#no one is immune to jester
kacievvbbbb · 1 month
I think buggy is just the right side of idiot to demand that they meet the Red Hair pirates in a challenge and base his entire strategy on Mihawk fighting Shanks (and if he’s honest the other heavy hitters as well)
And Mihawk’s just the right side of uncooperative asshole to think it would be hilarious not to mention that he hasn’t fought Shanks for 10 years and has no plans to break that streak now, especially not for the schemes of a clown as buggy is issuing said challenge to the Red Hair Pirates
And Crocodile….crocodile’s just trying figure out how it is exactly that a clown that owed him money and a grown ass, vampire-bat, of a man in his feels, really about to get him his ass beat right now.
He knows that somehow strawhat’s to blame
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jestersking · 9 months
day two: lifesteal you could technically feed hearts to other players. it's a pretty bad idea, since hearts are based on a wither star and therefore, eating them would give a receiver terrible withering effect that won't go away just by drinking milk. and they taste absolutely fucking terrible, to the point where people usually just puke them back out because the taste is so absolutely horrendous it makes your body physically hurt. not a single sane person would eat them themselves because it's just simply not worth it. but lifesteal isn't really made out of sane people.
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mrs-bluemarine · 4 months
Actually I love looooveee the character designs in HxH. It's all so good. There's so much personality in each design alone. Unfortunately they gave the biggest fucking freak one of the best ones (pic unrelated)
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biwitchenergyz · 2 months
A House of Blood and Fire
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Chapter One: The Heirs of the Dragon
<-Teaser Next Chapter->
In the future, many years from now, when you await the gods of old Valyria or even the Stranger (hopefully on your deathbed), you may look back on the choices you have made and wonder where you went wrong. Perhaps your death will be less peaceful, perhaps it will be bloody, but you hope that whatever gods watched over you were not the merciless ones Queen Alicent Hightower often wept too.
The world is silent, your room is quiet, and you know the sun will shine soon. Not that the sun has ever done anything good for you. Most people fear the dark but forget all the snakes who love to bask in the sun's light. You often find yourself surrounded by those very snakes, but now, sitting alone in your chambers on Dragonstone, you wonder if the sun purposefully evades the gloomy island. Your lady's smooth voice accompanies the squeak of your door opening.
"Darling girl, I hoped we could talk before our departure." Princess Rhaenyra hardly asked for company; she was surrounded by people at all times, whether that be her children, her lovers, or her court. When she wanted to speak with someone, it was an honor that few could refuse. She moves to sit beside you. Her nightgown is sheer and delicate, with its lacey decorations pooling at her feet as she lifts them onto your bed.
"I was worried that this trip may take a toll on you," Rhaenyra whispers when she is finally sitting at your side, "If you want to stay back, I am sure my father would understand." The silence speaks for itself when Rhaenyra finally hears the irony of her words.
When has Viserys ever been understanding of you? Though the two of you were cousins, his age made him dismissive and ignorant of your plight as a young woman, while his gender gave him a sense of superiority that oozed from his every word. Rhaenyra was lucky to be his eldest daughter because she alone was immune to his cruelty.
"Viserys has been asking me to return, and now he demands it. Even you cannot protect me from that." The older woman's eyes soften at your cynical words. Your arrival at court was, unfortunately, amidst a troubling time for House Targaryen. The Princess and the Queen were constantly at odds, and it seemed that their children were following in their footsteps. With the court jester banished and the king's mood souring, you made for a perfect scapegoat. Had your mother, Saera, been living, she would never have allowed your humiliation. But she was gone, and her reputation fell like an anchor on your head.
"For the past four years, I have found any excuse to keep us on Dragonstone. First, it was my pregnancies, then Daemon’s injury, and Luke’s sickness. I am sorry that my father was not kind to you. However, he has grown ill, and his mind has been sullied with milk of the poppy. All my father wants is to see his family again. We have missed four of his birthdays, and I fear there may not be another. We will leave at dawn." Rhaenyra left no room for argument, so you let the discussion drop. Your mind returns to the reason you must sail for the Red Keep.
"The boat ride will take longer than Dragonback. I may miss dinner entirely." You warn Rhaenyra as she prepares to leave your bed chamber. She turns then, the realms delight, with the brightest smile you had ever seen as she laughed, "There is more than enough room for you on Syrax." Then she left as the sun seeped in through your windows.
• • • • • • •
In the end, you refuse to ride on Dragonback. You have declined it during all the years you have lived in Westeros. The boat ride is hardly uncomfortable, but as you watch Syrax's daisy-colored form fly over you, you wonder about the freedom you miss. Occasionally, the Velaryon boys will fly their dragons down closer toward the water, and your boat shakes at the power of their dragons' flapping wings. Even young dragons have that power. During the journey, Rhaenyra and her family split from you as they head towards King's Landing, and for a while, you are left with only yourself and the Princesses' other ladies as company. "Sit down, Princess. Join us in crafting our favors. You will become seasick if you stand so much." Elinda Massey lectures as you stand staring out the window of the old ship.
Elinda, with her dark hair and darker eyes, never fails to worry. She awoke in the morning with worries, and every night; she went to sleep worrying about how much Rhaenyra and her children ate at dinner and whether or not they would be starving. Her worries for the royal family also extend to you; even the old king's exiled granddaughter was worth her many troubles. Despite being your age and both of you being the youngest of Rhaenyra’s ladies, Elinda had a pious nature that led to her acting as a mother for the other girls, yourself included.
"Lady Massey, I can assure you I will be fine standing. The ship should dock soon anyway." Elinda frowned at your response, but she knew better than to argue with you when your mind was made.
You hurry to the deck of the ship, hoping to see King's Landing in all its glory, when your eye is caught by the enormous shadow that hovers above your boat. A dragon, as dark as an emerald and as giant as the Dragonpit, flies above you with a slow flap of its wings. Vhagar, you think you knew that dragon by heart and the old beast had not changed in the years since you left. Her rider may not be on her back, but you feel like he is for a second, his eyes piercing you from a place hidden from your view. Myranda Strong, with her twin Alyssa, approaches you from behind.
