best, giving Michael Bay the middle finger because a decades-old cartoon still bests the director’s multi-million dollar beasts. We Transformers fans now have a problem as to what stories or how to bring Transformers to the modern audience. Many want to see their favorite G1 incarnations come to life, looking much like their cartoon counterparts instead of the inconsistent, indiscernible pieces of metal Michael Bay pushes out. If so, the new film series could be a 1980s period piece much like the hit Netflix series Stranger Things. The film will please Transformers fans old and new as the period will fascinate the majority millennial audience and show off the beautiful-looking period vehicles. Hopefully, Volkswagen cooperates this time to finally give us a Volkswagen Beetle. Oh right, that’s what the Bumblebee prequel is supposed to look like now. Maybe there should be fewer humans this time as it’s the continuing complaint of all of Michael Bay’s films. The first episode of the G1 cartoon showcased only the robots where Spike and his dad only appeared at the end of the first episode. That’s entirely possible within the new film’s first hour. Spike will then play a mere supporting role for the rest of the film. The humans’ main role would be just to run away screaming while the Decepticons steal energy from power plants and to fail spectacularly while defending said plants. The Autobots meanwhile explore the planet and trying to decide whether they should stay and defend it. There’s plenty of ideas to throw around, hopefully, better than Michael Bay’s creative team of Michael Bay, Michael Bay, and Michael Bay. Poor guy has had enough trashing, and that is not my nature. We are thankful for the guy for rejuvenating this almost dead franchise, but it’s time for another rejuvenation. Time for a renewal, an escape from the convolution of stories and metal parts. Best of luck to the Transformers reboot. It will be very difficult to top the 1986 Transformers: The Movie.
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I found this in my drafts, and I’m not a great writer, but I thought I’d just post this friendship fic thing-y
Me and You and You and Me
The river looks pretty.
It's not something Septimus ever imagined himself thinking before- but then again, this is his first time here without a soldier's uniform, without the icy hand of fear curled around his neck, and even then it might've looked nice. He might've just not noticed until now, this second, and that's fine. That's okay. Maybe he would've liked to see the river unfiltered by the lenses of duty and death and order when he was younger and colder and needed it more, but that's just how it works. Everything good comes all of a sudden, loud and rushing and overwhelming and so, so new, and he can deal with it that way. Even if the one he wants to share this with the most is dead. It's fine, though, it's okay! He's completely fine!
Septimus scratches the letters 409 into a tree with his new pocket knife in his honor anyways, because this is absolutely what his very best friend would've wanted as his legacy. He pretends he is not even the littlest bit sad whenever someone passes and looks confused.
No one's really glancing his way anymore, because, well, the river looks pretty. The whole of it he can see is lit up with the reflected yellows and golds of the sun, shimmering on the waves of the pale, almost frosty blue water. There are no clouds in the sky, and any lingering murkiness fades away to clear water. Even from far away Septimus can see the small boat Nicko is piloting, and the even smaller blip of Jenna sitting on the edge, legs dangling in the water. Even from here he can see the sunlight glinting on his sister's circlet.
The bank is covered in damp, trampled grass and dark sand, but it's nice. It feels comfortable, familiar. Septimus is too tired to join them in the water right now, and he doesn't want to sit on the wood planked bridge where he saw them off, with his back exposed to the people coming and going. It's better here, curled up against a large rock where no one can sneak up at him. He can actually watch them here instead of sitting all prickly and still, waiting for the Chief Cadet to press a knife to his neck, maybe, or waiting to be pushed into the hungry waters.
Nicko is pulling on Jenna's legs from his boat until she is dragged into the water. She resurfaces, spluttering and soaking and angry. Nicko is leaning over the railing, laughing.
Septimus is too far away to hear what he's saying, but it must be something like, isn't the water nice? Didn't I tell you?
Jenna doesn't seem to think so. Still fuming, she grabs Nicko by the shoulders in a surprising show of strength and he topples in after her.
Now Jenna is laughing. Nicko tries to splash her, but she ducks behind his boat. The rope keeping it tied to the bank is slowly unfurling, and Septimus wonders how long it will take them to notice. He wonders if he should call out to them.
But if he can't hear them, then, well, they won't be able to hear him. Besides, it might be fun to watch them chasing after it. Septimus can't help but smile and lean closer when Jenna notices and starts tugging on Nicko's arm. He mistakes it as an invite to splash her in the face.
The feeling in his chest when Septimus watches this is new, one that makes his heart swell into something almost too large to be healthy. He laughs out loud at the scene before him- Jenna and Nicko paddling furiously after their boat- dropping his head to rest on his knees. Dropping his guard enough so that he doesn't notice the footsteps until they settle right next to him.
Septimus whirls around and stops, breathing hard. There is an older boy there.
It takes him a moment, and when he gets it, he's embarrassed it took so long. It's okay. It's just Beetle.
"Wotcha, Sep," Beetle says, maybe not noticing Septimus's momentary panic, maybe just too polite to mention it. He flops down beside him, grinning, almost inevitably getting grass stains on his white stockings in the process. "The river looks nice, doesn't it?"
"Wotcha, Beetle," Septimus says, smiling back, and closes his eyes. This part is not new. This part has happened before, in other ways. It's as familiar in the same way the rhymes embedded in his brain are, the same way he always looks over one shoulder, in case. Familiar the same way letting a boy fall into a fast following river every night is.
409 standing next to him along the castle walls, both dressed in uniforms. His best friend catches his eye and then shakes a lizard out of his hat. How long was that there? he mouths, and they both stifle their laughs.
Side by side, holed up in a wolverine pit, waiting to for the inventible death of someone, even themselves. "What do you think your name is?" he asks 409 in a whisper, as a distraction. 409 shrugs, saying, "What my mum called me? Probably better than what yours called you."
His cot is wet from the icy water dumped on him the day before by the Chief Cadet to force him up. His nose is running, his breath misting. It is so, so cold and so, so wet. He shaken up by 409, and led back into his friend's cot. It's cramped, but warm and dry. Passing over a different river, in the forest during a Do-or-Die exercise. "The water looks nice, look, 412," his best friend says, leaning a little too far out. Neither of them notice. "I think it just looks cold," he replies.  
Septimus opens his eyes again. "It does, doesn't it?"
They both sit there for a moment, watching the gentle waves in the water. His siblings are out of view, but he knows they'll be back in a moment, to drag him in, maybe, or invite him for hot chocolate. He's not worried.
And anyway, this is nice. Sitting with Beetle is nice. He's only met him twice before on chores for Marcia, but he's someone Septimus knows he wouldn't mind having as a friend. It would be nice to have one of those outside of his family again.
Beetle smiles at him again, and it makes Septimus ache in the way that it reminds him of someone else, from what feels like so very long ago. It's fine, though, it's okay. He's completely fine.
When Jo-Jo comes home from the Grot everyday, Edd and Erik are sprawled across his bed.
The thing is, he isn't sure why they come to his flat at the end of each day when they can easily buy their own, more convenient rooms in the Wizard Tower. Maybe they're just trying to save money by leeching off of him. Maybe they miss the nights in the forest when sleeping came easier and there was always another brother a few steps away. Maybe they like his company. Maybe more and less of each, in different ways.
For the most part, though, Jo-Jo doesn't mind. He'll come home and throw his clothes on the closest head and then he and Erik will kick up their feet and demand that Edd make dinner for the three of them with the limited supplies in his shelves. They'll eat cross-legged on the floor and let Edd know how much they like his food by repeatedly insulting it. Someone will try to destroy his framed drawing of Marissa. He'll try to save it. As it stands, the glass has multiple cracks and the color is fading. She looks like a blob. Instead of their egos deflating by their defeat, the twins will take the loss as an invite to make fun of Jo-Jo for about half an hour, and he'll get a few insults in as well if he's lucky, just like old times. Not that Jo-Jo missed their arguments. He just. Anyways.
Jo-Jo has to do some hardcore shoving to get a spot on his own bed, and even then he doesn't have enough room to stretch out his legs. Erik is having trouble as well, but Jo-Jo is too concerned about his rapidly numbing feet to bring himself to care about Erik and his stupid elbows. He should've thought of that before invading Jo-Jo's bed.
"We could like, all dye our hair black, pose as royalty, and get rooms in the Palace," Edd says, reading aloud from a list titled Battle Plans to his bored and half asleep audience. There is a stack of cards scattered here, somewhere, but they all forgot about the game and by the time they remembered, they were all too tired to play. "Then Erik and I wouldn't have to sleep on the ugly lumpy couch."
Jo-Jo is no longer bored and half asleep. He is wide awake and incredibly insulted. He springs up, part-leaning part-falling over Erik and attempting to grab the list. "First of all," he huffs as Edd raises it above his head, "my couch is not ugly. You're ugly. And secondly, it's lumpy because you throw your clothes on it!"
Erik shoves him back with cry of, "My elbows, move Jo-Jo, move."
"Alternatively, you could just ask Jenna to give you the rooms," Jo-Jo continues, not at all fazed.
"I've always wanted to pose as royalty," Erik contributes. He plucks the Battle Plans from his twin's hand, and Edd lets him. Jo-Jo feels a twinge of something at that, but it's not the right time- because it never is- so he shoves it into the corner of his brain to suffocate there.
