#no need for much sensory imput
brainrot-stitch · 5 months
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I HAATTEEE THIS FUCKERR IM NEVER FULLY DRAWING AND COLORING THEM AGAIN. AHDHAHSB I will probably redesign her in due time but I'm sooooo soo eepy also there's a chance there's no school tmrw but it's not certain PRAY FOR ME YALL
(Yapping and wings under the cut)
anyways umm. Lore. Or something. Yeah
Bro is an alicorn experiment 🔥 from zigo's au it's sooo fire u should check it out..
I do not have much lore thought out but what I do have is! Quite silly!! Their magic fluctuates and they don't have very good control over it and it feels super weird for her to use it so she just tends not to use it most of the time. Imagine wild magic from dnd.. that basically.. :3
They have a similar physical structure to like Celestia and Luna. Except like bro is built Different (/neg). His limbs feel too long and lanky and they stumble and trip a lot when walking. They feel too tall and just really confused a lot of the time.
Extremely bad hearing cuz the inner workings of her ears are real fucked up from having wings instead of ears. Like the muscles and way they move and the fact that there probably shouldn't be wings on her head.
Good eyesight with all the eyes but it's really overwhelming with so many angles of sight. Like lots of imput at once yknow. They prefer dimly lit areas and ummm uhh yea silly goose idk. I have so much I wanna yap about but idk how to word things :( he tends to keep all but 1 pair of eyes closed at once, or sometimes just all of them. She does have control of each individual one though it takes a lot of concentration to focus on them all, especially with all the sensory input, so they just keep em closed normally.
They don't know what their og cutie mark was, or if she had one at all, but the eclipse was not it. He's not sure what this new cutie mark is supposed to mean, as full eclipses are yk really rare and they've never seen one
They have a really soft voice that sound pretty ambiguous (idk if that's the word if not pls correct me sob). And it's also kinda choppy with words and has odd pauses in the middle of sentences. When in conversation she prefers to listen to other people talk instead of being the talker. I love them sm..
I'm soooo so scared to post this but I've gotta I need to be free of this curse bro I'm struggling 😭 😭 get out of my head u silly billy smh
Oh also also ignore the swirly eyes on the doodles I forgot to erase the swirls mb
Oh also also also here's the wings (no eyes)
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leynaeithnea · 2 months
Eeeeee I'm super happy to learn stuff about you :)
I'm pretty sure the cause of the block is too many ideas tbh. I'm trying to get a first chapter for my new book, but it's just not coming because I've basically written it in my head, and all the ideas seem like too much to fit in :(
Also all the happy stuff that's happened today is so great and soft and awesome!!!
🤍 hiii eheh
So, when you say you have it already written in your mind does that mean you have a whole plot and figured out storyline, or is it a whole bunch of scenes, ideas and all of that mixed together into something you cant bring into one line yet?
If its the former and you mostly struggle with getting it out on the page due to overthinking or sum then Id say: put words on the page without thinking about it, without trying to pick the "right" words to express what you mean and without going back to edit it, if its chapter 1 thats giving you specific isssues, skip it and move to a scene you have better figured out, first drafts are there to make the story exist, all the other drafts after are there to make them functional and effective and good ;3 the first draft is allowed to be trash
If its the later, I would say the best might be to look at the core story: the theme and the character and their goal and whats standing in their way, the core story you want to tell and ruthlessly cutting any ideas that might really really cool but simply dont purpose on express what that story is about, you can save the ideas on a seperate document or something like that to reuse in future projects
Generally if you havent yet, mayve trying to figure out some plot structures and sorting things into can help
I'm a plotter type writer for the most part, I need to have my core story in order to be able to do some discovery writting to figure out the things inbetween; but every writer works a bit different so you just gotta see what works best for you!
Mmhh another idea would be if its about struggling to sitting down and writing it down is giving yourself some repeated sensory imput (specific songs, specific lights, smells, etc etc) whenever you sit down with the goal to write, it will eventually condition your brain to associate this sensory imput with writing and it will help getting into the "writing zone"
And if its idea overflow: write them down, figure out a note taking structure that works for you so you keep an overview over everything and write it down, when things are trapped in your mind they might be beautiful dreams but its only once you read them that you can fully grasp them and sort through them
I hope any of these ideas might work for you 🤍
Id be curious to hear about what youre working on sometimes :3
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50044w44s · 1 year
headcanon <3
Harry's a picky eater
We know the awful conditions Harry lived in with the dursleys, in the little we see during summer vacation we only see them feeding him super basic food like a can of soup or a cheese sandwich. What if that was what happened during his whole life? I imagine at Hogwarts realizing that half of the foods served he had never tried, so he had difficulty adapting to it.
Mrs Weasley probably noticed that some days the extra seasoning in her foods were too much sensory imput for Harry and always kept a portion of food that was simple enough Harry would eat it, he didn't always need it, but when he did she had it ready, no questions asked.
I imagine that as he grew up, that stopped being something that triggered him, just a quirky thing of his personality, he grew into an adult that ordered chicken nuggets on a fancy restaurant and he laughed at the jokes his friends made about it.
But sometimes, when Hermione, Ron or Ginny, or anyone really, looked at what he was eating and was reminded of something else his so called "family" ruined for him, it was a constant reminder that he could never fully live free of the abuse he had been through.
But they still make a joke, and they laugh, and when it was a bad day and a joke could trigger Harry, they change the lasagna for straight up noodles without sauce or seasoning, without making a big deal about it.
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slime-water-shrew · 6 months
I think we need to teach kids how to have empathy for mental pain like we do phyisical.
