#no proof read me tired
momentomori24 · 1 year
Ok, so I finished the 'Incinerator' Ending and... I have no words. What in the world did I just witness.
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Did this game really just bring back Snake just to kill him again--for real this time too. I guess he went out in a blaze of glory while dragging his sister's murderer down with him but crap, he deserved so much better. Rip the to siblings in this route, this one was brutal. No rip for you, Ace. Rest in ashes instead.
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Seven is the man and I apologise for doubting him at any point ever. I was super reluctant to trust him despite the fact that he literally hadn’t done anything and was mostly helpful through this mess, but this made me chuck all that out the window. I've not been having a good record of the characters I give my trust actually being as trustworthy as I wanted them to be, but I think Seven's in the clear. I was so sure at the beginning that he'd be the more selfish character who'd dismiss the more weaker of the cast as burdens due to his superior strength or something, but nah, he's really just a great guy. I'll be rooting for him until stated otherwise.
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Ok, where the hell is Santa? At first I thought that we'd find both him and June dead somewhere because the killer from the Sub ending (if that isn't Ace), but we just find her lying in the chapel with no Santa in sight. Why? She's completely unscathed too. So I think we can rule out Santa as a killer because he had a prime victim and didn't take it. I guess there'd be no motive since they can't proceed regardless, but if killing everyone was the goal he could've started with her and he didn't so I'll clear him of suspicion on that one. What I won't clear him of is suspicion in general because why is June just lying here in the open when he was supposed to be with her? Junoei basically checked everywhere and found nobody, so what's up with that?
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And where did June's body go? Did Santa nab her while Junpei wasn't paying attention? Did Zero? Who is Zero anyway? Lotus and Seven are together up stairs and everyone else is dead. June was also on death's door while Zero and Junpei were talking. And that's the weirdest part-- they were actually talking.
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It wasn't pre-recorded or automatic or anything, he was actually responding to Junpei's words. We aren't the only people in this game: we found 2 corpses of people we haven't met. Who's to say there aren't more that are actually alive? While I'm not entirely sold on the idea that Zero's one of us, if he is, does this mean it's Santa? It can't be Junpei because he's in the chapel, so if anyone it has to be him, right? Zero has started to look like the better person between him and Ace with his letter and we know Santa probably has a motive if his sister was really a part of that game, but I still feel a bit off about it. It feels obvious, like a red-herring. So I'll hesitantly say he's probably not Zero. Take it with a grain of salt tho; when it comes to favs, I tend to be delulu.
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So June will die regardless in the end, am I right? She wasn't killed this path but still seemed to be knocking on death's door. I m assuming her illness is actually a lot more worse than she made it seem and it will do her in before she gets the chance to leave this place. That's... actually extremely sad. I really hope we find out more about what's happening with her. Not only because it's important, but because she's also a fav and I actually want to escape with her so bad.
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smhalltheurlsaretaken · 8 months
y'all need to get a grip. you blab all day about how much you hate bigots and hateful people and how evil it is to dehumanize anyone and then you turn around and say "kys" and "i think [x] should all just kill themselves" and other disgusting, violent and childish trash
so many people on here are just full of hatred and vitriol and turn into frenzied sharks anytime the target 'deserves it' and they think they can get away with it and not be called bad people. then they whine about how sad it is that we can't all just get along and if only all the evil people in the world would stop doing evil things wouldn't that be nicer
you're just as vicious, hypocritical and fanatically puritanical as the caricature you have made in your minds of the people you think you have nothing in common with. if you've ever told someone, ANYONE to kill themselves you're not advocates of justice, you're not artisans of peace, and you certainly don't have any moral high ground that would allow you to pass judgment on others
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itsabea · 24 days
March x sad Reader
Description: March tries his best to comfort you after you have a particularly busy day and end up exhausted
Warnings: not proof read, hinting at depression(reader), slight angst, swearing,
this is purely self indulgent- but then again, almost all of my is-
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You had been so busy today, exceedingly more so than usual. First of all, it was raining, which you didn't mind because it meant your crops were already watered - but things only got more hectic and busy from there on on out..
You collected, put away, sold, and replanted your crops, then went to go fishing for a salmon for Jo's Request that you had accepted about a month ago.. Only to realise about an hour an a half in that it was currently Summer. Now with much less of your energy, you went to the general store to buy some more seeds and a few fruit trees, which left you with a total of 5 Tesserae as a result.
After going back to your farm and planting the saplings and seeds, you realised that it was only two more days until the end of the season. And so, you went back to fishing to try and catch the rest of the Summer fish you need for the Museum. Admittedly, most of that time was spent walking to and from the ponds to the beach, as that's where the rest of the fish you needed were found.
Once it hit 5:30, you realised that it wasn't just the third to last day of the season.. It was also a Friday. Sighing and slumping your head back, you defeatedly headed home to get ready for your weekly visit to the Inn. Hauling the bag full fish with you on your back, you got back to your farm and placed the not so important ones in your shipping bin, only to realise that you needed one more pond fish to finish that collection.... And it only showed up in the rain..
You were tired. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy your new life in Mistria; helping out the town and it's people. Or that today was bad; you had many content and joy filled moments between it all. But you were tired. So, so, tired..
Right now, nothing was more appealing than curling up in your bed, and crying.
So that's what you did. You put away your items, got showered and dressed into your pyjamas, and you laid down in your bed and cried out the remainder of what little was left of your energy.
You didn't even end up falling asleep afterwards like you usually did when crying in your bed.. Which upset you much more than you realised it would.
I mean.. Why get up just to do it all again tomorrow? The next day would likely end up being longer than today as well.. Not that today wasn't enjoyable- But it wasn't as enjoyable as others... People need you around town though, they always tell you that- You're not that important - the townsfolk don't rely on you to live....
You curled up in on yourself more, lying on your side as the tears began to flow down your cheeks again. It felt hopeless. Everything felt like it wasn't worth it anymore. And you continued to cry in your home until a knock sounded on your door.
At first, you thought you had misheard and simply sighed out a sob. But after a much firmer knock, you realised that it wasn't just you hearing things. Tiredly getting up, you assumed it was Adaline or Eiland, popping by to inform you about a new job that needed to be done around town. Or maybe Celine or Hayden needing some sugar or something?
Either way, you knew all four options were kind enough to excuse your tired, red eyes and pyjama clad form, so you didn't bother trying to make yourself the slightest bit presentable before opening the door. Which was a big mistake on your part, because March was the one that stood in your doorframe, looking down at you with a frown you could barley see through your slightly blurred vision.
"Why are you here?" March said suddenly, looking too the side as you rubbed at your eyes to try and clear them up. "Uhm- I live here?" You responded, no energy left to think up or question his presence on your farm.
After a huff and an exaggerated eyeroll, March rephrased went on to rephrase his question. "No- Why aren't you-" But he cut his words short when he watched your head bob forward like a sleepy child. "What, did you get tired from playing in the dirt all day? I can't believe you-" "Fuck you." You said back, one last tear rolling down your cheek as whatever energy you had that was keeping you standing left you.
In that same instant, you felt a falling sensation as your vision went black. You were tired.
Every so often you'd end up seeing glimpses of your home, but it was somehow moving? Your doorframe.. Black.. Your ceiling... Black... Your ceiling light.... Black.... More ceiling..... Black.....
Every time you saw black, you felt relieved and slightly less tired, especially compared to when you could see your home. And then, a warm sensation surrounded you, like you were being wrapped in a big hug that left you yearning for more.
When you reopened your eyes, you found yourself tucked into bed. The blankets were up to your ears as you laid on your side, about to roll over when you finally noticed the red head of hair resting on top of the blankets in front of you. Humming out, with a slight groaned mumbled, you went to speak up but were promptly cut off.
"Shup up and go back to sleep." March said, lifting his head from its resting position to look at you with stern, yet soft eyes. Feeling your tiredness envelope you, you closed your eyes but felt the cogs in your brain ticking. Why was March here? What was he doing? And why were you in your bed- You suddenly remembered falling into March in your doorway, and him carrying you to your bed before tucking you in.
You felt bad for cursing at him now, but you were also much more confused about why he was even at your farm in the first place. "March-" You started, only for said male to cut you off. "Shoosh. I said, 'go back to sleep'." He retorted, and if your eyes weren't still closed, you had a feeling that he'd glare at you again.
You didn't end up going back to sleep, but you did have a very calm conversation with March as you continued to rest with your eyes closed.
