#no seriously you don't just get rid off a coat like that
aaeeart · 1 year
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So I've been giving Kanan his coat back. For science. I might do more because I think this was a missed opportunity for the character 👀
Kanan Jarrus what happened to your badass coat???
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radioisntdead · 6 months
I don't know if you do parental asks, but if you do, could you bless me eyes by writing a father Alastor and child!reader who is a toy/doll demon? Reader is hyperactive but very clumsy so Alastor always has to keep an eye on her so she doesn't hurt herself and sometimes he resorts to having one of his shadows watching over her if he's busy. Reader is small so they always seem to get stuck in cabinets or closet, which scares the hotel residents when they see Reader in a random place. [Not me trying to cure my daddy issues] 😂😂
Good evening my dear! I've been expecting someone to request a parental Alastor, [No seriously I have, I had a feeling someone was gonna request it, it was only a matter of time] I'VE BEEN READY FOR THIS, Not to mention I'm related to a hyperactive child so taking inspo from that! (Please help me he bites)
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Father! Alastor & child! Reader
Platonic, obviously.
Fanon, I'm going fanon for this, mild cannibalism, feral, reader is based off a porcelain doll but I am TERRIFIED of porcelain dolls, anyways feral reader, injuries etc etc Alastor scooped reader up from the side of the street, I like how I've had every parental hazbin character with a child figure reader just scoop them off the street, I should draw that later
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No one knows how exactly how you ended up below, it was theorized that there was probably a mix-up or maybe you were one of those deranged child serial killers or maybe you WERE hellborn that just aged really slow, like concerningly slow, but from some of the things you say it was suspected you were indeed a sinner.
Anyways that's up to you to figure out, but what we do know is that Alastor stumbled upon you absolutely tearing apart a grown sinner in some alleyway, despite looking like a porcelain doll that could break if dropped on carpet, the radio static coming from him caught your attention,
And then you saw those big fluffy ears that sat on the top of his head, you ran towards him with the speed of a feral child, because you were, infact a feral child
You immediately climbed onto him, little hands clinging onto the fabric of his suit before finally reaching for his ears,
He didn't even get a chance to get away from you. With a strained smile he grabbed you off him, and held you up as he inspected you, observing your appearance,
"How peculiar, don't do that."
He said as you continued reaching for his fluffy ears.
And that had sealed his fate, he could NOT get rid of you,
He left you back in that alley he found you? You showed up again two minutes later, he sent you into the Vee's tower? You are the reason Valentino has a messed up antenna.
Alastor became a father against his will, and honestly it could've been worse, you were a decently chaotic child, that would either follow him around or when in the hotel would climb up his back and play with his fluffy ears while maniacally whispering
"fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy"
"Dear, please get off me."
Your skin was covered in a light porcelain coating, like thin wax covering soft clay, If thrown harshly against something you could crack and bleed, it wouldn't make that much of a sound.
you were very much a fragile thing and as your reluctant caretaker Alastor made sure that you stayed out of trouble, safe and sound, and away from any sharp objects.
Unfortunately you were hellbent on getting into mischief, especially in the hotel where there were many things you could get into, like behind the bar where husk worked, He took a five minute break to grab something to eat and you had managed to slip yourself behind several bottles inside the cabinet, one wrong move and they all fall to the ground and shatter with the alcoholic beverages inside them,
He had to take out twenty bottles, place them on the counter then take you out, gently place you on the ground then put all the bottles back, it was a hassle, not to mention you had a thing for fluffy things, Husk was NOT an exception, if he wasn't paying attention you would claw your way up his back like a feral mongoose and just gently pet his ears while mumbling "Kitty cat, kitty cat kitty cat kitty ca-"
You got along well with Niffty, she was like a sadistic older sister but it was decided that she was a bad influence on you so whenever you're near her it needs to be supervised by someone.
You give Charlie mini heart attacks because either you'll be the sweetest little thing towards her, you'll draw with her, call her 'Big sister Charlie' or something like that and you will have her wrapped around your little fingers, or you'll be a source of stress because your playing on the railing and oops! Your falling twelve feet to the ground and she's rushing over to catch you, and after she catches you, probably breaking something in the process you just give her the biggest smile as you hug her saying she caught you, you've also terrified her and Vaggie more then once by hiding underneath their bed and popping out at the worst of times with confetti or something.
Speaking of Vaggie you had a similar relationship but she was more strict in a way, she has a soft spot for kids and she keeps an eye on you, she'll teach you how to spar as an attempt to burn any excess energy you have, she'll go for a run and take you with her, she'll have you on one of those child leashes because you can, will and have run into the road and almost got taken out, respawning was a very very painful process, it was like getting ripped apart, turned inside out, twisted and turned back out and put together again, there's a reason it can take time for a sinner to respawn.
A child like you should never have to deal with that, and Vaggie, while she can't respawn she understands and will prevent you from having too, Alastor may not like her all that much (Or at all) but she's proven to be a decent babysitter.
Sir Pentious was like a goofy older brother or that dork of a cousin, he'd probably invent something to entertain you or he'd read to you, you scare eggs out of him when he's working on something and BAM you pop up out of nowhere, the majority of the eggs were fearful of you too.
"uh, can you not bite me?" A egg asked as your unhinged jaw munched on him, slowly tearing away until he eventually cracked leaving you to run away from the yolk covered crime scene.
[He's the first person you go to when you are redeemed, a familiar face is what you need in an unknown place where you should've gone in the first place, the halo on your head makes him cry, you made it with him but that more then likely means you perished like he did]
Angel dust was no different from the others, he tones his language down a bunch but he's still Angel dust, a inappropriate joke can and will slip through the cracks but he doesn't mean any harm, he just panics and tells you not to tell your Pa, giving you some child-safe candy in return and if your running around like a manic Niffty he'll pick you up and try to find the more responsible residents, or you'd tug on his fluff, he was one of the fluffiest residents and that made him, a major target for your lil' grabby hands, if you ever want a snack your not supposed to have he'll give it to you, you want ice cream? Sure knock yourself out kid, He reminded you of someone you knew once.
What did they look like again? You couldn't remember..
When Alastor steps out of the hotel to go to a overlord meeting or whatever he does and no one is available to watch you, he'll have his shadows watch over you,
His shadows need a pay raise.
"I'll be back in a few hours, be good dear!" Alastor said patting you lightly on the head as you grinned up at him,
"Alrighty! Bye Papa!"
You wave as he leaves, as the door closes you turn around and wander around the hotel, everyone was busy preparing for something, you didn't quite know what yet though, but you were left to your own devices today! You ran up and down the staircases, you got a laundry basket and used it as a makeshift snowboard on the staircase which Alastor's shadow had to make sure it didn't fling up into the air, you jumped off a counter his shadow grabbed the collar of your shirt to stop you from face planting.
You eventually get bored of playing around and try to find Niffty to ask if she could make you something to eat but the hotel's resident housekeeper is nowhere to be found, so you enter the kitchen and it is a DANGER ZONE, you knew not to touch the stove or the sharp knives thankfully but that didn't stop you from dragging over a chair to climb up into the cabinet to grab a plate, a few cups falling in the process but the shadow caught them before they could shatter into the floor, You hopped down from the chair to get a tortilla, the shadow stood next to you ready to grab you if needed, you waddled over to the refrigerator and took out a pack of bacon bites and sour cream, you acquired a plastic knife to spread the sour cream onto the tortilla, sprinkling some bacon bits after before rolling it up and placing it onto the plate.
You grinned at your snack, this is what defined your childhood, you turn back to the refrigerator to grab a juicebox before taking the plate and booking it back into the main room of the hotel.
You sneakily made your way to the TV and looked around, you gave the shadow a 'shh' motion as you turned on the tv to vintage cartoons, like Popeye, Betty boop or if you were lucky to access more modern cartoons, you could watch Scooby doo!
This was the time Alastor's shadow could rest from protecting you, so it wouldn't snitch to Alastor about your consumption of cartoons.
It wished you would watch more cartoons because after your snack you were dangling from the chandelier! You didn't know how you even got up there?!
When Alastor finally returned from wherever he was you immediately ran, tackling the Radio demon in a hug, Alastor's smile tightened slightly but he bared with it, you were just an excited child that he cared for, like a pet.
"I take it you were behaved while I was away?"
You nodded, "Yep!"
The shadow would say otherwise because you were HANGING FROM THE CHANDELIER FOR AN HOUR, They had to lurk around in case you fell, which you did, Thankfully they didn't have to catch you, because Charlie had emerged at the right time to catch you as you dropped from the chandelier.
But Alastor didn't need to know that right now, he'll find out on his own when he's making dinner and he goes to check on you to see you dangling from the chandelier again with Angel and Husk scrambling beneath trying to catch you if you were to slip and fall.
"Aren't you a little troublemaker?" He would say as he snapped his fingers and you were brought down from the chandelier, safe and sound, he'd bring a clawed hand to your face as he gently pitched your check, tutting like a old lady before turning around and bringing you to assist him in the kitchen and give huskerdust a break.
Alastor didn't see himself ever having a child before you, and he could see you growing into a powerful overlord one day, he'd be there to guide you as you grew, you would've grown up loved, watching as sinners entered the hotel and left as saints,
For now you were standing behind him in the kitchen carefully mixing rolling out some type of dough as music played from the radio and you told your Papa about your day.
Once the dough was rolled out and cut Alastor pat your head saying that you did a good job before moving to dip the dough into hot oil, as you watched, a tentacle holding the back of your 1930's themed attire making sure you didn't dive into the oil by accident.
Within the hour you were sat at a table with freshly made beignets Infront of you,
"Thank you Papa!"
You said before digging into one of the beignets as Alastor smiled per usual, it was a nice treat, you liked moments like these, you hoped you could stay in the hazbin hotel with it's residents and your Papa forever, they were your family and family stays together right?
