#no matter how much appreciation this movie gets it's not enough nothing will ever be
iwasbored777 · 11 months
Obsessed with Miles absolutely melting while thinking about Gwen and creating art while she's bottling up her feelings for him and violating the drums. They're both experiencing the same feeling, reacting completely differently to it and expressing it through art in different ways. Obsessed with how his montage feels calmer than hers, hers quickly turns agressive especially towards the end.
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Max Verstappen Shirt
The fans and fellow wags don't like it when she wears the same out fit to a Grand Prix. She doesn't much care
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There were quite a few things Max liked about dating an ordinary girl. 1) she had no idea who he was. 2) she had no idea who his friends were. 3) she didn't expect anything from him.
Max could get takeout for them while they watched a movie and she would be happy. He didn't have to take her out to fancy, overpriced restaurants. He didn't have to take her out shopping for a new outfit every time they left the apartment.
Now, Max would have done all if this I'd she asked. But she didn’t ask. She appreciated him the way he was.
It was a little while into their relationship before Max took her to her first Grand Prix. Her outfit was cute and extremely weather appropriate. A cute top and a cute pair of jeans. Max walked her through the paddock with his hand on the small of her back.
When Max won, he ran over to his team, jumping into their arms. And then he was taking his helmet off, replaced it with his hat and walked over to her, kissing her slowly. (It was captured on video, and circulated the Internet for weeks. Every time it came across her feed, she couldn't stop herself from sending it to Max).
At the next Grand Prix she dressed as well as she could. The jeans were the same, but the top was different. Her outfit was both complimented and criticised online.
Not that she saw the criticism. No, all she saw was the video of Max kissing her after his win. Of her wrapping her arms so tight around him as she peppered kisses all over his face beforing giving him maybe the most memorable kiss of his life.
She knew Max had money. She was aware of it every time she flew in his private jet. Every time she stayed in his Monaco apartment. Every time he drove her in his cars. She knew he had money, but she didn't want him buying her stuff.
No, that wasn't the reason she was with him. She wasn't there because he was an F1 driver, because he could buy her everything she ever wanted. She was there because he was a cute, slightly dorky guy that she wanted to spend every waking minute with.
She remembered the first time she wore the same thing twice to a Grand Prix. The outfit was so cute, but it didn't matter how cute it was.
So far, all of the other wags had been so lovely to her. They were kind, but she hadn't been around long enough to really be friends with any of them.
It was Daniels girlfriend that pulled her to one side before the race. The two had spent the most time together out of any of the wags she had met so far (aided by Maxs friendship with Daniel).
"Hey Love," she said, wearing a charming smile as she wrapped her arms around her. "I love the top. Have I seen it before?" Daniels girlfriend asked.
Y/N couldn't help but grin as she looked down at her top. "Thanks!" She grinned. "Found it really cheap, wore it to Monaco," she said.
Daniels girlfriend sucked in a breath. "Well, as a general rule, Wags don't wear the same outfit to two grand prix," she said, her hand on her shoulder. "Not unless they really have to."
The way she said it, she was clearly implying something. But she wasn't the only person thinking it. There were people online saying the same thing.
"Well, nice catching up," Daniels girlfriend said and walked away, leaving her alone.
She couldn't bring herself to look dejected as she walked back to the Red Bull garage. Unlike other Wags, she didn't have the funds for a new outfit every race. Max would have been only too happy to buy her a new outfit for every Grand Prix if she asked.
But she wouldn't ask.
"What's up?" Asked Max as she walked towards him with an unintentional pout on her lips.
She quickly replaced the pout with when she looked up at him. "Nothing," she said. "Just hold me."
Doubt and all kinds of negative feelings consumed her. But she was a fighter and she needed to do something about it.
There are incredible things you can find on Etsy, like This Shirt Right Here. She bought herself one. No, she bought herself five. The first time she turned up wearing one, it was iconic. The second time she went to a Grand Prix wearing one, it was still iconic.
If the wags and the fans had a problem with her wearing the same thing to each Grand Prix, they could suck her dick.
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babyleostuff · 11 months
Hi lovely I was reading your works and it's so good, serious genuinely everything is perfect I'm addicted💗I wanna request only if you have time obviously, a Jeonghan as your boyfriend pretty please💗 Thanks
thank you some much for your request love! hope you enjoy this and have a great day <3
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genre | a lot of fluff
author’s note | if you want me to do this with any other member, let me know <3
𓆩♡𓆪 he is always so so gentle with you 
𓆩♡𓆪 in his eyes, you’re the most precious thing in the world 
𓆩♡𓆪 he loves to baby you and dote on you, because you’re so adorable to him
𓆩♡𓆪 he adores being domestic with you - doing the dishes, the laundry, cleaning your apartment and watching movies/ dramas when eating late dinner after work 
𓆩♡𓆪 it brings him so much peace and inner comfort, especially after a busy day with schedules or when he comes home from tour
𓆩♡𓆪 you’re like his little battery charger, he swears he gaines back his energy when he’s with you 
𓆩♡𓆪 a sucker for holding hands and quiet forms of affection (even if only your pinkies are linked, it’s enough for him)
𓆩♡𓆪 as long as you’re next to him, everything is alright 
𓆩♡𓆪 hugs and cuddling are a big part of your relationship as well
𓆩♡𓆪 after being away from you, he craves your touch and it’s almost as if it has some healing properties 
𓆩♡𓆪 but in reality the hugs and cuddling are so great, because of how much you love each other
𓆩♡𓆪 and it’s your silent way of taking care of each other 
𓆩♡𓆪 he always makes sure you know that you can count on him, no matter how busy he is - you’re his number one priority 
𓆩♡𓆪 when you’re sick or feeling unwell he is always there for you, ready to become a certificated nurse
𓆩♡𓆪 even when you tell him to leave you alone, as not to get him sick as well, he never leaves your side 
𓆩♡𓆪 and if he has to because of work, he always checks up on you, making you promise that you’ll text him if you get worse 
𓆩♡𓆪 he just feels so bummed seeing you feeling bad and it always brings his mood down, so he wants you to get healthy as soon as possible 
𓆩♡𓆪 going on late night walks are your favourite 
𓆩♡𓆪 the town is a lot more quiet than during the day and it brings a sense of comfort to both of you
𓆩♡𓆪 you don’t even need to talk much, you just walk around the neighbourhood holding hands and appreciating each others company 
𓆩♡𓆪 your whole relationship basically feels like a safety blanket, that you can hide under 
𓆩♡𓆪 he makes you feel safe and loved 24/7 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you ever point out a flaw in you or get insecure (which you should not, because you’re BEAUTIFUL) he just goes: “YAH 😒” and kisses you all over your face, telling you how beautiful and amazing you are 
𓆩♡𓆪 he does NOT let you feel bad about yourself, not even once 
𓆩♡𓆪 he teaches you his mastery of cheating, that you can use during game nights with the rest of the boys 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’re the unbeatable couple and even with the rest of the boys knowing that you’re probably cheating, they do nothing to stop you 
𓆩♡𓆪 they know that there is no point in doing so (because you’re going to find  another way to cheat their asses) 
𓆩♡𓆪 loves seeing you in his clothes, it makes him go 🥰 🥰 🥰 
𓆩♡𓆪 especially during autumn and winter, you’re just so cuddly and huggable that he cannot resist you and hugs you at least every 15 minutes
𓆩♡𓆪 which makes you go 🙄, but it’s okay because he’s pretty and you cannot resist him either  
𓆩♡𓆪 he also becomes quite sulky and pouty if you don’t pay enough attention to him
𓆩♡𓆪 like: hello, your boyfriend is in need of some extra attention (and some kisses too)
𓆩♡𓆪 despite his loving and caring nature, he teases you a lot 
𓆩♡𓆪 brings up random embarrassing situations from your past and laughs about it, making you go 😐 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he never crosses the line with the jokes and never makes you feel bad about yourself, it’s all just for fun and games 
𓆩♡𓆪 is committed to being the little spoon in your relationship and is not afraid of admitting it 
𓆩♡𓆪 you’re just so comfy and he feels so safe in your arms 
𓆩♡𓆪 but just one word from you and he becomes the big spoon
𓆩♡𓆪 anything for his baby 
𓆩♡𓆪 even if he’s not the most adventurous person on the planet, you’re never bored with him 
𓆩♡𓆪 every second spent together is precious to you and you cherish it dearly
your messages <3
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rainybyday · 2 years
Flower au Pt3 going to Pt4 (wow didn’t expect that to be honest)
Danny learned that just like a ghost, Liminals are also affected by the rules of ‘tokens’ and ‘gifts’. 
He first tested it out with Danielle since he needed to see if a token can work on a Halfa. Ellie is a good start since not only is she a Halfa, but that she is also a clone of him, hence, what affects her should affect him and potently Vlad. 
It did, in fact, work. 
He never saw Ellie look at something in so much adoration that he couldn’t help himself but to wrap his arms around her and squeeze. 
He was even more surprised when she snuggled into him instead of playfully trying to get out of his hug-attack. The rest of the day was for them to run and play with Ellie somehow acting much more like a child then a girl who had her life ripped away.
He debated himself for a while, but he decided he had nothing to lose and walked his way to the mayor's house. 
It took six hours to finally leave after the Fruit Loop went ecstatic with pride and joy, smothering him and thanking him every single minute for the flower he gave him. Good thing to know a Halfa, is indeed, affect by the flowers as well. 
(On the bright side, he didn’t mention his mom even once!)
So with that over and done, Danny took in a deep breath and walked into his sister's room with a large bundle of white, yellow, peach and pink roses. 
(White roses for purity and innocence. Yellow for joy and friendship. Peach for appreciation and gratitude. Pink for appreciation and perfect happiness.)
Danny was a little scared, he must admit when he approached Jazz with the boutique. He was constantly fidgeting and debating with himself over what he can give Jazz his sister his everything. 
But in the end, he walked through the doors of her room and handed her the flowers. 
Perhaps it was because he was a Halfa or maybe it's because of Jazz being Liminal. Maybe it was because they are siblings or perhaps because the flowers, he gave her mean something rather than just a thoughtless experiment. 
He didn’t know, but he didn’t care. Not when Jazz was holding him in so much adoration, like he was fragile and safe and warm, like he was something worthy to be protected. Like he was worthy of her love and that she loved him back as her little kid brother. Nothing mattered, nothing but the waves of I-love-you-I-love-you-so-so-much-my-brother as he hugged her just as tightly back. 
(And if they both end up crying and laughing and curling against each other watching movies on Jazz’s laptop then no one needs to mention that. It was their moment and only they will treasure that time together.)
(His core thrilled when Jazz asked how she can dry her flowers to preserve her gift.)
Danny would sometimes wonder through his memories as he greets the man, now regular customer, Jason. Jason himself was an enigma which he helped to protect and heal to grain Gotham’s favor, but now was a person he truly genuinely wants to help. 
Jason likes to read, and Danny was thankful that he had such a hobby or else he would never get him to stay for hours on end in his haunt in order to cleanse him. He was truly happy to help the man that was under Gotham’s protection. 
It was just that, ever since Jason’s brothers, the trio of boys that came in that one day, he started to see them come him with him more often. 
Not every time mind you but enough times for Danny to know that he would have to get use their presences. 
Sometimes he comes in with the youngest, mostly on weekends, with his sharpe tounge and street animals tucked in his arms. Sometimes its the second youngest with a cup of coffee and a laptop at hand. Sometimes its the eldest with his bright cheery smile and chatting on endlessly. 
Danny watch and smiles as the bond between the four grow stronger and tighter every day. 
But as he does, he thought back at a time him which made him the most warmth he had ever felt and made a plan. 
It started with the second youngest since he sometimes drags behind Jason with the lack of sleep clear in his eyes. Once Jason was out the door for the day and the younger brother was slowly tripping his way down the steps, Danny helped him down and handed him a flower. 
A white Heather. 
(A Heather that means admiration, beauty and solitude, but a white Heather means protection from danger and that their wish will come true.)
Danny said that this was a gift for the brother to give to Jason, a gift that he would gift back. 
The second youngest looked at the flower like he never seen it before making Danny having the urge to laugh. When he finally took the flower, hesitantly so, he thanked him and walked out his store. 
When Danny went out to make his rounds that night he paused at Jason’s grave, laughed, and skipped him for the night.
Jason started to drag the second youngest more often these days to be with him. 
The second one was the youngest of the four brothers. Though he may seem rude and sharp in his approach Danny could still sense waves of protect-idiot-brother-watch-protect-unruly from the ectoplasm that the boy was exposed to. Though he was almost the same in amounts to Jason it was much more tamed and calmer. 
(He once whispered to Gotham why the little one was walking by Death so much. Gotham replied in anger and rage about how the boy was not born in her lands and that someone kept him away from her to protect.
He watched over the little one a lot more after that.)
The youngest was hard to get alone when Jason likes to stick with him a lot more often than not. It took a while to get him alone, but he managed to do so when he asked Damian about the animal he brought in that day as the store was closing. By the time the young one was done, Jason was waiting at the store front with his back turned towards them. 
(In the back of his mind, Danny couldn’t help but be proud of the fact that the Jason trusted him enough to leave him with his kid brother without having to watch him.)
Quickly as he can, Danny gave the young one a Poppy to give to his brother. 
(Poppies as a taboo with many meanings. Great scarifies. Remembrance. Honnor.)
(But sometimes they can also mean strong everlasting familiar bonds.)
The young one gave him a glare and asked why but Danny only deflect by saying that this was once again, a gift for Jason from the young one. 
After a bit more debating and insults the young one huffed and left with the flower at hand. 
(Once again Danny smiled softly at the purity from Jason’s grave and walked right by.)
Then it was the eldest turn to give him a flower. 
The eldest was the easiest to get along but sometime the hardest to understand. He doesn’t know what to make of the man, but he seen the bond between him and Jason and left it at that. It was far easier to get the man alone and give him the flower. What he wished though, was for the man to not think it was a gift to woo Jason but instead a gesture of kindness for the man himself. 
Yet still, Danny handed the man a small bundle of Lilies of the Vally. 
(Though they mean purity, they also mean “I’m sorry”)
Danny could only watch the man leave and sighed.
That night, Jason’s grave felt weaker. Danny thought that maybe it was the wrong time to give the flower, but he notices something. His grave was not weaker, it was being protected and safely tucked away from everything around it. Danny breath shakily and walked away.
(It seems that that one was the hardest out of the three.)
(Yet he could still feel something tried and dark from the grave.)
Danny didn’t know what it meant until he saw a man over Jason’s grave again. 
The same man he notices the first few weeks he did his rounds. 
The man who leads him to Jason in a way. 
The man connected with the Jason was the last bit of the puzzle. 
So, Danny breathed and walked towards the one Jason missed the most. 
Part 5 is a given now at this point: Pt 5 of flower au
Tags: @wisteriavines @plainly-colorful  @britcision @justgray15777 @lady-time-lord- @blu-lilac @wisebouquettree @rosiea184 @chaoticmistake @mlpizza @kyrianclawraith @adorswan @crystalizedirongoblin @serasvictoria02 @passivedecept
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madneedshelp · 1 year
See Me - Eddie Roundtree x FReader
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Summary: You had spent your whole life trying to prove yourself, to be seen. Living in the shadows of your brothers was exhausting, but you fought to make a name for yourself. So, how could not fall for the only person who saw you no matter what?
You had always been Billy and Graham’s little sister to everyone. It didn’t even make sense because you and Graham were twins, but you were still always considered to just be somebody’s something. You were never known as just you.
When you were a kid, you were mildly annoyed by your afterthought status, but you expected the feeling to fade with age. It didn’t. It was only made worse when The Dunne Brothers formed.
Did Billy and Graham ever ask their own sister if she wanted to join the band? Of course not. You didn’t play any instruments, but you had talked about wanting to learn before. It kind of hurt how little attention they paid to you.
Instead of let it drive you crazy, you decided to use it. You were going to make them see you, and then maybe it would feel like they gave a shit. You were even lucky enough to have the perfect opportunity open up.
You could tell Chuck was flaking. He wasn’t serious about the band like the others. So, you took up bass guitar in secret. You were earning your spot in the band once he left, because you could very obviously tell he was leaving.
Sure enough, right before the band was leaving for LA, Chuck told them he was done. You walked out in the driveway to find the remaining band members looking absolutely pissed. 
“What’s going on?” You put a hand on Graham’s shoulder to catch his attention. 
Billy beat him to an answer. “Chuck quit. Now we’re out a bass player.” 
“The fuck are we going to do, man?” Graham looked over at him. 
“I don’t know, Eddie can switch to bass for us.” Billy spat out.
You glanced over in time to see a flash of anger in Eddie’s eyes. He didn’t want that, and frankly, neither did you.
It was now or never. “Let me do it.” 
“You play, little Dunne?” Warren asked. 
“Yes,” You assured him at the same time Billy and Graham let out a sure “no”. 
Your brothers turned to you in surprise the second the words left your mouth. 
“Since when do you play?” Graham gave you a suspicious look.
“Long enough to be better than Chuck.” You folded your arms and looked between him and Billy sternly. “Will you give me a chance to prove it?”
Everyone turned to Billy as he turned to you.
“Fine, yeah, let’s hear what you got.” 
You played one song for them and the vote to let you in was unanimous. 
There was nothing quite as exciting as the feeling when you all arrived in LA. The night after you arrived, you all partied hard. Sure, you all didn’t know what you were doing or how you were going to make it, but you took a huge leap and that called for celebration in your eyes.
“Hey, I never got to thank you.” Eddie handed you a beer as he took the seat next to yours.
You thanked him and took a swig. “Thanked me for what?” 