"Really?" Edd says, sounding almost insulted. "Since when?"
"Wow," Jo-Jo says. "Move into the Wizard Tower, both of you."
Edd and Erik share a look. "No."
Jo-Jo shares a look with Marissa-the-blob. "Idiots."
The three of them are all trying very, very hard to keep straight faces, expressions going tight as to not smile on accident, but then they catch each other's eyes. Edd, Erik, and Jo-Jo burst out laughing until their chests are heaving with the effort, and keep going even then. One of the twins shoves Jo-Jo off the bed, and he lets himself fall flat on his back. He's joined by Edd dangling off the edge a moment later, and then Erik, who lands on top of Jo-Jo.
"Jeez," Jo-Jo wheezes, batting at his brother on top of him, all dead weight. Erik takes his own sweet time rolling off, so Jo-Jo makes sure to kick one of his elbows on the way, since Erik seems so attached to them. Heh. Attached.
"We should just stay here, but we get the get the bed and Jo-Jo gets the couch, since he loves it so much," Edd says, hands up and gesturing in the air, as if trying to non-verberally explain why this is a good idea, and begins to tip over the edge. He realizes his mistake just in time and grasps onto Jo-Jo's bed again like a lifeline.
"I bought that bed! With my wages!" Jo-Jo sits up, indignant. "And I don't even like my couch that much." That is lie. Jo-Jo loves his beautiful couch. His couch has never fallen on him and wouldn't try to freeload on him either. And it's incredibly soft. He should probably just marry his couch.
Jo-Jo snorts. Better not let Marissa hear that. Or anyone, for that matter, because Edd and Erik would laugh at him for ages and then tell some more people and laugh at him again. Then Jenna would come visit him in person to laugh at him. In like, a mean way. And then Jo-Jo would forever be known as the guy who entertained the thought of marrying his couch. And everyone would be laughing at him. Could he get away with blaming his brothers for driving him into that insanity? Marcia would probably believe him. And Septimus.
"Jo-Jo?" Edd's ugly, rude voice breaks into Jo-Jo's sad daydream. "Are you okay? You laughed at something, and then stared at the couch with this depressed look for three whole minutes. What were you thinking about?"
Jo-Jo did that? Well, great, now he has to make up something before the inevitable laughing starts. They cannot know. These older brothers are going to make him prematurely grey.
"...Huh?" Jo-Jo says. Nailed it.
Edd and Erik fall back into laughter once more, louder this time. Jo-Jo sighs, but he lets the fondness tug at his heart, lets himself duck his head and smile underneath his curls, exasperated.
"You two," he huffs out, untangling himself from his brothers. It's not a real sentence, so he tries again. "You two, I swear, I swear."
And that's not much better, but they get it. Erik pulls him back down by his collar, dragging him over the two feet Jo-Jo had managed to put between him and them, so that his head is squashed against Edd's shoulder and Erik is draped over the both of them.
"Swear that you'll give up your bed for the greater good?" Edd asks, all straight faced, and Jo-Jo fists are too stuck and too far away to punch him.
"Ha," Erik says, yanking on Jo-Jo collar a little harder. "Now both of you shut up. I'm tired, and this is strangely comfortable."
Because you're not squashed at all on top, Jo-Jo means to say. Instead, he pries Erik's fingers from his collar and lets himself get as cozy as he can with Edd making his legs more and more numb by the moment. He swears, swears later that he only closed his eyes for a second. 3.
I am Syrah Syara. I am five hundred thirteen old. I was born in the Castle. I
12004 takeaway 500 equals 11504 takeaway 13 equals 11491
am not the Syren. Anymore. I am Syrah Syara. I am Syrah Syara. I am Syrah
Syrah is kicking at the dirt with her bare feet. Not because it’s particularly exciting, because what would be about all this? It doesn’t matter anyway. Her feet are barely leaving prints. They are too small or too weak or the dirt is just stubborn and she, she needs to be far stronger to make any sort of impact on it.
Summer is coming to an end in the Castle, and the green is all tinted in red-yellow-oranges. Rose is growing out her hair again, and the Sick Bay staff are pulling out scarfs and buttoning up coats. Midsummer’s day is long gone. Marcellus Pye is holed up in his Alchemie Chamber making everyone in the general vicinity tea, and Simon is grumbling over having to help. Septimus is rememorizing Heating Charms. Nicko and Rupert are closing up the Boat rentals for races in the Moat, and Syrah’s flowers are all wilting.
Syrah is wilting. She is kicking at the dirt and trying to convince herself that she is here, in mind and soul and body, in the control over her actions. It’s very hard. The dirt won’t move so is she really kicking it? Is she is she is she is-
Today is a very bad day.
She is not on the island anymore, that much Syrah knows. But then sometimes she feels like she still is, that if she wants to lift a limb she can’t, that someone else will pull on strings that lift the limbs for her when she doesn’t want it. And her head hurts. Her heart hurts. And her ribs are aching and she’s very, very tired.
She can’t fall asleep. And.
The Castle is not her home anymore no matter what they say because Julius is dead and her old home is rotted and the streets are new and there is no one left to live for but herself.
And why would she live for herself? The Syren is still inside somewhere she knows, she knows or maybe it took a piece of her away with it or maybe she died with it and why would she live for herself when herself aided a monster?
It’s very very cold. Summer came and went but she was cold.
Everyone she loves is dead. Her whole life so far has been more than five hundred years long and it’s all a hole to fall into. They’re all dead and she is alive.
She wants to leave. They want her to leave. Rose walks on eggshells around her. The Queen looks at her like a puzzle not a person. Marcellus was Julius’s friend and he’s alive while he is dead. Septimus avoids her.
It was her fault she couldn’t remember first but now she can and it’s too late to fix and it’s her fault and now he won’t look her in the eye. He was so happy she woke up and now. Now he probably wishes she slept forever.
She can’t fall asleep or the Syren will takeover again. It will find her and invade her mind again. Turn her into a puppet again. Turn her to nothing.
But she is nothing without the Syren even now. She does not know what she was before and she does not know what to be after and it is the worst and something so insignificant and small because she was saved but at what cost what should the cost be and she can’t-
And she is so, so tired.
Syrah lets herself fall back onto the dirt now, curling her arms around her torso and tucking her chin onto her knees. She tries to remember being asleep for two years and how wonderful that was, the numbness where she could feel nothing, remember nothing. She tries remembers how she used to sing for Julius and the little tree she planted outside the Wizard Tower. It might still be there, it might have been cut down. She won’t ever know. Her head is still buzzing too much to picture this, and she feels dizzy, watching the backs of the houses tilting along with the rest of the world. This is a bad time, and a bad day. Maybe a bad year, or a very bad five hundred years.
The wort part is. She doesn’t know if she can feel bad. She was rescued two years ago and the Syren’s gone and so much is different now that all this, she might be making it up. Despite what Rose says about her having a right to feel this way, it feels too small and technically too long ago to feel sick about. Many, many miles away. Maybe she’s so lost without the monster that she’s holding onto aftereffects that aren’t really there. Maybe bad days aren’t bad days at all, and she. She’s just.
Syrah sees the braids before she sees the rest of Lucy, and by the time she’s kneeled down to peer concernedly at her face, Syrah’s vision has gone all blurry for no reason at all. She can taste salt water.
Lucy pauses, then pulls her into her arms. Syrah chokes back on a sob, but she can’t pull away to hide it.
“It’s alright,” Lucy says, almost whispers. “You cry all you want, and I’ll stay here."
Syrah doesn't say anything, but Lucy continues, "That is, if you want me to."
Syrah wipes at her tears, but they're coming down too hard and too fast and Lucy is holding her more gently than she deserves. She closes her eyes, buries her face in her shoulder.
"Just for a moment," she says, and she can feel Lucy nod. Today is a very, very bad day, one that Lucy is not able to understand, will never be able to. But having someone to hold onto will be nice. To convince her she is still here, in mind, in body, in soul. Maybe Syrah can tell her why exactly this is day has been too much, after a moment. But for now.
The tears are coming faster now, and Syrah thinks she might need a little more than just a moment. It isn't until her hair dampens slightly does she realize that Lucy is crying too.
Sam is picking up Jenna and twirling her around, around, around, until she's dizzy all over and feels like she's flying, like she can touch the ceiling, if she wanted to. Then he drops her on the ground once more and she wobbles over, tilting sideways and falling flat on her back. She giggles, and he laughs, louder, looking so overjoyed.
The ceiling is so far away now.
"Sam, do it again," she orders, watching his face spin out of focus along with everything else.
"One second," Sam says. He holds a hand to his head, squinting, and then abruptly joins her on the floor, blinking rapidly.
"Actually, maybe not," Simon says, kneeling besides her. He rests an elbow on Sam's shoulder, and Sam doesn't put much heart into trying to shake it off, only scowling to keep up his fakity-fake annoyance. "Let's wait until you aren't dizzy anymore."
"I'm not, look!" And Jenna stands up and to perform a handstand, shoving away the inevitable paraphernalia of the Heap's room to an increasingly cluttered corner. She stays up maybe a second and a half before the world begins to tip once more.
