#my money is on Chopper having something to do with its disappearance
aaeeart · 1 year
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So I've been giving Kanan his coat back. For science. I might do more because I think this was a missed opportunity for the character 👀
Kanan Jarrus what happened to your badass coat???
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trouble follows
pairing: Jake Sully x Human!Reader
WC: 1K
warnings: cussing, quick mentions of death(basically nothing)
A/N: this is my first Jake Sully/avatar work. so it’s all over the place and doesn’t make the most sense. but i would definitely like to write for this world more (a new hyper-fixation) so if i do, bare with me since its a bit more complex than what im doing with stranger things.
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That was the last time you said his name before he disappeared into the vast forest of Pandora as he ran away from a raging Thanator.
Your breathing was coming ragged and harsh, a hand falling atop your chest to try and force you to calm down, even though the situation wasn’t the best. You slumped over your bent knees with your eyes closed, really trying your hardest to not faint. 
A hand fell on your shoulder and another began to rub circles along your back, and you already knew it was Grace without opening your eyes.
“(Y/n), just breathe. In and out, in and out.” She rubbed your back slowly, “listen to the sounds of the forest, let it all wash over.”
When a few minutes passed and your heart rate slowed to a normal pace and your breathing was steady, you stood up and reopened your eyes to see Grace and Norm looking at you with concern before relief floods their reactions.
“Feeling better?” Grace’s motherly tone flicked your ears.
“Yeah, I’m fine. But- but we have to get Jake. It’s too dangerous for him to be on his own.” Your hands ran over your face and pushed your hair back.
“I know, we’ll all get in the chopper and fly around. Pretty sure that Jarhead knows how to survive.” Grace tried to joke, but you saw a glimpse of her frown.
The three of you hurried back to Trudy and Lyle and told them the situation.
“I bet fifty bucks, meals on wheels is dead already or will be by tonight.” Lyle looked around, maybe waiting for any opposing bets.
You threw a scowl his way, nose crinkled with a low growl rising in your throat, “how about you shut the hell up, Wainfleet. Jake’s smarter than you, he’ll live.” That made him quiet real quiet and you were thankful for the peace.
Trudy flew over the surrounding area for a few hours, you and Grace both with binoculars on either side of the open doors looking down below hoping to spot something blue and something moving.
With the sun slowly setting and Trudy telling Grace they need to call it in for the night, you already grew mournful.
“He’ll just have to wait until morning,” Trudy voiced over the radio before heading back to hell’s gate.
You turned your head away from the darkening forest and with pitiful eyes, looked to Grace as she mumbled, “he won’t make it to morning.”
The sun had been fully set for two hours, and Jake showed no signs of waking up from his avatar. But he also showed no signs that he’s dead, and you’re praying to Eywa that he comes back to you.
“(Y/n), why don’t you get some food?” Max voiced behind you as the both of you stood beside Jake’s link bed.
You just shook your head, eyes glued to the display screen showing Jake’s face and vitals. His eyes were moving under his lids and his heart rate was moving, you were worried the second you looked away something bad would happen to him.
You pick at the skin around your nail beds, the burn a mindful distraction from the tears that wanted to leak out your tear ducts, something you told yourself you would never do in this place, with all these people. You were a scientist to the lab people, an extra body to the money-hungry higher-ups, and a nuisance to the military.
But to Jake, you were someone who stuck by his side through all the shit he went through on Earth. A shoulder to lean or cry on, a hand to squeeze for comfort, a face to stare at lovingly and smoother in warm kisses. You were each other’s safety line and if you lost yours, you'd sink to the bottom of the ocean very quickly.
Loud beeping pulled your attention away from your worries and instead zoned in on Jake’s screen and saw his eyes open and his chest panting.
“Grace! Norm! He’s awake!” You screamed for them even though they were less than a foot away, along with Max still behind you.
The four of you crowded around the link pod, Max and Norm lifting the top and then pushing the wires away from Jake’s chest. You grabbed Jake’s clammy hand that was close to you as Grace leaned in with a light and checked his pupils.
“Jake, Jake can you hear me?” He just nodded at Grace’s question.
Max helped push his upper half forward, your free hand helping in supporting him from slumping backward. Grace tapped her hand against Jake’s cheek a few times to get his brain properly working again, you just ran your thumb over his knuckles.
“Come on, marine. Gotta get those few brain cells working,” His eyelids fluttered and his pupils sized down, “there we go.”
You leaned in closer, hand abandoning his knuckles and moving it to rest against his cheek when Grace pulled away. His head leaned into your touch and rested his larger hand over yours.
“Oh Jake,” your forehead leaned into the side of his head, buzz cut tickling your face, “please don’t ever do something like that again. For the sake of my sanity, please don’t.”
“You think…you think I wanted to be chased by a- a-“
“A Thanator, marine.”
Jake just chuckled at Grace’s tone, “yeah.”
Your thumb continues its constant motion of rubbing along Jake’s cheek, “yeah, I do. Cause you cause trouble wherever you go.”
He just scuffed but didn’t say anything else while staying in your hold.
“Okay lovebirds. This is lovely, but Jake,” Grace leaned forward, “where is the avatar? Is it safe?”
Jake let a grin spread and a short laugh out while looking her dead in the eye, “oh, it’s safe. And you won’t believe where it is right now.”
You pulled away to look at his smug face, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
His grin just widened.
might make a part two if anyone wants/i feel up to it.
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Addicted To You
Part VI: Hold On Loosely
Summary/Author’s Note: ITS BEEN SO LONG. I MISSED FRANKIE SO MUCH. also. Holy shit, I love you guys. Part I -- has been my first fic to reach 500+ notes and that is just bananas to me and also wild that it was Frankie that did it. He deserves all of the love. 
So, for those who have seen the movie know what is about to happen. But it might not be in the way you think. We get a little bit more Reader and Pope interaction and someone mentioned wondering about her relationship with Benny and I was like Oh perfect timing for this then...Enjoy. Gif credit to @pascalplease 
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x Pope’s Sister!Reader Word Count: 4.1k Warnings/Rating: R/18+ Language, TOM (yeah he moved up), No one fucking listening to Frankie, Frustration, Intense situations, FUCKING murder, pining/longing, getting slightly turned on by Frankie piloting again--don’t lie we all do it, Frankie distress, blood/injuries
Part I * Part II * Part III * Part IV * Part V (bold means smut**)
“What’s my name?!” he yelled over the wind of the helicopter behind him.
“I-I don’t know,” She hugged her own body, clutching the duffel bag to her chest and looked at him with uncertainty. The wind blew her dark hair around her face and she made it a point to put herself between her younger brother and the man in front of her. 
“Your buddy back there--” he swung his arm around and pointed. “What’s his name?” She shook her head and he raised an eyebrow. “I can just go ask him!”
“I said I don’t know!”
“Now,” he touched her arm and she had to fight not to shrug him off. He dipped his head and his tone was condescending. “When you two finally had sex--and you rolled over and said, ‘what’s your real name’--what’d he say?” 
“That never happened!” She shrugged him off then and snarled at him. “He told me you served together...and that you were honest.”
“Why’d he say that?” Tom leaned back in mild surprise.
“Because I asked if he trusted you.”
“I was worried about you cheating him…”
The chopper had landed on the Peruvian border just like Pope had promised. They had dropped off the informant and her brother and although you couldn’t hear what was being said, you could tell by Tom’s dramatic body language and the disgust on her face that it wasn’t a pleasant conversation. Your brother handed her their cut of the money and touched her face tenderly as she held onto his arm and they said their goodbyes. 
Tom stormed back onto the helicopter and sat down, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. You couldn’t help but think that he reminded you more and more of a child throwing a tantrum instead of a hardened military veteran leading a mission. It was as if he knew you were staring because he opened his eyes and looked at you. You averted your gaze quickly. 
Pope cleared the threshold of the copter and took Benny’s seat as the younger man went up to take his shift with Frankie in the cockpit. Your brother put his headset on and opened his arm so you could lean against him and hug his side. 
“You liked her, didn’t you?” you asked him, looking up with your head on his chest.
“I’m just glad she’s safe.” He said vaguely and you knew not to push the subject. He rubbed his hand up and down over your arm as if to warm you up and you let out a sigh of contentment. 
“She’s lying,” Tom’s voice crackled through the coms on the headsets and both you and Pope looked at him. 
“No, she’s not.” Pope said firmly and glared at the other man. 
“You know what we should have done?” Tom let his thought remain unfinished and you felt your brother tense under your arms. Your stomach dropped as you realized what Tom meant. Before either of you could say anything, Will spoke up, always the voice of reason.
“That’s one you wouldn’t come back from, brother,” he said. He was leaning back against a few of the duffel bags with his arm propped up to keep his side un-strained.
The four of you were quiet for a long time, each mulling over Tom’s words in your own way as the chopper whirred around you rhythmically. The dark sky was crystal clear and you watched as the city below you slowly started to disappear and give way to the dark tops of the trees. 
“You still doing okay?” Pope asked and you nodded. 
“I’m exhausted,” you said, trying your best to stifle a yawn with his shirt. “But I’m worried if I sleep I’m going to wake back up in that mansion.” It was the first time you had admitted it out loud, but, however ridiculous, it was the truth. Every time you closed your eyes, it was as if you were back in that room, tied to that chair. The darkness that enveloped you wasn’t from sleep, it was the goddamn blindfold being put back over your eyes and it made your heart start racing as panic built in your chest. 
“Hey,” Pope said, dipping his head to look at you. “You know I was going to find you no matter what, right?” He gave you another squeeze. “I wasn’t leaving this fucking jungle without my little sister.”
You released a heavy breath and laid your head back against your shoulder, smiling slightly and forcing your mind to remember that you really were safe. Before you could start to drift off, you opened your eyes and leaned back enough to look at him. “If I promise to try and sleep, will you go check on Frankie?”
Pope chuckled and rolled his eyes before succumbing to your request. “Yes. You rest and I will go check on Fish.” As he got up, he shrugged his jacket from his shoulders and tossed it over you before moving towards the cockpit. 
"The weight drags when we get into higher altitudes so I want to keep it under 5,000 feet until we hit the Andes. We'll hit the ocean in four hours." Frankie's voice came through the com on your headset and you suddenly felt better. Tom's voice came through confirming that they had heard him and understood. 
Four hours. Four hours and you would be headed home. After everything, it seemed like such a small amount of time and with Frankie at the helm, there was nothing to worry about. 
When you woke up, it was because you were shivering. The main hull of the helicopter had dropped a considerable amount as it flew through the night and started to rise in altitude the closer it got to the Andes. Your brother was still gone but his jacket was pooled in your lap where it had slipped down off your chest. Both of the Miller brothers were sleeping peacefully and you were glad that Will had finally managed to get comfortable. 
You sat up and slipped your headset back on so you could hear what they were saying. Standing up and stepping into the cockpit, the view out of the front of the aircraft was breathtaking. The mountains were huge, rocky crags that were covered in bright, white snow that reflected the sun off of its smooth surface. 
"I'm gonna try and head for the two peaks I saw on the map. If we can aim for that valley it will be easier," Frankie said.
"Roger," Tom replied and both men looked up as you stepped over the threshold and put your hand on Frankie's shoulder.
"Hey, you," he said quietly, giving a small smile as you gave his arm a squeeze. 
"It's beautiful," you said, clearing the sleep from your voice and nodding ahead of you. There was a clear divide between the lush, green trees on the mountains below and the drastic change in altitude that allowed for the snow to accumulate. 
"It is," Frankie nodded, reaching forward and flipping up a small switch before putting both hands back on the joy stick. "You finally rest?"
"A little," you said. You pulled your headset down to rest on the base of your neck so you could lean forward and kiss his cheek gently. He kept his eyes ahead but the action made him smile, making the small lines at the edge of his eyes crinkle. 
"Can you cut the domestic bullshit please?" Tom said, gruffly. "How steep do you think that is?" He pointed to the nearest peak and Frankie looked at him sternly. 
"It's about 11,000 feet. We can't make that. I gotta find another way." Frankie shook his head and readjusted his grip on the controls. 
"That's the quickest way to the ocean from here. You should go for it."
Both you and the man to your left looked at Tom in surprise and annoyance. Who was he to call the shots like this? This wasn't a matter of choice, this was a matter of if something was possible or not. You put your hand on Frankie's shoulder as the helicopter started to rise up the side of the mountain. 
Frankie dipped his head to look up through the windshield, glancing down at all of the controls and watching as the lights started to flash in warning. You looked over your shoulder as Pope came up to stand behind you and watch what was happening. 
"Alright, baby," Frankie said softly, talking to the aircraft. "Alright, baby, come on now." 
He caressed the controls like he had caressed you. His fingers were familiar with them, what made them tick, and how best to move each dial and joystick. Frankie had always flown with a meticulous care that never failed to impress you--it was his favorite thing in the world. His heart lived in the sky and you loved that about him. A loud and rapid beeping drew you from your thoughts as the control panel started blinking red and orange.
"We're redlining man," Pope spoke up behind you as he pointed to the sensors. 
"It's close though," Frankie grit his teeth and cursed under his breath. "It's too much weight. It's too much fucking weight. We're never going to make it."
"What does that mean?" Tom asked, sternly.
"It means we're losing fucking money."
"You wanna leave 50 million dollars in the middle of the jungle?"
"You wanna get to the ocean?" Frankie snapped finally, his voice not leaving any room for argument from Tom. The other man glared at him for a moment before looking over his shoulder to address Pope.
"Alright, go do it."
The idea that Tom controlled what he imagined to be the fate of the money, but in reality it was all of your lives, was complete insanity to you--especially because he seemed to be so flippant about the importance of the latter. You looked over your shoulder as your brother lowered the hatch on the back of the aircraft and a bitterly cold wind filled the cabin. The Miller brothers started shoving duffel bags filled with money out into a free fall down to the snow covered landscape of the Andes. 
The immediate beeping of the control panel quieted down and Frankie gave an approving nod. “That's feeling better.” He dipped his head lower, leaning forward in his chair as if the movement would help the craft in its painfully slow ascend over the mountains. “Come on. Come on.”
You held your breath as Frankie crested you over the top of the mountain and, just like he promised, there was the ocean. The sun glittered off the water as it rose in the sky and you felt a sense of relief that was comparable to how you felt when Frankie had cut you loose from your bindings in the mansion. Both times he had brought you a sense of safety that made your heart stutter against your ribs. Then the beeping came back. The aircraft paused for a brief moment before it dropped into a free fall.
Your ass hit the metal floor hard and your stomach twisted into knots like you were on a roller coaster. Santiago’s arm wrapped around your waist and hauled you up against him as the copter shook and the metal screamed, alarms going off from multiple places on the dashboard. 
“What the fuck are you doing Catfish!?” Will yelled as he gripped the handle above his head and put a hand over the bullet wound on his side. 
Frankie’s voice came through the headset, calmer than he most likely felt. ”One of the gear boxes is blown--I don't want to go into a spin.” You all continued to fall in the air down the side of the mountain and his voice became strained as he gripped the joystick and tried to balance it out. “We might be in trouble here. I'm losing altitude--we should land. We should land now.”
“Crash land here we all die!” Tom yelled, looking at his pilot with wide eyes.
“I'm trying to get her back to flat--”
“Prepare for a hard landing!” Tom barked behind at the rest of you.
Frankie flew back down over the canopy of the jungle, the snow giving way to the lush green of the treetops as he tried to maneuver towards the village that you all had seen during your first initial climb. Benny leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes as he gripped the handle closest to him. You could feel your brother’s heart hammering against your back, but on the outside he remained calm for the sake of the rest of his crew. 
“I can't land this with the drop bag under us. We should lose the money and maybe we don't die.” Frankie turned and looked at Tom. The man glared at him but remained quiet. The fact that now, looking certain death in the eyes, Tom decided to shut his mouth, pissed you off. And apparently, it did Frankie as well because without Tom’s permission he looked over his shoulder and yelled over his mic on his headset. “LOSE THE MONEY OR WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!”
“Fuck this,” you mumbled as you pulled Santiago’s arm from around you and scrambled to your feet. 
You had been on flights with Frankie enough times that you knew what the external load release looked like. It was the only fucking leaver on the wall, after all. You leaned over Benny and grabbed the red handle and yanked it down. The cargo doors in the floor opened slowly but the canvas net bag full of duffel bags stayed securely attached to the bottom of the helicopter. 
“Frankie! It’s not working!” You called out to him and he glanced back at you again.
“There's a manual override on the cargo hook!” His voice was full of worry as he told you to stop. “Let Benny do it--fuck!”
He cursed, watching as you ignored him and leaned over the open door to find the manual override. The wind from the blades and the altitude whipped your hair against your face and you grabbed onto the rope, feeling for a trigger mechanism of some kind. You cursed as black smoke billowed from the top of the aircraft and obscured your vision. The giant metal release was on the other side of the net and was way out of your reach. 
“Spot me!” You turned and yelled at Benny as he fell to his knees beside you and you ripped off your headset.
Benny nodded and helped you lower yourself through the hatch and onto the rope. He gripped your arm as you extended your leg and landed a firm kick with your booth onto the latch. When the bag fell, the helicopter gave a jolt as the weight shifted and Benny toppled through the hatch with you. You screamed as you heard Pope call your name and you looked up to see that the only thing that connected you to the copter was Benny’s grip. 
“Benny!” Will lunged for his brother and grabbed him by the back of the shirt. The ground was coming closer and closer as Frankie tried to level out the craft and land it in the middle of the field. 
“I can’t hold us both!” Benny yelled back at the blond. “We gotta jump!”
“No!” Pope reached through the hole in the floor but Benny was right. He didn’t give them any time to argue as he let go of the edge of the hatch and the both of you dropped the last twenty or so feet to the ground. 
You hit the ground so hard it knocked the wind from your chest. Bits of dirt flew into your mouth as you gasped and covered your face with your arm. As the helicopter touched down, dirt and debris whipped around in the air and you squinted to try and see through it all. The blade on the tail caught the dirt and the whole craft jerked sideways as huge chunks of metal flew directly toward you and Benny. 
“Get down!” He grabbed you and shoved you back down onto the ground covering you with his body as it continued to spin and jerk. The metal groaned, the blades squealed and all you could think of was if Frankie was still in control of it or if you were all just holding your breath and waiting for it to be over. 
Black smoke and chunks of upturned earth continued to fly long after the craft came to a stop but the blades still slowly continued to turn. Benny moved his body off of yours and helped you stand as you both took off running towards the wreckage. 
“Santi!” You screamed at the top of your lungs.
“Here!” Your brother called back as Will popped the door open and they both started to climb up out of the sideways craft. “We’re fine!”
“Fish!” Benny yelled as he got to the front and your heart stopped. Both Frankie and Tom were not moving as fast as Pope and Will. The glass of the windshield was shattered, but still hanging in the frame and Benny quickly raised his knee and kicked it free in giant sheets.
Tom crawled out onto the grass and coughed, fresh blood coming from an abrasion on his eyebrow. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Help Fish.”
As soon as Tom was out of the way, Benny got down and leaned in, grabbing the other man by the forearms and hauling him out onto the ground. 
“Frankie,” you breathed, running the rest of the way to him. Benny moved to the side as you approached and you threw yours arms around him tightly.
Frankie squeezed you tightly, before leaning back to hold you at arm's length. He dipped his head to look you in the eyes as he gripped your upper arms and shook you slightly. “What you thinking--what the fuck were you thinking?!”
You watched as blood slowly dripped down a fresh, large gash on Frankie’s upper cheek, but he didn’t pay any attention to it. He couldn’t look away from you. His eyes were wild and his chest was heaving and even though his words were harsh, his tone didn’t hold any anger--it held fear. Your eyes burned and your chest felt tight, and the moment he saw it reflected on your face, his resolve crumbled and he pulled you back against his chest.
“You scared the shit out of me, baby,” He confessed as he pressed his lips to the top of your head and shut his eyes tightly. “Fuck.” He shook his head and looked up at the man standing behind you. “Thanks, Ben.”
Benny nodded as he helped Will jump from the door of the helicopter and Pope crawled out behind him, with his rifle clutched in his hand. He started tossing gear down to the ground and they passed around backpacks and guns. Frankie let you go reluctantly as Pope hopped down to the ground and handed him a new bulletproof vest. 
“They’re gettin’ into the fucking net,” Tom cursed and the rest of you looked up to watch as people from the nearby village had flooded the site where the bag had dropped. Sure enough, they were using tools and machetes to rip through the thick ropes of the drop net and get into the duffel bags. 
”What’s the plan here?” Pope said, propping his rifle on his arm and looking around.
“We’re getting that money back over the mountain and to the ocean,” Tom said, fastening his vest and grabbing his own weapon. “Benny, cover us from that treeline there.” He pointed to the right. “Fish, I want you at that vantage point over there.” He pointed to the left and then continued. “That’s cocaine they’re growing, so they could have guns already trained on us from those watchtowers over there.”
“We got working coms?” Will asked and Tom shook his head.
“No, we’ll use hand signals. Pope and I will get out there and look as peaceful as we can--we’ll signal when we think it's secure.” Tom looked to each of them to make sure they understood before nodding once. “Move out.”
As they all started to move in their assigned directions, Frankie moved his rifle to one hand, so he could take yours with his other. “You’re coming with me.” 
You didn’t argue, not wanting to leave his side regardless. You desperately wanted to inspect the cut on his face, but you knew while he was tasked with watching the back of Pope and Tom, Frankie wouldn’t dare think about himself. You could ask, but he wouldn’t let you, so what was the point? He moved you both up the hill and squatted low into the tall grasses of the field, pressing his right eye to his scope for a minute to make sure he had a shot lined up if he needed it. 
As you both watched the retreating forms of Tom and Pope walk towards the farmers, Frankie glanced at you. “Are you hurt?”
“Scratches mainly,” you shook your head and looked down at your palms and arms. “That’s it. You’re bleeding, though.” You nodded towards his face.
“I’m fine,” he said stubbornly, like you knew he would. “Don’t do anything like that again.” His voice was flat and you fought the urge to snap back at him. The adrenaline had been high for you both, the last thing you needed was to fight with the man you currently needed most. 