When a kid hears someone got hit by a car they need to relate the pain to a physical pain they had in order to make sence of it and feel empathy but as adults they learn to just understand that hey that must have hurt and I don't need to understand it fully to know that it probably sucked. But for mental pain there are so many adults that still need to relate it to something close to understand or care for it.
Not everyone has delt with gender dysphoria, depression, or too much sensory imput but for some reason unlike people just understanding "Oh that sounds like it sucks" they need to relate it to something they felt or it's not real. Which what? Since when have you been hit by a car or thrown at a wall? Some people have sure, but if you haven't I don't see you claiming car crash pain isn't real.
Not to even get into how people desmiss people with cronic pain because they can't comprehend it. Like you don't need to understand something to care fore people who have it. Anyway thanks for listening to my rambles.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
takes on malabou’s neuroplasticity / we are not aware of our brains type flow? (other than her being Very French lol)
my problems with malabou stem mainly from what i think is a fundamental error in the relationship she sees between biology and politics. although the relationship is not unilaterally one of politics influencing biology, the way she imputes a specific brain metaphor to post-fordist capitalism implies that these neurological discourses formed prior to political or ideological positioning; are 'objective'; and must simply be reconciled with a philosophical position that rescues the possibility of a radical or anti-capitalist reading of the same biological arguments. this is simply an ahistorical and apolitical understanding of science. she's right that a certain set of ideas about neuroplasticity are invoked in neoliberal demands for worker flexibility &c, but it doesn't follow that neuroscience itself can be a site of liberation. we see over and over and over again that the explanatory frameworks, models, and epistemological assumptions scientists use to interpret their data and observations draw from dominant political and ideological discourses. that the scientific ideas then come to bear on the political ones doesn't mean that altering the scientific interpretation can interfere at the root level of the political or economic forms.
to take a pertinent example, much of what malabou says about neuroplasticity is reminiscent of what lamarck argued in the latter half of his career (~1800–1829), building off his mentor buffon's ideas about biological malleability. for lamarck, the brain was fundamentally mouldable and re-mouldable; it was in constant tension with the environmental conditions and was materially re-shaped throughout an organism's life, in response to the animal's needs and habits. yet the political legacy of lamarck's work, both in his own words and after his death, is wildly variant. lamarck himself thought that certain habits could become ingrained, where the brain would become more and more resistant to changing form, and the soft mouldable tissue would stiffen over an animal's lifetime. it wasn't impossible to change after this point, but it was much harder, and ingrained habits and tendencies could be inherited as inclinations the offspring would tend toward, leading lamarck to emphasise the importance of proper education and management of the living conditions and sensory inputs. over the course of the nineteenth century these ideas percolated with certain medico-juridical projects, and by the start of the third republic in 1870, 'neo-lamarckism' was becoming a coherent ideological movement, with strong hereditarian and eugenic tendencies. on the other side of the coin, certain working-class radicals, particularly in britain, tried to appropriate lamarck's ideas of biological plasticity for their own ends, arguing that lamarckian bio-plasticity, including neuroplasticity, was the biological argument supporting their claims to political liberation for the poor and exploited.
what this all demonstrates is that the political content of a biological argument comes from much more than the internal scientific logic. it's a function of the broader cultural and social situation. lamarckian biological ideas were neither inherently republican nor inherently reactionary, but neither were they ever apolitical. science is always done and interpreted in context, by humans who by necessity are using epistemological frameworks with political and ideological valences. there is no 'neutral' science, but nor is there a politics that draws its authority from an 'objectively' true science. i do reject bioessentialisms in all forms, and it's not that i disagree with everything malabou says about the liberatory potential of her framing of neuroplasticity. but her analysis is so deeply internal to the neurological arguments that it presents the political situation as secondary to, and following from, the science, which is at root still a form of positivism and a failure to engage with the material bases of political action. neuroscience and the brain itself are not ever going to be a source of revolutionary politics, though there are elements of malabou's critique that are useful in thinking through the interplay between neoliberalism and current neuroscientific ideas.
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borathae · 2 years
Fanfic Writer asks
Tagged by @daegulinekush thank you so much, love!! 💜
1) Who is your favorite character to write for and is this the character you find easiest to write for?
I can’t possibly pick, I have so many characters I love writing for. The aaol couple, all of my tct characters, the SA lovelies. Like I even enjoy writing certain side characters like for example The Old Choi from OY. I couldn’t possibly pick because I pour so much in love into all of my characters no matter how big or small
except for CBT OC, she’s a bitch and I wanna fight her
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
I love all of my stories very dearly ahhfhd but my Top Five (in no particular order) would be:
Queendom Series
Sanguis Alpha
The Cocktail Trilogy
An Abundance of Luck & A Sprinkle of Fate
Only Yesterday
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
My husband!Yoongi series. You guys, read it. He’s so cute!!
4) What fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was?
Cold Gun 
You bitches said it’s horny time and I respect & support that
5) Do you like one shots or multi-chapters?
I like both. It all depends on my mood and what I want to create that day.
Oneshots feel like a quick daytrip. They are great if I have a random idea begging to be created or if I need a distraction from working on my longer stories. And they don’t really occupy my mind once I finished them, so they are always a refreshing way to pass the time.
Multi-chaptered stories feel more like a long journey without a set arrival time. They take up my thoughts for a period of time and stay with me throughout that time. Like for example, I will always see Late Summer of 2020 as my “Purple Rain Summer” as I actively worked on PR during that time and Fall 2021 will always be my “Sanguis Alpha Autumn” because that is what I worked on during that time.