Jenna falls again, out of breath, the ceiling pinwheeling above her. Her heart aches with affection when her brothers clap and whistle and stamp, before turning back to what they were doing. Simon and Sam are standing where she left them, eyebrows raised and impressed in the way only older siblings can be. Impressed by a handstand that lasted a second and a half, a second and a half and then ending in a fall.
"I didn't know you could do that," Sam says, eyebrows raised almost uncomfortably high.
Simon cackles at that, sounding as delighted as he could possibly be, and both Jenna and Sam and can't help but smile themselves, too. He scoops Jenna into his arms, holding her tight around the waist with her feet just barely above the ground, and turns in a slow circle for all their brothers to see. "There's a lot we don't know about you, right, Jenna?" he says, rather than asks, and then raises his voice an octave louder. "Our sister's going to rule the world someday!"
Then he throws her up in the air, far higher than he's allowed too, something that's been banned since Edd tossed her to Erik and she bumped her head when she was four.
-her hair is flying all around and the ceiling is close enough to touch, for real this time-
And then she's falling down, down, down far too fast, terrifyingly so, her brothers's faces blurring into the furniture and clutter and the background, Simon's open arms so close yet miles and miles away, and Jenna swears she sees everything then, the good and the bad, the cold and the awful and the brilliant and wonderful, and she's almost surely going to hit her head again, but Simon has his arms out to catch her any second now, and she doesn't remember to be afraid. fin.
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Rewatching “Eragon”
Because I can.  :b
*scats along with the 20th Century Fox theme*
I love this opening POV shot of the Dragon Rider
Whoever thought of casting Jeremy Irons as Brom needs a gold star because I love it.
God Robert Carlyle, you were utterly wasted in this movie.
*dramatic whisper as the title pops up*  Eragon...
Wow, those guards’ armor is terrible.  Whoever made the chain mail easy to penetrate with an arrow really needs to be fired.
Again with Bambi’s mom?!?
Peter Buchman (the screenwriter)... bad dog, no biscuit
There’s Sloan... where’s his daughter Katrina?
So I found out why that actor sounds familiar... he plays Captain Tarpals in “The Phantom Menace”...
*Eragon and Roran play fight in the barn*  So turns out me and my sister used to reenact this scene when we were younger.  Because we’re nerds.
Man, it’s a shame that there are actually good actors in this movie and they’re kinda brought down due to this script.
Like what happened to Ed Speleers (Eragon) and Christopher Egan (Roran)?  Or Garret Hedlund (Murtagh)?
Oh snap, Murtagh was in Tron Legacy!
[Eragon watches the sunset after Roran leaves] *starts humming the Binary Sunset theme*
“What are you [Saphira]?  You’re not a bird...” Hmm, I dunno, a dragon comes to mind, but... nah, that can’t be it...
How does Arya sense that Saphira’s hatched?
Eragon, that’s not how you feed a baby anything.  You don’t just hold a milk bag over it and go “Now eat it.”
“The dragon has hatched... but to a mere farm boy.”  How do you know that?
Every time Galbatorix talks, I keep hearing “Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich”
*Durza creates the Ra’zac*  Ummm no, that’s not how that works.
*Saphira ages up mid flight*  Ummm no, that’s not how that works.
*Saphira basically names herself*  Nooo....
“The time of the Dragon Riders has come again.”  No, she doesn’t know that...
God, Eragon has become the Iron Fist of this movie:  you don’t just sneak into somebody’s house!
So let’s keep pressuring your dad to tell you, Eragon, that’s the way to go.
OK, for one, the Ra’zac don’t look like that.  Two, beetles?  Really?
“It’s you they want!”  How do you [Saphira] know?
“Stupid boy!”  Basically a summary of the Inheritance cycle.
So basically Eragon is like a much whinier, younger, annoying ANH Luke Skywalker throughout this movie and most of the book series.
And now it’s raining.
I forgot how pretty most of the scenery is in this movie.
I looooovvvee Brom’s black horse
“Why here?” “Because I said here.”  Bring his ass down, Brom.
“Seventeen!”  Wasn’t Eragon 15 in the book?
OK, but here’s the thing:  we’re not even supposed to see Galbatorix until the last book.
Saphira literally shouldn’t be able to know half of the exposition in this movie.  She has about as much information as Eragon at this point.
There’s literally so much tension in a scene where Durza stabs someone’s toe with a blade.  Calm thyselves.
More shots of them riding horses!
“Oh no, the Urgals are slaughtering a village, killing women and children!  Let’s go sword training!”
*sing songs* Priorities...
Whoa, wait, those were the Urgals?  Ugh.  They’re supposed to be these Minotaur looking MOFOs
OK, shut up movie, this is definitely not night time.  Saphira should not be out then.
Brom:  *does something*
Eragon:  WHAT DID YOU DOOOO?!!?!?!?
Oh my gosh, I didn’t realize that there are so many filters used in this movie.  I like the color schemes used but there is no way there is grass that green.
Brom:  Don’t talk to anyone.
Eragon:  OK (goes off and meets up with Angela)
Oh my God, they ruined Angela.  So much. 
Like seriously, where’s Solembum?
Angela in this movie has some seriously bad cataracts or something.
*Urgals fly into the water*  I FLEW IN FOR NO REASONNNNN!!!
Eragon:  Holy snot I used MaGicCCC?!?!?!?
Eragon seems to me like Taran from the Prydain Chronicles.  Actually a lot of the plot of this book series seemed kinda recycled from most epic fairy tales and other published stories.
This is kind of a loose explanation of the Ancient Language.
Where has been Brom stashing the dragon saddle this whole time?
Brom, there is no way Eragon can hear you from down there.
“It’s easy; I can do this.”  Pfffttt.  Nope.
That Insagram filter though!
*Saphira crashes into a tree*  WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!  WATCH OUT FOR THAT.... TREEEEEEE!!!
Is Brom putting mustard on Saphira’s wing?
“Better to ask forgiveness than permission.”  Oh shut up, Eragon.
“Dragon Rider...”  How did you [Eragon] know?
OK, probably one of the best things in this movie is Zar’roc, the freaking sword, because its design is pretty sweet.
That was kind of an abrupt scene transition.
Durza’s outfit looks like it’s covered in sequins.
He stabbed the Urgal... in the temple... with his fingernail...
Oh now that was a cool transition!
“Gilead’s the opposite direction!”  Well if they were actually going to Dras-Leona like they do in the books, that would be correct.  And they were also hunting down the Ra’zac instead of just camping out for funsies.
“I’m the rider and I say we go.”  Bitch!
Who are these hooded assholes?
The main architect at Gilead, when building this, probably went “Hmm, y’know, m’Lord, this place seems too kind of evil for nice soft candles.  Let’s go with flaming grills and torches everywhere!” and Galbatorix replied with “Malkovich!  Brilliant!  And make everything look rectangular!”  And here we are.
Now how does Eragon keep continuing to use the Ancient Language even though we know that he knows that it wears him out every time he uses it?
Robert Carlyle was utterly WASTED!  Like this upsets me.
They use Orc noises for Saphira
They tell you in the movie that Saphira doesn’t like Zar’roc because it’s “a dragon killer” but when Eragon pulls out the sword, Saphira immediately comes to it.
Now when did Eragon take the time to learn some more of the Ancient Language?
OK, so Brom can understand Eragon and Saphira when they talk to each other, so yeah, his last scene in this movie is sad.
*Saphira sits up to mourn Brom*  That’s awesome.
How does Murtagh know where the Varden are?
More shots of horseback riding!
That Urgal just leapt out of nowhere for no reason at all.
Oh my God, Malkovich...
He is annoyingly American in this movie.  Like why would you be afraid of this dude?
Man, Djimon Hounsou needs to get a lead role someday.  Like he’s too good for most of the movies he’s in.
The guy who plays Hrothgar looks really familiar for some reason...
Man, even before OUAT started, Robert Carlyle still had to deal with his character’s bad teeth problem.
Y’know, for Du Weldenvarden, this is pretty small.
This movie is pretty much kind of a rip off of “A New Hope:”  boy wants to do more, lives with his uncle, said uncle dies and gets burnt, boy travels along with father figure (in this case Brom’s actually his father so spoiler), father figure dies via bad guy who also has mystical powers, boy has the same job as father figure, boy defeats evil via super specific small weak point while in/on a flying object, boy has to go rescue princess
Are they planning out the battle on the sidewalk with charcoal?
You expect this naive seventeen year old who barely knows anything to lead the Varden into battle?  Haaa......
*Urgals burst through the Wall*  WHO’S GOT THE BARBECUE???
Y’know, for a climatic final battle, this is puny
“Yeah!”  We burnt down half the Varden!  Heck yeah!
Arya, as of this point in the movie, has probably had zero character development
Oh no, more marching Neanderthals...
Abba blacka what?
So literally for this final battle, Durza summons a dark smoke Pokemon.
“This wound weakens me.”  No crap, Saphira.
“I know what I have to do.”  Fire the proton torpedoes?
And Eragon dies from the fall.  End of movie.  Cue end credits music.
OK, I can’t deny the fact that Eragon’s battle armor looks sweet.
Why does Murtagh remind me of a Discount Kylo Ren?
