#night Ranger fanfiction
hot-for-rock · 5 months
Passion Play
Jack Blades X OC
Chapter One
Summary: Ren is the bassist of rock Swedish band Savage Seduction. While on tour with Night Ranger, she catches the eye of Jack Blades and her life changes.
Reblog’s, likes and comments are really appreciated!
Summer 85’
Sometimes life feels like a blur. Like it's moving at a pace, I can't keep up with. Like it's rushing by me. Like I can't even process what just happened and something new happens. It's been especially like that recently. I went from a nobody to rocking some of the biggest stages in Europe as the bassist and co-founder of my band Savage Seduction.
The other founding member is our guitarist and vocalist Gunnar. Gunnar and I have been friends since we met as kids. We grew up next door to one another and both ended up having dreams of being rock stars. Everyone always called us crazy but that fueled us.
Now here we are on our second tour of the States with another gold album and a hit song and video that's on constant rotation. It feels pretty fucking great to be back.
This time we’re touring with Night Ranger. I've never met any of the guys before but I do really love their music. I own all their albums and the last time we played the States I actually went to see them live and it was a great show. So I'm looking forward to playing with them.
That's the most important thing really knowing the band you’re playing with is good and can hold up your standards. It makes it run a lot smoother and from what I've seen Night Ranger can do that. Even if we are the opening at. We aren't as big here as in Europe, but we are making ground. Especially since it was out the second time out.
Currently, we’re backstage before the show starts getting ready. I've got my bass in my lap and I'm warming up on it. Kelly our lead guitarist is sitting across from me doing the same thing on his guitar. Jan our keyboardist and Gunnar are chatting away as they finish up their hair. Mick our drummer is hitting his sticks on the edge of the table while also drinking a beer.
You think it would be weird to be the only girl in an all-male band but it's really not. They just see me as one of the guys. It probably helps I’m not traditionally feminine either. Sure I have my femininity, but most of my interests aren't “girly”. I'm into fast cars and motorcycles. I fix an engine better than any of them. I'm a champion Archer and I did a lot of motocross. It's actually how I met Kelly and got him in the band. So you could say I fit in well with these guys.
Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
“Come in” Kelly calls over in Swedish forgetting we’re in America not our homeland and most people unless on crew probably don't understand it.
“Come in,” I call after him in English playfully hitting my stupid ass guitarist.
“Oh yeah we’re in America.” he laughs.
Then the door opens and on pours the five members of Night Ranger. Who I recognize from being a fan.
“We just came to meet you wish you good.” Jack Blades my bassist counterpart and the frontman, tell us. I must say he's very cute in person and quite tiny. He's kind of like a little mouse but in a cute way.
“Thank you, I’m Ren.” I say first before anyone else in the band speaks up. We all speak English but I happen to be the best. My father is Swedish and I was born and raised in Sweden and very much view myself as Swedish, my mother was an American. So I grew up speaking both English and Swedish. She died a few ago. Unfortunately without ever coming back to her homeland, a choice she made for a reason I'll never know or understand, but I'm here now.
“I'm Jack,” he replies, then points to my bass. It's a signature I make with Hamer. Much like himself. It's a different body shape than him and mine is a deep dark purple shade. “Nice bass.”
“Thanks, it's my signature,” I informed him to play a little riff from one of our songs to show off I guess. She's a beauty and I know it.
“I figured.” he laughs, “it's nice meeting you.”
“It's nice meeting you too,” I tell him with a smile. “We’ll be seeing more of each other I'm sure.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” he says with a charming smile.
Just as our tour manager comes back to tell us we've got 5 minutes till show time and Night Ranger all clear out to let us do our final preparations.
I hand my bass off to my tech and go and check myself one final time. All is looking good. I'm ready to rock these mother fuckers!
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justporo · 10 months
A Night of Song and Laughter
Well, Baldur's Gate and Astarion have me by the neck, more than I'd like to admit... So I wrote fanfiction to get my love out for this vampire. It's about Astarion and Tav settling down in Baldur's Gate, trying to enjoy some domestic peace as couple but also getting into some trouble that always seems to find them. And also I thought, wouldn't it be nice if they showed each other their favorite spots around town? So they go to a tavern, drinks are had, lots of fluff and some smut happens, knives are held to throats, exes (Tav's) are met... A whole lot of fun. Read here under the cut or directly on AO3!
Rating: Explicit (especially for later chapters)
Pairing: Astarion/Fem!Tav (You)
Summary: Set some time after the events of Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion and you (Tav) decided to settle down in Baldur's Gate and see what the city has to offer for you. You enjoyed some domestic peace but you didn't seem to be able to shake off the trouble that surely always came looking for the both of you - and maybe you delighted in that as well.
One night you decide to show Astarion one of your favourite places in the city hoping to enjoy some drinks, maybe dance; just have some fun. Fun comes in very different kinds of flavours though as you two should know: from being twirled around endlessly in your lover's arms or stealing naughty kisses and maybe even more in dark hidden alleyways to holding a knife to someone's throat who's threatening what you love the most in this world.
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Spoiler warning! (Gif from here)
Part 1: Down, down the cobblestones...
You convinced Astarion to stop the ritual so the vicious cycle of heedless and cruel power might be broken. You believe you two can figure out whatever life may throw at the two of you, you’ve already had come so far, haven’t you? So you settled with taking everything you could gather from Cazadon’s estate and liquidate it to kickstart a new life together in Baldur’s Gate. You bought a small but quite luxurious town house in the better part of town which you'd probably gotten criminally under it’s market price, but the two of you could be quite the convincing duo.
You’ve spent the weeks after your long and exhausting adventures with the mundane aspects of life. Since Astarion has yet again become a creature of the night you decided to adapt to his daily cycle. After all you also once were very keen to keep to the darker times of day when survival for you meant a quick sleight of hand and even quicker feet even you didn’t mean to get caught.
You decorated your new home with an assortment of different things: thick brocade curtains for every one of the tall windows to keep Astarion safe and dark, a bed of course – the largest one you could find - , books, trinkets, more furniture. For the time being the two of you were perfectly fine with being settled down and just enjoying slow and relaxing days, making love every night. As long as the gold from your adventures lasted you were more than happy to just focus on the two of you.
You also made a habit out of it to show each other your favourite places around town, since you had such different experiences – even though both pretty dark and traumatizing – living in different areas of the city. It could have been two different cities altogether. So this night you decided to show Astarion your favourite tavern in the city.
You were walking down the cobblestone roads of the upper city. It was a pleasant night in late spring. Summer hadn’t really grasped the city yet, but it was already delightfully warm but the nights still long: in other words, perfect for a night out for you and Astarion.
You had your arm hooked into his and your head leaned on Astarion’s shoulder.
“So, tell me again please, darling, where exactly are you taking me?”, Astarion said while softly patting your hand you had nestled in the crook of his arm.
“Maeve’s”, you answer, lifting your head up and smiling brightly at him. You knew exactly you were at this terrible lovebirds stage of your relationship where everything in the world is pleasantly pink and warm – except everything in the world was possibly very grossed out because of your lovey-dovey demeanor. Neither of you could have cared less, this was the first shot both of you ever got at just being happy in life.
“Oh, please spare me with all the details, my love”, Astarion replied, sarcastically raising his voice and leaning his head to one side. Humour glinted in his ruby eyes.
“It’s a tavern”, you replied dryly and shrugged your shoulders. You untangled yourself from him and walked backwards while facing him. Then you tugged at the sleeve of his dark shirt he picked out this evening and dragged him along to move quicker. “Come on, we’ll be late.”
“Late for what, darling?”, he asked mockingly getting more desperate as you pulled on his arm. You just grinned at him more broadly and shrugged your shoulders again.
Astarion sighed, lifting his gaze to the clear night sky. The moonlight reflected in his light hair. Sometimes you still felt overwhelmed when you looked at him – like getting to be with him in this way was still a dream you could only wish would become true.
You stopped walking and just looked at him. So did he, his sharp rogue senses not wasting a split second to react. You put a hand on his chest, lowered your head to one side and said: “It’s ‘Maeve’s most exquisite drops and pops’. Me and the crew hung out there a lot when we had the coin for it and got shit-faced.” Astarion lifted his eyebrows and smiled appreciatively at you, having finally bribed you to answer his questions.
“Ah, so I am to learn something of your past tonight, hm? Delightful”, he replied and smirked at you in his signature way. You stole a quick peck on his lips before you turned and entangled your arm once more with his and started walking again. “Pops?”, he simply asked then, raising a single eyebrow.
“Yes, pops – you know, as in popular songs?”, you answered. Astarion just looked confused. “Ugh, I forgot I am basically with an ancient relic. Get with the times, Astarion”, you joked and then laughed as he frowned and mumbled something about the youth and their useless need to shorten perfectly good words.
“Are the many words meant to make it seem more… exquisite? Because I don’t feel like it is working”, Astarion chuckled. “It might just be. I can assure you it is not though. The beer is cheap, and the wine is even cheaper. And keep away from anything edible there unless you wanna be sick for three days straight. And that” – you point a finger at him – “includes necks, my dear. But that’s how you know it’s a great place”, you kept on explaining.
The vampire raised a pale eyebrow at you: “Help me see the reasoning here, my love.” A shit-eating grin split your face once more: “Because no one’s going there for the drinks or the food but the entertainment makes more than up for it.”
Astarion looked at you as if you might have gone slightly insane but simply let you talk and lead him on in the darker, meaner, and much poorer parts of the city.
“It’s quite a famous place where travelling bands and bards come to play for a night or two. And not the talentless yappers, like Volo and the such, but the ones that really know how get a room full of grumpy and mean Baldurians going: singing, dancing, getting their blood pump. If there hasn’t been at least three fights at closing time it was a dull night”, you kept on as your eyes glossed over for a moment as you remembered days long gone by. Not exactly happy days but happy little memories, nonetheless. A slight smile danced on your lips while you remembered.
The vampire looked at you warmly and put his hand over yours on his arm once more. His heart filled with warmth at the sight of your easy smile and honest joy. His thumb slowly brushed the back of your hand: “That indeed sounds like a lot of fun, my love, maybe I’ve been to quick with my judgment. Let’s see what the night may offer to us tonight. As long as it ends with you naked in my bed, I shan’t complain.”
“Our bed”, you corrected him and teasingly poked him with your other hand.
“Of course, our bed, beautiful”, he repeated correctly. His smile grew and you led him further down the streets of Baldur’s Gate.
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buggaboizz · 6 months
🐀🏴‍☠️✨Hey girlies and gamers🐀🏴‍☠️✨
I'm back and posting and you guys are NVER gonna believe what I did :0
I wrote a fic!!!!!!
And!!! It's Marshacles <33333 ( Captain Barnacles x Ranger Marsh)
Time to induct more people to my ship >:)
Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it, xoxo :D
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infinitegalahad · 1 month
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Pairing: Jimmy Vesey x Female! Indentifying Reader Summary: It took Jimmy a second, and it sent him into shock. Chills overtook his body. God, Jimmy felt fucking old, and like a damn dirty dog.  He tried, tried to say no, but he couldn’t. He sent her a rose and threw his phone down.  Not even a minute later, Jimmy’s phone buzzed. Immediately flipping it over and bracing for the worst, he saw the notification that he thought was fake.  (Y/n) liked you! Match to return the conversation.  Word Count: 3.3k Warnings: Age gap, mentions of trauma, depression, and alcoholism/alcohol abuse. Notes: This idea has been infecting my mind for months on end. There's been a lack of Vesey content, and given my expierences this year, I had to contribute them! To myself and Jimmy Vesey, of course. This chapter starts out a little slow, but the buildup is there (and Kevin and Brady being the best bros to ever exist). Things will definitely pick up next chapter, I promise. Idk anyone watched the game tonight, but NO QUIT IN NEW YORK. AND WE DEMAND MORE VESEY CONTENT. I promise to go in more about what the hell happened in my life soon, in another note! Tomorrow since I wanna read some fanfiction and go to bed lol. And Here is a playlist for the story. I recommend listening to Secret Garden by Bruce Springsteen and Duckworth by Kendrick Lamar for the best vibes of this story. . Anyways enjoy!! :) Taglist | Masterlist
Jimmy had been sitting a whole thirty minutes in a corner until somebody noticed him. 
Jimmy didn’t want to be there, but he really didn’t want to be there. Even before Kevin’s and Katya’s wedding, he had spent so many days drinking and socializing. Not that he had an issue with it, but nothing was new and interesting with him, minus being thrown around the country before landing back in New York. With his new contract, he was secured in New York. No more jumping around, for at least another two years. 
And of course, it had to be Kevin four beers deep. He dragged himself over from one edge of the table to another, draping an arm around Jimmy. Jimmy, of course, threw his phone down at sight. 
“You need to meet somebody,” Kevin bluntly stated, as if Jimmy didn’t know that. Jimmy looked around the table to see the gaggle of Rangers, ex-Rangers, and Philadelphia players, all with wives or girlfriends. 
“I’m trying,” Jimmy quietly said, not making eye contact as he held his beer. 
“Well, you need to try harder,” Kevin said, slinging an arm around Jimmy. You’re telling me you can’t find anybody?” 
Jimmy sighed and shrugged his shoulders, looking at Kevin with a helpless look. He wanted to crack a joke, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He knew there was a sadness in his eyes. He felt like he had most of everything, even though it was perfect, but he lacked one thing; somebody else. 
Here he is, as a thirty-year-old, still in the same boat he was at eighteen. After years of one serious relationship, a few hookups here and there in between moving teams, and another serious relationship that devastated him, Jimmy felt like couldn’t catch a break, nor could he catch one. 
Jimmy shook his head and took a swig of his beer. He had been keeping count, and it was his first one of the night. It wouldn’t be his last, but that was for later. He didn’t like getting drunk, especially around other people. Years of drinking he thought would have taught him to hold it, and he can, just not his emotions. Those always manage to come out. Everybody at the table knew that since they had seen it. 
Secret Garden lowly played in the background of Blue Ribbon, matching the quaint and hipster ambiance of the SoHo restaurant. 
Kevin was an asshole, but he was a loveable asshole. Jimmy was a brother to him, and he knew when and when to not make fun of him. He patted Jimmy’s shoulder and brought him close. He didn’t make a big deal of Jimmy’s loneliness, which Jimmy thanked him for. He simply sat and closed his eyes, feeling lightly tipsy as he listened to the low melody of the lyrics. He had tickets for a Bruce Springsteen Concert Labor Day Weekend, which was literally next weekend, and yet no one to go with. 
When that stupid lonely emotion started to make him feel heavy and shitty, Jimmy sighed and pulled his seat out. 
“I need to piss,” Jimmy mumbled to Kevin and patted his shoulder. He made a quick escape to the bathroom, needing a moment to pull himself together. 
Kevin wanted to go after him, but he knew JImmy needed his time. Out of the whole table, Jimmy was the only guy without a partner. And as much as Kevin loved him, it was point blank obvious before, during, and even after the wedding. Everybody was aware of it, and whale they did what they could, nothing budged, and nor would Jimmy. 
The other guys had dates, but that was different. Jimmy came, per usual, empty handed. From what Kevin knew, he hadn’t been out on the market since he his breakup with Madison. Jimmy didn’t like to talk about her or how it ended. Of course, he had moved past it, but some of the past was holding him back. 
Kevin looked down and saw Jimmy’s caseless iPhone on the counter. The screen was bright under the hardwood table, and Kevin’s thoughts were racing. He didn’t know if it was the beers talking or him, but a minute later Jimmy’s phone was in his hand. It showed off his Hinge profile, which Kevin partly didn’t want to see, but was also incredibly curious. 
In good old Jimmy Vesey nature, in between the zoomed photos and short prompt responses, it lacked character and information. No wonder he was having no luck; his presentation on daring apps was awful,
“Kevin, what the fuck?” 
Nearly pissing himself as a grown map, Kevin held the phone to his chest and swung over to see a topple of gorgeous salt and pepper hair; it was Brady. With a furrowed eyebrow and flushed cheeks, Brady gave a confused expression both at whatever he and Kevin just witnessed. 
Brady held his hand out, and Kevin let out a sad sigh. He handed it over, and Brady took a few seconds to scroll, making both disgusted and cringed faces at Jimmy’s profile. 
“My best trait is being chill?” Brady cringed.
“It’s better than his first photo being of him–at Harvard,” Kevin put his head into his hands, “Oy vey.” 
“I love Jimmy, but this is not a good look,” Brady said as he scrolled through his profile again. 
“What’s not a good look?” Katya said as she came behind. He saw Kevin and Brady loudly moping and throwing a phone around. 
Kevin and Brady helplessly looked at Katya, and Kevin handed her Jimmy’s phone. Takenaback, Katya took the phone. She was blinded up the bright and cracked screen of purple and white, but quickly adjusted to the profile. Taking her time as she scrolled through, she also too had a face of disgust.
“Oh wow, that is…” Katya said, trying to formulate words, “This is not good.”
“Oh believe us, we know,” Brady sighed as he pushed back his hair. 
“He couldn’t even get a date–” Kevin moped as he fell back into the table, “A damn date! Jimmy’s a fox, he can get any girl he wants–”
“--If he puts in the effort,” Brady finished Kevin’s sentence. 
Katya still stared at the screen. The photos weren’t the issue, it was just the presentation. She had known Jimmy for years. For a many who played Hockey, he was one of the better ones. He was kind but most importantly respectful. She knew his breakup had devastated him through the many long phone calls and Jimmy’s stays at there summer house, but it had almost been five years since he broke up with Madison. Especially since Jimmy was going to be in New York for a long time. 
Out with the old, and in with the new. 
“And he can do that, with some help,” Katya said as she sat between Kevin and Brady. Kevin and Brady, grab your phones. Send me every good photo of Jimmy you have right now.” 