6) Do you outline your fics? If so, how?
Not really? Most of my outlining happens in my brain throughout the day hahaha I have like a mental catalogue of all my story outlines on demand whenever I want to. I can actually visualise myself picking out a certain book and opening it and then flipping through its pages. Like no joke, I actually have a mental library of my WIPs I can always go to afadf
7) How do you edit your fics? What do you look for in your edits?
I reread the story at least two times after finishing it, then let it sit for a day or two and then reread it one last time. I look for grammatical errors, punctuation errors, plotholes, wonky sentences/dialogue and sometimes I also end up adding more details to scenes to make them even more engaging.
For my multi chaptered stories, I like to reread every chapter once after my entire editing process and then once right before posting just in case I missed some mistakes. 
8) Do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
Yes I do. I use my stories as therapy at some parts. It can be either through one character struggling and finding guidance in another character’s words. Or sometimes it’s just someone getting their face punched in while I imagined the face of someone who wronged me whilst writing the scene ahhaha I said what I said. Also obviously places, food, music, art, just living life inspires me as well and I like to incooporate it in my stories in some way or another.
9) Do you visualize scenes in your head before you write them? (Can you picture the setting, character body language etc)
I picture the setting & body language yes. I also smell scents. I mean not like actually smell them, but my mind connects certain scents with certain settings. My scenes are definitely very sensory imput heavy. Also, I can see my settings perfectly, I just suck at describing them. Like I know how the house of the OGC couple looks like & I can see myself walking through the SA estate into the smallest to details. I just can’t describe them to you guys hahaha
10) How do you feel about writing plot, setting/description, inner thoughts, dialogue?
how do I feel about it? I mean, I love it. Isn’t that the whole point of writing? That you create your own little worlds with their own plots & settings & history? I also love writing inner thoughts & dialogue. Also again, the only thing I always struggle with is describing environments. Like the pretty views are all in my mind, but I can’t get them on paper. No joke, if someone plugged a machine into my brain, which can conjure perfect replicas of how I imagine my worlds so I can show them to you guys, that would be great ahhaha
11) What perspective do you write from most and/or least and why? (1st, 3rd limited, 3rd omniscient, deep pov, etc)
Anything but 1st person, that makes me cringe so hard hahahah. I also had to google what “deep pov” means and I don’t think that I wrote that before either, but it sounds very interesting actually.
Also this is such a random sidenote but smut in German makes me want to drink bleach. I would rather give up writing forever then ever write smut in German hahahah
12) Do you like to switch pov's a lot or stick to one character?
I really enjoy switching POVs. It’s so much fun to tell the story from different characters’ eyes and how they might percieve certain events differently than other characters.
13) Are you a fast or slow writer?
I am neither fast nor slow, I am perfectly paced for my own self. Writing (as a fun lil hobby) should never be a race against time.
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
I had a few people tell me that they noticed the masked man in Ch.15 of SA say “little one” & that they remember Namjoon calling her like that in the library as well. So that was really cool because omfg yES you noticed!! 
I also really like it when people come to me after rereading a story and they go all like “omfg I noticed so many hints with the second read through, it should have been so obvious. It’s crazy how obvious some things are if you have more context”. Because that’s what I personally really love about revisiting stories, so it’s always nice to have people tell me that.
15) If you could only write one type of fic (angst, fluff, etc.) for the rest of your life what would it be?
Slice of Life happy moments & Smut between two people deeply in love oh those two just hit different
16) Do you have a method for getting characters to sound/feel in character?
Yes I have. I use certain vocabulary for certain characters and also structure my sentences differently. Let’s take Sanguis Alpha for example. If I wrote a scene out of Tae’s POV the sentences would be well structured and adorned with fancy, old-fashioned words. While during passages from Kook’s POV the sentences are short and sometimes many thoughts are jumble into one, because of how reactive he still is to every sensory imput and how every new imput can cause him to have a new thought.
17) Do you have any wips that you can tell us about? What are you most excited for in you wip?
YOU GUYS MAGNUS VENATIO IS RUINING ME OMFGF THE ANGST CONTINUES AND I CAN’T HANDLE IT ANYMORE I just had to make Tae cry and now I am broken because poor baby doesn’t deserve to cry :(
18) What's the most obscure thing you've researched for a fic?
Probably how quickly bullet wounds heal & how it feels to get shot in certain areas of the body (it’s for Family Matters because shit’s about to go down in that fic). Actually. Maybe also where to stab a person to kill them quickly fadsfha (it was for A Tiger’s Judgement). And like how certain poisonous mushrooms kill you (it’s for Fallen for You). lisTEN I could very succesfully kill people now HAHAHA for legal reasons, this is a joke lmoaoao 
19) What is some random info you happen to have that you used in a fic?
All of my photography knowledge in Shutter Sounds, that came in really handy.
20) What is your favorite thing about writing fanfic? What about writing in general?
Just that I can escape into my own little worlds and forget about the real world. And I guess about fanfic, it’s great because it’s with people you already know well so you miss out on that really tiring process of “getting to know the characters” because you already know how they might act & look and that can be really comforting to many people, including me.
Also, it’s also really fucking rewarding to look at a finished project and go “holy moly, those words in that specific order under that specifid plotline didn’t exist in this world before I created them and without me this story would have never even existed. I did that! I made a new thing from scratch!”