"Lady Massey is talking to the captain. The princess will send us a carriage, but we will still need someone to bring our luggage." Myranda tells you as her eyes also lift to watch Vhagar. Alyssa ignores the dragon, focused on the men preparing to moor the ship.
True to her word, Rhaenyra has sent a carriage for the four of you. It is grander than most carriages but still simple enough in its design to reflect your status as ladies-in-waiting. Inside the carriage, you bump into Alyssa at every dip in the road, but she merely smiles. "The men of the Red Keep will be a great exchange for those in DragonStone. New faces are just the change I need." She laughs with you as you agree to her lust-filled words. "It is the eldest prince that I am most excited to see. The rumors say that were he not a prince; he would certainly be the lover of a Lysinian mistress, or worse, a madame." You go silent at her words, but Elinda quiets the other girl.
"I can assure you we will not be anywhere near the drunkard prince." Her words are brusque, and they silence Alyssa for the rest of the ride. The silence is deafening until the other strong girl finds her voice. "Where is Saagael, my princess?" Myranda asks you even though her dark eyes are locked on her sister. You cannot stop your smile at the mention of your beloved pet. "He will be brought with our luggage. I had to cage him for the journey so the Hand would not know his presence. Saagael is not supposed to be here." You whisper the words with delight as you discuss how you have snuck your cat into King's Landing. Your company finds humor in this, but the rest of the ride is silent until the carriage doors open, and Rhaenyra takes your hand to help you step safely onto the dirt.
"My Princess! You did not need to come get us." Lady Massey exclaims in delight as Rhaenyra helps her down as well. "I thought that at least the four of you should receive a warm welcome. It seems that courtesy is not felt amongst the court." Rhaenyra sneers before she links your arms and leads you through the halls of the red keep. In the light of the setting sun, the halls look more burgundy than the bright red they are known for. Rhaenyra is silent as you both walk arm-in-arm through the bustling castle.
Servants, nobles, and knights alike stop to stare at the Heir and the formerly exiled princess. It has been many years since the Realm's Delight has been home. They watch her with curious glances, trying to dissect this new woman who walks amongst them. Has the Realm's delight turned cruel, or does she remain the sweet girl beloved by all? You can see the hesitance in their eyes as they bow to her passing figure. Rhaenyra, for the most part, ignores all the attention as she begins to tell you what has transpired today.
"A meager servant was sent to greet us. Our first homecoming in five years and we are treated like mere ambassadors. However, I believe that even ambassadors are treated better. I expected to see my father upon my return, but the king is not currently receiving company. Otto Hightower has practically barred the doors to my father's chambers. " The princess can't help but ramble. It is something she often does in your company for whatever reason. You think it is because, despite her estrangement from her siblings, she craves a relationship of equals rather than one of husband and wife or mother and child. She has always been alone in ways her sons and husband never have. The thought tugs at your heartstrings, and your grip on her arm tightens. "I am sure he will be at the tourney. It is in his name, is it not?" You try to ease her stress, but when it is time for you to go to your chambers, Rhaenyra keeps her hold on you.
"Will you stay with me? Your support would make this whole thing feel easier." Silence fills the halls outside of your chamber. Her Majesty, Queen Alicent, chose the room assigned to you. It is within a forgotten tower just behind the Royal sept, the only chamber completely secluded. Unlike the towers that occupy the hand and the royal guard, which all contain more than one room, your tower has only one other room relatively distant from your chambers. The royal library is at the end of the hall and one must pass your rooms to get there. Thus, for the most part, your halls are silent. Rhaenyra uses this silence to talk freely, so you do the same.
"My Princess, the children of Her Majesty will also be in attendance. I hardly think I will be any help when I am already so anxious to see them. I haven't been here since Helaena disappeared." You pick at the skin around your nails, a habit inherited from your mother, Saera. Rhaenyra watches you look away from her gaze while shuffling uncomfortably back and forth. Aegon and Aemond Targaryen were your friends once, more Aegon than Aemond. But the night Helaena vanished, many incidents occurred that forced you to flee for DragonStone. Not only had Alicent suspected you of helping Helaena escape, but so did her two oldest sons, and when you left, never to return until now, they grew to resent you. That's what you thought, although you never had any clear evidence besides the heated conversation that night four years ago.
"Darling, I want you there, but I will not beg," Rhaenyra stated plainly. Her royal demeanor inspired you to lift your eyes. Her violet eyes gleamed with a reserved strength that she took no measures to conceal. "I will go." You decided.
• • • • • • •
The tourney was to begin in less than an hour, but first, you wanted to make sure your pet was settling into your chambers. Saagael paced back and forth, his body more extensive than a house cat, as dark as a moonless night sky, and his paws hit the floor like an elephant on the march. “I didn’t want to leave you alone.” You try to reason with the cat, but he will hear nothing of it. He turns to leap onto your chair, making it seem like a doll’s chair with his big body taking over the furniture. His paws knead into the soft fabric, but he does not rip it. You knew the risk of returning him to the red keep would be significant, but you reasoned that he would be safer with you than left alone on Dragonstone. At least here, you could watch him and protect him. The thought of losing your beloved companion was one of the many fears that kept you up at night. Saagael was all you had left of home and your parents; without him, you would be truly lost. Even in moments like this, when his attitude was at its height, you took comfort in his presence.
“Fine. I will bring you a whole salmon from the kitchen! All you have to do is stay here and be good.” You pleaded with the grumpy cat. Saagael’s ears perked up at the mention of his favorite treat. Finally, he left his chair to curl up at your feet. You scratched his neck, making him purr contentedly. With a few more pets, you got up to leave him. As you opened your door, you jumped back in shock at the sight of Alicent Hightower standing outside. Her delicate hand was raised as if she was going to knock upon your door. The both of you seemed startled by the presence of the other, but neither of you spoke for a moment.
Alicent breaks the silence, “You have grown quite a lot in these years.” Her voice is gentle but still royal, showing her hesitance to appear as anything but regal in front of you. “Please do come in, your majesty!” You stumble over yourself to bow appropriately in the older woman's presence. Alicent walks in, taking in the room to find it, the same as when she first had it decorated for you.