"I'm sorry." March said, being the first to speak after he told you to sleep for the second time. "Why-" "Shut up, you're supposed to be asleep." March said, cutting you off as moment of silence followed before he ended up answering your question. "I know I can be.. A rude asshole - a lot of the time.." March admitted as you felt him start to play with the top of the blanket slightly.
You didn't dare make a single sound as he continued to talk, telling you about how everyone at the Inn was starting to wonder where you were, and how Reina came to the conclusion that you might be over worked.. "-Then Olric offered to check up on you and-" March paused before continuing, having now moved his arm back down from the hem of the blanket as he ceased his delicate fiddling. "And.. And I told him I'd go instead."
The fact you were now frowning didn't go unnoticed by March, who must've been watching you to make sure you didn't open your eyes again. "I know, I know.. I don't why either.... You just-.... You made everyone worried.." March said, trailing off as he went silent again.
After feeling the blankets shift slightly beside you, you peaked your eye open to see March was doing, only to get told off again after seeing March's head resting on his arm directly in front of you. "Sleep." He said, but you had already closed your eye when you saw his eyes intently watching yours.
Your face ran hot with heat from the proximity, which was apparently very visible to March. "Fuck- Please don't tell me you have a damn fever.." He grumbled out, using the back of his free hand to touch your forehead as he continued to complain. "If you went diving and didn't fucking keep warm I'm taking you to Valen." March half threatened, prompting you to frown as he retracted his hand from your forehead.
"Your shipping bin smells like fish." He clarified before you felt him move against the blankets again. This time you felt weight remove itself from beside you, which had you shooting your eyes open with a desperation for company. March looked at you blankly from where he still sat on the floor beside your bed, leaning back on his arms as you watched him open his mouth to tell you off again.
"I'm sleeping..!" You said quickly, hearing a huff emit from the red head in front of your once more closed eyes.
"So.." March started after seconds more of silence. "Why weren't you at the Inn?" He asked, making an exhausted sigh leave you before you spoke. "Tired." You said, waiting for a moment before elaborating on your day. "Tended to crops.. Fed animals... Fished for a stupid non-existent Summer salmon.... Spent all my money on crops.... Planted them.... Went fishing again, but for the Museum.... Died inside.... No energy.... Cried in bed.." You said, starting to tear up again when March spoke up.
"I know it goes against what I always say to you.. But you do a lot around here- Too fucking much to be honest.. And I-" March paused for the umpteenth time that night as you pried your eyes open and looked at him.
He was sitting in the exact same position as when you last opened your eyes, only now he had his head turned from you. Yet, his eyes keep their sights on you, and this time he didn't have the heart to tell you off. March ended up breaking contact with your eyes, his face reddening slightly as he spoke.
"You're enough- More than enough.. You're honestly too much but- Sigh...." March quickly darted his eyes to, and away from you before he continued. "You're a lot. You're so much.. You mean so much- To literally everyone." He said, making another, single tear fall down your face. But this time you had just enough energy.
"Thank you.. March." You managed out, smiling as a few more tears fell down and onto the pillow beneath you.
March wasn't sure what had you crying this time, unsure on whether he did good or bad with his words. But he was by your side once more the moment he watched those tears form into droplets in the corners of your eyes. With a sigh of relief, March relaxed after seeing the slight smile on your face, only to watch it fall the next second as a soft snore left you.
Finally.. You were asleep.
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rosieparker1856 · 15 days
I was dead asleep and woke up like a fucking zombie with the thought of “I wonder if when people go to Danny’s Grave to offer their condolences or whatever people do, if Danny can only hear it when he is a ghost.” I’m imagining it like an answering machine, you don’t actually know the message unless you play it back. This idea has probably been said before, but it’s 4 a.m and I’ve written 6 college papers in the last 24 hours. I wasted good sleep for this random bunny.
This premise lies solely on the fact of Danny actually having a grave stone, for people to go to.
That being said, a lot of people don’t go to Cemeteries every time they think of someone who passed away. Personally, with my Great Grandmother, when I want to remember her I bring out her old cookbooks and make her favourite recipes. And I talk to her the entire time I’m cooking. Especially during Harvest Fest.
So, in that mindset, can Danny hear everything people say when they’re remembering him? Cause that could get really annoying really fast for a boy who’s still half alive.
Like he’s partnered up with Wes on a Chemistry project and all that’s going through his head when he’s fighting a ghost when they’re supposed to meet up is “Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom, why isn’t he here already? I didn’t see a ghost on the news” or something like that. Don’t judge the dialogue literally have had 2 hours of sleep the last 3 days cause of work and classes.
Someone please, if this is a thing and there are fics about it drop them in the comments. Is that pick me? To ask you to comment? Anyways, i should try and get back to bed.
This is not proofread and I didn’t even put on my glasses for it, so if it’s clunky/there are misspelled words, no there aren’t.
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c-nan · 1 year
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too lazy to write it all out again so get this jumbled mess
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s4 episode 7 thoughts
my very first thoughts: a CANCER MAN episode??? are we gonna get some backstory?? some CSM lore?!?!? 
part of me is deeply curious, but part of me also wants agent time, so… hmm! i’m intrigued. my curiosity? it’s been piqued.
and the lone gunmen have been mentioned!!
author's note: woah... i was expecting a lot of things, but cancer man being a flop author was not one of them. it's kinda sad, but mostly just pathetic.
judgement aside, i actually really liked this episode. there are things i would change, but i thought it was super intriguing to see certain parts of what is hidden beyond the curtain, but never enough to fully satisfy you, which i do love about this show (even if it is occasionally infuriating). the multi-part structure was also an interesting and unique choice that worked well, but i do have some... questions on writing/character motives and if they were well-received. but you'll see what i mean in a bit.
a lot happened in this episode, which i shall begin to recount below!
OH! we open with a shakespeare quote!!! “for nothing can seem foul to those that win” oooookay i suppose that is relevant to our ciggy man. damn. couldn’t be me. a lot of things are foul to me. such as killing melissa. 
we see a rat! a rat! cute little critter. oh. cancer man arrives, and is less cute. he's looking at some broken windows… damn, why is s4 so dark? i keep having to turn my brightness up. it's annoying!!
his lighter says “trust no one” omg… he’s so weird. just an overall strange fellow. seriously, who gets a custom lighter that says that? way to draw attention to yourself while trying to Not Do That.
so he’s opening a suitcase…. WHAT!! he is somehow listening to a bunch of conversations, including the “not everything is a dark labyrinth of conspiracy” one, which means he must have had bugs in all of the rooms where mulder and scully chat!!! who has time to sort through all of that audio content to find the juicy stuff?? probably his freak interns that i KNOW he keeps scattering about
okay, so he’s listening to a conversation now between the lone gunmen and mulder. frohike is freaked tf out, but mulder says no one would kill him because “you’re just a little puppy dog”. aww. that's a cute thing to say.
GAG!! the lone gunmen put on a special audio filter to hide their conversation, and CSM just pressed a button to totally ignore it, and turns to the camera with a smirk. EW! EW! creepy man. ugh, i can’t believe i paused and had to look at that awful creepy smirk for more than a few milliseconds.
oh my goodness, scully is also here during this conversation between the lone gunmen and mulder that we are listening to via CSM's technologically aided eavesdropping. frohike is saying he found stuff about cancer man, while cancer man loads what looks like a SNIPER RIFLE, and aims it out the window??? “what did you find?” “possibly everything”
GASP! i’m hooked. i DO want to know possibly everything. 
(watching the intro and that scene where they burst in with the gun always gets me, but today it’s making me ache in my chest because of how beautiful they are. so feel free to psychoanalyze that)
frohike is describing trotsky’s assassination. this is an area of history i am weak in, so i am seated for my lesson. it is actually entirely unrelated to the plot at hand, and is just some frohike nerd lore, but that's cool, i like a dude who knows these things.
frohike says “he” (presumably CSM) appears on august 20th, 1940, in louisiana. and his father was a communist activist, executed for espionage before his son would walk!!! and his mother died of lung cancer before he could talk!
damn. tragic backstory for this fellow. he pretty much said "i know cigarettes killed my mom but i'm different"
he was sent to various orphanages where he spent his time reading and not making friends. then he went off the grid until a year and a half after the Bay Of Pigs. weird way of measuring time- before and after the Bay of Pigs
OH! we get more text… “part 1: things really did go well in Dealey Plaza” hmmm....
some army men are jogging, while another dude reads the manchurian candidate, saying he would rather read the worst novel ever written than the best movie ever made. he must not know about the novels that are out there… i assume this is cig man?