Thank you so much for this tag. I had a blast answering those questions!! I’m tagging anyone who wants to do this. I’m serious, tag me in yours if you decided to do it!! 💜
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hardtchill · 1 year
thank you for mentioning that you order groceries. i always feel bad for not managing to go to the store because society says everyone should be able to but i struggle to leave my flat so ordering is the best i can do to not starve
Don't feel bad anon, i used to as well and ugh it sucks so much. Going to get groceries always drains me. The people, the bright lights, all the sounds, the money to keep track off, ughhhhh i hate it.
I always get home sweaty, out of breath and tired af because of all the sensory imput.
Ordering groceries once a week means i can make a meal plan and stick to it (as opposed to buying groceries and then ordering take out). I have way way better insight into what i'm buying and what i'm spending (plus the deals i don't want to miss but always do in the store) and i don't have to make list only to get to the store to see the products i need not being in stock.
I will be doing 100% ordering in starting next week and i couldn't be happier. I get my groceries on saturday morning every week and it means i can easily stick to a mean plan and schedule that includes cleaning out the fridge on friday night and use the left overs for friday night dinner.
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hol-eage · 5 years
The second im not ferociously saving for this trip @ the end of the month im gonna pick up my stuff n just get a train to a beautiful seaside, gonna just spend a day there and search for rocks alone, i’ll choose a gloomy day so that it might be quiet, i’ll bring something yellow along to remind me of the sun and i hope i’ll walk for so long that going to bed that night feels like heaven
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desolationlovers · 3 years
tiktok sucks bc i cant waste hours on it while ALSO listening to an hours long video essay. so tumblr is clearly the superior platform.
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captaincryolicious · 3 years
Date at the Amusement Park!
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➳ Chongyun, Beidou, Xiao, Thoma, Gorou, Ayaka (separately) x gn!reader
➳ Headcanons ; I'll add word count later
➳ Fluff ; No warnings
What is it like to go on a date to the amusement park with them? (spoiler alert, lots of fun!) [18.O1.2O22]
content under the cut | masterlist
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≡;- ꒰ CHONGYUN ꒱
He is nervous beforehand, not because he is afraid of the rides, but because he doesn't know if he will be comfortable in these surroundings.
This is a bit of my personal view, but Chongyun seems like someone who is prone to experience sensory overload quite fast?
Amusement parks draw in a huge number of people, meaning his senses will have a lot of imput to deal with the entire time. He worries that it might become too much for him, that he will leave you disappointed when he needs to take a breather away from the busy heart of the park, that you will come to the conclusion that he isn't fun to go out with.
Still, he decides to risk it, only to find out that it's totally worth the risk!
He actually likes the elated atmosphere that hangs in the park and as long as it doesn't get too crowded around him he is totally fine.
Most rides aren't all that intimidating, he also comes to find, and the excessive music and flashing lights add to the fun factor, so he can bear it pretty well.
Okay, maybe he isn't too big of a fan of the more extreme rides, only hopping in occasionally if he knows you enjoy them but please give him a bit of time so he can ground again after being shaken up by that one rollercoaster with multiple loopings, freefalls and corkscrews.
With Chongyun, there are quite a few moments where you just retreat to the more quiet areas of the park, to sit and relax for a bit while you eat and drink something and just relish in the small break from the liveliness.
Oh, give him cotton candy. The blue one because Chongyun with blue cotton candy is adorable for obvious reasons.
You two also decide to eat churros but I speak from personal experience that it takes quite a while before the nauseous feeling disappears after eating them so you spend a lot of time skipping past all the rides and just walking through the park hand-in-hand.
He preferably goes home long before the amusement park closes its doors for the day, but you convince him to stay longer by telling him how the park will empty out as it grows darker. Having the park almost all for yourselves brings a sheen of peace over the area, and it's a good way to process all the events of that day before you go home.
≡;- ꒰ BEIDOU ꒱
Yo, Beidou absolutely loves it here.
The buzz in the air, the liveliness, the contagious joy shared between all the visitors, the rowdy rides that are sure to set the adrenaline pumping; yeah, that's her definition of entertainment.
You're bound to have the time of your life when you visit an amusement park with Beidou.
She's so cool!! Truly not afraid, not even the tiniest bit nervous at all, for any of the rides. This woman is probably the calmest person in the queue between all the nervously fidgeting people. Even the waiting time doesn't really bother her, I think she's pretty patient and only thinks of it as an opportunity to talk to you and not as a waste of time.
"That was quite tame," she states after getting off the most intense ride in the entire park.
You are standing next to her, trying to process what kind of rabid storm you just went through as you thoroughly wonder how Beidou is so unfazed.
Is there even a ride that can impress this woman to begin with? I honestly don't think there is. Nothing can stop her.
Maybe it's just a thing in my country, but a lot of the amusement parks here have pirate-themed rides and of course Beidou would gravitate towards them.
Her excitement is so contagious and you too enjoy the buzz of adrenaline as you go from ride to ride though you are a lot more nervous than Beidou lol.
She also really values the moments of leisure, though. Taking a seat near the arcade or near the food stalls, taking a break from the adrenaline and enjoying the livelihood around you.
Yeah, she still favors the bustling parts of the park over the quiet parts, but if you tell her you need a break from the chaos she'll listen to you without second thought and find a calm spot with you.
In these moments, she still makes sure to have fun and the two of you enjoy some light-hearted conversations and a good laugh together while sharing a drink. Even now, there won't be a dull moment with Beidou around.
≡;- ꒰ XIAO ꒱
He genuinely doesn't see the appeal of amusement parks. Those big metallic structures? The loud noises? The lights that flash everywhere? Mortals have peculiar ways of passing time, he thinks, following you through the park with his hands buried in his pockets stubbornly.