Saagael is perched on the bed with no interest in moving, but Alicent strokes his fur, and he suddenly sits up and is very interested in the queen. “Is there a purpose to your visit, my queen?” Slowly, your feet move to the Queen's side while watching her admire your beloved Saagael. “My father hates this cat.” The queen muses instead of answering your question. The room falls to silence again until Alicent finally speaks. “I have been begging Viserys to bring you back home, and finally, you are here. I came to apologize to you, dear girl. When my daughter…left…I placed my blame onto you when you have been nothing but loyal to me and my children since you arrived at the Red Keep. I hope you can forgive me.” She turns to you, and you see the young woman you grew up with, who took you in along with Rhaenyra when you needed guidance.
Her big brown eyes glisten with unshed tears, but over time, you realize that Alicent's eyes are always sad. With a boldness you didn't realize you had, you step forward to grasp the Queen’s hands. “All is forgiven, Your Majesty.” Alicent smiles as she rubs her hand over your own, pausing at the rough skin around your fingernails. It is inflamed from being picked at, and Alicent notices it instantly. Gently, she touches your skin before looking back into your eyes.
“My sons, they have missed you greatly. I know they will be glad to see you. Please forgive them of their standoffish nature.” You nod at her words, knowing you have missed her sons just as much as Helaena. A bell chimes from the royal sept, and its echo fills your quiet room. Alicent responds instantly, dropping your hands and heading to the door before turning and saying, “The king wants his entire family at dinner after the tourney. I hope that you come.” She leaves the room with urgency, and for a fleeting moment, you feel like a twelve-year-old again, spending the winter in the Red Keep playing with Helaena and Aegon while a silent Aemond watches on in Amusement as Alicent gently scolds you and Aegon for roughhousing.
Jace and Luke are the ones who come to escort you to the King’s birthday tourney. You link arms with Jacaerys while Luke fiddles with the ring on his finger. It is a matching one Rhaenyra gave him for his tenth name day, valyrian steel with a single onyx crystal in the middle of the circlet. You all walk in silence, having nothing to say to each other. When you reach the doors that lead into the courtyard, you stop to turn to Luke, who is beginning to look faint. “Luke, you look as though you have seen a ghost. What troubles you?” You rest your hand over his own to stop his fidgeting. Luke smiles at you even though his eyebrows furrow in thought. Jace keeps his hand on your arm but uses his other hand to pat Luke’s back. Then Luke looks up at you with a strange determination on his face. “Are you on our side?” You drop his hands in shock. With a quick glance around, you see that nobody is in the halls besides two guards who stand watch at the doors to the courtyard. You gather the skirts of your dress and bend slightly to come face to face with Luke.
“Little Luke Velaryon, what are you talking about?” The words come out as a whisper, unnoticed by the guards, but Jace and Luke hear them loud and clear, and they do not back down. “Our uncles call us bastards. The whispers of the court say that it is Aegon who should be our grandsire’s heir. Do you stand with us or with them?”
Luke is bolder than Jace. He always has been. Unlike Jacaerys, who strives to be the perfect dignified gentle-lord, Luke is proud like the Velaryons and does not hold his tongue.
“I am my mother's daughter; Saera Targaryen would see no value in such disagreements. I do not wish to fuel a fire that is already roaring. The politics of Westeros are still strange to me, but my position here is not. I have no right to say what should happen to the iron throne, but I assure you that I love you and your mother very much. That is all I can say.” Luke nods, his youthful face looking mature for the first time. He seems as if he will argue, but he holds his tongue because of a lack of response. Jace takes your arm in his again, and as you wait for Rhaenyra and Daemon to join the three of you, Jace talks to you in whispers.
“Even you must feel the division of the court.” He shows no signs of discontent, but Lucereys is still mulling over your response. “Trust that I feel the division like a knife in my back.” Your stare rises to meet his eyes. For a moment, he is silent, but his eyes are loud enough. The conversation ends there as Rhaenyra and Daemon approach to lead the family to their carriages. You watch the doors open but stop before crossing them; Jace pulls you through.
• • • • • • •
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s-aint-elmo · 2 years
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i am not immune to a gelphie dynamic. i am extremely vulnerable to a gelphie dynamic. i will follow a gelphie dynamic into a suspicious wine cellar, my jester’s hat jingling gleefully all the while
ID: a set of digital sketches of wednesday addams and enid sinclair in various sets of the casual clothes they wear in the show. in each, enid beams brightly while wednesday either deadpans or glowers at her or the viewer. one: enid giddily leans far into a seated wednesday’s personal space, nose almost touching her cheek, while wednesday, cheek propped up on a fist, leans away and regards her with a subtly raised brow. two: enid and wednesday sit side by side in their matching snoods, wednesday with one leg propped up and enid cross-legged, her head on wednesday’s shoulder. three: the same as two, but with enid’s finale scars added. four: enid playfully sits astride wednesday’s lap, arms around her neck and visible leg kicked straight out, while wednesday supports her with both arms around the waist. five: a collage of the reference pictures used for each pose with an accompanying link each. end ID.
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thirdtofifth · 1 year
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Gray Jester Medium fey, neutral evil Armor Class 14 Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Speed 50 ft. Str 10, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 17 Skills Acrobatics +6, Performance +5, Stealth +6 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan Challenge 4 (1100 XP) Actions Multiattack. The gray jester uses Empathic Feeding. It then makes two attacks with its scepter. Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage plus 2 (1d4) psychic damage. If the target is a creature with an Intelligence score of 5 or greater, it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or fall into fits of laughter and become incapacitated for 1 minute. An incapacitated creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of the each of its turns, and each time it takes damage, ending the effect on itself on a success. The target has advantage on the saving throw if it's triggered by damage. Empathic Feeding. The gray jester chooses up to three creatures within 30 feet of it with an Intelligence score of 5 or higher. Each of those creatures must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this effect is transformed into a bleak one under the gray jester's control, then that bleak one regains 10 hit points. A bleak one has the same statistics as the creature, except its Intelligence and Charisma are 1, and it is immune to psychic damage. A bleak one can be restored to the creature it was transformed from with a remove curse spell. The gray jester can have no more than twelve bleak ones under its control at one time.