OH MY GOD! he’s talking to MR. MULDER! wait, wait that means….
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! his first word was JFK
that is... actually really adorable. and will make his toddler stage difficult as he has to break certain news to baby mulder.
why do i get the feeling, from the shaky way CSM just set the photo of mr. mulder’s wife and child down, that he is fighting suppressed romantic feelings for his buddy like the cold war depends on it? hmm....
these fancy looking men want to talk to the guy i assume is cancer man. they ask if he was involved in any of the big events from the early 1960’s, which he denies. you know, assassinations and whatnot.
oh! when they ask if his father was executed as a spy, he says his only regret is that “i was too young to throw the switch myself” which is kind of a crazy thing to say. "yes i never knew my dad but i wish it was me that killed him" is a wild hill to die on. but i guess this is what the 60's did to people.
OH! he also denies a cigarette when offered, saying he never touches them. well. some things went down between then and now, i assume. and hopefully, we shall gain a glimpse into what changed.
this general dude is yapping about extraordinary men and i assume he is referring to himself. and his father. and young CSM, too, can be an extraordinary man! 
“communism is without a doubt the most heinous personification of evil mankind has ever confronted” <- said by a guy who likely fought the nazis, this is an absolutely crazy line... but again, i guess that shows how deep everyone was into the propaganda
they are offering baby CSM a very important job… so important, his army service will be erased… he needs to assassinate an american civilian, former naval pt-boat commander…
this is wild. how many different characters across various medias have been responsible for killing JFK? does anyone have a spreadsheet? if not, DM me and let’s make one 
so what is the reason in universe for why JFK had to kick the bucket….
because of the bay of pigs failure??
i get it was bad, but i didn’t think it was THAT bad. that makes no sense though timeline wise… they said bay of pigs was “last week”, but that was 1961, and obviously he didn’t get shot until 1963. so are we expected to believe that they waited 2 years to kill him? 2 years in which a lot of stuff happened? or is this some sort of factual oversight i’m supposed to ignore. or am i misunderstanding the episode structure. did i mishear/read a line?
(digs my claws in) you guys i cannot ignore a JFK anachronism i’m sorry
and now we're off to texas to witness the inevitable. this dude playing lee harvey oswald is lowkey cute, a thing i never thought i would have typed more than a few minutes ago. CSM yells at him about how smoking is BAD!
baby cancer man is talking to lee harvey oswald (another wild sentence), telling him he’ll see the president today. he calls baby cig man “mr. hunt” which i assume is a fake name… and he lies and says he loves the movies!! how simply do the falsehoods slip from his tongue!
ooooookay i see what is going on here. “mr. hunt” is a member of a cuban loyalty group telling lee harvey oswald to hide some weapons. a fall guy is being carefully crafted.
and lee gives him his cigarettes… the same cigarettes baby cig man scolded him for smoking…. omg…. foreshadowing
you know, in all my years studying history, i have never imagined what the inside of the book depository building looked like. and OMG! in googling to try and see if this was an accurate representation, i learned that dealey plaza is where he was shot! so i guess i’m good with JFK lore, but bad at geography. but that answers what the whole opening quote was about.
baby cig man is getting in a sewer to do some crime… very eugene tooms of him. he's getting his gun out in the sewer for a sneak attack…. while lee gets a root beer… and it seems umbrella man was giving a signal on when to shoot! fascinating.
(jackie’s outfit that day looked less fuzzy irl than it appears in this episode, so please take note of that wardrobe people)
nah, this is gonna make me feel bad for a FAKE lee harvey oswald…
and while JFK was dying, baby cig man stayed in that sewer the whole time… wow. i feel like someone should have taken a peek.
soooo realizing he is a patsy, lee shoots a cop. which is actually just far more incriminating than had he done anything else. then he goes to the movies. where the cops find him. and baby cig man was watching all of this…. he pulls out a cigarette and starts smoking. OMG was that his first?? to cope with the Guilt?? damn.
it’s a bit of a ludicrous story that makes me giggle when i consider the real-world implications, but i will take it for what it is.
but back to modern cig man, listening to all of this being explained. he says nothing, seeming to confirm the accuracy of what is being said.
“part 2: just down the road from graceland”
no, don’t tell me he killed ELVIS, too?!?!?
wait, i read that wrong. “just down the road aways from graceland” okay, not sure if that clears anything up. but we hear the voice of martin luther king jr.
no… don’t tell me he killed HIM, too…..
notably, this whole part is in black and white. cigarette man is tap tapping on his typewriter. he’s writing a book! “take a chance: a jack colquitt adventure” <- sounds boring 
he’s listening to MLK talk about Marxist revolutions… is baby cig man a closet commie? no, for it appears he is deeply upset by these words!
he’s still in black and white, at a meeting about MLK, talking about how some claim he wishes to wage war against white america. baby cig man says “wouldn’t you?”, and i begin to wonder if he is based, but these hopes are quickly dampened as he explains that MLK's existence and activism are no longer civil rights issues… because he said something about communism. bro. what. is this how people actually felt…?
(you read about the paranoia and the terror of the red scare, but seeing an attempt at putting it in context still makes you think damn, times were weird)
this council is now talking about how they can best discredit MLK, and we see a guy who is blamed for the “there is but one way out for you” letter, which baby cig man says is stupid. oh, he blamed the director of the FBI for that. damn!
cigarette man says we need another patsy, and to make it a white man, so “it” (referring to king’s assassination) looks racially motivated. and oh! he says he’ll do it himself.
“i have too much respect for the man” <- so you’re gonna be the one that kills him? bro… what. we don't usually kill the people we look up to where i come from.
so. cig man lights up as he stands outside a building where MLK speaks. 
(is this like a “he’s grieving because his work demands that he never has a family” kind of thing or a “he’s longing for the embrace of mr. mulder” kinda thing….? does he love mrs. mulder….? what is this….)
cancer man gives the dude he’s framing a couple hundred dollars. and then gets in the bushes behind where dr. king is staying. i'm still processing the photo reveal.
and bam.
wow, i feel that this is… weird. idk, the whole “this character killed JFK” thing has been going on for so long that it doesn’t really feel that shocking, but dr. king’s death is a tragedy in a different way, and i’m not sure that using it in fiction is like, super appropriate? um.
while i am unsure if i feel that using a civil rights leader's assassination in your alien story is something we should brush past, i do understand what the writers are attempting to do here, which is show how dedicated to the anti-communist cause cig man is, and how he'll stop at nothing to do what he deems needed, no matter how ugly or horrific. i recognize what they are trying to tell me.
LMAOOOO WAIT. place my moral pondering aside for a brief second. if you pause, you can read the rejection letter baby cig man gets for his book. “my advice? burn it!” <- DAMN that book must have been god awful 😭
oh god. now the TV is mentioning RFK… don’t tell me cig man did that, too…
(author's note: thankfully, he was not involved with the killing of this kennedy brother; no clear statement on whether or not he was responsible for ted's whole thing)
AND WHY was cig man putting that photo of mrs. and baby mulder in his drawer…?!?!
cig man seems to be almost crying while quoting aeschylus along with RFK on the tv, as he speaks about the grief of losing both his brother and MLK…. damn. am i supposed to feel bad for CSM? because i don’t. 
back to modern cancer man. we now enter “part 3, the most wonderful time of the year”.
jump to 1991. he has saddam hussein on the phone?? and tells him to call back. and some other dude is working on the oscar noms LMAO wait... i lowkey love the idea that the government controls those... need to think what that would imply for every single winner ever
AND he rigs the superbowl so the bills don’t win LMAO what is his beef with buffalo?! AND he rigged the olympic hockey game in ‘80?
we’re getting the impression he kinda controls everything. message received loud and clear.