Don't worry, he isn't completely appalled by the idea of being here. The joy in your eyes when he said yes is all worth it, he just isn't expecting to have fun at all and his expression is a bit sour.
Maaaybe his mood is a bit grumpy at the beginning of the day as well, but it is quick to dissipate since your joy and excitement is pretty contagious and Xiao loves it when you look so happy – how can he possibly stay grouchy when you are smiling like that?
It's fairly easy to convince him to join you for rides, and it doesn't really matter which rides you line up for because he follows you anyway. If this peculiar form of mortal entertainment makes you happy, then he shall partake in these activities as well.
Xiao seems quite unfazed by the rides, and even if he is nervous at all, he doesn't show it in the slightest bit. At the same time, he doesn't really get why you are nervous because you're the one who wants to take the ride?? Still, finds it adorable but won't admit it, just quietly tells you that nothing bad will happen and emphasizes that he won't hesitate to confront whoever is responsible for this place when something does go wrong.
His protectiveness makes you laugh softly – of course you know nothing is going to happen, it's just the adrenaline and excitement that makes you a bit jittery.
It's not long before he comes to find that he kind of likes the adrenaline rush that awakens during rollercoaster rides.
"Hey, Xiao," you call out, taking his hand in yours and using your other hand to point at a specific ride ahead of you. "Wanna try that rollercoaster?"
Even though he replies with a gruff "fine, whatever," you can see the excited glint in his amber eyes and it's the cutest thing ever.
He still isn't a fan of the crowd and all the flashing lights and chaos that surrounds you, but he endures it for you and now that he has found his enjoyment as well, it bothers him less and less and against your expectations, you end up staying until closing hours.
Also, please take this guy with you on the ferris wheel at night.
You softly take his hand and watch his awestruck gaze when you reach the top of the ride, where you have a wide panorama view over the almost fairytale-like scenery that stretches out afore you.
He is speechless, the sea of tiny lights reflecting in his eyes. He turns to you and for the first time that day, or maybe even for the first time in a while, he offers you a grateful smile.
≡;- ꒰ THOMA ꒱
Honestly, I think amusement park dates are a reoccuring event with Thoma, simply because he truly enjoys going there with you and it's his goal to visit all the parks across the country together.
Expect to be there from opening 'til closing hours!
Cool guy who isn't all that intimidated by any of the rides but exits the more extreme ones with wobbly legs and a look on his face that says "what the heck just happened–"
That doesn't stop him from lining up again, though. Especially when you enjoyed the ride, he will gladly go in once more despite feeling like he has just conquered a hurricane.
Oh, prepare to also spend quite some time at the arcade section.
Thoma must and shall win the biggest plushie for you, no matter what it takes please stop him as soon as it gets out of hand!
He's doing really well, and you can't quite tell if it's skill or just plain luck, but without wasting too much money he manages to reel in quite some smaller prizes, but as I said, he isn't satisfied before he wins you the biggest plushie of them all.
Yeah, of course he succeeds.
He realizes too late that you now have to drag the massive dog plushie through the park for the rest of the day but he takes responsibilities and thus, he walks around with a massive stuffy in his arms.
He won't complain, not even once!
But you might catch him looking at the plushie with a very troubled expression sometimes.
Thoma is a real gentleman.
He carries your bag and all the snacks and drinks and prizes he won, on top of the huge stuffed toy. He also hold your hands reassuringly in line if he notices that you are a bit nervous for the ride, but yeah even if you're not nervous he still holds your hand because why not?
This guy just wants to give you a nice day full of fun and enjoyment and he doesn't care if he ends up with sore muscles the next day because of all the stuff he carried for you all day.
You don't even have to thank him. Seeing the smile on your face is the best reward he could wish for!
≡;- ꒰ GOROU ꒱
He's a courageous baby.
Even if some rides initially intimidate him a bit, he doesn't hesitate to line up, reassuring you that he'll be fine.
Maybe a tiny little bit to look cool in front of you, or maybe even because he wants you to be proud of him, but mostly because in his eyes, fears are something to overcome.
Especially since he knows that he will most likely have lots of fun as soon as the nervousness wears off, and he really wants to enjoy all the rides with you.
I think Gorou sometimes has these little burst of energy every now and then and then he's skidding next to you excitedly with a sparkle in his eyes, while a little later, he's more laidback in his demeanor and just looks around him to take in his surroundings and all the things that happen in the bustling amusement park.
Shooting games at the arcade!
He's very good at them and he looks absolutely adorable when he's like super focused on taking aim to guarantee a bullseye hit in nearly all of the targets.
He ends up winning a lot of stuff but I can see him as the type to forget them somewhere and by the time you realize you can't find them anymore no matter how many times you wander around the park.
He feels so guilty!! But you tell him that it's okay while secretly gushing over how cute his adorable pout is.
Also expect a lot of hand holding because he doesn't wanna risk losing you in the crowd.
But he also uses this as an excuse when there is hardly anyone around because he just wants to hold your hand y'know?
Every time the two of you take a break he will heave out a relieved breath now that he can finally stop summoning up the courage for all those crazy rides for a minute or so, but it won't be long until he decides that it's about time for the next ride.
Yeah, he really likes it here.
Bonus; Gorou getting all shy as you offer to share a huge fluff of cotton candy but he's more than happy to do so, and he takes really tiny bites until you stuff his mouth with a big floof of candy floss and burst out in laughter until he returns the favor!!
