#no idea why it says chapter 1 or if i can even fix that but whatever
lostxmelody · 9 months
finally.... green checkmark..... its over
thank you for the continued support! here is the final chapter!
if i were to voice all my appreciation, this post would be thousands and thousands of words long, so please enjoy the words ive written for mikoto and fuuta instead. it’s been a wonderful time writing these two, and in doing so ive been able to really break out of my shell and finally have the courage to interact in an online space. thank you!!!!!
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 4 months
[We went on shopping (it didn’t go well)] - TF141*F!Reader
not a chapter actually just a rambling, it's kinda messy and not my style imo, pls feel free to skip this etc. might rewrite this shit when I have time since I’m busy with my job these days and I just accidentally sliced my thumb open making it difficult to type, hence not much to provide sorry :( and the weird stranger incident in the latter part did happen irl damn it’s creepy af, but I was the one telling them to fuck off tho (they harassing my cute friend RAGE)
Summary: You sigh when it's the fifth time someone fights in your poor tea shop this month. You just open it two months ago, in an area ruled by mafia called '141'. Maybe you should find their boss and give them money or what to stop the bullshit keeps happening in your shop. (well, here they come)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
After your car graduates from its car life in about a week, congratulations, the poor shelf accompanies you since your college life is finally undone, fragments spreading across the floor making you shout Mama and mourn for its graduation.
You don’t have a car right now, so when Gaz offers to drive you to buy a new shelf, you agree to his suggestion without a second thought. Yet when the day comes and you open the car door, only to be greeted by the wide smile of Soap and Gaz, you almost slam the door close in reflex.
“Okay, but why do all of you come together? this isn’t an elementary school field trip!” You gawk at them when you squeeze in the car.
“Sounds fun, how can ye not tell us?” 
“Gaz I thought you could seal your lips!”
“Sorry love, Ghost exchanged it with some goodies.”
Oh yeah, Ghost is sitting in the driver’s seat.
Wait, he’s sitting in the driver's seat?
“Goddamnit—“ Your scream dies out on your tongue when said man puts his foot down. 
Ghost does a good job at providing you the same experience as riding a rollercoaster, glad that you didn’t throw up in the car and arrived at the warehouse without dying. If he's your Uber driver, you will give him five stars and block the hell out of him. 
You hop out of the car and walk to the door. As the automatic door parts after sensing your presence, you feel much better when the cold air of the store. Nice a.c. is one of the important features of a nice store, and you already built a fondness for the warehouse with how refreshing the chilly air is inside.
The first area welcoming you is food. Not bad, 6 out of 10 if it needs to be precise. Gaz pushes the cart and follows you as you saunter to the aisle with cereals.
“Oh, they have my favorite brand.” You murmur to him as your eyes travel across the price tag.
Wait, you must still be dizzy because no way it’s 30% cheaper than the same one you just bought from the supermarket.
“Kyle, it says it’s 3 pounds, right?!” pointing at the tag, your voice raises a whole eight-tone with excitement.
5 boxes of cereal are added to the cart. 
Actually, 9.9 out of 10 for this place, you fix the evaluation as you watch Gaz putting some of those ten bags of chocolate Ghost and Soap dump into the cart back on the shelf, and as a little revenge to Gaz for letting the other two men join the trip without you knowing, you choose to turn a blind eye when you spot Ghost sneaking all of them back in the cart.
Not forgetting the primary goal for today, you go straight to the furniture area after letting Soap throw five packs of gummy bears in the cart and convincing Ghost not to get a cup of tea from the random tea shop. You’ll make a much better one for him when you get home — you coo when he stares at you with unhappy eyes not covered by the mask, glad that he seems to accept the idea, so he huffs and lets you drag him and Soap out of the food area.
“You should buy this.” 
“Ghost I don’t need a green shelf in my shop thank you.”
“Then ye should buy this bonnie!”
“That’s not even a goddamn shelf, Soap.”
“How about this?” 
Your eyes brighten up when Gaz shows you a wooden shelf, it’s stripped-back, with not many decorations, but it surely will fit wonderfully into your store with its aesthetic vibes and high functionality, thus you pick up your phone to type down the product number immediately.
“Oh my, Kyle, you’re the best.”
and you’re too busy typing the numbers down that you don’t notice him shooting the others a taunt of victory.
The last area before the cashier’s counter sets a bookshop. You don’t plan on buying books, but you indeed need to go to the bathroom, so you dismiss yourself and tell them to look around before you’re done.
Why are the bathrooms always hidden in a bloody long hallway? What if someone can’t hold back during their way? Your footsteps echo through the corridor as your mind starts hitting you with a fresh and unnecessary question, glad that you aren’t that urgent though, so you’re able to get to the destination without wetting your pants.
Washing your hands, you step back to the hallway again, but you yelp in surprise when you bump into someone.
“Sorry!” You nod at the man and start heading back to the bookstore.
but it’s weird, the man you just bump into walks so close to you, that you suddenly realize he’s just a step behind you.
Hey, don’t panic, might just coincidence, you try to tell yourself as you make another step.
“Hey, lovely.” Okay, it’s not a coincidence, fucking hell. You curse when his hand touches your shoulder and stops you.
“Sorry for bumping into you, Sir. Anything that I can help?”
“No, I’m waiting for you to separate from the blokes for a while can’t ask for your phone number when they surround you like dogs.”
“I don’t give strangers my number, sorry.” You try to leave, but the man’s hand grabs your shoulder forcefully preventing you from moving.
“Hey, give us a chance yeah? I’m sure we will have some nice time together.”
“I don’t fucking know you!”
Prying off his hand, you turn and start walking fast, almost running when you hear the stranger’s footsteps coming towards you.
Fuck fuck fuck, you haven’t run with such desperation in years, last time must be high school.
“Who the fok are ye arsehole?”
The tears prickling in your eyes when you hear Soap’s voice ringing in your ears before you feel a pair of warm hands drag you behind him.
“Ghost and Soap will deal with him, let’s go.”
Adrenaline pumping through your body finally subsides when Soap and Ghost reappear from the hallway, you don’t want to know what happened to the stranger, maybe hope they’re still alive and in one piece so you won’t involve yourself in another chaos, 
“I think it’s time to go home, Kyle. Is it okay?”
“Of course, wanna grab some food before we leave?”
“I guess Ghost already bought sufficient chocolate for us.”
A burst of laughter catches your attention whilst Gaz looking at the cart with bags of chocolate stuffing under your cereals with disbelief, and a smile crawls back to your lips as you look at Ghost slamming his forehead against a lower door frame and Soap laughing over him.
They aren’t that bad, maybe, or they reserve the remnants of tenderness for you, you’re not sure whether is correct, but at least they have your back when you need them, and that’s enough for you to stop exploring the answer for now.
“Oh.” A book gets knocked off when you shift to stand up. Turning around to pick it up, you have a good look at the shelf behind your seat.
Your eyes dart from ‘Today’s recommendation’ to the book within your grasp.
‘Surrounded by idiots — by Thomas.’
You will rate this recommendation 10 out of 10 for sure.
After insisting on paying yourself and shooing the men off, you take out your card and place it on the scanner.
‘Insufficient balance :( please try again’
You frown when the machine shoves you a nuh-uh, and you open the bank app to check your balance.
So you overspent 10 pounds huh? What a shame to your title for being a successfully financially broken adult. Which link loses and makes you make a wrong shopping decision? 
you scan the list of items with sharp vision until you land your eyes on a product.
Surrounded by idiots - £ 10.61
a/n: thx for reading :D sorry it's messy and unlike my previous writings :( hope I can have time to write again btw Price went on business trip so he's missing everything
tag list :D - @blackhawkfanatic @nexthyperfix @danielle143 @goodbyegh0st @reaperxxxxzz @kaoyamamegami @imyprice @cod-z @poppingaround @live-for-fluff @masterstr0ke @mall0ww @ghostysloot @hxnneydew @cutiecusp @beigechristmastree @rejectedbytheempty @lupikekee @hotvinimon @whitetiger846
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jazjelspen · 7 months
scarlet and silver lining (part 1)
(alastor w/ daughter reader)
(fem reader/notproofread!/apologies for anything ooc qwq/apologies for the pacing as well!!!! It’s 1AM LMAO—)
[chapter 1]
Sure, you didn’t actually want to redeem yourself.
Personally, you knew you were in the right place and were meant to be in this spot in the afterlife. You weren’t bloodthirsty and power hungry like the rest of the monsters down here but your sins were from your reckless decisions and you knew you couldn’t take it back.
So in turn, you didn’t truly trust the princess’s claims and theories.
But here you were, in her hotel through her doorstep. Dragging you along by your wrist being gentle but also filled with such excitement that she might’ve tugged a bit too hard for your preference.
As she led you to introduce yourself to the other residents and staff, you couldn’t help but wonder why exactly you let yourself get into this predicament.
Then again, you didn’t really have a choice.
Your hands stopped from fixing your hair, you had been stunned from preparing yourself for the next twenty minutes you’d be on air. Your face contorting while your eyes stared dead at your reflection at the mirror decorated with bright little light bulbs all around it’s frame as they shined their lights on you. Your hands shaking slightly and barley starting to sweat.
Why exactly were you shocked? Your boss.
“See here ____, what I need you to do is to simply get in through inside the princess’s little hotel and spy for me for a few weeks here and there! Document everything for me, whichever way you can. “
Vox, your boss, was ordering you on a new mission for you to do. He wouldn’t have you do these kinds of things regularly unless he needed some kind of spy or a pretty face for a segment of his show to get more ratings or as a distraction of sorts. Although lately he’s been sounding more aggravated, annoyed—dying to get what he wants. He was facing the set his crew were preparing as they fixed a few lights, checked if the cameras were functioning, etc.
It was good that he was facing that way and you the other, for if he saw your look of shock and slight fear spreading across your face like a disease he would probably question you like some kind of unruly detective for it.
But why wouldn’t you react this way? After all, he was asking you to spy and be around your father. The man you were ashamed of being connected to. He didn’t know this— he didn’t have to know this. For you knew Vox would simply use and wear you out as a pawn, overwork you, maybe torture you and hurt you to get specific answers.
He wasn’t afraid of doing anything to get what he wants anyway.
“Tape recorder, journal, write it on some fucking menstrual pad I don’t fucking care. I simply need to know what that fucker is thinking of doing next with Lucifer’s daughter now on his fucking shoulder.”
He snapped, static overtaking his voice at the end of his sentences. Clearly absolutely finished with this entire situation especially since for all you knew the last time someone tried to sneak in for him they were caught in the matter of a day, and if you didn’t have a direct connection to Vox he would’ve sent you first.. but now you were one of his only options until he really got frustrated.
“Oh but do this for me and you’ll get your own little studio! Your own show! Be your own boss, have your own crew.. you get the idea. All financially supported by me! Oh and you even get to live by yourself.. although—
I still own you. Get that. But you get your little artistic freedom huh sweetheart? What do you say? Do this little favor for me? If you don’t I’ll simply.. kill you.
Or throw you in the streets. Depending on how badly you fuck up you’ll get either one of the two! You’ll die either way.”
You were left a bit shocked, the immense dump of information overwhelming you so. “I—I—“
“Good.” He cut you off.. geez. “You start in two days, two days to get what you need and to at least plan how you’ll keep me updated. And remember, you give me all the information either throughout your stay there or you spit it all out when I need you to still be here on the job.” He fixed his bow tie walking towards the set to start the broadcast, a strong frown decorating his screen before hiding his stress with a cocky smile for the cameras.
You looked at your reflection with a grim look on your face, heart sinking and a shaky sigh escaped.
You didn’t want to see him again. You couldn’t.. you— wouldn’t.
But you needed to do it whether you liked it or not. You knew this.
Survive, get a few more perks and bonuses that would very much make you live your afterlife a bit more comfortably.
It’s just gonna be a month right?— Fuck.. Vox didn’t specify how long simply just… a few weeks. Most likely he just wants you to be there as long as you could.
Keep your life, get a better job, better home home, stay protected. That’s what you’ve been focusing for all these years—
Why stop now.
Dragged by the princess you were stopped in front of a group of sinners, your other hand almost losing its grip on your suitcase but managed to catch it by the tips of your fingers. The sweat from the anxiety that was accumulating while on your way here.
It weirded you out a bit that Charlie didn’t react to your drenched hand. maybe she was too overwhelmed with emotions as well to notice?…
Charlie set you in front of a pink spider, someone you knew all too well from the constant advertisements, short interactions with him, and Valentino’s undying yapping, Angel Dust.
“Angel, meet ____, _____ meet Angel!! She’s going to stay here for a chance at redemptiooon!! How amazing!” Her excitement was pouring out like thunder and lightening, just simply uncontainable.
The pink soul darted its eyes at you with a sense of familiarity. You knew being a known figure would be a bit of a challenge but god— you really wanted that place to yourself.
“Heyy.. Angel..” you waved a little sheepishly, knowing how awkward this feels for you at least.
Angel eyed you a bit intensely, but you knew deep down he sorta understood why you’d be here as well— at least not knowing that Vox himself sent you here—maybe he thinks that your presence is due to the same reason he’s away from Valentino. Needing an escape from your abusers and bosses was something he understood all too well.
“Hiya cutie, didn’t expect to see you here of all places.” He smirked as he waved back at you but in a more confident and laid back way than you did.
Charlie paused at his words, “Oh? You two know eachother?—“
“Oh.. I know this adorable face anywhere!” Angel exclaimed proudly with one of his arms reaching over to squish one of your cheeks playfully, you laughing a bit due to the slight awkwardness of the situation but also because he was one of the very few people you never had issues with despite how much you guys never really talked much.
“She’s a real darling, hard worker and all. Although.. didn’t think your boss was that bad as to make you want to run in here of all places..”
“I was about to say— aren’t you that chick that is on TV for that one overlord’s show or somethin’…” a low and almost growly voice spoke from slightly farther away.
Looking towards that particular direction you are met with a cat-like person, a furry soul with fluffy ears and a seemingly insatiable thirst for alcohol the way he drank down a large bottle of cheap booze like water.
Your shoulders raised up a bit in embarrassment, smiling as a way to cover up your nervousness that was already slipping.
“Didn’t we also literally catch Pentious trying to work for him literally not that long ago?.. At this point they aren’t even trying to hide it by sending her here.” Spoke another, this time a more serious female voice descended from a mature woman with long silver hair and an ‘X’ over her eye that resembled those of the exorcists.. huh.
You shook your hands together a bit as you tried to defend yourself in a way, not wanting to be caught this easily “Oh nonono!.. I’m not here because my boss sent me I— I just..—“
“Yknow what Vagina,” Angel interrupted you to glare at the woman that spoke “If you knew anything about how the V’s treat their employees you wouldn’t blame her and I for wanting to be away from them and anything work related.. got it toots?”
Your heart warmed slightly but also let out a huge sigh of relief. Maybe that wasn’t the real reason why you were here but you were glad to know that Angel was someone you could relate the most due to your very similar situations.
“Yea Vaggie! Let’s give her a chance! If Angel knows her and if we make sure she’s here for reals then she’s a perfect second official resident!!”
The girl, now named Vaggie by Charlie, rolls her eyes as she lets out a sigh. “Can we at least check if she has no electronics on her. If this turns out to be another Pentious I will not hesitate this time.”
A single glare from her one eye piercing you with a sharp and merciless spike. Making you feel even more nervous and unwelcomed but.. you knew you had to just keep going..
“Oh Vaggie no need to be so rude to our new guest! We can do those checks later! Right now it’s introduction time!!” She exclaimed almost jumping up a down, a bit too joyous for your liking.
Angel noticed this and side eyed you while whispering a cheeky comment to you “Ms. Rainbow pants here may be a bit much but you’ll get used to it sweetcheeks.” He said, with a tone more sounding of an older brother of sorts.
You smiled a bit at him but then looked away to try to relax, not excited to be ‘introduced’ to someone you knew was in the far.. far corner of it all.
“Oh and this is Vaggie! My girlfriend and manager of this establishment! If you have any issues or concerns you may check in with her, she’s a-ma-zing!” Despite making her sound helpful and less.. terrifying. You couldn’t help but still feel rather intimidated.
Vaggie continued to glare at you with a clear distrust in you. You just waved at her shyly as well, trying to at least not seem as dangerous as she may think you are.
Until Charlie once again dragged you to four other figures, the fourth one a bit behind the first three. “And this is Husk the bartender, Nifty our housekeeper and cook, and Sir Pentious! Pentious being one of our first official residents!”
She spoke each name by pointing to which name belonged to who, Pentious’s name ringing a bell but it was new seeing his appearance. So this is the guy that forced Vox to drag you here instead..
Husk, the cat that spoke earlier simply looked at you and didn’t give another word, downing yet another bottle. Pentious waved at you with the same energy you gave as well but was more or less focused on his ‘eggs’ that were poking at the flesh around his eyes on his tail and Nifty.. well..
She was on top of you, more specifically— your head.
She was sniffing you, eying you like a fucking hawk, inspecting you as if you could be contaminated with a dying virus— your breath hitched as you hoped she wouldn’t smell the fear growing on you as your skin went cold.
“Fairly.. clean….” She then backed up slightly to inspect your eyes with her own giant one only to then scurry off across your body like a bug, causing you to get disgusting goosebumps.
“Pretty.. smells nice.. no dirt—“ she then stopped by suddenly standing in front of you with a big ol’ smile as if what she just did was incredibly normal.
“Hiya! I’m Nifty! Had to make sure you weren’t bringing any filth in the hotel.. I just cleaned this place…” She took out her little hand for you to shake.. being hesitant but not willing to be rude to someone this peculiar— you shook her hand with just two of your fingers and before you could pull away yourself she then immediately scurried off as fast as she came.
“And then last but not least—“
“Alastor! Quite a pleasure, a real pleasure to get to meet you young lady! Please, feel free to be welcomed into the Hazbin Hotel!” Alastor, the radio demon, dad— approached you with such enthusiasm and enticement. As if he couldn’t wait to talk to you.
Your blood ran cold, eyes widened with fear, your free hand clutched tightly at the handle of your luggage as Alastor took the other to then put it up to where his smile was, not kissing it or having your hand too near his lips but still keeping courtesy of when meeting a woman as he usually would.
Even in death, he stays a gentleman as per usual.
“My my.. you poor soul. To have to run away from your employer down to this place.. why he must be a terrible person, isn’t he?”
Ah right.. Vox and Alastor hated eachother. You knew this very well.. you honestly didn’t know much about why they hated eachother other than the running joke that Vox most definitely lost a fight with him.
You died years later after Alastor did so you don’t exactly have the full scoop. Him dying in your late teens and you dying in your mid to almost late 20s. You lived life yet— some would say not enough.
“Poor thing, not to worry! Let this be your safe house! Your haven, your asylum, your refuge!” He exclaimed each two sets of words by twirling you around in an exaggerated manner, in a style reminiscent of the way dancers would spin their dance partners in the 30s. You recognized this move all too well— feeling almost nostalgic.
Although you were slightly grateful for one thing he was doing right.. not being overly revealing or announcing the one big fact you two had between the both of you.
You didn’t need that fact to be running around the place like some kind of daily gossip.
Before your anxiety would make you burst in crying or throwing up right in his face you immediately tugged your hand away, his own keeping your wrist in his palm.
“Thank.. you—“ your hand holding the luggage let go to try to tug his hand from holding you any longer until you then finally managed to pull his grip away from off of your other wrist in order to create more space between him and you from the immense anxiety you were having, your lungs threatening not to quicken and burst like balloons. You immediately went back to hold onto your luggage once more.
“How.. welcoming..” you pretended as if you were dusting off your clothes and your arms as if trying to tidy yourself up instead it really meant to give you a few more seconds to collect your thoughts properly.
‘God.. everyone knowing I’m with Vox is only going to make this real fucking hard— I didn’t think this entirely fucking through..’ ah yes.. you totallyyy weren’t panicking about this now active interaction the past two days huh—
‘just act calm and cool _____, you need that money, you need that place, you need that show, you need protection.. stick to the plan..’
“Uh— how humble!.. of your Hotel staff to be so.. welcoming— your highness.” You spoke to Charlie, smiling brightly as if all of this was just casual conversation.
“A real treat seeing dear ol’ Angel Dust here, good to see a familiar face ain’t it Angie?” You turned slightly towards the pornstar, with him returning your comment by exclaiming with a “Damn right!”
Charlie smiled intensely with a nod, face full of joy and innocence. “I’m so sososo glad you like it here so far!! Your experience here won’t be disappointing! You’ll have an absolute blast!—
oh oh!! Can’t forget! We have to get you to your room! If you’d like you can stay there and rest or come down here and join us! Whichever you feel comfortable with.”
“Why thank you very much your highness, your hospitality sure is a darn nice breath of fresh air compared to the rest of hell. Bunch of cats and dogs fighting like wild animals out there.. need a real break once in awhile..” you spoke as you followed Charlie as she lead the way to your room, giving you a minor tour of the hotel before letting you rest in your new humble abode.
Your act, although part sincere and true, was full of holes. Holes not enough for the normal gaze to see but they are clear enough for him to see.
Alastor would eye you as you followed the princess, his fingers uncurling and curling around his staff slowly and menacingly. His sharp pupils narrowing while aligning with his grin as it expanded with a sense of mischief holding it up by its ends.
He saw right through you, of course he would, he knows when you lie, know when you’re honest, when you’re afraid and happy.
Why lie to him my dear? If you know that he knows you like the back of his hand.
Either way he knows he’s going to have to catch you alone at some point, he must catch up to what he’s missed throughout the years he’s been gone from the living world and even in hell.. although you made it clear the last time you met in hell that you don’t want to see him again he finds it curious how you’re even here at all.
Oh but.. gosh.. how much his little girl has grown.
You were a two months from turning 7 years old now, being adopted almost a year ago was the most prolific moment in your young life. Your grandmother, her real name being Adelaide but you preferred to call her Nana or Grandmama… Nana was better for your little voice to stretch out more easily and faster.
She was always such a darling to you, treating you as if you were one of her own. She told you true most amazing and beautiful stories, shared and sang the most wonderful lullabies and songs that sometimes Alastor would join in on, would make delicious food that you adored throughout your childhood, love you unconditionally the way a grandmother would.
And technically you were hers through papers but sometimes it felt as if it was inconsistent in certain areas.. mostly with Alastor.
Alastor was a peculiar man, as famous and passionate as he was he certainly didn’t have a heart of gold, only open to those he truly cares for like his mother and his radio show. It was as if his heart was surrounded from the sky to the depth of the ground with rusty fences and sharped barbed wire that only allowed very few people and things being let into his life.
You tried to get close to him around this time, bringing him little gifts you made and trinkets you’d find that reminded you of him as a way to get closer.
But he always just smiled at you, gave you a pat, and either said ‘good job’, ‘oh how cute, leave it at my study now won’t you?’ ‘I’m sure your Nana would love it.’ And go right back to what he was doing..
You didn’t understand why that happened— but it seems as if he didn’t bother to get close to you simply because you were a gift to his mother, a granddaughter she wanted to have but he couldn’t give unless through legal assistance,
you were for her to love— not for him to raise.
