#no one reads each other like fellow queens
grind-pantera · 16 days
Girl when I tell you I absolutely NEED part 3 to Customary or I might die!! Omggg that yearning shit had me covering the smile on my mouth and licking my feet. 🤭 It’s too good! It’s too cute! You might actually be a wizard. I’m bowing down to you, slow-burn queen 🙌
My fingers.... They are burning.... with dESIRE.
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Title: Wounded Pride. Fandom: ( Kindgom of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Mentions of violence, blood, injury and mating. ) Words: 6K ( Someone stop me jk don't. ) Pairing: Implied! Noa x Human!Reader. Summary: You were ignoring each other, that much was clear. How long was it going to last? Noa felt like he was bursting at the seams and you felt like you had lost all sense of reasoning. ** Does Contain Spoilers for Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. ** PART ONE: Customary. PART TWO: Gone Hunting. PART THREE: Currently Reading. PART FOUR: Head First. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・●・○・ “Noa!” That was a frantic tone and lured the Chimp to raise his head in question. His ears moved to focus on where it was coming from. Off to his left, maybe 10 or so meters away. Not too far if he needed to run. He made a barking sound in response. Hearing his name was not enough.  His vision caught a few things. Leaves tangling against the ruins of a past structure. Echo in nature, through and through and hideously ugly. Nothing like what Apes built he beamed with decent pride at that. His body swung at the sound of his name vibrating along the walls encapsulating him like a barren playground. His set of feet and hands were pressed into the ground now. He was braced, ready to take off. Respond, Noa’s mind felt like it was melting, waiting for his fellow friends to communicate. He traced his gaze right along the trees that were bursting through the sturdy concrete, determined to grow in such ludacris circumstances. His chest rose and fell rapidly, faster than he had felt in quite some time, at least since his encounter with Proximus Caesar.  “Noa! You need to come quick!” The fur along his spine pricked at that, standing on edge. A sensation not often felt with him. It screamed ‘danger ahead!’ His nerves yelled at him, muscles feeling tense. The voice was very much Soona’s, tangling with Anaya’s as they began yelling over each other. Well, it couldn’t have been that serious if they were both taking time to yell, some tanglement of arguing with each other hitting Noa’s ears as he finally picked his pace up to a gallop. Coming to what could only be described as a skirting stop, Noa’s hands and feet dug into the earth below him to stop him from tumbling over, making quite crazed eye contact with Soona and Anaya as his mind caught up with his body. Both unharmed, he sighed from relief at that. Anaya was breathing heavily - Nervous? Noa questioned silently and looked at Soona again, shoulders fraught. He stared at her, expecting an explanation without having to ask for one. She was quick to oblige but didn't bother with words. Merely stepping aside, her entire self bumped into Anaya’s and they both shuffled to the side on all fours looking between Noa and what was behind them in the long grass that grew without care. Noa came forward, keeping his senses on guard in case there was danger with what Soona and Anaya had found. His friends were fast to follow right behind him. Noa never had it in him to advise that he was just as scared as they were at times like this. He swallowed it down and did what he needed. Soona and Anaya needed him to be brave and that was often his gift to them. Their gift back? Their unwavering friendship and support through the years. Green eyes scaled the grassy area in front of him to observe before he got too close. Some blades were painted red. Noa hesitated briefly. It had to be blood, Noa roughly vocalized to Soona and Anaya to stand back, stay back. They did just that, stopping their movements as Noa bridged the gap of two feet between himself and the patch. 
“Still… Alive?” Soona asked quietly. Noa glanced back at her, watching as she dipped her head precariously. Anaya was standing close to her, holding onto her arm out of fear. Noa looked back at the grass, or rather, what was in it. Between the long entanglements of weeds and vines he could make out the striking notions of blood splatter. Fresh, it still looked wet. Swallowing back something that was resting in his throat, Noa stood. If there was danger, he needed to appear as large as he could. One of the many tactics a Chimpanzee had when faced with the unknown. The extra height he got going from all fours to bi-pedal was all he needed to see clearly what was in that busted patch of grass. ‘Echo!’ He signed at Anaya and Soona. 
‘Has to still be alive!’ Anaya was fast to respond to his best friend, his hands finding it a bit difficult to move so quickly. The next set of words were jumbled but Noa understood. It had made a sound when Soona and Anaya probed it, which prompted them to call Noa in return. 
‘What…’ Soona’s signing was slow compared to Anaya’s. She was always more thoughtful and Noa savored that in this moment, trying so hard to keep himself from going straight into panic. ‘What… do.. We do?’
‘Put out of misery.’ Anaya wasn’t joking. 
Noa held his hand up, fingers twisted into a hard fist. Soona and Anaya both fell deathly quiet. He was not about to mercy kill. What was in front of him would die on its own once the cold of the night came around. There was evident damage to their legs, close to the ankles, blood pooling there and trickling down the smooth nature of the skin into the dirt below. He made a fast sign to his friends telling them. He heard them both gasp under their breath as Noa made a move closer, crouching to get more detail, his hands and feet tangling in on themselves with the spaced movement of Noa’s broad body. Cut around the temple, hit by rock maybe, or fell on face, burns around wrists, most likely from being bound. Noa was making quick notes of what he was seeing. He looked right. Nothing. He looked to the left and noticed blood droplets and traced their trajectory mindfully. It was coming from the direction of the cave that kept the Eagle Clan secluded from other Apes in the area. That was all Noa needed to know. The Echo in front of him must have been hunted, nearly to the brink of death.  ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・
‘How?’ Anaya signed at Noa, huffing deeply at his friend who was pacing, very distraught. The sounds from the Ape in front of him told Noa to stop moving and to focus, pay attention to the conversation at hand but it was apparent with the shoulder movements of aggravation that that was not going to happen. Noa was an obsessive creature, and Anaya knew that. Once he was locked and entranced by something, by any force of nature, Noa would tear it open and figure it out to satisfy his need to fix, his need to deduce. That’s what made him so good at tinkering, at resolving. It must have been a secretive thing Noa wanted to talk about this time around, eager to get Anaya alone. Stalking and biding his time almost all day to get his friend pinned for a conversation. Without Soona, without his mother. ‘Echo got offended?’ The signing of those words were accompanied by a funny face, Anaya very obviously curious how Noa had managed that one. Neither had heard of an Echo being offended, though, from the Elders of the Clan, they had always made the assumption that they were quick to anger. Maybe the same thing, Anaya bargained with Noa, but Noa felt this was different than simple anger and told his friend that sternly.
Noa had put everything incredibly broad, unsure of how to approach his closest confidant with what had happened between himself and you. Too many details would give away Noa’s primal intent. He gave the gist of it with words a few minutes ago, Anaya intently listening to Noa’s voice waver. Up and down, the placement of his tone unsure and full of self-loathing. He continued, explaining in part the conversation about the human custom of kissing, only the important details, followed by a very cliff-noted version of the hunting endeavor. Anaya must have sensed the urgency, choosing to sign rather than put more effort into it by speaking. Anyway, he justified it further by thinking that signing was more private. Less likely for someone to overhear, or well…. Oversee. Tilting his head to the side, Anaya felt a sigh roll from him as Noa finally stopped pacing, now choosing to sit rather defensively on his hands and feet. ‘How?’ Anaya repeated. 
‘I do not know.’ Shamefully, Noa dropped his hands after admitting that, his jaw clenching tightly for a moment as he grinded his teeth together. They clattered, his canines distracting his train of thought for a split second as he moved his tongue over them. ‘Echo just…’ Signs were not coming to him. Thoughts were not coming to him. Throwing his hands up in vivid frustration, Noa gave up and let a growl fall from his lips, snarling his lips for a second as it became a bit louder before tapering into a hum of sorts. Anaya blinked, hunching forward on all fours and drifted his way very slowly to sit by Noa. 
‘Why… you bothered?’
‘I do not know.’ He repeated this time. 
Anaya nodded, only looking at his friend from the corner of his eye. ‘Maybe… Apology?’ That was definitely an avenue that Noa had considered, in fact it was the first thing that popped into his mind. Chimps were good at apologies. Never with words, often they reached their hands out, palms up and waited for the party getting the concession to accept. It had a great acceptance rate, but Noa doubted you’d want that. Just throw an apology your way and see how it sticks! What could go wrong? You’d never talk to him again…  He grunted out a denial to Anaya at that prospect and turned his shoulders away. Defensive in nature. 
‘You… need tell Anaya…’ He tilted his head in hesitation, knowing what he was about to suggest would be a dangerous path, even though they were friends. “What Noa actually said.” There was confidence in his verbalization, stressing and driving home to Noa that it was a necessity to spill his guts for Anaya to properly gauge the situation and help. “Asked.. about mating.” Noa was fast to speak, hoping that maybe his voice was too weak for Anaya to understand. He underestimated it though and it came out sounding like a sour grape. “Asked if pleasured.” Noa turned his face towards Anaya, giving him a certain look that told him all he needed to know. He got his needed information and now he needed to process. And… It surely brought to light a lot of things. 
A lot. 
Anaya sat back on his butt, displaying a rather surprised expression. Noa didn't bother looking at him, already able to see the emotions on his friend's face just in his mind. That’s what they got for years of being around each other. Each minute move either face or body was known and read right away. 
“Stupid.” He told Noa honestly which resulted in a chortle from the Eagle Clan’s leader. It was the sound of agreement. “Echo like privacy. Stupid to ask. Not like us! Keep many secrets away from Noa, from all Apes.” There was intense scrutiny in Anaya’s voice. There was a reason why the Elders told stories, wary ones, about the Echo’s. About how they were and how they disregarded things that weren’t important to them. Selfish! Anaya chuffed, wanting to pull Noa in physically and beat him into submitting, giving Anaya all the answers he needed to deduce what Noa was already enthralled in. Instead though, he urged, “Why ask?”
Noa dropped his shoulders at the mild scolding and dipped his chin towards his body. He knew what Anaya was saying was right and there was no logical excuse anymore why he asked what he did or why he felt somehow entitled to an answer from you. ‘Curious.’ He didn't have it in him to speak.
Anaya wasn’t seething perse, instead, he was statically quiet which was even worse to Noa. Anaya was a chatterbox, even if it was about nothing of consequence. This… Was out of the norm and it made Noa incredibly uncomfortable. He began shifting his weight from one side to another, swaying out of mere anticipation of being scolded again. And if Anaya got too into it, Noa could just choose to gallop away. He didn't have to take it! He was the leader. He was… He was the Eagle Clan. 
“Stupid.” Anaya muttered again, picking himself up and moving. He couldn’t be next to Noa as he processed. 
“Told me they only mate out of survival, hardly… the other reasons..” Anaya’s mouth popped open. Noa got further into the conversation than he led his friend to believe. Previously, the assumption was made that you didn't respond and merely began ignoring him out of offense. 
Anaya exploded. “Echo not stupid, Noa is. Should have left it to die in the woods when found. Then, Noa wouldn’t be here telling Anaya stupid things!”
Noa lurched at that. Not at Anaya, but unquestionably at the implications of his words. At least, that was what Noa was going to tell himself later when the guilt set in that he drew his aggression at his best friend. The animalistic movement was taken the wrong way, made evident as Anaya billowed as Noa approached him, drawing into himself to appear smaller, more weak, more favorable. Raising his hand up, Noa was chaste to brush his fingertips against Anaya’s open palm. Apology. Simple and clean. Anaya submitted to his friend and watched as he turned, leaving the Chimp still as dumbfounded as before. Though, with a bit more insight. 
You could smell dried blood but you couldn’t bring yourself to lift your heavy eyelids. Warmth was collapsing over you, wave after wave. Each one brought another one of your senses with it. There was a mild tingling in your right ear, prickling at your hearing as you tried to adjust it enough to figure out your surroundings. Last thing you remembered was stumbling… Hands pacing over a bricked wall in the dark, trying too hard to find a place where you didn't need to run for your life. Your hand pressing to your forehead, bloodied from a cut on the side near your temple, vision blurring in and out of focus. Your knees buckled from exhaustion, crashing onto grass that definitely appeared softer than it felt… It was hot for a second but then it was awfully cold, your body taking a plunge into an invisible ocean of sheer ice. Then, it all went black. Maybe, if you were lucky, you were dead. Whirling endlessly in limbo somewhere between the Earth and the Heavens, searching for the next place to go. Maybe you were asleep, dreaming up violent situations from your subconscious. After all, it did what it wanted to in your dreams; you had no control over that. Would you be aware if you were dreaming though? That idea spurred you to cross it off the list of possibilities. Hm… Or maybe you were dead, you repeated. Your eyes did not want to open. You were so warm… Another wave hit you all of a sudden and you became aware of the smothering sensation of animal fur against your back. Against your arms. Against your legs. Against your entire body. Voices without bodies were floating around you. They sounded human enough and that put you at some ease. You jumped the gun there. Thinking you had been caught by a bunch of ravenous Apes. Ha. Ha. Ha…
Jolting, you were abruptly conscious. 
Not conscious enough, you decided. Drawing a deep breath into your lungs to accommodate for the lack of air you got while passed out, you found your eyes peering into green ones directly above you. Not just regular green, you tilted your head and tried desperately to ignore the throb coming from your temple. Entrancing, grappling for dominance with flecks of outstanding gold against a canvas of darkened pupils. Oh yeah, you were dead. You were definitely looking into the eyes of God, you said sarcastically in your wounded trance and shut your eyes again. “Awake! Echo is awake!” You heard that clear as day and it did nothing to help the already soundless nature of the drumming in your head. It was followed up but a few soft hoots of acknowledgement which caused the hair on your arms to stick up in defense and your eyes to fly open without reserve. Ape. Ape. Ape. You counted them with wide eyes. Three. Maybe? Maybe more? You had a hard time telling as your eyes were adjusting back to some sort of normalcy after being drenched and flooded with blood. Wherever you were was not very bright save for a fire in the corner that drifted up what appeared to be wooden planks that were tilted inwards. No natural light came in and it beckoned your internal clock to assume that it was night time. You were in a structure of some type; that was easy to figure out regardless of lighting. With Apes. Not just Apes, you squinted and raised yourself on your forearms. Chimpanzees. Three sets of eyes, similarly colored to the ones you woke up peering into. You had no idea nor interest in knowing which one was observing you so closely. If you weren’t dead before, you may as well have been at that moment as you sprinted backwards, almost face first and staggered to your feet. Automatically, you were in a defensive position, trying to ignore the feeling of twisted pain in your ankles. Racing your hands everywhere, you tried to find something to grab. Something to defend yourself with. You needed to! There was nothing in the vicinity. You couldn’t even tell where the door was and your eyes were frantic to find some sort of escape. Shoulders rising and falling quickly, you turned and looked at the Apes again. Your heart was going to jump out of your chest. Your head was pounding and you felt like if you moved your feet anywhere, you were going to tumble. What did they want?
Your mind was flying at a faster speed than you were able to process any cognitive thought. Words were blaring in your ears without anyone yelling. Your group of fellow Humans were all hunted, their chanting still wild in your head. Apes were dangerous. Apes showed no compassion. They liked the kill, they liked the satisfaction. The deeply ingrained instinct to be afraid of them because you didn't understand them, the wild weaned fear of what they could do to you. What they were planning to do! Were they… Oh god, they were going to kill you and then skin you and then eat your insides--- you scrambled again, no regard for how you must have looked as you dropped to your knees, muttering under your breath as you flew around on all fours. You needed to find a way out. There had to be a way out. They were going to attack, they were moving!
You paused, hunching on your hands and knees, feeble attempts made to catch your breath but you still found yourself panting like a wild animal. Mouth agape, you looked at the Apes in the room with you before letting your gaze fall down to their hands. Were they… Using sign language?Your back came into crushing contact with the wooden wall behind you, earning a tiny flinch from you as your right shoulder blade radiated. You must have been bruised there, you thought. Despite the grinding pain you were in, you tried to push further back as one of them, only slightly bigger in stature compared to the other two dropped to all fours, now eye level with you, and languidly moved towards you. First a hand, followed by a foot and then repeated until they were right in front of you. Your breath caught in your throat as they leaned in, deathly close to your face that you were able to smell them in your nostrils, mixing now with that previously noted taste of dried blood. Oh, they were going to rip your face off.
“Alive.” They said to you, taking a brash step back when you moved. No shit, you wanted to say but you couldn’t find your voice. Your eyes widened at the movement of them and the sound of their voice. Not aggressive or mean, but it was pensive and quiet. Observant, and you wondered if they were even talking to you or just verbally acknowledging to the other two Apes that you were, well… Alive. Whoever this Ape was… Was courageous enough to face you, to be near you but obviously held some reservations. There was absolutely no way they were just as afraid as you were. 
“Injured.” That was directed towards you, eye contact frantically being made when the smell of fresh blood became more abundantly noticed. Almost afraid to look down, you felt a small gush coming from your right calf. It slipped down the curve of your muscle, mixed with something… A paste of some sort that in itself, in your cloudy disposition, was rather fragrant if you focused on it. Something like a root, pulled and crushed from deep in the Earth. How did that… Get there? You looked at your injury, nothing more than a gash, deeper than it appeared though and it ached if you moved your foot in any awkward positions. “Wh…” Your voice came out ridiculously hoarse, hand reaching up to touch the outside of your throat. The Ape in front of you was watching it all. The inquest on your face, your fingers holding along your throat and focusing on your heart beat. How long have you been out? A day? Two? A week? Swallowing hard, you lubricated your vocal cords just enough to force out a question, “Wh-- What did you… do..t’me?” That was definitely slurred.
“Did nothing!” Another Ape finally spoke, their voice frantic and distraught.Not from nerves…. Right? You looked at them, then at the one adjacent, who was just a touch smaller than the other two, before your gaze fell on the one closest to you, wrought breathing causing your lungs to feel rather tight. Shifting, you tried to relax but found that it only brought discomfort. 
“Injured.” The one in front of you said again, this time with a bit more confidence. Whether it was true or faux, you had no idea but it was difficult to sort anything through your thought process at the moment. You were barely processing the fact that there was quite literally a hole in your calf let alone that an Ape was communicating with you so… Civilly. “Found in… ruins. Dying.” Your lips parted, suddenly becoming aware that you were thirsty. The severity of the words spoken hit you like a feathered ton of bricks. Softly at first, it was initially hazed by the idea that they were capable of saving you instead of killing you. Then, it sank in and it felt like your body was tied to a chair, someone banging on your chest over and over again to just drive the point home that all your preconceptions about these Apes might have been wrong. No! It couldn’t have been wrong! You lived your entire life afraid of them, being told from your childhood to be afraid and to always run away. It was only solidified when each of those Humans you were around were hunted, killed and their bodies dragged around in a triumphant show-boat by a group of Apes on the back of their horses. Squeezing your eyes shut at that visual, often the cause of nightmares for you, you shook your head vehemently. There was no way. 
“We…” They continued on, “saved.” There was a gesture towards the two Apes across the room. “Brought Echo back here… Spear head in leg,” Huh, that explained that, you bargained for some sort of reality. “Took out, stopped bleeding then…” They came to a slow stop and signed something over at the other two. You had no idea what they were saying now. Sign language was not your forte. Maybe, if you could push aside the vibration in your head, you’d be able to read them from body language but that was thrown out the window when you opened your eyes, tears forming at the edges and ultimately blurring your vision. 
“Echo then wake up.”
You snapped, “Wha… What the hell is an Echo?”One of the two behind lurched ever so slightly at the apparent aggression you put into your words, but the one crouched in front of you put a hand up to tell them to stop. 
It gestured at you. 
You rolled your eyes. That must have been their name for Humans. Each clan called them something different, you had figured that out over the years. Instead of having individual names, the human race was deduced down to a word such as ‘Echo’ or ‘Nova’, which you had heard in passing, speckled usually in more secluded clans and only talked about in detail when you were around the fire late at night with other humans. It was lore, it was ghost stories. It was reality now. “I--- Have a name…” You whispered. “(Name).” Hm… With a tilted head to the side, a response came. “Noa.” Finally giving you a bit more clarity. He pointed at the two Apes behind him accordingly, “That Soona,” She looked at you, terrified obviously, but seemingly confident in her friend's ability to talk to you. “Anaya.” Even more terrified, and not as obviously convinced in this Noa Ape to be as outrageously courageous as he was appearing.
“Are…” You quivered in on yourself and looked at him. A string of tears hit your cheeks, hurting at your temple even more than before and profusely lit the flame that caused the beating in your head to intensify rapidly. “Are you going to kill me?” Noa looked at you, draping you in some sort of melancholic state as you realized just how… human his eyes were. How they observed every morsel of your face, taking in the details and probably thinking just how hideous you were compared to Apes. How he’d scrutinize your scent, your well being, your entire self. But, he said nothing, gaze flickering between your eyes before he moved attention to your calf again. You followed suit. It looked worse than it felt, at least you had that. If he were going to kill you, wouldn’t he have already done it? There was a fleeing moment where he felt offended at your accusation, feeling the same coming from Soona and Anaya - primarily the latter. But, he had to remind himself, you were Echo. You did not know any other ways.