≡;- ꒰ AYAKA ꒱
She never really did anything like this before, so you two visiting an amusement park together is really special to her!
The days prior to the visit, she is super excited, though she is quite timid when it comes to showing it, and it's the little things and habits that let you know how much she is looking forward to it.
On the day itself, though, she gets quite nervous. She has absolutely no idea at all about what to expect and is happy that you are going with her because she wouldn't set foot there with anyone else.
Though she is kinda used to big crowds because of her family's importance, she still gets quite overwhelmed once you arrive, due to the jittery atmosphere and flashing lights and cacophony of sound.
Please hold her hand!!!
She will take some time to let loose a bit, but over time you see the smile on her face grow wider and brighter as she points at rides and games she feels like trying.
Ayaka isn't a fan of the extreme rides, not because she's afraid but because she just doesn't find them enjoyable at all, prefering the calmer rides where she can actually enjoy your presence instead of being trashed around in rollercoasters filled with loopings and freefalls.
Your date has a lot of wholesome times where you just share ice cream or other snacks you buy around the park and talk about small things that come to mind and Ayaka is just smiling softly all the time and it makes you so happy because her smile is so precious and it's so sweet to see how she enjoys her time with you!
Ooh, hear me out! Getting plushies together at the arcade!
Ayaka holding her breath and cluthing her hands against her chest every time you are close to winning a prize and the little encouragements she lets out when you are nearly there and trying her best to hide her disappointment when you lose because she doesn't want to give you the feeling of pressure.
Maybe the claw machine isn't in the best mood, maybe you end up pushing in a few more coins than you initially planned, but the smile on Ayaka's face when you hand her the plushie is all worth it!
She is sooo happy!
As grateful as she is, she thanks you over and over again, telling you how much she enjoys her time at the park with you and how much it means to her.
You leave quite early since both of you are pretty worn-out, but you make a silent promise to take her out on another date again soon!!
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surpriserose · 3 years
Please give me some dororo and hyakkimaru food please please I am begging for u to do them please
1. Deserves to be besties with alluka idc they are in the same obviously trans but people cant accept it boat and dororo would make alluka laugh a lot <3
2. He swears so much i think hyakkimaru was like hey stop that bud but eventually gave up
3. I think after travelling together for a while so theyre at a point hyakkimaru knows dororo isnt gonna just steal his sword and run dororo starts telling hyakkimaru more and more outrageous stories expecting him to call him out on his bullshit but hyakkimaru just listens to him in that way where adults listen to little kids sbfzjhsjs and eventually it becomes like a reverse bedtime story uwu because dororo tires himself out and falls asleep halfway through his third story
4. I think when hyakkimaru gets his second eye back dororo is tempted to keep it to freak people out with it until hyakkimaru is like bro bury it >:(
5. Dororo deserves to be one of those people that gives everyone nicknames dgysgxhsjs actually that might just be canon? Idk its been a bit zysujssmsk
1. As he gets more and more body parts back he starts feeling more defenseless because hes losing all his tricks and tries to start figuring out new things to use in battle idk hopefully that makes sense dgiwmdksq
2. Hes nonbinary idc another win for the he/theys <3 and bi too <3
3. When he got his voice back he started trying tk practice whistling and singing, hes not very good but he doesnt really care. Dororo tells him he sounds like hes dying
4. If dororo complains about like needing a break or something hyakkimaru is like bro idc just walk you wanted to follow me but eventually hes like okay bud...ill give you a piggy back ride just stop complaining 🙄
5. Definitely prefers quieter areas and places that arent too bright while hes adjusting to getting his body parts back. His tongue isnt real either right? Like he would probably like a lot of blander foods for a while and not be able to handle spice well. idk i think he would just have a lot of new sensory imput to deal with and it would cause some issues for a bit like i would be overwhelmed fuck
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beelsnack · 4 years
XBSBSBSJDJX hewwo can I uhh request the brothers reactions/them dealing w an MC who's just. Vv affectionate? They just like to shower all of the brothers in praise nd compliments nd physical affection. They're just like. A classic deredere.
I’ll be honest with you friend, I had no idea what a deredere was, I had to look it up. I feel like I have to turn in my weeb card now.
Lucifer: "You're so beautiful."
For a moment, the compliment stunned him. Sure, people had been entranced by his appearance since before the Celestial War. But to hear it said so randomly, so sincerely...
"What do you want?" They were probably digging for brownie points, his brothers did it all the time. He regarded them coolly out of the corner of his eye as he continued scribbling away at the report he was working on.
They pushed themselves off of the door frame where they had been leaning and made their way over to his desk. "Nothing. I just wanted to tell you." 
Then, the brazen little imp that they were, they approached from behind his chair and draped their arms around his shoulder in a hug.
The sudden warmth and weight of them caused his brain to go offline. Most people, demons, witches or otherwise, were terrified to be in his presence, and here was this fragile little human embracing him like he was a stuffed toy.
He...didn’t hate it.
Mammon: “Why do you look so excited?”
They hadn’t even left the grounds of the House of Lamentation yet and already the human was practically skipping down the street. Satan had asked Mammon to go pick up some ingredients for dinner, and then had asked the human to go with him to “keep him in line.” Cheeky little brats, both of them.
“Because,” the human grinned up at him, the picture of pure joy as they latched on to both of his hands. “I don’t get to spend much time with you one-on-one. So any time spent with my First Demon makes me happy.”
Somewhere in the back of his brain there was the sound of glass shattering. Mammon felt heat creep up his neck and ears as his heartbeat kicked into high gear as he tried to process just how damn cute that was.
