#no hate on anyone and i'm not gonna elaborate but i'm so happy i can move on with my life in peace now
born-to-lose · 9 months
Btw I feel so fucking good for cutting my ex out of my life finally
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eris-snow · 1 year
𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, bakugou x ochaco, angst
Your first love felt as warm as the sunshine, and as welcoming as a fireplace.
Bakugou was your first love.
As warm as the sunshine, and as welcoming as a fireplace, that's exactly what first love was like for you.
The wind picks up speed whenever you see him again, as if guiding you to him...or pulling him away.
Awkward silence engulfs the two of you when you see each other again. He has Ochaco now, and he has a familiar large, protective hand snug around her waist, right where it used to be around yours.
You wish Ochaco's meaner. Wish she was cruel, unkind or even taunting just so it'd be easier to hate her. She's the opposite though. Bubbly, beautiful, strong, all encapsulated in her being displayed like she was an angel from heaven.
You can see what Bakugou sees in her.
You remember the feeling of your heart breaking all too well when you see him dipping her into a kiss at their wedding. You wish you hadn't been invited.
You do your best to feign smiles to ensure the couple that you're over him, over them, but it reaches the breaking point when they start with speeches.
You're not over Bakugou, the wound is still so fresh, and it never really set in for you until you see that dazzling ring on his finger, an identical band around Ochako's on the same hand.
Perfect, smiley Ochako.
It feels a little chilly in here, don't you think?
"I don't deserve you, Ochaco," God, her name sounds so fond when it comes out of Bakugou's mouth. A gentle caress contrasts his gruff, raspy voice that makes everyone coo. "No one here knows what shit we've gone through, the war, the damn PRESS THAT WON'T LEAVE US ALONE!" He emphasises this by throwing a withering glare at the cameraman as if daring him to sell the photos to the internet.
Everyone laughs good-naturedly, and you're the only one that feels a sting to the heart at every sentence he utters. "I'm not good with words, but I mean what I fucking say. I love you, Ochaco," There's a pause, not an ounce of doubt and it's ripping you apart as everyone around 'awws!' at his bold declaration.
"I'm not gonna elaborate about how I'll catch every star in the universe for you, or whatever poetic Shakespear equivalent you're expecting. I love you. Those words, those three simple words? They prove my fucking point."
He just had to say it again.
Your heart is shattering with every word while you gather up the shards with gloveless hands. Each fragment cuts deep, and it feels like there's a messy trail of blood trickling behind as you hug the splintered memories close to your chest.
"Izuku," You whisper, catching his eyes with a pained gaze. "I can't do this anymore. Could you tell them that I'm sorry for leaving so early? I-I just...don't want to ruin their best night and-"
Izuku cuts you off with a tight embrace. "Go," The hero says, smiling gently in understanding. "I'll explain it to Kacchan."
You thank him profusely, saying that you'd do anything to make it up to him for the trouble but Izuku just waves you off, telling you to have a safe trip home.
You hastily grab your coat from the rack, finding a bench to take your high heels off and exchange them for comfortable sneakers.
"Leaving so soon?"
Your head snaps up so fast you thought you'd dislocate something, and your eyes meet red.
Your guard flies up immediately, expression guarded. You're not faking happiness, simply a void of emotion, neutral and defeated.
It fucking hurts.
"Izuku told me," He said, raising an eyebrow. "Mind if I join you?"
"No, yes, maybe." You laugh at yourself. "It's been quite a night."
Bakugou never meant to hurt you, and never, ever to this extent. He sits down. "Congratulations." His eyes meet yours, and they're so fucking blank like it's your only way to stop yourself from crying. "Ochaco's a wonderful person. I couldn't think of anyone better suited for you."
Bakugou studies you carefully and watches out for a lie but never finds one. Oh, God, you mean it. Bakugou sees what you're doing. Your self-esteem has crashed into the negatives because you don't even believe you were even worth it.
Bakugou can't help but cave.
"L/n, you know that it wasn't you, right?" He insists. There's an arm's length between both of you like you're afraid he gets too close. "It was me, fuck, I wasn't ready for a relationship. Not when I wanted to be the number 1 hero-"
"I get that." You interrupt calmly. You don't smile, you don't frown, simply keep that dumb sangfroid mask on your face. You've always been too fucking respectful. "I know everything, that's why I need to go tonight. It's painful knowing."
Bakugou wishes you'd show him something. You used to be an open book, full of life whether it was large, overexaggerated reactions or the energetic person that'd always make time for him, but now you look...tired. Subdued, if you will, as if the life got sucked out of you. You're so tensed that it makes Bakugou's eyes furrow because, gosh you seem so quiet now.
Just a sign...a tear forming, eyes misting, a bottom lip quivering perhaps? Or maybe he'd get a hearty laugh and a smack to his shoulder for him being so concerned.
Any second now.
The blank look stays in your eyes. There's nothing.
"You were great out there." You continue, finally averting your gaze to slip off your shoes. "Ochaco's lucky to have someone like you. Your speech spoke volumes. I think she'd like those bentos you make for her on the daily. I remember seeing them on her desk when I got the same patrol shift as her-"
"L/n, listen, I-"
"Your skills really improved," You power through, tying your laces on the sneakers now. "You should keep doing them, you know?" your laugh sounds more like a wheeze, like there's glass stabbing your lungs. "Bet they tasted heavenly-"
"Y/n, stop-"
"Her face lights up every time she sees you, y'know?" You stand up, eyes staring up at the stars. "She loves it when you surprise her, I remember that one time-"
"Sunshine!" yells Bakugou.
Your eyes flicker back to his, finally pausing your rant. "That's playing dirty, Bakugou, I thought you'd never call me that again." You frown.
You're like a different person now, so rational and collected it throws him off. "I just..." He runs a hand down his face, and you look at him curiously, guard higher than ever. You fully expect him to do say something worse, and he hates it.
He was young and cruel back then, he should have handled the breaking-up process better, not just...tell you so out of the blue as if he simply wanted to tell you his hero schedule for the month.
"I'm sorry," Bakugou apologises, soft and genuine. You look as if he just grew another head. "I never got to...apologise. You didn't-you never deserved to be let down like that, I should have done it better. I should have done..." Bakugou's eyes drop down to his ring, shiny and beautiful, just like his life ahead. "a lot of things better."
You catch him staring, and shake your head. "You shouldn't dwell on things so far back in the past," You chide. "What's done is done. I forgive you."
Show him something, anything. Bakugou knows, he knows you're breaking inside, knows you want to slap him, laugh at him...he doesn't know but just anything!
Instead, you make your way to the door. "I'll be going now," You bow towards him, the corners of your mouth upturning into a small smile. "Have a good night."
Bakugou's eyes trail to your face, but you've already turned your back onto him. His eyes fall on your shoes, the same, battered sneakers he'd gotten you close to a decade ago back when you were together.
"Good night," He whispers softly, staring at your back a little longer before closing the door.
Your high heels dangle on your fingers as you use another to wrap your hands around yourself, a bitter laugh escaping you as your tears overflow.
It's really cold out tonight, isn't it?
End notes:
I don't really know why, but I started to tear up while I was writing Y/n talking about bentos. I was really feeling this story, so I hope it came out well.
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theunburntsblog · 2 years
||Slashers included: Micheal Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, & Carrie
Gn! Masculine-alligned Reader.||
Micheal Myers
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He sucks at communication
I'm gonna be honest with y'all, I love him too but he will not be very affectionate at least in the beginning of the relationship, I feel like overtime he has to really trust and accept you.
He's agender. I will not elaborate. He also doesn't give a fuck about your gender, as long as you care for him he'll perhaps stick around.
Sometimes he gives you stuff from his victims like a ring, clothes, anything he can find on them.
Extremely protective of you, if your family isn't accepting of you he might uh hunt them down (with your permission) if anyone makes sly comments about you, he will bash their head in.
Rough with you, without meaning too. I mean his entire life he was treated roughly and like a scientist experiment,, he doesn't really know what love is.
Will ghost you or leave without telling you for days on end and comes back all bloody and wounded.
Hates animals. He hates them.
A very good listener but in fights he just straight up ignores you.
The most affection you'll get from him is an awkward side-hug, foreheads pressed together. Or when you sit on his lap all cuddled up.
Hates being vulnerable, even when you're super close in your relationship he still prefers to be alone.
Love language: quality time
Secretly loves when you play with his hair
Only takes his mask off to either comfort you (RARE) or shower there's no in-between
Jason Voorhees
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An complete sweetheart, he will make peaceful picnic dates for you with what he has.
Listens to your heartbeat when you're all cuddled up to eachother.
Collects pretty rocks he finds around the lake and gives them to you.
Loves fireworks.
He loves when you kiss his mask.
He adores animals so if you have a pet he will ensure that the cabin is safe enough as well as the forest. He nurses injured wild animals back to health as well.
Loves drawing landscapes or anything he sees, he loves giving you portraits of yourself.
Love language : Gift Giving
Falls asleep to soft-spoken music or rain sounds
Thomas Hewitt
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I feel like he would craft some masks for you so you can both match if you are very insecure with your face. He wants the best for you!
Since communication is limited I feel like you both would learn sign language or there's a little note pad for him to speak with you.
Back hugs, I feel like he would enjoy doing it, just feeling the warmth of your skin against him. It makes me at ease.
His hobby is writing, he really likes to make short stories about you and him exploring the world and adventures.
He tries his hardest to keep you from the family business, he doesn't want to expose you to that type of violence.
Will carry you everywhere if you let him, he loves holding you.
Love language: Gift-giving and Physical Touch
Very hesitant with showing affection towards you to his own
He's very observant I think he would know your behavior if he was around you for a bit.
Very workharding especially in your relationship he tries so hard to take time for you.
Brahms Heelshire
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This man is extremely clingy, he will follow you around like a lost puppy and don't get me started on the jealousy.
Throws his cardigan at you when Malcom comes over so he knows that you're taken.
I feel like he's very internalized homophobic due to his parents. Be patient with this man.
Adores back massages.
The almost jealous boyfriend award goes to.. brahms ! Seriously he cannot stand when you have to leave the manor or tend to chores out of manor. Like running errands.
Loves playing board/cards games with you, he gets so happy just over all. But he's a sore loser and will rage when you win.
Extremely clingy, wants kisses all the time. Glued to your side.
Loves being held by you.
Love language: words of affirmation and physical touch.
Will watch you do anything and behind his mask he's fucking smiling like a dork.
A very loyal companion, he would have to get used to the idea of you leaving to do stuff because he has abandonment issues like I said before.
A complete toddler, have fun trying to get him to do basic tasks cause he will have a fit.
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Smells like cherries, vanilla, caramel and a hint of Myrrh.
Adores singing to you, she finds this calming.
Creates matching bracelets for you and her in secret.
Listens to Fleetwood Mac, The Cranberries, Faye Webster and MAYBE Djo (I love Joe Keery.)
Loves gardening, if you give her flowers I feel like she'll be extremely happy and just the pure adoration in her eyes, she's too cute!
Love language is acts of services and words of affirmation
If you gift her anything she will never let her mother see it, she will treasure it in secret.
Forehead. Kisses. I stand my point.
Another animal lover!
I Feel like she likes writing songs or poems especially about you!
I feel like her favorite color would be sage green or light pink.
Adores walks as a date.
I feel like she would have issues regarding the fact that you're not joking and you actually love her and her company. Her whole life she was treated like a joke, so when you finally listen to her that's all she can think about.
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hbnjhgv · 3 months
My Aot Ships !SPOILERS!
EreMika (Eren x Mikasa) omg do I even need to elaborate? First of all THE FACT THAT MIKASA LOOKS PRETTIER WHEN ITS IN ERENS POV? And not to mention the fact that in episode 12 Ian even says to Mikasa 'defend your boyfriend' in sub and in dub he said 'go save the man you love' also when Eren asked Mikasa what he is to her it was obious he wasnt wanting the answer "your my family" AND THE FACT THAT THEY KISSED IN THE FINAL EPISODE
NicoSasha (Niccolo x Sasha) LITTERALLY CANNON BUT ISAYAMA HATES LOVE APARENTLY. Niccolo looked mesmerised and looked so inlove while blushing when he saw Sasha CRYING over how good his food was. Omg and the way he reacted when his conrad called Sasha a 'filth blooded potato grubbing devil' MY MAN WAS GOING TO KILL SOMEONE and when he said "What is this brat someone specil to you? Is that why he tried to protect you earlier? You care about him huh? Well I used to care about someone too! A DIRT BLOODED ELDIAN! A DECENDENT OF DEVILS! THE WOMAN WHO ENJOYED THE FOOD I COOKED MORE THAN ANYONE ID EVER MET BEFORE! She saved me from this shitty ass pointless war... she showed me that the person I ment to be as a man who brings people happiness through his cooking... that was Sasha Braus... she was amzing. AND YOU STOLE HER FROM ME!" OMG LIKE HOW CAN YOU HEAR HIM SAY THAT AND NOT THINK ITS CANNON?!