“You saved my ass before we left. I like where I am, I never wanted to be a bass player. Besides, you’re way better at it than I am. You could kick anyone’s ass at bass.” 
You chuckled at him. “Well, I don’t know about that.”
“No, I’m serious. We should’ve kicked Chuck out when he started skipping practices ages ago.” 
A genuine smile grew on your face. No one has ever complimented you this much before. Especially not someone you barely knew. Eddie hung out with Graham, the most you’d really talked was small conversations in passing.
“Thanks, Eddie. I really appreciate that.” 
He gave you a smile in return and you felt a flutter, an honest-to-God, romance movie flutter. That was not good. You couldn’t fall for someone in the band, things would blow up if it didn’t work out. 
You excused yourself and went to find Camila. She might’ve been Billy’s girlfriend, but she had quickly become your best friend. 
“Hey Cam, come get another drink with me?” You put a hand on her arm.
She turned to you and nodded. “Yeah, sure.” You led her back inside and went immediately to the fridge. “More beer or should we open a bottle of wine? Fair warning, it’s super cheap and super shitty, but it’ll do the trick.”
“How about you tell me what happened with Eddie out there first?” She gave you a sly look.
You closed the fridge and whirled around. “What? Nothing happened!”
“Oh there was definitely a moment. I saw some looks over there.” She poked you. 
“He was just being nice about me joining the band. That’s it. Nothing more.” You held up your hands defensively. 
“Why not? Eddie’s a good guy.”
“I just got in the band, I’m not complicating things with that. Besides, we’ve barely ever talked before. I don’t even think you could call us friends yet. The most important thing right now is figuring out how to actually get famous out here.” 
Camila considered your words for a second and shrugged. “I guess you have a point there. And I wouldn’t worry about you all making it, I have faith in this.” She looped an arm through yours. “Now, let’s go get drunk off our asses on this cheap wine.”
After that night, you found yourself acutely aware of everything Eddie did and it frustrated you to no end. Every time he glanced at you in practice, every compliment he gave you, every little gesture he did. The last thing you wanted to do was develop feelings for Eddie, but it looked like it was maybe too late for that.
Y/N: To make matters worse, Camila had definitely not done what I asked and liked to play the subtle matchmaker. She thought I didn’t notice, but she was pretty obvious about it. 
Camila: So maybe I tried to get them together, is that so bad? Y/N was skeptical, but I knew it wouldn’t blow up like she thought. Besides, I’ve known them almost my entire life, and they deserve to be happy. 
“Hey, would you mind grabbing some ice from the kitchen?” Camila called out as she arranged some plates of food on the table. 
It was Julia’s first birthday, and you and Cam decided to plan a little gathering for it. Just the band was there, it wasn’t anything huge. 
“Yeah, of course.” You dusted off your hands as you finished setting up a folding table. 
“Great! Eddie, go help her.” 
You didn’t even have time to shoot Camila a glare before he nodded and started toward you. Instead you mouthed not funny at her as soon as Eddie couldn’t see. She gave you a smug grin and mouthed you’re welcome. 
You followed Eddie into the kitchen, nervousness faintly tingling in your veins. This man had entirely too much power over you. You had tried everything to get him off your mind, and it would work for a little, but then he would tell you he liked that little riff you threw into that song or he’d bring you your favorite drink after you and Billy had an argument over some stupid thing at the studio and you would turn all mushy again. You had come to realize that he understood what it felt like to be overlooked and maybe that was why you felt a weird connection with him. 
“You seen the cooler?” Eddie asked, bringing your attention back to the moment. 
You glanced around. “Yeah, it’s up there on top of the fridge. One second.”
As you stood on your tiptoes to reach for the cooler, you were realizing that you weren’t going to be able to reach it. Then you felt the ghost of warmth behind you. 
“Here, I can help with that.” Eddie’s smooth voice murmured above you. 
Instantly, you felt your face flame. God, you hadn’t behaved like this since you were thirteen. It was more than a little embarrassing and you sure as hell weren’t about to let him see you like that. As soon as Eddie snatched the cooler and stepped away, you put distance between the two of you. 
“I’m going to go see if Cam needs any more help, you got this from here?” You blurted as you made for the back door. 
“Wait!” Eddie grabbed your wrist gently. You flinched out of surprise, but he immediately dropped your hand. “Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to talk.”
“No, it’s fine, uh, what’s up?” You put on an entirely forced smile. 
Eddie folded his arms and gave you an earnest look. “Did I do something?”
“No,” your brows furrowed. “Why?”
“You avoid me all the time. I don’t know if I pissed you off at some point, but you act like I’ve got the fucking plague or like you want nothing to do with me.”
It stung a little bit. He seemed genuinely hurt, and you never wanted to do that. “No! It’s not you, Eddie. You haven’t done anything wrong, I swear.”
“Then what’s wrong? It’s bad enough being in a band with one Dunne that can’t stand me, I don’t know if I can handle two Dunnes acting like that.” Eddie threw his hands up in frustration. 
You closed your eyes and sighed. “Eddie, I promise I don’t have a problem with you.”
He took a step closer to you. “Then why do you act like you do?”
His tone was becoming more and more irritated, and the insistence was starting to annoy you too. He was going to make you say it, wasn’t he? But honestly, maybe you should’ve just told him. It had been well over a year of pining. If continuing to act like this was going to cause a fight, maybe it would be less chaotic to tell him and see what happens. Things couldn’t keep going the way they were, regardless. 
“You really want to know why?” 
He nodded. “Please.”
You took a breath and looked him directly in the eyes. “I like you, okay? And I don’t want to like you because liking people in your band doesn’t usually work out well, but it’s been too fucking long and I can’t stop feeling like this so I avoid you.”
Eddie let out a dark chuckle. “That’s it? You’ve been ignoring me all this time because you like me?”
“Yeah, I have. And don’t act like that’s so wild. My reasons make sense. It’s not stupid.” You practically spat the words. 
There were lots of ways you had envisioned this possibly going, but you never thought he’d be this angry. You didn’t think he’d be angry at all. Awkward maybe, but not pissed. 
“It is stupid, actually.” 
Your head snapped toward him. “I’m sorry, what?”
Eddie stepped closer again. “I said that’s actually pretty fucking stupid.”
“Eddie, I swear to God, if you-”
Eddie crashed his lips against yours before you could say another word. Your shock wore off after a moment and you were able to kiss him back like you’d wanted to for so long. The two of you broke apart after what felt like a small eternity, panting and grinning.
“Graham owes me $20.” Warren chuckled from the doorway. 
Both of you jumped apart and were met with Warren’s pleased face. 
“How long have been there, Warren?” You stammered.
“Long enough, Little Dunne. Long enough.” 
You pointed a finger at him. “Keep it to yourself, or you lose nickname privileges.”
“We already know!” A voice called from outside. Karen. 
You rolled your eyes. You kind of hated your friends sometimes, but you also kind of loved the infuriating little shits. 
“Whatever, let’s just get the ice back out there.” You shook your head with a laugh.
Eddie grabbed the cooler with one hand and your hand with the other, and you had to admit, you felt way less scared of the possibility of dating a bandmate. 
Y/N and Eddie Roundtree got married a year after Daisy Jones and The Six broke up. They currently work together producing music and are still located in LA. Their daughter and son already have a huge love of music, and are rumored to be starting a band of their own.
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kapposuch · 1 year
Domestic!Bad Batch x reader (headcannons)
Warnings: Absolutely none! just utter fluff!
I love these kids, I've adored them since I laid eyes on them and god I want the best for these sweethearts. It's been a long time since I've done anything like this, so if you have constructive criticism for me, please lay it on me! I'd really appreciate it!
Here's the bad batch! hope you enjoy
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He's very much not used to a domestic setting, especially not one he's sharing with you
but god he wants to do right by you and make sure he doesn't mess things up
constantly cleaning up tiny messes he makes, even if it's not a mess. it's as if he doesn't want anyone to know he's even staying with you. it's not like that, he swears! just military habits
"What's with the state of the Marauder then?"
"You think Wrecker can keep things tidy for ten minutes?"
He's an early bird due to his military routine, so he's often up long before you. expect to be tucked in tight with a cup of caf or tea on its way to you when he hears you stir
but sometimes, he just likes to sit in the absolute bliss of freedom. even if it's for a short time before he has another mission with his brothers, he'll relish the contact and hold you close, cradling you like a babe.
moments like this make him feel alive. and it's all he ever wants.
on the rare occasion you wake up first, seeing him sprawled out on one side of the bed, barely covered by your sheets with unkempt hair and a missing bandana makes you melt. an absolute sight to behold, so you'll lay there and take it all in while you have the chance before those unflattering blacks are back on
no matter whats happening, where you are, or what you're doing around your apartment, he will make it his mission to be in your personal space. he wants to make sure nothing happens, and fears the loss if he steps away for just a moment
constant kisses. Hunter relishes in physical touch, and will always place a kiss on your temples, forehead, hands, cheeks, nose, lips, whatever he can reach the fastest. you'll never forget how devoted this man is to you.
even if he's wearing his whole gear and hasn't taken his head piece off yet, he'll delicately bump it to the top of your head if he's got a good enough angle.
he'll melt if you kiss his helmet. maybe he'd consider asking you to put on some lipstick and throw a big ole smooch onto the filter by his cheek so he can take your love with him to battle
"mark my helmet, would you mesh'la? I want to take you with me while I can"
oh no, your heart is missing, where in the galaxies could it have gone?
sweet angel
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Where do I even begin?
it won't be the tidiest arrangement by far, but he will always do his best to pick up after himself, even if it's not very often.
arrange a day where you both tidy, with music in the background, and he'll be so gung-ho about helping you clean up! with the occasional dance number during, of course
he'll give you a spin and a dip, and a big ole smooch! very very smily man, god take care of his heart
words of affirmation turn this sweet giant into a puddle of mush, please compliment him
you'll pick up on a few mandoan terms, and will throw them around here and there while you're busy
"Hand me a towel would you, cyar'ika"
"can you grab me that mug from the top shelf, ner cyare?"
his face will light up, eyes well with tears, and he'll scoop you up into a bone-crushing hug, waddle to the couch, and sit with his face buried in your neck, simply repeating the phrases you say in his head. he'd do anything for you to continue getting these sweet words
he's a little bit of an idiot, so sometimes you have to reassure him if you make a joke that he doesn't quite get. you find it endearing, but he worries you think he's not that smart
you can cup his cheek, stare into his eyes, and praise his wonderful mind
movie nights with mantell mix are a staple for this man's date nights. you'll never escape his embrace while watching movies, but you don't mind. he keeps you warm and safe
sleeping arrangements are as such: you're a little spoon. deal with it. he finds it most comfortable, though some nights he'll roll over and will wake up feeling your forehead on his back, and arms wrapping as far across his body as possible. he finds it utterly adorable, and loves it just as much as sleeping with you on his chest
as long as you're by his side, so that when you wake, you can share kisses and make a cup of caf together for the day ahead
"Don't know what I did t' deserve ya... But I ain't lettin' go. Don't even think 'bout it, cyare."
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clean. freak.
everything should be where it belongs after its used, and even you yourself have to get used to it if you're going to be accommodating his stay for a little while
of course, you accommodate willingly, to which he will always attempt to thank you for it, in his Tech ways
anything broken? not anymore
acts of service make his wizard brain hum with glee, so whenever you have an issue you'd like help with, he's already chomping at the bit and listing all the things he'll need to fix whatever ailes your mind
sleeping beside this man could not be more of a rollercoaster
sometimes he wants to cuddle up close, but other times he does indeed need his space. you've made a promise to always ask and find out what he's looking for, and this man practically melts like putty in your hands. god you're an angel in disguise for this troubled soul
with cuddle time, he'll place his hands where they're most comfortable. if they land somewhere spicy, it's simply because of his arm positioning. he's definitely a big spoon and absolutely relishes in the fact that he can make you feel safe. he doesn't mind if you're the only person in the galaxy that depends on him for safety, because he wouldn't have it any other way.
other nights when he needs his space, he'll lay beside you, fingers laced with yours, and wait for you to fall asleep comfortably. if you're talking for a little while, he pushes eye contact. it's his way of apologising for the lack of snuggles, which is equally taxing, but he wants to remind you that you are his world
absolutely a tea lover, and would just about pass away if you brought him a mug of leaf juice on a morning
always sneaking peeks at you, out of pure adoration. he thinks he hasn't been caught, but you caught him long ago, oogling at you fresh out of the shower wrapped in a towel
nice try Hun, maybe next time
hes leaving for a mission? he will break his internal rules and make a mess of your bed, filling it with blankets, pillows, and any soft items he can find. if he has a spare set of blacks, or even some clothes you bought for him as a casual wardrobe, he will make sure it smells like him so you've got extra comfort until he gets back
always telling you that he'll be back in -insert approximate date- but will forever promise to do his best to get back earlier
he won't call you call you petnames, but the way he says your name is so endearing. he says it with passion, and it melts your heart
"It won't take long. Around two weeks if all goes to plan, which is extremely unlikely due to the nature of the mission. But I do insist, I'll come back to you soon, y/n."
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this absolute darling boy has been through the lot
Echo is a tough one, considering he isn't to big on making himself at home anywhere. he's pretty cut and run nowadays but for you? god he'll do his best
he keeps relatively tidy, making sure to help out with the dishes if you ask, or if you're looking pretty tired. he doesn't want you to push yourself when he could easily do it himself
he absolutely shoves a sponge on his scomp. do not @ me about this, imagine the glass cleaning efficiency of this man, god
he's a vivid enjoyer of quality time. while he can't exactly 100% convince himself that you find him comfortable enough to lay with or cuddle, he will always do his best to let you sit where you wish
he'll often ask that you sit on his right side, so he can hold you in his arm and rub gentle circles into your hip or waist as he gets comfy
he is a sleep avoider. you know he's got a lot in his head, and always wants to keep busy, which you're usually fine with, but when it's time to sleep, you'll always do your best to ramble him to sleep. god, this sweet man needs someone to consume his thoughts to ward off the nightmares
you're a big spoon most nights. not because Echo doesn't like spooning you, because he does, he absolutely adores it, but most often, Echo needs that sort of safety net. having familiar arms and weight around him will help him doze, and it'll chase away the bad thoughts clouding his sleep
when you're lil spoon, he will always nuzzle his face into your hair. the smell of your shampoo, and just you in general, is so comforting.
whenever he wakes up in a cold sweat, he feels bad for dampening the sheets, but as you've learned to wake with him in these situations, you always shush him and suggest he take a warm shower while you switch the sheets out for lovely warm ones
echo in a towel. you insist he makes you hot and bothered, and he does believe you every time you say it. he's starting to believe it, and by god you're helping his self esteem more and more each time he stays with you
before he deploys with the batch on a mission, he sits and stares at you, hand cupping your cheek, eyes flickering back and forth between your own
he likes to drink all of you in while he has the chance, and if ever he's thirsty, all he has to do is remember you
you're the last thing he wants to remember if ever he's faced with something anywhere close to Skako again.
"Ner mesh'la... I'll come back for your eyes alone. wait for me, please"
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Where to begin?
Nightmare. he can be like having a teen in your home sometimes. snarky comments and sarcasm up the wazoo, but each one of them threatens to get you riled up
he's not the cleanest, but he will keep things in order a majority of the time, helping out with moving things and taking the bins out whenever you need, just so he can keep tabs on you
sharp shooters have sharp eyes, and his are trained like a hawk on you
he isn't the most affectionate, mostly expressing his love to you through teasing and sarcasm.
he likes commenting on your height, or making remarks on your handiwork with whatever you might be doing, though he never intends to be rude about it
sometimes when he's had an iffy day, or he's out of sorts, he'll wander up behind you and snake his arms around your waist, before he nose dives into your neck
he never does much without your explicit consent, but does cast glances often
let's face it. he does not care about what he's wearing around you. including nothing
"Cross- can you please at least put your briefs on?"
"Can you please keep your eyes off me? Cyar'ika, I thought you knew better."
sleeping goes as follows; if you want to spoon, he'll spoon, and hug you close in his sleep
if you want to lay on your back, your chest becomes free real estate.
oh, those are some comfy looking pillows you have there. big, small, or nothing at all, it's a pillow, and it's his
head on chest, hand on waist, absolute KO. he is not waking up
Cross, on the odd occasion, can feel vulnerable around you. when he's away from his work, he'll talk to you about some of the things that happened, and he knows you'll listen to every word, which he can't express his appreciation for
while you're not allowed to touch his rifle, he'll let you sit by him while he cleans it. in fact, he'll appreciate the company. he always does
"I'm off, cyare. Behave while I'm gone, and we won't have problems."
What a tease
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kishdoodles · 1 month
Treebark Week 2024 - A Post-Mortem
Hi! If you haven’t seen, I have released seven (7!) videos for Treebark Week 2024! This wall of text is my behind the scenes and also post-mortem thoughts on the project, which I found worth documenting.
Even if you don’t end up reading the text, I appreciate every comment, tag, and view my videos get. I did it for the fun of it and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t do it for the attention. I did, because I think these videos are the funniest things I’ve ever released. Shoutout to @thefluxqueen for being my partner in crime and confidant for these. You saw my vision.
I wanted to do something for Treebark week but admittedly I had noooo idea. So this whole gimmick was a fun set up for me to stretch my creativity in. What started as “I’m just going to do everything in mspaint with a mouse” spiraled to “I think it’s going to get boring if everything’s in the same style, so I’m going to have to do something different everyday.”
The important factor to me throughout all of this is earnesty.
Even if its life started as a joke, this project is a love letter in every respect. This is what I grew up on, this is the YouTube that is precious to me. Capturing this era of time in 7 videos is all at once easy, yet surprisingly laborious.