“Not all Apes are that way. We do not kill… Echo’s here.” You stiffened watching as he drew himself onto his hands and feet again from his default crouching stance. That was a complete and full sentence. You tried to not bark at him with confusion, not impressed by any means… Well… No! Not impressed. You knew they could talk. It was well---You knew… they could… Your eyes blurred and you felt your head fall to the side before you urged yourself into a more aware state. It lasted only moments before you lulled into an awkward dance with unconsciousness and invested fear. Coldness rocketed right through your leg at the application of more of the root smelling paste to your wound. It didn't sting perse, instead, it felt numbing. Were you so out of it that you didn't see Noa grabbing what appeared to be a clay jar of sorts? Fingers pushing into it and then smearing its contents on your body? You so desperately wanted to ask him what the hell he was doing, putting on you but you were shot with another wave of black. You passed out. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・
Almost sickly aware of the pair of green eyes on you at all times, intricately staring at your movements down to the minute shift of your shoulders as you breathed, you did everything you could to ignore them. Your hands were busy; helping Soona untangle some twine that had gotten itself into a mess of very intricate knots. She had praised you for your help, explaining that ‘Echo hand… smaller than Ape..’ It was a simple and gentle compliment from her, you being grateful to be of some use to someone else in the Clan and not just Noa. With your hands working, your mind fell into a leisurely state as you tried so desperately to convince yourself that Noa wasn’t foolish enough to pull you away from a social situation with Soona. It would seem suspicious and ultimately, Soona would tell Anaya who would then in turn absolutely panic and tell Noa to back off, leave you be and that the only purpose you served here was to please Noa’s curiosity about the Teachings of Caesar. Thinking those things did nothing to help you feel calm. In fact, it was very much the opposite. Your mind did not stop at that though, enticing you to look up. You swept the entire village with your gaze. He had to be there somewhere, he rarely chose to drift off by himself without either of his friends, or even you on occasions but that was only when you served a purpose to him, you convinced yourself that at the moment the agreement was made that you would help Noa understand about human culture. You were still actively trying to convince yourself of that after the last two conversations that abhorrently played in your head in excruciating detail. The absolute devastation on his face when he realized that he had asked you the wrong thing and your petty response was the top of the list for your mental replays. It was your pettiness and inability to say anything positive in response to him that got you the most worked up despite your answer to him being that of pure truth. Humans didn't mate, in Noa’s words, for pleasure. They mated for survival. Setting your twine down now that it was a straight line, you looked over your shoulder once more before glancing down to pick up another knotted piece to work on. Well… What were you supposed to tell him? Looking at it now in a less offended state, you should have just told him that you didn't want to answer. There were a few times in the past that Noa attempted to push a question on you, soon coming to embrace acceptance that you weren’t willing to give him any response and he’d drop it. The two of you never fought about it, never went days upon days without talking or seeing each about them. Were you even fighting? Tilting your head, you shuffled on the ground and spread your legs out instead of sitting cross-legged like you had been for at least the last half hour. Then you began bargaining. He had asked you before if you had mated. If you had someone before you found your way to the Eagle Clan. You never answered him, even then. It was left alone for a long time, Noa not wanting to pry into obviously human privacy. So he was consciously aware of the status of the question he begged you to answer only a few days ago.  You fixated on the way he had signed that word. Pleasure. It was a slow signing, his two hands in front of his chest with a perpendicular circular motion. It was a flurry of intensity. The question. Your chaste answer. Noa falling silent next to you, no doubt self-reflecting at the idiocy of the question. And then… Oh… You had the absolute torture of being silent for the rest of the hunting trip. Noa ignored you, you could sense the coldness coming off of him in waves due to his inner thoughts taking over. You wanted nothing more than to ask him when he inquired about pleasure. How he even knew that it was a pleasurable experience for a human. Was it for Apes? Chimpanzees? You had no idea, choosing to linger in your ignorance and figure that it was not an element to their mating standards.
Huffing, you sat your twine back down and told Soona in a soft tone of voice as to not alarm her, “I need to go pee.” She let you go with silence, figuring your rather fast pace was due to really needing to relieve yourself.
A quick excuse to get you on your legs, pacing towards the right and through the entire embankment of the village to the very edge. Kicking a rock under your foot as you approached the small creek, the very sight of the first incident with Noa, you felt like doing nothing more than grabbing your hair and screaming to the high heavens. What was wrong with you!? Now you were the foolish one, asking questions that shouldn’t need to be asked, that didn't need an answer because what fruit would come from knowing if Apes mated at all for pleasure?
Coming around the small creek embankment, your fast feet came to an almost stumbling stop. Your mind didn't process as quickly as you halted harder than anticipated and almost felt yourself go face first into the shallow water in front of you from the sheer momentum you had. A set of broad shoulders, lined delicately with thinning fur in preparation for the summer, were facing you. Sun peeked across the west as it began its gentle descent into night, flushing the sky now with a light hue of pink and orange. Ah yes… That oh so familiar body in front of you, hand dipped in water in quite solace was none other than the Chimp you were ignored by for days. Well, not just ignored by. You did your fair share of skipping around the stone to not run into him.
Tightly wrapping your fingers into fists at your side, you contemplated going back. It appeared he hadn’t heard you, hadn’t sensed you coming or at the very least, you weren’t worth turning around or acknowledging. Your heart sank at that thought. You were just another tool he used to get his way into fixing a problem that wasn’t his to fix. He… Looked so small… You brought your bottom lip in and chewed it out of deliberation, eyes scaping up his back, broad by nature, but from his posture now, it was brought in on itself and he looked reminiscent of a little kid who had just gotten into big trouble. Maybe, you muttered inside of your own head and trailed your way towards him. You were still contemplating if you wanted to talk to him, but the very least you could do was to appear next to him and give the chance.
‘Know you are there.’ There went your element of surprise as Noa brought his hand back in and rested it against his chest in a coiled position. He wasn’t just crouching, he was holding himself.
“I---” You stumbled backwards, feet shifting to move your weight but your mind was telling you not to run. To confront. You didn't want to! You wanted to leave it alone, you didn't want to… To… Have to see his face. “I’m sorry, I didn't know you’d be up here, I just needed to---”
Swallowing softly, you planted yourself behind him, only a few feet and looked at the water that was so enviously caressing his hand. Looking down at your own palm, you felt it tingle with want… You wanted to be that water and freely float yourself against him in some bid to calm, ease… Love… “Yeah…” That was spit from your mouth so softly, almost afraid that Noa wouldn’t be able to hear. He didn't turn to face you so you figured that he did in fact hear and was either waiting for silence to fall over the two of you again or for you to say something else. He waited.
●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・ Tag List: @ohwaitimthewriter @saturnnie-03 @hera-annwn @filliandkili @hadesbabygurl @supergoat12 @callsignwindow @moonchild1433 @kaenalsha @whamsworld @yummyfant @unsteady-bitch @twinspineout
( Sorry if tumblr is a jerk and doesn't tag properly. It does that sometimes I've noticed. )
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emeritusemeritus · 10 months
Turn back the hands of time. [Weasley twins x Reader]
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Title: Turn back the hands of time.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader, (George Weasley x Reader later)
Timeline: Set six months after Fred’s Death.
Summary: What if you got the gift of time just to relive a moment with your deceased beloved one more time?
Warnings: Fred does the big sleep. Death. Grief, tears, emotional trauma. Use of a time turner (setting my own rules here). Mentions of marriage and kids. So much pain. McGonagall being a queen. Reader is implied Gryffindor.
I apologise, this one hurts. 🥀
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The six months that had passed since the love of your life died had been the most intolerable, excruciating months of your life. Nothing brought you comfort anymore; every single thing in your life was attached to memories of him, bittersweet and painful memories you were forced to relive each and everyday by simply existing. Each day from the second you woke you were reminded of the painful fact that you had to carry on living whilst he couldn't. There was no future for you anymore, no more dreams of small weddings and long honeymoons, no blessings of little ones or fantasies of being an author, holed up in a small little cabin hidden away in the forest like you'd always planned with Fred.
He would aparate into the shop each day and you would have a home office with a big, fancy writing desk placed directly in front of a large window to view the scenery around you as you wrote. After closing the shop and settling up for the night, Fred would return home and you'd cook together, spending evenings on the decking under twinkling lights as you appreciated your simple life. You'd had it all planned out in fine detail, the future you were no longer destined to have.
George was naturally devastated too, utterly broken by the loss of his twin brother. You two, being the closest people to Fred, had found just a smidge of comfort in each other initially but over time Fred's loss had built a wedge between you both, each of you only serving as a reminder of what you had both lost.
You'd not only lost your soulmate but also your best friend along the way and the family that had taken you in and loved you as one of their own.
You'd pulled away from them all the same week of Fred's funeral, finding it unfathomably hard to be around them all, the missing piece constantly highlighted in the sea of familiar red hair. 
A good day for you these days meant accomplishing something as mundane as showering or eating some sort of meal. You knew you'd lost weight, the clothes you always wore hung off your body now the same way Fred's clothes used to. But you couldn't seem to stomach anything, the lingering pain and grief creating a sickness in you that couldn't be soothed.
The pain never truly ever left you but it did come in waves. Most the time is was like a background noise, a constant humming that ran through you like a curse but sometimes it was panic inducing pain, taking away your ability to breathe and function as haunting sobs wracked your body until you were crippled with agony, regret and hopeless longing.
You'd had a good day, as far as they went, managing to crawl out of bed and into the shower before trying to distract yourself with some muggle tv when a simple letter, delivered by owl, took your breath away once more.
Dear y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well, my thoughts have been with you each and every day since the battle. In Dumbledore's honour, we are conducting a memorial for the fallen and I would like to personally invite you to celebrate in the life of the loved ones we have lost. Fred's life will be celebrated by his staff, friends, family and fellow students as we pay respect to their bravery and sacrifice.
I would be honoured if you would join us.
With profound sympathy,
Minerva Mcgonagall.
You couldn't breathe again, tears streaming down your face as you read the letter through misty eyes, having to blink away the tears constantly to refocus your vision.
You didn't want to go. Your initial instinct was to burn the letter and hide from it, isolating yourself further and further until no one of your past life could ever find you again, lest contact you by owl. But you couldn't do that to Fred. He deserved everyone he loved and that loved him to celebrate his life, to tell stories of his triumphs and notorious endeavours in his time at Hogwarts. You couldn't be selfish this time, not for your Fred.
As you stepped into the all too familiar castle alone, you felt a dichotomy of feelings barrage you all at once. This had been your home since you were 11 years old, the place where you finally had a sense of belonging, where your best memories had been made, the place that you had met and fell in love with Fred Weasley and the place he'd died.
The castle had undergone extensive repairs and looked better than ever since the destruction from the war. Walking through the halls you felt both soothed and conflicted, the trembling of your hands never once leaving as you anticipated seeing everyone again.
"Y/n/n?" A familiar voice called from behind you, making your eyes close momentarily from the pain in their voice. You turned to see Ginny stood there, staring at you with a worried look on her face. She looked well, pretty, in sharp contrast to you.
"How?" She began to say as she walked towards you, thinking better of the statement before throwing her arms around you, "I'm so glad you're here."
You hummed a reply, already feeling an invisible weight tugging at you as you held your friend, the sister in law you'd once anticipated.
"Everyone's through here," she says, taking you by the hand as she led you towards the great hall, before you could protest. Your stomach roiled with nerves as you tried to keep your eyes down, not ready to see everyone again.
"Y/n?" A voice called out, the tone of shock and worry so intricately laced in the maternal tone it was hard to hear it. Molly. You raised your eyes just in time to see her move quickly towards you and embrace you tightly, the all too familiar smell of her and their home encasing you entirely. You bit your lip hard to stop the tears from falling, already succumbing to your overwhelming emotions as hard as you tried to deny them. Each Weasley took the time to give you a warm hug, even Arthur who had cradled you in his arms surprisingly tight.
When the last hug didn't come, you looked up with tear stricken eyes towards the body that had made no effort to walk towards you, George. He looked just as haunted as you, tired and frail as he looked upon you with sad eyes, tears silently falling down his face. You stared at each other for a moment, unsure of how to proceed until your lip quivered and a small sob escaped you. George rushed forward and pulled you straight into his chest, neither of you caring about the tears and sobs that fell from you both, too fixed upon each other to give a single care about the onlookers.
"I'm so sorry," you both said at exactly the same time, earning a little chuckle from you both at the ridiculousness of it all.
You and George never left each others side the entire  time, clutching hold of each other's hand as you navigated the painful memories and eulogies, each giving a squeeze intermittently to let the other know that you were still there.
Mcgonagall had called you away some time before the official memorial had began, walking with you towards the office she now held that was once Dumbledore's. George had reluctantly dropped your hand with a quiet, frantic whisper that you'd better be back soon.
"It's good to see you y/n," she says, gesturing for you to step towards the desk. You'd always felt a kinship with you previous head of house, both of you having a flair for transfiguration and underneath the sometimes harsh exterior, she had a wicked sense of humour.
"You too professor," you replied, trying to force an honest smile onto your face, not having used those muscles in months.
"Oh professor," she laughs, "call me Minerva," you says, scandalised at the notion of you calling her professor. You smiled warmly, this time not having to force the smile, feeling surprisingly comforted by her.
"You know, I always knew you and Mr Weasley would become an item, right from the day he turned your water goblet into a rock," she smiled, taking her seat as she gazed up at you fondly, "I am so sorry for your loss."
You chuckled at the memory, for once not feeling complete anguish at the thoughts of you and Fred. It was your first transfiguration class and you'd been tasked with turning your pets into water goblets as every first year is expected to do. You'd succeeded first try and Fred had then turned said water goblet into a small rock before your very eyes. To his surprise you had barked out a laugh instead of cursing him out for the ridiculous prank and you'd been firm friends with both the twins ever since. Only in your third year did you begin to catch real feelings for him and by your fourth year you were completely smitten. Before fifth year began, just before the Weasley's trip to Egypt, you were officially dating, finally saying I love you and the rest was history, never parting from each other once you'd found your person. You'd attended the yule ball together, been hand in hand for every task, even as the twins gambled their way through the games. You'd spent hours upon hours inventing, perfecting and packaging their inventions with them and had been been included every step of the way in designing and opening the store. You smiled in pure nostalgia as Mcgonagall's comment triggers a pool of memories for you.
"I've never told anyone this, except for Albus, but when I was a young woman, I lost the love of my life too," she says, bringing you back to the present. You look at her with a sympathetic look though with wide eyes, shocked by her revelation. "He didn't die so it's not exactly the same but he might as well have." Her eyes begin to cloud over as you can see painful memories coming to the forefront of her mind.
"I was a much younger woman then, having graduated from Hogwarts and securing a position in the ministry, the department of magical law enforcement. Before I left for London, I returned home and met a local farm boy, a muggle. Fred Weasley reminded me a great deal of him, perhaps that's why his passing has been so hard for me aswell. He was handsome, clever and so terribly quick witted he even gave me a run my money".
You huffed out a little laugh, knowing how fierce and funny she could be underneath the professional exterior. She sent you a warm smile as you listened intently to her story.
"He proposed not long after our whirlwind summer, right in the middle of a ploughed field owned by his father. I didn't hesitate for a second and said yes straight away, blindsided by love. After I'd accepted, I realised that the future I would be creating for myself would cut me off from the Wizarding world completely, just as my mother had when she married my father. I realised I couldn't live a life the only place I felt like I belonged, having to lock my wand away for ever, unhappily drifting through a life in which I'd rejected the gift I'd been given. Three days later I left for London alone though I never stopped loving Dougal."
"What happened to him?" You asked quietly, not wanting to upset her. She sighed in return, looking down at the desk.
"My mother informed me years later that he married the daughter of another farm owner in Caithness, I never heard anything else after that."
"I'm so sorry Minerva," you said honestly, feeling a tightness in your chest at hearing her story. Truthfully it had been your own form of distraction from your own pain and you were immensely thankful for that.
She sent you a sad smile, nodding her head gently as she looked up at you.
"You're probably wondering why I told you all of this," she says with a smile. Before you can protest, she raises her hand warmly like a mother would and smiled, "I have two points to sharing this personal story with you. The first, is that time truly does heal wounds. You may feel as if you will never be rid of this pain, not knowing how to go on or feeling as if you don't want to, and that my dear is perfectly understandable but every month will get easier, every year you will begin to feel less pain and more pleasant nostalgia until you find a version of yourself that had bloomed from the pain."
Your eyes had filled with tears again at her kind words. Something in her tone made you truly believe that this was true and that you did have a chance of healing eventually, but nothing was comforting enough to immediately relieve the pain, nor set your mind at ease.
"The second, is a gift of sorts," she says, reaching into the top drawer of her desk which she unlocks with a wave of her wand. You frowned gently, not knowing how to respond as she pulls out a little wooden box. She casts another spell and the box opens with an intricate unravelling of the wooden box.
Your breath catches in your throat at you recognise the contents immediately; the time turner that Hermione had been given by Dumbledore all those years ago.
"I'm sure you remember this, as I believe yourself and miss Granger made excellent use of this in your third and fifth respective years." You could do nothing but nod, overwhelmed at the sudden implication of the possibilities of the gift.
"As you know, nothing can be altered by reversing the time, everything will always happened exactly as it always had. I know how tempting it could be to try and fix the projection of our lives, but consider this a gentle warning as to why it is not practical to do so," she says, handing you the time turner. You feel the cold, heavy weight of the time piece in your palm as you inspect it, remembering every detail.
"I always wish I'd gotten more time with Dougal, even just to relive a singular moment or to see him one last time but I was never brave enough, never wanting to jeopardise how far I'd come in my healing. But for you, the gift of time could be invaluable."
You began to cry silently, tears unable to be held back any longer at her kind gesture.
"Thank you, so much," you said through the tears, struggling to hold back your sobs. She immediately stood and moved to wrap her arms around your shoulders, her cape falling over you as if she was protecting you entirely.
"You always were one of my very favourite students," she says, rubbing your shoulder. "Despite the trouble, the mischief was usually rather funny," she admitted. Both of you laughed for a moment at her words, your free hand coming up to wipe at your eyes.
"If I were you, I'd chose a memory that you weren't originally around for, you'll get more time with him. Unless you want to watch from afar," she says, straightening herself out, though keeping a firm hand on your shoulder.
You wracked your brain for a time that you weren't around Fred, finding it hard to think of any specifics. Showing up randomly at the burrow would only pose deep, unanswerable questions that you couldn't explain, everything had to fit to the exact projection of exactly what had happened.
A vague memory of Harry popped into your mind, a tale he'd told about the twins that had been endearing to say the least. You remembered him telling you about seeing Fred and George comforting a young boy in the courtyard that had been victim to Umbridge's unorthodox punishments whilst you were in detention with Snape. Perfect. There was no chance of you accidentally showing up, knowing that you'd gone straight to the common room after that particular detention and it wouldn't interrupt the greater timeline.
You closed your eyes and estimated how many turns you'd need, settling on a little over three full turns, praying it would be enough as you fixated on a certain point.
Immediately your sense of space and time began to shift as you broke through whatever dimension you were entering as the time turner rumbled in your hand.
You were immediately met by the sight of Snape's classroom door which was thankfully sealed shut. You ran immediately out to the courtyard, desperation and adrenaline coursing through your body as you fought to get to your destination quickly, not knowing how much time you'd have.
Your knees nearly buckled upon hearing hushed whispers around the corner from you, tucked away in one of the corridors.
"It's not as bad as it seems, see, it's fading already."
"You can hardly see ours anymore and the pain stops eventually,"
You walk around the corner and your lip instantly quivers at seeing him. You had to act strong, be strong for him so he wouldn't worry, knowing you couldn’t change the trajectory of time but it was so hard.
He was crouched on the floor beside the stone bench where the young boy sat sobbing with George sat next to him trying to comfort the sad boy, showing him his own scars on the back of his hand.
Fred's hair was a little longer than it had been when he died, something that you had always loved on him, secretly preferring when his hair looked a little overgrown and shaggy. He wore a blue striped polo shirt with a mustard yellow long sleeve shirt underneath and his dark trousers, all of which complemented him so well. In the time between the current events and his death, you'd rarely seen him wear anything other than a fancy suit when he worked at the shop or a simple pair of sweatpants when he got home, usually exhausted. It was so refreshing to see him look so perfectly Fred, reminding you of the boy you'd fallen hopelessly in love with all those years ago.
George also looked great, wearing a matching outfit with contrasting colours that complimented him just as well. He looked well and happy and you had to hold back another quiver of your lip at seeing the boy you loved like your own brother be so different to how you knew him now.
Fred noticed you almost immediately as you walked around the corner, stood silently observing him beside the stone pillar and the wickedly playful grin spread all over his face upon seeing you. He sprang up from his crouched position and raised his eyebrows at you in surprise.
You immediately flung yourself into his arms and he caught you seamlessly with a little 'oof' at the sudden impact. Your eyes filled with the tears you were trying so hard to stop as the familiarity and comfort of being in his arms surrounded you. Nothing felt like this. You fit so perfectly into his arms that he had once mentioned that your body must have been moulded from his own, your head resting perfectly on his chest, directly over his beating heart. His scent surrounded you like a delicious fog, the familiar scents of sweet marshmallow and dark notes of whiz bang smoke clung to your nostrils as you took deep breaths in trying to fill your body with his scent so that you'd always remember.
You felt like you could finally breathe again, finally home where you belonged.
His arms had locked around your shoulders, keeping you firmly against his body, no doubt sensing your need for him in that moment. His hand played with the strands of your hair as he bent down to kiss the top of your head.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asks quietly, only loud enough for you to hear, considering you still had an audience. Hearing him address you, calling you sweetheart had your world shattering and you could no longer stop the tears from falling down your face.
"F-Fred?" You said with a shaky breath, trying desperately to hold back the sobs that built up within your body.
"I'm here, I'm right here," he said soothingly, rocking you both back and forth gently as he pressed another kiss to your head.
"What's happened? Did Snape do something? Umbridge?" He says, pulling you back slightly so that he can look you in the eye, his worry clearly evident on his face, the protective side of him coming out as he considered that someone had hurt you.
You shook your head quickly, knowing you couldn't say anything that would work as an excuse.
"No, I just, I just needed to see you," you said honestly, the innocence and the weight of your words tugging at your heart, knowing he would never know how much you meant it.
His brown pulled together quickly in a slight frown before it disappeared off his face as he reached up to brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
You tried to push away all the intrusive thoughts that plagued your mind, things that only propelled you to feeling sadder, things you wanted to tell him and all the things you missed about him but you couldn't.
"I love you Freddie," you said, looking directly into his eyes, watching as they sparkled and an honest smile pulled at his lips.
"Not as much as I love you sweetheart," he replied, pulling you in for another hug, though this one was more playful as he squeezed you, making a laugh erupt from your mouth.
You suddenly pulled away and looked towards George who looked on in equal parts confusion and worry. The young boy had gone, no doubt feeling awkward about the whole interaction, leaving you with just the twins. 
You broke away from Fred and moved towards George who stood instinctively as you approached him. You threw your arms around his neck and he fumbled awkwardly for a moment before moving his hands to wrap around you, holding you to him.
"I love you Georgie," you said. He chuckled against you.
"What the bloody hell happened in that potions room?" He jokes but suddenly squeezes you tighter and replies that he loves you too.
"Trying to steal my woman brother?" Fred says from beside us, his tone just as joking and playful as you'll always remember it to be.
"Maybe, I am the better looking one after all," George jokes as you slip out of his hold.
"My future wife disagrees, don't you sweetheart," Fred says, pulling you back over to his side.