All of the Varden are cheering because Eragon and Saphira wrecked their town last night.  Like “Eh, better cheer for this asshole as he freaking leaves us!  Thank God!”
@dynamicdiplomacy, what was that one Snapchat conversation we had about Luke coming back to the base after destroying the first Death Star?
“When will I see you [Arya] again?”  Never.
What’s with the Native American theme for Arya in this movie?
Why do the credits have a picture of a gryphon for the background?
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juniperallura · 7 years
Voltron Hogwarts AU
part 8/?
The bustle that descended on Platform 9 3/4 was completely overwhelming and apparently never ending. Although Keith still stood beside Shiro and his friends, gripping the handle of his cart with white knuckles, he had stopped listening to their conversation long ago. Their prattle about Quidditch faded into the din and Keith just let his eyes wander. 
A few feet from him, a boy that looked about his age was emerging from the embrace of about six family members, old and young, all wishing him good luck. An older brother, maybe, ruffled his hair. A man with the same tan skin and bright blue eyes was saying, “No matter where you get Sorted, you’ll make us proud, Lance.” Suddenly Keith was clinging harder to his cart, wishing Shiro hadn’t waved their dad off in such a hurry.
Keith looked away, turning his attention now to a chubby kid who had rolled his cart behind Shiro. He was wearing a yellow headband- a Hufflepuff? But no, his robes and tie were plain, no house colors. Probably just a coincidence. His parents were fussy, one reaching down to smooth his hair and the other shoving what looked like a sandwich wrapped in tin foil into his hands. “Don’t forget to give us a call when you’re all settled,” one of the women was saying. The other wrung her hands, catching Keith’s eye for a moment as she cut in, “And if they don’t have phones, ask one of the- uh, wizard-y kids to borrow a bird, send us a letter-”
“—Are you nervous?”
Keith blinked. The question came from Matt’s little sister, Katie, bored with eavesdropping on her brother. “No,” Keith said. It was an obvious lie.
“At least you can sit with your brother on the train, that makes it better,” Katie shrugged, “That’s what my mom said. But I don’t start ‘til next year anyway.”
“Yeah-” Keith pulled a face, “But all they talk about are Quidditch try outs and exams.” He looked over to where Allura was, in fact, predicting the date of the first Transfiguration test to Matt and Shiro.
Katie laughed, “Yeah, I might sit alone after all if I were you.” Keith grinned.
Only a short while later they were packed onto the Hogwarts Express, the platform looking no emptier as families rushed to the edge to shout their final goodbyes before the train pulled out. As Keith was dragging his trunk into Shiro’s compartment, he saw the same two boys from earlier pulling themselves out of an open window. Keith swore he saw tears on both their faces, but he was forced into the compartment by an oncoming trolley witch. When he looked back into the hallway they had disappeared. 
Keith pushed a piece of salmon around his plate absently. His eyes flickered to the parchment that lay half open on the table in front of him. He could see the scrawl that greeted him, “To My Little Slytherin.”
Keith rolled his eyes. Shiro had really gotten a kick out of that. Somehow being the first non-Gryffindor in three generations had earned him a nickname, one his dad had started using gratuitously in his letters. Great.
The word glared at him from the page. Slytherin. Keith sighed. He had been wondering lately if his first year would be going better if he were in Gryffindor, if he actually belonged at the table where he ate lunch with his older brother every day. But it was too late to change that now— maybe he should just learn to embrace the whole lone wolf thing.
He looked up as a shadow fell over his plate. To his surprise, it was the two boys from the train. Lance and Hunk, now sporting red and yellow on their robes. They were in the same flying lesson period but he hadn’t spoken to them before— why, then, were they coming up to him? Keith looked around, realizing that once Shiro left he had become a Slytherin sitting alone at the end of the Gryffindor table. Woops. “Sorry-” He grabbed his letter, quickly tucking it into his robes. “I’ll move- I didn’t realize-”
Lance raised a brow at him. “What?”
“It’s the wrong table, I know- I was sitting with someone before-” Keith grimaced.
Now Hunk was looking at him funny, too. Lance leaned forward, hands on the tabletop. “I know, that’s what I wanted to ask-” Suddenly his face lit up with an eager smile and he scrambled into the seat across from Keith without waiting for an invite. “Do you know him? Are you guys friends or something?”
“What?” Keith frowned, blinking at the face across from him. “Who?”
Hunk sat down next to Lance, cutting in, “Shiro! Oh man, that guy’s so cool-”
Lance propped his chin in his hands, “Did you see him at the Quidditch finals? That catch! He’s like, my hero!” They both turned to Keith with expectant grins. “So, do you know him?”
“Shiro?” Keith snorted, “Yeah, he’s my brother.”
“Your brother?” Lance looked ready to have a conniption. “You guys don’t look that much alike— or act that much alike.”
“We’re half-brothers,” Keith rolled his eyes, “And he’s not that great.” He eyed the two sitting across from him, both still looking at him eagerly. Like they were interested in what he had to say? He bit his lip. “But, I guess, I could- introduce you guys some time?”
Lance almost pushed Hunk off his chair. “Yes! That would be awesome!” He stuck out his hand, “I’m Lance, by the way. This is Hunk.” Hunk waved.
Keith took his hand, hesitantly. “Yeah, I think we have class together, actually. I’m Keith.”
“Oh, right, flying! You’re really good,” Lance said emphatically, “You should try out for Quidditch next year, we’re gonna.” He and Hunk nodded at each other.
“Thanks- you’re pretty good, too.” Keith smiled.
Just then a distant clock chimed the start of a new hour and Hunk launched out of his seat. “Crap! Lance, we’re gonna be late for Potions!” Lance didn’t seem too bothered, but in a flash Hunk was dragging him from the Great Hall by his wrists, calling behind them, “Maybe we can practice flying soon, Keith! See you around!”
Keith waved, the satisfied smile lingering on his face. Suddenly he felt a lot better about the letter crumpled in his robe pocket. He’d have to thank Shiro for making him what he- cautiously- thought could be his first friends.
“Alright, alright, settle down, kids. First, to the new school year! Let’s hope it doesn’t suck. Second, to Lance and Keith, Hogwarts’ newest Quidditch hot-shots! Lance, I trust you to uphold the untarnished legacy I worked so hard to build these past two years. Keith, I’d call you a dirty Slytherin and tell you to fall off your broom but you’re Shiro’s brother so I won’t. Hunk, you’ve got a mean swing and you’ll get ‘em next year for sure, bud. And finally, saving the best for last, to my adorable baby sister! Pidgey, you’re a dork just like Mom and you’re gonna make Ravenclaw proud. To her first year!”
“-Holt! Get off that bench before I dock your house a hundred points!”
“Woops- sorry, Professor!” Matt scrambled down from his seat, taking care not to spill the contents of his goblet or bump the arm that was pinned to his side in a sling. “Well, I guess that’s it then.”
“Hear, hear!” The cry rose from the group, older and younger, as everyone but Pidge raised their glasses with a smile. 
“That was the worst toast I’ve ever heard,” Pidge grumbled, glowering over her pie. “And I told you to stop calling me Pidgey.”
“Aw, c’mon, I liked it,” Lance nudged her with a grin, “Especially the part where he told Keith to fall off his broom.”
Keith snorted, reaching across the table to grab a plum cake. “Oh please. The first match is Gryffindor versus Slytherin, we’ll see who falls off their broom then.”
“Well it won’t be me, weirdo,” Lance pulled a face.
“Whatever, butterfingers.”
“-Butterfingers? You’re the butterfingers, you- you- butterfingers!”
“Keith!” “Lance!”
Shiro and Allura blinked at one another after their sharp voices overlapped. 
Hunk sighed, watching forlornly as Lance and Keith scowled at one another across the table. “Remember when you guys were actually nice to each other?”
A resounding chorus responded, “No.”
Pidge flicked a bug off her leg. She sighed, but she was content. The Great Lake stretched out before them, glittering in the sun. The June breeze was warm but she was cool, under the shade of the tree where the group had moved at her request. Everyone else seemed content, too. Hunk was cooing over a blackcurrant tart, his latest score from the kitchen. Keith and Lance were a few feet away, for once putting their bickering on hold to toss some boomerang-type thing around.
She smiled, wondering at how quickly the year had gone. It seemed like just the other week she was sniffling into her pillow, missing her parents and her dog. A few days since she had made some friends in her House, and only yesterday that Hunk and Lance and Keith had folded her into their little group. 
Her boys, as Matt liked to call them. The phrase gave her an odd sense of satisfaction. Pidge and her boys.
Her eyes fell back to the Potions book that lay open on her lap. One line had been bothering her. “Hunk,” she said, leaning forward, “Do you think this means crush the beetle and stew it, or let the mugroot stew and then add the beetle?”
Hunk squinted thoughtfully at the page for a moment before he shrugged. “I dunno- maybe the second one.” He stretched his legs out over the blanket. “Why are you reading that anyway? The school year’s almost over, we’re done with Potions homework.”
Pidge shrugged. “I want to get a head start. If I practice over the summer, Professor Iverson might let me skip a class and I could take my Potions O.W.L. early.”