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First I planned the songs. Fitting the songs with the prompts was a brain scratcher, but once we (me and Spain) had a few in the rest slotted in pretty easily. Common thread was, of course, any popular song from the mid-late 2000s.
The first confirmed song was Sugar, Sugar for Sweet (Day 2) courtesy of Spain, given the Eddsworld video. We had a few songs for Burn (Day 3) or Infernal (Day 4) which we threw out (Elli Goulding’s Burn, 2NE1’s Fire, Steam Powered Giraffe’s Fire Fire, etc.) I ended up digging through my old playlist and listened to 20% Cooler, which after a realization I immediately slotted it for Frost (Day 1). Spain brought up the Heat Waves parody (Cold Spells) for Frost too, to which I realized I could just do regular Heat Waves, so that became what I did for Burn.
Bring Me To Life was brought to my attention (I forgot how, maybe Youtube recommendations?) and with the lyrics, it became the song for Blood (Day 7). The all time classic, Angel with a Shotgun, fit in nicely with the prompt of Divine (Day 4), so there was no contest. Another classic, Everytime We Touch, was harder to fit but I eventually reasoned through the prompts enough to fit it with Lips (Day 5) (the everytime we kiss part).
At this point, nothing I’ve found fit Day 6 (picnic/garden/strawberry) at ALL. So I decided the only way I knew how. RANDOM CHOICE!
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Mad World won but that was a trap, for I have biased myself toward Animal I’ve Become at that point and it almost won, so I went with that instead. This is a lawless land. 
The actual video ideas really came to me in piecemeal, so I’ll explain how I got each idea as I cover each day in order of when I completed them. 
20% Cooler (Day 1) was the most straightforward of the days. It was done in 1 hour and 30 minutes and I was purposefully being extremely literal about the lyrics. I already had the vision for what I want, and I didn’t want to care about quality all that much, so it came together really fast. 
For my process, I lined with mspaint brush and then bucket tooled with default colours. I took advantage of the new layer system mspaint added for some scenes, but otherwise it was as simple as just drawing. (Pictured, 3 layers for 2 scenes.)
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It was really easy to just quickly edit in Windows Movie Maker 6 too, I just dragged the pictures in, slapped effects, roughly timed everything and it’s done.
Programs used: mspaint, Windows Movie Maker 6
Sugar, Sugar (Day 2) was an honest effort at avoiding any complicated animations. I initially thought of doing an animation similar to the original video that inspired the song choice, but eventually scaled back because. I don’t want to animate. 
Thus came the decision of subject matter. I ended up settling on the demon roleplay because I thought it was the campiest thing in the world. And it was a sweet reunion, no? The lyrics just fit the vibe, and in a moment of brilliance (hitting the showers) I thought to make a visual novel. One reflective of old flash games and like the visual novels of cultural zeitgeist at the time.
I’ve known about Ren’py for quite some time now, but I’ve never properly learned how to use it. For this my task was simple. Find out how to change sprites, backgrounds, and move people into the scene.
Sprites and backgrounds were easy, so those were the first things I did. Ren’s sprites were inspired in design by Demon Hunters in the Warcraft world, mostly because I was playing a lot of Hearthstone and liked the idea. Martyn’s sprite style was inspired by early 2000s anime visual novels, like Higurashi (though I’ve personally never consumed it nor do I actually recommend consuming this piece of media (neutral) its ripple throughout the anime community was felt. Notably, parodies of the anime’s opening were very popular.) I toned back the stylizations, but trust me when I say that Martyn’s hands were purposefully big to be yaoi hands. It didn’t end up that big, and I did not give him the dorito chin here so, immense self control on my part (or cowardice?). False and Joel were just my regular style. For all this I used my tablet instead of my mouse.
The programming part was a little troublesome, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t google, so it got done pretty fast. There’s other small bits, like how I mismatched the background sizes, the sprite sizes (with each other)(minorly) but for the most part it came together pretty quick. Once the VN was done, it was just about recording it. So I put on the song, and danced along.
[You can download the VN here]
Programs used: Ren’Py, OBS, mspaint, After Effects (just to move the scene over at the beginning)
So I knew I wanted a classic style AMV, so that eventually became Everytime We Touch (Day 5). 
The pictures mostly come from a discord server I’m in (hi [redacted]!!!!) and I thought of it like a nice homage to the insanity we had in there. Bless all of you guys, you guys were the ones I wanted this series to be made for the most.
Not much to say beyond that, besides me just editing it all on movie maker as usual.
Programs used: Windows Movie Maker 6
Angel With a Shotgun (Day 4) was the last to be planned for. I predicted it was going to be the easiest to make on the fly (it was) and just kind of winged it. I wanted a unique style still for it though, and the idea of drawing their cubitos came pretty late. 
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I was not exempt from this trend in my youth (my art in mspaint, age 11, me and my sister)
The rest was history. Just kidding, I really wanted something to do with the shotgun thing so I literally searched “shotgun” in Curseforge and got MrCrayfish’s gun mod just for the shotgun. I loaded up the 3rd Life world I had from my Broken Lives animatic (it’s a custom made world using the seed) and just got to work with FreeCam and OBS (it’s my first time with FreeCam too!)
A rejected clip I didn’t use because of skin consistency / continuity.
Programs used: Minecraft, mspaint, Windows Movie Maker 6
Heat Waves (Day 3) acquired a pixel art style as an homage to its original lyric video. People have said it reminded them of Homestuck, which I honestly don’t mind. It fits the era and I did grow up with it. It kinda looped back in on itself that way.
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I blame this frame, here's it as a gif which lies unused.
For the video, the more I rewatched bits of Last Life for it (it’s been a while!) I realized it had a lot more potential than I initially thought. Though I doubt most of it didn’t come through in the final product (I limit these videos to a minute or less, if possible, excepting credits and allowing few more seconds over the minute mark so long as it felt warranted), I tried to cram in what I thought fitting to the prompt the whole time.
The watch tower burning was an easy pick, a classic Treebark moment you might say. For the rest of it, the nuance laid a lot in how Martyn presented the Shadow Alliance. “The Dog, The Shadow, The Roots. We make this place burn.” Under the eyes of the moon, it witnessed this pact form, and its resolution for the server. The moon is included in multiple frames because of this, as a stand-in for the eye of the Watcher(s) I included at the start, watching Martyn through the series.
In a lot of ways, how Lizzie and BigB turned red I also found fascinating. Lava and explosions you could argue are an extension of burning and fire, and an explosion was also how Martyn left the series. Ren, from the start of this alliance, inexplicably committed to and saw through what ultimately rips the people he was loyal to away from him. 
Martyn on the other hand, I drew in the later portions quite aware of the position he’s in, hence only his eye in the frame with the last 4 folks. This to me starts a path for him toward where he goes in the later serieses (notably in Limited Life). This is all very “vibes” and instinctual kind of “trust me on this” sort of read on c!Martyn honestly.
On missed opportunities, I’m almost upset at how I never brought up the moment Martyn buys a love crystal from Scar (never used, it got blown up) which I (and a lot of other) may have delusionally thought it was for Ren. Besides that, I never had a chance to desaturate the colours in the video leaving only red (which Ren did upon the encounter of the establishment of the Moon Cult)(it really emphasized Martyn’s lips!), I tried just plain desaturating, but ended up ditching it since it never felt like it jived well with the rest of the video.
All that aside, I finished this one really late (for me, which was past midnight on the day it was going to be posted), so I’m glad it was out on time. It’s the one I put in the most effort for, and I’m glad to see people enjoy it.
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The eye on its own, which reveals the Watcher symbol I accidentally did in the wrong orientation. Oops!
Programs used: Aseprite, After Effects
Animal I Have Become (Day 6) was thought on for a while. Eventually I have my eureka moment and I thought it was a nice shout out to the Bannedstory community who I’ve followed in my early days, where I’d watch animations of people’s custom OCs (original characters) made with Maplestory sprites animated to audio clips that I really wasn’t supposed to be listening to at the time lol. That, and all the online games and the like I grew up with on the early internet. I personally didn’t partake in it, but roleplaying on those was a common sight, and I found it endearing. 
My partner in crime for this day in particular was @thefluxqueen, because I really can’t be bothered with character customization for a lot of these games (I respect the craft but I lack the patience), but I knew who LOVED doing that. He really knocked it out of the park, helping me do the Gachalife, Club Penguin, and the characters for Animal Jam and Ponytown. For the latter, they handed me the account information and we just went to town.
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A Treebark stream in a just world.
I can’t tell you exactly how I assigned the lyrics, but I definitely assigned the animal sections during the chorus so it was a surprise (and so it also fit the lyrics). I did have fun recording and we had a fun time in Ponytown. We were shown where other mcyt fans are by a Grian pony (Hermit Hill) and then we hung out there sitting down while we workshopped the Bannedstory segments with both our sonas together. All in all a great time.
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It took a few takes.
Programs used: Bannedstory 3 (I would’ve loved to use 4, I grew up with that!), Gachalife, Club Penguin, Animal Jam, Ponytown, Windows Movie Maker 6, OBS
For Bring Me to Life (Day 7)... I ended up getting more attached to the thought of it the longer this project went on. 
I wanted it to be the end all be all, go out with a bang and everything. I kept thinking and thinking, how do I end Treebark week? After a week of homages, how do I make the last one?
What’s beyond my childhood? It was just growing up. But it’s not like I had to let anything go. My artistic endeavors are influenced by all of my experiences. I saw good reason to bring it all home, do a callback to the styles of the entire week, it’s my victory lap.
And why not call back every instance of Treebark through the entire series then? This evolved into me learning more about Martyn’s lore because I want to be informed! I want to make this as someone who earnestly loves the narrative of these characters, and the stories they’ve told.
From a story perspective, it felt like Martyn was always doomed to tragedy. Suppose the life series always does end tragically, but Martyn’s Vtuber in relation to all this has its own inherent tragedy to it. In my eyes, this roamer of cyberspace constantly has to live through different lives with familiar people. The people he loved and cared for in one world will always be ripped from him, and he knows that.
Amongst everything the Unguided Hand gets me the most. In the video I drew the Ren he chases as a shadow. He’ll never get the Ren he knew then, back. Even if he meets another Ren in another world, it's never going to be The Red King. To me, Limited Life is the snapping point, a point of selfishness above all else in the comfortable knowledge that he wins, without ever needing to experience the same closeness and loyalty he had in lives past. The realization that this is what the game was about. Winning at all costs. I wanted the progression to reflect that.
Deep down, maybe he yearns to be saved from all that. The song echoes that sentiment. I tried to match the lyrics to how I saw the timeline of events as close as possible for that to hit. In this, Ren is his anchor, someone that he gets drawn to no matter the incarnation. The tragedy is that Ren, even if he knows about what Martyn’s going through, can’t join him in this journey. Martyn will always be alone in this experience, and Ren can only be a short comfort before the cycle starts anew. 
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I quite liked the pixel art I did for LimLife!Martyn
From a meta perspective, this video (and by extension, the whole series) is about art and creating. I have been obsessed with art for 14 years now, and as time goes on I’ve grown fond of every way that we, as people, have evolved our storytelling. The multitudes of mediums that we have developed to express ourselves and share narratives will continue to fascinate me endlessly. Cringe be damned, there is a universal desire to create and enjoy stories of all folds. From the smallest story told from painstakingly typing chat boxes for little custom-made characters to say, to the highest production play put on for multiple hours in a game of Minecraft. 
And at the beginning of my journey lay paper and pencil. Bring Me To Life is an elaborate pun on my end, yes, but also a reflection of my roots. I started my journey as an artist endlessly doodling the adventures of tiny magical girls fighting demons, drawing fanart of costumes in MMO games I found cool, and sharing them with my friends at school. I find myself still drawing, still creating, for hundreds, if not thousands of eyes to see. Still I get inspired by the stories others tell, and I create in turn. In appreciation, in love. 
Bring Me To Life as a song, is a slate that, to me, reflected what I saw in the relationship of Treebark. Bring Me To Life is also a demand, of a piece of art that I had a vision for, that I wanted to bring to life. I struggled at how to end it for a while. Closing the book became very straightforward. It’s the end of this video, this saga, and another way that me, as a Watcher myself (as what they’re originally meant to represent) exercises control over stories in my own unique way. Creation is never limited to a select few. I think everyone should keep getting inspired by the things around them, and keep making art in turn.
To the people who’ve made it til the end here, make art, keep creating. Do shitty doodles, write whatever you want, make sounds and crafts and keep living. That’s all I really want, and this was what this whole series was about.
Programs used: mspaint, Aseprite, Blockbench, Bannedstory 3, Pencil and paper, After Effects
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jesterofcringe · 3 days
I can't take it anymore- Is that an exit door? [Liminal space au] Natalie x Reader
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this follows the rules of the backrooms except i have no idea how the backrooms work and didnt feel like writing the entities so its liminal spaces instead :3 i love writing cringe can you tell also people who sent in requests im working on em now they'll be out soon 😋👍 ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★It all started because you were messing around with Natalie and it, once again, got you two in trouble.
★It started with a shove, which turned into a couple of light punches, which turned into a whole play fight. 
★Natalie pushed you hard enough to knock you over, and in trying to save yourself you instinctively grabbed her shirt and the both of you went crashing into the wall.
★Except you didn’t.
★The two of you fell for far too long, as if the wall was never there. Finally, you landed with a splash, your entire body submerged in water.
★You had crashed into a wall, and now you were submerged in water. Because that totally made sense.
★In a panic you scrambled to your feet, rubbing the water out of your eyes. When you opened them, you saw you were in a subway system, water flooded up to your knees.
★Everything got more confusing the more you made an effort to understand what was going on.
★Natalie’s hand shot out and grabbed your arm, “Are… are you seeing this too??”
★“Yeah…” You nodded slow “…I think so.”
★“Subway station, balls deep with water?”
★“Could we like, be hallucinating the same thing?”
★You kicked up the water, splashing her, “Would we be able to feel a hallucination?”
★A heavy silence blanketed the two of you as you shivered and tried to figure out what the hell just happened.
★Natalie started to walk away from you, and you instantly followed after her.
★“Where are you going?”
★“It’s freezing. Hallucination or not we can’t just stay here.”
★She reached back and offered you a hand, which you took in one of your own. Somehow, her fingers were colder than the water.
★Ever since then, nothing really made sense anymore. 
★At the end of the subway there was a door. A door with a faint glow around it. That was the only thing that stayed consistent. A door was always there and it always brought you somewhere new, no matter how different than the last. After the subway station it was a movie theater. Following that was a shopping mall, and an empty parking lot after that one. The doors brought you just about anywhere. You had seen more Walmarts than you cared to admit.
★That wasn’t even the weirdest part. No matter where you were, there was absolutely never any people. Entire amusement parks, attractions moving and all, completely abandoned by human life... Did humanity vanish, or did you?
★“Do you think the rest of the yellowjackets are looking for us?
★It was a random ass question. The last door you guys passed through led you into a gas station and the two of you were in the middle of stuffing a backpack you found with as much resources as you could. Despite thinking Natalie's question was somewhat out of the blue, you couldn't deny the fact that you had been thinking about the same thing.
★“I hope so.”
★ She tossed you a pair of flashlights and a candy bar, “What do you think they’re saying about us?”
★“Probably think we ran away and got married in secret.” You shrugged as you attempted to stuff some bubble gum in the front pocket.
★“At this point we may as well," She ripped open a bag of fruit gummies and offered you some, which you politely declined, "It’s not like we’re ever gonna get out of here.”
★You didn't appreciate the implications of never finding your way out, but you didn't mind the idea of becoming somewhat romantic with Natalie, even if it was due to the fact you two seemed to be likely to die together whether you were romantic or not.
★It was hard to keep track of the days. If you had to guess, it had been a few months. It felt a lot longer than that, though. Time was sort of distorted, although the first few weeks you were obsessed with trying to track how long the two of you had been trapped. Natalie was able to tell the whole concept of time was starting to drive you a bit mad, and the next time the doors brought you some place high up she chucked her watch as far as she could so you would stop staring at it.
★"What the hell Natalie! We needed that!"
★"Knowing the time isn't going to get us out of here! You staying sane, will!"
★You had to really get lucky with the places you ended up. Sometimes you went without food for weeks, sometimes you ended up in places with enough resources to provide for the next eighty years. You never stayed even though you knew you should. You were absolutely desperate to get out. Natalie on the other hand, came to terms with the whole thing surprisingly quick. She was very level headed, her calmness rubbing off on you whenever you started to work yourself up.
★“You’re delusional dude, you need sleep.”
★“I don’t wanna sleep, we need to keep going.”
★“We can keep going tomorrow.”
★“We. Can. Keep. Going. Tomorrow.”
★There was a time you ended up in an elementary school when the both of you were exhausted. You were both too tired to realize you had been walking through the same place every time you found the door. When you eventually did realize it after the third time, Natalie said fuck It, and you ended up spooning on the couch in the front lobby of the school.
★[The next morning the door you passed through led you to a mattress store. You didn’t know who you wanted to kill more, the doors or Natalie. The cuddles were pretty nice though, so you couldn’t stay mad at her.]
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beansnsoup · 1 year
Luigi with S/O who is a princess that was forced to have an alliance with Bowser and no one wants to trust her but Luigi does see that she’s good
Love this sm 😭
"I don't think you're evil, I think you're great."
Summary: As long as you can remember, you've had to have an alliance with Bowser against your will, of course. No one ever wanted to take your side until he came along.
Relationship: Platonic, some romance implied
Warnings: bullying???, fluff, tiny angst, fem reader, lmk if there is anything else
*Also, this is kind going off the plot of a movie, but just a tad, I'm changing it around a bit for the request, also Mario and Luigi already live in Mushroom Kingdom as this takes place.