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Good evening folks! Thank you for tuning in! I was supposed to post this last night but I passed out, and We may be adopting a dog soon! I'm not using that as an excuse I'm just excited, anyways I'm working on requests, part twos and all that good stuff! Tune on in for that later on!
Also I may have added sprinkles of angst here but we don't talk about that =]
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kozachenko · 2 months
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OK finally back with some more drawings! Since Touhou 17 is approaching it's 5 year anniversary soon, I wanted to draw at least one of the charatcers (hopefully I'll still be motivated to draw Keiki lol) and I had some ideas for Saki and I've never drawn her before, so that's how we got here!
Artist's Notes;
So after doing some drawings of my OCs (who I will reveal upon a later date since I still wanna finalize their designs) and finally getting out of my art funk that I've been in for a while, I started off this drawing with the mentality of "oh yeah I'm just gonna put together this quick outfit for Saki and I won't bother rendering it"
...and then I did but to be honest I am very happy I did because oh my god clothes are so fun to render for me now. I remembered the technique I used on my drawing of Reimu and applied that here. That technique being using triangles to imply shadows and highlights in clothing and then blending out those shadows to give the clothing some three dimensionality. My favourite things that I rendered in this piece were the gloves, hat and the belt buckle (since I applied a technique for rendering gold and metal objects that I remember seeing/hearing about a while ago). Don't get me wrong, I love how all the clothing turned out in this piece but the gloves are the real standout of this piece to me. I also had some fun with the cowboy boots (I couldn't figure out how to make those cool metal star things work on the boots though that is a sin I fully intend to fix later down the line) since when I looked at references for them I noticed how some of them had these intricate details embroidered (?) onto them.
Also, in the earliest phases of this drawing Saki had this really big black coat that I decided to get rid of later down the line because it really does not work with her fighting style and it did not stand out against her wings, and the logistics of her getting said jacket with her wings on confused me. Like, I can kind of imaging that on her shirt she has a little open spot for her wings that she can just put them in. That goes for Yachie to but now I'm even more confused because all her clothes must need some open backs because of her shell??? Which raises some more questions, like, can she just never be on her back when sleeping??? Looking at Yuuma we can see that the beast yakuza in Touhou can freely change their form from human to beast so can Yachie just double down on the human bit and get rid of her shell temporarily so she can sleep comfortably??? Because if she lays on her back is she just kinda wobbling around like most turtles are when they're on their backs? Can she hypothetically retreat into her shell, if so that has some weird implications to how her anatomy works. Like, what does her skeleton look like? Seriously, what are the logistics here WHERE DOES YACHIE GET HER FUCKING CLOTHES BECAUSE THEY PROBABLY NEED TO BE SPECIFICALLY TAILORED SO SHE CAN PUT IT ON TO FIT HER SHELL I DON'T NEED SLEEP I NEED ANSWERS YACHIE WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS-
....rant aside, you can see the remnants of this idea in the tattered back of her... idk what to call it but I know she has a variant of this in her OG design. I mainly wanted to test this out because of the cursed realization that The Ghoul in Fallout Prime is just a male Saki but if Utsuho gave Saki radiation poisoning. No seriously, they're smug ass cowboys who are so sure of their own strength that have fought at least one mechanically engineered robot in some variation of a wasteland with an affinity for dogs. I'm now morbidly curious as to what would happen if you put the two of them in a room together. Would they try to kill each other? Would they become besties? Would they try to kill each other and then become besties? Who knows. But yeah jokes aside the tattered cloth was a design choice that was inspired by The Ghoul from Fallout Prime because y'know, same vibes. And also because yes I do love Fallout Prime and I am so ready for season two IT'S SO GOOD GO WATCH IT EVEN IF YOU AREN'T FAMILIAR WITH FALLOUT AS A SEIRES GO DO IT NOW, SAIL THE SEVEN SEAS FOR IT IF YOU HAVE TO JUST WATCH IT-
I knew for Saki's face I wanted to give her some thick eyebrows, it just makes sense. I also wanted to give her some scarring on her face because she's a crime boss, why wouldn't she have scars? I also had some fun with her little horse ear that's sticking out from the side of her hat since it would kinda look weird if she just had no ears period. I also went ham on stylizing her ponytail into this weird swirl, since if I were to show you some of my recent doodles from my sketchbook you would notice that that has become a common motiffe in some of my art. I don't know why but I just like it. Saki's wings were also very fun, I found a good reference for bird wings that are specifically shaped for high speeds (though I did add some stylistic touches so her one wing that's out wouldn't look like a big blob) since her whole thing is speed. From very early on in the process I knew that I wanted Saki to not look skinny, so I found some refs of female kickboxers for her legs and noticed that while parts of their upper body are maybe a bit toned, it's the legs that have a lot of power. I mainly did this because kicking is a huge part of her fighting style.
Overall, I'm really happy with this drawing, and once Touhou 17's anniversary rolls around I do want to go more in depth on my thoughts in the game, it's themes, and how the animal realm functions as a dark parallel to Gensokyo in many ways. I'll also have to get around to drawing Yachie and Keiki as well (if I still have the time and motivation to do so) since I have some ideas for their designs that I'm very excited to draw (especially Keiki).
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landonsmuse · 7 months
Itafushi headcannons
megumi is the only person who's ever made yuji blush in all seriousness
megumi is a hoodie hoarder (of yuji's hoodies ofc!)
yuji likes running his fingers through megumi's hair when he's asleep
they've been on countless ice cream dates (ofc megumi would call them otherwise but like-)
yuji walked in on megumi fresh out of shower once and it took him a full whole minute to regain his composure (and get his insides to stop tingling)
"So are you just gonna stare or?" Megumi cocked a challenging eyebrow, the faintest edge of amusement coating his tone. If Yuji kept looking at him like that for any longer, Megumi would have to step back into the bathroom to get rid of the inexplicable heat emanating off of his muscles. "I-", Yuji cleared his throat, as if to chase away any last remnants of how heavy and hot his insides felt from showing, "- yea, sorry, I was just- would you like to catch an ice cream later?" he blurted out; It had been weeks- 27 days precisely (of course he was counting!) since they'd last went out together. Just the two of them. Between the growingly demanding training schedule and countless missions Gojo was bent on sending them on, it was getting harder to catch each other selfishly lately. It bugged both of them more than they would've liked to admit. The only difference was that Yuji would actually come up, heed to the temptation and ask him out already, while Megumi would bait him walking around half naked like that. Megumi shrugged, "Yea I'd like that," he was really hoping he was doing his best to smother the excitement in his voice, but boy did Yuji know any better. So he nodded finally, cutting his brooding little black cat some slack, "Okay, cool, so um, see you in a while? When you're-" another cough "-decent," God why was it so hot in this room? With their date outing settled, Yuji turned to leave. Maybe it was all the sleepless nights catching up to him, or maybe seeing Megumi's towel hanging that low had short-circuited the nerves of his brain, but Yuji could've sworn he saw Megumi don one of his hoodies, out of the corner of his eye; one which had disappeared out of the blue after a mission, one which he'd been searching for incessantly. And there the stupid butterflies went, making a fuss in his tummy.
ever since megumi caught yuji sneaking off to the terraces at night to actually relax without feeling the responsibility of the world drooping his sanity, he makes it a point to accompany him
they don't do much, never talk even, just sit against the rooftop, with yuji's head on megumi's shoulder, megumi's fingers intertwined with yuji's on his thigh and their gaze fixed upon the same stars
ever since the encounter with sukuna, megumi has to have his head on yuji's chest so he can actually sleep, listening to yuji's rythmic heartbeat is what keeps his going
the first time megumi ever called yuji by his first name, was when he moaned it against his mouth after their first kiss
yuji fell in love with him all over again after that instance and now he gets pissy everytime megumi calls him itadori when they're in public
megumi would let yuji style his hair (only on sundays, and yk this is big coming from someone as reserved as him)
yuji would casually throw around sexual jokes when with megumi, unaware of the effect it has on him
yuji secretly (oh who am i kidding, megumi obviously knew ab it; with the way my man's got his eyes on him 24 7, i wouldn't be surprised), mixed their colognes once because he liked the idea of it
their first kiss was actually initiated by a frustrated megumi in an attempt to shut up a stupidly beautiful an annoying yuji
yuji may or may not have had an existential crisis over his crush making the first move
nobara is the first person they come out to
yuji's love language is quality time while megumi's is acts of service both inside and outside the bedroom
Okayyyy you guys, I'm so sorry for posting this so late. Truth be told, it's been sitting in my drafts for weeks, I was too caught up with my exams so I was giving it a rest. But a girl can only take her mind off of two silly little gays for so long! So here it is. I'm ngl, but the way writing about anything jjk related in general, especially anything stsg or itfs centered, never fails to boost my energy levels up is crazy. I love love love them w all my heart, and I try to express it in my hcs. I know they may not be exactly canon-compliant, but they're what side of my brain that's a sucker for happy endings seeks refuge in. So yea, I try.
PS The yuji-asking-megumi-out tidbit was supposed to be only like a few lines, idk how I ended up writing all that-
Alsooo I've been wanting to write an itfs fic for awhile; not that I have a solid plot at ready or anything, it's just an urge I have (and I know that's not how writing works lol) so maybe, just mayyyybe, ima try to work on it in my vacation? (which starts from tm btw). Cause if I actually do plan on going ahead w it, it'd be my first ever fic, and tbh it seems just as scary as it seems exciting. Either way, if you managed to read this far, I'm grateful that you did!<3
Long live itafushi!!!🎀
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raythekiller · 1 year
May I ask for a Jennifer's body entity like newcomer. Gender neutral, please and thank you. (also your Oc looks so attractive) :D
Take care of yourself and hydrate~
P.s. sorry if it isn't clear (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)
🗒 ❛ Jennifer's Body-Like Entity Reader ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie
pronouns used: none, gn! reader
˗ˏˋ back to navigation ´ˎ˗
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
Laughs at your story. Seriously? All this because you lied about being a virgin? Talk about bad luck. Though he pokes fun at you, you kind of scare him when you're hungry, not gonna lie. He won't let you have his victims, he's possessive over them, but he'll ask EJ to share some of his food with you (without you knowing he was the one requesting it, obviously. He can't let you think he cares).