“We both are going to do what it takes to get home--”
“You don’t have to prove to anyone that you’re a badass--”
“Don’t pull that macho bullshit with me--”
The two of you glared at one another and then his face broke into a small grin. He rolled his eyes and mumbled something about you being stubborn before looking back through his scope. You knew he was just worried. Was it reckless to do what you did on the drop net? Absolutely. But this entire trip had been nothing but the five of them risking their lives for you, and you were tired. Tired of being the reason that everyone you cared about in this fucking jungle was in constant danger. So, when Frankie told you to be smart, it was because he just wanted you home. He just wanted you safe. 
You stayed quiet as you both watched the scene unfold in the field below. Both Tom and Pope were talking with their hands, gesturing, and speaking quickly. Hearing what was being said wasn’t necessary, their body language was more than enough, this talk wasn’t going in their favor. 
“Pope, what's he reaching for? Is that a weapon?” Frankie spoke with his gun against his shoulder as he used the hand that wasn’t on the trigger to press the button on his radio.
No response.
“Pope, do you cop-”
“Frankie,” you touched his shoulder as you remembered the coms were dead from the crash.
Frankie leaned back and glanced at you before looking to his radio and cursing quietly. Pope had his arms out in a defensive position, speaking quickly over Tom who had his hand on his gun. This was bad. This was very bad. Frankie adjusted his grip on the rifle and his body went still. Tom pulled his gun and it was as if everything before you happened in slow motion. 
The villagers yelled and Tom used his handgun to fire into the chest of the one nearest to him. Then again and again. Blood blossomed to life through their clothing and they dropped to the ground. The second one of them took another step forward, Frankie pulled the trigger, doing what he was trained to do--protect those on your squad. 
His rifle echoed and ricocheted back on his shoulder and the man who had stepped towards Pope dropped just like the three before him. You watched as the other men gave the order for the villagers to get back and the screaming continued. Benny ran down the mountain and Frankie stood but you didn’t move. You were frozen in place as you saw Tom raise his gun at the unarmed man, now struggling to breathe, on the ground. You may not have liked him to begin with, but now you knew--Tom was going to get all of you killed. 
Perm Tag List Part 1:
@rae-gar-targaryen @zeldasayer @winters-buck @gooddaykate @jigglemiwa @seawhisperer @halefirewarrior @ripleyafterdark @phoenixhalliwell @thebakerstboyskeeper @honestlystop @lackofhonor @readsalot73 @cryptkeepersoul @skdubbs @cahooter @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @googiebeankat @dinohaze @saltywintersoldat @huliabitch @silver-lined-solitude @tainted-gay-ghost @roxypeanut  @hayley-the-comet @domino-oh-damn @maybege @corvueros @pettyprocrastination @qveenbvtch @hopplessdreamer   @ @apples-of-february @pocket-of-anxiety @marie-is-in-the-dark @agentpike @pascalplease @cosmicbug379         @your-pixels-are-showing @gamingaquarius @blushingwueen @crimsonandwhiteprincess @bluemoon-glen @river-soul @robbinholland @nerdypinupcrystal @fleetwoodmactshirt @jaime1110 @fioccodineveautunnale @fantasticcopeaglepasta @kid-from-new-zealand
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nimmy22 · 3 years
A Mistake: Chapter 12
~ The following day, Saturday ~
"Do something, Wesker! These fucking imbeciles at the papers are starting to question my competence as chief all because of a pathetic group of boys you can't seem to dispose of." Irons seethed, slamming his cup of whisky on the desk, knocking his nameplate to the ground.  
Wesker gave nothing away of his emotions, save for a tick in his brow. His hands craved to wrap around Irons’ neck, giving it a swift snap. It's how he felt most of his days at the station. Irons was replaceable. The man didn't realize just how worthless he was to Umbrella. His replacement could arrive this very afternoon.
"We are working on finding the gang's nest. The big players keep using young boys for the jobs but tell them nothing about insider information. There are too many eyes watching us right now. We cannot use any special means to dispose of the group in order avoid questions."
"Just Do your fucking job right. I can't stand the news conferences anymore. the journalist's questions make me look laughable." Irons clutched his glass, throwing it hard against the wall. Tapping a finger on the armrest, Wesker didn't bat an eye at the behavior of the chief of police. One couldn't expect much from such a lowly creature.
"You seem to forget why Umbrella put me as captain of STARS. It isn't to keep up your public appearance but to protect theirs. I'm not the one who isn't doing his job. Deal with the journalists while I handle the little boy scouts." pushing back his chair, Wesker made sure to leave deep grooves on the freshly varnished floors. The scraping sound was like music to his soul. He didn't miss the deathly glare on his way to the door like hot iron rods.
Returning to the STARS office, Wesker ignored the gossiping of Chris and Jill about the newest trouble between their captain and Irons. Shutting the door to his office, he took a seat behind his desk. Through the office blinds, he eyed each present member of STARS. of course, no one was getting any work done, lazing around the office, making meaningless bets.
This simply will not do.
It was time they did some undercover work, gathering information about Raccoon city's newest crime family. These boy scouts wouldn't last long around here, especially since they fell on the radar of the real monsters in the shadows of Raccoon.
She sat alone on the staircase, elbows resting on her knees, wondering how the hell she got here.  The house was familiar to her. How many times has she looked after Sherry here? Still, it felt strange. It was his space, and she was invading it.
This was now supposed to be her home. The place gave no hints as to who lived here, lacking any personal touch. It was likely the work of an anterior designer following the most fashionable trends. The home of a bachelor.
Speaking of Wesker, he left after dumping her here last night and vaguely pointing her towards the guest room with a 'help yourself' to any food. As always, he gave her the bare minimum of info, not that she asked what he was up to. She didn't care whether he spent the night hiding bodies or doing legitimate police work. She was too terrified to sleep under the same roof, only a few walls apart. Does the man ever sleep? Shower? Eat?
She won't lie. She was glad Wesker left. But even with him gone, she couldn't stop thinking about what happened. More so the kiss than almost becoming a guinea pig. It was a lot to process, and she couldn't even begin.
For the nth time, she forcibly pulled her fingers away from her lips, scolding herself for replaying the memory again. This man was absolute bad news. She needed to get out of the house, and an incoming call from Claire had her scrambling to answer as quickly as possible. Her friend presented an idea, and Cara was all too grateful to join in.  
Pulling up Wesker's name in the contacts, Cara's fingers hovered over the letters, unsure of what and how much to tell him.  Where did they stand? Did he really mean everything, or was it a trick?  Was she free to leave? Did he give up completely on the idea of killing her?
"Going out with Claire. I will be back late." she texted, fully knowing a lot of info was missing. But it's not like he ever gave her a ton.
"Stay out of trouble.' came a replay moments later.
The words were unsaid, but Cara definitely heard them.  'I don't have time to drop everything and run over to the rescue each and every time you get in trouble,'
'I asked for help only once. The other time's nobody asked you to come.' Cara grumbled but deleted what she wrote. she could've gotten herself out of those situations...with a little bit of thinking. Actually, a lot of thinking.
Cara had to walk several blocks away from Wesker's house to prevent suspicion. If by any chance, Claire knew the address of her brother's captain, it would be a hole she did not want to leap into.
Standing in front of an old bookstore, she waited for her friend. The building was slightly rundown, its walls covered in graffiti, but the owners were a kind elderly couple. They pushed discounts her way, and she was guilted to buy something. She ended up buying a useless cat plushie toy after seeing that most books were non-fiction or raunchy romance novels. She would rather die than have Wesker coming across an erotic novel lying around his house.
She stared at the plushie as she leaned against the wall outside the shop. Cara considered giving it to Sherry the next time they met. This would be the first present she ever gave the young girl, and she could almost imagine the excitement on Sherry's face. It made her smile.
A helicopter passed overhead, sleek black and adorned with the Umbrella white and red symbol. Cara watched the chopper get smaller and smaller until it disappeared, heading in the direction of the Arkley mountains. she wondered about their business up there was. Looking around, no one else seemed to notice nor care. Maybe it was best to keep all knowledge to herself.
Seeing a familiar redhead and a motorcycle, Cara waved as Claire pulled up, handing her a helmet.
The barn smelled of sweat, dust, and old wood. The unmistakable smell of alcohol was thick in the air as it was passed around freely in cheap red plastic cups. She recognized kids from school, but many more were older, likely from Raccoon university. A light disco machine was nailed to the wall, casting the barn in a series of flashing lights. Tall Straw piles of hay distributed across the barn ensured there was no shortage of dark corners for people to disappear to.  For a moment, Cara considered hiding in the straw and then going home when the party was over. But seeing the sparkle in Claire's eyes about hanging out with her best friend threw the idea out the window. With a sigh, she followed her friend.
Over the course of the night, the girls danced and drank, carefree. A blond-haired boy was staring at her, Cara noticed. He attempted to walk up to her but turned around before getting within ten feet. He tried multiple times but always chickened out despite his friends constantly cheering him on. Claire thought it was cute and refused to stop openly staring at him and giving a thumbs up.  Cara swatted Claire's hands before holding them behind her back in a pretend arrest, pushing her against the straw pile.
"Sorry Officer! I was just trying to help you get laid," Claire giggled. "I hope you're into blonde's though,"
"This is so embarrassing. Stop, or I'm leaving," Cara snapped, feeling a blush heat her face as Wesker crossed her mind. Fuck, why now?
"Oh? so you are into blondes," Claire's smile was cunning. "Let me help you,"
"No. Bad Claire, bad, bad girl. No treats for you tonight." Cara scolded, Stealing the can of beer her friend stole from a guy before cracking it open and downing its contents. She wouldn't yet consider herself drunk, just pleasantly buzzed.
The boy ran off again. Cara felt bad for him and was actually tempted to go up to him instead. His friends kept a steady stream of alcohol into his hand.
"H-hey, " And then he did it, with the help of liquid courage, of course.
For the effort, Cara decided not to openly embarrass him with rejection but not lead him on either. Walking away backward, Claire gave her a thumbs up along with a suggestive motion of the eyebrows, making horrid shapes with her hands. Cara covered her face, hoping to purge the image out of memory. She'll get her back in no time.
Ben was a bit shy at first, but soon they got talking and enjoyed themselves. His hair was a few shades darker and shorter than Wesker's. She didn't have to look up at him as they stood at a similar, comfortable height. Slender and skinny, he would shrink to nothing beside the captain. Cara grimaced, realizing she had been comparing the poor guy to a demon. It wasn't his fault that her mind was occupied with someone way out of her league... the legal kind.
The barn was becoming more and more crowded, and the dancing crowd swallowed them. Sticking out like two sore thumbs, they did their best to dance. Cara felt awkward but seeing the dimples in his smile made her feel better even as it became a tighter fit among the crowd. They had to dance closer lest they got separated.
She wondered what it would feel like to dance with Wesker. He seemed like the sophisticated type. The awkward moves of a teenager would never be adequate for him. Did he ever do anything that was remotely recreational? What do villains even do in their spare time? Manipulating the feelings of underage girls looks like. What stupid, stupid thoughts.
She prayed all these ideas would go away soon, as the thrill of the kiss wore off, and everything went back to normal. Did she want to go back? Why in the world would he like her? she knew who he really was, and he still let her live. Why take the risk with her? she was just a seventeen-year-old. Useless to everyone, with no connections and no money.  
Fuck it. Cara refused to think about Wesker anymore tonight. There was a perfectly alright guy in front of her, someone her own age, someone in her league, someone she wouldn't have to hide. Someone who was looking at her with a soft expression, blinking slowly.
Cara placed her hands on either side of Ben's face and pulled him towards her, connecting their lips. He reacted instantly, kissing her back. His hands awkwardly hovered over her arms before stroking them softly.
He was a nice guy, not a terrible kisser, but she hated it. Hated every touch because it wasn't as good as with Wesker. She couldn't stop comparing, and it was frustrating, spurring her to kiss Ben harder.
She continued, out of spite, to kiss the boy who looked at her with affection. in the background, she heard a few boys cheering, likely his friends. This was wrong, very wrong.
A firm hand gave her waist a painful squeeze before it was gone, and she thought it was Ben. Her eyes flew open as she felt a warm breath by her ear. It wasn't Ben.
"If I was not undercover right now, this lesser specimen of a boy would've made some unforgettable acquaintances a lot sooner. You could've done so much better, yet you have chosen to this..." Wesker seethed by her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Her body froze, but Ben didn't pick up the cue.  Wesker's muscles were tense as he pressed against her back. She could almost hear the exhale through clenched, grinding teeth.
Then he was gone, slipping through the crowd just as he came. No one notices anything. Cara broke the kiss and shoved Ben away. "I'm sorry, it isn't going to work out." She hurried after Wesker, but he was already lost in the crowd.  
She shoved her way through the throngs of people but only managed to find other members of STARS in civilian clothes. None seemed to notice or recognize her. They must've been here on undercover work, but why? she put that question aside as there were more pressing things to worry about.
She felt sick and wanted to throw up, but nothing was coming up. she burst through the doors of the suffocatingly hot bran, raking her hands through her hair. The cool night air hit her heated skin, but she couldn't find relief. She wanted to be swallowed by the ground.
She needed to find Wesker. But then what? Apologize? Apologize for making her own choices? They weren't a couple.
She continued to look for him nevertheless. She walked further from the barn towards an old car junkyard. She thought perhaps a fuming man would need some privacy. A strong feeling in her gut told her this was the right way.
Cara walked far enough from the party that the music was nothing but a distant noise. It was dark and quiet, the perfect place for an assault. If Wesker decided to murder her, no one would find her for at least a week, stuffed in the trunk of a car. If ever.  
Grabbed from behind, she was thrown against a car. Sliding to the ground, she cradled her aching arm, squinting in the dark to see her assailant. Wesker kneeled beside her, his civilian clothes dark and expensive.
"Why cut it short? You should've kissed him more while you still can because he will be the last boy you will ever kiss." squeezing her cheeks harshly, he dragged his thumb with heavy pressure over the flesh of her lips, still swollen from kissing Ben.
As Wesker let go of her face, she felt the cold muzzle of a gun pressing against her temple. Her heart skipped a beat, but she glared at him straight in the eye. Daring.
"I don't know what you want from me! You told me to keep out of trouble, and I did. Yet here we are," Cara lied. She knew what he wanted but didn't know why he wanted it.
"Were my intentions not clear enough? Do I have to spell it out for you? But I suppose intelligence was never your strength,"
Wesker pressed the gun harder against her temple, her glare unwavering. "Go ahead. Shoot me. why do you even bother?"
Neither moved, naked eyes locked with no shades between. Cara reached up and pulled the gun out of his hands with ease. He didn't resist, glaring at her with a tense jaw. Looking down, she almost laughed, seeing the safety was still on. This man couldn't bring himself to kill her. It was all a show of intimidation, and she wasn't falling for it. Not anymore.
As she made to stand, his hand pushed her down. Thinking he wanted the gun back, she returned it to his hand and tried to stand. again, he pushed her down. "Can I get up now?" she scowled, staring up at him.
Things happen too quickly for her to process. The hands on Cara's shoulder grabbed her legs, lifting her off the ground as Wesker wrapped her legs around him before slamming her against the car. She was winded, gasping for breath as he watched her with a smirk. She grabbed his arms, digging her nails into his defined muscles.
"You're up now," he whispered before his lips kissed her neck, sucking and nibbling the skin. A moan escaped her lips, and she covered her mouth immediately.
Grabbing both her hands, he pinned them against the car. "I need to clean your mouth of all traces of that boy,"
"Are you going to rinse my mouth with soap or something? This is childish and-" Cara's words settled in a moan as Wesker began grinding a very defined length against her growing sickness. She tightened her legs around his waist, drawing him closer.
Trailing his nose across her skin, he followed the curve of her neck to the ear, taking the lobe between his teeth. She melted against him when his hot tongue entered her ear. His tongue plunged in and out repeatedly like a preview of what he could do to her. Her heart went on an overdrive.
"Just kiss me," Cara breathed, a tension building in her belly. She wanted to taste him. in addition to sparing any additional marks on her neck to hide.
"No,” nuzzling into her neck, he grinded harder against her, earning a series of moans.  
"You know who else wouldn't mind kissing me-" Wesker slammed his lips to hers, kissing her roughly, their teeth clashing. Cara melted further, a smile on her lips as her tongue danced with his. She savored everything, The taste of him, softness of his lips, his warmth, and the building friction between their bodies. There was nothing more she wanted.
Bang. Bang. Bang. Three gunshots were fired.
Cara was barely steady on her feet when Wesker dropped her to the ground, his eyes scanning their surroundings. What little they heard of the music was drowned out by distant screams of the partygoers.
"What's happening?" she questioned, grabbing his arm, but his attention was fixed on the barn.
"Stay here," Wesker warned, already talking to someone by an earpiece she hadn't noticed before.
With his gun ready, he took off, running towards the barn. Cara made to follow him but was pulled back towards the car by her hand.
The fucker handcuffed and left her in the middle of a junkyard in the dark.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Sinners & Saints-Chapter 9
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         A special thanks to @statell​ for all your help and wisdom
Previous chapters on AO3
Chapter Nine (NSFW)
Claire and Maia packed all the personal belongings until late into the night. Claire and Jamie would leave with the helicopter in the morning and Darius would take the boat to the island of Mykonos where it would be stored in dry dock, under cover.
“Thank you for helping me, Maia. I think we’re done and if we forgot something I’ll buy it new. Get some sleep dear one, tomorrow starts early.”
Claire pulled on a black silk suit with a short skirt, tailored jacket, and starched white shirt. Black heels and the blonde wig transformed her into the billionaire’s wife, and she walked with purpose onto the forward deck with the kitten tucked under her arm. The men swiveled their gaze, stuck on the long legs coming toward them.
“Good morning gentlemen, this my engineer…” Claire froze mid-sentence realizing they had not talked about Jamie’s name for introductions. Jamie smiled and extended his hand introducing himself as Gregory Patton.
“Ah, yes, Gregory.” They piled into the chopper and watched Darius wave from the deck before running to pull anchor and make way for Mykonos.
Jamie watched the pilot openly flirt with Claire and shoved his hands under his legs to keep from balling his fists. Thomas was giddy with the almost three-hundred thousand he made in two hours of work, so he was oblivious to everything. When the yacht came into view Jamie was enchanted. It was all white and huge compared to the other boat with three decks in the back, and two in the front. He forced himself to look out the window at the ocean to hide his wonder.
Claire and Jamie walked into the saloon as the chopper was already in the air. They were met by the owner’s wife who looked very distressed. Claire smiled and held her hand out asking if everything was alright.
“Yes, Misses Dunn but I’m afraid Adso is very unhappy today and unwell. He forgets so much these days and he doesn’t want to lose his beloved boat. It’s time for us to go ashore and be looked after by our children. Please understand if my husband is short with you.”
“I promise, and I understand. Who would want to part with this?”
They found the owner on the upper deck sitting in shade looking like he lost his family, his dog, and his best friend. Claire felt tears press against her eyeballs and took a deep breath. At that moment she shed her impersonation and became Claire, the compassionate, loving, woman Jamie fell in love with.
“Mister Rosen! How nice to see you again. This is Gregory, my engineer. I understand the money has been transferred and you have papers for me to sign.”
He didn’t look up at her or acknowledge Jamie. Claire sat down next to him as his wife explained she had purchased the boat and they would soon have to leave.
“Before you do, I was hoping you could give me the history of the boat and what it can do. Like, what are the upgrades and why did you choose them, what is the farthest you have taken it?”
When he didn’t respond she asked, “what did you love most about this boat?”
He seemed to grunt and liven up a bit, looking at her and the kitten.
“What’s that?”
“This is my kitten. It will live here on the boat with me.”
“What’s its name?”
“Adso? That’s my name.”
“Well, that is fitting, isn’t it? Now then, what kind of adventures can I have on this magnificent boat?”
That seemed to break the older man out of his shell. He reached out to stroke the kitten and smiled as he launched into his stories of the exciting places they had been on the yacht. Claire’s probing questions kept him talking and Jamie watched him look younger with each sentence. Claire talked to him like they were old friends, took her jacket off and put her feet up. Jamie was ready to burst with pride in her and her compassion for the old man.
After two hours of laughing and storytelling, the wife told Adso it was time to go. The man looked at Claire with such excitement and said he was glad she would live here from now on.
“One more thing, sir. Whenever you want to spend a day exploring please do it with me.”
It was a great way to put closure on a difficult transition. He would always be welcome. Adso’s wife hugged Claire hard, knowing she just spent two hours out of the kindness of her heart and she loved her for it. She took her husband’s arm and walked across the saloon where their trusted captain waited to tender them ashore.
“You know, I think the engineer is sweet on our Mary, ha!”
Claire watched the tender pull away from the boat with a tear in her eye. Strong arms encircled her waist and Jamie’s silky voice spoke his pride, devotion, and love into her ear.
“Are you ready to see your new home handsome?”
“Lead on love.”
They started below deck in the engine room and laundry, came up one flight to the guest cabins and crew area with a separate kitchen and living area, up another flight to the main saloon and forward deck with a shaded area and table for dining and a sun area with lounge chairs, they went up a flight to a second saloon with full media support for movies and television with a second forward deck. Up another flight to the bridge with the captain’s quarters and the sun deck. Jaime was confused because they reached the top deck, but he hadn’t seen the master bedroom. Claire led him down to the main saloon showing the dining area, the galley, and straight ahead was the entrance to the master suite that blew Jamie’s mind. The level of luxury was astounding and beautiful. There was a separate deck for this bedroom that gave them privacy from the world. Large windows in the bedroom and bathroom, and a sixty-inch flat-screen that rolled out on command.
“Well, how do you like your new boat sweetheart.”
Jamie stood and caressed her cheek, holding her to him. “This is Mary Dunn’s boat and I will think of you every day for the rest of my life, on this amazing yacht. It’s my gift Claire, a trinket compared to how much I love you.”
Claire wiped her tears and gave a brave face, “I have something to celebrate our new home, I hope the Rosen’s left some glasses.”
The galley had a full service for eight; glasses, dishes, flat wear, stem wear and serving bowls. Claire pulled two glasses and opened the one bag she brought on the helicopter. She set the bottle of fine whisky and two glasses on a tray and went to Jamie on the forward deck. They toasted their new home and kissed, another glass and another kiss, the third glass made them lose themselves in a kiss that was life-sustaining for them both and they stopped thinking of life alone.
“Jamie, I remember you have a birthday this month, is that right? It was in the Louvre when we spent the afternoon talking and admiring the art. I believe the date is the twenty-first?”
“What a memory mo chridhe. The only thing I remember from that day is your skirt being pulled up by the wind, and how much I wanted to kiss you.”