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You couldn't even walk around a different kingdom without people eyeing you down. This is why you hated going to different places for royal meetings, especially when it was about the man that you had to comply with.
Ever since you were crowned you were told that you were to have an alliance with the relentless Bowser, you had zero say in the matter.
So, when you were sent the letter that Princess Peach needed help and an army you knew instantly what it was about, and you couldn't just not go, that would make you look worse.
The guards hesitantly let you into the castle, watching you intently until you turned the corner to the meeting room. The room was full of toads and other kingdoms rulers, it went silent after you walked in.
You walked to the corner of the crowd and looked down, fidgeting with you dress, praying for Peach to start talking.
Like it was a miracle, all eyes were averted from you as she started to talk, she went on about how Bowser was going to soon take over Mushroom Kingdom. You started to feel squeamish, you knew that you would also be blamed for this, anything Bowser would did would also be backlash on you.
You wanted to walk out of there, but that would be too petty and self-centered, then you would really be blamed for the action occurring.
You tilted your head up to listen to what Peach had to say until you heard whispers coming from behind you.
"Why did she even come? It's not like she can do anything to help."
"Not that she wants to help."
Those whispers turned into hushed giggles, you began to look down again until the doors burst open, causing you to bolt your head up.
Luigi and Mario, Mushroom Kingdoms heroes, ran through the entrance,
"Sorry we're late Princess! We got caught up with business." Mario explained, Peach nodded and smiled, signaling him to stand anywhere to listen to her plan.
You locked eyes with the taller brother, his face went a light shade of red as he waved, you sent a small wave back, not enough to bring attention to yourself.
You bring your attention back to the princess, scared for the whispers to start back up.
Peach wrapped up her plan, catching you before you could leave, Luigi and Mario stuck behind, waiting for her to get done with whatever she was about to do with you.
"You know you don't have to come to these." She started.
"I know, but I want to find ways I can help as well, even if there isn't much I can offer."
She sighed, "I appreciate it, I truly do, but think of what affect that would have on the kingdom."
You knew she wasn't talking about the kingdom; you knew she was talking about herself.
"Oh." Is all you could muster out, you couldn't let out a thank you or a sorry, you turned away and walked out.
It's not like this was your fault, you had nothing to do with what Bowser decided to do. As you walked out of the kingdom you got more stares than you did when you were walking in, it's like they all witnessed the conversation you just had with the princess.
When you had reached the tunnel that led to your home felt a presence behind you, you look back and find a wheezing Luigi. He's so out of breath you have to give him a minute to catch his breath.
"I've....been.... chasing...you...for.... 20....minutes."
You had a surprised look on your face, "Really? What for?"
He was finally able to catch his breath, "I lost you in the crowd, I wanted to walk you out, but the princess had to talk to Mario and I."
You smiled at this, "Were you coming to tell me that I'm no longer welcome at Mushroom Kingdom?"
He shook his head violently, "Of course not! I'd love for you to come back, it's really a wonderful place."
"Not when everyone around thinks your Bowsers evil side kick."
"I don't think you're evil, I think you're great."
You both went silent, you decided to finally break the tension, "Nobody has ever talked about me in that way before."
He gasped, "Really? Not even your own people?"
"They're not too keen on being in a forced alliance with Bowser either."
Your face faded out. He could tell you were overthinking, so he wanted to get your mind clear from Bowsers' treacherous ways.
"Would you like to sit with me and watch the sunset?" He asked, you looked up into his eyes, smiled, and then nodded.
He led you over to the grass patch next to the tunnel and you both sat down, he then grabbed you hand while still viewing the skies, you sighed and laid your head on his shoulder,
I loved writing this!!
"Thank you."
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
could you do a fiction where at the start Enid thought wednesday x fem yn were rly cute and affectionate but she's getting sick if this weelijg and them being all over each other every class lunch and after skwl
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Enid adored you and Wednesday, very much. So when you admitted to her that you were finally dating; the werewolf almost brought all of Ophelia Hall down with just her screams alone because of how ecstatic she was that you finally gotten together after some not so subtle pining from either side. She had to fight back her squeals of adoration whenever she caught you hugging Wednesday from behind as she worked on her novel or when Wednesday would link pinkies with you whilst walking you back to your dorm just before curfew.
It was too sweet for Enid, she swore that the next time she visited a dentist -on behest of her own accord- they would have to construct her an entirely new set of teeth from how corrosively sweet your relationship was. However every person with a sweet tooth has a limitation on how much they can intake before growing sickly. For Enid, this came when you and Wednesday became overly affectionate no matter where you went.
When it began getting colder you and Wednesday decided to go to Weathervane for coffee but Enid also had the bright idea of going there also. So when she stepped into the only coffee shop in Jericho, she found the pair of you tucked away in a booth nearest to the window but far enough from prying eyes; Your head was resting on Wednesday’s shoulder and she had rested hers atop of yours as you people watch together. The affection you displayed was more of the subtle kind rather then the ‘in your face’ kind -which Enid appreciated greatly- but it was still affection being displayed.
The next time this happened was in botany class with Mrs ThornHill. Enid was sat with the likes of Yoko and Divina when she caught sight of Wednesday practically leaning over your shoulder as you copied down her notes, pointing out how you could word your sentences differently so that you wouldn’t get called in for detention. Again it wasn’t so blatant that everyone would catch onto but still! Wednesday never let her copy out of her notebook like ever so in Enid’s case, this was one of Wednesday’s ways of showing that she cared for you.
She couldn’t seem to bring herself to tear her eyes away as you gingerly pressed a quick kiss to the girls cheek in gratitude as you turned away to reconstruct your notes, not noticing the small smile that blossomed on Wednesday’s face before it returned to it’s neutrality. Enid almost had gotten in trouble that day had not it been for Yoko nudging her in the side once she took noticed that Mrs Thronhill was about to look in her friend’s direction. “What’s bugging you so much Enid?” The vampire asked once class was out. Enid sighed, flashing her friend a false smile, not wanting to drag her into her feelings of pettiness towards her friends happiness. “Nothing.”
Her breaking point was when she walked in on you and Wednesday cuddled up tightly on her bed, reading Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein together in tandem. Wednesday was pressed up against the headboard whilst you were propped up against her chest, burying yourself into one of Wednesday’s sweaters that you’ve stolen ‘borrowed’. “This is my favourite part of the story. When Victor Frankenstein’s monster throws that little girl in the pond.” Wednesday told you as though you were watching the movie adaptation instead of reading it’s literary counterpart.
“It’s my favourite part too.” You whispered back, pressing a kiss to one of Wednesday’s hands that was hold the book in front of you both. That’s when Enid exploded. “Okay! We get it your both happy! Can you guys like not be all cutesy within my peripheral vision for FIVE SECONDS? I still have your coffee date engraved into my retinas!” You and Wednesday looked at the blonde before looking at each other to then looking back at Enid. “Why were you watching us in the first place?” Wednesday asked with hostility. “Do you lack common decorum now also?”
You calmed your girlfriend down by rubbing the skin of her arms with your hands as you addressed Enid. “All couples show affection for one another Enid, I’m sorry you feel that way but me and it shouldn’t come as a surprise that me and Wednesday would start displaying care for one another. It kinda comes with being in a relationship.” You shrugged before your gasped, causing Wednesday to drop the book and place her hands on your shoulders, worried. “Don’t you have that thing with Ajax right now?” You asked the werewolf who had completely forgotten all about her date with the Gorgon as her eyes widened in realisation.
“Oh crap baskets!” She cried as she rushed around the dorm but before she left she pointed at the pair of you with a pout. “This conversation isn’t over.”
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me Part 14 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I am so in love with this version of them <3
Warnings: Daddy Steve/Sir Eddie and Sub Plus Size Reader and all that implies (I regret nothing!), SMUT, ANGST, and FLUFF!, Spanking, degrading, edging, throat grabbing, smacking, Reader talks to her parents about her love for them (her dad gets into a fight; only the aftermath is mentioned), Eddie and Steve both briefly talk about their parents and trauma (mentions of child abuse and abandonment), Reader is bullied in this one (called names like whore, fat, pig) but the guys make a stand for her. Word Count: 6638
Your mom rises from the booth she was waiting in to give you a hug after you entered the restaurant you were supposed to meet in for lunch that afternoon. 
Steve and Eddie were extremely apprehensive about letting you go alone but you were able to find a middle ground, asking them to drop you off and then pick you up in two hours. 
The conversation started off a bit awkward with casual small talk being exchanged about school and the prom you went to put together by the three people you loved the most. After you both cleared your plates, you mom finally found the courage to ask some questions. 
“Did you know them before hand?”
“Kind of. It was more I knew OF them. We didn’t really become friends till the end of junior year and then got together later after summer.”
“Are they good to you?”
“Of course, mama. No one’s ever treated me the way they do. I love them so much.”
“Th-that’s what I don’t understand, Y/N. How can you love two people? Something HAS to get into the way.”
You shake your head as you lean back in your seat. “I don’t know how to explain it. Trust me, I thought about it a lot. Whenever I think ‘how can I love two completely different men’ the first images that come to mind are Steve going with us to movies he hates but he knows I like them. Him dancing with me in Eddie’s bedroom to a song on the radio or buying me different body washes and perfumes just because he thinks I’d like them. I think about Eddie’s face when he took me my first concert and sang obnoxiously loud with me as the band played.”, you giggle. 
“I see him whining when I’m trying to help him study but he still intently listens to me, making sure I know he appreciates me helping him. They both hold me after I wake up from a nightmare and listen to me when I cry. They take care of me and do whatever they can to make me smile.”, you shrug. “I love them.”
She chews on the inside of her cheek as she absorbs your words. “Did I ever tell you the first time your dad met your grandfather, the night ended with him in jail?”
Your eyes widen as you shake your head making her laugh. 
“He was only there for a day but, yeah, my dad HATED him. He said your father was ‘a dirty hippie who would never come close to being good enough’ for his daughter. God, I was so embarrassed.”
“How did dad end up arrested?”
“I told my father that I loved Rob and no matter what we were going to get married. He got angry and tried shoving him out the door. When I went to follow, he tugged me back, and hurt my arm so…your dad came back swinging.”, she smiles as she shrugs. “Definitely proved he wasn’t a hippie.”
Her grin grows when you laugh hard at her story. 
“I’m sorry, honey. I can’t imagine how hard this has been on you.”
“Yeah…”, you sighed. “Mr. Harrington hasn’t made it easier.”
“What did Bill do?” You filled her in on the rumor he started and how it spread through the school. How it led to the boys getting into a fight for you and everything else that followed. “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch. He thinks he’s so high and mighty—”
“Mama!”, you giggle as you reach for her hand. “No. No killing. Honestly…it’s nice to hear you defend me…like you just did.”
“I know it doesn’t excuse what happened but the reason I didn’t before…I was just in shock…I didn’t…”
“No. I…it’s alright. I forgive you.” You look at your watch as your alarm beeps. “I should get going. The guys are picking me up.”
“May I walk you out?”
You beam at her as you nod. As soon as you both step outside, you’re met with Steve leaning on the driver’s side of his BMW with his arms folded as Eddie sits on the hood smoking a cigarette. 
“Charming.” She raises her eyebrow in their direction and they quickly scramble to attention making you smile. “Have you three found a place yet?”
“No ma’am. We went looking though near the campus. We thought that would be better so she could be near school while also being closer to Masie.”, Steve answered.
“Maze is staying at the dorms on campus.”, you explain when she glances your way before shifting her gaze towards Eddie. 
“I’m sorry my husband hurt you.”
The metalhead shrugs. “He didn’t hurt me. Would have hurt her though if he hit his intended target.”
Your mom looks away in shame. “I didn’t…He’s never…I never thought he would do something like that to you. We always said we would never hit our kids.” She sighs as you reach for her hand. 
“So did my father. It wasn’t so much ‘Hey honey. We’ll never hit our kids when we have them.’ But more ‘I know I beat the shit out him this time but I swear it will never happen again.’”
“Ed. It’s alright, bud.” Steve pats him on the back to calm him down. 
Without warning, your mother steps forward and grabs the metalhead’s chin firmly, forcing him to look at her. 
“Do you love my daughter?”
“Yes what?”
He tries to turn out of her grasp but she just grips him tighter. 
“Yes ma’am.”
“Would you ever hurt her the way Allen did with you?”
Fire filled his eyes at her question. 
“No. Ma’am.”, he growled.
She nods before releasing him from her hold and turns to face Steve. 
“Do you love my daughter?”
“More than anything…ma’am.”
“Calm down, Mr. Harrington. This isn’t a popularity contest.” 
As she quizzed him, you stepped to Eddie’s side and intertwined your fingers with his as you laid your head on his shoulder. 
“Would you ever cheat on her and hurt her the way Bill does with your mother?” His head cocks to the side in surprise. “Not a big secret, sweetheart, I’m afraid.”
“No ma’am.”
“With all due respect, Steven, out of the two of you I’m more worried about her with you. I have eyes and ears. I know how big shot Steve Harrington ran around Hawkins showing off with different girls on his arm.”
This time, it was his turn to get angry.
“I’m not like that anymore. She…Y/N, made me want to be better.”
Her eyes softened at his admission, even more so when she took a step back and saw how you were with Eddie. 
“Did she tell you about Christian?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Fucking asshole.”
Your mom laughs at the metalhead’s choice of words. “You’re not wrong. Hear me boys, if you ever hurt my child, I will do way worse than what I did when it came to Mr. Wexler. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.”, they respond in unison. 
She smiles before coming over to give you a hug. “I’ll talk to you later, ok? And I’ll talk to your father.”
“I’m sorry about that.”, you say to them after she leaves. “You two alright?”
“Yeah…are you?” You nod and wrap your arms around Steve as he comes to stand in front of you. “Was that normal? That integration style hello?”
“Um, I don’t know to be honest. You’re the first guys I’ve dated to really meet my parents.”
“Where have you been?”, your dad asks as your mom walks in the door.
“I had lunch with Y/N.” He responds with a hm before turning back to face the tv. “Rob, I think you should talk to her. She…she really does care about them and they genuinely seem to have her best interest in mind.”
“Bev, this is the last time I’m saying this. No.”
You mother sighs as she begins heading for the bedroom. “Apparently Bill is telling the town our ‘whore daughter’ brainwashed his son to use him for his money and status. When Steve confronted him, he said he couldn’t ‘use her properly’ because she’s not good looking and has no connections in town.” 
She watches as his fist on the arm rest of the couch clenches.
“Wow, this place is fucking amazing.”, Eddie murmurs under his breath.
“It really is.”, Steve agrees. “Can we afford it?”
“I think so. With all three of our incomes—”
“Oh my god! This place is beautiful and so close to the campus. It’s also not too far from the mall so you guys can sleep in before work.”, you smile as you sigh. “It’s perfect.”
It takes you a moment to realize that their faces don’t match yours. 
“It is perfect…right?”
Eddie returns your smile as he walks over to you to kiss your forehead. “Yeah, sweetheart. It is.”
“We don’t have to pick this one. I know there are some others we can try and—” His index finger cuts you off as he places it over your lips. 
“Do you like it?” You nod earnestly. “Well then, come on Harrington, I think we have some forms to fill out.”
“Yay! You three found an apartment.”, Masie claps as you beam at her from your side of the lunch table. “And you’ll be so close to. You’ll have to give me a tour after school some time before graduation next week.”
“Of course! And I found this place a couple of hours away, that has furniture for really cheap. It’s donated and it’s so nice. Eddie, can you reach in my bag and grab that brochure for that store for me?”
He gently nods as you and your friend keep talking while he digs in your backpack. A wadded piece of paper falls onto his lap and he quickly catches it, pausing as he takes a look. 
“My mom said she would help us move. I’m so excited—”
“The fuck is this?”
You all turn to look at the metalhead as he holds up the note in his hand.
“Oh, um, it’s nothing. You can throw that away.” As you reach over the table, he pulls his arm back, keeping it away from your grasp. 
“It’s nothing, huh? ‘Y/N Hawkins Fat Whore. Available for the right price. For recommendations see Freak Munson and Bitch Harrington. Fill out applications. Oh who are we kidding. She’ll have anyone. Just ask!’”
“Who the fuck gave you that?!”, Masie growled in anger.
“I don’t know…I found it in my locker.”, you answer in a small voice as your head fell. 
“I don’t remember.”
“Bullshit.”, Steve grumbled.
When you finally found the courage to look their way, it was worse than you expected; they were fuming. You couldn’t tell if it was at you for not telling them or whoever left the note in your locker.
“How many times have you gotten something like this?”, Eddie asked.
You knew you were in trouble and didn’t see the point of hiding it anymore. Grabbing your bag, you pulled out a folder, flipping through papers till you found what you were looking for. You handed them to Steve who looked them over with his friend. 
“What’s it like fucking a freak? Does he summon the devil or draw symbols with pig’s blood?”
“I bet Harrington cums early every time. Too bad I don’t like fat chicks or I’d take care of you.”
“Ugly…disgusting…whore…slut…you should be ashamed…no wonder mommy and daddy don’t love you anymore.”
Steve’s jaw tightened; he recognized the handwriting. Abruptly, he rises from the table, gathering the papers in his hands as he heads straight for his old table, the popular kids table. Tommy is mid joke as the man slams the notes down with his palm startling everyone.
“Do you think you’re funny? Sliding these into her locker?”
“Steve, we have no idea—”
“You don’t even have the balls to say it to her face or mine. Don’t worry. I do. You leave her the fuck alone or I swear to God. I will make your lives hell and not just until graduation.”