AurEtra (Ouro x Petra) OMG ISAYAMA LITTERALLY SAID THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED! Also I noticed that they argue very much like a couple. sorry i dont have much to say about this ship. I just really like it.
MikeNana (Miche x Nannaba) Ok listen. This isn't a mega huge ship I have I just think its really cute. Also everytime Miche and Nannaba interact omg its adorable. Thats about it.
KenUri (Kenny x Uri) THE WAY THEY INTERACTED WITH EACHOTHER OMGGG now I dont this its super inlove. I just think they were atleast a little inlove with eachoter. THEY ARE SOULMATES AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! Also in the OFFICIAL AOT GUIDE BOOK THIS IS A CONVERSATION ISAYAMA HAD WITH AN INTERVEIWER Interviewer: "So he (Kenny) thought id he eliminated Uri, the world would become right again. But he lost the fight." Isayama: "Kenny's way of judging value is: 'The strong are in the right', and so for that reason he was attracted to Uri." LIKE OMG HE LITTERALLY SAID KENNY WAS ATTRACTED TO URI! (and no one say "oh well he wouldn't make Kenny be intrested in men" when Yumir and Historia are LITTERALLY CONFERMINED LESBIANS.
YumiHisu (Yumir x Historia) This is gonna be short because it's obious this ship is cannon. Yumir always telling Historia "You are so gonna have to marry me after all this shit is over!" When Historia was with Yumir after the tower fell. The way they looked at eachother. The fact that Historia was more worried about Yumir than anything when Reiner and Bertolt reveled their titans and took Eren and Yumir. WHEN YUMIR SAID TO REINER AND BERTOLT "You guys have no idea what it's like. She knows what a shitty person I am, but she still smiles at me. I can't..." THE FACT THAT HISTORIA TOLD YUMIR "I will always be your ally" EVEN AFTER YUMIR BASICALLY ATE HER. HISTORIA PROTECTING YUMIR WHEN MIKASA ALMOST KILLED HER TO SAVE EREN! WHEN HISTORIA SAID "But with Yumir gone I've lost my purpose. I don't even know what I'm fighting for anymore." OMG NOT TO MENTION THE LETTER?! 'To my dear Historia, as I write this Reiner's standing at my side. He knows this is a love letter, but he's still sneaking peaks. Honestly, it's no wonder the creep's still single. That said.. he did give me his word that he'd deliver this letter to you. He says he owes me for the time I doubled back to save him. I'm sorry about then... I never would've imagined myself choosing those two.. over you... I'm going to die soon. But... I'll die without regrets. Or that's what I'd like to say. Truth is... I do have one. It's that I never got to marry you. With Love, Yumir' I MEAN HOW CAN YOU READ THAT AND NOT SHIP THEM?!
MobuHan (Moblit x Hange) OMG MOBLITS PRTECTIVENESS AND THE WAY HES SO PACIENT WITH THEM! He's always trying to protect them. AND HOW THEY INTERACT WITH EACHOTHER! M: "I don't think thats the way you want to talk to the leader of our whole regiment" H: "SHUT UP >:( AS I WAS SAYING" ALSO THIS MOMENT. M: "PLEASE DONT GO ALONE! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" AND MOBLITS LITTLE "STOPPPP!" WHEN HANGE RODE AWAY! H: "dont try to call me bluff" M: "Please dont!"
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notgonnaedit · 2 months
Healer's Hands
Summery: When 16 y/o Althea Aaun's home is lost to the Clone War, she must find her way in a squad of rejected clones
Chapter 1: The Attack
Maater list
"Thea! Thea!"
16 year old Althea Aaun looked up from her journal. Her younger brother, Thao was running up to her, with something in his hands.
"Look what I caught!" He said excitedly. He opened his hands revealing a cartofrog. 
Althea smiled. "Good job, buddy. Those are hard to catch."
Thao grinned. "I'm gonna go show Mom and Dad!" The 9 year old ran off towards the house, leaving Althea to her journal. She was documenting herbs and wildlife that could be used for salves and remedies.
She would carefully sketch out the plant before going over it with ink and coloring it, adding helpful notes along the way. The journal was her father's, old and leather bound. He had started it for Althea's mother for the family apothecary, but since he spent most of his time in the fields, Althea had taken it up.
A light breeze rustled her long black hair. A trait her whole family shared. Anyone in the village could recognize an Aaun by their characteristic black hair and yellow eyes. 
Althea looked down to her journal. She had filled it up quite a bit with drawings of herbs and berries. That's probably enough for today. She thought to herself. After all, it was midday and she hadn't helped her mother in the apothecary yet. She closed the journal, leaving the pencils and pen inside, and wrapped the thin leather cord around it, binding it shut.
Althea stood up and dusted herself off. Her planet of Elstar was a grassy plain, and she didn't want any grass stuck to her pants. She began to walk to her house through the village. It was a small village, only about 100 people. Everyone lived in thatch huts woven from thick stalks of grass. The thick grass grew to be taller than Althea and about as wide as her arm. The thatch was perfect for the climate. It was always warm, the perfect spring weather. In the winter it rained, and that wasn't fun.
Althea hated to be cooped up inside. Not when she could be running through the fields or documenting herbs.
As she walked through the village, familiar faces waved to her. Some were mothers with their children, others farmers harvesting the crop, but Althea knew them all. She reached her own home, which was larger than the rest. The front served as an apothecary, with a counter and several shelves with medicine and remedies. A curtain covered the doorway leading into their main room, where the Aaun family ate and cooked. There was an upstairs with two rooms. One for Althea and Thao, and one for their parents.
Althea's mother, Lucia was standing at the counter, her hands occupied by a mortar and pestle. Her long brown hair was tied back in a bun, with elaborate braids woven throughout. "Nice of you to show up." She said.
Althea put her journal on the counter. "Well, I'm here now."
Lucia put the mortar and pestle down. "You can do this now, while I prepare the balm."
Althea took the pestle and began to grind the herb. By looks alone she would have never been able to tell what it was. It was ground to a paste after all. But the smell was poignant, so she could tell it was smellweed.
Smellweed, it was used as a kind of smelling salt. When ground into a paste, it was smeared on an unconscious person's upper lip to wake them up. Althea had made this thousands of times, but she would never get used to the smell.
"Did you see Thao caught a cartofrog?" She asked.
Lucia nodded as she rolled the balm in her hands. "He's out showing your father now." There was a moment of silence, the only sound being the mortar and pestle. Lucia was the one that broke it. "Althea," She started. "Do you ever want something more?"
Althea shook her head. "No, why?"
"You don't want to see the galaxy, or even meet someone from somewhere new?"
Althea looked up at her mother. "I'm happy with running the apothecary, Mom. Why are you asking me this?"
Lucia put down the ball of balm she was rolling. "Well, your father and I, we just want what's best for you. The apothecary isn't everything, Althea, and we want you to be happy."
"I am happy." The girl told her. "I like learning to heal."
Lucia opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped halfway and formed another word instead. "All right."
Althea continued to grind the herb, her thoughts drifting to what her mother was going to say. But before she could, heavy footsteps sounded from the door. 
Her father, Josta, came inside with Thao on his shoulders. "How are my favorite ladies doing?" He asked.
Josta had black hair that was always messy, a thick beard, and bright yellow eyes, just like this kids. His hands were strong and calloused, but he was always gentle with his family. He took a giggling Thao off his shoulders and set him on the floor.
Lucia smiled at her husband. "How was work?" She reached up and kissed him, making her children make gagging noises.
"It was just fine." Josta walked over to Althea. He was way taller than her, even though she took after him and was almost as tall as their mother. "How's my half pint doin'?"
"Dad," Althea drawled. "I'm almost as tall as Mom."
"That's not sayin' much." He mumbled jokingly. Lucia scoffed and threw a towel at him, a smile on her face the whole time. Althea grinned and turned back to her work. Why would she want to see the galaxy when she had this? 
That night, Althea lay in her bed. She was just beginning to fall asleep when she heard it. The sound of ships. Immediately, she shot out of bed and moved to the window. Thao was already there, his yellow eyes wide with shock. 
In the field behind their house, hundreds of battle droids were advancing. Althea only knew them from the descriptions the merchants gave in the market. They all carried blasters, and several men and women from the village were running out, and they had blasters.
Althea ran to the stairs. She found her father walking to the door, his hunting rifle in his hands. Her mother was trying to stop him. "Josta, don't."
"Stay inside, Lucia. Protect the kids." He left without another word.
Lucia began to cry, and Althea moved to her. "Mom, what's going on?" Thao stood next to her a few steps away.
Lucia wiped her eyes. "Go back to bed." She reached for the door. "I'm going after your father."
Before Althea could protest, her mother was out the door. Thao began to cry. "Thea, I'm scared."
Wrapping in her arms, Althea began to tell him to would be okay, but she knew it wouldn't. Suddenly, Thao ran out of her grasp outside. She ran after him. "Thao!"
She found him not far from the house, watching in terror. She couldn't blame him. Their village was in flames, and the field behind their house was littered with bodies. Althea laid eyes on a familiar one. Her mother.
Thao saw it too, and ran towards it. "Mama!"
"Thao, no!!" Althea ran after him, jumping over the carnage swiftly. But her brother didn't stop, he ran all the way to the body, and when he saw it, he paled. Althea finally caught up to him, but he ran off again. This time, towards the Separatists' ship.
Althea began to run after him again, but a shape pain in her leg stopped her, and she collapsed to the ground. She didn't black out, but she wished she had. The pain was nothing like she'd ever felt before. It stung worse than when she a stung by a cartobee. She felt as if she was lying there for hours, and she needed to do something.
But what was it? She needed to get something. No, someone. A sharp gasp escaped her. Thao!
Althea tried to get up, but the pain was too strong. She gritted her teeth, grunting in pain as she got to her knees. It was too much, but she had to. She let out a growl as she got to get feet. She scanned her surroundings. Thao was nowhere in sight. But something more worrying made itself known to her.
A battle droids raised it's blaster, not even 20 feet away from her. Althea closed her eyes, accepting her fate. A shot rung out. But she was alive.
Althea opened her eyes and saw the battle droid, now with a smoldering hole in it's head. It fell to the ground, and Althea looked up to see who had saved her.
Not too far away, she saw a glint in the field. The glint moved, and there stood a man in black and grey armor. It was too far and too dark to make out the details, but Althea thought she saw a sniper rifle in his hands.
Suddenly, a loud cry rang out. But not one of despair like Althea expected. It was one of joy. "Yeah!!"
Althea turned and saw three more men in armor fighting droids. One was way taller than the others and was smashing droids. Another in white armor used a blaster and detonator. The third used a combination of a blaster and a knife, using the latter as a bayonet sometimes.
The girl watched in amazement. In no time, every single droid was dropped on the ground. But the village was gone, and everyone was dead.
The man from the grass ran over to the other three, and they began to discuss what happened. Althea limped over to them, adrenaline the only thing giving her courage. These men had to be clones, the soldiers that fought for the Republic. 
As she got closer, Althea could hear their conversation.
"We crushed them!" The big one said.
The one with the knife shook his head, consequently shaking his helmet. "But we didn't save the people, Wrecker. That was the mission."
The one with the rifle crossed his arms. "The mission was to stop the clankers. This is war, Hunter. You can't have everyone."
"Crosshair's right." The one in white said. He was looking at a datapad. "It is impossible to save everyone. We were lucky we even got here."
The one with the knife, Hunter, sighed. Then suddenly, he looked up. Directly at Althea. "Boys, we've got company."
Althea swallowed hard. They all looked at her now, even the one with the datapad. She didn't move. Were they going to kill her? No, that wouldn't make sense, Hunter just talked about not being able to save anyone.
He must have noticed her distress, because he took off his helmet. He had long, dark hair tied back with a red bandana. Half of his face was shadowed by a skull tattoo. But as scary as he looked, his brown eyes were kind. "We're not gonna hurt you, kid."