She pulled his arms around her and looked at his half-smile. “Am I right?”
“Aye, you’re a clever lass.”
“I want to make your birthday memorable, what is your pleasure?”
“Marry me, Claire Beauchamp.”
She had not heard her real name in quite some time and to have it linked with a proposal made her eyes sting with tears. Jamie hugged her and asked if that was a yes and then chuckled at her tearful response that it was. He hugged her to him and felt humbled that she would pledge herself to him with such an unknown future.
“I’m not going back, Claire. I figured I couldn’t outrun them with face recognition in all the airports, banks, even department stores. Fingerprint evidence left behind everywhere I went, they would catch me eventually so I didn’t see any possibility of running. All that changed when you bought this boat, Sassenach. We just stay on the water and keep moving.” He touched her cheek, “it’s not perfect, but I will be so damn grateful for every day I have with you.”
Jamie kissed both of her wet cheeks and then a long kiss to her mouth, full of promises and love.
The sound of a boat horn pulled them apart and they looked for the boat that was pulling up to the aft deck to offload all their belongings. Darius boarded the yacht and worked the hydraulics for lowering the back platform where they all pulled bag after bag out of the arriving boat. Darius thanked the man who shuttled them back from Mykonos and Jamie handed the man a one hundred dollar bill which made him very happy.
The platform was raised back to its resting position and Claire looked at an exhausted captain and first mate. It was quite an undertaking to prepare a yacht for dry dock. A checklist that required several hours to complete and then pulling their belongings to the transport boat that would take them back.
“As the owner of this craft, I order you two to your quarters until dinner. Take whatever you need to get out of those uniforms and disappear.”
Darius looked at all the bags to be brought in and Claire exerted her position over the tired captain.
“That is an order captain, be gone with the both of you.” She smiled at Maia and felt bad she handled so much alone, the poor girl was about to collapse. “Wait! You are both required on the front deck for five minutes please.”
Claire poured four glasses of whisky, thanked them from the bottom of her heart, and they threw them back. “Now you can go.” She couldn’t help the giggle that slipped out when she was commanding but noticed the other couple did not argue. They were too tired.
The day was overwhelming for everyone. Claire had tempted Jamie’s sexual appetite too many times throughout the day, with marriage proposals, touring the boat, an intimate introduction to their bedroom. By dinner time he felt like a live wire and could not relax. Claire surprised everyone with a lovely chowder of leftover lobster, snapper, potatoes, cabbage, onions, and spices. She served the other three at the table and set warm rolls on the table as well as a large salad. It was delicious and she seemed so happy to do it, even Maia was happy to be served.
The frumpled couple retired to their rooms straight away and Claire cleared the table and started cleaning up. Jamie held her wrists to prevent her from grabbing another plate to rinse and turned her around kissing her soundly.
“Let me finish so you can get ready for bed. I want to sleep for twelve hours with you in my arms, but we have other business to attend to first.” He pulled her hand to his concrete erection and she gasped, smiling slyly.
Jamie made short work of the remaining dishes and slammed the dishwasher closed. His long arms reached every last crumb on the table and counters and leftovers were stowed in the vast refrigerator. He locked up, turned lights off, set the alarm, and grabbed the whisky and glasses on his way to the master cabin. When he stepped under the rainbird shower-head he decided it was the most exquisite shower he had ever felt. Entering the bedroom he noticed the covers turned down, but he was missing one fiancé. He looked beyond the huge sliding glass door and saw his love reclined on a double lounge. She was naked and he stepped into a beautiful night with his love ready to ease his pain.
“On your back, soldier.”
She stretched her long legs on either side of him and brought her warm mouth down on him tenderly, slowly, feeling him fill her to her throat. He moaned and gripped the lounge to keep his hands from forcing her down on him. Jamie’s head was spinning in her erotic ministrations and groaned when she straddled him, sliding her body down on him with a moan. He watched her in the moonlight, so beautiful, so lost in her arousal. He knew she had changed in the time they were together but had not the brain space to figure it out right then.
Claire was swept away with carnal love and she watched Jamie’s face feeling more and more out of control.
“Come for me lass,” was the last thing she heard before the winds of erotic release made her deaf and her body left the earth in the pulsing delight that rolled through her.
Jamie held himself back until he watched her face in orgasmic release and he groaned pulling her hips down on him until he was spent. He carried her to the enormous bed, laying her on soft cool sheets, a gift from the owner. When he turned off the lights, he couldn’t see his hand in front of his face, and it took a while to find his future wife. He held her close and thanked God for such a spectacular woman, come what may.
The tall man covered ground faster than the average human due to his extraordinary stride. Usually an advantage he appreciated unless he was on his way to a dreaded appointment, like today. The Senator’s secretary didn’t move fast enough for Hesser, so he strode into Frank’s office and told him to hang up the phone.
“Nice of you to barge in this morning. What do you want?”
Hesser almost felt sorry for the ignorant punk in front of him who could no more win the gubernatorial race than fly to the moon. He needed Hesser behind him and Doctor Beauchamp at his side if he had a chance in hell.
“We are running out of time to bring your bride back Randall, let’s take a look at some possibilities of where she might be. We know she was in Chicago, Paris, Italy, where else might she have friendlies that would give her shelter? What languages does she speak?”
When Frank didn’t jump to answer the question, Hesser stood up and grabbed his collar yanking him to his feet.
“You better take this seriously Randall, without her you lose and your career is over. You are here because we want you here, it’s not your merit or sparkling history in politics you sanctimonious idiot. Let’s add worthless to that list.”
Hesser was disgusted leaving Frank’s office and dialed his cell phone as he left.
“I need fifty more agents assigned to the Beauchamp case. I will send you their destinations in an hour. Make the travel arrangements and copy the dossier for each of them.” He clicked off his cell and tried to remember which of the Greek islands they visited on their honeymoon. He couldn’t remember a single one and barely remembered his ex-wife's face now.
The moment Claire’s eyes opened in the morning her heart rate bounced into the happy zone and everything she saw made her want to jump up and down. After a delightful shower, she pulled on a bikini followed by shorts and a loose top. Her shipmates were in the galley preparing breakfast, decidedly concerned over the lack of food.
“We have the same amount of food, it just looks sparse because the frig is bigger. Okay, okay, we will buy food today.” She laughed at the sad faces and left them to open the doors to the wonderful sea breeze.
Over breakfast Claire asked how long it was safe to sit on this anchor, “is it okay to just stay here for now?”
“No.” Darius finished his coffee and pulled Maia into his lap. “I need you to weigh in on this Maia so stay for a couple of minutes before you start cleaning up. I think it’s logical Hesser will search the Greek islands next because it makes the most sense, Italy to Greece. I say we move on to Croatia as soon as the supplies are restored. One more thing, you should go ashore as a blonde, just in case.”
“I agree Sassenach, or stay onboard and let the rest of us go ashore.”
“I need some things so I have to go, but I’ll wear the wig. Let’s split up, each with our own list, we won’t be as noticeable that way and only buy what you can carry to the beach.”
They went their separate ways and Jamie caught up with Darius on the bridge. He requested some time, so they sat in the captain's chairs and faced each other.
“You’re a captain of a ship Darius. Can you marry us?”
Darius looked long and hard at Jamie. “You’re both running for your lives and you want to get married?”
Jamie looked at his hands folded in his lap. “I suppose you feel there's a lifetime to do the important things, but I don’t feel that way. I asked her and she said yes, so we want to do this as soon as possible. We will say our vows in front of the Almighty and that’s enough for me.”
“Jamie, I can marry you in international water but I cannot file the marriage in Greece, or anywhere in the world, it will lead them to you.”
“It’s enough to know we did it and if something happens to us you can file the marriage certificate post humus.”
“Okay, that’s enough of that!” Darius got up shaking his head and turned to Jamie before he left the bridge, “I’ll marry you. We head 200 miles out for the ceremony and then set course for Croatia.”
Jamie felt tingling in his head and wanted to shout it out the window of the bridge. Several deep breaths and a smile that made his cheeks hurt were good enough. He joined the others for making lists to shop.
Claire ushered Maia into her room and led her out to the deck where they sat knee to knee.
“Jamie asked me to marry him.” She almost fell over when Maia launched herself at Claire in a happy hug. “I hope we can marry on the boat, but I want it to be special. I need a dress and some kind of decoration. Will you stay in town with me and help me?”
Maia’s eyes brightened and she stammered something about forgetting her whole list and sending the men back to the boat to unload.
“If we start early enough, we should have at least a couple of hours to shop.”
“Perfect! You are my best friend Maia.”
Little Maia blushed at that compliment because she had put Claire on a pedestal from the first day. She was deeply touched.
Jamie and Darius spent the afternoon spearfishing while Claire and Maia created lists for everyone, laid in the sun, and then gawked at the enormous lobster and grouper brought back by the men.
Jamie was fascinated by the hydraulics lifting the tender out of the water and seemed to never run out of questions when Darius was around. The next day he had the tender on the water, tied to the back of the yacht when Darius walked onto the aft deck.
“For a guy new to the water you learn fast. I appreciate the help and think it’s time you became a proper first mate if you want to.”
“Yes, I do want to but it will hurt Maia’s feelings.”
“That little beauty has very deep feelings but they’re limited to love, compassion, support, and stubbornness if that’s a feeling. You watch, she will start teaching you too and your head will spin from too much information.”
Jamie locked the boat alarm into his phone app and they piled into the tender to shop in Santorini. Between the four of them, Jamie carried the lion’s share of groceries back to the tender an hour later. Like on cue, Maia pulled a folded paper from her pocket and complained about forgetting most of the items on her list. Darius looked at all the frozen food and said he would be back to get them.
“So we meet here in four hours?”
“Four hours?”
Darius shook his head in agreement and the girls watched the tender speed away before they ran to a garment shop.
Claire was getting upset because she couldn’t find anything suitable. Maia looked around trying to help her friend and saw something perfect for the occasion. She brought it to Claire who looked it over with a critical eye.
“You will shine in this color Claire, the fabric is beautiful.”
Claire looked Maia up and down and strode across the dress shop to pick the same garment out for Maia who was thrilled with the gift. Claire would wrap herself in a soft sarong in deep blues and gold. Maia’s sarong was graduated pinks and dark green leaves sprinkled throughout. The garments felt luxurious and the women were happy. Claire inspected the men’s shirts and pulled a gorgeous white collarless linen shirt out for Jamie.
“Be a good girl and give this to Jamie tomorrow morning.”
“Oh, shit, there’s something else I need. Is there a place around here to get artist paint?”
“Yes, and I will get the decorations and champagne while you do that.”
Maia was gone in a puff before Claire could say a word. She found a nightgown that looked and felt much like the one she wore in Paris and then made her way to the craft store. Claire struggled with so many bags that were getting heavier by the minute. Maia swooped in on her and took half of them giving a puzzled look at the contents.
“It’s Jamie’s birthday tomorrow. I want to give him something from his past and hope he will try to paint again. I need to hide this stuff in a bedroom downstairs, can you help me?”
Maia looked at her like she was kidding and pointed to the tender as their feet sunk into beach sand. Fortunately, Darius came alone saying Jamie was preparing dinner and making quite a mess. Claire collapsed into her seat, exhausted from her shopping marathon. Once back at the yacht, Maia grabbed the bags with art supplies and pointed to others for Darius to bring. When Jamie came out he grabbed Claire for a long hug. He held her to him as he pulled the tender out of the water with the wench and stowed it safely in the boat garage, returning the back platform to its upright position.
“You're rather good with all these buttons handsome. It’s kinda hot.”
“That fits nicely into my plan Sassenach.”
“Which is?”
“Something to do with lobster, whisky, a slave to my pleasure and you … oh! Sorry love, I’m burning the rolls.”
Jamie ran into the boat heading for the galley and Claire shook her head and laughed.
Spirits were upbeat through dinner. They had food for several weeks, a plan to get to Croatia, and a wedding tomorrow. They were all very happy to embark on the next adventure. Maia cleaned up after dinner and Claire went up to the sundeck that had full-size mattresses across the deck that she could lay on. She smiled up at the stars and couldn’t wait to feel the wind in her hair when they were racing to Croatia.
“I’ve been looking high and low for you love. May I join you?”
“Actually, I think you will be very comfortable here Jamie. There are blankets under the bar if you get cold. I love you so much. See you tomorrow to take our vows.”
“But Sassenach, wait, what about a slave to my pleasure and ….”
“That I will surely be, tomorrow. It’s bad luck to be together before the ceremony sweetheart. I’ll miss you tonight.”
Jamie found himself alone on the upper deck, but the stars were brilliant diamonds sparkling in the black sky and he never tired of that grand view. He laid on his back and looked at them for exactly three and a half minutes then he fell asleep.
Claire arranged the canvases, paint, brushes, and other supplies in one of the bedrooms below deck. She prayed she was not overstepping but could not resist trying. He was a brilliant artist so how could he ignore such a big part of himself? She locked the door and went to her room. She was exhausted.
Darius went to sleep right after dinner. He would get up in a few hours and turn the boat toward the open ocean. It would take eight hours to reach international water and he hoped to be there before everyone woke up for the day.
Maia paced the lower saloon, checking her cell phone every other minute. She had slipped away from Claire when they were shopping to find the flower shop run by her brother’s best friend. He was happy to see her and helped her pick out three buckets of fresh flowers and garland. She gave him every penny she had, a gift to her friends. He was supposed to be here to drop them off and she started getting nervous. Another ten minutes and she got a text that he was at the aft deck. He kissed her cheek and waved, soon swallowed up by the black night. Maia stowed the flowers in the second refrigerator and sighed in relief before locking up and setting the alarm.
Jamie felt cool air on his face and opened his eyes. He could swear the boat was moving, and fast. It took a minute to remember why he was on the sundeck alone and by then he was sure they were moving. He walked downstairs to the bridge and almost scared the skin off of Darius.
“Jesus, Jamie, I didn’t expect anyone to be walking up on me. This baby is quiet, like a purring kitten. God, I love this boat!”
“Uh, where are we going?”
“You want to get married tomorrow, I mean later today, so we’re heading for international water, be there in four hours. I need something to munch on.”
Darius headed for the stairs to the galley and Jamie swiveled his head from the bridge to the retreating Darius.
“Don’t you need to drive the boat?”
Darius had a mouth full of food and shook his head trying to say autopilot. Jamie looked worried about going this fast with no one at the helm. Darius slapped him on the back, “if you’re not going back to sleep let me show you around the bridge. Why were you sleeping on the sundeck?”
“Claire says it’s bad luck to be together before the wedding.”
Darius laughed so hard he almost fell out of the captain's chair, “that’s rich, it’s what I love about women, they never make any sense when it comes to love.”
They could see the first rays of sunrise by six in the morning and it was the most beautiful sight Jamie had ever seen. He watched the colors change in the sky and on the water, purple, indigo, scarlet, orange, and a lite blue on the horizon. They were surrounded by water without a hint of anything else as far as the eye could see.
“Did you hear that?”
There was a crash below and both men stiffened and quietly crept down the stairs. Seeing a bucket of flowers come around the corner almost scared them half to death. Maia looked up at them on the stairs with a very strange expression and kept walking toward the forward deck. They got back to the bridge in time to answer the ringing phone.
"How long until we’re there?”
“Maybe an hour, why?”
“Drop it to five knots, the wind is blowing my flowers apart.”
Darius pulled the throttle back, “God she’s bossy sometimes.”
Claire stretched in her magnificent bed and smiled at the smell of bacon and sausage. When she realized this was the day she was getting married, she bolted upright in bed with a gasp. A minute later she was heading for the bathtub and panicked it was already nine o’clock in the morning. She opened the big glass door to the deck and looked around, she was pretty sure Santorini and all the moored boats were missing, in fact, she saw nothing but water on all sides and they were moving!
Maia brought a tray of food for her and explained that Darius left Santorini at one o’clock in the morning and they were now in international water.
“How does ten o’clock sound for your wedding?”
Claire swung her head from Maia to the bathtub to the sarong that hung on her closet door. Her face was pale and she nodded her head vigorously. Maia laughed and told her to relax and take her time.
Claire felt overwhelmed with bombarding emotions and wondered if Jamie was a basket-case too. He must be she decided. Meanwhile, Jamie and Darius crashed in the saloon watching a prerecorded game. Maia hung Jamie’s new shirt next to the couch he was sleeping on and decided to let them sleep for a while longer while she pressed Darius’s uniform.
At nine-fifty, Maia came down to the saloon with her new dress, makeup, and curly hair cascading down her back. He shook Jamie’s arm, and then Darius, and announced the wedding started in ten minutes. The two of them were blinking hard and shaking the sleep off as Maia handed Jamie the new shirt, clean jeans, and left giggling.
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp and James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser said the traditional vows on the main deck surrounded by their two close friends and sweet-smelling flowers. Neither had a certain future, both were being hunted, and they would never stop running, albeit in luxury. They seemed oblivious to their circumstances and kissed like they were all alone in the universe. Afterward, Maia brought out champagne and fluted glasses to toast the newlyweds.
At the same time, CIA agents were landing on every Greek island with an airport, while others flew into Athens and hired a boat to their assigned island. Five agents were pulled off Italy and sent to Greece for a total of fifty-five CIA agents looking for Claire and Jamie with eight by ten glossy photographs of face and body. They were told to follow and get their location but do not engage, that privilege was reserved for Hesser.
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painted-crow · 4 years
One Piece Sorting
Important note from Paint!
Hey there folks! This is an anonymous submission that got sent in after someone asked me to Sort One Piece. Alas, I haven't watched it and therefore can't comment, so I'll post this as it is. Thank you so much, anon!
(Surprising number of Ravenclaws in this one, huh?)
Submitting into paint's lovely submission box bc I don't have a tumblr....
Luffy- slytherin primary. Everything is about his nakama or his family or himself. "I refuse to be a hero because heros have to share their meat and I want the meat for myself". An alternate sorting would be a gryffindor with a super loud slytherin model, where being slytherin just feels right to Luffy in a gryffindor way, but I think the gryffindor primary possibility is just spillover from Luffy's super loud and obvious gryffindor secondary. Luffy solves literally all problems by charging in and refusing to back down. He's also got that gryffindor charisma thing going where he wins people over all the time.
Nami- slytherin primary, of course. "all I care about is money and mikan" where mikan turns out to just be a stand-in for "my special people". Her growth arc consists of adding the straw hats to her list of special people and trusting them. She's also a slytherin secondary, whose instinctive reaction to danger is to try to slither her way out of it and who does excellent improv in the face of danger  (observe her fight with Ms doublefinger or with Khalifa)
Zoro- I think a ravenclaw primary. One of zoro's defining moments is when he fights for usopp to be kicked off the crew. It's a moment where he stands for his principles against everyone else. And I see that moment as him fighting to defend a system of how the crew should work and how hierarchy should work, in a ravenclaw way. I also see his general adherence to a swordsman's path to be about that as well - honor is super important to Zoro but its not a gryffindor gut honor but something constructed from principles. As for secondary, its hard work hufflepuff. That's it, that's zoro's entire strategy, just keep working and working and working and working and working and working and eventually you'll get through.
Usopp- usopp is not a slytherin (he can't contemplate protecting just his own in the kuro arc). I don't think he's a hufflepuff. I'm not certain if he's a ravenclaw or a gryffindor, whether his desire to be a noble warrior of the sea is something he constructed or something he just feels. I guess if I had to, I would guess ravenclaw. He's hands down unquestionably a ravenclaw secondary whose strength is entirely based on the tools he's prepared in advance for the situations he's encountered. He can occasionally do rapid-fire ravenclaw if he's had enough prep time.
Sanji- sanji is a hufflepuff primary. The most obvious sign is his insistence that all humans deserve to not starve, but his constant need to help people is also a sign, as well as him being one of the only strawhats introduced completely suffocating his own dream because he can't abandon his community. He's a slytherin secondary who is ridiculously good at disappearing in the middle of the action to take advantage of a totally different victory opportunity he spotted. (I am basing my characterization of sanji on his pre-thriller bark character. Sanji changed a lot after thriller bark (mostly in ways I hate) and I'm not sure what type the new version sanji is)
Robin-i think Robin is probably a ravenclaw primary, she has that sort of classic ravenclaw trait of caring super deeply about truth and knowledge and accuracy etc. She's also pretty clearly a ravenclaw secondary, her strength lies in her preparations and she's not super great at reacting when her plans fall apart
Chopper's big moral moments always come when he's confronting an unethical doctor. This is why I think chopper is a ravenclaw with a hufflepuff model, not a hufflepuff - because what's important to him is the principles of a doctor's responsibility. If you made a case that medical ethics required something anti - hufflepuffian I think chopper would eventually concede once convinced. Although we have yet to see that happen. He's another ravenclaw secondary, his rumble balls and medical skills and literal brain point planning power are what he relies on.
Not sure how to type Franky's primary. He hasn't had a ton of big moral decision moments yet. Just the one gut decision to trust in Robin, which leads me to guess, along with his general personality, that he's a gryffindor primary. But it could be the gryffindor secondary that I'm pretty sure he has, charging into things and inspiring followers. (obviously also a ravenclaw model for all the stuff he builds, but I think the ravenclaw is just what he does for fun/to support the gryffindor, not his immediate reaction to challenges)
I'm pretty sure whatever brook's primary was burnt out. His new, take life as it goes and appreciate it, attitude is hard to place in any of the four houses. He does seem to feel bound by debt and duty and vows and such, that's what he falls back on when facing critical decisions, so I'm gonna guess ravenclaw primary. I'm not sure of his secondary. Sometimes he slithers, sometimes he faces head on, but in thriller bark it's all with a kind of grim desperate resignation so is probably burnt. Using slytherin in his music and in later interactions with enemies does seem to make him happier than any of the other secondaries, though, so that's what I'd go with.
Anyway these are all just my opinions of the one piece sorting and I welcome your thoughts.
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Accidental Family Man Au
remember that one ask where I talked about some projects? This is one of them. Enjoy dad franky!
So it begins with Franky – a back alley repair in the illustrious mechanic city of Water 7 – a miracle engineering city, they call it, with intertwining roads of cars and rivers. Venice, if Venice was made of concrete and had a road system above its water system, twisting above houses and everything.
Franky used to be one of those engineers that created those miracles, but an accident later, and he’s the scourge of the city and half bionic, making his living in back alley repair shops where you either pay with cash or your life.
He never said he was a good guy, did he Ice Burg?