“You - I - what - g’ah, cut the sappy shit and let’s just go already!”
He started walking again, still holding on to one of their hands.
Leviathan: “Come on, come on, come on ,come on...yes!!”
With an unearthly shriek, the final boss fell to the ground in a mass of oily black smoke and writhing tentacles.After hours of grinding, Levi and the human watching their score tally up on the results screen.
“Whoa!! New world record!” Levi cried out as the graphic flashed on the screen. “We just destroyed the top score by a good ten thousand points!”
“We did it, Levi!” 
They apparently had gotten caught up in the moment and forgot about Levi’s aversion to physical contact. In their excitement, they flung their arms around his neck and gave him a victory hug.
Levi’s arms and lap were suddenly full of very warm and very 3D human, and he could practically feel the sparks shooting out of his ears as Levi.exe tried to process the sensory imput.
“Oh, sorry!” just as quickly as they had tackled him, they drew back, and, surprisingly, Levi found himself missing the warmth. “I forgot about the no touchy rule!”
The heat from his face was probably enough to boil the water in Henry’s tank. “I-I...um...s-since this is a special occasion, I suppose I c-can forgive you...”
Satan: “...and make sure to step out of the circle before finishing it, or else you could get caught in the middle of an inferno.”
The human stared at the notebook in front of them intently. Magical circles were complex, and after a while all of them started to look the same, so of course they went to Satan when they needed help studying.
With an elegant flick of his wrist, Satan finished his example drawing. “And there you go. Does that help at all?”
“Yes, absolutely!” they smiled gratefully, leaning their head against his shoulder. “You’re so smart, Satan, I knew you were the one to go to.”
The compliment made him blush slightly, but he liked to think that he had good control of his facial expressions. “You flatter me.”
“Is it flattery if it’s true?”
“Accurate flattery is still flattery.” he laughed. wrapping an arm around their shoulder and pulling them closer against him. “But you’re welcome. Anytime you need help, come to me.”
Asmodeus: “See, I told you that color would look great on you!”
The human studied themself in the mirror, turning this way and that to get all of the angles. “Wow, I definitely never would have picked this for myself. You really are a fashion genius, Asmo!”
“Aw, thank you, darling!” he hopped up from his seat on his bed. “Not that I don’t get that a lot, but it means more coming from you.”
“You just have to get that brag in there, don’t you?” they teased, latching onto his arm.
“I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t,” Asmo let them hang on his arm like he was their escort. “It’s part of my charm!”
Beelzebub: “Do you like it?”
The human gulped down the mouthful of soup and grinned up at him. “Beel, this is amazing! You’re the best cook ever, I swear.”
Beel smiled back. “I’m glad, I tried really hard not to eat it all before you got to have some.”
“Mm,” they took another bite. “Who needs Hell’s Kitchen, you’re cooking is way better!”
“Well,” Beel blushed. That was a pretty big compliment. “The chef’s there do share a lot of their recipes with me, so...”
“Yeah, but it’s better when you make it!”
“I don’t really do much different though.”
“Food always tastes better when it’s made by someone you love.”
...Well then. Now Beel was definitely blushing.
Belphegor: He’d fallen asleep.
Not that this was a rare occurrence, but he hadn’t planned on passing out in the human’s bed while they were studying. Something about their voice, their scent, their warmth was just really soothing, he couldn’t help it.
Speaking of warmth...
“Are you awake now, Belphie?”
Slowly but surely, he became aware of his surroundings. While he was asleep, the human had placed his head in their lap, continuing to read over the study guide while they played with his hair.
“Nope.” he snuggled closer to them. “Not for long, anyway. Feels too nice...”
“Sorry,” they laughed sheepishly. “I couldn’t help it, you looked too cute.”
“Only you would call a demon cute.”
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notyourdramaqueen · 4 years
Ok, seriously. If you have had problems having friends all your life, if you have very intense and limited interests, if you cant read social cues and cry when there is too much sensory imput then yeah, probably you are autistic.
If you cant ever sit still, if you have a hard time reading long paragraphs, if you are very impulsive, have rejection sensitive dysphoria and can only focus when you find stuff interesting then yeah, you probably have adhd.
That is because those are literally the diagnostic criteria. I know a lot of people cant access to professional diagnosis, but please, if you think you are neurodivergent, do more research.
If you can unfocus your eyes and you "do the mario" when you walk and you think about "friendship points" it doesn't mean you have adhd.
If you are shy and tend to mimic your friends tone of speech, and bite pencils or listen to songs on repeat, it doesn't mean you are autistic.
Maybe those things have a correlation, meaning maybe neurodivergent people do it more than neurotypical people, but they are not diagnostic criteria. A lot of people do it, dont worry.
Please, dont relate to that stuff and say "everyone is a bit autistic/adhd" because the point is that it needs to impact your day to day life. Nobody is 100% normal, and If you seriously relate, please do some research, but dont believe you are neurodivergent because of some tumblr post or tiktok video about unrelated stuff.
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junkcereals · 3 years
Cosmic Brownie Cereal
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Brownies signify a rich experience, a journey for all types of people to deliciousness. You don't have to go to space in this delectable trip, but you can probably take them up there if you're in NASA, rich enough to pay your way or have a certain mission in F9.
Cosmic Brownies took me there several times when I needed a boost with their soft chocolate body, thin frosting and itty-bitty chocolate pebbles. (Don't tell me Roman wasn't eating Cosmic Brownies in that Pontiac Fiero.) Kellogg's had to find out if a Cosmic Brownie Cereal would impute the same effect.