Althea couldn't find her words. The other clones began to take off their helmets as well. The tall one, Wrecker, had the same eyes. That was the only resemblance he bore to Hunter. He was bald, and half of his face as racked with scars, even reaching to a blind eye.
Crosshair had cropped silver hair, and a narrow face. He slipped a toothpick in his mouth, and again, the only resemblance was their eyes.
The one in white (Althea didn't know his name yet) had short brown hair and goggles. Even with the green tint, Althea could tell he had soft brown eyes.
"W-who are you?" Was all she managed to say.
"Clone Force 99." The one in white said. "We are clones with genetic enhancements that allow us to–"
"Tech, let's not overwhelm her." Hunter said.
Crosshair scoffed. "A little late for that, don't you think?"
Althea swallowed again. "Have you seen my brother?"
They all looked at each other. "Brother?" Wrecker asked.
That's what broke Althea. "My brother!" She yelled. "Thao! He's this big with yellow eyes and black hair like me! He ran off towards their ship and I haven't seen him since!" Tears welled up in her eyes.
Hunter looked at her with sympathy. "Kid–"
"Althea." She interrupted. 
"Althea, you're brother...he's not–"
"He's gone." Crosshair finished.
Althea took a Shakey breath. "No. I saw him go to their ship. He's probably on there and he's scared, waiting for me." She got an idea. A stupid, rash idea that would probably get her killed. "Take me to him."
"What?" Hunter furrowed his brow.
Althea held her head a little higher. "You heard me. Take me to him. The Separatist ship is gone now, it had to have left."
Hunter shook his head. "Kid, there is no way–"
"Actually," Said Tech. "I have just received a transmission indicating there is valuable intel on that ship. We have new orders to track it down."
Hunter closed his eyes and Crosshair sighed. "You had to open you mouth, didn't you, Tech?"
Hunter looked at Althea. "Fine. You can come. But only if you listen to exactly what I say."
Althea nodded, and Hunter did too. "Good, now go see if you can find anything to take."
Althea limped off to her house. When she got there, she realized this might be the last time she ever sees this place. She shook her head. There was no time to be sad. She grabbed a medicine bag for when her mother would make house calls and began to fill it with salves, balms, bandages. She grabbed her herb journal and put it in there too. She didn't know what else to bring. She didn't have use for anything else.
She limped back over to the clones. "Got everything?" Hunter asked.
Althea nodded, gripped tightly to her bag.
"Alright, can you walk? We didn't land far from here." Hunter must've noticed her injury.
"Yeah, I'll be okay." Althea planned on using some salves to heal it later, but right now she needed to get on their ship.
"Alright, let's move." Hunter put his helmet back on, as did the others, and they began to walk through the remains of Althea's home to their ship.
Next ->
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milomilesmib · 10 months
Figured I should just make a post about my blog so I'm not just,,, this unknown entity. This is gonna be a bit of a mess but stick with me.
Also- if I reblogged your post and added the caption "yoink" it basically means "I'm keeping this on my blog because I like it/it's useful"
I should also mention that I call everyone bestie unless it's a more formal conversation because I like to keep things nice and friendly so if I call you bestie in my rb even though we have never interacted before that is why.
First of all- introduction. My name is Milo or Miles or Mib and my pronouns are he/him/it/they but mainly he/him. I'm an ISFP-T, I kin Nico di Angelo, the Collector, Hunter Noceda/Deamonne/Clawthorne/etc, Patroclus, and Charlie Spring, and my star sign is Leo. I'm panromantic achillean demiromantic cupioromantic aceflux (questioning) queerplatonic polyamorous transmasculine genderqueer (I know it's a mouthful), but you can also just call me queer and trans. I am diagnosed with ADHD and (extreme) anxiety. Fun! I'm also iron deficient and often dehydrated from forgetting to drink water lmao.
I'm happy to talk about my sexuality/gender. I am happy to talk about light personal topics. I don't really like talking about my health unless I'm helping someone else figure out theirs.
This blog is a safe space for:
The 2SLGBTQIA+ community
Anyone with any mental, neurological, or physical disabilities or other struggles of that sort
The BIPOC community
Anyone who has been abused or assaulted in any way or has any sort of trauma
People who are suffering from or recovering from any kind of addictions, whether that's drugs or self harm or alcohol or sex anything else
Everyone of every gender, sexuality, religion, ability, race, sex, etc. who wants to hang out and talk about their interests or hobbies or anything!
This blog is NOT a space for:
Homophobia, queerphobia, transphobia, aphobia, ableism, sexism, racism, fatphobia or any kind of discrimination whatsoever!
Bigotry and hate!
Overly political topics (some are okay but over all I'm trying to avoid anything too political on this blog)
This is supposed to be a fun and safe space and I intend on it being so. If you have any concerns, drop me an ask, anonymous or not, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
Now for ✨the fun stuff✨
In this blog, I mainly talk about whatever little subject is eating at my brain. Usually this is:
The Owl House
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Percy Jackson
Queer shit
But I have other interests!
My OCs ❤️✨
Hades (Supergiant)
The Song of Achilles/anything Patrochilles
Greek mythology
Good Omens
Magnus Chase
Creatures and critters!!!
Candles and cute decor things
Sewing (I'm just like Hunter fr)
Whatever silly little games I'm playing on my phone currently (Secret Cat Forest and Kinder World rn)
Probably more that I'm forgetting!
If you have an interest you wanna talk about, leave an ask or send me a message, and I'll happily listen to you talk about it (as long as it's not on the above list of things that aren't for this blog and if you're not sure if it is, ask politely and I'll tell you whether or not I'm comfortable talking about it) and please, be respectful! I don't want to be grilled on the details of your obscure fanfic :)
If you ever wanna listen to me ramble about any of the above interests you will be my best friend forever and I will always love you because my infodumping ass likes being listened to or even just heard.
I ship:
My OCs ✨ (I'm not elaborating)
Ineffable bureaucracy
I'm obsessed with the following characters (platonically/aesthetically/familially/sometimes romantically);
Leo Valdez (who isn't obsessed with him tbh)
Nico di Angelo 🥺
Stolas 🥺
Alastor (my current babygirl)
Angel dust <3 (he just like me fr)
NIFFTY ❤️💞💝💓💕💖💘💗❤️💝
Lityerses (I too break down in tears when shown basic human kindness)
The Collector ✨
The entire Noceda family lmao
Darius Daemonne (more like dadrius)
MY OCS ✨❤️
Aziraphale 🥺
Beelzebub <3
So that's basically me! Sorry a lot of this was just "NO BEING MEAN" but I just wanted to get it out there that I don't tolerate that shit ❤️
Hope y'all have fun here, and thank you to everyone for being so amazing and kind ❤️
I'll probably edit this over time but this is a good start. Thank you to anyone who read the whole thing or even just some of this, it means a lot. Welcome to my TOH/PJO/Good Omens/ queer/shitpost blog ❤️
Last edited: 4:10 p.m. Pacific Time, Saturday April 6th, 2024 (Hellenism update)
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punkxcalibur · 1 year
personal mphfpc recap since i finally finished reading all the books
spoilers for the entire mphfpc series ahead. this will mostly be me talking about the book's imperfections, because when i love a piece of media, i also love criticizing it to its core
so, i first read the books 1-4 in 2020 and i was SO obsessed!!?? i wasn't really into social media and fandom culture back then, so i didn't really have anyone to talk to about mphfpc and i remember being very sad about that. i also remember trying to make fanart of the characters, but i REALLY sucked at art back then and to this day i find old mphfpc drawings and cringe at them. maybe it's time to redraw some of those...
anyways, i read the fifth book when it first came out in germany and i kind of hated it lol. i was really rushing through it, because i couldn't wait for the fugh reunion. so i kind of missed out on the whole plot because i only cared about fiona and hugh.
basically, i recently finished rereading the books, because nostalgia or whatever and i'm kind of obsessed again. so...i'm just dumping some thoughts on the whole series here because on tumblr i can actually find ppl with mutual interests.
first of all there's literally SO MANY inconsistencies and plotholes?? what the actual fuck ransom riggs. idk how much of this is prevalent in the og books, because i mainly read the german translations, but sometimes riggs just forgets who hugh is i guess?? he mixes up his and horace's peculiarities once and at some point he is referred to as howard. who the fuck is howard. these are literally the most easiest mistakes to fix. does he not have an editor?
i'm not even gonna talk about the movie. i have a whole seperate post for it
it sometimes bothers me how only certain characters seem to serve a purpose. in every novel emma, enoch, millard and bronwyn are clearly the focus (besides jacob) despite the fact that the other characters are equally interesting and likeable. hugh, horace, claire, olive and obviously fiona are just NOT THERE for like the entirety of AMOD. are you kidding me
the entire second trilogy...is kind of a cashgrab. of course i'm happy we got more books and i liked them, but it's kind of obvious that the author simply had some pictures left and saw an opportunity to make some more profit out of them. that's not bad, but these books weren't necessary for the overall storyline.
the thing with the prophecy in DODA...the entire book was dedicated to finding the other lighteaters, but they don't really do anything in the end?? i kinda get why noor has to be the *main character*, but why introduce julius and sebbie when everything could have played out the same way without them?
julius and horace...is it really that hard to age julius down? it would've made that a lot less creepy. there is literally no reason for julius to so much older than horace. not sure if this could be considered queerbaiting, since i don't know a lot about that topic. would be grateful if anyone elaborated more on that.
hugh and fiona are still my favorite thing about these books THEY ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY AND DESERVED SO MANY MORE SCENES UGH. i don't need another jemma kiss i need FUGH. there is just so much potential and plus, we never really get to learn about their backstories?? like we know that they're from the 1840s, so how did they get into a loop a century later?
how was fiona able to *whisper* to hugh in DODA, she literally had her tongue cut out, hello?
so many characters with lots of potential either die or just disappear. lilly, sam, althea, peter-and-joel...ring any bells??
why is horatio kinda
ok i'm sorry
the photos are so funny sometimes, because at times there will be a photo of, say, emma and in the next book there will be another picture of her and she just looks like a different person. because,obviously, that's a photo of a different person. but apparently, ransom thinks we're too dumb to notice that.
i would just love it if there'd be storylines that focused on each character individually, because again, WASTED POTENTIAL
ricky deserved to have a comeback, i feel like this is general fandom consensus
introducing v, just to kill her off? idk man
despite all of these criticisms i just made, i fucking cherish these books
since pjo gets a new awesome reboot i think we deserve one too
i also wish the fandom was bigger but maybe it's a good thing that it's kind of niche. i don't know.
uhh i guess that was my not-so-little rant and yeah...enjoy this post i guess
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madmazmind · 1 year
A Maxiel Christmas ramble
24th Dec, evening Australia time...
Daniel: I drank too much eggnog. I told my family about us.
Mum was so happy she cried.
But she is also drunk.
She's crying again.
They want to facetime you tomorrow.
Are you mad?
Max: That's amazing. I'm so happy for you.
Daniel: did you tell your mum??
Max: No, just my sister. She keeps making gay jokes. It is not funny.
Why are you texting gay jokes to my sister??
How did you get her number??
Daniel: She's a legend. Get it Victoria.
(I'm still drunk I may have told her you have a magic dick, sorry)
Max: OH MY GOD!!!
Daniel : Gonna pass out now.
Max: Goodnight over sharing idiot.
Several hours later. Night time in Europe...
Max: Victoria made me do shots.
She's using the word magic every other sentence. Fuck this.
I told my mum. She was too drunk to show her disappointment.
She's happy?
I'm happy.
She said we should never tell my dad. Fuck that. Fuck him.
Fuck I love you.
I hate this time difference.
Wake up!!
December 25th, morning Australia time...
Incoming facetime call from Daniel.
"Merry Christmas, Maxy!!!" Daniel shouted through the screen.
"Hey Daniel," Victoria answered. "Max is checking on the babies."
"Husband material!" Sophie shouted towards the camera. She appeared on screen a few seconds later. "You will treat my Max well. I am happy for you."
Daniel was touched. "That means a lot, thank you."
"And if anyone has a problem with it, they will deal with me," Sophie added.
"I really appreciate it, seriously," Daniel replied.
"Thanks for all the juicy details, Daniel. I want to know anything I can tease Max with, ok?" Victoria said.
"What did he say?" Sophie asked.
"Blijkbaar heeft Max een magische lul," Victoria replied.
"He has a what?" Sophie asked, giggling. "Raised well, clearly."
"Oh my god, Victoria!" Daniel exclaimed.
"Yes?" She asked innocently.