OH! now they’re talking about mulder… “that ‘spooky’ kid”, is how they refer to him. and CSM says that mulder is his to keep an eye on. i'm sure that's part of his decades long plot, to keep mulder under his watchful eye and use him as a pawn in his schemes. also, gorbachev has just resigned. no more enemies to fight.
and CSM gives his men some presents for christmas. how thoughtful…..? 
his men invite him to come with them to virginia for a family get together. damn, they like this guy? it seems they honestly do!
he got them all ties…. very strange fellow he is.
okay, so he lied and said he had to go see family to escape the gathering. and then ominously walks outside mulder’s office door. dun dun DUN!
he has some mail… and opens it to see something that displeases him. THEN HE STARTS WRITING AGAIN!! it seems like auto fiction, when you write about yourself but pretend it’s happening to a character. damn. crazy coping mechanism. good to know that he is kinda a loser all around. 
so, some days he longs for a second chance. okay, yeah, we all do cancer man, and most of us didn’t kill JFK.
the phone rings. it’s DEEP THROAT! my old friend!! were they tight?!
it seems that on christmas eve of 1991 was when a weird alien spaceship arrived to earth. and the occupant is in “critical condition”. also, deep throat mentions the UFO he had claimed to see before in vietnam, so we know he wasn’t lying entirely about that.
they have this fleshy pink alien hooked up to life support, which has me wondering how alien life support works, and also how many types of aliens we are dealing with in this universe. but i’ve mentioned that before. still! worth mentioning again!
lore reveal that is unsettling... DEEP THROAT’S NAME IS RONALD???? 
idk, i was expecting something like abernathy or shackleton or cromswell!
deep throat gives cigarette man the gun to handle the alien situation- but CSM protests, saying that a “living EBE” could advance bill mulder’s project by decades!!! MR. MULDER MENTIONED?!? he'd be willing to break protocol to help his buddy out?!?
but no, deep throat recites the rules from the security council resolution, which makes him remember what they came here to do.
can you just… shoot an alien??? to kill it? well. you can shoot some of them to kill them, but not the kind that need the special neck stabbing device. okay, keeping track of all this, just seems like maybe all aliens would need something a bit cooler to vanquish them.
they’re fighting over killing an alien…. cig man doesn’t want to do it, so he tosses a coin. so he makes deep throat do it?!?! deep throat says that this is their new enemy. honestly, the sad little alien does not look like he can hurt you, but okay.
(i mean, do they really need the gun? he’s an alien on life support, just pull the plug)
oh…. cig man rips the bandage off his neck as deep throat climbs into some gear to… gas the alien? now what is the significance of this bandage that has been on his neck but ONLY for part three of the story?
that alien is creepy. deep throat really does shoot the damn thing. and cig man lights up while this goes down. is every cigarette one dude he killed….? damn. that’s like 5 packs a day….
“part 4: the x-files”
OOOO, info on scully being brought in!!!
OMG!!! we see parts of her thesis.
did we know she went to the university of maryland? well, i didnt, so that counts as a…
! SCULLY LORE REVEAL ! she graduated from the university of maryland in 1986!
(looking back, i realize this was all flashback stuff from the pilot. but i didn't KNOW at the time that this show would do such things to me, so i wasn't taking detailed notes! wow! how much has changed)
but it’s cancer man reading her thesis. stay away from her!
okay, now we’re back to one of the earliest times we ever saw scully, in her pilot episode fit. and was cig man actually there in the pilot? i think he was, right?
aww, we get to relive the “FBI’s most unwanted” moment through cancer man’s listening. it’s creepy, but still a heartwarming time.
back to the modern day- frohike is talking about how cancer man is “the most dangerous man alive”, because he believes these actions are all that life allows him, and he can never escape himself. damn. that’s deep.
and then back to the 1991 christmas eve scene… an editor loved CSM's book! he used the pen name “raul bloodworth”… have we heard that before? well, i’ll keep an eye out on various shelves. so he calls the number they gave him… he is desperate for validation… and he’s going on about how he wants the cover to look. there’s a cutting comment about “working with young authors”, and the publisher says he’ll have to “relinquish some control”. and cancer man is SO excited.
oh my gosh… wait, why am i lowkey emotional now? but that emotion is very specifically second hand embarrassment.
so he’s typing his RESIGNATION LETTER?? for the day the story gets published. for some reason he thinks that getting one story published = a life of steady income. HAH! if only.
he even takes a wistful look at his cigarettes and crushes them in his hand!!! wow, a time to begin again.
lmao i see a reference to darin morgan in the background magazines… do not think you are slick, props team!
CSM’s going to go pick up his story from a newspaper… and his story was published in a porno… and they changed his ending… 
this is NOT a good thing omg
and the newspaper salesman says that the magazine is garbage…
we just watched his dreams die in real time. and with the magazine, he buys another pack of cigarettes. damn. no chance for a new life, i guess. 
CSM’s now monologing about how life is like a box of chocolates (disappointing), and this is an interesting juxtaposition, because he is next to a man who is digging through garbage while he says all this, so clearly his material status could be a lot worse but it’s probably a mental prison, being rich and important and also sad.
Frohike clarifies that this CSM theory is based on a story he read, but he’s going to check with some hackers. as frohike walks out the door, cancer man mumbles that he can kill him whenever he pleases, but chooses not to do so today. 
woah… very different, but i actually really liked this episode!
i liked getting a peek into the mystical lore surrounding CSM, but also it wasn’t THAT much of a peek, you know? we know a few of the things he did, and that he did them in the name of fighting communism. i guess when he thought that communism was “defeated” they switched to aliens, but also aliens had to be there the whole time, because they did make the agreement about it after ww2. so he’s been up to a lot of stuff.
do i feel a little bad that he can’t get his writing published? yeah, but like i said in a “it’s cringey” kinda way, which i think was the intention. it’s funny that he has amassed all this power but is still a flop. 
like i said, i feel weird about the whole MLK thing. i think the coloring going black and white was to illustrate CSM's black and white thinking, about how you are either right or wrong, and to be wrong requires punishment, no matter what anyone else says on the matter. that was interesting.
hmm, i'm pondering. what will happen next to our smoky- well, i was going to say "our smoky friend", but we are not friends at all, are we? where will our tobacco-filled creep lead us?
i liked this one! it was really different from the traditional episode structure, so it felt special and nice. i liked getting an idea of his line of work and how he got involved with it and why, even if the killing post-Bay of Pigs thing was weird, but i GUESS it did bring the soviets and cuba closer together, so i GUESS if you thought anything that advanced communism had to be avenged, you would think that is a logical conclusion.
hmm, i can't afford to try and figure out who actually did it IRL! too much on my plate. it's an interesting theory... i shall have to give it a long contemplation.
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errorwarblesrr · 9 months
do you like totk or botw better?
In short: Yes, I like botw better.
Here are my reasons, though!
I know a lot of people view it as the better experience, which is completely subjective and valid if you do and like it better, but I just view botw as being better in almost every way.
I will give it to totk. The dungeons have a lot better atmosphere. The game has some extremely high highs with the build-up to the wind temple, the whole great sky island segment, and the final boss is a much better fight (though dark beast ganon has a better theme song imo).
Other than that, I prefer botw. Totk has a much grander story, but it's completely mishandled. You can argue that totk has a great story but has poor execution, and to me, execution plays a big role in what makes a story good. You can have good ideas bit it all falls apart if they aren't executed well which ends up making the story bad. It's not that totk has a good story with poor execution, it has good ideas but the bad execution leads to a poorly told story. (I hope that makes sense). Botw has less of a story and is more like a set of events. Botw has history and backstory that is told more organically. Link has amnesia so he slowly regains some of his memories of the past with some people trying to help fill him in. It feels more real...in a weird fantasy way. I guess totk is similar with how we see Zelda's memories, but not really? It's weird to explain. Everything 100 years ago is felt in present day botw while in totk most of those things don't really matter as it happened so long ago. Things only start to resurge because Zelda wanted to investigate under the castle. Totk also has twists like a story. Idk if this is making sense but that's how I feel on their stories. There was just not much botw could mess up on story wise as the way it was presented.
Gameplay wise I can not lie totk is technical marvel with the zonai tech. That's the most impressive thing about it. Tbh building contraptions isn't my thing though, it takes too long to make and experiment with a machine when I can just do whatever that machine was gonna do much faster. I see why people have a lot of fun with it though, it just isn't my thing. One thing I HATE in totk though is the amount of menuing I have to do. Elemental arrows had a serious downgrade. Yeah it's cool to fuse stuff to arrows, but not when I have to do it to ever single individual arrow and if I want to try something new I have to scroll past 50 other items in a single line. It's just tedious. If I want to use a good weapon I have to go to the menu, drop an item, and menu again to fuse it to a weapon that will still break. Item breaking is still an issue but it's more annoying and the weapons no longer look cool. Totk has some cool abilities, but idk I'd trade them all for remote bombs lmao. I hate going through caves, especially early game, and having to deal with the rock walls where they want me to fuse a rock to a stick 10 times to get through one cave. There's just a lot of little things gameplay wise that bug me. They doubled down on botws gameplay issues and added some more annoying ones. I don't even have to mention the sages abilities, that's a whole mess.