At least that was the case at this point in time.
It was weird.. you never truly has any terrible or bad interactions but— yet it made you disappointed each time, made you crave for his attention. After all— he’s supposed to be your father. Why wasn’t he paying attention?..
You were currently in your room sitting at your desk, papers scattered with different colored wax and pencils messily thrown around on the surface.
You were drawing something, a gift as a last chance to get him to notice you properly. You even had a special gift that your Nana helped you pick out for him! Surely, your dear dad would notice you now right?
Scribbling the last few finishing touches you then dropped the pen on the table as you exclaimed a little “Aha!” And raising the drawing up high, feeling proud of your masterpiece!
You quickly set the drawing down as you then hopped off your chair to a cower through a little playbox full of toys you had, only to search for one single thing. Once your tiny finally felt the touch of wood and slight metal, you grabbed it and pulled it out with yet again another delightful glee.
It was a small radio shaped wooden charm, the metal being the small little ‘hand’ that moved whenever the radio was operating and transmitting audio frequencies. The perfect gift for papa!
You then quickly grabbed the drawing off your desk, both your gifts in hand your little feet went pitter patter as you ran to the dining room where Alastor was having lunch freshly made by his mother.
Your Nana having recently left the home to get a few emergency groceries, made this a good time for just him and you to connect.
“Papa! papa!” You squealed, Alastor’s brows furrowing at several elements in his surroundings annoying him slightly..
“_____, no running in the house remember? Cant have too much noise disturbing our home.” Despite his scolding you couldn’t help but to just giggle and almost jump in excitement in what you’re planning to give him. He continued “Besides as I have mentioned many times before, call me Al—“
“But papa! Papa!— look!—“ you interrupted him, your voice projecting a bit more into a yell as to have him look at what you have.
“_____, no yelling please dear. I can hear you quite well. I’m not a mile away..”
“Yes papa— b—but!.. look..! I made you something..” you then gently set the drawing up at the table first beside his food. Alastor’s attention finally set on the paper and even stopped eating to look at it. He picked it up.. his eyes inspecting it.
It was a drawing of you and him in a sunny flower meadow in a forest both you and his mother had a picnic in recently, except it was just the both of you here.
The drawing was definitely not the most perfect but it was definitely the cutest. Your scribbles somehow managing to immediately the shape of his hair perfectly, his glasses were visible and his red suit was very on parr with what he would wear on the daily, then there was you— your hair a bit more messily drawn than his and seemed more rushed.. as if you couldn’t yet wait to finish the piece. To top it all off it even had small scribbled words in pencil that said ‘papa’ and ‘me’ and an arrow pointing at each individual figure that fit that description.
Oh how cute.
You stared up at him closely, even for a young kid as yourself you were able to notice the way his usually dark and cold eyes had a twinkle in them, a sort of softness diluting his everyday smile ever so slightly.
It took him a second before you then set the trinket on the table where he picked up the paper from “And this is also for you papa.. nana helped me pick it out for you since I said I wanted to give you a present…”
His eyes darted towards the trinket and even picked it up, inspecting the work and its shapes along with the design of it as a whole. Admiring it almost.
His eyes darted back to the drawing, both hands with both gifts.
Your little heart ran faster, your hopes were rising up to the heavens. Is he gonna say he was proud?.. he loves it? Adores it?.. hates it?—
“This is cute and all, but don’t forget to draw Nana in next time! She was at that picnic with us too remember!” He exclaimed as he smiled at you in an almost bittersweet way, his softness almost being wiped off entirely.
You frowned, “but.. I made it for you papa.. I’m always with nana so.. I wanted to make something for you!” You smiled fondly at him, trying to still hope for a ‘I’m proud’ from him.
“Aww is that so dear?” He spoke as he then set the gifts on the table on the opposite side of where you were, all while hiding behind a smile.
“Well just don’t forget to add Nana in next time, thank you darling for the lovely gifts.” And just like that he began eating.
Ah.. still the same— reaction. It was a bit better.. it wasn’t just a short and quick sentence at least so that made you smile a bit but.. you expected much more.. a hug, a proud smile.
“Yes, papa…” you then slowly walked off back into your room. A bit down but you weren’t going to let that ruin your smile, Nana always told you and papa to always smile no matter what. So that’s what you’ll keep doing. Even if— your expectations were dearly hurt today.
What you didn’t see was Alastor yet again inspecting the gifts you gave him after you left, a hand tilting it a bit to see it clearly and to have the trinket closer to the figures of the both of you.
His permanent smile’s ends stretched a bit, a ‘hm’ escaping his throat as he took another sip from his black coffee.
He never truly saw himself as your father, never fully taking care of you unless his mother asked him to.
Ah but, it was nice to think that way huh?
(HAIIII THABK YOU FOR READING THISSSS I had lots of fun writing this and omfg I have so many idea for Vox and reader interactions, especially when the plot thickens. But thank you so much for the wait on chapter 1 of this story!! I know the prologue has been awhile but I reallyyyy want to continue this since this is my very first original alastor and daughter fanfic that I’ve written years ago and want to revamp into this!!)
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romanticinlove · 2 months
You belong to me - JB Angst
Summary: Even after you and Jude break up, neither one of you can seem to move on
A/n: This is super toxic I cannot lie 😭
It had been two months since you and Jude ended things. The split was mutual. You both weren't in a good space to be together. The constant fighting and the insecurities from both parties became too much to handle. At first it seemed like a good idea. You thought that with some distance between the two of you, you would get over him in no time. The only problem was that you couldn't seem to get that distance. You had hooked up 11 times since the break up and even when you wanted to end things, you couldn't. You missed him too much. You two tried to give the relationship another chance after the second meet up, but you both quickly remembered why you ended things. In fact, that's how every one of your meet ups went. You both missed each other, one of you called the other, you would meet up, sleep with each other, then a fight would quickly arise. Then one of you would leave abruptly and the cycle repeated itself.
You knew that this was not healthy. The first few times, your friends tried to give you advice and when you went to take it, all your walls dropped. When you were with him, you felt comfortable. But you couldn't go on like this. When Jude came over to your house that night, It ended in another fight and Jude stormed out of your apartment and you sat in bed angrily. You cried yourself to sleep again that night, as you had a lot recently. the next morning when you woke up, you remembered what had happened and you decided that enough was enough. You pulled out your phone and began to text the young footballer.
You: Jude
You: We can't keep doing this, we have to be done
Jude: but I miss you, can I please come over tonight??
you: no, we have to end things. I’m sorry
You decide to then block his number because you knew he would try to continue to convince you. You felt relief when you sent the final text message. You were ready to start a new chapter of your life. a new one without Jude. In fact you were so excited that you texted your girls about it. They all congratulated you and gave you a quick fix
friend 1: y/n I actually have the perfect solution to keep you away from Jude. I have this friend who would be perfect for you! You should both set something up.
You went for it and got his number. Over the course of the next few days, you and James were both texting back and forth, getting to know one another. You found yourself smiling at your phone a lot more and thinking about Jude less and less. You both set up a date pretty soon after your friend introduced the two of you. you were excited when you met him in person. He took you out to a nice restaurant and you were both chatting away. You were paying attention to him, and you were genuinely interested in what he had to say. He was sweet, but honestly, you could not see yourself being with him. Your friend had set you up with one of her cousins, who was not at all perfect for you. You decided to stick around tho and give him a chance. Maybe you could develop feelings. You had almost forgotten about Jude. Almost.
if it hadn't been for that stupid team dinner. That same night that James took you to a very fancy and exclusive restaurant, some of the Real Madrid players, including Jude had also decided to spend their evening in the same place. You saw him first and it was like you became a different person. You were no longer paying attention to James and could only think about Jude.
What was he doing there? Did he see you? What would you do if he saw you? You wanted him to see you. You wanted him to see that you were on a date with someone else, that were could get over him. or maybe you couldn't and you wanted him to come to you and take you away.
"Y/n, is everything alright? You seem upset" James said across from you. You looked at his eyes and you felt horrible. You needed to forget Jude.
"yes, I am so sorry. I just have to use the restroom, I will be right back." You apologized as you got up from your seat. when you got into the bathroom, you washed your hands and flicked a little bit of water on your face. You needed to stop freaking out about Jude. Just as you left the bathroom, you saw the 6'1 man standing outside.
"Who is that?" Jude asked you wasting no time.
"It shouldn't matter to you" You said back "I have to get back to my date, excuse me"
"I don't think so, I think I deserve some time of explanation" Jude tried to tell you as he blocked the exit from the hall that led back to the restaurant.
"I owe you nothing, we are completely over, please don't do this" You told him, trying to get past again. He got in front of you put his hand on your face.
"c'mon y/n, you don't miss me at all?" Jude questioned as he looked at you. "I know you do. If that guy is my replacement, then I have nothing to worry about"
You shook you head and finally started walking back to the table where James was sitting.
"Just call me when the dates over" Jude told you as you left him alone. As you walked back
"I'm back, what were you saying just before I left?" You asked while smiling at him. You owed it to him to at least finish the date.
The rest of the night went fine but you couldn't focus on your date. When you arrived at your apartment. You thought about what Jude said. You pulled out your phone and saw a message from James.
James: I had such a nice time tonight, I would love to go on a second date.
You stared at the message for a little bit but slid out of your conversation with James. There should be no reason why you shouldn’t go on another day with him. But the feelings just weren’t there. When you got to your room you looked at your phone again, but this time with a different purpose.
“I was waiting for your call” Jude said on the other end. This was a bad idea, and you knew it too. But that didn’t stop you from inviting him over. He would get there in 15 minutes. You contemplated your decision but when you heard a knock at the door you smiled and went to open it. Maybe this time would be different. ——————————————————————
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mgc02 · 3 months
Tumblr media
Fix it
Platonic Alastor x tech savy/graphic designer reader
He didn't quite understand you
In fact people never expected you to be friends, and it certainly didn't start put that way
You started out working at Voxtech, you spent hours designing advertisements and editing commercials but when Vox told you to start working for Valentino and editing his porn videos you refused. Vox gave you an ultimatum: work for Valentino or be fired. So with no job you decided to try your hand at redemption
You didn't count on Vox's greatest enemy being the facility manager
At first Alastor threatened you. Suspecting you might be a spy since you were associated with Vox but Charlie convinced him to give you a chance
So he mostly ignored you. Keeping conversations short. Especially since it seemed you guys had absolutely nothing in common
Charlie wanted to find away to put your skills to use for the good of the hotel. You suggested creating a website
Charlie loved that idea so you got to it. You designed and developed it. You made it simple but eye catchy. And you decided to regularly upload edited videos of the shenanigans going on the hotel to attract new patrons (and to give yourself some fun).
Charlie being the person that she is wanted Alastor and you to get along better so she came up with the brilliant idea for you to interview him and create a page on the website for first hand accounts
Alastor agreed and as long as it was not a filmed interview
You had prepared a list of questions
Q. Why did you decide to join the hotel?
A. I decided to help the pathetic princess in her silly little dream to watch others fail miserably in attempt to change their already determined fates as entertainment for myself
Q. What has been your favorite moment here at the hotel?
A. Possibly when Niffty released an entire colony of roaches into Angel's bed. That was quite hilarious!
Q. What progress do you think you or someone else has made thus far that's worth mentioning?
A. I finally managed to get my new radio tower to look exactly like the old one. It was nice gesture really. But I do have preferred place for everything
After that you didn't know if Charlie was still going to be for this idea
You really didn't think you and Alastor would ever see eye to eye until one night you woke up to a knock on your door
You jumped out of bed still in your pajamas and opened the door to see Alastor standing there
You were... quite surprised. He told you he needed your help and it couldn't wait till morning
You followed him to his radio tower to see his system short circuiting. He warned you not to get to close or you'd get a nasty shock
"You're the one who deals with this technology stuff, fix it!" You thought to point out the two issues here
1. You don't fix technology, you utilize it to make things
2. This radio recording system is really old and you only knew what you were doing with MODERN technology
But you could tell he was very agitated. You wondered how it even got broke in the first place
You decided to do the only thing you could think and you Voxtubed it
You found some weird guy with obsession for fixing ham radios and old vintage tvs and watched a few of his videos. After assessing the broken system there were a lot of similarities. And after one boring audio book and online purchase of some parts you fixed it
Alastor was impressed. He tried very hard not show it but he couldn’t help it.
Before he could get back to it. You decided to listen to last chapter of the audio book one last time to make sure it was up to code. Unfortunately you forgot to connect your Bluetooth
Alastor standing in the tower with impatiently tapping his foot waiting for you to give the ok so he can give his listeners a much delayed broadcast stiffened at the sound coming from your phone and static buzzed loudly in the air
"Lovely I imagine the imagery to this is just flashy and distracting as it always is" he says rather annoyed
"Actually" you replied "it's an audio book. There is no visuals. It's just sound. Someone reads aloud a book and records it for people to listen to" you pointed out
It was not that much different from radio
You apologized and told him you would connect back to your headphones so he didn't have to hear it
"You may leave it on" he said surprisingly. So you did
Finally when you were done you went about your business. Everything went back to normal. Except... Alastor kept calling upon you before every broadcast demanding you play your audio book again to look over his system to make sure it won't crash on him mid broadcast
And each time he told you there was no need for your headphones
You finally decided to grow a pair and challenge him
"Once again I'd like you to check it over and make sure it's up to code. Play your dumb sound book again and get to it" he spoke as if the audio book did not matter at all but you knew better
"Oh I have it memerized by now. No need to play it again" you responded mischievously
His eyes narrowed and you could hear the sound of a record scratch. "Now, now. I won't allow for any mistakes that would not end well for you. Now play it again" he demanded
"You know if you liked the audio book you could just say so. Also you don't have to listen to the same end chapter over and over again. I have other probably more exciting books" you proposed
He acted offended. "How dare you insinuate that I would enjoy something as pointless and boring as that." Of course he didn't want to admit that anything that came from technology could possibly be good in any way and he could never ACTUALLY like it. No way
"You know its not a lot different from radio. Telling stories with just your voice. Like any kind of art this is just another medium. Another way of expressing oneself. You don't have to suddenly be Mr. Technology guy to like audio books" you said
Alastor seemed to pause in thought. "Hmmm... fine. I guess... it wasn't too horrible to listen to literature being read aloud in a soothing voice. Maybe I'll give some other pieces a try"
And after that you were at the radio tower all the time. Playing audio books for him. You eventually showed him your art skills and showed off the new website. He taught you a lot about his Era and about radio. You guys even redid the interview live on his radio show. Though the results were still quite similar
Though Alastor still hated technology he respected that it was something you enjoyed. And he did listen to the occasional audio book, although it was more like he made you play it for him
An unlikely friendship had formed. And nobody saw it coming. But you wouldn't trade it for the world
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physalian · 2 months
“How do I know if my story needs work or if I’m just being hard on myself?”
As I sit here accepting the fact that at 70k words into Eternal Night’s sequel while waiting for my editor for Eternal Night itself, that I have made an error in my plot.
Disclaimer: This is not universal and the writing experience is incredibly diverse. Figuring this out also takes some time and building up your self-confidence as an author so you can learn to separate “this is awful (when it’s not)” and “this is ok (but it can be better)” and “this isn’t working (but it is salvageable).”
When I wrote my first novel (unpublished, sadly), years ago, I would receive feedback all over the chapters and physically have to open other windows to block off parts of the screen on my laptop to slow-drip the feedback because I couldn’t handle constructive criticism all at once. I had my betas color-code their commentary so I could see before I read any of it that it wasn’t all negative. It took me thrice as long as it does today to get through a beta’s feedback because I got so nervous and anxious about what they would say.
The main thing I learned was this: They’re usually right, when it’s not just being mean (and even then, it’s rarely flat out mean), and that whatever criticisms they have of my characters and plot choices is not criticism of myself.
It did take time.
But now I can get feedback from betas and even when I hear “I’d DNF this shit right now unless you delete this,” I take a step back, examine if this one little detail is really that important, and fix it. No emotional turmoil and panic attack needed. I can also hear “I didn’t like it” without heartbreak. Can’t please everyone.
The only time I freak out is when I'm told "this won't need massive edits" followed up by, in the manuscript, "I'd DNF this shit right now". Which happened. And did not, in fact, require a massive rewrite to fix.
What might be some issues with your story and why it “isn’t working”.
1. Your protagonist is not active enough in the story
You’ve picked your protagonist, but it’s every other character that has more to do, more to say, more choices to make, and they’re just along for the ride, yet you are now anchored to this character’s story because they’re the protagonist. You can either swap focus characters, or rework your story to give them more agency. Figure out why this character, above any other, is your hero.
2. Your pacing is too slow
Even if you have a “lazy river” style story where the vibes and marinating in the world is more important than a breakneck plot, slow pacing isn’t just “how fast the story moves” it’s “how clearly is the story told,” meaning if you divert the story to a side quest, or spend too long on something that sure is fluffy or romantic or funny, but it adds nothing to the characters because it’s redundant, doesn’t advance the plot, doesn’t give us more about the world that actually matters to the themes, then you may have lost focus of the story and should consider deleting it, or editing important elements into the scenes so they can pull double-duty and serve a more active purpose.
3. You’ve lost the main argument of your narrative
Sometimes even the best of outlines and the clearest plans derail. Characters don’t cooperate and while we see where it goes, we end up getting hung up on how this one really cool scene or argument or one-liner just has to be in the story, without realizing that doing so sacrifices what you set out to accomplish. Personally I think sticking to your outline with biblical determination doesn’t allow for new ideas during the writing process, but if you find yourself down the line of “how did we get here, this isn’t what I wanted” you can always save the scenes in another document to reuse later, in this WIP or another in the future.
4. You’re spending too long on one element
Even if the thing started out really cool, whether it’s a rich fantasy pit stop for your characters or a conversation two characters must have, sometimes scenes and ideas extend long past their prime. You might have characters stuck in one location for 2 or 3 chapters longer than necessary trying to make it perfect or stuff in all these details or make it overcomplicated, when the rest of the story sits impatiently on the sidelines for them to move on. Figure out the most important reasons for this element to exist, take a step back, and whittle away until the fat is cut.
5. You’ve given a side character too much screentime
New characters are fun and exciting! But they can take over the story when they’re not meant to, robbing agency from your core characters to leave them sitting with nothing to do while the new guy handles everything. You might end up having to drag your core characters along behind them, tossing them lines of dialogue and side tasks to do because you ran out of plot to delegate with one character hogging it all (which is the issue I ran into with the above mentioned WIP). Not talking about a new villain or a new love interest, I mean a supporting character who is supposed to support the main characters.
As for figuring out the difference between “this is awful and I’m a bad writer” and “this element isn’t working” try pretending the book was written by somebody else and you’re giving them constructive criticism.
If you can come up with a reason for why it’s not working that doesn’t insult the writer, it’s probably the latter. As in, “This element isn’t working… because it’s gone on too long and the conversation has become cyclical and tiring.” Not “this element isn’t working because it’s bad.”
Why is it bad?
“This conversation is awkward because…. There’s not enough movement between characters and the dialogue is really stiff.”
“This fight scene is bad because….I don’t have enough dynamic action, enough juicy verbs, or full use of the stage I’ve set.”
“This romantic scene is bad because…. It’s taking place at the wrong time in the story. I want to keep it, but this character isn’t ready for it yet, and the vibe is all wrong now because they’re out-of-character.”
“This argument is bad because…. It didn’t have proper build-up and the sudden shouting match is not reflective of their characters. They’re too angry, and it got out of hand quickly. Or I’m not conveying the root of their aggression.”
There aren’t very many bad ideas, just bad execution. “Only rational people can think they’re crazy. Crazy people think they’re sane,” applies to writing, too.
I just read a fanfic recently where, for every fight scene, I could tell action was not the writer’s strong suit. They leaned really heavily on a crutch of specific injuries for their characters, the same unusual spot getting hit over and over again, and fights that dragged on for too long being unintentionally stagnant. The rest of the fic was great, though, and while the fights weren’t the best, I understood that the author was trying, and I kept reading for the good stuff. One day they will be better.
In my experience beta reading, it’s the cocky authors who send me an unedited manuscript and tell me to be kind (because they can’t take criticism), that they know it’s perfect they just want an outside opinion (they don’t want the truth, they want what will make them feel good), that they know it’s going to make them a lot of money and everyone will love it (they haven’t dedicated proper time and effort into researching marketing, target audiences, or current trends)—these are the truly bad authors. Not just bad at writing, but bad at taking feedback, are bullies when you point out flaws in their story, and cheap, too.
The best story I have received to date was where the author didn’t preempt with a self-deprecating deluge of “it’s probably terrible you know but here it is anyway” or “this is perfect and I’m super confident you’re going to love it”.
It was something like, “This is my first book and I know it has flaws and I’m nervous but I had a lot of fun doing it”.
And yeah, it needed work, but the bones of something great were there. So give yourself some credit, yeah?
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ymechi · 10 months
Who is the real Creator?
I had to edit and remove some parts for this to make sense, I hope it is coherent if not please tell me so I can fix it and explain everything better. I did not expect people to be interested in this au so I was surprised! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
-TW: cult au, yandere, impostor au, mentions of being hunted down, mentions of trauma, mentions of character injuring themselves (nothing major)
-Gn reader and darling (please tell me if I mess this up message me and I will fix it)
Part 1, This is part 2, part 3, part 4
Reader ushered Darling inside giving them the blanket which they used to dry their wet self. They sort of reminded Reader of what a wet sad cat one of their neighbors used to own looked like after a rainy day. Darling sat on the kitchen table as Reader once again prepared some tea. Reader really should get a nice tea set soon, they mentally put that on their shopping list the next time they are going to the market.
Darling sat quietly at the table sniffing and not saying much, Reader had no idea what to say before it would have been so easy they knew each other in and out. Yet now. . . it was as if a hundred years had passed, a million things had happened. Reader was now not sure what to say.
They weren't sure if they even wanted to comfort Darling. Shouldn't Darling be comforting Reader? All they got was that half-assed hospital meeting.
If Darling is upset wasn't there a league of followers, acolytes, servants heck even Archons who would comfort them why come to them now out of all times and alone? Clearly something serious happened that they had to runaway alone to them out of all people.
Reader inwardly sighed.
They bought out a pan. One thing they knew how to lighten the mood up was pancakes, it was easy and they knew how to do that . In fact, they might get a master's degree in making pancakes, Reader should ask Nahida if that is possible.
(They tried not to think that it was Darling's favourite meal to eat after being sad.)
"So. . . What happened?" Reader tried to start.
Darling did not respond for a while just quietly staring at them. Their eyes were a bit dull and exhaustion was evident on their face. They seemed to contemplate what to say before they started.
"I. . . I asked to wield a sword, at first they were against it but I wanted to try y'know?"
There was no question who they were, the crazy cultist acolytes. Reader shuddered at some of their past interactions with them, they were good weapon wielders reader would give them that. . . Reader had first-hand experience after all.
Yet Darling was alone with the trigger-happy acolytes all this time.
Although Darling was the supposed Creator, they should have been fine, Reader looked over at them and they lacked any surface wounds.