Sophie was still laughing when Max appeared behind them and snatched his phone away.
"What did you tell them?" Max asked.
"Hold on, magic?" Sophie added through laughs.
"I'm not elaborating," Daniel responded.
"Oh my god, Daniel!" Max whispered, close to the microphone.
"It was Victoria!" Daniel defended himself.
"I'll deal with you later," Max warned his sister.
"Happy crimbo, Maxy," Daniel said.
"Happy Christmas, Daniel," Max replied.
"Izzy and Isaac want to say hi, if that's ok?" Daniel asked, walking out of his room and into the main living area, which was alive with activity.
"Ok," Max responded, slumping down own the sofa.
"More champagne, Max," Sophie said, passing Max a glass and sitting beside him. "The weather looks beautiful there, Daniel."
"Yeah, it's a hot one!" Daniel responded. "Max is on the phone!"
"Uncle Max!" Izzy shouted, appearing next to Daniel.
"Woah careful on the chair, I'll come down to you," Daniel said.
"Uncle Max?" Max questioned.
"Well, you're uncle Daniel's boyfriend, right?" Isaac questioned.
"Yes," Max replied, ignoring the little belly flip that he got from hearing someone else say that.
"So that's how it works, you're uncle Max now," Isaac continued.
"Uncle Daniel is very happy," Izzy said. "And he gets to have a boyfriend who is the world champion. We like you."
"That's really important to me," Max replied.
"Give me the phone," Grace demanded. Daniel conceded immediately and his mum came into view. "Hello my love, oh you look so good. I'm so happy for you both."
"Thank you, Grace," Max said between her ramblings.
"I know Daniel has been bisexual since he was old enough to know what that meant but I had no idea about you. I think he's happier than I've ever seen him. I thought it was the year off, but turns out it's you."
Max was blushing.
"It's his magic dick!" Victoria shouted towards the phone.
"There are children on the other end of the line, Victoria!" Max scolded her.
"Sorry!" She shouted. "I wasn't paying attention."
"They didn't hear, don't worry. I'll pass you back to Daniel. Lots of love to you, Max. Come and visit, ok?" Grace responded calmly.
"I want to," Max responded.
Daniel's smiling face reappeared on the screen and they talked for as long as they could, until Max was dropping off to sleep on the end of the phone. They promised to speak the next day and promised to send lots of photos.
"New years in Monaco, baby," Daniel whispered. "Love you."
"I love you too."
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atiny-for-life · 1 year
Ateez's Full Storyline Explained - BONUS: Turbulence & The Real
As previously mentioned, I don't believe that this MV takes place within the storyline and the same goes for The Real which is covered below
Hinting toward this is also the "Wave (Overture)" track on the album which references back to the Wave MV, which was also on an album where neither MV forwarded the storyline
That being said, I'd still like to highlight the major themes of this MV
You can spot these within the lyrics and see them reflected in the MV: the contrast of drowning and flying
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And the contrast of darkness/loneliness and light/comfort, belonging
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Once again, we also see Wooyoung fly as he did in Eternal Sunshine - a sign of freedom
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Conclusion: Since it's meant to be a comfort song for us, the fans, the emotional beats were what's important and they hit those beautifully in my opinion so it might simply be a choice to forgo the connection to the storyline and let this simply be what it is: a music video
The Real
Similarly to Don't Stop which seems to follow Universe's separate storyline for Ateez, The Real seems to be a self-contained MV
Regardless, I'm still gonna cover it here because it'd bug me otherwise
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The MV seems to be inspired by obscure Korean cinema - the host of the YouTube channel Form of Therapy specifically pointed out similarities to Volcano High and I can see why - fun, wackiness, supernatural powers, an overpowered new student, and one object everyone wants to get their hands on
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Since we know KQ likes to take inspiration from movies (see: Inception), this could very well be what brought us this masterpiece
This entire video is more in line with a high budget movie than an MV: wide shots, huge elaborate sets, multiple locations, fancy lighting and camera work, a large supporting cast of extras, CGI and even live white doves
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Mingi is the new student and the rest of Ateez are divided into different clubs: Hongjoong and Seonghwa in calligraphy, Wooyoung and San in baseball, Yunho and Jongho joined a biker gang and Yeosang is the symbol of peace who just wants everyone to get along
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Each club is trying to recruit Mingi who sticks by his guns and doesn't join anyone while Yeosang peacefully observes from a distance
It all comes to a head at an epic showdown between all three clubs and Mingi where they all try to get their hands on the book Mingi has been holding onto since the beginning (presumably the source of his amplified power - a book of ethics likely familiar to most Korean students; see: „humble and kindness“)
They go full anime and even add a Marvel-esque sky laser beam for good measure
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Ultimately, they realize they're stronger together and smile at their silly little fight which had actually caused the sudden formation of full-on stormclouds overhead (meterologists must hate them) but yay to friendship
This reconciliation makes Yeosang, the symbol of peace, very happy who steps forward like a runway model to kick off the celebration
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We get some fun bloopers during the credits and an adorable goodbye from Jongho which also marks the end of the Fever Era
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Side-note: You can literally see the apple seeds mid-air; this man could kill us all with his bare hands.
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black-arcana · 2 months
NEW YEARS DAY's ASH COSTELLO Opens Up About Pregnancy Loss, Divorce And Dating
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In a new interview with The Mistress Carrie Podcast, NEW YEARS DAY singer Ash Costello opened up about the personal tragedy and trauma that she went through during and after the pandemic. She said in part (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I don't talk about that stuff publicly ever, really. We were announced [for this year's] Rockville. Welcome To Rockville is a really amazing Danny Wimmer festival. We're playing with MÖTLEY CRÜE and JUDAS PRIEST. And the last time we were on Rockville, we had to cancel — we had to cancel all of our festivals last summer. And I saw the comments, like, 'Oh, NEW YEARS DAY's gonna pull out again.' 'I don't trust they'll ever make it.' 'How come they always cancel?' And I just wanna reach out to those people, like, you have no idea the personal battles I was going through that summer."
She continued: "I had to really learn to prioritize myself and my health. I went through a pregnancy. I went through a pregnancy loss, which was really traumatic because it was like a prolonged — tons and tons of tests, and it just kept getting worse and worse. And it was like an all-summer stressful event. And then a divorce and moving to another state. And there's just so much that happened, and I just wanna reach out to those people and be, like, you have no idea what any artist you're idolizing is going through. We're all human beings facing battles you know nothing about. But that was a big lesson for me because I was never putting myself first, and it showed. So now I put myself first, and we're getting way more creative, which I'm excited about."
Elaborating on her pregnancy loss, Ash said: "I didn't know how common it was. And although common, still not fun.
"I had plans to be on that 'Kiss Of Death' tour [with ICE NINE KILLS and IN THIS MOMENT last fall] seven months pregnant. That was gonna be the plan. I was gonna rock it. I was actually really into the idea of it, even though I'm sure it would have been really hard, but I was gonna do it. And everyone was on board and everyone was supportive. And then it just didn't…
"Life gives you what you need and taketh away what it's supposed to take away, and looking back, everything happens as it should, even though it's still sucky, but everything goes exactly as it should," Costello philosophized. "And it's not something I talk about. It's how you said, it's important to have a community of women in the rock world talking about their real womanly issues that go on in our lives. I don't talk about this in general, but this is a girl's podcast. So I feel super comfortable talking about mental health and self-care and prioritizing yourself and not sacrificing your happiness and your mental health just to grind."
Ash also talked the difficulty in maintaining romantic relationships while being in a touring band. She said: "I'm not a dater. I've never been. I hate dating. I don't do it. I'm the kind of person where it's, like, 'All right, we get married or not, 'cause I've got somewhere to be.' I've always been like that. And if someone freaks out over that, I'm, like, 'Cool. You're not my person. Next.'
Addressing specifically the breakdown of her marriage, three and a half years after she tied the knot with Jered Boeving, Ash said: "It was harder to make a marriage work while being in a band with maybe a person who's not from the industry and doesn't necessarily understand… 'Cause I always said I'm not gonna date anyone in a band. I'm gonna go with someone in a totally different field. And then that also came with its cons as well, because it was a little hard for the other person to understand what it takes. And I'm a very friendly person. I've always been one of the guys, just because I've always been in bands. And so that can be a bit jarring for someone who maybe doesn't understand what the camaraderie is actually like while you're traveling and stuff like that. So definitely difficult to navigate. It's gonna take a very understanding person or just someone in the industry."
NEW YEARS DAY's fifth studio album, "Half Black Heart", arrived on March 1.
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Knowing is Safe CH.2
Chapter 2
Fandom: Redacted ASMR
Couple: Geordi/Cutie
1.9 k Words
90% angst 10% comfort ( I actually did the math)
Intilizised words like this are cutie's thoughts. and the way there formated is important so pay attention ( if you have questions don't be afraid to ask)
Also, the beginning might seem a little confusing because I was trying to keep cutie gender neutral which was hard considering the subject.
For the TW I'm putting a lot of it in a category, still listed but I want it to be clear that the things aren't actually having and are just cuties paranoia and anxiety
TW/CW: Paranoia (Robbery, kidnapping, home invasion, intruder, murder, death, blood, being followed, being stalked, being attacked, abandonment)Cursing. Hinted homophobia and transphobia. slef doubt and hatred.
Let me know if I missed a trigger or if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Feedback is encouraged  
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!!!
You looked at the page, unsure why it was so enticing. One of the people looked like you. Or what you want to look like.
The other person, the same gender as the other. They were, attractive, you focused on their lips, the ones connected to who you wish to grow up to be.
I want that.
The love?
The kiss?
the body?
All of it.
You want to kiss someone.
I think so…
You could experiment!
Kiss girls!
Kiss boys! 
Kiss people who want to kiss you!
Do people want to kiss me?
There has to be.
I can kiss anyone, of any gender?
I can kiss anyone, of any gender!
I can be anyone, of any gender.?
I can be anyone, of any gender!
If it'll make us happy!
I want to kiss-
“Pumpkin! We need to talk!”
Was she listening?
She's always listening.
I hate her.
I love her.
She protecting us.
She's spying on us.
You make your way down the stairs, your mom has a sour look on her face.
“Pumpkin, you can't be having those thoughts. It's umm- those thoughts are not good for you.”
Your father's hand lands on your mom's, calming her.
Thank you, dad.
“Because they lead to… experimenting, and we don't want you to get caught up in that kind of stuff. It’s not for you.”
“Everything’s normal. Human, unpowered normal. Our relationship went back in time, we both kind of ignored that I'm a telepath, that we’re just two normal people in a normal relationship. We’re happy."
No, we're not.
Yes, we are.
We have to be.
For Geordi.
It makes him happy.
So it has to make us happy.
Does it make him happy?
It has to.
“But what about those thoughts you mentioned last week? You mentioned how you don't ever feel safe. Could you elaborate on that?”
He remembered?
Of course, he remembered it was his job.
But we don't want him to.
Then lead him away.
Say it was an accident.
Say it was a lie.
Tell him the truth.
Tell him you forgot your meds!
“Oh, did I say that? I actually forgot to take my anxiety medication, so we can move on from that.”
He sighed.
Why did he sigh?
He looks disappointed.
I should read his mind.
Geordi hate’s that.
Hates you.
Just focus on the session.
Wait whys is he on his phone?
He's texting someone.
Does he know?
Is he going to tell someone?
Will I be fired?
I'm gonna be fired.
That doesn't make sense.
They don't trust me.
What if they see me as a threat?
What if they lock me away?
Then Geordi wouldn't be safe.
He'll miss me.
Not if they erase his memory.
They wouldn't.
They would.
If they did it'd be good.
Geordi would finally be free.
Of you.
Of your powers.
Of the magical world.
You hear that?
You zone back into the world, hearing your work-assigned therapist clear his throat.
“ Even if that's the case your supervisors have started to take notice of how you've changed. Your paperwork is hard to understand and when speculating on a case you jump to wild conclusions that hurt the case. You're less social than before and you've become very panicked by the smallest things. You've also refused to use your powers. These actions have been recorded by D.U.M.P for the past two months. It's clear to me that your recent mood isn't the cause of missed medication but something else.”
Your breathing rises, you try to steady it, hide that what he's saying bothers you, your thoughts are so jumbled you can't make much out other than panic.
“ And from what you've told me I think the cause is the absence of using your power. Up until 2 months ago, you were in constant use of your power. And from what I understand that was the result of your mother's abuse-”
“She didn't abuse me!”
Did she?