These otherworldly fey feed on joy and laughter, though not to bring happiness to themselves, merely to feed an insatiable need to drain it from others. They prefer to target children, but any humanoids will do. They are always equipped with their scepter, and pearly white broken teeth shine from behind their lipless grin. They are almost entirely devoid of color. They will use their bleak ones (usually commoner or thug stat block) as bodyguards. Gray jesters stand around 6 feet tall and weigh around 110 lbs.
Originally from Heroes of Horror. A request from kingblackfire.
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: raphael (bg3) x archdevil male reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: puppy eyes are a very valid/viable form of manipulation
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1,277
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: long exposition for short scenario, devils, pacts, some brief description of violence, underlying manipulation, i love you's
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: in honor of killing raphael for the second time (ily gale) the inspo
To be an archdevil of the hells, you have to have a certain charm, per say; a devil's tongue, able to make both pacts with lowly, pathetic mortals, and other devils that covet your position, plus everyone in between.
A horrid task is making a pact, really, to ask for a treasure in exchange for something so slight, especially when they could hardly see the imbalance in the transaction.
When the supplicant who wished for power because he was so tired of rolling over for nobles died, you smiled with his soul in your grasp; he had managed to make a name for himself, and now you had a hero in your hall. When the devil sworn to you broke his pact and thus turned his fire immunity into a vulnerability, you enjoyed watching his skin char when he dove into his favorite lava bath.
Perhaps it wasn't so horrid after all, actually. With the many souls that now stomped your halls, you had an infinite supply of jesters. Watching a most old soul fade away into nothingness is always fun, too.
Most archdevils agree that suffering brings them satisfaction, but that is often the most lively thing about them. Zariel, for one, is always focused with her blood war, and Mephistopheles is in love with his vaults, and each only want more souls or artifacts to feed their obsession. Neither one even thinks to branch out! They're all so boring.
Mephistopheles's darling son, though, he's different. Narcissistic as any other devil, perhaps, but to a higher, more interesting degree; and boastingly ambitious, too. Always planning. It's lovely to see him in thought, despite how scarcely he lets himself be seen in the vulnerable process of thought.
And he knows you watch him, has, since the first time you laid eyes on him, but he lets you.
As Mephistopheles's boy, certain things are expected of him, the most daunting of all being that the son will never surpass the father. Cambions can be stronger than their fathers, but for Raphael to beat the ancientness that is the Archdevil Mephistopheles? Hardly perceivable.
Perhaps—no, that is why he is so interesting to you. So ambitious, to want the hells for himself, even when you know he will never be able to surpass the power of his own father.
You love watching him try.
Raphael, however, has always goaded you into helping him. Since you believe he won't win, you know that whatever you do to aid him will bring him nothing except disappointment and you, at best a slap on the wrist from Mephistopheles, at worst death when you visit the Material Plane.
In the beginning days of his plot, your help had always been both miniscule and hard-earned: a heap of souls for a sliver of your power in a pact baring similarity to a warlock's. Though, as time went on, Raphael's keen eye caught onto what made you concede, or the more amusing mortal word, fold, and oh was it foolishly simple.
It was always apparent between the two of you that the entirety of his life, his thousands, is only a shadow to your ten thousands. Its what made him so pathetically small in your eyes. He was still young, to you.
Oh, and his human form! It was so little and so mortal.
"A living mortal in my hall in the hells? Oh, it is only you, my dearest!" The cage of brown-red bone that protected your ever-ardent veins still protruded from beneath your flesh in the form of spikes, through your bumpy, fire-scarred flesh; but you were careful in kneeling before your favored, human form of Raphael.
You were still taller than him, kneeling, and Raphael looked most exquisite looking up at you. The cambion didn't need to dress up his words with a mouth-watering glaze. He already had you in his grasp. "My love, I've come to ask something of you."
"Again?" You click your tongue, shaking your head and nearly hitting him with your thick, wild horns. "You must learn to be independent one of these days."
"Oh," When he's rid of the interjection of exasperation, his bottom lip draws over his top lip; a pout. "I know, my dearest, but you must understand!"
"What must I understand?" You leave your hands in fists over your hips, leaning back straighter to look at him with the most stern expression your monstrous face muscles can offer.
Even with your knowledge of him being, well, a devil, you are still so careful to touch him, especially so in your ascended fiend form. Raphael steps closer, between your kneeling legs, placing his hands over your fists. "I really do need your help this time. I cannot do this without you."
You huff, your fists breaking to hold his hands properly. "Tell me, my love, what do you need of me?"
"My father has a new relic in his collection. Oh, it is so precious!" He emphasizes his point with the bounce of his heels, "Extremely powerful, as I'm sure you've heard, my darling; the mortals have lost their magic recently, yes? The foolish mortal Karsus and his foolish ambitions, but his crown is very much real, and very much powerful, especially for a human."
"So I've heard, sweetheart. What are you saying?" If you had any eyebrows, they would've furrowed.
"I need it. I need it, for myself, it'll be the most splendid gift!"
Your head draws back, and for a moment, your skin burns hotter, in such a way that even he can feel its temperature raise, that it must be so potent and high a change that a flame-retardant lover can feel it. Had this been the first time Raphael has asked for something of such great power from you, he'd have thought his plan was over.
"Mephistopheles would kill me, Raphael, shove me in a portal to the Material Plane, or the Ethereal Plane, or even the Godly Plane just to see me die the most gruesome death." You do not exaggerate, he has seen it first hand more than a handful of times.
"Oh, but my love, my dearest..." Raphael doesn't follow up his most adorable pet names, like one normally would. He doesn't plead his case, doesn't beg for it. Instead, he widens his eyes, and he stares, and there's just something about the way the glare of the candelabra glints in his eye that—
Gods, he's just adorable, isn't he? So much better than a hellhound begging for a scrap of your meal, its head on your thigh, because this is your dearest Raphael.