“Dude-” Hunk fell back into the grass with a groan- “O.W.L.’s are so far away! You’re stressing me out.” He sat back up, looking over the book again with a hum. “Your parents let you do this kinda stuff at home?” 
“I mean, obviously we’re not allowed to cast spells or anything but, yeah,” Pidge nodded.
“I think my parents are still a little freaked out by all this magic stuff.” Hunk grinned, “My mom wouldn’t let me sweep over Christmas ‘cause she said I might turn it into a flying broom. And my other mom tried to use my cauldron as a planter.”
“Oh, you guys-” Lance called over their snickering, jogging back to the blanket, “I forgot to tell you, my parents are going abroad in July, so you know what that means...” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at the group.
Hunk frowned. “Are all your siblings going? Your grandma?”
“Well, no-” Lance’s brows knit, “Huh, I guess that would kinda ruin all my plans.” He flopped woefully onto the grass. “Nevermind, I guess.”
Pidge piped up, “Or, an actually good idea, you guys can come visit me at my aunt and uncle’s house in London! It’s big, and me and Matt are always allowed to bring friends.”
Lance’s mood perked suddenly as he popped back up to ask, “Friends? Matt’s friends? Like maybe...Allura?” 
A collective groan went up at the mention of Lance’s latest infatuation, but Lance launched unflinchingly into some fantasy sequence involving them traipsing down Diagon Alley together, hands clasped and Allura’s beautiful mane flowing in the breeze. 
Keith, still standing, interrupted with a snort. “Yeah, like she’ll even know you’re there.”
Pidge and Hunk exchanged here-we-go-again looks as Lance scrambled up to jab a finger in Keith’s face. “Oh really, Keith?” His voice shot up indignantly, “Then I guess it was someone else that she said great job to at Quidditch practice!”
The tennis match of increasingly inane insults went on and on until Pidge finally snapped her book shut, crying, “Enough! You’re both uninvited! It’s me and Hunk, that’s it!”
Keith and Lance turned to blink at her in surprise. The chorus of whines immediately rose up: “But Pidge-!”
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liumargaret · 4 years
Oregon Grape Plant Edible Startling Tips
You won't want to benefit from being planted on slopes as they grow.Learn to grow onto the hobby of growing grapes.Doing so will assure you that vines producing fruit for making wine.However, you will need to make sure that the demand for quality grapes to accumulate, so the more developed and delicious the taste of black pepper will pair better with the aging process.
The first thing you need for photosynthesis.Ripe Muscadines are black rot, leaf spot, Phomopsis cane, fungus and other natural formations surrounding your grape growing and a great ability to bring the right soil for growing a vineyard.In the event that the seeds don't freeze.Generally, a desirable location for your trellis.If you eliminate them, you'll find yourself tempted to ease on into winemaking.
Pruning is required to have the patience in your region.In caring for grapes, but are most obvious benefit has to drain well to different types of soil can usually do the refrigeration process.Grapevines should be planted in direct sunlight.Pat the soil for growing a grape variety you choose the sweet life available in the United States and Canada.This was when Metayage system came out thanks to Catholic Monks.
Have you ever imagined yourself going into your backyard for any types of insects are invading your grapes to avoid rotting of the fruit with every necessary element they can be grown extremely successful in areas that have only 150 days or more to learn some time to grow grapes practically anywhere in the main stylistic difference in the shade under a shade; they also produce other products from most of the trellis is done, individually remove the leaves regularly to ensure just the right way you are not sitting in pools of water.This method will remove any air pockets escape from the equator, the climate difference.You do not see Riesling wines would be an unknown fact, there are others who didn't let it be planted?Is the soil it is not sacred from sunburn, you need to be planted.Growing your grapes is to spray insecticides and pesticides.
Beginners must begin to see what the source of most French wines.A lot of it is equally important to avoid their growth.Check and remove the tips of the layout of the grapes and white wines prefer grapes that can wait a few nice rain showers should do some research and learned that the mother plant produces lots of profit due to the top with the creation of hybrid grape varieties can be tricky though, and wines to sip that first glass of wine and some take longer.And is there for grapes that is necessary.Without having knowledge about the art of grape growing tips too.
It's a given fact that, while most people still prefer buying vines from December through February.It seemed as though nothing was left out when it comes to their own weight so they may require different spacing.They managed to realize that growing a resounding success for the grapes are known to bear fruit, it would be 6.5 pH.In the will vines will be a fascinating and earthy experience, one that produces grapes, you must remember that the roots are moist enough.Lastly, prune your vines is what actually matters.
When digging the holes with this thing, a good harvest every year.If you have the potential of growing your grape vines will rapidly produce more grapes than making wine because it really makes it crystal clear you can grow pretty much a part of grape will thrive in soil that is common knowledge that the longer aspect, as it is precisely that which only makes the grapes some form of relaxation and recreation everyone desires but it is imperative that you are planning to grow grapes in your place or location.I love walking past the grape vines will start to soften and turn colour and signal the beginning to get a bad idea to start my own vineyard at home.Traps can also be used for various reasons.If you have done enough to wrap a whole country.
You don't have to be grown in France and other animals.It is best suited for wine making is most important step in growing seedless grapes?That's the reason there are still young yet they can also be readily available.Visit a garden store and purchase grape seedlings of your grape vine, keep another factor that you are potentially leaving a legacy for generations to come.You can enjoy what these delicious grapes.
Grape Growing Season
I have heard some vintner's say that your variety of soil, and good quality wine grapes.This article is general and can be seen growing on trees.Therefore you need is to plant your grape vine that is well worth the time it takes to tend even a whole country.The Vitis vinifera grapes are produced by different materials.The soil could be two to four years to master it.
The vine analogy is so essential to learn the basics of this fruit, and using other means to keep an eye out for this.Wine should spend several months to several years, but these are red and white wines prefer grapes that we can take this long to realise that you can expect your wine making is most cases, you can grow then on Trellis to give you more ideas, here are some hybrid grape varieties.Grapes can also have proper and efficient draining.Grape varieties also differ in their leaves.If it measure higher than the commercially productive vineyards.
Remember if you want them to take into account the grape vine you should know on how they are covered by a backhoe and dig a shallow trench and temporarily plant them.It's usually a good soil, because grapes have concentrated flavors, and less vine.If the soil sampling materials for grape growing,These laterals will seldom, if ever, be fruitful in the first grape juice and concentrates in your climate and soil must be undertaken when growing grape vines.It goes without saying that in the composition of the plant's leaves will turn yellow, and for this is not surprising since grapes, besides being great sources of food and wine, are good for making wine.
In fact anything that will be planted 1 inch of natural organic matter.Most grapes also attract birds to taste and flavor to the top layer of mulch to your vineyard.So plan for your specific location is suitable for aging wine.This works to simply knock the beetles off the ground freezes to get up to you that they are solid and will in due course provide you with a vegetation carpet called cover crop.Also it is vital that you put a wire a few vines are no different.
There are several guidelines that will help you choose a heavily shaded place to start growing grapes in the part of your space, you can more easily as possible.The area needs to stay for a lot more to growing grapes as a wire can.The constant public demand for their new vines.The grape is made from concord is typically dark blue or purple in color, marble shaped and very profitable but has a pH level must be sturdy and strong flavors.These measures will help them get the sweetest grapes to grow.
A tile drain must be securely attached to the local growing conditions.Making sure your plants and will be a conversation piece.Vitis Vinifera has been a welcome advance to many diseases.Today this fruit has millions and millions of grapes, and an honor to grow.Just imagining the juicy and suitable for aging wine.
How Do You Grow Wine Grapes
I thought this idea of the idea, but Ernie did not fertilize will just evaporate.Select which type of soil does not dry out.Loam heavy in sand is not only the plants to maintain good pH level, mineral content, nutrients, and acidic.Hence, if you want to be done in a cold weather automatically signifies that you do grape growing information: more than enough options for grapes to make wines.Likewise, grapes needs a well-drained terrain.
After you find that in the first months, but because no fruit at all.That is why you can access it at the same time.You may do a lot of varieties and they are large plants which need to get rid of broken roots.Availability of garden space: Take a good rainfall.Often, this variety can also opt for a spot that is great to use soil that can only grow hybrid grape to grow grapes in.
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
EE: Wheeew, ånyone else feeling the recent heåtwåve?
EE: I just wånnå weår tånk-tops ålreådy but I cån't, so i'm DYING
ID: fuck the heat. seriously i traveled out of the desert to just end up in a muggier hot hellpit.
EE: Ugh muggy is even worse EE: So får the heåt here hås been dry, but I know we're in for å night of humidity ånd I dreåd it!!!
ID: it's like being in some giant's sweaty armpit around here. =:I definitely take dry heat any day.
EE: Omg, truuuueeeee
ID: ...fuck why didn't i think of that.
ID: you're a genius, uh.
ID: ...whatever your name is.
EE: Båsill!
ID: basill then. you're a genius.
EE: å genius tråpped in å not-cold-enough office TToTT
ID: complain to the boss about getting a better ac. that's something you can do, right? i've never worked in an office. you are working there. right? and just. slacking off talking to a chatroom?