“What are you-” Kevin asked before Katya placed a finger on his lip. 
“Best photos of Jimmy, now. Please and thank you.” 
When Jimmy came back to the table, at least five different guys and their partners were huddled together. Curious, Jimmy walked forward. Among the hushed whispers and nods, his phone was handed back to him–by Kevin, of course, who was red and all smiley. He giggled like a mischievous child, and knowing Kevin, he was up to no good. 
“What did you do?” Jimmy bluntly questioned, shoving his phone into his pocket. 
“Absolutely nothing,” Brady stated, putting his hands together. Jimmy looked down at him as Brady contained his laughter. Confused, Jimmy looked at both of them with a “what the fuck” expression. 
“You’ll see,” Kevin pointed out, “Don’t worry.”
Jimmy raised an eyebrow, “Well, I’m scared to look. And I’m very worried.”
As Kevin and Brady drunkenly laughed, Katya noticed and came over. She put a hand on Jimmy’s shoulder and reassuringly patted it. 
“Don’t listen to them,” Katya reassured, “You will be totally fine. We just…helped you out.” 
Now Jimmy was beyond fucking confused. Not to mention, he was tired. And he was feeling a lot of emotions he didn’t want to be feeling or thinking about. But the anger was outweighed by his sheer exhaustion. With a yawn, Jimmy sighed, figuring out it was a dumb prank. 
“Well, fuck the whole lot of you, I’m going home,” Jimmy announced. Acting over dramatically upset, Kevin and Brady wished him a goodbye. They laughed as well, telling him to “be careful” and “make sure to use a condom”. Jimmy scoffed and shrugged it off as teasing, primarily coming from the alcohol. After bidding his goodbye and congrats, Jimmy grunted and ordered himself an uber. The subway was not the route tonight. All he wanted to do was just get home and most importantly, be alone.
Even though he hated it. 
Name: Jimmy
Age: 30
Location: New York
Hometown: Boston
Occupation: Sports Professional
School: Harvard
My Ideal Date: Trying out a new recipe together at home, followed by a cozy movie night with homemade popcorn and our favorite snacks. As long as I get to be the big spoon. 
A random fact about me that surprises people…: I read a lot. My favorite way to unwind after a long day is curling up with a good book and a cup of tea. Looking for a cuddle buddy. 
I'm Looking For: Long-term, open to short-term (Monogomy)
Two Truths and a Lie: I speak Mandarin fluently, I play for a professional sports team, and I love Sushi. 
My Anthem: Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band
Jimmy sent you a rose. 
Name: (Y/n)
Age: 21
Location: New York
Hometown: New York
Occupation: Consultant and Law Student 
School: GW, UVA, Columbia Law School
My ideal weekend getaway destination is...: A charming bed and breakfast in a quaint coastal town, where I can spend my days exploring local shops, indulging in fresh seafood, and taking long walks along the beach.
I'm Looking For: Long-Term Relationship. No games, please. 
A random fact about me that surprises people...: Despite my innocent appearance, I have a mischievous side that loves to tease and flirt shamelessly.
My Anthem: Fire Fly by Childish Gambino
You now have a new match.
Jimmy got home around 9:30ish. Naturally, his growing feeling of loneliness had remained with constant reminders. The couple on the edge of the street, the doorman asking if he had been coming back from a date, and the worst of all; the damn couple in the elevator. With ti already being a small space, they couldn’t keep their hands off eachother. With Jimmy watching them unable to keep their hands off eachother, it made it all the more awkward. 
Hitting the 56th floor, Jimmy escaped. He heard giggles and shushes as the elevator silently shut. Looking back and sighing, Jimmy scoffed and dug in his pocket to grab his keys. 
He opened the door and was welcomed to a dark and unlived-in apartment illuminated by the World Trade Center and the skyline of Hoboken. As the light danced on the water, Jimmy kicked off his shoes, threw his keys into a bowl full of restaurant cards and matchboxes, and switched on the overhead lights. He wanted to rip off his clothes and simply decompress. 
A rinse-off and Corona certainly did the job for Jimmy. Slipping on a pair of boxers and an aged Harvard Men’s Hockey shirt, Jimmy took his beer and jumped into bed. The drinking was bad in college, and Jimmy thought it would go away with age, but somehow, it got worse—especially when he was alone and feeling what he called his therapist “things he didn’t want to feel.” 
Mindlessly scrolling through Netflix, he had already finished another beer. The bitter and blunt taste left a heavy taste in his mouth. He leaned back and let out a loud sigh, knowing he didn’t want another one. But he had training tomorrow, and he needed a good sleep. 
Forcing himself out of bed, Jimmy dragged himself to the kitchen. Opening the fridge and grabbing a beer, he looked at his phone for a distraction, checking his notifications. Emails, texts, and most importantly–Hinge notifications. 
He went from having two likes to fifteen, which was certainly progress. Forgetting his beer, Jimmy proceeded to scroll his matches. Expecting some hope, he found none. None of them rang a bell. Jimmy rested against the counter, resting his hand on his cheek as he mindlessly scrolled. 
Too boring, Too old, Too Familiar–
However, reaching his last match, something caught Jimmy’s attention.
It was a short yellow and lace dress, a bright smile, rosy cheeks, and dewy (y/s/c) skin. The girl posed with another group of girls, but among them, she stood out. Not just because of her dress (and how well it fit her and defined her figure), but it was how dead-drop gorgeous Jimmy thought she was. She had looked done up, but in a natural way, with soft makeup and silky curled (y/h/c) (y/h/t). Regardless, something about her intrigued Jimmy and made him feel warm inside. 
Upon further scrolling, (Y/n) was the yellow dress girl’s name. All of her photos were, as the first, beautiful. In the photos with groups, she always stood out in the best way possible. There were photos of her with friends, one of her serving in tennis, one with her diving on a beach–they all caused Jimmy to stare longer than he usually did. Not to mention, her prompts were perfect and interesting. (Y/n)  was adventurous, flirty, and full–a total minx. A mixture of gorgeous and cute, who had a fiery streak. Just what Jimmy loved. 
Not to mention, (Y/n) was smart, which made her more attractive than she already was. A political communication major, a former Divison 1 tennis player, and someone who just got her Master’s in Public Policy, she was more than accomplished.   
“Beauty and brains,” Jimmy smirked to himself, scrolling through his profile. The beer had become a pastime. 
Reaching the first photo, Jimmy scrolled to see her recent job. She was in her first year at Columbia Law School, working part-time as a consultant at one of those big think tanks. 
And she was twenty-fucking-one years old. 
It took Jimmy a second, and it sent him into shock. Chills overtook his body.
God, Jimmy felt fucking old, and like a damn dirty dog. 
He tried, tried to say no, but he couldn’t. He sent her a rose and threw his phone down. 
Not even a minute later, Jimmy’s phone buzzed. Immediately flipping it over and bracing for the worst, he saw the notification that he thought was fake. 
(Y/n) liked you! Match to return the conversation. 
(Y/n)’s profile opens, and Jimmy’s heart stops. She might be the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.
Through a series of speed tying to the point were his eyes blur att he small letters on the screen, Jimmy throws his phone down, again. He does it again–a stupid decision, of course. 
Jimmy: Consultant by day, law student by night, and a secret tease all the time? I think we might just be a match made in heaven. 
Nervously speeding back to his bedroom, he sat on the edge on his bed when his phone buzzed. Not even a minute later, and y/n responded. 
Y/n: Heyy Jimmy ;) Sexy, sporty, and smart? You’re a rare breed lol You’re definitely my kind of guy
In between (Y/n)’s response and her profile, Jimmy switched back and forth. Fuck, she was an absolute beauty. Inside most importantly, but also out. 
Jimmy:  You’re definitely my kind of girl. You seem fun. Why don’t we test out our chemistry? 😉 Y/n: What ideas do you have for a date? Jimmy: How about we put our brains and flirtation skills to the test over dinner sometime? Y/n: Haha damnnn Are you a Harvard exam? Because you've got me feeling all kinds of pressure 😏
A flash of white and yellow lace flashed across Jimmy’s eyes. He imagined his fingers tracing her thighs, which hugged the short edges of her dress, slowly riding up her curved thighs and-
Jimmy blinked and shook his head, distracting himself by typing up a response, red as a lovesick puppy.
Jimmy: Slow your horses, sweetheart Good thing I'm great under pressure. Let's see if you can keep up. Y/n: Haha I can you old man lol ;) Not even a hi, hello, how is your night And they say chivalry is dead lol  Jimmy:  How is your night? You’re the tease, not me.  Y/n:  And you fell into my trap lol It’s better now I’m bed with a face mask on lol, how about you? 
Jimmy felt a cool breeze as he made himself comfortable, bringing the heavy comforter over his lower body. 
Jimmy:  Not too bad, it would be better if you were right next to me.  As the little spoon, of course Y/n:  Hmmm, that is a tempting idea  You’re tall, you look like you give good cuddles Jimmy:  Anything to make you smile You have a beautiful smile, by the way Y/n: Aww, thank you ;) You’re pretty handsome, ngl   Once again you’re my type haha  Jimmy:  And you’re a dream come true I wanna know more about you, y/n Want me to order an uber? 
Fuck. It was a dumb response, but Jimmy couldn’t control himself around Y/n. He just wanted to see her in person. Not even to touch her, but to see her. If he could lucky, even hold her. Jimmy just wanted the company and the warmth, not her body. 
Y/n:  Oh wow! Not even the first date yet haha  Guess you are right, chivalry truly isn’t dead lol
With his thoughts racing, Jimmy overthought her response, which he never did with anyone. 
Jimmy:  I was joking, don’t worry. Not a dirty dog for nothing I just wanna get to know you because you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve seen on the app so far.   Y/n:  I knew it, I can tell you are a good guy don’t worry :) I wanna get to know you too, I like talking to you…a lot I’ve got some questions to ask you
Jimmy felt his cheeks go red as he smiled, hearitng all three of her messages. 
Jimmy:  And you are a good girl, straight off the bat  I like talking to you too 😌 I’m an open book. Speak to me  Y/n:  It’s about your two truths and lie I’m good at this game, but I can’t figure it out. Walk me through it? Jimmy:  And what do I get in exchange with you?  Y/n:  My company, of course! Jimmy:  Fair point, y/n.  I said dinner, but I just remembered something. Are you free on Labor Day weekend? Specifically, Sunday?  Y/n:  Yes…why ask? Jimmy: You, me, suite tickets to Bruce Springsteen at Metlife. Uber, drinks, and dinner are all on me.  Anxiously awaiting her response, (Y/n) took her time to respond, but eventually came through.  Y/n:  That doesn’t sound too bad at all  Alright, you got me  But I have one rule  Jimmy:  Talk to me, baby  Y/n:  Answer my questions nothing but truthfully?  Jimmy:  Of course, honesty is key.  What are your questions, sweetheart? Y/n:  Do you play for the New York Rangers, Mr. Hobey Baker? 
Holding the phone in his hand, Jimmy looked at the message and the time. It was just a little past eleven. When he thought his night was ending, it was only beginning. 
Jimmy:  Y/n, what time do you have to get up tomorrow? Y/n: Not early Why ask? Jimmy: I’m not a good texter. How does call sound? Y/n: Not even the first date…and I’m not saying no, at all 
Within the minute, she sent her number. 
For the first time in a while, Jimmy didn’t feel lonely. It was a change in scenery—a nice one, too. 
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wenclairfamily · 3 months
Wednesday and Enid's Children: Harmony and Ana Addams in "Dreams Come True"
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A Fanfiction Tale by Yours Truly, with Art by: @annietheartsyartist
Story Summary: Wednesday and Enid's twin daughters: Harmony and Ana have always grown up in a home full of love, affection... and torture rooms and deadly animals. However they've always depended on their two mothers to guide them on their path. But while on a class field trip, both teenage girls finally begin to forge a new path for themselves on their own. For Harmony, she begins to contemplate whether or not she and her girlfriend: Megan are ready to take their romantic relationship to the next level. For Ana... she adopts a cat, and begins a career as a bounty hunter. Pretty much the same thing though, right? ;)
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"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." It is a quote by Edgar Allen Poe shared to me by my mother, which I never forgot. My name is Harmony Addams, and all my life I was raised to be the best at everything I did. My mother: Wednesday Addams most notably always pushed me to be more and more self-sufficient, to be as intelligent as possible, and to never show weakness. While there have been moments in my life where I felt like giving up, I always kept going thanks to the ultimate light in my life - my girlfriend Megan. She's been my long time best friend, my other half, and my everything. Wanting to be her girlfriend was the easiest decision of my life. However... deciding if we were ready to become something much more... that was much more difficult; due to my perception of if I was ready: feeling as visible as a dream within a dream. However... one night... my dreams finally came true, and my perceptions: one with reality. But I'm getting ahead of myself. This tale of love and passion actually begins the last way you'd ever expect...
A giant minitoar like monster that was wearing a large black coat: roared loudly as it walked towards a populated city. Then suddenly from the ground - a giant robot raven, spider, and piranha emerged. The three animal robots then transformed and combined into a giant human shaped robot. In the cockpit of the giant robot was Harmony Addams, along with her sister: Ana, and her girlfriend: Megan. Harmony grinned as she said, "All right Gothic Ranger Megazord. Attack!" The giant robot then began to brawl against the giant minitoar . After many blows were exchanged, the monster pushed the giant robot down to the ground. Then Ana said, "Aw man. We need the Gothic Sword now!" Then the giant robot pulled out a sword and swung it at the minitour monster. The sword then tore away the monster's black coat... revealing it was wearing brown lingerie. A wide eyed and surprised Megan then said, "The monster is wearing lingerie!?" The monster then had an embarrassed look on its' face and tried to turn away. Then a determined Harmony yelled, "Quick! While it's experiencing body shame; attack with full power!"
Then the giant robot had it's sword get powered up... and then it swung it hard at the minitoar monster; causing it to explode. The monster was instantly destroyed, while it's lingerie exploded into many scraps as well. An impressed looking Ana said, "Wow. Exploding lingerie. Didn't think I'd see that this morning." A smiling Harmony then said, "Great work team!" Then Harmony, Ana, and Megan climbed out of their giant robot. From nearby, Enid ran over to three girls and said, "Wow! You girls saved the city! That was amazing! But... where in the world did you all find the materials to build a giant robot?" Then Harmony and Megan glanced at each other for a second, and then both looked at Enid as they casually said, "Found it."
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Several days later: Harmony, Ana, Megan, and many other Nevermore Academy students were sitting on a bus that was traveling down a long road. As Enid sat near the front of the bus, she smiled while saying, "Okay guys. We should be arriving at our destination soon." A smiling Ana then said, "Oh yeah. Spending the weekend at a five star mountain lodge! I so totally deserve this." Then Megan casually said, "Yeah. I mean after we saved the city from that monster, it was totally nice of the mayor to give our entire class an all-expense paid vacation." Then Ana leaned back in her seat and put on a pair of sunglasses as she casually said, "No. I mean I totally deserve this for just existing. I should be receiving this kind of treatment all of the time because I'm awesome!" Then Harmony raised an eyebrow as she said, "You do realize that me and Megan did all the work putting those robots together, right? You only got up from your chair when it was time to finally use them." Then as Ana continued to lean back, she said, "Hey. I was supervising." Then Harmony squinted her eyes as she said, "You were watching Tik Tok videos the entire time we built that thing." Then Ana in a mater of fact tone said, "Yeah. I was supervising while I was watching Tik Tok videos. Multi-tasking is hard."
Then a Latina teenager who was sitting nearby said, "Well Harmony, you and Megan are the real power team in our book. You both are heroes, you get the best grades of anyone in school, and you were both voted Queen and Queen of the school dance. How do you both do it?" Then Megan smiled as she held Harmony's hand while saying, "Well Emmy... we always lift each other up and support one another. That's part of it anyway. I mean... we've been best friends, and sort of a couple since we were six years old. We've always had each other's back." Then another girl on the bus with dark hair immediately said, "Awww! That's so cute! You too have been together like your whole lives. So, are the two coolest girls in school gonna one day be the coolest brides after they graduate from school?" Suddenly many other teenagers on the bus began to look interested, while Harmony and Megan suddenly began to look nervous. Harmony then cautiously said, "Well Sophia... the future isn't written yet... so lets just wait and see."
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As many teenagers from Nevermore Academy walked into a large mountain lodge building, Enid walked behind them as she loudly said, "Okay everyone. You got an hour to get situated in your rooms before we go on our nature hike. And remember - just because you all each get a room to yourselves, don't use that an excuse to be doing any drugs or alcohol. Miss Wednesday might not be here with us on this trip, but I still have the heightened smell of someone with werewolf DNA, so don't try anything!" Nearby, Harmony was carrying several bags alongside Megan. The two then walked into a bedroom together as Megan said, "Well, here's the room I'm staying in. Thanks for helping me carry all my stuff in Harmony."
Harmony smiled as she said, "No problem. What's with all the stuff you got in these bags though?" An excited Megan then said, "Oh. Mountains are the best place to set up special antennas to try to intercept radio stations from far away. It's something I used to do with my dad a lot when I was little. I know most radio stations are online now; but it's the challenge of intercepting them that's fun. I was planning to mess around with this stuff after the party tonight." Harmony sat down with Megan on her bed as she said, "That sounds cool. I should join you for that after the party is over." Then Megan gently touched Harmony's hand as she slowly said, "Well... if you want... you could spend the whole night with me... and maybe we could have a lot more fun than just listening to the radio." Harmony suddenly looked nervous as she said, "I... um..."