“EVERYONE LISTEN UP!” Eddie climbed on to the popular kids table as he addressed the room. “That beautiful woman right there?”, he points to you. “She’s not our whore and we aren’t using her. We’re not Christian Wexler. We have no problem telling you assholes that Y/ N is ours. We love her and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you fuckers keep treating her like garbage. If Steve and I catch anyone sneaking these bullshit notes into her locker or making fun of her in any way we WILL have a problem!” 
He jumps back down onto the floor next to the other man and tears up the notes they left you. 
“Do you understand me?” Everyone looks down nodding their heads. “Oh, come on gang. Don’t get shy on me now. Wouldn’t want to summon the devil to come have a word with you.”
Their eyes widen as they verbally confirm his question before he tosses the torn up paper at Tommy. Both men come back to their seats and casually continue eating their food, heavily breathing as they try to calm down. 
“Munson…”, a male voice speaks his name as he slowly walks by your table. 
“Mr. C.”
“No, sir. No problem here.”, he answers without looking his way. 
Your teacher nods before a little smile forms on his lips as he passes you by, lightly tapping your shoulder as he continues monitoring the room. 
It takes them awhile before they finally glance your way and notice you two smiling at them. 
“Calm down. You’re still in trouble.”, Eddie smirks as he tries to sound angry. 
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yeah, well, we did.”, Steve huffs. 
Your grin grows as you slide your chair back and come around to sit on his lap. His arms immediately wrap around you as you circle yours around his neck. As you lean your forehead against his temple, he lets out a heavy exhale. 
“I love you.”, he mumbles.
“I love you to.”
“Hey, baby. Wow, you guys picked a good spot here.”, your mom grins as she enters the apartment.”
“Right? I love it. I was afraid we’d have to settle for something small which is fine. I just thought Eddie deserved a bigger space after growing up in that small trailer. Steve doesn’t care either way. He says he always thought his dad’s house was too big. I think it’s just because he spent so much time alone.”
Her smile grows as she listens to you talk. The more you speak about them the more she sees your genuine care for them, allow her to understand a bit more about your relationship. 
“Jesus Christ!”, Eddie exclaims as both men stumble through the door carrying a couch. “And…by that I mean—”
“It’s ok, Mr. Munson. You don’t have to suck up to me.” You mom laughs before turning her attention back to you. “After tomorrow you’ll officially be a graduate. Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”, you giggle. “I’m just ready to leave those kids behind.”
A sudden knock startles everyone as your father slowly walks in. “This isn’t where you guys are putting the couch, right?”
Both boys turn to you, unsure of what to do. 
“Are you lost, Rob?”
You dad exhales as he playfully glares at your mom. “No, Bev. I just…I thought maybe…I don’t know…I’d see the place…It’s, uh, it’s nice.” As he pulls his hands out of his pockets to gesture around the area, you notice his knuckles are bleeding.
“Dad! Oh my god.” You don’t even think twice as you grab his arm and lead him over to the sink to wash his wound. Steve and Eddie exchange a glance before looking towards your mom who holds up her palm assuring them that everything is under control. “What happened? Steve, can you grab the stuff from the bathroom?”
He nods, disappearing and reappearing with things to take care of your father as you both sit at the table. Still not sure of how to proceed he and the metalhead sit across from you while your mom sits next to her husband on the end. 
“I, uh, went to talk to Harrington today. Not you…the other one.”, he follows as the boy looks at him confused. “Bev told me what he said at the bar and what you told her he said to Steven.” Your father shifts his gaze towards him before looking back down at his knuckles as you clean them with antiseptic. “Thank you…for trying to defend her.”
“I love her for her. I don’t care what she looks like or where she comes from.” Eddie lightly nods his head, agreeing with Steve’s words. 
“I went to his house and confronted him. Let’s just say he won’t be posing for any pictures anytime soon.” He chuckles but it fades as no one laughs along with him. While you wrap his cuts, he turns towards the other boy. “I’m sorry for hitting you.”
Eddie folds his arms over his chest. “Thanks but I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. That hit wasn’t meant for me.”
When he focused his attention back to you, your eyes were downcast as you placed your palms in your lap. Your father sighs as he leans back. 
“I AM sorry for…The whole situation was just…a lot. I don’t get it. I don’t think I ever will. When I met your mom, I knew I loved her. I couldn’t picture loving anyone else. How can you…I mean?”
“That’s how I feel about them. I…”, you shrug as you try to find the right words. “I can’t explain it. Since the first conversation we had, I knew there was something about them.”
 “I just…I had no idea. I never thought you would ever do something like this. Where’s the line, Y/N? I mean what else are you capable of?”
“She’s capable of anything.”, Eddie answers. “That shouldn’t scare you. You should be proud of her. She’s not afraid anymore. When we met her, she was so timid to the point that she would literally fold into herself so people would leave her alone. Look at her now. She got into college, her own place, she’s actually fucking smiling…sorry.”
Your mom smirks as he apologizes.
“Dad, I’m not…running around having a relationship with everyone. We aren’t going to add people to our dynamic. I love THEM. If we…we broke up…I wouldn’t go searching for two people to be with again. It’s not a preference. It just is.”
Your father nods as he leans back in his seat before his eyes meet yours briefly and he softly smiles. “So is it just the couch you guys got today or is there more?”
“Um, her bed is in the truck outside.”
“Well, come on, gentlemen. Let’s get the last of the stuff up here.”
“Alright, freaks and weirdos of the class 1984, smile!” Steve holds up the polaroid and takes a picture before handing it back to Masie. You giggle as he obnoxiously shakes the image in his hand. 
“We are finally free and I am so excited!”, your best friend grins as she does a little dance. “How does it feel, Munson? You were almost held back.”
“Yeah, thanks to princess here, I made it by the skin of my fucking teeth.” Smiling you lean over and kiss his cheek. 
“I’m glad BOTH your parents decided to come, Y/N.”
“Me to.” You sneak a glance at Steve as his eyes shift down to the risers you four were sitting on. “I’m sorry yours didn’t.”
He flashes you a slanted smile, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to bring your closer to his side as he kisses the top of your head. “Even if they didn’t hate me right now, I don’t think they would have come. All this stuff is beneath him.”
“Well, I’m proud of you; both of you.” 
Eddie grabs your hand, bringing the back of it to his lips.
“Jesus Christ, Ed. Can’t you ever just look fucking normal for a picture for once?”, Steve asks after the polaroid finally displayed the image he took. 
“What are you talking about, Harrington? That is how I normally look.”
“Do you want to hang out tonight?”, you ask Masie as she hands the photo back to the boys. 
“I can’t tonight. I…have a date.”
“Ooo…with who?”
“None of your business, Munson.”, she answers playfully before whispering towards you. “I’ll tell you later.”
The three of you lay haphazardly on your bed in your apartment as you pass the joint Eddie rolled back and forth. Steve happily sighs from his spot on your stomach that he is using as a pillow while you absently run your fingers through his hair. Your own head is resting on the metalhead’s lap as he leans his back against the headboard. 
“We got you present, sweetheart.”
“You got me something? Aw, you guys didn’t have to. You graduated to.”
“Oh, trust me, honey. This is also a present for us.”, the other boy laughs as Eddie slides off the bed. After disappearing into the living room, he comes back with a box, and hands it to you. 
“Open it in the bathroom and put it on.”
You nod as you thank him, scurrying into the bathroom to do what he asked. Lifting the top off the lid on your present, you gasp at the silky, purple material you find within. As you raise it towards the light, you notice most of the lingerie garment is see-through except some purposely placed designs that block the area of your nipples. The matching panties conceal all the major bits but when you slide them on you notice they still display a lot of your ass. 
This is completely new territory for you and as you stare at yourself in the mirror you can’t help but feel a little self-conscious.
“Babe? Are you alright in there?”, Eddie asks. 
“Um, yeah…”
“Uh oh. Is that self-doubt I’m hearing?” A breathy giggle escapes your lips. They both know you to well. “Get your sexy ass out here.”
With one final sigh, you open the bathroom door and display the gift they had bought you. They had both been sitting on the edge of the mattress waiting for you, their eyes lighting up when the land on you and your body. 
“I-I’ve never worn anything like this before.”
“Well, we’ll definitely be buying more. God damn, Y/N.” Steve places his hand over his chest as he exhales heavily. “You look so fucking gorgeous.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”, you blush. 
Eddie grins as he beckons you with his finger to come closer, grabbing your hips and yanking you onto his lap with your back against his chest. His arms wrap around you as he leans his chin on your shoulder. 
“You do look stunning.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Mmm—so polite. I love it. Can you do me a favor, pretty girl?”
“Of course. Anything.”
The metalhead’s lips kiss your cheek before hovering outside the shell of your ear. “Can you touch yourself for us?”
“I-I-In front of you?”, you asked in a small voice that had both men trying to hide their groans. 
“Yes, sweetheart.” Gripping your hand, he sticks two of your fingers in his mouth, wetting them with his saliva. “Right here on Master’s lap. Take these two fingers and rub your clit for us.”
After moving the piece of silk covering your core, you do has he asks, moaning as you press slow circles against your nub.
“That’s our girl. Does that feel good?”
“Yes, Sir, it feels good.” 
“Fuck, princess, you drive us crazy.”, Eddie mewls. “Now, I want you to slide them into your tight little pussy for me and keep moving them as we talk to you, okay?”
“Mmm—yes, Sir.”
“How do you want it tonight, Y/N? Do you want Daddy and I to be nice and gentle?”
“Or…” Steve’s soothing voice shot straight to you core making you clench around your digits. “Do you want us to fuck you hard and rough like a whore? It’s been so long since we’ve done that.”
“Fuck.”, you whimper as you thrust your fingers at a much faster pace. “F-fuck me like you guys did—mmm—that first time w-we were together.”
They both laugh as Eddie’s palm glides up your skin from your wrists up to your throat, turning your face so his mouth is hovering over your own.
“We can do that. You have to make yourself cum first though, baby.” Your eyes flutter closed as you lean back against his chest. “You know, I think about the first time when I’m playing with myself to. I picture you flat on the desk with your mouth open for me; moaning around my dick while Steve fucked you.” Eddie licked his lips as he smiled. 
“Personally, I like to think about the first time I called you and you touched yourself just like this. Fuck, just hearing you moan about how you belong to us and how sore you were from us fucking you.” Steve’s fingers reached out to trace your skin along your thigh and you mewl at the contact.
You needed them now, pumping your fingers as fast as you could till you felt legs shake as the coil snapped. While you were panting against his cheek, Eddie gripped your wrist and held out your hand to the boy beside him who graciously ran his tongue over your messy digits, humming at the taste. 
A sly grin spread across your face as you get off the man’s lap and stand to face them. 
“Hey, where do you think you’re going?”, Steve asked with a smile of his own. 
“I was just thinking that you guys got to ask me…maybe I should ask you…which version of me do you want? Do you want meek Y/N you fucked that first night or sassy, slightly bratty Y/N?”
You giggle when they glance at each other with a small smirk. You already know their answer before they say anything. Today was a good day and they didn’t exactly need you to fully obey right away. It had been a while since they needed to put you in your place and remind you who was in charge.
“Oooh, you guys are taking a little too long to answer.”, you sing as you make a playful thinking face. “Hm. Maybe I should go introduce myself to the neighbors in this gorgeous piece of lingerie. Maybe they can actually make a decision.” 
“Do it.”, Eddie challenges.
“Don’t think I won’t, Sir.” You slowly back up towards the living room and inch your way to the door. They get up to follow you and you bite your bottom lip as Steve glides a head of you to lean against the wall. 
“We’ll go on then.”, he gestures towards the door. “Here let me help you.” As he reaches for the knob, you quickly block it with your body. 
“Steve!” His eyes widen as his head tilts and you quickly cover your mouth.
“Oooh, baby. You just went all in, didn’t you?”, he muses as he slides behind you and wraps his arms around to your front. 
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean to.”
“I know, honey, but we still have to punish you, right Ed?”
“You’re right, Steve.”
“Did we ever find handcuffs that won’t hurt our beautiful girl?”
“Not yet BUT I did read this thing in a book that offered some alternatives.” The air hits your back as Steve steps away and a little moan leaves your lips at the sound of Eddie taking off his belt. Leather wraps around your wrists and after a few moments you find yourself restricted. 
“How is that, sweetheart?”
“Why are you asking, Sir? You can hurt me tonight. I want you to be rough with me.”
Calloused fingers abruptly grip your chin and turn your head to face him. 
“It doesn’t matter why I’m fucking asking. If I ask you something, you answer. Now, how does that feel, little girl?”
“It feels fine.”
“Good.” He releases you from his hold and pushes your front half over the arm of the couch. “Jesus, I’m going to stop being nice and just call you demeaning names all night. You want to act like a bratty baby we can treat you like one.” Eddie’s hand comes down hard on your ass making you jump.
The sudden sound of vibration causes you to sit up to look behind you but the metalhead is prepared, shoving you again and slapping your behind. “Don’t move.”, he growls.
Long fingers move the silk panties covering your sex and you whimper when the wand finds you clit. They love that device, becoming almost giddy every time they use it. The reaction and moans it pulls from you tortures them as much as it does you but they can hold it together better than you can. 
“Yes…yes Daddy. Please.”
“Does that feel good, baby?”
“Yes, Daddy.” 
“Tell me when you’re about to cum.”
“I’m…I’m gonna…” Abruptly, he pulls the wand away and smacks your ass. “No, no. Please…”
“What? You said you wanted it like that first night.”, Eddie snickered as he placed his naked body on the couch in front of you. “You think we cared if you came? It was just an added bonus that you did. Plus you wanted to act like a brat. Do brats get to cum, Stevie?”
“No, Ed, they do not.” 
The metalhead watched with a gleam in his beautiful brown orbs as his friend pressed the device against your nub again, slowly building you up and then pulling it away before you could climax. It felt like it lasted forever as you panted and cried over Eddie’s lap. His hands brush over your hair, pulling it out of your face as he watched the frustration in your eyes. 
“Fuck, Y/N. You have no idea how much this turns me on. Sometimes even I forget that we control that pretty pussy of yours.”
“Munson, how can you forget something like that?”, Steve chided as he smacked your ass making you moan.
“No, no Harrington. Not the physical part, I mean obviously her cunt is ours. We own her but the fact that only we can make you moan like you are right now. That only we can allow you to cum…fuck… hearing you beg for it.” He bites his lip before leaning forward to capture your own. 
“Please what?”
“Please, Sir. I want to cum.”
“You want to cum?”
“Y-yes, Sir. Please.” 
Steve moves the wand again just as your about to, turning off the device and setting it aside as you whine. Eddie’s hand connects with your cheek at the sound. 
“Stop fucking pouting.”
“Hey Ed, you know what I was just thinking? You’ve never had her ass, have you?”
“Not yet, no.” He leans back till he’s flat on the couch. “May want to wet it a bit.”, he grins holding the base of his cock. Climbing up, you rest your body on your knees as you tilt forward and envelope him into your mouth.  
“Baby girl, come on. You can do better than that.” You gasp as Steve’s massive palm holds the back of your head and shoves you forward onto Eddie’s length making you gag and drool around him. 
“Fuck me.” He grunts as you choke before scoffing and tugging you off him by your throat. “What are you doing?! Are you still being a fucking brat?”
“N-no, Sir.”
“Then why are you sucking my dick like you’ve never done it before? A little slut like you should know how to do it properly by now!”
You whine as you bounce on your knees and he smacks you again.
“Color baby?”
“Green, Daddy.”
“She’s fine, Steve. She’s being a pain in the ass right now because we haven’t allowed her to cum yet.”
“Wasn’t that the first thing we did?”
“She doesn’t count that, do you, princess? These little fingers are just too small to make her cum as hard as we do.” Grabbing your throat again, he forces you to face him. “Now, suck my cock correctly or neither of us are going to make you feel good tonight. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Sir.”
*SMACK* “Louder!”
“Yes, Sir, I understand!”
As soon as he releases you, you take him in your mouth again, this time flattening your tongue and bobbing your head with the same energy you know makes him moan. 
“See? Just like that, baby.”
Fingers move your hair to the side as Steve speaks to you with his low Daddy voice that has you clenching your thighs together. 
“It’s not just about pleasure, little miss. Remember, you need him as lubricated as possible so he doesn’t hurt you.” He grins as you push Eddie to the back of your throat, holding still for as long as you can before pulling your head off him and spitting salvia onto his tip. “See, Ed? Little girl just needs a guiding hand is all.”
“Uh huh.”, the metalhead smirks as he leans up and brings your lips to his before using his thumb to wipe the tears that were smeared under your eyes. “A guiding hand to the ass maybe.” He softly smiles as he jokingly spanks you. “Turn around.”
You do as he asks while he places some strategic pillows behind his head allowing him to sit up slightly. After guiding your back to his chest, he opens your legs and positions you just so before reaching down to grab his cock. 
“Can you hold yourself open for me, baby?” 
“I-I can’t.”
Eddie grunts in annoyance as he pushes you up slightly, yanking the belt from your wrists and throwing it to the ground. As soon as your free, you do what he asks and help guide him into your ass. 
“F-Fuck me.” 
Steve waits a few moments, allowing you both to get comfortable before climbing between your legs. Gliding his tip through your folds you shuttered as he grazed your clit. Your eyes rolled back and closed as he sheathed himself inside of you, your back collapsing against Eddie’s chest as you allowed them to take over. 
Each thrust was like a little taste of heaven. Eddie was right, they controlled your pleasure. No one could ever make you feel as good as they did. When you glanced up at Steve you noticed he was fighting to keep his eyes open. 
“Da-Daddy, are you okay?”
“Mmm—yeah. You just—fuck—you look so fucking beautiful. I don’t want to take my-my eyes off of you.”