 He still has connections though – and these connections lead to Iceburg, and to the Straw Hats.
 Iceburg’s the mayor, of course, and while he doesn’t care much for his public image, he knows that if he starts accepting money from shady kids who showed up to his doorstep possibly covered in blood with a woman who he swears he’s seen before beside him, that maybe Water 7’s people will take a hit for harboring criminals.
But hey, He knows a guy already doesn’t he?
So he sends these kids and their broken van down to the Franky House to see if he would fix their beloved, broken, van.
The Straw Hats never reach it, because the woman (Robin) gets kidnapped and a fight breaks out, leading to the separation of the group,
So the story really begins with Franky and the little broken down RV called The Going Merry, previously belonging to the kid who’s standing in front of him, begging him to fix it.
More Hcs Below cut including actual dad Franky stuff lol
That kid is Usopp, and he’s asking because Franky’s the only repair man in the illustrious city of Water 7 that will possibly accept the cash that Usopp has to offer.
He doesn’t.
Instead, he attempts to kick the kid out and gets kidnapped in return.
 So, Franky’s introduced to Ennies Lobby one of the worst places this side of the country – where people go and never come back, and hey, whats this kid doing kicking down the door?
Safe to say, Franky is rescued, and learns a little more of their story.
And Safe to say, Franky sees the woman they are going to save (him, and a bunch of teenagers and some 12 year old brat) and he near damn falls in love with her on sight and definitely does when he actually talks to her.
They save Robin, and start running – of course, Merry the van is just barely struggling to save all their added weight but they make it but also merry’s totaled.
So Franky shows them his pet project, The Thousand Sunny, supposed to be his super get away, home a way from home rv but with a few modifcations… the Straw Hat Gang has a new home. And a new crew member.
Franky learns everyone’s stories and about all the absolutely shady shit they are into. He learns he fits right in.
 And then… then the moments start happening.
He helps Usopp fix up the Sunny, and teachers him about cars and such. 
He and Chopper start bonding over bionics and medical shit that went into building his body. 
Zoro and him geek out over comic heroes (this, at least in zoro’s part, is canon the big nerd.) 
He helps Nami out with some headings and listens to her troubles. 
Sanji and him go fishing one day and it’s the most surreal experience of Franky’s life because this teen is in a three-piece suit and catching giant fish out on the shore of some lake? What? 
Franky gives Luffy advice and pulls him out of fights and shows him cool robot things.
 And its two months in when Franky realizes – here is it actually typed out lmao
“In all honesty, Franky doesn’t know how it happens.
He has a vague idea.
(Can you save her? Please? Merry’s the best.)
But still – tracing the events that led up to him frantically calling Ice-for-brains at one am in the morning at a near abandoned gas station on the west coast was a hard task.
“Ice-for-brains,” He starts using the familiar name.
“Flunky? The hell? What are you calling me now?”
“Iceberg.” The use of his real name quiets him. He knows this is serious. Franky takes a deep breath, and exhales, saying the next words in a single breath. “I accidently became a dad to six crazy teenagers. Help.”
“Goddamnit bastard-berg this is no time to laugh!””
Organizing the kids at Sabaody Park
being emotional support for all these kids trauma please world, give them a break
doing his best to say no to allowing luffy to swim with sharks but giving in anyway
being a component (aka fierce menacing bodyguard) in his daughter’s nami’s schemes
breaking up fights
 Attempting to ground known criminals who may or may not be stronger than him
Modifying the RV so that they can have Brook and Jimbe on it as well
Overthrowing the government in at least three different countries because his kids wanted to
Doing experiments with illegal fireworks on Usopp’s behest
“Do you want to play catch” “Franky that’s dynamite that we found in the stach what the fuck- “Do you want to play catch” “…Yes.”
Explaining Safe Sex to teenagers who have biggers worries such as the government
Teaching them all how to drive. He thinks hius heart has popped out of his chest.
Snoring loudly on their tiny couch and everyone just dogpiling on him
Also I had this in my notes
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So that’s a thing that’s going to happen!
Note: Everyone is aged down three years from pre TS ages  to enforce the fact that 1) the government is fucking nuts for assigning bounties to these kids in this au 2) give more dad moments as while we all need a dad in our lives at any age it gives me more plausible reason here 3) plot related issues and the fact that this story takes place over several years and 4) the image of a 14 year old taking down the government is hilarious to me.
Moving on.
Luffy – 14 years old and an absolute bastard
Luffy grew up in the port city of Fuusha as a way for Garp to keep an eye on him because of his family connections and make sure nothing bad happened to him -  didn’t quite work out.
dads a terrorist, his brothers a world class criminal, his gramps is an abusive piece of shit but also weirdly protective marine officer, his family’s complicated. 
 he grew up in the seedy underbelly of the city and made friends with a lot of criminals (who helped him get out because hey that five year old who used to steal our food is a brat and maybe we should help him get out before he becomes to chaotic (too late) and becomes our friend (also too late) )
Among these criminals are Shanks, who wanders through once in a while, Buggy, begrudging friend,  Jimbe, because he has connections, Crocodile, because this brats a bastard, and Rayleigh, among others.
Annoys them to make him his friend, continues annoying them afterwards.
 He just thinks they’re neat.
Luffy leaves two months after Ace, his brother under Dadan’s, the local gang leaders, roof, leaves because Ace can’t tell him to stay behind anymore
but the govt got word now he’s on the run – Coby helps him escape
As such, Luffy grows up with a very very skewed moral compass as in canon but a bit more, and now literally is almost ten times more feral as he should be.
  His goal is now to do whatever he wants, without people telling him what to do or that he can’t do that – He’s going to be free, damnit.
Franky understands and learns over time to adjust his Parenting Skills accordingly
Zoro – 16 and illegally owning a motorcycle because he thought the best way to improve his skill was to go out and hunt down people to fight, and of course he needs a motorcycle to do that, doesn’t he?
 He was pulled over for speeding then taken in for being underage
 He is also caught up in some bad stuff (fight circles, bounty’s, etc. this kids 16 and breaking grown men’s spines.)
Then comes Luffy who was also arrested for dine and dashing and is in the back seat.
 Luffy, who after the police car pulls over, punches out the police officer, unlocks Zoros cuffs and tells him “Drive”
 So they drive
“Hey, hey Zoro. Join my crew. It’ll be fun.”
 “Anything you say captain”
 knows Luffy for three seconds and is immediately down to murder with him
 Its great
He wants to become the greatest sword fighter still, which is still a thing in my fantasy modern world, so anyway, picture this 16 year old going up to you and tell you to fight but he has a sword in his mouth and in both hands and the most dangerous look in his eye.
 He and Luffy immediately rob a sword shop to find him new swords after they meet, it becomes a thing later on where they will steal (horribly, they literally crash in through the window every time because they have no subtly) something small from each city they visit. 
Nami - 15 year old pick pocket in the city where luffy and zoro stop, just trying to scrap up some money to pay off her family’s debt.
 Bellmere’s still alive damnit.
Nami thought Zoro and Luffy were police originally (because they are driving around in stolen police car) and tried to pull the ‘oh officer help me’ card when the people she stole from chased after her
 To her surprise, it was two kids her age in the front seat.
Luffy: “get in”
 she gets in
they dont talk about it
The people who were chasing her was Buggy’s gang who Luffy waves at as he goes by
 Buggy sends a message to Shanks which is essentially “hey that brat u liked is still alive”
And Shanks is like “oh thank god” not knowing the terror he has unleashed upon the world
A month later Arlong has mysteriously disappeared and the Bell-mere farm is flourishing while the second daughter becomes a world class criminal.
 Bell’meres never been prouder and it gives Nojiko a great conversation starter.
Usopp’s 14 and lives in a trailer park called syrup alone
Has a business where he sells odd herbs and such, passing them off as anything that will get him some money – think of it as Toad Oil from Wano but with some popgreens and such mixed in.
His goal is get enough money to stand on his own and leave the park but its slow going. And then…
 Luffy punches the heck outta the creep that was creeping on the owner of the park, kaya, and think’s Usopp’s stories are super cool.
Usopp wants to go with them, to explore the world With Luffy.
At this point, the Straw Hats have realized that driving a stolen police car around is a bad idea
so they take the huge van - a gift from Kaya named The Going Merry, and set off, using Nami’s stolen funds to get them by.
Sanji - 16 year old who longs to be a chef with the best food and just wants to feed people who need it
He hates government cause they don’t feed people and has a lot of petty grudges and helps Zeff run a lot of kitchens to help people.
 He’s still the Sous chef of the Baratie and still has a penchant for kicking unruly customers around. Baratie has a less then stellar reputation for service but the food? The best in the land.
 He feeds Luffy the food.
  Luffy likes the food.
Luffy kidnaps Sanji
Zeff worries about it but he can’t do jack since he actually is not Sanjis legal guardian (he kidnapped the kid first on accident after they both were stranded. He still tries to call anyway, and is proud of the change his son is making in the world. He’s currently working to get suspicious government people off his back about his missing Sous chef with the unique curly eyebrow…
Anyway, Sanji becomes the cook for the strawhats and is really happy because everyone likes his food and he can help anyone along the way and send business to the baratie
Its a good deal for him, and with all the places he visits his skill grows as a chef.
Chopper - 12 year old prodigy who really wants to be a doctor but both his legal guardians are out of the way
Hiruluks dead and Kureha, against her will because she’s still beautiful at 100 dammnit, is in a nursing home trying to break out
 Chopper has nowhere to go but still tries to pursue his medical career, and this fucking twelve year old does so by patching up people from bar and gang fights.
The Straw Hats pick him up and Usopp hacks into a govt control thing to sign him up for online medical course
Kureha’s proud and gives him a book of pressed cherry blossoms that was Hiruluk’s
  He cries
Chopper gets lots of practice for medical stuff with Luffy and Zoro who like to fight in fighting rings just for the heck of it, and for the money that Nami wants.
Robin – 25 year old depressed archeologist (and assassin) they found in a mafia in the next country over (Vivi’s)
Crocodile’s running it, aka Luffy’s criminal uncle number 500
 Luffy’s pissed about it and smacks him into the dust because it’s his friends country, and then drags Robin along because she needs to have some adventure, and hey, they are checking out the ruin’s next, wont that be cool?
 So robin comes along as the ‘adult super vision’, at least in Nami and Usopp and Chopper’s mind.
She learns that these kids have some how been able to dodge school, and starts teaching them the basics of what they would need to know, and then any thing else they want to know. (Zoro, she finds, is extremely good at math while Sanji enjoys chemistry. Nami and Usopp catch on quick, while Chopper has his own studies already but enjoys talking to her. Luffy dislikes learning, but if the promise of pirates or foods or letters that wont spin in his head is involved, he’ll gladly sit down for a bit. He especially loves the stories however.)
Robin finds herself inching dangerously into mom territory, and accepts it whole heartedly after meeting Franky, who she finds handsomely hilarious.
She has a shady past but is slowly opening up about it, and knows she will watch the world burn for this crew.
Y’all know about Franky already so im gonna move on.
Brook – super fucking Old musician they found on the street looking for his dog Laboon
 He used to be a star but lost his fame but doesn’t care – he  only wants to make people happy with his music.
Luffy just straight up just drags him into the sunny, its becoming a habit of him kidnapping people, that’s not how you make friends Luffy (or at least it shouldn’t be – he always seems to make it work.)
 Everyone just goes with it at this point while Franky sighs and triie sto figure out how to make a giant RV even bigger
The Crew find out his dog is living in luffy’s home town and used to play with Luffy when his friends weren’t around. They vow to go back once everything dies down, but in the mean time Dadan gets a new guard dog in her house hold
Usopp posts one (1) video of Brook (on Halloween in skeleton make up) and he instantly becomes a revived star, thriving on the mytery of the Skeleton Soul King.
He now posts videos from around the world of him singing but its impossible to predict where he will be next, and he’s invisible with out his make up to the internet, so its good for the whole criminal thing.
(best) Criminal uncle 501
 No one knows exactly how he knows luffy beyond luffy himself but they are 90% sure its something to do with the underground warlord system that Luffy has connections too
 He gives the best hugs, Uncle Iroh but without the well-meaning manipulation.
 He’s tired of responsibility that he has in his underground position and kinda wants to fuck off to the Caribbean but then he meets luffy again and is like this is better
He Leaves the fishman gang behind with subordinate in charge and joins strawhats
He becomes stressed - “Why did you choose an archeologist and a man who wears speedos for adult supervision, how are you alive, do you need a hug, do you know basic math, have you even gone to school, oh thank god Robin is here - ”
Two minutes later
“Do you have code names, can I have one,”
 He’s a big faker the dummy everyone can see right through you, you’re aren’t on this crew if you have common sense
Between dad moments, essentially its just the Straw hats breaking in and causing havoc where ever they go, building their bounties and being a found family.
That’s it for now, but please ask questions! Sorry this was so long lmao, ill also add something for Vivi later!
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sparda3g · 5 years
One Piece Chapter 959 Review
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All hopes have vanished for the Samurai. It’s bad enough to lose hope, but it is worse to learn a sign of reinforcements come and gone before the fateful day. What happened prior to this day? This chapter answered the question, yet left some details behind.
It opens with a flashback, two days before the battle, and like how it was two chapters ago, the mood was peaceful and hopeful. Not to mention, everyone was very excited. They feel like they can win this war. Obviously, it won’t be easy, but it’s not stopping them from trying. Everything was going all accordingly. Usopp and Franky are treated like bosse; high respect and believed their words. They planned to leave Thousand Sunny at Amigasa. More on that later. A good two-to-three pages focused on the planning. Knowing what happened now, none of it went through.
One of the more lighthearted moments is the new “design” of Luffy, Brook, and Chopper. If they’re going to represent the Samurai, then they might as well dress as one. They came with fully-armored Samurai gears; reminds me of Avatar’s scene with Aang dressing the similar design for the big day. I got to say, they do look pretty cool, Chopper included. I got to hand it to Oda with the nice detail on the armor. He can draw some impressive stuff that doesn’t involve with characters.
The other lighthearted moment is the old classic return of rivalry with Sanji and Zoro. It feels good again to see them go against each other. Sanji’s ego is still at large with his bounty being higher, to the point he feels obligated to insult/mock Zoro’s bounty. Zoro replies with Enma slash. The rivalry runs deep. Honestly, I’m anticipated to see the aftermath of this arc to see who will win at the bounty brawl. My money is on Zoro.
There are other Minks with Inuarashi, top level fighters no less. With full moon, the reinforcements will grow tremendously. Sulong transformation could give them a massive advantage. I’m very much looking forward to their designs when transformed, especially Inuarashi. Supposedly, Nekomamushi and other guardians are on their way, but that remain a mystery, even currently.
The one part that I’m thankful to see at last is Luffy’s concern for Jimbei. It’s a good thing he put two-and-two together with Big Mom now in Wano Country. With that said, it’s not assuring since it indicates Jimbei’s defeat or worse. It keeps the fans’ worries for his life, though I do believe he’s alive. The lack of presence can be used as an element of surprise. It’s on Oda’s call to see whether he wants him gone or not. If anything, I’m just hoping he’s back in one piece.
With everything looking bright with the Strawhats and others, the Okobore Town however was looking grim. Holdem searched for the answer on the disappearance of their crops. Otsuru, Kin’emon’s wife, was going to be the savior for the citizens by detouring Holdem elsewhere. At first, it was playing off like she was going to be sacrificed, which would be pretty upsetting. Instead, the twist comes in when someone there shouted a clue that these people did in fact receive foods from “bandits.” Oda doesn’t show who the culprit is, but it reinforced the idea that there’s a traitor in the rebels. I don’t know if it’s the same guy, but this began the downward spiral.
The chapter transition to the night before the battle and confirms every destruction happened in one night. What’s puzzling is how in the world Orochi knew every location to their plan. The only explanation is someone is a spy, fed him with all the information he needed, including Hiyori’s location. He confirmed his Intel gave him these details. The fact he accurately pinpointed the location of Thousand Sunny most definitely suggest a spy. The question remain, who could it be? I doubt Thousand Sunny is destroyed, but how it would be saved is definitely an intriguing thought to consider. Jimbei sounds like a wishful thinking, but you never know.
Although it’s all bad news and such, I do like the fact Orochi’s awareness, albeit overly caution, has its benefits. Usually, a villain just falls for practically any surprise because of their confidence. With Orochi, he goes with great caution and wipe out any possible threat by any means necessary. It’s not like he waits for them; he wants everyone out. It’s a nice change of a villain’s trait; making the scenario much tougher to overcome. The flashback confirmed couple of things, such as traitor within the rebels’ base, how Orochi handled the situation, and some key elements to be aware of, mainly Jimbei’s presence. As for the traitor, the reveal will have to wait.
Back to the present timeline, it’s night and day difference in terms of mood; no pun intended. It’s sad to think Kin’emon and others had to sacrifice so much and if they were to delay, it will go in vain. The prophecy, the food, the town, everything will be pointless. It’s a lot at stakes; delaying isn’t an option. I felt bad for those who time traveled, 20 years gone to waste, waiting and hoping. I admire these men’s integrity to honor and respect Oden’s blessings. Without him, they wouldn’t be here today. It’s honorary and sad.
Surprisingly, the chapter doesn’t end with an interest towards the current timeline. Instead, it enters yet another flashback; however, not only it’s further back to the past, 39 years to be exact, but it centers on none other than Oden. It looks like we will see his face in the next chapter. That said, interesting to see the crowd’s reaction greatly differs to what we have seen earlier with other guys, such as Roger. It’s night and day difference; should have titled this chapter “Night and Day.” Everyone appeared to be afraid of Oden, but why. We’ll know soon enough.
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Overall, this chapter was intriguing. It’s more like a build-up chapter, even though it took place in the past with an established outcome. Regardless, it did give fans concerns on Jimbei’s whereabouts and the traitor lurking within the rebels. It presented the moment where everything hits rock bottom for them with Orochi’s knowledge from his source, whatever or whoever may be. The next flashback intrigued me to finally see the design of Oden. Already, he appeared to look like something only One Piece would usually do in terms of goofiness. Even so, I’m looking forward to the story that started it all.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 5 years
Arachnophobia: Chapter 1
A/N: I wrote for not-my-fandom again. I think I’m like...in now. Whoops. Sonny whump inside! 
“Shit!” Sonny said in surprise and then, “Fuck!” as his second boot landed deeply in the mud beside his first. Within seconds he was up to his knees. “What the—“
There was a crunch behind him and he threw out a hand in warning, craning his neck around as far as he could since his legs refused to do anything except sink. “Wait! Hold up! Don’t come down here!”
Clay’s face appeared first, weapon drawn, his eyes narrow with concern. It took him a second to realize what he was seeing but when he did his face split into a wide grin. “Don’t you say a word,” Sonny warned as he tried to wade back toward him to no avail. He nearly face planted and it took every bit of core strength he had to keep himself upright. “God damn it!”
“You a little stuck there buddy?” Clay said.
“Will you quit smirking and get me out of here?”
There was more rustling and Jason and the rest of the team appeared through the trees. “Careful boys!” Clay said. “We’ve got a situation here.”
“Sonny, we can’t take you anywhere,” Ray said with a laugh.
“I am not the only one who didn’t know there was a mud hole through these trees!” Sonny said. He was nearly up to his hips at this point. “I just happened to be the only one brave enough to go first. So you’re welcome that you’re not all down in this mess with me.”
“You know people pay a lot of money for stuff like this,” Jason said.
“Yeah it naturally exfoliates your skin,” Trent said.
When they all looked at him he shrugged. “What? I listen to the women in my life.”
“You mean your mother?” Brock said with a snicker.
“Would you all shut the fuck up and get me out of here!” Sonny snarled as he sank another inch.
“All right, all right.” Jason took a few steps closer and then braced himself, reaching for Sonny’s arm. “One, two, three!”
In the end it took all of them hauling his sorry ass up the slope to free him from his muddy prison. “I fucking hate the rainforest,” Sonny gasped when he was finally lying on solid ground again.
They’d been in Brazil for a week hunting down someone on Mandy’s wanted list. It was the rainy season, hell it was probably always the rainy season, and they’d spent a good deal of their time hiking up and down the rainforest. It was a recon only mission and it had all gone exactly according to plan, meaning mood on the way out was fairly high, even if they did have to walk practically half the country to reach the exfil site. Apparently setting a chopper down in the rainforest was kind of a big no no.
“Yeah well it obviously hates you right back buddy,” Jason said, slapping his shoulder. “Up and at ‘em boys. We’ve got another six miles to cover today.”
Six miles in his sodden, muddy gear. Perfect. Sonny tried to wipe some of it off but the stuff clung to him like glue. “Of all the damn places in the world, we’ve got to end up traipsing through the jungle,” he grumbled as they walked.
“If we were in the desert you’d be complaining about the sand,” Clay said.
“You know for a guy who knew what he was signing up for when he joined the team you seem awfully surprised that it’s not always a vacation,” Ray told him.
“I’m just saying would it be so bad to have a mission that took us somewhere that the nature didn’t want to kill us faster than the baddies?” Sonny asked.
“And where exactly would that be?” Trent replied. “I don’t think they authorize too many covert ops in the Bahamas.”
“I said somewhere the nature wouldn’t kill us,” Sonny shot back. “They have sharks in the Bahamas. Do you know how many--”
“All right, enough,” Jason said. “The next time they authorize a mission to Boise you can head it up. Until then, quit whining and walk faster. Emma’s got some kind of recital thing coming up and if I miss it I’m going to have to add another award to my Worst Father of the Year collection.”
By the time dusk arrived they were more than ready to set up camp. Everyone was tired and just wanted to get some sleep before their final hike out in the morning.
Sonny collapsed onto a fallen tree and began unlacing his boots. “Oh Sonny no!” Trent groaned and everyone else joined in the protest.
“Hey! I’ve got mud squashing between my toes. I ain’t walking out of here tomorrow with half the rainforest in my boots!” he said.
“Well at least sit downwind,” Ray told him as they began breaking into their MRE’s.
Sonny glared at him and went back to trying to remove some of the mud and debris from his gear. It was pointless, but if he kept his boots off all night at least they’d be a little drier in the morning.
“I’ll take first watch,” Brock offered.
Sonny knew he was as eager to get home as Jason. The length of their mission and hike through the jungle with who-knew-what kind of animals hanging around meant the furriest member of their team had stayed home. Brock was missing him something fierce, even if he’d never admit it, and Sonny was too. There was something comforting about having the dog’s presence with them. Without him it felt like somebody was missing from the team.