You felt your heart shatter at his words and you tried desperately to act neutral under the circumstances, knowing that he had referred to you that way since fifth year. It had always filled you with pride and giddiness each and every time he would call you his future wife, the butterflies in your tummy fluttering wildly at his determination to marry you.
Somehow you found your strength and like magic you slipped into the moment, casting all thoughts aside as you spent your time wisely.
"Sorry George," you smirked, turning back to face Fred to really look at him, knowing that your time would soon be up.
"You think I'll make a good wife?" You ask Fred, who beams down at you with a smile as he slips his arm around you again.
"The best, only one I'll ever need," he smirks, his hand wandering on your waist to reach down and pat your bum.
"I'd do anything to marry you," you said, your voice breaking slightly towards the end as your emotions overcame you once again at the deeper, more painful meaning of your words.
"I have to go," you said to Fred, knowing that you couldn't linger around much longer. "Don't mention this again please, I don't want Snape to know I snuck out of detention," you lied. He nodded in understanding and you moved forward to give him a kiss, pouring your heart and soul into it as you clutched onto to the collar of his polo shirt, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist.
"I think you should get detention with Snape more often," he says, still holding you tightly to him. You laugh and nod enthusiastically as you spend your last moments really looking at him, trying to commit every inch of his skin to memory.
The little scar above his eyebrow, the mark on his nose, the curve and little bump on the bridge of his nose, the way his hair shaped his face perfectly.
His greeny brown eyes, always glittering with mischief, that's what you'd always remember of him.
"Bye Freddie, I love you" you said, barely able to contain your tears as you walked quickly away, hiding around the corner as you started to sob. You flicked the time turner back just the right amount and tolu felt yourself once again being pulled in every direction until you landed back in McGonagall’s office.
She’s still sat at the desk, signing some papers when you return and she offers you a kind smile, seeing your tear stained cheeks.
“Thank you,” you said, owing her all the gratitude in the world for gifting you the opportunity to see your beloved once again as you placed the time turner delicately back in the box on the table. She nodded warmly and smiled again.
“It’ll be here for you whenever you need it,”
She says, placing it back into the drawer desk, “now, shall we begin the ceremony?” She stands and gestures for you to join her and you do, already feeling stronger by the minute, like your brief visit with Fred had recharged you and given you enough strength to continue.
George slipped his hand into yours the second you were reunited, both of you sitting together as Mcgonagall lead the remembrance ceremony. It was hard to hear Fred’s name and the memories of him shared around the room, but you’d found a strength you didn’t know you had. You cried, you laughed and you celebrated him in every way you could, in the way that he had always deserved.
As the years drew on, you’d visited McGonagall’s office numerous times to visit Fred as it were, only doing so when you felt you desperately needed to, which happened to be less and less over the years as you found your strength. Sometimes you watched from afar as you both interacted, seeing the love between you and sometimes you intercepted memories so that you could interact with him, smell him and feel his skin against yours.
You never dated, feeling no pull or desire for another man in your life, never able to commit to anyone else, knowing that they would always come second to your true love. George had become something to you which you could never explain, a love of sorts which teetered between friendship and more, though it was hard to cross that line, knowing that anything you did would be irreversible. Years passed with you both stuck in limbo, until one day the line was crossed and you found no guilt or pain on the other side of the line but instead found comfort and love. You’d moved in together to a little cabin in the woods, the dream that you’d once had with Fred that George fulfilled for you and one sadness filled night had changed everything when you both sought comfort in each other, needing to feel like you weren’t alone anymore.
It was a natural progression to love George, and you both found that the only way of moving past your pain was to accept that Fred would always be the other half to both of you, with the rest completely dedicated to each other. You both knew you were the only ones that would be able to have this together, that somehow the gap left by Fred would remain but it would be comfortable, like an additional blessing to your relationship. No deciding between the two, no competition and no guilt at loving both.
You married a year after moving in together and you were happy, finally a Weasley just like you’d always wanted. You’d expected to be conflicted and initially you had been, but you and George were perfect for each other and you started a new life together, always keeping Fred in your hearts but finally putting yourselves and your relationship first.
When your first son arrived not a year after your wedding, you’d both cried tears of utter joy when he was born with fiery red hair and little freckles, a complete clone of both his daddy and his uncle Fred.
You didn’t name him after Fred, nor Gred or Forge as George had somewhat jokingly suggested throughout your pregnancy, but instead chose to give him his own name, letting him forge own legacy in this calm world, one where he would always know about his uncle Freddie and how he died a hero.
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borathae · 7 months
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“They were brothers brought together by tragedy and best friends separated by destiny. Seokjin, now freed of his Raven mark and unaware of his little brother’s whereabouts, visits the Queen’s castle with promises of healing the other freed Ravens. Jungkook, now living his life as the Queen’s Consort and uninformed of Seokjin’s fate, doesn’t know that today will be the day he will finally reunite with his bigger brother.”
Pairing: Best Friends!Jungkook x Seokjin | Seokjin x f.Reader OC 1 | Jungkook x f.Reader OC 2
Genre: Fantasy!AU, Slice of Life, Childhood Best Friends!AU, Found Family!AU, Royalty!AU, Queen Consort!Jungkook, Healer!Seokjin
Warnings: there is plot hehehe, they're best friends who got separated only to reunite again!!, they're like brothers, they share & talk about past trauma, hinted child abuse (they experienced it), but more than anyhing this is so healing and soft and lovely, Jungkook shows Seokjin the castle and Seokjin is all like "my lil bro is royalty now <3", they love each other so much like you guys they're brothers!!, they also bicker in typical jinkook fashion <3, i love this story so much you guys
Wordcount: 11.1k
a/n: because this is based on (and set after) their main stories, the boys each have a female lover which i won't name here because in their main stories it's supposed to be the reader but as a different OC each, you get me? i know you do. if you don't, just read their stories and come back to this. okay then, enjoy besties! istfg i love this universe so much :(
𓄿 Index 𓄿
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Seokjin is nervous. It was his idea and yet he is still terribly nervous. He hasn’t been back in the castle since he climbed the walls and fled. It has been thirteen full moons since then and also thirteen full moons since he found his true destiny. She is with him today, because she will do most of the talking and work while he will assist her. She found him washed up by the riverbank next to her house and took him in. He was lucky because she was a healer – the trusted healer of the Queen even – and despite his past, she nurtured him until he felt whole again. His past, Seokjin aches in guilt when he thinks about it, is also the reason why he felt so nervous about today despite it being his idea.
He was a Raven once. A Raven of the Black Forest. The Ravens are a group of young boys and men poisoned by the twisted worldviews of their cruel leader Rafkan. He is one of the Nïuri, a peaceful people which use their immortality to nurture the earth, but not Rafkan as he uses his immortality to ruin young boys’ futures and kill innocent people. A black tattoo of a raven brands the members of Rafkan’s group and lets everyone know that the wearer was unlucky enough to fall into Rafkan’s hands.
Seokjin thankfully escaped his claws and managed to free himself of the marks which once ruined his chest.
The reason for today’s visit to the Queen’s castle was based on this exact mark. Most Ravens didn’t want to get tattooed. Most were not older than five when Rafkan drilled the tattoo deep under their skin, ignoring their screams of pain and cries for mercy. Seokjin still remembers how he screamed and cried as the thick needle repeatedly punctured his skin. He was seven.
With the help of Seokjin’s true destiny and forever partner, he was able to rid himself of the mark and he wants to grant the same opportunity to his fellow freed Ravens. It is well known in the Queendom that the Queen’s castle serves as refuge for many Ravens, who were lucky enough to escape Rafkan’s poisoned grip. Although Rafkan still tells his boys that the Queen and her late mother kill Ravens for sports, it isn’t the truth. Ravens get a second chance at the castle. They are free to stay in her castle and they are free to leave to wherever they crave to go. Seokjin could have stayed as well and he could have left if he wanted to, but back then he was still too stubborn to see that. So he fled in the dark of the night, swearing to himself never to return to the castle.
And now he is back. He is back at the place he swore never return to, but he isn’t guilty, he is just so very nervous. What if his idea fails? What if the marks of his freed brothers won’t fade? Seokjin watched it with own two eyes as his love removed it from his chest and yet he is scared that somehow the healing spell won’t work today.
There are also other worries plaguing him. He worries that he won’t be welcome at the castle anymore. That he will be captured and thrown into prison. His love assured him that this won’t happen, as she knows the Queen to be of very forgiving nature, but Seokjin was still nervous. He has been clutching his love’s hand ever since the castle gates came into view.
“Don’t be scared, my dearest”, she tells him, giving him a reassuring smile.
“I know, but I truly am. I do not want to be thrown into prison”, he says.
“There is no reason for that. Yes, you left in secrecy, but if the queen sees that you used your freedom to find happiness and a purpose, she will be happy”, she says and pulls him closer, “you will be alright, my dearest. And perhaps if we are lucky, Jungkook will be there as well.”
Seokjin smiles at the mention of his lost brother. He is happy, but he also aches. This is the last worry which plagues him and which makes it difficult for his heart to beat normally.
What if Jungkook wasn’t in the castle? What if he is still caught in Rafkan’s fangs? What if he didn’t find freedom? What if he died?
Seokjin spent his night sleepless and repeating the worrying questions over and over again. He is so scared. So, so scared that today’s journey will bring news of grief for him.
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The Queen knew of the healer’s visit to the castle. She sent a letter a week ago, telling her that she had a cure for the Raven mark and that she can offer her services to the freed Ravens living in the castle. The Queen instantly agreed and sent word to all neighbouring villages that whoever wanted to rid himself of his marks may do so in one week. The halls and courtyard are buzzing in life. Ravens, who haven’t seen each other in years have come to the castle, celebrating their near future of true freedom. The emotions were high and food was plenty.
Jungkook has been excited all day. He was the first to know of the healer’s arrival. The letter met his love at night when they were already in bed, getting ready for sleep. She opened it next to him and then began crying in happiness.
“What’s the matter, my destiny?” Jungkook asked her back then, feeling worried until she told him of the good news and Jungkook joined her in her tears of happiness. Being freed of the mark was all he dreamt of ever since he escaped Rafkan and in a week he will finally make his dream a reality.
Today was finally the day. The healer will arrive any second now and Jungkook will finally be free. Truly and visibly free. He has been spending his day talking to all his fellow Ravens. Many still lived in the castle and became his friends, but many came from the villages and towns and felt more like distant relatives to Jungkook. Today however they all felt connected and high in spirits.
Jungkook has already drunk two mugs of mead and ate way too much of the flavourful pork belly. He feels overjoyed, but also very needing of the bathroom.
He excuses himself from the courtyard to hurry inside.
“My starlight, there you are”, the Queen - and his fiancée - greets him inside, taking his hands, “I looked everywhere for you.”
“Forgive me, I was in the courtyard talking to all of my brothers.”
Jungkook gives her a kiss on the cheek because he loves her a lot. She leans into the kiss with her fingers squeezing his hands.
“Don’t apologise. I merely wanted to tell you that the healer and her apprentice will be here soon. Our warriors saw them coming up the roads.”
“Really? Oh heavens, I need to hurry up then”, Jungkook says, slipping his hands out of his finacée’s loving hold.
“Why? What are you doing?”
“I need to relieve myself. I drank too much and my bladder is going to burst.”
“Oh heavens, well”, she chuckles, “hurry up then, you precious boy you”, she says and gives his butt a gentle pat as if too speed up his steps.
“I will, worry not”, Jungkook says and hurries away in hasty steps.
He will reach the toiletries in time with the healer and Seokjin arriving at the castle. He will be relieving himself as the Queen welcomes them with smiles and music. And he will wash his hands thoroughly as the healer and Seokjin set up their healing station and the Ravens begin lining up for their freedom. He doesn’t know of Seokjin yet.
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Truly, it is such an awful twist of fate that Jungkook’s bladder decided to give up mere seconds before Seokjin entered the courtyard. The dark haired healer scans his eyes over the dozens and dozens faces, hoping to see the face of his brother in them. He knows most of the Ravens gathered here and the joy of seeing them is grande, but none of them was Jungkook. Jungkook was special to Seokjin. Jungkook was like a little brother to Seokjin. 
Only five years younger than Seokjin and with fear in his big eyes, Jungkook became a Raven when Seokjin was ten years of age. Jungkook hid the moment Rafkan and the older Ravens left him at the camp to hunt for food. Jungkook refused to come out of hiding for hours. Even when dinner was promised, he didn’t leave his hiding spot, which ended in Rafkan punishing him for “ignoring his body’s needs”.
Seokjin and the other boys always had to watch when one of them was punished and Jungkook’s punishment was no exception. Seokjin always felt terrible when he watched his fellow young brothers cry because of what Rafkan did, but there was something about Jungkook crying that night which hit Seokjin especially hard. The poor, frightened boy hid again the second the punishment was finished and only his small, pained sobs were heard in the camp. The other boys were too frightened to check up on him, but Seokjin was overtaken with a sense of protectiveness and so he crawled under the thorny bushes Jungkook was hiding in and offered the younger boy a hug. Jungkook didn’t want to take it at first, but all it took was one smile from Seokjin and he fell into his arms and cried his broken heart out.
Ever since that night, Seokjin and Jungkook shared a special bond and a deep, honest love. They hugged each other when they were sad or scared or in pain, they shared every meal with each other, shared blankets when the nights were cold, shared laughter when the days weren’t as dark and shared every stage a young boy goes through as he grows into a man. They would have shared adulthood as well, but Seokjin decided to leave to kill the Queen and till this day he regrets leaving without Jungkook.
Their last conversation ended in anger and hurtful words. Rafkan managed to influence Jungkook and poison his mind. Seokjin never truly allowed the poison to take hold of him and wanted to use the opportunity to flee together from Rafkan. So he told Jungkook of his plans and had to realise that his younger brother met it with anger and resentment. They fought, Jungkook called him hurtful things and Seokjin left without Jungkook. Until this day, Seokjin regrets that he left that night, that he didn’t try harder to convince his little brother and that he left even when the last words they shared were of angry nature.
If Seokjin has to realise that Jungkook wasn’t at the castle or that he had already died, he won’t ever forgive himself and he might never truly be himself again.
Seokjin shifts in his seat restlessly. He and his love have already healed ten Ravens of their marks and yet he still hasn’t spotted Jungkook. He asked each of them if they knew of Jungkook, but most were too old to know of him. They must have been Ravens before their time. Perhaps the Queen’s mother rescued them when she was still alive.
The Queen hasn’t come back either. She excused herself once she exchanged a few friendly words with Seokjin and his love and hasn’t returned since. Seokjin grows worried that she had went to get her warriors. After all, she looked at him as if she saw a ghost and then spoke of needing to go.
Seokjin keeps scanning the crowd for warriors out to get him and for Jungkook. Truly, he might need to excuse himself to the toiletries soon for his stomach keeps twisting in nervousness.
He sees the Queen then. She is hurrying over the courtyard with a man by her side. His face is shielded from his vision, but he can see that she is holding his hand. Seokjin gulps. He can’t explain it, but he feels uncomfortably nervous all of a sudden. Anxious even.
One of the freed Ravens drags his attention away. He sits down in front of him and presents his bared chest to him.
“You have no idea for how many years I dreamt of ridding myself of this cursed mark”, he says.
“Oh, I know how you feel”, Seokjin says and begins spreading the purple cream on the man’s chest, “what’s your name?”
Seokjin gasps, looking at him with widened eyes.
He laughs, “you didn’t recognize me, did you? I blame the good food in the castle. I eat wonderfully these days”, he says and slaps his belly as a happy laugh shakes his shoulders.
“I didn’t recognize you. You look so healthy”, Seokjin says and bites back tears, “I can’t believe my eyes. You survived.”
“As did you, sweet boy”, Bartholomew says and caresses Seokjin’s cheek, “you look healthy, my boy.”
“I am. I am so healthy and I’m in love”, Seokjin says, sending his love a chaste look.
Bartholomew smiles, “this is good. Yes, love makes the life sweet. I’m in love as well. His name is Derrec. He’s a weaver in town and we met as I shopped for fabrics.”
“This is so wonderful. Oh, I am so happy for you”, Seokjin says and pulls his hand back, “you can go to my love and she will activate the magic. Your mark will be gone once you wipe the cream.”
“Oh, I can’t believe that I can still witness this day”, Bartholomew says and stands up from his chair.
“Bartholomew?” Seokjin calls his attention one last time.
“Yes, Seokjin?”
“Did you…” gulps in nervousness, “did Jungkook come here?”
“Jungkook?” Bartholomew says and widens his eyes, “my sweet boy, you do not know yet?”
“Know what?” Seokjin jumps off his chair, “what happened to him? P-please what happened?”
Bartholomew shifts his eyes to his side. Seokjin follows his line of sight and feels hit in shock.
The Queen is before him and the man holding her hand is Jungkook.
“Brother”, he presses out as his eyes fill with tears.
“Brother”, Seokjin gets out and sobs, “are you real?”
Jungkook nods his head vigorously and sobs.
Seokjin rounds the table, Jungkook breaks away from his fiancée. They fall into each other’s arms, crying miserably as they tighten the hug as best as their bodies allow it. Seokjin forgets all about the cream on his fingers, smearing it into Jungkook’s hair as he holds his little brother closer. Jungkook doesn’t care about the state of his hair as he sobs into the crook of Seokjin’s neck and cradles the back of his older brother’s head.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything I said that night. I’m so sorry”, Jungkook wails.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m not angry. Oh, I’m sorry for leaving you. I’m so sorry, I never should have left”, Seokjin cries.
“It’s okay. I’m not angry at you. Not anymore. Seokjin”, Jungkook sobs and pulls him closer, “oh Seokjin, you’re real. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Oh Jungkook, my brother”, Seokjin sobs and turns his head to kiss Jungkook’s ear. It is the first thing his lips grazed and Jungkook leans into the kiss as a sob and laugh leaves him at the same time. Seokjin laughs with him just as much as he sobs.
All his worries turned out to be exactly that. Worries. Jungkook is alive. He is well. He is free. And he is finally by his side again. Seokjin has his little brother back.
He has to take a step back and cradle Jungkook’s face. The latter leans into the touch. His face is contorted in sobs, but the happiness practically bounces off of him. Seokjin mirrors his state, rubbing his thumbs over Jungkook’s teary cheeks over and over again.
“You’re real”, he gets out, “and you look so healthy. Oh Jungkook, you look so healthy.”
“You look healthy too”, Jungkook answers him, cupping his cheeks, “brother, your cheeks are actually soft. Not fallen in from hunger.”
“As are yours”, Seokjin squishes Jungkook’s cheeks, “are you eating well? Are you warm? Can you sleep in peace?”
Jungkook nods his head vigorously, “yes, yes. Yes to everything. And you? Are you living well?”
“Yes, oh yes I am.”
Jungkook whimpers and smiles, spilling tears.
“I’m so happy”, he confesses in a squeaky voice.
“Me too. Come here”, Seokjin says and pulls him back into a tight hug.
Jungkook squeaks in laughter, hugging him back. The two men stumble as they hug, painting a little circle with their feet as if they were dancing. Their bodies were filled with too much happiness. Only moving around could help them relieve it. 
It is Jungkook who breaks the hug, holding Seokjin’s cheeks.
“Did you become a healer? Is that your destiny?”
“Yes. Yes it is. Oh Jungkook, I am so happy and I’m in love.”
Jungkook’s eyes lighten up, “you are?”
“Yes. Jungkook, please meet my love”, Seokjin says and turns his little brother to his love. He tells him her name and Jungkook repeats it with a smile.
“I know you. My fiancée talks greatly about you and I truly love your bathing oils when the sickness season arrives”, Jungkook says, bowing his head at her.
“Oh thank-”
“Your fiancée?!” Seokjin falls into her words accidentally for Jungkook’s confession shocked him greatly, “you found love as well? Who is she?”
“That would be me”, the Queen says and for just a moment, Seokjin feels unable to speak. He gawks at the Queen, knowing that it was rude to do so, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“What?” he gets out and parts his lips.
The Queen smiles fondly, while Jungkook lets out a giddy giggle.
“Yes, you heard correctly. We are soon to be married”, he says and hugs her waist as he squishes his cheek against hers, “she asked me to be her husband a month ago and I said yes. We ought to marry in autumn, but don’t spread the news yet. We want to announce it soon.” 
“I do not know what to say. Jungkook”, Seokjin steps closer, “my dearest Jungkook, you are engaged and, and. And you’re marrying the Queen?!”
“Yes. Yes, I am”, Jungkook giggles.
“Oh Jungkook”, Seokjin tears up, “I am so happy for you.”
“Don’t cry”, Jungkook says even if his own eyes are glassy. He lets go of the Queen to take Seokjin’s hands instead, “it was you who made it possible. If you hadn’t left that night, I never would have left as well and I never would have found my destiny.”
“What do you say? I barely did anything.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “I volunteered to leave because I wanted to find you”, he confesses and tears up, “I was frightened without you, I regretted our last night together and I was scared that I would never see you again, so I volunteered to be the next to leave so I could look for you. I am sorry that I never found you.”
“Seokjin”, Jungkook breathes.
“Oh my little one”, Seokjin says and cradles Jungkook’s cheeks. Jungkook leans into his touch with sparkly, half-lidded eyes, “you do not apologize to me. Please, allow me to get rid of your mark. It is the least I can do to repent for leaving you that night.”
“I dreamt of this day. I dreamt of ridding myself of the mark”, Jungkook confesses. 
“And it will become reality soon. Sit. Sit right here and I will free you.” 
Jungkook allows Seokjin to sit him down on a chair and because it was Jungkook, Seokjin sits him down on his chair behind the table. He prepares the cream while Jungkook unbuttons his expensive tunic. 
The Queen is by his side, caressing his shoulder. Jungkook places his hand over hers’, looking at Seokjin with his chest bare.
“Are you nervous?”
“No. I can’t wait for it.”
“It will become very warm. Hot almost.”
Jungkook squeezes the Queen’s hand, “I can take it”, he says with a smile. 
Seokjin moves his fingers closer to Jungkook’s chest. He is trembling. Jungkook meets his eyes 
“Are you nervous?” he asks Seokjin.
“I am.”
“I am frightened that it won’t work all of a sudden.”
“I am certain that it will”, the Queen throws in with warmth in her eyes.