But he's the expert.
He didn't live it.
He doesn't understand.
Maybe that's good.
She was protecting us.
That's what you think.
Because she taught you that.
He's right.
Yes, she did.
Still does.
But what she did is still wrong.
“I'm sorry for using that word. Let me restart. Your mother raised you with a toxic belief, that you could only be safe if you knew what others were thinking, she used this as an excuse to constantly be in your head, not giving you a moment of privacy. When you applied this belief to your relationship you learned how this belief hurt others, so you tried to stop, cold turkey. This has caused you to become extremely anxious and paranoid. As your therapist, I think you do need to become comfortable in your own head, comfortable not constantly reading people's minds. I would also suggest you talk with your partner, I think couples therapy would benefit your relationship. Oh, it appears that our time-”
You were out of the room before he could say goodbye. You rushed to collect your stuff. You always had therapy right after work so you could leave right after. You rush to the parking garage. 
Car? car!? where’s my car!?!
It's over there.
I don't see it.
It was stolen.
It was broken into.
No, it's there.
I see it.
Wipe your tears.
Call Geordi.
Wipe your tears.
Calm down!!
It's not that serious.
Wipe your tears.
You can't drive like this.
Slow your breathing.
Call Geordi.
Ask him to pick you up.
Phone, where?
Dial his number.
No contacts are faster.
What if the car is bugged!?
It’s not.
But it is!
All your gonna do is call Geordi.
But that's how he knows.
The therapist.
He's listening.
He's not a telepath.
Isn't he?
No, he's a stealth.
So he’s watching.
He's not doing anything to you!
I can't drive.
Take a taxi.
No, I'll be kidnapped.
Where's the train station?
I look lost.
You look like an easy target.
There! train station!
Did you lock the car?
Someone will break in.
Steal your car.
I locked it.
You should have driven home.
I can't.
Not trustworthy.
My self.
So? You don't matter.
People are looking.
No their not.
Read their minds!!
They want to hurt us!!
You missed your stop!!
 Just now!!
map! map! map!
I didn't, it’s the next one.
People hate you.
You should run away!
Just start taking random trains!!
Because people care for me.
Do they?
He doesn't.
My coworkers-
Are just co-workers.
You don't even have friends.
It's our stop!!
Get off!!
Go left!!
Are we lost!?!?
I know this place.
Behind you!!!
Were being followed!!!
Don't look!!!
Read their mind!!!
Keep walking home.
Grab your pepper spray!!!
I can't find it!!!!
Hurry they're getting closer!!!
There’s another one!!!!
In Front of you !!!!!
They're gonna attack you!!!!!
I got it!!!!!
Their friends.
Meeting each other.
Of course.
What a fucking selfish idiot.
Not everything is about you.
Nothing is ever about you.
Wipe your tears!
Geordi’s car.
He’s home!
Is he?
He’s not here!!
But his car.
He was taken!!!
He's dead!!!!
You couldn't protect him.
You killed him.
You ruined his life.
No! He is alive!
He's alive.
You yell out for him again, your voice shaking heavily as you walk toward your bedroom door.
Open the door.
His dead body is behind that door.
Blood everywhere.
He's here!
He's alive!
I know it!
I just do.
No, you don't.
You don't even know if there's an intruder in your house.
Is there an intruder?!
How else would Geordi die?
Open the door!
Wipe your tears!
You open the door, relaxing for a second when you find it empty, but then your brain starts working again.
Where is he?!?!?!
He's hurt!!
He ran away.
He was taken!!!
He left because he hates you and couldn't stand to be around a selfish idiot freak
Selfish idiot freak.
Don't wipe your tears.
You deserve this.
You are a monster.
You're so far in your head you're unaware that your thoughts are now words. Unaware of everything happening around you. You don't hear the door to the garage open of Geordi talking to you.
“Cutie, is that you? I heard you come in, but I didn't hear your car. I passed a farmers market on my way home earlier, I got a deal on your favorite fruit. I went to go grab it from the garage. Where are you? Oh there yo-”
Your trance loosens when you hear a wooden crate fall on the floor, wiping your head around to see your boyfriend quickly trying to get over the fallen boxes. He's rushing to you.
He's going to kill you!!!!!!!
No, he wants to help.
You ruined him!
Ruined everything!
I love him!!
He loves me!!
He's safe.
He's my safe space.
He not gonna hurt us.
He is safe.
You fall into his arms when he gets close enough, your arms wrap around his squeezing him as you cry into his chest, repeating his name.
“Cutie, cutie? What- what wrong?”
“I thought you were dead. That, someone, broke in, and killed you, and- and I couldn't- I- you were dead.”
“What, babe, what made you think that!? Were you threatened? What happened?”
Geordi tries to look for any sign you were harmed. the movement is sudden, startling you into raising your voice, trying to let out your frustration, trying to shut the voices up.
“I Don't Know! I just - they- I just- nowhere is safe- I can- it hurts! I don't want to hear it anymore- it hurt so much i- I can't stand it- i- please- please help!”
“Okay- okay cutie, why do I do, what do you need?”
“I don't- I don't know-maybe-no I can't -i - but it hurts- he hates it-but it hurts. I-can I? In your head?”
The worry that stained his face started to blend with surprise.
“Yes, yes, go ahead.”
You look into his eyes wanting so hard to just jump into his head, to leave your thoughts behind, but you can't.
He'll hate you.
He'll hate you!
He'll hate you!!
He'll hate you!!!
He'll hate you!!!!!
You start to slide down Geordi falls you down, gently holding you, not controlling you just supporting you. You cry harder.
“Ok- ok cutie, I've got you.”
“I just- I don't - I'm so lost- I can't- i- fuck!”
“Shh, it's ok, love- I'm here ok? You don't need to talk. I- you can tell me everything when you- when your calm down and you're ready.”
Geordi gently places his hands on either side of your face, lightly guiding your face to his. You can see how his eyes water and the way his lip quivers.
You did that.
You hurt him.
You try to look away but Geordi prevents that.
“Cutie, don't go there. I don't- I don't know what you thinking but- but don't. Stay here, I've got you. Okay”
You nod as tears sting your cheek hot. Geordi moves his hands, engulfing you in a hug. His arms on your back, moving up and down. You focus on it, the feeling, the sound, focus on Geordi.
He's here.
He's holding us.
He's here.
He's home.
He loves us.
Your eyes drift closed, exhausted, you let sleep take over, finally feeling safe enough to be vulnerable.
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No one asked for this but I'm bored and I need a distraction from the literal apocalypse outside
Superpowers I think My Faves Would Have
(Also please remember these are just my opinion! If you have different theories pls comment I'd love to see them 😁)
(Bands featured below the cut: Måneskin, The Beatles, and Queen)
Damiano - Flight. Easy. The whole Icarus motif that he is super into? This was a simple choice. Would have giant elaborate sparkly wings just to be that bitch
Victoria - I keep being drawn to super speed. It seems fitting considering she enjoys the party life and is constantly on the go for vacations and holidays even when the band isn't touring. Plus for long trips (whether for touring or travel), transportation would be a breeze.
Thomas - I feel like he would be able to control electricity. He's always reminded me of the human version of pikachu for some reason 🤭 I imagine him waving his hand like he'd be casting a spell and then lightning would just shoot out of his fingertips 😁
Ethan - Mind control. Although I don't think he'd ever use it tbh. He would think it was too dangerous and that so many bad things could happen. Until he found out that he can just make people do good things and just makes everyone be kind to one another and literally creates world peace.
John - What came to my mind was invisibility. And I feel like when he first discovers he can do it, he wouldn't like it because he can't control it that well. I see it acting up when he gets emotional, either too sad or too angry. But once he's able to manage it, he has a ton of fun with it lol
Paul - This was a tricky one, but I decided on telepathy, and my explanation is that I don't have one. He just seems like a person who would either know what you want once he got to know you well enough, or he would just wanna know what people were thinking about him specifically at all times. Somehow I think it's both.
George - Shapeshifting. I don't think I need to explain this one. But I think if he could he would've absolutely just turned into a tree and just lived that way forever. Eternal peace.
Ringo - Ability to control water. Aside from him also being a water sign, I feel like this goes with his whole peace and love mentality. Water can be calm and flowing or it can be rough and destructive. With everything he went through in life, he could've been a hateful person, but he chooses to spread kindness instead. He chose to calm the waters ❤
Freddie - Another tricky one, but I ultimately chose invincibility. I'll be honest, the thought came from him being untouchable in terms of rock royalty, and he would be able to accomplish anything without any difficulty. Plus he was always a very confident person who was proud of who he was and nothing could take that away from him ❤
Brian - This may sound weird (haha, get it? May? No? Just me? 😅), but super stretch. I picture him having powers like Elastigirl from The Incredibles 😁 I guess I relate it to him always being the tallest, plus his hair adding extra height. I think it would be funny if he was in another room and needed something he would just stretch his arm and get it without having to move.
John - Healing. Seems like an obvious one to me. He's such a pleasant person and seems like it's an ability he would want to have anyway. Just always making people smile and spreading happiness. Plus if anyone was injured he could just cure them instantly 😁
Roger - This was the trickiest one, but I'm gonna have to say telekinesis. Could play the drums from across the room, could drive a car while relaxing in the seat as if he were a passenger (I'd like to believe his method would be more effective than any self driving car on the market), and I think he would have a hell of a time tossing random objects at the other members to prank them without lifting a finger 🤭
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askleaderscrest · 8 months
Something About Stars
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Clarent: A gift giving event? That seems... Odd, but nice! We don't tend to give much around here, other than the occasional shared hunt. We're not really ones for material items, nowhere to put anything, after all! Though, I suppose if anyone hears this, I can think of a few things that could work?
A bitter tasting treat?
One of those odd discs humans use on their partner Pokemon. Preferably one of the Fighting type.
Something interesting from another part of Paldea, or even overseas.
Wishful thinking, but maybe just... Someone around my age to talk to.
Or maybe something for my son, Gladius? I think he deserves a kindness.
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Gladius: Huh, gift giving? Have I ever really wanted anything? Like a thing thing? I don't think I have? I'm pretty happy with what I have now, y'know? Though uh, I guess I can think of something?
Some training lessons would be nice, if that's manageable?
Something sweet! Berries are nice, but I've heard there's something sweeter out there!
Maybe a nice sharpening stone?
A way to see the ocean. I've heard of it, but never seen it.
Something nice for my mom? There's only so much I can offer her, and I think if anyone's deserving of a gift, it's her.
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Sabre: You really expect me to believe Pokemon will just give things without payment? Well, I'm not buying it! This is some sort of tactic to get me to trust someone so it's easier to get me while my back is turned, isn't it? If you're oh so generous, than let's make it more difficult to get me, I want battle items!
Rare candies. EXP candies. Any of that.
Something to teach me a new move. I could use more variety.
An Eviolite. Preferably the one off Vel's neck. Hate that guy.
A Covert Cloak would also be helpful.
An easy way to get Gladius out of the Crest before he gets himself killed.
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Capricorn: Wait, now why am I here? I ain't about this gift giving nonsense! I've hardly got any need for most things, but I guess I can think of somethin'?
Some human-made healing items.
Lessons on sign language.
Some human-made books for my daughter.
Advice on how to apologize to someone.
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Morris: Oh, you didn't think you'd be getting way without mentioning me, now did you? And right after ignoring me on my birthday too? Rude. I'm participating in this, whether you like it or not, and I'm not gonna be easy about it!
A sewing kit.
An uncarved grave stone.
A Flying Gem.
And now for a fun one: A feather. And I don't mean something off your average Pidgey, I mean a Lunar, Rainbow, or Silver Feather.
A Prison Bottle would be cool, we need a new one.
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Mod Note below:
(So most of these are pretty self explanatory, I think! Since most of the characters are feral/wild Pokemon, physical trinkets and such are pretty useless to them. It was actually pretty hard to think of options! So be as creative as you like with gifts! Also, elaborations just in case:
Clarent's list is pretty straight forward, I think. A bitter treat can be something akin to say, dark chocolate, since it's something she's never had. 'Someone around her age to talk to' can apply to pretty much any character who's been a parent, as she doesn't talk with many others except her Pawniards, Gladius, & Sabre!
Gladius' list is also pretty straight forward, he likes sweets and he wants to be stronger. Fulfilling a piece of Gladius' wishlist fulfills the final piece of Clarent's wishlist, and vice versa.
Sabre just wants to be stronger. Candies must be limited to a small handful and no, you can't actually take the Eviolite from Vel, though your character is free to try, they must fail to do so.