“You took first watch last night,” Jason said. “Clay’ll do it tonight.”
“Fine with me,” Clay said, shoveling in another bite of his dinner as if it was Texas BBQ rather than flavorless cardboard.
“No falling asleep on the job there kid,” Sonny said. “If you let a jaguar eat me I’ll kill you.”
“It would take one bite of you and spit it right back out,” Brock said.
“Hey, out of this group I am obviously a jaguar’s first choice. It ain’t going for Clay’s skinny ass. That’s not going to get him very far.”
“I don’t know I think Jason looks like a pretty juicy jaguar steak,” Ray said with a grin.
“Nah, he’s way too tough,” Trent said.
“You all keep this up and I’ll feed you to a jaguar,” Jason chastened them, leaning back against a tree and closing his eyes.
One by one Sonny listened to his brothers fall asleep. After so many years together it was easy to know who had nodded off. Trent snored like a lumberjack. Jason breathed like Darth Vader. Ray tossed and turned. Brock, who was typically a pretty quiet guy, muttered things. And Clay, always Mr. Go, go, go, got so still they sometimes wondered if he was breathing.
Sonny settled against his pack, staring up at the canopy above. His skin itched and his shoulders were stiff from carrying their gear. But honestly, for all his complaints, he wouldn’t trade this for anything. Traveling the world with his brothers and blowing shit up along the way was the stuff eight-year-old Sonny had only dreamed of.
“Kinda pretty isn’t it?” Clay asked.
“If ya like trees,” Sonny said.
“Keep an eye out for snakes,” Brock said, his hat pulled down low over his face. “Drop down from the trees and wrap you up before you even know what happened.”
Sonny stared at him. Brock was a pretty serious guy, which meant you never knew when he was pulling a fast one. “Now why’d you have to go and put that thought in my head? How am I supposed to sleep knowing that there’s tree snakes up there waiting to dive bomb me?”
“With your eyes closed,” Trent said. “Shut up.”
Despite Sonny’s worries he must have drifted off at some point because the next thing he knew Ray was shaking his shoulder. “Come on. Time to move.”          
Sunlight had barely started filtering through the canopy. The others were already up gathering their gear. “What’d you guys have breakfast without me?”
“Tried to wake you three times,” Clay said. “Thought about just leaving you here to live with the monkeys but Ray said it was too much paperwork.”
“Ha ha.” Sonny stretched, his shoulders and neck popping after a long night of sleeping on the ground. “You’d better watch out young Jedi or I might just let a croc get you on our way out of here.”
“Sonny!” Jason said. “Let’s go!”
Sonny shoved his left foot into his stiff, dirty boot and pulled the laces tight. His right foot went in next and almost immediately he felt a sharp pain in his ankle. “Ow! What the—ow!!” Something stabbed him a second time and he quickly withdrew his foot.
He turned the boot over and banged it on the ground. A spider the size of his hand skittered out and slipped away through the undergrowth. “What the hell is wrong with this place?” Sonny asked as he jammed his foot back inside. The others had already started making tracks.
“Sonny let’s go man,” Clay said, disappearing through the trees.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. Just had a spider the size of Mount Everest in my boot but sure, leave me behind. It’s fine.”
He caught up easily even with stabbing pain in his ankle. Damn thing probably jabbed him with its giant pincers or legs or antennae or whatever the hell spiders had.
“Don’t you even start with me Jason Hayes,” Ray was saying from the front of the pack. “You know you’re the worst golfer on this team.”
“You’re not particularly good yourself there Ray,” Sonny said. He shivered as goose bumps ran up and down his spine. “If I recall, last time we went out you ended up owing some pretty big dollars to the course for that golf cart you put a dent in.”
“That was Clay’s fault and you know it,” Ray said.
“I was just testing to see if your SEAL focus could stay intact even on the green,” Clay said with a cocky grin.
“Yeah how was your focus in the sand trap? Did you feel right at home there?” Jason asked.
“Just like being back in country,” Clay said.
Sonny laughed with the rest of them and then paused to adjust his boot again. Now there was a burning sensation spreading down his foot into his toes. What in the hell?
He limped a few more steps and stumbled. Clay caught his shoulder. “Careful there buddy. Don’t need a repeat of yesterday.”
Sweat dripped down his neck. He pulled at his collar. Even in the early hours of the morning the jungle was like being inside a wet paper bag.
“So what’s Emma doing at this recital?” Trent asked.
“Some song. I don’t know. Something by Lady Gaga maybe? Isn’t that who the kids are into?” Jason said.
“I say we get Sonny dressed up in that meat suit and then see how Cerb likes it,” Clay teased.
Sonny’s throat seemed strangely tight. He blinked, tried to clear the sweat out of his eyes as pain shot up his whole leg. He reached out a hand to steady himself against a tree and then found himself sinking down onto a stump.
“What are you doing?” Clay asked.
“I gotta take my boot off,” he said, trembling fingers reaching for his laces. It felt like someone was stabbing him repeatedly and he needed to fix it NOW.
“Sonny what’s up?” Ray said.
“I can’t,” he squeezed his eyes shut against the pain, “I can’t get it off!”
“Well then just leave it and come on!” Ray said.
Sonny shook his head, his breath coming out in short gasps. Clay rolled his eyes. “All right Cinderella.” He knelt and grabbed hold of the boot. Sonny had to grip the stump he was sitting on and bite his tongue to keep from yelling as the pain reached a new level of excruciating.
“What the hell?” Clay asked when it didn’t budge.
“Come on Clay, Jay’s not gonna wait for us,” Ray said.
“It won’t come off,” he said in confusion.
“Guys,” Sonny took a breath and gritted his teeth. He’d tolerated a lot of pain in his life, he’d been blown to hell, shot, stabbed, but nothing compared to this. “I need you to get it off. Now.”
“Okay, all right, relax,” Ray said calmly. “Jay!”
The rest of the team stopped and turned around. Jason spread his hands. “What the hell are you three doing?”
“I can’t get his boot off,” Clay said.
Jason stared at him. “His boot? Why are you taking his boot off?” he looked at Sonny. “Why are you taking your boot off?”
“Jason, I swear to you, there is a god damn red hot poker in there and I need it off now,” Sonny said. He felt something akin to panic rising in him as the pain continued to increase. It was making his chest tight, his breath wheezing in and out like he’d run a marathon.
“Well just pull it off!” Jason said.
“I think his foot is swollen or something,” Clay said. “It won’t come off.”
“We could cut it,” Ray suggested.
“We still have two hours to hike. What’s he going to walk out of here with one boot on?” Jason asked.
“Sonny can you put weight on it?” Trent asked. “Whatever’s going on we can’t fix it until we get out of here anyway.”
His hands were shaking and he felt dizzy. “I can try.”
Clay and Trent helped him up and the instant he put weight on it he let out a howl and went to his knees.
“All right, all right sit down,” Trent said, pushing him back onto the stump. He looked up at Jason. “I think it’s gotta come off.”
Jason nodded grudgingly. The small part of Sonny that wasn’t in excruciating pain felt guilty for holding everybody up but he was in true agony and didn’t think he could move even if he tried.
Brock handed Trent his knife and the medic carefully began to slit the laces. Every movement caused a flare of pain. “Oh my god Trent,” Sonny said. “Just rip the damn thing off if you have to!”
Trent didn’t even spare him a glance, just kept working steadily away until he was finally able to ease the ruined shoe off.
Sonny thought he would feel instant relief but as Trent peeled his sock back alarm slammed through him. His entire foot was red and swollen with two distinct sets of puncture marks along his ankle. “What the fuck is that?” he asked in a shaky voice.
“Looks like a bite,” Trent said turning his ankle back and forth. “When did this happen?”
“I uh, maybe it was the spider that was inside my boot this morning?” Sonny said. His heart was starting to flutter uncomfortably inside his chest.
“A spider? How big? What did it look like?”
Even in the worst agony of his life Sonny spared a half second to glower at him. “Like a fucking big spider Trent.”
Trent rolled his eyes and continued his inspection. “Looks like an allergic reaction. Not much I can do. Long as it doesn’t spread you should be fine.” Privately he was a little worried about how quickly Sonny’s foot had blown up, but with no good medical help for several miles the only thing to do was keep on. He smeared antibiotic cream over the punctures and made Sonny take a couple Benadryl then nodded to Jason. “We’re good to go.”
Jason and Clay hauled Sonny to his feet. “Oh god,” he croaked as his vision blurred. His stomach turned and he swallowed hard, trying not to vomit.
“Tough it out Sonny, come on,” Jason demanded as they began to walk. He sounded harsh but Sonny knew him well enough to pick up on the subtle note of concern. If Jason was worried he must be in deep shit.
The next hour was the most miserable experience in Sonny’s recent memory. His foot burned like it was on fire. Sweat dripped down his face, stinging his eyes, and breathing seemed almost impossible. His stomach churned in his belly and was accompanied by stabbing pains there as well.  His heart was beating so loudly he could feel it in every part of his body. He wondered idly if the others could hear it as they dragged him along.
They made it another fifteen minutes before Sonny felt his knees give out. “Whoa!” Clay said, taking on his full weight.
“Trent,” Sonny gasped, “something ain’t right.”
“All right let’s get him down,” Jason ordered.
Clay and Brock helped lower him to the ground. Clay shoved his pack underneath as a makeshift pillow while Trent appeared directly above Sonny’s head. “What’s going on? Talk to me Sonny.”
 “I can’t uh, I can’t breathe,” Sonny said gasping for air. It felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest if he didn’t die of asphyxiation first.
“Let’s get his gear off,” Trent ordered, his fingers already stripping off anything he could reach. Clay helped and in short order they had him stripped to his undershirt and pants.
“TOC this is Bravo One we have a situation here,” Jason said into his radio.
 “I—“ Sonny tried to speak but his stomach cramped violently and everything that he’d eaten in the last twenty-four hours came right back up.
“Whoa! Get him on his side!” Trent yelled.
Sonny choked and retched until there was nothing left and then the guys rolled him unceremoniously onto his back. Trent reached for his wrist and began taking his pulse with one hand while he shoved a syringe at Brock with the other. “Open this,” he ordered.
Sonny’s head was swimming and he was having a hard time following what was happening. “Trent—“ he rasped.
“I’m right here Sonny. You’re going to be fine.” But Trent’s face said he was worried. “Tell me what you’re feeling.”
 “’m dizzy,” Sonny said, closing his eyes as Brock returned the needle. “And my chest is—“
His whole body seized.
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rad-neto · 6 years
“Feels Like Drowning.”
@lawlu-events | FOR THE LAWLU BIG BANG 2018 | artwork by @ariririsu 
He was in love.
A simple conclusion brought together by a series of not exactly unfortunate events. He was quite simply in love and almost terrifyingly so.
Oh god.
He was in love.
It wasn’t as simple as he thought it was going to be, actually. In fact, he is rather terrified. He was in love and scared and he had never felt something as amazing as those two emotions smashed together like some disgusting sandwich.
At twenty-seven years old he fell in love for the very first time and it felt like drowning.
Trafalgar D. Water Law, P.h.D. in a lot of things that aren’t particularly important to this story. But he was a medical person, to be unspecific. He was medical and magical, like most folk were. Magical, that is, not medical. Although there were plenty of medical people out there, just to clarify. But Law was a wizard as well as a surgeon and it came in handy in tricky situations, he supposed. Like saving the life of a seventeen year old boy who had gotten himself impaled on a thing. Yes, a thing, just a thing because a surgery that happened two years ago was two years too long for him to bother remembering what exactly a person was impaled with because two years ago it didn’t really matter to him.
Two years later it did matter a lot more than he expected because two years later a lot of unexpected things began to occur in his life, that on any normal day he would question, but there was no normal day left for him to be allowed to ponder those thoughts. Two years later, he met a boy named Monkey D. Luffy, a wizard like him. A freakishly powerful wizard who could probably split mountains with a simple armament spell casted on his fist. Not only that, but Luffy had, like, a lot of insanely powerful wizard friends who scared Law a lot, not that he would ever admit that.
But he supposed it was his fault anyway for saving Luffy’s life two years ago.
It started in January. He received a knock on his door at five in the evening. It was a Saturday and it was his day off and he was just about to order some dinner from that Thai restaurant down the street when it happened. With a sigh, Law set down his cell phone and walked up to the door, opening it without checking the peep hole first. On the other side was two men. They were both the same height, roughly. One had wavy blonde hair and a burn that covered the left side of his face which would seem terrifying if it weren’t for the fact that his smile was gentle and kind and not at all psychotic like you would expect. The other had black hair and several freckles decorating his face. He didn’t look as friendly as the other man, but Law willed himself to be unbothered by it.
“Can I help you?” he asked, hoping he didn’t sound as impatient as he felt.
“Sorry for bothering you,” the blonde one said. “But we had just moved in next door and we kinda felt the need to introduce ourselves to the neighbors. My name is Sabo and this is my brother Ace and we also have a little brother named Luffy but he’s out with his friends right now so it’s just us at the moment. I made casserole as a gift.” He held up a foil covered container Law just now noticed and before he could say anything it was pushed into his hands.
From a crack in the foil, he could smell the dish and its savory, cheesy aroma had his stomach aching. “Thank you,” he said, almost unsurely. “I’m Dr. Trafalgar Law, it’s a pleasure meeting you.” Again, with the formalities. He was tired of speaking so politely after having to do so much of it at the hospital already.
The brothers left him with brief instructions of how to heat up the casserole if it gets too cold before returning to the apartment beside his. He really was grateful for the food, it saved him from wasting money on mediocre Thai food takeout. Law spent the next few hours preparing and eating dinner alone while watching reruns of Doctor Who on his box TV.
While being a surgeon does get him a lot of money, Law was more of the type to conserve his money rather than spend it recklessly on things that weren’t essential to him like a fancy house or car. Hell, he didn’t even drive to work, he took the bus just so he could save a couple dollars that he could use to pay rent and his bills.
He shoveled another bite of casserole into his mouth, chewing slowly as he watched the opening sequence of the Doctor Who episode began to play. One might think a life like this was lonely, but he didn’t mind it. Not at all. Not even a little bit. Not even when he wakes up alone in his bed, the sheets cold and the silence deafening. Not even when he eats dinner alone, watching television until he passes out on his couch. Not even when he unlocks the door to his apartment and walks into an empty home. He wasn’t lonely. He wasn’t lonely at all.
Suddenly, his door blasted open and he was sprayed with bits of wood and brick.
Of course he was surprised by this. Exploding doors was not a common occurrence. It wasn’t even mentioned in the advert when he found this vacant apartment a few years ago.
Law coughed up the smoke that had invaded the lungs, swiping at the dust in the air as he stood from his seat and approached his ruined doorway. On the floor of his apartment was a boy. A boy wearing a straw hat and sandals. The boy laid there for a few moments before slowly detaching himself from the ground, dust and debris covering every part of him. He coughed once.
“Hi,” the boy said cheerily, grinning at Law.
“You destroyed my door.”
Sabo and Ace suddenly appeared from what used to be his doorway, concern etched in their expressions. “Luffy!” Sabo exclaimed in surprise. It took him a moment to connect the dots and his pleasant surprise turned to disapproval. “Luffy, what did we say about using destructive spells indoors?”
“Not to?” the boy answered unsurely, looking up at his brother with an innocent and sheepish smile.
Ace grabbed Luffy by the collar and dragged him out into the hallway as Sabo repeatedly apologized for his brother’s behavior and that he would deal with the damage immediately. Law could do nothing except blink as the three of them disappeared, the door repairing itself after being hit with a quick spell from the blonde brother.
He believed those brothers were the most bizarre neighbors he had ever met in his entire life.
After tidying up his apartment with a series of cleaning spells, Law went to bed. He slept only briefly before waking and, well, getting on with his day. It was still the weekend so he intended to spend what was left of it relaxing, something he didn’t get to do often on any other day. He wore comfortable clothes: a pair of joggers and a plain t-shirt. He thought of all the things he needed to do and was glad that he didn’t need to leave his apartment at all unless he wanted to. And he didn’t want to. Not at all.
Law laid on his couch and read a book. And it wasn’t a medicine related book at all. It was a book with a real story, with characters and plot and it was the best thing he had ever read since before he became a surgeon. What was he even reading? Probably Neil Gaiman or something, he had a handful of his books. But it didn’t matter to him because he was actually reading a book because he wanted to not because he had to. And he liked that. Doing things for pleasure, not for work. And that was something he was not going to do today. Work.
A knock on his newly-repaired door interrupted his book reading and he grumbled as he doggy eared the page he was on and set the novel on his coffee table.
Who dares to interrupt my reading time? He thought in a very Mufasa sounding voice, which he immediately regretted and erased the memory of ever thinking in such a way. It was embarrassing to say the least.
Opening the door, he saw the straw hat boy from last night. Luffy, he believed. Law rose a brow at him, urging him to speak.
“Uh, well,” Luffy began, frowning in thought. “Sabo said I had to apologize for breaking your door last night. So, sorry, I guess.” He grinned brightly and it was almost blinding.
Despite his words, Luffy didn’t sound very apologetic at all. Law decided to ignore that and tell him he already forgave him so he can go back to his own apartment so that Law could be left alone, again. But then Luffy held up a pie dish.
“Sabo also made you this! As a gift. It’s really tasty, Sabo always makes tasty things, but not as much as Sanji does. Sanji’s my friend! He cooks in a real fancy restaurant downtown. But he’s also very good at kicking things and it’s fun when he and Zoro fight all the time. Oh, Zoro is my other friend, he has green hair and uses three swords to fight and it’s super cool! One time he fought a dragon can you believe that? Because I can, I saw it with my own two eyes,” Luffy rambled, pointing at his eyes for emphasis.
It was clear that he had more to say and Law wasn’t really interested in any of it, but he was trying not to be rude so he did something he wouldn’t have expected himself to do in a million years and invited the boy into his apartment. Luffy walked in cheerily and set the pie on the table, sitting on top of it as he continued to talk about his friends.
“Besides Zoro and Sanji, there’s also Nami, Robin, Chopper, Usopp, Franky, Brook, Jinbei,” he counted them off on his fingers as Law grabbed plates for the pie. “Nami is real mean sometimes, and stingy and greedy and other bad things. But she can be nice, too. She lives on a tangerine orchard with her big sister Nojiko. Nojiko is nicer than Nami but Nami is my friend because she’s mean. It’s a whole thing.” Law sliced the pie and scooped a piece for himself and Luffy. “Robin is super serious. Well, sometimes she makes a joke that I don’t really understand and she says weird stuff like “I hope we don’t die” or something like that. It’s weird but kinda funny too, especially when she scares Nami and Usopp. Speaking of Usopp, he has this real long nose, he looks kinda like Pinocchio and—yes, I’d like ice cream with my slice, thanks—and he’s a real wimp but he’s brave when he wants to be and that’s what’s great about him.” Law set the plate of pie beside Luffy and sat down in front of him with a bored expression. “Then there’s Chopper who’s a talking reindeer. He’s also a doctor and he’s super funny. Do you know any talking animal doctors?” He shoveled a portion of pie into his mouth, chewing obnoxiously.
Law had made himself tea and sipped from his mug before answering. “Yes, actually, I do. One of my colleagues is a polar bear mink,” he said, taking a bite of his own pie.
Luffy’s eyes lit up like light bulbs. “A talking polar bear?” he exclaimed excitedly, bits of crust and filling spraying from his mouth and Law had to grimace.
“Yes,” he confirmed, pulling out his cell phone and browsing through it to find a picture. Once he found one, he showed it to the boy. “His name is Bepo and he works as my assistant surgeon.”
Luffy grinned at that, teeth stained red from the cherry filling and crumbs were wedged between them. It was a hideous smile and yet Law found it strangely charming. Which he would never admit. Ever. He put his phone back in his pocket and focused his attention onto his pie. When he looked up, he saw that Luffy had practically inhaled his slice of pie and he was unsure if he should be impressed or horrified.
“Oh yeah,” Luffy burped. And I mean actually burped. Somehow he managed to create words from a disgusting noise. “I forgot to introduce myself. Sabo says that’s bad manners.” Obviously Luffy had been minding his manners throughout his entire visit. “My name’s Monkey D. Luffy! I’m gonna become King of the Wizards!”
It was a ridiculous ambition because becoming King of the Wizards was a myth and more of a children’s fairytale, but he decided not to say anything about that. “Dr. Trafalgar D. Water Law,” he introduced in turn. “I’m a surgeon at the hospital downtown.”
“‘S nice to meet you, Torao!” That wasn’t his name but okay, whatever, he was tired.
Luffy hopped down from his seat on the table and dusted the crumbs off his shorts. “Thanks for the pie. I’ll come again later to hang out! We’ll be the best of friends!” And then he waved. And then he left.
Law should be upset that Luffy had just invited himself over for whenever he felt like coming, but he was terrified to find that he was actually looking forward to his next visit. He was just too damn charming.
Luffy visited frequently. At first, he came only on the weekends, but then he started visiting in the middle of the week, and then he started bringing along some of his friends. The first time, he had showed up with his brother Ace. Now Law was fine with that because Ace was also his neighbor and he did his best to make them comfortable and to avoid the intimidating glare he would feel directed at the back of his head every time he turned around. Then Luffy began bringing others to his apartment.
He met Zoro on a Wednesday, after he had finished up at work and got home early that evening. He hadn’t even changed out of his clothes yet when there was a knock on his door. His heart leapt in his chest as he expected it to be Luffy on the other side (but again, he would never admit that his heart did any acrobatics in his chest at all) and he opened it to find, yes, it was Luffy! But also a tall green haired man standing right behind him.
“Heya, Torao! I brought Zoro with me this time! I told him you had a cool sword and he said he wanted to see it,” Luffy was already walking past Law and into the apartment, friend in tow. Law watched as they approached the nodachi displayed on his wall, a cursed sword that his uncle Doflamingo bought for him as a Christmas gift, but he wasn’t superstitious so he kept the sword because it looked like a cool decoration.
“Hey, Torao, what was your sword named again?” Luffy asked suddenly.
Law shut the door and joined them by the nodachi. “Kikoku,” he answered. “It’s supposed to be cursed.”
He would have found the way Luffy looked absolutely thrilled at the prospect of a cursed sword worrisome if it weren’t for the fact that his chest felt incredibly tight and his cheeks felt they were burning at four hundred and fifty one degrees Fahrenheit. But besides that, Zoro looked just as excited as Luffy, in his own way of course.