Devils have delicious red eyes, but Raphael's human form has this just sweet pair of brown eyes, what is it, chocolate? They're gorgeous.
And his head can barely crane up high enough to look you in the eye, even when you're kneeling for him.
You huff, look away from him, but it's already too late. For the love of Tyr, Mystra, Ilmater, and the gods you'll never praise, why must he look so exquisite? With a deep sigh, you turn back to him, forgetting his delicateness as you place your wide palm over his tempting face. "Fine. Fine, my love, I will ask."
Raphael kisses your palm, lifting it off his face, and he smiles so nicely as he continues to pepper kisses along your burning knuckles. "Thank you," He says, spewing word upon word of his gratitude, "thank you, my love, I love you so much."
"Yeah, I know." You sigh once more, but you fold, leaning your head down to encase his head between your horns. "I love you too, my dear."
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urhoneycombwitch · 5 months
dating Eddie and indulging in his hobbies but he refuses to do a one-on-one DND game with you or invite you into the campaigns anymore because "you can't fuck your way out of the problem every time! there's stats and lore and No! I will not describe the dick game of the orc, baby, be serious" He will not let your harlot ways disrespect the authenticity of the game because he's a loser nerd <3
he claims to be immune to your charm in-game but every time you wear a low-cut blouse your character gets treated very well. Eddie denies he isn’t partial to any one player but everyone learns quickly that if they really want something from their DM, the best way to go about it is to tell you in private and then let you be the one to present it in-session. bc then Eddie thinks its his idea <3 and he also doesn’t like saying no to you <3
but yes I do believe he mostly upholds the strict code of game integrity/morals he keeps for himself. he’s not a total stickler tho. he’s got a jester’s soul. there’s a colorful painted D20 kept amongst his campaign mini figs, in a little box labeled “TOMFOOLERY”. presents it to whoever can make a good enough case for their sillier actions 😇
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socallmedaisy · 11 months
critical role!!!!!
we got our seats upgraded for free because we were sitting in front of the cameras (they had some blank rows then us, and to be honest they weren't really in the way) but they moved us like half the floor forward with three blank rows in front and behind so we ended up with the best view.
no spoilers but it was so good, so good. the plot was not at all what I expected.
the music didn't play during the intro vid but it was the karaoke vid, so 12000 people still sung your turn to roll perfectly. they sorted out the music after the interval so we sung it again with the music.
I saw so many laudna cosplays but only one imogen.
a couple of minor spoilers under the cut.
Ashley's calculator!!!!
her first attack with holy weapon and the 100+ damage 😳
"how does sentinel stop this?" "are you being patronising right now?"
Beau saying the purple haired girl was hot. No one is immune to Laura Bailey.
Jester's anti magic field not stopping the transformation and her face when Matt told her.
The two Calebs and meteor strike gave me such intense C1 flashbacks to the Vecna fight. it was visceral.
Laura's face when Travis did the thing at the very end. Laura Bailey has won D&D romance.
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Who are your top 3 CR PCs?
Okay, I have a few different answers depending on whether guest characters, EXU, or Candela Obscura count.
If we're counting everything:
1. Sean Finnerty (Candela Obscura, Circle of Needle & Thread): I love characters who put a comedic veneer over being immensely fucked up, and I love when that veneer drops. His arc was so sad and I loved it so much
2. Jester Lavorre (Mighty Nein): She is the chaos I want to see in the world. She's such a fun character, I love how she's both a genuinely nice person and someone who will permanently superglue a golden dick to someone's hand, and there's definitely something about her that resonates with me as someone who grew sheltered with a creative outlet. Also the Cupcake is iconic.
3. Nydas Okiro (EXU Calamity): Of course there's gonna be someone from Calamity on here. A lot of people focus on Zerxus, Quay, or Laerryn, and I love all of them, but Nydas was my favorite from his introduction. He's one of the top two examples of blind ambition in the Ring of Brass (along with Laerryn), and his reaction to the prophecy was SUCH a good character beat. His stand at the Golden Scythe and rallying of the constructs in episode 4 still makes me tear up every time.
Honorable mentions: Shakaste (Mighty Nein guest character), Kerrek (Vox Machina Guest character), Dariax Zaveon (EXU original/Kymal)
If we're just talking core campaigns (I am very behind on Bells Hells, so there won't be anyone from there, but I do very much like Imogen and FCG)
1. Jester Lavorre (Mighty Nein) (see above)
2. Beauregard Lionett (Mighty Nein): Listen, I'm a library information professional, I am legally obligated to love her and the Cobalt Soul. I appreciate the amount of bullshit she refused to take, I feel like she got to fully in-character make use of Marisha's note taking skills (which is one of her biggest strengths as a player, imo), and I can't think of a single dynamic she had with another member of the Nein that I didn't have fun with.
3. Percival Frederickstein von Musel Kollowski de Rolo III (Vox Machina) (I hope I spelled that all correctly): I am not immune to sadboi. Percy had one of my favorite arcs in Campaign 1; there's something to be said for revenge arcs that do eventually answer the question of "so now what?" and I enjoyed that Taliesin never cut him a break for his shit. I'm also a shameless Perc'ahlia shipper, and I would be lying if I said that didn't influence my choice.
Honorable mentions: Caleb Widogast (Mighty Nein), Vex'ahlia (Vox Machina)
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"At least one way of measuring the freedom of any society is the amount of comedy that is permitted, and clearly a healthy society permits more satirical comment than a repressive, so that if comedy is to function in some way as a safety release then it must obviously deal with these taboo areas. This is part of the responsibility we accord our licensed jesters, that nothing be excused the searching light of comedy. If anything can survive the probe of humour it is clearly of value, and conversely all groups who claim immunity from laughter are claiming special privileges which should not be granted."
~ Eric Idle, comedian, actor, and author (b. 29 Mar 1943)
(Ian Sanders)
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tessathegamefreak · 23 days
Man, it has been- FOREVER since I made anything Elder Scrolls related [Did I even have a Tumblr back when I did my Elder Scrolls fanarts? Who knows!]