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Then suddenly Ana walked into the room wearing thin armor around most of her body (along with pink and blue highlights on her neck length dark hair) as she said, "What's up peoples. Just a warning. Don't talk to the junior lifeguard working at the indoor pool. I tried chatting with him just now while trying to gather intel on the local mafia gangs, but I think he somehow thought I was flirting with him, and tried to ask me to spend the night with him in his bedroom. I mean… yuck! I'm never having sex till I'm married. Don't need all that drama right now at this stage of my life." A confused Megan then said, "Um… okay. But… why are you wearing armor all over your body?" Then Ana looked at herself for a moment, and then looked at Harmony and Megan as she casually said, "Why not?"
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Later that day, Enid was leading the Nevermore Academy students through the woods as she said, "Okay everyone. The lake should be right up ahead." Soon the group saw a large lake near a waterfall surrounded by many trees. With a big smile, Enid said, "Okay. Make sure you can always see at least two other people from the group wherever you are. Aside from that, spread out and have some fun." Then Ana stood in front of the group (still wearing her armor) as she said, "And if anyone is missing something, or needs to enact retribution against someone who wronged them... just talk to me." A confused looking Enid then said, "Ana, what are you doing?" Then Ana casually said, "Oh, I'm a bounty hunter now. I'm testing it out as a career path. It seems like a cool type of self-employment I could really get into."
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A short time later, many of the Nevermore Academy students were hanging out near the lake and swimming in it. Enid sat under a tree nearby watching the students as she smiled. From nearby, Harmony walked over and sat next to Enid. Harmony made a little sigh, as a concerned Enid said, "What's wrong Harmony? Why aren't you hanging out with Megan?" A slightly worried Harmony then said, "Well... it's because... I'm a little nervous about talking to her. You see... she brought up something with me earlier, and... I'm not sure how to respond." Enid made a little smile as she said, "Well... you and Megan have been close for years now. It can't be that difficult to talk about." Harmony looked down, and then said, "She... she wants us to have sex... and I'm not sure what to say to her." Enid looked surprised for a moment, but then calmly said, "Well... how do you feel?" Harmony then began to fiddle with her fingers as she kept her eyes focused on the ground while saying, "I really love Megan mom. Like... I really, really, really love her. But... the biggest thing I'm worried about is... what if we break up one day? I know it would really hurt inside if it happened... but I think it would hurt a lot more if we broke up after having a sexual relationship. But me and her have known each other a long time... but people do change when they become adults, and... Uuugh! I don't know what to do or even think!"
Enid then looked right at Harmony as she made a little smile while saying, "Well first Harmony... thank you for coming to me with this. I am so proud of you for turning to anyone for help at trying to figure this out, and I am so honored you chose me to be the one you talked to. Now with that being said... don't feel wrong for having conflicted thoughts. Choosing to have sex with anyone is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. It does have a huge impact on your feelings and emotions, and you do need to consider the consequences to your actions and if the timing is right." Harmony then sighed and said, "So... am I about to hear the part now where you tell me I should wait to have sex until I get married?" Enid looked down, sighed, and then said, "I should tell you that, and I'd prefer if you did wait... but if you didn't... know that I would never look down upon you... considering I lost my virginity when I was even younger than you.
Harmony began to have her fingers make lines in the dirt near her feet, while she said, "So... when do you now think is the right time to have sex or get married? Is it when I graduate from high school? Graduate from college? When I get a steady job? When I become a manager of a company? When I become very wealthy?" Then Enid with a look of certainty in her face said, "Harmony... if you're asking me: when is the perfect time in your life to take your relationship to the next level... that day is never going to come. Times will never be 100 percent perfect for you." Then Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "But... you and mother taught me to always aim to succeed, to never fail, to always be exceptional, to be perfect..." Then Enid interrupted Harmony as she said, "Yes, we always wanted you to aim to succeed and be your best... but no one is perfect." Harmony began to look a bit more nervous as she said, "But... I can't mess things up with Megan. I can't. I mean... we're both the top two students on the Honor Roll, the Queen and Queen of the Raven Dace... we're practically role models to our peers. I feel like if I make any mistake now... especially a mistake in my relationship with my Megan... I'll be ruining my entire reputation, my entire legacy, my entire life, and even hurt others around me."
Enid looked away for a moment... but then looked at Harmony once again while saying, "When your mother and I taught you and your sister how to face adversity while growing up, we weren't just teaching you both how to navigate through problems the world would throw at you... we were also teaching you both how to navigate through problems you would inevitably unintentionally throw at yourselves. Harmony... you're going to make mistakes sometimes... and that's okay. It's all about what you do after those mistakes that matters most. You know... your mother and I didn't let the shame of our past dictate our identities, or our love lives. I mean your mother wasn't able to tell that the first teenage boy she ever kissed was a murderous Hyde... until five seconds after... but still, she didn't let the shame of opening up her heart to the wrong person destroy herself or her self-respect she had. As for me... I was left behind by the first person I first had sex with... but I didn't let that experience destroy my ability to be open to finding someone else. The point I'm trying to make is... you may make a mistake in who you choose to be in a romantic relationship with, you may make a mistake in who you choose to marry, and you may make a mistake in who you choose to have sex with... but you have to be okay with the fact that you might mess up, and try to have a plan for what's going to happen if things do get messed up."
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Harmony sighed again, as she closed her eyes briefly and then said, "So... what do you think I should do?" Enid looked down as she said, "Well... unlike Wednesday and Tyler, or me and my first lover... you and Megan have been together a long time. That means something. But it's up to you two together to decide how slow or fast you take things." Then a worried Harmony said, "What if we take things too fast?" With a calm loving voice, Enid then said, "Then you accept the consequences to whatever you did, and do your best with whatever the situation is. And if that causes some people to look down upon you... that'll be sad... but know that me, your mother, and the rest of our family will continue to support you no matter what." Then Harmony said, "And... what happens if we take things too slow? Is there a point where me and Megan wait too long?"|
Enid looked hesitant for a moment, and then said, "Harmony... a part of me wants to keep you my pure innocent little girl forever. However... you're growing up and changing... and I know you're going to start exploring your feelings, and I know you're going to find a way to explore your sexuality whether I like it or not. Again, a part of me does really want you to delay considering taking your relationship with Megan to the next level for a very long time. However... there's something important I've never told you before, that I've always been uncertain of telling you... but I think you should know." A curious looking Harmony looked right at Enid as she said, "What is it?"
Enid kept her face turned slightly away from Harmony as she said, "Well... shortly before you and your sister were conceived... your mother and I had our first dealings with visitors from another part of the multiverse. Two girls one day appeared through a dimensional rift and literally fell into our lives. One of those two visitors was a girl who was supposed to be a potential daughter I could've had in another universe. She actually looked a lot like you (and also a little bit like your sister too), but there were still some differences. However, the other girl we met... looked just like Megan. She had a different name... but the thing is: that alternate universe daughter I met... the girl who looked a lot like you... she told me that she was in love with her best friend; essentially: Megan's doppelganger... but for her it was too late. She thought she had more time... but in the end, she didn't. Look... I'm not telling you to move fast. I want you to slow down when it comes to how your relationship progresses... but... if you had met that sort of doppelganger of yours, and asked her for advice... I know she would tell that while you shouldn't take things too fast... you shouldn't waste time either... because you never know when you might lose someone."
Harmony took a long deep breath, and then said, "Okay. Thanks mom." Enid nodded her head, and then said, "Any time. But please... be as responsible and safe as possible with any choice you make... and speaking of which... when we get back to the building, I have a bunch of items to give you just in case. I've got water based lubricants, dental dams, lots of sanitary wipes, and birth control pills to give you." A confused Harmony then said, "Wait. Megan is a girl. How is she going to get me pregnant?" Enid rolled her eyes and said, "Hey. I thought the same thing with your mother. And then she surprised me with a rare magical plant she ingested that apparently changed all the rules of human biology without telling me. Trust me. You're gonna wanna play it as safe as possible."
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That evening: Harmony was walking down a hallway in the mountain lodge while wearing a long sleeveless black dress, and had her blonde hair in braids. Suddenly though, Harmony saw Ana (still wearing her armor) carrying a small kitten with brown and white fur down the hallway. Harmony stopped, and looked confused as she said, "Ana... what is that?" Ana then casually said, "Oh. It's a small abandoned kitten I found in the woods while I was trying to do my first bounty hunter job. I waited around trying to see if the kitten had a mother or owner, but no one came. So I've decided to adopt this little guy and name him: Stormageddon the Conqueror. He'll be my apprentice and join me on all of my bounty hunter missions from now on; because if there's anything that binge watching The Mandalorian has taught me: it's that bounty hunters make the perfect care givers. So anyway, I know there's going to be a little dance going on in the party room tonight; but I'm about to head out to... Wait a minute! Hold on Harmony. Your bedroom is on the other side of the building, and you're not walking towards the party room. What are you doing over here?" Harmony began to look more nervous as she said, "Well..."
Ana then giggled as she said, "Oh, I see. You're heading to Megan's room for a fun sleepover." Harmony sighed, and then in a worried voice said, "Look. I don't need you making fun of me. I know you said that it's better if I wait until marriage to..." Then Ana interrupted Harmony and said, "Whoa! I didn't say you should wait till marriage. I said that I should. That's because I'm not sharing my body with anyone until they sign a legal document binding themselves to me; with an addendum that states if they ever cheat on me, or break up with me, or even flirt with someone else online: I get everything. It's part of my master plan to get rich. A lot of guys may be after just one thing, but I'll take advantage of their hormones to get everything. However you don't need that kind of system in place with Megan. You two are perfect for each other. Now if you excuse me; I have to give Stormageddon the Conqueror a bath, before we go on our first secret mission." Ana then walked away with her kitten, while Harmony made a little smile... and then walked over to Megan's bedroom.
Harmony stood wearing her dress as she knocked on the door to Megan's bedroom. Megan then answered the door and immediately paused as she looked at Harmony, just as Harmony paused to look at Megan. Megan's dark hair was currently in it's naturally curly state, and she was wearing red lipstick on her lips, and was also wearing a long sleeveless red dress. Megan then finally broke her pause as she said, "Oh. Hey Harmony." Harmony looked a bit nervous as she said, "Hey Megan. Um... I was hoping to see you at the party, but when you weren't there; I decided to come here and talk to you. Can I come in?" Megan nodded her head, and then Harmony stepped into the bedroom.
As Megan closed the door behind her, Harmony said, "So... I see you got dressed up still." Megan looked nervous as she said, "Yeah. I was intending to go to the party. But... after getting all my make up on... I started to feel nervous about going." Harmony sighed, and then said, "Look Megan. I just want you to know that..." Then Megan interrupted Harmony as she said, "No. Let me speak first. Harmony... I'm sorry that I tried to make you feel pressured to do something with me that you're not ready to. It's just... you mean everything to me. I mean, ever since I gave you that Valentine's Day card in kindergarten and you kissed me on the cheek... I knew you were the one. And as I've gotten older... you're still the only one for me. My feelings for you are just so strong that I just want to give everything I am to you."
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Harmony smiled as she took Megan's hand and looked into her eyes as she said, "Megan... if I've seemed nervous about us taking our relationship to the next level... it's only due to how much I love you. I don't want to make any mistake that could hurt our relationship, and I especially don't want to unintentionally do anything that hurts you. However... I believe that if we make a mistake... we'll find a way to fix things up, or simply grow from what happens together... because our love is strong... which is why... I'm ready to make love with you Megan... right here... and right now." With a look of pure joy on her face: Megan said, "You mean it?" Harmony then took out from her pocket: a corsage with white flowers, and red and pink ribbons. Harmony then attached the corsage to Megan's right wrist, and then nodded her head as she said, "I do."
Harmony and Megan then embraced one another and kissed as they immediately wrapped their arms around one another. As they kissed though, both teenage girls slowly began to move their hands down the other's body... and then up the other's dress. The two both stopped their kiss to look at the other in the eyes. Megan smiled and nodded her head. Harmony smiled and nodded back. Then... Harmony pulled off her black dress, as Megan took off her long red dress. Both teenage girls were now standing in just their underwear while smiling. The two then put their hands behind the backs, as they began to remove their undergarments. The breathing of the young women began to get faster and deeper in anticipation for what was about to happen. Then... both Harmony and Megan were completely naked before one another.
Harmony suddenly began to look a bit nervous as she said, "Do I look nice?" Megan made a big smile as she said, "Harmony... you are nothing short of perfectly beautiful. Now hold on. Let me put this beautiful corsage on a shelf, so it doesn't get damaged." Megan took off her corsage, and then crawled onto the bed and placed her corsage on a shelf over the bed. As Megan reached up: she kept her left knee on the bed, while putting her right foot on the bed three feet ahead of it. As this occurred, Harmony giggled a bit. Megan turned her head slightly to the right (to look at Harmony) as she smiled while saying, "What?" Harmony sighed as she said, "It's just... right now... you look nothing short of perfectly beautiful as well." Megan made a happy smile as she looked at Harmony.
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Harmony then eventually got onto the bed, and used some wipes she had to clean her lower regions briefly, while Megan watched. Harmony then put one closed fist below her chin, and made a sexy smile; causing Megan's heart rate to increase.  Soon Megan sat on the bed, and then Harmony sat right in front of her. The two just gazed upon the other's nude beauty for a moment... and then wrapped their arms around each other. Then in a private moment only the two young women would ever remember... they began to make love. Within moments, two teenage girls lost their virginity to one another as they began explore and pleasure one another in the deepest and most powerful way possible. What was once two souls, then became one that night.
Then once the night of passion concluded: Megan laid on top of Harmony, with Harmony's arms holding Megan close. As the two began to look at one another, suddenly both Harmony and Megan realized that tears were beginning to escape from their eyes. Megan giggled a bit as she said, "Oh great. Now I'm crying." Then a smiling Harmony said, "Well if you're crying, I'm just gonna cry more." The two teenage girls then simply laid together as they hugged one another very tightly; their chins resting on the others' shoulder. Tears continued to come from their eyes, as Megan said, "You make me so happy Harmony. I love you so much!" Harmony squeezed Megan tight, as she said, "I love you so much too. This is like a dream come true." Harmony then moved her head back a bit to look right at Megan in the eyes as she said, "Soul mates. That's you and me. We're soul mates forever. I love you Megan." A happy and content Megan then said, "I love you too Harmony. Now and forever." Then both teenage girls laid on their sides as they continued to hug one another... and eventually the two lovers fell asleep in the others' arms.
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The next morning, in her room: Enid was getting the last of her clothing on as she was talking on the phone with Wednesday. As Enid held the phone close to her, she heard Wednesday say, "I assume the students have been giving you no trouble on the weekend trip." Enid smiled as she said, "No. They've actually all been great." Then Enid heard Wednesday say, "Excellent. Then my threats I made upon them worked." Then as Enid put her socks and shoes on, she said, "So... how was Melissa's funeral yesterday?" Enid then heard Wednesday slowly say, "The event caused... emotions... to be felt. However for the most part, it was as pleasing as any other funeral. So... have our children been well?" Enid suddenly began to sound a bit nervous as she said, "Oh. Well... Ana is fine. And Harmony is... um... um..." A concerned sounding Wednesday then said, "Enid... what are you not telling me?" Enid sighed, and then said, "It's probably nothing. We'll talk about it when we get home tonight. Anyway, have fun checking in on Wenclair Fashion today. Tell all our old workers that I miss them, will you?" Then Wednesday in a cold voice say, "I won't." Then Wednesday hung up the phone.
Enid then stepped out into the hallway of the lodge she was staying at as she softly said to herself, "Okay Enid. Just calm down. Yes, Harmony had a long talk with you about potentially having sex with her girlfriend yesterday. And then you noticed Harmony leaving the party early last night. But that doesn't mean anything concrete. Despite letting her know that it was her choice, you emphasized several times how important it is to wait. Plus, she still seemed confused and uncertain last time you saw her. I'm sure when I see her this morning, she'll still be her sweet innocent confused little self that definitely did not..."
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Then suddenly Enid's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of old rock music being played on a nearby speaker. Then suddenly Harmony slid into the hallway (with her back to Enid) while wearing just a pink button down shirt, white booty shirts, and socks. Then suddenly Harmony turned around (but didn't notice Enid) and held her phone close to her face (like it was a microphone), and then began to dance around with a giant smile on her face while singing, "Just take those old records off the shelf. I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself. Today's music ain't got the same soul. I like that old time rock and roll." Then Harmony began playing air guitar while she jumped up on a couch in the hallway, as she continued to excitedly sing, "Don't try to take me to a disco. You'll never even get me out on the floor. In ten minutes I'll be late for the door. I like that old time rock and roll." Then Harmony fell down on the couch on her back while shaking her legs as she gleefully sang, "Still like that old time rock and roll. That kind of music just soothes the soul. I reminisce about the days of old; with that old time rock and roll."
As all of this occurred, Enid stood with complete shock and horror on her face. Then after a long moment of her body being frozen, Enid finally opened her mouth and said, "Oh God. You actually did it." Harmony suddenly noticed Enid, and then turned off her music and stood up as she said, "Oh. Mom. Um..." Enid stepped forward as she said, "You don't need to tell me Harmony. I know exactly what the happy morning after your first time face looks like." Harmony with a slightly cautious voice said, "Well..." Enid then interrupted Harmony as she said, "You know what... it was your body, and your choice. You're a responsible mature woman, and I trust you. Just... be safe. Anyway, I need to check on the other students now." Enid then walked away, as Harmony looked a bit nervous.
Suddenly Ana popped out from around a corner as she said, "Dude. You got off easy." Harmony jumped up for a second as she said, "Ah! Ana! Where did you come from?" Ana smirked as she said, "Just happened to be close to turning the corner right when that conversation started. Me and Stormageddon the Conqueror just got back from our mission. Check out his new look!" Then Ana held up her kitten, and showed that it was now wearing a small brown vest and a brown top hat with old style goggles on it. A confused looking Harmony then said, "You turned your new pet into a Steam Punk Kitten?" Then Ana casually said, "How else is he supposed to dress? Anyway, you should enjoy the fact that mom acted so chill about your sleepover with Megan. You're gonna have a real peaceful day... until we get home, and mother finds out you totally banged the first weekend she wasn't around."