They should have been fine right?
"It was fine at first they taught me proper stances but then I got a bit touchy with the sword, you know me how I get with stuff like that and then I," she sighed, "I cut myself like an idiot."
Reader rubbed their head and thought about it, they would not be here for a cut something else went on and they waited for Darling to finish.
"Then I bled," Darling was quiet for a moment, "it was red."
Hey, it rhymed Reader wanted to say to break the tension but Reader refrained. They did not get it at all. What was so wrong with red blood? Wasn't blood supposed to be red.
Darling must have caught on and they looked like they finally understood something. It was they who wanted to understand what was going on!
"Uhm yeah you maybe don't know but the Creator is supposed to bleed gold."
That is all they could say really. They felt dumb for a second there they had been actively avoiding taking any religious classes or any mention of religion for their own mental health's sake. Perhaps if they did not avoid it as much they would have understood what was going on much easier but for now the single religious book they owned remained hidden and untouched in their drawer.
Now that they finally understood the problem it was quite the conundrum. Darling was supposed to be the Creator yet now they were not because of some gold blood requirement. What would happen to Darling? Would they accuse them of harming the "real Creator"? Hunt them down like they did to Reader? Would they come and hunt down Reader again?
Although they doubted they would be hunted down again as the "blessings of the Creator" thing, whatever that meant, Nahida told everyone else seemed to work and placate them.
"Now what?" A reader asked tiredly.
"I don't know I managed to sneak out while they were distracted but I guess they will find out soon to come and get me."
Reader grimaced and turned around to prepare to finally whisk the ingredients they were too distracted to do while they listened to Darling.
"So like did they hurt you after they found out or something?" Reader cringed at their wording. They could have said that better considering it was a serious topic.
"No they didn't they just healed me and left me in my room," Darling paused, "You should have seen some of the looks on their faces, like I killed their puppy or something. . ."
Reader tried to imagine what it was like worshipping someone only for that person not to be the god they worshiped. It must have gone bad for both parties involved. Darling was told she was a god only to be looked at in disappointment. The followers who eagerly awaited for their beloved Creator only for it to be an illusion.
"Yikes, I can't imagine it was pleasant."
"It wasn't."
They went quiet after that soon the pancakes were ready and Reader went out to serve them along with the tea. Reader had to admit they could make some good mean pancakes because Darling looked a bit better with some of the color returning to their face.
There was another knock at the door.
Another visitor? Who would come- They looked at Darling, oh right.
Darling once again looked pale and the grip on their utensils was trembling. What had they done to shake them up this much? Reader wasn't doing better either their heartbeat going frantic as unpleasant memories resurfaced. Damnit they thought they had gotten better.
"Reader it is me Nahida we need to talk, I am sorry but it is urgent."
Reader inhaled, thank the stars it was only Nahida.
They relaxed their shoulders and opened the door. Despite the rain, the Archon looked dry and Reader wondered what sort of magic they used and if they could learn it as well.
"I am sorry to interfere," she looked behind Reader, "but it seems you have the person we have been searching for," Nahida said while looking genuinely sorry.
Right, the only person Darling knew besides the acolytes in this world was the Reader. No wonder they were found out so quickly.
"Uhm- uh- How about some pancakes first?"
Nahida looked the the back of Darling who was hunched over and relented. She must have seen something as she agreed rather quickly. Reader closed the door as the Archon entered their home. Nahida approached Darling they did an elegant bow and Reader was suddenly hit that Darling was or now was the creator. Darling got someone as well respected as Nahida to bow.
Reader had seen the way people behaved in respect and reverence at Nahida and how the scholars, the Emirates, and merchants would listen and take in her input. So someone like Nahida bowing. . .
Reader never fully understood the weight and status of that position the so-called "Creator" held even after being hunted down over it.
Yet now it seemed very heavy.
How did Darling live with that?
Darling face grimaced as she saw the bow. Nahida looked worried.
"Is there something going on your grace?"
This was going to be an awkward conversation. How to explain to someone you were not the god you thought they were?
Darling looked at Reader before looking back at their untouched pancakes.
"I am not your grace Nahida I bleed red like the rest."
A tense silence followed.
Nahida to her credit seemed calm with the revelation. She had her point finger touching her mouth in a contemplative gesture.
"I see and that is why you are here."
The room was quiet for a while. Reader awkwardly wrung her hands and it was surprisingly Darling, the least stable person who spoke up again.
"Did you know?" Darling said in an accusing tone their eyebrows narrowed. Reader thought they almost looked angry. Where did that come from? How could Nahida have known if no one else including them knew?
"To be honest your-," she paused," I had my suspicions.
Wait what- That was the first Reader heard about this.
"And you did not bother to tell me! To tell anyone?!" Darling jumped up from the chair.
"Was it funny watching me being led on, all those expectations, all those promises my whole world getting fucked up - fuck can I even go back home to my family?!"
Reader jumped between them hiding Nahida behind them trying to calm Darling down who looked to be on the verge of crying or a breakdown.
"Look Darling I know you are upset, it's messed up but she didn't have anything to do with it okay? I am sure she had her reasons."
Darling took one glance at Reader's eyes and fell down on the chair, they hid their face in their arms.
"I am. . . Sorry. . . Shit."
That de-escalated quickly just as it erupted. They worry about Darling's mental health at this point.
"It is fine, I suppose this is a very difficult situation for everyone involved," said Nahida.
Reader wrung their hands together.
"Hey I know it's not the time but I did make extra pancakes let's eat first?" They tried not to sound pathetic.
The silence was their reply.
"You and your damn pancakes," Darling said and snorted.
"Hey! I only do it because I know it cheers you up!" they said and huffed.
Nahida who looked at them laughed, the previous suffocating tension was gone and Reader went up to get a plate for Nahida as well. Finally both Reader and the Archon sat down on their seat they all ate in relative silence but it wasn't as awkward as it could have been.
Once finished Reader poured some hot tea.
"Thank you Reader the pancakes were delicious I will have to ask you to let me eat them again sometime."
Reader smiled at the Archon.
"Of course, you are welcome any time."
Darling who watched them snorted. Reader looked at them with questioning eyes.
"What are you laughing at," Reader said in an accusing tone. Was Darling mocking them again?
"You speak like them now," Darling said with an amused glint in their eyes as they looked at Reader.
"Ohh, I guess I kind of do. . ."
Nahida once again took a look at them and laughed. Both snapped out of their bubble and looked at the Archon sheepishly.
"I am glad to see you two are getting along well, I hope both of you don't mind the topic changing to a more serious one," she looked at both of them and both nodded,"Before we start, I have a question for you Darling."
Darling looked apprehensive but nodded.
"Do the others know about you not being the creator?"
". . .Yeah they do," Darling said and looked at their empty plate.
"I see that does make things easier it is better it is out now that later knowing how overzealous some acolytes and followers can get."
Reader grimaced and Darling looked a bit defeated at the statement.
"How much do you both know about the creator?"
Reader and Darling looked at each other and it was Reader who started to speak.
"Honestly not much I avoid religious talk at all cost."
Nahida looked at Reader with sympathy.
"I guess I am the opposite I got to learn a lot, basically in each new era the creator descends into a new incarnation, and their vessel is not always the same," she paused thinking about what to say next, "They like to live peacefully with their people because of that they don't always have their powers with them but they can gain them over time, something like that"
"Yes that is most of it, it is presumed in this era the creator chose to be a normal human which we thought was you Darling. We also thought that the Creator's presence and powers were weak due to being a normal human in this incarnation. Despite you not being the Creator some part of what I said is true.
"Which part?" Darling asked.
"The part where the creator chose to be an ordinary human, despite having such a faint presence me being so attuned to Irminsul could still feel it, yet it was weak. That is why I was confused. Rather than being the Creator you Darling had gotten a blessing from the Creator."
"But how I have never met them" Darling interjected.
Nahida stared at Reader and once again Reader was reminded of those intense stares directed at them as if trying to solve a puzzle piece.
"No, the creator was - is still quite close to you."
"Wait really?" Darling looked at Nahida in confusion inching closer towards the Archon as if they went closer physically they would solve the mystery.
"Yes we are sitting beside them after all."
There was no question about who Nahida meant both she and Darling were staring at Reader.
That is what Reader replied with.
Nahida shook her head.
"I am afraid it is true.
No way.
Taglist: @resident-cryptid @probablynoposts @esthelily @mitsukashi @charming-mage @chaoticfivesworld @irisxiel @dulcedelechenginamo
545 notes · View notes
therand0mwriter · 8 months
Bare Your Soul
Alastor Hartfelt x Female!Reader
When the Hazbin Hotels second, more appropriate, commercial was interrupted by the news, Alastor decided to air his original, sarcastic, commercial. What no one expected was for the commercial to actually work.
"ɨ… աǟռȶ ȶօ… ɢɛȶ ȶօ ӄռօա ʏօʊ."
"𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽?"
Chapter 1 - The Hazbin Hotel
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[Update 02.08.24 - since I've had a lot of people come to me, pissed about the fact that I made Alastor's last name Altruist (even though I thought it sounded catchy), I changed it to Hartfelt. Yes, I know his last name isn't confirmed yet, but Hartfelt is the closest thing we'll come to a last name.]
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[A/N: (h/c)=hair color, (h/l)=hair length, (h/t)=hair type (wavy, straight, curly, etc.)]
[2nd A/N: When I put (s/c) and (e/c) you can do what ever color you want, you're a demon in this story, have fun with it:)]
*3rd Person POV*
Charlie came back from the meeting with Adam and was feeling down on her luck. She had no idea on how to tell everyone that Extermination Day was now sooner than they expected. But when her girlfriend, Vaggie, came bounding up to her and told her that everyone at the hotel had made a new commercial, her heart swelled and her eyes teared up.
Charlie and Vaggie joined the group in the main area to watch the commercial, but was sorely disappointed when it was interrupted by the news announcing that Extermination Day was pushed up by six months.
Alastor, on the other hand, seized the opportunity. "Well, my dear," He started, standing and turning to Charlie. "I could always air my original commercial. Now that the announcement of Hell's newest problem is out of the way, I'm sure it won't be interrupted by anything. I'll even broadcast it from my radio tower!" He ended with a flourish of his staff.
Vaggie then stood, standing in front of Charlie, "Hold on, can't we just re-air the better commercial?" Alastor's already large grin widened, "I'm afraid not, dear. The agreement was to only show it once!" The one-eyed girl let out an 'ugh', face palming. Charlie stood next to Vaggie and begrudgingly started, "Well, I guess that's all we can do. Go ahead, Alastor."
"Wonderful!" The radio demon shouted before disappearing into his shadow. "Maybe it'll convince someone to come here?" Charlie said to Vaggie, a sheepish grin on her face.
*Time Skip, Next Day*
Everyone at the Hazbin Hotel just finished watching Alastor's original commercial, Alastor's grin more joyous than usual, Vaggie's eye was twitching wildly, Charlie was grimacing, and everyone else had looks of surprise. "I really hope nobody saw that." Vaggie commented, distaste clear in her voice.
In a dark room, where the only source of light was the television, sat a lone woman. She watched with wide (e/c) eyes as a commercial out of place from the other ones started to play.
"Well, hello there you wayward sinner! Do you like blood, violence and depravity of a sexual nature? Of course you do! That's why you're in Hell! But what would you say if I told you there was a place to stay that had none of that? Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, a misguided path to redemption! Founded five days ago by Lucifer's delusional daughter: Charlotte Morningstar! Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands as she tries to work through her  daddy issues by fixing you! Here, we offer fun things! Such as, somewhat functional staff! And 24 hour pest control. Custom rooms, and just look at this tacky parlor! Enjoy riveting conversation with our singular resident. Wow! All this and more at the Hazbin Hotel! Your last desperate attempt at salvation starts here."
The woman muted the TV after the commercial ended, still staring with wide eyes as she processed what she just watched. Eventually, she started to giggle. Then that giggling turned into full blow boisterous laughing. She placed her hand on her forehead, shaking her head until she calmed down. Once she did, she let out a tired sigh, her shoulders drooping. "This might be my only chance." The woman said forlornly, turning off the TV, enveloping the room in darkness.
*Time Skip, Next Day*
At the hotel, Charlie was pacing back and forth as her cat, KeeKee, was also pacing with her, swerving in and out of Charlies moving legs. "Okay! So the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year. No big deal! Just a little setback! Nothing we can't handle." At this point in Charlies rambling, KeeKee had run off, most likely finding a place to sleep. Charlie continued her worried rambling, "Just Angels cutting our timetable in half. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right?! And next time when they cut the time in half again and again, we'll just handle it, right?!" 
Vaggie came up to her girlfriend and placed her hands on Charlie's shoulders, stopping her in her tracks and her panicked rant, "Yes, we will." Vaggie sent Charlie a comforting smile, but that smile was gone when Angel spoke up, "Oh, please. Ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now," Angel paused, looking down to his phone to see multiple text messages from his boss, Valentino. "Ain't no silver lining this time, toots."
"Sure there is. We just have to look a little harder for it." Charlie responded, a hopeful smile on her face. "Well, while you're lookin', the rest of Hell is going nuts." Angel stated, turning his phone to Charlie to show multiple news headlines. "People are already freaking out about the news. Look at what's happening in the Doomsday District."
When Charlie leaned forward to look at Angel's phone, a text message popped up. "Uh, what is a 'donkey show'?" She questioned, her red eyes squinted in confusion. Angel's eyes went wide and he quickly brought his phone back to him, "Ah! Eh, nothing! My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news, too. Like I said, everyone's losing their shit."
"Yeah," Vaggie started. "That's true. Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?" Charlie gasped, a smile growing on her face once more, "This is the prefect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!" She ended, throwing her arms up in the air in excitement. "Cute idea and all, but you really going to go out in all of this?" Angel questioned, turning his phone to the two women to show a fire and demons screaming in fear. 
"Well, it's not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep." Charlie said and immediately after a loud explosion sounded, causing the girl to shout in surprise. The three turn to see a hole in the wall next to the bar. They then heard a dramatic voice come from outside, "Show yourself, Alastor! Come and face-" The voice, Sir Pentious, paused, looking from the hole in the wall to the balcony above it from his ship. There, sat Alastor, drinking from a mug that said 'OH DEER' on it. "Oh, there you are. Face my wrath!" Pentious continued. Alastor took a sip from his mug before turning back to the snake demon, "Who are you?"
"Who am I? Who am I? I am the great Sir Pentious! Inventor, architect of destruction, villain extraordinaire!" Said demon boasted as Alastor went into his shadow, moving to stand next to Charlie, Vaggie and Angel who had come outside to see the cause of disturbance. One of Sir Pentious Egg Boi's turned to him, "Woo! You tell 'em, boss." 
Niffty had also came out from the hotel, climbing up Alastor's back and gasping with excitement, "Ooo! He's a bad boy." Alastor reached behind him and took ahold of Niffty by her scruff, placing her on the ground, "Huh, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you." Pentious eyes were wide with disbelief, "I attacked you literally last week." The Radio demon tilted his head in confusion, a static hum coming from him. "We've done battle, like... 20 times?" Pentious explained, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Well, you must have been really bad at this." Alastor said, a smug tone in his voice.
"Silence! Now cower!" The snake demon shouted. "For when I've slain you, the almighty Vee's will finally acknowledge me as their equal!" Niffty had climbed back onto Alastor's back, gasping in excitement once more. She then paused, "Wait, who are the Vee's?" Alastor waved them off, "Oh, nobody important. Now, let's deal with the nobody in front of us." The Radio demon chuckled darkly, static sounding from him as giant black tentacle came from the ground, wrapping around Sir Pentious ship, shaking it.
One of the tentacles smashed into the cockpit, causing Pentious to shout in fear, "Ahh! Please! Stop!" Alastor chuckled at the sight in front of him, his chuckling turning into manic laughter. "Um, Alastor?" Charlie called out, "I think he's had enough." Angel grinned, "Nah, he's got a few more hits in 'im."
The tentacles tilted the ship to where Pentious fell out of the cockpit and onto the cement with a crack. "Thanks for another forgettable experience." Alastor said, twirling his staff then leaning on it. Pentious slowly lifted one of his arms and slowly spoke, "Thank... you..." He then propped himself up, "For letting your guard down!" He quickly shot his tail out, taking ahold of the corner of Alastor's coat, ripping the edge off. "Haha! Yah!" Pentious shouted with glee, but immediately cowered as Alastor growled with anger, his antlers growing. "Oh, shit!" Pentious said before he was blasted off. He let out a scream of pain as green smoke followed him through the air as he flew.
When Pentious was out of view, Alastor turned to the three behind him, "Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor. Best of luck, chums!" He turned back around, waving goodbye. Vaggie then stepped forward, "Wait, you're leaving? Alastor, we need your help. We need you to do your job." She stated. Angel added, gesturing to the large hole, "We need a wall." The Radio demon turned back to them, 'Of course! Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?" Alastor snapped his fingers, causing six black and white demons to appear from the ground as he walked away.
Angel giggled, pushing Vaggie out of his way as he made his way up to the largest black and white demon. "Hey, sweet cheeks." Angel started in a sultry tone, leaning one of his four arms on the demons shoulder. "What you doing later? I love me a man with a giant..." Angel pause, looking down at the demons crotch. "Tool." The spider demon finished. 
"Um, am I interrupting?" A new voice started. Charlie, Vaggie and Angel look to their left to see a female demon they've never met before. Her hair was (h/l), (h/c) and (h/t), her clear skin was (s/c), and her eyes were a brilliant shade of (e/c). On top of her head was a set of antlers that were decorated in little colorful flowers. The antlers went up and curled into each other, forming the shape of a heart. Also on the top of her head was a set of fluffy (h/c) ears, similar to a deer.
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[A/N: Something like this for your antlers. Image does not belong to me.]
"Wow! You look a lot like Alastor!" Charlie said, slightly amazed. The new female raised her eyebrow in confusion, "I'm sorry, who?" Vaggie then stepped in, a cautious tone to her voice, "Um, the Radio demon? You're not related to him, are you?" The new females eyes widened with realization, "Oh! Yes, I've heard of him. Don't worry, we aren't related. Are we that similar?"
Angel went and stood with Charlie and Vaggie, leaving the six black and white demons to do their job. "It's just the antlers and ears y'all got in common." Angel added. The female nodded in understanding and Charlie took a step towards her, a warm smile on her face, "So, what can we help you with?"
"Oh! Yeah!" The she-demons eyes went wide once more, remembering why she was there. She then became nervous, her hold on her suitcase, that the three others just noticed, tightened. "Uh, I saw your guys commercial. About the hotel. And I want to join, if that's okay?" With each word the female spoke, Charlie's grin grew wider and wider until she finally burst.
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Charlie jumped up and down in excitement, running forward to take the she-demons hands in hers. "Yes, yes, yes! Of course you can stay here! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! We're going to help you get to Heaven! My names Charlie!" The said demon introduced, vigorously shaking the new females' hands. The blonde then stood next to the new she-demon, gesturing to Vaggie and Angel, "That's Vaggie, my girlfriend! And that's Angel Dust! Our other resident!" The two waved a greeting to the new girl, but before she could return it, Charlie was already pulling her inside.
"Here's our bartender, Husk! And over here we have Niffty! She does our cleaning! Oh! And these are my pets! Razzle, Dazzle and KeeKee! Oh! Let me show you all of the floors, the kitchen, the bathrooms-" Vaggie then stepped in front of Charlie, placing her hands on her girlfriends shoulder, "Charlie! Honey, we don't need to show her everything all at once. Take a breath and let her breath." And Charlie did just that, both her and Vaggie turning back to the new female.
"I'm sorry, during Charlie's excitement, we didn't get your name." Vaggie said, both her and Charlie sending a smile to the new female. The she-demon brushed off her dress, calming down from being pulled here and there. She cleared her throat before straightening her back and bowing her head slightly in a formal greeting, "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), It's an honor to meet you, princess Morningstar. Same with you, Vaggie. I hope I can be a good guest and help you achieve your goals."
Vaggie's eye went wide with surprise at how polite this she-demon was being, the only other person she's met that's this kind was Charlie. It made Vaggie a little suspicious. Charlie, on the other hand, was warmed by the greeting as tears swelled in her eyes. Angel then stepped up to the three women, "Wait, you said you saw a commercial. Which commercial did ya see?" Charlie then gasped, "Wait! You saw our commercial?!" The blonde shouted, shaking with excitement.
(Y/N) nodded, small smile on her lips, "Yes, I thought it was quite entertaining in all honesty." Charlie and Angel were confused while Vaggie squinted, "Wait, why was it entertaining?" (Y/N) gained a nervous sweat, "No offense, but I think my favorite part was about Charlie's daddy issues. I have no idea why you added it, but I liked it." She ended with a shrug. "Oh..." Charlie said dejectedly and Vaggie slapped her hand against her forehead. "Ugh, you saw Alastor's commercial." (Y/N) raised her eyebrow in surprise, "Really? I'll have to give him my compliments when I meet him."
Charlie shook her head and smiled again, placing her hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, turning her towards the staircase, "Well, (Y/N), let me show you to your room. And please, just call me Charlie." The blonde said, referring to when (Y/N) called her 'princess Morningstar'.
Vaggie watched the two go up the stairs and disappear around the corner, her eye squinting with suspicion. Angel raised his brow at her, "What's with your face?" Vaggie ignored his comment, "How can someone in Hell be that nice? It doesn't make sense. Somethings gotta be up with her." Angel rolled his eyes at her paranoia, going and sitting back on the couch.
*Time Skip*
*(Y/N)'s POV*
It's been around an hour since you've arrived at the Hazbin Hotel. Charlie left you alone for the moment to settle into your room. After you finished placing your last piece of clothing away, you sat on your new bed and sighed, rubbing the area where your shoulder and neck connect. 'Charlie sure is energetic.' You thought to yourself.
Just then, you heard static outside your door. You look and see a shadow move from under the gap. As the shadow disappeared, so did the static. 'What was that?' You thought to yourself. You stood and made your way to your door, opening it and peeking your head out. You saw a red figure round the corner, the sound of static following them. You look around for Charlie, Vaggie, or anyone you could ask about the being you briefly saw. But there was no one in the hallway. 'Well, let's hope curiosity doesn't kill the deer...' You meekly thought, leaving your room and following after the red figure.
When you rounded the corner, you didn't see the figure. You then listened for the static, faintly hearing it. You made your way towards the noise, peeking your head around another corner. You then saw a door that was out of place from the other ones. This one was wooden, and had a small window near the top. Then, a light flickered on above the wooden door. You look and see it's an 'ON AIR' sign.
You thought back to when you first got to the hotel. On the outside was what looked to be a broadcasting tower, you just didn't think it was still functional from how it was leaning away from the building. "Salutations! Good to be back on the air!" You then heard a voice that sounded like it was coming from an old-timey radio say. 'Is that Alastor?' You thought, your curiosity growing. 'What does the infamous Radio Demon look like?'
Without thinking, you approached the door and pulled it open to see a metal flight of stairs leading up. "Yes I know it's been awhile since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast, sinners rejoice!" You heard, what you assumed to be, Alastor say. You continued up the stairs, hearing a new voice you didn't recognized. This voice was clear, as if he was speaking to you in person, "What a dated voice!"