“Yes, me too”, Jungkook agrees and smiles, “I trust in your abilities and that of your love”, he says and looks at the healer with a smile.
One she retorts. Work at the table has stopped ever since Jungkook arrived here. Everyone understood. Not only because Jungkook was soon to be Queen Consort and therefore important, but also because the emotional reunion between two separated brothers moved many Ravens to tears. They shared their emotions well. Some knew exactly how such a reunion feels like, while others still wished for the experience. 
The Ravens closest to the table are watching as Seokjin spreads the purple cream on Jungkook’s chest. 
“It is done”, he says and turns to his partner, “my world, may you do the rest, please?”
“Of course”, she says and stands up. She bends down in front of Jungkook, meeting his eyes. 
Jungkook spots warmth and comfort in her eyes. He understands why Seokjin loves her, because goodness surrounds her. Seokjin has always had a good heart, of course he would fall for someone with a kind heart. 
“May I?” she asks.
Jungkook turns his head to look at his fiancée. She smiles, squeezing his shoulder gently. Jungkook retorts her smile and looks back at the healer.
With his consent, she hovers her hands over his chest and whispers ancient words of healing. The cream begins heating up on his chest. 
“Oh?” he lets out, furrowing his brows in surprise.
“Is it bearable? It will still get hotter”, she makes sure.
“Yes, it’s just really warm”, Jungkook says and shifts. The Queen gives his shoulder little caresses of encouragement, “oh. Oh, it’s getting very warm. Oh, it feels really hot.”
“You are almost done”, Seokjin says and holds his hand, “you are very brave.”
Jungkook forgets all about the discomfort and looks at Seokjin. The familiarity of those words. It tightens his throat in emotion. Seokjin said them to him countless times before when they were children and Jungkook needed comfort. When he woke after a nightmare about his dead parents and cried in Seokjin’s arms, he always whispered them to him. When he hid and sobbed after a punishment, Seokjin always found him and said them to him as he mended his wounds. When the Black Forest shook his body in fear and the two boys stayed with each other for support, Seokjin repeated them like a mantra until the monsters didn’t feel so scary anymore. They fell often between the two boys and yet they never lost their meaning. Jungkook missed hearing them and in this moment he feels as if he could do anything.
“It is done.”
“Really? Already?” 
Seokjin nods his head.
Jungkook looks at the piece of cloth Seokjin offers him.
“Wipe the cream away.”
Jungkook slips his hand from the Queen’s loving hold and accepts the cloth. He looks at his own chest as best as possible and wipes at the cream. It is an easy task to remove it.
“No”, Jungkook gasps, tearing up, “the mark is gone”, he whispers and looks at Seokjin, “it is gone”, he gets out and looks at the Queen, “my mark is gone!”
“Truly?” she gasps and rounds him so she could look at his chest, “Jungkook”, she chokes out and cups his cheeks. She spills tears, “your mark is gone.”
“It is gone”, he repeats and cups her face. He stands up and pulls her into a kiss.
Seokjin turns away for now, wanting to be respectful. He closes in on his own love and rests his chin on her shoulder, hugging her waist gently. She rubs her hand up and down his lower back, resting her head against his’.
“We are doing something good here”, he whispers.
“We are”, she agrees and turns her head to give his lips a chaste kiss, “are you happy?”
“Yes”, Seokjin smiles a soft smile. The kind which lifts his cheeks, “I found Jungkook.”
“I know. I am so happy for you that I feel like crying.”
“Seokjin”, Jungkook interrupts their moment, “my mark is gone!”
Seokjin breaks away from his love and looks at Jungkook. The younger man is smiling brightly, bouncing on the spot.
“I know. How do you feel?”
“Free. I feel finally truly free.”
“You are.”
Jungkook laughs and falls around Seokjin’s neck, “we are free.”
“We are. We are free”, Seokjin agrees and hugs his little brother.
“You will all be free soon”, the Queen says to the waiting Ravens, “now come my friends and get your marks removed. We held up your freedom for too long.”
“We didn’t mind, my Queen!” one of the Ravens screams from the back. The others agree with nods of their heads and smiles on their faces.
The Queen claims the chair Seokjin sat in before and picks up the bowl of purple cream.
“Come now, come”, she calls the next Raven to the table.
“My Queen?” he seems confused, but she merely smiles at him.
“I am certain that Seokjin and Jungkook have lots of catching up to do”, she says, grinning at Seokjin and her fiance.
Jungkook nods his head, while Seokjin looks at her shyly.
“I will take over for Seokjin so he can talk to my starlight”, she explains and points at the chair opposite of her, “now sit down and receive your true freedom.”
“Yes, my Queen. Oh, I feel honoured”, he says with a giggle, “I am helped by the Queen. I will tell my Mahryon about it.”
“Yes? How is the sweet woman?”
“Same old, same old. She started…”
Their conversation dies out in their ears as Jungkook turns Seokjin to the healer.
“Can I steal him away?” he asks her.
“Of course. You two have lots of catching up to do.”
“Are you certain? I do not want to burden you”, Seokjin makes sure.
“I am certain. Go, my beloved. I have my friend helping me”, she says.
“Thank you so much”, he says and kisses her lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I promise to return him by nightfall”, Jungkook jokes, making her laugh.
She rubs his arm sisterly, “I am certain you will.”
He gives her one last grin then turns to Seokjin.
“Do you want to see my rooms?”
“Of course I do.”
“Come, follow me.”
The Queen and the healer watch as the two men hurry over the courtyard. They managed around half of the way when they watch Seokjin take Jungkook into a gentle headlock, which the younger man fights off with gentle punches into Seokjin’s side. The two men continue to stumble to the castle as they playfight each other. It is as if no time had passed between them.
“I am happy that they found each other again”, the Queen says.
“Yes, me too. Brighter days will be on the horizon for them.”
“Indeed, there will be.”
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Jungkook turns, holding the golden door knob between his fingers. Seokjin is looking at him after having scanned the hallways. The castle hasn’t changed since the last time he was here. At least not what the eye can see, the heart can sense times of love in those hallways. Jungkook and his love must have filled them up day by day.
“Welcome to my chambers”, Jungkook says and opens the door. He steps inside the room. Seokjin follows, letting out gasps of utter bafflement. 
Jungkook closes the door and bounces as he rounds Seokjin.
“And? What do you think?” 
Seokjin doesn’t know where to look first. Jungkook’s room looks like a golden dream of riches and wealth. The stone walls were covered in oil paintings and hand-woven tapestry. One even showed Jungkook’s portrait in warm colours. Golden thread framed the portrait in shapes of ornamental flowers and leaves. The otherwise cold stone floors were covered in thick hand knotted carpets all held in shades of red, green and gold and warm furs truly managed to keep the cold from meeting the feet. Thick curtains framed the windows and the same fabric - it looked expensive - also served as curtains for Jungkook’s bed.
The bed was of impressive size. Made from the sturdiest of wood and with a canopy. Countless pillows covered the head end of the bed and a warm blanket was placed neatly over the mattress for later use. 
“I don’t know what to say. This is….”
“Do you like them? These are my chambers. I spend some time here, but I must confess that I spend more time in my fiancée’s room”, Jungkook explains and giggles, “I love to hold her as we fall asleep.”
“I understand you so well. I love to hold mine as well”, Seokjin says and continues to scan the room, “I can’t believe my own eyes…”
There is a fireplace in one corner of the room. A red chaise lounge asks to be used right in front of it and a small side table made of sturdy wood offers jugs of wines and meads. In another corner, a working table offered heaps of books and stacks of drawings. Jungkook seems to use it for art and studying. Sturdy bookcases were filled with books, art supplies and expensive trinkets and in handmade wall mount, Jungkook’s swords were presented.
“Do you like it? You are so quiet”, Jungkook asks, fumbling nervously.
“Because I am lost for words. All of this…it looks so…so expensive.” 
“It is. I think. She doesn’t tell me how much she spends on me”, Jungkook shies away, “I think it’s a lot.” 
Seokjin meets his eyes. Jungkook’s cheeks are flushed. Seokjin smiles.
“Good. You deserve all the riches in the world.” 
“Oh, uhm”, Jungkook flusters. He clears his throat, “I want to show you more. Look what I have.” 
Seokjin follows him past some sturdy curtains of red fabric into a spacious bathing room.
“This is bigger than both our bedroom and bathing room together”, Seokjin gasps, widening his eyes.
“It is so big, isn’t it?” Jungkook agrees with a laugh, “and look. In all these shelves I store my jewellery. She always gets me stuff, even though I never ask for them. I don’t store my clothing here because I have my own room for them and Bartholomew tells me that it is important to keep fabrics away from moist bathing air because of mould, but I like to keep my jewellery here because then I can come here and look at them.”
“This is just….wow…”
“Then over here is where I take care of my skin”, Jungkook says and sits down in front of his mirror table. He mimics applying cream on his face, pouting for it, “like this. And then I go like this and pat it in”, he says, slapping his own cheeks gently, “and then one of my servants brushes my hair or I have my love brush my hair. I really like it when she does that.”
Jungkook stands up and hurries to his bathing room chaise lounge. He lies down on it, stretching out his legs. 
“This is where I lie when I do a facial pack and someone massages my feet”, he sits up, “did you know that all of your body’s zones are connected to your feet and that by regularly massaging them, you become healthier?”
“I did. I learned about it during my apprenticeship”, Seokjin says.
“Isn’t it remarkable?” 
“It is”, Seokjin says and looks at the bathtub, “you even have a tub. You truly have everything, haven’t you?” 
“Ah yes, this is my tub”, Jungkook says, scrambling to his feet. He runs to it and slaps his hand on its edge. It makes a metal sound of impact, “I take baths with my love in here. We love to use your bathing oils.” 
“You do?”
Jungkook nods his head excitedly, “my favourites are vanilla and wolf lily. I think they smell really nice.”
“Thank you”, Seokjin says and lowers his head as he studies the bathtub. He strokes his hand over the edge.
Jungkook gnaws on his lower lip nervously, taking a small step closer.
“Do you not like it?” he asks quietly.
“No, no it’s not that”, Seokjin says, shaking his head.
“I always wanted to have a bathtub.”
“Do you not possess one?” Jungkook gasps.
“No. Well, at least not yet. We are trying to save up as much as possible, but a good bathtub is expensive these days. We want one in which we both fit.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Jungkook says and takes Seokjin’s hands so he can sway them excitedly, “I can buy you whatever bathtub you wish for.” 
“What? No”, Seokjin shakes his head, “no, you don’t have to do this.”
“I want to.”
“No, Jungkook no. This, this”, Seokjin exhales sharply, “these are your riches. I do not want to rob you of them.” 
“Rob me?” Jungkook snickers, “you could never rob me. You’re my brother”, he smiles sweetly.
Seokjin feels his heart warm at the sight.
“And I want you to possess the grandest, most luxurious bathtub in the whole Queendom. No”, he grins, “the whole continent.” 
Seokjin smiles, letting out a breathy chuckle of fondness. Jungkook snickers, scrunching his nose.
“Sooo? What say you?” he asks, nudging Seokjin’s chest as he wiggles his brows.
“You won’t accept a No either way, will you?” 
Jungkook shakes his head, smiling with his eyes so brightly, they sparkle.
“Fine”, Seokjin gives in, “fine, I’ll allow you. By Frenya, how should I bring the news to my love?”
“Tell her that your little brother wants to treat you”, Jungkook says and leads Seokjin out of the bathing room with an arm around his shoulder, “and that I find great happiness in the thought that I can make it possible that you and her share warm baths.”
“Oh Jungkook”, Seokjin says and sighs, “you truly grew up so much. Look at you and, and look at this room.” They are in Jungkook’s bed chambers again. It still feels like a dream of riches to Seokjin. “You deserve all of this. Yes, every single treasure in this room.” 
Jungkook leans his head on Seokjin’s shoulder, “thank you. Oh my brother, you’re so…” he turns and hugs Seokjin, “…I missed you so much.” 
“I missed you too, little one”, Seokjin says and rubs Jungkook’s back, “now I have to ask. Can you show me your clothing room?”
“You want to see?” Jungkook looks at him excitedly, “I didn’t know if I should ask, because I don’t want to seem as if I am boasting.”
“You aren’t. Please. Show me where you store your clothes.” 
“Okay, so follow me”, Jungkook says and skips to the door.
Seokjin follows him with a fond smile on his lips.
“You will really like the room. It has a mirror and a seat to relax on. Also, so many clothes”, Jungkook tells him excitedly.
“You never struck me as a clothing person.”
“I’m not. I’m really not, but my love likes to dress me up”, Jungkook says and giggles, “she always gets me the latest fashion and compliments me when I wear it, so I really like it that she does. And Bartholomew always makes me clothes in black. I really love black.”
“I know. You always did. It fits your skin tone so well.”
“Yes, I agree”, Jungkook says and opens the door next to his chambers, “now don’t judge me, but it is a little messy in here, because I needed to pick out an outfit for today. I didn’t have time to put my clothes away yet.” 
“Do not worry. I don’t judge.”
“Yes, well then. Come in”, Jungkook says and leads Seokjin inside.
“Jungkook, by Frenya”, Seokjin gasps, widening his eyes as the beauty of the room overwhelms him.
It is smaller than Jungkook’s bedroom and its walls are covered in ceiling high wardrobes all bursting in the finest of clothes. On one wall, more jewellery is presented and on the lower racks, Jungkook stores his shoes.
“It is unbelievable, isn’t it?” Jungkook says and laughs, “I always have to pinch myself when I realise what life I am living these days.”
“Understandable. You are living in dreams.” 
“Yes, I really am. Oh, I love it here so much”, Jungkook says as he is busy clearing the seat of his clothes.
“It is such an improvement to the Black Forest, isn’t it?” Seokjin asks.
Jungkook laughs, “yeah”, he agrees with a nod of his head, “it truly is”, he says and looks at himself in the mirror, “and now we are actually free of the mark”, he meets Seokjin’s eyes in the reflection, “aren’t we?”
“We are”, Seokjin says and smiles.
Jungkook retorts it, closing the distance between him and the mirror afterwards. He stops in front of it and opens his tunic. Seokjin watches him. Jungkook traces his chest. His fingers still know which paths to take to replicate the tattoo. His skin is unmarked however. Sunkissed and velvety just like the rest of his body and finally unmarked.
“It is truly gone”, Jungkook whispers.
“It feels unbelievable, doesn’t it?”
Jungkook nods his head.
“I know. I spent the first few days after the removal staring at my chest in disbelief.” 
“I will do the same. I cannot fathom that it is really gone”, Jungkook says and does a little twirl so he could sit down on the two-seater. He lets out a heavy sigh.
Seokjin sits down next to him, looking at him. He can sense that the emotion in the room changed, he can see it on Jungkook’s features as well.
“Do you remember how it felt?” Jungkook asks. 
“The removal?”
“No. Getting the tattoo.”
“Ah. Yes, I remember.”
“I wanted him to stop.”
“I know. I did too.”
“But he said that I had to keep going because I needed to be strong and make him proud. I wanted to make him proud.”
Seokjin studies the regret on Jungkook’s features.
“You were five of age and lost your parents. Of course you wanted to make him proud”, he says because he knows that Jungkook blames himself right now, “he was the adult taking up the role of a parent for your young mind, so do not blame yourself.”
Jungkook looks at Seokjin as if he hadn’t expected to hear such words of comfort and understanding. 
“Do not feel ashamed of it. Instead feel anger at Rafkan for giving you such a nightmarish parental figure to lean on.”
“It is hard not to feel shame. I never should have seen him as my father.”
“I know. It is easy to blame yourself, but don’t. You were a child. Every child needs parents. Do not blame your young heart for doing what every young heart would have done.”
Jungkook nods his head in understanding.
“I try not to think about everything he did for too long”, he confesses.
“It makes me feel helpless.”
“Yes. Helpless. Helpless because I feel so many emotions at once and it is as if I am drowning because not one of the emotions is good.”
“I understand how you feel. I felt the same as you and sometimes when the day is darker, those feelings return. I cannot tell you a cure to the helplessness because time healed me more than anything else, however I can offer you my shoulder to lean on.”
Jungkook leans in, resting his head on Seokjin’s shoulder just like he did a million times before. There were many nights in the Raven camps where Jungkook fell asleep with his head on Seokjin’s shoulder, while the older brother watched over him. The days after such nights were exhausting for Seokjin, but he never showed his tiredness to Jungkook even if Jungkook already knew. He felt guilty whenever it happened, but life back then exhausted him so much that oftentimes he didn’t realize that it was happening. 
Jungkook doesn’t feel guilty right now. He feels tranquil. His eyes are closed and his heart beats at a normal pace. Seokjin rests his head against Jungkook’s.
“You can always talk to me about what plagues you, Jungkook”, he speaks quietly, “I managed to heal as much as I did these days because I had my love listening to me. Does the Queen listen to your griefs?”
“She does. She helped me heal a lot, but I think….” Jungkook takes a shaky breath, “I think that there is still a lot to do. I feel so happy, but sometimes the memories come back. I think about everything he did and said and I look at them in a new light now that my mind is cleared of his lies and I get so inexplicably angry. Then I get sad. Heartbroken. And helpless. Does this happen to you? Are you sometimes doing something which brings you joy when suddenly the memories come back again?”
“Of course. This is how one heals from traumatic events.”
“Really? So I am not broken?”
“Of course you aren’t broken. You are doing everything right.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “I feel as if I could do more.”
“You are doing everything right. You are healing at the perfect speed.”
Jungkook inhales and it sounds steady.
Jungkook exhales and it sounds relieved.
“I missed you so much”, he whispers and throws his hand over his own eyes. 
Seokjin kisses the crown of Jungkook’s head.
“I missed you too.”
“You always know what to say.”
“I try to at least.”
Jungkook laughs. Seokjin laughs as well. Jungkook lifts his head and meets Seokjin’s eyes. Seokjin cups his cheek and wipes his tears. 
“I love you so much”, Jungkook whispers.
“And I love you, my little one”, Seokjin whispers and smiles.
Jungkook retorts it, “I feel as if all I do is cry. I promise I am not like this on normal days.”
Seokjin laughs, “you do not have to explain yourself. We are all humans with emotions. Today is an emotional day.”
Jungkook studies Seokjin’s features. He always knew that his big brother was wise and knowledgeable beyond his age even if he oftentimes hid his wisdom behind silly jokes. Jungkook could always rely on Seokjin and his words of wisdom were perhaps the reason why the Queen spotted goodness in his eyes all those months ago. Jungkook is certain that if he didn’t have Seokjin by his side, comforting him and guiding him secretly when Rafkan wasn’t looking, he would have become as rotten as some other devoted Ravens. It was Seokjin’s guidance and love which kept the goodness in Jungkook’s heart. He is certain of it. 
“I want to show you something”, Jungkook says.
“Yes? Show me.”
“We have to get to the woods for it. I know the way”, Jungkook says and stands up, “follow me.”
And so the two men hurry through the castle until they reached the courtyard again. The sun has travelled quite some distance on the sky as the two men chatted in Jungkook’s room. Their loves are talking to each other. Seokjin and Jungkook pay them a visit before they leave.
“I want to show Seokjin the Life Oak”, Jungkook says.
“Oh yes, please do”, the Queen says and smiles, “you will find great healing in this place, Seokjin.”
“I, uhm”, Seokjin doesn’t quite know what to say because it is still unbelievable to him that he is talking casually with the Queen. Yes, he did so before when he was her guest back then, but this is different. He is a free man and her people and his well-mannered heart tells him to speak respectfully. 
“Have fun, you two”, his love tells him and gives his hand a little kiss, “try not to stumble over roots. The tree fairies are especially naughty around the Life Oak.”
The Queen giggles, leaning into her friend, “indeed they are. Oh, how wonderful.”
The healer snickers, sharing in her laughter by touching her knee.
Jungkook and Seokjin soon bid their goodbyes with smiles on their faces, kissing their destinies on their lips because they loved them. 
“I still cannot fathom that you are to marry the Queen”, Seokjin says as he and Jungkook hurry to the gate leading to the woods.
“Me neither. I feel so lucky. She is too good to me”, Jungkook says and sighs dreamily, “I love her so much.”
Seokjin smiles, “it feels good to be in love, doesn’t it?”
“Yes. Oh yes, it does. My heart races all the time, I feel warm all over and when I listen to her talk, my tummy flutters.”
“I understand you. I feel the same with mine”, Seokjin says and sighs, “she is the most wonderful person. The first thing she taught me was how to read and write.”
“Yes? Oh, this is exciting. So you can read as well?”
“You too?”
Jungkook nods his head, “my love taught me. It was very difficult at first, but she told me that I learned insanely fast.”
“Of course you did. You are such a fast learner and you are good at everything.”
“That isn’t correct. I hate maths.”
Seokjin laughs. Jungkook joins him.
“I hate it as well. Frustrating business indeed.”
“Yes”, Jungkook agrees in snickers.
Seokjin retorts them. Their eyes meet seconds later. There is a certain emotion in the air. One which makes both men shy away. Jungkook is brave enough to break the silence.
“Did”, he begins, “did your love also teach you what…what bodies can do?”
“Maybe”, Seokjin confesses and blushes.
“Mine did too”, Jungkook confesses with his cheeks just as flushed.
The two men giggle in coyness, drawing closer as they share in the naughty secret. 
“It feels good, doesn’t it?” Jungkook asks in a whisper.
“It does”, Seokjin whispers and covers his own eyes, “this is so embarrassing to talk about. Oh by Frenya.”
“Yes”, Jungkook agrees and covers his own ears as he scrunches his nose, “we’re such men these days.”
“Oh Jungkook, will you stop”, Seokjin whines and slaps his arm gently, “you are making me burn up.”
Jungkook giggles, burning up himself.
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Jungkook knows the way to the Life Oak like he knows his way to the courtyard. He walks the paths regularly, finding healing in nature and the quiet of the forest. Seokjin feels the powers as well. Ever since he set foot into the dense forest, breathing feels easier to do.
It takes the young men around thirty minutes to reach their destiny. They spend the time greatly, talking and joking with each other every passing second. There wasn’t a second of silence between them as new stories of their lives came to their minds over and over again.
They grew silent however once they reached the clearing where the Life Oak fills the space with her presence. It happened naturally that the two men became silent. As if the Life Oak makes one do so.