“A cursed blade, huh? Just like my Sandai Kitetsu,” he patted the hilt of one of his swords for emphasis. “You ever used it before?”
Law suddenly felt a bit suspicious. “Er, no, not really. I’ve only ever used it as a decoration,” he answered unsurely.
Zoro frowned. “Disappointing.”
It was then that Law realized that Zoro might have intended to challenge him to a duel had he been able to use Kikoku. He already didn’t like this. Luffy took control of the conversation from there, talking excitedly about his day and how he saw his friend Jinbei riding an actual whale shark in the ocean. And after sharing a dessert and some tea, Luffy and Zoro left and Law was left alone.
He was afraid that this would become a thing. Not the whole Luffy visiting situation, that was already a thing and a thing that he enjoyed, but he meant Luffy visiting with his other friends. From Zoro alone Law decided that meeting the rest of Luffy’s crew would be a stressful and possibly terrifying experience. He didn’t want it to happen again.
It happened again.
Luffy returned on a Saturday with not just one, but two friends accompanying him and Law had to refrain from groaning. He could refuse to let them in. He should refuse to let them in. But Luffy’s gleeful grin and the excitement that twinkled in his eyes, those things made it difficult for Law to do anything except for step aside and invite them into his apartment.
This time it was Usopp and Chopper who had entered his abode and they were surprisingly pleasant company. Usopp and Luffy shared a bowl of snacks on the floor while they played a game of Go Fish. Law actually managed to befriend Chopper as they exchanged medical advice and patient stories.
“Nami was actually my first patient,” the reindeer doctor had told him. “She had caught a really bad fever so Nojiko and everyone brought her to the nearest clinic. My mentor Doctrine was out when they came so I did my best to help and that’s how we all became friends.”
Law thought that those were strange circumstances to become friends under, but then he remembered how Cora-san had adopted him after Law had stabbed him with the intent to rob him of all his belongings, and the thought was dismissed.
He wasn’t surprised the next day when Luffy decided to show up with a cyborg of all things standing in the hallway.
Law was able to meet a majority of Luffy’s friends in about a week, and he sure had a lot of them. He met a fishman, a mermaid, a skeleton, and other interesting species. It was... a lot to take in, even if he was a wizard who could do things just as bizarre with a wave of his hand.
But he felt that he was barely anything at all when Luffy was far more powerful than he was, both magically and physically. That fact would have hurt his pride if he didn’t find it insanely attractive. And that was something new to him. Admitting that he found Luffy attractive. He had come to terms with his emotions after spending many sleepless nights having arguments with himself over whether or not he was completely infatuated with an idiot wearing a straw hat.
He cried himself to sleep after that realization.
When Luffy showed up on his doorstep on a Saturday, a bouquet of flowers in his hands and a wide grin on his face, Law was confused.
“What’s this for?” he asked, staring at the arrangement of carnations and daisies that had been pushed into his arms.
Luffy gave a short laugh. “Sabo said ‘If you’re gonna take Law to Sanji’s place, you gotta give him a gift first.’ So I asked Robin to make you something nice and she gave me those,” he said as though everything was explained perfectly. “Oh, right. I forgot to say that I was taking you to Sanji’s restaurant tonight! It’s real fancy but I don’t think he’ll care if we show up in regular clothes. I don’t have anything nicer than this anyway.”
Law was so confused.
Was this- Was this a date? Was Luffy taking him out to dinner? On a date? Was this really happening right now?
Before he could ask any one of those questions, Luffy took him by the hand and dragged him out the door. Law managed to shut and lock it as he was taken away and maybe his spotted jeans and black and yellow hoodie were too casual for a fancy restaurant, but he felt that he couldn’t care because this might be a real date with Luffy.
Oh god. This might be a real date with Luffy.
He tried not to think too hard about this entire scenario as he sat beside Luffy on the bus. He tried not to think too hard about their hands still clasped together as Luffy rambled about how delicious Sanji’s food was. He tried not to think in general.
The bus stopped a street away from a big, shiny restaurant that had people lined up outside in the chilly night as they waited for a seat to be open. Luffy ignored the line completely and a tough looking guy dressed in a kitchen apron and had a silver name tag that read “Patty” in bold text escorted them inside. Law had to keep his jaw from dropping because Luffy wasn’t exaggerating when he said this place was fancy.
It was a French-style restaurant. Its tables were all decorated the same, adorned with candles and flowers for the centerpieces. The tablecloths were a pristine white, not a single stain could be seen. The china was the finest porcelain he had ever seen, making his own traditional Japanese tea set look like a children’s play thing. There were three golden chandeliers that surrounded a large modern styled glass chandelier in the center. A spiral staircase sat off to the side that led to upper level and balcony seating. The ceiling had a gorgeous mural of some biblical painting that he didn’t know the name of.
Law had never felt more insecure than he did in that moment.
Patty lead them through the restaurant to a set of double doors in the back. They were brought through the kitchens that was a cacophony of clattering dishes and banging pots. But despite the noise, the food smelled amazing. His stomach growled as they passed and he tried to pass it off as background noise, ignoring the embarrassed flush that spread across his cheeks. There was another door at the back of the kitchens and when it was opened, he saw a corridor that lead to another door.
Just how big was this restaurant, anyway?
Naturally, they walked to the end of the hall and behind the other door was a private room. There was a table set up like all the other ones were. White tablecloth, flowers and candles, blue velvet seats. There were floor to ceiling windows on the other side that looked over the ocean. It smelled like roses.
A part of his brain nagged at him, telling him that this was disgustingly corny. He was about to voice that opinion, too, until he saw Luffy’s face, slightly dimmed by the lack of light but his always present smile was brightening it ten times better than any candle could. He realized that Luffy was smiling at him.
“Do you like it?” Luffy asked him, and it took him a moment to understand that he was talking about the room. Why was his brain functioning so slowly tonight?
“Yeah,” he said and his throat felt dry and he needed something to drink but all he did was sit down and watch as Luffy sat in front of him.
Patty poured them their waters and left the jug on the table before exiting the room. Law lifted his glass and took three large gulps, leaving only a quarter left. He has never felt so nervous before. Luffy was staring at him. Simply staring at him. Except it wasn’t that simple because Law felt extremely vulnerable under that gaze. He didn’t know what to do or say. It was incredible.
“Sanji is making us a special meal,” Luffy told him, breaking the silence finally. “I already told him that you don’t like bread so you don’t have to worry about that.”
Law was going to die.
He was going to die in this five star restaurant with a beautiful view of the ocean, sitting in a private room with this person who he was absolutely head over heels in love with and he was okay with that. But before he could actually pass on to the afterlife, the door opened and a blonde man with a cart of food entered the room.
“Sanji!” Luffy greeted excitedly, grinning at his friend.
The chef returned the smile and put out his cigarette on an empty tray that was sitting on top of his cart. “Alright, shitty customers. I have your first course, the entrée,” he removed the lid of one dish. “Vichyssoise, a thick soup made of boiled and puréed leeks, onions, potatoes, cream, and chicken stock. Please enjoy.” Sanji set two bowls of the soup in front of them before leaving them alone once more.
Luffy immediately lifted the bowl of its plate and tipped its contents into his mouth hungrily. Law had lifted his spoon to his mouth but paused to watch him consume his soup in a messy manner. He blinked a moment before tasting his soup carefully. It was delicious.
Sanji returned a few moments later with wine. “Luffy can’t have this but you can if you want,” he had said but Law refused. He was hesitant about consuming alcohol when he was already drunk on his own emotions. If that even made sense.
Sanji shrugged and left again and by the time Law had finished his soup, he returned with another cart of food. “Voilà votre plat principal,” he said as he introduced them to their next dish and this routine continued all the way to their final course. They had ice cream sundaes for dessert and even though it was simple, with just ice cream with wafers and syrup, it was just as delicious as the rest of the meal had been.
When Law asked how much it all cost, Sanji had insisted that it was on the house. In his surprise, he looked to Luffy who happened to be looking right back at him with that grin on his face and he was falling in love all over again.
They left the restaurant, after thanking Sanji and everyone else for the pleasant evening, and Luffy was walking back to the apartment with him (I mean, of course he was, they were neighbors) and it was a long walk but not unpleasant. Somewhere along the way he had realized he had forgotten to bring his jacket and it was kinda chilly, but he didn’t want to say anything and he didn’t have to because Luffy just looked at him and cast a warming spell and suddenly he felt like he was wrapped in a soft blanket. Law felt like he was blushing and he hoped that it wasn’t obvious, but Luffy didn’t say anything about it as he held his hand again and talked about the stars and how maybe he should be an astronaut.
When they got to his apartment, Law paused by the door, one hand on the knob as he considered what to say. “Thank you,” he muttered, facing away for a moment before turning to look Luffy in the eye. “I had a nice night.”
Luffy grinned and their hands were still connected and Law was about to pull away when suddenly he was being kissed and even though it only lasted a second it sent sparks throughout his body and he could do nothing but stare as Luffy let go of his hand and escaped to his own apartment.
The next morning, Law couldn’t help but wonder if that was all a dream.
He got up like he always did but he was sort of in a daze. He still hadn’t been able to process everything that happened the previous night because Luffy had kissed him. And he was ninety percent sure that they had just went on a date.
He even thought that this was some sort of spell and did some extensive research on the possibility of last night being just a very realistic illusion but he knew in his gut that it had really happened.
Jesus Christ.
All of that really happened.
Law held his head in his hands as he leaned over his mug of coffee, sitting at his dining table in utter distress. This was not good for his heart. He was behaving like a twelve year-old girl with a crush and it was the worst. A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts and wiped at the bags under his eyes before answering. Luffy was standing there and he decided that this boy was going to be the death of him. He was going to die of exploding emotions. Or something like that.
“Torao!” Luffy greeted excitedly.
Law wondered how he could do that. Act so casual like he hadn’t kissed him last night. Then he remembered that Luffy doesn’t even know the word “shame.” He stepped aside to let him in and Luffy immediately jumped onto his sofa. He joined him silently.
They had to talk. Law needed to sort out his feelings and the only way he could do that was talk about them to Luffy of all people.
“Last night,” he began quietly as Luffy was surfing through his channels on the television. “When you, er, kissed me.”
“Oh, that? Sabo told me it’s what I’m supposed to do after walking you home. He said it’s “the nice thing to do,” Luffy commented as he stopped his browsing and settled for an old western playing on some obscure channel.
“And the dinner?”
“An excuse to get you to meet Sanji and taste his food. He’s a real good cook, right?” he grinned at him.
That made... sense. He supposed.
Law didn’t say anything for a long while. Luffy was expecting an answer from him and he gave a mumbled “yeah.” The boy returned his attention to the television then and he was left to his thoughts. Of course it was all just in his head. He couldn’t believe he thought that Luffy actually felt that way about him. Ah, he wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
“I have to get ready for work,” it was a lie. “I’m working overtime.” It was Sunday and it was his day off.
“Oh, okay,” Luffy said, surprised. “Guess I’ll just come back later. Have fun being an adult!”
And then he was gone.
And Law was alone.
Instead of trying to move on from his supposed unrequited feelings, he locked himself in his apartment, ignoring his door for the rest of the day and ate away his emotions. The next day he’s going to see that he’s gained half a pound and he’ll regret it then, but right now he’s going to eat everything in his refrigerator and watch Mamma Mia! until he passes out with a bucket of ice cream in his arms and a spoon in his mouth.
Law definitely wasn’t avoiding Luffy.
Waking up at an ungodly hour to get ready for work and leaving before anyone else should be awake is not avoiding. Staying late at the hospital until it’s practically midnight and then going home is most definitely not avoiding.
And it wasn’t like he was losing sleep over this, he slept plenty in his office during his breaks and he slept for four hours at home and he was a doctor, he knew that four hours was the absolute minimum to having a healthy rest.
He also ignored Luffy’s text messages.
Not that he would call it ignoring.
More like setting aside for later. If later meant never.
But everything was fine. He spent less time at home and worked more. He wasn’t stressed at all. He was eating protein bars for breakfast and bland hospital food for lunch so his diet was set. Dinner didn’t even happen. He was fine. Everything was fine. He’s got everything worked out and it’ll all blow over like the toupee on Donald Trump’s head.
So it didn’t “blow over” like he hoped it would.
The weekend came and he really couldn’t handle any more overtime so he stayed home. And of course there was a knock on his door. He wanted to ignore it. He was going to ignore it and hope that whoever was at the door would go away.
“Hey, Torao, it’s me.”
Damn. Why did the universe seem to hate him?
“Uh, I get that you’ve been busy and stuff, but you haven’t been answering my texts and stuff and it’s got me kinda worried. If you’re in trouble I can help you out, y’know. ‘Cause we’re friends and all.”
Law still didn’t answer. He remained seated on his sofa, wrapped in a warm blanket. Luffy didn’t say anything for awhile after that and for a moment he thought he left. But then he started talking again.
“If you don’t wanna talk to me, that’s okay. I’ll just talk to you. You don’t have to listen if you don’t wanna, but I’m gonna do it anyway.” And he did. Luffy was outside his door for hours, talking about what he did all week, describing a new dish Sanji made, telling him about some mini-venture he went on with his friends.
“The other day, I was talking to Sabo about you,” Law perked up at that. “I told him that I really liked hanging out with you and stuff and that you’re probably my most favorite person in the entire world, besides Ace and Sabo, of course. I told him that some day, Torao and I are gonna get married because that’s what you do when you want to be with someone forever, right? And I wanna be with you forever, Torao because you’re my bestest friend and I’m never gonna let you go.”
Law opened the door suddenly and Luffy was standing there, a surprised expression on his face.
“That was really corny,” Law said, frowning. “And bestest is a stupid word. And you can’t just decide to marry me out of the blue there has to be some sort of build-up.”
But Luffy just blinked at him and there was a plate of half eaten steak in his hands that he just noticed and suddenly Luffy was grinning like an idiot.
“I saved some of Sanji’s dish for you but I got hungry so I ate some.”
Law couldn’t believe that he was so in love that he let Luffy into his apartment to share half a lukewarm steak.
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the-art-pile · 7 years
The Golden Boy
Ship: Ryan Haywood/ Gavin Free (Freewood)
Word Count: 1,999
Prompt: Gavin has the whole crew wrapped around his finger. His words flutter around them and they do as they command. Why would they deny their golden boy?
Notes: This started as a kind of character study of my favorite headcanon of Golden Boy!Gavin and turned into a self-indulgent Freewood thing that makes no sense. Anyway, enjoy!
Most of the other crews and gangs saw Gavin as a side piece, an accessory that the Fakes lugged around, and who could blame them? At meetings, he hung off Geoff’s arm and simpered. He crooned into Geoff’s ear about wanting something and later others would seem him with said item, whether it be some sort of jewelry or fancy gadget. Some tried to use that little detail to their advantage, a way to hit the Fakes at their weak spot but little did they know, Gavin wasn’t a weak spot, and every other crew had to learn this the hard way.
Their first mistake was assuming that Gavin was Ramsey’s twink. To be fair to them, the evidence they were presented with gave them no indication that he wasn’t. In meetings, Gavin was plastered to Ramsey’s side. He would stroke his hand up and down his chest and fan his eyelashes up to the kingpin. A picture of sinful innocence. They never realized it was an act. They watched as the blonde-tipped male flirted with the leader. None of the others of the crew made any movement of discomfort at the display and a couple would roll their eyes in annoyance. They were none the wiser.
When the Fakes first started up, it was just Ramsey, Pattillo, and the Golden Boy. They watched as the Golden Boy earned his name. His finery becoming finer with each successful heist, and jaws dropped when the golden pistol made its appearance. Reports of Ramsey appearing in the jewelry shops starting springing up, and they were surprised to find that it wasn’t to case them, but a legitimate purchase. The procured items soon making an appearance on the Golden Boy. Thus, the idea of the Golden Boy being a sugar baby and Ramsey his sugar daddy was born.
This idea was shut down immediately by those that spent an iota of time with the Fakes. Whether it be a gun for hire or held for interrogation, these people tried to dissuade the rumors. Many even claiming that Ramsey wasn’t even the leader. They yelled about how it was the Golden Boy. Gavin was the one who pulled the strings, but no one believed them. To them, Gavin was simply the Golden Boy, a glorified kept boy.
When Mogar joined the Fakes, people were understandably afraid as he was a known pyromaniac, but at the same time, their fears were quelled as the arsonist would be on a leash under Ramsey. They were fucking wrong. If Mogar and the Golden Boy were seen within an inch of each other during a heist you fucking ran if you knew what was good for you. A well-placed word or two from the Golden Boy and suddenly the building was exploding and you were watching your hopes and dreams die. If you had made it out that is.
If you saw the two at a bar, your alcohol intake dropped drastically. You weren’t having a good time anymore. You’re cautious and watchful, waiting for the newbies that don’t know any better. You see the nudge and the whisper and suddenly Mogar’s eyes are burning. It’s 5 v 1 and the five are losing. No one intervenes. The fight only stops when the others are unconscious or the Golden Boy decides the fun is out of the moment. He then takes Mogar by the arm and saunters out.
If you receive a report of the Golden Boy and Pattillo being seen, you avoid the streets. There’s no telling when one of the speed demons will come flying around the corner. Or even come in guns blazing with a new attack chopper. There were no restraints on the two.
Monster trucks barreled down the roads. A jet swoops too close for comfort. No vehicle or location is entirely safe while the Golden Boy and Pattillo are out.
Most outside the crew didn’t see the effect the Golden Boy has on Rimmy Tim.  They only saw the aftermath. The ever-changing rainbow of hair. The reduced amount of words one week that was later met with the rumor that he had basically fried the inside of his mouth with sour candy,
The list went on. Little dares and bets that Gavin would present to Jeremy and would accept with little hesitation. Gavin knew not to go too far, but he couldn’t help but test it once or twice. See how far he could push the purple and orange man.
He wasn’t disappointed with the results.
Most can’t pick up on the Golden Boy and Vagabond dynamic. Even the crew couldn’t until it was thrust into their face. Gavin’s hypotheticals and seemingly idiotic questions were met with groans and eye rolls from the other members of the crew, including the Vagabond. There were those times though when the crew saw the Vagabond’s eyes sparkle a bit and suddenly he and Gavin were at each other's throats debating the everything to do with the little question. Multiple times the rest of the crew feared they were going to have to stop Ryan from killing Gavin. What shocked them the most was they would be in the middle of an intense verbal battle when would say some inane line, and they’d both stop, laugh, then go their separate ways while the crew stood blinking in awe.
They all knew that Gavin had all of them wrapped around his ring clad fingers, even Ryan. They could be driving somewhere for a heist, nothing going wrong, a simple peaceful ride. A motorcyclist would appear aways in front of them, and Gavin would lean over, hand caressing Ryan’s arm. A ‘please’ pressed to the mask covered ear and suddenly the cyclist was pasted across the window and hood of the car. The rest of them would laugh at the poor man’s demise, but they’d miss the knowing smirk pasted across their Golden boy’s face.
No one really questioned why Ryan listened to Gavin, seeing as they all did it. Blinded by their own trapping, they missed the gentle touches and whispered words before both disappeared. Later, they’d assume they were just hooking up, something they didn’t put past Gavin. No one visited Gavin’s or Ryan’s apartment, if they did, they’d realize they didn’t have a separate apartment. They lived together. In a house. With two cats and a dog, that the neighbor girl was all too enthusiastic to watch when they got busy. In fact, the couple was well liked in their neighborhood, and the crew never knew about it till they were forced to bunker down there one day. They soon learned that Ryan and Gavin had each other wrapped around their fingers, with silver bands.
The heist had been going well. The stealth part had gone phenomenal, the rest following through with their parts perfectly. That was until another crew showed up. They knew too much about their whereabouts with the heist meaning that they had to take care of a mole once they got out of this situation.
In a bullet-riddled vehicle, the crew is screaming through their coms. Talks about where to go as they race down the streets, a few of them being bandaged as the conversation goes on. If they had a mole, they obviously couldn’t go to any of their safe houses. They were probably already compromised. The talks turned to going to someone’s apartment. Michael vetoed his, as it was mostly just a front for civilian life and he mostly stayed at the penthouse. Geoff and Jack obviously lived at the penthouse. Jeremy had an apartment and volunteered, but was shot down because it was too small. They then turned to Gavin. He liked to spend money and the crew was assuming that he probably spent tons of money on some sort of bachelor pad. Their questioning leads to a blushing Gavin.
“Um, Ry? Can we fit everyone?”
“Probably, though they might have to bunk together in the guest rooms.”
This lead to them freaking out because holy shit they live together?! The long drive to their neighborhood brought up even more frantic questioned that was simply met with a silent Gavin and Ryan. When Ryan stops them in front of their house, the two turn to the crew and sigh.
“You’re gonna have to wait a bit until you can come in. We had a dinner party planned with the neighbors, plus we gotta pay the babysitter.”
“Furry kids, yeah,” Ryan snorts, “Hope no one is allergic to cats or dogs.”
“You’re fucking with me.”
“No Geoff, I’m fucking Gavin, very lovingly I might add.”
Four hours later and Gavin and Ryan return to the vehicles, dressed up and smelling of home cooked food. The crew watches as they wave at some of the people down the street before ushering them inside. What greets is so domestic that some of them feel like they stepped through a portal into an alternate reality. They can see the touches of Gavin and Ryan respectively throughout the humble abode. There’s a cat curled up in an armchair and one staring down at them from the cabinets. The giant ass dog that bounces up to them makes them all recoil. The animal bowls through them in excitement.
“This good girl is Strudel. The lazy ass is Pancake, and the lurker is Raspberry.”
“Why are your animals named after food?”
“Why not.”
Lindsey descends on Pancake, causing purring to overlay the current conversation. Slowly the crew settles down and Raspberry comes down from her perch to be pet after a bit. The panic of the earlier ambush seems to be completely gone now and a different panic sets in. Geoff is the one that breaks the silence.
“Since when did you two live together?”
“I think we’re coming up on seven years.”
Any and all movement that had been occurring grinds to a halt at that.
“We, uh, we’ve only been a crew for, um, three years?”
Simultaneously, Ryan and Gavin raise their left hands, displaying matching silver bands. There’s no sound for a second or two before suddenly they all break out screaming and yelling, a few going over to the pair to examine the jewelry more closely.  