When you got to the top, you were met with another door, but this one was left ajar. "Instead of a clout chasing mediocre video podcast!" You heard Alastor say. You peek through the opening of the door and finally laid your eyes on him, The Radio Demon. He had pale skin, red eyes, short red hair that turned black for the last few inches, deer like ears that were larger than mine sat atop of his head, a set of antlers that were smaller than mine also accompanied his ears, and a large, sharp tooth yellow grin.
He wore a red suit and monocle, his bowtie, gloves, pants and shoes being black (accented by red). In his hand was his staff that, what looked to be, an older version of a microphone. "Come on!" The unknown voice shouted. "Is Vox insecure pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?" Alastor responded smugly into his staff, lifting his shoulders in a shrug.
"Ignore his chirping!" The second voice, Vox, shouted once more, sounding irritated. "Every day he's got a new format." The Radio Demon added. "You're looking at the future, he's the shit that comes before that!" The TV demon bellowed with a singing tone. Unfortunately for him, his comment didn't bother Alastor one bit. "Is Vox as strong as he purports, or is it based on his support? He'd be powerless without the other Vee's!" Alastor sang back, his comment causing you to smile in amusement. "Oh, please!" Vox said, not knowing a better comeback. 
"And here's the sugar on the cream, he asked me to join his team-" Alastor was interrupted by panicked Vox, "Hold on!" But the Radio Demon continued to sing into his staff, leisurely leaning back in his chair, "I said no and now he's pissy, that's the tea!" You had to cover your mouth to keep the giggle bubbling in your throat from slipping out.
"You old timey prick! I'll show you suf-suffering!" Vox's voice started to glitch. "Uh oh! The TV is buffering!" Alastor teased, propping his head on his hands. "I'll destroy yoo-o-u-u you little-" Before Vox could finish his sentence, he cut out, along with all of the power in Hell. You jumped in surprise at the sudden darkness coming from outside, but also at the fact that the only place that still had power was the broadcasting tower.
"I'm afraid you've lost your signal." Alastor continued, leaning forward, the air in the tower becoming sinister. "Let's begin, I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone." With every word he sang, Alastor's antlers grew along with his malicious grin. "Tune on in. When I'm done," Alastor stood from his seat, his form growing larger and more lanky. The red in his sclera turned pitch black, only his iris staying red. What looked to be red stitching started to appear all over his body and clothes, making him resemble a voodoo doll. "Your status quo will know its race is run," Red liquid started to leak from his mouth. "Oh this will be fun!" Alastor ended with a maniacal laugh, his pupils turning into little radio dials.
'So this is him... The Radio Demon.' You didn't know if you should be scared shitless or amazed by his power. Alastor returned to his normal form, taking a sip of his tea. He then suddenly spoke up, "Are you going to join me or just keep watching me from the shadows?" Alastor turned to the door, and I instantly knew he was talking to me. 'He's a powerful demon, of course he noticed me.' You thought, mentally face palming. You noted that he still sounded like he was speaking through a radio. 'How strange, but fitting for the Radio Demon.' You pushed the door open and stepped in, "I apologize, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."
*3rd Person POV*
"I apologize, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." When the she-demon stepped in, Alastor paused, taking in her looks. (H/l) (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin, (e/c) eyes, deer ears, and antlers in the shape of a heart with flowers. She wore a long-sleeved black dress that stopped mid-thigh, with small black buttons on the top of the dress, along with a thin black bowtie that sat above her exposed chest (but of course not exposing anything indecent). She also wore white tights, covering the skin on her legs. On her feet were black Mary Jane heels that completed her outfit. 'How strange,' Alastor thought. 'She doesn't look half bad.'
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[A/N: Something like this for your dress. Image does not belong to me.]
Alastor stood and made his way to the girl, "It is no problem, my dear! I broadcasted it for all of Hell to hear. Did you at least enjoy it?" He then twirled his staff in a flashy manner. The she-demon nodded, a small smile adorning her (thin/plump) lips, "Yes, I thought it was entertaining." Alastor's never-leaving smile widened at her words and he straightened his coat, "The names Alastor! Alastor Hartfelt! And who do I have the pleasure of being in the presence of?" He held out his hand to her, bending his body slightly to meet her height.
She stared at his hand, then back up to meet his eyes. Alastor tilted his head at her hesitancy. She started to stutter, embarrassed when she realized she had been staring, "S-Sorry, it's just that your eyes are much brighter up close." Before Alastor could respond or even think about her comment, she took ahold of his hand, shaking it. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), it's an honor to meet you. I am the newest resident of the Hazbin Hotel." She said, slightly bowing her head in respect.
Before she could take her hand back, Alastor brought it up to her lips, leaving a kiss on her knuckles, "Please, dear! The pleasure is all mine!" When he let go of her hand, (Y/N) placed both of her hands behind her back, out of sight to Alastor as she rubbed her knuckles. Alastor discreetly pursed his smiling lips afterwards, both of the demons thinking:  'Why did that burn?'
"So," Alastor started, tilting his head again. "You're the newest resident? How did you come about the hotel?" To his surprise, she started to chuckle. "I actually saw your commercial, and I have to say, I found it quite hilarious." She giggled, placing her hand over her mouth to keep her laughter at bay. Both Alastor's eyes and smile widened with glee, "That was the goal, dear! I'm so glad you liked it! But I have to say, I am surprised it made you want to come here."
At his words, (Y/N)'s laughter halted. Alastor took note of her mood change. "Yes, well, you did say in your commercial that this was a path to redemption. Even if it is misguided," She let out a soft chuckle at the memory. "I want to get into Heaven." Alastor hummed, "Why do you want to go to Heaven?" (Y/N) opened her mouth to respond, but then shut it. She thought for a moment, a mental battle clear on her face. Eventually, she gave Alastor a strained smile, "Personal reasons."
Alastor hummed again, 'Interesting...' He thought. "Very well!" Alastor started, twirling his staff once more. He then moved to the door, holding it open. "Shall we? I'm sure Charlie hasn't finished giving you the tour yet. We don't want her to be disappointed at your sudden absence." (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes widened and she took quick steps to the door, "Ah, you're right! It's rude to be late!" 
As (Y/N) made her way down the stairs, she missed the way Alastor looked at her. His head was tilted and his eyes were squinted. 'What an anomaly.' He thought right before following her.
*Time Skip*
Charlie had just finished giving (Y/N) the full tour of the hotel, with Alastor accompanying them and making little sarcastic remarks here and there, making (Y/N) chuckle (much to Charlie's dismay). "Well, what d'ya think!?" Charlie asked, grin large and holding her arms out wide, gesturing to the hotel.  (Y/N) nodded, small smile on her lips, "It's nice." At her words, the blonde squealed, "Ah! I'm so glad you like it!" She then took ahold of (Y/N)'s  hands in hers, "Trust me, (Y/N)! I'll do everything in my power to get you redeemed and into Heaven!" 
Alastor took in the doe demons expression and could easily tell she was uncomfortable at her personal space being invaded. But, she continued to smile. "Thank you, Charlie. I appreciate your effort." She said, making the princess jumped in happiness. 
Just then, Charlie's phone went off with a notification. She looked at the message and gained a mischievous grin. "Oh, (Y/N)!" Charlie said in a sing-song tone, "There's something waiting for you in the foyer!" The blonde started to make her way, skipping in excitement while Alastor and (Y/N) followed behind at a leisurely pace. 
The doe demon sighed, but smiled nonetheless, "It's a welcoming party, isn't it?" Alastor looked to her through the corner of his eye, seeing her looking straight ahead at Charlie with a tired fondness. "How could you tell?" Alastor asked, already knowing the answer. (Y/N) softly chuckled, "Charlie is easy to read." The Radio Demon found this interesting. Then a question formed in his mind. He needed to gather more intel on this strange being. "Am I easy to read?"
Finally, (Y/N) looked up at him through her (long/short) lashes, her lips still holding that small smile, "No, you're an anomaly."
Alastor halted in his steps, staring at the doe demons figure as she got smaller and smaller, still following Charlie. When both of their figures disappeared around the corner, Alastor felt like he could finally breath. Multiple thoughts ran through his, now panicked, mind.
'Who is she?'
'Why is she here?'
'Can she read my mind?'
'She has to be fucking with me.'
'There has to be more to her.'
'She must be playing dumb.'
"Alastor? Are you still joining us?" The male snapped his head up to see just the person he was freaking out about. (Y/N) had stepped back around the corner, her eyebrow raised in question. 'Well you know what they say: keep your friends close and your enemies closer...' Alastor thought before disappearing into his shadow just to reappear next to the girl, making her jump in surprise. "Of course, dear! I apologize if I kept you waiting." (Y/N) smiled in response, "It's alright. No need to apologize." 
The two then finished the walk to the foyer in silence, being greeted by a loud 'Surprise!' when they made it to their destination. There was a large banner that said: 'Welcome (Y/N)!' in different colored paint, the bar was decorated in hearts, there was a table full of food and the center pieces were bouquets of wild flowers, on a different table were various card and board games, and next to the couch was a... karaoke machine.
Alastor noticed how (Y/N)'s shoulders dropped when she laid eyes on the singing machine. He leaned down to her height, "What's the matter, dear? Don't like to sing?" (Y/N) shook her head, "No, not really. I don't sing." There was another thing Alastor found interesting about her. Every one in Hell sang, even him.
Charlie came bounding up to both of the deer demons, "So, (Y/N)! It's your party! What would you like to do first?" The girl looked around and noticed everyone's eyes on her, waiting for her response. "U-Um, why don't you guys get a game of cards started while I go get a drink?" Charlie smiled and nodded, her, Vaggie and Angel heading to the game table. (Y/N) made her way to the bar and Alastor watched her every move. 
"What will ya have?" Husk questioned, his tone bored. "Do you have any wine or whiskey?" (Y/N) asked, taking a seat. "No to the wine, and for the whiskey, we only have the cheap stuff." Husk responded, gesturing to the bottles behind him. "Oh," (Y/N) hummed, thinking about what else she should order.
Alastor disappeared into his shadow, reappearing next to the doe demon, making her jump in surprise once more. "I believe I might be able to help you!" Alastor said. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a bottle of whiskey from his personal stash that was already 1/4th gone. (Y/N) squinted her eyes to read the label, and when she saw what it was, her eyes went as wide as saucers. "No way!" She started, looking from the bottle to Alastor. "Macallan 1926?! How did you get that?!" Alastor chuckled, pleased at how she knew how valuable the alcohol was, "I have my ways, darling. I only bring this out for special occasions, so consider this a welcoming gift, from me to you."
[A/N: Fun fact, a bottle of Macallan 1926 is worth over two million dollars.]
When Alastor reached behind the bar and took two brandy glasses, Husk took that as his que to leave, taking a bottle of the cheap whiskey and joining the others. Alastor filled the glasses a third of the way, gently sliding one over to (Y/N). She looked at it with furrowed brows, turning her gaze to Alastor, "Are you sure I can have this?" The Radio Demon tilted his head in confusion, "Do you not want it?" 
(Y/N) vigorously shook her head, not wanting to offend the male. "No! Of course I do... It's just, I don't feel like I'm worth it..." She ended her sentence, playing with the base of the glass in a nervous habit. Alastor's head stayed tilted, wondering what the girl had done to make herself feel too guilty to accept a drink. Alastor then straightened up, taking his glass in his empty hand, "Well, believe it or not, I think you're worth it. If I didn't, I wouldn't be offering you this drink now, would I?" He ended with a laugh. (Y/N) looked up at him with wide doe eyes, surprised at the Radio Demon's kind words. She gave him a genuine smile, "Thank you, I appreciate it, Alastor." 
Something ticked inside of the males mind at finally seeing a smile that reached the doe demons (e/c) eyes and how his name sounded coming from her voice. 'How strange,' He thought. 'I'll dissect that later.' Alastor went and stood next to the girl, offering her his left arm, "Shall we? Everyone is waiting for us." (Y/N) kept her smile, standing and linking her right arm with Alastor's, her drink in her left hand, "We shall."
[A/N: let me know if I missed changing any 'Alruist' to 'Hartfelt']
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solarmorrigan · 8 months
Hands Where I Can See Them, Part 9
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Ao3
Thank you once again to @azure7539arts for listening to me play relationship counselor for, like, an hour while I figured this chapter out <3
It takes a bit of driving before Eddie finds Steve. 
He swings by Steve’s house just to be sure, then the overlook at the quarry, then the roadside where people park when they’re heading up to Skull Rock, then the park where Steve goes running sometimes, and then finally, begrudgingly, the lake. 
Which is where he spots Steve’s car. 
He parks next to the beemer and gets out, glancing out over the moonlit surface of the lake. He still doesn’t like it here; avoids it when he can. He wonders briefly, bitterly, if that’s why Steve chose to come here over anywhere else. 
Eddie shakes the thought away and approaches the shore, where he can see a figure standing, the light of the moon glancing off the pale fabric of a members only jacket. 
He isn’t quiet as he comes up behind Steve, letting his sneakers crunch across pebbles and dying grass to signal his arrival, and he watches as Steve bends to pick something up off the ground – a stone, Eddie realizes, as Steve draws back and flicks it out over the water, sending it skipping across the surface. 
It bounces two, three, four times, and then sinks into the water several yards out. 
“How’d you know I’d be here?” Steve asks without looking over as Eddie comes to stand next to him. 
Eddie doesn’t mention how many places he’d checked before coming here. Instead, he glances around and finds a smooth, flat stone of his own. “When you’re sad, you go to Robin,” he says (or me, he doesn’t say; you used to come to me), “but when you’re angry, you want to be alone, because it still scares you. You’re afraid you’ll say or do something you regret, and you won’t be able to take it back.” 
Eddie sends the stone skipping out over the lake; one, two, three jumps, and it sinks. 
Steve scoffs, picking another stone up out of the dirt. “Yeah, you know me so well,” he mutters. He doesn’t bother skipping the rock in his hand; he hurls it like a baseball over a field of water, where it lands and sinks with a loud plunk. “So fucking well.” 
“I thought I did,” Eddie says. “I thought I was doing alright, until tonight. That I could give you what you needed and make you feel like… like I see you.” 
“Dinner in the park was nice,” Steve mutters. “The diner date was a shitty idea.” 
“Yeah, I get that now,” Eddie replies ruefully. 
“I just– Where was all of this before?” Steve finally turns to look at him, eyes demanding in the silvery light. “You know all of this about me, you were paying attention and you saw all of this, but you just – what? Ignored how I was feeling, anyway?” 
“No,” Eddie says. “I didn’t– I wasn’t ignoring you, I was ignoring everything. You, me, the whole situation – I thought I had it figured out and I didn’t let myself think about it any other way.” Eddie pulls in a breath, trying to keep calm. “I’m not trying to make excuses, okay? I’m not saying it was okay, I know that I hurt you, and I’m trying to make up for it, and you keep saying you’ll let me, and then– and then I fuck up and you shut down again, and I don’t know how to fix it.” 
Steve glances away. He kneels down to pick up another rock, but doesn’t immediately throw it. Instead, he stands for a moment, worrying the surface of it with his thumb. 
“I’m sorry for jerking you around,” he says quietly. “That wasn’t fair. I thought I was ready, but I just– I still don’t understand why you’re doing this.” 
“I told you: I fucked up and I hurt you and I want to make it better–” 
“But why?” Steve pushes, looking back over at Eddie. “Why do you even want me? Is it that you miss the sex, or – just that I threatened to take everything away? Because I was there, for months, loving you, even before we slept together, and falling deeper after that, and you didn’t even notice. It wasn’t good enough for you then, so why is it suddenly good enough now?” 
Steve’s voice cracks, and a little piece of Eddie goes with it. 
“Steve, no. It was always good enough, you were always good enough.” Eddie turns and takes a step towards Steve, instinctively trying to bridge the gap between them; Steve doesn’t step away, but he watches Eddie warily. “I didn’t– I didn’t know what I was looking at. I didn’t understand.” 
Steve doesn’t say anything, just crosses his arms over his chest, stone still clutched, forgotten, in one hand. 
“I mean, it’s like I had the world’s most precious object in my hands, and I didn’t know what it was, and I used it as a fucking paperweight,” Eddie manages. “No one has ever loved me the way you did. No one has ever put as much work into – into making me feel good, making me happy, doing things for me and teaching me how to do them and – and bringing me fucking flowers. You’re like something out of a fucking storybook, Steve, and I didn’t think I would ever have or… deserve that, so I didn’t even let myself consider it. 
“And that’s not an excuse, I get it. It’s not. It’s just– it’s the only reason I can give you. And I’ve–” Eddie breaks off, takes a breath, and pushes on; Steve needs to hear all of it, deserves to hear all of it. “I’ve never been in love before. So even though it was sitting right on my fucking chest the entire time, I didn’t recognize it for what it was. It should’ve been all yours, but I couldn’t even name it, and I’m sorry.” 
Steve pulls in a sharp, shuddery breath at the end of Eddie’s confession, watching him now with wide and startled eyes. 
“Can you say it?” he asks softly. 
“What?” Eddie asks, thrown by the unexpected question. 
“Can you say it? Tell me that you love me?” Steve’s voice nearly chokes around the words, and he’s staring at Eddie with so much trepidation that it’s almost smothering out the hope that’s there beneath it. 
“I love you,” Eddie says automatically, without even having to think, because it’s true. “I love you. Of course I love you, Steve, holy shit. I love having you around, I love when you’re being selfless and kind and I love when you’re being petty and bitchy and I love when you listen to me and when you tell me about what you like and I love you when you’re in my bed and I love you when you’re angry at me and I can’t believe I’ve never said it before because now it won’t stop coming out–” 
The problem is solved when Steve takes two steps forward, drops the stone he’s been holding at their feet, puts one hand on Eddie’s jaw, leans in, and cuts him off with a kiss. And in spite of the words that had just been streaming from Eddie’s mouth, he has absolutely no trouble immediately getting with the program and kissing back. 
He can’t help the “I love you” that slips out when Steve pulls away, but then he grips the front of Steve’s jacket and reels him back in for another kiss. 
“I love you, I love you, I promise I do,” Eddie manages between presses of lips. “I’m going to show you every day if you let me, I will.” 
“Yeah,” Steve says shakily, finally breaking their connection so he can bury his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s middle and holding him tight. “Yeah, okay.” 
Eddie’s arms are around Steve’s shoulders in an instant, pulling him closer still. “Okay.” 
“I love you, too. I still do,” Steve says, a little muffled. 
Eddie inhales sharply. He’d had a feeling – Steve Harrington isn’t really the sort of person who ever stops loving someone, not really, but having it confirmed is like a burst of pleasant static in his chest. He lets one hand slide up over the back of Steve’s neck and into his hair, cradling his head, and Steve nuzzles in a bit closer, only to make Eddie flinch when the cold tip of his nose brushes his neck. 
“Jesus, you’re cold,” Eddie says, running his other hand down Steve’s back and finally noting how little body warmth seeps through his jacket. 
“Been out here a while,” Steve mumbles. “Told you I should’ve worn something heavier.” 
“Shit, uh–” Eddie ignores Steve’s annoyed little sigh when he’s forced to pull away so that Eddie can shimmy out of his battle jacket and hold it out for him. “Here. Might help.” 
Slowly, Steve lifts his hand to take the jacket, glancing up at Eddie and raising his eyebrows. “You wanna talk about recreating history…” 
For a long moment, Eddie stares, uncomprehending, until Steve’s eyes flick out towards the lake and then back towards the vest. 
“Oh, shit,” Eddie hisses. “Wait, no, I wasn’t trying to–” 
“Relax,” Steve cuts in, smirking as he shrugs the vest over his own jacket and then steps back into Eddie’s space. “I’m teasing.” 
Eddie tries to frown at Steve, but he can’t maintain it as Steve slips his arms under his leather jacket and around his waist and pecks him on the cheek. 
“You making fun of my chivalry, Harrington?” Eddie grumbles, slinging his arms back around Steve’s shoulders. 
“Little bit,” Steve answers, before resting his chin on Eddie’s shoulder and relaxing against him so heavily that Eddie has to readjust his center of gravity. 
They stand there on the shore for a bit longer, swaying together in the comfort of what they’ve both been missing, until Eddie’s fingers begin to get cold. The late October chill is starting to bite, and Eddie can feel the cool breeze coming in off the lake. 
“So…” Eddie says quietly, pulling reluctantly back from Steve; he knows they’ll need to go back to their cars soon, but he can’t leave without addressing one last thing. “If we’re really doing this... And– and we are?” 
Steve nods. “Yeah. I want– I really want to try again.” 
“Okay.” Eddie nods, unable to help the nearly reflexive little smile that quirks up at that. “Then I’m gonna do my best to be better and pay more attention, but I need you to tell me when you want something. When you need something.” He reaches up and cups Steve’s jaw, cold skin on cold skin, swiping his thumbs across Steve’s cheeks. “I know you’re not used to doing that with people, but I need you to. I want to give you what you want, but I can’t unless you tell me. Okay?” 
Slowly, Steve nods. “I’ll try,” he says, a little hoarse. 
Still smiling, Eddie leans in for a kiss, and Steve meets him halfway. 
It doesn’t last long; it’s dark, and they’re both cold and tired, and Steve is the first to pull away, heaving another put-upon sigh. 
“Okay, let’s go home,” he says, grabbing Eddie by the hand and leading him back towards where they’d parked. 
Eddie spends a moment furiously working the statement over in his head, trying to figure out what “home” means—Eddie’s place? Steve’s place? Each to their respective houses?—but he’s saved from having to ask when Steve glances back over his shoulder at him. 
“You go first, I’ll follow,” he says, and Eddie relaxes. 
Home it is. 
Though it genuinely hadn’t been his intent at the start of the evening, they do both end up in Eddie’s bed. Steve steals a set of Eddie’s pajamas and claims the same side of the mattress that he always has, and they both drift off curled into one another’s space. 
It’s the best Eddie’s slept in weeks.
Part 10
Tag List: (Currently full! Message me if you'd like off the ride): @bushbees @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @gleek4twd @hellfireone @westifer-dead @anne-bennett-cosplayer @starman-jpg @mugloversonly @swimmingbirdrunningrock @alycatavatar @y4r3luv @rhapsodyinalto @vinteraltus @lilpomelito @tillystealeaves @noctxrn-e @pearynice @giverobinagfbrigade @novacorpsrecruit @hotluncheddie @strangersteddierthings @alongcomesaspider @theheadlessphilosopher @jettestar @rajumat @garden-of-gay @jamieweasley13 @dam28lh @oldwitcheshat @lololol-1234 @perfectlysensiblenonsense @salty-h0e @r0binscript @mavernanche @back2beesness @a-lovely-craziness @paintsplatteredandimperfect @redbullgivescaswings @emmabubbles @heartstarstar-blog @thesuninyaface @thatonebisexualman @fruitandbubbles @erinharvelle @m-owo-n @theystoodandplayedwithsilence @surroundedbyconfusion @luthienstormblessed @3ldr1tchang3l @pansexuality-activated
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iiwaijime · 1 month
05. aftereffects
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you're forced to ignore any feelings of insecurity when you pile into osamu's car with atsumu and rintarou. sakusa drives alone — "no one's throwing up inside my car" — so you're stuck in the back of osamu's one with both your brothers in the front. rintarou looks at you almost appreciatively, and your stomach twists, a lethal tangle of fire and butterflies.