Anyways, I have been trying to get myself back into drawing for my earliest hyperfixation ever! I have dozens of OCs for Skyrim alone, and hardly ANY art for ANY of them! So, allow me to introduce you to one I DID make art for!
Let me introduce you to Varnia Wayrest, an orc assassin who originally hails from High Rock. [her character sheet beneath]:
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All information on her will be uploaded to a Toyhou.se and shared here at a later time. For now, I can drop some small details about her:
Her given name was Volmpha gro-Mornoga. She spent her childhood in her orc stronghold.
She was ostracized as a child, both for being a bastard child and for her narcolepsy, which left her with a weakened immune system as the adults neglected her welfare.
She was left bedridden for most of her childhood, due to the various ailments she contracted in her adolescence, but the worst ailment she suffered from was Bonerot.
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As a woman, she left her fortress and spent her early adult years in the city of Wayrest. The city was a sentimental place for her as it was where she first began to find herself, so when she eventually hit the road, she commemorated her surname to the city instead of the fort she hailed from- as is customary for the Orsimer. [She also luckily left just before the city fell-]
Varnia had a passion for the creative arts and tried to make it as a Thespian, but found that such a feat was difficult for an Orsimer to achieve in a populace of Bretons that didn’t want to see their stories re-enacted by one of the Pariahfolk.
When her acting dreams were crushed, she instead took to the Fighter’s guild, and later operated as a mercenary. Though it was not the same as her creative arts, she considered bringing her axe down on a foe a form of art in itself. This line of work took her to Skyrim for opportunities.
It was in Skyrim where Varnia once again found herself, this time in assassination. She wasn’t going to go through with assassinating Gerold the Kind when Aventus first tasked her with the quest, but upon meeting the crone, she felt differently. Thus led her to her following the Dark Brotherhood questline and becoming its new Listener…
She has a close partnership with Cicero. She first met the fool outside of Lorieus’ Farm, where she helped him with his wagon. Then fate brought them back together, leading her to later spare the jester’s life despite Astrid’s orders. The two now make for an odd traveling pair.
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[P.S. Hope y’all like my take on that old Barbie and Ken meme XD]
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aeoris4lovers · 2 years
thoughts on verin getting to know the mighty nein:
fjord: voted most likely to be verin's crush. each of them thinks the other is way cooler than them and sometimes it just makes them really awkward around each other but once they get comfortable they're just very loud about Look At My Badass Friend. they fall into the habit of shooting each other "can you believe this" looks when the others start making ridiculous plans, as if they don't also love the chaos. verin is committed to being fjord's personal hype man, and he takes his job very seriously.
beau: at first, beau mostly just thinks verin is kind of annoying (though funny to watch when he annoys the shit out of essek), but he turns out to be a good workout buddy and is more than willing to get wrapped up in her and fjord's shenanigans. the first time they really hit it off is when beau is connecting the dots on her latest mystery of choice and verin jumps in to start bouncing off of her ideas, and everyone else just watches in awe as they frantically unravel it together.
caleb: verin is not immune to the urge to manhandle the resident scrawny wizard, and is even less so after finding out he's the one essek is in love with. he plays the part of the "if you ever hurt him i will make you pay" brother for a while (mostly because he thinks it's funny and it annoys essek) but ultimately, he becomes like a brother to caleb too. also, he's obsessed with any and every cat that caleb brings his way. bring him a particularly small cat and he will shed a tear.
veth: verin thinks veth is hilarious, but he's also a bit terrified of her (which absolutely goes to her head). he does, however, prove to be fantastic with luc, and the presents he brings for luc start being accompanied by particularly nice trinkets he thought she would like. sometimes veth teases fjord talking about how strong verin is, which immediately makes verin blush every time.
jester: these two together are literal sunshine. they bring out each other's excitement and absolutely light up a room once they set each other off. if you see them whispering to each other, expect the unexpected, because they might be planning the prank of the century but they also might just be planning on surprising everyone with baked goods. (sometimes both. usually both.) essek fears seeing them in a room together because it exponentially increases his chances of getting hug-attacked.
kingsley: kingsley flirts with verin constantly and verin is adorably confused by it, which only makes it more appealing for kingsley. verin thinks it's really cool that kingsley is an actual pirate, and kingsley absolutely eats up the attention and awe. they sometimes gossip together, and kingsley manages to bring out a catty side of verin that essek didn't even know existed.
caduceus: while verin was the odd one out among his generally serious family, he fits right in with the chaos of the clay family. he easily falls back into the role of "lovingly shitty little brother," so much so that caduceus' own annoying brother side tends to come out while they're together. unsurprisingly, caduceus is also the only one able to get verin to talk about all the things he tries to pretend aren't weighing him down.
yasha: beefy blonde besties, classic introvert-extravert pair, and mlm/wlw solidarity at its finest. it's not uncommon to find the two of them staying up late talking about anything that comes to mind. verin is no less convinced of yasha's ability to send magical messages than yasha herself is. when her wings are out, he begs her relentlessly for a ride until she gives in. he has a certain brightness to his personality that yasha didn't want to admit she missed when molly became kingsley.
astrid: verin is, respectfully, absolutely terrified of astrid. not just because she used to be an assassin for the other side of the war he was trained to fight – he gets over that part quickly enough, he just thinks she specifically is intimidating, and she regularly leans into it just to amuse herself. eventually, he works up the confidence to start trying to retaliate and fuck with her; he's not often successful, but it's a fun game and they're both irrationally competitive about it.
eadwulf: tied for most likely to be verin's crush. verin also thinks he's intimidating, but more in the "if you put a knife to my throat i might just have to make out with you" way than in the "if you put a knife to my throat i would say my goodbyes and accept my fate" way. eadwulf is particularly hard to get a real laugh out of, but verin gets good enough at it over time that even caleb is impressed. very rarely, verin even manages to get a snort-laugh out of him, which caleb never lets him live down.