“Kinda surprised you guys didn’t know… I mean we were in the newspaper and on the news for a few days after our wedding because someone wanted Ry dead, and shot it up with a bunch of hired guns. News crews were hounding us for weeks.”
“Small fucking world, huh?”
“Can we go back to the fact that they’re fucking married?”
“Yeah, the fuck you guys?”
“Well, we obviously started by dating.”
“No fucking shit.”
“Gav was just a hacker when we met, but he still had a mouth on him. We both were freelancing and got hired for the same job, and just kinda clicked? We’d meet up outside work and stuff. It was kinda an unspoken thing that we were dating, and then about a year after meeting, I proposed. Moved here, adopted our kids, became the token gay couple here, met you guys… Short and sweet.”
“Why the fuck did you act like you haven’t met before when we brought you into the crew?”
“Eh, just a game we like to play.”
“Again, little game. Gotta spice life up sometimes, and Ryan and I may have been fighting at one point during that and I stayed at the penthouse as a way to cool off.”
“You try living with his snore denying ass and then tell me that living in the penthouse wasn’t justified. Took a fucking sleep study to convince him to buy snore strips.”
“This is too fucking domestic for me. Show me where I’m sleeping.”
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pingo1387 · 6 years
fanfic guessing game: sword
A Dream Whose Name I Dare Not Mention 
Zoro stopped short. A figure stood ahead of him, wearing a pink shirt, blue shorts, and carrying a white-sheathed sword.
She readied her sword, and Zoro looked down in confusion to see it was the same as one of the ones on his right hip.
Zoro shook his head. “No. Why do I have this sword? Who are you?”
She charged, sword raised, and Zoro clumsily drew the same sword from his hip—but his skills had vanished with his memories, and he blocked awkwardly on instinct. Within seconds, his sword fell to the ground, and Kuina had her own blade aimed at his throat.
Kuina sheathed her sword and held out her hand. “You remembered?”
He trailed off. Zoro’s eyes drifted to the white-sheathed sword resting behind him—the one Kuina had held.
“Will you let me take that sword?” he said. “Her sword.” 
He removed the sword from its stand and presented it to Zoro. As Zoro took it, he saw a shiny object resting upon the sheath, and pocketed it with the other one.
Zoro narrowed his eyes. “Was that a taunt?” He drew his white-sheathed sword. “I don’t know why we’re fighting …”
His awkward blow was blocked by the dagger with expert skill. No matter how hard he pushed, he couldn’t move. In another moment, his sword was shoved aside and the dagger plunged into his chest.
Zoro readied his sword again. Another flash of memory returned to him: Lying on his back, bleeding heavily and holding his sword up, saying something—
He charged and swung his sword down at the same time as the man, and they passed each other, and for a moment they stood there, facing away—
Blood spurted from Zoro’s chest and he nearly collapsed, but managed to turn back around, sheathing his sword again and holding it as he stood facing the man, completely vulnerable. 
“This is how it goes, isn’t it?” Zoro said, raising his sword high in the air. “I promise I’ll …”
Zoro looked around, startled. He was in a different town, he was running, Sanji was running with him, and there, on a tall execution platform, was Luffy: Locked down and lying just below a maniac dressed as a clown holding a sword.
He and Sanji ran through the people, fighting them back, but then the clown maniac swung his sword down—
A bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and struck the clown, making him drop his sword, and then the platform was on fire, burning to the ground—
“This can’t be heaven,” he said, placing a hand on his white-sheathed sword; as awful as his skills were at the moment, they were better than nothing. “Have I been dead this whole time? What a cliché twist.”
A noise made him turn around. He stood and faced the bald man with the giant dog, getting his sword ready.
Zoro drew his white-sheathed sword. “What would you say if I told you I’m going to defeat you here?” 
He readied his sword. “I don’t really get why, but I feel like this is what I’m supposed to do here.”
As the bald man readied his odd sword, and his dog got into a boxing position, Zoro felt a tug on his robe and looked down.
Zoro sliced down the door with a slash from his sword, caving in the wall, and all three charged into the room just as Luffy burst through the adjacent wall.
“I used it right?” he muttered to himself, glancing at his sword. He looked around the room and found several odd people, including a man with strange facial hair and a bird on his shoulder, someone who resembled Usopp, and Robin, dressed in a green cloak as if trying to keep herself hidden.
Zoro aimed his sword at the long-nosed man sitting so relaxed in a chair. “I need to fight you, don’t I?”
Zoro blinked. He was with Franky again, and there was Brook at last, he was facing a zombie (What?) who somehow resembled him, the zombie raised his sword—and Zoro rushed in to block the blow as Franky hurried over to get Brook out of the way. Brook was rather worse for wear, his skull badly cracked and his clothes scuffed (though his afro was still intact).
He and Sanji rushed, as if on instinct, towards him, stopping him with blows of sword and kicks.
Zoro stood and knocked Sanji out with the hilt of his sword.
He turned to Brook, but his eye widened and he jumped to his feet, drawing a sword.
But in the next second, Cheshire Cat vanished from sight. Zoro stilled, taking a deep breath, and he sheathed his sword again.
Zoro’s expression darkened, making the others scoot away. “We did,” he said, tone tinged with anger. He clenched a sword handle. “I know I did, and I know you all. You all must’ve fought hard, too.”
Humming caught his ears (not that there was anything to catch) and he turned to see a zombie approaching. The corpse had the appearance of a samurai, a single sword resting on its hip, and the zombie’s eyes were hollow as it hummed a song, stopping several feet from Brook.
Brook drew his sword. “Then … are you my shadow?”
The battle made a poor show with Brook’s clumsy, unpracticed swordsmanship, and he found himself on the ground, Ryuma threatening him with his sword.
“Say, Ryuma-san, that sword looks familiar,” Brook remarked, eyeing the blade. “I think … Zoro-san had one just like it, didn’t he?”
“Pathetic,” Ryuma said, ignoring this. He moved the sword closer to Brook’s hair. “Before I cut off your head, I think I’ll take off this fine afro as a trophy.” 
Brook faced his zombie, his sword dangling at his side while his opponent’s rested at the ready.
Ryuma readied his sword with a dusty laugh. “Is that so? I hope you’ve improved since last time. I would like a challenge.”
“Yes.” Brook readied his sword again. Any moment it could fall from his unpracticed fingers.
They watched Zoro’s battle with Ryuma from their safe distance. Had Brook had any eyes, they would have been following Zoro’s every move best they could, for Zoro was so quick his movements were hard to track. How did his ability come so naturally to him? How, after what had felt like hours of practice, was Brook not even able to break a stick with his sword? For these Brook had no answer, but perhaps his collection did, for he felt them warm in his pocket when the battle ended and Ryuma fell at last.
We’re Here Together 
“Zo//san, that was amazing!” Luffy exclaimed, jumping up and down and staring at San//zo’s face. “I bet you could do really cool things with a sword!”
“Let’s go,” he said. He drew his two long swords with two arms for each one, and he and San//lu marched to the Franky House.
“Right,” his companion said, resting his two swords over his shoulders, careful not to catch them on his antlers.
“Who’s there?” Zoro said. “Never mind that. Shut up and gimme a sword.”
“I could pull you out!”
“I’m pretty stuck! Just get me a sword!”
“Okay, hold on, hold on!” Cho//mi changed form. They were now quite a bit taller, standing on two legs. Their antlers had disappeared (the hat, of course, remained) and they now had four humanoid arms, sticking out of Nami’s shirt (Chopper’s shorts covered the bottom), which they used to reach into the chimney and wrestle with Zoro’s swords. 
Your Princess Is in Another Castle 
“So are you going to give back the money or not?” Nami demanded, poking the masked thief with her Clima Tact again. Brook held his sword tip close to the person’s ear.
“Gentlemen, if you’ve threatened this young lady in any way, I’m afraid we’ll have to punish you,” Brook added, drawing his sword.
“Oh, that’s not necessary,” Brook said, sheathing his sword.
Thank you so much! 
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eene-fangirl · 6 years
Stand By Ed Chapter 3 [An Ed, Edd n Eddy Fanfiction]
NOTE: Chapter 3 of @camriko-arts and I collaboration! Enjoy!
The Eds walked through a grassy field following the train tracks for some ways. Edd glanced at each of his friends. Ed was off in his own world dazzled by a butterfly flying around him. When he turned to Eddy Edd’s smile instantly faded. Eddy was baring his teeth so hard that it looked like they may break. And that was possible.
Edd remembered Eddy recounting his trip to the dentist a month after finding his brother. Other then excessive cavities from jawbreakers no doubt, Eddy’s teeth were practically cracked from grinding them together. Most likely due to his anxiety. He had a hard time talking about his feelings. They’d been bottled up for so long under that mask.
Ahead of them was a bridge. Before it was a sign that read, ‘Entering Lemon Brooke.’ Once over the bridge the tracks went on. They were surrounded by a forest of trees and not much else. Each gulped at the lingering memories. Mostly Edd. His head almost ached having to remember the awful experience.
“How long is it if we follow the tracks all the way?” Eddy asked Edd.
“The body is somewhere at the end of Lemon Brooke, correct?” Edd asked.
“That’s what I heard,” Eddy answered. He was doubtful now. After the incident with the gun Eddy was weary about anything else he had eavesdropped on Bro. He knew.
“I surmise that it will take 20 miles, maybe more, walking,” Edd reckoned.
“We’re already gonna spend the night out here. Are you sure we’ll get there by tomorrow?” Eddy asked, skeptical.
“It is simple, Eddy,” Ed spoke up, holding up his finger. “We have to follow the tracks, cut a ways through the forest, we’ll come to a junkyard, and then there’s a town not too far.”
Edd and Eddy stared at their friend, surprised. “You’ve been through here before, Ed?”
“Dad and I walked through here a lot. We brought Sarah once,” Ed stared into the ground sadly. “I miss that.”
Attempting a forced smile, Ed walked on.
The divorce was going to happen any day. And from how it sounded both parents weren’t right for custody. There was talk about another family member taking them in, but they lived in another state. Ed and Sarah were a part of the decision process both agreeing that they’d like to stay in Peach Creek. Authorities were looking around for someone to take them in whether it was a neighbor or foster care. As long as Ed stayed with Sarah he was happy.
The boys walked on following the tracks. To lighten the mood Ed started whistling a familiar toon. Edd and Eddy joined in. Or tried too. Eddy never whistled before in his life. Instead he sang along, beatboxing a rhythm and dancing.
“Ooh, ooh!” Ed excitedly spoke up. “I brought a comb!”
“You hardly have any hair, lumpy!” Eddy joked.
“Says you!” Ed retaliated, sticking out his tongue. “I brought it for us to share. You said we could get on TV when we found the body!”
Eddy snickered, flashing a grin. “Yeah, I think I’m the only one who needs a comb,” he said smoothing a hand through his recently blue dyed hair. He even let it grow out some. Edd liked it, arguably. Eddy was always looking for attention. This new style made him look... badass. Edd blushed. He could never let that escape his mouth to anyone!
Pretty soon the friends took a rest and sat on the tracks once they were in a big open area with barely any trees. There were power lines not too far from them. That meant civilization was close.
Edd was against sitting on the tracks, but as long as they were cautious. He heard the horn in the distance every so often. Edd loved that noise. Especially in the years where he could never leave his room. He looked forward to it each day. Because of that he knew the train schedule by heart.
“You said there’s a junkyard close by, Ed?” Eddy asked.
“Yeah, but we have to watch out for Chopper.”
Edd winced. “Chopper?”
“You don’t know about Chopper?” Eddy asked. Surprised mixed with fright. Edd suspiciously turned to his friend. He enjoyed messing around with him.
“Chopper is the owner’s dog of ‘Antonucci’s Junkyard,” Ed explained. “He only attacks trespassers. When Dad used to volunteer there he told me how loud Chopper was. And nippy.”
Edd shivered. He always disliked dogs. He didn’t have an exact reason. He deplored his parents actions even more for hiding him away from the world. It destroyed the social skills he already developed beyond his own age. They took away the opportunity to live. Now he was finally living out adventures with friends.
“If Chopper’s there we can give ‘im somethin’ to gnaw on. That’ll distract him from chewin’ off Double Dee’s leg,” Eddy joked, poking at his friend.
“Very funny, Eddy,” Edd replied, unamused.
“Um, guys,” Ed nervously spoke. He was looked through his sack.
“What is it, Ed?” Edd asked, concerned.
“Did any of us bring food?”
Eddy’s eyes bulged. “Shit!”
“Eddy, language!”
“Sorry! We brought no food? What’re we supposed to do?! I ain’t starvin’ myself again!”
Ed’s stomach growled. “Belly’s empty.”
“Why didn’t you bring something?” Edd confronted Eddy, his hands on his hips.
“Hey, don’t look at me! I thought you were Mr. Ready-For-Anything! How come you didn’t bring anything we could munch on?”
Edd shut his eyes for a brief moment not wanting to relieve the awkward and painful meeting he had with his parents. Every day he wished to have some sort of interaction with his parents. They’d talk and then spend the day together. Now he regret that.
“Are there any stores we could go to?” Eddy wondered.
“There’s the ‘Lemon Brooke Mini Mart’,” Edd suggested, though with little excitement in his voice. Eddy briefly looked confused but then remembered the time his friend lived here for. He could only imagine how uncomfortable he was to be back yet again.
“Right, soooo, how much money do we all got?” Eddy asked, a hint of discomfort and embarrassment in his voice.
Edd had the most. Five dollars exactly. Two dollars and seventy five cents from Ed, and only twenty five cents from Eddy.
“Hey, at least we got eight dollars!” Eddy pointed out when Edd scowled at him. “You can get water and whatever else with the rest. How expensive could a few snacks be?”
“Uh, guys, I think there’s an earthquake coming,” Ed alarmed his friends.
Edd also felt the earth shaking, but it was not due to an earthquake. The train was coming.
“We’d better make our way, gentlemen.”
Ed and Edd collected their belongings and moved off the tracks down a little hill. All except  Eddy. He threw his bag to the side. He stood, facing the oncoming train, his feet spread shoulder distance apart.
“Eddy, what are you doing? Get off the tracks this minute!” Edd warned.
“I’m gonna dodge it,” Eddy said, smiling vivaciously. “Just like how they do in the movies.”
“Eddy, no, get away from there!” Edd called out, hesitating to run to Eddy. The train was nearing closer and closer.
“You’ll get yourself killed!” Ed chimed in.
The train blew its whistle warning Eddy to move. Eddy ignored his friends warnings. Now was the time to prove he and Bro were alike. When he watched his brother play chicken with a friend he jumped out of the way at the last second. He wasn’t even scared.
“Eddy, get away from there!” Edd hollered, his voice growing hoarse.
Eddy shot his fist into the air and screamed as if he were going into battle.
Ed ran up and took hold of Eddy, briefly fighting with him. “What are you doin’?! Stop that! I wanna dodge it!”
At the last second Ed pulled Eddy away as the train shot passed them like a bull. They fell on the ground.
“You ruined my chance!” Eddy screamed. He sat up from the dirt brushing himself off.
“You could have been dead, Eddy! I don’t want you dead!” Ed’s voice broke.
Edd walked up to his friend, standing over him. “What in the world were you thinking?”
Eddy stood his ground, staring up his friend. “Just tryin’ to live a bit, sockhead! Bro said!”
They were silent, listening to the train disappear. “Eddy...”
“I know!” Eddy yelled so fiercely that it made Ed and Edd jump. He bent down and threw his big over his shoulder and marched on. “You don’t have to tell me a billion times!”
And they took off, an uncomfortable silence floating throughout the air.
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kaialone · 6 years
Yokai Watch Busters 2 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain major spoilers for Yokai Watch Busters 2, specifically Chapter 10, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the game’s ending and post-credits scene.
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These are the final main story cutscenes in the game, pre- and post-credits. They occur right after the ones I translated here, so check these for context.
Of course there is a playable epilouge in the form of Chapter 11, but this is it for the actual main story.
Bolded is the original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Discovering the Treasure Chamber:
Indy Jaws: なんだ… この部屋は… 外に出ないのか? What the... this room... it doesn't lead outside?
Dandory: あっ! 見ろ!! Ah! Look!!
Indy Jaws: すごい…!! お宝の山だ!! Incredible...!! It's a mountain of treasure!!
Dandory: ハハ… 海賊ビリーが集めていたってやつだ こんなところに隠していたのか…!! Haha... so the stuff that the pirate Billy gathered was hidden in here...!!
Toranka: おどろいたね アタシも盗賊稼業は長いけど こんな財宝は なかなか見れないよ!! Now that's a surpise. I've been workin' as a thief for a long time, an' even I hardly get to see treasures like this!!
Whisper: うっひょ〜!! 最高でうぃす〜! 自撮りを オシラセッターにアップです! Eeee!! This is the best, whis! I'm posting a selfie on Oshirasetter! (1)
Toranka: ひ… ひどいゆれだね!! こりゃ 危ないよ! E... Everything’s shaking like crazy! This is dangerous!
Dandory: おい見ろ! 扉への足場がくずれるぞ! Hey, look! The scaffolding by the door is going to collapse!
Dandory: ヤバいぜ! みんな逃げろ!! This is bad! Everyone, run!!
Whisper: え!? で でも! お宝を目の前にして… Huh!? B-but! The treausre is right in front of us...
Spatto: お宝なんてどうでもいいだろ! 早くしろ!! Who cares about some treasure!? Hurry it up!!
Whisper: 盗賊のクセに お宝がどうでもいいって!! You're a thief, and yet you're saying "who cares about treasure"?!
Zom B Chopper: そうだ! カネより命だ! お前ら 命を大切にしろ! That's right! Life is more important than money! You got to treasure your lives!
Jibanyan: ゾンビに命の尊さを教えられたニャン! よし… みんな! 早く逃げるニャ〜ン!! A zombie just told us about the value of life, nyan! Alright... Guys! Let's hurry and get outta here, nyaaan!!
Indy Jaws: そうだ! 逃げろ〜っ!! That's right! Run!!
Whisper: で でも… B-but...
Whisper: ひええええ! お助けでうぃっすぅぅ!! Eeeeek! Please, save meeeee!!
Oshirasetter is an app that yōkai use in order to exchange information. Its name is derived from お知らせ/oshirase, which means notification or news. It also acts as a bit of a reference to Twitter.
Back Outside:
Zom B Chopper: 揺れがおさまったな…。 The shaking stopped...
Jibanyan: はあ〜 けど扉がくずれちゃったニャン… *Sigh* But, the door crumbled, nyan...
Dandory: ああ… 取りには戻れそうにないな。 Yeah... Looks like we won't be going back in.
Whisper: はあ 残念ですねえ… とってもとっても がんばったのにぃ〜!! *Sigh* What a shame... Even though we tried so very hard!!
Whisper: …ん? それはそうと コマさん さっきから何をガジガジしてるんでうぃす? ...Hm? By the way, Komasan, what's that you've been gnawing on, whis?
Komasan: ソフトクリームズラ! でも重くてカタくて ぜんぜん食べられないズラ…。 Soft cream! But it's heavy an' hard so I can't really eat it...
Whisper: そうですか〜 大変ですねぇ。 ソフトクリームが重くてカタくて金ピカで… I see... Sorry to hear that. Soft cream that is heavy and hard, and glittering like gold...
Whisper: ってそれえええぇっ!! それ「黄金」ですよぉぉぉ〜!! ...Wait, whaaaaaat!? That is "gold"...!!
Indy Jaws: ええーっ!? Whaaat!?
Komasan: さっきひろったズラ〜 でも食べられないなら いらねぇズラ…。 I picked it up earlier. But if I can't eat it, I dun want it...
Whisper: 黄金のソフトクリームでうぃす〜!! 1億円の価値はありますよ〜! ぜったい! It's a golden soft cream, whis!! It must be worth 100 million yen! It has to be!
Indy Jaws: や… やった… つにやったぞ! 本当に お宝発見だ〜!! We... We did it... We finally did it! We really discovered treasure!!
Jibanyan: これで家賃が はらえるニャ〜ン! With this we can pay our rent, nyan!
Dandory: ハハハ… やったじゃないかバスターズ! それは お前たちのものだ! Hahaha... You really did it, Busters! This one's yours!
Jibanyan: やったニャ〜ン! Hooray, nyaan!
Turning the Final Wind-Up Key:
Jibanyan: ひ…光がまぶしいニャ〜ン! T... The light is so bright, nyaan!
Komasan: ひさしぶりに お空を見たズラ やっぱりお空はいいズラ〜。 It's been a while since we saw the sky. The sky's really nice, actually~
Indy Jaws: さあ… Now...
Indy Jaws: 最後のねじまきを回すんだ……。 Turn the final wind-up key...
Jibanyan: ニャニャ… Nyanya...
Jibanyan: ニャンじゃこりゃああああ! What the heck is this!?
Dandory: ここからじゃ全部は見えないが あれはマストに… オールに…。 I can't see everything from here, but that's a mast... and oars...
Tanto: も もしかして これって… ……船かよぉ!? I-Is this actually... ...a ship!?
Dandory: 船だ!し 島が巨大な船になったんだ!! It is a ship! T-the island turned into a giant ship!
Indy Jaws: 欲望にとりつかれ ダンジョンに消えた あわれな海賊 さすらいのビリー… Wandering Billy was a pitiful pirate who became inspirited by desire and disappeared into the dungeons... (1)
Indy Jaws: …かと思っていたが! ...That's what we thought!
Indy Jaws: もしかしたら… ハハハ But could it be...? Hahaha.
Indy Jaws: 本当はこの島を船にして 世界中の海を かけめぐるつまりだったのかもな…!! Maybe he was actually turning the island into a ship to travel the oceans of the world...!!
Jibanyan: そうニャン! きっときっと…! Yeah, nyan! That must be it...!
Jibanyan: そうに決まってるニャン! It has to be, nyan!
What I translated as inspirited is 取りつかれ/toritsukare in Japanese, which can translate to “possessed”, “obssessed with”, and it is what adapted as “inspirited” in the English versions of the games, and I thought it fit okay here.
Post Credits:
Nazotoki: ほう… これが連絡があった 「黄金のソフトクリーム」で? Oho... So this is the "Golden Soft Cream" you contacted me about? (1)
Nazotoki: 話が本当なら 1億円の価値はじゅうぶんありますが… If what you said is true, it should be enough to be worth 100 million yen... (2)
Nazotoki: では 鑑定させていただきます!! Now then, allow me to appraise it!!