Capricorn... Is actually here on the chance my Star Sender is an artist who would rather not draw a Bisharp! His primary concern would be the first 3 listed items, but also lists a couple of story-relevant bonuses! Please note that since Capricorn hasn't been properly introduced, I unfortunately do not currently have a ref of his daughter done!
Morris serves the same purpose as Capricorn, being an extra on the chance you're an artist who would rather draw someone else. His legendary list is absurd at best and unfeasible at worst. But that's okay, because if you choose him, your character is allowed to fail miserably!
Have fun!
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How the fuck do you figure out if you're plural or if you're just mentally unstable in a different way?
*Raises metaphorical glass* Ain't that the question of the century
Sadly nonnie, and it sucks to hear, but the best one to answer that is yourself. You're gonna know your own mind better than anyone, and sadly there isn't a "checklist" of quantifiable things that determine if you're plural or not.
That being said, if you have access to a therapist or other trusted mental health professional, I highly recommend going to them. You're the expert on your mind, but they're the experts on how to best treat whatever's going on. Regardless of what does or does not get diagnosed, a professional could help manage your symptoms in a way that best benefits you!
@plural-swag-competition shared a resource in the past called More Than One, it goes into a surface level understanding of plurality and lists multiple sources for further reading if you'd like, and it may help you figure out yourself (or selves!)
If it helps, I can also go into a few ways that we realized we're likely plural, so it it helps to hear from someone very new to this, I'll put that under the cut because it's long and personal
Fair warning, this obviously gets a bit personal. I'll be giving brief mentions of trauma and abuse, though will go into no detail. Also disclaimer: while we're still figuring things out, it appears that our plurality likely manifested from a place of trauma, so we may not be a good frame of reference to anyone trying to figure themselves out if their plurality manifested in non-traumatic ways.
Hi, I'm Damien, aka Mod Jetstorm. Host was originally making this post but I'm starting this section from scratch, nice to meet you all!
So, we're in the "we've known but have been in denial for many years" boat. We're not sure where we originated, to be honest. We've had dissociative experiences for as long as we can remember, though we're not sure when plurality came into play.
We were teenagers when we realized that there may have been more than one of us in here. Again, don't know when/where we originated, but teenagehood is when we realized ourselves. We were unfortunately trapped in a bad emotionally abusive dynamic with an adult who had power over us. As such, at that time in our life our dissociation worsened significantly, as we needed to continuously separate ourselves from our reality in order to prevent further abuse. That's where myself and Hyde (Mod Rodimus) manifested strongest. We started playing around with giving ourselves names, as we all kinda realized that... yeah, we were able to talk to each other and seemed to be different people. Our names kinda changed over the years as we explored our identities, but we're happy with Damien and Hyde right now.
As years went on, we found more of us in here, which is why when we realized our plurality, we were so quick to have six of us listed out. All but one of us have been around and named for literal years, we just never called ourselves "plural" till now. We keep pretty good communication, though we sometimes fight or will act in ways that sabotage others' intentions, sadly.
We thought that we were just some kind of elaborate coping mechanism, and called ourselves "personified states of dissociation". That never felt quite right, but due to wanting to avoid the stigma of it possibly being anything else, we avoided addressing it as anything else.
A large reason we kept ourselves so hidden was that we felt that we weren't "system enough" to warrant "actually" being a system (aka we thought we were faking, or at least being overdramatic), and the alternative of being "personified states of dissociation" also hurt, as those who suffer from dissociation know that it's often distressing. While that's very true for us, allowing another to front has often been a neutral experience, and we hated being treated like we were "bad" for merely existing or that we were "obstacles" for getting to Host.
Recently, Hyde was having a bad day, and this bracket made us a lot more introspective of ourselves lately, so he wrote an entire 3-page journal entry. He named all of us, explained why we are the way we are, and ranted how he hated being treated as a "bad part of the host", rather than just as his own person. We read this over later and went "... Our therapist should probably see this." and sent it to her. We've since then been discussing what plurality means for us. We were mostly only "permitted" to exist, by ourselves and others, in terribly negative contexts such as being abused or emotionally distressed. The idea of being "allowed" to exist in neutral and positive contexts, while scary in concept, exhilarated us. Our therapist explained that, if we wanted to, we could continue to be this way- We already exist in negative contexts, so possibly allowing ourselves to exist in positive contexts may help us overall and increase positive communication between us and others. As you can see, we're trying to do just that... by taking baby steps and mostly keeping any talks of ourselves being our own people to this blog only haha.
I think a big thing is that: When dissociated, one will often feel like someone else. But out of that dissociation, a singlet will go "Oh that was just me, I was just dissociated", while someone plural may go "No that was still someone else". Obviously not EVERY singlet nor system will always experience it that way, but it may help. I do not see myself as our Host, nor as Hyde, nor anyone else other than myself.
We even have slightly different tastes in music, fashion, etc. We're still figuring ourselves out as we've suppressed this desire to be our own people(aka HAVE different interests than the Host) for so long, but that may also be something to consider. Though haha yeah it's hard to tell the difference between "Am I just in a mood for something else today" versus "Is this someone else's interests"
Oh, another thing- Host can semi-often speak to Hyde in their dreams. We used to assume this was some strange lucid dreaming thing, but we have spoken to each other in the dreamscape before. It's usually just Host and Hyde, though I recall one time were I was able to speak to Hyde in the dreamscape as well... I forget if Host was in that one or not. But I've heard that other systems sometimes speak to each other in dreams? Obviously again not every system but yeah another thing that made us realize "Oh wait this is a plurality thing isnt it"
One thing we'll also do is write each other notes from time to time. Which is funny, because we don't have any time loss between switches to our knowledge, so we don't need to leave notes. But one thing we may do is- if someone else is fronting, one of us may take the baton for long enough to leave a compulsory note, we have a few examples I'll leave below to get a chuckle
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One of us, Roy (Mod Shockwave), left this after changing our phone backgrounds in the middle of the night
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Hyde (Mod Rodimus, surprise surprise) very suddenly made us write this when we were picking mod names
And lastly, something I wrote to Host in our original draft of this post before taking over.
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Not every system will do this of course, but this kind of helped us realize that we're probably not just one person.
Hope this can help maybe? Everyone's experiences are different but this is what helped us realize!
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backburnerdio · 2 years
CampNaNo Prompt Style-Week 1
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Trying to get out of writer's block by trying out daily prompts with a low bar of 20k words for the month. Just to get the words moving. I'm using THIS PROMPT LIST for inspiration.
This week I got hung up on one idea & decided to take the whole week of prompts & put it into one excerpt. I'm going to try to do shorter, daily bits for each prompt unless this way works better. (It's all about making the brain happy so she'll move)
Week 1 Prompts 1. Definition 2. Fix 3. Punch 4. Elaborate 5. Neighbor 6. Scene 7. Productive Words: 4,133 cw: medical mention, violence mention, abuse mention language Summary: Garnet is out on medical leave, but he doesn't need help. Beau is still trying to get the hang of making friends –but Garnet doesn't need help! He's fine!
Taglist: @everlastinq, @waysofink, @ashen-crest, @spacetimewraithwrites, @dustylovelyrun, @idreamonpaper, @abalonetea, @jaimistoryteller, @kaiusvnoir, @writeouswriter, @reininginthefirewriting, @concealeddarkness13, @athenixrose (Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed)
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There was banging at the door, but Garnet didn’t bother getting up. It was probably one of his neighbors coming to bitch about the smell of to-go containers stacked in his kitchen. Someone shouted something he couldn’t hear from down the hall.
Mind your business and keep moving.
Another round of knocking lasted a while until, finally, they gave up.
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
He released a deep breath, slouching back in his seat and letting his eyes fall closed. He’d been on medical leave for a little over a week. It’d been a domestic abuse situation during a neighborhood card game, and Garnet had gotten outnumbered trying to get the kids out of the house. He’d needed some stitches, a sling for a dislocated shoulder and broken collar bone, fractured ribs, and a few broken fingers, but he’d managed to get out of the hospital before they decided to keep him overnight.
But in his rush, he’d forgotten to pick up his prescribed painkillers.
He was definitely hurting, had been for days, but wasn’t going to bother anyone when he knew, eventually, it’d go away. It’d stop. He’d heal up on his own. If he could get still enough, quiet enough, he could get some sleep.
“Garnet?” Someone called from inside his apartment.
“What?” he grated without opening his eyes. There was still blood dried in one ear, making it difficult to tell who exactly it was, but if he had to guess maybe Ryker. He’d given him a spare key for emergencies. Footsteps came down the hall, past the door, and then backing up.
“Why are you in the bathtub?”
Not Ryker.
Garnet turned his head, wincing at the speed, and peered through dark spots at the person in the doorway. It was the annoying robocop from work, the small one, looking half-swallowed in the Mediator jacket. “The hell are you doing here?” Garnet snapped. “Am I gonna have to file a restraining order against you or what? Like you can’t leave me alone.”
“I was asked by Chief Thatcher to come down and perform a wellness check since no one had heard from you in days.”
“Check,” Garnet attempted to mimic drawing a check mark only to be hindered by the sling. “You can head on back, boy scout.” But Beau didn’t seem to hear. He stepped into the bathroom, not bothering to turn on the lights.
“You’re growing hair on your face like Ryker.”
“Yeah, thanks. I hate it.” Garnet sighed, slouching back into the pillows and blanket he’d piled in the tub. It wasn’t all that difficult to get out of, allowing him to sleep somewhat sitting up, darker and cozier, and a shorter trip to the bathroom or kitchen.
“You’ve been sleeping in here?"
“You know what, you get a star sticker for observation, Beau.” Garnet turned to look up at him only to wince at a flash of pain.
“You’re still hurt.”
“Nothing gets past you,” he muttered, forcing himself to lie back.
“When are you due for your next dosage of pain medicine?”
“Look, I didn’t say you could come in here. You did what Thatcher asked, thank you, now you can go.” But Beau didn’t seem to hear. He went to the medicine cabinet, checking behind the mirror before going down the hall towards the bedroom. “Hey! Where the hell are you goin’?” he paused, trying to listen for him through his one good ear. “Beau!”
“Yes?” Beau passed the doorway going to the kitchen.
“Go. Get back to work.” Garnet struggled to sit up, squinting at the door. “This is an invasion of privacy. Stop snooping through my things.” It was a moment or so before Beau came back.
“I can’t find any medication anywhere. Only nausea pills that are out of date by six months.”
“Go. Back. To. Work. Now. Get out of my apartment!” He attempted to glare through bruises. Beau stared at him for a moment and nodded.
“Okay,” and he left. Garnet heard the front door shut behind him and only then allowed himself to sit back. He listened to the rumble of traffic outside, water moving in the pipes, and a dog barking from some other unit. But eventually fell asleep.
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He was prodded awake. “Garnet. Garnet, wake up,” he jolted at the hand on him, nearly blacking out from the pain. When it finally settled he peered up through tears at Beau leaning over the side of the tub. There was still daylight coming down the hall from the living room, and Beau was still in his stupid big jacket.
“What? What?!” Garnet hissed. “Didn’t I tell you to leave?”
“I did. I went and got your medicine. They said they’d been holding it for almost a week.” It wasn’t until then that Garnet registered the glass of water and bottle cap with two pills Beau was offering him. “I got some other things that will hopefully help too. Like food.”
Garnet continued to stare stupidly and finally looked up at Beau. He studied him for a moment. “Oh…okay, thanks.” He finally said, taking the cap to dump in his mouth and then the glass. It was awkward to hold but he managed it. Beau waited, taking the glass when he was done to set on the sink where he had a grocery bag in the basin. “What happened to you being glued to Ryker’s hip?”
“I’ve been approved to take small jobs on my own now. I’ve learned a lot.” He smiled to himself, digging into the bag. “Oh, Valetta said to tell you she’s really worried about you. She tried to come over two days ago, but she said you didn’t answer. She wants you to call her.”
“Tell her I’m resting.”
“Don’t you want to call her? I thought the two of you were close,” Beau paused.
“Look, aren’t you supposed to go back to work? Aren’t you still on shift?” Garnet eyed him.
“I let Thatcher know you needed some help with things here, and he said it was alright if I did.”
“Agh, Beau,” Garnet rest his head back, shutting his eyes. “You can’t do that, bud.”
The shuffling of the bag stopped. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Yeah. You can’t tell people I need help.”
“Why not?”
“Because.” Garnet grimaced at the silence knowing Beau wouldn’t take just that as an answer.