“This is it”, Jungkook says quietly and closes the distance to the oak tree.
“This is it?” Seokjin whispers and steps closer to the oak, “it is…so tall. And beautiful. Why is it bleeding black…substance?”
“It’s not hurting. Not right now. Those are marks that She is happy. That She is crying tears of joy because Her earth is healthy.” 
“Her earth?”
Jungkook nods his head, “touch Her.”
Seokjin places his hand on the oak tree’s trunk, flinching back in shock.
“What?” he gasps, touching it again, “what is that? Why can I….I-I feel a heartbeat.”
“Yes”, Jungkook says and places his hand next to Seokjin’s, “this tree is life itself. She gives this Queendom nourishment and makes it live. She can talk to every plant, animal and nature itself through Her roots.”
“This is”, Seokjin blinks his tears away, “I don’t know what is happening”, he says and wipes his eyes, “oh by Frenya, why am I crying?
“It is okay to cry. I cried the first time as well”, Jungkook assures him, rubbing his upper arm gently, “it is overwhelming to touch life itself. Don’t hide it and let it happen.”
Seokjin sobs softly, lowering his face into his own palm. Jungkook touches his shoulder in comfort, rubbing small circles with his thumb.
“I am not sad. I just haven’t felt like this before”, he explains.
“This is normal, let it happen. Give Her a hug if you want to”, he tells him and because Seokjin is overwhelmed in life, he does. 
He hugs the ancient tree and he sobs as he does. His arms barely take up space on the thick trunk, but Seokjin still feels cradled. As if his mother was holding him and rocking him to sleep. The oak tree sings to him just like his mother would in the rustling of its leaves and croaking of its branches. 
“This is life itself, Jungkook. It has a pulse as if it was alive”, Seokjin gets out, “and, and it feels as if…as if…I can’t describe it.”
“As if you are hugged by your mother”, Jungkook says.
“Yes. Oh Jungkook, I miss my mother”, Seokjin sobs. 
“I miss my mother too”, Jungkook says and whimpers, “oh Seokjin, come here”, he chokes out and hugs his brother from behind, caging him in between the tree and his body. 
He rubs his hand up and down Seokjin’s tummy, resting his chin on Seokjin’s shoulder. 
“I’m here. You aren’t alone.”
And as they cry for their lost mothers, the Life Oak cradles them like Her sons, swaying Her branches and filling their hearts with new hope. Their mothers might have left the earth already, but She will always be there for them and in Her, their mothers will live on eternally. For every life form, no matter how small, will find its place in Her endless roots, Her never rotting foliage and Her countless branches. So in a way, as the two men hug Her for comfort, they are hugging their mothers.
“We still have each other”, Jungkook comforts him. 
“We do. Oh Jungkook, thank you for showing me this place. I haven’t felt such a hug in years”, Seokjin says and turns to cradle Jungkook’s cheeks, “it felt as if my mother was holding me.
“I know. She is beautiful, isn’t She? I come here and talk to Her often, I hug Her and find comfort in Her. I believe that our mothers are continuing to live through Her.” 
“I love this thought ”, Seokjin meets Jungkook’s warm gaze, “it is so beautiful and I can feel my mother. We can feel them, Jungkook.”
“We can”, Jungkook says and hugs him.
Seokjin hugs him back, combing his fingers through his hair.
“Thank you. Thank you for showing me this place”, he whispers.
“There is so much more to show you”, Jungkook whispers.
“There is?”
“Do you want to see?”
“Yes. Yes, of course I do. Oh Jungkook, please show me everything in your life.”
Jungkook steps back and gives Seokjin a loving smile before turning his back to him. He takes a deep breath and calls into the silence. Seokjin watches him with parted lips. 
Jungkook finishes his calls with a content sigh and his eyes glancing at Seokjin bashfully.
“What did you do?” Seokjin asks him.
“I called for them.”
“For who?”
The forest grumbles and cracks. The small trees and thick shrubs begin dancing. Seokjin inches closer to Jungkook in fear.
“Someone is coming”, he whispers.
“I know. It’s them.”
Woltron steps out of the shadows. His pack follows. They build a circle around Jungkook and Seokjin, growling deeply.
“What is that? Jungkook, we need to flee”, Seokjin gasps and tries to tug Jungkook away.
Jungkook stumbles and laughs, tugging Seokjin back.
“Don’t be frightened. They’re my friends.”
“Your friends? Jungkook, this is Woltron and His pack, he will eat us.”
“No, he won’t. Look”, Jungkook says and slips out of Seokjin’s tight grasp to walk to Woltron.
“Jungkook. No”, Seokjin gasps, reaching for him but grabbing air. He has to watch with horror as Jungkook places his hand on Woltron’s nose, “I can’t watch this”, Seokjin chokes out and squeezes his eyes shut.
There is silence for a few seconds, then Jungkook speaks all of a sudden.
“Open your eyes.”
Seokjin follows even if he is scared.
“What?” he gasps.
Jungkook is sitting atop of Woltron, carrying a smile on his face.
“They’re my friends”, he says and taps Woltron’s shoulder, “Woltron, this is my big brother Seokjin.”
Woltron closes the distance between him and Seokjin. Seokjin tries to stumble back, but collides with the nose of another wolf.
“Forgive me!” he squeaks and jumps away, which makes him collide with Woltron’s nose, “ah! Forgive me! Please, don’t eat me!”
Jungkook laughs, “calm down, brother. They don’t want to eat you. Take a deep breath and look into Woltron’s eyes.”
“Trust me.”
Seokjin studies Jungkook’s features.
“Trust me”, the younger man repeats and smiles.
It gives Seokjin enough strength that he takes a deep breath and then meets Woltron’s piercing gaze. The wolf growls deeply, keeping Seokjin hostage. Seokjin trembles and shakes, forgetting all about breathing until Woltron breaks eye contact. The wolf lets out a low grumble and lifts his head. He turns his side to Seokjin.
“See? You’re their friend now as well”, Jungkook says.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Woltron and his pack are old gods. They have been on this continent long before humans lived on the lands. Woltron can look into people’s hearts and see their truest truth in them. He accepted you in His pack, which means your heart is good.”
“Good?” Seokjin gasps, “and if it wasn’t good? What would he have done then?”
“It doesn’t matter. I wanted to show you this place and introduce you to Him because I knew you were good. I also passed their test when I first came here and I only passed it because I had you secretly guiding me. You kept the good in my heart, so I knew that you would pass.”
“But if I hadn’t?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “this never would have happened, but if you hadn’t then Woltron would have eaten you.”
“What?!” Seokjin squeaks, “and you didn’t tell me? Jungkook, how dare you?!”
Jungkook snickers, “I didn’t tell you because I knew that you would have been way too scared. Now climb onto Eudora’s back and let me show you one last thing.”
“You are such a trickster. You didn’t change one bit”, Seokjin murmurs and turns his back to him.
The wolf whose nose he accidentally collided with, lowers herself so Seokjin could climb onto her back.
“Hello Eudora, will you bite me?” Seokjin says quietly, taking cautious steps closer.
Eudora stays quiet, watching Seokjin with half-lidded eyes. Her eyes are emerald green just like Woltron’s.
“She won’t bite. Trust Her”, Jungkook assures him.
“Don’t talk to me. I don’t trust you anymore”, Seokjin jokes, making Jungkook laugh, “okay, I am doing it. I am getting on your back, yes?”
Eudora stays still and allows Seokjin to climb on top. Once he is safely on top, she stands up, forcing Seokjin to squeak and twist bundles of her fur.
“This is so scary”, he squeals, “I’m sorry, oh heavens, eek.”
“Calm down, you are tugging her fur”, Jungkook laughs and reaches over to caress his shoulder, “don’t be too scared. You know how to ride a horse, don’t you?”
“Yes, but this is insanity. We are on top of gigantic wolves.”
“They’re such better runners. Ready?”
“What? Runners? Jungkook, what are you planning to do?”
“I will show you my favourite place.”
“What do you mean runners? Jungkook, talk to me”, Seokjin asks nervously.
“The wolves will bring us. Don’t worry, it will feel as if you are flying”, Jungkook assures him and pets Woltron’s back, “can you takes us to the plateau, Woltron?”
The wolf straightens his head and howls. His pack answers him.
“What is happening?” Seokjin yells over their howls, looking at Jungkook.
“Hold on tight”, he says.
“What? Eeek!” Seokjin squeals and falls to the front in a desperate attempt to hug Eudora as she takes off with her pack, “this is the scariest thing I have ever done!” he screeches while beside him, Jungkook squeals and squeaks in laughter.
He looks at his little brother and how happy he looks riding the giant wolf. His dark hair catches the wind, his clothes dance in it and his face is crinkled in laughter.
“This is so much fun!” he calls out and looks at Seokjin, “sit up, trust me.”
“I hate this! Why are you doing this to me? Ju-Ju-Jungkook”, Seokjin screeches.
“Sit up, trust me”, Jungkook laughs.
Seokjin sits up even if his heart was racing in fear. The wind makes his eyes tear up instantly and messes up his hair. He feels it on his skin and smells the freedom in the air.
“This is insane! Jungkook you rascal, this is insane!”
“No, this is freedom”, Jungkook calls out and lets go of Woltron to stretch his arms far away from himself. He closes his eyes and laughs loudly. 
Seokjin looks at the wolf under him. Her fur is reflecting the sunlight, glowing like ambers in a fire. He barely feels her movements, except her shifting muscles under her thick fur. 
The wind is dancing around them. The world feels so vast. Seokjin doesn’t feel as if he will fall off. He lets go of her fur and stretches his arms from his own body. It feels as if he is lifting off the ground. Freedom, Jungkook called it. This is freedom.
“Hah!” Seokjin lets out and looks at Jungkook. He laughs, “I’m riding a wolf!”
“I know! Isn’t it so much fun?”
Jungkook laughs and holds onto Woltron again as the wolf speeds up. Eudora follows, speeding up with Seokjin on her back. Seokjin squeaks in laughter, throwing his head back as the world passes him in blurs of colour.
The wolves take the two giggling men all the way up the Snowy Mountains. They climb the steep stones easily and while Seokjin screeched and clutched Eudora in fear, Jungkook laughed and assured him that nothing will happen to them. And he was right. Except for wobbly knees and his nerves stretched thin, Seokjin arrives atop the plateau unharmed. He slides off of Eudora, colliding with the ground as he catches his breath.
“Hey, are you alright?” Jungkook gasps, jumping off of Woltron’s back. He kneels down in front of Seokjin, touching his arms, “what’s the matter?”
“This was insanity. We just climbed a mountain”, Seokjin gets out and wheezes for air, “I think I might pass out. Did this actually happen?”
Jungkook chuckles and strokes his hand down the back of Seokjin’s head.
“You did well. I know the first time is really frightening. I thought I soiled my pants the first time my love took me here.”
“You did?” Seokjin gets out and lifts his head to look into Jungkook’s eyes.
“Yeah”, he snickers, nodding his head, “but I promise you that it is worth it.”
“I truly hope it is because I think that I might have shat myself right now.”
Jungkook laughs, “you are fine. Now come on, I need to show you”, he says and helps Seokjin to his feet.
“You will kill me one day, I am telling you. I’m too old for such adventures.”
“You are twenty and six of age, brother. You are not too old”, Jungkook laughs as he leads him to the edge of the plateau.
Seokjin stumbles back, squeezing Jungkook’s hands.
“Jungkook, you madman what are you doing?”
“Don’t be scared.”
“This is so high.”
“I know, but don’t be scared. Look. We still have five steps to take before it becomes dangerous.”
“You”, Seokjin exhales deeply, “you have always been fearless. No, I have to sit down.”
Jungkook laughs, joining him on the ground. He stretches out his legs while Seokjin sits with his legs crossed.
“You are okay, brother”, he assures him.
“I guess. Oh, you made my heart race”, Seokjin says and sighs deeply, “first you tell me that a wolf god could have eaten me, then you make me ride on top of one and climb a mountain and now this. Do you want to kill me? My heart is too weak for all of this.”
Jungkook snickers, giving Seokjin a small look before he lets his eyes drift at the view before them. The Queendom lies before their eyes. The Black Forest in the far distance, the Singing River reflecting the sunlight and the Nourishing Fields as green phantoms in the distance.
“But I must say this view makes up for it”, Seokjin says.
“Doesn’t it?” Jungkook agrees, “my love tells me that this is the whole of the Queendom and even more”, he says.
“It is?”
“Yes. Look, the green in the distance are the Nourishing Fields. The river over there is the Singing River. These are the forests of the Castle, the Life Oak and my home and back there in the distance is the Black Forest”, Jungkook explains, pointing at everything so Seokjin could see.
“Wow”, Seokjin whispers, “so this is everything.”
“Yes it is and when you look beyond the Black Forest in the really, really far distance you can see the Glass Mountains.”
“Glass Mountains?”
“Yes, Glass Mountains. They’re a foreign queendom. Their lakes are emerald coloured and all their valleys are filled with trees with ruby coloured foliage. Their Queen fell in love with her warrior and possesses healing magic”, Jungkook explains and looks at Seokjin, “like your love. She can heal with just a touch.”
“Oh. Oh, no. My love can’t heal with a touch. The queen of the Glass Mountains must be a Mender.”
“A Mender?”
“Yes, Mender. They posses magic in their blood, which they can use to heal all wounds and aches. My love needs potions and creams to heal.”
“I see. Menders. I didn’t know about them yet”, Jungkook says and sighs in contentment, “it is so wonderful to learn. We were kept so blind to the world, weren’t we?”
“We really were”, Seokjin agrees, “but we are free.”
Jungkook touches his own chest. Seokjin does the same to his’.
“We’re free”, Jungkook whispers and smiles, “and we can learn all the knowledge in the world.”
Seokjin does the same, “indeed we can.”
Jungkook lifts his hand, pointing at the Queendom.
“Where exactly is your home?”
“I don’t know. I have never seen the queendom this way”, he says, “but I think it has to be around there”, he says and points at a forest in the distance. The Singing River digs its path close to it and a small town neighbours it.
“In this town?” Jungkook asks.
“No, through this forest. There is a clearing next to the river and we have our cottage there. The forest is filled with tree fairies which like to play tricks by growing roots in front of your feet or dropping acorns on your head.”
“Really?” Jungkook snickers.
“Yes, really”, Seokjin chuckles.
“And have you ever encountered such a tree fairies before?” 
“Indeed I have. One dropped snow on my head in winter and another grew a branch directly in front my face. I swallowed leaves that day.” 
Jungkook laughs, leaning back as he does. Seokjin joins him. Their heartfelt laughter echoes through the whole queendom. At least it feels like that to them as they sit and overlook everything as the mountains play catch with their voices.
“Ah this is so funny”, Jungkook says and sighs.
“Indeed it is”, Seokjin agrees and exhales in contentment. 
The two men dance their eyes over the endless view. And while Seokjin tries to take in everything as best as possible, Jungkook studies the area where his brother lives. It isn’t that far from the castle. He will be able to visit his brother often and in return, Seokjin can visit him as well. Jungkook feels his heart flutter in happiness at the thought.
“A cottage”, Jungkook whispers and sways from side to side as complete contentment fills his chest, “is it a nice home?”
“It is the best home I could have ever wished for. We grow flowers and herbs for our healing potions and in the warmer months, our garden is filled with vegetables and fruit we can eat”, Seokjin explains excitedly, “and we have chickens. They lay so many eggs that we can always have fresh eggs for breakfast. The river is always filled with fresh fish and sometimes we go to the market in town and buy meat, which will last us for days.”
“This sounds like a dream.”
“It is a dream. We even have a cat.”
“A cat? Really?” Jungkook gasps.
“Yes, really. His name is Kukuruz and we can talk to him.”
“What? Talk?”
“Yes, talk.”
Seokjin lifts his arm, showing a delicate leather armband to Jungkook.
“There is a sorceress in town, who can make these animal talking bracelets and we each got one.”
“Wow”, Jungkook says, touching it gently, “and it works?”
“It does.”
“So you can understand Woltron and his pack?”
The two men look over their shoulders at the old god. He and his pack are slumbering peacefully behind them.
“No”, Seokjin turns back around, “no sadly, you can only choose one animal. We chose a cat.”
“I understand”, Jungkook looks back at the view, “it is still so amazing. I want to be able to talk to animals. I imagine that it must be so interesting.”
“I can tell you from experience that most conversation with Kukuruz are about him wanting more food.”
Jungkook laughs. Seokjin joins him.
“I see. Well, this does sound like what a cat would talk about most.”
“Yes, indeed.”
Silence replaces their laughter like sunlight replaces rain. It comes because it always follows and it feels natural. The two men looked forward to the silence like people look forward to sunlight after long rain. And as they share in the wonderful silence, they take in the views. Their world once reached to the borders of the Black Forest and not one step beyond and now they are sitting atop the Snowy Mountains, overlooking their freedom.
“Should we visit the Nourishing Fields together?” Seokjin asks.
“We could, couldn’t we?”
“We could.”
Seokjin drapes his arm over Jungkook’s shoulder. The younger man leans into him.
“Then we will.”
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jonesywrites · 13 days
I feel compelled, so I must.
*Now with images for context
Man I shit you not, I have so much stuff to do like SO MUCH but I also have ADHD and a tendency toward hyperfixation so I am compelled, I tell you.
I'm writing for a whole ass other ship, filming, and editing for my YT channel. But I saw gifs, and I read tweets, and I saw hot takes and then I decided to react to Season 3 Part I for my channel.
I'm in the middle of editing my reactions to Ep 1-4 and I just HAVE to chime in with these observations I keep having as I go through and re-live each Polin scene while editing. I know some of this has been seen/said before but I'm a newb to this fandom and I just finished listening to all of the audiobooks (save Simon and Daphne's story) so I just gotta! I OBSERVED A LOT and there's a lot here, so . . .
Colin turns to the Featherington house as soon as he arrives home and greets his family.
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Because whether he's aware of it or not, he's thinking of one of those Featheringtons, who happens to be standing there as he debuts "the new Colin" to the people he cares about the most -- which includes Pen, they are telegraphing to us in this moment -- (right after testing some of that newfound charm on a gaggle of giggly girls). I don't think he greets her right away because he isn't ready yet but you can see his smile/smirk when he spots her -- like "Yep, Pen, feast your eyes, it's the new me, and NOW I'll bet you'll want to hear about my travels."
Eloise is the first person to spot that he may not really be into this "new Colin".
The show GOES OUT OF ITS WAY to let you know this isn't really Colin, that his heart isn't really into it, from jump. The siblings Bridgerton do a little "we see each other" when he questions her about trying to fit into society after all this time -- they're two sides of the same coin. He's too sensitive and romantic for the rakes of the ton and she's too independent and free-thinking for the boring trappings of the marriage mart, but here they both are. Pretending.
Colin goes out of his way to test his new charm on half the ladies at the Queen's garden party thing BEFORE he approaches Pen to talk for the first time since he got back -- at first glance he's just doing his thing, being the new him, enjoying himself and his new ability to woo the ladies but IT IS THIS AUTHOR'S HUMBLE OPINION THAT HE WAS TESTING HIS CHARM TO ITS LIMITS BEFORE HE WENT OVER TO THE ONE GIRL HE ACTUALLY WANTS TO/TRUELY ENJOYS CONVERSING WITH TO LAY IT ON HER.
Wanna bet me he wasn't thinking about Pen while he was away, wondering why she wasn't answering, plotting to talk to her when he got back, plotting to see if his new charm would work on her because she's Pen and her opinion means a lot to him? He doesn't get why yet but it's there -- the tip of the iceberg, only a strong desire for her attention and approval right now, but I can sooooo see how that started to quickly burn into a much more intense desire for just...her.
I adore how Penelope asks the dressmaker for new dresses in the fashion of "what they are wearing in Paris" after Colin tells her his new wardrobe is what's all the rage in Paris from is travels.
He always counts on her just being Pen in the citrus colors hanging on the wall, a safe place, but then he sees her in that green dress and I truly believe this is the moment he realizes -- nah fam, this isn't just "Pen my friend who doesn't count (as a woman)", this is "wow who is that woman in the striking color with pretty lips and fiery red hair?"
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This poor lovesick fellow has no idea why every time he sees her at a ball his heart does a funny thing and he suddenly can't see anyone else and he gets the urge to drink whatever's in his hand/close by.
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HEY BABE IT'S BECAUSE YOU LIKE HER. A LOT. She isn't just Pen who doesn't count, she is SPECIAL.
Much has been said about the "Goodnight, Mr. Bridgerton" scene, but I'll just add that you can tell when Colin is being genuine and totally himself vs when he's trying to charm her into relaxing with him/being more like her usual self.
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When he says "the colour rather suits you," he's being her good friend who is pleased to see her looking so good but he's also saying that to himself, judging by his tone, like "yeah girl you should wear green more often, this makes you look damn good". And when he says he misses her, he means it, but you can also hear the armor of that New Colin Charm in his tone. It's a vulnerable thing to admit, so he uses a devilish smile and has a wink in his eyes because so far that has worked on every girl here since he got back. Not Pen, though ... he was SHOOK when she rebuffed him and called him cruel.
Yes, he is absolutely panicked that he might lose his one true friend in all of the fickle ton, but also . . . Colin is totally realizing how hot Pen is in the garden scene. Colin is looking into her gorgeous eyes and admitting how she makes him feel and you can see the real-time realization in his eyes/expression. Handshake? He is acting on his impulse to touch her while using his newfound charm to disguise his curiosity.
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Colin wants to hang out with her as much as possible because that's how comfortable and appreciated she makes him feel but also it's my opinion that he, at least subconsciously, also wants to keep looking at her, getting closer to her, winning her favor. He's not even thinking about the results of the whole charm lessons thing, he's just thinking about being around Penelope as much as possible because of that realization that she makes existing in a world that is determined to misunderstand him (and has "forced" him to don a mask/facade to survive) bearable.
I agree with those who pointed out that he is taken aback by Pen's awkward flirting session with the fan because normally when they're alone talking all he sees/experiences is her wit, intelligence, keen ability to read between the lines of their society, etc.
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Also, you can see he doesn't even care what the other blokes think of her, he thinks she's friggin adorable -- he can't keep the smile off his face even as he's sympathizing with her for going down faster than the Titanic-which-doesn't-exist-yet-duh-but-analogy-with-me-here.