You felt one of your legs drop flat against the metalhead’s as his hand came up to turn your face so he could kiss your lips. 
“So…so beautiful.”, he echoed his friend.
“I love you, Eddie.”, you panted against his lips. 
He heavily moaned as he wrapped both arms around you tightly and begin ramming his hips hard up into yours. 
“I love you to, Y/N. Cum, baby. Fucking cum hard on our cocks.”
Steve’s palm held on to your shoulder for leverage as he matched Eddie underneath you. You moaned and begged until the coil that they had been winding all night finally snapped and you cried as you came hard. 
“Yes! Good girl. Such a…good…girl.” With a few more rough thrusts, Steve warmed your insides with Eddie following shortly after. 
“Jesus Christ…that was amazing.” They carefully pulled out of you and the metalhead continued to hold you against his chest while the other boy went to grab some water. 
“I’m sorry I said you name.”
Eddie tilted his head so he could see your face better. “Sweetheart, hearing you tell me you love me whether it be Sir, Master, Eddie, or freak…”, he smiles when you giggle. “It’s the best thing in the world.”
“I’ve never thought you were a freak. Even before I knew you.”
Steve grabbed your wrist and slowly moved you onto the cushions so you both could sit up. After gulping down the water he brought you, you leaned on his shoulder, placing a kiss on his skin. 
“You really do look beautiful in this by the way.” He runs his fingers down the silky material.
“Thank you, Daddy. It’s actually surprisingly comfortable. May I ask you something?”
“Of course, but ask it in the shower because we need to clean you and believe it or not we can all fit in this tub.”
“Harrington, if we wanted to shower with me all you had to do was ask.” You laugh at Eddie’s joke as you grab his hand and tug him off the couch as you follow the other man to the bathroom. 
“What did you want to ask, honey?” 
A small smile paints your lips as you watch them try to figure out how to get you out of your outfit before finally just grabbing the bottom and pulling it over your head. 
“Does it bother you that your parents didn’t show up today?”
“Not even your mom? She didn’t really have a reason to not—”
“Yes, she did. She does whatever my father tells her to.”, he snapped.
You nodded as you pushed your back into Eddie’s chest.
“Steve, she was just asking because she cares. It’s a little weird I know. Having a woman in our lives who actually gives a damn.”
He sighs as he guides you under the water. “No, not even my mom. Y/N, kind of like Munson here, my parents stopped parenting pretty early on. Honestly, I’m used to it by now. I know that sounds harsh but it’s true. I think it would have angered me if they had shown up like they helped me accomplish something.”
Your hands reach out to gently cup his face. “I just don’t want you to feel like…no one was proud of you.”
He softly smiles before kissing your forehead. “Thank you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“I know, baby. I know.”
“I would have liked for your dad to be there if only to see what her dad did to his face.”
The three of you laugh as the begin to clean your body. 
Eddie has his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you two watch an action movie on tv. 
“I could be a spy.”
“No, you couldn’t! Everything about you is so loud.”, you giggle. 
“Oh, come on! I can totally be suave like James Bond.”
“Yeah, you could.”
“You can be my Money Penny.”
Steve nonchalantly exits the bedroom and grabs a banana from the counter, leaning his back against it as he eats. The two of you continue to stare ahead but the man can still see the grins on your faces that you both are trying to hide. 
“Ok. Go ahead. I’m a big boy. I can handle it.”
“Are you ready for your first day, sailor?” Eddie’s toothy grin grows when you try to stifle your laugh. 
“Don’t listen to him, Daddy. I think you look sexy.”
“Yeah, I mean way those little blue shorts accentuate your knees, man.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”, Steve smirks as he throws away his peel and saunters over to you to give you a kiss before lightly pushing his friend’s head. “I’ll see you two later.”
“We definitely need to get you one of those.”, Eddie chuckles as the other man leaves and you playfully shove his chest.
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
@needylilgal022 @local-stoner-bitch @katethetank
@danandphilequalsmemes @strangerfreak @sidthedollface2
@mandyjo8719 @bexreastoomuch @chelebelletx @ima1986
@perdopascalslilbaby @shayeddie @emmalee-01 @anaibis
@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529 @miarosso
@micheledawn1975 @paleidiot @mrsjellymunson
278 notes · View notes
kairiscorner · 11 months
KAMUSTA POO I LOVE UR MARRIED SPIDERNOIR X READER FICS SMM??? 🫶🫶 I hope you dont mind if i request for something angsty, hurt/comfort 👀 like the reader finds out she’s infertile- had a miscarriage and is upset because she knew how much her and spidernoir husband rlly wanted to have children so he goes out his way to comfort her and stuff huhu 😭😭 and she’s also worried that this issue might cause a strain in their relationship but noir’s like “NOOO, i love u no matter what’
talking abt this prompt reminds me from the movie ‘UP’ by disney hehe (P.S i was also the one who req for that criminal prt 2 of x spidernoir!! I LOVED IT SMMM THANK UUU FOR FEEDING MY DELULUNESS, HAVE A GOOD DAYYY)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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even if we can't have that, i'll always have you — spider noir x reader (angst)
summary: you felt so inadequate, like such a disappointment when the doctor informed you that you could not bear fruit, you would never be a mother. though what made you feel even worse was the fact that your husband, peter, yearned for a family--and you couldn't even give him that. but does that mean he'll stop loving you? word count: 527
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you mindlessly cut away at the vegetables, looking at them but not paying attention. your mind was empty except for the doctor's words that rang in your ears endlessly, echoing into the abyss that once was filled with dreams and love for little ones that will never be anymore: "ma'am, you cannot bear children. you are... infertile." the only sensation that brought you back to reality was the stinging pain of a cut you inflicted upon yourself by accident, with small drops of blood pooling on the cutting board and staining the vegetables.
you breathed in through your teeth as you washed off the blood, though you kind of wish the pain remained, so you wouldn't be reminded of how inadequate of a wife you felt when you heard the doctor's news for you. peter came home and was greeted to the sight of you bandaging your fingers. "oh, welcome home..." you muttered as peter rushed over to you and whispered a "what happened, love?" to you.
you couldn't bring yourself to face him, how could you? you were betraying him and going back on your promise with him to have a beautiful family together, which can never happen anymore because you can't provide him with that luxury. "peter... i'm sorry." you uttered as peter put your hands in his and gazed up at your eyes, which were filling with tears. "i'm not enough... it's... it's my fault we can't be happy..." you murmured as the tears fell and peter shushed you, wrapping his arms around you, kissing and wiping your tears away.
"beloved... what do you mean? that's just not true..." he said as he brushed your hair out of your face. you wiped away at your tears and sobbed out the news to peter. "i can't get pregnant... we can't have... children... i'm sorry, peter..." you choked out through your sobs as peter's face fell as he took in the news. he breathed in deeply, unsure of what to say to assure you, because this hurt him badly, too. though... peter wasn't going to leave you all because he couldn't have a family with you.
he held you closer and kissed your cheek. "my love, it's not your fault. i know we've both dreamed of having our own little ones, but even if we can't have that dream come true... i'd want nothing more than to at least have you in my life. you are the sweetest dream i've ever dreamt of, my perfect woman, and you... you made all my dreams come true already by letting me be yours." he said as he kissed the crown of your head and caressed your arms. you cried even more at his confession, asking him in broken cries if he means it, to which he nodded and kissed your lips that were being stained with your tears. "i promise." he said as he leaned his forehead against yours.
even if you couldn't fulfil his dream of fatherhood, you've already fulfilled all his other dreams, dreams he believed were impossible to attain before you married him and settled in with him, making all his dreams come true already.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @k4tsu3 @thee-fantastic-mrfox @fiannee @arachnoia @ophanimgold
129 notes · View notes
plantinghobbies · 2 months
The Same Damn Thing (collab with @sycophanticsolipsism)
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Here’s part 5, can’t believe we’ve only got two parts left! Thank you to everyone for your likes and reblogs and kudos and feedback, can’t tell you how much it motivates us and how much we appreciate it. It truly lifts our spirits so thank you thank you. The most thanks to @sycophanticsolipsism for supporting my sorry ass through a writer’s block, this thing would probably still have like 100 words without you! 
If you need to catch up, check out the masterlist.
Warnings: MDNI, smut, angst, probably some typos
Part 5: If I Could Go Back To That Evening We Met…
“I’d kill to go back to that evening we met. Trembling hands as I’d ask for your number again, you saw me different then…when I held your heart in my hand” - Lewis Capaldi
Nobody on the flight is happy to be leaving the magic of Rome, clutching their Prosecco and pecorino Romano from duty free as if it will evaporate upon takeoff. Nobody except Val, that is. She is buzzing, fidgety, can’t get out of this goddamn country fast enough. She has been in constant motion since the moment she’d woken up this morning. 
Val’s had her share of mornings (less than some of her friends but more than she likes to admit) where she woke up disoriented and hungover, unhappy with where she was and a little foggy on how she got there. But this morning? This one was by far the worst, because she didn’t wake up next to a strange guy wearing one sock drooling on her shoulder. No, instead it was Matty - adorable, inconvenient, sexy Matty. By one night stand standards, it was probably the safest she’d ever been. And yet it was the most reckless, brainless thing she’d ever done.
‘It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine.’ She’d repeated it to herself over and over - during her shower, throughout the most chaotic packing job of her life, and all the way to the airport. But no matter how much Val tried, her treacherous bitch of a brain would not let it go. She rocks up to the gate after boarding has begun, sliding into her seat at the front of the plane (she’d used the few minutes waiting for a taxi at the hotel to switch her seat), keeping her head low and her sunglasses on (she takes back all the times she previously called people wearing sunglasses on planes pretentious twats. She gets it now). She’d held her breath as he boarded, pretending to be asleep when she saw his eyes searching for her.  Her noise cancelling headphones provide little relief from the rattling around in her head. Now that she’s stopped, albeit forcibly, it’s harder to keep the thoughts she’s desperate to avoid at bay. 
She catches up on texts as the plane taxies, until her friend Dina responds to a picture of Barry Keoghan in the group chat with a resounding “fuck me” and Val’s transported back to the moment Matty whispered that in her ear as he slid into her for the first time. Opening her email once they’re airborne, her inbox is flooded with emails from him from the last few days, running commentary on the conference sessions they’d attended separately. Reading his cute ramblings on the boring presenters and arrogant question askers felt like a shiv jabbed through her ribs. Finally, she gives up, slamming the laptop shut and closing her eyes. Maybe if she’s unconscious she won’t think about it. 
If her life were a movie, Val would have stirred to light stubble nuzzling her neck, his hand snaking down her front, his gruff voice whispering filthy nothings in her ear. But life wasn’t a movie. Instead, the blare of the wakeup call had jolted them awake, her elbow colliding with his jaw as they both scrambled to answer it. By the time Matty’d thanked the hotel staff with broken Italian, Val was already in her jeans, searching for her earring while avoiding looking at him completely.
“Val…” His voice is low, shaky, uncertain, like he’s approaching a caged animal. Val’s heard him employ that tone a hundred times before - with clients and colleagues when he wants to win them over, with their uni friends when he was trying to mediate a dispute between them, with Marin when she was pushing herself too hard toward the end. But he’s never used it with Val before, until now. He thinks it’s full of charm and confidence and take-charge-ness. But what it feels like right now is patronizing. It’s the first time Val fucking hates the sound of his voice.
There’s a twinge in her neck she’s not sure the cause of as she whips her head around. “Don’t give me that tone.” 
Matty physically recoils, blinking stupidly back at her. “I don’t know -“ He looks down at the bed before standing, moving to the chair in the room, maybe to put more distance between them, escape the scene of the crime. 
“Yea you do!” 
“Look, I’m confused too but…” But she isn’t. Confused that is. She may not be on board with all her actions over the last several hours, but in this moment, she is in full control of how she feels. 
Angry, that’s how Val feels. Angry at herself for being an idiot cliche who slept with her boss. Beyond annoyed at him for not just leaving her the fuck alone to languish on Richard’s team all those months ago. Furious with whatever early Roman asshole invented wine in the first place, with its inhibition-altering goodness. And don’t even get her started on Marianne, who landed them in this joint-room trope predicament in the first place. Yep, her shit list is growing by the minute. She would have NEVER done this at home. Never. She needs to get back - to her bed, to her routine, to her goddamn sanity. Oh, she is clear on her emotions alright. 
“Oh, I’m not. I know what this was, no need to explain it.” Sheets and pillows are flying now as the search continues for her earring. “Listen, we can’t miss our flight and I need to find my earring. I can’t lose it, it’s—“
“Marin’s, I know.” 
“Of course you do.” She’s looking in the mini fridge now, which she knows is ridiculous, but she just has to keep moving. “Obviously, you’d remember your girlfriend’s ear—“ 
Matty’s chair scrapes against the floor with a harsh sound, drawing Val’s eyes over to his body. Bad idea,  as he sits up abruptly and leans forward. “Listen, I don’t know what you heard about us.” Us. The word hits her like a visceral gut punch, a dull ache radiating out from her chest. It’s one thing to think it and another thing altogether to hear it. Her worn patience snaps, she can’t sit here with the smell of sex still lingering in the air and think of them. She just can’t. “It’s not what you th—“
“Aaah, got it!” Fuck, thank god. Her shirt she can do without but there was no way Val was leaving without that earring. She readies to flee, gathering her bag and looking around for her key card… before it settles on her that she’s in her room. She can’t leave, at least not without looking even more erratic than she feels. Plus, they really need to get a fucking move on to the airport and he’s still shuffling by the bed in just his pants.  
She pauses, back turned to him as she speaks. “Listen” she repeats - it’s what her mum would refer to as a verbal tick, “umm, I’m going to hop in the shower, we’ve really got to go and I’m sure you have to pack and—” she’s moving toward the bathroom now, and the blessed door that will put a much-needed barrier between them so she can wash his scent off, and catch her breath and think. Something she clearly wasn’t doing last night. “And I forgot to pick up one last bag of coffee for my neighbor so I’m gonna run to that place down the square. I’ll just meet you at the gate.” The last part is thrown over her shoulder as she slams the door shut, not broaching any argument. She presses her back to the door, holding her breath, hanging on to her resolve by a thread. After eighteen seconds (her youth swim training finally came in handy), she hears the rustling of his clothes, the click of the lock, and then nothing. The sound that she makes as she finally takes a deep breath sounds like relief, and yet it doesn’t feel like it.
When they land, Val is off the plane like a shot, power walking through border control, not looking back. She implores every God she’s ever heard of - she even throws Dumbledore in there for good measure - that her suitcase is already waiting for her at baggage claim, assisting her quick getaway from the walking reminder in a wrinkled black suit and raybans somewhere behind her. But she must have exhausted all her luck between rounds two and three last night because the conveyer belt hasn’t even started moving yet (fucking Heathrow). He catches up to her a few minutes later, which is unfortunate because she was hoping to not see him until sometime next month. Maybe year. Decade. Never? She knows she’s being childish but at least now her mood matches her actions. Her boss! Her sister’s something. Her friend.    
The look he levels her with is heavy with impatience. Oh, he’s waiting for her to say something? Fat chance, talking to him is what got her into this mess in the first place. Val talked herself right out of her senses and into his bed. Her bed. A bed. Speaking of, she wants to get to hers so she can crawl into it and die. “Where the hell are these bags?!” Mumbling to herself as a hideous green paisley suitcase makes a full go around the luggage turn style again before Matty seems to get fed up with their verbal game of chicken, taking a deep breath and letting a long sigh preview his words. “Well I guess I’ll sta-“
“Matty?” A high-pitched voice calls from somewhere behind them. Saved! Maybe there’s some magic left for her after all.
He whirls around to the voice, which is attached to a striking woman who Val does not recognize. Probably an enterprising networker from the conference. Now’s her chance to back away, book it to the other end of the carousel. Hell, maybe she should just abandon the bag, she can always come back and get it later. Having decided on letting present Val off the hook and leaving future Val to deal with the postponed chat with Matt, she turns to leave - when the woman steps into (invades is more like it from where Val’s standing) Matty’s personal space, confidentially, almost intimately. Val is glued to the spot, curiosity getting the best of her.
“Cheryl…hi, what are you - it’s nice to - aah” He awkwardly goes to hug the woman but they get tangled as they lean in, barely manage a weird half hug, half cheek kiss. Awkward is not a trait she’s used to seeing on him, and it really doesn’t suit. 
Val doesn’t know if it’s years of computational science training or the hours of true crime documentaries she’s devoured but something has her mind whirring, interest piqued, collecting data on this new person. Tall, brunette, well dressed, older (she can’t be more than Matty’s age but Val is feeling petty all of a sudden). 
“So that’s why you’ve been so hard to reach lately. Long trip?” Cheryl’s eyes dart towards her and then back to Matty, clearly content to not make Val’s acquaintance. She’s toe to toe with Matty now, which Val knows from no more legitimate source than Cosmo is a sign that they’re clearly comfortable in each other’s personal space. Physical space. Val doesn’t like where this is going but can’t seem to look away. 
“Ehm no, just Rome. Conference.” He clears his throat into his fist and begins rocking on his heels in a way she’s never seen him do before. Who the fuck is this woman? “You?”
“Showcase in Sweden,” Cheryl says as if this explains everything. It doesn’t, not nearly enough. Be more specific Cheryl, you’re not giving me a lot to work with here! “But I’m home for a few weeks. We should…ummm…get together again, last time was… fun.” She punctuates the last part, dragging a manicured nail down Matty’s chest. Val knows later (once she’s home and showered and slept and sane again) she’ll admire Cheryl’s boldness, wish they were friends so she could ask her how she seems to manage more confidence in that one finger than Val seems to have in her whole body. 