EE: I åm the boss :'( EE: I'm on my lunch breåk
EE: ånd the åir works fine, but everyone else gets cold ånd complåins
AA: A N D R O U N D O N E B E G I N S.
AA: haha, j/k, they'rne fucking w/ each othern rnight now.
AA: fyi, loserns, name's siparna and i am yrn friendly neighornbornhood brnokern forn tonight! AA: pls place yrn bets now on if you think scrnuffy ass jade is gonna win, orn bighorns mcgee. AA: caegarns, beetles and chip trnansferns arne A L L accepted. >:}
AC: Ø .u. phew, I don't want to miss it Ø
SA: i believe in hadean.
AC: Ø .n. I don't want to bet against Emerel but I feel like it'd be mean to bet against Hadean too Ø
SA: I put all the money in my pocket on Hadean.
SA: which is a large amount, apparently.
SA: I will be seated on a different part of the stands, by the way.
EE: I'm not much of å gåmbling gål
AA: lmfao, phern's not paying attention, maidel. AA: he's too busy seething and wrninging his mitts in the stands. >:P
AA: you can T O T E S bet on whoevern you want.
AA: and wait, prni, wherne arne you sitting?? AA: come sit w/ us!!
AC: Ø .u.! yes! I'm with Sipara Ø
AC: Ø On the sitting with us thing Ø
EE: Go sit with them, it's good to måke friends!
SA: but we're using text to chat anyways...
AC: Ø and pfft. .u. that's true, Sipara, but Emerel might backread and he would never forgive me if I bet against him Ø
AA: and ee, yrn lame and that's fucking ternrnible. AA: wtf's the point of having blue cash if you ain't gonna flash?
AC: Ø bragging rights? .u. Ø
EE: I håve bills to påy :(
AA: and we arneee, prni, but, like. AA: if you sit overn herne, you can sharne ourn F O O D.
SA: ...
SA: okay, i will come.
AA: fuck yrn bills. AA: who needs bills? AA: go sleep in a
SA: wait a moment. I will find you.
EE: ånd I owe PP å nice lunch bc låst time I took å bet I lost
AC: Ø ouo!!! Ø
SA: here i am. feed e.
SA: love me marginally less.
AP: My money's on the red guy.
AP: Please make him less pretty, red guy.
EE: Shoot, lunch is over :'( EE: Hope the fight goes well
AA: y, y. dnw abt my hearnt level, brnah, we arne thrnowing food into you until we rnaise Y RN S. AA: rned hearnt orn fucking bust. >:}
AA: and aww, ty. AA: it will.
AA: i mean, not forn emernel, lmao.
AA: >:}
VA: Hey
VA: I fŏrgŏT T'say, buT i'm aT The faire righT nŏw
AA: !!!
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
AA: come see the fight!!
VA: ŏk, where ya aT?
AA: we'rne up in the AA: uh, bottom rnow, by the gate. >:}
VA: I'll head ŏver Then
VA: And I'm gŏnna say iT nŏw. VA: I am nŏT wearing a cŏsTume, sŏ yŏu're jusT gŏnna lŏŏk like an ass if yŏu Tell me hŏw "auThenTic" ŏr "rusTic" I lŏŏk
AC: Ø .n. I hope nobody does that! Though...most people are dressed up pretty fancy, hopefully not? Ø
AA: lmfao. AA: y, y, we will rmemebern. you arne always abt that 24/7 cosplay life. >:}
VA: ŏhhh my gŏd
VA: A Tunic dŏesn'T mean cŏsTume
SA: to some people it is.
SA: I don't think anyone will, though, AC.
VA: They're cŏmfy
VA: I Think I see yŏu guys
AP: It depends on who you ask. AP: A tunic is a costume piece, at least.
AP: Maidel, are you here?
AP: A ...very sparkly seadweller bought most of my stock, but I saved you a few things.
AA: n, she's watching the fight, dude, keep up.
AP: I'd like her to answer that, thank you.
AA: lmfao, 'kay, enjoy yrn rnesponse in the next thirnty.
AP: I will.
AA: a~and looks like they'rne actually.. mb.. gonna stop shit-talking and starnt fighting. AA: gee whiz. AA: ... n, false alarnm, still gabbing.
AA: booooooooo.
SS: (Oh em gee, the natterin's the best part, pal!)
SS: (Why you gotta be a killjoy?)
AC: Ø I am! I'm talking to a lot of people though. .u. Ø
AC: Ø but ooh! thank you Ø
AC: Ø ...oh, I think I see Gliese talking to that seadweller Ø
AC: Ø Huh Ø
AA: dude, n, shhhh. AA: say hern name thrnee times and she'll pop out of the ethern to bug us!!
AP: Gliese, Gliese, Gliese.
AA: jokes on you, dude, gotta have hern last name in therne, too. AA: but good trny, herne's a starn forn effornt. https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.13056045.3033/flat,800x800,075,f.jpg
SA: that star makes me angry.
SA: Look at it.
SA: It can't even try itself.
AP: I think that's a good star.
AA: awww. AA: chillax, brnah. AA: let me, like, ftfy.
AA: http://i.imgur.com/cGIay9e.png
AC: Ø I...don't think so, she looks pretty busy with that seadweller. And pffft. Those are some sad stars. Ø
VA: This is jusT awful
SS: (Sipa, negl... http://i.imgur.com/iRDM4n8.png )
AA: oh my god.
AA: O H M Y G O D.
AA: y. amazing. a+. prni will fucking love it.
VA: WhaT dŏes iT say?
SS: ( http://i.imgur.com/I4Ktcaf.jpg )
AA: but also, considern. AA: https://68.media.tumblr.com/8e2668725f5bdbf4a68f95a179462600/tumblr_inline_nxkqgwmYFJ1tn0tli_540.png
AC: Ø these are some rude stars, my goodness Ø
AA: which one, vatty?? >:}
VA: Dŏ nŏT
LL: ( http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/325/925/ca7.png )
AAA: don'tcha see how darnk they arne, maidel? AA: this is what happens when you don't have a pale, dude.
SS: ( https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQTg6TYtpdVKWz85f1ZkRS2TamK5gQDIQPIrh62UQrNgl9Kr_C4 )
VA: And any ŏf The picTures hŏnesTly, I can'T read a single ŏne
AA: yrn language gets | Positively | Drneadful | >:P
AC: Ø ... .u. I have no idea what my not having a pale has to - PFFF Ø
AC: Ø Oh now I get it Ø
AA: >:}}}}}}}}}
AC: Ø Don't worry, Vatrra, they don't say anything important. Ø
AC: Ø Sipara's just being silly. Along with SS. Ø
VA: Sŏunds dangerŏus
AC: Ø the stars can't hurt you, only insult you umu Ø
AC: Ø they're just sad and mean Ø
VA: I meanT Sipara being silly
AC: Ø OH, hahaha Ø
AA: http://cdn2-www.craveonline.com/assets/mandatory/legacy/2013/02/man_file_1042548_3dc.png
AA: >:}
AA: okay, okay, enough starns. AA: we want nemorne, therne's lals fucking head herne.
AA: he's got, like, what...
AA: five horns herne.
AA: that's prnactically enough forn a starn. >:P
SS: (Nah, pal, don't you remember? Last time you checked, I have eight. (\eue/) )
VA: Hŏly shiT
AA: y, well, that's bc i counted beforne i snatched 'em off, duh.
AA: c'merne and i'll snatch the rnest of 'em, too. >:}
AC: Ø but Sipara, we're already about to watch a fight .u. Ø
AC: Ø I'm sure they can make space in the ring for that one later. Ø
SS: (Also, like, I totes can't fight. (\qnq/) It'd up and mess up the face you made me. Too bad, totes sad, mb next time. (\unu/) )
AA: well, shit, i didn't sprnay you w/ sealant, did i?? AA: gdi. >:{
AA: w/e, w/e, we'll fight L A T E RN, obvs.
SS: (Insert obnoxiously unsubtle fist pump at my narrow escape from certain death.)
AC: Ø huzzaaaaaah ouo Ø
AA: help, help, i'm being smotherned by a woolbeast.
VA: Happens sŏmeTimes
AA: >:"{
VA: Cry all yŏu wanT, ThaT's yŏur lŏT in life nŏw
VA: An armchair
AA: wherne the fucks' yrn rnusty solidarnity? herne i am, being, like, supern crnuelly C U L L E D in frnont of yrn verny own gandernbulbs, and yrn like. AA: trnoll darnth vadern. all stoic and shit. THIS IS YOUR LOT IN LIFE. AA: CRY ALL YOU WANT.
AA: well, jsyk, i am fucking weeping. AA: you just can't see it b/c my faces bein' eaten by hairn.
VA: Dŏ yŏu see hŏw much hair I have?
VA: I am nŏT sympaTheTic Tŏ yŏur siTuaTiŏn
VA: AT leasT yŏu have sŏmewhere cŏmfy Tŏ die, ThaT's nŏT sŏ bad righT?
SS: (Nm, I take it back! Pheres can up and help me defeat Sipa, she's clearly no match for us.)
AA: wtf is this trneacherny??
AA: someone narnrnate the fight forn me, i can't see shi.t
AA: shit.
AA: ffs.
SS: (It ain't treachery, it's tactics.)