Harmony suddenly looked nervous as she said, "Oh no. You don't think... I mean... mom was okay with it. So shouldn't mother be chill about it too?" Ana giggled as she said, "Since when is mother chill about anything!? Anyway, I'm gonna go see mom for a minute and say I'm sick." A confused looking Harmony then said, "Are you sick?" Then Ana (in a matter of fact tone) said, "Nah. I'm just gonna fake it so I can skip the activities she has planned for the class today. Once you all are gone, I am heading over to the nearby city with Stormageddon the Conqueror for our next secret mission." A still confused Harmony then said, "But... how are you gonna fake being sick to mom?" Ana smirked as she said, "Easy. You show off clammy hands. It's very non-specific and an easy symptom to pull off. You fake a stomach cramp; and when you're bent over: moaning and wailing - you lick your palms. It's a little childish and stupid... but then so is any form of high school. I know it seems wrong... but I have to go do my thing Harmony, and just have a day off. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it." Then Ana walked away, as Harmony just looked confused.
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Wednesday walked into an office where a young man in a t-shirt was sitting. Wednesday looked down at the man, and in a cold voice said, "Hello Mike." The young man: Mike, quickly stood up and said, "Hey Wednesday! Good to have you back!" Mike held out his arms, but Wednesday stepped back while showing great discomfort in her face. Wednesday then went back to having no expression on her face, as she said, "You will address me as Mrs Addams. I may have left my day to day managerial duties when my wife and I departed to begin work at Nevermore Academy. However I am still a majority share holder in this company; so you will address me with the respect that position dictates." Mike nodded his head as he said, "Yeah. Sure. But anyway, I heard you wanna take a tour and check out how the place has been since you left. So follow me, and I'll give you the grand tour."
Mike then led Wednesday into an office space where many workers (in very casual attire) were sitting in front of their computers; while several dogs sat near them. Wednesday then looked very concerned as she said, "Why are there pets with foul odors in this work space?" Mike had a big smile as he said, "Oh. Those aren't pets. They're emotional support animals. They help all our workers feel more at peace while working." Wednesday looked horrified as she said, "Workers aren't supposed to be focused on being at peace while working. They should be be working while working. If the common person feels stressed and undervalued; they can sort out their problems on their own time. In fact... why are so many seats here missing? Where are the other staff?" Then a casual sounding Mike said, "Oh. Well for many of the office staff, we let them work from home now. It lets them work more comfortably and be closer to their families." Then Wednesday with a confused face said, "So in order to improve productivity... you allow workers to be in an environment where they can more easily lounge about without any supervisors around to ensure they're being as efficient as possible... while also putting your workers as close as possible to their family members: the one set of individuals in the world that could be most distracting to them?"
Then a slightly nervous Mike said, "Well... how about we check out the new break room we have. It makes lunch time and coming to work so much more fun for our employees now." Then Mike led Wednesday into a break room, and inside Wednesday saw employees playing at multiple old style arcade game machines that were set up, along with a Ping Pong table and Air Hockey table. Wednesday began to looked mortified as she said, "You've turned this workplace into a play place!?" Mike then casually said, "Just the break room. It creates a fun environment for people to blow off steam, and it builds comradery amongst the staff. We also started a new inner-office social media platform where staff can give uplifting shout-outs to their co-workers, and also share their favorite hobbies with one another." Then Wednesday looked at Mike with anger in her eyes as she said, "Let me get this straight. Employees of the company are encouraged to play games and post on social media while on the clock; all the while they have peers not even present that get to claim they're working all day without any real supervision. How is that beneficial to the growth and efficiency of this company!?"
Mike began to back up looking nervous as he said, "But... we're just creating a positive work environment where people can be themselves." Then Wednesday stepped towards Mike with fury in her eyes as she said, "Yes, I am aware there is this modern belief that everything will be better in the world if we all just: be ourselves. However the problem with the modern workplace environment isn't that people aren't be themselves... rather, it's that they are being themselves. People are selfish, moronic, single minded, and can't stay on task when given the freedom to do things their way. They need the cold, organized, and unrelenting structure of a rigid workplace that forces them to live up to standards higher than their own. So as the majority shareholder of this company: I demand you remove the games, animals, and social media platform from this company at once; and then force everyone to come back to working in the office 40 hours a week. And if you refuse or attempt to have my shares in the company bought out - there is a clause in my contract that allows me to pull my name and endorsements from all advertisements related to any products sold from this business."
A concerned looking Mike then said, "But Mrs Addams...due to the success of your books and the TV series it spawned: that would destroy our business. Please... we've built a work environment that people enjoy now." Then Wednesday looked at Mike with disgust as she said, "People aren't meant to enjoy being at work. They're supposed to be miserable at work. So miserable that they lose any will power to find any other meaning in their pathetic lives beyond working at their jobs, and thus they'll work as hard as possible to get their work done on time so that they don't have to work late at the job they despise. But then due to their misery destroying their self-esteem: they'll lose all will power to do anything enjoyable over the weekend - and thus will be stuck in the cycle of wanting to come back to work, because this is the only pathetic existence they know. That is how you run an efficient workplace. Do I make myself clear!?"
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Near a large waterfall and lake, many teenagers from Nevermore Academy were playing in the water. As one teenage girl stood near the top of the waterfall, Enid called out and said, "Hey Emmy! I said no jumping from up there! The water down below isn't that deep and you could get hurt!" As the girl carefully walked away, Megan slowly walked over to a cooler that was near Enid. Enid then turned to get a drink from the cooler at the same time as Megan. Enid and Megan then both paused for a moment as they glanced at one another... and then Enid slowly said, "Oh, hey Megan." Megan looked a bit nervous as she said, "Hi Ms Enid. Um... I'm just getting a drink." Megan then grabbed a drink from the cooler, and began to walk away: when suddenly Enid said, "Megan, wait. I... I don't want things to be awkward between us." Megan then turned to look at Enid as she slowly said, "Well... I don't want that either."
Then Enid sighed and said, "Look. I know that for you and Harmony - your childhood was long ago. However to me... you were both were just little girls yesterday. As much as you both truly have matured so much... this advancement in your relationship sort of feels sudden to me. However... I know I need to accept you both are becoming real women now. It's just gonna take a little time. Do you understand?" Megan nodded her head and said, "Yeah." Enid smiled, as she said, "Good. But with all that being said... I'm proud that neither of you two has ever lied to me about what you both do together... and thank you choosing to love my daughter completely and unconditionally. She deserves the best... so never stop aiming to be that for her." Megan made a little smile as she said, "I will Ms Enid... and thank you."
Megan then walked over with two drinks in her hands and headed to the other side of the lake where Harmony was sitting. As Megan sat down next to her, Harmony said, "Was my mom being awkward with you?" Megan smiled as she said, "No. She's just a parent trying to be helpful... and honestly... that's more than most people have." Harmony then held Ana's hand, and the two girls kissed one another briefly. As the two looked at the lake, Harmony said, "This has become the most perfect weekend ever." Megan smiled as she said, "Yeah. This lake especially is so peaceful and nice. Too bad Ana is missing out on this. What do you think she's doing right now?" Then Harmony casually said, "Probably just wandering around town with her cat. Since she doesn't want mom to know that she left her room though, I'm sure she's laying low and not doing some big crazy stunt that could get her lots of attention."
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In the middle of a giant parade that had ten thousand people standing around watching: on top of a large float in the middle of the parade was Ana holding a microphone, as she danced around while singing, "Well shake it up baby now!" Then Ana's kitten jumped up next to her and sang, "Meow, meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana happily sang, "Twist and shout!" Then the kitten happily sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana continued to dance to her enthusiastic crowd as she sang, "Come on, come on, come, come on, baby, now!" Then Ana's kitten jumped on Ana's shoulder and loudly sang into the microphone: "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana grinned as she said, "Come on and work it on out!" Then Ana's kitten jumped up and down as it sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana moved around the float and danced some more as she sang, "Well, work it on out!" Then the kitten continued to sing, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana waved her arms around as she sang, "You know you look so good!" Then the kitten swayed it's head back and forth as it sang, "Meow, meow, meow" Then Ana swayed her head back and forth as she sang, "You know you got me goin' now." Then the kitten cutely sang, "Meow, meow, meow!" Then Ana grinned as she said, "Just like I knew you would." Then Ana and her kitten continued to dance around the float, as the ten thousand people watching began to dance with them and cheered loudly.
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In her large room at Nevermore Academy, Enid had a large table set up in the middle of the room with five chairs. As Enid was setting up food at the table, Wednesday walked in. With a big smile, Enid said, "Howdy roomie!" Enid then ran over to Wednesday and instantly kissed her. After a moment of kissing, Wednesday broke her kiss to look at Enid with a straight face as she said, "Enid... being without your presence for 53 hours and 17 minutes straight was like torture... and I'm not referring to the good kind." Enid grinned as she said, "I missed you too." Wednesday and Enid kissed again, as they wrapped their arms tight around each other. However as they did, Wednesday started to pull Enid's shirt off. However, Enid stopped Wednesday and said, "Um... maybe we should stop. The girls said they'd be here right around now, and I don't want to make anything more awkward with them." Wednesday suddenly looked concerned as she said, "More awkward? Enid... what are you not sharing with me!?"
Suddenly, Harmony and Megan walked into the room looking exhausted but happy as Harmony said, "Sorry if we came in a little late. We were a little... uh... busy." Suddenly Wednesday's eyes widened as she looked very carefully at Harmony and Megan. As Wednesday kept her eyes wide, she starred directly and intently at Harmony and Megan while saying, "Flushed faces, larger than normal smiles upon entering, untidy hair, increased sweat that is visible on your skin and yet not your wrinkled clothes..." Then an astonished Enid said, "Really!? Again!?" Then Wednesday looked at Enid with confused wide eyes as she said, "Again!?" Then Enid sighed and said, "Well... Harmony did come and talk to me for advice before it happened. I know you said you always wanted to be part of that conversation if it ever came up, but you were busy with the funeral, so I didn't call you." Harmony now began to look very nervous as she said, "Mother... are you mad at us?" Wednesday then marched over to Harmony and Megan, and glared at them both.
Then as Wednesday kept her piercing eyes focused on the two girls she said, "Did you treat the other well? Did you treat the other like they were the most important individual in your life, and afterwards: found yourself unable to even imagine yourself with another individual for the rest of your life?" Harmony nodded her head as she said "Yeah." Megan nodded her head too and said, "Yes Mrs Addams." Then Wednesday suddenly showed a calmer demeanor as she said, "Very well then. Lets prepare to have dinner then."Then suddenly Ana walked into the room with her kitten on her shoulder as she casually said, "What's up peoples!? Oh hey Harmony. You and Megan weren't killed by mother. Good for you two." Then a concerned looking Enid said, "Okay Ana. Why weren't you on the bus ride home? How did you get back to the Academy? And what have you been doing all day!?" Then Ana casually said, "Stuff. By the way. This kitten on my shoulder is Stormageddon the Conqueror. He's a member of the family now. We're gonna go wash our hands before we eat." Then Ana walked over to the nearby bathroom with her kitten, as a confused looking Enid said, "You know what... everything else is changing around here already... so I'm not gonna question anything anymore." Then as everyone began to sit at the dinner table together, Megan said, "So Mrs Addams, I saw some people roasting marshmallows around a large bonfire outside. The other students said you were the one that set up the bon fire. Where did you get all that wood?" Then Wednesday with a straight face said, "From the broken remains of ping pong and air hockey tables, along with several arcade cabinets... and many absurd dreams."
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Later that evening as the sun set: Wednesday and Enid stood outside their room at Nevermore Academy on the balcony that looked down at the school. As Enid leaned her hands on the balcony railing she said, "You know Wednesday... I'm pretty surprised at how chill you acted when you realized Harmony and Megan are now having sex." Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "Well if I remained too predictable, then you would all become complacent." Then as Enid looked out at the sky she said, "It's just... you always attempt to prepare for the worst, assume the most negative things in other people, and see so much darkness when you think about the future. In fact the only time you didn't assume anything was going to go wrong in your future was when our kids were going to be born, and when you married me; but that was probably just because you had visions of the future that showed you..." Then suddenly Enid stopped and gasped loudly. Then Enid with excitement, turned her head to look at Wednesday as she said, "You had a vision about Harmony and Megan's future, didn't you!?" Then Wednesday crossed her arms, and kept a straight face as she said, "I believed we both agreed long ago that it would not be best if I reveal any more details of our family's nearly certain destiny." Then Enid tried to calm down as she said, "Okay, okay. You're right. You're probably right."
The two remained silent for a moment... but then Wednesday turned her head to look at the sky as she said, "Try to hold back your tears at their wedding though, as you're going to greatly embarrass yourself. Also: if you offer to babysit our grandchildren any time Harmony and Megan ask, they will take total advantage of you." Then Enid suddenly started to shake and squeal in excitement while saying, "Eeeee! I'm gonna be a grandma! YAY!" Then suddenly, Ana stuck her head out from the nearby window and said, "Hey mom, mother. Me and Stormageddon the Conquer are looking for some peanut butter, a blow torch, and some active plutonium. Know where we can find any of that stuff?" A confused looking Enid then said, "No... and why do you need those things?" Then Ana casually said, "Reasons." Then Ana walked away, as a concerned looking Enid turned towards Wednesday as she said, "Have you had any visions about Ana's future?" Then with a disturbed look, Wednesday said, "Oh... you don't want to know."
-Download Link to Read All my Past Wenclair Stories in One PDF
-https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14168842/1/The-Passion-of-a-Moment-Enid-and-Wednesday-s-Family-and-Legacy (Web Link for M-rated version of my stories)
-https://archiveofourown.org/works/43420609 (alternate Web Link for M-rated version of my stories)
-https://www.wattpad.com/user/WenclairFamily (Web link for T-rated version of my stories)
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
~𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕲𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘~
HELLO THERE, DARLING! My requests are always OPEN! Feel free to spam my inbox as much as you like, there is no limit! I have a wide variety of things for you to request- from popular videogames and action-packed movie trilogies, spooky Tim Burton movies and cult classics, to the most obscure and underrated media, I've got something for everybody! Drop in a few requests, love! Tags: #pinkie speakie (random/related to fanfic/answering anons) #pink's fanfic (fanfiction tag)
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~𝓕𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒𝖘 𝓘 𝓦𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝓦𝖎𝖙𝖍:~
Movies: (Note: I have seen SO many movies, I would hit the Tumblr character limit if I listed them all. There are a lot of movies I'd write with that aren't listed here, so always feel free to ask about unlisted movies!)
•Rocky Horror Picture Show •Shock Treatment •Edward Scissorhands •Corpse Bride •Charlie and the Chocolate Factory •Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street(2007) •Beetlejuice (1988) •Nightmare Before Christmas •Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children(2016) •Dark Shadows (2012) •Alice In Wonderland(2010)+ Alice Through The Looking Glass(2016) •Les Miserables (2012) •Great Expectations (2012) •Hocus Pocus •The Lone Ranger (2013) •Maleficent •Oceans 8 •Coraline •The Addams Family (1991) + Addams Family Values (1993) •Halloween(Michael Myers) •Friday The 13th (Jason Voorhees) •The Phantom Of The Opera (2004) •Little Shop Of Horrors (1986) •Labyrinth (1986) •The Lost Boys (1987) •The Princess Bride •Psycho (1960) •Dracula (1931) •Death Becomes Her •Clue
Movie Sagas and Trilogies:
•Star Wars(Originals, prequels, sequels, The Mandalorian. Wil not write animated Star Wars.) •Harry Potter •Pirates Of The Caribbean •Lord Of The Rings
Shows and YouTube Series:
•Steven Universe •Adventure Time •Over The Garden Wall •What We Do In The Shadows •ENA •Don't Hug Me I'm Scared •Salad Fingers
•Undertale •Deltarune •Five Nights At Freddy's •SCP Containment Breach
I Will Write:
•Yandere •Angst •Fluff •ADHD •Love Triangles (Character A + Character B fighting over the Reader) •Mildly Heated Scenes (but NOT full-on smut) •Random+Obscure Headcanon Ideas •Mixing Fandoms (Example(s): Erik Destler x Reader x Dracula, Mettaton x Nightmare Animatronic!Reader) •Headcanons •Female reader (You may also request gender-neutral, but be aware that all of my writing will be aimed at the ladies.)
etc., feel free to ask questions!
I Won't Write:
✨Note:✨ I will not write about something I do not have, or something I don't have experience with, for I don't know the topic enough to do so. It's not my place to write with things I have no personal experience with.
•Disabilities (such as autism, deaf/hard of hearing, physical disabilities, ect.) •Trans Reader •Pregnancy •Smut (implied smut is fine) •Male Reader (Only Female/Gender Neutral) •As stated before, no smut, but can be implied. •Incest (Magenta & Riff Raff + Nation & Cosmo are the ONLY EXCEPTIONS. Do NOT ASK for anything beyond them, you will be blocked.) •Homophobia •Racism
etc., feel free to ask questions!
•You must give me details about your request. If there is not enough for me to go off of, then I won't write it. •You may request as many times as you wish, but do not spam one request multiple times. •Do not attempt to pressure me into writing your request. •Do not rush my writing.
Join my Discord server! We have movie nights, art prompts, places to ramble about your hyperfixations, and a ton of cool people to meet and roleplay with!:
~Love, PinkBoots
© 2024 HotPinkBoots, All Rights Reserved. Under no circumstance is anybody to copy or translate my works without my explicit permission.