Whisper: はあ これでようやく…。 *Sigh* Finally...
Jibanyan: ドキドキするニャン…。 My heart is pounding, nyan...
Nazotoki: …鑑定できました! ...I have appraised it!
Nazotoki: いや〜 技巧的 造形的に価値があるばかりでなく… Goodness, not only is it excellently polished and modelled... (3)
Nazotoki: 「ソフトクリーム歴史」を塗り替える 素晴らしい発見! It is is a splendid discovery that will repaint the "History of Soft Cream"!
Nazotoki: イイ仕事してますね〜! Good job~!
Whisper: ゴクリ… ってことは!? *Gulp*... And that means!?
Nazotoki: 買い取り金額は ズバリ…! The selling price should be precisely...!
Nazotoki: 1億円です!! 100 million yen!!
Jibanyan: や… We...
Jibanyan: やったニャ〜ン!! We did it, nyaan!!
Whisper: うおおっ! ピタリ賞でうぃす! 私の目利きも なかなかのもんでしょ!? Whooaahh! Clean sweep, whis! My judgement isn't bad either, no!?
Nazotoki: なんですが… But what's this...?
Whisper: …うぃす? ...Whis?
Jibanyan: ニャニャ…? Nyanya...?
Nazotoki: ここにホラ 見えます? ちょっとだけ 「ガジガジかんだような傷」がありまして… Look here, do you see? There are some slight "gnawing marks"...
Nazotoki: おしい! これがなきゃカンペキなのに〜! すいませんが それだけ差し引いて… A pity! If it wasn't for this, it'd have been perfect! My apologies, but I have to deduct some for this...
Nazotoki: ズバリ! 9999万9900円! It is precisely 99 million 99 thousand and 9 hundred yen!
Nazotoki: 「100円」だけ引かせていただきますね! I shall only deduct "100 yen"! (4)
Jibanyan: コ… コ… Ko... Ko...
Whisper: コ…コマさぁ〜んッ! Ko... Komasaaaaaaan!
Komasan: ホ… ホメすぎズラよ〜…! Ya... Y’all're flatterin' me...~!
Komasan: オラ こーゆーとき… どんな顔していいか わけんねぇズラ〜…。 I dun' even know... what I gotta say at a time like this...~ (5)
Whisper: 1ミリも ホメられてないんですけど! どこを どう間違ってそうなるんです!? We're not flattering you in the slighest! Did you misunderstand something at some point!?
Honebijin: ……ふう ということらしいですが 良かったじゃないですか ほぼ満額です。 ...Hmph, be that as it may, this is good, is it not? It is almost all of it.
Honebijin: ってことで With that said...
Honebijin: あと100円 払ってもらえますよね? You can pay 100 more yen, no?
Honebijin: 100円ですよ? 100円! いくらなんでも そのくらいあるでしょ〜? It is 100 yen? 100 yen! You should have at least this much, no~?
Whisper: ちょ… ちょっと待ってください! P... Please wait a moment!
Whisper: 基地に帰ってくるだけで 私たち スッカラカンなんです…! We've only just returned to the base, we are flat broke...!
Whisper: 100円どころか…! もう 3日も食べてないでうぃす! Forget 100 yen...! We haven't even eaten in 3 days, whis!
Whisper: 心広〜い 大家さんだったら〜 そのくらい見逃して… ね? ね? A so very generous landlady such as yourself wouldn't be missing that much... right? Right?
Jibanyan: ぐぬぬ… なんニャン なんニャン! Grrrr... What the heck, nyan, what the heck!
Jibanyan: たかが100円ぼっちで ガタガタぬかすんじゃないニャン! Don't keep rattling on about just some measly 100 yen, nyan! (6)
Jibanyan: こんなはした金 オレっちたちが出世したら 100万倍にして… We can pay back that kinda cash 100 million times once we... (7)
Whisper: いや〜〜っ!! もーそれはコリゴリでうぃす〜っ!! Noooo!! Enough of this already!!
Captain Bully: み… みんなジバニャンを止めろ〜〜っ!! E... Everyone, stop Jibanyan!! (8)
Nazotoki is known as Professor Plumage in English.
One hundred million yen are roughly nine hundred thousand U.S. dollars. 
“Polished” in this case refers to polish in the sense of refinement of a work, not the act of polishing something to make it shiny.
One hundred yen are roughly one U.S. dollar.
What he says actually translates more to something like: “I don’t know what kinda face I should make”, but it has the same basic meaning, he is flustered and doesn’t know how to react.
This might be a bit of a pun, where Jibanyan uses ガタガタ/gatagata in Japanese, which is a rattling noise, but can also refer to “complaining”.
Because of differences between the Japanese and English languages, I had to assume something about the missing parts here, and rewrite the sentence a little, as it is cut off. Literally it would translate to something like: “Once we make it big, we can *missing part* that kinda cash 100 million times“
Captain Bully is literally called ブリー隊長/Burī-taichō in Japanese, and Sergeant Burly in English.
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Star Wars Rebels AU
In which our favorite students are boarding school students. A very creative cliché idea. 
Please feel free to send requests my way! My ask box is always open.
It is a battle of two schools- for money, and for students and for property.
When the Academy of the Republic suddenly changes both its leadership and its name, the city of Via Lactea is divided in two. A large and powerful school attempts to take the place of the Academy, reopening the old buildings and rechristening them as a part of the new Imperial Academy. Their extreme ways are opposed by many people in the city, but the people behind the school are deeply connected with the leaders of Via Lactea. They succeed largely in their takeover efforts until 2 local politicians- Bail Organa and Mon Mothma- decide to buy some of the abandoned buildings and reopen a school of their own, Seditio School.
But funding only goes so far, even in a city as big as Via Lactea. So the Imperial Academy and the Seditio School begin a long war over enrollment, over money, over teachers. The Imperial Academy promotes violence and cruelty within their halls, run by corrupted officials and ridden with backwards ideals. The Seditio School is small, progressive, and slowly gains popularity with people both in and out of town, propelled forward by those who kept any amount of faith in their once-good city.
However, there is something mystifying about the school. The Ghost Foundation, rumored to be endowed by a woman called Fulcrum, a person who once attended the Academy of the Republic. Nobody has seen her face, or knows anything about her. Five people have shown up at the school with her name on their lips, and clutching an admittance letter, a rather large check, their enrollment papers, and carrying the weight of a traumatic past on their shoulders.
There are six members of the Ghost “crew,” thrown together in a house owned by the first member and shared by all. The first person chosen is a woman named Hera Syndulla with brilliant green eyes, who drags the second member along with her, a horribly tempered dog, Chopper. The two come from far away together, but Hera never indulges in her past to anyone, only fueling the speculation that she originates from some kind of political royalty. But she graduates from the school with flying colors, in one of the first classes to do so, and becomes a faculty member the moment possible. She is a much beloved Senior Resident at Seditio, highly valued by the leaders at the school.
The third member is Kanan Jarrus. Not much is known about his past either, but he has an extreme knowledge about the School of the Republic, though he too, never talks about it. He spends just the last year of his education at Seditio, and follows exactly in Hera’s footsteps, becoming another attendant for the students who live at the school.
Then there is Zeb Orrelios, a burly, tall and very hairy man with a mysterious military background and a gruffness about him that shouldn’t come with someone of his age. Young, but too old to enroll in the boarding school, he is accepted with the letter and the check, becoming director of athletics and physical training.
Sabine Wren is a runaway who shows up bearing an impressive coat of arms and tightly sealed lips. With perhaps too much passion, she vandalizes the Imperial Academy with bright colors and pictures that somehow convey her sarcastic personality flawlessly. She’s loyal, especially to the rest of the crew. Even her teachers know not to cross her, perhaps a wise decision on their part.
The final member is Ezra Bridger, who the crew first meets on a visit to the nearby city of Lothal. They help each other, argue with each other, and fend off Imperial students together. But when the time comes to part ways, the Ghost crew prepares to leave without the blue-haired boy- until suddenly he finds his own letter from Fulcrum, left on a public table conspicuously, addressed specifically to him.
So the crew becomes six, and together, the crew fights off the ever-increasing bullying and harassment from the Imperial Academy and its stupid, righteous students. Then, “pranks” become crimes, and Seditio is the only safe place left in the city. The corruption runs deep- Vader, the head of the Academy, is dangerously close with the governor of Via Lactea.
One elite squad of Imperial students is called the Inquisitors- nasty, horrible-to-the-core people who assault strangers for fun. The Ghost crew finds it their responsibility to get them expelled from the Imperial Academy, one by one- but even these acts of justice come at a price. Ezra, Kanan and Fulcrum- revealed at last to be a friend of Bail Organa’s- face off against Maul, a teacher at the Academy, and a group of his students. Maul blinds Kanan with acid and flees. Fulcrum is caught by Vader and arrested, leaving Ezra with no choice but to escape with Kanan. Fulcrum is not heard from again, Kanan and Ezra left damaged in more than physical ways, an incredible injustice done, both helpless to right the wrong, or even avenge their friend.
But hope does not disappear completely. Kallus, an Imperial allum and staff, who once worked hard to put an end to the crew, starts feeding them secrets about the Academy, secrets that could shut it down no matter how many evil politicians it’s backed by. And some form of compensation for Kanan’s blindness comes when Maul is arrested in a distant city, foiled by an old man named Ben Kenobi- yet another rumored student of the Academy of the Republic.
Hope remains, and so does the Ghost family, strong and united in their fight for all things good left in the world.
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dirtybombfics · 7 years
Operation Kira
For our next submission, we have an entry by a Dirty Bomber who wishes to remain anonymous for the time being. Please prepare your eyes for another installment of DBFics, “Operation Kira.”
“God, I hate Mondays. You have just got in the mood for the weekend and BANG, back to work you go. At least, it’s a work I like, but GOD DAMNIT, the weekend is still the weekend!”
Those were the thoughts of Fragger, light machine gunner and grenadier working under the Central Disaster Authority as a mercenary soldier, on his way to a briefing in a cold London’s monday morning.
“I wonder, are the other guys already there? The briefing begins when everyone’s in anyway. Or like Skyhammer would say: 'Party doesn’t start ‘till I walk in!' Funny guy, that Skyhammer, we go along nicely. I should teach him some proper door breaching, when we are out of here.”
As he imagined, the rest of the team was already outside of the room, small talking. He nodded his head to greet everyone, and the group entered the briefing room. As usual it was empty, aside from a desk with a screen and a webcam. The moment all the people sat down, the lights turned off, and a recorded message played on the screen.
-Good day, mercenaries. Today’s mission is important not only for the CDA, but for the entire world as well, so no failure will be tolerated.
The CDA logo disappeared and was replaced by the picture and the information about a blue-haired woman.
-In the past we successfully recovered the controller of an orbital laser stored in an abandoned military Underground carriage, too bad the woman who got it had the brilliant idea to steal it and start to work under The Jackal, her name is Kira, some of you have worked with her.
On the screen the picture of a dockyard appeared, and the voice continued.
-Our intelligence tells that at 1000 they are going to guard a ship as it unloads containers with content unknown. This is the right moment to go in and reclaim that controller. The content of the load doesn’t not bother us, it might be full of rubbish as far as we are concerned, but it’s of major importance to have that controller back! A chopper will extract you in the usual place at 0900, good luck.
In the outfitting room, the conversation about the mission went on.
-Kira, huh? You worked with her, right?- asked Fragger to Skyhammer.
-Yes, a good teammate, but nothing special until she got that laser thing. But believe me, she knows her stuff, microelectronics and shite like that.
-And she’s good looking too.
-Don’t tell me you want her to teach you about transistors while she whips your arse and says you’ve been a naughty soldier!
Fragger laughed.
-Quite the opposite.. If you know what I mean!
-You really are a naughty soldier then!
The voice of Fletcher, Nigerian mercenary and self-proclaimed field officer broke the banter:
-Team, come over here, let’s see a strategy.
The group joined around a table, with a military map representing what seemed to be a pier of London’s industrial port.
-The area is full of containers, we can take advantage of them to surrond and make a surprise attack, under the crossfire they won’t last long. We just must deploy a bit more distant than usual, and it will be a cakewalk.
Arty, the other fire support soldier inquired:
-They surely expect us, the defenses will be to the top.
-The defenses were to the top also when I blew up that oil refinery in Qatar, but strangely I’m still here. We will split as soon as we enter the container area, and then we will position in these places: - he then started pointing various locations on the map.
-As you can see, they will be completely surrounded. Now let’s move, time is money.
On the helicopter, Fragger pulled out of his pocket a flask and sipped a bit of it.
-Is that whiskey?- Asked Skyhammer -First off, you give me a sip of it too, then don’t drink too much of it, or you will think we are The Jackal’s guys!
-No alcohol on the job!- Arty stood up and tried to grab the flask, but wasn’t quick enough and Fragger put it back in the coat.
-HAH, you guys! First off, I need whiskey to wake up in the morning, and always remember I was the best drunk sharpshooter of my fireteam back when I was in the army!
-What do you mean?
-Drunk sharpshooting? You drink a full flask of whiskey, then you do a full magazine in the three hundreds meters range. If you hit the target with at least half of the shots, you made it! Actually, one of my fellow soldiers landed almost all the bullets, too bad they were on the targets in the adjacent lanes. We must do it someday too!
Fletcher interrupted:
-Cut the chatter, we have arrived. Let’s split, we will attack at 10 and 15, synchronize on my mark. Mark. Now let’s go.
The group quickly entered the container area, and soon they were split.
“This container maze is huge. Can’t see past a few meters, what tells me someone is going to jump behind the corner and pin me down? Just keep your cool, Skyham, last time you lost your mind you almost airstriked the entire team. Just reach the position and open fire when the watch beeps, regular everyday buisness.”
A sudden buzzing broke Skyhammer’s thought flow. He flattened on a container and peeked over the corner. An automatic turret was standing on the way, ready to lock on at the first detected movement. Skyhammer quickly hid the head, and whispered on the radio:
-Guys, there’s an automatic turret blocking my path, can’t go on.
In that moment a loud hooter announced the cargo ship had arrived.
-Carpe Diem! - Mumbled the mercenary as he jumped out of the corner and shot a bullet.
Skyhammer’s assault rifle was covered by the hooter, and the bullet safely landed on the turret’s motion sensor.
-No more turret issues, and I’m sure none of the enemy heard me shooting, going on as usual.
In the meantime, Arty was ready on the roof of the docking area’s building, and was reporting in to the rest of the team.
-I have a view on them. I see the mission objective, that Texan engineer, a woman with a grenade launcher, and what seems to be a man wearing a poncho, he just walked out of sight. The crane is unloading some containers. I see some proximity mines on the ground, be careful when navigating the area. Over.
Now, it was all a matter of waiting. Every CDA operative was waiting for the beep to begin the attack, each one picking a target easy to dispatch from their position. But they didn’t consider that The Jackal was not an unprepared man.
In a nearby building, a woman was spying on the situation and updating The Jackal’s men minute by minute.
-They are taking position behind the containers, one of them entered the docking area, I guess he will spy on you, just pretend nothing is happening. Bush, your turret was hit. Can you hear me? Goddamn hooter. I don’t know when they will attack, just wait for it and be prepared.
Five and more minutes passed, every man on the field was as nervous as ever. Then, the silence was broken by a beep.
“Party starts here!” thought Skyhammer as he jumped in the open and aimed the gun for the perfect shot. But he wasn’t quick enough, Bushwhacker readily moved behind cover.
A similar situation was happening to the other mercenaries. Not a single shot landed on the enemy, and they all fell back to safe positions
-Shit!- yelled Fletcher over the radio -They spotted us! Who is the imbecille that blew the cover?
-I don’t care, let’s get that shit back and fly back home!- replied Fragger, while throwing a grenade as a signal for the enemy Rhino to back off.
The explosion’s impact pushed Rhino to the ground, that was quickly knocked out by Fragger.
Bushwhacker was chewing his cigar, trying to figure out Skyhammer’s next move. “The first thing”, he thought, “Is to fall back, let him come to me, and I might find someone else too.”
Skyhammer, a dozen of meters away, was pondering the same.
“If I were that ugly face, what would I do? Of course, falling back and find some ugly faces to ask help to! Time for a little chase!”.
Fletcher, blocked behind a container under the crossfire of Phoenix and Proxy took the sticky bombs out of the belt, and looked at them. Were three enough to do the trick? He had gone through worse, and dying is not as bad as it sounds. In that exact moment, a machine gun burst announced the arrival of Fragger. The enemies backed off, and a container to container firefight ensued.
Kira was hidden near the control panel of the shipyard crane, in case someone wanted to do funny stuff with it, and saw Bushwhacker sprinting towards her. She shot a few bursts towards the figure that was seemingly chasing him, and Bushwhacker made a final dash behind cover.
-Thank goodness I found you, Kira. We need to flush out that son of a bitch from behind the cover, think your laser can do it?
-I can try, just give me a few seconds.
That laser had always done wonders, nothing had a chance against it, and its power was just a few seconds away. All you had to do was to acquire the coordinates of the user and point the designator, wait and..
-Damnit! It doesn’t work!
-What the hell do you mean doesn’t work!
-It can’t find the signal, they must have satellite jammers around here.
-”Around here” is a big place, don’t you say?
-Yes! The docking area! The Guardian Angel said someone entered the docking area, they must have placed the jammer on the roof.
-Makes sense. But we can’t leave the crane controls on their own.
-Nader, are you free?- Asked Kira in the radio -We need to check the docking area, they must have placed a satellite jammer up there.
-Ya, I will wait for you there.
-See you, Bush.
Kira shot a few more burst to dissuade Skyhammer from leaving the cover and sprinted away.
“Satellite jammers? This is new, I didn’t even know something like that existed. Not like my grenade launcher would be damaged in any way. Kira sounded worried, must be something serious.”
Nader took cover near the docking area, and was soon joined by Kira.
-What are we exactly dealing with?
-A satellite jammer, when it recognizes nearby satellite communications it sends signals that completely scramble the communication; its making my laser useless. There should be someone up there, too.
-Let me handle this.
Nader fired some grenades on the roof, and Arty backed off before they could detonate. He then blindly fired some shots from behind his new cover, hoping to hit something.
-What I told you? -said Nader, reloading the grenade launcher -Now it’s only a matter of hitting the soft spot. Let’s try again.
Meanwhile Arty was thinking how to sort out the situation. He was too exposed, and with grenades he couldn’t stand a chance. Suddently, an idea. It was risky, but it was the only one.
Near the entrance, Nader was ready to hit again.
-Now look at this, a textbook shot!
When the grenades detonated, a broken helmet landed near Kira’s feet.
-See, textbook shot! I think you can handle it on your own, now.
-Yes, go and help Bushwhacker. I’ll contact you in case of need.
-Ya, take care.
Kira entered the containers’docking area, and headed for the stairs to the roof. The building was silent, and she could hear the firefights taking place outside. The stairs were in a dangerous spot, someone could be hidden behind the corner. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to let Nader go back. It was all or nothing. Kira started walking cautiosly, describing a wide corner so that she could spot the enemy before the enemy could do the opposite. Suddently, a loud clang' Kira turned to the direction of the sound was coming from and found herself with a gun barrel planted in the back.
-Listen very carefully, I have a family and I think so do you. We are here for the laser controller, nothing more. Give it to me and I won’t hurt you.
Since Kira didn’t move, he took out a knife and threateningly approached it to the woman’s throat.
-I tell it again. Give me the laser controller, or I slit your throat.
There was no way out. Kira took out the laser controller and gave it to the man.
-Thank you.
And it was darkness.
Arty carefully laid the unconcious Kira on the ground, picked the pistol he threw to distract her, and communicated over the radio:
-I got the controller, meet you at the extraction point.
“Allright!” thought Skyhammer, “It’s show time!”
-Airstrike incoming!- he yelled from the top of his lungs while throwing the marker and quickly retiring.
In the meantime Fletcher used his sticky bombs as a decoy for him and Fragger to fall back, and soon al the CDA mercenaries left  the containers area.
-Arty, where is your helmet?- asked Fragger once the CDA men boarded the extraction helicopter.
-I gave it to a man that was minding his business.
-Ok, ok, no need to get angry. How did you get it anyway?
-Asking politely.
-You really aren’t a chatty person, aren’t ya?
-Time is money. Less talk, more action.
When Kira gained consciousness Phoenix, the Spanish medic, was bent over her.
-Are you ok?
-I have a terrible headache, I can’t think from the pain..
-Let me check. Yes, you have a big bump on the back of the head. You must have been knocked out by the butt of a gun. ¿Lo es? Aside from that are you ok?
-They stole my laser controller, just it.
-Ok, the rest of the team is ok. Rhino got some grenade shrapnels up his face, he will be fresh in a few days, Bushwhacker got his shoulder dislocated when being pushed away by an explosion, I took care of it on the spot, and my nanoparticles do wonders. Let’s go back and report in.
Over to the CDA base, Fletcher carefully put the orbital laser controller inside a briefcase, before handing it to a armored truck’s crew.
-There we go, safe and sound. We will send the report tomorrow at midday.
-Is the connection ready, Proxy?
-Ready in 10.
On the screen the dim-lit face of The Jackal appeared. Little was known about him, many discordant voices stated the most insane things about him. Some stated he was either a US scientist living in Brazil or an eccentric billionaire trying to profit from the Dirty Bomb aftermath. Some voices even theorized he was the man behind the Dirty Bomb itself, but it wasn’t Phoenix’s concerns, he was there for the money.
-Glad to see you are still alive, Phoenix. You are worth my money. Go ahead and report.
-Mission accomplished, the containers were successfully unloaded. We got attacked by soldiers probably sent by the CDA. No casualties, three wounded.
It was useless to thank The Jackal, informalities of this kind only angered him.
-Satisfactory. James was right about the CDA moves then. Other statements?
-Apparently the CDA men were to the docks not for the containers, but for Kira’s orbital laser controller. They successfully stole it, its destination is unknown.
-Let me talk to her.
Kira was nervous, and for obvious reasons. Among all the theories, The Jackal was well known for his mercilessness with people that weren’t up to the standards he expected. She sat in front of the screen, dead inside and expecting the worst.
-Kira, Kira.. Messed up big time, didn’t you? That orbital laser was worth a lot of money.
-Go straight to the point, Jackal. Am I just fired or executed on the spot?
The usually serious face of The Jackal was crossed by a snarky, almost cruel smile.
-What tells you, you had a working controller?
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