Every moment of the private lesson scene, from him instantly abandoning the card game with his siblings to the way he planned out the whole thing and thought about where everyone would be and what window of time they'd have to "practice" shows THAT HE WAS IN FACT VERY EAGERLY AWAITING HER VISIT for their lesson. Matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who suggested the game in the garden to get everyone out of the house in anticipation of Pen’s arrival.
It is this author's humble opinion that Colin really, really wanted to pretend to flirt with Penelope to satisfy his nagging, subconscious (yet fluttering to the surface) curiosity and I AM WILLING TO BET MY TWIN SISTER'S WHOLE 2024 SALARY that (especially after her compliment shook him to his core) they wouldn't have made it much longer without him kissing her if they hadn't been interrupted and she had't read his journal.
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He wanted alone time, he wanted intimacy, he wanted to flirt -- they would have charmed each other right into each other's pants if those lessons were allowed to continue, mark my words.
Colin's body was at least several weeks ahead of him. The body doesn't lie. Touching her skin in the garden. Leaning into her whenever they speak (with the convenient excuse of their height difference), pressing his palm into her lower back to escort her to the drawing room, sitting and letting her hold his hand for an unnecessarily long pause before forcing himself to stop staring at her and end the impropriety (escape the intensity of the moment to breathe and process, more like).
Jealous Colin(tm) with his intense eyes and hard jawline is everything and hot af, end of observation.
I love Dream Pen for Colin. The way he dressed her. The way his mind envisions her being breathless for him.
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The way he pictures himself just holding her close and indulging in hot, sultry kisses until she's practically melting in his arms. THIS IS WHAT HE DREAMS ABOUT, WHAT HE TRULY WANTS. This boy is a Romantic with a capital ROMANTIC and I JUST LOVE how his dream about Pen reflects that so clearly. We've seen him struggling to pay attention or care in brothels but he displays more sexual intensity, passion, and lust in this romantic wet dream about simply confessing his feelings than any other time he's seen on screen with a woman he's supposed to find attractive.
The "Sweet Treats" scene, as I believe I've seen others pointing out, is --yes, sweet-- at a glance. But also HOT AF. He's pining, he's nervous, he's jealous, she's so sweet and lovely confessing her excitement and hopes for the match with Deblin. But it's also hot b/c I meeeean....The pink everywhere (pink walls, get it), her lips and his reaction to her glancing her tongue across them, his fingers flexing out of nerves but also the subconscious urge to touch, maybe even caress, is all in his stiff, hovering body language. Like, if he could shove those treats off one of those tables, throw her against it and ravage her "sweet treat" right then there in that pink little tent, homeboy totally would have if society/propriety/scandal/watching eyes weren't a concern.
SIDENOTE: I think Deblin was definitely attracted to Pen, it wasn't SOLELY a practical match for him.
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He says she can make men wither within seconds of their first meeting and he definitely looks at her in a way that says he's charmed, intrigued, impressed, etc. So I think even they married, eventually he would start to miss her while away, then ache for her, then he would come home to her and he would fall. Gradually maybe, but I do believe Pen was right to hope love could grow between them. However, I'm so so sooo glad neither of them settled.
WHAT CAN BE SAID ABOUT THE CARRIAGE SCENE THAT HASN'T ALREADY BEEN SAID??? It's one of the hottest love scenes I've ever seen, and it's not because everybody is naked or because there's kink or anything crazy. It's because (for me) the actors TRULY CARE ABOUT THE DETAILS. Almost every frame has something you can freeze and stare at in awe, they DID THAT. Colin finally FEELING IT, with the one person who can truly see him and inspire those deep feelings he's been yearning for was HOT AF. Pen basically being at his mercy but also realizing her power over him and embracing it by letting him ruin her because it's COLIN (she wouldn't let anyone else do that, IMO, not even Deblin). MY FAVORITE PART:
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At the end, when they exhale and slump into each other/the carriage seat in sync. She looks like she's never felt anything like this in her life (cuz she ain't) and he looks like he's finally HOME. And I'm not talking about his family's estate -- I specifically mean right there in Penelope's bosom, between her legs, her breath, her eyes, her moans for him, like he looks relieved and satisfied AND THEN HE'S LIKE "SO I'M NEVER LETTING THIS GO. DONE DEAL, YOU'RE MY PENELOPE, NOW."
Ugh. I loooove this couple! I HAD TO GET THIS OUT OF MY BODY. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Gonna add stills for the moments I mention once Tumblr stops being a bitch.
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harfanfare · 2 years
Unique Kisses: Heartslabyul!
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Hearslabyul || Savanaclaw || Octavinelle || Scarabia || Pomefiore || Ignihyde || Diasomnia || Rollo, Che'nya, Neige || Honest Fellow
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Riddle R. (strawberry kisses)
If it wasn’t for this situation, Riddle would consider removing strawberries from a cake a blasphemy.
Fortunately for you, and also his joy, which he could not admit to if it wasn’t the last resort, Riddle isn't sure if his judgement would be a fair one. He is drunk on the taste of strawberries and fluffy cream, but also your fragrance, which has been his favourite aroma even before he thought he would dare to confess his feelings to you.
Riddle knows he doesn’t think soberly, but also believes that Trey didn’t change a recipe for his favourite dessert.
So, it is your fault.
“You should have taken yourself a piece of cake if you crave strawberries so much,” he says, regarding how you stab a little strawberry from his tart on a silver fork. It shimmers softly with honey or frosting or whatever Trey had added. Right now, Riddle can’t remember what his favourite dessert tastes like, and it was your fault as well.
“Kitchen is too far away,” you almost sigh, but don’t do that because it’s not a reason to be disappointed. “And, by the way, you are the one eating your tart. The greater part is still yours.”
“I have an irresistible impression that my serving disappears too fast.”
“You’re such a gourmet then. You will have to take bigger pieces next time.”
You chuckle at his stern facade, face fully covered with blushes, not matching the crossed arms that were probably meant to give his figure a more serious tone.
The strawberry on the fork you put against his lips, and he - used to this, after your multiple pleas - swallows his dignity and bites the fruit enough, not to cut it in half. He blinks a little faster, a little more nervous, and can’t bear to hold your stare when you smile and put the fork aside.
And then, you bite a strawberry held by his lips. A soft crunch attends the moment where your lips brush against each other. You feel how a sweet juice fills your lips and you have to move away to not let it drain over a corner of your mouth.
Satisfied, now less frustrated with your idea, you lick your wet, slightly sticky lips.
You glance at Riddle.
It… was a surprise that he went with your idea. It was a plan to soften him up a bit and have another reason to laugh when he would scold you again for your “preposterous suggestions”.
Surely not for you to stand in bewilderment and quick-paced heartbeat when Riddle pulls out a strawberry on a fork towards you. And as his face is red, crimson almost, his gaze is tainted with warm grey.
“Now it’s your turn.”
And that was an order.
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Trey C. (hand kisses)
Trey Clover is a gentleman.
He opens the door whenever you go with him. Helps to carry supplies to the alchemy room at the far end of the school. Forbids you to prepare snacks for yourself, just to serve you beautiful little tarts during a break, that can be eaten in one bite.
His love is elegant and attentive. He likes to hold you in his arms while reading books. By highlighting the most important things in notes he helps you prepare for exams. He doesn’t even complain when you rob his wardrobe and usurp his clothes. He collects - by following all the Queen's rules or while avoiding Riddle's eyesight -- and offers you roses for every greater or lesser success.
A dreamy gentleman.
The only thing that mystifies you every time, is his touch.
You always quiver slightly as he takes your hand in his and entwines your fingers. He turns it over and brings it to his mouth, kissing the back of your hand. You don't know what is more delicate: the way his fingers slide over yours, or your heart, which will probably quickly tear apart itself, not able to bear the darting beat.
It would definitely be a nice death, but more than choosing that, you'd still rather live through this moment.
Trey's lips brush against your skin and move towards your fingers. There, he places another kiss and when he finally releases your hand, he still holds you. A grip slightly tightens when you look at him bashfully.
It was a gentleman's kiss.
Or maybe not gentleman’s, but from a man who pretends. You are not sure if a gentleman would do something like that to his lady: watch her lose her mind with each kiss as she becomes more and more addicted to her gentleman who smiles with a subtle but private smile.
Even as he pulls away, you feel that the spot on your skin where he kissed you tickles you lightly.
"Good morning to you, too, I should say”, you exclaim with a big smile. But you already like that greeting very much, and you're sure Trey knows it as well, as he repeats the gesture every day.
"Ah, and that's not the reaction I was expecting," he snorted as you rolled your eyes. “You got used to this trick already. Should I stop or…” now he smiles, mischievously. Certainly not like a gentleman. “...change the offensive?”
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Cater D. (kisses on the eyes)
“Smile!” and snap! With a soft sound, another photo saves itself on Cater’s phone. He immediately enlarges it with his fingers, brings the image closer to your faces and clicks his tongue with dissatisfaction, but doesn’t remove the photo. “No, that’s not it. We look lovely, but- Sweetie, come closer!”
“Yes, yes.”
You take another step towards Cater. He instantly places his arm over yours, drawing you a little closer, as he holds the phone in the other hand. He observes the preview of the photo. And then, he directs you to turn a little to the west, so the sun would colour your faces even more.
An artistic wind begins to blow and ruffles the leaves of the trees behind your back. They form your main background, which Cater wanted to expose as they were famous for their multicoloured flowers. It was the main reason to choose this park as the next place for your date. The strands of your hair began to wave, and you gently brushed a few away from your eyes.
But before Cater can snap that hundredth picture, you lower your head and put hand to your face.
“Ah, I think something is in my eye,” you murmur, with all your will trying not to rub your eyes. “Probably sand, ewh.”
“Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait,” Cater quickly tucks the phone into the pocket of his jacket and with one movement unbuckles his backpack. He pulls out a bottle of water -which he immediately hands to you - and then finds a package of tissues. “Here. Try to wash it out. And blink. You're supposed to blink a lot at times like this, right?” … Luckily for you, you don’t have to vex with it for long, because after a short while you manage to get the sand out of your eye. Cater’s phone is used as a mirror, and he checked himself if there might be any irritation visible in your eye.
You crumple a wet tissue and throw it in the trash can near your bench.
“It’s all right now, I think.”
Cater puts his stuff in his bag and gets up. With a short wave, he says that he wants you to stay where you are.
"I will cast a healing spell on your eyes," he announces and crouches in front of you. He smiles. “Metaphorical one. Please don't trust me when it comes to healing magic.”
And then he moves closer to you, and his hands are on your cheeks. They hold you in place as he gets closer and closer until he completely fills your view and asks you to close your eyes. You don’t have to look at him to know his gaze is trailing your face. And when he stops, it’s because he wanted to turn your attention to the touch as he places warm kisses on your eyelids.
These are some of the softer kisses Cater gave you. They are almost imperceptible and uncharacteristic of him, but you can feel the care in each one... and have a scent of his cologne – jasmine scent, slightly spicy in smell - that he put on himself surround you.
He steps back only when each eye receives at least three kisses.
“I think I feel better now...” You say with a smile which he reciprocates. He pulls out his phone, once again, and points its lens at you. He hums with pleasure, as he finds the perfect angle.
“So~? Will you smile for me once more?”
You can’t say no after such a satisfying spell.
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Ace T. (feigned kisses)
“Hey, hey, come here, I want to tell you something...”
You tear your gaze away from your notebook, where the next line of your essay on the history of magic is now cut halfway. Ace's whisper snapped you out of the monologue you've arranged in your head, and you know you won’t recollect it soon. Not even a passive focus spell applied to the library could help, as Ace acted as a truly sterling distraction.
“Come here yourself.”
“It's important”
It’s probably not.
You sigh and shake your head. Ace does the same, but rises from his untouched textbooks. "I lack the motivation to study today," he tells you every time you drag him along to prepare for your next exam together.
He stops in front of you and turns your chair around so that you can directly face him. He smiles mischievously. Almost malevolently, but warm enough.
He places his hands on both sides of your chair and—oh, since when is he so close to you?
It's not that Ace isn’t in the habit of kissing you—he likes it as much as you do, although he never fails to roll his eyes when you ask for a kiss, or tease you ("ah, so you need more of my attention, hm? Heh~") before pressing his lips to yours.
And you are expecting the latter option until Ace stops inches from your face and snarls.
“Heh. You wish”.
He tries to whisper something more, but you don’t give him an opportunity to do so, as you throw your head back. And then he greets you with a look, you could describe as mean.
“Yes,” you admit quietly, genuinely disappointed. You turn your chair around and quickly tuck your books into your bag. Maybe you'll find Riddle or someone who can chase Ace away a bit with their presence, so you will have some peace. “But I'm feeling less and less sorry that it didn't happen. See you later, I'm off to class…”
He didn’t expect that. Did you have a bad day today? Did he do something wrong or- Did you really care about getting a good grade on that essay? He couldn't guess, but he knew that if he doesn’t make a move now, you will try getting back at him.
“Hey—!” He wheezes, grabbing your hand. “You can't give up so easily. Fight for what you want!”
“Too much work.”
Ace sighs and tilts his head. He pulls you towards him by the strap of the bag you carry, almost knocking you off balance. And then, he presses your lips to his—they are unexpectedly soft and you start to wonder if it was because of the honey he added to his tea at almost every unbirthday party (to break another rule of his dorm)—and then... And then you both lost the air in your lungs that you hadn't managed to take in before kissing.
You look at him from under your lashes as you take a deep breath. “To quote, "Ah, so you need more of my attention?””
“Ughh,” Ace breathes out, and you feel that quiet sigh on the skin of your neck. He is still incredibly close, but for that moment you can’t bring yourself to push him away. “You're lucky I like you. …And, by the way, you choose very wise man’s quotes.”
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Deuce S. (forehead kisses)
“...Are you asleep?”
“...No. Not yet.”
The quilt rustles quietly as you sat up on the bed. You feel tired, your head aches, and your eyes seem too heavy. You are sure you've already yawned about five times since you said “goodnight”, but even after forty—you counted each one with agony—minutes of lying down, sleep wasn't taking you away.
Neither did Deuce, and that was your current greatest comfort.
“I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight,” you whisper, trying to make out his features in the darkness that merge into a dark room. But you are sure that that darker patch of shadow—Deuce—is looking at you as intently as you are looking at it. “Not after the movie that Ace picked out.”
Deuce slowly gets up and you can finally tell where his face is.
“He picked the wrong title,” Deuce agrees, sighing heavily. “I don't know if I can-... Erm, I mean, I'm not a fan of horror movies, but it's not that, that, I-.”
“Yes, yes, I understand,” you interrupt him gently and squeeze the duvet lightly in your fingers. You turn your gaze to a window where a hint of light shines through the gaps between the curtains. The moon must be very visible tonight. “I didn't like that film. You know what, Deuce? We can't let Ace choose movies ever again.”
“Right,” he put his hands through the strands of his hair. And then laughs at the memory he proceeds to describe you. “...When I was younger, my mother would often kiss me on the forehead whenever I felt I was too upset to sleep. I often tried to watch horror movies on my own so I could talk about them later at school, but... Haha. Anyway, somehow it always worked because I would go back to bed later and then—I think—I would fall asleep…”
“...Do you want to kiss me goodnight?”
“Ah-! N-no! That's not what I meant!” he protests. And then tries to look at you but finds it impossible. “Ah... Was that a request or a question?”
“An offer of a lifetime.”
Deuce remains in his bed for a few more moments but finally gets up. He pushes the curtains a little more and the room becomes much brighter. You could now see the games scattered on the floor that you had vowed to clean up in the morning, the outline of your beds and finally, and most importantly, yourselves.
He approaches you, quietly and carefully. You wait with a smile that you try to hide. You straighten up, put your feet on the floor, but still sit on the bed as Deuce brings his fingers to your face, and touches it with care as if you were a porcelain doll. Or a dream and Deuce was willing to believe in both cases.
He brushes your hair from your forehead and holds loose strands with one hand; the other is placed on the back of your head. He leans in. You hear him hold his breath and feel warmer as he presses his lips to the top of your head. You are sure he must have sensed the scent of his shampoo (you had a good reason for that: you had forgotten to take your own with you) because he quivers subtly as he inhales the smell bashfully.
And he must also be glad that it was still dark in here because, when you raise your gaze, his head is titled, as he often does when conscious of his blushes.
“…Are you calmer?” He whispers the question.
You nod slowly. Deuce carefully, almost reluctantly, steps away from you and sits down on his bed. Although he is no longer beside you, you can still feel the memory of how warm his skin and lips were. You gently touch the spot on your head where he had placed his kiss.
“If we don't fall asleep in the next half hour, we're going to go get some late-night snacks,” you decide, as you lay down, and you even notice Deuce smiling.
“Okay,” he chuckles. “And we can watch a better movie. But now try to fall asleep.”
“If I fall asleep now, I'll regret it.”
“You will say something else in the morning, tired.”
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hunterrrs · 9 months
There are always plenty of storylines surrounding the Penguins each year at training camp. One that has flown under the radar to those on the outside, but has been discussed inside the locker room, is who’s going to replace Brian Dumoulin as team DJ.
“We’ve been talking about that!” Drew O’Connor said. “It’s a job nobody really wants, because it’s a lot of pressure. It’s a thankless job. Dumo was really good.”
Right now, it sounds like defensemen P.O Joseph and Marcus Pettersson are the top-two candidates for the role that Dumoulin had filled since 2016. The person is responsible for what music comes out of the locker room speakers ahead of practices, morning skates and games to get the group in the right state of mind.
Pettersson found himself in the mix because he’s a good singer, having gotten up in front of the boys to sing karaoke a couple of times.
When fellow Swede Patric Hornqvist was with the Penguins, the guys and their significant others dressed as Abba one Halloween, and did Dancing Queen at the team party. Pettersson then hit the stage solo another time, belting out Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody for the group.
But performing and DJ’ing are two different things, which is why Pettersson thinks Joseph is a better fit.
“He knows what’s hot right now in the music industry, he follows it,” Pettersson said. “I think he’d make a great team DJ. There’s a lot of pressure that comes with the DJ spot. There’s a lot of sleepless nights trying to figure it out. We’ve got to come up with somebody. I’m not throwing myself in there, I’m throwing P.O in there.”
Joseph has the captain’s vote as well, with Sidney Crosby believing he’s the right person for the job. Letang also thinks P.O would do well.
“I'll take it,” Joseph said with a laugh and a sigh. “It's just hard sometimes. I think it's the hardest thing to do around here, to be honest.”
That’s because not only does the team DJ need a variety of songs that cover everybody’s tastes, they also have to read the mood accordingly, like playing something more upbeat if guys are tired or more chill if everyone’s feeling good.
Fortunately, Joseph has said he’s such a mood person for life in general, and that includes music. He also has diverse tastes, learning to enjoy listening to country music when he was playing junior hockey in the Maritimes; loving hip hop, rap, EDM/dance music, and indie folk; and appreciating some of the good rock classics that everybody knows the lyrics to, even if they’re not his preference.
If Joseph does take over, he would ask everyone for their preferences, and go from there.
“I would try to please everyone,” he said. “I feel like there's definitely a different side of music from every guy in the room. Dumo did a pretty good job last year just kind of asking guys what their kind of music was. I heard some 80s and some 90s rock, which is not what I usually play at home. But I guess if you just bring different types of music in the room, people will just start liking it.”
rip my sweet dumo, it’s poj’s dj era now
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anthurak · 9 days
Funny little thought/headcanon I had while looking at Yugioh card archetypes, specifically the various ones that have spun off of Yugi’s iconic monsters, ie; Dark Magician, Gaia the Fierce Knight, Buster Blader, etc.
In terms of in-universe card-lore, I feel like many of Yugi’s monsters read like this oldschool fantasy adventurer party who banded together to go on a series of epic quests together.
You’ve got Dark Magician, the wise and powerful wizard who brings the group together.
Gaia the Fierce Knight is a knight who joins the party, and later tames a powerful dragon to be his new steed in Curse of Dragon.
Kuriboh is a little fiendish spirit who is probably Dark Magician’s familiar and becomes the party’s mascot.
Summoned Skull is a powerful fiend whom the party forges an unlikely alliance with.
Buster Blader, an up and coming dragon-slayer who joins the party.
Dark Magician Girl, the Dark Magician’s young protégé.
Really, I think it’s easy to picture basically ALL of Yugi’s monsters as being part-or-full-time members or affiliated allies of this hypothetical band of adventurers: Mystical Elf could be an elven priestess who joins the party, Celtic Guardian could be Mystical Elf’s bodyguard, Feral Imp and Horn Imp are a pair of petty demons who get bound to the service of Dark Magician or Summoned Skull, Silver Fang is a wolf the party adopts, the list goes on.
And all the individual archetypes that have spun off of each of Yugi’s monsters represent each of these adventurers going their separate ways to have their own big solo quests and stories after the party disbanded (ie; when the DM anime ended).
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Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl clearly continue to have their own long string of adventures.
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Possibly with DMG eventually forming her own band of fellow magical girls.
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Buster Blader became The Destruction Swordsman, adopted Buster Whelp and had… that whole adventure.
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With Gaia, for a while I’ve had a theory/headcanon that the numerous ‘Gaia Knights’ aren’t actually all the same guy, but rather various members of an ORDER of Knights founded by the original Gaia. With each Gaia Knight representing either a rank, position or notable member of the order. With Gaia himself forming the order after leaving the party. He also apparently took Catapult Turtle with him.
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Heck, Summoned Skull being retroactively classified as part of the Archfiend archetype could be read in-lore as Summoned Skull becoming an Archfiend after or even as a result of their time with the party.
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Gazelle and Berfomet go off to form the Chimera series and also join the Phantom Beasts.
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Celtic Guardian takes up a second sword and becomes Celtic Guard of Noble Arms.
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The three Face-Card Knights (or the ‘Poker Knights’ as I prefer to call them) probably form their own order of knights with Joker’s Knight and Imperial Bower and eventually become the Arcana Joker trio (with Queen’s Knight/Arcana Triumph Joker clearly having inherited some power from Slifer/Osiris, given her effect).
And the list goes on.
Oh, and the Magical Citadel of Endymion probably factors in here somewhere, given the existence of the ‘Skilled Magician’ monsters. Not to mention Yugi’s use of Breaker the Magical Warrior.