For his part, Matty does finally step back - or maybe he just loses his equilibrium in the presence of Miss Congeniality (she can’t help it) - and collides with Val, startling as if noticing her for the first time. And in this moment, the data set is complete - she doesn’t need to gather any more information to come to her conclusion - they’ve fucked. Recent enough that Cheryl doesn’t hesitate in initiating contact. Intimate contact that had him seemingly forgetting all about Val. The woman he slept with last night! 
Keep moving. 
Before he can move to introduce her or address her or do anything with her, she spots her bag, lunges for it, and leaves without another word. 
Keep moving. 
There’s a Diet Coke stain on Val’s sweater, a general stale smell in the air that she’s pretty sure is coming from her, and she’s stiff and sore in areas she hasn’t been in a while. But she can’t go home. Because home has the couch where they sat till her head ached and back screamed, pulling and fixing data and railing against their colleagues for fucking up. It’s got the blanket she’d caught him wiping his eyes on as they watched Manchester By the Sea together. And the fucking grease stain on the edge of her carpet that he didn’t think she knew about from the pizza he’d dropped on it. (She might have to burn that rug, or sell it.) And the old journal tucked away in her closet filled with her thoughts of him that show just how stupid she’d been for him and for how long. 
So no, Val doesn’t go home. When the cab driver asks where to, she rattles off the first place that comes to mind, dragging her suitcase behind her out of the backseat and into the cinema. The obviously-stoned teenager behind the counter doesn’t bat an eye when she asks him for one ticket to the “least fucking romantic thing you’ve got going here,” punching a few buttons before spitting out a stub and receipt for the latest installment in the Saw franchise. But not even gore and guts can keep her mind from drifting. The torture on screen ramps up - Val wants to picture Matty groaning in agony as she tortures him for all the shit he’s put her through today but all her mind can seem to conjure are his moans of pleasure. 
She’s pictured him between her thighs so many times that she’s probably imagined every move he’s making tonight, from the moment he started trailing his lips down past her breasts. The way his mouth licks at each of her ribs as he slinks down her body seems familiar. And Val knows that she’s pictured him licking his bottom lip the way he does now as he slides her panties to the side with his finger. But all of these fantasies, she realizes now, have been devoid of the single hottest thing she could never imagine. His sounds. Because the gutteral groan that escapes him as he licks into her for the first time is like nothing she’s ever heard before. It must have surprised him too because he pauses after that first taste, resting his forehead against her pelvis, heavy pants tickling her skin. Val’s hands instinctively find his hair, raking through it, fingertips massaging the top of his head. She’s a little uncertain why he paused but she can’t help but stop and appreciate the intimacy of this moment, something new for them even after all their years of knowing each other. 
“Christ,” he mutters, rolling his head slightly back and forth as he plants lazy kisses wherever his mouth lands, seemingly unhurried. But not knowing what he’s thinking begins to make her anxious. Was there something wrong? She’d waxed recently (not that it mattered and fuck him if he thought it did)…right? Yes, yes definitely. Maybe it wasn’t his thing, had she pushed him to do it? Oh god, was she the problem?
Her hand slid from his hair to his jaw, trying to coax him back up her body. She gasps at the quick snatch of her wrist, firm but gentle, his large hand encircling her wrist easily. He slides her other one alongside it, pinning both of her wrists in place easily on her left side. 
“I just….you don’t have to….listen, just come up and we’ll…”
“You are the fucking best thing I’ve ever tasted. Now stop thinking and let me enjoy it.”
She walks out halfway through the movie, her fickle mind unable to give into the distraction for long. There’s a cafe right next to the theater and Val ignores the annoyed glances she gets for hogging a table meant for two. But she needs room for her baggage. ‘Fitting’, she thinks. 
She’s on her second latte and third episode of Derry Girls when her mum calls. Normally, she’d put her off until she’s in a better mood to chat, has more energy to pretend. One of the hazards of having a psychoanalyst for a mother is that every interaction can feel like a session, unable to avoid her trained instincts. But she’d already dodged her calls twice and Val is certain that even though her mother knows she was traveling with Matty (her mother was so relieved when Val said Matty was going, you’d have thought he was a 6’5 bodyguard instead of a 5’10 casual exerciser), if she doesn’t pick up a third time Gwen will start to panic. After what her mother’s been through, she tries not to blame her. 
When Gwen asks how the trip went, Val picks her words carefully, trying to muster believable excitement behind it. “Good!”
“Really? It doesn’t sound good?” Clearly, her acting needs work. 
“No, it was.” She tries again, hoping the raised octaves in her voice would make up for the lack of it in her mood. 
“You and Matty were in Rome for a week and it was only good? I find that hard to believe.”
And she doesn’t know if it’s the sudden softness in her mothers’ usually firm voice or her own jet lag but Val feels the dam crack and break easier than it has in years. And it’s not a dainty crack either, where a tear slides down her cheek accompanied by one of those cute hiccups. No, Val is not a cute crier, never has been. It’s full on sobs, her splotchy face screwed up and her attempts to breath turning into snot-logged guffaws. She’s word vomiting her train-wrecked thoughts to her mother, trying to hide her teary face behind her crumpled napkin. The guy at the table next to her - some young college kid who probably hasn’t lived long enough to make the idiotic mistake of wanting someone you can’t have - tries to appear casual as he side-eyes her, giving her increasingly dirty looks before he slides his laptop and book off the table and jogs out of the place. ‘Yea kid, run so you don’t have to see what your life will look like in ten years,’ she thinks, reaching for the unused napkin on his table and blowing her nose loudly. 
Val spares her the more salacious details but knows Gwen gets the gist. Silence follows, for so long that Val pulls her phone out of her bag to check the connection is still good. 
“He calls me every year, you know.” Her mother’s voice is soft, vulnerable.
Of all the things she expected her mother to say, this was not it. “Who? Matty?!”
“Yesss darling, Matty. Every year around the anniversary.” Val rolls her eyes, of course he would. He couldn’t just make it easy for her and be a dickhead she shouldn’t have feelings for. Her mother’s voice is still flooding her earbuds “…started out with a card the first year but then he missed the second one and called all flustered from some party boat…in Ibiza, I think.” Gwen’s laugh is another thing that Val doesn’t hear that much of, wishes she heard it more. “Said he was rubbish with anything analogue and asked if I wouldn’t mind if he called from then on.”
Val grips her napkin, busying herself with shredding it into pieces. “He always asks about you. Bless him, probably thought he was being so coy, but it was obvious that he was digging for info on you.”
“Me?” The shrillness in her voice attracts a glare from the guy who’s taken over the recently-vacated table. She glares right back. She can be hysterical if she wants to here, it isn’t a bloody library. 
“Don’t sound so surprised. Of course, you. Who else?” There’s rustling on the other end, the unmistakable whimper of her parent’s golden retriever as he scratches at the back door, desperate to go out. Val is suddenly homesick in a way she hadn’t been in over a decade. “I thought you all had something going at school before…”
“No, mum.” Val interrupts before that thought can even fully form, can’t take hearing someone else verbalize it. “It was him and Marin…”
The sharp bark of laughter cuts her off. “Marin? No darling, definitely not.”
The confidence with which her mother says this should make Val feel better, someone outside of her own thoughts refuting her worst nightmare. But instead, her hackles rise, instantly petulant at being so easily dismissed. Her next words are biting.
“Well, I was there so I think I would know.”
“You certainly know a lot.” Great, her mother’s passive voice. It’s a reliable tool for de-escalation, but all it seems to do for Val is piss her off more.
“Well, how would you know? You weren’t here!“ She hates how easily she reverts to sounding like a child with her mum. 
“Because she told me things.” The unlike you goes unsaid.
“Honey, you’ve always kept things close to the vest. Ever since you were little.” Her mother anticipates her defensiveness “It’s ok, it’s just your nature. But it wasn’t the same for your sister. She told me eeeeeverything. Including the fact that she was asexual.” 
Val’s cheeks flame in the way they always did whenever either of her parents even said the word sex. “Wait, what?”
“Yes darling.” She says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“No, I-“
“Honestly Val, it’s perfectly normal, some people just aren’t driven by carnal ins-“ At that word, Val is transported back to the mortifying moment she’d asked her mother the definition of carnal at the ripe old age of 7, having come across it while trying to read one of her Nan’s trashy paperbacks with Fabio on the cover. Her dad had been livid but her mum had simply sat  Val down and explained the birds and the bees. Val had never asked for a clarification on another word since. 
She’d very much like to not relive that whole ordeal now, or ever again. “Mum, I know what asexual means. I just, well…” Val pauses, biting her lip in contemplation unsure of what it is that confuses her about the finding. Her sister was allowed to keep things for herself. Val had obviously never told Marin about her feelings for Matty. Thou can covet thy sister’s boyfriend as long as you don’t tell anyone…that’s how the commandment went, right?  But this, this was news that would have changed Val’s whole world that first year of uni. Maybe her whole life. And she’d kept it from her! Just because Val didn’t have a right to be angry doesn’t mean she wasn’t anyway .“I guess I don’t know why she didn’t tell me.” 
“Oh bug, I think she would have. If she had had the time.” Gwen’s voice goes soft again in the way she only gets when talking about Marin. Or her own parents. Val hates making her mum sad. 
“Well, good to know, I guess. Still doesn’t mean he didn’t fancy her.” The sigh on the other end of the line 
“Honey, this isn’t really about your sister, is it? It’s about you. I mean, it’s fine to be guarded.” ‘Well, thanks for your permission mum.’ “But if you like someone, sometimes you, well, you’ve got to go out on a limb. Do something that you can’t walk back.”
“Uh uh Val, eyes on me baby,” Matty’s thumb taps at her hairline, bringing her eyes back to his. “There she is, that’s my girl.” His smile is so soft, so incongruous with the harsh snap of his hips moments before. He dips his head, nose nuzzling hers as his lips skim over her Cupid’s bow. “I want to see you.”
Well, she’d definitely done that. 
The elevator dings as it arrives at her floor, Val’s mind barely registering it as she stares at the hideous bargain carpet that covers every inch of her building. Two days ago, her Mum’s revelations would have had her spinning. But today, they just make her more tired. Tired of trying to decipher what it all meant - every word, every action. Tired of carrying around hope for all these years, foolish, unfounded hope. Hope could be heavy and she’d been carrying it since an early age, when Hollywood had filled her brain with stories of men who gave the smallest crumbs of affection and the women who devoured them like they were full feasts, never giving up and somehow always getting the guy. Beauty and the Beast, My Best Friends Wedding, Jerry Maguire, Bridget Jones’, Sleepless in Seattle. And those were just a few of her favorites growing up. But what those movies didn’t show was the nights filled with insomnia, the self-doubt, the second guessing yourself, the exhaustion that comes with taking every interaction with someone you would die to have - literally every single second together - and reliving it over and over again looking for the seIcret subtexts that would reveal how he felt about you. Wondering, confused, if it was love or if you weren’t just mistaking kindness for care. 
Well, Val was officially giving up. Throwing in the towel. She couldn’t do it any more. She was no Hollywood heroine, she was just a mere woman, and she was tired. Of burying her feelings under shy smiles, then friendship, then a night with him that had only made the idea of friendship impossible. Of wondering if she was wasting time pining for someone when she didn’t even know how he felt. I mean, clearly he was attracted to her but just because he wanted her didn’t mean he wanted to be with her; just because he wasn’t in love with Marin didn’t mean that he was in love with Val. Contrary to how she sometimes acted, she knew she was not the only person of interest on the planet and he could have anyone he wanted. 
And that was all just the personal anxiety. She hadn’t even begun to process how stupid this all was for her professionally. 
As she makes the turn down her hallway, her eyes are drawn to a body, slumped in front of the door to her apartment. Asleep? Dead? Several particularly grim facts about stalkers and serial killers flash through her mind before she clocks the curls, the scuffed shoes, the pack of cigarettes lying next to him he’d clearly taken out to smoke before he must have realized where he was. On instinct, hope rises in her chest before she slaps her palm over her heart, holding it at bay. No, that was enough of that. 
She kicks at his shoe, startling him for the second time that day. “How long have you been here?” 
He doesn’t respond as he clambers to his feet, eyes dragging to his suitcase as if to highlight the obvious answer.
“Ok, other question. What are you doing here?” It comes out breathier than intended but she is genuinely surprised. Thought he’d be off somewhere with that troll Cheryl (she is not proud of how her feminism utterly abandons her in this moment). That she’d at least have a few well-timed sick days to prepare before seeing him again. 
“I’m uh…” The toe of his brogues scrape at the floor .Whatever he wants to say, it’s enough to make him anxious. Which is enough to make Val want to avoid it at all costs.
Summoning her self-preservation, she cuts him off. “Listen, maybe we should do this when we’ve both-“
“Goddamnit Val, for once, please shut up!” His voice explodes in the small space, her gaze immediately going over her shoulder to her neighbor’s door. The last thing she needs right now is a noise complaint. Matty itches at the skin around his throat, as if raising his voice at her is as foreign to do as it was to receive. “I’m sorry, I’m sor- I just, I can’t risk any confusion here. Just need to get this out. Need you to listen. For once.” The attempt at a joke lands with a thud. 
“When I’ve tried to get this out…and, I, just, it gets fucked every time.” His breath is noticeably shaky, hands on his hips as he gazes at the floor. “And I’m sick of, well I’m not sick of trying cause I’ll do that, not afraid…but I’m sick of the…if only I’d been clearer, got it out faster….in that pub, and I just, can’t take it any more…” 
She’s about to tell him she’s not following when he seems to gather that for himself, head lifting to meet her eyes. She’s never been great at eye contact, always hates how put on the spot she feels by it. On instinct, Val glances away, over his shoulder, somewhere safer. A blurred hand lifts in her periphery, hovering near her face but not touching it, until her gaze turns back to his. Reminding her of the eye contact he’d insisted on the night before, as he went down on her, as he slid into her, as she came on his cock and as she’d fallen asleep. 
“Val, I’m crazy about you. Have been for years… and before you say it, Marin and I weren’t anything. Or nothing like you think… I loved her, sure. But not in the way I do you…”
Val’s heard the phrase about the world going sideways before but she’d never really appreciated what it meant until now. She swears her body actually tilts sideways until it feels like the handle of her suitcase is the only thing keeping her upright. And with her equilibrium goes her ability to think straight.
“From the moment I met you when you had just got accepted, there was just something… and then you were dating that prick Roger from the cricket team.” God, Val hadn’t thought of him in ages. She’d been using him, trying to get under him to get over Matty. “…kicking myself that I’d just assumed there’d be time, like you wouldn’t just get snatched up by someone—“
The sleep deprivation seems to pick that very moment to redouble its efforts - she can’t think fast enough to respond. To buy herself time, she vomits out the first thought in her head. “Why didn’t you say something? Back then?”
“What? Rock up to you on the first day ‘Hey Val, d’you remember me? From that one weekend we hung out? Will you please go out with me? Oh, let me help you unpack, show you how shitty the beds are...’” He scoffs, she fucking hates that. “C’mon, I’d like to think I’m better than that…” 
Her eyes look away, not willing to admit he’s right.
“I don’t know if you remember that night…in the pub—“ He stops, the effort of self-editing written all over his face. “What the fuck am I—Of course, I know you remember, like, the shittiest night of your life but I meant right before, when you and I were— “
She’s not intentionally tuning him out but her brain is now unhinged, skipping around and ahead, trying to determine what conclusion he’s coming to. Because the truth is, even if he’s telling the truth (she knows he has no reason to lie about this but she still can’t comprehend this monumental fact that he’s liked her for, it sounds like, almost as long as she’s liked him...) she still can’t have him. Because as the personal anxiety begins to ebb in the face of his declaration, the professional anxiety seeps in to take its place. She knows how this would go. She trusts Matty, of course she does (even after all these years, she couldn’t imagine doing anything else). But in her experience, shit like this - a relationship with a coworker - doesn’t stay quiet, no matter how hard two people try. Someone catches her glance at him differently, he says her name a certain way and suddenly it’s all anyone can talk about. The rumor mill must be fed, anything to make the mundane office more interesting, the hours less boring. It’s not that she blames them, has even joined in in her weaker moments, feeling slightly gross as she listened to the latest gossip, just wanting to be part of the inner circle, to be included. But she’s seen what it does to women, it’s always the women that pay. 
“So, you can choose not to give this a shot, but it won’t be because of some bullshit misunderstanding you have about me and Marin.” There’s that tone again, like he’s confident in the case he made, assured of its persuasiveness. But once again, he’s underestimated her. 
“Marin isn’t the reason.” It’s clear that’s not what he was expecting her to say, he’s caught off guard, eyes flitting back and forth between hers as if trying to scan them. “Well, not entirely. Matty, you’re my boss…”
“I’m well aware, trust me. We can handle it. Or I can.” Her eyeroll is instinctual at this point, honed from years of listening to men brush away her valid concerns as if they were so obviously not an issue that it’s idiotic that she’d even been thinking about it. “It doesn’t matter, as long as we’re tog—“
“No, it does… matter, that is… Cause this won’t be a problem for you, but for me it will be. A big one. My reputation, my career. People will think I slept my way into every job opportunity from here on out…” Val crosses her arms in front of her chest to stop wringing of her hands. 
Matty is shifting his weight from side to side, clearly uncomfortable with the way the conversation has veered off course. “No, they won’t… and if they do, I’d immediately address it. We’d report them! I’m not really a nobody here, y’know.”
“Oh great, I can hear people now. ‘There goes Matty, taking Val ‘under his wing’” the air quotes aren’t really needed with the sarcasm laced in her voice but it’s important to her he knows how much that idea offends her. “I fucking hate that phrase.”