“Can you elaborate so I can understand why telling people you need help is a bad thing?”
“Well, I –I mean asking for help isn’t bad. But if they think I need help they’ll get all worried and will come over here causing a scene, and I don’t want their pity or to hear about it.”
“But they’re already worried about you, and they don’t pity you. They’re saying a lot of good things about you at—”
“Stop. You’re doing it,” Garnet huffed. “Look, when you go back tell them everything is fine. Okay? I don’t need anything.” Beau pointed towards the kitchen, started to say something, and caught himself. “I’m fine. I told you that earlier. I don’t need help.”
“You’re in pain.”
“Yeah but—”
“And you have the same bandages from the hospital. You need to have your stitches checked and possibly bandages changed.” Beau removed his jacket, hanging it on the doorknob. He then removed his boots and weapon belt, gingerly stepping into the tub.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Garnet frowned but didn’t have the energy for much more. Carefully, Beau was sure not to step on him as he moved to the other end, sitting down between Garnet’s feet.
“I can’t turn in a completed wellness check until I know your bandages and wounds are clean. If you don’t check them, you could get an infection and end up back at the hospital.”
“Yeah, I’ll get to it,” he sighed. He would. He’d get to his bandages, and the pile of dishes, and the trash, and the dirty clothes. “You should really worry more about work. We’re already down a person as is.”
“I’m still on call,” Beau assured. Garnet didn’t care that it got quiet after that, he didn’t feel like being social and wasn’t exactly in the condition to be a host for someone who just invited themselves in. “The way you’re avoiding people has me concerned as well. That isn’t like you. Are you sure you’re doing alright?”
Garnet huffed, continuing to ignore him. This wasn’t a conversation he was having right then.
When there wasn’t a response Beau said, “I know we’re not exactly friends, that you don’t like me too much, but I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Who the hell said that?” Garnet glared.
“Well, we don’t entirely meet the definition of friends.”
“We’re friends. Just… working on it.” Beau perked at that, sitting up straighter with a smile. Something in the tub thunked.
“Really? We’re friends?” The shower head came alive, water spraying down on both of them. Beau’s brow wrinkled in confusion as if trying to make sense of things, and then his eyes widened, turning to find he’d hit the knob. Garnet closed his eyes against the water, too tired to be upset. “I’m so sorry, Garnet!” Beau blurted, struggling to cut it back off.
“Don’t worry about it,” he could only chuckle, opening his eyes once the water finally stopped. Beau grimaced, completely soaked, curls hanging in his face as he watched Garnet. “I probably need a shower. It’s been a few days. I don’t know what smells worse, me or the trash in the kitchen.” Giving himself a second, Garnet sat up. “Why don’t you go change of clothes before I have to put you in rice or something?”
“I… I didn’t bring any clothes.”
“Go get some from my room,” Garnet couldn’t help the snicker, hand bracing his middle. “You’ve already rummaged through everything, might as well go get something.” Beau fumbled to his feet to get out, still as careful not to hurt Garnet.
“Do you need help out?”
“Nah, it’s a slow go. Go change.” He waved him off. He’d just gotten his feet under him when Beau came back wearing clothes that were clearly too big. Instantly he started to help Garnet out of the sling, holding it under an arm to begin removing his bandages. Beau had the same sharp, single-minded concentration all Synthetics did when locking onto a task deemed important. He was so focused on the bandage work, he forgot emulating processes like blinking or moving less uncanny valley.
Garnet watched him in turn, knowing Beau probably didn’t notice and Garnet didn’t entirely care if he did. He was trying to figure out why Beau was doing this. Changing bandages and checking stitches wasn’t protocol for a wellness check, and surely Beau knew Garnet was aware of that. So what was he trying to gain from this? A friendship?
Beau spiraled up the used bandages, starting with those around his arm where stitches were. They were red and irritated, and there was another moment of study before Beau finally blinked and looked up at him. “Good thing we’re changing these now. Too much longer and they could have gotten infected.”
“I thought Mikki was the medic?”
“I know a little first aid,” Beau nodded. “But I’m not medically trained, no.”
“Oh, great,” Garnet laughed again, the suddenness making him flinch.
“This is hardly a medical procedure,” Beau frowned, continuing on removing the bandages around his ribs. He spiraled them up just the same, checking any scrapes or bruises. “You have tattoos,” he announced as if Garnet may have not been aware.
“Yep, had some of them awhile.”
“Did they hurt?” Beau continued to unwrap.
“Some of them. Why? You want one?” He smirked at that watching Beau consider it.
“I think so, but I don’t think it’s possible for me.”
“What would you get?” it was quiet as Beau thought about it, finishing the bandages and stepping back to look his work over.
"A philodendron,” he finally announced. “Philodendron melanochrysum, exactly.”
“I’d have to look that up.”
“They have big green leaves that look like hearts. I think they’re nice,” Beau nodded, moving over to the shower to collect the damp pillows and blanket from the tub. “Okay, you should be alright, now. You take a shower and I’ll replace the bandages when you’re done.”
“Beau, why are you not going back to work?”
“Because I’m not done here yet.” Was all he said from behind the pile, moving into the hall. Garnet stared after him before giving up and taking a sad excuse of a shower. But he had to admit he felt better after. The pain medicine was just starting to kick in, and he was still achy and stiff, but being clean made him feel better.
He stepped out finding clean clothes were waiting on him, as well as one of the bar stools. He eyed the stool as he carefully dried his stitches and got into the pajama pants. He could hear the washer going in the laundry room, pausing to listen.
He caught sight of himself in the mirror finding the stubble on his face was somehow worse than he’d imagined. It came in thick along his jaw and chin and became patchy along his cheeks. That paired with the darkened circles beneath his eyes gave him the look of a deranged old man. It matched how he felt. The bag Beau had was missing from the sink, bandages, a plastic razor, and a can of shaving cream sat on the counter.
Toeing the stool aside he gradually lifted his least busted arm to the mirror, flicking it open to get the straight blade from a shelf. Luckily for him, he’d busted his dominant arm so he got the choice of potentially butchering his face or dislocating his shoulder again. Swapping it into his injured hand he decided to take a chance with his shoulder.
He twisted the water on, carefully shaking the can Beau had brought making note to pay him back later. Even the faint movement made his ribs ache and he hoped the pain medicine hurried. Wetting his face and lathering up he steadied the blade in his hand, eyeing it as if it were a wild viper and, slowly, brought it to his face.
Tilting his jaw he began on the curve of the mandible, forcing pressure into his hand that surprisingly took it well. He’d taken a great deal of abuse over the years, but his body seemed willing to cooperate. He pulled the razor across his skin carefully, slowly. In his sad shape he was doing admirably, almost finished with one side when a spasm of pain jolted across the shelf of his shoulder and down his arm. His hand jerked –a movement he had no hope of controlling– and the instant bite of the blade painfully tore into his skin causing him to drop it in the sink as if it would stop the pain.
He grit his teeth, humming in lieu of stringing off every curse word he knew.
“Here,” the hand on his shoulder startled him.
“Shit,” Garnet huffed, bracing himself on the counter as Beau gently pressed him away from the sink. He gave the bar stool a pat before winding up tissue to press to the fresh cut. Garnet shut his eyes against the pain, unsure how much more he could take at the moment.
“Have a seat,” Beau whispered, and that wasn’t the reason he sat down. He didn’t sit down because he was hurt or because Beau wanted him to. He was tired.
“Okay, what are you doing? What’s going on?” Garnet got out as Beau got the cut to stop bleeding.
“I should be asking you the same thing. What are you doing using your arm when you aren’t supposed to? The doctors most likely told you better than that.” Beau added more lather before rinsing the blade and giving it a tap. “Be still please, let me fix it.”
Garnet leaned back as he brought the blade close. “Stop,” their eyes met, Garnet’s brows pinching in irritation. “Answer the question, what’s going on?”
“When I asked about your facial hair you said ‘Yeah, thanks. I hate it.’ As in you don’t want it on your face. Correct?” Garnet stared, mouth opening uselessly as his brows bent. His brain finally gave him something to say and he scowled.
“You’re gonna give me a shave? You don’t even shave.”
“Are you scared I’ll hurt you?”
“I’m not scared!”
“Alright, then you shouldn’t have a problem with me giving you a shave,” Beau leaned in again, moving around the cut starting at his cheek. Beau’s eyes narrowed as he took care in moving in steady strokes. In silence, Garnet watched him become lost in his work, adjusting the position of Garnet’s face every so often, rhythmically cleaning the blade between pulls. He knew he should tell Beau to stop, to leave him alone, to go and never come back, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Beau twisted, rinsing and tapping the blade before returning. “I didn’t know what you might like to wear, but I have clothes washing. They shouldn’t be too much longer. I have food ordered too. I didn’t consider if you’d eaten before, you should eat for your pain medicine. You aren’t feeling sick are you?”
“No,” but he couldn’t get venom into it. “I’m not decrepit, Beau. You’re doing too much.” Beau tapped the cut he’d covered with tissue. “Ow! C’mon.”
“Not decrepit, no, but you almost earned yourself another set of stitches. If you’re not going to ask for help, I’m just going to show up and give it to you.”
“I don’t need—”
“Please be quiet, you’re going to make me cut you.” He tilted Garnet’s head back to work on his throat. Garnet tensed and Beau stopped. He paused, watching Garnet’s face, but not pressing on. Garnet reminded himself it was Beau, he’d never done anything before to suggest he’d hurt anyone and if he did it’d probably be enough to finish the job.
Garnet released a long breath, “Okay,” and closed his eyes. He let his shoulders fall, feeling the way Beau’s hands moved. They were warm, bracing along his jaw and tracing behind the blade as if testing to see if he was getting a close enough shave. Eventually, he urged Garnet’s face down again, quickly working under his nose and his sideburns.
“There,” Beau abruptly finished, turning for a rag, dampening it, and wiping Garnet’s face down. “Let’s get you bandaged up.” He took a box from the cabinet, pulled out a tube of antibiotic ointment, and gently applied it to the stitches. The ache had become nothing more than a fuzzy presence when he moved a certain way, making it much easier to cooperate as Beau wrapped his arm and ribs, helping him back into the sling. “Done. Feel better?”
“Yeah… thanks.” He watched Beau clear the sink and wash the razor. As he turned to step out, Garnet grabbed his arm, grimacing at the tenderness in his shoulder. Beau looked up, expectantly, waiting for Garnet to say something. Only, he didn’t know what to say. “Wait.” he blurted oh-so intelligently.
“I am,” Beau assured. As he stared Garnet felt color grow in his face and started to panic.
“You don’t, uh, you don’t have to do all of this.”
“I know,” Beau nodded, not trying to pull away, not squinting at him as if he were the stupidest living thing on the planet. “I want to.”
Garnet let go of him, shuffling awkwardly as Beau stepped around to get the stool. He left with it and Garnet slowly leaned out into the hall. There was a distinct lack of smell from the rest of the apartment. Curiously he followed Beau to the kitchen, gawking at the pristine counters and stove. The balcony door was propped open, letting in autumn air and the hum of traffic below. All the trash had been taken out, everything wiped down, the broom leaning against one of the cabinets.
“Did you…?”
“I didn’t want you trying to take the bins down until you’re better,” Beau informed happily. “I knew you’d probably try it.” At least, he’d planned on it. Garnet braced his balance against the wall feeling drained again. Nodding dumbly he turned himself around, unsure if he could take being in the same room. He felt like a slob, a useless, unproductive slob.
Garnet went back to the bedroom, stepping in and coming to an abrupt stop. His two week old bedding had been changed. The thick winter comforter had been brought out, sheets replaced with one of the jersey sets he’d gotten when he first moved in. Clothes were picked up off the floor and the pillows were arranged on the bed. Everything looked clean and cozy.
He barely heard someone knocking.
A little bit later Beau called out to him from the end of the hall, Garnet managing to get himself turned around to stare. “Food’s here,” he held up the bag, smiling.
“Thanks, bud,” he managed to get out.
“Were you going to lie down? I can bring it in there.” Before he could answer, Beau was already darting into the kitchen for a plate. Garnet wasn’t sure if it were the painkillers or the shock of having someone come in and clean up the mess he’d been avoiding, feeling like he wasn’t quite in his body.
Painkillers. It’s gotta be the painkillers.
He managed to get to the bed, trying to avoid the chest tightening thoughts as he sat down. It seemed like no time at all Beau came in with a bowl of pad thai. “Before you ask,” he announced, “I didn’t ask, Valetta told me this was something you liked. She doesn’t know you haven’t eaten today.”