And I dunno, I think it’s really fun to think of the ‘in-universe’ card lore in this way, as well as tie together all of Yugi’s monsters in a cool way. Heck you can reimagine much of Duelist Kingdom, Battle City and the other arcs of DM into more classical fantasy adventures.
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queer-ragnelle · 7 months
favorite queer retellings/interpretations of arthurian legend
hello anon!
this simple question has a complicated answer if only bc some authors seem to have created queer stories unintentionally! & i like them! i'll include quotes from my suggestions below a cut as there will be some mild spoilers but that may help you decide what stories suit your tastes as they vary a lot. you can also just go ahead & assume kay & agravaine are always queer (bc they are, not accepting crit) which makes narrowing down the list difficult for me.
TL;DR: Camelot 3000 Mike W. Barr & Brian Bolland, Exiled From Camelot/Trial of Sir Kay/Hunt for Hart Royal by Cherith Baldry, Spear Nicola Griffith, Guinevere/Morgan/Morgawse by Lavinia Collins, The Queen's Knight by Marvin Borowsky, Arthur Rex by Thomas Berger, The Road to Avalon by Joan Wolf.
Camelot 3000 by Mike W. Barr & Brian Bolland: reincarnation story with transman sir tristan coming to terms with his gender & sexuality so he can accept isolde's love for him & reciprocate. it's really beautifully written imo plus the art is so 80s & my exact cup of tea. it's dated in some of its handling of the subject matter but i think it was done thoughtfully for the time.
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Exiled From Camelot, The Trial of Sir Kay, The Hunt for The Hart Royal by Cherith Baldry: the way baldry writes is overall my favorite ever but her kay is unparalleled he is everything to me. unequivocally disinterested in women (without misogyny, very important note). codependent on gawain if not fully in love with him the crown style. lots of hurt/comfort, kissing, holding & worrying over each other. they exchange a ring for god's sake. in exiled it says ragnelle was the only woman for gawain (based) but after she passed he's all kay's basically so this checks all my boxes. love wins.
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Spear by Nicola Griffith: butch perceval pulling bitches chapter after chapter it's glorious. ends up settling down with nimue. bonus throuple arthur/guin/lance with a very sweet moment with lance talking to percy about them both. no homophobia (external nor internal) to be found its very enjoyable. beautiful prose. audiobook was wonderfully narrated by the author, which is how i read it, thus i've written out a quote here:
"Secrets may prove a burden. So...Lance, my mother is indeed Merlin's sister but I am not Merlin's sister's son." Lance frowned. "I don't understand..." "I am not his sister's son." His eyes stretched wide. He reassessed the line of her jaw, the size of her hands. She nodded. Then he reassessed how she and Nimue sat with one another. This time, Nimue nodded.
Guinevere, Morgan, & Morgawse by Lavinia Collins: these aren't my favorite (did gawain really dirty, deal breaker) but the fact is they have multiple explicitly queer characters including: kay, lancelot, morgawse, agravaine, isolde, dinadan, etc. plus there were several poly scenes including one with guin/lance/kay, another morgawse/lot/visiting king/queen swinging. wild all around everyone is sleeping with everyone no character is unaccounted for. be warned these books are extremely graphic in every conceivable way. queer solidarity in the face of homophobia is a theme throughout. kay punches phobic urien & agravaine "saw nothing." shh its fine urien sucks. this hilarious convo between agravaine & morgawse kills me.
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The Queen's Knight by Marvin Borowsky: an interesting retelling in which mordred is a grown up warlord right from the outset. he also happens to be queer. mind this came out in the 50s & contains pederasty, but mordred does later have a loving tragic relationship with fellow knight calogrenant (yay crackships<3), which others were aware of & helped conceal (kay, for example). agravaine is also queer, he only joins arthur's forces bc lancelot asks him to & continues to fixate on him for the whole book. typical.
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Arthur Rex by Thomas Berger: so this book is super homophobic. but it's so homophobic that it circles back around to being pretty queer bc berger saw queerness everywhere, apparently. but the green knight is purposefully queer, so the kissing game's gender-role-reversal/bisexuality....escalates. david lowery wishes. both gawain & arthur are pretty homoromantic with lancelot to the point the narrative calls attention to it & then no-homos their closeness. agravaine appears to be queer too. he's the only unmarried brother (claims to be in love with guinevere but i don't buy it), he wants lancelot so bad he gets all tongue tied & stupid around him...wrecked.
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The Road to Avalon by Joan Wolf: what's this? agravaine again? so in this version, lancelot is named bedwyr (inspired by mary stewart's quadrilogy) but he's lance in all but name. anyway agravaine constantly beefs with guinevere for his attention...& loses. plus it's implied agravaine slept with lamorak before his mother which is hysterical. (my fave crackship is thriving<3) agravaine topples the empire for a much older straight man. it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. let's give it up for problematic jealous slutty queers.
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these are just the retellings i have read & liked. there are more on my retellings list but those were suggestions from others i haven't gotten to yet with the exception of dishonorable mention to the winter knight by jes battis. it has gay gawain & his bestie transgirl bi kay in that but the writing style was unbearable to me unfortunately i'm so sorry i just didn't like it. anyway thanks for the ask!
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rubysunnday · 2 years
free falling
requested by @acupnoodle: omg i read that requests were open?? did i read that right????? if you write for prince Friedrich with prompt 2 (") maybe shes a childhood friend of his (maybe a princess) and they meet at the ball after a long time??
im not sure if you write for the prince so if you dont, could it be with anthony bridgerton ??
a/n: is this proof read? kinda. I just wanted to get back into writing on here after being away a while
summary: sometimes the only solution is to swoon into the arms of your childhood best friend
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The worst part about any ball or party was the waiting to enter. A queue of carriages stretched down the road, each one waiting to roll up to the front of the palace. Y/N stared out the window, her eyes fixated on the grand building looming over them.
"How are you feeling, darling?" Y/N's mother, Anna, asked, leaning forward.
"Excited," Elise replied.
Y/N smiled at her younger sister's excitement. A young lady's first ball was always an exciting time - even if that excitement inevitably faded. Y/N was reaching her fourth year out in society and she had yet to have a single proposal. She didn't mind, however - she was content with her fate as a spinster. Her mother had made it clear that it would be Elise who won over everyone - not Y/N.
The carriage jolted forward and soon they were outside the palace. A footman opened the door and held out an arm. Y/N let her family step out first and then followed after, taking the footman's arm. She looked around at the palace grounds as she stepped down, her face lit up by the numerous fires burning.
"Y/N, darling, come along," Anna called.
Y/N quickly caught up with her mother and sister as they followed the rest of the guests slowly filtering into the palace. As they stepped into the foyer, Y/N was taken aback by how beautiful it was. Every empty space was covered in white flowers with green foliage trickling down the walls.
The queen stood in the centre of the room, greeting everyone with a slightly forced smile as her butler took the invites. She was clearly scrutinising each person as they passed and Y/N suddenly felt self-conscious. She pulled her shawl a bit tighter, wrapping the sheer fabric around her arms.
The couple in front of them curtsied and walked away, following the servant down the corridor and presumably into the ballroom.
"Lady Astor, it is a pleasure to see you," the queen said as the three women stepped forward.
"Your Majesty, I thank you for our invite," Anna replied, curtsying deeply, her daughters following.
Y/N kept her head down and her eyes away from the queen's gaze, not wanting to bring any attention to herself. She didn't need any comments from the queen about her lack of husband - not when she was certain she would hear plenty from her fellow partygoers.
Anna stood up and put a hand on Elise's arm. "Your Majesty, please allow me to formally introduce you to my youngest daughter, Elise."
Elise stepped forward and did a practically perfect curtsey. Y/N could tell the queen was impressed.
"And my eldest, Y/N."
Y/N copied Elise exactly, curtseying and rising in one smooth movement. The queen simply gave her a passing look and returned to Elise. Y/N stood there patiently as the queen gushed praise over Elise before dismissing them for the next attendees.
"I'm going to go get us some lemonade," Y/N announced, putting a gloved hand on her mother's arm. "I won't be long."
She walked along the perimeter of the ballroom, weaving through the guests and servants. The lemonade was on a large, white cloth-covered table at the back of the room, next to a beautiful six-tiered cake with yellow and pink icing.
Y/N picked up a delicate glass of lemonade and sipped it, looking around the room. Her eyes snagged on one person in particular - standing the other end of the room, hands behind their back, looking like they'd rather be anywhere else.
Anthony Bridgerton.
It'd been several years since Y/N had last seen the viscount. Their paths had simply not crossed and Y/N hadn't realised how much she missed his presence until then.
Anthony seemed to realise someone was watching him. He slowly looked up and turned his head, searching the room. His eyes landed on Y/N and he straightened up, surprise clear on his face.
Y/N waved her fingers at him, trying not to attract too much attention from the rest of the room. Anthony nodded his head once but he was smiling. His mother tapped his arm and Anthony turned his head sharply, returning back to the conversation he was meant to be listening to.
The musicians began playing a new piece of music and the couples moved onto the dancefloor. Y/N moved away from the refreshments table, standing by the wall, next to a standing candle holder. The couples danced together effortlessly, the flowing fabric of the dresses and suits resembling falling petals.
Y/N sighed softly, taking another sip of her lemonade. She tilted her head back slightly, closing her eyes for a moment. No matter the occasion, Y/N would always find herself with a headache after socialising for too long. It would hit out of nowhere and often confined her to her bed the next day.
The music reached its final notes and Y/N finished her lemonade, placing the empty glass on a silver tray presented to her by a servant. Her head was pounding and the humid, thick air of the ballroom wasn't helping. Y/N decided to make her way to the french doors that led to the gardens, wanting some fresh air.
She began walking through the crowd and spotted her mother and Elise over by the stairs. She glanced behind her, watching Elise as she was surrounded by suitors. Y/N was so engrossed in what her sister was doing that she walked straight into someone's chest - almost falling backwards.
"My apologies, sir," Y/N gasped, trying to steady herself and create space between her and the stranger.
"You are forgiven, Miss Astor."
Y/N's head shot up. "Lord Bridgerton!"
"Anthony, please. We've known one another a long while, have we not, Y/N?"
"Anthony. My apologies, I was -"
"Watching your sister?" Anthony finished, standing beside her, smiling slightly. "She seems very popular tonight."
"She is always popular," Y/N said wistfully.
Anthony glanced at her. "I sense some discontent."
"No, no. I love my sister dearly. I just sometimes..."
"Feel overshadowed by her success?"
Y//N nodded, turning her head to look at Anthony. "Exactly that. It is clear which one of us is going to marry well and which one of us will become a spinster."
"I disagree," Anthony told her. "I believe you could make a match someday."
Y/N smiled, chuckling softly. "I wish I had your positivity, Anthony."
"Oh, trust me, it is not a common occurrence," Anthony replied.
Y/N laughed, throwing her head back. She glanced back at where her sister was and watched her accept the hand of one suitor. Y/N's gaze moved slightly and her eyes widened as she spotted the one person she'd tried to avoid all night, coming towards her.
"Oh, not Berbrooke," Y/N muttered quietly. "I have been avoiding him all night."
"I'm surprised he is even allowed back into town after what happened," Anthony murmured.
"He wormed his way back in," Y/N replied. "Oh, he's spotted me!"
"We can just walk away," Anthony suggested.
"He'll just follow us - trust me, I've tried." Y/N paused, trying to think. "Chapter 6," she said abruptly.
Anthony frowned deeply. "What? What is chapter 6?"
"The art of the swoon," Y/N explained quickly. "It's a woman's book just, catch me!"
"You - what, oh!"
Anthony launched forward, catching Y/N as she swayed and tilted backwards into him. Together, they fell to the floor, Anthony supporting her body against his knee. His heart was pounding from the shock - despite the fact he knew she was ultimately faking it, it had still scared the shit out of him.
She'd suddenly gone limp, her knees buckling as she fell backwards - trusting Anthony entirely to catch her before she smacked the floor. Anthony would never let her hit the floor, of course. He bent one knee up and had the other at bent at a slight angle so that he could proper her up against it.
All eyes were on them. It didn't take long for people to notice and for everyone to stop what they were doing and stare. Berbrooke had, thankfully, stopped and hidden himself amongst the crowd and Anthony tried not to scoff at the fact Y/N's plan had worked.
"Y/N! Oh my, what happened?" Lady Astor gasped, kneeling on the floor next to her daughter.
"She said she had a headache," Anthony lied, "and wasn't feeling too well. She just fainted." He looked around, noticing all the eyes on him. He spotted a servant hovering nearby. "Is there somewhere I can take her to recover where she isn't a circus animal?"
"Of course, my lord, there's a room just out here."
Anthony put an arm under Y/N's knees and the other around her back and lifted her up into his arms, letting her head rest on his shoulder. The servant led him out the room and down a corridor to the empty room.
As soon as he stepped out into the corridor, the temperature dropped drastically and it felt more like the late May nights he was used to.
Lady Astor mentioned going to get some water and then rushed off in the opposite direction, leaving Anthony alone with Y/N as he carried her into the room.
"Do not do that to me again," Anthony said, lowering Y/N down onto the sofa.
Y/N opened her eyes and beamed up at him. She swung her legs onto the sofa. "I had no other choice! It was Nigel Berbrooke."
"Dearest Miss Astor, I would have saved you long before he walked up to us," Anthony said fondly, kneeling down beside her. "Your mother is concerned."
"She will be fine. If anything I can go home early and finish the new Jane Austen novel."
Anthony scoffed, shaking his head. "I cannot believe you. Next time you want to swoon, give me an advance warning... you scared the life out of me."
"I apologise, Lord Bridgerton."
"Oh, Y/N, darling, are you alright?" Lady Astor asked, bustling into the room.
"I am fine, mama," Y/N said, placing a calming hand on her arm. She looked at Anthony, giving him a smile. "Lord Bridgerton saved me."
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lunastrophe · 2 months
Hi! 🩶 Super specific question, but do U have any info/reading/books on drow clerics, like how they are perceived, their status among drow etc.? Either to Lolth or Eilistraee, with the latter obviously being secretive.
I'm planning a story about a cleric drow and began to think that they might be at an extreme end of the spectrum... Either super respected and valued, or seen as particularly weak and disposable... I'm new here so 😅 any help is appreciated, thank you!!
Hello! The church of Lolth is very different from church of Eilistraee - in a way, they represent the opposite end of the spectrum of drow spirituality.
In a very, very general sense, clerics of Lolth are respected and valued in Lolth-sworn drow societies, and clerics of Eilistraee are respected and valued in Eilistraean drow societies. They both wield power and they are often leaders of their communities. Also, they can be formidable opponents, able to fight with their weapons and divine spells - their skills also make them valuable.
The main difference is, clerics of Lolth are typically feared and despised in their communities. If they show weakness or fail their duties, or lose the Favor of Lolth for any other reason, they are instantly marked as disposable - and they can even end up being sacrificed. There is also a lot of rivalry among priestesses of Lolth.
Clerics of Eilistraee are much kinder. They can be dangerous to their enemies, of course - but they do not want members of their own communities to be afraid of them or to mindlessly obey them. They are not as cruel, capricious and controlling as Lolthites, and they do not encourage ill-natured rivalry.
Some general information on drow priests and their status in drow societies can be found, for example, in Demihuman Deities (2e):
🕷️ About priests of Lolth:
"Lolth's priests are the rulers, police forces, judges, juries, and executioners of drow society. They wield power daily, and most do so in a manner in keeping with the cruel and capricious nature of Lolth herself."
"Priests of Lolth strive to act as Lolth wishes and to manipulate (often by brutal force) their fellow drow to do so too. The ultimate aim of every priest is to achieve and keep the Favor of Lolth."
"The duties of a good priest, then, are to do whatever is necessary to gain and to keep the Spider Queen's favor. Although treachery and cruelty are often rewarded, Lolth does not look kindly on those who let personal grudges and revenge-taking bring defeat or shame to their House, clan, city, or band."
🕷️ Lolth's Dogma:
"Fear is as strong as steel, while love and respect are soft, useless feelings that none can lean on. All drow who do not worship Lolth must be converted or destroyed. All weak and rebellious drow must be weeded out. All who impugn the faith must perish."
"Males or slaves of other races who act independently of Lolth's dictates (and those of her priests) must be sacrificed to Lolth. Those of the faithful whose loyalty is weak must be eliminated. Children are to be raised as loyal worshipers of Lolth, and each family should produce at least one priest to serve the Spider Queen better than his or her parents. Arachnids of all sorts are to be revered, and anyone who mistreats or kills a spider must die."
"Such are the commands of Lolth - but the priest who follows them blindly is on a slippery path leading to swift death. Success in the service of Lolth lies with those who are attentive to the ever-changing, often contradictory will of Lolth. Lolth's capricious nature makes hard-and-fast rules few and uncertainty great. Of course, questioning Lolth's motives or wisdom is a sin."
"Aiding non-drow against drow is a great sin, as is ignoring the Spider Queen's commands in favor of love. (Lolth often tests her priests by ordering the sacrifice of a favored consort.) Drow who lose the favor of Lolth are always given a single chance to redeem themselves. This is usually a dangerous or difficult mission, though Lolth may test certain individuals by setting no task at all and observing what they do. Those who willfully fail are destroyed. Lolth commands other worshipers to do this (in turn, testing them). Those who fail through mischance or poor planning or execution are usually transformed into driders."
"Lolth often plays favorites among her drow worshipers, but those who ride high one season are warned that Lolth can turn her dark face upon them without warning and undoubtedly will sometime soon."
🌙 About priests of Eilistraee:
"Whenever and wherever possible, faithful of Eilistraee encourage drow to return to the surface world and work to promote harmony between drow and surface-dwelling races in order to establish the drow as rightful, nonevil inhabitants of Faerun. They nurture beauty, music, the craft of making musical instruments, and song wherever they find it, assist hunters and hunting, and help others in acts of kindness whenever they see ways to do so. Priests must be skilled in the playing of at least one of the Dark Maiden's favored instruments - horn, flute, or harp; be adequate singers; and be fit, graceful dancers. They gather songs and musical knowledge constantly and acquire training in the use of the sword when they can."
"Priests of the goddess are allowed to keep and accumulate money given them as offerings - with the understanding that this wealth is to be used to buy food, musical instruments, and other tools (such as good swords) to serve the will of the goddess. Priests of Eilistraee are allowed to go adventuring, so long as they feed, aid, and defend the needy along the way. They are encouraged to aid adventuring parties, with the price of their aid to be provision of some sort of beneficial magical armor they can use (or failing that, an enchanted sword of some sort)."
🌙 Eilistraee's Dogma:
"Aid the weak, strong, grateful, and churlish alike; be always kind, save in battle with evil. Encourage happiness everywhere; lift hearts with kind words, jests, songs, and merriment. Learn how to cook game and how best to hunt it. Learn new songs, dances, and ways with weapons, and spices, and recipes, and pass this learning on whenever possible. Learn how to play, make, and repair musical instruments. Practice music and sword-work. Defend and aid all folk, promoting harmony between the races."
"Strangers are your friends. The homeless must be given shelter from storms, under your own roof if need be. Repay rudeness with kindness. Repay violence with swift violence, that the fewest may be hurt and danger fast removed from the land. The faithful must aid drow who are in distress. If the distressed are fighting with other drow, the combat is to be stopped with as little bloodshed as possible."
"So long as the drow met with are not working evil on others, they are to be aided and given the message of Eilistraee: "A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
Hope this information will help you in some way 🙂
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
What is your opinion about Genya's sexual abuse from the King? I mean do you think the Darkling was at fault there?
⚠️TW: Sexual abuse, sexual assault, rape discussion and content in here⚠️
Ohh...boy. This is really a long subject. And a complicated one.
You see the reason so many people blame the Darkling for Genya's fate is because most of them don't know shit about how royal life works. Especially the medieval one.
So, Genya was her attendant, right? I would say lady-in-waiting but I don't think she was that. Normally, ladies-in-waiting were born and raised in highborn families.
Genya was trained in the Little Palace. And apparently she could handle both a Fabrikator's skills and a Corporalnik's. But the Darkling saw that she was leaning more towards the Tailoring.
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You see a Grisha is always born having an affinity towards something. It's like a person being good with computers and surgery but she seems much more skilled with make-up. The Darkling noticed that and decided to nurture it.
It mustn't be surprising that he gave her to the Queen after that. A Grisha with the ability to fix and beautify would be a perfect candidate to take care of the Queen. Plus, this was probably an excellent sign of good will towards the Crown. The Crown has Grisha in their army and halls and there is peace between them. When the Darkling gave her to the Queen it could be a sign of cordiality. "You have us under your roof, you accept us in your halls and let us live peacefully. Accept one of my Grisha as a thank you. For her to tend to you and be at your side." In medieval times, it was an honor to be part of the Queen's attendance.
Did the Darkling know what would come next? Well, unless he can read Tarot, no.
Because all the women that tend to the Queen are actually under her protection. It's her duty to keep them safe.
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(Even Nikolai blamed his mother for Genya's suffering)
In the beginning, Genya was happy there. The Queen adored her and Genya was her favorite girl among her attendants. She gave her gifts and lots and lots of dresses. She was actually the one that dressed her. They discussed, they confided in each other. Even the rest of the staff inside the Grand Palace were loving her. Genya had noticed that she had grown distant from her fellow Grisha since she didn't live with them but that didn't mind her.
And then....
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The Queen started to be distant and resentful. Personally I think the reason was Genya's beauty. As she came to womanhood her beauty shed its childlike features and became more lovely. The Queen is vain and must had grown jealous of her.
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"Pretty thing." It stopped sounding like praise.
Yeah. Resentfulness crept in. Resentfulness that resulted in physical abuse.
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So the Queen stopped giving her dresses and Genya had nothing to wear.
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There has been much discussion around the matter "Was the Darkling the one to give her that kefta or the Queen?".
Others say it was the Darkling since he was responsible for his Grisha.
Others say it was the Queen. She always dressed Genya and now she ordered someone to give her a kefta of a veeery specific color.
I say it's somewhere in between. The Queen took her dresses and then probably told the Darkling to give her a kefta but she was the one to order the color. Her jealousy and bitterness made her throw Genya to her rapist husband. Because she very clearly knew. There was no surprise from her part:
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The Queen didn't resent her husband at all for his actions. No. She resented Genya. A servant more beautiful than her that's also ungrateful in her eyes. The Queen expected from her gratitude for the King's "attention", not unhappiness.