On the topic of gameplay, botw just has the better world. Idc, exploring that world for the first time is an unforgettable experience. Totks main world is too similar so the magic is gone. The sky and depths are also unimpressive and repetitive. Botw also has the benefit on how the word felt so lonely yet alive. Everything had a purpose or a story. The world has a history. And totk just doesn't have that. Outside of the upheaval, totk doesn't really build on botws world that much. I was hoping to see if they would've added new towns or see how they'd rebuild hyrule, but they really didn't do that. We only got lookout landing, which doesn't really count as a town, and a bunch of building stuff lying around which is cool I guess. Hateno has a school and Terry Town expanded a little, but with the estimate of about 5 years since botw it makes you wonder...what have these people been doing? We can theoretically build Terry Town in one day. There could be new towns.
Totk is a sequel that doesn't really acknowledge it's predecessor which is so odd. Botw stands on its own and is an overall more cohesive experience. Everything in the world feels purposefully crafted for that world while totk just slaps things on top of it with not much thought. Botw has some amazing world building while for totk it's either "the Zonai did it" or has some contradictory world building. For example, the old sages lifted up the sky islands so that Link would be protected from Ganondorf shenanigans, but then other sky islands suggest how they've been around long before Rauru since young Zonai used to train in them or something. There is also how Zelda says Link never leaves her side, but people she interacts with on an almost daily basis do not recognize him and how even treat as if he doesn't know some facts about her. So either she is overexaggerating by a lot and/or lying in her own diary or that people in hyrule have the collective memory of a rock. There's also Zelda supposedly never giving Link the champions leathers yet as a gift, but we see him wearing it in the beginning. Idk there's more contradictories, but I haven't experienced this for botw??? Totk is so disconnected and disjointed in comparison.
I'm trying to be vague but there's a lot to say, I'm sorry. I really was enjoying this game at the beginning but the more I played the more I noticed or saw things that bugged me and just kept adding up and up on each other. Botw was never like this for me. It's just more cohesive and I like that. There are so many other things I haven't brought up like the repetitive cutscenes, or missing characters/characters that SHOULD know Link but don't (namely Bolson and Hestu). But this post is long. I can't keep complaining about this game. Botw really is that one of a kind experience, and totk tries to replicate it but worse. Botw had a vine that totk lacks. You feel so alone, but you meet knew people and make friends. You build connections as you learn about the past and help those around you. There is no story, you're just a person going through the motions and exploring the vast world around you. Totk can't replace that for me. I'm the main character playing a side role in a disjointed world where not much makes sense. Everything is similar in all the wrong ways.
And most important of all, they took away Link's fun dialogue and personality now he really is bland asf and used to defend that he wasn't.
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lucagray813 · 21 days
Very niche exploration of how Elementals function in the Monkey Talk AU. Little guys that are very prevalent on the island during MS, MD time when it was teeming with mythical creatures and demons. This is not at all important to the overall plot, just a bit of worldbuilding. Elementals have only ever been mentioned in passing with no detail about what they are.
The Elements in this AU are based on Wǔxíng and are Earth, Metal, Fire, Water and Wood.
Thank you @sweetsrirachasauce for prompting this essay.
The purest forms of an elemental are almost completely indistinguishable from their element - to the point where your average person could mine a Metal Elemental, have it forged into a sword and not realise there was something special about it, a very skilled blacksmith would know however and depending on how superstitious they were, refuse to work with it.
If you did manage to get a hold of an Elemental and knew what you were doing they can be all sorts of use for magic.
The purest forms generally can't be found outside of their element - Wood Elementals (TE) will be attached to trees and look like small branches, Metal Elementals (ME) will be attached to unprocessed ore and look exactly like that ore, Earth Elementals (EE) will be found buried deep underground and look like stones, Fire Elementals (FE) look like flames and only exist within fire, and Water Elementals (WE) are near translucent wobbly spheres that can be found in bodies of water.
But things get a little bit more interesting when a little bit of soul has been introduced. The more soul, the less pure the Elemental but the more complex the creature.
Simple FEs will travel to find more fire, or other FE's, if the fire they were occupying goes out. They burn little trails across the terrain as they go - they are rarely capable of starting big fires by themselves but it's not impossible given the right conditions.
Simple EEs want to be as deep in the earth as possible but have very limited movement, made even more difficult if they are in the form of an awkward stone, their only real way of moving is to vibrate/shake. If they have sharper edges and the ground below them is soft then it can be enough for them to sort of "burrow", if they're rounded it might cause them to roll around instead. Once deep enough they lie dormant.
Simple TEs form symbiotic relationships with certain bugs to create literal stick instincts. The TE will provide a home as well as nutritious sap for the bug, and the bug provides transportation if the host tree of the TE is dying. The bug will break off the TE by chewing along where it is connected before carrying (or wearing it) to another tree where the TE will attach itself.
Simple WEs are drawn to movement - while pure WEs just move passively with the water around them, simple WEs actively seek out whirlpools, rivers, currents. Simple WEs will merge to create bigger Simple WEs but they are often separated into smaller forms again by powerful forces such as whirlpools.
Simple MEs have different properties depending on the metal they are made of - Simple MEs want to be a stable, solid form and will strive to find the conditions this is possible. When in a molten form they will "slither" as best as they can in that form in the direction of the correct temperature and pressure to become solid.
Simple Elementals are also useful for magic but some have historically been used as guides/indicators for particular conditions. For example, some water demons have been said to use Simple WEs to avoid dangerous waters and fruit farmers have used Simple TEs for monitoring the health of their orchards.
Like MEs, other Simple Elementals have variant forms.
Simple WEs can exist in solid and gaseous states - taking the form of ice and clouds respectively.
Like Simple EEs, Ice Elementals have limited mobility but they do have the advantage of being able to slide and depending on whether there is still liquid at their core they do have some control over this. Once they are completely frozen however movement can slow to the speed of a glacier.
Similarly to Liquid WEs, as Clouds they seek out movement - hurricanes, air currents, etc. but they are often caught up in the water cycle relatively quickly and turn back to water in the form of rain. If they fall on land, rather than water, they will move as a unit of droplets until they find a body of water where they can reform as a wobbly, rounded 3D shape.
Simple TEs variants are tied to the type of tree they are - i.e. oak, elm, pine, etc. - and generally they can only attach themselves to a tree of the correct genus however grafting onto different types of tree has been witnessed but it has been theorised this is a temporary measure, a pit stop, to finding the correct family of tree.
Simple EEs can take the form of various gems. The gems function much like Stone EEs but are generally considered rarer, and more valuable. Many claim that these Gem EEs have other special properties to them, but evidence to support this is inconclusive.
Another form of the EE is the Mud EE. Many tiny Mud EEs generally form colonies that are as a unit mistaken for one Mud EE. They are generally unable to move on their own, attaching themselves to burrowing insects and animals in order to seek out healthier soil to inhabit. It is considered a good sign if you have Mud EEs present in your garden. Some even believe they can improve the quality of soil and as such they are much sought after.
It is considerably difficult to identify Mud EEs however due to their lack of independent movement or distinctive features but there are numerous stories and myths with advice on how to spot one - some say you can use worms to track them, others insist that if you touch wet earth and the dirt immediately slides off your hand and leaves it clean then you've just touched a Mud EE.
Simple FEs have been known to burn unique colours and at different temperatures and these rare flames have often been valued as a part of sacred rituals for various peoples throughout history.
Complex Elementals are broken into many subclasses but at a high level are defined as Elementals that possess additional appendages and/or features that could be classified as organs - these do not have to share any resemblance to that of organs typically found in demons, animals or humans but some do and at that point there is some debate as to when a Complex Elemental is considered a demon, or if they even should be.
Examples of a relatively simple Complex Elemental include a Mud EE that has an approximation of arms that it uses to move by dragging itself across the surface or a fire elemental that physically "eats" the fuel needed to sustain it.
Some argue that a clear distinction between whether someone is a Complex Elemental or a demon is their ability to produce offspring, although this has been highly contested, but it does appear to be true that Pure and Simple Elementals cannot do this.
No-one knows what causes Pure, Simple and many Complex Elementals to form, though there are many myths and legends that purport to have the answer.