“Beau, listen,” Garnet’s voice tried to fizzle out on him, clearing his throat. “I know you’re being nice, and I appreciate it, but you’ve got to pump the breaks, bud. You’re doing too much.” Beau tilted his head, brow wrinkling.
“I’m sorry. I was worried I might have overstepped, but I didn’t want you being stubborn –like you are– and hurting yourself worse. I know you’re uncomfortable. And I didn’t hack into your medical report!” he hurried to defend. “I arrived on scene with Ryker and saw that guy punch your head against the cement floor. I knew at that moment you had a concussion, if not a fractured skull. And I know it must be painful, so I wanted to help so you could heal faster.”
Garnet stared at him, thankful he didn’t remember that bit, probably having blacked out before then. “Why?” It slipped out before he could stop it. “Why would you want to help me?”
“Well, I want to be friends with you,” Beau said casually, sitting at the foot of the bed. “But you said we’re already friends—”
“Working on it.”
“And you took care of me that night when I was hurt. So, I wanted to take care of you, too. That’s what friends do.” And he smiled. Garnet felt that squeezing in his chest again. He realized it had been a while without a response when Beau started fidgeting with his hands, expression a bit defeated.
“Yeah,” Garnet got himself to say. “I guess you’re right. You… uh, do you have to go back to the station tonight?”
Beau abruptly got to his feet, “I was going to call for a car when my uniform finishes in the dryer, but I can take it with me if you need me to. I’ll lock up before I leave.” He started for the door.
“No, Beau. Dammit, wait!” He did, turning back around still fidgeting. “I was gonna say, you’re welcome to stay the night if you want. No real sense going back now if your shift is over. We can watch a movie or something. Whatever you usually do.”
“I like movies.” Beau smiled. Garnet nodded, getting the projector remote from the nightstand as Beau went to lock up. He sat at the foot of the bed as Garnet flipped through a few selections.
“Beau, sit back here,” Garnet chuckled, nodding towards the pillows. Beau shuffled back to sit, sinking into the pile. “You ever seen one of these?”
“Ooh! Yeah!” Beau pointed madly at the screen. “I saw the first one at Valetta’s. ‘Baba-Yaga. It was just a fuckin’ car, just a fuckin’ dog’.” He mimicked a line from the movie perfectly, grinning at Garnet when he laughed.
“Wanna watch the second one?”
“Yeah!” Beau cheered, waving finger guns. Garnet chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he started the movie. He didn’t entirely understand Beau’s motives for sticking around, but he decided to leave it up to Tomorrow Garnet. When he wasn’t on painkillers.
Yeah. Tomorrow Garnet would have all the answers.
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
God damn, your mind's just so precious 😱😍😍😍 it's really what struck me when i finished your fic, you picture him sooo well ! You're right, dark is really canon for him and (lets be honest) he's basically a piece of shit 😅 but it somehow nurish my masochistic kinks 😳 (I admit starting playing rdr2 this summer and I havnt finished the main storyline but I will as soon as I have the time 😭)
You can count me in for your next a/b/o fic 👋 i'm sure its gonna be awesome 🥺💗
I loooove all the ideas you decifered in this !! Like it's brutally honest that despite everything that will happen Micah will never truely love you (that's what I think of him too) but he's a crazyman and I just picture him being super jealous. Like real dangerously so. Not just about reader, but like you kind of portrayed it in Through the Briar, he's also super jealous of Arthur and that's what makes him super explosive.
Argh, why the objectifying possessivness of Micah over the reader carrying his child is so hot 🥵❤️‍🔥 ?? I havn't thought about it but you are so right about the fact that he would have no shame droping hint that he slept with the reader in front of all the crew, and she would probably never tell anyone that he forced himself onto her beacause she would be so ashamed...
Being pregnant with his child would doom the rest of the reader's life, like I don't think she could escape him for long... But what if she had a little girl ? How do you think Micah would react ? I'm not sure but I'd say that he'd be more distant with them, and reader would have a slightly easier life.
I kind of have the impression that if she trier to escape him though, bringing HIS child with her, he'd find her and make sure that she'd be trapped with another baby of him, making it even more difficult for her to run away...
But back to the camp, I feel like everyone would be concerned by the fact that Micah slept with the reader, but I think the only one that would have no doubt about the fact that it was non-consensual would be Arthur. Like, he saw how reader never talked back to him even though he's been roughing her up and he des not trust him. At all.
But without confirmation, he'd just be extra careful when he's around.
Seing how other would interact with reader after they found out about Micah would be vers interesting ! And also really sad for the reader...
You seem to have already so many ideas : I really hope you'll someday elaborate all of them in a sequel or something 🤩✨️
I laugh so hard at your alternative timeline with Arthur, the sunset and the credits 🤣🤣 I'll keep it dearly close to my heart for emotional support emergency 🧡
Oh please do ramble whenever you want I loved that 🤣💖 also thanks for your reply, it must have took you sooo long, but I enjoyed it so much 😘
I'm really happy it made you smile this early in the morning and I hope it made your day brighter ☀️🌈 Take care 💕
Ps : I'm sorry to ear that you were expecting hate on your lil diamond, I get that darker content can be targeted but these are fantaisies, and as long as they stay this way, I think we can all live a safer world 🌷 especially if everyone read the trigger warnings and age limits ! Stay safe everyone 💚
I am SO sorry for making you wait this long for an answer, this week has been eating me alive so far lol. And thank you again! To be 100% honest, out of the whole VDL gang he is the easiest to write for me because he is imo very predictable. Arthur and John are hard asf for me - or Javier. Oh my god, I can't read that guy at all!! For some reason my brain just vibes with Micah in that way lol. And I only played until Chapter 4 in February and finally completed the game this summer, so kinda same haha!! I'll try not to spoil you!! 💗💗 And @ the masochistic side of you! Totally get it! I love to write about hopeless and bleak scenarios, it's super cathartic to me. And from the main cast, Micah is just the one who comes to mind when thinking about rdr2 darkfic (because I don't quite think that even low honor Arthur would go as far as noncon of a fellow gang member? Idk just my impression. And the rest of the gang is at best emotionally manipulative, but I don't anyone would pull what Micah did in through the briar.)
I so agree with everything you said!! If you were to have a little girl instead of a boy, he'd definitely be more distant. But we saw in his letter to Amos that he does keep tabs on the people in his closer circle - and while he isn't going the be father of the year 1900-1910™, I do think that from that point onwards, you're 'his woman'. I think he'd have no issue with getting you pregnant again and again until you finally have that little boy. Mind you, I think he'd drop you off somewhere and stop by every weeks/months, like Arthur did with Isaac. He isn't gonna be around 24/7, he has his gang stuff to do and you'd only be a hindrance. Imagine how humiliating it has to be to make up lies about your 'husband' to the very few neighbors you do have and then it's... Micah. And regarding escaping him: yes, a hundred times yes. Wherever you're hiding out, he'll go in, guns blazing, and make a whole show of shooting every poor soul there. He'd be absolutely livid, to be honest, and he's gonna take it out on anyone standing in his way and THEN you. I genuinely think he'd even slap you for it. Definitely chokes you out for a little bit until your eyes are bloody and you're frantically kicking at the ground for release. And then noncons you. Just overall a super bad, gritty situation for you, so... don't even try it. (There are also a few things to consider regarding the epilogue but I'm not gonna spoil you haha!!)
The camp reactions are super interesting for me to think about as well; either a sequel that picks up where I left off or the 'escape in the epilogue' would be cool to write about but I don't think I'd get that fic done until next year summer (which sounds shocking, I know, but knowing my writing speed and what is in my immediate future, it's, unfortunately, the truth 😭). So let me elaborate on here before I leave you to starve (😭😭😭). I think, at first, the women would be put off immensely. As soon as they figure it out, I think they'd judge you, even if just a little. They've spent weeks, months shooting him and his disgusting advances down and while everyone knows Micah is a snake, they aren't safe from that little nagging voice in the back of their head that thinks about the 'what if you did this willingly...?' thing. The most level-headed ones of them are definitely Abigail and Tilly, I just see Abigail as the type to immediately see what's going on, much like Arthur (back to him and the men later, though). Mary-Beth seems to be somewhere in the middle and Karen the slowest to catch on. I think you could genuinely catch some of her ire at first, with her dropping some snide remarks. I think she'd be kinda mad? Until someone either tells her off or you tell her (which. Is hard. Speaking from experience.) Ms. Grimshaw? Hard to decipher. We've seen how she gets when one of the women is in danger, but the problem with the whole aftermath is that it involves TWO gang members... And one of them is regarded very highly by Dutch. So while I think there would be little fire from her side, she'd step in between you and Micah, here and there. Ultimately, she has very little say in it all, sadly. Sadie is just on the sidelines. It's not like she doesn't care but she doesn't really connect with the reader-character from through the briar and she has her own things going on. So, in short, I am still rather optimistic about your standing among the women. I think they can empathize, one way or another - no matter what they think, in the end. They might look at you funny for a bit if they think it was consensual (and they might never realize it wasn't) but time will heal those little bumps in the road, I'm sure. But still; there definitely will be a few drunken confrontations between Karen and you and they won't end pretty. But I do think Abigail cares a whole heap. We know about her past and I think she'd lend reader a shoulder to cry on, if you wanted to- which in my mind- you don't. (Like I said, I think reader would turn very quiet and reclusive after that night.)
Now onto the men: Most of them do not give a shit, in my honest opinion. The reader-character isn't necessarily regarded as pretty nor is she very sociable beyond the other women. There... isn't much to care about, as harsh as it sounds. She isn't hated or disliked, she's just an afterthought, you know? Dutch likes you well enough and Arthur is a genuine friend, and the rest... Very ambivalent. I think Charles immediately knows there is something wrong, he can read you like a book. Does he offer support? Hard to say, leaning towards no. He and reader don't really have a relationship and it isn't his place. Hosea might figure it out, too. And I think he'd call you over for a little talk but, again, reader just... can't speak about it. And honestly, I think the rest sees you in a more negative light afterwards. They probably don't put much thought into it being consensual or not, as harsh as it sounds. John might care a teeny tiny bit but someone like Bill? Jeez, no. Get ready to be mocked openly, when the chance arises. And Lenny? Oof, I think he just kinda knows something is off but much like Charles, he isn't gonna broach that topic anytime soon (again, not his place in his opinion). Dutch straight-up goes with whatever Micah feeds him, no doubt. That you both were drunk and fooling around, if he's ever questioned about it. That you're just having some buyer's remorse, basically. And quite frankly, Dutch wants to gloss over this, he needs everyone together and not divided. So don't expect much sympathy there. Now, Arthur... Arthur immediately notices how quiet you are and how you don't come to sit by his side anymore. And of course, as the absolute oaf he is, he'll probably think he did something wrong, at first. Until Micah drops his first comment and everything just clicks. I can actually see a big confrontation there and Arthur absolutely losing it - but like I said, Dutch believes Micah and needs the camp to be a united front. The fact that you were drunk is perfect for Micah's side - and Arthur will have to submit, ultimately. And I genuinely think your and Arthur's relationship would break over this; with him lording over you like some man-sized guard dog and you needing space - I can see reader snapping one day and Arthur taking it the wrong way, only for both of them to gradually grow apart. I am of course pulling from personal experiences and I leave the explanation at that so as to not trigger anyone on here.
Also, the way Micah would drop his little hints in the first place- he'll definitely get closer than ever before, not touching you, but caging you in with his body so you can't quite leave (like leaning next to you, not that anime move lmao, but definitely invading your personal space), trying to spook you, excessive pet names and overall way, way more attention... Super loud comments to the other men (ew ew ew) and a dozen new little jokes about you. Just thinking about it makes me pull a face, ew. And you touch on something I haven't thought about yet: another man approaching reader/flirting with you. I don't think he'll step in and be like 'be gone, that's my woman' (lmao never) but he'd make the worst, lewd comments about how he got you into bed and how you enjoyed it, about how 'easy' you are. Basically both humiliating you and trying to shoo that feller away. Yes, he did say that he's more likely to despise the women he has been with afterwards - and I totally think that manifests itself in more verbal abuse and shame. And if you're pregnant, back to the above haha.
Thank you so much for letting me ramble again and adding your own thoughts!! I am so happy to talk about this, you don't even know. If only I had more time 😭💕 But better late than never, right? I hope you have a lovely day wherever you are!!
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