"what?" you ask.
"nothing," he replies plainly. "you look nice today."
you almost choke on air. "what?"
"it's called a compliment, dumbass," he deadpans, before going back to scrolling on his phone. you find it difficult to stay upset after this little interaction, and even more so when he shifts to a more comfortable position. where it's as if his knee is purposely jutted out to brush against yours.
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"are you sure this is a good idea?" kiyoomi's brows are furrowed as he stares at atsumu, who's drunkenly fiddling with the television remote. hearing him talk, he turns back to grin at the two of you.
"omiii," he whines. "let's have some fun for once, guys!"
and for whatever reason, kiyoomi doesn't argue after this.
the five of you are at atsumu and kiyoomi's apartment, where you're apparently going to watch a movie — courtesy of atsumu. that is, until he realises that he's lost his phone.
"you can't use mine," says rintarou from where he's situated beside you. you don't know why he's choosing to sit beside you when there's so much space elsewhere, but it's not like you can complain, either. but then kiyoomi nods in agreement, and osamu's one is dead, so only you are left.
"no way," you say, but a moment later you're syncing your phone up to the TV. when it finally connects, you breathe a sigh of relief and turn the movie on. it's short-lived, though, because it suddenly refuses to start. so you try again. and again. and again, and you hear rintarou groan. a second later, your screen — still projected on the television — freezes before going from landscape to portrait mode, and a bunch of notifications pop up on your screen. behind you, suna chokes.
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you're not sure why or how everything finishes so fast, but one second you're trying to fix the TV, and the next you're on the way home.
"i have to go," says rintarou suddenly. "i don't feel that good." the movie is forgotten, and osamu offers to drop you off, but you decline — you don't think you have it in you to spend another second with him. and when you get home, you plop down on your bed, finally able to text your anonymous online friend back.
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series masterlist
authors note(s) !
first pic is rins phone second is yns
he was like,, kinda tipsy at first btw?? IDK HOW DRINKING WORKS IM A MINOR
oshit he knows!!!!!!
also filler chapter but this was so necessary
i havent forgotten ab the insecurities n stuff we'll see more of that topic AGAIN in meet me at the 7-11
i passed with so many flying colors they thought i was gay
my mom thinks my profile banner is also gay like this post if you agree with her
taglist is open ! (40/50)
@wooasecret @yuminako @dawnisatotalqueen @thechaosoflonging @boogiemansbitch @chloiyoomi @mikauraurr @just-coreee @chemiru @twiishaa @imcheshire @zozodahobo @fallenisded @nyxlai @sp1ng @sunsribn @sellomaybe @savemebrazilhinata @semieita24rockstargf @marsoverthestars @bellsoftheball @renardiererin @akaakeis @dazqa @piopioo @theepitomeofswag @smellysluna @theycallmenanamisgirl @strxbxrrylover @whydoyoucare866 @jiawji @toges-cough-syrup @harmonia-dread @dailyakira @staymoarmyzen @loverlunaire @akaashislovee @lovelymuffin @wtfdudewhydidyoutakemyusername @kazuubaby
comment or send an ask to be tagged <33
likes n rbs r appreciated <3 thank you !
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© iiwaijime 2024
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derfpossessions · 1 year
Rented You Out - Part 2
(Read Part 1 if you haven’t already!)
Chapter 1 - Exposed
Moments after Markus got ejected from Denholm’s body, he got up and got dressed with the extra clothes he brought. He then got Denholm dressed too. He got very curious on the switch behind his back, which was currently on “on”. He then flipped it back up, where all of a sudden Denholm started breathing. The rip on his back was also completely gone. He was human again. Markus saw this as an opportunity to escape Denholm’s house, when suddenly he woke up. “Ma..Markus??? Wha..what are you doing here??”, Denholm said while breathing heavily. Markus didn’t moved a single muscle. He didn’t even wanted to turn around as he was going to open the door. “Markus hold on! Why do I feel… tired.. like my insides hurt so bad…” Denholm added. Again, Markus didn’t say a word. “Markus I knew you did something to me. What did you do?! Markus!” Denholm got increasingly angry. Markus finally turned around and screamed, “You were turned into a goddamn suit! You got kidnapped and got abused by a group of men and left you at the gym where I discovered you and then you became a literal bodysuit so I decided to put you on for a day so I can spend time more closer to you!” Markus abruptly said everything that happened. Denholm was stunned. “What?!?” He stood up. “Look at your back! It has a switch in it! If you turn it on, you’ll lose consciousness and become a bodysuit that anyone can control!” Markus started explaining how it worked. Denholm was more shocked to see the lustful selfies that Markus took on his phone which he forgot to delete. “Bro listen… I’m tired of all the bullshit I’m going through right now so please. How do I fix this??” Denholm begged Markus. The two got more tense and Markus was put under pressure. “Why is this my fault?! All that you should know is that I was the one who discovered you! Who saved you! Who covered up a story for you! And I did that ALL for you because I love you!” Markus started tearing up, and he walked away. “Markus please.. don’t leave me. I know you love me but I love someone else.. but please. Don’t leave me here.” Denholm begged Markus to stay. Markus reluctantly agreed. Time flew by and the two started discussing on how to handle the situation, then something else came up to the discussion, Denholm’s father. He is currently in pain right now and is suffering from a severe chronic disease, and Denholm doesn’t know how long he will last. His family is also running low on funds to sustain his father. Markus then jokingly said, “since we have you as a bodysuit, why not we turn that into a rental? Like someone would try to live your life in exchange for money.” “Are you crazy? That would of course violate me!” Denholm got mad. “Please trust me, I will take good attention of your body while you’re not conscious. I promise. I will set out limitations for the people that will use you.” Markus tried to convince Denholm, to which he said, “Well if that’s the only way… so be it.”
Chapter 2 - Mr Denholm
The next day has passed, Paula and Denholm went to school together as usual. Markus waited for Denholm so they can set out their plan. Conveniently and inconveniently, their teacher, Mr Singh was walking around the halls when he overheard the two’s conversation. He confronted the two of them and asked, “What in the blackmarket is going on here?!”. Markus said, “But.. its true.. You can live through as Denholm because he has the ability to turn into a suit..”. “Please, don’t expose us!”, Denholm begged.
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Mr Singh then grinned. “Expose? Well I think you got the wrong idea. Actually I NEED to live someone else’s life! This is a wonderful idea to have!” Markus and Denholm were in shock. “In fact, allow me to be your very first customer. I really wanted to know what it feels to go back to high school. Especially as a popular boy like you.” Mr Singh said.
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At the school’s boys shower room, the three initiated their plan. “Are you ready Denholm?”, Markus held his best friend’s hand. “Yes. All for my dad. Take care of me bro.”, Denholm surrendered to his fate. Denholm got undressed and wore only a bathroom towel as Mr Singh got prepared.
“Just turn on the switch and start wearing inside him. Legs first then up to head.” Markus explained. Mr Singh went to the other room and got undressed. Denholm was turned around. “Ready when you are”, Denholm said. Mr Singh switched it on. Denholm was a suit again.
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There was minimal sound when it happened, so Markus assumed it was going very well and smooth. After around 5 minutes, a new Denholm emerged from the other room, wearing teacher’s clothes.
He was just looking at Markus while chuckling. “De..Denholm? What happened?” Asked Markus. “No. it’s Mr Singh.”, “Denholm” replied. Markus’ heart sank as he saw Denholm looking like a hot math teacher. “Woah… sir.. you look attractive..” Markus was in awe. “Don’t call me sir, that’s awkward! Just call me Denny! I’ll be your bro for the day!”, said Mr Denholm. Markus nodded and whispered to himself, “Damn. Daddy got more daddified?! What in the actual fuck?!?”
Chapter 3 - Youth in You
Mr Singh was filled with ecstasy at that time. He didn’t know where to start, if he wanted to ace a math test, play at the football field, get cheered by his co workers at the faculty, or make fun of the students that he hated. You name it.
“I am so grateful for this Markus. I’m feeling SOOO ALIVEEEE!!” Mr Singh or Denny said as the two walked down the hallway.
“Umm… Mr Singh-erm- Denny, it’s just weird to hear my friend say that, considering that he always feels down.” Markus felt like he was always missing something from Denholm.
“What?? But I’ve always seen this kid as the happiest man alive! And who would’ve thought I would ever see the world through these eyes!” Denny said while admiring Denholm’s body.
“Well you wouldn’t get it sir. If only you witnessed the time when he told me that he didn’t wanted to live his life AT ALL. It’s always the people that seem happy who actually feels miserable in their lives.” Markus was sad.
“Geez… that’s really awful to hear. I’m sorry if I was insensitive about it. I wish I could hug your best friend right now to comfort him.” Denny stopped smiling and turned very serious.
“I mean… can I hug you sir?? Or him..” Markus was about to tear up.
Denny opened his arms to hug Markus. “It’s okay, come here. Rub it in.” Markus embraced Denny’s body.
“May I ask why… are you crying??” Denny wondered.
“Well… um… I love him. I love Denholm.” Markus confessed to Mr Singh.
“Oh-ohh… that’s really.. that makes a lot of sense now.” Denny was shocked.
Without a warning when Denny turned around, Markus grabbed him and kissed him on the lips. Denny hesitated and pushed him away.
“Markus what the fuck?!? Why did you do that?!” Denny was bewildered.
“I’m sorry!! I’ve been wanting to do that to him for a long time! But the rejection hurts too much!” Markus was desperate.
“Well Markus let me tell you something, you are a GOOD kisser.” Denny was impressed. “I know you’re hurt and all, but what about you forget about all that and let’s have a little bit of… fun”, He added.
“What the fuck? Sir! This is wrong! You’re violating my friend! I’m violating my friend!”
“Well, the contract stated I could do ANYTHING I WANT. So come here to my classroom before I change my mind.” Denny was pissed but maintained his seductiveness. Markus had no choice but to submit to him. Denny then grabbed him into the Math classroom to have a little fun time.
Chapter 4 - Stuck With You
The tension between Markus and Denny increased, as Denny closes the classroom doors and turns off the lights. He then proceeds to take his shirt off.
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“Have you ever wondered what you and Denholm would’ve been if he was actually gay?”, Denny flirted with Markus.
“I think about that every night..”, Markus sighed.
“Well you don’t have to wonder now 🫦, Come here baby.” Denny started to move towards Markus. Markus felt mixed emotions as he indulges on Denny’s warm body.
Then, here comes the fun part. As Markus undresses to reveal his hardening 5.7 inches down under, Denny looked in awe. “Hard already? Let’s do it.” Denny then stripped to reveal his new rubbery 6.8 inches.
The room suddenly got sweaty, and suddenly Denny’s body shimmered in glimmering white. It was all so perfect, like a movie scene, something Markus would’ve longed for, and now he finally had it.
“Yes… yess.. YES!!” Markus started screaming. The pleasure was so good and it felt so real for him. He never been happier in his life until that moment. The chalkboards rocked as the two slammed each other against the wall, sharing a sweet long kiss as the both of them felt each other. It was a goddamn fever dream.
Then, came the loads. “Hey stop! Don’t we need protection??!”, Markus stood up from the floor. “Why the fuck do we even need that?! This is a rubber dick!”, Denny laughed, then pulled Markus to the ground. Denny couldn’t resist it but to release massive amounts of load. Denny then inserted the huge thing into Markus, and the silicone-like texture made it more pleasurable for Markus.
The creams came pouring down, and that’s when Markus felt like he was drowning, but that’s when he could finally breathe. It was too good to be true. Well you know what else is too good to be true? NOT GETTING CAUGHT.
Suddenly, students from outside heard the blunt noises that were coming from the classroom, and knocked to see if something was up.
“What the fuck do we do?!?” Markus whispered.
“Go clean up the mess! I’ll assure them everything is FINE!” Denny said while wiping off the cream on the walls. The two got to work.
Denny opened the door and saw Denholm’s friend, and the student council Vice President, Sabrina. “Bro, what’s happening in there?” Sabrina looked at him weirdly as she noticed that Denholm looked and stood very oddly.
“Hey Sabrina, it’s nothing! I was just substituting for Mr Singh’s class and decided I would lock myself in the room to prepare!” Denny smiled.
“And the screams? I’m sure that was also part of the practice?” Sabrina looked in disgust.
“Well, I was raging over something that’s all. Say, why not you do me a favor and go to the faculty to pick up my stuff for class.” Denny redirected the question.
“YOUR stuff? Seriously dude what the hell is up with you today? You didn’t showed up to the council meeting this lunch and now I’m put in trouble because of some random screamings that came from this room!” Sabrina was mad.
“Well I’m sorry, I’ll promise I’ll make it up to you.” Denny apologized. She walked away as Markus appeared behind Denny’s back. Denny went to the window to have a talk with Markus.
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“There’s no screamings, but there IS creamings.” Markus joked. The two laughed uncontrollably.
“I enjoyed it while it lasted, but sadly things need to come to and end.”, said Denny.
“You should spend the rest of the time hanging out with people. Trust me Denholm literally gets along with everyone. He makes everyone feel special.” Markus said.
“Ok, I’ll meet you later at the parking lot. And I promise, I’ll bring him back in one piece.” said Denny. The two then had one last kiss before Denny said goodbye.
Chapter 5 - Sweet Goodbye
As Markus pulled up to Denholm’s house, it was all set. It was time for Denholm to return.
“Are you ready Mr Singh?” Markus asked.
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“Well I am gonna miss being this kid. He’s all I ever wanted to be.” Denny said as he looked into Denholm’s reflection and felt his body one last time.
“Here it goes. Goodbye.” Markus said. Mr Singh unzipped Denholm’s body and went out. Then, Markus turned off the switch. Everything is now back to normal. Mr Singh then bid farewell to Markus to head home.
“See you tomorrow, kid. Calculus homework is due.”, said Mr Singh.
“Markus.. is that you?” Denholm mumbled as he tried getting up from the ground.
“Denholm… I- I’m…” Markus couldn’t finish his sentence.
“Why.. why does my arms hurt so bad… And it felt like I pulled my groin… Argh… it hurts.” Denholm struggled to walk.
“Well.. nothing happened I promise!” Markus was shaking.
“That’s good to hear, you should get going now. Thank you so much bro.” Denholm hugged Markus as he left.
“Well, at least the real you is still kind to me. But I know all I���ll ever get is a hug.” Markus whispered as he walked away from Denholm’s place.
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 1 year
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 1
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Rules to Follow | Loki x Reader
The Avengers bring you to the compound after a series of odd events draws their attention. Life seems to be looking up, until your abilities start to show again.
Chapter warnings: 18+ for implied sexual content, false/medical imprisonment
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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The cold, bleak conference room was a welcome balm against the uproar of the last two days. 
You weren't sure how it happened. One minute you were furious, staring down from the balcony of your flat, anger bubbling through your veins. And then you were watching a row of cars burn in the car park below. 
Maybe you would've gotten away with it if the weather was bad. If less people had been around. If it hadn't gone viral on TikTok. If it was the first time you'd done something weird. 
It wasn't unusual for people to have strange powers, not anymore, but there were certain rules to follow. Rules that included not setting cars on fire and frightening passersby. Rules your grandfather had set about staying in the flat and controlling your emotions, taking your medicine and laying low. 
A hand snapped in front of your face.
“Okay kid, spill. What are you?” Tony asked. 
“Uhm, I’m not anything at all?”
“No, come on. Setting shit on fire, what’s that?”
“Monster, alien or wizard?” Sam piped up.
“I swear to god Samuel quit it with that,” a pen flew across the room with surprising accuracy and embedded itself in the wall behind Sam’s head.
You’d seen them on TV, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Iron Man. It’d be cool if you had any idea why you were here.
“Mr Stark. I didn’t even know I was doing it until it was too late. I don't know how it happens, but I promise I’m not a threat. It wasn't deliberate, you have to believe me." Your voice wavered, tears pooling in your tired eyes.
“Tony, let her sleep. She can use the spare room on our floor. We’ll keep an eye on her”
“Thank you Mr Rogers” you choked, wiping your eyes.
“Steve, please” his face was soft, reassuring.
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It took an hour to find you something proper to wear.
A day to get your room fixed up, belongings brought from your little flat in London and new furniture procured
A week before you ate with the team, although you watched them from a safe distance. 
A month before you really spoke to anyone. Eventually they called in a therapist. 
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The compound was nice, spacious and modern. There was no work to do, like at your grandfather's flat, just lots of questions that left you tired and disoriented. 
Lauren the therapist was the only person you'd really communicated with, even though you were sure she was relaying the information back to the Avengers anyway. 
"So from what I can tell, she's around twenty five to thirty." Lauren addressed the room, taking in the gathered Avengers. "The details of her life are very hazy, she lived in that flat you visited, Steve, with her Grandad. I know she cared for him and he died some months ago leaving her the flat in his will. She takes medication every day." Laura turned to Bruce "I hope the few I managed to pass on were helpful, so you can refill her script when she needs it." 
"That's the thing," Bruce said, "I can't work out what she's been taking. I've had FRIDAY take scans and vitals, asked Dr Cho, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her." 
"Because she takes her pills?" 
"No, Steve, there's just - there's nothing wrong with her. Her temperature is a little elevated. But that's it, not a dangerous amount. I'd just say she runs warmer."
"So what's in the pills?" Tony asked, leaning over Bruce to look in the manilla file he had spread open on the table. 
"If I didn't know better I'd say something alien."
"But you do know better…" Tony prompted. 
"Adgardian maybe? But in a bottle from her local pharmacy. The name on the bottle’s been scratched off and I couldn’t find anything like this on any pharmacy database."
Tony and Steve turned to Natasha and she nodded. She'd not been able to find anything either.  No phone, no social media, home schooled. Sam suggested they do it the ‘old fashioned way’ and started to encourage Lauren to bring the woman out of her room to spend time with the others in hopes she would make more friends and let more information out.
As you spent more time with the group they found you brought a strange sense of calm, arguments stopped as you approached the table, worries about missions faded away. They even spent more time together as a team organising movie nights and parties, sitting together and being more tactile.
That’s when things started to get very strange.
The old evening routine of everyone slinking off to their bedrooms had been replaced by an easy comradery and then a fizzle of excitement started to build. The music seemed muffled and even Steve and Bucky’s heads felt fuzzy, drunk.
“Let's play spin the bottle!” You declared, downing your beer and lining it up on the coffee table. Before anyone else could fully agree you had flicked the bottle, everyone watched it slow until it came to a stop in front of Wanda.
“You girls don’t have to kiss if you don’t want to,” Steve said. But you shook your head. 
“I don’t mind if Wanda doesn’t… I like girls too and it's just a game, right?” you shrugged.
You leaned over and kissed Wanda quickly on the lips, noting the frisson of tension that built when you pulled away. 
Sam went next, “your lucky night,” he laughed before pulling you in for a kiss. 
The next spin was Natasha and somehow no one was surprised when it landed on you again. Natasha leaned in close but, before her lips could meet yours, you tilted your head to whisper in her ear, “I know there’s someone else you want to kiss, you don’t have to." Natasha blushed, but pressed a warm kiss to your lips anyway.  
“Did you rig this bottle?” Steve asked, picking it up before spinning. You, again.
Bucky put his hand on the bottle. “I wonder who” he laughed, but you had noticed his eyes move across the circle to the red headed assassin. 
As he leaned in for the inevitable kiss you put your hand up, hiding your mouths, “she’s a good kisser,” the words were out before you could stop them. Bucky pulled back, frowning.
You didn't answer, but your eyes danced across the circle to Natasha, studying Bucky's face as he followed the line of your sight. With their eyes locked you placed a chaste kiss on Bucky’s cheek.
You felt dizzy, only two beers in, but your head was swimming. The rest of the group weren’t fairing any better, both girls falling asleep and the boys nodding back against the sofa. Quietly you removed yourself from the pile of blankets and slunk back to your room. You hadn’t meant to say any of that, but you could feel it deeply, so deeply the words had bubbled out before you could swallow them back down. 
That night your sleep troubled you, the room was too warm making you sweat and writhe in the sheets and dreams of the Avengers flashing behind your closed eyes. 
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The next morning no one could make eye contact, each team member focusing on their coffee or toast, eyes down.
When you sat down the same static spark of electricity seemed to move over the kitchen island, making everyone squirm and move in their seats.
Eventually Wanda completed the group, walking in red faced and nervous as she looked around the kitchen before visibly relaxing.
“Oh, we all had the same dream!” She exclaimed “I don’t feel so bad now.” She said, cheerily. 
“Wan, you’re not meant to read our minds,” Natasha protested, covering her ears as if that would make any difference at all. 
“Can we not talk about it,” Bucky grumbled, looking away from Natasha.
“But you slept, Bucky, isn’t that good?” At least Wanda was happy, you felt hot and sick “you didn’t have a nightmare like usual, you had the same …”
“Enough,” he snapped, slamming his spoon into his bowl a little too hard, milk splashing on the spotless counters. 
“Your dream was different though,” Wanda put a hand on your temple despite your attempt to squirm away, “yeah, yours was very different. And so was yours,” She pointed at Natasha who looked over to Bucky without thinking.
Wanda squeaked, a hand over her mouth “But Bucky, yours was just like…”
“Thats enough, ” Steve stood hands on the counter, “we need to figure out whatever is going on here,” everyone looked away blushing as he crossed his arms, Captain America voice in full effect. “For goodness sake, I’m going to speak to Bruce.” 
Steve stormed out and a rush of air moved across the island as everyone breathed out. Wanda let out an awkward laugh, head down so she wouldn't catch the eye of her teammates and left the room. 
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After that incredibly awkward breakfast you began to pull away from the more open group spaces and started to spend a lot of time in the lab with Bruce while he tried to synthesise your medication. The small unlabeled tube of pills one of Stark’s assistants had packed for you was now empty. But all Bruce had been able to discover was a heavy sedative.
“You shouldn’t have even been able to walk around taking something that strong." He took his glasses off to rub a hand over his face, the fatigue of a sleepless night of experiments catching up to him, "you feel okay now?”
“But you’re an inch taller than yesterday you said?”
“I’m an inch taller than I was this morning.”
Bruce rubbed his hand on his face, dangling his glasses from the other hand.
“Okay, walk me through what happened again”
“So I sat next to Captain Rodgers and Sergeant Barnes in the kitchen and when I stood up I was an inch taller, I could tell because my jeans were too short.”
“That’s not how growing works,” Bruce took a seat beside you and huffed out a breath. 
“I know that I’m not doing it on purpose”
For the last few days you had been slowly growing the trait of anyone you were in close contact with. It was unnerving everyone, looking up and seeing their eyes glowing back, or their hair colour tinged in highlights around your face. But worse still was that there was no clear explanation, none that you could or would give. 