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
Finally, another person who's not human! Feels a lot more comfortable sharing the story of how he was murdered with you if you do the same. Though his mind does go to the gutter once you mention the not being a virgin part. He's a little pervert, what can I say? Also goes to EJ to ask him to share, since he doesn't want you to be hungry and therefore vulnerable.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
If you didn't kill the people who sacrificed you yet, he's gonna be the one who does it. No one who commits such an atrocious act deserves to be alive, in his opinion (and you know what? He's right). Super understanding of your dietary needs and doesn't judge you at all, quite the opposite, he might bring his victims to you so you can feast on them. He's such a sweetie.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
By far the most understanding, given the fact he was also a victim of a sacrifice gone wrong and possessed because of it. You're the only person he feels comfortable talking about the cult with or taking out his mask in front of. Absolutely shares his food with you, might even bring you fresh prey if you prefer it. Generally just relates to you a lot.
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Total prick. Doesn't care about the struggles you went through and finds the things that you eat disgusting and will not sugar coat it at all. If you have to, you have to, but just don't do it in front of him or he will fake gag just to piss you off. That being said, he does bring you victims, but only when you haven't eaten in a while since he says you're annoying while hungry (good save, Tim, good save).
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You're his go to when he needs to get rid of a body and he likes you a lot for it, makes his job a lot easier. Not very empathetic towards your past, but that's just because he can't feel empathy at all, not because he doesn't care. At most would say that he's sorry that happened to you while giving you a pat on the back.
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writing-for-life · 5 months
Dream's Therapist
I’m not sure if I should apologise for this brain fart in advance, but it just found its way to the page after this. Yes, this is how my brain works (or rather doesn’t)…
Intake Session
The client presented for his intake session on 22/04. When he made his appointment, he showed particular interest in the fact that this is an integrative therapy practice which uses cognitive, behavioural, somatic and Jungian approaches and is also versed in sex therapy. Naturally the ethical kind.
He was extremely on time (that is to say, close to three hours early), but he insisted on spending that time in the waiting area instead of coming back later. My receptionist assured me he did not move from the offered chair during that time and that he, in fact, did not move at all. She occasionally had to check (inconspicuously of course) if he was breathing.
Upon entering my office, he was polite if slightly aloof. He was dressed all black and refused to take off his coat. No problems with personal hygiene could be perceived from a distance. After getting seated, he enquired whether I could dim the lights ever so slightly because it was too bright, to which I agreed.
I noticed his staring at the crystal paperweight on my table for an extended period of time before he, seemingly out of nowhere, asked: “I trust your office is a mere illusion, a fleeting moment in existence?”
DT: Something like that I guess. What brings you here?
Dream: Well, I have these recurring nightmares. Not while I am sleeping, since I obviously don’t sleep.
DT: Obviously.
Dream: I create them.
DT: The nightmares?
Dream: Yes. And all of a sudden, they all suffer from… existential dread instead of helping to get rid of it. Also, my hair keeps getting tangled and knotted all the time, but I am not quite… certain if this relates in any way.
DT: Interesting. And how does that make you feel?
Dream (deadpan): Feel? I don't “feel”. I weave narratives, conjure nightmares, and occasionally attend celestial tea parties. Emotions are for mortals. The hair is inconvenient though.
DT: Right. Let's explore your childhood. Did you have any issues with your family?
Dream (I notice uneasy shifting in his seat): My family? My father, always running late. My mother… (I notice a slight tremble in his bottom lip)… well, she is… dark. My sister, Death, tells me I am a buzzkill, especially at family gatherings. Truthfully, I believe all my siblings are just trying to gaslight me into believing so because I can be… quite entertaining? (I notice uncertainty). Plus, one of them is… let's just say: they are the reason I have commitment issues.
DT: Commitment issues. Let’s expand on that a bit. Have you ever been in love?
Dream: (I notice extreme rigidity): Love is a quaint human invention, like gluten-free pizza or reality TV.
DT (I don’t know what that means and ignore it): I sense reluctance around the topic?
(He stares at the paperweight for a good 3 minutes)
Okay, let's try word association. I'll say a word, and you respond with the first thing that comes to mind. Ready?
Dream: Proceed, mortal.
DT: Sand.
Dream (I notice a raised eyebrow and a slightly tetchy sigh): Golden grain sifting through my fingers.
DT: Pillow.
Dream: A convenient weapon during astral battles.
DT (I momentarily feel confused and lose my footing, to which he reacts with)
Dream: I could show you? (I notice he makes a move to get up from his seat)
DT: That won’t be necessary right now… Word association: Unicorn.
Dream: (I notice grave seriousness) My ex-wife. I think.
DT: That should suffice for now. Let’s briefly discuss coping mechanisms. How do you handle stress?
Dream: Stress? When the universe unravels and the fabric of the Dreaming tears, I binge-watch reality shows. The Kardashians, mostly.
DT: Why the Kardashians?
Dream: Distraction. Inspiration. For all manner of things. Mostly nightmares.
DT (I notice the recurring theme of nightmares): Do you hold any hopes or dreams for the future?
Dream (I notice a nervous twitch around his mouth which he tries to hide unsuccessfully): I am the King of Dreams. Dreams shape reality itself. But if you must know, I dream of a world where everyone flosses regularly and understands general relativity.
DT: Why is flossing important?
Dream: I just like good teeth.
DT: Why general relativity?
Dream: Because it would help. With ships.
DT: What ships?
Dream (I notice eye-rolling and bridge-of-nose-pinching): Never mind.
DT: It’s okay, we can talk about anything that seems important to you.
Dream: It is of no import. Is time up yet?
DT: No.
Dream: Good, I shall leave then.
DT (I feel confused but try not to show it and respect the client’s wish to leave. I’m getting paid either way): Same time next week?
Dream (who is already standing): Time is a mere construct. But yes, let us pencil it in. And remember, reality is just a draft…
Further notes: The client suffers from insomnia and thinks he creates nightmares. He potentially has internalised he is one. He seems detached from his feelings to the point he believes he does not have any emotions and does not seem to relate to being human. He feels misunderstood by his whole family and suffers from the delusion that his sister is Death. He makes another of his siblings responsible for his failed relationships, which has led to the ingrained belief that love is not for him. He seems to compensate with believing he is above others and refers to himself as the “King of Dreams”. I notice a tendency to shirk potentially painful topics. He seems to communicate diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities apart from binge-watching TV, but he seems quite enamoured with the concept of astral battles and general relativity, which requires further exploration…
Next Session >
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triglycercule · 20 days
murder time trio should get to all experiment with dead bodies. why? because they can and it would be cool (okay but seriously i'll provide an explanation). all these freaks are scientists. i think it would be cool and funky if they all got to experiment! except morbidly and bloodily because none of them are right in the head now
killer like has his whole thing with wanting SOULs for some unspecified reason??? i'm just gonna steal the common interpretation that it's so he can find a way to fix his own soul through coding. but like,,,, what does he do with the desd bodies??? all the fellas he stole those souls from??? well this is where dust and horror come in
it's One Panel and i'm ABSOLUTELY reaching here but there's a (single) panel in horrortale where horror's pulling apart some sort of human limb like an arm with a device. why? what for? i dont fucking know at all man like papyrus said why is he always doing something weird in his room. anyways i'm just gonna guess its probably for rationing in horrortale (but it could also be that horror just felt like ripping apart an arm. for scientific purposes. or because he did this after ripping off aliza's arm so maybe he's doing some sort of recollection reflection or something i dunno im not a professional on this man). killer could totally send all the already dead HUMAN bodies horror's way for horrortale's food situation. maybe horror likes to dissect the humans yk maybe he's not just the type of bash (a head open) and dash. monsters dust so you cant see their guts but humans dont so horror gets prime time first hand experience on the human body! and then after he's done poking around in the brain he can give the meat and organs to papyrus for him to do his specific spaghetti confectionery
but but but what about the monsters that killer takes the souls from! surely he doesn't just take from only humans (dude idk if he actually does take from only human or monster. probably not right? he needs to study BOTH types of code so he can be most informed) so he must also take monster souls. and fortunately for dust (i do NOT think he'd quite like handling gore) monsters don't leave behind bodies or blood or allat they leave behind dust. hah. dust experiment with dust. i think its already a headcanon out there that dust likes to study dust. i cant exactly recall WHY exactly but maybe it's for sentimental reasons or just something to do to pass time between resets. so killer can just pass on whatever dust he gets to him and he can put it under his little microscope and be a little nerd what a GEEK. give this guy glasses and remove all his teeth but one i guarantee you he'll look like 🤓
and once again i hear you cry out but but triglycercule! why would killer even give the dead bodies and stuff to horror and dust in the first place??? erm number one because i said so silly. jk. and number two (if we're going in a nightmare's gang context here) it could be as a way for killer to gain horror and dust's trust. a way for them not to tattle on him for stealing souls for some unknown reason. maybe there's somehow important coding information left behind in the bodies/dust (because that's literally what utmv is made of) and killer wants dust and horror to do that work for him for some reason. maybe just a way for him to get rid of evidence maybe if theyre buddy pals and close enough just as a gift. i dunno man there's a bunch of reasons as to why he could possibly do this. i just really liked the thought of the trio all wearing fancy lab coats and goggles and i was like damn how can i make this a real possibility
#you can really sense the i dont know what the fuck i'm talking about energy in this one#all i had was a SINGLE!!! just ONE vision and there was straws for me to grasp so i fucking CLASPED those straws man. i'm totally reaching#listen when you gotta make do you gotta make do. the idea's cool and funky though i really like the vision#is the utmv code based or is it creativity based. which one#does the utmv look like a bunch of files or does it look like the doodlesphere. is it a concept or code???#i think that it's up to personal interpretation. it could also be both#i love the different possibilities that could be made based on the different code vs concept utmvs#with code you have possibilities like changing the files and breaking the game and stuff like that (error and killer etc)#BUT ALSO with creativity and concepts you can come up with characters just by saying oh i drew them or something like that (ink)#it just depends on the vibe you're going for i guess. darker stories sometimes have more associations with code#i like to think they both coexist but also are different#there are sections of the utmv that are purely coded like the antivoid and then section purely creativity based like the doodlesphere#and then there are worlds that have both like the code makes up the concept. or the concept makes up the code. either one#goddamn it everything just leads back to error and ink's digital vs traditional motifs AGAIN. i'm back at the fucking building AGAIN!!!!!#those two and their sick ass motifs can every elude me i feel like concepts in the utmv always have something to do with them#heh.... just shows how cool error and ink both are...... theres a reason theyre creativity and destruction (coolness factor)#hey hold on! this doesn't have anything to do with the murder time trio! triglycercule GET BACK IN YOUR NICHE!!!!!!!!!#looking back at my old posts to my new ones and i can see what lingo and typing styles i've faded out over time is so fun#or maybe i'm just the exact same and i havent change styles at all and i'm hallucinating and need to be put down#first day school is upsetting (as usual) so i need to think and post about the mtt to feel better#my favorite coping mechanism is thinking about murderous little creepypasta versions of a fictional guy from undertale#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#bad sans gang#utmv#god i have NOT used tricule hc in a while........ i really should more#tricule hc
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ultimateissuessimp · 4 months
Heated rivalry
One shot
Word count: 1,823
Warnings: NSFW (close your eyes kids), blow job, cum eating, anal sex, unprotected (don't be silly, wrap your willy), creampie, hate/angry sex, rough sex, Y/N is a considerate consent king, soft after care
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Y/N and Killian Jones always went head to head, there was not a one peaceful day whenever they saw each other that they didn't compete with each other. I ven back in the Enchanted Forest. Y/N was a very well known thief and sometimes his roads crossed with the famous and feared pirate. It always just so happened that they ended up at the same place and at the same time, with the same goal in mind.