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rosys-fans-fics · 4 months
First Steps: Aradin Beno x half drow! Tav
Note: it’s been a while since I’ve written fanfiction so I’m a little rusty.
AO3: First Steps: Aradin x Tav
Aradin did not know what he expected when the half-drow took the night song contract, but he knew he did not expect her to do this. She had come back to the grove with Liam draped over her back. He was barely conscious but was able to get out that he didn’t let the grove’s location slip. Aradin though Liam was as good as dead, looking at his unconscious body curled up in a sleeping back, a part of him thinks he’d be better off that way. Beyond saving Liam’s life and asking for nothing in return, the drow also retrieved some of the gear and personal items from his fallen comrades.
“It’s not much, but it will bring their family some peace,” she said. Aradin had always heard stories of Drow, cold hearted elves driven underground with their women ruling and subjugating anyone they could. But looking at her, he didn’t see anything close to those stories. At first glance, she looked like any normal half-elf with the same slightly pointed ears as Barth. But her complexion was just a tad too ashy to be normal. Almost as if she was close to death. Her hair was also another sign of her Drow heritage, it was a strange shade of white only seen on people from the under dark. The most human thing about her were her eyes. Soft, caring, and memorizing. He felt like she was staring right into his sole.
Aradin took the supplies and told his companions they’d leave as soon as Liam could travel. Before he could do much else, the half drow grabbed his arm.
“You’ll be dead if you leave the grove.” Her voice did not match the strength that she gripped his arm with. Too calm, like she had practiced saying it to everyone.
“The druids won’t like us sticking around. Better to get out now before the gobbos come back.” He tried to sound unbothered but it was difficult with her staring directly into his soul.
“We’re figuring out how to stop the ritual,” her three companions looked bored as they watched them. “Once the goblin camp is cleared, then it’ll be safe to leave.”
Aradin pulled his arm from her grasp, finding her grip all for show. “We don’t have time to wait around for you to straighten out this mess”
“The only way out is chocked with goblins, gnolls, orcs, and bugbears. We’re only alive cause I’m part drow. They won’t be as lenient to you. If you want any chance of seeing another gold piece, you’ll stay put”
The pale elf stepped up next to her, resting an arm on her shoulder, “I’d do what she says, we’d hate to wipe blood off your loot when you’re dead.” He gave a cheeky smile at his little threat.
Aradin tsked, mulling over his options. Look like a coward in front of his crew and hers or staying alive. “Fine. We’ll stay, don’t make us wait long.”
The pale elf turned away with a sing song voice saying, ‘see, it wasn’t that hard’. The wizard and cleric both looked fed up with their leader making a big fuss over him and his crew. But the drow? She gave him a soft smile that almost made Aradin forget her earlier warnings. “Thankyou,” she said before turning around to follow her companions off to their camp.
Aradin pulled himself away from staring at her retreating form to grab a drink. He sat down across from Barth and Remira, taking a long swig of the bland alcohol. The trio sat in silence for a while, each glancing over at Liam to make sure he was still there, still alive.
Remira was the first to break the silence, “she’d make a terrible sell sword. Didn’t even ask for money and gave it to us!” A large smile broke across her lips.
Barth joined in with more praise, “she also got me mum’s locked back from those brats. Thought I’d lost it forever.”
Aradin lost himself in thought about the half-drow. She was so altruistic, saving them at the gates, keeping Zevlor from attacking him, and saving Liam. She wasn’t a paladin as far as he knew. Most likely a ranger based on how she favored the bow over more close ranged weapons. He wondered why she was doing all this. Could she really afford to adventure without focusing on money? Just doing good deeds? Her companions did not seem like the type to go along with making the world a better place, but they stuck around with her.
It only took two days for her to return to the grove with Halsin in tow. The large elf didn’t seem to hold any ill will towards Aradin for leaving him to die. He’d even invited his group to stay for the party to celebrate the goblins’ defeat. Aradin almost declined until the drow caught his eyes, that sweet smile across her lips, that was all it took for him to accept.
Parties were not his thing. Not even the alcohol was enough to get him to socialize with the people there. Barth and Remira had ran off to talk to some teifling bard. Liam was healed up enough to be talking to the druids. That just left Aradin, standing off to the side, watching everyone have a good time. He was lost in thought that he didn’t realize the drow had approached him.
“Hey,” he jumped a bit but quickly composed himself, “how you enjoying the party? Worth sticking around for?” She looked up at him with such a genuine smile on her face. It had been a while sense someone looked at Aradin like that.
He took a moment to compose himself, masking it by taking a swig of the alcohol, “beats being dead. But could use better wine.”
She let out a cute giggles, “can I talk to you in private?”
That truly caught Aradin off guard, “what? Don’t want to be seen talking to me?”
She rolled her eyes, “just have a few things to discuss that I’d rather not have people eavesdropping on.”
Aradin gave her a nod and let her lead him away from the party. She took him down to the beach next to the grove. To his surprise, a white dog and owl beat cub were curled up next to each other sleeping.
“Didn’t know you brought pets with you,” Aradin was cautious not to wake to animals.
“I found them near the goblin camp. Scratch, the dog, was guarding his owner who the goblins killed and the owl bear cub was captured by the goblins after they killed his mom.” She sat down on the sand, gazing fondly at the two.
Aradin followed suit, placing himself close enough to her that they might touch without it being obvious, “you brought me out here to talk about your dog and cub?”
She shook her head but still kept looking at the duo, “I wanted to offer you some information we found on the night song,” she pulled out a small leather bound journal and opened it to a page with multiple notes scribbled down. “The night song isn’t in a Selûne temple. Whatever it is, is hidden in a Shar temple in the shadowlands.”
Aradin skimmed over the notes in her journal, they confirmed what she was saying. “So why you given this to me? I ain’t sending my crew after the night song again if that’s what worries you.”
She looked up at him, an eyebrow quirked, “while it’s not the night song, I hope Lorroakan will pay for information on its location. Especially considering he doesn’t know where it’s actually located.”
Aradin scoffed, “so you want me to be your errand boy? I ain’t-”
“I want you to take the money,” she cut him off. “Get your crew to Baldur’s Gate and get whatever the wizard is willing to pay for that information.”
That truly stunned Aradin, “what’s the catch? Drows aren’t this friendly.”
She bristled at his words. She reached up and grabbed the front of his tunic, pulling him down slightly. “I’m helping you and you insult me? Forget it you’re an ass.” She pushed him back and snatched her journal back.
“Wait, no!” She turned back to look at him, “I am… sorry. Im not used to people being nice, not without me giving something in return.” Aradin took a deep breath, steeling himself for how vulnerable he was being. “Thanks for savin’ my life, gettin Barth’s mums locket back, saving Liam and the Druid, it’s more than anyone has done for me. I don’t know what I could give you in return but thank you for all of it.”
Her face softened back to a smile, “I don’t do good things so people give me stuff. I just like helping.” She ripped the page of notes on the night song from her journal and handed to him. “All I need you to do is stay alive long enough to get some gold.”
He smiles back, in the moonlight she looked very pretty, her eyes sparkled, and Aradin’s cheeks flushed.
She began to fidget with her journal, “there is one thing I wanted to ask you to do. It’s kind of a big request but I’m willing to give you some stuff to help if you agree.”
Aradin raised a brow at her, standing up to match her gaze, “yeah? What kind of problem do you need my help with?”
“Both your crew and the Teiflings are heading to Baldur’s gate. My crew can’t accompany them so I was wondering if you would? I know you and Zevlor don’t get along but it would mean a lot if you helped them”
Aradin was disappointed that this was her request. His gut reaction was to say no, let the Teiflings fend for themselves. But her words made him second guess himself. Helping just to be nice? People don’t do that, especially for people they don’t like. Zevlor didn’t help his group when the goblins chased them back, only telling Aradin that they should have died instead of trying to live.
“Why do you do this?” Aradin asked.
“I told you I like helping?” Her brows raised.
“I mean, why do you help people that don’t like you. You’re a drow, I doubt the Teiflings or Druids were thrilled to have you running to their rescue. Hells, I was an ass to you so why are you helping me?” He gestured at himself to emphasize his point.
“I never had people want to help me when I struggled. It was just my mom and I, no one let us stay for long before running us out of town. No one wanted to help a half-drow. I don’t want to be like those people. If I can make the world just a little better, try to bring people together, maybe that wont happen to the next kid.” Her arms crossed over herself and she looked to the ground.
Aradin thought back to his own childhood. His parents weren’t around for long and he learned how to survive on the streets after they were gone. People rarely stopped to help a starving kid in Baldur’s Gate. Had he stopped to help any kids now that he was an adult? He was becoming the type of people he hated as a kid, so self focused and unable to see those struggling outside themselves.
“Fine, I’ll help get the Teiflings to Baldur’s Gate,” He finally answered. “But it Zevlor tries to punch me again, then I’m leaving him and his group behind.”
“Just don’t call him a foul blood and I think you’ll be good,” she playfully punched his arm, grinning up at him. “I have extra supplies your crew can use, some better armor and weapons.”
“You sure your crew will be fine if we take a bunch of their stuff?”
She gave him a reassuring smile, “they don’t need anything more than they can carry, they’ll understand. And thank you for agreeing to help, it means a lot and I know Zevlor and the Teiflings will appreciate it.”
“You convinced me. And thanks for the Nightsong info, I’ll get that wizard to cough up something.” Aradin reached out his hand for her to take, “would you like to stay here a little longer? You don’t get views like this in the city.”
She blushed and took his hand, “I’d like that.”
The two sat down together on the beach. The drow leaned her head against his shoulder and Aradin relaxed knowing she was feeling a similar way to him. He leaned into her, laying his head against hers. The two shared a quiet night there until they heard her crew calling out for her.
She sighed and stood up, his hand reached out to grab hers before she left, “thank you Aradin, I’ll see you in the morning.” She gave his hand a tight squeeze before walking back to camp. The owl bear cub and dog both woke up to follow her back.
Aradin waited a bit before leaving to join his own group. He found that Remira and Liam had already fallen asleep with Barth being the only one left awake.
Aradin nodded to Barth before curling up in his own sleeping bag.
“What are you doing with the drow?” Barth asked.
“Half-drow, I’ll tell you in the morning,” Aradin heard Barth chuckle before getting into his own sleeping bag.
“Whatever you say boss.”
The morning came far too quickly for Aradin’s liking and started off far too busy. From the Teiflings packing up their wagons to the druids clearing out the grove, it was all far too much. Aradin headed toward’s the other adventuring group to meet up with the Half-drow again. She created him with a big smile before pulling him over towards a traveling trunk. She pulled out some improved weapons along with armor. One of her companions stopped to chastise her about giving all their supplies away only for her to say they had more than enough.
The two set off to meet up with Aradin’s group and distribute the gear. Remira got an improved two handed bow and some bracers, Liam a sword and armor, and Barth a stronger shield.
“Oh before I forget,” she reached for her necklace and unhooked a silver pendant. “It’s enchanted to offer guidance, it will help when dealing with Zevlor.” She placed the pendant in his hand, letting her hand linger longer than necessary. With a quick squeeze she leaned forward and kissed his cheek, “good luck, I hope to see you again.” And she was off.
The feeling of her lips on his cheek lingered, he wanted to run after her and kiss her. He was knocked out of his fantasy by Barth slapping him on the shoulder.
“So you got some last night? Didn’t know Drow was your type.”
Aradin pushed Barth’s hand off him, “nothin like that happened.”
Remira laughed, “so she handed out gear for free?”
“She asked us to escort the Teiflings to Baldur’s Gate. The gear and some info on the nightsong is our payment.” Aradin explained.
Remira and Barth both looked exasperated at the thought of spending more time around the Teiflings but one look from Aradin got them heading over to the wagon train. Liam stayed besides Aradin, “so we’re helping the Teiflings out? What about what happened earlier?”
Aradin clasped Liam around the shoulder and began walking towards the wagons, “someone’s got to help them, might as well be us.”
Zevlor gave Aradin a curt nod as the two approached, “thank you for agreeing to help escort the wagons, we need all the swords we can get.”
“Don’t mention it, old man” Aradin and his crew helped load the last of the Teifling’s supplies into the wagons before pushing off to the mountain path. He looked back at the grove to try and catchable glimpse of the half drow. He saw a glimpse of her white hair before the tree line obscured her and her party. Aradin turned back to the road, he looked down at the silver pendant she had gifted him and felt the guiding energy from it.
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teejaystumbles · 11 months
Your Love Is Sunlight
A Guild Wars 2 Dreamling fanfiction
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(I wrote the Guild Wars AU I desperately wanted because I think Dream is absolutely made to be Sylvari - born from the Dream, connected to his race via their shared subconscious - it just screamed Dream to me and therefore I made two new characters in GW2 and wrote them a tiny story LOL. This is spoiler-free for Guild Wars, I tried to keep it in the early personal story and not mention major things. You don't need to know anything about Guild Wars to enjoy this, a lot of Sylvari things are actually mentioned and explained in this, anything else is not really important.)
It's a simple escort job through the Gendaran Fields to Lion's Arch but the caravan is big and a few adventurers have been hired as guards. Dream would normally not waste time with something like this, but he is expected in Lion's Arch and therefore joining the caravan is no hassle. He would be faster alone, but something about the colourful wagons and the cheerful atmosphere draws him in and he decides to tag along. The caravan is made up of a troupe of entertainers, actors and musicians, dancers and jugglers. Dream watches them laugh and tease each other with fascination. They are a mixed group, Human, Asura, Norn and even Charr, and despite their different races they seem to be getting along well. There are no Sylvari among the group and Dream is both relieved and disappointed. He had hoped to ask a sibling after their experience with these people, had hoped for new stories. But he doubts his questions would have been welcome. He looks like a member of the Nightmare Court, after all.
The group is setting up a camp for the night when Dream, lost in thought, trips over a root and stumbles into the back of a nearby human. The huge dog at the man's side immediately growls at him and Dream stumbles back as the ranger turns.
"I apologise…" Dream says and keeps a careful eye on the dog, but it goes quiet after only a click of the tongue of its master.
The man, who has a bow and sword strapped to his back, stares at Dream with a wide grin and bright eyes and eagerly takes Dream's hands into his own. "No matter! It is an honour to meet a child of the Pale Tree! Well met, friend!"
Continue reading on AO3 or below the cut!
Dream pulls his hands free and takes a hasty step back. The human's dog sniffs at his leg and he shifts uneasily. 
"Friend…?" Memories of dreams of so-called friends betraying each other fill his mind. 
Smiles and supper shared. Then stabbing him into the back when he turns.
He frowns and shakes his head to disperse them, forcing himself to speak. 
"I don't know you. We are not friends. Trust. Has to be earned."
The human stops smiling and looks at him with an almost pained expression. He brushes his shoulder-length dark hair out of his face and tugs on his earlobe. "You are right. Forgive my haste. My name is Hob Gadling. Just Hob is fine. It's a pleasure to meet you…?"
The bright smile is back in an instant. "What a wonderful name! Dream. Beautiful, just like you!"
Dream feels himself glow and shrink in on himself, his petals shivering. There is no heart in his body but he feels a heat inside his chest that makes him feel like there should be. No one has called him beautiful before. He is too pale, too dark, too broken by nightmares. His sisters and brothers shy away from him, sensing the turmoil of his dreams, the negative emotions that shaped him. If this human knew him like they know him, would he still smile at Dream in such a way?
He does not dare find out and quickly turns away, leaving the human standing with a hastily mumbled apology. He flees to the far side of the camp and lays out his bedroll. The human had looked taken aback but had not followed him. Dream is - again - both relieved and disappointed at that. He lies down and closes his eyes, willing himself to rest and sleep.
He wakes from nightmares in the middle of the night, as usual, and silently slips out of the camp towards the nearby river to watch the moon and the glowing insects until the sun rises and the first people begin to stir.
The next day is uneventful. Except for a few huge glowflies attacking them when they pass through a swampy area, nothing happens that the hired adventurers can’t handle. Dream watches the human from last night  - Hob Gadling - masterfully use both bow and sword to swiftly deal with any aggressive wildlife. Their eyes meet a few times and Hob gives him a friendly smile every time. When they make camp for the night again Dream finds himself close to the man again but feels at a loss for words. Fortunately, Hob does not seem to have any qualms to initiate another conversation.
"Have you been to Lion's Arch before, Dream?"
Dream looks up from inspecting his daggers and sees that the human is busying himself with his pack and quiver, and giving his dog a few strips of dried meat. Dream watches him scratch the dog and coo at it quietly before he finds his voice.
Hob looks back at him. "And how did you find it? I think it's too big for me. I got lost the first few times. Ended up in a cave with a dead pirate playing hide and seek, I almost died - stupid old bastard." He laughs loudly and Dream can only stare in fascination. This human is so. Happy. While telling of a life-threatening situation. It is. Confusing. And fascinating.
Hob has set down his weapons and pack and sits on a log, watching Dream with clear, amber eyes. His smile shows no sign of diminishing.
"Won't you sit with me, Dream? I've always wanted to ask a Sylvari about those dogs some of you are keeping as companions."
Dream slowly and carefully perches on the other end of the log and says: "You mean Sylvan Hounds?"
"Yes! Those!" Hob pats his dog happily and looks at Dream full of anticipation, his eyes bright and friendly. The man seems genuinely nice. Dream will stay alert but simply talking to this human…is probably not that dangerous.
Gaining someone’s trust is the first step to a successful betrayal , a well-known voice in his mind whispers. Dream has always had the suspicion that it is the voice of Cadeyrn, taunting him from the Nightmare…
"They are born just like we are. From the Pale Tree, but they're not…sapient, like us."