Some say they are blessings, or even the children, of the Spirits of Wǔxíng left behind to reward those that live in harmony with the elements and/or to repair damage that has been done by a lack of harmony.
Some suggest that they are kin to the Spirits - that the Spirits are no more than Complex Elementals themselves - and help maintain the very balance that all life depends on.
But no-one had ever credibly reported seeing these Elementals form. Plenty had seen them "die" - their forms disintegrating as their energy was used for a spell or potion but there seems to be no need for concern that they may become endangered.
Elementals have a wide variety of myth and superstition surrounding them and despite evidence that they have been around for millennia we still know so little about them.
Many people suggest that demon equivalent Complex Elementals, particularly those capable of speaking human and demon languages, may have the answers - either on a "biological" level that can be studied or as something they intuitively know and keep secret from the world. Many Complex Elementals have suffered in the name of "discovery".
The prejudice towards and exploitation of Complex Elementals is a topic all of its own however.
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coffeeoverlord · 2 years
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my version of kc becuz i said so !!!!!!
more info ☟︎︎︎ under the cut, sorta rambly (info is mostly during pdh)
- hung around lucinda a lot to learn magic from her so she could become a better witch ! still retains the ability animate dolls into little maids, though it doesn't stick for very long so often times she has to reapply magic onto a doll when the spirit magic runs out, this is mostly because i think that, even though i think she has practiced magic users in her family that are quite powerful, it diluted over time.
- runs a multishipping blog that's semi-famous, makes a lot of content for her favourite ships and goes by "kc" on it
- magical girl anime is a special interest of hers!! she also really likes doing the work of gods and archiving generally not well known magical girl manga and anime online, sometimes subbing an ova or two and or doing the typesetting for certain mangas if she feels up to it, because being able to speak japanese also helps greatly in archiving otherwise "lost" media, she thinks of herself as a magical girl conoisseur
adding onto that, she also knows how to rip footage from vhs tapes and dvds to aid in her archiving and for her own personal use!
and also, magical girl anime sort of helped her realise that she was trans
- still protective of aphmau, but also, among aphmau's other friends, begs her to not cause any trouble ! nana doesn't ship aarmau in this rewrite, mostly because she recognizes the fuckin age gap and how creepy that would be! aphmau and aaron are just friends in this, where aphmau is a feral little freshman that thinks she's hot shit and aaron is a tired senior telling her that no, she isn't, and helps her study for werewolf class! nana has claws for a reason though she Will use it on people who threaten Any of her friends.
- works at a maid cafe part time, dreams of opening up one of her own and plans on using her animated doll maids to start it up !!
- still loves baking !!! it's her love language, she loves giving her friends her baked goods and she makes all of them with so much love and care
- naturally black hair !!
i could probably add more BUT i will leave it at that BDHSJD. the drawing isn't As accurate as i wanted it to be, since i wanna make meif'wa more catlike in appearance like hind legs, cat eyes, sharp teeth, sticking mostly to natural cat coats and colours as well as behaviour and/or culture, i'm still bouncing around ideas in my head about it but that is all for now !!! if u came this far Thank You
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 8 months
Hey! You!
Your Gonta post game headcanons! Now! /nf
POST GAME HCS... Let me see...
I always get hung up on talking about this kind of thing cause there's so many little details for how post game might work that alter how I think characters might deal with things that its kinda hard to nail down. But there is some general stuff that stays the same.
I think Gonta's desire to be useful would not have changed with his death. He's probably just as eager as before to help anyone who needs him. I headcanon that he's one of the first ones back on their feet after waking up from the simulation (just because he was physically very very fit before) so he tries to dote on anyone who lets him.
Gonta isn't the kind of person to avoid someone because he feels guilty or awkward. He would Immediately try to find Miu and apologize profusely, crying and all. Im not sure how she would react to all this... I've seen some people say she would be hesitant around him or flat out reject any of his apologies, and some say that she wouldn't blame him much and instead put most of it on Kokichi. Regardless, I don't think they'd be close post-game.
Now this depends on if they all woke up together or woke up concurrently and watched the game as it continued without them. In my headcanon, they woke up all together. In which case, Gonta would not hate Kokichi. Based on their last interactions before his death, Gonta would probably feel closer to him than ever. But (as I kinda got into in the fic I wrote) I don't think Kokichi could stand being around him At All after everything. I think after baring himself a bit in ch5 he would wall himself off completely. And that means cutting Gonta off. I think Kokichi would lash out and say whatever cruel things he would need to to get him to stay away from him. Which of course would really hurt and confuse Gonta, especially having never seen the ch4 post-execution.
I've talked about it before but I also don't really think Gonta wouldn't have many places to go when it comes to joining the others? My post-game friend groups (read: lunch groups) kind of look like this:
•Shuichi, Maki, Kaede, Kaito •Himiko, Tenko, Angie (wary truce between tenko and angie) •Miu, Kiibo (who wanders a bit) •Kirumi, Rantaro (also wanders, especially to shuichi's group), Ryoma (also wanders) •Korekiyo (solo) •Kokichi (largely absent) •Tsumugi (SOMEWHERE ELSE)
Gonta could join almost any of these groups and be welcomed with open arms, but it really doesn't feel to me like he fits neatly into one consistently. The groups that exist are tight, and despite being close with one or two of their members he's not like. explicitly invited I feel. If Gonta didn't show up, no one would really question it.
Post-game Korekiyo... is complicated. If he wasn't actually a serial killer, then I think him and Gonta could hang out a bit. But Kiyo has always preferred to be an outside observer who appreciates his alone time, and Gonta would respect that.
Basically, I just feel Like Gonta would be pretty lonely postgame. The major threat of the killing game (that he can face with his physical strength) is gone, so he would really struggle to find his place in the group. It would probably worsen his pre-kg and post-kg related self esteem problems.
One last thing: I like to think that Gonta still doesn't remember the virtual world, but a strong trigger could cause the memories to come back. For angst purposes, of course. Regardless, he would have a complicated relationship with the snow. I think he would just feel this inexplicable sense of dread at the sight of it.
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momentomori24 · 1 year
Welp, I finished the Clover/Axe ending two days ago and I gotta say.... yeah, I was not surprised. But also SEE I TOLD YOU SHE WAS CRAZY WHY WOULD YOU TRUST HER JUNPEI.
Seriously though, that ending was wild. First we find the body of some old man who's posed as Zero-- which I do not believe for a second. I don't have any idea who he is but Zero is at the bottom of that list. Like, look at this:
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This is the most obviously staged Mastermind substitute I've ever seen in my life--and I'm a Danganronpa fan. This isn't Zero, but it is worth noting that there are and were other people on this ship with us that we haven't met yet. From the blood spill, I'm pretty sure he was killed there. And it probably wasn't Clover this time either, because how? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think she was even able to go through here before us. The killer in the Submarine ending was implied to be able to roam freely even without the keys needed to open the doors, so it was probably them. Or someone with that same privilege. I think. Question is, who are they and why aren't they here? And do they even have a bracelet?
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Ok, this is the one I've been itching to address-- the revelation that Seven and Santa killed Snake. I was kinda suspecting Seven of having something to do with this, but since was the one who brought up the idea that two or more people were responsible I brushed it off (also he really grew on me after a while and I didn't want it to be him). I never suspected Santa to be guilty of anything involving this. If I had a list of potential culprits he would be at rock bottom, THAT'S how much I trusted him. He stood up for Clover and Lotus after Junpei tricked them into fighting for who gets left behind even with death looming over their heads. He agreed to stay in the game instead of escaping in favour of not leaving June behind. Despite his attitude, it was clear he hated playing dirty. He did drop some sus bombs with Santa Claus story, but his sense of fairness quashed those immediately. Seven, maybe. Lotus, most probably. Hell, I could even buy Ace (with some strong evidence tho), even tho he's such a stand-up guy. A part of me is still very delulu about him killing Snake because of all of this. It literally never registered with me that he's the only other person that could've done this (if it was 2 people that did this). They both better have a good reason because I am UPSET.
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Freaking Clover, man. I don't know what happened to this girl to take the turn she did, but MAN, she really did a 180 by the end, huh? Killing Santa and Seven in supposed revenge--which, fair enough-- was not enough. She just had to take down June and Junpei too. Girl, what did we do to you? Like, if you had just killed Junpei I wouldn't have been so upset (sorry dude i swear i love you), but why JUNE? That's like killing an innocent puppy, what the heck. I know that there's something wrong with both Snake and Clover, but wow. I'm dying to find out more about them because this is... well, it's something, alright. The fact that she literally made Junpei accept her hand to escape together while he was traumatised and dazed only to whack him and leave him to slowly bleed out as she happily takes off with his bracelet was crazy tho. I hope there's a reason for why she's still going for everyone that didn't kill Snake because my man did not deserve that.