-Could you get out of my way, pirate? - Y/N said annoyed at the man's presence, ready to throw a dagger at him that he kept in his holster if he needed to. Once again they met at a stealing hotspot, filled with disgustingly rich people that were such an easy target. They had so much money that surely a few, or rather a good handful, of stolen goods won't hurt heir pockets.
-You're the one that's in my way. We seriously need to stop meeting like this or I'm going to start thinking that you're purposely seeking me out, because you fancy me - Killian said with a smug, amused smirk, yet his eyes spoke of irritation. He truly wondered how it was possible that they time after time met in places like this. He travelled a great deal and amount of time, sometimes just popping in for supplies and to enrich himself, so how was it possible for them to often cross each other's paths?
-You wish, Hook. I would rather gauge my eyes out than ever even think about fancying you - Y/N snarled at the man, giving him the stink eye. He dared even make an insinuation like that? He'll show him how much he actually despised his guts.
-My gods, learn how to take a joke, thief - Hook rolled his eyes at Y/N word's, overly annoyed at his behaviour. This man had a serious stick up his ass that he needed to deal with.
-You're a joke. Oh, wait, no… Joke's are meant to be funny, you're more… Pathetic - Y/N grunted out, clearly done with their interaction, ready to walk away and simply do what he came here to do, before he was pushed against the wall of the alley they were in. He groaned out as his back hit the bricks, a wave of pain going through his spine.
-I dare you to say that again - Killian growled out underneath his breath, his face incredibly close to Y/N's, making their noses touch with slight movement.
-You're pathetic - the thief hissed out through his teeth, nose scrunching and eyes filling with anger at the pirate captain's actions. Oh how he hated this man with passion.
Yes, hated him… Then why the hell was he now with the same bursts of passion, while another kind of one, tearing that leather coat off of the man? Lips locked in an aggressive kiss as they explored each other's bodies in a room in some small tavern that was the closest. It almost seemed like a way to assert dominance and show who was better. A better thief, a better leader, a better… Lover.
-I'll make sure you don't forget this night - Killian murmured into the kiss before pushing Y/N onto the bed and getting on top of him, his lips traveling to his neck and sucking in bruises on the skin there, a way of marking him up, almost possessively.
-I already know you won't be forgetting it anytime, since I'm already deep rooted in your mind - Y/N groaned out, letting out a huff of breath at one harder suck on his neck. His hands hastily reaching out to take Killian's shirt off, throwing it somewhere into the room after succeeding.
-You talk too much - the pirate said, going up with his lips again to press them against Y/N's in a way of shutting him up on his own. His hooked travelling across the thief's chest, quickly ripping his shirt in the middle and then taking it away with his right one, doing the same that Y/N did with his shirt, landing it somewhere on the floor amidts the rest of their clothes. He didn't even know when they got rid off their pants, but he wasn't about to complain unlike Y/N about his ripped shirt.
-You'll pay for that fucking shirt - he growled out into Killian's lips before swiftly changing their positions. He was hovering over the pirate, finally having the upper hand and ability to create marks of his own across Killian's neck and chest, going south for the treasure. He took of the man's briefs in one quick motion and started kissing his thighs and pelvis, just not where the pirate might have wanted him to.
-Yeah, yeah, whatever. Are you going to get to it or will I have to-… Oh bloody hell… - Killian couldn't even end his sentence properly before a deep moan broke out of his lips when Y/N finally put his lips on his cock and took all of it at once into his mouth, going straight to the base. His hand quickly shot to his head, catching onto it and keeping it there just to make sure that the thief wouldn't just leave it quickly.
Y/N's eyes kept watching Killian's reactions like a hawk, observing each momevent of his chest, each twitch of his face and the many emotions hidden somewhere in that sea of eyes. Maybe if he didn't hate him this much he would actually appreciate the nice shade of blue they were. At least that's what he tried to keep telling himself, but the more he looked into them while moving his mouth up and down, the more lost in them he got.
It didn't take long for Hook to be reaching his first climax and Y/N decided to not be mean for now and let him reach his climax, swallowing everything greedily before pulling his mouth off of Killian's dick with a loud pop. The pirate was short of breath the moment his mind came back to normal, well, slightly normal. He still felt woozy and at the brink of losing it again when he watched Y/N's adam's apple bop as he swallowed.
-Fuck… - he muttered out before springing up and pressing his lips back to the thief's, able to taste his own spent on his tongue as they fought for dominance once more. Yes, he definitely was losing his mind. How else could he explain that weird feeling steering deep inside him as they kissed? He crawled onto his lap, immediately grinding into his own hard on, still hidden beneath the piece of cloth that was restricting it. He freed him quickly and rose up to sink onto Y/N's cock before he got stopped momentarily.
-How-wow, slow down, pirate. No preparation? No matter how much I'd love to rearrange your guts right now, I still have manners and don't want to mess you up in the wrong way. The only thing you should feel right now is pleasure - Y/N said, keeping his hands beneath Killian's thighs to stop him from moving, speaking into his ear breathily.
-Oh shut up, I'm not some weak bastard that you might have fucked in the past, I can take it - Killian groaned out in annoyance at being stopped, frustrated that he wasn't allowed to take what he desperately wanted at that moment.
-Are you sure? Remember that we can stop whenever you want to. I don't want you to feel what you wouldn't want- Y/N asked, making sure that that was exactly what Killian wanted and not something that he barely could think of due to the post orgasmic state.
-If you don't want me to feel what I wouldn't stop than stop making me feel this fucking way, you confuse me - Killian groaned out before finally getting an upper hand and sinking down onto Y/N's cock, taking it all at once and immediately letting out a loud moan, head falling forward onto the thief's shoulder.
-What are you talking abo-… Oh gods - Y/N started, not understanding what the man meant before he got interrupted by a moan of his own, the same way Killian did so minutes ago when he swallowed him whole in his mouth. The way the pirate squeezed him tightly as he bottomed out made him see stars. Or was it just the lights of the street lamps reflecting in Killian's eyes as he started into them with his own, half lidded in pleasure ones? He wasn't sure and he didn't care at the moment. What he cared for was the feeling of the man's heat and tightness in his dick.
The pirate captain didn't waste time despite the slight pain he felt and started to ride Y/N as if his life depended on it and maybe it did. Moans filled the room as they got lost in pleasure, mouth moving against one another in the same tandem their bodies did. Y/N's hands travelled all across Killian's back, not knowing where to hold on before he settled on one arm wrapping around his middle and helping him grind and move up and down his member while the other hand wrapped around his hair. His lips travelling to his neck to suck even more hickeys onto it, leaving Killian's mouth to let out the most pornohraphic of moans Y/N has ever heard.
They were both oh so close, chasing their orgasms as Y/N kept slamming his hips into the pirate's ass, hitting his prostate with each movement, getting the moan to sing for him so beautifully. He was getting so lost in him, the same way Killian was getting lost in Y/N, not wanting to stop or let go. Finally they reached their breaking point, both men letting out sinful noises out of their mouths as they came, Y/N filling him up with unholy amounts of spent as Killian's cum hit both of their stomachs, trickling down them slowly. You won't see any of this in the Bible, that's for sure.