"They're like dogs." Hob grins and pat's his hound again. Dream nods. "Yes."
"But they're plants."
"All Sylvari are plants."
"I know, it's fascinating, isn't it? And to imagine that the eldest of you are only, what, about 30 years old?" Hob laughs and shakes his head in wonder. Dream frowns. He does not like that his race is often compared to children. Sylvari have much to learn, that is true, but they are not simple . They are simply new to this world, their history short.
"Is it true that no one knows how old you can actually get?"
Dream lifts his eyes from the forest floor and stares at Hob in bafflement. He can't help a sneer and shifts subtly away from the human.
"It is. Why does that ‘ fascinate’ you? Because we are so young to have so far never died of natural causes? Because this world kills us rather than let us live our life to the fullest?"
Dream feels himself shivering with fury. He doesn't know why he is angry. Hob's question was innocuous enough, something anyone might ask a Sylvari. Death as such is not something the Sylvari view as a terrible fate, they find it interesting and do not share the same fear of it as the other races. His elder sister is constantly researching the topic. Yet Dream feels only rage at the reminder of how many of his siblings have died for Tyria, for the fight against the Elder Dragons. He thinks of his closest siblings, born with him and shortly after him. Destiny, as close to their mother as only the Firstborn are, rarely emerging from her grove. Death, named after what fascinates her most, always wandering, never in one place for long. Despair, dead. Desire, her twin, lost to the Nightmare Court. Delirium, who sleeps and stays inside the Dream rather than face the real world. Destruction, who chose to become soundless. Himself, always courted by the Nightmare, constantly fighting against his dark side.
He thinks of them and feels sadness, and rage. How dare the other races judge them? How dare this human ask him how old a Sylvari can get, when from the moment they are born they have to struggle for survival, for sanity, for recognition as sentient beings, for the simple right to exist?
They will never treat us as anything but expendable curiosities. We have to show them what we are capable of , Cadeyrn whispers in his mind. Dream drops his head into his hands and pulls at his sapphire blue leaves. 
Shut up! Get out of my head!
Hob beside him grows tense and leans forward. When a gentle hand lands on his shoulder, Dream flinches violently and looks up with wide eyes. Hob lets go immediately when he sees his face.
"Hey," the man says, his voice quiet and careful, "are you alright? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pried. It's just," he shakes his head and pulls again at his earlobe, "I've always wanted to meet one of your kind and you looked lonely. And I thought you'd like someone to talk to."
Dream stares at him, momentarily lost for words, anger still rolling inside him. Then he jumps up from the log and snarls: “Lonely?! I am connected to the subconscious of my entire race and our mother. I am never alone . You dare make assumptions when you know nothing of my kin and I.”
He grabs his pack and stalks away, ignoring Hob’s soft plea to wait.
That night he dreams again of Despair’s death, of Desire’s subsequent descent into madness. How he begged them to stay, how they still turned from him and joined the Nightmare Court. How when he last met them, they had wrapped him in thorny vines and cooed at him to join them, licking the sap running from his throat where the thorns made him bleed.
‘Just let go, sweet Dream. Embrace your deeper urges, your violent tendencies, your love of the night. Come with me, brother. It will finally make you happy…’
Dream surges awake with a gasp and a cry, startling a nearby Asura, who looks at him first with worry, then with typical scientific curiosity. He makes haste to grab his bedroll and pack and leave their vicinity, before he becomes the subject of an Asuran study into Sylvari dreams. He finds himself drifting closer to Hob again during the day. When night falls they make camp for the last time on their journey. They will reach Lion’s Arch tomorrow and Dream will have to meet with Caithe and the other heroes of old to discuss the ongoing threat to Tyria. He might not see any of these people again, and it is that thought that lets him stay when he sees Hob coming towards him and gingerly set down his pack beside him.
Dream is no longer angry. He knows Hob is right in his assessment that Dream is lonely, despite anything he said last night. His connection to other Sylvari through the Dream is tenuous and constantly strained by nightmares, which others can sense when they meet him. He has thought about becoming soundless, like his brother Destruction, but has shied away from taking such a radical step to remove himself from the Dream. He cherishes the sense of love he gets from their mother, even if it is faint. He doesn’t think he could bear to lose it.
Hob approaches him cautiously and sits down on a tree root. He says: “I apologise for yesterday, Dream. I did not mean to offend.”
He smiles gently. "We’ll soon reach Lion’s Arch, and honestly, I could use the company, because…I realised that it is actually me who’s lonely,” he chuckles and tugs again at his earlobe.  Dream’s eyes widen at the man’s words, said softly and with a hint of sadness, but ringing true. 
“How about you ask me questions? I'd love to tell you anything you might want to know."
Dream licks his lips and blinks a few times to clear his mind. Hob's smile is making that warm place in his chest feel tender and mellow again. This human is truly...
"You are the weirdest human I have ever met." Dream says, his voice rough. His throat is as dry as old bark. Hob laughs. "You're not the first to say that! Although I really don't understand why being friendly gets you called weird in this world."
He grows solemn, the corners of his mouth turning down. "Makes you think, doesn't it?" he muses and looks down at his dog, which is happily lying beside him, head on Hob's feet. Dream watches him closely, intrigued, and takes in more details. Hob is not particularly tall or particularly broad for a human, but he is still a lot broader than Dream. The muscles of his arms and legs are well defined by his shirt and leather trousers. This man is a fighter, his fingers callused by arrows and sword, the backs of his hands littered with scars, but his face is gentle and his whole demeanour one of kindness. Dream catalogues his colours the only way Sylvari can - by comparing them to plants. Hob's hair is as dark as ebony, his skin the colour of an unpeeled almond, and his eyes are like dark apricot tree sap. He has a strong nose and a chin with a cleft and the shadow of a beard that Dream finds fascinating. Hob is handsome, for a human.
"It seems you like animals better than your fellow men." Dream states rather than asks and Hob looks back up at him quickly and gives a small chuckle.
"Well, you're not wrong. I mean, I like people, I do, but animals - they're just easier, you know? A dog will not mind if you love it too much. It will give you its life and loyalty and love and never question yours if you treat it right."
Dream cocks his head and frowns. "Do humans not...like to be loved?" *By you*, he does not say but wonders as he watches Hob pet his dog. Anyone this man loves must be the luckiest person in the world, he thinks and is glad that his skin does not blush and the encroaching darkness of the night makes his stronger glow seem like a natural occurrence. Hob absently scratches his chin and huffs a laugh. "Of course they do. I'm just... too much, it seems. For some." He clears his throat and then adds with a grin: "So please, ask away. I will annoy you long before you can annoy me."
Dream frowns again. "You... are not annoying. You are curious, but kind. I find myself grateful... for your company. Hob." 
The smile Hob levels at him is nearly blinding and Dream feels himself glow even brighter. Hob's eyes twinkle and his delight is plain on his face. "You're glowing! Is that because it's getting dark? Do you only glow at night or also when it's bright? Do you all glow in different colours?"
Dream can't help but duck his head shyly and mumble: "It's...I..."
Hob sharply sucks in a breath and lifts his hands in an apologetic gesture. "Sorry, sorry, here I go again, asking about personal things. You don't have to answer that. I just," he falters and rubs his neck again, a blush rising on his cheeks. "It looks...very beautiful."
Dream feels his glow brighten even more and this time he can see that Hob has caught it. He leans closer and looks at Dream more closely. “It got stronger. Are you…are you blushing ? Is it like a human blush, when your glow-”
“Yes!” Dream blurts out and grips the bark of the root he’s sitting on tightly, his posture growing more and more rigid. Hob stares at him with his mouth open and his eyes wide in wonder. Then he smiles again and Dream knows if he wasn’t wrapped in a cloak he would be lighting up their small corner of the camp like a torch.
“Please stop,” he begs and wraps his arms around himself, “calling me beautiful.”
Hob scoots closer to him and waits until Dream meets his eyes again.
“Why?” he asks softly, “It’s the truth. You are gorgeous, Dream. Has no one ever told you that?”
Dream feels himself start to shiver. “No,” he whispers, “I am. Not used to compliments.” He is used to frightened glances, to suspicious glares, to whispers behind his back. ’He feels off.’ ‘His eyes are like tar pits.’ ‘He’s going to join the Nightmare Court, I’m sure of it.’ ‘Look at that one, are you sure he’s no courtier? Let’s better not get too close.’
Hob puts a hand on Dream’s shaking shoulder and this time Dream doesn’t flinch away. The touch grounds him and he feels himself lean into it. Hob’s hand is warm where it touches him and suddenly Dream craves warmth. He does not need sunlight and prefers the nighttime, having been born of the Cycle of Night, but he does not enjoy being cold. Hob’s touch makes him feel like he has only ever been cold. He can’t remember when someone last touched him with kindness either.
Hob must sense how Dream relaxes because after only a moment he gently coaxes him to lean more firmly against Hob’s shoulder. Dream wants to melt into his arms and feels instantly ashamed of his reaction.
You don’t know anything about this man. Humans are violent creatures of the flesh, always hungry, don’t mistake their intentions.
Dream would give an arm and a leg if it meant being rid of that voice inside his head. He closes his eyes and whispers: “You see me like no one before has. Sometimes I think too many nightmares made their way into my being…that I am tainted beyond help. Does not my appearance prove it? There is no light in my eyes, like in those lost to the Nightmare Court…and my siblings fear me.” The words spill forth almost without his consent.
Hob hums and wraps his arm tighter around Dream’s shoulders. “Well, for what it’s worth, I think they are fools. It is clear to me that you are not evil, Dream, and I find you more than beautiful. Your eyes are like the rarest black pearls,” 
Dream feels a gentle touch on his cheek and opens his eyes to stare into Hob’s warm amber ones, 
“and you’re the most magical thing I have ever seen,” Hob murmurs softly and brushes his fingertips reverently under Dream’s eyes. Dream inhales deeply and feels his gaze drawn to Hob’s mouth. Hob notices and quirks his lips but doesn’t say anything. Dream swallows and decides to take a leap of faith.
“Earlier…I wondered. How anyone could find you…too much. I thought…I would be so lucky. To be loved by someone like you.”
Hob’s nostrils flare and his eyes widen a bit before another one of his brilliant smiles lights up his face. He leans closer and says, lips almost touching Dream’s: “You’re in luck, then. You should know…I fall in love ridiculously easily. And I can tell that loving you,” Dream feels Hob’s breath on his lips and lets his eyes drop closed again, “will be no hardship at all. My Dream.”
Their lips meet and Dream sighs happily into the kiss, feeling Hob’s warmth radiate from his mouth and hands on his shoulders. Hob pulls back after only a moment but strokes Dream’s cheeks gently and gives him another smile that makes Dream feel like the sun has risen again. Still, he cannot help but give voice to his insecurities:
“Please. Hob. Be honest. Do you…fall out of love just as easily?”
Hob lets out a startled laugh and brushes a sapphire leaf out of Dream’s face. “Didn’t I tell you? I usually am told that I’m too much. Once I latch onto someone, it’s hard to get rid of me.”
He brushes his mouth against Dream’s glowing cheek and adds, more softly: “I’m like a dog, Dream. Treat me kindly and let me love you…and I will stay with you forever.”
Dream gasps and turns his face towards Hob’s. His hands come up to touch his cleft chin in awe and feel his stubble, trace the contours of his face and feel the silky texture of his hair. “You are a wonder, Hob Gadling.”
Hob blushes and laughs again and leans in to kiss him again, something Dream is only too happy to grant. He pulls Hob closer and down onto the mossy forest floor, so he can finally have Hob’s warm body cover his lengthwise. They trade kisses and gentle touches, marvelling at the other in the glow of Dream’s bioluminescence. After a while Hob suddenly hums in thought and a tiny frown appears on his forehead as he seems to contemplate something.
"Dreams and nightmares…I’ve heard your mother only puts special memories into the Dream, right? Significant ones?"
Dream nods and shuffles closer into Hob’s embrace.
"Ones with impact, that create significant feelings, good or bad, have a higher chance to resonate with her, and thus within the Dream, yes."
Hob grins and caresses Dream’s back and sides with his broad palms. Dream relishes the heat coming off his hands and body and sighs again happily. He wants to feel them against his skin, but there will be time for that later, he hopes. 
Hob says: "Let me give you a memory to stick, then. Let me give you a thousand . Your mother shall know my love for you and feel proud. I want her to know the depth of my gratitude for having given life to you, my Dream."
Dream pulls back to properly look into Hob’s face. He feels himself smile in what feels like the first time since his sister died.
"Very well. May my memories of you shine so brightly that they vanquish a thousand nightmares the Court has created, Hob Gadling. May your radiant smile live in the Dream as eternal inspiration and delight for our mother and all unborn Sylvari."
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mooosicaldreamz · 2 months
Hey Cassie. It's me. Your old friend Angie here from like ??? 10 years ago. Did you KNOW that the faberry to bechloe to power rangers to mean girls pipeline is powerful and strong??? You too could write content for a bitch named Regina George who SUFFERS deliciously. Sure you could write supercorp or amerikate or whomever you like but if you feel like taking a break to look at Regina George, world's bitchiest lesbian, then I would of course rejoice 🫡 hope you are well
i started writing a mean girls fanfiction the night i returned from the theatre.....so
just working on six billion other things at one time UNFORTUNATELy
not sure regina is really suffering in my plot but she is gonna get laid so
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sorakazeno · 25 days
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Nominated by @iwrestledavongonce
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2 Full stories and 14 shorts for writing events for a total of 16.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
765,503 but it is going to go up around 15,000 tomorrow with a new chapter ^_^
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Sailor Moon. In the past I also wrote Slayers, Gundam Wing, and Power Rangers. Started a Inu Yasha one but I'm not sure what happened to the first chapter and meh. I don't even remember what it was going to be about.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Chaos Theory
Let Them Wait
Our Last Night
Dating a Teen Idol
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love interacting with readers. I have made some truly wonderful friendships this way.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Is This the End? Is currently posted. I am currently working on Act 71 of Chaos Theory.... the act where Seiya and Usagi have a really nasty fight. That one will win out when it is posted at the end of June.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Runaway Date. I had so much fun writing a short silly fic featuring Minako and Yaten.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. The story is tagged Mamoru/Usagi and Usagi/Seiya. Some of the MamoUsa die hard shippers are umm.... passionate about their ship and will not accept anything else. If a story features both typically one will win out. Then there are the random ones on FF.net.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. I have a hard enough time trying to writing any scene that is remotely steamy. So much editing to get to what it looks like by the time it is posted.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have never done a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. I have contacted FF.net multiple times and have never received a response. A person stole my first ever fan fic I posted on A Sailor Moon Romance and changed the name to their own. They posted part of the story. The posting stopped right around the time ASR crashed. I still have the original that I wrote when I was 13. It is staying on my computer and will not see the light of day. It is so bad with so many mistakes. However, I do like the re-write of it, Rebirth.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I received a request earlier this year to translate Rebirth into Russian. One chapter was posted on a Russian fanfiction site and then it disappeared. I don't know what happened.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sorta? When I was in high school. SailorStars Awakening. I floated an idea to a friend what would it be like if Usagi was consumed by Chaos? It started as one idea and the co-author kind of took it and ran with it. Decades later we have Chaos Theory, how I originally pictured the concept.
Then there is the What if the Starlights Appeared in the R Season of Sailor Moon fic on FF.net. I have debated about re-writing that one but I realllly like the world I've built with Chaos Theory.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Is it shocking to read Sei/Usa for the 90s anime?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I finish all the fics I post on-line. Might take years or decades, but it will have an ending!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I used to hate battle scenes but over the years I feel like I've gotten a lot better writing them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The steamy scenes... so I'm trying to work on them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Hinted at in this story at best. I don't mind seeing dialogue in other languages. Google Translate!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
When I was ten I wrote a Power Rangers story but didn't know it was called fan fiction at the time. First story I wrote that knew it was fan fiction was the stolen Sailor Moon one mentioned above.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Chaos Theory. I keep coming back to the story even though I think I'm done because I realize I have more I want to write.
Other amazing writers: @kaleidodreams, @chemicalfairyx, @speak-mnemosyne1
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ask-zaukodar · 8 months
So I've been playing Neverwinter Nights 2, because as previously stated I really enjoyed the Crossroads Keep portion of the game in particular and I wish more CRPGs had a player stronghold you could improve over time.
But this time around I've been paying more attention to the narrative and not just focusing on the crunch. And y'all know something? Shandra Jerro is the best NPC/plot device/mandatory companion ever.
Poor down-on-her-luck farm girl, who lost her crops and her house and then got kidnapped, then gets rescued and adopted into the party and trained to be a very decent fighter, all the while knowing *exactly* how to handle other members of the party. Even Bishop, the rat bastard ranger, gets a soft spot for her in his own way.
And then in Act 3 she's gone. Forever. No way to save her.
I'm normally not one to write fanfiction, largely because my neurodivergent monkey brain doesn't know how to hold attention that long, but she 100% deserves to have a happier ending than the devs gave her, or at the very least deserves to be happier with her time in the party.
Also I'm 100% convinced she's bisexual and would have flirted with my female PC if game devs from 2007 weren't such cowards.
Anyway, this one's for Shandra Jerro. You were too good for this world.
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dreamsinmoonlight · 3 months
Helloooooo! For a brand new blog I decided an introduction is in order.
Name's Rei and I am an undisclosed age. It is is somewhere between 21 and 100. I'll leave it up to your imagination what is it.
I write a variety of things, mostly bits and pieces of fanfiction for a lot of different fandoms. It would take a while to list them all so here's a list of a few:
-Phantom of the Opera
-Criminal Minds
-Power Rangers
-Doctor Who
-Descendants (The Disney thing)
-Hazbin Hotel
And as I said more. I love to write and explore ideas. I also looooove getting feedback, even just a like makes me giggle. I'm honestly just a shy little dragon, I can seem antisocial but I'm just full to the brim with anxiety and honestly I want to make friends and enjoy writing and sharing what's in my brain with others.