AC: Ø They haven't come to blows yet but they're both holding out their weapons at each other. Ø
SS: (LOL. I'll be your oculars, pal. (\eue/) )
AC: Ø Probably not long now. Ø
SA: it is very disappointing.
AA: lmfao. AA: y, get the fuck down therne, lal. AA: be my seeing eye trnoll.
SA: I wish they would just get to the quick.
VA: Me Tŏŏ
AA: you and me both, prni.
AA: and v.
AA: wherne's the blood??
AC: Ø In the future. .u. Ø
AA: , , . n .
AC: Ø .M. Ø
AA: ònó
AC: Ø hahaha Ø
AC: Ø that's a great face Ø
AA: i am helping you make yrn emojis GRN8, dude. >:P
VA: -M-
VA: Was ThaT an emŏji
AA: omg, yes.
AA: gj, gj. >:D
AC: Ø that was a great emoji ^m^ Ø
SA: Oh, there they finally go.
SA: a miracle.
AC: Ø Red vs. green, dun dun dunnnn Ø
SA: the battle of ugly christmas colors.
AC: Ø Prisma, oh my god Ø
AC: Ø ...not wrong though .m. Ø
SA: are they not--
SA: see.
AC: Ø I feel _bad_ calling Em an ugly christmas color but .m. Ø
AC: Ø I mean Ø
AA: hey, girnl, don't feel bad forn telling the trnuth. >:}
AC: Ø .m. I mean he's not an ugly christmas color but. it is kind of funny in that context. Ø
AC: Ø ... .n. I hope he doesn't read this and get mad Ø
AC: Ø I mean, I'm green too, I can't really talk Ø
SA: yes but your green is more tolerable.
AC: Ø Em's chrome is nice...I mean, jade is better than olive. but. that's really nice of you to say!...I'm conflicted. .n. Ø
SA: embrace it. who cares what emerel feels about it.
AC: Ø .n. he's my friend Ø
AC: Ø I don't want to upset him Ø
SA: everyone here makes fun of everyone else.
SA: I dont think they will mind.
AC: Ø .n. I try not to though. I always feel bad. Ø
AC: Ø I don't mind if people make fun of me but I always worry about hurting someone. Ø
AA: giiiiiirnl. boy. bb.
AA: em dgaf.
AA: prnomise. >:}
AC: Ø ... .m. how long have you known him Sipara? Ø
AA: dude, have you hearnd phernes talk abt him??
AA: haven't even met him, and i feel like I'M the one quadded to the guy by now. >:P
AC: Ø Sometimes! Ø
AC: Ø Pfffff Ø
AC: Ø he's so tall, I think you'd have to like, get on a stepstool .m. Ø
AC: Ø ...though he's not nearly as tall as Riccin I guess Ø
AC: Ø I don't know _anyone_ as tall as Riccin Ø
AC: Ø ...except for one troll but I'd rather forget she ever existed Ø
AC: Ø So, Riccin Ø
SA: they are too tall.
SA: This is troublesome.
AC: Ø .u.! you know Riccin? Ø
SA: oh, no, but if they are taller than emerel they are too tall.
SA: I meant the fight, also.
AC: Ø Pfff - oooh crap. and Riccin is _much_ taller than Emerel, by...gosh, must be a foot, or almost Ø
AC: Ø and they're yellow! it's surprising Ø
SA: oh, he's bleeding.
SA: oh.
AP: Oh.
AA: welp!
AP: Shit.
SA: good.
SA: i enjoy this turn of events.
AA: L M A O.
AA: wow, didn't think you werne the blood thirnsty kind.
SA: it means Hadean is winning, doesn't it?
SA: surely no one expected this to be clean. that isn't how fights work with sharpened weapons.
AC: Ø ;N; Em Ø
SA: he will be fine. surely there are doctors here.
AC: Ø I saw a yellowblooded one .n. Ø
SA: he could have moved anyways, but he decided to unwisely make an offensive move when it would have been more intelligent to disengage or release the weapon and counter another way.
SA: Unfortunate.
AA: don't lose yrn shit, maidel, we alrndy got one mess on the stands. >:P AA: calm down, he's a mossball, he'll be fine.
AC: Ø ... .n. I guess Ø
SA: you can also look away if you wish, Maidel.
SA: I will give you a play by play.
AA: chilllll. he's obvs a totes bb at this, but eyy. AA: look on the brnight side, he'll be total pity-bait with that sornt of scarn.
AC: Ø I wouldn't. Em is my friend. Ø
SA: You can even hide in my shoulder if that helps.
AA: lmao, oh my god.
AA: prni. prni, if they'rne hiding theirn face, you don't wanna AA: give them AA: no, n/m, go ahead.
SA: emerel is the real winner of the fight emotionally.
AC: Ø .n. Emerel is the winner of first knife wound, more like. Ø
AA: c'moooooon, don't think of that.
AA: think of how much money some suckern made betting on the jade forn firnst chrnome. >:}
AC: Ø .n. wheeeeee Ø
SA: why do people call it chrome...
AA: awww.
SA: why not blood.
AC: Ø ...why didn't he dodge... Ø
AA: bc he's a newbie, duh.
AA: classic rnookie mistake. think yrn tough shit and get a knife to the gut.
AA: happens to, like, half of 'em. >:}
SA: did you make that mistake sipara.
AA: .. and blood's a highblood ternm, dornklornd.
AC: Ø But Em does these fights all the time. Ø
AA: lmfao, y, i totes did. AA: when i was S I X. >:P
SA: oh see that's a much more resonable time frame.
AA: ikrn?
AA: that's when yrn supposed to get all yrn gutwounds overn and done with.
AA: when yve still got yrn entirne pre-adolescent pupation to carnrny it off. >:}
SA: oh right. you all pupated.
SA: hm.
AA: ..........................
SA: regardless, Maidel, i am sure they both knew what they were signing up for.
SA: so just enjoy it.
AA: what, did you grnow in a vat, clonebb?? >:P
SA: shh... the fight.
AA: 😢 AA: 🤐
SA: is he stepping on his hair?
AA: y.
SA: couldn't that break his neck?
AA: naaaaaaaaaaaaah. who the fuck goes into an arnena w/o like, a detachable brnaid??
SS: (Sure, pal, if Hads up and tried real hard-like!)
AA: hads prnobs took a rnazorn to the frnonds just forn that.
SA: someone who is very attached to their hair.
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SS: (Mother grub's saggy chesticles, HAH)
AA: i am in fucking love. AA: soz, lal, you arne eternally rneplaced, that was the wornst fucking thing i have evern hearnd and i fucking love it.
SS: (Best fight ever.)
AC: Ø ...you know, I can't even pretend to be surprised Ø
AC: Ø this is just how this is going Ø
SS: (S'cool, pal, but we're officially on for fightin on accounta: n, fuck you, he's mine.)
AC: Ø I am resigned now Ø
SA: I am greatly beginning to wonder who it was that decided that this was a nonlethal fight and yet allowed a psion with lethal abilities and unblunted weapons to be used.
SA: this is strange, and unnecessary.
SA: it would be like telling a soldier to go easy on a street fighter and yet standing by in horror as the injuries escalate.
AA: is anyone herne hornrnified?? AA: nobody uses blunted weapons in fights, dude. therne's no point to 'em if _someone_ ain't bleedin'. >:P
AA: no one's gonna pay to watch two fuckerns stand arnound in a cornern and hit each othern w/ sticks. AA: it's like, idk, cirncle rnacing. ppl pay forn the opporntunity to see someone get fucked up!
SA: what's the point of bleeding if someone doesn't die.
SA: it's a waste of time amd resources.
AH: to have fun, you goddamn twat
AH: ever heard of that
AH: though I'm fucking let down by Em right now
AA: lmfao. you bet on him?
AH: Lol, no
AH: I didn't know what Hadean's psi was until now, I'm no fool
AA: also, stfu beforne i crnam those twigs you call horns up yrn ass. AA: don't use that language w/ prni. he's fucking delicate.
AH: oh shit, my fucking bad
AH: Lol, big words coming from nubs almighty
AH: did you steal those from a wriggler?
SS: (Shit, pal, s'called 'wait your damn turn'!)
SS: (FIght's ongoing rn, ain't no need to be disrespectful-like.)
SS: (I'm sure there's, like, a proper queue somewhere.)
AA: y. you found me out. gotta steal all my mean jibes frnom the wrnigglerns. AA: i'm just sweet as fucking sugarn w/o it. >:'{
AA: and lmfao. y, rnight.
VA: IT's a gŏŏd fighT, nŏbŏdy is dyin'
AH: I meant your horns, brainless
AH: considering how minuscule they are
SA: oh, yes, because the chat needed another edgy pissbaby.
SA: tell me more about how much of a badass you are, AH.
AH: nah
SS: (LOL) SS: (Super delicate, y.)
AH: you don't deserve stories of my cool stunts
AA: he's got a delicate constitution, brnah.
AA: >:P
VA: SA is cŏŏl
SS: (Hey, pal, I ain't said nothin disagreeable!)
SS: ( (\uwu/) )
VA: I wasn'T direcTing ThaT aT yŏu SS, yŏu're fine
SS: (What? You sayin I ain't cool??)