They panted heavily as they rested against each other, arms wrapped tightly around one another as they say there, trying to regain their composures and failing miserably. Finally Y/N pulled out of Killian, making the man groan at the loss that quickly changed into a yelp of surprise at being lifted up and carried to the joined with the room bathroom. A quick bath won't hurt. Maybe the damn thief wasn't so bad after all? How could he be when he held him oh so gently in the warm water filled bath? No matter how much Killian tried to deny Y/N's previous words, he truly was deeply rooted in his mind and he made it his mission to have him. He had to have him.
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lilcatdraws · 2 days
Can you write a fluffy story with the joker and reader where he ashamed about the scars on his face and she just kisses them telling him how much she loves them and how he perfect and he's not ugly or anything like that
if you don't want to write it it's fine I would understand, truly yours 🍄
Your Scars Are Part of You
Ledger!Joker x Fem!Reader Oneshot/Drabble
Warnings: None, just pure fluff :)
Summary: J comes home from work one night feeling unusually self conscious about his looks. You do everything you can to help him feel better.
Author's Note: Thank you for requesting this anon! I really enjoyed writing it ☺
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Finishing up the final touches in the bathroom, you smiled happily as you waited on your clown to come home. Joker had been out spreading chaos and mayhem all day. Such hard work deserved a quiet night of rest. So you decided to prepare a nice warm bath and a cozy bed for him. 
When Joker finally came through the front door and trudged into the bedroom, he looked utterly exhausted. 
“Hi, J! How was your day?” You asked him sweetly and helped him out of his purple coat.
“Hey, bunny. It was alright.” J mumbled wearily. 
“I got you a bath ready.”
“Mhm. Thank ya.”
You led the way into the bathroom and assisted J with his clothes. You sat back and watched as he got in the tub and exhaled in relief, nearly melting into the porcelain. He rested his head against the tiled wall and closed his eyes for a few moments, soaking up the water’s warmth in pure bliss.
“Can you wash my hair, bunny?” Joker asked, cracking open his eyes. 
“Sure.” You replied, rolling up your sleeves and sitting down beside the tub. 
You grabbed the shampoo bottle and worked the soap into J’s hair, lathering it gently and massaging his scalp. As you rinsed, the temporary green came out of his hair and revealed his natural brown. You grabbed a washcloth and dipped it into the water.
“Do you want your makeup off too?”
Joker paused for a second. “Um, actually, can you leave it on?”
You were startled. You always made sure to ask him whether he wanted to wash it off or not out of respect but he always said yes. This was totally unexpected. 
“Why? You always want it off. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I just…uh, well, here lately I feel kinda naked without it. Ya know?”
“No. I don’t know. It’s never bothered you before and you hate sleeping in greasepaint. J, did something happen?”
“No.” Joker said quietly. 
“J… You can tell me. What’s wrong?”
Joker sighed. “Bunny… Are you with me out of pity?”
“What? No! J, I don’t pity you at all. Why would you ever think that?”
“I caught a few of my henchmen whispering about me in the lounge. They were talking about my scars and called them ugly. Which I’m aware of. They’re hideous, I know. But then they said they couldn’t believe you were with someone as ugly as me. That you were probably only with me because you pitied me. I-I know it shouldn’t bother me, but I’ve been thinking about what they said all day. Is that true?”
“Hell no! J, I love you. Why on earth would you believe a word those low-lifes have to say? They’re just jealous of you and me. You should get rid of their asses. Actually you know what, who are they? I’ll find them and take care of them myself!” 
“You can’t. They’re dead. I promptly disposed of them after I heard enough.”
Speechless, you laughed at J’s bluntness. He smirked back at you but his smile quickly faded once more.
“Seriously bunny, do you think I’m ugly?” 
“No. You are the prettiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’m not lying. Here, let me wash this paint away and I’ll show you.” 
You lifted the washcloth up to Joker's face. He flinched a little at first but relented and let you work your magic. You started with the black around his eyes and smiled at him.
“Your eyes are the most mesmerizing shade of brown I’ve ever seen. I could get lost in them for hours. They say a lot about you.”
Joker lightened up a bit at the compliment but you weren’t done yet. You wiped away the white from his face and booped his nose playfully.
“Your freckles are so beautiful. They’re one of my favorite things about you.”
You ran your fingers through his hair and held up one of his curly strands. 
“Your hair is gorgeous. I adore your pretty curls.”
Lastly you wiped the red lipstick from his mouth and scars. You grabbed his jaw gently and looked him in the eyes to prove how serious you were.
“And these. I could say so much about them. I love them. I treasure them. I will kiss them every chance I get. I love you and your scars are part of you. So how could I find them ugly? I wouldn’t ever change anything about you. Don’t listen to what anyone else says about you, okay? I love you as you are.”
Joker pulled you into a hug and buried his face into the crook of your neck, his wet hair dripping on your clothes. He kissed your cheek and whispered, “Thank you, sweet girl.”
You swept the wet hair out of his face and kissed him back. “You’re welcome.”
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resi4skz · 7 months
Another one bites the dust. :D
Pairing: Chan(idol)xFemMC
Pairing: Han(idol)xFemMC (2nd couple)
Title: New Begninnings
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If it was thing I ever really wanted, it was to see a Stray Kids concert. Although I lived with my roommate/best friend, her and I made it our mission to afford their ticket + plane tickets. We worked our asses off, even worked on holidays for 3 years straight. My boyfriend was against it because he thought that it was a waste of money to just to see a bunch of guys sing and dance.
Our flight was in less than 12 hrs and Daniel, my boyfriend, was lazing around in our living while I packed a last few things for the trip. "Hey, Nora, do you have any eyelash curlers. I think I lost mine."
"Let me take a look," she calls outs from her room.
"Are you seriously going to go to Korea?" Daniel asks.
"Uh, yeah." I replied, rummaging through my makeup bag for an eyelash curler.
"You seriously bought a ticket just to see this lame ass band?"
I paused. I look up and see the back of his head. "What is your problem?"
"My problem?" He gets up and faces me. "My problem is that the fact that my girlfriend is so obsessed with these men that don't even know her!"
"Here's one I..." Nora walks out of her room and stops when she sees us two. "Wasn't using."
"Is that what this is about?"
"Oh it most definitely is, Ava!" He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. "You could be doing so much more with that money."
"Like what?"
"An education! A real job! Not to see a bunch of gay ass dudes dancing for a few hours."
"Daniel, do you even realize what they mean to me?"
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Oh please don't start with that mental shit. I don't wanna hear it."
"Okay." I walk into my room, closing it behind me. This was the last straw. I have told him time and time again that those boys have saved me from a lot of things. I pickup his duffle bag and start throwing his clothes and stuff inside. Even his gifts to me, which I haven't used at all. Once I thoroughly got rid of this things in my room, I zip up the bag and walk out, throwing the bag at him.
"What's this?" He asks, looking down at the bag.
"Your stuff. You're free from me so you can leave." I grab the eyelash curler from Nora, who's grinning from ear to ear. "Thanks."
"Are you serious? Ava, what the fuck?"
"Daniel, I really don't have time for your bullshit. Leave," I explain, pointing to the apartment door. "The door's right there."
He huffs and puffs and storms out before mumbling some curse words at me, slamming the door shut.
"Good riddance."
*30hrs later*
I was unpacking my bag while Nora took a shower. It was a bit cold at this time of year in seoul. Thank god for Nora for telling me to pack warm. We were going to get dinner. I wore a black turtleneck with blue tight jeans, black boots and a long beige coat. i went light on rhe makeup. I hear a whistle from behind me. "Girl, you're gonna make heads turn."
Rolling my eyes, I turn around and gasp. "Nora."
"What?" She blinks at me.
"Talk about making heads turn." I look at her from toe to head and whistle. She was wearing black tight jeans, a dark green sleeveless crop top, a leather jacket to go with the whole look. The girl never gets cold.
She rolls her eyes at me as she wears her black ankle boots. "Ready?"
"Born ready." We head out of our hotel room and head down the elevator. We decided we would explore the city a bit before having dinner at a restaurant. The city at night was another sight to see, although there were people around, we were more than happy to walk around and explore. And our hotel was very close to han river. We had always wanted to visit it. We asked bystanders to take a few pictures of us which turned out great.
All the walking around got us hungry so we opted for fast food. Even korea's fast food was different than ours back home in the states. But nonetheless, it was delicious. With our tummies now full and content, we were walking around and goofing around. "Careful, Nora," I warn as she walks backwards on the sidewalk. "You're gonna fall and blame it on me."
"I won't," she says giggling. She turns around and bumps into someone, hard. And they both go tumbling down.
"Nora!" I shout. I run towards her and bending down. "You okay?!" She turns her head, groaning but nods. "I told you that you'd fall."
"I'm oka-" she gasps at the person underneath her.
"What? Does it hurt? Where?!"
The person under her groans and lifts their-his head. "Aish. What the hell?" He looks up, his brown eyes shining. "Miss, are you alright?"
Holy shit. There's no fucking way. He helps himself and Nora up, as we both just stare at him. Nora stands beside me, wide eyed as me. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Hyung! There you are. Others just went home so it's just you and me." A very cute brown haired, bubbly person comes running to the other man.
What are the fucking odds of seeing our biases together?
"I'm not dreaming, am I?" Nora asks. "Ava, pinch me." I pinch her arm. "Ow! Okay definitely not dreaming."
I look at the duo in front of me as they converse in korean. My eyes catch the black haired one. I had only seen him on my tv screen. But to see him in the flesh....."Miss?"
I snap out of my thoughts. "Yes?"
"Will you two ladies be alright?"
Holy fuck. Even his Australian accent was hot to hear it in real life. "Yes. We're just heading back to our hotel."
"Oh? May I ask which hotel?"
I glance at Nora then back. "Uh, Lotte Hotel."