If you wanna request anything I can't guarantee I'll have the ability to create it but I'll try my best. I do x readers as well as more in-depth fanfictions (see Cinnamon, Chamomile, Old Books and Angel of the Night for more details). AUs, what ifs, fix-its, time travel shenanigans, all sorts of ratings, I'm not picky, bring it on!~
Anyho, um, I can't think of more so um I guess that's all? Hopefully you won't be disappointed in me~ until next time, as I say on AO3 (modified for Tumblr), remember: likes/reblogs are love, comments/replies are appreciated and don't forget to feed your writers cuz we die of loneliness otherwise~
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skyland2703 · 1 year
What Javelia fics do you recommend? A variety of wholesome and naughty 😉
Now this is a topic I have ✨expertise✨ in. But sure as heck I’m gonna include ANGST, FLOOF, SMUT AND a shit ton of hurt/comfort!!
Do I start this list with my own fic? Heck yes because this one’s literally an epic; angst filled, fluffy, and whatnot~
One of the best series I’ve seen with them, is a “all the hints Dino Fury dropped about Javelia” sort of thing,
And my personal favorite from this series is Fever Dreamers but I’d 100% recommend checking out the entire series.
Another one that absolutely owns my heart is this
Do I like sickfics? Yes. And here’s some of the best best BEST:
Somewhat twin to this, though much darker, by the same author, we have the 'High Ground' situation, just as heartwrenching </3333 (the hurt/comfort is HUGE here!!!)
Another couple of twin fics that do not pop up in the Javi/Amelia Tag because they’re in the Javi & Amelia tag, but I think fit the bill here are these: I ADORE these two fics, the littlest details just tug at the heart strings 💖
This one’s a canon fix it AND I LOVE IT TO DEATH AAAAAIIIIIII
Wattpad is Notorious for having bad FanFiction, but there’s a good collection of Javelia on there, and this would be my #1 pick if you had to go on there. Still incomplete, but aiiiiiiiiii Q_Q
They have SO MUCH hurt/comfort fics it’s making me go :3 here’s another one that’s set in cosmic + SOULMATE AU
And tumblr won't let me add proper links anymore, so here we have these PURE FLOOF fics, fluff fluffy floofy floof:
Night Go Slow enjoying the breeze Blanket Nights The Squishmallows (Plushie fic) Black Ink//Pink Sheets (Love Letters) Shut Down the City Lights What Am I, If Not Yours? (Wedding Fic) JavElia's One Shots (Oneshots collection :3 FLOOFIEST SHEET)
And some more hurt/comfort ANGST
A Toxic Relationship Is Never A Good Relationship Dwelling In My Past  Truth Behind the Lies Afterlife  draggle tailed guttersnipes Can't Promise Not to Cry I Need You to Stay  Silent Broken Hearts  And what do you make of THAT 
And smut, lastly, smut, smut, smut
a rolling stone gathers no moss  there's gold in the water see if we can hold on a little longer  And this series with hhhhh 8-9 more smut fics???? Aaaiiiii pick yours~
Final observation: I am not capable of giving an unbiased opinion—they have. way. wayyyy too much Hurt/Comfort fics Q_Q I LOVE MY BABIES I LOVE HOW MUCH EVERYONE LOVES BREAKING THEM DOWN SO THEY CAN PICK EACH OTHER UUUPPPPPPP—
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Cordell Fanfiction Masterlist
This is going to be a long one guys. A collection of fics that have Cordell Walker as a main/major character. I've split them up into Series and Stand Alone stories.
Walker OT3- A collection of stories exploring the beginnings and relationship of Trickidell
Walkercest of the Cordaugust Variety- A collection of stories exploring the Cordell/August ship. Loose relation to canon
Walkernatural- A series exploring the clash of Supernatural and Walker in which Cordell is Sam's long-lost twin brother.
Dog Tags Verse- A collection of stories exploring an alternate universe where Cordell Walker and Trey Barnett met as soldiers on opposing sides of a war
Henry Winchester 'Verse- An AU of Walkernatural in which Cordell and Sam grew up as Winchester twins
A Rose By Any Other Name- An AU in which, rather than dying, Emily is exposed as a serial killer and the Walker family is turned upside down.
Crime Family Walker- An AU in which the Walkers are a crime family that run Austin with an iron fist
The Little Things- A supernatural crossover where the Walkers adopt a hunter's daughter
Sam and Dean Walker- Supernatural/Walker crossover AU in which John leaves Sam and Dean with Cordell and Emily after Mary dies
Stand-Alone Stories:
This is Probably A Bad Idea But....- Texas Ranger Cordell Walker can't seem to crack this case. He gets some unwanted assistance in the form of the eccentric Malcolm Bright
New Boy- Cordell Walker meets a man named Dean Winchester at a bar. Before the night is over, his life has changed forever. But will it be for better, or worse?
Camping 101- You know that infamous 2017 camping trip that August insisted required double-checking all the supplies on the list for because they left the tent at home that year? Yeah. This is that.
It Wasn't Supposed to be You- Death was inevitable. Cordell was only well too aware of it in his line of work. Death was also unpredictable. He always forgot that part.
Don't Cry- One day they would understand. At the very least, they might find it in their hearts to forgive.
Family Matters- He froze at the end of the entryway. It was her. It had been fifteen years since he last saw her, but he'd recognize her anywhere. He never thought he'd see her again. But there she was, standing on his front porch. Smiling at him like she hadn't abandoned him and their kids all those years ago. "...Emily?"
A Killer By Any Other Name- Cordell Walker is accused of twelve counts of first degree murder due to some damning evidence. Problem is, he didn't do it. Liam is determined to prove this so he calls on an old friend, Malcolm Bright, for some help. Meanwhile, Sam Winchester hears of the case and it doesn't take him long to figure out Waker has been pinned for one of their hunts. He can't sit by and watch an innocent man go to jail so he resolves to help in any way he can.
Just To Be Sure.....- Sam and Dean roll into Austin for a case and come across a (scarily) familiar face.
Secrets and Lies- It's amazing what a little lack of self-control can lead too….
"Duke" is a Dog's Name- The reader's family ranch has eneters some tough times and she enters the rodeo in the hopes of earning some extra funds to keep things going. While she's there, she meets an interesting character who calls himself Duke Culpepper. Little does she know that nothing will ever be the same after she meets the tall man with cheap aftershave.
Things They Never Show Onscreen- Just a little thing I wrote because they never show hospital scenes in shows like this and I needed a fix :)
The Long Road Home- Cordell Walker, Texas Ranger, was undercover for 11 months. He went dark for several of them. When he finally came back online, he wasn't the same man he was when he left. What happened and how will he recover? An alternate universe exploration of Walker coming home.
Don't Get (A)Head of Yourself- Cordell and Emily are taking a couples camping trip. Things don't go exactly to plan.
Cry For Help- Cordell knows something is off about how his wife died but he's not quite sure why. He turns to the internet in his time of need and finds an unexpected source of help.
Grass is Greener on the Other Side- An exploration of what might’ve happened if Cordell hadn’t listen to Liam during 2 x 04 (It’s Not What You Think).
It's Probably Nothing- “Listen, I don’t know who you are. I don’t know who Sammy is or why he left you but I’m not him.”///“Don’t worry, Sammy. I don’t know what happened to you but I’ll get you fixed up. You just need to remember me, that’s all. It’ll be okay. Dean's here now.”
Missed You- After a long day, Cordell gets a much-needed phone call from an old friend.
Here For You- It's not until late at night when Cordell has a chance to really process what happened that day. He's handling as well as can be expected. Micki's there to lend an ear.
A Series of Fortunate Events- A collection of alternative endings/events for 2x12
A Difference of Environment- Cordell Walker is undercover, not just as Duke Culpepper, but as an Omega. When his secrets are revealed, he's surprised to find acceptance rather than rejection. And maybe he finds a little something else….
One Last Checkup- Cordell knows what his kids went through today and he decides to check up on them before he goes to bed.
Going Home- Cordell Walker has been held captive for a long time. Now, he plans to escape. Or, a sort of speculative piece on how Cordell might escape the ones that captured him in the season 2 finale
In Another Life- What if Cordell Walker had told Twyla Jean the truth about his undercover mission before the last bank job?
Desperate Measures- What if August had been taken instead of Liam? A little exploration on how he might have handled that.
Groundhog Day is Just a Movie- In which Cordell finds himself stuck in a time loop
Hiding in Plain Sight- 15 years after Cordell ran away from home, he returns to Austin with his wife and new life. He just wants to live his life without worrying about what he left behind. Unfortunately, he moved in right next door to his little brother.
Basic Instinct- In which Cordell storms down to Desert Speed Wars to pick up his kids and his car. Shannon and her buddies have varied responses.
We Just Need to Talk- Liam has a nightmare about his time in captivity and goes looking for comfort. After witnessing Cordell have a nightmare too, he decides enough is enough. They don’t have to talk about what happened, but they are going to engage in some brotherly cuddles and at least acknowledge that there’s a problem.
Worst Kept Secrets- James is worried about Cordell and talks to Micki. Micki tries to talk to Cordell.
The Smell of Fear- Alpha!Cordell has an extreme reaction to seeing his omega brother in cuffs and bruised. He goes feral, kills a few guys with his bare hands, the usual. When rescue finally arrives, he’s still in feral mode and won't let the rescue team near them, so Cassie has to go in and try to cool him off. Eventually, they tranquilize him and keep him under until the feral has worn off.
Paradigm Shift- But there was one more thing Liam needed to get off his chest. He just wasn’t sure he had the guts to do it.
Under Duress- In the cage, Liam was unwillingly turned into an Omega via special pills that were outlawed decades ago. When he goes into heat, Cordell fears for his life and does what he thinks is necessary.
When It All Comes Crashing Down- The Walker family's initial reactions to Abby's collapse
A Special Dinner- Cordell is making a special dinner for his and Emily's anniversary. If only she was coming…..
Behind Closed Doors- AU in which Emily groomed August and no one was the wiser, least of all Cordell. Cordell has to process what his wife did to his son under his nose and August has to accept what happened to him.
How We Get Here- In which Cassie figures out Cordell sent her on a wild goose chase and tracks the GPS on the impound vehicle to find him. She's not exactly happy to see him but they have bigger fish to fry at the moment.
Sweet Child of Mine- When Liam asks to go to the hospital for a checkup, Cordell agrees because he feels Off as well. Little does he know how serious his condition really is.
Parallels- Cordell Walker is finally home after being released by the FBI. His whole family is worried about him but he's a little more worried about August
Under Fire- Cassie and Cordell go down together in the line of duty and get a little too close to death for comfort. Here’s how everyone deals with it
Haunting Melodies- While working late at the Side Step, Cordell meets a lovely young woman named Lucia. They hit it off really well, but Cordell seems to be the only one who sees her.
Confidential Details- Julia is in town for a job. Cordell has some information that would be helpful. If only he could share….
Uninvited Guest- “Oh look who's girlfriend showed up to the crime scene before any other journalist did. Again.”
Wait For Me- Julia's work takes her all over the world at a moments' notice. Cordell just wishes he would have a little more heads' up.
Taking Breaks is Important- Julia is stressing over planning their honeymoon. Cordell uses creative methods to get her to take a break.
About A Boy- In which Cordell decided to be the older brother Kevin lost to the war
Daddy's Girl- Sometimes Cordell wonders if Sadie can suck cock as good as her dad used to
Unexpected- Cordell learns some new things during family movie night
Like a Phoenix, We Rise- Cordell and Hoyt have lived impossibly long lives over and over again. Cordell starts to get bored by the same old pattern and tries to live at least one lifetime with meaning. This ends up with him becoming a part of the Walker family, starting with Abigail in Independence all the way through Abeline and Bonham in modern day Austin. He knew falling in love was risky. He knew having kids was risky. He just wishes he knew how to make it all work after he lost the person that made it all worth it.
It'll Be Okay- Because there's no way that little trailer got pelted with bullets and the only thing that got hit was Cordell's hat
Devil on Your Shoulder- AU in which Hoyt was around during 1x18 and plays the devil on Cordell's shoulder
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lola-andheruniverse · 6 months
AU Thursday - Caryl Fanfiction Rec
Hello, my dears! Today I have a little recs' package for you: all the TWD/Pacific Rim crossovers AUs written by @rhinozilla. There's no need to know any Pacific Rim lore to understand how our beloved characters fit on this particular universe and, oh, they fit so well. Our author did a great job in portraying science fiction with a very poetic narrative that exudes caryl. I hope you guys like these little gems. Please remember to let them know that you enjoyed their work, okay? Dear fellow caryler, I recommend that you read them in the following order but go as you wish: 1. Catch My Drift [9 Lives] Summary: Pacific Rim AU. Ranger Carol Peletier discusses changes to her Jaeger with maintenance worker Daryl. Published: July 07, 2014 - ONE SHOT 2. Under the Shatterdome [9 Lives] Summary: Pacific Rim AU through one-word prompts on Tumblr. Set after "Catch My Drift." Carol is a Jaeger pilot of the Delta Rose. Daryl is a maintenance worker stuck in the shadow of his Jaeger pilot brother Merle. The war is raging on, but the cracks are starting to show. When you're fighting Kaiju, you have a whole team supporting you. Outside of the Jaeger, battles are harder to face alone. Published: December 27, 2014 - WIP (7 chapters of?) 3. First Date [9 Lives] Summary: Prompt from Tumblr: date night. Pacific Rim AU set sometime after "Catch My Drift." Dedicated to fairiesmasquerade, who recently joined in on the magnificence that is Pacific Rim. Published: September 30, 2014 - ONE SHOT 4. Neural Handshake [9 Lives] Summary: Pacific Rim AU. Carol Peletier and Daryl Dixon attempt to drift together for the first time. Published: September 17, 2014 - ONE SHOT
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myocsfanfictions · 2 years
The Wolf, the Stag and the Snake (Book 1)
A Song of Ice and Fire Fanfiction
This fanfiction is about three girls who lives in Westeros and how their lives changed when the War began. Follow Antea Stark, Cassandra Baratheon and Cyel Sand in their adventures. There is more you have just to wait and see. This fanfiction follows only the books.
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Chapter 25
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“Are we sure they were Benjen’s men?” Wylliana asked as a party of five Keeper of the Light walked in the snow. Cassie, Wylly, Rose, Derya and Luna had been out there for good four hours, waiting for the party of Night Watchmen with dogs before starting to explore far more deeper those abandoned lands.
“Othor and Jafer Flowers” Cassandra answered kneeling down to look for traces.
“Probably wildlings attacked them” Derya said as the wind moved her blond hair, but Rose shook her head.
“It cannot be” she said “Wildlings had never done such thing to bodies.”
“And they never got that close” Luna muttered looking back at the Wall, still visible from where they were.
“What are your thoughts, princess?” Derya said “On this matter.”
Cassandra never took away her gaze from the ground, irritated that she was not able to spot any sign, any movement. Any track. She was better than that, she knew.
“I just want to find Benjen.” she said before letting out a growl “I cannot see anything!”
“The party shouldn’t be that far away from here” Rose said walking closer “We are going to find them.” 
It’s how they would have found them that got Cassandra worried. She was supposed to be with Ben, that was how she had always thought it would have been. She was not afraid of death, but loosing Ben, not even knowing where he was, it was not how she had pictured it. They had always gone together beyond the Wall; since after her first mission. Ben was the person she trusted the most, the person that had always took care of her. If he had died, she should have had died with him.
Suddenly a noice made them all turn with their weapons in hand, only to see Ghost coming out of the woods. The red eyes of the direwolf fixed on her before he trotted towards Cassie and nuzzle his snout against her leg giving her some kind of comforting feeling, before the party appeared in front of them. Silently the five Keepers nodded at the Lord Commander and the Matriarch, before following Ghost into the woods, until he led them in a clear, where unnatural black bodies where resting on the ground. 
“Such a good boy” Cassie caressed Ghost’s head that looked up at her with proud eyes “Able too lead us where the hounds couldn’t.” then the direwolf moved his tail happily as Jon approached to stop next to Cassie.
“Only Ghost was able to find them.” Cassie said to him.
“That worries you?” Jon asked making the girl looking up towards him. They were trained since young age to be able to find anyone. There was something strange, the Wildlings weren’t that neat with their traces.
“I cannot look” Sam’s voice got their attention. He was so pale that he seemed made of snow.
“You have to look” Jon said trying to not get the attention of someone else “You are here as Maester Aemon’s eyes? What good are them, if they are shut?” 
Sam didn’t seem to gain any courage “I’m such a coward Jon...”
“You’re a man of the Watch, Sam” Cassie said looking at the bodies not far away from her “They are the first, but they won’t be the last bodies that you will see.” she could promise that to him.
“Besides there are a dozen of Rangers and Keepers, Ghost and the hounds” Jon said trying to give his friends more courage “You’ll be safe, I promise.” 
As Jon pushed Sam a little, observing his friend so that he was sure he would not run away, he spoke.
“They are my uncle’s men” he muttered, before shooking his head “Not so long ago, I follishly thought I was ready to go with him. To follow him through the North, but I know I would have probably be one of them by now.”
Cassie took a breath as the sight of Jon Snow laying on the grownd, appeared in her head. And that thought made her shiver. Dead on the ground, dead like Aesteria. Could Jon share the same faith with Aesteria.
“Do we still mount watches?” the voice of the Lord Commander made her turn and the Ranger, Ser Jaremy with his Keeper companion, Vesna looed at each other. They were in charge of the watches beyond the Wall.