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wordy-little-witch · 7 months
I am also on the buggy-isnt-actually-human agenda 👀 also i cant believe i never thought if boabuggy mean girl squad bc ur so right (im gonna ignore the fact that canon buggy most likely isnt immune to her since he never once showed interest in alvida) which now brings me to: mean gurls boabuggyalvida 😌🧚‍♀️✨
I actually have an ongoing fic with Buggy as non-human and him and Shanks being brothers and just- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BRAINROT OKAY
My favorite concept is making Buggy a type of faery. My fic specifically has him as a Harlequinn, solely bc it FIT and I am feral for clown/jesters/etc. I can go into detail if you want, but I don't wanna clog this one
But like.
Buggy is the ONLY person in One Piece with a nose like his. He's hyperaware of that, and it's his biggest visible insecurity. He loves shiny things, treasures, gold, etc. His luck stats are either MAXED OUT or in the NEGATIVES. He is so good at manipulating people ((silver tongue)), and his specialty is smoke and mirrors, enthralling the masses, and he only gets involved when either A) he HAS to, or B) he has reason to protect/claim something. He's an observer most of the time, and he facilitates observation in others as well. And don't get me started by the lure and draw he gives to others to his space, his territory, full of Power, Fortune, Whimsy and Joy. Gods. He's so fascinating I wanna study him under a microscope, wanna put him in Situations ♡♡♡
Boa+Buggy+Alvida hours
The only thing I think might be rocky is Alvida and Hancock butting heads over beauty, but honestly? I think once they warm up to each other, Hancock would actually be really relieved to not be called the cutest or hottest in the room. I also think the three would be each other's biggest hype sources ((but also refreshingly, brutally honest)).
Personally? I think Buggy might actually be immune to Hancock. When he saw Alvida, he had a passing thought of "Oh, pretty, anyway-" so maybe in Canon he'd also become stone but imagine how funny it out be if she tried stoning him, it didn't work OR he split apart and it only worked a little. Now she is BAMBOOZLED.
Like.... "why didn't this work? What are you, clown? Explain yourself!!"
"..... I mean. You're cute, I guess???? But girl that lip tint is not your palette-"
"Here, try this one, I stole it like this morning, it's unopened-"
"Oh that is nice-"
And with that a friendship was born!!
Or alternatively
"Why didn't you turn to stone?"
"Hancock.... I'm gay."
"And also a bottom."
"You don'treally seem like a top, but... i mean, you're still pretty though????"
"Did we just become friends?"
"*surprised clown noises*"
Yes BoaBuggyVida mean girls bestie squad. Only thing to make it better is including Perona and/or Uta bc I feel like that would be. So much fun.
Also it changes the subtext in the Cross Guild situation a tad, bc Mihawk knows Buggy and Boa get on like a house on fire, he knows Shanks waxes poetic about the clown, and he is so confused bc the math isn't mathing, is he missing something?? Are the others just THAT delusional??? What is the truth?????
But yeah I have so many Boa+Buggy+Vida concepts and it is. So much. All the brainrot. I love the dumb little clown dude and his army of simps and girlboss besties
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levshany · 1 year
What's your favorite thing about Belos? Do you have any headcanons about him? Also, I love your art and how you draw him!
My favorite thing... Should I pick just one? Well, if we're talking about the look, it's his hair. If we're talking about the temper, it's his hardworking
And here are my headings about him. I'll start with the most common ones, and end with personal ones that I haven't seen from anyone yet:
1. Belos is a retrained left-hander. He holds all the instruments with his left hand, but writes with his right, since it was previously believed that left-handers subject to devilish influence.
2. Phillip's mother was burned on charges of witchcraft. Perhaps little Philip even had to witness this terrible scene.
3. Belos was often ill at the beginning of his journey through BI. And I'm not talking about a curse, but about local infections, to which he had no immunity. Over time, his body adapted, and later the curse itself began to neutralize all poisons and infections.
4. Belos really had fun while communicating with the Collector. These two have the dynamics of a king and a jester, and the jester is allowed to interact with the king as equals, making fun of him, giving advices, and generally talking to him as a friend. Thanks to this feature, a trusting relationship was often built between the king and the jester. With Collector Belos could afford himself to forget he was an emperor and just chat about whatever came to mind.
Perhaps Belos could even tell Collie details of his life that he could not discuss with anyone else. He was going to get rid of the kid anyway and didn't allow them to have contact with the outside world, so there was no need to worry about spilling something to anyone.
5. It was Belos who built the portal door. This headcanon even has confirmation in Philip's diary, where one of the pages depicted scheme of this very door
6. The picture of the witches dancing around the campfire is based on one of Belos' real memories. I'm sure witches have such parties/rituals, and Belos was a witness to them. I like this massive wall of fire and it seems to me that it is somehow connected with the fire that occurred during the battle of the brothers
7. Some people think that Belos doesn't eat anything other than palismen, but I headcanon that he still eats normal food, it's just that his diet is severely limited due to his inability to digest most of the foods of the demon realm
8. Little Philip didn't allow anyone except his brother to touch his head and hair. This is the intimate area
9. Belos wrote a huge number of magic books. It is unlikely that this person was limited to only one diary. To keep order in the covens and teach witches the "correct" use of magic, books and guides were needed. So Belos wrote at least a book for each coven, but I'm sure there are many more. Maybe even Belos signed some of them with pseudonyms.
It is possible that some of his works have survived and are still used to this days for an in-depth study of a certain type of magic.
Wooooo, so far these are all the heads that I remembered for now! I hope you enjoy it :3
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irodimww · 6 months
Blindy and Bunster Headcanons
SHOUTOUT TO @fawncr33k FOR INSPIRING ME TO MAKE A POST OF MY HC’S OF THE SILLIES !! (I’ve always wanted to make an HC post omg) thanks y’all for liking the silly jester and carnivore bnnuys !!