"May we walk you ladies back to the hotel if it's not too much trouble?"
I glance at Nora who's looking at me like a deer caught with headlights. "Girl, what do we do? That's Chan and Han!" She whisper-yells.
"Calm down." I turn to him, smiling. "Sure."
He smiles, his dimples popping. Oof. I want to swim in them. "Great. Let me tell my mate and we'll go." He runs back to Han who nods his head after a second. They both run up to us, smiling. "Shall we?"
Even though it was a 15 min walk, I couldn't stop telling Chan that he was amazing in everything he does while the other duo walked behind us, a few steps behind. "Nah, I'm not that good."
"But you are!" I exclaimed. "You sing, rap, write songs, make music and not mention being able to speak more than 1 language. If that's not your definition of good, then you need a new dictionary."
He chuckles. "Is that so?"
"Mmhm," I nod, smiling. "Don't ever underestimate yourself just because you think the rest of the members is okay with it. They want you to be in the spotlight too, they just have a different way of showing it to you." He turns his head, looking at me while walking. "What? Do I have something on my face?"
He gives me a soft smile. "For someone who just met an idol, you're quite chirpy."
"What did you think I was going to be? Screaming at the tip of my lungs or cause so much attention to you and Han that would make you uncomfortable?"
"Well," he nods. "Yeah."
I snort. "I'm not the crazy fans so sorry if I dissapointed you."
"I'm not dissapointed. More like.....surprised."
I blink at him before looking ahead. The hotel peeking around the corner, just a few more minutes. "Well, then you haven't been ona date with me." The minute the words left my mouth, I knew it was over for me. Way to go, Ava, now he's going think you're a weirdo.
"Are you saying I should go on a date with you?"
Fuck. I knew I shouldn't have opened my stupid mouth. I laughed, nervously, peeking behind me to Nora and Han conversing. Well they seemed to be getting along just fine. "Listen, I didn't mean to say that."
"Oh?" He says as we come around the corner. "That's a shame."
"How so?"
"Because I would have loved to take you out on a date."
My heart stops beating, or at least I think it does. Is this real life? "You want to go on a date with me?" He nods in answer. "But you don't even know me."
We come to a stop. Han and Nora still behind which I was kind of glad at the moment. "Is that what dates are for? Getting to know each other?"
"Okay. Fair point," I replied. "But I'm just-"
He takes a step closer and suddenly, the air around us gets warm. "Give me your phone."
Perplexed, I take out my phone, unlock and hand it to him. He taps his thumbs on the screen and hands it back to me. My eyes widen when I saw what he did. I want to take my clothes off and jump in a pool. "Wha-"
"Give me a call. Text. Whichever is better for you."
I stand there, my phone in my hand as Han and Nora come around the corner laughing. "Alright, thank you for walking us to our hotel," she says.
"It was our pleasure," Chan replies, smiling. "Get some sleep, yeah?"
"Yeah, we will." Nora nudges me, snapping me out of my trance.
"Goodnight ladies." Chan smiles and winks at me before turning around to walk with his friend.
That night, I went to sleep with a smile on my face. And dreamt of dimples and the boy who gave me his number.
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Ohhh I see we already got couples in this yes! Sooo how will Ink play with Bakugo in this one? I'm curious to know! XD Second, love this new Au!
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((Hello there anon, hope your well. I see you like the thought of the idea. And I'm glad you liked the new Au! <3 Though, I can write something for you if you like. So here ya go. Oh and Ink and some others belong to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"Alright you! It's time for you to say sorry for fucking with me!" Ink blinks hearing a familiar angry voice but she looks to the left seeing the angry Officer Katsuki. She only looks to him that she blinks to giggle.
"Oh? Was their something wrong? And what do you mean?" she asked looking at him being innocent. However, Bakugo glares to look at her.
"Stop shitting with me! You know what I mean!" he said pointing at her.
"Ohhh come on, you have to tell me what you are trying to say you know. I'm innocent you know..I'm not only to do anything wrong." she pouts trying to be a good girl only making Bakugo angry.
"Besides, you only make it more boring if your going to try restrain me." she teased only for him to get more angry.
"Stop. Fucking with me! You got lucky that time! How about we fight again! I'll beat your ass!" he said that Ink only tilts her head that her grey eye glows showing a sadistic grin.
"Oh? So you wanna play with me?" she giggle standing up slowly but she only looks down that Bakugo sees her being..disturbing. "Well then..." She looks up showing her face while showing sharp teeth.
"Do you think Ink is alright?" Melinda heard this while sitting by Jaron after he got rid of some horny dogs after his girl. However, she was eating something while sitting on his lap.
"I think she'll be alright. You always told us that Ink was going to be fine." Willow said.
"Like I said, my sis is good. She's dangerous and strong. No one is dumb enough to mess with her. Not even those officers would mess with her. However, I'm sure she's just having a lot more fun than we are." Jinx smiled now sitting in Yuji's lap too after feeding him some snacks.
"Well, maybe she will be sure to tell us after she comes back." Jinx said. Everyone was relaxing now.
~~~~~~Back with Bakugo and Ink~~~~~~~
Bakugo panted holding his side while he was wincing. He looks up at Ink who was coated in some blood while looking at him. He was really unlike any other officer but it was fun.
"What...the fuck? What the fuck!?" he growls but as he tried to get up, he saw her foot slam on his chest to see him wincing. He looks up seeing Ink again but she only smiled to slowly bend down near him while looking at him.
"What's wrong? Don't tell me you are done playing with me? We only barley started Bakugo.." she teased that he tries throwing a punch.
"DON'T FUCK WITH ME-" He sees her grab his fist but she only pushes him against the wall while sitting on his lap. "!?" he looks up seeing her up close but honestly..she was beautiful. Hold up.
He saw how her black hair fans over her face even with some blood, her grey eyes looked down at him like a dragon catching her prey. She looked pretty hot but he only remains silent when she giggled.
"Awwwww...you really are not that bad. I like that. I see why Mr. Henderson told me you and the other five were not like the others. I like that. More fun for me to see.." she teased only to lean in closer as she held his cheek. He saw blood on her face only for him to glare at her.
"Get the hell off of me."
"No." she said.
"Seriously, get off. Or I'll.."
"You'll what? You can hit me off if you want...that makes me wanna play even more..or maybe you don't want to?" she leans in more that her body presses up against his chest making him tense.
"The hell are you-"
"I really like playing with you...You seriously are so much fun. I can't wait to break you down a bit....even seeing a officer breaking under me...You'll be fun." she purred. Before Bakugo speaks only for Ink to kiss him. His eyes widen from the feeling of her warm soft lips that she was holding his cheek while kissing him.
He felt his hand shaking to grip her waist while she was kissing him. However, she breaks the kiss only to get more excited. He panted looking at her but she smiled.
"Yeah..you are going to be fun.....so still wanna hit me off?" she asked touching his chest but Bakugo only shook before he heard a bell showing recess was done. Ink heard only to press up against him but gets off.
"Oh well, maybe next time we can play again. See you later, Officer Katsuki." waving with a innocent smile, she was holding her wrists for him to cuff her but he only grumbled to stand up but gets cuffed to take to her cell again. However, he tries not to show his blush to her but Ink knew he was blushing. It already got her excited to play more with him.
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angerissue · 2 years
Yeah, so I posted this on my personal blog already and I'm posting it here too. Recent events consisting of health issues and harassment, along with my recollections of what other people have been through lately on this website, have made me rethink my priorities. I'm going to be stepping back from tumblr.
I'll move my fics to AO3. I'm still deciding what to do about my collaborative writing and all the threads and headcanons.
Honestly, leaving has been on my mind for a while. But the absolute bullshit behaviour I've seen demonstrated towards me, and so many other people, has made me seriously question why I'm still here. I've never posted anything controversial. I've never intentionally tried to hurt people, or spread bad ideologies. I'm a conscientious person of what I think is good moral fiber. But holy fucking shitballs, what has happened to this website? The last few years on this site have been atrocious with all the harassment, the dogpiling, and the other shit where people derive, frankly, a scary amount of joy and amusement from attacking others like it's some kind of entertainment.
People have discovered that if you want attention here, you can do it quickly by fabricating "outrage porn" and dragging someone through the mud. People will believe it without hesitation, because they are so angry about what they are being told, they don't stop to think. People really eat up the "us versus them" mentality, especially when it allows them to feel like a part of a group, and when it gives them a purpose in harassing and/or getting rid of people who are designed to not be in that group. It's especially insidious because all of this harassment seems to be rationalized and justified by the groups participating in them. It's all in the name of this-or-that, it's just moral crusades, just socially-acceptable bullying and/or death wishes with a fresh coat of paint to appeal to a younger crowd. Because it really does seem like a vast majority of the people doing this stuff are in their early twenties or in their teens.
I really do understand why other people have left this website - it is such a buzzkill to feel like you're swimming in a shark tank. I have no desire left to share my work in a place like this. Why make content for a website where its users are so quick to steamroll others, for a quick laugh, no matter how vanilla the content? Why put in the effort to get suspicion; why put in the effort when it feels like I'm just rewarding a Bad Thing, at least to a sizable extent?