The smell of his cologne tingles as he takes a step closer, that confidence back in his voice. “Listen, I’m not stupid enough to think that it’d be totally fair, or that there isn’t stuff we have to work out—" (he says stuff as though the problem was (is) a small glitch in the code and not a huge attack on her entire system, her career) “—but I am falling in love with you… I want to do that with you. Want to do everything with you,” he chuckles softly, peering into her eyes, “And I think you do too, or at least I would hope so.”
Her resolve is crumbling, she needs him to go away, leave her so she can fall apart in peace. “No.”
“No?” Matty rakes his hands through his hair, interlocking his hands behind his head, his biceps flexing in a way that Val can’t help but find hot. 
“Matty, I…I am just…I can’t…I’ve worked too hard for everything I’m accomplishing now for it to be credited to you. It would kill me to have people think that.” She hates thinking out loud but her trusty brain-to-mouth filter is failing her right now. Thankfully, he fills in the gaps for her. “It’s not worth the risk—“ The words are said carelessly but she can’t stuff them back in. 
“No, I think what you mean is I’m not worth the risk” He says, and on his face she can read all the hurt her simple denial has inflicted. She wishes he would understand, that he would just listen and see it from her perspective because when she puts it all down on paper…well— the cons outweigh the pros, and her lists have rarely ever failed her. What if they don’t work out? What if after all this time pining for each other, they go on a couple of dates and realize they’ve made a mistake? It’s not like they can walk this back. Data isn’t subjective, it’s objective, it’s rational, reliable. Everything that they are not right now. She’s about to summarize it for him, a task which would be made easier if she had time to write it out, organize it. 
Her thoughts feel scattered. “I’m not saying—” but it doesn’t matter that she’s not organized because she doesn’t get far. 
“Got it,” he cuts her off, voice suddenly gruff and cold. “I’m an idiot. Thought last night meant you were still mooning over me the way you used to—jokes on me, I guess.” It’s been a while since she’s seen him like this, wounded animal cruelly lashing out at a perceived attack. This Matty is an unpleasant addition. 
“Oh, fuck off, sounds like you were pining right back. Not that you kept your bed cold waiting though, did you? Fucking Cheryl and…”
“Cheryl?! God you’re unbelievable” His bag slaps against his thigh as he hauls it over his shoulder violently. “Cheryl is nothing. She was a one night stand—“
“—so was I!” They are screaming now and Val is almost surprised that the landlord hasn’t already been called. 
Val doesn’t have time to see his reaction before he moves past her to the elevator. “Your words, not mine” He bypasses the elevator altogether, slamming the door to the stairwell open and disappearing into it. 
When she’s finally in her apartment, suitcase sprawled open in her living room and temporary bed made on her couch, she lets it wash over her. All the emotions she has kept in a vice like grip since the second her feet hit the floor this morning, or rather till her feet landed in the heap of denim where Matty’s jeans had landed the night before. Val wants to be proud of herself for cutting it off, not feeding the beast (figuratively or literally) but what she really feels is regret.
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lucivinyl · 2 years
mc visits devildom after getting into a fight with their family
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pairing : om brothers x gn!reader (separate)
warnings : none
note : reposting old works because i accidentally deleted my account OwO reblogs and likes appreciated!
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He's buried in paperwork when the doorbell rings. He isn't expecting a visitor this late and finds it annoying at first. But when he sees you standing out in the dark with swollen eyes, he takes you in immediately, worry written all over his face.
If you want to rant to him, he'll make sure to give you his full attention, and if you ever start blaming yourself, he'll stop you immediately. He wants you to be honest with him.
If you don't want to talk about it, he'll take you in his arms and let you cry as much as you want while trying to soothe your breathing. Hearing you so broken makes his heart break, but he has to be strong for you.
Either way, you're gonna end up in his arms, and he's not going to let go for the whole night. He'll be more tender and gentle as usual, pampering you with kisses and confessions that he never had the courage to say.
His comforting words are based on logic and reason as he tries to show you that whatever you're feeling is validated.
Brings you to bed afterwards knowing how tired you are, doesn't matter how much work he still has to finish. Nothing is more important to him than your happiness.
It's so unexpected that he doesn't know what to do at first.
He's on cloud nine when he learns of your sudden visit, but the broken look on your face makes his heart drop. He's immediately worried, asking you what happened and whether anyone hurt you.
He understands that as important as families are, they can be a pain in the ass sometimes, so he'll always side with you and show his support any chance he gets.
Lets you talk as much as you want, but ultimately he runs out of words to comfort you. Instead, he just brings you into a crushing hug, trying his absolutely hardest to show you how much he loves you with his arms.
Tries to distract you with all kinds of things. Will movies do the trick? He'll put on a scary movie if it means you'll forget about being sad. You crave local Devildom snacks? He's already putting on a jacket for his trip to the stores. Whatever you need, just say the word.
But ultimately, he just wants to cuddle with you and squeeze the sadness out of you. He's not going to stop until that brilliant smile returns to your face.
He is so clueless and it frustrates him. What exactly should he do so that you'll feel better? All he wants to do is console you, but he can't even do that… no, it's not the time to sulk!
Starts with listening to your explanations, running his hand up and down your back. His shoulder is all yours.
Rakes his brain for the right words, can't find any, but when he sees you at the brink of tears again, he just says what's at the top of his head.
"I'm sorry that happened, MC. No one is allowed to hurt you like that. But you're the strongest person I've ever met, and while my words don't do anything, I want you to know that I'll always be here for you."
No stuttering, no hesitation, just something honest and sincere. He hopes that it's enough for you.
If you don't feel like going to sleep yet, he makes you game with him for a while to distract you, but if you're worn out, he'll take advantage of the small bathtub and hold you close to him as you drift off.
He may get angry immediately, ready to throw hands with whoever caused your tears, but when he takes a second look at your state, he knows that you just need him for now.
Satan is a good listener. You'll be sitting on his bed while he sits across on a chair, holding your hands tightly. Don't mind him if he interrupts you with questions, he really just wants to understand the whole situation better.
He's resourceful. He reads a lot, and he knows exactly what words you need to hear, be it realistic advice or understanding reassurances.
If you're more angry than sad about the whole situation, he helps you blow off the steam. It may be screaming into the void, it may be making biscuits and absolutely obliterating the dough, he'll even act as your punching bag (though he's sure you wouldn't ask that of him… right?).
It's bad to bottle up feelings, so just confide in him! After making you feel better, he'll give you a huge smooch on the forehead before getting in bed <3
He's fussing over you in seconds, bombarding you with questions like, what's wrong and did someone hurt you and tell me their names and I'll make them pay for hurting you!
After learning that it's your family though, he understands he can't just go over and avenge you, so he asks you directly if you'd want something special from him.
He probably gives wonderful massages, so he'll have you lay on his bed as he works magic all over your tired muscles. Will definitely give you an eye massage and steal kisses from you while he's at that.
Of course, he's not just going to ignore your worries. He can't help but complain about how your family treated you, but he realizes that you probably don't want to hear all that. That's why he chooses to take care of your body instead. He'll make you relaxing tea and run you a bath with the most luxurious bath bomb he has. He already treats you like a royal on a normal day, so imagine just what length he's gonna go just to make you feel good.
He promises to bring you somewhere fun the next day. But for now, a refreshing sleep is what you need.
He cares a lot about his family, and he knows they care for him too. So when he hears about what went down in yours, he's confused.
"Aren't families supposed to make you feel happy and at home?"
"Not mine, apparently."
He suggests making you some snacks to lift your spirits, but he also understands that when you're hurt, there's a hole in your chest that not even food can fill. He isn't afraid to ask you what you need to feel better.
The best thing he can give you is his presence. He has this magical ability to make you feel safe anytime he's nearby. Ask him for some cuddles and he won't let you go, not ever.
He may still feel inadequate though, so while you're asleep, he'll go to all of his brothers and ask them how to cheer you up-- how to fill that hole inside you.
You're going to wake up to a lot of gifts and stuff around you, and it's obvious who came up with which idea, but the fact that Beel spent his whole night running around and preparing the surprise for you is what makes him special.
His hazy, sleepy eyes blow wide open when he sees the pain in yours. Immediately, he wants you to tell him the details.
You'll be lying in bed, face-to-face as he takes your words in. He is aware of how much families can hurt you, but he also doesn't want to go straight to the conclusion that your family is bad. That's why he doesn't give a lot of comments.
Instead, he holds you close to him and tells you how much he appreciates you. Belphie somehow knows just what to say to you. They may not even be about your family issues, just simple compliments.
Sleep always makes him feel better, so he wants you to try it as well. It always seems to solve all kinds of problems. But the next day, he'll make sure that you're totally fine. If you're not, he'll gladly sacrifice his napping time to spend time loitering around with you or planning pranks on other students. Surely that will get your mind off unpleasant things.
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laceymorganwrites · 10 months
Calling you mommy for the first time - hcs
Haikyuu edition
when you´re baking together
you two have an off day and baking is one of your favorite past time activities
it´s just nice to spend time together, talking, cuddling, dancing around the kitchen and singing together and in the end you even get something delicious out of it
Satori is so in love with you, it´s not even funny anymore, he´d do anything for you
you´re the first person he really feels safe with completely, who makes him feel so special and beautiful at all times
´it´s looking good, mommy´ he smiles at you, brightly
´it´s cause I put all of my love for you in it´
when you get him snacks while studying
Kuroo is someone who is very inexperienced in relationships which isn´t something bad at all
in fact you think it´s really cute
you love pampering him and going along with his pace, feeling happy at every little milestone you reach
that being said he is very busy because studying and his grades are always the most important to him
you support him as best as you can, always making sure he sleeps enough, takes enough breaks and like now, bring him water and snacks to make sure he eats and drinks enough
´you´re a lifesaver, mommy´
he´s so relieved every time you force him to take breaks, just to be able to spend more time with you
he never was shy about his preferences, he loves being babied like this because it takes the pressure off (he´s anything but a manchild tho)
after a game
he always is extra excited when it comes to you
and he loves nothing more than knowing you´re there at every game of his, supporting him no matter what
you´re his only good luck charm that works every damn time
you always tell him where you´re gonna sit so that he knows where to look when he´s making an important move
he actually gets nervous and anxious when he can´t spot you right away
loves nothing more when you´re wearing a jersey of his
you two are definitely one of the more private couples which you wouldn´t expect with him
like yes, he brags about you every chance he gets but the intimacy stays completely private, he also doesn´t like kissing you in public because of the paparazzi
after the game you always steal away to a secluded area where you can either congratulate him or cheer him up
´are you proud of me, mommy?´
when he can´t fall asleep at night
it´s a known fact that Suguru is the sub in the relationship in every way
he just depends on you too much
but it´s not in a toxic way, it´s just the first time he feels safe enough to open up, safe enough to get taken care of like he always wanted
you´re the first person to ever take his issues seriously and you´re so good at helping him become a better version of himself
he´s not that good at romantic actions, but he tells you every day how much you mean to him and how grateful he is to you
you´re the kind of couple that mostly stays in for dates, just a nice dinner and a movie with the weekly sleepover
you know he´s having nightmares and sleep to him is something very precious but also scary to him
that´s why you´re always staying with him until he finally falls asleep
sometimes he´s cuddly at night but mostly he needs space when he sleeps because he moves around a lot and is a light sleeper
you always talk to him and cuddle him when he can´t fall asleep and he really appreciates it
´I´m tired, mommy´
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doll-elvis · 10 months
Hi! First of all, I love ur blog it’s one of my favourites and I really appreciate your nuanced takes and the research you put in to your answers. :)
I wanted to ask you — I read today that EPE didn’t allow Sofia Coppola to use any of Elvis’ music in her movie. I figured he wouldn’t be depicted very positively in it but I kinda hoped it would be a realistic and human depiction of both of them, not like sort of a condemning ‘he’s the villain of their story’ vibe lol. I guess we still won’t know until it comes out… Anyway it got me feeling like perhaps the depiction will be more negative, but maybe EPE just didn’t consent to his music being used because they weren’t included in the movie. Hard to know. Wanted to ask for your thoughts/take on it.
Also, what do you think Lisa would think about this movie being made?
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this just made my day 😭, you are the sweetest <3!! I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to show your appreciation, it truly means the world to me that you get something positive out of my posts
also thank you very much for the ask, I really love to be able to have open discussions on here with fellow Elvis fans, especially regarding all the recent events that are taking place 🤧
as for your question, according to the latest interview with Sofia Coppola and Priscilla Presley, it was “Authentic Brands Group” (who owns 85% of EPE) that denied the request to have Elvis’ music featured in the film. As Sofia tells it, it was because ABG only endorse projects that they have originated as they are protective of their brand ⬇️
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(quote from the “Hollywood Reporter”)
so I don’t think Elvis’ music not being in the film is indicative of how he will be portrayed, the decision seems more business based than anything else (hopefully 😭). I’m also wondering if this was a funding issue as this film doesn’t seem to have had the biggest budget (they only had 30 days to shoot) and I would assume the rights to use Elvis’ music would be rather costly 👀
as for how Elvis will be depicted… I think I speak for many other fans when I say when this movie was first announced my heart sank 🤧 the 2022 film accomplished so many amazing things for Elvis and his legacy and I think we all felt like this Priscilla movie would jeopardize that. But this recent interview with Priscilla, along with the film’s official synopsis, has given me more hope that this movie will be more nuanced
Priscilla telling Cailee Spaeny, the actress portraying her, to be sensitive towards Elvis honestly made me breathe a sigh of relief 😩
(quote from the “Hollywood Reporter”)
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But I think the reason so many fans are still currently dreading this film and biting their nails over the release of it is because of the reception it has received online… particularly by non-Elvis fans
if you have Instagram or Twitter (especially) you know what I mean 😭
people are literally praising Sofia Coppola (even Priscilla) because they think this film is going to be a hit piece against Elvis and will expose how he “groomed” and “abused” her
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I can almost guarantee these people and anyone else who have made similar comments have never even read Priscilla’s book, or have ever read about Elvis besides what they see on social media through things like twitter threads on how he was a “predator” or how he “stole” music from black musicians
their dedication to believing whatever they see written about him just proves their ignorance to me. If they haven’t taken the time to research the claims made about him then I just disregard their opinion🤧 I’ve really struggled with disengaging from people who hate Elvis but I’ve begun to learn that nothing we say as fans will change their opinion of him, and no matter what they say, it cannot change who we know he really was
and whenever I do see these people reference Priscilla’s book I’m like… did we read the same book? did y’all not see how 90-95% percent of that book praised who Elvis was? and do y’all not see how Priscilla still defends his actions to this day and says things like “he was the love of my life”? I’m just confused as to why these people think Priscilla wants Elvis to be “exposed” 😭
and like the majority of people who have written about Elvis, Priscilla’s book has the good, the bad, and the ugly, and I expect the film to be that way as well. However, I hope the good completely outweighs “the bad” and “the ugly” just as much as it did in Priscilla’s book
People always hyper-inflate the “bad” stories (of which there are very few) that are mentioned in Priscilla’s book. For example the story where when they were pillow fighting he accidentally gave her a black eye, which is also referenced now as proof that he “abused” her. But they won’t mention how Elvis profusely apologized and felt incredibly guilty, nor do they mention how Priscilla blamed the pills they were taking for Elvis’ temper in that moment, as opposed to Elvis himself
(excerpt from “Elvis and Me” by Priscilla Presley)
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I feel like a lot of anger has been misdirected towards Priscilla lately regarding stories like this but in all honesty you cannot blame her for people taking what she wrote out of context. I’ve seen some fans say that she is only out to make Elvis look bad but she very clearly states he was remorseful for the incident
Like I mentioned above, I think 90-95% of her book puts Elvis in a good light, and shows how truly good his character was
One of my personal favorite stories is the lasagna incident, where Priscilla insisted on cooking for the whole group and in her nerves for proving that she could do such a thing, she forgot to boil the noodles before assembling the dish 💀
and this story is just one out of dozens that show how sensitive Elvis was to Priscilla
(excerpt from “Elvis and Me” by Priscilla Presley)
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not to mention the very last paragraph of her book where she has nothing but good things to say about him… yet people who hate Elvis think this film, that is based on her book, will be out to “expose” him 😩?
(excerpt from “Elvis and Me” by Priscilla Presley)
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obviously we can only really speculate on what the film will be like but I’m just hoping and praying this film will be a massive disappointment to anyone who is thinking it will affirm their opinions about how Elvis “mistreated” Priscilla… that would heal my soul 😩 like if this film is just a total love letter to Elvis I will be laughing my way out of the theater lmaoo
at this point the only reason I’m not excited about this film is just because I don’t think it was done in a way that would reach it’s full potential. That recent review of it that came out of Reddit was kind of what I expected the film to be (lackluster, lacking depth and Jacob not really capturing Elvis’ essence… Coppola’s reasoning for casting Jacob was that since all the females in the audition room were enamored by him he must have had a similar charisma to Elvis but I just do not get that vibe😭 (no offense to Jacob stans)
as for what Lisa Marie would have thought of this film being made, I’d imagine she would act in a similar way to how Riley is. Supportive but not involved perhaps? This film is really Priscilla’s story. Not Elvis’ story, not Lisa Marie’s story etc. etc. so I don’t expect as many people in the Elvis world to be involved with it as they were with the 2022 film. Like I don’t expect to see Jerry Schilling doing interviews for this movie or girlfriend’s/friends of Elvis to give their review of it
I really really wish Lisa Marie was here, I miss her terribly and I still haven’t fully processed her passing, but I believe that Riley is doing everything her mother would have wanted, and I wish the best for her and her sisters 💗
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