It wasn’t the only change the team had noticed. Wanda, Nat, Sam, Steve and Bucky spent the most time together and they had all spent the most time alone together with you. But after only a few days they refused to even enter a room if you were there, prefering to skirt around the edges or take a different route.  
They couldn’t forget the night when they played spin the bottle, in fact they had thrown away all the beer of the same brand and there had been no more team evenings suggested. 
When you were alone with them a tension seemed to fill in the air. Steve had shifted your training rotation so that no one was ever left alone in the gym with you. Sam admitted you’d almost kissed last time you were alone and, red faced, Wanda agreed. Natasha and Bucky had also blushed, looking at each other out of the corners of their eyes. They complained that you kept trying to make them stand next to each other, and had even locked them into a cupboard 'by accident’ while pretending that you were unable to find the key until Steve freed them.
You couldn’t seem to control the feeling either, a primal urge inside of you growing the longer you were without your tablets. Growling and clawing until you had to excuse yourself and take a handful of the sleeping pills Bruce had given you. 
Wanda admitted, as you escaped the building tension for the last time, that this was when her dreams were the most extreme and everyone nodded along. Their nights filled with vivid, primal scenes, moaning and panting, the touch and taste of another filling their senses. 
And, though you could hear them talking about you, you could never admit that your dreams were different, that you saw yourself orchestrating their dreams like a puppet master, like a god and you’d wake in a cold sweat. 
Frightened, they placed you in the medical wing, a secure room with two way mirrors, sound proofing and, most importantly, a lock. Bruce told you that it was somewhere safe, where you could withdraw from the medication that was dwindling in the little orange bottle. But Tony was relieved that the team could relax now without you around. 
Alone, you took another sedative and rolled over in your plastic bed, under the thin sheet, and cried. 
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The last time the team had met someone who had so easily got inside them and changed their dynamic, they had ended up with an alien invasion. Steve was sure you weren’t in control, thinking about your embarrassment and desperation when Bucky and Natasha were locked in the cupboard, how quickly you left the room whenever the conversation became heated. He was sure, sure , you were safe, that it was just a side effect of whatever you’d been taking all these years and that given time everything would go back to normal. 
Tony, however, was taking no chances. 
“We need to call Thor.” He suggested as they watched you through the mirror, you were reading a book and running your finger over your lip as you concentrated. With each pass of your finger your lips changed colour, working through shades of pink and red. 
“What can Thor do?” Bruce had had enough stress for one month, thank you very much, and was much happier handing out medication until they could find somewhere else to send you. All he needed to do was refine some samples and he’d be able to remake your medication and then he could give Fury the go ahead to have you moved. 
“He can bring Loki,” Tony said, jumping up to sit on the tall lab counter and tossing a few blueberries into his mouth. 
Bruce looked over at him, one eyebrow raised. “Is that a good idea? The man’s mad.”
“I don’t want to see him anymore than you do. But they could help us figure out if this is magic like them, or a mutation, or if…it’s something else. Then you can pack her off to whichever medical facility you think is appropriate.” Tony waved his hand around in the air as if to demonstrate the unknown fears they all shared. “She shape shifts, Bruce. Loki can do that. And the manipulating thoughts and feelings? Maybe she can learn to control it. We need her to control herself and maybe, maybe , if we’re nice enough, she’ll want to help us too.”
“Do we really want Loki to teach her that, how do we know we can trust him?” Bruce cringed, thinking of the havoc the man had wrought, even if he was being manipulated. Loki was powerful, who knew what he could achieve with a little planning. 
“Thor can help keep him in line,” Tony seemed confident and although his confidence was often catching, Bruce still felt the deep simmer of apprehension sitting low in his gut. 
“At least we’re not fighting like last time,” Bruce sighed heavily, the memory of his last encounter with Loki still fresh in his mind. 
“No, but the sexual tension is killing me. We need to end this.” Tony laughed, thinking back to the red faces of his colleagues and their lack of enthusiasm when he suggested they get drunk and play spin the bottle again. 
“Okay, fine, Tony, you win. Call Thor.” Bruce sighed, leaning forward onto the counter and resting his head in his hands.
“And Loki?”
“And Loki."
<;< Masterlist
Part 2>>
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Top Shelf pt. 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7
Summary: being the kid of a well-known book store owner was easy, so was running into famous people. But being book smart doesn’t make everyone people smart.
A/N: this was an idea someone sent, I added some stuff as well. I can already see you guys flocking in when I post this chapter, especially after not posting for a bit.
Warning: language? My writing
Jenna Ortega x Fem!reader
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“You’re pathetic,” Lyle says as he begins aggressively erasing the work you had tried so hard on. “Can’t do maths, can’t cook, can’t flirt, what can you do?” He says as you lean back and drag your hands down your face.
He had been like this the entire weekend after your outing with Jenna and Emma; mentioning how you were bad at everything and never forgetting to mention how you can’t flirt.
Though he had been texting Emma all weekend, the two had come short of any ideas of what to do to make you two put two and two together and finally ask the other out.
And the two of you weren’t exactly helpful.
“Do you have to berate me on something no one’s is good at?” You ask, watching your cat jump on the table and begin playing with the small eraser scraps.
“You don’t have to be good at it to know how to do it.” He says picking up a book from the large pile of stacked books.
“I haven’t done it in years, why do I have to it now?” You ask as he slams the book down. “Because you need to do it or you’ll live a lonely life in the darkness of your room forever.” He states angrily as he flips through the pages aggressively.
“Are you sure you’re still talking about business school?” Dru asks looking up from the computer before looking back down.
“Yes,” Lyle says as he pushes the open book toward you. “What else would we be talking about?” He yanks his head toward you and his tightly tied back hair comes loose from the hair tie.
He lets out an aggravated huff before pulling his hair back and walking away to find a mirror, mumbling this and that under his breath as he does so.
“He’s being over dramatic.” You say as Mj takes her seat in front of you, loud dinging noises coming from the game boy she had found somewhere stashed away in the storage closet.
“It’s Lyle, of course he’s being over dramatic.” She mumbles, eyes never leaving the small screen in front of her.
How she had found the small game you didn’t know, you used to dig through the storage compartment all day before working at the bookstore but never once did you see any of the older electronic’s, even when the store had stopped selling them.
Then again it was a big area, you wouldn’t be surprised if they found one of the first TV’s in there.
“He’s never going to leave me alone about this.” You mumble, music loudly vibrating through your ear bud as you begin working again. “Again, it’s Lyle we’re talking about here.”
She was right, though he was one of your best friends he still had his tendencies to try to get too into that roll. Trying to help you with things but taking it too far most of the time.
Yes, you appreciated it but sometimes it could be a bit much.
“Yo,” the voice calls out from the second floor making you look up to see the plumber. “I’m done, I just gotta show you some shit that you need to replace or fix.” He says and you sigh.
“Can you check this for me?” You ask sliding your notebook toward the woman who huffs out but non the less takes the book to look over.
You smile lightly before rushing toward the stairs to catch up with the much older man.
“And she can’t even look her in the eye!” Lyle grumbles as he scratches Achilles stomach walking back toward his table of friends.
“Now where’d she go? Trying to avoid her work just like asking Jenna out?” He asks as he looks around and allows the cat to jump out of his arms and toward the cat tree in the front of the store.
“Chill,” Mj says as she checks off one problem and begins erasing another. “She went with the Jones to check the pipes.”
“Oh,” he mumbles before slumping himself into his seat next to yours. “Can you believe her though?” He asks and she can’t help herself as she rolls her eyes.
Yes, she knew you were bad at anything to do in the romantic section of things but he didn’t have to tell her non stop after your little double date.
“Yes, I can.” She says as she slides the book back into its spot. He scrunches his nose in disgust as the girl stands to put the game boy back where she found it.
“What do you mean?” He asks following after her quickly.
“Not everyone is like you and wants to rush into relationships Lyle.” She groans out noticing the boy following her. “You can’t expect Y/N to rush a fucking celebrity into a relationship either.”
“But their both annoyingly oblivious.” He states as she climbs the ladder in the storage room. “Maybe, but let them do it their own way with just a little of your help, look,” she starts before jumping down the ladder to look up toward the man.
“Y/N is a quiet kid you should know this by now, we are the ones who decided to bust into her life after all. She keeps most herself and things to herself, never takes off her ear buds and doesn’t bother anyone.” She states as they leave the room.
“You can’t expect her to change what she knows over night because of one person, even if she is clearly in love with them. And Jenna,” she quickly turns to look at the man.
“She probably speculates every little suspicious thing, she is famous after all. She could think Y/N is just in it for the fame or whatever.” Lyle presses his lips together at the thought of you and your very private family wanting to be seen by the world, it only makes him snort at the mere idea.
“But she’s not.” He replies and she taps his chest. “So let her figure that out, let them figure it out. You don’t have to berate her twenty four seven.”
“That’s exactly what you do all the time.” Dru adds as he clicks the computer mouse quickly. “No, I do it to make you all better as people, he’s doing it to just humiliate Y/N.” The woman calls out. “There’s a differe-“
Before she could finish the sentence the man in front of her sprints away and toward the front of the store.
He quickly twists the lock and yanks the door open before forcing himself out. The person he had seen turns to look at him making the second much larger person do the same.
“Jenna!” He calls out, walking out of the door and toward her. “Leaving so soon?” His smiling wide and beaming when he steps up to her.
A small smile forms on her own face as the man nears, his lanky form now towering over her own. “Hey Lyle,” she says as the man steps between the two and shoots a quick glare toward the much larger man.
“And kind of, the stores closed.” She gestures toward the small closed sign on the door and shrugs.
“Nonsense.” he says and pulls the girl toward the door. “It’s just us so you can come in.” He quickly ushers her through and pushes the body guard inside before slamming the door back shut and locking it.
A pressure forms at the bottom Jenna’s leg causing her to look down and see a fluffy cat rubbing up angst her leg before looking up at her.
She lets out a quiet gasp as she reaches down and picks up the orange ball of fluff as it begins to purr. “Oh my god.” she gasp as he begins rubbing its head on the top.
Lyle can’t help the smirk that forms, the usually jumpy cat immediately fawning over Jenna, just like it’s owner. How hysterical.
“That’s Achilles.” He says as he begins walking toward the counter Jenna following closely behind as the cat settles into her arms. “He’s Y/N’s.”
“He’s a street rat who belongs on the street.” Mj says walking out of the storage room once again holding a different gaming device even Lyle couldn’t decipher.
“And that’s Mj,” Lyle huffs out. “Also Y/N’s, she found her at a McDonalds.” He makes sure to mutter the last part but it only earns a glare from the woman.
“Mj? Like Mary Jane?” Jenna jokes as the cat begins rubbing up on her chin once again. The joke only earns a glare from the taller woman who presses her lips together.
The joke had been made so many times that it was getting old, even for Lyle who found it amusing every time.
“Y/N!” The woman yells too loudly for a library before quickly turning and storming off in the direction where you had left.
She looks up to Lyle who glance between her and the stairs where she stomped up. The man was both awkward and sociable, not like many she had met; most were either just awkward or very social. It was a strange thing.
“And that,” he says suddenly, gesturing to the man whose playing the computer with his face far to close to the screen. “Is Dru, you can just call him DD.”
“Do not call me that.” The man says as he eyes go over the screen as if being unfocused and trying to refocus.
“That’s your name, idiot.” He empathizes the last word as he leans against the counter. “My initials are not my name.” The man rolls his eyes as he only gives the two a glance. “That’s what makes up your name, hence your name.”
“That makes no sense.” His eyes stay on the screen but his face scrunches at the mans comment.
“Moving on,” the man drags out as he leans further into the counter toward Jenna who turned to him, still holding the cat. “What brings you here?” He asks, fighting the smirk that slowly begins to form on his face.
“Uh..” Jenna mumbles as her eyes travel down to the cat who stares back up at her. “Just in the area?..” it comes out as more of a question and Lyles face drops as he stares at the girl, head resting in hand.
“Just in the area?” He asks, clearly not buying whatever lie she was trying to tell. “Yeah.” She states but it comes out uncertain as if she were trying to figure it out herself.
“Uh huhh,” he says as his other hand comes up to rest under his chin with the other. “Definitely not because of a library loser.” He says, legs kicking behind the counter as he raises his eyebrows suggestively at her.
She opens her mouth to speak but is quickly stopped at the sound of foot steps echoing in the quiet library.
“Just don’t forget to tell your parents, yeah?” A man’s voice says as she looks up to see you, Mj and a man who had to be the source of the voice.
“Got it.” You reply before your eyes meet hers and she can’t help but notice the way your eyes scrunch up as you smile at her or the way her heart begins beating at a faster pace as you do so.
“Hey,” you say as you step toward her glancing down at the cat in her hands. “Is that my cat?” The confusion in your voice evident as you point at it “Does it look like your cat?” Mj asks, rolling her eyes as she locks the door behind the plumber.
“Yes but my cat doesn’t like people.” You state, watching as it begins rubbing its head against her cheek and his purrs grow louder.
“Sound like someone you know?” Dru asks as a small smile forms on his face.
“Well, he clearly likes Jenna.” Lyle mumbles as you narrow your eyes down at the cat who seemed to be taunting you with his eyes. He had never been that affectionate before, why was he starting now?
“Jealous?” Jenna asks, eye brow rising as she smirks up at you. Your narrowed eyes move to her as you press your lips together.
You started noticing different things about Jenna, like now how she used certain things to her advantage to get to you. A way to tease you more so but to see your reactions always gave her a boost in both her ego and confidence.
“I think she’s more jealous of the cat.” All confidence was gone at the comment Lyle says as he watches the two of you, amused by every look or comment you’d send each other. The blush from the cold air outside turned darker as she looked back down to the cat and the shade on your face was much darker.
He liked the way you both seemed to blush, now certain you both had interest in the other but then Mj’s voice broke his thoughts about their earlier conversation and he let a pout take his features as he slipped down the counter and to the other side.
It wasn’t going to be easy nor enjoyable for the man but it was what was right. Not being able to interfere much was going to kill him but he figured if he could get to tease you both a little he would live.
“I still think it’s strange how such a skittish thing could just decide it wasn’t going to be skittish with one person.” You state, laughing quietly to yourself as you make your way back toward the table.
“He’s usually not like this?” Jenna asks as she follows after you leaving Lyle to peek over the counter to watch you.
“Quit, you’re being creepy.” Mj says as she moves past the small door to see him in a squatting position.
“It’s not creepy, I’m just observing.” He states as his eyes narrow at the lack of spaces between you both as Jenna takes her seat not in front of you but beside you.
“Yeah, like a creep.” She mutters as she looks over toward the two of you.
“They’re so infuriating.” The man mumbles inviting her statement as he turns around and leans against the cup cabinets, legs sprawled out.
The woman only shakes her head and rolls her eyes, preparing herself for the rant that’s to come from the man.
“Business school?” She asks as she looks over your notebook and the many erased parts on it as she subconsciously rubs Achilles.
“Cant let some random stranger take over once my parents retire, you know?” You say as you tap to end of the pencil on the table, looking over the work Mj had marked wrong.
“Worst part about being the kid of a library owner is people think you’re smart.” You state as you begin erasing once again. “So, you’re not smart?”
You snort quietly as you look up toward her. “Oh I definitely am, my mom made sure of that.” You state at the thought of you and your mom at the table in the middle of the night while you cry over homework.
“Math was just never my strongest subject.” You state, glaring down at the paper with the faintest of pouts on your face.
That’s one thing Jenna began to notice more often, your facial expressions. Even the smallest ones became more noticeable. Or maybe she was just staring you too often.
“What about you?” You ask suddenly leaning back into your chair. “Do you go to college?” It was a reasonable question, she was your age and definitely suitable for going but it still saddened her slightly.
“No, I’m focusing more on my acting career.” She states with a small smile as she stares down at the cat in her lap who had fallen asleep with its head up.
“It makes me wonder what my life would be like if I never started acting.” She hums out quietly and she begins tracing the stripes across your cat.
The way her face relaxes with sorrow makes your heart ache slightly, the tightening feeling only makes you want to reach out to her and comfort her but would that be pushing it?
No, it couldn’t have been, right? You had grown close over the last month but you didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
“Well, I’m glad you didn’t.” The words come out certain, cocky almost. A smirk plays it’s way onto your face as she looks up with a raised eyebrow and a small smile.
“Why’s that?” She asks, leaning toward you subconsciously and you can’t help but do the same very not as much as she does.
If there was no distance between you both before, there certainly wasn’t now with her thigh and arm pressed against yours.
“Because then you wouldn’t have come here and knocked down the books off the shelf or I wouldn’t have met you.” You say, smirk; proud of yourself for having any type of height to help her with the book.
A quiet laugh comes from the woman, one you had heard many times in different forms but it had also got your heart pounding against your chest, eager to get out and display itself before her.
“That is a good point.” She says nodding to herself as she continues rubbing Achilles across his back making it arch subconsciously in his sleep. Her eyes meet yours, they’re once again scrunched up from your smile and far warmer than the weather outside, it causes her heart to beat even faster than before.
She goes to say something else but is once again interrupted by one of your friends.
“Everyone stop!” Dru calls out as he stands quickly, the screech of the chair filling the room. Lyle’s head pops above the counter and Mj looks up from her book.
“Can you shut the hell up?” She calls out, annoyance clear in her voice as the man begins gathering his things.
“It’s 5:30, we need to go.” He says, rushing around to pick things up and put them away.
That’s right. Thirty minutes before Thursday throw down on Minecraft, a large match on bed wars with a hundred players against each other. Something he took far too seriously.
“Go where?” Jenna asks as you begin gathering your things. “Back to my place for his stupid little game.” You roll your eyes looking back at every Thursday’s for the past five years.
“You should come see us screaming at a screen.” You state as you look toward the girl, realization hits you when you realize it wasn’t exactly a question. “If you want, that is.”
She laughs quietly as the man rushes past the two of you with many CD cases in hand, eager to get back to your apartment.
“I would love to.” She says and relief rushes through you and a smile graces your face. “Great.” You say, smile never leaving as you go to put the books in the respective spot while trying to remember if you had cleaned up your apartment or not.
“Hurry!” The man ushers all of you as he grabs the leash to Achilles harness and clips it to him making Jenna take it as she stands, still refusing the drop the cat.
You’re eyes quickly find the familiar old homeless man in front of your apartment building bringing a smile to your face as he plucks his guitar strings with such elegance even you were jealous.
“Hey Julian.” You say with a smile as you step up to him and he stops playing to look at your small group.
“Ah, on another one of your sleep overs?” He asks as he scans the group before his eyes land on Jenna. “And you brought a new friend.” He says with a smile but Dru quickly shuts any time for introductory out as he storms past you.
“5:53, let’s go people!” He says as he storms inside the door.
The man rolls his eyes before they land on Lyle. “I see why the boys are acting strange now, you’re here Lyle.” He says and the man stiffens up, the thought of six little boys running around your apartment building with water guns clear in his mind.
Your smile grows as you move past him, Mj and Jenna not far behind. “Careful, ellos quieren venganza..” the man says and you can’t help but feel sorry for Lyle who was about to be soaked in — god knows from where — water.
You rush up the stairs to your floor only to be met with a Dru who looks down at his watch and shuffles around anxiously.
“Come on.” He drags out as you walk up to the door and unlock it.
As soon as the door opens Achilles jumps out of Jenna’s arms and circles your feet, screaming loudly as you make your way to the kitchen.
You huff out as he jumps up on the counter to watch you grab his food.
“Turn it on!” You hear Dru call out as Mj settles into the bean bag next to your couch, holding up the remote as Dru sits eagerly on the edge of the couch leaving Jenna to stand in your kitchen as she looks around the small kitchen connected to your much larger living room.
“This is nice.” She says as Mj turns on the Led lights and Dru messes with the tv controls.
“Thanks, don’t mind the cat hair.” You mumble as you place the cat bowl on the ground making Achilles jump down and begin eating.
“There’s lots of it, everywhere.” You say brushing some off your hands and watching it fall to the floor. You would have to clean it up later.
You walk past her and place your phone on the counter where Dru and Mj’s sat before making your way into the living room.
She couldn’t help but smile at your lack of need for social media, all of you. Yeah, you posted a lot but other than that you all seemed to actually talk and enjoy each others presence rather than be hunched over on your phones.
She hesitates for a moment before placing her own phone on the counter and following you into the living and taking a seat next to you on the couch.
You had het a controller and she furrows her eyebrows in confusion.
“Don’t worry,” you say pressing the power button on hers then yours. “I’ll teach you and make sure Dru doesn’t try anything.” You say as you scoot toward her a little more so your knees are touching. You couldn’t tell if she could hear your heart beating in your chest or not but you hoped she couldn’t.
The door suddenly slams open making you all look up to see a partially wet Lyle as water begins squirting inside the apartment.
“You can’t hide forever, Lyle Lyle crocodile!” A voice calls as he slams to the door shut and a chorus of high pitched laughs rings outside your door.
“I’m crashing here tonight.” He says as he storms toward your room. Now you see why all of your clothes were mixed with the groups, you all had different articles of clothes littered around your rooms and at this point you didn’t know what belongs to who.
“We’re starting the game without him.” Dru says as the starting screen pops up and all four of your characters pop up divided into four parts of the tv. This should be fun.
And fun it was. For you and Dru at least, while Lyle watched Mj attack different players you were helping Jenna at her own base and protecting her from Dru who swore he would get her ‘stupid pink’ bed.
A rivalry began between the two as Jenna got used to the game she would insist on going after Dru many times. With your help she of course did get him, it was truly beautiful.
Now you sat next to Jenna as the game came to an end, Lyle and Mj had fallen asleep, while Dru was taking pictures of the screen to flaunt to everyone on his discord about how he had gotten first place in the tournament.
You look to Jenna who watched Dru with a small smile on her face and you found yourself wondering how many freckles really did litter across her smooth skin. Her features were absolutely perfect, from her nose, to her eyes and to her high cheek bones. You didn’t really see any flaws as your eyes travel to her lips, curled up into a smile.
Your eyes snap up as she looks toward you, smile becoming softer before an idea comes to mind. You gesture toward the window that led onto your fire escape watching confusion fill her face.
You laugh lightly before grabbing her wrist and leading her toward the window before pulling it open and stepping out only to be met with the cold air of the winter night and slide yourself to sit on the edge of the fire escape.
Jenna’s not to far behind as she steps out after you as she swings her legs over the ledge.
“Not bad for your first try at bed wars.” You say as you lean back against your arms and look toward her.
“Who said it was my first time?” Raising an eyebrow she turns her head toward and smirks lightly.
“Yeah, let’s just forget how you were walking off the edges of your island non stop.” She sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes but her smile never leaves as she stares you. “Totally not your first time.”
She chuckles lightly as she glances around and looks at the city while your eyes never leave her. With the wind blowing past her, she looks almost ethereal, would have if she didn’t shiver lightly before settling back down.
The sound of cars honking, metal clanking together and other sounds you were used to sound through the air, creating a back ground noise for you as you watch her. The way her breathing was calm, much calmer than yours. The way she watched the loud city before, bright colors shining on her face making it light it up completely giving you full view of her side profile.