Like, I've been posting in the Bruce Banner tag since The Avengers came out. I've been here since many of those popular ship tags were literally empty. And despite the positive reception and complete lack of criticism, despite the masses of people who liked my content, I'm completely unmotivated to post things there now. Last year, there was an isolated incident with fanpols and moral panic people, where one person went out of their way to post some untagged ship hate in the Bruce Banner tag, and after I told them to tag it, they spent three hours scouring my blog for ways to retaliate (and it seems they still haven't blocked me). It was a textbook case of, "lol, let's point and laugh and tell someone they're better off dead because they write a character yet don't incorporate my own headcanons, let's call them [a dozen different types of bigot without due cause]." Predictably, none of their followers reached out and actually inquired about what they saw in the person's smear campaign (all the "damning" screenshots they posted of my blog were headcanons for Bruce Banner, none of which were any indication of personal views and were easily chalked up to either bad wording, ignorance, or literally just nothing because they were reaching farther than Elastigirl to find shit, and upon later inspection, it appeared they even shared many of the same personal headcanons they had harassed me for, which... Eugh). Nobody asked for clarification. They were told what to feel, which was outraged and vitriolic, and they clamoured. Guess what happened when I woke up, saw all this, and blocked everyone because I wasn't having that shit? "Lmaoo they must have blocked me because of my gay ships lmao what a homophobe".
I just. What.
How are people okay with saying this kind of stuff. Like, my brother in christ, you were blocked because you were a twatwaffle, a participant in an outrage porn dogpile. I have dozens of Bruce Banner versions in my headworld, and a shit ton of headcanons of both Bruce and other characters that run the entire gamut of sexuality and orientation; I'm literally a trans person with gay ships; the first ship I ever made fanart of was Cherik, for crying out loud, and two of my favourite ships have always been BrucexLoki and BrucexTony. You are not as accurate as you think you are. Not at all. Get off your high horse before you fall off, it's made of playing cards.
Oh, but I guess it's "funny". I guess it's okay to throw around loaded terms in that case.
Some of this stuff genuinely was funny to me. Because this person had literally scoured my entire blog (and when I'm saying "entire", I mean they went through every page, every post, every single bullet point in my extended reading portal, and there's a load of content in there, folks, and all their visits were recorded in my statcounter so it was pretty easy to see they had spent three hours on there looking for "bad stuff"), found one line in a headcanon that said (in keeping with official canon) this specific Bruce tends to be most attracted to people of the same ethnicity... And they sent me an ask saying, I kid you not: "does Bruce hate black people".
What even. How does this compute. The ask couldn't even offend me if it tried at this point, it was hysterical because of the total quantum leap in logic. I had literally never posted anything else, not a single other line, about ethnicity in any sense, nor would I ever insinuate what they were claiming. It was just a line I threw in because, like most lines, it's nice to paint a more complete picture, and if you've ever seen my content and how outrageously exhaustive it can get, I love painting.
It was less funny when they used this single throwaway line to call me a racist.
But seriously - the entire harassment campaign was based around stupid shit like that, and funnily, it was all tacked onto the original ship hate post this person had originally posted, which was pretty much bait for attention in the first place. Some of the screencaps they took even had contents that directly contradicted what they were even trying to roast me over.
In the end, once they realized I'd blocked them, they dared me to, just about verbatim, "come back and defend this boring white bread man you created".
Sure. Boring. So boring they needed to read all my content for hours (which showed a huge inability to curate their content consumption like an adult), and so boring they stalked my blog for months after the fact and made fun of the fact I went to the ER for an unrelated health issue. It's just ridiculous, especially because if all this criticism about my headcanons had actually come from a place of reparation and not using me as entertainment fodder; if someone had actually talked to me about something that concerned them, I would have completely cooperated and taken the advice. Because I really don't want to be a dick on the internet, I actively look for edification, and I really do want as best as I can.
But I digress.
It's strange, because despite what happened with these clowns, it's not that I'm afraid to be here. I haven't been intimidated into keeping quiet. Rather, I simply have zero motivation to be here or contribute. And really, I'm just deeply disappointed in all the disgusting actions I've seen in this fandom and elsewhere on tumblr, the brazenness of it these last few years. I don't know what happened, but it was never this bad. And people don't deserve it. I've seen a lot worse than what I've received, and let me tell you. It is horrible. Content creators don't deserve to feel like they're playing Russian fucking roulette every time they post some new content, or be fearful that the wrong person will see their work and make a playdate out of harassing them for literally no reason. And on top of that, nope, tumblr just enables this bullshit and doesn't do a thing.
There have been three cases in the last, what, three years, where people I know were dragged severely for doing absolutely nothing wrong. For making boundaries known, for writing certain things, for not responding within a certain time frame. In all but one case, it was always the same ending; they left.
Participation in fandom should not be this stressful for anyone. It really makes me miss the 2012-2015 era, because while it certainly wasn't perfect back then, it was a lot better than nowadays, with all the renewed moral panic shit that is doing nothing of value. It's just carpet-bombing the userbase, and disincentivizing people to make new things, any new things. If there isn't something obvious for the impassioned bully to hit, or something they can manipulate, they'll just make shit up on the spot. Want to guess how many people of good character have been ousted from the Marvel fandom alone since, say, even 2018? Well, I don't have the numbers, but I'm sure they're substantial.
It just kind of sucks, because I've written this version of Bruce here for over twelve years. And seriously, I have never seen anyone take issue with my headcanons until the harassment last year. I'm pretty careful about what I write, so naturally with the harassment aside, I did review all the headcanons I had written, but after that, and after getting the opinions of a few trusted friends (which I am so grateful for), there wasn't... Anything to fix. They were just headcanons. Not only was this harassment limited to the last year or two, but almost all of the harassment my friends have received has been within the last couple of years, too. Like, alarm bells should be going off there, because wow. Especially when I also consider how much harassment has happened to people outside of my friend group. Especially when I consider how commonplace it has become to throw around shit like "kys" or "I wish you died in the ER" to people you don't like. Especially because it seems like it's just getting worse and worse. I'm seeing this kind of shit in casual posts now, not even directed to anyone. "Go kill yourself". I can open ten carrds, and five of them will have "swallow a knife :) :)" or something in them.
Is it a wonder there are so few content creators here now? Especially fandom olds?
So yeah. I'm out.
If you're a genuinely good person who doesn't make a pastime out of harassing people, and if you ever recall seeing my stuff in the tag and enjoying it, be it my gifsets, my headcanons, or my fics, thank you for that.
If anyone here wants my AO3 or discord, send me a message.
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mortemoppetere · 8 months
Ophelia → Emilio
Ophelia: Hey tío, did my dad go stay with his […] friend again? He wasn't responding to texts or answering calls for a couple days, and now it's just going to voicemail. Ophelia: I tried dropping by the apartment a couple times, but no one was there. Ophelia: I'm sorry. It's probably nothing. I'm just getting worried. Emilio: I don't know. Probably not. Emilio: […] I don't think he'll be back to the apartment, kid. Emilio: Or anywhere where I can find him. Think he's […] pretty much done with me. Ophelia: […] What do you mean? Emilio: We had a […] disagreement. Big one. He walked out, I asked him not to. I think it's […] not the kind of thing that's fixed. Ophelia: What could be so big that he'd just LEAVE like that? Ophelia: You're telling me he's lost? Again?? Why is he ignoring ME, we weren't arguing! Emilio: […] Shit from the past […] showing up in the present. Emilio: I don't think lost is the right word for it. I think […] he wanted to leave, so he left. Probably got rid of the phone. Ophelia: So what am I supposed to do? Just sit here and wait until he decides to show up again? Ophelia: What are YOU doing?? Emilio: I don't know. Do what you want to do. Emilio: What SHOULD I be doing? He doesn't want to hear from me, doesn't want to see me. He made that clear. You want me to track him down anyway, and… what? I already tried to get him to stick around once, and he walked away anyway. What should I do, cuff him to a radiator? He doesn't want anything to do with me. I don't BLAME him for wanting nothing to do with me. It is what it is. Ophelia: Is giving up just part of being a hunter or something? Seriously, guys. Both of you. I swear to the sun. Ophelia: I didn't spend the last five years trying to figure out how to contact him and almost getting myself killed by no less than three of his idiot warden friends just to shrug off his disappearing without a fucking trace, okay? Emilio: I'm not giving up. I'm letting him have what he wants. He knows where to find me if he changes his mind. He's welcome to reach out. But he's made it pretty goddamn clear that he doesn't want me looking for him, and I respect him enough to give him that space when he asks for it. Because he's asking for it from ME, specifically. Emilio: You want to find him, you find him. Or you wait for him to come to you. Ophelia: Oh, is respect going to keep him from freezing to death when it drops into the single digits? I wasn't aware! Great, then he's all set. Ophelia: I will, WITHOUT your help. I'm not waiting for him. He's too fucking stubborn, just like you. Emilio: He's not stupid, kid. He knows how to find someplace warm when he needs it. Lived on his own for a good couple decades before he found my family, was in and out most of the time he knew us. He's not going to freeze to death. Emilio: Good luck, then. Ophelia: He's kind of stupid, where do you think I get it from? And that was in Mexico. You know better than anyone that that's not a good measuring stick. Ophelia: Ugh, whatever. Emilio: He wasn't always in Mexico, kid. He's been all over. Made it fifty years, which is saying something, for a hunter. [del: Fuck knows I won't make it that long.] Emilio: Wear a coat. Ophelia: Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I'm basically a space heater. Ophelia: Look. I get it. I think, anyway. But I'm still pissed. Just let me know if you hear anything, okay? Emilio: Must be nice. Emilio: [del: Well, at least you fit in with this family, then.] Right. I will. You, too.