Also, damn. If I had a nickle for every time a pink/red haired girl has offered to join hands and live together at the expense of everyone else I'd have 3 nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it really is so weird it happened thrice. I'd have 2 if that same girl had the potential to end up killing me at the end.
Also, with the knowledge that Snake has a prosthetic arm and there being no mention of it as well his bracelet being cracked meaning we have no way of confirming it's number 2 almost makes me believe he's alive. Almost. I'm pretty confident he's really gone but wouldn't that be a cool twist?
Lastly, the deaths.
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I could be completely off the mark but I have a theory that the other 2 endings have 2 different killers. To me, the way everyone died seemed... different. In the Submarine death, the bodies of everyone were so much more bloody than in the other Bad End. The blood splatter looks more spread out in comparison. What makes me kinda iffy about this one is that both the weapon used is supposedly a knife. It could be different people regardless, because how in the world does a knife create blood splatters worse than the literal axe in the Sub ending, but I'm not sure. We know Junpei in both endings was stabbed for sure, but we can't say the same about the others with the existance of the axe and gun. Just wanted to throw that idea out there anyway.
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amethyyst · 11 months
CW: blood / wound ; panicking
Please tell me if you feel like I missed any warnings, I don't know if "panicking" will be enough, I'm hesitant to call it a panic attack for now tho (tell me if it is tho, I have no experience with any kind of panic!)
Their hands dug deep into the fabric of the heros shirt, their strong grip twisting it into different directions, as the villain screamed at the ground, tears rolling down their cheeks, eyes wide in panic.
Their arms trembled, but they couldn't tell if it was because of the exhaustion of battle, the fact that they were squeezing the shirt in their hands so hard their nails almost dug into their palms, or just the frustration of having hero laying there, barely moving.
Villain had a hard time breathing. The air barely flowed into their lungs, but when they tried to choke it out, it seemed to stick to their lungs, unwilling to let go.
They had given up two weeks ago.
For two weeks, the criminal had tried their very best to become a good person, to help the hero-who had helped them see what they had done wrong in the past- and to finally become the person they had always wanted to be.
Someone people looked up to. Someone who wasn't forgotten, who people remembered.
Someone who didn't feel alone.
But now, as they knelt over the herod body, forehead buried in the heros abdomen, screaming at the ground and praying for the ambulance to just arrive before ut was too late.
They couldn't hear anything, just their own screeching cries as they desperately tried to catch their breath, or stop crying, or actually try and help even though they had no medical knowledge and barely knew how to bandage a wound without a first-aid-kit especially when the wound in the heros stomach was this deep and oh good their hair was getting into the wound and there was blood everywhere and-
Something pulled them away gently, but to them it felt like being ripped away, swaying back and away from the hero, who was now surrounded by blurry people.
Next to their ear, a voice appeared, but the villain didn't understand even a word. There was no air in their lungs, and everything was spinning around, and then-
...it all faded to nothing.
Nothing, just a black, emotionless void.
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
So one of my favorite things to make characters ask themselves is "how much of me, is me?".
which means i am being absolutely spoiled by bell's hells, because, wow. wow. this party sure is collectively chewing over that question, huh. like:
how much of me is me-
-and not my service and use to others, not my coping mechanisms for things gone wrong.
not other peoples wishes tangled around me like strings on a puppet, not my frantic efforts to outrun flaws.
not the clawing monster inside of me and not the webs of lies that metamorphized me into something different.
not my trauma responses, or even, the trauma itself.
how much. how much?
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robinswise · 1 year
okayyyy unpopular opinion that will more then likely turn into a rant!
I. Do. Not. Like. Eddie. Munson.
Just to get this out of the way, I don't hate Joseph Quinn at all, he's a great actor, but I hate Eddie.
Eddie is an asshole
Why couldn't he push the dnd campaign to a different day? Is there a reason? I don't think there was, I don't remember there being one and when I googled it, sure enough, there doesn't seem to be a reason.
Really couldn't his role have been given to pretty much any of the characters?
Jonathan would've made the most sense (to me) if he wasn't in Cali (in season 1 we know some people thought Jonathan might've k!lled Will, so they could've thought he did the same to Chrissy)
Even Steve.
Honestly, even Max could've been given the role
Also, I don't dislike most people who like Eddie, alot of them are just really obsessed (like a scary level of obsession)
I posted about them positively one time a while ago but no I do not ship them.
The context for that post was that I didn't hate Steddie - at the time I even vaguely liked them (or more specifically, I liked the way that certain people wrote them) but I didn't ship them, they just made the most sense for that specific idea and I didn't hate them at the time.
I was reading something that was part of a longer series of posts and the person had hinted that Stonathan would be in it but then suddenly Eddie appeared and Steddie was heavily implied - which normally wouldn't be an issue but they didn't tag it with Eddie or Steddie.
Anyways, Argyle is in my opinion the better character added in season 4.
Another thing, it didn't bother me initially but Eddie stans acting like Eddie and Dustin's friendship is so unique is really annoying to me-
Because- no- like sure, he's close with Eddie, but the friendship is not unique whatsoever, in terms of older brother like friends he had Steve, in terms of outcast nerds who like dnd he had the party, and in terms of friends with attitude problems he had Mike and Max
Also, was his death really all that shocking? It fit the st formula perfectly! Introduce a new character just to k!ll them off
Even in search 4 we got Chrissy Fred and Patrick
About his crazy fans - not all are like this, I've met some genuinely nice Eddie fans who've written genuinely good Steddie ficlets - but was sending death threats necessary? Because I just don't get why that whole thing happened.
I think Eddie coming back in any form other then a flashback or Vecna vision would just maks me upset tbh, like actually, what would be the point? They already pulled "look he's actually alive!" Trick with Hopper (and to an extent, Will) so doing it a third time (even for such a fan favorite) would just feel lazy to me
Also, in my opinion, Will would dislike Eddie, so many people say that Will would love him but to me, I feel like it would be very out of character for him to like Eddie (knowing that Will doesn't like extra attention - at least not from people who might judge and/or ridicule him - and Eddie actively draws it)
I feel like the fact we only got a reaction to Eddie's death from Dustin and Wayne is really telling as to how little importance he actually had, because even Mike who was friends with Eddie didn't know about his death - or at least his reaction wasn't important enough to show.
I found Eddie's guitar solo to be very pointless and even rather boring.
Also, there are people who ship Eddie with Billy?? Ew.
Even as someone who does not like Eddie at all I can confidently say that he deserves better and would probably not fall for that walking piece of dog shit (once again, I don't hate Dacre Montgomery I just hate Billy)
Anyways, in short, I don't mind Joseph Quinn or Eddie's fans, I know there's definitely worse characters in the show, and at the end of the day I'm just a nerd on the internet who's been fixated on the same subject for probably way to long so it's fine to have a different opinion then me
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msbhagirathi · 6 months
Cooommmeee onnnnn. Let'zzz beegggiiiinnnn.
Satvik Mishthaann Bhandaar. Khushi opens the cylinder's regulator's knob. Picks up the oil cannister, with tears glistening in her eyes.
Khushi's flashbacks of the lines that broke her heart :
i) "Mat kaho hume Amma." (Don't call me your mom.)
ii) "Payal iski sagi behen hoti tabahu aisi harkat karat?" (Had Payal been her real (blood-related) sister then would she do something like that ?")
iii) "Aaj tum saabit kar dee ho ki tum humra khoon naahi ho." (Today you have proved that you don't consider us as your own.)
iv) "Tum jaisi ladkiyon ka kya hai, ek jayega dusra phasaa lena." (This should not be a problem for girls like you, if one slips away then trap another.)
3. ANDDDDD- she lights the gas and makes jalebis. As we all get to know that stress eating and stress cooking are her outlets.
4. Sun comes up and we are in the next day. Hii Bitwa. Good morning.
5. We see Arnav, again, drowned in the horrors of his past. The head of his PR team comes and informs about the damage control but also tells his boss about his suspicions that some media people might still have managed to get hold on a few photos and videos.