“It’s beautiful.” She says looking at the lit up city you were not really worried about at the moment as you continued to stare at her.
“Yeah, it is.” You reply quietly and she slowly takes her eyes from the glowing city before they land on you.
You both sat there for a moment, staring at each other unsure of what to do or what the other might do. The air felt two times thicker as you attempted to get your breathing and heart beat under control as her eyes stay locked with yours.
You watched as her eyes snap down once before quickly moving back up to your eyes and you can’t help the twist that form in your stomach tempted to do the same as you glance between both of her eyes, they were darker than they usually were in the light.
You break slightly as you too glance down before quickly looking back up and you lean in, slowly and hesitantly as you watch her every reaction carefully.
She seems to subconsciously do the same, but this time her eyes continue to move from your eye and back down to your lips.
Your nerves boost through the roof as you get closer, heart beat beating quicker than it ever has and suddenly a line of chords begins to play. You recognized it, the way they sounded far too beautiful to be just anyone playing.
The sound quickly becomes a background noise along with the sounds of the city as you come close to Jenna, lips a few centimeters apart as you glance down toward them them back to her eyes to search for any hesitation or want to back out.
Her breath fans over your face lightly as she stares up at you, eyes wide and waiting as she watches you.
“Is this okay?” You ask in a quiet voice, too quiet for your liking as your heart beat drums through your ears, eyes looking over Jenna’s face. There was no need to ask to kiss her, she could clearly see what you were doing but you wanted to make sure this is what she wanted.
And it was in fact what she wanted. The thought of your slightly chapped lips kissing hers made her heart jump into her throat and claw its way out.
Her only response is reaching up and leaning in, her hands resting gently on her face as her lips brush against yours with hesitation. The feeling sends a shock through your body that makes you shiver lightly as her skin begins to feel hot against yours.
You let out a shaky breath as you too lean in, lips crashing against her a bit too eagerly but she doesn’t seem as she leans in further, deepening the kiss completely as her body presses against yours.
You suddenly become all to aware of your surroundings, the sounds of the city filling your senses as does the gentle guitar that plays under you.
Now you recognize it. Frank Sark. Which song exactly? You didn’t know but you knew it was being played by Julian. His music just as sweet as the girl in front of you. Holding your face with a gentleness of an angel that you didn’t deserve but she still gave it to you as her thumb rubs across your cheek lightly.
This was the perfect end of your night under the starless sky in the bright city.
Next part here!
A/N: my mistake was that I kept saying ‘your cat’ and my friend was making jokes 🥲
Also bare with me, I don’t know how to write people kissing much, I’ll probably edit it later.
I’m not sure if the kissing scene even made sense please tell me if it did🫶🏻
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marvelouslizzie · 2 years
unconventional methods - chapter 3
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Summary: Bucky and Bunny finally find some time to talk and clear things up. Will communicating solve their problems?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader (SHIELD Agent Bucky Barnes x Adult Content Creator SHIELD Agent Reader)
Word Count: 7.6K
Warnings: 18+ NSFW MINORS DNI, sex deprivation, touch-starved couple, pet names, oral sex (f and m receiving), fingering, p in v sex with no protection (both parties are clean and she’s on birth control), slight dirty talk if you squint, having a hard time to vocalize wants or needs, mentions of past trauma, mentions of forced sex work, overthinking, emotional support, no mention of y/n.
A/N: Once again, thank you so much for showing interest in this story. This is the last chapter but if you wonder something about this couple, if you want some headcanons or you have ideas about them, you can always send me a request. Not just about this story, don’t hesitate to message me or send me a question. Unless it’s a hate message. They are never welcome.
If you didn’t read the first or the second chapter, you definitely should before reading this one.
unconventional methods - chapter 1
unconventional methods - chapter 2
marvelous lizzie’s masterlist
Once again a big thank you to @notafunkiller and @es1dit for everything. They helped me so much. I can’t thank them enough for supporting me during this journey.
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission. Every like, comment, and reblog is highly appreciated.
Read more tag starts after the first paragraph of the story.
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<<< Previous Chapter
As she promised, Agent Elvisa was waiting for Bucky at the SHIELD headquarters when he returned. Despite being tired and wounded, he was much calmer than before. Taking some time to reflect made him realize how harsh he was. He just felt betrayed and humiliated before, but after seeing what she had been working on, seeing those people suffering in the hands of HYDRA and having the privilege to help them made him understand this wasn’t about him. This whole thing was a critical mission, and they were just caught up in the mess. 
The problem was that he didn’t know how to proceed anymore, but luckily Agent Elvisa approached him at the first opportunity.
“Hey,” Her voice felt so soothing to his ears. He always thought she had a silky tone, and enjoyed it in the videos she shared, but hearing it in real life was a completely different experience. Especially when they weren’t fighting.
“You are bleeding.” Her eyes were fixed on his left eyebrow. It was a simple cut, one that would heal by itself, but she looked concerned nonetheless.
“It’s fine.” His response came instantly. “I will be healed soon.”
“No.” She shook her head, rejecting his oversimplification. “It needs to be cleaned.”
“Believe me, I have had worse wounds that healed by themselves.”
His response made her grimace. “You thought that would convince me, but it made it even worse.” She gently grabbed his arm and steered him to another room. “Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m just gonna clean the cut, okay? I don’t wanna hear any complaints.”
It was impossible for Bucky not to smile a little. It’s been a while since someone was worried about him. The fact that someone cared about him enough to make a big deal out of a simple cut made him feel... cared for. That’s why he followed her without saying a word. Agent Elvisa made him sit down while looking for a first aid kit.
“We should talk,” she said while opening and closing some drawers.
“Is that why you insisted on cleaning the wound?” 
“Yes and no. I think it should be cleaned, but I also wanted to talk. I’ve been thinking a lot since you left.” 
“Me too, but I don’t think we should do it here.” Bucky didn’t want someone to eavesdrop. This was an extremely private thing to talk and SHIELD headquarters weren’t the place.
“Okay.” She finally looked back at him. “There’s no first aid kit here.”
Bucky looked around, making a point without saying anything. It didn’t look like this particular room would have any first aid kits.
“Fine.” She accepted the defeat. “You are right, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna give up. Wait here until I find a first aid kit.” She raised her index finger. “Do not move.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
She smiled at him before leaving the room. 
Bunny struggled to find the medical kit she needed, but when she finally did, she quickly made her way back. She stopped in her tracks as soon as she heard Natasha's voice when she got closer to the door.
“So that’s it?” She heard Natasha asking.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Natasha.”
“Just don’t hold this against her. She had no idea.”
“I’m aware of it. That’s not the problem.” Bucky sounded a bit defensive.
“Then what is the problem?”
“I just…” He stopped for a second. “I just don’t know what is real and what’s not anymore. That’s the problem.”
Hearing that last sentence just shattered her heart. She didn’t even know who he was until that video call yet he was questioning everything, every conversation they had. It made her feel like crap. Like he was no different from the men who treated her like shit just because of what she was doing. It was foolish of her to believe that he was different.
Harshly, she pushed the door all the way and stormed inside. Bucky and Natasha looked in her direction, completely blindsided by her presence. 
“Oh, hey. I was just talking to–” Natasha tried to talk, but she didn’t even glance in her direction.
“You don’t need this.” Slamming the first aid kit on the table, she looked directly at Bucky. “You don’t need me and believe me when I say, I don’t need you. I just wanted to talk and make things clear, but now I understand that’s not what you want at all. I don’t need to explain myself to you. I don’t need convince what part of me is real. If you're questioning this... this thing between us or what we shared, you can go to hell.”
Her rage caught them off guard. And before he could say anything, she stormed out of the room. Bucky and Natasha stared at each other, feeling completely lost.
“Go after her, you loon!” Finally, Natasha snapped him out of his shock and he quickly took her advice. When he finally caught up with her, she was about to hop on her motorcycle.
“Bunny!” Hearing him call her Bunny again made her stop. 
“What the fuck was all of that?” He looked confused and angrier than before. “You are gonna tell me to go to hell and just leave?”
“I heard your conversation, Bucky. What’s there to talk about if you think some things we shared weren’t even real.”
“I didn’t say they were not real.”
“You said you don’t know what was real and what was not.” She repeated what she remembered from their conversation.
“I’m just confused, okay? I didn’t do this for a long time. Why do you think I started to follow you to begin with? I’m socially awkward and anxious. I’m clueless and after learning about your mission, I’m confused. I just don’t know what to think anymore.”
“I waited for you to return. I tried talking to you back there and you didn’t want to. And then I come to hear that you are questioning what was real. How do you think that makes me feel?”
“I didn’t say I don’t wanna talk, did I? I just didn’t want anybody else to hear what happened between us.”
His explanation made her stop for a second. “Then why didn’t you just say that?”
“I just told you. I’m awkward and anxious, okay? But I do wanna talk. I wanna understand. I’ve just come from the mission you’d been working so hard for. I saw how important it was. I understand this whole thing wasn’t about me, but you have to stop and think about how things look from my perspective when you say this was just a mission for you. I deserve some explanation. I think I deserve that much.” 
He was talking much calmer than before, trying to explain what he thinks. It made her notice how different things could be from his side. He simply had no clue. Just bits and pieces.
“Fine, let’s talk then.” She sighed deeply. “Your place or mine?”
“Yours. Mine is a mess.”
It didn’t take them long to arrive at her place. Bucky couldn’t help but look around carefully the moment he stepped inside. It was a small apartment with a single bedroom. The door was open, so he could actually see inside her private space and nothing seemed familiar. Which made him realize she did not do her photoshoots here. None of the content she shared was taken here. Nothing besides the photos she sent him privately. From day one, he was allowed to see her, in a vulnerable state, in her own home. If that wasn’t a sign of trust, what was?
“Do you wanna drink something?” Her question brought him back to reality. 
“I don’t think so.”
“Maybe a glass of water?” She suggested, thinking he must be exhausted from the mission.
He answered after considering the offer. “That would be good actually.” 
She quickly made her way to the kitchen, drinking a glass of water herself and then bringing him another. Bunny was sitting across from him when he finished drinking.
“So… What do you wanna know?” She asked as Bucky places the empty glass on the coffee table, getting right into the conversation.
“I just wanna know…” God, there were too many questions on his mind, but nothing was more important than this one. “Why did you start talking to me?”
“I answer almost every DM. It was a part of my mission: finding potential HYDRA hunters.” Her answer disappointed Bucky, but he just nodded quietly. “Yet I don’t keep talking to every one of them. I told you before.”
“You told me you end the conversation when it gets too far.” 
“Yes, I don’t entertain people in my DM’s. I just try to act like a normal adult content creator so they won’t suspect anything.”
“Is that what you were doing when you answered me?” Bucky wanted to know more details. He wanted to learn what changed and when.
“I was just answering a cute DM and you kept talking to me, differently compared to others. You were concerned while they were just wondering about the lack of content. I was sick, and feeling lonely. It was a huge mistake sending you a photo, but I’m lucky it didn’t jeopardize the mission. If it was someone else, it could’ve been a big problem. Not only HYDRA hunters, but there are also stalkers you know…” She noticed he was getting concerned about her safety. Then she quickly added, “Most of them are just shooting their shots, trying to see if they can score with me or if they can get some private content.”
“Right.” He sounded so uncomfortable, thinking about how hard it must be. 
“I’m good at detecting when they try to steer the conversation that way, so I do something before it’s too late. And you…” She took a deep breath, trying to collect her thoughts. “You never tried to do that. You kept talking to me like I’m a normal human being. You asked regular questions. I wondered how long it would take you to say something inappropriate, and you never did.”
“And that’s why you kept talking to me.”
“Yes. I liked talking to you. And then I found you extremely hot.” Bucky gave her a puzzled look. “When we exchanged photos.”
“Oh, right.” Extremely hot? he wondered, but didn't say it out loud.
“Talking to you was the best part of the whole operation, other than finally catching those bastards. You made my days bearable. I was looking forward to talking to you, getting to know you while trying not to get too invested because god knows how many married men use those platforms.”
“Best part of the operation?” Bucky repeated her words, his tone indicating he was having a bit of a hard time believing that was possible.
“I was lonely, Bucky. Isolated. Mistreated. After a long time, someone was talking to me like a normal human being. He was also a good-looking guy as far as I could see. I just let myself enjoy it, it shouldn’t be a crime.”
“I enjoyed it, too, you know.” He was trying to take everything in. “That’s why it hurt so much when I saw you in that meeting. I was shocked.”
“I didn’t expect to see you in that meeting. If I’d known, I would’ve talked to you during the video call. I was sure that we’d have time to speak face to face and explain that this was a mission, but you were the real part of this for me.” She was getting emotional, but she tried to hold her tears back. It was really hard to explain herself like this because she was always blamed for most of the stuff. Especially what happened to her in the past when she was captured by HYDRA. “I’m sorry if I hurt you. Just believe me, it was unintentional.”
“I wish you just explained everything to me when you saw who I was.”
“I was scared,” she admitted. “I was talking to my work crush the whole time, without knowing. I was afraid to mess it up. I thought you would get mad when you learn that the whole thing was an undercover operation and I’d lose my chance to explain everything.” She took another deep breath, trying to calm herself down. The fear of rejection was growing in her belly. A part of her was certain all the clarifications in the world wouldn’t be enough to make him stay. 
“Bunny...” She tried hard to hide her tears, but it was in vain. It was no surprise that Bucky noticed them right away. A second later, he moved right next to her, closing the distance between them. “Are you crying?”
“No.” Even though it was obvious, she tried to deny it at first. “I’m fine.”
Bucky gently touched her face, afraid to startle her, then carefully wiped a tear away with his thumb. 
“Please, don’t cry.” His hand remained on her face, and she leaned into his touch immediately. “Especially not because of me.”
“It’s just...” Bunny sniffed. “I know I ruined everything. No excuse will be good enough to fix things.”
“What are you talking about?” He was still gently caressing her cheek.
“I know that… you won’t forgive me, Bucky.”
Her words were clear enough, but it was the way she said those words that broke Bucky. Her pained voice and watery eyes… The realization finally hit him. She was really afraid of losing him. She actually thought they wouldn't be able to put this behind them. She assumed he would just decide to move on with his life after clearing things up. That was the exact same thing he was worried about all this time. He thought Bunny didn’t need him, that she could just continue her life without him.
He had no idea how long it had been since he felt someone actually cared about him this much and wanted him to stay after everything that happened. The feeling of being wanted by her was strange but so very welcome.
“You didn’t.” He slowly closed the distance between them, and his lips lightly brushed against hers. For a second, she had a bit of a hard time registering what’s just happened, but when she finally did, she started to kiss him back. He moved his lips as if he was afraid to break her, but in reality, he was afraid of his own reaction. It had been so long since someone touched him or kissed him. Her lips moving against his own made him whimper. He had no idea what to do with his hands, while Bunny angled her head a little and deepened the kiss. Her lips started to move more hungrily, letting out low moans as she kept on tasting him.
Bucky closed his eyes and let himself go. He was so lost in this, he didn’t realize Bunny was moving until he felt her weight on top of him. He opened his eyes just to see her wrapping her arms around his neck as she was tightening her legs around his torso. His head fell back, his mouth gaping as he let out a deep moan. Feeling her whole body pressed against him was simply too much. 
“Touch me, Bucky.”
He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, but it was the hardest thing he’s ever done so far. Looking into her eyes, he tried to get used to their proximity and her softness. His hand slowly moved back on her face, fingers gently grazing her skin as he tried to convince himself this wasn’t a dream. Bunny closed the distance between them and started to kiss him more hungrily than before. Lips moving fast, tongues and teeth cluttering... Bucky’s hands moved down to her neck, then to her collarbones, and kept on moving until he settled them on her waist. His mouth moved to her neck, slowly nibbling to see her reaction. Bunny’s loud moan was enough to make him start tp suck on her skin.
“God, please…” She sounded so desperate. “Please touch me.”
Bucky tightened his grip on her waist, reminding her that he was actually touching her, but that wasn’t enough. Impatiently, she grabbed both of his hands and pushed them against her breasts. All he could do was just blinking a couple of times before squeezing them a little bit harsher than he intended. He was so afraid of how rusty he would be at this, but Bunny let out a satisfied moan, proving him wrong. That was all he needed. His warm hands left her breasts, just to slip them under her top, making her gasp. Her skin was soft and welcoming as he moved them up to her breasts again. 
“Can I?” He lingered on her bra, wanting it off. She nodded eagerly.
It took him several tries to finally unclasp it, but Bunny didn’t offer her help, just waiting for him to get rid of it. As soon as it was unhooked, she removed her top and bra simultaneously, revealing her bare breasts. He looked mesmerized by her like he didn’t see her naked before, and it made her smile.
“Remember when you were talking about my nipples?”
“Yeah?” Bucky’s eyes didn’t leave her breasts, not for a second.
“You can do all of that now.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He cupped both of her breasts, perking them up. One hand was colder than the other, but she didn’t care one bit. If nothing, that was proof the man in front of her was Bucky Barnes in flesh and blood and not a wet dream. He leaned in and started to leave soft kisses at first, then his lips wrapped around one of her nipples, and his tongue swirled around. He took his sweet time as if he was tasting the most delicious dessert on earth. He used his free hand to massage her other breast as he kept licking her nipple. Unable to control her reaction, her back arched. 
“Oh fuck!” Everything he was doing with his tongue was sending waves of pleasure through her body. She could feel the wetness starting to pool between her legs. She was more ready for the next step. His rock-hard erection poking at her core made it even harder to stay in control. She started to move her hips, trying to get a little friction, and that finally made him break away from her nipple. The loud wet sound caused her to bite her lower lip, his hands quickly wrapping around her body before he unexpectedly stood up.
“What are you doing?” She sounded so surprised, and Bucky chuckled in response. Her legs tightened around his torso while he started to walk towards her bedroom.
“Taking you to bed.” As soon as he was done speaking, he dived back into her neck, kissing her lightly while walking.
In a few seconds, Bucky layed her gently on the edge of the bed, and she quickly raised herself up on her elbows to watch him grabbing her pants and underwear without losing any time and tugging them down. He looked at her with utter hunger while trying to convince himself this was really happening. Slowly he kneeled, gently placing his hands on her tights, and looked up at her.
“Can I taste you?” How he asked this question felt like he was asking for a glass of water after a long day.
“We can do that later, come here.” She wanted to feel his skin against hers, already missing his warmth.
“I promise I will do whatever you want, just please, let me taste you first.” The desperation in his voice was making it hard to say no, so she nodded. For a second, he looked like a kid on Christmas morning, giving her the biggest smile.
Bucky’s hands slowly moved on her legs, trying to feel every inch of her. The motion was also helping him to ground himself. Slowly he leaned in, but instead of doing what she was hoping for, his lips landed on her thighs, leaving a wet trail of kisses. As time passed, the wetness started to drip from her center, making it even more evident. Not only could he see it, but he could also smell how intoxicating it was.
Finally, when he was satisfied with his work, his tongue lightly brushed directly against her clit. They both moaned at the same time for different reasons. While she was electrified by the feeling of his tongue, he was getting lost in her taste. It was so good, he couldn’t help but lick a couple more times in a row like he was starving.
“Fuck, yes!” She whined as the pleasure started to spread. “Oh god, yes!” 
Bucky was busy licking her from bottom to top, and every time his tongue brushed against her clit, Bunny was making the most delicious sounds. Unexpectedly, he pushed both of his hands under her ass and pulled her close to his mouth.
“Bucky!” Her yelp amused him, but he didn’t stop. By focusing on her clit, he was able to deepen his licks and elevate the pleasure by flattening his tongue against her clit fast. This new sensation made her legs buckle, and she grabbed his hair way more harshly than she anticipated.
“F-fuck, Bucky. Keep going, p-please.” He had no intention to do otherwise. As his tongue continued to work, Bunny kept on begging. “I-I’m close. Please, don’t s-stop!” 
When she finally reached the climax, her entire body was burning with pleasure. She was mindlessly moaning and gripping his hair as he continued to work through her orgasm. After a while, her hands let go of his hair, and that’s when he started to slow down.
“Are you okay?” His chin was resting on her lower tummy.
She took a deep breath before answering. “I’m more than okay.”
Before moving his head back between her legs, Bucky chuckled. Her eyes instinctively lowered when she felt the shift just to see him pushing his middle finger inside her without any warning. She jerked back while gasping for air.
“What?” He asked with a smirk. Before she could even open her mouth to respond, he started to move his fingers, and whatever she was going to say did not matter anymore. Soon, his finger was already soaked with her arousal, so he didn’t wait long to add the second finger.
“Shit, Bucky, this feels so good.” She moved her hips up to increase the friction as she spoke.
“Stay put, doll.” His metal hand settled on her tummy, pushing her down as gently as possible. “Just let me…” He thrusted his fingers harder than before, pressing against the upper walls.
“Oh my fucking god…” She cried out while he felt how she started to squeeze his fingers. She was getting closer, but he wanted this orgasm to be much better than the previous one. After licking his lips at the thought of tasting her again, he leaned in to give her another lick. Suddenly, Bunny’s hand was back in his hair, gripping harder than before.
“Yes, yes, yes. Bucky, yes!” He wanted to smile so badly, but he had something more important to do. As he continued to lick her, he added a third finger, hoping this would push her over the edge. The way she moaned was the most sinful thing he ever heard, and he was already dying to hear it again. He kept moving his fingers quicker and felt her grip tightening in his hair.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, Bucky… Please, don’t stop!”
He wanted to say he won’t, not until she comes again, but he couldn’t. He knew better not to change anything when she was begging for more. Bunny's second orgasm ripped her apart as he kept moving his fingers in and out relentlessly. She kept repeating his name like prayer until the pleasure turned into overstimulation.
“Oh my god,” She spoke after taking another deep breath. She felt like she was floating as her recent orgasm still made her lightly jerk a little. When Bucky finally removed his fingers, she trembled one more time.
“How are you feeling?” She felt Bucky moving onto the bed..
“Great.” She had a huge smile on her face, which made his heart swell with pride.
Bunny jumped on top of him as soon as he lay next to her. Although he was surprised by the sudden change, he moved his hands to her hips and began to caress her.
“I think it’s time to get you undressed, Sergeant Barnes.”
For the first time, she saw how her words affected him up close as his gaze changed into something darker. She kept on looking in his blue eyes while she leaned down and gave him a kiss on the lips before bringing her mouth right under his ear.
“Will you take your clothes off for me, Sarge?” The way she was talking sent shivers down his spine.
“As you wish.”
Bucky rolled her over so suddenly, she couldn’t even understand what was happening until her back touched the mattress. He quickly stood up and started to undress under her glare. Her eyes focused on his upper body until it was time to take his boxers off. His erection sprung out, and she could already feel her mouth watering at the sight.
“Is this better?” He raised both of her hands with a smile on his face.
“Much better. Now come here.” She gently patted the empty space right next to her, and he silently obeyed. As soon as he sat down, Bunny was all over him. She gently pushed him down. Her hands slowly moved down to his body, enjoying how his skin felt against hers. Firm and warm. She drew circles with her hands, caressing the same places over and over again until Bucky couldn’t help but moan at the sensation. 