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
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heres like. some of the things i keep in mind when writing grieving
the little things in grief
something i scarcely see written is the little things in grief. seeing things that remind you of the person causing you to nearly cry in public, but you can't. seeing people be happy with their family members/friends (depending who was lost) and being both jealous and miserable. wondering for years if you could have done anything, even though the chance of that is impossible, or blaming yourself for not noticing something.
the smallest things in grief are the most important. forgetting the person is gone and calling out their name, texting them about something important to you before realizing that theyre gone, setting an extra plate at the dinner table, entering their room. its things like that which are the most personal. the countless times ive done that, the countless times ive seen my mother do that.
it's not having the will to clean out their room. its not getting rid of any of their stuff ever, keeping their room as pristine as it was before they were gone. it's having nightmares of the death and waking up realizing youre alone. it's sleeping in that person's room for comfort. it's rewatching videos with the person who died in them, reminising over old times and sobbing. it's thinking "oh, ___ would love this!" while at the store before realizing. it's thinking you see them, but it's a coat hanger or a shadow or a chair in the dark, or something your brain tricks you into seeing.
obviously, as time goes on, this will lessen, and it wont last forever. eventually, this phase will cease. but when the grief is fresh, the little things will happen more often.
and the grief can be fresh for a very long time.
general things to remember/advice
don't make it quirky. for the love of FUCK, don't make it quirky.
try to portray the misery, the numbness, the seriousness of grieving over death. use descriptive words, metaphors of flowers, of death, or anything beautiful or ugly or both. use mystical words; death is an enigma to us all. one of the reasons death is so terrifying is because none of us know much about it. just that theyre gone.
"____ had seen death up close. They'd seen her cold grasp take away the person ____ loved the most. ____ sometimes wished they'd been taken instead. If only they were the one to stare death in the eyes and follow her into the inky void of nothingness. But no, ____ was cursed to sit on their bed, every day and every night, wondering what they could have done." this is an example of descriptive words and metaphors can be used to portray write the grief the character feels
instead of a simple 'i wish it were me', expand upon that. they don't wish it were them, they wished they were the ones to stare death in the eyes and accept their fate rather than the person they loved doing the same. it's more descriptive, i suppose
metaphors are your best friend when discussing grief and death (but make sure to not overdo them!!!!!!), as well as your characters little reactions to the enviorment around them.
ie this sentence in my fic's draft - "Harrison just continued staring off into the distance, at the frozen lake and families skating together on it. Preston could see a small flame of jealousy reflect in his eyes, but the ember faded into something sadder."
write about how your character views the world after the death. do they view it as cruel, as worthless to live in, or as something that should be cherished while they can? how does this affect how your character treats others, acts, talks? how does this affect their relationships? do they weaken them or strengthen them?
write the healing process as slow and gradual. if your fic is short, still make it a gradient. it won't heal right away. this healing can be from 3 chapters to 20. it depends on the story length.
keep your character in mind. if your character doesnt fit any of the things i mentioned, dont force yourself to change the character to fit my advice. instead, take it and warp it so if fits your character. model the grief around the character's personality.
all in all, there is no perfect way to write death and grieving. these are my tips, from my experiences both dealing with grief and writing about it for some time, but remember that everyone deals with and writes death in different ways.
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mimisempai · 2 years
A bit at a time
For Greg, Mycroft fights his bad habits and decides, although already late, to return earlier than planned to join him.
Mystrade Monday 2.0  #77 "There's nothing I can do anymore."
On Ao3
Rating G - 445 words
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It wasn't unusual for Mycroft to come home late, but what was unusual was that he came home much earlier than he did when he was overworking. 
Although he had decided to work overtime, the prospect of spending an evening in his uncomfortable office rather than at home did not appeal to him. For the first time he had looked at his work and said to himself without guilt, "There's nothing I can do anymore." 
He had turned it all off. The work could wait, but Greg and the time they could have together could not.
Since it was late, he didn't make a sound and silently took off his shoes and coat. All the lights were out, which meant Greg was already asleep, so he quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up before heading to their bedroom. 
"Mycroft?" whispered Greg's sleepy voice from the bed.
"Yes, it's me, shhh, go back to sleep, love. You need to sleep."
Mycroft began to undress without bothering to put his clothes away. The lure of the warm bed and his lover in it was too great.
Greg, awake, replied gently, "You need it more than I do."
"That's why I'm here," Mycroft replied as he slid into bed.
Greg opened his arms for Mycroft to snuggle into and commented, "You're home early."
Mycroft hummed and kissed him gently before replying, "I needed to see you and as you keep telling me, work can wait. So I decided to listen to you for once..."
He was interrupted by a chuckle from Greg, "That would be a first."
Mycroft replied seriously, "Oh, believe me, I often listen to your advice. It's just sometimes a struggle to put it into practice."
Greg kissed him gently and replied, "That's how you grow, by trying. I would never ask you to change unless I saw you hurting yourself, like when you work too hard. So I'm glad I didn't have to force you home tonight. You're making progress."
Greg pressed his lips to Mycroft's for a lingering kiss and continued, "And don't you find this a much more pleasant way to pass the time?"
Giving him no time to react, he pressed his lips to Mycroft's once more, this time in a deeper kiss filled with the promise of much more to come.
Mycroft needed no further argument to allow himself to be swept away by the intoxicating passion of his lover. In a final flash of lucidity, he told himself that even if the bad habits were sometimes hard to lose, he was willing to get rid of them to replace them with moments like this, over and over again.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Mystrade masterlist here
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catrose13 · 2 years
Chapter Six The First Rule Of Any TTRPG is NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY, I think that my favourite of this chapters "Brought to you By"s is 2021, You Were One Of The Most Years Ever. Because it certainly was. Also remember there are SPOILERS
Oh no, now we're seeing things from the Parasites perspective, this is not a thing I ever wanted
Go Bakura! Trick that MoFo!!
Eugh Math and Sand two of the worst things
...Ammit's wearing a tiny hat?
Mokuba in what way does that resemble a dog?
Well at least Shadi's aware of where he ranks in this situation.
"White haired thief".... Mokuba I don't think he's talking about Pegasus
Ammit, Devourer of the Wicked
Is Mokuba talking about Tristan's nephews dog?
Shadi...you are so old
...Joey how do you know how much cocaine costs?
Joey's Dad is seriously in the Bad Parent Box with his Mom and Yugi's Parents
Tristan is such a Mom Friend
Téa when in doubt always guess a lower number
Oof Burgerville, I actually read some of the manga so I've read that bit. Big yikes
Well at least Yugi is aware about the Parasite
They really have had a day haven't they?
....Yugi you really need to phrase things a bit more delicately, you may give poor Yami a heart attack at this rate. Goddamn "Shadow Game Cherry"
"Knives up our sleeves" because cards would be cheating but stabbing your opponent clearly isn't
Oh Damn, Tristan's right guys! There's even a song and everything! It's catchy! I feel like he may need to start singing to them "Don't you know you never split the party? Clerics in the back keep those fighters hale and hearty. The wizard in the middle, where he can shed some light. And you never let that damn thief out of sight" Two of the fighters have bugged off to find, I guess, the cleric, the wizards have gone off to battle for the thief leaving possibly the other cleric behind
"Glaring furiously, like a cat forced to go to the vet" I can envision it perfectly
Shadi now is not the time for your dubious sense of humour to make an appearance
"With a sword. Right down the middle"...This will be important information to remember children
"Thanksgiving at the Wayne House" THE WAYNES!! 🤩
...Shadi those dudes were seriously screwed in the head, despite being a "Created" human you were still a person and they should definitely not have shopped you in half like some sort of sad pizza
...Technologically adept... this should have been another clue
"Dino-obsessed weirdo"... I know who that is
Op Ishizu has now got an Idea
How the heck did she keep all those questions straight?! Actually no she knows the Waynes, nevermind
"Dinosaur Blood Guy" Wow Rex
Despite everything Marik can be surprisingly sneaky
Poor Weevil freaking out in the background "Blood stuff?! What Blood Stuff?!"
"Less crazy Face tattoo brother" and "Blonde. Probably in a crop top and half of Fort Knox in jewelry" These are the best descriptions
HODGEKISS... is it the same one?
lol Wilburforce, that is certainly a name
Oh yeah I doubt there's two incredibly dumb Hodgekiss in the world. Or at least I hope not
...Do the Ishtar brothers know that Hodgekiss could potentially claim Blood Brother status from Ishizu giving him blood?
Ahh Relationships, the only person whose allowed to be mean to you is me
The Heart of the Cards loves Yugi
Lol Seto's Blue Eyes White Dragon is not a fan of you Parasite, prepare to lose your face
...Celtic Guardians are wild. "Just shoot me across the Board Bro!"
Who are you Red Coated Graverobber Goblin?
Lol God Complex Kuriboh
Oh man that Blue Eyes is really determined to get rid of the Parasite
I kind of love the Duel Monsters, they're so spirited
MAHAD, you have a Name! You Remember Things! I mean apparently you also have Amnesia but you still remember more than Yami does
Ah Bakura is ready for his Revenge
Heh Parasite has no idea how to command his Chess pieces
Graverobber Goblin Pawns are on Strike, Blue Eyes White Dragon Queen is looking to kill the player and the only one on their side of the board who know how to play won't help. Nice
Joey freaking a little about the "Romantic Foxes" sounding like the voices of the damned
...We're still talking about the Chupacabra?
Lol yeah Golden Retrievers aren't just cute and friend-shaped, they are also dogs you take hunting
Oh no the Clown done fucked up
Téa's so strong and fierce. She's going to absolutely destroy that clown
"Loud and Attractive is what I do best" Aw Joey
Ballerinas man, they're terrifying...kinda like hippos now that I think about it
Joey's notebook is gonna be so full by the time he actually gets to Pegasus
Oh man I just noticed Pega-SUS....his name tells you he's Sus
Téa's Yugi and Yami's Queen
Aww cute little Mousetrap. Such a good snek
More aww, brotherly snuggles!!
...I'm feeling deep concern for Marik "Future Pharoah and Ruler Of The World" that is a deeply concerning statement, especially the Caps
...Odion are you plotting Hodgekiss' demise?
Little Brother getting the snuggles!! I just want to wrap him in blankets, but I fear that if I tried I'd lose a limb. Sadness
"Karnak Blood Lady" and the "Karnak Dinosaur Blood Guy" those are certainly names
Odions like Hopeful feeling...text message...less hopeful feeling
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