“We do, my lord, but...” Ser Jeremy tried to say but the Lord Commander interrupted him.
“This man has a hunting horn” he said pointing at what was left of Othor “I supposed he must have blown it before passing. Are all of yours rangers and keeper got deaf or blind?”
That seemed to have angered Ser Jeremy and Vesna.
“No horne was blown, my lords” Vesna said with strong voice.
“Besides we have only few men” Ser Jaremy argued “And after Benjen Stark desappeared, we cannot afford to go far away from the Wall, by your own command.”
“Then tell me how they died” the Old Bear almost commanded. 
Cassie observed the bodies, they were so white and their eyes were open; their iris as blue as clear summer skies. Axes semeed to have been used against them.
“Wildlings, my lord” but those words didn’t eased Cassie’s mind, too neat of a work, too good at hiding their passage. And she head the Lord Commander be unsure as well. But if no wildling, then what sort of beast could do such thing to a man?
“The Others” Jon muttered from next to her, making her blood run cold inside her veins.
“What did you just said?” asked Cassie in a mutter with wide eyes, not him too. It could not be. It was not possible.
Jon shook his head “Just foolish thoughts, don’t mind my words.”
“It had been almost half of a year since Benjen disappereance, there had been no sign of him or his party” Ser Jaramy words caught Jon’s curiosity as Cassie could not help but feel that strange feeling that had hunted her since when she came back to the Wall. Since Hydi’s words. 
But how could she believe it? Those were just children’s songs. She was a Baratheon, a woman, a Keeper of the Light... 
You are like a legend come alive niece, he uncle Tyrion’s words echoed in her mind as she looked around to look at the other women. A legend... the last testimony of the ancient magic that ruled those lands before the disappearence of the Children of the Forest. If they were still there, why not other creatures?
“These corpes are fresh, these men cannot have been dead for more than a day...”
“No” Sam’s voice brought Cassie back to reality as they all turned to the guy, that seemed surprised by his own voice.
“We did not ask for your words, boy” Rykker said with a cold tone, glaring at the boy.
“Let him speak, ser” Jon spoke. Cassie looked at him, before turning to the Lord Commander, noticing how his eyes moved from Jon Snow, to Sam and back. And what he said next surprised Cassie.
“If the lad had something to say, we’ll hear him out.” Mormont said and Lady Eloyse nodded from next to him.
“Move closer, Samwell” she spoke gesturing him to walk towards them.
As Sam moved, Cassie could not help but think about the look on Mormont’s face as he looked at Jon. He trusted him and his judgment, there was no mistake in that. 
“The... the blood, my lords” Sam spoke timidly pointing at the corpses, trying his best not to look at them “You can see... where Ghost... Jon’s direwolf tore off that man’s hand... there’s no blood.” Cassie frowned as she turned her head, she hadn’t noticed that. Derya seemed interested as well, because she walked towards the bodies, kneeling near them, observing closely.
“No blood” she said looking at the Mathriarch “Not at all.”
“In a fresh kill” Sam kept say “The blood... would flow out, but these men... their flesh is all crusty... dry even...”
Wylly was next to Lady Eloyse, listen carefully at Sam’s words before she spoke out of curiosity “There’s no smell though” she said “If they’d be out here for so long...”
“They... they are not rotting, my lords” Sam explained more and Derya nodded her head as she touched the bodies.
“The lad is right, for someone that lookes like he could faint at any second, he took a good look at these corpses” she said almost impressed “no wormsn or maggots, no animal ate them, well except for the little beast over there” Cassie looked down at Ghost next to Jon’s leg.
“Ghost is different” Jon said in a soft tone, before turning towards the hounds “He is the only one that got closer, the dogs and the horses don’t go near them.” 
A shiver ran down Cassandra’s back. That was not normal. None of that was. They were corpses, hounds were supposed to find corpses, why only a direwolf could find them?
She looked at Ghost. Another legend come alive...
“And...” Sam kept saying “There’s no... blood around them... With all those wounds, terrible wounds... there should be blood all over.” 
Cassie took a breath and went closer to the bodies, walking all around them, trying to find some reasonable trace. There should have been. There must have been some kind of explenation.
“Maybe they didn’t die here” the ranger Dywen said, but Cassie shook her head as she knelt down touching the ground.
“There is no sign of dragging, my lords” she said “Nor footsteps...” then she turened to the corpses. How did they die? How did they come this close to the Wall?
“Did Othor have blue eyes?” Derya asked with a frown, but Dywen shook his head.
“No, neither did Flowers.”
Everyone was confused and worried about what must have happened to those man, there was no explenation, no reasonable cause, and that was not liked by anyone. At the end they decided to take the bodies and bring them back at the wall. Mormont and Lady Eloyse wanted for Maester Aemon to study their wounds.
As they were arranging the bodies to the carriage, Jon moved closer to Cassie that was still inspecting the ground. 
“What are your thoughts on this?” he asked kneeling next to her. 
“I have no thought, Jon” she said in honesty turning towards him “I’ve never seen something like this. That... that is not... what happens to corpses.” Jon observed her in silence, matching her same look; confused and worried. There was no explenation, nothing that made sense. And the only thing that did, it was not possible. Those were stories, songs. They were surely missing something.
The ride back to the Wall was silent. Cassie rode with the Keepers as she looked at Jon who followed the Lord Commander on the front, as his steward that was his place, as Wylly was doing with Lady Eloyse. But the silent ride didn’t ease Cassandra’s mind, nothing made sense. She thought about many different possibilities, but none of them seemed right or logical for what they had witnessed. She wondered what had happened to them, she wondered what had happened to Benjen, but her heart felt heavy and she knew that something was wrong.
That feeling didn’t leave her even when she step in the yard of Castle Black; as she dismounted from her black mount, she could feel the gazes of Allyser Thorne and Donal Noye on her. What were they looking at?
“Cassandra” Lady Vyva’s voice made her turn “I need to share words with you.” 
Cassie observed the woman, with a strange, almost sad expression on her face, and she shared a look with Rose, that wore the same confused frown as she did.
“Follow me, Cassandra.” Lady Vyva said. So Cassie turned to leave her horse to Rose, sharing a confused look, before she started to follow the woman. As she climbed up the stairs, she felt many eyes on her, too many. There was something wrong. Something must have happened. And at that thought she stopped on the stairs.
“Is it about the King?” she asked, making lady Vyva turn to her.
“I think is it better if we speak privately” But Cassie’s didn’t move.
“Is he dead?” she asked and she didn’t need the woman’s words to know. The King was dead. Robert Baratheon had left that world, wounded during a hunt. She wondered if he was proud of himself for that. If it was how he had pictured it. She wondered if he had laughed, or if he drank until the last moment.
“Did the Queen wrote some words to me?” Cassie asked.
“Cassandra...” lady Vyva had such sorrow in her face that made Cassie chuckle.
“She didn’t” Cassie said knowing her mother too well “So these are words of the Capital you want to speak about... don’t mind.” she took a breath “Gratitude, to have informed me of the King’s death. We will share the sorrow of the entire realm. My prayes are with the Royal Family.”
And with that she turned her back and walked down the stairs. She didn’t need any words of compassion. From anyone, not even from her family. Cassandra saw no point of private discussion, she knew he would have died. But what she didn’t like was the gaze of the people all around her, what did they have to look at? 
The King was dead, he had an heir. No one cared about the Royal Family there, and no one in the Royal Family cared about her up there. There was nothing to be sad about. 
She crossed the yard, not able to bear all those gazes on herself, so she decided to go to Jon’s cell, the only person that she wanted to see in that moment. She knew that Jon had decided to move his cell, to a side of the castle far away from the others, so that he could keep Ghost with him, without people getting scared. 
When she arrived, Cassie knocked at the door. She didn’t hear Jon’s voice, but she could hear some scratching noise against the wooden door.
“He left you inside” she muttered, opening the door to see Ghost waving happily his tail as she step inside the cell. Cassie knelt in front of him, caressing his head.
“What a good boy” she muttered, before she set on Jon’s bed, followed by Ghost who put his snout on her legs, looking up at her with his red eyes.
“Father died” she said quietly taking a breath “The King is dead.” Cassie let out a bitter chuckle “And my mother, the Queen, didn’t even wrote me” then she rubbed her blue eyes with her hands “By Seven Hells, why am I even surprised about that?” Ghost nuzzled his snout against her leg.
“I don’t care, Ghost.” she whispered, hating herself for the stinging feeling in her eyes. She wouldn’t have cried. There was no reason. She stood there in silence for some time, before Ghost turned towards the door, waving his tail happily. And in fact, it didn’t take long for the door to open, to reveal Jon Snow. But his face, Cassie didn’t like. He was pale and his grey eyes were clouded as his gaze stopped on her.
“What happened?” she asked standing up.
“The King died” he muttered, making her frown in confusion.
“Yes I know” she said as he bit his lips.
“Do you know they have imprisoned Father?” 
The blood run cold in Cassie’s veins and her heart drummed in her chest. Her father died and her family imprisoned Ned? What in the Seven Hells was happening?
“Under what charges?” Cassandra asked feeling all the coldness of the Wall against her body. Jon took a shaky breath.
“He is charged with treason.” 
What was happening? 
“It is said he plotted with Robert’s brothers to deny the throne to Prince Joffrey.”
Cassie’s mind was so confused. Her uncles? Why would they want the throne? Her uncle Renly had never manifested any interest in becoming king. And how could they deny the heritage of Joffrey, he was the first born son of the King and the Queen. And how could Ned had a part in it? Ned would have never done it.
“This cannot be” she muttered. Treason? 
That was a terrible charge, but against the King. Ned could loose his life, that was what happened to traitors. Her breath laboured, but she did her best to not showing it. 
“The Lord Commander wants to write to the king, to ask for Father to join the Night’s Watch.” 
Her father died during a hunt, Ned imprisoned, her uncles denying Joffrey on the throne. What was happening? None of that made any sense.
“He will ask about Arya and Sansa as well” Jon kept say “In the letter of the Maester there’s no mention of them.” 
What was of them? They could not hurt them, they were two ladies of one of the greatest Houses of Westeros, no harm could have come to them. They were just two little girls.
“Jon...” she muttered getting closer to him “I am so sorry” he let out a shaky breath.
“I cannot go” he said “Mormont said that now my place is here, but... how can I turn my back at them? They are my family.”
He made a choice, there was no turning back from the words he had pronounced, the consequence would have been his death, he could not go.
“I am so sorry” she whispered feeling tears in her eyes, knowing what was happening in the South and seeing how much Jon was suffering. Slowly he moved towards her putting his forehead on her shoulder letting out another shaky breath as she quietly put one of her hands at the back of his neck and the other across his shoulders.
“My father is no traitor” he whispered and she looked up to not let any tear to roll down her eyes. She know he wasn’t. She knew Ned, and the Starks. There must have been a mistake. There must have been a reason to all of that.
“I will write to my mother, or my brother” she promised “I will do all I can from here Jon, I promise.” 
They stood in silence for long, no words was shared between them, there was no reason to. But at the end the both of them decided to go to the great hall so to try and eat something. When they arrived the men and women in the room looked at them, observing their very move, but Cassie did her best to not focus on that, and she hoped that Jon was doing the same.
They walked to their usual spot, where Sam, Pyp, Grenn, Rose and Wylly were sitting. And immediately they started to talk to Jon.
“We asked the septon to light a candle for your father,” Rose said taking his hand with a sweet smile.
“It’s a lie!” Pyp exclaimed “We all know it’s a lie, even Grenn knows it’s a lie” and Grenn nodded his head.
“Lord Stark is a man of honor” Wylliana spoke solemnly “No Manderly would ever believe such words.”
“You’re my brother now, so he’s my father too,” Sam said. “If you want to go out to the weirwoods and pray to the old gods, I’ll go with you.” 
Cassie was sitting next to Jon, observing him and she could not help but feel shame on what was happening. No one believed her family, and they were the only cause of Jon’s suffering in that moment. What was happening? What was her family side of the story? What were they doing?
Suddenly a laugh could be heard and as Cassie turned she saw Thorne speaking louder so that everyone could hear him “Not only a bastard, but a traitor’s bastard.” 
Before she could react Jon had grabbed a dagger and he lounched himself towards Ser Allyser pushing his bowl from his hand, men started to shout but Jon was focused on Thorne ready to use the dagger. Cassie was immediately on her feet as did Pyp and Sam. Pyp launched to cling on his back to stop his moviment, Sam took his arm. At the same time Grenn stopped him by the other arm and Cassie put herself between Jon and the man, facing her friend.
“Take him away” she said to the boys, she knew that Jon would have not stopped, he would have killed him “Take him away.”
As she observed them dragging Jon away from the hall, she could hear Allyser laughter, and that made her turn with dark gaze.
“That was uncalled for” she whispered in a dark tone.
“I spoke only the truth” after he spoke, she closed her hand in a fist before moving it with all the strength she had, and she hit the man across his face. Hearing gasps from the people in the hall, Cassie turned him, putting one of her hands on his neck. Allyser looked at her with wide onyx eyes as she moved forward.
“No one asked for you opinion... Ser” she whispered before releasing him and walk away from the hall.
Their action had consequenses of course, it went better to Cassie though, since Ser Allyser wasn’t one of her commander, her being a Keeper, her punishment was to take the Watch for three nights. 
To Jon it had been different. They took his dagger and sword and they closed him in a cells in the Lord Commander Tower, but no one could go and see him. At least he had Ghost with him. 
Cassie wondered how he was feeling, that was not an easy time for Jon, and she didn’t like to know him alone. 
She was going to take watch when she stopped in the middle of the yard. That was something strange that night. It was so cold and silent... there was something wrong. She felt a shiver down her back as she turned towards the Lord Commander’s Tower. She quietly walked towards the entrance, feeling so much cold. Was it normal to feel that cold? It reached her bones, making it difficoult to her even the breathing.
She climbed up the stairs, looking back to make sure that no one was following her. There was no one. But that strange feeling remained. Her hands moved towards her belt, and she cursed when she remembered that she could not took her daggers with her. Taking a breath she kept walking, until she reached the dark corridor and she heard a movement. She leaned her back against the wall taking a deep breath and when she felt steps coming closer, she moved taking the person by the neck. 
“Jon!” she muttered letting him go “What in the Seven Hells are you doing?”
“Someone killed the guard of my door.” he whispered eyeing Ghost not so far from where they were, who was acting strangly.
“What?” she said with wide eyes.
“His head was twisted completely around” he said before looking again at Ghost “He knows something.” 
Then the two of them looked at eachother and quietly they agreed on following the direwolf. Ghost leaded them up towards the chamber of the Lord Commander.
“Where did you find the sword?” Cassie asked as they moved towards the chamber.
“I took it form the guard...” Jon answered looking at her unsure. And she could share the feeling. That was not normal. Was there a murderer at the Wall? But it had never happened before. Who could it be? Did he want to kill the Lord Commander?
Jon stepped forward shielding Cassie as he opened the door. The chamber was so dark, that it was almost impossible to see, but strange sounds could be heard.
“Who’s there?” Jon demanded with the sword high. Cassie bent slightly, ready to attack anyone that was in that chamber. Looking closely, before the sleeping cell of Mormont there was a cloaked dark figure, but when he turend the blood in Cassie’s veins ran cold; his eyes were icy blue, like the one of the corpses.
Ghost was the fastest, launching himself towards the figure, that, by the sound, must have fallen against a chair, with the direwolf above him. 
“We need light” Cassie said, she could do nothing if she could not see. Suddenly she felt Jon moving, she tried to find him in the dark, but there was no use. She just hoped that he was far away from the fight.
“Corn, corn, corn, corn” Mormont’s raven kept saying.
Then suddenly, the curtains move, to let the moonlight shine inside the chamber and Cassie gasped when she saw the man’s dark fingers thightening aroung Ghost throat. The poor direwolf was trying all he could but he could not set free. So Cassie launched herself towards Ghost, pushing him with all her strenght away from the man’s grasp, making both the direwolf and herself to fall on the ground. The man made a strange sound, but before he could move, Jon had already attaked him with his longsword, but there was something strange. 
Jon was slashing him, cutting away his limbs, but the pale man kept moving, almost unbothered. She knew that man’s face...
“Othor...” she muttered. But he was dead. They all saw him dead. Suddenly though the pale man launched towards Jon, pushing him against the table, making him let out a cry of pain. Immediately Cassie was on her feet, taking the man by the shoulders to push him away from Jon. The men turned towards her, taking her by the neck.
She kicked him as hard as she could, but he didn’t seem to feel pain, so she moved her hand to take Othor by the neck. Her hand trembled against her skin, but she didn’t fought her power this time, she let it go. She looked deep in Othor’s eyes, but there was something wrong. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He had no will for her to take. Suddenly though a burning feeling exploded inside her head. Making her cry out in such pain that she had never felt before. 
It was so painful, that she could not move. She could just grab her head between her hands and scream. And when the weight of Othor was taken away from her, she felt her legs gave in.
“Cassie!” she could feel two hands around her, but she could not open her eyes. It was dark so dark, but it was different; it was cold, it was painful. It was the Winter. 
When she finally was able to open her eyes, in front of her Othor was on fire, Mormont was looking at him with wide eyes as Jon was knelt down, his hands burned and red.
“Jon...” she whispered, making the boy turn towards her, before moving in her direction, and hugging her. She tiredly shared the hug, before moving a little so that she could look at him.
“Your hands” she said still feeling her head pulse “What happened to you hands?”
“I...” he said “I threw the oil lamp at him.” she took a breath.
“With bare hands?” she asked, as he chuckled trying to hide his pain.
“I had no time to think” he said, observing every part of her face “Are you alright?”
“I... I think I am...” she turned towards what was left of Othor that was still burning there in front of them.
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