The impact pleases plentifully. While Cosmic Brownies require no teeth at all to enjoy, Cosmic Brownie Cereal requires teeth, but not the greatest in the world (speaking from experience). These brownie bite pieces present a bit of crunch, but not a brutal amount.
Before I go too far, I must note that it's competing in the brownie cereal game with Malt-o-Meal Brownie Crunch, which is a bit more tender.
Brownie Crunch hits just the right tone to get a romantic little brownie feeling, and Cosmic Brownie Cereal retains a modicum of hardness that reminds you that it's very much in grain form.
Beyond that, Brownie Crunch brings out a toasty finish that emanates the virtual sensory experience of homemade brownies, whereas Cosmic Brownie Cereal holds the glossy creme exterior of a store bought treat.
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How else did you expect Cosmic Brownie Cereal to imitate the Little Debbie's snack? Did you think those candy dots on the outside would have real chocolate?
Anyway, Cosmic Brownie Cereal does well for what it is, quite chocolatey. It's good in almond milk, but better in regular milk. You'll even get all the chocolate value eating it dry, although not as much of the brownie experience.
To be sure, it mixes well with Red, White and Blue Crunch (and probably also the non-seasonal Cap'n Crunch cereals).
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Also, this passes the test more than another Little Debbie's snack cereal, Oatmeal Creme Pie Cereal. Good to see Kellogg's stepping up its effort.
How many bowls did it take? 12
How many bowls do I wish? 34
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#9: Managing Sensory Issues (2/3)
Autistic Life Hacks
In the last post, we talked about the first technique. Now, onto the second one! Again, I’m gonna be using loud noises as an example, but it works for any bad sensory imput.
Only do something involving this bad sensory imput because you want to
Plan for the situation as much as you can so you know exactly what to expect
Don’t make things harder on yourself than they need to be by compounding multiple bad sensory inputs
So let’s say I’m taking a day trip into New York City. It’s a very loud place, but I’m going in because I really want to see a Broadway show, or go to this comic book store I like, etc. I plan everything. I know exactly where I’m going, and how long I’m going there. I know how many blocks up and how many over I need to go in between each destination. I know exactly which train I’ll be getting on to come and leave and which subway line I’ll be taking in between places that are too far to walk. I don’t leave anything up to “oh, I think I know where that is” or “oh, I could just check google maps.” Nope. I’m writing everything down ahead of time, and I’m avoiding walking through places like Times Square that are very loud and bright even if it means I have to walk further. I’m also making sure I’m not on rush hour trains, and I know the places I’m going to are small, so that minimizes the crowds I have to deal with to just walking down the street. I put estimated times next to everything, so I know how long I’m going to be dealing with a loud crowd for, and I know where there are quiet parks I can go to if I need a moment. I know which stores I can use for a sensory break because they’re quiet and I can just wander and no one will talk to me — bookstores are great for this, since they often also have places where you can sit down to read or just take a break.
If I’m going to a place like a movie theater, I make sure it’s the kind where you pick your seat ahead of time, and that I know where the bathrooms are. If it’s a restaurant, I look at the menu online ahead of time so I already know what to order. If I’m bringing a friend with me, they know about my sensory issues and will respect my plan and help me get to somewhere quieter if I’m overwhelmed.
Instead of just thinking “this situation is going to have a bad sensory thing,” think about how intense it’ll be, how long it’ll be going on for, and how you can get a break from it. Thinking this all through ahead of time means you’re less likely to get freaked out in the moment. For me, the unknown or unexpected is one of the most terrifying sensory experiences for me, so planning things out really helps me. Once I know I want to put myself in this kind of situation, I then think through how things are going to go, so I’m prepared. You can expect the unexpected too — for instance, when I was lifeguarding at a pool, swim coaches blow whistles sometimes. I hate it because it’s loud and I’m not ready for it, but I prepare by bringing earplugs and a stim toy in my pocket. New situations are often very overwhelming for us because we don’t know what to expect. We can’t always figure it out, but plan out bad sensory experiences that you’re willing to have as much as you can.
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autistic-reptile · 5 years
Is it normal to find yourself stimming, not picking up on sarcasm/social queues, hyperfixating, getting more sensitive to sensory imput, and having meltdowns, even MORE often after you realize you're autistic?
yep, that’s a totally common experience for people who get diagnosed later in life. it’s because 1. you’re now conscious of these things and noticing them more, and 2. you feel more comfortable expressing these traits that you were previously suppressing.
for example, I didn’t think I had a huge problem with reading sarcasm/jokes or taking things literally until I started wondering if I was autistic - then I started noticing allll the little moments where I was late to get the joke, or I took someone’s sarcasm seriously, or I addressed someone’s question too literally. I didn’t necessarily get worse at this, I just became conscious of it so it felt like it was happening more frequently. same with sensory issues - I didn’t register that certain sensory things bothered me, I’d just get cranky or annoyed and assume it was just me. once I started realizing I was indeed sensitive to certain noises, it because much more obvious to me how much those noises and other ones hurt me.
I also started stimming more after realizing I was autistic, mainly because I finally knew what the heck I was doing and that doing those things would only help me feel better. I started identifying and noticing my stims, and that by itself gave my brain the green light to do it whenever I felt like I needed to (rather than holding it in because “it looks weird and idk why I’m even doing it” you know?)
so yes, it’s super common to feel that way, and it’s a big reason why a lot of people start to worry that they’re “faking” their symptoms. but it’s just what happens when you go your whole life without knowing about this huge part of who you are.
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