6. But Bitwa is in no mood to listen. He gives him a threat, straight, of getting black-listed from the corporate market and having to spend the rest of his life in a 'kiraane ki dukan' (General store). Calm down angry young man, it's not good for your health.
7. He asks about his schedule to Rajesh (his secretary? then who was Aman? Lol. Whatever.)
8. Oh. So Bitwa eats oats(or toasts? Whatever.) for breakfast everyday. He is surprised to see channe ki roti, (orange-?) juice and fruits. He asks about the change and-
9. There comes his Di. "Hum jaante the, ki tum hume miss kar rahe hoge, chhotte." Look at his face. It's like 'not again'. Lol. Just sibling things.
10. So, Di wants her chhotte to complete her mannat and Our Bitwa has a very valid question, "Di mannat aapne maangi hai toh mujhe kyun puri karni padegi?" (Di, if you had asked for the wish then why do I have to complete it?) Lol. Just some Bitwa things.
11. I agree with Bitwa, here, Di. Why does he have to- OH OH OH I FORGOT- HE HAS TO MEET HIS WIFE THERE. HOW STUPID OF ME TO FORGET. Lol.
12. On a serious note, I hope you know the symbolization, here, Anjali, herself, called Khushi into Arnav's life, as his mannat.
13. Arnav, begrudgingly, accepts to go to the dargah for completing the wish. But. Of course. Without having the channe ki rotis, his Di made.
14. Excuse? Me? Khushi? Is? Still? Making? Jalebis? Like? What the-?
15. HAhahahahahisddifvoaidawdw. Jalebiyan ka mount everest. I am wheezing. (Jalebis' mount everest)
16. Lol. In an interview, Sanaya had mentioned that she likes all type of sweets except jalebis. I cannot help myself but focus on that thing. Babuji offers her a jalebi and Khushi is shown taking a bite, only that Sanaya did not take a bite, she just pretended to. I just cannot overlook it. Ok back to the serious-ness. Stop distracting me, okay?
17. I want to say something. I- it's so beautiful and heart touching, a father consoling his daughter but making her understand her mistake but also making her feel that whatever she did, that is to stand up against dowry system, is also A VERY RIGHT DECISION, but her way of taking matters into her hand, was also very wrong, she should have talked about this to her father. I felt so at peace. The father-daughter duo give off such a beautiful, soft and touching vibe.
18. He also consoles her for the things that Buaji said to her last night. In fact, he started the conversation with those words. Coz he knows and understands how gut wrenching it might have been to listen those harsh words.
19. The society people gather up and show their support and understanding towards Shashi babu and his family.
20. Stop making those annoying faces, Buaji.
21. Bitwa is on his way to the dargah. He asks his manager not to cancel his meeting but says will get delayed by 10-15 minutes.
22. They have reached the dargah. Khushi's first ever 'Laad Governor' makes an appearance. She talks of giving him a mouthful if she sees him ever again.
23. Did you notice this too? Arnav has changed his suit. Earlier, this morning he was wearing a grey? suit, i think and now there's a shiny black suit, with black aviators.
24. He starts walking and guess what, the cravat is back. *heart eyes*
25. Bitwa is well, Bitwa. Someone comes and tries to ward off evil eye with those peacock feathers and the way he dodges it off with making that face. Lol.
26. Payal tells Khushi to cover her head and Arnav, being an obedient jethji/jijaji, covers his head as well.
27. Is it coincidental that the first syllable of Arziyaan song starts just as Arnav enters the frame? And also the fact that the song is addressed in first person pronoun so it seems like it's been sung on Arnav's behalf.
28. "Tere derr pe jhuka hun, mitta hun, bana hun." (I have been destroyed and re-made myself (by hardships of life?) and I am bowing down at your doorstep.) This line, in fact, this whole song is made for our dear broken Arnav baby only, and only for him. I got emotional. Wow. Back to the epi.
29. Payal goes to take the niyaaz and Khushi crosses Arnav's way and her dupatta wraps up around his head. I think, he is kind of intrigued by it, coz he keeps looking at the back of that girl, in all white. Also, maybe tries to -identify?- her-what's with that unreadable expression Bitwa?
30. "Pyaas le ke aaya tha, dariya woh bhar laaya,
noor ki barish mein, beeghta-sa tar aaya."
How beautifully these lines along with Arnav entering the main entrance of the dargah, have been synced together. I mean. Wow. (Click the lines to read the translation.)
31. Inside the mazhaar. Khushi, what is this behaviour? Wait for your husband.
32. I really got a few second goosebumps here. The fact that they are just a mere inches away, separated by that-wall?- tying the sacred threads, praying for their loved ones.
(Arnav, I hope so you are praying and not thinking that you are the mighty ASR and you don't need all that blessings and shit, just pray. For yourself. For your mental health, my boy. You need it. Believe me. You really do.)
33. "O ek khushboo aati thi,
mein bhatakta jata tha,reshm-si maya thi,
aur main takta jata tha."
Are they hinting at the telepathy that Arnav will start experiencing after a few days? Uhhuhh, foreshadowing, I see. Writers are very clever.
34. Khushi is complaining, to Khwajaji, about her meeting with 'woh'. Lol. Tell me Khushi. Who is this 'woh' here? I did not understand.
Also, Khushi says that, for the first time, she had to hide something from her babuji which means no one knows about their first meeting yet.
Khushi and her 'woh' sitting opposite to each other. One complaining while the other listening looking around with a frown in his face.
35. Do you know this fact that girls in India, after getting married, address their husband as 'woh' to every one else and even if they have to take their name, they add an extra 'ji' after it.
Did you see what I did there? Heh. I iz veri kelever.
Bitwa is looking at his wife leaving, after ranting about him.
36. Are you following her Bitwa? Do you love her already? So. Both are there, to tie their 'mannat ka tala'. Khushi prays to Khwajaji, to get her sister married to a good man, as she cannot bear to see her sad. On the contrary, look at Bitwa's face. He is doing 'all this' just for 'his Di's happiness.' And careless bitwa, instead of keeping the key in his pocket, lets it slip away from his hands. I realized that I loved the BG score here.
But, his wife Khushi will make sure he rightfully gets back his mannat ki chabi. Look at Arnav's face, when she calls out, to hand him the key. He already knows it's the same girl (the girl from that previous night).
37. He does not turn immediately. Look closely, he turns as if to gauge her reaction. Her polite-slight- smile drops as she realizes that it's her 'woh'. Khushi, still very much affected by last night's harassment, clutches her neck-line, in fear. Arnav looks at her face, already smitten tells her to 'phek do' it. (Throw away)
Turns back and leaves. Khushi realizes that he 'phir suna diya' to her. (He, again, had the last word.)
38. The BG score, that is playing, here, is basically played for Khushi every time whenever she has an idea for some thing in general or is talking to devi maiyya (i think?) or is talking to herself or is ranting about her LG or has a 'brilliant' idea to exasperate her LG and here, is giving a pep talk to herself.
39. Arnav is doing his ASR walk without disturbing anyone and Khushi is doing her 'Hum Khushi Kumari Gupta' style running, skidding, jumping and scaring everyone around her, with her chaotic run.
40. Khushi comes to a stop. Arnav notices her and stops as well. My God. How is it possible that I can literally feel her, being out of breath and not being able to get out a single word from her mouth, without breathing loudly, just after running a -what-few meters-? Lol. I love Sanaya.
41. Bitwa is like 'calm down babe, have some water and sit down first.' So, Arnav is staring at her and walking towards her, with slow and careful steps. Khushi, obviously afraid, steps away from him, trying to maintain a safe distance.
42. Screen freezes at Khushi's face and starts to fade out. *quickly pauses it* Precap. Don't like spoilers.
P.S. : I thought their argument over god and their beliefs would be in this one only. Btw, I loved Khushi's look and hair as well. Arnav's was fine. I loved loved loved babuji's scene with Khushi in the morning. I loved it. It was so soothing for Khushi, as well as, for all of us viewers too. Also, all the 'wife' and 'woh' jokes that I made for Khushi and Arnav are still not relevant, here, because of the harassment that was shown in the last one, so please don't take it seriously, I just did it to add some humor to it. Please don't take it the wrong way. Ok, bye. Have a great day/night ahead. God bless you.
Previous Next Episode!
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resident-rats · 3 months
I know I said the next chapter would be out at the start of the week but I didn’t manage to post it before the concert and now I feel like I’ve been ran over🕺🏻 so idk maybe around the weekend it’ll be out
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