“You like that, baby?” The way she was speaking, that fucking tone… God, he was melting inside. 
“Yes.” He breathed out. “So much.”
“Want me to touch you more?”
He nodded so eagerly, Bunny couldn’t just look at his beautiful face. She leaned down to give him a kiss. His hands quickly wrapped around her body, pulling her closer. It was messy and wet until Bunny moved her lips to his cheeks. He huffed with disappointment, but she didn’t stop. She covered his face with kisses. He felt her soft lips on his cheeks, eyelids, and jaw until she decided to move to his neck.
“I need more,” Bucky whimpered as she kept kissing.
“Tell me what you need.” Her hands were moving on his chest, fueling his hunger.
“More. More of everything.” He took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but it had been such a long time since he was touched like this. He was craving for more, it didn’t matter what. “Just… touch me.”
Her fingers grazed over his nipples, making their way down as she opened up a bit more. 
“What if I…” She gently wrapped her hands around his cock. “did this?”
Bunny slowly moved her hand with a smile on her face. “What about this?”
He choked on his words, just letting out an unintelligible sound.
“You like that, don’t you?” He managed to nod as she kept moving her hand up and down. Before he could even realize it, she moved all the way back. When she removed her hand from his hard cock, he wanted to protest, but the moment he looked down, the sight of Bunny between his legs welcomed him.
She didn’t say a word, just looked into his eyes before lowering herself and taking the tip of his cock into her mouth.
“Oh, fuck!” His head fell back onto the mattress. 
Her tongue swirled around the tip, grazing over the sensitive spot. Her wet mouth and her hot tongue were driving him crazy already. He could feel the pleasure bottling up. 
“Bunny…” He hardly managed to say it out loud. She didn’t stop, just looked up to see his pretty face. “Baby, you gotta stop, please.” The words came out as if he was in agony. She had no choice but to release his cock.
“Am I hurting you?” Her wrinkled brows were enough for him to understand how truly concerned she was. 
“No, no, no. God, no.” He quickly tried to explain. “I just… don’t wanna come inside your mouth. Not this time. It has been a long time. Very long. I just wanna feel you come around my cock as I come. Is that okay?”
The relief on her face turned into a smile. “It’s more than okay.”
“I don’t have a condom with me though.” 
“I’m clean and on pills.” He knew what that meant and the question she wasn’t vocalizing.
“I’m clean, too, according to the regular SHIELD check-ups.”
“Great.” She bit her bottom lips as she moved closer to him. “So what now?”
Once again, Bucky wrapped his hands around her and rolled her over. 
“This is turning into a habit, Sarge.”
“You have any complaints?” His playful tone put another smile on her face.
“Nope, not yet.”
“Not yet? Hmm…” He didn’t say anything else, just grabbed his cock and looked back at her to see if she changed her mind, but instead, she was staring at him with wide eyes and parted lips.
Bucky rubbed the head of his cock between her folds and her slick arousal started to cover it. After a couple more rubs, he finally pushed himself inside. It took only one swift thrust and he was all in.
“Fuck, baby.” He gasped at the sensation as his head fell down on her shoulder. It was so overwhelming to feel surrounded by her wetness and warmth. So intense. “You feel so good, my god.”
When he pulled back to look at her, Bunny’s hand went to his face. She pushed a strand of hair that fell on his forehead.
“Are you okay?” The question came after standing still for a while.
“I’m good, don’t worry about me.” Bunny’s dismissive answer didn’t sit right with him.
“You are my main concern, all the time, okay? Tell me how does this feel?” His voice was so soft and caring, she didn’t even realize she was tearing up. “Please, tell me I’m not hurting you.”
“You are not.” She quickly wiped away the tears with the back of her hand. “Nobody ever asked me that. That’s all.”
Bucky cupped her cheek with his flesh hand. “I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault.” Her bittersweet smile made him want to kill every single man who recklessly hurt her.
“Just tell me to stop if you don’t want something, okay, doll? That’s all I am asking from you.”
“I will try.” She gulped down. “It’s gonna be hard, but I will try.”
“Maybe we should stop.” He didn’t wanna push her to do something she wasn’t comfortable.
“No, no. It’s my problem. Sometimes… I have a hard time vocalizing what I want or don’t want.”
“Do you want this?” Bunny eagerly nodded. “I need you to use your words.”
“I want this, Bucky. Please move.”
He slowly and carefully started to move. “How is this pace?”
“It’s good. Very good.” Her words made it clear that she was enjoying it, but the way she said them… moved something inside him. It was full of need.
He couldn’t stop himself from leaning down and starting to kiss her as he kept moving. Quickly, it became really messy. Lips crashing, tongues dancing, hands moving all over… In the blinking of an eye, she was on top of him, desperately moving her hips against him. It didn’t take her long to shutter. Watching her orgasm so up close was something else. The blissful expression on her face, her open mouth, and the way she was moaning mindlessly stunned him. 
“God, you are so beautiful.” His thumb moved from her cheek to her bottom lip. He closed the distance and gave her a hungry kiss. His tongue brushed against hers, making her moan again. “I don’t think I can hold back more.”
“I don’t remember asking you to hold back.”
Bucky tilted his head while pursing his lips. “True, but you didn’t have to.”
Bunny started to rock her hips again as she talked. “Please, stop holding back. Stop being so careful. I’m not made of glass.”
“I know that.” The way she was moving made it hard for him to speak. “God, tell me, what position do you want next?”
She didn’t say anything. Instead, she moved away from him and lay down on her back on the edge of the bed. Bucky silently followed her, and in a second, he was back inside her as she pulled her knees back to her chest.
“Does this feel good?” 
“Yes.” She seemed pretty content. “Just put some pressure on my legs.” As soon as he did that and started to move, they both felt the difference. It felt like she was much tighter than before and he was touching all the right places.
“Oh, fuck.” Bucky growled. It was much harder to hold back.
“Faster, Bucky, please.” She pleaded, already feeling drunk on pleasure. As he fulfilled her request, her moans became erratic. “Yes, yes, yes!”
“God, I’m so deep inside you.” 
“It feels so good. Please… Please, baby, faster.” Her words encouraged him to finally take what he wanted. He started to pound into her. Long yet fast thrusts started to consume her. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Bucky, Bucky…” She gripped the sheets, trying to keep her eyes open.
“God, look at you.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her. “My pretty girl, look at yourself. Taking me so deep.”
“Oh, fuck, fuck Bucky!” She took a deep breath. “You are gonna make me come again!”
His response was a loud groan, finally feeling free to come himself. 
“Yes, let yourself go, yes.” He keeps talking between thrusts.
Bunny’s eyes roll back with pleasure, her legs trembling while she lets out a cry. He keeps fucking her through her orgasm, thrusting harder than before and allowing himself to follow her. Bucky let out the most broken cry she’s ever heard coming from his mouth as he started to come, but he didn’t stop. He kept on thrusting, ignoring the feeling of overstimulation until she was done coming.
He pulled himself out with a hiss, and neither of them said a word as they lay together. They feared they'd spoil such a blissful moment, knowing there was other stuff they needed to discuss. Bunny began to feel cold as their breathing returned to normal, so with a quick movement, she got under the duvet, keeping it open while looking directly at Bucky. She was silently offering to cover him as well, and he didn’t wait to comply. When he finally settled in, they were facing each other.
“Can we stay like this? Just for a while?”
“Of course, we can.” Bucky wanted nothing more than to just stay in the bed with he, in their own bubble. And they did for a couple of minutes, but little by little, reality slowly filtered back into their minds as the fog of their orgasms got lifted.
“Just so you know, just because we had sex, it doesn’t mean everything is perfect now. We have a lot to talk about that we haven't figured out, but I still want you to stay.”
“Believe me, I know, but we can figure it out together.” A smile spread across her face. That was all she wanted to hear. 
“Sounds like a good plan.” Bucky moved his hand over her exposed arm. It was a thoughtless movement, but his touch helped her relax. After a couple more strokes, Bucky felt some kind of patterned bump on her skin, and as he explored it, he instantly recognized it.
“Is that…” His question remained unfinished because he already knew the answer.
“A property tattoo.”
“Property of HYDRA?” The words came out like he couldn’t believe it.
Bunny squirmed uncomfortably. It was never an easy topic for her, but there was no way out of this conversation. Maybe it would be better to talk about it now. Like pulling a band-aid off.
“Do you remember when I said maybe I can tell you how I can be so sure about you one day?” Bucky nodded, remembering what she said when she first saw his face. “I guess that day is today.”
“I think I already know what you are about to say.” It was clear. Bunny was the property of HYDRA for god knows how long and somehow she managed to get out of it. “Look, we don’t have to talk about it now if it makes you uncomfortable. You don’t owe me an explanation.”
“I know that, but I want to explain anyway.” Bucky narrowed his eyes. “And it’s never easy to talk about this. So…” Her voice was trembling as she was talking.
“I’m ready to listen, whenever you want.”
Bunny took a deep breath, trying to brace herself. “I was captured by HYDRA when I was young.” The sentence came out as a whole like she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to finish it if she didn’t hurry up. “I was forced to be a part of their human trafficking network… satisfy clients to bring more money or please the higher-ups so I can stay alive. It went on like this for years until one day… I was in the right place at the right time.” She rubbed her face, trying to focus on her words instead of the lump in her throat so she could continue. “That day, SHIELD was attempting to capture some higher-ups and… I happened to be there just because someone requested my presence. Can you believe that? That was all. I was lucky enough to get saved by Nick Fury.”
“And you wanted to help the ones who weren’t lucky enough.” Bucky finally started to put the puzzle pieces together. He couldn’t believe she also suffered at the hands of HYDRA, already feeling guilty that he couldn’t be the one to help her.
“Yes. Director Fury helped me. He even gave me my name, Elvisa. Do you know what it means?” Bucky shook his head. “It means safe.”
“Because you were finally safe.” Bucky felt the weight of the word as he was speaking. This time, Bunny shook her head in agreement. That name meant a lot to her. 
“I am so sorry, doll. So sorry I didn’t notice why this case was so important to you. Why you said you can’t always express what you want during sex.” He felt like shit because finally, her harsh reaction at the SHIELD headquarters was making sense. He wondered how many people in her life thought she was just faking stuff.
“How could you even know, Bucky? You have nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong.” Her eyes were watery, but she did not cry. All this time, whenever she talked about this, tears would fall down, and she had no intention to let that happen again. She wanted to stay strong. She wanted to prove to herself that she was healing.
“I wish I could-” Bunny already knew what he was about to say and she didn’t let him finish.
“No, there was nothing you could do to save me earlier. Even if our paths crossed, you were a captive yourself, remember?” Focusing on Bucky was helping her to surpass all the emotions she was feeling. 
“Sometimes I think I just could’ve done more… Maybe I could’ve save myself and others… Others like you.” He sounded so broken, and Bunny couldn’t take it. She grabbed his face and forced him to look into her eyes.
“Stop torturing yourself with maybes and what-ifs.” Her voice came out harsher than she intended, so she tried to soften it as she went on. “What’s done is done. We can’t change the past, but we can shape our future.” Bucky nodded, still looking emotional. He knew that, but he couldn’t help but think about how different thing would have been if he could have just broken free. If he’d been strong enough… Bunny noticed he was getting lost in his thoughts and tried to get his attention. “Just focus on the present and the future, okay? 
“It’s not that easy.” Bucky finally found his words to answer her. 
“Believe me, I know, but we have to try. Just stop for a second and think about what you want your future to be like. Try to imagine how different things can be.” Bucky didn’t know how to keep his focus on the future. He’d been living day by day for so long, not daring to think about what the future might bring because a part of him was afraid that the moment he started to think about it, the moment he let himself hope for a future, everything would go down in flames. 
“I- I don’t know.” He sounded completely lost. 
“Just one thing. Tell me one thing you want in your future. That’s enough for now.” She tried to simplify it as much as possible. “That should be enough to keep your focus on the future.”
After thinking for a second, Bucky finally came up with a response. 
“I want to have you in my future.” He wasn’t sure if he was crossing a line or not, but he didn’t feel like keeping that thought to himself. “Is that okay?”
A warm smile spread across her face. “I think we might be able to arrange that.” 
In the middle of a boring day at work, Bucky found himself at a co-worker's birthday party after doing a lot of boring paperwork. He would rather be at home, cuddling his favorite girl, but they compromised on stopping by the party first and then cuddling at home. Normally, nobody could persuade him to socialize like this, especially since he had much better options, but Bunny was another story.
Not only that, but this time Bucky actually knew whose birthday it was, and instead of hiding in the corner, he was chilling on the big couch, with his arms around Bunny’s upper body. She was restin her head on his shoulder while talking to another agent. Although he didn't know her name, he saw her talking to Bunny numerous times. His assumption was that they were in friendly terms with each other.
Since their conversation was about a minor work misunderstanding, he didn't pay too much attention. Besides, his focus was slowly drifting toward Bunny's warmth more and more, just thinking about all the things he could be doing if they were at home. They both agreed on keeping a civil level of PDA at events like this, meaning there would be no doubt that they were a couple, but nothing inappropriate.
Bucky wasn't sure when their relationship had become public knowledge in SHIELD, but they were able to express affection for each other gradually. It wasn’t like they were ever trying to completely hide their closeness. They just tried to keep it as lowkey as possible. But it was a hard task since Bucky grabbed her arm after that meeting. People were nosy and wanted to know what happened between them, but somehow Bunny managed to dodge their questions. Bucky’s experience was much different than hers. Except for Natasha and Sam, he couldn't recall any particular moment when he was asked about his relationship with Bunny. Not that he would ever call her Bunny around co-workers. That was a private nickname. She was Agent Elvisa and he was Sergeant Barnes whenever they were at work.
I guess they put two and two together, he thought, not knowing that most of the people were actually afraid to ask him a personal question like this. 
“Can I ask you something?” Bucky's attention was caught by her wary tone.
“Of course.” Bunny raised her head, but didn't move away from his touch. His arms were still around her body.
“I don’t think you’ve ever told the story about how you two actually met.” God, she must be really curious since she is asking this nervous as fuck, Bucky thought.
They both knew it was only a matter of time before people started to ask about their relationship and how it all started openly. Everybody knew they had two different divisions. It wasn’t likely for them to work together for an extended period of time or see each other regularly. That was why they came up with an acceptable version of their story. Not a lie, but not the complete truth, either. Just something that gets people off their backs.
“Oh, that was Natasha’s doing.” 
“Really? I didn’t think Natasha Romanoff would be a cupid.” She was genuinely surprised.
“Oh, you have no idea how nosy Romanoff can be.” Bucky couldn’t help but comment for the first time. As he spoke, the girl's eyes moved towards him in surprise.
“She is only nosy when it comes to her friends, and I guess she just had a feeling about us.” Bunny quickly explained in a cute tone.
Her words made Bucky look into her eyes. They didn’t know if it was just a feeling or if she was just simply bored, but they were grateful nonetheless.
taglist (I tried to tag everyone who showed interest in chapter two. If you would rather not be included please let me know.)
@geminiflanagansblog @sadg1rlsei @lia-winther @nanikio @barnesboo1967 @chinaza444 @kaitlin013106 @ryanmxrie @steverogers-wife @weaselbeedisneygeek @tilltheendofthelinepal9950 @happyxdayxbitch @marvelogic @wintasssoldier @buckybarnessimpp @marvelsbitchh @alright-i-guesss @almosttoopizza @rabbitrabbit12321 @cookielovesbook-akie @whalien52bbgrl @cjand10 @scifinerd1818  @dellalyra @capswife @netherqueen23 @beware-my-thorns @freegardenbanananeck @iamstevessmile @raven1234321 @divadinag @noisesinthedark @amanda-says @ozwriterchick @sleyeveryday @arsonfrogger @lfaewrites @alana4610 @splendidreads @acatwriteshere @weirdothatwritess @spider-boyy @shelbygeek @doublevirgogirl @tarotwitchy-main @r02eg0ld @raelorns21 @amberpanda99
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poppitron360 · 4 months
I’d like to dive deeper into my thoughts on Caleo, bc they have been taking up most of my brainpower rn:
I get where Rick was going with it. I really do. They started off hating each other, Calypso thinking Leo was really annoying and just generally being like “why is this tiny human talking to me?”, but then they grew closer, realised they misunderstood each other, and bonded over common ground. It’s sweet. But the thing is, Rick? You’ve already got a character that did all that with Leo in the previous book!
And his name is Frank.
1. You’ve already set up that dynamic! Why not spend more time focusing on fleshing out that existing arc instead of creating a new one?
2. There’s SO MUCH more potential with angst- Frank being afraid of Leo bc of his fire, Leo being afraid of Frank because he’s twice his size and could easily crush his tiny body under his foot. Leo’s had to learn to survive on his brains and quick-wits in order to protect himself from bullies, and instantly gets defensive when he sees Frank. Frank is very insecure and sensitive, so immediately falls victim to Leo’s jokes. It takes a while for both of them to take those walls down, put aside their differences, and learn to trust each other.
3. It’s just hilarious how got-off-on-the-wrong-foot they were. A reminder that when Frank first met Leo, Leo had just destroyed half of New Rome. They both immediately judged each other completely based on looks- like it’s seriously funny how much you could compare these two to “Pride and Prejudice”. Also, the awkward misunderstanding that was the whole Sammy thing-
4. But they also have a lot more in common that Leo and Calypso ever did- similar trauma with losing their moms, and actually Leo is just as afraid of fire as Frank is. Both are incredibly insecure, and they both feel like they don’t belong among the other Seven.
5. You’ve also got that fun opposites-attract thing- Frank is big and muscular, Leo is built like a twig. Frank is big soft pookie bear, Leo is an absolute menace to society. Frank can turn into animals, Leo is a machines guy. Frank is Roman, Leo is Greek. You get the idea. They were written to juxtapose each other beautifully. They are the Yin to each other’s Yang.
6. They get so much more time together to establish a meaningful relationship. Their arc carries over three books, and we get to form connections as a reader to BOTH Leo AND Frank separately beforehand, so the payoff is a lot more satisfying. It takes time for them to open up to each other, and when they do it feels like they earned it. Calypso and Leo got a couple of chapters, that’s it.
It doesn’t have to be romantic! Leo can heal his trauma with friends and found family, learning to love and accept himself, learning that he doesn’t actually need the attention of a hot girl to be valid. He can find his place among his brethren with the help of all his friends, even Frank- the most unlikely of friends.
I wish Rick had put more effort into fleshing out the platonic relationships instead of just conforming to romance-centric ideals of “love fixes everything!” It’s lazy, and boring, and has been done to death. Platonic friendships make up 95% of our relationships, yet they are SERIOUSLY underrepresented in media. I’m calling for more interesting platonic dynamics. Leo and Frank could’ve been so much more, if Rick had actually taken the time to build on their relationship, and focused less on “Leo Needs a Girlfriend”!
So, when I say “Everything Caleo did, Valzhang could do better”- THAT is what I meant.
Also, Jason is so much better for Leo than Calypso, but that’s a whole other post.
[Edit: And I have made that post! You can find it here]
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flymetosnarryland · 3 months
My Snarry WIPs' list.
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I would like to share something. My Snarry WIPs' list, yup. Why? I always felt weird writing about myself and stuff I do, but I'm processing changes and thought I can share not only art, lol.
How many project are you working on? I'll dive into couple of mine:
Date with a Star - a Post-War romantic comedy. Harry is in love with Severus, Severus secretly loves Harry. Both are too scared to say what they feel to not lose their friendship. A friend in need asks Harry for help and this is where the wild ride with dumb dating TV-show starts. Especially because Harry don't know that the same friend-in-need blackmailed Severus to get him into the same show too. This is actually a second Snarry fic I ever started to write, inspired by dating TV-show from 1992. I remember that when the idea for this one hit me, I was laughing for a good hour (that TV-show was absolutely ridiculous). And I still feel a pinch of positive embarrassment when think about what's going on there. In fact this story made me want to learn how to translate my wiritngs into English. It's half written and translated too. I really have to finish second part.
Infraction - my first monster fic. My baby. Crime (serial killer), slow burn, Muggle AU featuring Marauders and Death Eaters, political sheananigans and Severus' old flame. I have entire story written out from beginning to the end. What's more... with an ending that allows me to dive into second book (I'm excited lika a child) including the initial idea for it, ahh. Every time I think about Infraction, I feel butterflies in my stomach and a tear comes to my eye, damn. However, the entire project requires a huge amount of work. And a few modifications that I finally have to do to complete the first stage. It's not simple, though. I regret a bit that I released the cover, prologue and first chapter. I was prematurely carried away by the joy of creation, but that's okay. Going to fix it all in time.
In the Moonlight - working title. Something I planned to write for last year's Snarry AUctoberfest, but the beast got bigger, lol. Crime (kidnapping), Muggle AU - my great weakness and, most importantly, inspired by the movie Bodyguard (the one with Whitney Huston). Much like Infraction, this fic is fully planned and scripted. I can't believe I managed to do it. I wrote 1/4 of the whole thing and even have the lyrics of original song that Harry dedicates to Severus, although I don't know anything about music at all (an elephant stepped on my ear).
In between - a drawing series. Harry and Severus in a cute/fluff version. Post-War and happy life, because that's what they deserve!
First time - Drama/Romance, Muggle AU (gosh, yeah, again!). This is a project I want to do 50/50 as a fic/comic. A few works and dirty sketches have already landed here. I have a little dream of writing something that includes e-mails/text messages. In general, a romance that started online. Aren't Harry and Severus purfect for this? (Plus doing art in colour for this project was a test I wanted to start before 3B.)
3B - a Vampire fic, yessss. Can you believe that once I said, I'll never ever write or do anything connected to vampires? Hehe, now I'm in the middle of it, fully commited and over the moon. A bit dark/angsty story with a bonus: illustrations. Crime (more like, cri-me a river, lol; I mean, again? Yup xD), Post-War, a few intrigues, even a SnarryWedding o_0 gosh. That is another thing I said: "No, that's not going to happen." I guess, I fell on my head since now I do everything I promised to myself not to. But it's fun. And bloody, mhaha. I also created my own Vampire Villains and I kinda fell in love with them. Going to sneak into this fic a bit of blood magic mechanics that I created for my fantasy book, too. The picture at the top is one version of the cover sketches ɷ◡ɷ
Adrenaline - working title. Post-War/Drama/Romance and slow burn, a bit of Hogwarts, a bit of Quidditch and for a change Severus will have to show that he wants something more. I mean, I always writing/thinking about Harry chasing Severus. So here the dynamic will change a little. Can't wait for it! The idea for this one was accidentaly born last week and I can't stop it anymore. The inspiration comes from the cover art for Witch Weekly that I did, lol. I had no idea that at the stage of brainstorming, it would turn into another monster. It supposed to be a short story, but, apparently, I'm not good at short stories and it's time to come to terms with it xD I won't cry either because I like Harry and Severus pairing up in different ways/AU's, hehe. And most importantly - creating all these things, even if they don't fully see the world outside my drawer, still gives me great joy!
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