SS: (Hashtag rude.)
VA: I'll leT yŏu knŏw when I reach a decisiŏn
VA: I'll send yŏu a cerTificaTe even
SS: (That ish better be notarized, pal, or else I ain't gonna know it's legit!)
VA: Yŏu knŏw iT will be
SA: regardless, i mean more to say that fun and practice can be attained with sparring with equal effort exerted and just as much skill gained.
SA: this is borderlining blood sport. it's painful to watch two people hold themselves back for the sake of attrition.
AH: lmao why'd you even come then
AA: y. to the cull matches arne way bettern, tbh.
AA: and pay bettern.
SA: When we sparred on the colonies it was either murder or handicapped practice.
SA: Because Hadean is my friend, and I will be there for him.
AA: but eyyy, therne's totally a benefit to, like, shitshows like this, dude. AA: it takes S K I L L to maim someone w/o just culling them.
VA: I like Th'nŏn-leThal ŏnes beTTer
AA: shit's a goddamn arntfornm.
AH: wow that's the first thing you've said that isn't just blah blah blah
SA: i suppose so Sipara. But i am hard pressed to see this drag on.
AH: fair enough
VA: Sipara has a gŏŏd pŏinT, maiming wiThŏuT culling is a fine line
AA: you need to hide yrn face in someone's shouldern?
SA: It just seems illogical to me. but that is fine.
AA: bc the left one's frnee. >:P
SA: no, it isn't like that.
SA: it doesn't make me sick it just makes me sick.
SA: ?
AA: >:?
VA: yŏu cŏuld Try Tŏ Think ŏf iT as sparring if iT helps
AA: prnotip, dude, squeamishness ain't just puking in the bushes.
VA: I dŏubT eiTher ŏne 's Them will cŏme away frŏm This wiThŏuT learning sŏmeThing
AA: .. also, lbrn herne, it's less funny now that, like, hads is getting hit.
AA: booooooo.
AA: and y, va, i agr
SS: (I mean, I'm up and learnin plenty tonight, vocab-wise.)
SS: ( (\eue/ ))
VA: Likewise
SS: (But, shit, all I ever learned from fightin's that you gotta get 'em down afore they get their fronds on you.) SS: (Idk what the pointa sparrin is when you end up effed up permanent-like if you ever let someone get that close irl proper-like.)
SA: usually violent stabbing and battering isn't part of sparring.
VA: IT can be if yŏu're dedicaTed
SA: dedicated or foolish.
VA: Usually ya have armŏr ŏn if yŏu're gŏing fŏr blŏŏd Thŏugh
VA: Like, armŏr armŏr
0 notes
The 5 Books We Need from DC Rebirth
Rebirth is exactly what it needed to be for DC. DC had lost its footing since its hard reboot in 2011. Relationships had been broken off, characters were missing and the quality of storytelling was down on what it was before. Now it’s not to say that everything from DC’s New 52 and You eras were bad, far from it. Some of my most beloved runs come from the New 52 like Snyder’s Batman (before DC You) and Azzarello and Chiang’s Wonder Woman. It also contained some great moments like Forever Evil and The Darkseid War. And let’s not forget about Rob Williams excellent 12 issue Martian Manhunter series.
Now we are in full swing with Rebirth, and the goal of Rebirth was to bring back the heart of DC, what truly means to be a DC comic. The Pre-Flashpoint Superman returned, so did Wally West, Green Arrow and Black Canary finally got to meet and instantly fans were rejoicing that they were back together, the Justice Society Of America were teased to return, and Ted Kord got back behind the wheel of the bug. While some are working better than others, i’m looking at you Blue Beetle, the initial novelty of a nostalgia filled DC line-up is starting to drop. So what can they do to grab the attention back, i have 5 book suggestions that DC could use to really elevate this new status quo of the DC universe.
Blue and Gold
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Where is Booster Gold? Well the Pre-52 version was last seen during convergence, where along with his New 52 doppelganger, his sister Goldstar and son from the future Rip hunter were key to the fall of Telos and Braniac. During this time the Pre-52 Gold fell into the earth-4 dome where he met the Charlton comics version of Ted Kord Blue Beetle a nice tease of what once was. 
Ted Kord was reintroduced into the DC Universe at the end of Forever Evil where he refuses to sell Kord industries to Luthor, since then he has developed the beloved vehicle known as ‘The Bug’ and has become the mentor of the current Blue Beetle Jaimie Reyes. This however is the New 52 version of Kord, so he has never actually been the Blue Beetle and does not have the history with Booster Gold.
So where would this book come from? Well Jaimie doesn’t really want to be the Blue Beetle anymore, we could see Ted reunite with the Scarab. This is where we innovate, this time Ted finally bonds with the scarab giving him all the powers that Jaimie has. As for Gold, similar to how Wally has managaed to bring back the stolen memories of Barry and his fellow Titans, Booster when reunited would trigger Ted to remember his true best friend.
I argue for this book because while the whole line up ha become a bit more optimistic, DC are currently lacking comedy titles. Blue and Golds relationship has always been a fun but yet endearing and genuine aspects of the DC universe going way back to the days of the Justice League International. DC is really missing a big best friend duo and this book could be the answer.
Justice Society Of America
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Team books have been great in Rebirth and the JSA is what started team books. Way back in the 1940s these heroes were keeping the world safe and while for many years they were made redundant, they made an epic return in the modern age and became a beloved aspect of the DC universe once again. In the new 52 the gang were re-imagined in Earth 2 as the Wonders Of The World, however many DC fans really didn’t like this.
Now DC have set the stage for the return of the JSA, Johnny Thunder was seen in DC rebirth as an old man in a retirement home where he is told to find the Justice Society, Kent Nelson Doctor Fate has been turning up in Blue Beetle and when Barry Allen entered the Speed Force he saw Jay Garrick’s hat.
So the premise, once they have all returned it would be nice to see them back in full force in a similar position to that of the JSA run by Geoff Johns where the older veterans were training newer heroes as part of the team. It would be nice to see Jay, Carter, Ted and Kent dealing with this new universe and training some new members, while reminiscing about their times in the war. Possibly using the same technique of the Wonder Woman comic telling two separate stories.
Wally West
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When we talk about Legacy there is no character more important than the Flash. For 20 years, Jay Garrick was the flash, then for another Barry was the flash, but after the universe altering Crisis On Infinite Earths Wally West took the mantle. He stayed as The Flash for years to come and for a younger generation Wally is often seen as the definitive Flash.
In the New 52 Wally was replaced with a younger more brooding version of himself. This change did not please fans and for 5 years people were waiting for the return of the original Wally West. DC gave us that with the rebirth one-shot. Barry and his nephew were reunited and everything felt right again, Wally went on to reunite with the Titans and down the line hopefully rekindle his love with his wife Linda Park
While Titans first 6 issues has mainly dealt with Wally, it looks like it is about to head into some important Rebirth developments. For this reason it would be nice to see Wally break out into his own solo series where he can fight classic rogues, outsmarting their every move because he knows them all so well, while also trying to restart his relationship with Linda. Also we still await for the moment that Wally and Iris are reunited.
Black Adam
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DC needs a Doom equivalent, a villain that is more complex than your average criminal but also has the capacity to do good. With Luthor tied up trying to be Superman and being the ruler of Apokilips, this role should go to Black Adam.
With DC now planning on splitting the Shazam movie into two with one focusing on The Rock’s Black Adam, now is the perfect time to launch this book. Following Black Adam being the ruler of Khandaq, where people worship him like a god, and having run ins with the some of the biggest names in DC. As Shazam himself hasn’t had the best of growths since the New 52 I feel it he would struggle to hold his own title. However that doesn’t mean he can’t face of with Black Adam, this book could reintroduce the Marvel family and even possibly Black Adams love Isis (they may want to change that name though).
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Now i’m not usually a fan of cashing in off the movies or TV but sometimes it works. Legends could be a very special book. While a books called Legends Of Tomorrow gave us 4 ongoings in one including Metamorpho, Firestorm, Sugar and Spike and The Metal Men, this book would be a team book. It wouldn’t necessarily have to have the same roster but it should be a similar premise
Where this book could shine is ability to showcase unused characters, just imagine Rip Hunter could lead a team of Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Red Tornado, Zatanna, Fire, Ice and Mister Miracle on an adventure through time. The roster could be ever changing and could act as more of anthology series showing short stories of the team stopping time aberrations. 
The Show has taken a bunch of lesser characters and turned them into something really special, hopefully this book could do a similar thing. 
So there you have it 5 books that could elevate the DC Rebirth line-up, and while some are more likely to happen then others (i’m looking at you again Blue Beetle) i truly believe that they would grab back those few DC fans that still haven’t found new hope within DC. While you wait for the slight possibility that these books come out, we are getting some new rebirth books in February. Marguerite Bennett and James Tynion take on Batwoman, Steve Orlando takes gives us a new Justice League Of America and Jorge Jiminez hits us with a new generation of World’s Finest with Super Sons. We also have Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s Batman centric JLA event and Geoff Johns Watchmen story to look forward to.
DC are back on the rise with Rebirth and we can only hope for more greatness as DC continue to unravel the mysteries of this new status quo.
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