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>FIRST WITH BLINDY’S PERSONALITY OMG: For a quick rundown, he’s cold, distant, private/secretive, very “guardian-like” (but in a dark way), grim, serious, blunt, kinda antisocial, strategic (I’d give a lot more details but we’d be here all day SOBBING)
> Blindy’s favorite color is red!! (reminds him of meat)
> He is a carnivore! I like to imagine him with fangs/sharper canines due to eating meat
> His ears can pick up the most quiet of noises from the farthest of distances away! He’s very fast, and can run in very quiet, quick footsteps. He also has a very strong sense of smell!—Although he has a very dull sense of taste, and his body has been trained throughly to practically not sense any sort of pain.
> He is immune to alcohol! I feel like Blindy has a really odd immune system after being in the void (the place he’s first introduced in the secret post-credit scene) and therefore he either is immune, or has a really strong tolerance to alcohol
> Blindy is 4’8 ft tall
—— (JorgeWrites, one of the developers of The Bunny Graveyard, actually said that Blindy was a short king—although he never confirmed an actual height sooooo-)
> He is very lightweight; as in he weighs very lightly! Being in the void for a long time (in which I headcanon him having stayed there for like, ATLEAST A SOLID 10 YEARS) has him probably at around 80 lbs in weight. > HE DOES NOT SLEEP; from my HC of him staying in the void for 10 years, he probably has gotten used to almost never sleeping—if he does sleep, he either sleeps while standing up and only sleeps half an hour (max time he spent resting was 8 hours probably).
> He’s very alert and pays attention to all of his surroundings at all times. He also has the ability to hold his breath for long periods of time and stay very still; very silent! Although, he can’t relax—his regular state is just being alert and highly attentive on everything.
> Blindy’s main weapon of choice is a sword! He likes slashing targets with his sword rather than stabbing. The sword itself is very long (almost like a katana!) but it looks like the sword from the SWORD Area of 4/1/1992 (I suggest playing that free mini game btw! It hints at a lot of things of The Bunny Graveyard as a whole)
> Blindy hates any sort of physical touch, you touch his shoulder? He’ll slap your hand away. The farthest he’s gotten with someone in physical touch is literally hand holding—also for anyone who’s curious NAWWW HE’S NEVER HAD A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP IN HIS LIFE
> Blindy’s Aromantic in my eyes, he has no interest in romance and doesn’t feel any sort of romantic attraction to anyone he’s ever met lol. (I should also quickly say this that NAW he is not in love with Bunster in regards to Blindybun, I’ll explain more about their dynamics in a different post)
> He doesn’t really swear a lot, but when he does it’s usually in small doses—to emphasize a point. He picks his words carefully; thinking before speaking ! > He doesn’t lie, but he tends to not give the truth very easily. He has a skill in avoiding and deflecting questions about himself.
★彡 I’m gonna stop the Blindy HC’s right there because WE STILL HAVE TO TALK ABOUT MY SECOND FAVORITE SILLY, THE JESTER OF ALL TIME, BUNSTER !!! ★彡
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> Bunster’s personality is EASY: egotistical/prideful, vain, arrogant, grandiose, attention-seeking, VERY AGGRESSIVE, temperamental, eccentric, probably has a superiority complex, a major asshole, very petty, bossy, heartless, cruel, (I COULD SAY SO MUCH ABOUT HIM OMG)
—— (ElPichon, a developer of The Bunny Graveyard, also confirmed Bunster being a “bad kind of asshole”, in which he rated him a 9/10 for how much of a jerk he is)
> He is 5’8 ft tall (He is confirmed to be shorter than Kiwi, who the developers said was around 6’0 ft tall!)
> His main weapon of choice are daggers! He specifically dual-wields a pair of daggers and has a lot of throwing knives on him, not to mention he takes great pride with his GREAT SKILL of using knives
> He is the type to want to steal the spotlight off of anyone else and want everyone to pay attention to just him—if he doesn’t get that attention he starts getting into a tantrum and gets violent
> He is VERY heartless. He’s an irredeemable asshole that loves no one but himself, and he will use or push down others in order to get himself to the top. He has a VERY small capacity to care for others, but usually whenever he cares about another person it’s for his own benefit—usually.
—— (ElPichon on a stream once had actually said that Bunster had no love in him.)
> He LOVES pointing at other peoples’ insecurities and making fun of others to put himself up (in reality he has a big insecurity about his own strength and power)
> He falls for flattery very easily, and always craves for compliments—any criticism, however, will probably result in him throwing a knife at you
> He doesn’t really make “true relationships” (because he believes he’s already the best on his own and that he doesn’t need others). Because of this he kinda ended up being incredibly lonely, but he’s too prideful to want to let others into his personal life
> Bunster is outwardly homophobic (so that others don’t make fun of him) but secretly FRUITY AS HECK. He is ?? So secretly fruity. He’s either a closeted gay or a closeted bisexual in my head LMAO (this is a meme).
> He is VERY hypocritical. Along with being a hypocrite, he is the type to CONSTANTLY lie. You cannot trust this guy in keeping his word or telling the truth, he’s gonna lie and betray you the moment you’re weak
> Feel like I haven’t said this yet—Bunster is physically strong, and is actually the strongest in his circus (I HC him being the self-appointed leader because he’s the most powerful of his group). He values strength over intelligence, and is not one to strategize—more so he just tries to pulverize and overwhelm his enemy with brute strength.
> He has a really distorted image of himself and holds himself to the highest of standards. The moment his image is cracked he lashes out and gets very pissed off—bro just doesn’t want to accept that he’s weaker than someone else (Blindy COUGH COUGH)
> Bunster isn’t really the type to compromise, if he wants something, he wants all of it—not part of it or not some of it, all of it. He’s also very demanding and impatient with what he wants.
> Lastly, he is NOT into romance, he wants none of the cuddly, strawberry sweet fluff. He just wants a rush of adrenaline bro (cue in his most favorite hated enemy Blindy)
★彡 I think I’m gonna stop here for tonight omg (2 hours of writing HC’s on tumblr, damn) ANYWAY IF YALL HAVE ANY HEADCANONS ABOUT BLINDY AND BUNSTER FEEL FREE TO PING ME !! (Explosion)
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by the way THIS IS FICTIONAL; i don’t support people like bunster in real life (just needed to put this in in case people were somehow thinking I liked heartless assholes in real life which I DO NOT—)
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