When Genya said to Alina "Well at least I got a few jewels out of it" is because that's what the Queen is expecting from her to say and believe. When Alina said "You don't believe that" Genya replied "No, I don't". She didn't see it this way of course. And, naturally, never did.
Side note!: It's very interesting how the text says "Maybe from the first day she'd brought me to the Little Palace". Of course Genya makes deductions and is not sure. But does that mean that it was the Queen that discovered her?
Actually wait. That's confusing. Genya alludes that the Queen brought her to the Little Palace. How did he discover her? Does the Queen leave her Grand Palace? Unless the editor made a mistake and the line should be "she'd brought me to the Grand Palace" which would make more sense because if the Queen heard there was a Tailor among the Grisha, she would want her for herself, to take care of her. But the Darkling said in S&B that he was the one to gift Genya to the Queen.
So either Leigh got confused and fucked up her own story or there's something missing.
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There is again the indirect message. "You used to be so happy and ever since attention was brought upon you, you became such an ungrateful thing".
Then Genya went to the Darkling. I've mostly talked about that scene here so the only thing I will add is that I don't think the Darkling planned for Genya to be his spy ever since he found her.
How could he be so sure that the Queen would disregard her? Especially since they seemed happy and satisfied with each other in the beginning.
But! I think he started planning it ever since Genya came to him.
Did he need her to fulfill his plans? Yes.
Did he force her or manipulate her to stay? I say no. That was her choice as a rape victim to stay and fuck up the life of her abuser. She had said it herself that it was a difficult choice. But her choice nevertheless. It was difficult and very brave. She wanted to take revenge from the King and Queen, the primary reason of her final decision.
And she preferred to see the Darkling on the throne than those fuckers. No matter what.
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ShadowandBone!Genya you will always be famous. A woman with her own agenda, determined to bring down her abuser and take revenge on the Queen who backstabbed her because she couldn't handle that someone else was more beautiful than her. Willing to see the Lantsovs being brought down.
But she also decided to stay because she wanted to belong among her people again:
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And then we have Alina that quietly judged her for it.
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Ah yeah... Okay. So according to Alina, at this moment, what? Genya should endure and not fight back? Because she found the fall of the King tragic? Well Alina, I found the fall of that creep beautiful and poetic.
Now about those who say "The Darkling should have done something".
First of all, the Darkling was a servant of the King. Twice it had been mentioned:
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(sidenote: I really want to know how the Darkling helped. What did he do?)
The Grand Palace is the domain of the King and Queen. The Darkling has no power over there. He only has power over his Grisha. He could have taken her from there, which Genya found tempting when he told her that, but the latter decided otherwise. Actually I've always wondered how would he do that. Wouldn't the King or Queen stop him? Wouldn't they find that offensive?
And for those who say that he threw her to the Queen's hands: just like I said there was great honor in being an attendant of the Queen and, furthermore, it was her job to keep her safe. How could the Darkling know what the Queen would do to her? That's my question.
Throughout the trilogy, even when Genya faced the King and Queen in R&R, the Darkling wasn't mentioned as part of this betrayal. It wasn't until Nikolai's duology came out that everyone started blaming the Darkling and forgot the King and Queen. Also, Leigh had once mentioned how she finds political and court intrigue boring and doesn't enjoy writing it. So that makes sense in how she suddenly threw all the blame to the Darkling in the duology since:
A) she had to prove how bad the Darkling was (as if the attack on Novokribirsk, his murders and his other actions weren't enough for the reader to deduce that)
B) she has literally no idea how royal life and intrigues work
Nevertheless, there's also much we don't know. Many things could play out behind the scenes but based on the facts we have from Genya's POV, the Queen's behavior, the Darkling's position and the knowledge of how court life is, then I would throw the blame mostly to the Queen. But I still blame the Darkling for the fact that he was like "I can take you from here or you can stay and take your revenge" because, if I was him, I would take her and hide her as far and soon as possible. But the Darkling thought of her decision as necessary, her sacrifice a "collateral damage" if that's what it would take to bring down the Lantsovs.
Many have discussed Genya's case but I think most of us agree that it's more complicated than "It's all the Darkling's fault".
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
Thought: Wukong and Erlang are actually super chill with each other but PRETEND to hate each other around strangers so no one starts asking inconvinuent questions like "Hey, why did you let so many monkeys on FFM go if you were supposed to burn the place to the ground?" And so they end up having conversations like:
Erlang: Seriously? Your successor had the same name as my dog? Dude, that's so funny.
Wukong: I told you, it's not the same, they're spelled different!
Erlang: But they still sound the same.
Wukong: Gods, you're so-
Erlang: Hey, someone's coming, get in character!
Mac: Guys, chill it's just me.
You see... Erlang was a big brother-figure to Wukong when the monkey started working for the stables and later the orchard. But they had a Big falling out because of the celestial war, the ensuing fight on FFM, and the capture that led the Monkey King into the Furnace.
Even with an uncomfortable reunion in Jttw to fight the Nine-Headed Monster - Erlang and SWK's brotherly bond still holds. Wukong knows that his bro wouldn't have burnt FFM unless no other miltary option was available to him; in Wukong's mind it was either the fire on the mountain, or it would have been complete annihilation of his fellow monkey yao from Heaven.
Fun fact: one chinese media theory I read mentioned that Erlang's "mercy" to the monkeys of FFM was likely to warn/evacuate them before the fires were set by Heaven - hence why so many monkeys survived and why Wukong welcomed him with open arms later on.
Even with the following debacle of "The Lotus Lantern" (a tale which Erlang Shen was the antagonist, though not without reason), the demi-god and monkey yao still consider eachother brothers.
The issue in the modern day, especially in the LMK verse? Status in Heaven.
Erlang and his sworn brothers were barely considered mortal mercenaries to the Celestial Realm before the war. Afterwards though? He became a Heavenly General. Outclassing even the Pagoda King in military respect. It was an insane promotion for the demi-god. He's now working directly with his uncle, the Jade Emperor, and is privy to the true cruelty the royals can dish out.
And exactly what the Emperor and Queen Mother think of his brethern.
To reference the most chilling scene in animation history (Prince of Egypt):
Jade Emperor: "Oh my boy... they were only mortal."
Erlang Shen can't risk the world knowing his true thoughts. How much he cares about his wild little brother. How much he actually knows is going on.
Yang Jian doesn't want to lose another sibling.
So yeah, in public the two pretend to hate eachothers guts. Only the Plum Hill boys themselves + Xiaotian Quan actually know that the two meatheads are thick as thieves. It takes Macaque a while to understand why Wukong dares to associate with the man who "burned our home". But a few incidents in the coming years leads Macaque to realise that the all-seeing God is deliberately ignoring some intel that could have spelled disaster for their new family.
Erlang (has the Third Eye): "The Harbringer's presence is still lurking on Earth. You, the Six Eared Macaque have been returned to the world of the living after so long. Not only that, but you and the Monkey King are living in secrecy among demons and humans alike raising a child of unknown powers..."
Macaque: *poised to start fighting*
Erlang: "...It's none of my business either way. Congrats on the baby, and your reunion as well. Bro would not stop talking about you when he was drunk." *leaves a baby-shower gift*
Macaque (has lie-detecting ears): "What the..."
Btw Erlang is def the type of (sworn) uncle to unironically get MK a dog toy as a baby shower gift. ("What? You'll thank me when he starts teething.")
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tanema123 · 2 months
Ozzy: hey, zestial, buddy, want to chat?
Summary: Short drabble. After Carmilla tells Zestial her feelings and him thinking it's another guy she loves, Carmilla pulls on drastic measures. She calls the Lust ring and asks Asmodeus for help.
The talk
Asmodeus: Buddy. We need to talk.
Zestial: If I must to.... Has thou my lady been different lately. She had been telling me of thee fellow she fancied, when she suddenly walked away from me... What have Thy done wrong?!?!
Asmodeus:... Ah, yes. About that. Your lady has contacted me for support. You see Zestial...
*Zestial stares at him with his four eyes. The top left one raised to show interest and confusion. A bit of sadness on his face*
Zestial: Thou she don't want to see me?... I understand if that is so... She has a man she fancies now... It's quite common to stop communications with thy male friend if you have a new one now...
*Asmodeus gives him a blank stare*
Asmodeus: No no, Buddy, she ain't leaving you...*sighs*Like Hell, she would.... Anyways, Tell me. What is the definition of a friend to you.
Zestial: ...Someone who you hold dear and share plessentaries with... Ain't that thy definition?!?! *confused spider puppy eyes Oo×oO*
Asmodeus: Ok, good, good... *Mutters a bit under his breath* Ozzy breath, you can do this... *continues normally* And what are those plessentaries you share with Carmilla?
Zestial *smiles happily*: We... We spend it around each other. Tea times... Reading sessions... Helping her with her daughters... Doing business proposals and plans together... Taking care of our shared household... She helps me... Her presence is enough to fulfill the void that thy feel in my heart.
*Asmodeus gives him the most unamused stare ever.*
Asmodeus: ... And you never wish it was something more?
Zestial in a sad voice: How could thy not? Her smile is the most enchanting thing ever. Her intellect is one to admire. And her power and will reach bounds no man could ever reach. Truly such person that shall never feel the same as thy... And she got a fellow she fancied now...
Asmodeus: ... You are a complete fool Buddy.
Zestial: Huh? OowoO
Asmodeus:... The woman came to you. Described the exact person as you. Said she loved him and then confirmed it was you... Yet you still don't get she loves you!
Zestial: Heh? She considers me her friend.
Asmodeus glares: No... you Buffon! She has no other man but you in her life!
Zestial happier: She doesn't? Who was she talking about then. The person that looks and acts exactly like me? OovoO
Asmodeus: You are the most oblivious person I ever met. Maybe you need a comparison... you know Lilith and Lucifer, the queen and king of Hell?
Asmodeus: She holds the same love they hold for each other, but to you. She loves you enough to die for you...
Zestial:...But she could never... How... Huh...????
Asmodeus: The woman has dragged you into her life. Introduced you into the family, her most precious thing. Made you a business partner. A house partner. She draggs you almost everywhere around Hell with her. She freaking slept with you in multiple occasions. You are an absolute idiot! She was talking about you! Not some other male that is like you! It was you! You Buffon! She loves you enough to marry you for REAL!
Zestial in total confusion and disbelief:.... What...
Asmodeous: She loves you for real... Let ist slowly sink in Buddy.
Zestial:... Dios mios... She loves thy for real! How.. Uhh.. *blushes green*
Asmodeus: ...Finally... You are the most oblivious fool I had to talk to. How have you survived for so long and became one of the most powerful overlords will confuse me till the day I die. Now. Go tell your lady you love her. And apologize for being a fool. Maybe buy her a nice ring. Go!
Zestial: ...Ah, yes... Right away.
*Zestial runs away quickly. Asmodeus later received a very thankful call from Carmilla Carmine. His nickname was Miracle worker from that day onward.*
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good-beanswrites · 2 months
Fe Aspec Week Day 1: Coming Out
WOO It's aspec week time!! 💜💚 To no one's surprise I'm starting off with Lukas :3 I know we have the wonderful support convo when he and Python sort of come out to each other, but I was always curious about the loose ends that it brings up -- how he comes out to/is treated by his family, the woman he's left behind, his fellow nobles, etc. This drabble doesn't really answer any of those questions sadfsadf but it's coming from that thought 😂
I am writing to you now, so soon after my previous letter, as there is something I have yet to confess. It may be difficult for you to hear, but
The sentence stops abruptly, a small dab of ink at the corner of the ‘t’ where the pen had rested a moment in contemplation.
A man sits back at his at a desk. His candle illuminates the page, displaying a few brief lines at the top. He dips his pen in ink time and time again, but the page remains mostly empty. 
At first, the man believes his problem to be a lack of words. No title exists for men like him. He’s well-educated and well-connected in the army; he has an extensive vocabulary for how the upper and lower class categorizes its people. Whether it’s a scholar’s dull terminology, vulgar common language insults, or the carefully chosen phrasing of a gossiper, none of the usual descriptors fit him. All he has are the distantly connected criticisms he’d heard his whole life: “heartless,” “cold,” “detached.” 
When the candle burns lower, however, he realizes the real issue. He has far too many words.
Where would he even start? Should he describe his contentment with his life here? How not one of his fellows ever brought up the lack of a woman at his arm, or how dinners with the King and Queen themselves were filled with pleasantries that never touched on his romantic endeavors? Whatever his father had been preparing for, it had never come.
Or should he begin earlier, when he was first accepted by this group of people? He wasn’t sure if he could properly convey all that he experienced on that fateful night, speaking softly with the unit’s archer – a man he’d come to call one of his truest friends. The man had heard for the first time in his life that there were others like him. He heard that they were content. They were whole.
He could go back further and describe the moment that the realization first hit him. How his father had been right in a sense. Just as he said, one day when the man was grown, he would be in the arms of another, and everything about himself would suddenly make sense. There was only one difference. He’d been forced to bury that clarity, since it wasn’t the same kind that everyone else came to.
Or should he start even further back? He could recount all little hints that haunted him across his youth. His dreams for the future never quite aligned with those of his peers. Nothing ever seemed to align. His choice of stories to read, of games to play, of jokes to make. He wouldn’t ever claim he was mistreated as a child, but everyone would agree that the signs had appeared even then.
The man sighs. Where is the beginning, when one has always been this way? 
The clock strikes on the hour. It is late, and he will need to be at his sharpest tomorrow for drills and meetings. He has no more time to fret over words about his past. 
The man tries a new method, and wonders what his friends may write about him. He can’t resist a dry smile. He knows that he can never, under any circumstance, allow them to exchange any correspondence with his family. 
But the exercise gives him an idea.
He writes out a single statement. Then he blows out the candle and heads to his bed. 
there is nothing broken about me.
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cricketnationrise · 5 months
Congrats on 500 followers! Going Platinum is one of my absolute fave RWRB fics 😘
For Ficlit Fest:
Time: 14:28
Location: the music room at Kensington Palace
Character: June Claremont-Diaz
Song/lyric vibe: I'd scream at the wind but no one would listen (U Deserve - Wasia Project)
My username is the same on Ao3 as here 😊
thank you so much!! the ficlet fest continues to introduce me to absolutely AWESOME music, so thank you for your prompt I am obsessed. enjoy your ficlet feat. angry big sister energy 💜🦗
read all the ficlets from this fest on AO3 here
2:28pm, kensington music room
Most of the time, June can put the fact that Henry is an actual honest-to-god prince, fourth in line for the throne, and all-around big deal out of her mind and think of him as her friend, a fellow Austen-enthusiast, and her little brother’s boyfriend. Most of the time, June can set aside the fact that his sister is a literal princess and their brother is going to be king one day. Most of the time, June can look past the notion that Henry’s mom is going to become queen in her lifetime.
Sitting in goddamn Kensington Palace, in one of the best-appointed music rooms June’s ever seen, is not one of those times. 
Aside from Bea and Henry’s bedrooms, it’s the most casual room she’s seen so far. It’s suffused with a sense of family and laughter, unlike the more public spaces of the palace that seem to sag under stonework and tradition and a persistent phantom dampness. Even the guest suite she was shown to earlier feels coldly formal. But the lingering sense of chill falls away here. 
There’s half-drunk cups of tea on the side tables, notebooks scattered on the grand piano, Bea’s leather jacket slung over a squashy-looking armchair that wouldn’t look out of place in a thrift store in Austin. All of the instruments, while of obvious quality, look like they’ve been played often, and well-loved. While the collection of electric guitars is gorgeous, June’s attention is drawn toward the older acoustic guitar propped up in the far corner, half-hidden behind a fern.
She pulls it out and sits with it, strumming idly, echoes of lake water lapping at the dock in her ears. Her fingers pluck out simple chords, adjusting to the new instrument before the music swirling around her head takes over her hands. She’s flying through John Denver and Selena and Dolly Parton and Fleetwood Mac and Patsy Cline, lost in memories of easy summers at her dad’s lake house. But then June’s thinking about last time at the house, and Henry, and how devastated Alex was to wake up with him gone. How he’d been a shadow of himself for a week before taking off across the Atlantic to scream some sense into him. And then the leak, and the election, and suddenly there’s furious tears streaming down her face and she keeps harshly playing the same bit of Johnny Cash over and over, like a skipping record, the lyrics in her head drowning all other thoughts: 
And I went down down down
And the flames went higher
And I went down down down
And the flames went—
Bea pulls the guitar out of June’s hands and it’s all June can do to not curl up in a ball or let loose a scream—anything to mitigate the swirling anger that she’s been shoving down for weeks. Her hands ball into fists as she half-sobs, trying to get a hold of herself but then, Bea’s hands are covering hers and June lifts her blurry gaze to Bea’s face.
“Just let it out, love, you look like you need it.”
And June tips forward and buries a scream in Bea’s shoulder, lets Bea pull her closer and cage her in as the scream turns to sobs. It takes a long time for June to calm down again, fighting for each gasping breath while Bea rubs her back and murmurs soothing nonsense. Eventually she calms down enough to sit up properly again and wipes her face with the cuff of her sweater.
“S-sorry about that, Bea. I just—”
“If you think you’re the only person who’s had a breakdown in this room, you’re sorely mistaken,” Bea says. “Christ knows I’ve had more than my own fair share. But my sponsor says they’re good for me so…”
June sits with that a moment then—
“I’m just still so angry.”
“About the leak?”
June nods. “About all of the shit they dealt with. That they’re still dealing with. And like, officially, everything’s fine now, right? My mom won and Richards is going to be punished and Alex and Henry are happy but—”
“They shouldn’t have had to deal with that in the first place,” Bea finishes grimly. “And because everything’s “fine” now, we have to be fine, too.”
“Yeah. Like I just feel like screaming at the injustice of it all, but no one would listen. ‘They got their happy ending, so can’t we just move on?’” June mocks. “I saw some rando post that on Twitter this morning and couldn’t get it out of my head.”
“Maddening, isn’t it?”
“Understatement of the century.”
“Next time, text me. Odds are I’m feeling the same way.”
June does grin at that. Bea’s probably the only other person who gets what it’s like being the older sister to such a potent force for good in the world. Who gets wanting to fight anyone and anything that threatens her brother’s happiness. 
“I will.”
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stay278 · 11 months
Where Our Worlds Collide (HHJ)
A/N: arranged marriage, Prince!Hwang Hyunjin x Painter!Fem!Reader, fluff, yelling, slight profanity
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It was a dangerous game that you were playing, the both of you. Always giggling with adrenaline at the thought of being caught in your own little bubble.
Your beautiful little relationship.
It was like balancing on a tightrope, in a way, trying not to drop the thing that each of you so desperately held on to.
The item in question?
Each other's hearts, love, kisses, stolen glances, silent reassurances.
Each other's everything. His everything was for you, and yours for him.
And neither of you would have it any other way.
But as always, nothing so beautiful was always allowed.
He was a prince, and you were a painter, both of you wanting the very thing that you could not have, the very thing that would be frowned upon, had you been found out.
Each other.
You both hated how secret your relationship had to be. Maybe it was the universe's cruel joke on you as a curse from a past life.
Regardless, these worries never bothered either of you when you were together. You could always be found, hiding behind curtains, in the nooks and crannies of the castle, but your favourite, no, special spot, was a library.
Not the castle's library, no. A small library, hidden away, only accessible by the dumbwaiter in Hyunjin's room. It was your spot, because you had spent many a rainy day together just reading, being the introverts you were.
And then that day came.
The day that Hyunjin's fate was arranged.
Through marriage, obviously.
You were definitely a last resort as a candidate to be Hyunjin's bride. As a matter of fact, you probably weren't even considered, since the prejudiced royals would never have one of their own marry a mere painter.
And definitely not a royal's illegitimate child from a fallen kingdom. That would be like signing the contract to the Hwang royal family's fall from the good graces of society.
You were about to walk into the King's stately study, to begin his portrait. Sure, you were getting paid handsomely for this job, but it was belittling, having to sit there and take all of the insults thrown at you with a smile.
Worst of all was having to paint the Queen. She would never be satisfied with your pictures, and she would constantly comment on your appearance, dress, whatever she could see on you that she didn't like, or wanted to make fun of. She would even pass disgustingly degrading remarks at you as casually as she would ask one of her fellow aristocratic friends to tea.
As you silently paced toward the King's private study, you heard an argument.
"Hyunjin, you are a prince, and our people need this alliance. I cannot allow you to marry a painter for the sake of love!"
It was the King, berating his son on the new marriage proposal for him. It was an alliance with the Crimson Empire. They needed an alliance with a powerful kingdom so that they could keep down the rebellion that was brewing in the heart of their kingdom.
And just to your luck, Hyunjin was the perfect pawn in this game of politics.
"No, Father. Your bank accounts need this alliance."
There he was, the man himself. Hwang Hyunjin.
You heard footsteps, soft but deadly, making their way towards the door. You tried to turn around, fearing that the King would be in a bad mood during your session, but Hyunjin was too quick to leave the room. The door swung open, putting you face to face against your fuming lover.
"Ah! Y/n dear, perfect timing. I have about two hours left before the next war council meeting, surely we can get a little bit of the portrait done by then, hm?" the King said while straightening his cuffs, acting as if he wasn't degrading your image a few second ago.
"Yes, your Highness."
"Delightful. Hyunjin, you may take your leave now, but I will expect your presence at the next council meeting."
Hyunjin said nothing. He turned to you with an apologetic but loving gaze, and then slowly made his way toward his room.
As he passed you, he whispered, "Meet me there."
It took all of your willpower not to blush at his statement. You both would pick a different poetic line from one of your favourite books, to refer to your secret spot. This week, it was from a romantic classic about two young lovers forced together through marriage, and their journey of struggles as they tried to meet each other in the middle, considering their many, complicated differences.
As you painted the King that afternoon, you wondered about the discussion you would have with Hyunjin later that day. You both had been putting off this topic for years. The topic of his marriage.
Surely he could not love you and marry another. He couldn't bear to see that hurt on your soft features if he did.
When you had completed the portion of the portrait that you were to do that day, you calmly packed your things and hurried "there," bracing yourself for the conversation that you knew you would have to have with Hyunjin sooner or later.
Part 2?
(Feel free to reblog, but ask me in the comments first!)
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